
Name Description
1 tblib
1 tb3_safe_teleop
1 tb3_monitor
1 task_compiler
1 task_allocation
1 target_object_detector
1 target_monitor
1 target_finder
1 tango_support
1 tango_ros_streamer
1 tango_ros_native
1 tango_ros_messages
1 tango_client_api
1 tango_3d_reconstruction
1 talos_robot
0 talos_moveit_config
1 talos_description_inertial
1 talos_description_calibration
2 talos_description
1 talos_controller_configuration
1 talos_bringup
1 talos_audio
1 tablet_socket_msgs
1 system_metrics_collector
1 sys_monitor
1 synthetic2d
1 synchronization_tools
1 sync_params
1 swri_yaml_util
1 swri_string_util
1 swri_rospy
1 swri_profiler_tools
1 swri_profiler_msgs
1 swri_profiler
1 swri_prefix_tools
1 swri_nodelet
1 switchbot_ros
0 swig2.0
1 swiftnav
1 swarmros
1 swarm_ros_bridge
1 swarm_functions
1 swarm_behaviors_velocity
1 swarm_behaviors_position
1 swarm_behaviors
1 svenzva_utils
1 svenzva_simulation
1 svenzva_ros
1 svenzva_msgs
1 svenzva_moveit
1 svenzva_joy
1 svenzva_drivers
1 svenzva_description
1 svenzva_demo
1 surface_perception
1 summit_xl_sim_bringup
1 summit_xl_sim
1 summit_xl_robot_local_control
1 summit_xl_robot_control
1 summit_xl_perception
1 summit_xl_pad
1 summit_xl_navigation
1 summit_xl_localization
1 summit_xl_j2s7s300_moveit_config
1 summit_xl_j2s6s300_moveit_config
1 summit_xl_j2s6s200_moveit_config
1 summit_xl_j2n6s200_moveit_config
1 summit_xl_gazebo
1 summit_xl_description
1 summit_xl_control
1 summit_xl_common
1 summit_x_sim_bringup
1 summit_x_sim
1 summit_x_robot_control
1 summit_x_gazebo
1 summit_x_description
1 summit_x_control
1 summit_x_common
1 stream_manipulator_3d
1 strain_gauge_calibration
1 straf_recovery
1 stop_base
1 stomp_test_support
1 stomp_test_kr210_moveit_config
2 stomp_plugins
2 stomp_moveit
1 stomp_core
1 stereo_wall_detection
1 stereo_slam
1 stepback_and_steerturn_recovery
1 steering_functions
1 steer_drive_ros
1 steer_drive_controller
1 steer_bot_hardware_gazebo
1 stdr_simulator
1 stdr_server
1 stdr_samples
1 stdr_robot
1 stdr_resources
1 stdr_parser
1 stdr_msgs
1 stdr_launchers
1 stdr_gui
0 std_srv
1 std_capabilities
2 staubli_val3_driver
1 staubli_tx90_support
1 staubli_tx90_gazebo
1 staubli_tx60_support
1 staubli_tx60_gazebo
1 staubli_tx2_90_support
1 staubli_tx2_60_support
1 staubli_rx160_support
1 staubli_rx160_moveit_plugins
1 staubli_rx160_moveit_config
1 staubli_rx160_gazebo
1 staubli_resources
1 staubli_experimental
1 staubli
1 static_transform_mux
1 static_tf
1 states
1 state_exchanger
1 staro_moveit_config
1 stand_alone_gui
1 stairs_visualizer_pkg
1 stairs_msg
1 stair_step_detector_pkg
1 stage_ros
1 stage
1 stag_ros
1 stag_detect
1 srv_tools
0 srdf
1 srbot_description
1 sr_visualization_icons
1 sr_visualization
0 sr_utilities_common
2 sr_utilities
0 sr_ur_bringup
1 sr_ur_arm_config
1 sr_tools
2 sr_tactile_sensors
1 sr_tactile_sensor_controller
0 sr_system_info
1 sr_standalone
1 sr_self_test
1 sr_ronex_utilities
1 sr_ronex_transmissions
1 sr_ronex_test
1 sr_ronex_msgs
1 sr_ronex_launch
1 sr_ronex_hardware_interface
1 sr_ronex_external_protocol
1 sr_ronex_examples
1 sr_ronex_drivers
1 sr_ronex_controllers
1 sr_ronex
2 sr_robot_msgs
1 sr_robot_lib
1 sr_robot_launch
1 sr_robot_commander
1 sr_multi_moveit_test
1 sr_multi_moveit_config
1 sr_multi_description
2 sr_movements
1 sr_moveit_hand_config
1 sr_moveit_config
2 sr_mechanism_model
2 sr_mechanism_controllers
1 sr_kinematics
0 sr_interpolation
1 sr_interface
2 sr_hardware_interface
1 sr_hand_health_report
1 sr_hand_detector
2 sr_hand
1 sr_gui_state_saver
1 sr_gui_self_test
1 sr_gui_muscle_driver_bootloader
1 sr_gui_movement_recorder
1 sr_gui_motor_resetter
1 sr_gui_joint_slider
1 sr_gui_hand_calibration
1 sr_gui_grasp_controller
1 sr_gui_cyberglove_calibrator
1 sr_gui_controller_tuner
1 sr_gui_change_muscle_controllers
1 sr_gui_change_controllers
1 sr_gui_bootloader
1 sr_gui_biotac
1 sr_gui_advanced_controls
1 sr_grasp_stability
1 sr_grasp_fast_planner
1 sr_grasp
1 sr_gazebo_sim
1 sr_gazebo_plugins
1 sr_external_dependencies
2 sr_example
1 sr_ethercat_hand_config


Name Description
1 squirrel_kclhand_msgs
1 squirrel_hri_msgs
1 squirrel_footprint_observer_msgs
1 squirrel_dynamic_filter_msgs
1 squirrel_common
1 squirrel_3d_mapping_msgs
1 squirrel_3d_localizer_msgs
1 squirrel_2d_localizer_msgs
1 sql_database
1 spur_gazebo
1 spur_description
1 spur_controller
1 spur_bringup
1 spur_2dnav
1 spur
1 split_sequence
1 spinnaker_sdk_camera_driver
1 spin_hokuyo
0 sphinx
1 sphand_driver_msgs
1 sphand_driver
1 speed_scaling_state_controller
1 speed_scaling_interface
0 speed_limit
1 speed_cam
1 speech_recognition_msgs
1 speech_database
1 speak_and_wait_recovery
1 spatio_temporal_voxel_layer
1 spatial_world_model
1 spatial_temporal_learning
1 sparse_mapping
1 sparse_bundle_adjustment
1 spacenav_node
1 sound_play
1 sound_classification
1 sot-tools
1 sot-dynamic-pinocchio
1 sot-core
1 sophus_ros_conversions
1 softkinetic_camera
1 softkinetic
1 softhand_ros
1 softhand_description
1 soem_master
1 soem_ebox
1 soem_beckhoff_drivers
1 soem
1 socketcan_interface
1 socketcan_bridge
0 socket_bridge
2 social_navigation_layers
1 sob_layer
1 sns_ik_lib
1 sns_ik_examples
1 sns_ik
1 snmp_ros
0 snap_map_icp
1 smp_ros
1 smarthome_network_zeroconf
1 smarthome_network_wakeonlan
1 smarthome_msgs_java
1 smarthome_msgs
1 smarthome_media_samsungtv_driver
1 smarthome_media_onkyo_driver
1 smarthome_media_msgs_java
1 smarthome_media_msgs
1 smarthome_media_model
1 smarthome_media_kodi_driver
1 smarthome_light_msgs_java
1 smarthome_light_msgs
1 smarthome_heater_msgs_java
1 smarthome_heater_msgs
1 smarthome_common_driver
1 smarthome_comm_msgs_java
1 smarthome_comm_msgs
1 smartek_camera
1 smart_dock
1 smart_battery_msgs
1 smacha_ros
1 smacha
1 smach_viewer
1 smacc_rviz_plugin
1 smacc_runtime_test
1 smacc_msgs
1 smacc
1 smac_planner
1 sm_viewer_sim
1 sm_update_loop
1 sm_subscriber
1 sm_starcraft_ai
1 sm_ridgeback_barrel_search_2
1 sm_ridgeback_barrel_search_1
1 sm_panda_moveit2z_cb_inventory
1 sm_packml
1 sm_multi_panda_sim
1 sm_fetch_two_table_whiskey_pour
1 sm_fetch_two_table_pick_n_place_1
1 sm_fetch_six_table_pick_n_sort_1
1 sm_fetch_screw_loop_1
1 sm_ferrari
1 sm_dancebot_ue
1 sm_dancebot_office_ue
1 sm_dancebot_mine_ue
1 sm_dancebot_artgallery_ue
1 sm_dance_bot_warehouse_4
1 sm_dance_bot_2
1 sm_coretest_x_y_3
1 sm_coretest_x_y_2
1 sm_coretest_x_y_1
1 sm_calendar_week
2 sm_atomic_mode_states
1 sm_atomic_lifecycle
1 sm_atomic_cb
1 slime_wrapper
1 slime_ros
1 slider_gui
1 slide_show
1 slic
1 slg_msgs
1 slam_toolbox_rviz
1 slam_toolbox_msgs
1 slam_karto
1 slam_gmapping
1 slam_exporter
1 slam_constructor
1 slam6d_exporter
1 skyway
1 skeleton_markers
2 single_joint_position_action
1 simulators
1 simple_voice
1 simple_term_menu_vendor
1 simple_rviz_plugin
0 simple_robot_control
1 simple_qt_gui
1 simple_node
1 simple_navigation_goals_tutorial
1 simple_message
0 simple_grasping_action
1 simple_grasping
1 simple_drive
1 simple_desktop_launcher
1 simple_arm
1 simple_approximate_time_synchronizer
1 signal_lights
1 siftgpu
1 sicktoolbox_wrapper
1 sicktoolbox
1 sicks300_2
0 sick_visionary_t_driver
1 sick_visionary_ros
1 sick_tim
1 sick_scan_xd
1 sick_scan2
1 sick_scan
1 sick_safevisionary_msgs
1 sick_safetyscanners
1 sick_ldmrs_tools
1 sick_ldmrs_msgs
1 sick_ldmrs_laser
1 sick_ldmrs_driver
1 sick_ldmrs_description
1 shm_transport
0 sherlock_sim_msgs
1 shared_serial
1 shape_tracker
1 shape_tools
1 shape_reconstruction
1 shadow_robot_ethercat
1 shadow_robot
1 sf30_node
1 settlerlib
1 session_tutorials
1 sesame_ros
2 service_tools
0 service_runtime
0 service_generation
1 serl_franka_controllers
1 serial_utils
1 serial
1 sentis_tof_m100
1 sensorhand_speed
0 sensor_to_cloud
1 sensor_module_tutorial
0 sensor_fusion_comm
1 sensor_filters
1 sensehat_ros
3 semantic_point_annotator
1 selective_dualarm_stowing
1 segwayrmp
1 segway_rmp
1 segbot_simulator
2 segbot_simulation_apps
1 segbot_sensors
1 segbot_rapps
2 segbot_navigation
2 segbot_logical_translator
1 segbot_led
2 segbot_gui


Name Description
1 smarthome_common_driver
1 smarthome_comm_msgs_java
1 smarthome_comm_msgs
1 smartek_camera
1 smart_dock
1 smart_battery_msgs
1 smacha_ros
1 smacha
1 smach_viewer
1 smacc_rviz_plugin
1 smacc_runtime_test
1 smacc_msgs
1 smacc
1 smac_planner
1 sm_viewer_sim
1 sm_update_loop
1 sm_subscriber
1 sm_starcraft_ai
1 sm_ridgeback_barrel_search_2
1 sm_ridgeback_barrel_search_1
1 sm_panda_moveit2z_cb_inventory
1 sm_packml
1 sm_multi_panda_sim
1 sm_fetch_two_table_whiskey_pour
1 sm_fetch_two_table_pick_n_place_1
1 sm_fetch_six_table_pick_n_sort_1
1 sm_fetch_screw_loop_1
1 sm_ferrari
1 sm_dancebot_ue
1 sm_dancebot_office_ue
1 sm_dancebot_mine_ue
1 sm_dancebot_artgallery_ue
1 sm_dance_bot_warehouse_4
1 sm_dance_bot_2
1 sm_coretest_x_y_3
1 sm_coretest_x_y_2
1 sm_coretest_x_y_1
1 sm_calendar_week
2 sm_atomic_mode_states
1 sm_atomic_lifecycle
1 sm_atomic_cb
1 slime_wrapper
1 slime_ros
1 slider_gui
1 slide_show
1 slic
1 slg_msgs
1 slam_toolbox_rviz
1 slam_toolbox_msgs
1 slam_toolbox
1 slam_karto
1 slam_gmapping
1 slam_exporter
1 slam_constructor
1 slam6d_exporter
1 skyway
1 skeleton_markers
2 single_joint_position_action
1 simulators
1 simple_voice
1 simple_term_menu_vendor
1 simple_rviz_plugin
0 simple_robot_control
1 simple_qt_gui
1 simple_node
1 simple_navigation_goals_tutorial
1 simple_message
0 simple_grasping_action
1 simple_grasping
1 simple_drive
1 simple_desktop_launcher
1 simple_arm
1 simple_approximate_time_synchronizer
1 signal_lights
1 siftgpu
1 sicktoolbox_wrapper
1 sicktoolbox
1 sicks300_2
0 sick_visionary_t_driver
1 sick_visionary_ros
1 sick_tim
1 sick_scan_xd
1 sick_scan2
1 sick_scan
1 sick_safevisionary_msgs
1 sick_safetyscanners_base
1 sick_safetyscanners2_interfaces
1 sick_safetyscanners2
1 sick_safetyscanners
1 sick_ldmrs_tools
1 sick_ldmrs_msgs
1 sick_ldmrs_laser
1 sick_ldmrs_driver
1 sick_ldmrs_description
1 shm_transport
0 sherlock_sim_msgs
1 shared_serial
1 shape_tracker
1 shape_tools
1 shape_reconstruction
1 shadow_robot_ethercat
1 shadow_robot
1 sf30_node
1 settlerlib
1 session_tutorials
1 sesame_ros
2 service_tools
0 service_runtime
0 service_generation
1 serl_franka_controllers
1 serial_utils
1 serial
1 sentis_tof_m100
1 sensorhand_speed
0 sensor_to_cloud
1 sensor_module_tutorial
0 sensor_fusion_comm
1 sensor_filters
1 sensehat_ros
3 semantic_point_annotator
1 selective_dualarm_stowing
1 segwayrmp
1 segway_rmp
1 segbot_simulator
2 segbot_simulation_apps
1 segbot_sensors
1 segbot_rapps
2 segbot_navigation
2 segbot_logical_translator
1 segbot_led
2 segbot_gui
2 segbot_gazebo
1 segbot_firmware
1 segbot_description
1 segbot_concert_services
1 segbot_bringup
1 segbot_apps
1 segbot
1 seek_thermal
1 seed_smartactuator_sdk
1 seed_r7_typeg_moveit_config
1 seed_r7_typeg_arm_moveit_config
1 seed_r7_typeg2_arm_moveit_config
1 seed_r7_typef_moveit_config
1 seed_r7_samples
1 seed_r7_ros_pkg
1 seed_r7_ros_controller
1 seed_r7_robot_interface
1 seed_r7_navigation
1 seed_r7_moveit_config
1 seed_r7_gazebo
1 seed_r7_description
1 seed_r7_bringup
1 sdhlibrary_cpp
0 sdformat14
1 sdf_tracker
1 scriptable_monitoring
1 scriptable_monitor_rqt
1 scriptable_monitor
0 scriptable_analyzer
1 screenrun
1 screen_grab
1 scratch4robots
1 scratch3-ros
1 sciurus17_vision
1 sciurus17_tools
1 sciurus17_msgs
1 sciurus17_moveit_config
1 sciurus17_gazebo
1 sciurus17_examples
0 sciurus17_description
1 sciurus17_control
1 sciurus17_bringup
1 sciurus17
1 schunk_svh_tests
1 schunk_svh_simulation
1 schunk_svh_msgs
1 schunk_svh_library
2 schunk_svh_driver
1 schunk_svh_description
1 schunk_svh
1 schunk_simulated_tactile_sensors
1 schunk_sdh
1 schunk_robots
1 schunk_pw70
1 schunk_powercube_chain
2 schunk_pg70
1 schunk_modular_robotics
1 schunk_lwa4p_extended
1 schunk_lwa4p
1 schunk_lwa4d_moveit_config
1 schunk_lwa4d
1 schunk_libm5api
1 schunk_grippers
1 schunk_ezn64
1 schunk_description
1 schunk_canopen_driver
1 scheduler_msgs
2 scenario_test_tools
0 scanning_table_msgs


Name Description
1 yocs_waypoints_navi
1 yocs_waypoint_provider
1 yocs_virtual_sensor
1 yocs_velocity_smoother
1 yocs_safety_controller
1 yocs_rapps
1 yocs_navigator
1 yocs_navi_toolkit
1 yocs_msgs
1 yocs_math_toolkit
1 yocs_localization_manager
1 yocs_keyop
1 yocs_joyop
1 yocs_diff_drive_pose_controller
1 yocs_controllers
1 yocs_cmd_vel_mux
1 yocs_ar_pair_tracking
1 yocs_ar_pair_approach
1 yocs_ar_marker_tracking
1 yason
1 yaml_cpp_vendor
1 yaml_cpp_0_3
1 xsens_driver
0 xsdcxx
1 ximea_camera
1 xiaoqiang_server
1 xiaoqiang_navigation_example
1 xiaoqiang_navigation
1 xiaoqiang_msgs
1 xiaoqiang_monitor
1 xiaoqiang_freenect_launch
1 xiaoqiang_freenect_camera
1 xiaoqiang_freenect
1 xiaoqiang_driver
1 xiaoqiang_description
1 xiaoqiang_depth_image_proc
1 xiaoqiang_controller
1 xiaoqiang_bringup
1 xiaoqiang
1 xdot
1 xbot_tools
2 xbot_talker
1 xbot_safety_controller
1 xbot_node
2 xbot_navi
1 xbot_msgs
2 xbot_face
1 xbot_driver
1 xbot_description
1 xbot_bringup
1 xbot
1 xaxxon_openlidar
1 xarm_sdk
1 xarm_planner
1 xarm_msgs
1 xarm_moveit_servo
1 xarm_gripper
1 xarm_gazebo
1 xarm_description
1 xarm_controller
1 xarm_bringup
1 xarm_api
1 xarm7_vacuum_gripper_moveit_config
1 xarm7_redundancy_res
1 xarm7_moveit_config
1 xarm7_gripper_moveit_config
1 xarm6_vacuum_gripper_moveit_config
1 xarm6_moveit_config
1 xarm6_gripper_moveit_config
1 xarm5_vacuum_gripper_moveit_config
1 xarm5_moveit_config
1 xarm5_gripper_moveit_config
1 xacro_live
0 wxWidgets
1 wts_driver
1 wsg_32_description
1 wrapyfi_ros2_interfaces
1 wpi_jaco_wrapper
1 wpi_jaco_msgs
1 wpi_jaco
1 worldlib
0 world_model
1 world_item_search
1 world_item_observer
2 world_canvas_utils
2 world_canvas_server
2 world_canvas_msgs
2 world_canvas_client_py
2 world_canvas_client_examples
2 world_canvas_client_cpp
1 wit-imu-driver
1 wire_viz
1 wire_tutorials
1 wire_state_estimators
1 wire_msgs
1 wire_core
1 wire
1 winros_create_pkg
1 winros_create_msg_pkg
1 win_tinyxml
1 win_roscpp_tutorials
1 win_ros
1 win_pyyaml
1 win_python_build_tools
0 win_pymercurial
1 win_mercurial
1 win_empy
1 win_eigen
1 win_dateutil
1 win_bzip2
1 win_boost
1 win_appupdater
1 wiimote_msgs
1 wifi_scan
1 widowx_arm_moveit
1 widowx_arm_description
1 widowx_arm_controller
1 widowx_arm
1 wheeled_robin_viz
1 wheeled_robin_teleop
1 wheeled_robin_simulator
1 wheeled_robin_rviz_launchers
1 wheeled_robin_node
1 wheeled_robin_navigation
1 wheeled_robin_guided_tour
1 wheeled_robin_formation_drive
1 wheeled_robin_driver
1 wheeled_robin_description
1 wheeled_robin_core_apps
1 wheeled_robin_bringup
1 wheeled_robin_apps
1 wheeled_robin
1 weight_scale_interfaces
1 webui
2 webtest
1 webrtc_ros
1 webrtc
1 webots_ros2_universal_robot
1 webots_ros2_turtlebot
1 webots_ros2_tiago
1 webots_ros2_tests
1 webots_ros2_tesla
1 webots_ros2_msgs
1 webots_ros2_mavic
1 webots_ros2_importer
1 webots_ros2_epuck
1 webots_ros2_driver
1 webots_ros2_control
1 webots_ros2
1 webargs
1 web_msgs
1 web_interface
1 waypoint_touring
1 waypoint_meta
1 waypoint_generator
1 watson_ins
1 wall_follower_ros2
0 walking_utils
0 walking_controller
1 vtec_tracker
1 vtec_ros
1 vtec_msgs
1 vs060_moveit_config
1 vs060_gazebo
1 vs060
1 vrxperience_msgs
1 vrxperience_bridge
1 vrpn_mocap
0 vrpn
1 vrmagic_ros_bridge_server
1 vrep_ros_plugin
1 vrep_ros_bridge
0 vrep_common
1 voronoi_planner
1 volta_simulation
1 volksbot_driver
1 vl53l0x_mraa_ros
1 vizanti_server
1 vizanti_msgs
1 vizanti_demos
1 vizanti_cpp
0 vive_ros
1 vitis_common
1 visualstates
1 visualization_osg
1 visual_pose_estimation
0 visp
1 viso2_ros
1 viso2
2 vision_msgs_rviz_plugins
1 vision_msgs_layers
1 virtual_scan
1 viodom
1 vigir_walk_monitor
0 vigir_terrain_classifier
1 vigir_step_control
1 vigir_pluginlib_msgs
1 vigir_pluginlib_manager
1 vigir_pluginlib
1 vigir_pattern_generator


Name Description
1 robotis_op3_common
1 robotis_op3
1 robotis_math
1 robotis_manipulator
1 robotis_framework_common
1 robotis_framework
1 robotis_device
1 robotis_controller_msgs
1 robotis_controller
1 robotiq_s_model_visualization
1 robotiq_s_model_control
1 robotiq_s_model_articulated_msgs
1 robotiq_s_model_articulated_gazebo_plugins
1 robotiq_s_model_articulated_gazebo
1 robotiq_modbus_tcp
1 robotiq_modbus_rtu
1 robotiq_joint_state_publisher
1 robotiq_hardware_tests
1 robotiq_ft_sensor
1 robotiq_force_torque_sensor
1 robotiq_ethercat
1 robotiq_driver
1 robotiq_description
1 robotiq_controllers
1 robotiq_c_model_control
1 robotiq_c2_model_visualization
1 robotiq_action_server
1 robotiq_3f_rviz
1 robotiq_3f_gripper_visualization
1 robotiq_3f_gripper_joint_state_publisher
1 robotiq_3f_gripper_control
1 robotiq_3f_gripper_articulated_msgs
1 robotiq_3f_gripper_articulated_gazebo_plugins
1 robotiq_3f_gripper_articulated_gazebo
1 robotiq_2f_gripper_control
1 robotiq_2f_gripper_action_server
1 robotiq_2f_c2_gripper_visualization
1 robotiq_2f_85_gripper_visualization
1 robotiq_2f_140_gripper_visualization
1 robotiq
1 robotino_msgs
1 robotino_description
1 roboticsgroup_upatras_gazebo_plugins
1 roboteq_msgs
1 roboteq_driver
1 roboteq_diff_msgs
1 roboteq_diff_driver
1 roboteq_diagnostics
1 robot_web_tools
1 robot_upstart
1 robot_task
1 robot_systemd
1 robot_statemachine
1 robot_state_controller
1 robot_setup_tf_tutorial
2 robot_self_filter
1 robot_recorder
2 robot_pose_publisher
2 robot_pose_ekf
0 robot_pose
1 robot_one
1 robot_navigation
1 robot_nav_viz_demos
1 robot_nav_tools
1 robot_nav_rviz_plugins
0 robot_model_loader
1 robot_model
2 robot_mechanism_controllers
1 robot_markers
1 robot_localization
1 robot_indicator
1 robot_face
1 robot_controllers_msgs
1 robot_controllers_interface
1 robot_controllers
1 robot_calibration_msgs
1 robot_calibration
1 robot_body_filter
1 robot_activity_tutorials
1 robot_activity_msgs
1 robot_activity
1 robot
1 robomaker_simulation_msgs
0 robo_cylinder
1 robin_people_detection
1 robbie_architecture
1 rmw_gurumdds_shared_cpp
1 rmw_gurumdds_cpp
1 rmw_fastrtps_shared_cpp
1 rmw_fastrtps_dynamic_cpp
1 rmw_dds_common
1 rmw_cyclonedds_cpp
1 rmw_connextddsmicro
1 rmw_connextdds_common
1 rmw_connextdds
1 rmw_connext_shared_cpp
1 rmw_connext_cpp
1 rmp_teleop
2 rmp_msgs
1 rmp_description
1 rmp_base
1 rmf_workcell_msgs
1 rmf_websocket
1 rmf_visualization_schedule
1 rmf_visualization_rviz2_plugins
1 rmf_visualization_obstacles
1 rmf_visualization_navgraphs
1 rmf_visualization_msgs
1 rmf_visualization_floorplans
1 rmf_visualization_fleet_states
1 rmf_visualization_building_systems
1 rmf_visualization
1 rmf_utils
1 rmf_traffic_ros2
1 rmf_traffic_msgs
1 rmf_traffic_examples
1 rmf_traffic_editor_test_maps
1 rmf_traffic_editor_assets
1 rmf_traffic_editor
1 rmf_traffic
1 rmf_task_sequence
1 rmf_task_ros2
1 rmf_task_msgs
1 rmf_task
1 rmf_site_map_msgs
1 rmf_scheduler_msgs
1 rmf_robot_sim_ignition_plugins
1 rmf_robot_sim_gz_plugins
1 rmf_robot_sim_gz_classic_plugins
1 rmf_robot_sim_gazebo_plugins
1 rmf_robot_sim_common
1 rmf_obstacle_msgs
1 rmf_lift_msgs
1 rmf_ingestor_msgs
1 rmf_fleet_msgs
1 rmf_fleet_adapter_python
1 rmf_fleet_adapter
1 rmf_door_msgs
1 rmf_dispenser_msgs
1 rmf_dev
1 rmf_demos_tasks
1 rmf_demos_panel
1 rmf_demos_maps
1 rmf_demos_ign
1 rmf_demos_gz_classic
1 rmf_demos_gz
1 rmf_demos_fleet_adapter
1 rmf_demos_dashboard_resources
1 rmf_demos_bridges
1 rmf_demos_assets
1 rmf_demos
1 rmf_cmake_uncrustify
1 rmf_charging_schedule
1 rmf_charger_msgs
1 rmf_building_sim_ignition_plugins
1 rmf_building_sim_gz_plugins
1 rmf_building_sim_gz_classic_plugins
1 rmf_building_sim_gazebo_plugins
1 rmf_building_sim_common
1 rmf_building_map_tools
1 rmf_building_map_msgs
1 rmf_battery
1 rmf_api_msgs
1 rm_shooter_controllers
1 rm_referee
1 rm_orientation_controller
1 rm_msgs
1 rm_hw
1 rm_gimbal_controllers
1 rm_gazebo
1 rm_description
1 rm_dbus
1 rm_controllers
1 rm_control
1 rm_common
1 rm_chassis_controllers
1 rm_calibration_controllers
1 rl_msgs
1 rl_experiment
1 rl_env
1 rl_common
1 rl_agent
1 riskrrt
1 rigid_body_handler
1 rig_reconfigure
1 ridgeback_viz
1 ridgeback_simulator
1 ridgeback_robot
1 ridgeback_navigation
1 ridgeback_msgs
1 ridgeback_gazebo_plugins
1 ridgeback_gazebo
0 ridgeback_firmware
1 ridgeback_desktop
1 ridgeback_description
1 ridgeback_control
1 ridgeback_cartographer_navigation
1 ridgeback_bringup
1 ridgeback_base
1 rh_p12_rn_manager


Name Description
1 rocon_device_msgs
1 rocon_console
1 rocon_conductor_graph
1 rocon_concert
1 rocon_bubble_icons
1 rocon_apps
1 rocon_app_utilities
1 rocon_app_platform
1 rocon_app_manager_msgs
1 rocon_app_manager
1 rocon
1 rocky_tf_monitor
1 roch_viz
1 roch_teleop
1 roch_simulator
1 roch_sensorpc
1 roch_safety_controller
1 roch_robot
1 roch_rapps
1 roch_navigation
1 roch_msgs
1 roch_gazebo
1 roch_ftdi
1 roch_follower
1 roch_description
1 roch_control
1 roch_concert
1 roch_capabilities
1 roch_bringup
1 roch_base
1 roch
1 robotraconteur
1 robotont_nuc_description
1 robotont_msgs
1 robotont_gazebo
1 robotont_driver
1 robotont_description
1 robotnik_wam_description
1 robotnik_sensors
0 robotnik_pose_filter
1 robotnik_msgs
0 robotnik_locator
1 robotis_utility
1 robotis_op3_tools
1 robotis_op3_msgs
1 robotis_op3_demo
1 robotis_op3_common
1 robotis_op3
1 robotis_math
1 robotis_manipulator
1 robotis_framework_common
1 robotis_framework
1 robotis_device
1 robotis_controller_msgs
1 robotis_controller
1 robotiq_s_model_visualization
1 robotiq_s_model_control
1 robotiq_s_model_articulated_msgs
1 robotiq_s_model_articulated_gazebo_plugins
1 robotiq_s_model_articulated_gazebo
1 robotiq_modbus_tcp
1 robotiq_modbus_rtu
1 robotiq_joint_state_publisher
1 robotiq_hardware_tests
1 robotiq_ft_sensor
1 robotiq_force_torque_sensor
1 robotiq_ethercat
1 robotiq_driver
1 robotiq_description
1 robotiq_controllers
1 robotiq_c_model_control
1 robotiq_c2_model_visualization
1 robotiq_action_server
1 robotiq_3f_rviz
1 robotiq_3f_gripper_visualization
1 robotiq_3f_gripper_joint_state_publisher
1 robotiq_3f_gripper_control
1 robotiq_3f_gripper_articulated_msgs
1 robotiq_3f_gripper_articulated_gazebo_plugins
1 robotiq_3f_gripper_articulated_gazebo
1 robotiq_2f_gripper_control
1 robotiq_2f_gripper_action_server
1 robotiq_2f_c2_gripper_visualization
1 robotiq_2f_85_gripper_visualization
1 robotiq_2f_140_gripper_visualization
1 robotiq
1 robotino_msgs
1 robotino_description
1 roboticsgroup_upatras_gazebo_plugins
1 roboteq_msgs
1 roboteq_driver
1 roboteq_diff_msgs
1 roboteq_diff_driver
1 roboteq_diagnostics
1 robot_web_tools
1 robot_upstart
1 robot_task
1 robot_systemd
1 robot_statemachine
1 robot_state_controller
1 robot_setup_tf_tutorial
2 robot_self_filter
1 robot_recorder
2 robot_pose_publisher
2 robot_pose_ekf
0 robot_pose
1 robot_one
1 robot_navigation
1 robot_nav_viz_demos
1 robot_nav_tools
1 robot_nav_rviz_plugins
0 robot_model_loader
1 robot_model
2 robot_mechanism_controllers
1 robot_markers
1 robot_localization
1 robot_indicator
1 robot_face
1 robot_controllers_msgs
1 robot_controllers_interface
1 robot_controllers
1 robot_calibration_msgs
1 robot_calibration
1 robot_body_filter
1 robot_activity_tutorials
1 robot_activity_msgs
1 robot_activity
1 robot
1 robomaker_simulation_msgs
0 robo_cylinder
1 robin_people_detection
1 robbie_architecture
1 rmw_gurumdds_shared_cpp
1 rmw_gurumdds_cpp
1 rmw_fastrtps_shared_cpp
1 rmw_fastrtps_dynamic_cpp
1 rmw_dds_common
1 rmw_cyclonedds_cpp
1 rmw_connextddsmicro
1 rmw_connextdds_common
1 rmw_connextdds
1 rmp_teleop
2 rmp_msgs
1 rmp_description
1 rmp_base
1 rmf_workcell_msgs
1 rmf_websocket
1 rmf_visualization_schedule
1 rmf_visualization_rviz2_plugins
1 rmf_visualization_obstacles
1 rmf_visualization_navgraphs
1 rmf_visualization_msgs
1 rmf_visualization_floorplans
1 rmf_visualization_fleet_states
1 rmf_visualization_building_systems
1 rmf_visualization
1 rmf_utils
1 rmf_traffic_ros2
1 rmf_traffic_msgs
1 rmf_traffic_examples
1 rmf_traffic_editor_test_maps
1 rmf_traffic_editor_assets
1 rmf_traffic_editor
1 rmf_traffic
1 rmf_task_sequence
1 rmf_task_ros2
1 rmf_task_msgs
1 rmf_task
1 rmf_site_map_msgs
1 rmf_scheduler_msgs
1 rmf_robot_sim_ignition_plugins
1 rmf_robot_sim_gz_plugins
1 rmf_robot_sim_gz_classic_plugins
1 rmf_robot_sim_gazebo_plugins
1 rmf_robot_sim_common
1 rmf_obstacle_msgs
1 rmf_lift_msgs
1 rmf_ingestor_msgs
1 rmf_fleet_msgs
1 rmf_fleet_adapter_python
1 rmf_fleet_adapter
1 rmf_door_msgs
1 rmf_dispenser_msgs
1 rmf_dev
1 rmf_demos_tasks
1 rmf_demos_panel
1 rmf_demos_maps
1 rmf_demos_ign
1 rmf_demos_gz_classic
1 rmf_demos_gz
1 rmf_demos_fleet_adapter
1 rmf_demos_dashboard_resources
1 rmf_demos_bridges
1 rmf_demos_assets
1 rmf_demos
1 rmf_cmake_uncrustify
1 rmf_charging_schedule
1 rmf_charger_msgs
1 rmf_building_sim_ignition_plugins
1 rmf_building_sim_gz_plugins


Name Description
1 ros1_pytemplate
1 ros1_pip_pytemplate
1 ros1_cpptemplate
0 ros-kinetic-move-base-msgs
0 ros-kinetic-move-base
0 ros-controllers
1 ros
1 roomblock_navigation
1 roomblock_mapping
1 roomblock_description
1 roomblock_bringup
1 roomblock
1 roomba_stage
1 roomba_robin_viz
1 roomba_robin_simulator
1 roomba_robin_rviz_launchers
1 roomba_robin_interactive_markers
1 roomba_robin_gazebo
1 roomba_robin_description
1 roomba_robin_bringup
1 roomba_robin
1 romeo_sensors_py
1 romeo_robot
1 romeo_moveit_config
1 romeo_moveit_actions
1 romeo_gazebo_plugin
1 romeo_description
0 romeo_dcm_msgs
1 romeo_control
1 romeo_bringup
1 rokubimini_serial
1 rokubimini_msgs
1 rokubimini_ethercat
1 rokubimini_description
1 rokubimini_bus_manager
1 rokubimini
1 rodi_robot
0 rocon_utilities
1 rocon_uri
1 rocon_unreliable_experiments
0 rocon_tutorials
1 rocon_tutorial_msgs
1 rocon_tools
1 rocon_tf_reconstructor
1 rocon_test
1 rocon_std_msgs
1 rocon_smartthings_bridge
1 rocon_service_pair_msgs
1 rocon_semantic_version
1 rocon_rtsp_camera_relay
1 rocon_rqt_plugins
0 rocon_rosjava_msgs
1 rocon_rosjava_core
0 rocon_qt_gui
1 rocon_python_wifi
1 rocon_python_utils
1 rocon_python_redis
1 rocon_python_hue
1 rocon_python_comms
1 rocon_ninjablock_bridge
1 rocon_multimaster
1 rocon_msgs
1 rocon_master_info
1 rocon_launch
1 rocon_iot_bridge
1 rocon_interactions
1 rocon_interaction_msgs
1 rocon_icons
1 rocon_hue
1 rocon_hub_client
1 rocon_hub
1 rocon_gateway_utils
1 rocon_gateway_tests
1 rocon_gateway_graph
1 rocon_gateway
1 rocon_ebnf
1 rocon_devices
1 rocon_device_msgs
1 rocon_console
1 rocon_conductor_graph
1 rocon_concert
1 rocon_bubble_icons
1 rocon_apps
1 rocon_app_utilities
1 rocon_app_platform
1 rocon_app_manager_msgs
1 rocon_app_manager
1 rocon
1 rocky_tf_monitor
1 roch_viz
1 roch_teleop
1 roch_simulator
1 roch_sensorpc
1 roch_safety_controller
1 roch_robot
1 roch_rapps
1 roch_navigation
1 roch_msgs
1 roch_gazebo
1 roch_ftdi
1 roch_follower
1 roch_description
1 roch_control
1 roch_concert
1 roch_capabilities
1 roch_bringup
1 roch_base
1 roch
1 robotraconteur
1 robotont_nuc_description
1 robotont_msgs
1 robotont_gazebo
1 robotont_driver
1 robotont_description
1 robotnik_wam_description
1 robotnik_sensors
0 robotnik_pose_filter
1 robotnik_msgs
0 robotnik_locator
1 robotis_utility
1 robotis_op3_tools
1 robotis_op3_msgs
1 robotis_op3_demo
1 robotis_op3_common
1 robotis_op3
1 robotis_math
1 robotis_manipulator
1 robotis_framework_common
1 robotis_framework
1 robotis_device
1 robotis_controller_msgs
1 robotis_controller
1 robotiq_s_model_visualization
1 robotiq_s_model_control
1 robotiq_s_model_articulated_msgs
1 robotiq_s_model_articulated_gazebo_plugins
1 robotiq_s_model_articulated_gazebo
1 robotiq_modbus_tcp
1 robotiq_modbus_rtu
1 robotiq_joint_state_publisher
1 robotiq_hardware_tests
1 robotiq_ft_sensor
1 robotiq_force_torque_sensor
1 robotiq_ethercat
1 robotiq_driver
1 robotiq_description
1 robotiq_controllers
1 robotiq_c_model_control
1 robotiq_c2_model_visualization
1 robotiq_action_server
1 robotiq_3f_rviz
1 robotiq_3f_gripper_visualization
1 robotiq_3f_gripper_joint_state_publisher
1 robotiq_3f_gripper_control
1 robotiq_3f_gripper_articulated_msgs
1 robotiq_3f_gripper_articulated_gazebo_plugins
1 robotiq_3f_gripper_articulated_gazebo
1 robotiq_2f_gripper_control
1 robotiq_2f_gripper_action_server
1 robotiq_2f_c2_gripper_visualization
1 robotiq_2f_85_gripper_visualization
1 robotiq_2f_140_gripper_visualization
1 robotiq
1 robotino_msgs
1 robotino_description
1 roboticsgroup_upatras_gazebo_plugins
1 roboteq_msgs
1 roboteq_driver
1 roboteq_diff_msgs
1 roboteq_diff_driver
1 roboteq_diagnostics
1 robot_web_tools
1 robot_upstart
1 robot_task
1 robot_systemd
1 robot_statemachine
1 robot_state_controller
1 robot_setup_tf_tutorial
2 robot_self_filter
1 robot_recorder
2 robot_pose_publisher
2 robot_pose_ekf
0 robot_pose
1 robot_one
1 robot_navigation
1 robot_nav_viz_demos
1 robot_nav_tools
1 robot_nav_rviz_plugins
0 robot_model_loader
1 robot_model
2 robot_mechanism_controllers
1 robot_markers
1 robot_localization
1 robot_indicator
1 robot_face
1 robot_controllers_msgs
1 robot_controllers_interface
1 robot_controllers
1 robot_calibration_msgs
1 robot_calibration


Name Description
1 roscpp_traits
0 roscpp_sessions
1 roscpp_serialization
1 roscpp_core
1 roscpp
1 rosconsole_bridge
2 rosconsole
1 roscompile
1 rosclean
1 rosbuild
1 rosbridge_test_msgs
1 rosbridge_suite
1 rosbridge_server
1 rosbridge_msgs
1 rosbridge_library
1 rosboost_cfg
1 rosbash_params
1 rosbash
1 rosbaglive
1 rosbag_uploader_ros1_integration_tests
1 rosbag_storage
1 rosbag_snapshot_msgs
1 rosbag_snapshot
1 rosbag_rviz_panel
1 rosbag_pandas
1 rosbag_migration_rule
1 rosbag_image_compressor
1 rosbag_fancy_msgs
1 rosbag_fancy
1 rosbag_editor
1 rosbag_direct_write
1 rosbag_cloud_recorders
1 rosbag2_test_msgdefs
1 rosbag2_storage_sqlite3
2 rosbag2_storage_mcap_testdata
2 rosbag2_storage_mcap
1 rosbag2_py
1 rosbag2_performance_benchmarking_msgs
1 rosbag2_performance_benchmarking
1 rosbag2_interfaces
1 rosbag2_examples_py
1 rosbag2_examples_cpp
1 rosbag2_cpp
1 rosbag2_compression_zstd
1 rosbag2_compression
1 rosbag
2 rosauth
1 rosatomic
1 rosaria
1 rosapi_msgs
1 rosapi
1 rosabridge_server
1 rosabridge_msgs
1 rosabridge_arduino
1 rosabridge
1 ros_wild
1 ros_web_video
1 ros_vosk
1 ros_type_introspection
1 ros_topology_msgs
2 ros_timer_client
1 ros_statistics_msgs
1 ros_speech_recognition
1 ros_robodk_post_processors
1 ros_reflexxes
1 ros_realtime
1 ros_pytest
2 ros_publisher_client
1 ros_peerjs
1 ros_package_web_server
1 ros_opcua_srvs
1 ros_opcua_msgs
1 ros_opcua_impl_python_opcua
1 ros_opcua_impl_freeopcua
1 ros_opcua_communication
1 ros_numpy
1 ros_mppt
1 ros_mpg321_player
2 ros_monitoring_msgs
1 ros_monitoring
1 ros_madplay_player
1 ros_introspection
1 ros_industrial_cmake_boilerplate
1 ros_in_hand_scanner
1 ros_image_to_qimage
1 ros_ign_point_cloud
2 ros_ign_interfaces
2 ros_ign_image
2 ros_ign_gazebo_demos
2 ros_ign_gazebo
2 ros_ign_bridge
2 ros_ign
1 ros_gz_sim_demos
1 ros_gz_sim
1 ros_gz_point_cloud
1 ros_gz_interfaces
1 ros_gz_image
1 ros_gz_bridge
1 ros_gz
1 ros_google_cloud_language
1 ros_glass_tools
1 ros_full
1 ros_explorer
1 ros_ethernet_rmp
1 ros_ethercat_model
1 ros_ethercat_loop
1 ros_ethercat_hardware
2 ros_ethercat_eml
1 ros_ethercat
1 ros_emacs_utils
1 ros_cvb_camera_driver
1 ros_controllers_cartesian
2 ros_controllers
0 ros_control_robot
0 ros_control_monitor
2 ros_control_boilerplate
1 ros_control
1 ros_comm
1 ros_canopen
1 ros_broker
1 ros_babel_fish_test_msgs
1 ros_babel_fish
1 ros_arduino_python
1 ros_arduino_msgs
1 ros_arduino_firmware
1 ros_arduino_bridge
1 ros_apache2
2 rosR_demos
2 rosR
1 ros3djs_experimental
1 ros3djs
1 ros2nodl
1 ros2launch_security_examples
1 ros2launch_security
1 ros2djs
1 ros2controlcli
1 ros2cli_test_interfaces
1 ros2cli_common_extensions
1 ros2caret
1 ros2acceleration
1 ros2_socketcan_msgs
1 ros2_socketcan
1 ros2_controllers_test_nodes
1 ros2_controllers
1 ros2_control_test_assets
1 ros2_control
1 ros1_template_msgs
1 ros1_template
1 ros1_ros_cpptemplate
1 ros1_pytemplate
1 ros1_pip_pytemplate
1 ros1_cpptemplate
0 ros-kinetic-move-base-msgs
0 ros-kinetic-move-base
0 ros-controllers
1 ros
1 roomblock_navigation
1 roomblock_mapping
1 roomblock_description
1 roomblock_bringup
1 roomblock
1 roomba_stage
1 roomba_robin_viz
1 roomba_robin_simulator
1 roomba_robin_rviz_launchers
1 roomba_robin_interactive_markers
1 roomba_robin_gazebo
1 roomba_robin_description
1 roomba_robin_bringup
1 roomba_robin
1 romeo_sensors_py
1 romeo_robot
1 romeo_moveit_config
1 romeo_moveit_actions
1 romeo_gazebo_plugin
1 romeo_description
0 romeo_dcm_msgs
1 romeo_control
1 romeo_bringup
1 rokubimini_serial
1 rokubimini_msgs
1 rokubimini_ethercat
1 rokubimini_description
1 rokubimini_bus_manager
1 rokubimini
1 rodi_robot
0 rocon_utilities
1 rocon_uri
1 rocon_unreliable_experiments
0 rocon_tutorials
1 rocon_tutorial_msgs
1 rocon_tools
1 rocon_tf_reconstructor
1 rocon_test
1 rocon_std_msgs
1 rocon_smartthings_bridge
1 rocon_service_pair_msgs
1 rocon_semantic_version
1 rocon_rtsp_camera_relay
1 rocon_rqt_plugins


Name Description
1 rosidl_generator_type_description
1 rosidl_generator_tests
1 rosidl_generator_ada
1 rosidl_dynamic_typesupport_fastrtps
1 rosidl_dynamic_typesupport
1 rosidl_core_runtime
1 rosidl_core_generators
1 rosidl_cli
1 rosidl_actions
1 roshlaunch
1 rosh_visualization
1 rosh_robot_plugins
1 rosh_robot
1 rosh_geometry
1 rosh_desktop_plugins
1 rosh_desktop
1 rosh_core
1 rosh_common
1 rosh
1 rosgraph
1 rosfmt
1 roseus_tutorials
1 roseus_smach
1 roseus_remote
1 roseus_mongo
1 roseus
0 rosemacs-el
1 rosemacs
1 rosee_msg
1 rose2
1 rosdoc_lite
1 rosdiagnostic
1 roscreate
1 roscpp_traits
0 roscpp_sessions
1 roscpp_serialization
1 roscpp_core
1 roscpp
1 rosconsole_bridge
2 rosconsole
1 roscompile
1 rosclean
1 rosbuild
1 rosboost_cfg
1 rosbash_params
1 rosbash
1 rosbaglive
1 rosbag_uploader_ros1_integration_tests
1 rosbag_storage
1 rosbag_snapshot_msgs
1 rosbag_snapshot
1 rosbag_rviz_panel
1 rosbag_pandas
1 rosbag_migration_rule
1 rosbag_image_compressor
1 rosbag_fancy_msgs
1 rosbag_fancy
1 rosbag_editor
1 rosbag_direct_write
1 rosbag_cloud_recorders
1 rosbag2_test_msgdefs
1 rosbag2_storage_sqlite3
2 rosbag2_storage_mcap_testdata
2 rosbag2_storage_mcap
1 rosbag2_py
1 rosbag2_performance_benchmarking_msgs
1 rosbag2_performance_benchmarking
1 rosbag2_interfaces
1 rosbag2_examples_py
1 rosbag2_examples_cpp
1 rosbag2_cpp
1 rosbag2_compression_zstd
1 rosbag2_compression
1 rosbag
1 rosatomic
1 rosaria
1 rosabridge_server
1 rosabridge_msgs
1 rosabridge_arduino
1 rosabridge
1 ros_wild
1 ros_web_video
1 ros_vosk
1 ros_type_introspection
1 ros_topology_msgs
2 ros_timer_client
1 ros_statistics_msgs
1 ros_speech_recognition
1 ros_robodk_post_processors
1 ros_reflexxes
1 ros_realtime
1 ros_pytest
2 ros_publisher_client
1 ros_peerjs
1 ros_package_web_server
1 ros_opcua_srvs
1 ros_opcua_msgs
1 ros_opcua_impl_python_opcua
1 ros_opcua_impl_freeopcua
1 ros_opcua_communication
1 ros_numpy
1 ros_mppt
1 ros_mpg321_player
1 ros_monitoring
1 ros_madplay_player
1 ros_introspection
1 ros_industrial_cmake_boilerplate
1 ros_in_hand_scanner
1 ros_image_to_qimage
1 ros_ign_point_cloud
2 ros_ign_interfaces
2 ros_ign_image
2 ros_ign_gazebo_demos
2 ros_ign_gazebo
2 ros_ign_bridge
2 ros_ign
1 ros_gz_sim_demos
1 ros_gz_sim
1 ros_gz_point_cloud
1 ros_gz_interfaces
1 ros_gz_image
1 ros_gz_bridge
1 ros_gz
1 ros_google_cloud_language
1 ros_glass_tools
1 ros_full
1 ros_explorer
1 ros_ethernet_rmp
1 ros_ethercat_model
1 ros_ethercat_loop
1 ros_ethercat_hardware
2 ros_ethercat_eml
1 ros_ethercat
1 ros_emacs_utils
1 ros_cvb_camera_driver
1 ros_controllers_cartesian
0 ros_control_robot
0 ros_control_monitor
2 ros_control_boilerplate
1 ros_control
1 ros_comm
1 ros_canopen
1 ros_broker
1 ros_babel_fish_test_msgs
1 ros_babel_fish
1 ros_arduino_python
1 ros_arduino_msgs
1 ros_arduino_firmware
1 ros_arduino_bridge
1 ros_apache2
2 rosR_demos
2 rosR
1 ros3djs_experimental
1 ros3djs
1 ros2nodl
1 ros2lifecycle_test_fixtures
1 ros2launch_security_examples
1 ros2launch_security
1 ros2interface
1 ros2doctor
1 ros2djs
1 ros2controlcli
1 ros2cli_test_interfaces
1 ros2cli_common_extensions
1 ros2caret
1 ros2acceleration
1 ros2_socketcan_msgs
1 ros2_socketcan
1 ros2_controllers_test_nodes
1 ros2_controllers
1 ros2_control_test_assets
1 ros1_template_msgs
1 ros1_template
1 ros1_ros_cpptemplate
1 ros1_pytemplate
1 ros1_pip_pytemplate
1 ros1_cpptemplate
0 ros-kinetic-move-base-msgs
0 ros-kinetic-move-base
0 ros-controllers
1 ros
1 roomblock_navigation
1 roomblock_mapping
1 roomblock_description
1 roomblock_bringup
1 roomblock
1 roomba_stage
1 roomba_robin_viz
1 roomba_robin_simulator
1 roomba_robin_rviz_launchers
1 roomba_robin_interactive_markers
1 roomba_robin_gazebo
1 roomba_robin_description
1 roomba_robin_bringup
1 roomba_robin
1 romeo_sensors_py
1 romeo_robot
1 romeo_moveit_config
1 romeo_moveit_actions
1 romeo_gazebo_plugin


Name Description
1 safe_teleop_base
1 saap_pkg
1 s3_file_uploader
1 s3_common
1 s3000_laser
1 rxros_tf
1 rxros
1 rxcpp_vendor
1 rx_service_tools
1 rwt_utils_3rdparty
0 rwt_teleop
1 rwt_steer
1 rwt_speech_recognition
1 rwt_ros
1 rwt_robot_monitor
1 rwt_plot
1 rwt_nav
1 rwt_moveit
1 rwt_image_view
1 rwt_config_generator
1 rwt_app_chooser
1 rwi_ros
1 rviz_yaml_cpp_vendor
1 rviz_tool_path_display
1 rviz_tool_cursor
1 rviz_textured_quads
1 rviz_satellite
1 rviz_robot_description_topic
1 rviz_recorder_buttons
1 rviz_python_tutorial
1 rviz_plugin_tutorials
1 rviz_marker_tools
1 rviz_map_plugin
1 rviz_ground_image
1 rviz_fps_plugin
1 rviz_fixed_view_controller
1 rviz_backdrop
1 rviz_animated_view_controller
1 rviz_2d_overlay_plugins
1 rviz_2d_overlay_msgs
1 rviz
1 rv7fl_moveit_config
1 rv4fl_moveit_config
1 run_recorded_traj
1 ruckig
1 rtt_visualization_msgs
1 rtt_typelib
1 rtt_trajectory_msgs
1 rtt_tf2_msgs
1 rtt_tf
1 rtt_stereo_msgs
1 rtt_std_srvs
1 rtt_std_msgs
1 rtt_shape_msgs
1 rtt_sensor_msgs
1 rtt_rosparam_tests
1 rtt_rosparam
1 rtt_rospack_tests
1 rtt_rospack
1 rtt_rosnode
1 rtt_rosgraph_msgs
1 rtt_rosdeployment
1 rtt_roscomm_tests
1 rtt_roscomm
1 rtt_rosclock
1 rtt_rosbuild_tests
1 rtt_ros_tests
1 rtt_ros_msgs
1 rtt_ros_integration
1 rtt_ros_comm
1 rtt_ros
1 rtt_pcl_ros
1 rtt_pcl
1 rtt_nav_msgs
1 rtt_kdl_conversions
1 rtt_geometry_msgs
1 rtt_geometry
1 rtt_dynamic_reconfigure_tests
1 rtt_dynamic_reconfigure
1 rtt_diagnostic_msgs
1 rtt_controller_manager_msgs
1 rtt_control_msgs
1 rtt_common_msgs
1 rtt_actionlib_msgs
1 rtt_actionlib
1 rtt
2 rtsprofile
1 rtshell
1 rtmros_nextage
1 rtmros_hironx
1 rtmros_common
1 rtmbuild
2 rtctree
1 rtabmap_viz
1 rtabmap_util
1 rtabmap_sync
1 rtabmap_slam
1 rtabmap_rviz_plugins
1 rtabmap_python
1 rtabmap_odom
1 rtabmap_msgs
1 rtabmap_legacy
1 rtabmap_launch
1 rtabmap_examples
1 rtabmap_demos
1 rtabmap_costmap_plugins
1 rtabmap_conversions
1 rt_usb_9axisimu_driver
1 rsync_ros
1 rsv_balance_viz
1 rsv_balance_simulator
1 rsv_balance_rqt
1 rsv_balance_msgs
1 rsv_balance_gazebo_control
1 rsv_balance_gazebo
1 rsv_balance_desktop
1 rsv_balance_description
1 rsv_balance
1 rsm_rviz_plugins
1 rsm_rqt_plugins
1 rsm_msgs
1 rsm_core
1 rsm_additions
1 rslidar_pointcloud
1 rslidar_msgs
1 rslidar_driver
1 rslidar
1 rsl
1 rrt_planner
1 rrt_exploration
1 rr_swiftnav_piksi
1 rr_rover_zero_driver
1 rr_openrover_stack
1 rr_openrover_simulation
1 rr_openrover_driver_msgs
1 rr_openrover_driver
1 rr_openrover_description
1 rr_control_input_manager
1 rqt_wrapper
1 rqt_web
1 rqt_virtual_joy
1 rqt_video_playback
1 rqt_stream_manipulator_3d
2 rqt_rviz
1 rqt_rotors
1 rqt_rosmon
1 rqt_rosbag_fancy
1 rqt_robot_plugins
1 rqt_py_trees
1 rqt_pr2_dashboard
2 rqt_pose_view
1 rqt_play_motion_builder
1 rqt_paramedit
2 rqt_nav_view
2 rqt_multiplot
1 rqt_mrta
1 rqt_mocap4r2_control
1 rqt_logger_level
1 rqt_launchtree
1 rqt_launch
1 rqt_joint_trajectory_plot
2 rqt_joint_trajectory_controller
1 rqt_human_radar
2 rqt_ground_robot_teleop
1 rqt_graphprofiler
2 rqt_gauges
1 rqt_ez_publisher
1 rqt_dyn_tune
1 rqt_dwb_plugin
1 rqt_drone_teleop
1 rqt_dotgraph
1 rqt_dep
1 rqt_decision_graph
2 rqt_controller_manager
1 rqt_carla_control
1 rqt_capabilities
1 rqt_bhand
1 rqt_bag_exporter
1 rqt_alliance
1 rplidar_python
1 rovio_shared
1 rovio_ctrl
1 rovio_av
1 rovio
1 roverrobotics_input_manager
1 roverrobotics_driver
1 roverrobotics_bringup
1 route_network
1 rotunit_snapshotter
1 rotors_simulator
1 rotors_joy_interface
1 rotors_hil_interface
1 rotors_gazebo_plugins
1 rotors_gazebo
1 rotors_evaluation
1 rotors_driver
1 rotors_description
1 rotors_control
1 rotors_comm
1 rotate_recovery


Name Description
1 sicktoolbox
1 sicks300_2
0 sick_visionary_t_driver
1 sick_visionary_ros
1 sick_tim
1 sick_scan_xd
1 sick_scan
1 sick_safevisionary_tests
1 sick_safevisionary_msgs
1 sick_safevisionary_interfaces
2 sick_safevisionary_driver
1 sick_safevisionary_base
1 sick_safetyscanners
1 sick_ldmrs_tools
1 sick_ldmrs_msgs
1 sick_ldmrs_laser
1 sick_ldmrs_driver
1 sick_ldmrs_description
1 shm_transport
0 sherlock_sim_msgs
1 shared_serial
1 shape_tracker
1 shape_tools
1 shape_reconstruction
1 shadow_robot_ethercat
1 shadow_robot
1 sf30_node
1 settlerlib
1 session_tutorials
1 sesame_ros
2 service_tools
0 service_runtime
1 service_msgs
0 service_generation
1 serl_franka_controllers
1 serial_utils
1 serial
1 sentis_tof_m100
1 sensorhand_speed
0 sensor_to_cloud
1 sensor_module_tutorial
0 sensor_fusion_comm
1 sensor_filters
1 sensehat_ros
3 semantic_point_annotator
1 selective_dualarm_stowing
1 segwayrmp
1 segway_rmp
1 segbot_simulator
2 segbot_simulation_apps
1 segbot_sensors
1 segbot_rapps
2 segbot_navigation
2 segbot_logical_translator
1 segbot_led
2 segbot_gui
2 segbot_gazebo
1 segbot_firmware
1 segbot_description
1 segbot_concert_services
1 segbot_bringup
1 segbot_apps
1 segbot
1 seek_thermal
1 seed_smartactuator_sdk
1 seed_r7_typeg_moveit_config
1 seed_r7_typeg_arm_moveit_config
1 seed_r7_typeg2_arm_moveit_config
1 seed_r7_typef_moveit_config
1 seed_r7_samples
1 seed_r7_ros_pkg
1 seed_r7_ros_controller
1 seed_r7_robot_interface
1 seed_r7_navigation
1 seed_r7_moveit_config
1 seed_r7_gazebo
1 seed_r7_description
1 seed_r7_bringup
1 sdhlibrary_cpp
1 sdformat_vendor
1 sdformat_urdf
1 sdformat_test_files
0 sdformat14
1 sdf_tracker
1 scriptable_monitoring
1 scriptable_monitor_rqt
1 scriptable_monitor
0 scriptable_analyzer
1 screenrun
1 screen_grab
1 scratch4robots
1 scratch3-ros
1 sciurus17_vision
1 sciurus17_tools
1 sciurus17_msgs
1 sciurus17_moveit_config
1 sciurus17_gazebo
1 sciurus17_examples
0 sciurus17_description
1 sciurus17_control
1 sciurus17_bringup
1 sciurus17
1 schunk_svh_simulation
1 schunk_svh_msgs
1 schunk_svh
1 schunk_simulated_tactile_sensors
1 schunk_sdh
1 schunk_robots
1 schunk_pw70
1 schunk_powercube_chain
2 schunk_pg70
1 schunk_modular_robotics
1 schunk_lwa4p_extended
1 schunk_lwa4p
1 schunk_lwa4d_moveit_config
1 schunk_lwa4d
1 schunk_libm5api
1 schunk_grippers
1 schunk_ezn64
1 schunk_description
1 schunk_canopen_driver
1 scheduler_msgs
2 scenario_test_tools
0 scanning_table_msgs
2 scan_tools
2 scan_to_cloud_converter
1 scaled_joint_trajectory_controller
1 scaled_controllers
1 sbpl_recovery
1 sbpl_lattice_planner
2 sbpl_interface_ros
2 sbpl_interface
1 sbpl
1 sba_python
0 saphari_msgs
1 sap_pkg
0 sandia_hand_msgs
1 sand_island
1 samplerobot_moveit_config
1 sainsmart_relay_usb
1 safety_limiter_msgs
1 safety_limiter
1 safe_teleop_stage
1 safe_teleop_pr2
1 safe_teleop_base
1 saap_pkg
1 s3_file_uploader
1 s3_common
1 s3000_laser
1 rxros_tf
1 rxros
1 rxcpp_vendor
1 rx_service_tools
1 rwt_utils_3rdparty
0 rwt_teleop
1 rwt_steer
1 rwt_speech_recognition
1 rwt_ros
1 rwt_robot_monitor
1 rwt_plot
1 rwt_nav
1 rwt_moveit
1 rwt_image_view
1 rwt_config_generator
1 rwt_app_chooser
1 rwi_ros
1 rviz_yaml_cpp_vendor
1 rviz_tool_path_display
1 rviz_tool_cursor
1 rviz_textured_quads
1 rviz_satellite
1 rviz_robot_description_topic
1 rviz_recorder_buttons
1 rviz_python_tutorial
1 rviz_plugin_tutorials
1 rviz_marker_tools
1 rviz_map_plugin
1 rviz_fps_plugin
1 rviz_fixed_view_controller
1 rviz_backdrop
1 rviz_animated_view_controller
1 rviz_2d_overlay_plugins
1 rviz_2d_overlay_msgs
1 rviz
1 rv7fl_moveit_config
1 rv4fl_moveit_config
1 run_recorded_traj
1 ruckig
1 rtt_visualization_msgs
1 rtt_typelib
1 rtt_trajectory_msgs
1 rtt_tf2_msgs
1 rtt_tf
1 rtt_stereo_msgs
1 rtt_std_srvs
1 rtt_std_msgs
1 rtt_shape_msgs
1 rtt_sensor_msgs
1 rtt_rosparam_tests
1 rtt_rosparam


Name Description
0 sciurus17_description
1 sciurus17_control
1 sciurus17_bringup
1 sciurus17
1 schunk_svh_tests
1 schunk_svh_simulation
1 schunk_svh_msgs
1 schunk_svh_library
2 schunk_svh_driver
1 schunk_svh_description
1 schunk_svh
1 schunk_simulated_tactile_sensors
1 schunk_sdh
1 schunk_robots
1 schunk_pw70
1 schunk_powercube_chain
2 schunk_pg70
1 schunk_modular_robotics
1 schunk_lwa4p_extended
1 schunk_lwa4p
1 schunk_lwa4d_moveit_config
1 schunk_lwa4d
1 schunk_libm5api
1 schunk_grippers
1 schunk_ezn64
1 schunk_description
1 schunk_canopen_driver
1 scheduler_msgs
2 scenario_test_tools
0 scanning_table_msgs
2 scan_tools
2 scan_to_cloud_converter
1 scaled_joint_trajectory_controller
1 scaled_controllers
1 sba_python
0 saphari_msgs
1 sap_pkg
0 sandia_hand_msgs
1 sand_island
1 samplerobot_moveit_config
1 sainsmart_relay_usb
1 safe_teleop_stage
1 safe_teleop_pr2
1 safe_teleop_base
1 saap_pkg
1 s3_file_uploader
1 s3_common
1 s3000_laser
1 rxros_tf
1 rxros
1 rxcpp_vendor
1 rx_service_tools
1 rwt_utils_3rdparty
0 rwt_teleop
1 rwt_steer
1 rwt_speech_recognition
1 rwt_ros
1 rwt_robot_monitor
1 rwt_plot
1 rwt_nav
1 rwt_moveit
1 rwt_image_view
1 rwt_config_generator
1 rwt_app_chooser
1 rwi_ros
1 rviz_yaml_cpp_vendor
1 rviz_visual_testing_framework
1 rviz_tool_path_display
1 rviz_tool_cursor
1 rviz_textured_quads
1 rviz_satellite
1 rviz_robot_description_topic
1 rviz_rendering_tests
1 rviz_rendering
1 rviz_recorder_buttons
1 rviz_ogre_vendor
1 rviz_marker_tools
1 rviz_map_plugin
1 rviz_ground_image
1 rviz_fps_plugin
1 rviz_fixed_view_controller
1 rviz_default_plugins
1 rviz_common
1 rviz_backdrop
1 rviz_assimp_vendor
1 rviz_animated_view_controller
1 rviz_2d_overlay_plugins
1 rviz_2d_overlay_msgs
1 rviz2
1 rv7fl_moveit_config
1 rv4fl_moveit_config
1 run_recorded_traj
1 ruckig
1 rttest
1 rtt_typelib
1 rtt_pcl_ros
1 rtt_pcl
1 rtt_controller_manager_msgs
1 rtt_control_msgs
2 rtsprofile
1 rtshell
1 rtmros_nextage
1 rtmros_hironx
1 rtmros_common
1 rtmbuild
1 rti_connext_dds_cmake_module
2 rtctree
1 rtcm_msgs
1 rtabmap_viz
1 rtabmap_util
1 rtabmap_sync
1 rtabmap_slam
1 rtabmap_rviz_plugins
1 rtabmap_python
1 rtabmap_odom
1 rtabmap_msgs
1 rtabmap_legacy
1 rtabmap_launch
1 rtabmap_examples
1 rtabmap_demos
1 rtabmap_costmap_plugins
1 rtabmap_conversions
1 rt_usb_9axisimu_driver
1 rt_manipulators_examples
1 rt_manipulators_cpp
1 rsync_ros
1 rsv_balance_viz
1 rsv_balance_simulator
1 rsv_balance_rqt
1 rsv_balance_msgs
1 rsv_balance_gazebo_control
1 rsv_balance_gazebo
1 rsv_balance_desktop
1 rsv_balance_description
1 rsv_balance
1 rsm_rviz_plugins
1 rsm_rqt_plugins
1 rsm_msgs
1 rsm_core
1 rsm_additions
1 rslidar_pointcloud
1 rslidar_msgs
1 rslidar_msg
1 rslidar_driver
1 rslidar
1 rsl
1 rrt_planner
1 rrt_exploration
1 rr_swiftnav_piksi
1 rr_rover_zero_driver
1 rr_openrover_stack
1 rr_openrover_simulation
1 rr_openrover_driver_msgs
1 rr_openrover_driver
1 rr_openrover_description
1 rr_control_input_manager
1 rqt_wrapper
1 rqt_virtual_joy
1 rqt_video_playback
1 rqt_stream_manipulator_3d
1 rqt_rotors
1 rqt_rosbag_fancy
1 rqt_py_trees
1 rqt_pr2_dashboard
1 rqt_play_motion_builder
1 rqt_paramedit
1 rqt_mrta
1 rqt_mocap4r2_control
1 rqt_launchtree
1 rqt_joint_trajectory_plot
1 rqt_image_overlay_layer
1 rqt_image_overlay
1 rqt_human_radar
2 rqt_ground_robot_teleop
1 rqt_graphprofiler
2 rqt_gauges
1 rqt_dyn_tune
1 rqt_dwb_plugin
1 rqt_drone_teleop
1 rqt_dotgraph
1 rqt_decision_graph
1 rqt_carla_control
1 rqt_capabilities
1 rqt_bhand
1 rqt_bag_exporter
1 rqt_alliance
1 rpyutils
1 rplidar_python
1 rovio_shared
1 rovio_ctrl
1 rovio_av
1 rovio
1 roverrobotics_input_manager
1 roverrobotics_driver
1 roverrobotics_bringup
1 rotunit_snapshotter
1 rotors_simulator
1 rotors_joy_interface
1 rotors_hil_interface
1 rotors_gazebo_plugins


Name Description
1 sr_ronex_test
1 sr_ronex_msgs
1 sr_ronex_launch
1 sr_ronex_hardware_interface
1 sr_ronex_external_protocol
1 sr_ronex_examples
1 sr_ronex_drivers
1 sr_ronex_controllers
1 sr_ronex
2 sr_robot_msgs
1 sr_robot_lib
1 sr_robot_launch
1 sr_robot_commander
1 sr_multi_moveit_test
1 sr_multi_moveit_config
1 sr_multi_description
2 sr_movements
1 sr_moveit_hand_config
1 sr_moveit_config
2 sr_mechanism_model
2 sr_mechanism_controllers
1 sr_kinematics
0 sr_interpolation
1 sr_interface
2 sr_hardware_interface
1 sr_hand_health_report
1 sr_hand_detector
2 sr_hand
1 sr_gui_state_saver
1 sr_gui_self_test
1 sr_gui_muscle_driver_bootloader
1 sr_gui_movement_recorder
1 sr_gui_motor_resetter
1 sr_gui_joint_slider
1 sr_gui_hand_calibration
1 sr_gui_grasp_controller
1 sr_gui_cyberglove_calibrator
1 sr_gui_controller_tuner
1 sr_gui_change_muscle_controllers
1 sr_gui_change_controllers
1 sr_gui_bootloader
1 sr_gui_biotac
1 sr_gui_advanced_controls
1 sr_grasp_stability
1 sr_grasp_fast_planner
1 sr_grasp
1 sr_gazebo_sim
1 sr_gazebo_plugins
1 sr_external_dependencies
2 sr_example
2 sr_event_countdown
1 sr_ethercat_hand_config
1 sr_error_reporter
1 sr_edc_muscle_tools
1 sr_edc_launch
1 sr_edc_ethercat_drivers
1 sr_edc_controller_configuration
2 sr_description
1 sr_data_visualization
0 sr_cyberglove_config
1 sr_core
0 sr_controllers_tools
1 sr_config
2 sr_conditional
1 sr_communications
1 sr_common_drivers
1 sr_common
1 sr_box_ur10_moveit_config
2 sr_all_events_go
1 sr_3dmouse
1 squirrel_waypoint_msgs
1 squirrel_view_controller_msgs
1 squirrel_vad_msgs
1 squirrel_speech_msgs
1 squirrel_safety_msgs
1 squirrel_prediction_msgs
1 squirrel_planning_msgs
1 squirrel_planning_knowledge_msgs
1 squirrel_person_tracker_msgs
1 squirrel_object_perception_msgs
1 squirrel_navigation_msgs
1 squirrel_motion_planner_msgs
1 squirrel_mhand_msgs
1 squirrel_manipulation_msgs
1 squirrel_kclhand_msgs
1 squirrel_hri_msgs
1 squirrel_footprint_observer_msgs
1 squirrel_dynamic_filter_msgs
1 squirrel_common
1 squirrel_3d_mapping_msgs
1 squirrel_3d_localizer_msgs
1 squirrel_2d_localizer_msgs
1 sqlite3_vendor
1 sql_database
1 spur_gazebo
1 spur_description
1 spur_controller
1 spur_bringup
1 spur_2dnav
1 spur
1 splsm_8_conversion
1 splsm_8
1 splsm_7_conversion
1 splsm_7
1 spinnaker_synchronized_camera_driver
1 spinnaker_sdk_camera_driver
1 spinnaker_camera_driver
1 spin_hokuyo
0 sphinx
1 sphand_driver_msgs
1 sphand_driver
1 speed_scaling_state_controller
1 speed_scaling_interface
0 speed_limit
1 speed_cam
1 speech_database
1 speak_and_wait_recovery
1 spdlog_vendor
1 spatio_temporal_voxel_layer
1 spatial_world_model
1 sparse_mapping
1 spacenav
1 sot-tools
1 sot-dynamic-pinocchio
1 sot-core
1 sophus_ros_conversions
2 sophus
1 sol_vendor
1 softkinetic_camera
1 softkinetic
1 softhand_ros
1 softhand_description
1 soem_master
1 soem_ebox
1 soem_beckhoff_drivers
1 soem
0 socket_bridge
1 social_nav_util
1 social_nav_msgs
1 social_nav_metrics
1 soccer_vision_attribute_msgs
1 soccer_vision_3d_rviz_markers
1 soccer_vision_3d_msgs
1 soccer_vision_2d_msgs
1 soccer_object_msgs
1 soccer_model_msgs
1 soccer_marker_generation
1 soccer_interfaces
1 soccer_geometry_msgs
1 sob_layer
1 sns_ik_lib
1 sns_ik_examples
1 sns_ik
1 snowbot_operating_system
1 snmp_ros
0 snap_map_icp
1 smp_ros
1 smarthome_network_zeroconf
1 smarthome_network_wakeonlan
1 smarthome_msgs_java
1 smarthome_msgs
1 smarthome_media_samsungtv_driver
1 smarthome_media_onkyo_driver
1 smarthome_media_msgs_java
1 smarthome_media_msgs
1 smarthome_media_model
1 smarthome_media_kodi_driver
1 smarthome_light_msgs_java
1 smarthome_light_msgs
1 smarthome_heater_msgs_java
1 smarthome_heater_msgs
1 smarthome_common_driver
1 smarthome_comm_msgs_java
1 smarthome_comm_msgs
1 smartek_camera
1 smart_dock
1 smacha_ros
1 smacha
1 smacc_rviz_plugin
1 smacc_runtime_test
1 smacc_msgs
1 smacc2_msgs
1 smacc2
1 smacc
1 smac_planner
1 sm_viewer_sim
1 sm_update_loop
2 sm_three_some
1 sm_test_moveit_ur5_sim
1 sm_subscriber
1 sm_starcraft_ai
1 sm_ridgeback_barrel_search_2
1 sm_ridgeback_barrel_search_1
2 sm_respira_1
1 sm_pubsub_1
1 sm_panda_moveit2z_cb_inventory
1 sm_packml
1 sm_pack_ml
1 sm_multi_ur5_sim
1 sm_multi_stage_1


Name Description
1 2017-02-03 openrave_robot_control
Contains messages, services, and OpenRAVE clients to interface to robot hardware. - librobot_control - openrave plugin for ros client to talk to robot services - openravecontroller.h - base class for robot server using services - tfsender - given joint positions of the robot, sends the correct tf frames For more information on how to use this inside the openrave framework, see:
Contains messages, services, and OpenRAVE clients to interface to robot hardware. - librobot_control - openrave plugin for ros client to talk to robot services - openravecontroller.h - base class for robot server using services - tfsender - given joint positions of the robot, sends the correct tf frames For more information on how to use this inside the openrave framework, see:
1 2017-02-03 openrave_planning
This stack offers OpenRAVE-related bindings. Maintained by the JSK lab at University of Tokyo.
This stack offers OpenRAVE-related bindings. Maintained by the JSK lab at University of Tokyo.
1 2017-02-03 openrave_msgs
Contains ROS messages and services that are commonly used in the openrave_planning stack.
Contains ROS messages and services that are commonly used in the openrave_planning stack.
1 2017-02-03 openrave_database
Uses ROS to parallelize the database generation processes inside OpenRAVE.
Uses ROS to parallelize the database generation processes inside OpenRAVE.
1 2017-02-03 openrave_calibration
Package uses openrave planning and the robot_calibration stacks to calibrate a robot's sensors. The calibration only depends on the openrave/collada descriptions, therefore it is meant to be a relatively simple way of calibrating new robots with one-click.
Package uses openrave planning and the robot_calibration stacks to calibrate a robot's sensors. The calibration only depends on the openrave/collada descriptions, therefore it is meant to be a relatively simple way of calibrating new robots with one-click.
1 2017-02-03 openrave_actionlib
Bindings between openrave's controller interface and ROS's action lib interface for controlling robots.
Bindings between openrave's controller interface and ROS's action lib interface for controlling robots.
1 2017-02-03 openrave
In order to use, please add the following line in your bashrc:
In order to use, please add the following line in your bashrc:
1 2017-02-03 collada_robots
COLLADA 1.5 Robot Models Repository This repository is associated with the Open Robotics Automation Virtual Environment (OpenRAVE). The open and view them, install OpenRAVE and execute: openrave XXX.zae The robots are augmented with information as described by the "OpenRAVE" profile here: *.zae files are zip archives which contain the raw collada 1.5 xml (dae).
COLLADA 1.5 Robot Models Repository This repository is associated with the Open Robotics Automation Virtual Environment (OpenRAVE). The open and view them, install OpenRAVE and execute: openrave XXX.zae The robots are augmented with information as described by the "OpenRAVE" profile here: *.zae files are zip archives which contain the raw collada 1.5 xml (dae).
1 2017-02-03 arm_navigation_msgs
1 2017-02-02 object_recognition_core
object_recognition_core contains tools to launch several recognition pipelines, train objects, store models ...
object_recognition_core contains tools to launch several recognition pipelines, train objects, store models ...
1 2017-01-31 handle_detector
ROS package to detect handles.
ROS package to detect handles.
1 2017-01-27 shape_tracker
Tracker of rigid body 6D poses based on a given model of their shape on an RGB-D stream. The model is in the form of a 3D point cloud.
Tracker of rigid body 6D poses based on a given model of their shape on an RGB-D stream. The model is in the form of a 3D point cloud.
1 2017-01-27 shape_reconstruction
Package to reconstruct the shape of moving bodies given their pose over time from an RGB-D stream. Includes tools to create meshes from the point-based models and manipulated them (surface smoothers).
Package to reconstruct the shape of moving bodies given their pose over time from an RGB-D stream. Includes tools to create meshes from the point-based models and manipulated them (surface smoothers).
1 2017-01-27 rb_tracker
Tracker of rigid bodies using visual features and/or shape-based poses (extensible to use other modalities as source of information)
Tracker of rigid bodies using visual features and/or shape-based poses (extensible to use other modalities as source of information)
1 2017-01-27 omip_launch
This package only contains launch files for the complete OMIP system.
This package only contains launch files for the complete OMIP system.
1 2017-01-27 omip_common
Library with the common utilities to be used for the packages of OMIP
Library with the common utilities to be used for the packages of OMIP
1 2017-01-27 omip
This metapackage groups all the packages for Online Multimodal Interactive Perception (OMIP).
This metapackage groups all the packages for Online Multimodal Interactive Perception (OMIP).
1 2017-01-27 lgsm
ROS package for the Lie Group for Solid Mechanics by CEA LIST (DIASI/LSI)
ROS package for the Lie Group for Solid Mechanics by CEA LIST (DIASI/LSI)
1 2017-01-27 joint_tracker
Tracker of the kinematic model (structure and state) based on the motion of a set of rigid bodies
Tracker of the kinematic model (structure and state) based on the motion of a set of rigid bodies
1 2017-01-27 feature_tracker
Tracker of 3-D features (up to now, only LK point features, extensible to other type of basic features) on an RGB-D stream
Tracker of 3-D features (up to now, only LK point features, extensible to other type of basic features) on an RGB-D stream
1 2017-01-25 sr_ronex_utilities
Package containing a header library with useful inline functions for working with the RoNeX.
Package containing a header library with useful inline functions for working with the RoNeX.
1 2017-01-25 sr_ronex_transmissions
Contains the transmissions that can be used with the RoNeX driver. Using those transmissions makes it possible for the user to remap from the RoNeX to a joint based robot.
Contains the transmissions that can be used with the RoNeX driver. Using those transmissions makes it possible for the user to remap from the RoNeX to a joint based robot.
1 2017-01-25 sr_ronex_test
contains software tests that require RoNeX hardware.
contains software tests that require RoNeX hardware.
1 2017-01-25 sr_ronex_msgs
sr_ronex_msgs contains the messages for RoNeX.
sr_ronex_msgs contains the messages for RoNeX.
1 2017-01-25 sr_ronex_launch
Contains the main launch files for the RoNeX system.
Contains the main launch files for the RoNeX system.
1 2017-01-25 sr_ronex_hardware_interface
This package contains the definition of the CustomHW to be added to the ros_ethercat_model CustomHWMap for the RoNeX.
This package contains the definition of the CustomHW to be added to the ros_ethercat_model CustomHWMap for the RoNeX.
1 2017-01-25 sr_ronex_external_protocol
Contains the protocol to communicate between the driver and the ronex hardware.
Contains the protocol to communicate between the driver and the ronex hardware.
1 2017-01-25 sr_ronex_examples
Package containing examples for the RoNeX boards.
Package containing examples for the RoNeX boards.
1 2017-01-25 sr_ronex_drivers
Package containing the driver for the RoNeX boards.
Package containing the driver for the RoNeX boards.
1 2017-01-25 sr_ronex_controllers
Contains different useful controllers to use with the RoNeX.
Contains different useful controllers to use with the RoNeX.
1 2017-01-25 sr_ronex
This stack contains the different packages related to the RoNeX (Robot Nervous System).
This stack contains the different packages related to the RoNeX (Robot Nervous System).
1 2017-01-24 omip_msgs
Messages for OMIP - Online Multimodal Interactive Perception
Messages for OMIP - Online Multimodal Interactive Perception
1 2017-01-23 zeroconf_avahi_suite
Suite of packages supporing the avahi implementation of zeroconf for ros.
Suite of packages supporing the avahi implementation of zeroconf for ros.
1 2017-01-23 zeroconf_avahi_demos
Several demos and launch-tests for the avahi based zero-configuration.
Several demos and launch-tests for the avahi based zero-configuration.
1 2017-01-23 zeroconf_avahi
Provides zeroconf services on avahi for ros systems. This is a c++ implementation.
Provides zeroconf services on avahi for ros systems. This is a c++ implementation.
1 2017-01-20 nao_moveit_config
An automatically generated package with all the configuration and launch files for using the NAO robot with the MoveIt Motion Planning Framework
An automatically generated package with all the configuration and launch files for using the NAO robot with the MoveIt Motion Planning Framework
1 2017-01-18 range_msgs
Messages for point-to-point range-only devices.
Messages for point-to-point range-only devices.
1 2017-01-18 pepper_moveit_config
An automatically generated package with all the configuration and launch files for using the Pepper robot with the MoveIt Motion Planning Framework
An automatically generated package with all the configuration and launch files for using the Pepper robot with the MoveIt Motion Planning Framework
2 2017-01-18 abb_irb4400_support
1 2017-01-18 abb_irb120t_moveit_config
1 2017-01-18 abb_irb120_support
1 2017-01-18 abb_irb120_moveit_config
1 2017-01-18 abb_irb120_gazebo
1 2017-01-18 abb_experimental
Experimental packages for abb manipulators within ROS-Industrial.
Experimental packages for abb manipulators within ROS-Industrial.
1 2017-01-17 idolink_node
This package provides a driver to interface with the Idolink UWB RTLS. It allows reading the distance to the different anchors installed in the environment and publishing the information using the range_msgs::P2PRange message.
This package provides a driver to interface with the Idolink UWB RTLS. It allows reading the distance to the different anchors installed in the environment and publishing the information using the range_msgs::P2PRange message.
1 2017-01-12 yujin_ocs
Yujin Robot's open-source control software
Yujin Robot's open-source control software
1 2017-01-12 yocs_waypoints_navi
Simple tool for waypoints navigation with two functions:
Simple tool for waypoints navigation with two functions:
1 2017-01-12 yocs_waypoint_provider
Parse a multiple poses from yaml and provide as topic and service. This package is highly inspired by yocs_waypoints_navi
Parse a multiple poses from yaml and provide as topic and service. This package is highly inspired by yocs_waypoints_navi
1 2017-01-12 yocs_virtual_sensor
Virtual sensor that uses semantic map information to "see" obstacles undetectable by robot sensors. Current implementation cannot read obstacles from YAML files. Until this feature gets implemented, we use auxiliary scripts to read and publish files' content. Data directory contains some example files.
Virtual sensor that uses semantic map information to "see" obstacles undetectable by robot sensors. Current implementation cannot read obstacles from YAML files. Until this feature gets implemented, we use auxiliary scripts to read and publish files' content. Data directory contains some example files.
1 2017-01-12 yocs_velocity_smoother
Bound incoming velocity messages according to robot velocity and acceleration limits.
Bound incoming velocity messages according to robot velocity and acceleration limits.
1 2017-01-12 yocs_safety_controller
A controller ensuring the safe operation of your robot. The SafetyController listens to ranger readings in order to stop (and move back), if obstacles get to close. This controller can be enabled/disabled.
A controller ensuring the safe operation of your robot. The SafetyController listens to ranger readings in order to stop (and move back), if obstacles get to close. This controller can be enabled/disabled.
1 2017-01-12 yocs_rapps
Yujin open control system rapps for use with the app manager and rocon concert
Yujin open control system rapps for use with the app manager and rocon concert
1 2017-01-12 yocs_navigator
Navigation module for robots
Navigation module for robots
1 2017-01-12 yocs_math_toolkit
Math toolkit for Yujin open control system. This package is intended to contain common use functions, mostly for simple mathematics but also for tf-related conversions. By no means it pretends to be an efficient and robust, widely used math library, but a play ground where to put common code that is typically repeated in many robot control programs.
Math toolkit for Yujin open control system. This package is intended to contain common use functions, mostly for simple mathematics but also for tf-related conversions. By no means it pretends to be an efficient and robust, widely used math library, but a play ground where to put common code that is typically repeated in many robot control programs.
1 2017-01-12 yocs_localization_manager
Localization Manager helps to localize robot's position with annotated information
Localization Manager helps to localize robot's position with annotated information
1 2017-01-12 yocs_keyop
Keyboard teleoperation for your robot
Keyboard teleoperation for your robot
1 2017-01-12 yocs_joyop
Joystick teleoperation for your robot robot core
Joystick teleoperation for your robot robot core
1 2017-01-12 yocs_diff_drive_pose_controller
A controller for driving a differential drive base to a pose goal or along a path specified by multiple poses. A pose consists of a 2D position (x,y) and a 1D orientation (theta).
A controller for driving a differential drive base to a pose goal or along a path specified by multiple poses. A pose consists of a 2D position (x,y) and a 1D orientation (theta).
1 2017-01-12 yocs_controllers
Library for various controller types and algorithms
Library for various controller types and algorithms
1 2017-01-12 yocs_cmd_vel_mux
A multiplexer for command velocity inputs. Arbitrates incoming cmd_vel messages from several topics, allowing one topic at a time to command the robot, based on priorities. It also deallocates current allowed topic if no messages are received after a configured timeout. All topics, together with their priority and timeout are configured through a YAML file, that can be reload at runtime.
A multiplexer for command velocity inputs. Arbitrates incoming cmd_vel messages from several topics, allowing one topic at a time to command the robot, based on priorities. It also deallocates current allowed topic if no messages are received after a configured timeout. All topics, together with their priority and timeout are configured through a YAML file, that can be reload at runtime.
1 2017-01-12 yocs_ar_pair_tracking
The AR pair tracking package
The AR pair tracking package
1 2017-01-12 yocs_ar_pair_approach
Search and approach behaviour, moving to a target in front of a pair of ar markers.
Search and approach behaviour, moving to a target in front of a pair of ar markers.
1 2017-01-12 yocs_ar_marker_tracking
Collecting, tracking and generating statistics for ar markers from ar_track_alvar.
Collecting, tracking and generating statistics for ar markers from ar_track_alvar.
1 2017-01-11 carl_moveit
MoveIt! Configuration and ROS Interface for CARL
MoveIt! Configuration and ROS Interface for CARL
1 2016-12-26 rocon_rosjava_core
Rocon related libraries in rosjava.
Rocon related libraries in rosjava.
1 2016-12-23 remote_monitor
The remonot monitor package
The remonot monitor package
1 2016-12-23 lower_step_detector
The lower_step_detector package
The lower_step_detector package
1 2016-12-23 dji_sdk_web_groundstation
The dji_sdk_web_groundstation package
The dji_sdk_web_groundstation package
1 2016-12-23 dji_sdk_lib
The dji_sdk_lib package
The dji_sdk_lib package
1 2016-12-23 dji_sdk_dji2mav
The dji_sdk_dji2mav package
The dji_sdk_dji2mav package
1 2016-12-23 dji_sdk_demo
The dji_sdk_demo package
The dji_sdk_demo package
1 2016-12-23 dji_sdk
A ROS package using DJI Onboard SDK.
A ROS package using DJI Onboard SDK.
1 2016-12-23 cirkit_unit03_simulator
This package provides packages for cirkit_unit03_simulator.
This package provides packages for cirkit_unit03_simulator.
1 2016-12-23 cirkit_unit03_robot
This package provides packages for cirkit_unit03_robot.
This package provides packages for cirkit_unit03_robot.
1 2016-12-23 cirkit_unit03_navigation
Metapackage for Navigation of CIR-KIT-Unit03.
Metapackage for Navigation of CIR-KIT-Unit03.
1 2016-12-23 cirkit_unit03_move_base
The move_base package for CIR-KIT-Unit03.
The move_base package for CIR-KIT-Unit03.
1 2016-12-23 cirkit_unit03_maps
The map package for CIR-KIT-Unit03.
The map package for CIR-KIT-Unit03.
1 2016-12-23 cirkit_unit03_gmapping
The gmapping packege for gmapping
The gmapping packege for gmapping
1 2016-12-23 cirkit_unit03_gazebo
The cirkit_unit03_gazebo package
The cirkit_unit03_gazebo package
1 2016-12-23 cirkit_unit03_driver
The cirkit_unit03_driver package
The cirkit_unit03_driver package
1 2016-12-23 cirkit_unit03_description
The cirkit_unit03_description package
The cirkit_unit03_description package
1 2016-12-23 cirkit_unit03_control
The cirkit_unit03_control package
The cirkit_unit03_control package
1 2016-12-23 cirkit_unit03_common
This package provides packages for cirkit_unit03_common.
This package provides packages for cirkit_unit03_common.
1 2016-12-23 cirkit_unit03_bringup
The cirkit_unit03_bringup package
The cirkit_unit03_bringup package
1 2016-12-23 cirkit_unit03_base
The cirkit_unit03_base package
The cirkit_unit03_base package
1 2016-12-23 cirkit_unit03_amcl
The amcl package for CIR-KIT-Unit03
The amcl package for CIR-KIT-Unit03
1 2016-12-21 turtlebot_exploration_3d
Autonomous Exploration package for a Turtulebot equiped with RGBD Sensor(Kinect, Xtion)
Autonomous Exploration package for a Turtulebot equiped with RGBD Sensor(Kinect, Xtion)
1 2016-12-19 zeroconf_jmdns_suite
An implementation of zeroconf in pure java.
An implementation of zeroconf in pure java.
2 2016-12-19 nmea_comms
The nmea_comms package provides helper nodes for transmitting and receiving the NMEA sentences.
The nmea_comms package provides helper nodes for transmitting and receiving the NMEA sentences.
1 2016-12-19 android_extras
Various additional and useful general packages, but not core.
Various additional and useful general packages, but not core.
1 2016-12-18 rosjava
This is a meta package for the official rosjava repositories.
This is a meta package for the official rosjava repositories.
1 2016-12-15 nmea_navsat_driver
Package to parse NMEA strings and publish a very simple GPS message. Does not require the GPSD deamon.
Package to parse NMEA strings and publish a very simple GPS message. Does not require the GPSD deamon.
1 2016-12-12 summit_x_sim_bringup
Launch files for Summit-X simulation.
Launch files for Summit-X simulation.
1 2016-12-12 summit_x_sim
The summit_x_sim metapackage
The summit_x_sim metapackage
1 2016-12-12 summit_x_robot_control
Control the robot joints in all kinematic configurations, publishes odom topic and, if configured, also tf odom to base_link. Usually takes as input joystick commands and generates as outputs references for the gazebo controllers defined in summit_xl_control.
Control the robot joints in all kinematic configurations, publishes odom topic and, if configured, also tf odom to base_link. Usually takes as input joystick commands and generates as outputs references for the gazebo controllers defined in summit_xl_control.
1 2016-12-12 summit_x_gazebo
Launch files and world files to start the models in gazebo
Launch files and world files to start the models in gazebo
1 2016-12-12 summit_x_control
This package contains the launch files that load the required controller interfaces for simulation in Gazebo.
This package contains the launch files that load the required controller interfaces for simulation in Gazebo.
1 2016-12-12 rosjava_messages
Message generation for rosjava.
Message generation for rosjava.
1 2016-12-07 ardrone_autonomy
ardrone_autonomy is a ROS driver for Parrot AR-Drone 1.0 and 2.0 quadrocopters. This driver is based on official AR-Drone SDK version 2.0.1.
ardrone_autonomy is a ROS driver for Parrot AR-Drone 1.0 and 2.0 quadrocopters. This driver is based on official AR-Drone SDK version 2.0.1.
1 2016-12-02 ximea_camera
ROS drivers for the ximea xiQ USB 3.0 Cameras
ROS drivers for the ximea xiQ USB 3.0 Cameras
1 2016-11-29 robotiq_s_model_visualization
1 2016-11-29 robotiq_s_model_control
Package to control a S-Model Gripper from Robotiq inc.
Package to control a S-Model Gripper from Robotiq inc.
1 2016-11-29 robotiq_s_model_articulated_msgs
Messages for the robotiq_s_model_articulated model.
Messages for the robotiq_s_model_articulated model.
1 2016-11-29 robotiq_s_model_articulated_gazebo_plugins
The Robotiq gripper gazebo plugins package. Mainly a port from drcsim, to allow real Robotiq gripper control and the plugin to have it work in Gazebo simulation. This package will provide the same interface to the gripper as one would have if they were interfacing with hardware. Porting code from software to reality should be seamless with this ROS interface now.
The Robotiq gripper gazebo plugins package. Mainly a port from drcsim, to allow real Robotiq gripper control and the plugin to have it work in Gazebo simulation. This package will provide the same interface to the gripper as one would have if they were interfacing with hardware. Porting code from software to reality should be seamless with this ROS interface now.
1 2016-11-29 robotiq_s_model_articulated_gazebo
Launch files for spawning the Robotiq s-model articulated gripper
Launch files for spawning the Robotiq s-model articulated gripper
1 2016-11-29 robotiq_modbus_tcp
A stack to communicate with Robotiq grippers using the Modbus TCP protocol
A stack to communicate with Robotiq grippers using the Modbus TCP protocol
1 2016-11-29 robotiq_modbus_rtu
A stack to communicate with Robotiq grippers using the Modbus RTU protocol
A stack to communicate with Robotiq grippers using the Modbus RTU protocol
1 2016-11-29 robotiq_joint_state_publisher
Publishes joint states of Robotiq gripper
Publishes joint states of Robotiq gripper
1 2016-11-29 robotiq_force_torque_sensor
Package for reading data from a Robotiq Force Torque Sensor
Package for reading data from a Robotiq Force Torque Sensor
1 2016-11-29 robotiq_ethercat
1 2016-11-29 robotiq_c_model_control
Package to control a C-Model Gripper from Robotiq inc.
Package to control a C-Model Gripper from Robotiq inc.
1 2016-11-29 robotiq_c2_model_visualization
1 2016-11-29 robotiq_action_server
1 2016-11-29 robotiq
ROS drivers for Robotiq Adaptive Grippers and Robotiq Force Torque Sensor
ROS drivers for Robotiq Adaptive Grippers and Robotiq Force Torque Sensor
1 2016-11-26 ocl
Orocos component library This package contains standard components for the Orocos Toolchain
Orocos component library This package contains standard components for the Orocos Toolchain
1 2016-11-24 fzi_icl_comm
The fzi_icl_comm package
The fzi_icl_comm package
1 2016-11-23 fiducials
The fiducials package
The fiducials package
1 2016-11-23 fiducial_slam
Hercules sensor fusion exploration
Hercules sensor fusion exploration
1 2016-11-23 fiducial_pose
ROS node to estimate 3D pose with RosbustPlanarPose
ROS node to estimate 3D pose with RosbustPlanarPose
1 2016-11-23 fiducial_lib
The fiducials package
The fiducials package
1 2016-11-23 fiducial_detect
The fiducials_ros package
The fiducials_ros package
1 2016-11-22 simple_voice
The simple_voice package
The simple_voice package
1 2016-11-15 wpi_jaco_wrapper
ROS Wrapper for the JACO Arm Developed at WPI
ROS Wrapper for the JACO Arm Developed at WPI
1 2016-11-15 wpi_jaco_msgs
Messages Used with the JACO Arm
Messages Used with the JACO Arm
1 2016-11-15 wpi_jaco
Metapackage for the ROS Packages for the JACO Arm Developed at WPI
Metapackage for the ROS Packages for the JACO Arm Developed at WPI
1 2016-11-15 moveit_msgs
Messages, services and actions used by MoveIt
Messages, services and actions used by MoveIt
1 2016-11-15 mico_moveit_config
An automatically generated package with all the configuration and launch files for using the mico with the MoveIt Motion Planning Framework
An automatically generated package with all the configuration and launch files for using the mico with the MoveIt Motion Planning Framework
1 2016-11-15 mico_description
3D Model and URDF of the Kinova MICO Arm
3D Model and URDF of the Kinova MICO Arm
1 2016-11-15 jaco_teleop
Various Nodes for Teleoperating the JACO Arm
Various Nodes for Teleoperating the JACO Arm
1 2016-11-15 jaco_sdk
JACO Software SDK and API
JACO Software SDK and API
1 2016-11-15 jaco_moveit_config
An automatically generated package with all the configuration and launch files for using the jaco with the MoveIt Motion Planning Framework
An automatically generated package with all the configuration and launch files for using the jaco with the MoveIt Motion Planning Framework
1 2016-11-15 jaco_interaction
Interactive manipulation with the JACO Arm
Interactive manipulation with the JACO Arm
1 2016-11-15 jaco_description
3D Model and URDF of the Kinova JACO Arm
3D Model and URDF of the Kinova JACO Arm
1 2016-11-12 micros_rtt
The micros_rtt package
The micros_rtt package
1 2016-11-12 korg_nanokontrol
ROS driver to use the Korg NanoKontrol MIDI device as a joystick.
ROS driver to use the Korg NanoKontrol MIDI device as a joystick.
2 2016-11-09 kobuki_testsuite
Kobuki test suite: this package provides tools to thoroughly test Kobuki's hardware.
Kobuki test suite: this package provides tools to thoroughly test Kobuki's hardware.
2 2016-11-09 kobuki_safety_controller
A controller ensuring the safe operation of Kobuki. The SafetyController keeps track of bumper, cliff and wheel drop events. In case of the first two, Kobuki is commanded to move back. In the latter case, Kobuki is stopped. This controller can be enabled/disabled. The safety states (bumper pressed etc.) can be reset. WARNING: Dangerous!
A controller ensuring the safe operation of Kobuki. The SafetyController keeps track of bumper, cliff and wheel drop events. In case of the first two, Kobuki is commanded to move back. In the latter case, Kobuki is stopped. This controller can be enabled/disabled. The safety states (bumper pressed etc.) can be reset. WARNING: Dangerous!
1 2016-11-09 kobuki_rapps
Robot apps for Kobuki
Robot apps for Kobuki
2 2016-11-09 kobuki_random_walker
Random walker app for Kobuki
Random walker app for Kobuki
2 2016-11-09 kobuki_node
ROS nodelet for Kobuki: ROS wrapper for the Kobuki driver.
ROS nodelet for Kobuki: ROS wrapper for the Kobuki driver.
2 2016-11-09 kobuki_keyop
Keyboard teleoperation for Kobuki: relays commands from a keyboard to Kobuki.
Keyboard teleoperation for Kobuki: relays commands from a keyboard to Kobuki.
2 2016-11-09 kobuki_ftdi
Utilities for flashing and enabling Kobuki's USB connection. This package contains tools for flashing the Kobuki's FTDI chip (usually done at the factory). The special firmware for the FTDI chip (USB to serial converter) enables it to appear as /dev/kobuki on the user's PC.
Utilities for flashing and enabling Kobuki's USB connection. This package contains tools for flashing the Kobuki's FTDI chip (usually done at the factory). The special firmware for the FTDI chip (USB to serial converter) enables it to appear as /dev/kobuki on the user's PC.
2 2016-11-09 kobuki_driver
C++ driver library for Kobuki: Pure C++ driver library for Kobuki. This is for those who do not wish to use ROS on their systems.
C++ driver library for Kobuki: Pure C++ driver library for Kobuki. This is for those who do not wish to use ROS on their systems.
2 2016-11-09 kobuki_dock_drive
Dock driving library for Kobuki. Users owning a docking station for Kobuki can use this tool to develop autonomous docking drive algorithms.
Dock driving library for Kobuki. Users owning a docking station for Kobuki can use this tool to develop autonomous docking drive algorithms.
2 2016-11-09 kobuki_description
Description of the Kobuki model. Provides the model description of Kobuki for simulation and visualisation. The files in this package are parsed and used by a variety of other components. Most users will not interact directly with this package. WARNING: This package is disabled because it cannot be catkinized by now, as xacro dependency is not catkin still. In the interim we use a unary pre-catkin stack named kobuki_description.
Description of the Kobuki model. Provides the model description of Kobuki for simulation and visualisation. The files in this package are parsed and used by a variety of other components. Most users will not interact directly with this package. WARNING: This package is disabled because it cannot be catkinized by now, as xacro dependency is not catkin still. In the interim we use a unary pre-catkin stack named kobuki_description.
2 2016-11-09 kobuki_core
Non-ROS software for Kobuki, Yujin Robot's mobile research base.
Non-ROS software for Kobuki, Yujin Robot's mobile research base.
2 2016-11-09 kobuki_controller_tutorial
Code for the Kobuki controller tutorial.
Code for the Kobuki controller tutorial.
1 2016-11-09 kobuki_capabilities
Kobuki's capabilities
Kobuki's capabilities
2 2016-11-09 kobuki_bumper2pc
Bumper/cliff to pointcloud nodelet: Publish bumpers and cliff sensors events as points in a pointcloud, so navistack can use them for poor-man navigation. Implemented as a nodelet intended to run together with kobuki_node.
Bumper/cliff to pointcloud nodelet: Publish bumpers and cliff sensors events as points in a pointcloud, so navistack can use them for poor-man navigation. Implemented as a nodelet intended to run together with kobuki_node.
2 2016-11-09 kobuki_auto_docking
Automatic docking for Kobuki: Users owning a docking station for Kobuki can use this tool to let Kobuki find its nest autonomously.
Automatic docking for Kobuki: Users owning a docking station for Kobuki can use this tool to let Kobuki find its nest autonomously.
1 2016-11-09 kobuki
Software for Kobuki, Yujin Robot's mobile research base.
Software for Kobuki, Yujin Robot's mobile research base.
1 2016-11-09 ecl_navigation
This stack aims to bring the common tools and algorithms needed to develop navigation algorithms, in particular slam. It does not focus on the end-point solution, rather the tools needed to create a variety of end-point solutions.
This stack aims to bring the common tools and algorithms needed to develop navigation algorithms, in particular slam. It does not focus on the end-point solution, rather the tools needed to create a variety of end-point solutions.
2 2016-11-09 ecl_mobile_robot
Contains transforms (e.g. differential drive inverse kinematics) for the various types of mobile robot platforms.
Contains transforms (e.g. differential drive inverse kinematics) for the various types of mobile robot platforms.
1 2016-11-07 viodom
Visual odometry package, currently supporting stereo camera + IMU
Visual odometry package, currently supporting stereo camera + IMU
2 2016-11-07 pyros_test
Basic test nodes for Pyros dynamic ROS interface
Basic test nodes for Pyros dynamic ROS interface
1 2016-10-31 moveit_simple_grasps
A basic grasp generator for simple objects such as blocks or cylinders for use with the MoveIt! pick and place pipeline. Does not consider friction cones or other dynamics.
A basic grasp generator for simple objects such as blocks or cylinders for use with the MoveIt! pick and place pipeline. Does not consider friction cones or other dynamics.
1 2016-10-28 artoolkit
Artoolkit Library (wrapper)
Artoolkit Library (wrapper)
1 2016-10-28 ar_tools
This metapackage contains tools for using ARToolkit within ROS.
This metapackage contains tools for using ARToolkit within ROS.
1 2016-10-28 ar_pose
Augmented Reality Marker Pose Estimation using ARToolkit
Augmented Reality Marker Pose Estimation using ARToolkit
2 2016-10-27 vrpn_client_ros
ROS client nodes for the
ROS client nodes for the
1 2016-10-27 pcl_msgs
Package containing PCL (Point Cloud Library)-related ROS messages.
Package containing PCL (Point Cloud Library)-related ROS messages.
3 2016-10-27 pcl_conversions
Provides conversions from PCL data types and ROS message types
Provides conversions from PCL data types and ROS message types
1 2016-10-24 phoxi_camera
The phoxi_camera package
The phoxi_camera package
1 2016-10-23 mm_radio
Multiplexing many packet types across a two-way radio connection with publishers and subscribers. Great for embedded connections by two-way serial or ethernet types.
Multiplexing many packet types across a two-way radio connection with publishers and subscribers. Great for embedded connections by two-way serial or ethernet types.
1 2016-10-23 mm_mux_demux
Multiplexing many packet types across a single connection. Great for embedded connections by serial or ethernet types.
Multiplexing many packet types across a single connection. Great for embedded connections by serial or ethernet types.
1 2016-10-23 mm_messages
Message definitions and serialisations for core messages.
Message definitions and serialisations for core messages.
1 2016-10-23 mm_eigen_msgs
Message definitions and serialisations for Eigen messages.
Message definitions and serialisations for Eigen messages.
1 2016-10-23 mm_core_msgs
Message definitions and serialisations for core messages.
Message definitions and serialisations for core messages.
1 2016-10-23 message_multiplexing
Lightweight communication patterns built on top of nanomsg for use in embedded scenarios where only a single socket connection is desirable.
Lightweight communication patterns built on top of nanomsg for use in embedded scenarios where only a single socket connection is desirable.
1 2016-10-19 micros_hopfield
A package for path planning
A package for path planning
1 2016-10-12 rocon
This is a meta package for robotics in concert(a.k.a rocon)
This is a meta package for robotics in concert(a.k.a rocon)
2 2016-10-11 pr2_msgs
Messages for representing PR2 state, such as battery information and the PR2 fingertip sensors.
Messages for representing PR2 state, such as battery information and the PR2 fingertip sensors.
2 2016-10-11 pr2_machine
This package contains the xxx.machine files that describe the different hosts a node can be spawned on. Currently there is one machine file for the pr2 robot, and one for the simulated pr2 robot.
This package contains the xxx.machine files that describe the different hosts a node can be spawned on. Currently there is one machine file for the pr2 robot, and one for the simulated pr2 robot.
2 2016-10-11 pr2_description
This package contains the description (mechanical, kinematic, visual, etc.) of the PR2 robot. The files in this package are parsed and used by a variety of other components. Most users will not interact directly with this package.
This package contains the description (mechanical, kinematic, visual, etc.) of the PR2 robot. The files in this package are parsed and used by a variety of other components. Most users will not interact directly with this package.
2 2016-10-11 pr2_dashboard_aggregator
A simple script that aggregates all of the topics that a "pr2_dashboard" app might be interested in.
A simple script that aggregates all of the topics that a "pr2_dashboard" app might be interested in.
2 2016-10-11 pr2_common
URDF description of the robot kinematics and dynamics, 3D models of robot components, information required for gazebo to simulate the PR2, and messages specific to the PR2 such as detailed information about its power board and fingertip pressure sensors.
URDF description of the robot kinematics and dynamics, 3D models of robot components, information required for gazebo to simulate the PR2, and messages specific to the PR2 such as detailed information about its power board and fingertip pressure sensors.
1 2016-10-09 bowpmap_ros
The bowpmap_ros package. It is a bag of word pairs based loop closure detection algorithm.
The bowpmap_ros package. It is a bag of word pairs based loop closure detection algorithm.
1 2016-10-03 warthog_viz
Visualization launchers and helpers for Warthog.
Visualization launchers and helpers for Warthog.
1 2016-10-03 warthog_desktop
Packages for working with Warthog from a ROS desktop.
Packages for working with Warthog from a ROS desktop.
1 2016-10-02 opencv_candidate
Experimental OpenCV functions
Experimental OpenCV functions
1 2016-10-01 visualization_rwt
1 2016-10-01 rwt_utils_3rdparty
The rwt_utils_3rdparty package
The rwt_utils_3rdparty package
1 2016-10-01 rwt_speech_recognition
The rwt_speech_recognition package
The rwt_speech_recognition package
1 2016-10-01 rwt_robot_monitor
The rwt_robot_monitor package
The rwt_robot_monitor package
1 2016-10-01 rwt_plot
1 2016-10-01 rwt_moveit
This package provides a web user interface of
This package provides a web user interface of
1 2016-10-01 rwt_image_view
The rwt_image_view package
The rwt_image_view package
1 2016-09-27 cv_detection
A package for UAV detection
A package for UAV detection
1 2016-09-20 twist_mux
Twist multiplexer, which multiplex several velocity commands (topics) and allows to priorize or disable them (locks).
Twist multiplexer, which multiplex several velocity commands (topics) and allows to priorize or disable them (locks).
1 2016-09-15 pepperl_fuchs_r2000
The Pepperl+Fuchs R2000 laser range finder driver package
The Pepperl+Fuchs R2000 laser range finder driver package
1 2016-09-15 dummy_slam_broadcaster
The dummy_slam_broadcaster package
The dummy_slam_broadcaster package
1 2016-09-14 tty0tty
Linux null modem emulator
Linux null modem emulator
1 2016-09-05 waypoint_touring
Tours around the waypoints
Tours around the waypoints
1 2016-09-05 waypoint_meta
Waypoint Meta package
Waypoint Meta package
1 2016-09-05 waypoint_generator
Generates waypoint yaml file
Generates waypoint yaml file
1 2016-09-01 wts_driver
The wts_driver package
The wts_driver package
1 2016-08-28 object_recognition_tabletop
A port of the old tabletop object recognition
A port of the old tabletop object recognition
1 2016-08-28 object_recognition_linemod
An object recognition pipeline that uses LINE-MOD from OpenCV
An object recognition pipeline that uses LINE-MOD from OpenCV
1 2016-08-27 smarthome_light_msgs
This package is Lighting message for ROS.
This package is Lighting message for ROS.
1 2016-08-27 object_recognition_ros
object_recognition_core contains tools to launch several recognition pipelines, train objects, store models ...
object_recognition_core contains tools to launch several recognition pipelines, train objects, store models ...


Name Description
2 ur_calibration
1 ur5e_moveit_config
1 ur5_e_moveit_config
1 ur3e_moveit_config
1 ur3_moveit_config
1 ur3_e_moveit_config
1 ur30_moveit_config
1 ur20_moveit_config
1 ur16e_moveit_config
1 ur10e_moveit_config
1 ur10_e_moveit_config
1 ur
1 universal_robots
1 unitree_ros
0 unitree_legged_real
0 unitree_legged_msgs
1 unique_identifier_msgs
2 undo_path_global_planner
1 underwater_vehicle_dynamics
1 underwater_sensor_msgs
2 uncrustify_vendor
1 uncrustify
0 uncalibrated_servoing_msgs
1 um7
1 ugv_random_walk
1 uga_tum_ardrone
1 uf_robot_moveit_config
0 ue_msgs
1 udp_msgs
1 udp_driver
1 udp_com
1 udp_bc_broker
1 ucla_linear_axis
1 ucl_drone_gui
1 ucl_drone
1 ubnt_airos_tools
1 ublox_ubx_msgs
1 ublox_ubx_interfaces
1 ublox_nav_sat_fix_hp_node
1 ublox_msg_filters
1 ublox_dgnss_node
1 ublox_dgnss
1 ubiquity_launches
1 uavcan_communicator
1 uavc_v4lctl
1 uav_simple_tracking
1 uav_random_direction
1 uav_optimal_coverage
1 uav_local_coverage
1 type_description_interfaces
1 twistimu
1 twist_stamper
1 twist_recovery
1 twist_controller
1 tvm_vendor
1 tuw_waypoint_to_spline_msgs
1 tuw_voronoi_graph
1 tuw_vehicle_msgs
1 tuw_uvc
1 tuw_rviz
1 tuw_object_rviz
1 tuw_object_msgs
1 tuw_object_map_msgs
1 tuw_nav_rviz
1 tuw_nav_msgs
1 tuw_multi_robot_rviz
1 tuw_multi_robot_router
1 tuw_multi_robot_msgs
1 tuw_multi_robot_local_behavior_controller
1 tuw_multi_robot_goal_generator
1 tuw_multi_robot_demo
1 tuw_multi_robot_ctrl
1 tuw_multi_robot
1 tuw_msgs
1 tuw_marker_slam
1 tuw_marker_server
1 tuw_marker_pose_estimation
1 tuw_marker_noise
1 tuw_marker_filter
1 tuw_marker_detection
1 tuw_local_controller_msgs
1 tuw_graph_msgs
1 tuw_geometry_rviz
1 tuw_geometry_msgs
1 tuw_geometry
1 tuw_gazebo_msgs
1 tuw_ellipses
1 tuw_control
1 tuw_checkerboard
1 tuw_aruco
1 tuw_airskin_msgs
1 turtlesim_dash_tutorial
1 turtlebot_stdr
1 turtlebot_stage
1 turtlebot_rapps
1 turtlebot_loadout_kha1
1 turtlebot_interactions
1 turtlebot_exploration_3d
1 turtlebot_concert
1 turtlebot_capabilities
1 turtlebot_arm_object_manipulation
1 turtlebot_arm_moveit_demos
1 turtlebot_arm_moveit_config
1 turtlebot_arm_kinect_calibration
1 turtlebot_arm_ikfast_plugin
1 turtlebot_arm_description
1 turtlebot_arm_bringup
1 turtlebot_arm_block_manipulation
1 turtlebot_arm
1 turtlebot4_viz
1 turtlebot4_tutorials
1 turtlebot4_tests
1 turtlebot4_simulator
1 turtlebot4_setup
1 turtlebot4_robot
1 turtlebot4_python_tutorials
1 turtlebot4_python_examples
1 turtlebot4_openai_tutorials
1 turtlebot4_node
1 turtlebot4_navigation
1 turtlebot4_msgs
1 turtlebot4_ignition_toolbox
1 turtlebot4_ignition_gui_plugins
1 turtlebot4_ignition_bringup
1 turtlebot4_examples
1 turtlebot4_diagnostics
1 turtlebot4_desktop
1 turtlebot4_description
1 turtlebot4_cpp_tutorials
1 turtlebot4_cpp_examples
1 turtlebot4_bringup
1 turtlebot4_base
1 turtlebot3_teleop
1 turtlebot3_slam
1 turtlebot3_simulations
1 turtlebot3_panorama
1 turtlebot3_node
1 turtlebot3_navigation2
1 turtlebot3_navigation
1 turtlebot3_msgs
1 turtlebot3_manipulation_teleop
1 turtlebot3_manipulation_navigation2
1 turtlebot3_manipulation_moveit_config
1 turtlebot3_manipulation_hardware
1 turtlebot3_manipulation_description
1 turtlebot3_manipulation_cartographer
1 turtlebot3_manipulation_bringup
1 turtlebot3_manipulation
1 turtlebot3_gazebo
1 turtlebot3_follower
1 turtlebot3_follow_filter
1 turtlebot3_fake_node
1 turtlebot3_fake
1 turtlebot3_example
1 turtlebot3_description
1 turtlebot3_cartographer
1 turtlebot3_bringup
1 turtlebot3_autorace_msgs
1 turtlebot3_autorace_driving
2 turtlebot3_autorace_detect
2 turtlebot3_autorace_core
1 turtlebot3_autorace_control
2 turtlebot3_autorace_camera
1 turtlebot3_autorace_2020
1 turtlebot3_autorace
1 turtlebot3_automatic_parking_vision
1 turtlebot3_automatic_parking
1 turtlebot3_applications_msgs
1 turtlebot3_applications
1 turtlebot3
1 turtlebot2_teleop
1 turtlebot2_follower
1 turtlebot2_drivers
1 turtlebot2_demo
1 turtlebot2_cartographer
1 turtlebot2_amcl
1 turtle_tf2_py
1 turtle_tf2_cpp
1 turtle_teleop_multi_key
1 turbojpeg_compressed_image_transport
1 tum_ardrone
1 tty0tty
1 tts_interfaces
2 tts
1 tsid
1 tricycle_steering_controller
1 tricycle_controller
1 transform_graph
1 trajectory_tracker_rviz_plugins
1 trajectory_tracker_msgs
1 trajectory_tracker
0 trajectory_execution_ros
0 trajectory_execution
1 traj_opt_ros
1 traj_opt_pro
1 traj_opt_msgs
1 traj_opt_basic
1 track_odometry
2 tracetools_trace
2 tracetools_test


Name Description
1 2019-07-15 choreo_task_sequence_processor
This package convert paths generated by choreo_task_sequence_planning into ros format for further process planning and visualization. It adds more information into the path: - add print table (visual and real) - add depth distance for near-pt (from user input) - add shrinked collision objects - add reset robot joint pose
This package convert paths generated by choreo_task_sequence_planning into ros format for further process planning and visualization. It adds more information into the path: - add print table (visual and real) - add depth distance for near-pt (from user input) - add shrinked collision objects - add reset robot joint pose
1 2019-07-15 choreo_task_sequence_planner
The choreo core package
The choreo core package
1 2019-07-15 choreo_task_sequence_external_planner
Python interface for external A.I. or constraint-based modeling packages and solvers behind them, e.g. Minizinc and stripstream.
Python interface for external A.I. or constraint-based modeling packages and solvers behind them, e.g. Minizinc and stripstream.
1 2019-07-15 choreo_simulation_execution
This package manages the execution of joint trajectories, send out action trajectories. Needs industrial_robot_simulator to take this generated action and finish the "execution". Note this package is robot-agnostic and has been tested in 6- and 7-dof industrial robot (from different vendors) trajectory execution streaming.
This package manages the execution of joint trajectories, send out action trajectories. Needs industrial_robot_simulator to take this generated action and finish the "execution". Note this package is robot-agnostic and has been tested in 6- and 7-dof industrial robot (from different vendors) trajectory execution streaming.
1 2019-07-15 choreo_rapidjson
rapidjson ros wrapper.
rapidjson ros wrapper.
1 2019-07-15 choreo_process_planning
The process planning package handles joint trajectory planning.
The process planning package handles joint trajectory planning.
1 2019-07-15 choreo_planning_capability
This package provides a unified assembly_type (capability) naming across various choreo packages.
This package provides a unified assembly_type (capability) naming across various choreo packages.
1 2019-07-15 choreo_param_helpers
This package implements routines for loading, saving, and checking for the existence of user parameters. This package should work with only "include".
This package implements routines for loading, saving, and checking for the existence of user parameters. This package should work with only "include".
1 2019-07-15 choreo_output_processor
This package converts computed plans to a customized json format that enables micro-path modifications and IO commands synchronization on any preferred programming platform downstream.
This package converts computed plans to a customized json format that enables micro-path modifications and IO commands synchronization on any preferred programming platform downstream.
1 2019-07-15 choreo_msgs
This package contains all the messages, services, and actions used in the Choreo framework to enable communications between nodes.
This package contains all the messages, services, and actions used in the Choreo framework to enable communications between nodes.
1 2019-07-15 choreo_kr5_arc_workspace_moveit_config
An automatically generated package with all the configuration and launch files for using the choreo_kr5_arc_workspace with the MoveIt! Motion Planning Framework
An automatically generated package with all the configuration and launch files for using the choreo_kr5_arc_workspace with the MoveIt! Motion Planning Framework
1 2019-07-15 choreo_kr5_arc_workspace_ikfast_rail_robot_manipulator_plugin
The choreo_kr5_arc_workspace_ikfast_rail_robot_manipulator_plugin package
The choreo_kr5_arc_workspace_ikfast_rail_robot_manipulator_plugin package
1 2019-07-15 choreo_kr5_arc_support
Support package for Choreo using KUKA KR5-arc with a linear track. Includes linking to eef and external linear axis files.
Support package for Choreo using KUKA KR5-arc with a linear track. Includes linking to eef and external linear axis files.
1 2019-07-15 choreo_kr150_2_workspace_moveit_config
An automatically generated package with all the configuration and launch files for using the choreo_kr150_2_workspace with the MoveIt! Motion Planning Framework
An automatically generated package with all the configuration and launch files for using the choreo_kr150_2_workspace with the MoveIt! Motion Planning Framework
1 2019-07-15 choreo_kr150_2_workspace_ikfast_rail_robot_manipulator_plugin
The choreo_kr150_2_workspace_ikfast_rail_robot_manipulator_plugin package
The choreo_kr150_2_workspace_ikfast_rail_robot_manipulator_plugin package
1 2019-07-15 choreo_kr150_2_support
Support package for Choreo using KUKA KR150_2 with a linear track. Includes linking to eef and external linear axis files.
Support package for Choreo using KUKA KR150_2 with a linear track. Includes linking to eef and external linear axis files.
1 2019-07-15 choreo_gui
The choreo_gui package presents an alternative front end for the choreo project that is focused on providing an easy to use, ATM-like interface for operating the system end to end.
The choreo_gui package presents an alternative front end for the choreo project that is focused on providing an easy to use, ATM-like interface for operating the system end to end.
1 2019-07-15 choreo_geometry_conversion_helpers
Helper functions for converting geometry data for Choreo, e.g. eigen composition or msg conversion
Helper functions for converting geometry data for Choreo, e.g. eigen composition or msg conversion
1 2019-07-15 choreo_execution_gatekeeper
This package is responsible for the execution of process plans generated from core service clients. Currently it can stream generated trajectory from choreo to down stream trajectory simulation packages and at the moment vendor- and dof- agnostic. It has potential to be further connected to online control system, but might need more vendor-specific settings.
This package is responsible for the execution of process plans generated from core service clients. Currently it can stream generated trajectory from choreo to down stream trajectory simulation packages and at the moment vendor- and dof- agnostic. It has potential to be further connected to online control system, but might need more vendor-specific settings.
1 2019-07-15 choreo_descartes_planner
This package extends descartes planning package's ability to search joint path on a much larger ladder graph, by using sparse representation sparse ladder graph and run RRT* on this sparse graph. Then the sparse graph is extended back to ladder graph and run shortest path on it. This package is a part of the choreo assembly planning framework and contains several assembly application-dependent helper functions.
This package extends descartes planning package's ability to search joint path on a much larger ladder graph, by using sparse representation sparse ladder graph and run RRT* on this sparse graph. Then the sparse graph is extended back to ladder graph and run shortest path on it. This package is a part of the choreo assembly planning framework and contains several assembly application-dependent helper functions.
1 2019-07-15 choreo_core
this package is the central monitoring node that connects Choreo's specialized packages together. It receives requests from UI package and dispatch / receive computation request to responsible packages.
this package is the central monitoring node that connects Choreo's specialized packages together. It receives requests from UI package and dispatch / receive computation request to responsible packages.
1 2019-07-15 choreo
The choreo metapackage
The choreo metapackage
1 2019-07-15 asw_material_feeder
URDF robot description model for asw 3D printing material feeder rack.
URDF robot description model for asw 3D printing material feeder rack.
1 2019-07-15 asw_end_effector
URDF robot description model for asw 3D printing end effector. Original designer of the end effector: Lei Yu ( Fabricator: Lei Yu, Yanxin Wang, Yijiang Huang.
URDF robot description model for asw 3D printing end effector. Original designer of the end effector: Lei Yu ( Fabricator: Lei Yu, Yanxin Wang, Yijiang Huang.
1 2019-07-09 packml_stacklight
ROS node to bridge packxml state machine and digital output
ROS node to bridge packxml state machine and digital output
1 2019-07-09 packml_sm
Packml state machine
Packml state machine
1 2019-07-09 packml_ros
ROS wrapper around packml state machine
ROS wrapper around packml state machine
1 2019-07-09 packml_msgs
Packml messages
Packml messages
1 2019-07-09 packml_gui
GUI for packml control/display
GUI for packml control/display
2 2019-07-04 xbot_navi
The xbot_navi package
The xbot_navi package
2 2019-07-04 xbot_face
The xbot_face package
The xbot_face package
1 2019-07-04 pipeline_planner
The pipeline_planner package
The pipeline_planner package
1 2019-07-03 teb_local_planner_tutorials
The teb_local_planner_tutorials package
The teb_local_planner_tutorials package
1 2019-07-02 microstrain_3dmgx2_imu
A driver for IMUs compatible the microstrain 3DM-GX2 and 3DM-GX3 protocol. Includes a heavily modified standalone driver pulled from the player distribution, and a ROS node.
A driver for IMUs compatible the microstrain 3DM-GX2 and 3DM-GX3 protocol. Includes a heavily modified standalone driver pulled from the player distribution, and a ROS node.
1 2019-06-27 laser_assembler
Provides nodes to assemble point clouds from either LaserScan or PointCloud messages
Provides nodes to assemble point clouds from either LaserScan or PointCloud messages
1 2019-06-17 asr_ftc_local_planner
A local planner which based on the "follow the carrot" algorithm. Drives accurate along the global plan
A local planner which based on the "follow the carrot" algorithm. Drives accurate along the global plan
1 2019-06-17 abseil_cpp
The abseil_cpp package
The abseil_cpp package
1 2019-06-16 eca_a9_gazebo
Package with launch files for demonstrations with the ECA A9 AUV
Package with launch files for demonstrations with the ECA A9 AUV
1 2019-06-16 eca_a9_description
Robot description for the ECA A9 AUV
Robot description for the ECA A9 AUV
1 2019-06-16 eca_a9_control
Configuration and launch files to control the ECA A9 AUV
Configuration and launch files to control the ECA A9 AUV
1 2019-06-06 ubiquity_motor
Provides a ROS interface to Ubiquity Robotics Magni motor controllers
Provides a ROS interface to Ubiquity Robotics Magni motor controllers
1 2019-06-05 web_video_server
HTTP Streaming of ROS Image Topics in Multiple Formats
HTTP Streaming of ROS Image Topics in Multiple Formats
1 2019-06-04 find_moving_objects
Find moving objects based on a laser scan or point cloud data stream.
Find moving objects based on a laser scan or point cloud data stream.
1 2019-06-04 demo_pioneer
Shows how to implement visual servoing schemes in order to control a Pioneer robot.
Shows how to implement visual servoing schemes in order to control a Pioneer robot.
1 2019-05-20 simple_drive
A simple robot drive system that includes skid steering joystick teleoperation, control of a panning servo to look around the robot, and Arduino firmware.
A simple robot drive system that includes skid steering joystick teleoperation, control of a panning servo to look around the robot, and Arduino firmware.
1 2019-05-17 cnn_bridge
The cnn_bridge package take freeze graphs and publishes them as ROS messages
The cnn_bridge package take freeze graphs and publishes them as ROS messages
1 2019-05-08 multiwii
The multiwii package
The multiwii package
1 2019-05-07 jog_arm
Provides real-time manipulator cartesian jogging.
Provides real-time manipulator cartesian jogging.
1 2019-05-06 jointstick
Move any joint with any controller!
Move any joint with any controller!
1 2019-05-06 hector_timestamp_alignment
The hector_timestamp_alignment package
The hector_timestamp_alignment package
1 2019-05-06 hector_path_follower
hector_path_follower provides a node that publishes Twist messages, following a path. Based on the pose_follower package
hector_path_follower provides a node that publishes Twist messages, following a path. Based on the pose_follower package
1 2019-05-06 hector_gps_calibration
The hector_gps_calibration package
The hector_gps_calibration package
1 2019-05-06 hector_exploration_planner
hector_exploration_planner is a planner that can both plan paths to goal points and generate goals to explore unknown environments
hector_exploration_planner is a planner that can both plan paths to goal points and generate goals to explore unknown environments
1 2019-05-06 hector_exploration_node
hector_exploration_node is a node that provides exploration plans via a service server
hector_exploration_node is a node that provides exploration plans via a service server
1 2019-05-06 hector_exploration_controller
hector_exploration_controller is a simple controller that requests a plan via a service and generates geometry_msgs/Twist commands accordingly to follow this plan
hector_exploration_controller is a simple controller that requests a plan via a service and generates geometry_msgs/Twist commands accordingly to follow this plan
1 2019-05-06 hector_elevation_visualization
The hector_elevation_visualization package
The hector_elevation_visualization package
1 2019-05-06 hector_elevation_msgs
The hector_elevation_msgs package contains messages for hector_elevation_mapping and hector_elevation_visualization packages.
The hector_elevation_msgs package contains messages for hector_elevation_mapping and hector_elevation_visualization packages.
1 2019-05-06 hector_elevation_mapping
hector_elevation_mapping advertises pointclouds and generates a local and/or global 2.5D elevation map
hector_elevation_mapping advertises pointclouds and generates a local and/or global 2.5D elevation map
1 2019-05-06 hector_driving_aid_markers
The hector_driving_aid_markers package
The hector_driving_aid_markers package
1 2019-05-06 hector_costmap
hector_costmap provides a 2D occupancy grid map containing all untraversable obstacles. It fuses 2.5D elevation map (provided by hector_elevation_mapping) with the 2D occupancy grid map (provided by hector_slam) for calculating the 2D costmap
hector_costmap provides a 2D occupancy grid map containing all untraversable obstacles. It fuses 2.5D elevation map (provided by hector_elevation_mapping) with the 2D occupancy grid map (provided by hector_slam) for calculating the 2D costmap
1 2019-05-04 sicktoolbox_wrapper
sicktoolbox_wrapper is a ROS wrapper for the outstanding
sicktoolbox_wrapper is a ROS wrapper for the outstanding
1 2019-04-30 node_manager_fkie
Graphical interface, written in PySide, to manage the running and configured ROS nodes on different hosts. For discovering the running ROS master master_discovery node will be used.
Graphical interface, written in PySide, to manage the running and configured ROS nodes on different hosts. For discovering the running ROS master master_discovery node will be used.
1 2019-04-30 multimaster_msgs_fkie
The messages required by multimaster packages.
The messages required by multimaster packages.
1 2019-04-30 multimaster_fkie
The metapackage to combine the nodes required to establish and manage a multimaster network. This requires no or minimal configuration. The changes are automatically detected and synchronized.
The metapackage to combine the nodes required to establish and manage a multimaster network. This requires no or minimal configuration. The changes are automatically detected and synchronized.
1 2019-04-30 master_sync_fkie
Synchronize the local ROS master to the remote masters discovered by master_discovery_fkie node. The registration of topics and services is only perform by local ROS master.
Synchronize the local ROS master to the remote masters discovered by master_discovery_fkie node. The registration of topics and services is only perform by local ROS master.
1 2019-04-30 master_discovery_fkie
Discover the running ROS Masters in local network. The discovering is done by sending an echo heartbeat messages to a defined multicast group. The alternative is to use a zeroconf/avahi daemon to register the ROS master as service and discover other ROS masters.
Discover the running ROS Masters in local network. The discovering is done by sending an echo heartbeat messages to a defined multicast group. The alternative is to use a zeroconf/avahi daemon to register the ROS master as service and discover other ROS masters.
1 2019-04-30 default_cfg_fkie
The configuration node loads a given launch configuration and offers services to list or start the contained nodes. It provides additional description extracted from launch file. This is used by node_manager_fkie.
The configuration node loads a given launch configuration and offers services to list or start the contained nodes. It provides additional description extracted from launch file. This is used by node_manager_fkie.
1 2019-04-29 nonpersistent_voxel_layer
include This package provides an implementation of a 3D costmap that takes in sensor data from the world, builds a 3D occupancy grid of the data for only one iteration.
include This package provides an implementation of a 3D costmap that takes in sensor data from the world, builds a 3D occupancy grid of the data for only one iteration.
1 2019-04-26 uuv_plume_simulator
Plume simulator package
Plume simulator package
1 2019-04-26 uuv_plume_msgs
Plume simulator messages and services package.
Plume simulator messages and services package.
1 2019-04-26 uuv_cpc_sensor
The uuv_cpc_sensor package
The uuv_cpc_sensor package
1 2019-04-26 lauv_gazebo
Sample launch files to start a simulated LAUV in Gazebo.
Sample launch files to start a simulated LAUV in Gazebo.
1 2019-04-26 lauv_description
Robot description files for the LAUV.
Robot description files for the LAUV.
1 2019-04-26 lauv_control
Collection of configuration and launch files to start controllers for the LAUV.
Collection of configuration and launch files to start controllers for the LAUV.
1 2019-04-26 desistek_saga_gazebo
Package with launch files for demonstrations with the Desistek SAGA ROV underwater vehicle
Package with launch files for demonstrations with the Desistek SAGA ROV underwater vehicle
1 2019-04-26 desistek_saga_description
The robot description files for the Desistek SAGA ROV underwater vehicle
The robot description files for the Desistek SAGA ROV underwater vehicle
1 2019-04-26 desistek_saga_control
Configuration and launch files to control the Desistek SAGA ROV
Configuration and launch files to control the Desistek SAGA ROV
1 2019-04-24 rosjava_extras
Extra packages for rosjava_core
Extra packages for rosjava_core
1 2019-04-16 strain_gauge_calibration
The strain_gauge_calibration package
The strain_gauge_calibration package
1 2019-04-16 sr_tools
This metapackage contains more advanced tools that might be needed in specific use cases.
This metapackage contains more advanced tools that might be needed in specific use cases.
2 2019-04-16 sr_movements
Contains a node which can be used to take the hand through a series of movements (perfect for tuning controllers for example).
Contains a node which can be used to take the hand through a series of movements (perfect for tuning controllers for example).
1 2019-04-16 sr_grasp_stability
A grasp stability package
A grasp stability package
1 2019-04-16 sr_grasp_fast_planner
The sr_grasp_fast_planner package
The sr_grasp_fast_planner package
1 2019-04-16 sr_3dmouse
The sr_3dmouse package
The sr_3dmouse package
1 2019-04-10 rosjava_core
An implementation of ROS in pure-Java with Android support.
An implementation of ROS in pure-Java with Android support.
1 2019-04-04 codec_image_transport
The codec_image_transport package
The codec_image_transport package
1 2019-04-02 pr2_navigation_apps
The pr2_navigation_apps package
The pr2_navigation_apps package
1 2019-04-02 pr2_2dnav_slam
This application allows the PR2 to navigate autonomously while also building a map of its environment as it drives along.
This application allows the PR2 to navigate autonomously while also building a map of its environment as it drives along.
1 2019-04-02 pr2_2dnav_local
This application allows the PR2 to navigate autonomously in an odometric frame.
This application allows the PR2 to navigate autonomously in an odometric frame.
1 2019-04-02 pr2_2dnav
This application allows the PR2 robot to navigate autonomously with a pre-specified static map.
This application allows the PR2 robot to navigate autonomously with a pre-specified static map.
1 2019-04-02 localizer_dwm1001
The localizer_dwm1001 package
The localizer_dwm1001 package
1 2019-03-31 depthcloud_encoder
Point Cloud Encoder for Web-Based Streaming
Point Cloud Encoder for Web-Based Streaming
2 2019-03-30 pr2_desktop
A metapackage to aggregate several packages.
A metapackage to aggregate several packages.
2 2019-03-30 pr2_base
A metapackage to aggregate several packages.
A metapackage to aggregate several packages.
2 2019-03-30 pr2
A metapackage to aggregate several packages.
A metapackage to aggregate several packages.
1 2019-03-28 ouster_driver
OS1 ROS client
OS1 ROS client
1 2019-03-28 fetchit_challenge
The fetchit_challenge package
The fetchit_challenge package
1 2019-03-28 fetch_simulation
Fetch Simulation, packages for working with Fetch and Freight in Gazebo
Fetch Simulation, packages for working with Fetch and Freight in Gazebo
1 2019-03-28 fetch_gazebo_demo
Demos for fetch_gazebo package.
Demos for fetch_gazebo package.
1 2019-03-28 fetch_gazebo
Gazebo package for Fetch.
Gazebo package for Fetch.
2 2019-03-28 acado
ACADO Toolkit
ACADO Toolkit
1 2019-03-25 rslidar_pointcloud
Point cloud conversions for rslidar 3D LIDARs.
Point cloud conversions for rslidar 3D LIDARs.
1 2019-03-25 rslidar_msgs
ROS message definitions for Rslidar 3D LIDARs.
ROS message definitions for Rslidar 3D LIDARs.
1 2019-03-25 rslidar_driver
1 2019-03-25 rslidar
Basic ROS support for the Robosense 3D LIDARs.
Basic ROS support for the Robosense 3D LIDARs.
1 2019-03-22 py_trees
Pythonic implementation of behaviour trees.
Pythonic implementation of behaviour trees.
1 2019-03-21 ddynamic_reconfigure
The ddynamic_reconfigure package
The ddynamic_reconfigure package
1 2019-03-19 cmake_modules
A common repository for CMake Modules which are not distributed with CMake but are commonly used by ROS packages.
A common repository for CMake Modules which are not distributed with CMake but are commonly used by ROS packages.
1 2019-03-17 tf_remapper_cpp
More efficient version of tf/tf_remap able to handle TFs at kHz with tens of subscribers.
More efficient version of tf/tf_remap able to handle TFs at kHz with tens of subscribers.
1 2019-03-17 movie_publisher
Node for using a video file as video topic source.
Node for using a video file as video topic source.
1 2019-03-14 care_o_bot_simulation
The care-o-bot-simulation meta-package
The care-o-bot-simulation meta-package
1 2019-03-14 care_o_bot_robot
The care-o-bot-robot meta-package
The care-o-bot-robot meta-package
1 2019-03-14 care_o_bot_desktop
The care-o-bot-desktop meta-package
The care-o-bot-desktop meta-package
1 2019-03-14 care_o_bot
The care-o-bot meta-package
The care-o-bot meta-package
2 2019-03-12 ros_ethercat_eml
This is an implementation of the EtherCAT master protocol for use wiht ros_ethercar package based on the work done at Flanders' Mechatronics Technology Centre and Willow Garage.
This is an implementation of the EtherCAT master protocol for use wiht ros_ethercar package based on the work done at Flanders' Mechatronics Technology Centre and Willow Garage.
1 2019-03-01 smp_ros
The smp_ros package
The smp_ros package
1 2019-02-26 rv7fl_moveit_config
An automatically generated package with all the configuration and launch files for using the rv7fl with the MoveIt! Motion Planning Framework
An automatically generated package with all the configuration and launch files for using the rv7fl with the MoveIt! Motion Planning Framework
1 2019-02-26 rv4fl_moveit_config
An automatically generated package with all the configuration and launch files for using the rv4fl with the MoveIt! Motion Planning Framework
An automatically generated package with all the configuration and launch files for using the rv4fl with the MoveIt! Motion Planning Framework
1 2019-02-26 network_traffic_control
A ROS node that allows control of network emulation parameters such as bandwidth, loss and latency for a Linux network interface.
A ROS node that allows control of network emulation parameters such as bandwidth, loss and latency for a Linux network interface.
1 2019-02-26 network_monitor_udp
Facilities to monitor a network connection by sending UDP packets from a client to a server, which bounces them back to the client. The client collects statistics on latency and loss. The server is a C standalone utility or a ROS node. The client can be a ROS node, a standalone utility or a python class.
Facilities to monitor a network connection by sending UDP packets from a client to a server, which bounces them back to the client. The client collects statistics on latency and loss. The server is a C standalone utility or a ROS node. The client can be a ROS node, a standalone utility or a python class.
1 2019-02-26 network_detector
A ROS node that watches a given network interface and publishes whether it is both UP and RUNNING (indicating that a cable is plugged into it and communication is happening, for instance) or not.
A ROS node that watches a given network interface and publishes whether it is both UP and RUNNING (indicating that a cable is plugged into it and communication is happening, for instance) or not.
1 2019-02-26 network_control_tests
Test suite for the packages that are part of the "WiFi Test Setup" project: network_monitor_udp, network_traffic_control, hostapd_access_point, linksys_access_point, ddwrt_access_point.
Test suite for the packages that are part of the "WiFi Test Setup" project: network_monitor_udp, network_traffic_control, hostapd_access_point, linksys_access_point, ddwrt_access_point.
1 2019-02-26 multi_interface_roam
1 2019-02-26 melfa_robot
The melfa_robot meta package
The melfa_robot meta package
1 2019-02-26 melfa_driver
The melfa_driver package
The melfa_driver package
1 2019-02-26 melfa_description
The melfa_description package
The melfa_description package
1 2019-02-26 linux_networking
The linux_networking package
The linux_networking package
1 2019-02-26 linksys_access_point
A ROS node that controls a Linksys access point with a Linksys WRT610n-compatible web interface.
A ROS node that controls a Linksys access point with a Linksys WRT610n-compatible web interface.
1 2019-02-26 ieee80211_channels
This package provides mapping from frequencies to IEEE802.11 channels and vice-versa.
This package provides mapping from frequencies to IEEE802.11 channels and vice-versa.
1 2019-02-26 hostapd_access_point
A ROS node that controls a hostapd-based access point. It is mainly intended for use with a wireless network adapter running in master mode. It implements the dynamic_reconfigure interface defined in the [[access_point_control]] package.
A ROS node that controls a hostapd-based access point. It is mainly intended for use with a wireless network adapter running in master mode. It implements the dynamic_reconfigure interface defined in the [[access_point_control]] package.
1 2019-02-26 ddwrt_access_point
A ROS node that controls a Linksys WRT610Nv2 access point with a dd-wrt firmware. Other access points models/dd-wrt versions may be compatible as long as the web interface is identical.
A ROS node that controls a Linksys WRT610Nv2 access point with a dd-wrt firmware. Other access points models/dd-wrt versions may be compatible as long as the web interface is identical.
1 2019-02-26 asmach_tutorials
This package containes numerous examples of how to use SMACH. See the examples directory.
This package containes numerous examples of how to use SMACH. See the examples directory.
1 2019-02-26 asmach
SMACH, which stands for 'state machine', is a task-level architecture for rapidly creating complex robot behavior. At its core, SMACH is a ROS-independent Python library to build hierarchical state machines. SMACH is a new library that takes advantage of very old concepts in order to quickly create robust robot behavior with maintainable and modular code.
SMACH, which stands for 'state machine', is a task-level architecture for rapidly creating complex robot behavior. At its core, SMACH is a ROS-independent Python library to build hierarchical state machines. SMACH is a new library that takes advantage of very old concepts in order to quickly create robust robot behavior with maintainable and modular code.
1 2019-02-26 access_point_control
Defines an API for access point control based on dynamic_reconfigure. Other packages must implement the API for various access-point models: for example: hostapd_access_point for hostapd-based control or linksys_access_point for Linksys router web interface.
Defines an API for access point control based on dynamic_reconfigure. Other packages must implement the API for various access-point models: for example: hostapd_access_point for hostapd-based control or linksys_access_point for Linksys router web interface.
2 2019-02-23 rviz_visual_tools
Utility functions for displaying and debugging data in Rviz via published markers
Utility functions for displaying and debugging data in Rviz via published markers
1 2019-02-20 gripit
The gripit package
The gripit package
1 2019-02-15 test_nodelet_topic_tools
A package for nodelet_topic_tools unit tests.
A package for nodelet_topic_tools unit tests.
1 2019-02-15 test_nodelet
A package for nodelet unit tests
A package for nodelet unit tests
1 2019-02-15 nodelet_topic_tools
This package contains common nodelet tools such as a mux, demux and throttle.
This package contains common nodelet tools such as a mux, demux and throttle.
1 2019-02-15 nodelet_core
Nodelet Core Metapackage
Nodelet Core Metapackage
1 2019-02-15 nodelet
The nodelet package is designed to provide a way to run multiple algorithms in the same process with zero copy transport between algorithms. This package provides both the nodelet base class needed for implementing a nodelet, as well as the NodeletLoader class used for instantiating nodelets.
The nodelet package is designed to provide a way to run multiple algorithms in the same process with zero copy transport between algorithms. This package provides both the nodelet base class needed for implementing a nodelet, as well as the NodeletLoader class used for instantiating nodelets.
1 2019-02-09 bfl
This package contains a recent version of the Bayesian Filtering Library (BFL), distributed by the Orocos Project. For stability reasons, this package is currently locked to revision 31655 (April 19, 2010), but this revision will be updated on a regular basis to the latest available BFL trunk. This ROS package does not modify BFL in any way, it simply provides a convenient way to download and compile the library, because BFL is not available from an OS package manager. This ROS package compiles BFL with the Boost library for matrix operations and random number generation.
This package contains a recent version of the Bayesian Filtering Library (BFL), distributed by the Orocos Project. For stability reasons, this package is currently locked to revision 31655 (April 19, 2010), but this revision will be updated on a regular basis to the latest available BFL trunk. This ROS package does not modify BFL in any way, it simply provides a convenient way to download and compile the library, because BFL is not available from an OS package manager. This ROS package compiles BFL with the Boost library for matrix operations and random number generation.
1 2019-02-08 piksi_rtk_msgs
Package containing messages for Piksi RTK GPS ROS Driver.
Package containing messages for Piksi RTK GPS ROS Driver.
1 2019-02-08 piksi_multi_rtk
ROS driver for Piksi Multi RTK GPS Receiver.
ROS driver for Piksi Multi RTK GPS Receiver.
1 2019-02-08 open_manipulator_with_tb3_simulations
Simulation packages for OpenManipulator with TurtleBot3
Simulation packages for OpenManipulator with TurtleBot3
1 2019-02-08 open_manipulator_with_tb3_gazebo
Simulation package using gazebo for OpenManipulator with TurtleBot3
Simulation package using gazebo for OpenManipulator with TurtleBot3
1 2019-02-08 earth_rover_piksi
Meta-package for the earth_rover_piksi repository.
Meta-package for the earth_rover_piksi repository.
2 2019-02-07 turtlebot3_autorace_detect
AutoRace ROS packages for feature detection with TurtleBot3 Auto
AutoRace ROS packages for feature detection with TurtleBot3 Auto
2 2019-02-07 turtlebot3_autorace_core
TurtleBot3 AutoRace ROS package that TurtleBot3 Auto's core
TurtleBot3 AutoRace ROS package that TurtleBot3 Auto's core
1 2019-02-07 turtlebot3_autorace_control
TurtleBot3 AutoRace ROS package that controls TurtleBot3 Auto
TurtleBot3 AutoRace ROS package that controls TurtleBot3 Auto
2 2019-02-07 turtlebot3_autorace_camera
TurtleBot3 AutoRace ROS package that controls Raspberry Pi Camera, and process the image
TurtleBot3 AutoRace ROS package that controls Raspberry Pi Camera, and process the image
1 2019-02-07 turtlebot3_autorace
AutoRace ROS packages for AutoRace with TurtleBot3 (meta package)
AutoRace ROS packages for AutoRace with TurtleBot3 (meta package)
1 2019-01-31 heron_viz
Visualization and rviz helpers for Heron.
Visualization and rviz helpers for Heron.
1 2019-01-31 heron_desktop
The heron_desktop metapackage
The heron_desktop metapackage
1 2019-01-31 control_toolbox
The control toolbox contains modules that are useful across all controllers.
The control toolbox contains modules that are useful across all controllers.
1 2019-01-24 rviz_recorder_buttons
The rviz_recorder_buttons package
The rviz_recorder_buttons package
1 2019-01-24 robot_recorder
Meta package that contains all essential packages for the robot recorder.
Meta package that contains all essential packages for the robot recorder.
1 2019-01-24 recordit
Record the joint_states and/or the mobile changes (via tf) of a ROS system as three.js animation
Record the joint_states and/or the mobile changes (via tf) of a ROS system as three.js animation
1 2019-01-23 zeroconf_jmdns_suite
An implementation of zeroconf in pure java.
An implementation of zeroconf in pure java.
1 2019-01-23 turtlebot3_applications_msgs
Message and service types: custom messages and services for TurtleBot3 Applications packages
Message and service types: custom messages and services for TurtleBot3 Applications packages
1 2019-01-23 genjava
Java ROS message and service generators.
Java ROS message and service generators.
1 2019-01-18 robot_activity_tutorials
The robot_activity_tutorials package
The robot_activity_tutorials package
1 2019-01-18 robot_activity_msgs
This package contains messages used by robot_activity, such as node's state and error
This package contains messages used by robot_activity, such as node's state and error
1 2019-01-18 robot_activity
The robot_activity package implements ROS node lifecycle
The robot_activity package implements ROS node lifecycle
1 2019-01-17 rosjava_bootstrap
Bootstrap utilities for rosjava builds.
Bootstrap utilities for rosjava builds.
1 2019-01-14 simple_arm
Simple velocity controlled arm. Teleoperation software and firmware.
Simple velocity controlled arm. Teleoperation software and firmware.
1 2019-01-12 timed_roslaunch
Script to delay the launch of a roslaunch file
Script to delay the launch of a roslaunch file
1 2019-01-11 backward_ros
The backward_ros package is a ros wrapper of backward-cpp from
The backward_ros package is a ros wrapper of backward-cpp from
1 2019-01-08 optpp_catkin
The OPT++ catkin wrapper package
The OPT++ catkin wrapper package
1 2018-12-30 nmea_navsat_driver
Package to parse NMEA strings and publish a very simple GPS message. Does not require or use the GPSD deamon.
Package to parse NMEA strings and publish a very simple GPS message. Does not require or use the GPSD deamon.
1 2018-12-19 exotica_val_description
val_description version including our updated meshes for unit testing and visualisation. Based on the OpenHumanoids fork of the val_description package by NASA JSC. The most current version of the original package can be found at
val_description version including our updated meshes for unit testing and visualisation. Based on the OpenHumanoids fork of the val_description package by NASA JSC. The most current version of the original package can be found at
1 2018-12-18 dialogflow_ros
The ros_dialogflow package
The ros_dialogflow package
1 2018-12-12 urdf_test
The urdf_test package
The urdf_test package
1 2018-12-10 ifm_o3mxxx
The ifm_o3mxxx package
The ifm_o3mxxx package
1 2018-12-10 geometric_shapes
This package contains generic definitions of geometric shapes and bodies.
This package contains generic definitions of geometric shapes and bodies.
1 2018-11-30 pheeno_ros_description
The pheeno_ros_description package
The pheeno_ros_description package
1 2018-11-27 roch_sensorpc
Ult/psd/cliff to pointcloud: Publish Ult, cliff, and psd sensors events as points in a pointcloud, so navistack can use them for poor-man navigation. Implemented intended to run together with roch_base.
Ult/psd/cliff to pointcloud: Publish Ult, cliff, and psd sensors events as points in a pointcloud, so navistack can use them for poor-man navigation. Implemented intended to run together with roch_base.
1 2018-11-27 roch_safety_controller
A controller ensuring the safe operation of roch. The SafetyController keeps track of ult, psd and cliff events. In case of the first three, roch is commanded to move back. This controller can be enabled/disabled. The safety states (cliff, psd and ult etc.) can be reset. WARNING: Dangerous! Refrence with yujinrobot' kobuki.
A controller ensuring the safe operation of roch. The SafetyController keeps track of ult, psd and cliff events. In case of the first three, roch is commanded to move back. This controller can be enabled/disabled. The safety states (cliff, psd and ult etc.) can be reset. WARNING: Dangerous! Refrence with yujinrobot' kobuki.
1 2018-11-27 roch_robot
Metapackage for SawYer roch robot software
Metapackage for SawYer roch robot software
1 2018-11-27 roch_msgs
Messages, serivices and actions for SawYer roch
Messages, serivices and actions for SawYer roch
1 2018-11-27 roch_ftdi
Utilities for flashing and enabling roch's USB connection. This package contains tools for flashing the roch's FTDI chip (usually done at the factory). The special firmware for the FTDI chip (USB to serial converter) enables it to appear as /dev/roch on the user's PC.
Utilities for flashing and enabling roch's USB connection. This package contains tools for flashing the roch's FTDI chip (usually done at the factory). The special firmware for the FTDI chip (USB to serial converter) enables it to appear as /dev/roch on the user's PC.
1 2018-11-27 roch_description
SawYer Roch URDF description
SawYer Roch URDF description
1 2018-11-27 roch_control
SawYer roch controller configurations
SawYer roch controller configurations
1 2018-11-27 roch_capabilities
Capabilities for Roch
Capabilities for Roch
1 2018-11-27 roch_base
Sawyer Roch robot driver
Sawyer Roch robot driver
1 2018-11-26 rcll_fawkes_sim_msgs
Message definitions to access RCLL simulation via Fawkes stack
Message definitions to access RCLL simulation via Fawkes stack
1 2018-11-26 fawkes_msgs
Messages used by Fawkes to interact with ROS.
Messages used by Fawkes to interact with ROS.
1 2018-11-22 raspicat
Base nodes for Rasberry Pi Cat
Base nodes for Rasberry Pi Cat
1 2018-11-21 pheeno_ros_sim
Gazebo simulation ROS package for Pheeno system!
Gazebo simulation ROS package for Pheeno system!
1 2018-11-21 pheeno_ros
The pheeno_ros package contains necessary files for run and control an individual Pheeno unit with ROS.
The pheeno_ros package contains necessary files for run and control an individual Pheeno unit with ROS.
1 2018-11-19 vigir_step_control
The vigir_step_control package
The vigir_step_control package
3 2018-11-16 tf2_tools
3 2018-11-16 tf2_sensor_msgs
Small lib to transform sensor_msgs with tf. Most notably, PointCloud2
Small lib to transform sensor_msgs with tf. Most notably, PointCloud2
3 2018-11-16 tf2_ros
This package contains the ROS bindings for the tf2 library, for both Python and C++.
This package contains the ROS bindings for the tf2 library, for both Python and C++.
2 2018-11-16 tf2_py
The tf2_py package
The tf2_py package
3 2018-11-16 tf2_msgs
3 2018-11-16 tf2_kdl
KDL binding for tf2
KDL binding for tf2
3 2018-11-16 tf2_geometry_msgs
3 2018-11-16 tf2_eigen
3 2018-11-16 tf2_bullet


Name Description
1 2020-06-12 dual_quaternions
dual quaternion operations
dual quaternion operations
2 2020-06-11 moveit_sim_controller
A simulation interface for a hardware interface for ros_control, and loads default joint values from SRDF
A simulation interface for a hardware interface for ros_control, and loads default joint values from SRDF
1 2020-06-10 jderobot_assets
The jderobot_assets package
The jderobot_assets package
2 2020-06-09 rviz_visual_tools
Utility functions for displaying and debugging data in Rviz via published markers
Utility functions for displaying and debugging data in Rviz via published markers
1 2020-06-07 urg_c
The urg_c package
The urg_c package
1 2020-06-06 nmea_to_geopose
The nmea_to_geopose package
The nmea_to_geopose package
1 2020-06-05 control_box_rst
The control_box_rst package provides C++ libraries for predictive control, direct optimal control, optimization and simulation.
The control_box_rst package provides C++ libraries for predictive control, direct optimal control, optimization and simulation.
1 2020-06-04 ros_robodk_post_processors
Industrial robots native code generators
Industrial robots native code generators
1 2020-06-04 industrial_robot_angle_conversions
Header only package to convert angles and poses using industrial robots conventions
Header only package to convert angles and poses using industrial robots conventions
2 2020-06-02 rqt_robot_monitor
rqt_robot_monitor displays diagnostics_agg topics messages that are published by
rqt_robot_monitor displays diagnostics_agg topics messages that are published by
2 2020-06-02 rqt_moveit
An rqt-based tool that assists monitoring tasks for
An rqt-based tool that assists monitoring tasks for
1 2020-05-29 leap_motion
ROS driver for the Leap Motion gesture sensor
ROS driver for the Leap Motion gesture sensor
1 2020-05-19 xaxxon_openlidar
ROS Drivers for the Xaxxon OpenLIDAR Sensor
ROS Drivers for the Xaxxon OpenLIDAR Sensor
1 2020-05-14 rqt_virtual_joy
The rqt_virtual_joy package
The rqt_virtual_joy package
1 2020-05-13 visualization_tutorials
Metapackage referencing tutorials related to rviz and visualization.
Metapackage referencing tutorials related to rviz and visualization.
1 2020-05-13 visualization_marker_tutorials
The visulalization_marker_tutorials package
The visulalization_marker_tutorials package
1 2020-05-13 rviz_python_tutorial
Tutorials showing how to call into rviz internals from python scripts.
Tutorials showing how to call into rviz internals from python scripts.
1 2020-05-13 rviz_plugin_tutorials
Tutorials showing how to write plugins for RViz.
Tutorials showing how to write plugins for RViz.
1 2020-05-13 rtmros_hironx
The rtmros_hironx package is an operating interface via ROS and OpenRTM, for Hiro and
The rtmros_hironx package is an operating interface via ROS and OpenRTM, for Hiro and
1 2020-05-13 rospack
ROS Package Tool
ROS Package Tool
1 2020-05-13 librviz_tutorial
Tutorial showing how to compile your own C++ program with RViz displays and features.
Tutorial showing how to compile your own C++ program with RViz displays and features.
1 2020-05-13 interactive_marker_tutorials
The interactive_marker_tutorials package
The interactive_marker_tutorials package
1 2020-05-13 hironx_ros_bridge
ROS-OpenRTM interfacing package for the opensource version of Kawada's Hiro/NEXTAGE dual-arm robot. NOTE: This package is multi-license -- pay attention to file header in each file where license is declared. For Creative Commons nc 4.0 applied, see
ROS-OpenRTM interfacing package for the opensource version of Kawada's Hiro/NEXTAGE dual-arm robot. NOTE: This package is multi-license -- pay attention to file header in each file where license is declared. For Creative Commons nc 4.0 applied, see
1 2020-05-13 hironx_moveit_config
An automatically generated package with all the configuration and launch files for using the HiroNX with the MoveIt Motion Planning Framework
An automatically generated package with all the configuration and launch files for using the HiroNX with the MoveIt Motion Planning Framework
1 2020-05-13 hironx_calibration
Launch and configuration files for calibrating hironx using the generic
Launch and configuration files for calibrating hironx using the generic
2 2020-05-13 four_wheel_steering_msgs
ROS messages for robots using FourWheelSteering.
ROS messages for robots using FourWheelSteering.
1 2020-05-13 costmap_converter
A ros package that includes plugins and nodes to convert occupied costmap2d cells to primitive types.
A ros package that includes plugins and nodes to convert occupied costmap2d cells to primitive types.
1 2020-05-13 ackermann_msgs
ROS messages for robots using Ackermann steering.
ROS messages for robots using Ackermann steering.
1 2020-05-12 plotjuggler_msgs
Special Messages for PlotJuggler
Special Messages for PlotJuggler
1 2020-05-09 rospilot
1 2020-05-09 node_manager_fkie
Graphical interface, written in PySide, to manage the running and configured ROS nodes on different hosts. For discovering the running ROS master master_discovery node will be used.
Graphical interface, written in PySide, to manage the running and configured ROS nodes on different hosts. For discovering the running ROS master master_discovery node will be used.
1 2020-05-09 multimaster_msgs_fkie
The messages required by multimaster packages.
The messages required by multimaster packages.
1 2020-05-09 multimaster_fkie
The metapackage to combine the nodes required to establish and manage a multimaster network. This requires no or minimal configuration. The changes are automatically detected and synchronized.
The metapackage to combine the nodes required to establish and manage a multimaster network. This requires no or minimal configuration. The changes are automatically detected and synchronized.
1 2020-05-09 master_sync_fkie
Synchronize the local ROS master to the remote masters discovered by master_discovery_fkie node. The registration of topics and services is only perform by local ROS master.
Synchronize the local ROS master to the remote masters discovered by master_discovery_fkie node. The registration of topics and services is only perform by local ROS master.
1 2020-05-09 master_discovery_fkie
Discover the running ROS Masters in local network. The discovering is done by sending an echo heartbeat messages to a defined multicast group. The alternative is to use a zeroconf/avahi daemon to register the ROS master as service and discover other ROS masters.
Discover the running ROS Masters in local network. The discovering is done by sending an echo heartbeat messages to a defined multicast group. The alternative is to use a zeroconf/avahi daemon to register the ROS master as service and discover other ROS masters.
1 2020-05-09 default_cfg_fkie
The configuration node loads a given launch configuration and offers services to list or start the contained nodes. It provides additional description extracted from launch file. This is used by node_manager_fkie.
The configuration node loads a given launch configuration and offers services to list or start the contained nodes. It provides additional description extracted from launch file. This is used by node_manager_fkie.
1 2020-05-07 pr2_trajectory_execution_tests
1 2020-05-07 pr2_test_sbpl_planner
1 2020-05-07 pr2_test_kinematic_constraints
1 2020-05-07 pr2_test_collision_distance_field
1 2020-05-07 pr2_test_collision_detection
1 2020-05-07 pr2_test_chomp_planner
1 2020-05-07 pr2_simple_benchmark_test
1 2020-05-07 pr2_planning_interface_tests
1 2020-05-07 pr2_ompl_planning_tests
1 2020-05-07 pr2_moveit_tests
The pr2_moveit_tests package
The pr2_moveit_tests package
1 2020-05-07 pr2_moveit_plugins
PR2 specific plugins for MoveIt
PR2 specific plugins for MoveIt
1 2020-05-07 pr2_moveit_config
An automatically generated package with all the configuration and launch files for using the pr2 with the MoveIt Motion Planning Framework
An automatically generated package with all the configuration and launch files for using the pr2 with the MoveIt Motion Planning Framework
1 2020-05-07 pr2_move_group_test
1 2020-05-07 pr2_arm_ik_tests
1 2020-05-07 moveit_pr2
All PR2-specific packages for MoveIt
All PR2-specific packages for MoveIt
2 2020-05-06 ros_ethercat_eml
This is an implementation of the EtherCAT master protocol for use wiht ros_ethercar package based on the work done at Flanders' Mechatronics Technology Centre and Willow Garage.
This is an implementation of the EtherCAT master protocol for use wiht ros_ethercar package based on the work done at Flanders' Mechatronics Technology Centre and Willow Garage.
1 2020-05-03 moveback_recovery
The Move Base Flex (MBF) recovery behavior moves the robot back for specified length. It also checks the costmap for a possible collision behind the robot while moving and stops the robot if necessary.
The Move Base Flex (MBF) recovery behavior moves the robot back for specified length. It also checks the costmap for a possible collision behind the robot while moving and stops the robot if necessary.
1 2020-05-03 mbf_recovery_behaviors
The mbf_recovery_behaviors package
The mbf_recovery_behaviors package
1 2020-05-03 cognitao_ros
The cognitao_ros package
The cognitao_ros package
1 2020-04-30 viz
A metapackage to aggregate several packages.
A metapackage to aggregate several packages.
1 2020-04-30 simulators
A metapackage to aggregate several packages.
A metapackage to aggregate several packages.
2 2020-04-30 ros_core
A metapackage to aggregate the packages required to use publish / subscribe, services, launch files, and other core ROS concepts.
A metapackage to aggregate the packages required to use publish / subscribe, services, launch files, and other core ROS concepts.
2 2020-04-30 ros_base
A metapackage which extends ros_core and includes other basic non-robot tools like actionlib, dynamic reconfigure, nodelets, and pluginlib.
A metapackage which extends ros_core and includes other basic non-robot tools like actionlib, dynamic reconfigure, nodelets, and pluginlib.
1 2020-04-30 robot
A metapackage which extends ros_base and includes ROS libaries for any robot hardware. It may not contain any GUI dependencies.
A metapackage which extends ros_base and includes ROS libaries for any robot hardware. It may not contain any GUI dependencies.
2 2020-04-30 perception
A metapackage to aggregate several packages.
A metapackage to aggregate several packages.
2 2020-04-30 desktop_full
A metapackage to aggregate several packages.
A metapackage to aggregate several packages.
2 2020-04-30 desktop
A metapackage to aggregate several packages.
A metapackage to aggregate several packages.
1 2020-04-30 capabilities
Package which implements capabilities, including code to parse capability interface specs, to parse capability provider specs, and implement the capability server.
Package which implements capabilities, including code to parse capability interface specs, to parse capability provider specs, and implement the capability server.
1 2020-04-26 ivcon
Mesh Conversion Utility Used to generate '.iv' files from '.stl' files. This package has not been changed since 2001 and appears to be very stable. We plan on keeping this package in this revision for mesh conversions. This package is only available as a single source file for download. There are no local modifications to this package.
Mesh Conversion Utility Used to generate '.iv' files from '.stl' files. This package has not been changed since 2001 and appears to be very stable. We plan on keeping this package in this revision for mesh conversions. This package is only available as a single source file for download. There are no local modifications to this package.
1 2020-04-24 timed_roslaunch
Script to delay the launch of a roslaunch file
Script to delay the launch of a roslaunch file
1 2020-04-24 laser_proc
1 2020-04-24 convex_decomposition
Convex Decomposition Tool for Robot Model
Convex Decomposition Tool for Robot Model
1 2020-04-17 realtime_tools
Contains a set of tools that can be used from a hard realtime thread, without breaking the realtime behavior.
Contains a set of tools that can be used from a hard realtime thread, without breaking the realtime behavior.
1 2020-04-14 openrtm_aist
1 2020-04-08 volksbot_driver
Driver for the Volksbot robot.
Driver for the Volksbot robot.
1 2020-04-07 rqt_launchtree
An RQT plugin for hierarchical launchfile configuration introspection.
An RQT plugin for hierarchical launchfile configuration introspection.
1 2020-04-03 polled_camera
polled_camera contains a service and C++ helper classes for implementing a polled camera driver node and requesting images from it. The package is currently for internal use as the API is still under development.
polled_camera contains a service and C++ helper classes for implementing a polled camera driver node and requesting images from it. The package is currently for internal use as the API is still under development.
1 2020-04-03 image_transport
image_transport should always be used to subscribe to and publish images. It provides transparent support for transporting images in low-bandwidth compressed formats. Examples (provided by separate plugin packages) include JPEG/PNG compression and Theora streaming video.
image_transport should always be used to subscribe to and publish images. It provides transparent support for transporting images in low-bandwidth compressed formats. Examples (provided by separate plugin packages) include JPEG/PNG compression and Theora streaming video.
1 2020-04-03 image_common
Common code for working with images in ROS.
Common code for working with images in ROS.
1 2020-04-03 camera_info_manager
This package provides a C++ interface for camera calibration information. It provides CameraInfo, and handles SetCameraInfo service requests, saving and restoring the camera calibration data.
This package provides a C++ interface for camera calibration information. It provides CameraInfo, and handles SetCameraInfo service requests, saving and restoring the camera calibration data.
1 2020-04-03 camera_calibration_parsers
camera_calibration_parsers contains routines for reading and writing camera calibration parameters.
camera_calibration_parsers contains routines for reading and writing camera calibration parameters.
1 2020-04-02 wu_ros_tools
A collection of tools for making a variety of generic ROS-related tasks easier.
A collection of tools for making a variety of generic ROS-related tasks easier.
1 2020-04-02 turtle_actionlib
turtle_actionlib demonstrates how to write an action server and client with the turtlesim. The shape_server provides and action interface for drawing regular polygons with the turtlesim.
turtle_actionlib demonstrates how to write an action server and client with the turtlesim. The shape_server provides and action interface for drawing regular polygons with the turtlesim.
1 2020-04-02 rosbaglive
Plays rosbags as though they were happening NOW.
Plays rosbags as though they were happening NOW.
1 2020-04-02 pluginlib_tutorials
The pluginlib_tutorials package
The pluginlib_tutorials package
1 2020-04-02 nodelet_tutorial_math
Package for Nodelet tutorial.
Package for Nodelet tutorial.
1 2020-04-02 kalman_filter
Simple Kalman Filter in Python
Simple Kalman Filter in Python
1 2020-04-02 joy_listener
Translates joy msgs
Translates joy msgs
1 2020-04-02 easy_markers
Python library to assist in publishing markers easily
Python library to assist in publishing markers easily
1 2020-04-02 common_tutorials
Metapackage that contains common tutorials
Metapackage that contains common tutorials
1 2020-04-02 actionlib_tutorials
The actionlib_tutorials package
The actionlib_tutorials package
1 2020-04-01 virtual_scan
The virtual_scan package
The virtual_scan package
1 2020-04-01 srbot_description
The srbot_description package
The srbot_description package
1 2020-04-01 co_scan
The co_scan package
The co_scan package
1 2020-03-28 sparse_bundle_adjustment
ROS wrapper for the sparse bundle adjustment (sba) library (needed for slam_karto)
ROS wrapper for the sparse bundle adjustment (sba) library (needed for slam_karto)
1 2020-03-18 freenect_stack
A libfreenect-based ROS driver for the Microsoft Kinect
A libfreenect-based ROS driver for the Microsoft Kinect
1 2020-03-18 freenect_launch
Launch files for freenect_camera to produce rectified, registered or disparity images. Also produce point clouds and registered point clouds. Based on the openni_launch package.
Launch files for freenect_camera to produce rectified, registered or disparity images. Also produce point clouds and registered point clouds. Based on the openni_launch package.
1 2020-03-18 freenect_camera
A libfreenect-based ROS driver for the Microsoft Kinect. This is a port of the OpenNI driver that uses libfreenect instead, because on some systems with some devices it works better.
A libfreenect-based ROS driver for the Microsoft Kinect. This is a port of the OpenNI driver that uses libfreenect instead, because on some systems with some devices it works better.
1 2020-03-15 uwsim
UWSim is an UnderWater SIMulator for marine robotics research and development. UWSim visualizes an underwater virtual scenario that can be configured using standard modeling software. Controllable underwater vehicles, surface vessels and robotic manipulators, as well as simulated sensors, can be added to the scene and accessed externally through ROS interfaces. This allows to easily integrate the visualization tool with existing control architectures.
UWSim is an UnderWater SIMulator for marine robotics research and development. UWSim visualizes an underwater virtual scenario that can be configured using standard modeling software. Controllable underwater vehicles, surface vessels and robotic manipulators, as well as simulated sensors, can be added to the scene and accessed externally through ROS interfaces. This allows to easily integrate the visualization tool with existing control architectures.
1 2020-03-15 underwater_vehicle_dynamics
An underwater dynamics module
An underwater dynamics module
1 2020-03-15 underwater_sensor_msgs
Common messages for underwater robotics
Common messages for underwater robotics
1 2020-03-10 qt_tutorials
Example qt programs, generated from code similar to that used by the roscreate-qt-pkg script and styled on roscpp_tutorials.
Example qt programs, generated from code similar to that used by the roscreate-qt-pkg script and styled on roscpp_tutorials.
1 2020-03-10 qt_ros
Simple qt cmake build tools and master-chooser style application template.
Simple qt cmake build tools and master-chooser style application template.
1 2020-03-10 qt_create
Provides templates and scripts for creating qt-ros packages (similar to roscreate-pkg).
Provides templates and scripts for creating qt-ros packages (similar to roscreate-pkg).
1 2020-03-10 qt_build
Currently just maintains a cmake api for simplifying the building of qt apps within the ros framework.
Currently just maintains a cmake api for simplifying the building of qt apps within the ros framework.
1 2020-03-10 pouco2000_ros_tools
The pouco2000_ros_tools package
The pouco2000_ros_tools package
1 2020-03-10 pouco2000_ros_msgs
The pouco2000_ros_msgs package
The pouco2000_ros_msgs package
1 2020-03-10 pouco2000_ros_gazebo
The pouco2000_ros_gazebo package
The pouco2000_ros_gazebo package
1 2020-03-10 pouco2000_ros_demo
The pouco2000_ros_demo package
The pouco2000_ros_demo package
1 2020-03-10 pouco2000_ros
The pouco2000_ros package
The pouco2000_ros package
2 2020-03-07 carla_msgs
The carla_msgs package
The carla_msgs package
1 2020-03-04 ridgeback_navigation
Launch files and code for autonomous navigation of the Ridgeback
Launch files and code for autonomous navigation of the Ridgeback
1 2020-03-04 ridgeback_msgs
Messages exclusive to Ridgeback, especially for representing low-level motor commands and sensors.
Messages exclusive to Ridgeback, especially for representing low-level motor commands and sensors.
1 2020-03-04 ridgeback_description
URDF robot description for Ridgeback
URDF robot description for Ridgeback
1 2020-03-04 ridgeback_control
Controllers for Ridgeback
Controllers for Ridgeback
1 2020-03-02 ridgeback_cartographer_navigation
Launch files and code for autonomous navigation of the Ridgeback using Google Cartographer
Launch files and code for autonomous navigation of the Ridgeback using Google Cartographer
1 2020-03-02 jackal_cartographer_navigation
Launch files and code for autonomous navigation of the Jackal using Google Cartographer
Launch files and code for autonomous navigation of the Jackal using Google Cartographer
1 2020-02-25 pyquaternion
quaternion operations
quaternion operations
1 2020-02-24 nmea_navsat_driver
Package to parse NMEA strings and publish a very simple GPS message. Does not require or use the GPSD deamon.
Package to parse NMEA strings and publish a very simple GPS message. Does not require or use the GPSD deamon.
1 2020-02-18 eband_local_planner
eband_local_planner implements a plugin to the base_local_planner. It implements the Elastic Band method on the SE2 manifold.
eband_local_planner implements a plugin to the base_local_planner. It implements the Elastic Band method on the SE2 manifold.
1 2020-02-17 asr_resources_for_active_scene_recognition
This package is the main entry point for Active Scene Recognition (ASR). It contains helpers and resources, including the launch files to start ASR in simulation or on the real mobile robot. Moreover, it includes a customized rviz-configuration file for ASR, databases of recorded scenes and tools which ease the interaction with the ASR system.
This package is the main entry point for Active Scene Recognition (ASR). It contains helpers and resources, including the launch files to start ASR in simulation or on the real mobile robot. Moreover, it includes a customized rviz-configuration file for ASR, databases of recorded scenes and tools which ease the interaction with the ASR system.
1 2020-02-17 asr_recognizer_prediction_psm
This package provides object pose prediction on the basis of the alternative scene model PSM (Probabilistic Scene Model): It generates hypotheses (type and pose) for missing objects in the context of 3D object search. Moreover, it integrates scene recognition and object pose prediction (both on the basis of PSM) into Active Scene Recognition. Its output are asr_next_best_view/AttributedPointCloud.msg messages which can be processed by asr_next_best_view.
This package provides object pose prediction on the basis of the alternative scene model PSM (Probabilistic Scene Model): It generates hypotheses (type and pose) for missing objects in the context of 3D object search. Moreover, it integrates scene recognition and object pose prediction (both on the basis of PSM) into Active Scene Recognition. Its output are asr_next_best_view/AttributedPointCloud.msg messages which can be processed by asr_next_best_view.
1 2020-02-17 asr_mild_base_fake_driving
The asr_mild_base_fake_driving package provides a simulation system for the robot driving. It simulates the desired driven way which is calculated by the navigation.
The asr_mild_base_fake_driving package provides a simulation system for the robot driving. It simulates the desired driven way which is calculated by the navigation.
1 2020-02-17 asr_flock_of_birds_tracking
This package controls a motorized robot head (a sensor setup equipped with a PTU) in order to ensure that the hand of a human user remains inside its field of view. The human hand is tracked with the help of an Ascension - Flock of Birds system. The purpose of this package is to enable continuous localization of objects during their manipulation through the tracked hand.
This package controls a motorized robot head (a sensor setup equipped with a PTU) in order to ensure that the hand of a human user remains inside its field of view. The human hand is tracked with the help of an Ascension - Flock of Birds system. The purpose of this package is to enable continuous localization of objects during their manipulation through the tracked hand.
1 2020-02-17 asr_fake_object_recognition
This package provides a 'perception algorithm'-independent simulation of 6-D object localization for 3D object search by a mobile robot: Based on the poses of the searched objects with respect to the current viewing frustum(s) of the robot, the detectability of the objects is estimated.
This package provides a 'perception algorithm'-independent simulation of 6-D object localization for 3D object search by a mobile robot: Based on the poses of the searched objects with respect to the current viewing frustum(s) of the robot, the detectability of the objects is estimated.
1 2020-02-15 pluginlib
The pluginlib package provides tools for writing and dynamically loading plugins using the ROS build infrastructure. To work, these tools require plugin providers to register their plugins in the package.xml of their package.
The pluginlib package provides tools for writing and dynamically loading plugins using the ROS build infrastructure. To work, these tools require plugin providers to register their plugins in the package.xml of their package.
1 2020-02-14 rail_segmentation
Segmentation Functionality from the RAIL Lab
Segmentation Functionality from the RAIL Lab
1 2020-02-14 rail_manipulation_msgs
Common Manipulation Messages and Services Used in RAIL Manipulation Packages
Common Manipulation Messages and Services Used in RAIL Manipulation Packages
1 2020-02-11 webkit_dependency
This encapsulates the WebKit dependency for a specific ROS distribution and its Qt version
This encapsulates the WebKit dependency for a specific ROS distribution and its Qt version
1 2020-02-10 message_generation
Package modeling the build-time dependencies for generating language bindings of messages.
Package modeling the build-time dependencies for generating language bindings of messages.
1 2020-02-07 fsrobo_r_trajectory_filters
plugins for filtering trajectories.
plugins for filtering trajectories.
1 2020-02-07 fsrobo_r_msgs
The fsrobo_r_msgs package
The fsrobo_r_msgs package
1 2020-02-07 fsrobo_r_moveit_config
An automatically generated package with all the configuration and launch files for using the fsrobo_r with the MoveIt! Motion Planning Framework
An automatically generated package with all the configuration and launch files for using the fsrobo_r with the MoveIt! Motion Planning Framework
1 2020-02-07 fsrobo_r_driver
The fsrobo_r_driver package
The fsrobo_r_driver package
1 2020-02-07 fsrobo_r_description
1 2020-02-07 fsrobo_r_bringup
The fsrobo_r_bringup package
The fsrobo_r_bringup package
1 2020-02-07 fsrobo_r
Meta package for FSRobo-R
Meta package for FSRobo-R
1 2020-02-03 asr_state_machine
This package implements the logic which connects different functionalities such as (passive) scene recognition, object pose prediction and Next-Best-View estimation to Active Scene Recognition. In particular, it is the interface for executing different 3D-object-search procedures one of which Active Scene Recognition is. Active Scene Recognition is equivalent to the "object search", which consists of the "direct search" and "indirect search" modes. The search will be executed by using different packages of the asr framework.
This package implements the logic which connects different functionalities such as (passive) scene recognition, object pose prediction and Next-Best-View estimation to Active Scene Recognition. In particular, it is the interface for executing different 3D-object-search procedures one of which Active Scene Recognition is. Active Scene Recognition is equivalent to the "object search", which consists of the "direct search" and "indirect search" modes. The search will be executed by using different packages of the asr framework.
1 2020-01-27 message_runtime
Package modeling the run-time dependencies for language bindings of messages.
Package modeling the run-time dependencies for language bindings of messages.
1 2020-01-27 geneus
EusLisp ROS message and service generators.
EusLisp ROS message and service generators.
1 2020-01-25 gennodejs
Javascript ROS message and service generators.
Javascript ROS message and service generators.
1 2020-01-25 genlisp
Common-Lisp ROS message and service generators.
Common-Lisp ROS message and service generators.
1 2020-01-21 cis_camera
The cis_camera package
The cis_camera package
1 2020-01-13 asr_next_best_view
This package estimates Next-Best-Views as well as configurations (target positions and orientations) for a robot, where it is most likely to find and recognize searched objects the poses of which have, e.g., been predicted by means of ISM trees.
This package estimates Next-Best-Views as well as configurations (target positions and orientations) for a robot, where it is most likely to find and recognize searched objects the poses of which have, e.g., been predicted by means of ISM trees.
2 2020-01-08 pepper_meshes
meshes for the Aldebaran Robotics Pepper
meshes for the Aldebaran Robotics Pepper
3 2020-01-08 nao_meshes
meshes for the Aldebaran Robotics NAO
meshes for the Aldebaran Robotics NAO
1 2020-01-06 asr_world_model
This package implements the logic of our Online World Model, while the Offline Knowledge Base is distributed across asr_object_database, mild_navigation and asr_visualization_server. It contains four types of information: 1. All estimations of objects which were localized by object detection (object models) 2. All views in which objects of given types have been searched due to advice of asr_next_best_view and asr_direct_search_manager 3. All recognized complete patterns by the recognizer_prediction_ism (scene models) 4. Some additional information about the Objects: IntermediateObjectWeight, RecognizerName
This package implements the logic of our Online World Model, while the Offline Knowledge Base is distributed across asr_object_database, mild_navigation and asr_visualization_server. It contains four types of information: 1. All estimations of objects which were localized by object detection (object models) 2. All views in which objects of given types have been searched due to advice of asr_next_best_view and asr_direct_search_manager 3. All recognized complete patterns by the recognizer_prediction_ism (scene models) 4. Some additional information about the Objects: IntermediateObjectWeight, RecognizerName
1 2020-01-06 asr_recognizer_prediction_ism
This package includes the algorithmic link between object pose prediction and scene recognition, both based on ISM trees. While it only refers to other packages with respect to the aforementioned functionalities, it includes the algorithms realizing Scene Model Sampling. E.g., it provides a (service-based) interface for the scene recognition, including an ASR-optimized visualization of ISM trees. The reason for linking scene recognition and object pose prediction within a package instead of message passing, is the size and number of scene recognition results occurring.
This package includes the algorithmic link between object pose prediction and scene recognition, both based on ISM trees. While it only refers to other packages with respect to the aforementioned functionalities, it includes the algorithms realizing Scene Model Sampling. E.g., it provides a (service-based) interface for the scene recognition, including an ASR-optimized visualization of ISM trees. The reason for linking scene recognition and object pose prediction within a package instead of message passing, is the size and number of scene recognition results occurring.
1 2020-01-06 asr_object_database
This package is used to store and provide objects and their information which can be used by other packages like object recognizers
This package is used to store and provide objects and their information which can be used by other packages like object recognizers
1 2020-01-06 asr_lib_pose_prediction_ism
This package contains classes and algorithms to predict poses of searched objects by the help of a tree of ISMs. It is organized as a library and contains only a small program to evaluate the performance of different algorithms.
This package contains classes and algorithms to predict poses of searched objects by the help of a tree of ISMs. It is organized as a library and contains only a small program to evaluate the performance of different algorithms.
1 2020-01-06 asr_lib_ism
This package contains the ROS-independent library which provides the actual scene-recognition functionality of Implicit Shape Model (ISM) trees. It is referred to both by asr_ism for Passive Scene Recognition and by asr_recognizer_prediction_ism for Active Scene Recognition.
This package contains the ROS-independent library which provides the actual scene-recognition functionality of Implicit Shape Model (ISM) trees. It is referred to both by asr_ism for Passive Scene Recognition and by asr_recognizer_prediction_ism for Active Scene Recognition.
1 2020-01-06 asr_ism
This package contains nodes which make up the Passive-Scene-Recognition interface to Implicit Shape Model (ISM) trees. The Active-Scene-Recognition interface to ISM trees is located in asr_recognizer_prediction_ism, instead. A short outline of the functionalities provided by the nodes are: 1. Recording of scenes 2. Training of an ISM tree (Implicit shape model tree) 3. Recognition of scenes 4. Visualization of ISM (tree) data etc.
This package contains nodes which make up the Passive-Scene-Recognition interface to Implicit Shape Model (ISM) trees. The Active-Scene-Recognition interface to ISM trees is located in asr_recognizer_prediction_ism, instead. A short outline of the functionalities provided by the nodes are: 1. Recording of scenes 2. Training of an ISM tree (Implicit shape model tree) 3. Recognition of scenes 4. Visualization of ISM (tree) data etc.
1 2020-01-06 asr_direct_search_manager
This package can be used to generate and manage poses for the direct mode of 3-D object search. The direct mode is used as an opening procedure for Active Scene Recognition. The poses will be generated so that they cover the current environment map. There are different modes to generate these poses. One is based on a grid and a second on a recording of the "cropbox record" mode in the asr_state_machine.
This package can be used to generate and manage poses for the direct mode of 3-D object search. The direct mode is used as an opening procedure for Active Scene Recognition. The poses will be generated so that they cover the current environment map. There are different modes to generate these poses. One is based on a grid and a second on a recording of the "cropbox record" mode in the asr_state_machine.
1 2020-01-02 asr_msgs
This package contains all messages that are particular to our Active Scene Recognition - Framework at Humanoids and Intelligence Systems Lab (HIS), Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT). These messages make up the interfaces between the different collaborating components of this system. They are of critical importance and structured by the ROS communication capabilities.
This package contains all messages that are particular to our Active Scene Recognition - Framework at Humanoids and Intelligence Systems Lab (HIS), Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT). These messages make up the interfaces between the different collaborating components of this system. They are of critical importance and structured by the ROS communication capabilities.
2 2019-12-19 microstrain_mips
The microstrain_mips package provides a driver for the LORD/Microstrain 3DM_GX5_XX GPS-aided IMU sensor.
The microstrain_mips package provides a driver for the LORD/Microstrain 3DM_GX5_XX GPS-aided IMU sensor.
1 2019-12-18 safe_teleop_stage
Demo of safe_teleop in stage
Demo of safe_teleop in stage
1 2019-12-18 safe_teleop_pr2
Launch files for running safe_teleop_base on pr2
Launch files for running safe_teleop_base on pr2
1 2019-12-18 safe_teleop_base
This package provides automatic collision avoidance and is intended to be used for safer teleoperation of a robot base.
This package provides automatic collision avoidance and is intended to be used for safer teleoperation of a robot base.
1 2019-12-15 caster_viz
The caster_viz package
The caster_viz package
1 2019-12-15 caster_teleop
The caster_teleop package
The caster_teleop package
1 2019-12-15 caster_robot
The caster_robot package
The caster_robot package
1 2019-12-15 caster_navigation
The caster_navigation package
The caster_navigation package
1 2019-12-15 caster_desktop
The caster_desktop package
The caster_desktop package
1 2019-12-15 caster_description
The caster_description package
The caster_description package
1 2019-12-15 caster_control
The caster_control package
The caster_control package
1 2019-12-15 caster_base
The caster_base package
The caster_base package
1 2019-12-15 caster_app
The caster_app package
The caster_app package
1 2019-12-14 asr_ftc_local_planner
A local planner which based on the "follow the carrot" algorithm. Drives accurate along the global plan
A local planner which based on the "follow the carrot" algorithm. Drives accurate along the global plan
1 2019-12-14 asr_descriptor_surface_based_recognition
This package contains a 6-DoF object localizer for textured household objects
This package contains a 6-DoF object localizer for textured household objects
1 2019-12-08 blender_gazebo
The blender_gazebo package
The blender_gazebo package
1 2019-12-04 asr_xsd2cpp
This package is used to generate C++ classes (headers) mapped to the components of an input XML Schema
This package is used to generate C++ classes (headers) mapped to the components of an input XML Schema
1 2019-12-04 asr_ros_uri
The asr_ros_uri package delivers functionality equally to resource_finder. With one exception: It doesn't load the resource into memory but just delivers the uri path to a given file or a file path for a given uri.
The asr_ros_uri package delivers functionality equally to resource_finder. With one exception: It doesn't load the resource into memory but just delivers the uri path to a given file or a file path for a given uri.
1 2019-12-04 asr_rapidxml
This package contains a Ros wrapper for RapidXML (version 1.13)
This package contains a Ros wrapper for RapidXML (version 1.13)
1 2019-12-01 asr_ivt
Ros wrapper for the Integrated Vision Toolkit (IVT) library (version 1.3.22)
Ros wrapper for the Integrated Vision Toolkit (IVT) library (version 1.3.22)
1 2019-11-28 eyantra_drone
This package is used to communicate between drone and PC/Laptop through ROS. Drone will send the accelerometer,gyroscope, magnetometer and altitude data. You can subscribe to the roll, pitch, yaw and battery level
This package is used to communicate between drone and PC/Laptop through ROS. Drone will send the accelerometer,gyroscope, magnetometer and altitude data. You can subscribe to the roll, pitch, yaw and battery level
1 2019-11-28 edrone_server
The eyantra_drone package
The eyantra_drone package
1 2019-11-28 edrone_client
The eyantra_drone package
The eyantra_drone package
1 2019-11-28 asr_robot_model_services
This package provides services to perform calculations related to the mild's kinematic model.
This package provides services to perform calculations related to the mild's kinematic model.
1 2019-11-28 asr_navfn
navfn provides a fast interpolated navigation function that can be used to create plans for a mobile base. The planner assumes a circular robot and operates on a costmap to find a minimum cost plan from a start point to an end point in a grid. The navigation function is computed with Dijkstra's algorithm, but support for an A* heuristic may also be added in the near future. navfn also provides a ROS wrapper for the navfn planner that adheres to the nav_core::BaseGlobalPlanner interface specified in
navfn provides a fast interpolated navigation function that can be used to create plans for a mobile base. The planner assumes a circular robot and operates on a costmap to find a minimum cost plan from a start point to an end point in a grid. The navigation function is computed with Dijkstra's algorithm, but support for an A* heuristic may also be added in the near future. navfn also provides a ROS wrapper for the navfn planner that adheres to the nav_core::BaseGlobalPlanner interface specified in
1 2019-11-23 asr_gazebo_models
This package provides our gazebo_models
This package provides our gazebo_models
1 2019-11-23 asr_flir_ptu_controller
asr_flir_ptu_controller is a package to control a flir ptu unit from a action server
asr_flir_ptu_controller is a package to control a flir ptu unit from a action server
3 2019-11-20 ml_classifiers
1 2019-11-18 yosemite_valley
The yosemite_valley package
The yosemite_valley package
1 2019-11-18 sand_island
The sand_island package
The sand_island package
1 2019-11-18 mcmillan_airfield
The mcmillan_airfield package
The mcmillan_airfield package
1 2019-11-18 ksql_airport
The ksql_airport package
The ksql_airport package
1 2019-11-18 baylands
The baylands package
The baylands package
1 2019-11-18 asr_intermediate_object_generator
The intermediate object generator generates intermediate objects for a domain composed from scenes. It is used to restrain the amount of objects searched during the direct search phase by selecting appropriate objects to search.
The intermediate object generator generates intermediate objects for a domain composed from scenes. It is used to restrain the amount of objects searched during the direct search phase by selecting appropriate objects to search.
1 2019-11-18 asr_grid_creator
This package can generate a grid for the current map. Each grid_point defines a position where the robot has to move to. The grid can be used later on in the asr_direct_search_manager as a basis to generate poses to search the map. At each grid_point the robot will search around him. All gird_points together should cover the map.
This package can generate a grid for the current map. Each grid_point defines a position where the robot has to move to. The grid can be used later on in the asr_direct_search_manager as a basis to generate poses to search the map. At each grid_point the robot will search around him. All gird_points together should cover the map.
1 2019-11-17 asr_mild_calibration_tool
A tool to calibrate the relative frames between the mild's laserscanner and the cameras
A tool to calibrate the relative frames between the mild's laserscanner and the cameras
1 2019-11-14 asr_relation_graph_generator
Generates the tree containing selected relations between scene objects from recorded trajectories. Used in PSM.
Generates the tree containing selected relations between scene objects from recorded trajectories. Used in PSM.
1 2019-11-14 asr_psm
This package contains a system to recognize scenes called the Probabilistic Scene Model (PSM). It uses objects and relative poses (relations) between the objects. The realations can be dynamic and each object can be a reference object. The system consists of a training subsystem that trains new scenes and a scene inference subsystem that calculates scene probabilities of previously trained scenes.
This package contains a system to recognize scenes called the Probabilistic Scene Model (PSM). It uses objects and relative poses (relations) between the objects. The realations can be dynamic and each object can be a reference object. The system consists of a training subsystem that trains new scenes and a scene inference subsystem that calculates scene probabilities of previously trained scenes.
1 2019-11-14 asr_flir_ptu_driver
asr_flir_ptu_driver is a package for controlling a flir ptu via (external) msg authors: Valerij Wittenbeck, Joachim Gehrung, Pascal Meissner, Patrick Schlosser
asr_flir_ptu_driver is a package for controlling a flir ptu via (external) msg authors: Valerij Wittenbeck, Joachim Gehrung, Pascal Meissner, Patrick Schlosser
1 2019-11-10 visualization_osg
visualization_osg is a metapackage providing support for visualization of geometry using the OpenSceneGraph rendering engine.
visualization_osg is a metapackage providing support for visualization of geometry using the OpenSceneGraph rendering engine.
1 2019-11-10 uwsim_osgworks
The OSG Works library adapted to UWSim. See
The OSG Works library adapted to UWSim. See
1 2019-11-10 uwsim_osgocean
The OSG Ocean library adapted to UWSim. See
The OSG Ocean library adapted to UWSim. See
1 2019-11-10 uwsim_bullet
The bullet library. See
The bullet library. See
1 2019-11-10 rxros_tf
Extensions to RxROS for working with TF.
Extensions to RxROS for working with TF.
1 2019-11-10 rxros
The RxROS package
The RxROS package
1 2019-11-10 osg_utils
osg_utils is a library that contains some classes that may be useful in ROS-OSG applications.
osg_utils is a library that contains some classes that may be useful in ROS-OSG applications.
1 2019-11-10 osg_markers
osg_markers can be used to create Markers geometry in OSG.
osg_markers can be used to create Markers geometry in OSG.
1 2019-11-10 osg_interactive_markers
This package is basically an OpenSceneGraph (OSG) adaptation of the Interactive Markers client writen for rviz/Ogre.
This package is basically an OpenSceneGraph (OSG) adaptation of the Interactive Markers client writen for rviz/Ogre.
1 2019-11-06 uwsim_osgbullet
The OSG Bullet library adapted to UWSim. See
The OSG Bullet library adapted to UWSim. See
1 2019-11-03 asr_resources_for_psm
This package contains resources for probabilistic scene modelling
This package contains resources for probabilistic scene modelling