No version for distro humble. Known supported distros are highlighted in the buttons above.
No version for distro jazzy. Known supported distros are highlighted in the buttons above.
No version for distro rolling. Known supported distros are highlighted in the buttons above.

Package Summary

Tags No category tags.
Version 2.0.0
License Apache License 2.0
Build type CATKIN

Repository Summary

Checkout URI
VCS Type git
VCS Version master
Last Updated 2024-06-18
CI status No Continuous Integration
Tags No category tags.
Contributing Help Wanted (0)
Good First Issues (0)
Pull Requests to Review (0)

Package Description

examples of Sciurus17 ROS package

Additional Links

No additional links.


  • RT Corporation


  • Daisuke Sato
  • Hiroyuki Nomura
English 日本語


This package includes examples to control Sciurus17 using sciurus17_ros.

How to launch Sciurus17 base packages

  1. Connect cables of a head camera, a chest camera and a control board to a PC.
  2. Power on the Sciurus17 and the camera device names are shown in the /dev directory.
  3. Open terminal and launch sciurus17_bringup.launch of sciurus17_bringup package.

This launch file has arguments:

  • use_rviz (default: true)
  • use_head_camera (default: true)
  • use_chest_camera (default: true)

Using virtual Sciurus17

To launch Sciurus17 base packages without Sciurus17 hardware, unplug the control board’s cable from the PC, then launch nodes with the following command:

roslaunch sciurus17_bringup sciurus17_bringup.launch

Using real Sciurus17

Launch the base packages with the following command:

roslaunch sciurus17_bringup sciurus17_bringup.launch

Using without cameras

Launch the base packages with arguments:

roslaunch sciurus17_bringup sciurus17_bringup.launch use_head_camera:=false use_chest_camera:=false

Using without RViz

To reduce the CPU load of the PC, launch the base packages with arguments:

roslaunch sciurus17_bringup sciurus17_bringup.launch use_rviz:=false

Using Gazebo simulator

Launch the packages with the following command:

roslaunch sciurus17_gazebo sciurus17_with_table.launch

# without RViz
roslaunch sciurus17_gazebo sciurus17_with_table.launch use_rviz:=false

Run Examples

Following examples will be executable after launch Sciurus17 base packages.


This is an example to open/close the grippers of the two arms.

Run a node with the following command:

rosrun sciurus17_examples

<img src= width=500px />


back to example list


This is an example to change angles of the neck.

Run a node with the following command:

rosrun sciurus17_examples

<img src = width = 500px />


back to example list


This is an example to change angles of the waist.

Run a node with the following command:

rosrun sciurus17_examples

<img src = width = 500px />


back to example list


This is an example to pick and place a small object with right hand while turning the waist.

Run a node with the following command:

rosrun sciurus17_examples

<img src = width = 500px />

This is an example to pick and place a small object with left hand.

Run a node with the following command:

rosrun sciurus17_examples

<img src = width = 500px />

This is an example to pick and place a small object with both hands.

Run a node with the following command:

rosrun sciurus17_examples

<img src = width = 500px />


back to example list


This is an example to receive link positions from tf server.

This example receives transformed positions l_link7 and r_link7 based on base_link from tf server, then publishes these positions as topics named /sciurus17/hand_pos/left and /sciurus17/hand_pos/right.

Run a node with the following command:

rosrun sciurus17_examples

back to example list


This is an example to use the head camera images and OpenCV library for ball tracking and face tracking.

Run a node with the following command:

rosrun sciurus17_examples

For ball tracking

Edit ./scripts/ as follows:

def _image_callback(self, ros_image):
    # ...

        # Detect an object (specific color or face)
        output_image = self._detect_orange_object(input_image)
        # output_image = self._detect_blue_object(input_image)
        # output_image = self._detect_face(input_image)

<img src = width = 500px />

For face tracking

Edit ./scripts/ as follows:

This example uses Cascade Classifier for face tracking.

Please edit the directories of cascade files in the script file. USER_NAME depends on user environments.

class ObjectTracker:
    def __init__(self):
        # ...

        # Load cascade files
        # Example:
        # self._face_cascade = cv2.CascadeClassifier("/home/USER_NAME/.local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/cv2/data/haarcascade_frontalface_alt2.xml")
        # self._eyes_cascade = cv2.CascadeClassifier("/home/USER_NAME/.local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/cv2/data/haarcascade_eye.xml")
        self._face_cascade = cv2.CascadeClassifier("/home/USER_NAME/.local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/cv2/data/haarcascade_frontalface_alt2.xml")
        self._eyes_cascade = cv2.CascadeClassifier("/home/USER_NAME/.local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/cv2/data/haarcascade_eye.xml")

def _image_callback(self, ros_image):
    # ...

        # Detect an object (specific color or face)
        # output_image = self._detect_orange_object(input_image)
        # output_image = self._detect_blue_object(input_image)
        output_image = self._detect_face(input_image)


This orange ball can be purchased from this page in RT ROBOT SHOP.

back to example list


This is an example to use the chest camera images and OpenCV library for ball tracking.

Run a node with the following command:

rosrun sciurus17_examples

<img src = width = 500px />

Execute face tracking and ball tracking simultaneously

Launch nodes with the following commands for face tracking with the head camera and for ball tracking with the chest camera.

rosrun sciurus17_examples

# Open another terminal
rosrun sciurus17_examples


back to example list


This is an example to use the depth camera on the head for object tracking.

Run a node with the following command:

rosrun sciurus17_examples

The default detection range is separated into four stages.

To change the detection range, edit ./scripts/ as the followings:

    def _detect_object(self, input_depth_image):
        # Limitation of object size
        MIN_OBJECT_SIZE = 10000 # px * px
        MAX_OBJECT_SIZE = 80000 # px * px

        # The detection range is separated into four stages.
        # Unit: mm
                (500, 700),
                (600, 800),
                (700, 900),
                (800, 1000)]

back to example list


This is an example to change PID gains of the servo motors in bulk using preset_reconfigure of sciurus17_control.

Lists of PID gain preset values can be edited in sciurus17_control/scripts/

Launch nodes and with the following command:

roslaunch sciurus17_examples preset_pid_gain_example.launch

back to example list


<img src = width = 500px />

This is an example to detect boxes via PointCloudLibrary and stack the boxes.

Launch nodes with the following command:

roslaunch sciurus17_examples box_stacking_example.launch

To visualize the result of box detection, please add /sciurus17/example/markers of visualization_msgs/MarkerArray in Rviz.

<img src = width = 500px />


back to example list


This section shows how to change the right arm to current-controlled mode and move it.

Unlike the position control mode, the angle limit set on the servo becomes invalid in the current control mode.
RT Corporation assumes no responsibility for any damage that may occur during use of the product or this software.

Please hold onto the robot’s right arm before exiting the sample with Ctrl+c. When the sample ends, the right arm will deactivate and become free, which may lead to a clash.

Using Gazebo simulator for current_control_right_arm

Start Gazebo with additional options to change the hardware_interface of the right arm.

roslaunch sciurus17_gazebo sciurus17_with_table.launch use_effort_right_arm:=true

Using real Sciurus17 for current_control_right_arm

Before running the real Sciurus17, change the Operating Mode of the servo motors (ID2 ~ ID8) of the right arm from position control to current control using an application such as Dynamixel Wizard 2.0.

※Please also refer to the README of sciurus17_control for information on changing the control mode of the servo motor.

Then edit sciurus17_control/config/sciurus17_cotrol1.yaml as follows.

  • Change the controller type to effect_controllers/JointTrajectoryController.
-  type: "position_controllers/JointTrajectoryController"
+  type: "effort_controllers/JointTrajectoryController"
  publish_rate: 500

  • Change control mode from 3 (position control) to 0 (current control).
-    r_arm_joint1: {id: 2, center: 2048, home: 2048, effort_const: 2.79, mode: 3 }
-    r_arm_joint2: {id: 3, center: 2048, home: 1024, effort_const: 2.79, mode: 3 }
-    r_arm_joint3: {id: 4, center: 2048, home: 2048, effort_const: 1.69, mode: 3 }
-    r_arm_joint4: {id: 5, center: 2048, home: 3825, effort_const: 1.79, mode: 3 }
-    r_arm_joint5: {id: 6, center: 2048, home: 2048, effort_const: 1.79, mode: 3 }
-    r_arm_joint6: {id: 7, center: 2048, home:  683, effort_const: 1.79, mode: 3 }
-    r_arm_joint7: {id: 8, center: 2048, home: 2048, effort_const: 1.79, mode: 3 }
     r_hand_joint: {id: 9, center: 2048, home: 2048, effort_const: 1.79, mode: 3 }

+    r_arm_joint1: {id: 2, center: 2048, home: 2048, effort_const: 2.79, mode: 0 }
+    r_arm_joint2: {id: 3, center: 2048, home: 1024, effort_const: 2.79, mode: 0 }
+    r_arm_joint3: {id: 4, center: 2048, home: 2048, effort_const: 1.69, mode: 0 }
+    r_arm_joint4: {id: 5, center: 2048, home: 3825, effort_const: 1.79, mode: 0 }
+    r_arm_joint5: {id: 6, center: 2048, home: 2048, effort_const: 1.79, mode: 0 }
+    r_arm_joint6: {id: 7, center: 2048, home:  683, effort_const: 1.79, mode: 0 }
+    r_arm_joint7: {id: 8, center: 2048, home: 2048, effort_const: 1.79, mode: 0 }
     r_hand_joint: {id: 9, center: 2048, home: 2048, effort_const: 1.79, mode: 3 }

After changing the file, run the following command to start the sciurus17 node.

roslaunch sciurus17_bringup sciurus17_bringup.launch

The PID gain of the controller is set in sciurus17_control/config/sciurus17_cotrol1.yaml.

Depending on the individual Sciurus17, it may not reach the target attitude or may vibrate. Change the PID gain accordingly.

    type: "effort_controllers/JointTrajectoryController"

    # for current control
      r_arm_joint1: { p: 5.0,  d: 0.1, i: 0.0 }
      r_arm_joint2: { p: 5.0,  d: 0.1, i: 0.0 }
      r_arm_joint3: { p: 5.0,  d: 0.1, i: 0.0 }
      r_arm_joint4: { p: 5.0,  d: 0.1, i: 0.0 }
      r_arm_joint5: { p: 1.0,  d: 0.1, i: 0.0 }
      r_arm_joint6: { p: 1.0,  d: 0.1, i: 0.0 }
      r_arm_joint7: { p: 1.0,  d: 0.1, i: 0.0 }


back to example list


This section shows how to change the left wrist to current-controlled mode and move it.

Using Gazebo simulator for current_control_left_wrist

Start Gazebo with additional options to change the hardware_interface of the left wrist.

roslaunch sciurus17_gazebo sciurus17_with_table.launch use_effort_left_wrist:=true

Using real Sciurus17 for current_control_left_wrist

Before running the real Sciurus17, change the Operating Mode of the servo motor (ID16) of the left wrist from position control to current control using an application such as Dynamixel Wizard 2.0.

Then edit sciurus17_control/config/sciurus17_cotrol2.yaml as follows.

  • Add a controller for wrist joints.
      goal_time: 0.0
      stopped_velocity_tolerance: 1.0

+  left_wrist_controller:
+    type: "effort_controllers/JointEffortController"
+    joint: l_arm_joint7
+    pid: {p: 1.0, d: 0.0, i: 0.0}


  • Change control mode from 3 (position control) to 0 (current control).
    l_arm_joint6: {id: 15, center: 2048, home: 3413, effort_const: 1.79, mode: 3  }
-   l_arm_joint7: {id: 16, center: 2048, home: 2048, effort_const: 1.79, mode: 3  }
    l_hand_joint: {id: 17, center: 2048, home: 2048, effort_const: 1.79, mode: 3  }

    l_arm_joint6: {id: 15, center: 2048, home: 3413, effort_const: 1.79, mode: 3  }
+   l_arm_joint7: {id: 16, center: 2048, home: 2048, effort_const: 1.79, mode: 0  }
    l_hand_joint: {id: 17, center: 2048, home: 2048, effort_const: 1.79, mode: 3  }

Finally, edit sciurus17_control/launch/controller2.launch.

    <node name="controller_manager"
        type="spawner" respawn="false"
-             left_arm_controller
+             left_wrist_controller

After changing the file, run the following command to start the sciurus17 node.

roslaunch sciurus17_bringup sciurus17_bringup.launch

Run the example

Run the following command to start a example for moving the left wrist in a range of ±90 degrees.

rosrun sciurus17_examples


back to example list


Wiki Tutorials

This package does not provide any links to tutorials in it's rosindex metadata. You can check on the ROS Wiki Tutorials page for the package.


No message files found.


No service files found


No plugins found.

Recent questions tagged sciurus17_examples at Robotics Stack Exchange

No version for distro ardent. Known supported distros are highlighted in the buttons above.
No version for distro bouncy. Known supported distros are highlighted in the buttons above.
No version for distro crystal. Known supported distros are highlighted in the buttons above.
No version for distro eloquent. Known supported distros are highlighted in the buttons above.
No version for distro dashing. Known supported distros are highlighted in the buttons above.
No version for distro galactic. Known supported distros are highlighted in the buttons above.
No version for distro foxy. Known supported distros are highlighted in the buttons above.
No version for distro iron. Known supported distros are highlighted in the buttons above.
No version for distro lunar. Known supported distros are highlighted in the buttons above.
No version for distro jade. Known supported distros are highlighted in the buttons above.
No version for distro indigo. Known supported distros are highlighted in the buttons above.
No version for distro hydro. Known supported distros are highlighted in the buttons above.

Package Summary

Tags No category tags.
Version 2.0.0
License Apache License 2.0
Build type CATKIN

Repository Summary

Checkout URI
VCS Type git
VCS Version master
Last Updated 2024-06-18
CI status No Continuous Integration
Tags No category tags.
Contributing Help Wanted (0)
Good First Issues (0)
Pull Requests to Review (0)

Package Description

examples of Sciurus17 ROS package

Additional Links

No additional links.


  • RT Corporation


  • Daisuke Sato
  • Hiroyuki Nomura
English 日本語


This package includes examples to control Sciurus17 using sciurus17_ros.

How to launch Sciurus17 base packages

  1. Connect cables of a head camera, a chest camera and a control board to a PC.
  2. Power on the Sciurus17 and the camera device names are shown in the /dev directory.
  3. Open terminal and launch sciurus17_bringup.launch of sciurus17_bringup package.

This launch file has arguments:

  • use_rviz (default: true)
  • use_head_camera (default: true)
  • use_chest_camera (default: true)

Using virtual Sciurus17

To launch Sciurus17 base packages without Sciurus17 hardware, unplug the control board’s cable from the PC, then launch nodes with the following command:

roslaunch sciurus17_bringup sciurus17_bringup.launch

Using real Sciurus17

Launch the base packages with the following command:

roslaunch sciurus17_bringup sciurus17_bringup.launch

Using without cameras

Launch the base packages with arguments:

roslaunch sciurus17_bringup sciurus17_bringup.launch use_head_camera:=false use_chest_camera:=false

Using without RViz

To reduce the CPU load of the PC, launch the base packages with arguments:

roslaunch sciurus17_bringup sciurus17_bringup.launch use_rviz:=false

Using Gazebo simulator

Launch the packages with the following command:

roslaunch sciurus17_gazebo sciurus17_with_table.launch

# without RViz
roslaunch sciurus17_gazebo sciurus17_with_table.launch use_rviz:=false

Run Examples

Following examples will be executable after launch Sciurus17 base packages.


This is an example to open/close the grippers of the two arms.

Run a node with the following command:

rosrun sciurus17_examples

<img src= width=500px />


back to example list


This is an example to change angles of the neck.

Run a node with the following command:

rosrun sciurus17_examples

<img src = width = 500px />


back to example list


This is an example to change angles of the waist.

Run a node with the following command:

rosrun sciurus17_examples

<img src = width = 500px />


back to example list


This is an example to pick and place a small object with right hand while turning the waist.

Run a node with the following command:

rosrun sciurus17_examples

<img src = width = 500px />

This is an example to pick and place a small object with left hand.

Run a node with the following command:

rosrun sciurus17_examples

<img src = width = 500px />

This is an example to pick and place a small object with both hands.

Run a node with the following command:

rosrun sciurus17_examples

<img src = width = 500px />


back to example list


This is an example to receive link positions from tf server.

This example receives transformed positions l_link7 and r_link7 based on base_link from tf server, then publishes these positions as topics named /sciurus17/hand_pos/left and /sciurus17/hand_pos/right.

Run a node with the following command:

rosrun sciurus17_examples

back to example list


This is an example to use the head camera images and OpenCV library for ball tracking and face tracking.

Run a node with the following command:

rosrun sciurus17_examples

For ball tracking

Edit ./scripts/ as follows:

def _image_callback(self, ros_image):
    # ...

        # Detect an object (specific color or face)
        output_image = self._detect_orange_object(input_image)
        # output_image = self._detect_blue_object(input_image)
        # output_image = self._detect_face(input_image)

<img src = width = 500px />

For face tracking

Edit ./scripts/ as follows:

This example uses Cascade Classifier for face tracking.

Please edit the directories of cascade files in the script file. USER_NAME depends on user environments.

class ObjectTracker:
    def __init__(self):
        # ...

        # Load cascade files
        # Example:
        # self._face_cascade = cv2.CascadeClassifier("/home/USER_NAME/.local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/cv2/data/haarcascade_frontalface_alt2.xml")
        # self._eyes_cascade = cv2.CascadeClassifier("/home/USER_NAME/.local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/cv2/data/haarcascade_eye.xml")
        self._face_cascade = cv2.CascadeClassifier("/home/USER_NAME/.local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/cv2/data/haarcascade_frontalface_alt2.xml")
        self._eyes_cascade = cv2.CascadeClassifier("/home/USER_NAME/.local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/cv2/data/haarcascade_eye.xml")

def _image_callback(self, ros_image):
    # ...

        # Detect an object (specific color or face)
        # output_image = self._detect_orange_object(input_image)
        # output_image = self._detect_blue_object(input_image)
        output_image = self._detect_face(input_image)


This orange ball can be purchased from this page in RT ROBOT SHOP.

back to example list


This is an example to use the chest camera images and OpenCV library for ball tracking.

Run a node with the following command:

rosrun sciurus17_examples

<img src = width = 500px />

Execute face tracking and ball tracking simultaneously

Launch nodes with the following commands for face tracking with the head camera and for ball tracking with the chest camera.

rosrun sciurus17_examples

# Open another terminal
rosrun sciurus17_examples


back to example list


This is an example to use the depth camera on the head for object tracking.

Run a node with the following command:

rosrun sciurus17_examples

The default detection range is separated into four stages.

To change the detection range, edit ./scripts/ as the followings:

    def _detect_object(self, input_depth_image):
        # Limitation of object size
        MIN_OBJECT_SIZE = 10000 # px * px
        MAX_OBJECT_SIZE = 80000 # px * px

        # The detection range is separated into four stages.
        # Unit: mm
                (500, 700),
                (600, 800),
                (700, 900),
                (800, 1000)]

back to example list


This is an example to change PID gains of the servo motors in bulk using preset_reconfigure of sciurus17_control.

Lists of PID gain preset values can be edited in sciurus17_control/scripts/

Launch nodes and with the following command:

roslaunch sciurus17_examples preset_pid_gain_example.launch

back to example list


<img src = width = 500px />

This is an example to detect boxes via PointCloudLibrary and stack the boxes.

Launch nodes with the following command:

roslaunch sciurus17_examples box_stacking_example.launch

To visualize the result of box detection, please add /sciurus17/example/markers of visualization_msgs/MarkerArray in Rviz.

<img src = width = 500px />


back to example list


This section shows how to change the right arm to current-controlled mode and move it.

Unlike the position control mode, the angle limit set on the servo becomes invalid in the current control mode.
RT Corporation assumes no responsibility for any damage that may occur during use of the product or this software.

Please hold onto the robot’s right arm before exiting the sample with Ctrl+c. When the sample ends, the right arm will deactivate and become free, which may lead to a clash.

Using Gazebo simulator for current_control_right_arm

Start Gazebo with additional options to change the hardware_interface of the right arm.

roslaunch sciurus17_gazebo sciurus17_with_table.launch use_effort_right_arm:=true

Using real Sciurus17 for current_control_right_arm

Before running the real Sciurus17, change the Operating Mode of the servo motors (ID2 ~ ID8) of the right arm from position control to current control using an application such as Dynamixel Wizard 2.0.

※Please also refer to the README of sciurus17_control for information on changing the control mode of the servo motor.

Then edit sciurus17_control/config/sciurus17_cotrol1.yaml as follows.

  • Change the controller type to effect_controllers/JointTrajectoryController.
-  type: "position_controllers/JointTrajectoryController"
+  type: "effort_controllers/JointTrajectoryController"
  publish_rate: 500

  • Change control mode from 3 (position control) to 0 (current control).
-    r_arm_joint1: {id: 2, center: 2048, home: 2048, effort_const: 2.79, mode: 3 }
-    r_arm_joint2: {id: 3, center: 2048, home: 1024, effort_const: 2.79, mode: 3 }
-    r_arm_joint3: {id: 4, center: 2048, home: 2048, effort_const: 1.69, mode: 3 }
-    r_arm_joint4: {id: 5, center: 2048, home: 3825, effort_const: 1.79, mode: 3 }
-    r_arm_joint5: {id: 6, center: 2048, home: 2048, effort_const: 1.79, mode: 3 }
-    r_arm_joint6: {id: 7, center: 2048, home:  683, effort_const: 1.79, mode: 3 }
-    r_arm_joint7: {id: 8, center: 2048, home: 2048, effort_const: 1.79, mode: 3 }
     r_hand_joint: {id: 9, center: 2048, home: 2048, effort_const: 1.79, mode: 3 }

+    r_arm_joint1: {id: 2, center: 2048, home: 2048, effort_const: 2.79, mode: 0 }
+    r_arm_joint2: {id: 3, center: 2048, home: 1024, effort_const: 2.79, mode: 0 }
+    r_arm_joint3: {id: 4, center: 2048, home: 2048, effort_const: 1.69, mode: 0 }
+    r_arm_joint4: {id: 5, center: 2048, home: 3825, effort_const: 1.79, mode: 0 }
+    r_arm_joint5: {id: 6, center: 2048, home: 2048, effort_const: 1.79, mode: 0 }
+    r_arm_joint6: {id: 7, center: 2048, home:  683, effort_const: 1.79, mode: 0 }
+    r_arm_joint7: {id: 8, center: 2048, home: 2048, effort_const: 1.79, mode: 0 }
     r_hand_joint: {id: 9, center: 2048, home: 2048, effort_const: 1.79, mode: 3 }

After changing the file, run the following command to start the sciurus17 node.

roslaunch sciurus17_bringup sciurus17_bringup.launch

The PID gain of the controller is set in sciurus17_control/config/sciurus17_cotrol1.yaml.

Depending on the individual Sciurus17, it may not reach the target attitude or may vibrate. Change the PID gain accordingly.

    type: "effort_controllers/JointTrajectoryController"

    # for current control
      r_arm_joint1: { p: 5.0,  d: 0.1, i: 0.0 }
      r_arm_joint2: { p: 5.0,  d: 0.1, i: 0.0 }
      r_arm_joint3: { p: 5.0,  d: 0.1, i: 0.0 }
      r_arm_joint4: { p: 5.0,  d: 0.1, i: 0.0 }
      r_arm_joint5: { p: 1.0,  d: 0.1, i: 0.0 }
      r_arm_joint6: { p: 1.0,  d: 0.1, i: 0.0 }
      r_arm_joint7: { p: 1.0,  d: 0.1, i: 0.0 }


back to example list


This section shows how to change the left wrist to current-controlled mode and move it.

Using Gazebo simulator for current_control_left_wrist

Start Gazebo with additional options to change the hardware_interface of the left wrist.

roslaunch sciurus17_gazebo sciurus17_with_table.launch use_effort_left_wrist:=true

Using real Sciurus17 for current_control_left_wrist

Before running the real Sciurus17, change the Operating Mode of the servo motor (ID16) of the left wrist from position control to current control using an application such as Dynamixel Wizard 2.0.

Then edit sciurus17_control/config/sciurus17_cotrol2.yaml as follows.

  • Add a controller for wrist joints.
      goal_time: 0.0
      stopped_velocity_tolerance: 1.0

+  left_wrist_controller:
+    type: "effort_controllers/JointEffortController"
+    joint: l_arm_joint7
+    pid: {p: 1.0, d: 0.0, i: 0.0}


  • Change control mode from 3 (position control) to 0 (current control).
    l_arm_joint6: {id: 15, center: 2048, home: 3413, effort_const: 1.79, mode: 3  }
-   l_arm_joint7: {id: 16, center: 2048, home: 2048, effort_const: 1.79, mode: 3  }
    l_hand_joint: {id: 17, center: 2048, home: 2048, effort_const: 1.79, mode: 3  }

    l_arm_joint6: {id: 15, center: 2048, home: 3413, effort_const: 1.79, mode: 3  }
+   l_arm_joint7: {id: 16, center: 2048, home: 2048, effort_const: 1.79, mode: 0  }
    l_hand_joint: {id: 17, center: 2048, home: 2048, effort_const: 1.79, mode: 3  }

Finally, edit sciurus17_control/launch/controller2.launch.

    <node name="controller_manager"
        type="spawner" respawn="false"
-             left_arm_controller
+             left_wrist_controller

After changing the file, run the following command to start the sciurus17 node.

roslaunch sciurus17_bringup sciurus17_bringup.launch

Run the example

Run the following command to start a example for moving the left wrist in a range of ±90 degrees.

rosrun sciurus17_examples


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Wiki Tutorials

This package does not provide any links to tutorials in it's rosindex metadata. You can check on the ROS Wiki Tutorials page for the package.


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Package Summary

Tags No category tags.
Version 2.0.0
License Apache License 2.0
Build type CATKIN

Repository Summary

Checkout URI
VCS Type git
VCS Version master
Last Updated 2024-06-18
CI status No Continuous Integration
Tags No category tags.
Contributing Help Wanted (0)
Good First Issues (0)
Pull Requests to Review (0)

Package Description

examples of Sciurus17 ROS package

Additional Links

No additional links.


  • RT Corporation


  • Daisuke Sato
  • Hiroyuki Nomura
English 日本語


This package includes examples to control Sciurus17 using sciurus17_ros.

How to launch Sciurus17 base packages

  1. Connect cables of a head camera, a chest camera and a control board to a PC.
  2. Power on the Sciurus17 and the camera device names are shown in the /dev directory.
  3. Open terminal and launch sciurus17_bringup.launch of sciurus17_bringup package.

This launch file has arguments:

  • use_rviz (default: true)
  • use_head_camera (default: true)
  • use_chest_camera (default: true)

Using virtual Sciurus17

To launch Sciurus17 base packages without Sciurus17 hardware, unplug the control board’s cable from the PC, then launch nodes with the following command:

roslaunch sciurus17_bringup sciurus17_bringup.launch

Using real Sciurus17

Launch the base packages with the following command:

roslaunch sciurus17_bringup sciurus17_bringup.launch

Using without cameras

Launch the base packages with arguments:

roslaunch sciurus17_bringup sciurus17_bringup.launch use_head_camera:=false use_chest_camera:=false

Using without RViz

To reduce the CPU load of the PC, launch the base packages with arguments:

roslaunch sciurus17_bringup sciurus17_bringup.launch use_rviz:=false

Using Gazebo simulator

Launch the packages with the following command:

roslaunch sciurus17_gazebo sciurus17_with_table.launch

# without RViz
roslaunch sciurus17_gazebo sciurus17_with_table.launch use_rviz:=false

Run Examples

Following examples will be executable after launch Sciurus17 base packages.


This is an example to open/close the grippers of the two arms.

Run a node with the following command:

rosrun sciurus17_examples

<img src= width=500px />


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This is an example to change angles of the neck.

Run a node with the following command:

rosrun sciurus17_examples

<img src = width = 500px />


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This is an example to change angles of the waist.

Run a node with the following command:

rosrun sciurus17_examples

<img src = width = 500px />


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This is an example to pick and place a small object with right hand while turning the waist.

Run a node with the following command:

rosrun sciurus17_examples

<img src = width = 500px />

This is an example to pick and place a small object with left hand.

Run a node with the following command:

rosrun sciurus17_examples

<img src = width = 500px />

This is an example to pick and place a small object with both hands.

Run a node with the following command:

rosrun sciurus17_examples

<img src = width = 500px />


back to example list


This is an example to receive link positions from tf server.

This example receives transformed positions l_link7 and r_link7 based on base_link from tf server, then publishes these positions as topics named /sciurus17/hand_pos/left and /sciurus17/hand_pos/right.

Run a node with the following command:

rosrun sciurus17_examples

back to example list


This is an example to use the head camera images and OpenCV library for ball tracking and face tracking.

Run a node with the following command:

rosrun sciurus17_examples

For ball tracking

Edit ./scripts/ as follows:

def _image_callback(self, ros_image):
    # ...

        # Detect an object (specific color or face)
        output_image = self._detect_orange_object(input_image)
        # output_image = self._detect_blue_object(input_image)
        # output_image = self._detect_face(input_image)

<img src = width = 500px />

For face tracking

Edit ./scripts/ as follows:

This example uses Cascade Classifier for face tracking.

Please edit the directories of cascade files in the script file. USER_NAME depends on user environments.

class ObjectTracker:
    def __init__(self):
        # ...

        # Load cascade files
        # Example:
        # self._face_cascade = cv2.CascadeClassifier("/home/USER_NAME/.local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/cv2/data/haarcascade_frontalface_alt2.xml")
        # self._eyes_cascade = cv2.CascadeClassifier("/home/USER_NAME/.local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/cv2/data/haarcascade_eye.xml")
        self._face_cascade = cv2.CascadeClassifier("/home/USER_NAME/.local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/cv2/data/haarcascade_frontalface_alt2.xml")
        self._eyes_cascade = cv2.CascadeClassifier("/home/USER_NAME/.local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/cv2/data/haarcascade_eye.xml")

def _image_callback(self, ros_image):
    # ...

        # Detect an object (specific color or face)
        # output_image = self._detect_orange_object(input_image)
        # output_image = self._detect_blue_object(input_image)
        output_image = self._detect_face(input_image)


This orange ball can be purchased from this page in RT ROBOT SHOP.

back to example list


This is an example to use the chest camera images and OpenCV library for ball tracking.

Run a node with the following command:

rosrun sciurus17_examples

<img src = width = 500px />

Execute face tracking and ball tracking simultaneously

Launch nodes with the following commands for face tracking with the head camera and for ball tracking with the chest camera.

rosrun sciurus17_examples

# Open another terminal
rosrun sciurus17_examples


back to example list


This is an example to use the depth camera on the head for object tracking.

Run a node with the following command:

rosrun sciurus17_examples

The default detection range is separated into four stages.

To change the detection range, edit ./scripts/ as the followings:

    def _detect_object(self, input_depth_image):
        # Limitation of object size
        MIN_OBJECT_SIZE = 10000 # px * px
        MAX_OBJECT_SIZE = 80000 # px * px

        # The detection range is separated into four stages.
        # Unit: mm
                (500, 700),
                (600, 800),
                (700, 900),
                (800, 1000)]

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This is an example to change PID gains of the servo motors in bulk using preset_reconfigure of sciurus17_control.

Lists of PID gain preset values can be edited in sciurus17_control/scripts/

Launch nodes and with the following command:

roslaunch sciurus17_examples preset_pid_gain_example.launch

back to example list


<img src = width = 500px />

This is an example to detect boxes via PointCloudLibrary and stack the boxes.

Launch nodes with the following command:

roslaunch sciurus17_examples box_stacking_example.launch

To visualize the result of box detection, please add /sciurus17/example/markers of visualization_msgs/MarkerArray in Rviz.

<img src = width = 500px />


back to example list


This section shows how to change the right arm to current-controlled mode and move it.

Unlike the position control mode, the angle limit set on the servo becomes invalid in the current control mode.
RT Corporation assumes no responsibility for any damage that may occur during use of the product or this software.

Please hold onto the robot’s right arm before exiting the sample with Ctrl+c. When the sample ends, the right arm will deactivate and become free, which may lead to a clash.

Using Gazebo simulator for current_control_right_arm

Start Gazebo with additional options to change the hardware_interface of the right arm.

roslaunch sciurus17_gazebo sciurus17_with_table.launch use_effort_right_arm:=true

Using real Sciurus17 for current_control_right_arm

Before running the real Sciurus17, change the Operating Mode of the servo motors (ID2 ~ ID8) of the right arm from position control to current control using an application such as Dynamixel Wizard 2.0.

※Please also refer to the README of sciurus17_control for information on changing the control mode of the servo motor.

Then edit sciurus17_control/config/sciurus17_cotrol1.yaml as follows.

  • Change the controller type to effect_controllers/JointTrajectoryController.
-  type: "position_controllers/JointTrajectoryController"
+  type: "effort_controllers/JointTrajectoryController"
  publish_rate: 500

  • Change control mode from 3 (position control) to 0 (current control).
-    r_arm_joint1: {id: 2, center: 2048, home: 2048, effort_const: 2.79, mode: 3 }
-    r_arm_joint2: {id: 3, center: 2048, home: 1024, effort_const: 2.79, mode: 3 }
-    r_arm_joint3: {id: 4, center: 2048, home: 2048, effort_const: 1.69, mode: 3 }
-    r_arm_joint4: {id: 5, center: 2048, home: 3825, effort_const: 1.79, mode: 3 }
-    r_arm_joint5: {id: 6, center: 2048, home: 2048, effort_const: 1.79, mode: 3 }
-    r_arm_joint6: {id: 7, center: 2048, home:  683, effort_const: 1.79, mode: 3 }
-    r_arm_joint7: {id: 8, center: 2048, home: 2048, effort_const: 1.79, mode: 3 }
     r_hand_joint: {id: 9, center: 2048, home: 2048, effort_const: 1.79, mode: 3 }

+    r_arm_joint1: {id: 2, center: 2048, home: 2048, effort_const: 2.79, mode: 0 }
+    r_arm_joint2: {id: 3, center: 2048, home: 1024, effort_const: 2.79, mode: 0 }
+    r_arm_joint3: {id: 4, center: 2048, home: 2048, effort_const: 1.69, mode: 0 }
+    r_arm_joint4: {id: 5, center: 2048, home: 3825, effort_const: 1.79, mode: 0 }
+    r_arm_joint5: {id: 6, center: 2048, home: 2048, effort_const: 1.79, mode: 0 }
+    r_arm_joint6: {id: 7, center: 2048, home:  683, effort_const: 1.79, mode: 0 }
+    r_arm_joint7: {id: 8, center: 2048, home: 2048, effort_const: 1.79, mode: 0 }
     r_hand_joint: {id: 9, center: 2048, home: 2048, effort_const: 1.79, mode: 3 }

After changing the file, run the following command to start the sciurus17 node.

roslaunch sciurus17_bringup sciurus17_bringup.launch

The PID gain of the controller is set in sciurus17_control/config/sciurus17_cotrol1.yaml.

Depending on the individual Sciurus17, it may not reach the target attitude or may vibrate. Change the PID gain accordingly.

    type: "effort_controllers/JointTrajectoryController"

    # for current control
      r_arm_joint1: { p: 5.0,  d: 0.1, i: 0.0 }
      r_arm_joint2: { p: 5.0,  d: 0.1, i: 0.0 }
      r_arm_joint3: { p: 5.0,  d: 0.1, i: 0.0 }
      r_arm_joint4: { p: 5.0,  d: 0.1, i: 0.0 }
      r_arm_joint5: { p: 1.0,  d: 0.1, i: 0.0 }
      r_arm_joint6: { p: 1.0,  d: 0.1, i: 0.0 }
      r_arm_joint7: { p: 1.0,  d: 0.1, i: 0.0 }


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This section shows how to change the left wrist to current-controlled mode and move it.

Using Gazebo simulator for current_control_left_wrist

Start Gazebo with additional options to change the hardware_interface of the left wrist.

roslaunch sciurus17_gazebo sciurus17_with_table.launch use_effort_left_wrist:=true

Using real Sciurus17 for current_control_left_wrist

Before running the real Sciurus17, change the Operating Mode of the servo motor (ID16) of the left wrist from position control to current control using an application such as Dynamixel Wizard 2.0.

Then edit sciurus17_control/config/sciurus17_cotrol2.yaml as follows.

  • Add a controller for wrist joints.
      goal_time: 0.0
      stopped_velocity_tolerance: 1.0

+  left_wrist_controller:
+    type: "effort_controllers/JointEffortController"
+    joint: l_arm_joint7
+    pid: {p: 1.0, d: 0.0, i: 0.0}


  • Change control mode from 3 (position control) to 0 (current control).
    l_arm_joint6: {id: 15, center: 2048, home: 3413, effort_const: 1.79, mode: 3  }
-   l_arm_joint7: {id: 16, center: 2048, home: 2048, effort_const: 1.79, mode: 3  }
    l_hand_joint: {id: 17, center: 2048, home: 2048, effort_const: 1.79, mode: 3  }

    l_arm_joint6: {id: 15, center: 2048, home: 3413, effort_const: 1.79, mode: 3  }
+   l_arm_joint7: {id: 16, center: 2048, home: 2048, effort_const: 1.79, mode: 0  }
    l_hand_joint: {id: 17, center: 2048, home: 2048, effort_const: 1.79, mode: 3  }

Finally, edit sciurus17_control/launch/controller2.launch.

    <node name="controller_manager"
        type="spawner" respawn="false"
-             left_arm_controller
+             left_wrist_controller

After changing the file, run the following command to start the sciurus17 node.

roslaunch sciurus17_bringup sciurus17_bringup.launch

Run the example

Run the following command to start a example for moving the left wrist in a range of ±90 degrees.

rosrun sciurus17_examples


back to example list


Wiki Tutorials

This package does not provide any links to tutorials in it's rosindex metadata. You can check on the ROS Wiki Tutorials page for the package.


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Recent questions tagged sciurus17_examples at Robotics Stack Exchange