Package Summary

Tags No category tags.
Version 2.4.0
License BSD

Repository Summary

Checkout URI
VCS Type git
VCS Version ros2
Last Updated 2023-08-21
CI status No Continuous Integration
Tags No category tags.
Contributing Help Wanted (0)
Good First Issues (0)
Pull Requests to Review (0)

Package Description

This package contains a tool for setting and publishing joint state values for a given URDF.

Additional Links


  • Chris Lalancette
  • Shane Loretz


  • David V. Lu!!
  • Jackie Kay

Joint State Publisher

This contains a package for publishing sensor_msgs/msg/JointState messages for a robot described with URDF. Given a URDF (either passed on the command-line or via the /robot_description topic), this node will continually publish values for all of the movable joints in the URDF to the /joint_states topic. In combination with robot_state_publisher, this ensures that there is a valid transform for all joints even when the joint doesn't have encoder data.

Published Topics

  • /joint_states (sensor_msgs/msg/JointState) - The state of all of the movable joints in the system.

Subscribed Topics

  • (optional) /robot_description (std_msgs/msg/String) - If no URDF is given on the command-line, then this node will listen on the /robot_description topic for the URDF to be published. Once it has been received at least once, this node will start to publish joint values to /joint_states.
  • (optional) /any_topic (sensor_msgs/msg/JointState) - If the sources_list parameter is not empty (see Parameters below), then every named topic in this parameter will be subscribed to for joint state updates. Do not add the default /joint_states topic to this list, as it will end up in an endless loop!


  • rate (int) - The rate at which to publish updates to the /joint_states topic. Defaults to 10.
  • publish_default_positions (bool) - Whether to publish a default position for each movable joint to the /joint_states topic. Defaults to True.
  • publish_default_velocities (bool) - Whether to publish a default velocity for each movable joint to the /joint_states topic. Defaults to False.
  • publish_default_efforts (bool) - Whether to publish a default effort for each movable joint to the /joint_states topic. Defaults to False.
  • use_mimic_tags (bool) - Whether to honor <mimic> tags in the URDF. Defaults to True.
  • use_smallest_joint_limits (bool) - Whether to honor <safety_controller> tags in the URDF. Defaults to True.
  • source_list (array of strings) - Each string in this array represents a topic name. For each string, create a subscription to the named topic of type sensor_msgs/msg/JointStates. Publication to that topic will update the joints named in the message. Defaults to an empty array.
  • delta (double) - How much to automatically move joints during each iteration. Defaults to 0.0.

Mapped Parameters

These parameters map from joint_names to values. The format to use these parameters is <parameter>.<key>:=<value>, where a new parameter is defined for each key. See below for examples.

  • zeros (map from string -> float) - A map of joint_names to initial starting values for the joint. For example, in Eloquent and beyond, this parameter can be used from the command-line with ros2 run joint_state_publisher joint_state_publisher --ros-args --param zeros.joint_name1:=value1 --param zeros.joint_name2:=value2. This parameter is not set by default, so all joints start at zero. For joints where zero isn't within the joint range, it uses the range's (max + min) / 2.
  • dependent_joints (map from string -> map from 'parent', 'factor', 'offset' -> float) - A map of joint_names to the joints that they mimic; compare to the <mimic> tag in URDF. A joint listed here will mimic the movements of the 'parent' joint, subject to the 'factor' and 'offset' provided. The 'parent' name must be provided, while the 'factor' and 'offset' parameters are optional (they default to 1.0 and 0.0, respectively). For example, in Eloquent and beyond, this parameter can be used from the command-line with ros2 run joint_state_publisher joint_state_publisher --ros-args --param dependent_joints.left_leg.parent:=right_leg --param dependent_joints.left_leg.offset:=0.0 --param dependent_joints.left_leg.factor:=2.0. This parameter is not set by default, in which case only joints that are marked as <mimic> in the URDF are mimiced.

Changelog for package joint_state_publisher

2.4.0 (2023-08-04)

  • Support for sdformat robot descriptions (#55)
  • Refactor urdf parser function (#94)
  • Gracefully handle SIGINT (#86)
  • Contributors: Dharini Dutia, Shane Loretz, Will

2.3.0 (2022-04-21)

  • Use underscores in setup.cfg. (#76)
  • Fix the mimic_cycle test to always succeed. (#74)
  • Remove deprecated policy warning (#67)
  • Clarify docs on \'mapped parameters\' in README (#66) (#71) * Clarify docs on \'mapped parameters\' in README Co-authored-by: Binit Shah <>

  • Contributors: Binit Shah, Chris Lalancette

2.2.0 (2020-06-04)

  • Minor fixes from review.
  • Add in pytest.ini files for jsp and jsp_gui.
  • Stop using deprecated launch parameters in Foxy.
  • Contributors: Chris Lalancette

2.1.0 (2020-05-19)

2.0.0 (2020-03-10)

  • Port to ROS 2 (#30)
  • Remove the deprecated fallback option of use_gui (#34)
  • Split jsp and jsp gui (#31)
  • Only update one joint slider on value changed. (#11)
  • ignore \'planar\' joints just as \'fixed\' and \'floating\' (#14)
  • Make GUI window scroll & resize for large robots (#10)
  • Contributors: Andy McEvoy, Chris Lalancette, Michael G

Wiki Tutorials

See ROS Wiki Tutorials for more details.

Source Tutorials

Not currently indexed.

Dependant Packages

Name Repo Deps
joint_state_publisher_gui github-ros-joint_state_publisher
leo_viz github-LeoRover-leo_desktop-ros2
mir_description github-DFKI-NI-mir_robot
mir_gazebo github-DFKI-NI-mir_robot
moveit_resources_prbt_moveit_config github-ros-planning-moveit2
dual_arm_panda_moveit_config github-ros-planning-moveit_resources
moveit_resources_fanuc_moveit_config github-ros-planning-moveit_resources
moveit_resources github-ros-planning-moveit_resources
moveit_resources_panda_moveit_config github-ros-planning-moveit_resources
raspimouse_description github-rt-net-raspimouse_description
ur_bringup github-UniversalRobots-Universal_Robots_ROS2_Driver
ur_robot_driver github-UniversalRobots-Universal_Robots_ROS2_Driver
open_manipulator_x_description github-dynamixel-community-dynamixel_hardware
pantilt_bot_description github-dynamixel-community-dynamixel_hardware
raspimouse_slam github-rt-net-raspimouse_slam_navigation_ros2
panda_arm_1_moveit_config github-robosoft-ai-SMACC2
panda_arm_2_moveit_config github-robosoft-ai-SMACC2
turtlebot3_manipulation_description github-ROBOTIS-GIT-turtlebot3_manipulation
turtlebot3_manipulation_moveit_config github-ROBOTIS-GIT-turtlebot3_manipulation
urdf_launch github-ros-urdf_launch
irobot_create_common_bringup github-iRobotEducation-create3_sim
turtlebot4_description github-turtlebot-turtlebot4
gazebo_set_joint_positions_plugin github-Boeing-gazebo_set_joint_positions_plugin
reach_ros github-ros-industrial-reach_ros2
kortex_bringup github-Kinovarobotics-ros2_kortex
kortex_description github-Kinovarobotics-ros2_kortex
kinova_gen3_6dof_robotiq_2f_85_moveit_config github-Kinovarobotics-ros2_kortex
kinova_gen3_7dof_robotiq_2f_85_moveit_config github-Kinovarobotics-ros2_kortex

Launch files

No launch files found


No message files found.


No service files found


No plugins found.

Recent questions tagged joint_state_publisher at Robotics Stack Exchange

Package Summary

Tags No category tags.
Version 2.4.0
License BSD

Repository Summary

Checkout URI
VCS Type git
VCS Version ros2
Last Updated 2023-08-21
CI status No Continuous Integration
Tags No category tags.
Contributing Help Wanted (0)
Good First Issues (0)
Pull Requests to Review (0)

Package Description

This package contains a tool for setting and publishing joint state values for a given URDF.

Additional Links


  • Chris Lalancette
  • Shane Loretz


  • David V. Lu!!
  • Jackie Kay

Joint State Publisher

This contains a package for publishing sensor_msgs/msg/JointState messages for a robot described with URDF. Given a URDF (either passed on the command-line or via the /robot_description topic), this node will continually publish values for all of the movable joints in the URDF to the /joint_states topic. In combination with robot_state_publisher, this ensures that there is a valid transform for all joints even when the joint doesn't have encoder data.

Published Topics

  • /joint_states (sensor_msgs/msg/JointState) - The state of all of the movable joints in the system.

Subscribed Topics

  • (optional) /robot_description (std_msgs/msg/String) - If no URDF is given on the command-line, then this node will listen on the /robot_description topic for the URDF to be published. Once it has been received at least once, this node will start to publish joint values to /joint_states.
  • (optional) /any_topic (sensor_msgs/msg/JointState) - If the sources_list parameter is not empty (see Parameters below), then every named topic in this parameter will be subscribed to for joint state updates. Do not add the default /joint_states topic to this list, as it will end up in an endless loop!


  • rate (int) - The rate at which to publish updates to the /joint_states topic. Defaults to 10.
  • publish_default_positions (bool) - Whether to publish a default position for each movable joint to the /joint_states topic. Defaults to True.
  • publish_default_velocities (bool) - Whether to publish a default velocity for each movable joint to the /joint_states topic. Defaults to False.
  • publish_default_efforts (bool) - Whether to publish a default effort for each movable joint to the /joint_states topic. Defaults to False.
  • use_mimic_tags (bool) - Whether to honor <mimic> tags in the URDF. Defaults to True.
  • use_smallest_joint_limits (bool) - Whether to honor <safety_controller> tags in the URDF. Defaults to True.
  • source_list (array of strings) - Each string in this array represents a topic name. For each string, create a subscription to the named topic of type sensor_msgs/msg/JointStates. Publication to that topic will update the joints named in the message. Defaults to an empty array.
  • delta (double) - How much to automatically move joints during each iteration. Defaults to 0.0.

Mapped Parameters

These parameters map from joint_names to values. The format to use these parameters is <parameter>.<key>:=<value>, where a new parameter is defined for each key. See below for examples.

  • zeros (map from string -> float) - A map of joint_names to initial starting values for the joint. For example, in Eloquent and beyond, this parameter can be used from the command-line with ros2 run joint_state_publisher joint_state_publisher --ros-args --param zeros.joint_name1:=value1 --param zeros.joint_name2:=value2. This parameter is not set by default, so all joints start at zero. For joints where zero isn't within the joint range, it uses the range's (max + min) / 2.
  • dependent_joints (map from string -> map from 'parent', 'factor', 'offset' -> float) - A map of joint_names to the joints that they mimic; compare to the <mimic> tag in URDF. A joint listed here will mimic the movements of the 'parent' joint, subject to the 'factor' and 'offset' provided. The 'parent' name must be provided, while the 'factor' and 'offset' parameters are optional (they default to 1.0 and 0.0, respectively). For example, in Eloquent and beyond, this parameter can be used from the command-line with ros2 run joint_state_publisher joint_state_publisher --ros-args --param dependent_joints.left_leg.parent:=right_leg --param dependent_joints.left_leg.offset:=0.0 --param dependent_joints.left_leg.factor:=2.0. This parameter is not set by default, in which case only joints that are marked as <mimic> in the URDF are mimiced.

Changelog for package joint_state_publisher

2.4.0 (2023-08-04)

  • Support for sdformat robot descriptions (#55)
  • Refactor urdf parser function (#94)
  • Gracefully handle SIGINT (#86)
  • Contributors: Dharini Dutia, Shane Loretz, Will

2.3.0 (2022-04-21)

  • Use underscores in setup.cfg. (#76)
  • Fix the mimic_cycle test to always succeed. (#74)
  • Remove deprecated policy warning (#67)
  • Clarify docs on \'mapped parameters\' in README (#66) (#71) * Clarify docs on \'mapped parameters\' in README Co-authored-by: Binit Shah <>

  • Contributors: Binit Shah, Chris Lalancette

2.2.0 (2020-06-04)

  • Minor fixes from review.
  • Add in pytest.ini files for jsp and jsp_gui.
  • Stop using deprecated launch parameters in Foxy.
  • Contributors: Chris Lalancette

2.1.0 (2020-05-19)

2.0.0 (2020-03-10)

  • Port to ROS 2 (#30)
  • Remove the deprecated fallback option of use_gui (#34)
  • Split jsp and jsp gui (#31)
  • Only update one joint slider on value changed. (#11)
  • ignore \'planar\' joints just as \'fixed\' and \'floating\' (#14)
  • Make GUI window scroll & resize for large robots (#10)
  • Contributors: Andy McEvoy, Chris Lalancette, Michael G

Wiki Tutorials

See ROS Wiki Tutorials for more details.

Source Tutorials

Not currently indexed.

Launch files

No launch files found


No message files found.


No service files found


No plugins found.

Recent questions tagged joint_state_publisher at Robotics Stack Exchange

Package Summary

Tags No category tags.
Version 2.4.0
License BSD

Repository Summary

Checkout URI
VCS Type git
VCS Version ros2
Last Updated 2023-08-21
CI status No Continuous Integration
Tags No category tags.
Contributing Help Wanted (0)
Good First Issues (0)
Pull Requests to Review (0)

Package Description

This package contains a tool for setting and publishing joint state values for a given URDF.

Additional Links


  • Chris Lalancette
  • Shane Loretz


  • David V. Lu!!
  • Jackie Kay

Joint State Publisher

This contains a package for publishing sensor_msgs/msg/JointState messages for a robot described with URDF. Given a URDF (either passed on the command-line or via the /robot_description topic), this node will continually publish values for all of the movable joints in the URDF to the /joint_states topic. In combination with robot_state_publisher, this ensures that there is a valid transform for all joints even when the joint doesn't have encoder data.

Published Topics

  • /joint_states (sensor_msgs/msg/JointState) - The state of all of the movable joints in the system.

Subscribed Topics

  • (optional) /robot_description (std_msgs/msg/String) - If no URDF is given on the command-line, then this node will listen on the /robot_description topic for the URDF to be published. Once it has been received at least once, this node will start to publish joint values to /joint_states.
  • (optional) /any_topic (sensor_msgs/msg/JointState) - If the sources_list parameter is not empty (see Parameters below), then every named topic in this parameter will be subscribed to for joint state updates. Do not add the default /joint_states topic to this list, as it will end up in an endless loop!


  • rate (int) - The rate at which to publish updates to the /joint_states topic. Defaults to 10.
  • publish_default_positions (bool) - Whether to publish a default position for each movable joint to the /joint_states topic. Defaults to True.
  • publish_default_velocities (bool) - Whether to publish a default velocity for each movable joint to the /joint_states topic. Defaults to False.
  • publish_default_efforts (bool) - Whether to publish a default effort for each movable joint to the /joint_states topic. Defaults to False.
  • use_mimic_tags (bool) - Whether to honor <mimic> tags in the URDF. Defaults to True.
  • use_smallest_joint_limits (bool) - Whether to honor <safety_controller> tags in the URDF. Defaults to True.
  • source_list (array of strings) - Each string in this array represents a topic name. For each string, create a subscription to the named topic of type sensor_msgs/msg/JointStates. Publication to that topic will update the joints named in the message. Defaults to an empty array.
  • delta (double) - How much to automatically move joints during each iteration. Defaults to 0.0.

Mapped Parameters

These parameters map from joint_names to values. The format to use these parameters is <parameter>.<key>:=<value>, where a new parameter is defined for each key. See below for examples.

  • zeros (map from string -> float) - A map of joint_names to initial starting values for the joint. For example, in Eloquent and beyond, this parameter can be used from the command-line with ros2 run joint_state_publisher joint_state_publisher --ros-args --param zeros.joint_name1:=value1 --param zeros.joint_name2:=value2. This parameter is not set by default, so all joints start at zero. For joints where zero isn't within the joint range, it uses the range's (max + min) / 2.
  • dependent_joints (map from string -> map from 'parent', 'factor', 'offset' -> float) - A map of joint_names to the joints that they mimic; compare to the <mimic> tag in URDF. A joint listed here will mimic the movements of the 'parent' joint, subject to the 'factor' and 'offset' provided. The 'parent' name must be provided, while the 'factor' and 'offset' parameters are optional (they default to 1.0 and 0.0, respectively). For example, in Eloquent and beyond, this parameter can be used from the command-line with ros2 run joint_state_publisher joint_state_publisher --ros-args --param dependent_joints.left_leg.parent:=right_leg --param dependent_joints.left_leg.offset:=0.0 --param dependent_joints.left_leg.factor:=2.0. This parameter is not set by default, in which case only joints that are marked as <mimic> in the URDF are mimiced.

Changelog for package joint_state_publisher

2.4.0 (2023-08-04)

  • Support for sdformat robot descriptions (#55)
  • Refactor urdf parser function (#94)
  • Gracefully handle SIGINT (#86)
  • Contributors: Dharini Dutia, Shane Loretz, Will

2.3.0 (2022-04-21)

  • Use underscores in setup.cfg. (#76)
  • Fix the mimic_cycle test to always succeed. (#74)
  • Remove deprecated policy warning (#67)
  • Clarify docs on \'mapped parameters\' in README (#66) (#71) * Clarify docs on \'mapped parameters\' in README Co-authored-by: Binit Shah <>

  • Contributors: Binit Shah, Chris Lalancette

2.2.0 (2020-06-04)

  • Minor fixes from review.
  • Add in pytest.ini files for jsp and jsp_gui.
  • Stop using deprecated launch parameters in Foxy.
  • Contributors: Chris Lalancette

2.1.0 (2020-05-19)

2.0.0 (2020-03-10)

  • Port to ROS 2 (#30)
  • Remove the deprecated fallback option of use_gui (#34)
  • Split jsp and jsp gui (#31)
  • Only update one joint slider on value changed. (#11)
  • ignore \'planar\' joints just as \'fixed\' and \'floating\' (#14)
  • Make GUI window scroll & resize for large robots (#10)
  • Contributors: Andy McEvoy, Chris Lalancette, Michael G

Wiki Tutorials

See ROS Wiki Tutorials for more details.

Source Tutorials

Not currently indexed.

Launch files

No launch files found


No message files found.


No service files found


No plugins found.

Recent questions tagged joint_state_publisher at Robotics Stack Exchange

Package Summary

Tags No category tags.
Version 2.4.0
License BSD

Repository Summary

Checkout URI
VCS Type git
VCS Version ros2
Last Updated 2023-08-21
CI status No Continuous Integration
Tags No category tags.
Contributing Help Wanted (0)
Good First Issues (0)
Pull Requests to Review (0)

Package Description

This package contains a tool for setting and publishing joint state values for a given URDF.

Additional Links


  • Chris Lalancette
  • Shane Loretz


  • David V. Lu!!
  • Jackie Kay

Joint State Publisher

This contains a package for publishing sensor_msgs/msg/JointState messages for a robot described with URDF. Given a URDF (either passed on the command-line or via the /robot_description topic), this node will continually publish values for all of the movable joints in the URDF to the /joint_states topic. In combination with robot_state_publisher, this ensures that there is a valid transform for all joints even when the joint doesn't have encoder data.

Published Topics

  • /joint_states (sensor_msgs/msg/JointState) - The state of all of the movable joints in the system.

Subscribed Topics

  • (optional) /robot_description (std_msgs/msg/String) - If no URDF is given on the command-line, then this node will listen on the /robot_description topic for the URDF to be published. Once it has been received at least once, this node will start to publish joint values to /joint_states.
  • (optional) /any_topic (sensor_msgs/msg/JointState) - If the sources_list parameter is not empty (see Parameters below), then every named topic in this parameter will be subscribed to for joint state updates. Do not add the default /joint_states topic to this list, as it will end up in an endless loop!


  • rate (int) - The rate at which to publish updates to the /joint_states topic. Defaults to 10.
  • publish_default_positions (bool) - Whether to publish a default position for each movable joint to the /joint_states topic. Defaults to True.
  • publish_default_velocities (bool) - Whether to publish a default velocity for each movable joint to the /joint_states topic. Defaults to False.
  • publish_default_efforts (bool) - Whether to publish a default effort for each movable joint to the /joint_states topic. Defaults to False.
  • use_mimic_tags (bool) - Whether to honor <mimic> tags in the URDF. Defaults to True.
  • use_smallest_joint_limits (bool) - Whether to honor <safety_controller> tags in the URDF. Defaults to True.
  • source_list (array of strings) - Each string in this array represents a topic name. For each string, create a subscription to the named topic of type sensor_msgs/msg/JointStates. Publication to that topic will update the joints named in the message. Defaults to an empty array.
  • delta (double) - How much to automatically move joints during each iteration. Defaults to 0.0.

Mapped Parameters

These parameters map from joint_names to values. The format to use these parameters is <parameter>.<key>:=<value>, where a new parameter is defined for each key. See below for examples.

  • zeros (map from string -> float) - A map of joint_names to initial starting values for the joint. For example, in Eloquent and beyond, this parameter can be used from the command-line with ros2 run joint_state_publisher joint_state_publisher --ros-args --param zeros.joint_name1:=value1 --param zeros.joint_name2:=value2. This parameter is not set by default, so all joints start at zero. For joints where zero isn't within the joint range, it uses the range's (max + min) / 2.
  • dependent_joints (map from string -> map from 'parent', 'factor', 'offset' -> float) - A map of joint_names to the joints that they mimic; compare to the <mimic> tag in URDF. A joint listed here will mimic the movements of the 'parent' joint, subject to the 'factor' and 'offset' provided. The 'parent' name must be provided, while the 'factor' and 'offset' parameters are optional (they default to 1.0 and 0.0, respectively). For example, in Eloquent and beyond, this parameter can be used from the command-line with ros2 run joint_state_publisher joint_state_publisher --ros-args --param dependent_joints.left_leg.parent:=right_leg --param dependent_joints.left_leg.offset:=0.0 --param dependent_joints.left_leg.factor:=2.0. This parameter is not set by default, in which case only joints that are marked as <mimic> in the URDF are mimiced.

Changelog for package joint_state_publisher

2.4.0 (2023-08-04)

  • Support for sdformat robot descriptions (#55)
  • Refactor urdf parser function (#94)
  • Gracefully handle SIGINT (#86)
  • Contributors: Dharini Dutia, Shane Loretz, Will

2.3.0 (2022-04-21)

  • Use underscores in setup.cfg. (#76)
  • Fix the mimic_cycle test to always succeed. (#74)
  • Remove deprecated policy warning (#67)
  • Clarify docs on \'mapped parameters\' in README (#66) (#71) * Clarify docs on \'mapped parameters\' in README Co-authored-by: Binit Shah <>

  • Contributors: Binit Shah, Chris Lalancette

2.2.0 (2020-06-04)

  • Minor fixes from review.
  • Add in pytest.ini files for jsp and jsp_gui.
  • Stop using deprecated launch parameters in Foxy.
  • Contributors: Chris Lalancette

2.1.0 (2020-05-19)

2.0.0 (2020-03-10)

  • Port to ROS 2 (#30)
  • Remove the deprecated fallback option of use_gui (#34)
  • Split jsp and jsp gui (#31)
  • Only update one joint slider on value changed. (#11)
  • ignore \'planar\' joints just as \'fixed\' and \'floating\' (#14)
  • Make GUI window scroll & resize for large robots (#10)
  • Contributors: Andy McEvoy, Chris Lalancette, Michael G

Wiki Tutorials

See ROS Wiki Tutorials for more details.

Source Tutorials

Not currently indexed.

Launch files

No launch files found


No message files found.


No service files found


No plugins found.

Recent questions tagged joint_state_publisher at Robotics Stack Exchange

Package Summary

Tags No category tags.
Version 1.15.1
License BSD
Build type CATKIN

Repository Summary

Checkout URI
VCS Type git
VCS Version noetic-devel
Last Updated 2023-05-04
CI status
Tags No category tags.
Contributing Help Wanted (0)
Good First Issues (0)
Pull Requests to Review (0)

Package Description

This package contains a tool for setting and publishing joint state values for a given URDF.

Additional Links


  • Chris Lalancette
  • Shane Loretz


  • David V. Lu!!
  • Jackie Kay

Joint State Publisher

This contains a package for publishing sensor_msgs/JointState messages for a robot described with URDF. Given a URDF in the robot_description parameter on the parameter server, this node will continually publish default values for all of the movable joints in the URDF to the /joint_states topic.

See the ROS wiki for additional API documentation and tutorials.

This was originally part of the ros/robot_model repository. It has been moved to this repo as described by ros/robot_model#195

Published Topics

  • /joint_states (sensor_msgs/JointState) - The state of all of the movable joints in the system.

Subscribed Topics

  • (optional) /any_topic (sensor_msgs/JointState) - If the sources_list parameter is not empty (see Parameters below), then every named topic in this parameter will be subscribed to for joint state updates. Do not add the default /joint_states topic to this list, as it will end up in an endless loop!


  • robot_description (string, required) - A URDF or DAE file describing the robot.
  • rate (int) - The rate at which to publish updates to the /joint_states topic. Defaults to 10.
  • publish_default_positions (bool) - Whether to publish a default position for each movable joint to the /joint_states topic. Defaults to True.
  • publish_default_velocities (bool) - Whether to publish a default velocity for each movable joint to the /joint_states topic. Defaults to False.
  • publish_default_efforts (bool) - Whether to publish a default effort for each movable joint to the /joint_states topic. Defaults to False.
  • use_mimic_tags (bool) - Whether to honor <mimic> tags in the URDF. Defaults to True.
  • use_smallest_joint_limits (bool) - Whether to honor <safety_controller> tags in the URDF. Defaults to True.
  • source_list (array of strings) - Each string in this array represents a topic name. For each string, create a subscription to the named topic of type sensor_msgs/JointStates. Publication to that topic will update the joints named in the message. Defaults to an empty array.
  • zeros (dictionary of string -> float) - A dictionary of joint_names to initial starting values for the joint. Defaults to an empty dictionary, in which case 0.0 is assumed as the zero for all joints.
  • dependent_joints (dictionary of string -> dictionary of 'parent', 'factor', 'offset') - A dictionary of joint_names to the joints that they mimic; compare to the <mimic> tag in URDF. A joint listed here will mimic the movements of the 'parent' joint, subject to the 'factor' and 'offset' provided. The 'parent' name must be provided, while the 'factor' and 'offset' parameters are optional (they default to 1.0 and 0.0, respectively). Defaults to the empty dictionary, in which case only joints that are marked as <mimic> in the URDF are mimiced.

Changelog for package joint_state_publisher

1.15.1 (2022-02-17)

  • The jsp can now use the zeros parameter when joint names have slashes. (#60)
  • Removed reference to removed use_gui parameter (#69)
  • Use setuptools instead of distutils (#45)
  • Contributors: Lucas Walter, Matthew Elwin, Shane Loretz

1.15.0 (2020-03-12)

  • Bump CMake version to avoid CMP0048 (#44)
  • Set source_update_cb attr before creating subscribers (#43)
  • Make it clear robot_description is required. (#39)
  • Remove the deprecated fallback option of use_gui (#34)
  • Split jsp and jsp gui (#31)
  • Only update one joint slider on value changed. (#11)
  • ignore \'planar\' joints just as \'fixed\' and \'floating\' (#14)
  • Make GUI window scroll & resize for large robots (#10)
  • Contributors: Andy McEvoy, Chris Lalancette, Michael G

Wiki Tutorials

See ROS Wiki Tutorials for more details.

Source Tutorials

Not currently indexed.

Package Dependencies

System Dependencies

No direct system dependencies.

Dependant Packages

Name Repo Deps
cob_obstacle_distance github-4am-robotics-cob_control
cob_moveit_bringup github-ipa320-cob_manipulation
cob_bringup github-ipa320-cob_robots
cob_hardware_config github-ipa320-cob_robots
cob_gazebo_worlds github-ipa320-cob_simulation
crane_x7_moveit_config github-rt-net-crane_x7_ros
fetch_moveit_config github-fetchrobotics-fetch_ros
franka_control github-frankaemika-franka_ros
husky_viz github-husky-husky
jackal_viz github-jackal-jackal_desktop
joint_state_publisher_gui github-ros-joint_state_publisher
jsk_pcl_ros github-jsk-ros-pkg-jsk_recognition
jsk_rviz_plugins github-jsk-ros-pkg-jsk_visualization
khi_duaro_moveit_config github-Kawasaki-Robotics-khi_robot
khi_rs007l_moveit_config github-Kawasaki-Robotics-khi_robot
khi_rs007n_moveit_config github-Kawasaki-Robotics-khi_robot
khi_rs013n_moveit_config github-Kawasaki-Robotics-khi_robot
khi_rs020n_moveit_config github-Kawasaki-Robotics-khi_robot
khi_rs025n_moveit_config github-Kawasaki-Robotics-khi_robot
khi_rs030n_moveit_config github-Kawasaki-Robotics-khi_robot
khi_rs080n_moveit_config github-Kawasaki-Robotics-khi_robot
leo_viz github-LeoRover-leo_desktop
robot github-ros-metapackages
mir_description github-DFKI-NI-mir_robot
mir_gazebo github-DFKI-NI-mir_robot
moveit_resources_dual_panda_moveit_config github-ros-planning-moveit_resources
moveit_resources_fanuc_moveit_config github-ros-planning-moveit_resources
moveit_resources github-ros-planning-moveit_resources
moveit_resources_panda_moveit_config github-ros-planning-moveit_resources
moveit_resources_prbt_moveit_config github-ros-planning-moveit_resources
panda_moveit_config github-ros-planning-panda_moveit_config
prbt_moveit_config github-PilzDE-pilz_robots
prbt_support github-PilzDE-pilz_robots
pincher_arm_moveit_config github-fictionlab-pincher_arm
raspimouse_description github-rt-net-raspimouse_description
ridgeback_viz github-ridgeback-ridgeback_desktop
robotont_description github-robotont-robotont_description
sciurus17_moveit_config github-rt-net-sciurus17_ros
turtlebot3_bringup github-ROBOTIS-GIT-turtlebot3
ur10_moveit_config github-ros-industrial-universal_robot
ur10e_moveit_config github-ros-industrial-universal_robot
ur16e_moveit_config github-ros-industrial-universal_robot
ur20_moveit_config github-ros-industrial-universal_robot
ur30_moveit_config github-ros-industrial-universal_robot
ur3_moveit_config github-ros-industrial-universal_robot
ur3e_moveit_config github-ros-industrial-universal_robot
ur5_moveit_config github-ros-industrial-universal_robot
ur5e_moveit_config github-ros-industrial-universal_robot
urdf_tutorial github-ros-urdf_tutorial
warthog_viz github-warthog-cpr-warthog_desktop
warthog_gazebo github-warthog-cpr-warthog_simulator
bcr_bot github-blackcoffeerobotics-bcr_bot
diffbot_description github-ros-mobile-robots-diffbot
ign_ros_control_demos github-ros-controls-ign_ros_control
mia_hand_description bitbucket-prensiliasrl-mia_hand_ros_pkgs
mia_hand_moveit_config bitbucket-prensiliasrl-mia_hand_ros_pkgs
reach_ros github-ros-industrial-reach_ros
thunder_line_follower_pmr3100 github-ThundeRatz-thunder_line_follower_pmr3100

Recent questions tagged joint_state_publisher at Robotics Stack Exchange

No version for distro ardent. Known supported distros are highlighted in the buttons above.
No version for distro bouncy. Known supported distros are highlighted in the buttons above.
No version for distro crystal. Known supported distros are highlighted in the buttons above.

Package Summary

Tags No category tags.
Version 2.4.0
License BSD

Repository Summary

Checkout URI
VCS Type git
VCS Version ros2
Last Updated 2023-08-21
CI status No Continuous Integration
Tags No category tags.
Contributing Help Wanted (0)
Good First Issues (0)
Pull Requests to Review (0)

Package Description

This package contains a tool for setting and publishing joint state values for a given URDF.

Additional Links


  • Chris Lalancette
  • Shane Loretz


  • David V. Lu!!
  • Jackie Kay

Joint State Publisher

This contains a package for publishing sensor_msgs/msg/JointState messages for a robot described with URDF. Given a URDF (either passed on the command-line or via the /robot_description topic), this node will continually publish values for all of the movable joints in the URDF to the /joint_states topic. In combination with robot_state_publisher, this ensures that there is a valid transform for all joints even when the joint doesn't have encoder data.

Published Topics

  • /joint_states (sensor_msgs/msg/JointState) - The state of all of the movable joints in the system.

Subscribed Topics

  • (optional) /robot_description (std_msgs/msg/String) - If no URDF is given on the command-line, then this node will listen on the /robot_description topic for the URDF to be published. Once it has been received at least once, this node will start to publish joint values to /joint_states.
  • (optional) /any_topic (sensor_msgs/msg/JointState) - If the sources_list parameter is not empty (see Parameters below), then every named topic in this parameter will be subscribed to for joint state updates. Do not add the default /joint_states topic to this list, as it will end up in an endless loop!


  • rate (int) - The rate at which to publish updates to the /joint_states topic. Defaults to 10.
  • publish_default_positions (bool) - Whether to publish a default position for each movable joint to the /joint_states topic. Defaults to True.
  • publish_default_velocities (bool) - Whether to publish a default velocity for each movable joint to the /joint_states topic. Defaults to False.
  • publish_default_efforts (bool) - Whether to publish a default effort for each movable joint to the /joint_states topic. Defaults to False.
  • use_mimic_tags (bool) - Whether to honor <mimic> tags in the URDF. Defaults to True.
  • use_smallest_joint_limits (bool) - Whether to honor <safety_controller> tags in the URDF. Defaults to True.
  • source_list (array of strings) - Each string in this array represents a topic name. For each string, create a subscription to the named topic of type sensor_msgs/msg/JointStates. Publication to that topic will update the joints named in the message. Defaults to an empty array.
  • delta (double) - How much to automatically move joints during each iteration. Defaults to 0.0.

Mapped Parameters

These parameters map from joint_names to values. The format to use these parameters is <parameter>.<key>:=<value>, where a new parameter is defined for each key. See below for examples.

  • zeros (map from string -> float) - A map of joint_names to initial starting values for the joint. For example, in Eloquent and beyond, this parameter can be used from the command-line with ros2 run joint_state_publisher joint_state_publisher --ros-args --param zeros.joint_name1:=value1 --param zeros.joint_name2:=value2. This parameter is not set by default, so all joints start at zero. For joints where zero isn't within the joint range, it uses the range's (max + min) / 2.
  • dependent_joints (map from string -> map from 'parent', 'factor', 'offset' -> float) - A map of joint_names to the joints that they mimic; compare to the <mimic> tag in URDF. A joint listed here will mimic the movements of the 'parent' joint, subject to the 'factor' and 'offset' provided. The 'parent' name must be provided, while the 'factor' and 'offset' parameters are optional (they default to 1.0 and 0.0, respectively). For example, in Eloquent and beyond, this parameter can be used from the command-line with ros2 run joint_state_publisher joint_state_publisher --ros-args --param dependent_joints.left_leg.parent:=right_leg --param dependent_joints.left_leg.offset:=0.0 --param dependent_joints.left_leg.factor:=2.0. This parameter is not set by default, in which case only joints that are marked as <mimic> in the URDF are mimiced.

Changelog for package joint_state_publisher

2.4.0 (2023-08-04)

  • Support for sdformat robot descriptions (#55)
  • Refactor urdf parser function (#94)
  • Gracefully handle SIGINT (#86)
  • Contributors: Dharini Dutia, Shane Loretz, Will

2.3.0 (2022-04-21)

  • Use underscores in setup.cfg. (#76)
  • Fix the mimic_cycle test to always succeed. (#74)
  • Remove deprecated policy warning (#67)
  • Clarify docs on \'mapped parameters\' in README (#66) (#71) * Clarify docs on \'mapped parameters\' in README Co-authored-by: Binit Shah <>

  • Contributors: Binit Shah, Chris Lalancette

2.2.0 (2020-06-04)

  • Minor fixes from review.
  • Add in pytest.ini files for jsp and jsp_gui.
  • Stop using deprecated launch parameters in Foxy.
  • Contributors: Chris Lalancette

2.1.0 (2020-05-19)

2.0.0 (2020-03-10)

  • Port to ROS 2 (#30)
  • Remove the deprecated fallback option of use_gui (#34)
  • Split jsp and jsp gui (#31)
  • Only update one joint slider on value changed. (#11)
  • ignore \'planar\' joints just as \'fixed\' and \'floating\' (#14)
  • Make GUI window scroll & resize for large robots (#10)
  • Contributors: Andy McEvoy, Chris Lalancette, Michael G

Wiki Tutorials

See ROS Wiki Tutorials for more details.

Source Tutorials

Not currently indexed.

Launch files

No launch files found


No message files found.


No service files found


No plugins found.

Recent questions tagged joint_state_publisher at Robotics Stack Exchange

Package Summary

Tags No category tags.
Version 2.4.0
License BSD

Repository Summary

Checkout URI
VCS Type git
VCS Version ros2
Last Updated 2023-08-21
CI status No Continuous Integration
Tags No category tags.
Contributing Help Wanted (0)
Good First Issues (0)
Pull Requests to Review (0)

Package Description

This package contains a tool for setting and publishing joint state values for a given URDF.

Additional Links


  • Chris Lalancette
  • Shane Loretz


  • David V. Lu!!
  • Jackie Kay

Joint State Publisher

This contains a package for publishing sensor_msgs/msg/JointState messages for a robot described with URDF. Given a URDF (either passed on the command-line or via the /robot_description topic), this node will continually publish values for all of the movable joints in the URDF to the /joint_states topic. In combination with robot_state_publisher, this ensures that there is a valid transform for all joints even when the joint doesn't have encoder data.

Published Topics

  • /joint_states (sensor_msgs/msg/JointState) - The state of all of the movable joints in the system.

Subscribed Topics

  • (optional) /robot_description (std_msgs/msg/String) - If no URDF is given on the command-line, then this node will listen on the /robot_description topic for the URDF to be published. Once it has been received at least once, this node will start to publish joint values to /joint_states.
  • (optional) /any_topic (sensor_msgs/msg/JointState) - If the sources_list parameter is not empty (see Parameters below), then every named topic in this parameter will be subscribed to for joint state updates. Do not add the default /joint_states topic to this list, as it will end up in an endless loop!


  • rate (int) - The rate at which to publish updates to the /joint_states topic. Defaults to 10.
  • publish_default_positions (bool) - Whether to publish a default position for each movable joint to the /joint_states topic. Defaults to True.
  • publish_default_velocities (bool) - Whether to publish a default velocity for each movable joint to the /joint_states topic. Defaults to False.
  • publish_default_efforts (bool) - Whether to publish a default effort for each movable joint to the /joint_states topic. Defaults to False.
  • use_mimic_tags (bool) - Whether to honor <mimic> tags in the URDF. Defaults to True.
  • use_smallest_joint_limits (bool) - Whether to honor <safety_controller> tags in the URDF. Defaults to True.
  • source_list (array of strings) - Each string in this array represents a topic name. For each string, create a subscription to the named topic of type sensor_msgs/msg/JointStates. Publication to that topic will update the joints named in the message. Defaults to an empty array.
  • delta (double) - How much to automatically move joints during each iteration. Defaults to 0.0.

Mapped Parameters

These parameters map from joint_names to values. The format to use these parameters is <parameter>.<key>:=<value>, where a new parameter is defined for each key. See below for examples.

  • zeros (map from string -> float) - A map of joint_names to initial starting values for the joint. For example, in Eloquent and beyond, this parameter can be used from the command-line with ros2 run joint_state_publisher joint_state_publisher --ros-args --param zeros.joint_name1:=value1 --param zeros.joint_name2:=value2. This parameter is not set by default, so all joints start at zero. For joints where zero isn't within the joint range, it uses the range's (max + min) / 2.
  • dependent_joints (map from string -> map from 'parent', 'factor', 'offset' -> float) - A map of joint_names to the joints that they mimic; compare to the <mimic> tag in URDF. A joint listed here will mimic the movements of the 'parent' joint, subject to the 'factor' and 'offset' provided. The 'parent' name must be provided, while the 'factor' and 'offset' parameters are optional (they default to 1.0 and 0.0, respectively). For example, in Eloquent and beyond, this parameter can be used from the command-line with ros2 run joint_state_publisher joint_state_publisher --ros-args --param dependent_joints.left_leg.parent:=right_leg --param dependent_joints.left_leg.offset:=0.0 --param dependent_joints.left_leg.factor:=2.0. This parameter is not set by default, in which case only joints that are marked as <mimic> in the URDF are mimiced.

Changelog for package joint_state_publisher

2.4.0 (2023-08-04)

  • Support for sdformat robot descriptions (#55)
  • Refactor urdf parser function (#94)
  • Gracefully handle SIGINT (#86)
  • Contributors: Dharini Dutia, Shane Loretz, Will

2.3.0 (2022-04-21)

  • Use underscores in setup.cfg. (#76)
  • Fix the mimic_cycle test to always succeed. (#74)
  • Remove deprecated policy warning (#67)
  • Clarify docs on \'mapped parameters\' in README (#66) (#71) * Clarify docs on \'mapped parameters\' in README Co-authored-by: Binit Shah <>

  • Contributors: Binit Shah, Chris Lalancette

2.2.0 (2020-06-04)

  • Minor fixes from review.
  • Add in pytest.ini files for jsp and jsp_gui.
  • Stop using deprecated launch parameters in Foxy.
  • Contributors: Chris Lalancette

2.1.0 (2020-05-19)

2.0.0 (2020-03-10)

  • Port to ROS 2 (#30)
  • Remove the deprecated fallback option of use_gui (#34)
  • Split jsp and jsp gui (#31)
  • Only update one joint slider on value changed. (#11)
  • ignore \'planar\' joints just as \'fixed\' and \'floating\' (#14)
  • Make GUI window scroll & resize for large robots (#10)
  • Contributors: Andy McEvoy, Chris Lalancette, Michael G

Wiki Tutorials

See ROS Wiki Tutorials for more details.

Source Tutorials

Not currently indexed.

Launch files

No launch files found


No message files found.


No service files found


No plugins found.

Recent questions tagged joint_state_publisher at Robotics Stack Exchange

Package Summary

Tags No category tags.
Version 2.2.0
License BSD

Repository Summary

Checkout URI
VCS Type git
VCS Version galactic
Last Updated 2021-09-28
CI status No Continuous Integration
Tags No category tags.
Contributing Help Wanted (0)
Good First Issues (0)
Pull Requests to Review (0)

Package Description

This package contains a tool for setting and publishing joint state values for a given URDF.

Additional Links


  • Chris Lalancette
  • Shane Loretz


  • David V. Lu!!
  • Jackie Kay

Joint State Publisher

This contains a package for publishing sensor_msgs/msg/JointState messages for a robot described with URDF. Given a URDF (either passed on the command-line or via the /robot_description topic), this node will continually publish values for all of the movable joints in the URDF to the /joint_states topic. In combination with robot_state_publisher, this ensures that there is a valid transform for all joints even when the joint doesn't have encoder data.

Published Topics

  • /joint_states (sensor_msgs/msg/JointState) - The state of all of the movable joints in the system.

Subscribed Topics

  • (optional) /robot_description (std_msgs/msg/String) - If no URDF is given on the command-line, then this node will listen on the /robot_description topic for the URDF to be published. Once it has been received at least once, this node will start to publish joint values to /joint_states.
  • (optional) /any_topic (sensor_msgs/msg/JointState) - If the sources_list parameter is not empty (see Parameters below), then every named topic in this parameter will be subscribed to for joint state updates. Do not add the default /joint_states topic to this list, as it will end up in an endless loop!


  • rate (int) - The rate at which to publish updates to the /joint_states topic. Defaults to 10.
  • publish_default_positions (bool) - Whether to publish a default position for each movable joint to the /joint_states topic. Defaults to True.
  • publish_default_velocities (bool) - Whether to publish a default velocity for each movable joint to the /joint_states topic. Defaults to False.
  • publish_default_efforts (bool) - Whether to publish a default effort for each movable joint to the /joint_states topic. Defaults to False.
  • use_mimic_tags (bool) - Whether to honor <mimic> tags in the URDF. Defaults to True.
  • use_smallest_joint_limits (bool) - Whether to honor <safety_controller> tags in the URDF. Defaults to True.
  • source_list (array of strings) - Each string in this array represents a topic name. For each string, create a subscription to the named topic of type sensor_msgs/msg/JointStates. Publication to that topic will update the joints named in the message. Defaults to an empty array.
  • delta (double) - How much to automatically move joints during each iteration. Defaults to 0.0.

Mapped Parameters

These parameters map from joint_names to values. The format to use these parameters is <parameter>.<key>:=<value>, where a new parameter is defined for each key. See below for examples.

  • zeros (map from string -> float) - A map of joint_names to initial starting values for the joint. For example, in Eloquent and beyond, this parameter can be used from the command-line with ros2 run joint_state_publisher joint_state_publisher --ros-args --param zeros.joint_name1:=value1 --param zeros.joint_name2:=value2. This parameter is not set by default, so all joints start at zero. For joints where zero isn't within the joint range, it uses the range's (max + min) / 2.
  • dependent_joints (map from string -> map from 'parent', 'factor', 'offset' -> float) - A map of joint_names to the joints that they mimic; compare to the <mimic> tag in URDF. A joint listed here will mimic the movements of the 'parent' joint, subject to the 'factor' and 'offset' provided. The 'parent' name must be provided, while the 'factor' and 'offset' parameters are optional (they default to 1.0 and 0.0, respectively). For example, in Eloquent and beyond, this parameter can be used from the command-line with ros2 run joint_state_publisher joint_state_publisher --ros-args --param dependent_joints.left_leg.parent:=right_leg --param dependent_joints.left_leg.offset:=0.0 --param dependent_joints.left_leg.factor:=2.0. This parameter is not set by default, in which case only joints that are marked as <mimic> in the URDF are mimiced.

Changelog for package joint_state_publisher

2.2.0 (2020-06-04)

  • Minor fixes from review.
  • Add in pytest.ini files for jsp and jsp_gui.
  • Stop using deprecated launch parameters in Foxy.
  • Contributors: Chris Lalancette

2.1.0 (2020-05-19)

2.0.0 (2020-03-10)

  • Port to ROS 2 (#30)
  • Remove the deprecated fallback option of use_gui (#34)
  • Split jsp and jsp gui (#31)
  • Only update one joint slider on value changed. (#11)
  • ignore \'planar\' joints just as \'fixed\' and \'floating\' (#14)
  • Make GUI window scroll & resize for large robots (#10)
  • Contributors: Andy McEvoy, Chris Lalancette, Michael G

Wiki Tutorials

See ROS Wiki Tutorials for more details.

Source Tutorials

Not currently indexed.

Launch files

No launch files found


No message files found.


No service files found


No plugins found.

Recent questions tagged joint_state_publisher at Robotics Stack Exchange

Package Summary

Tags No category tags.
Version 2.2.0
License BSD

Repository Summary

Checkout URI
VCS Type git
VCS Version foxy
Last Updated 2021-09-28
CI status No Continuous Integration
Tags No category tags.
Contributing Help Wanted (0)
Good First Issues (0)
Pull Requests to Review (0)

Package Description

This package contains a tool for setting and publishing joint state values for a given URDF.

Additional Links


  • Chris Lalancette
  • Shane Loretz


  • David V. Lu!!
  • Jackie Kay

Joint State Publisher

This contains a package for publishing sensor_msgs/msg/JointState messages for a robot described with URDF. Given a URDF (either passed on the command-line or via the /robot_description topic), this node will continually publish values for all of the movable joints in the URDF to the /joint_states topic. In combination with robot_state_publisher, this ensures that there is a valid transform for all joints even when the joint doesn't have encoder data.

Published Topics

  • /joint_states (sensor_msgs/msg/JointState) - The state of all of the movable joints in the system.

Subscribed Topics

  • (optional) /robot_description (std_msgs/msg/String) - If no URDF is given on the command-line, then this node will listen on the /robot_description topic for the URDF to be published. Once it has been received at least once, this node will start to publish joint values to /joint_states.
  • (optional) /any_topic (sensor_msgs/msg/JointState) - If the sources_list parameter is not empty (see Parameters below), then every named topic in this parameter will be subscribed to for joint state updates. Do not add the default /joint_states topic to this list, as it will end up in an endless loop!


  • rate (int) - The rate at which to publish updates to the /joint_states topic. Defaults to 10.
  • publish_default_positions (bool) - Whether to publish a default position for each movable joint to the /joint_states topic. Defaults to True.
  • publish_default_velocities (bool) - Whether to publish a default velocity for each movable joint to the /joint_states topic. Defaults to False.
  • publish_default_efforts (bool) - Whether to publish a default effort for each movable joint to the /joint_states topic. Defaults to False.
  • use_mimic_tags (bool) - Whether to honor <mimic> tags in the URDF. Defaults to True.
  • use_smallest_joint_limits (bool) - Whether to honor <safety_controller> tags in the URDF. Defaults to True.
  • source_list (array of strings) - Each string in this array represents a topic name. For each string, create a subscription to the named topic of type sensor_msgs/msg/JointStates. Publication to that topic will update the joints named in the message. Defaults to an empty array.
  • delta (double) - How much to automatically move joints during each iteration. Defaults to 0.0.

Mapped Parameters

These parameters map from joint_names to values. The format to use these parameters is <parameter>.<key>:=<value>, where a new parameter is defined for each key. See below for examples.

  • zeros (map from string -> float) - A map of joint_names to initial starting values for the joint. For example, in Eloquent and beyond, this parameter can be used from the command-line with ros2 run joint_state_publisher joint_state_publisher --ros-args --param zeros.joint_name1:=value1 --param zeros.joint_name2:=value2. This parameter is not set by default, so all joints start at zero. For joints where zero isn't within the joint range, it uses the range's (max + min) / 2.
  • dependent_joints (map from string -> map from 'parent', 'factor', 'offset' -> float) - A map of joint_names to the joints that they mimic; compare to the <mimic> tag in URDF. A joint listed here will mimic the movements of the 'parent' joint, subject to the 'factor' and 'offset' provided. The 'parent' name must be provided, while the 'factor' and 'offset' parameters are optional (they default to 1.0 and 0.0, respectively). For example, in Eloquent and beyond, this parameter can be used from the command-line with ros2 run joint_state_publisher joint_state_publisher --ros-args --param dependent_joints.left_leg.parent:=right_leg --param dependent_joints.left_leg.offset:=0.0 --param dependent_joints.left_leg.factor:=2.0. This parameter is not set by default, in which case only joints that are marked as <mimic> in the URDF are mimiced.

Changelog for package joint_state_publisher

2.2.0 (2020-06-04)

  • Minor fixes from review.
  • Add in pytest.ini files for jsp and jsp_gui.
  • Stop using deprecated launch parameters in Foxy.
  • Contributors: Chris Lalancette

2.1.0 (2020-05-19)

2.0.0 (2020-03-10)

  • Port to ROS 2 (#30)
  • Remove the deprecated fallback option of use_gui (#34)
  • Split jsp and jsp gui (#31)
  • Only update one joint slider on value changed. (#11)
  • ignore \'planar\' joints just as \'fixed\' and \'floating\' (#14)
  • Make GUI window scroll & resize for large robots (#10)
  • Contributors: Andy McEvoy, Chris Lalancette, Michael G

Wiki Tutorials

See ROS Wiki Tutorials for more details.

Source Tutorials

Not currently indexed.

Launch files

No launch files found


No message files found.


No service files found


No plugins found.

Recent questions tagged joint_state_publisher at Robotics Stack Exchange

Package Summary

Tags No category tags.
Version 1.12.15
License BSD
Build type CATKIN

Repository Summary

Checkout URI
VCS Type git
VCS Version kinetic-devel
Last Updated 2020-12-11
CI status Continuous Integration
Tags No category tags.
Contributing Help Wanted (0)
Good First Issues (0)
Pull Requests to Review (0)

Package Description

This package contains a tool for setting and publishing joint state values for a given URDF.

Additional Links


  • Chris Lalancette
  • Shane Loretz


  • David V. Lu!!
  • Jackie Kay

Joint State Publisher

This contains a package for publishing sensor_msgs/JointState messages for a robot described with URDF. Given a URDF in the robot_description parameter on the parameter server, this node will continually publish default values for all of the movable joints in the URDF to the /joint_states topic.

See the ROS wiki for additional API documentation and tutorials.

This was originally part of the ros/robot_model repository. It has been moved to this repo as described by ros/robot_model#195

Published Topics

  • /joint_states (sensor_msgs/JointState) - The state of all of the movable joints in the system.

Subscribed Topics

  • (optional) /any_topic (sensor_msgs/JointState) - If the sources_list parameter is not empty (see Parameters below), then every named topic in this parameter will be subscribed to for joint state updates. Do not add the default /joint_states topic to this list, as it will end up in an endless loop!


  • robot_description (string, required) - A URDF or DAE file describing the robot.
  • rate (int) - The rate at which to publish updates to the /joint_states topic. Defaults to 10.
  • publish_default_positions (bool) - Whether to publish a default position for each movable joint to the /joint_states topic. If False, use_gui must also be False. Defaults to True.
  • publish_default_velocities (bool) - Whether to publish a default velocity for each movable joint to the /joint_states topic. Defaults to False.
  • publish_default_efforts (bool) - Whether to publish a default effort for each movable joint to the /joint_states topic. Defaults to False.
  • use_mimic_tags (bool) - Whether to honor <mimic> tags in the URDF. Defaults to True.
  • use_smallest_joint_limits (bool) - Whether to honor <safety_controller> tags in the URDF. Defaults to True.
  • source_list (array of strings) - Each string in this array represents a topic name. For each string, create a subscription to the named topic of type sensor_msgs/JointStates. Publication to that topic will update the joints named in the message. Defaults to an empty array.
  • zeros (dictionary of string -> float) - A dictionary of joint_names to initial starting values for the joint. Defaults to an empty dictionary, in which case 0.0 is assumed as the zero for all joints.
  • dependent_joints (dictionary of string -> dictionary of 'parent', 'factor', 'offset') - A dictionary of joint_names to the joints that they mimic; compare to the <mimic> tag in URDF. A joint listed here will mimic the movements of the 'parent' joint, subject to the 'factor' and 'offset' provided. The 'parent' name must be provided, while the 'factor' and 'offset' parameters are optional (they default to 1.0 and 0.0, respectively). Defaults to the empty dictionary, in which case only joints that are marked as <mimic> in the URDF are mimiced.
  • use_gui (bool) - Deprecated option to show a GUI useful for manipulating joints when launching the joint_state_publisher. Defaults to False. Will be removed in Noetic in favor of running joint_state_publisher_gui instead.
  • num_rows (int) - Deprecated option to control the number of rows shown in the GUI when use_gui is set to true. Defaults to the number of joints. Will be removed in Noetic.

Changelog for package joint_state_publisher

1.12.15 (2020-03-12)

  • Make it clear robot_description is required (#42)
  • Set source_update_cb attr before creating subscribers (#41)
  • Contributors: Shane Loretz

1.12.14 (2020-01-22)

  • Split jsp and jsp gui (#31)
  • Only update one joint slider on value changed. (#11)
  • ignore \'planar\' joints just as \'fixed\' and \'floating\' (#14)
  • Make GUI window scroll & resize for large robots (#10)
  • Contributors: Andy McEvoy, Chris Lalancette, Michael G

Wiki Tutorials

See ROS Wiki Tutorials for more details.

Source Tutorials

Not currently indexed.

Recent questions tagged joint_state_publisher at Robotics Stack Exchange

Package Summary

Tags No category tags.
Version 1.11.14
License BSD
Build type CATKIN

Repository Summary

Checkout URI
VCS Type git
VCS Version jade-devel
Last Updated 2017-08-14
Dev Status END-OF-LIFE
CI status Continuous Integration
Tags No category tags.
Contributing Help Wanted (0)
Good First Issues (0)
Pull Requests to Review (0)

Package Description

This package contains a tool for setting and publishing joint state values for a given URDF.

Additional Links


  • Chris Lalancette
  • Shane Loretz


  • David V. Lu!!
  • Jackie Kay
No README found. See repository README.

Changelog for package joint_state_publisher

1.11.14 (2017-08-14)

1.11.13 (2017-03-27)

  • [joint_state_publisher] Handle time moving backwards Without this patch, joint_state_publisher dies whenever the ROS time moves backwards (e.g., when running [rosbag play --clock --loop]{.title-ref}).
  • Switch a couple more packages over to Chris and Shane.
  • Contributors: Chris Lalancette, Martin G

Wiki Tutorials

See ROS Wiki Tutorials for more details.

Source Tutorials

Not currently indexed.

Package Dependencies

System Dependencies


Dependant Packages

Name Repo Deps
fanuc_cr35ia_support github-ros-industrial-fanuc
fanuc_cr7ia_moveit_config github-ros-industrial-fanuc
fanuc_cr7ia_support github-ros-industrial-fanuc
fanuc_cr7ial_moveit_config github-ros-industrial-fanuc
fanuc_lrmate200i_moveit_config github-ros-industrial-fanuc
fanuc_lrmate200i_support github-ros-industrial-fanuc
fanuc_lrmate200ib3l_moveit_config github-ros-industrial-fanuc
fanuc_lrmate200ib_moveit_config github-ros-industrial-fanuc
fanuc_lrmate200ib_support github-ros-industrial-fanuc
fanuc_lrmate200ic5h_moveit_config github-ros-industrial-fanuc
fanuc_lrmate200ic5l_moveit_config github-ros-industrial-fanuc
fanuc_lrmate200ic_moveit_config github-ros-industrial-fanuc
fanuc_lrmate200ic_support github-ros-industrial-fanuc
fanuc_m10ia_moveit_config github-ros-industrial-fanuc
fanuc_m10ia_support github-ros-industrial-fanuc
fanuc_m16ib20_moveit_config github-ros-industrial-fanuc
fanuc_m16ib_support github-ros-industrial-fanuc
fanuc_m20ia10l_moveit_config github-ros-industrial-fanuc
fanuc_m20ia_moveit_config github-ros-industrial-fanuc
fanuc_m20ia_support github-ros-industrial-fanuc
fanuc_m20ib25_moveit_config github-ros-industrial-fanuc
fanuc_m20ib_support github-ros-industrial-fanuc
fanuc_m430ia2f_moveit_config github-ros-industrial-fanuc
fanuc_m430ia2p_moveit_config github-ros-industrial-fanuc
fanuc_m430ia_support github-ros-industrial-fanuc
fanuc_m6ib6s_moveit_config github-ros-industrial-fanuc
fanuc_m6ib_moveit_config github-ros-industrial-fanuc
fanuc_m6ib_support github-ros-industrial-fanuc
fanuc_m710ic_support github-ros-industrial-fanuc
fanuc_m900ia_support github-ros-industrial-fanuc
fanuc_m900ib_support github-ros-industrial-fanuc
fanuc_r1000ia80f_moveit_config github-ros-industrial-fanuc
fanuc_r1000ia_support github-ros-industrial-fanuc
fanuc_lrmate200id7l_moveit_config github-ros-industrial-fanuc_experimental
fanuc_lrmate200id_moveit_config github-ros-industrial-fanuc_experimental
fanuc_lrmate200id_support github-ros-industrial-fanuc_experimental
fanuc_r2000ib_support github-ros-industrial-fanuc_experimental
fanuc_r2000ic_support github-ros-industrial-fanuc_experimental
fetch_moveit_config github-fetchrobotics-fetch_ros
jsk_pcl_ros github-jsk-ros-pkg-jsk_recognition
moveit_resources_dual_panda_moveit_config github-ros-planning-moveit_resources
moveit_resources_fanuc_moveit_config github-ros-planning-moveit_resources
moveit_resources github-ros-planning-moveit_resources
moveit_resources_panda_moveit_config github-ros-planning-moveit_resources
moveit_resources_prbt_moveit_config github-ros-planning-moveit_resources
urdf_tutorial github-ros-urdf_tutorial
nao_moveit_config github-ros-naoqi-nao_moveit_config
pepper_moveit_config github-ros-naoqi-pepper_moveit_config
robot_model github-ros-robot_model
romeo_moveit_config github-ros-aldebaran-romeo_moveit_config
romeo_description github-ros-aldebaran-romeo_robot
rsv_balance_viz github-robosavvy-rsv_balance_desktop
aubo_i5_moveit_config github-auboliuxin-aubo_robot

Launch files

No launch files found


No message files found.


No service files found


No plugins found.

Recent questions tagged joint_state_publisher at Robotics Stack Exchange

joint_state_publisher package from joint_state_publisher repo


Package Summary

Tags No category tags.
Version 1.11.15
License BSD
Build type CATKIN

Repository Summary

Checkout URI
VCS Type git
VCS Version indigo-devel
Last Updated 2018-02-09
CI status Continuous Integration
Tags No category tags.
Contributing Help Wanted (0)
Good First Issues (0)
Pull Requests to Review (0)

Package Description

This package contains a tool for setting and publishing joint state values for a given URDF.

Additional Links


  • Chris Lalancette
  • Shane Loretz


  • David V. Lu!!
  • Jackie Kay
No README found. See repository README.

Changelog for package joint_state_publisher

1.11.15 (2017-09-15)

  • Added forward declaration for recent versions of urdfdom (#217)
  • pcrecpp is no longer a dependency (#216)
  • Contributors: Chris Lalancette, Michael G

Wiki Tutorials

See ROS Wiki Tutorials for more details.

Source Tutorials

Not currently indexed.

Package Dependencies

System Dependencies


Dependant Packages

Name Repo Deps
abb_irb2400_moveit_config github-ros-industrial-abb
abb_irb2400_support github-ros-industrial-abb
abb_irb5400_support github-ros-industrial-abb
abb_irb6600_support github-ros-industrial-abb
abb_irb6640_moveit_config github-ros-industrial-abb
abb_irb6640_support github-ros-industrial-abb
cob_obstacle_distance github-ipa320-cob_control
cob_moveit_bringup github-ipa320-cob_manipulation
cob_bringup github-ipa320-cob_robots
cob_hardware_config github-ipa320-cob_robots
cob_gazebo_worlds github-ipa320-cob_simulation
denso_robot_moveit_config github-DENSORobot-denso_robot_ros
fanuc_cr35ia_support github-ros-industrial-fanuc
fanuc_cr7ia_moveit_config github-ros-industrial-fanuc
fanuc_cr7ia_support github-ros-industrial-fanuc
fanuc_cr7ial_moveit_config github-ros-industrial-fanuc
fanuc_lrmate200i_moveit_config github-ros-industrial-fanuc
fanuc_lrmate200i_support github-ros-industrial-fanuc
fanuc_lrmate200ib3l_moveit_config github-ros-industrial-fanuc
fanuc_lrmate200ib_moveit_config github-ros-industrial-fanuc
fanuc_lrmate200ib_support github-ros-industrial-fanuc
fanuc_lrmate200ic5h_moveit_config github-ros-industrial-fanuc
fanuc_lrmate200ic5l_moveit_config github-ros-industrial-fanuc
fanuc_lrmate200ic_moveit_config github-ros-industrial-fanuc
fanuc_lrmate200ic_support github-ros-industrial-fanuc
fanuc_m10ia_moveit_config github-ros-industrial-fanuc
fanuc_m10ia_support github-ros-industrial-fanuc
fanuc_m16ib20_moveit_config github-ros-industrial-fanuc
fanuc_m16ib_support github-ros-industrial-fanuc
fanuc_m20ia10l_moveit_config github-ros-industrial-fanuc
fanuc_m20ia_moveit_config github-ros-industrial-fanuc
fanuc_m20ia_support github-ros-industrial-fanuc
fanuc_m20ib25_moveit_config github-ros-industrial-fanuc
fanuc_m20ib_support github-ros-industrial-fanuc
fanuc_m430ia2f_moveit_config github-ros-industrial-fanuc
fanuc_m430ia2p_moveit_config github-ros-industrial-fanuc
fanuc_m430ia_support github-ros-industrial-fanuc
fanuc_m6ib6s_moveit_config github-ros-industrial-fanuc
fanuc_m6ib_moveit_config github-ros-industrial-fanuc
fanuc_m6ib_support github-ros-industrial-fanuc
fanuc_m710ic_support github-ros-industrial-fanuc
fanuc_m900ia_support github-ros-industrial-fanuc
fanuc_m900ib_support github-ros-industrial-fanuc
fanuc_r1000ia80f_moveit_config github-ros-industrial-fanuc
fanuc_r1000ia_support github-ros-industrial-fanuc
fanuc_lrmate200id7l_moveit_config github-ros-industrial-fanuc_experimental
fanuc_lrmate200id_moveit_config github-ros-industrial-fanuc_experimental
fanuc_lrmate200id_support github-ros-industrial-fanuc_experimental
fanuc_r2000ib_support github-ros-industrial-fanuc_experimental
fanuc_r2000ic_support github-ros-industrial-fanuc_experimental
fetch_moveit_config github-fetchrobotics-fetch_ros
flir_ptu_viz github-ros-drivers-flir_ptu
heron_viz github-heron-heron_desktop
husky_ur5_moveit_config github-husky-husky
jackal_viz github-jackal-jackal_desktop
jsk_pcl_ros github-jsk-ros-pkg-jsk_recognition
jsk_rviz_plugins github-jsk-ros-pkg-jsk_visualization
tra1_description github-tork-a-minas
tra1_moveit_config github-tork-a-minas
mir_description github-dfki-ric-mir_robot
mir_gazebo github-dfki-ric-mir_robot
pr2_moveit_config github-ros-planning-moveit_pr2
moveit_resources_dual_panda_moveit_config github-ros-planning-moveit_resources
moveit_resources_fanuc_moveit_config github-ros-planning-moveit_resources
moveit_resources github-ros-planning-moveit_resources
moveit_resources_panda_moveit_config github-ros-planning-moveit_resources
moveit_resources_prbt_moveit_config github-ros-planning-moveit_resources
ridgeback_viz github-ridgeback-ridgeback_desktop
nextage_calibration github-tork-a-rtmros_nextage
nextage_moveit_config github-tork-a-rtmros_nextage
staubli_rx160_moveit_config github-ros-industrial-staubli
staubli_rx160_support github-ros-industrial-staubli
staubli_tx60_support github-ros-industrial-staubli_experimental
staubli_tx90_support github-ros-industrial-staubli_experimental
ur10_moveit_config github-ros-industrial-universal_robot
ur3_moveit_config github-ros-industrial-universal_robot
ur5_moveit_config github-ros-industrial-universal_robot
urdf_tutorial github-ros-urdf_tutorial
warthog_viz github-warthog-cpr-warthog_desktop
warthog_gazebo github-warthog-cpr-warthog_simulator
abb_irb120_moveit_config github-ros-industrial-abb_experimental
abb_irb120_support github-ros-industrial-abb_experimental
abb_irb120t_moveit_config github-ros-industrial-abb_experimental
abb_irb4400_support github-ros-industrial-abb_experimental
grizzly_viz github-g-grizzly_desktop
rgbd_depth_correction github-ros-industrial-industrial_calibration
innok_heros_description github-innokrobotics-innok_heros_description
kuka_kr10_support github-ros-industrial-kuka_experimental
kuka_kr120_support github-ros-industrial-kuka_experimental
kuka_kr150_support github-ros-industrial-kuka_experimental
kuka_kr16_support github-ros-industrial-kuka_experimental
kuka_kr210_support github-ros-industrial-kuka_experimental
kuka_kr3_support github-ros-industrial-kuka_experimental
kuka_kr5_support github-ros-industrial-kuka_experimental
kuka_kr6_support github-ros-industrial-kuka_experimental
kuka_lbr_iiwa_support github-ros-industrial-kuka_experimental
motoman_mh5_support github-ros-industrial-motoman
motoman_sda10f_moveit_config github-ros-industrial-motoman
motoman_sda10f_support github-ros-industrial-motoman
motoman_sia10d_support github-ros-industrial-motoman
motoman_sia10f_support github-ros-industrial-motoman
motoman_sia20d_moveit_config github-ros-industrial-motoman
motoman_sia20d_support github-ros-industrial-motoman
motoman_sia5d_support github-ros-industrial-motoman
motoman_bmda3_support github-ros-industrial-motoman_experimental
motoman_mh_support github-ros-industrial-motoman_experimental
motoman_mpl80_moveit_config github-ros-industrial-motoman_experimental
motoman_mpl_support github-ros-industrial-motoman_experimental
motoman_sia5d_moveit_config github-ros-industrial-motoman_experimental
nao_moveit_config github-ros-naoqi-nao_moveit_config
pepper_moveit_config github-ros-naoqi-pepper_moveit_config
rb1_base_kinova_j2n6a300_moveit_config github-RobotnikAutomation-rb1_base_common
robot_model github-ros-robot_model
roch_viz github-SawYer-Robotics-roch_viz
romeo_moveit_config github-ros-aldebaran-romeo_moveit_config
romeo_description github-ros-aldebaran-romeo_robot
roomblock_description github-tork-a-roomblock
turtlebot_arm_moveit_config github-turtlebot-turtlebot_arm
turtlebot_rviz_launchers github-turtlebot-turtlebot_interactions
calvin_moveit_config github-uos-calvin_robot
cyton_gamma_1500_description github-GertKanter-cyton_gamma_1500_description
jsk_robot_utils github-jsk-ros-pkg-jsk_robot
maxwell_moveit_config github-mikeferguson-maxwell
hrp2w_moveit_config github-start-jsk-rtmros_gazebo
samplerobot_moveit_config github-start-jsk-rtmros_gazebo
staro_moveit_config github-start-jsk-rtmros_gazebo
segbot_bringup github-utexas-bwi-segbot
aubo_i5_moveit_config github-auboliuxin-aubo_robot
carl_description github-GT-RAIL-carl_bot
carl_moveit github-GT-RAIL-carl_moveit
cirkit_unit03_description github-CIR-KIT-Unit03-cirkit_unit03_common
cirkit_unit03_bringup github-CIR-KIT-Unit03-cirkit_unit03_robot
evarobot_state_publisher github-inomuh-evapc_ros
husky_viz github-husky-husky_desktop
stomp_test_kr210_moveit_config github-ros-industrial-industrial_moveit
jsk_demo_common github-jsk-ros-pkg-jsk_demos
phantomx_reactor_arm_moveit_config github-RobotnikAutomation-phantomx_reactor_arm
rb1_jaco_3fg_moveit_config github-RobotnikAutomation-rb1_common
rb1_mico_3fg_moveit_config github-RobotnikAutomation-rb1_common
schunk_lwa4d github-ipa320-schunk_robots
schunk_lwa4d_moveit_config github-ipa320-schunk_robots
schunk_lwa4p github-ipa320-schunk_robots
schunk_lwa4p_extended github-ipa320-schunk_robots
schunk_pg70 github-ipa320-schunk_robots
schunk_pw70 github-ipa320-schunk_robots
spur_controller github-tork-a-spur
Multicar_moveit_config github-gus484-ros
widowx_arm_moveit github-RobotnikAutomation-widowx_arm
jaco_description github-RIVeR-Lab-wpi_jaco
jaco_moveit_config github-RIVeR-Lab-wpi_jaco
mico_description github-RIVeR-Lab-wpi_jaco
mico_moveit_config github-RIVeR-Lab-wpi_jaco
yumi_moveit_config github-OrebroUniversity-yumi

Launch files

No launch files found


No message files found.


No service files found


No plugins found.

Recent questions tagged joint_state_publisher at Robotics Stack Exchange

Package Summary

Tags No category tags.
Version 1.10.21
License BSD
Build type CATKIN

Repository Summary

Checkout URI
VCS Type git
VCS Version hydro-devel
Last Updated 2015-12-09
Dev Status END-OF-LIFE
CI status Continuous Integration
Tags No category tags.
Contributing Help Wanted (0)
Good First Issues (0)
Pull Requests to Review (0)

Package Description

This package contains a tool for setting and publishing joint state values for a given URDF.

Additional Links


  • David V. Lu!!


  • David V. Lu!!
No README found. No README in repository either.

Changelog for package joint_state_publisher

1.10.21 (2014-11-30)

  • Added floating joints to joint types ignored by publisher
  • Contributors: Shaun Edwards

1.10.20 (2014-08-01)

  • Update package.xml Updating author and maintainer for consistency.
  • Contributors: David Lu!!

1.10.19 (2014-02-15) -------------------* Use #!/usr/bin/env python for systems with multiple Python versions. * Contributors: Benjamin Chr

Wiki Tutorials

See ROS Wiki Tutorials for more details.

Source Tutorials

Not currently indexed.

Package Dependencies

System Dependencies


Dependant Packages

Name Repo Deps
abb_irb2400_moveit_config github-ros-industrial-abb
abb_irb2400_support github-ros-industrial-abb
abb_irb5400_support github-ros-industrial-abb
abb_irb6600_support github-ros-industrial-abb
abb_irb6640_moveit_config github-ros-industrial-abb
irb_6640_moveit_config github-ros-industrial-abb
fanuc_lrmate200ic5h_moveit_config github-ros-industrial-fanuc
fanuc_lrmate200ic5l_moveit_config github-ros-industrial-fanuc
fanuc_lrmate200ic_moveit_config github-ros-industrial-fanuc
fanuc_lrmate200ic_support github-ros-industrial-fanuc
fanuc_m10ia_moveit_config github-ros-industrial-fanuc
fanuc_m10ia_support github-ros-industrial-fanuc
fanuc_m16ib20_moveit_config github-ros-industrial-fanuc
fanuc_m16ib_support github-ros-industrial-fanuc
fanuc_m20ia10l_moveit_config github-ros-industrial-fanuc
fanuc_m20ia_moveit_config github-ros-industrial-fanuc
fanuc_m20ia_support github-ros-industrial-fanuc
fanuc_m430ia2f_moveit_config github-ros-industrial-fanuc
fanuc_m430ia2p_moveit_config github-ros-industrial-fanuc
fanuc_m430ia_support github-ros-industrial-fanuc
fanuc_lrmate200ib_support github-ros-industrial-fanuc_experimental
fanuc_lrmate200id_moveit_config github-ros-industrial-fanuc_experimental
fanuc_lrmate200id_support github-ros-industrial-fanuc_experimental
fanuc_m900ia_support github-ros-industrial-fanuc_experimental
flir_ptu_viz github-ros-drivers-flir_ptu
jsk_pcl_ros github-jsk-ros-pkg-jsk_recognition
jsk_rviz_plugins github-jsk-ros-pkg-jsk_visualization
pr2_moveit_config github-ros-planning-moveit_pr2
moveit_resources_dual_panda_moveit_config github-ros-planning-moveit_resources
moveit_resources_fanuc_moveit_config github-ros-planning-moveit_resources
moveit_resources github-ros-planning-moveit_resources
moveit_resources_panda_moveit_config github-ros-planning-moveit_resources
moveit_resources_prbt_moveit_config github-ros-planning-moveit_resources
staubli_rx160_moveit_config github-ros-industrial-staubli
staubli_rx160_support github-ros-industrial-staubli
ur10_moveit_config github-ros-industrial-universal_robot
ur5_moveit_config github-ros-industrial-universal_robot
urdf_tutorial github-ros-urdf_tutorial
grizzly_description github-g-grizzly
grizzly_viz github-g-grizzly_desktop
motoman_mh5_support github-ros-industrial-motoman
motoman_sia10d_support github-ros-industrial-motoman
motoman_sia20d_moveit_config github-ros-industrial-motoman
motoman_sia20d_support github-ros-industrial-motoman
motoman_sia5d_support github-ros-industrial-motoman
nao_moveit_config github-ros-naoqi-nao_moveit_config
robot_model github-ros-robot_model
romeo_moveit_config github-ros-aldebaran-romeo_moveit_config
romeo_description github-ros-aldebaran-romeo_robot
calvin_moveit_config github-uos-calvin_robot
crom_moveit_config github-RobotnikAutomation-crom_sim
cyton_gamma_1500_description github-GertKanter-cyton_gamma_1500_description
husky_viz github-husky-husky_viz
joint_state_publisher_js github-DLu-joint_state_publisher_js
jsk_robot_utils github-jsk-ros-pkg-jsk_robot
kingfisher_viz github-kf-kingfisher_desktop
r2_fullbody_moveit_config github-DLu-nasa_r2_common
r2_moveit_config github-DLu-nasa_r2_common
r2_gazebo github-DLu-nasa_r2_simulator
roomba_robin_rviz_launchers github-robinJKU-roomba_robin_viz
hrp2w_moveit_config github-start-jsk-rtmros_gazebo
samplerobot_moveit_config github-start-jsk-rtmros_gazebo
staro_moveit_config github-start-jsk-rtmros_gazebo
sr_moveit_config github-shadow-robot-sr-ros-interface
turtlebot_rviz_launchers github-turtlebot-turtlebot_viz
wheeled_robin_rviz_launchers github-robinJKU-wheeled_robin_viz

Launch files

No launch files found


No message files found.


No service files found


No plugins found.

Recent questions tagged joint_state_publisher at Robotics Stack Exchange

Package Summary

Tags No category tags.
Version 1.12.15
License BSD
Build type CATKIN

Repository Summary

Checkout URI
VCS Type git
VCS Version kinetic-devel
Last Updated 2020-12-11
CI status Continuous Integration
Tags No category tags.
Contributing Help Wanted (0)
Good First Issues (0)
Pull Requests to Review (0)

Package Description

This package contains a tool for setting and publishing joint state values for a given URDF.

Additional Links


  • Chris Lalancette
  • Shane Loretz


  • David V. Lu!!
  • Jackie Kay

Joint State Publisher

This contains a package for publishing sensor_msgs/JointState messages for a robot described with URDF. Given a URDF in the robot_description parameter on the parameter server, this node will continually publish default values for all of the movable joints in the URDF to the /joint_states topic.

See the ROS wiki for additional API documentation and tutorials.

This was originally part of the ros/robot_model repository. It has been moved to this repo as described by ros/robot_model#195

Published Topics

  • /joint_states (sensor_msgs/JointState) - The state of all of the movable joints in the system.

Subscribed Topics

  • (optional) /any_topic (sensor_msgs/JointState) - If the sources_list parameter is not empty (see Parameters below), then every named topic in this parameter will be subscribed to for joint state updates. Do not add the default /joint_states topic to this list, as it will end up in an endless loop!


  • robot_description (string, required) - A URDF or DAE file describing the robot.
  • rate (int) - The rate at which to publish updates to the /joint_states topic. Defaults to 10.
  • publish_default_positions (bool) - Whether to publish a default position for each movable joint to the /joint_states topic. If False, use_gui must also be False. Defaults to True.
  • publish_default_velocities (bool) - Whether to publish a default velocity for each movable joint to the /joint_states topic. Defaults to False.
  • publish_default_efforts (bool) - Whether to publish a default effort for each movable joint to the /joint_states topic. Defaults to False.
  • use_mimic_tags (bool) - Whether to honor <mimic> tags in the URDF. Defaults to True.
  • use_smallest_joint_limits (bool) - Whether to honor <safety_controller> tags in the URDF. Defaults to True.
  • source_list (array of strings) - Each string in this array represents a topic name. For each string, create a subscription to the named topic of type sensor_msgs/JointStates. Publication to that topic will update the joints named in the message. Defaults to an empty array.
  • zeros (dictionary of string -> float) - A dictionary of joint_names to initial starting values for the joint. Defaults to an empty dictionary, in which case 0.0 is assumed as the zero for all joints.
  • dependent_joints (dictionary of string -> dictionary of 'parent', 'factor', 'offset') - A dictionary of joint_names to the joints that they mimic; compare to the <mimic> tag in URDF. A joint listed here will mimic the movements of the 'parent' joint, subject to the 'factor' and 'offset' provided. The 'parent' name must be provided, while the 'factor' and 'offset' parameters are optional (they default to 1.0 and 0.0, respectively). Defaults to the empty dictionary, in which case only joints that are marked as <mimic> in the URDF are mimiced.
  • use_gui (bool) - Deprecated option to show a GUI useful for manipulating joints when launching the joint_state_publisher. Defaults to False. Will be removed in Noetic in favor of running joint_state_publisher_gui instead.
  • num_rows (int) - Deprecated option to control the number of rows shown in the GUI when use_gui is set to true. Defaults to the number of joints. Will be removed in Noetic.

Changelog for package joint_state_publisher

1.12.15 (2020-03-12)

  • Make it clear robot_description is required (#42)
  • Set source_update_cb attr before creating subscribers (#41)
  • Contributors: Shane Loretz

1.12.14 (2020-01-22)

  • Split jsp and jsp gui (#31)
  • Only update one joint slider on value changed. (#11)
  • ignore \'planar\' joints just as \'fixed\' and \'floating\' (#14)
  • Make GUI window scroll & resize for large robots (#10)
  • Contributors: Andy McEvoy, Chris Lalancette, Michael G

Wiki Tutorials

See ROS Wiki Tutorials for more details.

Source Tutorials

Not currently indexed.

Package Dependencies

System Dependencies

No direct system dependencies.

Dependant Packages

Name Repo Deps
abb_irb2400_moveit_config github-ros-industrial-abb
abb_irb2400_support github-ros-industrial-abb
abb_irb4400_support github-ros-industrial-abb
abb_irb5400_support github-ros-industrial-abb
abb_irb6600_support github-ros-industrial-abb
abb_irb6640_moveit_config github-ros-industrial-abb
abb_irb6640_support github-ros-industrial-abb
cob_obstacle_distance github-ipa320-cob_control
cob_moveit_bringup github-ipa320-cob_manipulation
cob_bringup github-ipa320-cob_robots
cob_hardware_config github-ipa320-cob_robots
cob_gazebo_worlds github-ipa320-cob_simulation
crane_x7_moveit_config github-rt-net-crane_x7_ros
denso_robot_moveit_config github-DENSORobot-denso_robot_ros
fanuc_cr35ia_support github-ros-industrial-fanuc
fanuc_cr7ia_moveit_config github-ros-industrial-fanuc
fanuc_cr7ia_support github-ros-industrial-fanuc
fanuc_cr7ial_moveit_config github-ros-industrial-fanuc
fanuc_lrmate200i_moveit_config github-ros-industrial-fanuc
fanuc_lrmate200i_support github-ros-industrial-fanuc
fanuc_lrmate200ib3l_moveit_config github-ros-industrial-fanuc
fanuc_lrmate200ib_moveit_config github-ros-industrial-fanuc
fanuc_lrmate200ib_support github-ros-industrial-fanuc
fanuc_lrmate200ic5h_moveit_config github-ros-industrial-fanuc
fanuc_lrmate200ic5l_moveit_config github-ros-industrial-fanuc
fanuc_lrmate200ic_moveit_config github-ros-industrial-fanuc
fanuc_lrmate200ic_support github-ros-industrial-fanuc
fanuc_m10ia_moveit_config github-ros-industrial-fanuc
fanuc_m10ia_support github-ros-industrial-fanuc
fanuc_m16ib20_moveit_config github-ros-industrial-fanuc
fanuc_m16ib_support github-ros-industrial-fanuc
fanuc_m20ia10l_moveit_config github-ros-industrial-fanuc
fanuc_m20ia_moveit_config github-ros-industrial-fanuc
fanuc_m20ia_support github-ros-industrial-fanuc
fanuc_m20ib25_moveit_config github-ros-industrial-fanuc
fanuc_m20ib_support github-ros-industrial-fanuc
fanuc_m430ia2f_moveit_config github-ros-industrial-fanuc
fanuc_m430ia2p_moveit_config github-ros-industrial-fanuc
fanuc_m430ia_support github-ros-industrial-fanuc
fanuc_m6ib6s_moveit_config github-ros-industrial-fanuc
fanuc_m6ib_moveit_config github-ros-industrial-fanuc
fanuc_m6ib_support github-ros-industrial-fanuc
fanuc_m710ic_support github-ros-industrial-fanuc
fanuc_m900ia_support github-ros-industrial-fanuc
fanuc_m900ib_support github-ros-industrial-fanuc
fanuc_r1000ia80f_moveit_config github-ros-industrial-fanuc
fanuc_r1000ia_support github-ros-industrial-fanuc
fanuc_lrmate200id7l_moveit_config github-ros-industrial-fanuc_experimental
fanuc_lrmate200id_moveit_config github-ros-industrial-fanuc_experimental
fetch_moveit_config github-fetchrobotics-fetch_ros
flir_ptu_viz github-ros-drivers-flir_ptu
franka_control github-frankaemika-franka_ros
fsrobo_r_description github-FUJISOFT-Robotics-fsrobo_r
fsrobo_r_moveit_config github-FUJISOFT-Robotics-fsrobo_r
gundam_rx78_description github-gundam-global-challenge-gundam_robot
heron_viz github-heron-heron_desktop
husky_viz github-husky-husky
jackal_viz github-jackal-jackal_desktop
joint_state_publisher_gui github-ros-joint_state_publisher
jsk_pcl_ros github-jsk-ros-pkg-jsk_recognition
jsk_rviz_plugins github-jsk-ros-pkg-jsk_visualization
khi_duaro_moveit_config github-Kawasaki-Robotics-khi_robot
khi_rs007l_moveit_config github-Kawasaki-Robotics-khi_robot
khi_rs007n_moveit_config github-Kawasaki-Robotics-khi_robot
khi_rs013n_moveit_config github-Kawasaki-Robotics-khi_robot
khi_rs020n_moveit_config github-Kawasaki-Robotics-khi_robot
khi_rs025n_moveit_config github-Kawasaki-Robotics-khi_robot
khi_rs030n_moveit_config github-Kawasaki-Robotics-khi_robot
khi_rs080n_moveit_config github-Kawasaki-Robotics-khi_robot
leo_viz github-LeoRover-leo_desktop
tra1_description github-tork-a-minas
tra1_moveit_config github-tork-a-minas
mir_description github-dfki-ric-mir_robot
mir_gazebo github-dfki-ric-mir_robot
moose_gazebo github-moose-cpr-moose_simulator
pr2_moveit_config github-ros-planning-moveit_pr2
moveit_resources_dual_panda_moveit_config github-ros-planning-moveit_resources
moveit_resources_fanuc_moveit_config github-ros-planning-moveit_resources
moveit_resources github-ros-planning-moveit_resources
moveit_resources_panda_moveit_config github-ros-planning-moveit_resources
moveit_resources_prbt_moveit_config github-ros-planning-moveit_resources
open_manipulator_description github-ROBOTIS-GIT-open_manipulator
open_manipulator_moveit github-ROBOTIS-GIT-open_manipulator
open_manipulator_p_description github-ROBOTIS-GIT-open_manipulator_p
open_manipulator_with_tb3_description github-ROBOTIS-GIT-open_manipulator_with_tb3
open_manipulator_with_tb3_tools github-ROBOTIS-GIT-open_manipulator_with_tb3
open_manipulator_with_tb3_waffle_moveit github-ROBOTIS-GIT-open_manipulator_with_tb3
open_manipulator_with_tb3_waffle_pi_moveit github-ROBOTIS-GIT-open_manipulator_with_tb3
panda_moveit_config github-ros-planning-panda_moveit_config
prbt_moveit_config github-PilzDE-pilz_robots
prbt_support github-PilzDE-pilz_robots
raspimouse_description github-rt-net-raspimouse_description
ridgeback_viz github-ridgeback-ridgeback_desktop
nextage_calibration github-tork-a-rtmros_nextage
nextage_moveit_config github-tork-a-rtmros_nextage
sciurus17_moveit_config github-rt-net-sciurus17_ros
seed_r7_moveit_config github-seed-solutions-seed_r7_ros_pkg
seed_r7_typef_moveit_config github-seed-solutions-seed_r7_ros_pkg
seed_r7_typeg2_arm_moveit_config github-seed-solutions-seed_r7_ros_pkg
seed_r7_typeg_arm_moveit_config github-seed-solutions-seed_r7_ros_pkg
seed_r7_typeg_moveit_config github-seed-solutions-seed_r7_ros_pkg
sr_moveit_hand_config github-shadow-robot-sr_interface
sr_box_ur10_moveit_config github-shadow-robot-sr_interface
sr_multi_moveit_config github-shadow-robot-sr_interface
sr_multi_moveit_test github-shadow-robot-sr_interface
sr_robot_launch github-shadow-robot-sr_interface
staubli_rx160_moveit_config github-ros-industrial-staubli
staubli_rx160_support github-ros-industrial-staubli
staubli_tx2_60_support github-ros-industrial-staubli_experimental
staubli_tx2_90_support github-ros-industrial-staubli_experimental
staubli_tx60_support github-ros-industrial-staubli_experimental
staubli_tx90_support github-ros-industrial-staubli_experimental
turtlebot3_bringup github-ROBOTIS-GIT-turtlebot3
turtlebot3_automatic_parking_vision github-ROBOTIS-GIT-turtlebot3_applications
ur10_e_moveit_config github-ros-industrial-universal_robot
ur10_moveit_config github-ros-industrial-universal_robot
ur3_e_moveit_config github-ros-industrial-universal_robot
ur3_moveit_config github-ros-industrial-universal_robot
ur5_e_moveit_config github-ros-industrial-universal_robot
ur5_moveit_config github-ros-industrial-universal_robot
ur_description github-ros-industrial-universal_robot
ur_e_description github-ros-industrial-universal_robot
urdf_tutorial github-ros-urdf_tutorial
uuv_thruster_manager github-uuvsimulator-uuv_simulator
warthog_viz github-warthog-cpr-warthog_desktop
warthog_gazebo github-warthog-cpr-warthog_simulator
abb_irb1200_5_90_moveit_config github-ros-industrial-abb_experimental
abb_irb1200_7_70_moveit_config github-ros-industrial-abb_experimental
abb_irb1200_support github-ros-industrial-abb_experimental
abb_irb120_moveit_config github-ros-industrial-abb_experimental
abb_irb120_support github-ros-industrial-abb_experimental
abb_irb120t_moveit_config github-ros-industrial-abb_experimental
abb_irb1600_6_12_moveit_config github-ros-industrial-abb_experimental
abb_irb1600_support github-ros-industrial-abb_experimental
abb_irb2600_support github-ros-industrial-abb_experimental
abb_irb4600_support github-ros-industrial-abb_experimental
abb_irb52_support github-ros-industrial-abb_experimental
abb_irb6650s_support github-ros-industrial-abb_experimental
abb_irb6700_support github-ros-industrial-abb_experimental
abb_irb7600_support github-ros-industrial-abb_experimental
framefab_irb6600_workspace_moveit_config github-yijiangh-Choreo
choreo_kr150_2_workspace_moveit_config github-yijiangh-Choreo
choreo_kr5_arc_workspace_moveit_config github-yijiangh-Choreo
kr6_r900_mit_suction_gripper_moveit_config github-yijiangh-Choreo
kr6_r900_workspace_moveit_config github-yijiangh-Choreo
moveit_config_a0509 github-doosan-robotics-doosan-robot
moveit_config_a0912 github-doosan-robotics-doosan-robot
moveit_config_h2017 github-doosan-robotics-doosan-robot
moveit_config_h2515 github-doosan-robotics-doosan-robot
moveit_config_m0609 github-doosan-robotics-doosan-robot
moveit_config_m0617 github-doosan-robotics-doosan-robot
moveit_config_m1013 github-doosan-robotics-doosan-robot
moveit_config_m1509 github-doosan-robotics-doosan-robot
grizzly_viz github-g-grizzly_desktop
hsr_description github-ToyotaResearchInstitute-hsr_description
iiwa_moveit github-ipa-rwu-iiwa_stack
rgbd_depth_correction github-ros-industrial-industrial_calibration
innok_heros_description github-innokrobotics-innok_heros_description
kuka_kr10_support github-ros-industrial-kuka_experimental
kuka_kr120_support github-ros-industrial-kuka_experimental
kuka_kr150_support github-ros-industrial-kuka_experimental
kuka_kr16_support github-ros-industrial-kuka_experimental
kuka_kr210_support github-ros-industrial-kuka_experimental
kuka_kr3_support github-ros-industrial-kuka_experimental
kuka_kr5_support github-ros-industrial-kuka_experimental
kuka_kr6_support github-ros-industrial-kuka_experimental
kuka_lbr_iiwa_support github-ros-industrial-kuka_experimental
magni_description github-UbiquityRobotics-magni_robot
manipulator_h_bringup github-ROBOTIS-GIT-ROBOTIS-MANIPULATOR-H
manipulator_h_description github-ROBOTIS-GIT-ROBOTIS-MANIPULATOR-H
melfa_description github-tork-a-melfa_robot
rv4fl_moveit_config github-tork-a-melfa_robot
rv7fl_moveit_config github-tork-a-melfa_robot
motoman_ar2010_support github-ros-industrial-motoman
motoman_gp12_support github-ros-industrial-motoman
motoman_gp180_support github-ros-industrial-motoman
motoman_gp200r_support github-ros-industrial-motoman
motoman_gp25_support github-ros-industrial-motoman
motoman_gp35l_support github-ros-industrial-motoman
motoman_gp4_support github-ros-industrial-motoman
motoman_gp50_support github-ros-industrial-motoman
motoman_gp70l_support github-ros-industrial-motoman
motoman_gp7_support github-ros-industrial-motoman
motoman_gp88_support github-ros-industrial-motoman
motoman_gp8_support github-ros-industrial-motoman
motoman_hc10_support github-ros-industrial-motoman
motoman_hc20_support github-ros-industrial-motoman
motoman_ma2010_moveit_config github-ros-industrial-motoman
motoman_mh12_support github-ros-industrial-motoman
motoman_mh50_support github-ros-industrial-motoman
motoman_mh5_support github-ros-industrial-motoman
motoman_motomini_support github-ros-industrial-motoman
motoman_ms210_moveit_config github-ros-industrial-motoman
motoman_sda10f_moveit_config github-ros-industrial-motoman
motoman_sda10f_support github-ros-industrial-motoman
motoman_sia10d_support github-ros-industrial-motoman
motoman_sia10f_support github-ros-industrial-motoman
motoman_sia20d_moveit_config github-ros-industrial-motoman
motoman_sia20d_support github-ros-industrial-motoman
motoman_sia30d_support github-ros-industrial-motoman
motoman_sia50_support github-ros-industrial-motoman
motoman_sia5d_support github-ros-industrial-motoman
motoman_bmda3_support github-ros-industrial-motoman_experimental
motoman_csda10f_moveit_config github-ros-industrial-motoman_experimental
motoman_csda10f_support github-ros-industrial-motoman_experimental
motoman_epx_support github-ros-industrial-motoman_experimental
motoman_mh_support github-ros-industrial-motoman_experimental
motoman_mhj_support github-ros-industrial-motoman_experimental
motoman_mpl80_moveit_config github-ros-industrial-motoman_experimental
motoman_mpl_support github-ros-industrial-motoman_experimental
motoman_mpx3500_support github-ros-industrial-motoman_experimental
motoman_sia5d_moveit_config github-ros-industrial-motoman_experimental
nao_moveit_config github-ros-naoqi-nao_moveit_config
pepper_moveit_config github-ros-naoqi-pepper_moveit_config
rb1_dual_ur3_moveit_config github-RobotnikAutomation-rb1_base_common
rh_p12_rn_description github-ROBOTIS-GIT-RH-P12-RN
robot_model github-ros-robot_model
op3_description github-ROBOTIS-GIT-ROBOTIS-OP3-Common
op3_bringup github-ROBOTIS-GIT-ROBOTIS-OP3-Demo
roch_viz github-SawYer-Robotics-roch_viz
romeo_moveit_config github-ros-aldebaran-romeo_moveit_config
romeo_description github-ros-aldebaran-romeo_robot
roomblock_description github-tork-a-roomblock
rsv_balance_viz github-robosavvy-rsv_balance_desktop
summit_xl_j2n6s200_moveit_config github-RobotnikAutomation-summit_xl_common
summit_xl_j2s6s200_moveit_config github-RobotnikAutomation-summit_xl_common
summit_xl_j2s6s300_moveit_config github-RobotnikAutomation-summit_xl_common
summit_xl_j2s7s300_moveit_config github-RobotnikAutomation-summit_xl_common
svenzva_moveit github-SvenzvaRobotics-svenzva_ros
thormang3_description github-ROBOTIS-GIT-ROBOTIS-THORMANG-Common
turtlebot_arm_moveit_config github-turtlebot-turtlebot_arm
turtlebot_rviz_launchers github-turtlebot-turtlebot_interactions
dual_xarm6_moveit_config github-xArm-Developer-xarm_ros
xarm5_vacuum_gripper_moveit_config github-xArm-Developer-xarm_ros
xarm6_vacuum_gripper_moveit_config github-xArm-Developer-xarm_ros
xarm7_vacuum_gripper_moveit_config github-xArm-Developer-xarm_ros
lite6_moveit_config github-xArm-Developer-xarm_ros
uf_robot_moveit_config github-xArm-Developer-xarm_ros
xarm5_gripper_moveit_config github-xArm-Developer-xarm_ros
xarm5_moveit_config github-xArm-Developer-xarm_ros
xarm6_gripper_moveit_config github-xArm-Developer-xarm_ros
xarm6_moveit_config github-xArm-Developer-xarm_ros
xarm7_gripper_moveit_config github-xArm-Developer-xarm_ros
xarm7_moveit_config github-xArm-Developer-xarm_ros
xarm_gripper github-xArm-Developer-xarm_ros
xbot_description github-DroidAITech-xbot

Recent questions tagged joint_state_publisher at Robotics Stack Exchange

Package Summary

Tags No category tags.
Version 1.12.15
License BSD
Build type CATKIN

Repository Summary

Checkout URI
VCS Type git
VCS Version kinetic-devel
Last Updated 2020-12-11
CI status
Tags No category tags.
Contributing Help Wanted (0)
Good First Issues (0)
Pull Requests to Review (0)

Package Description

This package contains a tool for setting and publishing joint state values for a given URDF.

Additional Links


  • Chris Lalancette
  • Shane Loretz


  • David V. Lu!!
  • Jackie Kay

Joint State Publisher

This contains a package for publishing sensor_msgs/JointState messages for a robot described with URDF. Given a URDF in the robot_description parameter on the parameter server, this node will continually publish default values for all of the movable joints in the URDF to the /joint_states topic.

See the ROS wiki for additional API documentation and tutorials.

This was originally part of the ros/robot_model repository. It has been moved to this repo as described by ros/robot_model#195

Published Topics

  • /joint_states (sensor_msgs/JointState) - The state of all of the movable joints in the system.

Subscribed Topics

  • (optional) /any_topic (sensor_msgs/JointState) - If the sources_list parameter is not empty (see Parameters below), then every named topic in this parameter will be subscribed to for joint state updates. Do not add the default /joint_states topic to this list, as it will end up in an endless loop!


  • robot_description (string, required) - A URDF or DAE file describing the robot.
  • rate (int) - The rate at which to publish updates to the /joint_states topic. Defaults to 10.
  • publish_default_positions (bool) - Whether to publish a default position for each movable joint to the /joint_states topic. If False, use_gui must also be False. Defaults to True.
  • publish_default_velocities (bool) - Whether to publish a default velocity for each movable joint to the /joint_states topic. Defaults to False.
  • publish_default_efforts (bool) - Whether to publish a default effort for each movable joint to the /joint_states topic. Defaults to False.
  • use_mimic_tags (bool) - Whether to honor <mimic> tags in the URDF. Defaults to True.
  • use_smallest_joint_limits (bool) - Whether to honor <safety_controller> tags in the URDF. Defaults to True.
  • source_list (array of strings) - Each string in this array represents a topic name. For each string, create a subscription to the named topic of type sensor_msgs/JointStates. Publication to that topic will update the joints named in the message. Defaults to an empty array.
  • zeros (dictionary of string -> float) - A dictionary of joint_names to initial starting values for the joint. Defaults to an empty dictionary, in which case 0.0 is assumed as the zero for all joints.
  • dependent_joints (dictionary of string -> dictionary of 'parent', 'factor', 'offset') - A dictionary of joint_names to the joints that they mimic; compare to the <mimic> tag in URDF. A joint listed here will mimic the movements of the 'parent' joint, subject to the 'factor' and 'offset' provided. The 'parent' name must be provided, while the 'factor' and 'offset' parameters are optional (they default to 1.0 and 0.0, respectively). Defaults to the empty dictionary, in which case only joints that are marked as <mimic> in the URDF are mimiced.
  • use_gui (bool) - Deprecated option to show a GUI useful for manipulating joints when launching the joint_state_publisher. Defaults to False. Will be removed in Noetic in favor of running joint_state_publisher_gui instead.
  • num_rows (int) - Deprecated option to control the number of rows shown in the GUI when use_gui is set to true. Defaults to the number of joints. Will be removed in Noetic.

Changelog for package joint_state_publisher

1.12.15 (2020-03-12)

  • Make it clear robot_description is required (#42)
  • Set source_update_cb attr before creating subscribers (#41)
  • Contributors: Shane Loretz

1.12.14 (2020-01-22)

  • Split jsp and jsp gui (#31)
  • Only update one joint slider on value changed. (#11)
  • ignore \'planar\' joints just as \'fixed\' and \'floating\' (#14)
  • Make GUI window scroll & resize for large robots (#10)
  • Contributors: Andy McEvoy, Chris Lalancette, Michael G

Wiki Tutorials

See ROS Wiki Tutorials for more details.

Source Tutorials

Not currently indexed.

Package Dependencies

System Dependencies

No direct system dependencies.

Dependant Packages

Name Repo Deps
abb_irb2400_moveit_config github-ros-industrial-abb
abb_irb2400_support github-ros-industrial-abb
abb_irb4400_support github-ros-industrial-abb
abb_irb5400_support github-ros-industrial-abb
abb_irb6600_support github-ros-industrial-abb
abb_irb6640_moveit_config github-ros-industrial-abb
abb_irb6640_support github-ros-industrial-abb
cob_obstacle_distance github-ipa320-cob_control
cob_moveit_bringup github-ipa320-cob_manipulation
cob_bringup github-ipa320-cob_robots
cob_hardware_config github-ipa320-cob_robots
cob_gazebo_worlds github-ipa320-cob_simulation
crane_x7_moveit_config github-rt-net-crane_x7_ros
denso_robot_moveit_config github-DENSORobot-denso_robot_ros
fanuc_cr35ia_support github-ros-industrial-fanuc
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warthog_viz github-warthog-cpr-warthog_desktop
warthog_gazebo github-warthog-cpr-warthog_simulator

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