

Name Description
1 mrp2_viz
1 mrpt1
0 mrpt2
1 2024-12-11 mrpt_apps
Mobile Robot Programming Toolkit (MRPT) applications
Mobile Robot Programming Toolkit (MRPT) applications
1 mrpt_bridge
1 mrpt_ekf_slam_2d
1 mrpt_ekf_slam_3d
1 2024-09-01 mrpt_generic_sensor
ROS node for interfacing any sensor supported by mrpt-hwdrivers
ROS node for interfacing any sensor supported by mrpt-hwdrivers
1 mrpt_graphslam_2d
1 mrpt_icp_slam_2d
1 2024-12-11 mrpt_libapps
Mobile Robot Programming Toolkit (MRPT) libraries (apps C++ libraries). This package contains: mrpt-apps lib, mrpt-graphslam
Mobile Robot Programming Toolkit (MRPT) libraries (apps C++ libraries). This package contains: mrpt-apps lib, mrpt-graphslam
1 2024-12-11 mrpt_libbase
Mobile Robot Programming Toolkit (MRPT) libraries (core C++ libraries). This package contains: mrpt-io, mrpt-serialization, mrpt-random, mrpt-system, mrpt-rtti, mrpt-containers, mrpt-typemeta, mrpt-core, mrpt-random, mrpt-config, mrpt-expr
Mobile Robot Programming Toolkit (MRPT) libraries (core C++ libraries). This package contains: mrpt-io, mrpt-serialization, mrpt-random, mrpt-system, mrpt-rtti, mrpt-containers, mrpt-typemeta, mrpt-core, mrpt-random, mrpt-config, mrpt-expr
1 2024-12-11 mrpt_libgui
Mobile Robot Programming Toolkit (MRPT) libraries (GUI C++ libraries). This package contains: mrpt-gui, nanogui
Mobile Robot Programming Toolkit (MRPT) libraries (GUI C++ libraries). This package contains: mrpt-gui, nanogui
1 2024-12-11 mrpt_libhwdrivers
Mobile Robot Programming Toolkit (MRPT) libraries (hwdrivers C++ libraries). This package contains: mrpt-hwdrivers, mrpt-comms
Mobile Robot Programming Toolkit (MRPT) libraries (hwdrivers C++ libraries). This package contains: mrpt-hwdrivers, mrpt-comms
1 2024-12-11 mrpt_libmaps
Mobile Robot Programming Toolkit (MRPT) libraries (maps C++ libraries). This package contains: mrpt-maps, mrpt-graphs
Mobile Robot Programming Toolkit (MRPT) libraries (maps C++ libraries). This package contains: mrpt-maps, mrpt-graphs
1 2024-12-11 mrpt_libmath
Mobile Robot Programming Toolkit (MRPT) libraries (math C++ libraries). This package contains: mrpt-math
Mobile Robot Programming Toolkit (MRPT) libraries (math C++ libraries). This package contains: mrpt-math
1 2024-12-11 mrpt_libnav
Mobile Robot Programming Toolkit (MRPT) libraries (nav C++ libraries). This package contains: mrpt-nav, mrpt-kinematics
Mobile Robot Programming Toolkit (MRPT) libraries (nav C++ libraries). This package contains: mrpt-nav, mrpt-kinematics
1 2024-12-11 mrpt_libobs
Mobile Robot Programming Toolkit (MRPT) libraries (obs C++ libraries). This package contains: mrpt-obs, mrpt-topography
Mobile Robot Programming Toolkit (MRPT) libraries (obs C++ libraries). This package contains: mrpt-obs, mrpt-topography
1 2024-12-11 mrpt_libopengl
Mobile Robot Programming Toolkit (MRPT) libraries (opengl/img C++ libraries). This package contains: mrpt-opengl, mrpt-img
Mobile Robot Programming Toolkit (MRPT) libraries (opengl/img C++ libraries). This package contains: mrpt-opengl, mrpt-img
1 2024-12-11 mrpt_libposes
Mobile Robot Programming Toolkit (MRPT) libraries (poses C++ libraries). This package contains: mrpt-poses, mrpt-tfest, mrpt-bayes
Mobile Robot Programming Toolkit (MRPT) libraries (poses C++ libraries). This package contains: mrpt-poses, mrpt-tfest, mrpt-bayes
1 2024-12-11 mrpt_libros_bridge
Mobile Robot Programming Toolkit (MRPT) libraries (ros2bridge C++ library). This package contains: mrpt-ros2bridge
Mobile Robot Programming Toolkit (MRPT) libraries (ros2bridge C++ library). This package contains: mrpt-ros2bridge
1 2024-12-11 mrpt_libslam
Mobile Robot Programming Toolkit (MRPT) libraries (slam/vision C++ libraries). This package contains: mrpt-slam, mrpt-vision
Mobile Robot Programming Toolkit (MRPT) libraries (slam/vision C++ libraries). This package contains: mrpt-slam, mrpt-vision
1 2024-12-11 mrpt_libtclap
Mobile Robot Programming Toolkit (MRPT) libraries (tclap C++ library). This package contains: mrpt-tclap
Mobile Robot Programming Toolkit (MRPT) libraries (tclap C++ library). This package contains: mrpt-tclap
1 mrpt_local_obstacles
1 mrpt_localization
1 mrpt_map
1 2025-01-08 mrpt_map_server
This package provides a ROS 2 node that publishes a static map for other nodes to use it. Unlike classic ROS 1 ``map_server``, this node can publish a range of different metric maps, not only occupancy grids.
This package provides a ROS 2 node that publishes a static map for other nodes to use it. Unlike classic ROS 1 ``map_server``, this node can publish a range of different metric maps, not only occupancy grids.
1 2024-10-09 mrpt_msgs
ROS messages for MRPT classes and objects
ROS messages for MRPT classes and objects
1 2025-01-08 mrpt_msgs_bridge
C++ library to convert between custom mrpt_msgs messages and native MRPT classes
C++ library to convert between custom mrpt_msgs messages and native MRPT classes
1 2025-01-08 mrpt_nav_interfaces
Message, services, and actions, for other mrpt navigation packages.
Message, services, and actions, for other mrpt navigation packages.
1 2025-01-08 mrpt_navigation
Tools related to the Mobile Robot Programming Toolkit (MRPT). Refer to https://wiki.ros.org/mrpt_navigation for further documentation.
Tools related to the Mobile Robot Programming Toolkit (MRPT). Refer to https://wiki.ros.org/mrpt_navigation for further documentation.
1 2024-10-14 mrpt_path_planning
Path planning and navigation algorithms for robots/vehicles moving on planar environments. This library builds upon mrpt-nav and the theory behind PTGs to generate libraries of "motion primitives" for vehicles with arbitrary shape and realistic kinematics and dynamics.
Path planning and navigation algorithms for robots/vehicles moving on planar environments. This library builds upon mrpt-nav and the theory behind PTGs to generate libraries of "motion primitives" for vehicles with arbitrary shape and realistic kinematics and dynamics.
1 2025-01-08 mrpt_pf_localization
Package for robot 2D self-localization using dynamic or static (MRPT or ROS) maps. The interface is similar to amcl (https://wiki.ros.org/amcl) but supports different particle-filter algorithms, several grid maps at different heights, range-only localization, etc.
Package for robot 2D self-localization using dynamic or static (MRPT or ROS) maps. The interface is similar to amcl (https://wiki.ros.org/amcl) but supports different particle-filter algorithms, several grid maps at different heights, range-only localization, etc.
1 2025-01-08 mrpt_pointcloud_pipeline
Maintains a local obstacle map from recent sensor readings, including optional point cloud pipeline filtering or processing.
Maintains a local obstacle map from recent sensor readings, including optional point cloud pipeline filtering or processing.
1 2025-01-08 mrpt_rawlog
Nodes and programs to record and play MRPT rawlogs or to transform between rosbags and rawlogs.
Nodes and programs to record and play MRPT rawlogs or to transform between rosbags and rawlogs.
1 mrpt_rbpf_slam
1 2025-01-08 mrpt_reactivenav2d
Reactive navigation for wheeled robots using MRPT navigation algorithms (TP-Space)
Reactive navigation for wheeled robots using MRPT navigation algorithms (TP-Space)
1 2024-09-01 mrpt_sensor_bumblebee_stereo
ROS node for Bumblebee Stereo Cameras using libdc1394 interface (based on mrpt-hwdrivers)
ROS node for Bumblebee Stereo Cameras using libdc1394 interface (based on mrpt-hwdrivers)
1 2024-09-01 mrpt_sensor_gnss_nmea
ROS node for GNSS receivers generating NMEA messages (based on mrpt-hwdrivers)
ROS node for GNSS receivers generating NMEA messages (based on mrpt-hwdrivers)
1 2024-09-01 mrpt_sensor_gnss_novatel
ROS node for GNSS/IMU Novatel receivers with RTK precision using an NTRIP HTTP source (based on mrpt-hwdrivers)
ROS node for GNSS/IMU Novatel receivers with RTK precision using an NTRIP HTTP source (based on mrpt-hwdrivers)
1 2024-09-01 mrpt_sensor_imu_taobotics
ROS node for Taobotics USB IMUs (based on mrpt-hwdrivers)
ROS node for Taobotics USB IMUs (based on mrpt-hwdrivers)
1 2024-09-01 mrpt_sensorlib
C++ library for the base generic MRPT sensor node
C++ library for the base generic MRPT sensor node
1 2024-09-01 mrpt_sensors
ROS nodes for various robotics sensors via mrpt-hwdrivers. Metapackage for all mrpt_sensor packages.
ROS nodes for various robotics sensors via mrpt-hwdrivers. Metapackage for all mrpt_sensor packages.
1 mrpt_sensors_examples
1 mrpt_slam
1 2025-01-08 mrpt_tps_astar_planner
ROS Path Planner with A* in TP-Space Engine
ROS Path Planner with A* in TP-Space Engine
1 2025-01-08 mrpt_tutorials
Example files used as tutorials for MRPT ROS packages
Example files used as tutorials for MRPT ROS packages
1 2024-09-20 mrt_cmake_modules
CMake Functions and Modules for automating CMake
CMake Functions and Modules for automating CMake
1 msg_conversions
1 msp
1 msvc_runtime
1 msvc_sdk_tutorials
1 mtig_driver
1 multi_interface_roam
1 multi_jackal_base
1 multi_jackal_control
1 multi_jackal_description
1 multi_jackal_nav
1 multi_jackal_tutorials
1 multi_level_map_msgs
1 multi_level_map_server
1 multi_level_map_utils
1 multi_map_server
1 multi_object_tracking_lidar
1 multi_xarm5
1 multicar_hydraulic
1 multimaster_fkie
1 multimaster_launch
1 multimaster_msgs
1 multimaster_msgs_fkie
1 2024-05-07 multiple_topic_monitor
ROS 2 package for monitoring the frequency and delay of multiple topics.
ROS 2 package for monitoring the frequency and delay of multiple topics.
1 multipoint_navigation_receiver
1 2024-12-09 multires_image
1 multirobot_map_merge
2 2024-12-13 multirole_sensor_client
The multirole_sensor_client package
The multirole_sensor_client package
1 multisense
1 multisense_bringup
1 multisense_cal_check
1 multisense_description
1 multisense_lib
1 multisense_ros
1 multiwii
1 muse_bldc_motor_drive
1 muse_v2_driver
2 2024-12-24 mvsim
A lightweight multivehicle simulation framework.
A lightweight multivehicle simulation framework.
0 mx_driver
0 mx_msgs
1 my_android_package
1 2024-11-03 myactuator_rmd
CAN driver for MyActuator RMD-X-series
CAN driver for MyActuator RMD-X-series
1 myahrs_driver
1 mycroft_ros
1 mynt_eye_ros_wrapper
1 myo_ros
1 nanomsg
1 nanotron_swarm
1 nao_apps
2 nao_audio
1 nao_bringup
1 2024-04-20 nao_button_sim
Allows simulating button presses through command line interface
Allows simulating button presses through command line interface
1 2024-04-20 nao_command_msgs
Package defining command msgs to be sent to NAO robot.
Package defining command msgs to be sent to NAO robot.
1 nao_control
1 nao_dcm_bringup
1 nao_description
1 nao_extras
1 nao_gazebo_plugin
2 nao_interaction
2 nao_interaction_launchers
2 nao_interaction_msgs
1 nao_jsk_teleop
1 2024-04-22 nao_lola
Packages that allow communicating with the NAO’s Lola middle-ware.
Packages that allow communicating with the NAO’s Lola middle-ware.
1 nao_lola_client
1 nao_lola_command_msgs
1 nao_lola_sensor_msgs
3 2024-04-21 nao_meshes
ROS2 Meshes for the NAO robot
ROS2 Meshes for the NAO robot
1 nao_moveit_config
0 nao_msgs
1 nao_path_follower
1 nao_robot
1 2024-04-20 nao_sensor_msgs
Package defining sensor msgs to be received from NAO robot.
Package defining sensor msgs to be received from NAO robot.
1 nao_teleop
2 nao_vision
1 naoeus
1 naoqi_apps
1 naoqi_bridge
2 2023-11-21 naoqi_bridge_msgs
The naoqi_bridge_msgs package provides custom messages for running Aldebaran's robots in ROS2.
The naoqi_bridge_msgs package provides custom messages for running Aldebaran's robots in ROS2.
2 naoqi_dashboard
1 naoqi_dcm_driver
2 2024-04-30 naoqi_driver
Driver module between Aldebaran's NAOqiOS and ROS2. It publishes all sensor and actuator data as well as basic diagnostic for battery, temperature. It subscribes also to RVIZ simple goal and cmd_vel for teleop.
Driver module between Aldebaran's NAOqiOS and ROS2. It publishes all sensor and actuator data as well as basic diagnostic for battery, temperature. It subscribes also to RVIZ simple goal and cmd_vel for teleop.
1 naoqi_driver_py
1 2023-11-21 naoqi_libqi
Aldebaran's libqi: a core library for NAOqiOS development
Aldebaran's libqi: a core library for NAOqiOS development
1 2023-11-21 naoqi_libqicore
Aldebaran's libqicore: a layer on top of libqi
Aldebaran's libqicore: a layer on top of libqi
0 naoqi_msgs
1 naoqi_navigation
1 naoqi_pose
1 naoqi_sensors_py
1 naoqi_tools
1 naoqieus
1 nasa_common_cmake
1 nasa_common_logging
1 nasa_r2_common
1 nasa_r2_simulator
1 2024-11-26 nav2_amcl
1 2024-11-26 nav2_behavior_tree
1 2024-11-26 nav2_behaviors
2 2024-11-26 nav2_bringup
Bringup scripts and configurations for the Nav2 stack
Bringup scripts and configurations for the Nav2 stack
1 2024-11-26 nav2_bt_navigator
1 2024-11-26 nav2_collision_monitor
Collision Monitor
Collision Monitor
1 2024-11-26 nav2_common
Common support functionality used throughout the navigation 2 stack
Common support functionality used throughout the navigation 2 stack
1 2024-11-26 nav2_constrained_smoother
Ceres constrained smoother
Ceres constrained smoother
1 2024-11-26 nav2_controller
Controller action interface
Controller action interface
1 2024-11-26 nav2_core
A set of headers for plugins core to the Nav2 stack
A set of headers for plugins core to the Nav2 stack
1 2024-11-26 nav2_costmap_2d
This package provides an implementation of a 2D costmap that takes in sensor data from the world, builds a 2D or 3D occupancy grid of the data (depending on whether a voxel based implementation is used), and inflates costs in a 2D costmap based on the occupancy grid and a user specified inflation radius. This package also provides support for map_server based initialization of a costmap, rolling window based costmaps, and parameter based subscription to and configuration of sensor topics.
This package provides an implementation of a 2D costmap that takes in sensor data from the world, builds a 2D or 3D occupancy grid of the data (depending on whether a voxel based implementation is used), and inflates costs in a 2D costmap based on the occupancy grid and a user specified inflation radius. This package also provides support for map_server based initialization of a costmap, rolling window based costmaps, and parameter based subscription to and configuration of sensor topics.
1 nav2_driver
1 2024-11-26 nav2_dwb_controller
ROS2 controller (DWB) metapackage
ROS2 controller (DWB) metapackage
1 nav2_dynamic_params
1 nav2_gazebo_spawner
1 2024-11-26 nav2_graceful_controller
Graceful motion controller
Graceful motion controller
1 2024-11-26 nav2_lifecycle_manager
A controller/manager for the lifecycle nodes of the Navigation 2 system
A controller/manager for the lifecycle nodes of the Navigation 2 system
1 nav2_loopback_sim
1 2024-11-26 nav2_map_server
Refactored map server for ROS2 Navigation
Refactored map server for ROS2 Navigation
1 nav2_minimal_tb3_sim
1 nav2_minimal_tb4_description
1 nav2_minimal_tb4_sim
1 nav2_mission_executor
1 nav2_motion_primitives
1 2024-11-26 nav2_mppi_controller
1 2024-11-26 nav2_msgs
Messages and service files for the Nav2 stack
Messages and service files for the Nav2 stack
1 2024-11-26 nav2_navfn_planner
1 nav2_navigation
1 2024-11-26 nav2_planner
1 nav2_platform
1 nav2_recoveries
1 2024-11-26 nav2_regulated_pure_pursuit_controller
Regulated Pure Pursuit Controller
Regulated Pure Pursuit Controller
1 nav2_robot
1 2024-11-26 nav2_rotation_shim_controller
Rotation Shim Controller
Rotation Shim Controller
1 2024-11-26 nav2_rviz_plugins
Navigation 2 plugins for rviz
Navigation 2 plugins for rviz
1 2024-11-26 nav2_simple_commander
An importable library for writing mobile robot applications in python3
An importable library for writing mobile robot applications in python3
1 nav2_simple_navigator
1 2024-11-26 nav2_smac_planner
Smac global planning plugin: A*, Hybrid-A*, State Lattice
Smac global planning plugin: A*, Hybrid-A*, State Lattice
1 2024-11-26 nav2_smoother
Smoother action interface
Smoother action interface
1 2024-11-26 nav2_system_tests
1 nav2_tasks
1 2024-11-26 nav2_theta_star_planner
Theta* Global Planning Plugin
Theta* Global Planning Plugin
1 nav2_turtlebot3_rl
1 2024-11-26 nav2_util
1 2024-11-26 nav2_velocity_smoother
Nav2's Output velocity smoother
Nav2's Output velocity smoother
1 2024-11-26 nav2_voxel_grid
voxel_grid provides an implementation of an efficient 3D voxel grid. The occupancy grid can support 3 different representations for the state of a cell: marked, free, or unknown. Due to the underlying implementation relying on bitwise and and or integer operations, the voxel grid only supports 16 different levels per voxel column. However, this limitation yields raytracing and cell marking performance in the grid comparable to standard 2D structures making it quite fast compared to most 3D structures.
voxel_grid provides an implementation of an efficient 3D voxel grid. The occupancy grid can support 3 different representations for the state of a cell: marked, free, or unknown. Due to the underlying implementation relying on bitwise and and or integer operations, the voxel grid only supports 16 different levels per voxel column. However, this limitation yields raytracing and cell marking performance in the grid comparable to standard 2D structures making it quite fast compared to most 3D structures.
1 2024-11-26 nav2_waypoint_follower
A waypoint follower navigation server
A waypoint follower navigation server
1 nav2_world_model
1 nav2d
1 nav2d_exploration
1 nav2d_karto
1 nav2d_localizer
1 nav2d_msgs
1 nav2d_navigator
1 nav2d_operator
1 nav2d_remote
1 nav2d_tutorials
1 2024-12-13 nav2z_client
The nav2z_client package implements SMACC Action Client Plugin for the ROS Navigation State - move_base node. Developed by Reel Robotics.
The nav2z_client package implements SMACC Action Client Plugin for the ROS Navigation State - move_base node. Developed by Reel Robotics.
1 2024-12-13 nav2z_planners_common
The nav2z_planners_common package.
The nav2z_planners_common package.


Name Description
1 mrp2_viz
1 mrpt1
0 mrpt2
1 2024-12-11 mrpt_apps
Mobile Robot Programming Toolkit (MRPT) applications
Mobile Robot Programming Toolkit (MRPT) applications
1 mrpt_bridge
1 mrpt_ekf_slam_2d
1 mrpt_ekf_slam_3d
1 2024-09-01 mrpt_generic_sensor
ROS node for interfacing any sensor supported by mrpt-hwdrivers
ROS node for interfacing any sensor supported by mrpt-hwdrivers
1 mrpt_graphslam_2d
1 mrpt_icp_slam_2d
1 2024-12-11 mrpt_libapps
Mobile Robot Programming Toolkit (MRPT) libraries (apps C++ libraries). This package contains: mrpt-apps lib, mrpt-graphslam
Mobile Robot Programming Toolkit (MRPT) libraries (apps C++ libraries). This package contains: mrpt-apps lib, mrpt-graphslam
1 2024-12-11 mrpt_libbase
Mobile Robot Programming Toolkit (MRPT) libraries (core C++ libraries). This package contains: mrpt-io, mrpt-serialization, mrpt-random, mrpt-system, mrpt-rtti, mrpt-containers, mrpt-typemeta, mrpt-core, mrpt-random, mrpt-config, mrpt-expr
Mobile Robot Programming Toolkit (MRPT) libraries (core C++ libraries). This package contains: mrpt-io, mrpt-serialization, mrpt-random, mrpt-system, mrpt-rtti, mrpt-containers, mrpt-typemeta, mrpt-core, mrpt-random, mrpt-config, mrpt-expr
1 2024-12-11 mrpt_libgui
Mobile Robot Programming Toolkit (MRPT) libraries (GUI C++ libraries). This package contains: mrpt-gui, nanogui
Mobile Robot Programming Toolkit (MRPT) libraries (GUI C++ libraries). This package contains: mrpt-gui, nanogui
1 2024-12-11 mrpt_libhwdrivers
Mobile Robot Programming Toolkit (MRPT) libraries (hwdrivers C++ libraries). This package contains: mrpt-hwdrivers, mrpt-comms
Mobile Robot Programming Toolkit (MRPT) libraries (hwdrivers C++ libraries). This package contains: mrpt-hwdrivers, mrpt-comms
1 2024-12-11 mrpt_libmaps
Mobile Robot Programming Toolkit (MRPT) libraries (maps C++ libraries). This package contains: mrpt-maps, mrpt-graphs
Mobile Robot Programming Toolkit (MRPT) libraries (maps C++ libraries). This package contains: mrpt-maps, mrpt-graphs
1 2024-12-11 mrpt_libmath
Mobile Robot Programming Toolkit (MRPT) libraries (math C++ libraries). This package contains: mrpt-math
Mobile Robot Programming Toolkit (MRPT) libraries (math C++ libraries). This package contains: mrpt-math
1 2024-12-11 mrpt_libnav
Mobile Robot Programming Toolkit (MRPT) libraries (nav C++ libraries). This package contains: mrpt-nav, mrpt-kinematics
Mobile Robot Programming Toolkit (MRPT) libraries (nav C++ libraries). This package contains: mrpt-nav, mrpt-kinematics
1 2024-12-11 mrpt_libobs
Mobile Robot Programming Toolkit (MRPT) libraries (obs C++ libraries). This package contains: mrpt-obs, mrpt-topography
Mobile Robot Programming Toolkit (MRPT) libraries (obs C++ libraries). This package contains: mrpt-obs, mrpt-topography
1 2024-12-11 mrpt_libopengl
Mobile Robot Programming Toolkit (MRPT) libraries (opengl/img C++ libraries). This package contains: mrpt-opengl, mrpt-img
Mobile Robot Programming Toolkit (MRPT) libraries (opengl/img C++ libraries). This package contains: mrpt-opengl, mrpt-img
1 2024-12-11 mrpt_libposes
Mobile Robot Programming Toolkit (MRPT) libraries (poses C++ libraries). This package contains: mrpt-poses, mrpt-tfest, mrpt-bayes
Mobile Robot Programming Toolkit (MRPT) libraries (poses C++ libraries). This package contains: mrpt-poses, mrpt-tfest, mrpt-bayes
1 2024-12-11 mrpt_libros_bridge
Mobile Robot Programming Toolkit (MRPT) libraries (ros2bridge C++ library). This package contains: mrpt-ros2bridge
Mobile Robot Programming Toolkit (MRPT) libraries (ros2bridge C++ library). This package contains: mrpt-ros2bridge
1 2024-12-11 mrpt_libslam
Mobile Robot Programming Toolkit (MRPT) libraries (slam/vision C++ libraries). This package contains: mrpt-slam, mrpt-vision
Mobile Robot Programming Toolkit (MRPT) libraries (slam/vision C++ libraries). This package contains: mrpt-slam, mrpt-vision
1 2024-12-11 mrpt_libtclap
Mobile Robot Programming Toolkit (MRPT) libraries (tclap C++ library). This package contains: mrpt-tclap
Mobile Robot Programming Toolkit (MRPT) libraries (tclap C++ library). This package contains: mrpt-tclap
1 mrpt_local_obstacles
1 mrpt_localization
1 mrpt_map
1 2025-01-08 mrpt_map_server
This package provides a ROS 2 node that publishes a static map for other nodes to use it. Unlike classic ROS 1 ``map_server``, this node can publish a range of different metric maps, not only occupancy grids.
This package provides a ROS 2 node that publishes a static map for other nodes to use it. Unlike classic ROS 1 ``map_server``, this node can publish a range of different metric maps, not only occupancy grids.
1 2024-10-09 mrpt_msgs
ROS messages for MRPT classes and objects
ROS messages for MRPT classes and objects
1 2025-01-08 mrpt_msgs_bridge
C++ library to convert between custom mrpt_msgs messages and native MRPT classes
C++ library to convert between custom mrpt_msgs messages and native MRPT classes
1 2025-01-08 mrpt_nav_interfaces
Message, services, and actions, for other mrpt navigation packages.
Message, services, and actions, for other mrpt navigation packages.
1 2025-01-08 mrpt_navigation
Tools related to the Mobile Robot Programming Toolkit (MRPT). Refer to https://wiki.ros.org/mrpt_navigation for further documentation.
Tools related to the Mobile Robot Programming Toolkit (MRPT). Refer to https://wiki.ros.org/mrpt_navigation for further documentation.
1 2024-10-14 mrpt_path_planning
Path planning and navigation algorithms for robots/vehicles moving on planar environments. This library builds upon mrpt-nav and the theory behind PTGs to generate libraries of "motion primitives" for vehicles with arbitrary shape and realistic kinematics and dynamics.
Path planning and navigation algorithms for robots/vehicles moving on planar environments. This library builds upon mrpt-nav and the theory behind PTGs to generate libraries of "motion primitives" for vehicles with arbitrary shape and realistic kinematics and dynamics.
1 2025-01-08 mrpt_pf_localization
Package for robot 2D self-localization using dynamic or static (MRPT or ROS) maps. The interface is similar to amcl (https://wiki.ros.org/amcl) but supports different particle-filter algorithms, several grid maps at different heights, range-only localization, etc.
Package for robot 2D self-localization using dynamic or static (MRPT or ROS) maps. The interface is similar to amcl (https://wiki.ros.org/amcl) but supports different particle-filter algorithms, several grid maps at different heights, range-only localization, etc.
1 2025-01-08 mrpt_pointcloud_pipeline
Maintains a local obstacle map from recent sensor readings, including optional point cloud pipeline filtering or processing.
Maintains a local obstacle map from recent sensor readings, including optional point cloud pipeline filtering or processing.
1 2025-01-08 mrpt_rawlog
Nodes and programs to record and play MRPT rawlogs or to transform between rosbags and rawlogs.
Nodes and programs to record and play MRPT rawlogs or to transform between rosbags and rawlogs.
1 mrpt_rbpf_slam
1 2025-01-08 mrpt_reactivenav2d
Reactive navigation for wheeled robots using MRPT navigation algorithms (TP-Space)
Reactive navigation for wheeled robots using MRPT navigation algorithms (TP-Space)
1 2024-09-01 mrpt_sensor_bumblebee_stereo
ROS node for Bumblebee Stereo Cameras using libdc1394 interface (based on mrpt-hwdrivers)
ROS node for Bumblebee Stereo Cameras using libdc1394 interface (based on mrpt-hwdrivers)
1 2024-09-01 mrpt_sensor_gnss_nmea
ROS node for GNSS receivers generating NMEA messages (based on mrpt-hwdrivers)
ROS node for GNSS receivers generating NMEA messages (based on mrpt-hwdrivers)
1 2024-09-01 mrpt_sensor_gnss_novatel
ROS node for GNSS/IMU Novatel receivers with RTK precision using an NTRIP HTTP source (based on mrpt-hwdrivers)
ROS node for GNSS/IMU Novatel receivers with RTK precision using an NTRIP HTTP source (based on mrpt-hwdrivers)
1 2024-09-01 mrpt_sensor_imu_taobotics
ROS node for Taobotics USB IMUs (based on mrpt-hwdrivers)
ROS node for Taobotics USB IMUs (based on mrpt-hwdrivers)
1 2024-09-01 mrpt_sensorlib
C++ library for the base generic MRPT sensor node
C++ library for the base generic MRPT sensor node
1 2024-09-01 mrpt_sensors
ROS nodes for various robotics sensors via mrpt-hwdrivers. Metapackage for all mrpt_sensor packages.
ROS nodes for various robotics sensors via mrpt-hwdrivers. Metapackage for all mrpt_sensor packages.
1 mrpt_sensors_examples
1 mrpt_slam
1 2025-01-08 mrpt_tps_astar_planner
ROS Path Planner with A* in TP-Space Engine
ROS Path Planner with A* in TP-Space Engine
1 2025-01-08 mrpt_tutorials
Example files used as tutorials for MRPT ROS packages
Example files used as tutorials for MRPT ROS packages
1 2024-09-20 mrt_cmake_modules
CMake Functions and Modules for automating CMake
CMake Functions and Modules for automating CMake
1 msg_conversions
1 msp
1 msvc_runtime
1 msvc_sdk_tutorials
1 mtig_driver
1 multi_interface_roam
1 multi_jackal_base
1 multi_jackal_control
1 multi_jackal_description
1 multi_jackal_nav
1 multi_jackal_tutorials
1 multi_level_map_msgs
1 multi_level_map_server
1 multi_level_map_utils
1 multi_map_server
1 multi_object_tracking_lidar
1 multi_xarm5
1 multicar_hydraulic
1 multimaster_fkie
1 multimaster_launch
1 multimaster_msgs
1 multimaster_msgs_fkie
1 multiple_topic_monitor
1 multipoint_navigation_receiver
1 2024-12-09 multires_image
1 multirobot_map_merge
2 2022-11-28 multirole_sensor_client
The multirole_sensor_client package
The multirole_sensor_client package
1 multisense
1 multisense_bringup
1 multisense_cal_check
1 multisense_description
1 multisense_lib
1 multisense_ros
1 multiwii
1 muse_bldc_motor_drive
1 muse_v2_driver
2 2024-12-24 mvsim
A lightweight multivehicle simulation framework.
A lightweight multivehicle simulation framework.
0 mx_driver
0 mx_msgs
1 my_android_package
1 myactuator_rmd
1 myahrs_driver
1 mycroft_ros
1 mynt_eye_ros_wrapper
1 myo_ros
1 nanomsg
1 nanotron_swarm
1 nao_apps
2 nao_audio
1 nao_bringup
1 2024-04-20 nao_button_sim
Allows simulating button presses through command line interface
Allows simulating button presses through command line interface
1 2023-08-02 nao_command_msgs
Package defining command msgs to be sent to NAO robot.
Package defining command msgs to be sent to NAO robot.
1 nao_control
1 nao_dcm_bringup
1 nao_description
1 nao_extras
1 nao_gazebo_plugin
2 nao_interaction
2 nao_interaction_launchers
2 nao_interaction_msgs
1 nao_jsk_teleop
1 2024-04-22 nao_lola
Packages that allow communicating with the NAO's Lola middle-ware.
Packages that allow communicating with the NAO's Lola middle-ware.
1 2024-04-22 nao_lola_client
Packages that allow communicating with the NAO's Lola middle-ware.
Packages that allow communicating with the NAO's Lola middle-ware.
1 2024-04-22 nao_lola_command_msgs
Package defining command msgs to be sent to NAO robot.
Package defining command msgs to be sent to NAO robot.
1 2024-04-22 nao_lola_sensor_msgs
Package defining sensor msgs to be received from NAO robot.
Package defining sensor msgs to be received from NAO robot.
3 nao_meshes
1 nao_moveit_config
0 nao_msgs
1 nao_path_follower
1 nao_robot
1 2023-08-02 nao_sensor_msgs
Package defining sensor msgs to be received from NAO robot.
Package defining sensor msgs to be received from NAO robot.
1 nao_teleop
2 nao_vision
1 naoeus
1 naoqi_apps
1 naoqi_bridge
2 naoqi_bridge_msgs
2 naoqi_dashboard
1 naoqi_dcm_driver
2 naoqi_driver
1 naoqi_driver_py
1 naoqi_libqi
1 naoqi_libqicore
0 naoqi_msgs
1 naoqi_navigation
1 naoqi_pose
1 naoqi_sensors_py
1 naoqi_tools
1 naoqieus
1 nasa_common_cmake
1 nasa_common_logging
1 nasa_r2_common
1 nasa_r2_simulator
1 2024-12-13 nav2_amcl
1 2024-12-13 nav2_behavior_tree
Nav2 behavior tree wrappers, nodes, and utilities
Nav2 behavior tree wrappers, nodes, and utilities
1 2024-12-13 nav2_behaviors
Nav2 behavior server
Nav2 behavior server
2 2024-12-13 nav2_bringup
Bringup scripts and configurations for the Nav2 stack
Bringup scripts and configurations for the Nav2 stack
1 2024-12-13 nav2_bt_navigator
Nav2 BT Navigator Server
Nav2 BT Navigator Server
1 2024-12-13 nav2_collision_monitor
Collision Monitor
Collision Monitor
1 2024-12-13 nav2_common
Common support functionality used throughout the navigation 2 stack
Common support functionality used throughout the navigation 2 stack
1 2024-12-13 nav2_constrained_smoother
Ceres constrained smoother
Ceres constrained smoother
1 2024-12-13 nav2_controller
Controller action interface
Controller action interface
1 2024-12-13 nav2_core
A set of headers for plugins core to the Nav2 stack
A set of headers for plugins core to the Nav2 stack
1 2024-12-13 nav2_costmap_2d
This package provides an implementation of a 2D costmap that takes in sensor data from the world, builds a 2D or 3D occupancy grid of the data (depending on whether a voxel based implementation is used), and inflates costs in a 2D costmap based on the occupancy grid and a user specified inflation radius. This package also provides support for map_server based initialization of a costmap, rolling window based costmaps, and parameter based subscription to and configuration of sensor topics.
This package provides an implementation of a 2D costmap that takes in sensor data from the world, builds a 2D or 3D occupancy grid of the data (depending on whether a voxel based implementation is used), and inflates costs in a 2D costmap based on the occupancy grid and a user specified inflation radius. This package also provides support for map_server based initialization of a costmap, rolling window based costmaps, and parameter based subscription to and configuration of sensor topics.
1 nav2_driver
1 2024-12-13 nav2_dwb_controller
ROS2 controller (DWB) metapackage
ROS2 controller (DWB) metapackage
1 nav2_dynamic_params
1 nav2_gazebo_spawner
1 2024-12-13 nav2_graceful_controller
Graceful motion controller
Graceful motion controller
1 2024-12-13 nav2_lifecycle_manager
A controller/manager for the lifecycle nodes of the Navigation 2 system
A controller/manager for the lifecycle nodes of the Navigation 2 system
1 2024-12-13 nav2_loopback_sim
A loopback simulator to replace physics simulation
A loopback simulator to replace physics simulation
1 2024-12-13 nav2_map_server
Refactored map server for ROS2 Navigation
Refactored map server for ROS2 Navigation
1 2025-01-06 nav2_minimal_tb3_sim
Nav2 Minimum TurtleBot3 Simulation
Nav2 Minimum TurtleBot3 Simulation
1 2025-01-06 nav2_minimal_tb4_description
Nav2's minimum Turtlebot4 Description package
Nav2's minimum Turtlebot4 Description package
1 2025-01-06 nav2_minimal_tb4_sim
Nav2 Minimum TurtleBot4 Simulation
Nav2 Minimum TurtleBot4 Simulation
1 nav2_mission_executor
1 nav2_motion_primitives
1 2024-12-13 nav2_mppi_controller
1 2024-12-13 nav2_msgs
Messages and service files for the Nav2 stack
Messages and service files for the Nav2 stack
1 2024-12-13 nav2_navfn_planner
Nav2 NavFn planner
Nav2 NavFn planner
1 nav2_navigation
1 2024-12-13 nav2_planner
Nav2 planner server package
Nav2 planner server package
1 nav2_platform
1 nav2_recoveries
1 2024-12-13 nav2_regulated_pure_pursuit_controller
Regulated Pure Pursuit Controller
Regulated Pure Pursuit Controller
1 nav2_robot
1 2024-12-13 nav2_rotation_shim_controller
Rotation Shim Controller
Rotation Shim Controller
1 2024-12-13 nav2_rviz_plugins
Navigation 2 plugins for rviz
Navigation 2 plugins for rviz
1 2024-12-13 nav2_simple_commander
An importable library for writing mobile robot applications in python3
An importable library for writing mobile robot applications in python3
1 nav2_simple_navigator
1 2024-12-13 nav2_smac_planner
Smac global planning plugin: A*, Hybrid-A*, State Lattice
Smac global planning plugin: A*, Hybrid-A*, State Lattice
1 2024-12-13 nav2_smoother
Smoother action interface
Smoother action interface
1 2024-12-13 nav2_system_tests
A sets of system-level tests for Nav2 usually involving full robot simulation
A sets of system-level tests for Nav2 usually involving full robot simulation
1 nav2_tasks
1 2024-12-13 nav2_theta_star_planner
Theta* Global Planning Plugin
Theta* Global Planning Plugin
1 nav2_turtlebot3_rl
1 2024-12-13 nav2_util
Nav2 utilities
Nav2 utilities
1 2024-12-13 nav2_velocity_smoother
Nav2's Output velocity smoother
Nav2's Output velocity smoother
1 2024-12-13 nav2_voxel_grid
voxel_grid provides an implementation of an efficient 3D voxel grid. The occupancy grid can support 3 different representations for the state of a cell: marked, free, or unknown. Due to the underlying implementation relying on bitwise and and or integer operations, the voxel grid only supports 16 different levels per voxel column. However, this limitation yields raytracing and cell marking performance in the grid comparable to standard 2D structures making it quite fast compared to most 3D structures.
voxel_grid provides an implementation of an efficient 3D voxel grid. The occupancy grid can support 3 different representations for the state of a cell: marked, free, or unknown. Due to the underlying implementation relying on bitwise and and or integer operations, the voxel grid only supports 16 different levels per voxel column. However, this limitation yields raytracing and cell marking performance in the grid comparable to standard 2D structures making it quite fast compared to most 3D structures.
1 2024-12-13 nav2_waypoint_follower
A waypoint follower navigation server
A waypoint follower navigation server
1 nav2_world_model
1 nav2d
1 nav2d_exploration
1 nav2d_karto
1 nav2d_localizer
1 nav2d_msgs
1 nav2d_navigator
1 nav2d_operator
1 nav2d_remote
1 nav2d_tutorials
1 2022-11-28 nav2z_client
The nav2z_client package implements SMACC Action Client Plugin for the ROS Navigation State - move_base node. Developed by Reel Robotics.
The nav2z_client package implements SMACC Action Client Plugin for the ROS Navigation State - move_base node. Developed by Reel Robotics.
1 2022-11-28 nav2z_planners_common
The nav2z_planners_common package.
The nav2z_planners_common package.


Name Description
1 mrp2_viz
1 mrpt1
0 mrpt2
1 2024-12-11 mrpt_apps
Mobile Robot Programming Toolkit (MRPT) applications
Mobile Robot Programming Toolkit (MRPT) applications
1 mrpt_bridge
1 mrpt_ekf_slam_2d
1 mrpt_ekf_slam_3d
1 2024-09-01 mrpt_generic_sensor
ROS node for interfacing any sensor supported by mrpt-hwdrivers
ROS node for interfacing any sensor supported by mrpt-hwdrivers
1 mrpt_graphslam_2d
1 mrpt_icp_slam_2d
1 2024-12-11 mrpt_libapps
Mobile Robot Programming Toolkit (MRPT) libraries (apps C++ libraries). This package contains: mrpt-apps lib, mrpt-graphslam
Mobile Robot Programming Toolkit (MRPT) libraries (apps C++ libraries). This package contains: mrpt-apps lib, mrpt-graphslam
1 2024-12-11 mrpt_libbase
Mobile Robot Programming Toolkit (MRPT) libraries (core C++ libraries). This package contains: mrpt-io, mrpt-serialization, mrpt-random, mrpt-system, mrpt-rtti, mrpt-containers, mrpt-typemeta, mrpt-core, mrpt-random, mrpt-config, mrpt-expr
Mobile Robot Programming Toolkit (MRPT) libraries (core C++ libraries). This package contains: mrpt-io, mrpt-serialization, mrpt-random, mrpt-system, mrpt-rtti, mrpt-containers, mrpt-typemeta, mrpt-core, mrpt-random, mrpt-config, mrpt-expr
1 2024-12-11 mrpt_libgui
Mobile Robot Programming Toolkit (MRPT) libraries (GUI C++ libraries). This package contains: mrpt-gui, nanogui
Mobile Robot Programming Toolkit (MRPT) libraries (GUI C++ libraries). This package contains: mrpt-gui, nanogui
1 2024-12-11 mrpt_libhwdrivers
Mobile Robot Programming Toolkit (MRPT) libraries (hwdrivers C++ libraries). This package contains: mrpt-hwdrivers, mrpt-comms
Mobile Robot Programming Toolkit (MRPT) libraries (hwdrivers C++ libraries). This package contains: mrpt-hwdrivers, mrpt-comms
1 2024-12-11 mrpt_libmaps
Mobile Robot Programming Toolkit (MRPT) libraries (maps C++ libraries). This package contains: mrpt-maps, mrpt-graphs
Mobile Robot Programming Toolkit (MRPT) libraries (maps C++ libraries). This package contains: mrpt-maps, mrpt-graphs
1 2024-12-11 mrpt_libmath
Mobile Robot Programming Toolkit (MRPT) libraries (math C++ libraries). This package contains: mrpt-math
Mobile Robot Programming Toolkit (MRPT) libraries (math C++ libraries). This package contains: mrpt-math
1 2024-12-11 mrpt_libnav
Mobile Robot Programming Toolkit (MRPT) libraries (nav C++ libraries). This package contains: mrpt-nav, mrpt-kinematics
Mobile Robot Programming Toolkit (MRPT) libraries (nav C++ libraries). This package contains: mrpt-nav, mrpt-kinematics
1 2024-12-11 mrpt_libobs
Mobile Robot Programming Toolkit (MRPT) libraries (obs C++ libraries). This package contains: mrpt-obs, mrpt-topography
Mobile Robot Programming Toolkit (MRPT) libraries (obs C++ libraries). This package contains: mrpt-obs, mrpt-topography
1 2024-12-11 mrpt_libopengl
Mobile Robot Programming Toolkit (MRPT) libraries (opengl/img C++ libraries). This package contains: mrpt-opengl, mrpt-img
Mobile Robot Programming Toolkit (MRPT) libraries (opengl/img C++ libraries). This package contains: mrpt-opengl, mrpt-img
1 2024-12-11 mrpt_libposes
Mobile Robot Programming Toolkit (MRPT) libraries (poses C++ libraries). This package contains: mrpt-poses, mrpt-tfest, mrpt-bayes
Mobile Robot Programming Toolkit (MRPT) libraries (poses C++ libraries). This package contains: mrpt-poses, mrpt-tfest, mrpt-bayes
1 2024-12-11 mrpt_libros_bridge
Mobile Robot Programming Toolkit (MRPT) libraries (ros2bridge C++ library). This package contains: mrpt-ros2bridge
Mobile Robot Programming Toolkit (MRPT) libraries (ros2bridge C++ library). This package contains: mrpt-ros2bridge
1 2024-12-11 mrpt_libslam
Mobile Robot Programming Toolkit (MRPT) libraries (slam/vision C++ libraries). This package contains: mrpt-slam, mrpt-vision
Mobile Robot Programming Toolkit (MRPT) libraries (slam/vision C++ libraries). This package contains: mrpt-slam, mrpt-vision
1 2024-12-11 mrpt_libtclap
Mobile Robot Programming Toolkit (MRPT) libraries (tclap C++ library). This package contains: mrpt-tclap
Mobile Robot Programming Toolkit (MRPT) libraries (tclap C++ library). This package contains: mrpt-tclap
1 mrpt_local_obstacles
1 mrpt_localization
1 mrpt_map
1 2025-01-08 mrpt_map_server
This package provides a ROS 2 node that publishes a static map for other nodes to use it. Unlike classic ROS 1 ``map_server``, this node can publish a range of different metric maps, not only occupancy grids.
This package provides a ROS 2 node that publishes a static map for other nodes to use it. Unlike classic ROS 1 ``map_server``, this node can publish a range of different metric maps, not only occupancy grids.
1 2024-10-09 mrpt_msgs
ROS messages for MRPT classes and objects
ROS messages for MRPT classes and objects
1 2025-01-08 mrpt_msgs_bridge
C++ library to convert between custom mrpt_msgs messages and native MRPT classes
C++ library to convert between custom mrpt_msgs messages and native MRPT classes
1 2025-01-08 mrpt_nav_interfaces
Message, services, and actions, for other mrpt navigation packages.
Message, services, and actions, for other mrpt navigation packages.
1 2025-01-08 mrpt_navigation
Tools related to the Mobile Robot Programming Toolkit (MRPT). Refer to https://wiki.ros.org/mrpt_navigation for further documentation.
Tools related to the Mobile Robot Programming Toolkit (MRPT). Refer to https://wiki.ros.org/mrpt_navigation for further documentation.
1 2024-10-14 mrpt_path_planning
Path planning and navigation algorithms for robots/vehicles moving on planar environments. This library builds upon mrpt-nav and the theory behind PTGs to generate libraries of "motion primitives" for vehicles with arbitrary shape and realistic kinematics and dynamics.
Path planning and navigation algorithms for robots/vehicles moving on planar environments. This library builds upon mrpt-nav and the theory behind PTGs to generate libraries of "motion primitives" for vehicles with arbitrary shape and realistic kinematics and dynamics.
1 2025-01-08 mrpt_pf_localization
Package for robot 2D self-localization using dynamic or static (MRPT or ROS) maps. The interface is similar to amcl (https://wiki.ros.org/amcl) but supports different particle-filter algorithms, several grid maps at different heights, range-only localization, etc.
Package for robot 2D self-localization using dynamic or static (MRPT or ROS) maps. The interface is similar to amcl (https://wiki.ros.org/amcl) but supports different particle-filter algorithms, several grid maps at different heights, range-only localization, etc.
1 2025-01-08 mrpt_pointcloud_pipeline
Maintains a local obstacle map from recent sensor readings, including optional point cloud pipeline filtering or processing.
Maintains a local obstacle map from recent sensor readings, including optional point cloud pipeline filtering or processing.
1 2025-01-08 mrpt_rawlog
Nodes and programs to record and play MRPT rawlogs or to transform between rosbags and rawlogs.
Nodes and programs to record and play MRPT rawlogs or to transform between rosbags and rawlogs.
1 mrpt_rbpf_slam
1 2025-01-08 mrpt_reactivenav2d
Reactive navigation for wheeled robots using MRPT navigation algorithms (TP-Space)
Reactive navigation for wheeled robots using MRPT navigation algorithms (TP-Space)
1 2024-09-01 mrpt_sensor_bumblebee_stereo
ROS node for Bumblebee Stereo Cameras using libdc1394 interface (based on mrpt-hwdrivers)
ROS node for Bumblebee Stereo Cameras using libdc1394 interface (based on mrpt-hwdrivers)
1 2024-09-01 mrpt_sensor_gnss_nmea
ROS node for GNSS receivers generating NMEA messages (based on mrpt-hwdrivers)
ROS node for GNSS receivers generating NMEA messages (based on mrpt-hwdrivers)
1 2024-09-01 mrpt_sensor_gnss_novatel
ROS node for GNSS/IMU Novatel receivers with RTK precision using an NTRIP HTTP source (based on mrpt-hwdrivers)
ROS node for GNSS/IMU Novatel receivers with RTK precision using an NTRIP HTTP source (based on mrpt-hwdrivers)
1 2024-09-01 mrpt_sensor_imu_taobotics
ROS node for Taobotics USB IMUs (based on mrpt-hwdrivers)
ROS node for Taobotics USB IMUs (based on mrpt-hwdrivers)
1 2024-09-01 mrpt_sensorlib
C++ library for the base generic MRPT sensor node
C++ library for the base generic MRPT sensor node
1 2024-09-01 mrpt_sensors
ROS nodes for various robotics sensors via mrpt-hwdrivers. Metapackage for all mrpt_sensor packages.
ROS nodes for various robotics sensors via mrpt-hwdrivers. Metapackage for all mrpt_sensor packages.
1 mrpt_sensors_examples
1 mrpt_slam
1 2025-01-08 mrpt_tps_astar_planner
ROS Path Planner with A* in TP-Space Engine
ROS Path Planner with A* in TP-Space Engine
1 2025-01-08 mrpt_tutorials
Example files used as tutorials for MRPT ROS packages
Example files used as tutorials for MRPT ROS packages
1 2024-09-20 mrt_cmake_modules
CMake Functions and Modules for automating CMake
CMake Functions and Modules for automating CMake
1 msg_conversions
1 msp
1 msvc_runtime
1 msvc_sdk_tutorials
1 mtig_driver
1 multi_interface_roam
1 multi_jackal_base
1 multi_jackal_control
1 multi_jackal_description
1 multi_jackal_nav
1 multi_jackal_tutorials
1 multi_level_map_msgs
1 multi_level_map_server
1 multi_level_map_utils
1 multi_map_server
1 multi_object_tracking_lidar
1 multi_xarm5
1 multicar_hydraulic
1 multimaster_fkie
1 multimaster_launch
1 multimaster_msgs
1 multimaster_msgs_fkie
1 multiple_topic_monitor
1 multipoint_navigation_receiver
1 2024-12-09 multires_image
1 multirobot_map_merge
2 2022-11-28 multirole_sensor_client
The multirole_sensor_client package
The multirole_sensor_client package
1 multisense
1 multisense_bringup
1 multisense_cal_check
1 multisense_description
1 multisense_lib
1 multisense_ros
1 multiwii
1 muse_bldc_motor_drive
1 muse_v2_driver
2 2024-12-24 mvsim
A lightweight multivehicle simulation framework.
A lightweight multivehicle simulation framework.
0 mx_driver
0 mx_msgs
1 my_android_package
1 myactuator_rmd
1 myahrs_driver
1 mycroft_ros
1 mynt_eye_ros_wrapper
1 myo_ros
1 nanomsg
1 nanotron_swarm
1 nao_apps
2 nao_audio
1 nao_bringup
1 2024-04-20 nao_button_sim
Allows simulating button presses through command line interface
Allows simulating button presses through command line interface
1 2023-08-02 nao_command_msgs
Package defining command msgs to be sent to NAO robot.
Package defining command msgs to be sent to NAO robot.
1 nao_control
1 nao_dcm_bringup
1 nao_description
1 nao_extras
1 nao_gazebo_plugin
2 nao_interaction
2 nao_interaction_launchers
2 nao_interaction_msgs
1 nao_jsk_teleop
1 2024-04-22 nao_lola
Packages that allow communicating with the NAO's Lola middle-ware.
Packages that allow communicating with the NAO's Lola middle-ware.
1 2024-04-22 nao_lola_client
Packages that allow communicating with the NAO's Lola middle-ware.
Packages that allow communicating with the NAO's Lola middle-ware.
1 2024-04-22 nao_lola_command_msgs
Package defining command msgs to be sent to NAO robot.
Package defining command msgs to be sent to NAO robot.
1 2024-04-22 nao_lola_sensor_msgs
Package defining sensor msgs to be received from NAO robot.
Package defining sensor msgs to be received from NAO robot.
3 nao_meshes
1 nao_moveit_config
0 nao_msgs
1 nao_path_follower
1 nao_robot
1 2023-08-02 nao_sensor_msgs
Package defining sensor msgs to be received from NAO robot.
Package defining sensor msgs to be received from NAO robot.
1 nao_teleop
2 nao_vision
1 naoeus
1 naoqi_apps
1 naoqi_bridge
2 naoqi_bridge_msgs
2 naoqi_dashboard
1 naoqi_dcm_driver
2 naoqi_driver
1 naoqi_driver_py
1 naoqi_libqi
1 naoqi_libqicore
0 naoqi_msgs
1 naoqi_navigation
1 naoqi_pose
1 naoqi_sensors_py
1 naoqi_tools
1 naoqieus
1 nasa_common_cmake
1 nasa_common_logging
1 nasa_r2_common
1 nasa_r2_simulator
1 nav2_amcl
1 nav2_behavior_tree
1 nav2_behaviors
2 nav2_bringup
1 nav2_bt_navigator
1 nav2_collision_monitor
1 nav2_common
1 nav2_constrained_smoother
1 nav2_controller
1 nav2_core
1 nav2_costmap_2d
1 nav2_driver
1 nav2_dwb_controller
1 nav2_dynamic_params
1 nav2_gazebo_spawner
1 nav2_graceful_controller
1 nav2_lifecycle_manager
1 nav2_loopback_sim
1 nav2_map_server
1 2025-01-06 nav2_minimal_tb3_sim
Nav2 Minimum TurtleBot3 Simulation
Nav2 Minimum TurtleBot3 Simulation
1 2025-01-06 nav2_minimal_tb4_description
Nav2's minimum Turtlebot4 Description package
Nav2's minimum Turtlebot4 Description package
1 2025-01-06 nav2_minimal_tb4_sim
Nav2 Minimum TurtleBot4 Simulation
Nav2 Minimum TurtleBot4 Simulation
1 nav2_mission_executor
1 nav2_motion_primitives
1 nav2_mppi_controller
1 nav2_msgs
1 nav2_navfn_planner
1 nav2_navigation
1 nav2_planner
1 nav2_platform
1 nav2_recoveries
1 nav2_regulated_pure_pursuit_controller
1 nav2_robot
1 nav2_rotation_shim_controller
1 nav2_rviz_plugins
1 nav2_simple_commander
1 nav2_simple_navigator
1 nav2_smac_planner
1 nav2_smoother
1 nav2_system_tests
1 nav2_tasks
1 nav2_theta_star_planner
1 nav2_turtlebot3_rl
1 nav2_util
1 nav2_velocity_smoother
1 nav2_voxel_grid
1 nav2_waypoint_follower
1 nav2_world_model
1 nav2d
1 nav2d_exploration
1 nav2d_karto
1 nav2d_localizer
1 nav2d_msgs
1 nav2d_navigator
1 nav2d_operator
1 nav2d_remote
1 nav2d_tutorials
1 2022-11-28 nav2z_client
The nav2z_client package implements SMACC Action Client Plugin for the ROS Navigation State - move_base node. Developed by Reel Robotics.
The nav2z_client package implements SMACC Action Client Plugin for the ROS Navigation State - move_base node. Developed by Reel Robotics.
1 2022-11-28 nav2z_planners_common
The nav2z_planners_common package.
The nav2z_planners_common package.


Name Description
1 mrp2_viz
1 mrpt1
0 mrpt2
1 2024-12-11 mrpt_apps
Mobile Robot Programming Toolkit (MRPT) applications
Mobile Robot Programming Toolkit (MRPT) applications
1 mrpt_bridge
1 2024-09-18 mrpt_ekf_slam_2d
This package is a wrapper for the implementation of EKF-based SLAM with range-bearing sensors, odometry, and a 2D (+heading) robot pose, and 2D landmarks.
This package is a wrapper for the implementation of EKF-based SLAM with range-bearing sensors, odometry, and a 2D (+heading) robot pose, and 2D landmarks.
1 2024-09-18 mrpt_ekf_slam_3d
This package is a wrapper for the implementation of EKF-based SLAM with range-bearing sensors, odometry, a full 6D robot pose, and 3D landmarks.
This package is a wrapper for the implementation of EKF-based SLAM with range-bearing sensors, odometry, a full 6D robot pose, and 3D landmarks.
1 2024-03-19 mrpt_generic_sensor
ROS node for interfacing any sensor supported by mrpt-hwdrivers
ROS node for interfacing any sensor supported by mrpt-hwdrivers
1 2024-09-18 mrpt_graphslam_2d
Implement graphSLAM using the mrpt-graphslam library, in an online fashion by directly reading measurements off ROS Topics.
Implement graphSLAM using the mrpt-graphslam library, in an online fashion by directly reading measurements off ROS Topics.
1 2024-09-18 mrpt_icp_slam_2d
mrpt_icp_slam_2d contains a wrapper on MRPT's 2D ICP-SLAM algorithms.
mrpt_icp_slam_2d contains a wrapper on MRPT's 2D ICP-SLAM algorithms.
1 2024-12-11 mrpt_libapps
Mobile Robot Programming Toolkit (MRPT) libraries (apps C++ libraries). This package contains: mrpt-apps lib, mrpt-graphslam
Mobile Robot Programming Toolkit (MRPT) libraries (apps C++ libraries). This package contains: mrpt-apps lib, mrpt-graphslam
1 2024-12-11 mrpt_libbase
Mobile Robot Programming Toolkit (MRPT) libraries (core C++ libraries). This package contains: mrpt-io, mrpt-serialization, mrpt-random, mrpt-system, mrpt-rtti, mrpt-containers, mrpt-typemeta, mrpt-core, mrpt-random, mrpt-config, mrpt-expr
Mobile Robot Programming Toolkit (MRPT) libraries (core C++ libraries). This package contains: mrpt-io, mrpt-serialization, mrpt-random, mrpt-system, mrpt-rtti, mrpt-containers, mrpt-typemeta, mrpt-core, mrpt-random, mrpt-config, mrpt-expr
1 2024-12-11 mrpt_libgui
Mobile Robot Programming Toolkit (MRPT) libraries (GUI C++ libraries). This package contains: mrpt-gui, nanogui
Mobile Robot Programming Toolkit (MRPT) libraries (GUI C++ libraries). This package contains: mrpt-gui, nanogui
1 2024-12-11 mrpt_libhwdrivers
Mobile Robot Programming Toolkit (MRPT) libraries (hwdrivers C++ libraries). This package contains: mrpt-hwdrivers, mrpt-comms
Mobile Robot Programming Toolkit (MRPT) libraries (hwdrivers C++ libraries). This package contains: mrpt-hwdrivers, mrpt-comms
1 2024-12-11 mrpt_libmaps
Mobile Robot Programming Toolkit (MRPT) libraries (maps C++ libraries). This package contains: mrpt-maps, mrpt-graphs
Mobile Robot Programming Toolkit (MRPT) libraries (maps C++ libraries). This package contains: mrpt-maps, mrpt-graphs
1 2024-12-11 mrpt_libmath
Mobile Robot Programming Toolkit (MRPT) libraries (math C++ libraries). This package contains: mrpt-math
Mobile Robot Programming Toolkit (MRPT) libraries (math C++ libraries). This package contains: mrpt-math
1 2024-12-11 mrpt_libnav
Mobile Robot Programming Toolkit (MRPT) libraries (nav C++ libraries). This package contains: mrpt-nav, mrpt-kinematics
Mobile Robot Programming Toolkit (MRPT) libraries (nav C++ libraries). This package contains: mrpt-nav, mrpt-kinematics
1 2024-12-11 mrpt_libobs
Mobile Robot Programming Toolkit (MRPT) libraries (obs C++ libraries). This package contains: mrpt-obs, mrpt-topography
Mobile Robot Programming Toolkit (MRPT) libraries (obs C++ libraries). This package contains: mrpt-obs, mrpt-topography
1 2024-12-11 mrpt_libopengl
Mobile Robot Programming Toolkit (MRPT) libraries (opengl/img C++ libraries). This package contains: mrpt-opengl, mrpt-img
Mobile Robot Programming Toolkit (MRPT) libraries (opengl/img C++ libraries). This package contains: mrpt-opengl, mrpt-img
1 2024-12-11 mrpt_libposes
Mobile Robot Programming Toolkit (MRPT) libraries (poses C++ libraries). This package contains: mrpt-poses, mrpt-tfest, mrpt-bayes
Mobile Robot Programming Toolkit (MRPT) libraries (poses C++ libraries). This package contains: mrpt-poses, mrpt-tfest, mrpt-bayes
1 2024-12-11 mrpt_libros_bridge
Mobile Robot Programming Toolkit (MRPT) libraries (ros2bridge C++ library). This package contains: mrpt-ros2bridge
Mobile Robot Programming Toolkit (MRPT) libraries (ros2bridge C++ library). This package contains: mrpt-ros2bridge
1 2024-12-11 mrpt_libslam
Mobile Robot Programming Toolkit (MRPT) libraries (slam/vision C++ libraries). This package contains: mrpt-slam, mrpt-vision
Mobile Robot Programming Toolkit (MRPT) libraries (slam/vision C++ libraries). This package contains: mrpt-slam, mrpt-vision
1 2024-12-11 mrpt_libtclap
Mobile Robot Programming Toolkit (MRPT) libraries (tclap C++ library). This package contains: mrpt-tclap
Mobile Robot Programming Toolkit (MRPT) libraries (tclap C++ library). This package contains: mrpt-tclap
1 2024-09-17 mrpt_local_obstacles
Maintains a local obstacle map (point cloud, voxels or occupancy grid) from recent sensor readings within a configurable time window.
Maintains a local obstacle map (point cloud, voxels or occupancy grid) from recent sensor readings within a configurable time window.
1 2024-09-17 mrpt_localization
Package for robot 2D self-localization using dynamic or static (MRPT or ROS) maps. The interface is similar to amcl (https://wiki.ros.org/amcl) but supports different particle-filter algorithms, several grid maps at different heights, range-only localization, etc.
Package for robot 2D self-localization using dynamic or static (MRPT or ROS) maps. The interface is similar to amcl (https://wiki.ros.org/amcl) but supports different particle-filter algorithms, several grid maps at different heights, range-only localization, etc.
1 2024-09-17 mrpt_map
The mrpt_map is able to publish a mrpt map as ros occupancy grid like the map_server
The mrpt_map is able to publish a mrpt map as ros occupancy grid like the map_server
1 mrpt_map_server
1 2024-10-09 mrpt_msgs
ROS messages for MRPT classes and objects
ROS messages for MRPT classes and objects
1 2024-09-17 mrpt_msgs_bridge
C++ library to convert between custom mrpt_msgs messages and native MRPT classes
C++ library to convert between custom mrpt_msgs messages and native MRPT classes
1 mrpt_nav_interfaces
1 2024-09-17 mrpt_navigation
Tools related to the Mobile Robot Programming Toolkit (MRPT). Refer to https://wiki.ros.org/mrpt_navigation for further documentation.
Tools related to the Mobile Robot Programming Toolkit (MRPT). Refer to https://wiki.ros.org/mrpt_navigation for further documentation.
1 2024-10-14 mrpt_path_planning
Path planning and navigation algorithms for robots/vehicles moving on planar environments. This library builds upon mrpt-nav and the theory behind PTGs to generate libraries of "motion primitives" for vehicles with arbitrary shape and realistic kinematics and dynamics.
Path planning and navigation algorithms for robots/vehicles moving on planar environments. This library builds upon mrpt-nav and the theory behind PTGs to generate libraries of "motion primitives" for vehicles with arbitrary shape and realistic kinematics and dynamics.
1 mrpt_pf_localization
1 mrpt_pointcloud_pipeline
1 2024-09-17 mrpt_rawlog
This package provides nodes to record and play MRPT rawlogs.
This package provides nodes to record and play MRPT rawlogs.
1 2024-09-18 mrpt_rbpf_slam
This package is used for gridmap SLAM. The interface is similar to gmapping (https://wiki.ros.org/gmapping) but the package supports different particle-filter algorithms, range-only SLAM, can work with several grid maps simultaneously and more.
This package is used for gridmap SLAM. The interface is similar to gmapping (https://wiki.ros.org/gmapping) but the package supports different particle-filter algorithms, range-only SLAM, can work with several grid maps simultaneously and more.
1 2024-09-17 mrpt_reactivenav2d
Reactive navigation for 2D robots using MRPT navigation algorithms (TP-Space)
Reactive navigation for 2D robots using MRPT navigation algorithms (TP-Space)
1 mrpt_sensor_bumblebee_stereo
1 mrpt_sensor_gnss_nmea
1 mrpt_sensor_gnss_novatel
1 mrpt_sensor_imu_taobotics
1 2024-03-19 mrpt_sensorlib
C++ library for the base generic MRPT sensor node
C++ library for the base generic MRPT sensor node
1 2024-03-19 mrpt_sensors
ROS nodes for various robotics sensors via mrpt-hwdrivers
ROS nodes for various robotics sensors via mrpt-hwdrivers
1 2024-03-19 mrpt_sensors_examples
Example launch and configuration files for mrpt_sensors nodes
Example launch and configuration files for mrpt_sensors nodes
1 2024-09-18 mrpt_slam
1 mrpt_tps_astar_planner
1 2024-09-17 mrpt_tutorials
Example files used as tutorials for MRPT ROS packages
Example files used as tutorials for MRPT ROS packages
1 2024-09-20 mrt_cmake_modules
CMake Functions and Modules for automating CMake
CMake Functions and Modules for automating CMake
1 2024-07-03 msg_conversions
This package converts FF msgs to standard messages visualizable in rviz.
This package converts FF msgs to standard messages visualizable in rviz.
1 msp
1 msvc_runtime
1 msvc_sdk_tutorials
1 mtig_driver
1 multi_interface_roam
1 multi_jackal_base
1 multi_jackal_control
1 multi_jackal_description
1 multi_jackal_nav
1 multi_jackal_tutorials
1 multi_level_map_msgs
1 multi_level_map_server
1 multi_level_map_utils
1 2025-01-06 multi_map_server
multi_map_server provides the
multi_map_server provides the
1 2021-08-29 multi_object_tracking_lidar
ROS package for Multiple objects detection, tracking and classification from LIDAR scans/point-clouds
ROS package for Multiple objects detection, tracking and classification from LIDAR scans/point-clouds
1 multi_xarm5
1 multicar_hydraulic
1 multimaster_fkie
1 multimaster_launch
1 multimaster_msgs
1 multimaster_msgs_fkie
1 multiple_topic_monitor
1 multipoint_navigation_receiver
1 2024-09-06 multires_image
1 2021-01-07 multirobot_map_merge
Merging multiple maps without knowledge of initial positions of robots.
Merging multiple maps without knowledge of initial positions of robots.
2 2023-04-24 multirole_sensor_client
The multirole_sensor_client package
The multirole_sensor_client package
1 2024-11-18 multisense
multisense catkin driver
multisense catkin driver
1 2024-11-18 multisense_bringup
1 2024-11-18 multisense_cal_check
1 2024-11-18 multisense_description
1 2024-11-18 multisense_lib
1 2024-11-18 multisense_ros
1 multiwii
1 muse_bldc_motor_drive
1 2022-01-21 muse_v2_driver
ROS driver for the 221e MUltiSEnsor (MUSE) V2 device
ROS driver for the 221e MUltiSEnsor (MUSE) V2 device
2 2024-12-24 mvsim
A lightweight multivehicle simulation framework.
A lightweight multivehicle simulation framework.
0 mx_driver
0 mx_msgs
1 my_android_package
1 myactuator_rmd
1 myahrs_driver
1 mycroft_ros
1 mynt_eye_ros_wrapper
1 myo_ros
1 nanomsg
1 nanotron_swarm
1 nao_apps
2 nao_audio
1 nao_bringup
1 nao_button_sim
1 nao_command_msgs
1 nao_control
1 nao_dcm_bringup
1 nao_description
1 nao_extras
1 nao_gazebo_plugin
2 nao_interaction
2 nao_interaction_launchers
2 nao_interaction_msgs
1 nao_jsk_teleop
1 nao_lola
1 nao_lola_client
1 nao_lola_command_msgs
1 nao_lola_sensor_msgs
3 2022-09-07 nao_meshes
meshes for the Aldebaran Robotics NAO
meshes for the Aldebaran Robotics NAO
1 nao_moveit_config
0 nao_msgs
1 nao_path_follower
1 nao_robot
1 nao_sensor_msgs
1 nao_teleop
2 nao_vision
1 naoeus
1 naoqi_apps
1 naoqi_bridge
2 2022-09-10 naoqi_bridge_msgs
The naoqi_bridge_msgs package provides custom messages for running Aldebaran's robot such as NAO and Pepper. See the packages nao_robot and pepper_robot for details.
The naoqi_bridge_msgs package provides custom messages for running Aldebaran's robot such as NAO and Pepper. See the packages nao_robot and pepper_robot for details.
2 naoqi_dashboard
1 naoqi_dcm_driver
2 2024-01-29 naoqi_driver
Driver module between Aldebaran's NAOqiOS and ROS. It publishes all sensor and actuator data as well as basic diagnostic for battery, temperature. It subscribes also to RVIZ simple goal and cmd_vel for teleop.
Driver module between Aldebaran's NAOqiOS and ROS. It publishes all sensor and actuator data as well as basic diagnostic for battery, temperature. It subscribes also to RVIZ simple goal and cmd_vel for teleop.
1 naoqi_driver_py
1 naoqi_libqi
1 2022-09-09 naoqi_libqicore
Aldebaran's libqicore: a layer on top of libqi
Aldebaran's libqicore: a layer on top of libqi
0 naoqi_msgs
1 naoqi_navigation
1 naoqi_pose
1 naoqi_sensors_py
1 naoqi_tools
1 naoqieus
1 nasa_common_cmake
1 nasa_common_logging
1 nasa_r2_common
1 nasa_r2_simulator
1 nav2_amcl
1 nav2_behavior_tree
1 nav2_behaviors
2 nav2_bringup
1 nav2_bt_navigator
1 nav2_collision_monitor
1 nav2_common
1 nav2_constrained_smoother
1 nav2_controller
1 nav2_core
1 nav2_costmap_2d
1 nav2_driver
1 nav2_dwb_controller
1 nav2_dynamic_params
1 nav2_gazebo_spawner
1 nav2_graceful_controller
1 nav2_lifecycle_manager
1 nav2_loopback_sim
1 nav2_map_server
1 nav2_minimal_tb3_sim
1 nav2_minimal_tb4_description
1 nav2_minimal_tb4_sim
1 nav2_mission_executor
1 nav2_motion_primitives
1 nav2_mppi_controller
1 nav2_msgs
1 nav2_navfn_planner
1 nav2_navigation
1 nav2_planner
1 nav2_platform
1 nav2_recoveries
1 nav2_regulated_pure_pursuit_controller
1 nav2_robot
1 nav2_rotation_shim_controller
1 nav2_rviz_plugins
1 nav2_simple_commander
1 nav2_simple_navigator
1 nav2_smac_planner
1 nav2_smoother
1 nav2_system_tests
1 nav2_tasks
1 nav2_theta_star_planner
1 nav2_turtlebot3_rl
1 nav2_util
1 nav2_velocity_smoother
1 nav2_voxel_grid
1 nav2_waypoint_follower
1 nav2_world_model
1 2021-11-25 nav2d
Meta-Package containing modules for 2D-Navigation
Meta-Package containing modules for 2D-Navigation
1 2021-11-25 nav2d_exploration
This package holds a collection of plugins for the RobotNavigator, that provide different cooperative exploration strategies for a team of mobile robots.
This package holds a collection of plugins for the RobotNavigator, that provide different cooperative exploration strategies for a team of mobile robots.
1 2021-11-25 nav2d_karto
Graph-based Simultaneous Localization and Mapping module. Includes OpenKarto GraphSLAM library by "SRI International".
Graph-based Simultaneous Localization and Mapping module. Includes OpenKarto GraphSLAM library by "SRI International".
1 2021-11-25 nav2d_localizer
Wrapper around Particle Filter implementation. The SelfLocalizer can be used as library or as a ros-node.
Wrapper around Particle Filter implementation. The SelfLocalizer can be used as library or as a ros-node.
1 2021-11-25 nav2d_msgs
Messages used for 2D-Navigation.
Messages used for 2D-Navigation.
1 2021-11-25 nav2d_navigator
This package provides a node for higher level navigation of a mobile robot in a planar environment. It needs a map and the robot's position within this map to create a plan for navigation. When used together with a SLAM module it can also be used to perform autonomous exploration of the robot's workspace.
This package provides a node for higher level navigation of a mobile robot in a planar environment. It needs a map and the robot's position within this map to create a plan for navigation. When used together with a SLAM module it can also be used to perform autonomous exploration of the robot's workspace.
1 2021-11-25 nav2d_operator
The operator is a lightweight, purely reactive obstacle-avoidance module for mobile robots moving in a planar environment. The operator node works by evaluating a set of predefined motion primitives based on a local costmap and a desired direction. The best evaluated motion command will be send to the mobile base.
The operator is a lightweight, purely reactive obstacle-avoidance module for mobile robots moving in a planar environment. The operator node works by evaluating a set of predefined motion primitives based on a local costmap and a desired direction. The best evaluated motion command will be send to the mobile base.
1 2021-11-25 nav2d_remote
This package is used to manually control a robot that uses the operator and navigator node from navigation_2d. Currently there is one node to control one robot with a joystick and one to control multiple robots in simulation. It can send commands directly to the operator or start and stop navigator actions.
This package is used to manually control a robot that uses the operator and navigator node from navigation_2d. Currently there is one node to control one robot with a joystick and one to control multiple robots in simulation. It can send commands directly to the operator or start and stop navigator actions.
1 2021-11-25 nav2d_tutorials
Contains a set of tutorials that run 2D-Navigation within Stage-Simulator.
Contains a set of tutorials that run 2D-Navigation within Stage-Simulator.
1 nav2z_client
1 nav2z_planners_common


Name Description
1 mrp2_viz
1 mrpt1
0 mrpt2
1 mrpt_apps
1 mrpt_bridge
1 mrpt_ekf_slam_2d
1 mrpt_ekf_slam_3d
1 mrpt_generic_sensor
1 mrpt_graphslam_2d
1 mrpt_icp_slam_2d
1 mrpt_libapps
1 mrpt_libbase
1 mrpt_libgui
1 mrpt_libhwdrivers
1 mrpt_libmaps
1 mrpt_libmath
1 mrpt_libnav
1 mrpt_libobs
1 mrpt_libopengl
1 mrpt_libposes
1 mrpt_libros_bridge
1 mrpt_libslam
1 mrpt_libtclap
1 mrpt_local_obstacles
1 mrpt_localization
1 mrpt_map
1 mrpt_map_server
1 mrpt_msgs
1 mrpt_msgs_bridge
1 mrpt_nav_interfaces
1 mrpt_navigation
1 mrpt_path_planning
1 mrpt_pf_localization
1 mrpt_pointcloud_pipeline
1 mrpt_rawlog
1 mrpt_rbpf_slam
1 mrpt_reactivenav2d
1 mrpt_sensor_bumblebee_stereo
1 mrpt_sensor_gnss_nmea
1 mrpt_sensor_gnss_novatel
1 mrpt_sensor_imu_taobotics
1 mrpt_sensorlib
1 mrpt_sensors
1 mrpt_sensors_examples
1 mrpt_slam
1 mrpt_tps_astar_planner
1 mrpt_tutorials
1 mrt_cmake_modules
1 msg_conversions
1 msp
1 msvc_runtime
1 msvc_sdk_tutorials
1 mtig_driver
1 multi_interface_roam
1 multi_jackal_base
1 multi_jackal_control
1 multi_jackal_description
1 multi_jackal_nav
1 multi_jackal_tutorials
1 multi_level_map_msgs
1 multi_level_map_server
1 multi_level_map_utils
1 multi_map_server
1 multi_object_tracking_lidar
1 multi_xarm5
1 multicar_hydraulic
1 multimaster_fkie
1 multimaster_launch
1 multimaster_msgs
1 multimaster_msgs_fkie
1 multiple_topic_monitor
1 multipoint_navigation_receiver
1 multires_image
1 multirobot_map_merge
2 multirole_sensor_client
1 multisense
1 multisense_bringup
1 multisense_cal_check
1 multisense_description
1 multisense_lib
1 multisense_ros
1 multiwii
1 muse_bldc_motor_drive
1 muse_v2_driver
2 mvsim
0 mx_driver
0 mx_msgs
1 my_android_package
1 myactuator_rmd
1 myahrs_driver
1 mycroft_ros
1 mynt_eye_ros_wrapper
1 myo_ros
1 nanomsg
1 nanotron_swarm
1 nao_apps
2 nao_audio
1 nao_bringup
1 nao_button_sim
1 nao_command_msgs
1 nao_control
1 nao_dcm_bringup
1 nao_description
1 nao_extras
1 nao_gazebo_plugin
2 nao_interaction
2 nao_interaction_launchers
2 nao_interaction_msgs
1 nao_jsk_teleop
1 nao_lola
1 nao_lola_client
1 nao_lola_command_msgs
1 nao_lola_sensor_msgs
3 nao_meshes
1 nao_moveit_config
0 nao_msgs
1 nao_path_follower
1 nao_robot
1 nao_sensor_msgs
1 nao_teleop
2 nao_vision
1 naoeus
1 naoqi_apps
1 naoqi_bridge
2 naoqi_bridge_msgs
2 naoqi_dashboard
1 naoqi_dcm_driver
2 naoqi_driver
1 naoqi_driver_py
1 naoqi_libqi
1 naoqi_libqicore
0 naoqi_msgs
1 naoqi_navigation
1 naoqi_pose
1 naoqi_sensors_py
1 naoqi_tools
1 naoqieus
1 nasa_common_cmake
1 nasa_common_logging
1 nasa_r2_common
1 nasa_r2_simulator
1 nav2_amcl
1 nav2_behavior_tree
1 nav2_behaviors
2 nav2_bringup
1 nav2_bt_navigator
1 nav2_collision_monitor
1 nav2_common
1 nav2_constrained_smoother
1 nav2_controller
1 nav2_core
1 nav2_costmap_2d
1 nav2_driver
1 nav2_dwb_controller
1 nav2_dynamic_params
1 nav2_gazebo_spawner
1 nav2_graceful_controller
1 nav2_lifecycle_manager
1 nav2_loopback_sim
1 nav2_map_server
1 nav2_minimal_tb3_sim
1 nav2_minimal_tb4_description
1 nav2_minimal_tb4_sim
1 nav2_mission_executor
1 nav2_motion_primitives
1 nav2_mppi_controller
1 nav2_msgs
1 nav2_navfn_planner
1 nav2_navigation
1 nav2_planner
1 nav2_platform
1 nav2_recoveries
1 nav2_regulated_pure_pursuit_controller
1 nav2_robot
1 nav2_rotation_shim_controller
1 nav2_rviz_plugins
1 nav2_simple_commander
1 nav2_simple_navigator
1 nav2_smac_planner
1 nav2_smoother
1 nav2_system_tests
1 nav2_tasks
1 nav2_theta_star_planner
1 nav2_turtlebot3_rl
1 nav2_util
1 nav2_velocity_smoother
1 nav2_voxel_grid
1 nav2_waypoint_follower
1 nav2_world_model
1 nav2d
1 nav2d_exploration
1 nav2d_karto
1 nav2d_localizer
1 nav2d_msgs
1 nav2d_navigator
1 nav2d_operator
1 nav2d_remote
1 nav2d_tutorials
1 nav2z_client
1 nav2z_planners_common


Name Description
1 mrp2_viz
1 mrpt1
0 mrpt2
1 mrpt_apps
1 mrpt_bridge
1 mrpt_ekf_slam_2d
1 mrpt_ekf_slam_3d
1 mrpt_generic_sensor
1 mrpt_graphslam_2d
1 mrpt_icp_slam_2d
1 mrpt_libapps
1 mrpt_libbase
1 mrpt_libgui
1 mrpt_libhwdrivers
1 mrpt_libmaps
1 mrpt_libmath
1 mrpt_libnav
1 mrpt_libobs
1 mrpt_libopengl
1 mrpt_libposes
1 mrpt_libros_bridge
1 mrpt_libslam
1 mrpt_libtclap
1 mrpt_local_obstacles
1 mrpt_localization
1 mrpt_map
1 mrpt_map_server
1 mrpt_msgs
1 mrpt_msgs_bridge
1 mrpt_nav_interfaces
1 mrpt_navigation
1 mrpt_path_planning
1 mrpt_pf_localization
1 mrpt_pointcloud_pipeline
1 mrpt_rawlog
1 mrpt_rbpf_slam
1 mrpt_reactivenav2d
1 mrpt_sensor_bumblebee_stereo
1 mrpt_sensor_gnss_nmea
1 mrpt_sensor_gnss_novatel
1 mrpt_sensor_imu_taobotics
1 mrpt_sensorlib
1 mrpt_sensors
1 mrpt_sensors_examples
1 mrpt_slam
1 mrpt_tps_astar_planner
1 mrpt_tutorials
1 mrt_cmake_modules
1 msg_conversions
1 msp
1 msvc_runtime
1 msvc_sdk_tutorials
1 mtig_driver
1 multi_interface_roam
1 multi_jackal_base
1 multi_jackal_control
1 multi_jackal_description
1 multi_jackal_nav
1 multi_jackal_tutorials
1 multi_level_map_msgs
1 multi_level_map_server
1 multi_level_map_utils
1 multi_map_server
1 multi_object_tracking_lidar
1 multi_xarm5
1 multicar_hydraulic
1 multimaster_fkie
1 multimaster_launch
1 multimaster_msgs
1 multimaster_msgs_fkie
1 multiple_topic_monitor
1 multipoint_navigation_receiver
1 multires_image
1 multirobot_map_merge
2 multirole_sensor_client
1 multisense
1 multisense_bringup
1 multisense_cal_check
1 multisense_description
1 multisense_lib
1 multisense_ros
1 multiwii
1 muse_bldc_motor_drive
1 muse_v2_driver
2 mvsim
0 mx_driver
0 mx_msgs
1 my_android_package
1 myactuator_rmd
1 myahrs_driver
1 mycroft_ros
1 mynt_eye_ros_wrapper
1 myo_ros
1 nanomsg
1 nanotron_swarm
1 nao_apps
2 nao_audio
1 nao_bringup
1 nao_button_sim
1 nao_command_msgs
1 nao_control
1 nao_dcm_bringup
1 nao_description
1 nao_extras
1 nao_gazebo_plugin
2 nao_interaction
2 nao_interaction_launchers
2 nao_interaction_msgs
1 nao_jsk_teleop
1 nao_lola
1 nao_lola_client
1 nao_lola_command_msgs
1 nao_lola_sensor_msgs
3 nao_meshes
1 nao_moveit_config
0 nao_msgs
1 nao_path_follower
1 nao_robot
1 nao_sensor_msgs
1 nao_teleop
2 nao_vision
1 naoeus
1 naoqi_apps
1 naoqi_bridge
2 naoqi_bridge_msgs
2 naoqi_dashboard
1 naoqi_dcm_driver
2 naoqi_driver
1 naoqi_driver_py
1 naoqi_libqi
1 naoqi_libqicore
0 naoqi_msgs
1 naoqi_navigation
1 naoqi_pose
1 naoqi_sensors_py
1 naoqi_tools
1 naoqieus
1 nasa_common_cmake
1 nasa_common_logging
1 nasa_r2_common
1 nasa_r2_simulator
1 nav2_amcl
1 nav2_behavior_tree
1 nav2_behaviors
2 nav2_bringup
1 nav2_bt_navigator
1 nav2_collision_monitor
1 nav2_common
1 nav2_constrained_smoother
1 nav2_controller
1 nav2_core
1 nav2_costmap_2d
1 nav2_driver
1 nav2_dwb_controller
1 nav2_dynamic_params
1 nav2_gazebo_spawner
1 nav2_graceful_controller
1 nav2_lifecycle_manager
1 nav2_loopback_sim
1 nav2_map_server
1 nav2_minimal_tb3_sim
1 nav2_minimal_tb4_description
1 nav2_minimal_tb4_sim
1 nav2_mission_executor
1 nav2_motion_primitives
1 nav2_mppi_controller
1 nav2_msgs
1 nav2_navfn_planner
1 nav2_navigation
1 nav2_planner
1 nav2_platform
1 nav2_recoveries
1 nav2_regulated_pure_pursuit_controller
1 nav2_robot
1 nav2_rotation_shim_controller
1 nav2_rviz_plugins
1 nav2_simple_commander
1 nav2_simple_navigator
1 nav2_smac_planner
1 nav2_smoother
1 nav2_system_tests
1 nav2_tasks
1 nav2_theta_star_planner
1 nav2_turtlebot3_rl
1 nav2_util
1 nav2_velocity_smoother
1 nav2_voxel_grid
1 nav2_waypoint_follower
1 nav2_world_model
1 nav2d
1 nav2d_exploration
1 nav2d_karto
1 nav2d_localizer
1 nav2d_msgs
1 nav2d_navigator
1 nav2d_operator
1 nav2d_remote
1 nav2d_tutorials
1 nav2z_client
1 nav2z_planners_common


Name Description
1 mrp2_viz
1 mrpt1
0 mrpt2
1 mrpt_apps
1 mrpt_bridge
1 mrpt_ekf_slam_2d
1 mrpt_ekf_slam_3d
1 mrpt_generic_sensor
1 mrpt_graphslam_2d
1 mrpt_icp_slam_2d
1 mrpt_libapps
1 mrpt_libbase
1 mrpt_libgui
1 mrpt_libhwdrivers
1 mrpt_libmaps
1 mrpt_libmath
1 mrpt_libnav
1 mrpt_libobs
1 mrpt_libopengl
1 mrpt_libposes
1 mrpt_libros_bridge
1 mrpt_libslam
1 mrpt_libtclap
1 mrpt_local_obstacles
1 mrpt_localization
1 mrpt_map
1 mrpt_map_server
1 mrpt_msgs
1 mrpt_msgs_bridge
1 mrpt_nav_interfaces
1 mrpt_navigation
1 mrpt_path_planning
1 mrpt_pf_localization
1 mrpt_pointcloud_pipeline
1 mrpt_rawlog
1 mrpt_rbpf_slam
1 mrpt_reactivenav2d
1 mrpt_sensor_bumblebee_stereo
1 mrpt_sensor_gnss_nmea
1 mrpt_sensor_gnss_novatel
1 mrpt_sensor_imu_taobotics
1 mrpt_sensorlib
1 mrpt_sensors
1 mrpt_sensors_examples
1 mrpt_slam
1 mrpt_tps_astar_planner
1 mrpt_tutorials
1 mrt_cmake_modules
1 msg_conversions
1 msp
1 msvc_runtime
1 msvc_sdk_tutorials
1 mtig_driver
1 multi_interface_roam
1 multi_jackal_base
1 multi_jackal_control
1 multi_jackal_description
1 multi_jackal_nav
1 multi_jackal_tutorials
1 multi_level_map_msgs
1 multi_level_map_server
1 multi_level_map_utils
1 multi_map_server
1 multi_object_tracking_lidar
1 multi_xarm5
1 multicar_hydraulic
1 multimaster_fkie
1 multimaster_launch
1 multimaster_msgs
1 multimaster_msgs_fkie
1 multiple_topic_monitor
1 multipoint_navigation_receiver
1 multires_image
1 multirobot_map_merge
2 multirole_sensor_client
1 multisense
1 multisense_bringup
1 multisense_cal_check
1 multisense_description
1 multisense_lib
1 multisense_ros
1 multiwii
1 muse_bldc_motor_drive
1 muse_v2_driver
2 mvsim
0 mx_driver
0 mx_msgs
1 my_android_package
1 myactuator_rmd
1 myahrs_driver
1 mycroft_ros
1 mynt_eye_ros_wrapper
1 myo_ros
1 nanomsg
1 nanotron_swarm
1 nao_apps
2 nao_audio
1 nao_bringup
1 nao_button_sim
1 nao_command_msgs
1 nao_control
1 nao_dcm_bringup
1 nao_description
1 nao_extras
1 nao_gazebo_plugin
2 nao_interaction
2 nao_interaction_launchers
2 nao_interaction_msgs
1 nao_jsk_teleop
1 nao_lola
1 nao_lola_client
1 nao_lola_command_msgs
1 nao_lola_sensor_msgs
3 nao_meshes
1 nao_moveit_config
0 nao_msgs
1 nao_path_follower
1 nao_robot
1 nao_sensor_msgs
1 nao_teleop
2 nao_vision
1 naoeus
1 naoqi_apps
1 naoqi_bridge
2 naoqi_bridge_msgs
2 naoqi_dashboard
1 naoqi_dcm_driver
2 naoqi_driver
1 naoqi_driver_py
1 naoqi_libqi
1 naoqi_libqicore
0 naoqi_msgs
1 naoqi_navigation
1 naoqi_pose
1 naoqi_sensors_py
1 naoqi_tools
1 naoqieus
1 nasa_common_cmake
1 nasa_common_logging
1 nasa_r2_common
1 nasa_r2_simulator
1 2019-03-13 nav2_amcl
1 nav2_behavior_tree
1 nav2_behaviors
2 2019-03-13 nav2_bringup
Bringup scripts and configurations for the navigation2 stack
Bringup scripts and configurations for the navigation2 stack
1 2019-03-13 nav2_bt_navigator
1 nav2_collision_monitor
1 2019-03-13 nav2_common
Common support functionality used throughout the navigation 2 stack
Common support functionality used throughout the navigation 2 stack
1 nav2_constrained_smoother
1 nav2_controller
1 nav2_core
1 2019-03-13 nav2_costmap_2d
This package provides an implementation of a 2D costmap that takes in sensor data from the world, builds a 2D or 3D occupancy grid of the data (depending on whether a voxel based implementation is used), and inflates costs in a 2D costmap based on the occupancy grid and a user specified inflation radius. This package also provides support for map_server based initialization of a costmap, rolling window based costmaps, and parameter based subscription to and configuration of sensor topics.
This package provides an implementation of a 2D costmap that takes in sensor data from the world, builds a 2D or 3D occupancy grid of the data (depending on whether a voxel based implementation is used), and inflates costs in a 2D costmap based on the occupancy grid and a user specified inflation radius. This package also provides support for map_server based initialization of a costmap, rolling window based costmaps, and parameter based subscription to and configuration of sensor topics.
1 nav2_driver
1 2019-03-13 nav2_dwb_controller
ROS2 controller (DWB) metapackage
ROS2 controller (DWB) metapackage
1 2019-03-13 nav2_dynamic_params
This package provides a validation class for ROS2 parameters with validation based on parameter type and defined bounds. Support for custom validation callbacks is also provided. Some useful convenience functions for event callbacks are also provided
This package provides a validation class for ROS2 parameters with validation based on parameter type and defined bounds. Support for custom validation callbacks is also provided. Some useful convenience functions for event callbacks are also provided
1 nav2_gazebo_spawner
1 nav2_graceful_controller
1 nav2_lifecycle_manager
1 nav2_loopback_sim
1 2019-03-13 nav2_map_server
Refactored map server for ROS2 Navigation
Refactored map server for ROS2 Navigation
1 nav2_minimal_tb3_sim
1 nav2_minimal_tb4_description
1 nav2_minimal_tb4_sim
1 2019-03-13 nav2_mission_executor
1 2019-03-13 nav2_motion_primitives
1 nav2_mppi_controller
1 2019-03-13 nav2_msgs
Messages and service files for the navigation2 stack
Messages and service files for the navigation2 stack
1 2019-03-13 nav2_navfn_planner
1 nav2_navigation
1 nav2_planner
1 nav2_platform
1 nav2_recoveries
1 nav2_regulated_pure_pursuit_controller
1 2019-03-13 nav2_robot
1 nav2_rotation_shim_controller
1 nav2_rviz_plugins
1 nav2_simple_commander
1 2019-03-13 nav2_simple_navigator
1 nav2_smac_planner
1 nav2_smoother
1 2019-03-13 nav2_system_tests
1 2019-03-13 nav2_tasks
1 nav2_theta_star_planner
1 nav2_turtlebot3_rl
1 2019-03-13 nav2_util
1 nav2_velocity_smoother
1 2019-03-13 nav2_voxel_grid
voxel_grid provides an implementation of an efficient 3D voxel grid. The occupancy grid can support 3 different representations for the state of a cell: marked, free, or unknown. Due to the underlying implementation relying on bitwise and and or integer operations, the voxel grid only supports 16 different levels per voxel column. However, this limitation yields raytracing and cell marking performance in the grid comparable to standard 2D structures making it quite fast compared to most 3D structures.
voxel_grid provides an implementation of an efficient 3D voxel grid. The occupancy grid can support 3 different representations for the state of a cell: marked, free, or unknown. Due to the underlying implementation relying on bitwise and and or integer operations, the voxel grid only supports 16 different levels per voxel column. However, this limitation yields raytracing and cell marking performance in the grid comparable to standard 2D structures making it quite fast compared to most 3D structures.
1 nav2_waypoint_follower
1 2019-03-13 nav2_world_model
1 nav2d
1 nav2d_exploration
1 nav2d_karto
1 nav2d_localizer
1 nav2d_msgs
1 nav2d_navigator
1 nav2d_operator
1 nav2d_remote
1 nav2d_tutorials
1 nav2z_client
1 nav2z_planners_common


Name Description
1 mrp2_viz
1 mrpt1
0 mrpt2
1 mrpt_apps
1 mrpt_bridge
1 mrpt_ekf_slam_2d
1 mrpt_ekf_slam_3d
1 mrpt_generic_sensor
1 mrpt_graphslam_2d
1 mrpt_icp_slam_2d
1 mrpt_libapps
1 mrpt_libbase
1 mrpt_libgui
1 mrpt_libhwdrivers
1 mrpt_libmaps
1 mrpt_libmath
1 mrpt_libnav
1 mrpt_libobs
1 mrpt_libopengl
1 mrpt_libposes
1 mrpt_libros_bridge
1 mrpt_libslam
1 mrpt_libtclap
1 mrpt_local_obstacles
1 mrpt_localization
1 mrpt_map
1 mrpt_map_server
1 mrpt_msgs
1 mrpt_msgs_bridge
1 mrpt_nav_interfaces
1 mrpt_navigation
1 mrpt_path_planning
1 mrpt_pf_localization
1 mrpt_pointcloud_pipeline
1 mrpt_rawlog
1 mrpt_rbpf_slam
1 mrpt_reactivenav2d
1 mrpt_sensor_bumblebee_stereo
1 mrpt_sensor_gnss_nmea
1 mrpt_sensor_gnss_novatel
1 mrpt_sensor_imu_taobotics
1 mrpt_sensorlib
1 mrpt_sensors
1 mrpt_sensors_examples
1 mrpt_slam
1 mrpt_tps_astar_planner
1 mrpt_tutorials
1 2024-09-20 mrt_cmake_modules
CMake Functions and Modules for automating CMake
CMake Functions and Modules for automating CMake
1 msg_conversions
1 msp
1 msvc_runtime
1 msvc_sdk_tutorials
1 mtig_driver
1 multi_interface_roam
1 multi_jackal_base
1 multi_jackal_control
1 multi_jackal_description
1 multi_jackal_nav
1 multi_jackal_tutorials
1 multi_level_map_msgs
1 multi_level_map_server
1 multi_level_map_utils
1 multi_map_server
1 multi_object_tracking_lidar
1 multi_xarm5
1 multicar_hydraulic
1 multimaster_fkie
1 multimaster_launch
1 multimaster_msgs
1 multimaster_msgs_fkie
1 multiple_topic_monitor
1 multipoint_navigation_receiver
1 multires_image
1 multirobot_map_merge
2 multirole_sensor_client
1 multisense
1 multisense_bringup
1 multisense_cal_check
1 multisense_description
1 multisense_lib
1 multisense_ros
1 multiwii
1 muse_bldc_motor_drive
1 muse_v2_driver
2 mvsim
0 mx_driver
0 mx_msgs
1 my_android_package
1 myactuator_rmd
1 myahrs_driver
1 mycroft_ros
1 mynt_eye_ros_wrapper
1 myo_ros
1 nanomsg
1 nanotron_swarm
1 nao_apps
2 nao_audio
1 nao_bringup
1 nao_button_sim
1 nao_command_msgs
1 nao_control
1 nao_dcm_bringup
1 nao_description
1 nao_extras
1 nao_gazebo_plugin
2 nao_interaction
2 nao_interaction_launchers
2 nao_interaction_msgs
1 nao_jsk_teleop
1 nao_lola
1 nao_lola_client
1 nao_lola_command_msgs
1 nao_lola_sensor_msgs
3 nao_meshes
1 nao_moveit_config
0 nao_msgs
1 nao_path_follower
1 nao_robot
1 nao_sensor_msgs
1 nao_teleop
2 nao_vision
1 naoeus
1 naoqi_apps
1 naoqi_bridge
2 naoqi_bridge_msgs
2 naoqi_dashboard
1 naoqi_dcm_driver
2 naoqi_driver
1 naoqi_driver_py
1 naoqi_libqi
1 naoqi_libqicore
0 naoqi_msgs
1 naoqi_navigation
1 naoqi_pose
1 naoqi_sensors_py
1 naoqi_tools
1 naoqieus
1 nasa_common_cmake
1 nasa_common_logging
1 nasa_r2_common
1 nasa_r2_simulator
1 2021-01-04 nav2_amcl
1 2021-01-04 nav2_behavior_tree
1 nav2_behaviors
2 2021-01-04 nav2_bringup
Bringup scripts and configurations for the navigation2 stack
Bringup scripts and configurations for the navigation2 stack
1 2021-01-04 nav2_bt_navigator
1 nav2_collision_monitor
1 2021-01-04 nav2_common
Common support functionality used throughout the navigation 2 stack
Common support functionality used throughout the navigation 2 stack
1 nav2_constrained_smoother
1 2021-01-04 nav2_controller
Controller action interface
Controller action interface
1 2021-01-04 nav2_core
A set of headers for plugins core to the navigation2 stack
A set of headers for plugins core to the navigation2 stack
1 2021-01-04 nav2_costmap_2d
This package provides an implementation of a 2D costmap that takes in sensor data from the world, builds a 2D or 3D occupancy grid of the data (depending on whether a voxel based implementation is used), and inflates costs in a 2D costmap based on the occupancy grid and a user specified inflation radius. This package also provides support for map_server based initialization of a costmap, rolling window based costmaps, and parameter based subscription to and configuration of sensor topics.
This package provides an implementation of a 2D costmap that takes in sensor data from the world, builds a 2D or 3D occupancy grid of the data (depending on whether a voxel based implementation is used), and inflates costs in a 2D costmap based on the occupancy grid and a user specified inflation radius. This package also provides support for map_server based initialization of a costmap, rolling window based costmaps, and parameter based subscription to and configuration of sensor topics.
1 nav2_driver
1 2021-01-04 nav2_dwb_controller
ROS2 controller (DWB) metapackage
ROS2 controller (DWB) metapackage
1 nav2_dynamic_params
1 2021-01-04 nav2_gazebo_spawner
Package for spawning a robot model into Gazebo for navigation2
Package for spawning a robot model into Gazebo for navigation2
1 nav2_graceful_controller
1 2021-01-04 nav2_lifecycle_manager
A controller/manager for the lifecycle nodes of the Navigation 2 system
A controller/manager for the lifecycle nodes of the Navigation 2 system
1 nav2_loopback_sim
1 2021-01-04 nav2_map_server
Refactored map server for ROS2 Navigation
Refactored map server for ROS2 Navigation
1 nav2_minimal_tb3_sim
1 nav2_minimal_tb4_description
1 nav2_minimal_tb4_sim
1 nav2_mission_executor
1 nav2_motion_primitives
1 nav2_mppi_controller
1 2021-01-04 nav2_msgs
Messages and service files for the navigation2 stack
Messages and service files for the navigation2 stack
1 2021-01-04 nav2_navfn_planner
1 nav2_navigation
1 2021-01-04 nav2_planner
1 nav2_platform
1 2021-01-04 nav2_recoveries
1 nav2_regulated_pure_pursuit_controller
1 nav2_robot
1 nav2_rotation_shim_controller
1 2021-01-04 nav2_rviz_plugins
Navigation 2 plugins for rviz
Navigation 2 plugins for rviz
1 nav2_simple_commander
1 nav2_simple_navigator
1 nav2_smac_planner
1 nav2_smoother
1 2021-01-04 nav2_system_tests
1 nav2_tasks
1 nav2_theta_star_planner
1 2021-01-04 nav2_turtlebot3_rl
This package enables Reinfocement Learning with Gazebo and Turtlebot3
This package enables Reinfocement Learning with Gazebo and Turtlebot3
1 2021-01-04 nav2_util
1 nav2_velocity_smoother
1 2021-01-04 nav2_voxel_grid
voxel_grid provides an implementation of an efficient 3D voxel grid. The occupancy grid can support 3 different representations for the state of a cell: marked, free, or unknown. Due to the underlying implementation relying on bitwise and and or integer operations, the voxel grid only supports 16 different levels per voxel column. However, this limitation yields raytracing and cell marking performance in the grid comparable to standard 2D structures making it quite fast compared to most 3D structures.
voxel_grid provides an implementation of an efficient 3D voxel grid. The occupancy grid can support 3 different representations for the state of a cell: marked, free, or unknown. Due to the underlying implementation relying on bitwise and and or integer operations, the voxel grid only supports 16 different levels per voxel column. However, this limitation yields raytracing and cell marking performance in the grid comparable to standard 2D structures making it quite fast compared to most 3D structures.
1 2021-01-04 nav2_waypoint_follower
A waypoint follower navigation server
A waypoint follower navigation server
1 nav2_world_model
1 nav2d
1 nav2d_exploration
1 nav2d_karto
1 nav2d_localizer
1 nav2d_msgs
1 nav2d_navigator
1 nav2d_operator
1 nav2d_remote
1 nav2d_tutorials
1 nav2z_client
1 nav2z_planners_common


Name Description
1 mrp2_viz
1 mrpt1
0 mrpt2
1 mrpt_apps
1 mrpt_bridge
1 mrpt_ekf_slam_2d
1 mrpt_ekf_slam_3d
1 mrpt_generic_sensor
1 mrpt_graphslam_2d
1 mrpt_icp_slam_2d
1 mrpt_libapps
1 mrpt_libbase
1 mrpt_libgui
1 mrpt_libhwdrivers
1 mrpt_libmaps
1 mrpt_libmath
1 mrpt_libnav
1 mrpt_libobs
1 mrpt_libopengl
1 mrpt_libposes
1 mrpt_libros_bridge
1 mrpt_libslam
1 mrpt_libtclap
1 mrpt_local_obstacles
1 mrpt_localization
1 mrpt_map
1 mrpt_map_server
1 mrpt_msgs
1 mrpt_msgs_bridge
1 mrpt_nav_interfaces
1 mrpt_navigation
1 mrpt_path_planning
1 mrpt_pf_localization
1 mrpt_pointcloud_pipeline
1 mrpt_rawlog
1 mrpt_rbpf_slam
1 mrpt_reactivenav2d
1 mrpt_sensor_bumblebee_stereo
1 mrpt_sensor_gnss_nmea
1 mrpt_sensor_gnss_novatel
1 mrpt_sensor_imu_taobotics
1 mrpt_sensorlib
1 mrpt_sensors
1 mrpt_sensors_examples
1 mrpt_slam
1 mrpt_tps_astar_planner
1 mrpt_tutorials
1 2024-09-20 mrt_cmake_modules
CMake Functions and Modules for automating CMake
CMake Functions and Modules for automating CMake
1 msg_conversions
1 msp
1 msvc_runtime
1 msvc_sdk_tutorials
1 mtig_driver
1 multi_interface_roam
1 multi_jackal_base
1 multi_jackal_control
1 multi_jackal_description
1 multi_jackal_nav
1 multi_jackal_tutorials
1 multi_level_map_msgs
1 multi_level_map_server
1 multi_level_map_utils
1 multi_map_server
1 multi_object_tracking_lidar
1 multi_xarm5
1 multicar_hydraulic
1 multimaster_fkie
1 multimaster_launch
1 multimaster_msgs
1 multimaster_msgs_fkie
1 multiple_topic_monitor
1 multipoint_navigation_receiver
1 multires_image
1 multirobot_map_merge
2 multirole_sensor_client
1 multisense
1 multisense_bringup
1 multisense_cal_check
1 multisense_description
1 multisense_lib
1 multisense_ros
1 multiwii
1 muse_bldc_motor_drive
1 muse_v2_driver
2 mvsim
0 mx_driver
0 mx_msgs
1 my_android_package
1 myactuator_rmd
1 myahrs_driver
1 mycroft_ros
1 mynt_eye_ros_wrapper
1 myo_ros
1 nanomsg
1 nanotron_swarm
1 nao_apps
2 nao_audio
1 nao_bringup
1 nao_button_sim
1 nao_command_msgs
1 nao_control
1 nao_dcm_bringup
1 nao_description
1 nao_extras
1 nao_gazebo_plugin
2 nao_interaction
2 nao_interaction_launchers
2 nao_interaction_msgs
1 nao_jsk_teleop
1 nao_lola
1 nao_lola_client
1 nao_lola_command_msgs
1 nao_lola_sensor_msgs
3 nao_meshes
1 nao_moveit_config
0 nao_msgs
1 nao_path_follower
1 nao_robot
1 nao_sensor_msgs
1 nao_teleop
2 nao_vision
1 naoeus
1 naoqi_apps
1 naoqi_bridge
2 naoqi_bridge_msgs
2 naoqi_dashboard
1 naoqi_dcm_driver
2 naoqi_driver
1 naoqi_driver_py
1 naoqi_libqi
1 naoqi_libqicore
0 naoqi_msgs
1 naoqi_navigation
1 naoqi_pose
1 naoqi_sensors_py
1 naoqi_tools
1 naoqieus
1 nasa_common_cmake
1 nasa_common_logging
1 nasa_r2_common
1 nasa_r2_simulator
1 2020-12-28 nav2_amcl
1 2020-12-28 nav2_behavior_tree
1 nav2_behaviors
2 2020-12-28 nav2_bringup
Bringup scripts and configurations for the navigation2 stack
Bringup scripts and configurations for the navigation2 stack
1 2020-12-28 nav2_bt_navigator
1 nav2_collision_monitor
1 2020-12-28 nav2_common
Common support functionality used throughout the navigation 2 stack
Common support functionality used throughout the navigation 2 stack
1 nav2_constrained_smoother
1 nav2_controller
1 nav2_core
1 2020-12-28 nav2_costmap_2d
This package provides an implementation of a 2D costmap that takes in sensor data from the world, builds a 2D or 3D occupancy grid of the data (depending on whether a voxel based implementation is used), and inflates costs in a 2D costmap based on the occupancy grid and a user specified inflation radius. This package also provides support for map_server based initialization of a costmap, rolling window based costmaps, and parameter based subscription to and configuration of sensor topics.
This package provides an implementation of a 2D costmap that takes in sensor data from the world, builds a 2D or 3D occupancy grid of the data (depending on whether a voxel based implementation is used), and inflates costs in a 2D costmap based on the occupancy grid and a user specified inflation radius. This package also provides support for map_server based initialization of a costmap, rolling window based costmaps, and parameter based subscription to and configuration of sensor topics.
1 nav2_driver
1 2020-12-28 nav2_dwb_controller
ROS2 controller (DWB) metapackage
ROS2 controller (DWB) metapackage
1 2020-12-28 nav2_dynamic_params
This package provides a validation class for ROS2 parameters with validation based on parameter type and defined bounds. Support for custom validation callbacks is also provided. Some useful convenience functions for event callbacks are also provided
This package provides a validation class for ROS2 parameters with validation based on parameter type and defined bounds. Support for custom validation callbacks is also provided. Some useful convenience functions for event callbacks are also provided
1 nav2_gazebo_spawner
1 nav2_graceful_controller
1 2020-12-28 nav2_lifecycle_manager
A controller/manager for the lifecycle nodes of the Navigation 2 system
A controller/manager for the lifecycle nodes of the Navigation 2 system
1 nav2_loopback_sim
1 2020-12-28 nav2_map_server
Refactored map server for ROS2 Navigation
Refactored map server for ROS2 Navigation
1 nav2_minimal_tb3_sim
1 nav2_minimal_tb4_description
1 nav2_minimal_tb4_sim
1 nav2_mission_executor
1 nav2_motion_primitives
1 nav2_mppi_controller
1 2020-12-28 nav2_msgs
Messages and service files for the navigation2 stack
Messages and service files for the navigation2 stack
1 2020-12-28 nav2_navfn_planner
1 nav2_navigation
1 nav2_planner
1 nav2_platform
1 2020-12-28 nav2_recoveries
1 nav2_regulated_pure_pursuit_controller
1 nav2_robot
1 nav2_rotation_shim_controller
1 2020-12-28 nav2_rviz_plugins
Navigation 2 plugins for rviz
Navigation 2 plugins for rviz
1 nav2_simple_commander
1 nav2_simple_navigator
1 nav2_smac_planner
1 nav2_smoother
1 2020-12-28 nav2_system_tests
1 nav2_tasks
1 nav2_theta_star_planner
1 2020-12-28 nav2_turtlebot3_rl
This package enables Reinfocement Learning with Gazebo and Turtlebot3
This package enables Reinfocement Learning with Gazebo and Turtlebot3
1 2020-12-28 nav2_util
1 nav2_velocity_smoother
1 2020-12-28 nav2_voxel_grid
voxel_grid provides an implementation of an efficient 3D voxel grid. The occupancy grid can support 3 different representations for the state of a cell: marked, free, or unknown. Due to the underlying implementation relying on bitwise and and or integer operations, the voxel grid only supports 16 different levels per voxel column. However, this limitation yields raytracing and cell marking performance in the grid comparable to standard 2D structures making it quite fast compared to most 3D structures.
voxel_grid provides an implementation of an efficient 3D voxel grid. The occupancy grid can support 3 different representations for the state of a cell: marked, free, or unknown. Due to the underlying implementation relying on bitwise and and or integer operations, the voxel grid only supports 16 different levels per voxel column. However, this limitation yields raytracing and cell marking performance in the grid comparable to standard 2D structures making it quite fast compared to most 3D structures.
1 nav2_waypoint_follower
1 2020-12-28 nav2_world_model
1 nav2d
1 nav2d_exploration
1 nav2d_karto
1 nav2d_localizer
1 nav2d_msgs
1 nav2d_navigator
1 nav2d_operator
1 nav2d_remote
1 nav2d_tutorials
1 nav2z_client
1 nav2z_planners_common


Name Description
1 mrp2_viz
1 mrpt1
0 mrpt2
1 mrpt_apps
1 mrpt_bridge
1 mrpt_ekf_slam_2d
1 mrpt_ekf_slam_3d
1 mrpt_generic_sensor
1 mrpt_graphslam_2d
1 mrpt_icp_slam_2d
1 mrpt_libapps
1 mrpt_libbase
1 mrpt_libgui
1 mrpt_libhwdrivers
1 mrpt_libmaps
1 mrpt_libmath
1 mrpt_libnav
1 mrpt_libobs
1 mrpt_libopengl
1 mrpt_libposes
1 mrpt_libros_bridge
1 mrpt_libslam
1 mrpt_libtclap
1 mrpt_local_obstacles
1 mrpt_localization
1 mrpt_map
1 mrpt_map_server
1 2024-10-09 mrpt_msgs
ROS messages for MRPT classes and objects
ROS messages for MRPT classes and objects
1 mrpt_msgs_bridge
1 mrpt_nav_interfaces
1 mrpt_navigation
1 mrpt_path_planning
1 mrpt_pf_localization
1 mrpt_pointcloud_pipeline
1 mrpt_rawlog
1 mrpt_rbpf_slam
1 mrpt_reactivenav2d
1 mrpt_sensor_bumblebee_stereo
1 mrpt_sensor_gnss_nmea
1 mrpt_sensor_gnss_novatel
1 mrpt_sensor_imu_taobotics
1 mrpt_sensorlib
1 mrpt_sensors
1 mrpt_sensors_examples
1 mrpt_slam
1 mrpt_tps_astar_planner
1 mrpt_tutorials
1 2024-09-20 mrt_cmake_modules
CMake Functions and Modules for automating CMake
CMake Functions and Modules for automating CMake
1 msg_conversions
1 msp
1 msvc_runtime
1 msvc_sdk_tutorials
1 mtig_driver
1 multi_interface_roam
1 multi_jackal_base
1 multi_jackal_control
1 multi_jackal_description
1 multi_jackal_nav
1 multi_jackal_tutorials
1 multi_level_map_msgs
1 multi_level_map_server
1 multi_level_map_utils
1 multi_map_server
1 multi_object_tracking_lidar
1 multi_xarm5
1 multicar_hydraulic
1 multimaster_fkie
1 multimaster_launch
1 multimaster_msgs
1 multimaster_msgs_fkie
1 multiple_topic_monitor
1 multipoint_navigation_receiver
1 2024-12-09 multires_image
1 multirobot_map_merge
2 2023-06-09 multirole_sensor_client
The multirole_sensor_client package
The multirole_sensor_client package
1 multisense
1 multisense_bringup
1 multisense_cal_check
1 multisense_description
1 multisense_lib
1 multisense_ros
1 multiwii
1 muse_bldc_motor_drive
1 muse_v2_driver
2 mvsim
0 mx_driver
0 mx_msgs
1 my_android_package
1 myactuator_rmd
1 myahrs_driver
1 mycroft_ros
1 mynt_eye_ros_wrapper
1 myo_ros
1 nanomsg
1 nanotron_swarm
1 nao_apps
2 nao_audio
1 nao_bringup
1 2024-04-20 nao_button_sim
Allows simulating button presses through command line interface
Allows simulating button presses through command line interface
1 2023-08-02 nao_command_msgs
Package defining command msgs to be sent to NAO robot.
Package defining command msgs to be sent to NAO robot.
1 nao_control
1 nao_dcm_bringup
1 nao_description
1 nao_extras
1 nao_gazebo_plugin
2 nao_interaction
2 nao_interaction_launchers
2 nao_interaction_msgs
1 nao_jsk_teleop
1 2023-04-26 nao_lola
Packages that allow communicating with the NAO’s Lola middle-ware.
Packages that allow communicating with the NAO’s Lola middle-ware.
1 nao_lola_client
1 nao_lola_command_msgs
1 nao_lola_sensor_msgs
3 nao_meshes
1 nao_moveit_config
0 nao_msgs
1 nao_path_follower
1 nao_robot
1 2023-08-02 nao_sensor_msgs
Package defining sensor msgs to be received from NAO robot.
Package defining sensor msgs to be received from NAO robot.
1 nao_teleop
2 nao_vision
1 naoeus
1 naoqi_apps
1 naoqi_bridge
2 2023-11-21 naoqi_bridge_msgs
The naoqi_bridge_msgs package provides custom messages for running Aldebaran's robots in ROS2.
The naoqi_bridge_msgs package provides custom messages for running Aldebaran's robots in ROS2.
2 naoqi_dashboard
1 naoqi_dcm_driver
2 2024-04-30 naoqi_driver
Driver module between Aldebaran's NAOqiOS and ROS2. It publishes all sensor and actuator data as well as basic diagnostic for battery, temperature. It subscribes also to RVIZ simple goal and cmd_vel for teleop.
Driver module between Aldebaran's NAOqiOS and ROS2. It publishes all sensor and actuator data as well as basic diagnostic for battery, temperature. It subscribes also to RVIZ simple goal and cmd_vel for teleop.
1 naoqi_driver_py
1 2023-11-21 naoqi_libqi
Aldebaran's libqi: a core library for NAOqiOS development
Aldebaran's libqi: a core library for NAOqiOS development
1 2023-11-21 naoqi_libqicore
Aldebaran's libqicore: a layer on top of libqi
Aldebaran's libqicore: a layer on top of libqi
0 naoqi_msgs
1 naoqi_navigation
1 naoqi_pose
1 naoqi_sensors_py
1 naoqi_tools
1 naoqieus
1 nasa_common_cmake
1 nasa_common_logging
1 nasa_r2_common
1 nasa_r2_simulator
1 2022-09-15 nav2_amcl
1 2022-09-15 nav2_behavior_tree
1 nav2_behaviors
2 2022-09-15 nav2_bringup
Bringup scripts and configurations for the Nav2 stack
Bringup scripts and configurations for the Nav2 stack
1 2022-09-15 nav2_bt_navigator
1 nav2_collision_monitor
1 2022-09-15 nav2_common
Common support functionality used throughout the navigation 2 stack
Common support functionality used throughout the navigation 2 stack
1 nav2_constrained_smoother
1 2022-09-15 nav2_controller
Controller action interface
Controller action interface
1 2022-09-15 nav2_core
A set of headers for plugins core to the Nav2 stack
A set of headers for plugins core to the Nav2 stack
1 2022-09-15 nav2_costmap_2d
This package provides an implementation of a 2D costmap that takes in sensor data from the world, builds a 2D or 3D occupancy grid of the data (depending on whether a voxel based implementation is used), and inflates costs in a 2D costmap based on the occupancy grid and a user specified inflation radius. This package also provides support for map_server based initialization of a costmap, rolling window based costmaps, and parameter based subscription to and configuration of sensor topics.
This package provides an implementation of a 2D costmap that takes in sensor data from the world, builds a 2D or 3D occupancy grid of the data (depending on whether a voxel based implementation is used), and inflates costs in a 2D costmap based on the occupancy grid and a user specified inflation radius. This package also provides support for map_server based initialization of a costmap, rolling window based costmaps, and parameter based subscription to and configuration of sensor topics.
1 nav2_driver
1 2022-09-15 nav2_dwb_controller
ROS2 controller (DWB) metapackage
ROS2 controller (DWB) metapackage
1 nav2_dynamic_params
1 2022-09-15 nav2_gazebo_spawner
Package for spawning a robot model into Gazebo for Nav2
Package for spawning a robot model into Gazebo for Nav2
1 nav2_graceful_controller
1 2022-09-15 nav2_lifecycle_manager
A controller/manager for the lifecycle nodes of the Navigation 2 system
A controller/manager for the lifecycle nodes of the Navigation 2 system
1 nav2_loopback_sim
1 2022-09-15 nav2_map_server
Refactored map server for ROS2 Navigation
Refactored map server for ROS2 Navigation
1 nav2_minimal_tb3_sim
1 nav2_minimal_tb4_description
1 nav2_minimal_tb4_sim
1 nav2_mission_executor
1 nav2_motion_primitives
1 nav2_mppi_controller
1 2022-09-15 nav2_msgs
Messages and service files for the Nav2 stack
Messages and service files for the Nav2 stack
1 2022-09-15 nav2_navfn_planner
1 nav2_navigation
1 2022-09-15 nav2_planner
1 nav2_platform
1 2022-09-15 nav2_recoveries
1 2022-09-15 nav2_regulated_pure_pursuit_controller
Regulated Pure Pursuit Controller
Regulated Pure Pursuit Controller
1 nav2_robot
1 2022-09-15 nav2_rotation_shim_controller
Rotation Shim Controller
Rotation Shim Controller
1 2022-09-15 nav2_rviz_plugins
Navigation 2 plugins for rviz
Navigation 2 plugins for rviz
1 2022-09-15 nav2_simple_commander
An importable library for writing mobile robot applications in python3
An importable library for writing mobile robot applications in python3
1 nav2_simple_navigator
1 2022-09-15 nav2_smac_planner
Smac global planning plugin: A*, Hybrid-A*, State Lattice
Smac global planning plugin: A*, Hybrid-A*, State Lattice
1 nav2_smoother
1 2022-09-15 nav2_system_tests
1 nav2_tasks
1 2022-09-15 nav2_theta_star_planner
Theta* Global Planning Plugin
Theta* Global Planning Plugin
1 nav2_turtlebot3_rl
1 2022-09-15 nav2_util
1 nav2_velocity_smoother
1 2022-09-15 nav2_voxel_grid
voxel_grid provides an implementation of an efficient 3D voxel grid. The occupancy grid can support 3 different representations for the state of a cell: marked, free, or unknown. Due to the underlying implementation relying on bitwise and and or integer operations, the voxel grid only supports 16 different levels per voxel column. However, this limitation yields raytracing and cell marking performance in the grid comparable to standard 2D structures making it quite fast compared to most 3D structures.
voxel_grid provides an implementation of an efficient 3D voxel grid. The occupancy grid can support 3 different representations for the state of a cell: marked, free, or unknown. Due to the underlying implementation relying on bitwise and and or integer operations, the voxel grid only supports 16 different levels per voxel column. However, this limitation yields raytracing and cell marking performance in the grid comparable to standard 2D structures making it quite fast compared to most 3D structures.
1 2022-09-15 nav2_waypoint_follower
A waypoint follower navigation server
A waypoint follower navigation server
1 nav2_world_model
1 nav2d
1 nav2d_exploration
1 nav2d_karto
1 nav2d_localizer
1 nav2d_msgs
1 nav2d_navigator
1 nav2d_operator
1 nav2d_remote
1 nav2d_tutorials
1 2023-06-09 nav2z_client
The nav2z_client package implements SMACC Action Client Plugin for the ROS Navigation State - move_base node. Developed by Reel Robotics.
The nav2z_client package implements SMACC Action Client Plugin for the ROS Navigation State - move_base node. Developed by Reel Robotics.
1 2023-06-09 nav2z_planners_common
The nav2z_planners_common package.
The nav2z_planners_common package.


Name Description
1 mrp2_viz
1 mrpt1
0 mrpt2
1 mrpt_apps
1 mrpt_bridge
1 mrpt_ekf_slam_2d
1 mrpt_ekf_slam_3d
1 mrpt_generic_sensor
1 mrpt_graphslam_2d
1 mrpt_icp_slam_2d
1 mrpt_libapps
1 mrpt_libbase
1 mrpt_libgui
1 mrpt_libhwdrivers
1 mrpt_libmaps
1 mrpt_libmath
1 mrpt_libnav
1 mrpt_libobs
1 mrpt_libopengl
1 mrpt_libposes
1 mrpt_libros_bridge
1 mrpt_libslam
1 mrpt_libtclap
1 mrpt_local_obstacles
1 mrpt_localization
1 mrpt_map
1 mrpt_map_server
1 2024-10-09 mrpt_msgs
ROS messages for MRPT classes and objects
ROS messages for MRPT classes and objects
1 mrpt_msgs_bridge
1 mrpt_nav_interfaces
1 mrpt_navigation
1 mrpt_path_planning
1 mrpt_pf_localization
1 mrpt_pointcloud_pipeline
1 mrpt_rawlog
1 mrpt_rbpf_slam
1 mrpt_reactivenav2d
1 mrpt_sensor_bumblebee_stereo
1 mrpt_sensor_gnss_nmea
1 mrpt_sensor_gnss_novatel
1 mrpt_sensor_imu_taobotics
1 mrpt_sensorlib
1 mrpt_sensors
1 mrpt_sensors_examples
1 mrpt_slam
1 mrpt_tps_astar_planner
1 mrpt_tutorials
1 2024-09-20 mrt_cmake_modules
CMake Functions and Modules for automating CMake
CMake Functions and Modules for automating CMake
1 msg_conversions
1 msp
1 msvc_runtime
1 msvc_sdk_tutorials
1 mtig_driver
1 multi_interface_roam
1 multi_jackal_base
1 multi_jackal_control
1 multi_jackal_description
1 multi_jackal_nav
1 multi_jackal_tutorials
1 multi_level_map_msgs
1 multi_level_map_server
1 multi_level_map_utils
1 multi_map_server
1 multi_object_tracking_lidar
1 multi_xarm5
1 multicar_hydraulic
1 multimaster_fkie
1 multimaster_launch
1 multimaster_msgs
1 multimaster_msgs_fkie
1 multiple_topic_monitor
1 multipoint_navigation_receiver
1 multires_image
1 multirobot_map_merge
2 2023-05-12 multirole_sensor_client
The multirole_sensor_client package
The multirole_sensor_client package
1 multisense
1 multisense_bringup
1 multisense_cal_check
1 multisense_description
1 multisense_lib
1 multisense_ros
1 multiwii
1 muse_bldc_motor_drive
1 muse_v2_driver
2 2024-12-24 mvsim
A lightweight multivehicle simulation framework.
A lightweight multivehicle simulation framework.
0 mx_driver
0 mx_msgs
1 my_android_package
1 myactuator_rmd
1 myahrs_driver
1 mycroft_ros
1 mynt_eye_ros_wrapper
1 myo_ros
1 nanomsg
1 nanotron_swarm
1 nao_apps
2 nao_audio
1 nao_bringup
1 nao_button_sim
1 nao_command_msgs
1 nao_control
1 nao_dcm_bringup
1 nao_description
1 nao_extras
1 nao_gazebo_plugin
2 nao_interaction
2 nao_interaction_launchers
2 nao_interaction_msgs
1 nao_jsk_teleop
1 nao_lola
1 nao_lola_client
1 nao_lola_command_msgs
1 nao_lola_sensor_msgs
3 nao_meshes
1 nao_moveit_config
0 nao_msgs
1 nao_path_follower
1 nao_robot
1 nao_sensor_msgs
1 nao_teleop
2 nao_vision
1 naoeus
1 naoqi_apps
1 naoqi_bridge
2 2023-11-21 naoqi_bridge_msgs
The naoqi_bridge_msgs package provides custom messages for running Aldebaran's robots in ROS2.
The naoqi_bridge_msgs package provides custom messages for running Aldebaran's robots in ROS2.
2 naoqi_dashboard
1 naoqi_dcm_driver
2 2024-04-30 naoqi_driver
Driver module between Aldebaran's NAOqiOS and ROS2. It publishes all sensor and actuator data as well as basic diagnostic for battery, temperature. It subscribes also to RVIZ simple goal and cmd_vel for teleop.
Driver module between Aldebaran's NAOqiOS and ROS2. It publishes all sensor and actuator data as well as basic diagnostic for battery, temperature. It subscribes also to RVIZ simple goal and cmd_vel for teleop.
1 naoqi_driver_py
1 2023-11-21 naoqi_libqi
Aldebaran's libqi: a core library for NAOqiOS development
Aldebaran's libqi: a core library for NAOqiOS development
1 2023-11-21 naoqi_libqicore
Aldebaran's libqicore: a layer on top of libqi
Aldebaran's libqicore: a layer on top of libqi
0 naoqi_msgs
1 naoqi_navigation
1 naoqi_pose
1 naoqi_sensors_py
1 naoqi_tools
1 naoqieus
1 nasa_common_cmake
1 nasa_common_logging
1 nasa_r2_common
1 nasa_r2_simulator
1 2022-08-31 nav2_amcl
1 2022-08-31 nav2_behavior_tree
1 nav2_behaviors
2 2022-08-31 nav2_bringup
Bringup scripts and configurations for the navigation2 stack
Bringup scripts and configurations for the navigation2 stack
1 2022-08-31 nav2_bt_navigator
1 nav2_collision_monitor
1 2022-08-31 nav2_common
Common support functionality used throughout the navigation 2 stack
Common support functionality used throughout the navigation 2 stack
1 nav2_constrained_smoother
1 2022-08-31 nav2_controller
Controller action interface
Controller action interface
1 2022-08-31 nav2_core
A set of headers for plugins core to the navigation2 stack
A set of headers for plugins core to the navigation2 stack
1 2022-08-31 nav2_costmap_2d
This package provides an implementation of a 2D costmap that takes in sensor data from the world, builds a 2D or 3D occupancy grid of the data (depending on whether a voxel based implementation is used), and inflates costs in a 2D costmap based on the occupancy grid and a user specified inflation radius. This package also provides support for map_server based initialization of a costmap, rolling window based costmaps, and parameter based subscription to and configuration of sensor topics.
This package provides an implementation of a 2D costmap that takes in sensor data from the world, builds a 2D or 3D occupancy grid of the data (depending on whether a voxel based implementation is used), and inflates costs in a 2D costmap based on the occupancy grid and a user specified inflation radius. This package also provides support for map_server based initialization of a costmap, rolling window based costmaps, and parameter based subscription to and configuration of sensor topics.
1 nav2_driver
1 2022-08-31 nav2_dwb_controller
ROS2 controller (DWB) metapackage
ROS2 controller (DWB) metapackage
1 nav2_dynamic_params
1 2022-08-31 nav2_gazebo_spawner
Package for spawning a robot model into Gazebo for navigation2
Package for spawning a robot model into Gazebo for navigation2
1 nav2_graceful_controller
1 2022-08-31 nav2_lifecycle_manager
A controller/manager for the lifecycle nodes of the Navigation 2 system
A controller/manager for the lifecycle nodes of the Navigation 2 system
1 nav2_loopback_sim
1 2022-08-31 nav2_map_server
Refactored map server for ROS2 Navigation
Refactored map server for ROS2 Navigation
1 nav2_minimal_tb3_sim
1 nav2_minimal_tb4_description
1 nav2_minimal_tb4_sim
1 nav2_mission_executor
1 nav2_motion_primitives
1 nav2_mppi_controller
1 2022-08-31 nav2_msgs
Messages and service files for the navigation2 stack
Messages and service files for the navigation2 stack
1 2022-08-31 nav2_navfn_planner
1 nav2_navigation
1 2022-08-31 nav2_planner
1 nav2_platform
1 2022-08-31 nav2_recoveries
1 2022-08-31 nav2_regulated_pure_pursuit_controller
Regulated Pure Pursuit Controller
Regulated Pure Pursuit Controller
1 nav2_robot
1 nav2_rotation_shim_controller
1 2022-08-31 nav2_rviz_plugins
Navigation 2 plugins for rviz
Navigation 2 plugins for rviz
1 nav2_simple_commander
1 nav2_simple_navigator
1 nav2_smac_planner
1 nav2_smoother
1 2022-08-31 nav2_system_tests
1 nav2_tasks
1 nav2_theta_star_planner
1 nav2_turtlebot3_rl
1 2022-08-31 nav2_util
1 nav2_velocity_smoother
1 2022-08-31 nav2_voxel_grid
voxel_grid provides an implementation of an efficient 3D voxel grid. The occupancy grid can support 3 different representations for the state of a cell: marked, free, or unknown. Due to the underlying implementation relying on bitwise and and or integer operations, the voxel grid only supports 16 different levels per voxel column. However, this limitation yields raytracing and cell marking performance in the grid comparable to standard 2D structures making it quite fast compared to most 3D structures.
voxel_grid provides an implementation of an efficient 3D voxel grid. The occupancy grid can support 3 different representations for the state of a cell: marked, free, or unknown. Due to the underlying implementation relying on bitwise and and or integer operations, the voxel grid only supports 16 different levels per voxel column. However, this limitation yields raytracing and cell marking performance in the grid comparable to standard 2D structures making it quite fast compared to most 3D structures.
1 2022-08-31 nav2_waypoint_follower
A waypoint follower navigation server
A waypoint follower navigation server
1 nav2_world_model
1 nav2d
1 nav2d_exploration
1 nav2d_karto
1 nav2d_localizer
1 nav2d_msgs
1 nav2d_navigator
1 nav2d_operator
1 nav2d_remote
1 nav2d_tutorials
1 nav2z_client
1 nav2z_planners_common


Name Description
1 mrp2_viz
1 mrpt1
0 mrpt2
1 2024-12-11 mrpt_apps
Mobile Robot Programming Toolkit (MRPT) applications
Mobile Robot Programming Toolkit (MRPT) applications
1 mrpt_bridge
1 mrpt_ekf_slam_2d
1 mrpt_ekf_slam_3d
1 2024-09-01 mrpt_generic_sensor
ROS node for interfacing any sensor supported by mrpt-hwdrivers
ROS node for interfacing any sensor supported by mrpt-hwdrivers
1 mrpt_graphslam_2d
1 mrpt_icp_slam_2d
1 2024-12-11 mrpt_libapps
Mobile Robot Programming Toolkit (MRPT) libraries (apps C++ libraries). This package contains: mrpt-apps lib, mrpt-graphslam
Mobile Robot Programming Toolkit (MRPT) libraries (apps C++ libraries). This package contains: mrpt-apps lib, mrpt-graphslam
1 2024-12-11 mrpt_libbase
Mobile Robot Programming Toolkit (MRPT) libraries (core C++ libraries). This package contains: mrpt-io, mrpt-serialization, mrpt-random, mrpt-system, mrpt-rtti, mrpt-containers, mrpt-typemeta, mrpt-core, mrpt-random, mrpt-config, mrpt-expr
Mobile Robot Programming Toolkit (MRPT) libraries (core C++ libraries). This package contains: mrpt-io, mrpt-serialization, mrpt-random, mrpt-system, mrpt-rtti, mrpt-containers, mrpt-typemeta, mrpt-core, mrpt-random, mrpt-config, mrpt-expr
1 2024-12-11 mrpt_libgui
Mobile Robot Programming Toolkit (MRPT) libraries (GUI C++ libraries). This package contains: mrpt-gui, nanogui
Mobile Robot Programming Toolkit (MRPT) libraries (GUI C++ libraries). This package contains: mrpt-gui, nanogui
1 2024-12-11 mrpt_libhwdrivers
Mobile Robot Programming Toolkit (MRPT) libraries (hwdrivers C++ libraries). This package contains: mrpt-hwdrivers, mrpt-comms
Mobile Robot Programming Toolkit (MRPT) libraries (hwdrivers C++ libraries). This package contains: mrpt-hwdrivers, mrpt-comms
1 2024-12-11 mrpt_libmaps
Mobile Robot Programming Toolkit (MRPT) libraries (maps C++ libraries). This package contains: mrpt-maps, mrpt-graphs
Mobile Robot Programming Toolkit (MRPT) libraries (maps C++ libraries). This package contains: mrpt-maps, mrpt-graphs
1 2024-12-11 mrpt_libmath
Mobile Robot Programming Toolkit (MRPT) libraries (math C++ libraries). This package contains: mrpt-math
Mobile Robot Programming Toolkit (MRPT) libraries (math C++ libraries). This package contains: mrpt-math
1 2024-12-11 mrpt_libnav
Mobile Robot Programming Toolkit (MRPT) libraries (nav C++ libraries). This package contains: mrpt-nav, mrpt-kinematics
Mobile Robot Programming Toolkit (MRPT) libraries (nav C++ libraries). This package contains: mrpt-nav, mrpt-kinematics
1 2024-12-11 mrpt_libobs
Mobile Robot Programming Toolkit (MRPT) libraries (obs C++ libraries). This package contains: mrpt-obs, mrpt-topography
Mobile Robot Programming Toolkit (MRPT) libraries (obs C++ libraries). This package contains: mrpt-obs, mrpt-topography
1 2024-12-11 mrpt_libopengl
Mobile Robot Programming Toolkit (MRPT) libraries (opengl/img C++ libraries). This package contains: mrpt-opengl, mrpt-img
Mobile Robot Programming Toolkit (MRPT) libraries (opengl/img C++ libraries). This package contains: mrpt-opengl, mrpt-img
1 2024-12-11 mrpt_libposes
Mobile Robot Programming Toolkit (MRPT) libraries (poses C++ libraries). This package contains: mrpt-poses, mrpt-tfest, mrpt-bayes
Mobile Robot Programming Toolkit (MRPT) libraries (poses C++ libraries). This package contains: mrpt-poses, mrpt-tfest, mrpt-bayes
1 2024-12-11 mrpt_libros_bridge
Mobile Robot Programming Toolkit (MRPT) libraries (ros2bridge C++ library). This package contains: mrpt-ros2bridge
Mobile Robot Programming Toolkit (MRPT) libraries (ros2bridge C++ library). This package contains: mrpt-ros2bridge
1 2024-12-11 mrpt_libslam
Mobile Robot Programming Toolkit (MRPT) libraries (slam/vision C++ libraries). This package contains: mrpt-slam, mrpt-vision
Mobile Robot Programming Toolkit (MRPT) libraries (slam/vision C++ libraries). This package contains: mrpt-slam, mrpt-vision
1 2024-12-11 mrpt_libtclap
Mobile Robot Programming Toolkit (MRPT) libraries (tclap C++ library). This package contains: mrpt-tclap
Mobile Robot Programming Toolkit (MRPT) libraries (tclap C++ library). This package contains: mrpt-tclap
1 mrpt_local_obstacles
1 mrpt_localization
1 mrpt_map
1 2025-01-08 mrpt_map_server
This package provides a ROS 2 node that publishes a static map for other nodes to use it. Unlike classic ROS 1 ``map_server``, this node can publish a range of different metric maps, not only occupancy grids.
This package provides a ROS 2 node that publishes a static map for other nodes to use it. Unlike classic ROS 1 ``map_server``, this node can publish a range of different metric maps, not only occupancy grids.
1 2024-10-09 mrpt_msgs
ROS messages for MRPT classes and objects
ROS messages for MRPT classes and objects
1 2025-01-08 mrpt_msgs_bridge
C++ library to convert between custom mrpt_msgs messages and native MRPT classes
C++ library to convert between custom mrpt_msgs messages and native MRPT classes
1 2025-01-08 mrpt_nav_interfaces
Message, services, and actions, for other mrpt navigation packages.
Message, services, and actions, for other mrpt navigation packages.
1 2025-01-08 mrpt_navigation
Tools related to the Mobile Robot Programming Toolkit (MRPT). Refer to https://wiki.ros.org/mrpt_navigation for further documentation.
Tools related to the Mobile Robot Programming Toolkit (MRPT). Refer to https://wiki.ros.org/mrpt_navigation for further documentation.
1 2024-10-14 mrpt_path_planning
Path planning and navigation algorithms for robots/vehicles moving on planar environments. This library builds upon mrpt-nav and the theory behind PTGs to generate libraries of "motion primitives" for vehicles with arbitrary shape and realistic kinematics and dynamics.
Path planning and navigation algorithms for robots/vehicles moving on planar environments. This library builds upon mrpt-nav and the theory behind PTGs to generate libraries of "motion primitives" for vehicles with arbitrary shape and realistic kinematics and dynamics.
1 2025-01-08 mrpt_pf_localization
Package for robot 2D self-localization using dynamic or static (MRPT or ROS) maps. The interface is similar to amcl (https://wiki.ros.org/amcl) but supports different particle-filter algorithms, several grid maps at different heights, range-only localization, etc.
Package for robot 2D self-localization using dynamic or static (MRPT or ROS) maps. The interface is similar to amcl (https://wiki.ros.org/amcl) but supports different particle-filter algorithms, several grid maps at different heights, range-only localization, etc.
1 2025-01-08 mrpt_pointcloud_pipeline
Maintains a local obstacle map from recent sensor readings, including optional point cloud pipeline filtering or processing.
Maintains a local obstacle map from recent sensor readings, including optional point cloud pipeline filtering or processing.
1 2025-01-08 mrpt_rawlog
Nodes and programs to record and play MRPT rawlogs or to transform between rosbags and rawlogs.
Nodes and programs to record and play MRPT rawlogs or to transform between rosbags and rawlogs.
1 mrpt_rbpf_slam
1 2025-01-08 mrpt_reactivenav2d
Reactive navigation for wheeled robots using MRPT navigation algorithms (TP-Space)
Reactive navigation for wheeled robots using MRPT navigation algorithms (TP-Space)
1 2024-09-01 mrpt_sensor_bumblebee_stereo
ROS node for Bumblebee Stereo Cameras using libdc1394 interface (based on mrpt-hwdrivers)
ROS node for Bumblebee Stereo Cameras using libdc1394 interface (based on mrpt-hwdrivers)
1 2024-09-01 mrpt_sensor_gnss_nmea
ROS node for GNSS receivers generating NMEA messages (based on mrpt-hwdrivers)
ROS node for GNSS receivers generating NMEA messages (based on mrpt-hwdrivers)
1 2024-09-01 mrpt_sensor_gnss_novatel
ROS node for GNSS/IMU Novatel receivers with RTK precision using an NTRIP HTTP source (based on mrpt-hwdrivers)
ROS node for GNSS/IMU Novatel receivers with RTK precision using an NTRIP HTTP source (based on mrpt-hwdrivers)
1 2024-09-01 mrpt_sensor_imu_taobotics
ROS node for Taobotics USB IMUs (based on mrpt-hwdrivers)
ROS node for Taobotics USB IMUs (based on mrpt-hwdrivers)
1 2024-09-01 mrpt_sensorlib
C++ library for the base generic MRPT sensor node
C++ library for the base generic MRPT sensor node
1 2024-09-01 mrpt_sensors
ROS nodes for various robotics sensors via mrpt-hwdrivers. Metapackage for all mrpt_sensor packages.
ROS nodes for various robotics sensors via mrpt-hwdrivers. Metapackage for all mrpt_sensor packages.
1 mrpt_sensors_examples
1 mrpt_slam
1 2025-01-08 mrpt_tps_astar_planner
ROS Path Planner with A* in TP-Space Engine
ROS Path Planner with A* in TP-Space Engine
1 2025-01-08 mrpt_tutorials
Example files used as tutorials for MRPT ROS packages
Example files used as tutorials for MRPT ROS packages
1 2024-09-20 mrt_cmake_modules
CMake Functions and Modules for automating CMake
CMake Functions and Modules for automating CMake
1 msg_conversions
1 msp
1 msvc_runtime
1 msvc_sdk_tutorials
1 mtig_driver
1 multi_interface_roam
1 multi_jackal_base
1 multi_jackal_control
1 multi_jackal_description
1 multi_jackal_nav
1 multi_jackal_tutorials
1 multi_level_map_msgs
1 multi_level_map_server
1 multi_level_map_utils
1 multi_map_server
1 multi_object_tracking_lidar
1 multi_xarm5
1 multicar_hydraulic
1 multimaster_fkie
1 multimaster_launch
1 multimaster_msgs
1 multimaster_msgs_fkie
1 multiple_topic_monitor
1 multipoint_navigation_receiver
1 2024-12-09 multires_image
1 multirobot_map_merge
2 2022-11-28 multirole_sensor_client
The multirole_sensor_client package
The multirole_sensor_client package
1 multisense
1 multisense_bringup
1 multisense_cal_check
1 multisense_description
1 multisense_lib
1 multisense_ros
1 multiwii
1 muse_bldc_motor_drive
1 muse_v2_driver
2 2024-12-24 mvsim
A lightweight multivehicle simulation framework.
A lightweight multivehicle simulation framework.
0 mx_driver
0 mx_msgs
1 my_android_package
1 myactuator_rmd
1 myahrs_driver
1 mycroft_ros
1 mynt_eye_ros_wrapper
1 myo_ros
1 nanomsg
1 nanotron_swarm
1 nao_apps
2 nao_audio
1 nao_bringup
1 2024-04-20 nao_button_sim
Allows simulating button presses through command line interface
Allows simulating button presses through command line interface
1 2024-04-20 nao_command_msgs
Package defining command msgs to be sent to NAO robot.
Package defining command msgs to be sent to NAO robot.
1 nao_control
1 nao_dcm_bringup
1 nao_description
1 nao_extras
1 nao_gazebo_plugin
2 nao_interaction
2 nao_interaction_launchers
2 nao_interaction_msgs
1 nao_jsk_teleop
1 2024-04-13 nao_lola
Packages that allow communicating with the NAO’s Lola middle-ware.
Packages that allow communicating with the NAO’s Lola middle-ware.
1 nao_lola_client
1 nao_lola_command_msgs
1 nao_lola_sensor_msgs
3 2024-04-21 nao_meshes
ROS2 Meshes for the NAO robot
ROS2 Meshes for the NAO robot
1 nao_moveit_config
0 nao_msgs
1 nao_path_follower
1 nao_robot
1 2024-04-20 nao_sensor_msgs
Package defining sensor msgs to be received from NAO robot.
Package defining sensor msgs to be received from NAO robot.
1 nao_teleop
2 nao_vision
1 naoeus
1 naoqi_apps
1 naoqi_bridge
2 2023-11-21 naoqi_bridge_msgs
The naoqi_bridge_msgs package provides custom messages for running Aldebaran's robots in ROS2.
The naoqi_bridge_msgs package provides custom messages for running Aldebaran's robots in ROS2.
2 naoqi_dashboard
1 naoqi_dcm_driver
2 2024-04-30 naoqi_driver
Driver module between Aldebaran's NAOqiOS and ROS2. It publishes all sensor and actuator data as well as basic diagnostic for battery, temperature. It subscribes also to RVIZ simple goal and cmd_vel for teleop.
Driver module between Aldebaran's NAOqiOS and ROS2. It publishes all sensor and actuator data as well as basic diagnostic for battery, temperature. It subscribes also to RVIZ simple goal and cmd_vel for teleop.
1 naoqi_driver_py
1 2023-11-21 naoqi_libqi
Aldebaran's libqi: a core library for NAOqiOS development
Aldebaran's libqi: a core library for NAOqiOS development
1 2023-11-21 naoqi_libqicore
Aldebaran's libqicore: a layer on top of libqi
Aldebaran's libqicore: a layer on top of libqi
0 naoqi_msgs
1 naoqi_navigation
1 naoqi_pose
1 naoqi_sensors_py
1 naoqi_tools
1 naoqieus
1 nasa_common_cmake
1 nasa_common_logging
1 nasa_r2_common
1 nasa_r2_simulator
1 2024-10-02 nav2_amcl
1 2024-10-02 nav2_behavior_tree
1 2024-10-02 nav2_behaviors
2 2024-10-02 nav2_bringup
Bringup scripts and configurations for the Nav2 stack
Bringup scripts and configurations for the Nav2 stack
1 2024-10-02 nav2_bt_navigator
1 2024-10-02 nav2_collision_monitor
Collision Monitor
Collision Monitor
1 2024-10-02 nav2_common
Common support functionality used throughout the navigation 2 stack
Common support functionality used throughout the navigation 2 stack
1 2024-10-02 nav2_constrained_smoother
Ceres constrained smoother
Ceres constrained smoother
1 2024-10-02 nav2_controller
Controller action interface
Controller action interface
1 2024-10-02 nav2_core
A set of headers for plugins core to the Nav2 stack
A set of headers for plugins core to the Nav2 stack
1 2024-10-02 nav2_costmap_2d
This package provides an implementation of a 2D costmap that takes in sensor data from the world, builds a 2D or 3D occupancy grid of the data (depending on whether a voxel based implementation is used), and inflates costs in a 2D costmap based on the occupancy grid and a user specified inflation radius. This package also provides support for map_server based initialization of a costmap, rolling window based costmaps, and parameter based subscription to and configuration of sensor topics.
This package provides an implementation of a 2D costmap that takes in sensor data from the world, builds a 2D or 3D occupancy grid of the data (depending on whether a voxel based implementation is used), and inflates costs in a 2D costmap based on the occupancy grid and a user specified inflation radius. This package also provides support for map_server based initialization of a costmap, rolling window based costmaps, and parameter based subscription to and configuration of sensor topics.
1 nav2_driver
1 2024-10-02 nav2_dwb_controller
ROS2 controller (DWB) metapackage
ROS2 controller (DWB) metapackage
1 nav2_dynamic_params
1 nav2_gazebo_spawner
1 nav2_graceful_controller
1 2024-10-02 nav2_lifecycle_manager
A controller/manager for the lifecycle nodes of the Navigation 2 system
A controller/manager for the lifecycle nodes of the Navigation 2 system
1 nav2_loopback_sim
1 2024-10-02 nav2_map_server
Refactored map server for ROS2 Navigation
Refactored map server for ROS2 Navigation
1 nav2_minimal_tb3_sim
1 nav2_minimal_tb4_description
1 nav2_minimal_tb4_sim
1 nav2_mission_executor
1 nav2_motion_primitives
1 2024-10-02 nav2_mppi_controller
1 2024-10-02 nav2_msgs
Messages and service files for the Nav2 stack
Messages and service files for the Nav2 stack
1 2024-10-02 nav2_navfn_planner
1 nav2_navigation
1 2024-10-02 nav2_planner
1 nav2_platform
1 nav2_recoveries
1 2024-10-02 nav2_regulated_pure_pursuit_controller
Regulated Pure Pursuit Controller
Regulated Pure Pursuit Controller
1 nav2_robot
1 2024-10-02 nav2_rotation_shim_controller
Rotation Shim Controller
Rotation Shim Controller
1 2024-10-02 nav2_rviz_plugins
Navigation 2 plugins for rviz
Navigation 2 plugins for rviz
1 2024-10-02 nav2_simple_commander
An importable library for writing mobile robot applications in python3
An importable library for writing mobile robot applications in python3
1 nav2_simple_navigator
1 2024-10-02 nav2_smac_planner
Smac global planning plugin: A*, Hybrid-A*, State Lattice
Smac global planning plugin: A*, Hybrid-A*, State Lattice
1 2024-10-02 nav2_smoother
Smoother action interface
Smoother action interface
1 2024-10-02 nav2_system_tests
1 nav2_tasks
1 2024-10-02 nav2_theta_star_planner
Theta* Global Planning Plugin
Theta* Global Planning Plugin
1 nav2_turtlebot3_rl
1 2024-10-02 nav2_util
1 2024-10-02 nav2_velocity_smoother
Nav2's Output velocity smoother
Nav2's Output velocity smoother
1 2024-10-02 nav2_voxel_grid
voxel_grid provides an implementation of an efficient 3D voxel grid. The occupancy grid can support 3 different representations for the state of a cell: marked, free, or unknown. Due to the underlying implementation relying on bitwise and and or integer operations, the voxel grid only supports 16 different levels per voxel column. However, this limitation yields raytracing and cell marking performance in the grid comparable to standard 2D structures making it quite fast compared to most 3D structures.
voxel_grid provides an implementation of an efficient 3D voxel grid. The occupancy grid can support 3 different representations for the state of a cell: marked, free, or unknown. Due to the underlying implementation relying on bitwise and and or integer operations, the voxel grid only supports 16 different levels per voxel column. However, this limitation yields raytracing and cell marking performance in the grid comparable to standard 2D structures making it quite fast compared to most 3D structures.
1 2024-10-02 nav2_waypoint_follower
A waypoint follower navigation server
A waypoint follower navigation server
1 nav2_world_model
1 nav2d
1 nav2d_exploration
1 nav2d_karto
1 nav2d_localizer
1 nav2d_msgs
1 nav2d_navigator
1 nav2d_operator
1 nav2d_remote
1 nav2d_tutorials
1 2022-11-28 nav2z_client
The nav2z_client package implements SMACC Action Client Plugin for the ROS Navigation State - move_base node. Developed by Reel Robotics.
The nav2z_client package implements SMACC Action Client Plugin for the ROS Navigation State - move_base node. Developed by Reel Robotics.
1 2022-11-28 nav2z_planners_common
The nav2z_planners_common package.
The nav2z_planners_common package.


Name Description
1 mrp2_viz
1 mrpt1
0 mrpt2
1 mrpt_apps
1 mrpt_bridge
1 2023-04-12 mrpt_ekf_slam_2d
This package is a wrapper for the implementation of EKF-based SLAM with range-bearing sensors, odometry, and a 2D (+heading) robot pose, and 2D landmarks.
This package is a wrapper for the implementation of EKF-based SLAM with range-bearing sensors, odometry, and a 2D (+heading) robot pose, and 2D landmarks.
1 2023-04-12 mrpt_ekf_slam_3d
This package is a wrapper for the implementation of EKF-based SLAM with range-bearing sensors, odometry, a full 6D robot pose, and 3D landmarks.
This package is a wrapper for the implementation of EKF-based SLAM with range-bearing sensors, odometry, a full 6D robot pose, and 3D landmarks.
1 mrpt_generic_sensor
1 2023-04-12 mrpt_graphslam_2d
Implement graphSLAM using the mrpt-graphslam library, in an online fashion by directly reading measurements off ROS Topics.
Implement graphSLAM using the mrpt-graphslam library, in an online fashion by directly reading measurements off ROS Topics.
1 2023-04-12 mrpt_icp_slam_2d
mrpt_icp_slam_2d contains a wrapper on MRPT's 2D ICP-SLAM algorithms.
mrpt_icp_slam_2d contains a wrapper on MRPT's 2D ICP-SLAM algorithms.
1 mrpt_libapps
1 mrpt_libbase
1 mrpt_libgui
1 mrpt_libhwdrivers
1 mrpt_libmaps
1 mrpt_libmath
1 mrpt_libnav
1 mrpt_libobs
1 mrpt_libopengl
1 mrpt_libposes
1 mrpt_libros_bridge
1 mrpt_libslam
1 mrpt_libtclap
1 mrpt_local_obstacles
1 mrpt_localization
1 mrpt_map
1 mrpt_map_server
1 mrpt_msgs
1 mrpt_msgs_bridge
1 mrpt_nav_interfaces
1 mrpt_navigation
1 mrpt_path_planning
1 mrpt_pf_localization
1 mrpt_pointcloud_pipeline
1 mrpt_rawlog
1 2023-04-12 mrpt_rbpf_slam
This package is used for gridmap SLAM. The interface is similar to gmapping (http://wiki.ros.org/gmapping) but the package supports different particle-filter algorithms, range-only SLAM, can work with several grid maps simultaneously and more.
This package is used for gridmap SLAM. The interface is similar to gmapping (http://wiki.ros.org/gmapping) but the package supports different particle-filter algorithms, range-only SLAM, can work with several grid maps simultaneously and more.
1 mrpt_reactivenav2d
1 mrpt_sensor_bumblebee_stereo
1 mrpt_sensor_gnss_nmea
1 mrpt_sensor_gnss_novatel
1 mrpt_sensor_imu_taobotics
1 mrpt_sensorlib
1 mrpt_sensors
1 mrpt_sensors_examples
1 2023-04-12 mrpt_slam
1 mrpt_tps_astar_planner
1 mrpt_tutorials
1 mrt_cmake_modules
1 msg_conversions
1 msp
1 msvc_runtime
1 msvc_sdk_tutorials
1 mtig_driver
1 2019-02-26 multi_interface_roam
1 multi_jackal_base
1 multi_jackal_control
1 multi_jackal_description
1 multi_jackal_nav
1 multi_jackal_tutorials
1 multi_level_map_msgs
1 multi_level_map_server
1 multi_level_map_utils
1 multi_map_server
1 2021-08-29 multi_object_tracking_lidar
ROS package for Multiple objects detection, tracking and classification from LIDAR scans/point-clouds
ROS package for Multiple objects detection, tracking and classification from LIDAR scans/point-clouds
1 multi_xarm5
1 multicar_hydraulic
1 multimaster_fkie
1 multimaster_launch
1 multimaster_msgs
1 multimaster_msgs_fkie
1 multiple_topic_monitor
1 multipoint_navigation_receiver
1 multires_image
1 2017-12-16 multirobot_map_merge
Merging multiple maps without knowledge of initial positions of robots.
Merging multiple maps without knowledge of initial positions of robots.
2 multirole_sensor_client
1 multisense
1 multisense_bringup
1 multisense_cal_check
1 multisense_description
1 multisense_lib
1 multisense_ros
1 multiwii
1 muse_bldc_motor_drive
1 muse_v2_driver
2 2024-12-27 mvsim
A lightweight multivehicle simulation framework.
A lightweight multivehicle simulation framework.
0 mx_driver
0 mx_msgs
1 my_android_package
1 myactuator_rmd
1 myahrs_driver
1 mycroft_ros
1 mynt_eye_ros_wrapper
1 myo_ros
1 nanomsg
1 nanotron_swarm
1 nao_apps
2 nao_audio
1 nao_bringup
1 nao_button_sim
1 nao_command_msgs
1 nao_control
1 nao_dcm_bringup
1 nao_description
1 nao_extras
1 nao_gazebo_plugin
2 nao_interaction
2 nao_interaction_launchers
2 nao_interaction_msgs
1 nao_jsk_teleop
1 nao_lola
1 nao_lola_client
1 nao_lola_command_msgs
1 nao_lola_sensor_msgs
3 nao_meshes
1 nao_moveit_config
0 nao_msgs
1 nao_path_follower
1 nao_robot
1 nao_sensor_msgs
1 nao_teleop
2 nao_vision
1 naoeus
1 naoqi_apps
1 naoqi_bridge
2 naoqi_bridge_msgs
2 naoqi_dashboard
1 naoqi_dcm_driver
2 naoqi_driver
1 naoqi_driver_py
1 naoqi_libqi
1 naoqi_libqicore
0 naoqi_msgs
1 naoqi_navigation
1 naoqi_pose
1 naoqi_sensors_py
1 naoqi_tools
1 naoqieus
1 nasa_common_cmake
1 nasa_common_logging
1 nasa_r2_common
1 nasa_r2_simulator
1 nav2_amcl
1 nav2_behavior_tree
1 nav2_behaviors
2 nav2_bringup
1 nav2_bt_navigator
1 nav2_collision_monitor
1 nav2_common
1 nav2_constrained_smoother
1 nav2_controller
1 nav2_core
1 nav2_costmap_2d
1 nav2_driver
1 nav2_dwb_controller
1 nav2_dynamic_params
1 nav2_gazebo_spawner
1 nav2_graceful_controller
1 nav2_lifecycle_manager
1 nav2_loopback_sim
1 nav2_map_server
1 nav2_minimal_tb3_sim
1 nav2_minimal_tb4_description
1 nav2_minimal_tb4_sim
1 nav2_mission_executor
1 nav2_motion_primitives
1 nav2_mppi_controller
1 nav2_msgs
1 nav2_navfn_planner
1 nav2_navigation
1 nav2_planner
1 nav2_platform
1 nav2_recoveries
1 nav2_regulated_pure_pursuit_controller
1 nav2_robot
1 nav2_rotation_shim_controller
1 nav2_rviz_plugins
1 nav2_simple_commander
1 nav2_simple_navigator
1 nav2_smac_planner
1 nav2_smoother
1 nav2_system_tests
1 nav2_tasks
1 nav2_theta_star_planner
1 nav2_turtlebot3_rl
1 nav2_util
1 nav2_velocity_smoother
1 nav2_voxel_grid
1 nav2_waypoint_follower
1 nav2_world_model
1 2018-09-07 nav2d
Meta-Package containing modules for 2D-Navigation
Meta-Package containing modules for 2D-Navigation
1 2018-09-07 nav2d_exploration
This package holds a collection of plugins for the RobotNavigator, that provide different cooperative exploration strategies for a team of mobile robots.
This package holds a collection of plugins for the RobotNavigator, that provide different cooperative exploration strategies for a team of mobile robots.
1 2018-09-07 nav2d_karto
Graph-based Simultaneous Localization and Mapping module. Includes OpenKarto GraphSLAM library by "SRI International".
Graph-based Simultaneous Localization and Mapping module. Includes OpenKarto GraphSLAM library by "SRI International".
1 2018-09-07 nav2d_localizer
Wrapper around Particle Filter implementation. The SelfLocalizer can be used as library or as a ros-node.
Wrapper around Particle Filter implementation. The SelfLocalizer can be used as library or as a ros-node.
1 2018-09-07 nav2d_msgs
Messages used for 2D-Navigation.
Messages used for 2D-Navigation.
1 2018-09-07 nav2d_navigator
This package provides a node for higher level navigation of a mobile robot in a planar environment. It needs a map and the robot's position within this map to create a plan for navigation. When used together with a SLAM module it can also be used to perform autonomous exploration of the robot's workspace.
This package provides a node for higher level navigation of a mobile robot in a planar environment. It needs a map and the robot's position within this map to create a plan for navigation. When used together with a SLAM module it can also be used to perform autonomous exploration of the robot's workspace.
1 2018-09-07 nav2d_operator
The operator is a lightweight, purely reactive obstacle-avoidance module for mobile robots moving in a planar environment. The operator node works by evaluating a set of predefined motion primitives based on a local costmap and a desired direction. The best evaluated motion command will be send to the mobile base.
The operator is a lightweight, purely reactive obstacle-avoidance module for mobile robots moving in a planar environment. The operator node works by evaluating a set of predefined motion primitives based on a local costmap and a desired direction. The best evaluated motion command will be send to the mobile base.
1 2018-09-07 nav2d_remote
This package is used to manually control a robot that uses the operator and navigator node from navigation_2d. Currently there is one node to control one robot with a joystick and one to control multiple robots in simulation. It can send commands directly to the operator or start and stop navigator actions.
This package is used to manually control a robot that uses the operator and navigator node from navigation_2d. Currently there is one node to control one robot with a joystick and one to control multiple robots in simulation. It can send commands directly to the operator or start and stop navigator actions.
1 2018-09-07 nav2d_tutorials
Contains a set of tutorials that run 2D-Navigation within Stage-Simulator.
Contains a set of tutorials that run 2D-Navigation within Stage-Simulator.
1 nav2z_client
1 nav2z_planners_common


Name Description
1 mrp2_viz
1 mrpt1
0 mrpt2
1 mrpt_apps
1 mrpt_bridge
1 2022-04-29 mrpt_ekf_slam_2d
This package is a wrapper for the implementation of EKF-based SLAM with range-bearing sensors, odometry, and a 2D (+heading) robot pose, and 2D landmarks.
This package is a wrapper for the implementation of EKF-based SLAM with range-bearing sensors, odometry, and a 2D (+heading) robot pose, and 2D landmarks.
1 2022-04-29 mrpt_ekf_slam_3d
This package is a wrapper for the implementation of EKF-based SLAM with range-bearing sensors, odometry, a full 6D robot pose, and 3D landmarks.
This package is a wrapper for the implementation of EKF-based SLAM with range-bearing sensors, odometry, a full 6D robot pose, and 3D landmarks.
1 mrpt_generic_sensor
1 2022-04-29 mrpt_graphslam_2d
Implement graphSLAM using the mrpt-graphslam library, in an online fashion by directly reading measurements off ROS Topics.
Implement graphSLAM using the mrpt-graphslam library, in an online fashion by directly reading measurements off ROS Topics.
1 2022-04-29 mrpt_icp_slam_2d
mrpt_icp_slam_2d contains a wrapper on MRPT's 2D ICP-SLAM algorithms.
mrpt_icp_slam_2d contains a wrapper on MRPT's 2D ICP-SLAM algorithms.
1 mrpt_libapps
1 mrpt_libbase
1 mrpt_libgui
1 mrpt_libhwdrivers
1 mrpt_libmaps
1 mrpt_libmath
1 mrpt_libnav
1 mrpt_libobs
1 mrpt_libopengl
1 mrpt_libposes
1 mrpt_libros_bridge
1 mrpt_libslam
1 mrpt_libtclap
1 mrpt_local_obstacles
1 mrpt_localization
1 mrpt_map
1 mrpt_map_server
1 mrpt_msgs
1 mrpt_msgs_bridge
1 mrpt_nav_interfaces
1 mrpt_navigation
1 mrpt_path_planning
1 mrpt_pf_localization
1 mrpt_pointcloud_pipeline
1 mrpt_rawlog
1 2022-04-29 mrpt_rbpf_slam
This package is used for gridmap SLAM. The interface is similar to gmapping (https://wiki.ros.org/gmapping) but the package supports different particle-filter algorithms, range-only SLAM, can work with several grid maps simultaneously and more.
This package is used for gridmap SLAM. The interface is similar to gmapping (https://wiki.ros.org/gmapping) but the package supports different particle-filter algorithms, range-only SLAM, can work with several grid maps simultaneously and more.
1 mrpt_reactivenav2d
1 mrpt_sensor_bumblebee_stereo
1 mrpt_sensor_gnss_nmea
1 mrpt_sensor_gnss_novatel
1 mrpt_sensor_imu_taobotics
1 mrpt_sensorlib
1 mrpt_sensors
1 mrpt_sensors_examples
1 2022-04-29 mrpt_slam
1 mrpt_tps_astar_planner
1 mrpt_tutorials
1 mrt_cmake_modules
1 msg_conversions
1 2024-12-29 msp
Implementation of the MultiWii Serial Protocol (MSP)
Implementation of the MultiWii Serial Protocol (MSP)
1 msvc_runtime
1 msvc_sdk_tutorials
1 mtig_driver
1 multi_interface_roam
1 multi_jackal_base
1 multi_jackal_control
1 multi_jackal_description
1 multi_jackal_nav
1 multi_jackal_tutorials
1 multi_level_map_msgs
1 multi_level_map_server
1 multi_level_map_utils
1 2025-01-06 multi_map_server
multi_map_server provides the
multi_map_server provides the
1 multi_object_tracking_lidar
1 multi_xarm5
1 multicar_hydraulic
1 2017-04-24 multimaster_fkie
The metapackage to combine the nodes required to establish and manage a multimaster network. This requires no or minimal configuration. The changes are automatically detected and synchronized.
The metapackage to combine the nodes required to establish and manage a multimaster network. This requires no or minimal configuration. The changes are automatically detected and synchronized.
1 multimaster_launch
1 multimaster_msgs
1 2017-04-24 multimaster_msgs_fkie
The messages required by multimaster packages.
The messages required by multimaster packages.
1 multiple_topic_monitor
1 multipoint_navigation_receiver
1 multires_image
1 2017-03-25 multirobot_map_merge
Merging multiple maps without knowledge of initial positions of robots.
Merging multiple maps without knowledge of initial positions of robots.
2 multirole_sensor_client
1 multisense
1 multisense_bringup
1 multisense_cal_check
1 multisense_description
1 multisense_lib
1 multisense_ros
1 multiwii
1 muse_bldc_motor_drive
1 muse_v2_driver
2 2024-12-27 mvsim
A lightweight multivehicle simulation framework.
A lightweight multivehicle simulation framework.
0 mx_driver
0 mx_msgs
1 my_android_package
1 myactuator_rmd
1 myahrs_driver
1 mycroft_ros
1 mynt_eye_ros_wrapper
1 myo_ros
1 nanomsg
1 nanotron_swarm
1 2018-10-31 nao_apps
Applications for NAO using the NAOqi API
Applications for NAO using the NAOqi API
2 2018-01-29 nao_audio
Package for the Nao robot, providing access to NAOqi audio proxies
Package for the Nao robot, providing access to NAOqi audio proxies
1 2018-10-31 nao_bringup
Launch files and scripts needed to bring ROS interfaces for Nao up into a running state.
Launch files and scripts needed to bring ROS interfaces for Nao up into a running state.
1 nao_button_sim
1 nao_command_msgs
1 2023-11-15 nao_control
The nao_control package
The nao_control package
1 2017-11-16 nao_dcm_bringup
Bring-up the nao_dcm driver to connect to Aldebaran's Nao robot (v4).
Bring-up the nao_dcm driver to connect to Aldebaran's Nao robot (v4).
1 2018-10-31 nao_description
Description of the Nao robot model that can be used with robot_state_publisher to display the robot's state of joint angles.
Description of the Nao robot model that can be used with robot_state_publisher to display the robot's state of joint angles.
1 2016-02-16 nao_extras
Extra tools for the Nao robot: teleoperation with a gamepad and path following. Renamed from the nao_common stack.
Extra tools for the Nao robot: teleoperation with a gamepad and path following. Renamed from the nao_common stack.
1 2023-11-15 nao_gazebo_plugin
The nao_gazebo_plugin package
The nao_gazebo_plugin package
2 2018-01-29 nao_interaction
2 2018-01-29 nao_interaction_launchers
Launchers for bringing up the nodes of nao_interaction metapackage.
Launchers for bringing up the nodes of nao_interaction metapackage.
2 2018-01-29 nao_interaction_msgs
Messages and services declarations for the nao_interaction metapackage
Messages and services declarations for the nao_interaction metapackage
1 nao_jsk_teleop
1 nao_lola
1 nao_lola_client
1 nao_lola_command_msgs
1 nao_lola_sensor_msgs
3 2022-12-03 nao_meshes
meshes for the Aldebaran Robotics NAO
meshes for the Aldebaran Robotics NAO
1 2017-01-20 nao_moveit_config
An automatically generated package with all the configuration and launch files for using the NAO robot with the MoveIt Motion Planning Framework
An automatically generated package with all the configuration and launch files for using the NAO robot with the MoveIt Motion Planning Framework
0 nao_msgs
1 2016-02-16 nao_path_follower
Enables a Nao humanoid to either walk to a target location (with localization feedback), or follow a planned 2D path closely. Sends naoqi_msgs to the nao_walker node in nao_apps.
Enables a Nao humanoid to either walk to a target location (with localization feedback), or follow a planned 2D path closely. Sends naoqi_msgs to the nao_walker node in nao_apps.
1 2018-10-31 nao_robot
1 nao_sensor_msgs
1 2016-02-16 nao_teleop
Teleoperation (gamepad or joystick) for the Nao humanoid
Teleoperation (gamepad or joystick) for the Nao humanoid
2 2018-01-29 nao_vision
Package for the Nao robot, providing access to NAOqi vision proxies
Package for the Nao robot, providing access to NAOqi vision proxies
1 naoeus
1 2018-11-16 naoqi_apps
Package bridging NAOqi to executing things on the robot.
Package bridging NAOqi to executing things on the robot.
1 2018-11-16 naoqi_bridge
Meta package to interface ROS with Aldebaran's NAOqi.
Meta package to interface ROS with Aldebaran's NAOqi.
2 2022-09-10 naoqi_bridge_msgs
The naoqi_bridge_msgs package provides custom messages for running Aldebaran's robot such as NAO and Pepper. See the packages nao_robot and pepper_robot for details.
The naoqi_bridge_msgs package provides custom messages for running Aldebaran's robot such as NAO and Pepper. See the packages nao_robot and pepper_robot for details.
2 2015-10-06 naoqi_dashboard
naoqi_dashboard is a GUI for monitoring the state of an ALdebaran robot. It is a port of pr2_dashboard and shows status information like battery status, joint temperatures, and joint stiffness, as well as integrating ROS tools like rqt_console and rqt_robot_monitor.
naoqi_dashboard is a GUI for monitoring the state of an ALdebaran robot. It is a port of pr2_dashboard and shows status information like battery status, joint temperatures, and joint stiffness, as well as integrating ROS tools like rqt_console and rqt_robot_monitor.
1 2019-07-22 naoqi_dcm_driver
Package containing the hardware interface to connect to Nao, Romeo, or Pepper robots.
Package containing the hardware interface to connect to Nao, Romeo, or Pepper robots.
2 2024-01-29 naoqi_driver
Driver module between Aldebaran's NAOqiOS and ROS. It publishes all sensor and actuator data as well as basic diagnostic for battery, temperature. It subscribes also to RVIZ simple goal and cmd_vel for teleop.
Driver module between Aldebaran's NAOqiOS and ROS. It publishes all sensor and actuator data as well as basic diagnostic for battery, temperature. It subscribes also to RVIZ simple goal and cmd_vel for teleop.
1 2018-11-16 naoqi_driver_py
1 naoqi_libqi
1 naoqi_libqicore
0 naoqi_msgs
1 2018-11-16 naoqi_navigation
The naoqi_navigation package
The naoqi_navigation package
1 2018-11-16 naoqi_pose
1 2018-11-16 naoqi_sensors_py
ROS driver for miscellaneous sensors on NAO. Python bindings for camera, sonar and octomap C++: bindings for camera only (requires NAOqi to build)
ROS driver for miscellaneous sensors on NAO. Python bindings for camera, sonar and octomap C++: bindings for camera only (requires NAOqi to build)
1 2018-11-16 naoqi_tools
Set of tools provided by Aldebaran to convert Aldebaran files (URDF, blender...)
Set of tools provided by Aldebaran to convert Aldebaran files (URDF, blender...)
1 naoqieus
1 nasa_common_cmake
1 nasa_common_logging
1 nasa_r2_common
1 nasa_r2_simulator
1 nav2_amcl
1 nav2_behavior_tree
1 nav2_behaviors
2 nav2_bringup
1 nav2_bt_navigator
1 nav2_collision_monitor
1 nav2_common
1 nav2_constrained_smoother
1 nav2_controller
1 nav2_core
1 nav2_costmap_2d
1 nav2_driver
1 nav2_dwb_controller
1 nav2_dynamic_params
1 nav2_gazebo_spawner
1 nav2_graceful_controller
1 nav2_lifecycle_manager
1 nav2_loopback_sim
1 nav2_map_server
1 nav2_minimal_tb3_sim
1 nav2_minimal_tb4_description
1 nav2_minimal_tb4_sim
1 nav2_mission_executor
1 nav2_motion_primitives
1 nav2_mppi_controller
1 nav2_msgs
1 nav2_navfn_planner
1 nav2_navigation
1 nav2_planner
1 nav2_platform
1 nav2_recoveries
1 nav2_regulated_pure_pursuit_controller
1 nav2_robot
1 nav2_rotation_shim_controller
1 nav2_rviz_plugins
1 nav2_simple_commander
1 nav2_simple_navigator
1 nav2_smac_planner
1 nav2_smoother
1 nav2_system_tests
1 nav2_tasks
1 nav2_theta_star_planner
1 nav2_turtlebot3_rl
1 nav2_util
1 nav2_velocity_smoother
1 nav2_voxel_grid
1 nav2_waypoint_follower
1 nav2_world_model
1 2017-03-28 nav2d
Meta-Package containing modules for 2D-Navigation
Meta-Package containing modules for 2D-Navigation
1 2017-03-28 nav2d_exploration
This package holds a collection of plugins for the RobotNavigator, that provide different cooperative exploration strategies for a team of mobile robots.
This package holds a collection of plugins for the RobotNavigator, that provide different cooperative exploration strategies for a team of mobile robots.
1 2017-03-28 nav2d_karto
Graph-based Simultaneous Localization and Mapping module. Includes OpenKarto GraphSLAM library by "SRI International".
Graph-based Simultaneous Localization and Mapping module. Includes OpenKarto GraphSLAM library by "SRI International".
1 2017-03-28 nav2d_localizer
Wrapper around Particle Filter implementation. The SelfLocalizer can be used as library or as a ros-node.
Wrapper around Particle Filter implementation. The SelfLocalizer can be used as library or as a ros-node.
1 2017-03-28 nav2d_msgs
Messages used for 2D-Navigation.
Messages used for 2D-Navigation.
1 2017-03-28 nav2d_navigator
This package provides a node for higher level navigation of a mobile robot in a planar environment. It needs a map and the robot's position within this map to create a plan for navigation. When used together with a SLAM module it can also be used to perform autonomous exploration of the robot's workspace.
This package provides a node for higher level navigation of a mobile robot in a planar environment. It needs a map and the robot's position within this map to create a plan for navigation. When used together with a SLAM module it can also be used to perform autonomous exploration of the robot's workspace.
1 2017-03-28 nav2d_operator
The operator is a lightweight, purely reactive obstacle-avoidance module for mobile robots moving in a planar environment. The operator node works by evaluating a set of predefined motion primitives based on a local costmap and a desired direction. The best evaluated motion command will be send to the mobile base.
The operator is a lightweight, purely reactive obstacle-avoidance module for mobile robots moving in a planar environment. The operator node works by evaluating a set of predefined motion primitives based on a local costmap and a desired direction. The best evaluated motion command will be send to the mobile base.
1 2017-03-28 nav2d_remote
This package is used to manually control a robot that uses the operator and navigator node from navigation_2d. Currently there is one node to control one robot with a joystick and one to control multiple robots in simulation. It can send commands directly to the operator or start and stop navigator actions.
This package is used to manually control a robot that uses the operator and navigator node from navigation_2d. Currently there is one node to control one robot with a joystick and one to control multiple robots in simulation. It can send commands directly to the operator or start and stop navigator actions.
1 2017-03-28 nav2d_tutorials
Contains a set of tutorials that run 2D-Navigation within Stage-Simulator.
Contains a set of tutorials that run 2D-Navigation within Stage-Simulator.
1 nav2z_client
1 nav2z_planners_common


Name Description
1 2016-03-10 mrp2_viz
RViz configurations and launch files for visualization.
RViz configurations and launch files for visualization.
1 mrpt1
0 mrpt2
1 mrpt_apps
1 mrpt_bridge
1 2022-04-29 mrpt_ekf_slam_2d
This package is a wrapper for the implementation of EKF-based SLAM with range-bearing sensors, odometry, and a 2D (+heading) robot pose, and 2D landmarks.
This package is a wrapper for the implementation of EKF-based SLAM with range-bearing sensors, odometry, and a 2D (+heading) robot pose, and 2D landmarks.
1 2022-04-29 mrpt_ekf_slam_3d
This package is a wrapper for the implementation of EKF-based SLAM with range-bearing sensors, odometry, a full 6D robot pose, and 3D landmarks.
This package is a wrapper for the implementation of EKF-based SLAM with range-bearing sensors, odometry, a full 6D robot pose, and 3D landmarks.
1 mrpt_generic_sensor
1 2022-04-29 mrpt_graphslam_2d
Implement graphSLAM using the mrpt-graphslam library, in an online fashion by directly reading measurements off ROS Topics.
Implement graphSLAM using the mrpt-graphslam library, in an online fashion by directly reading measurements off ROS Topics.
1 2022-04-29 mrpt_icp_slam_2d
mrpt_icp_slam_2d contains a wrapper on MRPT's 2D ICP-SLAM algorithms.
mrpt_icp_slam_2d contains a wrapper on MRPT's 2D ICP-SLAM algorithms.
1 mrpt_libapps
1 mrpt_libbase
1 mrpt_libgui
1 mrpt_libhwdrivers
1 mrpt_libmaps
1 mrpt_libmath
1 mrpt_libnav
1 mrpt_libobs
1 mrpt_libopengl
1 mrpt_libposes
1 mrpt_libros_bridge
1 mrpt_libslam
1 mrpt_libtclap
1 mrpt_local_obstacles
1 mrpt_localization
1 mrpt_map
1 mrpt_map_server
1 mrpt_msgs
1 mrpt_msgs_bridge
1 mrpt_nav_interfaces
1 mrpt_navigation
1 mrpt_path_planning
1 mrpt_pf_localization
1 mrpt_pointcloud_pipeline
1 mrpt_rawlog
1 2022-04-29 mrpt_rbpf_slam
This package is used for gridmap SLAM. The interface is similar to gmapping (https://wiki.ros.org/gmapping) but the package supports different particle-filter algorithms, range-only SLAM, can work with several grid maps simultaneously and more.
This package is used for gridmap SLAM. The interface is similar to gmapping (https://wiki.ros.org/gmapping) but the package supports different particle-filter algorithms, range-only SLAM, can work with several grid maps simultaneously and more.
1 mrpt_reactivenav2d
1 mrpt_sensor_bumblebee_stereo
1 mrpt_sensor_gnss_nmea
1 mrpt_sensor_gnss_novatel
1 mrpt_sensor_imu_taobotics
1 mrpt_sensorlib
1 mrpt_sensors
1 mrpt_sensors_examples
1 2022-04-29 mrpt_slam
1 mrpt_tps_astar_planner
1 mrpt_tutorials
1 mrt_cmake_modules
1 msg_conversions
1 2024-12-29 msp
Implementation of the MultiWii Serial Protocol (MSP)
Implementation of the MultiWii Serial Protocol (MSP)
1 msvc_runtime
1 msvc_sdk_tutorials
1 2017-12-27 mtig_driver
ROS driver for Xsens MTI-G-700 series motion trackers - modified to publish GPS messages
ROS driver for Xsens MTI-G-700 series motion trackers - modified to publish GPS messages
1 2019-02-26 multi_interface_roam
1 multi_jackal_base
1 multi_jackal_control
1 multi_jackal_description
1 multi_jackal_nav
1 multi_jackal_tutorials
1 2018-03-01 multi_level_map_msgs
Messages used by the multi floor map server and navigation code.
Messages used by the multi floor map server and navigation code.
1 2018-03-01 multi_level_map_server
Launches a map server for various floors inside a building.
Launches a map server for various floors inside a building.
1 2018-03-01 multi_level_map_utils
Contains utilities like a level multiplexer, a level selector and other utility functions.
Contains utilities like a level multiplexer, a level selector and other utility functions.
1 2025-01-06 multi_map_server
multi_map_server provides the
multi_map_server provides the
1 2021-08-29 multi_object_tracking_lidar
ROS package for Multiple objects detection, tracking and classification from LIDAR scans/point-clouds
ROS package for Multiple objects detection, tracking and classification from LIDAR scans/point-clouds
1 multi_xarm5
1 2015-10-13 multicar_hydraulic
Translate Commands into can messages for the multicar hydraulic
Translate Commands into can messages for the multicar hydraulic
1 2019-04-30 multimaster_fkie
The metapackage to combine the nodes required to establish and manage a multimaster network. This requires no or minimal configuration. The changes are automatically detected and synchronized.
The metapackage to combine the nodes required to establish and manage a multimaster network. This requires no or minimal configuration. The changes are automatically detected and synchronized.
1 multimaster_launch
1 multimaster_msgs
1 2019-04-30 multimaster_msgs_fkie
The messages required by multimaster packages.
The messages required by multimaster packages.
1 multiple_topic_monitor
1 multipoint_navigation_receiver
1 multires_image
1 multirobot_map_merge
2 multirole_sensor_client
1 multisense
1 multisense_bringup
1 multisense_cal_check
1 multisense_description
1 multisense_lib
1 multisense_ros
1 multiwii
1 2017-08-25 muse_bldc_motor_drive
The muse_bldc_motor_drive package
The muse_bldc_motor_drive package
1 muse_v2_driver
2 2024-12-27 mvsim
A lightweight multivehicle simulation framework.
A lightweight multivehicle simulation framework.
0 mx_driver
0 mx_msgs
1 2018-11-01 my_android_package
android_tutorial_pubsub sample package, will be removed
android_tutorial_pubsub sample package, will be removed
1 myactuator_rmd
1 2018-11-26 myahrs_driver
myahrs_driver is a driver package for the WITHROBOT's myAHRS+. The myAHRS+ is a low cost high performance AHRS(Attitude Heading Reference System) with USB/UART/I2C interface. The myAHRS+ board contains a 3-axis 16-bit gyroscope, a 3-axis 16-bit accelerometer and a 3-axis 13-bit magnetometer. The driver should also work with USB port.
myahrs_driver is a driver package for the WITHROBOT's myAHRS+. The myAHRS+ is a low cost high performance AHRS(Attitude Heading Reference System) with USB/UART/I2C interface. The myAHRS+ board contains a 3-axis 16-bit gyroscope, a 3-axis 16-bit accelerometer and a 3-axis 13-bit magnetometer. The driver should also work with USB port.
1 mycroft_ros
1 mynt_eye_ros_wrapper
1 2015-01-07 myo_ros
The myo_ros package
The myo_ros package
1 2015-10-09 nanomsg
The nanomsg package
The nanomsg package
1 2015-11-22 nanotron_swarm
Driver for Nanotron radio ranging sensors which uses the Swarm API firmware. This driver will publish range measurements between the host node and other nodes available in the wireless sensor network.
Driver for Nanotron radio ranging sensors which uses the Swarm API firmware. This driver will publish range measurements between the host node and other nodes available in the wireless sensor network.
1 2018-10-31 nao_apps
Applications for NAO using the NAOqi API
Applications for NAO using the NAOqi API
2 2018-01-29 nao_audio
Package for the Nao robot, providing access to NAOqi audio proxies
Package for the Nao robot, providing access to NAOqi audio proxies
1 2018-10-31 nao_bringup
Launch files and scripts needed to bring ROS interfaces for Nao up into a running state.
Launch files and scripts needed to bring ROS interfaces for Nao up into a running state.
1 nao_button_sim
1 nao_command_msgs
1 2023-11-15 nao_control
The nao_control package
The nao_control package
1 2017-11-16 nao_dcm_bringup
Bring-up the nao_dcm driver to connect to Aldebaran's Nao robot (v4).
Bring-up the nao_dcm driver to connect to Aldebaran's Nao robot (v4).
1 2018-10-31 nao_description
Description of the Nao robot model that can be used with robot_state_publisher to display the robot's state of joint angles.
Description of the Nao robot model that can be used with robot_state_publisher to display the robot's state of joint angles.
1 2016-02-16 nao_extras
Extra tools for the Nao robot: teleoperation with a gamepad and path following. Renamed from the nao_common stack.
Extra tools for the Nao robot: teleoperation with a gamepad and path following. Renamed from the nao_common stack.
1 2023-11-15 nao_gazebo_plugin
The nao_gazebo_plugin package
The nao_gazebo_plugin package
2 2018-01-29 nao_interaction
2 2018-01-29 nao_interaction_launchers
Launchers for bringing up the nodes of nao_interaction metapackage.
Launchers for bringing up the nodes of nao_interaction metapackage.
2 2018-01-29 nao_interaction_msgs
Messages and services declarations for the nao_interaction metapackage
Messages and services declarations for the nao_interaction metapackage
1 2024-05-01 nao_jsk_teleop
1 nao_lola
1 nao_lola_client
1 nao_lola_command_msgs
1 nao_lola_sensor_msgs
3 2022-12-03 nao_meshes
meshes for the Aldebaran Robotics NAO
meshes for the Aldebaran Robotics NAO
1 2017-01-20 nao_moveit_config
An automatically generated package with all the configuration and launch files for using the NAO robot with the MoveIt Motion Planning Framework
An automatically generated package with all the configuration and launch files for using the NAO robot with the MoveIt Motion Planning Framework
0 nao_msgs
1 2016-02-16 nao_path_follower
Enables a Nao humanoid to either walk to a target location (with localization feedback), or follow a planned 2D path closely. Sends naoqi_msgs to the nao_walker node in nao_apps.
Enables a Nao humanoid to either walk to a target location (with localization feedback), or follow a planned 2D path closely. Sends naoqi_msgs to the nao_walker node in nao_apps.
1 2018-10-31 nao_robot
1 nao_sensor_msgs
1 2016-02-16 nao_teleop
Teleoperation (gamepad or joystick) for the Nao humanoid
Teleoperation (gamepad or joystick) for the Nao humanoid
2 2018-01-29 nao_vision
Package for the Nao robot, providing access to NAOqi vision proxies
Package for the Nao robot, providing access to NAOqi vision proxies
1 2024-05-01 naoeus
The naoeus package
The naoeus package
1 2018-11-16 naoqi_apps
Package bridging NAOqi to executing things on the robot.
Package bridging NAOqi to executing things on the robot.
1 2018-11-16 naoqi_bridge
Meta package to interface ROS with Aldebaran's NAOqi.
Meta package to interface ROS with Aldebaran's NAOqi.
2 2022-09-10 naoqi_bridge_msgs
The naoqi_bridge_msgs package provides custom messages for running Aldebaran's robot such as NAO and Pepper. See the packages nao_robot and pepper_robot for details.
The naoqi_bridge_msgs package provides custom messages for running Aldebaran's robot such as NAO and Pepper. See the packages nao_robot and pepper_robot for details.
2 2015-10-06 naoqi_dashboard
naoqi_dashboard is a GUI for monitoring the state of an ALdebaran robot. It is a port of pr2_dashboard and shows status information like battery status, joint temperatures, and joint stiffness, as well as integrating ROS tools like rqt_console and rqt_robot_monitor.
naoqi_dashboard is a GUI for monitoring the state of an ALdebaran robot. It is a port of pr2_dashboard and shows status information like battery status, joint temperatures, and joint stiffness, as well as integrating ROS tools like rqt_console and rqt_robot_monitor.
1 2019-07-22 naoqi_dcm_driver
Package containing the hardware interface to connect to Nao, Romeo, or Pepper robots.
Package containing the hardware interface to connect to Nao, Romeo, or Pepper robots.
2 2024-01-29 naoqi_driver
Driver module between Aldebaran's NAOqiOS and ROS. It publishes all sensor and actuator data as well as basic diagnostic for battery, temperature. It subscribes also to RVIZ simple goal and cmd_vel for teleop.
Driver module between Aldebaran's NAOqiOS and ROS. It publishes all sensor and actuator data as well as basic diagnostic for battery, temperature. It subscribes also to RVIZ simple goal and cmd_vel for teleop.
1 2018-11-16 naoqi_driver_py
1 naoqi_libqi
1 naoqi_libqicore
0 naoqi_msgs
1 2018-11-16 naoqi_navigation
The naoqi_navigation package
The naoqi_navigation package
1 2018-11-16 naoqi_pose
1 2018-11-16 naoqi_sensors_py
ROS driver for miscellaneous sensors on NAO. Python bindings for camera, sonar and octomap C++: bindings for camera only (requires NAOqi to build)
ROS driver for miscellaneous sensors on NAO. Python bindings for camera, sonar and octomap C++: bindings for camera only (requires NAOqi to build)
1 2018-11-16 naoqi_tools
Set of tools provided by Aldebaran to convert Aldebaran files (URDF, blender...)
Set of tools provided by Aldebaran to convert Aldebaran files (URDF, blender...)
1 2024-05-01 naoqieus
The naoqieus package
The naoqieus package
1 2020-10-06 nasa_common_cmake
The nasa_common_cmake package
The nasa_common_cmake package
1 2021-02-19 nasa_common_logging
nasa_common_logging package
nasa_common_logging package
1 nasa_r2_common
1 nasa_r2_simulator
1 nav2_amcl
1 nav2_behavior_tree
1 nav2_behaviors
2 2014-09-13 nav2_bringup
ROS launch files for Nav2 Robot Platform bringup
ROS launch files for Nav2 Robot Platform bringup
1 nav2_bt_navigator
1 nav2_collision_monitor
1 nav2_common
1 nav2_constrained_smoother
1 nav2_controller
1 nav2_core
1 nav2_costmap_2d
1 2014-09-13 nav2_driver
ROS driver node for the Nav2 base
ROS driver node for the Nav2 base
1 nav2_dwb_controller
1 nav2_dynamic_params
1 nav2_gazebo_spawner
1 nav2_graceful_controller
1 nav2_lifecycle_manager
1 nav2_loopback_sim
1 nav2_map_server
1 nav2_minimal_tb3_sim
1 nav2_minimal_tb4_description
1 nav2_minimal_tb4_sim
1 nav2_mission_executor
1 nav2_motion_primitives
1 nav2_mppi_controller
1 nav2_msgs
1 nav2_navfn_planner
1 2014-09-13 nav2_navigation
ROS navigation config and launch files for Nav2 Robot Platform
ROS navigation config and launch files for Nav2 Robot Platform
1 nav2_planner
1 2014-09-13 nav2_platform
ROS stack containing all nodes, config, and launch files for Nav2 mobile robotics platform.
ROS stack containing all nodes, config, and launch files for Nav2 mobile robotics platform.
1 nav2_recoveries
1 nav2_regulated_pure_pursuit_controller
1 nav2_robot
1 nav2_rotation_shim_controller
1 nav2_rviz_plugins
1 nav2_simple_commander
1 nav2_simple_navigator
1 nav2_smac_planner
1 nav2_smoother
1 nav2_system_tests
1 nav2_tasks
1 nav2_theta_star_planner
1 nav2_turtlebot3_rl
1 nav2_util
1 nav2_velocity_smoother
1 nav2_voxel_grid
1 nav2_waypoint_follower
1 nav2_world_model
1 2017-03-28 nav2d
Meta-Package containing modules for 2D-Navigation
Meta-Package containing modules for 2D-Navigation
1 2017-03-28 nav2d_exploration
This package holds a collection of plugins for the RobotNavigator, that provide different cooperative exploration strategies for a team of mobile robots.
This package holds a collection of plugins for the RobotNavigator, that provide different cooperative exploration strategies for a team of mobile robots.
1 2017-03-28 nav2d_karto
Graph-based Simultaneous Localization and Mapping module. Includes OpenKarto GraphSLAM library by "SRI International".
Graph-based Simultaneous Localization and Mapping module. Includes OpenKarto GraphSLAM library by "SRI International".
1 2017-03-28 nav2d_localizer
Wrapper around Particle Filter implementation. The SelfLocalizer can be used as library or as a ros-node.
Wrapper around Particle Filter implementation. The SelfLocalizer can be used as library or as a ros-node.
1 2017-03-28 nav2d_msgs
Messages used for 2D-Navigation.
Messages used for 2D-Navigation.
1 2017-03-28 nav2d_navigator
This package provides a node for higher level navigation of a mobile robot in a planar environment. It needs a map and the robot's position within this map to create a plan for navigation. When used together with a SLAM module it can also be used to perform autonomous exploration of the robot's workspace.
This package provides a node for higher level navigation of a mobile robot in a planar environment. It needs a map and the robot's position within this map to create a plan for navigation. When used together with a SLAM module it can also be used to perform autonomous exploration of the robot's workspace.
1 2017-03-28 nav2d_operator
The operator is a lightweight, purely reactive obstacle-avoidance module for mobile robots moving in a planar environment. The operator node works by evaluating a set of predefined motion primitives based on a local costmap and a desired direction. The best evaluated motion command will be send to the mobile base.
The operator is a lightweight, purely reactive obstacle-avoidance module for mobile robots moving in a planar environment. The operator node works by evaluating a set of predefined motion primitives based on a local costmap and a desired direction. The best evaluated motion command will be send to the mobile base.
1 2017-03-28 nav2d_remote
This package is used to manually control a robot that uses the operator and navigator node from navigation_2d. Currently there is one node to control one robot with a joystick and one to control multiple robots in simulation. It can send commands directly to the operator or start and stop navigator actions.
This package is used to manually control a robot that uses the operator and navigator node from navigation_2d. Currently there is one node to control one robot with a joystick and one to control multiple robots in simulation. It can send commands directly to the operator or start and stop navigator actions.
1 2017-03-28 nav2d_tutorials
Contains a set of tutorials that run 2D-Navigation within Stage-Simulator.
Contains a set of tutorials that run 2D-Navigation within Stage-Simulator.
1 nav2z_client
1 nav2z_planners_common


Name Description
1 mrp2_viz
1 mrpt1
0 mrpt2
1 mrpt_apps
1 mrpt_bridge
1 mrpt_ekf_slam_2d
1 mrpt_ekf_slam_3d
1 mrpt_generic_sensor
1 mrpt_graphslam_2d
1 mrpt_icp_slam_2d
1 mrpt_libapps
1 mrpt_libbase
1 mrpt_libgui
1 mrpt_libhwdrivers
1 mrpt_libmaps
1 mrpt_libmath
1 mrpt_libnav
1 mrpt_libobs
1 mrpt_libopengl
1 mrpt_libposes
1 mrpt_libros_bridge
1 mrpt_libslam
1 mrpt_libtclap
1 mrpt_local_obstacles
1 mrpt_localization
1 mrpt_map
1 mrpt_map_server
1 mrpt_msgs
1 mrpt_msgs_bridge
1 mrpt_nav_interfaces
1 mrpt_navigation
1 mrpt_path_planning
1 mrpt_pf_localization
1 mrpt_pointcloud_pipeline
1 mrpt_rawlog
1 mrpt_rbpf_slam
1 mrpt_reactivenav2d
1 mrpt_sensor_bumblebee_stereo
1 mrpt_sensor_gnss_nmea
1 mrpt_sensor_gnss_novatel
1 mrpt_sensor_imu_taobotics
1 mrpt_sensorlib
1 mrpt_sensors
1 mrpt_sensors_examples
1 mrpt_slam
1 mrpt_tps_astar_planner
1 mrpt_tutorials
1 mrt_cmake_modules
1 msg_conversions
1 msp
1 2016-06-19 msvc_runtime
Windows python scripts aren't recognised as executables, so alot of the ros build logic will fail when trying to call python scripts because they utilise the bash logic at the top of the script. This remedies the problem by creating a batch script for each that calls the relevant python script. It also provides various other scripts, utilities, launchers and dependency targets for setting up the runtime.
Windows python scripts aren't recognised as executables, so alot of the ros build logic will fail when trying to call python scripts because they utilise the bash logic at the top of the script. This remedies the problem by creating a batch script for each that calls the relevant python script. It also provides various other scripts, utilities, launchers and dependency targets for setting up the runtime.
1 2016-06-19 msvc_sdk_tutorials
Includes a few tutorials to introduce the workflow with the win-ros msvc sdk and visual studio/express.
Includes a few tutorials to introduce the workflow with the win-ros msvc sdk and visual studio/express.
1 mtig_driver
1 2019-02-26 multi_interface_roam
1 multi_jackal_base
1 multi_jackal_control
1 multi_jackal_description
1 multi_jackal_nav
1 multi_jackal_tutorials
1 multi_level_map_msgs
1 multi_level_map_server
1 multi_level_map_utils
1 2025-01-06 multi_map_server
multi_map_server provides the
multi_map_server provides the
1 multi_object_tracking_lidar
1 multi_xarm5
1 multicar_hydraulic
1 2015-04-28 multimaster_fkie
The metapackage to combine the nodes required to establish and manage a multimaster network. This requires no or minimal configuration. The changes are automatically detected and synchronized.
The metapackage to combine the nodes required to establish and manage a multimaster network. This requires no or minimal configuration. The changes are automatically detected and synchronized.
1 multimaster_launch
1 multimaster_msgs
1 2015-04-28 multimaster_msgs_fkie
The messages required by multimaster packages.
The messages required by multimaster packages.
1 multiple_topic_monitor
1 multipoint_navigation_receiver
1 multires_image
1 multirobot_map_merge
2 multirole_sensor_client
1 multisense
1 multisense_bringup
1 multisense_cal_check
1 multisense_description
1 multisense_lib
1 multisense_ros
1 multiwii
1 muse_bldc_motor_drive
1 muse_v2_driver
2 mvsim
0 mx_driver
0 mx_msgs
1 my_android_package
1 myactuator_rmd
1 myahrs_driver
1 mycroft_ros
1 mynt_eye_ros_wrapper
1 myo_ros
1 nanomsg
1 nanotron_swarm
1 2018-10-31 nao_apps
Applications for NAO using the NAOqi API
Applications for NAO using the NAOqi API
2 2018-01-29 nao_audio
Package for the Nao robot, providing access to NAOqi audio proxies
Package for the Nao robot, providing access to NAOqi audio proxies
1 2018-10-31 nao_bringup
Launch files and scripts needed to bring ROS interfaces for Nao up into a running state.
Launch files and scripts needed to bring ROS interfaces for Nao up into a running state.
1 nao_button_sim
1 nao_command_msgs
1 2023-11-15 nao_control
The nao_control package
The nao_control package
1 nao_dcm_bringup
1 2018-10-31 nao_description
Description of the Nao robot model that can be used with robot_state_publisher to display the robot's state of joint angles.
Description of the Nao robot model that can be used with robot_state_publisher to display the robot's state of joint angles.
1 2016-02-16 nao_extras
Extra tools for the Nao robot: teleoperation with a gamepad and path following. Renamed from the nao_common stack.
Extra tools for the Nao robot: teleoperation with a gamepad and path following. Renamed from the nao_common stack.
1 2023-11-15 nao_gazebo_plugin
The nao_gazebo_plugin package
The nao_gazebo_plugin package
2 2018-01-29 nao_interaction
2 2018-01-29 nao_interaction_launchers
Launchers for bringing up the nodes of nao_interaction metapackage.
Launchers for bringing up the nodes of nao_interaction metapackage.
2 2018-01-29 nao_interaction_msgs
Messages and services declarations for the nao_interaction metapackage
Messages and services declarations for the nao_interaction metapackage
1 2024-05-01 nao_jsk_teleop
1 nao_lola
1 nao_lola_client
1 nao_lola_command_msgs
1 nao_lola_sensor_msgs
3 2022-12-03 nao_meshes
meshes for the Aldebaran Robotics NAO
meshes for the Aldebaran Robotics NAO
1 2017-01-20 nao_moveit_config
An automatically generated package with all the configuration and launch files for using the NAO robot with the MoveIt Motion Planning Framework
An automatically generated package with all the configuration and launch files for using the NAO robot with the MoveIt Motion Planning Framework
0 nao_msgs
1 2016-02-16 nao_path_follower
Enables a Nao humanoid to either walk to a target location (with localization feedback), or follow a planned 2D path closely. Sends naoqi_msgs to the nao_walker node in nao_apps.
Enables a Nao humanoid to either walk to a target location (with localization feedback), or follow a planned 2D path closely. Sends naoqi_msgs to the nao_walker node in nao_apps.
1 2018-10-31 nao_robot
1 nao_sensor_msgs
1 2016-02-16 nao_teleop
Teleoperation (gamepad or joystick) for the Nao humanoid
Teleoperation (gamepad or joystick) for the Nao humanoid
2 2018-01-29 nao_vision
Package for the Nao robot, providing access to NAOqi vision proxies
Package for the Nao robot, providing access to NAOqi vision proxies
1 2024-05-01 naoeus
The naoeus package
The naoeus package
1 2018-11-16 naoqi_apps
Package bridging NAOqi to executing things on the robot.
Package bridging NAOqi to executing things on the robot.
1 2018-11-16 naoqi_bridge
Meta package to interface ROS with Aldebaran's NAOqi.
Meta package to interface ROS with Aldebaran's NAOqi.
2 naoqi_bridge_msgs
2 2015-10-06 naoqi_dashboard
naoqi_dashboard is a GUI for monitoring the state of an ALdebaran robot. It is a port of pr2_dashboard and shows status information like battery status, joint temperatures, and joint stiffness, as well as integrating ROS tools like rqt_console and rqt_robot_monitor.
naoqi_dashboard is a GUI for monitoring the state of an ALdebaran robot. It is a port of pr2_dashboard and shows status information like battery status, joint temperatures, and joint stiffness, as well as integrating ROS tools like rqt_console and rqt_robot_monitor.
1 naoqi_dcm_driver
2 naoqi_driver
1 2018-11-16 naoqi_driver_py
1 naoqi_libqi
1 naoqi_libqicore
0 naoqi_msgs
1 2018-11-16 naoqi_navigation
The naoqi_navigation package
The naoqi_navigation package
1 2018-11-16 naoqi_pose
1 2018-11-16 naoqi_sensors_py
ROS driver for miscellaneous sensors on NAO. Python bindings for camera, sonar and octomap C++: bindings for camera only (requires NAOqi to build)
ROS driver for miscellaneous sensors on NAO. Python bindings for camera, sonar and octomap C++: bindings for camera only (requires NAOqi to build)
1 2018-11-16 naoqi_tools
Set of tools provided by Aldebaran to convert Aldebaran files (URDF, blender...)
Set of tools provided by Aldebaran to convert Aldebaran files (URDF, blender...)
1 2024-05-01 naoqieus
The naoqieus package
The naoqieus package
1 nasa_common_cmake
1 nasa_common_logging
1 2014-08-06 nasa_r2_common
Core components of ROS/Robonaut2
Core components of ROS/Robonaut2
1 2014-08-12 nasa_r2_simulator
Metapackage for simulating Robonaut2
Metapackage for simulating Robonaut2
1 nav2_amcl
1 nav2_behavior_tree
1 nav2_behaviors
2 2014-09-13 nav2_bringup
ROS launch files for Nav2 Robot Platform bringup
ROS launch files for Nav2 Robot Platform bringup
1 nav2_bt_navigator
1 nav2_collision_monitor
1 nav2_common
1 nav2_constrained_smoother
1 nav2_controller
1 nav2_core
1 nav2_costmap_2d
1 2014-09-13 nav2_driver
ROS driver node for the Nav2 base
ROS driver node for the Nav2 base
1 nav2_dwb_controller
1 nav2_dynamic_params
1 nav2_gazebo_spawner
1 nav2_graceful_controller
1 nav2_lifecycle_manager
1 nav2_loopback_sim
1 nav2_map_server
1 nav2_minimal_tb3_sim
1 nav2_minimal_tb4_description
1 nav2_minimal_tb4_sim
1 nav2_mission_executor
1 nav2_motion_primitives
1 nav2_mppi_controller
1 nav2_msgs
1 nav2_navfn_planner
1 2014-09-13 nav2_navigation
ROS navigation config and launch files for Nav2 Robot Platform
ROS navigation config and launch files for Nav2 Robot Platform
1 nav2_planner
1 2014-09-13 nav2_platform
ROS stack containing all nodes, config, and launch files for Nav2 mobile robotics platform.
ROS stack containing all nodes, config, and launch files for Nav2 mobile robotics platform.
1 nav2_recoveries
1 nav2_regulated_pure_pursuit_controller
1 nav2_robot
1 nav2_rotation_shim_controller
1 nav2_rviz_plugins
1 nav2_simple_commander
1 nav2_simple_navigator
1 nav2_smac_planner
1 nav2_smoother
1 nav2_system_tests
1 nav2_tasks
1 nav2_theta_star_planner
1 nav2_turtlebot3_rl
1 nav2_util
1 nav2_velocity_smoother
1 nav2_voxel_grid
1 nav2_waypoint_follower
1 nav2_world_model
1 2014-09-10 nav2d
Meta-Package containing modules for 2D-Navigation
Meta-Package containing modules for 2D-Navigation
1 2014-09-10 nav2d_exploration
This package holds a collection of plugins for the RobotNavigator, that provide different cooperative exploration strategies for a team of mobile robots.
This package holds a collection of plugins for the RobotNavigator, that provide different cooperative exploration strategies for a team of mobile robots.
1 2014-09-10 nav2d_karto
Graph-based Simultaneous Localization and Mapping module. Includes OpenKarto GraphSLAM library by "SRI International".
Graph-based Simultaneous Localization and Mapping module. Includes OpenKarto GraphSLAM library by "SRI International".
1 2014-09-10 nav2d_localizer
Wrapper around Particle Filter implementation. The SelfLocalizer can be used as library or as a ros-node.
Wrapper around Particle Filter implementation. The SelfLocalizer can be used as library or as a ros-node.
1 2014-09-10 nav2d_msgs
Messages used for 2D-Navigation.
Messages used for 2D-Navigation.
1 2014-09-10 nav2d_navigator
This package provides a node for higher level navigation of a mobile robot in a planar environment. It needs a map and the robot's position within this map to create a plan for navigation. When used together with a SLAM module it can also be used to perform autonomous exploration of the robot's workspace.
This package provides a node for higher level navigation of a mobile robot in a planar environment. It needs a map and the robot's position within this map to create a plan for navigation. When used together with a SLAM module it can also be used to perform autonomous exploration of the robot's workspace.
1 2014-09-10 nav2d_operator
The operator is a lightweight, purely reactive obstacle-avoidance module for mobile robots moving in a planar environment. The operator node works by evaluating a set of predefined motion primitives based on a local costmap and a desired direction. The best evaluated motion command will be send to the mobile base.
The operator is a lightweight, purely reactive obstacle-avoidance module for mobile robots moving in a planar environment. The operator node works by evaluating a set of predefined motion primitives based on a local costmap and a desired direction. The best evaluated motion command will be send to the mobile base.
1 2014-09-10 nav2d_remote
This package is used to manually control a robot that uses the operator and navigator node from navigation_2d. Currently there is one node to control one robot with a joystick and one to control multiple robots in simulation. It can send commands directly to the operator or start and stop navigator actions.
This package is used to manually control a robot that uses the operator and navigator node from navigation_2d. Currently there is one node to control one robot with a joystick and one to control multiple robots in simulation. It can send commands directly to the operator or start and stop navigator actions.
1 2014-09-10 nav2d_tutorials
Contains a set of tutorials that run 2D-Navigation within Stage-Simulator.
Contains a set of tutorials that run 2D-Navigation within Stage-Simulator.
1 nav2z_client
1 nav2z_planners_common


Name Description
1 mrp2_viz
1 2020-04-15 mrpt1
Mobile Robot Programming Toolkit (MRPT) version 1.5.x
Mobile Robot Programming Toolkit (MRPT) version 1.5.x
0 mrpt2
1 mrpt_apps
1 2020-02-25 mrpt_bridge
C++ library to convert between ROS messages and MRPT classes
C++ library to convert between ROS messages and MRPT classes
1 2022-04-29 mrpt_ekf_slam_2d
This package is a wrapper for the implementation of EKF-based SLAM with range-bearing sensors, odometry, and a 2D (+heading) robot pose, and 2D landmarks.
This package is a wrapper for the implementation of EKF-based SLAM with range-bearing sensors, odometry, and a 2D (+heading) robot pose, and 2D landmarks.
1 2022-04-29 mrpt_ekf_slam_3d
This package is a wrapper for the implementation of EKF-based SLAM with range-bearing sensors, odometry, a full 6D robot pose, and 3D landmarks.
This package is a wrapper for the implementation of EKF-based SLAM with range-bearing sensors, odometry, a full 6D robot pose, and 3D landmarks.
1 mrpt_generic_sensor
1 2022-04-29 mrpt_graphslam_2d
Implement graphSLAM using the mrpt-graphslam library, in an online fashion by directly reading measurements off ROS Topics.
Implement graphSLAM using the mrpt-graphslam library, in an online fashion by directly reading measurements off ROS Topics.
1 2022-04-29 mrpt_icp_slam_2d
mrpt_icp_slam_2d contains a wrapper on MRPT's 2D ICP-SLAM algorithms.
mrpt_icp_slam_2d contains a wrapper on MRPT's 2D ICP-SLAM algorithms.
1 mrpt_libapps
1 mrpt_libbase
1 mrpt_libgui
1 mrpt_libhwdrivers
1 mrpt_libmaps
1 mrpt_libmath
1 mrpt_libnav
1 mrpt_libobs
1 mrpt_libopengl
1 mrpt_libposes
1 mrpt_libros_bridge
1 mrpt_libslam
1 mrpt_libtclap
1 mrpt_local_obstacles
1 mrpt_localization
1 mrpt_map
1 mrpt_map_server
1 2024-10-09 mrpt_msgs
ROS messages for MRPT classes and objects
ROS messages for MRPT classes and objects
1 mrpt_msgs_bridge
1 mrpt_nav_interfaces
1 mrpt_navigation
1 mrpt_path_planning
1 mrpt_pf_localization
1 mrpt_pointcloud_pipeline
1 mrpt_rawlog
1 2022-04-29 mrpt_rbpf_slam
This package is used for gridmap SLAM. The interface is similar to gmapping (https://wiki.ros.org/gmapping) but the package supports different particle-filter algorithms, range-only SLAM, can work with several grid maps simultaneously and more.
This package is used for gridmap SLAM. The interface is similar to gmapping (https://wiki.ros.org/gmapping) but the package supports different particle-filter algorithms, range-only SLAM, can work with several grid maps simultaneously and more.
1 mrpt_reactivenav2d
1 mrpt_sensor_bumblebee_stereo
1 mrpt_sensor_gnss_nmea
1 mrpt_sensor_gnss_novatel
1 mrpt_sensor_imu_taobotics
1 mrpt_sensorlib
1 mrpt_sensors
1 mrpt_sensors_examples
1 2022-04-29 mrpt_slam
1 mrpt_tps_astar_planner
1 mrpt_tutorials
1 mrt_cmake_modules
1 msg_conversions
1 2024-12-29 msp
Implementation of the MultiWii Serial Protocol (MSP)
Implementation of the MultiWii Serial Protocol (MSP)
1 msvc_runtime
1 msvc_sdk_tutorials
1 mtig_driver
1 2019-02-26 multi_interface_roam
1 2018-04-25 multi_jackal_base
The Jackal simulation base that combines all components.
The Jackal simulation base that combines all components.
1 2018-04-25 multi_jackal_control
Creates the joint and velocity controllers.
Creates the joint and velocity controllers.
1 2018-04-25 multi_jackal_description
Spawns the Jackal model.
Spawns the Jackal model.
1 2018-04-25 multi_jackal_nav
Localization and navigation for the Jackal.
Localization and navigation for the Jackal.
1 2018-04-25 multi_jackal_tutorials
Tutorials for multi-Jackal simulations.
Tutorials for multi-Jackal simulations.
1 multi_level_map_msgs
1 multi_level_map_server
1 multi_level_map_utils
1 2025-01-06 multi_map_server
multi_map_server provides the
multi_map_server provides the
1 2021-08-29 multi_object_tracking_lidar
ROS package for Multiple objects detection, tracking and classification from LIDAR scans/point-clouds
ROS package for Multiple objects detection, tracking and classification from LIDAR scans/point-clouds
1 2024-11-28 multi_xarm5
The multi_xarm5 package
The multi_xarm5 package
1 multicar_hydraulic
1 2019-04-30 multimaster_fkie
The metapackage to combine the nodes required to establish and manage a multimaster network. This requires no or minimal configuration. The changes are automatically detected and synchronized.
The metapackage to combine the nodes required to establish and manage a multimaster network. This requires no or minimal configuration. The changes are automatically detected and synchronized.
1 2019-07-16 multimaster_launch
Multi-master bringup launch files for CPR platforms
Multi-master bringup launch files for CPR platforms
1 2019-07-16 multimaster_msgs
The multimaster_msgs package
The multimaster_msgs package
1 2019-04-30 multimaster_msgs_fkie
The messages required by multimaster packages.
The messages required by multimaster packages.
1 multiple_topic_monitor
1 2020-08-19 multipoint_navigation_receiver
It is a function table that receives multipoint information, then controls the time of sending the target point and serves the Move_base
It is a function table that receives multipoint information, then controls the time of sending the target point and serves the Move_base
1 2024-09-06 multires_image
1 2017-12-16 multirobot_map_merge
Merging multiple maps without knowledge of initial positions of robots.
Merging multiple maps without knowledge of initial positions of robots.
2 multirole_sensor_client
1 2024-11-18 multisense
multisense catkin driver
multisense catkin driver
1 2024-11-18 multisense_bringup
1 2024-11-18 multisense_cal_check
1 2024-11-18 multisense_description
1 2024-11-18 multisense_lib
1 2024-11-18 multisense_ros
1 2019-05-08 multiwii
The multiwii package
The multiwii package
1 2017-08-25 muse_bldc_motor_drive
The muse_bldc_motor_drive package
The muse_bldc_motor_drive package
1 muse_v2_driver
2 2024-12-27 mvsim
A lightweight multivehicle simulation framework.
A lightweight multivehicle simulation framework.
0 mx_driver
0 mx_msgs
1 my_android_package
1 myactuator_rmd
1 2017-08-28 myahrs_driver
myahrs_driver is a driver package for the WITHROBOT's myAHRS+. The myAHRS+ is a low cost high performance AHRS(Attitude Heading Reference System) with USB/UART/I2C interface. The myAHRS+ board contains a 3-axis 16-bit gyroscope, a 3-axis 16-bit accelerometer and a 3-axis 13-bit magnetometer. The driver should also work with USB port.
myahrs_driver is a driver package for the WITHROBOT's myAHRS+. The myAHRS+ is a low cost high performance AHRS(Attitude Heading Reference System) with USB/UART/I2C interface. The myAHRS+ board contains a 3-axis 16-bit gyroscope, a 3-axis 16-bit accelerometer and a 3-axis 13-bit magnetometer. The driver should also work with USB port.
1 2021-04-24 mycroft_ros
The mycroft_ros package
The mycroft_ros package
1 2019-11-20 mynt_eye_ros_wrapper
The mynt eye ros wrapper package
The mynt eye ros wrapper package
1 myo_ros
1 2015-10-09 nanomsg
The nanomsg package
The nanomsg package
1 nanotron_swarm
1 2018-10-31 nao_apps
Applications for NAO using the NAOqi API
Applications for NAO using the NAOqi API
2 2018-01-29 nao_audio
Package for the Nao robot, providing access to NAOqi audio proxies
Package for the Nao robot, providing access to NAOqi audio proxies
1 2018-10-31 nao_bringup
Launch files and scripts needed to bring ROS interfaces for Nao up into a running state.
Launch files and scripts needed to bring ROS interfaces for Nao up into a running state.
1 nao_button_sim
1 nao_command_msgs
1 2023-11-15 nao_control
The nao_control package
The nao_control package
1 2017-11-16 nao_dcm_bringup
Bring-up the nao_dcm driver to connect to Aldebaran's Nao robot (v4).
Bring-up the nao_dcm driver to connect to Aldebaran's Nao robot (v4).
1 2018-10-31 nao_description
Description of the Nao robot model that can be used with robot_state_publisher to display the robot's state of joint angles.
Description of the Nao robot model that can be used with robot_state_publisher to display the robot's state of joint angles.
1 nao_extras
1 2023-11-15 nao_gazebo_plugin
The nao_gazebo_plugin package
The nao_gazebo_plugin package
2 2018-01-29 nao_interaction
2 2018-01-29 nao_interaction_launchers
Launchers for bringing up the nodes of nao_interaction metapackage.
Launchers for bringing up the nodes of nao_interaction metapackage.
2 2018-01-29 nao_interaction_msgs
Messages and services declarations for the nao_interaction metapackage
Messages and services declarations for the nao_interaction metapackage
1 nao_jsk_teleop
1 nao_lola
1 nao_lola_client
1 nao_lola_command_msgs
1 nao_lola_sensor_msgs
3 2022-12-03 nao_meshes
meshes for the Aldebaran Robotics NAO
meshes for the Aldebaran Robotics NAO
1 2017-01-20 nao_moveit_config
An automatically generated package with all the configuration and launch files for using the NAO robot with the MoveIt Motion Planning Framework
An automatically generated package with all the configuration and launch files for using the NAO robot with the MoveIt Motion Planning Framework
0 nao_msgs
1 nao_path_follower
1 2018-10-31 nao_robot
1 nao_sensor_msgs
1 nao_teleop
2 2018-01-29 nao_vision
Package for the Nao robot, providing access to NAOqi vision proxies
Package for the Nao robot, providing access to NAOqi vision proxies
1 naoeus
1 2018-11-16 naoqi_apps
Package bridging NAOqi to executing things on the robot.
Package bridging NAOqi to executing things on the robot.
1 2018-11-16 naoqi_bridge
Meta package to interface ROS with Aldebaran's NAOqi.
Meta package to interface ROS with Aldebaran's NAOqi.
2 2022-09-10 naoqi_bridge_msgs
The naoqi_bridge_msgs package provides custom messages for running Aldebaran's robot such as NAO and Pepper. See the packages nao_robot and pepper_robot for details.
The naoqi_bridge_msgs package provides custom messages for running Aldebaran's robot such as NAO and Pepper. See the packages nao_robot and pepper_robot for details.
2 naoqi_dashboard
1 2019-07-22 naoqi_dcm_driver
Package containing the hardware interface to connect to Nao, Romeo, or Pepper robots.
Package containing the hardware interface to connect to Nao, Romeo, or Pepper robots.
2 2024-01-29 naoqi_driver
Driver module between Aldebaran's NAOqiOS and ROS. It publishes all sensor and actuator data as well as basic diagnostic for battery, temperature. It subscribes also to RVIZ simple goal and cmd_vel for teleop.
Driver module between Aldebaran's NAOqiOS and ROS. It publishes all sensor and actuator data as well as basic diagnostic for battery, temperature. It subscribes also to RVIZ simple goal and cmd_vel for teleop.
1 2018-11-16 naoqi_driver_py
1 naoqi_libqi
1 naoqi_libqicore
0 naoqi_msgs
1 2018-11-16 naoqi_navigation
The naoqi_navigation package
The naoqi_navigation package
1 2018-11-16 naoqi_pose
1 2018-11-16 naoqi_sensors_py
ROS driver for miscellaneous sensors on NAO. Python bindings for camera, sonar and octomap C++: bindings for camera only (requires NAOqi to build)
ROS driver for miscellaneous sensors on NAO. Python bindings for camera, sonar and octomap C++: bindings for camera only (requires NAOqi to build)
1 2018-11-16 naoqi_tools
Set of tools provided by Aldebaran to convert Aldebaran files (URDF, blender...)
Set of tools provided by Aldebaran to convert Aldebaran files (URDF, blender...)
1 naoqieus
1 nasa_common_cmake
1 nasa_common_logging
1 nasa_r2_common
1 nasa_r2_simulator
1 nav2_amcl
1 nav2_behavior_tree
1 nav2_behaviors
2 nav2_bringup
1 nav2_bt_navigator
1 nav2_collision_monitor
1 nav2_common
1 nav2_constrained_smoother
1 nav2_controller
1 nav2_core
1 nav2_costmap_2d
1 nav2_driver
1 nav2_dwb_controller
1 nav2_dynamic_params
1 nav2_gazebo_spawner
1 nav2_graceful_controller
1 nav2_lifecycle_manager
1 nav2_loopback_sim
1 nav2_map_server
1 nav2_minimal_tb3_sim
1 nav2_minimal_tb4_description
1 nav2_minimal_tb4_sim
1 nav2_mission_executor
1 nav2_motion_primitives
1 nav2_mppi_controller
1 nav2_msgs
1 nav2_navfn_planner
1 nav2_navigation
1 nav2_planner
1 nav2_platform
1 nav2_recoveries
1 nav2_regulated_pure_pursuit_controller
1 nav2_robot
1 nav2_rotation_shim_controller
1 nav2_rviz_plugins
1 nav2_simple_commander
1 nav2_simple_navigator
1 nav2_smac_planner
1 nav2_smoother
1 nav2_system_tests
1 nav2_tasks
1 nav2_theta_star_planner
1 nav2_turtlebot3_rl
1 nav2_util
1 nav2_velocity_smoother
1 nav2_voxel_grid
1 nav2_waypoint_follower
1 nav2_world_model
1 2017-11-01 nav2d
Meta-Package containing modules for 2D-Navigation
Meta-Package containing modules for 2D-Navigation
1 2017-11-01 nav2d_exploration
This package holds a collection of plugins for the RobotNavigator, that provide different cooperative exploration strategies for a team of mobile robots.
This package holds a collection of plugins for the RobotNavigator, that provide different cooperative exploration strategies for a team of mobile robots.
1 2017-11-01 nav2d_karto
Graph-based Simultaneous Localization and Mapping module. Includes OpenKarto GraphSLAM library by "SRI International".
Graph-based Simultaneous Localization and Mapping module. Includes OpenKarto GraphSLAM library by "SRI International".
1 2017-11-01 nav2d_localizer
Wrapper around Particle Filter implementation. The SelfLocalizer can be used as library or as a ros-node.
Wrapper around Particle Filter implementation. The SelfLocalizer can be used as library or as a ros-node.
1 2017-11-01 nav2d_msgs
Messages used for 2D-Navigation.
Messages used for 2D-Navigation.
1 2017-11-01 nav2d_navigator
This package provides a node for higher level navigation of a mobile robot in a planar environment. It needs a map and the robot's position within this map to create a plan for navigation. When used together with a SLAM module it can also be used to perform autonomous exploration of the robot's workspace.
This package provides a node for higher level navigation of a mobile robot in a planar environment. It needs a map and the robot's position within this map to create a plan for navigation. When used together with a SLAM module it can also be used to perform autonomous exploration of the robot's workspace.
1 2017-11-01 nav2d_operator
The operator is a lightweight, purely reactive obstacle-avoidance module for mobile robots moving in a planar environment. The operator node works by evaluating a set of predefined motion primitives based on a local costmap and a desired direction. The best evaluated motion command will be send to the mobile base.
The operator is a lightweight, purely reactive obstacle-avoidance module for mobile robots moving in a planar environment. The operator node works by evaluating a set of predefined motion primitives based on a local costmap and a desired direction. The best evaluated motion command will be send to the mobile base.
1 2017-11-01 nav2d_remote
This package is used to manually control a robot that uses the operator and navigator node from navigation_2d. Currently there is one node to control one robot with a joystick and one to control multiple robots in simulation. It can send commands directly to the operator or start and stop navigator actions.
This package is used to manually control a robot that uses the operator and navigator node from navigation_2d. Currently there is one node to control one robot with a joystick and one to control multiple robots in simulation. It can send commands directly to the operator or start and stop navigator actions.
1 2017-11-01 nav2d_tutorials
Contains a set of tutorials that run 2D-Navigation within Stage-Simulator.
Contains a set of tutorials that run 2D-Navigation within Stage-Simulator.
1 nav2z_client
1 nav2z_planners_common


Name Description
1 2020-10-01 mrp2_viz
RViz configurations and launch files for visualization.
RViz configurations and launch files for visualization.
1 mrpt1
0 mrpt2
1 mrpt_apps
1 mrpt_bridge
1 2023-04-12 mrpt_ekf_slam_2d
This package is a wrapper for the implementation of EKF-based SLAM with range-bearing sensors, odometry, and a 2D (+heading) robot pose, and 2D landmarks.
This package is a wrapper for the implementation of EKF-based SLAM with range-bearing sensors, odometry, and a 2D (+heading) robot pose, and 2D landmarks.
1 2023-04-12 mrpt_ekf_slam_3d
This package is a wrapper for the implementation of EKF-based SLAM with range-bearing sensors, odometry, a full 6D robot pose, and 3D landmarks.
This package is a wrapper for the implementation of EKF-based SLAM with range-bearing sensors, odometry, a full 6D robot pose, and 3D landmarks.
1 2024-03-19 mrpt_generic_sensor
ROS node for interfacing any sensor supported by mrpt-hwdrivers
ROS node for interfacing any sensor supported by mrpt-hwdrivers
1 mrpt_graphslam_2d
1 2023-04-12 mrpt_icp_slam_2d
mrpt_icp_slam_2d contains a wrapper on MRPT's 2D ICP-SLAM algorithms.
mrpt_icp_slam_2d contains a wrapper on MRPT's 2D ICP-SLAM algorithms.
1 mrpt_libapps
1 mrpt_libbase
1 mrpt_libgui
1 mrpt_libhwdrivers
1 mrpt_libmaps
1 mrpt_libmath
1 mrpt_libnav
1 mrpt_libobs
1 mrpt_libopengl
1 mrpt_libposes
1 mrpt_libros_bridge
1 mrpt_libslam
1 mrpt_libtclap
1 2024-09-17 mrpt_local_obstacles
Maintains a local obstacle map (point cloud, voxels or occupancy grid) from recent sensor readings within a configurable time window.
Maintains a local obstacle map (point cloud, voxels or occupancy grid) from recent sensor readings within a configurable time window.
1 2024-09-17 mrpt_localization
Package for robot 2D self-localization using dynamic or static (MRPT or ROS) maps. The interface is similar to amcl (https://wiki.ros.org/amcl) but supports different particle-filter algorithms, several grid maps at different heights, range-only localization, etc.
Package for robot 2D self-localization using dynamic or static (MRPT or ROS) maps. The interface is similar to amcl (https://wiki.ros.org/amcl) but supports different particle-filter algorithms, several grid maps at different heights, range-only localization, etc.
1 2024-09-17 mrpt_map
The mrpt_map is able to publish a mrpt map as ros occupancy grid like the map_server
The mrpt_map is able to publish a mrpt map as ros occupancy grid like the map_server
1 mrpt_map_server
1 2024-10-09 mrpt_msgs
ROS messages for MRPT classes and objects
ROS messages for MRPT classes and objects
1 2024-09-17 mrpt_msgs_bridge
C++ library to convert between custom mrpt_msgs messages and native MRPT classes
C++ library to convert between custom mrpt_msgs messages and native MRPT classes
1 mrpt_nav_interfaces
1 2024-09-17 mrpt_navigation
Tools related to the Mobile Robot Programming Toolkit (MRPT). Refer to https://wiki.ros.org/mrpt_navigation for further documentation.
Tools related to the Mobile Robot Programming Toolkit (MRPT). Refer to https://wiki.ros.org/mrpt_navigation for further documentation.
1 mrpt_path_planning
1 mrpt_pf_localization
1 mrpt_pointcloud_pipeline
1 2024-09-17 mrpt_rawlog
This package provides nodes to record and play MRPT rawlogs.
This package provides nodes to record and play MRPT rawlogs.
1 2023-04-12 mrpt_rbpf_slam
This package is used for gridmap SLAM. The interface is similar to gmapping (https://wiki.ros.org/gmapping) but the package supports different particle-filter algorithms, range-only SLAM, can work with several grid maps simultaneously and more.
This package is used for gridmap SLAM. The interface is similar to gmapping (https://wiki.ros.org/gmapping) but the package supports different particle-filter algorithms, range-only SLAM, can work with several grid maps simultaneously and more.
1 2024-09-17 mrpt_reactivenav2d
Reactive navigation for 2D robots using MRPT navigation algorithms (TP-Space)
Reactive navigation for 2D robots using MRPT navigation algorithms (TP-Space)
1 mrpt_sensor_bumblebee_stereo
1 mrpt_sensor_gnss_nmea
1 mrpt_sensor_gnss_novatel
1 mrpt_sensor_imu_taobotics
1 2024-03-19 mrpt_sensorlib
C++ library for the base generic MRPT sensor node
C++ library for the base generic MRPT sensor node
1 2024-03-19 mrpt_sensors
ROS nodes for various robotics sensors via mrpt-hwdrivers
ROS nodes for various robotics sensors via mrpt-hwdrivers
1 2024-03-19 mrpt_sensors_examples
Example launch and configuration files for mrpt_sensors nodes
Example launch and configuration files for mrpt_sensors nodes
1 2023-04-12 mrpt_slam
1 mrpt_tps_astar_planner
1 2024-09-17 mrpt_tutorials
Example files used as tutorials for MRPT ROS packages
Example files used as tutorials for MRPT ROS packages
1 2024-09-20 mrt_cmake_modules
CMake Functions and Modules for automating CMake
CMake Functions and Modules for automating CMake
1 2024-07-03 msg_conversions
This package converts FF msgs to standard messages visualizable in rviz.
This package converts FF msgs to standard messages visualizable in rviz.
1 msp
1 msvc_runtime
1 msvc_sdk_tutorials
1 mtig_driver
1 2021-03-02 multi_interface_roam
1 multi_jackal_base
1 multi_jackal_control
1 multi_jackal_description
1 multi_jackal_nav
1 multi_jackal_tutorials
1 multi_level_map_msgs
1 multi_level_map_server
1 multi_level_map_utils
1 2025-01-06 multi_map_server
multi_map_server provides the
multi_map_server provides the
1 2021-08-29 multi_object_tracking_lidar
ROS package for Multiple objects detection, tracking and classification from LIDAR scans/point-clouds
ROS package for Multiple objects detection, tracking and classification from LIDAR scans/point-clouds
1 multi_xarm5
1 multicar_hydraulic
1 2020-05-09 multimaster_fkie
The metapackage to combine the nodes required to establish and manage a multimaster network. This requires no or minimal configuration. The changes are automatically detected and synchronized.
The metapackage to combine the nodes required to establish and manage a multimaster network. This requires no or minimal configuration. The changes are automatically detected and synchronized.
1 2019-07-16 multimaster_launch
Multi-master bringup launch files for CPR platforms
Multi-master bringup launch files for CPR platforms
1 2019-07-16 multimaster_msgs
The multimaster_msgs package
The multimaster_msgs package
1 2020-05-09 multimaster_msgs_fkie
The messages required by multimaster packages.
The messages required by multimaster packages.
1 multiple_topic_monitor
1 multipoint_navigation_receiver
1 2024-09-06 multires_image
1 2021-01-07 multirobot_map_merge
Merging multiple maps without knowledge of initial positions of robots.
Merging multiple maps without knowledge of initial positions of robots.
2 2023-04-24 multirole_sensor_client
The multirole_sensor_client package
The multirole_sensor_client package
1 2024-11-18 multisense
multisense catkin driver
multisense catkin driver
1 2024-11-18 multisense_bringup
1 2024-11-18 multisense_cal_check
1 2024-11-18 multisense_description
1 2024-11-18 multisense_lib
1 2024-11-18 multisense_ros
1 multiwii
1 muse_bldc_motor_drive
1 muse_v2_driver
2 2024-12-24 mvsim
A lightweight multivehicle simulation framework.
A lightweight multivehicle simulation framework.
0 mx_driver
0 mx_msgs
1 my_android_package
1 myactuator_rmd
1 myahrs_driver
1 mycroft_ros
1 mynt_eye_ros_wrapper
1 myo_ros
1 2015-10-09 nanomsg
The nanomsg package
The nanomsg package
1 nanotron_swarm
1 nao_apps
2 nao_audio
1 nao_bringup
1 nao_button_sim
1 nao_command_msgs
1 nao_control
1 nao_dcm_bringup
1 nao_description
1 nao_extras
1 nao_gazebo_plugin
2 nao_interaction
2 nao_interaction_launchers
2 nao_interaction_msgs
1 nao_jsk_teleop
1 nao_lola
1 nao_lola_client
1 nao_lola_command_msgs
1 nao_lola_sensor_msgs
3 2020-01-08 nao_meshes
meshes for the Aldebaran Robotics NAO
meshes for the Aldebaran Robotics NAO
1 nao_moveit_config
0 nao_msgs
1 nao_path_follower
1 nao_robot
1 nao_sensor_msgs
1 nao_teleop
2 nao_vision
1 naoeus
1 naoqi_apps
1 naoqi_bridge
2 2022-09-10 naoqi_bridge_msgs
The naoqi_bridge_msgs package provides custom messages for running Aldebaran's robot such as NAO and Pepper. See the packages nao_robot and pepper_robot for details.
The naoqi_bridge_msgs package provides custom messages for running Aldebaran's robot such as NAO and Pepper. See the packages nao_robot and pepper_robot for details.
2 naoqi_dashboard
1 naoqi_dcm_driver
2 2024-01-29 naoqi_driver
Driver module between Aldebaran's NAOqiOS and ROS. It publishes all sensor and actuator data as well as basic diagnostic for battery, temperature. It subscribes also to RVIZ simple goal and cmd_vel for teleop.
Driver module between Aldebaran's NAOqiOS and ROS. It publishes all sensor and actuator data as well as basic diagnostic for battery, temperature. It subscribes also to RVIZ simple goal and cmd_vel for teleop.
1 naoqi_driver_py
1 naoqi_libqi
1 naoqi_libqicore
0 naoqi_msgs
1 naoqi_navigation
1 naoqi_pose
1 naoqi_sensors_py
1 naoqi_tools
1 naoqieus
1 nasa_common_cmake
1 nasa_common_logging
1 nasa_r2_common
1 nasa_r2_simulator
1 nav2_amcl
1 nav2_behavior_tree
1 nav2_behaviors
2 nav2_bringup
1 nav2_bt_navigator
1 nav2_collision_monitor
1 nav2_common
1 nav2_constrained_smoother
1 nav2_controller
1 nav2_core
1 nav2_costmap_2d
1 nav2_driver
1 nav2_dwb_controller
1 nav2_dynamic_params
1 nav2_gazebo_spawner
1 nav2_graceful_controller
1 nav2_lifecycle_manager
1 nav2_loopback_sim
1 nav2_map_server
1 nav2_minimal_tb3_sim
1 nav2_minimal_tb4_description
1 nav2_minimal_tb4_sim
1 nav2_mission_executor
1 nav2_motion_primitives
1 nav2_mppi_controller
1 nav2_msgs
1 nav2_navfn_planner
1 nav2_navigation
1 nav2_planner
1 nav2_platform
1 nav2_recoveries
1 nav2_regulated_pure_pursuit_controller
1 nav2_robot
1 nav2_rotation_shim_controller
1 nav2_rviz_plugins
1 nav2_simple_commander
1 nav2_simple_navigator
1 nav2_smac_planner
1 nav2_smoother
1 nav2_system_tests
1 nav2_tasks
1 nav2_theta_star_planner
1 nav2_turtlebot3_rl
1 nav2_util
1 nav2_velocity_smoother
1 nav2_voxel_grid
1 nav2_waypoint_follower
1 nav2_world_model
1 2019-03-28 nav2d
Meta-Package containing modules for 2D-Navigation
Meta-Package containing modules for 2D-Navigation
1 2019-03-28 nav2d_exploration
This package holds a collection of plugins for the RobotNavigator, that provide different cooperative exploration strategies for a team of mobile robots.
This package holds a collection of plugins for the RobotNavigator, that provide different cooperative exploration strategies for a team of mobile robots.
1 2019-03-28 nav2d_karto
Graph-based Simultaneous Localization and Mapping module. Includes OpenKarto GraphSLAM library by "SRI International".
Graph-based Simultaneous Localization and Mapping module. Includes OpenKarto GraphSLAM library by "SRI International".
1 2019-03-28 nav2d_localizer
Wrapper around Particle Filter implementation. The SelfLocalizer can be used as library or as a ros-node.
Wrapper around Particle Filter implementation. The SelfLocalizer can be used as library or as a ros-node.
1 2019-03-28 nav2d_msgs
Messages used for 2D-Navigation.
Messages used for 2D-Navigation.
1 2019-03-28 nav2d_navigator
This package provides a node for higher level navigation of a mobile robot in a planar environment. It needs a map and the robot's position within this map to create a plan for navigation. When used together with a SLAM module it can also be used to perform autonomous exploration of the robot's workspace.
This package provides a node for higher level navigation of a mobile robot in a planar environment. It needs a map and the robot's position within this map to create a plan for navigation. When used together with a SLAM module it can also be used to perform autonomous exploration of the robot's workspace.
1 2019-03-28 nav2d_operator
The operator is a lightweight, purely reactive obstacle-avoidance module for mobile robots moving in a planar environment. The operator node works by evaluating a set of predefined motion primitives based on a local costmap and a desired direction. The best evaluated motion command will be send to the mobile base.
The operator is a lightweight, purely reactive obstacle-avoidance module for mobile robots moving in a planar environment. The operator node works by evaluating a set of predefined motion primitives based on a local costmap and a desired direction. The best evaluated motion command will be send to the mobile base.
1 2019-03-28 nav2d_remote
This package is used to manually control a robot that uses the operator and navigator node from navigation_2d. Currently there is one node to control one robot with a joystick and one to control multiple robots in simulation. It can send commands directly to the operator or start and stop navigator actions.
This package is used to manually control a robot that uses the operator and navigator node from navigation_2d. Currently there is one node to control one robot with a joystick and one to control multiple robots in simulation. It can send commands directly to the operator or start and stop navigator actions.
1 2019-03-28 nav2d_tutorials
Contains a set of tutorials that run 2D-Navigation within Stage-Simulator.
Contains a set of tutorials that run 2D-Navigation within Stage-Simulator.
1 nav2z_client
1 nav2z_planners_common