Package Summary
Tags | No category tags. |
Version | 2.2.1 |
License | BSD |
Build type | AMENT_CMAKE |
Repository Summary
Checkout URI | |
VCS Type | git |
VCS Version | ros2 |
Last Updated | 2025-02-22 |
Dev Status | DEVELOPED |
CI status | No Continuous Integration |
Released | RELEASED |
Tags | No category tags. |
Contributing |
Help Wanted (0)
Good First Issues (0) Pull Requests to Review (0) |
Package Description
Nodes and programs to record and play MRPT rawlogs or to transform between rosbags and rawlogs.
Additional Links
- Markus Bader
- Jose Luis Blanco-Claraco
No additional authors.
No README found.
See repository README.
Changelog for package mrpt_rawlog
2.2.1 (2024-10-12)
2.2.0 (2024-09-25)
- Update URL entries in package.xml to each package proper documentation
- ament linters: manually enable just cmake and xml linters
- reformat clang-format with 100 column width
- Contributors: Jose Luis Blanco-Claraco
2.1.1 (2024-09-02)
- Remove temporary workaround in <depends> for buggy mrpt_libros_bridge package.xml
- update dependencies
- Depend on new mrpt_lib packages (deprecate mrpt2)
- rosbag2rawlog app: support generating CObservationOdometry from /tf odom->base_link msgs
- mrpt_rawlog: delete old ROS1 leftover files
- Contributors: Jose Luis Blanco-Claraco
- Remove temporary workaround in <depends> for buggy mrpt_libros_bridge package.xml
- update dependencies
- Depend on new mrpt_lib packages (deprecate mrpt2)
- rosbag2rawlog app: support generating CObservationOdometry from /tf odom->base_link msgs
- mrpt_rawlog: delete old ROS1 leftover files
- Contributors: Jose Luis Blanco-Claraco
2.1.0 (2024-08-08)
- BUGFIX: Data stream ignored for sensors where fixed_sensor_pose was defined.
- Fix GNSS name typo
- Merge branch 'ros2' into wip/port-tps-astar
- Merge branch 'ros2' into wip/port-tps-astar
- Contributors: Jose Luis Blanco-Claraco
2.0.1 (2024-05-28)
2.0.0 (2024-05-28)
- rosbag2rawlog: BUGFIX: sensor poses were inverted
- rosbag2rawlog: drop msgs if /tf data did not arrive yet instead of aborting
- rosbag2rawlog: now also can convert from mrpt_msgs/GenericObservation messages
- Import GNSS observations
- Fix build with older versions of cv_bridge
- rosbag2rawlog: Implement automatic detection of sensorPose from /tf, and added option to override poses from config yaml
- rosbag2rawlog: Add support for XYZIRT pointcloud observations
- Add support for CObservationRotatingScan in rosbag2rawlog
- Fix rosbag2rawlog install path should be 'bin'
- rosbag2rawlog: add conversion for LaserScan msgs
- Fix missing build dep
- Add ament linter for testing builds
- mrpt_rawlog: remove all record nodes. The package will only provide a play rawlog node, and offline tool to convert rosbag2 to rawlog
- Fix obsolete tf2_geometry_msgs.h header
- Unify and clarify license headers in all files
- Port to ROS 2
- Contributors: Jose Luis Blanco-Claraco
1.0.3 (2022-06-25)
1.0.2 (2022-06-25)
1.0.1 (2022-06-24)
- Correct demos
- Fix all build errors
- Removed now obsolete tf_prefix
- Ported to tf2 and mrpt::ros1bridge
- Contributors: Jose Luis Blanco-Claraco
1.0.0 (2022-04-30)
- Update URLs to https
- Update build dep to mrpt2
- Merge pull request #126 from lukschwalb/master Fix incorrect class check
- Fix incorrect class name
- Merge pull request #119 from mx-robotics/develop rawlog_record: fnc call fileNameStripInvalidChars removed
- Contributors: Jose Luis Blanco Claraco, Markus Bader, Schwalb, Luk
0.1.26 (2019-10-05)
- mrpt_rawlog: abort if input file does not exist. Fix crash if built against mrpt1.
- remove qtcreator temporary files
- Contributors: Jose Luis Blanco Claraco
0.1.25 (2019-10-04)
- fix build in gcc 4.x
- fix build against mrpt1 (Closes #113)
- fix build against current mrpt2
- Contributors: Jose Luis Blanco Claraco, Jose Luis Blanco-Claraco
0.1.24 (2019-04-12)
- Fix build against mrpt-1.5
- Fix build against MRPT 1.9.9
- fix regression introduced in last refactor of mrpt_rawlog
- rawlog_record: Explain error if cannot write .rawlog
- Contributors: Jose Luis Blanco Claraco, Julian Lopez Velasquez
0.1.23 (2018-06-14)
0.1.20 (2018-04-26)
- rawlog_play: clean up; support obs-only rawlog
- fix missing mrpt/config hdr
- fix build against mrpt 2.0
- partial fix build w mrpt 2.0
- optimized build (-O3)
- Fix travis
- add dep stereo_msgs
- add dep stereo_msgs
- fix minor warnigngs and errors
- Use docker to run modern ROS distros in travis (#93)
- marker messages are also logged as beacons if needed
- mrpt_rawlog recorder update
- static tf in rawlog record fixed
- marker msgs added
- timestamp problem solved
- Merge branch 'master' of
- bearing readings added
- Merge branch 'master' into master
- CMake finds MRPT >=1.5 in ROS master branch
- Merge branch 'master' into compat-mrpt-1.5
- CMake finds MRPT >=1.9
- avoid Eigen warnings with GCC-7
- Removed unnecessry MRPT_VERSION checks
- Fixes for clang format
- Adapted CMakeLists to new mrpt
- Ported to a new version of MRPT
- Fix paths in demo_play_ekf(_2d).launch files.
- [mrpt_rawlog] Fix missing rosbag dependency in package.xml. (#66)
- [mrpt_rawlog] Fix missing rosbag dependency in package.xml.
- Contributors: Borys Tymchenko, Jose Luis Blanco Claraco, Jose Luis Blanco-Claraco, Logrus, Markus Bader, Vladislav Tananaev
0.1.22 (2018-05-22)
- fix all catkin_lint errors
- Contributors: Jose Luis Blanco-Claraco
0.1.21 (2018-04-27)
- Upgrade version 0.1.20 (#99)
- rawlog_play: clean up; support obs-only rawlog
- fix missing mrpt/config hdr
- fix build against mrpt 2.0
- partial fix build w mrpt 2.0
- optimized build (-O3)
- Fix travis
- add dep stereo_msgs
- add dep stereo_msgs
- fix minor warnigngs and errors
- Use docker to run modern ROS distros in travis (#93)
- marker messages are also logged as beacons if needed
- mrpt_rawlog recorder update
- static tf in rawlog record fixed
- marker msgs added
- timestamp problem solved
- Merge branch 'master' of
- bearing readings added
- Merge branch 'master' into master
- CMake finds MRPT >=1.5 in ROS master branch
- Merge branch 'master' into compat-mrpt-1.5
- CMake finds MRPT >=1.9
- avoid Eigen warnings with GCC-7
- Removed unnecessry MRPT_VERSION checks
- Fixes for clang format
- Adapted CMakeLists to new mrpt
- Ported to a new version of MRPT
- Fix paths in demo_play_ekf(_2d).launch files.
- [mrpt_rawlog] Fix missing rosbag dependency in package.xml. (#66)
- [mrpt_rawlog] Fix missing rosbag dependency in package.xml.
- Contributors: Borys Tymchenko, Hunter Laux, Jose Luis Blanco Claraco, Jose Luis Blanco-Claraco, Logrus, Markus Bader, Vladislav Tananaev
0.1.18 (2017-01-22)
0.1.17 (2017-01-22)
- Remove all errors generated by catkin_lint and cleanup unused templates from CMakeLists.txt files
- Contributors: Jorge Santos
0.1.16 (2016-12-13)
0.1.15 (2016-11-06)
- Fix build against MRPT 1.5.0
- Contributors: Jose-Luis Blanco-Claraco
0.1.14 (2016-09-12)
0.1.13 (2016-09-03)
0.1.12 (2016-09-03)
0.1.11 (2016-08-21)
- fix missing #include
- Add wheeled robot example and 2d ekf.
- Add landmark to bridge.
- Contributors: Jose Luis Blanco, Logrus
0.1.10 (2016-08-05)
0.1.9 (2016-08-05)
- fix install of .so targets
- Contributors: Jose-Luis Blanco-Claraco
0.1.8 (2016-06-29)
- Fix CMake dependencies (it failed to build in some platforms randomly)
- Contributors: Jose-Luis Blanco-Claraco
0.1.7 (2016-06-20)
0.1.6 (2016-03-20)
- added a launch file that plays a range-only rawlog
- Added in beacon publisher capabilities
- fix build with latest mrpt version
- update stamp with ros time now
- since no clock recorded, tf/msgs published in the past, complains from everywhere
- todo : extrapolate time between first/last msg stamp and pub clock
- default laser frame if msg_laser_ has none
- Contributors: Jeremie Deray, Jose Luis Blanco, Raphael Zack
0.1.5 (2015-04-29)
- Cleaner build against mrpt 1.3.0
- Fix build against mrpt 1.3.0
- Contributors: Jose Luis Blanco
0.1.4 (2014-12-27)
- Removed 'mrpt' dep from catkin_package(). I think this is giving problems to dependant pkgs and is not needed...
- localization: New param to configure sensor sources in a flexible way
- Contributors: Jose Luis Blanco
0.1.3 (2014-12-18)
- Fix many missing install files
- Contributors: Jose Luis Blanco
0.1.2 (2014-12-18)
0.1.1 (2014-12-17)
- First public binary release.
0.1.0 (2014-12-17)
- More debug output
- consistent version numbers
- Fix demo_play with a sample .rawlog (was missing)
- Fixes broken dependencies
- Removed obsolete rawlog_play & fix build of other nodes.
- Update all wiki URLs
- Fix build with mrpt 1.2.x
Wiki Tutorials
This package does not provide any links to tutorials in it's rosindex metadata.
You can check on the ROS Wiki Tutorials page for the package.
Package Dependencies
System Dependencies
Name |
cmake |
Dependant Packages
Name | Deps |
mrpt_navigation |
Launch files
No launch files found
No message files found.
No service files found
No plugins found.
Recent questions tagged mrpt_rawlog at Robotics Stack Exchange
Package Summary
Tags | No category tags. |
Version | 2.2.1 |
License | BSD |
Build type | AMENT_CMAKE |
Repository Summary
Checkout URI | |
VCS Type | git |
VCS Version | ros2 |
Last Updated | 2025-02-22 |
Dev Status | DEVELOPED |
CI status | No Continuous Integration |
Released | RELEASED |
Tags | No category tags. |
Contributing |
Help Wanted (0)
Good First Issues (0) Pull Requests to Review (0) |
Package Description
Nodes and programs to record and play MRPT rawlogs or to transform between rosbags and rawlogs.
Additional Links
- Markus Bader
- Jose Luis Blanco-Claraco
No additional authors.
No README found.
See repository README.
Changelog for package mrpt_rawlog
2.2.1 (2024-10-12)
2.2.0 (2024-09-25)
- Update URL entries in package.xml to each package proper documentation
- ament linters: manually enable just cmake and xml linters
- reformat clang-format with 100 column width
- Contributors: Jose Luis Blanco-Claraco
2.1.1 (2024-09-02)
- Remove temporary workaround in <depends> for buggy mrpt_libros_bridge package.xml
- update dependencies
- Depend on new mrpt_lib packages (deprecate mrpt2)
- rosbag2rawlog app: support generating CObservationOdometry from /tf odom->base_link msgs
- mrpt_rawlog: delete old ROS1 leftover files
- Contributors: Jose Luis Blanco-Claraco
- Remove temporary workaround in <depends> for buggy mrpt_libros_bridge package.xml
- update dependencies
- Depend on new mrpt_lib packages (deprecate mrpt2)
- rosbag2rawlog app: support generating CObservationOdometry from /tf odom->base_link msgs
- mrpt_rawlog: delete old ROS1 leftover files
- Contributors: Jose Luis Blanco-Claraco
2.1.0 (2024-08-08)
- BUGFIX: Data stream ignored for sensors where fixed_sensor_pose was defined.
- Fix GNSS name typo
- Merge branch 'ros2' into wip/port-tps-astar
- Merge branch 'ros2' into wip/port-tps-astar
- Contributors: Jose Luis Blanco-Claraco
2.0.1 (2024-05-28)
2.0.0 (2024-05-28)
- rosbag2rawlog: BUGFIX: sensor poses were inverted
- rosbag2rawlog: drop msgs if /tf data did not arrive yet instead of aborting
- rosbag2rawlog: now also can convert from mrpt_msgs/GenericObservation messages
- Import GNSS observations
- Fix build with older versions of cv_bridge
- rosbag2rawlog: Implement automatic detection of sensorPose from /tf, and added option to override poses from config yaml
- rosbag2rawlog: Add support for XYZIRT pointcloud observations
- Add support for CObservationRotatingScan in rosbag2rawlog
- Fix rosbag2rawlog install path should be 'bin'
- rosbag2rawlog: add conversion for LaserScan msgs
- Fix missing build dep
- Add ament linter for testing builds
- mrpt_rawlog: remove all record nodes. The package will only provide a play rawlog node, and offline tool to convert rosbag2 to rawlog
- Fix obsolete tf2_geometry_msgs.h header
- Unify and clarify license headers in all files
- Port to ROS 2
- Contributors: Jose Luis Blanco-Claraco
1.0.3 (2022-06-25)
1.0.2 (2022-06-25)
1.0.1 (2022-06-24)
- Correct demos
- Fix all build errors
- Removed now obsolete tf_prefix
- Ported to tf2 and mrpt::ros1bridge
- Contributors: Jose Luis Blanco-Claraco
1.0.0 (2022-04-30)
- Update URLs to https
- Update build dep to mrpt2
- Merge pull request #126 from lukschwalb/master Fix incorrect class check
- Fix incorrect class name
- Merge pull request #119 from mx-robotics/develop rawlog_record: fnc call fileNameStripInvalidChars removed
- Contributors: Jose Luis Blanco Claraco, Markus Bader, Schwalb, Luk
0.1.26 (2019-10-05)
- mrpt_rawlog: abort if input file does not exist. Fix crash if built against mrpt1.
- remove qtcreator temporary files
- Contributors: Jose Luis Blanco Claraco
0.1.25 (2019-10-04)
- fix build in gcc 4.x
- fix build against mrpt1 (Closes #113)
- fix build against current mrpt2
- Contributors: Jose Luis Blanco Claraco, Jose Luis Blanco-Claraco
0.1.24 (2019-04-12)
- Fix build against mrpt-1.5
- Fix build against MRPT 1.9.9
- fix regression introduced in last refactor of mrpt_rawlog
- rawlog_record: Explain error if cannot write .rawlog
- Contributors: Jose Luis Blanco Claraco, Julian Lopez Velasquez
0.1.23 (2018-06-14)
0.1.20 (2018-04-26)
- rawlog_play: clean up; support obs-only rawlog
- fix missing mrpt/config hdr
- fix build against mrpt 2.0
- partial fix build w mrpt 2.0
- optimized build (-O3)
- Fix travis
- add dep stereo_msgs
- add dep stereo_msgs
- fix minor warnigngs and errors
- Use docker to run modern ROS distros in travis (#93)
- marker messages are also logged as beacons if needed
- mrpt_rawlog recorder update
- static tf in rawlog record fixed
- marker msgs added
- timestamp problem solved
- Merge branch 'master' of
- bearing readings added
- Merge branch 'master' into master
- CMake finds MRPT >=1.5 in ROS master branch
- Merge branch 'master' into compat-mrpt-1.5
- CMake finds MRPT >=1.9
- avoid Eigen warnings with GCC-7
- Removed unnecessry MRPT_VERSION checks
- Fixes for clang format
- Adapted CMakeLists to new mrpt
- Ported to a new version of MRPT
- Fix paths in demo_play_ekf(_2d).launch files.
- [mrpt_rawlog] Fix missing rosbag dependency in package.xml. (#66)
- [mrpt_rawlog] Fix missing rosbag dependency in package.xml.
- Contributors: Borys Tymchenko, Jose Luis Blanco Claraco, Jose Luis Blanco-Claraco, Logrus, Markus Bader, Vladislav Tananaev
0.1.22 (2018-05-22)
- fix all catkin_lint errors
- Contributors: Jose Luis Blanco-Claraco
0.1.21 (2018-04-27)
- Upgrade version 0.1.20 (#99)
- rawlog_play: clean up; support obs-only rawlog
- fix missing mrpt/config hdr
- fix build against mrpt 2.0
- partial fix build w mrpt 2.0
- optimized build (-O3)
- Fix travis
- add dep stereo_msgs
- add dep stereo_msgs
- fix minor warnigngs and errors
- Use docker to run modern ROS distros in travis (#93)
- marker messages are also logged as beacons if needed
- mrpt_rawlog recorder update
- static tf in rawlog record fixed
- marker msgs added
- timestamp problem solved
- Merge branch 'master' of
- bearing readings added
- Merge branch 'master' into master
- CMake finds MRPT >=1.5 in ROS master branch
- Merge branch 'master' into compat-mrpt-1.5
- CMake finds MRPT >=1.9
- avoid Eigen warnings with GCC-7
- Removed unnecessry MRPT_VERSION checks
- Fixes for clang format
- Adapted CMakeLists to new mrpt
- Ported to a new version of MRPT
- Fix paths in demo_play_ekf(_2d).launch files.
- [mrpt_rawlog] Fix missing rosbag dependency in package.xml. (#66)
- [mrpt_rawlog] Fix missing rosbag dependency in package.xml.
- Contributors: Borys Tymchenko, Hunter Laux, Jose Luis Blanco Claraco, Jose Luis Blanco-Claraco, Logrus, Markus Bader, Vladislav Tananaev
0.1.18 (2017-01-22)
0.1.17 (2017-01-22)
- Remove all errors generated by catkin_lint and cleanup unused templates from CMakeLists.txt files
- Contributors: Jorge Santos
0.1.16 (2016-12-13)
0.1.15 (2016-11-06)
- Fix build against MRPT 1.5.0
- Contributors: Jose-Luis Blanco-Claraco
0.1.14 (2016-09-12)
0.1.13 (2016-09-03)
0.1.12 (2016-09-03)
0.1.11 (2016-08-21)
- fix missing #include
- Add wheeled robot example and 2d ekf.
- Add landmark to bridge.
- Contributors: Jose Luis Blanco, Logrus
0.1.10 (2016-08-05)
0.1.9 (2016-08-05)
- fix install of .so targets
- Contributors: Jose-Luis Blanco-Claraco
0.1.8 (2016-06-29)
- Fix CMake dependencies (it failed to build in some platforms randomly)
- Contributors: Jose-Luis Blanco-Claraco
0.1.7 (2016-06-20)
0.1.6 (2016-03-20)
- added a launch file that plays a range-only rawlog
- Added in beacon publisher capabilities
- fix build with latest mrpt version
- update stamp with ros time now
- since no clock recorded, tf/msgs published in the past, complains from everywhere
- todo : extrapolate time between first/last msg stamp and pub clock
- default laser frame if msg_laser_ has none
- Contributors: Jeremie Deray, Jose Luis Blanco, Raphael Zack
0.1.5 (2015-04-29)
- Cleaner build against mrpt 1.3.0
- Fix build against mrpt 1.3.0
- Contributors: Jose Luis Blanco
0.1.4 (2014-12-27)
- Removed 'mrpt' dep from catkin_package(). I think this is giving problems to dependant pkgs and is not needed...
- localization: New param to configure sensor sources in a flexible way
- Contributors: Jose Luis Blanco
0.1.3 (2014-12-18)
- Fix many missing install files
- Contributors: Jose Luis Blanco
0.1.2 (2014-12-18)
0.1.1 (2014-12-17)
- First public binary release.
0.1.0 (2014-12-17)
- More debug output
- consistent version numbers
- Fix demo_play with a sample .rawlog (was missing)
- Fixes broken dependencies
- Removed obsolete rawlog_play & fix build of other nodes.
- Update all wiki URLs
- Fix build with mrpt 1.2.x
Wiki Tutorials
This package does not provide any links to tutorials in it's rosindex metadata.
You can check on the ROS Wiki Tutorials page for the package.
Package Dependencies
System Dependencies
Name |
cmake |
Dependant Packages
Name | Deps |
mrpt_navigation |
Launch files
No launch files found
No message files found.
No service files found
No plugins found.
Recent questions tagged mrpt_rawlog at Robotics Stack Exchange
Package Summary
Tags | No category tags. |
Version | 2.2.1 |
License | BSD |
Build type | AMENT_CMAKE |
Repository Summary
Checkout URI | |
VCS Type | git |
VCS Version | ros2 |
Last Updated | 2025-02-22 |
Dev Status | DEVELOPED |
CI status | No Continuous Integration |
Released | RELEASED |
Tags | No category tags. |
Contributing |
Help Wanted (0)
Good First Issues (0) Pull Requests to Review (0) |
Package Description
Nodes and programs to record and play MRPT rawlogs or to transform between rosbags and rawlogs.
Additional Links
- Markus Bader
- Jose Luis Blanco-Claraco
No additional authors.
No README found.
See repository README.
Changelog for package mrpt_rawlog
2.2.1 (2024-10-12)
2.2.0 (2024-09-25)
- Update URL entries in package.xml to each package proper documentation
- ament linters: manually enable just cmake and xml linters
- reformat clang-format with 100 column width
- Contributors: Jose Luis Blanco-Claraco
2.1.1 (2024-09-02)
- Remove temporary workaround in <depends> for buggy mrpt_libros_bridge package.xml
- update dependencies
- Depend on new mrpt_lib packages (deprecate mrpt2)
- rosbag2rawlog app: support generating CObservationOdometry from /tf odom->base_link msgs
- mrpt_rawlog: delete old ROS1 leftover files
- Contributors: Jose Luis Blanco-Claraco
- Remove temporary workaround in <depends> for buggy mrpt_libros_bridge package.xml
- update dependencies
- Depend on new mrpt_lib packages (deprecate mrpt2)
- rosbag2rawlog app: support generating CObservationOdometry from /tf odom->base_link msgs
- mrpt_rawlog: delete old ROS1 leftover files
- Contributors: Jose Luis Blanco-Claraco
2.1.0 (2024-08-08)
- BUGFIX: Data stream ignored for sensors where fixed_sensor_pose was defined.
- Fix GNSS name typo
- Merge branch 'ros2' into wip/port-tps-astar
- Merge branch 'ros2' into wip/port-tps-astar
- Contributors: Jose Luis Blanco-Claraco
2.0.1 (2024-05-28)
2.0.0 (2024-05-28)
- rosbag2rawlog: BUGFIX: sensor poses were inverted
- rosbag2rawlog: drop msgs if /tf data did not arrive yet instead of aborting
- rosbag2rawlog: now also can convert from mrpt_msgs/GenericObservation messages
- Import GNSS observations
- Fix build with older versions of cv_bridge
- rosbag2rawlog: Implement automatic detection of sensorPose from /tf, and added option to override poses from config yaml
- rosbag2rawlog: Add support for XYZIRT pointcloud observations
- Add support for CObservationRotatingScan in rosbag2rawlog
- Fix rosbag2rawlog install path should be 'bin'
- rosbag2rawlog: add conversion for LaserScan msgs
- Fix missing build dep
- Add ament linter for testing builds
- mrpt_rawlog: remove all record nodes. The package will only provide a play rawlog node, and offline tool to convert rosbag2 to rawlog
- Fix obsolete tf2_geometry_msgs.h header
- Unify and clarify license headers in all files
- Port to ROS 2
- Contributors: Jose Luis Blanco-Claraco
1.0.3 (2022-06-25)
1.0.2 (2022-06-25)
1.0.1 (2022-06-24)
- Correct demos
- Fix all build errors
- Removed now obsolete tf_prefix
- Ported to tf2 and mrpt::ros1bridge
- Contributors: Jose Luis Blanco-Claraco
1.0.0 (2022-04-30)
- Update URLs to https
- Update build dep to mrpt2
- Merge pull request #126 from lukschwalb/master Fix incorrect class check
- Fix incorrect class name
- Merge pull request #119 from mx-robotics/develop rawlog_record: fnc call fileNameStripInvalidChars removed
- Contributors: Jose Luis Blanco Claraco, Markus Bader, Schwalb, Luk
0.1.26 (2019-10-05)
- mrpt_rawlog: abort if input file does not exist. Fix crash if built against mrpt1.
- remove qtcreator temporary files
- Contributors: Jose Luis Blanco Claraco
0.1.25 (2019-10-04)
- fix build in gcc 4.x
- fix build against mrpt1 (Closes #113)
- fix build against current mrpt2
- Contributors: Jose Luis Blanco Claraco, Jose Luis Blanco-Claraco
0.1.24 (2019-04-12)
- Fix build against mrpt-1.5
- Fix build against MRPT 1.9.9
- fix regression introduced in last refactor of mrpt_rawlog
- rawlog_record: Explain error if cannot write .rawlog
- Contributors: Jose Luis Blanco Claraco, Julian Lopez Velasquez
0.1.23 (2018-06-14)
0.1.20 (2018-04-26)
- rawlog_play: clean up; support obs-only rawlog
- fix missing mrpt/config hdr
- fix build against mrpt 2.0
- partial fix build w mrpt 2.0
- optimized build (-O3)
- Fix travis
- add dep stereo_msgs
- add dep stereo_msgs
- fix minor warnigngs and errors
- Use docker to run modern ROS distros in travis (#93)
- marker messages are also logged as beacons if needed
- mrpt_rawlog recorder update
- static tf in rawlog record fixed
- marker msgs added
- timestamp problem solved
- Merge branch 'master' of
- bearing readings added
- Merge branch 'master' into master
- CMake finds MRPT >=1.5 in ROS master branch
- Merge branch 'master' into compat-mrpt-1.5
- CMake finds MRPT >=1.9
- avoid Eigen warnings with GCC-7
- Removed unnecessry MRPT_VERSION checks
- Fixes for clang format
- Adapted CMakeLists to new mrpt
- Ported to a new version of MRPT
- Fix paths in demo_play_ekf(_2d).launch files.
- [mrpt_rawlog] Fix missing rosbag dependency in package.xml. (#66)
- [mrpt_rawlog] Fix missing rosbag dependency in package.xml.
- Contributors: Borys Tymchenko, Jose Luis Blanco Claraco, Jose Luis Blanco-Claraco, Logrus, Markus Bader, Vladislav Tananaev
0.1.22 (2018-05-22)
- fix all catkin_lint errors
- Contributors: Jose Luis Blanco-Claraco
0.1.21 (2018-04-27)
- Upgrade version 0.1.20 (#99)
- rawlog_play: clean up; support obs-only rawlog
- fix missing mrpt/config hdr
- fix build against mrpt 2.0
- partial fix build w mrpt 2.0
- optimized build (-O3)
- Fix travis
- add dep stereo_msgs
- add dep stereo_msgs
- fix minor warnigngs and errors
- Use docker to run modern ROS distros in travis (#93)
- marker messages are also logged as beacons if needed
- mrpt_rawlog recorder update
- static tf in rawlog record fixed
- marker msgs added
- timestamp problem solved
- Merge branch 'master' of
- bearing readings added
- Merge branch 'master' into master
- CMake finds MRPT >=1.5 in ROS master branch
- Merge branch 'master' into compat-mrpt-1.5
- CMake finds MRPT >=1.9
- avoid Eigen warnings with GCC-7
- Removed unnecessry MRPT_VERSION checks
- Fixes for clang format
- Adapted CMakeLists to new mrpt
- Ported to a new version of MRPT
- Fix paths in demo_play_ekf(_2d).launch files.
- [mrpt_rawlog] Fix missing rosbag dependency in package.xml. (#66)
- [mrpt_rawlog] Fix missing rosbag dependency in package.xml.
- Contributors: Borys Tymchenko, Hunter Laux, Jose Luis Blanco Claraco, Jose Luis Blanco-Claraco, Logrus, Markus Bader, Vladislav Tananaev
0.1.18 (2017-01-22)
0.1.17 (2017-01-22)
- Remove all errors generated by catkin_lint and cleanup unused templates from CMakeLists.txt files
- Contributors: Jorge Santos
0.1.16 (2016-12-13)
0.1.15 (2016-11-06)
- Fix build against MRPT 1.5.0
- Contributors: Jose-Luis Blanco-Claraco
0.1.14 (2016-09-12)
0.1.13 (2016-09-03)
0.1.12 (2016-09-03)
0.1.11 (2016-08-21)
- fix missing #include
- Add wheeled robot example and 2d ekf.
- Add landmark to bridge.
- Contributors: Jose Luis Blanco, Logrus
0.1.10 (2016-08-05)
0.1.9 (2016-08-05)
- fix install of .so targets
- Contributors: Jose-Luis Blanco-Claraco
0.1.8 (2016-06-29)
- Fix CMake dependencies (it failed to build in some platforms randomly)
- Contributors: Jose-Luis Blanco-Claraco
0.1.7 (2016-06-20)
0.1.6 (2016-03-20)
- added a launch file that plays a range-only rawlog
- Added in beacon publisher capabilities
- fix build with latest mrpt version
- update stamp with ros time now
- since no clock recorded, tf/msgs published in the past, complains from everywhere
- todo : extrapolate time between first/last msg stamp and pub clock
- default laser frame if msg_laser_ has none
- Contributors: Jeremie Deray, Jose Luis Blanco, Raphael Zack
0.1.5 (2015-04-29)
- Cleaner build against mrpt 1.3.0
- Fix build against mrpt 1.3.0
- Contributors: Jose Luis Blanco
0.1.4 (2014-12-27)
- Removed 'mrpt' dep from catkin_package(). I think this is giving problems to dependant pkgs and is not needed...
- localization: New param to configure sensor sources in a flexible way
- Contributors: Jose Luis Blanco
0.1.3 (2014-12-18)
- Fix many missing install files
- Contributors: Jose Luis Blanco
0.1.2 (2014-12-18)
0.1.1 (2014-12-17)
- First public binary release.
0.1.0 (2014-12-17)
- More debug output
- consistent version numbers
- Fix demo_play with a sample .rawlog (was missing)
- Fixes broken dependencies
- Removed obsolete rawlog_play & fix build of other nodes.
- Update all wiki URLs
- Fix build with mrpt 1.2.x
Wiki Tutorials
This package does not provide any links to tutorials in it's rosindex metadata.
You can check on the ROS Wiki Tutorials page for the package.
Package Dependencies
System Dependencies
Name |
cmake |
Dependant Packages
Name | Deps |
mrpt_navigation |
Launch files
No launch files found
No message files found.
No service files found
No plugins found.
Recent questions tagged mrpt_rawlog at Robotics Stack Exchange
![]() |
mrpt_rawlog package from mrpt_navigation repomrpt_local_obstacles mrpt_localization mrpt_map mrpt_msgs_bridge mrpt_navigation mrpt_rawlog mrpt_reactivenav2d mrpt_tutorials |
Package Summary
Tags | No category tags. |
Version | 1.0.7 |
License | BSD |
Build type | CATKIN |
Repository Summary
Checkout URI | |
VCS Type | git |
VCS Version | ros1 |
Last Updated | 2024-09-17 |
Dev Status | DEVELOPED |
CI status | Continuous Integration : 0 / 0 |
Released | RELEASED |
Tags | No category tags. |
Contributing |
Help Wanted (0)
Good First Issues (0) Pull Requests to Review (0) |
Package Description
This package provides nodes to record and play MRPT rawlogs.
Additional Links
- Markus Bader
- Jose Luis Blanco-Claraco
No additional authors.
No README found.
See repository README.
Changelog for package mrpt_rawlog
1.0.7 (2024-09-17)
1.0.6 (2024-09-04)
- port to new mrpt_lib ROS packages as dependencies
- Contributors: Jose Luis Blanco-Claraco
1.0.5 (2024-03-19)
- fix mrpt2 API
- Contributors: Jose Luis Blanco-Claraco
1.0.4 (2023-03-28)
1.0.3 (2022-06-25)
1.0.2 (2022-06-25)
1.0.1 (2022-06-24)
- Correct demos
- Fix all build errors
- Removed now obsolete tf_prefix
- Ported to tf2 and mrpt::ros1bridge
- Contributors: Jose Luis Blanco-Claraco
1.0.0 (2022-04-30)
- Update URLs to https
- Update build dep to mrpt2
- Merge pull request #126 from lukschwalb/master Fix incorrect class check
- Fix incorrect class name
- Merge pull request #119 from mx-robotics/develop rawlog_record: fnc call fileNameStripInvalidChars removed
- Contributors: Jose Luis Blanco Claraco, Markus Bader, Schwalb, Luk
0.1.26 (2019-10-05)
- mrpt_rawlog: abort if input file does not exist. Fix crash if built against mrpt1.
- remove qtcreator temporary files
- Contributors: Jose Luis Blanco Claraco
0.1.25 (2019-10-04)
- fix build in gcc 4.x
- fix build against mrpt1 (Closes #113)
- fix build against current mrpt2
- Contributors: Jose Luis Blanco Claraco, Jose Luis Blanco-Claraco
0.1.24 (2019-04-12)
- Fix build against mrpt-1.5
- Fix build against MRPT 1.9.9
- fix regression introduced in last refactor of mrpt_rawlog
- rawlog_record: Explain error if cannot write .rawlog
- Contributors: Jose Luis Blanco Claraco, Julian Lopez Velasquez
0.1.23 (2018-06-14)
0.1.20 (2018-04-26)
- rawlog_play: clean up; support obs-only rawlog
- fix missing mrpt/config hdr
- fix build against mrpt 2.0
- partial fix build w mrpt 2.0
- optimized build (-O3)
- Fix travis
- add dep stereo_msgs
- add dep stereo_msgs
- fix minor warnigngs and errors
- Use docker to run modern ROS distros in travis (#93)
- marker messages are also logged as beacons if needed
- mrpt_rawlog recorder update
- static tf in rawlog record fixed
- marker msgs added
- timestamp problem solved
- Merge branch 'master' of
- bearing readings added
- Merge branch 'master' into master
- CMake finds MRPT >=1.5 in ROS master branch
- Merge branch 'master' into compat-mrpt-1.5
- CMake finds MRPT >=1.9
- avoid Eigen warnings with GCC-7
- Removed unnecessry MRPT_VERSION checks
- Fixes for clang format
- Adapted CMakeLists to new mrpt
- Ported to a new version of MRPT
- Fix paths in demo_play_ekf(_2d).launch files.
- [mrpt_rawlog] Fix missing rosbag dependency in package.xml. (#66)
- [mrpt_rawlog] Fix missing rosbag dependency in package.xml.
- Contributors: Borys Tymchenko, Jose Luis Blanco Claraco, Jose Luis Blanco-Claraco, Logrus, Markus Bader, Vladislav Tananaev
0.1.22 (2018-05-22)
- fix all catkin_lint errors
- Contributors: Jose Luis Blanco-Claraco
0.1.21 (2018-04-27)
- Upgrade version 0.1.20 (#99)
- rawlog_play: clean up; support obs-only rawlog
- fix missing mrpt/config hdr
- fix build against mrpt 2.0
- partial fix build w mrpt 2.0
- optimized build (-O3)
- Fix travis
- add dep stereo_msgs
- add dep stereo_msgs
- fix minor warnigngs and errors
- Use docker to run modern ROS distros in travis (#93)
- marker messages are also logged as beacons if needed
- mrpt_rawlog recorder update
- static tf in rawlog record fixed
- marker msgs added
- timestamp problem solved
- Merge branch 'master' of
- bearing readings added
- Merge branch 'master' into master
- CMake finds MRPT >=1.5 in ROS master branch
- Merge branch 'master' into compat-mrpt-1.5
- CMake finds MRPT >=1.9
- avoid Eigen warnings with GCC-7
- Removed unnecessry MRPT_VERSION checks
- Fixes for clang format
- Adapted CMakeLists to new mrpt
- Ported to a new version of MRPT
- Fix paths in demo_play_ekf(_2d).launch files.
- [mrpt_rawlog] Fix missing rosbag dependency in package.xml. (#66)
- [mrpt_rawlog] Fix missing rosbag dependency in package.xml.
- Contributors: Borys Tymchenko, Hunter Laux, Jose Luis Blanco Claraco, Jose Luis Blanco-Claraco, Logrus, Markus Bader, Vladislav Tananaev
0.1.18 (2017-01-22)
0.1.17 (2017-01-22)
- Remove all errors generated by catkin_lint and cleanup unused templates from CMakeLists.txt files
- Contributors: Jorge Santos
0.1.16 (2016-12-13)
0.1.15 (2016-11-06)
- Fix build against MRPT 1.5.0
- Contributors: Jose-Luis Blanco-Claraco
0.1.14 (2016-09-12)
0.1.13 (2016-09-03)
0.1.12 (2016-09-03)
0.1.11 (2016-08-21)
- fix missing #include
- Add wheeled robot example and 2d ekf.
- Add landmark to bridge.
- Contributors: Jose Luis Blanco, Logrus
0.1.10 (2016-08-05)
0.1.9 (2016-08-05)
- fix install of .so targets
- Contributors: Jose-Luis Blanco-Claraco
0.1.8 (2016-06-29)
- Fix CMake dependencies (it failed to build in some platforms randomly)
- Contributors: Jose-Luis Blanco-Claraco
0.1.7 (2016-06-20)
0.1.6 (2016-03-20)
- added a launch file that plays a range-only rawlog
- Added in beacon publisher capabilities
- fix build with latest mrpt version
- update stamp with ros time now
- since no clock recorded, tf/msgs published in the past, complains from everywhere
- todo : extrapolate time between first/last msg stamp and pub clock
- default laser frame if msg_laser_ has none
- Contributors: Jeremie Deray, Jose Luis Blanco, Raphael Zack
0.1.5 (2015-04-29)
- Cleaner build against mrpt 1.3.0
- Fix build against mrpt 1.3.0
- Contributors: Jose Luis Blanco
0.1.4 (2014-12-27)
- Removed 'mrpt' dep from catkin_package(). I think this is giving problems to dependant pkgs and is not needed...
- localization: New param to configure sensor sources in a flexible way
- Contributors: Jose Luis Blanco
0.1.3 (2014-12-18)
- Fix many missing install files
- Contributors: Jose Luis Blanco
0.1.2 (2014-12-18)
0.1.1 (2014-12-17)
- First public binary release.
0.1.0 (2014-12-17)
- More debug output
- consistent version numbers
- Fix demo_play with a sample .rawlog (was missing)
- Fixes broken dependencies
- Removed obsolete rawlog_play & fix build of other nodes.
- Update all wiki URLs
- Fix build with mrpt 1.2.x
Wiki Tutorials
This package does not provide any links to tutorials in it's rosindex metadata.
You can check on the ROS Wiki Tutorials page for the package.
Package Dependencies
Deps | Name |
catkin | |
mrpt_libobs | |
mrpt_libgui | |
mrpt_libros_bridge | |
roscpp | |
tf2 | |
tf2_ros | |
tf2_geometry_msgs | |
sensor_msgs | |
nav_msgs | |
mrpt_msgs | |
mrpt_msgs_bridge | |
dynamic_reconfigure | |
rosbag | |
marker_msgs |
System Dependencies
No direct system dependencies.
Dependant Packages
Launch files
- launch/demo_play_ro.launch
- rawlog_file [default: $(find mrpt_rawlog)/tutorial//RO-SLAM_demo.rawlog]
- rate [default: 10]
- launch/demo_rosbag.launch
- launch/demo_play.launch
- rawlog_file [default: $(find mrpt_rawlog)/tutorial/2006-01-21-malaga_campus_loop.rawlog]
- rate [default: 10]
- launch/demo_record.launch
- launch/demo_play_ekf_2d.launch
- rawlog_file [default: $(find mrpt_ekf_slam_2d)/tutorial/kf-slam_demo_2d.rawlog]
- rate [default: 10]
- launch/demo_play_ekf.launch
- rawlog_file [default: $(find mrpt_ekf_slam_3d)/tutorial/kf-slam_6D_demo.rawlog]
- rate [default: 10]
- launch/demo_play_ekf_wheeled_robot.launch
- rawlog_file [default: $(find mrpt_rawlog)/tutorial/kf-slam_demo_wheeled_robot.rawlog]
- rate [default: 10]
No message files found.
No service files found
No plugins found.
Recent questions tagged mrpt_rawlog at Robotics Stack Exchange
No version for distro ardent. Known supported distros are highlighted in the buttons above.
No version for distro bouncy. Known supported distros are highlighted in the buttons above.
No version for distro crystal. Known supported distros are highlighted in the buttons above.
No version for distro eloquent. Known supported distros are highlighted in the buttons above.
No version for distro dashing. Known supported distros are highlighted in the buttons above.
No version for distro galactic. Known supported distros are highlighted in the buttons above.
No version for distro foxy. Known supported distros are highlighted in the buttons above.
Package Summary
Tags | No category tags. |
Version | 2.2.1 |
License | BSD |
Build type | AMENT_CMAKE |
Repository Summary
Checkout URI | |
VCS Type | git |
VCS Version | ros2 |
Last Updated | 2025-02-22 |
Dev Status | DEVELOPED |
CI status | No Continuous Integration |
Released | RELEASED |
Tags | No category tags. |
Contributing |
Help Wanted (0)
Good First Issues (0) Pull Requests to Review (0) |
Package Description
Nodes and programs to record and play MRPT rawlogs or to transform between rosbags and rawlogs.
Additional Links
- Markus Bader
- Jose Luis Blanco-Claraco
No additional authors.
No README found.
See repository README.
Changelog for package mrpt_rawlog
2.2.1 (2024-10-12)
2.2.0 (2024-09-25)
- Update URL entries in package.xml to each package proper documentation
- ament linters: manually enable just cmake and xml linters
- reformat clang-format with 100 column width
- Contributors: Jose Luis Blanco-Claraco
2.1.1 (2024-09-02)
- Remove temporary workaround in <depends> for buggy mrpt_libros_bridge package.xml
- update dependencies
- Depend on new mrpt_lib packages (deprecate mrpt2)
- rosbag2rawlog app: support generating CObservationOdometry from /tf odom->base_link msgs
- mrpt_rawlog: delete old ROS1 leftover files
- Contributors: Jose Luis Blanco-Claraco
- Remove temporary workaround in <depends> for buggy mrpt_libros_bridge package.xml
- update dependencies
- Depend on new mrpt_lib packages (deprecate mrpt2)
- rosbag2rawlog app: support generating CObservationOdometry from /tf odom->base_link msgs
- mrpt_rawlog: delete old ROS1 leftover files
- Contributors: Jose Luis Blanco-Claraco
2.1.0 (2024-08-08)
- BUGFIX: Data stream ignored for sensors where fixed_sensor_pose was defined.
- Fix GNSS name typo
- Merge branch 'ros2' into wip/port-tps-astar
- Merge branch 'ros2' into wip/port-tps-astar
- Contributors: Jose Luis Blanco-Claraco
2.0.1 (2024-05-28)
2.0.0 (2024-05-28)
- rosbag2rawlog: BUGFIX: sensor poses were inverted
- rosbag2rawlog: drop msgs if /tf data did not arrive yet instead of aborting
- rosbag2rawlog: now also can convert from mrpt_msgs/GenericObservation messages
- Import GNSS observations
- Fix build with older versions of cv_bridge
- rosbag2rawlog: Implement automatic detection of sensorPose from /tf, and added option to override poses from config yaml
- rosbag2rawlog: Add support for XYZIRT pointcloud observations
- Add support for CObservationRotatingScan in rosbag2rawlog
- Fix rosbag2rawlog install path should be 'bin'
- rosbag2rawlog: add conversion for LaserScan msgs
- Fix missing build dep
- Add ament linter for testing builds
- mrpt_rawlog: remove all record nodes. The package will only provide a play rawlog node, and offline tool to convert rosbag2 to rawlog
- Fix obsolete tf2_geometry_msgs.h header
- Unify and clarify license headers in all files
- Port to ROS 2
- Contributors: Jose Luis Blanco-Claraco
1.0.3 (2022-06-25)
1.0.2 (2022-06-25)
1.0.1 (2022-06-24)
- Correct demos
- Fix all build errors
- Removed now obsolete tf_prefix
- Ported to tf2 and mrpt::ros1bridge
- Contributors: Jose Luis Blanco-Claraco
1.0.0 (2022-04-30)
- Update URLs to https
- Update build dep to mrpt2
- Merge pull request #126 from lukschwalb/master Fix incorrect class check
- Fix incorrect class name
- Merge pull request #119 from mx-robotics/develop rawlog_record: fnc call fileNameStripInvalidChars removed
- Contributors: Jose Luis Blanco Claraco, Markus Bader, Schwalb, Luk
0.1.26 (2019-10-05)
- mrpt_rawlog: abort if input file does not exist. Fix crash if built against mrpt1.
- remove qtcreator temporary files
- Contributors: Jose Luis Blanco Claraco
0.1.25 (2019-10-04)
- fix build in gcc 4.x
- fix build against mrpt1 (Closes #113)
- fix build against current mrpt2
- Contributors: Jose Luis Blanco Claraco, Jose Luis Blanco-Claraco
0.1.24 (2019-04-12)
- Fix build against mrpt-1.5
- Fix build against MRPT 1.9.9
- fix regression introduced in last refactor of mrpt_rawlog
- rawlog_record: Explain error if cannot write .rawlog
- Contributors: Jose Luis Blanco Claraco, Julian Lopez Velasquez
0.1.23 (2018-06-14)
0.1.20 (2018-04-26)
- rawlog_play: clean up; support obs-only rawlog
- fix missing mrpt/config hdr
- fix build against mrpt 2.0
- partial fix build w mrpt 2.0
- optimized build (-O3)
- Fix travis
- add dep stereo_msgs
- add dep stereo_msgs
- fix minor warnigngs and errors
- Use docker to run modern ROS distros in travis (#93)
- marker messages are also logged as beacons if needed
- mrpt_rawlog recorder update
- static tf in rawlog record fixed
- marker msgs added
- timestamp problem solved
- Merge branch 'master' of
- bearing readings added
- Merge branch 'master' into master
- CMake finds MRPT >=1.5 in ROS master branch
- Merge branch 'master' into compat-mrpt-1.5
- CMake finds MRPT >=1.9
- avoid Eigen warnings with GCC-7
- Removed unnecessry MRPT_VERSION checks
- Fixes for clang format
- Adapted CMakeLists to new mrpt
- Ported to a new version of MRPT
- Fix paths in demo_play_ekf(_2d).launch files.
- [mrpt_rawlog] Fix missing rosbag dependency in package.xml. (#66)
- [mrpt_rawlog] Fix missing rosbag dependency in package.xml.
- Contributors: Borys Tymchenko, Jose Luis Blanco Claraco, Jose Luis Blanco-Claraco, Logrus, Markus Bader, Vladislav Tananaev
0.1.22 (2018-05-22)
- fix all catkin_lint errors
- Contributors: Jose Luis Blanco-Claraco
0.1.21 (2018-04-27)
- Upgrade version 0.1.20 (#99)
- rawlog_play: clean up; support obs-only rawlog
- fix missing mrpt/config hdr
- fix build against mrpt 2.0
- partial fix build w mrpt 2.0
- optimized build (-O3)
- Fix travis
- add dep stereo_msgs
- add dep stereo_msgs
- fix minor warnigngs and errors
- Use docker to run modern ROS distros in travis (#93)
- marker messages are also logged as beacons if needed
- mrpt_rawlog recorder update
- static tf in rawlog record fixed
- marker msgs added
- timestamp problem solved
- Merge branch 'master' of
- bearing readings added
- Merge branch 'master' into master
- CMake finds MRPT >=1.5 in ROS master branch
- Merge branch 'master' into compat-mrpt-1.5
- CMake finds MRPT >=1.9
- avoid Eigen warnings with GCC-7
- Removed unnecessry MRPT_VERSION checks
- Fixes for clang format
- Adapted CMakeLists to new mrpt
- Ported to a new version of MRPT
- Fix paths in demo_play_ekf(_2d).launch files.
- [mrpt_rawlog] Fix missing rosbag dependency in package.xml. (#66)
- [mrpt_rawlog] Fix missing rosbag dependency in package.xml.
- Contributors: Borys Tymchenko, Hunter Laux, Jose Luis Blanco Claraco, Jose Luis Blanco-Claraco, Logrus, Markus Bader, Vladislav Tananaev
0.1.18 (2017-01-22)
0.1.17 (2017-01-22)
- Remove all errors generated by catkin_lint and cleanup unused templates from CMakeLists.txt files
- Contributors: Jorge Santos
0.1.16 (2016-12-13)
0.1.15 (2016-11-06)
- Fix build against MRPT 1.5.0
- Contributors: Jose-Luis Blanco-Claraco
0.1.14 (2016-09-12)
0.1.13 (2016-09-03)
0.1.12 (2016-09-03)
0.1.11 (2016-08-21)
- fix missing #include
- Add wheeled robot example and 2d ekf.
- Add landmark to bridge.
- Contributors: Jose Luis Blanco, Logrus
0.1.10 (2016-08-05)
0.1.9 (2016-08-05)
- fix install of .so targets
- Contributors: Jose-Luis Blanco-Claraco
0.1.8 (2016-06-29)
- Fix CMake dependencies (it failed to build in some platforms randomly)
- Contributors: Jose-Luis Blanco-Claraco
0.1.7 (2016-06-20)
0.1.6 (2016-03-20)
- added a launch file that plays a range-only rawlog
- Added in beacon publisher capabilities
- fix build with latest mrpt version
- update stamp with ros time now
- since no clock recorded, tf/msgs published in the past, complains from everywhere
- todo : extrapolate time between first/last msg stamp and pub clock
- default laser frame if msg_laser_ has none
- Contributors: Jeremie Deray, Jose Luis Blanco, Raphael Zack
0.1.5 (2015-04-29)
- Cleaner build against mrpt 1.3.0
- Fix build against mrpt 1.3.0
- Contributors: Jose Luis Blanco
0.1.4 (2014-12-27)
- Removed 'mrpt' dep from catkin_package(). I think this is giving problems to dependant pkgs and is not needed...
- localization: New param to configure sensor sources in a flexible way
- Contributors: Jose Luis Blanco
0.1.3 (2014-12-18)
- Fix many missing install files
- Contributors: Jose Luis Blanco
0.1.2 (2014-12-18)
0.1.1 (2014-12-17)
- First public binary release.
0.1.0 (2014-12-17)
- More debug output
- consistent version numbers
- Fix demo_play with a sample .rawlog (was missing)
- Fixes broken dependencies
- Removed obsolete rawlog_play & fix build of other nodes.
- Update all wiki URLs
- Fix build with mrpt 1.2.x
Wiki Tutorials
This package does not provide any links to tutorials in it's rosindex metadata.
You can check on the ROS Wiki Tutorials page for the package.
Package Dependencies
System Dependencies
Name |
cmake |
Dependant Packages
Name | Deps |
mrpt_navigation |
Launch files
No launch files found
No message files found.
No service files found
No plugins found.
Recent questions tagged mrpt_rawlog at Robotics Stack Exchange
No version for distro lunar. Known supported distros are highlighted in the buttons above.
No version for distro jade. Known supported distros are highlighted in the buttons above.
No version for distro indigo. Known supported distros are highlighted in the buttons above.
No version for distro hydro. Known supported distros are highlighted in the buttons above.
No version for distro kinetic. Known supported distros are highlighted in the buttons above.
![]() |
mrpt_rawlog package from mrpt_navigation repomrpt_local_obstacles mrpt_localization mrpt_map mrpt_msgs_bridge mrpt_navigation mrpt_rawlog mrpt_reactivenav2d mrpt_tutorials |
Package Summary
Tags | No category tags. |
Version | 1.0.7 |
License | BSD |
Build type | CATKIN |
Repository Summary
Checkout URI | |
VCS Type | git |
VCS Version | ros1 |
Last Updated | 2024-09-17 |
Dev Status | DEVELOPED |
CI status | Continuous Integration : 0 / 0 |
Released | RELEASED |
Tags | No category tags. |
Contributing |
Help Wanted (0)
Good First Issues (0) Pull Requests to Review (0) |
Package Description
This package provides nodes to record and play MRPT rawlogs.
Additional Links
- Markus Bader
- Jose Luis Blanco-Claraco
No additional authors.
No README found.
See repository README.
Changelog for package mrpt_rawlog
1.0.7 (2024-09-17)
1.0.6 (2024-09-04)
- port to new mrpt_lib ROS packages as dependencies
- Contributors: Jose Luis Blanco-Claraco
1.0.5 (2024-03-19)
- fix mrpt2 API
- Contributors: Jose Luis Blanco-Claraco
1.0.4 (2023-03-28)
1.0.3 (2022-06-25)
1.0.2 (2022-06-25)
1.0.1 (2022-06-24)
- Correct demos
- Fix all build errors
- Removed now obsolete tf_prefix
- Ported to tf2 and mrpt::ros1bridge
- Contributors: Jose Luis Blanco-Claraco
1.0.0 (2022-04-30)
- Update URLs to https
- Update build dep to mrpt2
- Merge pull request #126 from lukschwalb/master Fix incorrect class check
- Fix incorrect class name
- Merge pull request #119 from mx-robotics/develop rawlog_record: fnc call fileNameStripInvalidChars removed
- Contributors: Jose Luis Blanco Claraco, Markus Bader, Schwalb, Luk
0.1.26 (2019-10-05)
- mrpt_rawlog: abort if input file does not exist. Fix crash if built against mrpt1.
- remove qtcreator temporary files
- Contributors: Jose Luis Blanco Claraco
0.1.25 (2019-10-04)
- fix build in gcc 4.x
- fix build against mrpt1 (Closes #113)
- fix build against current mrpt2
- Contributors: Jose Luis Blanco Claraco, Jose Luis Blanco-Claraco
0.1.24 (2019-04-12)
- Fix build against mrpt-1.5
- Fix build against MRPT 1.9.9
- fix regression introduced in last refactor of mrpt_rawlog
- rawlog_record: Explain error if cannot write .rawlog
- Contributors: Jose Luis Blanco Claraco, Julian Lopez Velasquez
0.1.23 (2018-06-14)
0.1.20 (2018-04-26)
- rawlog_play: clean up; support obs-only rawlog
- fix missing mrpt/config hdr
- fix build against mrpt 2.0
- partial fix build w mrpt 2.0
- optimized build (-O3)
- Fix travis
- add dep stereo_msgs
- add dep stereo_msgs
- fix minor warnigngs and errors
- Use docker to run modern ROS distros in travis (#93)
- marker messages are also logged as beacons if needed
- mrpt_rawlog recorder update
- static tf in rawlog record fixed
- marker msgs added
- timestamp problem solved
- Merge branch 'master' of
- bearing readings added
- Merge branch 'master' into master
- CMake finds MRPT >=1.5 in ROS master branch
- Merge branch 'master' into compat-mrpt-1.5
- CMake finds MRPT >=1.9
- avoid Eigen warnings with GCC-7
- Removed unnecessry MRPT_VERSION checks
- Fixes for clang format
- Adapted CMakeLists to new mrpt
- Ported to a new version of MRPT
- Fix paths in demo_play_ekf(_2d).launch files.
- [mrpt_rawlog] Fix missing rosbag dependency in package.xml. (#66)
- [mrpt_rawlog] Fix missing rosbag dependency in package.xml.
- Contributors: Borys Tymchenko, Jose Luis Blanco Claraco, Jose Luis Blanco-Claraco, Logrus, Markus Bader, Vladislav Tananaev
0.1.22 (2018-05-22)
- fix all catkin_lint errors
- Contributors: Jose Luis Blanco-Claraco
0.1.21 (2018-04-27)
- Upgrade version 0.1.20 (#99)
- rawlog_play: clean up; support obs-only rawlog
- fix missing mrpt/config hdr
- fix build against mrpt 2.0
- partial fix build w mrpt 2.0
- optimized build (-O3)
- Fix travis
- add dep stereo_msgs
- add dep stereo_msgs
- fix minor warnigngs and errors
- Use docker to run modern ROS distros in travis (#93)
- marker messages are also logged as beacons if needed
- mrpt_rawlog recorder update
- static tf in rawlog record fixed
- marker msgs added
- timestamp problem solved
- Merge branch 'master' of
- bearing readings added
- Merge branch 'master' into master
- CMake finds MRPT >=1.5 in ROS master branch
- Merge branch 'master' into compat-mrpt-1.5
- CMake finds MRPT >=1.9
- avoid Eigen warnings with GCC-7
- Removed unnecessry MRPT_VERSION checks
- Fixes for clang format
- Adapted CMakeLists to new mrpt
- Ported to a new version of MRPT
- Fix paths in demo_play_ekf(_2d).launch files.
- [mrpt_rawlog] Fix missing rosbag dependency in package.xml. (#66)
- [mrpt_rawlog] Fix missing rosbag dependency in package.xml.
- Contributors: Borys Tymchenko, Hunter Laux, Jose Luis Blanco Claraco, Jose Luis Blanco-Claraco, Logrus, Markus Bader, Vladislav Tananaev
0.1.18 (2017-01-22)
0.1.17 (2017-01-22)
- Remove all errors generated by catkin_lint and cleanup unused templates from CMakeLists.txt files
- Contributors: Jorge Santos
0.1.16 (2016-12-13)
0.1.15 (2016-11-06)
- Fix build against MRPT 1.5.0
- Contributors: Jose-Luis Blanco-Claraco
0.1.14 (2016-09-12)
0.1.13 (2016-09-03)
0.1.12 (2016-09-03)
0.1.11 (2016-08-21)
- fix missing #include
- Add wheeled robot example and 2d ekf.
- Add landmark to bridge.
- Contributors: Jose Luis Blanco, Logrus
0.1.10 (2016-08-05)
0.1.9 (2016-08-05)
- fix install of .so targets
- Contributors: Jose-Luis Blanco-Claraco
0.1.8 (2016-06-29)
- Fix CMake dependencies (it failed to build in some platforms randomly)
- Contributors: Jose-Luis Blanco-Claraco
0.1.7 (2016-06-20)
0.1.6 (2016-03-20)
- added a launch file that plays a range-only rawlog
- Added in beacon publisher capabilities
- fix build with latest mrpt version
- update stamp with ros time now
- since no clock recorded, tf/msgs published in the past, complains from everywhere
- todo : extrapolate time between first/last msg stamp and pub clock
- default laser frame if msg_laser_ has none
- Contributors: Jeremie Deray, Jose Luis Blanco, Raphael Zack
0.1.5 (2015-04-29)
- Cleaner build against mrpt 1.3.0
- Fix build against mrpt 1.3.0
- Contributors: Jose Luis Blanco
0.1.4 (2014-12-27)
- Removed 'mrpt' dep from catkin_package(). I think this is giving problems to dependant pkgs and is not needed...
- localization: New param to configure sensor sources in a flexible way
- Contributors: Jose Luis Blanco
0.1.3 (2014-12-18)
- Fix many missing install files
- Contributors: Jose Luis Blanco
0.1.2 (2014-12-18)
0.1.1 (2014-12-17)
- First public binary release.
0.1.0 (2014-12-17)
- More debug output
- consistent version numbers
- Fix demo_play with a sample .rawlog (was missing)
- Fixes broken dependencies
- Removed obsolete rawlog_play & fix build of other nodes.
- Update all wiki URLs
- Fix build with mrpt 1.2.x
Wiki Tutorials
This package does not provide any links to tutorials in it's rosindex metadata.
You can check on the ROS Wiki Tutorials page for the package.
Package Dependencies
Deps | Name |
catkin | |
mrpt_libobs | |
mrpt_libgui | |
mrpt_libros_bridge | |
roscpp | |
tf2 | |
tf2_ros | |
tf2_geometry_msgs | |
sensor_msgs | |
nav_msgs | |
mrpt_msgs | |
mrpt_msgs_bridge | |
dynamic_reconfigure | |
rosbag | |
marker_msgs |
System Dependencies
No direct system dependencies.
Dependant Packages
Launch files
- launch/demo_play_ro.launch
- rawlog_file [default: $(find mrpt_rawlog)/tutorial//RO-SLAM_demo.rawlog]
- rate [default: 10]
- launch/demo_rosbag.launch
- launch/demo_play.launch
- rawlog_file [default: $(find mrpt_rawlog)/tutorial/2006-01-21-malaga_campus_loop.rawlog]
- rate [default: 10]
- launch/demo_record.launch
- launch/demo_play_ekf_2d.launch
- rawlog_file [default: $(find mrpt_ekf_slam_2d)/tutorial/kf-slam_demo_2d.rawlog]
- rate [default: 10]
- launch/demo_play_ekf.launch
- rawlog_file [default: $(find mrpt_ekf_slam_3d)/tutorial/kf-slam_6D_demo.rawlog]
- rate [default: 10]
- launch/demo_play_ekf_wheeled_robot.launch
- rawlog_file [default: $(find mrpt_rawlog)/tutorial/kf-slam_demo_wheeled_robot.rawlog]
- rate [default: 10]
No message files found.
No service files found
No plugins found.