No version for distro humble. Known supported distros are highlighted in the buttons above.
No version for distro iron. Known supported distros are highlighted in the buttons above.
No version for distro jazzy. Known supported distros are highlighted in the buttons above.
No version for distro rolling. Known supported distros are highlighted in the buttons above.

Package Summary

Tags No category tags.
Version 1.16.0
License BSD
Build type CATKIN

Repository Summary

Checkout URI
VCS Type git
VCS Version noetic-devel
Last Updated 2023-11-21
CI status
Tags No category tags.
Contributing Help Wanted (0)
Good First Issues (0)
Pull Requests to Review (0)

Package Description

This is a set of tools for recording from and playing back to ROS topics. It is intended to be high performance and avoids deserialization and reserialization of the messages.

Additional Links


  • Michael Carroll
  • Shane Loretz


  • Tim Field
  • Jeremy Leibs
  • James Bowman
  • Dirk Thomas
  • Jacob Perron
No README found. No README in repository either.

Changelog for package rosbag

1.16.0 (2023-02-15)

  • add missing repeat_latched initialization (#2314)
  • Contributors: Robin Vanhove

1.15.15 (2022-11-23)

  • Move \@jacobperron from maintainer to author (#2302)
  • Fix rosbag reindex not seeking to truncated position after broken chunk (#2286)
  • Contributors: Emerson Knapp, Shane Loretz

1.15.14 (2022-01-06)

1.15.13 (2021-09-22)

1.15.12 (2021-09-21)

1.15.11 (2021-04-06)

  • Handle SIGINT in rosbag play (#2150)
  • Catch all exceptions in record thread (#2151)
  • raw_input does not exist in python 3 (#2143)
  • Contributors: Martin Pecka, Sebastian Scherer, pseyfert

1.15.10 (2021-03-18)

  • Add missing Boost (#2108)
  • Start player in paused state (#2086)
  • Contributors: Francisco Vina, Timo R

Wiki Tutorials

See ROS Wiki Tutorials for more details.

Source Tutorials

Not currently indexed.

Dependant Packages

Name Repo Deps
interest_point github-nasa-astrobee
localization_node github-nasa-astrobee
vive_localization github-nasa-astrobee
data_bagger github-nasa-astrobee
bag_processing github-nasa-astrobee
localization_analysis github-nasa-astrobee
performance_tester github-nasa-astrobee
bagger github-squarerobot-bagger
sensor_msgs github-ros-common_msgs
cras_bag_tools github-ctu-vras-ros-utils
cras_topic_tools github-ctu-vras-ros-utils
image_transport_codecs github-ctu-vras-ros-utils
dataspeed_can_tools bitbucket-dataspeedinc-dataspeed_can
diagnostic_analysis github-ros-diagnostics
flexbe_states github-flexbe-flexbe_behavior_engine
floam github-flynneva-floam
grid_map_ros github-anybotics-grid_map
theora_image_transport github-ros-perception-image_transport_plugins
iris_lama_ros github-iris-ua-iris_lama_ros
joy github-ros-drivers-joystick_drivers
jsk_data github-jsk-ros-pkg-jsk_common
jsk_tools github-jsk-ros-pkg-jsk_common
jsk_pcl_ros_utils github-jsk-ros-pkg-jsk_recognition
jsk_perception github-jsk-ros-pkg-jsk_recognition
mrpt_rawlog github-mrpt-ros-pkg-mrpt_navigation
multisense_ros github-carnegierobotics-multisense_ros
amcl github-ros-planning-navigation
costmap_2d github-ros-planning-navigation
novatel_oem7_driver github-novatel-novatel_oem7_driver
ov_core github-rpng-open_vins
ov_msckf github-rpng-open_vins
opencv_apps github-ros-perception-opencv_apps
pal_statistics github-pal-robotics-pal_statistics
face_detector github-wg-perception-people
pcl_ros github-ros-perception-perception_pcl
pr2_bringup github-pr2-pr2_robot
psen_scan_v2 github-PilzDE-psen_scan_v2
py_trees_ros github-splintered-reality-py_trees_ros
remote_rosbag_record github-yoshito-n-students-remote_rosbag_record
robot_calibration github-mikeferguson-robot_calibration
robot_localization github-cra-ros-pkg-robot_localization
robot_nav_viz_demos github-locusrobotics-robot_navigation
robot_pose_ekf github-ros-planning-robot_pose_ekf
robot_state_publisher github-ros-robot_state_publisher
ros_comm github-ros-ros_comm
test_rosbag github-ros-ros_comm
rosmsg github-ros-ros_comm
rostopic github-ros-ros_comm
roswtf github-ros-ros_comm
rosbag_pandas github-eurogroep-rosbag_pandas
rosbag_snapshot github-ros-rosbag_snapshot
rqt_py_common github-ros-visualization-rqt
rqt_bag github-ros-visualization-rqt_bag
rqt_bag_plugins github-ros-visualization-rqt_bag
rqt_multiplot github-anybotics-rqt_multiplot_plugin
rosbaglive github-DLu-wu_ros_tools
xpp_examples github-leggedrobotics-xpp
grepros github-suurjaak-grepros
atf_plotter github-floweisshardt-atf
gmcl github-adler-1994-gmcl
rosbag_rviz_panel github-fada-catec-rosbag_rviz_panel

Launch files

No launch files found


No message files found.


No service files found


No plugins found.

Recent questions tagged rosbag at Robotics Stack Exchange

No version for distro ardent. Known supported distros are highlighted in the buttons above.
No version for distro bouncy. Known supported distros are highlighted in the buttons above.
No version for distro crystal. Known supported distros are highlighted in the buttons above.
No version for distro eloquent. Known supported distros are highlighted in the buttons above.
No version for distro dashing. Known supported distros are highlighted in the buttons above.
No version for distro galactic. Known supported distros are highlighted in the buttons above.
No version for distro foxy. Known supported distros are highlighted in the buttons above.

Package Summary

Tags No category tags.
Version 1.13.7
License BSD
Build type CATKIN

Repository Summary

Checkout URI
VCS Type git
VCS Version lunar-devel
Last Updated 2019-02-01
CI status Continuous Integration
Tags No category tags.
Contributing Help Wanted (0)
Good First Issues (0)
Pull Requests to Review (0)

Package Description

This is a set of tools for recording from and playing back to ROS topics. It is intended to be high performance and avoids deserialization and reserialization of the messages.

Additional Links


  • Dirk Thomas


  • Tim Field
  • Jeremy Leibs
  • James Bowman
No README found. No README in repository either.

Changelog for package rosbag

1.13.7 (2018-08-17)

  • add TransportHint options --tcpnodelay and --udp (#1295)
  • fix check for header first in rosbag play for rate control topic (#1352)

1.13.6 (2018-02-05)

  • return an error status on error in rosbag (#1257)
  • fix warn of --max-splits without --split (#1237)

1.13.5 (2017-11-09)

1.13.4 (2017-11-02)

1.13.3 (2017-10-25)

  • fix publishing of selected topics from bag file (#1156)
  • fix Python 3 compatibility (#1150)

1.13.2 (2017-08-15)

1.13.1 (2017-07-27)

  • fix handling connections without indices (#1109)
  • improve message of check command (#1067)
  • fix BZip2 inclusion (#1016)
  • expose rate-control-topic and rate-control-max-delay args to command line tool (#1015)
  • improve migration rule generation (#1009, #1010, #1011)

1.13.0 (2017-02-22)

1.12.7 (2017-02-17)

  • throw exception instead of accessing invalid memory (#971)
  • move headers to include/xmlrpcpp (#962)
  • added option wait-for-subscriber to rosbag play (#959)
  • terminate underlying rosbag play, record on SIGTERM (#951)
  • add pause service for rosbag player (#949)
  • add rate-control-topic and rate-control-max-delay. (#947)

1.12.6 (2016-10-26)

  • fix BagMigrationException in migrate_raw (#917)

1.12.5 (2016-09-30)

1.12.4 (2016-09-19)

1.12.3 (2016-09-17)

  • set default values for min_space and min_space_str (#883)
  • record a maximum number of splits and then begin deleting old files (#866)
  • allow 64-bit sizes to be passed to robag max_size (#865)
  • update rosbag filter progress meter to use raw uncompressed input size (#857)

1.12.2 (2016-06-03)

1.12.1 (2016-04-18)

  • promote the result of read_messages to a namedtuple (#777)
  • use directory specific compiler flags (#785)

1.12.0 (2016-03-18)

  • add missing parameter to AdvertiseOptions::createAdvertiseOptions (#733)

1.11.18 (2016-03-17)

1.11.17 (2016-03-11)

  • use boost::make_shared instead of new for constructing boost::shared_ptr (#740)

1.11.16 (2015-11-09)

  • show size unit for --size of rosbag record in help string (#697)

1.11.15 (2015-10-13)

  • add option --prefix for prefixing output topics (#626)

1.11.14 (2015-09-19)

  • reduce memory usage by using slots for IndexEntry types (#613)
  • remove duplicate topics (#647)
  • better exception when calling get_start_time / get_end_time on empty bags (#657)
  • make support for lz4 in rosbag optional (#642)
  • fix handling of \"play --topics\" (#620)

1.11.13 (2015-04-28)

1.11.12 (2015-04-27)

1.11.11 (2015-04-16)

  • add support for pausing when specified topics are about to be published (#569)

1.11.10 (2014-12-22)

  • add option to specify the minimum disk space at which recording is stopped (#500)
  • add convenience API to Python rosbag (#508)
  • fix delay on detecting a running rosmaster with use_sim_time set (#532)

1.11.9 (2014-08-18)

1.11.8 (2014-08-04)

1.11.7 (2014-07-18)

1.11.6 (2014-07-10)

  • fix rosbag record prefix (#449)

1.11.5 (2014-06-24)

  • Fix typo in rosbag usage

1.11.4 (2014-06-16)

1.11.3 (2014-05-21)

1.11.2 (2014-05-08)

1.11.1 (2014-05-07)

  • add lz4 compression to rosbag (Python and C++) (#356)
  • fix rosbag record --node (#357)
  • move rosbag dox to rosbag_storage (#389)

1.11.0 (2014-03-04)

  • use catkin_install_python() to install Python scripts (#361)

1.10.0 (2014-02-11)

  • remove use of __connection header

1.9.54 (2014-01-27)

  • readd missing declaration of rosbag::createAdvertiseOptions (#338)

1.9.53 (2014-01-14)

1.9.52 (2014-01-08)

1.9.51 (2014-01-07)

  • move several client library independent parts from ros_comm into roscpp_core, split rosbag storage specific stuff from client library usage (#299)
  • fix return value on platforms where char is unsigned.
  • fix usage of boost include directories

1.9.50 (2013-10-04)

  • add chunksize option to rosbag record

1.9.49 (2013-09-16)

1.9.48 (2013-08-21)

  • search for exported rosbag migration rules based on new package rosbag_migration_rule

1.9.47 (2013-07-03)

1.9.46 (2013-06-18)

  • fix crash in bag migration (#239)

1.9.45 (2013-06-06)

  • added option \'--duration\' to \'rosbag play\' (#121)
  • fix missing newlines in rosbag error messages (#237)
  • fix flushing for tools like \'rosbag compress\' (#237)

1.9.44 (2013-03-21)

  • fix various issues on Windows (#189)

1.9.43 (2013-03-13)

1.9.42 (2013-03-08)

  • added option \'--duration\' to \'rosrun rosbag play\' (#121)
  • add error message to rosbag when using same in and out file (#171)

1.9.41 (2013-01-24)

1.9.40 (2013-01-13)

  • fix bagsort script (#42)

1.9.39 (2012-12-29)

  • first public release for Groovy

Wiki Tutorials

See ROS Wiki Tutorials for more details.

Source Tutorials

Not currently indexed.

Launch files

No launch files found


No message files found.


No service files found


No plugins found.

Recent questions tagged rosbag at Robotics Stack Exchange

Package Summary

Tags No category tags.
Version 1.11.21
License BSD
Build type CATKIN

Repository Summary

Checkout URI
VCS Type git
VCS Version indigo-devel
Last Updated 2017-03-06
CI status Continuous Integration
Tags No category tags.
Contributing Help Wanted (0)
Good First Issues (0)
Pull Requests to Review (0)

Package Description

This is a set of tools for recording from and playing back to ROS topics. It is intended to be high performance and avoids deserialization and reserialization of the messages.

Additional Links


  • Dirk Thomas


  • Tim Field
  • Jeremy Leibs
  • James Bowman
No README found. No README in repository either.

Changelog for package rosbag

1.11.21 (2017-03-06)

  • throw exception instead of accessing invalid memory (#971)
  • terminate underlying rosbag play, record on SIGTERM (#951)
  • fix BagMigrationException in migrate_raw (#917)
  • set default values for min_space and min_space_str (#883)
  • update rosbag filter progress meter to use raw uncompressed input size (#857)

1.11.20 (2016-06-27)

1.11.19 (2016-04-18)

  • promote the result of read_messages to a namedtuple (#777)
  • use directory specific compiler flags (#785)

1.11.18 (2016-03-17)

1.11.17 (2016-03-11)

  • use boost::make_shared instead of new for constructing boost::shared_ptr (#740)

1.11.16 (2015-11-09)

  • show size unit for --size of rosbag record in help string (#697)

1.11.15 (2015-10-13)

  • add option --prefix for prefixing output topics (#626)

1.11.14 (2015-09-19)

  • reduce memory usage by using slots for IndexEntry types (#613)
  • remove duplicate topics (#647)
  • better exception when calling get_start_time / get_end_time on empty bags (#657)
  • make support for lz4 in rosbag optional (#642)
  • fix handling of \"play --topics\" (#620)

1.11.13 (2015-04-28)

1.11.12 (2015-04-27)

1.11.11 (2015-04-16)

  • add support for pausing when specified topics are about to be published (#569)

1.11.10 (2014-12-22)

  • add option to specify the minimum disk space at which recording is stopped (#500)
  • add convenience API to Python rosbag (#508)
  • fix delay on detecting a running rosmaster with use_sim_time set (#532)

1.11.9 (2014-08-18)

1.11.8 (2014-08-04)

1.11.7 (2014-07-18)

1.11.6 (2014-07-10)

  • fix rosbag record prefix (#449)

1.11.5 (2014-06-24)

  • Fix typo in rosbag usage

1.11.4 (2014-06-16)

1.11.3 (2014-05-21)

1.11.2 (2014-05-08)

1.11.1 (2014-05-07)

  • add lz4 compression to rosbag (Python and C++) (#356)
  • fix rosbag record --node (#357)
  • move rosbag dox to rosbag_storage (#389)

1.11.0 (2014-03-04)

  • use catkin_install_python() to install Python scripts (#361)

1.10.0 (2014-02-11)

  • remove use of __connection header

1.9.54 (2014-01-27)

  • readd missing declaration of rosbag::createAdvertiseOptions (#338)

1.9.53 (2014-01-14)

1.9.52 (2014-01-08)

1.9.51 (2014-01-07)

  • move several client library independent parts from ros_comm into roscpp_core, split rosbag storage specific stuff from client library usage (#299)
  • fix return value on platforms where char is unsigned.
  • fix usage of boost include directories

1.9.50 (2013-10-04)

  • add chunksize option to rosbag record

1.9.49 (2013-09-16)

1.9.48 (2013-08-21)

  • search for exported rosbag migration rules based on new package rosbag_migration_rule

1.9.47 (2013-07-03)

1.9.46 (2013-06-18)

  • fix crash in bag migration (#239)

1.9.45 (2013-06-06)

  • added option \'--duration\' to \'rosbag play\' (#121)
  • fix missing newlines in rosbag error messages (#237)
  • fix flushing for tools like \'rosbag compress\' (#237)

1.9.44 (2013-03-21)

  • fix various issues on Windows (#189)

1.9.43 (2013-03-13)

1.9.42 (2013-03-08)

  • added option \'--duration\' to \'rosrun rosbag play\' (#121)
  • add error message to rosbag when using same in and out file (#171)

1.9.41 (2013-01-24)

1.9.40 (2013-01-13)

  • fix bagsort script (#42)

1.9.39 (2012-12-29)

  • first public release for Groovy

Wiki Tutorials

See ROS Wiki Tutorials for more details.

Source Tutorials

Not currently indexed.

Launch files

No launch files found


No message files found.


No service files found


No plugins found.

Recent questions tagged rosbag at Robotics Stack Exchange

Package Summary

Tags No category tags.
Version 1.11.21
License BSD
Build type CATKIN

Repository Summary

Checkout URI
VCS Type git
VCS Version indigo-devel
Last Updated 2017-03-06
CI status Continuous Integration
Tags No category tags.
Contributing Help Wanted (0)
Good First Issues (0)
Pull Requests to Review (0)

Package Description

This is a set of tools for recording from and playing back to ROS topics. It is intended to be high performance and avoids deserialization and reserialization of the messages.

Additional Links


  • Dirk Thomas


  • Tim Field
  • Jeremy Leibs
  • James Bowman
No README found. No README in repository either.

Changelog for package rosbag

1.11.21 (2017-03-06)

  • throw exception instead of accessing invalid memory (#971)
  • terminate underlying rosbag play, record on SIGTERM (#951)
  • fix BagMigrationException in migrate_raw (#917)
  • set default values for min_space and min_space_str (#883)
  • update rosbag filter progress meter to use raw uncompressed input size (#857)

1.11.20 (2016-06-27)

1.11.19 (2016-04-18)

  • promote the result of read_messages to a namedtuple (#777)
  • use directory specific compiler flags (#785)

1.11.18 (2016-03-17)

1.11.17 (2016-03-11)

  • use boost::make_shared instead of new for constructing boost::shared_ptr (#740)

1.11.16 (2015-11-09)

  • show size unit for --size of rosbag record in help string (#697)

1.11.15 (2015-10-13)

  • add option --prefix for prefixing output topics (#626)

1.11.14 (2015-09-19)

  • reduce memory usage by using slots for IndexEntry types (#613)
  • remove duplicate topics (#647)
  • better exception when calling get_start_time / get_end_time on empty bags (#657)
  • make support for lz4 in rosbag optional (#642)
  • fix handling of \"play --topics\" (#620)

1.11.13 (2015-04-28)

1.11.12 (2015-04-27)

1.11.11 (2015-04-16)

  • add support for pausing when specified topics are about to be published (#569)

1.11.10 (2014-12-22)

  • add option to specify the minimum disk space at which recording is stopped (#500)
  • add convenience API to Python rosbag (#508)
  • fix delay on detecting a running rosmaster with use_sim_time set (#532)

1.11.9 (2014-08-18)

1.11.8 (2014-08-04)

1.11.7 (2014-07-18)

1.11.6 (2014-07-10)

  • fix rosbag record prefix (#449)

1.11.5 (2014-06-24)

  • Fix typo in rosbag usage

1.11.4 (2014-06-16)

1.11.3 (2014-05-21)

1.11.2 (2014-05-08)

1.11.1 (2014-05-07)

  • add lz4 compression to rosbag (Python and C++) (#356)
  • fix rosbag record --node (#357)
  • move rosbag dox to rosbag_storage (#389)

1.11.0 (2014-03-04)

  • use catkin_install_python() to install Python scripts (#361)

1.10.0 (2014-02-11)

  • remove use of __connection header

1.9.54 (2014-01-27)

  • readd missing declaration of rosbag::createAdvertiseOptions (#338)

1.9.53 (2014-01-14)

1.9.52 (2014-01-08)

1.9.51 (2014-01-07)

  • move several client library independent parts from ros_comm into roscpp_core, split rosbag storage specific stuff from client library usage (#299)
  • fix return value on platforms where char is unsigned.
  • fix usage of boost include directories

1.9.50 (2013-10-04)

  • add chunksize option to rosbag record

1.9.49 (2013-09-16)

1.9.48 (2013-08-21)

  • search for exported rosbag migration rules based on new package rosbag_migration_rule

1.9.47 (2013-07-03)

1.9.46 (2013-06-18)

  • fix crash in bag migration (#239)

1.9.45 (2013-06-06)

  • added option \'--duration\' to \'rosbag play\' (#121)
  • fix missing newlines in rosbag error messages (#237)
  • fix flushing for tools like \'rosbag compress\' (#237)

1.9.44 (2013-03-21)

  • fix various issues on Windows (#189)

1.9.43 (2013-03-13)

1.9.42 (2013-03-08)

  • added option \'--duration\' to \'rosrun rosbag play\' (#121)
  • add error message to rosbag when using same in and out file (#171)

1.9.41 (2013-01-24)

1.9.40 (2013-01-13)

  • fix bagsort script (#42)

1.9.39 (2012-12-29)

  • first public release for Groovy

Wiki Tutorials

See ROS Wiki Tutorials for more details.

Source Tutorials

Not currently indexed.

Dependant Packages

Name Repo Deps
ar_track_alvar github-ros-perception-ar_track_alvar
cartographer_ros github-googlecartographer-cartographer_ros
diagnostic_analysis github-ros-diagnostics
flexbe_states github-team-vigir-flexbe_behavior_engine
generic_control_toolbox github-diogoalmeida-generic_control_toolbox
grid_map_ros github-anybotics-grid_map
theora_image_transport github-ros-perception-image_transport_plugins
joy github-ros-drivers-joystick_drivers
jsk_data github-jsk-ros-pkg-jsk_common
jsk_tools github-jsk-ros-pkg-jsk_common
jsk_pcl_ros_utils github-jsk-ros-pkg-jsk_recognition
jsk_perception github-jsk-ros-pkg-jsk_recognition
amcl github-ros-planning-navigation
costmap_2d github-ros-planning-navigation
robot_pose_ekf github-ros-planning-navigation
opencv_apps github-ros-perception-opencv_apps
face_detector github-wg-perception-people
pcl_ros github-ros-perception-perception_pcl
pr2_bringup github-pr2-pr2_robot
robot_calibration github-mikeferguson-robot_calibration
robot_localization github-cra-ros-pkg-robot_localization
ros_comm github-ros-ros_comm
test_rosbag github-ros-ros_comm
rosmsg github-ros-ros_comm
rostopic github-ros-ros_comm
rotors_gazebo_plugins github-ethz-asl-rotors_simulator
rqt_py_common github-ros-visualization-rqt
rqt_bag github-ros-visualization-rqt_bag
rqt_bag_plugins github-ros-visualization-rqt_bag
rqt_multiplot github-anybotics-rqt_multiplot_plugin
rviz github-ros-visualization-rviz
towr_ros github-ethz-adrl-towr
rgbd_rosbag_tools github-uos-uos_tools
rosbaglive github-DLu-wu_ros_tools
xpp_examples github-leggedrobotics-xpp
ecto_ros github-plasmodic-ecto_ros
feature_tracker github-tu-rbo-omip
joint_tracker github-tu-rbo-omip
rb_tracker github-tu-rbo-omip
roomblock_mapping github-tork-a-roomblock
bag_tools github-srv-srv_tools
summit_xl_localization github-RobotnikAutomation-summit_xl_common
bwi_logging github-utexas-bwi-bwi_common
rosR gitlab-OvGU-ESS-rosR
rosR_demos gitlab-OvGU-ESS-rosR_demos
rosbag_image_compressor github-ros-rosbag_image_compressor
grasp_synergy github-felixduvallet-grasp-synergy
convenience_ros_functions github-JenniferBuehler-convenience-pkgs
grasp_prediction_arc2017 github-start-jsk-jsk_apc
crossing_detector github-lama-imr-lama_utilities
lsd_slam_core github-tum-vision-lsd_slam
lsd_slam_viewer github-tum-vision-lsd_slam
rgbdslam github-felixendres-rgbdslam_v2

Launch files

No launch files found


No message files found.


No service files found


No plugins found.

Recent questions tagged rosbag at Robotics Stack Exchange

Package Summary

Tags No category tags.
Version 1.10.12
License BSD
Build type CATKIN

Repository Summary

Checkout URI
VCS Type git
VCS Version hydro-devel
Last Updated 2014-12-29
CI status Continuous Integration
Tags No category tags.
Contributing Help Wanted (0)
Good First Issues (0)
Pull Requests to Review (0)

Package Description

This is a set of tools for recording from and playing back to ROS topics. It is intended to be high performance and avoids deserialization and reserialization of the messages.

Additional Links


  • Dirk Thomas


  • Tim Field
  • Jeremy Leibs
  • James Bowman
No README found. No README in repository either.

Changelog for package rosbag

1.10.12 (2014-12-29)

  • fix delay on detecting a running rosmaster with use_sim_time set (#532)

1.10.11 (2014-08-18)

1.10.10 (2014-06-16)

1.10.3 (2014-06-02)

1.10.2 (2014-03-03)

1.10.1 (2014-02-25)

1.9.54 (2014-01-27)

  • readd missing declaration of rosbag::createAdvertiseOptions (#338)

1.9.53 (2014-01-14)

1.9.52 (2014-01-08)

1.9.51 (2014-01-07)

  • move several client library independent parts from ros_comm into roscpp_core, split rosbag storage specific stuff from client library usage (#299)
  • fix return value on platforms where char is unsigned.
  • fix usage of boost include directories

1.9.50 (2013-10-04)

  • add chunksize option to rosbag record

1.9.49 (2013-09-16)

1.9.48 (2013-08-21)

  • search for exported rosbag migration rules based on new package rosbag_migration_rule

1.9.47 (2013-07-03)

1.9.46 (2013-06-18)

  • fix crash in bag migration (#239)

1.9.45 (2013-06-06)

  • added option \'--duration\' to \'rosbag play\' (#121)
  • fix missing newlines in rosbag error messages (#237)
  • fix flushing for tools like \'rosbag compress\' (#237)

1.9.44 (2013-03-21)

  • fix various issues on Windows (#189)

1.9.43 (2013-03-13)

1.9.42 (2013-03-08)

  • added option \'--duration\' to \'rosrun rosbag play\' (#121)
  • add error message to rosbag when using same in and out file (#171)

1.9.41 (2013-01-24)

1.9.40 (2013-01-13)

  • fix bagsort script (#42)

1.9.39 (2012-12-29)

  • first public release for Groovy

Wiki Tutorials

See ROS Wiki Tutorials for more details.

Source Tutorials

Not currently indexed.

Dependant Packages

Name Repo Deps
diagnostic_analysis github-ros-diagnostics
theora_image_transport github-ros-perception-image_transport_plugins
joy github-ros-drivers-joystick_drivers
jsk_data github-jsk-ros-pkg-jsk_common
jsk_tools github-jsk-ros-pkg-jsk_common
jsk_pcl_ros_utils github-jsk-ros-pkg-jsk_recognition
jsk_perception github-jsk-ros-pkg-jsk_recognition
amcl github-ros-planning-navigation
costmap_2d github-ros-planning-navigation
robot_pose_ekf github-ros-planning-navigation
face_detector github-wg-perception-people
pcl_ros github-ros-perception-perception_pcl
pr2_bringup github-PR2-pr2_robot
robot_localization github-cra-ros-pkg-robot_localization
ros_comm github-ros-ros_comm
test_rosbag github-ros-ros_comm
rosmsg github-ros-ros_comm
rostopic github-ros-ros_comm
rqt_py_common github-ros-visualization-rqt
rviz github-ros-visualization-rviz
rgbd_rosbag_tools github-uos-uos_tools
rosbaglive github-DLu-wu_ros_tools
ecto_ros github-plasmodic-ecto_ros
bag_tools github-srv-srv_tools
biotac_log_parser github-kth-ros-pkg-biotac_driver
cob_3d_mapping_geometry_map github-ipa320-cob_environment_perception
cob_3d_mapping_pipeline github-ipa320-cob_environment_perception
cob_3d_mapping_semantics github-ipa320-cob_environment_perception
cob_3d_mapping_tools github-ipa320-cob_environment_perception
cob_3d_segmentation github-ipa320-cob_environment_perception
ethzasl_icp_mapper github-ethz-asl-ethzasl_icp_mapping
ethzasl_icp_mapper_experiments github-ethz-asl-ethzasl_icp_mapping
ethzasl_point_cloud_vtk_tools github-ethz-asl-ethzasl_icp_mapping
ndt_mcl github-tstoyanov-perception_oru-release
pr2_image_snapshot_recorder github-PR2-pr2_plugs
rosR svn-code-p-ivs-ros-pkg-code-trunk-rosR
rosbag_image_compressor github-ros-rosbag_image_compressor

Launch files

No launch files found


No message files found.


No service files found


No plugins found.

Recent questions tagged rosbag at Robotics Stack Exchange

Package Summary

Tags No category tags.
Version 1.12.17
License BSD
Build type CATKIN

Repository Summary

Checkout URI
VCS Type git
VCS Version kinetic-devel
Last Updated 2020-10-26
CI status Continuous Integration
Tags No category tags.
Contributing Help Wanted (0)
Good First Issues (0)
Pull Requests to Review (0)

Package Description

This is a set of tools for recording from and playing back to ROS topics. It is intended to be high performance and avoids deserialization and reserialization of the messages.

Additional Links


  • Jacob Perron
  • Michael Carroll
  • Shane Loretz


  • Tim Field
  • Jeremy Leibs
  • James Bowman
  • Dirk Thomas
No README found. No README in repository either.

Changelog for package rosbag

1.12.17 (2020-10-26)

  • Update maintainers (#2075)
  • Gracefully stop recording upon SIGTERM and SIGINT (#2038)
  • Contributors: Devin Bonnie, Jacob Perron, Shane Loretz

1.12.16 (2020-08-26)

1.12.15 (2020-08-10)

  • fix roslib not being imported (#1818)
  • remove deadcode (#1786)
  • record: fix signed int overflow (#1741)
  • fix topic message count for rosbag indexed v1.2 (#1648)
  • fix wrong error handling in migration. (#1639)
  • fix waitForSubscribers hanging with simtime (#1543)

1.12.14 (2018-08-23)

  • add TransportHint options --tcpnodelay and --udp (#1295)
  • fix check for header first in rosbag play for rate control topic (#1352)

1.12.13 (2018-02-21)

  • return an error status on error in rosbag (#1257)
  • fix warn of --max-splits without --split (#1237)

1.12.12 (2017-11-16)

1.12.11 (2017-11-07)

1.12.10 (2017-11-06)

1.12.9 (2017-11-06)

1.12.8 (2017-11-06)

  • fix Python 3 compatibility (#1150)
  • fix handling connections without indices (#1109)
  • improve message of check command (#1067)
  • fix BZip2 inclusion (#1016)

1.12.7 (2017-02-17)

  • throw exception instead of accessing invalid memory (#971)
  • move headers to include/xmlrpcpp (#962)
  • added option wait-for-subscriber to rosbag play (#959)
  • terminate underlying rosbag play, record on SIGTERM (#951)
  • add pause service for rosbag player (#949)
  • add rate-control-topic and rate-control-max-delay. (#947)

1.12.6 (2016-10-26)

  • fix BagMigrationException in migrate_raw (#917)

1.12.5 (2016-09-30)

1.12.4 (2016-09-19)

1.12.3 (2016-09-17)

  • set default values for min_space and min_space_str (#883)
  • record a maximum number of splits and then begin deleting old files (#866)
  • allow 64-bit sizes to be passed to robag max_size (#865)
  • update rosbag filter progress meter to use raw uncompressed input size (#857)

1.12.2 (2016-06-03)

1.12.1 (2016-04-18)

  • promote the result of read_messages to a namedtuple (#777)
  • use directory specific compiler flags (#785)

1.12.0 (2016-03-18)

  • add missing parameter to AdvertiseOptions::createAdvertiseOptions (#733)

1.11.18 (2016-03-17)

1.11.17 (2016-03-11)

  • use boost::make_shared instead of new for constructing boost::shared_ptr (#740)

1.11.16 (2015-11-09)

  • show size unit for --size of rosbag record in help string (#697)

1.11.15 (2015-10-13)

  • add option --prefix for prefixing output topics (#626)

1.11.14 (2015-09-19)

  • reduce memory usage by using slots for IndexEntry types (#613)
  • remove duplicate topics (#647)
  • better exception when calling get_start_time / get_end_time on empty bags (#657)
  • make support for lz4 in rosbag optional (#642)
  • fix handling of \"play --topics\" (#620)

1.11.13 (2015-04-28)

1.11.12 (2015-04-27)

1.11.11 (2015-04-16)

  • add support for pausing when specified topics are about to be published (#569)

1.11.10 (2014-12-22)

  • add option to specify the minimum disk space at which recording is stopped (#500)
  • add convenience API to Python rosbag (#508)
  • fix delay on detecting a running rosmaster with use_sim_time set (#532)

1.11.9 (2014-08-18)

1.11.8 (2014-08-04)

1.11.7 (2014-07-18)

1.11.6 (2014-07-10)

  • fix rosbag record prefix (#449)

1.11.5 (2014-06-24)

  • Fix typo in rosbag usage

1.11.4 (2014-06-16)

1.11.3 (2014-05-21)

1.11.2 (2014-05-08)

1.11.1 (2014-05-07)

  • add lz4 compression to rosbag (Python and C++) (#356)
  • fix rosbag record --node (#357)
  • move rosbag dox to rosbag_storage (#389)

1.11.0 (2014-03-04)

  • use catkin_install_python() to install Python scripts (#361)

1.10.0 (2014-02-11)

  • remove use of __connection header

1.9.54 (2014-01-27)

  • readd missing declaration of rosbag::createAdvertiseOptions (#338)

1.9.53 (2014-01-14)

1.9.52 (2014-01-08)

1.9.51 (2014-01-07)

  • move several client library independent parts from ros_comm into roscpp_core, split rosbag storage specific stuff from client library usage (#299)
  • fix return value on platforms where char is unsigned.
  • fix usage of boost include directories

1.9.50 (2013-10-04)

  • add chunksize option to rosbag record

1.9.49 (2013-09-16)

1.9.48 (2013-08-21)

  • search for exported rosbag migration rules based on new package rosbag_migration_rule

1.9.47 (2013-07-03)

1.9.46 (2013-06-18)

  • fix crash in bag migration (#239)

1.9.45 (2013-06-06)

  • added option \'--duration\' to \'rosbag play\' (#121)
  • fix missing newlines in rosbag error messages (#237)
  • fix flushing for tools like \'rosbag compress\' (#237)

1.9.44 (2013-03-21)

  • fix various issues on Windows (#189)

1.9.43 (2013-03-13)

1.9.42 (2013-03-08)

  • added option \'--duration\' to \'rosrun rosbag play\' (#121)
  • add error message to rosbag when using same in and out file (#171)

1.9.41 (2013-01-24)

1.9.40 (2013-01-13)

  • fix bagsort script (#42)

1.9.39 (2012-12-29)

  • first public release for Groovy

Wiki Tutorials

See ROS Wiki Tutorials for more details.

Source Tutorials

Not currently indexed.

Dependant Packages

Name Repo Deps
ar_track_alvar github-ros-perception-ar_track_alvar
asr_psm github-asr-ros-asr_psm
bagger github-squarerobot-bagger
cartographer_ros github-googlecartographer-cartographer_ros
sensor_msgs github-ros-common_msgs
dataspeed_can_tools bitbucket-dataspeedinc-dataspeed_can
diagnostic_analysis github-ros-diagnostics
flexbe_states github-team-vigir-flexbe_behavior_engine
generic_control_toolbox github-diogoalmeida-generic_control_toolbox
grid_map_ros github-anybotics-grid_map
theora_image_transport github-ros-perception-image_transport_plugins
joy github-ros-drivers-joystick_drivers
jsk_data github-jsk-ros-pkg-jsk_common
jsk_tools github-jsk-ros-pkg-jsk_common
jsk_pcl_ros_utils github-jsk-ros-pkg-jsk_recognition
jsk_perception github-jsk-ros-pkg-jsk_recognition
lauv_gazebo github-uuvsimulator-lauv_gazebo
moveit_tutorials github-ros-planning-moveit_tutorials
multisense_ros github-carnegierobotics-multisense_ros
amcl github-ros-planning-navigation
costmap_2d github-ros-planning-navigation
robot_pose_ekf github-ros-planning-navigation
novatel_oem7_driver github-novatel-novatel_oem7_driver
opencv_apps github-ros-perception-opencv_apps
face_detector github-wg-perception-people
pcl_ros github-ros-perception-perception_pcl
pr2_bringup github-pr2-pr2_robot
py_trees_ros github-splintered-reality-py_trees_ros
remote_rosbag_record github-yoshito-n-students-remote_rosbag_record
robot_calibration github-mikeferguson-robot_calibration
robot_localization github-cra-ros-pkg-robot_localization
robot_nav_viz_demos github-locusrobotics-robot_navigation
ros_comm github-ros-ros_comm
test_rosbag github-ros-ros_comm
rosmsg github-ros-ros_comm
rostopic github-ros-ros_comm
rosbag_editor github-facontidavide-rosbag_editor
rosbag_pandas github-eurogroep-rosbag_pandas
rosbag_snapshot github-ros-rosbag_snapshot
rqt_py_common github-ros-visualization-rqt
rqt_bag github-ros-visualization-rqt_bag
rqt_bag_plugins github-ros-visualization-rqt_bag
rqt_multiplot github-anybotics-rqt_multiplot_plugin
rviz github-ros-visualization-rviz
towr_ros github-ethz-adrl-towr
rgbd_rosbag_tools github-uos-uos_tools
rosbaglive github-DLu-wu_ros_tools
xpp_examples github-leggedrobotics-xpp
ecto_ros github-plasmodic-ecto_ros
livox_ros_driver github-Livox-SDK-livox_ros_driver
feature_tracker github-tu-rbo-omip
joint_tracker github-tu-rbo-omip
rb_tracker github-tu-rbo-omip
roomblock_mapping github-tork-a-roomblock
rospy_wrapper github-sean-hackett-rospy_wrapper
bag_tools github-srv-srv_tools
summit_xl_localization github-RobotnikAutomation-summit_xl_common

Launch files

No launch files found


No message files found.


No service files found


No plugins found.

Recent questions tagged rosbag at Robotics Stack Exchange

Package Summary

Tags No category tags.
Version 1.14.13
License BSD
Build type CATKIN

Repository Summary

Checkout URI
VCS Type git
VCS Version melodic-devel
Last Updated 2022-01-26
CI status
Tags No category tags.
Contributing Help Wanted (0)
Good First Issues (0)
Pull Requests to Review (0)

Package Description

This is a set of tools for recording from and playing back to ROS topics. It is intended to be high performance and avoids deserialization and reserialization of the messages.

Additional Links


  • Jacob Perron
  • Michael Carroll
  • Shane Loretz


  • Tim Field
  • Jeremy Leibs
  • James Bowman
  • Dirk Thomas
No README found. No README in repository either.

Changelog for package rosbag

1.14.13 (2022-01-25)

1.14.12 (2021-09-21)

1.14.11 (2021-04-26)

  • Handle SIGINT in rosbag play (#2150)
  • Catch all exceptions in record thread (#2151)
  • Add missing Boost (#2108)
  • Start player in paused state (#2086)
  • Contributors: Francisco Vina, Martin Pecka, Timo R

Wiki Tutorials

See ROS Wiki Tutorials for more details.

Source Tutorials

Not currently indexed.

Dependant Packages

Name Repo Deps
ar_track_alvar github-ros-perception-ar_track_alvar
asr_psm github-asr-ros-asr_psm
interest_point github-nasa-astrobee
localization_node github-nasa-astrobee
vive_localization github-nasa-astrobee
data_bagger github-nasa-astrobee
bag_processing github-nasa-astrobee
localization_analysis github-nasa-astrobee
performance_tester github-nasa-astrobee
bagger github-squarerobot-bagger
cartographer_ros github-googlecartographer-cartographer_ros
sensor_msgs github-ros-common_msgs
cras_bag_tools github-ctu-vras-ros-utils
cras_topic_tools github-ctu-vras-ros-utils
image_transport_codecs github-ctu-vras-ros-utils
dataspeed_can_tools bitbucket-dataspeedinc-dataspeed_can
diagnostic_analysis github-ros-diagnostics
flexbe_states github-team-vigir-flexbe_behavior_engine
floam github-flynneva-floam
generic_control_toolbox github-diogoalmeida-generic_control_toolbox
grid_map_ros github-anybotics-grid_map
theora_image_transport github-ros-perception-image_transport_plugins
iris_lama_ros github-iris-ua-iris_lama_ros
joy github-ros-drivers-joystick_drivers
jsk_data github-jsk-ros-pkg-jsk_common
jsk_tools github-jsk-ros-pkg-jsk_common
jsk_pcl_ros_utils github-jsk-ros-pkg-jsk_recognition
jsk_perception github-jsk-ros-pkg-jsk_recognition
lauv_gazebo github-uuvsimulator-lauv_gazebo
moveit_tutorials github-ros-planning-moveit_tutorials
mrpt_rawlog github-mrpt-ros-pkg-mrpt_navigation
multisense_ros github-carnegierobotics-multisense_ros
amcl github-ros-planning-navigation
costmap_2d github-ros-planning-navigation
novatel_oem7_driver github-novatel-novatel_oem7_driver
ov_core github-rpng-open_vins
ov_msckf github-rpng-open_vins
opencv_apps github-ros-perception-opencv_apps
pal_statistics github-pal-robotics-pal_statistics
face_detector github-wg-perception-people
pcl_ros github-ros-perception-perception_pcl
pr2_bringup github-pr2-pr2_robot
psen_scan_v2 github-PilzDE-psen_scan_v2
py_trees_ros github-splintered-reality-py_trees_ros
remote_rosbag_record github-yoshito-n-students-remote_rosbag_record
robot_calibration github-mikeferguson-robot_calibration
robot_localization github-cra-ros-pkg-robot_localization
robot_nav_viz_demos github-locusrobotics-robot_navigation
robot_pose_ekf github-ros-planning-robot_pose_ekf
ros_comm github-ros-ros_comm
test_rosbag github-ros-ros_comm
rosmsg github-ros-ros_comm
rostopic github-ros-ros_comm
roswtf github-ros-ros_comm
rosbag_editor github-facontidavide-rosbag_editor
rosbag_pandas github-eurogroep-rosbag_pandas
rosbag_snapshot github-ros-rosbag_snapshot
rotors_gazebo_plugins github-ethz-asl-rotors_simulator
rqt_py_common github-ros-visualization-rqt
rqt_bag github-ros-visualization-rqt_bag
rqt_bag_plugins github-ros-visualization-rqt_bag
rqt_bag_exporter gitlab-InstitutMaupertuis-rqt_bag_exporter
rqt_multiplot github-anybotics-rqt_multiplot_plugin
towr_ros github-ethz-adrl-towr
rosbaglive github-DLu-wu_ros_tools
xpp_examples github-leggedrobotics-xpp

Launch files

No launch files found


No message files found.


No service files found


No plugins found.

Recent questions tagged rosbag at Robotics Stack Exchange