
Name Description
1 compass_msgs
1 2023-01-10 composition
Examples for composing multiple nodes in a single process.
Examples for composing multiple nodes in a single process.
1 2022-11-07 composition_interfaces
A package containing message and service definitions for managing composable nodes in a container process.
A package containing message and service definitions for managing composable nodes in a container process.
1 2024-04-13 compressed_depth_image_transport
Compressed_depth_image_transport provides a plugin to image_transport for transparently sending depth images (raw, floating-point) using PNG compression.
Compressed_depth_image_transport provides a plugin to image_transport for transparently sending depth images (raw, floating-point) using PNG compression.
1 2024-04-13 compressed_image_transport
Compressed_image_transport provides a plugin to image_transport for transparently sending images encoded as JPEG or PNG.
Compressed_image_transport provides a plugin to image_transport for transparently sending images encoded as JPEG or PNG.
2 computer_status_msgs
1 concert_conductor
1 concert_master
1 concert_msgs
1 concert_resource_pool
1 concert_scheduler_requests
1 concert_schedulers
1 concert_scheduling
1 concert_service_admin
1 concert_service_gazebo
1 concert_service_image_stream
1 concert_service_indoor_2d_map_prep
1 concert_service_link_graph
1 concert_service_manager
1 concert_service_msgs
1 concert_service_teleop
1 concert_service_turtlesim
1 concert_service_utilities
1 concert_service_waypoint_navigation
1 concert_services
1 concert_simple_scheduler
1 concert_software_common
1 concert_software_farm
1 concert_software_farmer
1 concert_utilities
1 concert_workflow_engine_msgs
1 config_reader
1 connext_cmake_module
1 console_bridge
1 2023-01-10 console_bridge_vendor
Wrapper around console_bridge, providing nothing but a dependency on console_bridge, on some systems. On others, it provides an ExternalProject build of console_bridge.
Wrapper around console_bridge, providing nothing but a dependency on console_bridge, on some systems. On others, it provides an ExternalProject build of console_bridge.
1 constrained_ik
0 constraint_samplers
1 contact_handler
1 contact_states_observer
1 contracts_lite_vendor
1 2020-06-05 control_box_rst
The control_box_rst package provides C++ libraries for predictive control, direct optimal control, optimization and simulation.
The control_box_rst package provides C++ libraries for predictive control, direct optimal control, optimization and simulation.
1 2021-07-10 control_msgs
control_msgs contains base messages and actions useful for controlling robots. It provides representations for controller setpoints and joint and cartesian trajectories.
control_msgs contains base messages and actions useful for controlling robots. It provides representations for controller setpoints and joint and cartesian trajectories.
1 2024-04-15 control_toolbox
The control toolbox contains modules that are useful across all controllers.
The control toolbox contains modules that are useful across all controllers.
2 2024-04-10 controller_interface
Description of controller_interface
Description of controller_interface
2 2024-04-10 controller_manager
Description of controller_manager
Description of controller_manager
2 2024-04-10 controller_manager_msgs
Messages and services for the controller manager.
Messages and services for the controller manager.
1 controller_manager_tests
1 controller_parameter_server
1 convenience_math_functions
1 convenience_ros_functions
1 convex_decomposition
1 copernicus_base
1 copernicus_control
1 copernicus_description
1 copernicus_localization
1 copernicus_msgs
1 copernicus_navigation
1 copernicus_rules
1 copernicus_teleoperator
1 corobot
1 corobot_arm
1 corobot_camera
1 corobot_diagnostics
1 corobot_gazebo
1 corobot_gps
1 corobot_joystick
1 corobot_launch
0 corobot_map_to_jpeg
1 corobot_msgs
1 corobot_pantilt
1 corobot_phidget_ik
1 corobot_ssc32
1 corobot_state_tf
1 corobot_teleop
1 corobot_urdf
1 cost_map
1 cost_map_core
1 cost_map_cv
1 cost_map_demos
1 cost_map_msgs
1 cost_map_ros
1 cost_map_visualisations
1 costmap_2d
1 costmap_converter
1 costmap_converter_msgs
1 costmap_cspace
1 costmap_cspace_msgs
1 costmap_cspace_rviz_plugins
1 costmap_prohibition_layer
2 2024-04-04 costmap_queue
The costmap_queue package
The costmap_queue package
1 costmap_tf_layer
1 coverage_path
1 cp1616
1 cpf_segmentation_ros
1 cpp_common
1 cpp_introspection
1 cpr_common_core_msgs
1 cpr_multimaster_tools
1 cpr_onav_description
1 cpswarm_msgs
1 cpu_mem_monitor
1 cpu_temperature_diagnostics
1 cram_3rdparty
1 cram_core
1 cram_designators
1 cram_execution_trace
1 cram_language
1 cram_math
1 cram_process_modules
1 cram_projection
1 cram_reasoning
1 cram_test_utilities
1 cram_utilities
1 2023-09-08 crane_plus
ROS 2 package suite of CRANE+ V2
ROS 2 package suite of CRANE+ V2
1 2023-09-08 crane_plus_control
CRANE+ V2 control package
CRANE+ V2 control package
1 2023-09-08 crane_plus_description
CRANE+ V2 description package
CRANE+ V2 description package
1 2023-09-08 crane_plus_examples
CRANE+ V2 examples package
CRANE+ V2 examples package
1 2023-09-08 crane_plus_gazebo
CRANE+ V2 gazebo simulation package
CRANE+ V2 gazebo simulation package
1 crane_plus_ignition
1 2023-09-08 crane_plus_moveit_config
CRANE+ V2 move_group config package
CRANE+ V2 move_group config package
1 crane_x7
1 crane_x7_bringup
1 crane_x7_control
0 crane_x7_description
1 crane_x7_examples
1 crane_x7_gazebo
1 crane_x7_moveit_config
1 crane_x7_msgs
1 cras_bag_tools
1 cras_cpp_common
1 cras_docs_common
1 cras_imu_tools
1 cras_joy_tools
1 cras_laser_geometry
1 cras_msgs
1 cras_py_common
1 cras_relative_positional_controller
1 cras_topic_tools
1 crazyflie
1 crazyflie_controller
0 crazyflie_cpp
1 crazyflie_demo
1 crazyflie_description
1 crazyflie_driver
0 crazyflie_tools
1 create_autonomy
1 2023-05-21 create_bringup
Launch and configuration files for common accessories when working with Create/Roomba platforms.
Launch and configuration files for common accessories when working with Create/Roomba platforms.
1 create_dashboard
2 2023-05-21 create_description
Robot URDF descriptions for create_robot
Robot URDF descriptions for create_robot
2 2023-05-21 create_driver
ROS driver for iRobot's Create and Roomba platforms, based on libcreate
ROS driver for iRobot's Create and Roomba platforms, based on libcreate
1 create_gazebo_plugins
1 2023-05-21 create_msgs
Common message definitions for create_robot
Common message definitions for create_robot
1 create_node
1 2023-05-21 create_robot
ROS driver for iRobot's Create 1 and 2, based on the libcreate C++ library
ROS driver for iRobot's Create 1 and 2, based on the libcreate C++ library
1 criutils
1 crom_common
1 crom_control
1 crom_description
1 crom_gazebo
1 crom_moveit_config
1 crom_sim
1 crom_sim_bringup
1 crossing_detector
1 crsm_slam
1 csapex
1 csapex_core
1 csapex_core_test
1 csapex_qt
1 csapex_remote
1 csapex_testing
1 csapex_util
1 csm
1 csm_ros
1 ctl
1 2022-01-19 cudnn_cmake_module
Exports a CMake module to find cuDNN.
Exports a CMake module to find cuDNN.
0 current_limit_controller
1 custom_landmark_2d
1 cv_backports
1 2022-09-20 cv_bridge
This contains CvBridge, which converts between ROS2 Image messages and OpenCV images.
This contains CvBridge, which converts between ROS2 Image messages and OpenCV images.
1 cv_bridge_python3
1 cv_camera
1 cv_detection
0 cv_optimizer
0 cv_wrapper
1 cvp_mesh_planner
0 cyberglove
1 2024-04-02 cyclonedds
Eclipse Cyclone DDS is a very performant and robust open-source DDS implementation. Cyclone DDS is developed completely in the open as an Eclipse IoT project.
Eclipse Cyclone DDS is a very performant and robust open-source DDS implementation. Cyclone DDS is developed completely in the open as an Eclipse IoT project.
1 cyclonedds_cmake_module
1 cyton_gamma_1500_description
1 d435i_xarm_setup
1 darknet_ros
1 darknet_ros_msgs
1 darwin_control
1 darwin_description
1 darwin_gazebo
1 data_bagger
1 2024-04-03 data_tamer_cpp
DataTamer data logging library
DataTamer data logging library
1 2024-04-03 data_tamer_msgs
Interfaces for data_tamer
Interfaces for data_tamer
1 data_vis_msgs
1 dataflow_lite


Name Description
1 compass_msgs
1 2023-05-19 composition
Examples for composing multiple nodes in a single process.
Examples for composing multiple nodes in a single process.
1 2023-04-18 composition_interfaces
A package containing message and service definitions for managing composable nodes in a container process.
A package containing message and service definitions for managing composable nodes in a container process.
1 2024-04-13 compressed_depth_image_transport
Compressed_depth_image_transport provides a plugin to image_transport for transparently sending depth images (raw, floating-point) using PNG compression.
Compressed_depth_image_transport provides a plugin to image_transport for transparently sending depth images (raw, floating-point) using PNG compression.
1 2024-04-13 compressed_image_transport
Compressed_image_transport provides a plugin to image_transport for transparently sending images encoded as JPEG or PNG.
Compressed_image_transport provides a plugin to image_transport for transparently sending images encoded as JPEG or PNG.
2 computer_status_msgs
1 concert_conductor
1 concert_master
1 concert_msgs
1 concert_resource_pool
1 concert_scheduler_requests
1 concert_schedulers
1 concert_scheduling
1 concert_service_admin
1 concert_service_gazebo
1 concert_service_image_stream
1 concert_service_indoor_2d_map_prep
1 concert_service_link_graph
1 concert_service_manager
1 concert_service_msgs
1 concert_service_teleop
1 concert_service_turtlesim
1 concert_service_utilities
1 concert_service_waypoint_navigation
1 concert_services
1 concert_simple_scheduler
1 concert_software_common
1 concert_software_farm
1 concert_software_farmer
1 concert_utilities
1 concert_workflow_engine_msgs
1 config_reader
1 connext_cmake_module
1 console_bridge
1 2023-02-14 console_bridge_vendor
Wrapper around console_bridge, providing nothing but a dependency on console_bridge, on some systems. On others, it provides an ExternalProject build of console_bridge.
Wrapper around console_bridge, providing nothing but a dependency on console_bridge, on some systems. On others, it provides an ExternalProject build of console_bridge.
1 constrained_ik
0 constraint_samplers
1 contact_handler
1 contact_states_observer
1 contracts_lite_vendor
1 2020-06-05 control_box_rst
The control_box_rst package provides C++ libraries for predictive control, direct optimal control, optimization and simulation.
The control_box_rst package provides C++ libraries for predictive control, direct optimal control, optimization and simulation.
1 2021-07-10 control_msgs
control_msgs contains base messages and actions useful for controlling robots. It provides representations for controller setpoints and joint and cartesian trajectories.
control_msgs contains base messages and actions useful for controlling robots. It provides representations for controller setpoints and joint and cartesian trajectories.
1 2024-04-15 control_toolbox
The control toolbox contains modules that are useful across all controllers.
The control toolbox contains modules that are useful across all controllers.
2 2024-04-10 controller_interface
Description of controller_interface
Description of controller_interface
2 2024-04-10 controller_manager
Description of controller_manager
Description of controller_manager
2 2024-04-10 controller_manager_msgs
Messages and services for the controller manager.
Messages and services for the controller manager.
1 controller_manager_tests
1 controller_parameter_server
1 convenience_math_functions
1 convenience_ros_functions
1 convex_decomposition
1 copernicus_base
1 copernicus_control
1 copernicus_description
1 copernicus_localization
1 copernicus_msgs
1 copernicus_navigation
1 copernicus_rules
1 copernicus_teleoperator
1 corobot
1 corobot_arm
1 corobot_camera
1 corobot_diagnostics
1 corobot_gazebo
1 corobot_gps
1 corobot_joystick
1 corobot_launch
0 corobot_map_to_jpeg
1 corobot_msgs
1 corobot_pantilt
1 corobot_phidget_ik
1 corobot_ssc32
1 corobot_state_tf
1 corobot_teleop
1 corobot_urdf
1 cost_map
1 cost_map_core
1 cost_map_cv
1 cost_map_demos
1 cost_map_msgs
1 cost_map_ros
1 cost_map_visualisations
1 costmap_2d
1 costmap_converter
1 costmap_converter_msgs
1 costmap_cspace
1 costmap_cspace_msgs
1 costmap_cspace_rviz_plugins
1 costmap_prohibition_layer
2 2024-04-04 costmap_queue
The costmap_queue package
The costmap_queue package
1 costmap_tf_layer
1 coverage_path
1 cp1616
1 cpf_segmentation_ros
1 cpp_common
1 cpp_introspection
1 cpr_common_core_msgs
1 cpr_multimaster_tools
1 cpr_onav_description
1 cpswarm_msgs
1 cpu_mem_monitor
1 cpu_temperature_diagnostics
1 cram_3rdparty
1 cram_core
1 cram_designators
1 cram_execution_trace
1 cram_language
1 cram_math
1 cram_process_modules
1 cram_projection
1 cram_reasoning
1 cram_test_utilities
1 cram_utilities
1 crane_plus
1 crane_plus_control
1 crane_plus_description
1 crane_plus_examples
1 crane_plus_gazebo
1 crane_plus_ignition
1 crane_plus_moveit_config
1 crane_x7
1 crane_x7_bringup
1 crane_x7_control
0 crane_x7_description
1 crane_x7_examples
1 crane_x7_gazebo
1 crane_x7_moveit_config
1 crane_x7_msgs
1 cras_bag_tools
1 cras_cpp_common
1 cras_docs_common
1 cras_imu_tools
1 cras_joy_tools
1 cras_laser_geometry
1 cras_msgs
1 cras_py_common
1 cras_relative_positional_controller
1 cras_topic_tools
1 crazyflie
1 crazyflie_controller
0 crazyflie_cpp
1 crazyflie_demo
1 crazyflie_description
1 crazyflie_driver
0 crazyflie_tools
1 create_autonomy
1 create_bringup
1 create_dashboard
2 create_description
2 create_driver
1 create_gazebo_plugins
1 create_msgs
1 create_node
1 create_robot
1 criutils
1 crom_common
1 crom_control
1 crom_description
1 crom_gazebo
1 crom_moveit_config
1 crom_sim
1 crom_sim_bringup
1 crossing_detector
1 crsm_slam
1 csapex
1 csapex_core
1 csapex_core_test
1 csapex_qt
1 csapex_remote
1 csapex_testing
1 csapex_util
1 csm
1 csm_ros
1 ctl
1 2022-01-19 cudnn_cmake_module
Exports a CMake module to find cuDNN.
Exports a CMake module to find cuDNN.
0 current_limit_controller
1 custom_landmark_2d
1 cv_backports
1 2024-04-13 cv_bridge
This contains CvBridge, which converts between ROS2 Image messages and OpenCV images.
This contains CvBridge, which converts between ROS2 Image messages and OpenCV images.
1 cv_bridge_python3
1 cv_camera
1 cv_detection
0 cv_optimizer
0 cv_wrapper
1 cvp_mesh_planner
0 cyberglove
1 2024-04-02 cyclonedds
Eclipse Cyclone DDS is a very performant and robust open-source DDS implementation. Cyclone DDS is developed completely in the open as an Eclipse IoT project.
Eclipse Cyclone DDS is a very performant and robust open-source DDS implementation. Cyclone DDS is developed completely in the open as an Eclipse IoT project.
1 cyclonedds_cmake_module
1 cyton_gamma_1500_description
1 d435i_xarm_setup
1 darknet_ros
1 darknet_ros_msgs
1 darwin_control
1 darwin_description
1 darwin_gazebo
1 data_bagger
1 data_tamer_cpp
1 data_tamer_msgs
1 data_vis_msgs
1 dataflow_lite


Name Description
1 compass_msgs
1 2024-03-28 composition
Examples for composing multiple nodes in a single process.
Examples for composing multiple nodes in a single process.
1 2024-04-16 composition_interfaces
A package containing message and service definitions for managing composable nodes in a container process.
A package containing message and service definitions for managing composable nodes in a container process.
1 2024-04-13 compressed_depth_image_transport
Compressed_depth_image_transport provides a plugin to image_transport for transparently sending depth images (raw, floating-point) using PNG compression.
Compressed_depth_image_transport provides a plugin to image_transport for transparently sending depth images (raw, floating-point) using PNG compression.
1 2024-04-13 compressed_image_transport
Compressed_image_transport provides a plugin to image_transport for transparently sending images encoded as JPEG or PNG.
Compressed_image_transport provides a plugin to image_transport for transparently sending images encoded as JPEG or PNG.
2 computer_status_msgs
1 concert_conductor
1 concert_master
1 concert_msgs
1 concert_resource_pool
1 concert_scheduler_requests
1 concert_schedulers
1 concert_scheduling
1 concert_service_admin
1 concert_service_gazebo
1 concert_service_image_stream
1 concert_service_indoor_2d_map_prep
1 concert_service_link_graph
1 concert_service_manager
1 concert_service_msgs
1 concert_service_teleop
1 concert_service_turtlesim
1 concert_service_utilities
1 concert_service_waypoint_navigation
1 concert_services
1 concert_simple_scheduler
1 concert_software_common
1 concert_software_farm
1 concert_software_farmer
1 concert_utilities
1 concert_workflow_engine_msgs
1 config_reader
1 connext_cmake_module
1 console_bridge
1 2023-07-11 console_bridge_vendor
Wrapper around console_bridge, providing nothing but a dependency on console_bridge, on some systems. On others, it provides an ExternalProject build of console_bridge.
Wrapper around console_bridge, providing nothing but a dependency on console_bridge, on some systems. On others, it provides an ExternalProject build of console_bridge.
1 constrained_ik
0 constraint_samplers
1 contact_handler
1 contact_states_observer
1 contracts_lite_vendor
1 2020-06-05 control_box_rst
The control_box_rst package provides C++ libraries for predictive control, direct optimal control, optimization and simulation.
The control_box_rst package provides C++ libraries for predictive control, direct optimal control, optimization and simulation.
1 2024-04-15 control_msgs
control_msgs contains base messages and actions useful for controlling robots. It provides representations for controller setpoints and joint and cartesian trajectories.
control_msgs contains base messages and actions useful for controlling robots. It provides representations for controller setpoints and joint and cartesian trajectories.
1 2024-04-15 control_toolbox
The control toolbox contains modules that are useful across all controllers.
The control toolbox contains modules that are useful across all controllers.
2 2024-04-10 controller_interface
Description of controller_interface
Description of controller_interface
2 2024-04-10 controller_manager
Description of controller_manager
Description of controller_manager
2 2024-04-10 controller_manager_msgs
Messages and services for the controller manager.
Messages and services for the controller manager.
1 controller_manager_tests
1 controller_parameter_server
1 convenience_math_functions
1 convenience_ros_functions
1 convex_decomposition
1 copernicus_base
1 copernicus_control
1 copernicus_description
1 copernicus_localization
1 copernicus_msgs
1 copernicus_navigation
1 copernicus_rules
1 copernicus_teleoperator
1 corobot
1 corobot_arm
1 corobot_camera
1 corobot_diagnostics
1 corobot_gazebo
1 corobot_gps
1 corobot_joystick
1 corobot_launch
0 corobot_map_to_jpeg
1 corobot_msgs
1 corobot_pantilt
1 corobot_phidget_ik
1 corobot_ssc32
1 corobot_state_tf
1 corobot_teleop
1 corobot_urdf
1 cost_map
1 cost_map_core
1 cost_map_cv
1 cost_map_demos
1 cost_map_msgs
1 cost_map_ros
1 cost_map_visualisations
1 costmap_2d
1 costmap_converter
1 costmap_converter_msgs
1 costmap_cspace
1 costmap_cspace_msgs
1 costmap_cspace_rviz_plugins
1 costmap_prohibition_layer
2 costmap_queue
1 costmap_tf_layer
1 coverage_path
1 cp1616
1 cpf_segmentation_ros
1 cpp_common
1 cpp_introspection
1 cpr_common_core_msgs
1 cpr_multimaster_tools
1 cpr_onav_description
1 cpswarm_msgs
1 cpu_mem_monitor
1 cpu_temperature_diagnostics
1 cram_3rdparty
1 cram_core
1 cram_designators
1 cram_execution_trace
1 cram_language
1 cram_math
1 cram_process_modules
1 cram_projection
1 cram_reasoning
1 cram_test_utilities
1 cram_utilities
1 crane_plus
1 crane_plus_control
1 crane_plus_description
1 crane_plus_examples
1 crane_plus_gazebo
1 crane_plus_ignition
1 crane_plus_moveit_config
1 crane_x7
1 crane_x7_bringup
1 crane_x7_control
0 crane_x7_description
1 crane_x7_examples
1 crane_x7_gazebo
1 crane_x7_moveit_config
1 crane_x7_msgs
1 cras_bag_tools
1 cras_cpp_common
1 cras_docs_common
1 cras_imu_tools
1 cras_joy_tools
1 cras_laser_geometry
1 cras_msgs
1 cras_py_common
1 cras_relative_positional_controller
1 cras_topic_tools
1 crazyflie
1 crazyflie_controller
0 crazyflie_cpp
1 crazyflie_demo
1 crazyflie_description
1 crazyflie_driver
0 crazyflie_tools
1 create_autonomy
1 create_bringup
1 create_dashboard
2 create_description
2 create_driver
1 create_gazebo_plugins
1 create_msgs
1 create_node
1 create_robot
1 criutils
1 crom_common
1 crom_control
1 crom_description
1 crom_gazebo
1 crom_moveit_config
1 crom_sim
1 crom_sim_bringup
1 crossing_detector
1 crsm_slam
1 csapex
1 csapex_core
1 csapex_core_test
1 csapex_qt
1 csapex_remote
1 csapex_testing
1 csapex_util
1 csm
1 csm_ros
1 ctl
1 2022-01-19 cudnn_cmake_module
Exports a CMake module to find cuDNN.
Exports a CMake module to find cuDNN.
0 current_limit_controller
1 custom_landmark_2d
1 cv_backports
1 2024-04-19 cv_bridge
This contains CvBridge, which converts between ROS2 Image messages and OpenCV images.
This contains CvBridge, which converts between ROS2 Image messages and OpenCV images.
1 cv_bridge_python3
1 cv_camera
1 cv_detection
0 cv_optimizer
0 cv_wrapper
1 cvp_mesh_planner
0 cyberglove
1 2024-04-02 cyclonedds
Eclipse Cyclone DDS is a very performant and robust open-source DDS implementation. Cyclone DDS is developed completely in the open as an Eclipse IoT project.
Eclipse Cyclone DDS is a very performant and robust open-source DDS implementation. Cyclone DDS is developed completely in the open as an Eclipse IoT project.
1 cyclonedds_cmake_module
1 cyton_gamma_1500_description
1 d435i_xarm_setup
1 darknet_ros
1 darknet_ros_msgs
1 darwin_control
1 darwin_description
1 darwin_gazebo
1 data_bagger
1 2024-04-03 data_tamer_cpp
DataTamer data logging library
DataTamer data logging library
1 2024-04-03 data_tamer_msgs
Interfaces for data_tamer
Interfaces for data_tamer
1 data_vis_msgs
1 dataflow_lite


Name Description
1 2023-07-12 compass_msgs
Messages related to compass
Messages related to compass
1 composition
1 composition_interfaces
1 2024-01-25 compressed_depth_image_transport
Compressed_depth_image_transport provides a plugin to image_transport for transparently sending depth images (raw, floating-point) using PNG compression.
Compressed_depth_image_transport provides a plugin to image_transport for transparently sending depth images (raw, floating-point) using PNG compression.
1 2024-01-25 compressed_image_transport
Compressed_image_transport provides a plugin to image_transport for transparently sending images encoded as JPEG or PNG.
Compressed_image_transport provides a plugin to image_transport for transparently sending images encoded as JPEG or PNG.
2 2020-09-19 computer_status_msgs
Messages definitions for representing computer's hardware state, such as battery information, GPU, some miscellaneous sensors. Format is in ROS. Originally developed at
Messages definitions for representing computer's hardware state, such as battery information, GPU, some miscellaneous sensors. Format is in ROS. Originally developed at
1 concert_conductor
1 concert_master
1 concert_msgs
1 concert_resource_pool
1 concert_scheduler_requests
1 concert_schedulers
1 concert_scheduling
1 concert_service_admin
1 concert_service_gazebo
1 concert_service_image_stream
1 concert_service_indoor_2d_map_prep
1 concert_service_link_graph
1 concert_service_manager
1 concert_service_msgs
1 concert_service_teleop
1 concert_service_turtlesim
1 concert_service_utilities
1 concert_service_waypoint_navigation
1 concert_services
1 concert_simple_scheduler
1 concert_software_common
1 concert_software_farm
1 concert_software_farmer
1 concert_utilities
1 concert_workflow_engine_msgs
1 2024-03-02 config_reader
Package for ff nodelet stuff
Package for ff nodelet stuff
1 connext_cmake_module
1 console_bridge
1 console_bridge_vendor
1 constrained_ik
0 constraint_samplers
1 contact_handler
1 2024-01-22 contact_states_observer
The contact_states_observer package
The contact_states_observer package
1 contracts_lite_vendor
1 2020-06-05 control_box_rst
The control_box_rst package provides C++ libraries for predictive control, direct optimal control, optimization and simulation.
The control_box_rst package provides C++ libraries for predictive control, direct optimal control, optimization and simulation.
1 2021-02-02 control_msgs
control_msgs contains base messages and actions useful for controlling robots. It provides representations for controller setpoints and joint and cartesian trajectories.
control_msgs contains base messages and actions useful for controlling robots. It provides representations for controller setpoints and joint and cartesian trajectories.
1 2022-05-10 control_toolbox
The control toolbox contains modules that are useful across all controllers.
The control toolbox contains modules that are useful across all controllers.
2 2023-10-27 controller_interface
Interface base class for controllers.
Interface base class for controllers.
2 2023-10-27 controller_manager
The controller manager.
The controller manager.
2 2023-10-27 controller_manager_msgs
Messages and services for the controller manager.
Messages and services for the controller manager.
1 2023-10-27 controller_manager_tests
Tests for the controller manager.
Tests for the controller manager.
1 controller_parameter_server
1 convenience_math_functions
1 convenience_ros_functions
1 2020-04-24 convex_decomposition
Convex Decomposition Tool for Robot Model
Convex Decomposition Tool for Robot Model
1 copernicus_base
1 copernicus_control
1 copernicus_description
1 copernicus_localization
1 copernicus_msgs
1 copernicus_navigation
1 copernicus_rules
1 copernicus_teleoperator
1 corobot
1 corobot_arm
1 corobot_camera
1 corobot_diagnostics
1 corobot_gazebo
1 corobot_gps
1 corobot_joystick
1 corobot_launch
0 corobot_map_to_jpeg
1 corobot_msgs
1 corobot_pantilt
1 corobot_phidget_ik
1 corobot_ssc32
1 corobot_state_tf
1 corobot_teleop
1 corobot_urdf
1 cost_map
1 cost_map_core
1 cost_map_cv
1 cost_map_demos
1 cost_map_msgs
1 cost_map_ros
1 cost_map_visualisations
1 2023-03-04 costmap_2d
This package provides an implementation of a 2D costmap that takes in sensor data from the world, builds a 2D or 3D occupancy grid of the data (depending on whether a voxel based implementation is used), and inflates costs in a 2D costmap based on the occupancy grid and a user specified inflation radius. This package also provides support for map_server based initialization of a costmap, rolling window based costmaps, and parameter based subscription to and configuration of sensor topics.
This package provides an implementation of a 2D costmap that takes in sensor data from the world, builds a 2D or 3D occupancy grid of the data (depending on whether a voxel based implementation is used), and inflates costs in a 2D costmap based on the occupancy grid and a user specified inflation radius. This package also provides support for map_server based initialization of a costmap, rolling window based costmaps, and parameter based subscription to and configuration of sensor topics.
1 2020-05-13 costmap_converter
A ros package that includes plugins and nodes to convert occupied costmap2d cells to primitive types.
A ros package that includes plugins and nodes to convert occupied costmap2d cells to primitive types.
1 costmap_converter_msgs
1 2024-03-25 costmap_cspace
3-dof configuration space costmap package
3-dof configuration space costmap package
1 2024-02-19 costmap_cspace_msgs
Message definitions for costmap_cspace package
Message definitions for costmap_cspace package
1 2024-02-19 costmap_cspace_rviz_plugins
Rviz plugins for costmap_cspace_msgs
Rviz plugins for costmap_cspace_msgs
1 costmap_prohibition_layer
2 2022-06-27 costmap_queue
Tool for iterating through the cells of a costmap to find the closest distance to a subset of cells.
Tool for iterating through the cells of a costmap to find the closest distance to a subset of cells.
1 costmap_tf_layer
1 coverage_path
1 cp1616
1 cpf_segmentation_ros
1 2023-06-15 cpp_common
cpp_common contains C++ code for doing things that are not necessarily ROS related, but are useful for multiple packages. This includes things like the ROS_DEPRECATED and ROS_FORCE_INLINE macros, as well as code for getting backtraces. This package is a component of
cpp_common contains C++ code for doing things that are not necessarily ROS related, but are useful for multiple packages. This includes things like the ROS_DEPRECATED and ROS_FORCE_INLINE macros, as well as code for getting backtraces. This package is a component of
1 cpp_introspection
1 cpr_common_core_msgs
1 cpr_multimaster_tools
1 2024-04-01 cpr_onav_description
Clearpath OutdoorNav URDF description
Clearpath OutdoorNav URDF description
1 cpswarm_msgs
1 2024-03-02 cpu_mem_monitor
Measure the processor stats and periodically publish it over ROS.
Measure the processor stats and periodically publish it over ROS.
1 cpu_temperature_diagnostics
1 cram_3rdparty
1 cram_core
1 cram_designators
1 cram_execution_trace
1 cram_language
1 cram_math
1 cram_process_modules
1 cram_projection
1 cram_reasoning
1 cram_test_utilities
1 cram_utilities
1 crane_plus
1 crane_plus_control
1 crane_plus_description
1 crane_plus_examples
1 crane_plus_gazebo
1 crane_plus_ignition
1 crane_plus_moveit_config
1 2023-09-29 crane_x7
ROS package suite of CRANE-X7
ROS package suite of CRANE-X7
1 2023-09-29 crane_x7_bringup
The CRANE-X7 bringup package
The CRANE-X7 bringup package
1 2023-09-29 crane_x7_control
The CRANE-X7 control package
The CRANE-X7 control package
0 crane_x7_description
1 2023-09-29 crane_x7_examples
examples of CRANE-X7 ROS package
examples of CRANE-X7 ROS package
1 2023-09-29 crane_x7_gazebo
The crane_x7_gazebo package
The crane_x7_gazebo package
1 2023-09-29 crane_x7_moveit_config
An automatically generated package with all the configuration and launch files for using the crane_x7 with the MoveIt! Motion Planning Framework
An automatically generated package with all the configuration and launch files for using the crane_x7 with the MoveIt! Motion Planning Framework
1 2023-09-29 crane_x7_msgs
The crane_x7_msgs package
The crane_x7_msgs package
1 2024-02-27 cras_bag_tools
Various utilities to work with bag files
Various utilities to work with bag files
1 2024-02-27 cras_cpp_common
A Czech-army knife for ROS code written in C++.
A Czech-army knife for ROS code written in C++.
1 2024-02-27 cras_docs_common
Common configuration for CRAS packages documentation.
Common configuration for CRAS packages documentation.
1 2023-06-19 cras_imu_tools
Tools for working with IMU data
Tools for working with IMU data
1 2024-01-12 cras_joy_tools
Joystick and gamepad handling tools.
Joystick and gamepad handling tools.
1 2024-01-26 cras_laser_geometry
Tools for working with laser scans.
Tools for working with laser scans.
1 2023-08-25 cras_msgs
Common messages used by CRAS
Common messages used by CRAS
1 2024-02-27 cras_py_common
A Czech-army knife for ROS code written in Python.
A Czech-army knife for ROS code written in Python.
1 2023-08-29 cras_relative_positional_controller
Action server for moving the robot with relative positional commands
Action server for moving the robot with relative positional commands
1 2024-02-27 cras_topic_tools
Nodes and nodeletes for safe and efficient manipulation with topics
Nodes and nodeletes for safe and efficient manipulation with topics
1 crazyflie
1 crazyflie_controller
0 crazyflie_cpp
1 crazyflie_demo
1 crazyflie_description
1 crazyflie_driver
0 crazyflie_tools
1 create_autonomy
1 2023-05-21 create_bringup
Launch and configuration files for common accessories when working with Create/Roomba platforms.
Launch and configuration files for common accessories when working with Create/Roomba platforms.
1 create_dashboard
2 2023-05-21 create_description
Robot URDF descriptions for create_robot
Robot URDF descriptions for create_robot
2 2023-05-21 create_driver
ROS driver for iRobot's Create and Roomba platforms, based on libcreate
ROS driver for iRobot's Create and Roomba platforms, based on libcreate
1 create_gazebo_plugins
1 2023-05-21 create_msgs
Common message definitions for create_robot
Common message definitions for create_robot
1 create_node
1 2023-05-21 create_robot
ROS driver for iRobot's Create 1 and 2, based on the libcreate C++ library
ROS driver for iRobot's Create 1 and 2, based on the libcreate C++ library
1 2020-10-25 criutils
The criutils package
The criutils package
1 crom_common
1 crom_control
1 crom_description
1 crom_gazebo
1 crom_moveit_config
1 crom_sim
1 crom_sim_bringup
1 crossing_detector
1 crsm_slam
1 csapex
1 csapex_core
1 csapex_core_test
1 csapex_qt
1 csapex_remote
1 csapex_testing
1 csapex_util
1 2022-08-16 csm
This is a ROS 3rd-party wrapper
This is a ROS 3rd-party wrapper
1 csm_ros
1 2024-03-02 ctl
Calls the GNC simulink auto-generated control code, and passes inputs and outputs to and from ros messages.
Calls the GNC simulink auto-generated control code, and passes inputs and outputs to and from ros messages.
1 cudnn_cmake_module
0 current_limit_controller
1 custom_landmark_2d
1 cv_backports
1 2022-10-03 cv_bridge
This contains CvBridge, which converts between ROS Image messages and OpenCV images.
This contains CvBridge, which converts between ROS Image messages and OpenCV images.
1 cv_bridge_python3
1 2022-01-26 cv_camera
cv_camera uses OpenCV capture object to capture camera image. This supports camera_image and nodelet.
cv_camera uses OpenCV capture object to capture camera image. This supports camera_image and nodelet.
1 cv_detection
0 cv_optimizer
0 cv_wrapper
1 2024-01-25 cvp_mesh_planner
The Continuous Vector Field Planner (CVP) mesh planner package
The Continuous Vector Field Planner (CVP) mesh planner package
0 cyberglove
1 cyclonedds
1 cyclonedds_cmake_module
1 cyton_gamma_1500_description
1 d435i_xarm_setup
1 2021-06-30 darknet_ros
Darknet is an open source neural network framework that runs on CPU and GPU. You only look once (YOLO) is a state-of-the-art, real-time object detection system.
Darknet is an open source neural network framework that runs on CPU and GPU. You only look once (YOLO) is a state-of-the-art, real-time object detection system.
1 2021-06-30 darknet_ros_msgs
Darknet is an open source neural network framework that runs on CPU and GPU. You only look once (YOLO) is a state-of-the-art, real-time object detection system.
Darknet is an open source neural network framework that runs on CPU and GPU. You only look once (YOLO) is a state-of-the-art, real-time object detection system.
1 darwin_control
1 darwin_description
1 darwin_gazebo
1 2024-03-02 data_bagger
The data bagger is responsible for bagging data that the ground wants to see. It is also responsible for downloading the bagged data to the ground.
The data bagger is responsible for bagging data that the ground wants to see. It is also responsible for downloading the bagged data to the ground.
1 data_tamer_cpp
1 data_tamer_msgs
1 data_vis_msgs
1 dataflow_lite


Name Description
1 compass_msgs
1 2017-12-09 composition
Examples for composing multiple nodes in a single process.
Examples for composing multiple nodes in a single process.
1 composition_interfaces
1 compressed_depth_image_transport
1 compressed_image_transport
2 computer_status_msgs
1 concert_conductor
1 concert_master
1 concert_msgs
1 concert_resource_pool
1 concert_scheduler_requests
1 concert_schedulers
1 concert_scheduling
1 concert_service_admin
1 concert_service_gazebo
1 concert_service_image_stream
1 concert_service_indoor_2d_map_prep
1 concert_service_link_graph
1 concert_service_manager
1 concert_service_msgs
1 concert_service_teleop
1 concert_service_turtlesim
1 concert_service_utilities
1 concert_service_waypoint_navigation
1 concert_services
1 concert_simple_scheduler
1 concert_software_common
1 concert_software_farm
1 concert_software_farmer
1 concert_utilities
1 concert_workflow_engine_msgs
1 config_reader
1 connext_cmake_module
1 console_bridge
1 console_bridge_vendor
1 constrained_ik
0 constraint_samplers
1 contact_handler
1 contact_states_observer
1 contracts_lite_vendor
1 control_box_rst
1 control_msgs
1 control_toolbox
2 controller_interface
2 controller_manager
2 controller_manager_msgs
1 controller_manager_tests
1 controller_parameter_server
1 convenience_math_functions
1 convenience_ros_functions
1 convex_decomposition
1 copernicus_base
1 copernicus_control
1 copernicus_description
1 copernicus_localization
1 copernicus_msgs
1 copernicus_navigation
1 copernicus_rules
1 copernicus_teleoperator
1 corobot
1 corobot_arm
1 corobot_camera
1 corobot_diagnostics
1 corobot_gazebo
1 corobot_gps
1 corobot_joystick
1 corobot_launch
0 corobot_map_to_jpeg
1 corobot_msgs
1 corobot_pantilt
1 corobot_phidget_ik
1 corobot_ssc32
1 corobot_state_tf
1 corobot_teleop
1 corobot_urdf
1 cost_map
1 cost_map_core
1 cost_map_cv
1 cost_map_demos
1 cost_map_msgs
1 cost_map_ros
1 cost_map_visualisations
1 costmap_2d
1 costmap_converter
1 costmap_converter_msgs
1 costmap_cspace
1 costmap_cspace_msgs
1 costmap_cspace_rviz_plugins
1 costmap_prohibition_layer
2 costmap_queue
1 costmap_tf_layer
1 coverage_path
1 cp1616
1 cpf_segmentation_ros
1 cpp_common
1 cpp_introspection
1 cpr_common_core_msgs
1 cpr_multimaster_tools
1 cpr_onav_description
1 cpswarm_msgs
1 cpu_mem_monitor
1 cpu_temperature_diagnostics
1 cram_3rdparty
1 cram_core
1 cram_designators
1 cram_execution_trace
1 cram_language
1 cram_math
1 cram_process_modules
1 cram_projection
1 cram_reasoning
1 cram_test_utilities
1 cram_utilities
1 crane_plus
1 crane_plus_control
1 crane_plus_description
1 crane_plus_examples
1 crane_plus_gazebo
1 crane_plus_ignition
1 crane_plus_moveit_config
1 crane_x7
1 crane_x7_bringup
1 crane_x7_control
0 crane_x7_description
1 crane_x7_examples
1 crane_x7_gazebo
1 crane_x7_moveit_config
1 crane_x7_msgs
1 cras_bag_tools
1 cras_cpp_common
1 cras_docs_common
1 cras_imu_tools
1 cras_joy_tools
1 cras_laser_geometry
1 cras_msgs
1 cras_py_common
1 cras_relative_positional_controller
1 cras_topic_tools
1 crazyflie
1 crazyflie_controller
0 crazyflie_cpp
1 crazyflie_demo
1 crazyflie_description
1 crazyflie_driver
0 crazyflie_tools
1 create_autonomy
1 create_bringup
1 create_dashboard
2 create_description
2 create_driver
1 create_gazebo_plugins
1 create_msgs
1 create_node
1 create_robot
1 criutils
1 crom_common
1 crom_control
1 crom_description
1 crom_gazebo
1 crom_moveit_config
1 crom_sim
1 crom_sim_bringup
1 crossing_detector
1 crsm_slam
1 csapex
1 csapex_core
1 csapex_core_test
1 csapex_qt
1 csapex_remote
1 csapex_testing
1 csapex_util
1 csm
1 csm_ros
1 ctl
1 cudnn_cmake_module
0 current_limit_controller
1 custom_landmark_2d
1 cv_backports
1 cv_bridge
1 cv_bridge_python3
1 cv_camera
1 cv_detection
0 cv_optimizer
0 cv_wrapper
1 cvp_mesh_planner
0 cyberglove
1 cyclonedds
1 cyclonedds_cmake_module
1 cyton_gamma_1500_description
1 d435i_xarm_setup
1 darknet_ros
1 darknet_ros_msgs
1 darwin_control
1 darwin_description
1 darwin_gazebo
1 data_bagger
1 data_tamer_cpp
1 data_tamer_msgs
1 data_vis_msgs
1 dataflow_lite


Name Description
1 compass_msgs
1 2018-10-30 composition
Examples for composing multiple nodes in a single process.
Examples for composing multiple nodes in a single process.
1 composition_interfaces
1 compressed_depth_image_transport
1 compressed_image_transport
2 computer_status_msgs
1 concert_conductor
1 concert_master
1 concert_msgs
1 concert_resource_pool
1 concert_scheduler_requests
1 concert_schedulers
1 concert_scheduling
1 concert_service_admin
1 concert_service_gazebo
1 concert_service_image_stream
1 concert_service_indoor_2d_map_prep
1 concert_service_link_graph
1 concert_service_manager
1 concert_service_msgs
1 concert_service_teleop
1 concert_service_turtlesim
1 concert_service_utilities
1 concert_service_waypoint_navigation
1 concert_services
1 concert_simple_scheduler
1 concert_software_common
1 concert_software_farm
1 concert_software_farmer
1 concert_utilities
1 concert_workflow_engine_msgs
1 config_reader
1 2018-06-28 connext_cmake_module
Provide CMake module to find RTI Connext.
Provide CMake module to find RTI Connext.
1 console_bridge
1 console_bridge_vendor
1 constrained_ik
0 constraint_samplers
1 contact_handler
1 contact_states_observer
1 contracts_lite_vendor
1 control_box_rst
1 2019-01-25 control_msgs
control_msgs contains base messages and actions useful for controlling robots. It provides representations for controller setpoints and joint and cartesian trajectories.
control_msgs contains base messages and actions useful for controlling robots. It provides representations for controller setpoints and joint and cartesian trajectories.
1 control_toolbox
2 controller_interface
2 controller_manager
2 controller_manager_msgs
1 controller_manager_tests
1 controller_parameter_server
1 convenience_math_functions
1 convenience_ros_functions
1 convex_decomposition
1 copernicus_base
1 copernicus_control
1 copernicus_description
1 copernicus_localization
1 copernicus_msgs
1 copernicus_navigation
1 copernicus_rules
1 copernicus_teleoperator
1 corobot
1 corobot_arm
1 corobot_camera
1 corobot_diagnostics
1 corobot_gazebo
1 corobot_gps
1 corobot_joystick
1 corobot_launch
0 corobot_map_to_jpeg
1 corobot_msgs
1 corobot_pantilt
1 corobot_phidget_ik
1 corobot_ssc32
1 corobot_state_tf
1 corobot_teleop
1 corobot_urdf
1 cost_map
1 cost_map_core
1 cost_map_cv
1 cost_map_demos
1 cost_map_msgs
1 cost_map_ros
1 cost_map_visualisations
1 costmap_2d
1 costmap_converter
1 costmap_converter_msgs
1 costmap_cspace
1 costmap_cspace_msgs
1 costmap_cspace_rviz_plugins
1 costmap_prohibition_layer
2 costmap_queue
1 costmap_tf_layer
1 coverage_path
1 cp1616
1 cpf_segmentation_ros
1 cpp_common
1 cpp_introspection
1 cpr_common_core_msgs
1 cpr_multimaster_tools
1 cpr_onav_description
1 cpswarm_msgs
1 cpu_mem_monitor
1 cpu_temperature_diagnostics
1 cram_3rdparty
1 cram_core
1 cram_designators
1 cram_execution_trace
1 cram_language
1 cram_math
1 cram_process_modules
1 cram_projection
1 cram_reasoning
1 cram_test_utilities
1 cram_utilities
1 crane_plus
1 crane_plus_control
1 crane_plus_description
1 crane_plus_examples
1 crane_plus_gazebo
1 crane_plus_ignition
1 crane_plus_moveit_config
1 crane_x7
1 crane_x7_bringup
1 crane_x7_control
0 crane_x7_description
1 crane_x7_examples
1 crane_x7_gazebo
1 crane_x7_moveit_config
1 crane_x7_msgs
1 cras_bag_tools
1 cras_cpp_common
1 cras_docs_common
1 cras_imu_tools
1 cras_joy_tools
1 cras_laser_geometry
1 cras_msgs
1 cras_py_common
1 cras_relative_positional_controller
1 cras_topic_tools
1 crazyflie
1 crazyflie_controller
0 crazyflie_cpp
1 crazyflie_demo
1 crazyflie_description
1 crazyflie_driver
0 crazyflie_tools
1 create_autonomy
1 create_bringup
1 create_dashboard
2 create_description
2 create_driver
1 create_gazebo_plugins
1 create_msgs
1 create_node
1 create_robot
1 criutils
1 crom_common
1 crom_control
1 crom_description
1 crom_gazebo
1 crom_moveit_config
1 crom_sim
1 crom_sim_bringup
1 crossing_detector
1 crsm_slam
1 csapex
1 csapex_core
1 csapex_core_test
1 csapex_qt
1 csapex_remote
1 csapex_testing
1 csapex_util
1 csm
1 csm_ros
1 ctl
1 cudnn_cmake_module
0 current_limit_controller
1 custom_landmark_2d
1 cv_backports
1 cv_bridge
1 cv_bridge_python3
1 cv_camera
1 cv_detection
0 cv_optimizer
0 cv_wrapper
1 cvp_mesh_planner
0 cyberglove
1 cyclonedds
1 cyclonedds_cmake_module
1 cyton_gamma_1500_description
1 d435i_xarm_setup
1 darknet_ros
1 darknet_ros_msgs
1 darwin_control
1 darwin_description
1 darwin_gazebo
1 data_bagger
1 data_tamer_cpp
1 data_tamer_msgs
1 data_vis_msgs
1 dataflow_lite


Name Description
1 compass_msgs
1 2019-01-15 composition
Examples for composing multiple nodes in a single process.
Examples for composing multiple nodes in a single process.
1 composition_interfaces
1 2019-07-01 compressed_depth_image_transport
Compressed_depth_image_transport provides a plugin to image_transport for transparently sending depth images (raw, floating-point) using PNG compression.
Compressed_depth_image_transport provides a plugin to image_transport for transparently sending depth images (raw, floating-point) using PNG compression.
1 2019-07-01 compressed_image_transport
Compressed_image_transport provides a plugin to image_transport for transparently sending images encoded as JPEG or PNG.
Compressed_image_transport provides a plugin to image_transport for transparently sending images encoded as JPEG or PNG.
2 computer_status_msgs
1 concert_conductor
1 concert_master
1 concert_msgs
1 concert_resource_pool
1 concert_scheduler_requests
1 concert_schedulers
1 concert_scheduling
1 concert_service_admin
1 concert_service_gazebo
1 concert_service_image_stream
1 concert_service_indoor_2d_map_prep
1 concert_service_link_graph
1 concert_service_manager
1 concert_service_msgs
1 concert_service_teleop
1 concert_service_turtlesim
1 concert_service_utilities
1 concert_service_waypoint_navigation
1 concert_services
1 concert_simple_scheduler
1 concert_software_common
1 concert_software_farm
1 concert_software_farmer
1 concert_utilities
1 concert_workflow_engine_msgs
1 config_reader
1 2019-01-11 connext_cmake_module
Provide CMake module to find RTI Connext.
Provide CMake module to find RTI Connext.
1 console_bridge
1 2018-11-16 console_bridge_vendor
Wrapper around console_bridge, providing nothing but a dependency on console_bridge, on some systems. On others, it provides an ExternalProject build of console_bridge.
Wrapper around console_bridge, providing nothing but a dependency on console_bridge, on some systems. On others, it provides an ExternalProject build of console_bridge.
1 constrained_ik
0 constraint_samplers
1 contact_handler
1 contact_states_observer
1 contracts_lite_vendor
1 control_box_rst
1 2019-11-27 control_msgs
control_msgs contains base messages and actions useful for controlling robots. It provides representations for controller setpoints and joint and cartesian trajectories.
control_msgs contains base messages and actions useful for controlling robots. It provides representations for controller setpoints and joint and cartesian trajectories.
1 control_toolbox
2 controller_interface
2 controller_manager
2 controller_manager_msgs
1 controller_manager_tests
1 controller_parameter_server
1 convenience_math_functions
1 convenience_ros_functions
1 convex_decomposition
1 copernicus_base
1 copernicus_control
1 copernicus_description
1 copernicus_localization
1 copernicus_msgs
1 copernicus_navigation
1 copernicus_rules
1 copernicus_teleoperator
1 corobot
1 corobot_arm
1 corobot_camera
1 corobot_diagnostics
1 corobot_gazebo
1 corobot_gps
1 corobot_joystick
1 corobot_launch
0 corobot_map_to_jpeg
1 corobot_msgs
1 corobot_pantilt
1 corobot_phidget_ik
1 corobot_ssc32
1 corobot_state_tf
1 corobot_teleop
1 corobot_urdf
1 cost_map
1 cost_map_core
1 cost_map_cv
1 cost_map_demos
1 cost_map_msgs
1 cost_map_ros
1 cost_map_visualisations
1 costmap_2d
1 costmap_converter
1 costmap_converter_msgs
1 costmap_cspace
1 costmap_cspace_msgs
1 costmap_cspace_rviz_plugins
1 costmap_prohibition_layer
2 2019-03-13 costmap_queue
The costmap_queue package
The costmap_queue package
1 costmap_tf_layer
1 coverage_path
1 cp1616
1 cpf_segmentation_ros
1 cpp_common
1 cpp_introspection
1 cpr_common_core_msgs
1 cpr_multimaster_tools
1 cpr_onav_description
1 cpswarm_msgs
1 cpu_mem_monitor
1 cpu_temperature_diagnostics
1 cram_3rdparty
1 cram_core
1 cram_designators
1 cram_execution_trace
1 cram_language
1 cram_math
1 cram_process_modules
1 cram_projection
1 cram_reasoning
1 cram_test_utilities
1 cram_utilities
1 crane_plus
1 crane_plus_control
1 crane_plus_description
1 crane_plus_examples
1 crane_plus_gazebo
1 crane_plus_ignition
1 crane_plus_moveit_config
1 crane_x7
1 crane_x7_bringup
1 crane_x7_control
0 crane_x7_description
1 crane_x7_examples
1 crane_x7_gazebo
1 crane_x7_moveit_config
1 crane_x7_msgs
1 cras_bag_tools
1 cras_cpp_common
1 cras_docs_common
1 cras_imu_tools
1 cras_joy_tools
1 cras_laser_geometry
1 cras_msgs
1 cras_py_common
1 cras_relative_positional_controller
1 cras_topic_tools
1 crazyflie
1 crazyflie_controller
0 crazyflie_cpp
1 crazyflie_demo
1 crazyflie_description
1 crazyflie_driver
0 crazyflie_tools
1 create_autonomy
1 create_bringup
1 create_dashboard
2 create_description
2 create_driver
1 create_gazebo_plugins
1 create_msgs
1 create_node
1 create_robot
1 criutils
1 crom_common
1 crom_control
1 crom_description
1 crom_gazebo
1 crom_moveit_config
1 crom_sim
1 crom_sim_bringup
1 crossing_detector
1 crsm_slam
1 csapex
1 csapex_core
1 csapex_core_test
1 csapex_qt
1 csapex_remote
1 csapex_testing
1 csapex_util
1 csm
1 csm_ros
1 ctl
1 cudnn_cmake_module
0 current_limit_controller
1 custom_landmark_2d
1 cv_backports
1 cv_bridge
1 cv_bridge_python3
1 cv_camera
1 cv_detection
0 cv_optimizer
0 cv_wrapper
1 cvp_mesh_planner
0 cyberglove
1 cyclonedds
1 cyclonedds_cmake_module
1 cyton_gamma_1500_description
1 d435i_xarm_setup
1 darknet_ros
1 darknet_ros_msgs
1 darwin_control
1 darwin_description
1 darwin_gazebo
1 data_bagger
1 data_tamer_cpp
1 data_tamer_msgs
1 data_vis_msgs
1 dataflow_lite


Name Description
1 compass_msgs
1 2020-11-04 composition
Examples for composing multiple nodes in a single process.
Examples for composing multiple nodes in a single process.
1 2019-09-26 composition_interfaces
A package containing message and service definitions for managing composable nodes in a container process.
A package containing message and service definitions for managing composable nodes in a container process.
1 2019-10-24 compressed_depth_image_transport
Compressed_depth_image_transport provides a plugin to image_transport for transparently sending depth images (raw, floating-point) using PNG compression.
Compressed_depth_image_transport provides a plugin to image_transport for transparently sending depth images (raw, floating-point) using PNG compression.
1 2019-10-24 compressed_image_transport
Compressed_image_transport provides a plugin to image_transport for transparently sending images encoded as JPEG or PNG.
Compressed_image_transport provides a plugin to image_transport for transparently sending images encoded as JPEG or PNG.
2 computer_status_msgs
1 concert_conductor
1 concert_master
1 concert_msgs
1 concert_resource_pool
1 concert_scheduler_requests
1 concert_schedulers
1 concert_scheduling
1 concert_service_admin
1 concert_service_gazebo
1 concert_service_image_stream
1 concert_service_indoor_2d_map_prep
1 concert_service_link_graph
1 concert_service_manager
1 concert_service_msgs
1 concert_service_teleop
1 concert_service_turtlesim
1 concert_service_utilities
1 concert_service_waypoint_navigation
1 concert_services
1 concert_simple_scheduler
1 concert_software_common
1 concert_software_farm
1 concert_software_farmer
1 concert_utilities
1 concert_workflow_engine_msgs
1 config_reader
1 2020-12-04 connext_cmake_module
Provide CMake module to find RTI Connext.
Provide CMake module to find RTI Connext.
1 console_bridge
1 2019-04-11 console_bridge_vendor
Wrapper around console_bridge, providing nothing but a dependency on console_bridge, on some systems. On others, it provides an ExternalProject build of console_bridge.
Wrapper around console_bridge, providing nothing but a dependency on console_bridge, on some systems. On others, it provides an ExternalProject build of console_bridge.
1 constrained_ik
0 constraint_samplers
1 contact_handler
1 contact_states_observer
1 contracts_lite_vendor
1 2020-06-05 control_box_rst
The control_box_rst package provides C++ libraries for predictive control, direct optimal control, optimization and simulation.
The control_box_rst package provides C++ libraries for predictive control, direct optimal control, optimization and simulation.
1 2019-11-27 control_msgs
control_msgs contains base messages and actions useful for controlling robots. It provides representations for controller setpoints and joint and cartesian trajectories.
control_msgs contains base messages and actions useful for controlling robots. It provides representations for controller setpoints and joint and cartesian trajectories.
1 control_toolbox
2 controller_interface
2 controller_manager
2 controller_manager_msgs
1 controller_manager_tests
1 controller_parameter_server
1 convenience_math_functions
1 convenience_ros_functions
1 convex_decomposition
1 copernicus_base
1 copernicus_control
1 copernicus_description
1 copernicus_localization
1 copernicus_msgs
1 copernicus_navigation
1 copernicus_rules
1 copernicus_teleoperator
1 corobot
1 corobot_arm
1 corobot_camera
1 corobot_diagnostics
1 corobot_gazebo
1 corobot_gps
1 corobot_joystick
1 corobot_launch
0 corobot_map_to_jpeg
1 corobot_msgs
1 corobot_pantilt
1 corobot_phidget_ik
1 corobot_ssc32
1 corobot_state_tf
1 corobot_teleop
1 corobot_urdf
1 cost_map
1 cost_map_core
1 cost_map_cv
1 cost_map_demos
1 cost_map_msgs
1 cost_map_ros
1 cost_map_visualisations
1 costmap_2d
1 2020-06-22 costmap_converter
A ros package that includes plugins and nodes to convert occupied costmap2d cells to primitive types.
A ros package that includes plugins and nodes to convert occupied costmap2d cells to primitive types.
1 2020-06-22 costmap_converter_msgs
Package containing message types for costmap conversion
Package containing message types for costmap conversion
1 costmap_cspace
1 costmap_cspace_msgs
1 costmap_cspace_rviz_plugins
1 costmap_prohibition_layer
2 2021-01-04 costmap_queue
The costmap_queue package
The costmap_queue package
1 costmap_tf_layer
1 coverage_path
1 cp1616
1 cpf_segmentation_ros
1 cpp_common
1 cpp_introspection
1 cpr_common_core_msgs
1 cpr_multimaster_tools
1 cpr_onav_description
1 cpswarm_msgs
1 cpu_mem_monitor
1 cpu_temperature_diagnostics
1 cram_3rdparty
1 cram_core
1 cram_designators
1 cram_execution_trace
1 cram_language
1 cram_math
1 cram_process_modules
1 cram_projection
1 cram_reasoning
1 cram_test_utilities
1 cram_utilities
1 crane_plus
1 crane_plus_control
1 crane_plus_description
1 crane_plus_examples
1 crane_plus_gazebo
1 crane_plus_ignition
1 crane_plus_moveit_config
1 crane_x7
1 crane_x7_bringup
1 crane_x7_control
0 crane_x7_description
1 crane_x7_examples
1 crane_x7_gazebo
1 crane_x7_moveit_config
1 crane_x7_msgs
1 cras_bag_tools
1 cras_cpp_common
1 cras_docs_common
1 cras_imu_tools
1 cras_joy_tools
1 cras_laser_geometry
1 cras_msgs
1 cras_py_common
1 cras_relative_positional_controller
1 cras_topic_tools
1 crazyflie
1 crazyflie_controller
0 crazyflie_cpp
1 crazyflie_demo
1 crazyflie_description
1 crazyflie_driver
0 crazyflie_tools
1 create_autonomy
1 create_bringup
1 create_dashboard
2 create_description
2 create_driver
1 create_gazebo_plugins
1 create_msgs
1 create_node
1 create_robot
1 criutils
1 crom_common
1 crom_control
1 crom_description
1 crom_gazebo
1 crom_moveit_config
1 crom_sim
1 crom_sim_bringup
1 crossing_detector
1 crsm_slam
1 csapex
1 csapex_core
1 csapex_core_test
1 csapex_qt
1 csapex_remote
1 csapex_testing
1 csapex_util
1 csm
1 csm_ros
1 ctl
1 cudnn_cmake_module
0 current_limit_controller
1 custom_landmark_2d
1 cv_backports
1 2020-01-17 cv_bridge
This contains CvBridge, which converts between ROS2 Image messages and OpenCV images.
This contains CvBridge, which converts between ROS2 Image messages and OpenCV images.
1 cv_bridge_python3
1 cv_camera
1 cv_detection
0 cv_optimizer
0 cv_wrapper
1 cvp_mesh_planner
0 cyberglove
1 2020-03-12 cyclonedds
Eclipse Cyclone DDS is a very performant and robust open-source DDS implementation. Cyclone DDS is developed completely in the open as an Eclipse IoT project.
Eclipse Cyclone DDS is a very performant and robust open-source DDS implementation. Cyclone DDS is developed completely in the open as an Eclipse IoT project.
1 2020-09-15 cyclonedds_cmake_module
Provide CMake module to find Eclipse CycloneDDS.
Provide CMake module to find Eclipse CycloneDDS.
1 cyton_gamma_1500_description
1 d435i_xarm_setup
1 darknet_ros
1 darknet_ros_msgs
1 darwin_control
1 darwin_description
1 darwin_gazebo
1 data_bagger
1 data_tamer_cpp
1 data_tamer_msgs
1 data_vis_msgs
1 dataflow_lite


Name Description
1 compass_msgs
1 2020-10-28 composition
Examples for composing multiple nodes in a single process.
Examples for composing multiple nodes in a single process.
1 2019-05-30 composition_interfaces
A package containing message and service definitions for managing composable nodes in a container process.
A package containing message and service definitions for managing composable nodes in a container process.
1 2019-10-24 compressed_depth_image_transport
Compressed_depth_image_transport provides a plugin to image_transport for transparently sending depth images (raw, floating-point) using PNG compression.
Compressed_depth_image_transport provides a plugin to image_transport for transparently sending depth images (raw, floating-point) using PNG compression.
1 2019-10-24 compressed_image_transport
Compressed_image_transport provides a plugin to image_transport for transparently sending images encoded as JPEG or PNG.
Compressed_image_transport provides a plugin to image_transport for transparently sending images encoded as JPEG or PNG.
2 computer_status_msgs
1 concert_conductor
1 concert_master
1 concert_msgs
1 concert_resource_pool
1 concert_scheduler_requests
1 concert_schedulers
1 concert_scheduling
1 concert_service_admin
1 concert_service_gazebo
1 concert_service_image_stream
1 concert_service_indoor_2d_map_prep
1 concert_service_link_graph
1 concert_service_manager
1 concert_service_msgs
1 concert_service_teleop
1 concert_service_turtlesim
1 concert_service_utilities
1 concert_service_waypoint_navigation
1 concert_services
1 concert_simple_scheduler
1 concert_software_common
1 concert_software_farm
1 concert_software_farmer
1 concert_utilities
1 concert_workflow_engine_msgs
1 config_reader
1 2020-08-27 connext_cmake_module
Provide CMake module to find RTI Connext.
Provide CMake module to find RTI Connext.
1 console_bridge
1 2019-04-11 console_bridge_vendor
Wrapper around console_bridge, providing nothing but a dependency on console_bridge, on some systems. On others, it provides an ExternalProject build of console_bridge.
Wrapper around console_bridge, providing nothing but a dependency on console_bridge, on some systems. On others, it provides an ExternalProject build of console_bridge.
1 constrained_ik
0 constraint_samplers
1 contact_handler
1 contact_states_observer
1 2021-03-30 contracts_lite_vendor
ROS 2 wrapper for the Contracts Lite project.
ROS 2 wrapper for the Contracts Lite project.
1 control_box_rst
1 2019-11-27 control_msgs
control_msgs contains base messages and actions useful for controlling robots. It provides representations for controller setpoints and joint and cartesian trajectories.
control_msgs contains base messages and actions useful for controlling robots. It provides representations for controller setpoints and joint and cartesian trajectories.
1 control_toolbox
2 2020-02-06 controller_interface
Description of controller_interface
Description of controller_interface
2 2020-02-06 controller_manager
Description of controller_manager
Description of controller_manager
2 controller_manager_msgs
1 controller_manager_tests
1 2020-02-06 controller_parameter_server
parameter server for loading specific controller configurations
parameter server for loading specific controller configurations
1 convenience_math_functions
1 convenience_ros_functions
1 convex_decomposition
1 copernicus_base
1 copernicus_control
1 copernicus_description
1 copernicus_localization
1 copernicus_msgs
1 copernicus_navigation
1 copernicus_rules
1 copernicus_teleoperator
1 corobot
1 corobot_arm
1 corobot_camera
1 corobot_diagnostics
1 corobot_gazebo
1 corobot_gps
1 corobot_joystick
1 corobot_launch
0 corobot_map_to_jpeg
1 corobot_msgs
1 corobot_pantilt
1 corobot_phidget_ik
1 corobot_ssc32
1 corobot_state_tf
1 corobot_teleop
1 corobot_urdf
1 cost_map
1 cost_map_core
1 cost_map_cv
1 cost_map_demos
1 cost_map_msgs
1 cost_map_ros
1 cost_map_visualisations
1 costmap_2d
1 2020-06-22 costmap_converter
A ros package that includes plugins and nodes to convert occupied costmap2d cells to primitive types.
A ros package that includes plugins and nodes to convert occupied costmap2d cells to primitive types.
1 2020-06-22 costmap_converter_msgs
Package containing message types for costmap conversion
Package containing message types for costmap conversion
1 costmap_cspace
1 costmap_cspace_msgs
1 costmap_cspace_rviz_plugins
1 costmap_prohibition_layer
2 2020-12-28 costmap_queue
The costmap_queue package
The costmap_queue package
1 costmap_tf_layer
1 coverage_path
1 cp1616
1 cpf_segmentation_ros
1 cpp_common
1 cpp_introspection
1 cpr_common_core_msgs
1 cpr_multimaster_tools
1 cpr_onav_description
1 cpswarm_msgs
1 cpu_mem_monitor
1 cpu_temperature_diagnostics
1 cram_3rdparty
1 cram_core
1 cram_designators
1 cram_execution_trace
1 cram_language
1 cram_math
1 cram_process_modules
1 cram_projection
1 cram_reasoning
1 cram_test_utilities
1 cram_utilities
1 crane_plus
1 crane_plus_control
1 crane_plus_description
1 crane_plus_examples
1 crane_plus_gazebo
1 crane_plus_ignition
1 crane_plus_moveit_config
1 crane_x7
1 crane_x7_bringup
1 crane_x7_control
0 crane_x7_description
1 crane_x7_examples
1 crane_x7_gazebo
1 crane_x7_moveit_config
1 crane_x7_msgs
1 cras_bag_tools
1 cras_cpp_common
1 cras_docs_common
1 cras_imu_tools
1 cras_joy_tools
1 cras_laser_geometry
1 cras_msgs
1 cras_py_common
1 cras_relative_positional_controller
1 cras_topic_tools
1 crazyflie
1 crazyflie_controller
0 crazyflie_cpp
1 crazyflie_demo
1 crazyflie_description
1 crazyflie_driver
0 crazyflie_tools
1 create_autonomy
1 create_bringup
1 create_dashboard
2 create_description
2 create_driver
1 create_gazebo_plugins
1 create_msgs
1 create_node
1 create_robot
1 criutils
1 crom_common
1 crom_control
1 crom_description
1 crom_gazebo
1 crom_moveit_config
1 crom_sim
1 crom_sim_bringup
1 crossing_detector
1 crsm_slam
1 csapex
1 csapex_core
1 csapex_core_test
1 csapex_qt
1 csapex_remote
1 csapex_testing
1 csapex_util
1 csm
1 csm_ros
1 ctl
1 cudnn_cmake_module
0 current_limit_controller
1 custom_landmark_2d
1 cv_backports
1 cv_bridge
1 cv_bridge_python3
1 cv_camera
1 cv_detection
0 cv_optimizer
0 cv_wrapper
1 cvp_mesh_planner
0 cyberglove
1 2022-02-11 cyclonedds
Eclipse Cyclone DDS is a very performant and robust open-source DDS implementation. Cyclone DDS is developed completely in the open as an Eclipse IoT project.
Eclipse Cyclone DDS is a very performant and robust open-source DDS implementation. Cyclone DDS is developed completely in the open as an Eclipse IoT project.
1 2020-09-15 cyclonedds_cmake_module
Provide CMake module to find Eclipse CycloneDDS.
Provide CMake module to find Eclipse CycloneDDS.
1 cyton_gamma_1500_description
1 d435i_xarm_setup
1 darknet_ros
1 darknet_ros_msgs
1 darwin_control
1 darwin_description
1 darwin_gazebo
1 data_bagger
1 data_tamer_cpp
1 data_tamer_msgs
1 data_vis_msgs
1 2022-02-08 dataflow_lite
Light version of dataflow libraries
Light version of dataflow libraries


Name Description
1 compass_msgs
1 2022-12-07 composition
Examples for composing multiple nodes in a single process.
Examples for composing multiple nodes in a single process.
1 2021-04-06 composition_interfaces
A package containing message and service definitions for managing composable nodes in a container process.
A package containing message and service definitions for managing composable nodes in a container process.
1 2022-11-10 compressed_depth_image_transport
Compressed_depth_image_transport provides a plugin to image_transport for transparently sending depth images (raw, floating-point) using PNG compression.
Compressed_depth_image_transport provides a plugin to image_transport for transparently sending depth images (raw, floating-point) using PNG compression.
1 2022-11-10 compressed_image_transport
Compressed_image_transport provides a plugin to image_transport for transparently sending images encoded as JPEG or PNG.
Compressed_image_transport provides a plugin to image_transport for transparently sending images encoded as JPEG or PNG.
2 computer_status_msgs
1 concert_conductor
1 concert_master
1 concert_msgs
1 concert_resource_pool
1 concert_scheduler_requests
1 concert_schedulers
1 concert_scheduling
1 concert_service_admin
1 concert_service_gazebo
1 concert_service_image_stream
1 concert_service_indoor_2d_map_prep
1 concert_service_link_graph
1 concert_service_manager
1 concert_service_msgs
1 concert_service_teleop
1 concert_service_turtlesim
1 concert_service_utilities
1 concert_service_waypoint_navigation
1 concert_services
1 concert_simple_scheduler
1 concert_software_common
1 concert_software_farm
1 concert_software_farmer
1 concert_utilities
1 concert_workflow_engine_msgs
1 config_reader
1 connext_cmake_module
1 console_bridge
1 2021-04-06 console_bridge_vendor
Wrapper around console_bridge, providing nothing but a dependency on console_bridge, on some systems. On others, it provides an ExternalProject build of console_bridge.
Wrapper around console_bridge, providing nothing but a dependency on console_bridge, on some systems. On others, it provides an ExternalProject build of console_bridge.
1 constrained_ik
0 constraint_samplers
1 contact_handler
1 contact_states_observer
1 contracts_lite_vendor
1 2020-06-05 control_box_rst
The control_box_rst package provides C++ libraries for predictive control, direct optimal control, optimization and simulation.
The control_box_rst package provides C++ libraries for predictive control, direct optimal control, optimization and simulation.
1 2022-08-01 control_msgs
control_msgs contains base messages and actions useful for controlling robots. It provides representations for controller setpoints and joint and cartesian trajectories.
control_msgs contains base messages and actions useful for controlling robots. It provides representations for controller setpoints and joint and cartesian trajectories.
1 2024-04-15 control_toolbox
The control toolbox contains modules that are useful across all controllers.
The control toolbox contains modules that are useful across all controllers.
2 2022-08-03 controller_interface
Description of controller_interface
Description of controller_interface
2 2022-08-03 controller_manager
Description of controller_manager
Description of controller_manager
2 2022-08-03 controller_manager_msgs
Messages and services for the controller manager.
Messages and services for the controller manager.
1 controller_manager_tests
1 controller_parameter_server
1 convenience_math_functions
1 convenience_ros_functions
1 convex_decomposition
1 copernicus_base
1 copernicus_control
1 copernicus_description
1 copernicus_localization
1 copernicus_msgs
1 copernicus_navigation
1 copernicus_rules
1 copernicus_teleoperator
1 corobot
1 corobot_arm
1 corobot_camera
1 corobot_diagnostics
1 corobot_gazebo
1 corobot_gps
1 corobot_joystick
1 corobot_launch
0 corobot_map_to_jpeg
1 corobot_msgs
1 corobot_pantilt
1 corobot_phidget_ik
1 corobot_ssc32
1 corobot_state_tf
1 corobot_teleop
1 corobot_urdf
1 cost_map
1 cost_map_core
1 cost_map_cv
1 cost_map_demos
1 cost_map_msgs
1 cost_map_ros
1 cost_map_visualisations
1 costmap_2d
1 costmap_converter
1 costmap_converter_msgs
1 costmap_cspace
1 costmap_cspace_msgs
1 costmap_cspace_rviz_plugins
1 costmap_prohibition_layer
2 2022-09-15 costmap_queue
The costmap_queue package
The costmap_queue package
1 costmap_tf_layer
1 coverage_path
1 cp1616
1 cpf_segmentation_ros
1 cpp_common
1 cpp_introspection
1 cpr_common_core_msgs
1 cpr_multimaster_tools
1 cpr_onav_description
1 cpswarm_msgs
1 cpu_mem_monitor
1 cpu_temperature_diagnostics
1 cram_3rdparty
1 cram_core
1 cram_designators
1 cram_execution_trace
1 cram_language
1 cram_math
1 cram_process_modules
1 cram_projection
1 cram_reasoning
1 cram_test_utilities
1 cram_utilities
1 crane_plus
1 crane_plus_control
1 crane_plus_description
1 crane_plus_examples
1 crane_plus_gazebo
1 crane_plus_ignition
1 crane_plus_moveit_config
1 crane_x7
1 crane_x7_bringup
1 crane_x7_control
0 crane_x7_description
1 crane_x7_examples
1 crane_x7_gazebo
1 crane_x7_moveit_config
1 crane_x7_msgs
1 cras_bag_tools
1 cras_cpp_common
1 cras_docs_common
1 cras_imu_tools
1 cras_joy_tools
1 cras_laser_geometry
1 cras_msgs
1 cras_py_common
1 cras_relative_positional_controller
1 cras_topic_tools
1 crazyflie
1 crazyflie_controller
0 crazyflie_cpp
1 crazyflie_demo
1 crazyflie_description
1 crazyflie_driver
0 crazyflie_tools
1 create_autonomy
1 create_bringup
1 create_dashboard
2 create_description
2 create_driver
1 create_gazebo_plugins
1 create_msgs
1 create_node
1 create_robot
1 criutils
1 crom_common
1 crom_control
1 crom_description
1 crom_gazebo
1 crom_moveit_config
1 crom_sim
1 crom_sim_bringup
1 crossing_detector
1 crsm_slam
1 csapex
1 csapex_core
1 csapex_core_test
1 csapex_qt
1 csapex_remote
1 csapex_testing
1 csapex_util
1 csm
1 csm_ros
1 ctl
1 2022-01-19 cudnn_cmake_module
Exports a CMake module to find cuDNN.
Exports a CMake module to find cuDNN.
0 current_limit_controller
1 custom_landmark_2d
1 cv_backports
1 2022-10-15 cv_bridge
This contains CvBridge, which converts between ROS2 Image messages and OpenCV images.
This contains CvBridge, which converts between ROS2 Image messages and OpenCV images.
1 cv_bridge_python3
1 cv_camera
1 cv_detection
0 cv_optimizer
0 cv_wrapper
1 cvp_mesh_planner
0 cyberglove
1 2022-02-03 cyclonedds
Eclipse Cyclone DDS is a very performant and robust open-source DDS implementation. Cyclone DDS is developed completely in the open as an Eclipse IoT project.
Eclipse Cyclone DDS is a very performant and robust open-source DDS implementation. Cyclone DDS is developed completely in the open as an Eclipse IoT project.
1 cyclonedds_cmake_module
1 cyton_gamma_1500_description
1 d435i_xarm_setup
1 darknet_ros
1 darknet_ros_msgs
1 darwin_control
1 darwin_description
1 darwin_gazebo
1 data_bagger
1 data_tamer_cpp
1 data_tamer_msgs
1 data_vis_msgs
1 dataflow_lite


Name Description
1 compass_msgs
1 2022-07-25 composition
Examples for composing multiple nodes in a single process.
Examples for composing multiple nodes in a single process.
1 2021-04-02 composition_interfaces
A package containing message and service definitions for managing composable nodes in a container process.
A package containing message and service definitions for managing composable nodes in a container process.
1 2022-11-10 compressed_depth_image_transport
Compressed_depth_image_transport provides a plugin to image_transport for transparently sending depth images (raw, floating-point) using PNG compression.
Compressed_depth_image_transport provides a plugin to image_transport for transparently sending depth images (raw, floating-point) using PNG compression.
1 2022-11-10 compressed_image_transport
Compressed_image_transport provides a plugin to image_transport for transparently sending images encoded as JPEG or PNG.
Compressed_image_transport provides a plugin to image_transport for transparently sending images encoded as JPEG or PNG.
2 computer_status_msgs
1 concert_conductor
1 concert_master
1 concert_msgs
1 concert_resource_pool
1 concert_scheduler_requests
1 concert_schedulers
1 concert_scheduling
1 concert_service_admin
1 concert_service_gazebo
1 concert_service_image_stream
1 concert_service_indoor_2d_map_prep
1 concert_service_link_graph
1 concert_service_manager
1 concert_service_msgs
1 concert_service_teleop
1 concert_service_turtlesim
1 concert_service_utilities
1 concert_service_waypoint_navigation
1 concert_services
1 concert_simple_scheduler
1 concert_software_common
1 concert_software_farm
1 concert_software_farmer
1 concert_utilities
1 concert_workflow_engine_msgs
1 config_reader
1 2021-04-14 connext_cmake_module
Provide CMake module to find RTI Connext.
Provide CMake module to find RTI Connext.
1 console_bridge
1 2021-04-14 console_bridge_vendor
Wrapper around console_bridge, providing nothing but a dependency on console_bridge, on some systems. On others, it provides an ExternalProject build of console_bridge.
Wrapper around console_bridge, providing nothing but a dependency on console_bridge, on some systems. On others, it provides an ExternalProject build of console_bridge.
1 constrained_ik
0 constraint_samplers
1 contact_handler
1 contact_states_observer
1 2021-03-30 contracts_lite_vendor
ROS 2 wrapper for the Contracts Lite project.
ROS 2 wrapper for the Contracts Lite project.
1 2020-06-05 control_box_rst
The control_box_rst package provides C++ libraries for predictive control, direct optimal control, optimization and simulation.
The control_box_rst package provides C++ libraries for predictive control, direct optimal control, optimization and simulation.
1 2021-07-10 control_msgs
control_msgs contains base messages and actions useful for controlling robots. It provides representations for controller setpoints and joint and cartesian trajectories.
control_msgs contains base messages and actions useful for controlling robots. It provides representations for controller setpoints and joint and cartesian trajectories.
1 2023-02-28 control_toolbox
The control toolbox contains modules that are useful across all controllers.
The control toolbox contains modules that are useful across all controllers.
2 2022-11-17 controller_interface
Description of controller_interface
Description of controller_interface
2 2022-11-17 controller_manager
Description of controller_manager
Description of controller_manager
2 2022-11-17 controller_manager_msgs
Messages and services for the controller manager.
Messages and services for the controller manager.
1 controller_manager_tests
1 controller_parameter_server
1 convenience_math_functions
1 convenience_ros_functions
1 convex_decomposition
1 copernicus_base
1 copernicus_control
1 copernicus_description
1 copernicus_localization
1 copernicus_msgs
1 copernicus_navigation
1 copernicus_rules
1 copernicus_teleoperator
1 corobot
1 corobot_arm
1 corobot_camera
1 corobot_diagnostics
1 corobot_gazebo
1 corobot_gps
1 corobot_joystick
1 corobot_launch
0 corobot_map_to_jpeg
1 corobot_msgs
1 corobot_pantilt
1 corobot_phidget_ik
1 corobot_ssc32
1 corobot_state_tf
1 corobot_teleop
1 corobot_urdf
1 cost_map
1 cost_map_core
1 cost_map_cv
1 cost_map_demos
1 cost_map_msgs
1 cost_map_ros
1 cost_map_visualisations
1 costmap_2d
1 costmap_converter
1 costmap_converter_msgs
1 costmap_cspace
1 costmap_cspace_msgs
1 costmap_cspace_rviz_plugins
1 costmap_prohibition_layer
2 2022-08-31 costmap_queue
The costmap_queue package
The costmap_queue package
1 costmap_tf_layer
1 coverage_path
1 cp1616
1 cpf_segmentation_ros
1 cpp_common
1 cpp_introspection
1 cpr_common_core_msgs
1 cpr_multimaster_tools
1 cpr_onav_description
1 cpswarm_msgs
1 cpu_mem_monitor
1 cpu_temperature_diagnostics
1 cram_3rdparty
1 cram_core
1 cram_designators
1 cram_execution_trace
1 cram_language
1 cram_math
1 cram_process_modules
1 cram_projection
1 cram_reasoning
1 cram_test_utilities
1 cram_utilities
1 2023-08-08 crane_plus
ROS 2 package suite of CRANE+ V2
ROS 2 package suite of CRANE+ V2
1 2023-08-08 crane_plus_control
CRANE+ V2 control package
CRANE+ V2 control package
1 2023-08-08 crane_plus_description
CRANE+ V2 description package
CRANE+ V2 description package
1 2023-08-08 crane_plus_examples
CRANE+ V2 examples package
CRANE+ V2 examples package
1 2023-08-08 crane_plus_gazebo
CRANE+ V2 gazebo simulation package
CRANE+ V2 gazebo simulation package
1 2023-08-08 crane_plus_ignition
CRANE+ V2 ignition gazebo simulation package
CRANE+ V2 ignition gazebo simulation package
1 2023-08-08 crane_plus_moveit_config
CRANE+ V2 move_group config package
CRANE+ V2 move_group config package
1 crane_x7
1 crane_x7_bringup
1 crane_x7_control
0 crane_x7_description
1 crane_x7_examples
1 crane_x7_gazebo
1 crane_x7_moveit_config
1 crane_x7_msgs
1 cras_bag_tools
1 cras_cpp_common
1 cras_docs_common
1 cras_imu_tools
1 cras_joy_tools
1 cras_laser_geometry
1 cras_msgs
1 cras_py_common
1 cras_relative_positional_controller
1 cras_topic_tools
1 crazyflie
1 crazyflie_controller
0 crazyflie_cpp
1 crazyflie_demo
1 crazyflie_description
1 crazyflie_driver
0 crazyflie_tools
1 create_autonomy
1 2023-05-21 create_bringup
Launch and configuration files for common accessories when working with Create/Roomba platforms.
Launch and configuration files for common accessories when working with Create/Roomba platforms.
1 create_dashboard
2 2023-05-21 create_description
Robot URDF descriptions for create_robot
Robot URDF descriptions for create_robot
2 2023-05-21 create_driver
ROS driver for iRobot's Create and Roomba platforms, based on libcreate
ROS driver for iRobot's Create and Roomba platforms, based on libcreate
1 create_gazebo_plugins
1 2023-05-21 create_msgs
Common message definitions for create_robot
Common message definitions for create_robot
1 create_node
1 2023-05-21 create_robot
ROS driver for iRobot's Create 1 and 2, based on the libcreate C++ library
ROS driver for iRobot's Create 1 and 2, based on the libcreate C++ library
1 criutils
1 crom_common
1 crom_control
1 crom_description
1 crom_gazebo
1 crom_moveit_config
1 crom_sim
1 crom_sim_bringup
1 crossing_detector
1 crsm_slam
1 csapex
1 csapex_core
1 csapex_core_test
1 csapex_qt
1 csapex_remote
1 csapex_testing
1 csapex_util
1 csm
1 csm_ros
1 ctl
1 cudnn_cmake_module
0 current_limit_controller
1 custom_landmark_2d
1 cv_backports
1 2022-10-15 cv_bridge
This contains CvBridge, which converts between ROS2 Image messages and OpenCV images.
This contains CvBridge, which converts between ROS2 Image messages and OpenCV images.
1 cv_bridge_python3
1 cv_camera
1 cv_detection
0 cv_optimizer
0 cv_wrapper
1 cvp_mesh_planner
0 cyberglove
1 2022-02-11 cyclonedds
Eclipse Cyclone DDS is a very performant and robust open-source DDS implementation. Cyclone DDS is developed completely in the open as an Eclipse IoT project.
Eclipse Cyclone DDS is a very performant and robust open-source DDS implementation. Cyclone DDS is developed completely in the open as an Eclipse IoT project.
1 cyclonedds_cmake_module
1 cyton_gamma_1500_description
1 d435i_xarm_setup
1 darknet_ros
1 darknet_ros_msgs
1 darwin_control
1 darwin_description
1 darwin_gazebo
1 data_bagger
1 data_tamer_cpp
1 data_tamer_msgs
1 data_vis_msgs
1 dataflow_lite


Name Description
1 compass_msgs
1 composition
1 composition_interfaces
1 2019-09-19 compressed_depth_image_transport
Compressed_depth_image_transport provides a plugin to image_transport for transparently sending depth images (raw, floating-point) using PNG compression.
Compressed_depth_image_transport provides a plugin to image_transport for transparently sending depth images (raw, floating-point) using PNG compression.
1 2019-09-19 compressed_image_transport
Compressed_image_transport provides a plugin to image_transport for transparently sending images encoded as JPEG or PNG.
Compressed_image_transport provides a plugin to image_transport for transparently sending images encoded as JPEG or PNG.
2 computer_status_msgs
1 concert_conductor
1 concert_master
1 concert_msgs
1 concert_resource_pool
1 concert_scheduler_requests
1 concert_schedulers
1 concert_scheduling
1 concert_service_admin
1 concert_service_gazebo
1 concert_service_image_stream
1 concert_service_indoor_2d_map_prep
1 concert_service_link_graph
1 concert_service_manager
1 concert_service_msgs
1 concert_service_teleop
1 concert_service_turtlesim
1 concert_service_utilities
1 concert_service_waypoint_navigation
1 concert_services
1 concert_simple_scheduler
1 concert_software_common
1 concert_software_farm
1 concert_software_farmer
1 concert_utilities
1 concert_workflow_engine_msgs
1 config_reader
1 connext_cmake_module
1 console_bridge
1 console_bridge_vendor
1 constrained_ik
0 constraint_samplers
1 contact_handler
1 contact_states_observer
1 contracts_lite_vendor
1 control_box_rst
1 2021-02-02 control_msgs
control_msgs contains base messages and actions useful for controlling robots. It provides representations for controller setpoints and joint and cartesian trajectories.
control_msgs contains base messages and actions useful for controlling robots. It provides representations for controller setpoints and joint and cartesian trajectories.
1 2019-01-31 control_toolbox
The control toolbox contains modules that are useful across all controllers.
The control toolbox contains modules that are useful across all controllers.
2 2020-04-17 controller_interface
Interface base class for controllers
Interface base class for controllers
2 2020-04-17 controller_manager
The controller manager.
The controller manager.
2 2020-04-17 controller_manager_msgs
Messages and services for the controller manager.
Messages and services for the controller manager.
1 2020-04-17 controller_manager_tests
1 controller_parameter_server
1 convenience_math_functions
1 convenience_ros_functions
1 2016-04-18 convex_decomposition
Convex Decomposition Tool for Robot Model
Convex Decomposition Tool for Robot Model
1 copernicus_base
1 copernicus_control
1 copernicus_description
1 copernicus_localization
1 copernicus_msgs
1 copernicus_navigation
1 copernicus_rules
1 copernicus_teleoperator
1 corobot
1 corobot_arm
1 corobot_camera
1 corobot_diagnostics
1 corobot_gazebo
1 corobot_gps
1 corobot_joystick
1 corobot_launch
0 corobot_map_to_jpeg
1 corobot_msgs
1 corobot_pantilt
1 corobot_phidget_ik
1 corobot_ssc32
1 corobot_state_tf
1 corobot_teleop
1 corobot_urdf
1 cost_map
1 cost_map_core
1 cost_map_cv
1 cost_map_demos
1 cost_map_msgs
1 cost_map_ros
1 cost_map_visualisations
1 2019-02-28 costmap_2d
This package provides an implementation of a 2D costmap that takes in sensor data from the world, builds a 2D or 3D occupancy grid of the data (depending on whether a voxel based implementation is used), and inflates costs in a 2D costmap based on the occupancy grid and a user specified inflation radius. This package also provides support for map_server based initialization of a costmap, rolling window based costmaps, and parameter based subscription to and configuration of sensor topics.
This package provides an implementation of a 2D costmap that takes in sensor data from the world, builds a 2D or 3D occupancy grid of the data (depending on whether a voxel based implementation is used), and inflates costs in a 2D costmap based on the occupancy grid and a user specified inflation radius. This package also provides support for map_server based initialization of a costmap, rolling window based costmaps, and parameter based subscription to and configuration of sensor topics.
1 2020-05-13 costmap_converter
A ros package that includes plugins and nodes to convert occupied costmap2d cells to primitive types.
A ros package that includes plugins and nodes to convert occupied costmap2d cells to primitive types.
1 costmap_converter_msgs
1 2024-03-25 costmap_cspace
3-dof configuration space costmap package
3-dof configuration space costmap package
1 2024-02-19 costmap_cspace_msgs
Message definitions for costmap_cspace package
Message definitions for costmap_cspace package
1 2024-02-19 costmap_cspace_rviz_plugins
Rviz plugins for costmap_cspace_msgs
Rviz plugins for costmap_cspace_msgs
1 costmap_prohibition_layer
2 2020-07-03 costmap_queue
Tool for iterating through the cells of a costmap to find the closest distance to a subset of cells.
Tool for iterating through the cells of a costmap to find the closest distance to a subset of cells.
1 costmap_tf_layer
1 coverage_path
1 cp1616
1 cpf_segmentation_ros
1 2020-07-24 cpp_common
cpp_common contains C++ code for doing things that are not necessarily ROS related, but are useful for multiple packages. This includes things like the ROS_DEPRECATED and ROS_FORCE_INLINE macros, as well as code for getting backtraces. This package is a component of
cpp_common contains C++ code for doing things that are not necessarily ROS related, but are useful for multiple packages. This includes things like the ROS_DEPRECATED and ROS_FORCE_INLINE macros, as well as code for getting backtraces. This package is a component of
1 cpp_introspection
1 cpr_common_core_msgs
1 cpr_multimaster_tools
1 cpr_onav_description
1 cpswarm_msgs
1 cpu_mem_monitor
1 cpu_temperature_diagnostics
1 cram_3rdparty
1 cram_core
1 cram_designators
1 cram_execution_trace
1 cram_language
1 cram_math
1 cram_process_modules
1 cram_projection
1 cram_reasoning
1 cram_test_utilities
1 cram_utilities
1 crane_plus
1 crane_plus_control
1 crane_plus_description
1 crane_plus_examples
1 crane_plus_gazebo
1 crane_plus_ignition
1 crane_plus_moveit_config
1 crane_x7
1 crane_x7_bringup
1 crane_x7_control
0 crane_x7_description
1 crane_x7_examples
1 crane_x7_gazebo
1 crane_x7_moveit_config
1 crane_x7_msgs
1 cras_bag_tools
1 cras_cpp_common
1 cras_docs_common
1 cras_imu_tools
1 cras_joy_tools
1 cras_laser_geometry
1 cras_msgs
1 cras_py_common
1 cras_relative_positional_controller
1 cras_topic_tools
1 crazyflie
1 crazyflie_controller
0 crazyflie_cpp
1 crazyflie_demo
1 crazyflie_description
1 crazyflie_driver
0 crazyflie_tools
1 2018-06-10 create_autonomy
ROS driver for iRobot's Create 1 and 2, based on the libcreate C++ library
ROS driver for iRobot's Create 1 and 2, based on the libcreate C++ library
1 create_bringup
1 create_dashboard
2 create_description
2 create_driver
1 create_gazebo_plugins
1 create_msgs
1 create_node
1 create_robot
1 criutils
1 crom_common
1 crom_control
1 crom_description
1 crom_gazebo
1 crom_moveit_config
1 crom_sim
1 crom_sim_bringup
1 crossing_detector
1 crsm_slam
1 csapex
1 csapex_core
1 csapex_core_test
1 csapex_qt
1 csapex_remote
1 csapex_testing
1 csapex_util
1 csm
1 csm_ros
1 ctl
1 cudnn_cmake_module
0 current_limit_controller
1 custom_landmark_2d
1 cv_backports
1 2019-12-10 cv_bridge
This contains CvBridge, which converts between ROS Image messages and OpenCV images.
This contains CvBridge, which converts between ROS Image messages and OpenCV images.
1 cv_bridge_python3
1 2022-01-26 cv_camera
cv_camera uses OpenCV capture object to capture camera image. This supports camera_image and nodelet.
cv_camera uses OpenCV capture object to capture camera image. This supports camera_image and nodelet.
1 cv_detection
0 cv_optimizer
0 cv_wrapper
1 cvp_mesh_planner
0 cyberglove
1 cyclonedds
1 cyclonedds_cmake_module
1 cyton_gamma_1500_description
1 d435i_xarm_setup
1 darknet_ros
1 darknet_ros_msgs
1 darwin_control
1 darwin_description
1 darwin_gazebo
1 data_bagger
1 data_tamer_cpp
1 data_tamer_msgs
1 data_vis_msgs
1 dataflow_lite


Name Description
1 compass_msgs
1 composition
1 composition_interfaces
1 2019-09-19 compressed_depth_image_transport
Compressed_depth_image_transport provides a plugin to image_transport for transparently sending depth images (raw, floating-point) using PNG compression.
Compressed_depth_image_transport provides a plugin to image_transport for transparently sending depth images (raw, floating-point) using PNG compression.
1 2019-09-19 compressed_image_transport
Compressed_image_transport provides a plugin to image_transport for transparently sending images encoded as JPEG or PNG.
Compressed_image_transport provides a plugin to image_transport for transparently sending images encoded as JPEG or PNG.
2 computer_status_msgs
1 concert_conductor
1 concert_master
1 concert_msgs
1 concert_resource_pool
1 concert_scheduler_requests
1 concert_schedulers
1 concert_scheduling
1 concert_service_admin
1 concert_service_gazebo
1 concert_service_image_stream
1 concert_service_indoor_2d_map_prep
1 concert_service_link_graph
1 concert_service_manager
1 concert_service_msgs
1 concert_service_teleop
1 concert_service_turtlesim
1 concert_service_utilities
1 concert_service_waypoint_navigation
1 concert_services
1 concert_simple_scheduler
1 concert_software_common
1 concert_software_farm
1 concert_software_farmer
1 concert_utilities
1 concert_workflow_engine_msgs
1 config_reader
1 connext_cmake_module
1 console_bridge
1 console_bridge_vendor
1 constrained_ik
0 constraint_samplers
1 2018-04-16 contact_handler
The contact_handler package. It reports the dynamic-engine-reported contacts between all scene objects on a topic called "contacts". This package uses gazebo_msgs/ContactsState message type to report body contacts. This is because ROS doesn't have any standardized contact reporting messages. However, to have gazebo_msgs, you don't need to install whole Gazebo, you just need to install the single package ros-indigo-gazebo-msgs.
The contact_handler package. It reports the dynamic-engine-reported contacts between all scene objects on a topic called "contacts". This package uses gazebo_msgs/ContactsState message type to report body contacts. This is because ROS doesn't have any standardized contact reporting messages. However, to have gazebo_msgs, you don't need to install whole Gazebo, you just need to install the single package ros-indigo-gazebo-msgs.
1 2024-01-22 contact_states_observer
The contact_states_observer package
The contact_states_observer package
1 contracts_lite_vendor
1 control_box_rst
1 2015-08-12 control_msgs
control_msgs contains base messages and actions useful for controlling robots. It provides representations for controller setpoints and joint and cartesian trajectories.
control_msgs contains base messages and actions useful for controlling robots. It provides representations for controller setpoints and joint and cartesian trajectories.
1 2018-05-18 control_toolbox
The control toolbox contains modules that are useful across all controllers.
The control toolbox contains modules that are useful across all controllers.
2 2016-11-28 controller_interface
Interface base class for controllers
Interface base class for controllers
2 2016-11-28 controller_manager
The controller manager.
The controller manager.
2 2016-11-28 controller_manager_msgs
Messages and services for the controller manager.
Messages and services for the controller manager.
1 2016-11-28 controller_manager_tests
1 controller_parameter_server
1 convenience_math_functions
1 convenience_ros_functions
1 2015-01-06 convex_decomposition
Convex Decomposition Tool for Robot Model
Convex Decomposition Tool for Robot Model
1 copernicus_base
1 copernicus_control
1 copernicus_description
1 copernicus_localization
1 copernicus_msgs
1 copernicus_navigation
1 copernicus_rules
1 copernicus_teleoperator
1 corobot
1 corobot_arm
1 corobot_camera
1 corobot_diagnostics
1 corobot_gazebo
1 corobot_gps
1 corobot_joystick
1 corobot_launch
0 corobot_map_to_jpeg
1 corobot_msgs
1 corobot_pantilt
1 corobot_phidget_ik
1 corobot_ssc32
1 corobot_state_tf
1 corobot_teleop
1 corobot_urdf
1 cost_map
1 cost_map_core
1 cost_map_cv
1 cost_map_demos
1 cost_map_msgs
1 cost_map_ros
1 cost_map_visualisations
1 2017-08-01 costmap_2d
This package provides an implementation of a 2D costmap that takes in sensor data from the world, builds a 2D or 3D occupancy grid of the data (depending on whether a voxel based implementation is used), and inflates costs in a 2D costmap based on the occupancy grid and a user specified inflation radius. This package also provides support for map_server based initialization of a costmap, rolling window based costmaps, and parameter based subscription to and configuration of sensor topics.
This package provides an implementation of a 2D costmap that takes in sensor data from the world, builds a 2D or 3D occupancy grid of the data (depending on whether a voxel based implementation is used), and inflates costs in a 2D costmap based on the occupancy grid and a user specified inflation radius. This package also provides support for map_server based initialization of a costmap, rolling window based costmaps, and parameter based subscription to and configuration of sensor topics.
1 2020-05-13 costmap_converter
A ros package that includes plugins and nodes to convert occupied costmap2d cells to primitive types.
A ros package that includes plugins and nodes to convert occupied costmap2d cells to primitive types.
1 costmap_converter_msgs
1 costmap_cspace
1 costmap_cspace_msgs
1 costmap_cspace_rviz_plugins
1 costmap_prohibition_layer
2 costmap_queue
1 costmap_tf_layer
1 coverage_path
1 cp1616
1 cpf_segmentation_ros
1 2017-03-06 cpp_common
cpp_common contains C++ code for doing things that are not necessarily ROS related, but are useful for multiple packages. This includes things like the ROS_DEPRECATED and ROS_FORCE_INLINE macros, as well as code for getting backtraces. This package is a component of
cpp_common contains C++ code for doing things that are not necessarily ROS related, but are useful for multiple packages. This includes things like the ROS_DEPRECATED and ROS_FORCE_INLINE macros, as well as code for getting backtraces. This package is a component of
1 2014-10-12 cpp_introspection
cpp_introspection enables introspection of ROS message types in roscpp. Introspection is useful when message data is going to be exported to or imported from other data formats or applications.
cpp_introspection enables introspection of ROS message types in roscpp. Introspection is useful when message data is going to be exported to or imported from other data formats or applications.
1 cpr_common_core_msgs
1 cpr_multimaster_tools
1 cpr_onav_description
1 cpswarm_msgs
1 cpu_mem_monitor
1 cpu_temperature_diagnostics
1 2015-04-24 cram_3rdparty
Various 3rd party Common LISP packages for the CRAM framework.
Various 3rd party Common LISP packages for the CRAM framework.
1 cram_core
1 cram_designators
1 cram_execution_trace
1 cram_language
1 cram_math
1 cram_process_modules
1 cram_projection
1 cram_reasoning
1 cram_test_utilities
1 cram_utilities
1 crane_plus
1 crane_plus_control
1 crane_plus_description
1 crane_plus_examples
1 crane_plus_gazebo
1 crane_plus_ignition
1 crane_plus_moveit_config
1 crane_x7
1 crane_x7_bringup
1 crane_x7_control
0 crane_x7_description
1 crane_x7_examples
1 crane_x7_gazebo
1 crane_x7_moveit_config
1 crane_x7_msgs
1 cras_bag_tools
1 cras_cpp_common
1 cras_docs_common
1 cras_imu_tools
1 cras_joy_tools
1 cras_laser_geometry
1 cras_msgs
1 cras_py_common
1 cras_relative_positional_controller
1 cras_topic_tools
1 2021-08-03 crazyflie
ROS integration for Crazyflie Nano Quadcopter from Bitcraze
ROS integration for Crazyflie Nano Quadcopter from Bitcraze
1 2021-08-03 crazyflie_controller
Controller to fly a Crazyflie in a space with location feedback (such as motion capture).
Controller to fly a Crazyflie in a space with location feedback (such as motion capture).
0 crazyflie_cpp
1 2021-08-03 crazyflie_demo
Examples on how to use the crazyflie package (teleoperation, rviz integration)
Examples on how to use the crazyflie package (teleoperation, rviz integration)
1 2021-08-03 crazyflie_description
URDF Model for the Crazyflie Nano Quadcopter from Bitcraze
URDF Model for the Crazyflie Nano Quadcopter from Bitcraze
1 2021-08-03 crazyflie_driver
ROS driver for Crazyflie Nano Quadcopter from Bitcraze
ROS driver for Crazyflie Nano Quadcopter from Bitcraze
0 crazyflie_tools
1 2018-06-10 create_autonomy
ROS driver for iRobot's Create 1 and 2, based on the libcreate C++ library
ROS driver for iRobot's Create 1 and 2, based on the libcreate C++ library
1 create_bringup
1 create_dashboard
2 create_description
2 create_driver
1 create_gazebo_plugins
1 create_msgs
1 create_node
1 create_robot
1 criutils
1 crom_common
1 crom_control
1 crom_description
1 crom_gazebo
1 crom_moveit_config
1 crom_sim
1 crom_sim_bringup
1 crossing_detector
1 crsm_slam
1 2021-02-14 csapex
The csapex package provides a gui for prototyping algorithms and experimenting
The csapex package provides a gui for prototyping algorithms and experimenting
1 2021-02-14 csapex_core
The csapex package provides the core implemation for the cs::APEX framework
The csapex package provides the core implemation for the cs::APEX framework
1 2021-02-14 csapex_core_test
The csapex package provides main tests of cs::APEX
The csapex package provides main tests of cs::APEX
1 2021-02-14 csapex_qt
The csapex package provides the qt aspects of CS::APEX
The csapex package provides the qt aspects of CS::APEX
1 2021-02-14 csapex_remote
The csapex package provides the remote access framework of CS::APEX
The csapex package provides the remote access framework of CS::APEX
1 2021-02-14 csapex_testing
The csapex package provides the test framework of CS::APEX
The csapex package provides the test framework of CS::APEX
1 2021-02-14 csapex_util
The csapex_utility package provides basic utilities of the cs::APEX framework
The csapex_utility package provides basic utilities of the cs::APEX framework
1 2022-08-16 csm
This is a ROS 3rd-party wrapper
This is a ROS 3rd-party wrapper
1 csm_ros
1 ctl
1 cudnn_cmake_module
0 current_limit_controller
1 custom_landmark_2d
1 2016-03-17 cv_backports
Backporting features from the 2.4.x.y series of opencv releases to indigo.
Backporting features from the 2.4.x.y series of opencv releases to indigo.
1 2017-11-05 cv_bridge
This contains CvBridge, which converts between ROS Image messages and OpenCV images.
This contains CvBridge, which converts between ROS Image messages and OpenCV images.
1 cv_bridge_python3
1 2022-01-26 cv_camera
cv_camera uses OpenCV capture object to capture camera image. This supports camera_image and nodelet.
cv_camera uses OpenCV capture object to capture camera image. This supports camera_image and nodelet.
1 cv_detection
0 cv_optimizer
0 cv_wrapper
1 cvp_mesh_planner
0 cyberglove
1 cyclonedds
1 cyclonedds_cmake_module
1 cyton_gamma_1500_description
1 d435i_xarm_setup
1 darknet_ros
1 darknet_ros_msgs
1 darwin_control
1 darwin_description
1 darwin_gazebo
1 data_bagger
1 data_tamer_cpp
1 data_tamer_msgs
1 2020-07-06 data_vis_msgs
Messages for transporting data to visualize, accompanied by their visualization details.
Messages for transporting data to visualize, accompanied by their visualization details.
1 dataflow_lite


Name Description
1 compass_msgs
1 composition
1 composition_interfaces
1 2019-09-19 compressed_depth_image_transport
Compressed_depth_image_transport provides a plugin to image_transport for transparently sending depth images (raw, floating-point) using PNG compression.
Compressed_depth_image_transport provides a plugin to image_transport for transparently sending depth images (raw, floating-point) using PNG compression.
1 2019-09-19 compressed_image_transport
Compressed_image_transport provides a plugin to image_transport for transparently sending images encoded as JPEG or PNG.
Compressed_image_transport provides a plugin to image_transport for transparently sending images encoded as JPEG or PNG.
2 computer_status_msgs
1 2015-08-28 concert_conductor
Managing the concert clients - invitations, monitoring connections...
Managing the concert clients - invitations, monitoring connections...
1 2015-08-28 concert_master
General concert functionality.
General concert functionality.
1 2015-07-09 concert_msgs
Shared communication types for the concert framework.
Shared communication types for the concert framework.
1 2014-05-28 concert_resource_pool
Python interfaces for managing a pool of ROCON scheduler resources.
Python interfaces for managing a pool of ROCON scheduler resources.
1 2014-05-28 concert_scheduler_requests
Python interfaces for managing ROCON scheduler requests.
Python interfaces for managing ROCON scheduler requests.
1 2015-08-28 concert_schedulers
Various schedulers for the concert
Various schedulers for the concert
1 2014-05-28 concert_scheduling
ROCON scheduler support packages.
ROCON scheduler support packages.
1 2015-07-09 concert_service_admin
A general purpose admin service (mostly configures rocon interactions).
A general purpose admin service (mostly configures rocon interactions).
1 2015-07-09 concert_service_gazebo
Sets up the gazebo robot manager as a service to assist in spawning/killing robots as concert clients.
Sets up the gazebo robot manager as a service to assist in spawning/killing robots as concert clients.
1 2015-07-09 concert_service_image_stream
image_stream by request from a rocon interactive program.
image_stream by request from a rocon interactive program.
1 2015-07-09 concert_service_indoor_2d_map_prep
Services to initilise indoor 2d map environment. Make a map and annotation
Services to initilise indoor 2d map environment. Make a map and annotation
1 2015-08-28 concert_service_link_graph
Service type support for link graphs
Service type support for link graphs
1 2015-08-28 concert_service_manager
Component responsible for launching and managing concert services.
Component responsible for launching and managing concert services.
1 2015-07-09 concert_service_msgs
Messages used by official rocon services.
Messages used by official rocon services.
1 2015-07-09 concert_service_teleop
Teleop by request from a rocon interactive program.
Teleop by request from a rocon interactive program.
1 2015-07-09 concert_service_turtlesim
Sets up the turtlesim engine as a service to assist in spawning/killing turtle concert clients.
Sets up the turtlesim engine as a service to assist in spawning/killing turtle concert clients.
1 2015-08-28 concert_service_utilities
Utilities for services.
Utilities for services.
1 2015-07-09 concert_service_waypoint_navigation
Command robot to navigate around
Command robot to navigate around
1 2015-07-09 concert_services
Officially supported rocon services for the concert framework.
Officially supported rocon services for the concert framework.
1 2014-05-28 concert_simple_scheduler
This ROS package provides a simple, experimental, resource scheduler for the Robotics in Concert project.
This ROS package provides a simple, experimental, resource scheduler for the Robotics in Concert project.
1 2015-04-06 concert_software_common
Collection of concert software
Collection of concert software
1 2015-04-06 concert_software_farm
concert software farm meta package
concert software farm meta package
1 2015-08-28 concert_software_farmer
Concert Software farm is to manage software being utilised across services
Concert Software farm is to manage software being utilised across services
1 2015-08-28 concert_utilities
Utilities, libraries and modules for general concert support.
Utilities, libraries and modules for general concert support.
1 2015-07-09 concert_workflow_engine_msgs
Messages used by workflow engine
Messages used by workflow engine
1 config_reader
1 connext_cmake_module
1 console_bridge
1 console_bridge_vendor
1 2017-03-24 constrained_ik
Constraint-based IK solver. Good for high-DOF robots or underconstrained tasks.
Constraint-based IK solver. Good for high-DOF robots or underconstrained tasks.
0 constraint_samplers
1 2018-04-16 contact_handler
The contact_handler package. It reports the dynamic-engine-reported contacts between all scene objects on a topic called "contacts". This package uses gazebo_msgs/ContactsState message type to report body contacts. This is because ROS doesn't have any standardized contact reporting messages. However, to have gazebo_msgs, you don't need to install whole Gazebo, you just need to install the single package ros-indigo-gazebo-msgs.
The contact_handler package. It reports the dynamic-engine-reported contacts between all scene objects on a topic called "contacts". This package uses gazebo_msgs/ContactsState message type to report body contacts. This is because ROS doesn't have any standardized contact reporting messages. However, to have gazebo_msgs, you don't need to install whole Gazebo, you just need to install the single package ros-indigo-gazebo-msgs.
1 2024-01-22 contact_states_observer
The contact_states_observer package
The contact_states_observer package
1 contracts_lite_vendor
1 control_box_rst
1 2015-08-12 control_msgs
control_msgs contains base messages and actions useful for controlling robots. It provides representations for controller setpoints and joint and cartesian trajectories.
control_msgs contains base messages and actions useful for controlling robots. It provides representations for controller setpoints and joint and cartesian trajectories.
1 2018-05-18 control_toolbox
The control toolbox contains modules that are useful across all controllers.
The control toolbox contains modules that are useful across all controllers.
2 2018-05-31 controller_interface
Interface base class for controllers
Interface base class for controllers
2 2018-05-31 controller_manager
The controller manager.
The controller manager.
2 2018-05-31 controller_manager_msgs
Messages and services for the controller manager.
Messages and services for the controller manager.
1 2018-05-31 controller_manager_tests
1 controller_parameter_server
1 2019-02-28 convenience_math_functions
Provides a few convenience math functions using the Eigen libraries.
Provides a few convenience math functions using the Eigen libraries.
1 2019-02-28 convenience_ros_functions
Provides a variety of convenience functions for certain ROS messages
Provides a variety of convenience functions for certain ROS messages
1 2015-01-06 convex_decomposition
Convex Decomposition Tool for Robot Model
Convex Decomposition Tool for Robot Model
1 copernicus_base
1 copernicus_control
1 copernicus_description
1 copernicus_localization
1 copernicus_msgs
1 copernicus_navigation
1 copernicus_rules
1 copernicus_teleoperator
1 corobot
1 corobot_arm
1 corobot_camera
1 corobot_diagnostics
1 corobot_gazebo
1 corobot_gps
1 corobot_joystick
1 corobot_launch
0 corobot_map_to_jpeg
1 corobot_msgs
1 corobot_pantilt
1 corobot_phidget_ik
1 corobot_ssc32
1 corobot_state_tf
1 corobot_teleop
1 corobot_urdf
1 2018-01-02 cost_map
Meta-package for the universal cost map library.
Meta-package for the universal cost map library.
1 2018-01-02 cost_map_core
Cost maps, following the style of ethz-asl's grid_map library.
Cost maps, following the style of ethz-asl's grid_map library.
1 2018-01-02 cost_map_cv
Conversions between cost_maps and opencv images.
Conversions between cost_maps and opencv images.
1 2018-01-02 cost_map_demos
Demonstrations for cost maps.
Demonstrations for cost maps.
1 2018-01-02 cost_map_msgs
Definition of cost map messages (related to the grid map message type).
Definition of cost map messages (related to the grid map message type).
1 2018-01-02 cost_map_ros
Cost maps, following the style of ethz-asl's grid_map library.
Cost maps, following the style of ethz-asl's grid_map library.
1 2018-01-02 cost_map_visualisations
Visualisation tools for cost maps.
Visualisation tools for cost maps.
1 2019-02-28 costmap_2d
This package provides an implementation of a 2D costmap that takes in sensor data from the world, builds a 2D or 3D occupancy grid of the data (depending on whether a voxel based implementation is used), and inflates costs in a 2D costmap based on the occupancy grid and a user specified inflation radius. This package also provides support for map_server based initialization of a costmap, rolling window based costmaps, and parameter based subscription to and configuration of sensor topics.
This package provides an implementation of a 2D costmap that takes in sensor data from the world, builds a 2D or 3D occupancy grid of the data (depending on whether a voxel based implementation is used), and inflates costs in a 2D costmap based on the occupancy grid and a user specified inflation radius. This package also provides support for map_server based initialization of a costmap, rolling window based costmaps, and parameter based subscription to and configuration of sensor topics.
1 2020-05-13 costmap_converter
A ros package that includes plugins and nodes to convert occupied costmap2d cells to primitive types.
A ros package that includes plugins and nodes to convert occupied costmap2d cells to primitive types.
1 costmap_converter_msgs
1 2019-05-22 costmap_cspace
3-dof configuration space costmap package
3-dof configuration space costmap package
1 2019-01-09 costmap_cspace_msgs
Message definitions for costmap_cspace package
Message definitions for costmap_cspace package
1 costmap_cspace_rviz_plugins
1 costmap_prohibition_layer
2 2020-07-03 costmap_queue
Tool for iterating through the cells of a costmap to find the closest distance to a subset of cells.
Tool for iterating through the cells of a costmap to find the closest distance to a subset of cells.
1 costmap_tf_layer
1 coverage_path
1 cp1616
1 cpf_segmentation_ros
1 2017-03-06 cpp_common
cpp_common contains C++ code for doing things that are not necessarily ROS related, but are useful for multiple packages. This includes things like the ROS_DEPRECATED and ROS_FORCE_INLINE macros, as well as code for getting backtraces. This package is a component of
cpp_common contains C++ code for doing things that are not necessarily ROS related, but are useful for multiple packages. This includes things like the ROS_DEPRECATED and ROS_FORCE_INLINE macros, as well as code for getting backtraces. This package is a component of
1 2014-10-12 cpp_introspection
cpp_introspection enables introspection of ROS message types in roscpp. Introspection is useful when message data is going to be exported to or imported from other data formats or applications.
cpp_introspection enables introspection of ROS message types in roscpp. Introspection is useful when message data is going to be exported to or imported from other data formats or applications.
1 cpr_common_core_msgs
1 cpr_multimaster_tools
1 cpr_onav_description
1 cpswarm_msgs
1 cpu_mem_monitor
1 cpu_temperature_diagnostics
1 2015-04-24 cram_3rdparty
Various 3rd party Common LISP packages for the CRAM framework.
Various 3rd party Common LISP packages for the CRAM framework.
1 cram_core
1 cram_designators
1 cram_execution_trace
1 cram_language
1 cram_math
1 cram_process_modules
1 cram_projection
1 cram_reasoning
1 cram_test_utilities
1 cram_utilities
1 crane_plus
1 crane_plus_control
1 crane_plus_description
1 crane_plus_examples
1 crane_plus_gazebo
1 crane_plus_ignition
1 crane_plus_moveit_config
1 crane_x7
1 crane_x7_bringup
1 crane_x7_control
0 crane_x7_description
1 crane_x7_examples
1 crane_x7_gazebo
1 crane_x7_moveit_config
1 crane_x7_msgs
1 cras_bag_tools
1 cras_cpp_common
1 cras_docs_common
1 cras_imu_tools
1 cras_joy_tools
1 cras_laser_geometry
1 cras_msgs
1 cras_py_common
1 cras_relative_positional_controller
1 cras_topic_tools
1 2021-08-03 crazyflie
ROS integration for Crazyflie Nano Quadcopter from Bitcraze
ROS integration for Crazyflie Nano Quadcopter from Bitcraze
1 2021-08-03 crazyflie_controller
Controller to fly a Crazyflie in a space with location feedback (such as motion capture).
Controller to fly a Crazyflie in a space with location feedback (such as motion capture).
0 crazyflie_cpp
1 2021-08-03 crazyflie_demo
Examples on how to use the crazyflie package (teleoperation, rviz integration)
Examples on how to use the crazyflie package (teleoperation, rviz integration)
1 2021-08-03 crazyflie_description
URDF Model for the Crazyflie Nano Quadcopter from Bitcraze
URDF Model for the Crazyflie Nano Quadcopter from Bitcraze
1 2021-08-03 crazyflie_driver
ROS driver for Crazyflie Nano Quadcopter from Bitcraze
ROS driver for Crazyflie Nano Quadcopter from Bitcraze
0 crazyflie_tools
1 2018-06-10 create_autonomy
ROS driver for iRobot's Create 1 and 2, based on the libcreate C++ library
ROS driver for iRobot's Create 1 and 2, based on the libcreate C++ library
1 create_bringup
1 2015-02-27 create_dashboard
The Create dashboard is a RQT-based plug-in for visualising data from the Create and giving easy access to basic functionalities.
The Create dashboard is a RQT-based plug-in for visualising data from the Create and giving easy access to basic functionalities.
2 2017-11-22 create_description
Model description for the iRobot Create
Model description for the iRobot Create
2 2017-11-22 create_driver
Driver for iRobot Create and Roomba This is a generic driver for iRobot Create that currently holds implementations for Turtlebot and Roomba. Port of by Damon Kohler. It is currently labeled as turtlebot_driver pending review by the entire create community before using the name create_driver. For ROS bindings, please see turtlebot_node.
Driver for iRobot Create and Roomba This is a generic driver for iRobot Create that currently holds implementations for Turtlebot and Roomba. Port of by Damon Kohler. It is currently labeled as turtlebot_driver pending review by the entire create community before using the name create_driver. For ROS bindings, please see turtlebot_node.
1 2015-02-27 create_gazebo_plugins
Gazebo plugins for the iRobot Create
Gazebo plugins for the iRobot Create
1 create_msgs
1 2017-11-22 create_node
iRobot Create ROS driver node ROS bindings for the Create/Roomba driver. This is based on otl_roomba driver by OTL, ported to use create_driver's implementation instead. This also contains a 'bonus' feature from the turtlebot driver by Xuwen Cao and Morgan Quigley.
iRobot Create ROS driver node ROS bindings for the Create/Roomba driver. This is based on otl_roomba driver by OTL, ported to use create_driver's implementation instead. This also contains a 'bonus' feature from the turtlebot driver by Xuwen Cao and Morgan Quigley.
1 create_robot
1 2020-10-25 criutils
The criutils package
The criutils package
1 crom_common
1 crom_control
1 crom_description
1 crom_gazebo
1 crom_moveit_config
1 crom_sim
1 crom_sim_bringup
1 2015-11-12 crossing_detector
The crossing_detector package recognize frontiers from a LaserScan
The crossing_detector package recognize frontiers from a LaserScan
1 2014-05-10 crsm_slam
ROS package for the CRSM SLAM (Critical Rays Scan Match Simultaneous Localization And Mapping)
ROS package for the CRSM SLAM (Critical Rays Scan Match Simultaneous Localization And Mapping)
1 csapex
1 csapex_core
1 csapex_core_test
1 csapex_qt
1 csapex_remote
1 csapex_testing
1 csapex_util
1 2022-08-16 csm
This is a ROS 3rd-party wrapper
This is a ROS 3rd-party wrapper
1 2015-09-14 csm_ros
Catkin package for the (C)sm library, an incremental laser scan matcher, using Andrea Censi's Canonical Scan Matcher implementation. Package downloads and installs Canonical Scan Matcher. More about CSM: "".
Catkin package for the (C)sm library, an incremental laser scan matcher, using Andrea Censi's Canonical Scan Matcher implementation. Package downloads and installs Canonical Scan Matcher. More about CSM: "".
1 ctl
1 cudnn_cmake_module
0 current_limit_controller
1 2018-03-07 custom_landmark_2d
Simple object recognition library for 2D images, with the additional functionality of projecting matched 2D objects to 3D pointclouds. A matching alogrithm is used underneath.
Simple object recognition library for 2D images, with the additional functionality of projecting matched 2D objects to 3D pointclouds. A matching alogrithm is used underneath.
1 2016-03-17 cv_backports
Backporting features from the 2.4.x.y series of opencv releases to indigo.
Backporting features from the 2.4.x.y series of opencv releases to indigo.
1 2017-11-05 cv_bridge
This contains CvBridge, which converts between ROS Image messages and OpenCV images.
This contains CvBridge, which converts between ROS Image messages and OpenCV images.
1 cv_bridge_python3
1 2022-01-26 cv_camera
cv_camera uses OpenCV capture object to capture camera image. This supports camera_image and nodelet.
cv_camera uses OpenCV capture object to capture camera image. This supports camera_image and nodelet.
1 2016-09-27 cv_detection
A package for UAV detection
A package for UAV detection
0 cv_optimizer
0 cv_wrapper
1 cvp_mesh_planner
0 cyberglove
1 cyclonedds
1 cyclonedds_cmake_module
1 2016-07-18 cyton_gamma_1500_description
URDF description for the Robai Cyton Gamma 1500 robot manipulator
URDF description for the Robai Cyton Gamma 1500 robot manipulator
1 d435i_xarm_setup
1 darknet_ros
1 darknet_ros_msgs
1 2015-02-24 darwin_control
The darwin_control package
The darwin_control package
1 2015-02-24 darwin_description
Describes DarwinOP robot model with camera plugin and accelerometer plugin (hector) for Gazebo
Describes DarwinOP robot model with camera plugin and accelerometer plugin (hector) for Gazebo
1 2015-02-25 darwin_gazebo
Provides Gazebo launch files to expose Darwin model in ROS
Provides Gazebo launch files to expose Darwin model in ROS
1 data_bagger
1 data_tamer_cpp
1 data_tamer_msgs
1 2020-07-06 data_vis_msgs
Messages for transporting data to visualize, accompanied by their visualization details.
Messages for transporting data to visualize, accompanied by their visualization details.
1 dataflow_lite


Name Description
1 compass_msgs
1 composition
1 composition_interfaces
1 2013-06-27 compressed_depth_image_transport
Compressed_depth_image_transport provides a plugin to image_transport for transparently sending depth images (raw, floating-point) using PNG compression.
Compressed_depth_image_transport provides a plugin to image_transport for transparently sending depth images (raw, floating-point) using PNG compression.
1 2013-06-27 compressed_image_transport
Compressed_image_transport provides a plugin to image_transport for transparently sending images encoded as JPEG or PNG.
Compressed_image_transport provides a plugin to image_transport for transparently sending images encoded as JPEG or PNG.
2 computer_status_msgs
1 concert_conductor
1 concert_master
1 2014-03-21 concert_msgs
Shared communication types for the concert framework.
Shared communication types for the concert framework.
1 2014-05-28 concert_resource_pool
Python interfaces for managing a pool of ROCON scheduler resources.
Python interfaces for managing a pool of ROCON scheduler resources.
1 2014-05-28 concert_scheduler_requests
Python interfaces for managing ROCON scheduler requests.
Python interfaces for managing ROCON scheduler requests.
1 concert_schedulers
1 2014-05-28 concert_scheduling
ROCON scheduler support packages.
ROCON scheduler support packages.
1 concert_service_admin
1 concert_service_gazebo
1 concert_service_image_stream
1 concert_service_indoor_2d_map_prep
1 concert_service_link_graph
1 concert_service_manager
1 concert_service_msgs
1 concert_service_teleop
1 concert_service_turtlesim
1 concert_service_utilities
1 concert_service_waypoint_navigation
1 concert_services
1 2014-05-28 concert_simple_scheduler
This ROS package provides a simple, experimental, resource scheduler for the Robotics in Concert project.
This ROS package provides a simple, experimental, resource scheduler for the Robotics in Concert project.
1 concert_software_common
1 concert_software_farm
1 concert_software_farmer
1 concert_utilities
1 concert_workflow_engine_msgs
1 config_reader
1 connext_cmake_module
1 2023-04-25 console_bridge
Lightweight tool for forwarding output from libraries to other logging systems.
Lightweight tool for forwarding output from libraries to other logging systems.
1 console_bridge_vendor
1 constrained_ik
0 constraint_samplers
1 2018-04-16 contact_handler
The contact_handler package. It reports the dynamic-engine-reported contacts between all scene objects on a topic called "contacts". This package uses gazebo_msgs/ContactsState message type to report body contacts. This is because ROS doesn't have any standardized contact reporting messages. However, to have gazebo_msgs, you don't need to install whole Gazebo, you just need to install the single package ros-indigo-gazebo-msgs.
The contact_handler package. It reports the dynamic-engine-reported contacts between all scene objects on a topic called "contacts". This package uses gazebo_msgs/ContactsState message type to report body contacts. This is because ROS doesn't have any standardized contact reporting messages. However, to have gazebo_msgs, you don't need to install whole Gazebo, you just need to install the single package ros-indigo-gazebo-msgs.
1 2024-01-22 contact_states_observer
The contact_states_observer package
The contact_states_observer package
1 contracts_lite_vendor
1 control_box_rst
1 2014-02-28 control_msgs
control_msgs contains base messages and actions useful for controlling robots. It provides representations for controller setpoints and joint and cartesian trajectories.
control_msgs contains base messages and actions useful for controlling robots. It provides representations for controller setpoints and joint and cartesian trajectories.
1 2014-02-18 control_toolbox
The control toolbox contains modules that are useful across all controllers.
The control toolbox contains modules that are useful across all controllers.
2 2014-10-28 controller_interface
Interface base class for controllers
Interface base class for controllers
2 2014-10-28 controller_manager
The controller manager.
The controller manager.
2 2014-10-28 controller_manager_msgs
Messages and services for the controller manager.
Messages and services for the controller manager.
1 2014-10-28 controller_manager_tests
1 controller_parameter_server
1 convenience_math_functions
1 convenience_ros_functions
1 2012-12-20 convex_decomposition
Convex Decomposition Tool for Robot Model
Convex Decomposition Tool for Robot Model
1 copernicus_base
1 copernicus_control
1 copernicus_description
1 copernicus_localization
1 copernicus_msgs
1 copernicus_navigation
1 copernicus_rules
1 copernicus_teleoperator
1 2015-01-24 corobot
The Corobot package will help you get started with your Corobot. There is everything necessary to control the robot, view the camera...
The Corobot package will help you get started with your Corobot. There is everything necessary to control the robot, view the camera...
1 2015-01-24 corobot_arm
High Level interface to move the arm of the Corobot.
High Level interface to move the arm of the Corobot.
1 2015-01-24 corobot_camera
A node that interface the corobot's webcam. The package is based on the package dynamic_uvc_cam from Stefan Diewald. Main changes are to start the camera right away. Package is GPL since some of its code is adapted from GPL programs such as guvcview
A node that interface the corobot's webcam. The package is based on the package dynamic_uvc_cam from Stefan Diewald. Main changes are to start the camera right away. Package is GPL since some of its code is adapted from GPL programs such as guvcview
1 2015-01-24 corobot_diagnostics
The corobot_diagnostics package
The corobot_diagnostics package
1 2015-01-24 corobot_gazebo
Interface to control a corobot on Gazebo
Interface to control a corobot on Gazebo
1 2015-01-24 corobot_gps
corobot_gps connects to a GPSd server and broadcasts GPS fixes using the NavSatFix message. The package is based of the gpsd_client package made by Rob Thomson and Ken Tossell.
corobot_gps connects to a GPSd server and broadcasts GPS fixes using the NavSatFix message. The package is based of the gpsd_client package made by Rob Thomson and Ken Tossell.
1 2015-01-24 corobot_joystick
Package that permits to control the Corobot with a joystick.
Package that permits to control the Corobot with a joystick.
1 2015-01-24 corobot_launch
Launch file to start the driver nodes to run the corobot hardware, but also some other useful nodes like corobot_teleop to control the robot.
Launch file to start the driver nodes to run the corobot hardware, but also some other useful nodes like corobot_teleop to control the robot.
0 corobot_map_to_jpeg
1 2015-01-24 corobot_msgs
This package defines messages used in the Corobot stack.
This package defines messages used in the Corobot stack.
1 2015-01-24 corobot_pantilt
corobot_pantilt is actually the package logitech_pantilt from Dallas Geocker that was just renamed and integrated in corobot stack for an easy installation of the Corobot stack. The script executing mjpg-streamer necessary for the logitech_pantilt package has been integrated in this corobot_pantilt package. Now you won't have to download mjpg-streamer and execute the script yourself, only a make in the corobot_pantilt/src/mjpg-streamer/ folder is necessary.
corobot_pantilt is actually the package logitech_pantilt from Dallas Geocker that was just renamed and integrated in corobot stack for an easy installation of the Corobot stack. The script executing mjpg-streamer necessary for the logitech_pantilt package has been integrated in this corobot_pantilt package. Now you won't have to download mjpg-streamer and execute the script yourself, only a make in the corobot_pantilt/src/mjpg-streamer/ folder is necessary.
1 2015-01-24 corobot_phidget_ik
this package is an interface to the device Phidget interface Kit 8/8/8 for CoroWare's robot Corobot.
this package is an interface to the device Phidget interface Kit 8/8/8 for CoroWare's robot Corobot.
1 2015-01-24 corobot_ssc32
A package that interfaces the SSC32 hardware board specific to the Corobot. It uses the SSC32_core package made by Steven bellens:
A package that interfaces the SSC32 hardware board specific to the Corobot. It uses the SSC32_core package made by Steven bellens:
1 2015-01-24 corobot_state_tf
corobot_state_tf register 2 topics, sending the odometry in the form of a nav_msgs::Odometry message and the Transform.
corobot_state_tf register 2 topics, sending the odometry in the form of a nav_msgs::Odometry message and the Transform.
1 2015-01-24 corobot_teleop
Teleoperation package that permits to control the Corobot. It also permits to connect to a distant Corobot. Data such as Camera, sensor (IR, encoder, batterie life) values can be read.
Teleoperation package that permits to control the Corobot. It also permits to connect to a distant Corobot. Data such as Camera, sensor (IR, encoder, batterie life) values can be read.
1 2015-01-24 corobot_urdf
Corobot urdf
Corobot urdf
1 cost_map
1 cost_map_core
1 cost_map_cv
1 cost_map_demos
1 cost_map_msgs
1 cost_map_ros
1 cost_map_visualisations
1 2015-05-01 costmap_2d
This package provides an implementation of a 2D costmap that takes in sensor data from the world, builds a 2D or 3D occupancy grid of the data (depending on whether a voxel based implementation is used), and inflates costs in a 2D costmap based on the occupancy grid and a user specified inflation radius. This package also provides support for map_server based initialization of a costmap, rolling window based costmaps, and parameter based subscription to and configuration of sensor topics.
This package provides an implementation of a 2D costmap that takes in sensor data from the world, builds a 2D or 3D occupancy grid of the data (depending on whether a voxel based implementation is used), and inflates costs in a 2D costmap based on the occupancy grid and a user specified inflation radius. This package also provides support for map_server based initialization of a costmap, rolling window based costmaps, and parameter based subscription to and configuration of sensor topics.
1 costmap_converter
1 costmap_converter_msgs
1 costmap_cspace
1 costmap_cspace_msgs
1 costmap_cspace_rviz_plugins
1 costmap_prohibition_layer
2 costmap_queue
1 costmap_tf_layer
1 coverage_path
1 2015-07-11 cp1616
The cp1616 package
The cp1616 package
1 cpf_segmentation_ros
1 2014-12-29 cpp_common
cpp_common contains C++ code for doing things that are not necessarily ROS related, but are useful for multiple packages. This includes things like the ROS_DEPRECATED and ROS_FORCE_INLINE macros, as well as code for getting backtraces. This package is a component of
cpp_common contains C++ code for doing things that are not necessarily ROS related, but are useful for multiple packages. This includes things like the ROS_DEPRECATED and ROS_FORCE_INLINE macros, as well as code for getting backtraces. This package is a component of
1 2014-10-12 cpp_introspection
cpp_introspection enables introspection of ROS message types in roscpp. Introspection is useful when message data is going to be exported to or imported from other data formats or applications.
cpp_introspection enables introspection of ROS message types in roscpp. Introspection is useful when message data is going to be exported to or imported from other data formats or applications.
1 cpr_common_core_msgs
1 cpr_multimaster_tools
1 cpr_onav_description
1 cpswarm_msgs
1 cpu_mem_monitor
1 cpu_temperature_diagnostics
1 2015-04-24 cram_3rdparty
Various 3rd party Common LISP packages for the CRAM framework.
Various 3rd party Common LISP packages for the CRAM framework.
1 2015-11-24 cram_core
A set of libraries for implementing AI enabled robot control programs.
A set of libraries for implementing AI enabled robot control programs.
1 2015-11-24 cram_designators
cram_designators defines the protocol for designators and provides an implementation for location, object and action designators.
cram_designators defines the protocol for designators and provides an implementation for location, object and action designators.
1 2015-11-24 cram_execution_trace
The execution trace provides facilities for tracing all state changes during plan execution, serializing this episode information and accessing it in various ways.
The execution trace provides facilities for tracing all state changes during plan execution, serializing this episode information and accessing it in various ways.
1 2015-11-24 cram_language
The CRAM plan language is the core of the CRAM framework. It provides the basic functionality to write flexible and robust robot control programs.
The CRAM plan language is the core of the CRAM framework. It provides the basic functionality to write flexible and robust robot control programs.
1 2015-11-24 cram_math
Math utilities. This includes functions for sampling from arbitrary probability distributions and utilities to work with poses, vectors and quaternions.
Math utilities. This includes functions for sampling from arbitrary probability distributions and utilities to work with poses, vectors and quaternions.
1 2015-11-24 cram_process_modules
A common interface definition for lower level control routines.
A common interface definition for lower level control routines.
1 2015-11-24 cram_projection
Library which enables execution of cram plans in a simulated environment, so called 'projections'. Additionally, provides means of logging events and states in projections. Finally, has utilities to query projection events and states after projections have finished.
Library which enables execution of cram plans in a simulated environment, so called 'projections'. Additionally, provides means of logging events and states in projections. Finally, has utilities to query projection events and states after projections have finished.
1 2015-11-24 cram_reasoning
This package implements a simple interpreter for a Prolog-like language and an implementation of the RETE algorithm.
This package implements a simple interpreter for a Prolog-like language and an implementation of the RETE algorithm.
1 2015-11-24 cram_test_utilities
Some utilities to make writing unit tests for various cram packages easier. This should not depend on any other cram package so package specific stuff should not go here.
Some utilities to make writing unit tests for various cram packages easier. This should not depend on any other cram package so package specific stuff should not go here.
1 2015-11-24 cram_utilities
This packages contains some basic lisp utilities. This includes pattern matching and lazy lists.
This packages contains some basic lisp utilities. This includes pattern matching and lazy lists.
1 crane_plus
1 crane_plus_control
1 crane_plus_description
1 crane_plus_examples
1 crane_plus_gazebo
1 crane_plus_ignition
1 crane_plus_moveit_config
1 crane_x7
1 crane_x7_bringup
1 crane_x7_control
0 crane_x7_description
1 crane_x7_examples
1 crane_x7_gazebo
1 crane_x7_moveit_config
1 crane_x7_msgs
1 cras_bag_tools
1 cras_cpp_common
1 cras_docs_common
1 cras_imu_tools
1 cras_joy_tools
1 cras_laser_geometry
1 cras_msgs
1 cras_py_common
1 cras_relative_positional_controller
1 cras_topic_tools
1 crazyflie
1 crazyflie_controller
0 crazyflie_cpp
1 crazyflie_demo
1 crazyflie_description
1 crazyflie_driver
0 crazyflie_tools
1 create_autonomy
1 create_bringup
1 2014-05-29 create_dashboard
The Create dashboard is a RQT-based plug-in for visualising data from the Create and giving easy access to basic functionalities.
The Create dashboard is a RQT-based plug-in for visualising data from the Create and giving easy access to basic functionalities.
2 2014-11-18 create_description
Model description for the iRobot Create
Model description for the iRobot Create
2 2014-11-18 create_driver
Driver for iRobot Create and Roomba This is a generic driver for iRobot Create that currently holds implementations for Turtlebot and Roomba. Port of by Damon Kohler. It is currently labeled as turtlebot_driver pending review by the entire create community before using the name create_driver. For ROS bindings, please see turtlebot_node.
Driver for iRobot Create and Roomba This is a generic driver for iRobot Create that currently holds implementations for Turtlebot and Roomba. Port of by Damon Kohler. It is currently labeled as turtlebot_driver pending review by the entire create community before using the name create_driver. For ROS bindings, please see turtlebot_node.
1 2014-05-29 create_gazebo_plugins
Gazebo plugins for the iRobot Create
Gazebo plugins for the iRobot Create
1 create_msgs
1 2014-11-18 create_node
iRobot Create ROS driver node ROS bindings for the Create/Roomba driver. This is based on otl_roomba driver by OTL, ported to use create_driver's implementation instead. This also contains a 'bonus' feature from the turtlebot driver by Xuwen Cao and Morgan Quigley.
iRobot Create ROS driver node ROS bindings for the Create/Roomba driver. This is based on otl_roomba driver by OTL, ported to use create_driver's implementation instead. This also contains a 'bonus' feature from the turtlebot driver by Xuwen Cao and Morgan Quigley.
1 create_robot
1 criutils
1 2015-03-24 crom_common
The crom_common package. It contains CROM common packages
The crom_common package. It contains CROM common packages
1 2015-03-23 crom_control
The crom_control package
The crom_control package
1 2015-03-24 crom_description
The crom_description package. It contains robot's urdfs and meshes
The crom_description package. It contains robot's urdfs and meshes
1 2015-03-23 crom_gazebo
The crom_gazebo package
The crom_gazebo package
1 2015-03-23 crom_moveit_config
An automatically generated package with all the configuration and launch files for using the crom with the MoveIt Motion Planning Framework
An automatically generated package with all the configuration and launch files for using the crom with the MoveIt Motion Planning Framework
1 2015-03-23 crom_sim
The crom_sim package
The crom_sim package
1 2015-03-23 crom_sim_bringup
The crom_sim_bringup package
The crom_sim_bringup package
1 crossing_detector
1 2014-05-10 crsm_slam
ROS package for the CRSM SLAM (Critical Rays Scan Match Simultaneous Localization And Mapping)
ROS package for the CRSM SLAM (Critical Rays Scan Match Simultaneous Localization And Mapping)
1 csapex
1 csapex_core
1 csapex_core_test
1 csapex_qt
1 csapex_remote
1 csapex_testing
1 csapex_util
1 csm
1 csm_ros
1 ctl
1 cudnn_cmake_module
0 current_limit_controller
1 custom_landmark_2d
1 cv_backports
1 2014-10-28 cv_bridge
This contains CvBridge, which converts between ROS Image messages and OpenCV images.
This contains CvBridge, which converts between ROS Image messages and OpenCV images.
1 cv_bridge_python3
1 2022-01-26 cv_camera
cv_camera uses OpenCV capture object to capture camera image. This supports camera_image and nodelet.
cv_camera uses OpenCV capture object to capture camera image. This supports camera_image and nodelet.
1 cv_detection
0 cv_optimizer
0 cv_wrapper
1 cvp_mesh_planner
0 cyberglove
1 cyclonedds
1 cyclonedds_cmake_module
1 2016-07-18 cyton_gamma_1500_description
URDF description for the Robai Cyton Gamma 1500 robot manipulator
URDF description for the Robai Cyton Gamma 1500 robot manipulator
1 d435i_xarm_setup
1 darknet_ros
1 darknet_ros_msgs
1 2015-02-24 darwin_control
The darwin_control package
The darwin_control package
1 2015-02-24 darwin_description
Describes DarwinOP robot model with camera plugin and accelerometer plugin (hector) for Gazebo
Describes DarwinOP robot model with camera plugin and accelerometer plugin (hector) for Gazebo
1 2015-02-25 darwin_gazebo
Provides Gazebo launch files to expose Darwin model in ROS
Provides Gazebo launch files to expose Darwin model in ROS
1 data_bagger
1 data_tamer_cpp
1 data_tamer_msgs
1 2020-07-06 data_vis_msgs
Messages for transporting data to visualize, accompanied by their visualization details.
Messages for transporting data to visualize, accompanied by their visualization details.
1 dataflow_lite


Name Description
1 compass_msgs
1 composition
1 composition_interfaces
1 2019-09-19 compressed_depth_image_transport
Compressed_depth_image_transport provides a plugin to image_transport for transparently sending depth images (raw, floating-point) using PNG compression.
Compressed_depth_image_transport provides a plugin to image_transport for transparently sending depth images (raw, floating-point) using PNG compression.
1 2019-09-19 compressed_image_transport
Compressed_image_transport provides a plugin to image_transport for transparently sending images encoded as JPEG or PNG.
Compressed_image_transport provides a plugin to image_transport for transparently sending images encoded as JPEG or PNG.
2 2021-09-19 computer_status_msgs
Messages definitions for representing computer's hardware state, such as battery information, GPU, some miscellaneous sensors. Format is in ROS. Originally developed at
Messages definitions for representing computer's hardware state, such as battery information, GPU, some miscellaneous sensors. Format is in ROS. Originally developed at
1 concert_conductor
1 concert_master
1 2016-05-06 concert_msgs
Shared communication types for the concert framework.
Shared communication types for the concert framework.
1 concert_resource_pool
1 concert_scheduler_requests
1 concert_schedulers
1 concert_scheduling
1 concert_service_admin
1 concert_service_gazebo
1 concert_service_image_stream
1 concert_service_indoor_2d_map_prep
1 concert_service_link_graph
1 concert_service_manager
1 2016-05-06 concert_service_msgs
Messages used by official rocon services.
Messages used by official rocon services.
1 concert_service_teleop
1 concert_service_turtlesim
1 concert_service_utilities
1 concert_service_waypoint_navigation
1 concert_services
1 concert_simple_scheduler
1 concert_software_common
1 concert_software_farm
1 concert_software_farmer
1 concert_utilities
1 2016-05-06 concert_workflow_engine_msgs
Messages used by workflow engine
Messages used by workflow engine
1 config_reader
1 connext_cmake_module
1 console_bridge
1 console_bridge_vendor
1 constrained_ik
0 constraint_samplers
1 contact_handler
1 2024-01-22 contact_states_observer
The contact_states_observer package
The contact_states_observer package
1 contracts_lite_vendor
1 control_box_rst
1 2021-02-02 control_msgs
control_msgs contains base messages and actions useful for controlling robots. It provides representations for controller setpoints and joint and cartesian trajectories.
control_msgs contains base messages and actions useful for controlling robots. It provides representations for controller setpoints and joint and cartesian trajectories.
1 2019-01-31 control_toolbox
The control toolbox contains modules that are useful across all controllers.
The control toolbox contains modules that are useful across all controllers.
2 2020-04-17 controller_interface
Interface base class for controllers
Interface base class for controllers
2 2020-04-17 controller_manager
The controller manager.
The controller manager.
2 2020-04-17 controller_manager_msgs
Messages and services for the controller manager.
Messages and services for the controller manager.
1 2020-04-17 controller_manager_tests
1 controller_parameter_server
1 convenience_math_functions
1 convenience_ros_functions
1 2016-04-18 convex_decomposition
Convex Decomposition Tool for Robot Model
Convex Decomposition Tool for Robot Model
1 copernicus_base
1 copernicus_control
1 copernicus_description
1 copernicus_localization
1 copernicus_msgs
1 copernicus_navigation
1 copernicus_rules
1 copernicus_teleoperator
1 corobot
1 corobot_arm
1 corobot_camera
1 corobot_diagnostics
1 corobot_gazebo
1 corobot_gps
1 corobot_joystick
1 corobot_launch
0 corobot_map_to_jpeg
1 corobot_msgs
1 corobot_pantilt
1 corobot_phidget_ik
1 corobot_ssc32
1 corobot_state_tf
1 corobot_teleop
1 corobot_urdf
1 2018-01-02 cost_map
Meta-package for the universal cost map library.
Meta-package for the universal cost map library.
1 2018-01-02 cost_map_core
Cost maps, following the style of ethz-asl's grid_map library.
Cost maps, following the style of ethz-asl's grid_map library.
1 2018-01-02 cost_map_cv
Conversions between cost_maps and opencv images.
Conversions between cost_maps and opencv images.
1 2018-01-02 cost_map_demos
Demonstrations for cost maps.
Demonstrations for cost maps.
1 2018-01-02 cost_map_msgs
Definition of cost map messages (related to the grid map message type).
Definition of cost map messages (related to the grid map message type).
1 2018-01-02 cost_map_ros
Cost maps, following the style of ethz-asl's grid_map library.
Cost maps, following the style of ethz-asl's grid_map library.
1 2018-01-02 cost_map_visualisations
Visualisation tools for cost maps.
Visualisation tools for cost maps.
1 2021-01-19 costmap_2d
This package provides an implementation of a 2D costmap that takes in sensor data from the world, builds a 2D or 3D occupancy grid of the data (depending on whether a voxel based implementation is used), and inflates costs in a 2D costmap based on the occupancy grid and a user specified inflation radius. This package also provides support for map_server based initialization of a costmap, rolling window based costmaps, and parameter based subscription to and configuration of sensor topics.
This package provides an implementation of a 2D costmap that takes in sensor data from the world, builds a 2D or 3D occupancy grid of the data (depending on whether a voxel based implementation is used), and inflates costs in a 2D costmap based on the occupancy grid and a user specified inflation radius. This package also provides support for map_server based initialization of a costmap, rolling window based costmaps, and parameter based subscription to and configuration of sensor topics.
1 2020-05-13 costmap_converter
A ros package that includes plugins and nodes to convert occupied costmap2d cells to primitive types.
A ros package that includes plugins and nodes to convert occupied costmap2d cells to primitive types.
1 costmap_converter_msgs
1 2024-03-25 costmap_cspace
3-dof configuration space costmap package
3-dof configuration space costmap package
1 2024-02-19 costmap_cspace_msgs
Message definitions for costmap_cspace package
Message definitions for costmap_cspace package
1 2024-02-19 costmap_cspace_rviz_plugins
Rviz plugins for costmap_cspace_msgs
Rviz plugins for costmap_cspace_msgs
1 2017-01-25 costmap_prohibition_layer
ROS-Package that implements a costmap layer to add prohibited areas to the costmap-2D by a user configuration.
ROS-Package that implements a costmap layer to add prohibited areas to the costmap-2D by a user configuration.
2 2021-01-08 costmap_queue
Tool for iterating through the cells of a costmap to find the closest distance to a subset of cells.
Tool for iterating through the cells of a costmap to find the closest distance to a subset of cells.
1 costmap_tf_layer
1 2021-01-19 coverage_path
A package that generates an optimal path to cover a given area with a cyber physical system (CPS).
A package that generates an optimal path to cover a given area with a cyber physical system (CPS).
1 cp1616
1 2016-10-21 cpf_segmentation_ros
The segmentation_ros package
The segmentation_ros package
1 2020-07-24 cpp_common
cpp_common contains C++ code for doing things that are not necessarily ROS related, but are useful for multiple packages. This includes things like the ROS_DEPRECATED and ROS_FORCE_INLINE macros, as well as code for getting backtraces. This package is a component of
cpp_common contains C++ code for doing things that are not necessarily ROS related, but are useful for multiple packages. This includes things like the ROS_DEPRECATED and ROS_FORCE_INLINE macros, as well as code for getting backtraces. This package is a component of
1 2014-10-12 cpp_introspection
cpp_introspection enables introspection of ROS message types in roscpp. Introspection is useful when message data is going to be exported to or imported from other data formats or applications.
cpp_introspection enables introspection of ROS message types in roscpp. Introspection is useful when message data is going to be exported to or imported from other data formats or applications.
1 cpr_common_core_msgs
1 2019-07-16 cpr_multimaster_tools
Multi-master tools for configuration and message relaying
Multi-master tools for configuration and message relaying
1 cpr_onav_description
1 2021-01-19 cpswarm_msgs
Common messages required by the CPSwarm Behavior Library.
Common messages required by the CPSwarm Behavior Library.
1 cpu_mem_monitor
1 cpu_temperature_diagnostics
1 cram_3rdparty
1 cram_core
1 cram_designators
1 cram_execution_trace
1 cram_language
1 cram_math
1 cram_process_modules
1 cram_projection
1 cram_reasoning
1 cram_test_utilities
1 cram_utilities
1 crane_plus
1 crane_plus_control
1 crane_plus_description
1 crane_plus_examples
1 crane_plus_gazebo
1 crane_plus_ignition
1 crane_plus_moveit_config
1 2023-09-29 crane_x7
ROS package suite of CRANE-X7
ROS package suite of CRANE-X7
1 2023-09-29 crane_x7_bringup
The CRANE-X7 bringup package
The CRANE-X7 bringup package
1 2023-09-29 crane_x7_control
The CRANE-X7 control package
The CRANE-X7 control package
0 crane_x7_description
1 2023-09-29 crane_x7_examples
examples of CRANE-X7 ROS package
examples of CRANE-X7 ROS package
1 2023-09-29 crane_x7_gazebo
The crane_x7_gazebo package
The crane_x7_gazebo package
1 2023-09-29 crane_x7_moveit_config
An automatically generated package with all the configuration and launch files for using the crane_x7 with the MoveIt! Motion Planning Framework
An automatically generated package with all the configuration and launch files for using the crane_x7 with the MoveIt! Motion Planning Framework
1 2023-09-29 crane_x7_msgs
The crane_x7_msgs package
The crane_x7_msgs package
1 cras_bag_tools
1 cras_cpp_common
1 cras_docs_common
1 cras_imu_tools
1 cras_joy_tools
1 cras_laser_geometry
1 cras_msgs
1 cras_py_common
1 cras_relative_positional_controller
1 cras_topic_tools
1 2021-08-03 crazyflie
ROS integration for Crazyflie Nano Quadcopter from Bitcraze
ROS integration for Crazyflie Nano Quadcopter from Bitcraze
1 2021-08-03 crazyflie_controller
Controller to fly a Crazyflie in a space with location feedback (such as motion capture).
Controller to fly a Crazyflie in a space with location feedback (such as motion capture).
0 crazyflie_cpp
1 2021-08-03 crazyflie_demo
Examples on how to use the crazyflie package (teleoperation, rviz integration)
Examples on how to use the crazyflie package (teleoperation, rviz integration)
1 2021-08-03 crazyflie_description
URDF Model for the Crazyflie Nano Quadcopter from Bitcraze
URDF Model for the Crazyflie Nano Quadcopter from Bitcraze
1 2021-08-03 crazyflie_driver
ROS driver for Crazyflie Nano Quadcopter from Bitcraze
ROS driver for Crazyflie Nano Quadcopter from Bitcraze
0 crazyflie_tools
1 2018-06-10 create_autonomy
ROS driver for iRobot's Create 1 and 2, based on the libcreate C++ library
ROS driver for iRobot's Create 1 and 2, based on the libcreate C++ library
1 create_bringup
1 2015-02-27 create_dashboard
The Create dashboard is a RQT-based plug-in for visualising data from the Create and giving easy access to basic functionalities.
The Create dashboard is a RQT-based plug-in for visualising data from the Create and giving easy access to basic functionalities.
2 2017-11-22 create_description
Model description for the iRobot Create
Model description for the iRobot Create
2 2017-11-22 create_driver
Driver for iRobot Create and Roomba This is a generic driver for iRobot Create that currently holds implementations for Turtlebot and Roomba. Port of by Damon Kohler. It is currently labeled as turtlebot_driver pending review by the entire create community before using the name create_driver. For ROS bindings, please see turtlebot_node.
Driver for iRobot Create and Roomba This is a generic driver for iRobot Create that currently holds implementations for Turtlebot and Roomba. Port of by Damon Kohler. It is currently labeled as turtlebot_driver pending review by the entire create community before using the name create_driver. For ROS bindings, please see turtlebot_node.
1 2015-02-27 create_gazebo_plugins
Gazebo plugins for the iRobot Create
Gazebo plugins for the iRobot Create
1 create_msgs
1 2017-11-22 create_node
iRobot Create ROS driver node ROS bindings for the Create/Roomba driver. This is based on otl_roomba driver by OTL, ported to use create_driver's implementation instead. This also contains a 'bonus' feature from the turtlebot driver by Xuwen Cao and Morgan Quigley.
iRobot Create ROS driver node ROS bindings for the Create/Roomba driver. This is based on otl_roomba driver by OTL, ported to use create_driver's implementation instead. This also contains a 'bonus' feature from the turtlebot driver by Xuwen Cao and Morgan Quigley.
1 create_robot
1 2020-10-25 criutils
The criutils package
The criutils package
1 crom_common
1 crom_control
1 crom_description
1 crom_gazebo
1 crom_moveit_config
1 crom_sim
1 crom_sim_bringup
1 crossing_detector
1 crsm_slam
1 csapex
1 csapex_core
1 csapex_core_test
1 csapex_qt
1 csapex_remote
1 csapex_testing
1 csapex_util
1 2022-08-16 csm
This is a ROS 3rd-party wrapper
This is a ROS 3rd-party wrapper
1 csm_ros
1 ctl
1 cudnn_cmake_module
0 current_limit_controller
1 custom_landmark_2d
1 cv_backports
1 2019-12-10 cv_bridge
This contains CvBridge, which converts between ROS Image messages and OpenCV images.
This contains CvBridge, which converts between ROS Image messages and OpenCV images.
1 cv_bridge_python3
1 2022-01-26 cv_camera
cv_camera uses OpenCV capture object to capture camera image. This supports camera_image and nodelet.
cv_camera uses OpenCV capture object to capture camera image. This supports camera_image and nodelet.
1 cv_detection
0 cv_optimizer
0 cv_wrapper
1 cvp_mesh_planner
0 cyberglove
1 cyclonedds
1 cyclonedds_cmake_module
1 cyton_gamma_1500_description
1 2024-04-12 d435i_xarm_setup
The d435i_xarm_setup package
The d435i_xarm_setup package
1 2021-06-30 darknet_ros
Darknet is an open source neural network framework that runs on CPU and GPU. You only look once (YOLO) is a state-of-the-art, real-time object detection system.
Darknet is an open source neural network framework that runs on CPU and GPU. You only look once (YOLO) is a state-of-the-art, real-time object detection system.
1 2021-06-30 darknet_ros_msgs
Darknet is an open source neural network framework that runs on CPU and GPU. You only look once (YOLO) is a state-of-the-art, real-time object detection system.
Darknet is an open source neural network framework that runs on CPU and GPU. You only look once (YOLO) is a state-of-the-art, real-time object detection system.
1 darwin_control
1 darwin_description
1 darwin_gazebo
1 data_bagger
1 data_tamer_cpp
1 data_tamer_msgs
1 data_vis_msgs
1 2022-02-08 dataflow_lite
Light version of dataflow libraries
Light version of dataflow libraries


Name Description
1 compass_msgs
1 composition
1 composition_interfaces
1 2023-02-08 compressed_depth_image_transport
Compressed_depth_image_transport provides a plugin to image_transport for transparently sending depth images (raw, floating-point) using PNG compression.
Compressed_depth_image_transport provides a plugin to image_transport for transparently sending depth images (raw, floating-point) using PNG compression.
1 2023-02-08 compressed_image_transport
Compressed_image_transport provides a plugin to image_transport for transparently sending images encoded as JPEG or PNG.
Compressed_image_transport provides a plugin to image_transport for transparently sending images encoded as JPEG or PNG.
2 2020-09-19 computer_status_msgs
Messages definitions for representing computer's hardware state, such as battery information, GPU, some miscellaneous sensors. Format is in ROS. Originally developed at
Messages definitions for representing computer's hardware state, such as battery information, GPU, some miscellaneous sensors. Format is in ROS. Originally developed at
1 concert_conductor
1 concert_master
1 2016-05-06 concert_msgs
Shared communication types for the concert framework.
Shared communication types for the concert framework.
1 concert_resource_pool
1 concert_scheduler_requests
1 concert_schedulers
1 concert_scheduling
1 concert_service_admin
1 concert_service_gazebo
1 concert_service_image_stream
1 concert_service_indoor_2d_map_prep
1 concert_service_link_graph
1 concert_service_manager
1 2016-05-06 concert_service_msgs
Messages used by official rocon services.
Messages used by official rocon services.
1 concert_service_teleop
1 concert_service_turtlesim
1 concert_service_utilities
1 concert_service_waypoint_navigation
1 concert_services
1 concert_simple_scheduler
1 concert_software_common
1 concert_software_farm
1 concert_software_farmer
1 concert_utilities
1 2016-05-06 concert_workflow_engine_msgs
Messages used by workflow engine
Messages used by workflow engine
1 2024-03-02 config_reader
Package for ff nodelet stuff
Package for ff nodelet stuff
1 connext_cmake_module
1 console_bridge
1 console_bridge_vendor
1 constrained_ik
0 constraint_samplers
1 contact_handler
1 2024-01-22 contact_states_observer
The contact_states_observer package
The contact_states_observer package
1 contracts_lite_vendor
1 2020-06-05 control_box_rst
The control_box_rst package provides C++ libraries for predictive control, direct optimal control, optimization and simulation.
The control_box_rst package provides C++ libraries for predictive control, direct optimal control, optimization and simulation.
1 2021-02-02 control_msgs
control_msgs contains base messages and actions useful for controlling robots. It provides representations for controller setpoints and joint and cartesian trajectories.
control_msgs contains base messages and actions useful for controlling robots. It provides representations for controller setpoints and joint and cartesian trajectories.
1 2022-05-10 control_toolbox
The control toolbox contains modules that are useful across all controllers.
The control toolbox contains modules that are useful across all controllers.
2 2023-10-27 controller_interface
Interface base class for controllers.
Interface base class for controllers.
2 2023-10-27 controller_manager
The controller manager.
The controller manager.
2 2023-10-27 controller_manager_msgs
Messages and services for the controller manager.
Messages and services for the controller manager.
1 2023-10-27 controller_manager_tests
Tests for the controller manager.
Tests for the controller manager.
1 controller_parameter_server
1 convenience_math_functions
1 convenience_ros_functions
1 2020-04-24 convex_decomposition
Convex Decomposition Tool for Robot Model
Convex Decomposition Tool for Robot Model
1 2021-06-23 copernicus_base
The copernicus_base package
The copernicus_base package
1 2021-06-23 copernicus_control
The copernicus_control package
The copernicus_control package
1 2021-06-23 copernicus_description
The copernicus_description package
The copernicus_description package
1 2021-06-23 copernicus_localization
The copernicus_localization package
The copernicus_localization package
1 2021-06-23 copernicus_msgs
The copernicus_msgs package
The copernicus_msgs package
1 2021-06-23 copernicus_navigation
The copernicus_navigation package
The copernicus_navigation package
1 2021-06-23 copernicus_rules
The copernicus_rules package
The copernicus_rules package
1 2021-06-23 copernicus_teleoperator
The copernicus_teleoperator package
The copernicus_teleoperator package
1 corobot
1 corobot_arm
1 corobot_camera
1 corobot_diagnostics
1 corobot_gazebo
1 corobot_gps
1 corobot_joystick
1 corobot_launch
0 corobot_map_to_jpeg
1 corobot_msgs
1 corobot_pantilt
1 corobot_phidget_ik
1 corobot_ssc32
1 corobot_state_tf
1 corobot_teleop
1 corobot_urdf
1 cost_map
1 cost_map_core
1 cost_map_cv
1 cost_map_demos
1 cost_map_msgs
1 cost_map_ros
1 cost_map_visualisations
1 2022-06-20 costmap_2d
This package provides an implementation of a 2D costmap that takes in sensor data from the world, builds a 2D or 3D occupancy grid of the data (depending on whether a voxel based implementation is used), and inflates costs in a 2D costmap based on the occupancy grid and a user specified inflation radius. This package also provides support for map_server based initialization of a costmap, rolling window based costmaps, and parameter based subscription to and configuration of sensor topics.
This package provides an implementation of a 2D costmap that takes in sensor data from the world, builds a 2D or 3D occupancy grid of the data (depending on whether a voxel based implementation is used), and inflates costs in a 2D costmap based on the occupancy grid and a user specified inflation radius. This package also provides support for map_server based initialization of a costmap, rolling window based costmaps, and parameter based subscription to and configuration of sensor topics.
1 2020-05-13 costmap_converter
A ros package that includes plugins and nodes to convert occupied costmap2d cells to primitive types.
A ros package that includes plugins and nodes to convert occupied costmap2d cells to primitive types.
1 costmap_converter_msgs
1 2024-03-25 costmap_cspace
3-dof configuration space costmap package
3-dof configuration space costmap package
1 2024-02-19 costmap_cspace_msgs
Message definitions for costmap_cspace package
Message definitions for costmap_cspace package
1 2024-02-19 costmap_cspace_rviz_plugins
Rviz plugins for costmap_cspace_msgs
Rviz plugins for costmap_cspace_msgs
1 costmap_prohibition_layer
2 2021-07-30 costmap_queue
Tool for iterating through the cells of a costmap to find the closest distance to a subset of cells.
Tool for iterating through the cells of a costmap to find the closest distance to a subset of cells.
1 2020-08-12 costmap_tf_layer
ROS-package that implements a costmap layer populated by observing tf frames.
ROS-package that implements a costmap layer populated by observing tf frames.
1 coverage_path
1 cp1616
1 cpf_segmentation_ros
1 2020-07-24 cpp_common
cpp_common contains C++ code for doing things that are not necessarily ROS related, but are useful for multiple packages. This includes things like the ROS_DEPRECATED and ROS_FORCE_INLINE macros, as well as code for getting backtraces. This package is a component of
cpp_common contains C++ code for doing things that are not necessarily ROS related, but are useful for multiple packages. This includes things like the ROS_DEPRECATED and ROS_FORCE_INLINE macros, as well as code for getting backtraces. This package is a component of
1 cpp_introspection
1 2021-05-11 cpr_common_core_msgs
1 2019-07-16 cpr_multimaster_tools
Multi-master tools for configuration and message relaying
Multi-master tools for configuration and message relaying
1 cpr_onav_description
1 cpswarm_msgs
1 2024-03-02 cpu_mem_monitor
Measure the processor stats and periodically publish it over ROS.
Measure the processor stats and periodically publish it over ROS.
1 2021-08-18 cpu_temperature_diagnostics
Collect and diagnose cpu temperature informations
Collect and diagnose cpu temperature informations
1 cram_3rdparty
1 cram_core
1 cram_designators
1 cram_execution_trace
1 cram_language
1 cram_math
1 cram_process_modules
1 cram_projection
1 cram_reasoning
1 cram_test_utilities
1 cram_utilities
1 crane_plus
1 crane_plus_control
1 crane_plus_description
1 crane_plus_examples
1 crane_plus_gazebo
1 crane_plus_ignition
1 crane_plus_moveit_config
1 2023-09-29 crane_x7
ROS package suite of CRANE-X7
ROS package suite of CRANE-X7
1 2023-09-29 crane_x7_bringup
The CRANE-X7 bringup package
The CRANE-X7 bringup package
1 2023-09-29 crane_x7_control
The CRANE-X7 control package
The CRANE-X7 control package
0 crane_x7_description
1 2023-09-29 crane_x7_examples
examples of CRANE-X7 ROS package
examples of CRANE-X7 ROS package
1 2023-09-29 crane_x7_gazebo
The crane_x7_gazebo package
The crane_x7_gazebo package
1 2023-09-29 crane_x7_moveit_config
An automatically generated package with all the configuration and launch files for using the crane_x7 with the MoveIt! Motion Planning Framework
An automatically generated package with all the configuration and launch files for using the crane_x7 with the MoveIt! Motion Planning Framework
1 2023-09-29 crane_x7_msgs
The crane_x7_msgs package
The crane_x7_msgs package
1 2024-02-27 cras_bag_tools
Various utilities to work with bag files
Various utilities to work with bag files
1 2024-02-27 cras_cpp_common
A Czech-army knife for ROS code written in C++.
A Czech-army knife for ROS code written in C++.
1 2024-02-27 cras_docs_common
Common configuration for CRAS packages documentation.
Common configuration for CRAS packages documentation.
1 2023-06-19 cras_imu_tools
Tools for working with IMU data
Tools for working with IMU data
1 cras_joy_tools
1 2024-01-26 cras_laser_geometry
Tools for working with laser scans.
Tools for working with laser scans.
1 2023-08-25 cras_msgs
Common messages used by CRAS
Common messages used by CRAS
1 2024-02-27 cras_py_common
A Czech-army knife for ROS code written in Python.
A Czech-army knife for ROS code written in Python.
1 cras_relative_positional_controller
1 2024-02-27 cras_topic_tools
Nodes and nodeletes for safe and efficient manipulation with topics
Nodes and nodeletes for safe and efficient manipulation with topics
1 2021-08-03 crazyflie
ROS integration for Crazyflie Nano Quadcopter from Bitcraze
ROS integration for Crazyflie Nano Quadcopter from Bitcraze
1 2021-08-03 crazyflie_controller
Controller to fly a Crazyflie in a space with location feedback (such as motion capture).
Controller to fly a Crazyflie in a space with location feedback (such as motion capture).
0 crazyflie_cpp
1 2021-08-03 crazyflie_demo
Examples on how to use the crazyflie package (teleoperation, rviz integration)
Examples on how to use the crazyflie package (teleoperation, rviz integration)
1 2021-08-03 crazyflie_description
URDF Model for the Crazyflie Nano Quadcopter from Bitcraze
URDF Model for the Crazyflie Nano Quadcopter from Bitcraze
1 2021-08-03 crazyflie_driver
ROS driver for Crazyflie Nano Quadcopter from Bitcraze
ROS driver for Crazyflie Nano Quadcopter from Bitcraze
0 crazyflie_tools
1 create_autonomy
1 2023-05-21 create_bringup
Launch and configuration files for common accessories when working with Create/Roomba platforms.
Launch and configuration files for common accessories when working with Create/Roomba platforms.
1 create_dashboard
2 2023-05-21 create_description
Robot URDF descriptions for create_robot
Robot URDF descriptions for create_robot
2 2023-05-21 create_driver
ROS driver for iRobot's Create and Roomba platforms, based on libcreate
ROS driver for iRobot's Create and Roomba platforms, based on libcreate
1 create_gazebo_plugins
1 2023-05-21 create_msgs
Common message definitions for create_robot
Common message definitions for create_robot
1 create_node
1 2023-05-21 create_robot
ROS driver for iRobot's Create 1 and 2, based on the libcreate C++ library
ROS driver for iRobot's Create 1 and 2, based on the libcreate C++ library
1 2020-10-25 criutils
The criutils package
The criutils package
1 crom_common
1 crom_control
1 crom_description
1 crom_gazebo
1 crom_moveit_config
1 crom_sim
1 crom_sim_bringup
1 crossing_detector
1 crsm_slam
1 csapex
1 csapex_core
1 csapex_core_test
1 csapex_qt
1 csapex_remote
1 csapex_testing
1 csapex_util
1 2022-08-16 csm
This is a ROS 3rd-party wrapper
This is a ROS 3rd-party wrapper
1 csm_ros
1 2024-03-02 ctl
Calls the GNC simulink auto-generated control code, and passes inputs and outputs to and from ros messages.
Calls the GNC simulink auto-generated control code, and passes inputs and outputs to and from ros messages.
1 cudnn_cmake_module
0 current_limit_controller
1 custom_landmark_2d
1 cv_backports
1 2022-10-03 cv_bridge
This contains CvBridge, which converts between ROS Image messages and OpenCV images.
This contains CvBridge, which converts between ROS Image messages and OpenCV images.
1 2022-04-08 cv_bridge_python3
This contains CvBridge, which converts between ROS Image messages and OpenCV images. == This package intentionally link against boost-python3 and install under /opt/ros/ROS_DISTRO/lib/python3/dist-package Please add import sys, os; sys.path.insert(0,'/opt/ros/' + os.environ['ROS_DISTRO'] + '/lib/python3/dist-packages/') before you call import cv_bridge
This contains CvBridge, which converts between ROS Image messages and OpenCV images. == This package intentionally link against boost-python3 and install under /opt/ros/ROS_DISTRO/lib/python3/dist-package Please add import sys, os; sys.path.insert(0,'/opt/ros/' + os.environ['ROS_DISTRO'] + '/lib/python3/dist-packages/') before you call import cv_bridge
1 2022-01-26 cv_camera
cv_camera uses OpenCV capture object to capture camera image. This supports camera_image and nodelet.
cv_camera uses OpenCV capture object to capture camera image. This supports camera_image and nodelet.
1 cv_detection
0 cv_optimizer
0 cv_wrapper
1 2024-01-25 cvp_mesh_planner
The Continuous Vector Field Planner (CVP) mesh planner package
The Continuous Vector Field Planner (CVP) mesh planner package
0 cyberglove
1 cyclonedds
1 cyclonedds_cmake_module
1 cyton_gamma_1500_description
1 d435i_xarm_setup
1 darknet_ros
1 darknet_ros_msgs
1 darwin_control
1 darwin_description
1 darwin_gazebo
1 2024-03-02 data_bagger
The data bagger is responsible for bagging data that the ground wants to see. It is also responsible for downloading the bagged data to the ground.
The data bagger is responsible for bagging data that the ground wants to see. It is also responsible for downloading the bagged data to the ground.
1 data_tamer_cpp
1 data_tamer_msgs
1 data_vis_msgs
1 2022-02-08 dataflow_lite
Light version of dataflow libraries
Light version of dataflow libraries