Package Summary
Tags | No category tags. |
Version | 0.7.17 |
License | Apache 2.0 |
Build type | CATKIN |
Repository Summary
Checkout URI | |
VCS Type | git |
VCS Version | kinetic_dev |
Last Updated | 2024-04-30 |
Dev Status | END-OF-LIFE |
CI status | Continuous Integration : 0 / 0 |
Released | RELEASED |
Tags | No category tags. |
Contributing |
Help Wanted (0)
Good First Issues (0) Pull Requests to Review (0) |
Package Description
Additional Links
- Felix Messmer
- Florian Weisshardt
This package implements a driver for the Sick S300 Safety laser scanners. It provides an implementation for both, the old (1.40) and the new (2.10) protocol. Thus, the old Sick S300 Professional CMS as well as the new Sick S300 Expert are supported.
However, it does not cover the full functionality of the protocol:
- It only handles distance measurements properly
- It only handles no or only one configured measurement range field properly
- It does not handle I/O-data or reflector data (though it reads the reflector marker field in the distance measurements)
See for more details.
S300 Configuration
Here are a few notes about how to best configure the S300:
- Configure the RS422 output to 500kBaud (otherwise, the scanner only provides a lower frequency)
- Configure the scanner to Continuous Data Output
- Send data via one telegram
- Only configure distances, no I/O or reflector data (otherwise, the scanner only provides a lower frequency).
- Configuration of the measurement ranges
- For protocol 1.40: only configure one measurement range field with the full range (-45° to 225°) with all values.
- For protocol 2.10: do not configure a measurement range field (otherwise, the scanner only provides a lower frequency).
- If you want to only use certain measurement ranges, do this on the ROS side using e.g. the
located in this package as well.
Changelog for package cob_sick_s300
0.7.17 (2024-04-30)
0.7.16 (2024-02-20)
0.7.15 (2023-11-06)
0.7.14 (2022-11-17)
0.7.13 (2022-07-29)
0.7.12 (2022-03-15)
0.7.11 (2022-01-12)
0.7.10 (2021-12-23)
0.7.9 (2021-11-26)
0.7.8 (2021-10-19)
0.7.7 (2021-08-02)
- Merge pull request #425 from fmessmer/fix_typo fix typo
- fix typo
- Contributors: Felix Messmer, fmessmer
0.7.6 (2021-05-10)
0.7.5 (2021-04-06)
- Merge pull request #418 from fmessmer/fix_catkin_lint fix catkin_lint
- fix catkin_lint
- Contributors: Felix Messmer, fmessmer
0.7.4 (2020-10-14)
- Merge pull request #417 from fmessmer/test_noetic test noetic
- Bump CMake version to avoid CMP0048 warning
- Merge pull request #414 from nlamprian/nlamprian/fix-frame-ids Remove leading slashes from frame ids
- Remove leading slashes from frame ids
- Contributors: Felix Messmer, Nick Lamprianidis, fmessmer
0.7.3 (2020-03-18)
0.7.2 (2020-03-18)
- Merge pull request #408 from fmessmer/ci_updates [travis] ci updates
- catkin_lint fixes
- Contributors: Felix Messmer, fmessmer
0.7.1 (2019-11-07)
0.7.0 (2019-08-06)
- Merge pull request #396 from HannesBachter/indigo_dev 0.6.15
- Contributors: Felix Messmer
0.6.15 (2019-07-17)
0.6.14 (2019-06-07)
0.6.13 (2019-03-14)
- Merge pull request #378 from mateuszcierpikowski/feature/auto_reconnect add auto reconnect when scanner is disconnected
- add auto reconnect when scanner is disconnected
- Contributors: Felix Messmer, mateuszcierpikowski
0.6.12 (2018-07-21)
- update maintainer
- Merge pull request #377 from fmessmer/fix_sicks300_rate remove faulty publish_rate mechanism
- remove faulty publish_rate mechanism
- Contributors: Felix Messmer, fmessmer, ipa-fxm
0.6.11 (2018-01-07)
- Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/indigo_release_candidate' into indigo_dev
- Merge pull request #358 from ipa-jba/fix/s300-max-range [cob_sick_s300] adjust range_max
- Merge pull request #357 from ipa-jba/fix/remove-dead-code [cob_sick_s300] remove dead code
- remove dead code
- Merge pull request #341 from ipa-fxm/APACHE_license use license apache 2.0
- use license apache 2.0
- cob_sick_s300: adjust range_max
- Contributors: Felix Messmer, ipa-fxm, ipa-mig, ipa-uhr-mk
0.6.10 (2017-07-24)
0.6.9 (2017-07-18)
- [cob_sick_s300] fix typo in Readme
- cob_sick_s300: clarify some points about the measurement range fields in the readme
- cob_sick_s300: add readme
- cob_sick_s300: remove debug print out
- cob_sick_s300: properly get offsets and add corresponding docu to source code
- cob_sick_s300: comment warning about field parameters --> this is currently buggy, old version works better
- cob_sick_s300: move telegram description to telegram parser file
- cob_sick_s300: clarify telegram calculation according to telegram listing
- manually fix changelog
- Contributors: Matthias Gruhler, ipa-fxm, ipa-mig
0.6.8 (2016-10-10)
0.6.7 (2016-04-02)
0.6.6 (2016-04-01)
- replace spaces by tab
- add try/catch to handle XmlRpc exceptions
- add time stamp to sick s300 diagnostic messages
- adjust filter topics
- Contributors: Frederik Hegger, ipa-fxm
0.6.5 (2015-08-31)
0.6.4 (2015-08-25)
- do not install headers in executable-only packages
- explicit dependency to boost
- remove obsolete autogenerated mainpage.dox files
- catkin_package according to install tags
- remove trailing whitespaces
- add_dependencies EXPORTED_TARGETS
- migrate to package format 2
- sort dependencies
- critically review dependencies
- Contributors: ipa-fxm
0.6.3 (2015-06-17)
- cob_sick_s300: fix check for standby and only check for correct value
- cob_sick_s300: handle scanner in standby; publish std_msgs::Bool indicating status
- do not use private NodeHandle
- Contributors: ipa-fxm, ipa-mig
0.6.2 (2014-12-15)
0.6.1 (2014-09-17)
- undo
- Contributors: ipa-cob4-2
0.6.0 (2014-09-09)
0.5.7 (2014-08-26)
- Merge pull request #163 from ipa320/hydro_dev updates from hydro_dev
- 0.5.6
- update changelog
- merge
- remove warnings
- Update cob_sick_s300.cpp
- Cleaned up cob_driver with reduced deps to compile on indigo
- Merge pull request #136 from ipa-fmw/hydro_dev change maintainer and add missing dependency
- enabled raw reading (for intensity)
- Update package.xml
- fixed cpu load issue
- fixed time stamp issue (s300)
- merge
- small fix
- fix
- debug
- fix
- ignoring addr.
- output
- test files
- adaptation + parameter parsing
- now blocking
- parameteres for different fields
- includes
- moved telegram definition
- rmoved Bride files
- fixed offset & debug output
- added debug flag
- Contributors: Alexander Bubeck, Florian Weisshardt, Nadia Hammoudeh García, Your full name, cob4-1, ipa-cob4-1, ipa-josh
0.5.6 (2014-08-26)
- Merge pull request #163 from ipa320/hydro_dev updates from hydro_dev
- merge
- remove warnings
- Update cob_sick_s300.cpp
- Cleaned up cob_driver with reduced deps to compile on indigo
- Merge pull request #136 from ipa-fmw/hydro_dev change maintainer and add missing dependency
- enabled raw reading (for intensity)
- Update package.xml
- fixed cpu load issue
- fixed time stamp issue (s300)
- merge
- small fix
- fix
- debug
- fix
- ignoring addr.
- output
- test files
- adaptation + parameter parsing
- now blocking
- parameteres for different fields
- includes
- moved telegram definition
- rmoved Bride files
- fixed offset & debug output
- added debug flag
- Contributors: Alexander Bubeck, Florian Weisshardt, Nadia Hammoudeh García, Your full name, cob4-1, ipa-cob4-1, ipa-josh
0.5.3 (2014-03-31)
- install tags
- Contributors: ipa-fxm
0.5.2 (2014-03-20)
0.5.1 (2014-03-20)
- fix CMakeLists
- move unified scan publisher to cob_navigation
- fixed little issue and tested on raw3-1
- new parsing function
- Added compilation definitino for unified scan publisher and started transition from tf to tf2 (Added tf2 dependecies and included header files).
- trying to fix quantal compilation
- fix compile error for ubuntu > precise
- Installation stuff
- merged with upstream
- fix for oodl
- cleaned up CMakeLists and added install directives
- futher include and linkpath modifications
- compiling but still some linker errors
- Second catkinization push
- First catkinization, still need to update some CMakeLists.txt
- cob_sick_s300: changes from Jan Paulus, BRSU
- fixed parameter handling
- electric backport of sick driver
- changes for fuerte compatibility
- remove test for non existent launch files
- removed deprecated yaml and launch files
- cob_sick_s300: set range_min and range_max
- cob_scan_filter: setting filtered values to 0 to be skipped by ros::laser_projector
- sick_s300: corrected error from merge with ipa320 diagnostic implementation
- merge with ipa320
- cob_scan_gilter is working with multiple scan intervals -> tested
- scan_filtered: specifiying ranges from-PI to PI.
- scan_filter: before merge
- cob scan filter
- sick_s300: introduced scan_cycle_time, decrementing time_increments -> experiments look good
- sick_s300: now time_increment now negative, better overall results
- sick_s300: angle_increment negative to keep time diffs...
- added diagnostic messages to sick module
- sick_s300: changed laser_frequency to scan_duration
- sick_s300
- sick_s300: cleaned file, parameter loading
- cob_scan_filter: added additional handling for invalid intervals..
- cob_scan_filter: added funcionality to specify multiple intervals to be filtered out from any LaserScan topic
- sick_s300: debugged some type conversions, time sync now working, not tested on hw
- sick_s300: always using latest scan-message from buffer, sync stamps with ros-time
- sick_s300: scanning for data-sets backwards in stream->getting newer scans
- sick_tests
- Merge branch 'master' into sick_test
- tests on laser scanner/serial
- using private nodehandle
- merge
- additional config files for cob3-bosch
- added roslaunch tests
- added cob3-4 configs
- additional config files for cob3-bosch
- added rostest
- added node for unifying front and rear scanner in base_link frame in order to use the resulting 360 degree scan for gmapping
- icob changes
- adapted test files
- update cob3-3
- rearranging cob_camera_sensors launch files
- scanner config for icob
- config for cob3-3
- config for cob3-3
- changed test duration to 10s
- camera settings added for head
- correct rear scan launch
- added camera tests
- unified names
- modified parameters
- modified parameters
- modified tests
- modified sick driver to support efi configuration
- switched head modules
- cleanup in cob_driver
- merged rostest files
- included new rostest file rear.test
- included new rostest file front.test
- new rostest file
- deleted old restest file
- launch files for testing
- hztest for rear scanner
- added rostest tag
- parameter changes
- front scanner launch file and front scanner test file
- laser filter working on cob3-1
- test for scan front and scan front raw
- rostest for scan front
- added scanfilter for front scanner
- merge
- lbr working on cob
- modifications for cob3-1
- bringup for cob3-1
- update documentation and deleted tf broadcaster
- adaptions for cob3-2
- restructures launch files for sick
- testing navigation
- modified url
- cleanup in cob_simulation
- cleanup in cob_driver
- new files for navigation, e.g. maps and launch files
- cob_2dnav working
- JSF: Added intrinsics to topic
- adaptions to cob3-1
- added cob3-1 launch files
- improved navigation parameters
- separated launch files for cob3-2
- test of ROS navigation on cob
- adjusted file paths
- Merge branch 'fmw-hj' into review-bitbots
- renamed packages to cob
- Contributors: Alexander Bubeck, COB3-Navigation, Denis Štogl, Richard Bormann, Your full name, abubeck, b-it-bots, cob, cpc-pk, fmw, fmw-jk, ipa, ipa-fmw, ipa-fxm, ipa-mig, ipa-uhr, raw3
Wiki Tutorials
Package Dependencies
Deps | Name |
catkin | |
diagnostic_msgs | |
roscpp | |
sensor_msgs | |
std_msgs |
System Dependencies
Name |
boost |
Dependant Packages
Name | Deps |
cob_driver | |
cob_bringup |
Launch files
Recent questions tagged cob_sick_s300 at Robotics Stack Exchange
Package Summary
Tags | No category tags. |
Version | 0.6.15 |
License | Apache 2.0 |
Build type | CATKIN |
Repository Summary
Checkout URI | |
VCS Type | git |
VCS Version | indigo_dev |
Last Updated | 2019-07-29 |
Dev Status | MAINTAINED |
CI status | Continuous Integration |
Released | RELEASED |
Tags | No category tags. |
Contributing |
Help Wanted (0)
Good First Issues (0) Pull Requests to Review (0) |
Package Description
Additional Links
- Felix Messmer
- Florian Weisshardt
This package implements a driver for the Sick S300 Safety laser scanners. It provides an implementation for both, the old (1.40) and the new (2.10) protocol. Thus, the old Sick S300 Professional CMS as well as the new Sick S300 Expert are supported.
However, it does not cover the full functionality of the protocol:
- It only handles distance measurements properly
- It only handles no or only one configured measurement range field properly
- It does not handle I/O-data or reflector data (though it reads the reflector marker field in the distance measurements)
See for more details.
S300 Configuration
Here are a few notes about how to best configure the S300:
- Configure the RS422 output to 500kBaud (otherwise, the scanner only provides a lower frequency)
- Configure the scanner to Continuous Data Output
- Send data via one telegram
- Only configure distances, no I/O or reflector data (otherwise, the scanner only provides a lower frequency).
- Configuration of the measurement ranges
- For protocol 1.40: only configure one measurement range field with the full range (-45° to 225°) with all values.
- For protocol 2.10: do not configure a measurement range field (otherwise, the scanner only provides a lower frequency).
- If you want to only use certain measurement ranges, do this on the ROS side using e.g. the
located in this package as well.
Changelog for package cob_sick_s300
0.6.15 (2019-07-17)
0.6.14 (2019-06-07)
0.6.13 (2019-03-14)
- Merge pull request #378 from mateuszcierpikowski/feature/auto_reconnect add auto reconnect when scanner is disconnected
- add auto reconnect when scanner is disconnected
- Contributors: Felix Messmer, mateuszcierpikowski
0.6.12 (2018-07-21)
- update maintainer
- Merge pull request #377 from fmessmer/fix_sicks300_rate remove faulty publish_rate mechanism
- remove faulty publish_rate mechanism
- Contributors: Felix Messmer, fmessmer, ipa-fxm
0.6.11 (2018-01-07)
- Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/indigo_release_candidate' into indigo_dev
- Merge pull request #358 from ipa-jba/fix/s300-max-range [cob_sick_s300] adjust range_max
- Merge pull request #357 from ipa-jba/fix/remove-dead-code [cob_sick_s300] remove dead code
- remove dead code
- Merge pull request #341 from ipa-fxm/APACHE_license use license apache 2.0
- use license apache 2.0
- cob_sick_s300: adjust range_max
- Contributors: Felix Messmer, ipa-fxm, ipa-mig, ipa-uhr-mk
0.6.10 (2017-07-24)
0.6.9 (2017-07-18)
- [cob_sick_s300] fix typo in Readme
- cob_sick_s300: clarify some points about the measurement range fields in the readme
- cob_sick_s300: add readme
- cob_sick_s300: remove debug print out
- cob_sick_s300: properly get offsets and add corresponding docu to source code
- cob_sick_s300: comment warning about field parameters --> this is currently buggy, old version works better
- cob_sick_s300: move telegram description to telegram parser file
- cob_sick_s300: clarify telegram calculation according to telegram listing
- manually fix changelog
- Contributors: Matthias Gruhler, ipa-fxm, ipa-mig
0.6.8 (2016-10-10)
0.6.7 (2016-04-02)
0.6.6 (2016-04-01)
- replace spaces by tab
- add try/catch to handle XmlRpc exceptions
- add time stamp to sick s300 diagnostic messages
- adjust filter topics
- Contributors: Frederik Hegger, ipa-fxm
0.6.5 (2015-08-31)
0.6.4 (2015-08-25)
- do not install headers in executable-only packages
- explicit dependency to boost
- remove obsolete autogenerated mainpage.dox files
- catkin_package according to install tags
- remove trailing whitespaces
- add_dependencies EXPORTED_TARGETS
- migrate to package format 2
- sort dependencies
- critically review dependencies
- Contributors: ipa-fxm
0.6.3 (2015-06-17)
- cob_sick_s300: fix check for standby and only check for correct value
- cob_sick_s300: handle scanner in standby; publish std_msgs::Bool indicating status
- do not use private NodeHandle
- Contributors: ipa-fxm, ipa-mig
0.6.2 (2014-12-15)
0.6.1 (2014-09-17)
- undo
- Contributors: ipa-cob4-2
0.6.0 (2014-09-09)
0.5.7 (2014-08-26)
- Merge pull request #163 from ipa320/hydro_dev updates from hydro_dev
- 0.5.6
- update changelog
- merge
- remove warnings
- Update cob_sick_s300.cpp
- Cleaned up cob_driver with reduced deps to compile on indigo
- Merge pull request #136 from ipa-fmw/hydro_dev change maintainer and add missing dependency
- enabled raw reading (for intensity)
- Update package.xml
- fixed cpu load issue
- fixed time stamp issue (s300)
- merge
- small fix
- fix
- debug
- fix
- ignoring addr.
- output
- test files
- adaptation + parameter parsing
- now blocking
- parameteres for different fields
- includes
- moved telegram definition
- rmoved Bride files
- fixed offset & debug output
- added debug flag
- Contributors: Alexander Bubeck, Florian Weisshardt, Nadia Hammoudeh García, Your full name, cob4-1, ipa-cob4-1, ipa-josh
0.5.6 (2014-08-26)
- Merge pull request #163 from ipa320/hydro_dev updates from hydro_dev
- merge
- remove warnings
- Update cob_sick_s300.cpp
- Cleaned up cob_driver with reduced deps to compile on indigo
- Merge pull request #136 from ipa-fmw/hydro_dev change maintainer and add missing dependency
- enabled raw reading (for intensity)
- Update package.xml
- fixed cpu load issue
- fixed time stamp issue (s300)
- merge
- small fix
- fix
- debug
- fix
- ignoring addr.
- output
- test files
- adaptation + parameter parsing
- now blocking
- parameteres for different fields
- includes
- moved telegram definition
- rmoved Bride files
- fixed offset & debug output
- added debug flag
- Contributors: Alexander Bubeck, Florian Weisshardt, Nadia Hammoudeh García, Your full name, cob4-1, ipa-cob4-1, ipa-josh
0.5.3 (2014-03-31)
- install tags
- Contributors: ipa-fxm
0.5.2 (2014-03-20)
0.5.1 (2014-03-20)
- fix CMakeLists
- move unified scan publisher to cob_navigation
- fixed little issue and tested on raw3-1
- new parsing function
- Added compilation definitino for unified scan publisher and started transition from tf to tf2 (Added tf2 dependecies and included header files).
- trying to fix quantal compilation
- fix compile error for ubuntu > precise
- Installation stuff
- merged with upstream
- fix for oodl
- cleaned up CMakeLists and added install directives
- futher include and linkpath modifications
- compiling but still some linker errors
- Second catkinization push
- First catkinization, still need to update some CMakeLists.txt
- cob_sick_s300: changes from Jan Paulus, BRSU
- fixed parameter handling
- electric backport of sick driver
- changes for fuerte compatibility
- remove test for non existent launch files
- removed deprecated yaml and launch files
- cob_sick_s300: set range_min and range_max
- cob_scan_filter: setting filtered values to 0 to be skipped by ros::laser_projector
- sick_s300: corrected error from merge with ipa320 diagnostic implementation
- merge with ipa320
- cob_scan_gilter is working with multiple scan intervals -> tested
- scan_filtered: specifiying ranges from-PI to PI.
- scan_filter: before merge
- cob scan filter
- sick_s300: introduced scan_cycle_time, decrementing time_increments -> experiments look good
- sick_s300: now time_increment now negative, better overall results
- sick_s300: angle_increment negative to keep time diffs...
- added diagnostic messages to sick module
- sick_s300: changed laser_frequency to scan_duration
- sick_s300
- sick_s300: cleaned file, parameter loading
- cob_scan_filter: added additional handling for invalid intervals..
- cob_scan_filter: added funcionality to specify multiple intervals to be filtered out from any LaserScan topic
- sick_s300: debugged some type conversions, time sync now working, not tested on hw
- sick_s300: always using latest scan-message from buffer, sync stamps with ros-time
- sick_s300: scanning for data-sets backwards in stream->getting newer scans
- sick_tests
- Merge branch 'master' into sick_test
- tests on laser scanner/serial
- using private nodehandle
- merge
- additional config files for cob3-bosch
- added roslaunch tests
- added cob3-4 configs
- additional config files for cob3-bosch
- added rostest
- added node for unifying front and rear scanner in base_link frame in order to use the resulting 360 degree scan for gmapping
- icob changes
- adapted test files
- update cob3-3
- rearranging cob_camera_sensors launch files
- scanner config for icob
- config for cob3-3
- config for cob3-3
- changed test duration to 10s
- camera settings added for head
- correct rear scan launch
- added camera tests
- unified names
- modified parameters
- modified parameters
- modified tests
- modified sick driver to support efi configuration
- switched head modules
- cleanup in cob_driver
- merged rostest files
- included new rostest file rear.test
- included new rostest file front.test
- new rostest file
- deleted old restest file
- launch files for testing
- hztest for rear scanner
- added rostest tag
- parameter changes
- front scanner launch file and front scanner test file
- laser filter working on cob3-1
- test for scan front and scan front raw
- rostest for scan front
- added scanfilter for front scanner
- merge
- lbr working on cob
- modifications for cob3-1
- bringup for cob3-1
- update documentation and deleted tf broadcaster
- adaptions for cob3-2
- restructures launch files for sick
- testing navigation
- modified url
- cleanup in cob_simulation
- cleanup in cob_driver
- new files for navigation, e.g. maps and launch files
- cob_2dnav working
- JSF: Added intrinsics to topic
- adaptions to cob3-1
- added cob3-1 launch files
- improved navigation parameters
- separated launch files for cob3-2
- test of ROS navigation on cob
- adjusted file paths
- Merge branch 'fmw-hj' into review-bitbots
- renamed packages to cob
- Contributors: Alexander Bubeck, COB3-Navigation, Denis Štogl, Richard Bormann, Your full name, abubeck, b-it-bots, cob, cpc-pk, fmw, fmw-jk, ipa, ipa-fmw, ipa-fxm, ipa-mig, ipa-uhr, raw3
Wiki Tutorials
Package Dependencies
Deps | Name |
catkin | |
diagnostic_msgs | |
roscpp | |
sensor_msgs | |
std_msgs |
System Dependencies
Name |
boost |
Dependant Packages
Name | Deps |
cob_driver | |
cob_bringup | |
ridgeback_bringup |
Launch files
Recent questions tagged cob_sick_s300 at Robotics Stack Exchange
Package Summary
Tags | No category tags. |
Version | 0.5.5 |
License | LGPL |
Build type | CATKIN |
Repository Summary
Checkout URI | |
VCS Type | git |
VCS Version | hydro_dev |
Last Updated | 2015-06-12 |
Dev Status | MAINTAINED |
CI status | Continuous Integration |
Released | RELEASED |
Tags | No category tags. |
Contributing |
Help Wanted (0)
Good First Issues (0) Pull Requests to Review (0) |
Package Description
Additional Links
- Joshua Hampp
- Florian Weisshardt
Changelog for package cob_sick_s300
0.5.3 (2014-03-31)
- install tags
- Contributors: ipa-fxm
0.5.2 (2014-03-20)
0.5.1 (2014-03-20)
- fix CMakeLists
- move unified scan publisher to cob_navigation
- fixed little issue and tested on raw3-1
- new parsing function
- Added compilation definitino for unified scan publisher and started transition from tf to tf2 (Added tf2 dependecies and included header files).
- trying to fix quantal compilation
- fix compile error for ubuntu > precise
- Installation stuff
- merged with upstream
- fix for oodl
- cleaned up CMakeLists and added install directives
- futher include and linkpath modifications
- compiling but still some linker errors
- Second catkinization push
- First catkinization, still need to update some CMakeLists.txt
- cob_sick_s300: changes from Jan Paulus, BRSU
- fixed parameter handling
- electric backport of sick driver
- changes for fuerte compatibility
- remove test for non existent launch files
- removed deprecated yaml and launch files
- cob_sick_s300: set range_min and range_max
- cob_scan_filter: setting filtered values to 0 to be skipped by ros::laser_projector
- sick_s300: corrected error from merge with ipa320 diagnostic implementation
- merge with ipa320
- cob_scan_gilter is working with multiple scan intervals -> tested
- scan_filtered: specifiying ranges from-PI to PI.
- scan_filter: before merge
- cob scan filter
- sick_s300: introduced scan_cycle_time, decrementing time_increments -> experiments look good
- sick_s300: now time_increment now negative, better overall results
- sick_s300: angle_increment negative to keep time diffs...
- added diagnostic messages to sick module
- sick_s300: changed laser_frequency to scan_duration
- sick_s300
- sick_s300: cleaned file, parameter loading
- cob_scan_filter: added additional handling for invalid intervals..
- cob_scan_filter: added funcionality to specify multiple intervals to be filtered out from any LaserScan topic
- sick_s300: debugged some type conversions, time sync now working, not tested on hw
- sick_s300: always using latest scan-message from buffer, sync stamps with ros-time
- sick_s300: scanning for data-sets backwards in stream->getting newer scans
- sick_tests
- Merge branch 'master' into sick_test
- tests on laser scanner/serial
- using private nodehandle
- merge
- additional config files for cob3-bosch
- added roslaunch tests
- added cob3-4 configs
- additional config files for cob3-bosch
- added rostest
- added node for unifying front and rear scanner in base_link frame in order to use the resulting 360 degree scan for gmapping
- icob changes
- adapted test files
- update cob3-3
- rearranging cob_camera_sensors launch files
- scanner config for icob
- config for cob3-3
- config for cob3-3
- changed test duration to 10s
- camera settings added for head
- correct rear scan launch
- added camera tests
- unified names
- modified parameters
- modified parameters
- modified tests
- modified sick driver to support efi configuration
- switched head modules
- cleanup in cob_driver
- merged rostest files
- included new rostest file rear.test
- included new rostest file front.test
- new rostest file
- deleted old restest file
- launch files for testing
- hztest for rear scanner
- added rostest tag
- parameter changes
- front scanner launch file and front scanner test file
- laser filter working on cob3-1
- test for scan front and scan front raw
- rostest for scan front
- added scanfilter for front scanner
- merge
- lbr working on cob
- modifications for cob3-1
- bringup for cob3-1
- update documentation and deleted tf broadcaster
- adaptions for cob3-2
- restructures launch files for sick
- testing navigation
- modified url
- cleanup in cob_simulation
- cleanup in cob_driver
- new files for navigation, e.g. maps and launch files
- cob_2dnav working
- JSF: Added intrinsics to topic
- adaptions to cob3-1
- added cob3-1 launch files
- improved navigation parameters
- separated launch files for cob3-2
- test of ROS navigation on cob
- adjusted file paths
- Merge branch 'fmw-hj' into review-bitbots
- renamed packages to cob
- Contributors: Alexander Bubeck, COB3-Navigation, Denis Štogl, Richard Bormann, Your full name, abubeck, b-it-bots, cob, cpc-pk, fmw, fmw-jk, ipa, ipa-fmw, ipa-fxm, ipa-mig, ipa-uhr, raw3
Wiki Tutorials
Package Dependencies
Deps | Name |
roscpp | |
rostest | |
sensor_msgs | |
std_msgs | |
message_filters | |
diagnostic_msgs | |
tf | |
tf2_ros | |
laser_geometry | |
catkin |
System Dependencies
Dependant Packages
Launch files
Recent questions tagged cob_sick_s300 at Robotics Stack Exchange
Package Summary
Tags | No category tags. |
Version | 0.7.15 |
License | Apache 2.0 |
Build type | CATKIN |
Repository Summary
Checkout URI | |
VCS Type | git |
VCS Version | kinetic_dev |
Last Updated | 2024-04-17 |
Dev Status | MAINTAINED |
CI status | Continuous Integration |
Released | RELEASED |
Tags | No category tags. |
Contributing |
Help Wanted (0)
Good First Issues (0) Pull Requests to Review (0) |
Package Description
Additional Links
- Felix Messmer
- Florian Weisshardt
This package implements a driver for the Sick S300 Safety laser scanners. It provides an implementation for both, the old (1.40) and the new (2.10) protocol. Thus, the old Sick S300 Professional CMS as well as the new Sick S300 Expert are supported.
However, it does not cover the full functionality of the protocol:
- It only handles distance measurements properly
- It only handles no or only one configured measurement range field properly
- It does not handle I/O-data or reflector data (though it reads the reflector marker field in the distance measurements)
See for more details.
S300 Configuration
Here are a few notes about how to best configure the S300:
- Configure the RS422 output to 500kBaud (otherwise, the scanner only provides a lower frequency)
- Configure the scanner to Continuous Data Output
- Send data via one telegram
- Only configure distances, no I/O or reflector data (otherwise, the scanner only provides a lower frequency).
- Configuration of the measurement ranges
- For protocol 1.40: only configure one measurement range field with the full range (-45° to 225°) with all values.
- For protocol 2.10: do not configure a measurement range field (otherwise, the scanner only provides a lower frequency).
- If you want to only use certain measurement ranges, do this on the ROS side using e.g. the
located in this package as well.
Changelog for package cob_sick_s300
0.7.15 (2023-11-06)
0.7.14 (2022-11-17)
0.7.13 (2022-07-29)
0.7.12 (2022-03-15)
0.7.11 (2022-01-12)
0.7.10 (2021-12-23)
0.7.9 (2021-11-26)
0.7.8 (2021-10-19)
0.7.7 (2021-08-02)
- Merge pull request #425 from fmessmer/fix_typo fix typo
- fix typo
- Contributors: Felix Messmer, fmessmer
0.7.6 (2021-05-10)
0.7.5 (2021-04-06)
- Merge pull request #418 from fmessmer/fix_catkin_lint fix catkin_lint
- fix catkin_lint
- Contributors: Felix Messmer, fmessmer
0.7.4 (2020-10-14)
- Merge pull request #417 from fmessmer/test_noetic test noetic
- Bump CMake version to avoid CMP0048 warning
- Merge pull request #414 from nlamprian/nlamprian/fix-frame-ids Remove leading slashes from frame ids
- Remove leading slashes from frame ids
- Contributors: Felix Messmer, Nick Lamprianidis, fmessmer
0.7.3 (2020-03-18)
0.7.2 (2020-03-18)
- Merge pull request #408 from fmessmer/ci_updates [travis] ci updates
- catkin_lint fixes
- Contributors: Felix Messmer, fmessmer
0.7.1 (2019-11-07)
0.7.0 (2019-08-06)
- Merge pull request #396 from HannesBachter/indigo_dev 0.6.15
- Contributors: Felix Messmer
0.6.15 (2019-07-17)
0.6.14 (2019-06-07)
0.6.13 (2019-03-14)
- Merge pull request #378 from mateuszcierpikowski/feature/auto_reconnect add auto reconnect when scanner is disconnected
- add auto reconnect when scanner is disconnected
- Contributors: Felix Messmer, mateuszcierpikowski
0.6.12 (2018-07-21)
- update maintainer
- Merge pull request #377 from fmessmer/fix_sicks300_rate remove faulty publish_rate mechanism
- remove faulty publish_rate mechanism
- Contributors: Felix Messmer, fmessmer, ipa-fxm
0.6.11 (2018-01-07)
- Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/indigo_release_candidate' into indigo_dev
- Merge pull request #358 from ipa-jba/fix/s300-max-range [cob_sick_s300] adjust range_max
- Merge pull request #357 from ipa-jba/fix/remove-dead-code [cob_sick_s300] remove dead code
- remove dead code
- Merge pull request #341 from ipa-fxm/APACHE_license use license apache 2.0
- use license apache 2.0
- cob_sick_s300: adjust range_max
- Contributors: Felix Messmer, ipa-fxm, ipa-mig, ipa-uhr-mk
0.6.10 (2017-07-24)
0.6.9 (2017-07-18)
- [cob_sick_s300] fix typo in Readme
- cob_sick_s300: clarify some points about the measurement range fields in the readme
- cob_sick_s300: add readme
- cob_sick_s300: remove debug print out
- cob_sick_s300: properly get offsets and add corresponding docu to source code
- cob_sick_s300: comment warning about field parameters --> this is currently buggy, old version works better
- cob_sick_s300: move telegram description to telegram parser file
- cob_sick_s300: clarify telegram calculation according to telegram listing
- manually fix changelog
- Contributors: Matthias Gruhler, ipa-fxm, ipa-mig
0.6.8 (2016-10-10)
0.6.7 (2016-04-02)
0.6.6 (2016-04-01)
- replace spaces by tab
- add try/catch to handle XmlRpc exceptions
- add time stamp to sick s300 diagnostic messages
- adjust filter topics
- Contributors: Frederik Hegger, ipa-fxm
0.6.5 (2015-08-31)
0.6.4 (2015-08-25)
- do not install headers in executable-only packages
- explicit dependency to boost
- remove obsolete autogenerated mainpage.dox files
- catkin_package according to install tags
- remove trailing whitespaces
- add_dependencies EXPORTED_TARGETS
- migrate to package format 2
- sort dependencies
- critically review dependencies
- Contributors: ipa-fxm
0.6.3 (2015-06-17)
- cob_sick_s300: fix check for standby and only check for correct value
- cob_sick_s300: handle scanner in standby; publish std_msgs::Bool indicating status
- do not use private NodeHandle
- Contributors: ipa-fxm, ipa-mig
0.6.2 (2014-12-15)
0.6.1 (2014-09-17)
- undo
- Contributors: ipa-cob4-2
0.6.0 (2014-09-09)
0.5.7 (2014-08-26)
- Merge pull request #163 from ipa320/hydro_dev updates from hydro_dev
- 0.5.6
- update changelog
- merge
- remove warnings
- Update cob_sick_s300.cpp
- Cleaned up cob_driver with reduced deps to compile on indigo
- Merge pull request #136 from ipa-fmw/hydro_dev change maintainer and add missing dependency
- enabled raw reading (for intensity)
- Update package.xml
- fixed cpu load issue
- fixed time stamp issue (s300)
- merge
- small fix
- fix
- debug
- fix
- ignoring addr.
- output
- test files
- adaptation + parameter parsing
- now blocking
- parameteres for different fields
- includes
- moved telegram definition
- rmoved Bride files
- fixed offset & debug output
- added debug flag
- Contributors: Alexander Bubeck, Florian Weisshardt, Nadia Hammoudeh García, Your full name, cob4-1, ipa-cob4-1, ipa-josh
0.5.6 (2014-08-26)
- Merge pull request #163 from ipa320/hydro_dev updates from hydro_dev
- merge
- remove warnings
- Update cob_sick_s300.cpp
- Cleaned up cob_driver with reduced deps to compile on indigo
- Merge pull request #136 from ipa-fmw/hydro_dev change maintainer and add missing dependency
- enabled raw reading (for intensity)
- Update package.xml
- fixed cpu load issue
- fixed time stamp issue (s300)
- merge
- small fix
- fix
- debug
- fix
- ignoring addr.
- output
- test files
- adaptation + parameter parsing
- now blocking
- parameteres for different fields
- includes
- moved telegram definition
- rmoved Bride files
- fixed offset & debug output
- added debug flag
- Contributors: Alexander Bubeck, Florian Weisshardt, Nadia Hammoudeh García, Your full name, cob4-1, ipa-cob4-1, ipa-josh
0.5.3 (2014-03-31)
- install tags
- Contributors: ipa-fxm
0.5.2 (2014-03-20)
0.5.1 (2014-03-20)
- fix CMakeLists
- move unified scan publisher to cob_navigation
- fixed little issue and tested on raw3-1
- new parsing function
- Added compilation definitino for unified scan publisher and started transition from tf to tf2 (Added tf2 dependecies and included header files).
- trying to fix quantal compilation
- fix compile error for ubuntu > precise
- Installation stuff
- merged with upstream
- fix for oodl
- cleaned up CMakeLists and added install directives
- futher include and linkpath modifications
- compiling but still some linker errors
- Second catkinization push
- First catkinization, still need to update some CMakeLists.txt
- cob_sick_s300: changes from Jan Paulus, BRSU
- fixed parameter handling
- electric backport of sick driver
- changes for fuerte compatibility
- remove test for non existent launch files
- removed deprecated yaml and launch files
- cob_sick_s300: set range_min and range_max
- cob_scan_filter: setting filtered values to 0 to be skipped by ros::laser_projector
- sick_s300: corrected error from merge with ipa320 diagnostic implementation
- merge with ipa320
- cob_scan_gilter is working with multiple scan intervals -> tested
- scan_filtered: specifiying ranges from-PI to PI.
- scan_filter: before merge
- cob scan filter
- sick_s300: introduced scan_cycle_time, decrementing time_increments -> experiments look good
- sick_s300: now time_increment now negative, better overall results
- sick_s300: angle_increment negative to keep time diffs...
- added diagnostic messages to sick module
- sick_s300: changed laser_frequency to scan_duration
- sick_s300
- sick_s300: cleaned file, parameter loading
- cob_scan_filter: added additional handling for invalid intervals..
- cob_scan_filter: added funcionality to specify multiple intervals to be filtered out from any LaserScan topic
- sick_s300: debugged some type conversions, time sync now working, not tested on hw
- sick_s300: always using latest scan-message from buffer, sync stamps with ros-time
- sick_s300: scanning for data-sets backwards in stream->getting newer scans
- sick_tests
- Merge branch 'master' into sick_test
- tests on laser scanner/serial
- using private nodehandle
- merge
- additional config files for cob3-bosch
- added roslaunch tests
- added cob3-4 configs
- additional config files for cob3-bosch
- added rostest
- added node for unifying front and rear scanner in base_link frame in order to use the resulting 360 degree scan for gmapping
- icob changes
- adapted test files
- update cob3-3
- rearranging cob_camera_sensors launch files
- scanner config for icob
- config for cob3-3
- config for cob3-3
- changed test duration to 10s
- camera settings added for head
- correct rear scan launch
- added camera tests
- unified names
- modified parameters
- modified parameters
- modified tests
- modified sick driver to support efi configuration
- switched head modules
- cleanup in cob_driver
- merged rostest files
- included new rostest file rear.test
- included new rostest file front.test
- new rostest file
- deleted old restest file
- launch files for testing
- hztest for rear scanner
- added rostest tag
- parameter changes
- front scanner launch file and front scanner test file
- laser filter working on cob3-1
- test for scan front and scan front raw
- rostest for scan front
- added scanfilter for front scanner
- merge
- lbr working on cob
- modifications for cob3-1
- bringup for cob3-1
- update documentation and deleted tf broadcaster
- adaptions for cob3-2
- restructures launch files for sick
- testing navigation
- modified url
- cleanup in cob_simulation
- cleanup in cob_driver
- new files for navigation, e.g. maps and launch files
- cob_2dnav working
- JSF: Added intrinsics to topic
- adaptions to cob3-1
- added cob3-1 launch files
- improved navigation parameters
- separated launch files for cob3-2
- test of ROS navigation on cob
- adjusted file paths
- Merge branch 'fmw-hj' into review-bitbots
- renamed packages to cob
- Contributors: Alexander Bubeck, COB3-Navigation, Denis Štogl, Richard Bormann, Your full name, abubeck, b-it-bots, cob, cpc-pk, fmw, fmw-jk, ipa, ipa-fmw, ipa-fxm, ipa-mig, ipa-uhr, raw3
Wiki Tutorials
Package Dependencies
Deps | Name |
catkin | |
diagnostic_msgs | |
roscpp | |
sensor_msgs | |
std_msgs |
System Dependencies
Name |
boost |
Dependant Packages
Name | Deps |
cob_driver | |
cob_bringup |
Launch files
Recent questions tagged cob_sick_s300 at Robotics Stack Exchange
Package Summary
Tags | No category tags. |
Version | 0.7.15 |
License | Apache 2.0 |
Build type | CATKIN |
Repository Summary
Checkout URI | |
VCS Type | git |
VCS Version | kinetic_dev |
Last Updated | 2024-04-17 |
Dev Status | MAINTAINED |
CI status | Continuous Integration : 0 / 0 |
Released | RELEASED |
Tags | No category tags. |
Contributing |
Help Wanted (0)
Good First Issues (0) Pull Requests to Review (0) |
Package Description
Additional Links
- Felix Messmer
- Florian Weisshardt
This package implements a driver for the Sick S300 Safety laser scanners. It provides an implementation for both, the old (1.40) and the new (2.10) protocol. Thus, the old Sick S300 Professional CMS as well as the new Sick S300 Expert are supported.
However, it does not cover the full functionality of the protocol:
- It only handles distance measurements properly
- It only handles no or only one configured measurement range field properly
- It does not handle I/O-data or reflector data (though it reads the reflector marker field in the distance measurements)
See for more details.
S300 Configuration
Here are a few notes about how to best configure the S300:
- Configure the RS422 output to 500kBaud (otherwise, the scanner only provides a lower frequency)
- Configure the scanner to Continuous Data Output
- Send data via one telegram
- Only configure distances, no I/O or reflector data (otherwise, the scanner only provides a lower frequency).
- Configuration of the measurement ranges
- For protocol 1.40: only configure one measurement range field with the full range (-45° to 225°) with all values.
- For protocol 2.10: do not configure a measurement range field (otherwise, the scanner only provides a lower frequency).
- If you want to only use certain measurement ranges, do this on the ROS side using e.g. the
located in this package as well.
Changelog for package cob_sick_s300
0.7.15 (2023-11-06)
0.7.14 (2022-11-17)
0.7.13 (2022-07-29)
0.7.12 (2022-03-15)
0.7.11 (2022-01-12)
0.7.10 (2021-12-23)
0.7.9 (2021-11-26)
0.7.8 (2021-10-19)
0.7.7 (2021-08-02)
- Merge pull request #425 from fmessmer/fix_typo fix typo
- fix typo
- Contributors: Felix Messmer, fmessmer
0.7.6 (2021-05-10)
0.7.5 (2021-04-06)
- Merge pull request #418 from fmessmer/fix_catkin_lint fix catkin_lint
- fix catkin_lint
- Contributors: Felix Messmer, fmessmer
0.7.4 (2020-10-14)
- Merge pull request #417 from fmessmer/test_noetic test noetic
- Bump CMake version to avoid CMP0048 warning
- Merge pull request #414 from nlamprian/nlamprian/fix-frame-ids Remove leading slashes from frame ids
- Remove leading slashes from frame ids
- Contributors: Felix Messmer, Nick Lamprianidis, fmessmer
0.7.3 (2020-03-18)
0.7.2 (2020-03-18)
- Merge pull request #408 from fmessmer/ci_updates [travis] ci updates
- catkin_lint fixes
- Contributors: Felix Messmer, fmessmer
0.7.1 (2019-11-07)
0.7.0 (2019-08-06)
- Merge pull request #396 from HannesBachter/indigo_dev 0.6.15
- Contributors: Felix Messmer
0.6.15 (2019-07-17)
0.6.14 (2019-06-07)
0.6.13 (2019-03-14)
- Merge pull request #378 from mateuszcierpikowski/feature/auto_reconnect add auto reconnect when scanner is disconnected
- add auto reconnect when scanner is disconnected
- Contributors: Felix Messmer, mateuszcierpikowski
0.6.12 (2018-07-21)
- update maintainer
- Merge pull request #377 from fmessmer/fix_sicks300_rate remove faulty publish_rate mechanism
- remove faulty publish_rate mechanism
- Contributors: Felix Messmer, fmessmer, ipa-fxm
0.6.11 (2018-01-07)
- Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/indigo_release_candidate' into indigo_dev
- Merge pull request #358 from ipa-jba/fix/s300-max-range [cob_sick_s300] adjust range_max
- Merge pull request #357 from ipa-jba/fix/remove-dead-code [cob_sick_s300] remove dead code
- remove dead code
- Merge pull request #341 from ipa-fxm/APACHE_license use license apache 2.0
- use license apache 2.0
- cob_sick_s300: adjust range_max
- Contributors: Felix Messmer, ipa-fxm, ipa-mig, ipa-uhr-mk
0.6.10 (2017-07-24)
0.6.9 (2017-07-18)
- [cob_sick_s300] fix typo in Readme
- cob_sick_s300: clarify some points about the measurement range fields in the readme
- cob_sick_s300: add readme
- cob_sick_s300: remove debug print out
- cob_sick_s300: properly get offsets and add corresponding docu to source code
- cob_sick_s300: comment warning about field parameters --> this is currently buggy, old version works better
- cob_sick_s300: move telegram description to telegram parser file
- cob_sick_s300: clarify telegram calculation according to telegram listing
- manually fix changelog
- Contributors: Matthias Gruhler, ipa-fxm, ipa-mig
0.6.8 (2016-10-10)
0.6.7 (2016-04-02)
0.6.6 (2016-04-01)
- replace spaces by tab
- add try/catch to handle XmlRpc exceptions
- add time stamp to sick s300 diagnostic messages
- adjust filter topics
- Contributors: Frederik Hegger, ipa-fxm
0.6.5 (2015-08-31)
0.6.4 (2015-08-25)
- do not install headers in executable-only packages
- explicit dependency to boost
- remove obsolete autogenerated mainpage.dox files
- catkin_package according to install tags
- remove trailing whitespaces
- add_dependencies EXPORTED_TARGETS
- migrate to package format 2
- sort dependencies
- critically review dependencies
- Contributors: ipa-fxm
0.6.3 (2015-06-17)
- cob_sick_s300: fix check for standby and only check for correct value
- cob_sick_s300: handle scanner in standby; publish std_msgs::Bool indicating status
- do not use private NodeHandle
- Contributors: ipa-fxm, ipa-mig
0.6.2 (2014-12-15)
0.6.1 (2014-09-17)
- undo
- Contributors: ipa-cob4-2
0.6.0 (2014-09-09)
0.5.7 (2014-08-26)
- Merge pull request #163 from ipa320/hydro_dev updates from hydro_dev
- 0.5.6
- update changelog
- merge
- remove warnings
- Update cob_sick_s300.cpp
- Cleaned up cob_driver with reduced deps to compile on indigo
- Merge pull request #136 from ipa-fmw/hydro_dev change maintainer and add missing dependency
- enabled raw reading (for intensity)
- Update package.xml
- fixed cpu load issue
- fixed time stamp issue (s300)
- merge
- small fix
- fix
- debug
- fix
- ignoring addr.
- output
- test files
- adaptation + parameter parsing
- now blocking
- parameteres for different fields
- includes
- moved telegram definition
- rmoved Bride files
- fixed offset & debug output
- added debug flag
- Contributors: Alexander Bubeck, Florian Weisshardt, Nadia Hammoudeh García, Your full name, cob4-1, ipa-cob4-1, ipa-josh
0.5.6 (2014-08-26)
- Merge pull request #163 from ipa320/hydro_dev updates from hydro_dev
- merge
- remove warnings
- Update cob_sick_s300.cpp
- Cleaned up cob_driver with reduced deps to compile on indigo
- Merge pull request #136 from ipa-fmw/hydro_dev change maintainer and add missing dependency
- enabled raw reading (for intensity)
- Update package.xml
- fixed cpu load issue
- fixed time stamp issue (s300)
- merge
- small fix
- fix
- debug
- fix
- ignoring addr.
- output
- test files
- adaptation + parameter parsing
- now blocking
- parameteres for different fields
- includes
- moved telegram definition
- rmoved Bride files
- fixed offset & debug output
- added debug flag
- Contributors: Alexander Bubeck, Florian Weisshardt, Nadia Hammoudeh García, Your full name, cob4-1, ipa-cob4-1, ipa-josh
0.5.3 (2014-03-31)
- install tags
- Contributors: ipa-fxm
0.5.2 (2014-03-20)
0.5.1 (2014-03-20)
- fix CMakeLists
- move unified scan publisher to cob_navigation
- fixed little issue and tested on raw3-1
- new parsing function
- Added compilation definitino for unified scan publisher and started transition from tf to tf2 (Added tf2 dependecies and included header files).
- trying to fix quantal compilation
- fix compile error for ubuntu > precise
- Installation stuff
- merged with upstream
- fix for oodl
- cleaned up CMakeLists and added install directives
- futher include and linkpath modifications
- compiling but still some linker errors
- Second catkinization push
- First catkinization, still need to update some CMakeLists.txt
- cob_sick_s300: changes from Jan Paulus, BRSU
- fixed parameter handling
- electric backport of sick driver
- changes for fuerte compatibility
- remove test for non existent launch files
- removed deprecated yaml and launch files
- cob_sick_s300: set range_min and range_max
- cob_scan_filter: setting filtered values to 0 to be skipped by ros::laser_projector
- sick_s300: corrected error from merge with ipa320 diagnostic implementation
- merge with ipa320
- cob_scan_gilter is working with multiple scan intervals -> tested
- scan_filtered: specifiying ranges from-PI to PI.
- scan_filter: before merge
- cob scan filter
- sick_s300: introduced scan_cycle_time, decrementing time_increments -> experiments look good
- sick_s300: now time_increment now negative, better overall results
- sick_s300: angle_increment negative to keep time diffs...
- added diagnostic messages to sick module
- sick_s300: changed laser_frequency to scan_duration
- sick_s300
- sick_s300: cleaned file, parameter loading
- cob_scan_filter: added additional handling for invalid intervals..
- cob_scan_filter: added funcionality to specify multiple intervals to be filtered out from any LaserScan topic
- sick_s300: debugged some type conversions, time sync now working, not tested on hw
- sick_s300: always using latest scan-message from buffer, sync stamps with ros-time
- sick_s300: scanning for data-sets backwards in stream->getting newer scans
- sick_tests
- Merge branch 'master' into sick_test
- tests on laser scanner/serial
- using private nodehandle
- merge
- additional config files for cob3-bosch
- added roslaunch tests
- added cob3-4 configs
- additional config files for cob3-bosch
- added rostest
- added node for unifying front and rear scanner in base_link frame in order to use the resulting 360 degree scan for gmapping
- icob changes
- adapted test files
- update cob3-3
- rearranging cob_camera_sensors launch files
- scanner config for icob
- config for cob3-3
- config for cob3-3
- changed test duration to 10s
- camera settings added for head
- correct rear scan launch
- added camera tests
- unified names
- modified parameters
- modified parameters
- modified tests
- modified sick driver to support efi configuration
- switched head modules
- cleanup in cob_driver
- merged rostest files
- included new rostest file rear.test
- included new rostest file front.test
- new rostest file
- deleted old restest file
- launch files for testing
- hztest for rear scanner
- added rostest tag
- parameter changes
- front scanner launch file and front scanner test file
- laser filter working on cob3-1
- test for scan front and scan front raw
- rostest for scan front
- added scanfilter for front scanner
- merge
- lbr working on cob
- modifications for cob3-1
- bringup for cob3-1
- update documentation and deleted tf broadcaster
- adaptions for cob3-2
- restructures launch files for sick
- testing navigation
- modified url
- cleanup in cob_simulation
- cleanup in cob_driver
- new files for navigation, e.g. maps and launch files
- cob_2dnav working
- JSF: Added intrinsics to topic
- adaptions to cob3-1
- added cob3-1 launch files
- improved navigation parameters
- separated launch files for cob3-2
- test of ROS navigation on cob
- adjusted file paths
- Merge branch 'fmw-hj' into review-bitbots
- renamed packages to cob
- Contributors: Alexander Bubeck, COB3-Navigation, Denis Štogl, Richard Bormann, Your full name, abubeck, b-it-bots, cob, cpc-pk, fmw, fmw-jk, ipa, ipa-fmw, ipa-fxm, ipa-mig, ipa-uhr, raw3
Wiki Tutorials
Package Dependencies
Deps | Name |
catkin | |
diagnostic_msgs | |
roscpp | |
sensor_msgs | |
std_msgs |
System Dependencies
Name |
boost |
Dependant Packages
Name | Deps |
cob_driver | |
cob_bringup |