Package Summary
Tags | No category tags. |
Version | 0.8.24 |
License | Apache 2.0 |
Build type | CATKIN |
Repository Summary
Checkout URI | |
VCS Type | git |
VCS Version | melodic_dev |
Last Updated | 2024-04-30 |
Dev Status | END-OF-LIFE |
CI status | Continuous Integration : 0 / 0 |
Released | RELEASED |
Tags | No category tags. |
Contributing |
Help Wanted (0)
Good First Issues (0) Pull Requests to Review (0) |
Package Description
Additional Links
- Felix Messmer
- Felix Messmer
- Marco Bezzon
- Christoph Mark
- Francisco Moreno
Changelog for package cob_twist_controller
0.8.24 (2024-04-30)
0.8.23 (2024-02-20)
- Merge pull request #281 from fmessmer/feature/optimize_workspace optimize workspace
- remove --inorder args
- Contributors: Felix Messmer, fmessmer
0.8.22 (2023-04-29)
0.8.21 (2023-01-04)
0.8.20 (2022-11-17)
0.8.19 (2022-07-29)
0.8.18 (2022-01-12)
0.8.17 (2021-12-23)
- Merge pull request #262 from fmessmer/debug_cart_vel_recursive publish cart vel magnitudes for frames of chain
- fix catkin_lint
- calculate fk_vel_recursive based on joint_trajectory_controller state for both desired and actual joint states
- rename debug node
- fix getNrOfJoints vs getNrOfSegments and fixed joint handling
- debug chain
- provide launch file for debug_evaluate_jointstates
- fill header.stamp in twist_magnitude msg
- extend debug_evaluate_jointstates_node to recursively publish cart vel magnitudes for frames of chain
- Contributors: Felix Messmer, fmessmer
0.8.16 (2021-10-19)
0.8.15 (2021-05-17)
0.8.14 (2021-05-10)
- Merge pull request #254 from mikaelarguedas/python3-six ROS_PYTHON_VERSION conditional dependency for python-six
- mark exec_depend
- ROS_PYTHON_VERSION conditional dependency for python-six
- Contributors: Felix Messmer, Mikael Arguedas, fmessmer
0.8.13 (2021-04-06)
0.8.12 (2020-10-21)
- Merge pull request #243 from fmessmer/test_noetic test noetic
- ROS_PYTHON_VERSION conditional dependency for matplotlib
- conditional depend for orocos-kdl
- use setuptools instead of distutils
- Bump CMake version to avoid CMP0048 warning
- Contributors: Felix Messmer, fmessmer
0.8.11 (2020-03-21)
0.8.10 (2020-03-18)
- Merge pull request #228 from fmessmer/feature/python3_compatibility_melodic [ci_updates] pylint + Python3 compatibility - melodic
- disable simple_script_server import error
- Use six.moves.input for all uses of raw_input/input
- fix modules
- fix pylint errors
- python3 compatibility via 2to3
- Merge pull request #226 from fmessmer/ci_updates_melodic [travis] ci updates - melodic
- catkin_lint fixes
- Contributors: Felix Messmer, Loy van Beek, fmessmer
0.8.1 (2019-11-07)
0.8.0 (2019-08-09)
0.7.8 (2019-08-09)
- Merge pull request #210 from fmessmer/missing_target_dependency add missing target dependency
- add missing target dependency
- Contributors: Felix Messmer, fmessmer
0.7.7 (2019-08-06)
0.7.6 (2019-06-07)
0.7.5 (2019-05-20)
- Merge pull request #206 from fmessmer/improve_lookat_extension improve lookat extension
- implement lookat_pointing_frame
- fix lookat_chain offset, allow KinematicExtension to fail, param-config converter functions
- Contributors: Felix Messmer, fmessmer
0.7.4 (2019-04-05)
0.7.3 (2019-03-14)
- Merge pull request #197 from ipa320/fmessmer-patch-1 add missing install tags
- add missing install tags
- Contributors: Felix Messmer
0.7.2 (2018-07-21)
- update maintainer
- Contributors: fmessmer
0.7.1 (2018-01-07)
- Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/kinetic_release_candidate' into kinetic_dev
- Merge pull request #169 from ipa-fxm/kinetic_updates_indigo Kinetic updates indigo
- Merge branch 'indigo_dev' of into kinetic_dev Conflicts: .travis.yml
- Merge pull request #159 from ipa-fxm/APACHE_license use license apache 2.0
- use license apache 2.0
- Contributors: Felix Messmer, ipa-fxm, ipa-uhr-mk
0.7.0 (2017-07-18)
- Merge branch 'indigo_dev' of into kinetic_dev
- [kinetic] migration
- [kinetic] find package Eigen3 instead of Eigen
- [kinetic] switched from fcl to libfcl-dev dependency
- ignore cob_obstacle_distance for now
- [kinetic] use industrial_ci for travis
- [kinetic] use industrial_cis ipa320 fork & notify on_success only on change
- fixed fcl dependency
- new fcl version switched from boost::shared to std::shared
- whitelist package
- use ros-industrials fork
- cleaned up travis.yml
- Contributors: Benjamin Maidel, ipa-fxm
0.6.15 (2017-07-18)
- handle continuous joints in ControllerInterfaceJointStates
- handle continuous joints in position_limiter
- harmonize createTask
- remove unused TaskDamping
- remove ConstraintParamFactory
- harmonize ConstraintParams
- set default values for damping methods
- own param struct for unified solver
- New singularity and joint limit avoidance method
- first implementation of new jla solver using sigmoid functions
- first version of new JLA method working
- last fix to new JLA solver
- correction in parameter used in sigmoid damping method
- new solver added and new jla method added to be tested and selected according to performance comparison
- fix to rqt_reconfigure parameters
- final correction to new solver and new weighting method
- prints removed
- square trajectory added
- wln with sigmoid solver corrected
- final corrections
- final corrections to the solver formula
- created unified singularity and joint limit avoidance class... other classes moved
- restoring wln previous version of the solver
- saturation block added in unified solver just for testing
- saturation block corrected
- checking new solver and constraints
- corrected new test script for the new method
- removed test files and corrected identation
- defining GPM solver as default
- fix identation
- comment corrected
- identation fix in contraint solver factory
- finalize PR
- cleanup leftovers
- pluginlib approach for controller interfaces
- add toggle for enforce_input_limits, implement both All and Individual Cartesian limiting
- combine LimiterXContainer
- limiter fixed
- Limiter Base class removed
- pull request changes
- final implementation of cartesian limiter
- bug fixed in class limiter container
- bug fixed in class limiter container
- cartesian limits introduced
- remove sympy implementation and dependency
- use xacro --inorder
- final roslint
- applied changes request in the pull request review
- damping factor for old method replaced by a diagonal matrix
- last corretions to pull request
- corrections added according to last Felix comments
- fixed changes done by rebase
- prints removed for new damping function calculations
- new method based of sigmoid function to singularity avoidance implemented
- bug fix in least square calculation when changing to return matrix
- starting to roslint some packages
- manually fix changelog
- Contributors: Bruno Brito, ipa-fxm
0.6.14 (2016-10-10)
0.6.13 (2016-10-10)
0.6.12 (2016-10-10)
- cob_twist_controller: fix add_dependencies calls
- Contributors: ipa-mig
0.6.11 (2016-04-01)
- reduce output
- outsource obstacle_distance messages
- remove support for interpol_position controller
- debug output
- use joint_group_velocity_controller for torso extension
- verify position limit scaling factor
- fix typo
- fix lookat: do not look backwards
- missing sympy dependency
- add test publisher twist sine
- avoid unecessary service calls to obstacle_distance
- fix collision avoidance dimension segfault
- infinitesiamal threshold for BaseActive
- wider limits
- enforce position limit
- add test_forward_command_sine_node
- cleanup period
- Update test_trajectory_command_sine_node.cpp
- adjust lookat extension limits
- more compact parameter structure
- make lookat linear axis configurable - axis and offset
- cleanup roslint
- add trajectory_command test node
- introduce cfg-parameter integrator_smoothing
- add debug publisher to simpson_integration
- rename member variables
- add q_dot_ik smoothing, adjust parameters
- add timing members for period
- Merge pull request #79 from ipa-fxm/fix_visualize_twist_marker visualize twist marker
- proper reset for ControllerInterfaceJointStates
- visualize angular twist
- fix visualize twist marker
- Fixed the TwistDirection Marker
- use undamped jacobian in nullspace projection
- minor renaming
- roslint cob_twist_controller
- final roslint
- add TimeStamp to trajectory_interface
- also print limiting joint
- prepare remapping for twist_mux in cartesian controller
- add test nodes for SimpsonIntegrator
- reset moving average
- simplify API
- use new API in SimpsonIntegrator
- test new MovingAverage API
- all new MovingAverage API
- saver initialization of weighting
- test scripts for moving_average
- use interpolated position controller
- add more debug scripts
- consider various roslint/styleguide hints
- apply change in parameter name
- fix frame_id in visualizeTwist
- lookat extension fully implemented
- more experiments with reset condition in simpson_integrator
- minor improvement of comment
- fix order of doxygen comment
- fix whitespaces
- move simpson integration to new util class
- prepare structure for lookat
- temporarily disable CA when being used together with KinematicExtensions
- less output
- more consistent code structure for constraints
- remove obsolete return values
- use extension_ratio for all extensions
- wip: consider kinematic_extensions within limiters and constraints - still unstable
- chain not needed in limiters
- resolve hardcoded cycle time in prediction
- proper generation of Jacobian for kinematic extension from urdf
- more generic naming in extension_dof, transform extension_jacobian in extension_urdf
- merge with demo updates
- Fixed order of transform and service registration. Additionally added more time to wait for service availability.
- fix dimension of jac_extension
- merge and roslint
- roslint cob_twist_controller
- draft towards kinematic_extension for COB_TORSO based on URDF
- prepare structure for additional kinematic_extensions
- revert acceleration_limiters impl, class structure only, further consistency changes and cleanup
- progress with acceleration limiters, still wip
- implement acceleration limiter
- pass down whole JointStates structure
- better reset condition
- fix limiter reset, fix service existence, consistency
- prepare structure for acceleration limiters
- temporary cleanup
- do FK_Vel in GPM for debugging
- further debug gpm and self-motion
- add solveTwist duration output
- visualization marker for desired twist direction
- renaming: hardware_interface to controller_interface
- fixes for positional interfaces
- waitForExistence of registerLink service
- wip: use undamped inverse in gpm
- allow to calculate un-damped, un-truncated inverse jacobian
- update octave scripts for testing variants
- working on marker publisher
- working on log output
- update trajectory_hardware_interface
- introduce HardwareInterfacePositionBase, reset Integration on out-dated data
- handle base_compensation in kinematic_extension enum
- renaming frame - link
- Merge branch 'indigo_dev' of into trajectory_hardware_interface
- Commented output lines. - Renamed frame_of_interest to link_of_interest.
- Merge branch 'indigo_dev' of into trajectory_hardware_interface
- implement JointTrajectory hardware_interface for twist_controller
- Contributors: Felix Messmer, Marco Bezzon, ipa-fxm, ipa-fxm-cm, ipa-fxm-mb
0.6.10 (2015-08-31)
0.6.9 (2015-08-25)
- authors in package xml
- Corrections integrated from PR: [WIP] Finalizing/Testing of TwistController features (#51). Renaming from frame_to_collision to link_to_collision.
- Fixed bug in constraint implementation: sign was "-" but must be "+".
- Moved scripts.
- Added more text to package.xml
- Moved scripts to subfolder test.
- Added new script for raw3-1.
- In config file avoided setting of 0 tolerance (DIV/0!). Removed additional output.
- Made some changes for test. - Decreased Duration time for markers. - Corrected pose update for self collision check frames. - Added new scripts.
- Added comment to activation buffer.
- boost revision
- Merge branch 'test_of_feature' into test_of_feature_with_adapt_frame_tracker
- Overwritten numerical_filtering with false.
- Some preparations for test: IMarker smaller, Alpha settings, More scripts. Default value for Frame Tracker params.
- Added parameters for activation buffer and critical threshold of CA and JLA constraints.
- Removed method getActivationThreshold because parameter can be used directly.
- Packed thresholds into struct.
- Commented some outputs.
- CA: Increased exp. decay from 0.1 to 0.2 - Added comments. - Moved constraints set and management to base class. - Added time delta to test script.
- Removed parameter mu. - Added obstacle id for identification of collision pair in ObstacleDistance.msg. - Added Frametracking to DataCollector. - Restructured obstacle distance data collecting. - In debug trajectory marker added explicit usage of frame_tracker/tracking_frame.
- merge
- explicit dependency to boost
- Fixed bug when obstacles move away from robot. Clear distances list when new distances arrive (also in case nothing is available for current link) to avoid no movement.
- Renaming obstacle_marker_server for interactive obstacle
- Now publishing all obstacle distances instead of the minimal distance only. Defined a MIN_DISTANCE for selection of data to publish (e.g. > than 0.5 m doesn't make sense for CA).
- Selection of the minimal distance in debug node.
- Callback data mediator processes all obstacles for a frame of interest id now.
- Restructured methods in constraint classes.
- In CA constraint now processing all collision pairs for one link in a CollisionAvoidance instance.
- Removed unnecessary output.
- Resolved merge conflicts.
- more fixes for migration afer merge
- merge with package_xml_2
- remove trailing whitespaces
- migrate to package format 2
- Removed unnecessary commented code.
- Added handling of no exception: Save files.
- Avoided drawing of self-collision frames -> can be done via rviz.
- Increased CA activation threshold to 0.25 m
- Deleted unnecessary files.
- Renamed dynamics_tasks_readjust_solver -> stack_of_tasks_solver. Therefore adapted corresponding cfg and data_types.
- Created Python package for data collection.
- fix HardwareInterfacePosition
- consider PR review comments
- Removed experiment solvers for task stacks. Now the dynamic_tasks_readjust_solver works better than them.
- adapted MakeLists and config and data_types.
- For BVH introduced a shared_ptr member -> so a collision object can be created without copying the whole BVH. This saves computation time (5% for 3 SCA and 1 torus)
- Decreased rate for cob_obstacle_distance because the movement does not change that often.
- According to the rate adapted the moving average for distance in constraint_ca_impl
- updates from ipa-fxm-mb
- Implemented Python package to set dyn_reconfigure params. Made test_move_around_torus use of this class.
- cleanup
- sort dependencies
- Created test, Removed commends, Removed output.
- Fixed bugs in cartesian_controller: waitFor last available transform else extrapolation error; send always a new constructed StampedTransform instead of using an already existent one, else end-effector is decoupled from manipulator and other confusing things happen...; Added responsible node to tf error msg.
- Merged with ipa-fxm/test_of_feature branch.
- Separated JLA and CA constraints from constraint_impl.h
- Corrected JLA constraint. - Added weighting of GPM prio dependent. - Added buffer region for CA constraint to become active.
- Made movinge average generic for other data types. Using moving average for CA constraint.
- simplify simpson
- Removed PredictDistance Service (not necessary anymore; found a lightweight computational algorithm).
- Made KDL::ChainFkSolverVel_recursive in CA constraint available for prediction.
- Replace constraints update method prediction variable with JntArrayVel.
- Refactored ObstacleDistance.msg: Reduced number of members, renamings, added frame_of_interest for registration and made use of header->frame_id for arm_base_link.
- Renamed service for registration.
- Improved input twist damping in case of a constraint is in CRITICAL state.
- check for frame existence
- allow target_frame to be configured via private param, beautifying
- Further tests and adaptations for test.
- Added generated const from .cfg; Styling
- re-implementation of trajectory_publisher in c++
- Added Python package to collect data and write collected data into a file.
- Fixed parameter initialization.
- fix parameter initialization + add max_vel_base to cfg
- add topic name to ROS_WARN output
- add doxygen documentation
- add example launch file
- publish joint_states in separate thread
- adding JointStateInterface
- add base_marker to publisher
- generalize scripts, minor changes
- Corrected default values in cfg.
- Corrected CMakeLists.txt. Replaced ASSIMP_LIBRARIES with assimp.
- Added consideration of origin from URDF tags. Removed shape_type and so Registration.srv and replaced by SetString service. Removed comments.
- Considering visual tag as fallback now. Removed duplicate map and struct.
- Considered further proposals from
- Considered proposals from
- Integrated comments of Replaced static link2collision map with URDF parser. Added class for URDF parser and create marker shapes.
- Added functions to represent a registered robot link as a mesh instead of simple shapes. Added a mapping between robot link name and mesh resource name.
- Integration. To avoid controller jump into critical region again introduced in cart vel damping.
- Fixed DIV/0 error in distance cost function calculation.
- Reassignment of corrected values to twist_controller_params_ instance.
- Added JLA inequality constraint to be used within the dynamic task strategy. Added checking and resetting of dynamic_reconfigure params. Corrected formatting of LSV damping.
- Moved TaskStackController to parameters list. Added new damping factor for constraints (to avoid algo. singularities). Added new inverse for testing.
- Separated constraints from solvers and vice versa. Added new parameters. Prettified GUI.
- Added a Simple Python node to publish a line strip to see the real trajectory and the desired one.
- Made CA possible with active base. Bug fixing of solvers in case of base active. Corrected JLA constraints.
- more style unification
- parameter initialization
- enforceLimits now in inv_diff_kin_solver
- enum for KinematicExtension and styling for constants
- consider remarks from CodeReview: mainly styling and beautify
- hardware_interface_type renaming
- re-arrange Parameter structs
- Merge branch 'task_stack_prio_feature' of into multi_feature_merge
- Added new method for dynamic tasks readjustment. Implemented prediction of distance now for vectors.
- resolve conflicts after merging ipa-fxm-mb/task_stack_prio_feature
- KinematicExtensionBaseActive works
- WIP: further cleanup and introduction of abstract helper class
- WIP: kinematic_extension replaces base_active
- Refactored task stack solvers. Fixed creation of solver instances. Removed unnecessary test code.
- beautify and code-review
- remove auto generatable doc
- merge with ipa320
- generic interface types
- Added chain recursive fk vel calculator. Corrected calculation of translational Jacobian for CA. Introduced further msg types to achieve that. Extended solvers: CA as first prio task, CA as GPM, CA as GPM with disappearing main tasks.
- Added task stack controller.
- Corrected dist calclation for GPM CA
- Added stack of tasks and Macijewski task prio CA.
- Added stack of tasks and further developments on GPM CA.
- Further developments.
- Implemented proposals from discussion Removed tabs. Corrected node handles.
- Merge with IPA320 Indigo Dev.
- removed bug
- merged
- Added moving average filter and simpson integration formula
- New octave script to check whether split of vector v into separate tasks works.
- Removed rad variable.
- Fixed issue in WLN_JLA: Removed conversion to radian.
- Made code more CppStyleGuide ROS compliant.
- Made corrections proposed in
- Renaming: AugmentedSolver -> InverseDifferentialKinematicsSolver
- Merged cob_twist_controller_data_types and augmented_solver_data_types -> cob_twist_controller_data_types
- Renamings: According to ROS C++ Style Guide.
- Added doxygen comments
- Corrected the messages produced by catkin_lint
- Created a static method to return SolverFactory
- Made obstacle tracking independent from arm_right.
- Refactored signatures of solve methods: Instead of using dynamic vector now a 6d vector is used because twists are of dim 6d.
- Removed unnecessary comments.
- Introduced eigen_conversions to have simple converters instead of filling matrices and vectors manually -> Reduces typing and copying errors!
- Renamed some variables according to ROS C++ style guide
- Moved advanced chain fk solver from cob_twist_controller to cob_obstacle_distance.
- Replaced complicated transformation of base_link to arm_base_link with simpler and direct one.
- Removed unnecessary services and replaced with message publisher and subscriber (for distance calculation).
- Added example launch file for cob_obstacle_distance.
- Corrected handling of objects of interest. Now in both packages frames are used (instead of joint names) -> made it similar to KDL and tf handlings.
- Removed commented code.
- Removed pointer where objects could be used directly (constraint params generation)
- callback data mediator keeps old distance values until new ones were received. An iterator is used to go through the container.
- Added missing modules
- Created a obstacle distance publisher in cob_obstacle_distance package and a subscriber in cob_twist_controller package.
- Created registration service in cob_obstacle_distance
- Creation of multiple CA constraints dependent on formerly registered joint regions.
- test
- Renaming
- Added collision avoidance feature. Solve with GPM. Made usage of cob_collision_object_publisher via ROS service.
- Added possibility to calculate self motion magnitude dependent from joint velocity limits.
- Removed tracking error publisher / subscriber and removed additional p gain for PD-Control (already done in FrameTracker with PID controller)
- Solved merge conflicts
- WIP:
- Added new solver feature: GradientProjectionMethod.
- Added cost function for: JLA, JLA_MID, CA
- Added kappa parameter to set GPM scaling.
- Added builder to support build of multiple constraints.
- Added new implementation for KDL::ChainFkSolverPos_recursive. Provides storage of joint positions.
- Beautify. Corresponding to PR
- renamed parameters and functions
- Generischer Ansatz
- Low Isotropic Damping
- Added constraints for JLA and JLA mid.
- Added calculation for step size.
- Prepared the implementation of a builder to create a set of constraints.
- Decoupled constraints generation from solver class GPM (now they could be used for other methods as well).
- Removed asParams from constraints. Only necessary for constraintParams.
- Added a possibility to implement constraint functions.
- Added a registration mechanism to the solver (registration in a priorized set).
- Added a parameter to select it
- Renamed pseudoinverse_calculation -> inverse_jacobian_calculation
- Decoupled pseudoinverse calculation from constraint_solvers. That allows new implementations for pseudoinverse calculations. Additionally it allows to calculate pseudoinverses of further Jacobians (e.g. for constraints)
- Removed unnecessary _base.cpp files and removed them from CMakeLists.txt.
- Refactored parametrization of damping -> damping method is now given to solver for extensions (like numerical filtering)
- Considered damping method NONE in case of no damping for solving IK.
- Added a publisher for the tracking errors to send them to cob_twist_controller
- Added a subscriber to collect the errors and put them to the solver.
- Added a parameter to set the p gain. If 0.0 old behavior is active (default value).
- Contributors: ipa-fxm, ipa-fxm-cm, ipa-fxm-mb
- add missing include
- Contributors: ipa-fxm
- missing dependency
- Contributors: ipa-fxm
0.6.8 (2015-06-17)
0.6.7 (2015-06-17)
- reduce output in limiters
- restructure namespaces for parameters of cartesian controllers
- Instead of creating png create eps.
- Added new damping method None
- Added enum value to select damping None
- Removed pure pointer usage and added boost::shared_ptr usage (which provides pointer management / ensure deletion of objects)
- Removed unused includes
- Renamings
- Removed unnecessary ROS_INFO_STREAMs
- Removed temporary variables for test code
- Added debug code
- Removed truncation
- Removed unused members
- Grouped limiters in one .h and one .cpp
- Grouped damping_methods in one .h and one .cpp
- Removed separate factories. Made SolverFactory generic by introducing template parameters.
- Made usage of boost::shared_ptr instead of own pointer handling.
- Adapted CMakeLists.txt according to changes.
- Split parameter enforce_limits into enforce_pos_limits and enforce_vel_limits
- To enforce limits for joint positions and velocities created new classes.
- Additionally added parameter for keeping direction or not when enforcing limits.
- Therefore removed normalize_velocities and enforce_limits from cob_twist_controller. Instead the new limiter_container is used.
- Added new struct to provide cob_twist_controller params.
- Removed debug code.
- Take care: W\^(1/2) * q_dot = weighted_pinv_J * x_dot -> One must consider the weighting!!!
- Added script to check pseudo-inverse calculation.
- Take care: W\^(1/2) * q_dot = weighted_pinv_J * x_dot -> One must consider the weighting!!!
- Added an octave script to verify the statement above.
- Removed unnecessary file
- Added doxygen comments
- Activated graphviz for doc generation
- Added const to method signatures to avoid undesired JntArray-Data change.
- moved enfore_limits from augmented_solver to cob_twist_controller
- Added a base case WeightedLeastNorm to constraint solvers Instantiated it acts like an unconstraint solver.
- Renamed JointLimitAvoidanceSolver to WLN_JointLimitAvoidanceSolver
- WLN_JointLimitAvoidanceSolver inherits from WeightedLeastNormSolver and implements calculate_weighting
- moved enfore_limits from augmented_solver to cob_twist_controller
- Added a base case WeightedLeastNorm to constraint solvers Instantiated it acts like an unconstraint solver.
- Renamed JointLimitAvoidanceSolver to WLN_JointLimitAvoidanceSolver
- WLN_JointLimitAvoidanceSolver inherits from WeightedLeastNormSolver and implements calculate_weighting only. -> Solving is done by the WLN Solver.
- Added validation outputs. Added comments for doxygen generation. Did some renaming.
- Made restructured changes active. Corrected some implementation. Activated both old and new implementation for comparison and testing purposes.
- Made usages of ConstraintSolverFactoryBuilder:
- Creates DampingMethod
- Creates ConstraintSolver
- Executes calculation of joint velocities.
- Split up augmented_solver.cpp into different constraint solvers: JLA constraints and unconstraint.
- Restructured augmented_solver.
- Renamed class augmented_solver to AugmentedSolver.
- Created damping_methods as classes to ease creation of dampings (and new ones).
- add comments
- cleanup
- beautify CMakeLists
- using correct base topic names
- fix debug node
- remove obsolete code for parameter initialization, enforce_limits behaviour
- revision, simplification and cleanup
- remove obsolete files
- twist controller analyser
- last update
- update working frame_tracker
- base compensation test
- temporary adjust base topics
- reduce output
- twist series test script
- use component specific joint_states topic
- no output
- merge
- cleaning up
- new publisher and transformation names
- merge with cm
- added commentary, tolerance as dynamic reconfigure, modified enforce_limits
- Debug functions
- merge with cm
- Merge branch 'indigo_dev' of into fm_cm_merged_new
- last commit before merging
- new rqt_features
- delete all test packages
- delete all test packages
- fixed errors from merging
- merged from ipa-fxm-cm
- beautify, added commentary, limit enforcing and dynamic reconfigure for JLA
- new debug twist
- add tracking_action
- test
- new features
- test
- Merge branch 'merge_fm_cm' of into cm_dev
- changes
- Corrected errors from merging
- First merge attempt
- Joint Limit Avoidance added and cleaned up
- Added publisher for the pose
- Modified for the new structure
- cleaned up again
- Cleaned up
- New features
- a commit a day keeps the doctor away
- Contributors: Christian Ehrmann, ipa-fxm, ipa-fxm-cm, ipa-fxm-fm, ipa-fxm-mb
0.6.6 (2014-12-18)
- remove dep to cob_srvs and std_srvs
- Contributors: Florian Weisshardt
0.6.5 (2014-12-18)
- Merge branch 'indigo_dev' into indigo_release_candidate
- add dep
- Contributors: Florian Weisshardt
0.6.4 (2014-12-16)
0.6.3 (2014-12-16)
- add dependency to nav_msgs
- Contributors: Florian Weisshardt
0.6.2 (2014-12-15)
- Merge branch 'indigo_dev' into indigo_release_candidate
- fix twist_control dimensions for any-DoF
- merge with fxm-cm
- merge with fxm-fm
- cleaning up
- branch with features for merging
- topics according to new structure
- remove brics_actuator
- more topic renaming according to new structure
- renaming debug topic
- adapt namespaces for cartesian_controller to new structure
- dynamic reconfigure
- revision of cob_twist_controller
- merge_cm
- merge_fm
- temporary commit
- temporary commit
- changes in initialization
- restructure test_twist publisher scripts
- fix twist_controller to be usable without base again
- able to add base DoFs to Jacobian solver - first tests - needs more debugging
- null-space syncMM
- add test script for twist_stamped
- able to apply twists wrt to various coordinate system orientations
- cleanup, restructure and fix
- missing include
- merge with fxm-fm + clean up
- add twist publisher script
- add output publisher
- cleaning up
- beautify
- Add fixes provided by \@ipa-fxm-fm
- fix controller and add damping
- add twist publisher script
- add output publisher
- Add fixes provided by \@ipa-fxm-fm
- Contributors: Florian Weisshardt, ipa-fxm, ipa-fxm-cm, ipa-fxm-fm
0.6.1 (2014-09-22)
0.5.4 (2014-08-26)
- fix dependency-hell on multiple cores
- moved cob_twist_controller
- Contributors: Alexander Bubeck, ipa-fxm
Wiki Tutorials
Package Dependencies
System Dependencies
Dependant Packages
Name | Deps |
cob_cartesian_controller | |
cob_control | |
cob_bringup |
Launch files
- launch/debug_fk_vel_recursive.launch
- component
- chain_base_link
- chain_tip_link
- launch/example.launch
Recent questions tagged cob_twist_controller at Robotics Stack Exchange
Package Summary
Tags | No category tags. |
Version | 0.6.17 |
License | Apache 2.0 |
Build type | CATKIN |
Repository Summary
Checkout URI | |
VCS Type | git |
VCS Version | indigo_dev |
Last Updated | 2018-07-21 |
Dev Status | MAINTAINED |
CI status | Continuous Integration |
Released | RELEASED |
Tags | No category tags. |
Contributing |
Help Wanted (0)
Good First Issues (0) Pull Requests to Review (0) |
Package Description
Additional Links
- Felix Messmer
- Felix Messmer
- Marco Bezzon
- Christoph Mark
- Francisco Moreno
Changelog for package cob_twist_controller
0.6.17 (2018-07-21)
- update maintainer
- Contributors: fmessmer
0.6.16 (2018-01-07)
- Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/indigo_release_candidate' into indigo_dev
- Merge pull request #159 from ipa-fxm/APACHE_license use license apache 2.0
- use license apache 2.0
- Contributors: Felix Messmer, ipa-fxm, ipa-uhr-mk
0.6.15 (2017-07-18)
- handle continuous joints in ControllerInterfaceJointStates
- handle continuous joints in position_limiter
- harmonize createTask
- remove unused TaskDamping
- remove ConstraintParamFactory
- harmonize ConstraintParams
- set default values for damping methods
- own param struct for unified solver
- New singularity and joint limit avoidance method
- first implementation of new jla solver using sigmoid functions
- first version of new JLA method working
- last fix to new JLA solver
- correction in parameter used in sigmoid damping method
- new solver added and new jla method added to be tested and selected according to performance comparison
- fix to rqt_reconfigure parameters
- final correction to new solver and new weighting method
- prints removed
- square trajectory added
- wln with sigmoid solver corrected
- final corrections
- final corrections to the solver formula
- created unified singularity and joint limit avoidance class... other classes moved
- restoring wln previous version of the solver
- saturation block added in unified solver just for testing
- saturation block corrected
- checking new solver and constraints
- corrected new test script for the new method
- removed test files and corrected identation
- defining GPM solver as default
- fix identation
- comment corrected
- identation fix in contraint solver factory
- finalize PR
- cleanup leftovers
- pluginlib approach for controller interfaces
- add toggle for enforce_input_limits, implement both All and Individual Cartesian limiting
- combine LimiterXContainer
- limiter fixed
- Limiter Base class removed
- pull request changes
- final implementation of cartesian limiter
- bug fixed in class limiter container
- bug fixed in class limiter container
- cartesian limits introduced
- remove sympy implementation and dependency
- use xacro --inorder
- final roslint
- applied changes request in the pull request review
- damping factor for old method replaced by a diagonal matrix
- last corretions to pull request
- corrections added according to last Felix comments
- fixed changes done by rebase
- prints removed for new damping function calculations
- new method based of sigmoid function to singularity avoidance implemented
- bug fix in least square calculation when changing to return matrix
- starting to roslint some packages
- manually fix changelog
- Contributors: Bruno Brito, ipa-fxm
0.6.14 (2016-10-10)
0.6.13 (2016-10-10)
0.6.12 (2016-10-10)
- cob_twist_controller: fix add_dependencies calls
- Contributors: ipa-mig
0.6.11 (2016-04-01)
- reduce output
- outsource obstacle_distance messages
- remove support for interpol_position controller
- debug output
- use joint_group_velocity_controller for torso extension
- verify position limit scaling factor
- fix typo
- fix lookat: do not look backwards
- missing sympy dependency
- add test publisher twist sine
- avoid unecessary service calls to obstacle_distance
- fix collision avoidance dimension segfault
- infinitesiamal threshold for BaseActive
- wider limits
- enforce position limit
- add test_forward_command_sine_node
- cleanup period
- Update test_trajectory_command_sine_node.cpp
- adjust lookat extension limits
- more compact parameter structure
- make lookat linear axis configurable - axis and offset
- cleanup roslint
- add trajectory_command test node
- introduce cfg-parameter integrator_smoothing
- add debug publisher to simpson_integration
- rename member variables
- add q_dot_ik smoothing, adjust parameters
- add timing members for period
- Merge pull request #79 from ipa-fxm/fix_visualize_twist_marker visualize twist marker
- proper reset for ControllerInterfaceJointStates
- visualize angular twist
- fix visualize twist marker
- Fixed the TwistDirection Marker
- use undamped jacobian in nullspace projection
- minor renaming
- roslint cob_twist_controller
- final roslint
- add TimeStamp to trajectory_interface
- also print limiting joint
- prepare remapping for twist_mux in cartesian controller
- add test nodes for SimpsonIntegrator
- reset moving average
- simplify API
- use new API in SimpsonIntegrator
- test new MovingAverage API
- all new MovingAverage API
- saver initialization of weighting
- test scripts for moving_average
- use interpolated position controller
- add more debug scripts
- consider various roslint/styleguide hints
- apply change in parameter name
- fix frame_id in visualizeTwist
- lookat extension fully implemented
- more experiments with reset condition in simpson_integrator
- minor improvement of comment
- fix order of doxygen comment
- fix whitespaces
- move simpson integration to new util class
- prepare structure for lookat
- temporarily disable CA when being used together with KinematicExtensions
- less output
- more consistent code structure for constraints
- remove obsolete return values
- use extension_ratio for all extensions
- wip: consider kinematic_extensions within limiters and constraints - still unstable
- chain not needed in limiters
- resolve hardcoded cycle time in prediction
- proper generation of Jacobian for kinematic extension from urdf
- more generic naming in extension_dof, transform extension_jacobian in extension_urdf
- merge with demo updates
- Fixed order of transform and service registration. Additionally added more time to wait for service availability.
- fix dimension of jac_extension
- merge and roslint
- roslint cob_twist_controller
- draft towards kinematic_extension for COB_TORSO based on URDF
- prepare structure for additional kinematic_extensions
- revert acceleration_limiters impl, class structure only, further consistency changes and cleanup
- progress with acceleration limiters, still wip
- implement acceleration limiter
- pass down whole JointStates structure
- better reset condition
- fix limiter reset, fix service existence, consistency
- prepare structure for acceleration limiters
- temporary cleanup
- do FK_Vel in GPM for debugging
- further debug gpm and self-motion
- add solveTwist duration output
- visualization marker for desired twist direction
- renaming: hardware_interface to controller_interface
- fixes for positional interfaces
- waitForExistence of registerLink service
- wip: use undamped inverse in gpm
- allow to calculate un-damped, un-truncated inverse jacobian
- update octave scripts for testing variants
- working on marker publisher
- working on log output
- update trajectory_hardware_interface
- introduce HardwareInterfacePositionBase, reset Integration on out-dated data
- handle base_compensation in kinematic_extension enum
- renaming frame - link
- Merge branch 'indigo_dev' of into trajectory_hardware_interface
- Commented output lines. - Renamed frame_of_interest to link_of_interest.
- Merge branch 'indigo_dev' of into trajectory_hardware_interface
- implement JointTrajectory hardware_interface for twist_controller
- Contributors: Felix Messmer, Marco Bezzon, ipa-fxm, ipa-fxm-cm, ipa-fxm-mb
0.6.10 (2015-08-31)
0.6.9 (2015-08-25)
- authors in package xml
- Corrections integrated from PR: [WIP] Finalizing/Testing of TwistController features (#51). Renaming from frame_to_collision to link_to_collision.
- Fixed bug in constraint implementation: sign was "-" but must be "+".
- Moved scripts.
- Added more text to package.xml
- Moved scripts to subfolder test.
- Added new script for raw3-1.
- In config file avoided setting of 0 tolerance (DIV/0!). Removed additional output.
- Made some changes for test. - Decreased Duration time for markers. - Corrected pose update for self collision check frames. - Added new scripts.
- Added comment to activation buffer.
- boost revision
- Merge branch 'test_of_feature' into test_of_feature_with_adapt_frame_tracker
- Overwritten numerical_filtering with false.
- Some preparations for test: IMarker smaller, Alpha settings, More scripts. Default value for Frame Tracker params.
- Added parameters for activation buffer and critical threshold of CA and JLA constraints.
- Removed method getActivationThreshold because parameter can be used directly.
- Packed thresholds into struct.
- Commented some outputs.
- CA: Increased exp. decay from 0.1 to 0.2 - Added comments. - Moved constraints set and management to base class. - Added time delta to test script.
- Removed parameter mu. - Added obstacle id for identification of collision pair in ObstacleDistance.msg. - Added Frametracking to DataCollector. - Restructured obstacle distance data collecting. - In debug trajectory marker added explicit usage of frame_tracker/tracking_frame.
- merge
- explicit dependency to boost
- Fixed bug when obstacles move away from robot. Clear distances list when new distances arrive (also in case nothing is available for current link) to avoid no movement.
- Renaming obstacle_marker_server for interactive obstacle
- Now publishing all obstacle distances instead of the minimal distance only. Defined a MIN_DISTANCE for selection of data to publish (e.g. > than 0.5 m doesn't make sense for CA).
- Selection of the minimal distance in debug node.
- Callback data mediator processes all obstacles for a frame of interest id now.
- Restructured methods in constraint classes.
- In CA constraint now processing all collision pairs for one link in a CollisionAvoidance instance.
- Removed unnecessary output.
- Resolved merge conflicts.
- more fixes for migration afer merge
- merge with package_xml_2
- remove trailing whitespaces
- migrate to package format 2
- Removed unnecessary commented code.
- Added handling of no exception: Save files.
- Avoided drawing of self-collision frames -> can be done via rviz.
- Increased CA activation threshold to 0.25 m
- Deleted unnecessary files.
- Renamed dynamics_tasks_readjust_solver -> stack_of_tasks_solver. Therefore adapted corresponding cfg and data_types.
- Created Python package for data collection.
- fix HardwareInterfacePosition
- consider PR review comments
- Removed experiment solvers for task stacks. Now the dynamic_tasks_readjust_solver works better than them.
- adapted MakeLists and config and data_types.
- For BVH introduced a shared_ptr member -> so a collision object can be created without copying the whole BVH. This saves computation time (5% for 3 SCA and 1 torus)
- Decreased rate for cob_obstacle_distance because the movement does not change that often.
- According to the rate adapted the moving average for distance in constraint_ca_impl
- updates from ipa-fxm-mb
- Implemented Python package to set dyn_reconfigure params. Made test_move_around_torus use of this class.
- cleanup
- sort dependencies
- Created test, Removed commends, Removed output.
- Fixed bugs in cartesian_controller: waitFor last available transform else extrapolation error; send always a new constructed StampedTransform instead of using an already existent one, else end-effector is decoupled from manipulator and other confusing things happen...; Added responsible node to tf error msg.
- Merged with ipa-fxm/test_of_feature branch.
- Separated JLA and CA constraints from constraint_impl.h
- Corrected JLA constraint. - Added weighting of GPM prio dependent. - Added buffer region for CA constraint to become active.
- Made movinge average generic for other data types. Using moving average for CA constraint.
- simplify simpson
- Removed PredictDistance Service (not necessary anymore; found a lightweight computational algorithm).
- Made KDL::ChainFkSolverVel_recursive in CA constraint available for prediction.
- Replace constraints update method prediction variable with JntArrayVel.
- Refactored ObstacleDistance.msg: Reduced number of members, renamings, added frame_of_interest for registration and made use of header->frame_id for arm_base_link.
- Renamed service for registration.
- Improved input twist damping in case of a constraint is in CRITICAL state.
- check for frame existence
- allow target_frame to be configured via private param, beautifying
- Further tests and adaptations for test.
- Added generated const from .cfg; Styling
- re-implementation of trajectory_publisher in c++
- Added Python package to collect data and write collected data into a file.
- Fixed parameter initialization.
- fix parameter initialization + add max_vel_base to cfg
- add topic name to ROS_WARN output
- add doxygen documentation
- add example launch file
- publish joint_states in separate thread
- adding JointStateInterface
- add base_marker to publisher
- generalize scripts, minor changes
- Corrected default values in cfg.
- Corrected CMakeLists.txt. Replaced ASSIMP_LIBRARIES with assimp.
- Added consideration of origin from URDF tags. Removed shape_type and so Registration.srv and replaced by SetString service. Removed comments.
- Considering visual tag as fallback now. Removed duplicate map and struct.
- Considered further proposals from
- Considered proposals from
- Integrated comments of Replaced static link2collision map with URDF parser. Added class for URDF parser and create marker shapes.
- Added functions to represent a registered robot link as a mesh instead of simple shapes. Added a mapping between robot link name and mesh resource name.
- Integration. To avoid controller jump into critical region again introduced in cart vel damping.
- Fixed DIV/0 error in distance cost function calculation.
- Reassignment of corrected values to twist_controller_params_ instance.
- Added JLA inequality constraint to be used within the dynamic task strategy. Added checking and resetting of dynamic_reconfigure params. Corrected formatting of LSV damping.
- Moved TaskStackController to parameters list. Added new damping factor for constraints (to avoid algo. singularities). Added new inverse for testing.
- Separated constraints from solvers and vice versa. Added new parameters. Prettified GUI.
- Added a Simple Python node to publish a line strip to see the real trajectory and the desired one.
- Made CA possible with active base. Bug fixing of solvers in case of base active. Corrected JLA constraints.
- more style unification
- parameter initialization
- enforceLimits now in inv_diff_kin_solver
- enum for KinematicExtension and styling for constants
- consider remarks from CodeReview: mainly styling and beautify
- hardware_interface_type renaming
- re-arrange Parameter structs
- Merge branch 'task_stack_prio_feature' of into multi_feature_merge
- Added new method for dynamic tasks readjustment. Implemented prediction of distance now for vectors.
- resolve conflicts after merging ipa-fxm-mb/task_stack_prio_feature
- KinematicExtensionBaseActive works
- WIP: further cleanup and introduction of abstract helper class
- WIP: kinematic_extension replaces base_active
- Refactored task stack solvers. Fixed creation of solver instances. Removed unnecessary test code.
- beautify and code-review
- remove auto generatable doc
- merge with ipa320
- generic interface types
- Added chain recursive fk vel calculator. Corrected calculation of translational Jacobian for CA. Introduced further msg types to achieve that. Extended solvers: CA as first prio task, CA as GPM, CA as GPM with disappearing main tasks.
- Added task stack controller.
- Corrected dist calclation for GPM CA
- Added stack of tasks and Macijewski task prio CA.
- Added stack of tasks and further developments on GPM CA.
- Further developments.
- Implemented proposals from discussion Removed tabs. Corrected node handles.
- Merge with IPA320 Indigo Dev.
- removed bug
- merged
- Added moving average filter and simpson integration formula
- New octave script to check whether split of vector v into separate tasks works.
- Removed rad variable.
- Fixed issue in WLN_JLA: Removed conversion to radian.
- Made code more CppStyleGuide ROS compliant.
- Made corrections proposed in
- Renaming: AugmentedSolver -> InverseDifferentialKinematicsSolver
- Merged cob_twist_controller_data_types and augmented_solver_data_types -> cob_twist_controller_data_types
- Renamings: According to ROS C++ Style Guide.
- Added doxygen comments
- Corrected the messages produced by catkin_lint
- Created a static method to return SolverFactory
- Made obstacle tracking independent from arm_right.
- Refactored signatures of solve methods: Instead of using dynamic vector now a 6d vector is used because twists are of dim 6d.
- Removed unnecessary comments.
- Introduced eigen_conversions to have simple converters instead of filling matrices and vectors manually -> Reduces typing and copying errors!
- Renamed some variables according to ROS C++ style guide
- Moved advanced chain fk solver from cob_twist_controller to cob_obstacle_distance.
- Replaced complicated transformation of base_link to arm_base_link with simpler and direct one.
- Removed unnecessary services and replaced with message publisher and subscriber (for distance calculation).
- Added example launch file for cob_obstacle_distance.
- Corrected handling of objects of interest. Now in both packages frames are used (instead of joint names) -> made it similar to KDL and tf handlings.
- Removed commented code.
- Removed pointer where objects could be used directly (constraint params generation)
- callback data mediator keeps old distance values until new ones were received. An iterator is used to go through the container.
- Added missing modules
- Created a obstacle distance publisher in cob_obstacle_distance package and a subscriber in cob_twist_controller package.
- Created registration service in cob_obstacle_distance
- Creation of multiple CA constraints dependent on formerly registered joint regions.
- test
- Renaming
- Added collision avoidance feature. Solve with GPM. Made usage of cob_collision_object_publisher via ROS service.
- Added possibility to calculate self motion magnitude dependent from joint velocity limits.
- Removed tracking error publisher / subscriber and removed additional p gain for PD-Control (already done in FrameTracker with PID controller)
- Solved merge conflicts
- WIP:
- Added new solver feature: GradientProjectionMethod.
- Added cost function for: JLA, JLA_MID, CA
- Added kappa parameter to set GPM scaling.
- Added builder to support build of multiple constraints.
- Added new implementation for KDL::ChainFkSolverPos_recursive. Provides storage of joint positions.
- Beautify. Corresponding to PR
- renamed parameters and functions
- Generischer Ansatz
- Low Isotropic Damping
- Added constraints for JLA and JLA mid.
- Added calculation for step size.
- Prepared the implementation of a builder to create a set of constraints.
- Decoupled constraints generation from solver class GPM (now they could be used for other methods as well).
- Removed asParams from constraints. Only necessary for constraintParams.
- Added a possibility to implement constraint functions.
- Added a registration mechanism to the solver (registration in a priorized set).
- Added a parameter to select it
- Renamed pseudoinverse_calculation -> inverse_jacobian_calculation
- Decoupled pseudoinverse calculation from constraint_solvers. That allows new implementations for pseudoinverse calculations. Additionally it allows to calculate pseudoinverses of further Jacobians (e.g. for constraints)
- Removed unnecessary _base.cpp files and removed them from CMakeLists.txt.
- Refactored parametrization of damping -> damping method is now given to solver for extensions (like numerical filtering)
- Considered damping method NONE in case of no damping for solving IK.
- Added a publisher for the tracking errors to send them to cob_twist_controller
- Added a subscriber to collect the errors and put them to the solver.
- Added a parameter to set the p gain. If 0.0 old behavior is active (default value).
- Contributors: ipa-fxm, ipa-fxm-cm, ipa-fxm-mb
- add missing include
- Contributors: ipa-fxm
- missing dependency
- Contributors: ipa-fxm
0.6.8 (2015-06-17)
0.6.7 (2015-06-17)
- reduce output in limiters
- restructure namespaces for parameters of cartesian controllers
- Instead of creating png create eps.
- Added new damping method None
- Added enum value to select damping None
- Removed pure pointer usage and added boost::shared_ptr usage (which provides pointer management / ensure deletion of objects)
- Removed unused includes
- Renamings
- Removed unnecessary ROS_INFO_STREAMs
- Removed temporary variables for test code
- Added debug code
- Removed truncation
- Removed unused members
- Grouped limiters in one .h and one .cpp
- Grouped damping_methods in one .h and one .cpp
- Removed separate factories. Made SolverFactory generic by introducing template parameters.
- Made usage of boost::shared_ptr instead of own pointer handling.
- Adapted CMakeLists.txt according to changes.
- Split parameter enforce_limits into enforce_pos_limits and enforce_vel_limits
- To enforce limits for joint positions and velocities created new classes.
- Additionally added parameter for keeping direction or not when enforcing limits.
- Therefore removed normalize_velocities and enforce_limits from cob_twist_controller. Instead the new limiter_container is used.
- Added new struct to provide cob_twist_controller params.
- Removed debug code.
- Take care: W\^(1/2) * q_dot = weighted_pinv_J * x_dot -> One must consider the weighting!!!
- Added script to check pseudo-inverse calculation.
- Take care: W\^(1/2) * q_dot = weighted_pinv_J * x_dot -> One must consider the weighting!!!
- Added an octave script to verify the statement above.
- Removed unnecessary file
- Added doxygen comments
- Activated graphviz for doc generation
- Added const to method signatures to avoid undesired JntArray-Data change.
- moved enfore_limits from augmented_solver to cob_twist_controller
- Added a base case WeightedLeastNorm to constraint solvers Instantiated it acts like an unconstraint solver.
- Renamed JointLimitAvoidanceSolver to WLN_JointLimitAvoidanceSolver
- WLN_JointLimitAvoidanceSolver inherits from WeightedLeastNormSolver and implements calculate_weighting
- moved enfore_limits from augmented_solver to cob_twist_controller
- Added a base case WeightedLeastNorm to constraint solvers Instantiated it acts like an unconstraint solver.
- Renamed JointLimitAvoidanceSolver to WLN_JointLimitAvoidanceSolver
- WLN_JointLimitAvoidanceSolver inherits from WeightedLeastNormSolver and implements calculate_weighting only. -> Solving is done by the WLN Solver.
- Added validation outputs. Added comments for doxygen generation. Did some renaming.
- Made restructured changes active. Corrected some implementation. Activated both old and new implementation for comparison and testing purposes.
- Made usages of ConstraintSolverFactoryBuilder:
- Creates DampingMethod
- Creates ConstraintSolver
- Executes calculation of joint velocities.
- Split up augmented_solver.cpp into different constraint solvers: JLA constraints and unconstraint.
- Restructured augmented_solver.
- Renamed class augmented_solver to AugmentedSolver.
- Created damping_methods as classes to ease creation of dampings (and new ones).
- add comments
- cleanup
- beautify CMakeLists
- using correct base topic names
- fix debug node
- remove obsolete code for parameter initialization, enforce_limits behaviour
- revision, simplification and cleanup
- remove obsolete files
- twist controller analyser
- last update
- update working frame_tracker
- base compensation test
- temporary adjust base topics
- reduce output
- twist series test script
- use component specific joint_states topic
- no output
- merge
- cleaning up
- new publisher and transformation names
- merge with cm
- added commentary, tolerance as dynamic reconfigure, modified enforce_limits
- Debug functions
- merge with cm
- Merge branch 'indigo_dev' of into fm_cm_merged_new
- last commit before merging
- new rqt_features
- delete all test packages
- delete all test packages
- fixed errors from merging
- merged from ipa-fxm-cm
- beautify, added commentary, limit enforcing and dynamic reconfigure for JLA
- new debug twist
- add tracking_action
- test
- new features
- test
- Merge branch 'merge_fm_cm' of into cm_dev
- changes
- Corrected errors from merging
- First merge attempt
- Joint Limit Avoidance added and cleaned up
- Added publisher for the pose
- Modified for the new structure
- cleaned up again
- Cleaned up
- New features
- a commit a day keeps the doctor away
- Contributors: Christian Ehrmann, ipa-fxm, ipa-fxm-cm, ipa-fxm-fm, ipa-fxm-mb
0.6.6 (2014-12-18)
- remove dep to cob_srvs and std_srvs
- Contributors: Florian Weisshardt
0.6.5 (2014-12-18)
- Merge branch 'indigo_dev' into indigo_release_candidate
- add dep
- Contributors: Florian Weisshardt
0.6.4 (2014-12-16)
0.6.3 (2014-12-16)
- add dependency to nav_msgs
- Contributors: Florian Weisshardt
0.6.2 (2014-12-15)
- Merge branch 'indigo_dev' into indigo_release_candidate
- fix twist_control dimensions for any-DoF
- merge with fxm-cm
- merge with fxm-fm
- cleaning up
- branch with features for merging
- topics according to new structure
- remove brics_actuator
- more topic renaming according to new structure
- renaming debug topic
- adapt namespaces for cartesian_controller to new structure
- dynamic reconfigure
- revision of cob_twist_controller
- merge_cm
- merge_fm
- temporary commit
- temporary commit
- changes in initialization
- restructure test_twist publisher scripts
- fix twist_controller to be usable without base again
- able to add base DoFs to Jacobian solver - first tests - needs more debugging
- null-space syncMM
- add test script for twist_stamped
- able to apply twists wrt to various coordinate system orientations
- cleanup, restructure and fix
- missing include
- merge with fxm-fm + clean up
- add twist publisher script
- add output publisher
- cleaning up
- beautify
- Add fixes provided by \@ipa-fxm-fm
- fix controller and add damping
- add twist publisher script
- add output publisher
- Add fixes provided by \@ipa-fxm-fm
- Contributors: Florian Weisshardt, ipa-fxm, ipa-fxm-cm, ipa-fxm-fm
0.6.1 (2014-09-22)
0.5.4 (2014-08-26)
- fix dependency-hell on multiple cores
- moved cob_twist_controller
- Contributors: Alexander Bubeck, ipa-fxm
Wiki Tutorials
Package Dependencies
System Dependencies
Dependant Packages
Launch files
Recent questions tagged cob_twist_controller at Robotics Stack Exchange
Package Summary
Tags | No category tags. |
Version | 0.7.15 |
License | Apache 2.0 |
Build type | CATKIN |
Repository Summary
Checkout URI | |
VCS Type | git |
VCS Version | kinetic_dev |
Last Updated | 2021-10-19 |
Dev Status | MAINTAINED |
CI status | Continuous Integration |
Released | RELEASED |
Tags | No category tags. |
Contributing |
Help Wanted (0)
Good First Issues (0) Pull Requests to Review (0) |
Package Description
Additional Links
- Felix Messmer
- Felix Messmer
- Marco Bezzon
- Christoph Mark
- Francisco Moreno
Changelog for package cob_twist_controller
0.7.15 (2021-10-19)
0.7.14 (2021-05-17)
0.7.13 (2021-04-06)
0.7.12 (2020-10-21)
0.7.11 (2020-03-21)
0.7.10 (2020-03-18)
- Merge pull request #227 from LoyVanBeek/feature/python3_compatibility [ci_updates] pylint + Python3 compatibility - kinetic
- disable simple_script_server import error
- Use six.moves.input for all uses of raw_input/input
- fix modules
- fix pylint errors
- python3 compatibility via 2to3
- Merge pull request #225 from fmessmer/ci_updates_kinetic [travis] ci updates - kinetic
- catkin_lint fixes
- Contributors: Felix Messmer, Loy van Beek, fmessmer
0.7.9 (2019-11-07)
0.7.8 (2019-08-09)
- Merge pull request #210 from fmessmer/missing_target_dependency add missing target dependency
- add missing target dependency
- Contributors: Felix Messmer, fmessmer
0.7.7 (2019-08-06)
0.7.6 (2019-06-07)
0.7.5 (2019-05-20)
- Merge pull request #206 from fmessmer/improve_lookat_extension improve lookat extension
- implement lookat_pointing_frame
- fix lookat_chain offset, allow KinematicExtension to fail, param-config converter functions
- Contributors: Felix Messmer, fmessmer
0.7.4 (2019-04-05)
0.7.3 (2019-03-14)
- Merge pull request #197 from ipa320/fmessmer-patch-1 add missing install tags
- add missing install tags
- Contributors: Felix Messmer
0.7.2 (2018-07-21)
- update maintainer
- Contributors: fmessmer
0.7.1 (2018-01-07)
- Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/kinetic_release_candidate' into kinetic_dev
- Merge pull request #169 from ipa-fxm/kinetic_updates_indigo Kinetic updates indigo
- Merge branch 'indigo_dev' of into kinetic_dev Conflicts: .travis.yml
- Merge pull request #159 from ipa-fxm/APACHE_license use license apache 2.0
- use license apache 2.0
- Contributors: Felix Messmer, ipa-fxm, ipa-uhr-mk
0.7.0 (2017-07-18)
- Merge branch 'indigo_dev' of into kinetic_dev
- [kinetic] migration
- [kinetic] find package Eigen3 instead of Eigen
- [kinetic] switched from fcl to libfcl-dev dependency
- ignore cob_obstacle_distance for now
- [kinetic] use industrial_ci for travis
- [kinetic] use industrial_cis ipa320 fork & notify on_success only on change
- fixed fcl dependency
- new fcl version switched from boost::shared to std::shared
- whitelist package
- use ros-industrials fork
- cleaned up travis.yml
- Contributors: Benjamin Maidel, ipa-fxm
0.6.15 (2017-07-18)
- handle continuous joints in ControllerInterfaceJointStates
- handle continuous joints in position_limiter
- harmonize createTask
- remove unused TaskDamping
- remove ConstraintParamFactory
- harmonize ConstraintParams
- set default values for damping methods
- own param struct for unified solver
- New singularity and joint limit avoidance method
- first implementation of new jla solver using sigmoid functions
- first version of new JLA method working
- last fix to new JLA solver
- correction in parameter used in sigmoid damping method
- new solver added and new jla method added to be tested and selected according to performance comparison
- fix to rqt_reconfigure parameters
- final correction to new solver and new weighting method
- prints removed
- square trajectory added
- wln with sigmoid solver corrected
- final corrections
- final corrections to the solver formula
- created unified singularity and joint limit avoidance class... other classes moved
- restoring wln previous version of the solver
- saturation block added in unified solver just for testing
- saturation block corrected
- checking new solver and constraints
- corrected new test script for the new method
- removed test files and corrected identation
- defining GPM solver as default
- fix identation
- comment corrected
- identation fix in contraint solver factory
- finalize PR
- cleanup leftovers
- pluginlib approach for controller interfaces
- add toggle for enforce_input_limits, implement both All and Individual Cartesian limiting
- combine LimiterXContainer
- limiter fixed
- Limiter Base class removed
- pull request changes
- final implementation of cartesian limiter
- bug fixed in class limiter container
- bug fixed in class limiter container
- cartesian limits introduced
- remove sympy implementation and dependency
- use xacro --inorder
- final roslint
- applied changes request in the pull request review
- damping factor for old method replaced by a diagonal matrix
- last corretions to pull request
- corrections added according to last Felix comments
- fixed changes done by rebase
- prints removed for new damping function calculations
- new method based of sigmoid function to singularity avoidance implemented
- bug fix in least square calculation when changing to return matrix
- starting to roslint some packages
- manually fix changelog
- Contributors: Bruno Brito, ipa-fxm
0.6.14 (2016-10-10)
0.6.13 (2016-10-10)
0.6.12 (2016-10-10)
- cob_twist_controller: fix add_dependencies calls
- Contributors: ipa-mig
0.6.11 (2016-04-01)
- reduce output
- outsource obstacle_distance messages
- remove support for interpol_position controller
- debug output
- use joint_group_velocity_controller for torso extension
- verify position limit scaling factor
- fix typo
- fix lookat: do not look backwards
- missing sympy dependency
- add test publisher twist sine
- avoid unecessary service calls to obstacle_distance
- fix collision avoidance dimension segfault
- infinitesiamal threshold for BaseActive
- wider limits
- enforce position limit
- add test_forward_command_sine_node
- cleanup period
- Update test_trajectory_command_sine_node.cpp
- adjust lookat extension limits
- more compact parameter structure
- make lookat linear axis configurable - axis and offset
- cleanup roslint
- add trajectory_command test node
- introduce cfg-parameter integrator_smoothing
- add debug publisher to simpson_integration
- rename member variables
- add q_dot_ik smoothing, adjust parameters
- add timing members for period
- Merge pull request #79 from ipa-fxm/fix_visualize_twist_marker visualize twist marker
- proper reset for ControllerInterfaceJointStates
- visualize angular twist
- fix visualize twist marker
- Fixed the TwistDirection Marker
- use undamped jacobian in nullspace projection
- minor renaming
- roslint cob_twist_controller
- final roslint
- add TimeStamp to trajectory_interface
- also print limiting joint
- prepare remapping for twist_mux in cartesian controller
- add test nodes for SimpsonIntegrator
- reset moving average
- simplify API
- use new API in SimpsonIntegrator
- test new MovingAverage API
- all new MovingAverage API
- saver initialization of weighting
- test scripts for moving_average
- use interpolated position controller
- add more debug scripts
- consider various roslint/styleguide hints
- apply change in parameter name
- fix frame_id in visualizeTwist
- lookat extension fully implemented
- more experiments with reset condition in simpson_integrator
- minor improvement of comment
- fix order of doxygen comment
- fix whitespaces
- move simpson integration to new util class
- prepare structure for lookat
- temporarily disable CA when being used together with KinematicExtensions
- less output
- more consistent code structure for constraints
- remove obsolete return values
- use extension_ratio for all extensions
- wip: consider kinematic_extensions within limiters and constraints - still unstable
- chain not needed in limiters
- resolve hardcoded cycle time in prediction
- proper generation of Jacobian for kinematic extension from urdf
- more generic naming in extension_dof, transform extension_jacobian in extension_urdf
- merge with demo updates
- Fixed order of transform and service registration. Additionally added more time to wait for service availability.
- fix dimension of jac_extension
- merge and roslint
- roslint cob_twist_controller
- draft towards kinematic_extension for COB_TORSO based on URDF
- prepare structure for additional kinematic_extensions
- revert acceleration_limiters impl, class structure only, further consistency changes and cleanup
- progress with acceleration limiters, still wip
- implement acceleration limiter
- pass down whole JointStates structure
- better reset condition
- fix limiter reset, fix service existence, consistency
- prepare structure for acceleration limiters
- temporary cleanup
- do FK_Vel in GPM for debugging
- further debug gpm and self-motion
- add solveTwist duration output
- visualization marker for desired twist direction
- renaming: hardware_interface to controller_interface
- fixes for positional interfaces
- waitForExistence of registerLink service
- wip: use undamped inverse in gpm
- allow to calculate un-damped, un-truncated inverse jacobian
- update octave scripts for testing variants
- working on marker publisher
- working on log output
- update trajectory_hardware_interface
- introduce HardwareInterfacePositionBase, reset Integration on out-dated data
- handle base_compensation in kinematic_extension enum
- renaming frame - link
- Merge branch 'indigo_dev' of into trajectory_hardware_interface
- Commented output lines. - Renamed frame_of_interest to link_of_interest.
- Merge branch 'indigo_dev' of into trajectory_hardware_interface
- implement JointTrajectory hardware_interface for twist_controller
- Contributors: Felix Messmer, Marco Bezzon, ipa-fxm, ipa-fxm-cm, ipa-fxm-mb
0.6.10 (2015-08-31)
0.6.9 (2015-08-25)
- authors in package xml
- Corrections integrated from PR: [WIP] Finalizing/Testing of TwistController features (#51). Renaming from frame_to_collision to link_to_collision.
- Fixed bug in constraint implementation: sign was "-" but must be "+".
- Moved scripts.
- Added more text to package.xml
- Moved scripts to subfolder test.
- Added new script for raw3-1.
- In config file avoided setting of 0 tolerance (DIV/0!). Removed additional output.
- Made some changes for test. - Decreased Duration time for markers. - Corrected pose update for self collision check frames. - Added new scripts.
- Added comment to activation buffer.
- boost revision
- Merge branch 'test_of_feature' into test_of_feature_with_adapt_frame_tracker
- Overwritten numerical_filtering with false.
- Some preparations for test: IMarker smaller, Alpha settings, More scripts. Default value for Frame Tracker params.
- Added parameters for activation buffer and critical threshold of CA and JLA constraints.
- Removed method getActivationThreshold because parameter can be used directly.
- Packed thresholds into struct.
- Commented some outputs.
- CA: Increased exp. decay from 0.1 to 0.2 - Added comments. - Moved constraints set and management to base class. - Added time delta to test script.
- Removed parameter mu. - Added obstacle id for identification of collision pair in ObstacleDistance.msg. - Added Frametracking to DataCollector. - Restructured obstacle distance data collecting. - In debug trajectory marker added explicit usage of frame_tracker/tracking_frame.
- merge
- explicit dependency to boost
- Fixed bug when obstacles move away from robot. Clear distances list when new distances arrive (also in case nothing is available for current link) to avoid no movement.
- Renaming obstacle_marker_server for interactive obstacle
- Now publishing all obstacle distances instead of the minimal distance only. Defined a MIN_DISTANCE for selection of data to publish (e.g. > than 0.5 m doesn't make sense for CA).
- Selection of the minimal distance in debug node.
- Callback data mediator processes all obstacles for a frame of interest id now.
- Restructured methods in constraint classes.
- In CA constraint now processing all collision pairs for one link in a CollisionAvoidance instance.
- Removed unnecessary output.
- Resolved merge conflicts.
- more fixes for migration afer merge
- merge with package_xml_2
- remove trailing whitespaces
- migrate to package format 2
- Removed unnecessary commented code.
- Added handling of no exception: Save files.
- Avoided drawing of self-collision frames -> can be done via rviz.
- Increased CA activation threshold to 0.25 m
- Deleted unnecessary files.
- Renamed dynamics_tasks_readjust_solver -> stack_of_tasks_solver. Therefore adapted corresponding cfg and data_types.
- Created Python package for data collection.
- fix HardwareInterfacePosition
- consider PR review comments
- Removed experiment solvers for task stacks. Now the dynamic_tasks_readjust_solver works better than them.
- adapted MakeLists and config and data_types.
- For BVH introduced a shared_ptr member -> so a collision object can be created without copying the whole BVH. This saves computation time (5% for 3 SCA and 1 torus)
- Decreased rate for cob_obstacle_distance because the movement does not change that often.
- According to the rate adapted the moving average for distance in constraint_ca_impl
- updates from ipa-fxm-mb
- Implemented Python package to set dyn_reconfigure params. Made test_move_around_torus use of this class.
- cleanup
- sort dependencies
- Created test, Removed commends, Removed output.
- Fixed bugs in cartesian_controller: waitFor last available transform else extrapolation error; send always a new constructed StampedTransform instead of using an already existent one, else end-effector is decoupled from manipulator and other confusing things happen...; Added responsible node to tf error msg.
- Merged with ipa-fxm/test_of_feature branch.
- Separated JLA and CA constraints from constraint_impl.h
- Corrected JLA constraint. - Added weighting of GPM prio dependent. - Added buffer region for CA constraint to become active.
- Made movinge average generic for other data types. Using moving average for CA constraint.
- simplify simpson
- Removed PredictDistance Service (not necessary anymore; found a lightweight computational algorithm).
- Made KDL::ChainFkSolverVel_recursive in CA constraint available for prediction.
- Replace constraints update method prediction variable with JntArrayVel.
- Refactored ObstacleDistance.msg: Reduced number of members, renamings, added frame_of_interest for registration and made use of header->frame_id for arm_base_link.
- Renamed service for registration.
- Improved input twist damping in case of a constraint is in CRITICAL state.
- check for frame existence
- allow target_frame to be configured via private param, beautifying
- Further tests and adaptations for test.
- Added generated const from .cfg; Styling
- re-implementation of trajectory_publisher in c++
- Added Python package to collect data and write collected data into a file.
- Fixed parameter initialization.
- fix parameter initialization + add max_vel_base to cfg
- add topic name to ROS_WARN output
- add doxygen documentation
- add example launch file
- publish joint_states in separate thread
- adding JointStateInterface
- add base_marker to publisher
- generalize scripts, minor changes
- Corrected default values in cfg.
- Corrected CMakeLists.txt. Replaced ASSIMP_LIBRARIES with assimp.
- Added consideration of origin from URDF tags. Removed shape_type and so Registration.srv and replaced by SetString service. Removed comments.
- Considering visual tag as fallback now. Removed duplicate map and struct.
- Considered further proposals from
- Considered proposals from
- Integrated comments of Replaced static link2collision map with URDF parser. Added class for URDF parser and create marker shapes.
- Added functions to represent a registered robot link as a mesh instead of simple shapes. Added a mapping between robot link name and mesh resource name.
- Integration. To avoid controller jump into critical region again introduced in cart vel damping.
- Fixed DIV/0 error in distance cost function calculation.
- Reassignment of corrected values to twist_controller_params_ instance.
- Added JLA inequality constraint to be used within the dynamic task strategy. Added checking and resetting of dynamic_reconfigure params. Corrected formatting of LSV damping.
- Moved TaskStackController to parameters list. Added new damping factor for constraints (to avoid algo. singularities). Added new inverse for testing.
- Separated constraints from solvers and vice versa. Added new parameters. Prettified GUI.
- Added a Simple Python node to publish a line strip to see the real trajectory and the desired one.
- Made CA possible with active base. Bug fixing of solvers in case of base active. Corrected JLA constraints.
- more style unification
- parameter initialization
- enforceLimits now in inv_diff_kin_solver
- enum for KinematicExtension and styling for constants
- consider remarks from CodeReview: mainly styling and beautify
- hardware_interface_type renaming
- re-arrange Parameter structs
- Merge branch 'task_stack_prio_feature' of into multi_feature_merge
- Added new method for dynamic tasks readjustment. Implemented prediction of distance now for vectors.
- resolve conflicts after merging ipa-fxm-mb/task_stack_prio_feature
- KinematicExtensionBaseActive works
- WIP: further cleanup and introduction of abstract helper class
- WIP: kinematic_extension replaces base_active
- Refactored task stack solvers. Fixed creation of solver instances. Removed unnecessary test code.
- beautify and code-review
- remove auto generatable doc
- merge with ipa320
- generic interface types
- Added chain recursive fk vel calculator. Corrected calculation of translational Jacobian for CA. Introduced further msg types to achieve that. Extended solvers: CA as first prio task, CA as GPM, CA as GPM with disappearing main tasks.
- Added task stack controller.
- Corrected dist calclation for GPM CA
- Added stack of tasks and Macijewski task prio CA.
- Added stack of tasks and further developments on GPM CA.
- Further developments.
- Implemented proposals from discussion Removed tabs. Corrected node handles.
- Merge with IPA320 Indigo Dev.
- removed bug
- merged
- Added moving average filter and simpson integration formula
- New octave script to check whether split of vector v into separate tasks works.
- Removed rad variable.
- Fixed issue in WLN_JLA: Removed conversion to radian.
- Made code more CppStyleGuide ROS compliant.
- Made corrections proposed in
- Renaming: AugmentedSolver -> InverseDifferentialKinematicsSolver
- Merged cob_twist_controller_data_types and augmented_solver_data_types -> cob_twist_controller_data_types
- Renamings: According to ROS C++ Style Guide.
- Added doxygen comments
- Corrected the messages produced by catkin_lint
- Created a static method to return SolverFactory
- Made obstacle tracking independent from arm_right.
- Refactored signatures of solve methods: Instead of using dynamic vector now a 6d vector is used because twists are of dim 6d.
- Removed unnecessary comments.
- Introduced eigen_conversions to have simple converters instead of filling matrices and vectors manually -> Reduces typing and copying errors!
- Renamed some variables according to ROS C++ style guide
- Moved advanced chain fk solver from cob_twist_controller to cob_obstacle_distance.
- Replaced complicated transformation of base_link to arm_base_link with simpler and direct one.
- Removed unnecessary services and replaced with message publisher and subscriber (for distance calculation).
- Added example launch file for cob_obstacle_distance.
- Corrected handling of objects of interest. Now in both packages frames are used (instead of joint names) -> made it similar to KDL and tf handlings.
- Removed commented code.
- Removed pointer where objects could be used directly (constraint params generation)
- callback data mediator keeps old distance values until new ones were received. An iterator is used to go through the container.
- Added missing modules
- Created a obstacle distance publisher in cob_obstacle_distance package and a subscriber in cob_twist_controller package.
- Created registration service in cob_obstacle_distance
- Creation of multiple CA constraints dependent on formerly registered joint regions.
- test
- Renaming
- Added collision avoidance feature. Solve with GPM. Made usage of cob_collision_object_publisher via ROS service.
- Added possibility to calculate self motion magnitude dependent from joint velocity limits.
- Removed tracking error publisher / subscriber and removed additional p gain for PD-Control (already done in FrameTracker with PID controller)
- Solved merge conflicts
- WIP:
- Added new solver feature: GradientProjectionMethod.
- Added cost function for: JLA, JLA_MID, CA
- Added kappa parameter to set GPM scaling.
- Added builder to support build of multiple constraints.
- Added new implementation for KDL::ChainFkSolverPos_recursive. Provides storage of joint positions.
- Beautify. Corresponding to PR
- renamed parameters and functions
- Generischer Ansatz
- Low Isotropic Damping
- Added constraints for JLA and JLA mid.
- Added calculation for step size.
- Prepared the implementation of a builder to create a set of constraints.
- Decoupled constraints generation from solver class GPM (now they could be used for other methods as well).
- Removed asParams from constraints. Only necessary for constraintParams.
- Added a possibility to implement constraint functions.
- Added a registration mechanism to the solver (registration in a priorized set).
- Added a parameter to select it
- Renamed pseudoinverse_calculation -> inverse_jacobian_calculation
- Decoupled pseudoinverse calculation from constraint_solvers. That allows new implementations for pseudoinverse calculations. Additionally it allows to calculate pseudoinverses of further Jacobians (e.g. for constraints)
- Removed unnecessary _base.cpp files and removed them from CMakeLists.txt.
- Refactored parametrization of damping -> damping method is now given to solver for extensions (like numerical filtering)
- Considered damping method NONE in case of no damping for solving IK.
- Added a publisher for the tracking errors to send them to cob_twist_controller
- Added a subscriber to collect the errors and put them to the solver.
- Added a parameter to set the p gain. If 0.0 old behavior is active (default value).
- Contributors: ipa-fxm, ipa-fxm-cm, ipa-fxm-mb
- add missing include
- Contributors: ipa-fxm
- missing dependency
- Contributors: ipa-fxm
0.6.8 (2015-06-17)
0.6.7 (2015-06-17)
- reduce output in limiters
- restructure namespaces for parameters of cartesian controllers
- Instead of creating png create eps.
- Added new damping method None
- Added enum value to select damping None
- Removed pure pointer usage and added boost::shared_ptr usage (which provides pointer management / ensure deletion of objects)
- Removed unused includes
- Renamings
- Removed unnecessary ROS_INFO_STREAMs
- Removed temporary variables for test code
- Added debug code
- Removed truncation
- Removed unused members
- Grouped limiters in one .h and one .cpp
- Grouped damping_methods in one .h and one .cpp
- Removed separate factories. Made SolverFactory generic by introducing template parameters.
- Made usage of boost::shared_ptr instead of own pointer handling.
- Adapted CMakeLists.txt according to changes.
- Split parameter enforce_limits into enforce_pos_limits and enforce_vel_limits
- To enforce limits for joint positions and velocities created new classes.
- Additionally added parameter for keeping direction or not when enforcing limits.
- Therefore removed normalize_velocities and enforce_limits from cob_twist_controller. Instead the new limiter_container is used.
- Added new struct to provide cob_twist_controller params.
- Removed debug code.
- Take care: W\^(1/2) * q_dot = weighted_pinv_J * x_dot -> One must consider the weighting!!!
- Added script to check pseudo-inverse calculation.
- Take care: W\^(1/2) * q_dot = weighted_pinv_J * x_dot -> One must consider the weighting!!!
- Added an octave script to verify the statement above.
- Removed unnecessary file
- Added doxygen comments
- Activated graphviz for doc generation
- Added const to method signatures to avoid undesired JntArray-Data change.
- moved enfore_limits from augmented_solver to cob_twist_controller
- Added a base case WeightedLeastNorm to constraint solvers Instantiated it acts like an unconstraint solver.
- Renamed JointLimitAvoidanceSolver to WLN_JointLimitAvoidanceSolver
- WLN_JointLimitAvoidanceSolver inherits from WeightedLeastNormSolver and implements calculate_weighting
- moved enfore_limits from augmented_solver to cob_twist_controller
- Added a base case WeightedLeastNorm to constraint solvers Instantiated it acts like an unconstraint solver.
- Renamed JointLimitAvoidanceSolver to WLN_JointLimitAvoidanceSolver
- WLN_JointLimitAvoidanceSolver inherits from WeightedLeastNormSolver and implements calculate_weighting only. -> Solving is done by the WLN Solver.
- Added validation outputs. Added comments for doxygen generation. Did some renaming.
- Made restructured changes active. Corrected some implementation. Activated both old and new implementation for comparison and testing purposes.
- Made usages of ConstraintSolverFactoryBuilder:
- Creates DampingMethod
- Creates ConstraintSolver
- Executes calculation of joint velocities.
- Split up augmented_solver.cpp into different constraint solvers: JLA constraints and unconstraint.
- Restructured augmented_solver.
- Renamed class augmented_solver to AugmentedSolver.
- Created damping_methods as classes to ease creation of dampings (and new ones).
- add comments
- cleanup
- beautify CMakeLists
- using correct base topic names
- fix debug node
- remove obsolete code for parameter initialization, enforce_limits behaviour
- revision, simplification and cleanup
- remove obsolete files
- twist controller analyser
- last update
- update working frame_tracker
- base compensation test
- temporary adjust base topics
- reduce output
- twist series test script
- use component specific joint_states topic
- no output
- merge
- cleaning up
- new publisher and transformation names
- merge with cm
- added commentary, tolerance as dynamic reconfigure, modified enforce_limits
- Debug functions
- merge with cm
- Merge branch 'indigo_dev' of into fm_cm_merged_new
- last commit before merging
- new rqt_features
- delete all test packages
- delete all test packages
- fixed errors from merging
- merged from ipa-fxm-cm
- beautify, added commentary, limit enforcing and dynamic reconfigure for JLA
- new debug twist
- add tracking_action
- test
- new features
- test
- Merge branch 'merge_fm_cm' of into cm_dev
- changes
- Corrected errors from merging
- First merge attempt
- Joint Limit Avoidance added and cleaned up
- Added publisher for the pose
- Modified for the new structure
- cleaned up again
- Cleaned up
- New features
- a commit a day keeps the doctor away
- Contributors: Christian Ehrmann, ipa-fxm, ipa-fxm-cm, ipa-fxm-fm, ipa-fxm-mb
0.6.6 (2014-12-18)
- remove dep to cob_srvs and std_srvs
- Contributors: Florian Weisshardt
0.6.5 (2014-12-18)
- Merge branch 'indigo_dev' into indigo_release_candidate
- add dep
- Contributors: Florian Weisshardt
0.6.4 (2014-12-16)
0.6.3 (2014-12-16)
- add dependency to nav_msgs
- Contributors: Florian Weisshardt
0.6.2 (2014-12-15)
- Merge branch 'indigo_dev' into indigo_release_candidate
- fix twist_control dimensions for any-DoF
- merge with fxm-cm
- merge with fxm-fm
- cleaning up
- branch with features for merging
- topics according to new structure
- remove brics_actuator
- more topic renaming according to new structure
- renaming debug topic
- adapt namespaces for cartesian_controller to new structure
- dynamic reconfigure
- revision of cob_twist_controller
- merge_cm
- merge_fm
- temporary commit
- temporary commit
- changes in initialization
- restructure test_twist publisher scripts
- fix twist_controller to be usable without base again
- able to add base DoFs to Jacobian solver - first tests - needs more debugging
- null-space syncMM
- add test script for twist_stamped
- able to apply twists wrt to various coordinate system orientations
- cleanup, restructure and fix
- missing include
- merge with fxm-fm + clean up
- add twist publisher script
- add output publisher
- cleaning up
- beautify
- Add fixes provided by \@ipa-fxm-fm
- fix controller and add damping
- add twist publisher script
- add output publisher
- Add fixes provided by \@ipa-fxm-fm
- Contributors: Florian Weisshardt, ipa-fxm, ipa-fxm-cm, ipa-fxm-fm
0.6.1 (2014-09-22)
0.5.4 (2014-08-26)
- fix dependency-hell on multiple cores
- moved cob_twist_controller
- Contributors: Alexander Bubeck, ipa-fxm
Wiki Tutorials
Package Dependencies
System Dependencies
Dependant Packages
Name | Deps |
cob_cartesian_controller | |
cob_control | |
cob_bringup |
Launch files
Recent questions tagged cob_twist_controller at Robotics Stack Exchange
Package Summary
Tags | No category tags. |
Version | 0.8.22 |
License | Apache 2.0 |
Build type | CATKIN |
Repository Summary
Checkout URI | |
VCS Type | git |
VCS Version | melodic_dev |
Last Updated | 2024-04-17 |
Dev Status | MAINTAINED |
CI status | Continuous Integration : 0 / 0 |
Released | RELEASED |
Tags | No category tags. |
Contributing |
Help Wanted (0)
Good First Issues (0) Pull Requests to Review (0) |
Package Description
Additional Links
- Felix Messmer
- Felix Messmer
- Marco Bezzon
- Christoph Mark
- Francisco Moreno
Changelog for package cob_twist_controller
0.8.22 (2023-04-29)
0.8.21 (2023-01-04)
0.8.20 (2022-11-17)
0.8.19 (2022-07-29)
0.8.18 (2022-01-12)
0.8.17 (2021-12-23)
- Merge pull request #262 from fmessmer/debug_cart_vel_recursive publish cart vel magnitudes for frames of chain
- fix catkin_lint
- calculate fk_vel_recursive based on joint_trajectory_controller state for both desired and actual joint states
- rename debug node
- fix getNrOfJoints vs getNrOfSegments and fixed joint handling
- debug chain
- provide launch file for debug_evaluate_jointstates
- fill header.stamp in twist_magnitude msg
- extend debug_evaluate_jointstates_node to recursively publish cart vel magnitudes for frames of chain
- Contributors: Felix Messmer, fmessmer
0.8.16 (2021-10-19)
0.8.15 (2021-05-17)
0.8.14 (2021-05-10)
- Merge pull request #254 from mikaelarguedas/python3-six ROS_PYTHON_VERSION conditional dependency for python-six
- mark exec_depend
- ROS_PYTHON_VERSION conditional dependency for python-six
- Contributors: Felix Messmer, Mikael Arguedas, fmessmer
0.8.13 (2021-04-06)
0.8.12 (2020-10-21)
- Merge pull request #243 from fmessmer/test_noetic test noetic
- ROS_PYTHON_VERSION conditional dependency for matplotlib
- conditional depend for orocos-kdl
- use setuptools instead of distutils
- Bump CMake version to avoid CMP0048 warning
- Contributors: Felix Messmer, fmessmer
0.8.11 (2020-03-21)
0.8.10 (2020-03-18)
- Merge pull request #228 from fmessmer/feature/python3_compatibility_melodic [ci_updates] pylint + Python3 compatibility - melodic
- disable simple_script_server import error
- Use six.moves.input for all uses of raw_input/input
- fix modules
- fix pylint errors
- python3 compatibility via 2to3
- Merge pull request #226 from fmessmer/ci_updates_melodic [travis] ci updates - melodic
- catkin_lint fixes
- Contributors: Felix Messmer, Loy van Beek, fmessmer
0.8.1 (2019-11-07)
0.8.0 (2019-08-09)
0.7.8 (2019-08-09)
- Merge pull request #210 from fmessmer/missing_target_dependency add missing target dependency
- add missing target dependency
- Contributors: Felix Messmer, fmessmer
0.7.7 (2019-08-06)
0.7.6 (2019-06-07)
0.7.5 (2019-05-20)
- Merge pull request #206 from fmessmer/improve_lookat_extension improve lookat extension
- implement lookat_pointing_frame
- fix lookat_chain offset, allow KinematicExtension to fail, param-config converter functions
- Contributors: Felix Messmer, fmessmer
0.7.4 (2019-04-05)
0.7.3 (2019-03-14)
- Merge pull request #197 from ipa320/fmessmer-patch-1 add missing install tags
- add missing install tags
- Contributors: Felix Messmer
0.7.2 (2018-07-21)
- update maintainer
- Contributors: fmessmer
0.7.1 (2018-01-07)
- Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/kinetic_release_candidate' into kinetic_dev
- Merge pull request #169 from ipa-fxm/kinetic_updates_indigo Kinetic updates indigo
- Merge branch 'indigo_dev' of into kinetic_dev Conflicts: .travis.yml
- Merge pull request #159 from ipa-fxm/APACHE_license use license apache 2.0
- use license apache 2.0
- Contributors: Felix Messmer, ipa-fxm, ipa-uhr-mk
0.7.0 (2017-07-18)
- Merge branch 'indigo_dev' of into kinetic_dev
- [kinetic] migration
- [kinetic] find package Eigen3 instead of Eigen
- [kinetic] switched from fcl to libfcl-dev dependency
- ignore cob_obstacle_distance for now
- [kinetic] use industrial_ci for travis
- [kinetic] use industrial_cis ipa320 fork & notify on_success only on change
- fixed fcl dependency
- new fcl version switched from boost::shared to std::shared
- whitelist package
- use ros-industrials fork
- cleaned up travis.yml
- Contributors: Benjamin Maidel, ipa-fxm
0.6.15 (2017-07-18)
- handle continuous joints in ControllerInterfaceJointStates
- handle continuous joints in position_limiter
- harmonize createTask
- remove unused TaskDamping
- remove ConstraintParamFactory
- harmonize ConstraintParams
- set default values for damping methods
- own param struct for unified solver
- New singularity and joint limit avoidance method
- first implementation of new jla solver using sigmoid functions
- first version of new JLA method working
- last fix to new JLA solver
- correction in parameter used in sigmoid damping method
- new solver added and new jla method added to be tested and selected according to performance comparison
- fix to rqt_reconfigure parameters
- final correction to new solver and new weighting method
- prints removed
- square trajectory added
- wln with sigmoid solver corrected
- final corrections
- final corrections to the solver formula
- created unified singularity and joint limit avoidance class... other classes moved
- restoring wln previous version of the solver
- saturation block added in unified solver just for testing
- saturation block corrected
- checking new solver and constraints
- corrected new test script for the new method
- removed test files and corrected identation
- defining GPM solver as default
- fix identation
- comment corrected
- identation fix in contraint solver factory
- finalize PR
- cleanup leftovers
- pluginlib approach for controller interfaces
- add toggle for enforce_input_limits, implement both All and Individual Cartesian limiting
- combine LimiterXContainer
- limiter fixed
- Limiter Base class removed
- pull request changes
- final implementation of cartesian limiter
- bug fixed in class limiter container
- bug fixed in class limiter container
- cartesian limits introduced
- remove sympy implementation and dependency
- use xacro --inorder
- final roslint
- applied changes request in the pull request review
- damping factor for old method replaced by a diagonal matrix
- last corretions to pull request
- corrections added according to last Felix comments
- fixed changes done by rebase
- prints removed for new damping function calculations
- new method based of sigmoid function to singularity avoidance implemented
- bug fix in least square calculation when changing to return matrix
- starting to roslint some packages
- manually fix changelog
- Contributors: Bruno Brito, ipa-fxm
0.6.14 (2016-10-10)
0.6.13 (2016-10-10)
0.6.12 (2016-10-10)
- cob_twist_controller: fix add_dependencies calls
- Contributors: ipa-mig
0.6.11 (2016-04-01)
- reduce output
- outsource obstacle_distance messages
- remove support for interpol_position controller
- debug output
- use joint_group_velocity_controller for torso extension
- verify position limit scaling factor
- fix typo
- fix lookat: do not look backwards
- missing sympy dependency
- add test publisher twist sine
- avoid unecessary service calls to obstacle_distance
- fix collision avoidance dimension segfault
- infinitesiamal threshold for BaseActive
- wider limits
- enforce position limit
- add test_forward_command_sine_node
- cleanup period
- Update test_trajectory_command_sine_node.cpp
- adjust lookat extension limits
- more compact parameter structure
- make lookat linear axis configurable - axis and offset
- cleanup roslint
- add trajectory_command test node
- introduce cfg-parameter integrator_smoothing
- add debug publisher to simpson_integration
- rename member variables
- add q_dot_ik smoothing, adjust parameters
- add timing members for period
- Merge pull request #79 from ipa-fxm/fix_visualize_twist_marker visualize twist marker
- proper reset for ControllerInterfaceJointStates
- visualize angular twist
- fix visualize twist marker
- Fixed the TwistDirection Marker
- use undamped jacobian in nullspace projection
- minor renaming
- roslint cob_twist_controller
- final roslint
- add TimeStamp to trajectory_interface
- also print limiting joint
- prepare remapping for twist_mux in cartesian controller
- add test nodes for SimpsonIntegrator
- reset moving average
- simplify API
- use new API in SimpsonIntegrator
- test new MovingAverage API
- all new MovingAverage API
- saver initialization of weighting
- test scripts for moving_average
- use interpolated position controller
- add more debug scripts
- consider various roslint/styleguide hints
- apply change in parameter name
- fix frame_id in visualizeTwist
- lookat extension fully implemented
- more experiments with reset condition in simpson_integrator
- minor improvement of comment
- fix order of doxygen comment
- fix whitespaces
- move simpson integration to new util class
- prepare structure for lookat
- temporarily disable CA when being used together with KinematicExtensions
- less output
- more consistent code structure for constraints
- remove obsolete return values
- use extension_ratio for all extensions
- wip: consider kinematic_extensions within limiters and constraints - still unstable
- chain not needed in limiters
- resolve hardcoded cycle time in prediction
- proper generation of Jacobian for kinematic extension from urdf
- more generic naming in extension_dof, transform extension_jacobian in extension_urdf
- merge with demo updates
- Fixed order of transform and service registration. Additionally added more time to wait for service availability.
- fix dimension of jac_extension
- merge and roslint
- roslint cob_twist_controller
- draft towards kinematic_extension for COB_TORSO based on URDF
- prepare structure for additional kinematic_extensions
- revert acceleration_limiters impl, class structure only, further consistency changes and cleanup
- progress with acceleration limiters, still wip
- implement acceleration limiter
- pass down whole JointStates structure
- better reset condition
- fix limiter reset, fix service existence, consistency
- prepare structure for acceleration limiters
- temporary cleanup
- do FK_Vel in GPM for debugging
- further debug gpm and self-motion
- add solveTwist duration output
- visualization marker for desired twist direction
- renaming: hardware_interface to controller_interface
- fixes for positional interfaces
- waitForExistence of registerLink service
- wip: use undamped inverse in gpm
- allow to calculate un-damped, un-truncated inverse jacobian
- update octave scripts for testing variants
- working on marker publisher
- working on log output
- update trajectory_hardware_interface
- introduce HardwareInterfacePositionBase, reset Integration on out-dated data
- handle base_compensation in kinematic_extension enum
- renaming frame - link
- Merge branch 'indigo_dev' of into trajectory_hardware_interface
- Commented output lines. - Renamed frame_of_interest to link_of_interest.
- Merge branch 'indigo_dev' of into trajectory_hardware_interface
- implement JointTrajectory hardware_interface for twist_controller
- Contributors: Felix Messmer, Marco Bezzon, ipa-fxm, ipa-fxm-cm, ipa-fxm-mb
0.6.10 (2015-08-31)
0.6.9 (2015-08-25)
- authors in package xml
- Corrections integrated from PR: [WIP] Finalizing/Testing of TwistController features (#51). Renaming from frame_to_collision to link_to_collision.
- Fixed bug in constraint implementation: sign was "-" but must be "+".
- Moved scripts.
- Added more text to package.xml
- Moved scripts to subfolder test.
- Added new script for raw3-1.
- In config file avoided setting of 0 tolerance (DIV/0!). Removed additional output.
- Made some changes for test. - Decreased Duration time for markers. - Corrected pose update for self collision check frames. - Added new scripts.
- Added comment to activation buffer.
- boost revision
- Merge branch 'test_of_feature' into test_of_feature_with_adapt_frame_tracker
- Overwritten numerical_filtering with false.
- Some preparations for test: IMarker smaller, Alpha settings, More scripts. Default value for Frame Tracker params.
- Added parameters for activation buffer and critical threshold of CA and JLA constraints.
- Removed method getActivationThreshold because parameter can be used directly.
- Packed thresholds into struct.
- Commented some outputs.
- CA: Increased exp. decay from 0.1 to 0.2 - Added comments. - Moved constraints set and management to base class. - Added time delta to test script.
- Removed parameter mu. - Added obstacle id for identification of collision pair in ObstacleDistance.msg. - Added Frametracking to DataCollector. - Restructured obstacle distance data collecting. - In debug trajectory marker added explicit usage of frame_tracker/tracking_frame.
- merge
- explicit dependency to boost
- Fixed bug when obstacles move away from robot. Clear distances list when new distances arrive (also in case nothing is available for current link) to avoid no movement.
- Renaming obstacle_marker_server for interactive obstacle
- Now publishing all obstacle distances instead of the minimal distance only. Defined a MIN_DISTANCE for selection of data to publish (e.g. > than 0.5 m doesn't make sense for CA).
- Selection of the minimal distance in debug node.
- Callback data mediator processes all obstacles for a frame of interest id now.
- Restructured methods in constraint classes.
- In CA constraint now processing all collision pairs for one link in a CollisionAvoidance instance.
- Removed unnecessary output.
- Resolved merge conflicts.
- more fixes for migration afer merge
- merge with package_xml_2
- remove trailing whitespaces
- migrate to package format 2
- Removed unnecessary commented code.
- Added handling of no exception: Save files.
- Avoided drawing of self-collision frames -> can be done via rviz.
- Increased CA activation threshold to 0.25 m
- Deleted unnecessary files.
- Renamed dynamics_tasks_readjust_solver -> stack_of_tasks_solver. Therefore adapted corresponding cfg and data_types.
- Created Python package for data collection.
- fix HardwareInterfacePosition
- consider PR review comments
- Removed experiment solvers for task stacks. Now the dynamic_tasks_readjust_solver works better than them.
- adapted MakeLists and config and data_types.
- For BVH introduced a shared_ptr member -> so a collision object can be created without copying the whole BVH. This saves computation time (5% for 3 SCA and 1 torus)
- Decreased rate for cob_obstacle_distance because the movement does not change that often.
- According to the rate adapted the moving average for distance in constraint_ca_impl
- updates from ipa-fxm-mb
- Implemented Python package to set dyn_reconfigure params. Made test_move_around_torus use of this class.
- cleanup
- sort dependencies
- Created test, Removed commends, Removed output.
- Fixed bugs in cartesian_controller: waitFor last available transform else extrapolation error; send always a new constructed StampedTransform instead of using an already existent one, else end-effector is decoupled from manipulator and other confusing things happen...; Added responsible node to tf error msg.
- Merged with ipa-fxm/test_of_feature branch.
- Separated JLA and CA constraints from constraint_impl.h
- Corrected JLA constraint. - Added weighting of GPM prio dependent. - Added buffer region for CA constraint to become active.
- Made movinge average generic for other data types. Using moving average for CA constraint.
- simplify simpson
- Removed PredictDistance Service (not necessary anymore; found a lightweight computational algorithm).
- Made KDL::ChainFkSolverVel_recursive in CA constraint available for prediction.
- Replace constraints update method prediction variable with JntArrayVel.
- Refactored ObstacleDistance.msg: Reduced number of members, renamings, added frame_of_interest for registration and made use of header->frame_id for arm_base_link.
- Renamed service for registration.
- Improved input twist damping in case of a constraint is in CRITICAL state.
- check for frame existence
- allow target_frame to be configured via private param, beautifying
- Further tests and adaptations for test.
- Added generated const from .cfg; Styling
- re-implementation of trajectory_publisher in c++
- Added Python package to collect data and write collected data into a file.
- Fixed parameter initialization.
- fix parameter initialization + add max_vel_base to cfg
- add topic name to ROS_WARN output
- add doxygen documentation
- add example launch file
- publish joint_states in separate thread
- adding JointStateInterface
- add base_marker to publisher
- generalize scripts, minor changes
- Corrected default values in cfg.
- Corrected CMakeLists.txt. Replaced ASSIMP_LIBRARIES with assimp.
- Added consideration of origin from URDF tags. Removed shape_type and so Registration.srv and replaced by SetString service. Removed comments.
- Considering visual tag as fallback now. Removed duplicate map and struct.
- Considered further proposals from
- Considered proposals from
- Integrated comments of Replaced static link2collision map with URDF parser. Added class for URDF parser and create marker shapes.
- Added functions to represent a registered robot link as a mesh instead of simple shapes. Added a mapping between robot link name and mesh resource name.
- Integration. To avoid controller jump into critical region again introduced in cart vel damping.
- Fixed DIV/0 error in distance cost function calculation.
- Reassignment of corrected values to twist_controller_params_ instance.
- Added JLA inequality constraint to be used within the dynamic task strategy. Added checking and resetting of dynamic_reconfigure params. Corrected formatting of LSV damping.
- Moved TaskStackController to parameters list. Added new damping factor for constraints (to avoid algo. singularities). Added new inverse for testing.
- Separated constraints from solvers and vice versa. Added new parameters. Prettified GUI.
- Added a Simple Python node to publish a line strip to see the real trajectory and the desired one.
- Made CA possible with active base. Bug fixing of solvers in case of base active. Corrected JLA constraints.
- more style unification
- parameter initialization
- enforceLimits now in inv_diff_kin_solver
- enum for KinematicExtension and styling for constants
- consider remarks from CodeReview: mainly styling and beautify
- hardware_interface_type renaming
- re-arrange Parameter structs
- Merge branch 'task_stack_prio_feature' of into multi_feature_merge
- Added new method for dynamic tasks readjustment. Implemented prediction of distance now for vectors.
- resolve conflicts after merging ipa-fxm-mb/task_stack_prio_feature
- KinematicExtensionBaseActive works
- WIP: further cleanup and introduction of abstract helper class
- WIP: kinematic_extension replaces base_active
- Refactored task stack solvers. Fixed creation of solver instances. Removed unnecessary test code.
- beautify and code-review
- remove auto generatable doc
- merge with ipa320
- generic interface types
- Added chain recursive fk vel calculator. Corrected calculation of translational Jacobian for CA. Introduced further msg types to achieve that. Extended solvers: CA as first prio task, CA as GPM, CA as GPM with disappearing main tasks.
- Added task stack controller.
- Corrected dist calclation for GPM CA
- Added stack of tasks and Macijewski task prio CA.
- Added stack of tasks and further developments on GPM CA.
- Further developments.
- Implemented proposals from discussion Removed tabs. Corrected node handles.
- Merge with IPA320 Indigo Dev.
- removed bug
- merged
- Added moving average filter and simpson integration formula
- New octave script to check whether split of vector v into separate tasks works.
- Removed rad variable.
- Fixed issue in WLN_JLA: Removed conversion to radian.
- Made code more CppStyleGuide ROS compliant.
- Made corrections proposed in
- Renaming: AugmentedSolver -> InverseDifferentialKinematicsSolver
- Merged cob_twist_controller_data_types and augmented_solver_data_types -> cob_twist_controller_data_types
- Renamings: According to ROS C++ Style Guide.
- Added doxygen comments
- Corrected the messages produced by catkin_lint
- Created a static method to return SolverFactory
- Made obstacle tracking independent from arm_right.
- Refactored signatures of solve methods: Instead of using dynamic vector now a 6d vector is used because twists are of dim 6d.
- Removed unnecessary comments.
- Introduced eigen_conversions to have simple converters instead of filling matrices and vectors manually -> Reduces typing and copying errors!
- Renamed some variables according to ROS C++ style guide
- Moved advanced chain fk solver from cob_twist_controller to cob_obstacle_distance.
- Replaced complicated transformation of base_link to arm_base_link with simpler and direct one.
- Removed unnecessary services and replaced with message publisher and subscriber (for distance calculation).
- Added example launch file for cob_obstacle_distance.
- Corrected handling of objects of interest. Now in both packages frames are used (instead of joint names) -> made it similar to KDL and tf handlings.
- Removed commented code.
- Removed pointer where objects could be used directly (constraint params generation)
- callback data mediator keeps old distance values until new ones were received. An iterator is used to go through the container.
- Added missing modules
- Created a obstacle distance publisher in cob_obstacle_distance package and a subscriber in cob_twist_controller package.
- Created registration service in cob_obstacle_distance
- Creation of multiple CA constraints dependent on formerly registered joint regions.
- test
- Renaming
- Added collision avoidance feature. Solve with GPM. Made usage of cob_collision_object_publisher via ROS service.
- Added possibility to calculate self motion magnitude dependent from joint velocity limits.
- Removed tracking error publisher / subscriber and removed additional p gain for PD-Control (already done in FrameTracker with PID controller)
- Solved merge conflicts
- WIP:
- Added new solver feature: GradientProjectionMethod.
- Added cost function for: JLA, JLA_MID, CA
- Added kappa parameter to set GPM scaling.
- Added builder to support build of multiple constraints.
- Added new implementation for KDL::ChainFkSolverPos_recursive. Provides storage of joint positions.
- Beautify. Corresponding to PR
- renamed parameters and functions
- Generischer Ansatz
- Low Isotropic Damping
- Added constraints for JLA and JLA mid.
- Added calculation for step size.
- Prepared the implementation of a builder to create a set of constraints.
- Decoupled constraints generation from solver class GPM (now they could be used for other methods as well).
- Removed asParams from constraints. Only necessary for constraintParams.
- Added a possibility to implement constraint functions.
- Added a registration mechanism to the solver (registration in a priorized set).
- Added a parameter to select it
- Renamed pseudoinverse_calculation -> inverse_jacobian_calculation
- Decoupled pseudoinverse calculation from constraint_solvers. That allows new implementations for pseudoinverse calculations. Additionally it allows to calculate pseudoinverses of further Jacobians (e.g. for constraints)
- Removed unnecessary _base.cpp files and removed them from CMakeLists.txt.
- Refactored parametrization of damping -> damping method is now given to solver for extensions (like numerical filtering)
- Considered damping method NONE in case of no damping for solving IK.
- Added a publisher for the tracking errors to send them to cob_twist_controller
- Added a subscriber to collect the errors and put them to the solver.
- Added a parameter to set the p gain. If 0.0 old behavior is active (default value).
- Contributors: ipa-fxm, ipa-fxm-cm, ipa-fxm-mb
- add missing include
- Contributors: ipa-fxm
- missing dependency
- Contributors: ipa-fxm
0.6.8 (2015-06-17)
0.6.7 (2015-06-17)
- reduce output in limiters
- restructure namespaces for parameters of cartesian controllers
- Instead of creating png create eps.
- Added new damping method None
- Added enum value to select damping None
- Removed pure pointer usage and added boost::shared_ptr usage (which provides pointer management / ensure deletion of objects)
- Removed unused includes
- Renamings
- Removed unnecessary ROS_INFO_STREAMs
- Removed temporary variables for test code
- Added debug code
- Removed truncation
- Removed unused members
- Grouped limiters in one .h and one .cpp
- Grouped damping_methods in one .h and one .cpp
- Removed separate factories. Made SolverFactory generic by introducing template parameters.
- Made usage of boost::shared_ptr instead of own pointer handling.
- Adapted CMakeLists.txt according to changes.
- Split parameter enforce_limits into enforce_pos_limits and enforce_vel_limits
- To enforce limits for joint positions and velocities created new classes.
- Additionally added parameter for keeping direction or not when enforcing limits.
- Therefore removed normalize_velocities and enforce_limits from cob_twist_controller. Instead the new limiter_container is used.
- Added new struct to provide cob_twist_controller params.
- Removed debug code.
- Take care: W\^(1/2) * q_dot = weighted_pinv_J * x_dot -> One must consider the weighting!!!
- Added script to check pseudo-inverse calculation.
- Take care: W\^(1/2) * q_dot = weighted_pinv_J * x_dot -> One must consider the weighting!!!
- Added an octave script to verify the statement above.
- Removed unnecessary file
- Added doxygen comments
- Activated graphviz for doc generation
- Added const to method signatures to avoid undesired JntArray-Data change.
- moved enfore_limits from augmented_solver to cob_twist_controller
- Added a base case WeightedLeastNorm to constraint solvers Instantiated it acts like an unconstraint solver.
- Renamed JointLimitAvoidanceSolver to WLN_JointLimitAvoidanceSolver
- WLN_JointLimitAvoidanceSolver inherits from WeightedLeastNormSolver and implements calculate_weighting
- moved enfore_limits from augmented_solver to cob_twist_controller
- Added a base case WeightedLeastNorm to constraint solvers Instantiated it acts like an unconstraint solver.
- Renamed JointLimitAvoidanceSolver to WLN_JointLimitAvoidanceSolver
- WLN_JointLimitAvoidanceSolver inherits from WeightedLeastNormSolver and implements calculate_weighting only. -> Solving is done by the WLN Solver.
- Added validation outputs. Added comments for doxygen generation. Did some renaming.
- Made restructured changes active. Corrected some implementation. Activated both old and new implementation for comparison and testing purposes.
- Made usages of ConstraintSolverFactoryBuilder:
- Creates DampingMethod
- Creates ConstraintSolver
- Executes calculation of joint velocities.
- Split up augmented_solver.cpp into different constraint solvers: JLA constraints and unconstraint.
- Restructured augmented_solver.
- Renamed class augmented_solver to AugmentedSolver.
- Created damping_methods as classes to ease creation of dampings (and new ones).
- add comments
- cleanup
- beautify CMakeLists
- using correct base topic names
- fix debug node
- remove obsolete code for parameter initialization, enforce_limits behaviour
- revision, simplification and cleanup
- remove obsolete files
- twist controller analyser
- last update
- update working frame_tracker
- base compensation test
- temporary adjust base topics
- reduce output
- twist series test script
- use component specific joint_states topic
- no output
- merge
- cleaning up
- new publisher and transformation names
- merge with cm
- added commentary, tolerance as dynamic reconfigure, modified enforce_limits
- Debug functions
- merge with cm
- Merge branch 'indigo_dev' of into fm_cm_merged_new
- last commit before merging
- new rqt_features
- delete all test packages
- delete all test packages
- fixed errors from merging
- merged from ipa-fxm-cm
- beautify, added commentary, limit enforcing and dynamic reconfigure for JLA
- new debug twist
- add tracking_action
- test
- new features
- test
- Merge branch 'merge_fm_cm' of into cm_dev
- changes
- Corrected errors from merging
- First merge attempt
- Joint Limit Avoidance added and cleaned up
- Added publisher for the pose
- Modified for the new structure
- cleaned up again
- Cleaned up
- New features
- a commit a day keeps the doctor away
- Contributors: Christian Ehrmann, ipa-fxm, ipa-fxm-cm, ipa-fxm-fm, ipa-fxm-mb
0.6.6 (2014-12-18)
- remove dep to cob_srvs and std_srvs
- Contributors: Florian Weisshardt
0.6.5 (2014-12-18)
- Merge branch 'indigo_dev' into indigo_release_candidate
- add dep
- Contributors: Florian Weisshardt
0.6.4 (2014-12-16)
0.6.3 (2014-12-16)
- add dependency to nav_msgs
- Contributors: Florian Weisshardt
0.6.2 (2014-12-15)
- Merge branch 'indigo_dev' into indigo_release_candidate
- fix twist_control dimensions for any-DoF
- merge with fxm-cm
- merge with fxm-fm
- cleaning up
- branch with features for merging
- topics according to new structure
- remove brics_actuator
- more topic renaming according to new structure
- renaming debug topic
- adapt namespaces for cartesian_controller to new structure
- dynamic reconfigure
- revision of cob_twist_controller
- merge_cm
- merge_fm
- temporary commit
- temporary commit
- changes in initialization
- restructure test_twist publisher scripts
- fix twist_controller to be usable without base again
- able to add base DoFs to Jacobian solver - first tests - needs more debugging
- null-space syncMM
- add test script for twist_stamped
- able to apply twists wrt to various coordinate system orientations
- cleanup, restructure and fix
- missing include
- merge with fxm-fm + clean up
- add twist publisher script
- add output publisher
- cleaning up
- beautify
- Add fixes provided by \@ipa-fxm-fm
- fix controller and add damping
- add twist publisher script
- add output publisher
- Add fixes provided by \@ipa-fxm-fm
- Contributors: Florian Weisshardt, ipa-fxm, ipa-fxm-cm, ipa-fxm-fm
0.6.1 (2014-09-22)
0.5.4 (2014-08-26)
- fix dependency-hell on multiple cores
- moved cob_twist_controller
- Contributors: Alexander Bubeck, ipa-fxm
Wiki Tutorials
Package Dependencies
System Dependencies
Dependant Packages
Name | Deps |
cob_cartesian_controller | |
cob_control | |
cob_bringup |
Launch files
- launch/debug_fk_vel_recursive.launch
- component
- chain_base_link
- chain_tip_link
- launch/example.launch