rcpputils package from rcpputils repo


Package Summary

Tags No category tags.
Version 2.4.3
License Apache License 2.0
Build type AMENT_CMAKE

Repository Summary

Checkout URI https://github.com/ros2/rcpputils.git
VCS Type git
VCS Version humble
Last Updated 2024-05-15
CI status No Continuous Integration
Tags No category tags.
Contributing Help Wanted (0)
Good First Issues (0)
Pull Requests to Review (0)

Package Description

Package containing utility code for C++.

Additional Links

No additional links.


  • Chris Lalancette


  • Emerson Knapp
  • Michael Jeronimo

rcpputils: ROS 2 C++ Utilities

License Test rcpputils

rcpputils is a C++ API consisting of macros, functions, and data structures intended for use throughout the ROS 2 codebase

Quality Declaration

This package claims to be in the Quality Level 1 category, see the Quality Declaration for more details.


This package currently contains: * Assertion functions * Clang thread safety annotation macros * Library discovery * String helpers * File system helpers * Type traits helpers * Class that dynamically loads, unloads and get symbols from shared libraries at run-time.

Features are described in more detail at docs/FEATURES.md


Changelog for package rcpputils

2.4.3 (2024-05-15)

  • Generate version header with ament_generate_version_header function (#190) (#191)
  • Contributors: mergify[bot]

2.4.2 (2024-02-16)

  • Included tl_expected (backport #185) (#186)
  • humble: fix <cstdint> error (#184)
  • Contributors: Bernd M

Wiki Tutorials

See ROS Wiki Tutorials for more details.

Source Tutorials

Not currently indexed.

Dependant Packages

Name Repo Deps
class_loader github-ros-class_loader
camera_calibration_parsers github-ros-perception-image_common
camera_info_manager github-ros-perception-image_common
mavros github-mavlink-mavros
mavros_extras github-mavlink-mavros
plotjuggler_ros github-PlotJuggler-plotjuggler-ros-plugins
pluginlib github-ros-pluginlib
point_cloud_transport github-ros-perception-point_cloud_transport
draco_point_cloud_transport github-ros-perception-point_cloud_transport_plugins
qt_gui_cpp github-ros-visualization-qt_gui_core
rviz_common github-ros2-rviz
rviz_satellite github-nobleo-rviz_satellite
cv_bridge github-ros-perception-vision_opencv
libstatistics_collector github-ros-tooling-libstatistics_collector
libyaml_vendor github-ros2-libyaml_vendor
rcl github-ros2-rcl
rcl_yaml_param_parser github-ros2-rcl
rcl_logging_interface github-ros2-rcl_logging
rcl_logging_spdlog github-ros2-rcl_logging
rclcpp github-ros2-rclcpp
rclcpp_action github-ros2-rclcpp
rclcpp_components github-ros2-rclcpp
rclcpp_lifecycle github-ros2-rclcpp
rclpy github-ros2-rclpy
rmw_cyclonedds_cpp github-ros2-rmw_cyclonedds
rmw_dds_common github-ros2-rmw_dds_common
rmw_fastrtps_cpp github-ros2-rmw_fastrtps
rmw_fastrtps_dynamic_cpp github-ros2-rmw_fastrtps
rmw_fastrtps_shared_cpp github-ros2-rmw_fastrtps
rmw_implementation github-ros2-rmw_implementation
ros1_bridge github-ros2-ros1_bridge
controller_manager github-ros-controls-ros2_control
hardware_interface github-ros-controls-ros2_control
diff_drive_controller github-ros-controls-ros2_controllers
steering_controllers_library github-ros-controls-ros2_controllers
tricycle_controller github-ros-controls-ros2_controllers
rosbag2_compression github-ros2-rosbag2
rosbag2_compression_zstd github-ros2-rosbag2
rosbag2_cpp github-ros2-rosbag2
rosbag2_storage github-ros2-rosbag2
rosbag2_storage_default_plugins github-ros2-rosbag2
rosbag2_storage_mcap github-ros2-rosbag2
rosbag2_tests github-ros2-rosbag2
rosidl_typesupport_introspection_tests github-ros2-rosidl
rosidl_typesupport_c github-ros2-rosidl_typesupport
rosidl_typesupport_cpp github-ros2-rosidl_typesupport
test_communication github-ros2-system_tests
test_rclcpp github-ros2-system_tests
rmw_connextdds_common github-ros2-rmw_connextdds
rqt_image_overlay_layer github-ros-sports-rqt_image_overlay
mqtt_client github-ika-rwth-aachen-mqtt_client
caret_trace github-tier4-caret_trace

Launch files

No launch files found


No message files found.


No service files found


No plugins found.

Recent questions tagged rcpputils at Robotics Stack Exchange

rcpputils package from rcpputils repo


Package Summary

Tags No category tags.
Version 2.6.4
License Apache License 2.0
Build type AMENT_CMAKE

Repository Summary

Checkout URI https://github.com/ros2/rcpputils.git
VCS Type git
VCS Version iron
Last Updated 2024-07-11
CI status No Continuous Integration
Tags No category tags.
Contributing Help Wanted (0)
Good First Issues (0)
Pull Requests to Review (0)

Package Description

Package containing utility code for C++.

Additional Links

No additional links.


  • Brandon Ong
  • William Woodall


  • Chris Lalancette
  • Emerson Knapp
  • Michael Jeronimo

rcpputils: ROS 2 C++ Utilities

License Test rcpputils

rcpputils is a C++ API consisting of macros, functions, and data structures intended for use throughout the ROS 2 codebase

Quality Declaration

This package claims to be in the Quality Level 1 category, see the Quality Declaration for more details.


This package currently contains: * Assertion functions * Clang thread safety annotation macros * Library discovery * String helpers * File system helpers * Type traits helpers * Class that dynamically loads, unloads and get symbols from shared libraries at run-time.

Features are described in more detail at docs/FEATURES.md


Changelog for package rcpputils

2.6.4 (2024-07-10)

  • Generate version header with ament_generate_version_header function (#192)
  • Contributors: Sai Kishor Kothakota

2.6.3 (2024-02-13)

  • Included tl_expected (#187)
  • Contributors: Alejandro Hern

Wiki Tutorials

See ROS Wiki Tutorials for more details.

Source Tutorials

Not currently indexed.

Dependant Packages

Name Repo Deps
class_loader github-ros-class_loader
camera_calibration_parsers github-ros-perception-image_common
camera_info_manager github-ros-perception-image_common
mavros github-mavlink-mavros
mavros_extras github-mavlink-mavros
plotjuggler_ros github-PlotJuggler-plotjuggler-ros-plugins
pluginlib github-ros-pluginlib
point_cloud_transport github-ros-perception-point_cloud_transport
draco_point_cloud_transport github-ros-perception-point_cloud_transport_plugins
qt_gui_cpp github-ros-visualization-qt_gui_core
rviz_satellite github-nobleo-rviz_satellite
cv_bridge github-ros-perception-vision_opencv
libstatistics_collector github-ros-tooling-libstatistics_collector
libyaml_vendor github-ros2-libyaml_vendor
rcl github-ros2-rcl
rcl_yaml_param_parser github-ros2-rcl
rcl_logging_interface github-ros2-rcl_logging
rcl_logging_spdlog github-ros2-rcl_logging
rclcpp github-ros2-rclcpp
rclcpp_action github-ros2-rclcpp
rclcpp_components github-ros2-rclcpp
rclcpp_lifecycle github-ros2-rclcpp
rclpy github-ros2-rclpy
rmw_cyclonedds_cpp github-ros2-rmw_cyclonedds
rmw_dds_common github-ros2-rmw_dds_common
rmw_fastrtps_cpp github-ros2-rmw_fastrtps
rmw_fastrtps_dynamic_cpp github-ros2-rmw_fastrtps
rmw_fastrtps_shared_cpp github-ros2-rmw_fastrtps
rmw_implementation github-ros2-rmw_implementation
ros1_bridge github-ros2-ros1_bridge
controller_manager github-ros-controls-ros2_control
hardware_interface github-ros-controls-ros2_control
diff_drive_controller github-ros-controls-ros2_controllers
steering_controllers_library github-ros-controls-ros2_controllers
tricycle_controller github-ros-controls-ros2_controllers
rosbag2_compression github-ros2-rosbag2
rosbag2_compression_zstd github-ros2-rosbag2
rosbag2_cpp github-ros2-rosbag2
rosbag2_storage_sqlite3 github-ros2-rosbag2
rosbag2_tests github-ros2-rosbag2
rosidl_typesupport_introspection_tests github-ros2-rosidl
rosidl_typesupport_c github-ros2-rosidl_typesupport
rosidl_typesupport_cpp github-ros2-rosidl_typesupport
test_communication github-ros2-system_tests
test_rclcpp github-ros2-system_tests
rmw_connextdds_common github-ros2-rmw_connextdds
rqt_image_overlay_layer github-ros-sports-rqt_image_overlay
mqtt_client github-ika-rwth-aachen-mqtt_client
open3d_conversions github-ros-perception-perception_open3d

Launch files

No launch files found


No message files found.


No service files found


No plugins found.

Recent questions tagged rcpputils at Robotics Stack Exchange

rcpputils package from rcpputils repo


Package Summary

Tags No category tags.
Version 2.11.0
License Apache License 2.0
Build type AMENT_CMAKE

Repository Summary

Checkout URI https://github.com/ros2/rcpputils.git
VCS Type git
VCS Version jazzy
Last Updated 2024-04-16
CI status No Continuous Integration
Tags No category tags.
Contributing Help Wanted (0)
Good First Issues (0)
Pull Requests to Review (0)

Package Description

Package containing utility code for C++.

Additional Links

No additional links.


  • Brandon Ong
  • William Woodall


  • Chris Lalancette
  • Emerson Knapp
  • Michael Jeronimo

rcpputils: ROS 2 C++ Utilities

License Test rcpputils

rcpputils is a C++ API consisting of macros, functions, and data structures intended for use throughout the ROS 2 codebase

Quality Declaration

This package claims to be in the Quality Level 1 category, see the Quality Declaration for more details.


This package currently contains: * Assertion functions * Clang thread safety annotation macros * Library discovery * String helpers * File system helpers * Type traits helpers * Class that dynamically loads, unloads and get symbols from shared libraries at run-time.

Features are described in more detail at docs/FEATURES.md


Changelog for package rcpputils

2.11.0 (2024-04-16)

  • Generate version header with ament_generate_version_header function (#190)
  • Update docs for rcpputils::split functions (#188)
  • Contributors: Christophe Bedard, Sai Kishor Kothakota

2.10.0 (2024-02-07)

  • Included tl_expected (#185)
  • Contributors: Alejandro Hern

Wiki Tutorials

See ROS Wiki Tutorials for more details.

Source Tutorials

Not currently indexed.

Dependant Packages

Name Repo Deps
class_loader github-ros-class_loader
camera_info_manager github-ros-perception-image_common
mavros github-mavlink-mavros
mavros_extras github-mavlink-mavros
plotjuggler_ros github-PlotJuggler-plotjuggler-ros-plugins
pluginlib github-ros-pluginlib
point_cloud_transport github-ros-perception-point_cloud_transport
draco_point_cloud_transport github-ros-perception-point_cloud_transport_plugins
ros_babel_fish github-LOEWE-emergenCITY-ros2_babel_fish
rviz_satellite github-nobleo-rviz_satellite
cv_bridge github-ros-perception-vision_opencv
demo_nodes_cpp github-ros2-demos
libstatistics_collector github-ros-tooling-libstatistics_collector
rcl_logging_interface github-ros2-rcl_logging
rcl_logging_spdlog github-ros2-rcl_logging
rclcpp github-ros2-rclcpp
rclcpp_action github-ros2-rclcpp
rclcpp_components github-ros2-rclcpp
rclcpp_lifecycle github-ros2-rclcpp
rclpy github-ros2-rclpy
rmw_cyclonedds_cpp github-ros2-rmw_cyclonedds
rmw_dds_common github-ros2-rmw_dds_common
rmw_fastrtps_cpp github-ros2-rmw_fastrtps
rmw_fastrtps_dynamic_cpp github-ros2-rmw_fastrtps
rmw_fastrtps_shared_cpp github-ros2-rmw_fastrtps
rmw_implementation github-ros2-rmw_implementation
ros1_bridge github-ros2-ros1_bridge
controller_manager github-ros-controls-ros2_control
hardware_interface github-ros-controls-ros2_control
diff_drive_controller github-ros-controls-ros2_controllers
steering_controllers_library github-ros-controls-ros2_controllers
tricycle_controller github-ros-controls-ros2_controllers
test_tracetools github-ros2-ros2_tracing
rosbag2_compression github-ros2-rosbag2
rosbag2_cpp github-ros2-rosbag2
rosbag2_storage_sqlite3 github-ros2-rosbag2
rosbag2_tests github-ros2-rosbag2
rosidl_typesupport_introspection_tests github-ros2-rosidl
rosidl_typesupport_c github-ros2-rosidl_typesupport
rosidl_typesupport_cpp github-ros2-rosidl_typesupport
test_communication github-ros2-system_tests
test_rclcpp github-ros2-system_tests
rmw_connextdds_common github-ros2-rmw_connextdds
rqt_image_overlay_layer github-ros-sports-rqt_image_overlay
mqtt_client github-ika-rwth-aachen-mqtt_client
open3d_conversions github-ros-perception-perception_open3d
point_cloud_transport_tutorial github-ros-perception-point_cloud_transport_tutorial

Launch files

No launch files found


No message files found.


No service files found


No plugins found.

Recent questions tagged rcpputils at Robotics Stack Exchange

rcpputils package from rcpputils repo


Package Summary

Tags No category tags.
Version 2.13.0
License Apache License 2.0
Build type AMENT_CMAKE

Repository Summary

Checkout URI https://github.com/ros2/rcpputils.git
VCS Type git
VCS Version rolling
Last Updated 2024-07-24
CI status No Continuous Integration
Tags No category tags.
Contributing Help Wanted (0)
Good First Issues (0)
Pull Requests to Review (0)

Package Description

Package containing utility code for C++.

Additional Links

No additional links.


  • Brandon Ong
  • William Woodall


  • Chris Lalancette
  • Emerson Knapp
  • Michael Jeronimo

rcpputils: ROS 2 C++ Utilities

License Test rcpputils

rcpputils is a C++ API consisting of macros, functions, and data structures intended for use throughout the ROS 2 codebase

Quality Declaration

This package claims to be in the Quality Level 1 category, see the Quality Declaration for more details.


This package currently contains: * Assertion functions * Clang thread safety annotation macros * Library discovery * String helpers * File system helpers * Type traits helpers * Class that dynamically loads, unloads and get symbols from shared libraries at run-time.

Features are described in more detail at docs/FEATURES.md


Changelog for package rcpputils

2.13.0 (2024-07-24)

  • Deprecated path class (#196)
  • Replace create_temp_directory with the new create_temporary_directory (#198)

    • Replace create_temp_directory with the new create_temporary_directory

    - The newly added [create_temporary_directory(..)]{.title-ref} uses std::filesystem::path and doesn\'t have platform-specific code. - Also deprecated [create_temp_directory(..)]{.title-ref} and [temp_directory_path]{.title-ref}

  • Removed deprecated header get_env.hpp (#195)

  • Removed rolling mean accumulator deprecated header (#194)

  • Removed deprecated clamp methods (#193)

  • Contributors: Alejandro Hern

Wiki Tutorials

See ROS Wiki Tutorials for more details.

Source Tutorials

Not currently indexed.

Dependant Packages

Name Repo Deps
class_loader github-ros-class_loader
camera_info_manager github-ros-perception-image_common
mavros github-mavlink-mavros
mavros_extras github-mavlink-mavros
plotjuggler_ros github-PlotJuggler-plotjuggler-ros-plugins
pluginlib github-ros-pluginlib
point_cloud_transport github-ros-perception-point_cloud_transport
draco_point_cloud_transport github-ros-perception-point_cloud_transport_plugins
cv_bridge github-ros-perception-vision_opencv
demo_nodes_cpp github-ros2-demos
libstatistics_collector github-ros-tooling-libstatistics_collector
rcl_logging_interface github-ros2-rcl_logging
rcl_logging_spdlog github-ros2-rcl_logging
rclcpp github-ros2-rclcpp
rclcpp_action github-ros2-rclcpp
rclcpp_components github-ros2-rclcpp
rclcpp_lifecycle github-ros2-rclcpp
rclpy github-ros2-rclpy
rmw_cyclonedds_cpp github-ros2-rmw_cyclonedds
rmw_dds_common github-ros2-rmw_dds_common
rmw_fastrtps_cpp github-ros2-rmw_fastrtps
rmw_fastrtps_dynamic_cpp github-ros2-rmw_fastrtps
rmw_fastrtps_shared_cpp github-ros2-rmw_fastrtps
rmw_implementation github-ros2-rmw_implementation
ros1_bridge github-ros2-ros1_bridge
controller_manager github-ros-controls-ros2_control
hardware_interface github-ros-controls-ros2_control
diff_drive_controller github-ros-controls-ros2_controllers
steering_controllers_library github-ros-controls-ros2_controllers
tricycle_controller github-ros-controls-ros2_controllers
test_tracetools github-ros2-ros2_tracing
rosbag2_compression github-ros2-rosbag2
rosbag2_cpp github-ros2-rosbag2
rosbag2_storage_sqlite3 github-ros2-rosbag2
rosbag2_tests github-ros2-rosbag2
rosidl_typesupport_introspection_tests github-ros2-rosidl
rosidl_typesupport_c github-ros2-rosidl_typesupport
rosidl_typesupport_cpp github-ros2-rosidl_typesupport
test_communication github-ros2-system_tests
test_rclcpp github-ros2-system_tests
rmw_connextdds_common github-ros2-rmw_connextdds
rqt_image_overlay_layer github-ros-sports-rqt_image_overlay
mqtt_client github-ika-rwth-aachen-mqtt_client
open3d_conversions github-ros-perception-perception_open3d
point_cloud_transport_tutorial github-ros-perception-point_cloud_transport_tutorial
rmw_zenoh_cpp github-ros2-rmw_zenoh

Launch files

No launch files found


No message files found.


No service files found


No plugins found.

Recent questions tagged rcpputils at Robotics Stack Exchange

No version for distro noetic. Known supported distros are highlighted in the buttons above.
No version for distro ardent. Known supported distros are highlighted in the buttons above.
No version for distro bouncy. Known supported distros are highlighted in the buttons above.
No version for distro crystal. Known supported distros are highlighted in the buttons above.

rcpputils package from rcpputils repo


Package Summary

Tags No category tags.
Version 0.2.1
License Apache License 2.0
Build type AMENT_CMAKE

Repository Summary

Checkout URI https://github.com/ros2/rcpputils.git
VCS Type git
VCS Version eloquent
Last Updated 2020-10-30
CI status No Continuous Integration
Tags No category tags.
Contributing Help Wanted (0)
Good First Issues (0)
Pull Requests to Review (0)

Package Description

Package containing utility code for C++.

Additional Links

No additional links.


  • Chris Lalancette
  • Michael Jeronimo


  • Emerson Knapp

rcpputils: ROS 2 C++ Utilities

rcpputils is a C++ API consisting of macros, functions, and data structures intended for use throughout the ROS 2 codebase

This package currently contains: * Clang thread safety annotation macros * Library discovery * String helpers * File system helpers * Type traits helpers

Clang Thread Safety Annotation Macros

the rcpputils/thread_safety_annotations.hpp header provides macros for Clang's Thread Safety Analysis feature.

The macros allow you to annotate your code, but expand to nothing when using a non-clang compiler, so they are safe for cross-platform use.

To use thread safety annotation in your package (in a Clang+libcxx build), enable the -Wthread-safety compiler flag.

For example usage, see the documentation of this feature and the tests in test/test_basic.cpp

Library Discovery

In rcpputils/find_library.hpp:

  • find_library(library_name): Namely used for dynamically loading RMW implementations.
    • For dynamically loading user-defind plugins in C++, please use pluginlib instead.

Changelog for package rcpputils

0.2.1 (2019-11-12)

  • add new function to remove the extension of a file (#27)
  • Contributors: Anas Abou Allaban

0.2.0 (2019-09-24)

  • find_library: Centralize functionality here (#25)
  • Implement join() (#20)
  • Rename test (#21)
  • use _WIN32 instead of WIN32 (#24)
  • Update README.md and package.xml (#22)
  • Fix typo (#23)
  • type trait rcpputils::is_pointer<T>[ (]{.title-ref}#19 <https://github.com/ros2/rcpputils/issues/19>`_)
  • File extension addition for camera calibration parser (#18)
  • Add endian helper until C++20 (#16)
  • use iterators for split (#14)
  • Add function \'find_and_replace\' (#13)
  • Contributors: Andreas Klintberg, Dirk Thomas, Jacob Perron, Karsten Knese, Michael Carroll, Michel Hidalgo, Tully Foote

0.1.0 (2019-04-13)

  • Fixed leak in test_basic.cpp. (#9)
  • Added CODEOWNERS file. (#10)
  • Added commonly-used filesystem helper to utils. (#5)
  • Fixed thread_safety_annotation filename to .hpp. (#6)
  • Added section about DCO to CONTRIBUTING.md.
  • Added thread annotation macros. (#2)
  • Contributors: Dirk Thomas, Emerson Knapp, Michael Carroll, Thomas Moulard

Wiki Tutorials

See ROS Wiki Tutorials for more details.

Source Tutorials

Not currently indexed.

Launch files

No launch files found


No message files found.


No service files found


No plugins found.

Recent questions tagged rcpputils at Robotics Stack Exchange

rcpputils package from rcpputils repo


Package Summary

Tags No category tags.
Version 0.1.1
License Apache License 2.0
Build type AMENT_CMAKE

Repository Summary

Checkout URI https://github.com/ros2/rcpputils.git
VCS Type git
VCS Version dashing
Last Updated 2020-10-27
CI status No Continuous Integration
Tags No category tags.
Contributing Help Wanted (0)
Good First Issues (0)
Pull Requests to Review (0)

Package Description

Package containing utility code for C++. Currently only Clang thread safety annotation macros

Additional Links

No additional links.


  • Chris Lalancette
  • Michael Jeronimo


  • Emerson Knapp

rcpputils: ROS 2 C++ Utilities

rcpputils is a C++ API consisting of macros, functions, and data structures intended for use throughout the ROS 2 codebase

This package currently contains: * Clang thread safety annotation macros

Clang Thread Safety Annotation Macros

the rcpputils/thread_safety_annotations.hpp header provides macros for Clang's Thread Safety Analysis feature.

The macros allow you to annotate your code, but expand to nothing when using a non-clang compiler, so they are safe for cross-platform use.

To use thread safety annotation in your package (in a Clang+libcxx build), enable the -Wthread-safety compiler flag.

For example usage, see the documentation of this feature and the tests in test/test_basic.cpp


Changelog for package rcpputils

0.1.1 (2019-07-30)

  • Add function \'find_and_replace\' (#13)
  • Contributors: Jacob Perron

0.1.0 (2019-04-13)

  • Fixed leak in test_basic.cpp. (#9)
  • Added CODEOWNERS file. (#10)
  • Added commonly-used filesystem helper to utils. (#5)
  • Fixed thread_safety_annotation filename to .hpp. (#6)
  • Added section about DCO to CONTRIBUTING.md.
  • Added thread annotation macros. (#2)
  • Contributors: Dirk Thomas, Emerson Knapp, Michael Carroll, Thomas Moulard

Wiki Tutorials

See ROS Wiki Tutorials for more details.

Source Tutorials

Not currently indexed.

Launch files

No launch files found


No message files found.


No service files found


No plugins found.

Recent questions tagged rcpputils at Robotics Stack Exchange

rcpputils package from rcpputils repo


Package Summary

Tags No category tags.
Version 2.2.2
License Apache License 2.0
Build type AMENT_CMAKE

Repository Summary

Checkout URI https://github.com/ros2/rcpputils.git
VCS Type git
VCS Version galactic
Last Updated 2022-12-03
CI status No Continuous Integration
Tags No category tags.
Contributing Help Wanted (0)
Good First Issues (0)
Pull Requests to Review (0)

Package Description

Package containing utility code for C++.

Additional Links

No additional links.


  • Chris Lalancette
  • Michael Jeronimo


  • Emerson Knapp

rcpputils: ROS 2 C++ Utilities

License Test rcpputils

rcpputils is a C++ API consisting of macros, functions, and data structures intended for use throughout the ROS 2 codebase

Quality Declaration

This package claims to be in the Quality Level 1 category, see the Quality Declaration for more details.


This package currently contains: * Assertion functions * Clang thread safety annotation macros * Library discovery * String helpers * File system helpers * Type traits helpers * Class that dynamically loads, unloads and get symbols from shared libraries at run-time.

Features are described in more detail at docs/FEATURES.md


Changelog for package rcpputils

2.2.2 (2022-12-02)

  • Add missing cstddef include (#148)
  • Contributors: Octogonapus

2.2.1 (2022-01-07)

  • migrate rolling mean from ros2_controllers to rcppmath (backport #133) (#143)
  • Contributors: mergify[bot]

2.2.0 (2021-04-02)

  • Update quality declaration links (#130)
  • Add functions for getting library path and filename (#128)
  • Contributors: Nikolai Morin, Simon Honigmann

2.1.0 (2021-03-01)

  • Add path equality operators (#127)
  • Add create_temp_directory filesystem helper (#126)
  • Use new noexcept specifier. (#123)
  • Contributors: Chen Lihui, Emerson Knapp

2.0.4 (2021-01-25)

  • Add stream operator for paths to make it easier to log (#120)
  • Path join operator is const (#119)
  • No windows.h in header files (#118)
  • Fix rcpputils::SharedLibrary tests. (#117)
  • Contributors: Emerson Knapp, Ivan Santiago Paunovic, Michel Hidalgo

2.0.3 (2020-12-08)

  • Update QD to QL 1 (#114)
  • Make sure to not try to index into an empty path. (#113)
  • Contributors: Chris Lalancette, Stephen Brawner

2.0.2 (2020-11-16)

  • Fix working with filesystem parent paths. (#112)
  • Cleanup mislabeled BSD license (#37)
  • overload functions for has_symbol and get_symbol with raw string literal (#110)
  • Add an ASSERT to the pointer traits tests. (#111)
  • replace custom get env login into rcutils_get_env(). (#99)
  • Removed Github Actions (#105)
  • Update the package.xml files with the latest Open Robotics maintainers (#102)
  • Contributors: Alejandro Hern

Wiki Tutorials

See ROS Wiki Tutorials for more details.

Source Tutorials

Not currently indexed.

Package Dependencies

System Dependencies

No direct system dependencies.

Dependant Packages

Name Repo Deps
class_loader github-ros-class_loader
camera_calibration_parsers github-ros-perception-image_common
camera_info_manager github-ros-perception-image_common
mavros github-mavlink-mavros
mavros_extras github-mavlink-mavros
pluginlib github-ros-pluginlib
qt_gui_cpp github-ros-visualization-qt_gui_core
cv_bridge github-ros-perception-vision_opencv
libstatistics_collector github-ros-tooling-libstatistics_collector
libyaml_vendor github-ros2-libyaml_vendor
rcl github-ros2-rcl
rcl_yaml_param_parser github-ros2-rcl
rcl_logging_interface github-ros2-rcl_logging
rcl_logging_spdlog github-ros2-rcl_logging
rclcpp github-ros2-rclcpp
rclcpp_components github-ros2-rclcpp
rclpy github-ros2-rclpy
rmw_cyclonedds_cpp github-ros2-rmw_cyclonedds
rmw_dds_common github-ros2-rmw_dds_common
rmw_fastrtps_cpp github-ros2-rmw_fastrtps
rmw_fastrtps_dynamic_cpp github-ros2-rmw_fastrtps
rmw_fastrtps_shared_cpp github-ros2-rmw_fastrtps
rmw_implementation github-ros2-rmw_implementation
controller_manager github-ros-controls-ros2_control
hardware_interface github-ros-controls-ros2_control
rosbag2_compression github-ros2-rosbag2
rosbag2_compression_zstd github-ros2-rosbag2
rosbag2_cpp github-ros2-rosbag2
rosbag2_storage github-ros2-rosbag2
rosbag2_storage_default_plugins github-ros2-rosbag2
rosbag2_tests github-ros2-rosbag2
rosbag2_storage_mcap github-ros-tooling-rosbag2_storage_mcap
rosidl_typesupport_c github-ros2-rosidl_typesupport
rosidl_typesupport_cpp github-ros2-rosidl_typesupport
rmw_connextdds_common github-ros2-rmw_connextdds
rqt_image_overlay_layer github-ros-sports-rqt_image_overlay

Launch files

No launch files found


No message files found.


No service files found


No plugins found.

Recent questions tagged rcpputils at Robotics Stack Exchange

rcpputils package from rcpputils repo


Package Summary

Tags No category tags.
Version 1.3.2
License Apache License 2.0
Build type AMENT_CMAKE

Repository Summary

Checkout URI https://github.com/ros2/rcpputils.git
VCS Type git
VCS Version foxy
Last Updated 2021-09-01
CI status No Continuous Integration
Tags No category tags.
Contributing Help Wanted (0)
Good First Issues (0)
Pull Requests to Review (0)

Package Description

Package containing utility code for C++.

Additional Links

No additional links.


  • Chris Lalancette
  • Michael Jeronimo


  • Emerson Knapp

rcpputils: ROS 2 C++ Utilities

License Test rcpputils

rcpputils is a C++ API consisting of macros, functions, and data structures intended for use throughout the ROS 2 codebase

Quality Declaration

This package claims to be in the Quality Level 1 category, see the Quality Declaration for more details.


This package currently contains: * Assertion functions * Clang thread safety annotation macros * Library discovery * String helpers * File system helpers * Type traits helpers * Class that dynamically loads, unloads and get symbols from shared libraries at run-time.

Features are described in more detail at docs/FEATURES.md


Changelog for package rcpputils

1.3.2 (2021-08-31)

  • Add stream operator for paths to make it easier to log (#120) (#121)
  • Removed Github Actions (#105) (#106)
  • Updating quality declaration links (ros2/docs.ros2.org#52) (#131)
  • Update to quality level 1 (#115)
  • Update maintainer list for Foxy (#109)
  • Contributors: Alejandro Hern

Wiki Tutorials

See ROS Wiki Tutorials for more details.

Source Tutorials

Not currently indexed.

Package Dependencies

System Dependencies

No direct system dependencies.

Dependant Packages

Name Repo Deps
class_loader github-ros-class_loader
test_tf2 github-ros2-geometry2
camera_calibration_parsers github-ros-perception-image_common
camera_info_manager github-ros-perception-image_common
mavros github-mavlink-mavros
mavros_extras github-mavlink-mavros
pluginlib github-ros-pluginlib
cv_bridge github-ros-perception-vision_opencv
libstatistics_collector github-ros-tooling-libstatistics_collector
libyaml_vendor github-ros2-libyaml_vendor
rcl github-ros2-rcl
rcl_yaml_param_parser github-ros2-rcl
rcl_logging_spdlog github-ros2-rcl_logging
rclcpp github-ros2-rclcpp
rclcpp_components github-ros2-rclcpp
rmw_connext_cpp github-ros2-rmw_connext
rmw_connext_shared_cpp github-ros2-rmw_connext
rmw_cyclonedds_cpp github-ros2-rmw_cyclonedds
rmw_dds_common github-ros2-rmw_dds_common
rmw_fastrtps_cpp github-ros2-rmw_fastrtps
rmw_fastrtps_dynamic_cpp github-ros2-rmw_fastrtps
rmw_fastrtps_shared_cpp github-ros2-rmw_fastrtps
rmw_implementation github-ros2-rmw_implementation
controller_manager github-ros-controls-ros2_control
hardware_interface github-ros-controls-ros2_control
tricycle_controller github-ros-controls-ros2_controllers
rosbag2_compression github-ros2-rosbag2
rosbag2_converter_default_plugins github-ros2-rosbag2
rosbag2_cpp github-ros2-rosbag2
rosbag2_storage github-ros2-rosbag2
rosbag2_storage_default_plugins github-ros2-rosbag2
rosbag2_tests github-ros2-rosbag2
rosbag2_storage_mcap github-ros-tooling-rosbag2_storage_mcap
rosidl_typesupport_c github-ros2-rosidl_typesupport
rosidl_typesupport_cpp github-ros2-rosidl_typesupport
roverrobotics_driver github-RoverRobotics-roverrobotics_ros2
system_metrics_collector github-ros-tooling-system_metrics_collector

Launch files

No launch files found


No message files found.


No service files found


No plugins found.

Recent questions tagged rcpputils at Robotics Stack Exchange

No version for distro lunar. Known supported distros are highlighted in the buttons above.
No version for distro jade. Known supported distros are highlighted in the buttons above.
No version for distro indigo. Known supported distros are highlighted in the buttons above.
No version for distro hydro. Known supported distros are highlighted in the buttons above.
No version for distro kinetic. Known supported distros are highlighted in the buttons above.
No version for distro melodic. Known supported distros are highlighted in the buttons above.