Package Summary

Tags No category tags.
Version 4.0.0
License BSD-3-Clause
Build type AMENT_CMAKE

Repository Summary

Checkout URI
VCS Type git
VCS Version ros2-humble
Last Updated 2024-07-17
CI status No Continuous Integration
Tags No category tags.
Contributing Help Wanted (0)
Good First Issues (0)
Pull Requests to Review (0)

Package Description

diagnostic_updater contains tools for easily updating diagnostics. it is commonly used in device drivers to keep track of the status of output topics, device status, etc.

Additional Links


  • Austin Hendrix
  • Brice Rebsamen
  • Christian Henkel
  • Ralph Lange


  • Jeremy Leibs
  • Blaise Gassend
  • Kevin Watts
  • Brice Rebsamen

General information about this repository, including legal information, build instructions and known issues/limitations, are given in in the repository root.

The diagnostic_updater package

This package is used to implement the collection of diagnostics information.


It can for example update the state of sensors or actors of the robot. Common tasks include * Publish the status of a sensor topic from a device driver * Report that a hardware device is closed * Send an error if a value is out bounds (e.g. temperature)


The file example.cpp contains an example of how to use the diagnostic_updater.

C++ and Python API

The main classes are:


This class is used to create a diagnostic message. It simplifies the creation of the message by providing methods to set the level, name, message and values. There is also the possibility to merge multiple DiagnosticStatusWrapper into one.


This class is used to collect the diagnostic messages and to publish them.


A ROS publisher with included diagnostics. It diagnoses the frequency of the published messages.


Changelog for package diagnostic_updater

3.2.1 (2024-06-27)

  • change(diagnosed-publisher): allow specifying node clock
  • Fix usage of rclcpp::ok with a non-default context (#352)
  • Contributors: Christian Henkel, Herv

Wiki Tutorials

See ROS Wiki Tutorials for more details.

Source Tutorials

Not currently indexed.

Dependant Packages

Name Repo Deps
avt_vimba_camera github-astuff-avt_vimba_camera
create_driver github-AutonomyLab-create_robot
depthai_ros_driver github-luxonis-depthai-ros
diagnostic_common_diagnostics github-ros-diagnostics
diagnostics github-ros-diagnostics
self_test github-ros-diagnostics
fadecandy_driver github-eurogroep-fadecandy_ros
joy_linux github-ros-drivers-joystick_drivers
swri_roscpp github-swri-robotics-marti_common
swri_transform_util github-swri-robotics-marti_common
mavros github-mavlink-mavros
mavros_extras github-mavlink-mavros
microstrain_inertial_driver github-LORD-MicroStrain-microstrain_inertial
naoqi_driver github-ros-naoqi-naoqi_driver2
novatel_gps_driver github-swri-robotics-novatel_gps_driver
rc_genicam_driver github-roboception-rc_genicam_driver_ros2
realsense2_camera github-IntelRealSense-realsense-ros
robot_localization github-cra-ros-pkg-robot_localization
rtabmap_sync github-introlab-rtabmap_ros
twist_mux github-ros-teleop-twist_mux
ublox_gps github-KumarRobotics-ublox
urg_node github-ros-drivers-urg_node
velodyne_driver github-ros-drivers-velodyne
velodyne_pointcloud github-ros-drivers-velodyne
lsc_ros2_driver github-AutonicsLiDAR-lsc_ros2_driver
nav2_lifecycle_manager github-ros-planning-navigation2
sick_safetyscanners2 github-SICKAG-sick_safetyscanners2
turtlebot4_diagnostics github-turtlebot-turtlebot4_robot
beluga_amcl github-Ekumen-OS-beluga
sick_scan_xd github-SICKAG-sick_scan_xd
canopen_base_driver github-ros-industrial-ros2_canopen
off_highway_can github-bosch-engineering-off_highway_sensor_drivers
off_highway_premium_radar_sample github-bosch-engineering-off_highway_sensor_drivers

Launch files

No launch files found


No message files found.


No service files found


No plugins found.

Recent questions tagged diagnostic_updater at Robotics Stack Exchange

Package Summary

Tags No category tags.
Version 4.1.0
License BSD-3-Clause
Build type AMENT_CMAKE

Repository Summary

Checkout URI
VCS Type git
VCS Version ros2-iron
Last Updated 2024-07-17
CI status No Continuous Integration
Tags No category tags.
Contributing Help Wanted (0)
Good First Issues (0)
Pull Requests to Review (0)

Package Description

diagnostic_updater contains tools for easily updating diagnostics. it is commonly used in device drivers to keep track of the status of output topics, device status, etc.

Additional Links


  • Austin Hendrix
  • Brice Rebsamen
  • Christian Henkel
  • Ralph Lange


  • Jeremy Leibs
  • Blaise Gassend
  • Kevin Watts
  • Brice Rebsamen

General information about this repository, including legal information, build instructions and known issues/limitations, are given in in the repository root.

The diagnostic_updater package

This package is used to implement the collection of diagnostics information.


It can for example update the state of sensors or actors of the robot. Common tasks include * Publish the status of a sensor topic from a device driver * Report that a hardware device is closed * Send an error if a value is out bounds (e.g. temperature)


The file example.cpp contains an example of how to use the diagnostic_updater.

C++ and Python API

The main classes are:


This class is used to create a diagnostic message. It simplifies the creation of the message by providing methods to set the level, name, message and values. There is also the possibility to merge multiple DiagnosticStatusWrapper into one.


This class is used to collect the diagnostic messages and to publish them.


A ROS publisher with included diagnostics. It diagnoses the frequency of the published messages.


Changelog for package diagnostic_updater

3.2.0 (2024-03-22)

  • including depdency (#322)
  • Debugging instability introduced by #317 (#323)
  • feat: add param to use fqn in updater (#320)
  • fix: method names & verbose logging (#307)
  • Fix diagnostic_updater timestamps (#299)
  • Contributors: Christian Henkel, Kevin Schwarzer, h-wata, outrider-jhulas

3.1.2 (2023-03-24)

3.1.1 (2023-03-16)

  • Secretly supporting galactic (#295)
  • Linting additional package (#268)
  • Adding unit test for DiagnosticStatusWrapper
  • Maintainer update
  • Contributors: Austin, Christian Henkel, Jordan Palacios, Ralph Lange

3.1.0 (2023-01-26)

  • Merge of foxy and humble history into rolling for future maintenance from one branch only.
  • Adding READMEs to the repo (#270)
  • License fixes (#263)
  • Fix/cleanup ros1 (#257)
  • Fixed DiagnosedPublisher and switched to ROS_TIME (#243)
  • Check if parameter is already declared to avoid re-declaring it. (#227)
  • Update CMakeLists.txt to support modern cmake syntax
  • Fix diagnostic_updater cmake
  • Fix implicit conversion warnings
  • Contributors: Alberto Soragna, Austin, Christian Henkel, Grzegorz G

Wiki Tutorials

See ROS Wiki Tutorials for more details.

Source Tutorials

Not currently indexed.

Launch files

No launch files found


No message files found.


No service files found


No plugins found.

Recent questions tagged diagnostic_updater at Robotics Stack Exchange

Package Summary

Tags No category tags.
Version 4.3.0
License BSD-3-Clause
Build type AMENT_CMAKE

Repository Summary

Checkout URI
VCS Type git
VCS Version ros2
Last Updated 2024-07-22
CI status No Continuous Integration
Tags No category tags.
Contributing Help Wanted (0)
Good First Issues (0)
Pull Requests to Review (0)

Package Description

diagnostic_updater contains tools for easily updating diagnostics. it is commonly used in device drivers to keep track of the status of output topics, device status, etc.

Additional Links


  • Austin Hendrix
  • Brice Rebsamen
  • Christian Henkel
  • Ralph Lange


  • Jeremy Leibs
  • Blaise Gassend
  • Kevin Watts
  • Brice Rebsamen

General information about this repository, including legal information, build instructions and known issues/limitations, are given in in the repository root.

The diagnostic_updater package

This package is used to implement the collection of diagnostics information.


It can for example update the state of sensors or actors of the robot. Common tasks include * Publish the status of a sensor topic from a device driver * Report that a hardware device is closed * Send an error if a value is out bounds (e.g. temperature)


The file example.cpp contains an example of how to use the diagnostic_updater.

C++ and Python API

The main classes are:


This class is used to create a diagnostic message. It simplifies the creation of the message by providing methods to set the level, name, message and values. There is also the possibility to merge multiple DiagnosticStatusWrapper into one.


This class is used to collect the diagnostic messages and to publish them.


A ROS publisher with included diagnostics. It diagnoses the frequency of the published messages.


Changelog for package diagnostic_updater

3.2.1 (2024-06-27)

  • change(diagnosed-publisher): allow specifying node clock (#340)
  • Fix usage of rclcpp::ok with a non-default context (#352)
  • Contributors: Herv

Wiki Tutorials

See ROS Wiki Tutorials for more details.

Source Tutorials

Not currently indexed.

Launch files

No launch files found


No message files found.


No service files found


No plugins found.

Recent questions tagged diagnostic_updater at Robotics Stack Exchange

Package Summary

Tags No category tags.
Version 4.3.0
License BSD-3-Clause
Build type AMENT_CMAKE

Repository Summary

Checkout URI
VCS Type git
VCS Version ros2
Last Updated 2024-07-22
CI status No Continuous Integration
Tags No category tags.
Contributing Help Wanted (0)
Good First Issues (0)
Pull Requests to Review (0)

Package Description

diagnostic_updater contains tools for easily updating diagnostics. it is commonly used in device drivers to keep track of the status of output topics, device status, etc.

Additional Links


  • Austin Hendrix
  • Brice Rebsamen
  • Christian Henkel
  • Ralph Lange


  • Jeremy Leibs
  • Blaise Gassend
  • Kevin Watts
  • Brice Rebsamen

General information about this repository, including legal information, build instructions and known issues/limitations, are given in in the repository root.

The diagnostic_updater package

This package is used to implement the collection of diagnostics information.


It can for example update the state of sensors or actors of the robot. Common tasks include * Publish the status of a sensor topic from a device driver * Report that a hardware device is closed * Send an error if a value is out bounds (e.g. temperature)


The file example.cpp contains an example of how to use the diagnostic_updater.

C++ and Python API

The main classes are:


This class is used to create a diagnostic message. It simplifies the creation of the message by providing methods to set the level, name, message and values. There is also the possibility to merge multiple DiagnosticStatusWrapper into one.


This class is used to collect the diagnostic messages and to publish them.


A ROS publisher with included diagnostics. It diagnoses the frequency of the published messages.


Changelog for package diagnostic_updater

3.2.1 (2024-06-27)

  • change(diagnosed-publisher): allow specifying node clock (#340)
  • Fix usage of rclcpp::ok with a non-default context (#352)
  • Contributors: Herv

Wiki Tutorials

See ROS Wiki Tutorials for more details.

Source Tutorials

Not currently indexed.

Launch files

No launch files found


No message files found.


No service files found


No plugins found.

Recent questions tagged diagnostic_updater at Robotics Stack Exchange

Package Summary

Tags No category tags.
Version 1.11.0
License BSD
Build type CATKIN

Repository Summary

Checkout URI
VCS Type git
VCS Version noetic-devel
Last Updated 2024-04-26
CI status
Tags No category tags.
Contributing Help Wanted (0)
Good First Issues (0)
Pull Requests to Review (0)

Package Description

diagnostic_updater contains tools for easily updating diagnostics. it is commonly used in device drivers to keep track of the status of output topics, device status, etc.

Additional Links


  • Guglielmo Gemignani
  • Austin Hendrix


  • Kevin Watts
  • Brice Rebsamen
  • Jeremy Leibs
  • Blaise Gassend
No README found. No README in repository either.

Changelog for package diagnostic_updater

1.11.0 (2021-12-31)

  • Use DiagnosticLevel enum instead of hardcoded integers (#208) Spellcheck fixes
  • Contributors: Amilcar Lucas

1.10.4 (2021-03-14)

  • Fix some doc typos and remove travis config (#173)
    • cleate -> create
    • single single -> single
    • remove travis config
  • Contributors: Mikael Arguedas

1.10.3 (2020-12-05)

  • Use get_param_cached in diagnostic_updater
  • Diagnostic status msg is not included but being used (#163)
    • Diagnostic status msg is not included but being used
    • Update update_functions.h
  • Change depends to catkin_depends for catkin packages (#162)
    • Change depends to catkin_depends for catkin packages
    • The library also depends on catkin_libs
  • Update maintainer info
  • Contributors: Tobias Fischer, gemignani

1.10.2 (2020-09-03)

  • Estract TimestampStatus run to cpp
  • Contributors: Guglielmo Gemignani

1.10.1 (2020-08-20)

  • Resolve div by zero in updater (#108)
  • Use std::isfinite due to deprecation on osx (#113)
  • Remove extra (not needed) trailing \':\' (#116)
  • Fix GCC warnings with -Wpedantic (#124)
  • Add SlowTimeStampStatus (#144)
  • Contributors: Enrique Fernandez Perdomo, Jacob Perron, Martin Pecka, Stephan Sundermann, William Hudgins, gemignani

1.10.0 (2020-08-11)

  • Make Guglielmo Gemignani ROS1 maintainer (#155)
  • Test build fix on Windows build. (#8) (#138)
  • Contributors: Guglielmo Gemignani, Sean Yen

1.9.4 (2020-04-01)

  • noetic release (#136)
  • Merge pull request #105 from mikepurvis/py3-httplib Fix httplib import for Python 3.
  • Fix httplib import for Python 3.
  • Merge pull request #97 from kejxu/fix_windows_build_issue fix windows build issue
  • Merge branch \'indigo-devel\' into fix_windows_build_issue
  • update windows bringup (#5)
  • avoid ERROR from windows.h
  • windows bringup
  • Merge pull request #86 from icolwell/diagnostic_status_custom_names Custom names for FrequencyStatus and TimeStampStatus
  • Remove C++11 features
  • Wording
  • Custom names for existing diagnostics tasks
  • Merge pull request #84 from nbussas/frequency_status_name Make FrequencyStatus\' name configurable
  • Make FrequencyStatus\' name configurable
  • Contributors: Alejandro Hern

Wiki Tutorials

See ROS Wiki Tutorials for more details.

Source Tutorials

Not currently indexed.

Package Dependencies

System Dependencies

No direct system dependencies.

Dependant Packages

Name Repo Deps
avt_vimba_camera github-astuff-avt_vimba_camera
cob_monitoring github-4am-robotics-cob_command_tools
cob_bms_driver github-4am-robotics-cob_driver
cob_mimic github-4am-robotics-cob_driver
cob_undercarriage_ctrl github-4am-robotics-cob_driver
cob_hand_bridge github-ipa320-cob_hand
cras_cpp_common github-ctu-vras-ros-utils
create_driver github-AutonomyLab-create_robot
depthai_ros_driver github-luxonis-depthai-ros
diagnostic_common_diagnostics github-ros-diagnostics
diagnostics github-ros-diagnostics
self_test github-ros-diagnostics
driver_base github-ros-drivers-driver_common
fadecandy_driver github-iron-ox-fadecandy_ros
fuse_optimizers github-locusrobotics-fuse
gazebo_plugins github-ros-simulation-gazebo_ros_pkgs
hfl_driver github-continental-hfl_driver
ixblue_ins_driver github-ixblue-ixblue_ins_stdbin_driver
joy github-ros-drivers-joystick_drivers
jsk_network_tools github-jsk-ros-pkg-jsk_common
jsk_tools github-jsk-ros-pkg-jsk_common
jsk_topic_tools github-jsk-ros-pkg-jsk_common
jsk_footstep_controller github-jsk-ros-pkg-jsk_control
jsk_teleop_joy github-jsk-ros-pkg-jsk_control
jsk_pcl_ros github-jsk-ros-pkg-jsk_recognition
jsk_pcl_ros_utils github-jsk-ros-pkg-jsk_recognition
khi_robot_control github-Kawasaki-Robotics-khi_robot
kvh_geo_fog_3d_driver github-MITRE-kvh_geo_fog_3d
libsensors_monitor github-ros-drivers-linux_peripheral_interfaces
lsc_ros_driver github-AutonicsLiDAR-lsc_ros_driver
swri_roscpp github-swri-robotics-marti_common
mavros github-mavlink-mavros
mcl_3dl github-at-wat-mcl_3dl
microstrain_3dmgx2_imu github-ros-drivers-microstrain_3dmgx2_imu
microstrain_inertial_driver github-LORD-MicroStrain-microstrain_inertial
multisense_ros github-carnegierobotics-multisense_ros
naoqi_driver github-ros-naoqi-naoqi_driver
amcl github-ros-planning-navigation
planner_cspace github-at-wat-neonavigation
safety_limiter github-at-wat-neonavigation
novatel_gps_driver github-swri-robotics-novatel_gps_driver
omron_os32c_driver github-ros-drivers-omron
p2os_driver github-allenh1-p2os
pointgrey_camera_driver github-ros-drivers-pointgrey_camera_driver
pr2_mechanism_controllers github-pr2-pr2_controllers
ethercat_hardware github-pr2-pr2_ethercat_drivers
pr2_mechanism_diagnostics github-pr2-pr2_mechanism
ocean_battery_driver github-pr2-pr2_power_drivers
pr2_power_board github-pr2-pr2_power_drivers
pr2_ethercat github-pr2-pr2_robot
pr2_gazebo_plugins github-PR2-pr2_simulator
prosilica_camera github-ros-drivers-prosilica_driver
rc_genicam_camera github-roboception-rc_genicam_camera
rc_genicam_driver github-roboception-rc_genicam_driver_ros
rc_visard_driver github-roboception-rc_visard_ros
robot_localization github-cra-ros-pkg-robot_localization
canopen_chain_node github-ros-industrial-ros_canopen
rtabmap_sync github-introlab-rtabmap_ros
sick_ldmrs_driver github-SICKAG-sick_ldmrs_laser
sick_safetyscanners github-SICKAG-sick_safetyscanners
sick_scan github-SICKAG-sick_scan
sick_tim github-uos-sick_tim
swri_profiler github-swri-robotics-swri_profiler
twist_mux github-ros-teleop-twist_mux
ubiquity_motor github-UbiquityRobotics-ubiquity_motor
ublox_gps github-KumarRobotics-ublox
urg_node github-ros-drivers-urg_node
velodyne_driver github-ros-drivers-velodyne
velodyne_pointcloud github-ros-drivers-velodyne
wge100_camera github-ros-drivers-wge100_driver
spinnaker_camera_driver github-ros-drivers-flir_camera_driver
beluga_amcl github-Ekumen-OS-beluga
cob_fiducials github-4am-robotics-cob_fiducials
diffbot_base github-ros-mobile-robots-diffbot
gmcl github-adler-1994-gmcl
sick_scan_xd github-SICKAG-sick_scan_xd
sick_visionary_ros github-SICKAG-sick_visionary_ros
xsens_mti_driver github-nobleo-xsens_mti_driver


No message files found.


No service files found


No plugins found.

Recent questions tagged diagnostic_updater at Robotics Stack Exchange

diagnostic_updater package from diagnostics repo

diagnostic_updater self_test

Package Summary

Tags No category tags.
Version 2.0.1
License BSD
Build type AMENT_CMAKE

Repository Summary

Checkout URI
VCS Type git
VCS Version eloquent
Last Updated 2019-12-09
CI status No Continuous Integration
Tags No category tags.
Contributing Help Wanted (0)
Good First Issues (0)
Pull Requests to Review (0)

Package Description

diagnostic_updater contains tools for easily updating diagnostics. it is commonly used in device drivers to keep track of the status of output topics, device status, etc.

Additional Links


  • Austin Hendrix
  • Brice Rebsamen
  • Karsten Knese


  • Kevin Watts
  • Brice Rebsamen
  • Jeremy Leibs
  • Blaise Gassend
No README found. No README in repository either.

Changelog for package diagnostic_updater

2.0.1 (2019-12-09)

2.0.0 (2019-09-03)

  • Use rclpp timer instead of custom updater logic. (#114)
  • Use std::isfinite since it is supported on all platorms. (#123)
  • Make DiagnosticStatusWrapper no longer implicitly copyable. (#117)
  • Add virtual destructor to task vector class. (#122)
  • Support for node interfaces to allow diagnostics to be used with lifecycle nodes. (#112)
  • Spin on node in diagnostic_updater example to query parameters. (#120)
  • Set diagnostic_updater default period to 1s instead of 1ns. (#110)
  • Make Karsten Knese Maintainer for ROS2 branches #115
  • Migrate diagnostic_updater to ROS2 #102
  • Custom names for FrequencyStatus and TimeStampStatus #86
  • Make FrequencyStatus\' name configurable #84
  • Contributors: Austin, Dan Rose, Ian Colwell, Karsten Knese, Nils Bussas, Scott K Logan, VaibhavBhadade

1.9.3 (2018-05-02)

  • Merge pull request #73 from tue-robotics/indigo-devel Add a simple Heartbeat-DiagnosticTask
  • Add Python version of Heartbeat DiagnosticTask
  • Add a very very simple Heartbeat DiagnosticTask
  • Contributors: Austin, Loy van Beek, loy

1.9.2 (2017-07-15)

1.9.1 (2017-07-15)

  • Add queue size parameters on Publishers
  • Minor python updates
  • Contributors: trainman419

1.9.0 (2017-04-25)

  • make rostest in CMakeLists optional (ros/rosdistro#3010)
  • Fixed bug with merge summary in status wrapper
  • Contributors: Lukas Bulwahn, pAIgn10

1.8.10 (2016-06-14)

1.8.9 (2016-03-02)

1.8.8 (2015-08-06)

1.8.7 (2015-01-09)

1.8.6 (2014-12-10)

1.8.5 (2014-07-29)

1.8.4 (2014-07-24 20:51)

1.8.3 (2014-04-23)

  • Initialize next_time_ properly. Fixes #20
  • Add failing test for fast updater
  • Contributors: Austin Hendrix

1.8.2 (2014-04-08)

  • Fix linking. All tests pass. Fixes #12
  • Most tests pass
  • Fix doc reference. Fixes #14
  • Contributors: Austin Hendrix

1.8.1 (2014-04-07)

  • Add myself as maintainer
  • Added ability to supply a custom node name (prefix) to Updater
  • Added ability to supply node handle and private node handle to Updater
  • fixed exporting python API to address #10
  • fixed test related issues in some CMakeLists
  • Contributors: Aero, Austin Hendrix, Brice Rebsamen, Lukas Bulwahn, Mitchell Wills

1.8.0 (2013-04-03)

1.7.11 (2014-07-24 20:24)

  • Fix linking on tests
  • support python binding of diagnostic_updater on groovy
  • Contributors: Ryohei Ueda, trainman419

1.7.10 (2013-02-22)

  • Changed package.xml version number before releasing
  • added missing license header
  • added missing license headers
  • Contributors: Aaron Blasdel, Brice Rebsamen

1.7.9 (2012-12-14)

  • add missing dep to catkin
  • Contributors: Dirk Thomas

1.7.8 (2012-12-06)

  • missing includedirs from roscpp cause compile errors. diagnostic_aggregator/include/diagnostic_aggregator/status_item.h:45:21: fatal error: ros/ros.h: No such file or directory diagnostics/diagnostic_updater/include/diagnostic_updater/diagnostic_updater.h:42:29: fatal error: ros/node_handle.h: No such file or directory compilation terminated.
  • Contributors: Thibault Kruse

1.7.7 (2012-11-10)

1.7.6 (2012-11-07 23:32)

1.7.5 (2012-11-07 21:53)

1.7.4 (2012-11-07 20:18)

1.7.3 (2012-11-04)

  • fix the non-existing xml
  • Contributors: Vincent Rabaud

1.7.2 (2012-10-30 22:31)

  • fix rostest
  • Contributors: Vincent Rabaud

1.7.1 (2012-10-30 15:30)

  • fix a few things after the first release
  • fix a few things all over
  • Contributors: Vincent Rabaud

1.7.0 (2012-10-29)

  • catkinize the stack
  • backport the Python API from 1.7.0
  • use the proper gtest macro
  • Created branch 1.7.0 and reverted corresponding changes in trunk and tag 1.7.0 As a result branch 1.7.0 contains the new python API, and trunk corresponds to 1.6.4
  • Added Python API to diagnostic_updater
  • Fixing docs for frequency status parameters, #5093
  • Remove unused (according to K. Watts) class that depends on now nonexistent ros::Message
  • Remove unused (according to K. Watts) class that depends on now nonexistent ros::Message
  • Fixing formatting for diagnostic updater\'s update_functions. #4523
  • Adding std_msgs dependency to diagnostic_aggregator. #4491
  • Deprecated message methods removed in diagnostics updater
  • Added Ubuntu platform tags to manifest
  • Corrected the version number in which removeByName was added.
  • Added a removeByName method that allows a diagnostic task to be removed from a diagnostic_updater.
  • Adding checks to diagnostic status wrapper to verify output from bool values
  • Removed special handling of uint8 in diagnostic_status_wrapper. Uint8 isn\'t always bool.
  • DiagnosticStatusWrapper now has bool support in add() function. #3860
  • Marked diagnostic_updater and self_test as doc reviewed.
  • Tweaked examples and documentation based on doc review feedback.
  • Dox updates for diagnostic updater
  • Changed error to warning level in frequency status regression test
  • Removed ROS API from doxygen. Added setHardwareID method to example code.
  • Fixing param name in diagnostic updater
  • Reporting frequency problems as warning, not error in diagnostic_updater, #3555
  • Took out all deprecated stuff from diagnostic_updater.
  • Made diagnostic_updater example go into bin directory.
  • Changed getParam to getParamCached.
  • Updated review status to API cleared.
  • Returned check of diagnostic_period to only happen when the update happens pending fix of ROS 0.0, -0.0, -0.0, 0.11215413361787796, -0.0)
  • Finished example and documentation. Renamed CombinationDiagnosticUpdater to CompositeDiagnosticUpdater.
  • Added setHardwareID to diagnostic_updater.
  • Reintroduced an Updater constructor that takes a node handle because a lot of nodes actually depend on it.
  • Bug slipped into previous checkin.
  • Updating documentation. Took NodeHandle parameter out of Updater constructor.
  • Added setHardwareID method, and now warns if it is not used.
  • Got rid of ComposableDiagnosticTask. Now all tasks are composable.
  • Modified diagnostic_period so that it gets checked every time the update method is called. This way a long period can get shortened without waiting for the long period to expire.
  • When a diagnostic task is first added to a diagnostic_updater, the initial status is now OK instead of error.
  • Added timestamp to diagnostic updater publish call. Auto-filling of timestamps is deprecated in ROS 0.10
  • Fixed spurious newline in string that was preventing compilation of diagnostic_updater users.
  • Finished updating the diagnostics for diagnostic_updater.
  • Commented the DiagnosedPublisher classes.
  • Added some comments to diagnostic_updater and made ComposableDiagnosticTask::split_run protected.
  • Updated diagnosed publisher code to be able to work with a CameraPublisher
  • Getting diagnostic_updater to compile. Still spewing a bunch of warnings.
  • Added extra debugging options to self_test and diagnostic_updater. On by default for self_test, off for diagnostic_updater. When on, failing statuses will be printed to the console.
  • updated self_test, diagnostic_updater, dynamic_reconfigure and wge100_camera to use new ~ namespace access method
  • Corrected diagnostic status merge logic.
  • diagnostics 0.1 commit. Removed diagnostic_analyzer/generic_analyzer and integrated into diagnostic_aggregator.
  • Add a method to clear the DiagnosticStatus values in DiagnosticStatusWrapper. Clear old values when reusing DiagnosticStatusWrapper.
  • Took out adds and addsf from diagnostic_updater/DiagnosticStatusWrapper now that all other nodes have been modified.
  • Converted adds into add and add-f into addf. Left the old ones, but they are now deprecated.
  • Updated self test for new diagnostic format.
  • Updated DiagnosticStatusWrapper for changes in diagnostic format.
  • Cleaned up DiagnosticStatusWrapper in response to change in diagnostic message.
  • Fixes for diagnostic_msgs::KeyValue::label -> key
  • fixing through diagnostic_updater
  • Changed DiagnosticMessage to DiagnosticArray
  • Changed DiagnosticValue to KeyValue
  • Fixed bug in declaration of deprecated class.
  • Deprecated old self_test and diagnostic_updater APIs.
  • Minor improvements to diagnostic updater.
  • Allowed Publisher to be changed in a DiagnosedPublisher. This allows the Publisher to be created later than the DiagnosedPublisher.
  • add cstdio include for gcc 4.4
  • Took out const_cast that became unnecessary thanks to the resolution of ticket #1228.
  • Added missing includes.
  • robot_msgs/Diagnostic* to diagnostic_msgs/Diagnostic* and robot_srvs/SelfTest into diagnostic_msgs too
  • Added DiagnosedPublisher and HeaderlessDiagnosedPublisher to automatically publish diagnostics upon publication, and integrated them with the forearm_camera. Started writing an outling of the driver_base classes.
  • Committing change from Blaise\'s tree
  • Added a formatted summary method to DiagnosticStatusWrapper.
  • Corrected a bug in the frequency updater, and made it and the timestamp updaters thread safe.
  • Added a TimeStampStatus diagnostic to monitor that timestamps are reasonably close to now.
  • Slowed timing by 10x in test case to improve odds of passing on 64 bit architectures.
  • Corrected some bugs that could have caused undefined behavior. Added support for automatically publishing a \"Starting up\" message before the while the node is initializing. Did some refactoring.
  • Fixed a bug in how function classes were being added to the Updater.
  • Fixed a bug in frequency diagnostic reporting.
  • Modified update functions so that they are function classes. Added a correspondence convenience add method to Updater_base.
  • Corrected a possibly infinite recursion in adds.
  • Small fix to compatibility layer for old-style nodes
  • Upgraded the diagnostic_updater to use NodeHandles, and to allow more general functions to be used. Started adding update_functions to do common diagnostic publishing tasks. This will be populated more later.
  • Added a DiagnosticStatusWrapper class derived from DiagnosticStatus. It adds a few methods to more conveniently set the DiagnosticStatus\'s fields. The diagnostic_updater has been updated so that it can work with DiagnosticStatus or DiagnosticStatusWrapper.:
  • diagnostic_updater: Now can be used with classes that don\'t inherit from Node.
  • roscpp API changes
    • ros::node -> ros::Node
    • ros::msg -> ros::Message
    • deprecated methods removed
    • rosconsole/rosconsole.h -> ros/console.h
    • goodbye rosthread
  • bogus dependency
  • results from changing ros::Time constructor and all uses of it I can find
  • Adding node name into diagnostic updater status names.
  • Moving package review status from wiki to manifests
  • Changing form of advertise in diagnostic updater.
  • Removing old printf from diagnostic_updater.
  • Checking in package for easy diagnostic updating.
  • Contributors: Vincent Rabaud, blaise, blaisegassend, bricerebsamen, ehberger, gerkey, jfaustwg, jleibs, leibs, morgan_quigley, pmihelich, rob_wheeler, straszheim, tfoote, vrabaud, watts, wattsk

Wiki Tutorials

See ROS Wiki Tutorials for more details.

Source Tutorials

Not currently indexed.

Launch files

No launch files found


No message files found.


No service files found


No plugins found.

Recent questions tagged diagnostic_updater at Robotics Stack Exchange

diagnostic_updater package from diagnostics repo

diagnostic_updater self_test

Package Summary

Tags No category tags.
Version 2.0.0
License BSD
Build type AMENT_CMAKE

Repository Summary

Checkout URI
VCS Type git
VCS Version dashing
Last Updated 2019-09-03
CI status No Continuous Integration
Tags No category tags.
Contributing Help Wanted (0)
Good First Issues (0)
Pull Requests to Review (0)

Package Description

diagnostic_updater contains tools for easily updating diagnostics. it is commonly used in device drivers to keep track of the status of output topics, device status, etc.

Additional Links


  • Austin Hendrix
  • Brice Rebsamen
  • Karsten Knese


  • Kevin Watts
  • Brice Rebsamen
  • Jeremy Leibs
  • Blaise Gassend
No README found. No README in repository either.

Changelog for package diagnostic_updater

2.0.0 (2019-09-03)

  • Use rclpp timer instead of custom updater logic. (#114)
  • Use std::isfinite since it is supported on all platorms. (#123)
  • Make DiagnosticStatusWrapper no longer implicitly copyable. (#117)
  • Add virtual destructor to task vector class. (#122)
  • Support for node interfaces to allow diagnostics to be used with lifecycle nodes. (#112)
  • Spin on node in diagnostic_updater example to query parameters. (#120)
  • Set diagnostic_updater default period to 1s instead of 1ns. (#110)
  • Make Karsten Knese Maintainer for ROS2 branches #115
  • Migrate diagnostic_updater to ROS2 #102
  • Custom names for FrequencyStatus and TimeStampStatus #86
  • Make FrequencyStatus\' name configurable #84
  • Contributors: Austin, Dan Rose, Ian Colwell, Karsten Knese, Nils Bussas, Scott K Logan, VaibhavBhadade

1.9.3 (2018-05-02)

  • Merge pull request #73 from tue-robotics/indigo-devel Add a simple Heartbeat-DiagnosticTask
  • Add Python version of Heartbeat DiagnosticTask
  • Add a very very simple Heartbeat DiagnosticTask
  • Contributors: Austin, Loy van Beek, loy

1.9.2 (2017-07-15)

1.9.1 (2017-07-15)

  • Add queue size parameters on Publishers
  • Minor python updates
  • Contributors: trainman419

1.9.0 (2017-04-25)

  • make rostest in CMakeLists optional (ros/rosdistro#3010)
  • Fixed bug with merge summary in status wrapper
  • Contributors: Lukas Bulwahn, pAIgn10

1.8.10 (2016-06-14)

1.8.9 (2016-03-02)

1.8.8 (2015-08-06)

1.8.7 (2015-01-09)

1.8.6 (2014-12-10)

1.8.5 (2014-07-29)

1.8.4 (2014-07-24 20:51)

1.8.3 (2014-04-23)

  • Initialize next_time_ properly. Fixes #20
  • Add failing test for fast updater
  • Contributors: Austin Hendrix

1.8.2 (2014-04-08)

  • Fix linking. All tests pass. Fixes #12
  • Most tests pass
  • Fix doc reference. Fixes #14
  • Contributors: Austin Hendrix

1.8.1 (2014-04-07)

  • Add myself as maintainer
  • Added ability to supply a custom node name (prefix) to Updater
  • Added ability to supply node handle and private node handle to Updater
  • fixed exporting python API to address #10
  • fixed test related issues in some CMakeLists
  • Contributors: Aero, Austin Hendrix, Brice Rebsamen, Lukas Bulwahn, Mitchell Wills

1.8.0 (2013-04-03)

1.7.11 (2014-07-24 20:24)

  • Fix linking on tests
  • support python binding of diagnostic_updater on groovy
  • Contributors: Ryohei Ueda, trainman419

1.7.10 (2013-02-22)

  • Changed package.xml version number before releasing
  • added missing license header
  • added missing license headers
  • Contributors: Aaron Blasdel, Brice Rebsamen

1.7.9 (2012-12-14)

  • add missing dep to catkin
  • Contributors: Dirk Thomas

1.7.8 (2012-12-06)

  • missing includedirs from roscpp cause compile errors. diagnostic_aggregator/include/diagnostic_aggregator/status_item.h:45:21: fatal error: ros/ros.h: No such file or directory diagnostics/diagnostic_updater/include/diagnostic_updater/diagnostic_updater.h:42:29: fatal error: ros/node_handle.h: No such file or directory compilation terminated.
  • Contributors: Thibault Kruse

1.7.7 (2012-11-10)

1.7.6 (2012-11-07 23:32)

1.7.5 (2012-11-07 21:53)

1.7.4 (2012-11-07 20:18)

1.7.3 (2012-11-04)

  • fix the non-existing xml
  • Contributors: Vincent Rabaud

1.7.2 (2012-10-30 22:31)

  • fix rostest
  • Contributors: Vincent Rabaud

1.7.1 (2012-10-30 15:30)

  • fix a few things after the first release
  • fix a few things all over
  • Contributors: Vincent Rabaud

1.7.0 (2012-10-29)

  • catkinize the stack
  • backport the Python API from 1.7.0
  • use the proper gtest macro
  • Created branch 1.7.0 and reverted corresponding changes in trunk and tag 1.7.0 As a result branch 1.7.0 contains the new python API, and trunk corresponds to 1.6.4
  • Added Python API to diagnostic_updater
  • Fixing docs for frequency status parameters, #5093
  • Remove unused (according to K. Watts) class that depends on now nonexistent ros::Message
  • Remove unused (according to K. Watts) class that depends on now nonexistent ros::Message
  • Fixing formatting for diagnostic updater\'s update_functions. #4523
  • Adding std_msgs dependency to diagnostic_aggregator. #4491
  • Deprecated message methods removed in diagnostics updater
  • Added Ubuntu platform tags to manifest
  • Corrected the version number in which removeByName was added.
  • Added a removeByName method that allows a diagnostic task to be removed from a diagnostic_updater.
  • Adding checks to diagnostic status wrapper to verify output from bool values
  • Removed special handling of uint8 in diagnostic_status_wrapper. Uint8 isn\'t always bool.
  • DiagnosticStatusWrapper now has bool support in add() function. #3860
  • Marked diagnostic_updater and self_test as doc reviewed.
  • Tweaked examples and documentation based on doc review feedback.
  • Dox updates for diagnostic updater
  • Changed error to warning level in frequency status regression test
  • Removed ROS API from doxygen. Added setHardwareID method to example code.
  • Fixing param name in diagnostic updater
  • Reporting frequency problems as warning, not error in diagnostic_updater, #3555
  • Took out all deprecated stuff from diagnostic_updater.
  • Made diagnostic_updater example go into bin directory.
  • Changed getParam to getParamCached.
  • Updated review status to API cleared.
  • Returned check of diagnostic_period to only happen when the update happens pending fix of ROS 0.0, -0.0, -0.0, 0.11215413361787796, -0.0)
  • Finished example and documentation. Renamed CombinationDiagnosticUpdater to CompositeDiagnosticUpdater.
  • Added setHardwareID to diagnostic_updater.
  • Reintroduced an Updater constructor that takes a node handle because a lot of nodes actually depend on it.
  • Bug slipped into previous checkin.
  • Updating documentation. Took NodeHandle parameter out of Updater constructor.
  • Added setHardwareID method, and now warns if it is not used.
  • Got rid of ComposableDiagnosticTask. Now all tasks are composable.
  • Modified diagnostic_period so that it gets checked every time the update method is called. This way a long period can get shortened without waiting for the long period to expire.
  • When a diagnostic task is first added to a diagnostic_updater, the initial status is now OK instead of error.
  • Added timestamp to diagnostic updater publish call. Auto-filling of timestamps is deprecated in ROS 0.10
  • Fixed spurious newline in string that was preventing compilation of diagnostic_updater users.
  • Finished updating the diagnostics for diagnostic_updater.
  • Commented the DiagnosedPublisher classes.
  • Added some comments to diagnostic_updater and made ComposableDiagnosticTask::split_run protected.
  • Updated diagnosed publisher code to be able to work with a CameraPublisher
  • Getting diagnostic_updater to compile. Still spewing a bunch of warnings.
  • Added extra debugging options to self_test and diagnostic_updater. On by default for self_test, off for diagnostic_updater. When on, failing statuses will be printed to the console.
  • updated self_test, diagnostic_updater, dynamic_reconfigure and wge100_camera to use new ~ namespace access method
  • Corrected diagnostic status merge logic.
  • diagnostics 0.1 commit. Removed diagnostic_analyzer/generic_analyzer and integrated into diagnostic_aggregator.
  • Add a method to clear the DiagnosticStatus values in DiagnosticStatusWrapper. Clear old values when reusing DiagnosticStatusWrapper.
  • Took out adds and addsf from diagnostic_updater/DiagnosticStatusWrapper now that all other nodes have been modified.
  • Converted adds into add and add-f into addf. Left the old ones, but they are now deprecated.
  • Updated self test for new diagnostic format.
  • Updated DiagnosticStatusWrapper for changes in diagnostic format.
  • Cleaned up DiagnosticStatusWrapper in response to change in diagnostic message.
  • Fixes for diagnostic_msgs::KeyValue::label -> key
  • fixing through diagnostic_updater
  • Changed DiagnosticMessage to DiagnosticArray
  • Changed DiagnosticValue to KeyValue
  • Fixed bug in declaration of deprecated class.
  • Deprecated old self_test and diagnostic_updater APIs.
  • Minor improvements to diagnostic updater.
  • Allowed Publisher to be changed in a DiagnosedPublisher. This allows the Publisher to be created later than the DiagnosedPublisher.
  • add cstdio include for gcc 4.4
  • Took out const_cast that became unnecessary thanks to the resolution of ticket #1228.
  • Added missing includes.
  • robot_msgs/Diagnostic* to diagnostic_msgs/Diagnostic* and robot_srvs/SelfTest into diagnostic_msgs too
  • Added DiagnosedPublisher and HeaderlessDiagnosedPublisher to automatically publish diagnostics upon publication, and integrated them with the forearm_camera. Started writing an outling of the driver_base classes.
  • Committing change from Blaise\'s tree
  • Added a formatted summary method to DiagnosticStatusWrapper.
  • Corrected a bug in the frequency updater, and made it and the timestamp updaters thread safe.
  • Added a TimeStampStatus diagnostic to monitor that timestamps are reasonably close to now.
  • Slowed timing by 10x in test case to improve odds of passing on 64 bit architectures.
  • Corrected some bugs that could have caused undefined behavior. Added support for automatically publishing a \"Starting up\" message before the while the node is initializing. Did some refactoring.
  • Fixed a bug in how function classes were being added to the Updater.
  • Fixed a bug in frequency diagnostic reporting.
  • Modified update functions so that they are function classes. Added a correspondence convenience add method to Updater_base.
  • Corrected a possibly infinite recursion in adds.
  • Small fix to compatibility layer for old-style nodes
  • Upgraded the diagnostic_updater to use NodeHandles, and to allow more general functions to be used. Started adding update_functions to do common diagnostic publishing tasks. This will be populated more later.
  • Added a DiagnosticStatusWrapper class derived from DiagnosticStatus. It adds a few methods to more conveniently set the DiagnosticStatus\'s fields. The diagnostic_updater has been updated so that it can work with DiagnosticStatus or DiagnosticStatusWrapper.:
  • diagnostic_updater: Now can be used with classes that don\'t inherit from Node.
  • roscpp API changes
    • ros::node -> ros::Node
    • ros::msg -> ros::Message
    • deprecated methods removed
    • rosconsole/rosconsole.h -> ros/console.h
    • goodbye rosthread
  • bogus dependency
  • results from changing ros::Time constructor and all uses of it I can find
  • Adding node name into diagnostic updater status names.
  • Moving package review status from wiki to manifests
  • Changing form of advertise in diagnostic updater.
  • Removing old printf from diagnostic_updater.
  • Checking in package for easy diagnostic updating.
  • Contributors: Vincent Rabaud, blaise, blaisegassend, bricerebsamen, ehberger, gerkey, jfaustwg, jleibs, leibs, morgan_quigley, pmihelich, rob_wheeler, straszheim, tfoote, vrabaud, watts, wattsk

Wiki Tutorials

See ROS Wiki Tutorials for more details.

Source Tutorials

Not currently indexed.

Launch files

No launch files found


No message files found.


No service files found


No plugins found.

Recent questions tagged diagnostic_updater at Robotics Stack Exchange

Package Summary

Tags No category tags.
Version 2.1.3
License BSD-3-Clause
Build type AMENT_CMAKE

Repository Summary

Checkout URI
VCS Type git
VCS Version galactic
Last Updated 2023-01-09
CI status No Continuous Integration
Tags No category tags.
Contributing Help Wanted (0)
Good First Issues (0)
Pull Requests to Review (0)

Package Description

diagnostic_updater contains tools for easily updating diagnostics. it is commonly used in device drivers to keep track of the status of output topics, device status, etc.

Additional Links


  • Austin Hendrix
  • Brice Rebsamen
  • Karsten Knese


  • Jeremy Leibs
  • Blaise Gassend
  • Kevin Watts
  • Brice Rebsamen
No README found. No README in repository either.

Changelog for package diagnostic_updater

2.1.3 (2021-08-03)

  • Time Diagnostics can be used with Simulated Time. (#201)
  • Contributors: Marco Lampacrescia

2.1.2 (2021-03-03)

  • Replace every byte creation instance. (#184)
  • Enable multiple tasks publishing for diagnostic updater. (#182)
  • Contributors: BasVolkers

2.1.1 (2021-01-28)

2.1.0 (2021-01-12)

  • Update to latest ros2 rolling. (#177)
  • Contributors: Karsten Knese

2.0.2 (2020-06-03)

  • 2.0.2 Signed-off-by: Karsten Knese <>
  • generate changelog Signed-off-by: Karsten Knese <>
  • Re-add leading character to node name (#109) The ROS 2 API is giving us the node name without a leading slash.
  • Ros2 migrate diagnostic aggregator (#118) * Removed AMENT_IGNORE and uncrustified Signed-off-by: Arne Nordmann <>

    • Started migration of c++ API

    * To be done: logging, assertions, parameter handling Signed-off-by: Arne Nordmann <> - Started migration of python tests - Started migration of analyzer group - Migrated from XMLRPC to ROS2 parameters parsing

    * Doesn\'t create working analzers, yet Signed-off-by: Arne Nordmann <> - Migrated analyzers plugin - Split anaylzers into seperate plugin lib - Build shared lib to be used by plugin class loader

    * Fixed plugin registration of analyzers Signed-off-by: Arne Nordmann <> - Analyzer group correctly setting up analyzers

    * Improved parameter handling of generic_analyzer Signed-off-by: Arne Nordmann <> * API migration to ROS2 c++ + logging Signed-off-by: Arne Nordmann <> * uncrustified Signed-off-by: Arne Nordmann <> - Reworked analyzer paths and names

    * Separate handling of the analyzer\'s (and analyzer group\'s): ** \"nice\" name ** path (path of their results in the robot monitor) ** breadcrumb (prefix of their yaml configuration) - Logging - Uncrustify - Examples - Less strict cpplint - removed using namespace - Fixes complation of analyzer group test - Removed dependency to boost

    * Using std::mutex instead of boost::mutex. Using std::lock_guard instead of boost::scoped_lock since std::scoped_lock was not introduced before C++17 * Using std::regex instead of boost::regex Signed-off-by: Arne Nordmann <> * Alphabetical order of includes and dependencies Signed-off-by: Arne Nordmann <> * Adopted suggestions from review by \@Karsten1987 Signed-off-by: Arne Nordmann <> - Minor improvements - Using unique_ptrs instead of plain c pointers

    * Simplifying loops Signed-off-by: Arne Nordmann <> * use class logger variable Signed-off-by: Karsten Knese <> * make linter tests pass Signed-off-by: Karsten Knese <> * bring back variable names and (void) them Signed-off-by: Karsten Knese <> * linters Signed-off-by: Karsten Knese <> * Aggregator demo launch Signed-off-by: Arne Nordmann <> - Adds launch-based test - Adds launch-based test, starting aggregator with a yaml configuration

    * Test is not yet working, something wrong with process orchestration Signed-off-by: Arne Nordmann <> - One passing test - One passing test, just looking for output of the bond statemachine

    * One failing test, looking for the actual analyzer output we want to test for Signed-off-by: Arne Nordmann <> * Short documentation of the demo Signed-off-by: Arne Nordmann <> * minor fixes Signed-off-by: Arne Nordmann <> * Working tests for analyzer creation from yaml Signed-off-by: Arne Nordmann <> * Cleanup, we don\'t need lifecycle (yes) Signed-off-by: Arne Nordmann <> - linters - Fixed tests - launch testing now working withou previous stdcout hack

    * deleted deprecated (not working) tests Signed-off-by: Arne Nordmann <> * - QOS config in python demo publisher Signed-off-by: Arne Nordmann <> - fix install location, necessary for eloquent - fix undefined behaviour when parameters are kept as default

    * CMakeLists.txt touchup for OSX Signed-off-by: Karsten Knese <> * Moved \'Demo\' to \'Example\' Signed-off-by: Arne Nordmann <> - Cleanup - Removed non-ported python parts (blocked by bondpy port)

    * Uncrustify, cpplint Signed-off-by: Arne Nordmann <> * enhance github actions for diagnostic_aggregator package Signed-off-by: Karsten Knese <> - Upgrade to foxy - Fixed example

    - Explicit QoS profiles for rclypy publishers Signed-off-by: Arne Nordmann <> * use new create_timer API Signed-off-by: Karsten Knese <> * add launch testing dependency Signed-off-by: Karsten Knese <> * do not use boost in pluginlib Signed-off-by: Karsten Knese <> * Removed all features depending on bond(core) Signed-off-by: Arne Nordmann <> * use latest github actions Signed-off-by: Karsten Knese <> * Reoved dependency to uuid Was introduced as upstream dependency for bond(core), which was removed as dependency as well. Signed-off-by: Arne Nordmann <> * Adds missing dependency to launch_testing_ros Signed-off-by: Arne Nordmann <> * deprecation warning only on non-windows Signed-off-by: Karsten Knese <> * export symbols on windows Signed-off-by: Karsten Knese <> * fix cpplint Signed-off-by: Karsten Knese <> * Proper handling of file separators in cmake Signed-off-by: Arne Nordmann <> * Proper handling of file separators in cmake Signed-off-by: Arne Nordmann <> * Tests working on windows and linux More path fixes inside tests. Tests were expecting to find the node executable in the CMAKE_BINARY_DIR before, which is true on linux but not on windows. Signed-off-by: Arne Nordmann <> * fix windows installation path Signed-off-by: Karsten Knese <> * correctly enable visibility macros Signed-off-by: Karsten Knese <> * correct sign conversion Signed-off-by: Karsten Knese <> Co-authored-by: Arne Nordmann <> Co-authored-by: Robin Vanhove <>

  • Fix DiagnosedPublisher (#135)

    • The DiagnosedPublisher should be a wrapper around a publisher for any type of message, but it could only be used with publishers for DiagnosticArray messages. This was fixed.
    • cpplint: include utility
    • Check message type for header
  • fix linters (#134) Signed-off-by: Karsten Knese <>

  • Contributors: DensoADAS, Karsten Knese, Scott K Logan

2.0.1 (2020-06-03)

  • Re-add leading character to node name (#109)
  • Ros2 migrate diagnostic aggregator (#118)
  • Fix DiagnosedPublisher (#135)
  • fix linters (#134)
  • Contributors: DensoADAS, Arne Nordmann, Robin Vanhove, Karsten Knese, Scott K Logan

2.0.0 (2019-09-03)

  • Use rclpp timer instead of custom updater logic. (#114)
  • Use std::isfinite since it is supported on all platorms. (#123)
  • Make DiagnosticStatusWrapper no longer implicitly copyable. (#117)
  • Add virtual destructor to task vector class. (#122)
  • Support for node interfaces to allow diagnostics to be used with lifecycle nodes. (#112)
  • Spin on node in diagnostic_updater example to query parameters. (#120)
  • Set diagnostic_updater default period to 1s instead of 1ns. (#110)
  • Make Karsten Knese Maintainer for ROS2 branches #115
  • Migrate diagnostic_updater to ROS2 #102
  • Custom names for FrequencyStatus and TimeStampStatus #86
  • Make FrequencyStatus\' name configurable #84
  • Contributors: Austin, Dan Rose, Ian Colwell, Karsten Knese, Nils Bussas, Scott K Logan, VaibhavBhadade

1.9.3 (2018-05-02)

  • Merge pull request #73 from tue-robotics/indigo-devel Add a simple Heartbeat-DiagnosticTask
  • Add Python version of Heartbeat DiagnosticTask
  • Add a very very simple Heartbeat DiagnosticTask
  • Contributors: Austin, Loy van Beek, loy

1.9.2 (2017-07-15)

1.9.1 (2017-07-15)

  • Add queue size parameters on Publishers
  • Minor python updates
  • Contributors: trainman419

1.9.0 (2017-04-25)

  • make rostest in CMakeLists optional (ros/rosdistro#3010)
  • Fixed bug with merge summary in status wrapper
  • Contributors: Lukas Bulwahn, pAIgn10

1.8.10 (2016-06-14)

1.8.9 (2016-03-02)

1.8.8 (2015-08-06)

1.8.7 (2015-01-09)

1.8.6 (2014-12-10)

1.8.5 (2014-07-29)

1.8.4 (2014-07-24 20:51)

1.8.3 (2014-04-23)

  • Initialize next_time_ properly. Fixes #20
  • Add failing test for fast updater
  • Contributors: Austin Hendrix

1.8.2 (2014-04-08)

  • Fix linking. All tests pass. Fixes #12
  • Most tests pass
  • Fix doc reference. Fixes #14
  • Contributors: Austin Hendrix

1.8.1 (2014-04-07)

  • Add myself as maintainer
  • Added ability to supply a custom node name (prefix) to Updater
  • Added ability to supply node handle and private node handle to Updater
  • fixed exporting python API to address #10
  • fixed test related issues in some CMakeLists
  • Contributors: Aero, Austin Hendrix, Brice Rebsamen, Lukas Bulwahn, Mitchell Wills

1.8.0 (2013-04-03)

1.7.11 (2014-07-24 20:24)

  • Fix linking on tests
  • support python binding of diagnostic_updater on groovy
  • Contributors: Ryohei Ueda, trainman419

1.7.10 (2013-02-22)

  • Changed package.xml version number before releasing
  • added missing license header
  • added missing license headers
  • Contributors: Aaron Blasdel, Brice Rebsamen

1.7.9 (2012-12-14)

  • add missing dep to catkin
  • Contributors: Dirk Thomas

1.7.8 (2012-12-06)

  • missing includedirs from roscpp cause compile errors. diagnostic_aggregator/include/diagnostic_aggregator/status_item.h:45:21: fatal error: ros/ros.h: No such file or directory diagnostics/diagnostic_updater/include/diagnostic_updater/diagnostic_updater.h:42:29: fatal error: ros/node_handle.h: No such file or directory compilation terminated.
  • Contributors: Thibault Kruse

1.7.7 (2012-11-10)

1.7.6 (2012-11-07 23:32)

1.7.5 (2012-11-07 21:53)

1.7.4 (2012-11-07 20:18)

1.7.3 (2012-11-04)

  • fix the non-existing xml
  • Contributors: Vincent Rabaud

1.7.2 (2012-10-30 22:31)

  • fix rostest
  • Contributors: Vincent Rabaud

1.7.1 (2012-10-30 15:30)

  • fix a few things after the first release
  • fix a few things all over
  • Contributors: Vincent Rabaud

1.7.0 (2012-10-29)

  • catkinize the stack
  • backport the Python API from 1.7.0
  • use the proper gtest macro
  • Created branch 1.7.0 and reverted corresponding changes in trunk and tag 1.7.0 As a result branch 1.7.0 contains the new python API, and trunk corresponds to 1.6.4
  • Added Python API to diagnostic_updater
  • Fixing docs for frequency status parameters, #5093
  • Remove unused (according to K. Watts) class that depends on now nonexistent ros::Message
  • Remove unused (according to K. Watts) class that depends on now nonexistent ros::Message
  • Fixing formatting for diagnostic updater\'s update_functions. #4523
  • Adding std_msgs dependency to diagnostic_aggregator. #4491
  • Deprecated message methods removed in diagnostics updater
  • Added Ubuntu platform tags to manifest
  • Corrected the version number in which removeByName was added.
  • Added a removeByName method that allows a diagnostic task to be removed from a diagnostic_updater.
  • Adding checks to diagnostic status wrapper to verify output from bool values
  • Removed special handling of uint8 in diagnostic_status_wrapper. Uint8 isn\'t always bool.
  • DiagnosticStatusWrapper now has bool support in add() function. #3860
  • Marked diagnostic_updater and self_test as doc reviewed.
  • Tweaked examples and documentation based on doc review feedback.
  • Dox updates for diagnostic updater
  • Changed error to warning level in frequency status regression test
  • Removed ROS API from doxygen. Added setHardwareID method to example code.
  • Fixing param name in diagnostic updater
  • Reporting frequency problems as warning, not error in diagnostic_updater, #3555
  • Took out all deprecated stuff from diagnostic_updater.
  • Made diagnostic_updater example go into bin directory.
  • Changed getParam to getParamCached.
  • Updated review status to API cleared.
  • Returned check of diagnostic_period to only happen when the update happens pending fix of ROS 0.0, -0.0, -0.0, 0.11215413361787796, -0.0)
  • Finished example and documentation. Renamed CombinationDiagnosticUpdater to CompositeDiagnosticUpdater.
  • Added setHardwareID to diagnostic_updater.
  • Reintroduced an Updater constructor that takes a node handle because a lot of nodes actually depend on it.
  • Bug slipped into previous checkin.
  • Updating documentation. Took NodeHandle parameter out of Updater constructor.
  • Added setHardwareID method, and now warns if it is not used.
  • Got rid of ComposableDiagnosticTask. Now all tasks are composable.
  • Modified diagnostic_period so that it gets checked every time the update method is called. This way a long period can get shortened without waiting for the long period to expire.
  • When a diagnostic task is first added to a diagnostic_updater, the initial status is now OK instead of error.
  • Added timestamp to diagnostic updater publish call. Auto-filling of timestamps is deprecated in ROS 0.10
  • Fixed spurious newline in string that was preventing compilation of diagnostic_updater users.
  • Finished updating the diagnostics for diagnostic_updater.
  • Commented the DiagnosedPublisher classes.
  • Added some comments to diagnostic_updater and made ComposableDiagnosticTask::split_run protected.
  • Updated diagnosed publisher code to be able to work with a CameraPublisher
  • Getting diagnostic_updater to compile. Still spewing a bunch of warnings.
  • Added extra debugging options to self_test and diagnostic_updater. On by default for self_test, off for diagnostic_updater. When on, failing statuses will be printed to the console.
  • updated self_test, diagnostic_updater, dynamic_reconfigure and wge100_camera to use new ~ namespace access method
  • Corrected diagnostic status merge logic.
  • diagnostics 0.1 commit. Removed diagnostic_analyzer/generic_analyzer and integrated into diagnostic_aggregator.
  • Add a method to clear the DiagnosticStatus values in DiagnosticStatusWrapper. Clear old values when reusing DiagnosticStatusWrapper.
  • Took out adds and addsf from diagnostic_updater/DiagnosticStatusWrapper now that all other nodes have been modified.
  • Converted adds into add and add-f into addf. Left the old ones, but they are now deprecated.
  • Updated self test for new diagnostic format.
  • Updated DiagnosticStatusWrapper for changes in diagnostic format.
  • Cleaned up DiagnosticStatusWrapper in response to change in diagnostic message.
  • Fixes for diagnostic_msgs::KeyValue::label -> key
  • fixing through diagnostic_updater
  • Changed DiagnosticMessage to DiagnosticArray
  • Changed DiagnosticValue to KeyValue
  • Fixed bug in declaration of deprecated class.
  • Deprecated old self_test and diagnostic_updater APIs.
  • Minor improvements to diagnostic updater.
  • Allowed Publisher to be changed in a DiagnosedPublisher. This allows the Publisher to be created later than the DiagnosedPublisher.
  • add cstdio include for gcc 4.4
  • Took out const_cast that became unnecessary thanks to the resolution of ticket #1228.
  • Added missing includes.
  • robot_msgs/Diagnostic* to diagnostic_msgs/Diagnostic* and robot_srvs/SelfTest into diagnostic_msgs too
  • Added DiagnosedPublisher and HeaderlessDiagnosedPublisher to automatically publish diagnostics upon publication, and integrated them with the forearm_camera. Started writing an outling of the driver_base classes.
  • Committing change from Blaise\'s tree
  • Added a formatted summary method to DiagnosticStatusWrapper.
  • Corrected a bug in the frequency updater, and made it and the timestamp updaters thread safe.
  • Added a TimeStampStatus diagnostic to monitor that timestamps are reasonably close to now.
  • Slowed timing by 10x in test case to improve odds of passing on 64 bit architectures.
  • Corrected some bugs that could have caused undefined behavior. Added support for automatically publishing a \"Starting up\" message before the while the node is initializing. Did some refactoring.
  • Fixed a bug in how function classes were being added to the Updater.
  • Fixed a bug in frequency diagnostic reporting.
  • Modified update functions so that they are function classes. Added a correspondence convenience add method to Updater_base.
  • Corrected a possibly infinite recursion in adds.
  • Small fix to compatibility layer for old-style nodes
  • Upgraded the diagnostic_updater to use NodeHandles, and to allow more general functions to be used. Started adding update_functions to do common diagnostic publishing tasks. This will be populated more later.
  • Added a DiagnosticStatusWrapper class derived from DiagnosticStatus. It adds a few methods to more conveniently set the DiagnosticStatus\'s fields. The diagnostic_updater has been updated so that it can work with DiagnosticStatus or DiagnosticStatusWrapper.:
  • diagnostic_updater: Now can be used with classes that don\'t inherit from Node.
  • roscpp API changes
    • ros::node -> ros::Node
    • ros::msg -> ros::Message
    • deprecated methods removed
    • rosconsole/rosconsole.h -> ros/console.h
    • goodbye rosthread
  • bogus dependency
  • results from changing ros::Time constructor and all uses of it I can find
  • Adding node name into diagnostic updater status names.
  • Moving package review status from wiki to manifests
  • Changing form of advertise in diagnostic updater.
  • Removing old printf from diagnostic_updater.
  • Checking in package for easy diagnostic updating.
  • Contributors: Vincent Rabaud, blaise, blaisegassend, bricerebsamen, ehberger, gerkey, jfaustwg, jleibs, leibs, morgan_quigley, pmihelich, rob_wheeler, straszheim, tfoote, vrabaud, watts, wattsk

Wiki Tutorials

See ROS Wiki Tutorials for more details.

Source Tutorials

Not currently indexed.

Launch files

No launch files found


No message files found.


No service files found


No plugins found.

Recent questions tagged diagnostic_updater at Robotics Stack Exchange

Package Summary

Tags No category tags.
Version 4.3.0
License BSD-3-Clause
Build type AMENT_CMAKE

Repository Summary

Checkout URI
VCS Type git
VCS Version ros2
Last Updated 2024-07-22
CI status No Continuous Integration
Tags No category tags.
Contributing Help Wanted (0)
Good First Issues (0)
Pull Requests to Review (0)

Package Description

diagnostic_updater contains tools for easily updating diagnostics. it is commonly used in device drivers to keep track of the status of output topics, device status, etc.

Additional Links


  • Austin Hendrix
  • Brice Rebsamen
  • Christian Henkel
  • Ralph Lange


  • Jeremy Leibs
  • Blaise Gassend
  • Kevin Watts
  • Brice Rebsamen

General information about this repository, including legal information, build instructions and known issues/limitations, are given in in the repository root.

The diagnostic_updater package

This package is used to implement the collection of diagnostics information.


It can for example update the state of sensors or actors of the robot. Common tasks include * Publish the status of a sensor topic from a device driver * Report that a hardware device is closed * Send an error if a value is out bounds (e.g. temperature)


The file example.cpp contains an example of how to use the diagnostic_updater.

C++ and Python API

The main classes are:


This class is used to create a diagnostic message. It simplifies the creation of the message by providing methods to set the level, name, message and values. There is also the possibility to merge multiple DiagnosticStatusWrapper into one.


This class is used to collect the diagnostic messages and to publish them.


A ROS publisher with included diagnostics. It diagnoses the frequency of the published messages.


Changelog for package diagnostic_updater

3.2.1 (2024-06-27)

  • change(diagnosed-publisher): allow specifying node clock (#340)
  • Fix usage of rclcpp::ok with a non-default context (#352)
  • Contributors: Herv

Wiki Tutorials

See ROS Wiki Tutorials for more details.

Source Tutorials

Not currently indexed.

Launch files

No launch files found


No message files found.


No service files found


No plugins found.

Recent questions tagged diagnostic_updater at Robotics Stack Exchange

Package Summary

Tags No category tags.
Version 1.9.7
License BSD
Build type CATKIN

Repository Summary

Checkout URI
VCS Type git
VCS Version indigo-devel
Last Updated 2020-10-06
CI status Continuous Integration
Tags No category tags.
Contributing Help Wanted (0)
Good First Issues (0)
Pull Requests to Review (0)

Package Description

diagnostic_updater contains tools for easily updating diagnostics. it is commonly used in device drivers to keep track of the status of output topics, device status, etc.

Additional Links


  • Guglielmo Gemignani
  • Austin Hendrix


  • Kevin Watts
  • Brice Rebsamen
  • Jeremy Leibs
  • Blaise Gassend
No README found. No README in repository either.

Changelog for package diagnostic_updater

1.9.7 (2020-09-03)

  • Estract TimestampStatus run to cpp
  • Contributors: Guglielmo Gemignani

1.9.6 (2020-08-18)

  • Add SlowTimeStampStatus (#144)
  • Test build fix on Windows (#8) (#107)
  • Resolve div by zero in updater (#108)
  • Use std::isfinite due to deprecation on osx (#113)
  • Remove extra (not needed) trailing \':\' (#116)
  • Fix GCC warnings with -Wpedantic (#124)
  • Contributors: Enrique Fernandez Perdomo, Jacob Perron, Sean Yen, Stephan Sundermann, William Hudgins, gemignani

1.9.5 (2020-08-10)

  • Merge pull request #105 from mikepurvis/py3-httplib Fix httplib import for Python 3.
  • Fix httplib import for Python 3.
  • Merge pull request #97 from kejxu/fix_windows_build_issue fix windows build issue
  • Merge branch \'indigo-devel\' into fix_windows_build_issue
  • update windows bringup (#5)
  • avoid ERROR from windows.h
  • windows bringup
  • Merge pull request #86 from icolwell/diagnostic_status_custom_names Custom names for FrequencyStatus and TimeStampStatus
  • Remove C++11 features
  • Wording
  • Custom names for existing diagnostics tasks
  • Merge pull request #84 from nbussas/frequency_status_name Make FrequencyStatus\' name configurable
  • Make FrequencyStatus\' name configurable
  • Contributors: Austin, Ian Colwell, James Xu, Mike Purvis, Nils Bussas, Sean Yen

1.9.3 (2018-05-02)

  • Merge pull request #73 from tue-robotics/indigo-devel Add a simple Heartbeat-DiagnosticTask
  • Add Python version of Heartbeat DiagnosticTask
  • Add a very very simple Heartbeat DiagnosticTask
  • Contributors: Austin, Loy van Beek, loy

1.9.2 (2017-07-15)

1.9.1 (2017-07-15)

  • Add queue size parameters on Publishers
  • Minor python updates
  • Contributors: trainman419

1.9.0 (2017-04-25)

  • make rostest in CMakeLists optional (ros/rosdistro#3010)
  • Fixed bug with merge summary in status wrapper
  • Contributors: Lukas Bulwahn, pAIgn10

1.8.10 (2016-06-14)

1.8.9 (2016-03-02)

1.8.8 (2015-08-06)

1.8.7 (2015-01-09)

1.8.6 (2014-12-10)

1.8.5 (2014-07-29)

1.8.4 (2014-07-24 20:51)

1.8.3 (2014-04-23)

  • Initialize next_time_ properly. Fixes #20
  • Add failing test for fast updater
  • Contributors: Austin Hendrix

1.8.2 (2014-04-08)

  • Fix linking. All tests pass. Fixes #12
  • Most tests pass
  • Fix doc reference. Fixes #14
  • Contributors: Austin Hendrix

1.8.1 (2014-04-07)

  • Add myself as maintainer
  • Added ability to supply a custom node name (prefix) to Updater
  • Added ability to supply node handle and private node handle to Updater
  • fixed exporting python API to address #10
  • fixed test related issues in some CMakeLists
  • Contributors: Aero, Austin Hendrix, Brice Rebsamen, Lukas Bulwahn, Mitchell Wills

1.8.0 (2013-04-03)

1.7.11 (2014-07-24 20:24)

  • Fix linking on tests
  • support python binding of diagnostic_updater on groovy
  • Contributors: Ryohei Ueda, trainman419

1.7.10 (2013-02-22)

  • Changed package.xml version number before releasing
  • added missing license header
  • added missing license headers
  • Contributors: Aaron Blasdel, Brice Rebsamen

1.7.9 (2012-12-14)

  • add missing dep to catkin
  • Contributors: Dirk Thomas

1.7.8 (2012-12-06)

  • missing includedirs from roscpp cause compile errors. diagnostic_aggregator/include/diagnostic_aggregator/status_item.h:45:21: fatal error: ros/ros.h: No such file or directory diagnostics/diagnostic_updater/include/diagnostic_updater/diagnostic_updater.h:42:29: fatal error: ros/node_handle.h: No such file or directory compilation terminated.
  • Contributors: Thibault Kruse

1.7.7 (2012-11-10)

1.7.6 (2012-11-07 23:32)

1.7.5 (2012-11-07 21:53)

1.7.4 (2012-11-07 20:18)

1.7.3 (2012-11-04)

  • fix the non-existing xml
  • Contributors: Vincent Rabaud

1.7.2 (2012-10-30 22:31)

  • fix rostest
  • Contributors: Vincent Rabaud

1.7.1 (2012-10-30 15:30)

  • fix a few things after the first release
  • fix a few things all over
  • Contributors: Vincent Rabaud

1.7.0 (2012-10-29)

  • catkinize the stack
  • backport the Python API from 1.7.0
  • use the proper gtest macro
  • Created branch 1.7.0 and reverted corresponding changes in trunk and tag 1.7.0 As a result branch 1.7.0 contains the new python API, and trunk corresponds to 1.6.4
  • Added Python API to diagnostic_updater
  • Fixing docs for frequency status parameters, #5093
  • Remove unused (according to K. Watts) class that depends on now nonexistent ros::Message
  • Remove unused (according to K. Watts) class that depends on now nonexistent ros::Message
  • Fixing formatting for diagnostic updater\'s update_functions. #4523
  • Adding std_msgs dependency to diagnostic_aggregator. #4491
  • Deprecated message methods removed in diagnostics updater
  • Added Ubuntu platform tags to manifest
  • Corrected the version number in which removeByName was added.
  • Added a removeByName method that allows a diagnostic task to be removed from a diagnostic_updater.
  • Adding checks to diagnostic status wrapper to verify output from bool values
  • Removed special handling of uint8 in diagnostic_status_wrapper. Uint8 isn\'t always bool.
  • DiagnosticStatusWrapper now has bool support in add() function. #3860
  • Marked diagnostic_updater and self_test as doc reviewed.
  • Tweaked examples and documentation based on doc review feedback.
  • Dox updates for diagnostic updater
  • Changed error to warning level in frequency status regression test
  • Removed ROS API from doxygen. Added setHardwareID method to example code.
  • Fixing param name in diagnostic updater
  • Reporting frequency problems as warning, not error in diagnostic_updater, #3555
  • Took out all deprecated stuff from diagnostic_updater.
  • Made diagnostic_updater example go into bin directory.
  • Changed getParam to getParamCached.
  • Updated review status to API cleared.
  • Returned check of diagnostic_period to only happen when the update happens pending fix of ROS 0.0, -0.0, -0.0, 0.11215413361787796, -0.0)
  • Finished example and documentation. Renamed CombinationDiagnosticUpdater to CompositeDiagnosticUpdater.
  • Added setHardwareID to diagnostic_updater.
  • Reintroduced an Updater constructor that takes a node handle because a lot of nodes actually depend on it.
  • Bug slipped into previous checkin.
  • Updating documentation. Took NodeHandle parameter out of Updater constructor.
  • Added setHardwareID method, and now warns if it is not used.
  • Got rid of ComposableDiagnosticTask. Now all tasks are composable.
  • Modified diagnostic_period so that it gets checked every time the update method is called. This way a long period can get shortened without waiting for the long period to expire.
  • When a diagnostic task is first added to a diagnostic_updater, the initial status is now OK instead of error.
  • Added timestamp to diagnostic updater publish call. Auto-filling of timestamps is deprecated in ROS 0.10
  • Fixed spurious newline in string that was preventing compilation of diagnostic_updater users.
  • Finished updating the diagnostics for diagnostic_updater.
  • Commented the DiagnosedPublisher classes.
  • Added some comments to diagnostic_updater and made ComposableDiagnosticTask::split_run protected.
  • Updated diagnosed publisher code to be able to work with a CameraPublisher
  • Getting diagnostic_updater to compile. Still spewing a bunch of warnings.
  • Added extra debugging options to self_test and diagnostic_updater. On by default for self_test, off for diagnostic_updater. When on, failing statuses will be printed to the console.
  • updated self_test, diagnostic_updater, dynamic_reconfigure and wge100_camera to use new ~ namespace access method
  • Corrected diagnostic status merge logic.
  • diagnostics 0.1 commit. Removed diagnostic_analyzer/generic_analyzer and integrated into diagnostic_aggregator.
  • Add a method to clear the DiagnosticStatus values in DiagnosticStatusWrapper. Clear old values when reusing DiagnosticStatusWrapper.
  • Took out adds and addsf from diagnostic_updater/DiagnosticStatusWrapper now that all other nodes have been modified.
  • Converted adds into add and add-f into addf. Left the old ones, but they are now deprecated.
  • Updated self test for new diagnostic format.
  • Updated DiagnosticStatusWrapper for changes in diagnostic format.
  • Cleaned up DiagnosticStatusWrapper in response to change in diagnostic message.
  • Fixes for diagnostic_msgs::KeyValue::label -> key
  • fixing through diagnostic_updater
  • Changed DiagnosticMessage to DiagnosticArray
  • Changed DiagnosticValue to KeyValue
  • Fixed bug in declaration of deprecated class.
  • Deprecated old self_test and diagnostic_updater APIs.
  • Minor improvements to diagnostic updater.
  • Allowed Publisher to be changed in a DiagnosedPublisher. This allows the Publisher to be created later than the DiagnosedPublisher.
  • add cstdio include for gcc 4.4
  • Took out const_cast that became unnecessary thanks to the resolution of ticket #1228.
  • Added missing includes.
  • robot_msgs/Diagnostic* to diagnostic_msgs/Diagnostic* and robot_srvs/SelfTest into diagnostic_msgs too
  • Added DiagnosedPublisher and HeaderlessDiagnosedPublisher to automatically publish diagnostics upon publication, and integrated them with the forearm_camera. Started writing an outling of the driver_base classes.
  • Committing change from Blaise\'s tree
  • Added a formatted summary method to DiagnosticStatusWrapper.
  • Corrected a bug in the frequency updater, and made it and the timestamp updaters thread safe.
  • Added a TimeStampStatus diagnostic to monitor that timestamps are reasonably close to now.
  • Slowed timing by 10x in test case to improve odds of passing on 64 bit architectures.
  • Corrected some bugs that could have caused undefined behavior. Added support for automatically publishing a \"Starting up\" message before the while the node is initializing. Did some refactoring.
  • Fixed a bug in how function classes were being added to the Updater.
  • Fixed a bug in frequency diagnostic reporting.
  • Modified update functions so that they are function classes. Added a correspondence convenience add method to Updater_base.
  • Corrected a possibly infinite recursion in adds.
  • Small fix to compatibility layer for old-style nodes
  • Upgraded the diagnostic_updater to use NodeHandles, and to allow more general functions to be used. Started adding update_functions to do common diagnostic publishing tasks. This will be populated more later.
  • Added a DiagnosticStatusWrapper class derived from DiagnosticStatus. It adds a few methods to more conveniently set the DiagnosticStatus\'s fields. The diagnostic_updater has been updated so that it can work with DiagnosticStatus or DiagnosticStatusWrapper.:
  • diagnostic_updater: Now can be used with classes that don\'t inherit from Node.
  • roscpp API changes
    • ros::node -> ros::Node
    • ros::msg -> ros::Message
    • deprecated methods removed
    • rosconsole/rosconsole.h -> ros/console.h
    • goodbye rosthread
  • bogus dependency
  • results from changing ros::Time constructor and all uses of it I can find
  • Adding node name into diagnostic updater status names.
  • Moving package review status from wiki to manifests
  • Changing form of advertise in diagnostic updater.
  • Removing old printf from diagnostic_updater.
  • Checking in package for easy diagnostic updating.
  • Contributors: Vincent Rabaud, blaise, blaisegassend, bricerebsamen, ehberger, gerkey, jfaustwg, jleibs, leibs, morgan_quigley, pmihelich, rob_wheeler, straszheim, tfoote, vrabaud, watts, wattsk

Wiki Tutorials

See ROS Wiki Tutorials for more details.

Source Tutorials

Not currently indexed.

Package Dependencies

System Dependencies

No direct system dependencies.

Dependant Packages

Name Repo Deps
avt_vimba_camera github-srv-avt_vimba_camera
diagnostic_common_diagnostics github-ros-diagnostics
diagnostics github-ros-diagnostics
self_test github-ros-diagnostics
driver_base github-ros-drivers-driver_common
gazebo_plugins github-ros-simulation-gazebo_ros_pkgs
joy github-ros-drivers-joystick_drivers
swri_roscpp github-swri-robotics-marti_common
mavros github-mavlink-mavros
mcl_3dl github-at-wat-mcl_3dl
microstrain_3dmgx2_imu github-ros-drivers-microstrain_3dmgx2_imu
planner_cspace github-at-wat-neonavigation
safety_limiter github-at-wat-neonavigation
novatel_gps_driver github-swri-robotics-novatel_gps_driver
novatel_span_driver github-ros-drivers-novatel_span_driver
phidgets_imu github-ros-drivers-phidgets_drivers
pointgrey_camera_driver github-ros-drivers-pointgrey_camera_driver
pr2_mechanism_controllers github-pr2-pr2_controllers
ethercat_hardware github-pr2-pr2_ethercat_drivers
pr2_mechanism_diagnostics github-pr2-pr2_mechanism
ocean_battery_driver github-pr2-pr2_power_drivers
pr2_power_board github-pr2-pr2_power_drivers
pr2_gazebo_plugins github-PR2-pr2_simulator
rc_visard_driver github-roboception-rc_visard_ros
robot_localization github-cra-ros-pkg-robot_localization
canopen_chain_node github-ros-industrial-ros_canopen
sick_ldmrs_driver github-SICKAG-sick_ldmrs_laser
sick_safetyscanners github-SICKAG-sick_safetyscanners
sick_scan github-SICKAG-sick_scan
sick_tim github-uos-sick_tim
urg_node github-ros-drivers-urg_node
velodyne_driver github-ros-drivers-velodyne
velodyne_pointcloud github-ros-drivers-velodyne
ca_driver github-AutonomyLab-create_autonomy


No message files found.


No service files found


No plugins found.

Recent questions tagged diagnostic_updater at Robotics Stack Exchange

Package Summary

Tags No category tags.
Version 1.9.7
License BSD
Build type CATKIN

Repository Summary

Checkout URI
VCS Type git
VCS Version indigo-devel
Last Updated 2020-10-06
CI status Continuous Integration
Tags No category tags.
Contributing Help Wanted (0)
Good First Issues (0)
Pull Requests to Review (0)

Package Description

diagnostic_updater contains tools for easily updating diagnostics. it is commonly used in device drivers to keep track of the status of output topics, device status, etc.

Additional Links


  • Guglielmo Gemignani
  • Austin Hendrix


  • Kevin Watts
  • Brice Rebsamen
  • Jeremy Leibs
  • Blaise Gassend
No README found. No README in repository either.

Changelog for package diagnostic_updater

1.9.7 (2020-09-03)

  • Estract TimestampStatus run to cpp
  • Contributors: Guglielmo Gemignani

1.9.6 (2020-08-18)

  • Add SlowTimeStampStatus (#144)
  • Test build fix on Windows (#8) (#107)
  • Resolve div by zero in updater (#108)
  • Use std::isfinite due to deprecation on osx (#113)
  • Remove extra (not needed) trailing \':\' (#116)
  • Fix GCC warnings with -Wpedantic (#124)
  • Contributors: Enrique Fernandez Perdomo, Jacob Perron, Sean Yen, Stephan Sundermann, William Hudgins, gemignani

1.9.5 (2020-08-10)

  • Merge pull request #105 from mikepurvis/py3-httplib Fix httplib import for Python 3.
  • Fix httplib import for Python 3.
  • Merge pull request #97 from kejxu/fix_windows_build_issue fix windows build issue
  • Merge branch \'indigo-devel\' into fix_windows_build_issue
  • update windows bringup (#5)
  • avoid ERROR from windows.h
  • windows bringup
  • Merge pull request #86 from icolwell/diagnostic_status_custom_names Custom names for FrequencyStatus and TimeStampStatus
  • Remove C++11 features
  • Wording
  • Custom names for existing diagnostics tasks
  • Merge pull request #84 from nbussas/frequency_status_name Make FrequencyStatus\' name configurable
  • Make FrequencyStatus\' name configurable
  • Contributors: Austin, Ian Colwell, James Xu, Mike Purvis, Nils Bussas, Sean Yen

1.9.3 (2018-05-02)

  • Merge pull request #73 from tue-robotics/indigo-devel Add a simple Heartbeat-DiagnosticTask
  • Add Python version of Heartbeat DiagnosticTask
  • Add a very very simple Heartbeat DiagnosticTask
  • Contributors: Austin, Loy van Beek, loy

1.9.2 (2017-07-15)

1.9.1 (2017-07-15)

  • Add queue size parameters on Publishers
  • Minor python updates
  • Contributors: trainman419

1.9.0 (2017-04-25)

  • make rostest in CMakeLists optional (ros/rosdistro#3010)
  • Fixed bug with merge summary in status wrapper
  • Contributors: Lukas Bulwahn, pAIgn10

1.8.10 (2016-06-14)

1.8.9 (2016-03-02)

1.8.8 (2015-08-06)

1.8.7 (2015-01-09)

1.8.6 (2014-12-10)

1.8.5 (2014-07-29)

1.8.4 (2014-07-24 20:51)

1.8.3 (2014-04-23)

  • Initialize next_time_ properly. Fixes #20
  • Add failing test for fast updater
  • Contributors: Austin Hendrix

1.8.2 (2014-04-08)

  • Fix linking. All tests pass. Fixes #12
  • Most tests pass
  • Fix doc reference. Fixes #14
  • Contributors: Austin Hendrix

1.8.1 (2014-04-07)

  • Add myself as maintainer
  • Added ability to supply a custom node name (prefix) to Updater
  • Added ability to supply node handle and private node handle to Updater
  • fixed exporting python API to address #10
  • fixed test related issues in some CMakeLists
  • Contributors: Aero, Austin Hendrix, Brice Rebsamen, Lukas Bulwahn, Mitchell Wills

1.8.0 (2013-04-03)

1.7.11 (2014-07-24 20:24)

  • Fix linking on tests
  • support python binding of diagnostic_updater on groovy
  • Contributors: Ryohei Ueda, trainman419

1.7.10 (2013-02-22)

  • Changed package.xml version number before releasing
  • added missing license header
  • added missing license headers
  • Contributors: Aaron Blasdel, Brice Rebsamen

1.7.9 (2012-12-14)

  • add missing dep to catkin
  • Contributors: Dirk Thomas

1.7.8 (2012-12-06)

  • missing includedirs from roscpp cause compile errors. diagnostic_aggregator/include/diagnostic_aggregator/status_item.h:45:21: fatal error: ros/ros.h: No such file or directory diagnostics/diagnostic_updater/include/diagnostic_updater/diagnostic_updater.h:42:29: fatal error: ros/node_handle.h: No such file or directory compilation terminated.
  • Contributors: Thibault Kruse

1.7.7 (2012-11-10)

1.7.6 (2012-11-07 23:32)

1.7.5 (2012-11-07 21:53)

1.7.4 (2012-11-07 20:18)

1.7.3 (2012-11-04)

  • fix the non-existing xml
  • Contributors: Vincent Rabaud

1.7.2 (2012-10-30 22:31)

  • fix rostest
  • Contributors: Vincent Rabaud

1.7.1 (2012-10-30 15:30)

  • fix a few things after the first release
  • fix a few things all over
  • Contributors: Vincent Rabaud

1.7.0 (2012-10-29)

  • catkinize the stack
  • backport the Python API from 1.7.0
  • use the proper gtest macro
  • Created branch 1.7.0 and reverted corresponding changes in trunk and tag 1.7.0 As a result branch 1.7.0 contains the new python API, and trunk corresponds to 1.6.4
  • Added Python API to diagnostic_updater
  • Fixing docs for frequency status parameters, #5093
  • Remove unused (according to K. Watts) class that depends on now nonexistent ros::Message
  • Remove unused (according to K. Watts) class that depends on now nonexistent ros::Message
  • Fixing formatting for diagnostic updater\'s update_functions. #4523
  • Adding std_msgs dependency to diagnostic_aggregator. #4491
  • Deprecated message methods removed in diagnostics updater
  • Added Ubuntu platform tags to manifest
  • Corrected the version number in which removeByName was added.
  • Added a removeByName method that allows a diagnostic task to be removed from a diagnostic_updater.
  • Adding checks to diagnostic status wrapper to verify output from bool values
  • Removed special handling of uint8 in diagnostic_status_wrapper. Uint8 isn\'t always bool.
  • DiagnosticStatusWrapper now has bool support in add() function. #3860
  • Marked diagnostic_updater and self_test as doc reviewed.
  • Tweaked examples and documentation based on doc review feedback.
  • Dox updates for diagnostic updater
  • Changed error to warning level in frequency status regression test
  • Removed ROS API from doxygen. Added setHardwareID method to example code.
  • Fixing param name in diagnostic updater
  • Reporting frequency problems as warning, not error in diagnostic_updater, #3555
  • Took out all deprecated stuff from diagnostic_updater.
  • Made diagnostic_updater example go into bin directory.
  • Changed getParam to getParamCached.
  • Updated review status to API cleared.
  • Returned check of diagnostic_period to only happen when the update happens pending fix of ROS 0.0, -0.0, -0.0, 0.11215413361787796, -0.0)
  • Finished example and documentation. Renamed CombinationDiagnosticUpdater to CompositeDiagnosticUpdater.
  • Added setHardwareID to diagnostic_updater.
  • Reintroduced an Updater constructor that takes a node handle because a lot of nodes actually depend on it.
  • Bug slipped into previous checkin.
  • Updating documentation. Took NodeHandle parameter out of Updater constructor.
  • Added setHardwareID method, and now warns if it is not used.
  • Got rid of ComposableDiagnosticTask. Now all tasks are composable.
  • Modified diagnostic_period so that it gets checked every time the update method is called. This way a long period can get shortened without waiting for the long period to expire.
  • When a diagnostic task is first added to a diagnostic_updater, the initial status is now OK instead of error.
  • Added timestamp to diagnostic updater publish call. Auto-filling of timestamps is deprecated in ROS 0.10
  • Fixed spurious newline in string that was preventing compilation of diagnostic_updater users.
  • Finished updating the diagnostics for diagnostic_updater.
  • Commented the DiagnosedPublisher classes.
  • Added some comments to diagnostic_updater and made ComposableDiagnosticTask::split_run protected.
  • Updated diagnosed publisher code to be able to work with a CameraPublisher
  • Getting diagnostic_updater to compile. Still spewing a bunch of warnings.
  • Added extra debugging options to self_test and diagnostic_updater. On by default for self_test, off for diagnostic_updater. When on, failing statuses will be printed to the console.
  • updated self_test, diagnostic_updater, dynamic_reconfigure and wge100_camera to use new ~ namespace access method
  • Corrected diagnostic status merge logic.
  • diagnostics 0.1 commit. Removed diagnostic_analyzer/generic_analyzer and integrated into diagnostic_aggregator.
  • Add a method to clear the DiagnosticStatus values in DiagnosticStatusWrapper. Clear old values when reusing DiagnosticStatusWrapper.
  • Took out adds and addsf from diagnostic_updater/DiagnosticStatusWrapper now that all other nodes have been modified.
  • Converted adds into add and add-f into addf. Left the old ones, but they are now deprecated.
  • Updated self test for new diagnostic format.
  • Updated DiagnosticStatusWrapper for changes in diagnostic format.
  • Cleaned up DiagnosticStatusWrapper in response to change in diagnostic message.
  • Fixes for diagnostic_msgs::KeyValue::label -> key
  • fixing through diagnostic_updater
  • Changed DiagnosticMessage to DiagnosticArray
  • Changed DiagnosticValue to KeyValue
  • Fixed bug in declaration of deprecated class.
  • Deprecated old self_test and diagnostic_updater APIs.
  • Minor improvements to diagnostic updater.
  • Allowed Publisher to be changed in a DiagnosedPublisher. This allows the Publisher to be created later than the DiagnosedPublisher.
  • add cstdio include for gcc 4.4
  • Took out const_cast that became unnecessary thanks to the resolution of ticket #1228.
  • Added missing includes.
  • robot_msgs/Diagnostic* to diagnostic_msgs/Diagnostic* and robot_srvs/SelfTest into diagnostic_msgs too
  • Added DiagnosedPublisher and HeaderlessDiagnosedPublisher to automatically publish diagnostics upon publication, and integrated them with the forearm_camera. Started writing an outling of the driver_base classes.
  • Committing change from Blaise\'s tree
  • Added a formatted summary method to DiagnosticStatusWrapper.
  • Corrected a bug in the frequency updater, and made it and the timestamp updaters thread safe.
  • Added a TimeStampStatus diagnostic to monitor that timestamps are reasonably close to now.
  • Slowed timing by 10x in test case to improve odds of passing on 64 bit architectures.
  • Corrected some bugs that could have caused undefined behavior. Added support for automatically publishing a \"Starting up\" message before the while the node is initializing. Did some refactoring.
  • Fixed a bug in how function classes were being added to the Updater.
  • Fixed a bug in frequency diagnostic reporting.
  • Modified update functions so that they are function classes. Added a correspondence convenience add method to Updater_base.
  • Corrected a possibly infinite recursion in adds.
  • Small fix to compatibility layer for old-style nodes
  • Upgraded the diagnostic_updater to use NodeHandles, and to allow more general functions to be used. Started adding update_functions to do common diagnostic publishing tasks. This will be populated more later.
  • Added a DiagnosticStatusWrapper class derived from DiagnosticStatus. It adds a few methods to more conveniently set the DiagnosticStatus\'s fields. The diagnostic_updater has been updated so that it can work with DiagnosticStatus or DiagnosticStatusWrapper.:
  • diagnostic_updater: Now can be used with classes that don\'t inherit from Node.
  • roscpp API changes
    • ros::node -> ros::Node
    • ros::msg -> ros::Message
    • deprecated methods removed
    • rosconsole/rosconsole.h -> ros/console.h
    • goodbye rosthread
  • bogus dependency
  • results from changing ros::Time constructor and all uses of it I can find
  • Adding node name into diagnostic updater status names.
  • Moving package review status from wiki to manifests
  • Changing form of advertise in diagnostic updater.
  • Removing old printf from diagnostic_updater.
  • Checking in package for easy diagnostic updating.
  • Contributors: Vincent Rabaud, blaise, blaisegassend, bricerebsamen, ehberger, gerkey, jfaustwg, jleibs, leibs, morgan_quigley, pmihelich, rob_wheeler, straszheim, tfoote, vrabaud, watts, wattsk

Wiki Tutorials

See ROS Wiki Tutorials for more details.

Source Tutorials

Not currently indexed.

Package Dependencies

System Dependencies

No direct system dependencies.

Dependant Packages

Name Repo Deps
diagnostic_common_diagnostics github-ros-diagnostics
diagnostics github-ros-diagnostics
self_test github-ros-diagnostics
driver_base github-ros-drivers-driver_common
gazebo_plugins github-ros-simulation-gazebo_ros_pkgs
joy github-ros-drivers-joystick_drivers
jsk_network_tools github-jsk-ros-pkg-jsk_common
jsk_tools github-jsk-ros-pkg-jsk_common
jsk_topic_tools github-jsk-ros-pkg-jsk_common
jsk_footstep_controller github-jsk-ros-pkg-jsk_control
jsk_teleop_joy github-jsk-ros-pkg-jsk_control
jsk_pcl_ros github-jsk-ros-pkg-jsk_recognition
jsk_pcl_ros_utils github-jsk-ros-pkg-jsk_recognition
swri_roscpp github-swri-robotics-marti_common
mavros github-mavlink-mavros
microstrain_3dmgx2_imu github-ros-drivers-microstrain_3dmgx2_imu
naoqi_driver github-ros-naoqi-naoqi_driver
novatel_gps_driver github-swri-robotics-novatel_gps_driver
novatel_span_driver github-ros-drivers-novatel_span_driver
phidgets_imu github-ros-drivers-phidgets_drivers
pointgrey_camera_driver github-ros-drivers-pointgrey_camera_driver
pr2_mechanism_controllers github-pr2-pr2_controllers
pr2_mechanism_diagnostics github-pr2-pr2_mechanism
robot_localization github-cra-ros-pkg-robot_localization
canopen_chain_node github-ros-industrial-ros_canopen
sick_ldmrs_driver github-SICKAG-sick_ldmrs_laser
sick_tim github-uos-sick_tim
twist_mux github-ros-teleop-twist_mux
ublox_gps github-KumarRobotics-ublox
urg_node github-ros-drivers-urg_node
ca_driver github-AutonomyLab-create_autonomy
grizzly_motion github-g-grizzly
naoqi_dcm_driver github-ros-naoqi-naoqi_dcm_driver
netft_utils github-UTNuclearRoboticsPublic-netft_utils
sicktoolbox_wrapper github-ros-drivers-sicktoolbox_wrapper
hokuyo_node github-ros-drivers-hokuyo_node
vicon_bridge github-ethz-asl-vicon_bridge
microstrain_mips github-bsb808-microstrain_3dm_gx5_45


No message files found.


No service files found


No plugins found.

Recent questions tagged diagnostic_updater at Robotics Stack Exchange

Package Summary

Tags No category tags.
Version 1.9.7
License BSD
Build type CATKIN

Repository Summary

Checkout URI
VCS Type git
VCS Version indigo-devel
Last Updated 2020-10-06
CI status Continuous Integration
Tags No category tags.
Contributing Help Wanted (0)
Good First Issues (0)
Pull Requests to Review (0)

Package Description

diagnostic_updater contains tools for easily updating diagnostics. it is commonly used in device drivers to keep track of the status of output topics, device status, etc.

Additional Links


  • Guglielmo Gemignani
  • Austin Hendrix


  • Kevin Watts
  • Brice Rebsamen
  • Jeremy Leibs
  • Blaise Gassend
No README found. No README in repository either.

Changelog for package diagnostic_updater

1.9.7 (2020-09-03)

  • Estract TimestampStatus run to cpp
  • Contributors: Guglielmo Gemignani

1.9.6 (2020-08-18)

  • Add SlowTimeStampStatus (#144)
  • Test build fix on Windows (#8) (#107)
  • Resolve div by zero in updater (#108)
  • Use std::isfinite due to deprecation on osx (#113)
  • Remove extra (not needed) trailing \':\' (#116)
  • Fix GCC warnings with -Wpedantic (#124)
  • Contributors: Enrique Fernandez Perdomo, Jacob Perron, Sean Yen, Stephan Sundermann, William Hudgins, gemignani

1.9.5 (2020-08-10)

  • Merge pull request #105 from mikepurvis/py3-httplib Fix httplib import for Python 3.
  • Fix httplib import for Python 3.
  • Merge pull request #97 from kejxu/fix_windows_build_issue fix windows build issue
  • Merge branch \'indigo-devel\' into fix_windows_build_issue
  • update windows bringup (#5)
  • avoid ERROR from windows.h
  • windows bringup
  • Merge pull request #86 from icolwell/diagnostic_status_custom_names Custom names for FrequencyStatus and TimeStampStatus
  • Remove C++11 features
  • Wording
  • Custom names for existing diagnostics tasks
  • Merge pull request #84 from nbussas/frequency_status_name Make FrequencyStatus\' name configurable
  • Make FrequencyStatus\' name configurable
  • Contributors: Austin, Ian Colwell, James Xu, Mike Purvis, Nils Bussas, Sean Yen

1.9.3 (2018-05-02)

  • Merge pull request #73 from tue-robotics/indigo-devel Add a simple Heartbeat-DiagnosticTask
  • Add Python version of Heartbeat DiagnosticTask
  • Add a very very simple Heartbeat DiagnosticTask
  • Contributors: Austin, Loy van Beek, loy

1.9.2 (2017-07-15)

1.9.1 (2017-07-15)

  • Add queue size parameters on Publishers
  • Minor python updates
  • Contributors: trainman419

1.9.0 (2017-04-25)

  • make rostest in CMakeLists optional (ros/rosdistro#3010)
  • Fixed bug with merge summary in status wrapper
  • Contributors: Lukas Bulwahn, pAIgn10

1.8.10 (2016-06-14)

1.8.9 (2016-03-02)

1.8.8 (2015-08-06)

1.8.7 (2015-01-09)

1.8.6 (2014-12-10)

1.8.5 (2014-07-29)

1.8.4 (2014-07-24 20:51)

1.8.3 (2014-04-23)

  • Initialize next_time_ properly. Fixes #20
  • Add failing test for fast updater
  • Contributors: Austin Hendrix

1.8.2 (2014-04-08)

  • Fix linking. All tests pass. Fixes #12
  • Most tests pass
  • Fix doc reference. Fixes #14
  • Contributors: Austin Hendrix

1.8.1 (2014-04-07)

  • Add myself as maintainer
  • Added ability to supply a custom node name (prefix) to Updater
  • Added ability to supply node handle and private node handle to Updater
  • fixed exporting python API to address #10
  • fixed test related issues in some CMakeLists
  • Contributors: Aero, Austin Hendrix, Brice Rebsamen, Lukas Bulwahn, Mitchell Wills

1.8.0 (2013-04-03)

1.7.11 (2014-07-24 20:24)

  • Fix linking on tests
  • support python binding of diagnostic_updater on groovy
  • Contributors: Ryohei Ueda, trainman419

1.7.10 (2013-02-22)

  • Changed package.xml version number before releasing
  • added missing license header
  • added missing license headers
  • Contributors: Aaron Blasdel, Brice Rebsamen

1.7.9 (2012-12-14)

  • add missing dep to catkin
  • Contributors: Dirk Thomas

1.7.8 (2012-12-06)

  • missing includedirs from roscpp cause compile errors. diagnostic_aggregator/include/diagnostic_aggregator/status_item.h:45:21: fatal error: ros/ros.h: No such file or directory diagnostics/diagnostic_updater/include/diagnostic_updater/diagnostic_updater.h:42:29: fatal error: ros/node_handle.h: No such file or directory compilation terminated.
  • Contributors: Thibault Kruse

1.7.7 (2012-11-10)

1.7.6 (2012-11-07 23:32)

1.7.5 (2012-11-07 21:53)

1.7.4 (2012-11-07 20:18)

1.7.3 (2012-11-04)

  • fix the non-existing xml
  • Contributors: Vincent Rabaud

1.7.2 (2012-10-30 22:31)

  • fix rostest
  • Contributors: Vincent Rabaud

1.7.1 (2012-10-30 15:30)

  • fix a few things after the first release
  • fix a few things all over
  • Contributors: Vincent Rabaud

1.7.0 (2012-10-29)

  • catkinize the stack
  • backport the Python API from 1.7.0
  • use the proper gtest macro
  • Created branch 1.7.0 and reverted corresponding changes in trunk and tag 1.7.0 As a result branch 1.7.0 contains the new python API, and trunk corresponds to 1.6.4
  • Added Python API to diagnostic_updater
  • Fixing docs for frequency status parameters, #5093
  • Remove unused (according to K. Watts) class that depends on now nonexistent ros::Message
  • Remove unused (according to K. Watts) class that depends on now nonexistent ros::Message
  • Fixing formatting for diagnostic updater\'s update_functions. #4523
  • Adding std_msgs dependency to diagnostic_aggregator. #4491
  • Deprecated message methods removed in diagnostics updater
  • Added Ubuntu platform tags to manifest
  • Corrected the version number in which removeByName was added.
  • Added a removeByName method that allows a diagnostic task to be removed from a diagnostic_updater.
  • Adding checks to diagnostic status wrapper to verify output from bool values
  • Removed special handling of uint8 in diagnostic_status_wrapper. Uint8 isn\'t always bool.
  • DiagnosticStatusWrapper now has bool support in add() function. #3860
  • Marked diagnostic_updater and self_test as doc reviewed.
  • Tweaked examples and documentation based on doc review feedback.
  • Dox updates for diagnostic updater
  • Changed error to warning level in frequency status regression test
  • Removed ROS API from doxygen. Added setHardwareID method to example code.
  • Fixing param name in diagnostic updater
  • Reporting frequency problems as warning, not error in diagnostic_updater, #3555
  • Took out all deprecated stuff from diagnostic_updater.
  • Made diagnostic_updater example go into bin directory.
  • Changed getParam to getParamCached.
  • Updated review status to API cleared.
  • Returned check of diagnostic_period to only happen when the update happens pending fix of ROS 0.0, -0.0, -0.0, 0.11215413361787796, -0.0)
  • Finished example and documentation. Renamed CombinationDiagnosticUpdater to CompositeDiagnosticUpdater.
  • Added setHardwareID to diagnostic_updater.
  • Reintroduced an Updater constructor that takes a node handle because a lot of nodes actually depend on it.
  • Bug slipped into previous checkin.
  • Updating documentation. Took NodeHandle parameter out of Updater constructor.
  • Added setHardwareID method, and now warns if it is not used.
  • Got rid of ComposableDiagnosticTask. Now all tasks are composable.
  • Modified diagnostic_period so that it gets checked every time the update method is called. This way a long period can get shortened without waiting for the long period to expire.
  • When a diagnostic task is first added to a diagnostic_updater, the initial status is now OK instead of error.
  • Added timestamp to diagnostic updater publish call. Auto-filling of timestamps is deprecated in ROS 0.10
  • Fixed spurious newline in string that was preventing compilation of diagnostic_updater users.
  • Finished updating the diagnostics for diagnostic_updater.
  • Commented the DiagnosedPublisher classes.
  • Added some comments to diagnostic_updater and made ComposableDiagnosticTask::split_run protected.
  • Updated diagnosed publisher code to be able to work with a CameraPublisher
  • Getting diagnostic_updater to compile. Still spewing a bunch of warnings.
  • Added extra debugging options to self_test and diagnostic_updater. On by default for self_test, off for diagnostic_updater. When on, failing statuses will be printed to the console.
  • updated self_test, diagnostic_updater, dynamic_reconfigure and wge100_camera to use new ~ namespace access method
  • Corrected diagnostic status merge logic.
  • diagnostics 0.1 commit. Removed diagnostic_analyzer/generic_analyzer and integrated into diagnostic_aggregator.
  • Add a method to clear the DiagnosticStatus values in DiagnosticStatusWrapper. Clear old values when reusing DiagnosticStatusWrapper.
  • Took out adds and addsf from diagnostic_updater/DiagnosticStatusWrapper now that all other nodes have been modified.
  • Converted adds into add and add-f into addf. Left the old ones, but they are now deprecated.
  • Updated self test for new diagnostic format.
  • Updated DiagnosticStatusWrapper for changes in diagnostic format.
  • Cleaned up DiagnosticStatusWrapper in response to change in diagnostic message.
  • Fixes for diagnostic_msgs::KeyValue::label -> key
  • fixing through diagnostic_updater
  • Changed DiagnosticMessage to DiagnosticArray
  • Changed DiagnosticValue to KeyValue
  • Fixed bug in declaration of deprecated class.
  • Deprecated old self_test and diagnostic_updater APIs.
  • Minor improvements to diagnostic updater.
  • Allowed Publisher to be changed in a DiagnosedPublisher. This allows the Publisher to be created later than the DiagnosedPublisher.
  • add cstdio include for gcc 4.4
  • Took out const_cast that became unnecessary thanks to the resolution of ticket #1228.
  • Added missing includes.
  • robot_msgs/Diagnostic* to diagnostic_msgs/Diagnostic* and robot_srvs/SelfTest into diagnostic_msgs too
  • Added DiagnosedPublisher and HeaderlessDiagnosedPublisher to automatically publish diagnostics upon publication, and integrated them with the forearm_camera. Started writing an outling of the driver_base classes.
  • Committing change from Blaise\'s tree
  • Added a formatted summary method to DiagnosticStatusWrapper.
  • Corrected a bug in the frequency updater, and made it and the timestamp updaters thread safe.
  • Added a TimeStampStatus diagnostic to monitor that timestamps are reasonably close to now.
  • Slowed timing by 10x in test case to improve odds of passing on 64 bit architectures.
  • Corrected some bugs that could have caused undefined behavior. Added support for automatically publishing a \"Starting up\" message before the while the node is initializing. Did some refactoring.
  • Fixed a bug in how function classes were being added to the Updater.
  • Fixed a bug in frequency diagnostic reporting.
  • Modified update functions so that they are function classes. Added a correspondence convenience add method to Updater_base.
  • Corrected a possibly infinite recursion in adds.
  • Small fix to compatibility layer for old-style nodes
  • Upgraded the diagnostic_updater to use NodeHandles, and to allow more general functions to be used. Started adding update_functions to do common diagnostic publishing tasks. This will be populated more later.
  • Added a DiagnosticStatusWrapper class derived from DiagnosticStatus. It adds a few methods to more conveniently set the DiagnosticStatus\'s fields. The diagnostic_updater has been updated so that it can work with DiagnosticStatus or DiagnosticStatusWrapper.:
  • diagnostic_updater: Now can be used with classes that don\'t inherit from Node.
  • roscpp API changes
    • ros::node -> ros::Node
    • ros::msg -> ros::Message
    • deprecated methods removed
    • rosconsole/rosconsole.h -> ros/console.h
    • goodbye rosthread
  • bogus dependency
  • results from changing ros::Time constructor and all uses of it I can find
  • Adding node name into diagnostic updater status names.
  • Moving package review status from wiki to manifests
  • Changing form of advertise in diagnostic updater.
  • Removing old printf from diagnostic_updater.
  • Checking in package for easy diagnostic updating.
  • Contributors: Vincent Rabaud, blaise, blaisegassend, bricerebsamen, ehberger, gerkey, jfaustwg, jleibs, leibs, morgan_quigley, pmihelich, rob_wheeler, straszheim, tfoote, vrabaud, watts, wattsk

Wiki Tutorials

See ROS Wiki Tutorials for more details.

Source Tutorials

Not currently indexed.

Package Dependencies

System Dependencies

No direct system dependencies.

Dependant Packages

Name Repo Deps
avt_vimba_camera github-srv-avt_vimba_camera
cob_monitoring github-ipa320-cob_command_tools
cob_bms_driver github-ipa320-cob_driver
cob_mimic github-ipa320-cob_driver
cob_undercarriage_ctrl github-ipa320-cob_driver
cob_hand_bridge github-ipa320-cob_hand
diagnostic_common_diagnostics github-ros-diagnostics
diagnostics github-ros-diagnostics
self_test github-ros-diagnostics
driver_base github-ros-drivers-driver_common
flir_ptu_driver github-ros-drivers-flir_ptu
freenect_camera github-ros-drivers-freenect_stack
gazebo_plugins github-ros-simulation-gazebo_ros_pkgs
joy github-ros-drivers-joystick_drivers
jsk_network_tools github-jsk-ros-pkg-jsk_common
jsk_tools github-jsk-ros-pkg-jsk_common
jsk_topic_tools github-jsk-ros-pkg-jsk_common
jsk_footstep_controller github-jsk-ros-pkg-jsk_control
jsk_teleop_joy github-jsk-ros-pkg-jsk_control
jsk_pcl_ros github-jsk-ros-pkg-jsk_recognition
jsk_pcl_ros_utils github-jsk-ros-pkg-jsk_recognition
kobuki_node github-yujinrobot-kobuki
swri_roscpp github-swri-robotics-marti_common
mavros github-mavlink-mavros
microstrain_3dmgx2_imu github-ros-drivers-microstrain_3dmgx2_imu
microstrain_mips github-ros-drivers-microstrain_mips
minas_control github-tork-a-minas
naoqi_driver github-ros-naoqi-naoqi_driver
planner_cspace github-at-wat-neonavigation
safety_limiter github-at-wat-neonavigation
novatel_gps_driver github-swri-robotics-novatel_gps_driver
novatel_span_driver github-ros-drivers-novatel_span_driver
omron_os32c_driver github-ros-drivers-omron
phidgets_imu github-ros-drivers-phidgets_drivers
play_motion github-pal-robotics-play_motion
pointgrey_camera_driver github-ros-drivers-pointgrey_camera_driver
pr2_mechanism_controllers github-pr2-pr2_controllers
ethercat_hardware github-PR2-pr2_ethercat_drivers
pr2_mechanism_diagnostics github-pr2-pr2_mechanism
ocean_battery_driver github-pr2-pr2_power_drivers
pr2_power_board github-pr2-pr2_power_drivers
pr2_ethercat github-pr2-pr2_robot
pr2_gazebo_plugins github-PR2-pr2_simulator
prosilica_camera github-ros-drivers-prosilica_driver
rc_visard_driver github-roboception-rc_visard_ros
robot_localization github-cra-ros-pkg-robot_localization
canopen_chain_node github-ros-industrial-ros_canopen
sick_ldmrs_driver github-SICKAG-sick_ldmrs_laser
sick_safetyscanners github-SICKAG-sick_safetyscanners
sick_scan github-SICKAG-sick_scan
sick_tim github-uos-sick_tim
sr_edc_launch github-shadow-robot-sr-ros-interface-ethercat
sr_robot_lib github-shadow-robot-sr-ros-interface-ethercat
swri_profiler github-swri-robotics-swri_profiler
twist_mux github-ros-teleop-twist_mux
ubiquity_motor github-UbiquityRobotics-ubiquity_motor
ublox_gps github-KumarRobotics-ublox
urg_node github-ros-drivers-urg_node
velodyne_driver github-ros-drivers-velodyne
velodyne_pointcloud github-ros-drivers-velodyne
wge100_camera github-ros-drivers-wge100_driver
agvs_pad github-RobotnikAutomation-agvs_common
agvs_robot_control github-RobotnikAutomation-agvs_sim
camera1394 github-ros-drivers-camera1394
ca_driver github-AutonomyLab-create_autonomy
grizzly_motion github-g-grizzly
infinisoleil github-ncs-3d-sensing-infinisoleil
naoqi_dcm_driver github-ros-naoqi-naoqi_dcm_driver
netft_utils github-UTNuclearRoboticsPublic-netft_utils
puma_motor_driver github-clearpathrobotics-puma_motor_driver
rb1_base_pad github-RobotnikAutomation-rb1_base_common
rbcar_pad github-RobotnikAutomation-rbcar_common
rbcar_joystick github-RobotnikAutomation-rbcar_sim
rbcar_robot_control github-RobotnikAutomation-rbcar_sim
roch_base github-SawYer-Robotics-roch_robot
sicktoolbox_wrapper github-ros-drivers-sicktoolbox_wrapper
summit_x_robot_control github-RobotnikAutomation-summit_x_sim
summit_xl_pad github-RobotnikAutomation-summit_xl_common
summit_xl_robot_control github-RobotnikAutomation-summit_xl_sim
asctec_hl_interface github-ethz-asl-asctec_mav_framework
hokuyo_node github-ros-drivers-hokuyo_node
open_controllers_interface github-start-jsk-open_industrial_ros_controllers
orientus_driver github-RIVeR-Lab-orientus_driver
ros_ethercat_hardware github-shadow-robot-ros_ethercat
ros_ethercat_loop github-shadow-robot-ros_ethercat
s3000_laser github-RobotnikAutomation-s3000_laser
sr_ronex_drivers github-shadow-robot-sr-ronex
vicon_bridge github-ethz-asl-vicon_bridge
drums_ros github-drums-project-drums_ros
epos_hardware github-RIVeR-Lab-epos_hardware
evarobot_gazebo github-inomuh-evarobot_simulator
husky_base github-husky-husky_robot
jackal_base github-jackal-jackal_robot
joystick_sdl github-mikepurvis-joystick_sdl
rb1_torso_pad github-RobotnikAutomation-rb1_common
ridgeback_base github-ridgeback-ridgeback_robot


No message files found.


No service files found


No plugins found.

Recent questions tagged diagnostic_updater at Robotics Stack Exchange

Package Summary

Tags No category tags.
Version 1.8.8
License BSD
Build type CATKIN

Repository Summary

Checkout URI
VCS Type git
VCS Version hydro-devel
Last Updated 2015-08-07
CI status Continuous Integration
Tags No category tags.
Contributing Help Wanted (0)
Good First Issues (0)
Pull Requests to Review (0)

Package Description

diagnostic_updater contains tools for easily updating diagnostics. it is commonly used in device drivers to keep track of the status of output topics, device status, etc.

Additional Links


  • Austin Hendrix
  • Brice Rebsamen


  • Kevin Watts
  • Brice Rebsamen
  • Jeremy Leibs
  • Blaise Gassend
No README found. No README in repository either.

Wiki Tutorials

See ROS Wiki Tutorials for more details.

Source Tutorials

Not currently indexed.

Package Dependencies

System Dependencies

No direct system dependencies.

Dependant Packages

Name Repo Deps
avt_vimba_camera github-srv-avt_vimba_camera
cob_undercarriage_ctrl github-ipa320-cob_driver
diagnostic_common_diagnostics github-ros-diagnostics
diagnostics github-ros-diagnostics
self_test github-ros-diagnostics
driver_base github-ros-drivers-driver_common
flir_ptu_driver github-ros-drivers-flir_ptu
freenect_camera github-ros-drivers-freenect_stack
gazebo_plugins github-ros-simulation-gazebo_ros_pkgs
joy github-ros-drivers-joystick_drivers
jsk_network_tools github-jsk-ros-pkg-jsk_common
jsk_tools github-jsk-ros-pkg-jsk_common
jsk_topic_tools github-jsk-ros-pkg-jsk_common
jsk_footstep_controller github-jsk-ros-pkg-jsk_control
jsk_teleop_joy github-jsk-ros-pkg-jsk_control
jsk_pcl_ros github-jsk-ros-pkg-jsk_recognition
jsk_pcl_ros_utils github-jsk-ros-pkg-jsk_recognition
kobuki_node github-yujinrobot-kobuki
mavros github-mavlink-mavros
microstrain_3dmgx2_imu github-ros-drivers-microstrain_3dmgx2_imu
novatel_span_driver github-ros-drivers-novatel_span_driver
play_motion github-pal-robotics-play_motion
pointgrey_camera_driver github-ros-drivers-pointgrey_camera_driver
pr2_mechanism_controllers github-PR2-pr2_controllers
ethercat_hardware github-PR2-pr2_ethercat_drivers
pr2_mechanism_diagnostics github-PR2-pr2_mechanism
ocean_battery_driver github-PR2-pr2_power_drivers
pr2_power_board github-PR2-pr2_power_drivers
pr2_ethercat github-PR2-pr2_robot
pr2_gazebo_plugins github-PR2-pr2_simulator
prosilica_camera github-ros-drivers-prosilica_driver
robot_localization github-cra-ros-pkg-robot_localization
schunk_powercube_chain github-ipa320-schunk_modular_robotics
sick_tim github-uos-sick_tim
sr_edc_launch github-shadow-robot-sr-ros-interface-ethercat
sr_robot_lib github-shadow-robot-sr-ros-interface-ethercat
twist_mux github-ros-teleop-twist_mux
urg_node github-ros-drivers-urg_node
velodyne_driver github-ros-drivers-velodyne
velodyne_pointcloud github-ros-drivers-velodyne
wge100_camera github-ros-drivers-wge100_driver
camera1394 github-ros-drivers-camera1394
grizzly_motion github-g-grizzly
sicktoolbox_wrapper github-ros-drivers-sicktoolbox_wrapper
agvs_pad github-RobotnikAutomation-agvs
purepursuit_planner github-RobotnikAutomation-agvs
asctec_hl_interface github-ethz-asl-asctec_mav_framework
corobot_gps github-morgancormier-corobot
corobot_pantilt github-morgancormier-corobot
corobot_ssc32 github-morgancormier-corobot
phidget_servo github-morgancormier-corobot
phidget_stepper github-morgancormier-corobot
decision_making github-cogniteam-decision_making
dynamixel_hardware_interface github-arebgun-dynamixel_motor_experimental
hokuyo_node github-ros-drivers-hokuyo_node
open_controllers_interface github-start-jsk-open_industrial_ros_controllers
orientus_driver github-RIVeR-Lab-orientus_driver
ros_ethercat_hardware github-shadow-robot-ros_ethercat
ros_ethercat_loop github-shadow-robot-ros_ethercat
ptu46 github-DLu-rwi_ros
rflex github-DLu-rwi_ros
s3000_laser github-RobotnikAutomation-s3000_laser
rmp_teleop github-sri-robotics-segwayrmp
sr_gazebo_plugins github-shadow-robot-sr-ros-interface
sr_ronex_drivers github-shadow-robot-sr-ronex
vicon_bridge github-ethz-asl-vicon_bridge


No message files found.


No service files found


No plugins found.

Recent questions tagged diagnostic_updater at Robotics Stack Exchange

Package Summary

Tags No category tags.
Version 1.9.7
License BSD
Build type CATKIN

Repository Summary

Checkout URI
VCS Type git
VCS Version indigo-devel
Last Updated 2020-10-06
CI status Continuous Integration
Tags No category tags.
Contributing Help Wanted (0)
Good First Issues (0)
Pull Requests to Review (0)

Package Description

diagnostic_updater contains tools for easily updating diagnostics. it is commonly used in device drivers to keep track of the status of output topics, device status, etc.

Additional Links


  • Guglielmo Gemignani
  • Austin Hendrix


  • Kevin Watts
  • Brice Rebsamen
  • Jeremy Leibs
  • Blaise Gassend
No README found. No README in repository either.

Changelog for package diagnostic_updater

1.9.7 (2020-09-03)

  • Estract TimestampStatus run to cpp
  • Contributors: Guglielmo Gemignani

1.9.6 (2020-08-18)

  • Add SlowTimeStampStatus (#144)
  • Test build fix on Windows (#8) (#107)
  • Resolve div by zero in updater (#108)
  • Use std::isfinite due to deprecation on osx (#113)
  • Remove extra (not needed) trailing \':\' (#116)
  • Fix GCC warnings with -Wpedantic (#124)
  • Contributors: Enrique Fernandez Perdomo, Jacob Perron, Sean Yen, Stephan Sundermann, William Hudgins, gemignani

1.9.5 (2020-08-10)

  • Merge pull request #105 from mikepurvis/py3-httplib Fix httplib import for Python 3.
  • Fix httplib import for Python 3.
  • Merge pull request #97 from kejxu/fix_windows_build_issue fix windows build issue
  • Merge branch \'indigo-devel\' into fix_windows_build_issue
  • update windows bringup (#5)
  • avoid ERROR from windows.h
  • windows bringup
  • Merge pull request #86 from icolwell/diagnostic_status_custom_names Custom names for FrequencyStatus and TimeStampStatus
  • Remove C++11 features
  • Wording
  • Custom names for existing diagnostics tasks
  • Merge pull request #84 from nbussas/frequency_status_name Make FrequencyStatus\' name configurable
  • Make FrequencyStatus\' name configurable
  • Contributors: Austin, Ian Colwell, James Xu, Mike Purvis, Nils Bussas, Sean Yen

1.9.3 (2018-05-02)

  • Merge pull request #73 from tue-robotics/indigo-devel Add a simple Heartbeat-DiagnosticTask
  • Add Python version of Heartbeat DiagnosticTask
  • Add a very very simple Heartbeat DiagnosticTask
  • Contributors: Austin, Loy van Beek, loy

1.9.2 (2017-07-15)

1.9.1 (2017-07-15)

  • Add queue size parameters on Publishers
  • Minor python updates
  • Contributors: trainman419

1.9.0 (2017-04-25)

  • make rostest in CMakeLists optional (ros/rosdistro#3010)
  • Fixed bug with merge summary in status wrapper
  • Contributors: Lukas Bulwahn, pAIgn10

1.8.10 (2016-06-14)

1.8.9 (2016-03-02)

1.8.8 (2015-08-06)

1.8.7 (2015-01-09)

1.8.6 (2014-12-10)

1.8.5 (2014-07-29)

1.8.4 (2014-07-24 20:51)

1.8.3 (2014-04-23)

  • Initialize next_time_ properly. Fixes #20
  • Add failing test for fast updater
  • Contributors: Austin Hendrix

1.8.2 (2014-04-08)

  • Fix linking. All tests pass. Fixes #12
  • Most tests pass
  • Fix doc reference. Fixes #14
  • Contributors: Austin Hendrix

1.8.1 (2014-04-07)

  • Add myself as maintainer
  • Added ability to supply a custom node name (prefix) to Updater
  • Added ability to supply node handle and private node handle to Updater
  • fixed exporting python API to address #10
  • fixed test related issues in some CMakeLists
  • Contributors: Aero, Austin Hendrix, Brice Rebsamen, Lukas Bulwahn, Mitchell Wills

1.8.0 (2013-04-03)

1.7.11 (2014-07-24 20:24)

  • Fix linking on tests
  • support python binding of diagnostic_updater on groovy
  • Contributors: Ryohei Ueda, trainman419

1.7.10 (2013-02-22)

  • Changed package.xml version number before releasing
  • added missing license header
  • added missing license headers
  • Contributors: Aaron Blasdel, Brice Rebsamen

1.7.9 (2012-12-14)

  • add missing dep to catkin
  • Contributors: Dirk Thomas

1.7.8 (2012-12-06)

  • missing includedirs from roscpp cause compile errors. diagnostic_aggregator/include/diagnostic_aggregator/status_item.h:45:21: fatal error: ros/ros.h: No such file or directory diagnostics/diagnostic_updater/include/diagnostic_updater/diagnostic_updater.h:42:29: fatal error: ros/node_handle.h: No such file or directory compilation terminated.
  • Contributors: Thibault Kruse

1.7.7 (2012-11-10)

1.7.6 (2012-11-07 23:32)

1.7.5 (2012-11-07 21:53)

1.7.4 (2012-11-07 20:18)

1.7.3 (2012-11-04)

  • fix the non-existing xml
  • Contributors: Vincent Rabaud

1.7.2 (2012-10-30 22:31)

  • fix rostest
  • Contributors: Vincent Rabaud

1.7.1 (2012-10-30 15:30)

  • fix a few things after the first release
  • fix a few things all over
  • Contributors: Vincent Rabaud

1.7.0 (2012-10-29)

  • catkinize the stack
  • backport the Python API from 1.7.0
  • use the proper gtest macro
  • Created branch 1.7.0 and reverted corresponding changes in trunk and tag 1.7.0 As a result branch 1.7.0 contains the new python API, and trunk corresponds to 1.6.4
  • Added Python API to diagnostic_updater
  • Fixing docs for frequency status parameters, #5093
  • Remove unused (according to K. Watts) class that depends on now nonexistent ros::Message
  • Remove unused (according to K. Watts) class that depends on now nonexistent ros::Message
  • Fixing formatting for diagnostic updater\'s update_functions. #4523
  • Adding std_msgs dependency to diagnostic_aggregator. #4491
  • Deprecated message methods removed in diagnostics updater
  • Added Ubuntu platform tags to manifest
  • Corrected the version number in which removeByName was added.
  • Added a removeByName method that allows a diagnostic task to be removed from a diagnostic_updater.
  • Adding checks to diagnostic status wrapper to verify output from bool values
  • Removed special handling of uint8 in diagnostic_status_wrapper. Uint8 isn\'t always bool.
  • DiagnosticStatusWrapper now has bool support in add() function. #3860
  • Marked diagnostic_updater and self_test as doc reviewed.
  • Tweaked examples and documentation based on doc review feedback.
  • Dox updates for diagnostic updater
  • Changed error to warning level in frequency status regression test
  • Removed ROS API from doxygen. Added setHardwareID method to example code.
  • Fixing param name in diagnostic updater
  • Reporting frequency problems as warning, not error in diagnostic_updater, #3555
  • Took out all deprecated stuff from diagnostic_updater.
  • Made diagnostic_updater example go into bin directory.
  • Changed getParam to getParamCached.
  • Updated review status to API cleared.
  • Returned check of diagnostic_period to only happen when the update happens pending fix of ROS 0.0, -0.0, -0.0, 0.11215413361787796, -0.0)
  • Finished example and documentation. Renamed CombinationDiagnosticUpdater to CompositeDiagnosticUpdater.
  • Added setHardwareID to diagnostic_updater.
  • Reintroduced an Updater constructor that takes a node handle because a lot of nodes actually depend on it.
  • Bug slipped into previous checkin.
  • Updating documentation. Took NodeHandle parameter out of Updater constructor.
  • Added setHardwareID method, and now warns if it is not used.
  • Got rid of ComposableDiagnosticTask. Now all tasks are composable.
  • Modified diagnostic_period so that it gets checked every time the update method is called. This way a long period can get shortened without waiting for the long period to expire.
  • When a diagnostic task is first added to a diagnostic_updater, the initial status is now OK instead of error.
  • Added timestamp to diagnostic updater publish call. Auto-filling of timestamps is deprecated in ROS 0.10
  • Fixed spurious newline in string that was preventing compilation of diagnostic_updater users.
  • Finished updating the diagnostics for diagnostic_updater.
  • Commented the DiagnosedPublisher classes.
  • Added some comments to diagnostic_updater and made ComposableDiagnosticTask::split_run protected.
  • Updated diagnosed publisher code to be able to work with a CameraPublisher
  • Getting diagnostic_updater to compile. Still spewing a bunch of warnings.
  • Added extra debugging options to self_test and diagnostic_updater. On by default for self_test, off for diagnostic_updater. When on, failing statuses will be printed to the console.
  • updated self_test, diagnostic_updater, dynamic_reconfigure and wge100_camera to use new ~ namespace access method
  • Corrected diagnostic status merge logic.
  • diagnostics 0.1 commit. Removed diagnostic_analyzer/generic_analyzer and integrated into diagnostic_aggregator.
  • Add a method to clear the DiagnosticStatus values in DiagnosticStatusWrapper. Clear old values when reusing DiagnosticStatusWrapper.
  • Took out adds and addsf from diagnostic_updater/DiagnosticStatusWrapper now that all other nodes have been modified.
  • Converted adds into add and add-f into addf. Left the old ones, but they are now deprecated.
  • Updated self test for new diagnostic format.
  • Updated DiagnosticStatusWrapper for changes in diagnostic format.
  • Cleaned up DiagnosticStatusWrapper in response to change in diagnostic message.
  • Fixes for diagnostic_msgs::KeyValue::label -> key
  • fixing through diagnostic_updater
  • Changed DiagnosticMessage to DiagnosticArray
  • Changed DiagnosticValue to KeyValue
  • Fixed bug in declaration of deprecated class.
  • Deprecated old self_test and diagnostic_updater APIs.
  • Minor improvements to diagnostic updater.
  • Allowed Publisher to be changed in a DiagnosedPublisher. This allows the Publisher to be created later than the DiagnosedPublisher.
  • add cstdio include for gcc 4.4
  • Took out const_cast that became unnecessary thanks to the resolution of ticket #1228.
  • Added missing includes.
  • robot_msgs/Diagnostic* to diagnostic_msgs/Diagnostic* and robot_srvs/SelfTest into diagnostic_msgs too
  • Added DiagnosedPublisher and HeaderlessDiagnosedPublisher to automatically publish diagnostics upon publication, and integrated them with the forearm_camera. Started writing an outling of the driver_base classes.
  • Committing change from Blaise\'s tree
  • Added a formatted summary method to DiagnosticStatusWrapper.
  • Corrected a bug in the frequency updater, and made it and the timestamp updaters thread safe.
  • Added a TimeStampStatus diagnostic to monitor that timestamps are reasonably close to now.
  • Slowed timing by 10x in test case to improve odds of passing on 64 bit architectures.
  • Corrected some bugs that could have caused undefined behavior. Added support for automatically publishing a \"Starting up\" message before the while the node is initializing. Did some refactoring.
  • Fixed a bug in how function classes were being added to the Updater.
  • Fixed a bug in frequency diagnostic reporting.
  • Modified update functions so that they are function classes. Added a correspondence convenience add method to Updater_base.
  • Corrected a possibly infinite recursion in adds.
  • Small fix to compatibility layer for old-style nodes
  • Upgraded the diagnostic_updater to use NodeHandles, and to allow more general functions to be used. Started adding update_functions to do common diagnostic publishing tasks. This will be populated more later.
  • Added a DiagnosticStatusWrapper class derived from DiagnosticStatus. It adds a few methods to more conveniently set the DiagnosticStatus\'s fields. The diagnostic_updater has been updated so that it can work with DiagnosticStatus or DiagnosticStatusWrapper.:
  • diagnostic_updater: Now can be used with classes that don\'t inherit from Node.
  • roscpp API changes
    • ros::node -> ros::Node
    • ros::msg -> ros::Message
    • deprecated methods removed
    • rosconsole/rosconsole.h -> ros/console.h
    • goodbye rosthread
  • bogus dependency
  • results from changing ros::Time constructor and all uses of it I can find
  • Adding node name into diagnostic updater status names.
  • Moving package review status from wiki to manifests
  • Changing form of advertise in diagnostic updater.
  • Removing old printf from diagnostic_updater.
  • Checking in package for easy diagnostic updating.
  • Contributors: Vincent Rabaud, blaise, blaisegassend, bricerebsamen, ehberger, gerkey, jfaustwg, jleibs, leibs, morgan_quigley, pmihelich, rob_wheeler, straszheim, tfoote, vrabaud, watts, wattsk

Wiki Tutorials

See ROS Wiki Tutorials for more details.

Source Tutorials

Not currently indexed.

Package Dependencies

System Dependencies

No direct system dependencies.

Dependant Packages

Name Repo Deps
avt_vimba_camera github-astuff-avt_vimba_camera
cob_monitoring github-ipa320-cob_command_tools
cob_bms_driver github-ipa320-cob_driver
cob_mimic github-ipa320-cob_driver
cob_undercarriage_ctrl github-ipa320-cob_driver
cob_hand_bridge github-ipa320-cob_hand
diagnostic_common_diagnostics github-ros-diagnostics
diagnostics github-ros-diagnostics
self_test github-ros-diagnostics
driver_base github-ros-drivers-driver_common
flir_ptu_driver github-ros-drivers-flir_ptu
freenect_camera github-ros-drivers-freenect_stack
gazebo_plugins github-ros-simulation-gazebo_ros_pkgs
hfl_driver github-continental-hfl_driver
husky_base github-husky-husky
ixblue_ins_driver github-ixblue-ixblue_ins_stdbin_driver
joy github-ros-drivers-joystick_drivers
jsk_network_tools github-jsk-ros-pkg-jsk_common
jsk_tools github-jsk-ros-pkg-jsk_common
jsk_topic_tools github-jsk-ros-pkg-jsk_common
jsk_footstep_controller github-jsk-ros-pkg-jsk_control
jsk_teleop_joy github-jsk-ros-pkg-jsk_control
jsk_pcl_ros github-jsk-ros-pkg-jsk_recognition
jsk_pcl_ros_utils github-jsk-ros-pkg-jsk_recognition
khi_robot_control github-Kawasaki-Robotics-khi_robot
kobuki_node github-yujinrobot-kobuki
kvh_geo_fog_3d_driver github-MITRE-kvh_geo_fog_3d
libsensors_monitor github-ros-drivers-linux_peripheral_interfaces
swri_roscpp github-swri-robotics-marti_common
mavros github-mavlink-mavros
mcl_3dl github-at-wat-mcl_3dl
microstrain_3dmgx2_imu github-ros-drivers-microstrain_3dmgx2_imu
microstrain_mips github-ros-drivers-microstrain_mips
minas_control github-tork-a-minas
multisense_ros github-carnegierobotics-multisense_ros
naoqi_driver github-ros-naoqi-naoqi_driver
planner_cspace github-at-wat-neonavigation
safety_limiter github-at-wat-neonavigation
novatel_gps_driver github-swri-robotics-novatel_gps_driver
novatel_span_driver github-ros-drivers-novatel_span_driver
omron_os32c_driver github-ros-drivers-omron
p2os_driver github-allenh1-p2os
phidgets_imu github-ros-drivers-phidgets_drivers
play_motion github-pal-robotics-play_motion
pointgrey_camera_driver github-ros-drivers-pointgrey_camera_driver
pr2_mechanism_controllers github-pr2-pr2_controllers
ethercat_hardware github-PR2-prime-pr2_ethercat_drivers
pr2_mechanism_diagnostics github-pr2-pr2_mechanism
ocean_battery_driver github-pr2-pr2_power_drivers
pr2_power_board github-pr2-pr2_power_drivers
pr2_ethercat github-pr2-pr2_robot
pr2_gazebo_plugins github-PR2-pr2_simulator
prosilica_camera github-ros-drivers-prosilica_driver
rc_genicam_driver github-roboception-rc_genicam_driver_ros
rc_visard_driver github-roboception-rc_visard_ros
rslidar_driver github-CPFL-robosense
robot_localization github-cra-ros-pkg-robot_localization
canopen_chain_node github-ros-industrial-ros_canopen
sick_ldmrs_driver github-SICKAG-sick_ldmrs_laser
sick_safetyscanners github-SICKAG-sick_safetyscanners
sick_scan github-SICKAG-sick_scan
sick_tim github-uos-sick_tim
sr_edc_launch github-shadow-robot-sr-ros-interface-ethercat
sr_robot_lib github-shadow-robot-sr-ros-interface-ethercat
swri_profiler github-swri-robotics-swri_profiler
twist_mux github-ros-teleop-twist_mux
ubiquity_motor github-UbiquityRobotics-ubiquity_motor
ublox_gps github-KumarRobotics-ublox
urg_node github-ros-drivers-urg_node
velodyne_driver github-ros-drivers-velodyne
velodyne_pointcloud github-ros-drivers-velodyne
wge100_camera github-ros-drivers-wge100_driver
agvs_pad github-RobotnikAutomation-agvs_common
agvs_robot_control github-RobotnikAutomation-agvs_sim
camera1394 github-ros-drivers-camera1394
ca_driver github-AutonomyLab-create_autonomy
spinnaker_camera_driver github-ros-drivers-flir_camera_driver
image_recognition_age_gender github-tue-robotics-image_recognition
image_recognition_face_recognition github-tue-robotics-image_recognition
image_recognition_openface github-tue-robotics-image_recognition
image_recognition_openpose github-tue-robotics-image_recognition
image_recognition_pose_estimation github-tue-robotics-image_recognition
image_recognition_skybiometry github-tue-robotics-image_recognition
image_recognition_tensorflow github-tue-robotics-image_recognition
infinisoleil github-ncs-3d-sensing-infinisoleil
lslidar_n301_driver github-leishen-lidar-LSN301
melfa_driver github-tork-a-melfa_robot
naoqi_dcm_driver github-ros-naoqi-naoqi_dcm_driver
netft_utils github-UTNuclearRoboticsPublic-netft_utils
o3m151_driver github-labex-imobs3-ifm_o3m151
puma_motor_driver github-clearpathrobotics-puma_motor_driver
raspicam_node github-UbiquityRobotics-raspicam_node
rb1_base_pad github-RobotnikAutomation-rb1_base_common
rbcar_pad github-RobotnikAutomation-rbcar_common
rbcar_joystick github-RobotnikAutomation-rbcar_sim
rbcar_robot_control github-RobotnikAutomation-rbcar_sim
robotiq_3f_gripper_control github-ros-industrial-robotiq
roch_base github-SawYer-Robotics-roch_robot
sicktoolbox_wrapper github-ros-drivers-sicktoolbox_wrapper
summit_x_robot_control github-RobotnikAutomation-summit_x_sim
summit_xl_pad github-RobotnikAutomation-summit_xl_common
thormang3_imu_3dm_gx4 github-ROBOTIS-GIT-ROBOTIS-THORMANG-MPC-SENSORs
xbot_node github-DroidAITech-xbot
xiaoqiang_freenect_camera github-bluewhalerobot-xiaoqiang


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Recent questions tagged diagnostic_updater at Robotics Stack Exchange

Package Summary

Tags No category tags.
Version 1.9.7
License BSD
Build type CATKIN

Repository Summary

Checkout URI
VCS Type git
VCS Version indigo-devel
Last Updated 2020-10-06
CI status
Tags No category tags.
Contributing Help Wanted (0)
Good First Issues (0)
Pull Requests to Review (0)

Package Description

diagnostic_updater contains tools for easily updating diagnostics. it is commonly used in device drivers to keep track of the status of output topics, device status, etc.

Additional Links


  • Guglielmo Gemignani
  • Austin Hendrix


  • Kevin Watts
  • Brice Rebsamen
  • Jeremy Leibs
  • Blaise Gassend
No README found. No README in repository either.

Changelog for package diagnostic_updater

1.9.7 (2020-09-03)

  • Estract TimestampStatus run to cpp
  • Contributors: Guglielmo Gemignani

1.9.6 (2020-08-18)

  • Add SlowTimeStampStatus (#144)
  • Test build fix on Windows (#8) (#107)
  • Resolve div by zero in updater (#108)
  • Use std::isfinite due to deprecation on osx (#113)
  • Remove extra (not needed) trailing \':\' (#116)
  • Fix GCC warnings with -Wpedantic (#124)
  • Contributors: Enrique Fernandez Perdomo, Jacob Perron, Sean Yen, Stephan Sundermann, William Hudgins, gemignani

1.9.5 (2020-08-10)

  • Merge pull request #105 from mikepurvis/py3-httplib Fix httplib import for Python 3.
  • Fix httplib import for Python 3.
  • Merge pull request #97 from kejxu/fix_windows_build_issue fix windows build issue
  • Merge branch \'indigo-devel\' into fix_windows_build_issue
  • update windows bringup (#5)
  • avoid ERROR from windows.h
  • windows bringup
  • Merge pull request #86 from icolwell/diagnostic_status_custom_names Custom names for FrequencyStatus and TimeStampStatus
  • Remove C++11 features
  • Wording
  • Custom names for existing diagnostics tasks
  • Merge pull request #84 from nbussas/frequency_status_name Make FrequencyStatus\' name configurable
  • Make FrequencyStatus\' name configurable
  • Contributors: Austin, Ian Colwell, James Xu, Mike Purvis, Nils Bussas, Sean Yen

1.9.3 (2018-05-02)

  • Merge pull request #73 from tue-robotics/indigo-devel Add a simple Heartbeat-DiagnosticTask
  • Add Python version of Heartbeat DiagnosticTask
  • Add a very very simple Heartbeat DiagnosticTask
  • Contributors: Austin, Loy van Beek, loy

1.9.2 (2017-07-15)

1.9.1 (2017-07-15)

  • Add queue size parameters on Publishers
  • Minor python updates
  • Contributors: trainman419

1.9.0 (2017-04-25)

  • make rostest in CMakeLists optional (ros/rosdistro#3010)
  • Fixed bug with merge summary in status wrapper
  • Contributors: Lukas Bulwahn, pAIgn10

1.8.10 (2016-06-14)

1.8.9 (2016-03-02)

1.8.8 (2015-08-06)

1.8.7 (2015-01-09)

1.8.6 (2014-12-10)

1.8.5 (2014-07-29)

1.8.4 (2014-07-24 20:51)

1.8.3 (2014-04-23)

  • Initialize next_time_ properly. Fixes #20
  • Add failing test for fast updater
  • Contributors: Austin Hendrix

1.8.2 (2014-04-08)

  • Fix linking. All tests pass. Fixes #12
  • Most tests pass
  • Fix doc reference. Fixes #14
  • Contributors: Austin Hendrix

1.8.1 (2014-04-07)

  • Add myself as maintainer
  • Added ability to supply a custom node name (prefix) to Updater
  • Added ability to supply node handle and private node handle to Updater
  • fixed exporting python API to address #10
  • fixed test related issues in some CMakeLists
  • Contributors: Aero, Austin Hendrix, Brice Rebsamen, Lukas Bulwahn, Mitchell Wills

1.8.0 (2013-04-03)

1.7.11 (2014-07-24 20:24)

  • Fix linking on tests
  • support python binding of diagnostic_updater on groovy
  • Contributors: Ryohei Ueda, trainman419

1.7.10 (2013-02-22)

  • Changed package.xml version number before releasing
  • added missing license header
  • added missing license headers
  • Contributors: Aaron Blasdel, Brice Rebsamen

1.7.9 (2012-12-14)

  • add missing dep to catkin
  • Contributors: Dirk Thomas

1.7.8 (2012-12-06)

  • missing includedirs from roscpp cause compile errors. diagnostic_aggregator/include/diagnostic_aggregator/status_item.h:45:21: fatal error: ros/ros.h: No such file or directory diagnostics/diagnostic_updater/include/diagnostic_updater/diagnostic_updater.h:42:29: fatal error: ros/node_handle.h: No such file or directory compilation terminated.
  • Contributors: Thibault Kruse

1.7.7 (2012-11-10)

1.7.6 (2012-11-07 23:32)

1.7.5 (2012-11-07 21:53)

1.7.4 (2012-11-07 20:18)

1.7.3 (2012-11-04)

  • fix the non-existing xml
  • Contributors: Vincent Rabaud

1.7.2 (2012-10-30 22:31)

  • fix rostest
  • Contributors: Vincent Rabaud

1.7.1 (2012-10-30 15:30)

  • fix a few things after the first release
  • fix a few things all over
  • Contributors: Vincent Rabaud

1.7.0 (2012-10-29)

  • catkinize the stack
  • backport the Python API from 1.7.0
  • use the proper gtest macro
  • Created branch 1.7.0 and reverted corresponding changes in trunk and tag 1.7.0 As a result branch 1.7.0 contains the new python API, and trunk corresponds to 1.6.4
  • Added Python API to diagnostic_updater
  • Fixing docs for frequency status parameters, #5093
  • Remove unused (according to K. Watts) class that depends on now nonexistent ros::Message
  • Remove unused (according to K. Watts) class that depends on now nonexistent ros::Message
  • Fixing formatting for diagnostic updater\'s update_functions. #4523
  • Adding std_msgs dependency to diagnostic_aggregator. #4491
  • Deprecated message methods removed in diagnostics updater
  • Added Ubuntu platform tags to manifest
  • Corrected the version number in which removeByName was added.
  • Added a removeByName method that allows a diagnostic task to be removed from a diagnostic_updater.
  • Adding checks to diagnostic status wrapper to verify output from bool values
  • Removed special handling of uint8 in diagnostic_status_wrapper. Uint8 isn\'t always bool.
  • DiagnosticStatusWrapper now has bool support in add() function. #3860
  • Marked diagnostic_updater and self_test as doc reviewed.
  • Tweaked examples and documentation based on doc review feedback.
  • Dox updates for diagnostic updater
  • Changed error to warning level in frequency status regression test
  • Removed ROS API from doxygen. Added setHardwareID method to example code.
  • Fixing param name in diagnostic updater
  • Reporting frequency problems as warning, not error in diagnostic_updater, #3555
  • Took out all deprecated stuff from diagnostic_updater.
  • Made diagnostic_updater example go into bin directory.
  • Changed getParam to getParamCached.
  • Updated review status to API cleared.
  • Returned check of diagnostic_period to only happen when the update happens pending fix of ROS 0.0, -0.0, -0.0, 0.11215413361787796, -0.0)
  • Finished example and documentation. Renamed CombinationDiagnosticUpdater to CompositeDiagnosticUpdater.
  • Added setHardwareID to diagnostic_updater.
  • Reintroduced an Updater constructor that takes a node handle because a lot of nodes actually depend on it.
  • Bug slipped into previous checkin.
  • Updating documentation. Took NodeHandle parameter out of Updater constructor.
  • Added setHardwareID method, and now warns if it is not used.
  • Got rid of ComposableDiagnosticTask. Now all tasks are composable.
  • Modified diagnostic_period so that it gets checked every time the update method is called. This way a long period can get shortened without waiting for the long period to expire.
  • When a diagnostic task is first added to a diagnostic_updater, the initial status is now OK instead of error.
  • Added timestamp to diagnostic updater publish call. Auto-filling of timestamps is deprecated in ROS 0.10
  • Fixed spurious newline in string that was preventing compilation of diagnostic_updater users.
  • Finished updating the diagnostics for diagnostic_updater.
  • Commented the DiagnosedPublisher classes.
  • Added some comments to diagnostic_updater and made ComposableDiagnosticTask::split_run protected.
  • Updated diagnosed publisher code to be able to work with a CameraPublisher
  • Getting diagnostic_updater to compile. Still spewing a bunch of warnings.
  • Added extra debugging options to self_test and diagnostic_updater. On by default for self_test, off for diagnostic_updater. When on, failing statuses will be printed to the console.
  • updated self_test, diagnostic_updater, dynamic_reconfigure and wge100_camera to use new ~ namespace access method
  • Corrected diagnostic status merge logic.
  • diagnostics 0.1 commit. Removed diagnostic_analyzer/generic_analyzer and integrated into diagnostic_aggregator.
  • Add a method to clear the DiagnosticStatus values in DiagnosticStatusWrapper. Clear old values when reusing DiagnosticStatusWrapper.
  • Took out adds and addsf from diagnostic_updater/DiagnosticStatusWrapper now that all other nodes have been modified.
  • Converted adds into add and add-f into addf. Left the old ones, but they are now deprecated.
  • Updated self test for new diagnostic format.
  • Updated DiagnosticStatusWrapper for changes in diagnostic format.
  • Cleaned up DiagnosticStatusWrapper in response to change in diagnostic message.
  • Fixes for diagnostic_msgs::KeyValue::label -> key
  • fixing through diagnostic_updater
  • Changed DiagnosticMessage to DiagnosticArray
  • Changed DiagnosticValue to KeyValue
  • Fixed bug in declaration of deprecated class.
  • Deprecated old self_test and diagnostic_updater APIs.
  • Minor improvements to diagnostic updater.
  • Allowed Publisher to be changed in a DiagnosedPublisher. This allows the Publisher to be created later than the DiagnosedPublisher.
  • add cstdio include for gcc 4.4
  • Took out const_cast that became unnecessary thanks to the resolution of ticket #1228.
  • Added missing includes.
  • robot_msgs/Diagnostic* to diagnostic_msgs/Diagnostic* and robot_srvs/SelfTest into diagnostic_msgs too
  • Added DiagnosedPublisher and HeaderlessDiagnosedPublisher to automatically publish diagnostics upon publication, and integrated them with the forearm_camera. Started writing an outling of the driver_base classes.
  • Committing change from Blaise\'s tree
  • Added a formatted summary method to DiagnosticStatusWrapper.
  • Corrected a bug in the frequency updater, and made it and the timestamp updaters thread safe.
  • Added a TimeStampStatus diagnostic to monitor that timestamps are reasonably close to now.
  • Slowed timing by 10x in test case to improve odds of passing on 64 bit architectures.
  • Corrected some bugs that could have caused undefined behavior. Added support for automatically publishing a \"Starting up\" message before the while the node is initializing. Did some refactoring.
  • Fixed a bug in how function classes were being added to the Updater.
  • Fixed a bug in frequency diagnostic reporting.
  • Modified update functions so that they are function classes. Added a correspondence convenience add method to Updater_base.
  • Corrected a possibly infinite recursion in adds.
  • Small fix to compatibility layer for old-style nodes
  • Upgraded the diagnostic_updater to use NodeHandles, and to allow more general functions to be used. Started adding update_functions to do common diagnostic publishing tasks. This will be populated more later.
  • Added a DiagnosticStatusWrapper class derived from DiagnosticStatus. It adds a few methods to more conveniently set the DiagnosticStatus\'s fields. The diagnostic_updater has been updated so that it can work with DiagnosticStatus or DiagnosticStatusWrapper.:
  • diagnostic_updater: Now can be used with classes that don\'t inherit from Node.
  • roscpp API changes
    • ros::node -> ros::Node
    • ros::msg -> ros::Message
    • deprecated methods removed
    • rosconsole/rosconsole.h -> ros/console.h
    • goodbye rosthread
  • bogus dependency
  • results from changing ros::Time constructor and all uses of it I can find
  • Adding node name into diagnostic updater status names.
  • Moving package review status from wiki to manifests
  • Changing form of advertise in diagnostic updater.
  • Removing old printf from diagnostic_updater.
  • Checking in package for easy diagnostic updating.
  • Contributors: Vincent Rabaud, blaise, blaisegassend, bricerebsamen, ehberger, gerkey, jfaustwg, jleibs, leibs, morgan_quigley, pmihelich, rob_wheeler, straszheim, tfoote, vrabaud, watts, wattsk

Wiki Tutorials

See ROS Wiki Tutorials for more details.

Source Tutorials

Not currently indexed.

Package Dependencies

System Dependencies

No direct system dependencies.

Dependant Packages

Name Repo Deps
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cob_bms_driver github-ipa320-cob_driver
cob_mimic github-ipa320-cob_driver
cob_undercarriage_ctrl github-ipa320-cob_driver
cob_hand_bridge github-ipa320-cob_hand
cpu_temperature_diagnostics github-yotabits-cpu_temperature_diagnostics
cras_cpp_common github-ctu-vras-ros-utils
create_driver github-AutonomyLab-create_robot
diagnostic_common_diagnostics github-ros-diagnostics
diagnostics github-ros-diagnostics
self_test github-ros-diagnostics
driver_base github-ros-drivers-driver_common
fadecandy_driver github-iron-ox-fadecandy_ros
flir_ptu_driver github-ros-drivers-flir_ptu
freenect_camera github-ros-drivers-freenect_stack
fuse_optimizers github-locusrobotics-fuse
gazebo_plugins github-ros-simulation-gazebo_ros_pkgs
hfl_driver github-continental-hfl_driver
husky_base github-husky-husky
ixblue_ins_driver github-ixblue-ixblue_ins_stdbin_driver
joy github-ros-drivers-joystick_drivers
jsk_network_tools github-jsk-ros-pkg-jsk_common
jsk_tools github-jsk-ros-pkg-jsk_common
jsk_topic_tools github-jsk-ros-pkg-jsk_common
jsk_footstep_controller github-jsk-ros-pkg-jsk_control
jsk_teleop_joy github-jsk-ros-pkg-jsk_control
jsk_pcl_ros github-jsk-ros-pkg-jsk_recognition
jsk_pcl_ros_utils github-jsk-ros-pkg-jsk_recognition
khi_robot_control github-Kawasaki-Robotics-khi_robot
kobuki_node github-yujinrobot-kobuki
kvh_geo_fog_3d_driver github-MITRE-kvh_geo_fog_3d
libsensors_monitor github-ros-drivers-linux_peripheral_interfaces
lsc_ros_driver github-AutonicsLiDAR-lsc_ros_driver
swri_roscpp github-swri-robotics-marti_common
mavros github-mavlink-mavros
mcl_3dl github-at-wat-mcl_3dl
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microstrain_mips github-ros-drivers-microstrain_mips
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naoqi_driver github-ros-naoqi-naoqi_driver
amcl github-ros-planning-navigation
planner_cspace github-at-wat-neonavigation
safety_limiter github-at-wat-neonavigation
novatel_gps_driver github-swri-robotics-novatel_gps_driver
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omron_os32c_driver github-ros-drivers-omron
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play_motion github-pal-robotics-play_motion
pointgrey_camera_driver github-ros-drivers-pointgrey_camera_driver
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ethercat_hardware github-pr2-pr2_ethercat_drivers
pr2_mechanism_diagnostics github-pr2-pr2_mechanism
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pr2_ethercat github-pr2-pr2_robot
pr2_gazebo_plugins github-PR2-pr2_simulator
prosilica_camera github-ros-drivers-prosilica_driver
rc_genicam_camera github-roboception-rc_genicam_camera
rc_genicam_driver github-roboception-rc_genicam_driver_ros
rc_visard_driver github-roboception-rc_visard_ros
rslidar_driver github-CPFL-robosense
robot_localization github-cra-ros-pkg-robot_localization
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sick_ldmrs_driver github-SICKAG-sick_ldmrs_laser
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wge100_camera github-ros-drivers-wge100_driver


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Recent questions tagged diagnostic_updater at Robotics Stack Exchange