![]() |
octomap_server package from octomap_mapping repooctomap_mapping octomap_server |
Package Summary
Tags | No category tags. |
Version | 2.3.0 |
License | BSD |
Build type | AMENT_CMAKE |
Repository Summary
Checkout URI | https://github.com/OctoMap/octomap_mapping.git |
VCS Type | git |
VCS Version | ros2 |
Last Updated | 2024-07-02 |
Dev Status | MAINTAINED |
CI status | No Continuous Integration |
Released | RELEASED |
Tags | No category tags. |
Contributing |
Help Wanted (0)
Good First Issues (0) Pull Requests to Review (0) |
Package Description
octomap_server loads a 3D map (as Octree-based OctoMap) and distributes it to other nodes in a compact binary format. It also allows to incrementally build 3D OctoMaps, and provides map saving in the node octomap_saver.
Additional Links
- Wolfgang Merkt
- Armin Hornung
No README found.
See repository README.
Changelog for package octomap_server
2.3.0 (2024-07-02)
- Switch to the system-provided octomap library. (#134)
- Contributors: Chris Lalancette
2.2.0 (2024-05-25)
- Fix: Include missing tf2 geometry_msgs (#128)
- Fix: Deprecated PCL APIs (#126)
- Contributors: Wolfgang Merkt, Daisuke Nishimatsu
2.1.0 (2024-02-24)
- Fix header include order error (#125)
- Removed geometry2 deprecated headers (#125)
- Fix errors when path name is invalid (#108)
- Fix header include order (#102)
- Contributors: Alejandro Hernández Cordero, Daisuke Nishimatsu, Wolfgang Merkt
2.0.0 (2021-12-24)
- ROS2 Migration (#95)
- Contributors: Daisuke Nishimatsu, Wolfgang Merkt
0.6.7 (2021-12-24)
- Address warnings on Noetic (#81)
- Contributors: Wolfgang Merkt
0.6.6 (2020-12-08)
- Update CI, package format, dependencies to address dependency issue on Debian Buster (#79)
- Contributors: Wolfgang Merkt
0.6.5 (2020-04-23)
0.6.4 (2020-01-08)
- Add private node handle to fix nodelet support (#61), fixes #39
- Add octomap_server_color library by default (#60) - by Matthew Powelson
- Check if part of a voxel is in occupancy range (#59) - by Jasper v. B.
- Contributors: Matthew Powelson, Wolfgang Merkt, Jasper v. B.
0.6.3 (2019-01-28)
- Fix compilation on Debian Stretch
- Get rgb from point cloud iterator without byte shift
- Contributors: Kentaro Wada, Wolfgang Merkt
0.6.2 (2019-01-27)
- Update maintainer email (Wolfgang Merkt)
- Change catkin_package [DEPENDS]{.title-ref} to [OCTOMAP]{.title-ref} to avoid CMake warning
- Update maintainer email (Arming Hornung)
- Update to use non deprecated pluginlib macro
- Fixed memory leak of colors pointer if COLOR_OCTOMAP_SERVER defined
- Contributors: Armin Hornung, Mikael Arguedas, Ronky, Wolfgang Merkt
0.6.1 (2016-10-19)
- Fix for Colored Octomap: Use PCLPoint everywhere Fixes compiler error when enabling the define for color.
- Fixed maxRange bug in OctomapServer.cpp for clearing
- Adjust maintainer email
- Contributors: Armin Hornung, Brandon Kinman, Felix Endres
0.6.0 (2016-03-25)
- Add sensor model parameters to dynamic_reconfigure
- Load map file from rosparam
- Add x and y filter for pointcloud
- Preparations for ColorOctomapServer (compile option, from source)
- Fix iterator in OctomapServer
- TrackingOctomapServer: Publish node center rather than index, prevent from publishing empty cloud
- Contributors: Armin Hornung, Javier V. Gomez, JJeremie Deray, MasakiMurooka, Shohei Fujii, Wolfgang Merkt
0.5.3 (2014-01-09)
- Fixing PCL linking errors on build farm
0.5.2 (2014-01-09)
- Fixing PCL linking errors on build farm
0.5.1 (2013-11-25)
- Fix missing nodelet plugin from install
0.5.0 (2013-10-24)
- Small fix in octomap_server_static usage
- Catkinization, remove support for arm_navigation
0.4.9 (2013-06-27)
- cleanup of unused functions
- Parameters, reading .bt files in octomap_server_static
- added simple octomap_server_static node to serve OctoMaps from .ot files (no scan integration)
- Fix for incremental 2D projection map updates (thx to B.Coenen for the report)
- Publish free space as MarkerArray and CollisionMap (set parameter ~publish_free_space=True to enable). Thx to I. Wieser!
- renamed OctomapServer's NodeHandle constructor parameter to be more clear, added the same to OctomapServerMultilayer
0.4.8 (2013-01-08)
- Applied patch from issue #7: Nodelet version of octomap_server Modified to not change the global namespace
- fixes for cmake / catkin
- fixed octomap_server for OctoMap 1.5 (deprecations), adjusted to new msg format
- changed message format to contain only data, meta information stored in new message fields (untested for Groovy)
0.4.6 (2013-01-28)
- Added NodeHandle parameter to OctomapServerMultilayer constructor
- Commited patch #7, contributed by M. Liebhardt: Nodelet version of the octomap server
- octomap_server and octomap_saver now fully support both binary and full occupancy maps
- octomap_server can now open .ot files properly, updated octomap_ros to new-style stack.xml
- deprecated OctomapROS in octomap_ros => directly use octomap lib and conversions.h
- removed OctomapROS wrapper from octomap_server classes
- octomap_server manifest exports dynamic_reconfigure path in cppflags
- parameter in launch file adjusted
0.4.5 (2012-06-18)
- new parameter to enable incremental 2D mapping (experimental, default: false)
- bug fix for OctomapServer map projection
- Fixed OctomapServer not clearing obstacles in projected 2D map properly
- fixed map reset and incremental 2D updates
- added arm layer height lookup
- Fixed resolution change (dynamic_reconfigure) and dynamic map size w. incremental updates
- incremental update of projected 2D maps only in updated 3D region, map dynamically grows
- increased Electric compatibility of octomap_server
- OctomapServer keeps track of update region for downprojected 2D map
0.4.4 (2012-04-20)
- Turned octomap_msgs and octomap_ros into unary stacks, code in octomap_mapping adjusted
0.4.3 (2012-04-17)
- Merged rev 2477:2613 from trunk:
- fixed ground filter
- added missing license headers, improved code layout to ROS standard
- adjusted to OctoMap 1.4 changes
- collision map publisher & eraser script ported from branch
- disabled lazy update temporarily (needs param)
- dynamic reconfigure interface to limit query depth (and voxel resolution) on the fly
0.4.2 (2012-03-16)
- fixed ground filter (from trunk, electric)nVersion increased to 0.4.2
0.4.1 (2012-02-21 16:50)
- switched octomap_ros and octomap_server to pure CMake-style linking, version 0.4.1
- removed uneccesary FindEigen.cmake files
0.4.0 (2012-02-21 15:37)
- removed eigen package from depends
- Transitioned octomap package to deprecated, now forwards flags with pkg-config to system dependency
0.3.8 (2012-04-26)
- increased octomap version to 1.4.2, stack version 0.3.8
0.3.7 (2012-02-22)
- removed temp. workaround for unstable (Eigen for PCL included), increased stack version to 0.3.7
- server/client architecture for octomap_server
- octomap_server: ground plane filter defaults to false, base_footprint frame now only required when filtering
0.3.6 (2012-01-09)
- changed to Eigen rosdep for electric and fuerte
0.3.5 (2011-10-30)
- added OctomapServerMultilayer as stub
- More refactoring of octomap_server, added hooks for node traversal
- OctomapServerCombined is now OctomapServer
- cleanup of octomap_server
- - adjusted octomap_mapping trunk to compile against ROS electric (only affects octomap_server). => use branch for diamondback!
0.3.4 (2011-10-12)
- publish empty map (+vis) after reset
- OctomapServerCombined: Drop old octree completely when resetting
- OctomapServerCombined: Parameter for latching topics, reset service
- added srv and service implementation to clear a bbx region in OctomapServerCombined
- OctomapServer: private -> protected added default constructor
- octomap_server:
- fixed 2D map for larger volumes
- now handles an initial file always as static, topics are published latched then
- removed debug PCD writing
- ground filter now more reliable, filtering in base frame of robot instead of global frame.
- more parameters for ground filter
0.3.3 (2011-08-17 07:41)
- octomap package udpate to use new OctoMap 1.2 library only (no visualization). Removed dependency on Qt / QGLViewer.
- fixed ground plane appearing as occupied
0.3.2 (2011-08-09)
- merged in changes of octomap_mapping trunk (up to rev 1781):
- octomap updated to 1.1.1 (testing), tarball URL on ros.org
- ground plane extraction OctomapServerCombined, configurable using PCL
- fixes and cleanup in OctomapServerCombined
- parameters for ground plane filtering
- Ground plane extraction improved
- Ground plane extraction (pcl) for testing
- octomap: use OctoMap 1.1.1 (testing)
- octomap_server: handle larger pruned nodes in 2D map projection
- refactoring & cleanup of OctomapServerCombined, ready for ground plane extraction
- merged back octomap_server from experimental branch:
- proper class with more capabilities
- now sends out map in various representations / visualizations
- subscribes to PointCloud2 with tf::MessageFilter
- uses octomap_ros wrapper / conversions
- OctomapServerCombined (experimental): also builds downprojected 2D map
- added MoveMap.msg from octomap2, extended conversions.h
- templated octomapMsg conversion functions
- octomap_saver adjusted to moved locations
- Moved messages and conversions to octomap_ros from octomap_server
- Removed unnecessary exports in manifests
- fixes in mainfest / stack.xml for ROS 1.3
- doxygen properly configured with rosdoc
- stack release 0.1.2 prep
- Preparations for .deb releases
- License in cpp files, restored compatibility with boxturtle
- Adjusted license to BSD, more parameters in octomap_server
- OctoMap server (copied from octomap repo, trunk)
- Initial checkin of octomap stack (nearly empty at the moment)
0.3.1 (2011-07-15)
- Patched for arm_navigation changes in "unstable"
0.3.0 (2011-06-28)
- merged back octomap_server from experimental branch:
- proper class with more capabilities
- now sends out map in various representations / visualizations
- subscribes to PointCloud2 with tf::MessageFilter
- uses octomap_ros wrapper / conversions
- OctomapServerCombined (experimental): also builds downprojected 2D map
- added MoveMap.msg from octomap2, extended conversions.h
- templated octomapMsg conversion functions
0.2.0 (2011-03-16)
- updated stack.xml for cturtle only
- octomap_saver adjusted to moved locations
- Moved messages and conversions to octomap_ros from octomap_server
- Removed unnecessary exports in manifests
0.1.2 (2010-11-23)
- fixes in mainfest / stack.xml for ROS 1.3
- doxygen properly configured with rosdoc
- stack release 0.1.2 prep
0.1.1 (2010-11-17)
0.1.0 (2010-11-16)
- Preparations for .deb releases
- License in cpp files, restored compatibility with boxturtle
- Adjusted license to BSD, more parameters in octomap_server
- OctoMap server (copied from octomap repo, trunk)
- Initial checkin of octomap stack (nearly empty at the moment)
Wiki Tutorials
This package does not provide any links to tutorials in it's rosindex metadata.
You can check on the ROS Wiki Tutorials page for the package.
Package Dependencies
System Dependencies
Dependant Packages
Name | Deps |
grid_map_demos | |
octomap_mapping |
Launch files
- launch/octomap_mapping.launch.xml
- Example launch file for octomap_server mapping: Listens to incoming PointCloud2 data and incrementally builds an octomap. The data is sent out in different representations. Copy this file into your workspace and adjust as needed, see www.ros.org/wiki/octomap_server for details
- launch/octomap_tracking_server.launch.xml
- path [default: ]
- change_id_frame [default: talker/changes]
- launch/octomap_tracking_client.launch.xml
No message files found.
No service files found
No plugins found.
Recent questions tagged octomap_server at Robotics Stack Exchange
![]() |
octomap_server package from octomap_mapping repooctomap_mapping octomap_server |
Package Summary
Tags | No category tags. |
Version | 2.3.0 |
License | BSD |
Build type | AMENT_CMAKE |
Repository Summary
Checkout URI | https://github.com/OctoMap/octomap_mapping.git |
VCS Type | git |
VCS Version | ros2 |
Last Updated | 2024-07-02 |
Dev Status | MAINTAINED |
CI status | No Continuous Integration |
Released | RELEASED |
Tags | No category tags. |
Contributing |
Help Wanted (0)
Good First Issues (0) Pull Requests to Review (0) |
Package Description
octomap_server loads a 3D map (as Octree-based OctoMap) and distributes it to other nodes in a compact binary format. It also allows to incrementally build 3D OctoMaps, and provides map saving in the node octomap_saver.
Additional Links
- Wolfgang Merkt
- Armin Hornung
No README found.
See repository README.
Changelog for package octomap_server
2.3.0 (2024-07-02)
- Switch to the system-provided octomap library. (#134)
- Contributors: Chris Lalancette
2.2.0 (2024-05-25)
- Fix: Include missing tf2 geometry_msgs (#128)
- Fix: Deprecated PCL APIs (#126)
- Contributors: Wolfgang Merkt, Daisuke Nishimatsu
2.1.0 (2024-02-24)
- Fix header include order error (#125)
- Removed geometry2 deprecated headers (#125)
- Fix errors when path name is invalid (#108)
- Fix header include order (#102)
- Contributors: Alejandro Hernández Cordero, Daisuke Nishimatsu, Wolfgang Merkt
2.0.0 (2021-12-24)
- ROS2 Migration (#95)
- Contributors: Daisuke Nishimatsu, Wolfgang Merkt
0.6.7 (2021-12-24)
- Address warnings on Noetic (#81)
- Contributors: Wolfgang Merkt
0.6.6 (2020-12-08)
- Update CI, package format, dependencies to address dependency issue on Debian Buster (#79)
- Contributors: Wolfgang Merkt
0.6.5 (2020-04-23)
0.6.4 (2020-01-08)
- Add private node handle to fix nodelet support (#61), fixes #39
- Add octomap_server_color library by default (#60) - by Matthew Powelson
- Check if part of a voxel is in occupancy range (#59) - by Jasper v. B.
- Contributors: Matthew Powelson, Wolfgang Merkt, Jasper v. B.
0.6.3 (2019-01-28)
- Fix compilation on Debian Stretch
- Get rgb from point cloud iterator without byte shift
- Contributors: Kentaro Wada, Wolfgang Merkt
0.6.2 (2019-01-27)
- Update maintainer email (Wolfgang Merkt)
- Change catkin_package [DEPENDS]{.title-ref} to [OCTOMAP]{.title-ref} to avoid CMake warning
- Update maintainer email (Arming Hornung)
- Update to use non deprecated pluginlib macro
- Fixed memory leak of colors pointer if COLOR_OCTOMAP_SERVER defined
- Contributors: Armin Hornung, Mikael Arguedas, Ronky, Wolfgang Merkt
0.6.1 (2016-10-19)
- Fix for Colored Octomap: Use PCLPoint everywhere Fixes compiler error when enabling the define for color.
- Fixed maxRange bug in OctomapServer.cpp for clearing
- Adjust maintainer email
- Contributors: Armin Hornung, Brandon Kinman, Felix Endres
0.6.0 (2016-03-25)
- Add sensor model parameters to dynamic_reconfigure
- Load map file from rosparam
- Add x and y filter for pointcloud
- Preparations for ColorOctomapServer (compile option, from source)
- Fix iterator in OctomapServer
- TrackingOctomapServer: Publish node center rather than index, prevent from publishing empty cloud
- Contributors: Armin Hornung, Javier V. Gomez, JJeremie Deray, MasakiMurooka, Shohei Fujii, Wolfgang Merkt
0.5.3 (2014-01-09)
- Fixing PCL linking errors on build farm
0.5.2 (2014-01-09)
- Fixing PCL linking errors on build farm
0.5.1 (2013-11-25)
- Fix missing nodelet plugin from install
0.5.0 (2013-10-24)
- Small fix in octomap_server_static usage
- Catkinization, remove support for arm_navigation
0.4.9 (2013-06-27)
- cleanup of unused functions
- Parameters, reading .bt files in octomap_server_static
- added simple octomap_server_static node to serve OctoMaps from .ot files (no scan integration)
- Fix for incremental 2D projection map updates (thx to B.Coenen for the report)
- Publish free space as MarkerArray and CollisionMap (set parameter ~publish_free_space=True to enable). Thx to I. Wieser!
- renamed OctomapServer's NodeHandle constructor parameter to be more clear, added the same to OctomapServerMultilayer
0.4.8 (2013-01-08)
- Applied patch from issue #7: Nodelet version of octomap_server Modified to not change the global namespace
- fixes for cmake / catkin
- fixed octomap_server for OctoMap 1.5 (deprecations), adjusted to new msg format
- changed message format to contain only data, meta information stored in new message fields (untested for Groovy)
0.4.6 (2013-01-28)
- Added NodeHandle parameter to OctomapServerMultilayer constructor
- Commited patch #7, contributed by M. Liebhardt: Nodelet version of the octomap server
- octomap_server and octomap_saver now fully support both binary and full occupancy maps
- octomap_server can now open .ot files properly, updated octomap_ros to new-style stack.xml
- deprecated OctomapROS in octomap_ros => directly use octomap lib and conversions.h
- removed OctomapROS wrapper from octomap_server classes
- octomap_server manifest exports dynamic_reconfigure path in cppflags
- parameter in launch file adjusted
0.4.5 (2012-06-18)
- new parameter to enable incremental 2D mapping (experimental, default: false)
- bug fix for OctomapServer map projection
- Fixed OctomapServer not clearing obstacles in projected 2D map properly
- fixed map reset and incremental 2D updates
- added arm layer height lookup
- Fixed resolution change (dynamic_reconfigure) and dynamic map size w. incremental updates
- incremental update of projected 2D maps only in updated 3D region, map dynamically grows
- increased Electric compatibility of octomap_server
- OctomapServer keeps track of update region for downprojected 2D map
0.4.4 (2012-04-20)
- Turned octomap_msgs and octomap_ros into unary stacks, code in octomap_mapping adjusted
0.4.3 (2012-04-17)
- Merged rev 2477:2613 from trunk:
- fixed ground filter
- added missing license headers, improved code layout to ROS standard
- adjusted to OctoMap 1.4 changes
- collision map publisher & eraser script ported from branch
- disabled lazy update temporarily (needs param)
- dynamic reconfigure interface to limit query depth (and voxel resolution) on the fly
0.4.2 (2012-03-16)
- fixed ground filter (from trunk, electric)nVersion increased to 0.4.2
0.4.1 (2012-02-21 16:50)
- switched octomap_ros and octomap_server to pure CMake-style linking, version 0.4.1
- removed uneccesary FindEigen.cmake files
0.4.0 (2012-02-21 15:37)
- removed eigen package from depends
- Transitioned octomap package to deprecated, now forwards flags with pkg-config to system dependency
0.3.8 (2012-04-26)
- increased octomap version to 1.4.2, stack version 0.3.8
0.3.7 (2012-02-22)
- removed temp. workaround for unstable (Eigen for PCL included), increased stack version to 0.3.7
- server/client architecture for octomap_server
- octomap_server: ground plane filter defaults to false, base_footprint frame now only required when filtering
0.3.6 (2012-01-09)
- changed to Eigen rosdep for electric and fuerte
0.3.5 (2011-10-30)
- added OctomapServerMultilayer as stub
- More refactoring of octomap_server, added hooks for node traversal
- OctomapServerCombined is now OctomapServer
- cleanup of octomap_server
- - adjusted octomap_mapping trunk to compile against ROS electric (only affects octomap_server). => use branch for diamondback!
0.3.4 (2011-10-12)
- publish empty map (+vis) after reset
- OctomapServerCombined: Drop old octree completely when resetting
- OctomapServerCombined: Parameter for latching topics, reset service
- added srv and service implementation to clear a bbx region in OctomapServerCombined
- OctomapServer: private -> protected added default constructor
- octomap_server:
- fixed 2D map for larger volumes
- now handles an initial file always as static, topics are published latched then
- removed debug PCD writing
- ground filter now more reliable, filtering in base frame of robot instead of global frame.
- more parameters for ground filter
0.3.3 (2011-08-17 07:41)
- octomap package udpate to use new OctoMap 1.2 library only (no visualization). Removed dependency on Qt / QGLViewer.
- fixed ground plane appearing as occupied
0.3.2 (2011-08-09)
- merged in changes of octomap_mapping trunk (up to rev 1781):
- octomap updated to 1.1.1 (testing), tarball URL on ros.org
- ground plane extraction OctomapServerCombined, configurable using PCL
- fixes and cleanup in OctomapServerCombined
- parameters for ground plane filtering
- Ground plane extraction improved
- Ground plane extraction (pcl) for testing
- octomap: use OctoMap 1.1.1 (testing)
- octomap_server: handle larger pruned nodes in 2D map projection
- refactoring & cleanup of OctomapServerCombined, ready for ground plane extraction
- merged back octomap_server from experimental branch:
- proper class with more capabilities
- now sends out map in various representations / visualizations
- subscribes to PointCloud2 with tf::MessageFilter
- uses octomap_ros wrapper / conversions
- OctomapServerCombined (experimental): also builds downprojected 2D map
- added MoveMap.msg from octomap2, extended conversions.h
- templated octomapMsg conversion functions
- octomap_saver adjusted to moved locations
- Moved messages and conversions to octomap_ros from octomap_server
- Removed unnecessary exports in manifests
- fixes in mainfest / stack.xml for ROS 1.3
- doxygen properly configured with rosdoc
- stack release 0.1.2 prep
- Preparations for .deb releases
- License in cpp files, restored compatibility with boxturtle
- Adjusted license to BSD, more parameters in octomap_server
- OctoMap server (copied from octomap repo, trunk)
- Initial checkin of octomap stack (nearly empty at the moment)
0.3.1 (2011-07-15)
- Patched for arm_navigation changes in "unstable"
0.3.0 (2011-06-28)
- merged back octomap_server from experimental branch:
- proper class with more capabilities
- now sends out map in various representations / visualizations
- subscribes to PointCloud2 with tf::MessageFilter
- uses octomap_ros wrapper / conversions
- OctomapServerCombined (experimental): also builds downprojected 2D map
- added MoveMap.msg from octomap2, extended conversions.h
- templated octomapMsg conversion functions
0.2.0 (2011-03-16)
- updated stack.xml for cturtle only
- octomap_saver adjusted to moved locations
- Moved messages and conversions to octomap_ros from octomap_server
- Removed unnecessary exports in manifests
0.1.2 (2010-11-23)
- fixes in mainfest / stack.xml for ROS 1.3
- doxygen properly configured with rosdoc
- stack release 0.1.2 prep
0.1.1 (2010-11-17)
0.1.0 (2010-11-16)
- Preparations for .deb releases
- License in cpp files, restored compatibility with boxturtle
- Adjusted license to BSD, more parameters in octomap_server
- OctoMap server (copied from octomap repo, trunk)
- Initial checkin of octomap stack (nearly empty at the moment)
Wiki Tutorials
This package does not provide any links to tutorials in it's rosindex metadata.
You can check on the ROS Wiki Tutorials page for the package.
Package Dependencies
System Dependencies
Dependant Packages
Name | Deps |
grid_map_demos | |
octomap_mapping |
Launch files
- launch/octomap_mapping.launch.xml
- Example launch file for octomap_server mapping: Listens to incoming PointCloud2 data and incrementally builds an octomap. The data is sent out in different representations. Copy this file into your workspace and adjust as needed, see www.ros.org/wiki/octomap_server for details
- launch/octomap_tracking_server.launch.xml
- path [default: ]
- change_id_frame [default: talker/changes]
- launch/octomap_tracking_client.launch.xml
No message files found.
No service files found
No plugins found.
Recent questions tagged octomap_server at Robotics Stack Exchange
![]() |
octomap_server package from octomap_mapping repooctomap_mapping octomap_server |
Package Summary
Tags | No category tags. |
Version | 2.3.0 |
License | BSD |
Build type | AMENT_CMAKE |
Repository Summary
Checkout URI | https://github.com/OctoMap/octomap_mapping.git |
VCS Type | git |
VCS Version | ros2 |
Last Updated | 2024-07-02 |
Dev Status | MAINTAINED |
CI status | No Continuous Integration |
Released | RELEASED |
Tags | No category tags. |
Contributing |
Help Wanted (0)
Good First Issues (0) Pull Requests to Review (0) |
Package Description
octomap_server loads a 3D map (as Octree-based OctoMap) and distributes it to other nodes in a compact binary format. It also allows to incrementally build 3D OctoMaps, and provides map saving in the node octomap_saver.
Additional Links
- Wolfgang Merkt
- Armin Hornung
No README found.
See repository README.
Changelog for package octomap_server
2.3.0 (2024-07-02)
- Switch to the system-provided octomap library. (#134)
- Contributors: Chris Lalancette
2.2.0 (2024-05-25)
- Fix: Include missing tf2 geometry_msgs (#128)
- Fix: Deprecated PCL APIs (#126)
- Contributors: Wolfgang Merkt, Daisuke Nishimatsu
2.1.0 (2024-02-24)
- Fix header include order error (#125)
- Removed geometry2 deprecated headers (#125)
- Fix errors when path name is invalid (#108)
- Fix header include order (#102)
- Contributors: Alejandro Hernández Cordero, Daisuke Nishimatsu, Wolfgang Merkt
2.0.0 (2021-12-24)
- ROS2 Migration (#95)
- Contributors: Daisuke Nishimatsu, Wolfgang Merkt
0.6.7 (2021-12-24)
- Address warnings on Noetic (#81)
- Contributors: Wolfgang Merkt
0.6.6 (2020-12-08)
- Update CI, package format, dependencies to address dependency issue on Debian Buster (#79)
- Contributors: Wolfgang Merkt
0.6.5 (2020-04-23)
0.6.4 (2020-01-08)
- Add private node handle to fix nodelet support (#61), fixes #39
- Add octomap_server_color library by default (#60) - by Matthew Powelson
- Check if part of a voxel is in occupancy range (#59) - by Jasper v. B.
- Contributors: Matthew Powelson, Wolfgang Merkt, Jasper v. B.
0.6.3 (2019-01-28)
- Fix compilation on Debian Stretch
- Get rgb from point cloud iterator without byte shift
- Contributors: Kentaro Wada, Wolfgang Merkt
0.6.2 (2019-01-27)
- Update maintainer email (Wolfgang Merkt)
- Change catkin_package [DEPENDS]{.title-ref} to [OCTOMAP]{.title-ref} to avoid CMake warning
- Update maintainer email (Arming Hornung)
- Update to use non deprecated pluginlib macro
- Fixed memory leak of colors pointer if COLOR_OCTOMAP_SERVER defined
- Contributors: Armin Hornung, Mikael Arguedas, Ronky, Wolfgang Merkt
0.6.1 (2016-10-19)
- Fix for Colored Octomap: Use PCLPoint everywhere Fixes compiler error when enabling the define for color.
- Fixed maxRange bug in OctomapServer.cpp for clearing
- Adjust maintainer email
- Contributors: Armin Hornung, Brandon Kinman, Felix Endres
0.6.0 (2016-03-25)
- Add sensor model parameters to dynamic_reconfigure
- Load map file from rosparam
- Add x and y filter for pointcloud
- Preparations for ColorOctomapServer (compile option, from source)
- Fix iterator in OctomapServer
- TrackingOctomapServer: Publish node center rather than index, prevent from publishing empty cloud
- Contributors: Armin Hornung, Javier V. Gomez, JJeremie Deray, MasakiMurooka, Shohei Fujii, Wolfgang Merkt
0.5.3 (2014-01-09)
- Fixing PCL linking errors on build farm
0.5.2 (2014-01-09)
- Fixing PCL linking errors on build farm
0.5.1 (2013-11-25)
- Fix missing nodelet plugin from install
0.5.0 (2013-10-24)
- Small fix in octomap_server_static usage
- Catkinization, remove support for arm_navigation
0.4.9 (2013-06-27)
- cleanup of unused functions
- Parameters, reading .bt files in octomap_server_static
- added simple octomap_server_static node to serve OctoMaps from .ot files (no scan integration)
- Fix for incremental 2D projection map updates (thx to B.Coenen for the report)
- Publish free space as MarkerArray and CollisionMap (set parameter ~publish_free_space=True to enable). Thx to I. Wieser!
- renamed OctomapServer's NodeHandle constructor parameter to be more clear, added the same to OctomapServerMultilayer
0.4.8 (2013-01-08)
- Applied patch from issue #7: Nodelet version of octomap_server Modified to not change the global namespace
- fixes for cmake / catkin
- fixed octomap_server for OctoMap 1.5 (deprecations), adjusted to new msg format
- changed message format to contain only data, meta information stored in new message fields (untested for Groovy)
0.4.6 (2013-01-28)
- Added NodeHandle parameter to OctomapServerMultilayer constructor
- Commited patch #7, contributed by M. Liebhardt: Nodelet version of the octomap server
- octomap_server and octomap_saver now fully support both binary and full occupancy maps
- octomap_server can now open .ot files properly, updated octomap_ros to new-style stack.xml
- deprecated OctomapROS in octomap_ros => directly use octomap lib and conversions.h
- removed OctomapROS wrapper from octomap_server classes
- octomap_server manifest exports dynamic_reconfigure path in cppflags
- parameter in launch file adjusted
0.4.5 (2012-06-18)
- new parameter to enable incremental 2D mapping (experimental, default: false)
- bug fix for OctomapServer map projection
- Fixed OctomapServer not clearing obstacles in projected 2D map properly
- fixed map reset and incremental 2D updates
- added arm layer height lookup
- Fixed resolution change (dynamic_reconfigure) and dynamic map size w. incremental updates
- incremental update of projected 2D maps only in updated 3D region, map dynamically grows
- increased Electric compatibility of octomap_server
- OctomapServer keeps track of update region for downprojected 2D map
0.4.4 (2012-04-20)
- Turned octomap_msgs and octomap_ros into unary stacks, code in octomap_mapping adjusted
0.4.3 (2012-04-17)
- Merged rev 2477:2613 from trunk:
- fixed ground filter
- added missing license headers, improved code layout to ROS standard
- adjusted to OctoMap 1.4 changes
- collision map publisher & eraser script ported from branch
- disabled lazy update temporarily (needs param)
- dynamic reconfigure interface to limit query depth (and voxel resolution) on the fly
0.4.2 (2012-03-16)
- fixed ground filter (from trunk, electric)nVersion increased to 0.4.2
0.4.1 (2012-02-21 16:50)
- switched octomap_ros and octomap_server to pure CMake-style linking, version 0.4.1
- removed uneccesary FindEigen.cmake files
0.4.0 (2012-02-21 15:37)
- removed eigen package from depends
- Transitioned octomap package to deprecated, now forwards flags with pkg-config to system dependency
0.3.8 (2012-04-26)
- increased octomap version to 1.4.2, stack version 0.3.8
0.3.7 (2012-02-22)
- removed temp. workaround for unstable (Eigen for PCL included), increased stack version to 0.3.7
- server/client architecture for octomap_server
- octomap_server: ground plane filter defaults to false, base_footprint frame now only required when filtering
0.3.6 (2012-01-09)
- changed to Eigen rosdep for electric and fuerte
0.3.5 (2011-10-30)
- added OctomapServerMultilayer as stub
- More refactoring of octomap_server, added hooks for node traversal
- OctomapServerCombined is now OctomapServer
- cleanup of octomap_server
- - adjusted octomap_mapping trunk to compile against ROS electric (only affects octomap_server). => use branch for diamondback!
0.3.4 (2011-10-12)
- publish empty map (+vis) after reset
- OctomapServerCombined: Drop old octree completely when resetting
- OctomapServerCombined: Parameter for latching topics, reset service
- added srv and service implementation to clear a bbx region in OctomapServerCombined
- OctomapServer: private -> protected added default constructor
- octomap_server:
- fixed 2D map for larger volumes
- now handles an initial file always as static, topics are published latched then
- removed debug PCD writing
- ground filter now more reliable, filtering in base frame of robot instead of global frame.
- more parameters for ground filter
0.3.3 (2011-08-17 07:41)
- octomap package udpate to use new OctoMap 1.2 library only (no visualization). Removed dependency on Qt / QGLViewer.
- fixed ground plane appearing as occupied
0.3.2 (2011-08-09)
- merged in changes of octomap_mapping trunk (up to rev 1781):
- octomap updated to 1.1.1 (testing), tarball URL on ros.org
- ground plane extraction OctomapServerCombined, configurable using PCL
- fixes and cleanup in OctomapServerCombined
- parameters for ground plane filtering
- Ground plane extraction improved
- Ground plane extraction (pcl) for testing
- octomap: use OctoMap 1.1.1 (testing)
- octomap_server: handle larger pruned nodes in 2D map projection
- refactoring & cleanup of OctomapServerCombined, ready for ground plane extraction
- merged back octomap_server from experimental branch:
- proper class with more capabilities
- now sends out map in various representations / visualizations
- subscribes to PointCloud2 with tf::MessageFilter
- uses octomap_ros wrapper / conversions
- OctomapServerCombined (experimental): also builds downprojected 2D map
- added MoveMap.msg from octomap2, extended conversions.h
- templated octomapMsg conversion functions
- octomap_saver adjusted to moved locations
- Moved messages and conversions to octomap_ros from octomap_server
- Removed unnecessary exports in manifests
- fixes in mainfest / stack.xml for ROS 1.3
- doxygen properly configured with rosdoc
- stack release 0.1.2 prep
- Preparations for .deb releases
- License in cpp files, restored compatibility with boxturtle
- Adjusted license to BSD, more parameters in octomap_server
- OctoMap server (copied from octomap repo, trunk)
- Initial checkin of octomap stack (nearly empty at the moment)
0.3.1 (2011-07-15)
- Patched for arm_navigation changes in "unstable"
0.3.0 (2011-06-28)
- merged back octomap_server from experimental branch:
- proper class with more capabilities
- now sends out map in various representations / visualizations
- subscribes to PointCloud2 with tf::MessageFilter
- uses octomap_ros wrapper / conversions
- OctomapServerCombined (experimental): also builds downprojected 2D map
- added MoveMap.msg from octomap2, extended conversions.h
- templated octomapMsg conversion functions
0.2.0 (2011-03-16)
- updated stack.xml for cturtle only
- octomap_saver adjusted to moved locations
- Moved messages and conversions to octomap_ros from octomap_server
- Removed unnecessary exports in manifests
0.1.2 (2010-11-23)
- fixes in mainfest / stack.xml for ROS 1.3
- doxygen properly configured with rosdoc
- stack release 0.1.2 prep
0.1.1 (2010-11-17)
0.1.0 (2010-11-16)
- Preparations for .deb releases
- License in cpp files, restored compatibility with boxturtle
- Adjusted license to BSD, more parameters in octomap_server
- OctoMap server (copied from octomap repo, trunk)
- Initial checkin of octomap stack (nearly empty at the moment)
Wiki Tutorials
This package does not provide any links to tutorials in it's rosindex metadata.
You can check on the ROS Wiki Tutorials page for the package.
Package Dependencies
System Dependencies
Dependant Packages
Name | Deps |
octomap_mapping |
Launch files
- launch/octomap_mapping.launch.xml
- Example launch file for octomap_server mapping: Listens to incoming PointCloud2 data and incrementally builds an octomap. The data is sent out in different representations. Copy this file into your workspace and adjust as needed, see www.ros.org/wiki/octomap_server for details
- launch/octomap_tracking_server.launch.xml
- path [default: ]
- change_id_frame [default: talker/changes]
- launch/octomap_tracking_client.launch.xml
No message files found.
No service files found
No plugins found.
Recent questions tagged octomap_server at Robotics Stack Exchange
![]() |
octomap_server package from octomap_mapping repooctomap_mapping octomap_server |
Package Summary
Tags | No category tags. |
Version | 0.6.8 |
License | BSD |
Build type | CATKIN |
Repository Summary
Checkout URI | https://github.com/OctoMap/octomap_mapping.git |
VCS Type | git |
VCS Version | kinetic-devel |
Last Updated | 2024-03-24 |
Dev Status | MAINTAINED |
CI status | Continuous Integration : 0 / 0 |
Released | RELEASED |
Tags | No category tags. |
Contributing |
Help Wanted (0)
Good First Issues (0) Pull Requests to Review (0) |
Package Description
octomap_server loads a 3D map (as Octree-based OctoMap) and distributes it to other nodes in a compact binary format. It also allows to incrementally build 3D OctoMaps, and provides map saving in the node octomap_saver.
Additional Links
- Wolfgang Merkt
- Armin Hornung
No README found.
See repository README.
Changelog for package octomap_server
0.6.8 (2024-03-24)
- Change frame id "/map" to "map" to prevent RViz visualization warnings in ROS Noetic caused by tf (#124
- Initialize quaternion to avoid RViz warning (#112)
- Update for PCL deprecated and removed API (#118)
- Update pluginlib headers (#114)
- Update boost::placeholders (#105)
- Fix publishing of projected map on reset (#92)
- Add a min range parameter (#100)
- Contributors: Lovro Markovic, Lucas Walter, Wolfgang Merkt, Zhefan-Xu, yuri-r
0.6.7 (2021-12-24)
- Address warnings on Noetic (#81)
- Contributors: Wolfgang Merkt
0.6.6 (2020-12-08)
- Update CI, package format, dependencies to address dependency issue on Debian Buster (#79)
- Contributors: Wolfgang Merkt
0.6.5 (2020-04-23)
0.6.4 (2020-01-08)
- Add private node handle to fix nodelet support (#61), fixes #39
- Add octomap_server_color library by default (#60) - by Matthew Powelson
- Check if part of a voxel is in occupancy range (#59) - by Jasper v. B.
- Contributors: Matthew Powelson, Wolfgang Merkt, Jasper v. B.
0.6.3 (2019-01-28)
- Fix compilation on Debian Stretch
- Get rgb from point cloud iterator without byte shift
- Contributors: Kentaro Wada, Wolfgang Merkt
0.6.2 (2019-01-27)
- Update maintainer email (Wolfgang Merkt)
- Change catkin_package [DEPENDS]{.title-ref} to [OCTOMAP]{.title-ref} to avoid CMake warning
- Update maintainer email (Arming Hornung)
- Update to use non deprecated pluginlib macro
- Fixed memory leak of colors pointer if COLOR_OCTOMAP_SERVER defined
- Contributors: Armin Hornung, Mikael Arguedas, Ronky, Wolfgang Merkt
0.6.1 (2016-10-19)
- Fix for Colored Octomap: Use PCLPoint everywhere Fixes compiler error when enabling the define for color.
- Fixed maxRange bug in OctomapServer.cpp for clearing
- Adjust maintainer email
- Contributors: Armin Hornung, Brandon Kinman, Felix Endres
0.6.0 (2016-03-25)
- Add sensor model parameters to dynamic_reconfigure
- Load map file from rosparam
- Add x and y filter for pointcloud
- Preparations for ColorOctomapServer (compile option, from source)
- Fix iterator in OctomapServer
- TrackingOctomapServer: Publish node center rather than index, prevent from publishing empty cloud
- Contributors: Armin Hornung, Javier V. Gomez, JJeremie Deray, MasakiMurooka, Shohei Fujii, Wolfgang Merkt
0.5.3 (2014-01-09)
- Fixing PCL linking errors on build farm
0.5.2 (2014-01-09)
- Fixing PCL linking errors on build farm
0.5.1 (2013-11-25)
- Fix missing nodelet plugin from install
0.5.0 (2013-10-24)
- Small fix in octomap_server_static usage
- Catkinization, remove support for arm_navigation
0.4.9 (2013-06-27)
- cleanup of unused functions
- Parameters, reading .bt files in octomap_server_static
- added simple octomap_server_static node to serve OctoMaps from .ot files (no scan integration)
- Fix for incremental 2D projection map updates (thx to B.Coenen for the report)
- Publish free space as MarkerArray and CollisionMap (set parameter ~publish_free_space=True to enable). Thx to I. Wieser!
- renamed OctomapServer's NodeHandle constructor parameter to be more clear, added the same to OctomapServerMultilayer
0.4.8 (2013-01-08)
- Applied patch from issue #7: Nodelet version of octomap_server Modified to not change the global namespace
- fixes for cmake / catkin
- fixed octomap_server for OctoMap 1.5 (deprecations), adjusted to new msg format
- changed message format to contain only data, meta information stored in new message fields (untested for Groovy)
0.4.6 (2013-01-28)
- Added NodeHandle parameter to OctomapServerMultilayer constructor
- Commited patch #7, contributed by M. Liebhardt: Nodelet version of the octomap server
- octomap_server and octomap_saver now fully support both binary and full occupancy maps
- octomap_server can now open .ot files properly, updated octomap_ros to new-style stack.xml
- deprecated OctomapROS in octomap_ros => directly use octomap lib and conversions.h
- removed OctomapROS wrapper from octomap_server classes
- octomap_server manifest exports dynamic_reconfigure path in cppflags
- parameter in launch file adjusted
0.4.5 (2012-06-18)
- new parameter to enable incremental 2D mapping (experimental, default: false)
- bug fix for OctomapServer map projection
- Fixed OctomapServer not clearing obstacles in projected 2D map properly
- fixed map reset and incremental 2D updates
- added arm layer height lookup
- Fixed resolution change (dynamic_reconfigure) and dynamic map size w. incremental updates
- incremental update of projected 2D maps only in updated 3D region, map dynamically grows
- increased Electric compatibility of octomap_server
- OctomapServer keeps track of update region for downprojected 2D map
0.4.4 (2012-04-20)
- Turned octomap_msgs and octomap_ros into unary stacks, code in octomap_mapping adjusted
0.4.3 (2012-04-17)
- Merged rev 2477:2613 from trunk:
- fixed ground filter
- added missing license headers, improved code layout to ROS standard
- adjusted to OctoMap 1.4 changes
- collision map publisher & eraser script ported from branch
- disabled lazy update temporarily (needs param)
- dynamic reconfigure interface to limit query depth (and voxel resolution) on the fly
0.4.2 (2012-03-16)
- fixed ground filter (from trunk, electric)nVersion increased to 0.4.2
0.4.1 (2012-02-21 16:50)
- switched octomap_ros and octomap_server to pure CMake-style linking, version 0.4.1
- removed uneccesary FindEigen.cmake files
0.4.0 (2012-02-21 15:37)
- removed eigen package from depends
- Transitioned octomap package to deprecated, now forwards flags with pkg-config to system dependency
0.3.8 (2012-04-26)
- increased octomap version to 1.4.2, stack version 0.3.8
0.3.7 (2012-02-22)
- removed temp. workaround for unstable (Eigen for PCL included), increased stack version to 0.3.7
- server/client architecture for octomap_server
- octomap_server: ground plane filter defaults to false, base_footprint frame now only required when filtering
0.3.6 (2012-01-09)
- changed to Eigen rosdep for electric and fuerte
0.3.5 (2011-10-30)
- added OctomapServerMultilayer as stub
- More refactoring of octomap_server, added hooks for node traversal
- OctomapServerCombined is now OctomapServer
- cleanup of octomap_server
- - adjusted octomap_mapping trunk to compile against ROS electric (only affects octomap_server). => use branch for diamondback!
0.3.4 (2011-10-12)
- publish empty map (+vis) after reset
- OctomapServerCombined: Drop old octree completely when resetting
- OctomapServerCombined: Parameter for latching topics, reset service
- added srv and service implementation to clear a bbx region in OctomapServerCombined
- OctomapServer: private -> protected added default constructor
- octomap_server:
- fixed 2D map for larger volumes
- now handles an initial file always as static, topics are published latched then
- removed debug PCD writing
- ground filter now more reliable, filtering in base frame of robot instead of global frame.
- more parameters for ground filter
0.3.3 (2011-08-17 07:41)
- octomap package udpate to use new OctoMap 1.2 library only (no visualization). Removed dependency on Qt / QGLViewer.
- fixed ground plane appearing as occupied
0.3.2 (2011-08-09)
- merged in changes of octomap_mapping trunk (up to rev 1781):
- octomap updated to 1.1.1 (testing), tarball URL on ros.org
- ground plane extraction OctomapServerCombined, configurable using PCL
- fixes and cleanup in OctomapServerCombined
- parameters for ground plane filtering
- Ground plane extraction improved
- Ground plane extraction (pcl) for testing
- octomap: use OctoMap 1.1.1 (testing)
- octomap_server: handle larger pruned nodes in 2D map projection
- refactoring & cleanup of OctomapServerCombined, ready for ground plane extraction
- merged back octomap_server from experimental branch:
- proper class with more capabilities
- now sends out map in various representations / visualizations
- subscribes to PointCloud2 with tf::MessageFilter
- uses octomap_ros wrapper / conversions
- OctomapServerCombined (experimental): also builds downprojected 2D map
- added MoveMap.msg from octomap2, extended conversions.h
- templated octomapMsg conversion functions
- octomap_saver adjusted to moved locations
- Moved messages and conversions to octomap_ros from octomap_server
- Removed unnecessary exports in manifests
- fixes in mainfest / stack.xml for ROS 1.3
- doxygen properly configured with rosdoc
- stack release 0.1.2 prep
- Preparations for .deb releases
- License in cpp files, restored compatibility with boxturtle
- Adjusted license to BSD, more parameters in octomap_server
- OctoMap server (copied from octomap repo, trunk)
- Initial checkin of octomap stack (nearly empty at the moment)
0.3.1 (2011-07-15)
- Patched for arm_navigation changes in "unstable"
0.3.0 (2011-06-28)
- merged back octomap_server from experimental branch:
- proper class with more capabilities
- now sends out map in various representations / visualizations
- subscribes to PointCloud2 with tf::MessageFilter
- uses octomap_ros wrapper / conversions
- OctomapServerCombined (experimental): also builds downprojected 2D map
- added MoveMap.msg from octomap2, extended conversions.h
- templated octomapMsg conversion functions
0.2.0 (2011-03-16)
- updated stack.xml for cturtle only
- octomap_saver adjusted to moved locations
- Moved messages and conversions to octomap_ros from octomap_server
- Removed unnecessary exports in manifests
0.1.2 (2010-11-23)
- fixes in mainfest / stack.xml for ROS 1.3
- doxygen properly configured with rosdoc
- stack release 0.1.2 prep
0.1.1 (2010-11-17)
0.1.0 (2010-11-16)
- Preparations for .deb releases
- License in cpp files, restored compatibility with boxturtle
- Adjusted license to BSD, more parameters in octomap_server
- OctoMap server (copied from octomap repo, trunk)
- Initial checkin of octomap stack (nearly empty at the moment)
Wiki Tutorials
This package does not provide any links to tutorials in it's rosindex metadata.
You can check on the ROS Wiki Tutorials page for the package.
Package Dependencies
Deps | Name |
roscpp | |
visualization_msgs | |
sensor_msgs | |
pcl_ros | |
pcl_conversions | |
nav_msgs | |
std_msgs | |
std_srvs | |
octomap | |
octomap_msgs | |
octomap_ros | |
dynamic_reconfigure | |
nodelet | |
catkin |
System Dependencies
No direct system dependencies.
Dependant Packages
Name | Deps |
jsk_pcl_ros | |
jsk_pcl_ros_utils | |
octomap_mapping |
Launch files
- launch/octomap_tracking_server.launch
- path [default: ]
- changeIdFrame [default: /talker/changes]
- launch/octomap_tracking_client.launch
- launch/octomap_mapping.launch
- Example launch file for octomap_server mapping: Listens to incoming PointCloud2 data and incrementally builds an octomap. The data is sent out in different representations. Copy this file into your workspace and adjust as needed, see www.ros.org/wiki/octomap_server for details
- launch/octomap_mapping_nodelet.launch
- Example launch file for octomap_server mapping using nodelets: Listens to incoming PointCloud2 data and incrementally builds an octomap. The data is sent out in different representations. Copy this file into your workspace and adjust as needed, see www.ros.org/wiki/octomap_server for details
No message files found.
No service files found
Recent questions tagged octomap_server at Robotics Stack Exchange
No version for distro ardent. Known supported distros are highlighted in the buttons above.
No version for distro bouncy. Known supported distros are highlighted in the buttons above.
No version for distro crystal. Known supported distros are highlighted in the buttons above.
No version for distro eloquent. Known supported distros are highlighted in the buttons above.
No version for distro dashing. Known supported distros are highlighted in the buttons above.
![]() |
octomap_server package from octomap_mapping repooctomap_mapping octomap_server |
Package Summary
Tags | No category tags. |
Version | 2.3.0 |
License | BSD |
Build type | AMENT_CMAKE |
Repository Summary
Checkout URI | https://github.com/OctoMap/octomap_mapping.git |
VCS Type | git |
VCS Version | ros2 |
Last Updated | 2024-07-02 |
Dev Status | MAINTAINED |
CI status | No Continuous Integration |
Released | RELEASED |
Tags | No category tags. |
Contributing |
Help Wanted (0)
Good First Issues (0) Pull Requests to Review (0) |
Package Description
octomap_server loads a 3D map (as Octree-based OctoMap) and distributes it to other nodes in a compact binary format. It also allows to incrementally build 3D OctoMaps, and provides map saving in the node octomap_saver.
Additional Links
- Wolfgang Merkt
- Armin Hornung
No README found.
See repository README.
Changelog for package octomap_server
2.3.0 (2024-07-02)
- Switch to the system-provided octomap library. (#134)
- Contributors: Chris Lalancette
2.2.0 (2024-05-25)
- Fix: Include missing tf2 geometry_msgs (#128)
- Fix: Deprecated PCL APIs (#126)
- Contributors: Wolfgang Merkt, Daisuke Nishimatsu
2.1.0 (2024-02-24)
- Fix header include order error (#125)
- Removed geometry2 deprecated headers (#125)
- Fix errors when path name is invalid (#108)
- Fix header include order (#102)
- Contributors: Alejandro Hernández Cordero, Daisuke Nishimatsu, Wolfgang Merkt
2.0.0 (2021-12-24)
- ROS2 Migration (#95)
- Contributors: Daisuke Nishimatsu, Wolfgang Merkt
0.6.7 (2021-12-24)
- Address warnings on Noetic (#81)
- Contributors: Wolfgang Merkt
0.6.6 (2020-12-08)
- Update CI, package format, dependencies to address dependency issue on Debian Buster (#79)
- Contributors: Wolfgang Merkt
0.6.5 (2020-04-23)
0.6.4 (2020-01-08)
- Add private node handle to fix nodelet support (#61), fixes #39
- Add octomap_server_color library by default (#60) - by Matthew Powelson
- Check if part of a voxel is in occupancy range (#59) - by Jasper v. B.
- Contributors: Matthew Powelson, Wolfgang Merkt, Jasper v. B.
0.6.3 (2019-01-28)
- Fix compilation on Debian Stretch
- Get rgb from point cloud iterator without byte shift
- Contributors: Kentaro Wada, Wolfgang Merkt
0.6.2 (2019-01-27)
- Update maintainer email (Wolfgang Merkt)
- Change catkin_package [DEPENDS]{.title-ref} to [OCTOMAP]{.title-ref} to avoid CMake warning
- Update maintainer email (Arming Hornung)
- Update to use non deprecated pluginlib macro
- Fixed memory leak of colors pointer if COLOR_OCTOMAP_SERVER defined
- Contributors: Armin Hornung, Mikael Arguedas, Ronky, Wolfgang Merkt
0.6.1 (2016-10-19)
- Fix for Colored Octomap: Use PCLPoint everywhere Fixes compiler error when enabling the define for color.
- Fixed maxRange bug in OctomapServer.cpp for clearing
- Adjust maintainer email
- Contributors: Armin Hornung, Brandon Kinman, Felix Endres
0.6.0 (2016-03-25)
- Add sensor model parameters to dynamic_reconfigure
- Load map file from rosparam
- Add x and y filter for pointcloud
- Preparations for ColorOctomapServer (compile option, from source)
- Fix iterator in OctomapServer
- TrackingOctomapServer: Publish node center rather than index, prevent from publishing empty cloud
- Contributors: Armin Hornung, Javier V. Gomez, JJeremie Deray, MasakiMurooka, Shohei Fujii, Wolfgang Merkt
0.5.3 (2014-01-09)
- Fixing PCL linking errors on build farm
0.5.2 (2014-01-09)
- Fixing PCL linking errors on build farm
0.5.1 (2013-11-25)
- Fix missing nodelet plugin from install
0.5.0 (2013-10-24)
- Small fix in octomap_server_static usage
- Catkinization, remove support for arm_navigation
0.4.9 (2013-06-27)
- cleanup of unused functions
- Parameters, reading .bt files in octomap_server_static
- added simple octomap_server_static node to serve OctoMaps from .ot files (no scan integration)
- Fix for incremental 2D projection map updates (thx to B.Coenen for the report)
- Publish free space as MarkerArray and CollisionMap (set parameter ~publish_free_space=True to enable). Thx to I. Wieser!
- renamed OctomapServer's NodeHandle constructor parameter to be more clear, added the same to OctomapServerMultilayer
0.4.8 (2013-01-08)
- Applied patch from issue #7: Nodelet version of octomap_server Modified to not change the global namespace
- fixes for cmake / catkin
- fixed octomap_server for OctoMap 1.5 (deprecations), adjusted to new msg format
- changed message format to contain only data, meta information stored in new message fields (untested for Groovy)
0.4.6 (2013-01-28)
- Added NodeHandle parameter to OctomapServerMultilayer constructor
- Commited patch #7, contributed by M. Liebhardt: Nodelet version of the octomap server
- octomap_server and octomap_saver now fully support both binary and full occupancy maps
- octomap_server can now open .ot files properly, updated octomap_ros to new-style stack.xml
- deprecated OctomapROS in octomap_ros => directly use octomap lib and conversions.h
- removed OctomapROS wrapper from octomap_server classes
- octomap_server manifest exports dynamic_reconfigure path in cppflags
- parameter in launch file adjusted
0.4.5 (2012-06-18)
- new parameter to enable incremental 2D mapping (experimental, default: false)
- bug fix for OctomapServer map projection
- Fixed OctomapServer not clearing obstacles in projected 2D map properly
- fixed map reset and incremental 2D updates
- added arm layer height lookup
- Fixed resolution change (dynamic_reconfigure) and dynamic map size w. incremental updates
- incremental update of projected 2D maps only in updated 3D region, map dynamically grows
- increased Electric compatibility of octomap_server
- OctomapServer keeps track of update region for downprojected 2D map
0.4.4 (2012-04-20)
- Turned octomap_msgs and octomap_ros into unary stacks, code in octomap_mapping adjusted
0.4.3 (2012-04-17)
- Merged rev 2477:2613 from trunk:
- fixed ground filter
- added missing license headers, improved code layout to ROS standard
- adjusted to OctoMap 1.4 changes
- collision map publisher & eraser script ported from branch
- disabled lazy update temporarily (needs param)
- dynamic reconfigure interface to limit query depth (and voxel resolution) on the fly
0.4.2 (2012-03-16)
- fixed ground filter (from trunk, electric)nVersion increased to 0.4.2
0.4.1 (2012-02-21 16:50)
- switched octomap_ros and octomap_server to pure CMake-style linking, version 0.4.1
- removed uneccesary FindEigen.cmake files
0.4.0 (2012-02-21 15:37)
- removed eigen package from depends
- Transitioned octomap package to deprecated, now forwards flags with pkg-config to system dependency
0.3.8 (2012-04-26)
- increased octomap version to 1.4.2, stack version 0.3.8
0.3.7 (2012-02-22)
- removed temp. workaround for unstable (Eigen for PCL included), increased stack version to 0.3.7
- server/client architecture for octomap_server
- octomap_server: ground plane filter defaults to false, base_footprint frame now only required when filtering
0.3.6 (2012-01-09)
- changed to Eigen rosdep for electric and fuerte
0.3.5 (2011-10-30)
- added OctomapServerMultilayer as stub
- More refactoring of octomap_server, added hooks for node traversal
- OctomapServerCombined is now OctomapServer
- cleanup of octomap_server
- - adjusted octomap_mapping trunk to compile against ROS electric (only affects octomap_server). => use branch for diamondback!
0.3.4 (2011-10-12)
- publish empty map (+vis) after reset
- OctomapServerCombined: Drop old octree completely when resetting
- OctomapServerCombined: Parameter for latching topics, reset service
- added srv and service implementation to clear a bbx region in OctomapServerCombined
- OctomapServer: private -> protected added default constructor
- octomap_server:
- fixed 2D map for larger volumes
- now handles an initial file always as static, topics are published latched then
- removed debug PCD writing
- ground filter now more reliable, filtering in base frame of robot instead of global frame.
- more parameters for ground filter
0.3.3 (2011-08-17 07:41)
- octomap package udpate to use new OctoMap 1.2 library only (no visualization). Removed dependency on Qt / QGLViewer.
- fixed ground plane appearing as occupied
0.3.2 (2011-08-09)
- merged in changes of octomap_mapping trunk (up to rev 1781):
- octomap updated to 1.1.1 (testing), tarball URL on ros.org
- ground plane extraction OctomapServerCombined, configurable using PCL
- fixes and cleanup in OctomapServerCombined
- parameters for ground plane filtering
- Ground plane extraction improved
- Ground plane extraction (pcl) for testing
- octomap: use OctoMap 1.1.1 (testing)
- octomap_server: handle larger pruned nodes in 2D map projection
- refactoring & cleanup of OctomapServerCombined, ready for ground plane extraction
- merged back octomap_server from experimental branch:
- proper class with more capabilities
- now sends out map in various representations / visualizations
- subscribes to PointCloud2 with tf::MessageFilter
- uses octomap_ros wrapper / conversions
- OctomapServerCombined (experimental): also builds downprojected 2D map
- added MoveMap.msg from octomap2, extended conversions.h
- templated octomapMsg conversion functions
- octomap_saver adjusted to moved locations
- Moved messages and conversions to octomap_ros from octomap_server
- Removed unnecessary exports in manifests
- fixes in mainfest / stack.xml for ROS 1.3
- doxygen properly configured with rosdoc
- stack release 0.1.2 prep
- Preparations for .deb releases
- License in cpp files, restored compatibility with boxturtle
- Adjusted license to BSD, more parameters in octomap_server
- OctoMap server (copied from octomap repo, trunk)
- Initial checkin of octomap stack (nearly empty at the moment)
0.3.1 (2011-07-15)
- Patched for arm_navigation changes in "unstable"
0.3.0 (2011-06-28)
- merged back octomap_server from experimental branch:
- proper class with more capabilities
- now sends out map in various representations / visualizations
- subscribes to PointCloud2 with tf::MessageFilter
- uses octomap_ros wrapper / conversions
- OctomapServerCombined (experimental): also builds downprojected 2D map
- added MoveMap.msg from octomap2, extended conversions.h
- templated octomapMsg conversion functions
0.2.0 (2011-03-16)
- updated stack.xml for cturtle only
- octomap_saver adjusted to moved locations
- Moved messages and conversions to octomap_ros from octomap_server
- Removed unnecessary exports in manifests
0.1.2 (2010-11-23)
- fixes in mainfest / stack.xml for ROS 1.3
- doxygen properly configured with rosdoc
- stack release 0.1.2 prep
0.1.1 (2010-11-17)
0.1.0 (2010-11-16)
- Preparations for .deb releases
- License in cpp files, restored compatibility with boxturtle
- Adjusted license to BSD, more parameters in octomap_server
- OctoMap server (copied from octomap repo, trunk)
- Initial checkin of octomap stack (nearly empty at the moment)
Wiki Tutorials
This package does not provide any links to tutorials in it's rosindex metadata.
You can check on the ROS Wiki Tutorials page for the package.
Package Dependencies
System Dependencies
Dependant Packages
Name | Deps |
octomap_mapping |
Launch files
- launch/octomap_mapping.launch.xml
- Example launch file for octomap_server mapping: Listens to incoming PointCloud2 data and incrementally builds an octomap. The data is sent out in different representations. Copy this file into your workspace and adjust as needed, see www.ros.org/wiki/octomap_server for details
- launch/octomap_tracking_server.launch.xml
- path [default: ]
- change_id_frame [default: talker/changes]
- launch/octomap_tracking_client.launch.xml
No message files found.
No service files found
No plugins found.
Recent questions tagged octomap_server at Robotics Stack Exchange
![]() |
octomap_server package from octomap_mapping repooctomap_mapping octomap_server |
Package Summary
Tags | No category tags. |
Version | 2.3.0 |
License | BSD |
Build type | AMENT_CMAKE |
Repository Summary
Checkout URI | https://github.com/OctoMap/octomap_mapping.git |
VCS Type | git |
VCS Version | ros2 |
Last Updated | 2024-07-02 |
Dev Status | MAINTAINED |
CI status | No Continuous Integration |
Released | RELEASED |
Tags | No category tags. |
Contributing |
Help Wanted (0)
Good First Issues (0) Pull Requests to Review (0) |
Package Description
octomap_server loads a 3D map (as Octree-based OctoMap) and distributes it to other nodes in a compact binary format. It also allows to incrementally build 3D OctoMaps, and provides map saving in the node octomap_saver.
Additional Links
- Wolfgang Merkt
- Armin Hornung
No README found.
See repository README.
Changelog for package octomap_server
2.3.0 (2024-07-02)
- Switch to the system-provided octomap library. (#134)
- Contributors: Chris Lalancette
2.2.0 (2024-05-25)
- Fix: Include missing tf2 geometry_msgs (#128)
- Fix: Deprecated PCL APIs (#126)
- Contributors: Wolfgang Merkt, Daisuke Nishimatsu
2.1.0 (2024-02-24)
- Fix header include order error (#125)
- Removed geometry2 deprecated headers (#125)
- Fix errors when path name is invalid (#108)
- Fix header include order (#102)
- Contributors: Alejandro Hernández Cordero, Daisuke Nishimatsu, Wolfgang Merkt
2.0.0 (2021-12-24)
- ROS2 Migration (#95)
- Contributors: Daisuke Nishimatsu, Wolfgang Merkt
0.6.7 (2021-12-24)
- Address warnings on Noetic (#81)
- Contributors: Wolfgang Merkt
0.6.6 (2020-12-08)
- Update CI, package format, dependencies to address dependency issue on Debian Buster (#79)
- Contributors: Wolfgang Merkt
0.6.5 (2020-04-23)
0.6.4 (2020-01-08)
- Add private node handle to fix nodelet support (#61), fixes #39
- Add octomap_server_color library by default (#60) - by Matthew Powelson
- Check if part of a voxel is in occupancy range (#59) - by Jasper v. B.
- Contributors: Matthew Powelson, Wolfgang Merkt, Jasper v. B.
0.6.3 (2019-01-28)
- Fix compilation on Debian Stretch
- Get rgb from point cloud iterator without byte shift
- Contributors: Kentaro Wada, Wolfgang Merkt
0.6.2 (2019-01-27)
- Update maintainer email (Wolfgang Merkt)
- Change catkin_package [DEPENDS]{.title-ref} to [OCTOMAP]{.title-ref} to avoid CMake warning
- Update maintainer email (Arming Hornung)
- Update to use non deprecated pluginlib macro
- Fixed memory leak of colors pointer if COLOR_OCTOMAP_SERVER defined
- Contributors: Armin Hornung, Mikael Arguedas, Ronky, Wolfgang Merkt
0.6.1 (2016-10-19)
- Fix for Colored Octomap: Use PCLPoint everywhere Fixes compiler error when enabling the define for color.
- Fixed maxRange bug in OctomapServer.cpp for clearing
- Adjust maintainer email
- Contributors: Armin Hornung, Brandon Kinman, Felix Endres
0.6.0 (2016-03-25)
- Add sensor model parameters to dynamic_reconfigure
- Load map file from rosparam
- Add x and y filter for pointcloud
- Preparations for ColorOctomapServer (compile option, from source)
- Fix iterator in OctomapServer
- TrackingOctomapServer: Publish node center rather than index, prevent from publishing empty cloud
- Contributors: Armin Hornung, Javier V. Gomez, JJeremie Deray, MasakiMurooka, Shohei Fujii, Wolfgang Merkt
0.5.3 (2014-01-09)
- Fixing PCL linking errors on build farm
0.5.2 (2014-01-09)
- Fixing PCL linking errors on build farm
0.5.1 (2013-11-25)
- Fix missing nodelet plugin from install
0.5.0 (2013-10-24)
- Small fix in octomap_server_static usage
- Catkinization, remove support for arm_navigation
0.4.9 (2013-06-27)
- cleanup of unused functions
- Parameters, reading .bt files in octomap_server_static
- added simple octomap_server_static node to serve OctoMaps from .ot files (no scan integration)
- Fix for incremental 2D projection map updates (thx to B.Coenen for the report)
- Publish free space as MarkerArray and CollisionMap (set parameter ~publish_free_space=True to enable). Thx to I. Wieser!
- renamed OctomapServer's NodeHandle constructor parameter to be more clear, added the same to OctomapServerMultilayer
0.4.8 (2013-01-08)
- Applied patch from issue #7: Nodelet version of octomap_server Modified to not change the global namespace
- fixes for cmake / catkin
- fixed octomap_server for OctoMap 1.5 (deprecations), adjusted to new msg format
- changed message format to contain only data, meta information stored in new message fields (untested for Groovy)
0.4.6 (2013-01-28)
- Added NodeHandle parameter to OctomapServerMultilayer constructor
- Commited patch #7, contributed by M. Liebhardt: Nodelet version of the octomap server
- octomap_server and octomap_saver now fully support both binary and full occupancy maps
- octomap_server can now open .ot files properly, updated octomap_ros to new-style stack.xml
- deprecated OctomapROS in octomap_ros => directly use octomap lib and conversions.h
- removed OctomapROS wrapper from octomap_server classes
- octomap_server manifest exports dynamic_reconfigure path in cppflags
- parameter in launch file adjusted
0.4.5 (2012-06-18)
- new parameter to enable incremental 2D mapping (experimental, default: false)
- bug fix for OctomapServer map projection
- Fixed OctomapServer not clearing obstacles in projected 2D map properly
- fixed map reset and incremental 2D updates
- added arm layer height lookup
- Fixed resolution change (dynamic_reconfigure) and dynamic map size w. incremental updates
- incremental update of projected 2D maps only in updated 3D region, map dynamically grows
- increased Electric compatibility of octomap_server
- OctomapServer keeps track of update region for downprojected 2D map
0.4.4 (2012-04-20)
- Turned octomap_msgs and octomap_ros into unary stacks, code in octomap_mapping adjusted
0.4.3 (2012-04-17)
- Merged rev 2477:2613 from trunk:
- fixed ground filter
- added missing license headers, improved code layout to ROS standard
- adjusted to OctoMap 1.4 changes
- collision map publisher & eraser script ported from branch
- disabled lazy update temporarily (needs param)
- dynamic reconfigure interface to limit query depth (and voxel resolution) on the fly
0.4.2 (2012-03-16)
- fixed ground filter (from trunk, electric)nVersion increased to 0.4.2
0.4.1 (2012-02-21 16:50)
- switched octomap_ros and octomap_server to pure CMake-style linking, version 0.4.1
- removed uneccesary FindEigen.cmake files
0.4.0 (2012-02-21 15:37)
- removed eigen package from depends
- Transitioned octomap package to deprecated, now forwards flags with pkg-config to system dependency
0.3.8 (2012-04-26)
- increased octomap version to 1.4.2, stack version 0.3.8
0.3.7 (2012-02-22)
- removed temp. workaround for unstable (Eigen for PCL included), increased stack version to 0.3.7
- server/client architecture for octomap_server
- octomap_server: ground plane filter defaults to false, base_footprint frame now only required when filtering
0.3.6 (2012-01-09)
- changed to Eigen rosdep for electric and fuerte
0.3.5 (2011-10-30)
- added OctomapServerMultilayer as stub
- More refactoring of octomap_server, added hooks for node traversal
- OctomapServerCombined is now OctomapServer
- cleanup of octomap_server
- - adjusted octomap_mapping trunk to compile against ROS electric (only affects octomap_server). => use branch for diamondback!
0.3.4 (2011-10-12)
- publish empty map (+vis) after reset
- OctomapServerCombined: Drop old octree completely when resetting
- OctomapServerCombined: Parameter for latching topics, reset service
- added srv and service implementation to clear a bbx region in OctomapServerCombined
- OctomapServer: private -> protected added default constructor
- octomap_server:
- fixed 2D map for larger volumes
- now handles an initial file always as static, topics are published latched then
- removed debug PCD writing
- ground filter now more reliable, filtering in base frame of robot instead of global frame.
- more parameters for ground filter
0.3.3 (2011-08-17 07:41)
- octomap package udpate to use new OctoMap 1.2 library only (no visualization). Removed dependency on Qt / QGLViewer.
- fixed ground plane appearing as occupied
0.3.2 (2011-08-09)
- merged in changes of octomap_mapping trunk (up to rev 1781):
- octomap updated to 1.1.1 (testing), tarball URL on ros.org
- ground plane extraction OctomapServerCombined, configurable using PCL
- fixes and cleanup in OctomapServerCombined
- parameters for ground plane filtering
- Ground plane extraction improved
- Ground plane extraction (pcl) for testing
- octomap: use OctoMap 1.1.1 (testing)
- octomap_server: handle larger pruned nodes in 2D map projection
- refactoring & cleanup of OctomapServerCombined, ready for ground plane extraction
- merged back octomap_server from experimental branch:
- proper class with more capabilities
- now sends out map in various representations / visualizations
- subscribes to PointCloud2 with tf::MessageFilter
- uses octomap_ros wrapper / conversions
- OctomapServerCombined (experimental): also builds downprojected 2D map
- added MoveMap.msg from octomap2, extended conversions.h
- templated octomapMsg conversion functions
- octomap_saver adjusted to moved locations
- Moved messages and conversions to octomap_ros from octomap_server
- Removed unnecessary exports in manifests
- fixes in mainfest / stack.xml for ROS 1.3
- doxygen properly configured with rosdoc
- stack release 0.1.2 prep
- Preparations for .deb releases
- License in cpp files, restored compatibility with boxturtle
- Adjusted license to BSD, more parameters in octomap_server
- OctoMap server (copied from octomap repo, trunk)
- Initial checkin of octomap stack (nearly empty at the moment)
0.3.1 (2011-07-15)
- Patched for arm_navigation changes in "unstable"
0.3.0 (2011-06-28)
- merged back octomap_server from experimental branch:
- proper class with more capabilities
- now sends out map in various representations / visualizations
- subscribes to PointCloud2 with tf::MessageFilter
- uses octomap_ros wrapper / conversions
- OctomapServerCombined (experimental): also builds downprojected 2D map
- added MoveMap.msg from octomap2, extended conversions.h
- templated octomapMsg conversion functions
0.2.0 (2011-03-16)
- updated stack.xml for cturtle only
- octomap_saver adjusted to moved locations
- Moved messages and conversions to octomap_ros from octomap_server
- Removed unnecessary exports in manifests
0.1.2 (2010-11-23)
- fixes in mainfest / stack.xml for ROS 1.3
- doxygen properly configured with rosdoc
- stack release 0.1.2 prep
0.1.1 (2010-11-17)
0.1.0 (2010-11-16)
- Preparations for .deb releases
- License in cpp files, restored compatibility with boxturtle
- Adjusted license to BSD, more parameters in octomap_server
- OctoMap server (copied from octomap repo, trunk)
- Initial checkin of octomap stack (nearly empty at the moment)
Wiki Tutorials
This package does not provide any links to tutorials in it's rosindex metadata.
You can check on the ROS Wiki Tutorials page for the package.
Package Dependencies
System Dependencies
Dependant Packages
Name | Deps |
octomap_mapping |
Launch files
- launch/octomap_mapping.launch.xml
- Example launch file for octomap_server mapping: Listens to incoming PointCloud2 data and incrementally builds an octomap. The data is sent out in different representations. Copy this file into your workspace and adjust as needed, see www.ros.org/wiki/octomap_server for details
- launch/octomap_tracking_server.launch.xml
- path [default: ]
- change_id_frame [default: talker/changes]
- launch/octomap_tracking_client.launch.xml
No message files found.
No service files found
No plugins found.
Recent questions tagged octomap_server at Robotics Stack Exchange
![]() |
octomap_server package from octomap_mapping repooctomap_mapping octomap_server |
Package Summary
Tags | No category tags. |
Version | 2.3.0 |
License | BSD |
Build type | AMENT_CMAKE |
Repository Summary
Checkout URI | https://github.com/OctoMap/octomap_mapping.git |
VCS Type | git |
VCS Version | ros2 |
Last Updated | 2024-07-02 |
Dev Status | MAINTAINED |
CI status | No Continuous Integration |
Released | RELEASED |
Tags | No category tags. |
Contributing |
Help Wanted (0)
Good First Issues (0) Pull Requests to Review (0) |
Package Description
octomap_server loads a 3D map (as Octree-based OctoMap) and distributes it to other nodes in a compact binary format. It also allows to incrementally build 3D OctoMaps, and provides map saving in the node octomap_saver.
Additional Links
- Wolfgang Merkt
- Armin Hornung
No README found.
See repository README.
Changelog for package octomap_server
2.3.0 (2024-07-02)
- Switch to the system-provided octomap library. (#134)
- Contributors: Chris Lalancette
2.2.0 (2024-05-25)
- Fix: Include missing tf2 geometry_msgs (#128)
- Fix: Deprecated PCL APIs (#126)
- Contributors: Wolfgang Merkt, Daisuke Nishimatsu
2.1.0 (2024-02-24)
- Fix header include order error (#125)
- Removed geometry2 deprecated headers (#125)
- Fix errors when path name is invalid (#108)
- Fix header include order (#102)
- Contributors: Alejandro Hernández Cordero, Daisuke Nishimatsu, Wolfgang Merkt
2.0.0 (2021-12-24)
- ROS2 Migration (#95)
- Contributors: Daisuke Nishimatsu, Wolfgang Merkt
0.6.7 (2021-12-24)
- Address warnings on Noetic (#81)
- Contributors: Wolfgang Merkt
0.6.6 (2020-12-08)
- Update CI, package format, dependencies to address dependency issue on Debian Buster (#79)
- Contributors: Wolfgang Merkt
0.6.5 (2020-04-23)
0.6.4 (2020-01-08)
- Add private node handle to fix nodelet support (#61), fixes #39
- Add octomap_server_color library by default (#60) - by Matthew Powelson
- Check if part of a voxel is in occupancy range (#59) - by Jasper v. B.
- Contributors: Matthew Powelson, Wolfgang Merkt, Jasper v. B.
0.6.3 (2019-01-28)
- Fix compilation on Debian Stretch
- Get rgb from point cloud iterator without byte shift
- Contributors: Kentaro Wada, Wolfgang Merkt
0.6.2 (2019-01-27)
- Update maintainer email (Wolfgang Merkt)
- Change catkin_package [DEPENDS]{.title-ref} to [OCTOMAP]{.title-ref} to avoid CMake warning
- Update maintainer email (Arming Hornung)
- Update to use non deprecated pluginlib macro
- Fixed memory leak of colors pointer if COLOR_OCTOMAP_SERVER defined
- Contributors: Armin Hornung, Mikael Arguedas, Ronky, Wolfgang Merkt
0.6.1 (2016-10-19)
- Fix for Colored Octomap: Use PCLPoint everywhere Fixes compiler error when enabling the define for color.
- Fixed maxRange bug in OctomapServer.cpp for clearing
- Adjust maintainer email
- Contributors: Armin Hornung, Brandon Kinman, Felix Endres
0.6.0 (2016-03-25)
- Add sensor model parameters to dynamic_reconfigure
- Load map file from rosparam
- Add x and y filter for pointcloud
- Preparations for ColorOctomapServer (compile option, from source)
- Fix iterator in OctomapServer
- TrackingOctomapServer: Publish node center rather than index, prevent from publishing empty cloud
- Contributors: Armin Hornung, Javier V. Gomez, JJeremie Deray, MasakiMurooka, Shohei Fujii, Wolfgang Merkt
0.5.3 (2014-01-09)
- Fixing PCL linking errors on build farm
0.5.2 (2014-01-09)
- Fixing PCL linking errors on build farm
0.5.1 (2013-11-25)
- Fix missing nodelet plugin from install
0.5.0 (2013-10-24)
- Small fix in octomap_server_static usage
- Catkinization, remove support for arm_navigation
0.4.9 (2013-06-27)
- cleanup of unused functions
- Parameters, reading .bt files in octomap_server_static
- added simple octomap_server_static node to serve OctoMaps from .ot files (no scan integration)
- Fix for incremental 2D projection map updates (thx to B.Coenen for the report)
- Publish free space as MarkerArray and CollisionMap (set parameter ~publish_free_space=True to enable). Thx to I. Wieser!
- renamed OctomapServer's NodeHandle constructor parameter to be more clear, added the same to OctomapServerMultilayer
0.4.8 (2013-01-08)
- Applied patch from issue #7: Nodelet version of octomap_server Modified to not change the global namespace
- fixes for cmake / catkin
- fixed octomap_server for OctoMap 1.5 (deprecations), adjusted to new msg format
- changed message format to contain only data, meta information stored in new message fields (untested for Groovy)
0.4.6 (2013-01-28)
- Added NodeHandle parameter to OctomapServerMultilayer constructor
- Commited patch #7, contributed by M. Liebhardt: Nodelet version of the octomap server
- octomap_server and octomap_saver now fully support both binary and full occupancy maps
- octomap_server can now open .ot files properly, updated octomap_ros to new-style stack.xml
- deprecated OctomapROS in octomap_ros => directly use octomap lib and conversions.h
- removed OctomapROS wrapper from octomap_server classes
- octomap_server manifest exports dynamic_reconfigure path in cppflags
- parameter in launch file adjusted
0.4.5 (2012-06-18)
- new parameter to enable incremental 2D mapping (experimental, default: false)
- bug fix for OctomapServer map projection
- Fixed OctomapServer not clearing obstacles in projected 2D map properly
- fixed map reset and incremental 2D updates
- added arm layer height lookup
- Fixed resolution change (dynamic_reconfigure) and dynamic map size w. incremental updates
- incremental update of projected 2D maps only in updated 3D region, map dynamically grows
- increased Electric compatibility of octomap_server
- OctomapServer keeps track of update region for downprojected 2D map
0.4.4 (2012-04-20)
- Turned octomap_msgs and octomap_ros into unary stacks, code in octomap_mapping adjusted
0.4.3 (2012-04-17)
- Merged rev 2477:2613 from trunk:
- fixed ground filter
- added missing license headers, improved code layout to ROS standard
- adjusted to OctoMap 1.4 changes
- collision map publisher & eraser script ported from branch
- disabled lazy update temporarily (needs param)
- dynamic reconfigure interface to limit query depth (and voxel resolution) on the fly
0.4.2 (2012-03-16)
- fixed ground filter (from trunk, electric)nVersion increased to 0.4.2
0.4.1 (2012-02-21 16:50)
- switched octomap_ros and octomap_server to pure CMake-style linking, version 0.4.1
- removed uneccesary FindEigen.cmake files
0.4.0 (2012-02-21 15:37)
- removed eigen package from depends
- Transitioned octomap package to deprecated, now forwards flags with pkg-config to system dependency
0.3.8 (2012-04-26)
- increased octomap version to 1.4.2, stack version 0.3.8
0.3.7 (2012-02-22)
- removed temp. workaround for unstable (Eigen for PCL included), increased stack version to 0.3.7
- server/client architecture for octomap_server
- octomap_server: ground plane filter defaults to false, base_footprint frame now only required when filtering
0.3.6 (2012-01-09)
- changed to Eigen rosdep for electric and fuerte
0.3.5 (2011-10-30)
- added OctomapServerMultilayer as stub
- More refactoring of octomap_server, added hooks for node traversal
- OctomapServerCombined is now OctomapServer
- cleanup of octomap_server
- - adjusted octomap_mapping trunk to compile against ROS electric (only affects octomap_server). => use branch for diamondback!
0.3.4 (2011-10-12)
- publish empty map (+vis) after reset
- OctomapServerCombined: Drop old octree completely when resetting
- OctomapServerCombined: Parameter for latching topics, reset service
- added srv and service implementation to clear a bbx region in OctomapServerCombined
- OctomapServer: private -> protected added default constructor
- octomap_server:
- fixed 2D map for larger volumes
- now handles an initial file always as static, topics are published latched then
- removed debug PCD writing
- ground filter now more reliable, filtering in base frame of robot instead of global frame.
- more parameters for ground filter
0.3.3 (2011-08-17 07:41)
- octomap package udpate to use new OctoMap 1.2 library only (no visualization). Removed dependency on Qt / QGLViewer.
- fixed ground plane appearing as occupied
0.3.2 (2011-08-09)
- merged in changes of octomap_mapping trunk (up to rev 1781):
- octomap updated to 1.1.1 (testing), tarball URL on ros.org
- ground plane extraction OctomapServerCombined, configurable using PCL
- fixes and cleanup in OctomapServerCombined
- parameters for ground plane filtering
- Ground plane extraction improved
- Ground plane extraction (pcl) for testing
- octomap: use OctoMap 1.1.1 (testing)
- octomap_server: handle larger pruned nodes in 2D map projection
- refactoring & cleanup of OctomapServerCombined, ready for ground plane extraction
- merged back octomap_server from experimental branch:
- proper class with more capabilities
- now sends out map in various representations / visualizations
- subscribes to PointCloud2 with tf::MessageFilter
- uses octomap_ros wrapper / conversions
- OctomapServerCombined (experimental): also builds downprojected 2D map
- added MoveMap.msg from octomap2, extended conversions.h
- templated octomapMsg conversion functions
- octomap_saver adjusted to moved locations
- Moved messages and conversions to octomap_ros from octomap_server
- Removed unnecessary exports in manifests
- fixes in mainfest / stack.xml for ROS 1.3
- doxygen properly configured with rosdoc
- stack release 0.1.2 prep
- Preparations for .deb releases
- License in cpp files, restored compatibility with boxturtle
- Adjusted license to BSD, more parameters in octomap_server
- OctoMap server (copied from octomap repo, trunk)
- Initial checkin of octomap stack (nearly empty at the moment)
0.3.1 (2011-07-15)
- Patched for arm_navigation changes in "unstable"
0.3.0 (2011-06-28)
- merged back octomap_server from experimental branch:
- proper class with more capabilities
- now sends out map in various representations / visualizations
- subscribes to PointCloud2 with tf::MessageFilter
- uses octomap_ros wrapper / conversions
- OctomapServerCombined (experimental): also builds downprojected 2D map
- added MoveMap.msg from octomap2, extended conversions.h
- templated octomapMsg conversion functions
0.2.0 (2011-03-16)
- updated stack.xml for cturtle only
- octomap_saver adjusted to moved locations
- Moved messages and conversions to octomap_ros from octomap_server
- Removed unnecessary exports in manifests
0.1.2 (2010-11-23)
- fixes in mainfest / stack.xml for ROS 1.3
- doxygen properly configured with rosdoc
- stack release 0.1.2 prep
0.1.1 (2010-11-17)
0.1.0 (2010-11-16)
- Preparations for .deb releases
- License in cpp files, restored compatibility with boxturtle
- Adjusted license to BSD, more parameters in octomap_server
- OctoMap server (copied from octomap repo, trunk)
- Initial checkin of octomap stack (nearly empty at the moment)
Wiki Tutorials
This package does not provide any links to tutorials in it's rosindex metadata.
You can check on the ROS Wiki Tutorials page for the package.
Package Dependencies
System Dependencies
Dependant Packages
Name | Deps |
grid_map_demos | |
octomap_mapping |
Launch files
- launch/octomap_mapping.launch.xml
- Example launch file for octomap_server mapping: Listens to incoming PointCloud2 data and incrementally builds an octomap. The data is sent out in different representations. Copy this file into your workspace and adjust as needed, see www.ros.org/wiki/octomap_server for details
- launch/octomap_tracking_server.launch.xml
- path [default: ]
- change_id_frame [default: talker/changes]
- launch/octomap_tracking_client.launch.xml
No message files found.
No service files found
No plugins found.
Recent questions tagged octomap_server at Robotics Stack Exchange
No version for distro lunar. Known supported distros are highlighted in the buttons above.
![]() |
octomap_server package from octomap_mapping repooctomap_mapping octomap_server |
Package Summary
Tags | No category tags. |
Version | 0.6.0 |
License | BSD |
Build type | CATKIN |
Repository Summary
Checkout URI | https://github.com/OctoMap/octomap_mapping.git |
VCS Type | git |
VCS Version | jade-devel |
Last Updated | 2017-11-04 |
Dev Status | MAINTAINED |
CI status | Continuous Integration |
Released | RELEASED |
Tags | No category tags. |
Contributing |
Help Wanted (0)
Good First Issues (0) Pull Requests to Review (0) |
Package Description
octomap_server loads a 3D map (as Octree-based OctoMap) and distributes it to other nodes in a compact binary format. It also allows to incrementally build 3D OctoMaps, and provides map saving in the node octomap_saver.
Additional Links
- Armin Hornung
- Armin Hornung
No README found.
See repository README.
Changelog for package octomap_server
0.6.0 (2016-03-25)
- Add sensor model parameters to dynamic_reconfigure
- Load map file from rosparam
- Add x and y filter for pointcloud
- Preparations for ColorOctomapServer (compile option, from source)
- Fix iterator in OctomapServer
- TrackingOctomapServer: Publish node center rather than index, prevent from publishing empty cloud
- Contributors: Armin Hornung, Javier V. Gomez, JJeremie Deray, MasakiMurooka, Shohei Fujii, Wolfgang Merkt
0.5.3 (2014-01-09)
- Fixing PCL linking errors on build farm
0.5.2 (2014-01-09)
- Fixing PCL linking errors on build farm
0.5.1 (2013-11-25)
- Fix missing nodelet plugin from install
0.5.0 (2013-10-24)
- Small fix in octomap_server_static usage
- Catkinization, remove support for arm_navigation
0.4.9 (2013-06-27)
- cleanup of unused functions
- Parameters, reading .bt files in octomap_server_static
- added simple octomap_server_static node to serve OctoMaps from .ot files (no scan integration)
- Fix for incremental 2D projection map updates (thx to B.Coenen for the report)
- Publish free space as MarkerArray and CollisionMap (set parameter ~publish_free_space=True to enable). Thx to I. Wieser!
- renamed OctomapServer's NodeHandle constructor parameter to be more clear, added the same to OctomapServerMultilayer
0.4.8 (2013-01-08)
- Applied patch from issue #7: Nodelet version of octomap_server Modified to not change the global namespace
- fixes for cmake / catkin
- fixed octomap_server for OctoMap 1.5 (deprecations), adjusted to new msg format
- changed message format to contain only data, meta information stored in new message fields (untested for Groovy)
0.4.6 (2013-01-28)
- Added NodeHandle parameter to OctomapServerMultilayer constructor
- Commited patch #7, contributed by M. Liebhardt: Nodelet version of the octomap server
- octomap_server and octomap_saver now fully support both binary and full occupancy maps
- octomap_server can now open .ot files properly, updated octomap_ros to new-style stack.xml
- deprecated OctomapROS in octomap_ros => directly use octomap lib and conversions.h
- removed OctomapROS wrapper from octomap_server classes
- octomap_server manifest exports dynamic_reconfigure path in cppflags
- parameter in launch file adjusted
0.4.5 (2012-06-18)
- new parameter to enable incremental 2D mapping (experimental, default: false)
- bug fix for OctomapServer map projection
- Fixed OctomapServer not clearing obstacles in projected 2D map properly
- fixed map reset and incremental 2D updates
- added arm layer height lookup
- Fixed resolution change (dynamic_reconfigure) and dynamic map size w. incremental updates
- incremental update of projected 2D maps only in updated 3D region, map dynamically grows
- increased Electric compatibility of octomap_server
- OctomapServer keeps track of update region for downprojected 2D map
0.4.4 (2012-04-20)
- Turned octomap_msgs and octomap_ros into unary stacks, code in octomap_mapping adjusted
0.4.3 (2012-04-17)
- Merged rev 2477:2613 from trunk:
- fixed ground filter
- added missing license headers, improved code layout to ROS standard
- adjusted to OctoMap 1.4 changes
- collision map publisher & eraser script ported from branch
- disabled lazy update temporarily (needs param)
- dynamic reconfigure interface to limit query depth (and voxel resolution) on the fly
0.4.2 (2012-03-16)
- fixed ground filter (from trunk, electric)nVersion increased to 0.4.2
0.4.1 (2012-02-21 16:50)
- switched octomap_ros and octomap_server to pure CMake-style linking, version 0.4.1
- removed uneccesary FindEigen.cmake files
0.4.0 (2012-02-21 15:37)
- removed eigen package from depends
- Transitioned octomap package to deprecated, now forwards flags with pkg-config to system dependency
0.3.8 (2012-04-26)
- increased octomap version to 1.4.2, stack version 0.3.8
0.3.7 (2012-02-22)
- removed temp. workaround for unstable (Eigen for PCL included), increased stack version to 0.3.7
- server/client architecture for octomap_server
- octomap_server: ground plane filter defaults to false, base_footprint frame now only required when filtering
0.3.6 (2012-01-09)
- changed to Eigen rosdep for electric and fuerte
0.3.5 (2011-10-30)
- added OctomapServerMultilayer as stub
- More refactoring of octomap_server, added hooks for node traversal
- OctomapServerCombined is now OctomapServer
- cleanup of octomap_server
- - adjusted octomap_mapping trunk to compile against ROS electric (only affects octomap_server). => use branch for diamondback!
0.3.4 (2011-10-12)
- publish empty map (+vis) after reset
- OctomapServerCombined: Drop old octree completely when resetting
- OctomapServerCombined: Parameter for latching topics, reset service
- added srv and service implementation to clear a bbx region in OctomapServerCombined
- OctomapServer: private -> protected added default constructor
- octomap_server:
- fixed 2D map for larger volumes
- now handles an initial file always as static, topics are published latched then
- removed debug PCD writing
- ground filter now more reliable, filtering in base frame of robot instead of global frame.
- more parameters for ground filter
0.3.3 (2011-08-17 07:41)
- octomap package udpate to use new OctoMap 1.2 library only (no visualization). Removed dependency on Qt / QGLViewer.
- fixed ground plane appearing as occupied
0.3.2 (2011-08-09)
- merged in changes of octomap_mapping trunk (up to rev 1781):
- octomap updated to 1.1.1 (testing), tarball URL on ros.org
- ground plane extraction OctomapServerCombined, configurable using PCL
- fixes and cleanup in OctomapServerCombined
- parameters for ground plane filtering
- Ground plane extraction improved
- Ground plane extraction (pcl) for testing
- octomap: use OctoMap 1.1.1 (testing)
- octomap_server: handle larger pruned nodes in 2D map projection
- refactoring & cleanup of OctomapServerCombined, ready for ground plane extraction
- merged back octomap_server from experimental branch:
- proper class with more capabilities
- now sends out map in various representations / visualizations
- subscribes to PointCloud2 with tf::MessageFilter
- uses octomap_ros wrapper / conversions
- OctomapServerCombined (experimental): also builds downprojected 2D map
- added MoveMap.msg from octomap2, extended conversions.h
- templated octomapMsg conversion functions
- octomap_saver adjusted to moved locations
- Moved messages and conversions to octomap_ros from octomap_server
- Removed unnecessary exports in manifests
- fixes in mainfest / stack.xml for ROS 1.3
- doxygen properly configured with rosdoc
- stack release 0.1.2 prep
- Preparations for .deb releases
- License in cpp files, restored compatibility with boxturtle
- Adjusted license to BSD, more parameters in octomap_server
- OctoMap server (copied from octomap repo, trunk)
- Initial checkin of octomap stack (nearly empty at the moment)
0.3.1 (2011-07-15)
- Patched for arm_navigation changes in "unstable"
0.3.0 (2011-06-28)
- merged back octomap_server from experimental branch:
- proper class with more capabilities
- now sends out map in various representations / visualizations
- subscribes to PointCloud2 with tf::MessageFilter
- uses octomap_ros wrapper / conversions
- OctomapServerCombined (experimental): also builds downprojected 2D map
- added MoveMap.msg from octomap2, extended conversions.h
- templated octomapMsg conversion functions
0.2.0 (2011-03-16)
- updated stack.xml for cturtle only
- octomap_saver adjusted to moved locations
- Moved messages and conversions to octomap_ros from octomap_server
- Removed unnecessary exports in manifests
0.1.2 (2010-11-23)
- fixes in mainfest / stack.xml for ROS 1.3
- doxygen properly configured with rosdoc
- stack release 0.1.2 prep
0.1.1 (2010-11-17)
0.1.0 (2010-11-16)
- Preparations for .deb releases
- License in cpp files, restored compatibility with boxturtle
- Adjusted license to BSD, more parameters in octomap_server
- OctoMap server (copied from octomap repo, trunk)
- Initial checkin of octomap stack (nearly empty at the moment)
Wiki Tutorials
This package does not provide any links to tutorials in it's rosindex metadata.
You can check on the ROS Wiki Tutorials page for the package.
Package Dependencies
Deps | Name |
roscpp | |
visualization_msgs | |
sensor_msgs | |
pcl_ros | |
pcl_conversions | |
nav_msgs | |
std_msgs | |
std_srvs | |
octomap | |
octomap_msgs | |
octomap_ros | |
dynamic_reconfigure | |
nodelet | |
catkin |
System Dependencies
Name |
libpcl-all-dev |
libpcl-all |
Dependant Packages
Name | Deps |
jsk_pcl_ros | |
jsk_pcl_ros_utils | |
octomap_mapping |
Launch files
- launch/octomap_tracking_server.launch
- path [default: ]
- changeIdFrame [default: /talker/changes]
- launch/octomap_tracking_client.launch
- launch/octomap_mapping.launch
- Example launch file for octomap_server mapping: Listens to incoming PointCloud2 data and incrementally builds an octomap. The data is sent out in different representations. Copy this file into your workspace and adjust as needed, see www.ros.org/wiki/octomap_server for details
- launch/octomap_mapping_nodelet.launch
- Example launch file for octomap_server mapping using nodelets: Listens to incoming PointCloud2 data and incrementally builds an octomap. The data is sent out in different representations. Copy this file into your workspace and adjust as needed, see www.ros.org/wiki/octomap_server for details
No message files found.
No service files found
Recent questions tagged octomap_server at Robotics Stack Exchange
![]() |
octomap_server package from octomap_mapping repooctomap_mapping octomap_server |
Package Summary
Tags | No category tags. |
Version | 0.6.0 |
License | BSD |
Build type | CATKIN |
Repository Summary
Checkout URI | https://github.com/OctoMap/octomap_mapping.git |
VCS Type | git |
VCS Version | indigo-devel |
Last Updated | 2016-03-25 |
Dev Status | MAINTAINED |
CI status | Continuous Integration |
Released | RELEASED |
Tags | No category tags. |
Contributing |
Help Wanted (0)
Good First Issues (0) Pull Requests to Review (0) |
Package Description
octomap_server loads a 3D map (as Octree-based OctoMap) and distributes it to other nodes in a compact binary format. It also allows to incrementally build 3D OctoMaps, and provides map saving in the node octomap_saver.
Additional Links
- Armin Hornung
- Armin Hornung
No README found.
See repository README.
Changelog for package octomap_server
0.6.0 (2016-03-25)
- Add sensor model parameters to dynamic_reconfigure
- Load map file from rosparam
- Add x and y filter for pointcloud
- Preparations for ColorOctomapServer (compile option, from source)
- Fix iterator in OctomapServer
- TrackingOctomapServer: Publish node center rather than index, prevent from publishing empty cloud
- Contributors: Armin Hornung, Javier V. Gomez, JJeremie Deray, MasakiMurooka, Shohei Fujii, Wolfgang Merkt
0.5.3 (2014-01-09)
- Fixing PCL linking errors on build farm
0.5.2 (2014-01-09)
- Fixing PCL linking errors on build farm
0.5.1 (2013-11-25)
- Fix missing nodelet plugin from install
0.5.0 (2013-10-24)
- Small fix in octomap_server_static usage
- Catkinization, remove support for arm_navigation
0.4.9 (2013-06-27)
- cleanup of unused functions
- Parameters, reading .bt files in octomap_server_static
- added simple octomap_server_static node to serve OctoMaps from .ot files (no scan integration)
- Fix for incremental 2D projection map updates (thx to B.Coenen for the report)
- Publish free space as MarkerArray and CollisionMap (set parameter ~publish_free_space=True to enable). Thx to I. Wieser!
- renamed OctomapServer's NodeHandle constructor parameter to be more clear, added the same to OctomapServerMultilayer
0.4.8 (2013-01-08)
- Applied patch from issue #7: Nodelet version of octomap_server Modified to not change the global namespace
- fixes for cmake / catkin
- fixed octomap_server for OctoMap 1.5 (deprecations), adjusted to new msg format
- changed message format to contain only data, meta information stored in new message fields (untested for Groovy)
0.4.6 (2013-01-28)
- Added NodeHandle parameter to OctomapServerMultilayer constructor
- Commited patch #7, contributed by M. Liebhardt: Nodelet version of the octomap server
- octomap_server and octomap_saver now fully support both binary and full occupancy maps
- octomap_server can now open .ot files properly, updated octomap_ros to new-style stack.xml
- deprecated OctomapROS in octomap_ros => directly use octomap lib and conversions.h
- removed OctomapROS wrapper from octomap_server classes
- octomap_server manifest exports dynamic_reconfigure path in cppflags
- parameter in launch file adjusted
0.4.5 (2012-06-18)
- new parameter to enable incremental 2D mapping (experimental, default: false)
- bug fix for OctomapServer map projection
- Fixed OctomapServer not clearing obstacles in projected 2D map properly
- fixed map reset and incremental 2D updates
- added arm layer height lookup
- Fixed resolution change (dynamic_reconfigure) and dynamic map size w. incremental updates
- incremental update of projected 2D maps only in updated 3D region, map dynamically grows
- increased Electric compatibility of octomap_server
- OctomapServer keeps track of update region for downprojected 2D map
0.4.4 (2012-04-20)
- Turned octomap_msgs and octomap_ros into unary stacks, code in octomap_mapping adjusted
0.4.3 (2012-04-17)
- Merged rev 2477:2613 from trunk:
- fixed ground filter
- added missing license headers, improved code layout to ROS standard
- adjusted to OctoMap 1.4 changes
- collision map publisher & eraser script ported from branch
- disabled lazy update temporarily (needs param)
- dynamic reconfigure interface to limit query depth (and voxel resolution) on the fly
0.4.2 (2012-03-16)
- fixed ground filter (from trunk, electric)nVersion increased to 0.4.2
0.4.1 (2012-02-21 16:50)
- switched octomap_ros and octomap_server to pure CMake-style linking, version 0.4.1
- removed uneccesary FindEigen.cmake files
0.4.0 (2012-02-21 15:37)
- removed eigen package from depends
- Transitioned octomap package to deprecated, now forwards flags with pkg-config to system dependency
0.3.8 (2012-04-26)
- increased octomap version to 1.4.2, stack version 0.3.8
0.3.7 (2012-02-22)
- removed temp. workaround for unstable (Eigen for PCL included), increased stack version to 0.3.7
- server/client architecture for octomap_server
- octomap_server: ground plane filter defaults to false, base_footprint frame now only required when filtering
0.3.6 (2012-01-09)
- changed to Eigen rosdep for electric and fuerte
0.3.5 (2011-10-30)
- added OctomapServerMultilayer as stub
- More refactoring of octomap_server, added hooks for node traversal
- OctomapServerCombined is now OctomapServer
- cleanup of octomap_server
- - adjusted octomap_mapping trunk to compile against ROS electric (only affects octomap_server). => use branch for diamondback!
0.3.4 (2011-10-12)
- publish empty map (+vis) after reset
- OctomapServerCombined: Drop old octree completely when resetting
- OctomapServerCombined: Parameter for latching topics, reset service
- added srv and service implementation to clear a bbx region in OctomapServerCombined
- OctomapServer: private -> protected added default constructor
- octomap_server:
- fixed 2D map for larger volumes
- now handles an initial file always as static, topics are published latched then
- removed debug PCD writing
- ground filter now more reliable, filtering in base frame of robot instead of global frame.
- more parameters for ground filter
0.3.3 (2011-08-17 07:41)
- octomap package udpate to use new OctoMap 1.2 library only (no visualization). Removed dependency on Qt / QGLViewer.
- fixed ground plane appearing as occupied
0.3.2 (2011-08-09)
- merged in changes of octomap_mapping trunk (up to rev 1781):
- octomap updated to 1.1.1 (testing), tarball URL on ros.org
- ground plane extraction OctomapServerCombined, configurable using PCL
- fixes and cleanup in OctomapServerCombined
- parameters for ground plane filtering
- Ground plane extraction improved
- Ground plane extraction (pcl) for testing
- octomap: use OctoMap 1.1.1 (testing)
- octomap_server: handle larger pruned nodes in 2D map projection
- refactoring & cleanup of OctomapServerCombined, ready for ground plane extraction
- merged back octomap_server from experimental branch:
- proper class with more capabilities
- now sends out map in various representations / visualizations
- subscribes to PointCloud2 with tf::MessageFilter
- uses octomap_ros wrapper / conversions
- OctomapServerCombined (experimental): also builds downprojected 2D map
- added MoveMap.msg from octomap2, extended conversions.h
- templated octomapMsg conversion functions
- octomap_saver adjusted to moved locations
- Moved messages and conversions to octomap_ros from octomap_server
- Removed unnecessary exports in manifests
- fixes in mainfest / stack.xml for ROS 1.3
- doxygen properly configured with rosdoc
- stack release 0.1.2 prep
- Preparations for .deb releases
- License in cpp files, restored compatibility with boxturtle
- Adjusted license to BSD, more parameters in octomap_server
- OctoMap server (copied from octomap repo, trunk)
- Initial checkin of octomap stack (nearly empty at the moment)
0.3.1 (2011-07-15)
- Patched for arm_navigation changes in "unstable"
0.3.0 (2011-06-28)
- merged back octomap_server from experimental branch:
- proper class with more capabilities
- now sends out map in various representations / visualizations
- subscribes to PointCloud2 with tf::MessageFilter
- uses octomap_ros wrapper / conversions
- OctomapServerCombined (experimental): also builds downprojected 2D map
- added MoveMap.msg from octomap2, extended conversions.h
- templated octomapMsg conversion functions
0.2.0 (2011-03-16)
- updated stack.xml for cturtle only
- octomap_saver adjusted to moved locations
- Moved messages and conversions to octomap_ros from octomap_server
- Removed unnecessary exports in manifests
0.1.2 (2010-11-23)
- fixes in mainfest / stack.xml for ROS 1.3
- doxygen properly configured with rosdoc
- stack release 0.1.2 prep
0.1.1 (2010-11-17)
0.1.0 (2010-11-16)
- Preparations for .deb releases
- License in cpp files, restored compatibility with boxturtle
- Adjusted license to BSD, more parameters in octomap_server
- OctoMap server (copied from octomap repo, trunk)
- Initial checkin of octomap stack (nearly empty at the moment)
Wiki Tutorials
This package does not provide any links to tutorials in it's rosindex metadata.
You can check on the ROS Wiki Tutorials page for the package.
Package Dependencies
Deps | Name |
roscpp | |
visualization_msgs | |
sensor_msgs | |
pcl_ros | |
pcl_conversions | |
nav_msgs | |
std_msgs | |
std_srvs | |
octomap | |
octomap_msgs | |
octomap_ros | |
dynamic_reconfigure | |
nodelet | |
catkin |
System Dependencies
Name |
libpcl-all-dev |
libpcl-all |
Dependant Packages
Name | Deps |
jsk_pcl_ros | |
jsk_pcl_ros_utils | |
octomap_mapping |
Launch files
- launch/octomap_tracking_server.launch
- path [default: ]
- changeIdFrame [default: /talker/changes]
- launch/octomap_tracking_client.launch
- launch/octomap_mapping.launch
- Example launch file for octomap_server mapping: Listens to incoming PointCloud2 data and incrementally builds an octomap. The data is sent out in different representations. Copy this file into your workspace and adjust as needed, see www.ros.org/wiki/octomap_server for details
- launch/octomap_mapping_nodelet.launch
- Example launch file for octomap_server mapping using nodelets: Listens to incoming PointCloud2 data and incrementally builds an octomap. The data is sent out in different representations. Copy this file into your workspace and adjust as needed, see www.ros.org/wiki/octomap_server for details
No message files found.
No service files found
Recent questions tagged octomap_server at Robotics Stack Exchange
![]() |
octomap_server package from octomap_mapping repooctomap_mapping octomap_server |
Package Summary
Tags | No category tags. |
Version | 0.5.3 |
License | BSD |
Build type | CATKIN |
Repository Summary
Checkout URI | https://github.com/OctoMap/octomap_mapping.git |
VCS Type | git |
VCS Version | hydro-devel |
Last Updated | 2014-01-09 |
Dev Status | MAINTAINED |
CI status | Continuous Integration |
Released | RELEASED |
Tags | No category tags. |
Contributing |
Help Wanted (0)
Good First Issues (0) Pull Requests to Review (0) |
Package Description
octomap_server loads a 3D map (as Octree-based OctoMap) and distributes it to other nodes in a compact binary format.
It also allows to incrementally build 3D OctoMaps, and provides map saving in the node octomap_saver.
Additional Links
- Armin Hornung
- Armin Hornung
No README found.
See repository README.
Changelog for package octomap_server
0.5.3 (2014-01-09)
- Fixing PCL linking errors on build farm
0.5.2 (2014-01-09)
- Fixing PCL linking errors on build farm
0.5.1 (2013-11-25)
- Fix missing nodelet plugin from install
0.5.0 (2013-10-24)
- Small fix in octomap_server_static usage
- Catkinization, remove support for arm_navigation
0.4.9 (2013-06-27)
- cleanup of unused functions
- Parameters, reading .bt files in octomap_server_static
- added simple octomap_server_static node to serve OctoMaps from .ot files (no scan integration)
- Fix for incremental 2D projection map updates (thx to B.Coenen for the report)
- Publish free space as MarkerArray and CollisionMap (set parameter ~publish_free_space=True to enable). Thx to I. Wieser!
- renamed OctomapServer's NodeHandle constructor parameter to be more clear, added the same to OctomapServerMultilayer
0.4.8 (2013-01-08)
- Applied patch from issue #7: Nodelet version of octomap_server Modified to not change the global namespace
- fixes for cmake / catkin
- fixed octomap_server for OctoMap 1.5 (deprecations), adjusted to new msg format
- changed message format to contain only data, meta information stored in new message fields (untested for Groovy)
0.4.6 (2013-01-28)
- Added NodeHandle parameter to OctomapServerMultilayer constructor
- Commited patch #7, contributed by M. Liebhardt: Nodelet version of the octomap server
- octomap_server and octomap_saver now fully support both binary and full occupancy maps
- octomap_server can now open .ot files properly, updated octomap_ros to new-style stack.xml
- deprecated OctomapROS in octomap_ros => directly use octomap lib and conversions.h
- removed OctomapROS wrapper from octomap_server classes
- octomap_server manifest exports dynamic_reconfigure path in cppflags
- parameter in launch file adjusted
0.4.5 (2012-06-18)
- new parameter to enable incremental 2D mapping (experimental, default: false)
- bug fix for OctomapServer map projection
- Fixed OctomapServer not clearing obstacles in projected 2D map properly
- fixed map reset and incremental 2D updates
- added arm layer height lookup
- Fixed resolution change (dynamic_reconfigure) and dynamic map size w. incremental updates
- incremental update of projected 2D maps only in updated 3D region, map dynamically grows
- increased Electric compatibility of octomap_server
- OctomapServer keeps track of update region for downprojected 2D map
0.4.4 (2012-04-20)
- Turned octomap_msgs and octomap_ros into unary stacks, code in octomap_mapping adjusted
0.4.3 (2012-04-17)
- Merged rev 2477:2613 from trunk:
- fixed ground filter
- added missing license headers, improved code layout to ROS standard
- adjusted to OctoMap 1.4 changes
- collision map publisher & eraser script ported from branch
- disabled lazy update temporarily (needs param)
- dynamic reconfigure interface to limit query depth (and voxel resolution) on the fly
0.4.2 (2012-03-16)
- fixed ground filter (from trunk, electric)nVersion increased to 0.4.2
0.4.1 (2012-02-21 16:50)
- switched octomap_ros and octomap_server to pure CMake-style linking, version 0.4.1
- removed uneccesary FindEigen.cmake files
0.4.0 (2012-02-21 15:37)
- removed eigen package from depends
- Transitioned octomap package to deprecated, now forwards flags with pkg-config to system dependency
0.3.8 (2012-04-26)
- increased octomap version to 1.4.2, stack version 0.3.8
0.3.7 (2012-02-22)
- removed temp. workaround for unstable (Eigen for PCL included), increased stack version to 0.3.7
- server/client architecture for octomap_server
- octomap_server: ground plane filter defaults to false, base_footprint frame now only required when filtering
0.3.6 (2012-01-09)
- changed to Eigen rosdep for electric and fuerte
0.3.5 (2011-10-30)
- added OctomapServerMultilayer as stub
- More refactoring of octomap_server, added hooks for node traversal
- OctomapServerCombined is now OctomapServer
- cleanup of octomap_server
- - adjusted octomap_mapping trunk to compile against ROS electric (only affects octomap_server). => use branch for diamondback!
0.3.4 (2011-10-12)
- publish empty map (+vis) after reset
- OctomapServerCombined: Drop old octree completely when resetting
- OctomapServerCombined: Parameter for latching topics, reset service
- added srv and service implementation to clear a bbx region in OctomapServerCombined
- OctomapServer: private -> protected added default constructor
- octomap_server:
- fixed 2D map for larger volumes
- now handles an initial file always as static, topics are published latched then
- removed debug PCD writing
- ground filter now more reliable, filtering in base frame of robot instead of global frame.
- more parameters for ground filter
0.3.3 (2011-08-17 07:41)
- octomap package udpate to use new OctoMap 1.2 library only (no visualization). Removed dependency on Qt / QGLViewer.
- fixed ground plane appearing as occupied
0.3.2 (2011-08-09)
- merged in changes of octomap_mapping trunk (up to rev 1781):
- octomap updated to 1.1.1 (testing), tarball URL on ros.org
- ground plane extraction OctomapServerCombined, configurable using PCL
- fixes and cleanup in OctomapServerCombined
- parameters for ground plane filtering
- Ground plane extraction improved
- Ground plane extraction (pcl) for testing
- octomap: use OctoMap 1.1.1 (testing)
- octomap_server: handle larger pruned nodes in 2D map projection
- refactoring & cleanup of OctomapServerCombined, ready for ground plane extraction
- merged back octomap_server from experimental branch:
- proper class with more capabilities
- now sends out map in various representations / visualizations
- subscribes to PointCloud2 with tf::MessageFilter
- uses octomap_ros wrapper / conversions
- OctomapServerCombined (experimental): also builds downprojected 2D map
- added MoveMap.msg from octomap2, extended conversions.h
- templated octomapMsg conversion functions
- octomap_saver adjusted to moved locations
- Moved messages and conversions to octomap_ros from octomap_server
- Removed unnecessary exports in manifests
- fixes in mainfest / stack.xml for ROS 1.3
- doxygen properly configured with rosdoc
- stack release 0.1.2 prep
- Preparations for .deb releases
- License in cpp files, restored compatibility with boxturtle
- Adjusted license to BSD, more parameters in octomap_server
- OctoMap server (copied from octomap repo, trunk)
- Initial checkin of octomap stack (nearly empty at the moment)
0.3.1 (2011-07-15)
- Patched for arm_navigation changes in "unstable"
0.3.0 (2011-06-28)
- merged back octomap_server from experimental branch:
- proper class with more capabilities
- now sends out map in various representations / visualizations
- subscribes to PointCloud2 with tf::MessageFilter
- uses octomap_ros wrapper / conversions
- OctomapServerCombined (experimental): also builds downprojected 2D map
- added MoveMap.msg from octomap2, extended conversions.h
- templated octomapMsg conversion functions
0.2.0 (2011-03-16)
- updated stack.xml for cturtle only
- octomap_saver adjusted to moved locations
- Moved messages and conversions to octomap_ros from octomap_server
- Removed unnecessary exports in manifests
0.1.2 (2010-11-23)
- fixes in mainfest / stack.xml for ROS 1.3
- doxygen properly configured with rosdoc
- stack release 0.1.2 prep
0.1.1 (2010-11-17)
0.1.0 (2010-11-16)
- Preparations for .deb releases
- License in cpp files, restored compatibility with boxturtle
- Adjusted license to BSD, more parameters in octomap_server
- OctoMap server (copied from octomap repo, trunk)
- Initial checkin of octomap stack (nearly empty at the moment)
Wiki Tutorials
This package does not provide any links to tutorials in it's rosindex metadata.
You can check on the ROS Wiki Tutorials page for the package.
Package Dependencies
Deps | Name |
roscpp | |
visualization_msgs | |
sensor_msgs | |
pcl_ros | |
pcl_conversions | |
nav_msgs | |
std_msgs | |
std_srvs | |
octomap | |
octomap_msgs | |
octomap_ros | |
dynamic_reconfigure | |
nodelet | |
catkin |
System Dependencies
Name |
libpcl-all-dev |
libpcl-all |
Dependant Packages
Name | Deps |
jsk_pcl_ros | |
jsk_pcl_ros_utils | |
octomap_mapping | |
r2_gazebo |
Launch files
- launch/octomap_tracking_server.launch
- launch/octomap_tracking_client.launch
- launch/octomap_mapping.launch
- Example launch file for octomap_server mapping: Listens to incoming PointCloud2 data and incrementally builds an octomap. The data is sent out in different representations. Copy this file into your workspace and adjust as needed, see www.ros.org/wiki/octomap_server for details
- launch/octomap_mapping_nodelet.launch
- Example launch file for octomap_server mapping using nodelets: Listens to incoming PointCloud2 data and incrementally builds an octomap. The data is sent out in different representations. Copy this file into your workspace and adjust as needed, see www.ros.org/wiki/octomap_server for details
No message files found.
No service files found
Recent questions tagged octomap_server at Robotics Stack Exchange
![]() |
octomap_server package from octomap_mapping repooctomap_mapping octomap_server |
Package Summary
Tags | No category tags. |
Version | 0.6.8 |
License | BSD |
Build type | CATKIN |
Repository Summary
Checkout URI | https://github.com/OctoMap/octomap_mapping.git |
VCS Type | git |
VCS Version | kinetic-devel |
Last Updated | 2024-03-24 |
Dev Status | MAINTAINED |
CI status | Continuous Integration |
Released | RELEASED |
Tags | No category tags. |
Contributing |
Help Wanted (0)
Good First Issues (0) Pull Requests to Review (0) |
Package Description
octomap_server loads a 3D map (as Octree-based OctoMap) and distributes it to other nodes in a compact binary format. It also allows to incrementally build 3D OctoMaps, and provides map saving in the node octomap_saver.
Additional Links
- Wolfgang Merkt
- Armin Hornung
No README found.
See repository README.
Changelog for package octomap_server
0.6.8 (2024-03-24)
- Change frame id "/map" to "map" to prevent RViz visualization warnings in ROS Noetic caused by tf (#124
- Initialize quaternion to avoid RViz warning (#112)
- Update for PCL deprecated and removed API (#118)
- Update pluginlib headers (#114)
- Update boost::placeholders (#105)
- Fix publishing of projected map on reset (#92)
- Add a min range parameter (#100)
- Contributors: Lovro Markovic, Lucas Walter, Wolfgang Merkt, Zhefan-Xu, yuri-r
0.6.7 (2021-12-24)
- Address warnings on Noetic (#81)
- Contributors: Wolfgang Merkt
0.6.6 (2020-12-08)
- Update CI, package format, dependencies to address dependency issue on Debian Buster (#79)
- Contributors: Wolfgang Merkt
0.6.5 (2020-04-23)
0.6.4 (2020-01-08)
- Add private node handle to fix nodelet support (#61), fixes #39
- Add octomap_server_color library by default (#60) - by Matthew Powelson
- Check if part of a voxel is in occupancy range (#59) - by Jasper v. B.
- Contributors: Matthew Powelson, Wolfgang Merkt, Jasper v. B.
0.6.3 (2019-01-28)
- Fix compilation on Debian Stretch
- Get rgb from point cloud iterator without byte shift
- Contributors: Kentaro Wada, Wolfgang Merkt
0.6.2 (2019-01-27)
- Update maintainer email (Wolfgang Merkt)
- Change catkin_package [DEPENDS]{.title-ref} to [OCTOMAP]{.title-ref} to avoid CMake warning
- Update maintainer email (Arming Hornung)
- Update to use non deprecated pluginlib macro
- Fixed memory leak of colors pointer if COLOR_OCTOMAP_SERVER defined
- Contributors: Armin Hornung, Mikael Arguedas, Ronky, Wolfgang Merkt
0.6.1 (2016-10-19)
- Fix for Colored Octomap: Use PCLPoint everywhere Fixes compiler error when enabling the define for color.
- Fixed maxRange bug in OctomapServer.cpp for clearing
- Adjust maintainer email
- Contributors: Armin Hornung, Brandon Kinman, Felix Endres
0.6.0 (2016-03-25)
- Add sensor model parameters to dynamic_reconfigure
- Load map file from rosparam
- Add x and y filter for pointcloud
- Preparations for ColorOctomapServer (compile option, from source)
- Fix iterator in OctomapServer
- TrackingOctomapServer: Publish node center rather than index, prevent from publishing empty cloud
- Contributors: Armin Hornung, Javier V. Gomez, JJeremie Deray, MasakiMurooka, Shohei Fujii, Wolfgang Merkt
0.5.3 (2014-01-09)
- Fixing PCL linking errors on build farm
0.5.2 (2014-01-09)
- Fixing PCL linking errors on build farm
0.5.1 (2013-11-25)
- Fix missing nodelet plugin from install
0.5.0 (2013-10-24)
- Small fix in octomap_server_static usage
- Catkinization, remove support for arm_navigation
0.4.9 (2013-06-27)
- cleanup of unused functions
- Parameters, reading .bt files in octomap_server_static
- added simple octomap_server_static node to serve OctoMaps from .ot files (no scan integration)
- Fix for incremental 2D projection map updates (thx to B.Coenen for the report)
- Publish free space as MarkerArray and CollisionMap (set parameter ~publish_free_space=True to enable). Thx to I. Wieser!
- renamed OctomapServer's NodeHandle constructor parameter to be more clear, added the same to OctomapServerMultilayer
0.4.8 (2013-01-08)
- Applied patch from issue #7: Nodelet version of octomap_server Modified to not change the global namespace
- fixes for cmake / catkin
- fixed octomap_server for OctoMap 1.5 (deprecations), adjusted to new msg format
- changed message format to contain only data, meta information stored in new message fields (untested for Groovy)
0.4.6 (2013-01-28)
- Added NodeHandle parameter to OctomapServerMultilayer constructor
- Commited patch #7, contributed by M. Liebhardt: Nodelet version of the octomap server
- octomap_server and octomap_saver now fully support both binary and full occupancy maps
- octomap_server can now open .ot files properly, updated octomap_ros to new-style stack.xml
- deprecated OctomapROS in octomap_ros => directly use octomap lib and conversions.h
- removed OctomapROS wrapper from octomap_server classes
- octomap_server manifest exports dynamic_reconfigure path in cppflags
- parameter in launch file adjusted
0.4.5 (2012-06-18)
- new parameter to enable incremental 2D mapping (experimental, default: false)
- bug fix for OctomapServer map projection
- Fixed OctomapServer not clearing obstacles in projected 2D map properly
- fixed map reset and incremental 2D updates
- added arm layer height lookup
- Fixed resolution change (dynamic_reconfigure) and dynamic map size w. incremental updates
- incremental update of projected 2D maps only in updated 3D region, map dynamically grows
- increased Electric compatibility of octomap_server
- OctomapServer keeps track of update region for downprojected 2D map
0.4.4 (2012-04-20)
- Turned octomap_msgs and octomap_ros into unary stacks, code in octomap_mapping adjusted
0.4.3 (2012-04-17)
- Merged rev 2477:2613 from trunk:
- fixed ground filter
- added missing license headers, improved code layout to ROS standard
- adjusted to OctoMap 1.4 changes
- collision map publisher & eraser script ported from branch
- disabled lazy update temporarily (needs param)
- dynamic reconfigure interface to limit query depth (and voxel resolution) on the fly
0.4.2 (2012-03-16)
- fixed ground filter (from trunk, electric)nVersion increased to 0.4.2
0.4.1 (2012-02-21 16:50)
- switched octomap_ros and octomap_server to pure CMake-style linking, version 0.4.1
- removed uneccesary FindEigen.cmake files
0.4.0 (2012-02-21 15:37)
- removed eigen package from depends
- Transitioned octomap package to deprecated, now forwards flags with pkg-config to system dependency
0.3.8 (2012-04-26)
- increased octomap version to 1.4.2, stack version 0.3.8
0.3.7 (2012-02-22)
- removed temp. workaround for unstable (Eigen for PCL included), increased stack version to 0.3.7
- server/client architecture for octomap_server
- octomap_server: ground plane filter defaults to false, base_footprint frame now only required when filtering
0.3.6 (2012-01-09)
- changed to Eigen rosdep for electric and fuerte
0.3.5 (2011-10-30)
- added OctomapServerMultilayer as stub
- More refactoring of octomap_server, added hooks for node traversal
- OctomapServerCombined is now OctomapServer
- cleanup of octomap_server
- - adjusted octomap_mapping trunk to compile against ROS electric (only affects octomap_server). => use branch for diamondback!
0.3.4 (2011-10-12)
- publish empty map (+vis) after reset
- OctomapServerCombined: Drop old octree completely when resetting
- OctomapServerCombined: Parameter for latching topics, reset service
- added srv and service implementation to clear a bbx region in OctomapServerCombined
- OctomapServer: private -> protected added default constructor
- octomap_server:
- fixed 2D map for larger volumes
- now handles an initial file always as static, topics are published latched then
- removed debug PCD writing
- ground filter now more reliable, filtering in base frame of robot instead of global frame.
- more parameters for ground filter
0.3.3 (2011-08-17 07:41)
- octomap package udpate to use new OctoMap 1.2 library only (no visualization). Removed dependency on Qt / QGLViewer.
- fixed ground plane appearing as occupied
0.3.2 (2011-08-09)
- merged in changes of octomap_mapping trunk (up to rev 1781):
- octomap updated to 1.1.1 (testing), tarball URL on ros.org
- ground plane extraction OctomapServerCombined, configurable using PCL
- fixes and cleanup in OctomapServerCombined
- parameters for ground plane filtering
- Ground plane extraction improved
- Ground plane extraction (pcl) for testing
- octomap: use OctoMap 1.1.1 (testing)
- octomap_server: handle larger pruned nodes in 2D map projection
- refactoring & cleanup of OctomapServerCombined, ready for ground plane extraction
- merged back octomap_server from experimental branch:
- proper class with more capabilities
- now sends out map in various representations / visualizations
- subscribes to PointCloud2 with tf::MessageFilter
- uses octomap_ros wrapper / conversions
- OctomapServerCombined (experimental): also builds downprojected 2D map
- added MoveMap.msg from octomap2, extended conversions.h
- templated octomapMsg conversion functions
- octomap_saver adjusted to moved locations
- Moved messages and conversions to octomap_ros from octomap_server
- Removed unnecessary exports in manifests
- fixes in mainfest / stack.xml for ROS 1.3
- doxygen properly configured with rosdoc
- stack release 0.1.2 prep
- Preparations for .deb releases
- License in cpp files, restored compatibility with boxturtle
- Adjusted license to BSD, more parameters in octomap_server
- OctoMap server (copied from octomap repo, trunk)
- Initial checkin of octomap stack (nearly empty at the moment)
0.3.1 (2011-07-15)
- Patched for arm_navigation changes in "unstable"
0.3.0 (2011-06-28)
- merged back octomap_server from experimental branch:
- proper class with more capabilities
- now sends out map in various representations / visualizations
- subscribes to PointCloud2 with tf::MessageFilter
- uses octomap_ros wrapper / conversions
- OctomapServerCombined (experimental): also builds downprojected 2D map
- added MoveMap.msg from octomap2, extended conversions.h
- templated octomapMsg conversion functions
0.2.0 (2011-03-16)
- updated stack.xml for cturtle only
- octomap_saver adjusted to moved locations
- Moved messages and conversions to octomap_ros from octomap_server
- Removed unnecessary exports in manifests
0.1.2 (2010-11-23)
- fixes in mainfest / stack.xml for ROS 1.3
- doxygen properly configured with rosdoc
- stack release 0.1.2 prep
0.1.1 (2010-11-17)
0.1.0 (2010-11-16)
- Preparations for .deb releases
- License in cpp files, restored compatibility with boxturtle
- Adjusted license to BSD, more parameters in octomap_server
- OctoMap server (copied from octomap repo, trunk)
- Initial checkin of octomap stack (nearly empty at the moment)
Wiki Tutorials
This package does not provide any links to tutorials in it's rosindex metadata.
You can check on the ROS Wiki Tutorials page for the package.
Package Dependencies
Deps | Name |
roscpp | |
visualization_msgs | |
sensor_msgs | |
pcl_ros | |
pcl_conversions | |
nav_msgs | |
std_msgs | |
std_srvs | |
octomap | |
octomap_msgs | |
octomap_ros | |
dynamic_reconfigure | |
nodelet | |
catkin |
System Dependencies
No direct system dependencies.
Dependant Packages
Launch files
- launch/octomap_tracking_server.launch
- path [default: ]
- changeIdFrame [default: /talker/changes]
- launch/octomap_tracking_client.launch
- launch/octomap_mapping.launch
- Example launch file for octomap_server mapping: Listens to incoming PointCloud2 data and incrementally builds an octomap. The data is sent out in different representations. Copy this file into your workspace and adjust as needed, see www.ros.org/wiki/octomap_server for details
- launch/octomap_mapping_nodelet.launch
- Example launch file for octomap_server mapping using nodelets: Listens to incoming PointCloud2 data and incrementally builds an octomap. The data is sent out in different representations. Copy this file into your workspace and adjust as needed, see www.ros.org/wiki/octomap_server for details
No message files found.
No service files found
Recent questions tagged octomap_server at Robotics Stack Exchange
![]() |
octomap_server package from octomap_mapping repooctomap_mapping octomap_server |
Package Summary
Tags | No category tags. |
Version | 0.6.8 |
License | BSD |
Build type | CATKIN |
Repository Summary
Checkout URI | https://github.com/OctoMap/octomap_mapping.git |
VCS Type | git |
VCS Version | kinetic-devel |
Last Updated | 2024-03-24 |
Dev Status | MAINTAINED |
CI status | Continuous Integration : 0 / 0 |
Released | RELEASED |
Tags | No category tags. |
Contributing |
Help Wanted (0)
Good First Issues (0) Pull Requests to Review (0) |
Package Description
octomap_server loads a 3D map (as Octree-based OctoMap) and distributes it to other nodes in a compact binary format. It also allows to incrementally build 3D OctoMaps, and provides map saving in the node octomap_saver.
Additional Links
- Wolfgang Merkt
- Armin Hornung
No README found.
See repository README.
Changelog for package octomap_server
0.6.8 (2024-03-24)
- Change frame id "/map" to "map" to prevent RViz visualization warnings in ROS Noetic caused by tf (#124
- Initialize quaternion to avoid RViz warning (#112)
- Update for PCL deprecated and removed API (#118)
- Update pluginlib headers (#114)
- Update boost::placeholders (#105)
- Fix publishing of projected map on reset (#92)
- Add a min range parameter (#100)
- Contributors: Lovro Markovic, Lucas Walter, Wolfgang Merkt, Zhefan-Xu, yuri-r
0.6.7 (2021-12-24)
- Address warnings on Noetic (#81)
- Contributors: Wolfgang Merkt
0.6.6 (2020-12-08)
- Update CI, package format, dependencies to address dependency issue on Debian Buster (#79)
- Contributors: Wolfgang Merkt
0.6.5 (2020-04-23)
0.6.4 (2020-01-08)
- Add private node handle to fix nodelet support (#61), fixes #39
- Add octomap_server_color library by default (#60) - by Matthew Powelson
- Check if part of a voxel is in occupancy range (#59) - by Jasper v. B.
- Contributors: Matthew Powelson, Wolfgang Merkt, Jasper v. B.
0.6.3 (2019-01-28)
- Fix compilation on Debian Stretch
- Get rgb from point cloud iterator without byte shift
- Contributors: Kentaro Wada, Wolfgang Merkt
0.6.2 (2019-01-27)
- Update maintainer email (Wolfgang Merkt)
- Change catkin_package [DEPENDS]{.title-ref} to [OCTOMAP]{.title-ref} to avoid CMake warning
- Update maintainer email (Arming Hornung)
- Update to use non deprecated pluginlib macro
- Fixed memory leak of colors pointer if COLOR_OCTOMAP_SERVER defined
- Contributors: Armin Hornung, Mikael Arguedas, Ronky, Wolfgang Merkt
0.6.1 (2016-10-19)
- Fix for Colored Octomap: Use PCLPoint everywhere Fixes compiler error when enabling the define for color.
- Fixed maxRange bug in OctomapServer.cpp for clearing
- Adjust maintainer email
- Contributors: Armin Hornung, Brandon Kinman, Felix Endres
0.6.0 (2016-03-25)
- Add sensor model parameters to dynamic_reconfigure
- Load map file from rosparam
- Add x and y filter for pointcloud
- Preparations for ColorOctomapServer (compile option, from source)
- Fix iterator in OctomapServer
- TrackingOctomapServer: Publish node center rather than index, prevent from publishing empty cloud
- Contributors: Armin Hornung, Javier V. Gomez, JJeremie Deray, MasakiMurooka, Shohei Fujii, Wolfgang Merkt
0.5.3 (2014-01-09)
- Fixing PCL linking errors on build farm
0.5.2 (2014-01-09)
- Fixing PCL linking errors on build farm
0.5.1 (2013-11-25)
- Fix missing nodelet plugin from install
0.5.0 (2013-10-24)
- Small fix in octomap_server_static usage
- Catkinization, remove support for arm_navigation
0.4.9 (2013-06-27)
- cleanup of unused functions
- Parameters, reading .bt files in octomap_server_static
- added simple octomap_server_static node to serve OctoMaps from .ot files (no scan integration)
- Fix for incremental 2D projection map updates (thx to B.Coenen for the report)
- Publish free space as MarkerArray and CollisionMap (set parameter ~publish_free_space=True to enable). Thx to I. Wieser!
- renamed OctomapServer's NodeHandle constructor parameter to be more clear, added the same to OctomapServerMultilayer
0.4.8 (2013-01-08)
- Applied patch from issue #7: Nodelet version of octomap_server Modified to not change the global namespace
- fixes for cmake / catkin
- fixed octomap_server for OctoMap 1.5 (deprecations), adjusted to new msg format
- changed message format to contain only data, meta information stored in new message fields (untested for Groovy)
0.4.6 (2013-01-28)
- Added NodeHandle parameter to OctomapServerMultilayer constructor
- Commited patch #7, contributed by M. Liebhardt: Nodelet version of the octomap server
- octomap_server and octomap_saver now fully support both binary and full occupancy maps
- octomap_server can now open .ot files properly, updated octomap_ros to new-style stack.xml
- deprecated OctomapROS in octomap_ros => directly use octomap lib and conversions.h
- removed OctomapROS wrapper from octomap_server classes
- octomap_server manifest exports dynamic_reconfigure path in cppflags
- parameter in launch file adjusted
0.4.5 (2012-06-18)
- new parameter to enable incremental 2D mapping (experimental, default: false)
- bug fix for OctomapServer map projection
- Fixed OctomapServer not clearing obstacles in projected 2D map properly
- fixed map reset and incremental 2D updates
- added arm layer height lookup
- Fixed resolution change (dynamic_reconfigure) and dynamic map size w. incremental updates
- incremental update of projected 2D maps only in updated 3D region, map dynamically grows
- increased Electric compatibility of octomap_server
- OctomapServer keeps track of update region for downprojected 2D map
0.4.4 (2012-04-20)
- Turned octomap_msgs and octomap_ros into unary stacks, code in octomap_mapping adjusted
0.4.3 (2012-04-17)
- Merged rev 2477:2613 from trunk:
- fixed ground filter
- added missing license headers, improved code layout to ROS standard
- adjusted to OctoMap 1.4 changes
- collision map publisher & eraser script ported from branch
- disabled lazy update temporarily (needs param)
- dynamic reconfigure interface to limit query depth (and voxel resolution) on the fly
0.4.2 (2012-03-16)
- fixed ground filter (from trunk, electric)nVersion increased to 0.4.2
0.4.1 (2012-02-21 16:50)
- switched octomap_ros and octomap_server to pure CMake-style linking, version 0.4.1
- removed uneccesary FindEigen.cmake files
0.4.0 (2012-02-21 15:37)
- removed eigen package from depends
- Transitioned octomap package to deprecated, now forwards flags with pkg-config to system dependency
0.3.8 (2012-04-26)
- increased octomap version to 1.4.2, stack version 0.3.8
0.3.7 (2012-02-22)
- removed temp. workaround for unstable (Eigen for PCL included), increased stack version to 0.3.7
- server/client architecture for octomap_server
- octomap_server: ground plane filter defaults to false, base_footprint frame now only required when filtering
0.3.6 (2012-01-09)
- changed to Eigen rosdep for electric and fuerte
0.3.5 (2011-10-30)
- added OctomapServerMultilayer as stub
- More refactoring of octomap_server, added hooks for node traversal
- OctomapServerCombined is now OctomapServer
- cleanup of octomap_server
- - adjusted octomap_mapping trunk to compile against ROS electric (only affects octomap_server). => use branch for diamondback!
0.3.4 (2011-10-12)
- publish empty map (+vis) after reset
- OctomapServerCombined: Drop old octree completely when resetting
- OctomapServerCombined: Parameter for latching topics, reset service
- added srv and service implementation to clear a bbx region in OctomapServerCombined
- OctomapServer: private -> protected added default constructor
- octomap_server:
- fixed 2D map for larger volumes
- now handles an initial file always as static, topics are published latched then
- removed debug PCD writing
- ground filter now more reliable, filtering in base frame of robot instead of global frame.
- more parameters for ground filter
0.3.3 (2011-08-17 07:41)
- octomap package udpate to use new OctoMap 1.2 library only (no visualization). Removed dependency on Qt / QGLViewer.
- fixed ground plane appearing as occupied
0.3.2 (2011-08-09)
- merged in changes of octomap_mapping trunk (up to rev 1781):
- octomap updated to 1.1.1 (testing), tarball URL on ros.org
- ground plane extraction OctomapServerCombined, configurable using PCL
- fixes and cleanup in OctomapServerCombined
- parameters for ground plane filtering
- Ground plane extraction improved
- Ground plane extraction (pcl) for testing
- octomap: use OctoMap 1.1.1 (testing)
- octomap_server: handle larger pruned nodes in 2D map projection
- refactoring & cleanup of OctomapServerCombined, ready for ground plane extraction
- merged back octomap_server from experimental branch:
- proper class with more capabilities
- now sends out map in various representations / visualizations
- subscribes to PointCloud2 with tf::MessageFilter
- uses octomap_ros wrapper / conversions
- OctomapServerCombined (experimental): also builds downprojected 2D map
- added MoveMap.msg from octomap2, extended conversions.h
- templated octomapMsg conversion functions
- octomap_saver adjusted to moved locations
- Moved messages and conversions to octomap_ros from octomap_server
- Removed unnecessary exports in manifests
- fixes in mainfest / stack.xml for ROS 1.3
- doxygen properly configured with rosdoc
- stack release 0.1.2 prep
- Preparations for .deb releases
- License in cpp files, restored compatibility with boxturtle
- Adjusted license to BSD, more parameters in octomap_server
- OctoMap server (copied from octomap repo, trunk)
- Initial checkin of octomap stack (nearly empty at the moment)
0.3.1 (2011-07-15)
- Patched for arm_navigation changes in "unstable"
0.3.0 (2011-06-28)
- merged back octomap_server from experimental branch:
- proper class with more capabilities
- now sends out map in various representations / visualizations
- subscribes to PointCloud2 with tf::MessageFilter
- uses octomap_ros wrapper / conversions
- OctomapServerCombined (experimental): also builds downprojected 2D map
- added MoveMap.msg from octomap2, extended conversions.h
- templated octomapMsg conversion functions
0.2.0 (2011-03-16)
- updated stack.xml for cturtle only
- octomap_saver adjusted to moved locations
- Moved messages and conversions to octomap_ros from octomap_server
- Removed unnecessary exports in manifests
0.1.2 (2010-11-23)
- fixes in mainfest / stack.xml for ROS 1.3
- doxygen properly configured with rosdoc
- stack release 0.1.2 prep
0.1.1 (2010-11-17)
0.1.0 (2010-11-16)
- Preparations for .deb releases
- License in cpp files, restored compatibility with boxturtle
- Adjusted license to BSD, more parameters in octomap_server
- OctoMap server (copied from octomap repo, trunk)
- Initial checkin of octomap stack (nearly empty at the moment)
Wiki Tutorials
This package does not provide any links to tutorials in it's rosindex metadata.
You can check on the ROS Wiki Tutorials page for the package.
Package Dependencies
Deps | Name |
roscpp | |
visualization_msgs | |
sensor_msgs | |
pcl_ros | |
pcl_conversions | |
nav_msgs | |
std_msgs | |
std_srvs | |
octomap | |
octomap_msgs | |
octomap_ros | |
dynamic_reconfigure | |
nodelet | |
catkin |
System Dependencies
No direct system dependencies.
Dependant Packages
Name | Deps |
jsk_pcl_ros | |
jsk_pcl_ros_utils | |
octomap_mapping |
Launch files
- launch/octomap_tracking_server.launch
- path [default: ]
- changeIdFrame [default: /talker/changes]
- launch/octomap_tracking_client.launch
- launch/octomap_mapping.launch
- Example launch file for octomap_server mapping: Listens to incoming PointCloud2 data and incrementally builds an octomap. The data is sent out in different representations. Copy this file into your workspace and adjust as needed, see www.ros.org/wiki/octomap_server for details
- launch/octomap_mapping_nodelet.launch
- Example launch file for octomap_server mapping using nodelets: Listens to incoming PointCloud2 data and incrementally builds an octomap. The data is sent out in different representations. Copy this file into your workspace and adjust as needed, see www.ros.org/wiki/octomap_server for details
No message files found.
No service files found