No version for distro humble. Known supported distros are highlighted in the buttons above.
No version for distro jazzy. Known supported distros are highlighted in the buttons above.
No version for distro rolling. Known supported distros are highlighted in the buttons above.
No version for distro noetic. Known supported distros are highlighted in the buttons above.
No version for distro ardent. Known supported distros are highlighted in the buttons above.
No version for distro bouncy. Known supported distros are highlighted in the buttons above.
No version for distro crystal. Known supported distros are highlighted in the buttons above.
No version for distro eloquent. Known supported distros are highlighted in the buttons above.
No version for distro dashing. Known supported distros are highlighted in the buttons above.
No version for distro galactic. Known supported distros are highlighted in the buttons above.
No version for distro foxy. Known supported distros are highlighted in the buttons above.
No version for distro iron. Known supported distros are highlighted in the buttons above.
No version for distro lunar. Known supported distros are highlighted in the buttons above.
No version for distro jade. Known supported distros are highlighted in the buttons above.
Package Summary
Tags | No category tags. |
Version | 4.3.0 |
License | BSD |
Build type | CATKIN |
Repository Summary
Checkout URI | |
VCS Type | git |
VCS Version | master |
Last Updated | 2024-01-16 |
Dev Status | DEVELOPED |
CI status | No Continuous Integration |
Released | UNRELEASED |
Tags | No category tags. |
Contributing |
Help Wanted (0)
Good First Issues (0) Pull Requests to Review (0) |
Package Description
Common stacks for Amazon Picking Challenge 2016
Additional Links
- Hasegawa Shun
- Kim Heecheol
- Shingo Kitagawa
- Bando Masahiro
- Kentaro Wada
- Yusuke Niitani
No additional authors.
No README found.
See repository README.
Changelog for package jsk_2016_01_baxter_apc
4.3.0 (2021-07-14)
4.2.1 (2019-04-18)
- add baxter_moveit_config depend in jsk_2016_01_baxter_apc
- remove roseus_mongo from jsk_2016_01_baxter_apc
- update load-ros-manifest for baxter-interface.l
- use smaller collision head
- Contributors: Shingo Kitagawa
4.2.0 (2017-11-01)
4.1.9 (2017-10-28)
- Install necessary directories
- Contributors: Kentaro Wada
4.1.8 (2017-10-26)
4.1.7 (2017-10-26)
- 4.1.6
- Update CHANGELOG.rst
- 4.1.5
- Update CHANGELOG.rst
- Contributors: Kentaro Wada
4.1.4 (2017-10-15)
4.1.6 (2017-10-24)
4.1.5 (2017-10-23)
- 4.1.4
- Contributors: Kentaro Wada
4.1.3 (2017-10-12)
4.1.2 (2017-10-11)
4.1.1 (2017-10-10)
- add object-index key in pick-object-in-order-bin
- use avs-raw with :fast in pick-object
- update shelf marker
- Fix missing include files I got [No such file or directory "ros/ros.h"]{.title-ref}.
- Move installation for jsk_2016_01_baxter_apc to doc
- Add light meshes
- Remove unnecessary meshes
- Contributors: Kentaro Wada, Shingo Kitagawa, Shun Hasegawa
4.1.0 (2017-08-12)
- use transformable_markers for kiva_pod
- move camera launch in setup launch
- Update LICENSE
- Move library to euslisp/lib for jsk_2015_05_baxter_apc
- Move library to euslisp/lib for jsk_2016_01_baxter_apc
- Contributors: Kentaro Wada, Shingo Kitagawa
4.0.9 (2017-07-29)
4.0.8 (2017-07-29)
4.0.7 (2017-07-28)
4.0.6 (2017-07-28)
4.0.5 (2017-07-28)
4.0.4 (2017-07-27)
4.0.3 (2017-07-27)
4.0.2 (2017-07-27)
4.0.1 (2017-07-26)
4.0.0 (2017-07-24)
- Use baxter_simple.urdf in jsk_2016_01_baxter_apc baxterrgv5.xacro
- Use baxter_simple.urdf in jsk_2016_01_baxter_apc baxter.xacro
- Re enable jsk_2016_01_baxter_apc's tests
- Contributors: Kentaro Wada
3.3.0 (2017-07-15)
- disable test to pass travis
- Contributors: Kei Okada
3.2.0 (2017-07-06)
3.1.0 (2017-06-30)
- Change save_dir in dynamic
- Launch right stereo camera in baxter.launch
- move stereo_camera_info files from jsk_2016_01_baxter_apc to jsk_arc2017_baxter
- Use arduino symlink in vacuum gripper
- Order agonistic options to control vacuum gripper
- Don't set link-list as nil in IK when it is unspecified (#2134)
- remove unused include_dirs
- move ik->nearest-pose method to baxter.l
- fix camera_name in yaml files
- add calibration yaml files of astra mini stereo
- temporarily tuned pressure threshold in calibration
- Contributors: Kentaro Wada, Shingo Kitagawa, Shun Hasegawa, Yuto Uchimi, YutoUchimi
3.0.3 (2017-05-18)
- fix default-controller not to set head twice (#2097)
- add roseus_mongo as run_depend (#2099)
- Contributors: Shingo Kitagawa
3.0.2 (2017-05-18)
- Put in order tags in CHANGELOG.rst
- Fix torque limit of prismatic joint in gripper (#2094)
- Move astra_hand_rgv5.launch into baxterrgv5.launch
- Contributors: Kentaro Wada, Shun Hasegawa
3.0.1 (2017-05-16)
- Find automatically astra device_id
- mv euslint to jsk_apc2016_common package
- Contributors: Kentaro Wada, Shingo Kitagawa
3.0.0 (2017-05-08)
- fix syntax in euslint
- improve euslint to accept path
- fix too long line in baxter-interface
- modify min-pressure threshold
- rename movable-region_ and set it in slots
- add head-controller in rarm-controller
- rename jsk_2016_01_baxter_apc slots name
- modify object_segmentation_3d to accept args
- Fix rosdep key for gdown: python-gdown-pip
- Include astra_hand in astra_hand_rgv5
- Add main launch for baxterrgv5
- Add lisp main and examples for baxterrgv5
- Add baxter-interface of baxterrgv5
- Calibrate Astra for gripper-v5
- Add launch for baxterrgv5
- Add ros_control system for gripper-v5
- Add launch for gripper-v5 dynamixel controllers
- Add a dynamixel controller for gripper-v5
- Add hose_connector_manager firmware
- Add models of baxterrgv5 (baxter with right gripper-v5)
- Add gripper-v5 meshes
- merge baxter_sim.launch and include/baxter_sim.xml
- Use rqt_yn_btn instead of rviz plugin In order to avoid the blocking of topic update on rviz.
- Add link to wiki
- Merge pull request #2030 from pazeshun/fix-dup-def Fix duplicate definition of variables
- Enable test_move_arm_to_bin
- Fix duplicate definition of variables
- Skip bin_B for which ik is difficult to be solved
- Faster scale for data collection
- update CMakelists to simplify euslint test
- fix typo in baxter_pick_sim and baxter_stow_sim
- add baxter_sim launch
- disable collision between head and gripper
- disable collision between pedestal and gripper
- disable collision between display and screen
- remove unused rosinstall
- Fix tf rate of camera 10 -> 100
- Use - instead of _ to define variable further
- Use - instead of _ to define variable
- Use let instead of let* as much as possible
- euslint escape ; in quotation
- Visualize objects in bin on Euslisp
- add left_first args to setup_for_stow
- Merge pull request #1994 from pazeshun/add-rotate-wrist-ik Add :rotate-wrist-ik
- Add :rotate-wrist-ik
- Fix long and bad variable name
- Fix :ik->nearest-pose not to move arms unintendedly
- Merge pull request #1999 from knorth55/ik-check-improve fix ik-check to work proper with gripper-v2
- fix codes in ik-check
- use gripper and set rotation axis in ik-check
- use alist to avoid segmentation fault (#1997)
- consider object bounding box to pick from tote
- Enable to set ik-prepared-poses
- Merge pull request #1985 from pazeshun/not-move-gripper Don't move gripper while carrying object in picking-with-sib
- Don't move gripper while carrying object in picking-with-sib
- Add no-gripper-controller
- Enable move-arm-body->order-bin to set controller type
- Enable send-av to set controller type
- Adjust picking-with-sib to current object segmentation
- Add method to get the work order of certain bin
- add gazebo material tag for gripper
- add inertia tag in both gripper.urdf.xacro
- fix trajectory_execution namespace see
- mv LICENSE and add kiva_pod stl model
- add ompl_planning and update param longest_valid_segment_fraction: 0.05 -> 0.01 this solves moveit path simplification error.
- specify to use av-seq-raw in spin-off-by-wrist
- add moveit group "both_arms" as :arms
- refine pick-object-in-order-bin motion
- fix movable-region warning current: this warning always shows up
- remove wait-interpolation from :hold-opposite-hand-object
- add dy key in :view-opposite-hand-pose
- add distance :move-arm-body->bin-with-support-arm
- remove place-object-pose when picking from tote
- modify view-hand-pose because we don't use kinect2
- add data_collection launch
- add moveit-environment in baxter-interface default key :moveit nil if you want to enable moveit, you need to set key :moveit t. (jsk_2016_01_baxter_apc::baxter-init :moveit t)
- add baxter_moveit launch for moveit usage
- add jskbaxter2 moveit_config
- add gazebo tag in vacuum_gripper.xacro
- set nil not to initialize default moveit config
- add gripper_trajectory_server for simulator
- update xacro wiki url
- Fix position of arduino firmware
- Add urdf checking launch
- comment out vgg object verification node
- Fix for not working :interpolatingp on simulation
- See :wait-interpolation on pr2eus/robot-interface.l also.
- add :move-arm-body->bin-with-support-arm in baxter-interface
- add :hold-opposite-hand-object in baxter-interface
- add :approaching-from-downside-pose in baxter-robot
- add :view-opposite-hand-pose in baxter-robot
- Fix typo in tmuxinator config
- add wait-interpolation-until-grasp method
- add option in euslint and remove indent check
- Add config for tmuxinator
- Add missing run_depend
- Adjust right hand mounted astra camera
- Fix KeyError for bin without target object
- Support no target in rqt_select_target
- modify debug-view nil not to show debug log
- comment out drawing irtviewer line
- Move images under jsk_apc2016_common to use it in launch correctly
- Remove that is not used You can just
run in shell:
` rospack list | awk '{print $1}' | grep baxter | xargs -t -n1 rosversion
` - Remove old README from jsk_2016_01_baxter_apc See
- Move srv to common package to fix dependency graph
- dependency graph should be jsk_2016_01_baxter_apc -> jsk_apc2016_common
- Contributors: Kentaro Wada, Shingo Kitagawa, Shun Hasegawa, pazeshun
2.0.0 (2016-10-22)
- fix error Unknown limb is passed: :arms
- format to pass test work_order_server
- rqt_select_target use service to update work_order
- rosparam pass work_order bin_contents from json
- use class and rospy.timer for work_order_server
- rename ->
- rename node: work_order -> strategic_work_order
- Merge pull request #1895 from knorth55/param-contents use param to pass bin contents and tote contents
- Merge pull request #1896 from start-jsk/fit-apply-context-to-label-probability Fit to apply_context_to_label_proba which is merged to jsk_perception
- Add yes_no_button for user input
- Launch rviz for user input in main.launch
- use rosparam to pass bin_contents
- change set_tote_contents_param to json_to_rosparam
- Use yes_no_button panel in rviz for user input
- Slower fold-pose-back initialization for apc task
- Add method to set object segmentation candidates to ri
- Fit to apply_context_to_label_proba which is merged to jsk_perception
- add json utils in util.l
- fix apc2016 simulation for baxter_simulator v1.2
- use arm2str in baxter-interface
- use object_segmentation_3d launch for stow task
- update tote pose
- Set initial target bin to check sanity
- Add checking sanity script for setup_for_pick.launch
- Add rviz config for pick demo
- Remove no need nodes from main.launch
- Use new 3D object segmentaion pipeline with euslisp controller
- Introduce new 3D object segmentation pipeline As proposed in
- Support non-list arg for ros::set-dynparam
- Add arm2str as util and use it
- Skip verification because of its unreliability
- Calibrate extrinsic parameters of astra cameras
- add astra intrinsic calibration file
- Add args to astra_hand.launch
- Add calibboard stickers
- Calibrate right hand mounted camera depth Also this updates the rvizconfig Conflicts: jsk_2016_01_baxter_apc/launch/include/astra_hand.launch
- add calib-pressure option in main program
- Use nodes to test arm-to-bin motion instead of rosbag
- Publish bin bounding boxes in baxter.launch This is useful because we can use baxter-interface.l without main.launch or main_stow.lauch.
- CMakeLists.txt: need to set current directory to ROS_PACKAGE_PATH
- Merge pull request #1871 from knorth55/test-stow-work-order add stow_work_order test
- add stow_work_order test
- add stow_work_order option not to output json
- add ik test in tote for stow task
- Adjust right gripper firmware to gripper-v4
- minor fix for real robot
- use protected/private for variable
- add minjerk class
- include pub/sub within c++ object
- use Object Oriented callback style
- Adjust astra hand
- Adjust calib pressure threshold again
- minjerk and continuous feedback
- depth register works with explicit arg
- Contributors: Kei Okada, Kentaro Wada, Shingo Kitagawa, Yusuke Niitani, pazeshun
1.5.1 (2016-07-15)
- Get lower pressure threshold in :calib-pressure-threshold By changing the subtraction value from 8 to 10.
- Set minimum pressure as the threshold for no_object
- Adjust calib-pressure-threshold for real gripper
- Remove no need condition in update-pressure-threshold
- 1.5.0
- Update CHANGELOG.rst to release 1.5.0
- rotate gripper after picking object from tote
- Fix bug in FCNMaskForLabelNames because of mask image value
- fix typo in dropped detection
- fix typo in dropped detection
- json update msg improved
- improve volume_first work order
- rotate gripper in bin
- Add apply mask to get reachable space image
- Fix type to find contour with cv2
- Draw contour to remove big object cleanly
- Fix some bugs in
- Fix launch files for removeing big object in tote
- Fix typo in fcn_mask generation code
- Fix typo
- Launch fcn node in boa
- Add feature to remove cloud of blacklist objects for stow task
- clear params for blacklisted object
- add info and warn for dropped while place in bin
- listed out all blacklisted object
- servo on when return from bin
- servo on before view hand pose
- detect dropped object in place_object andnot update json
- modify json update duration
- Skip target_bin is empty in
- Fix typo in main-stow.l
- add offset in pick-object in -order bin
- fix rotation of in tote clipper
- add dr_browns_bottle_brush in blacklist
- improve stow motion
- add no_object in apply_tote_contents_hint
- Fix typo in
- add blacklist in apply_tote_contents_hint
- get smaller movable region
- Enhance ros-info for recognized object in hand
- Longer timeout for in-hand-object-recognition in main-stow.l
- add need-to-wait condition
- change motion of removing arm from order bin
- modify in hand clipper size
- fix bug in select target-bin
- if theres is no proper target-bin, use random target-bin
- increase object length
- Visualize rosconsole of euslisp main script
- Show node name in ros-info
- increase volume limit
- z offset modified to APC2016 real kiva
- use object length view pose
- add blacklist object returning back to tote
- rename black_list to volume_first
- adjust tote for APC2016
- remove head controller for rarm
- add head-controller
- use fixed offset
- not use euclid clustering
- in hand clipper modified
- rotate gripper when exiting from bin
- avoid arm collision with head
- remove no_object label in apply_tote_contents_hint
- fix apply_tote_contents_hint
- use work-order msg for :select-stow-target-bin
- add stow_work_order_server node
- recognize object in hand and verify
- add no_object candidates in apply_tote_contents_hint
- fix path in vgg16_object_recognition launch
- add calib-pressure-threshold in stow main program
- add node for output stow json
- add in hand recognition for stow task launch
- enable visualize stow json
- remove self filter in recognition_in_hand_for_stow
- fix bug in :cube->movable-region
- fix random object-index to pick same object in pick-object-in-order-bin
- blacklist bin :l for large object stow task
- modify order-bin-overlook-pose
- fix typo in need-to-wait-opposite-arm
- if fail-count > 1, wait opposite arm start picking
- add ros-info in return_from_bin in stow main
- set boundary of tote for y axis
- add wait condition for pick_object in stow task
- modify order bin overlook pose
- get into wait_for_opposite_arm_in_pick after pick fail
- recognize object length after detecting graspingp
- modify view hand pose for stow-task
- stop-grasp if there is no object in view hand pose
- trust pressure sensor in stow main program
- set movable-region to avoid arm from moving tote
- add recognize-order-bin-box
- remove unused nodes from segmentation_each_object_in_tote
- add more condition for need-to-wait-opposite-arm
- wait opposite arm in place condition added
- get graspingp after second approach
- add gripper-servo-on before approaching to object
- picking from tote n-trial 3 -> 2
- Revert "bin :e blacklisted because of dangerous move" This reverts commit b86f4374d3210823ef7801e4084c842a295de1f6.
- pick object randomly from tote
- add wait-opposite-arm when returning from bin
- combine all wait-oppsite-arm-for-stow method to one
- use satan for vgg16 in stow task
- fix line length < 100 to pass run_tests
- use different attention clipper for each arm
- use astra for segmentation_in_tote
- no more use for self filter
- modify object length limit to 1.0 and take longer timeout
- bin :e blacklisted because of dangerous move
- fix clipper for gripper v3
- rename set_bin_param -> publish_bin_info for stow main
- use proper bin for entering large object
- rotate gripper to 45 when entering large object
- rotate gripper to 0 and use lower traj for exit
- if object length > 0.2, use higher traj and put further
- add publish_bin_bbox for stow task
- use avoid-shelf-pose instead of move-arm-body->bin to avoid quick move
- add scale key in move-arm-body->bin
- add SupervoxelSegmentation for picking from tote
- fix bug in object length method
- add object length recognize method and use it in stow
- use gripper v3 for in_hand_clipper
- add wait opposite arm for place object and pick object
- use gripper v3 for left arm in stow main program
- add vgg16 node for stow task
- add inside tote recognition launch and connect to main program
- add euclid clustering in tote for stow task
- add stow task main program and launch file
- add stow method and slots in baxter-interface.l
- Adjust astra_hand camera
- Add fcn trained data to download
- 1.0.0
- Update CHANGELOG.rst
- Fix for pep8
- Fix for euslint
- Revert "Enhance :view-hand-pose for each bin" This reverts commit 4949769c068829e4a490f5cb007545578c17727e.
- Revert "Revert view-hand-pose for bin :g :h :i" This reverts commit 708196580f5bd1f2e54fe2ef99669f4df70d6434.
- Add feature to skip verification in main.l
- Show visualize json on xdisplay in main.launch
- astra calibration
- Fix pressure threshold
- Fix return_object
- Rotate gripper earlier in drawing out arm
- Fix return_object to avoid collision between body and arm
- Fix offset-gripper-bin-side
- Fix offset of return_object
- Lift object to world-z in side approaching
- Fix offset of object width
- Fix timing of rotating grippers
- Change gripper-angle not to draw out objects
- Change gripper-angle not to push target object
- Lift object higher
- Enhance main.l for logging
- Avoid collision between gripper and bin side wall
- Improve return_object not to drop
- Enhance ros-info in main.l and baxter-interface.l
- Fix typo for data collection in main.launch
- Fix typo in data collection
- Remove no need debug printing in baxter-interface.l
- Add no_object label as candidate for picking
- Enhance the logging in :verify-object with green color
- Stop grasp when graspingp is nil in verify_object
- Fix bug of deciding object depth
- Fix offset of object height
- change launch to handle debug output
- change fcn launch file to use depth img
- Show recognition result as green
- Fix bug of ik->bin-entrance
- Set queue_size=1 for
- Add tools for euslisp to log info with color
- astra camera calib
- Improve view-kiva-pose
- Data collection program in hand while apc main loop
- Gripper servo on after user input
- Change initial pose to view-kiva-pose
- Fix return_object not to drop
- visualize rosinfo output of main.l on rviz
- Set graspingp after avoid-shelf-pose
- Decrease segmentation in bin timeout
- Set rosparam at the top of state in main.l
- Stop vacuum when e-stop is pressed
- baxter-interface.l : remove head-controller from defaut-controller ( \@pazeshun I think we should not change :rarm-contller instaed, we should use rarm-head-controller, or when there is :ctype :rarm-controller, then we add :head-controller
- Remove abanding strategy for level3
- Add avoid-shelf-pose for safety and skip verification if number of bin contents is 1
- Feature to abandon work_order by user requests
- Change bin reachable depth
- Get deep object with shallow hand position
- Add bin-reachable-depth method and use it
- Make aborting by depth safe
- Change object-found-p to local variable
- Use keep-picking-p in main.l
- Add keep-picking-p method
- Change variable name is-object-found -> object-found-p
- Add offset of object width to decide approach direction
- Fix typo of offset
- Revert view-hand-pose for bin :g :h :i
- Enhance :place_object in order not to drop object
- Fix offset
- Remove checking grasps in :verify_object state
- Enhance :view-hand-pose for each bin
- Prevent collision between gripper camera and bin
- Add script to check ik-bin-entrance
- Change hardcoded pose in baxter-interface
- Fix typo of main.l
- Fix typo in baxter-interface
- astra hand calib
- Fix ik->bin-entrance not to fail when gripper-angle is 0
- Apply offset to pick object's center
- Change main.l to use recognize-objects-in-bin-loop
- Add recognize-objects-in-bin-loop method
- Add bin-overlook-pose method
- Prevent IK fail when drawing out arm
- Set rthre as 10 degree
- Return object when graspingp nil
- Use object_data in
- Adjust move-arm-body->bin-overlook-pose for APC final
- Add script to test bin-overlook-pose
- Skip objects whose graspability exceeds threshold 3
- Fix :verify_object mode in main.l
- Add fold-pose-back.l script
- Adjust left astra hand camera
- Update check_astra.rviz
- Adjust right astra hand camera
- Remove subscribing topic for visualization on rviz For computational loss.
- Merge pull request #1838 from wkentaro/set-dynparam-eus Set dynamic reconfigure parameters in euslisp node
- Use ros::set-dynparam in in-hand-data-collection.l
- Set dynamic reconfigure parameters in euslisp node
- Merge pull request #1831 from wkentaro/longer-verify Longer timeout for vgg16 object recognition
- Merge pull request #1817 from pazeshun/not-need-nil-list Set nil instead of list when no object found
- Remove no_object label in to trust pressure
- Longer timeout for vgg16 object recognition
- Merge pull request #1792 from yuyu2172/stop-self-filter stop using self filters
- Change overlook pose by \@yuyu2172
- launch that visualizes fcn class label
- wait longer before starting to subscribe to sib result
- Set nil instead of list when no object found
- Fix memory leak in
- add fcn launch file
- segmentation_in_bin.launch does not launch sib node
- Calibrate grasps in in-hand-data-collection-main.l
- Merge pull request #1807 from pazeshun/fix-overlook-pose Fix bin-overlook-pose
- Erase previous SIB data when SIB fails
- Fix bin-overlook-pose
- changed do-stop-grasp t
- Rolling gripper on closer point to robot
- Make data collection in main.launch as optional
- add collect sib data in main.launch
- move collect sib to launch/include
- collect sib data more modular
- Add no_object label in apply_bin_contents
- Fix bug of arm variable
- fixed firmware to use toggle switch
- Make :ik->nearest-pose method
- Data collection program for segmentation in bin
- Merge pull request #1793 from ban-masa/auto-pressure-calib Auto calib pressure threshold
- Use mask image to enhance object recognition result with vgg16 net
- added calib-pressure-threshold
- Prepare for logging
- Use VGG16 net for APC2016 in recognition_in_hand.launch
- Align bounding boxes to robot base frame
- stop using self filter
- Fix position of wait-interpolation-smooth
- Remove :recognize-objects-in-bin in picking-with-sib.l
- Merge pull request #1784 from pazeshun/abort-approach-ik-fail Abort picking objects when IK to it fails
- add use-current-pose in ik->bin-entrance
- improve ik->bin-entrance to minimize norm
- 0.8.1
- update CHANGELOG
- 0.8.1
- add roslint to package.xml
- update maintainers
- Abort picking objects when IK to it fails
- changed pressure threshold 840 -> 810
- Use wait-interpolation-smooth for objects not to run away from gripper
- Check the grasp before saving data
- Use stamped filename for video recording with axis camera
- Save hand pose at each view hand pose
- Change save directory at each time of picking
- Add script to randomly change the view hand pose
- Merge pull request #1775 from wkentaro/fix-grasp-log Fix writing grasp success/fail log when file does not exist
- Merge pull request #1773 from wkentaro/remove-fold-pose Remove fold-to-keep pose at each time for viewing
- Fix writing grasp success/fail log when file does not exist
- Remove fold-to-keep pose at each time for viewing
- update path for trained segmenter pkl
- Use :to-nec to strify the rostime in roseus
- Enable to get floating bounding box
- Add cube->cube-parallel-to-coords method
- Adjust depth frame of astra cameras on 2016-06-22 00:17:11
- right left hand rgb/depth calib
- changed vacuum_gripper.launch not to launch rosserial_node3
- Add :visualize-path method to jsk_2016_01_baxter_apc::baxter-robot
- collect sib data launch
- added firmware of arduino which controls vacuum switch
- Don't rotate objects in Bin
- Trust pressure sensor again
- Enable to use kinect in picking-with-sib.l
- get graspingp after second approach
- Write grasp success/fail log while data collection on table
- sib kinect
- Merge pull request #1750 from wkentaro/stop-grasp-in-data-collection Stop grasp unless grasped object when picking
- Stop grasp unless grasped object when picking
- Retry when ik failed to place object on table
- Look for view pose to detect table center
- Control vacuum gripper with a script
- removed image resizer from launch because astra does not need them
- Fix motion to Bin k
- Fix motion to Bin e
- add local variable in :need-to-wait-opposite-arm
- Fix typo
- Enhance naming of method :place-object-on-plane -> :place-object-on-table
- Fix typo
- Enhance the order of sleep and gripper servo on
- Add data collection program for in-hand object recognition
- Add reset-pose script
- Stop doing self_filter while recognizing object in hand
- Merge pull request #1727 from wkentaro/respawn-astra-2 Respawn true for astra camera
- Respawn true for astra camera
- Fix typo in astra_hand.launch
- Launch vgg16_object_recognition in satan
- color frame fixed
- add setup_astra launch file
- Push gripper joint states back of other joint states
- Adjust depth_frame of hand cameras
- rename set_bin_param -> publish_bin_info
- publish bin bbox node split from publish bin info
- add astra check launch and rvizconfig
- use astra camera instead of softkinetic
- changed threshold of pressure
- Detect grasps with pressure threshold 840 [hPa] For #1699
- Adjust baxter-interface to SPB2f
- Adjust end-coords to SPB2f
- Change collision link of vacuum pad to SPB2f
- use publish_bin_info node for :recognize-bin-boxes
- add pick task json output node
- Avoid collision to Bin top
- Collect hard-coded variables to slot
- Add left gripper to gripper jta server
- Add left gripper to gripper_joint_states_publisher.cpp
- Add left gripper to enable_gripper.cpp
- added offset for left gripper servo
- added firmware of left gripper-v3 arduino
- Add new arduino node to baxter.launch
- Adjust left arm motion to right
- Adjust angle-vector in test-again-approach to new robot
- Rename test-ik -> test-again-approach-bin-l
- Rotate left gripper servo in test-ik-in-bin
- Fix :arm-potentio-vector to get proper vector
- Fix :rotate-wrist not to depend on joint num
- Add lgripper-controller to baxter-interface
- Add left gripper joint to baxter.yaml and adjust left arm pose to right
- Add gripper-v3 to left arm
- Add gripper-v3 meshes
- Add left gripper to in_hand_clipper
- Add left gripper to self filter
- Merge pull request #1644 from knorth55/servo-separate split gripper-servo-off and gripper-servo-on from certain method
- use local variable in :recognize-objects-segmentation-in-bin
- split gripper-servo-on from :spin-off-by-wrist
- Merge pull request #1633 from pazeshun/use-clustering Enable to use clustering instead of SIB
- split gripper-servo-off from :move-arm-body->order-bin
- Output simple error message if unable to get param
- Disable test_move_arm_to_bin
- Add setup_head.launch to jsk_2016_01_baxter_apc
- Adjust baxter-interface to new bin model
- add option :use-gripper in :inverse-kinematics
- Enable to use clustering instead of SIB
- fixed sib_softkinetic_test to not publish errors
- Fill time_from_start in feedback
- Sleep until trajectory start time
- Publish feedbacks continuously among command points
- Fix extendability of gripper_trajectory_server.cpp
- Fix indent of gripper_trajectory_server.cpp
- modify gripper-angle to 90 in overlook pose
- fix style in euslisp/.l and test/.l
- euslint test only euslisp/.l and test/.l
- add white space, line length and indent test in euslint and improve result output indent test is diabled
- euslint style fix
- stop-grasp only one arm in return_object
- update main.launch to call layout visualizer in 2016
- add timeout in method :recognize-objects-segmentation-in-bin
- edit
- test for sib_softkinetic
- make sib_visualization modular & fix indent
- visualize posterior overlaid with color
- use jsk_recognition overlay_color_to_mono
- Update CHANGELOG.rst for 0.8.0
- Contributors: Bando Masahiro, Kei Okada, Kentaro Wada, Shingo Kitagawa, Yusuke Niitani, ban-masa, banmasa, pazeshun
1.5.0 (2016-07-09)
- rotate gripper after picking object from tote
- Fix bug in FCNMaskForLabelNames because of mask image value
- fix typo in dropped detection
- fix typo in dropped detection
- json update msg improved
- improve volume_first work order
- rotate gripper in bin
- Add apply mask to get reachable space image
- Fix type to find contour with cv2
- Draw contour to remove big object cleanly
- Fix some bugs in
- Fix launch files for removeing big object in tote
- Fix typo in fcn_mask generation code
- Fix typo
- Launch fcn node in boa
- Add feature to remove cloud of blacklist objects for stow task
- clear params for blacklisted object
- add info and warn for dropped while place in bin
- listed out all blacklisted object
- servo on when return from bin
- servo on before view hand pose
- detect dropped object in place_object andnot update json
- modify json update duration
- Skip target_bin is empty in
- Fix typo in main-stow.l
- add offset in pick-object in -order bin
- fix rotation of in tote clipper
- add dr_browns_bottle_brush in blacklist
- improve stow motion
- add no_object in apply_tote_contents_hint
- Fix typo in
- add blacklist in apply_tote_contents_hint
- get smaller movable region
- Enhance ros-info for recognized object in hand
- Longer timeout for in-hand-object-recognition in main-stow.l
- add need-to-wait condition
- change motion of removing arm from order bin
- modify in hand clipper size
- fix bug in select target-bin
- if theres is no proper target-bin, use random target-bin
- increase object length
- Visualize rosconsole of euslisp main script
- Show node name in ros-info
- increase volume limit
- z offset modified to APC2016 real kiva
- use object length view pose
- add blacklist object returning back to tote
- rename black_list to volume_first
- adjust tote for APC2016
- remove head controller for rarm
- add head-controller
- use fixed offset
- not use euclid clustering
- in hand clipper modified
- rotate gripper when exiting from bin
- avoid arm collision with head
- remove no_object label in apply_tote_contents_hint
- fix apply_tote_contents_hint
- use work-order msg for :select-stow-target-bin
- add stow_work_order_server node
- recognize object in hand and verify
- add no_object candidates in apply_tote_contents_hint
- fix path in vgg16_object_recognition launch
- add calib-pressure-threshold in stow main program
- add node for output stow json
- add in hand recognition for stow task launch
- enable visualize stow json
- remove self filter in recognition_in_hand_for_stow
- fix bug in :cube->movable-region
- fix random object-index to pick same object in pick-object-in-order-bin
- blacklist bin :l for large object stow task
- modify order-bin-overlook-pose
- fix typo in need-to-wait-opposite-arm
- if fail-count > 1, wait opposite arm start picking
- add ros-info in return_from_bin in stow main
- set boundary of tote for y axis
- add wait condition for pick_object in stow task
- modify order bin overlook pose
- get into wait_for_opposite_arm_in_pick after pick fail
- recognize object length after detecting graspingp
- modify view hand pose for stow-task
- stop-grasp if there is no object in view hand pose
- trust pressure sensor in stow main program
- set movable-region to avoid arm from moving tote
- add recognize-order-bin-box
- remove unused nodes from segmentation_each_object_in_tote
- add more condition for need-to-wait-opposite-arm
- wait opposite arm in place condition added
- get graspingp after second approach
- add gripper-servo-on before approaching to object
- picking from tote n-trial 3 -> 2
- Revert "bin :e blacklisted because of dangerous move" This reverts commit b86f4374d3210823ef7801e4084c842a295de1f6.
- pick object randomly from tote
- add wait-opposite-arm when returning from bin
- combine all wait-oppsite-arm-for-stow method to one
- use satan for vgg16 in stow task
- fix line length < 100 to pass run_tests
- use different attention clipper for each arm
- use astra for segmentation_in_tote
- no more use for self filter
- modify object length limit to 1.0 and take longer timeout
- bin :e blacklisted because of dangerous move
- fix clipper for gripper v3
- rename set_bin_param -> publish_bin_info for stow main
- use proper bin for entering large object
- rotate gripper to 45 when entering large object
- rotate gripper to 0 and use lower traj for exit
- if object length > 0.2, use higher traj and put further
- add publish_bin_bbox for stow task
- use avoid-shelf-pose instead of move-arm-body->bin to avoid quick move
- add scale key in move-arm-body->bin
- add SupervoxelSegmentation for picking from tote
- fix bug in object length method
- add object length recognize method and use it in stow
- use gripper v3 for in_hand_clipper
- add wait opposite arm for place object and pick object
- use gripper v3 for left arm in stow main program
- add vgg16 node for stow task
- add inside tote recognition launch and connect to main program
- add euclid clustering in tote for stow task
- add stow task main program and launch file
- add stow method and slots in baxter-interface.l
- Adjust astra_hand camera
- Add fcn trained data to download
- Contributors: Kentaro Wada, Shingo Kitagawa
1.0.0 (2016-07-08)
- Fix for pep8
- Fix for euslint
- Revert "Enhance :view-hand-pose for each bin" This reverts commit 4949769c068829e4a490f5cb007545578c17727e.
- Revert "Revert view-hand-pose for bin :g :h :i" This reverts commit 708196580f5bd1f2e54fe2ef99669f4df70d6434.
- Add feature to skip verification in main.l
- Show visualize json on xdisplay in main.launch
- astra calibration
- Fix pressure threshold
- Fix return_object
- Rotate gripper earlier in drawing out arm
- Fix return_object to avoid collision between body and arm
- Fix offset-gripper-bin-side
- Fix offset of return_object
- Lift object to world-z in side approaching
- Fix offset of object width
- Fix timing of rotating grippers
- Change gripper-angle not to draw out objects
- Change gripper-angle not to push target object
- Lift object higher
- Enhance main.l for logging
- Avoid collision between gripper and bin side wall
- Improve return_object not to drop
- Enhance ros-info in main.l and baxter-interface.l
- Fix typo for data collection in main.launch
- Fix typo in data collection
- Remove no need debug printing in baxter-interface.l
- Add no_object label as candidate for picking
- Enhance the logging in :verify-object with green color
- Stop grasp when graspingp is nil in verify_object
- Fix bug of deciding object depth
- Fix offset of object height
- change launch to handle debug output
- change fcn launch file to use depth img
- Show recognition result as green
- Fix bug of ik->bin-entrance
- Set queue_size=1 for
- Add tools for euslisp to log info with color
- astra camera calib
- Improve view-kiva-pose
- Data collection program in hand while apc main loop
- Gripper servo on after user input
- Change initial pose to view-kiva-pose
- Fix return_object not to drop
- visualize rosinfo output of main.l on rviz
- Set graspingp after avoid-shelf-pose
- Decrease segmentation in bin timeout
- Set rosparam at the top of state in main.l
- Stop vacuum when e-stop is pressed
- baxter-interface.l : remove head-controller from defaut-controller ( \@pazeshun I think we should not change :rarm-contller instaed, we should use rarm-head-controller, or when there is :ctype :rarm-controller, then we add :head-controller
- Remove abanding strategy for level3
- Add avoid-shelf-pose for safety and skip verification if number of bin contents is 1
- Feature to abandon work_order by user requests
- Change bin reachable depth
- Get deep object with shallow hand position
- Add bin-reachable-depth method and use it
- Make aborting by depth safe
- Change object-found-p to local variable
- Use keep-picking-p in main.l
- Add keep-picking-p method
- Change variable name is-object-found -> object-found-p
- Add offset of object width to decide approach direction
- Fix typo of offset
- Revert view-hand-pose for bin :g :h :i
- Enhance :place_object in order not to drop object
- Fix offset
- Remove checking grasps in :verify_object state
- Enhance :view-hand-pose for each bin
- Prevent collision between gripper camera and bin
- Add script to check ik-bin-entrance
- Change hardcoded pose in baxter-interface
- Fix typo of main.l
- Fix typo in baxter-interface
- astra hand calib
- Fix ik->bin-entrance not to fail when gripper-angle is 0
- Apply offset to pick object's center
- Change main.l to use recognize-objects-in-bin-loop
- Add recognize-objects-in-bin-loop method
- Add bin-overlook-pose method
- Prevent IK fail when drawing out arm
- Set rthre as 10 degree
- Return object when graspingp nil
- Use object_data in
- Adjust move-arm-body->bin-overlook-pose for APC final
- Add script to test bin-overlook-pose
- Skip objects whose graspability exceeds threshold 3
- Fix :verify_object mode in main.l
- Add fold-pose-back.l script
- Adjust left astra hand camera
- Update check_astra.rviz
- Adjust right astra hand camera
- Remove subscribing topic for visualization on rviz For computational loss.
- Merge pull request #1838 from wkentaro/set-dynparam-eus Set dynamic reconfigure parameters in euslisp node
- Use ros::set-dynparam in in-hand-data-collection.l
- Set dynamic reconfigure parameters in euslisp node
- Merge pull request #1831 from wkentaro/longer-verify Longer timeout for vgg16 object recognition
- Merge pull request #1817 from pazeshun/not-need-nil-list Set nil instead of list when no object found
- Remove no_object label in to trust pressure
- Longer timeout for vgg16 object recognition
- Merge pull request #1792 from yuyu2172/stop-self-filter stop using self filters
- Change overlook pose by \@yuyu2172
- launch that visualizes fcn class label
- wait longer before starting to subscribe to sib result
- Set nil instead of list when no object found
- Fix memory leak in
- add fcn launch file
- segmentation_in_bin.launch does not launch sib node
- Calibrate grasps in in-hand-data-collection-main.l
- Merge pull request #1807 from pazeshun/fix-overlook-pose Fix bin-overlook-pose
- Erase previous SIB data when SIB fails
- Fix bin-overlook-pose
- changed do-stop-grasp t
- Rolling gripper on closer point to robot
- Make data collection in main.launch as optional
- add collect sib data in main.launch
- move collect sib to launch/include
- collect sib data more modular
- Add no_object label in apply_bin_contents
- Fix bug of arm variable
- fixed firmware to use toggle switch
- Make :ik->nearest-pose method
- Data collection program for segmentation in bin
- Merge pull request #1793 from ban-masa/auto-pressure-calib Auto calib pressure threshold
- Use mask image to enhance object recognition result with vgg16 net
- added calib-pressure-threshold
- Prepare for logging
- Use VGG16 net for APC2016 in recognition_in_hand.launch
- Align bounding boxes to robot base frame
- stop using self filter
- Fix position of wait-interpolation-smooth
- Remove :recognize-objects-in-bin in picking-with-sib.l
- Merge pull request #1784 from pazeshun/abort-approach-ik-fail Abort picking objects when IK to it fails
- add use-current-pose in ik->bin-entrance
- improve ik->bin-entrance to minimize norm
- Abort picking objects when IK to it fails
- Contributors: Bando Masahiro, Kei Okada, Kentaro Wada, Shingo Kitagawa, Yusuke Niitani, ban-masa, pazeshun
0.8.1 (2016-06-24)
- add roslint to package.xml
- update maintainers
- changed pressure threshold 840 -> 810
- Use wait-interpolation-smooth for objects not to run away from gripper
- Check the grasp before saving data
- Use stamped filename for video recording with axis camera
- Save hand pose at each view hand pose
- Change save directory at each time of picking
- Add script to randomly change the view hand pose
- Merge pull request #1775 from wkentaro/fix-grasp-log Fix writing grasp success/fail log when file does not exist
- Merge pull request #1773 from wkentaro/remove-fold-pose Remove fold-to-keep pose at each time for viewing
- Fix writing grasp success/fail log when file does not exist
- Remove fold-to-keep pose at each time for viewing
- update path for trained segmenter pkl
- Use :to-nec to strify the rostime in roseus
- Enable to get floating bounding box
- Add cube->cube-parallel-to-coords method
- Adjust depth frame of astra cameras on 2016-06-22 00:17:11
- right left hand rgb/depth calib
- changed vacuum_gripper.launch not to launch rosserial_node3
- Add :visualize-path method to jsk_2016_01_baxter_apc::baxter-robot
- collect sib data launch
- added firmware of arduino which controls vacuum switch
- Don't rotate objects in Bin
- Trust pressure sensor again
- Enable to use kinect in picking-with-sib.l
- get graspingp after second approach
- Write grasp success/fail log while data collection on table
- sib kinect
- Merge pull request #1750 from wkentaro/stop-grasp-in-data-collection Stop grasp unless grasped object when picking
- Stop grasp unless grasped object when picking
- Retry when ik failed to place object on table
- Look for view pose to detect table center
- Control vacuum gripper with a script
- removed image resizer from launch because astra does not need them
- Fix motion to Bin k
- Fix motion to Bin e
- add local variable in :need-to-wait-opposite-arm
- Fix typo
- Enhance naming of method :place-object-on-plane -> :place-object-on-table
- Fix typo
- Enhance the order of sleep and gripper servo on
- Add data collection program for in-hand object recognition
- Add reset-pose script
- Stop doing self_filter while recognizing object in hand
- Merge pull request #1727 from wkentaro/respawn-astra-2 Respawn true for astra camera
- Respawn true for astra camera
- Fix typo in astra_hand.launch
- Launch vgg16_object_recognition in satan
- color frame fixed
- add setup_astra launch file
- Push gripper joint states back of other joint states
- Adjust depth_frame of hand cameras
- rename set_bin_param -> publish_bin_info
- publish bin bbox node split from publish bin info
- add astra check launch and rvizconfig
- use astra camera instead of softkinetic
- changed threshold of pressure
- Detect grasps with pressure threshold 840 [hPa] For #1699
- Adjust baxter-interface to SPB2f
- Adjust end-coords to SPB2f
- Change collision link of vacuum pad to SPB2f
- use publish_bin_info node for :recognize-bin-boxes
- add pick task json output node
- Avoid collision to Bin top
- Collect hard-coded variables to slot
- Add left gripper to gripper jta server
- Add left gripper to gripper_joint_states_publisher.cpp
- Add left gripper to enable_gripper.cpp
- added offset for left gripper servo
- added firmware of left gripper-v3 arduino
- Add new arduino node to baxter.launch
- Adjust left arm motion to right
- Adjust angle-vector in test-again-approach to new robot
- Rename test-ik -> test-again-approach-bin-l
- Rotate left gripper servo in test-ik-in-bin
- Fix :arm-potentio-vector to get proper vector
- Fix :rotate-wrist not to depend on joint num
- Add lgripper-controller to baxter-interface
- Add left gripper joint to baxter.yaml and adjust left arm pose to right
- Add gripper-v3 to left arm
- Add gripper-v3 meshes
- Add left gripper to in_hand_clipper
- Add left gripper to self filter
- Merge pull request #1644 from knorth55/servo-separate split gripper-servo-off and gripper-servo-on from certain method
- use local variable in :recognize-objects-segmentation-in-bin
- split gripper-servo-on from :spin-off-by-wrist
- Merge pull request #1633 from pazeshun/use-clustering Enable to use clustering instead of SIB
- split gripper-servo-off from :move-arm-body->order-bin
- Output simple error message if unable to get param
- Disable test_move_arm_to_bin
- Add setup_head.launch to jsk_2016_01_baxter_apc
- Adjust baxter-interface to new bin model
- add option :use-gripper in :inverse-kinematics
- Enable to use clustering instead of SIB
- fixed sib_softkinetic_test to not publish errors
- Fill time_from_start in feedback
- Sleep until trajectory start time
- Publish feedbacks continuously among command points
- Fix extendability of gripper_trajectory_server.cpp
- Fix indent of gripper_trajectory_server.cpp
- modify gripper-angle to 90 in overlook pose
- fix style in euslisp/.l and test/.l
- euslint test only euslisp/.l and test/.l
- add white space, line length and indent test in euslint and improve result output indent test is diabled
- euslint style fix
- stop-grasp only one arm in return_object
- update main.launch to call layout visualizer in 2016
- add timeout in method :recognize-objects-segmentation-in-bin
- edit
- test for sib_softkinetic
- make sib_visualization modular & fix indent
- visualize posterior overlaid with color
- use jsk_recognition overlay_color_to_mono
- Update CHANGELOG.rst for 0.8.0
- Contributors: Kei Okada, Kentaro Wada, Shingo Kitagawa, Yusuke Niitani, ban-masa, banmasa, pazeshun
0.8.0 (2016-05-31)
- add image jsk image_resizer
- fix failing remove gripper link from link-list, (member 'string' list) requries (member 'string' list #'equal)
- use objects-sib-boxes and coords inspite of objects-in-bin-boxes and coms
- use depth_registered for softkinetic_camera
- :try-to-pick-object use bbox for grasping
- add sib demo rviz
- Visualize target convex_hull published by RBO segmentation
- Add applying bin_contents hint node
- Add node to apply bin_contents hint to object recognition
- Add vgg16 object_recognition.launch
- add cpi decomposer in SIB
- Visualize segementation result in bin
- softkinetic_camera node respawn = true
- add image_proc/decimate
- deleted compressed target mask
- add dist and height visualizer
- segmentation_in_bin nodes continue to run when bin_info_array is not published
- Add picking-with-sib.l
- detect :inverse-kinematics nil return and avoid passing it to angle-vector
- remove duplicated
- add apc2015 work_order test
- kinect2_torso launch use standalone complex nodelet
- Move publish_bin_info from sib to main.launch
- Use standalone_complexed_nodelet for setup_softkinetic.launch
- Fix typo in
- Revert a part of #1511 thanks to #1529
- add max_weight param in work_order
- work_order sort consider graspability
- modify work_order to apply for apc2016
- work_order level3 check move to proper position
- remove unused arg JSON in sib launch
- move get_work_order and get_bin_contents func to jsk_apc2016_common
- baxter-interface.l : set joint-states-queue-size 2 for gripper and body, see
- add rate param in work_order test
- Use rosrun for euslint checking
- fix typo
- cherry-pick
- add assert in robot-model :inverse-kinmatics
- euslisp/jsk_2016_01_baxter_apc/baxter.l : change weight did not work well, need to remove gripper joint from link-list
- test-ik.l: add test check #1470
- revert a part of #1525, that genrate baxter.dae twice
- CMakeLists syntax fixed
- Avoid bug in robot-interface
- add baxter.urdf and baxter.dae target in CMakeLists
- add proper depends on baxter.xacro in CMakeLists
- Test two target coords in test-ik-in-bin for right gripper
- modify left hand self filter
- Don't send angle-vector if IK fails in approaching and lifting
- Use rotation-axis z in again approach
- fix position of softkinetic_camera
- add download script for test data
- test for sib using torso kinect
- wait before sib and remove needless move
- object world coords get into hash
- use segmentation_in_bin for both arm in main.l
- add y-axis angle of bin-overlook-pose
- Increase padding of right gripper in self_filter
- jsk_tools_add_shell_test supports from 2.0.14
- Increase padding of right gripper in self_filter
- Fix move-arm-body->order-bin to be slow
- Fix return_object for right arm
- add robot self filter to sib
- compress rbo mask image to point cloud size
- Fix view-hand-pose to be robust against gripper change
- Update softkinetic camera calibration files
- fix comment out in segmentation_in_bin.launch
- Fix padding of right gripper in self_filter
- Fix right gripper urdf not to use some stl files
- deleted arg INPUT_TARGET
- Fix return_object for right arm not to collide with bin top
- Fix padding of right gripper in self_filter
- Fix right gripper urdf not to use some stl files
- changed launch file to work with nodified sib
- Add rviz config for SIB visualization
- add a launch file that visualizes sib
- Remove tab in application-main.l
- Check tab in euslint
- add robot self filter for apc2016 robot model
- comment out right gripper self filter
- Suppress error output in IK defined in baxter-util.l
- Remove unofficial interface generators and old json files
- add robot self filter for apc2016 robot model
- add euslint test for every euslisp files
- Add euslint for euslisp source code
- fix bug in main.l
- change offset-from-entrance not to collide to bin top
- Approach objects straight down
- Don't overload gripper servo when placing object
- add publish target_bin
- Raise object height threshold of bending gripper
- split publish tf and publish bin info
- Tell heavy object from wall when using rarm
- Add roslaunch_add_file_check for vaccum_gripper.launch
- add :recognize-objects-segmentation-in-bin method
- Not to collapse vacuum pad
- func get_mask_img into one node
- equalize gripper length used in decision
- Add test of roslint for python
- Fix style of python code
- press gripper back against bin wall
- adjust offsets
- decide target end-coords depending on size of gripper and bin
- improve decision of approaching
- modify sib launch to use softkinetic camera
- separate segmentation_in_bin launch for each hand
- standarize POINTS -> CLOUD
- add :check-bin-exist method check if target bin is exist.
- deleted confusing setters
- exit from callback when target bin is false
- fix cmakelist depends path into full path
- fixed image format of message published by RBO_SIB node
- patch: change timestamp of the mask image from rbo_sib
- change launch file to call post-rbo process on sib
- Merge pull request #1404 from pazeshun/avoid-collision-body-arm-bin-h [jsk_2016_01_baxter_apc] avoid collision between body and rarm when pulling out rarm from Bin h
- add revert-if-fail arg for ik->bin-entrance this is for test-move-arm-to-bin
- Merge pull request #1403 from yuyu2172/sync-push [jsk_apc2016_common] add cpp message synchronizer
- softkinetic config modified
- remove unused tf broadcaster
- fix :rotation-axis from :t to t
- avoid collision between body and rarm when pulling out rarm from Bin h
- add cpp message synchronizer
- adjust lifting of objects when gripper is straight
- add header to rbo topic
- not to knock down objects
- add launch file that initiates segmentation_in_bin
- use rospy debug tools print -> rospy.loginfo
- change variables to get transform
- RBOSegmentationInBinNode inherits ConnectionBasedTransport
- add ik solution in bin test
- apply test to every bin
- Test move-arm-to-bin with rosbag for bin boxes
- 2015 launch files do not depend on 2016 config
- use apc2016 robot model
- add x-axis limit check
- clean up codes in ik-check.l
- add interface b/w segmentation_in_bin and ROS
- fix pass to and from bin e
- rotate gripper joint by script not by ik
- change middle point of ik
- don't use gripper joint to solve ik
- apply test to every bin
- Test move-arm-to-bin with rosbag for bin boxes
- Overwrite existing class names by managing loading order
- Succeed to reusable class for baxter interface/robot
- fixed arduino firmware to disable torque when is killed.
- use rotation of wrist to avoid ik failure
- add picking only code
- add recognition_in_hand and setup_torso
- use gripper servo off not to release objects
- change gripper servo angle case by case
- avoid collision between gripper and bin top
- remember angle-vector to pull out arm from bin
- return item closer to back of shelf
- Add enable_gripper node enabling grippers and managing automatic power off (#1331)
- interface-generator fixed into random (#1333)
- Fixed Arduino firmware (#1335)
- add softkinetic overlook pose method
- fix softkinetic position
- use new pressure sensor instead of one in vacuum cleaner
- fix default-controller of baxter-interface.l
- fix gripper_trajectory_server's info and extendability
- Remove pod model which is not used currently
- fix baxter-interface.l to move gripper servo when using rarm-controller
- output joint trajectory action server's stdout to screen
- add a velocity limit of gripper joint
- make lisp methods to power on/off gripper servo
- copy meshes and xacros from softkinetic_camera
- load depth calibration to setup_softkinetic.launch
- Update Calibration on 2016/04/20 add depth calibration
- add right_gripper_vacuum_pad_joint to rarm chain in baxter.yaml
- use auto-generated baxter.l instead of baxter.l in baxtereus
- make yaml file for auto-generating
- add dependencies for generating baxter.l
- modify CMakeLists.txt to generate baxter.l
- add .gitignore to ignore auto-generated files
- fix
- add test/work_order.test
- changed baxter.launch to run gripper_trajectory_server
- fixed CMakeLists.txt
- added gripper_trajectory_server.cpp
- fixed CMakeLists.txt
- added dependencies in package.xml
- fixed baxter.launch to launch gripper_joint_states_publisher
- added gripper_joint_states_publisher.cpp
- calibrate softkinetic 2016/04/17
- change softkinetic device
- modify camera serial number on right hand
- softkinetic image format fixed
- modify to launch softkinetic devices by serial number
- add right arm depthsense camera
- disable tweet
- change limits of right_gripper_vacuum_pad_joint
- add origin of the collision elements in urdf
- change robot name to baxter from baxter_creative
- change joint names of right gripper
- add old gripper to left arm
- add new right gripper
- add mesh data
- Contributors: Bando Masahiro, Kei Okada, Kentaro Wada, Shingo Kitagawa, Yusuke Niitani, Shun Hasegawa
0.2.4 (2016-04-15)
- Rename launch file
- Fix typo left_vacuum_gripper.xacro
- Add softkinetic xacro
- Clean up setup_creative.launch
- Fix name right/left
- Rename camera to left_camera
- Rename setup_baxter_gazebo -> initialize_baxter
- Initialize docs for 'jsk_2016_01_baxter_apc'
- Get organized point cloud from softkinetic camera
- Chang file name
- Add urdf model of Baxter with creative on right hand
- Change baudrate to 115200
- Change jsk_2015_05_baxter_apc/urdf/ -> jsk_2015_05_baxter_apc/robots/
- Add baxter.launch and new arduino node
- Chang topic name
- Add servo state controller in arduino firmware
- Enable to control servo with ros
- Add arduino nano firmware
- Contributors: Kentaro Wada, Shingo Kitagawa, Yusuke Niitani, Masahiro Bando, Shun Hasegawa
0.2.3 (2016-04-11)
- Bugfix
- Add jsk_2015_05_baxter_apc as build_depend to fix #1253
- Fix catkin config of 'jsk_2016_01_baxter_apc'
- Add jsk_2015_05_baxter_apc as run_depend
- Generate euslisp manifest
- Migration
- Move urdf/ -> robots
- Copy 'euslisp/main.l' from jsk_2015_05_baxter_apc
- Rename 'euslisp/main.l' -> 'euslisp/application-main.l'
- Copy 'euslisp/jsk_2015_05_baxter_apc' from jsk_2015_05_baxter_apc
- Copy 'launch/main.launch' from jsk_2015_05_baxter_apc
- Visualization
- visualize rect, label and proba
- Interface
- add blacklist for bin contents
- Task Process
- Do not trust pressure sensors based detection of grasps
- Skip Level3 work_order (number of bin_contetns > 5)
- Motion Test
- reset pose before ik check
- add ik-check.l and ik-range.l for checking IK-solvable range in bins
- use pushback and fix and add dump file save line
- Documentation
- Fix readme title jsk_apc -> jsk_2016_01_baxter_apc
- Misc
- modified not to update already generated JSON
- interface_generator cleaned up into class
- rename json file
- interface_generator modified for apc2016
- Contributors: Heecheol Kim, Kentaro Wada, Shingo Kitagawa, Yusuke Niitani
0.2.2 (2016-03-08)
0.2.1 (2016-03-08)
- fix maintainer/author in package.xml
- Contributors: Kei Okada
0.2.0 (2016-03-08)
- Try APC2016 with program for APC2015
- Json file for picking: Layout1
- Add Shared files for jsk_2016_01_baxter_apc Modified:
- jsk_2016_01_baxter_apc/
- Semi for 2015B4
- apc_pick modified
- json files for simulation added
- documentation added
- add interface_generator
- [2016 apc] rename launch file
- change baxter software version
- rm json file
- stow recognition modified
- [2016apc] modify stow recognition launch file
- [2016apc] modify viz-recog.l and add json
- [2016apc] add stow recognition launch
- [2016apc] add visualize program for recognition
- Add kinect2_external
- [2016 apc] modify for stow tasks
- add initial camera position
- add kiva_stow and baxter_stow
- add ruby to build depend for erb
- add jsk_2016_01_baxter_apc
- Contributors: Heecheol Kim, Kei Okada, Kentaro Wada, Shingo Kitagawa, Masahiro Bando
Wiki Tutorials
This package does not provide any links to tutorials in it's rosindex metadata.
You can check on the ROS Wiki Tutorials page for the package.
Package Dependencies
System Dependencies
Dependant Packages
Launch files
- launch/fcn_segmentation_in_bin.launch
- GPU [default: 0]
- CHAINER_MODEL [default: $(find jsk_apc2016_common)/trained_data/fcn32s_6000.chainermodel]
- launch/main.launch
- launch_main [default: true]
- json
- collect_data [default: false]
- rviz [default: true]
- rvizconfig [default: $(find jsk_2016_01_baxter_apc)/rvizconfig/pick.rviz]
- gripper [default: gripper2016]
- launch/recognition_stow_test.launch
- label [default: /stow_cpi_decomposer/label]
- ns [default: /kinect2_external/hd]
- image_color [default: $(arg ns)/image_color_rect]
- sim [default: false]
- launch/baxter_sim.launch
- world_name [default: $(find baxter_gazebo)/worlds/]
- paused [default: false]
- use_sim_time [default: true]
- gui [default: true]
- headless [default: false]
- debug [default: false]
- shelf_model_path [default: $(find jsk_apc2015_common)]
- launch/sib_kinect.launch
- launch/baxter_stow_sim.launch
- paused [default: false]
- use_sim_time [default: true]
- gui [default: true]
- headless [default: false]
- debug [default: false]
- launch/baxterrgv5.launch
- moveit [default: false]
- gripper_v4_limb [default: ['left']]
- launch/baxter_pick_sim.launch
- paused [default: false]
- use_sim_time [default: true]
- gui [default: true]
- headless [default: false]
- debug [default: false]
- launch/baxter.launch
- moveit [default: false]
- launch/segmentation_in_bin.launch
- launch/setup_torso.launch
- NODELET_MANAGER [default: kinect2_torso]
- use_stow [default: false]
- NODELET_ID_0 [default: 0]
- NODELET_ID_1 [default: 1]
- NODELET_ID_2 [default: 2]
- NODELET_ID_3 [default: 3]
- NODELET_ID_4 [default: 4]
- NODELET_ID_5 [default: 5]
- NODELET_ID_6 [default: 6]
- NODELET_ID_7 [default: 7]
- NODELET_ID_7 [default: 7]
- launch/main_stow.launch
- launch_main [default: true]
- json
- launch/check_astra.launch
- launch/recognition_in_hand.launch
- launch/setup_softkinetic.launch
- require
- use_stow [default: false]
- launch/include/move_group.launch
- debug [default: false]
- info [default: $(arg debug)]
- allow_trajectory_execution [default: true]
- max_safe_path_cost [default: 1]
- jiggle_fraction [default: 0.05]
- publish_monitored_planning_scene [default: true]
- launch/include/collect_sib_data.launch
- hand
- json [default: ]
- save_dir [default: ~/.ros/sib_data]
- launch/include/segmentation_for_each_hand.launch
- launch/include/viz_recognition.launch
- launch/include/self_filter.launch
- launch/include/ompl_planning_pipeline.launch
- launch/include/baxter_moveit.launch
- load_robot_description [default: false]
- debug [default: false]
- launch/include/vacuum_gripper.launch
- launch/include/gripper_v5_ros_control.launch
- gripper_only [default: False]
- launch/include/kinect2_external.launch
- launch/include/gripper_v5_dxl_controller.launch
- launch/include/astra_hand_rgv5.launch
- right_hand_camera_tranforms [default: -0.10 0.01 0.006 -1.52 0.00 -0.08]
- launch/include/in_hand_data_collection_for_each_hand.launch
- launch/include/planning_context.launch
- load_robot_description [default: false]
- robot_description [default: robot_description]
- launch/include/segmentation_each_object_in_tote_with_fcn.launch
- launch/include/sib_visualization.launch
- launch/include/segmentation_each_object_in_tote.launch
- launch/include/segmentation_on_table.launch
- launch/include/astra_hand.launch
- launch_left [default: true]
- launch_right [default: true]
- depth_registration [default: true]
- left_hand_camera_tranforms [default: -0.095 0.02 -0.01 -1.62 -0.04 -0.09]
- right_hand_camera_tranforms [default: -0.10 -0.008 0.015 -1.56 0.00 -0.08]
- launch/recognition_on_table.launch
- launch/setup_for_stow.launch
- launch/fcn_segmentation_in_tote.launch
- launch/recognition_in_hand_for_stow.launch
- launch/main_rgv5.launch
- launch_main [default: true]
- json
- collect_data [default: false]
- rviz [default: true]
- rvizconfig [default: $(find jsk_2016_01_baxter_apc)/rvizconfig/pick_rgv5.rviz]
- gripper [default: gripper_v5]
- launch/recognition_in_stow.launch
- launch/setup_for_pick.launch
- launch/segmentation_in_tote.launch
- use_fcn
- launch/bimanual_stow_data_collection.launch
- collect_data [default: true]
- right_main [default: true]
- left_first [default: true]
- launch/check_baxter_urdf.launch
- gui [default: True]
- rvizconfig [default: $(find jsk_2015_05_baxter_apc)/rvizconfig/real_demo.rviz]
- launch/in_bin_data_collection.launch
- launch/in_hand_data_collection.launch
- launch/setup_astra.launch
- GPU [default: 0]
- use_stow [default: false]
- use_fcn [default: false]
- launch/setup_head.launch
- NODELET_MANAGER [default: kinect2_head]
- NODELET_ID_0 [default: 0]
- NODELET_ID_1 [default: 1]
- NODELET_ID_2 [default: 2]
- NODELET_ID_3 [default: 3]
- NODELET_ID_4 [default: 4]
- NODELET_ID_5 [default: 5]
- NODELET_ID_6 [default: 6]
- samples/sample_eus_visualize_objs.launch
- launch/include/baxter_moveit_controller_manager.launch.xml
- moveit_controller_manager [default: moveit_simple_controller_manager/MoveItSimpleControllerManager]
- controller_manager_name [default: simple_controller_manager]
- use_controller_manager [default: true]
- launch/include/trajectory_execution.launch.xml
- moveit_manage_controllers [default: true]
- moveit_controller_manager [default: baxter]
No message files found.
No service files found
No plugins found.
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