No version for distro humble. Known supported distros are highlighted in the buttons above.
No version for distro iron. Known supported distros are highlighted in the buttons above.
No version for distro jazzy. Known supported distros are highlighted in the buttons above.
No version for distro rolling. Known supported distros are highlighted in the buttons above.
No version for distro noetic. Known supported distros are highlighted in the buttons above.
No version for distro ardent. Known supported distros are highlighted in the buttons above.
No version for distro bouncy. Known supported distros are highlighted in the buttons above.
No version for distro crystal. Known supported distros are highlighted in the buttons above.
No version for distro eloquent. Known supported distros are highlighted in the buttons above.
No version for distro dashing. Known supported distros are highlighted in the buttons above.
No version for distro galactic. Known supported distros are highlighted in the buttons above.
No version for distro foxy. Known supported distros are highlighted in the buttons above.
No version for distro lunar. Known supported distros are highlighted in the buttons above.

Package Summary

Tags No category tags.
Version 1.4.3
License BSD
Build type CATKIN

Repository Summary

Checkout URI
VCS Type git
VCS Version master
Last Updated 2023-08-04
CI status No Continuous Integration
Tags No category tags.
Contributing Help Wanted (0)
Good First Issues (0)
Pull Requests to Review (0)

Package Description

hrpsys_ros_bridge package provides basic functionalities to bind

Additional Links


  • Kei Okada


  • Kei Okada



hrpsys_ros_bridge is a package to connect hrpsys <>_ (OpenRTM-based controller) system and ROS system.

This package contains ROSBridge to hrpsys, cmake_libraries, launch files, Euslisp interface, and examples.


ROSBridge here is a ROS node to bridge hrpsys system and ROS system.

You might want to check other "bridging" software in ROS too such as:

- `rosbridge_suite <>`_ provides a JSON API to ROS functionality for non-ROS programs.
- `rtmbuild <>`_ Provides a ROS-like compile and launch script for `OpenRTM`.

You can use OpenRTM resources from ROS interface, e.g., use OpenRTM Data Ports through ROS Topic and OpenRTM Servie Ports through ROS Service. The following table shows the corresponding concepts for the 2 worlds.

Process ROS Node RTC
Data connection Topic Data Port
RPC connection Service Service Port
  • HrpsysSeqStateROSBridge :
    Publish ROS topics by reading RTC's data ports.

Send ROS JointTrajectory service to SequencePlayer.rtc by its service ports.

  1. Generated ROSBridges:

openrtm_ros_bridge is the ROS bridge for example code in openrtm_aist and hrpsys_ros_bridge provides ROS bridge for hrpsys package.

These bridges ROS service to OpenRTM service port.

For example all idl files in hrpsys is coped to hrpsys_ros_bridge/idl/*.idl, and it generates cpp codes in hrpsys_ros_bridge/src_gen/*.cpp and built binaries in hrpsys_ros_bridge/[bin,lib].

cmake libraries

hrpsys_ros_bridge/cmake/compile_robot_model.cmake is a CMake file to convert robot model file format.

launch files

hrpsys_ros_bridge/launch/hrpsys_ros_bridge.launch is a launch file to invoke ROSBridges and connect them with RTCs.

Euslisp interface

Euslisp Interface



Euslisp Examples

Euslisp example


Changelog for package hrpsys_ros_bridge

1.4.3 (2020-04-20)

  • Adapt README for melodic & fix style of README & fix to run on melodic (#1090)
  • use setJointAnglesOfGroup() and playPattern(), use clearJointAngles() with test (#1071)
    • Fix swapping of clear and clearJointAngles
    • Add comments to clarify when stopping motion is executed
    • Tell getting new goal from cancel
    • setJointANglesSequenceOfGroup has bugs as of 315.15.0, use old API intead see
    • add more debug info for #765
    • use setJointAnglesOfGroup() and playPattern(), use clearJointAngles()
    • add code to get hrpsys rtc version, thakns to \@n-ando
    • Add two points trajectory to test of joint trajectory action cancel
    • Add comment on two points trajectory to samplerobot test of joint trajectory action goal overwrite
    • Add two points trajectory to PA10 test of joint trajectory action goal overwrite
    • Add test for joint trajectory action cancel overwrite with samplerobot
    • Add test for joint trajectory action goal overwrite with PA10
    • Add test for joint trajectory action cancel with PA10
  • [HrpsysSeqStateROSBridge] output joint_state/velocity (#1069)
    • [hrpsys_ros_bridge.launch] add comment to USE_VELOCITY_OUTPUT
    • [hrpsys_ros_bridge] Add test of joint_states/velocity
  • [rtm-ros-robot-interface.l] fix bug of :motor-extra-data (#1066)
  • [rtm-ros-robot-interface.l] add method :set-ref-force-moment to rtm-ros-robot-interface class (#1045)
    • add method :set-ref-force-moment to rtm-ros-robot-interface class
    • [hrpsys_ros_bridge] Add test of :set-ref-force-moment
  • Remove all ros::object slots in def-set-get-param-method (#1060)
  • Set time_from_start to feedback of joint trajectory action with tests (#1073)
    • prev_traj_tm -> traj_start_tm
    • Stop feedback when trajectory is completed
    • Set time_from_start to feedback of joint trajectory action
    • Add test of feedback from joint trajectory action with samplerobot
    • Add test of feedback from joint trajectory action with PA10
  • Re-enable & fix euslisp test on travis (#1085)
    • [hrpsys_ros_bridge] fix bug in samplerobot-sequence-player.l
    • To speed up travis jobs having euslisp tests, stop other tests
  • Try to run multiple hrpsys simulation environments (#1054)
    • add manager port arg in default launch templates
    • re-add omniorb_args for backward compatibility
    • change to use omniorb_args -> openrtm_args
    • support any RTCManager port num
    • update ros bridge launch files
  • [] fix argument of rospy.loginfo ( #1055)
  • fix def-set-get-param-method in rtm-ros-robot-interface.l (#1053)
    • fix def-set-get-param-method in rtm-ros-robot-interface.l
    • add forgotten argument of string= in the last commit
  • [hrpsys_ros_brdge] fix time-limit for test (#1057)
  • Fix less than one sec (#1042)
    • [hrpsys_ros_bridge] change abs to std::abs for trajectory_action when it received trajectory less than 1.0 sec
    • [hrpsys_ros_bridge] add test for trajectory_action when it received trajectory less than 1.0 sec
  • fix typo in stop-rfu-no-wait (#1044)
  • use 2899/2898 for corbaport, since omniorb-nameserver forcestarted nameserver as default port 2809 when they\'re first installed (#1043)
  • Update GaitGenerator/ReferenceForceUpdater methods (#1040)
    • [hrpsys_ros_bridge/euslisp/rtm-ros-robot-interface.l] Add method to configure toe heel phase ration automatically in GaitGeneratorParam.
    • [hrpsys_ros_bridge/euslisp/rtm-ros-robot-interface.l] Update method for new ReferenceForceUpdater functionalities (
    • [hrpsys_ros_bridge/euslisp/rtm-ros-robot-interface.l] Add method to print RTCs\' parameters in more readable style using print-object.
  • Add method to print RTCs\' parameters in more readable style using print-object. (#1039)
  • Contributors: Guilherme Affonso, Kei Okada, Naoki Hiraoka, Shintaro Komatsu, Shun Hasegawa, Shunichi Nozawa, Yohei Kakiuchi, Yasuhiro Ishiguro

1.4.2 (2017-12-22)

  • add test to check #1036 situation (#1038)
  • duration == 0.0 results unexpected behavior, so force set 0.001 when duration == 0 s set (#1037 )
  • Contributors: Kei Okada

1.4.1 (2017-10-25)

  • Update of
    • Connect ReferenceForceUpdater\'s ref_force (#1033)
      • [hrpsys_ros_bridge/scripts/] connect reference force port to ReferenceForceUpdater or EmergencyStopper if exists.
    • Add wait for rmfo and vs (#1029)
      • [hrpsys_ros_bridge,] add wait for initalizinig all components
  • HrpsysSeqStateROSBridge (#1027)
    • [HrpsysSeqStateROSBridge] fix for using virtual force sensor
  • Update rtm-ros-robot-interface.l (#1030)
    • [hrpsys_ros_bridge/euslisp/rtm-ros-robot-interface.l] Add documentation string for new arguments (set-ref-force-linear-p, return-value-mode)
    • [hrpsys_ros_bridge/euslisp/rtm-ros-robot-interface.l] Add argument to set linear interpolation during increasing force
    • [hrpsys_ros_bridge/euslisp/rtm-ros-robot-interface.l] Enable to set return value mode
    • [hrpsys_ros_bridge/euslisp/rtm-ros-robot-interface.l] Enable to get fric coefficient wrench add update print messages
    • [hrpsys_ros_bridge/euslisp/rtm-ros-robot-interface.l] Update otd checking loop for moment. Exit from do-until-key loop immediately when otd detection. Fix valiables for set ref force
    • [hrpsys_ros_bridge/euslisp/rtm-ros-robot-interface.l] Use euslisp symbol as detector total wrench parameter
    • [hrpsys_ros_bridge/euslisp/rtm-ros-robot-interface.l] Enable to access detector total wrench as euslisp symbol.
    • [hrpsys_ros_bridge/euslisp/rtm-ros-robot-interface.l] Update otd checking loop. Exit from do-until-key loop immediately when otd detection.
  • Contributors: MasakiMurooka, Shunichi Nozawa, YoheiKakiuchi

1.4.0 (2017-08-09)

  • display error message when body->sensor(j, i) is null (#1014)
  • : add more debug message (#1015)
  • Update AutoBalancer and ReferenceForceUpdater euslisp method symbols (#1026)
    • [hrpsys_ros_bridge/euslisp/rtm-ros-robot-interface.l] Supprot :FootOriginExtMoment for RFU methods.
    • [hrpsys_ros_bridge/euslisp/rtm-ros-robot-interface.l] Support UseForceMode setting as euslisp symbol in :set-auto-balancer-param.
  • fix code to run both Indido and Kinetic (#1025)
    • /test/test-samplerobot-hcf.launch: increase time-limit to 600
    • test/{,} support both pr2_controllers_msgs and controllr_msgs
    • src/hrpsys_ros_bridge/ fix for qt5
    • add USE_PR2_CONTROLLERS_MSGS definition
    • CMakeLists.txt : we do not use pr2_msgs on build time
    • CMakeLists.txt : remove code to download wet pr2_controllers_msgs for groovy
  • Support stride parameter with different length (#1022)
    • [hrpsys_ros_bridge/euslisp/rtm-ros-robot-interface.l] Support stride_parameter of different length
    • [hrpsys_ros_bridge/test/hrpsys-samples/samplerobot-auto-balancer.l] Add test to check stride parameter 4 and 6
  • [HrpsysSeqStateROSBridge] fix stamp of joint_state. add stamp after reading m_rsangle (#1019)
    • [HrpsysSeqStateROSBridge] fix stamp of joint_state. add stamp after reading m_rsangle
  • [HrpsysSeqStateROSBridge] remove subtraction magic number (#1013)
    • [HrpsysSeqStateROSBridge] remove subtraction magic number
  • Support argumen t for setting duration of calibration. For :remove-xx methods, 8.0 by default[s]. For :reset-xx methods, 0.1[s] by default for compatibility (#1011)
    • [hrpsys_ros_bridge/euslisp/rtm-ros-robot-interface.l] Support argument for setting duration of calibration. For :remove-xx methods, 8.0 by default[s]. For :reset-xx methods, 0.1[s] by default for compatibility
  • Add new methods for :remove-force-sensor-offset using RMFO (#1010)
    • [hrpsys_ros_bridge/euslisp/rtm-ros-robot-interface.l] Add new methods for :remove-force-sensor-offset using RMFO. Add warning message for deprecated remove-force methods.
  • Update euslisp hrpsysbase samples (#1009)
    • [hrpsys_ros_bridge/test/hrpsys-samples] Add README for Euslisp hrpsys example basically copied from ros wiki (
    • [hrpsys_ros_bridge/test/hrpsys-samples/samplerobot-carry-object.l] Update carry demo euslisp sample.
    • [hrpsys_ros_bridge/test/hrpsys-samples/samplerobot-stabilizer.l] Update stabilizer euslisp sample according to hrpsys-base stabilizer sample update.
  • Fix bug of sample4leg robot end-coords setting for arms. (#1008)
    • [hrpsys_ros_bridge/models/sample4legrobot.yaml] Fix bug of sample4legrobot end-coords setting for arms.
  • Update project generator and refforce (#1007)
    • [hrpsys_ros_bridge/euslisp] Update README for openhrp-project-generator
    • [hrpsys_ros_bridge/euslisp/rtm-ros-robot-interface.l] Fix orientation for openhrp-project-generator
    • [hrpsys_ros_bridge/euslisp/rtm-ros-robot-interface.l] Update for object turnaround detection to use initial ref forces
    • [hrpsys_ros_bridge/euslisp/rtm-ros-robot-interface.l] Update dump function for openhrp project generator. Use openhrp-project-generator in openhrp3 package instead of _gen_project.launch
  • Add forgotten update for robot.launch ( (#1005)
  • set USE_UNSTABLE_RTC as not all unstable rtc defiend in, just for basic walking test, other latest development rtc is passed by arg (#1004)
    • set USE_UNSTABLE_RTC as not getUnstableRTC defined in, it is for a basic walking test, other latest development rtc is passed by arg from test_samplerobot_euslisp_unittests.launch
    • [hrpsys_ros_bridge/launch/hrpsys_ros_bridge.launch,hrpsys_ros_bridge/scripts/,hrpsys_ros_bridge/euslisp/rtm-ros-robot-interface.l,hrpsys_tools/launch/hrpsys.launch] Update for ObjectTurnaroundDetector RTC. add USE_REFERENCEFORCEUDPATER and USE_OBJECTCONTACTTURNAROUNDDETECTOR.
  • Contributors: Kei Okada, Shunichi Nozawa, Yohei Kakiuchi

1.3.3 (2017-02-12)

  • HrpsysSeqStateROSBridge.cpp
    • HrpsysSeqStateROSBridge occurs error if number of force sensor is different with size of contact states. fix number of force sensor (#982)
    • Revert \"[HrpsysSeqStateROSBridge] fix number of force sensor\" #984
    • Separate offset-removed force sensor data ports from rsforce, which is actual and non-offset-removed data port. Currently rsforce ports -> rsforce ports + offforce ports. (#964)
    • Fixed mistake of sensor_link_name, when robot has only virturl force sonsors (#945)
  • HrpsysJointTrajectoryBridge.cpp
    • publish feedback for joint_trajectory_actions (#966)
  • hrpsys_ros_bridge/launch/hrpsys_ros_bridge.launch
    • Add argument to change buffer length of rtmlaunch connection. Set 8 by default (default setting in openrtm). (#980)
    • fix model filename. Enable cache in ModelLoader, filename should be same as in .conf file. (#978)
  • euslisp
    • [rtm-ros-robot-interface.l] refactor torque-controller interface (#994)
    • Update sequencefull unit system and arguments (#988)
      • changed arguments of angle-vector-sequence-full see #985
      • [hrpsys-samples/samplerobot-sequence-player.l] Add test for angle-vector-sequence-full (check validity)
      • [rtm-ros-robot-interface.l] Use root-coords and zmp in the abs frame and convert them inside the :angle-vector-sequence-full
      • [rtm-ros-robot-interface.l] Introduce fsensor length for wrench and optionals
      • [rtm-ros-robot-interface.l] Use [mm] and [deg/s] instead of [m] and [rad/s] for vel, pos, and zmp.
      • [rtm-ros-robot-interface.l] Use [deg] instead of [rad] for jpos argument and remove jvs arg.
      • [rtm-ros-robot-interface.l] Use tm as [ms], previously [s].
    • [tm-ros-robot-interface.l] Update :reset-force-moment-offset to use :off force/moment vector (#983)
    • [tm-ros-robot-interface.l] Added a missing keyword in def-set-get-method for TorqueControllerService. (#972)
    • [tm-ros-robot-interface.l] Add euslisp interface for torque controller (#965)
    • [datalogger-log-parser.l] Modify unit of cogvel [m] -> [mm] for euslisp (#960)
    • [rtm-ros-robot-interface.l] Add get-go-pos-footsteps-sequence in rtm-ros-robot-interface.l and add test (#965)
    • [rtm-ros-robot-interface.l] Update frame of wrench. Previously, wrench frame is mismatch with documentation string. Previous : local -> new : world. (#963)
    • [rtm-ros-robot-interface.l] Add eefm force moment distribution weight parameter. (#958)
    • [rtm-ros-robot-interface.l] add Eus interface of SequencePlayserService_setJointAnglesSequenceFull and add test in test/hrpsys-samples/samplerobot-sequence-player.l (#954)
    • [datalogger-log-parser.l] Add sh reference force and support both rpy and 3x3 matrix for WAIST log(#956)
    • [rtm-ros-robot-interface.l] update rfu interface for idl changed in (#952)
    • [datalogger-log-parser.l] Use joint-list length for datalogger joint angle conversion. (#953)
      • Add simulation actual root coords reading and check for existance of RobotHardware0_servoState in datalogger. Fix setting of simulators\' data parser names.
      • Use joint-list length for datalogger joint angle conversion.
    • [rtm-ros-robot-interface.l] make directory for log files (#951)
  • [scripts/] Add nameserver argument for ros_bridge.launch (#950)
  • [test/hrpsys-samples/samplerobot-stabilizer.l] Update loadPattern sample because add-optional-data-from-rs-list is included in dump-seq-pattern-file (#959)
  • Contributors: Ryo Koyama, Kei Okada, Noriaki Takasugi, Ryo Terasawa, Shunichi Nozawa, Yohei Kakiuchi, Yoshimaru Tanaka, Iori Kumagai, Iori Yanokura, Juntaro Tamura

1.3.2 (2016-04-26)

  • [fix] getFootStepParam interface according to upstream change. Remove rleg_coords and lleg_coords.
  • [fix] HrpsysSeqStateROSBridgeImpl.cpp: sensor->localR is world coords
  • [fix] Modified HrpsysSeqStateROSBridgeImpl to enable virtual force
  • [fix] [rtm-ros-robot-interface.l] add time constant prameter according to upstream idl update
  • [fix] [hrpsys_ros_bridge] Fix genjava problem by adding message_generation as build_depend
  • [fix] getFootStepParam interface according to upstream change. Remove rleg_coords and lleg_coords.
  • [fix] [hrpsys_ros_bridge]change D if D from hrpsys is empty
  • [feat] [hrpsys_ros_bridge/test/] add test programs to check frame_id of off_xxsensor and ref_xxsensor (#940)
  • [feat] Set /robot/type param according to lower-case robot name such as samplerobot.
  • [feat] [hrpsys_ros_bridge/test/test-samplerobot.*] add a test program for init of hcf
  • [feat] fix collision visualization, color of sphere will be purple if collision occur
  • [feat] .travis.yml : add test when old hrpsys-ros-bridge exists (#929)
  • [feat] [hrpsys_ros_bridge/euslisp/rtm-ros-robot-interface.l] Add check for param existence for def-set-get-param-method to neglect idl mismatch error. Fix indent. (#933)
  • [feat] [hrpsys_ros_bridge/euslisp/rtm-ros-robot-interface.l] Add reference force updater euslisp methods.
  • [feat] [hrpsys_ros_bridge/euslisp/rtm-ros-robot-interface.l] Add object turnaround detector moment version interface.l
  • [feat] Add define controller #887
  • [feat] Add leg limb controller setting.
  • [feat] Add method to define joint trajectory controller by default setting.
  • [feat] Add gopos overwrite and graspless manip mode to all demos
  • [feat] Add example for graspless manip mode and gopos overwrite.
  • [feat] Add euslisp interface for graspless manip mode.
  • [feat] add a set-default-step-time-with-the-same-swing-time method
  • [feat] add time constant prameter according to upstream idl update
  • [feat] Add HrpsysSeqStateROSBridge tf rate test
  • [feat] enable virtual force in HrpsysSeqStateROSBridgeImpl
  • [feat] Enable to set subscription_type for DataPorts from hrpsys_ros_bridge.launch argument. Use new by default to keep backward compatibility.
  • [feat] Add loading of optionalData from seq pattern file.
  • [improve] add more mesage to prevent confusion
  • [improve] Add setting for ReferenceForceUpdater
  • [improve] Reset object turnaround detector\'s detector total wrench mode as TOTAL_FORCE in force estimation.
  • [improve] Enable to set push_policy and push_rate for DataPorts from hrpsys_ros_bridge.launch argument. Use all and 50.0 by default to keep backward compatibility.
  • [improve] Rename tf extract script for test and add comments for that
  • [improve] add arguments(SIMULATOR_NAME_[ANGLE,VELOCITY,TORQUE]) to hrpsys_ros_bridge.launch, for connecting rtc components other than RobotHardware
  • [improve] add time constant prameter according to u... #910
  • [improve] add argument to set periodic time for object turning detection.
  • [improve] define method to set/get emergency-stopper-paramMerge pull request #865
  • [improve] Suppress /tf publishing rate by tf_rate using Timer callback in ros.
  • [improve] Separate updating odometry and imu into functions
  • [improve] Update st param #894
  • [improve] add eefm_swing_rot_spring_gain / eefm_swing_pos_spring_gain as st param
  • [improve] Update joint group and add test for limb controller
  • [doc] [hrpsys_ros_bridge/euslisp/rtm-ros-robot-interface.l] In-code documentation improvement
  • [doc] [hrpsys_ros_bridge/euslisp/rtm-ros-robot-interface.l] Set default documentation string for def-set-get-param-method setter and getter.
  • [doc] [hrpsys_ros_bridge/euslisp/rtm-ros-robot-interface.l] Add argument documentation for :set-xxx methods.
  • [doc] [hrpsys_ros_bridge/euslisp/,hrpsys_ros_bridge/euslisp/rtm-ros-robot-interface.l] Update readme and euslisp documentation strings
  • [doc] default documentation string for def-set-get-param-method setter and getter.
  • [doc] In-code documentation improvement
  • Contributors: Eisoku Kuroiwa, Kei Okada, Kentaro Wada, Masaki Murooka, Shunichi Nozawa, Yohei Kakiuchi, Yu Ohara, Iori Yanokura

1.3.1 (2015-12-16)

  • deb release only targeting to indigo
  • Fix for travis testing
    • [hrpsys_ros_bridge/test/test-samplerobot.test] Use joint_states instead of odom to check tf because joint_states is more related with tf and [Hz] printing. than odom #880
    • [hrpsys_ros_bridge/test/test-samplerobot.test] Increase hzerror according to Current worst travis hz seem to be more than 300[Hz], so set 200[Hz] error. #879
    • catkin.cmake: use ccache only for CI environment #872
    • add depends from AutoBalancerService.hh to StabilizerService.hh #872
    • [hrpsys_ros_bridge/test/hrpsys-samples/test_samplerobot_euslisp_unittests.launch] Increase time-limit for autobalancer euslisp test #879
  • Fasten script excution
    • [hrpsys_ros_bridge/scripts/] Reduce unnecessary waiting for sensor port rosbridge connection. #879
  • Bug fix
    • [hrpsys_ros_bridge/src/HrpsysSeqStateROSBridge.cpp] Initialize prev_odom_acquired flag. #879
  • Add euslisp new example and update for example conf setting
    • [hrpsys_ros_bridge/test/hrpsys-samples/samplerobot-stabilizer.l] Add Stabilizer + loadPattern example for euslisp interface. #875
    • [hrpsys_ros_bridge/catkin.cmake] Add Sequencer\'s optionalData setting for sample conf files. #875
  • Contributors: Kei Okada, Shunichi Nozawa

1.3.0 (2015-12-09)

  • deb release only targeting to indigo
  • [.travis.yml, hrpsys_ros_bridge/catkin.cmake] Enable travis euslisp test using USE_DEB=source and reducing make jobs and loads #806
  • Bug Fixes
    • [hrpsys_ros_bridge/euslisp/datalogger-log-parser.l] modify string conversion in RobotHardware0 (for robot name containing \'_\') #848
    • [hrpsys_ros_bridge/euslisp/datalogger-log-parser.l] Add RobotHardware0_servoState data to robot state #853
    • [hrpsys_ros_bridge/euslisp/datalogger-log-parser.l] Update unitsysetm conversion of angle-vector (rad->deg, m->mm) #845
    • [hrpsys_ros_bridge/catkin.cmake] Fix typo for hrpsys_PREFIX #843
    • [hrpsys_ros_bridge/euslisp/rtm-ros-robot-interface.l] Return detection mode. #841
    • [hrpsys_ros_bridge/euslisp/rtm-ros-robot-interface.l] Update set force method. Add reset force. #840
    • [hrpsys_ros_bridge/catkin.cmake] Update PDgain conf property name #816
    • [hrpsys_ros_bridge/euslisp/rtm-ros-robot-interface.l] Fix for pos and rot ik thre #803
    • [cmake/compile_robot_model.cmake] move location of set variable (compile_all_target) #779
    • [src/hrpsys_ros_bridge/] Run event loop for 1 sec after showing splashwindow to force to load image immediately #762
    • [euslisp/datalogger-log-parser.l] Warn message if wrong path is specified #767
    • [euslisp/datalogger-log-parser.l] Add limb-list first, Add st and abc properties to datalogger log parser #761
  • /off_xxsensor and /xxsensor
    • [hrpsys_ros_bridge/src/HrpsysSeqStateROSBridge.cpp] fix /off_xxsensor frame_id #867
    • [hrpsys_ros_bridge/src/HrpsysSeqStateROSBridge.cpp] fix frame_id of off_xxsensor #855
  • euslisp/rtm-ros-robot-interface.l : add/modify interfaces for new/updated rtc
    • [hrpsys_ros_bridge/test/hrpsys-samples/samplerobot-auto-balancer.l] Use 4limbs in startAutoBalancer when Groups has rarm and larm and update sample. #866
    • add reference remaining_time in /ref_contact_states #857
    • Add method of servo-state #853
    • Add calc velocity from velocity offset #842
    • Add euslisp style argument for leg_default_translate_pos #836
    • Add grasp controller interface methods.l #831
    • Enable to set optional-data from robot and contact-state #831
    • Add optionalData from euslisp rs-list #822
    • add stabilizer-end-coords-list #820
    • Update setter methods #818
    • Add \":set-foot-steps-with-param-and-base-height\" method in order to specify footstep with params and base height #811
    • update default-zmp-offsets interface according to hrpsys-base change #808
    • add an interface for multi legs footsteps #795
    • get ref-capture-point from Stabilizer rtco #794
    • update AutoBalancerParam according to #786
    • get cp from Stabilizer rtc #781
    • Update footstep methods to enable overwriting #775
    • get emergency-mode from robot-interface #772
    • Add calculation of sole edge #759
  • Add PointCloudROSBridge and RangeSensorROSBridge, and modify ImageSensorROSBridge #785
    • [src/RangeSensorROSBridge.cpp] add intensity parameter for adding intensities #802
    • [src/ImageSensorROSBridge.cpp] fix parsing camera parameter #798
    • [src/ImageSensorROSBridge.cpp] fix bug / reset debug counter #797
    • [hrpsys_ros_bridge/cmake/compile_robot_model.cmake] Use collada_urdf_jsk_patch in order to convert dae into urdf which can be used in gazebo #793
    • [src/ImageSensorROSBridge.cpp] add camera param setter by ros parameter #791
    • [src/PointCloudROSBridge.cpp] fix PointCloudROSBridge, color and frame #790
    • [src/RangeSensorROSBridge.cpp] fix RangeSensorROSBridge / time_increment is zero #788
    • [src/RangeSensorROSBridge.cpp] fix frame of RangeSensor #789
  • Add rsvel port (#807)
    • [src/HrpsysSeqStateROSBridge.cpp, launch/hrpsys_ros_bridge.launch] add rsvel port to HrpSeqStateROSBridge read dq in order to add velocity values to joint_states
    • [hrpsys_ros_bridge/launch/hrpsys_ros_bridge.launch] add USE_VELOCITY_OUTPUT to arguments of rtmlaunch #821
  • Add ObjectTurnaroundDetector methods #838
    • [src/hrpsys_ros_bridge/] Update latest st parameter for torque control
    • [euslisp/rtm-ros-robot-interface.l] Add set-ref-force time #838
    • [hrpsys_ros_bridge/euslisp/rtm-ros-robot-interface.l] Add ObjectTurnaroundDetector methods
    • [test/hrpsys-samples/samplerobot-carry-object.l] Add carry object euslisp sample #838
  • SLAM support
    • [hrpsys_ros_bridge/src/hrpsys_ros_bridge/] Add MapButton for SLAM and odometry #869
    • [src/HrpsysSeqStateROSBridge.cpp] Transform twist from local to global in pose covarance calculation because pose is in global #830
    • [src/HrpsysSeqStateROSBridge.cpp] Set root_link as child_frame_id and describe twist in child_frame_id coordinate #828
    • [src/HrpsysSeqStateROSBridge.cpp] Fix covariance calculation in HrpsysSeqStateROSBridge: previous verision calculation only can be applied in nonhoronomic robot #812
    • [src/HrpsysSeqStateROSBridge.cpp] Fix coordinate representation: omega in twist is global
    • [src/HrpsysSeqStateROSBridge.cpp] Calculate covariance of odometry in HrpsysSeqStateROSBridge
    • [src/HrpsysSeqStateROSBridge.cpp] update prev_odom only when odom is successfully updated in dt > 0
    • [src/HrpsysSeqStateROSBridge.cpp] Calculate angular twist
  • Special joint support #837
    • [models/samplespecialjointrobot.yaml, catkin.cmake] Add cmake setting and euscollada yaml for special joint robot
  • add ContactState.msg, ContactStateStamped.msg, ContactStatesStamped.msg #834
    • [msg/ContactState.msg] Add frame_id to contact states messages
    • [launch/hrpsys_ros_bridge.launch, src/HrpsysSeqStateROSBridge{,cpp,.h,Impl.cpp,Impl.h}] separate ContactStates.msg into ContactState.msg, ContactStateStamped.msg and ContactStatesStamped.msg
    • [hrpsys_ros_bridge/euslisp/rtm-ros-robot-interface.l] Add euslisp interface to get contact states
    • [hrpsys_ros_bridge/src/HrpsysSeqStateROSBridge.cpp] add contact states publisher of AutoBalancer and Stabilizer
    • [msg/ContactState.msg] add ContactStates.msg for legged robots
  • Sample codes
    • [src/hrpsys_ros_bridge/, src/hrpsys_ros_bridge/] set ThermoLimiter parameters to decrease debug messages #849
    • [src/hrpsys_ros_bridge/] update sample4legrobot st and abc parameters, set st and abc parameters #847
    • [hrpsys_ros_bridge/src/hrpsys_ros_bridge/] Update st vertices setting #819
    • [src/hrpsys_ros_bridge/, models/sample4legrobot.yaml, euslisp/sample4legrobot-interface.l, catkin.cmake] Add sample4legrobot generation if exists #817
    • [euslisp/sample4legrobot-interface.l] Update path hrpsys_ros_bridge_tutorials -> hrpsys_ros_bridge #817
    • [catkin.cmake] Add check for sample_4leg_robot existence #817
    • [hrpsys_ros_bridge/src/hrpsys_ros_bridge/] Update st damping parameters #809
    • [hrpsys_ros_bridge/catkin.cmake, src/hrpsys_ros_bridge/, test/hrpsys-samples/test_samplerobot_euslisp_unittests.launch] Enable euslisp unittest for unstable rtcs #806
    • [scripts/default*,,cmake/compile_robot_model.cmake] Use arguments to specify whether unstable or not #806
    • [hrpsys_ros_bridge/test/hrpsys-samples/samplerobot-unittest.l, samplerobot-auto-balancer.l] Update auto-balancer test functions and update unittest order #806
    • [hrpsys_ros_bridge/test/hrpsys-samples/test_samplerobot_euslisp_unittests.launch] Add collision detector test #805
  • Move euslisp sample code from roseus_tutorials #800
    • [hrpsys_ros_bridge/test/hrpsys-samples/test_samplerobot_euslisp_unittests.launch] Add rostest launch file for euslisp unittest and use .launch instead of .test.
    • [hrpsys_ros_bridge/test/hrpsys-samples, hrpsys_ros_bridge/euslisp/samplerobot-interface.l] Fix package name for sample robot euslisp files (hrpsys_ros_bridge_tutorials -> hrpsys_ros_bridge)
  • Use emergency stopper by default for unstable rtc robots #760
    • [hrpsys_ros_bridge/cmake/compile_robot_model.cmake] Use emergency stopper by default for unstable rtc robots
    • [hrpsys_ros_bridge/euslisp/rtm-ros-robot-interface.l] Add method for emergency stop methods
    • [hrpsys_ros_bridge/euslisp/rtm-ros-robot-interface.l] Enable to set rosbridge name for idl srv methods.
    • [hrpsys_ros_bridge/launch/hrpsys_ros_bridge.launch] Add emergency stopper ROSBridges
    • [scripts/] publish diagnostic of emergency_mode from #780
    • [src/HrpsysSeqStateROSBridge{,cpp,.h,Impl.cpp,Impl.h}] publish emergency_mode from EmergencyStopper rtc #763
  • Contributors: Eisoku Kuroiwa, Kei Okada, Masaki Murooka, Ryohei Ueda, Shunichi Nozawa, Tatsuya Ishikawa, Yohei Kakiuchi, Yuta Kojio, Iori Kumagai

1.2.14 (2015-06-23)

  • [hrpsys_ros_bridge] Add splash screen to hrpsys dashboard
  • Enable to set step time for each foot steps and update documentation
  • Add emergency walking stop and update documentations
  • [hrpsys_ros_bridge] set position of imu_floor zero
  • Add method to get remaining foot steps and displaying method
  • [cmake_compile_robot_model.cmake] get_filename_component DIRECTORY is only available > cmake 2.8.12
  • Publish cop position in end link frame
  • Publish COP for each end effectors. COPInfo is provided by Stabilizer.
  • Add --use-robot-hrpsys-config argument to compile robot old (added to compile robot in 54e64bf3c4131fc907c6b7c0a34d728f82948e76)
  • Contributors: Kei Okada, Ryohei Ueda, Shunichi Nozawa

1.2.13 (2015-06-11)

  • [launch/hrpsys_ros_bridge.launch] Add USE_ROBOT_POSE_EKF
  • [euslisp/rtm-ros-robot-interface.l] fix typo
  • [euslisp/rtm-ros-robot-interface.l] Add :adjust-foot-steps-roll-pitch to reset current foot steps
  • [euslisp/rtm-ros-robot-interface.l] Add toe heel angle for :set-foot-steps-with-param-no-wait
  • [euslisp/rtm-ros-robot-interface.l] Add argument for transition times
  • [euslisp/rtm-ros-robot-interface.l] Use current foot midcoords of rleg and lleg in roll pitch method
  • [euslisp/rtm-ros-robot-interface.l] Add adjust footsteps euslisp interface
  • [euslisp/datalogger-log-parser.l] Add function to dump seq pattern file from datalogger log
  • [euslisp/rtm-ros-robot-interface.l,uslisp/rtm-ros-robot-interface.l] Add force moment param zerosettin method and use it in calib program
  • [euslisp/rtm-ros-robot-interface.l] raise error when bridged service call failed
  • [euslisp/rtm-ros-robot-interface.l] Make interpolation-time in sync-controller shorter
  • [euslisp/rtm-ros-robot-interface.l] Add :set-foot-steps-with-base-height
  • [euslisp/rtm-ros-robot-interface.l] Fix typo in start method. Start auto balancer by legs.
  • [euslisp/rtm-ros-robot-interface.l] Add euslisp methods for default unstable controllers
  • [src/HrpsysSeqStateROSBridge.cpp] imu_floor again
  • [src/hrpsys_ros_bridge/] add st/abc/ic start at once button
  • [hrpsys_ros_bridge/cmake/compile_robot_model.cmake] Enable to specify robot specific
  • [launch/hrpsys_ros_bridge.launch] Add argument to specify periodic rate of seq ros bridge
  • [euslisp/rtm-ros-robot-interface.l] add hours, minutes and seconds for :save-log
  • [.travis.yaml, hrpsys_ros_bridge/catkin.cmake] add eusdoc
  • [euslisp/rtm-ros-robot-interface.l] Support t or nil in setter arguments
  • Contributors: Eisoku Kuroiwa, Kei Okada, Ryohei Ueda, Shunichi Nozawa, Yohei Kakiuchi, Iori Kumagai

1.2.12 (2015-04-27)

  • [euslisp/rtm-ros-robot-interface.l] Update function to calculate toe heel offset. Support both pos and zmp and add documentation
  • [hrpsys_ros_bridge/cmake/compile_robot_model.cmake] fix for --conf option with comment
  • Contributors: Kei Okada, Shunichi Nozawa

1.2.11 (2015-04-25)

  • [catkin.cmake] add depend to pr2_controllers_msgs in catpkin_package
  • [cmake/compile_robot_model.cmake] fix dependency add_custom_depend need to DEPEND to other target
  • [euslisp/rtm-ros-robot-interface.l] Add calculate-toe-heel-pos-offsets and set-foot-steps-with-param
  • Contributors: Kei Okada, Shunichi Nozawa

1.2.10 (2015-04-24)

  • add rewrited version of compile_robot_model.cmake
    • [compile_robot_model.cmake] generate controller_config even if yaml is not found
    • [compile_robot_model.cmake] use add_custom_target/command for eusif and launch, set PROJECT_PKG_NAME
    • [compile_robot_model.cmake] rewrite everything from scratch
  • euslisp
    • [rtm-ros-robot-interface.l] Add method to align footsteps with roll or pitch angle
    • [datalogger-log-parser.l] change max-line count method
    • [rtm-ros-robot-interface.l] Add sync-controller method, which preserve limb-controller angle before remove-joint-group is called.
    • [rtm-ros-robot-interface.l] Enable to set gravitational acceleration for calculating st parameter
  • [HrpsysSeqStateROSBridgeImpl.{cpp,h}] display more debug info for diagnostics
  • [cmake/compile_robot_model.cmake] Revert \"compile_robot contains output files, not targets\"
  • [hrpsys_ros_bridge/package.xml] Limits dependent pkg version to avoid critical error in downstream (tork-a/rtmros_nextage/#160)
  • Contributors: Eisoku Kuroiwa, Isaac IY Saito, Kei Okada, Shunichi Nozawa, Iori Kumagai

1.2.9 (2015-04-11)

  • [package.xml] remove pr2_controllers, add pr2_controller_msgs, pr2_msgs, control_msgs package.xml
  • [collision_state] fix to work collision state
    • [] fix minor bug of CORBA.OBJECT_NOT_EXIST -> omniORB.CORBA.OBJECT_NOT_EXIST
    • [] check isActive() to avoid raise error during servo on phase
  • [hrpsys_ros_bridge/catkin.cmake]
    • move rtmlaunch/rtmtest from hrpsys_ros_bridge to openrtm_tools, add envhook for catkin users
  • [hrpsys_tools/hrpsys.launch] support DEBUG_HRPSYS argument to run rtcd with gdb
  • [hrpsys_ros_bridge/cmake/compile_robot_model.cmake]
    • Add dependency from the files generated by export_collada to compile_robots in order to prevent parallel execution of export_collada
    • Check current if scope has parent scope when set variable in PARENT_SCOPE in compile_robot_model.cmake to supress warning messages
    • Fix serious typo: daefile -> _daefile in compile_robot_model.cmake
    • fix warning in if/endif macro
    • compile_robtos should be list of all generated lisp file, not targets
  • [euslisp/rtm-ros-robotics-interface.l]
    • Add impedance controller mode getter method
    • Return Euslisp coordinates from :get-foot-step-param
    • Add methods to get Euslisp style parameters from IDL enum type
    • Add comments for st methods
    • Add methods to tune st parameter
    • Add functions to calculate eefm st parameters
    • Fix order of ee setting
    • Pass arguments for joint-properties to ProjectGenerator
  • Contributors: JAXON, Kei Okada, Ryohei Ueda, Shunichi Nozawa

1.2.8 (2015-03-09)

  • [hrpsys_ros_bridge] Do not run collada_to_urdf parallel. In order to avoid parallel execution of collada_to_urdf, add tricky dependency
  • Add graspless manip mode euslisp interface
  • [test-*.py] test name could not contain minus? any changet to underscore (
  • [] fix syntax error on loadPattern
  • update for legged robot
  • Sample.pos is not installed via deb package, see
  • Fix rmfo sensor argument
  • copy rtmlaunch,rtmtest to global_bin when compile
  • Add method to calculate go-velocity param from velocity center offset
  • Add menus for unstable rtcs (not used by default)
  • Add setting for HrpsysConfigurator in hrpsys dashboard and apply it to servoOn/Off menu (disabled by default).
  • Remove unused initial leg offsetting because this is implemented AutoBalancer\'s setFootSteps
  • [hrpsys_ros_bridge] Refactor compile_robot_model.cmake
  • Use ee name for impedance methods
  • [hrpsys_ros_bridge] need to wait for activate
  • [hrpsys_ros_bridge] wait for sh, sometimes we can not find them
  • Update impedance start/stop methods
  • [hrpsys_ros_bridge] Do not call export_collada in parallel
  • Update :reset-force-moment-offset funcs and add documents
  • Update documentation strings for ImpedanceController and Ref forces
  • [hrpsys_ros_bridge] Fix path for catkin build
  • pass :rarm instead of \'rhsensor\' or \'rasensor\' to :set-forcemoment-offset-param
  • Add seq base pos and rpy methods
  • Remove duplicated method and fix argument passing for imp methods
  • Contributors: Kei Okada, Ryohei Ueda, Shunichi Nozawa, Eisoku Kuroiwa

1.2.7 (2015-01-06)

  • Add :reference-root-coords method for log
  • Update datalogger parser time parsing and robothardware naming
  • Add euslisp methods for seq wait interpolation and co get status
  • Enable virtual force setting. Read conf file in HrpsysSeqStateROSBridge and connect vfs ports if exists
  • Add set ref force and moment methods. Enable vforcesensors
  • change robot-init function to pass arguments to initializer
  • Set default name as co
  • Use segment name of body_info as collision detection frame_id
  • Add argument to select activation because can be launched in hrpsys_ros_bridge.launch
  • Enable to configure collision detector instance name
  • Use subscription_type as new to avoid influence on realtime process
  • (rtm-ros-robot-interface) : Add optionaldata for dump-seq-pattern-file
  • (rtm-ros-robot-interface) : Add function to load seq pattern file and euslisp list from it.
  • (rtm-ros-robot-interface) : Add documentation string for dump-seq-pattern-file
  • Fix frame of loadPattern
  • Add euslisp interface method for reference wrench
  • Publish reference wrench from StateHolder wrench data ports. Check existence of wrench ports because hrpsys-base 315.1.9 does not have wrench ports in Seq and Sh.
  • Add RMFO calib readme
  • Update RMFO calibration sequence. Use parameter file
  • Add load and dump rmfo param methods
  • Separate robot date string as method and fix :save-log default argument
  • on indigo, hrpsys is not ros-catkin package
  • fix for new packaging openrtm/hrpsys (compile package directoly from original repository)
  • Fix typo of hrpsys_ros_bridge.launch
  • Add USE_HRPSYS_PROFILE to toggle whether running hrpsys_profile
  • Add parameter ~publish_sensor_tf to HrpsysSeqStateROSBridge to toggle publishing tf frames of the sensors
  • Fix unitsystem for documentation
  • Add directory to generate Euslisp documentation
  • Enable to set integer enum values
  • (rtm-ros-robot-interface) : Fix typo in save-log
  • (rtm-ros-robot-interface) : Add date string and robot name to Datalogger log name by default.
  • (rtm-ros-robot-interface) : Update seq methods. Revise set-interpolation-mode using defconst param and remove deprecated dump-seq parttern
  • Merge remote-tracking branch \'origin/master\' into tmp_update_impedance_controller_methods
  • (rtm-ros-robot-interface) : Update impedance controller setter and getter
  • (rtm-ros-robot-interface) : Remove deprecated euslisp interface and functions.
  • Update rtmbuild_init to specify dependency of generate_messages and add new service interface to HrpsysSeqStateROSBridge to specify transformation for each sensor
  • Merge pull request #583 from eisoku9618/update-print-end-effector-parameter-conf-from-robot Merged.
  • do not print a leading colon of :rarm
  • (rtm-ros-robot-interface) : Enable to set st algorithm as Euslisp symbol.
  • remove unnecessary white spaces
  • rename total time of 1 cycle from RobotHardware0 to Summary
  • add eps_of_rh variable in order to reduce unnecessary for loop
  • (test-samplerobot) : Import all srv files in discussed in
  • (default_robot* : Add argument for precreate controller
  • (rtm-ros-robot-interface) : Update :set-gait-generator-param method to use defconstant enum values and add printing method
  • (datalogger-log-parser) : Add abc baseTform reading
  • Contributors: Kei Okada, Ryohei Ueda, Shunichi Nozawa, Yohei Kakiuchi, Eisoku Kuroiwa

1.2.6 (2014-10-10)

  • set time-limit to 300
  • ( fix test case, since /clock is sync with hrpsys time, so we can use more strict settings
  • fix test code for changing 0.002
  • (rtm-ros-robot-interface) : Add documentation strings for state methods and rearrange it. Add logger documentation.
  • Contributors: Kei Okada, Shunichi Nozawa

1.2.5 (2014-10-04)

  • Improvement on rtm-ros-robot-interface, datalogger-log-parser, samplerobot
  • Fix stamp of odom and imu
  • Improve dependency: robot_pose_ekf.launch, robot_pose_ekf
  • Contributors: Kei Okada, Shunichi Nozawa, YoheiKakiuchi

1.2.4 (2014-09-08)

  • (test/test-pa10.test) support GUI argument
  • (test/ add test for /command
  • (hrpsys_ros_bridge/src/HrpsysJointTrajectoryBridge.cpp) support <controller>/command, see #537
  • ( fix document, based on snozawa\'s comment
  • Contributors: Kei Okada

1.2.3 (2014-09-03)

1.2.2 (2014-08-31)

1.2.1 (2014-06-23)

  • add euscollada path for compile collada model
  • Merge pull request #495 from k-okada/add_servo_controller hrpsys_ros_bridge.launch: add servo controller
  • (datalogger-log-parser.l) : Check existence of zmp value and rpy value
  • hrpsys_ros_bridge.launch: add servo controller fix rtmlaunch options (thanks to \@hyaguchijsk)
  • does not use group tag, just use unless tag to disable connection between sh.rtc:baseTformOut and baseTform
  • (hrpsys_ros_bridge/package.xml) run_depend on ipython
  • (hrpsys_ros_bridge/package.xml) Sort in alphabetical order
  • (rtm-ros-robot-interface.l, datalogger-log-parser.l) Update imu euslisp methods ;; We should use /imu instead of tf according to
  • hrpsys_ros_bridge/euslisp/datalogger-log-parser.l:add reading zmp data from hrpsys log file
  • Merge pull request #458 from snozawa/rotate_camera_z_axis Rotate sensor->localR 180[deg] because OpenHRP3 camera -Z axis equals to ROS camera Z axis
  • Merge pull request #477 from garaemon/add-imu-topic-remove-imu-floor Add /imu topic and /odom topic remove imu_floor
  • Merge pull request #460 from k-okada/hrpsys_version_gte set hrpsys version greater than 315.2.0
  • update pa10 test code
  • publish Imu value to /imu topic and odometory value to /odom.
  • fix ProjectGenerator path for compile_collada_model
  • update .gitignore for auto generated files under hrpsys_ros_bridge directory
  • rtmlaunch; Add usage api doc
  • hrpsys_ros_bridge/euslisp/datalogger-log-parser.l : update state methods and add eof check
  • hrpsys_ros_bridge/, hrpsys_ros_bridge/euslisp/ : add README for hrpsys_ros_bridge and euslisp usage
  • hrpsys_ros_bridge/euslisp/datalogger-log-parser.l : support force sensor reading
  • hrpsys_ros_bridge/euslisp/rtm-ros-robot-interface.l : update sensor accessor commited in
  • (package.xml files) Update repository URLs
  • (start-jsk/rtmros_common/pull/397) hrpsys_ros_bridge/launch/hrpsys_ros_bridge.launch, hrpsys_ros_bridge/scripts/ : rename AbsoluteForceSensor => RemoveForceSensorLinkOffset
  • (collision_detector.launch) add default model file path using one fromreal robot
  • ( ) add \'import re\' for using regular expression
  • add generation of hrpsys_config for robots using unstable RTCs ;; add configuration for unstable RTCs in cmake ;; by default, do not nothing, so there will be no side effect for robots only using Stable RTCs
  • set RTCTREE_NAMESERVERS environment variables, for #453
  • pass args to super class
  • set hrpsys version greater than 315.2.0
  • Rotate sensor->localR 180[deg] because OpenHRP3 camera -Z axis equals to ROS camera Z axis
  • add samplerobot.rviz
  • hrpsys_ros_bridge/ Use logerr to highlight an error that could be overlooked
  • (HrpsysJointTrajectoryBridge) ros cpp style macro applied.
  • Contributors: Isaac Desu Saito, Isaac IY Saito, Isaac Isao Saito, Kei Okada, Kunio Kojima, Ryohei Ueda, Tatsushi Karasawa, YoheiKakiuchi, mmurooka, nozawa

1.2.0 (2014-05-14)

  • bump to 1.2.0for hrpsys 315.2.0

1.0.12 (2014-05-06)

  • (collision_detector.launch) typo
  • use odom instad of imu_floor
  • do not connect port when afs is not found
  • set WALKING and IMPEDANCE controller as non-default RTC
  • update generate config.yaml
  • add both Robot(Robot)0 and RobotHadware0 in datalogger
  • add scripts for auto generating controller config yaml
  • Use subprocess.Popen rather than check_call in order to call external process asynchronouslly
  • pass argument to get-ROSBridge-method-defmacro method
  • add generating urdf file to compile_robot_model.cmake
  • Merge pull request #433 from k-okada/do_not_compile_idl_twice do not update manifets.xml and copy idl when it is not needed (#429)
  • implement hrpsys_dashboard base on rqt, not on rxtools
  • do not update manifets.xml and copy idl when it is not needed (#429)
  • rename base-pos and base-rpy => root-pos and root-rpy
  • add reading of datalogger properties
  • set REALTIME=ture as default
  • update :start-auto-balancer and :stop-auto-balancer method according to hrpsys-base trunk update at commit ;; we do not need to change usage of these methods
  • Contributors: Isaac Saito, Kei Okada, Ryohei Ueda, YoheiKakiuchi, Shunichi Nozawa

1.0.11 (2014-04-16)

  • use random staritng port number for rtm_naming, also try to continue if name server is already running
  • Contributors: Kei Okada

1.0.10 (2014-04-15)

  • remove sed to comment out pr2_controllers
  • Contributors: Kei Okada

1.0.9 (2014-04-14)

  • (hrpsys_ros_bridge) add git to build_depend
  • Contributors: Isaac IY Saito

1.0.8 (2014-04-14)

  • use git:// for download pr2_controllers (potential fix for #410)
  • add rosdnode to depends(see, #411)
  • add euscollada_SOURCE_PREFIX and euscollada_PREFIX
  • use for rosdevel build environment, see #400
  • remove deprecate function to generate conf parameter
  • Added procps, hostname, net-tools build_depends. These tools are used during building and testing
  • Contributors: Kei Okada, Scott K Logan, Shunichi Nozawa

1.0.7 (2014-03-20)

  • call find_package(catkin) fist
  • #22: add PROJECT_NAME to the target used in compile_robot_model to avoid collision of the target names
  • add rostest/hrpsys_tools to depends and find_package
  • hrpsys_ros_bridge: (test-compile-robot.launch) add test-compile-robot.launch (but is is not includeded in CMakeLists.txt and use .launch instead of .test due to Issue #87), fix compile_robot_model.cmake work with devel of hrpsys_ros_bridge, disable launch script from
  • hrpsys_ros_bridge: add test-compile-robot.xml test-compile-robot.cmake
  • check hrpsys_ros_bridge SOURCE_DIR for both SOURCE_DIR and PREFIX
  • hrpsys_ros_bridge: use catkin package of pr2_controllers_msgs
  • hrpsys_tools, hrpsys_ros_bridge: increase retly to 4 for test
  • hrpsys_ros_bridge: install/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/hrpsys_ros_bridge/ disappeared somehow? this is temprarily fix (FIXME)
  • hrpsys_ros_bridge: fix compile_robot_model.cmkae, use find_package to set /lib/openrtm_aist/bin/rtm-naming /lib/openhrp3/export-collada
  • display with logwarn when CollisionDetector is not found
  • hrpsys_ros_bridge, fix path for installed conf/dae/launch files
  • compile_robot_model.cmake: add debug message in generate_default_launch_eusinterface_files
  • hrpsys_ros_bridge: (,, increase timeout of watForTransform() and catch exception if tf is not found
  • collision_state, wait until co is found, if not found exit with 0, not 1
  • add Exception
  • hrpsys_ros_bridge: add collada_urdf to depends
  • run hrpsys_profile within try block
  • remove undefined variables
  • hrpsys_ros_bridge: add visualization_msgs to depeds
  • hrpsys_ros_bridge: fix ProjectGenerator location, see #353
  • hrpsys_ros_bridge: add test code for samplerobot and pa10
  • hrpsys_ros_bridge: add diagnostic_aggregator to depend (manifest.xml package.xml)
  • hrpsys_ros_bridge: add more args to default_robot*.in (GUI, SIMULATOR_NAME, corbaport)
  • add comment on why we remove depend to pr2_controllers_msgs
  • (package.xml) add angles to build_depend intentinally dut to build_depend to tf does ont install angles
  • (manifest.xml) commented out depend package pr2_controllers_msgs for rosmake dependency graph generation, but comment in for rosmake build objects
  • (manifest.xml) if you have both rosdep and depend, rosmake does not work well, see
  • (manifest.xml) users are expected to manually install ros-groovy-pr2-dashboard
  • (CMakeLists.txt) download pr2_controllers_msgs for groovy/rosbuild
  • fix typo ;; elif -> elseif
  • add
  • Wrong catkin macro (CATKIN-DEPENDS to CATKIN_DEPENDS).
  • change destination of stdout of by OUTPUT arg
  • add CMAKE_PREFIX_PATH so that rosrun hrpsys ProjectGenerator works
  • Merge pull request #334 from k-okada/master
  • add openhrp3_PREFIX, more debug message
  • add / after hrpsys_idl_DIR
  • add hrpsys to find_package
  • add more verbose log when error
  • update PKG_CONFIG_PATH for hrpsys-base
  • display error output
  • add depend to pkg-config
  • add depend to pkg-config
  • added euslisp, srv, idl directories to install
  • move to git repository
  • add hrpsys to find_package
  • add more verbose log when error
  • Merge branch \'master\' of
  • display error output
  • add depend to pkg-config
  • add depend to pkg-config
  • update PKG_CONFIG_PATH for hrpsys-base
  • Merge branch \'master\' into garaemon-master
  • not generating sh but running rostes directory to avoid escape problem
  • Merge branch \'master\' of
  • use pkg-config to find directories
  • Merge branch \'master\' of
  • move to git repository
  • added euslisp, srv, idl directories to install
  • fixing list syntax
  • force to set ROS_PACKAGE_PATH when calling euscollada for catkin build
  • adding LD_LIBRARY_PATH
  • remove depend to robot_monitor
  • changing the working directory when call export-collada
  • do not compile lisp code if euxport collada is not exists
  • add diagnositcs_msgs to fake rosdep
  • add dynamic_recofigure to fake rosdep
  • add several rosdep names to fake rosdep
  • add rosdep hrpsys/openrtm_aist to fake rosdep
  • profibit to run rostest parallel
  • installing src directory as python package
  • (hrpsys_ros_bridge/package.xml) Partially revert r6936 where a dependency was removed by mistake.
  • Contributors: Kei Okada, Ryohei Ueda


  • rtmros_common-1.0.6
  • (rtmros_common, openrtm_ros_bridge, hrpsys_ros_bridge) Cleaning and elaborating package.xml
  • add setting for CONF_DT_OPTION
  • set corba port to 15005 in euslisp model dump function
  • fix proble due to r6908, also remove find_package since hrpsys can not find-packed-ed
  • add hrpsys_tools to depends on openrtm_tools, see Issue 309
  • set custom cmake file under CFG_EXTRAS, so that other package is abel to use macros defined in the cmake file
  • generate /tmp/_gen_project**.sh file to invoke rostest since rostest needs package path, see Issue 306
  • installing euslisp directory of hrpsys_ros_bridge when catkining
  • not use rosbuild for catkin
  • fixing close tag in nosim.launch
  • add RUN_RVIZ arg in default launch template files
  • add REALTIME arg in hrpsys-simulator launch template files
  • fix position of long floor
  • add :torque-vector for playpattern
  • add reference torque vector data reading
  • update initialization to neglect log files which lines are not match ;; convert rad2deg
  • fix typos ;; wf -> zf
  • add .zmp file dump
  • add fname for datalogger-log-parser
  • use .rviz file for .in file
  • add datalogger log parser for euslisp
  • enable to se PROJECT_FILE name
  • remove unnecessary print function
  • fix hrpsy_ros_bridge.launch for hrpsys version 315.1.5
  • add :zmp-vector and callback ;; acc print function for end_effectors in conf file
  • add argument for tm
  • add type_name to SensorInfo ;; use it in imu_floor tf sending ;; for almost all robots, frame name is \'gyrometer\'
  • write seq pattern file separatively ;; do not dump .waist file if :root-coords does not exist
  • publish zmp as PointStamped
  • add zmp data port for HrpsysSeqStateRosBridge
  • add euslisp utility fnuction for seq pattern file
  • fix syntax error
  • set_stale when op_mode is not Servo ON nor Servo Off
  • move hrpsys_profiel out of USE_DIAGNOSTICS
  • add use_diagnostics, use_rosout, use_battery option in __init__
  • using prefix for sensor-name
  • add debug print, when body->joints().size() and is not equal
  • split hrpsys_dashboard into hrpsys_dashboard and src/hrpsys_ros_bridge/, see Issue 270
  • fix color
  • change sphere radius depends on dangerness
  • rosbuild does not raise exception when import roslib, use import hrpsys
  • add utility functions for project generator xml file
  • add argument to set timeStep according to hrpsys-base -r905 commit ;; we can set timeStep <= dt ;;
  • enable to add :root-coords which is optional robot states
  • fix typo ;; tile -> time
  • change line width depends on the distance


  • \"rtmros_common-1.0.5\"
  • reverse rpy-angle because euslisp rpy is \'yaw pitch roll\' and openhrp3 rpy is roll pitch yaw
  • pkill kill cmake itself, not why, so create shell script and execute it
  • use find_package for hrpsys and hrpsys_tools
  • fix Issue 256
  • do not depends to lisp file if euscollada is not exists
  • fix missing variable _collada2eus to _collada2eus_exe
  • do not FATAL_ERROR when collada2eus is not found
  • fix for catkin compile
  • add debug message
  • use full path instead of rosrun/rostet for when two binaries are installed
  • fix for catkin, catkin does not requires load_manifest
  • apply patch in Issue 254
  • fix ROS_DISTRO->groovy, this code only used in groovy
  • fix sed command
  • fix typo ENV=>
  • add rostest to run_depend
  • set pr2_controllers to build/run depends and fix catkin.cmake to comment out therese tags if groovy
  • distance under 0.05 always red
  • translate line information relative to root_link_frame
  • add lifetime
  • add standalone collision detector launch file, see #249
  • fix color
  • add error message more verbose
  • rename typo
  • add in launch file, Issue 249
  • add, Issue 249
  • fix length of force list for resetting
  • fix compile_openhrp_model for catkin, see Issue 241


  • \"rtmros_common-1.0.4\"
  • update with r5733



  • \"rtmros_common-1.0.2\"
  • use connection as new
  • add calc-zmp-from-state method
  • add loading of utils file if exists
  • fix typoes ;; _name -> _sname
  • get current additional_make_clean_files and append setting to it ;; use _sname instead of overwriting _name
  • add generated launch and euslisp files to clean target
  • fix when rtmros_common is installed as catkin package, see Issue 214
  • install cmake directory


  • rtmros_common) 1.0.1
  • rtmros_common) Revert wrong commit r5588
  • rtmros_common) 1.0.1
  • hrpsys_ros_bridge) fix to issue 205 (incomplete but worth trying)
  • hrpsys_ros_bridge) Correction to r5584.
  • hrpsys_ros_bridge) Improve package.xml description.
  • add pr2_dashboard path to sys.path for those who could not import pr2_dashboard
  • add comment when pr2_dashboard is not found
  • hrpsys_dashboard) Fix to run with rosbuild.
  • hrpsys_ros_bridge) add Isaac as a maintainer to get notice from buildfarm.
  • add diagnostic_msgs to depends
  • add roslang to depend
  • use rtmbuild_PREFIX instaed of CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX to get rtmbuild.cmake
  • fake rospack not to sudo rosdep install
  • add python-rosdep and rosdep udpate to different execute_process
  • do not set local for jenkins debuild
  • copy rtmlaunch/rtmtest/ to both share and bin for backword compatibility
  • add random string to pr2_controllers_msgs directory path
  • workaround for ros-groovy-rqt-top installs wrong(?) psutil
  • fix for new
  • add LC_ALL=en_US.UTF-8
  • fix syntax error on previous commit
  • add rosdep update when compile pr2_controlers_msgs
  • unset *_LIBRARIES not to add library names to Config.cmake
  • add python-psutil to depend
  • add rosbuild to depends
  • add mk
  • add --non-interactive --trust-server-cert for svn
  • use corba port number 15005
  • install rtmtest and
  • remove svn:executable from
  • add from rtmlaunch in order to add rtmtest, add alias rtmtest to
  • add subversion for groovy, that download and compile non-catkinized pr2_controllers_msgs package
  • download and compile pr2_controllers msgs which is not catlinized on groovy
  • pr2_controllers is not catkinized on groovy
  • add pr2_controllers to bulid/run_depend and use ROS_DISTRO to include pr2_controller_msgs directory
  • add code for restarting jointGroup
  • add remove-joint-group and remove obsolate code
  • fix directory structure, see Issue 188
  • add generating code of controller_config.yaml for using joint group
  • checking the existance all joints in required group on HrpsysJointTrajectoryBridge (ignore not existing joint)
  • fix : rearrange joint order in required goal
  • forget to fix corba port to 15005, see Issue 141
  • fix catkin.cmake for installed project
  • add import OpenRTM_aist.RTM_IDL, for catkin
  • print error message on detection of nan in imu_floor tf
  • install FILES does not need USE_SOURCE_PERMISSIONS
  • fix catkin.cmake, since openrtm_aist/openhrp3/hrpsys is compiled as non-catkin package (this means catkin_make does not install <package>.pc <package>Config.cmake and use DEPENDS not CATKIN-DEPENDS)
  • fix to work on both rtmbuild and catkin environment
  • ignore srv files whose name starts with . in rtm-ros-robot-interface, closes Issue 149
  • fix for catkin
  • check if port_number(5005) is already used, Fixed Issue 141
  • comment out pr2_controllers
  • change pr2_controllers_msgs -> pr2_controllers
  • set default corbaport to 5005, Fixes Issue 141
  • fix method name for set-joint-angles-of-group
  • add add_dependencies to compile_hrpsys
  • fix copy idl file from hrpsys/idl
  • install rtmbuild from rtmbuild_SOURCE_DIR/CMAKE_INSTALL_DIR
  • print name of ports
  • add arguments to specify generated files
  • add arguments to specify file generation
  • rename macro ;; fix typo
  • add nosim template and fix euslisp file name
  • add macro to generate default launch files and euslisp interface
  • wirte more debug comment to ROS_INFO_STREAM
  • hrpsys_ros_bridge) Delete unused dependency. Alphabetize dependency.
  • Remove unused components (robot_monitor).
  • rtmros_common) Increment version to 1.0.0 (based on discussion
  • Updated all package.xml in rtmros_common metapkg (add URLs, alphabetized, cleanup, add Isaac as a maintainer to receive notice from buildfarm).
  • check if USE_ROSBUILD is defined
  • fix 2888 -> 2890 according to discussion of
  • fix for catkin, with USE_ROSBUILD
  • catkinize package
  • add depends to openrtm_ros_bridge
  • add openrtm_tools as depend
  • add depends to hrpsys_tools
  • workaround for Issue 150
  • use hrpsys_ros_bridge for generating ROS service methods
  • was moved to openrtm_tools
  • import from hrpsys_ros_bridge.srv instead of hrpsys.srv
  • minor change
  • hrpsys.launch now goes under hrpsys_tools and rename to hrpsys_config
  • add depends from hrpsys to hrpsys_tools, (hrpsys_tools to hrpsys is also exists, this this is intentially looped) so that users just depends on hrpsys
  • change INCLUDE_DIRS from {prefix}/idl_gen/cpp/{prefix}/idl to {prefix}/idl_gen/cpp, so need to include <prefix/idl/hoge.h> instead of <hoge.h>, Issue 137
  • ProjectGenerator is under hrpsys_tools not hrpsys: cleanup hrpsys, split hrpsys and hrpsys_tools, Issue 137
  • copy idl from hrpsys/share/hrpsys/idl to hrpsys_ros_bridge/idl, Issue 137
  • add depends to hrpsys_tools, Issue 137
  • update openrtm -> openrtm_aist, hrpsys -> hrpsys_toolss: cleanup hrpsys, split hrpsys and hrpsys_tools, Issue 137
  • fix port num ;; 2888 -> 2889
  • run omniNames with port 2888 in compile_openhrp_model
  • check if server is active before send set preempt, this enables exit component cleanly, related to Issue 47
  • fix miss commit ;; add temperature
  • enable to store extra_data of motor_states
  • use PeriodicExecutionContext instead of hrpExecutionContext, Issue 136
  • launch node within group tags not to invoke unused component, see Issue 114
  • add dt conf file option
  • remove unnecessary copying of return value
  • add _ret_add_str and remove duplicate codes
  • fix position of return value setting
  • do not specify if base-name is nil
  • add connection for hrpsys_ros_bridge
  • add dependency of _xmlfile on _xmlfile_nosim to achieve exclusive execution of rostest
  • print port name in sensor_ros_bridge_connect
  • adding some wait for waiting to update rosnode information
  • fix return value if limb is nil
  • fix separator of macro argumens
  • fixes Issue 64, some packaed does not depends on euscollada, invoke rtm-naming within add_custom_command
  • add dependency on euscollada, export-collada, and _gen_project.launch
  • rename -xxx options -> --xxx options
  • specify 2888 in pkill
  • add macros to obtain options for _gen_project.launch and euscollada
  • add get_option macro
  • add INTEGRATE argument
  • start model loader with 2888 port when launch _gen_project.launch
  • do not make error, when collada2eus is not found, some package(hironx_ros_bridge) does not depends on euslisp
  • add xml nosim to target
  • add nosim option and generate nosim xml
  • add robothardware conf option
  • rename abs_xx -> off_xx
  • add compile_collada_model to ALL
  • fix (arg SIMULATOR_NAME)0 -> (arg SIMULATOR_NAME)
  • ->
  • cleanup hrpsys_ros_bridge.launch, use if group, by miyake. Issue 114
  • enable to load only link offset ;; use average value
  • fix typo ;; params -> param
  • add :reset-force-moment-offset
  • support euslisp style argument for forcemoment and impedance methods
  • use euscollada-model\'s :force-sensor methods instead of get-force-sensor-from-limb-name
  • revert to use force-vector and moment-vector
  • update to use absolute force vector for calibration
  • add :imucoords method
  • add port and connection for absolute force sensor values
  • use AbsoluteForceSensor for impedanc Controller
  • call :update-robot-state in super\'s :state methods
  • check return value of imucoords from TF
  • call rtc_init before rospy.init so that Issue 117
  • neglect arguments added by roslaunch
  • add rtmlaunch that runs omninaming and runs roslaunch, Issue 105, this is not tested on NameServer running on remote computer, see to
  • imu reading of update-robot-state
  • fix wrong length of angles while uing JointGroup
  • add ForwardKinematicsServiceROSBridge
  • cleanup launch file Issue 114
  • fix: condition for checking num of publisher
  • fix: using walltime for waiting timeout
  • remove miss commited comment out
  • tf::Matrix3x3 causes compilation error in electric. use btMatrix3x3 instead
  • do not publish tf which contains nan values
  • chnage: detecting num of /clock publisher before starting and stoping subscribe /clock
  • update footstep interface for abc
  • add print message in starting
  • add vel ratio
  • add cmd vel mode
  • check hrp::link parent existence because joint state with no name is published at previous version ;; This is OpenHRP3 \'WAIST\' joint specification. I should check OpenHRP3 model loading
  • select a timestamp of force sensor messages according to use_sim_time
  • get root-link name in :state :imucoords.
  • add default-double-support-ratio setting
  • add robothardware conf setting
  • add macros for export_collada_option and conf_file_option
  • add stabilizer methods
  • comment out target_name and base_name and support default zmp offset
  • add optional argument to collada2eus
  • add stabilizer ros bridge
  • enable to specify calib offset
  • rename make pose function ;; support nodisplay usage
  • add force sensor calib program
  • add load-forcemoment-offset-param method
  • add interface to specify sensor offset
  • enable to access force-sensor by limb name
  • make models directory in compile model macros when it doesn\'t exist
  • set RobotHardware0 by default for SIMULATOR_NAME
  • use SIULATOR_NAME instead of ROBOT_NAME in hrpsys_ros_bridge.launch ;; ROBOT_NAME argument in hrpsys_ros_bridge.launch is still remained for compatibility but please do not use ROBOT_NAME
  • support limb name usage
  • fix typos and add virtual force sensor stop method
  • add connection for virtual force sensor
  • fix keyword of set-servo-gain-percentage
  • fix naming rule of virtual force sensor and fix quaternion -> axisangle
  • add CONF_FILE_ARG and specify vitual_force_sensor by using conf file
  • specify rtc manager name
  • specify nameserver name and CORBA_init args
  • rename value -> default
  • use WAIST if base-name is nil ;; Is this correct?
  • remove depends to pr2_dashboard for groovy, wait for fix
  • change a name of imu tf and add a method to get imu coords in rtm-ros-robot-interface
  • fix :set-base-pose in rtm-ros-robot-interface.l
  • fix for publishing warning message
  • add connection from state_holder(qOut) to rosbridge(mcangle)
  • comment out port for RobotHardwareService because Simulator does not have RobotHardwareService
  • add comment for groovy
  • remove rtconnects between RobotHardware and KalmanFilter; this is achieved by instead
  • comment the IMU related rtconnects out for non IMU robots
  • add basePos and baseRpy to HrpsysSeqStateROSBridge and connect in hrpsys_ros_bridge.launch
  • modify rtm-ros-robot-interface.l: add set-servo-error-limit and set-soft-error-limit
  • modify hrpsys_ros_bridge.launch to execute RobotHardwareServiceROSBridge and SoftErrorLimiterServiceROSBridge
  • add default rate to hrpsys_ros_bridge
  • check sensor existence for HRP4C
  • use regiterInport for gyrometer and gsensor
  • fix walking command and example
  • use automatically generated methods
  • add define-all-ROSBridge-srv-methods to define srv methods from srv and idl files ;; currently comment out
  • add comments to
  • add getSensors and use it
  • fix for hrpsys-base\'s r693 commit ;; fix for acc and rate naming rules
  • make class to configure hrpsys RTCs and data ports
  • add StateHolder rosbridge
  • set subscription type new for real robot
  • set subscription type new for real robot
  • change name of a method for logger (Issue 74)
  • add method for logger, Flxed Issue 74
  • added rtconnect of torque in hrpsys_ros_bridge.launch
  • remove autobalancer methods from sample
  • add target2foot_offset_pos and rot
  • add methods for get and set parameters for ABC
  • enable multiple --conf-file-option
  • add AutoBalancer for and launch files
  • add methods for auto balancer RTC
  • add method to dump pattern file for Seq
  • update check of virtual force sensor impedance control and add seq loadPattern
  • enable to specify conf file setting for _gen_project.launch
  • support virtual force sensor usage
  • add sensor_ros_bridge_connect to connect sensor data ports based on ModelLoader\'s sensor information
  • re-organize code, use IDL style method name for each service/idl and use euslisp style method name for wrapper of them
  • enable to get force-vector and moment-vector
  • add removeforcesensor offset interface
  • add getImpedanceControllerParam and enable to set parameter individualy
  • fix potision of argument in :start-impedance-impl
  • fix typo ;; start-impedance in stop-impedance
  • fix condision of limb for start and stop impedance
  • add yaml depend in hrpsys_ros_bridge
  • use :force-sensor method
  • use root-link\'s parent by default
  • fix bug of send*
  • add methods for impedance controller
  • fix name : use upper case for argument, (Fixes issue 65)
  • add launch_ros_model argument to hrpsys_ros_bridge.launch
  • fix number of clock publisher ;; publisher ==1 means no clock publisher other than HrpsysSeqRosBridge, which means HrpsSeqRosBridge should publish /clock
  • add ImpedanceCOntroller service ROS Bridge
  • check use_sim_time
  • do not publish /clock when othre node pulishes
  • rm config, no longer used?
  • fix : move hrpsys_ros_bridge exmaple codes to hrpsys_ros_bridge_tutorials
  • move hrpsys_ros_bridge exmaple codes to hrpsys_ros_bridge_tutorials
  • add CollisionDetectionService interface to rtm-ros-robotics-interface.l
  • add CollisionDetectorService
  • add import time for sleep Use one depth queue for avoid sending multiple servo off message, Issue 32 Status: Fixed
  • add setServoGainPercentage which is euslisp interface for idl2srv of RobotHardware RTC
  • add controller configuration file to hironx_ros_bridge.launch
  • add HIRONX_controller_config.yaml
  • Added Log button to hrpsys_dashboard to call DataLoggerService/save
  • add comment to why we need r3202
  • add hrp4c sample for using joint group
  • fix for using joint group
  • add HrpsysJointTrajectoryBridge for using joint group
  • fix directory name
  • fix directory name
  • mv euslisp programs to euslisp directory
  • revert CMakeLists.txt
  • add test code for calling seq group
  • add comments
  • add debug message to set-interpolation
  • add :setBasePose method to rtm-ros-robot-interface.l
  • add sequenceplayserservicerosbridge node
  • fix by iori
  • remove glc_cpature from rviz node
  • fix for hrpsys 3.1.4
  • support control_msgs/FollowJointTrajectoryAction
  • update SIMULATOR NAME, set use_sim_time true
  • remove debug code
  • publich /clock from rsangle when /use_sim_time is true
  • add euslisp interface for CollisionDetectorService.idl #37
  • Comment out camera port connection in the simulator because it lacks lack versatility
  • Changed StateHolder name from StateHolder to sh. Modified rviz argument from --sync to -sync. In electric, rviz may not work correctly.
  • add
  • adopted hrpsys_dashboard to fuerte.
  • fix virtual force sensor setup
  • check High Temperature
  • mv SensorInfo to Impl, add virtual force sensor information
  • support virtual_force_sensor option
  • split into and
  • add calib done, power on, servo alarm message to diagnostics
  • add motor section
  • write motor status to diagnostic
  • add power indicator
  • send servo alarm
  • fix : update for hrpsys-base update
  • update for hrpsys-base update
  • fix hrpsys_profile, clean up codes
  • fix gyrometer and gsensor to use TimedAcceleratoin3D and TimedAngularVelocity3D
  • add darwin-vrml-file-path to reduce webots dependent path description
  • use ros::resolve-ros-path instead of defined function get-rospack-find-str
  • fix only indent
  • fix file-name probing committed at r3127 ;; probe-file webots original vrml file instead of generated openhrp3 path
  • ignore if DARwInOp.proto is not found
  • set default rate to 10 ; this process consumes cpu power so much
  • pre calculate sensor tf information
  • remove old features, diagnositcs and JointTempleture, now we can you and servoState
  • add extra_data for hrpsys-base revision 417
  • read force sensor size and name from model file
  • fix due to hrpsys update
  • clean up code, add error handling code
  • add, diagnostics_aggregator and hrpsys_profile
  • add
  • set red icon if servo off
  • fix servoState data type from TimedLongSeq -> TimedLongSeqSeq
  • fix servoState data type from TimedLongSeq -> TimedLongSeqSeq
  • specify simulator and robothardware names by using SIMULATOR_NAME
  • fix usage of StateHolder ;; use qIn and qOut as reference angle-vector value ;; fix related launch files
  • round time value ;; we assume time stamp in walk2m.pos is integer
  • use rootlink_name, since calling bodyinfo->links() in onExecute consumes memory?
  • call goActual before servo on
  • serv off is not error
  • add Mode
  • add to publish /Mode/Operating Mode/{Servo On,Servo Off}
  • pusblish odom->bodyinfo->links()[0].segments[0].name
  • fix HRP4C walk2m.pos data path
  • fix HRP4C model path
  • add servoState
  • add servoState
  • fix typo hrpsys_dashboarad -> hrpsys_dashboard
  • fix servo on/servo off
  • use OpenRTM timer for publish ROS message
  • fix link_name -> name for new openhrp3 3.1.3
  • use args for
  • fix params robot_monitor
  • add robot_monitor and diagnostic.yaml
  • add hrpsys_dashboarad
  • add depends to dashboard/robot_monitor
  • add diagnostics_pub
  • use hrpEC
  • start up DataLoggerService in hrpsys ros bridge launch
  • add save log method
  • add KILL_SERVERS arguments to samplerobot_startup.launch
  • support KILL_SERVERS argument, set false as default
  • subscribe motor_states in initializatoin ;; add :temperature-vector
  • define rtm-ros-robot-interface to use hrpsys_ros_bridge dependent codes
  • add MotorStates.msg and publish it in HrpsysSeqRosBridge
  • remove webots from depends and add add_custom_command to download the sourcecode
  • reverted to r2951 for my mistake
  • check warning only for non-eistence movie or image
  • fixed index.rst and conflict problem
  • use baseTform instead of pose to obtain base link transformation from StateHolder
  • add JointTemperature data port ;; this data port does not work if Joint Temperature is input
  • update index.rst, by Jenkins
  • add manipulator for Yaskawa robot
  • fix: upport manipulator definition when export-collada, HRP4C is the example
  • support manipulator definition when export-collada, HRP4C is the example
  • make build/images for rostest
  • comment out torque reading printing by default
  • add data port for actual torques ;; rename original out data port for torque as mctorque ;; publish joint_states.effort based on rstorque
  • publish /fullbody_controller/state according to mcangle data port
  • rename compile_collada_robot->compile_collada_model
  • move compile_openhrp_model,compile_collada_robot to cmake/compile_robot_model.cmake
  • remove unused m_angle data port
  • increase max-time for gr001
  • fix typo hr001->gr001
  • increase time-limit
  • increse time-limit
  • increase time-limit
  • update samplerobot in house example to use grxui
  • fix video tag for rviz
  • fix for old cmake version issue #22
  • fix typo, errors
  • add to generate pr2.xml and pr2.conf
  • generate conf file from wrl for openhrp3 model
  • fix dependency
  • mv smartpal5.yaml yaskawasmartpal5.yaml
  • update CMakeLists.txt in order to run compile_robot sequentially, since this target use rostest and we could not run multiple rostest at the same time
  • fix xml
  • update launch script for eclipse-free hrpsys simulation
  • update make file to use _gen_project.launch to generate project file from model file
  • update documents
  • use copy for YasukawaSmartPal5
  • enable Camera of darwin.vcg avoid segfo in lucid
  • fix makefile for YasukawaSmartPal5
  • update launch documents
  • rtm-naming-restart now do not ru omniNaming in background, so that rosmake can easily kill rtm-naming
  • fix typo ;; openhrp -> openhrp3
  • use openhrp3_PACKAGE_PATH : try to call _stop_rtmnaming.launch at the end of the make test, to stop omniNames that confuses rosmake system
  • try to call _stop_rtmnaming.launch at the end of the make test, to stop omniNames that confuses rosmake system
  • revert to previous revision ;; ros name server must initialize before RTCsvn diff src/
  • fix order of member variables initialization
  • fix: rosbuild_download_data use download_checkmd5, wrong previous commit -> use download_checkmd5 instad of rosbuild_donwnload_data to try to download multiple times when fail
  • use download_checkmd5 instad of rosbuild_donwnload_data to try to download multiple times when fail
  • update test script
  • use video directive
  • add dependency on pr2eus because euslisp codes and msgs of pr2eus are used in examples
  • update launch script for new
  • update time-limit
  • fix test setup for max-time
  • fix max-time for new jenkins machine
  • fix max-time
  • add off-pose
  • change reset-pose, in order not to collide with table
  • change service play pattern
  • remove waitforClockGenerator
  • update time-limit for gr001
  • update gr001.launch
  • update time-limit
  • update gr001 sample program
  • add gr001.launch to test
  • add GR001 model from choreonoid
  • set time-limit to 600
  • add pr2.launch to rostest
  • set ORBgiopMaxMsgSize to 2M to 20M
  • do not error when length of rsangle is larger then that of body->joints
  • remove retry option from test tag
  • fix dependency
  • fix dependency when downloading yaskawa model
  • path of robot-interface.l has changed
  • fix dependency
  • remove debug code
  • remove pr2 from test
  • add dirty patch
  • fix wait for ModelLoader code
  • fix check-tf
  • add debug message
  • add lfsensor and rfsensor
  • wait until ModelLoader is up
  • remove debug code
  • fix debug code
  • remove debug code
  • add pr2.launch for rostset
  • clean up code
  • fix camera position
  • fix path of webots robot directory ;; projects -> resources/projects
  • remove webots nodes if openhrp-node-name is not specified ;; does not export Receiver and Emitter to openhrp vrml
  • capitalize bottom, side, and top fields of cylinder
  • remove subdivision field from Cylinder Node in webots vrml because subdivision field does not exist in default VRML specification
  • add definition of Receiver PROTO and Emitter PROTO refering to reference.pdf in webots_simulator
  • fix path of darwin proto
  • rename webots -> webots_simulator because original directories or webots-ros-pkg are updated
  • use --nosim mode for pr2_startup
  • rename webots -> webots_simulator because original directories or webots-ros-pkg are updated
  • fix typo
  • add darwin-walk-data and update darwin sample ;; init -> walk -> pickup -> arm-up pose
  • remove unnecessary timestep argument ;; darwin simulation does not require this parameter by default at recent version
  • add angle-vector-for-seq-debug version instead of angle-vector-sequence version for hrp4c-walk debug
  • fix linear mode check ;; use :linear instead of linear
  • fix linear mode check ;; use :linear instead of linear
  • add raw service call for seq\'s waitInterpolation and setJointAngles
  • add hrp4c-walk in hrp4c-pickup sample script
  • setPreempted on Finalize
  • remove debug code
  • support angle-vector-sequence and wait-interpolation
  • lengthen max-time for hrp4c test
  • speed up darwin demo
  • add fullbody pickup sample for hrp4c robot ;; use hrp4c-fullbody-pickup by default
  • update hrp4c end-coords definitions
  • update darwin simulation
  • update for new visualization layout
  • add config for rviz
  • fix euslisp code for better visualization
  • update hrp4c.vcg
  • remove debug code
  • set timestep 0.005 for darwin
  • add pr2 simulation on openhrp3
  • add joint_state.velocity
  • update max-time
  • update documents for smartpal5.launch
  • add smartpal5.launch to rostest
  • support any size of input image
  • set max-time to 40 for dynamics simulated robot, 10 for no-sim robot
  • fix debug message
  • update darwin script
  • add arg OUTPUT
  • update launch files
  • add dependency to image_view2
  • fix euslisp model location
  • add smartpal5.yaml
  • add smartpal5 launch files
  • add to download yasukawa model
  • update webotsvrml2openhrp3vrml according to changing directory
  • move webotsvrml2openhrp3vrml from models to scrips
  • add scripts/webotsvrml2openhrp3vrml.l
  • move darwin.yaml from scripts to models
  • move model files from hrpsys to hrpsys_ros_bridge
  • add pa10, darwin, damplerobot launch example, rename file name based on description written in manifest.xml
  • add pa10, darwin, damplerobot launch example, rename file name based on description written in manifest.xml
  • wait until model loader is available
  • fix document
  • fix xml syntax
  • add hrp4c-nosim-pickup.launch and update hrp4c-pickup.l
  • remove hrp4c-example.launch
  • update launch description
  • fix max-time to 20
  • enable to specify service-name
  • update debug message
  • update hrp4c-*.launch files
  • rename file name from test-hrp4c-*.launch to hrp4c-*.launch
  • fix xml syntax error
  • fix documnets
  • add test files
  • rename hrp4crobot-pickup -> hrp4c-pickup
  • remove test directory use rosdoc and launchfiles
  • add rtm-ros-robot-interface including ros::service-call and use it in roseus samples ;; rtm-ros-robot-interface will support idl<->srv conversion
  • use require instead of load for model loading
  • add sendmsg service to Hrpsysseqstaterosbridge using dynamic_reconfigure srv
  • move darwin\'s hrpsys.launch file to hrpsys_ros_bridge
  • fix hrp4c.test and CMakeList.txt
  • add darwin sample launch files and script
  • add test program for hrpsys_ros_bridge
  • add rostest hrp4c.test and generate-document.test
  • update hrpsys_ros_bridge.launch : remove SimulationEC from openrtm_args and rename rtmlaunch to hrplaunch_hrpsys_ros_bridge
  • revert previsou commit
  • update hrp4c.vcg
  • changed nodes in hrpsys_ros_bridge to not link SimulationEC, these nodes are not real-time
  • current good connection script for hrp4r
  • add connection script for hrpsys_ros_bridge on real robot
  • unit of Update Intealval is [sec]
  • changed robot super class, from ros-interface to robot-interface
  • add --nosim launch file for hrp4c
  • add pickup demo for hrp4c
  • fix : forget to call spinOnce
  • use Update Interval 1 for Robot Model and TF
  • update darwin_ros_bridge.launch to use hrpsys_ros_bridge.launch
  • fix compile warning
  • fix wrong commit
  • clean up HrpsysSeqStateROSBridge
  • pusblish tf and others at the hrpsys cycle rate
  • add --sync
  • add SCHEDULER_ARGS argument support
  • fix to pass SCHEDULER_ARGS argument
  • fix debug message
  • clean up launch files, hrpsys/launch contains example for OpenHRP3.1 and hrpsys_ros_bridge/launch contains example for openhrp-scedular and ros bridge
  • move openhrp + ros integration example under hrpsys_ros_bridge
  • rename main_withHands to HiroNX
  • add hiro-nx example
  • add debug message to show \@Initialize
  • change samplerobot_hrpsys_ros_bridge to use hrpsys.launch
  • add rviz, image_proc, image_view, camshiftdemo in samplerobot_ros_bridge.launch
  • remove openhrp3 from manifest, this is writtin in hrpsys/manifest.xml
  • fix ROBOT_NAME from HRP-4C to HRP4
  • fix samplerobot_ros_bridge.launch to include hrpsys_ros_bridge.launch
  • add debug message
  • update .launch files, .dae files goes to hrpsys/scripts, AbsTransformToPosRpy is launched from hrpsys.launch, update opertm_args to use SimulationEC
  • update skip paramater
  • link SimulationEC
  • add depend package rviz to manifest.xml
  • add hrpsys_ros_bridge
  • add launch/darwin_ros_bridge.launch
  • add ImageSensorROSBRidge to hrp4 simulation
  • add rviz configuration file for samplerobot
  • fix to avoid segfualt error when grxui does not publish data
  • add frame_id, and fill dummy camera_info param, publish effort and use wait-interpolation
  • publish sensor pose through tf::TransformBroadcaster
  • add ImageSensorROSBridge
  • add samplerobot_ros_bridge.launch
  • update HrpsysSeqStateROSBridge read pose and publish as tf
  • update use /odom as root frame
  • add rviz configuration files for pa10 and hrp4c
  • add pa10_ros_bridge.launch
  • update to HrpsysSeqStateROSBridge
  • update hrpsysStatePublihser, to work with robot_state_publisher
  • rename hrprtc -> hrpsys
  • rename hrprtc_ros_bridge -> hrpsys_ros_bridge
  • Contributors:, Isao Isaac Saito, Kei Okada, Ryohei Ueda,, garaemon,,, ik0313,, kei.okada,, manabu1118,,,, notheworld,, nozawa,, tnaka,\,, youhei,

Wiki Tutorials

See ROS Wiki Tutorials for more details.

Source Tutorials

Not currently indexed.

Launch files

  • test/hrpsys-samples/test_samplerobot_euslisp_unittests.launch
    • =*- mode: xml -*-
      • NOSIM [default: false]
      • GUI [default: false]
      • RUN_RVIZ [default: false]
      • NOSIM [default: $(arg NOSIM)]
      • GUI [default: $(arg GUI)]
      • RUN_RVIZ [default: $(arg RUN_RVIZ)]
      • corbaport [default: 2809]
      • USE_UNSTABLE_RTC [default: true]
      • USE_EMERGENCYSTOPPER [default: true]
      • USE_REFERENCEFORCEUPDATER [default: true]
  • test/test-compile-robot.launch
  • test/test-samplerobot-hcf.launch
      • corbaport [default: 2809]
      • GUI [default: false]
      • RUN_RVIZ [default: false]
      • USE_UNSTABLE_RTC [default: true]
  • test/test-euslisp-without-ros-bridge.launch
    • This test is named *.launch to be excluded from catkin_install_run_tests
  • launch/robot_pose_ekf.launch
      • base_link [default: BODY]
  • launch/hrpsys_ros_bridge.launch
      • MODEL_FILE
      • CONF_FILE [default: ]
      • BASE_LINK [default: BODY]
      • SIMULATOR_NAME [default: RobotHardware0]
      • INSTALL_ROBOT_DESCRIPTION [default: true]
      • DEBUG_HRPSYS [default: false]
      • USE_DIAGNOSTICS [default: true]
      • USE_ROBOT_POSE_EKF [default: true]
      • USE_COMMON [default: true]
      • USE_ROBOTHARDWARE [default: false]
      • USE_WALKING [default: false]
      • USE_COLLISIONCHECK [default: true]
      • USE_IMPEDANCECONTROLLER [default: false]
      • USE_GRASPCONTROLLER [default: false]
      • USE_SERVOCONTROLLER [default: false]
      • USE_TORQUECONTROLLER [default: false]
      • USE_SOFTERRORLIMIT [default: true]
      • USE_TORQUEFILTER [default: false]
      • USE_IMAGESENSOR [default: false]
      • USE_EMERGENCYSTOPPER [default: false]
      • USE_REFERENCEFORCEUPDATER [default: false]
      • USE_HRPSYS_PROFILE [default: true]
      • USE_VELOCITY_OUTPUT [default: false] — true: output actual velocity / false: output differential value of actual postition as /joint_states/velocity
      • PUBLISH_SENSOR_TF [default: true]
      • nameserver [default: localhost]
      • corbaport [default: 15005]
      • managerport [default: 2810]
      • periodic_rate [default: 2000]
      • omniorb_args [default: -ORBInitRef NameService=corbaloc:iiop:$(arg nameserver):$(arg corbaport)/NameService]
      • openrtm_args [default: -o "corba.master_manager:$(arg nameserver):$(arg managerport)" -o "corba.nameservers:$(arg nameserver):$(arg corbaport)" -o "naming.formats:%n.rtc" -o "exec_cxt.periodic.type:PeriodicExecutionContext" -o "exec_cxt.periodic.rate:$(arg periodic_rate)" -o "logger.file_name:/tmp/rtc%p.log"]
      • subscription_type [default: new]
      • push_policy [default: all]
      • push_rate [default: 50.0]
      • buffer_length [default: 8]
      • OUTPUT [default: screen]
      • ROBOT_TYPE [default: ]
      • USE_ROBOT_TYPE_SETTING [default: false]
  • launch/robot_monitor.launch
      • check_core_temps [default: False]
      • check_ipmi_tool [default: False]
      • check_nfs [default: False]
      • enforce_clock_speed [default: False]
      • num_cores [default: 4]
  • launch/samplerobot_startup-grxui.launch
      • KILL_SERVERS [default: false]
      • KILL_SERVERS [default: $(arg KILL_SERVERS)]
  • launch/collision_detector.launch
    • launch collision detctor as solo program for rviz display
      • nameserver [default: localhost]
      • corbaport [default: 15005]
      • managerport [default: 2810]
      • SIMULATOR_NAME [default: RobotHardware0]
      • omniorb_args [default: -ORBInitRef NameService=corbaloc:iiop:$(arg nameserver):$(arg corbaport)/NameService]
      • openrtm_args [default: -o "corba.master_manager:$(arg nameserver):$(arg managerport)" -o "corba.nameservers:$(arg nameserver):$(arg corbaport)" -o "naming.formats:%n.rtc" -o "exec_cxt.periodic.type:PeriodicExecutionContext" -o "exec_cxt.periodic.rate:2000" -o "logger.file_name:/tmp/collision_detector%p.log"]
      • MODEL_FILE [default: /opt/jsk/etc/HIRONX/model/main.wrl]
      • CONF_FILE
      • RUN_COLLISION_STATE [default: true]
  • launch/samplerobot-grxui.launch
      • KILL_SERVERS [default: false]
      • KILL_SERVERS [default: $(arg KILL_SERVERS)]
  • launch/samplerobot_ros_bridge-grxui.launch


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Package Summary

Tags No category tags.
Version 1.4.3
License BSD
Build type CATKIN

Repository Summary

Checkout URI
VCS Type git
VCS Version master
Last Updated 2023-08-04
CI status Continuous Integration
Tags No category tags.
Contributing Help Wanted (0)
Good First Issues (0)
Pull Requests to Review (0)

Package Description

hrpsys_ros_bridge package provides basic functionalities to bind

Additional Links


  • Kei Okada


  • Kei Okada



hrpsys_ros_bridge is a package to connect hrpsys <>_ (OpenRTM-based controller) system and ROS system.

This package contains ROSBridge to hrpsys, cmake_libraries, launch files, Euslisp interface, and examples.


ROSBridge here is a ROS node to bridge hrpsys system and ROS system.

You might want to check other "bridging" software in ROS too such as:

- `rosbridge_suite <>`_ provides a JSON API to ROS functionality for non-ROS programs.
- `rtmbuild <>`_ Provides a ROS-like compile and launch script for `OpenRTM`.

You can use OpenRTM resources from ROS interface, e.g., use OpenRTM Data Ports through ROS Topic and OpenRTM Servie Ports through ROS Service. The following table shows the corresponding concepts for the 2 worlds.

Process ROS Node RTC
Data connection Topic Data Port
RPC connection Service Service Port
  • HrpsysSeqStateROSBridge :
    Publish ROS topics by reading RTC's data ports.

Send ROS JointTrajectory service to SequencePlayer.rtc by its service ports.

  1. Generated ROSBridges:

openrtm_ros_bridge is the ROS bridge for example code in openrtm_aist and hrpsys_ros_bridge provides ROS bridge for hrpsys package.

These bridges ROS service to OpenRTM service port.

For example all idl files in hrpsys is coped to hrpsys_ros_bridge/idl/*.idl, and it generates cpp codes in hrpsys_ros_bridge/src_gen/*.cpp and built binaries in hrpsys_ros_bridge/[bin,lib].

cmake libraries

hrpsys_ros_bridge/cmake/compile_robot_model.cmake is a CMake file to convert robot model file format.

launch files

hrpsys_ros_bridge/launch/hrpsys_ros_bridge.launch is a launch file to invoke ROSBridges and connect them with RTCs.

Euslisp interface

Euslisp Interface



Euslisp Examples

Euslisp example


Changelog for package hrpsys_ros_bridge

1.4.3 (2020-04-20)

  • Adapt README for melodic & fix style of README & fix to run on melodic (#1090)
  • use setJointAnglesOfGroup() and playPattern(), use clearJointAngles() with test (#1071)
    • Fix swapping of clear and clearJointAngles
    • Add comments to clarify when stopping motion is executed
    • Tell getting new goal from cancel
    • setJointANglesSequenceOfGroup has bugs as of 315.15.0, use old API intead see
    • add more debug info for #765
    • use setJointAnglesOfGroup() and playPattern(), use clearJointAngles()
    • add code to get hrpsys rtc version, thakns to \@n-ando
    • Add two points trajectory to test of joint trajectory action cancel
    • Add comment on two points trajectory to samplerobot test of joint trajectory action goal overwrite
    • Add two points trajectory to PA10 test of joint trajectory action goal overwrite
    • Add test for joint trajectory action cancel overwrite with samplerobot
    • Add test for joint trajectory action goal overwrite with PA10
    • Add test for joint trajectory action cancel with PA10
  • [HrpsysSeqStateROSBridge] output joint_state/velocity (#1069)
    • [hrpsys_ros_bridge.launch] add comment to USE_VELOCITY_OUTPUT
    • [hrpsys_ros_bridge] Add test of joint_states/velocity
  • [rtm-ros-robot-interface.l] fix bug of :motor-extra-data (#1066)
  • [rtm-ros-robot-interface.l] add method :set-ref-force-moment to rtm-ros-robot-interface class (#1045)
    • add method :set-ref-force-moment to rtm-ros-robot-interface class
    • [hrpsys_ros_bridge] Add test of :set-ref-force-moment
  • Remove all ros::object slots in def-set-get-param-method (#1060)
  • Set time_from_start to feedback of joint trajectory action with tests (#1073)
    • prev_traj_tm -> traj_start_tm
    • Stop feedback when trajectory is completed
    • Set time_from_start to feedback of joint trajectory action
    • Add test of feedback from joint trajectory action with samplerobot
    • Add test of feedback from joint trajectory action with PA10
  • Re-enable & fix euslisp test on travis (#1085)
    • [hrpsys_ros_bridge] fix bug in samplerobot-sequence-player.l
    • To speed up travis jobs having euslisp tests, stop other tests
  • Try to run multiple hrpsys simulation environments (#1054)
    • add manager port arg in default launch templates
    • re-add omniorb_args for backward compatibility
    • change to use omniorb_args -> openrtm_args
    • support any RTCManager port num
    • update ros bridge launch files
  • [] fix argument of rospy.loginfo ( #1055)
  • fix def-set-get-param-method in rtm-ros-robot-interface.l (#1053)
    • fix def-set-get-param-method in rtm-ros-robot-interface.l
    • add forgotten argument of string= in the last commit
  • [hrpsys_ros_brdge] fix time-limit for test (#1057)
  • Fix less than one sec (#1042)
    • [hrpsys_ros_bridge] change abs to std::abs for trajectory_action when it received trajectory less than 1.0 sec
    • [hrpsys_ros_bridge] add test for trajectory_action when it received trajectory less than 1.0 sec
  • fix typo in stop-rfu-no-wait (#1044)
  • use 2899/2898 for corbaport, since omniorb-nameserver forcestarted nameserver as default port 2809 when they\'re first installed (#1043)
  • Update GaitGenerator/ReferenceForceUpdater methods (#1040)
    • [hrpsys_ros_bridge/euslisp/rtm-ros-robot-interface.l] Add method to configure toe heel phase ration automatically in GaitGeneratorParam.
    • [hrpsys_ros_bridge/euslisp/rtm-ros-robot-interface.l] Update method for new ReferenceForceUpdater functionalities (
    • [hrpsys_ros_bridge/euslisp/rtm-ros-robot-interface.l] Add method to print RTCs\' parameters in more readable style using print-object.
  • Add method to print RTCs\' parameters in more readable style using print-object. (#1039)
  • Contributors: Guilherme Affonso, Kei Okada, Naoki Hiraoka, Shintaro Komatsu, Shun Hasegawa, Shunichi Nozawa, Yohei Kakiuchi, Yasuhiro Ishiguro

1.4.2 (2017-12-22)

  • add test to check #1036 situation (#1038)
  • duration == 0.0 results unexpected behavior, so force set 0.001 when duration == 0 s set (#1037 )
  • Contributors: Kei Okada

1.4.1 (2017-10-25)

  • Update of
    • Connect ReferenceForceUpdater\'s ref_force (#1033)
      • [hrpsys_ros_bridge/scripts/] connect reference force port to ReferenceForceUpdater or EmergencyStopper if exists.
    • Add wait for rmfo and vs (#1029)
      • [hrpsys_ros_bridge,] add wait for initalizinig all components
  • HrpsysSeqStateROSBridge (#1027)
    • [HrpsysSeqStateROSBridge] fix for using virtual force sensor
  • Update rtm-ros-robot-interface.l (#1030)
    • [hrpsys_ros_bridge/euslisp/rtm-ros-robot-interface.l] Add documentation string for new arguments (set-ref-force-linear-p, return-value-mode)
    • [hrpsys_ros_bridge/euslisp/rtm-ros-robot-interface.l] Add argument to set linear interpolation during increasing force
    • [hrpsys_ros_bridge/euslisp/rtm-ros-robot-interface.l] Enable to set return value mode
    • [hrpsys_ros_bridge/euslisp/rtm-ros-robot-interface.l] Enable to get fric coefficient wrench add update print messages
    • [hrpsys_ros_bridge/euslisp/rtm-ros-robot-interface.l] Update otd checking loop for moment. Exit from do-until-key loop immediately when otd detection. Fix valiables for set ref force
    • [hrpsys_ros_bridge/euslisp/rtm-ros-robot-interface.l] Use euslisp symbol as detector total wrench parameter
    • [hrpsys_ros_bridge/euslisp/rtm-ros-robot-interface.l] Enable to access detector total wrench as euslisp symbol.
    • [hrpsys_ros_bridge/euslisp/rtm-ros-robot-interface.l] Update otd checking loop. Exit from do-until-key loop immediately when otd detection.
  • Contributors: MasakiMurooka, Shunichi Nozawa, YoheiKakiuchi

1.4.0 (2017-08-09)

  • display error message when body->sensor(j, i) is null (#1014)
  • : add more debug message (#1015)
  • Update AutoBalancer and ReferenceForceUpdater euslisp method symbols (#1026)
    • [hrpsys_ros_bridge/euslisp/rtm-ros-robot-interface.l] Supprot :FootOriginExtMoment for RFU methods.
    • [hrpsys_ros_bridge/euslisp/rtm-ros-robot-interface.l] Support UseForceMode setting as euslisp symbol in :set-auto-balancer-param.
  • fix code to run both Indido and Kinetic (#1025)
    • /test/test-samplerobot-hcf.launch: increase time-limit to 600
    • test/{,} support both pr2_controllers_msgs and controllr_msgs
    • src/hrpsys_ros_bridge/ fix for qt5
    • add USE_PR2_CONTROLLERS_MSGS definition
    • CMakeLists.txt : we do not use pr2_msgs on build time
    • CMakeLists.txt : remove code to download wet pr2_controllers_msgs for groovy
  • Support stride parameter with different length (#1022)
    • [hrpsys_ros_bridge/euslisp/rtm-ros-robot-interface.l] Support stride_parameter of different length
    • [hrpsys_ros_bridge/test/hrpsys-samples/samplerobot-auto-balancer.l] Add test to check stride parameter 4 and 6
  • [HrpsysSeqStateROSBridge] fix stamp of joint_state. add stamp after reading m_rsangle (#1019)
    • [HrpsysSeqStateROSBridge] fix stamp of joint_state. add stamp after reading m_rsangle
  • [HrpsysSeqStateROSBridge] remove subtraction magic number (#1013)
    • [HrpsysSeqStateROSBridge] remove subtraction magic number
  • Support argumen t for setting duration of calibration. For :remove-xx methods, 8.0 by default[s]. For :reset-xx methods, 0.1[s] by default for compatibility (#1011)
    • [hrpsys_ros_bridge/euslisp/rtm-ros-robot-interface.l] Support argument for setting duration of calibration. For :remove-xx methods, 8.0 by default[s]. For :reset-xx methods, 0.1[s] by default for compatibility
  • Add new methods for :remove-force-sensor-offset using RMFO (#1010)
    • [hrpsys_ros_bridge/euslisp/rtm-ros-robot-interface.l] Add new methods for :remove-force-sensor-offset using RMFO. Add warning message for deprecated remove-force methods.
  • Update euslisp hrpsysbase samples (#1009)
    • [hrpsys_ros_bridge/test/hrpsys-samples] Add README for Euslisp hrpsys example basically copied from ros wiki (
    • [hrpsys_ros_bridge/test/hrpsys-samples/samplerobot-carry-object.l] Update carry demo euslisp sample.
    • [hrpsys_ros_bridge/test/hrpsys-samples/samplerobot-stabilizer.l] Update stabilizer euslisp sample according to hrpsys-base stabilizer sample update.
  • Fix bug of sample4leg robot end-coords setting for arms. (#1008)
    • [hrpsys_ros_bridge/models/sample4legrobot.yaml] Fix bug of sample4legrobot end-coords setting for arms.
  • Update project generator and refforce (#1007)
    • [hrpsys_ros_bridge/euslisp] Update README for openhrp-project-generator
    • [hrpsys_ros_bridge/euslisp/rtm-ros-robot-interface.l] Fix orientation for openhrp-project-generator
    • [hrpsys_ros_bridge/euslisp/rtm-ros-robot-interface.l] Update for object turnaround detection to use initial ref forces
    • [hrpsys_ros_bridge/euslisp/rtm-ros-robot-interface.l] Update dump function for openhrp project generator. Use openhrp-project-generator in openhrp3 package instead of _gen_project.launch
  • Add forgotten update for robot.launch ( (#1005)
  • set USE_UNSTABLE_RTC as not all unstable rtc defiend in, just for basic walking test, other latest development rtc is passed by arg (#1004)
    • set USE_UNSTABLE_RTC as not getUnstableRTC defined in, it is for a basic walking test, other latest development rtc is passed by arg from test_samplerobot_euslisp_unittests.launch
    • [hrpsys_ros_bridge/launch/hrpsys_ros_bridge.launch,hrpsys_ros_bridge/scripts/,hrpsys_ros_bridge/euslisp/rtm-ros-robot-interface.l,hrpsys_tools/launch/hrpsys.launch] Update for ObjectTurnaroundDetector RTC. add USE_REFERENCEFORCEUDPATER and USE_OBJECTCONTACTTURNAROUNDDETECTOR.
  • Contributors: Kei Okada, Shunichi Nozawa, Yohei Kakiuchi

1.3.3 (2017-02-12)

  • HrpsysSeqStateROSBridge.cpp
    • HrpsysSeqStateROSBridge occurs error if number of force sensor is different with size of contact states. fix number of force sensor (#982)
    • Revert \"[HrpsysSeqStateROSBridge] fix number of force sensor\" #984
    • Separate offset-removed force sensor data ports from rsforce, which is actual and non-offset-removed data port. Currently rsforce ports -> rsforce ports + offforce ports. (#964)
    • Fixed mistake of sensor_link_name, when robot has only virturl force sonsors (#945)
  • HrpsysJointTrajectoryBridge.cpp
    • publish feedback for joint_trajectory_actions (#966)
  • hrpsys_ros_bridge/launch/hrpsys_ros_bridge.launch
    • Add argument to change buffer length of rtmlaunch connection. Set 8 by default (default setting in openrtm). (#980)
    • fix model filename. Enable cache in ModelLoader, filename should be same as in .conf file. (#978)
  • euslisp
    • [rtm-ros-robot-interface.l] refactor torque-controller interface (#994)
    • Update sequencefull unit system and arguments (#988)
      • changed arguments of angle-vector-sequence-full see #985
      • [hrpsys-samples/samplerobot-sequence-player.l] Add test for angle-vector-sequence-full (check validity)
      • [rtm-ros-robot-interface.l] Use root-coords and zmp in the abs frame and convert them inside the :angle-vector-sequence-full
      • [rtm-ros-robot-interface.l] Introduce fsensor length for wrench and optionals
      • [rtm-ros-robot-interface.l] Use [mm] and [deg/s] instead of [m] and [rad/s] for vel, pos, and zmp.
      • [rtm-ros-robot-interface.l] Use [deg] instead of [rad] for jpos argument and remove jvs arg.
      • [rtm-ros-robot-interface.l] Use tm as [ms], previously [s].
    • [tm-ros-robot-interface.l] Update :reset-force-moment-offset to use :off force/moment vector (#983)
    • [tm-ros-robot-interface.l] Added a missing keyword in def-set-get-method for TorqueControllerService. (#972)
    • [tm-ros-robot-interface.l] Add euslisp interface for torque controller (#965)
    • [datalogger-log-parser.l] Modify unit of cogvel [m] -> [mm] for euslisp (#960)
    • [rtm-ros-robot-interface.l] Add get-go-pos-footsteps-sequence in rtm-ros-robot-interface.l and add test (#965)
    • [rtm-ros-robot-interface.l] Update frame of wrench. Previously, wrench frame is mismatch with documentation string. Previous : local -> new : world. (#963)
    • [rtm-ros-robot-interface.l] Add eefm force moment distribution weight parameter. (#958)
    • [rtm-ros-robot-interface.l] add Eus interface of SequencePlayserService_setJointAnglesSequenceFull and add test in test/hrpsys-samples/samplerobot-sequence-player.l (#954)
    • [datalogger-log-parser.l] Add sh reference force and support both rpy and 3x3 matrix for WAIST log(#956)
    • [rtm-ros-robot-interface.l] update rfu interface for idl changed in (#952)
    • [datalogger-log-parser.l] Use joint-list length for datalogger joint angle conversion. (#953)
      • Add simulation actual root coords reading and check for existance of RobotHardware0_servoState in datalogger. Fix setting of simulators\' data parser names.
      • Use joint-list length for datalogger joint angle conversion.
    • [rtm-ros-robot-interface.l] make directory for log files (#951)
  • [scripts/] Add nameserver argument for ros_bridge.launch (#950)
  • [test/hrpsys-samples/samplerobot-stabilizer.l] Update loadPattern sample because add-optional-data-from-rs-list is included in dump-seq-pattern-file (#959)
  • Contributors: Ryo Koyama, Kei Okada, Noriaki Takasugi, Ryo Terasawa, Shunichi Nozawa, Yohei Kakiuchi, Yoshimaru Tanaka, Iori Kumagai, Iori Yanokura, Juntaro Tamura

1.3.2 (2016-04-26)

  • [fix] getFootStepParam interface according to upstream change. Remove rleg_coords and lleg_coords.
  • [fix] HrpsysSeqStateROSBridgeImpl.cpp: sensor->localR is world coords
  • [fix] Modified HrpsysSeqStateROSBridgeImpl to enable virtual force
  • [fix] [rtm-ros-robot-interface.l] add time constant prameter according to upstream idl update
  • [fix] [hrpsys_ros_bridge] Fix genjava problem by adding message_generation as build_depend
  • [fix] getFootStepParam interface according to upstream change. Remove rleg_coords and lleg_coords.
  • [fix] [hrpsys_ros_bridge]change D if D from hrpsys is empty
  • [feat] [hrpsys_ros_bridge/test/] add test programs to check frame_id of off_xxsensor and ref_xxsensor (#940)
  • [feat] Set /robot/type param according to lower-case robot name such as samplerobot.
  • [feat] [hrpsys_ros_bridge/test/test-samplerobot.*] add a test program for init of hcf
  • [feat] fix collision visualization, color of sphere will be purple if collision occur
  • [feat] .travis.yml : add test when old hrpsys-ros-bridge exists (#929)
  • [feat] [hrpsys_ros_bridge/euslisp/rtm-ros-robot-interface.l] Add check for param existence for def-set-get-param-method to neglect idl mismatch error. Fix indent. (#933)
  • [feat] [hrpsys_ros_bridge/euslisp/rtm-ros-robot-interface.l] Add reference force updater euslisp methods.
  • [feat] [hrpsys_ros_bridge/euslisp/rtm-ros-robot-interface.l] Add object turnaround detector moment version interface.l
  • [feat] Add define controller #887
  • [feat] Add leg limb controller setting.
  • [feat] Add method to define joint trajectory controller by default setting.
  • [feat] Add gopos overwrite and graspless manip mode to all demos
  • [feat] Add example for graspless manip mode and gopos overwrite.
  • [feat] Add euslisp interface for graspless manip mode.
  • [feat] add a set-default-step-time-with-the-same-swing-time method
  • [feat] add time constant prameter according to upstream idl update
  • [feat] Add HrpsysSeqStateROSBridge tf rate test
  • [feat] enable virtual force in HrpsysSeqStateROSBridgeImpl
  • [feat] Enable to set subscription_type for DataPorts from hrpsys_ros_bridge.launch argument. Use new by default to keep backward compatibility.
  • [feat] Add loading of optionalData from seq pattern file.
  • [improve] add more mesage to prevent confusion
  • [improve] Add setting for ReferenceForceUpdater
  • [improve] Reset object turnaround detector\'s detector total wrench mode as TOTAL_FORCE in force estimation.
  • [improve] Enable to set push_policy and push_rate for DataPorts from hrpsys_ros_bridge.launch argument. Use all and 50.0 by default to keep backward compatibility.
  • [improve] Rename tf extract script for test and add comments for that
  • [improve] add arguments(SIMULATOR_NAME_[ANGLE,VELOCITY,TORQUE]) to hrpsys_ros_bridge.launch, for connecting rtc components other than RobotHardware
  • [improve] add time constant prameter according to u... #910
  • [improve] add argument to set periodic time for object turning detection.
  • [improve] define method to set/get emergency-stopper-paramMerge pull request #865
  • [improve] Suppress /tf publishing rate by tf_rate using Timer callback in ros.
  • [improve] Separate updating odometry and imu into functions
  • [improve] Update st param #894
  • [improve] add eefm_swing_rot_spring_gain / eefm_swing_pos_spring_gain as st param
  • [improve] Update joint group and add test for limb controller
  • [doc] [hrpsys_ros_bridge/euslisp/rtm-ros-robot-interface.l] In-code documentation improvement
  • [doc] [hrpsys_ros_bridge/euslisp/rtm-ros-robot-interface.l] Set default documentation string for def-set-get-param-method setter and getter.
  • [doc] [hrpsys_ros_bridge/euslisp/rtm-ros-robot-interface.l] Add argument documentation for :set-xxx methods.
  • [doc] [hrpsys_ros_bridge/euslisp/,hrpsys_ros_bridge/euslisp/rtm-ros-robot-interface.l] Update readme and euslisp documentation strings
  • [doc] default documentation string for def-set-get-param-method setter and getter.
  • [doc] In-code documentation improvement
  • Contributors: Eisoku Kuroiwa, Kei Okada, Kentaro Wada, Masaki Murooka, Shunichi Nozawa, Yohei Kakiuchi, Yu Ohara, Iori Yanokura

1.3.1 (2015-12-16)

  • deb release only targeting to indigo
  • Fix for travis testing
    • [hrpsys_ros_bridge/test/test-samplerobot.test] Use joint_states instead of odom to check tf because joint_states is more related with tf and [Hz] printing. than odom #880
    • [hrpsys_ros_bridge/test/test-samplerobot.test] Increase hzerror according to Current worst travis hz seem to be more than 300[Hz], so set 200[Hz] error. #879
    • catkin.cmake: use ccache only for CI environment #872
    • add depends from AutoBalancerService.hh to StabilizerService.hh #872
    • [hrpsys_ros_bridge/test/hrpsys-samples/test_samplerobot_euslisp_unittests.launch] Increase time-limit for autobalancer euslisp test #879
  • Fasten script excution
    • [hrpsys_ros_bridge/scripts/] Reduce unnecessary waiting for sensor port rosbridge connection. #879
  • Bug fix
    • [hrpsys_ros_bridge/src/HrpsysSeqStateROSBridge.cpp] Initialize prev_odom_acquired flag. #879
  • Add euslisp new example and update for example conf setting
    • [hrpsys_ros_bridge/test/hrpsys-samples/samplerobot-stabilizer.l] Add Stabilizer + loadPattern example for euslisp interface. #875
    • [hrpsys_ros_bridge/catkin.cmake] Add Sequencer\'s optionalData setting for sample conf files. #875
  • Contributors: Kei Okada, Shunichi Nozawa

1.3.0 (2015-12-09)

  • deb release only targeting to indigo
  • [.travis.yml, hrpsys_ros_bridge/catkin.cmake] Enable travis euslisp test using USE_DEB=source and reducing make jobs and loads #806
  • Bug Fixes
    • [hrpsys_ros_bridge/euslisp/datalogger-log-parser.l] modify string conversion in RobotHardware0 (for robot name containing \'_\') #848
    • [hrpsys_ros_bridge/euslisp/datalogger-log-parser.l] Add RobotHardware0_servoState data to robot state #853
    • [hrpsys_ros_bridge/euslisp/datalogger-log-parser.l] Update unitsysetm conversion of angle-vector (rad->deg, m->mm) #845
    • [hrpsys_ros_bridge/catkin.cmake] Fix typo for hrpsys_PREFIX #843
    • [hrpsys_ros_bridge/euslisp/rtm-ros-robot-interface.l] Return detection mode. #841
    • [hrpsys_ros_bridge/euslisp/rtm-ros-robot-interface.l] Update set force method. Add reset force. #840
    • [hrpsys_ros_bridge/catkin.cmake] Update PDgain conf property name #816
    • [hrpsys_ros_bridge/euslisp/rtm-ros-robot-interface.l] Fix for pos and rot ik thre #803
    • [cmake/compile_robot_model.cmake] move location of set variable (compile_all_target) #779
    • [src/hrpsys_ros_bridge/] Run event loop for 1 sec after showing splashwindow to force to load image immediately #762
    • [euslisp/datalogger-log-parser.l] Warn message if wrong path is specified #767
    • [euslisp/datalogger-log-parser.l] Add limb-list first, Add st and abc properties to datalogger log parser #761
  • /off_xxsensor and /xxsensor
    • [hrpsys_ros_bridge/src/HrpsysSeqStateROSBridge.cpp] fix /off_xxsensor frame_id #867
    • [hrpsys_ros_bridge/src/HrpsysSeqStateROSBridge.cpp] fix frame_id of off_xxsensor #855
  • euslisp/rtm-ros-robot-interface.l : add/modify interfaces for new/updated rtc
    • [hrpsys_ros_bridge/test/hrpsys-samples/samplerobot-auto-balancer.l] Use 4limbs in startAutoBalancer when Groups has rarm and larm and update sample. #866
    • add reference remaining_time in /ref_contact_states #857
    • Add method of servo-state #853
    • Add calc velocity from velocity offset #842
    • Add euslisp style argument for leg_default_translate_pos #836
    • Add grasp controller interface methods.l #831
    • Enable to set optional-data from robot and contact-state #831
    • Add optionalData from euslisp rs-list #822
    • add stabilizer-end-coords-list #820
    • Update setter methods #818
    • Add \":set-foot-steps-with-param-and-base-height\" method in order to specify footstep with params and base height #811
    • update default-zmp-offsets interface according to hrpsys-base change #808
    • add an interface for multi legs footsteps #795
    • get ref-capture-point from Stabilizer rtco #794
    • update AutoBalancerParam according to #786
    • get cp from Stabilizer rtc #781
    • Update footstep methods to enable overwriting #775
    • get emergency-mode from robot-interface #772
    • Add calculation of sole edge #759
  • Add PointCloudROSBridge and RangeSensorROSBridge, and modify ImageSensorROSBridge #785
    • [src/RangeSensorROSBridge.cpp] add intensity parameter for adding intensities #802
    • [src/ImageSensorROSBridge.cpp] fix parsing camera parameter #798
    • [src/ImageSensorROSBridge.cpp] fix bug / reset debug counter #797
    • [hrpsys_ros_bridge/cmake/compile_robot_model.cmake] Use collada_urdf_jsk_patch in order to convert dae into urdf which can be used in gazebo #793
    • [src/ImageSensorROSBridge.cpp] add camera param setter by ros parameter #791
    • [src/PointCloudROSBridge.cpp] fix PointCloudROSBridge, color and frame #790
    • [src/RangeSensorROSBridge.cpp] fix RangeSensorROSBridge / time_increment is zero #788
    • [src/RangeSensorROSBridge.cpp] fix frame of RangeSensor #789
  • Add rsvel port (#807)
    • [src/HrpsysSeqStateROSBridge.cpp, launch/hrpsys_ros_bridge.launch] add rsvel port to HrpSeqStateROSBridge read dq in order to add velocity values to joint_states
    • [hrpsys_ros_bridge/launch/hrpsys_ros_bridge.launch] add USE_VELOCITY_OUTPUT to arguments of rtmlaunch #821
  • Add ObjectTurnaroundDetector methods #838
    • [src/hrpsys_ros_bridge/] Update latest st parameter for torque control
    • [euslisp/rtm-ros-robot-interface.l] Add set-ref-force time #838
    • [hrpsys_ros_bridge/euslisp/rtm-ros-robot-interface.l] Add ObjectTurnaroundDetector methods
    • [test/hrpsys-samples/samplerobot-carry-object.l] Add carry object euslisp sample #838
  • SLAM support
    • [hrpsys_ros_bridge/src/hrpsys_ros_bridge/] Add MapButton for SLAM and odometry #869
    • [src/HrpsysSeqStateROSBridge.cpp] Transform twist from local to global in pose covarance calculation because pose is in global #830
    • [src/HrpsysSeqStateROSBridge.cpp] Set root_link as child_frame_id and describe twist in child_frame_id coordinate #828
    • [src/HrpsysSeqStateROSBridge.cpp] Fix covariance calculation in HrpsysSeqStateROSBridge: previous verision calculation only can be applied in nonhoronomic robot #812
    • [src/HrpsysSeqStateROSBridge.cpp] Fix coordinate representation: omega in twist is global
    • [src/HrpsysSeqStateROSBridge.cpp] Calculate covariance of odometry in HrpsysSeqStateROSBridge
    • [src/HrpsysSeqStateROSBridge.cpp] update prev_odom only when odom is successfully updated in dt > 0
    • [src/HrpsysSeqStateROSBridge.cpp] Calculate angular twist
  • Special joint support #837
    • [models/samplespecialjointrobot.yaml, catkin.cmake] Add cmake setting and euscollada yaml for special joint robot
  • add ContactState.msg, ContactStateStamped.msg, ContactStatesStamped.msg #834
    • [msg/ContactState.msg] Add frame_id to contact states messages
    • [launch/hrpsys_ros_bridge.launch, src/HrpsysSeqStateROSBridge{,cpp,.h,Impl.cpp,Impl.h}] separate ContactStates.msg into ContactState.msg, ContactStateStamped.msg and ContactStatesStamped.msg
    • [hrpsys_ros_bridge/euslisp/rtm-ros-robot-interface.l] Add euslisp interface to get contact states
    • [hrpsys_ros_bridge/src/HrpsysSeqStateROSBridge.cpp] add contact states publisher of AutoBalancer and Stabilizer
    • [msg/ContactState.msg] add ContactStates.msg for legged robots
  • Sample codes
    • [src/hrpsys_ros_bridge/, src/hrpsys_ros_bridge/] set ThermoLimiter parameters to decrease debug messages #849
    • [src/hrpsys_ros_bridge/] update sample4legrobot st and abc parameters, set st and abc parameters #847
    • [hrpsys_ros_bridge/src/hrpsys_ros_bridge/] Update st vertices setting #819
    • [src/hrpsys_ros_bridge/, models/sample4legrobot.yaml, euslisp/sample4legrobot-interface.l, catkin.cmake] Add sample4legrobot generation if exists #817
    • [euslisp/sample4legrobot-interface.l] Update path hrpsys_ros_bridge_tutorials -> hrpsys_ros_bridge #817
    • [catkin.cmake] Add check for sample_4leg_robot existence #817
    • [hrpsys_ros_bridge/src/hrpsys_ros_bridge/] Update st damping parameters #809
    • [hrpsys_ros_bridge/catkin.cmake, src/hrpsys_ros_bridge/, test/hrpsys-samples/test_samplerobot_euslisp_unittests.launch] Enable euslisp unittest for unstable rtcs #806
    • [scripts/default*,,cmake/compile_robot_model.cmake] Use arguments to specify whether unstable or not #806
    • [hrpsys_ros_bridge/test/hrpsys-samples/samplerobot-unittest.l, samplerobot-auto-balancer.l] Update auto-balancer test functions and update unittest order #806
    • [hrpsys_ros_bridge/test/hrpsys-samples/test_samplerobot_euslisp_unittests.launch] Add collision detector test #805
  • Move euslisp sample code from roseus_tutorials #800
    • [hrpsys_ros_bridge/test/hrpsys-samples/test_samplerobot_euslisp_unittests.launch] Add rostest launch file for euslisp unittest and use .launch instead of .test.
    • [hrpsys_ros_bridge/test/hrpsys-samples, hrpsys_ros_bridge/euslisp/samplerobot-interface.l] Fix package name for sample robot euslisp files (hrpsys_ros_bridge_tutorials -> hrpsys_ros_bridge)
  • Use emergency stopper by default for unstable rtc robots #760
    • [hrpsys_ros_bridge/cmake/compile_robot_model.cmake] Use emergency stopper by default for unstable rtc robots
    • [hrpsys_ros_bridge/euslisp/rtm-ros-robot-interface.l] Add method for emergency stop methods
    • [hrpsys_ros_bridge/euslisp/rtm-ros-robot-interface.l] Enable to set rosbridge name for idl srv methods.
    • [hrpsys_ros_bridge/launch/hrpsys_ros_bridge.launch] Add emergency stopper ROSBridges
    • [scripts/] publish diagnostic of emergency_mode from #780
    • [src/HrpsysSeqStateROSBridge{,cpp,.h,Impl.cpp,Impl.h}] publish emergency_mode from EmergencyStopper rtc #763
  • Contributors: Eisoku Kuroiwa, Kei Okada, Masaki Murooka, Ryohei Ueda, Shunichi Nozawa, Tatsuya Ishikawa, Yohei Kakiuchi, Yuta Kojio, Iori Kumagai

1.2.14 (2015-06-23)

  • [hrpsys_ros_bridge] Add splash screen to hrpsys dashboard
  • Enable to set step time for each foot steps and update documentation
  • Add emergency walking stop and update documentations
  • [hrpsys_ros_bridge] set position of imu_floor zero
  • Add method to get remaining foot steps and displaying method
  • [cmake_compile_robot_model.cmake] get_filename_component DIRECTORY is only available > cmake 2.8.12
  • Publish cop position in end link frame
  • Publish COP for each end effectors. COPInfo is provided by Stabilizer.
  • Add --use-robot-hrpsys-config argument to compile robot old (added to compile robot in 54e64bf3c4131fc907c6b7c0a34d728f82948e76)
  • Contributors: Kei Okada, Ryohei Ueda, Shunichi Nozawa

1.2.13 (2015-06-11)

  • [launch/hrpsys_ros_bridge.launch] Add USE_ROBOT_POSE_EKF
  • [euslisp/rtm-ros-robot-interface.l] fix typo
  • [euslisp/rtm-ros-robot-interface.l] Add :adjust-foot-steps-roll-pitch to reset current foot steps
  • [euslisp/rtm-ros-robot-interface.l] Add toe heel angle for :set-foot-steps-with-param-no-wait
  • [euslisp/rtm-ros-robot-interface.l] Add argument for transition times
  • [euslisp/rtm-ros-robot-interface.l] Use current foot midcoords of rleg and lleg in roll pitch method
  • [euslisp/rtm-ros-robot-interface.l] Add adjust footsteps euslisp interface
  • [euslisp/datalogger-log-parser.l] Add function to dump seq pattern file from datalogger log
  • [euslisp/rtm-ros-robot-interface.l,uslisp/rtm-ros-robot-interface.l] Add force moment param zerosettin method and use it in calib program
  • [euslisp/rtm-ros-robot-interface.l] raise error when bridged service call failed
  • [euslisp/rtm-ros-robot-interface.l] Make interpolation-time in sync-controller shorter
  • [euslisp/rtm-ros-robot-interface.l] Add :set-foot-steps-with-base-height
  • [euslisp/rtm-ros-robot-interface.l] Fix typo in start method. Start auto balancer by legs.
  • [euslisp/rtm-ros-robot-interface.l] Add euslisp methods for default unstable controllers
  • [src/HrpsysSeqStateROSBridge.cpp] imu_floor again
  • [src/hrpsys_ros_bridge/] add st/abc/ic start at once button
  • [hrpsys_ros_bridge/cmake/compile_robot_model.cmake] Enable to specify robot specific
  • [launch/hrpsys_ros_bridge.launch] Add argument to specify periodic rate of seq ros bridge
  • [euslisp/rtm-ros-robot-interface.l] add hours, minutes and seconds for :save-log
  • [.travis.yaml, hrpsys_ros_bridge/catkin.cmake] add eusdoc
  • [euslisp/rtm-ros-robot-interface.l] Support t or nil in setter arguments
  • Contributors: Eisoku Kuroiwa, Kei Okada, Ryohei Ueda, Shunichi Nozawa, Yohei Kakiuchi, Iori Kumagai

1.2.12 (2015-04-27)

  • [euslisp/rtm-ros-robot-interface.l] Update function to calculate toe heel offset. Support both pos and zmp and add documentation
  • [hrpsys_ros_bridge/cmake/compile_robot_model.cmake] fix for --conf option with comment
  • Contributors: Kei Okada, Shunichi Nozawa

1.2.11 (2015-04-25)

  • [catkin.cmake] add depend to pr2_controllers_msgs in catpkin_package
  • [cmake/compile_robot_model.cmake] fix dependency add_custom_depend need to DEPEND to other target
  • [euslisp/rtm-ros-robot-interface.l] Add calculate-toe-heel-pos-offsets and set-foot-steps-with-param
  • Contributors: Kei Okada, Shunichi Nozawa

1.2.10 (2015-04-24)

  • add rewrited version of compile_robot_model.cmake
    • [compile_robot_model.cmake] generate controller_config even if yaml is not found
    • [compile_robot_model.cmake] use add_custom_target/command for eusif and launch, set PROJECT_PKG_NAME
    • [compile_robot_model.cmake] rewrite everything from scratch
  • euslisp
    • [rtm-ros-robot-interface.l] Add method to align footsteps with roll or pitch angle
    • [datalogger-log-parser.l] change max-line count method
    • [rtm-ros-robot-interface.l] Add sync-controller method, which preserve limb-controller angle before remove-joint-group is called.
    • [rtm-ros-robot-interface.l] Enable to set gravitational acceleration for calculating st parameter
  • [HrpsysSeqStateROSBridgeImpl.{cpp,h}] display more debug info for diagnostics
  • [cmake/compile_robot_model.cmake] Revert \"compile_robot contains output files, not targets\"
  • [hrpsys_ros_bridge/package.xml] Limits dependent pkg version to avoid critical error in downstream (tork-a/rtmros_nextage/#160)
  • Contributors: Eisoku Kuroiwa, Isaac IY Saito, Kei Okada, Shunichi Nozawa, Iori Kumagai

1.2.9 (2015-04-11)

  • [package.xml] remove pr2_controllers, add pr2_controller_msgs, pr2_msgs, control_msgs package.xml
  • [collision_state] fix to work collision state
    • [] fix minor bug of CORBA.OBJECT_NOT_EXIST -> omniORB.CORBA.OBJECT_NOT_EXIST
    • [] check isActive() to avoid raise error during servo on phase
  • [hrpsys_ros_bridge/catkin.cmake]
    • move rtmlaunch/rtmtest from hrpsys_ros_bridge to openrtm_tools, add envhook for catkin users
  • [hrpsys_tools/hrpsys.launch] support DEBUG_HRPSYS argument to run rtcd with gdb
  • [hrpsys_ros_bridge/cmake/compile_robot_model.cmake]
    • Add dependency from the files generated by export_collada to compile_robots in order to prevent parallel execution of export_collada
    • Check current if scope has parent scope when set variable in PARENT_SCOPE in compile_robot_model.cmake to supress warning messages
    • Fix serious typo: daefile -> _daefile in compile_robot_model.cmake
    • fix warning in if/endif macro
    • compile_robtos should be list of all generated lisp file, not targets
  • [euslisp/rtm-ros-robotics-interface.l]
    • Add impedance controller mode getter method
    • Return Euslisp coordinates from :get-foot-step-param
    • Add methods to get Euslisp style parameters from IDL enum type
    • Add comments for st methods
    • Add methods to tune st parameter
    • Add functions to calculate eefm st parameters
    • Fix order of ee setting
    • Pass arguments for joint-properties to ProjectGenerator
  • Contributors: JAXON, Kei Okada, Ryohei Ueda, Shunichi Nozawa

1.2.8 (2015-03-09)

  • [hrpsys_ros_bridge] Do not run collada_to_urdf parallel. In order to avoid parallel execution of collada_to_urdf, add tricky dependency
  • Add graspless manip mode euslisp interface
  • [test-*.py] test name could not contain minus? any changet to underscore (
  • [] fix syntax error on loadPattern
  • update for legged robot
  • Sample.pos is not installed via deb package, see
  • Fix rmfo sensor argument
  • copy rtmlaunch,rtmtest to global_bin when compile
  • Add method to calculate go-velocity param from velocity center offset
  • Add menus for unstable rtcs (not used by default)
  • Add setting for HrpsysConfigurator in hrpsys dashboard and apply it to servoOn/Off menu (disabled by default).
  • Remove unused initial leg offsetting because this is implemented AutoBalancer\'s setFootSteps
  • [hrpsys_ros_bridge] Refactor compile_robot_model.cmake
  • Use ee name for impedance methods
  • [hrpsys_ros_bridge] need to wait for activate
  • [hrpsys_ros_bridge] wait for sh, sometimes we can not find them
  • Update impedance start/stop methods
  • [hrpsys_ros_bridge] Do not call export_collada in parallel
  • Update :reset-force-moment-offset funcs and add documents
  • Update documentation strings for ImpedanceController and Ref forces
  • [hrpsys_ros_bridge] Fix path for catkin build
  • pass :rarm instead of \'rhsensor\' or \'rasensor\' to :set-forcemoment-offset-param
  • Add seq base pos and rpy methods
  • Remove duplicated method and fix argument passing for imp methods
  • Contributors: Kei Okada, Ryohei Ueda, Shunichi Nozawa, Eisoku Kuroiwa

1.2.7 (2015-01-06)

  • Add :reference-root-coords method for log
  • Update datalogger parser time parsing and robothardware naming
  • Add euslisp methods for seq wait interpolation and co get status
  • Enable virtual force setting. Read conf file in HrpsysSeqStateROSBridge and connect vfs ports if exists
  • Add set ref force and moment methods. Enable vforcesensors
  • change robot-init function to pass arguments to initializer
  • Set default name as co
  • Use segment name of body_info as collision detection frame_id
  • Add argument to select activation because can be launched in hrpsys_ros_bridge.launch
  • Enable to configure collision detector instance name
  • Use subscription_type as new to avoid influence on realtime process
  • (rtm-ros-robot-interface) : Add optionaldata for dump-seq-pattern-file
  • (rtm-ros-robot-interface) : Add function to load seq pattern file and euslisp list from it.
  • (rtm-ros-robot-interface) : Add documentation string for dump-seq-pattern-file
  • Fix frame of loadPattern
  • Add euslisp interface method for reference wrench
  • Publish reference wrench from StateHolder wrench data ports. Check existence of wrench ports because hrpsys-base 315.1.9 does not have wrench ports in Seq and Sh.
  • Add RMFO calib readme
  • Update RMFO calibration sequence. Use parameter file
  • Add load and dump rmfo param methods
  • Separate robot date string as method and fix :save-log default argument
  • on indigo, hrpsys is not ros-catkin package
  • fix for new packaging openrtm/hrpsys (compile package directoly from original repository)
  • Fix typo of hrpsys_ros_bridge.launch
  • Add USE_HRPSYS_PROFILE to toggle whether running hrpsys_profile
  • Add parameter ~publish_sensor_tf to HrpsysSeqStateROSBridge to toggle publishing tf frames of the sensors
  • Fix unitsystem for documentation
  • Add directory to generate Euslisp documentation
  • Enable to set integer enum values
  • (rtm-ros-robot-interface) : Fix typo in save-log
  • (rtm-ros-robot-interface) : Add date string and robot name to Datalogger log name by default.
  • (rtm-ros-robot-interface) : Update seq methods. Revise set-interpolation-mode using defconst param and remove deprecated dump-seq parttern
  • Merge remote-tracking branch \'origin/master\' into tmp_update_impedance_controller_methods
  • (rtm-ros-robot-interface) : Update impedance controller setter and getter
  • (rtm-ros-robot-interface) : Remove deprecated euslisp interface and functions.
  • Update rtmbuild_init to specify dependency of generate_messages and add new service interface to HrpsysSeqStateROSBridge to specify transformation for each sensor
  • Merge pull request #583 from eisoku9618/update-print-end-effector-parameter-conf-from-robot Merged.
  • do not print a leading colon of :rarm
  • (rtm-ros-robot-interface) : Enable to set st algorithm as Euslisp symbol.
  • remove unnecessary white spaces
  • rename total time of 1 cycle from RobotHardware0 to Summary
  • add eps_of_rh variable in order to reduce unnecessary for loop
  • (test-samplerobot) : Import all srv files in discussed in
  • (default_robot* : Add argument for precreate controller
  • (rtm-ros-robot-interface) : Update :set-gait-generator-param method to use defconstant enum values and add printing method
  • (datalogger-log-parser) : Add abc baseTform reading
  • Contributors: Kei Okada, Ryohei Ueda, Shunichi Nozawa, Yohei Kakiuchi, Eisoku Kuroiwa

1.2.6 (2014-10-10)

  • set time-limit to 300
  • ( fix test case, since /clock is sync with hrpsys time, so we can use more strict settings
  • fix test code for changing 0.002
  • (rtm-ros-robot-interface) : Add documentation strings for state methods and rearrange it. Add logger documentation.
  • Contributors: Kei Okada, Shunichi Nozawa

1.2.5 (2014-10-04)

  • Improvement on rtm-ros-robot-interface, datalogger-log-parser, samplerobot
  • Fix stamp of odom and imu
  • Improve dependency: robot_pose_ekf.launch, robot_pose_ekf
  • Contributors: Kei Okada, Shunichi Nozawa, YoheiKakiuchi

1.2.4 (2014-09-08)

  • (test/test-pa10.test) support GUI argument
  • (test/ add test for /command
  • (hrpsys_ros_bridge/src/HrpsysJointTrajectoryBridge.cpp) support <controller>/command, see #537
  • ( fix document, based on snozawa\'s comment
  • Contributors: Kei Okada

1.2.3 (2014-09-03)

1.2.2 (2014-08-31)

1.2.1 (2014-06-23)

  • add euscollada path for compile collada model
  • Merge pull request #495 from k-okada/add_servo_controller hrpsys_ros_bridge.launch: add servo controller
  • (datalogger-log-parser.l) : Check existence of zmp value and rpy value
  • hrpsys_ros_bridge.launch: add servo controller fix rtmlaunch options (thanks to \@hyaguchijsk)
  • does not use group tag, just use unless tag to disable connection between sh.rtc:baseTformOut and baseTform
  • (hrpsys_ros_bridge/package.xml) run_depend on ipython
  • (hrpsys_ros_bridge/package.xml) Sort in alphabetical order
  • (rtm-ros-robot-interface.l, datalogger-log-parser.l) Update imu euslisp methods ;; We should use /imu instead of tf according to
  • hrpsys_ros_bridge/euslisp/datalogger-log-parser.l:add reading zmp data from hrpsys log file
  • Merge pull request #458 from snozawa/rotate_camera_z_axis Rotate sensor->localR 180[deg] because OpenHRP3 camera -Z axis equals to ROS camera Z axis
  • Merge pull request #477 from garaemon/add-imu-topic-remove-imu-floor Add /imu topic and /odom topic remove imu_floor
  • Merge pull request #460 from k-okada/hrpsys_version_gte set hrpsys version greater than 315.2.0
  • update pa10 test code
  • publish Imu value to /imu topic and odometory value to /odom.
  • fix ProjectGenerator path for compile_collada_model
  • update .gitignore for auto generated files under hrpsys_ros_bridge directory
  • rtmlaunch; Add usage api doc
  • hrpsys_ros_bridge/euslisp/datalogger-log-parser.l : update state methods and add eof check
  • hrpsys_ros_bridge/, hrpsys_ros_bridge/euslisp/ : add README for hrpsys_ros_bridge and euslisp usage
  • hrpsys_ros_bridge/euslisp/datalogger-log-parser.l : support force sensor reading
  • hrpsys_ros_bridge/euslisp/rtm-ros-robot-interface.l : update sensor accessor commited in
  • (package.xml files) Update repository URLs
  • (start-jsk/rtmros_common/pull/397) hrpsys_ros_bridge/launch/hrpsys_ros_bridge.launch, hrpsys_ros_bridge/scripts/ : rename AbsoluteForceSensor => RemoveForceSensorLinkOffset
  • (collision_detector.launch) add default model file path using one fromreal robot
  • ( ) add \'import re\' for using regular expression
  • add generation of hrpsys_config for robots using unstable RTCs ;; add configuration for unstable RTCs in cmake ;; by default, do not nothing, so there will be no side effect for robots only using Stable RTCs
  • set RTCTREE_NAMESERVERS environment variables, for #453
  • pass args to super class
  • set hrpsys version greater than 315.2.0
  • Rotate sensor->localR 180[deg] because OpenHRP3 camera -Z axis equals to ROS camera Z axis
  • add samplerobot.rviz
  • hrpsys_ros_bridge/ Use logerr to highlight an error that could be overlooked
  • (HrpsysJointTrajectoryBridge) ros cpp style macro applied.
  • Contributors: Isaac Desu Saito, Isaac IY Saito, Isaac Isao Saito, Kei Okada, Kunio Kojima, Ryohei Ueda, Tatsushi Karasawa, YoheiKakiuchi, mmurooka, nozawa

1.2.0 (2014-05-14)

  • bump to 1.2.0for hrpsys 315.2.0

1.0.12 (2014-05-06)

  • (collision_detector.launch) typo
  • use odom instad of imu_floor
  • do not connect port when afs is not found
  • set WALKING and IMPEDANCE controller as non-default RTC
  • update generate config.yaml
  • add both Robot(Robot)0 and RobotHadware0 in datalogger
  • add scripts for auto generating controller config yaml
  • Use subprocess.Popen rather than check_call in order to call external process asynchronouslly
  • pass argument to get-ROSBridge-method-defmacro method
  • add generating urdf file to compile_robot_model.cmake
  • Merge pull request #433 from k-okada/do_not_compile_idl_twice do not update manifets.xml and copy idl when it is not needed (#429)
  • implement hrpsys_dashboard base on rqt, not on rxtools
  • do not update manifets.xml and copy idl when it is not needed (#429)
  • rename base-pos and base-rpy => root-pos and root-rpy
  • add reading of datalogger properties
  • set REALTIME=ture as default
  • update :start-auto-balancer and :stop-auto-balancer method according to hrpsys-base trunk update at commit ;; we do not need to change usage of these methods
  • Contributors: Isaac Saito, Kei Okada, Ryohei Ueda, YoheiKakiuchi, Shunichi Nozawa

1.0.11 (2014-04-16)

  • use random staritng port number for rtm_naming, also try to continue if name server is already running
  • Contributors: Kei Okada

1.0.10 (2014-04-15)

  • remove sed to comment out pr2_controllers
  • Contributors: Kei Okada

1.0.9 (2014-04-14)

  • (hrpsys_ros_bridge) add git to build_depend
  • Contributors: Isaac IY Saito

1.0.8 (2014-04-14)

  • use git:// for download pr2_controllers (potential fix for #410)
  • add rosdnode to depends(see, #411)
  • add euscollada_SOURCE_PREFIX and euscollada_PREFIX
  • use for rosdevel build environment, see #400
  • remove deprecate function to generate conf parameter
  • Added procps, hostname, net-tools build_depends. These tools are used during building and testing
  • Contributors: Kei Okada, Scott K Logan, Shunichi Nozawa

1.0.7 (2014-03-20)

  • call find_package(catkin) fist
  • #22: add PROJECT_NAME to the target used in compile_robot_model to avoid collision of the target names
  • add rostest/hrpsys_tools to depends and find_package
  • hrpsys_ros_bridge: (test-compile-robot.launch) add test-compile-robot.launch (but is is not includeded in CMakeLists.txt and use .launch instead of .test due to Issue #87), fix compile_robot_model.cmake work with devel of hrpsys_ros_bridge, disable launch script from
  • hrpsys_ros_bridge: add test-compile-robot.xml test-compile-robot.cmake
  • check hrpsys_ros_bridge SOURCE_DIR for both SOURCE_DIR and PREFIX
  • hrpsys_ros_bridge: use catkin package of pr2_controllers_msgs
  • hrpsys_tools, hrpsys_ros_bridge: increase retly to 4 for test
  • hrpsys_ros_bridge: install/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/hrpsys_ros_bridge/ disappeared somehow? this is temprarily fix (FIXME)
  • hrpsys_ros_bridge: fix compile_robot_model.cmkae, use find_package to set /lib/openrtm_aist/bin/rtm-naming /lib/openhrp3/export-collada
  • display with logwarn when CollisionDetector is not found
  • hrpsys_ros_bridge, fix path for installed conf/dae/launch files
  • compile_robot_model.cmake: add debug message in generate_default_launch_eusinterface_files
  • hrpsys_ros_bridge: (,, increase timeout of watForTransform() and catch exception if tf is not found
  • collision_state, wait until co is found, if not found exit with 0, not 1
  • add Exception
  • hrpsys_ros_bridge: add collada_urdf to depends
  • run hrpsys_profile within try block
  • remove undefined variables
  • hrpsys_ros_bridge: add visualization_msgs to depeds
  • hrpsys_ros_bridge: fix ProjectGenerator location, see #353
  • hrpsys_ros_bridge: add test code for samplerobot and pa10
  • hrpsys_ros_bridge: add diagnostic_aggregator to depend (manifest.xml package.xml)
  • hrpsys_ros_bridge: add more args to default_robot*.in (GUI, SIMULATOR_NAME, corbaport)
  • add comment on why we remove depend to pr2_controllers_msgs
  • (package.xml) add angles to build_depend intentinally dut to build_depend to tf does ont install angles
  • (manifest.xml) commented out depend package pr2_controllers_msgs for rosmake dependency graph generation, but comment in for rosmake build objects
  • (manifest.xml) if you have both rosdep and depend, rosmake does not work well, see
  • (manifest.xml) users are expected to manually install ros-groovy-pr2-dashboard
  • (CMakeLists.txt) download pr2_controllers_msgs for groovy/rosbuild
  • fix typo ;; elif -> elseif
  • add
  • Wrong catkin macro (CATKIN-DEPENDS to CATKIN_DEPENDS).
  • change destination of stdout of by OUTPUT arg
  • add CMAKE_PREFIX_PATH so that rosrun hrpsys ProjectGenerator works
  • Merge pull request #334 from k-okada/master
  • add openhrp3_PREFIX, more debug message
  • add / after hrpsys_idl_DIR
  • add hrpsys to find_package
  • add more verbose log when error
  • update PKG_CONFIG_PATH for hrpsys-base
  • display error output
  • add depend to pkg-config
  • add depend to pkg-config
  • added euslisp, srv, idl directories to install
  • move to git repository
  • add hrpsys to find_package
  • add more verbose log when error
  • Merge branch \'master\' of
  • display error output
  • add depend to pkg-config
  • add depend to pkg-config
  • update PKG_CONFIG_PATH for hrpsys-base
  • Merge branch \'master\' into garaemon-master
  • not generating sh but running rostes directory to avoid escape problem
  • Merge branch \'master\' of
  • use pkg-config to find directories
  • Merge branch \'master\' of
  • move to git repository
  • added euslisp, srv, idl directories to install
  • fixing list syntax
  • force to set ROS_PACKAGE_PATH when calling euscollada for catkin build
  • adding LD_LIBRARY_PATH
  • remove depend to robot_monitor
  • changing the working directory when call export-collada
  • do not compile lisp code if euxport collada is not exists
  • add diagnositcs_msgs to fake rosdep
  • add dynamic_recofigure to fake rosdep
  • add several rosdep names to fake rosdep
  • add rosdep hrpsys/openrtm_aist to fake rosdep
  • profibit to run rostest parallel
  • installing src directory as python package
  • (hrpsys_ros_bridge/package.xml) Partially revert r6936 where a dependency was removed by mistake.
  • Contributors: Kei Okada, Ryohei Ueda


  • rtmros_common-1.0.6
  • (rtmros_common, openrtm_ros_bridge, hrpsys_ros_bridge) Cleaning and elaborating package.xml
  • add setting for CONF_DT_OPTION
  • set corba port to 15005 in euslisp model dump function
  • fix proble due to r6908, also remove find_package since hrpsys can not find-packed-ed
  • add hrpsys_tools to depends on openrtm_tools, see Issue 309
  • set custom cmake file under CFG_EXTRAS, so that other package is abel to use macros defined in the cmake file
  • generate /tmp/_gen_project**.sh file to invoke rostest since rostest needs package path, see Issue 306
  • installing euslisp directory of hrpsys_ros_bridge when catkining
  • not use rosbuild for catkin
  • fixing close tag in nosim.launch
  • add RUN_RVIZ arg in default launch template files
  • add REALTIME arg in hrpsys-simulator launch template files
  • fix position of long floor
  • add :torque-vector for playpattern
  • add reference torque vector data reading
  • update initialization to neglect log files which lines are not match ;; convert rad2deg
  • fix typos ;; wf -> zf
  • add .zmp file dump
  • add fname for datalogger-log-parser
  • use .rviz file for .in file
  • add datalogger log parser for euslisp
  • enable to se PROJECT_FILE name
  • remove unnecessary print function
  • fix hrpsy_ros_bridge.launch for hrpsys version 315.1.5
  • add :zmp-vector and callback ;; acc print function for end_effectors in conf file
  • add argument for tm
  • add type_name to SensorInfo ;; use it in imu_floor tf sending ;; for almost all robots, frame name is \'gyrometer\'
  • write seq pattern file separatively ;; do not dump .waist file if :root-coords does not exist
  • publish zmp as PointStamped
  • add zmp data port for HrpsysSeqStateRosBridge
  • add euslisp utility fnuction for seq pattern file
  • fix syntax error
  • set_stale when op_mode is not Servo ON nor Servo Off
  • move hrpsys_profiel out of USE_DIAGNOSTICS
  • add use_diagnostics, use_rosout, use_battery option in __init__
  • using prefix for sensor-name
  • add debug print, when body->joints().size() and is not equal
  • split hrpsys_dashboard into hrpsys_dashboard and src/hrpsys_ros_bridge/, see Issue 270
  • fix color
  • change sphere radius depends on dangerness
  • rosbuild does not raise exception when import roslib, use import hrpsys
  • add utility functions for project generator xml file
  • add argument to set timeStep according to hrpsys-base -r905 commit ;; we can set timeStep <= dt ;;
  • enable to add :root-coords which is optional robot states
  • fix typo ;; tile -> time
  • change line width depends on the distance


  • \"rtmros_common-1.0.5\"
  • reverse rpy-angle because euslisp rpy is \'yaw pitch roll\' and openhrp3 rpy is roll pitch yaw
  • pkill kill cmake itself, not why, so create shell script and execute it
  • use find_package for hrpsys and hrpsys_tools
  • fix Issue 256
  • do not depends to lisp file if euscollada is not exists
  • fix missing variable _collada2eus to _collada2eus_exe
  • do not FATAL_ERROR when collada2eus is not found
  • fix for catkin compile
  • add debug message
  • use full path instead of rosrun/rostet for when two binaries are installed
  • fix for catkin, catkin does not requires load_manifest
  • apply patch in Issue 254
  • fix ROS_DISTRO->groovy, this code only used in groovy
  • fix sed command
  • fix typo ENV=>
  • add rostest to run_depend
  • set pr2_controllers to build/run depends and fix catkin.cmake to comment out therese tags if groovy
  • distance under 0.05 always red
  • translate line information relative to root_link_frame
  • add lifetime
  • add standalone collision detector launch file, see #249
  • fix color
  • add error message more verbose
  • rename typo
  • add in launch file, Issue 249
  • add, Issue 249
  • fix length of force list for resetting
  • fix compile_openhrp_model for catkin, see Issue 241


  • \"rtmros_common-1.0.4\"
  • update with r5733



  • \"rtmros_common-1.0.2\"
  • use connection as new
  • add calc-zmp-from-state method
  • add loading of utils file if exists
  • fix typoes ;; _name -> _sname
  • get current additional_make_clean_files and append setting to it ;; use _sname instead of overwriting _name
  • add generated launch and euslisp files to clean target
  • fix when rtmros_common is installed as catkin package, see Issue 214
  • install cmake directory


  • rtmros_common) 1.0.1
  • rtmros_common) Revert wrong commit r5588
  • rtmros_common) 1.0.1
  • hrpsys_ros_bridge) fix to issue 205 (incomplete but worth trying)
  • hrpsys_ros_bridge) Correction to r5584.
  • hrpsys_ros_bridge) Improve package.xml description.
  • add pr2_dashboard path to sys.path for those who could not import pr2_dashboard
  • add comment when pr2_dashboard is not found
  • hrpsys_dashboard) Fix to run with rosbuild.
  • hrpsys_ros_bridge) add Isaac as a maintainer to get notice from buildfarm.
  • add diagnostic_msgs to depends
  • add roslang to depend
  • use rtmbuild_PREFIX instaed of CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX to get rtmbuild.cmake
  • fake rospack not to sudo rosdep install
  • add python-rosdep and rosdep udpate to different execute_process
  • do not set local for jenkins debuild
  • copy rtmlaunch/rtmtest/ to both share and bin for backword compatibility
  • add random string to pr2_controllers_msgs directory path
  • workaround for ros-groovy-rqt-top installs wrong(?) psutil
  • fix for new
  • add LC_ALL=en_US.UTF-8
  • fix syntax error on previous commit
  • add rosdep update when compile pr2_controlers_msgs
  • unset *_LIBRARIES not to add library names to Config.cmake
  • add python-psutil to depend
  • add rosbuild to depends
  • add mk
  • add --non-interactive --trust-server-cert for svn
  • use corba port number 15005
  • install rtmtest and
  • remove svn:executable from
  • add from rtmlaunch in order to add rtmtest, add alias rtmtest to
  • add subversion for groovy, that download and compile non-catkinized pr2_controllers_msgs package
  • download and compile pr2_controllers msgs which is not catlinized on groovy
  • pr2_controllers is not catkinized on groovy
  • add pr2_controllers to bulid/run_depend and use ROS_DISTRO to include pr2_controller_msgs directory
  • add code for restarting jointGroup
  • add remove-joint-group and remove obsolate code
  • fix directory structure, see Issue 188
  • add generating code of controller_config.yaml for using joint group
  • checking the existance all joints in required group on HrpsysJointTrajectoryBridge (ignore not existing joint)
  • fix : rearrange joint order in required goal
  • forget to fix corba port to 15005, see Issue 141
  • fix catkin.cmake for installed project
  • add import OpenRTM_aist.RTM_IDL, for catkin
  • print error message on detection of nan in imu_floor tf
  • install FILES does not need USE_SOURCE_PERMISSIONS
  • fix catkin.cmake, since openrtm_aist/openhrp3/hrpsys is compiled as non-catkin package (this means catkin_make does not install <package>.pc <package>Config.cmake and use DEPENDS not CATKIN-DEPENDS)
  • fix to work on both rtmbuild and catkin environment
  • ignore srv files whose name starts with . in rtm-ros-robot-interface, closes Issue 149
  • fix for catkin
  • check if port_number(5005) is already used, Fixed Issue 141
  • comment out pr2_controllers
  • change pr2_controllers_msgs -> pr2_controllers
  • set default corbaport to 5005, Fixes Issue 141
  • fix method name for set-joint-angles-of-group
  • add add_dependencies to compile_hrpsys
  • fix copy idl file from hrpsys/idl
  • install rtmbuild from rtmbuild_SOURCE_DIR/CMAKE_INSTALL_DIR
  • print name of ports
  • add arguments to specify generated files
  • add arguments to specify file generation
  • rename macro ;; fix typo
  • add nosim template and fix euslisp file name
  • add macro to generate default launch files and euslisp interface
  • wirte more debug comment to ROS_INFO_STREAM
  • hrpsys_ros_bridge) Delete unused dependency. Alphabetize dependency.
  • Remove unused components (robot_monitor).
  • rtmros_common) Increment version to 1.0.0 (based on discussion
  • Updated all package.xml in rtmros_common metapkg (add URLs, alphabetized, cleanup, add Isaac as a maintainer to receive notice from buildfarm).
  • check if USE_ROSBUILD is defined
  • fix 2888 -> 2890 according to discussion of
  • fix for catkin, with USE_ROSBUILD
  • catkinize package
  • add depends to openrtm_ros_bridge
  • add openrtm_tools as depend
  • add depends to hrpsys_tools
  • workaround for Issue 150
  • use hrpsys_ros_bridge for generating ROS service methods
  • was moved to openrtm_tools
  • import from hrpsys_ros_bridge.srv instead of hrpsys.srv
  • minor change
  • hrpsys.launch now goes under hrpsys_tools and rename to hrpsys_config
  • add depends from hrpsys to hrpsys_tools, (hrpsys_tools to hrpsys is also exists, this this is intentially looped) so that users just depends on hrpsys
  • change INCLUDE_DIRS from {prefix}/idl_gen/cpp/{prefix}/idl to {prefix}/idl_gen/cpp, so need to include <prefix/idl/hoge.h> instead of <hoge.h>, Issue 137
  • ProjectGenerator is under hrpsys_tools not hrpsys: cleanup hrpsys, split hrpsys and hrpsys_tools, Issue 137
  • copy idl from hrpsys/share/hrpsys/idl to hrpsys_ros_bridge/idl, Issue 137
  • add depends to hrpsys_tools, Issue 137
  • update openrtm -> openrtm_aist, hrpsys -> hrpsys_toolss: cleanup hrpsys, split hrpsys and hrpsys_tools, Issue 137
  • fix port num ;; 2888 -> 2889
  • run omniNames with port 2888 in compile_openhrp_model
  • check if server is active before send set preempt, this enables exit component cleanly, related to Issue 47
  • fix miss commit ;; add temperature
  • enable to store extra_data of motor_states
  • use PeriodicExecutionContext instead of hrpExecutionContext, Issue 136
  • launch node within group tags not to invoke unused component, see Issue 114
  • add dt conf file option
  • remove unnecessary copying of return value
  • add _ret_add_str and remove duplicate codes
  • fix position of return value setting
  • do not specify if base-name is nil
  • add connection for hrpsys_ros_bridge
  • add dependency of _xmlfile on _xmlfile_nosim to achieve exclusive execution of rostest
  • print port name in sensor_ros_bridge_connect
  • adding some wait for waiting to update rosnode information
  • fix return value if limb is nil
  • fix separator of macro argumens
  • fixes Issue 64, some packaed does not depends on euscollada, invoke rtm-naming within add_custom_command
  • add dependency on euscollada, export-collada, and _gen_project.launch
  • rename -xxx options -> --xxx options
  • specify 2888 in pkill
  • add macros to obtain options for _gen_project.launch and euscollada
  • add get_option macro
  • add INTEGRATE argument
  • start model loader with 2888 port when launch _gen_project.launch
  • do not make error, when collada2eus is not found, some package(hironx_ros_bridge) does not depends on euslisp
  • add xml nosim to target
  • add nosim option and generate nosim xml
  • add robothardware conf option
  • rename abs_xx -> off_xx
  • add compile_collada_model to ALL
  • fix (arg SIMULATOR_NAME)0 -> (arg SIMULATOR_NAME)
  • ->
  • cleanup hrpsys_ros_bridge.launch, use if group, by miyake. Issue 114
  • enable to load only link offset ;; use average value
  • fix typo ;; params -> param
  • add :reset-force-moment-offset
  • support euslisp style argument for forcemoment and impedance methods
  • use euscollada-model\'s :force-sensor methods instead of get-force-sensor-from-limb-name
  • revert to use force-vector and moment-vector
  • update to use absolute force vector for calibration
  • add :imucoords method
  • add port and connection for absolute force sensor values
  • use AbsoluteForceSensor for impedanc Controller
  • call :update-robot-state in super\'s :state methods
  • check return value of imucoords from TF
  • call rtc_init before rospy.init so that Issue 117
  • neglect arguments added by roslaunch
  • add rtmlaunch that runs omninaming and runs roslaunch, Issue 105, this is not tested on NameServer running on remote computer, see to
  • imu reading of update-robot-state
  • fix wrong length of angles while uing JointGroup
  • add ForwardKinematicsServiceROSBridge
  • cleanup launch file Issue 114
  • fix: condition for checking num of publisher
  • fix: using walltime for waiting timeout
  • remove miss commited comment out
  • tf::Matrix3x3 causes compilation error in electric. use btMatrix3x3 instead
  • do not publish tf which contains nan values
  • chnage: detecting num of /clock publisher before starting and stoping subscribe /clock
  • update footstep interface for abc
  • add print message in starting
  • add vel ratio
  • add cmd vel mode
  • check hrp::link parent existence because joint state with no name is published at previous version ;; This is OpenHRP3 \'WAIST\' joint specification. I should check OpenHRP3 model loading
  • select a timestamp of force sensor messages according to use_sim_time
  • get root-link name in :state :imucoords.
  • add default-double-support-ratio setting
  • add robothardware conf setting
  • add macros for export_collada_option and conf_file_option
  • add stabilizer methods
  • comment out target_name and base_name and support default zmp offset
  • add optional argument to collada2eus
  • add stabilizer ros bridge
  • enable to specify calib offset
  • rename make pose function ;; support nodisplay usage
  • add force sensor calib program
  • add load-forcemoment-offset-param method
  • add interface to specify sensor offset
  • enable to access force-sensor by limb name
  • make models directory in compile model macros when it doesn\'t exist
  • set RobotHardware0 by default for SIMULATOR_NAME
  • use SIULATOR_NAME instead of ROBOT_NAME in hrpsys_ros_bridge.launch ;; ROBOT_NAME argument in hrpsys_ros_bridge.launch is still remained for compatibility but please do not use ROBOT_NAME
  • support limb name usage
  • fix typos and add virtual force sensor stop method
  • add connection for virtual force sensor
  • fix keyword of set-servo-gain-percentage
  • fix naming rule of virtual force sensor and fix quaternion -> axisangle
  • add CONF_FILE_ARG and specify vitual_force_sensor by using conf file
  • specify rtc manager name
  • specify nameserver name and CORBA_init args
  • rename value -> default
  • use WAIST if base-name is nil ;; Is this correct?
  • remove depends to pr2_dashboard for groovy, wait for fix
  • change a name of imu tf and add a method to get imu coords in rtm-ros-robot-interface
  • fix :set-base-pose in rtm-ros-robot-interface.l
  • fix for publishing warning message
  • add connection from state_holder(qOut) to rosbridge(mcangle)
  • comment out port for RobotHardwareService because Simulator does not have RobotHardwareService
  • add comment for groovy
  • remove rtconnects between RobotHardware and KalmanFilter; this is achieved by instead
  • comment the IMU related rtconnects out for non IMU robots
  • add basePos and baseRpy to HrpsysSeqStateROSBridge and connect in hrpsys_ros_bridge.launch
  • modify rtm-ros-robot-interface.l: add set-servo-error-limit and set-soft-error-limit
  • modify hrpsys_ros_bridge.launch to execute RobotHardwareServiceROSBridge and SoftErrorLimiterServiceROSBridge
  • add default rate to hrpsys_ros_bridge
  • check sensor existence for HRP4C
  • use regiterInport for gyrometer and gsensor
  • fix walking command and example
  • use automatically generated methods
  • add define-all-ROSBridge-srv-methods to define srv methods from srv and idl files ;; currently comment out
  • add comments to
  • add getSensors and use it
  • fix for hrpsys-base\'s r693 commit ;; fix for acc and rate naming rules
  • make class to configure hrpsys RTCs and data ports
  • add StateHolder rosbridge
  • set subscription type new for real robot
  • set subscription type new for real robot
  • change name of a method for logger (Issue 74)
  • add method for logger, Flxed Issue 74
  • added rtconnect of torque in hrpsys_ros_bridge.launch
  • remove autobalancer methods from sample
  • add target2foot_offset_pos and rot
  • add methods for get and set parameters for ABC
  • enable multiple --conf-file-option
  • add AutoBalancer for and launch files
  • add methods for auto balancer RTC
  • add method to dump pattern file for Seq
  • update check of virtual force sensor impedance control and add seq loadPattern
  • enable to specify conf file setting for _gen_project.launch
  • support virtual force sensor usage
  • add sensor_ros_bridge_connect to connect sensor data ports based on ModelLoader\'s sensor information
  • re-organize code, use IDL style method name for each service/idl and use euslisp style method name for wrapper of them
  • enable to get force-vector and moment-vector
  • add removeforcesensor offset interface
  • add getImpedanceControllerParam and enable to set parameter individualy
  • fix potision of argument in :start-impedance-impl
  • fix typo ;; start-impedance in stop-impedance
  • fix condision of limb for start and stop impedance
  • add yaml depend in hrpsys_ros_bridge
  • use :force-sensor method
  • use root-link\'s parent by default
  • fix bug of send*
  • add methods for impedance controller
  • fix name : use upper case for argument, (Fixes issue 65)
  • add launch_ros_model argument to hrpsys_ros_bridge.launch
  • fix number of clock publisher ;; publisher ==1 means no clock publisher other than HrpsysSeqRosBridge, which means HrpsSeqRosBridge should publish /clock
  • add ImpedanceCOntroller service ROS Bridge
  • check use_sim_time
  • do not publish /clock when othre node pulishes
  • rm config, no longer used?
  • fix : move hrpsys_ros_bridge exmaple codes to hrpsys_ros_bridge_tutorials
  • move hrpsys_ros_bridge exmaple codes to hrpsys_ros_bridge_tutorials
  • add CollisionDetectionService interface to rtm-ros-robotics-interface.l
  • add CollisionDetectorService
  • add import time for sleep Use one depth queue for avoid sending multiple servo off message, Issue 32 Status: Fixed
  • add setServoGainPercentage which is euslisp interface for idl2srv of RobotHardware RTC
  • add controller configuration file to hironx_ros_bridge.launch
  • add HIRONX_controller_config.yaml
  • Added Log button to hrpsys_dashboard to call DataLoggerService/save
  • add comment to why we need r3202
  • add hrp4c sample for using joint group
  • fix for using joint group
  • add HrpsysJointTrajectoryBridge for using joint group
  • fix directory name
  • fix directory name
  • mv euslisp programs to euslisp directory
  • revert CMakeLists.txt
  • add test code for calling seq group
  • add comments
  • add debug message to set-interpolation
  • add :setBasePose method to rtm-ros-robot-interface.l
  • add sequenceplayserservicerosbridge node
  • fix by iori
  • remove glc_cpature from rviz node
  • fix for hrpsys 3.1.4
  • support control_msgs/FollowJointTrajectoryAction
  • update SIMULATOR NAME, set use_sim_time true
  • remove debug code
  • publich /clock from rsangle when /use_sim_time is true
  • add euslisp interface for CollisionDetectorService.idl #37
  • Comment out camera port connection in the simulator because it lacks lack versatility
  • Changed StateHolder name from StateHolder to sh. Modified rviz argument from --sync to -sync. In electric, rviz may not work correctly.
  • add
  • adopted hrpsys_dashboard to fuerte.
  • fix virtual force sensor setup
  • check High Temperature
  • mv SensorInfo to Impl, add virtual force sensor information
  • support virtual_force_sensor option
  • split into and
  • add calib done, power on, servo alarm message to diagnostics
  • add motor section
  • write motor status to diagnostic
  • add power indicator
  • send servo alarm
  • fix : update for hrpsys-base update
  • update for hrpsys-base update
  • fix hrpsys_profile, clean up codes
  • fix gyrometer and gsensor to use TimedAcceleratoin3D and TimedAngularVelocity3D
  • add darwin-vrml-file-path to reduce webots dependent path description
  • use ros::resolve-ros-path instead of defined function get-rospack-find-str
  • fix only indent
  • fix file-name probing committed at r3127 ;; probe-file webots original vrml file instead of generated openhrp3 path
  • ignore if DARwInOp.proto is not found
  • set default rate to 10 ; this process consumes cpu power so much
  • pre calculate sensor tf information
  • remove old features, diagnositcs and JointTempleture, now we can you and servoState
  • add extra_data for hrpsys-base revision 417
  • read force sensor size and name from model file
  • fix due to hrpsys update
  • clean up code, add error handling code
  • add, diagnostics_aggregator and hrpsys_profile
  • add
  • set red icon if servo off
  • fix servoState data type from TimedLongSeq -> TimedLongSeqSeq
  • fix servoState data type from TimedLongSeq -> TimedLongSeqSeq
  • specify simulator and robothardware names by using SIMULATOR_NAME
  • fix usage of StateHolder ;; use qIn and qOut as reference angle-vector value ;; fix related launch files
  • round time value ;; we assume time stamp in walk2m.pos is integer
  • use rootlink_name, since calling bodyinfo->links() in onExecute consumes memory?
  • call goActual before servo on
  • serv off is not error
  • add Mode
  • add to publish /Mode/Operating Mode/{Servo On,Servo Off}
  • pusblish odom->bodyinfo->links()[0].segments[0].name
  • fix HRP4C walk2m.pos data path
  • fix HRP4C model path
  • add servoState
  • add servoState
  • fix typo hrpsys_dashboarad -> hrpsys_dashboard
  • fix servo on/servo off
  • use OpenRTM timer for publish ROS message
  • fix link_name -> name for new openhrp3 3.1.3
  • use args for
  • fix params robot_monitor
  • add robot_monitor and diagnostic.yaml
  • add hrpsys_dashboarad
  • add depends to dashboard/robot_monitor
  • add diagnostics_pub
  • use hrpEC
  • start up DataLoggerService in hrpsys ros bridge launch
  • add save log method
  • add KILL_SERVERS arguments to samplerobot_startup.launch
  • support KILL_SERVERS argument, set false as default
  • subscribe motor_states in initializatoin ;; add :temperature-vector
  • define rtm-ros-robot-interface to use hrpsys_ros_bridge dependent codes
  • add MotorStates.msg and publish it in HrpsysSeqRosBridge
  • remove webots from depends and add add_custom_command to download the sourcecode
  • reverted to r2951 for my mistake
  • check warning only for non-eistence movie or image
  • fixed index.rst and conflict problem
  • use baseTform instead of pose to obtain base link transformation from StateHolder
  • add JointTemperature data port ;; this data port does not work if Joint Temperature is input
  • update index.rst, by Jenkins
  • add manipulator for Yaskawa robot
  • fix: upport manipulator definition when export-collada, HRP4C is the example
  • support manipulator definition when export-collada, HRP4C is the example
  • make build/images for rostest
  • comment out torque reading printing by default
  • add data port for actual torques ;; rename original out data port for torque as mctorque ;; publish joint_states.effort based on rstorque
  • publish /fullbody_controller/state according to mcangle data port
  • rename compile_collada_robot->compile_collada_model
  • move compile_openhrp_model,compile_collada_robot to cmake/compile_robot_model.cmake
  • remove unused m_angle data port
  • increase max-time for gr001
  • fix typo hr001->gr001
  • increase time-limit
  • increse time-limit
  • increase time-limit
  • update samplerobot in house example to use grxui
  • fix video tag for rviz
  • fix for old cmake version issue #22
  • fix typo, errors
  • add to generate pr2.xml and pr2.conf
  • generate conf file from wrl for openhrp3 model
  • fix dependency
  • mv smartpal5.yaml yaskawasmartpal5.yaml
  • update CMakeLists.txt in order to run compile_robot sequentially, since this target use rostest and we could not run multiple rostest at the same time
  • fix xml
  • update launch script for eclipse-free hrpsys simulation
  • update make file to use _gen_project.launch to generate project file from model file
  • update documents
  • use copy for YasukawaSmartPal5
  • enable Camera of darwin.vcg avoid segfo in lucid
  • fix makefile for YasukawaSmartPal5
  • update launch documents
  • rtm-naming-restart now do not ru omniNaming in background, so that rosmake can easily kill rtm-naming
  • fix typo ;; openhrp -> openhrp3
  • use openhrp3_PACKAGE_PATH : try to call _stop_rtmnaming.launch at the end of the make test, to stop omniNames that confuses rosmake system
  • try to call _stop_rtmnaming.launch at the end of the make test, to stop omniNames that confuses rosmake system
  • revert to previous revision ;; ros name server must initialize before RTCsvn diff src/
  • fix order of member variables initialization
  • fix: rosbuild_download_data use download_checkmd5, wrong previous commit -> use download_checkmd5 instad of rosbuild_donwnload_data to try to download multiple times when fail
  • use download_checkmd5 instad of rosbuild_donwnload_data to try to download multiple times when fail
  • update test script
  • use video directive
  • add dependency on pr2eus because euslisp codes and msgs of pr2eus are used in examples
  • update launch script for new
  • update time-limit
  • fix test setup for max-time
  • fix max-time for new jenkins machine
  • fix max-time
  • add off-pose
  • change reset-pose, in order not to collide with table
  • change service play pattern
  • remove waitforClockGenerator
  • update time-limit for gr001
  • update gr001.launch
  • update time-limit
  • update gr001 sample program
  • add gr001.launch to test
  • add GR001 model from choreonoid
  • set time-limit to 600
  • add pr2.launch to rostest
  • set ORBgiopMaxMsgSize to 2M to 20M
  • do not error when length of rsangle is larger then that of body->joints
  • remove retry option from test tag
  • fix dependency
  • fix dependency when downloading yaskawa model
  • path of robot-interface.l has changed
  • fix dependency
  • remove debug code
  • remove pr2 from test
  • add dirty patch
  • fix wait for ModelLoader code
  • fix check-tf
  • add debug message
  • add lfsensor and rfsensor
  • wait until ModelLoader is up
  • remove debug code
  • fix debug code
  • remove debug code
  • add pr2.launch for rostset
  • clean up code
  • fix camera position
  • fix path of webots robot directory ;; projects -> resources/projects
  • remove webots nodes if openhrp-node-name is not specified ;; does not export Receiver and Emitter to openhrp vrml
  • capitalize bottom, side, and top fields of cylinder
  • remove subdivision field from Cylinder Node in webots vrml because subdivision field does not exist in default VRML specification
  • add definition of Receiver PROTO and Emitter PROTO refering to reference.pdf in webots_simulator
  • fix path of darwin proto
  • rename webots -> webots_simulator because original directories or webots-ros-pkg are updated
  • use --nosim mode for pr2_startup
  • rename webots -> webots_simulator because original directories or webots-ros-pkg are updated
  • fix typo
  • add darwin-walk-data and update darwin sample ;; init -> walk -> pickup -> arm-up pose
  • remove unnecessary timestep argument ;; darwin simulation does not require this parameter by default at recent version
  • add angle-vector-for-seq-debug version instead of angle-vector-sequence version for hrp4c-walk debug
  • fix linear mode check ;; use :linear instead of linear
  • fix linear mode check ;; use :linear instead of linear
  • add raw service call for seq\'s waitInterpolation and setJointAngles
  • add hrp4c-walk in hrp4c-pickup sample script
  • setPreempted on Finalize
  • remove debug code
  • support angle-vector-sequence and wait-interpolation
  • lengthen max-time for hrp4c test
  • speed up darwin demo
  • add fullbody pickup sample for hrp4c robot ;; use hrp4c-fullbody-pickup by default
  • update hrp4c end-coords definitions
  • update darwin simulation
  • update for new visualization layout
  • add config for rviz
  • fix euslisp code for better visualization
  • update hrp4c.vcg
  • remove debug code
  • set timestep 0.005 for darwin
  • add pr2 simulation on openhrp3
  • add joint_state.velocity
  • update max-time
  • update documents for smartpal5.launch
  • add smartpal5.launch to rostest
  • support any size of input image
  • set max-time to 40 for dynamics simulated robot, 10 for no-sim robot
  • fix debug message
  • update darwin script
  • add arg OUTPUT
  • update launch files
  • add dependency to image_view2
  • fix euslisp model location
  • add smartpal5.yaml
  • add smartpal5 launch files
  • add to download yasukawa model
  • update webotsvrml2openhrp3vrml according to changing directory
  • move webotsvrml2openhrp3vrml from models to scrips
  • add scripts/webotsvrml2openhrp3vrml.l
  • move darwin.yaml from scripts to models
  • move model files from hrpsys to hrpsys_ros_bridge
  • add pa10, darwin, damplerobot launch example, rename file name based on description written in manifest.xml
  • add pa10, darwin, damplerobot launch example, rename file name based on description written in manifest.xml
  • wait until model loader is available
  • fix document
  • fix xml syntax
  • add hrp4c-nosim-pickup.launch and update hrp4c-pickup.l
  • remove hrp4c-example.launch
  • update launch description
  • fix max-time to 20
  • enable to specify service-name
  • update debug message
  • update hrp4c-*.launch files
  • rename file name from test-hrp4c-*.launch to hrp4c-*.launch
  • fix xml syntax error
  • fix documnets
  • add test files
  • rename hrp4crobot-pickup -> hrp4c-pickup
  • remove test directory use rosdoc and launchfiles
  • add rtm-ros-robot-interface including ros::service-call and use it in roseus samples ;; rtm-ros-robot-interface will support idl<->srv conversion
  • use require instead of load for model loading
  • add sendmsg service to Hrpsysseqstaterosbridge using dynamic_reconfigure srv
  • move darwin\'s hrpsys.launch file to hrpsys_ros_bridge
  • fix hrp4c.test and CMakeList.txt
  • add darwin sample launch files and script
  • add test program for hrpsys_ros_bridge
  • add rostest hrp4c.test and generate-document.test
  • update hrpsys_ros_bridge.launch : remove SimulationEC from openrtm_args and rename rtmlaunch to hrplaunch_hrpsys_ros_bridge
  • revert previsou commit
  • update hrp4c.vcg
  • changed nodes in hrpsys_ros_bridge to not link SimulationEC, these nodes are not real-time
  • current good connection script for hrp4r
  • add connection script for hrpsys_ros_bridge on real robot
  • unit of Update Intealval is [sec]
  • changed robot super class, from ros-interface to robot-interface
  • add --nosim launch file for hrp4c
  • add pickup demo for hrp4c
  • fix : forget to call spinOnce
  • use Update Interval 1 for Robot Model and TF
  • update darwin_ros_bridge.launch to use hrpsys_ros_bridge.launch
  • fix compile warning
  • fix wrong commit
  • clean up HrpsysSeqStateROSBridge
  • pusblish tf and others at the hrpsys cycle rate
  • add --sync
  • add SCHEDULER_ARGS argument support
  • fix to pass SCHEDULER_ARGS argument
  • fix debug message
  • clean up launch files, hrpsys/launch contains example for OpenHRP3.1 and hrpsys_ros_bridge/launch contains example for openhrp-scedular and ros bridge
  • move openhrp + ros integration example under hrpsys_ros_bridge
  • rename main_withHands to HiroNX
  • add hiro-nx example
  • add debug message to show \@Initialize
  • change samplerobot_hrpsys_ros_bridge to use hrpsys.launch
  • add rviz, image_proc, image_view, camshiftdemo in samplerobot_ros_bridge.launch
  • remove openhrp3 from manifest, this is writtin in hrpsys/manifest.xml
  • fix ROBOT_NAME from HRP-4C to HRP4
  • fix samplerobot_ros_bridge.launch to include hrpsys_ros_bridge.launch
  • add debug message
  • update .launch files, .dae files goes to hrpsys/scripts, AbsTransformToPosRpy is launched from hrpsys.launch, update opertm_args to use SimulationEC
  • update skip paramater
  • link SimulationEC
  • add depend package rviz to manifest.xml
  • add hrpsys_ros_bridge
  • add launch/darwin_ros_bridge.launch
  • add ImageSensorROSBRidge to hrp4 simulation
  • add rviz configuration file for samplerobot
  • fix to avoid segfualt error when grxui does not publish data
  • add frame_id, and fill dummy camera_info param, publish effort and use wait-interpolation
  • publish sensor pose through tf::TransformBroadcaster
  • add ImageSensorROSBridge
  • add samplerobot_ros_bridge.launch
  • update HrpsysSeqStateROSBridge read pose and publish as tf
  • update use /odom as root frame
  • add rviz configuration files for pa10 and hrp4c
  • add pa10_ros_bridge.launch
  • update to HrpsysSeqStateROSBridge
  • update hrpsysStatePublihser, to work with robot_state_publisher
  • rename hrprtc -> hrpsys
  • rename hrprtc_ros_bridge -> hrpsys_ros_bridge
  • Contributors:, Isao Isaac Saito, Kei Okada, Ryohei Ueda,, garaemon,,, ik0313,, kei.okada,, manabu1118,,,, notheworld,, nozawa,, tnaka,\,, youhei,

Wiki Tutorials

See ROS Wiki Tutorials for more details.

Source Tutorials

Not currently indexed.

Launch files

  • test/hrpsys-samples/test_samplerobot_euslisp_unittests.launch
    • =*- mode: xml -*-
      • NOSIM [default: false]
      • GUI [default: false]
      • RUN_RVIZ [default: false]
      • NOSIM [default: $(arg NOSIM)]
      • GUI [default: $(arg GUI)]
      • RUN_RVIZ [default: $(arg RUN_RVIZ)]
      • corbaport [default: 2809]
      • USE_UNSTABLE_RTC [default: true]
      • USE_EMERGENCYSTOPPER [default: true]
      • USE_REFERENCEFORCEUPDATER [default: true]
  • test/test-compile-robot.launch
  • test/test-samplerobot-hcf.launch
      • corbaport [default: 2809]
      • GUI [default: false]
      • RUN_RVIZ [default: false]
      • USE_UNSTABLE_RTC [default: true]
  • test/test-euslisp-without-ros-bridge.launch
    • This test is named *.launch to be excluded from catkin_install_run_tests
  • launch/robot_pose_ekf.launch
      • base_link [default: BODY]
  • launch/hrpsys_ros_bridge.launch
      • MODEL_FILE
      • CONF_FILE [default: ]
      • BASE_LINK [default: BODY]
      • SIMULATOR_NAME [default: RobotHardware0]
      • INSTALL_ROBOT_DESCRIPTION [default: true]
      • DEBUG_HRPSYS [default: false]
      • USE_DIAGNOSTICS [default: true]
      • USE_ROBOT_POSE_EKF [default: true]
      • USE_COMMON [default: true]
      • USE_ROBOTHARDWARE [default: false]
      • USE_WALKING [default: false]
      • USE_COLLISIONCHECK [default: true]
      • USE_IMPEDANCECONTROLLER [default: false]
      • USE_GRASPCONTROLLER [default: false]
      • USE_SERVOCONTROLLER [default: false]
      • USE_TORQUECONTROLLER [default: false]
      • USE_SOFTERRORLIMIT [default: true]
      • USE_TORQUEFILTER [default: false]
      • USE_IMAGESENSOR [default: false]
      • USE_EMERGENCYSTOPPER [default: false]
      • USE_REFERENCEFORCEUPDATER [default: false]
      • USE_HRPSYS_PROFILE [default: true]
      • USE_VELOCITY_OUTPUT [default: false] — true: output actual velocity / false: output differential value of actual postition as /joint_states/velocity
      • PUBLISH_SENSOR_TF [default: true]
      • nameserver [default: localhost]
      • corbaport [default: 15005]
      • managerport [default: 2810]
      • periodic_rate [default: 2000]
      • omniorb_args [default: -ORBInitRef NameService=corbaloc:iiop:$(arg nameserver):$(arg corbaport)/NameService]
      • openrtm_args [default: -o "corba.master_manager:$(arg nameserver):$(arg managerport)" -o "corba.nameservers:$(arg nameserver):$(arg corbaport)" -o "naming.formats:%n.rtc" -o "exec_cxt.periodic.type:PeriodicExecutionContext" -o "exec_cxt.periodic.rate:$(arg periodic_rate)" -o "logger.file_name:/tmp/rtc%p.log"]
      • subscription_type [default: new]
      • push_policy [default: all]
      • push_rate [default: 50.0]
      • buffer_length [default: 8]
      • OUTPUT [default: screen]
      • ROBOT_TYPE [default: ]
      • USE_ROBOT_TYPE_SETTING [default: false]
  • launch/robot_monitor.launch
      • check_core_temps [default: False]
      • check_ipmi_tool [default: False]
      • check_nfs [default: False]
      • enforce_clock_speed [default: False]
      • num_cores [default: 4]
  • launch/samplerobot_startup-grxui.launch
      • KILL_SERVERS [default: false]
      • KILL_SERVERS [default: $(arg KILL_SERVERS)]
  • launch/collision_detector.launch
    • launch collision detctor as solo program for rviz display
      • nameserver [default: localhost]
      • corbaport [default: 15005]
      • managerport [default: 2810]
      • SIMULATOR_NAME [default: RobotHardware0]
      • omniorb_args [default: -ORBInitRef NameService=corbaloc:iiop:$(arg nameserver):$(arg corbaport)/NameService]
      • openrtm_args [default: -o "corba.master_manager:$(arg nameserver):$(arg managerport)" -o "corba.nameservers:$(arg nameserver):$(arg corbaport)" -o "naming.formats:%n.rtc" -o "exec_cxt.periodic.type:PeriodicExecutionContext" -o "exec_cxt.periodic.rate:2000" -o "logger.file_name:/tmp/collision_detector%p.log"]
      • MODEL_FILE [default: /opt/jsk/etc/HIRONX/model/main.wrl]
      • CONF_FILE
      • RUN_COLLISION_STATE [default: true]
  • launch/samplerobot-grxui.launch
      • KILL_SERVERS [default: false]
      • KILL_SERVERS [default: $(arg KILL_SERVERS)]
  • launch/samplerobot_ros_bridge-grxui.launch


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Package Summary

Tags No category tags.
Version 1.4.3
License BSD
Build type CATKIN

Repository Summary

Checkout URI
VCS Type git
VCS Version master
Last Updated 2023-08-04
CI status Continuous Integration
Tags No category tags.
Contributing Help Wanted (0)
Good First Issues (0)
Pull Requests to Review (0)

Package Description

hrpsys_ros_bridge package provides basic functionalities to bind

Additional Links


  • Kei Okada


  • Kei Okada



hrpsys_ros_bridge is a package to connect hrpsys <>_ (OpenRTM-based controller) system and ROS system.

This package contains ROSBridge to hrpsys, cmake_libraries, launch files, Euslisp interface, and examples.


ROSBridge here is a ROS node to bridge hrpsys system and ROS system.

You might want to check other "bridging" software in ROS too such as:

- `rosbridge_suite <>`_ provides a JSON API to ROS functionality for non-ROS programs.
- `rtmbuild <>`_ Provides a ROS-like compile and launch script for `OpenRTM`.

You can use OpenRTM resources from ROS interface, e.g., use OpenRTM Data Ports through ROS Topic and OpenRTM Servie Ports through ROS Service. The following table shows the corresponding concepts for the 2 worlds.

Process ROS Node RTC
Data connection Topic Data Port
RPC connection Service Service Port
  • HrpsysSeqStateROSBridge :
    Publish ROS topics by reading RTC's data ports.

Send ROS JointTrajectory service to SequencePlayer.rtc by its service ports.

  1. Generated ROSBridges:

openrtm_ros_bridge is the ROS bridge for example code in openrtm_aist and hrpsys_ros_bridge provides ROS bridge for hrpsys package.

These bridges ROS service to OpenRTM service port.

For example all idl files in hrpsys is coped to hrpsys_ros_bridge/idl/*.idl, and it generates cpp codes in hrpsys_ros_bridge/src_gen/*.cpp and built binaries in hrpsys_ros_bridge/[bin,lib].

cmake libraries

hrpsys_ros_bridge/cmake/compile_robot_model.cmake is a CMake file to convert robot model file format.

launch files

hrpsys_ros_bridge/launch/hrpsys_ros_bridge.launch is a launch file to invoke ROSBridges and connect them with RTCs.

Euslisp interface

Euslisp Interface



Euslisp Examples

Euslisp example


Changelog for package hrpsys_ros_bridge

1.4.3 (2020-04-20)

  • Adapt README for melodic & fix style of README & fix to run on melodic (#1090)
  • use setJointAnglesOfGroup() and playPattern(), use clearJointAngles() with test (#1071)
    • Fix swapping of clear and clearJointAngles
    • Add comments to clarify when stopping motion is executed
    • Tell getting new goal from cancel
    • setJointANglesSequenceOfGroup has bugs as of 315.15.0, use old API intead see
    • add more debug info for #765
    • use setJointAnglesOfGroup() and playPattern(), use clearJointAngles()
    • add code to get hrpsys rtc version, thakns to \@n-ando
    • Add two points trajectory to test of joint trajectory action cancel
    • Add comment on two points trajectory to samplerobot test of joint trajectory action goal overwrite
    • Add two points trajectory to PA10 test of joint trajectory action goal overwrite
    • Add test for joint trajectory action cancel overwrite with samplerobot
    • Add test for joint trajectory action goal overwrite with PA10
    • Add test for joint trajectory action cancel with PA10
  • [HrpsysSeqStateROSBridge] output joint_state/velocity (#1069)
    • [hrpsys_ros_bridge.launch] add comment to USE_VELOCITY_OUTPUT
    • [hrpsys_ros_bridge] Add test of joint_states/velocity
  • [rtm-ros-robot-interface.l] fix bug of :motor-extra-data (#1066)
  • [rtm-ros-robot-interface.l] add method :set-ref-force-moment to rtm-ros-robot-interface class (#1045)
    • add method :set-ref-force-moment to rtm-ros-robot-interface class
    • [hrpsys_ros_bridge] Add test of :set-ref-force-moment
  • Remove all ros::object slots in def-set-get-param-method (#1060)
  • Set time_from_start to feedback of joint trajectory action with tests (#1073)
    • prev_traj_tm -> traj_start_tm
    • Stop feedback when trajectory is completed
    • Set time_from_start to feedback of joint trajectory action
    • Add test of feedback from joint trajectory action with samplerobot
    • Add test of feedback from joint trajectory action with PA10
  • Re-enable & fix euslisp test on travis (#1085)
    • [hrpsys_ros_bridge] fix bug in samplerobot-sequence-player.l
    • To speed up travis jobs having euslisp tests, stop other tests
  • Try to run multiple hrpsys simulation environments (#1054)
    • add manager port arg in default launch templates
    • re-add omniorb_args for backward compatibility
    • change to use omniorb_args -> openrtm_args
    • support any RTCManager port num
    • update ros bridge launch files
  • [] fix argument of rospy.loginfo ( #1055)
  • fix def-set-get-param-method in rtm-ros-robot-interface.l (#1053)
    • fix def-set-get-param-method in rtm-ros-robot-interface.l
    • add forgotten argument of string= in the last commit
  • [hrpsys_ros_brdge] fix time-limit for test (#1057)
  • Fix less than one sec (#1042)
    • [hrpsys_ros_bridge] change abs to std::abs for trajectory_action when it received trajectory less than 1.0 sec
    • [hrpsys_ros_bridge] add test for trajectory_action when it received trajectory less than 1.0 sec
  • fix typo in stop-rfu-no-wait (#1044)
  • use 2899/2898 for corbaport, since omniorb-nameserver forcestarted nameserver as default port 2809 when they\'re first installed (#1043)
  • Update GaitGenerator/ReferenceForceUpdater methods (#1040)
    • [hrpsys_ros_bridge/euslisp/rtm-ros-robot-interface.l] Add method to configure toe heel phase ration automatically in GaitGeneratorParam.
    • [hrpsys_ros_bridge/euslisp/rtm-ros-robot-interface.l] Update method for new ReferenceForceUpdater functionalities (
    • [hrpsys_ros_bridge/euslisp/rtm-ros-robot-interface.l] Add method to print RTCs\' parameters in more readable style using print-object.
  • Add method to print RTCs\' parameters in more readable style using print-object. (#1039)
  • Contributors: Guilherme Affonso, Kei Okada, Naoki Hiraoka, Shintaro Komatsu, Shun Hasegawa, Shunichi Nozawa, Yohei Kakiuchi, Yasuhiro Ishiguro

1.4.2 (2017-12-22)

  • add test to check #1036 situation (#1038)
  • duration == 0.0 results unexpected behavior, so force set 0.001 when duration == 0 s set (#1037 )
  • Contributors: Kei Okada

1.4.1 (2017-10-25)

  • Update of
    • Connect ReferenceForceUpdater\'s ref_force (#1033)
      • [hrpsys_ros_bridge/scripts/] connect reference force port to ReferenceForceUpdater or EmergencyStopper if exists.
    • Add wait for rmfo and vs (#1029)
      • [hrpsys_ros_bridge,] add wait for initalizinig all components
  • HrpsysSeqStateROSBridge (#1027)
    • [HrpsysSeqStateROSBridge] fix for using virtual force sensor
  • Update rtm-ros-robot-interface.l (#1030)
    • [hrpsys_ros_bridge/euslisp/rtm-ros-robot-interface.l] Add documentation string for new arguments (set-ref-force-linear-p, return-value-mode)
    • [hrpsys_ros_bridge/euslisp/rtm-ros-robot-interface.l] Add argument to set linear interpolation during increasing force
    • [hrpsys_ros_bridge/euslisp/rtm-ros-robot-interface.l] Enable to set return value mode
    • [hrpsys_ros_bridge/euslisp/rtm-ros-robot-interface.l] Enable to get fric coefficient wrench add update print messages
    • [hrpsys_ros_bridge/euslisp/rtm-ros-robot-interface.l] Update otd checking loop for moment. Exit from do-until-key loop immediately when otd detection. Fix valiables for set ref force
    • [hrpsys_ros_bridge/euslisp/rtm-ros-robot-interface.l] Use euslisp symbol as detector total wrench parameter
    • [hrpsys_ros_bridge/euslisp/rtm-ros-robot-interface.l] Enable to access detector total wrench as euslisp symbol.
    • [hrpsys_ros_bridge/euslisp/rtm-ros-robot-interface.l] Update otd checking loop. Exit from do-until-key loop immediately when otd detection.
  • Contributors: MasakiMurooka, Shunichi Nozawa, YoheiKakiuchi

1.4.0 (2017-08-09)

  • display error message when body->sensor(j, i) is null (#1014)
  • : add more debug message (#1015)
  • Update AutoBalancer and ReferenceForceUpdater euslisp method symbols (#1026)
    • [hrpsys_ros_bridge/euslisp/rtm-ros-robot-interface.l] Supprot :FootOriginExtMoment for RFU methods.
    • [hrpsys_ros_bridge/euslisp/rtm-ros-robot-interface.l] Support UseForceMode setting as euslisp symbol in :set-auto-balancer-param.
  • fix code to run both Indido and Kinetic (#1025)
    • /test/test-samplerobot-hcf.launch: increase time-limit to 600
    • test/{,} support both pr2_controllers_msgs and controllr_msgs
    • src/hrpsys_ros_bridge/ fix for qt5
    • add USE_PR2_CONTROLLERS_MSGS definition
    • CMakeLists.txt : we do not use pr2_msgs on build time
    • CMakeLists.txt : remove code to download wet pr2_controllers_msgs for groovy
  • Support stride parameter with different length (#1022)
    • [hrpsys_ros_bridge/euslisp/rtm-ros-robot-interface.l] Support stride_parameter of different length
    • [hrpsys_ros_bridge/test/hrpsys-samples/samplerobot-auto-balancer.l] Add test to check stride parameter 4 and 6
  • [HrpsysSeqStateROSBridge] fix stamp of joint_state. add stamp after reading m_rsangle (#1019)
    • [HrpsysSeqStateROSBridge] fix stamp of joint_state. add stamp after reading m_rsangle
  • [HrpsysSeqStateROSBridge] remove subtraction magic number (#1013)
    • [HrpsysSeqStateROSBridge] remove subtraction magic number
  • Support argumen t for setting duration of calibration. For :remove-xx methods, 8.0 by default[s]. For :reset-xx methods, 0.1[s] by default for compatibility (#1011)
    • [hrpsys_ros_bridge/euslisp/rtm-ros-robot-interface.l] Support argument for setting duration of calibration. For :remove-xx methods, 8.0 by default[s]. For :reset-xx methods, 0.1[s] by default for compatibility
  • Add new methods for :remove-force-sensor-offset using RMFO (#1010)
    • [hrpsys_ros_bridge/euslisp/rtm-ros-robot-interface.l] Add new methods for :remove-force-sensor-offset using RMFO. Add warning message for deprecated remove-force methods.
  • Update euslisp hrpsysbase samples (#1009)
    • [hrpsys_ros_bridge/test/hrpsys-samples] Add README for Euslisp hrpsys example basically copied from ros wiki (
    • [hrpsys_ros_bridge/test/hrpsys-samples/samplerobot-carry-object.l] Update carry demo euslisp sample.
    • [hrpsys_ros_bridge/test/hrpsys-samples/samplerobot-stabilizer.l] Update stabilizer euslisp sample according to hrpsys-base stabilizer sample update.
  • Fix bug of sample4leg robot end-coords setting for arms. (#1008)
    • [hrpsys_ros_bridge/models/sample4legrobot.yaml] Fix bug of sample4legrobot end-coords setting for arms.
  • Update project generator and refforce (#1007)
    • [hrpsys_ros_bridge/euslisp] Update README for openhrp-project-generator
    • [hrpsys_ros_bridge/euslisp/rtm-ros-robot-interface.l] Fix orientation for openhrp-project-generator
    • [hrpsys_ros_bridge/euslisp/rtm-ros-robot-interface.l] Update for object turnaround detection to use initial ref forces
    • [hrpsys_ros_bridge/euslisp/rtm-ros-robot-interface.l] Update dump function for openhrp project generator. Use openhrp-project-generator in openhrp3 package instead of _gen_project.launch
  • Add forgotten update for robot.launch ( (#1005)
  • set USE_UNSTABLE_RTC as not all unstable rtc defiend in, just for basic walking test, other latest development rtc is passed by arg (#1004)
    • set USE_UNSTABLE_RTC as not getUnstableRTC defined in, it is for a basic walking test, other latest development rtc is passed by arg from test_samplerobot_euslisp_unittests.launch
    • [hrpsys_ros_bridge/launch/hrpsys_ros_bridge.launch,hrpsys_ros_bridge/scripts/,hrpsys_ros_bridge/euslisp/rtm-ros-robot-interface.l,hrpsys_tools/launch/hrpsys.launch] Update for ObjectTurnaroundDetector RTC. add USE_REFERENCEFORCEUDPATER and USE_OBJECTCONTACTTURNAROUNDDETECTOR.
  • Contributors: Kei Okada, Shunichi Nozawa, Yohei Kakiuchi

1.3.3 (2017-02-12)

  • HrpsysSeqStateROSBridge.cpp
    • HrpsysSeqStateROSBridge occurs error if number of force sensor is different with size of contact states. fix number of force sensor (#982)
    • Revert \"[HrpsysSeqStateROSBridge] fix number of force sensor\" #984
    • Separate offset-removed force sensor data ports from rsforce, which is actual and non-offset-removed data port. Currently rsforce ports -> rsforce ports + offforce ports. (#964)
    • Fixed mistake of sensor_link_name, when robot has only virturl force sonsors (#945)
  • HrpsysJointTrajectoryBridge.cpp
    • publish feedback for joint_trajectory_actions (#966)
  • hrpsys_ros_bridge/launch/hrpsys_ros_bridge.launch
    • Add argument to change buffer length of rtmlaunch connection. Set 8 by default (default setting in openrtm). (#980)
    • fix model filename. Enable cache in ModelLoader, filename should be same as in .conf file. (#978)
  • euslisp
    • [rtm-ros-robot-interface.l] refactor torque-controller interface (#994)
    • Update sequencefull unit system and arguments (#988)
      • changed arguments of angle-vector-sequence-full see #985
      • [hrpsys-samples/samplerobot-sequence-player.l] Add test for angle-vector-sequence-full (check validity)
      • [rtm-ros-robot-interface.l] Use root-coords and zmp in the abs frame and convert them inside the :angle-vector-sequence-full
      • [rtm-ros-robot-interface.l] Introduce fsensor length for wrench and optionals
      • [rtm-ros-robot-interface.l] Use [mm] and [deg/s] instead of [m] and [rad/s] for vel, pos, and zmp.
      • [rtm-ros-robot-interface.l] Use [deg] instead of [rad] for jpos argument and remove jvs arg.
      • [rtm-ros-robot-interface.l] Use tm as [ms], previously [s].
    • [tm-ros-robot-interface.l] Update :reset-force-moment-offset to use :off force/moment vector (#983)
    • [tm-ros-robot-interface.l] Added a missing keyword in def-set-get-method for TorqueControllerService. (#972)
    • [tm-ros-robot-interface.l] Add euslisp interface for torque controller (#965)
    • [datalogger-log-parser.l] Modify unit of cogvel [m] -> [mm] for euslisp (#960)
    • [rtm-ros-robot-interface.l] Add get-go-pos-footsteps-sequence in rtm-ros-robot-interface.l and add test (#965)
    • [rtm-ros-robot-interface.l] Update frame of wrench. Previously, wrench frame is mismatch with documentation string. Previous : local -> new : world. (#963)
    • [rtm-ros-robot-interface.l] Add eefm force moment distribution weight parameter. (#958)
    • [rtm-ros-robot-interface.l] add Eus interface of SequencePlayserService_setJointAnglesSequenceFull and add test in test/hrpsys-samples/samplerobot-sequence-player.l (#954)
    • [datalogger-log-parser.l] Add sh reference force and support both rpy and 3x3 matrix for WAIST log(#956)
    • [rtm-ros-robot-interface.l] update rfu interface for idl changed in (#952)
    • [datalogger-log-parser.l] Use joint-list length for datalogger joint angle conversion. (#953)
      • Add simulation actual root coords reading and check for existance of RobotHardware0_servoState in datalogger. Fix setting of simulators\' data parser names.
      • Use joint-list length for datalogger joint angle conversion.
    • [rtm-ros-robot-interface.l] make directory for log files (#951)
  • [scripts/] Add nameserver argument for ros_bridge.launch (#950)
  • [test/hrpsys-samples/samplerobot-stabilizer.l] Update loadPattern sample because add-optional-data-from-rs-list is included in dump-seq-pattern-file (#959)
  • Contributors: Ryo Koyama, Kei Okada, Noriaki Takasugi, Ryo Terasawa, Shunichi Nozawa, Yohei Kakiuchi, Yoshimaru Tanaka, Iori Kumagai, Iori Yanokura, Juntaro Tamura

1.3.2 (2016-04-26)

  • [fix] getFootStepParam interface according to upstream change. Remove rleg_coords and lleg_coords.
  • [fix] HrpsysSeqStateROSBridgeImpl.cpp: sensor->localR is world coords
  • [fix] Modified HrpsysSeqStateROSBridgeImpl to enable virtual force
  • [fix] [rtm-ros-robot-interface.l] add time constant prameter according to upstream idl update
  • [fix] [hrpsys_ros_bridge] Fix genjava problem by adding message_generation as build_depend
  • [fix] getFootStepParam interface according to upstream change. Remove rleg_coords and lleg_coords.
  • [fix] [hrpsys_ros_bridge]change D if D from hrpsys is empty
  • [feat] [hrpsys_ros_bridge/test/] add test programs to check frame_id of off_xxsensor and ref_xxsensor (#940)
  • [feat] Set /robot/type param according to lower-case robot name such as samplerobot.
  • [feat] [hrpsys_ros_bridge/test/test-samplerobot.*] add a test program for init of hcf
  • [feat] fix collision visualization, color of sphere will be purple if collision occur
  • [feat] .travis.yml : add test when old hrpsys-ros-bridge exists (#929)
  • [feat] [hrpsys_ros_bridge/euslisp/rtm-ros-robot-interface.l] Add check for param existence for def-set-get-param-method to neglect idl mismatch error. Fix indent. (#933)
  • [feat] [hrpsys_ros_bridge/euslisp/rtm-ros-robot-interface.l] Add reference force updater euslisp methods.
  • [feat] [hrpsys_ros_bridge/euslisp/rtm-ros-robot-interface.l] Add object turnaround detector moment version interface.l
  • [feat] Add define controller #887
  • [feat] Add leg limb controller setting.
  • [feat] Add method to define joint trajectory controller by default setting.
  • [feat] Add gopos overwrite and graspless manip mode to all demos
  • [feat] Add example for graspless manip mode and gopos overwrite.
  • [feat] Add euslisp interface for graspless manip mode.
  • [feat] add a set-default-step-time-with-the-same-swing-time method
  • [feat] add time constant prameter according to upstream idl update
  • [feat] Add HrpsysSeqStateROSBridge tf rate test
  • [feat] enable virtual force in HrpsysSeqStateROSBridgeImpl
  • [feat] Enable to set subscription_type for DataPorts from hrpsys_ros_bridge.launch argument. Use new by default to keep backward compatibility.
  • [feat] Add loading of optionalData from seq pattern file.
  • [improve] add more mesage to prevent confusion
  • [improve] Add setting for ReferenceForceUpdater
  • [improve] Reset object turnaround detector\'s detector total wrench mode as TOTAL_FORCE in force estimation.
  • [improve] Enable to set push_policy and push_rate for DataPorts from hrpsys_ros_bridge.launch argument. Use all and 50.0 by default to keep backward compatibility.
  • [improve] Rename tf extract script for test and add comments for that
  • [improve] add arguments(SIMULATOR_NAME_[ANGLE,VELOCITY,TORQUE]) to hrpsys_ros_bridge.launch, for connecting rtc components other than RobotHardware
  • [improve] add time constant prameter according to u... #910
  • [improve] add argument to set periodic time for object turning detection.
  • [improve] define method to set/get emergency-stopper-paramMerge pull request #865
  • [improve] Suppress /tf publishing rate by tf_rate using Timer callback in ros.
  • [improve] Separate updating odometry and imu into functions
  • [improve] Update st param #894
  • [improve] add eefm_swing_rot_spring_gain / eefm_swing_pos_spring_gain as st param
  • [improve] Update joint group and add test for limb controller
  • [doc] [hrpsys_ros_bridge/euslisp/rtm-ros-robot-interface.l] In-code documentation improvement
  • [doc] [hrpsys_ros_bridge/euslisp/rtm-ros-robot-interface.l] Set default documentation string for def-set-get-param-method setter and getter.
  • [doc] [hrpsys_ros_bridge/euslisp/rtm-ros-robot-interface.l] Add argument documentation for :set-xxx methods.
  • [doc] [hrpsys_ros_bridge/euslisp/,hrpsys_ros_bridge/euslisp/rtm-ros-robot-interface.l] Update readme and euslisp documentation strings
  • [doc] default documentation string for def-set-get-param-method setter and getter.
  • [doc] In-code documentation improvement
  • Contributors: Eisoku Kuroiwa, Kei Okada, Kentaro Wada, Masaki Murooka, Shunichi Nozawa, Yohei Kakiuchi, Yu Ohara, Iori Yanokura

1.3.1 (2015-12-16)

  • deb release only targeting to indigo
  • Fix for travis testing
    • [hrpsys_ros_bridge/test/test-samplerobot.test] Use joint_states instead of odom to check tf because joint_states is more related with tf and [Hz] printing. than odom #880
    • [hrpsys_ros_bridge/test/test-samplerobot.test] Increase hzerror according to Current worst travis hz seem to be more than 300[Hz], so set 200[Hz] error. #879
    • catkin.cmake: use ccache only for CI environment #872
    • add depends from AutoBalancerService.hh to StabilizerService.hh #872
    • [hrpsys_ros_bridge/test/hrpsys-samples/test_samplerobot_euslisp_unittests.launch] Increase time-limit for autobalancer euslisp test #879
  • Fasten script excution
    • [hrpsys_ros_bridge/scripts/] Reduce unnecessary waiting for sensor port rosbridge connection. #879
  • Bug fix
    • [hrpsys_ros_bridge/src/HrpsysSeqStateROSBridge.cpp] Initialize prev_odom_acquired flag. #879
  • Add euslisp new example and update for example conf setting
    • [hrpsys_ros_bridge/test/hrpsys-samples/samplerobot-stabilizer.l] Add Stabilizer + loadPattern example for euslisp interface. #875
    • [hrpsys_ros_bridge/catkin.cmake] Add Sequencer\'s optionalData setting for sample conf files. #875
  • Contributors: Kei Okada, Shunichi Nozawa

1.3.0 (2015-12-09)

  • deb release only targeting to indigo
  • [.travis.yml, hrpsys_ros_bridge/catkin.cmake] Enable travis euslisp test using USE_DEB=source and reducing make jobs and loads #806
  • Bug Fixes
    • [hrpsys_ros_bridge/euslisp/datalogger-log-parser.l] modify string conversion in RobotHardware0 (for robot name containing \'_\') #848
    • [hrpsys_ros_bridge/euslisp/datalogger-log-parser.l] Add RobotHardware0_servoState data to robot state #853
    • [hrpsys_ros_bridge/euslisp/datalogger-log-parser.l] Update unitsysetm conversion of angle-vector (rad->deg, m->mm) #845
    • [hrpsys_ros_bridge/catkin.cmake] Fix typo for hrpsys_PREFIX #843
    • [hrpsys_ros_bridge/euslisp/rtm-ros-robot-interface.l] Return detection mode. #841
    • [hrpsys_ros_bridge/euslisp/rtm-ros-robot-interface.l] Update set force method. Add reset force. #840
    • [hrpsys_ros_bridge/catkin.cmake] Update PDgain conf property name #816
    • [hrpsys_ros_bridge/euslisp/rtm-ros-robot-interface.l] Fix for pos and rot ik thre #803
    • [cmake/compile_robot_model.cmake] move location of set variable (compile_all_target) #779
    • [src/hrpsys_ros_bridge/] Run event loop for 1 sec after showing splashwindow to force to load image immediately #762
    • [euslisp/datalogger-log-parser.l] Warn message if wrong path is specified #767
    • [euslisp/datalogger-log-parser.l] Add limb-list first, Add st and abc properties to datalogger log parser #761
  • /off_xxsensor and /xxsensor
    • [hrpsys_ros_bridge/src/HrpsysSeqStateROSBridge.cpp] fix /off_xxsensor frame_id #867
    • [hrpsys_ros_bridge/src/HrpsysSeqStateROSBridge.cpp] fix frame_id of off_xxsensor #855
  • euslisp/rtm-ros-robot-interface.l : add/modify interfaces for new/updated rtc
    • [hrpsys_ros_bridge/test/hrpsys-samples/samplerobot-auto-balancer.l] Use 4limbs in startAutoBalancer when Groups has rarm and larm and update sample. #866
    • add reference remaining_time in /ref_contact_states #857
    • Add method of servo-state #853
    • Add calc velocity from velocity offset #842
    • Add euslisp style argument for leg_default_translate_pos #836
    • Add grasp controller interface methods.l #831
    • Enable to set optional-data from robot and contact-state #831
    • Add optionalData from euslisp rs-list #822
    • add stabilizer-end-coords-list #820
    • Update setter methods #818
    • Add \":set-foot-steps-with-param-and-base-height\" method in order to specify footstep with params and base height #811
    • update default-zmp-offsets interface according to hrpsys-base change #808
    • add an interface for multi legs footsteps #795
    • get ref-capture-point from Stabilizer rtco #794
    • update AutoBalancerParam according to #786
    • get cp from Stabilizer rtc #781
    • Update footstep methods to enable overwriting #775
    • get emergency-mode from robot-interface #772
    • Add calculation of sole edge #759
  • Add PointCloudROSBridge and RangeSensorROSBridge, and modify ImageSensorROSBridge #785
    • [src/RangeSensorROSBridge.cpp] add intensity parameter for adding intensities #802
    • [src/ImageSensorROSBridge.cpp] fix parsing camera parameter #798
    • [src/ImageSensorROSBridge.cpp] fix bug / reset debug counter #797
    • [hrpsys_ros_bridge/cmake/compile_robot_model.cmake] Use collada_urdf_jsk_patch in order to convert dae into urdf which can be used in gazebo #793
    • [src/ImageSensorROSBridge.cpp] add camera param setter by ros parameter #791
    • [src/PointCloudROSBridge.cpp] fix PointCloudROSBridge, color and frame #790
    • [src/RangeSensorROSBridge.cpp] fix RangeSensorROSBridge / time_increment is zero #788
    • [src/RangeSensorROSBridge.cpp] fix frame of RangeSensor #789
  • Add rsvel port (#807)
    • [src/HrpsysSeqStateROSBridge.cpp, launch/hrpsys_ros_bridge.launch] add rsvel port to HrpSeqStateROSBridge read dq in order to add velocity values to joint_states
    • [hrpsys_ros_bridge/launch/hrpsys_ros_bridge.launch] add USE_VELOCITY_OUTPUT to arguments of rtmlaunch #821
  • Add ObjectTurnaroundDetector methods #838
    • [src/hrpsys_ros_bridge/] Update latest st parameter for torque control
    • [euslisp/rtm-ros-robot-interface.l] Add set-ref-force time #838
    • [hrpsys_ros_bridge/euslisp/rtm-ros-robot-interface.l] Add ObjectTurnaroundDetector methods
    • [test/hrpsys-samples/samplerobot-carry-object.l] Add carry object euslisp sample #838
  • SLAM support
    • [hrpsys_ros_bridge/src/hrpsys_ros_bridge/] Add MapButton for SLAM and odometry #869
    • [src/HrpsysSeqStateROSBridge.cpp] Transform twist from local to global in pose covarance calculation because pose is in global #830
    • [src/HrpsysSeqStateROSBridge.cpp] Set root_link as child_frame_id and describe twist in child_frame_id coordinate #828
    • [src/HrpsysSeqStateROSBridge.cpp] Fix covariance calculation in HrpsysSeqStateROSBridge: previous verision calculation only can be applied in nonhoronomic robot #812
    • [src/HrpsysSeqStateROSBridge.cpp] Fix coordinate representation: omega in twist is global
    • [src/HrpsysSeqStateROSBridge.cpp] Calculate covariance of odometry in HrpsysSeqStateROSBridge
    • [src/HrpsysSeqStateROSBridge.cpp] update prev_odom only when odom is successfully updated in dt > 0
    • [src/HrpsysSeqStateROSBridge.cpp] Calculate angular twist
  • Special joint support #837
    • [models/samplespecialjointrobot.yaml, catkin.cmake] Add cmake setting and euscollada yaml for special joint robot
  • add ContactState.msg, ContactStateStamped.msg, ContactStatesStamped.msg #834
    • [msg/ContactState.msg] Add frame_id to contact states messages
    • [launch/hrpsys_ros_bridge.launch, src/HrpsysSeqStateROSBridge{,cpp,.h,Impl.cpp,Impl.h}] separate ContactStates.msg into ContactState.msg, ContactStateStamped.msg and ContactStatesStamped.msg
    • [hrpsys_ros_bridge/euslisp/rtm-ros-robot-interface.l] Add euslisp interface to get contact states
    • [hrpsys_ros_bridge/src/HrpsysSeqStateROSBridge.cpp] add contact states publisher of AutoBalancer and Stabilizer
    • [msg/ContactState.msg] add ContactStates.msg for legged robots
  • Sample codes
    • [src/hrpsys_ros_bridge/, src/hrpsys_ros_bridge/] set ThermoLimiter parameters to decrease debug messages #849
    • [src/hrpsys_ros_bridge/] update sample4legrobot st and abc parameters, set st and abc parameters #847
    • [hrpsys_ros_bridge/src/hrpsys_ros_bridge/] Update st vertices setting #819
    • [src/hrpsys_ros_bridge/, models/sample4legrobot.yaml, euslisp/sample4legrobot-interface.l, catkin.cmake] Add sample4legrobot generation if exists #817
    • [euslisp/sample4legrobot-interface.l] Update path hrpsys_ros_bridge_tutorials -> hrpsys_ros_bridge #817
    • [catkin.cmake] Add check for sample_4leg_robot existence #817
    • [hrpsys_ros_bridge/src/hrpsys_ros_bridge/] Update st damping parameters #809
    • [hrpsys_ros_bridge/catkin.cmake, src/hrpsys_ros_bridge/, test/hrpsys-samples/test_samplerobot_euslisp_unittests.launch] Enable euslisp unittest for unstable rtcs #806
    • [scripts/default*,,cmake/compile_robot_model.cmake] Use arguments to specify whether unstable or not #806
    • [hrpsys_ros_bridge/test/hrpsys-samples/samplerobot-unittest.l, samplerobot-auto-balancer.l] Update auto-balancer test functions and update unittest order #806
    • [hrpsys_ros_bridge/test/hrpsys-samples/test_samplerobot_euslisp_unittests.launch] Add collision detector test #805
  • Move euslisp sample code from roseus_tutorials #800
    • [hrpsys_ros_bridge/test/hrpsys-samples/test_samplerobot_euslisp_unittests.launch] Add rostest launch file for euslisp unittest and use .launch instead of .test.
    • [hrpsys_ros_bridge/test/hrpsys-samples, hrpsys_ros_bridge/euslisp/samplerobot-interface.l] Fix package name for sample robot euslisp files (hrpsys_ros_bridge_tutorials -> hrpsys_ros_bridge)
  • Use emergency stopper by default for unstable rtc robots #760
    • [hrpsys_ros_bridge/cmake/compile_robot_model.cmake] Use emergency stopper by default for unstable rtc robots
    • [hrpsys_ros_bridge/euslisp/rtm-ros-robot-interface.l] Add method for emergency stop methods
    • [hrpsys_ros_bridge/euslisp/rtm-ros-robot-interface.l] Enable to set rosbridge name for idl srv methods.
    • [hrpsys_ros_bridge/launch/hrpsys_ros_bridge.launch] Add emergency stopper ROSBridges
    • [scripts/] publish diagnostic of emergency_mode from #780
    • [src/HrpsysSeqStateROSBridge{,cpp,.h,Impl.cpp,Impl.h}] publish emergency_mode from EmergencyStopper rtc #763
  • Contributors: Eisoku Kuroiwa, Kei Okada, Masaki Murooka, Ryohei Ueda, Shunichi Nozawa, Tatsuya Ishikawa, Yohei Kakiuchi, Yuta Kojio, Iori Kumagai

1.2.14 (2015-06-23)

  • [hrpsys_ros_bridge] Add splash screen to hrpsys dashboard
  • Enable to set step time for each foot steps and update documentation
  • Add emergency walking stop and update documentations
  • [hrpsys_ros_bridge] set position of imu_floor zero
  • Add method to get remaining foot steps and displaying method
  • [cmake_compile_robot_model.cmake] get_filename_component DIRECTORY is only available > cmake 2.8.12
  • Publish cop position in end link frame
  • Publish COP for each end effectors. COPInfo is provided by Stabilizer.
  • Add --use-robot-hrpsys-config argument to compile robot old (added to compile robot in 54e64bf3c4131fc907c6b7c0a34d728f82948e76)
  • Contributors: Kei Okada, Ryohei Ueda, Shunichi Nozawa

1.2.13 (2015-06-11)

  • [launch/hrpsys_ros_bridge.launch] Add USE_ROBOT_POSE_EKF
  • [euslisp/rtm-ros-robot-interface.l] fix typo
  • [euslisp/rtm-ros-robot-interface.l] Add :adjust-foot-steps-roll-pitch to reset current foot steps
  • [euslisp/rtm-ros-robot-interface.l] Add toe heel angle for :set-foot-steps-with-param-no-wait
  • [euslisp/rtm-ros-robot-interface.l] Add argument for transition times
  • [euslisp/rtm-ros-robot-interface.l] Use current foot midcoords of rleg and lleg in roll pitch method
  • [euslisp/rtm-ros-robot-interface.l] Add adjust footsteps euslisp interface
  • [euslisp/datalogger-log-parser.l] Add function to dump seq pattern file from datalogger log
  • [euslisp/rtm-ros-robot-interface.l,uslisp/rtm-ros-robot-interface.l] Add force moment param zerosettin method and use it in calib program
  • [euslisp/rtm-ros-robot-interface.l] raise error when bridged service call failed
  • [euslisp/rtm-ros-robot-interface.l] Make interpolation-time in sync-controller shorter
  • [euslisp/rtm-ros-robot-interface.l] Add :set-foot-steps-with-base-height
  • [euslisp/rtm-ros-robot-interface.l] Fix typo in start method. Start auto balancer by legs.
  • [euslisp/rtm-ros-robot-interface.l] Add euslisp methods for default unstable controllers
  • [src/HrpsysSeqStateROSBridge.cpp] imu_floor again
  • [src/hrpsys_ros_bridge/] add st/abc/ic start at once button
  • [hrpsys_ros_bridge/cmake/compile_robot_model.cmake] Enable to specify robot specific
  • [launch/hrpsys_ros_bridge.launch] Add argument to specify periodic rate of seq ros bridge
  • [euslisp/rtm-ros-robot-interface.l] add hours, minutes and seconds for :save-log
  • [.travis.yaml, hrpsys_ros_bridge/catkin.cmake] add eusdoc
  • [euslisp/rtm-ros-robot-interface.l] Support t or nil in setter arguments
  • Contributors: Eisoku Kuroiwa, Kei Okada, Ryohei Ueda, Shunichi Nozawa, Yohei Kakiuchi, Iori Kumagai

1.2.12 (2015-04-27)

  • [euslisp/rtm-ros-robot-interface.l] Update function to calculate toe heel offset. Support both pos and zmp and add documentation
  • [hrpsys_ros_bridge/cmake/compile_robot_model.cmake] fix for --conf option with comment
  • Contributors: Kei Okada, Shunichi Nozawa

1.2.11 (2015-04-25)

  • [catkin.cmake] add depend to pr2_controllers_msgs in catpkin_package
  • [cmake/compile_robot_model.cmake] fix dependency add_custom_depend need to DEPEND to other target
  • [euslisp/rtm-ros-robot-interface.l] Add calculate-toe-heel-pos-offsets and set-foot-steps-with-param
  • Contributors: Kei Okada, Shunichi Nozawa

1.2.10 (2015-04-24)

  • add rewrited version of compile_robot_model.cmake
    • [compile_robot_model.cmake] generate controller_config even if yaml is not found
    • [compile_robot_model.cmake] use add_custom_target/command for eusif and launch, set PROJECT_PKG_NAME
    • [compile_robot_model.cmake] rewrite everything from scratch
  • euslisp
    • [rtm-ros-robot-interface.l] Add method to align footsteps with roll or pitch angle
    • [datalogger-log-parser.l] change max-line count method
    • [rtm-ros-robot-interface.l] Add sync-controller method, which preserve limb-controller angle before remove-joint-group is called.
    • [rtm-ros-robot-interface.l] Enable to set gravitational acceleration for calculating st parameter
  • [HrpsysSeqStateROSBridgeImpl.{cpp,h}] display more debug info for diagnostics
  • [cmake/compile_robot_model.cmake] Revert \"compile_robot contains output files, not targets\"
  • [hrpsys_ros_bridge/package.xml] Limits dependent pkg version to avoid critical error in downstream (tork-a/rtmros_nextage/#160)
  • Contributors: Eisoku Kuroiwa, Isaac IY Saito, Kei Okada, Shunichi Nozawa, Iori Kumagai

1.2.9 (2015-04-11)

  • [package.xml] remove pr2_controllers, add pr2_controller_msgs, pr2_msgs, control_msgs package.xml
  • [collision_state] fix to work collision state
    • [] fix minor bug of CORBA.OBJECT_NOT_EXIST -> omniORB.CORBA.OBJECT_NOT_EXIST
    • [] check isActive() to avoid raise error during servo on phase
  • [hrpsys_ros_bridge/catkin.cmake]
    • move rtmlaunch/rtmtest from hrpsys_ros_bridge to openrtm_tools, add envhook for catkin users
  • [hrpsys_tools/hrpsys.launch] support DEBUG_HRPSYS argument to run rtcd with gdb
  • [hrpsys_ros_bridge/cmake/compile_robot_model.cmake]
    • Add dependency from the files generated by export_collada to compile_robots in order to prevent parallel execution of export_collada
    • Check current if scope has parent scope when set variable in PARENT_SCOPE in compile_robot_model.cmake to supress warning messages
    • Fix serious typo: daefile -> _daefile in compile_robot_model.cmake
    • fix warning in if/endif macro
    • compile_robtos should be list of all generated lisp file, not targets
  • [euslisp/rtm-ros-robotics-interface.l]
    • Add impedance controller mode getter method
    • Return Euslisp coordinates from :get-foot-step-param
    • Add methods to get Euslisp style parameters from IDL enum type
    • Add comments for st methods
    • Add methods to tune st parameter
    • Add functions to calculate eefm st parameters
    • Fix order of ee setting
    • Pass arguments for joint-properties to ProjectGenerator
  • Contributors: JAXON, Kei Okada, Ryohei Ueda, Shunichi Nozawa

1.2.8 (2015-03-09)

  • [hrpsys_ros_bridge] Do not run collada_to_urdf parallel. In order to avoid parallel execution of collada_to_urdf, add tricky dependency
  • Add graspless manip mode euslisp interface
  • [test-*.py] test name could not contain minus? any changet to underscore (
  • [] fix syntax error on loadPattern
  • update for legged robot
  • Sample.pos is not installed via deb package, see
  • Fix rmfo sensor argument
  • copy rtmlaunch,rtmtest to global_bin when compile
  • Add method to calculate go-velocity param from velocity center offset
  • Add menus for unstable rtcs (not used by default)
  • Add setting for HrpsysConfigurator in hrpsys dashboard and apply it to servoOn/Off menu (disabled by default).
  • Remove unused initial leg offsetting because this is implemented AutoBalancer\'s setFootSteps
  • [hrpsys_ros_bridge] Refactor compile_robot_model.cmake
  • Use ee name for impedance methods
  • [hrpsys_ros_bridge] need to wait for activate
  • [hrpsys_ros_bridge] wait for sh, sometimes we can not find them
  • Update impedance start/stop methods
  • [hrpsys_ros_bridge] Do not call export_collada in parallel
  • Update :reset-force-moment-offset funcs and add documents
  • Update documentation strings for ImpedanceController and Ref forces
  • [hrpsys_ros_bridge] Fix path for catkin build
  • pass :rarm instead of \'rhsensor\' or \'rasensor\' to :set-forcemoment-offset-param
  • Add seq base pos and rpy methods
  • Remove duplicated method and fix argument passing for imp methods
  • Contributors: Kei Okada, Ryohei Ueda, Shunichi Nozawa, Eisoku Kuroiwa

1.2.7 (2015-01-06)

  • Add :reference-root-coords method for log
  • Update datalogger parser time parsing and robothardware naming
  • Add euslisp methods for seq wait interpolation and co get status
  • Enable virtual force setting. Read conf file in HrpsysSeqStateROSBridge and connect vfs ports if exists
  • Add set ref force and moment methods. Enable vforcesensors
  • change robot-init function to pass arguments to initializer
  • Set default name as co
  • Use segment name of body_info as collision detection frame_id
  • Add argument to select activation because can be launched in hrpsys_ros_bridge.launch
  • Enable to configure collision detector instance name
  • Use subscription_type as new to avoid influence on realtime process
  • (rtm-ros-robot-interface) : Add optionaldata for dump-seq-pattern-file
  • (rtm-ros-robot-interface) : Add function to load seq pattern file and euslisp list from it.
  • (rtm-ros-robot-interface) : Add documentation string for dump-seq-pattern-file
  • Fix frame of loadPattern
  • Add euslisp interface method for reference wrench
  • Publish reference wrench from StateHolder wrench data ports. Check existence of wrench ports because hrpsys-base 315.1.9 does not have wrench ports in Seq and Sh.
  • Add RMFO calib readme
  • Update RMFO calibration sequence. Use parameter file
  • Add load and dump rmfo param methods
  • Separate robot date string as method and fix :save-log default argument
  • on indigo, hrpsys is not ros-catkin package
  • fix for new packaging openrtm/hrpsys (compile package directoly from original repository)
  • Fix typo of hrpsys_ros_bridge.launch
  • Add USE_HRPSYS_PROFILE to toggle whether running hrpsys_profile
  • Add parameter ~publish_sensor_tf to HrpsysSeqStateROSBridge to toggle publishing tf frames of the sensors
  • Fix unitsystem for documentation
  • Add directory to generate Euslisp documentation
  • Enable to set integer enum values
  • (rtm-ros-robot-interface) : Fix typo in save-log
  • (rtm-ros-robot-interface) : Add date string and robot name to Datalogger log name by default.
  • (rtm-ros-robot-interface) : Update seq methods. Revise set-interpolation-mode using defconst param and remove deprecated dump-seq parttern
  • Merge remote-tracking branch \'origin/master\' into tmp_update_impedance_controller_methods
  • (rtm-ros-robot-interface) : Update impedance controller setter and getter
  • (rtm-ros-robot-interface) : Remove deprecated euslisp interface and functions.
  • Update rtmbuild_init to specify dependency of generate_messages and add new service interface to HrpsysSeqStateROSBridge to specify transformation for each sensor
  • Merge pull request #583 from eisoku9618/update-print-end-effector-parameter-conf-from-robot Merged.
  • do not print a leading colon of :rarm
  • (rtm-ros-robot-interface) : Enable to set st algorithm as Euslisp symbol.
  • remove unnecessary white spaces
  • rename total time of 1 cycle from RobotHardware0 to Summary
  • add eps_of_rh variable in order to reduce unnecessary for loop
  • (test-samplerobot) : Import all srv files in discussed in
  • (default_robot* : Add argument for precreate controller
  • (rtm-ros-robot-interface) : Update :set-gait-generator-param method to use defconstant enum values and add printing method
  • (datalogger-log-parser) : Add abc baseTform reading
  • Contributors: Kei Okada, Ryohei Ueda, Shunichi Nozawa, Yohei Kakiuchi, Eisoku Kuroiwa

1.2.6 (2014-10-10)

  • set time-limit to 300
  • ( fix test case, since /clock is sync with hrpsys time, so we can use more strict settings
  • fix test code for changing 0.002
  • (rtm-ros-robot-interface) : Add documentation strings for state methods and rearrange it. Add logger documentation.
  • Contributors: Kei Okada, Shunichi Nozawa

1.2.5 (2014-10-04)

  • Improvement on rtm-ros-robot-interface, datalogger-log-parser, samplerobot
  • Fix stamp of odom and imu
  • Improve dependency: robot_pose_ekf.launch, robot_pose_ekf
  • Contributors: Kei Okada, Shunichi Nozawa, YoheiKakiuchi

1.2.4 (2014-09-08)

  • (test/test-pa10.test) support GUI argument
  • (test/ add test for /command
  • (hrpsys_ros_bridge/src/HrpsysJointTrajectoryBridge.cpp) support <controller>/command, see #537
  • ( fix document, based on snozawa\'s comment
  • Contributors: Kei Okada

1.2.3 (2014-09-03)

1.2.2 (2014-08-31)

1.2.1 (2014-06-23)

  • add euscollada path for compile collada model
  • Merge pull request #495 from k-okada/add_servo_controller hrpsys_ros_bridge.launch: add servo controller
  • (datalogger-log-parser.l) : Check existence of zmp value and rpy value
  • hrpsys_ros_bridge.launch: add servo controller fix rtmlaunch options (thanks to \@hyaguchijsk)
  • does not use group tag, just use unless tag to disable connection between sh.rtc:baseTformOut and baseTform
  • (hrpsys_ros_bridge/package.xml) run_depend on ipython
  • (hrpsys_ros_bridge/package.xml) Sort in alphabetical order
  • (rtm-ros-robot-interface.l, datalogger-log-parser.l) Update imu euslisp methods ;; We should use /imu instead of tf according to
  • hrpsys_ros_bridge/euslisp/datalogger-log-parser.l:add reading zmp data from hrpsys log file
  • Merge pull request #458 from snozawa/rotate_camera_z_axis Rotate sensor->localR 180[deg] because OpenHRP3 camera -Z axis equals to ROS camera Z axis
  • Merge pull request #477 from garaemon/add-imu-topic-remove-imu-floor Add /imu topic and /odom topic remove imu_floor
  • Merge pull request #460 from k-okada/hrpsys_version_gte set hrpsys version greater than 315.2.0
  • update pa10 test code
  • publish Imu value to /imu topic and odometory value to /odom.
  • fix ProjectGenerator path for compile_collada_model
  • update .gitignore for auto generated files under hrpsys_ros_bridge directory
  • rtmlaunch; Add usage api doc
  • hrpsys_ros_bridge/euslisp/datalogger-log-parser.l : update state methods and add eof check
  • hrpsys_ros_bridge/, hrpsys_ros_bridge/euslisp/ : add README for hrpsys_ros_bridge and euslisp usage
  • hrpsys_ros_bridge/euslisp/datalogger-log-parser.l : support force sensor reading
  • hrpsys_ros_bridge/euslisp/rtm-ros-robot-interface.l : update sensor accessor commited in
  • (package.xml files) Update repository URLs
  • (start-jsk/rtmros_common/pull/397) hrpsys_ros_bridge/launch/hrpsys_ros_bridge.launch, hrpsys_ros_bridge/scripts/ : rename AbsoluteForceSensor => RemoveForceSensorLinkOffset
  • (collision_detector.launch) add default model file path using one fromreal robot
  • ( ) add \'import re\' for using regular expression
  • add generation of hrpsys_config for robots using unstable RTCs ;; add configuration for unstable RTCs in cmake ;; by default, do not nothing, so there will be no side effect for robots only using Stable RTCs
  • set RTCTREE_NAMESERVERS environment variables, for #453
  • pass args to super class
  • set hrpsys version greater than 315.2.0
  • Rotate sensor->localR 180[deg] because OpenHRP3 camera -Z axis equals to ROS camera Z axis
  • add samplerobot.rviz
  • hrpsys_ros_bridge/ Use logerr to highlight an error that could be overlooked
  • (HrpsysJointTrajectoryBridge) ros cpp style macro applied.
  • Contributors: Isaac Desu Saito, Isaac IY Saito, Isaac Isao Saito, Kei Okada, Kunio Kojima, Ryohei Ueda, Tatsushi Karasawa, YoheiKakiuchi, mmurooka, nozawa

1.2.0 (2014-05-14)

  • bump to 1.2.0for hrpsys 315.2.0

1.0.12 (2014-05-06)

  • (collision_detector.launch) typo
  • use odom instad of imu_floor
  • do not connect port when afs is not found
  • set WALKING and IMPEDANCE controller as non-default RTC
  • update generate config.yaml
  • add both Robot(Robot)0 and RobotHadware0 in datalogger
  • add scripts for auto generating controller config yaml
  • Use subprocess.Popen rather than check_call in order to call external process asynchronouslly
  • pass argument to get-ROSBridge-method-defmacro method
  • add generating urdf file to compile_robot_model.cmake
  • Merge pull request #433 from k-okada/do_not_compile_idl_twice do not update manifets.xml and copy idl when it is not needed (#429)
  • implement hrpsys_dashboard base on rqt, not on rxtools
  • do not update manifets.xml and copy idl when it is not needed (#429)
  • rename base-pos and base-rpy => root-pos and root-rpy
  • add reading of datalogger properties
  • set REALTIME=ture as default
  • update :start-auto-balancer and :stop-auto-balancer method according to hrpsys-base trunk update at commit ;; we do not need to change usage of these methods
  • Contributors: Isaac Saito, Kei Okada, Ryohei Ueda, YoheiKakiuchi, Shunichi Nozawa

1.0.11 (2014-04-16)

  • use random staritng port number for rtm_naming, also try to continue if name server is already running
  • Contributors: Kei Okada

1.0.10 (2014-04-15)

  • remove sed to comment out pr2_controllers
  • Contributors: Kei Okada

1.0.9 (2014-04-14)

  • (hrpsys_ros_bridge) add git to build_depend
  • Contributors: Isaac IY Saito

1.0.8 (2014-04-14)

  • use git:// for download pr2_controllers (potential fix for #410)
  • add rosdnode to depends(see, #411)
  • add euscollada_SOURCE_PREFIX and euscollada_PREFIX
  • use for rosdevel build environment, see #400
  • remove deprecate function to generate conf parameter
  • Added procps, hostname, net-tools build_depends. These tools are used during building and testing
  • Contributors: Kei Okada, Scott K Logan, Shunichi Nozawa

1.0.7 (2014-03-20)

  • call find_package(catkin) fist
  • #22: add PROJECT_NAME to the target used in compile_robot_model to avoid collision of the target names
  • add rostest/hrpsys_tools to depends and find_package
  • hrpsys_ros_bridge: (test-compile-robot.launch) add test-compile-robot.launch (but is is not includeded in CMakeLists.txt and use .launch instead of .test due to Issue #87), fix compile_robot_model.cmake work with devel of hrpsys_ros_bridge, disable launch script from
  • hrpsys_ros_bridge: add test-compile-robot.xml test-compile-robot.cmake
  • check hrpsys_ros_bridge SOURCE_DIR for both SOURCE_DIR and PREFIX
  • hrpsys_ros_bridge: use catkin package of pr2_controllers_msgs
  • hrpsys_tools, hrpsys_ros_bridge: increase retly to 4 for test
  • hrpsys_ros_bridge: install/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/hrpsys_ros_bridge/ disappeared somehow? this is temprarily fix (FIXME)
  • hrpsys_ros_bridge: fix compile_robot_model.cmkae, use find_package to set /lib/openrtm_aist/bin/rtm-naming /lib/openhrp3/export-collada
  • display with logwarn when CollisionDetector is not found
  • hrpsys_ros_bridge, fix path for installed conf/dae/launch files
  • compile_robot_model.cmake: add debug message in generate_default_launch_eusinterface_files
  • hrpsys_ros_bridge: (,, increase timeout of watForTransform() and catch exception if tf is not found
  • collision_state, wait until co is found, if not found exit with 0, not 1
  • add Exception
  • hrpsys_ros_bridge: add collada_urdf to depends
  • run hrpsys_profile within try block
  • remove undefined variables
  • hrpsys_ros_bridge: add visualization_msgs to depeds
  • hrpsys_ros_bridge: fix ProjectGenerator location, see #353
  • hrpsys_ros_bridge: add test code for samplerobot and pa10
  • hrpsys_ros_bridge: add diagnostic_aggregator to depend (manifest.xml package.xml)
  • hrpsys_ros_bridge: add more args to default_robot*.in (GUI, SIMULATOR_NAME, corbaport)
  • add comment on why we remove depend to pr2_controllers_msgs
  • (package.xml) add angles to build_depend intentinally dut to build_depend to tf does ont install angles
  • (manifest.xml) commented out depend package pr2_controllers_msgs for rosmake dependency graph generation, but comment in for rosmake build objects
  • (manifest.xml) if you have both rosdep and depend, rosmake does not work well, see
  • (manifest.xml) users are expected to manually install ros-groovy-pr2-dashboard
  • (CMakeLists.txt) download pr2_controllers_msgs for groovy/rosbuild
  • fix typo ;; elif -> elseif
  • add
  • Wrong catkin macro (CATKIN-DEPENDS to CATKIN_DEPENDS).
  • change destination of stdout of by OUTPUT arg
  • add CMAKE_PREFIX_PATH so that rosrun hrpsys ProjectGenerator works
  • Merge pull request #334 from k-okada/master
  • add openhrp3_PREFIX, more debug message
  • add / after hrpsys_idl_DIR
  • add hrpsys to find_package
  • add more verbose log when error
  • update PKG_CONFIG_PATH for hrpsys-base
  • display error output
  • add depend to pkg-config
  • add depend to pkg-config
  • added euslisp, srv, idl directories to install
  • move to git repository
  • add hrpsys to find_package
  • add more verbose log when error
  • Merge branch \'master\' of
  • display error output
  • add depend to pkg-config
  • add depend to pkg-config
  • update PKG_CONFIG_PATH for hrpsys-base
  • Merge branch \'master\' into garaemon-master
  • not generating sh but running rostes directory to avoid escape problem
  • Merge branch \'master\' of
  • use pkg-config to find directories
  • Merge branch \'master\' of
  • move to git repository
  • added euslisp, srv, idl directories to install
  • fixing list syntax
  • force to set ROS_PACKAGE_PATH when calling euscollada for catkin build
  • adding LD_LIBRARY_PATH
  • remove depend to robot_monitor
  • changing the working directory when call export-collada
  • do not compile lisp code if euxport collada is not exists
  • add diagnositcs_msgs to fake rosdep
  • add dynamic_recofigure to fake rosdep
  • add several rosdep names to fake rosdep
  • add rosdep hrpsys/openrtm_aist to fake rosdep
  • profibit to run rostest parallel
  • installing src directory as python package
  • (hrpsys_ros_bridge/package.xml) Partially revert r6936 where a dependency was removed by mistake.
  • Contributors: Kei Okada, Ryohei Ueda


  • rtmros_common-1.0.6
  • (rtmros_common, openrtm_ros_bridge, hrpsys_ros_bridge) Cleaning and elaborating package.xml
  • add setting for CONF_DT_OPTION
  • set corba port to 15005 in euslisp model dump function
  • fix proble due to r6908, also remove find_package since hrpsys can not find-packed-ed
  • add hrpsys_tools to depends on openrtm_tools, see Issue 309
  • set custom cmake file under CFG_EXTRAS, so that other package is abel to use macros defined in the cmake file
  • generate /tmp/_gen_project**.sh file to invoke rostest since rostest needs package path, see Issue 306
  • installing euslisp directory of hrpsys_ros_bridge when catkining
  • not use rosbuild for catkin
  • fixing close tag in nosim.launch
  • add RUN_RVIZ arg in default launch template files
  • add REALTIME arg in hrpsys-simulator launch template files
  • fix position of long floor
  • add :torque-vector for playpattern
  • add reference torque vector data reading
  • update initialization to neglect log files which lines are not match ;; convert rad2deg
  • fix typos ;; wf -> zf
  • add .zmp file dump
  • add fname for datalogger-log-parser
  • use .rviz file for .in file
  • add datalogger log parser for euslisp
  • enable to se PROJECT_FILE name
  • remove unnecessary print function
  • fix hrpsy_ros_bridge.launch for hrpsys version 315.1.5
  • add :zmp-vector and callback ;; acc print function for end_effectors in conf file
  • add argument for tm
  • add type_name to SensorInfo ;; use it in imu_floor tf sending ;; for almost all robots, frame name is \'gyrometer\'
  • write seq pattern file separatively ;; do not dump .waist file if :root-coords does not exist
  • publish zmp as PointStamped
  • add zmp data port for HrpsysSeqStateRosBridge
  • add euslisp utility fnuction for seq pattern file
  • fix syntax error
  • set_stale when op_mode is not Servo ON nor Servo Off
  • move hrpsys_profiel out of USE_DIAGNOSTICS
  • add use_diagnostics, use_rosout, use_battery option in __init__
  • using prefix for sensor-name
  • add debug print, when body->joints().size() and is not equal
  • split hrpsys_dashboard into hrpsys_dashboard and src/hrpsys_ros_bridge/, see Issue 270
  • fix color
  • change sphere radius depends on dangerness
  • rosbuild does not raise exception when import roslib, use import hrpsys
  • add utility functions for project generator xml file
  • add argument to set timeStep according to hrpsys-base -r905 commit ;; we can set timeStep <= dt ;;
  • enable to add :root-coords which is optional robot states
  • fix typo ;; tile -> time
  • change line width depends on the distance


  • \"rtmros_common-1.0.5\"
  • reverse rpy-angle because euslisp rpy is \'yaw pitch roll\' and openhrp3 rpy is roll pitch yaw
  • pkill kill cmake itself, not why, so create shell script and execute it
  • use find_package for hrpsys and hrpsys_tools
  • fix Issue 256
  • do not depends to lisp file if euscollada is not exists
  • fix missing variable _collada2eus to _collada2eus_exe
  • do not FATAL_ERROR when collada2eus is not found
  • fix for catkin compile
  • add debug message
  • use full path instead of rosrun/rostet for when two binaries are installed
  • fix for catkin, catkin does not requires load_manifest
  • apply patch in Issue 254
  • fix ROS_DISTRO->groovy, this code only used in groovy
  • fix sed command
  • fix typo ENV=>
  • add rostest to run_depend
  • set pr2_controllers to build/run depends and fix catkin.cmake to comment out therese tags if groovy
  • distance under 0.05 always red
  • translate line information relative to root_link_frame
  • add lifetime
  • add standalone collision detector launch file, see #249
  • fix color
  • add error message more verbose
  • rename typo
  • add in launch file, Issue 249
  • add, Issue 249
  • fix length of force list for resetting
  • fix compile_openhrp_model for catkin, see Issue 241


  • \"rtmros_common-1.0.4\"
  • update with r5733



  • \"rtmros_common-1.0.2\"
  • use connection as new
  • add calc-zmp-from-state method
  • add loading of utils file if exists
  • fix typoes ;; _name -> _sname
  • get current additional_make_clean_files and append setting to it ;; use _sname instead of overwriting _name
  • add generated launch and euslisp files to clean target
  • fix when rtmros_common is installed as catkin package, see Issue 214
  • install cmake directory


  • rtmros_common) 1.0.1
  • rtmros_common) Revert wrong commit r5588
  • rtmros_common) 1.0.1
  • hrpsys_ros_bridge) fix to issue 205 (incomplete but worth trying)
  • hrpsys_ros_bridge) Correction to r5584.
  • hrpsys_ros_bridge) Improve package.xml description.
  • add pr2_dashboard path to sys.path for those who could not import pr2_dashboard
  • add comment when pr2_dashboard is not found
  • hrpsys_dashboard) Fix to run with rosbuild.
  • hrpsys_ros_bridge) add Isaac as a maintainer to get notice from buildfarm.
  • add diagnostic_msgs to depends
  • add roslang to depend
  • use rtmbuild_PREFIX instaed of CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX to get rtmbuild.cmake
  • fake rospack not to sudo rosdep install
  • add python-rosdep and rosdep udpate to different execute_process
  • do not set local for jenkins debuild
  • copy rtmlaunch/rtmtest/ to both share and bin for backword compatibility
  • add random string to pr2_controllers_msgs directory path
  • workaround for ros-groovy-rqt-top installs wrong(?) psutil
  • fix for new
  • add LC_ALL=en_US.UTF-8
  • fix syntax error on previous commit
  • add rosdep update when compile pr2_controlers_msgs
  • unset *_LIBRARIES not to add library names to Config.cmake
  • add python-psutil to depend
  • add rosbuild to depends
  • add mk
  • add --non-interactive --trust-server-cert for svn
  • use corba port number 15005
  • install rtmtest and
  • remove svn:executable from
  • add from rtmlaunch in order to add rtmtest, add alias rtmtest to
  • add subversion for groovy, that download and compile non-catkinized pr2_controllers_msgs package
  • download and compile pr2_controllers msgs which is not catlinized on groovy
  • pr2_controllers is not catkinized on groovy
  • add pr2_controllers to bulid/run_depend and use ROS_DISTRO to include pr2_controller_msgs directory
  • add code for restarting jointGroup
  • add remove-joint-group and remove obsolate code
  • fix directory structure, see Issue 188
  • add generating code of controller_config.yaml for using joint group
  • checking the existance all joints in required group on HrpsysJointTrajectoryBridge (ignore not existing joint)
  • fix : rearrange joint order in required goal
  • forget to fix corba port to 15005, see Issue 141
  • fix catkin.cmake for installed project
  • add import OpenRTM_aist.RTM_IDL, for catkin
  • print error message on detection of nan in imu_floor tf
  • install FILES does not need USE_SOURCE_PERMISSIONS
  • fix catkin.cmake, since openrtm_aist/openhrp3/hrpsys is compiled as non-catkin package (this means catkin_make does not install <package>.pc <package>Config.cmake and use DEPENDS not CATKIN-DEPENDS)
  • fix to work on both rtmbuild and catkin environment
  • ignore srv files whose name starts with . in rtm-ros-robot-interface, closes Issue 149
  • fix for catkin
  • check if port_number(5005) is already used, Fixed Issue 141
  • comment out pr2_controllers
  • change pr2_controllers_msgs -> pr2_controllers
  • set default corbaport to 5005, Fixes Issue 141
  • fix method name for set-joint-angles-of-group
  • add add_dependencies to compile_hrpsys
  • fix copy idl file from hrpsys/idl
  • install rtmbuild from rtmbuild_SOURCE_DIR/CMAKE_INSTALL_DIR
  • print name of ports
  • add arguments to specify generated files
  • add arguments to specify file generation
  • rename macro ;; fix typo
  • add nosim template and fix euslisp file name
  • add macro to generate default launch files and euslisp interface
  • wirte more debug comment to ROS_INFO_STREAM
  • hrpsys_ros_bridge) Delete unused dependency. Alphabetize dependency.
  • Remove unused components (robot_monitor).
  • rtmros_common) Increment version to 1.0.0 (based on discussion
  • Updated all package.xml in rtmros_common metapkg (add URLs, alphabetized, cleanup, add Isaac as a maintainer to receive notice from buildfarm).
  • check if USE_ROSBUILD is defined
  • fix 2888 -> 2890 according to discussion of
  • fix for catkin, with USE_ROSBUILD
  • catkinize package
  • add depends to openrtm_ros_bridge
  • add openrtm_tools as depend
  • add depends to hrpsys_tools
  • workaround for Issue 150
  • use hrpsys_ros_bridge for generating ROS service methods
  • was moved to openrtm_tools
  • import from hrpsys_ros_bridge.srv instead of hrpsys.srv
  • minor change
  • hrpsys.launch now goes under hrpsys_tools and rename to hrpsys_config
  • add depends from hrpsys to hrpsys_tools, (hrpsys_tools to hrpsys is also exists, this this is intentially looped) so that users just depends on hrpsys
  • change INCLUDE_DIRS from {prefix}/idl_gen/cpp/{prefix}/idl to {prefix}/idl_gen/cpp, so need to include <prefix/idl/hoge.h> instead of <hoge.h>, Issue 137
  • ProjectGenerator is under hrpsys_tools not hrpsys: cleanup hrpsys, split hrpsys and hrpsys_tools, Issue 137
  • copy idl from hrpsys/share/hrpsys/idl to hrpsys_ros_bridge/idl, Issue 137
  • add depends to hrpsys_tools, Issue 137
  • update openrtm -> openrtm_aist, hrpsys -> hrpsys_toolss: cleanup hrpsys, split hrpsys and hrpsys_tools, Issue 137
  • fix port num ;; 2888 -> 2889
  • run omniNames with port 2888 in compile_openhrp_model
  • check if server is active before send set preempt, this enables exit component cleanly, related to Issue 47
  • fix miss commit ;; add temperature
  • enable to store extra_data of motor_states
  • use PeriodicExecutionContext instead of hrpExecutionContext, Issue 136
  • launch node within group tags not to invoke unused component, see Issue 114
  • add dt conf file option
  • remove unnecessary copying of return value
  • add _ret_add_str and remove duplicate codes
  • fix position of return value setting
  • do not specify if base-name is nil
  • add connection for hrpsys_ros_bridge
  • add dependency of _xmlfile on _xmlfile_nosim to achieve exclusive execution of rostest
  • print port name in sensor_ros_bridge_connect
  • adding some wait for waiting to update rosnode information
  • fix return value if limb is nil
  • fix separator of macro argumens
  • fixes Issue 64, some packaed does not depends on euscollada, invoke rtm-naming within add_custom_command
  • add dependency on euscollada, export-collada, and _gen_project.launch
  • rename -xxx options -> --xxx options
  • specify 2888 in pkill
  • add macros to obtain options for _gen_project.launch and euscollada
  • add get_option macro
  • add INTEGRATE argument
  • start model loader with 2888 port when launch _gen_project.launch
  • do not make error, when collada2eus is not found, some package(hironx_ros_bridge) does not depends on euslisp
  • add xml nosim to target
  • add nosim option and generate nosim xml
  • add robothardware conf option
  • rename abs_xx -> off_xx
  • add compile_collada_model to ALL
  • fix (arg SIMULATOR_NAME)0 -> (arg SIMULATOR_NAME)
  • ->
  • cleanup hrpsys_ros_bridge.launch, use if group, by miyake. Issue 114
  • enable to load only link offset ;; use average value
  • fix typo ;; params -> param
  • add :reset-force-moment-offset
  • support euslisp style argument for forcemoment and impedance methods
  • use euscollada-model\'s :force-sensor methods instead of get-force-sensor-from-limb-name
  • revert to use force-vector and moment-vector
  • update to use absolute force vector for calibration
  • add :imucoords method
  • add port and connection for absolute force sensor values
  • use AbsoluteForceSensor for impedanc Controller
  • call :update-robot-state in super\'s :state methods
  • check return value of imucoords from TF
  • call rtc_init before rospy.init so that Issue 117
  • neglect arguments added by roslaunch
  • add rtmlaunch that runs omninaming and runs roslaunch, Issue 105, this is not tested on NameServer running on remote computer, see to
  • imu reading of update-robot-state
  • fix wrong length of angles while uing JointGroup
  • add ForwardKinematicsServiceROSBridge
  • cleanup launch file Issue 114
  • fix: condition for checking num of publisher
  • fix: using walltime for waiting timeout
  • remove miss commited comment out
  • tf::Matrix3x3 causes compilation error in electric. use btMatrix3x3 instead
  • do not publish tf which contains nan values
  • chnage: detecting num of /clock publisher before starting and stoping subscribe /clock
  • update footstep interface for abc
  • add print message in starting
  • add vel ratio
  • add cmd vel mode
  • check hrp::link parent existence because joint state with no name is published at previous version ;; This is OpenHRP3 \'WAIST\' joint specification. I should check OpenHRP3 model loading
  • select a timestamp of force sensor messages according to use_sim_time
  • get root-link name in :state :imucoords.
  • add default-double-support-ratio setting
  • add robothardware conf setting
  • add macros for export_collada_option and conf_file_option
  • add stabilizer methods
  • comment out target_name and base_name and support default zmp offset
  • add optional argument to collada2eus
  • add stabilizer ros bridge
  • enable to specify calib offset
  • rename make pose function ;; support nodisplay usage
  • add force sensor calib program
  • add load-forcemoment-offset-param method
  • add interface to specify sensor offset
  • enable to access force-sensor by limb name
  • make models directory in compile model macros when it doesn\'t exist
  • set RobotHardware0 by default for SIMULATOR_NAME
  • use SIULATOR_NAME instead of ROBOT_NAME in hrpsys_ros_bridge.launch ;; ROBOT_NAME argument in hrpsys_ros_bridge.launch is still remained for compatibility but please do not use ROBOT_NAME
  • support limb name usage
  • fix typos and add virtual force sensor stop method
  • add connection for virtual force sensor
  • fix keyword of set-servo-gain-percentage
  • fix naming rule of virtual force sensor and fix quaternion -> axisangle
  • add CONF_FILE_ARG and specify vitual_force_sensor by using conf file
  • specify rtc manager name
  • specify nameserver name and CORBA_init args
  • rename value -> default
  • use WAIST if base-name is nil ;; Is this correct?
  • remove depends to pr2_dashboard for groovy, wait for fix
  • change a name of imu tf and add a method to get imu coords in rtm-ros-robot-interface
  • fix :set-base-pose in rtm-ros-robot-interface.l
  • fix for publishing warning message
  • add connection from state_holder(qOut) to rosbridge(mcangle)
  • comment out port for RobotHardwareService because Simulator does not have RobotHardwareService
  • add comment for groovy
  • remove rtconnects between RobotHardware and KalmanFilter; this is achieved by instead
  • comment the IMU related rtconnects out for non IMU robots
  • add basePos and baseRpy to HrpsysSeqStateROSBridge and connect in hrpsys_ros_bridge.launch
  • modify rtm-ros-robot-interface.l: add set-servo-error-limit and set-soft-error-limit
  • modify hrpsys_ros_bridge.launch to execute RobotHardwareServiceROSBridge and SoftErrorLimiterServiceROSBridge
  • add default rate to hrpsys_ros_bridge
  • check sensor existence for HRP4C
  • use regiterInport for gyrometer and gsensor
  • fix walking command and example
  • use automatically generated methods
  • add define-all-ROSBridge-srv-methods to define srv methods from srv and idl files ;; currently comment out
  • add comments to
  • add getSensors and use it
  • fix for hrpsys-base\'s r693 commit ;; fix for acc and rate naming rules
  • make class to configure hrpsys RTCs and data ports
  • add StateHolder rosbridge
  • set subscription type new for real robot
  • set subscription type new for real robot
  • change name of a method for logger (Issue 74)
  • add method for logger, Flxed Issue 74
  • added rtconnect of torque in hrpsys_ros_bridge.launch
  • remove autobalancer methods from sample
  • add target2foot_offset_pos and rot
  • add methods for get and set parameters for ABC
  • enable multiple --conf-file-option
  • add AutoBalancer for and launch files
  • add methods for auto balancer RTC
  • add method to dump pattern file for Seq
  • update check of virtual force sensor impedance control and add seq loadPattern
  • enable to specify conf file setting for _gen_project.launch
  • support virtual force sensor usage
  • add sensor_ros_bridge_connect to connect sensor data ports based on ModelLoader\'s sensor information
  • re-organize code, use IDL style method name for each service/idl and use euslisp style method name for wrapper of them
  • enable to get force-vector and moment-vector
  • add removeforcesensor offset interface
  • add getImpedanceControllerParam and enable to set parameter individualy
  • fix potision of argument in :start-impedance-impl
  • fix typo ;; start-impedance in stop-impedance
  • fix condision of limb for start and stop impedance
  • add yaml depend in hrpsys_ros_bridge
  • use :force-sensor method
  • use root-link\'s parent by default
  • fix bug of send*
  • add methods for impedance controller
  • fix name : use upper case for argument, (Fixes issue 65)
  • add launch_ros_model argument to hrpsys_ros_bridge.launch
  • fix number of clock publisher ;; publisher ==1 means no clock publisher other than HrpsysSeqRosBridge, which means HrpsSeqRosBridge should publish /clock
  • add ImpedanceCOntroller service ROS Bridge
  • check use_sim_time
  • do not publish /clock when othre node pulishes
  • rm config, no longer used?
  • fix : move hrpsys_ros_bridge exmaple codes to hrpsys_ros_bridge_tutorials
  • move hrpsys_ros_bridge exmaple codes to hrpsys_ros_bridge_tutorials
  • add CollisionDetectionService interface to rtm-ros-robotics-interface.l
  • add CollisionDetectorService
  • add import time for sleep Use one depth queue for avoid sending multiple servo off message, Issue 32 Status: Fixed
  • add setServoGainPercentage which is euslisp interface for idl2srv of RobotHardware RTC
  • add controller configuration file to hironx_ros_bridge.launch
  • add HIRONX_controller_config.yaml
  • Added Log button to hrpsys_dashboard to call DataLoggerService/save
  • add comment to why we need r3202
  • add hrp4c sample for using joint group
  • fix for using joint group
  • add HrpsysJointTrajectoryBridge for using joint group
  • fix directory name
  • fix directory name
  • mv euslisp programs to euslisp directory
  • revert CMakeLists.txt
  • add test code for calling seq group
  • add comments
  • add debug message to set-interpolation
  • add :setBasePose method to rtm-ros-robot-interface.l
  • add sequenceplayserservicerosbridge node
  • fix by iori
  • remove glc_cpature from rviz node
  • fix for hrpsys 3.1.4
  • support control_msgs/FollowJointTrajectoryAction
  • update SIMULATOR NAME, set use_sim_time true
  • remove debug code
  • publich /clock from rsangle when /use_sim_time is true
  • add euslisp interface for CollisionDetectorService.idl #37
  • Comment out camera port connection in the simulator because it lacks lack versatility
  • Changed StateHolder name from StateHolder to sh. Modified rviz argument from --sync to -sync. In electric, rviz may not work correctly.
  • add
  • adopted hrpsys_dashboard to fuerte.
  • fix virtual force sensor setup
  • check High Temperature
  • mv SensorInfo to Impl, add virtual force sensor information
  • support virtual_force_sensor option
  • split into and
  • add calib done, power on, servo alarm message to diagnostics
  • add motor section
  • write motor status to diagnostic
  • add power indicator
  • send servo alarm
  • fix : update for hrpsys-base update
  • update for hrpsys-base update
  • fix hrpsys_profile, clean up codes
  • fix gyrometer and gsensor to use TimedAcceleratoin3D and TimedAngularVelocity3D
  • add darwin-vrml-file-path to reduce webots dependent path description
  • use ros::resolve-ros-path instead of defined function get-rospack-find-str
  • fix only indent
  • fix file-name probing committed at r3127 ;; probe-file webots original vrml file instead of generated openhrp3 path
  • ignore if DARwInOp.proto is not found
  • set default rate to 10 ; this process consumes cpu power so much
  • pre calculate sensor tf information
  • remove old features, diagnositcs and JointTempleture, now we can you and servoState
  • add extra_data for hrpsys-base revision 417
  • read force sensor size and name from model file
  • fix due to hrpsys update
  • clean up code, add error handling code
  • add, diagnostics_aggregator and hrpsys_profile
  • add
  • set red icon if servo off
  • fix servoState data type from TimedLongSeq -> TimedLongSeqSeq
  • fix servoState data type from TimedLongSeq -> TimedLongSeqSeq
  • specify simulator and robothardware names by using SIMULATOR_NAME
  • fix usage of StateHolder ;; use qIn and qOut as reference angle-vector value ;; fix related launch files
  • round time value ;; we assume time stamp in walk2m.pos is integer
  • use rootlink_name, since calling bodyinfo->links() in onExecute consumes memory?
  • call goActual before servo on
  • serv off is not error
  • add Mode
  • add to publish /Mode/Operating Mode/{Servo On,Servo Off}
  • pusblish odom->bodyinfo->links()[0].segments[0].name
  • fix HRP4C walk2m.pos data path
  • fix HRP4C model path
  • add servoState
  • add servoState
  • fix typo hrpsys_dashboarad -> hrpsys_dashboard
  • fix servo on/servo off
  • use OpenRTM timer for publish ROS message
  • fix link_name -> name for new openhrp3 3.1.3
  • use args for
  • fix params robot_monitor
  • add robot_monitor and diagnostic.yaml
  • add hrpsys_dashboarad
  • add depends to dashboard/robot_monitor
  • add diagnostics_pub
  • use hrpEC
  • start up DataLoggerService in hrpsys ros bridge launch
  • add save log method
  • add KILL_SERVERS arguments to samplerobot_startup.launch
  • support KILL_SERVERS argument, set false as default
  • subscribe motor_states in initializatoin ;; add :temperature-vector
  • define rtm-ros-robot-interface to use hrpsys_ros_bridge dependent codes
  • add MotorStates.msg and publish it in HrpsysSeqRosBridge
  • remove webots from depends and add add_custom_command to download the sourcecode
  • reverted to r2951 for my mistake
  • check warning only for non-eistence movie or image
  • fixed index.rst and conflict problem
  • use baseTform instead of pose to obtain base link transformation from StateHolder
  • add JointTemperature data port ;; this data port does not work if Joint Temperature is input
  • update index.rst, by Jenkins
  • add manipulator for Yaskawa robot
  • fix: upport manipulator definition when export-collada, HRP4C is the example
  • support manipulator definition when export-collada, HRP4C is the example
  • make build/images for rostest
  • comment out torque reading printing by default
  • add data port for actual torques ;; rename original out data port for torque as mctorque ;; publish joint_states.effort based on rstorque
  • publish /fullbody_controller/state according to mcangle data port
  • rename compile_collada_robot->compile_collada_model
  • move compile_openhrp_model,compile_collada_robot to cmake/compile_robot_model.cmake
  • remove unused m_angle data port
  • increase max-time for gr001
  • fix typo hr001->gr001
  • increase time-limit
  • increse time-limit
  • increase time-limit
  • update samplerobot in house example to use grxui
  • fix video tag for rviz
  • fix for old cmake version issue #22
  • fix typo, errors
  • add to generate pr2.xml and pr2.conf
  • generate conf file from wrl for openhrp3 model
  • fix dependency
  • mv smartpal5.yaml yaskawasmartpal5.yaml
  • update CMakeLists.txt in order to run compile_robot sequentially, since this target use rostest and we could not run multiple rostest at the same time
  • fix xml
  • update launch script for eclipse-free hrpsys simulation
  • update make file to use _gen_project.launch to generate project file from model file
  • update documents
  • use copy for YasukawaSmartPal5
  • enable Camera of darwin.vcg avoid segfo in lucid
  • fix makefile for YasukawaSmartPal5
  • update launch documents
  • rtm-naming-restart now do not ru omniNaming in background, so that rosmake can easily kill rtm-naming
  • fix typo ;; openhrp -> openhrp3
  • use openhrp3_PACKAGE_PATH : try to call _stop_rtmnaming.launch at the end of the make test, to stop omniNames that confuses rosmake system
  • try to call _stop_rtmnaming.launch at the end of the make test, to stop omniNames that confuses rosmake system
  • revert to previous revision ;; ros name server must initialize before RTCsvn diff src/
  • fix order of member variables initialization
  • fix: rosbuild_download_data use download_checkmd5, wrong previous commit -> use download_checkmd5 instad of rosbuild_donwnload_data to try to download multiple times when fail
  • use download_checkmd5 instad of rosbuild_donwnload_data to try to download multiple times when fail
  • update test script
  • use video directive
  • add dependency on pr2eus because euslisp codes and msgs of pr2eus are used in examples
  • update launch script for new
  • update time-limit
  • fix test setup for max-time
  • fix max-time for new jenkins machine
  • fix max-time
  • add off-pose
  • change reset-pose, in order not to collide with table
  • change service play pattern
  • remove waitforClockGenerator
  • update time-limit for gr001
  • update gr001.launch
  • update time-limit
  • update gr001 sample program
  • add gr001.launch to test
  • add GR001 model from choreonoid
  • set time-limit to 600
  • add pr2.launch to rostest
  • set ORBgiopMaxMsgSize to 2M to 20M
  • do not error when length of rsangle is larger then that of body->joints
  • remove retry option from test tag
  • fix dependency
  • fix dependency when downloading yaskawa model
  • path of robot-interface.l has changed
  • fix dependency
  • remove debug code
  • remove pr2 from test
  • add dirty patch
  • fix wait for ModelLoader code
  • fix check-tf
  • add debug message
  • add lfsensor and rfsensor
  • wait until ModelLoader is up
  • remove debug code
  • fix debug code
  • remove debug code
  • add pr2.launch for rostset
  • clean up code
  • fix camera position
  • fix path of webots robot directory ;; projects -> resources/projects
  • remove webots nodes if openhrp-node-name is not specified ;; does not export Receiver and Emitter to openhrp vrml
  • capitalize bottom, side, and top fields of cylinder
  • remove subdivision field from Cylinder Node in webots vrml because subdivision field does not exist in default VRML specification
  • add definition of Receiver PROTO and Emitter PROTO refering to reference.pdf in webots_simulator
  • fix path of darwin proto
  • rename webots -> webots_simulator because original directories or webots-ros-pkg are updated
  • use --nosim mode for pr2_startup
  • rename webots -> webots_simulator because original directories or webots-ros-pkg are updated
  • fix typo
  • add darwin-walk-data and update darwin sample ;; init -> walk -> pickup -> arm-up pose
  • remove unnecessary timestep argument ;; darwin simulation does not require this parameter by default at recent version
  • add angle-vector-for-seq-debug version instead of angle-vector-sequence version for hrp4c-walk debug
  • fix linear mode check ;; use :linear instead of linear
  • fix linear mode check ;; use :linear instead of linear
  • add raw service call for seq\'s waitInterpolation and setJointAngles
  • add hrp4c-walk in hrp4c-pickup sample script
  • setPreempted on Finalize
  • remove debug code
  • support angle-vector-sequence and wait-interpolation
  • lengthen max-time for hrp4c test
  • speed up darwin demo
  • add fullbody pickup sample for hrp4c robot ;; use hrp4c-fullbody-pickup by default
  • update hrp4c end-coords definitions
  • update darwin simulation
  • update for new visualization layout
  • add config for rviz
  • fix euslisp code for better visualization
  • update hrp4c.vcg
  • remove debug code
  • set timestep 0.005 for darwin
  • add pr2 simulation on openhrp3
  • add joint_state.velocity
  • update max-time
  • update documents for smartpal5.launch
  • add smartpal5.launch to rostest
  • support any size of input image
  • set max-time to 40 for dynamics simulated robot, 10 for no-sim robot
  • fix debug message
  • update darwin script
  • add arg OUTPUT
  • update launch files
  • add dependency to image_view2
  • fix euslisp model location
  • add smartpal5.yaml
  • add smartpal5 launch files
  • add to download yasukawa model
  • update webotsvrml2openhrp3vrml according to changing directory
  • move webotsvrml2openhrp3vrml from models to scrips
  • add scripts/webotsvrml2openhrp3vrml.l
  • move darwin.yaml from scripts to models
  • move model files from hrpsys to hrpsys_ros_bridge
  • add pa10, darwin, damplerobot launch example, rename file name based on description written in manifest.xml
  • add pa10, darwin, damplerobot launch example, rename file name based on description written in manifest.xml
  • wait until model loader is available
  • fix document
  • fix xml syntax
  • add hrp4c-nosim-pickup.launch and update hrp4c-pickup.l
  • remove hrp4c-example.launch
  • update launch description
  • fix max-time to 20
  • enable to specify service-name
  • update debug message
  • update hrp4c-*.launch files
  • rename file name from test-hrp4c-*.launch to hrp4c-*.launch
  • fix xml syntax error
  • fix documnets
  • add test files
  • rename hrp4crobot-pickup -> hrp4c-pickup
  • remove test directory use rosdoc and launchfiles
  • add rtm-ros-robot-interface including ros::service-call and use it in roseus samples ;; rtm-ros-robot-interface will support idl<->srv conversion
  • use require instead of load for model loading
  • add sendmsg service to Hrpsysseqstaterosbridge using dynamic_reconfigure srv
  • move darwin\'s hrpsys.launch file to hrpsys_ros_bridge
  • fix hrp4c.test and CMakeList.txt
  • add darwin sample launch files and script
  • add test program for hrpsys_ros_bridge
  • add rostest hrp4c.test and generate-document.test
  • update hrpsys_ros_bridge.launch : remove SimulationEC from openrtm_args and rename rtmlaunch to hrplaunch_hrpsys_ros_bridge
  • revert previsou commit
  • update hrp4c.vcg
  • changed nodes in hrpsys_ros_bridge to not link SimulationEC, these nodes are not real-time
  • current good connection script for hrp4r
  • add connection script for hrpsys_ros_bridge on real robot
  • unit of Update Intealval is [sec]
  • changed robot super class, from ros-interface to robot-interface
  • add --nosim launch file for hrp4c
  • add pickup demo for hrp4c
  • fix : forget to call spinOnce
  • use Update Interval 1 for Robot Model and TF
  • update darwin_ros_bridge.launch to use hrpsys_ros_bridge.launch
  • fix compile warning
  • fix wrong commit
  • clean up HrpsysSeqStateROSBridge
  • pusblish tf and others at the hrpsys cycle rate
  • add --sync
  • add SCHEDULER_ARGS argument support
  • fix to pass SCHEDULER_ARGS argument
  • fix debug message
  • clean up launch files, hrpsys/launch contains example for OpenHRP3.1 and hrpsys_ros_bridge/launch contains example for openhrp-scedular and ros bridge
  • move openhrp + ros integration example under hrpsys_ros_bridge
  • rename main_withHands to HiroNX
  • add hiro-nx example
  • add debug message to show \@Initialize
  • change samplerobot_hrpsys_ros_bridge to use hrpsys.launch
  • add rviz, image_proc, image_view, camshiftdemo in samplerobot_ros_bridge.launch
  • remove openhrp3 from manifest, this is writtin in hrpsys/manifest.xml
  • fix ROBOT_NAME from HRP-4C to HRP4
  • fix samplerobot_ros_bridge.launch to include hrpsys_ros_bridge.launch
  • add debug message
  • update .launch files, .dae files goes to hrpsys/scripts, AbsTransformToPosRpy is launched from hrpsys.launch, update opertm_args to use SimulationEC
  • update skip paramater
  • link SimulationEC
  • add depend package rviz to manifest.xml
  • add hrpsys_ros_bridge
  • add launch/darwin_ros_bridge.launch
  • add ImageSensorROSBRidge to hrp4 simulation
  • add rviz configuration file for samplerobot
  • fix to avoid segfualt error when grxui does not publish data
  • add frame_id, and fill dummy camera_info param, publish effort and use wait-interpolation
  • publish sensor pose through tf::TransformBroadcaster
  • add ImageSensorROSBridge
  • add samplerobot_ros_bridge.launch
  • update HrpsysSeqStateROSBridge read pose and publish as tf
  • update use /odom as root frame
  • add rviz configuration files for pa10 and hrp4c
  • add pa10_ros_bridge.launch
  • update to HrpsysSeqStateROSBridge
  • update hrpsysStatePublihser, to work with robot_state_publisher
  • rename hrprtc -> hrpsys
  • rename hrprtc_ros_bridge -> hrpsys_ros_bridge
  • Contributors:, Isao Isaac Saito, Kei Okada, Ryohei Ueda,, garaemon,,, ik0313,, kei.okada,, manabu1118,,,, notheworld,, nozawa,, tnaka,\,, youhei,

Wiki Tutorials

See ROS Wiki Tutorials for more details.

Source Tutorials

Not currently indexed.

Launch files

  • test/hrpsys-samples/test_samplerobot_euslisp_unittests.launch
    • =*- mode: xml -*-
      • NOSIM [default: false]
      • GUI [default: false]
      • RUN_RVIZ [default: false]
      • NOSIM [default: $(arg NOSIM)]
      • GUI [default: $(arg GUI)]
      • RUN_RVIZ [default: $(arg RUN_RVIZ)]
      • corbaport [default: 2809]
      • USE_UNSTABLE_RTC [default: true]
      • USE_EMERGENCYSTOPPER [default: true]
      • USE_REFERENCEFORCEUPDATER [default: true]
  • test/test-compile-robot.launch
  • test/test-samplerobot-hcf.launch
      • corbaport [default: 2809]
      • GUI [default: false]
      • RUN_RVIZ [default: false]
      • USE_UNSTABLE_RTC [default: true]
  • test/test-euslisp-without-ros-bridge.launch
    • This test is named *.launch to be excluded from catkin_install_run_tests
  • launch/robot_pose_ekf.launch
      • base_link [default: BODY]
  • launch/hrpsys_ros_bridge.launch
      • MODEL_FILE
      • CONF_FILE [default: ]
      • BASE_LINK [default: BODY]
      • SIMULATOR_NAME [default: RobotHardware0]
      • INSTALL_ROBOT_DESCRIPTION [default: true]
      • DEBUG_HRPSYS [default: false]
      • USE_DIAGNOSTICS [default: true]
      • USE_ROBOT_POSE_EKF [default: true]
      • USE_COMMON [default: true]
      • USE_ROBOTHARDWARE [default: false]
      • USE_WALKING [default: false]
      • USE_COLLISIONCHECK [default: true]
      • USE_IMPEDANCECONTROLLER [default: false]
      • USE_GRASPCONTROLLER [default: false]
      • USE_SERVOCONTROLLER [default: false]
      • USE_TORQUECONTROLLER [default: false]
      • USE_SOFTERRORLIMIT [default: true]
      • USE_TORQUEFILTER [default: false]
      • USE_IMAGESENSOR [default: false]
      • USE_EMERGENCYSTOPPER [default: false]
      • USE_REFERENCEFORCEUPDATER [default: false]
      • USE_HRPSYS_PROFILE [default: true]
      • USE_VELOCITY_OUTPUT [default: false] — true: output actual velocity / false: output differential value of actual postition as /joint_states/velocity
      • PUBLISH_SENSOR_TF [default: true]
      • nameserver [default: localhost]
      • corbaport [default: 15005]
      • managerport [default: 2810]
      • periodic_rate [default: 2000]
      • omniorb_args [default: -ORBInitRef NameService=corbaloc:iiop:$(arg nameserver):$(arg corbaport)/NameService]
      • openrtm_args [default: -o "corba.master_manager:$(arg nameserver):$(arg managerport)" -o "corba.nameservers:$(arg nameserver):$(arg corbaport)" -o "naming.formats:%n.rtc" -o "exec_cxt.periodic.type:PeriodicExecutionContext" -o "exec_cxt.periodic.rate:$(arg periodic_rate)" -o "logger.file_name:/tmp/rtc%p.log"]
      • subscription_type [default: new]
      • push_policy [default: all]
      • push_rate [default: 50.0]
      • buffer_length [default: 8]
      • OUTPUT [default: screen]
      • ROBOT_TYPE [default: ]
      • USE_ROBOT_TYPE_SETTING [default: false]
  • launch/robot_monitor.launch
      • check_core_temps [default: False]
      • check_ipmi_tool [default: False]
      • check_nfs [default: False]
      • enforce_clock_speed [default: False]
      • num_cores [default: 4]
  • launch/samplerobot_startup-grxui.launch
      • KILL_SERVERS [default: false]
      • KILL_SERVERS [default: $(arg KILL_SERVERS)]
  • launch/collision_detector.launch
    • launch collision detctor as solo program for rviz display
      • nameserver [default: localhost]
      • corbaport [default: 15005]
      • managerport [default: 2810]
      • SIMULATOR_NAME [default: RobotHardware0]
      • omniorb_args [default: -ORBInitRef NameService=corbaloc:iiop:$(arg nameserver):$(arg corbaport)/NameService]
      • openrtm_args [default: -o "corba.master_manager:$(arg nameserver):$(arg managerport)" -o "corba.nameservers:$(arg nameserver):$(arg corbaport)" -o "naming.formats:%n.rtc" -o "exec_cxt.periodic.type:PeriodicExecutionContext" -o "exec_cxt.periodic.rate:2000" -o "logger.file_name:/tmp/collision_detector%p.log"]
      • MODEL_FILE [default: /opt/jsk/etc/HIRONX/model/main.wrl]
      • CONF_FILE
      • RUN_COLLISION_STATE [default: true]
  • launch/samplerobot-grxui.launch
      • KILL_SERVERS [default: false]
      • KILL_SERVERS [default: $(arg KILL_SERVERS)]
  • launch/samplerobot_ros_bridge-grxui.launch


Recent questions tagged hrpsys_ros_bridge at Robotics Stack Exchange

Package Summary

Tags No category tags.
Version 1.4.3
License BSD
Build type CATKIN

Repository Summary

Checkout URI
VCS Type git
VCS Version master
Last Updated 2023-08-04
CI status Continuous Integration
Tags No category tags.
Contributing Help Wanted (0)
Good First Issues (0)
Pull Requests to Review (0)

Package Description

hrpsys_ros_bridge package provides basic functionalities to bind

Additional Links


  • Kei Okada


  • Kei Okada



hrpsys_ros_bridge is a package to connect hrpsys <>_ (OpenRTM-based controller) system and ROS system.

This package contains ROSBridge to hrpsys, cmake_libraries, launch files, Euslisp interface, and examples.


ROSBridge here is a ROS node to bridge hrpsys system and ROS system.

You might want to check other "bridging" software in ROS too such as:

- `rosbridge_suite <>`_ provides a JSON API to ROS functionality for non-ROS programs.
- `rtmbuild <>`_ Provides a ROS-like compile and launch script for `OpenRTM`.

You can use OpenRTM resources from ROS interface, e.g., use OpenRTM Data Ports through ROS Topic and OpenRTM Servie Ports through ROS Service. The following table shows the corresponding concepts for the 2 worlds.

Process ROS Node RTC
Data connection Topic Data Port
RPC connection Service Service Port
  • HrpsysSeqStateROSBridge :
    Publish ROS topics by reading RTC's data ports.

Send ROS JointTrajectory service to SequencePlayer.rtc by its service ports.

  1. Generated ROSBridges:

openrtm_ros_bridge is the ROS bridge for example code in openrtm_aist and hrpsys_ros_bridge provides ROS bridge for hrpsys package.

These bridges ROS service to OpenRTM service port.

For example all idl files in hrpsys is coped to hrpsys_ros_bridge/idl/*.idl, and it generates cpp codes in hrpsys_ros_bridge/src_gen/*.cpp and built binaries in hrpsys_ros_bridge/[bin,lib].

cmake libraries

hrpsys_ros_bridge/cmake/compile_robot_model.cmake is a CMake file to convert robot model file format.

launch files

hrpsys_ros_bridge/launch/hrpsys_ros_bridge.launch is a launch file to invoke ROSBridges and connect them with RTCs.

Euslisp interface

Euslisp Interface



Euslisp Examples

Euslisp example


Changelog for package hrpsys_ros_bridge

1.4.3 (2020-04-20)

  • Adapt README for melodic & fix style of README & fix to run on melodic (#1090)
  • use setJointAnglesOfGroup() and playPattern(), use clearJointAngles() with test (#1071)
    • Fix swapping of clear and clearJointAngles
    • Add comments to clarify when stopping motion is executed
    • Tell getting new goal from cancel
    • setJointANglesSequenceOfGroup has bugs as of 315.15.0, use old API intead see
    • add more debug info for #765
    • use setJointAnglesOfGroup() and playPattern(), use clearJointAngles()
    • add code to get hrpsys rtc version, thakns to \@n-ando
    • Add two points trajectory to test of joint trajectory action cancel
    • Add comment on two points trajectory to samplerobot test of joint trajectory action goal overwrite
    • Add two points trajectory to PA10 test of joint trajectory action goal overwrite
    • Add test for joint trajectory action cancel overwrite with samplerobot
    • Add test for joint trajectory action goal overwrite with PA10
    • Add test for joint trajectory action cancel with PA10
  • [HrpsysSeqStateROSBridge] output joint_state/velocity (#1069)
    • [hrpsys_ros_bridge.launch] add comment to USE_VELOCITY_OUTPUT
    • [hrpsys_ros_bridge] Add test of joint_states/velocity
  • [rtm-ros-robot-interface.l] fix bug of :motor-extra-data (#1066)
  • [rtm-ros-robot-interface.l] add method :set-ref-force-moment to rtm-ros-robot-interface class (#1045)
    • add method :set-ref-force-moment to rtm-ros-robot-interface class
    • [hrpsys_ros_bridge] Add test of :set-ref-force-moment
  • Remove all ros::object slots in def-set-get-param-method (#1060)
  • Set time_from_start to feedback of joint trajectory action with tests (#1073)
    • prev_traj_tm -> traj_start_tm
    • Stop feedback when trajectory is completed
    • Set time_from_start to feedback of joint trajectory action
    • Add test of feedback from joint trajectory action with samplerobot
    • Add test of feedback from joint trajectory action with PA10
  • Re-enable & fix euslisp test on travis (#1085)
    • [hrpsys_ros_bridge] fix bug in samplerobot-sequence-player.l
    • To speed up travis jobs having euslisp tests, stop other tests
  • Try to run multiple hrpsys simulation environments (#1054)
    • add manager port arg in default launch templates
    • re-add omniorb_args for backward compatibility
    • change to use omniorb_args -> openrtm_args
    • support any RTCManager port num
    • update ros bridge launch files
  • [] fix argument of rospy.loginfo ( #1055)
  • fix def-set-get-param-method in rtm-ros-robot-interface.l (#1053)
    • fix def-set-get-param-method in rtm-ros-robot-interface.l
    • add forgotten argument of string= in the last commit
  • [hrpsys_ros_brdge] fix time-limit for test (#1057)
  • Fix less than one sec (#1042)
    • [hrpsys_ros_bridge] change abs to std::abs for trajectory_action when it received trajectory less than 1.0 sec
    • [hrpsys_ros_bridge] add test for trajectory_action when it received trajectory less than 1.0 sec
  • fix typo in stop-rfu-no-wait (#1044)
  • use 2899/2898 for corbaport, since omniorb-nameserver forcestarted nameserver as default port 2809 when they\'re first installed (#1043)
  • Update GaitGenerator/ReferenceForceUpdater methods (#1040)
    • [hrpsys_ros_bridge/euslisp/rtm-ros-robot-interface.l] Add method to configure toe heel phase ration automatically in GaitGeneratorParam.
    • [hrpsys_ros_bridge/euslisp/rtm-ros-robot-interface.l] Update method for new ReferenceForceUpdater functionalities (
    • [hrpsys_ros_bridge/euslisp/rtm-ros-robot-interface.l] Add method to print RTCs\' parameters in more readable style using print-object.
  • Add method to print RTCs\' parameters in more readable style using print-object. (#1039)
  • Contributors: Guilherme Affonso, Kei Okada, Naoki Hiraoka, Shintaro Komatsu, Shun Hasegawa, Shunichi Nozawa, Yohei Kakiuchi, Yasuhiro Ishiguro

1.4.2 (2017-12-22)

  • add test to check #1036 situation (#1038)
  • duration == 0.0 results unexpected behavior, so force set 0.001 when duration == 0 s set (#1037 )
  • Contributors: Kei Okada

1.4.1 (2017-10-25)

  • Update of
    • Connect ReferenceForceUpdater\'s ref_force (#1033)
      • [hrpsys_ros_bridge/scripts/] connect reference force port to ReferenceForceUpdater or EmergencyStopper if exists.
    • Add wait for rmfo and vs (#1029)
      • [hrpsys_ros_bridge,] add wait for initalizinig all components
  • HrpsysSeqStateROSBridge (#1027)
    • [HrpsysSeqStateROSBridge] fix for using virtual force sensor
  • Update rtm-ros-robot-interface.l (#1030)
    • [hrpsys_ros_bridge/euslisp/rtm-ros-robot-interface.l] Add documentation string for new arguments (set-ref-force-linear-p, return-value-mode)
    • [hrpsys_ros_bridge/euslisp/rtm-ros-robot-interface.l] Add argument to set linear interpolation during increasing force
    • [hrpsys_ros_bridge/euslisp/rtm-ros-robot-interface.l] Enable to set return value mode
    • [hrpsys_ros_bridge/euslisp/rtm-ros-robot-interface.l] Enable to get fric coefficient wrench add update print messages
    • [hrpsys_ros_bridge/euslisp/rtm-ros-robot-interface.l] Update otd checking loop for moment. Exit from do-until-key loop immediately when otd detection. Fix valiables for set ref force
    • [hrpsys_ros_bridge/euslisp/rtm-ros-robot-interface.l] Use euslisp symbol as detector total wrench parameter
    • [hrpsys_ros_bridge/euslisp/rtm-ros-robot-interface.l] Enable to access detector total wrench as euslisp symbol.
    • [hrpsys_ros_bridge/euslisp/rtm-ros-robot-interface.l] Update otd checking loop. Exit from do-until-key loop immediately when otd detection.
  • Contributors: MasakiMurooka, Shunichi Nozawa, YoheiKakiuchi

1.4.0 (2017-08-09)

  • display error message when body->sensor(j, i) is null (#1014)
  • : add more debug message (#1015)
  • Update AutoBalancer and ReferenceForceUpdater euslisp method symbols (#1026)
    • [hrpsys_ros_bridge/euslisp/rtm-ros-robot-interface.l] Supprot :FootOriginExtMoment for RFU methods.
    • [hrpsys_ros_bridge/euslisp/rtm-ros-robot-interface.l] Support UseForceMode setting as euslisp symbol in :set-auto-balancer-param.
  • fix code to run both Indido and Kinetic (#1025)
    • /test/test-samplerobot-hcf.launch: increase time-limit to 600
    • test/{,} support both pr2_controllers_msgs and controllr_msgs
    • src/hrpsys_ros_bridge/ fix for qt5
    • add USE_PR2_CONTROLLERS_MSGS definition
    • CMakeLists.txt : we do not use pr2_msgs on build time
    • CMakeLists.txt : remove code to download wet pr2_controllers_msgs for groovy
  • Support stride parameter with different length (#1022)
    • [hrpsys_ros_bridge/euslisp/rtm-ros-robot-interface.l] Support stride_parameter of different length
    • [hrpsys_ros_bridge/test/hrpsys-samples/samplerobot-auto-balancer.l] Add test to check stride parameter 4 and 6
  • [HrpsysSeqStateROSBridge] fix stamp of joint_state. add stamp after reading m_rsangle (#1019)
    • [HrpsysSeqStateROSBridge] fix stamp of joint_state. add stamp after reading m_rsangle
  • [HrpsysSeqStateROSBridge] remove subtraction magic number (#1013)
    • [HrpsysSeqStateROSBridge] remove subtraction magic number
  • Support argumen t for setting duration of calibration. For :remove-xx methods, 8.0 by default[s]. For :reset-xx methods, 0.1[s] by default for compatibility (#1011)
    • [hrpsys_ros_bridge/euslisp/rtm-ros-robot-interface.l] Support argument for setting duration of calibration. For :remove-xx methods, 8.0 by default[s]. For :reset-xx methods, 0.1[s] by default for compatibility
  • Add new methods for :remove-force-sensor-offset using RMFO (#1010)
    • [hrpsys_ros_bridge/euslisp/rtm-ros-robot-interface.l] Add new methods for :remove-force-sensor-offset using RMFO. Add warning message for deprecated remove-force methods.
  • Update euslisp hrpsysbase samples (#1009)
    • [hrpsys_ros_bridge/test/hrpsys-samples] Add README for Euslisp hrpsys example basically copied from ros wiki (
    • [hrpsys_ros_bridge/test/hrpsys-samples/samplerobot-carry-object.l] Update carry demo euslisp sample.
    • [hrpsys_ros_bridge/test/hrpsys-samples/samplerobot-stabilizer.l] Update stabilizer euslisp sample according to hrpsys-base stabilizer sample update.
  • Fix bug of sample4leg robot end-coords setting for arms. (#1008)
    • [hrpsys_ros_bridge/models/sample4legrobot.yaml] Fix bug of sample4legrobot end-coords setting for arms.
  • Update project generator and refforce (#1007)
    • [hrpsys_ros_bridge/euslisp] Update README for openhrp-project-generator
    • [hrpsys_ros_bridge/euslisp/rtm-ros-robot-interface.l] Fix orientation for openhrp-project-generator
    • [hrpsys_ros_bridge/euslisp/rtm-ros-robot-interface.l] Update for object turnaround detection to use initial ref forces
    • [hrpsys_ros_bridge/euslisp/rtm-ros-robot-interface.l] Update dump function for openhrp project generator. Use openhrp-project-generator in openhrp3 package instead of _gen_project.launch
  • Add forgotten update for robot.launch ( (#1005)
  • set USE_UNSTABLE_RTC as not all unstable rtc defiend in, just for basic walking test, other latest development rtc is passed by arg (#1004)
    • set USE_UNSTABLE_RTC as not getUnstableRTC defined in, it is for a basic walking test, other latest development rtc is passed by arg from test_samplerobot_euslisp_unittests.launch
    • [hrpsys_ros_bridge/launch/hrpsys_ros_bridge.launch,hrpsys_ros_bridge/scripts/,hrpsys_ros_bridge/euslisp/rtm-ros-robot-interface.l,hrpsys_tools/launch/hrpsys.launch] Update for ObjectTurnaroundDetector RTC. add USE_REFERENCEFORCEUDPATER and USE_OBJECTCONTACTTURNAROUNDDETECTOR.
  • Contributors: Kei Okada, Shunichi Nozawa, Yohei Kakiuchi

1.3.3 (2017-02-12)

  • HrpsysSeqStateROSBridge.cpp
    • HrpsysSeqStateROSBridge occurs error if number of force sensor is different with size of contact states. fix number of force sensor (#982)
    • Revert \"[HrpsysSeqStateROSBridge] fix number of force sensor\" #984
    • Separate offset-removed force sensor data ports from rsforce, which is actual and non-offset-removed data port. Currently rsforce ports -> rsforce ports + offforce ports. (#964)
    • Fixed mistake of sensor_link_name, when robot has only virturl force sonsors (#945)
  • HrpsysJointTrajectoryBridge.cpp
    • publish feedback for joint_trajectory_actions (#966)
  • hrpsys_ros_bridge/launch/hrpsys_ros_bridge.launch
    • Add argument to change buffer length of rtmlaunch connection. Set 8 by default (default setting in openrtm). (#980)
    • fix model filename. Enable cache in ModelLoader, filename should be same as in .conf file. (#978)
  • euslisp
    • [rtm-ros-robot-interface.l] refactor torque-controller interface (#994)
    • Update sequencefull unit system and arguments (#988)
      • changed arguments of angle-vector-sequence-full see #985
      • [hrpsys-samples/samplerobot-sequence-player.l] Add test for angle-vector-sequence-full (check validity)
      • [rtm-ros-robot-interface.l] Use root-coords and zmp in the abs frame and convert them inside the :angle-vector-sequence-full
      • [rtm-ros-robot-interface.l] Introduce fsensor length for wrench and optionals
      • [rtm-ros-robot-interface.l] Use [mm] and [deg/s] instead of [m] and [rad/s] for vel, pos, and zmp.
      • [rtm-ros-robot-interface.l] Use [deg] instead of [rad] for jpos argument and remove jvs arg.
      • [rtm-ros-robot-interface.l] Use tm as [ms], previously [s].
    • [tm-ros-robot-interface.l] Update :reset-force-moment-offset to use :off force/moment vector (#983)
    • [tm-ros-robot-interface.l] Added a missing keyword in def-set-get-method for TorqueControllerService. (#972)
    • [tm-ros-robot-interface.l] Add euslisp interface for torque controller (#965)
    • [datalogger-log-parser.l] Modify unit of cogvel [m] -> [mm] for euslisp (#960)
    • [rtm-ros-robot-interface.l] Add get-go-pos-footsteps-sequence in rtm-ros-robot-interface.l and add test (#965)
    • [rtm-ros-robot-interface.l] Update frame of wrench. Previously, wrench frame is mismatch with documentation string. Previous : local -> new : world. (#963)
    • [rtm-ros-robot-interface.l] Add eefm force moment distribution weight parameter. (#958)
    • [rtm-ros-robot-interface.l] add Eus interface of SequencePlayserService_setJointAnglesSequenceFull and add test in test/hrpsys-samples/samplerobot-sequence-player.l (#954)
    • [datalogger-log-parser.l] Add sh reference force and support both rpy and 3x3 matrix for WAIST log(#956)
    • [rtm-ros-robot-interface.l] update rfu interface for idl changed in (#952)
    • [datalogger-log-parser.l] Use joint-list length for datalogger joint angle conversion. (#953)
      • Add simulation actual root coords reading and check for existance of RobotHardware0_servoState in datalogger. Fix setting of simulators\' data parser names.
      • Use joint-list length for datalogger joint angle conversion.
    • [rtm-ros-robot-interface.l] make directory for log files (#951)
  • [scripts/] Add nameserver argument for ros_bridge.launch (#950)
  • [test/hrpsys-samples/samplerobot-stabilizer.l] Update loadPattern sample because add-optional-data-from-rs-list is included in dump-seq-pattern-file (#959)
  • Contributors: Ryo Koyama, Kei Okada, Noriaki Takasugi, Ryo Terasawa, Shunichi Nozawa, Yohei Kakiuchi, Yoshimaru Tanaka, Iori Kumagai, Iori Yanokura, Juntaro Tamura

1.3.2 (2016-04-26)

  • [fix] getFootStepParam interface according to upstream change. Remove rleg_coords and lleg_coords.
  • [fix] HrpsysSeqStateROSBridgeImpl.cpp: sensor->localR is world coords
  • [fix] Modified HrpsysSeqStateROSBridgeImpl to enable virtual force
  • [fix] [rtm-ros-robot-interface.l] add time constant prameter according to upstream idl update
  • [fix] [hrpsys_ros_bridge] Fix genjava problem by adding message_generation as build_depend
  • [fix] getFootStepParam interface according to upstream change. Remove rleg_coords and lleg_coords.
  • [fix] [hrpsys_ros_bridge]change D if D from hrpsys is empty
  • [feat] [hrpsys_ros_bridge/test/] add test programs to check frame_id of off_xxsensor and ref_xxsensor (#940)
  • [feat] Set /robot/type param according to lower-case robot name such as samplerobot.
  • [feat] [hrpsys_ros_bridge/test/test-samplerobot.*] add a test program for init of hcf
  • [feat] fix collision visualization, color of sphere will be purple if collision occur
  • [feat] .travis.yml : add test when old hrpsys-ros-bridge exists (#929)
  • [feat] [hrpsys_ros_bridge/euslisp/rtm-ros-robot-interface.l] Add check for param existence for def-set-get-param-method to neglect idl mismatch error. Fix indent. (#933)
  • [feat] [hrpsys_ros_bridge/euslisp/rtm-ros-robot-interface.l] Add reference force updater euslisp methods.
  • [feat] [hrpsys_ros_bridge/euslisp/rtm-ros-robot-interface.l] Add object turnaround detector moment version interface.l
  • [feat] Add define controller #887
  • [feat] Add leg limb controller setting.
  • [feat] Add method to define joint trajectory controller by default setting.
  • [feat] Add gopos overwrite and graspless manip mode to all demos
  • [feat] Add example for graspless manip mode and gopos overwrite.
  • [feat] Add euslisp interface for graspless manip mode.
  • [feat] add a set-default-step-time-with-the-same-swing-time method
  • [feat] add time constant prameter according to upstream idl update
  • [feat] Add HrpsysSeqStateROSBridge tf rate test
  • [feat] enable virtual force in HrpsysSeqStateROSBridgeImpl
  • [feat] Enable to set subscription_type for DataPorts from hrpsys_ros_bridge.launch argument. Use new by default to keep backward compatibility.
  • [feat] Add loading of optionalData from seq pattern file.
  • [improve] add more mesage to prevent confusion
  • [improve] Add setting for ReferenceForceUpdater
  • [improve] Reset object turnaround detector\'s detector total wrench mode as TOTAL_FORCE in force estimation.
  • [improve] Enable to set push_policy and push_rate for DataPorts from hrpsys_ros_bridge.launch argument. Use all and 50.0 by default to keep backward compatibility.
  • [improve] Rename tf extract script for test and add comments for that
  • [improve] add arguments(SIMULATOR_NAME_[ANGLE,VELOCITY,TORQUE]) to hrpsys_ros_bridge.launch, for connecting rtc components other than RobotHardware
  • [improve] add time constant prameter according to u... #910
  • [improve] add argument to set periodic time for object turning detection.
  • [improve] define method to set/get emergency-stopper-paramMerge pull request #865
  • [improve] Suppress /tf publishing rate by tf_rate using Timer callback in ros.
  • [improve] Separate updating odometry and imu into functions
  • [improve] Update st param #894
  • [improve] add eefm_swing_rot_spring_gain / eefm_swing_pos_spring_gain as st param
  • [improve] Update joint group and add test for limb controller
  • [doc] [hrpsys_ros_bridge/euslisp/rtm-ros-robot-interface.l] In-code documentation improvement
  • [doc] [hrpsys_ros_bridge/euslisp/rtm-ros-robot-interface.l] Set default documentation string for def-set-get-param-method setter and getter.
  • [doc] [hrpsys_ros_bridge/euslisp/rtm-ros-robot-interface.l] Add argument documentation for :set-xxx methods.
  • [doc] [hrpsys_ros_bridge/euslisp/,hrpsys_ros_bridge/euslisp/rtm-ros-robot-interface.l] Update readme and euslisp documentation strings
  • [doc] default documentation string for def-set-get-param-method setter and getter.
  • [doc] In-code documentation improvement
  • Contributors: Eisoku Kuroiwa, Kei Okada, Kentaro Wada, Masaki Murooka, Shunichi Nozawa, Yohei Kakiuchi, Yu Ohara, Iori Yanokura

1.3.1 (2015-12-16)

  • deb release only targeting to indigo
  • Fix for travis testing
    • [hrpsys_ros_bridge/test/test-samplerobot.test] Use joint_states instead of odom to check tf because joint_states is more related with tf and [Hz] printing. than odom #880
    • [hrpsys_ros_bridge/test/test-samplerobot.test] Increase hzerror according to Current worst travis hz seem to be more than 300[Hz], so set 200[Hz] error. #879
    • catkin.cmake: use ccache only for CI environment #872
    • add depends from AutoBalancerService.hh to StabilizerService.hh #872
    • [hrpsys_ros_bridge/test/hrpsys-samples/test_samplerobot_euslisp_unittests.launch] Increase time-limit for autobalancer euslisp test #879
  • Fasten script excution
    • [hrpsys_ros_bridge/scripts/] Reduce unnecessary waiting for sensor port rosbridge connection. #879
  • Bug fix
    • [hrpsys_ros_bridge/src/HrpsysSeqStateROSBridge.cpp] Initialize prev_odom_acquired flag. #879
  • Add euslisp new example and update for example conf setting
    • [hrpsys_ros_bridge/test/hrpsys-samples/samplerobot-stabilizer.l] Add Stabilizer + loadPattern example for euslisp interface. #875
    • [hrpsys_ros_bridge/catkin.cmake] Add Sequencer\'s optionalData setting for sample conf files. #875
  • Contributors: Kei Okada, Shunichi Nozawa

1.3.0 (2015-12-09)

  • deb release only targeting to indigo
  • [.travis.yml, hrpsys_ros_bridge/catkin.cmake] Enable travis euslisp test using USE_DEB=source and reducing make jobs and loads #806
  • Bug Fixes
    • [hrpsys_ros_bridge/euslisp/datalogger-log-parser.l] modify string conversion in RobotHardware0 (for robot name containing \'_\') #848
    • [hrpsys_ros_bridge/euslisp/datalogger-log-parser.l] Add RobotHardware0_servoState data to robot state #853
    • [hrpsys_ros_bridge/euslisp/datalogger-log-parser.l] Update unitsysetm conversion of angle-vector (rad->deg, m->mm) #845
    • [hrpsys_ros_bridge/catkin.cmake] Fix typo for hrpsys_PREFIX #843
    • [hrpsys_ros_bridge/euslisp/rtm-ros-robot-interface.l] Return detection mode. #841
    • [hrpsys_ros_bridge/euslisp/rtm-ros-robot-interface.l] Update set force method. Add reset force. #840
    • [hrpsys_ros_bridge/catkin.cmake] Update PDgain conf property name #816
    • [hrpsys_ros_bridge/euslisp/rtm-ros-robot-interface.l] Fix for pos and rot ik thre #803
    • [cmake/compile_robot_model.cmake] move location of set variable (compile_all_target) #779
    • [src/hrpsys_ros_bridge/] Run event loop for 1 sec after showing splashwindow to force to load image immediately #762
    • [euslisp/datalogger-log-parser.l] Warn message if wrong path is specified #767
    • [euslisp/datalogger-log-parser.l] Add limb-list first, Add st and abc properties to datalogger log parser #761
  • /off_xxsensor and /xxsensor
    • [hrpsys_ros_bridge/src/HrpsysSeqStateROSBridge.cpp] fix /off_xxsensor frame_id #867
    • [hrpsys_ros_bridge/src/HrpsysSeqStateROSBridge.cpp] fix frame_id of off_xxsensor #855
  • euslisp/rtm-ros-robot-interface.l : add/modify interfaces for new/updated rtc
    • [hrpsys_ros_bridge/test/hrpsys-samples/samplerobot-auto-balancer.l] Use 4limbs in startAutoBalancer when Groups has rarm and larm and update sample. #866
    • add reference remaining_time in /ref_contact_states #857
    • Add method of servo-state #853
    • Add calc velocity from velocity offset #842
    • Add euslisp style argument for leg_default_translate_pos #836
    • Add grasp controller interface methods.l #831
    • Enable to set optional-data from robot and contact-state #831
    • Add optionalData from euslisp rs-list #822
    • add stabilizer-end-coords-list #820
    • Update setter methods #818
    • Add \":set-foot-steps-with-param-and-base-height\" method in order to specify footstep with params and base height #811
    • update default-zmp-offsets interface according to hrpsys-base change #808
    • add an interface for multi legs footsteps #795
    • get ref-capture-point from Stabilizer rtco #794
    • update AutoBalancerParam according to #786
    • get cp from Stabilizer rtc #781
    • Update footstep methods to enable overwriting #775
    • get emergency-mode from robot-interface #772
    • Add calculation of sole edge #759
  • Add PointCloudROSBridge and RangeSensorROSBridge, and modify ImageSensorROSBridge #785
    • [src/RangeSensorROSBridge.cpp] add intensity parameter for adding intensities #802
    • [src/ImageSensorROSBridge.cpp] fix parsing camera parameter #798
    • [src/ImageSensorROSBridge.cpp] fix bug / reset debug counter #797
    • [hrpsys_ros_bridge/cmake/compile_robot_model.cmake] Use collada_urdf_jsk_patch in order to convert dae into urdf which can be used in gazebo #793
    • [src/ImageSensorROSBridge.cpp] add camera param setter by ros parameter #791
    • [src/PointCloudROSBridge.cpp] fix PointCloudROSBridge, color and frame #790
    • [src/RangeSensorROSBridge.cpp] fix RangeSensorROSBridge / time_increment is zero #788
    • [src/RangeSensorROSBridge.cpp] fix frame of RangeSensor #789
  • Add rsvel port (#807)
    • [src/HrpsysSeqStateROSBridge.cpp, launch/hrpsys_ros_bridge.launch] add rsvel port to HrpSeqStateROSBridge read dq in order to add velocity values to joint_states
    • [hrpsys_ros_bridge/launch/hrpsys_ros_bridge.launch] add USE_VELOCITY_OUTPUT to arguments of rtmlaunch #821
  • Add ObjectTurnaroundDetector methods #838
    • [src/hrpsys_ros_bridge/] Update latest st parameter for torque control
    • [euslisp/rtm-ros-robot-interface.l] Add set-ref-force time #838
    • [hrpsys_ros_bridge/euslisp/rtm-ros-robot-interface.l] Add ObjectTurnaroundDetector methods
    • [test/hrpsys-samples/samplerobot-carry-object.l] Add carry object euslisp sample #838
  • SLAM support
    • [hrpsys_ros_bridge/src/hrpsys_ros_bridge/] Add MapButton for SLAM and odometry #869
    • [src/HrpsysSeqStateROSBridge.cpp] Transform twist from local to global in pose covarance calculation because pose is in global #830
    • [src/HrpsysSeqStateROSBridge.cpp] Set root_link as child_frame_id and describe twist in child_frame_id coordinate #828
    • [src/HrpsysSeqStateROSBridge.cpp] Fix covariance calculation in HrpsysSeqStateROSBridge: previous verision calculation only can be applied in nonhoronomic robot #812
    • [src/HrpsysSeqStateROSBridge.cpp] Fix coordinate representation: omega in twist is global
    • [src/HrpsysSeqStateROSBridge.cpp] Calculate covariance of odometry in HrpsysSeqStateROSBridge
    • [src/HrpsysSeqStateROSBridge.cpp] update prev_odom only when odom is successfully updated in dt > 0
    • [src/HrpsysSeqStateROSBridge.cpp] Calculate angular twist
  • Special joint support #837
    • [models/samplespecialjointrobot.yaml, catkin.cmake] Add cmake setting and euscollada yaml for special joint robot
  • add ContactState.msg, ContactStateStamped.msg, ContactStatesStamped.msg #834
    • [msg/ContactState.msg] Add frame_id to contact states messages
    • [launch/hrpsys_ros_bridge.launch, src/HrpsysSeqStateROSBridge{,cpp,.h,Impl.cpp,Impl.h}] separate ContactStates.msg into ContactState.msg, ContactStateStamped.msg and ContactStatesStamped.msg
    • [hrpsys_ros_bridge/euslisp/rtm-ros-robot-interface.l] Add euslisp interface to get contact states
    • [hrpsys_ros_bridge/src/HrpsysSeqStateROSBridge.cpp] add contact states publisher of AutoBalancer and Stabilizer
    • [msg/ContactState.msg] add ContactStates.msg for legged robots
  • Sample codes
    • [src/hrpsys_ros_bridge/, src/hrpsys_ros_bridge/] set ThermoLimiter parameters to decrease debug messages #849
    • [src/hrpsys_ros_bridge/] update sample4legrobot st and abc parameters, set st and abc parameters #847
    • [hrpsys_ros_bridge/src/hrpsys_ros_bridge/] Update st vertices setting #819
    • [src/hrpsys_ros_bridge/, models/sample4legrobot.yaml, euslisp/sample4legrobot-interface.l, catkin.cmake] Add sample4legrobot generation if exists #817
    • [euslisp/sample4legrobot-interface.l] Update path hrpsys_ros_bridge_tutorials -> hrpsys_ros_bridge #817
    • [catkin.cmake] Add check for sample_4leg_robot existence #817
    • [hrpsys_ros_bridge/src/hrpsys_ros_bridge/] Update st damping parameters #809
    • [hrpsys_ros_bridge/catkin.cmake, src/hrpsys_ros_bridge/, test/hrpsys-samples/test_samplerobot_euslisp_unittests.launch] Enable euslisp unittest for unstable rtcs #806
    • [scripts/default*,,cmake/compile_robot_model.cmake] Use arguments to specify whether unstable or not #806
    • [hrpsys_ros_bridge/test/hrpsys-samples/samplerobot-unittest.l, samplerobot-auto-balancer.l] Update auto-balancer test functions and update unittest order #806
    • [hrpsys_ros_bridge/test/hrpsys-samples/test_samplerobot_euslisp_unittests.launch] Add collision detector test #805
  • Move euslisp sample code from roseus_tutorials #800
    • [hrpsys_ros_bridge/test/hrpsys-samples/test_samplerobot_euslisp_unittests.launch] Add rostest launch file for euslisp unittest and use .launch instead of .test.
    • [hrpsys_ros_bridge/test/hrpsys-samples, hrpsys_ros_bridge/euslisp/samplerobot-interface.l] Fix package name for sample robot euslisp files (hrpsys_ros_bridge_tutorials -> hrpsys_ros_bridge)
  • Use emergency stopper by default for unstable rtc robots #760
    • [hrpsys_ros_bridge/cmake/compile_robot_model.cmake] Use emergency stopper by default for unstable rtc robots
    • [hrpsys_ros_bridge/euslisp/rtm-ros-robot-interface.l] Add method for emergency stop methods
    • [hrpsys_ros_bridge/euslisp/rtm-ros-robot-interface.l] Enable to set rosbridge name for idl srv methods.
    • [hrpsys_ros_bridge/launch/hrpsys_ros_bridge.launch] Add emergency stopper ROSBridges
    • [scripts/] publish diagnostic of emergency_mode from #780
    • [src/HrpsysSeqStateROSBridge{,cpp,.h,Impl.cpp,Impl.h}] publish emergency_mode from EmergencyStopper rtc #763
  • Contributors: Eisoku Kuroiwa, Kei Okada, Masaki Murooka, Ryohei Ueda, Shunichi Nozawa, Tatsuya Ishikawa, Yohei Kakiuchi, Yuta Kojio, Iori Kumagai

1.2.14 (2015-06-23)

  • [hrpsys_ros_bridge] Add splash screen to hrpsys dashboard
  • Enable to set step time for each foot steps and update documentation
  • Add emergency walking stop and update documentations
  • [hrpsys_ros_bridge] set position of imu_floor zero
  • Add method to get remaining foot steps and displaying method
  • [cmake_compile_robot_model.cmake] get_filename_component DIRECTORY is only available > cmake 2.8.12
  • Publish cop position in end link frame
  • Publish COP for each end effectors. COPInfo is provided by Stabilizer.
  • Add --use-robot-hrpsys-config argument to compile robot old (added to compile robot in 54e64bf3c4131fc907c6b7c0a34d728f82948e76)
  • Contributors: Kei Okada, Ryohei Ueda, Shunichi Nozawa

1.2.13 (2015-06-11)

  • [launch/hrpsys_ros_bridge.launch] Add USE_ROBOT_POSE_EKF
  • [euslisp/rtm-ros-robot-interface.l] fix typo
  • [euslisp/rtm-ros-robot-interface.l] Add :adjust-foot-steps-roll-pitch to reset current foot steps
  • [euslisp/rtm-ros-robot-interface.l] Add toe heel angle for :set-foot-steps-with-param-no-wait
  • [euslisp/rtm-ros-robot-interface.l] Add argument for transition times
  • [euslisp/rtm-ros-robot-interface.l] Use current foot midcoords of rleg and lleg in roll pitch method
  • [euslisp/rtm-ros-robot-interface.l] Add adjust footsteps euslisp interface
  • [euslisp/datalogger-log-parser.l] Add function to dump seq pattern file from datalogger log
  • [euslisp/rtm-ros-robot-interface.l,uslisp/rtm-ros-robot-interface.l] Add force moment param zerosettin method and use it in calib program
  • [euslisp/rtm-ros-robot-interface.l] raise error when bridged service call failed
  • [euslisp/rtm-ros-robot-interface.l] Make interpolation-time in sync-controller shorter
  • [euslisp/rtm-ros-robot-interface.l] Add :set-foot-steps-with-base-height
  • [euslisp/rtm-ros-robot-interface.l] Fix typo in start method. Start auto balancer by legs.
  • [euslisp/rtm-ros-robot-interface.l] Add euslisp methods for default unstable controllers
  • [src/HrpsysSeqStateROSBridge.cpp] imu_floor again
  • [src/hrpsys_ros_bridge/] add st/abc/ic start at once button
  • [hrpsys_ros_bridge/cmake/compile_robot_model.cmake] Enable to specify robot specific
  • [launch/hrpsys_ros_bridge.launch] Add argument to specify periodic rate of seq ros bridge
  • [euslisp/rtm-ros-robot-interface.l] add hours, minutes and seconds for :save-log
  • [.travis.yaml, hrpsys_ros_bridge/catkin.cmake] add eusdoc
  • [euslisp/rtm-ros-robot-interface.l] Support t or nil in setter arguments
  • Contributors: Eisoku Kuroiwa, Kei Okada, Ryohei Ueda, Shunichi Nozawa, Yohei Kakiuchi, Iori Kumagai

1.2.12 (2015-04-27)

  • [euslisp/rtm-ros-robot-interface.l] Update function to calculate toe heel offset. Support both pos and zmp and add documentation
  • [hrpsys_ros_bridge/cmake/compile_robot_model.cmake] fix for --conf option with comment
  • Contributors: Kei Okada, Shunichi Nozawa

1.2.11 (2015-04-25)

  • [catkin.cmake] add depend to pr2_controllers_msgs in catpkin_package
  • [cmake/compile_robot_model.cmake] fix dependency add_custom_depend need to DEPEND to other target
  • [euslisp/rtm-ros-robot-interface.l] Add calculate-toe-heel-pos-offsets and set-foot-steps-with-param
  • Contributors: Kei Okada, Shunichi Nozawa

1.2.10 (2015-04-24)

  • add rewrited version of compile_robot_model.cmake
    • [compile_robot_model.cmake] generate controller_config even if yaml is not found
    • [compile_robot_model.cmake] use add_custom_target/command for eusif and launch, set PROJECT_PKG_NAME
    • [compile_robot_model.cmake] rewrite everything from scratch
  • euslisp
    • [rtm-ros-robot-interface.l] Add method to align footsteps with roll or pitch angle
    • [datalogger-log-parser.l] change max-line count method
    • [rtm-ros-robot-interface.l] Add sync-controller method, which preserve limb-controller angle before remove-joint-group is called.
    • [rtm-ros-robot-interface.l] Enable to set gravitational acceleration for calculating st parameter
  • [HrpsysSeqStateROSBridgeImpl.{cpp,h}] display more debug info for diagnostics
  • [cmake/compile_robot_model.cmake] Revert \"compile_robot contains output files, not targets\"
  • [hrpsys_ros_bridge/package.xml] Limits dependent pkg version to avoid critical error in downstream (tork-a/rtmros_nextage/#160)
  • Contributors: Eisoku Kuroiwa, Isaac IY Saito, Kei Okada, Shunichi Nozawa, Iori Kumagai

1.2.9 (2015-04-11)

  • [package.xml] remove pr2_controllers, add pr2_controller_msgs, pr2_msgs, control_msgs package.xml
  • [collision_state] fix to work collision state
    • [] fix minor bug of CORBA.OBJECT_NOT_EXIST -> omniORB.CORBA.OBJECT_NOT_EXIST
    • [] check isActive() to avoid raise error during servo on phase
  • [hrpsys_ros_bridge/catkin.cmake]
    • move rtmlaunch/rtmtest from hrpsys_ros_bridge to openrtm_tools, add envhook for catkin users
  • [hrpsys_tools/hrpsys.launch] support DEBUG_HRPSYS argument to run rtcd with gdb
  • [hrpsys_ros_bridge/cmake/compile_robot_model.cmake]
    • Add dependency from the files generated by export_collada to compile_robots in order to prevent parallel execution of export_collada
    • Check current if scope has parent scope when set variable in PARENT_SCOPE in compile_robot_model.cmake to supress warning messages
    • Fix serious typo: daefile -> _daefile in compile_robot_model.cmake
    • fix warning in if/endif macro
    • compile_robtos should be list of all generated lisp file, not targets
  • [euslisp/rtm-ros-robotics-interface.l]
    • Add impedance controller mode getter method
    • Return Euslisp coordinates from :get-foot-step-param
    • Add methods to get Euslisp style parameters from IDL enum type
    • Add comments for st methods
    • Add methods to tune st parameter
    • Add functions to calculate eefm st parameters
    • Fix order of ee setting
    • Pass arguments for joint-properties to ProjectGenerator
  • Contributors: JAXON, Kei Okada, Ryohei Ueda, Shunichi Nozawa

1.2.8 (2015-03-09)

  • [hrpsys_ros_bridge] Do not run collada_to_urdf parallel. In order to avoid parallel execution of collada_to_urdf, add tricky dependency
  • Add graspless manip mode euslisp interface
  • [test-*.py] test name could not contain minus? any changet to underscore (
  • [] fix syntax error on loadPattern
  • update for legged robot
  • Sample.pos is not installed via deb package, see
  • Fix rmfo sensor argument
  • copy rtmlaunch,rtmtest to global_bin when compile
  • Add method to calculate go-velocity param from velocity center offset
  • Add menus for unstable rtcs (not used by default)
  • Add setting for HrpsysConfigurator in hrpsys dashboard and apply it to servoOn/Off menu (disabled by default).
  • Remove unused initial leg offsetting because this is implemented AutoBalancer\'s setFootSteps
  • [hrpsys_ros_bridge] Refactor compile_robot_model.cmake
  • Use ee name for impedance methods
  • [hrpsys_ros_bridge] need to wait for activate
  • [hrpsys_ros_bridge] wait for sh, sometimes we can not find them
  • Update impedance start/stop methods
  • [hrpsys_ros_bridge] Do not call export_collada in parallel
  • Update :reset-force-moment-offset funcs and add documents
  • Update documentation strings for ImpedanceController and Ref forces
  • [hrpsys_ros_bridge] Fix path for catkin build
  • pass :rarm instead of \'rhsensor\' or \'rasensor\' to :set-forcemoment-offset-param
  • Add seq base pos and rpy methods
  • Remove duplicated method and fix argument passing for imp methods
  • Contributors: Kei Okada, Ryohei Ueda, Shunichi Nozawa, Eisoku Kuroiwa

1.2.7 (2015-01-06)

  • Add :reference-root-coords method for log
  • Update datalogger parser time parsing and robothardware naming
  • Add euslisp methods for seq wait interpolation and co get status
  • Enable virtual force setting. Read conf file in HrpsysSeqStateROSBridge and connect vfs ports if exists
  • Add set ref force and moment methods. Enable vforcesensors
  • change robot-init function to pass arguments to initializer
  • Set default name as co
  • Use segment name of body_info as collision detection frame_id
  • Add argument to select activation because can be launched in hrpsys_ros_bridge.launch
  • Enable to configure collision detector instance name
  • Use subscription_type as new to avoid influence on realtime process
  • (rtm-ros-robot-interface) : Add optionaldata for dump-seq-pattern-file
  • (rtm-ros-robot-interface) : Add function to load seq pattern file and euslisp list from it.
  • (rtm-ros-robot-interface) : Add documentation string for dump-seq-pattern-file
  • Fix frame of loadPattern
  • Add euslisp interface method for reference wrench
  • Publish reference wrench from StateHolder wrench data ports. Check existence of wrench ports because hrpsys-base 315.1.9 does not have wrench ports in Seq and Sh.
  • Add RMFO calib readme
  • Update RMFO calibration sequence. Use parameter file
  • Add load and dump rmfo param methods
  • Separate robot date string as method and fix :save-log default argument
  • on indigo, hrpsys is not ros-catkin package
  • fix for new packaging openrtm/hrpsys (compile package directoly from original repository)
  • Fix typo of hrpsys_ros_bridge.launch
  • Add USE_HRPSYS_PROFILE to toggle whether running hrpsys_profile
  • Add parameter ~publish_sensor_tf to HrpsysSeqStateROSBridge to toggle publishing tf frames of the sensors
  • Fix unitsystem for documentation
  • Add directory to generate Euslisp documentation
  • Enable to set integer enum values
  • (rtm-ros-robot-interface) : Fix typo in save-log
  • (rtm-ros-robot-interface) : Add date string and robot name to Datalogger log name by default.
  • (rtm-ros-robot-interface) : Update seq methods. Revise set-interpolation-mode using defconst param and remove deprecated dump-seq parttern
  • Merge remote-tracking branch \'origin/master\' into tmp_update_impedance_controller_methods
  • (rtm-ros-robot-interface) : Update impedance controller setter and getter
  • (rtm-ros-robot-interface) : Remove deprecated euslisp interface and functions.
  • Update rtmbuild_init to specify dependency of generate_messages and add new service interface to HrpsysSeqStateROSBridge to specify transformation for each sensor
  • Merge pull request #583 from eisoku9618/update-print-end-effector-parameter-conf-from-robot Merged.
  • do not print a leading colon of :rarm
  • (rtm-ros-robot-interface) : Enable to set st algorithm as Euslisp symbol.
  • remove unnecessary white spaces
  • rename total time of 1 cycle from RobotHardware0 to Summary
  • add eps_of_rh variable in order to reduce unnecessary for loop
  • (test-samplerobot) : Import all srv files in discussed in
  • (default_robot* : Add argument for precreate controller
  • (rtm-ros-robot-interface) : Update :set-gait-generator-param method to use defconstant enum values and add printing method
  • (datalogger-log-parser) : Add abc baseTform reading
  • Contributors: Kei Okada, Ryohei Ueda, Shunichi Nozawa, Yohei Kakiuchi, Eisoku Kuroiwa

1.2.6 (2014-10-10)

  • set time-limit to 300
  • ( fix test case, since /clock is sync with hrpsys time, so we can use more strict settings
  • fix test code for changing 0.002
  • (rtm-ros-robot-interface) : Add documentation strings for state methods and rearrange it. Add logger documentation.
  • Contributors: Kei Okada, Shunichi Nozawa

1.2.5 (2014-10-04)

  • Improvement on rtm-ros-robot-interface, datalogger-log-parser, samplerobot
  • Fix stamp of odom and imu
  • Improve dependency: robot_pose_ekf.launch, robot_pose_ekf
  • Contributors: Kei Okada, Shunichi Nozawa, YoheiKakiuchi

1.2.4 (2014-09-08)

  • (test/test-pa10.test) support GUI argument
  • (test/ add test for /command
  • (hrpsys_ros_bridge/src/HrpsysJointTrajectoryBridge.cpp) support <controller>/command, see #537
  • ( fix document, based on snozawa\'s comment
  • Contributors: Kei Okada

1.2.3 (2014-09-03)

1.2.2 (2014-08-31)

1.2.1 (2014-06-23)

  • add euscollada path for compile collada model
  • Merge pull request #495 from k-okada/add_servo_controller hrpsys_ros_bridge.launch: add servo controller
  • (datalogger-log-parser.l) : Check existence of zmp value and rpy value
  • hrpsys_ros_bridge.launch: add servo controller fix rtmlaunch options (thanks to \@hyaguchijsk)
  • does not use group tag, just use unless tag to disable connection between sh.rtc:baseTformOut and baseTform
  • (hrpsys_ros_bridge/package.xml) run_depend on ipython
  • (hrpsys_ros_bridge/package.xml) Sort in alphabetical order
  • (rtm-ros-robot-interface.l, datalogger-log-parser.l) Update imu euslisp methods ;; We should use /imu instead of tf according to
  • hrpsys_ros_bridge/euslisp/datalogger-log-parser.l:add reading zmp data from hrpsys log file
  • Merge pull request #458 from snozawa/rotate_camera_z_axis Rotate sensor->localR 180[deg] because OpenHRP3 camera -Z axis equals to ROS camera Z axis
  • Merge pull request #477 from garaemon/add-imu-topic-remove-imu-floor Add /imu topic and /odom topic remove imu_floor
  • Merge pull request #460 from k-okada/hrpsys_version_gte set hrpsys version greater than 315.2.0
  • update pa10 test code
  • publish Imu value to /imu topic and odometory value to /odom.
  • fix ProjectGenerator path for compile_collada_model
  • update .gitignore for auto generated files under hrpsys_ros_bridge directory
  • rtmlaunch; Add usage api doc
  • hrpsys_ros_bridge/euslisp/datalogger-log-parser.l : update state methods and add eof check
  • hrpsys_ros_bridge/, hrpsys_ros_bridge/euslisp/ : add README for hrpsys_ros_bridge and euslisp usage
  • hrpsys_ros_bridge/euslisp/datalogger-log-parser.l : support force sensor reading
  • hrpsys_ros_bridge/euslisp/rtm-ros-robot-interface.l : update sensor accessor commited in
  • (package.xml files) Update repository URLs
  • (start-jsk/rtmros_common/pull/397) hrpsys_ros_bridge/launch/hrpsys_ros_bridge.launch, hrpsys_ros_bridge/scripts/ : rename AbsoluteForceSensor => RemoveForceSensorLinkOffset
  • (collision_detector.launch) add default model file path using one fromreal robot
  • ( ) add \'import re\' for using regular expression
  • add generation of hrpsys_config for robots using unstable RTCs ;; add configuration for unstable RTCs in cmake ;; by default, do not nothing, so there will be no side effect for robots only using Stable RTCs
  • set RTCTREE_NAMESERVERS environment variables, for #453
  • pass args to super class
  • set hrpsys version greater than 315.2.0
  • Rotate sensor->localR 180[deg] because OpenHRP3 camera -Z axis equals to ROS camera Z axis
  • add samplerobot.rviz
  • hrpsys_ros_bridge/ Use logerr to highlight an error that could be overlooked
  • (HrpsysJointTrajectoryBridge) ros cpp style macro applied.
  • Contributors: Isaac Desu Saito, Isaac IY Saito, Isaac Isao Saito, Kei Okada, Kunio Kojima, Ryohei Ueda, Tatsushi Karasawa, YoheiKakiuchi, mmurooka, nozawa

1.2.0 (2014-05-14)

  • bump to 1.2.0for hrpsys 315.2.0

1.0.12 (2014-05-06)

  • (collision_detector.launch) typo
  • use odom instad of imu_floor
  • do not connect port when afs is not found
  • set WALKING and IMPEDANCE controller as non-default RTC
  • update generate config.yaml
  • add both Robot(Robot)0 and RobotHadware0 in datalogger
  • add scripts for auto generating controller config yaml
  • Use subprocess.Popen rather than check_call in order to call external process asynchronouslly
  • pass argument to get-ROSBridge-method-defmacro method
  • add generating urdf file to compile_robot_model.cmake
  • Merge pull request #433 from k-okada/do_not_compile_idl_twice do not update manifets.xml and copy idl when it is not needed (#429)
  • implement hrpsys_dashboard base on rqt, not on rxtools
  • do not update manifets.xml and copy idl when it is not needed (#429)
  • rename base-pos and base-rpy => root-pos and root-rpy
  • add reading of datalogger properties
  • set REALTIME=ture as default
  • update :start-auto-balancer and :stop-auto-balancer method according to hrpsys-base trunk update at commit ;; we do not need to change usage of these methods
  • Contributors: Isaac Saito, Kei Okada, Ryohei Ueda, YoheiKakiuchi, Shunichi Nozawa

1.0.11 (2014-04-16)

  • use random staritng port number for rtm_naming, also try to continue if name server is already running
  • Contributors: Kei Okada

1.0.10 (2014-04-15)

  • remove sed to comment out pr2_controllers
  • Contributors: Kei Okada

1.0.9 (2014-04-14)

  • (hrpsys_ros_bridge) add git to build_depend
  • Contributors: Isaac IY Saito

1.0.8 (2014-04-14)

  • use git:// for download pr2_controllers (potential fix for #410)
  • add rosdnode to depends(see, #411)
  • add euscollada_SOURCE_PREFIX and euscollada_PREFIX
  • use for rosdevel build environment, see #400
  • remove deprecate function to generate conf parameter
  • Added procps, hostname, net-tools build_depends. These tools are used during building and testing
  • Contributors: Kei Okada, Scott K Logan, Shunichi Nozawa

1.0.7 (2014-03-20)

  • call find_package(catkin) fist
  • #22: add PROJECT_NAME to the target used in compile_robot_model to avoid collision of the target names
  • add rostest/hrpsys_tools to depends and find_package
  • hrpsys_ros_bridge: (test-compile-robot.launch) add test-compile-robot.launch (but is is not includeded in CMakeLists.txt and use .launch instead of .test due to Issue #87), fix compile_robot_model.cmake work with devel of hrpsys_ros_bridge, disable launch script from
  • hrpsys_ros_bridge: add test-compile-robot.xml test-compile-robot.cmake
  • check hrpsys_ros_bridge SOURCE_DIR for both SOURCE_DIR and PREFIX
  • hrpsys_ros_bridge: use catkin package of pr2_controllers_msgs
  • hrpsys_tools, hrpsys_ros_bridge: increase retly to 4 for test
  • hrpsys_ros_bridge: install/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/hrpsys_ros_bridge/ disappeared somehow? this is temprarily fix (FIXME)
  • hrpsys_ros_bridge: fix compile_robot_model.cmkae, use find_package to set /lib/openrtm_aist/bin/rtm-naming /lib/openhrp3/export-collada
  • display with logwarn when CollisionDetector is not found
  • hrpsys_ros_bridge, fix path for installed conf/dae/launch files
  • compile_robot_model.cmake: add debug message in generate_default_launch_eusinterface_files
  • hrpsys_ros_bridge: (,, increase timeout of watForTransform() and catch exception if tf is not found
  • collision_state, wait until co is found, if not found exit with 0, not 1
  • add Exception
  • hrpsys_ros_bridge: add collada_urdf to depends
  • run hrpsys_profile within try block
  • remove undefined variables
  • hrpsys_ros_bridge: add visualization_msgs to depeds
  • hrpsys_ros_bridge: fix ProjectGenerator location, see #353
  • hrpsys_ros_bridge: add test code for samplerobot and pa10
  • hrpsys_ros_bridge: add diagnostic_aggregator to depend (manifest.xml package.xml)
  • hrpsys_ros_bridge: add more args to default_robot*.in (GUI, SIMULATOR_NAME, corbaport)
  • add comment on why we remove depend to pr2_controllers_msgs
  • (package.xml) add angles to build_depend intentinally dut to build_depend to tf does ont install angles
  • (manifest.xml) commented out depend package pr2_controllers_msgs for rosmake dependency graph generation, but comment in for rosmake build objects
  • (manifest.xml) if you have both rosdep and depend, rosmake does not work well, see
  • (manifest.xml) users are expected to manually install ros-groovy-pr2-dashboard
  • (CMakeLists.txt) download pr2_controllers_msgs for groovy/rosbuild
  • fix typo ;; elif -> elseif
  • add
  • Wrong catkin macro (CATKIN-DEPENDS to CATKIN_DEPENDS).
  • change destination of stdout of by OUTPUT arg
  • add CMAKE_PREFIX_PATH so that rosrun hrpsys ProjectGenerator works
  • Merge pull request #334 from k-okada/master
  • add openhrp3_PREFIX, more debug message
  • add / after hrpsys_idl_DIR
  • add hrpsys to find_package
  • add more verbose log when error
  • update PKG_CONFIG_PATH for hrpsys-base
  • display error output
  • add depend to pkg-config
  • add depend to pkg-config
  • added euslisp, srv, idl directories to install
  • move to git repository
  • add hrpsys to find_package
  • add more verbose log when error
  • Merge branch \'master\' of
  • display error output
  • add depend to pkg-config
  • add depend to pkg-config
  • update PKG_CONFIG_PATH for hrpsys-base
  • Merge branch \'master\' into garaemon-master
  • not generating sh but running rostes directory to avoid escape problem
  • Merge branch \'master\' of
  • use pkg-config to find directories
  • Merge branch \'master\' of
  • move to git repository
  • added euslisp, srv, idl directories to install
  • fixing list syntax
  • force to set ROS_PACKAGE_PATH when calling euscollada for catkin build
  • adding LD_LIBRARY_PATH
  • remove depend to robot_monitor
  • changing the working directory when call export-collada
  • do not compile lisp code if euxport collada is not exists
  • add diagnositcs_msgs to fake rosdep
  • add dynamic_recofigure to fake rosdep
  • add several rosdep names to fake rosdep
  • add rosdep hrpsys/openrtm_aist to fake rosdep
  • profibit to run rostest parallel
  • installing src directory as python package
  • (hrpsys_ros_bridge/package.xml) Partially revert r6936 where a dependency was removed by mistake.
  • Contributors: Kei Okada, Ryohei Ueda


  • rtmros_common-1.0.6
  • (rtmros_common, openrtm_ros_bridge, hrpsys_ros_bridge) Cleaning and elaborating package.xml
  • add setting for CONF_DT_OPTION
  • set corba port to 15005 in euslisp model dump function
  • fix proble due to r6908, also remove find_package since hrpsys can not find-packed-ed
  • add hrpsys_tools to depends on openrtm_tools, see Issue 309
  • set custom cmake file under CFG_EXTRAS, so that other package is abel to use macros defined in the cmake file
  • generate /tmp/_gen_project**.sh file to invoke rostest since rostest needs package path, see Issue 306
  • installing euslisp directory of hrpsys_ros_bridge when catkining
  • not use rosbuild for catkin
  • fixing close tag in nosim.launch
  • add RUN_RVIZ arg in default launch template files
  • add REALTIME arg in hrpsys-simulator launch template files
  • fix position of long floor
  • add :torque-vector for playpattern
  • add reference torque vector data reading
  • update initialization to neglect log files which lines are not match ;; convert rad2deg
  • fix typos ;; wf -> zf
  • add .zmp file dump
  • add fname for datalogger-log-parser
  • use .rviz file for .in file
  • add datalogger log parser for euslisp
  • enable to se PROJECT_FILE name
  • remove unnecessary print function
  • fix hrpsy_ros_bridge.launch for hrpsys version 315.1.5
  • add :zmp-vector and callback ;; acc print function for end_effectors in conf file
  • add argument for tm
  • add type_name to SensorInfo ;; use it in imu_floor tf sending ;; for almost all robots, frame name is \'gyrometer\'
  • write seq pattern file separatively ;; do not dump .waist file if :root-coords does not exist
  • publish zmp as PointStamped
  • add zmp data port for HrpsysSeqStateRosBridge
  • add euslisp utility fnuction for seq pattern file
  • fix syntax error
  • set_stale when op_mode is not Servo ON nor Servo Off
  • move hrpsys_profiel out of USE_DIAGNOSTICS
  • add use_diagnostics, use_rosout, use_battery option in __init__
  • using prefix for sensor-name
  • add debug print, when body->joints().size() and is not equal
  • split hrpsys_dashboard into hrpsys_dashboard and src/hrpsys_ros_bridge/, see Issue 270
  • fix color
  • change sphere radius depends on dangerness
  • rosbuild does not raise exception when import roslib, use import hrpsys
  • add utility functions for project generator xml file
  • add argument to set timeStep according to hrpsys-base -r905 commit ;; we can set timeStep <= dt ;;
  • enable to add :root-coords which is optional robot states
  • fix typo ;; tile -> time
  • change line width depends on the distance


  • \"rtmros_common-1.0.5\"
  • reverse rpy-angle because euslisp rpy is \'yaw pitch roll\' and openhrp3 rpy is roll pitch yaw
  • pkill kill cmake itself, not why, so create shell script and execute it
  • use find_package for hrpsys and hrpsys_tools
  • fix Issue 256
  • do not depends to lisp file if euscollada is not exists
  • fix missing variable _collada2eus to _collada2eus_exe
  • do not FATAL_ERROR when collada2eus is not found
  • fix for catkin compile
  • add debug message
  • use full path instead of rosrun/rostet for when two binaries are installed
  • fix for catkin, catkin does not requires load_manifest
  • apply patch in Issue 254
  • fix ROS_DISTRO->groovy, this code only used in groovy
  • fix sed command
  • fix typo ENV=>
  • add rostest to run_depend
  • set pr2_controllers to build/run depends and fix catkin.cmake to comment out therese tags if groovy
  • distance under 0.05 always red
  • translate line information relative to root_link_frame
  • add lifetime
  • add standalone collision detector launch file, see #249
  • fix color
  • add error message more verbose
  • rename typo
  • add in launch file, Issue 249
  • add, Issue 249
  • fix length of force list for resetting
  • fix compile_openhrp_model for catkin, see Issue 241


  • \"rtmros_common-1.0.4\"
  • update with r5733



  • \"rtmros_common-1.0.2\"
  • use connection as new
  • add calc-zmp-from-state method
  • add loading of utils file if exists
  • fix typoes ;; _name -> _sname
  • get current additional_make_clean_files and append setting to it ;; use _sname instead of overwriting _name
  • add generated launch and euslisp files to clean target
  • fix when rtmros_common is installed as catkin package, see Issue 214
  • install cmake directory


  • rtmros_common) 1.0.1
  • rtmros_common) Revert wrong commit r5588
  • rtmros_common) 1.0.1
  • hrpsys_ros_bridge) fix to issue 205 (incomplete but worth trying)
  • hrpsys_ros_bridge) Correction to r5584.
  • hrpsys_ros_bridge) Improve package.xml description.
  • add pr2_dashboard path to sys.path for those who could not import pr2_dashboard
  • add comment when pr2_dashboard is not found
  • hrpsys_dashboard) Fix to run with rosbuild.
  • hrpsys_ros_bridge) add Isaac as a maintainer to get notice from buildfarm.
  • add diagnostic_msgs to depends
  • add roslang to depend
  • use rtmbuild_PREFIX instaed of CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX to get rtmbuild.cmake
  • fake rospack not to sudo rosdep install
  • add python-rosdep and rosdep udpate to different execute_process
  • do not set local for jenkins debuild
  • copy rtmlaunch/rtmtest/ to both share and bin for backword compatibility
  • add random string to pr2_controllers_msgs directory path
  • workaround for ros-groovy-rqt-top installs wrong(?) psutil
  • fix for new
  • add LC_ALL=en_US.UTF-8
  • fix syntax error on previous commit
  • add rosdep update when compile pr2_controlers_msgs
  • unset *_LIBRARIES not to add library names to Config.cmake
  • add python-psutil to depend
  • add rosbuild to depends
  • add mk
  • add --non-interactive --trust-server-cert for svn
  • use corba port number 15005
  • install rtmtest and
  • remove svn:executable from
  • add from rtmlaunch in order to add rtmtest, add alias rtmtest to
  • add subversion for groovy, that download and compile non-catkinized pr2_controllers_msgs package
  • download and compile pr2_controllers msgs which is not catlinized on groovy
  • pr2_controllers is not catkinized on groovy
  • add pr2_controllers to bulid/run_depend and use ROS_DISTRO to include pr2_controller_msgs directory
  • add code for restarting jointGroup
  • add remove-joint-group and remove obsolate code
  • fix directory structure, see Issue 188
  • add generating code of controller_config.yaml for using joint group
  • checking the existance all joints in required group on HrpsysJointTrajectoryBridge (ignore not existing joint)
  • fix : rearrange joint order in required goal
  • forget to fix corba port to 15005, see Issue 141
  • fix catkin.cmake for installed project
  • add import OpenRTM_aist.RTM_IDL, for catkin
  • print error message on detection of nan in imu_floor tf
  • install FILES does not need USE_SOURCE_PERMISSIONS
  • fix catkin.cmake, since openrtm_aist/openhrp3/hrpsys is compiled as non-catkin package (this means catkin_make does not install <package>.pc <package>Config.cmake and use DEPENDS not CATKIN-DEPENDS)
  • fix to work on both rtmbuild and catkin environment
  • ignore srv files whose name starts with . in rtm-ros-robot-interface, closes Issue 149
  • fix for catkin
  • check if port_number(5005) is already used, Fixed Issue 141
  • comment out pr2_controllers
  • change pr2_controllers_msgs -> pr2_controllers
  • set default corbaport to 5005, Fixes Issue 141
  • fix method name for set-joint-angles-of-group
  • add add_dependencies to compile_hrpsys
  • fix copy idl file from hrpsys/idl
  • install rtmbuild from rtmbuild_SOURCE_DIR/CMAKE_INSTALL_DIR
  • print name of ports
  • add arguments to specify generated files
  • add arguments to specify file generation
  • rename macro ;; fix typo
  • add nosim template and fix euslisp file name
  • add macro to generate default launch files and euslisp interface
  • wirte more debug comment to ROS_INFO_STREAM
  • hrpsys_ros_bridge) Delete unused dependency. Alphabetize dependency.
  • Remove unused components (robot_monitor).
  • rtmros_common) Increment version to 1.0.0 (based on discussion
  • Updated all package.xml in rtmros_common metapkg (add URLs, alphabetized, cleanup, add Isaac as a maintainer to receive notice from buildfarm).
  • check if USE_ROSBUILD is defined
  • fix 2888 -> 2890 according to discussion of
  • fix for catkin, with USE_ROSBUILD
  • catkinize package
  • add depends to openrtm_ros_bridge
  • add openrtm_tools as depend
  • add depends to hrpsys_tools
  • workaround for Issue 150
  • use hrpsys_ros_bridge for generating ROS service methods
  • was moved to openrtm_tools
  • import from hrpsys_ros_bridge.srv instead of hrpsys.srv
  • minor change
  • hrpsys.launch now goes under hrpsys_tools and rename to hrpsys_config
  • add depends from hrpsys to hrpsys_tools, (hrpsys_tools to hrpsys is also exists, this this is intentially looped) so that users just depends on hrpsys
  • change INCLUDE_DIRS from {prefix}/idl_gen/cpp/{prefix}/idl to {prefix}/idl_gen/cpp, so need to include <prefix/idl/hoge.h> instead of <hoge.h>, Issue 137
  • ProjectGenerator is under hrpsys_tools not hrpsys: cleanup hrpsys, split hrpsys and hrpsys_tools, Issue 137
  • copy idl from hrpsys/share/hrpsys/idl to hrpsys_ros_bridge/idl, Issue 137
  • add depends to hrpsys_tools, Issue 137
  • update openrtm -> openrtm_aist, hrpsys -> hrpsys_toolss: cleanup hrpsys, split hrpsys and hrpsys_tools, Issue 137
  • fix port num ;; 2888 -> 2889
  • run omniNames with port 2888 in compile_openhrp_model
  • check if server is active before send set preempt, this enables exit component cleanly, related to Issue 47
  • fix miss commit ;; add temperature
  • enable to store extra_data of motor_states
  • use PeriodicExecutionContext instead of hrpExecutionContext, Issue 136
  • launch node within group tags not to invoke unused component, see Issue 114
  • add dt conf file option
  • remove unnecessary copying of return value
  • add _ret_add_str and remove duplicate codes
  • fix position of return value setting
  • do not specify if base-name is nil
  • add connection for hrpsys_ros_bridge
  • add dependency of _xmlfile on _xmlfile_nosim to achieve exclusive execution of rostest
  • print port name in sensor_ros_bridge_connect
  • adding some wait for waiting to update rosnode information
  • fix return value if limb is nil
  • fix separator of macro argumens
  • fixes Issue 64, some packaed does not depends on euscollada, invoke rtm-naming within add_custom_command
  • add dependency on euscollada, export-collada, and _gen_project.launch
  • rename -xxx options -> --xxx options
  • specify 2888 in pkill
  • add macros to obtain options for _gen_project.launch and euscollada
  • add get_option macro
  • add INTEGRATE argument
  • start model loader with 2888 port when launch _gen_project.launch
  • do not make error, when collada2eus is not found, some package(hironx_ros_bridge) does not depends on euslisp
  • add xml nosim to target
  • add nosim option and generate nosim xml
  • add robothardware conf option
  • rename abs_xx -> off_xx
  • add compile_collada_model to ALL
  • fix (arg SIMULATOR_NAME)0 -> (arg SIMULATOR_NAME)
  • ->
  • cleanup hrpsys_ros_bridge.launch, use if group, by miyake. Issue 114
  • enable to load only link offset ;; use average value
  • fix typo ;; params -> param
  • add :reset-force-moment-offset
  • support euslisp style argument for forcemoment and impedance methods
  • use euscollada-model\'s :force-sensor methods instead of get-force-sensor-from-limb-name
  • revert to use force-vector and moment-vector
  • update to use absolute force vector for calibration
  • add :imucoords method
  • add port and connection for absolute force sensor values
  • use AbsoluteForceSensor for impedanc Controller
  • call :update-robot-state in super\'s :state methods
  • check return value of imucoords from TF
  • call rtc_init before rospy.init so that Issue 117
  • neglect arguments added by roslaunch
  • add rtmlaunch that runs omninaming and runs roslaunch, Issue 105, this is not tested on NameServer running on remote computer, see to
  • imu reading of update-robot-state
  • fix wrong length of angles while uing JointGroup
  • add ForwardKinematicsServiceROSBridge
  • cleanup launch file Issue 114
  • fix: condition for checking num of publisher
  • fix: using walltime for waiting timeout
  • remove miss commited comment out
  • tf::Matrix3x3 causes compilation error in electric. use btMatrix3x3 instead
  • do not publish tf which contains nan values
  • chnage: detecting num of /clock publisher before starting and stoping subscribe /clock
  • update footstep interface for abc
  • add print message in starting
  • add vel ratio
  • add cmd vel mode
  • check hrp::link parent existence because joint state with no name is published at previous version ;; This is OpenHRP3 \'WAIST\' joint specification. I should check OpenHRP3 model loading
  • select a timestamp of force sensor messages according to use_sim_time
  • get root-link name in :state :imucoords.
  • add default-double-support-ratio setting
  • add robothardware conf setting
  • add macros for export_collada_option and conf_file_option
  • add stabilizer methods
  • comment out target_name and base_name and support default zmp offset
  • add optional argument to collada2eus
  • add stabilizer ros bridge
  • enable to specify calib offset
  • rename make pose function ;; support nodisplay usage
  • add force sensor calib program
  • add load-forcemoment-offset-param method
  • add interface to specify sensor offset
  • enable to access force-sensor by limb name
  • make models directory in compile model macros when it doesn\'t exist
  • set RobotHardware0 by default for SIMULATOR_NAME
  • use SIULATOR_NAME instead of ROBOT_NAME in hrpsys_ros_bridge.launch ;; ROBOT_NAME argument in hrpsys_ros_bridge.launch is still remained for compatibility but please do not use ROBOT_NAME
  • support limb name usage
  • fix typos and add virtual force sensor stop method
  • add connection for virtual force sensor
  • fix keyword of set-servo-gain-percentage
  • fix naming rule of virtual force sensor and fix quaternion -> axisangle
  • add CONF_FILE_ARG and specify vitual_force_sensor by using conf file
  • specify rtc manager name
  • specify nameserver name and CORBA_init args
  • rename value -> default
  • use WAIST if base-name is nil ;; Is this correct?
  • remove depends to pr2_dashboard for groovy, wait for fix
  • change a name of imu tf and add a method to get imu coords in rtm-ros-robot-interface
  • fix :set-base-pose in rtm-ros-robot-interface.l
  • fix for publishing warning message
  • add connection from state_holder(qOut) to rosbridge(mcangle)
  • comment out port for RobotHardwareService because Simulator does not have RobotHardwareService
  • add comment for groovy
  • remove rtconnects between RobotHardware and KalmanFilter; this is achieved by instead
  • comment the IMU related rtconnects out for non IMU robots
  • add basePos and baseRpy to HrpsysSeqStateROSBridge and connect in hrpsys_ros_bridge.launch
  • modify rtm-ros-robot-interface.l: add set-servo-error-limit and set-soft-error-limit
  • modify hrpsys_ros_bridge.launch to execute RobotHardwareServiceROSBridge and SoftErrorLimiterServiceROSBridge
  • add default rate to hrpsys_ros_bridge
  • check sensor existence for HRP4C
  • use regiterInport for gyrometer and gsensor
  • fix walking command and example
  • use automatically generated methods
  • add define-all-ROSBridge-srv-methods to define srv methods from srv and idl files ;; currently comment out
  • add comments to
  • add getSensors and use it
  • fix for hrpsys-base\'s r693 commit ;; fix for acc and rate naming rules
  • make class to configure hrpsys RTCs and data ports
  • add StateHolder rosbridge
  • set subscription type new for real robot
  • set subscription type new for real robot
  • change name of a method for logger (Issue 74)
  • add method for logger, Flxed Issue 74
  • added rtconnect of torque in hrpsys_ros_bridge.launch
  • remove autobalancer methods from sample
  • add target2foot_offset_pos and rot
  • add methods for get and set parameters for ABC
  • enable multiple --conf-file-option
  • add AutoBalancer for and launch files
  • add methods for auto balancer RTC
  • add method to dump pattern file for Seq
  • update check of virtual force sensor impedance control and add seq loadPattern
  • enable to specify conf file setting for _gen_project.launch
  • support virtual force sensor usage
  • add sensor_ros_bridge_connect to connect sensor data ports based on ModelLoader\'s sensor information
  • re-organize code, use IDL style method name for each service/idl and use euslisp style method name for wrapper of them
  • enable to get force-vector and moment-vector
  • add removeforcesensor offset interface
  • add getImpedanceControllerParam and enable to set parameter individualy
  • fix potision of argument in :start-impedance-impl
  • fix typo ;; start-impedance in stop-impedance
  • fix condision of limb for start and stop impedance
  • add yaml depend in hrpsys_ros_bridge
  • use :force-sensor method
  • use root-link\'s parent by default
  • fix bug of send*
  • add methods for impedance controller
  • fix name : use upper case for argument, (Fixes issue 65)
  • add launch_ros_model argument to hrpsys_ros_bridge.launch
  • fix number of clock publisher ;; publisher ==1 means no clock publisher other than HrpsysSeqRosBridge, which means HrpsSeqRosBridge should publish /clock
  • add ImpedanceCOntroller service ROS Bridge
  • check use_sim_time
  • do not publish /clock when othre node pulishes
  • rm config, no longer used?
  • fix : move hrpsys_ros_bridge exmaple codes to hrpsys_ros_bridge_tutorials
  • move hrpsys_ros_bridge exmaple codes to hrpsys_ros_bridge_tutorials
  • add CollisionDetectionService interface to rtm-ros-robotics-interface.l
  • add CollisionDetectorService
  • add import time for sleep Use one depth queue for avoid sending multiple servo off message, Issue 32 Status: Fixed
  • add setServoGainPercentage which is euslisp interface for idl2srv of RobotHardware RTC
  • add controller configuration file to hironx_ros_bridge.launch
  • add HIRONX_controller_config.yaml
  • Added Log button to hrpsys_dashboard to call DataLoggerService/save
  • add comment to why we need r3202
  • add hrp4c sample for using joint group
  • fix for using joint group
  • add HrpsysJointTrajectoryBridge for using joint group
  • fix directory name
  • fix directory name
  • mv euslisp programs to euslisp directory
  • revert CMakeLists.txt
  • add test code for calling seq group
  • add comments
  • add debug message to set-interpolation
  • add :setBasePose method to rtm-ros-robot-interface.l
  • add sequenceplayserservicerosbridge node
  • fix by iori
  • remove glc_cpature from rviz node
  • fix for hrpsys 3.1.4
  • support control_msgs/FollowJointTrajectoryAction
  • update SIMULATOR NAME, set use_sim_time true
  • remove debug code
  • publich /clock from rsangle when /use_sim_time is true
  • add euslisp interface for CollisionDetectorService.idl #37
  • Comment out camera port connection in the simulator because it lacks lack versatility
  • Changed StateHolder name from StateHolder to sh. Modified rviz argument from --sync to -sync. In electric, rviz may not work correctly.
  • add
  • adopted hrpsys_dashboard to fuerte.
  • fix virtual force sensor setup
  • check High Temperature
  • mv SensorInfo to Impl, add virtual force sensor information
  • support virtual_force_sensor option
  • split into and
  • add calib done, power on, servo alarm message to diagnostics
  • add motor section
  • write motor status to diagnostic
  • add power indicator
  • send servo alarm
  • fix : update for hrpsys-base update
  • update for hrpsys-base update
  • fix hrpsys_profile, clean up codes
  • fix gyrometer and gsensor to use TimedAcceleratoin3D and TimedAngularVelocity3D
  • add darwin-vrml-file-path to reduce webots dependent path description
  • use ros::resolve-ros-path instead of defined function get-rospack-find-str
  • fix only indent
  • fix file-name probing committed at r3127 ;; probe-file webots original vrml file instead of generated openhrp3 path
  • ignore if DARwInOp.proto is not found
  • set default rate to 10 ; this process consumes cpu power so much
  • pre calculate sensor tf information
  • remove old features, diagnositcs and JointTempleture, now we can you and servoState
  • add extra_data for hrpsys-base revision 417
  • read force sensor size and name from model file
  • fix due to hrpsys update
  • clean up code, add error handling code
  • add, diagnostics_aggregator and hrpsys_profile
  • add
  • set red icon if servo off
  • fix servoState data type from TimedLongSeq -> TimedLongSeqSeq
  • fix servoState data type from TimedLongSeq -> TimedLongSeqSeq
  • specify simulator and robothardware names by using SIMULATOR_NAME
  • fix usage of StateHolder ;; use qIn and qOut as reference angle-vector value ;; fix related launch files
  • round time value ;; we assume time stamp in walk2m.pos is integer
  • use rootlink_name, since calling bodyinfo->links() in onExecute consumes memory?
  • call goActual before servo on
  • serv off is not error
  • add Mode
  • add to publish /Mode/Operating Mode/{Servo On,Servo Off}
  • pusblish odom->bodyinfo->links()[0].segments[0].name
  • fix HRP4C walk2m.pos data path
  • fix HRP4C model path
  • add servoState
  • add servoState
  • fix typo hrpsys_dashboarad -> hrpsys_dashboard
  • fix servo on/servo off
  • use OpenRTM timer for publish ROS message
  • fix link_name -> name for new openhrp3 3.1.3
  • use args for
  • fix params robot_monitor
  • add robot_monitor and diagnostic.yaml
  • add hrpsys_dashboarad
  • add depends to dashboard/robot_monitor
  • add diagnostics_pub
  • use hrpEC
  • start up DataLoggerService in hrpsys ros bridge launch
  • add save log method
  • add KILL_SERVERS arguments to samplerobot_startup.launch
  • support KILL_SERVERS argument, set false as default
  • subscribe motor_states in initializatoin ;; add :temperature-vector
  • define rtm-ros-robot-interface to use hrpsys_ros_bridge dependent codes
  • add MotorStates.msg and publish it in HrpsysSeqRosBridge
  • remove webots from depends and add add_custom_command to download the sourcecode
  • reverted to r2951 for my mistake
  • check warning only for non-eistence movie or image
  • fixed index.rst and conflict problem
  • use baseTform instead of pose to obtain base link transformation from StateHolder
  • add JointTemperature data port ;; this data port does not work if Joint Temperature is input
  • update index.rst, by Jenkins
  • add manipulator for Yaskawa robot
  • fix: upport manipulator definition when export-collada, HRP4C is the example
  • support manipulator definition when export-collada, HRP4C is the example
  • make build/images for rostest
  • comment out torque reading printing by default
  • add data port for actual torques ;; rename original out data port for torque as mctorque ;; publish joint_states.effort based on rstorque
  • publish /fullbody_controller/state according to mcangle data port
  • rename compile_collada_robot->compile_collada_model
  • move compile_openhrp_model,compile_collada_robot to cmake/compile_robot_model.cmake
  • remove unused m_angle data port
  • increase max-time for gr001
  • fix typo hr001->gr001
  • increase time-limit
  • increse time-limit
  • increase time-limit
  • update samplerobot in house example to use grxui
  • fix video tag for rviz
  • fix for old cmake version issue #22
  • fix typo, errors
  • add to generate pr2.xml and pr2.conf
  • generate conf file from wrl for openhrp3 model
  • fix dependency
  • mv smartpal5.yaml yaskawasmartpal5.yaml
  • update CMakeLists.txt in order to run compile_robot sequentially, since this target use rostest and we could not run multiple rostest at the same time
  • fix xml
  • update launch script for eclipse-free hrpsys simulation
  • update make file to use _gen_project.launch to generate project file from model file
  • update documents
  • use copy for YasukawaSmartPal5
  • enable Camera of darwin.vcg avoid segfo in lucid
  • fix makefile for YasukawaSmartPal5
  • update launch documents
  • rtm-naming-restart now do not ru omniNaming in background, so that rosmake can easily kill rtm-naming
  • fix typo ;; openhrp -> openhrp3
  • use openhrp3_PACKAGE_PATH : try to call _stop_rtmnaming.launch at the end of the make test, to stop omniNames that confuses rosmake system
  • try to call _stop_rtmnaming.launch at the end of the make test, to stop omniNames that confuses rosmake system
  • revert to previous revision ;; ros name server must initialize before RTCsvn diff src/
  • fix order of member variables initialization
  • fix: rosbuild_download_data use download_checkmd5, wrong previous commit -> use download_checkmd5 instad of rosbuild_donwnload_data to try to download multiple times when fail
  • use download_checkmd5 instad of rosbuild_donwnload_data to try to download multiple times when fail
  • update test script
  • use video directive
  • add dependency on pr2eus because euslisp codes and msgs of pr2eus are used in examples
  • update launch script for new
  • update time-limit
  • fix test setup for max-time
  • fix max-time for new jenkins machine
  • fix max-time
  • add off-pose
  • change reset-pose, in order not to collide with table
  • change service play pattern
  • remove waitforClockGenerator
  • update time-limit for gr001
  • update gr001.launch
  • update time-limit
  • update gr001 sample program
  • add gr001.launch to test
  • add GR001 model from choreonoid
  • set time-limit to 600
  • add pr2.launch to rostest
  • set ORBgiopMaxMsgSize to 2M to 20M
  • do not error when length of rsangle is larger then that of body->joints
  • remove retry option from test tag
  • fix dependency
  • fix dependency when downloading yaskawa model
  • path of robot-interface.l has changed
  • fix dependency
  • remove debug code
  • remove pr2 from test
  • add dirty patch
  • fix wait for ModelLoader code
  • fix check-tf
  • add debug message
  • add lfsensor and rfsensor
  • wait until ModelLoader is up
  • remove debug code
  • fix debug code
  • remove debug code
  • add pr2.launch for rostset
  • clean up code
  • fix camera position
  • fix path of webots robot directory ;; projects -> resources/projects
  • remove webots nodes if openhrp-node-name is not specified ;; does not export Receiver and Emitter to openhrp vrml
  • capitalize bottom, side, and top fields of cylinder
  • remove subdivision field from Cylinder Node in webots vrml because subdivision field does not exist in default VRML specification
  • add definition of Receiver PROTO and Emitter PROTO refering to reference.pdf in webots_simulator
  • fix path of darwin proto
  • rename webots -> webots_simulator because original directories or webots-ros-pkg are updated
  • use --nosim mode for pr2_startup
  • rename webots -> webots_simulator because original directories or webots-ros-pkg are updated
  • fix typo
  • add darwin-walk-data and update darwin sample ;; init -> walk -> pickup -> arm-up pose
  • remove unnecessary timestep argument ;; darwin simulation does not require this parameter by default at recent version
  • add angle-vector-for-seq-debug version instead of angle-vector-sequence version for hrp4c-walk debug
  • fix linear mode check ;; use :linear instead of linear
  • fix linear mode check ;; use :linear instead of linear
  • add raw service call for seq\'s waitInterpolation and setJointAngles
  • add hrp4c-walk in hrp4c-pickup sample script
  • setPreempted on Finalize
  • remove debug code
  • support angle-vector-sequence and wait-interpolation
  • lengthen max-time for hrp4c test
  • speed up darwin demo
  • add fullbody pickup sample for hrp4c robot ;; use hrp4c-fullbody-pickup by default
  • update hrp4c end-coords definitions
  • update darwin simulation
  • update for new visualization layout
  • add config for rviz
  • fix euslisp code for better visualization
  • update hrp4c.vcg
  • remove debug code
  • set timestep 0.005 for darwin
  • add pr2 simulation on openhrp3
  • add joint_state.velocity
  • update max-time
  • update documents for smartpal5.launch
  • add smartpal5.launch to rostest
  • support any size of input image
  • set max-time to 40 for dynamics simulated robot, 10 for no-sim robot
  • fix debug message
  • update darwin script
  • add arg OUTPUT
  • update launch files
  • add dependency to image_view2
  • fix euslisp model location
  • add smartpal5.yaml
  • add smartpal5 launch files
  • add to download yasukawa model
  • update webotsvrml2openhrp3vrml according to changing directory
  • move webotsvrml2openhrp3vrml from models to scrips
  • add scripts/webotsvrml2openhrp3vrml.l
  • move darwin.yaml from scripts to models
  • move model files from hrpsys to hrpsys_ros_bridge
  • add pa10, darwin, damplerobot launch example, rename file name based on description written in manifest.xml
  • add pa10, darwin, damplerobot launch example, rename file name based on description written in manifest.xml
  • wait until model loader is available
  • fix document
  • fix xml syntax
  • add hrp4c-nosim-pickup.launch and update hrp4c-pickup.l
  • remove hrp4c-example.launch
  • update launch description
  • fix max-time to 20
  • enable to specify service-name
  • update debug message
  • update hrp4c-*.launch files
  • rename file name from test-hrp4c-*.launch to hrp4c-*.launch
  • fix xml syntax error
  • fix documnets
  • add test files
  • rename hrp4crobot-pickup -> hrp4c-pickup
  • remove test directory use rosdoc and launchfiles
  • add rtm-ros-robot-interface including ros::service-call and use it in roseus samples ;; rtm-ros-robot-interface will support idl<->srv conversion
  • use require instead of load for model loading
  • add sendmsg service to Hrpsysseqstaterosbridge using dynamic_reconfigure srv
  • move darwin\'s hrpsys.launch file to hrpsys_ros_bridge
  • fix hrp4c.test and CMakeList.txt
  • add darwin sample launch files and script
  • add test program for hrpsys_ros_bridge
  • add rostest hrp4c.test and generate-document.test
  • update hrpsys_ros_bridge.launch : remove SimulationEC from openrtm_args and rename rtmlaunch to hrplaunch_hrpsys_ros_bridge
  • revert previsou commit
  • update hrp4c.vcg
  • changed nodes in hrpsys_ros_bridge to not link SimulationEC, these nodes are not real-time
  • current good connection script for hrp4r
  • add connection script for hrpsys_ros_bridge on real robot
  • unit of Update Intealval is [sec]
  • changed robot super class, from ros-interface to robot-interface
  • add --nosim launch file for hrp4c
  • add pickup demo for hrp4c
  • fix : forget to call spinOnce
  • use Update Interval 1 for Robot Model and TF
  • update darwin_ros_bridge.launch to use hrpsys_ros_bridge.launch
  • fix compile warning
  • fix wrong commit
  • clean up HrpsysSeqStateROSBridge
  • pusblish tf and others at the hrpsys cycle rate
  • add --sync
  • add SCHEDULER_ARGS argument support
  • fix to pass SCHEDULER_ARGS argument
  • fix debug message
  • clean up launch files, hrpsys/launch contains example for OpenHRP3.1 and hrpsys_ros_bridge/launch contains example for openhrp-scedular and ros bridge
  • move openhrp + ros integration example under hrpsys_ros_bridge
  • rename main_withHands to HiroNX
  • add hiro-nx example
  • add debug message to show \@Initialize
  • change samplerobot_hrpsys_ros_bridge to use hrpsys.launch
  • add rviz, image_proc, image_view, camshiftdemo in samplerobot_ros_bridge.launch
  • remove openhrp3 from manifest, this is writtin in hrpsys/manifest.xml
  • fix ROBOT_NAME from HRP-4C to HRP4
  • fix samplerobot_ros_bridge.launch to include hrpsys_ros_bridge.launch
  • add debug message
  • update .launch files, .dae files goes to hrpsys/scripts, AbsTransformToPosRpy is launched from hrpsys.launch, update opertm_args to use SimulationEC
  • update skip paramater
  • link SimulationEC
  • add depend package rviz to manifest.xml
  • add hrpsys_ros_bridge
  • add launch/darwin_ros_bridge.launch
  • add ImageSensorROSBRidge to hrp4 simulation
  • add rviz configuration file for samplerobot
  • fix to avoid segfualt error when grxui does not publish data
  • add frame_id, and fill dummy camera_info param, publish effort and use wait-interpolation
  • publish sensor pose through tf::TransformBroadcaster
  • add ImageSensorROSBridge
  • add samplerobot_ros_bridge.launch
  • update HrpsysSeqStateROSBridge read pose and publish as tf
  • update use /odom as root frame
  • add rviz configuration files for pa10 and hrp4c
  • add pa10_ros_bridge.launch
  • update to HrpsysSeqStateROSBridge
  • update hrpsysStatePublihser, to work with robot_state_publisher
  • rename hrprtc -> hrpsys
  • rename hrprtc_ros_bridge -> hrpsys_ros_bridge
  • Contributors:, Isao Isaac Saito, Kei Okada, Ryohei Ueda,, garaemon,,, ik0313,, kei.okada,, manabu1118,,,, notheworld,, nozawa,, tnaka,\,, youhei,

Wiki Tutorials

See ROS Wiki Tutorials for more details.

Source Tutorials

Not currently indexed.

Launch files

  • test/hrpsys-samples/test_samplerobot_euslisp_unittests.launch
    • =*- mode: xml -*-
      • NOSIM [default: false]
      • GUI [default: false]
      • RUN_RVIZ [default: false]
      • NOSIM [default: $(arg NOSIM)]
      • GUI [default: $(arg GUI)]
      • RUN_RVIZ [default: $(arg RUN_RVIZ)]
      • corbaport [default: 2809]
      • USE_UNSTABLE_RTC [default: true]
      • USE_EMERGENCYSTOPPER [default: true]
      • USE_REFERENCEFORCEUPDATER [default: true]
  • test/test-compile-robot.launch
  • test/test-samplerobot-hcf.launch
      • corbaport [default: 2809]
      • GUI [default: false]
      • RUN_RVIZ [default: false]
      • USE_UNSTABLE_RTC [default: true]
  • test/test-euslisp-without-ros-bridge.launch
    • This test is named *.launch to be excluded from catkin_install_run_tests
  • launch/robot_pose_ekf.launch
      • base_link [default: BODY]
  • launch/hrpsys_ros_bridge.launch
      • MODEL_FILE
      • CONF_FILE [default: ]
      • BASE_LINK [default: BODY]
      • SIMULATOR_NAME [default: RobotHardware0]
      • INSTALL_ROBOT_DESCRIPTION [default: true]
      • DEBUG_HRPSYS [default: false]
      • USE_DIAGNOSTICS [default: true]
      • USE_ROBOT_POSE_EKF [default: true]
      • USE_COMMON [default: true]
      • USE_ROBOTHARDWARE [default: false]
      • USE_WALKING [default: false]
      • USE_COLLISIONCHECK [default: true]
      • USE_IMPEDANCECONTROLLER [default: false]
      • USE_GRASPCONTROLLER [default: false]
      • USE_SERVOCONTROLLER [default: false]
      • USE_TORQUECONTROLLER [default: false]
      • USE_SOFTERRORLIMIT [default: true]
      • USE_TORQUEFILTER [default: false]
      • USE_IMAGESENSOR [default: false]
      • USE_EMERGENCYSTOPPER [default: false]
      • USE_REFERENCEFORCEUPDATER [default: false]
      • USE_HRPSYS_PROFILE [default: true]
      • USE_VELOCITY_OUTPUT [default: false] — true: output actual velocity / false: output differential value of actual postition as /joint_states/velocity
      • PUBLISH_SENSOR_TF [default: true]
      • nameserver [default: localhost]
      • corbaport [default: 15005]
      • managerport [default: 2810]
      • periodic_rate [default: 2000]
      • omniorb_args [default: -ORBInitRef NameService=corbaloc:iiop:$(arg nameserver):$(arg corbaport)/NameService]
      • openrtm_args [default: -o "corba.master_manager:$(arg nameserver):$(arg managerport)" -o "corba.nameservers:$(arg nameserver):$(arg corbaport)" -o "naming.formats:%n.rtc" -o "exec_cxt.periodic.type:PeriodicExecutionContext" -o "exec_cxt.periodic.rate:$(arg periodic_rate)" -o "logger.file_name:/tmp/rtc%p.log"]
      • subscription_type [default: new]
      • push_policy [default: all]
      • push_rate [default: 50.0]
      • buffer_length [default: 8]
      • OUTPUT [default: screen]
      • ROBOT_TYPE [default: ]
      • USE_ROBOT_TYPE_SETTING [default: false]
  • launch/robot_monitor.launch
      • check_core_temps [default: False]
      • check_ipmi_tool [default: False]
      • check_nfs [default: False]
      • enforce_clock_speed [default: False]
      • num_cores [default: 4]
  • launch/samplerobot_startup-grxui.launch
      • KILL_SERVERS [default: false]
      • KILL_SERVERS [default: $(arg KILL_SERVERS)]
  • launch/collision_detector.launch
    • launch collision detctor as solo program for rviz display
      • nameserver [default: localhost]
      • corbaport [default: 15005]
      • managerport [default: 2810]
      • SIMULATOR_NAME [default: RobotHardware0]
      • omniorb_args [default: -ORBInitRef NameService=corbaloc:iiop:$(arg nameserver):$(arg corbaport)/NameService]
      • openrtm_args [default: -o "corba.master_manager:$(arg nameserver):$(arg managerport)" -o "corba.nameservers:$(arg nameserver):$(arg corbaport)" -o "naming.formats:%n.rtc" -o "exec_cxt.periodic.type:PeriodicExecutionContext" -o "exec_cxt.periodic.rate:2000" -o "logger.file_name:/tmp/collision_detector%p.log"]
      • MODEL_FILE [default: /opt/jsk/etc/HIRONX/model/main.wrl]
      • CONF_FILE
      • RUN_COLLISION_STATE [default: true]
  • launch/samplerobot-grxui.launch
      • KILL_SERVERS [default: false]
      • KILL_SERVERS [default: $(arg KILL_SERVERS)]
  • launch/samplerobot_ros_bridge-grxui.launch


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Package Summary

Tags No category tags.
Version 1.4.3
License BSD
Build type CATKIN

Repository Summary

Checkout URI
VCS Type git
VCS Version master
Last Updated 2023-08-04
CI status
Tags No category tags.
Contributing Help Wanted (0)
Good First Issues (0)
Pull Requests to Review (0)

Package Description

hrpsys_ros_bridge package provides basic functionalities to bind

Additional Links


  • Kei Okada


  • Kei Okada



hrpsys_ros_bridge is a package to connect hrpsys <>_ (OpenRTM-based controller) system and ROS system.

This package contains ROSBridge to hrpsys, cmake_libraries, launch files, Euslisp interface, and examples.


ROSBridge here is a ROS node to bridge hrpsys system and ROS system.

You might want to check other "bridging" software in ROS too such as:

- `rosbridge_suite <>`_ provides a JSON API to ROS functionality for non-ROS programs.
- `rtmbuild <>`_ Provides a ROS-like compile and launch script for `OpenRTM`.

You can use OpenRTM resources from ROS interface, e.g., use OpenRTM Data Ports through ROS Topic and OpenRTM Servie Ports through ROS Service. The following table shows the corresponding concepts for the 2 worlds.

Process ROS Node RTC
Data connection Topic Data Port
RPC connection Service Service Port
  • HrpsysSeqStateROSBridge :
    Publish ROS topics by reading RTC's data ports.

Send ROS JointTrajectory service to SequencePlayer.rtc by its service ports.

  1. Generated ROSBridges:

openrtm_ros_bridge is the ROS bridge for example code in openrtm_aist and hrpsys_ros_bridge provides ROS bridge for hrpsys package.

These bridges ROS service to OpenRTM service port.

For example all idl files in hrpsys is coped to hrpsys_ros_bridge/idl/*.idl, and it generates cpp codes in hrpsys_ros_bridge/src_gen/*.cpp and built binaries in hrpsys_ros_bridge/[bin,lib].

cmake libraries

hrpsys_ros_bridge/cmake/compile_robot_model.cmake is a CMake file to convert robot model file format.

launch files

hrpsys_ros_bridge/launch/hrpsys_ros_bridge.launch is a launch file to invoke ROSBridges and connect them with RTCs.

Euslisp interface

Euslisp Interface



Euslisp Examples

Euslisp example


Changelog for package hrpsys_ros_bridge

1.4.3 (2020-04-20)

  • Adapt README for melodic & fix style of README & fix to run on melodic (#1090)
  • use setJointAnglesOfGroup() and playPattern(), use clearJointAngles() with test (#1071)
    • Fix swapping of clear and clearJointAngles
    • Add comments to clarify when stopping motion is executed
    • Tell getting new goal from cancel
    • setJointANglesSequenceOfGroup has bugs as of 315.15.0, use old API intead see
    • add more debug info for #765
    • use setJointAnglesOfGroup() and playPattern(), use clearJointAngles()
    • add code to get hrpsys rtc version, thakns to \@n-ando
    • Add two points trajectory to test of joint trajectory action cancel
    • Add comment on two points trajectory to samplerobot test of joint trajectory action goal overwrite
    • Add two points trajectory to PA10 test of joint trajectory action goal overwrite
    • Add test for joint trajectory action cancel overwrite with samplerobot
    • Add test for joint trajectory action goal overwrite with PA10
    • Add test for joint trajectory action cancel with PA10
  • [HrpsysSeqStateROSBridge] output joint_state/velocity (#1069)
    • [hrpsys_ros_bridge.launch] add comment to USE_VELOCITY_OUTPUT
    • [hrpsys_ros_bridge] Add test of joint_states/velocity
  • [rtm-ros-robot-interface.l] fix bug of :motor-extra-data (#1066)
  • [rtm-ros-robot-interface.l] add method :set-ref-force-moment to rtm-ros-robot-interface class (#1045)
    • add method :set-ref-force-moment to rtm-ros-robot-interface class
    • [hrpsys_ros_bridge] Add test of :set-ref-force-moment
  • Remove all ros::object slots in def-set-get-param-method (#1060)
  • Set time_from_start to feedback of joint trajectory action with tests (#1073)
    • prev_traj_tm -> traj_start_tm
    • Stop feedback when trajectory is completed
    • Set time_from_start to feedback of joint trajectory action
    • Add test of feedback from joint trajectory action with samplerobot
    • Add test of feedback from joint trajectory action with PA10
  • Re-enable & fix euslisp test on travis (#1085)
    • [hrpsys_ros_bridge] fix bug in samplerobot-sequence-player.l
    • To speed up travis jobs having euslisp tests, stop other tests
  • Try to run multiple hrpsys simulation environments (#1054)
    • add manager port arg in default launch templates
    • re-add omniorb_args for backward compatibility
    • change to use omniorb_args -> openrtm_args
    • support any RTCManager port num
    • update ros bridge launch files
  • [] fix argument of rospy.loginfo ( #1055)
  • fix def-set-get-param-method in rtm-ros-robot-interface.l (#1053)
    • fix def-set-get-param-method in rtm-ros-robot-interface.l
    • add forgotten argument of string= in the last commit
  • [hrpsys_ros_brdge] fix time-limit for test (#1057)
  • Fix less than one sec (#1042)
    • [hrpsys_ros_bridge] change abs to std::abs for trajectory_action when it received trajectory less than 1.0 sec
    • [hrpsys_ros_bridge] add test for trajectory_action when it received trajectory less than 1.0 sec
  • fix typo in stop-rfu-no-wait (#1044)
  • use 2899/2898 for corbaport, since omniorb-nameserver forcestarted nameserver as default port 2809 when they\'re first installed (#1043)
  • Update GaitGenerator/ReferenceForceUpdater methods (#1040)
    • [hrpsys_ros_bridge/euslisp/rtm-ros-robot-interface.l] Add method to configure toe heel phase ration automatically in GaitGeneratorParam.
    • [hrpsys_ros_bridge/euslisp/rtm-ros-robot-interface.l] Update method for new ReferenceForceUpdater functionalities (
    • [hrpsys_ros_bridge/euslisp/rtm-ros-robot-interface.l] Add method to print RTCs\' parameters in more readable style using print-object.
  • Add method to print RTCs\' parameters in more readable style using print-object. (#1039)
  • Contributors: Guilherme Affonso, Kei Okada, Naoki Hiraoka, Shintaro Komatsu, Shun Hasegawa, Shunichi Nozawa, Yohei Kakiuchi, Yasuhiro Ishiguro

1.4.2 (2017-12-22)

  • add test to check #1036 situation (#1038)
  • duration == 0.0 results unexpected behavior, so force set 0.001 when duration == 0 s set (#1037 )
  • Contributors: Kei Okada

1.4.1 (2017-10-25)

  • Update of
    • Connect ReferenceForceUpdater\'s ref_force (#1033)
      • [hrpsys_ros_bridge/scripts/] connect reference force port to ReferenceForceUpdater or EmergencyStopper if exists.
    • Add wait for rmfo and vs (#1029)
      • [hrpsys_ros_bridge,] add wait for initalizinig all components
  • HrpsysSeqStateROSBridge (#1027)
    • [HrpsysSeqStateROSBridge] fix for using virtual force sensor
  • Update rtm-ros-robot-interface.l (#1030)
    • [hrpsys_ros_bridge/euslisp/rtm-ros-robot-interface.l] Add documentation string for new arguments (set-ref-force-linear-p, return-value-mode)
    • [hrpsys_ros_bridge/euslisp/rtm-ros-robot-interface.l] Add argument to set linear interpolation during increasing force
    • [hrpsys_ros_bridge/euslisp/rtm-ros-robot-interface.l] Enable to set return value mode
    • [hrpsys_ros_bridge/euslisp/rtm-ros-robot-interface.l] Enable to get fric coefficient wrench add update print messages
    • [hrpsys_ros_bridge/euslisp/rtm-ros-robot-interface.l] Update otd checking loop for moment. Exit from do-until-key loop immediately when otd detection. Fix valiables for set ref force
    • [hrpsys_ros_bridge/euslisp/rtm-ros-robot-interface.l] Use euslisp symbol as detector total wrench parameter
    • [hrpsys_ros_bridge/euslisp/rtm-ros-robot-interface.l] Enable to access detector total wrench as euslisp symbol.
    • [hrpsys_ros_bridge/euslisp/rtm-ros-robot-interface.l] Update otd checking loop. Exit from do-until-key loop immediately when otd detection.
  • Contributors: MasakiMurooka, Shunichi Nozawa, YoheiKakiuchi

1.4.0 (2017-08-09)

  • display error message when body->sensor(j, i) is null (#1014)
  • : add more debug message (#1015)
  • Update AutoBalancer and ReferenceForceUpdater euslisp method symbols (#1026)
    • [hrpsys_ros_bridge/euslisp/rtm-ros-robot-interface.l] Supprot :FootOriginExtMoment for RFU methods.
    • [hrpsys_ros_bridge/euslisp/rtm-ros-robot-interface.l] Support UseForceMode setting as euslisp symbol in :set-auto-balancer-param.
  • fix code to run both Indido and Kinetic (#1025)
    • /test/test-samplerobot-hcf.launch: increase time-limit to 600
    • test/{,} support both pr2_controllers_msgs and controllr_msgs
    • src/hrpsys_ros_bridge/ fix for qt5
    • add USE_PR2_CONTROLLERS_MSGS definition
    • CMakeLists.txt : we do not use pr2_msgs on build time
    • CMakeLists.txt : remove code to download wet pr2_controllers_msgs for groovy
  • Support stride parameter with different length (#1022)
    • [hrpsys_ros_bridge/euslisp/rtm-ros-robot-interface.l] Support stride_parameter of different length
    • [hrpsys_ros_bridge/test/hrpsys-samples/samplerobot-auto-balancer.l] Add test to check stride parameter 4 and 6
  • [HrpsysSeqStateROSBridge] fix stamp of joint_state. add stamp after reading m_rsangle (#1019)
    • [HrpsysSeqStateROSBridge] fix stamp of joint_state. add stamp after reading m_rsangle
  • [HrpsysSeqStateROSBridge] remove subtraction magic number (#1013)
    • [HrpsysSeqStateROSBridge] remove subtraction magic number
  • Support argumen t for setting duration of calibration. For :remove-xx methods, 8.0 by default[s]. For :reset-xx methods, 0.1[s] by default for compatibility (#1011)
    • [hrpsys_ros_bridge/euslisp/rtm-ros-robot-interface.l] Support argument for setting duration of calibration. For :remove-xx methods, 8.0 by default[s]. For :reset-xx methods, 0.1[s] by default for compatibility
  • Add new methods for :remove-force-sensor-offset using RMFO (#1010)
    • [hrpsys_ros_bridge/euslisp/rtm-ros-robot-interface.l] Add new methods for :remove-force-sensor-offset using RMFO. Add warning message for deprecated remove-force methods.
  • Update euslisp hrpsysbase samples (#1009)
    • [hrpsys_ros_bridge/test/hrpsys-samples] Add README for Euslisp hrpsys example basically copied from ros wiki (
    • [hrpsys_ros_bridge/test/hrpsys-samples/samplerobot-carry-object.l] Update carry demo euslisp sample.
    • [hrpsys_ros_bridge/test/hrpsys-samples/samplerobot-stabilizer.l] Update stabilizer euslisp sample according to hrpsys-base stabilizer sample update.
  • Fix bug of sample4leg robot end-coords setting for arms. (#1008)
    • [hrpsys_ros_bridge/models/sample4legrobot.yaml] Fix bug of sample4legrobot end-coords setting for arms.
  • Update project generator and refforce (#1007)
    • [hrpsys_ros_bridge/euslisp] Update README for openhrp-project-generator
    • [hrpsys_ros_bridge/euslisp/rtm-ros-robot-interface.l] Fix orientation for openhrp-project-generator
    • [hrpsys_ros_bridge/euslisp/rtm-ros-robot-interface.l] Update for object turnaround detection to use initial ref forces
    • [hrpsys_ros_bridge/euslisp/rtm-ros-robot-interface.l] Update dump function for openhrp project generator. Use openhrp-project-generator in openhrp3 package instead of _gen_project.launch
  • Add forgotten update for robot.launch ( (#1005)
  • set USE_UNSTABLE_RTC as not all unstable rtc defiend in, just for basic walking test, other latest development rtc is passed by arg (#1004)
    • set USE_UNSTABLE_RTC as not getUnstableRTC defined in, it is for a basic walking test, other latest development rtc is passed by arg from test_samplerobot_euslisp_unittests.launch
    • [hrpsys_ros_bridge/launch/hrpsys_ros_bridge.launch,hrpsys_ros_bridge/scripts/,hrpsys_ros_bridge/euslisp/rtm-ros-robot-interface.l,hrpsys_tools/launch/hrpsys.launch] Update for ObjectTurnaroundDetector RTC. add USE_REFERENCEFORCEUDPATER and USE_OBJECTCONTACTTURNAROUNDDETECTOR.
  • Contributors: Kei Okada, Shunichi Nozawa, Yohei Kakiuchi

1.3.3 (2017-02-12)

  • HrpsysSeqStateROSBridge.cpp
    • HrpsysSeqStateROSBridge occurs error if number of force sensor is different with size of contact states. fix number of force sensor (#982)
    • Revert \"[HrpsysSeqStateROSBridge] fix number of force sensor\" #984
    • Separate offset-removed force sensor data ports from rsforce, which is actual and non-offset-removed data port. Currently rsforce ports -> rsforce ports + offforce ports. (#964)
    • Fixed mistake of sensor_link_name, when robot has only virturl force sonsors (#945)
  • HrpsysJointTrajectoryBridge.cpp
    • publish feedback for joint_trajectory_actions (#966)
  • hrpsys_ros_bridge/launch/hrpsys_ros_bridge.launch
    • Add argument to change buffer length of rtmlaunch connection. Set 8 by default (default setting in openrtm). (#980)
    • fix model filename. Enable cache in ModelLoader, filename should be same as in .conf file. (#978)
  • euslisp
    • [rtm-ros-robot-interface.l] refactor torque-controller interface (#994)
    • Update sequencefull unit system and arguments (#988)
      • changed arguments of angle-vector-sequence-full see #985
      • [hrpsys-samples/samplerobot-sequence-player.l] Add test for angle-vector-sequence-full (check validity)
      • [rtm-ros-robot-interface.l] Use root-coords and zmp in the abs frame and convert them inside the :angle-vector-sequence-full
      • [rtm-ros-robot-interface.l] Introduce fsensor length for wrench and optionals
      • [rtm-ros-robot-interface.l] Use [mm] and [deg/s] instead of [m] and [rad/s] for vel, pos, and zmp.
      • [rtm-ros-robot-interface.l] Use [deg] instead of [rad] for jpos argument and remove jvs arg.
      • [rtm-ros-robot-interface.l] Use tm as [ms], previously [s].
    • [tm-ros-robot-interface.l] Update :reset-force-moment-offset to use :off force/moment vector (#983)
    • [tm-ros-robot-interface.l] Added a missing keyword in def-set-get-method for TorqueControllerService. (#972)
    • [tm-ros-robot-interface.l] Add euslisp interface for torque controller (#965)
    • [datalogger-log-parser.l] Modify unit of cogvel [m] -> [mm] for euslisp (#960)
    • [rtm-ros-robot-interface.l] Add get-go-pos-footsteps-sequence in rtm-ros-robot-interface.l and add test (#965)
    • [rtm-ros-robot-interface.l] Update frame of wrench. Previously, wrench frame is mismatch with documentation string. Previous : local -> new : world. (#963)
    • [rtm-ros-robot-interface.l] Add eefm force moment distribution weight parameter. (#958)
    • [rtm-ros-robot-interface.l] add Eus interface of SequencePlayserService_setJointAnglesSequenceFull and add test in test/hrpsys-samples/samplerobot-sequence-player.l (#954)
    • [datalogger-log-parser.l] Add sh reference force and support both rpy and 3x3 matrix for WAIST log(#956)
    • [rtm-ros-robot-interface.l] update rfu interface for idl changed in (#952)
    • [datalogger-log-parser.l] Use joint-list length for datalogger joint angle conversion. (#953)
      • Add simulation actual root coords reading and check for existance of RobotHardware0_servoState in datalogger. Fix setting of simulators\' data parser names.
      • Use joint-list length for datalogger joint angle conversion.
    • [rtm-ros-robot-interface.l] make directory for log files (#951)
  • [scripts/] Add nameserver argument for ros_bridge.launch (#950)
  • [test/hrpsys-samples/samplerobot-stabilizer.l] Update loadPattern sample because add-optional-data-from-rs-list is included in dump-seq-pattern-file (#959)
  • Contributors: Ryo Koyama, Kei Okada, Noriaki Takasugi, Ryo Terasawa, Shunichi Nozawa, Yohei Kakiuchi, Yoshimaru Tanaka, Iori Kumagai, Iori Yanokura, Juntaro Tamura

1.3.2 (2016-04-26)

  • [fix] getFootStepParam interface according to upstream change. Remove rleg_coords and lleg_coords.
  • [fix] HrpsysSeqStateROSBridgeImpl.cpp: sensor->localR is world coords
  • [fix] Modified HrpsysSeqStateROSBridgeImpl to enable virtual force
  • [fix] [rtm-ros-robot-interface.l] add time constant prameter according to upstream idl update
  • [fix] [hrpsys_ros_bridge] Fix genjava problem by adding message_generation as build_depend
  • [fix] getFootStepParam interface according to upstream change. Remove rleg_coords and lleg_coords.
  • [fix] [hrpsys_ros_bridge]change D if D from hrpsys is empty
  • [feat] [hrpsys_ros_bridge/test/] add test programs to check frame_id of off_xxsensor and ref_xxsensor (#940)
  • [feat] Set /robot/type param according to lower-case robot name such as samplerobot.
  • [feat] [hrpsys_ros_bridge/test/test-samplerobot.*] add a test program for init of hcf
  • [feat] fix collision visualization, color of sphere will be purple if collision occur
  • [feat] .travis.yml : add test when old hrpsys-ros-bridge exists (#929)
  • [feat] [hrpsys_ros_bridge/euslisp/rtm-ros-robot-interface.l] Add check for param existence for def-set-get-param-method to neglect idl mismatch error. Fix indent. (#933)
  • [feat] [hrpsys_ros_bridge/euslisp/rtm-ros-robot-interface.l] Add reference force updater euslisp methods.
  • [feat] [hrpsys_ros_bridge/euslisp/rtm-ros-robot-interface.l] Add object turnaround detector moment version interface.l
  • [feat] Add define controller #887
  • [feat] Add leg limb controller setting.
  • [feat] Add method to define joint trajectory controller by default setting.
  • [feat] Add gopos overwrite and graspless manip mode to all demos
  • [feat] Add example for graspless manip mode and gopos overwrite.
  • [feat] Add euslisp interface for graspless manip mode.
  • [feat] add a set-default-step-time-with-the-same-swing-time method
  • [feat] add time constant prameter according to upstream idl update
  • [feat] Add HrpsysSeqStateROSBridge tf rate test
  • [feat] enable virtual force in HrpsysSeqStateROSBridgeImpl
  • [feat] Enable to set subscription_type for DataPorts from hrpsys_ros_bridge.launch argument. Use new by default to keep backward compatibility.
  • [feat] Add loading of optionalData from seq pattern file.
  • [improve] add more mesage to prevent confusion
  • [improve] Add setting for ReferenceForceUpdater
  • [improve] Reset object turnaround detector\'s detector total wrench mode as TOTAL_FORCE in force estimation.
  • [improve] Enable to set push_policy and push_rate for DataPorts from hrpsys_ros_bridge.launch argument. Use all and 50.0 by default to keep backward compatibility.
  • [improve] Rename tf extract script for test and add comments for that
  • [improve] add arguments(SIMULATOR_NAME_[ANGLE,VELOCITY,TORQUE]) to hrpsys_ros_bridge.launch, for connecting rtc components other than RobotHardware
  • [improve] add time constant prameter according to u... #910
  • [improve] add argument to set periodic time for object turning detection.
  • [improve] define method to set/get emergency-stopper-paramMerge pull request #865
  • [improve] Suppress /tf publishing rate by tf_rate using Timer callback in ros.
  • [improve] Separate updating odometry and imu into functions
  • [improve] Update st param #894
  • [improve] add eefm_swing_rot_spring_gain / eefm_swing_pos_spring_gain as st param
  • [improve] Update joint group and add test for limb controller
  • [doc] [hrpsys_ros_bridge/euslisp/rtm-ros-robot-interface.l] In-code documentation improvement
  • [doc] [hrpsys_ros_bridge/euslisp/rtm-ros-robot-interface.l] Set default documentation string for def-set-get-param-method setter and getter.
  • [doc] [hrpsys_ros_bridge/euslisp/rtm-ros-robot-interface.l] Add argument documentation for :set-xxx methods.
  • [doc] [hrpsys_ros_bridge/euslisp/,hrpsys_ros_bridge/euslisp/rtm-ros-robot-interface.l] Update readme and euslisp documentation strings
  • [doc] default documentation string for def-set-get-param-method setter and getter.
  • [doc] In-code documentation improvement
  • Contributors: Eisoku Kuroiwa, Kei Okada, Kentaro Wada, Masaki Murooka, Shunichi Nozawa, Yohei Kakiuchi, Yu Ohara, Iori Yanokura

1.3.1 (2015-12-16)

  • deb release only targeting to indigo
  • Fix for travis testing
    • [hrpsys_ros_bridge/test/test-samplerobot.test] Use joint_states instead of odom to check tf because joint_states is more related with tf and [Hz] printing. than odom #880
    • [hrpsys_ros_bridge/test/test-samplerobot.test] Increase hzerror according to Current worst travis hz seem to be more than 300[Hz], so set 200[Hz] error. #879
    • catkin.cmake: use ccache only for CI environment #872
    • add depends from AutoBalancerService.hh to StabilizerService.hh #872
    • [hrpsys_ros_bridge/test/hrpsys-samples/test_samplerobot_euslisp_unittests.launch] Increase time-limit for autobalancer euslisp test #879
  • Fasten script excution
    • [hrpsys_ros_bridge/scripts/] Reduce unnecessary waiting for sensor port rosbridge connection. #879
  • Bug fix
    • [hrpsys_ros_bridge/src/HrpsysSeqStateROSBridge.cpp] Initialize prev_odom_acquired flag. #879
  • Add euslisp new example and update for example conf setting
    • [hrpsys_ros_bridge/test/hrpsys-samples/samplerobot-stabilizer.l] Add Stabilizer + loadPattern example for euslisp interface. #875
    • [hrpsys_ros_bridge/catkin.cmake] Add Sequencer\'s optionalData setting for sample conf files. #875
  • Contributors: Kei Okada, Shunichi Nozawa

1.3.0 (2015-12-09)

  • deb release only targeting to indigo
  • [.travis.yml, hrpsys_ros_bridge/catkin.cmake] Enable travis euslisp test using USE_DEB=source and reducing make jobs and loads #806
  • Bug Fixes
    • [hrpsys_ros_bridge/euslisp/datalogger-log-parser.l] modify string conversion in RobotHardware0 (for robot name containing \'_\') #848
    • [hrpsys_ros_bridge/euslisp/datalogger-log-parser.l] Add RobotHardware0_servoState data to robot state #853
    • [hrpsys_ros_bridge/euslisp/datalogger-log-parser.l] Update unitsysetm conversion of angle-vector (rad->deg, m->mm) #845
    • [hrpsys_ros_bridge/catkin.cmake] Fix typo for hrpsys_PREFIX #843
    • [hrpsys_ros_bridge/euslisp/rtm-ros-robot-interface.l] Return detection mode. #841
    • [hrpsys_ros_bridge/euslisp/rtm-ros-robot-interface.l] Update set force method. Add reset force. #840
    • [hrpsys_ros_bridge/catkin.cmake] Update PDgain conf property name #816
    • [hrpsys_ros_bridge/euslisp/rtm-ros-robot-interface.l] Fix for pos and rot ik thre #803
    • [cmake/compile_robot_model.cmake] move location of set variable (compile_all_target) #779
    • [src/hrpsys_ros_bridge/] Run event loop for 1 sec after showing splashwindow to force to load image immediately #762
    • [euslisp/datalogger-log-parser.l] Warn message if wrong path is specified #767
    • [euslisp/datalogger-log-parser.l] Add limb-list first, Add st and abc properties to datalogger log parser #761
  • /off_xxsensor and /xxsensor
    • [hrpsys_ros_bridge/src/HrpsysSeqStateROSBridge.cpp] fix /off_xxsensor frame_id #867
    • [hrpsys_ros_bridge/src/HrpsysSeqStateROSBridge.cpp] fix frame_id of off_xxsensor #855
  • euslisp/rtm-ros-robot-interface.l : add/modify interfaces for new/updated rtc
    • [hrpsys_ros_bridge/test/hrpsys-samples/samplerobot-auto-balancer.l] Use 4limbs in startAutoBalancer when Groups has rarm and larm and update sample. #866
    • add reference remaining_time in /ref_contact_states #857
    • Add method of servo-state #853
    • Add calc velocity from velocity offset #842
    • Add euslisp style argument for leg_default_translate_pos #836
    • Add grasp controller interface methods.l #831
    • Enable to set optional-data from robot and contact-state #831
    • Add optionalData from euslisp rs-list #822
    • add stabilizer-end-coords-list #820
    • Update setter methods #818
    • Add \":set-foot-steps-with-param-and-base-height\" method in order to specify footstep with params and base height #811
    • update default-zmp-offsets interface according to hrpsys-base change #808
    • add an interface for multi legs footsteps #795
    • get ref-capture-point from Stabilizer rtco #794
    • update AutoBalancerParam according to #786
    • get cp from Stabilizer rtc #781
    • Update footstep methods to enable overwriting #775
    • get emergency-mode from robot-interface #772
    • Add calculation of sole edge #759
  • Add PointCloudROSBridge and RangeSensorROSBridge, and modify ImageSensorROSBridge #785
    • [src/RangeSensorROSBridge.cpp] add intensity parameter for adding intensities #802
    • [src/ImageSensorROSBridge.cpp] fix parsing camera parameter #798
    • [src/ImageSensorROSBridge.cpp] fix bug / reset debug counter #797
    • [hrpsys_ros_bridge/cmake/compile_robot_model.cmake] Use collada_urdf_jsk_patch in order to convert dae into urdf which can be used in gazebo #793
    • [src/ImageSensorROSBridge.cpp] add camera param setter by ros parameter #791
    • [src/PointCloudROSBridge.cpp] fix PointCloudROSBridge, color and frame #790
    • [src/RangeSensorROSBridge.cpp] fix RangeSensorROSBridge / time_increment is zero #788
    • [src/RangeSensorROSBridge.cpp] fix frame of RangeSensor #789
  • Add rsvel port (#807)
    • [src/HrpsysSeqStateROSBridge.cpp, launch/hrpsys_ros_bridge.launch] add rsvel port to HrpSeqStateROSBridge read dq in order to add velocity values to joint_states
    • [hrpsys_ros_bridge/launch/hrpsys_ros_bridge.launch] add USE_VELOCITY_OUTPUT to arguments of rtmlaunch #821
  • Add ObjectTurnaroundDetector methods #838
    • [src/hrpsys_ros_bridge/] Update latest st parameter for torque control
    • [euslisp/rtm-ros-robot-interface.l] Add set-ref-force time #838
    • [hrpsys_ros_bridge/euslisp/rtm-ros-robot-interface.l] Add ObjectTurnaroundDetector methods
    • [test/hrpsys-samples/samplerobot-carry-object.l] Add carry object euslisp sample #838
  • SLAM support
    • [hrpsys_ros_bridge/src/hrpsys_ros_bridge/] Add MapButton for SLAM and odometry #869
    • [src/HrpsysSeqStateROSBridge.cpp] Transform twist from local to global in pose covarance calculation because pose is in global #830
    • [src/HrpsysSeqStateROSBridge.cpp] Set root_link as child_frame_id and describe twist in child_frame_id coordinate #828
    • [src/HrpsysSeqStateROSBridge.cpp] Fix covariance calculation in HrpsysSeqStateROSBridge: previous verision calculation only can be applied in nonhoronomic robot #812
    • [src/HrpsysSeqStateROSBridge.cpp] Fix coordinate representation: omega in twist is global
    • [src/HrpsysSeqStateROSBridge.cpp] Calculate covariance of odometry in HrpsysSeqStateROSBridge
    • [src/HrpsysSeqStateROSBridge.cpp] update prev_odom only when odom is successfully updated in dt > 0
    • [src/HrpsysSeqStateROSBridge.cpp] Calculate angular twist
  • Special joint support #837
    • [models/samplespecialjointrobot.yaml, catkin.cmake] Add cmake setting and euscollada yaml for special joint robot
  • add ContactState.msg, ContactStateStamped.msg, ContactStatesStamped.msg #834
    • [msg/ContactState.msg] Add frame_id to contact states messages
    • [launch/hrpsys_ros_bridge.launch, src/HrpsysSeqStateROSBridge{,cpp,.h,Impl.cpp,Impl.h}] separate ContactStates.msg into ContactState.msg, ContactStateStamped.msg and ContactStatesStamped.msg
    • [hrpsys_ros_bridge/euslisp/rtm-ros-robot-interface.l] Add euslisp interface to get contact states
    • [hrpsys_ros_bridge/src/HrpsysSeqStateROSBridge.cpp] add contact states publisher of AutoBalancer and Stabilizer
    • [msg/ContactState.msg] add ContactStates.msg for legged robots
  • Sample codes
    • [src/hrpsys_ros_bridge/, src/hrpsys_ros_bridge/] set ThermoLimiter parameters to decrease debug messages #849
    • [src/hrpsys_ros_bridge/] update sample4legrobot st and abc parameters, set st and abc parameters #847
    • [hrpsys_ros_bridge/src/hrpsys_ros_bridge/] Update st vertices setting #819
    • [src/hrpsys_ros_bridge/, models/sample4legrobot.yaml, euslisp/sample4legrobot-interface.l, catkin.cmake] Add sample4legrobot generation if exists #817
    • [euslisp/sample4legrobot-interface.l] Update path hrpsys_ros_bridge_tutorials -> hrpsys_ros_bridge #817
    • [catkin.cmake] Add check for sample_4leg_robot existence #817
    • [hrpsys_ros_bridge/src/hrpsys_ros_bridge/] Update st damping parameters #809
    • [hrpsys_ros_bridge/catkin.cmake, src/hrpsys_ros_bridge/, test/hrpsys-samples/test_samplerobot_euslisp_unittests.launch] Enable euslisp unittest for unstable rtcs #806
    • [scripts/default*,,cmake/compile_robot_model.cmake] Use arguments to specify whether unstable or not #806
    • [hrpsys_ros_bridge/test/hrpsys-samples/samplerobot-unittest.l, samplerobot-auto-balancer.l] Update auto-balancer test functions and update unittest order #806
    • [hrpsys_ros_bridge/test/hrpsys-samples/test_samplerobot_euslisp_unittests.launch] Add collision detector test #805
  • Move euslisp sample code from roseus_tutorials #800
    • [hrpsys_ros_bridge/test/hrpsys-samples/test_samplerobot_euslisp_unittests.launch] Add rostest launch file for euslisp unittest and use .launch instead of .test.
    • [hrpsys_ros_bridge/test/hrpsys-samples, hrpsys_ros_bridge/euslisp/samplerobot-interface.l] Fix package name for sample robot euslisp files (hrpsys_ros_bridge_tutorials -> hrpsys_ros_bridge)
  • Use emergency stopper by default for unstable rtc robots #760
    • [hrpsys_ros_bridge/cmake/compile_robot_model.cmake] Use emergency stopper by default for unstable rtc robots
    • [hrpsys_ros_bridge/euslisp/rtm-ros-robot-interface.l] Add method for emergency stop methods
    • [hrpsys_ros_bridge/euslisp/rtm-ros-robot-interface.l] Enable to set rosbridge name for idl srv methods.
    • [hrpsys_ros_bridge/launch/hrpsys_ros_bridge.launch] Add emergency stopper ROSBridges
    • [scripts/] publish diagnostic of emergency_mode from #780
    • [src/HrpsysSeqStateROSBridge{,cpp,.h,Impl.cpp,Impl.h}] publish emergency_mode from EmergencyStopper rtc #763
  • Contributors: Eisoku Kuroiwa, Kei Okada, Masaki Murooka, Ryohei Ueda, Shunichi Nozawa, Tatsuya Ishikawa, Yohei Kakiuchi, Yuta Kojio, Iori Kumagai

1.2.14 (2015-06-23)

  • [hrpsys_ros_bridge] Add splash screen to hrpsys dashboard
  • Enable to set step time for each foot steps and update documentation
  • Add emergency walking stop and update documentations
  • [hrpsys_ros_bridge] set position of imu_floor zero
  • Add method to get remaining foot steps and displaying method
  • [cmake_compile_robot_model.cmake] get_filename_component DIRECTORY is only available > cmake 2.8.12
  • Publish cop position in end link frame
  • Publish COP for each end effectors. COPInfo is provided by Stabilizer.
  • Add --use-robot-hrpsys-config argument to compile robot old (added to compile robot in 54e64bf3c4131fc907c6b7c0a34d728f82948e76)
  • Contributors: Kei Okada, Ryohei Ueda, Shunichi Nozawa

1.2.13 (2015-06-11)

  • [launch/hrpsys_ros_bridge.launch] Add USE_ROBOT_POSE_EKF
  • [euslisp/rtm-ros-robot-interface.l] fix typo
  • [euslisp/rtm-ros-robot-interface.l] Add :adjust-foot-steps-roll-pitch to reset current foot steps
  • [euslisp/rtm-ros-robot-interface.l] Add toe heel angle for :set-foot-steps-with-param-no-wait
  • [euslisp/rtm-ros-robot-interface.l] Add argument for transition times
  • [euslisp/rtm-ros-robot-interface.l] Use current foot midcoords of rleg and lleg in roll pitch method
  • [euslisp/rtm-ros-robot-interface.l] Add adjust footsteps euslisp interface
  • [euslisp/datalogger-log-parser.l] Add function to dump seq pattern file from datalogger log
  • [euslisp/rtm-ros-robot-interface.l,uslisp/rtm-ros-robot-interface.l] Add force moment param zerosettin method and use it in calib program
  • [euslisp/rtm-ros-robot-interface.l] raise error when bridged service call failed
  • [euslisp/rtm-ros-robot-interface.l] Make interpolation-time in sync-controller shorter
  • [euslisp/rtm-ros-robot-interface.l] Add :set-foot-steps-with-base-height
  • [euslisp/rtm-ros-robot-interface.l] Fix typo in start method. Start auto balancer by legs.
  • [euslisp/rtm-ros-robot-interface.l] Add euslisp methods for default unstable controllers
  • [src/HrpsysSeqStateROSBridge.cpp] imu_floor again
  • [src/hrpsys_ros_bridge/] add st/abc/ic start at once button
  • [hrpsys_ros_bridge/cmake/compile_robot_model.cmake] Enable to specify robot specific
  • [launch/hrpsys_ros_bridge.launch] Add argument to specify periodic rate of seq ros bridge
  • [euslisp/rtm-ros-robot-interface.l] add hours, minutes and seconds for :save-log
  • [.travis.yaml, hrpsys_ros_bridge/catkin.cmake] add eusdoc
  • [euslisp/rtm-ros-robot-interface.l] Support t or nil in setter arguments
  • Contributors: Eisoku Kuroiwa, Kei Okada, Ryohei Ueda, Shunichi Nozawa, Yohei Kakiuchi, Iori Kumagai

1.2.12 (2015-04-27)

  • [euslisp/rtm-ros-robot-interface.l] Update function to calculate toe heel offset. Support both pos and zmp and add documentation
  • [hrpsys_ros_bridge/cmake/compile_robot_model.cmake] fix for --conf option with comment
  • Contributors: Kei Okada, Shunichi Nozawa

1.2.11 (2015-04-25)

  • [catkin.cmake] add depend to pr2_controllers_msgs in catpkin_package
  • [cmake/compile_robot_model.cmake] fix dependency add_custom_depend need to DEPEND to other target
  • [euslisp/rtm-ros-robot-interface.l] Add calculate-toe-heel-pos-offsets and set-foot-steps-with-param
  • Contributors: Kei Okada, Shunichi Nozawa

1.2.10 (2015-04-24)

  • add rewrited version of compile_robot_model.cmake
    • [compile_robot_model.cmake] generate controller_config even if yaml is not found
    • [compile_robot_model.cmake] use add_custom_target/command for eusif and launch, set PROJECT_PKG_NAME
    • [compile_robot_model.cmake] rewrite everything from scratch
  • euslisp
    • [rtm-ros-robot-interface.l] Add method to align footsteps with roll or pitch angle
    • [datalogger-log-parser.l] change max-line count method
    • [rtm-ros-robot-interface.l] Add sync-controller method, which preserve limb-controller angle before remove-joint-group is called.
    • [rtm-ros-robot-interface.l] Enable to set gravitational acceleration for calculating st parameter
  • [HrpsysSeqStateROSBridgeImpl.{cpp,h}] display more debug info for diagnostics
  • [cmake/compile_robot_model.cmake] Revert \"compile_robot contains output files, not targets\"
  • [hrpsys_ros_bridge/package.xml] Limits dependent pkg version to avoid critical error in downstream (tork-a/rtmros_nextage/#160)
  • Contributors: Eisoku Kuroiwa, Isaac IY Saito, Kei Okada, Shunichi Nozawa, Iori Kumagai

1.2.9 (2015-04-11)

  • [package.xml] remove pr2_controllers, add pr2_controller_msgs, pr2_msgs, control_msgs package.xml
  • [collision_state] fix to work collision state
    • [] fix minor bug of CORBA.OBJECT_NOT_EXIST -> omniORB.CORBA.OBJECT_NOT_EXIST
    • [] check isActive() to avoid raise error during servo on phase
  • [hrpsys_ros_bridge/catkin.cmake]
    • move rtmlaunch/rtmtest from hrpsys_ros_bridge to openrtm_tools, add envhook for catkin users
  • [hrpsys_tools/hrpsys.launch] support DEBUG_HRPSYS argument to run rtcd with gdb
  • [hrpsys_ros_bridge/cmake/compile_robot_model.cmake]
    • Add dependency from the files generated by export_collada to compile_robots in order to prevent parallel execution of export_collada
    • Check current if scope has parent scope when set variable in PARENT_SCOPE in compile_robot_model.cmake to supress warning messages
    • Fix serious typo: daefile -> _daefile in compile_robot_model.cmake
    • fix warning in if/endif macro
    • compile_robtos should be list of all generated lisp file, not targets
  • [euslisp/rtm-ros-robotics-interface.l]
    • Add impedance controller mode getter method
    • Return Euslisp coordinates from :get-foot-step-param
    • Add methods to get Euslisp style parameters from IDL enum type
    • Add comments for st methods
    • Add methods to tune st parameter
    • Add functions to calculate eefm st parameters
    • Fix order of ee setting
    • Pass arguments for joint-properties to ProjectGenerator
  • Contributors: JAXON, Kei Okada, Ryohei Ueda, Shunichi Nozawa

1.2.8 (2015-03-09)

  • [hrpsys_ros_bridge] Do not run collada_to_urdf parallel. In order to avoid parallel execution of collada_to_urdf, add tricky dependency
  • Add graspless manip mode euslisp interface
  • [test-*.py] test name could not contain minus? any changet to underscore (
  • [] fix syntax error on loadPattern
  • update for legged robot
  • Sample.pos is not installed via deb package, see
  • Fix rmfo sensor argument
  • copy rtmlaunch,rtmtest to global_bin when compile
  • Add method to calculate go-velocity param from velocity center offset
  • Add menus for unstable rtcs (not used by default)
  • Add setting for HrpsysConfigurator in hrpsys dashboard and apply it to servoOn/Off menu (disabled by default).
  • Remove unused initial leg offsetting because this is implemented AutoBalancer\'s setFootSteps
  • [hrpsys_ros_bridge] Refactor compile_robot_model.cmake
  • Use ee name for impedance methods
  • [hrpsys_ros_bridge] need to wait for activate
  • [hrpsys_ros_bridge] wait for sh, sometimes we can not find them
  • Update impedance start/stop methods
  • [hrpsys_ros_bridge] Do not call export_collada in parallel
  • Update :reset-force-moment-offset funcs and add documents
  • Update documentation strings for ImpedanceController and Ref forces
  • [hrpsys_ros_bridge] Fix path for catkin build
  • pass :rarm instead of \'rhsensor\' or \'rasensor\' to :set-forcemoment-offset-param
  • Add seq base pos and rpy methods
  • Remove duplicated method and fix argument passing for imp methods
  • Contributors: Kei Okada, Ryohei Ueda, Shunichi Nozawa, Eisoku Kuroiwa

1.2.7 (2015-01-06)

  • Add :reference-root-coords method for log
  • Update datalogger parser time parsing and robothardware naming
  • Add euslisp methods for seq wait interpolation and co get status
  • Enable virtual force setting. Read conf file in HrpsysSeqStateROSBridge and connect vfs ports if exists
  • Add set ref force and moment methods. Enable vforcesensors
  • change robot-init function to pass arguments to initializer
  • Set default name as co
  • Use segment name of body_info as collision detection frame_id
  • Add argument to select activation because can be launched in hrpsys_ros_bridge.launch
  • Enable to configure collision detector instance name
  • Use subscription_type as new to avoid influence on realtime process
  • (rtm-ros-robot-interface) : Add optionaldata for dump-seq-pattern-file
  • (rtm-ros-robot-interface) : Add function to load seq pattern file and euslisp list from it.
  • (rtm-ros-robot-interface) : Add documentation string for dump-seq-pattern-file
  • Fix frame of loadPattern
  • Add euslisp interface method for reference wrench
  • Publish reference wrench from StateHolder wrench data ports. Check existence of wrench ports because hrpsys-base 315.1.9 does not have wrench ports in Seq and Sh.
  • Add RMFO calib readme
  • Update RMFO calibration sequence. Use parameter file
  • Add load and dump rmfo param methods
  • Separate robot date string as method and fix :save-log default argument
  • on indigo, hrpsys is not ros-catkin package
  • fix for new packaging openrtm/hrpsys (compile package directoly from original repository)
  • Fix typo of hrpsys_ros_bridge.launch
  • Add USE_HRPSYS_PROFILE to toggle whether running hrpsys_profile
  • Add parameter ~publish_sensor_tf to HrpsysSeqStateROSBridge to toggle publishing tf frames of the sensors
  • Fix unitsystem for documentation
  • Add directory to generate Euslisp documentation
  • Enable to set integer enum values
  • (rtm-ros-robot-interface) : Fix typo in save-log
  • (rtm-ros-robot-interface) : Add date string and robot name to Datalogger log name by default.
  • (rtm-ros-robot-interface) : Update seq methods. Revise set-interpolation-mode using defconst param and remove deprecated dump-seq parttern
  • Merge remote-tracking branch \'origin/master\' into tmp_update_impedance_controller_methods
  • (rtm-ros-robot-interface) : Update impedance controller setter and getter
  • (rtm-ros-robot-interface) : Remove deprecated euslisp interface and functions.
  • Update rtmbuild_init to specify dependency of generate_messages and add new service interface to HrpsysSeqStateROSBridge to specify transformation for each sensor
  • Merge pull request #583 from eisoku9618/update-print-end-effector-parameter-conf-from-robot Merged.
  • do not print a leading colon of :rarm
  • (rtm-ros-robot-interface) : Enable to set st algorithm as Euslisp symbol.
  • remove unnecessary white spaces
  • rename total time of 1 cycle from RobotHardware0 to Summary
  • add eps_of_rh variable in order to reduce unnecessary for loop
  • (test-samplerobot) : Import all srv files in discussed in
  • (default_robot* : Add argument for precreate controller
  • (rtm-ros-robot-interface) : Update :set-gait-generator-param method to use defconstant enum values and add printing method
  • (datalogger-log-parser) : Add abc baseTform reading
  • Contributors: Kei Okada, Ryohei Ueda, Shunichi Nozawa, Yohei Kakiuchi, Eisoku Kuroiwa

1.2.6 (2014-10-10)

  • set time-limit to 300
  • ( fix test case, since /clock is sync with hrpsys time, so we can use more strict settings
  • fix test code for changing 0.002
  • (rtm-ros-robot-interface) : Add documentation strings for state methods and rearrange it. Add logger documentation.
  • Contributors: Kei Okada, Shunichi Nozawa

1.2.5 (2014-10-04)

  • Improvement on rtm-ros-robot-interface, datalogger-log-parser, samplerobot
  • Fix stamp of odom and imu
  • Improve dependency: robot_pose_ekf.launch, robot_pose_ekf
  • Contributors: Kei Okada, Shunichi Nozawa, YoheiKakiuchi

1.2.4 (2014-09-08)

  • (test/test-pa10.test) support GUI argument
  • (test/ add test for /command
  • (hrpsys_ros_bridge/src/HrpsysJointTrajectoryBridge.cpp) support <controller>/command, see #537
  • ( fix document, based on snozawa\'s comment
  • Contributors: Kei Okada

1.2.3 (2014-09-03)

1.2.2 (2014-08-31)

1.2.1 (2014-06-23)

  • add euscollada path for compile collada model
  • Merge pull request #495 from k-okada/add_servo_controller hrpsys_ros_bridge.launch: add servo controller
  • (datalogger-log-parser.l) : Check existence of zmp value and rpy value
  • hrpsys_ros_bridge.launch: add servo controller fix rtmlaunch options (thanks to \@hyaguchijsk)
  • does not use group tag, just use unless tag to disable connection between sh.rtc:baseTformOut and baseTform
  • (hrpsys_ros_bridge/package.xml) run_depend on ipython
  • (hrpsys_ros_bridge/package.xml) Sort in alphabetical order
  • (rtm-ros-robot-interface.l, datalogger-log-parser.l) Update imu euslisp methods ;; We should use /imu instead of tf according to
  • hrpsys_ros_bridge/euslisp/datalogger-log-parser.l:add reading zmp data from hrpsys log file
  • Merge pull request #458 from snozawa/rotate_camera_z_axis Rotate sensor->localR 180[deg] because OpenHRP3 camera -Z axis equals to ROS camera Z axis
  • Merge pull request #477 from garaemon/add-imu-topic-remove-imu-floor Add /imu topic and /odom topic remove imu_floor
  • Merge pull request #460 from k-okada/hrpsys_version_gte set hrpsys version greater than 315.2.0
  • update pa10 test code
  • publish Imu value to /imu topic and odometory value to /odom.
  • fix ProjectGenerator path for compile_collada_model
  • update .gitignore for auto generated files under hrpsys_ros_bridge directory
  • rtmlaunch; Add usage api doc
  • hrpsys_ros_bridge/euslisp/datalogger-log-parser.l : update state methods and add eof check
  • hrpsys_ros_bridge/, hrpsys_ros_bridge/euslisp/ : add README for hrpsys_ros_bridge and euslisp usage
  • hrpsys_ros_bridge/euslisp/datalogger-log-parser.l : support force sensor reading
  • hrpsys_ros_bridge/euslisp/rtm-ros-robot-interface.l : update sensor accessor commited in
  • (package.xml files) Update repository URLs
  • (start-jsk/rtmros_common/pull/397) hrpsys_ros_bridge/launch/hrpsys_ros_bridge.launch, hrpsys_ros_bridge/scripts/ : rename AbsoluteForceSensor => RemoveForceSensorLinkOffset
  • (collision_detector.launch) add default model file path using one fromreal robot
  • ( ) add \'import re\' for using regular expression
  • add generation of hrpsys_config for robots using unstable RTCs ;; add configuration for unstable RTCs in cmake ;; by default, do not nothing, so there will be no side effect for robots only using Stable RTCs
  • set RTCTREE_NAMESERVERS environment variables, for #453
  • pass args to super class
  • set hrpsys version greater than 315.2.0
  • Rotate sensor->localR 180[deg] because OpenHRP3 camera -Z axis equals to ROS camera Z axis
  • add samplerobot.rviz
  • hrpsys_ros_bridge/ Use logerr to highlight an error that could be overlooked
  • (HrpsysJointTrajectoryBridge) ros cpp style macro applied.
  • Contributors: Isaac Desu Saito, Isaac IY Saito, Isaac Isao Saito, Kei Okada, Kunio Kojima, Ryohei Ueda, Tatsushi Karasawa, YoheiKakiuchi, mmurooka, nozawa

1.2.0 (2014-05-14)

  • bump to 1.2.0for hrpsys 315.2.0

1.0.12 (2014-05-06)

  • (collision_detector.launch) typo
  • use odom instad of imu_floor
  • do not connect port when afs is not found
  • set WALKING and IMPEDANCE controller as non-default RTC
  • update generate config.yaml
  • add both Robot(Robot)0 and RobotHadware0 in datalogger
  • add scripts for auto generating controller config yaml
  • Use subprocess.Popen rather than check_call in order to call external process asynchronouslly
  • pass argument to get-ROSBridge-method-defmacro method
  • add generating urdf file to compile_robot_model.cmake
  • Merge pull request #433 from k-okada/do_not_compile_idl_twice do not update manifets.xml and copy idl when it is not needed (#429)
  • implement hrpsys_dashboard base on rqt, not on rxtools
  • do not update manifets.xml and copy idl when it is not needed (#429)
  • rename base-pos and base-rpy => root-pos and root-rpy
  • add reading of datalogger properties
  • set REALTIME=ture as default
  • update :start-auto-balancer and :stop-auto-balancer method according to hrpsys-base trunk update at commit ;; we do not need to change usage of these methods
  • Contributors: Isaac Saito, Kei Okada, Ryohei Ueda, YoheiKakiuchi, Shunichi Nozawa

1.0.11 (2014-04-16)

  • use random staritng port number for rtm_naming, also try to continue if name server is already running
  • Contributors: Kei Okada

1.0.10 (2014-04-15)

  • remove sed to comment out pr2_controllers
  • Contributors: Kei Okada

1.0.9 (2014-04-14)

  • (hrpsys_ros_bridge) add git to build_depend
  • Contributors: Isaac IY Saito

1.0.8 (2014-04-14)

  • use git:// for download pr2_controllers (potential fix for #410)
  • add rosdnode to depends(see, #411)
  • add euscollada_SOURCE_PREFIX and euscollada_PREFIX
  • use for rosdevel build environment, see #400
  • remove deprecate function to generate conf parameter
  • Added procps, hostname, net-tools build_depends. These tools are used during building and testing
  • Contributors: Kei Okada, Scott K Logan, Shunichi Nozawa

1.0.7 (2014-03-20)

  • call find_package(catkin) fist
  • #22: add PROJECT_NAME to the target used in compile_robot_model to avoid collision of the target names
  • add rostest/hrpsys_tools to depends and find_package
  • hrpsys_ros_bridge: (test-compile-robot.launch) add test-compile-robot.launch (but is is not includeded in CMakeLists.txt and use .launch instead of .test due to Issue #87), fix compile_robot_model.cmake work with devel of hrpsys_ros_bridge, disable launch script from
  • hrpsys_ros_bridge: add test-compile-robot.xml test-compile-robot.cmake
  • check hrpsys_ros_bridge SOURCE_DIR for both SOURCE_DIR and PREFIX
  • hrpsys_ros_bridge: use catkin package of pr2_controllers_msgs
  • hrpsys_tools, hrpsys_ros_bridge: increase retly to 4 for test
  • hrpsys_ros_bridge: install/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/hrpsys_ros_bridge/ disappeared somehow? this is temprarily fix (FIXME)
  • hrpsys_ros_bridge: fix compile_robot_model.cmkae, use find_package to set /lib/openrtm_aist/bin/rtm-naming /lib/openhrp3/export-collada
  • display with logwarn when CollisionDetector is not found
  • hrpsys_ros_bridge, fix path for installed conf/dae/launch files
  • compile_robot_model.cmake: add debug message in generate_default_launch_eusinterface_files
  • hrpsys_ros_bridge: (,, increase timeout of watForTransform() and catch exception if tf is not found
  • collision_state, wait until co is found, if not found exit with 0, not 1
  • add Exception
  • hrpsys_ros_bridge: add collada_urdf to depends
  • run hrpsys_profile within try block
  • remove undefined variables
  • hrpsys_ros_bridge: add visualization_msgs to depeds
  • hrpsys_ros_bridge: fix ProjectGenerator location, see #353
  • hrpsys_ros_bridge: add test code for samplerobot and pa10
  • hrpsys_ros_bridge: add diagnostic_aggregator to depend (manifest.xml package.xml)
  • hrpsys_ros_bridge: add more args to default_robot*.in (GUI, SIMULATOR_NAME, corbaport)
  • add comment on why we remove depend to pr2_controllers_msgs
  • (package.xml) add angles to build_depend intentinally dut to build_depend to tf does ont install angles
  • (manifest.xml) commented out depend package pr2_controllers_msgs for rosmake dependency graph generation, but comment in for rosmake build objects
  • (manifest.xml) if you have both rosdep and depend, rosmake does not work well, see
  • (manifest.xml) users are expected to manually install ros-groovy-pr2-dashboard
  • (CMakeLists.txt) download pr2_controllers_msgs for groovy/rosbuild
  • fix typo ;; elif -> elseif
  • add
  • Wrong catkin macro (CATKIN-DEPENDS to CATKIN_DEPENDS).
  • change destination of stdout of by OUTPUT arg
  • add CMAKE_PREFIX_PATH so that rosrun hrpsys ProjectGenerator works
  • Merge pull request #334 from k-okada/master
  • add openhrp3_PREFIX, more debug message
  • add / after hrpsys_idl_DIR
  • add hrpsys to find_package
  • add more verbose log when error
  • update PKG_CONFIG_PATH for hrpsys-base
  • display error output
  • add depend to pkg-config
  • add depend to pkg-config
  • added euslisp, srv, idl directories to install
  • move to git repository
  • add hrpsys to find_package
  • add more verbose log when error
  • Merge branch \'master\' of
  • display error output
  • add depend to pkg-config
  • add depend to pkg-config
  • update PKG_CONFIG_PATH for hrpsys-base
  • Merge branch \'master\' into garaemon-master
  • not generating sh but running rostes directory to avoid escape problem
  • Merge branch \'master\' of
  • use pkg-config to find directories
  • Merge branch \'master\' of
  • move to git repository
  • added euslisp, srv, idl directories to install
  • fixing list syntax
  • force to set ROS_PACKAGE_PATH when calling euscollada for catkin build
  • adding LD_LIBRARY_PATH
  • remove depend to robot_monitor
  • changing the working directory when call export-collada
  • do not compile lisp code if euxport collada is not exists
  • add diagnositcs_msgs to fake rosdep
  • add dynamic_recofigure to fake rosdep
  • add several rosdep names to fake rosdep
  • add rosdep hrpsys/openrtm_aist to fake rosdep
  • profibit to run rostest parallel
  • installing src directory as python package
  • (hrpsys_ros_bridge/package.xml) Partially revert r6936 where a dependency was removed by mistake.
  • Contributors: Kei Okada, Ryohei Ueda


  • rtmros_common-1.0.6
  • (rtmros_common, openrtm_ros_bridge, hrpsys_ros_bridge) Cleaning and elaborating package.xml
  • add setting for CONF_DT_OPTION
  • set corba port to 15005 in euslisp model dump function
  • fix proble due to r6908, also remove find_package since hrpsys can not find-packed-ed
  • add hrpsys_tools to depends on openrtm_tools, see Issue 309
  • set custom cmake file under CFG_EXTRAS, so that other package is abel to use macros defined in the cmake file
  • generate /tmp/_gen_project**.sh file to invoke rostest since rostest needs package path, see Issue 306
  • installing euslisp directory of hrpsys_ros_bridge when catkining
  • not use rosbuild for catkin
  • fixing close tag in nosim.launch
  • add RUN_RVIZ arg in default launch template files
  • add REALTIME arg in hrpsys-simulator launch template files
  • fix position of long floor
  • add :torque-vector for playpattern
  • add reference torque vector data reading
  • update initialization to neglect log files which lines are not match ;; convert rad2deg
  • fix typos ;; wf -> zf
  • add .zmp file dump
  • add fname for datalogger-log-parser
  • use .rviz file for .in file
  • add datalogger log parser for euslisp
  • enable to se PROJECT_FILE name
  • remove unnecessary print function
  • fix hrpsy_ros_bridge.launch for hrpsys version 315.1.5
  • add :zmp-vector and callback ;; acc print function for end_effectors in conf file
  • add argument for tm
  • add type_name to SensorInfo ;; use it in imu_floor tf sending ;; for almost all robots, frame name is \'gyrometer\'
  • write seq pattern file separatively ;; do not dump .waist file if :root-coords does not exist
  • publish zmp as PointStamped
  • add zmp data port for HrpsysSeqStateRosBridge
  • add euslisp utility fnuction for seq pattern file
  • fix syntax error
  • set_stale when op_mode is not Servo ON nor Servo Off
  • move hrpsys_profiel out of USE_DIAGNOSTICS
  • add use_diagnostics, use_rosout, use_battery option in __init__
  • using prefix for sensor-name
  • add debug print, when body->joints().size() and is not equal
  • split hrpsys_dashboard into hrpsys_dashboard and src/hrpsys_ros_bridge/, see Issue 270
  • fix color
  • change sphere radius depends on dangerness
  • rosbuild does not raise exception when import roslib, use import hrpsys
  • add utility functions for project generator xml file
  • add argument to set timeStep according to hrpsys-base -r905 commit ;; we can set timeStep <= dt ;;
  • enable to add :root-coords which is optional robot states
  • fix typo ;; tile -> time
  • change line width depends on the distance


  • \"rtmros_common-1.0.5\"
  • reverse rpy-angle because euslisp rpy is \'yaw pitch roll\' and openhrp3 rpy is roll pitch yaw
  • pkill kill cmake itself, not why, so create shell script and execute it
  • use find_package for hrpsys and hrpsys_tools
  • fix Issue 256
  • do not depends to lisp file if euscollada is not exists
  • fix missing variable _collada2eus to _collada2eus_exe
  • do not FATAL_ERROR when collada2eus is not found
  • fix for catkin compile
  • add debug message
  • use full path instead of rosrun/rostet for when two binaries are installed
  • fix for catkin, catkin does not requires load_manifest
  • apply patch in Issue 254
  • fix ROS_DISTRO->groovy, this code only used in groovy
  • fix sed command
  • fix typo ENV=>
  • add rostest to run_depend
  • set pr2_controllers to build/run depends and fix catkin.cmake to comment out therese tags if groovy
  • distance under 0.05 always red
  • translate line information relative to root_link_frame
  • add lifetime
  • add standalone collision detector launch file, see #249
  • fix color
  • add error message more verbose
  • rename typo
  • add in launch file, Issue 249
  • add, Issue 249
  • fix length of force list for resetting
  • fix compile_openhrp_model for catkin, see Issue 241


  • \"rtmros_common-1.0.4\"
  • update with r5733



  • \"rtmros_common-1.0.2\"
  • use connection as new
  • add calc-zmp-from-state method
  • add loading of utils file if exists
  • fix typoes ;; _name -> _sname
  • get current additional_make_clean_files and append setting to it ;; use _sname instead of overwriting _name
  • add generated launch and euslisp files to clean target
  • fix when rtmros_common is installed as catkin package, see Issue 214
  • install cmake directory


  • rtmros_common) 1.0.1
  • rtmros_common) Revert wrong commit r5588
  • rtmros_common) 1.0.1
  • hrpsys_ros_bridge) fix to issue 205 (incomplete but worth trying)
  • hrpsys_ros_bridge) Correction to r5584.
  • hrpsys_ros_bridge) Improve package.xml description.
  • add pr2_dashboard path to sys.path for those who could not import pr2_dashboard
  • add comment when pr2_dashboard is not found
  • hrpsys_dashboard) Fix to run with rosbuild.
  • hrpsys_ros_bridge) add Isaac as a maintainer to get notice from buildfarm.
  • add diagnostic_msgs to depends
  • add roslang to depend
  • use rtmbuild_PREFIX instaed of CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX to get rtmbuild.cmake
  • fake rospack not to sudo rosdep install
  • add python-rosdep and rosdep udpate to different execute_process
  • do not set local for jenkins debuild
  • copy rtmlaunch/rtmtest/ to both share and bin for backword compatibility
  • add random string to pr2_controllers_msgs directory path
  • workaround for ros-groovy-rqt-top installs wrong(?) psutil
  • fix for new
  • add LC_ALL=en_US.UTF-8
  • fix syntax error on previous commit
  • add rosdep update when compile pr2_controlers_msgs
  • unset *_LIBRARIES not to add library names to Config.cmake
  • add python-psutil to depend
  • add rosbuild to depends
  • add mk
  • add --non-interactive --trust-server-cert for svn
  • use corba port number 15005
  • install rtmtest and
  • remove svn:executable from
  • add from rtmlaunch in order to add rtmtest, add alias rtmtest to
  • add subversion for groovy, that download and compile non-catkinized pr2_controllers_msgs package
  • download and compile pr2_controllers msgs which is not catlinized on groovy
  • pr2_controllers is not catkinized on groovy
  • add pr2_controllers to bulid/run_depend and use ROS_DISTRO to include pr2_controller_msgs directory
  • add code for restarting jointGroup
  • add remove-joint-group and remove obsolate code
  • fix directory structure, see Issue 188
  • add generating code of controller_config.yaml for using joint group
  • checking the existance all joints in required group on HrpsysJointTrajectoryBridge (ignore not existing joint)
  • fix : rearrange joint order in required goal
  • forget to fix corba port to 15005, see Issue 141
  • fix catkin.cmake for installed project
  • add import OpenRTM_aist.RTM_IDL, for catkin
  • print error message on detection of nan in imu_floor tf
  • install FILES does not need USE_SOURCE_PERMISSIONS
  • fix catkin.cmake, since openrtm_aist/openhrp3/hrpsys is compiled as non-catkin package (this means catkin_make does not install <package>.pc <package>Config.cmake and use DEPENDS not CATKIN-DEPENDS)
  • fix to work on both rtmbuild and catkin environment
  • ignore srv files whose name starts with . in rtm-ros-robot-interface, closes Issue 149
  • fix for catkin
  • check if port_number(5005) is already used, Fixed Issue 141
  • comment out pr2_controllers
  • change pr2_controllers_msgs -> pr2_controllers
  • set default corbaport to 5005, Fixes Issue 141
  • fix method name for set-joint-angles-of-group
  • add add_dependencies to compile_hrpsys
  • fix copy idl file from hrpsys/idl
  • install rtmbuild from rtmbuild_SOURCE_DIR/CMAKE_INSTALL_DIR
  • print name of ports
  • add arguments to specify generated files
  • add arguments to specify file generation
  • rename macro ;; fix typo
  • add nosim template and fix euslisp file name
  • add macro to generate default launch files and euslisp interface
  • wirte more debug comment to ROS_INFO_STREAM
  • hrpsys_ros_bridge) Delete unused dependency. Alphabetize dependency.
  • Remove unused components (robot_monitor).
  • rtmros_common) Increment version to 1.0.0 (based on discussion
  • Updated all package.xml in rtmros_common metapkg (add URLs, alphabetized, cleanup, add Isaac as a maintainer to receive notice from buildfarm).
  • check if USE_ROSBUILD is defined
  • fix 2888 -> 2890 according to discussion of
  • fix for catkin, with USE_ROSBUILD
  • catkinize package
  • add depends to openrtm_ros_bridge
  • add openrtm_tools as depend
  • add depends to hrpsys_tools
  • workaround for Issue 150
  • use hrpsys_ros_bridge for generating ROS service methods
  • was moved to openrtm_tools
  • import from hrpsys_ros_bridge.srv instead of hrpsys.srv
  • minor change
  • hrpsys.launch now goes under hrpsys_tools and rename to hrpsys_config
  • add depends from hrpsys to hrpsys_tools, (hrpsys_tools to hrpsys is also exists, this this is intentially looped) so that users just depends on hrpsys
  • change INCLUDE_DIRS from {prefix}/idl_gen/cpp/{prefix}/idl to {prefix}/idl_gen/cpp, so need to include <prefix/idl/hoge.h> instead of <hoge.h>, Issue 137
  • ProjectGenerator is under hrpsys_tools not hrpsys: cleanup hrpsys, split hrpsys and hrpsys_tools, Issue 137
  • copy idl from hrpsys/share/hrpsys/idl to hrpsys_ros_bridge/idl, Issue 137
  • add depends to hrpsys_tools, Issue 137
  • update openrtm -> openrtm_aist, hrpsys -> hrpsys_toolss: cleanup hrpsys, split hrpsys and hrpsys_tools, Issue 137
  • fix port num ;; 2888 -> 2889
  • run omniNames with port 2888 in compile_openhrp_model
  • check if server is active before send set preempt, this enables exit component cleanly, related to Issue 47
  • fix miss commit ;; add temperature
  • enable to store extra_data of motor_states
  • use PeriodicExecutionContext instead of hrpExecutionContext, Issue 136
  • launch node within group tags not to invoke unused component, see Issue 114
  • add dt conf file option
  • remove unnecessary copying of return value
  • add _ret_add_str and remove duplicate codes
  • fix position of return value setting
  • do not specify if base-name is nil
  • add connection for hrpsys_ros_bridge
  • add dependency of _xmlfile on _xmlfile_nosim to achieve exclusive execution of rostest
  • print port name in sensor_ros_bridge_connect
  • adding some wait for waiting to update rosnode information
  • fix return value if limb is nil
  • fix separator of macro argumens
  • fixes Issue 64, some packaed does not depends on euscollada, invoke rtm-naming within add_custom_command
  • add dependency on euscollada, export-collada, and _gen_project.launch
  • rename -xxx options -> --xxx options
  • specify 2888 in pkill
  • add macros to obtain options for _gen_project.launch and euscollada
  • add get_option macro
  • add INTEGRATE argument
  • start model loader with 2888 port when launch _gen_project.launch
  • do not make error, when collada2eus is not found, some package(hironx_ros_bridge) does not depends on euslisp
  • add xml nosim to target
  • add nosim option and generate nosim xml
  • add robothardware conf option
  • rename abs_xx -> off_xx
  • add compile_collada_model to ALL
  • fix (arg SIMULATOR_NAME)0 -> (arg SIMULATOR_NAME)
  • ->
  • cleanup hrpsys_ros_bridge.launch, use if group, by miyake. Issue 114
  • enable to load only link offset ;; use average value
  • fix typo ;; params -> param
  • add :reset-force-moment-offset
  • support euslisp style argument for forcemoment and impedance methods
  • use euscollada-model\'s :force-sensor methods instead of get-force-sensor-from-limb-name
  • revert to use force-vector and moment-vector
  • update to use absolute force vector for calibration
  • add :imucoords method
  • add port and connection for absolute force sensor values
  • use AbsoluteForceSensor for impedanc Controller
  • call :update-robot-state in super\'s :state methods
  • check return value of imucoords from TF
  • call rtc_init before rospy.init so that Issue 117
  • neglect arguments added by roslaunch
  • add rtmlaunch that runs omninaming and runs roslaunch, Issue 105, this is not tested on NameServer running on remote computer, see to
  • imu reading of update-robot-state
  • fix wrong length of angles while uing JointGroup
  • add ForwardKinematicsServiceROSBridge
  • cleanup launch file Issue 114
  • fix: condition for checking num of publisher
  • fix: using walltime for waiting timeout
  • remove miss commited comment out
  • tf::Matrix3x3 causes compilation error in electric. use btMatrix3x3 instead
  • do not publish tf which contains nan values
  • chnage: detecting num of /clock publisher before starting and stoping subscribe /clock
  • update footstep interface for abc
  • add print message in starting
  • add vel ratio
  • add cmd vel mode
  • check hrp::link parent existence because joint state with no name is published at previous version ;; This is OpenHRP3 \'WAIST\' joint specification. I should check OpenHRP3 model loading
  • select a timestamp of force sensor messages according to use_sim_time
  • get root-link name in :state :imucoords.
  • add default-double-support-ratio setting
  • add robothardware conf setting
  • add macros for export_collada_option and conf_file_option
  • add stabilizer methods
  • comment out target_name and base_name and support default zmp offset
  • add optional argument to collada2eus
  • add stabilizer ros bridge
  • enable to specify calib offset
  • rename make pose function ;; support nodisplay usage
  • add force sensor calib program
  • add load-forcemoment-offset-param method
  • add interface to specify sensor offset
  • enable to access force-sensor by limb name
  • make models directory in compile model macros when it doesn\'t exist
  • set RobotHardware0 by default for SIMULATOR_NAME
  • use SIULATOR_NAME instead of ROBOT_NAME in hrpsys_ros_bridge.launch ;; ROBOT_NAME argument in hrpsys_ros_bridge.launch is still remained for compatibility but please do not use ROBOT_NAME
  • support limb name usage
  • fix typos and add virtual force sensor stop method
  • add connection for virtual force sensor
  • fix keyword of set-servo-gain-percentage
  • fix naming rule of virtual force sensor and fix quaternion -> axisangle
  • add CONF_FILE_ARG and specify vitual_force_sensor by using conf file
  • specify rtc manager name
  • specify nameserver name and CORBA_init args
  • rename value -> default
  • use WAIST if base-name is nil ;; Is this correct?
  • remove depends to pr2_dashboard for groovy, wait for fix
  • change a name of imu tf and add a method to get imu coords in rtm-ros-robot-interface
  • fix :set-base-pose in rtm-ros-robot-interface.l
  • fix for publishing warning message
  • add connection from state_holder(qOut) to rosbridge(mcangle)
  • comment out port for RobotHardwareService because Simulator does not have RobotHardwareService
  • add comment for groovy
  • remove rtconnects between RobotHardware and KalmanFilter; this is achieved by instead
  • comment the IMU related rtconnects out for non IMU robots
  • add basePos and baseRpy to HrpsysSeqStateROSBridge and connect in hrpsys_ros_bridge.launch
  • modify rtm-ros-robot-interface.l: add set-servo-error-limit and set-soft-error-limit
  • modify hrpsys_ros_bridge.launch to execute RobotHardwareServiceROSBridge and SoftErrorLimiterServiceROSBridge
  • add default rate to hrpsys_ros_bridge
  • check sensor existence for HRP4C
  • use regiterInport for gyrometer and gsensor
  • fix walking command and example
  • use automatically generated methods
  • add define-all-ROSBridge-srv-methods to define srv methods from srv and idl files ;; currently comment out
  • add comments to
  • add getSensors and use it
  • fix for hrpsys-base\'s r693 commit ;; fix for acc and rate naming rules
  • make class to configure hrpsys RTCs and data ports
  • add StateHolder rosbridge
  • set subscription type new for real robot
  • set subscription type new for real robot
  • change name of a method for logger (Issue 74)
  • add method for logger, Flxed Issue 74
  • added rtconnect of torque in hrpsys_ros_bridge.launch
  • remove autobalancer methods from sample
  • add target2foot_offset_pos and rot
  • add methods for get and set parameters for ABC
  • enable multiple --conf-file-option
  • add AutoBalancer for and launch files
  • add methods for auto balancer RTC
  • add method to dump pattern file for Seq
  • update check of virtual force sensor impedance control and add seq loadPattern
  • enable to specify conf file setting for _gen_project.launch
  • support virtual force sensor usage
  • add sensor_ros_bridge_connect to connect sensor data ports based on ModelLoader\'s sensor information
  • re-organize code, use IDL style method name for each service/idl and use euslisp style method name for wrapper of them
  • enable to get force-vector and moment-vector
  • add removeforcesensor offset interface
  • add getImpedanceControllerParam and enable to set parameter individualy
  • fix potision of argument in :start-impedance-impl
  • fix typo ;; start-impedance in stop-impedance
  • fix condision of limb for start and stop impedance
  • add yaml depend in hrpsys_ros_bridge
  • use :force-sensor method
  • use root-link\'s parent by default
  • fix bug of send*
  • add methods for impedance controller
  • fix name : use upper case for argument, (Fixes issue 65)
  • add launch_ros_model argument to hrpsys_ros_bridge.launch
  • fix number of clock publisher ;; publisher ==1 means no clock publisher other than HrpsysSeqRosBridge, which means HrpsSeqRosBridge should publish /clock
  • add ImpedanceCOntroller service ROS Bridge
  • check use_sim_time
  • do not publish /clock when othre node pulishes
  • rm config, no longer used?
  • fix : move hrpsys_ros_bridge exmaple codes to hrpsys_ros_bridge_tutorials
  • move hrpsys_ros_bridge exmaple codes to hrpsys_ros_bridge_tutorials
  • add CollisionDetectionService interface to rtm-ros-robotics-interface.l
  • add CollisionDetectorService
  • add import time for sleep Use one depth queue for avoid sending multiple servo off message, Issue 32 Status: Fixed
  • add setServoGainPercentage which is euslisp interface for idl2srv of RobotHardware RTC
  • add controller configuration file to hironx_ros_bridge.launch
  • add HIRONX_controller_config.yaml
  • Added Log button to hrpsys_dashboard to call DataLoggerService/save
  • add comment to why we need r3202
  • add hrp4c sample for using joint group
  • fix for using joint group
  • add HrpsysJointTrajectoryBridge for using joint group
  • fix directory name
  • fix directory name
  • mv euslisp programs to euslisp directory
  • revert CMakeLists.txt
  • add test code for calling seq group
  • add comments
  • add debug message to set-interpolation
  • add :setBasePose method to rtm-ros-robot-interface.l
  • add sequenceplayserservicerosbridge node
  • fix by iori
  • remove glc_cpature from rviz node
  • fix for hrpsys 3.1.4
  • support control_msgs/FollowJointTrajectoryAction
  • update SIMULATOR NAME, set use_sim_time true
  • remove debug code
  • publich /clock from rsangle when /use_sim_time is true
  • add euslisp interface for CollisionDetectorService.idl #37
  • Comment out camera port connection in the simulator because it lacks lack versatility
  • Changed StateHolder name from StateHolder to sh. Modified rviz argument from --sync to -sync. In electric, rviz may not work correctly.
  • add
  • adopted hrpsys_dashboard to fuerte.
  • fix virtual force sensor setup
  • check High Temperature
  • mv SensorInfo to Impl, add virtual force sensor information
  • support virtual_force_sensor option
  • split into and
  • add calib done, power on, servo alarm message to diagnostics
  • add motor section
  • write motor status to diagnostic
  • add power indicator
  • send servo alarm
  • fix : update for hrpsys-base update
  • update for hrpsys-base update
  • fix hrpsys_profile, clean up codes
  • fix gyrometer and gsensor to use TimedAcceleratoin3D and TimedAngularVelocity3D
  • add darwin-vrml-file-path to reduce webots dependent path description
  • use ros::resolve-ros-path instead of defined function get-rospack-find-str
  • fix only indent
  • fix file-name probing committed at r3127 ;; probe-file webots original vrml file instead of generated openhrp3 path
  • ignore if DARwInOp.proto is not found
  • set default rate to 10 ; this process consumes cpu power so much
  • pre calculate sensor tf information
  • remove old features, diagnositcs and JointTempleture, now we can you and servoState
  • add extra_data for hrpsys-base revision 417
  • read force sensor size and name from model file
  • fix due to hrpsys update
  • clean up code, add error handling code
  • add, diagnostics_aggregator and hrpsys_profile
  • add
  • set red icon if servo off
  • fix servoState data type from TimedLongSeq -> TimedLongSeqSeq
  • fix servoState data type from TimedLongSeq -> TimedLongSeqSeq
  • specify simulator and robothardware names by using SIMULATOR_NAME
  • fix usage of StateHolder ;; use qIn and qOut as reference angle-vector value ;; fix related launch files
  • round time value ;; we assume time stamp in walk2m.pos is integer
  • use rootlink_name, since calling bodyinfo->links() in onExecute consumes memory?
  • call goActual before servo on
  • serv off is not error
  • add Mode
  • add to publish /Mode/Operating Mode/{Servo On,Servo Off}
  • pusblish odom->bodyinfo->links()[0].segments[0].name
  • fix HRP4C walk2m.pos data path
  • fix HRP4C model path
  • add servoState
  • add servoState
  • fix typo hrpsys_dashboarad -> hrpsys_dashboard
  • fix servo on/servo off
  • use OpenRTM timer for publish ROS message
  • fix link_name -> name for new openhrp3 3.1.3
  • use args for
  • fix params robot_monitor
  • add robot_monitor and diagnostic.yaml
  • add hrpsys_dashboarad
  • add depends to dashboard/robot_monitor
  • add diagnostics_pub
  • use hrpEC
  • start up DataLoggerService in hrpsys ros bridge launch
  • add save log method
  • add KILL_SERVERS arguments to samplerobot_startup.launch
  • support KILL_SERVERS argument, set false as default
  • subscribe motor_states in initializatoin ;; add :temperature-vector
  • define rtm-ros-robot-interface to use hrpsys_ros_bridge dependent codes
  • add MotorStates.msg and publish it in HrpsysSeqRosBridge
  • remove webots from depends and add add_custom_command to download the sourcecode
  • reverted to r2951 for my mistake
  • check warning only for non-eistence movie or image
  • fixed index.rst and conflict problem
  • use baseTform instead of pose to obtain base link transformation from StateHolder
  • add JointTemperature data port ;; this data port does not work if Joint Temperature is input
  • update index.rst, by Jenkins
  • add manipulator for Yaskawa robot
  • fix: upport manipulator definition when export-collada, HRP4C is the example
  • support manipulator definition when export-collada, HRP4C is the example
  • make build/images for rostest
  • comment out torque reading printing by default
  • add data port for actual torques ;; rename original out data port for torque as mctorque ;; publish joint_states.effort based on rstorque
  • publish /fullbody_controller/state according to mcangle data port
  • rename compile_collada_robot->compile_collada_model
  • move compile_openhrp_model,compile_collada_robot to cmake/compile_robot_model.cmake
  • remove unused m_angle data port
  • increase max-time for gr001
  • fix typo hr001->gr001
  • increase time-limit
  • increse time-limit
  • increase time-limit
  • update samplerobot in house example to use grxui
  • fix video tag for rviz
  • fix for old cmake version issue #22
  • fix typo, errors
  • add to generate pr2.xml and pr2.conf
  • generate conf file from wrl for openhrp3 model
  • fix dependency
  • mv smartpal5.yaml yaskawasmartpal5.yaml
  • update CMakeLists.txt in order to run compile_robot sequentially, since this target use rostest and we could not run multiple rostest at the same time
  • fix xml
  • update launch script for eclipse-free hrpsys simulation
  • update make file to use _gen_project.launch to generate project file from model file
  • update documents
  • use copy for YasukawaSmartPal5
  • enable Camera of darwin.vcg avoid segfo in lucid
  • fix makefile for YasukawaSmartPal5
  • update launch documents
  • rtm-naming-restart now do not ru omniNaming in background, so that rosmake can easily kill rtm-naming
  • fix typo ;; openhrp -> openhrp3
  • use openhrp3_PACKAGE_PATH : try to call _stop_rtmnaming.launch at the end of the make test, to stop omniNames that confuses rosmake system
  • try to call _stop_rtmnaming.launch at the end of the make test, to stop omniNames that confuses rosmake system
  • revert to previous revision ;; ros name server must initialize before RTCsvn diff src/
  • fix order of member variables initialization
  • fix: rosbuild_download_data use download_checkmd5, wrong previous commit -> use download_checkmd5 instad of rosbuild_donwnload_data to try to download multiple times when fail
  • use download_checkmd5 instad of rosbuild_donwnload_data to try to download multiple times when fail
  • update test script
  • use video directive
  • add dependency on pr2eus because euslisp codes and msgs of pr2eus are used in examples
  • update launch script for new
  • update time-limit
  • fix test setup for max-time
  • fix max-time for new jenkins machine
  • fix max-time
  • add off-pose
  • change reset-pose, in order not to collide with table
  • change service play pattern
  • remove waitforClockGenerator
  • update time-limit for gr001
  • update gr001.launch
  • update time-limit
  • update gr001 sample program
  • add gr001.launch to test
  • add GR001 model from choreonoid
  • set time-limit to 600
  • add pr2.launch to rostest
  • set ORBgiopMaxMsgSize to 2M to 20M
  • do not error when length of rsangle is larger then that of body->joints
  • remove retry option from test tag
  • fix dependency
  • fix dependency when downloading yaskawa model
  • path of robot-interface.l has changed
  • fix dependency
  • remove debug code
  • remove pr2 from test
  • add dirty patch
  • fix wait for ModelLoader code
  • fix check-tf
  • add debug message
  • add lfsensor and rfsensor
  • wait until ModelLoader is up
  • remove debug code
  • fix debug code
  • remove debug code
  • add pr2.launch for rostset
  • clean up code
  • fix camera position
  • fix path of webots robot directory ;; projects -> resources/projects
  • remove webots nodes if openhrp-node-name is not specified ;; does not export Receiver and Emitter to openhrp vrml
  • capitalize bottom, side, and top fields of cylinder
  • remove subdivision field from Cylinder Node in webots vrml because subdivision field does not exist in default VRML specification
  • add definition of Receiver PROTO and Emitter PROTO refering to reference.pdf in webots_simulator
  • fix path of darwin proto
  • rename webots -> webots_simulator because original directories or webots-ros-pkg are updated
  • use --nosim mode for pr2_startup
  • rename webots -> webots_simulator because original directories or webots-ros-pkg are updated
  • fix typo
  • add darwin-walk-data and update darwin sample ;; init -> walk -> pickup -> arm-up pose
  • remove unnecessary timestep argument ;; darwin simulation does not require this parameter by default at recent version
  • add angle-vector-for-seq-debug version instead of angle-vector-sequence version for hrp4c-walk debug
  • fix linear mode check ;; use :linear instead of linear
  • fix linear mode check ;; use :linear instead of linear
  • add raw service call for seq\'s waitInterpolation and setJointAngles
  • add hrp4c-walk in hrp4c-pickup sample script
  • setPreempted on Finalize
  • remove debug code
  • support angle-vector-sequence and wait-interpolation
  • lengthen max-time for hrp4c test
  • speed up darwin demo
  • add fullbody pickup sample for hrp4c robot ;; use hrp4c-fullbody-pickup by default
  • update hrp4c end-coords definitions
  • update darwin simulation
  • update for new visualization layout
  • add config for rviz
  • fix euslisp code for better visualization
  • update hrp4c.vcg
  • remove debug code
  • set timestep 0.005 for darwin
  • add pr2 simulation on openhrp3
  • add joint_state.velocity
  • update max-time
  • update documents for smartpal5.launch
  • add smartpal5.launch to rostest
  • support any size of input image
  • set max-time to 40 for dynamics simulated robot, 10 for no-sim robot
  • fix debug message
  • update darwin script
  • add arg OUTPUT
  • update launch files
  • add dependency to image_view2
  • fix euslisp model location
  • add smartpal5.yaml
  • add smartpal5 launch files
  • add to download yasukawa model
  • update webotsvrml2openhrp3vrml according to changing directory
  • move webotsvrml2openhrp3vrml from models to scrips
  • add scripts/webotsvrml2openhrp3vrml.l
  • move darwin.yaml from scripts to models
  • move model files from hrpsys to hrpsys_ros_bridge
  • add pa10, darwin, damplerobot launch example, rename file name based on description written in manifest.xml
  • add pa10, darwin, damplerobot launch example, rename file name based on description written in manifest.xml
  • wait until model loader is available
  • fix document
  • fix xml syntax
  • add hrp4c-nosim-pickup.launch and update hrp4c-pickup.l
  • remove hrp4c-example.launch
  • update launch description
  • fix max-time to 20
  • enable to specify service-name
  • update debug message
  • update hrp4c-*.launch files
  • rename file name from test-hrp4c-*.launch to hrp4c-*.launch
  • fix xml syntax error
  • fix documnets
  • add test files
  • rename hrp4crobot-pickup -> hrp4c-pickup
  • remove test directory use rosdoc and launchfiles
  • add rtm-ros-robot-interface including ros::service-call and use it in roseus samples ;; rtm-ros-robot-interface will support idl<->srv conversion
  • use require instead of load for model loading
  • add sendmsg service to Hrpsysseqstaterosbridge using dynamic_reconfigure srv
  • move darwin\'s hrpsys.launch file to hrpsys_ros_bridge
  • fix hrp4c.test and CMakeList.txt
  • add darwin sample launch files and script
  • add test program for hrpsys_ros_bridge
  • add rostest hrp4c.test and generate-document.test
  • update hrpsys_ros_bridge.launch : remove SimulationEC from openrtm_args and rename rtmlaunch to hrplaunch_hrpsys_ros_bridge
  • revert previsou commit
  • update hrp4c.vcg
  • changed nodes in hrpsys_ros_bridge to not link SimulationEC, these nodes are not real-time
  • current good connection script for hrp4r
  • add connection script for hrpsys_ros_bridge on real robot
  • unit of Update Intealval is [sec]
  • changed robot super class, from ros-interface to robot-interface
  • add --nosim launch file for hrp4c
  • add pickup demo for hrp4c
  • fix : forget to call spinOnce
  • use Update Interval 1 for Robot Model and TF
  • update darwin_ros_bridge.launch to use hrpsys_ros_bridge.launch
  • fix compile warning
  • fix wrong commit
  • clean up HrpsysSeqStateROSBridge
  • pusblish tf and others at the hrpsys cycle rate
  • add --sync
  • add SCHEDULER_ARGS argument support
  • fix to pass SCHEDULER_ARGS argument
  • fix debug message
  • clean up launch files, hrpsys/launch contains example for OpenHRP3.1 and hrpsys_ros_bridge/launch contains example for openhrp-scedular and ros bridge
  • move openhrp + ros integration example under hrpsys_ros_bridge
  • rename main_withHands to HiroNX
  • add hiro-nx example
  • add debug message to show \@Initialize
  • change samplerobot_hrpsys_ros_bridge to use hrpsys.launch
  • add rviz, image_proc, image_view, camshiftdemo in samplerobot_ros_bridge.launch
  • remove openhrp3 from manifest, this is writtin in hrpsys/manifest.xml
  • fix ROBOT_NAME from HRP-4C to HRP4
  • fix samplerobot_ros_bridge.launch to include hrpsys_ros_bridge.launch
  • add debug message
  • update .launch files, .dae files goes to hrpsys/scripts, AbsTransformToPosRpy is launched from hrpsys.launch, update opertm_args to use SimulationEC
  • update skip paramater
  • link SimulationEC
  • add depend package rviz to manifest.xml
  • add hrpsys_ros_bridge
  • add launch/darwin_ros_bridge.launch
  • add ImageSensorROSBRidge to hrp4 simulation
  • add rviz configuration file for samplerobot
  • fix to avoid segfualt error when grxui does not publish data
  • add frame_id, and fill dummy camera_info param, publish effort and use wait-interpolation
  • publish sensor pose through tf::TransformBroadcaster
  • add ImageSensorROSBridge
  • add samplerobot_ros_bridge.launch
  • update HrpsysSeqStateROSBridge read pose and publish as tf
  • update use /odom as root frame
  • add rviz configuration files for pa10 and hrp4c
  • add pa10_ros_bridge.launch
  • update to HrpsysSeqStateROSBridge
  • update hrpsysStatePublihser, to work with robot_state_publisher
  • rename hrprtc -> hrpsys
  • rename hrprtc_ros_bridge -> hrpsys_ros_bridge
  • Contributors:, Isao Isaac Saito, Kei Okada, Ryohei Ueda,, garaemon,,, ik0313,, kei.okada,, manabu1118,,,, notheworld,, nozawa,, tnaka,\,, youhei,

Wiki Tutorials

See ROS Wiki Tutorials for more details.

Source Tutorials

Not currently indexed.

Launch files

  • test/hrpsys-samples/test_samplerobot_euslisp_unittests.launch
    • =*- mode: xml -*-
      • NOSIM [default: false]
      • GUI [default: false]
      • RUN_RVIZ [default: false]
      • NOSIM [default: $(arg NOSIM)]
      • GUI [default: $(arg GUI)]
      • RUN_RVIZ [default: $(arg RUN_RVIZ)]
      • corbaport [default: 2809]
      • USE_UNSTABLE_RTC [default: true]
      • USE_EMERGENCYSTOPPER [default: true]
      • USE_REFERENCEFORCEUPDATER [default: true]
  • test/test-compile-robot.launch
  • test/test-samplerobot-hcf.launch
      • corbaport [default: 2809]
      • GUI [default: false]
      • RUN_RVIZ [default: false]
      • USE_UNSTABLE_RTC [default: true]
  • test/test-euslisp-without-ros-bridge.launch
    • This test is named *.launch to be excluded from catkin_install_run_tests
  • launch/robot_pose_ekf.launch
      • base_link [default: BODY]
  • launch/hrpsys_ros_bridge.launch
      • MODEL_FILE
      • CONF_FILE [default: ]
      • BASE_LINK [default: BODY]
      • SIMULATOR_NAME [default: RobotHardware0]
      • INSTALL_ROBOT_DESCRIPTION [default: true]
      • DEBUG_HRPSYS [default: false]
      • USE_DIAGNOSTICS [default: true]
      • USE_ROBOT_POSE_EKF [default: true]
      • USE_COMMON [default: true]
      • USE_ROBOTHARDWARE [default: false]
      • USE_WALKING [default: false]
      • USE_COLLISIONCHECK [default: true]
      • USE_IMPEDANCECONTROLLER [default: false]
      • USE_GRASPCONTROLLER [default: false]
      • USE_SERVOCONTROLLER [default: false]
      • USE_TORQUECONTROLLER [default: false]
      • USE_SOFTERRORLIMIT [default: true]
      • USE_TORQUEFILTER [default: false]
      • USE_IMAGESENSOR [default: false]
      • USE_EMERGENCYSTOPPER [default: false]
      • USE_REFERENCEFORCEUPDATER [default: false]
      • USE_HRPSYS_PROFILE [default: true]
      • USE_VELOCITY_OUTPUT [default: false] — true: output actual velocity / false: output differential value of actual postition as /joint_states/velocity
      • PUBLISH_SENSOR_TF [default: true]
      • nameserver [default: localhost]
      • corbaport [default: 15005]
      • managerport [default: 2810]
      • periodic_rate [default: 2000]
      • omniorb_args [default: -ORBInitRef NameService=corbaloc:iiop:$(arg nameserver):$(arg corbaport)/NameService]
      • openrtm_args [default: -o "corba.master_manager:$(arg nameserver):$(arg managerport)" -o "corba.nameservers:$(arg nameserver):$(arg corbaport)" -o "naming.formats:%n.rtc" -o "exec_cxt.periodic.type:PeriodicExecutionContext" -o "exec_cxt.periodic.rate:$(arg periodic_rate)" -o "logger.file_name:/tmp/rtc%p.log"]
      • subscription_type [default: new]
      • push_policy [default: all]
      • push_rate [default: 50.0]
      • buffer_length [default: 8]
      • OUTPUT [default: screen]
      • ROBOT_TYPE [default: ]
      • USE_ROBOT_TYPE_SETTING [default: false]
  • launch/robot_monitor.launch
      • check_core_temps [default: False]
      • check_ipmi_tool [default: False]
      • check_nfs [default: False]
      • enforce_clock_speed [default: False]
      • num_cores [default: 4]
  • launch/samplerobot_startup-grxui.launch
      • KILL_SERVERS [default: false]
      • KILL_SERVERS [default: $(arg KILL_SERVERS)]
  • launch/collision_detector.launch
    • launch collision detctor as solo program for rviz display
      • nameserver [default: localhost]
      • corbaport [default: 15005]
      • managerport [default: 2810]
      • SIMULATOR_NAME [default: RobotHardware0]
      • omniorb_args [default: -ORBInitRef NameService=corbaloc:iiop:$(arg nameserver):$(arg corbaport)/NameService]
      • openrtm_args [default: -o "corba.master_manager:$(arg nameserver):$(arg managerport)" -o "corba.nameservers:$(arg nameserver):$(arg corbaport)" -o "naming.formats:%n.rtc" -o "exec_cxt.periodic.type:PeriodicExecutionContext" -o "exec_cxt.periodic.rate:2000" -o "logger.file_name:/tmp/collision_detector%p.log"]
      • MODEL_FILE [default: /opt/jsk/etc/HIRONX/model/main.wrl]
      • CONF_FILE
      • RUN_COLLISION_STATE [default: true]
  • launch/samplerobot-grxui.launch
      • KILL_SERVERS [default: false]
      • KILL_SERVERS [default: $(arg KILL_SERVERS)]
  • launch/samplerobot_ros_bridge-grxui.launch


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