No version for distro humble. Known supported distros are highlighted in the buttons above.
No version for distro jazzy. Known supported distros are highlighted in the buttons above.
No version for distro rolling. Known supported distros are highlighted in the buttons above.
No version for distro noetic. Known supported distros are highlighted in the buttons above.
No version for distro ardent. Known supported distros are highlighted in the buttons above.
No version for distro bouncy. Known supported distros are highlighted in the buttons above.
No version for distro crystal. Known supported distros are highlighted in the buttons above.
No version for distro eloquent. Known supported distros are highlighted in the buttons above.
No version for distro dashing. Known supported distros are highlighted in the buttons above.
No version for distro galactic. Known supported distros are highlighted in the buttons above.
No version for distro foxy. Known supported distros are highlighted in the buttons above.
No version for distro iron. Known supported distros are highlighted in the buttons above.
No version for distro lunar. Known supported distros are highlighted in the buttons above.
No version for distro jade. Known supported distros are highlighted in the buttons above.
Package Summary
Tags | No category tags. |
Version | 0.1.12 |
License | BSD |
Build type | CATKIN |
Repository Summary
Checkout URI | |
VCS Type | git |
VCS Version | master |
Last Updated | 2022-04-25 |
Dev Status | DEVELOPED |
CI status | Continuous Integration |
Released | RELEASED |
Tags | No category tags. |
Contributing |
Help Wanted (0)
Good First Issues (0) Pull Requests to Review (0) |
Package Description
Additional Links
- Yohei Kakiuchi
- Yohei Kakiuchi
No README found.
See repository README.
Changelog for package hrpsys_gazebo_atlas
0.1.12 (2017-01-11)
0.1.11 (2016-08-30)
0.1.10 (2016-03-24)
- [hrpsys_gazebo_atlas/CMakeLists.txt] add jsk_footstep_msgs to find_package of hrpsys_gazebo_atlas.
- Remove rosbuild related files
- modify touchit server for general robot use
- Contributors: Ryohei Ueda, mmurooka
0.1.9 (2015-06-11)
- [hrpsys_gazebo_atlas] Do not compile iob if no atlas_description is available
- [hrpsys_gazebo_atlas] Fix path for catkin build
- add measured polaris points
- Contributors: Ryohei Ueda, YoheiKakiuchi
0.1.8 (2015-01-09 12:27)
0.1.7 (2015-01-09 02:30)
0.1.6 (2015-01-08)
- update polaris
- fix polaris
- Do not generate atlas model if no atlas_description is available
- Contributors: Ryohei Ueda, YoheiKakiuchi
0.1.5 (2014-11-04)
0.1.4 (2014-10-23)
0.1.3 (2014-10-12)
0.1.2 (2014-10-06)
- add polais xp900 euslisp model
- Contributors: YoheiKakiuchi
0.1.1 (2014-09-26)
- fixed atlas v0 endcoords
- fix real2model
- include atlas_bringup.launch in launch file for hook hand atlas
- (catkin.cmake,CMakeLists.txt) : Remove deprecated abc_end_effectors and fix end-effector name (without colon) according to
- fix collision mesh of hook hand model
- added models files for hook hand
- fixed parameter for walking
- fix indent
- set default value of impedance-controller-param
- added atlas_hrpsys_dashboard script and call it.
- added sandia-hand-command-publiser.l
- deleted unnecessary lines and enable dashboard
- remove unused variables
- add force-offset file and load that file
- modify atlas-interface.l for deleted files
- move euslisp files of touchit
- move euslisp files of atlas-manipulation
- delete unnecessary fiels
- move euslisp files of ladder
- move euslisp files of utilities
- move euslisp files of atlas-multi-locomotion
- move euslisp files of atlas-joint-state-compresser
- move euslisp files of atlas-vehicle-motion
- fix stabilizer param
- fix iob for atlas_v0
- move atlas setting functions from atlas-**-interface.l to atlas-interface.l
- modified iob.cpp to support atlas_v0 and atlas_v3
- added euslisp and launch file for atlas_v0 and atlas_v3
- added load-ros-manifest for sandia_hand_msgs and atlas_msgs
- Merge pull request #67 from mmurooka/add_end_effectors_to_hrpsys_conf add end_effectors to conf file
- added comment about joint order in iob.cpp
- fix joint index order of atlas in iob.cpp
- add end_effectors to conf file
- (hrpsys_gazebo_atlas/launch/atlas_hrpsys_ros_bridge.launchw) set USE_WALKING true, USE_IMPEDANCE_CONTROLLER true, USE_SOFTERRORLIMIT false
- (hrpsys_gazebo_atlas/catkin.cmake) fix for when hrpsys is installed
- (hrpsys_gazebo_atlas) add message generation
- (iob/CMakeLists.txt) use hrpIo_atlas
- ( rename AbsoluteForceSensor -> RemoveForceSensorLinkOffset
- set (launch/atlas_hrpsys_bringup.launch, launch/atlas_hrpsys_ros_bridge.launch) USE_COLLISIONCHECK false
- (hrpsys_gazebo_atlas) create and
- added hrpsys_gazebo_atlas/ instruction for launching
- deal with both of catkin and rosbuld in
- not call when servo on.
- fixed for new hrpsys configurator
- compile_collada_model now create dependency tree automatically, so we don't need to make dependency in user-space cmake
- remove wstool install laser_assembler and check if the directory exists when compile atlas_laser_snapshotter
- remove hoge/fuga for travis
- describe comment
- adding atlas_description
- remove atlas_description from build dependency
- add interface to move real robot
- add rtmros_tutorials
- modify ik controller in order to use other robot
- add laser_assembler, but it does not catkinzed in groovy so no effects
- add baxtere_description for baxtereus
- update end-effector definition for atlas
- return true or false from initialize_for_add_sensor
- use function to initialize in main function
- find articulated_system with _motion ;; for example, robot0_motion, .…
- find kmodel id instead of using the string 'kmodel0'
- set attribute according to sid of link instead of using name of link
- changed scripted posture for first door
- changed foot placement to widen legs in atlas_door_motion_player.lanch
- bug fix: tf-end-coords function transformation fix
- changed foot placement in atlas_door_motion_player.lanch
- display message when move arm was changed
- adding padkontrol
- change origin-key to :rarm and :larm atlas-ik-controller.l
- update image_view name
- removed output log comments in touchit.
- add subscriber to change ankle pitch joint angle
- simplify atlas-nlopt-ik-test.l, it is better for single arm ik problem?
- small :dif-rot-ration is better ?
- fix ik threshold bigger than ik mvoe distance
- fix threshold for ik rotation, and add some log
- target-coords attitude <- end-coords one, and publish im to rviz
- display message when menu is selected
- add tf-end-coords function for update target-coords in condition that rotation-axis = nil
- add tf-end-coords function for update target-coords in condition that rotation-axis = nil
- bug fixed in the case of not making viewr window in touchit
- add publisher to toggle ik mode in padkontrol
- not make viewer in touchit-server.
- set use torso nil in ik-controller by default
- set use torso t in ik-controller by default
- set rotation axis nil in ik-controller by default
- deleted debug lines and enable to set negative value for argument.
- changed range of touchit threshold : [0:100] -> [-1:100]
- chnaged minimal thre -1 in order to enable cancel. If you set negative thre, touchit is cancelled immediately.
- changed default value of touch-it-control-proc arguments: axis = nil and ik-type = :arm
- not set ik-type and axis when calling touch-it-control-proc in order to use default value.
- changed endcoords for hookhand.
- added for changing threshold force value of touchit
- publish touchit threshold with touchpad
- fix end-coords of hook to end point
- add hook end-coords and set defalt
- add atlas_pcl_divider.launch
- set threshold with arguments in touch-it-util
- set threshold by topic in touch-it
- set origin-key to free
- using grasp frame_id
- enable to set devided number of touch it by argument
- changed devied number depending distance between current and dest
- set rotation axis nil when center sphere was moved
- changed scale and size in publish-touchit-result
- added option set-user-pinned for teleport-to
- added gazebo_atlas_door.launch drc_practice_hook_atlas.launch for door environment simulation
- set touchit information to the global variable and send angle-vector smoothly
- send data as feedback from global variable, and set status depending on finished result.
- added gazebo utility scripts
- add atlas-door-cheat.l for teleportation
- diable xterm
- adding padkontrol
- fixing padkontrol
- adding padkontrol
- adding fc_gazebo.launch
- move slowly
- fix angle-vector bow -> bye
- add atlas-motion-sequence-player.l
- revert to r6616
- set end-coords of ik-server
- enable to set end-coords from client
- set executable atlas-motion-sequence-player.l
- update parameters
- changed position of footplace marker
- add orbit function
- add centroid-offset value for toe balance
- add joint limitation 11 deg for crotch-r joint
- update footstep parameters
- move roi-reconfigure-call.l
- reconfigure relay for ROI
- add hand roi_viewer
- added ik parameter for not using null space, which is now comment out.
- changed log from warning-message to ros-warn
- adding some steps
- remove pre-call model2real for safety
- climb ladder using pull force
- comment out dummy-ri and wait 10 sec before making ri
- fix minor bug
- added ros-warn log in touch-it.l
- add force sensor tf
- add foot sensors subscribe
- pull force constraints add
- inital commit atlas-ladder-dynamic.l
- add foot step parameter
- update color of wrench_string
- add respawn=true to rotate nodes
- inital commit atlas-motion-sequence-player
- lower freshrate
- add atlas_wrench_string_publiser
- add atlas-wrench-string-publisher
- decrese the freshrate
- set nan in joint state compressed by default and dont publish nan joint
- fixing name
- sleep before die
- adding script
- adding toggle_mux script and fix name
- adding mux to lhand and rhand
- use default robot description
- add sample
- set output screen for touchit
- changed to use ros-warn
- add sensor tf
- add door foot in launch file
- remove :cancel-all-goal of call-touch-it-server
- fix hand rotate 120 -> 0
- add rotate fisheye
- add tf for force sensor
- fix bugs when joint-names include hand information
- add rotate value for look-hand functoin
- fix choosing argument GAZEBO
- add argument for choosing GAZEBO
- update
- move image_gui
- change image_rect -> image_rect_color
- use interactive joint by default
- add second door open motion, switch door-id variable
- add open-second-door-front in atlas-door.l
- add atlas_door_motino_plauer.launch
- chmod a+x 2
- chmod a+x atlas-door-motion-plauer.l
- fix bug of sandia hand name
- add sandia-hand joint state publish
- remove unused joint gain
- spacenav can be used when ik-stop mode
- update to use rotated image
- fix rotation-axis from goal_id -> seq
- new atlas-door-motion-player add,
- head_snap viewer image_rect -> image_rect_color
- add touch-it server
- added open-first-door-front
- add nth-angle-vector function for setting function to angle-vector-list-list
- adding other joints
- adding script to align windows
- remove preview function for touch-it
- changed scripted pose in atlas-door.l
- not display info of multisense-sl-compresser
- adding pointcloud from hands
- change image_rect -> image_rect_color on head_camera
- shut you face
- add move max switching with the result of inverse-kinematiacs
- divide /atlas/joint_state_compressed to /atlas/~ and /multisense_sl/~
- add multisense_sl joint state callback
- change topic name of multisense_sl from /atlas/~ to /multisense_sl/~
- look at callback add
- update
- added look-hand function
- bug fix for arm only inverse-kinematics
- add sample code
- add pre-manip-pose
- set rotation-axis for call-touch-it-server function
- add joint-state-subscriber2 for joint feedback from rviz
- add pose for door
- remove :draw-objects function in loop of joint-state-subscriber
- remove look-at function
- add atlas-drill-motion-paler.l for drill motion plau in
- changed standing point for opening door
- initial commit angle-vector-player.l, please use with
- update the parameter of rate
- adding topic_buffer to force sensor
- using new parameter
- adding topic_buffer
- not display output of topic_buffer_server
- adding eus_gui
- adding eus_gui
- adding eus gui
- add all_viewer to ocs.launch
- using ROS namespace
- remove DEV specification
- not use index when compress joint state
- fixing value of delay to be displayed
- add timer for debug
- using timer
- update
- update actionlib
- using parameter
- use JointState instead of JointStateCompressed
- remove unused functions of atlas-joint-interface-fc/l
- some bug fix, jsk_interactive/atlas-joint,l -> atlas-ik-controller.l
- add marker-menu-callback2 for robot-pose reset and stand
- add atlas interface in fc to move robot
- added scripted motion for opening door.
- update for using topic
- adding parameter for topic_buffer_client to run in topic mode
- add touchit-target values for touchit ik mode change
- enable to set axis for touch it server
- adding atlas ping gui
- adding ping gui
- remove stderr output
- send server :set-lost has bug of undefined variable
- add publish-touch-result when call-touch-it-server
- add global variable touchit-reach and touch
- gui for rosping
- adding rosping plugin
- adding gui for rosping
- update parameters
- update parameter
- add call-touch-it-server function
- add dummy ci and dummy real2model for local touch-it-server
- update using image
- move buffer_server to fc
- add lifetime to touchit result marker
- publish touchit result text marker
- make real robot interface in touch it server
- changed window tile and color depending on topic name
- changed node name in atlas_touchit_server_ocs.launch
- add roi image
- update parameters
- set topic name with environment variable in touchit_server launch files
- read environment variable for topic name
- changed indent in touch-it-util.l
- add snapshot gui
- add testing viewer for atlas
- add comment setting
- fix parameters
- some bug fix hogehoge
- improved touch it
- add touchit callback
- adding images
- update image_transport
- adding image topics
- more beautifully
- add solve-triangel functions and some bug gix
- add bound chekc for grobal variables
- update image rotate
- adding color
- adding subgraph
- add fisheye to image_transport
- rename the file
- adding pointcloud
- add joint state topic graph
- add icons
- fix path to
- clearn parameters
- set debug-view nil, and added try-door-demo function
- fix variable names
- solve inverse kinematics in the new configuration for turning valve, use HKU coordinate
- add resetJointGroup to servo_on/off
- print collsition log to terminal only when the collision occured
- add publish-eus-obj function for triangle and foot-step display
- remove unused function and waist-fix
- added functions for opening door
- befrore call :old-reset-manip-pose, check
- added atlas-door.l
- fix end-coords because reset-manip-pose are changed
- fix joint state subscriber, joint staes have joint angles and names
- using raw pointcloud instead of filtered pointcloud, self_filter is not stable
- using raw pointcloud
- using old values
- fixing topic name
- using raw pointcloud
- forget to remap update??
- fixing namespace
- rotate 120 deg right hand and drill motion
- instantiate robot from
- move script/ to src/hrsys_gazebo_atlas/
- adding pcl roi stuff
- fixing pcl roi stuff
- pcl concatenater fixing topic name
- don't display info
- don't use script to update topic_buffer_server
- remove un-used diagnostics data
- adding PCL configuration for ROI
- not use robot_description_ocs
- create ATLASHrpsysConfigurator to resetJointGroup
- create resetJointGroup()
- add controller setting for using limb trajectory from lisp interface
- set default origin-key -> :rarm
- set robot_description param in atlas_send_tf_ocs
- remap tf to tf_ocf in ocs
- set atlas-torso limit 40 -> 10
- start-ik-server -> start-ik-server and loop-ik-server functions
- use default robot_description in ocs
- add torso3 inverse-kinematiacs, only use torso-y
- inital end-coords cheange to id=1
- add torso2 mode for ik-server, just move x y z yaw joints of pelvis
- add ik-stop variable for ik-controller, default value = 0
- bug fix, defautlt ned-coords, if=0
- use atlas-end-coords.l in spite of set-end-coords function
- intial commit atlas-end-coords.l, switch some lim :end-coords
- delete use_interactive_endcooreds arg in fc.launch
- comment out ik-controller
- 3d mouse joint angle -> rviz
- remap tf topic name used by ik-server
- rotate hand image to map coords
- update foot convex every time inverse-kinematics was called
- set target to correct position when frame changed
- bug fix: centroid objects geenrate twice
- recreate foot-convex may add some error of ik
- fix foot-convex when robot posture move far away from now state
- delete rviz for endcoords interactive marker
- use joint state publisher for joint interactive marker
- remove unused comment functions
- add realmodel to model function
- fix coordinate transformation, when pelvis rotation, before version wont be move
- fix target-coords of ik-server from pelvis
- add respawn for ik-server
- enable dual-arm-ik, but not good
- transformation fix in local world coordinate
- change node name of im-marker
- ik-server enable to set constrains parameter, for now, parameter will be sent with s-string
- fix some cooridnates bugs
- add method to publish joint-states
- fix interactive marker pose
- bug fix, mouse-mode check before mouse-mode update
- add real-robot objects for real angle-vector update
- skip 3d mouse, whne mouse-mode nil
- add main-loop function demo-pos-conttoller2
- update parameters
- fix bag and indent
- fix and add some variable names
- fix global variable name -> **
- add function to set marker position
- add function to get tf from map to robot
- add method to set origin
- publish arrow marker to see origin and target
- add some message for interactive marker connection
- adding pcl concatenater
- fixing params
- add interactive mareker callback
- fix some parameter like move step on dmeo-pos-controller
- add fix-limb-coords valiable for error summatino
- concatenate pointclouds
- deom-pos-controller fix, coordination fix
- add atals-eus-ik.l node
- add script to all rtm/ros programs
- update reset manip pose
- add arrow object for target-coords visualize
- large window irtviewer
- do not launch hrpsys_dashboard
- forge tto add USE_DIAGNOSTICS
- disable pose button
- mv obsolated launch files to old.launch
- add diagnostics for atlas_hrpsys
- adding new image
- adding image_transport
- add checking existing force
- update joystick device file
- to reduce sumation of error, solve inverse-kinematics for both legs after ik-service-call
- remove USE_CONTROLLER arg
- fix typo
- remove node
- update parameters
- renaming file
- removing file
- updating stuff
- remove unused functions and some bug fix about function references
- rename file
- rename fileatlas_ik.launch
- adding two launch file for narrowband
- solve inverse kinematics comunicating with ik-server
- divide tf-related launch file
- delete specific_transform_publisher in CMakeLists
- adding triangle gui
- adding triangle gui
- fix bag : send marker tf to ocs
- send marker tf to ocs
- add servo on/off scripts
- successufully call ik-server and get angle-vector, look like correct
- fix for head-less mode
- set OUTPUT to screen
- bug fix, quotanion caluculation fix
- segmentatino fault fix when non normalized quotanion detected
- fix typo and use use_cache, instaed of ~use_cache
- fix topic name - -> _
- move specific_transform_publisher and subscriber to jsk_topic_tools
- any option for inverse-kinematics can be used
- fix pelvis coords as foot coords to orgin, because fullbody ik is supported and the center of gravity is no the support plane
- add start hrpsys_atlas_dashboard
- use atlas_hrpsys.launch
- do not subscribe diagnostics/rosout, send go_actual for all mode buttons
- add rh.q to logger
- publish joint state compressed to move real robot
- publish joint state to visualize the result of ik
- initial commit atlas-ik-controller.l, for now, just the same as atlas-dual-arm-ik.l
- add filtered force sensor
- set additional gain for shoulder joints, but ik fail with strange points
- remove unused functions and comment, normal-ik -> normal-ik-with-collisoin
- publish tf from map to pelvis when using gazebo
- change for using topic_buffer
- add hrpsys_atlas_dashboard
- add parameter for using hrpsys-simulation with atlas
- add using roi image in multisense_sl
- single arm drill manipulation, base link only move z-directions
- don't use cache when using dynamic_tf_publisher
- remove inverse kinematics for coordinates settings
- add header file for specific_transform_subscriber
- atlas-dual-arm-ik depends on atlas-fullbody-ik.l
- use dyanmic tf publisher in specific_transform_subscriber
- use dynamic_tf_publisher launched in ocs
- divide low bandwidth launch file into two
- adding comment
- supporting preempt
- implementing using touch-it-control-proc
- loop -> touch-it-control, iterative method -> touch-it-control-proc
- rename touch-it-control to touch-it-control-proc
- indent
- untabify
- untabify
- untabify
- read initial force as offset in touch-it-util.l
- updating sensor frames
- fix the orientation and trnaslation of force sensor on the arms
- added atlas_touchit_server.launch
- added touch-flag and overwriting stamp of posestampedin touchit.
- improved touchit loop process
- add simple-rsd-play function, for animation, and send commnad to robot
- remove upper point cloud before dividing
- add demo-hand-climb-ladder function, climbing ladder motion with hans supports
- move some functions from touch-it-server.l to touch-it-util.l
- read env and set topic name
- disable fulutaractive markers in default
- add spline interpolation, for now, it is related to euslib/demo files
- fixed typo in touch-it-server.l
- added touch-it-controll function for using without actionlib
- added guard of recalling setup-end-coords
- changed interpolation time in atlas-impedance-calib.l
- added touch-it-util.l
- fix a lot of stuff
- good bye robot_description
- remove robot_description
- miracle static walk for climbing ladder
- added touch-it-server.l touch-it-client.l
- do not start ik server loop if do-not-start-ik-server is defined.
- add -hold option to keep window after exit
- add USE_CONTROLLER to hrpsys_atlas.launch and update Makefile.hrpsys-base to create icon
- fix to use atlas_v3 model for hrpsys(non-gazebo) simulation
- some parameter turning, especially, ladder height 30cm -> 30.5cm
- add demo function, climb ladder animation
- can solve, but with collision
- added option for joints version and endcoords version of interactive marker
- added option for interactive marker
- include ik_server and set endcoords interactive marker default false
- add some functions for static climbing
- added atlas_hrpsys_real.launch file for setting
- make image smaller and rate high.
- do not consume alot of cpu
- changed backgroud color of roseus window.
- enable to select whether make viewr or not in atlas-init-ex
- change launch file of interactive_marker
- add output_frame in divided pointcloud
- load atlas-impedance-calib.l in atlas-interface.l
- added atlas-impedance-calib.l
- add hand interactive marker
- include msg compresser in atlas_hrpsys.launch
- add msg compresser for low bandwidth
- add compresser for joint_states of multisense_sl
- put together joint states of body and hand
- added drc-valve.l
- check self collision in torso ik in the ik server.
- fixed to use foot-convex of robot posture.
- added option arguments for fullbody-ik-main
- add robot_state_publisher for compressed
- add msg of compressed joint state
- add compresser and decompresser of joint states
- added if for interactive joint marker and rviz in atlas_hrpsys.launch
- adding rviz config
- updating coloring
- add sample to visualize divided point cloud
- changed ik target coords to be far from robot in x direction because target is too near and self collision occurs.
- generate pcl caller scripts
- use fullbody-ik-with-collision instead of fullbody-ik in ik-server.
- added some arguments such as thre, rthre, collision? in ik-main
- add topic_buffer_server in atlas_pcl_divider
- add atlas-fullbody-ik.l, it is mostly copy of atls-dual-arm-ik.l, so I should edit atls-dual-arm-ik.l to generalize and use it.
- add sample program to display pointcloud
- add script to generate atlas_pcl_divider.launch
- update weight
- update to use atlas_v3
- include mjpeg_server in atlas_imagetransport
- add the comment for instruction in atlas-dual-arm-ik.l
- added atlas-valve.l
- comment out reset-pose in atlas-calibration-pose
- added init-for-drill-grasp for teleporte in drcsim
- changed interpolation time in atlas-hrpsys-test.l
- update sensor parameters
- fix triangle parameter, 30x15 cm right triangle
- update end coords offset
- adding launch file to launch ik server
- updating for catkin
- updating to take balancing into account
- update ik server
- added atlas-ladder.l and drc_ladder.l
- adding output=screen
- updating to support arm, torso and fullbody ik and joint state
- add atlas-eus-ik-sample.launch, launch atlas-eus-ik server and clinet
- add atals-eus-ik-client.l, somethings strangee
- update end coords
- use quickhull function, and remove gen-foot-convex
- add additional-wieght-list parameter to atlas-eus-ik.l
- update
- use iob.h under /lib/io
- add my-object function, display robot cog triangel convex and drill
- add gen-foot-convex methods, generate convex hull of foot, for now, this can be user for only atlas
- add use-messages and period option in imagetransport
- single arm ik version commit, when solving ik-main, set target-limb '(:rarm :rleg :lleg)
- some parameter tune
- set include_directory(hrpsys/inlcude) before /opt/ros/DISTRO, use user package before system package, fixed for hrpsys 315.0.0
- rename resized_imagetransport -> resied_image_transport, if you have problem, please svn up under jsk_visioncommon
- update endcoords
- add read_digital_output for hrpsys 315.0.0
- update end-coords
- update end-coords
- reduce crotch-r joint limit -> +-5
- model fat and collision ik-revert support
- add collision check to ik-nmain
- fix init-grasp-pose for collision avoidance
- atlas-dual-arm-ik.l with new atlas_V3.l, please remove models/atlas_v3.l && make
- add gen-yaml-rotation function, to generate models/atlas_v3.yaml, end-coords fix
- changed end-coords config in atlas.yaml and atlas_v3.yaml and remove overwriting of reset-manip-pose in atlas.l
- update atlas_octomap.launch
- add atlas_scan_to_cloud_long_range.yaml
- fix typo
- adding torso
- inital commit
- adding atlas-eus-ik
- removing gensrv
- removing srv
- add gazebo feedback and solve ik
- include atlas_joint_marker in atlas_hrpsys.launch
- bug fix: leg-coords-fix-from-real function
- add leg-coords-fix-from-real function, feed-back leg coordf from gazebvo
- reach ground and return to original pose.
- set option for atlas_web.launch and set false default.
- add triagle model, just load, and get triangle
- add demo-function for simulation play
- adding service for EusIK
- adding circle to image_view2
- adding www directory
- verbosing messages
- adding output=screen
- adding atlas_web.launch
- fix dt for atlas_v3
- reverted last commit of atlas-interface.l. set with-hand nil in (atlas-init) by default.
- demo-pose-controller max evaluation 30 -> 1000
- send angle to real robot when ri exits
- 3d mouse mode add, when you click 3dmouse buttton, 3d mouse mode will start
- adding mode line
- launch file to start atlas triangle ui
- adding atlas_web.launch, web UI
- reverted last commit of atlas_laser.launch
- added (init-for-drill) for drill task
- added
- added drc_practice_task_6_with_ground_plane.launch
- tmp commit, unstable atlas-dual-arm-controller.l
- fix topic name
- implmeneted ros connection
- adding a script to publish triangle points
- subscribe triagnlepoints
- adding triangle point
- irt movable hogehoge
- some para tune
- fullbody-ik overwrite for getting failure value
- adding another plane detector to detect wall
- change the value of filter to see the near area
- fix centroid constraints
- check if gazebo before find_package
- hrpsys_gazebo_atlas only support groovy
- do not generate model when collada_urdf_jsk_patch is not found
- add depends to collada_urdf_jsk_patch
- defualt set-user-mode nil
- do not use rosrun in catkin.xmake
- depends to collada_urdf_jsk_patch
- initial commit atlas-dual-arm-controller.l, with spacenav, solve ik
- added instruction comment for test in atlas-moveit.l
- update making robot
- adding a program to detect planes
- adding sandia_hand_teleop
- update drcsim launch
- updating max_range parameter
- adding a launch file to launch sensor stuff
- fix for source compile
- add model compile code
- add link_directories
- fix message
- set USE_VIEW as default true
- update topic name
- update topic name
- use SVN_DIR to set source directory
- catkinize hrpsys_gazebo_atlas
- changed package name atlas_utils -> drcsim_gazebo
- add dot.rosinstall
- remove hand_controller and bdi_action
- add atlas_hrpsys_drcsim.launch
- update parameter
- initial commit for describing atlas laser pipeline
- update
- update laser pipeline
- update frames
- update parameters
- minor changes in atlas-hrpsys-test
- added collision_pair config in CMakeList.txt
- add dummy pointcloud publisher and mux to select them
- added time argument to model2real-safe
- added reaching hand to the groundfuntion
- update pose
- add atlas-pose
- bug fixed, and removed line of rosbag
- add start node for laser
- change hrpsys_rate -> 333
- add intensity filter
- update filter parameter
- added record_rosbag lines to atlas_hrpsys.launch, default is off.
- added
- delete co, and input current angle, to use collisoin detector just for checking in
- return to reset-manip-pose in test-auto-balancer-balance
- check if the joint_states are published in iob.cpp
- add self filter node
- add self filter setting
- change dt to 3ms at atlas
- added atlas-hrpsys-test.l
- fix joint_trajectory_controller -> follow_joint_trajectory
- add joint group controller setting
- added (atlas-balancing-demo) in atlas-hrpsys-demo.l
- added some test functions for hrpsys test
- change interporation time 1500 -> 3000 in (model2real)
- added test functions of hrpsys
- added draw-real-robot and model2real-safe.
- update hand model
- add hrpsys_dashboard to atlas_hrpsys.launch
- add atlas_hrpsys_loopback.launch simple loopback mode for hrpsys
- update link names
- change: default launching trajectory controllers for each limb
- fix typo
- added comment line for printing publishing topic.
- change not publishing command while servo off
- set ankle kp_velocity 0 in iob; if ankle kp_velocity > 0, atlas blows.
- add code for treating servo state
- fix: update to r5733
- added write_digital_output_with_mask to iob.cpp in hrpsys_gazebo_atlas
- minor update
- add sample to atlas-moveit.l
- do not use compile message at geometry_msgs
- update simple car model
- add atlas-moveit.l
- add trajectory controller configuration
- set kp_velocity 50 in all joints except for ankle joijnts
- changed leg gain value in (my-init)
- added gains to PDgain.sav (v3 has two more fixed joints than old atlas)
- fix end-coords coordinate when generate eusmodel. fixed configuration in atlas.yaml and atlas_v3.yaml.
- added (atlas-init-ex) in atlas-util.l : the same function with (my-init)
- fixed neck joint name
- added argument error check to (atlas-set-servo-gain-by-torque-limit)
- changed load atlas model file atlas.l -> atlas_v3.l
- chnaged default ROBOT_NAME atlas -> atlas_v3
- removed uncomment unnecessary lines in iob.cpp
- edited iob.cpp for atlas_v3 : change kp_velocity 100 -> 0, fixed joint_id_real2model array, changed.
- update iob.cpp for v3
- update atlas-set-servo-gain-torque-limit for v3
- convert atlas urdf (not v3 model) in atlas_description; [[ not compatible with old drcsim ]]
- comment out some packages at groovy and latest drcsim
- yaml file for atlas_v3
- add compiling atlas_v3
- added iob function: write_command_torque and read_actual_velocity
- add atlas setting for end_effectors
- bug fix: missing link
- inital commit altals\^nlopt-ik-test.l
- added walk utility function: start and stop walking keeping autobalancer
- added function for qual door task
- bug fixed in atlas-hrpsys-demo.l
- added atlas-hrpsys-demo.l atlas-manip-obj.l
- add drc simple vehicle
- fix compiling for fuerte
- add hrpsys-ros-bridge test launch for atlas
- add atlas_hrpsys_ros_bridge and use it from atlas_hrpsys_bringup and atlas_hrpsys_simulation
- add test for atlas-hrpsys-ros-bridge-test
- rename hrpsys -> hrpsys_tools
- fixed some bugs in hrpsys_gazebo_atlas/euslisp/
- modified README
- added README for moving atlas with euslisp
- add configuration for sequencer groups and modify launch for using it
- fixed bug of hrpsys script and launch in hrpsys_gazebo_atlas
- fix package name hrpsys_gazebo -> hrpsys_gazebo_atlas
- fix package name
- fix package name
- mv hrpsys_gazebo_atlas/jenkins/ to hrpsys_gazebo_general/
- re-organize rtmros_common, add openrtm_common, rtmros_tutorials, rtmros_hironx, rtmros_gazebo, openrtm_apps, See Issue 137
- Contributors: Kei Okada, Masaki Murooka, Ryohei Ueda, Satoshi Iwaishi, Shunichi Nozawa,,, kei.okada, mmurooka,,,,
Wiki Tutorials
This package does not provide any links to tutorials in it's rosindex metadata.
You can check on the ROS Wiki Tutorials page for the package.
Package Dependencies
Deps | Name |
roseus | |
pr2eus | |
hrpsys_ros_bridge | |
atlas_msgs | |
sandia_hand_msgs | |
osrf_msgs | |
pr2_controller_manager | |
collada_urdf_jsk_patch | |
tf | |
laser_assembler | |
image_view2 | |
jsk_pcl_ros | |
jsk_footstep_msgs | |
resized_image_transport | |
hrpsys_gazebo_general | |
atlas_description | |
message_generation | |
catkin | |
message_runtime |
System Dependencies
No direct system dependencies.
Dependant Packages
No known dependants.
Launch files
- test/test-atlasmodel.launch
- test/atlas_hrpsys-ros-bridge_test.launch
- =*- mode: xml -*-
- launch/atlas_laser.launch
- FIXED_FRAME [default: /map]
- USE_ASSEMBLER_FILTER [default: true]
- launch/atlas_roi_camera.launch
- CREATE_MANAGER [default: true]
- MANAGER_NAME [default: roi_image_proc_manager]
- GAZEBO_MODE [default: false]
- DECIMATE_CAMERA [default: /multisense_sl/camera/left]
- DECIMATE_IMAGE [default: image_rect]
- DECIMATE_OUTPUT_CAMERA [default: roi_camera_output]
- launch/atlas_screenpoint.launch
- USE_STEREO [default: false]
- CAMERA [default: /multisense_sl/camera/left]
- POINTS_TOPIC [default: /laser/full_cloud2_raw]
- USE_VIEW [default: true]
- launch/atlas_hrpsys_simulation.launch
- KILL_SERVERS [default: false]
- ROBOT_NAME [default: atlas_v3]
- KILL_SERVERS [default: $(arg KILL_SERVERS)]
- launch/atlas_eus_ik_sample.launch
- launch/atlas_all_viewer.launch
- RESIZE_RATE [default: 0.1]
- SNAP_RESIZE_RATE [default: 0.25]
- COMPRESS_TYPE [default: compressed]
- launch/drc_practice_hook_atlas.launch
- gzname [default: gazebo]
- gzworld [default: drc_practice_task_1]
- extra_gazebo_args [default: -q]
- launch/atlas_low_bandwidth_fc.launch
- USE_INTERACTIVE_JOINT [default: true]
- launch/atlas_hrpsys_bringup.launch
- KILL_SERVERS [default: false]
- ROBOT_NAME [default: atlas_v3]
- SIMULATOR_NAME [default: RobotHardware0]
- CONF_FILE [default: $(find hrpsys_gazebo_atlas)/models/$(arg ROBOT_NAME).conf]
- USE_LIMB_TRAJECTORY [default: true]
- CONTROLLER_CONFIG_FILE [default: $(find hrpsys_gazebo_atlas)/config/atlas_v3_controller_config.yaml]
- hrpsys_load_path [default: $(find hrpsys_gazebo_atlas)/lib,$(find hrpsys)/lib]
- RobotHardware_conf [default: $(find hrpsys_gazebo_atlas)/models/$(arg ROBOT_NAME).RobotHardware.conf]
- launch/atlas_pcl_concatenater.launch
- launch/gazebo_atlas_door.launch
- gzname [default: gazebo]
- gzworld [default: drc_practice_task_4]
- launch/atlas_joint_state_compresser.launch
- launch/atlas_hrpsys_diagnostics.launch
- launch/atlas_sensor_tf.launch
- launch/atlas_force_sensor_ocs.launch
- launch/atlas_hrpsys_ros_bridge.launch
- USE_ROBOTHARDWARE [default: false]
- ROBOT_NAME [default: atlas]
- USE_WALKING [default: true]
- USE_DIAGNOSTICS [default: false]
- USE_COLLISIONCHECK [default: false]
- USE_SOFTERRORLIMIT [default: false]
- launch/fc_gazebo.launch
- launch/ocs.launch
- OCS_TF [default: /tf_ocs]
- launch/atlas_roi_image_view.launch
- RESIZE_RATE [default: 0.1]
- IMAGE_TYPE [default: image_rect_throttle]
- COMPRESS_TYPE [default: compressed]
- launch/atlas_imagetransport.launch
- USE_SNAPSHOT [default: true]
- USE_THROTTLE [default: true]
- USE_MJPEGSERVER [default: false]
- USE_ROTATED [default: true]
- THROTTLE_RATE [default: 1.4]
- THROTTLE_RESIZE_RATE [default: 0.1]
- THROTTLE_IMAGE_TYPE [default: image_rect]
- THROTTLE_USE_MESSAGES [default: true]
- THROTTLE_PERIOD [default: 3]
- SNAPSHOT_RESIZE_RATE [default: 0.25]
- SNAPSHOT_IMAGE_TYPE [default: image_rect]
- MJPEGSERVER_PORT [default: 8181]
- GAZEBO_MODE [default: false]
- launch/screenpoint_resize_view.launch
- CAMERA [default: /head_resized]
- IMAGE_TYPE [default: image_rect_throttle]
- RESIZE_RATE [default: 0.25]
- COMPRESS_TYPE [default: compressed]
- launch/atlas_hrpsys_loopback.launch
- USE_LIMB_TRAJECTORY [default: true]
- launch/atlas_force_sensor_fc.launch
- launch/atlas_door_motion_player.launch
- launch/atlas_pcl_roi_fc.launch
- launch/sandia_hand_controller.launch
- launch_teleop [default: true]
- launch/atlas_interactive_marker.launch
- USE_INTERACTIVE_JOINT [default: true]
- launch/atlas_pcl_detect_plane.launch
- ground_pcl_manager [default: ground_pcl_manager]
- manip_pcl_manager [default: manip_pcl_manager]
- wall_pcl_manager [default: wall_pcl_manager]
- launch/atlas_web.launch
- launch/atlas_octomap.launch
- FIXED_FRAME [default: /odom]
- TARGET_FRAME [default: /head_hokuyo_frame]
- USE_GROUND_FILTER [default: false]
- launch/atlas_low_bandwidth_ocs.launch
- OCS_TF [default: /tf_ocs]
- USE_INTERACTIVE_JOINT [default: false]
- ROBOT_DESCRIPTION_OCS [default: robot_description]
- launch/atlas_ik.launch
- launch/atlas_hrpsys.launch
- USE_LASER [default: true]
- USE_SCREENPOINT [default: false]
- USE_VIEW [default: false]
- USE_LIMB_TRAJECTORY [default: true]
- USE_IMAGE_TRANSPORT [default: false]
- USE_OCTOMAP [default: false]
- USE_WEB [default: false]
- USE_INTERACTIVE_JOINT [default: false]
- USE_LOW_BANDWIDTH [default: false]
- USE_CONTROLLER [default: true]
- USE_HAND [default: false]
- USE_BDI_ACTION [default: false]
- launch/atlas_v3_hrpsys_bringup.launch
- ROBOT_NAME [default: atlas_v3]
- CONTROLLER_CONFIG_FILE [default: $(find hrpsys_gazebo_atlas)/config/atlas_v3_controller_config.yaml]
- launch/atlas_interactive_marker_fc.launch
- USE_INTERACTIVE_JOINT [default: true]
- launch/fc.launch
- launch/atlas_joint_state_decompresser.launch
- OCS_TF [default: /tf_ocs]
- tf_frequency [default: 10.0]
- JOINT_STATE_UPDATE_RATE [default: 1.0]
- ROBOT_DESCRIPTION_OCS [default: robot_description]
- launch/footstep_planner.launch
- MAP_FILE [default: $(find hrpsys_gazebo_atlas)/maps/stepping_map.yaml]
- LAUNCH_RVIZ [default: true]
- launch/atlas_v0_hrpsys_bringup.launch
- ROBOT_NAME [default: atlas]
- CONTROLLER_CONFIG_FILE [default: $(find hrpsys_gazebo_atlas)/config/atlas_controller_config.yaml]
- launch/atlas_v3_hook_hands.launch
- gzname [default: gazebo]
- gzworld [default:]
- hand_suffix [default: ]
- extra_gazebo_args [default: -q]
- launch/atlas_interactive_marker_ocs.launch
- OCS_TF [default: /tf_ocs]
- USE_INTERACTIVE_JOINT [default: true]
- ROBOT_DESCRIPTION_OCS [default: robot_description_ocs]
- launch/atlas_touchit_server.launch
- launch/atlas_ping.launch
- launch/atlas_triangle_ui.launch
- launch/atlas_hrpsys_drcsim.launch
- USE_LASER [default: true]
- USE_HAND [default: true]
- USE_BDI_ACTION [default: true]
- USE_LIMB_TRAJECTORY [default: true]
- USE_SCREENPOINT [default: false]
- USE_VIEW [default: false]
- USE_IMAGE_TRANSPORT [default: false]
- USE_OCTOMAP [default: false]
- RECORD_ROSBAG [default: false]
- launch/atlas_send_tf_fc.launch
- launch/gazebo-map2pelvis.launch
- launch/atlas_interactive.launch
- server_name [default: fullbody_interactive]
- LAUNCH_RVIZ [default: true]
- launch/atlas_pcl_roi_ocs.launch
- launch/atlas_pcl_divider.launch
- this file was generated by
- launch/atlas_v0_hook_hands.launch
- gzname [default: gazebo]
- gzworld [default:]
- hand_suffix [default: ]
- extra_gazebo_args [default: -q]
- model_args [default: ]
- launch/atlas_touchit_server_ocs.launch
- launch/atlas_send_tf_ocs.launch
- OCS_TF [default: /tf_ocs]
- ROBOT_DESCRIPTION_OCS [default: robot_description]
No service files found
Recent questions tagged hrpsys_gazebo_atlas at Robotics Stack Exchange
Package Summary
Tags | No category tags. |
Version | 0.1.12 |
License | BSD |
Build type | CATKIN |
Repository Summary
Checkout URI | |
VCS Type | git |
VCS Version | master |
Last Updated | 2022-04-25 |
Dev Status | DEVELOPED |
CI status | No Continuous Integration |
Released | RELEASED |
Tags | No category tags. |
Contributing |
Help Wanted (0)
Good First Issues (0) Pull Requests to Review (0) |
Package Description
Additional Links
- Yohei Kakiuchi
- Yohei Kakiuchi
No README found.
See repository README.
Changelog for package hrpsys_gazebo_atlas
0.1.12 (2017-01-11)
0.1.11 (2016-08-30)
0.1.10 (2016-03-24)
- [hrpsys_gazebo_atlas/CMakeLists.txt] add jsk_footstep_msgs to find_package of hrpsys_gazebo_atlas.
- Remove rosbuild related files
- modify touchit server for general robot use
- Contributors: Ryohei Ueda, mmurooka
0.1.9 (2015-06-11)
- [hrpsys_gazebo_atlas] Do not compile iob if no atlas_description is available
- [hrpsys_gazebo_atlas] Fix path for catkin build
- add measured polaris points
- Contributors: Ryohei Ueda, YoheiKakiuchi
0.1.8 (2015-01-09 12:27)
0.1.7 (2015-01-09 02:30)
0.1.6 (2015-01-08)
- update polaris
- fix polaris
- Do not generate atlas model if no atlas_description is available
- Contributors: Ryohei Ueda, YoheiKakiuchi
0.1.5 (2014-11-04)
0.1.4 (2014-10-23)
0.1.3 (2014-10-12)
0.1.2 (2014-10-06)
- add polais xp900 euslisp model
- Contributors: YoheiKakiuchi
0.1.1 (2014-09-26)
- fixed atlas v0 endcoords
- fix real2model
- include atlas_bringup.launch in launch file for hook hand atlas
- (catkin.cmake,CMakeLists.txt) : Remove deprecated abc_end_effectors and fix end-effector name (without colon) according to
- fix collision mesh of hook hand model
- added models files for hook hand
- fixed parameter for walking
- fix indent
- set default value of impedance-controller-param
- added atlas_hrpsys_dashboard script and call it.
- added sandia-hand-command-publiser.l
- deleted unnecessary lines and enable dashboard
- remove unused variables
- add force-offset file and load that file
- modify atlas-interface.l for deleted files
- move euslisp files of touchit
- move euslisp files of atlas-manipulation
- delete unnecessary fiels
- move euslisp files of ladder
- move euslisp files of utilities
- move euslisp files of atlas-multi-locomotion
- move euslisp files of atlas-joint-state-compresser
- move euslisp files of atlas-vehicle-motion
- fix stabilizer param
- fix iob for atlas_v0
- move atlas setting functions from atlas-**-interface.l to atlas-interface.l
- modified iob.cpp to support atlas_v0 and atlas_v3
- added euslisp and launch file for atlas_v0 and atlas_v3
- added load-ros-manifest for sandia_hand_msgs and atlas_msgs
- Merge pull request #67 from mmurooka/add_end_effectors_to_hrpsys_conf add end_effectors to conf file
- added comment about joint order in iob.cpp
- fix joint index order of atlas in iob.cpp
- add end_effectors to conf file
- (hrpsys_gazebo_atlas/launch/atlas_hrpsys_ros_bridge.launchw) set USE_WALKING true, USE_IMPEDANCE_CONTROLLER true, USE_SOFTERRORLIMIT false
- (hrpsys_gazebo_atlas/catkin.cmake) fix for when hrpsys is installed
- (hrpsys_gazebo_atlas) add message generation
- (iob/CMakeLists.txt) use hrpIo_atlas
- ( rename AbsoluteForceSensor -> RemoveForceSensorLinkOffset
- set (launch/atlas_hrpsys_bringup.launch, launch/atlas_hrpsys_ros_bridge.launch) USE_COLLISIONCHECK false
- (hrpsys_gazebo_atlas) create and
- added hrpsys_gazebo_atlas/ instruction for launching
- deal with both of catkin and rosbuld in
- not call when servo on.
- fixed for new hrpsys configurator
- compile_collada_model now create dependency tree automatically, so we don't need to make dependency in user-space cmake
- remove wstool install laser_assembler and check if the directory exists when compile atlas_laser_snapshotter
- remove hoge/fuga for travis
- describe comment
- adding atlas_description
- remove atlas_description from build dependency
- add interface to move real robot
- add rtmros_tutorials
- modify ik controller in order to use other robot
- add laser_assembler, but it does not catkinzed in groovy so no effects
- add baxtere_description for baxtereus
- update end-effector definition for atlas
- return true or false from initialize_for_add_sensor
- use function to initialize in main function
- find articulated_system with _motion ;; for example, robot0_motion, .…
- find kmodel id instead of using the string 'kmodel0'
- set attribute according to sid of link instead of using name of link
- changed scripted posture for first door
- changed foot placement to widen legs in atlas_door_motion_player.lanch
- bug fix: tf-end-coords function transformation fix
- changed foot placement in atlas_door_motion_player.lanch
- display message when move arm was changed
- adding padkontrol
- change origin-key to :rarm and :larm atlas-ik-controller.l
- update image_view name
- removed output log comments in touchit.
- add subscriber to change ankle pitch joint angle
- simplify atlas-nlopt-ik-test.l, it is better for single arm ik problem?
- small :dif-rot-ration is better ?
- fix ik threshold bigger than ik mvoe distance
- fix threshold for ik rotation, and add some log
- target-coords attitude <- end-coords one, and publish im to rviz
- display message when menu is selected
- add tf-end-coords function for update target-coords in condition that rotation-axis = nil
- add tf-end-coords function for update target-coords in condition that rotation-axis = nil
- bug fixed in the case of not making viewr window in touchit
- add publisher to toggle ik mode in padkontrol
- not make viewer in touchit-server.
- set use torso nil in ik-controller by default
- set use torso t in ik-controller by default
- set rotation axis nil in ik-controller by default
- deleted debug lines and enable to set negative value for argument.
- changed range of touchit threshold : [0:100] -> [-1:100]
- chnaged minimal thre -1 in order to enable cancel. If you set negative thre, touchit is cancelled immediately.
- changed default value of touch-it-control-proc arguments: axis = nil and ik-type = :arm
- not set ik-type and axis when calling touch-it-control-proc in order to use default value.
- changed endcoords for hookhand.
- added for changing threshold force value of touchit
- publish touchit threshold with touchpad
- fix end-coords of hook to end point
- add hook end-coords and set defalt
- add atlas_pcl_divider.launch
- set threshold with arguments in touch-it-util
- set threshold by topic in touch-it
- set origin-key to free
- using grasp frame_id
- enable to set devided number of touch it by argument
- changed devied number depending distance between current and dest
- set rotation axis nil when center sphere was moved
- changed scale and size in publish-touchit-result
- added option set-user-pinned for teleport-to
- added gazebo_atlas_door.launch drc_practice_hook_atlas.launch for door environment simulation
- set touchit information to the global variable and send angle-vector smoothly
- send data as feedback from global variable, and set status depending on finished result.
- added gazebo utility scripts
- add atlas-door-cheat.l for teleportation
- diable xterm
- adding padkontrol
- fixing padkontrol
- adding padkontrol
- adding fc_gazebo.launch
- move slowly
- fix angle-vector bow -> bye
- add atlas-motion-sequence-player.l
- revert to r6616
- set end-coords of ik-server
- enable to set end-coords from client
- set executable atlas-motion-sequence-player.l
- update parameters
- changed position of footplace marker
- add orbit function
- add centroid-offset value for toe balance
- add joint limitation 11 deg for crotch-r joint
- update footstep parameters
- move roi-reconfigure-call.l
- reconfigure relay for ROI
- add hand roi_viewer
- added ik parameter for not using null space, which is now comment out.
- changed log from warning-message to ros-warn
- adding some steps
- remove pre-call model2real for safety
- climb ladder using pull force
- comment out dummy-ri and wait 10 sec before making ri
- fix minor bug
- added ros-warn log in touch-it.l
- add force sensor tf
- add foot sensors subscribe
- pull force constraints add
- inital commit atlas-ladder-dynamic.l
- add foot step parameter
- update color of wrench_string
- add respawn=true to rotate nodes
- inital commit atlas-motion-sequence-player
- lower freshrate
- add atlas_wrench_string_publiser
- add atlas-wrench-string-publisher
- decrese the freshrate
- set nan in joint state compressed by default and dont publish nan joint
- fixing name
- sleep before die
- adding script
- adding toggle_mux script and fix name
- adding mux to lhand and rhand
- use default robot description
- add sample
- set output screen for touchit
- changed to use ros-warn
- add sensor tf
- add door foot in launch file
- remove :cancel-all-goal of call-touch-it-server
- fix hand rotate 120 -> 0
- add rotate fisheye
- add tf for force sensor
- fix bugs when joint-names include hand information
- add rotate value for look-hand functoin
- fix choosing argument GAZEBO
- add argument for choosing GAZEBO
- update
- move image_gui
- change image_rect -> image_rect_color
- use interactive joint by default
- add second door open motion, switch door-id variable
- add open-second-door-front in atlas-door.l
- add atlas_door_motino_plauer.launch
- chmod a+x 2
- chmod a+x atlas-door-motion-plauer.l
- fix bug of sandia hand name
- add sandia-hand joint state publish
- remove unused joint gain
- spacenav can be used when ik-stop mode
- update to use rotated image
- fix rotation-axis from goal_id -> seq
- new atlas-door-motion-player add,
- head_snap viewer image_rect -> image_rect_color
- add touch-it server
- added open-first-door-front
- add nth-angle-vector function for setting function to angle-vector-list-list
- adding other joints
- adding script to align windows
- remove preview function for touch-it
- changed scripted pose in atlas-door.l
- not display info of multisense-sl-compresser
- adding pointcloud from hands
- change image_rect -> image_rect_color on head_camera
- shut you face
- add move max switching with the result of inverse-kinematiacs
- divide /atlas/joint_state_compressed to /atlas/~ and /multisense_sl/~
- add multisense_sl joint state callback
- change topic name of multisense_sl from /atlas/~ to /multisense_sl/~
- look at callback add
- update
- added look-hand function
- bug fix for arm only inverse-kinematics
- add sample code
- add pre-manip-pose
- set rotation-axis for call-touch-it-server function
- add joint-state-subscriber2 for joint feedback from rviz
- add pose for door
- remove :draw-objects function in loop of joint-state-subscriber
- remove look-at function
- add atlas-drill-motion-paler.l for drill motion plau in
- changed standing point for opening door
- initial commit angle-vector-player.l, please use with
- update the parameter of rate
- adding topic_buffer to force sensor
- using new parameter
- adding topic_buffer
- not display output of topic_buffer_server
- adding eus_gui
- adding eus_gui
- adding eus gui
- add all_viewer to ocs.launch
- using ROS namespace
- remove DEV specification
- not use index when compress joint state
- fixing value of delay to be displayed
- add timer for debug
- using timer
- update
- update actionlib
- using parameter
- use JointState instead of JointStateCompressed
- remove unused functions of atlas-joint-interface-fc/l
- some bug fix, jsk_interactive/atlas-joint,l -> atlas-ik-controller.l
- add marker-menu-callback2 for robot-pose reset and stand
- add atlas interface in fc to move robot
- added scripted motion for opening door.
- update for using topic
- adding parameter for topic_buffer_client to run in topic mode
- add touchit-target values for touchit ik mode change
- enable to set axis for touch it server
- adding atlas ping gui
- adding ping gui
- remove stderr output
- send server :set-lost has bug of undefined variable
- add publish-touch-result when call-touch-it-server
- add global variable touchit-reach and touch
- gui for rosping
- adding rosping plugin
- adding gui for rosping
- update parameters
- update parameter
- add call-touch-it-server function
- add dummy ci and dummy real2model for local touch-it-server
- update using image
- move buffer_server to fc
- add lifetime to touchit result marker
- publish touchit result text marker
- make real robot interface in touch it server
- changed window tile and color depending on topic name
- changed node name in atlas_touchit_server_ocs.launch
- add roi image
- update parameters
- set topic name with environment variable in touchit_server launch files
- read environment variable for topic name
- changed indent in touch-it-util.l
- add snapshot gui
- add testing viewer for atlas
- add comment setting
- fix parameters
- some bug fix hogehoge
- improved touch it
- add touchit callback
- adding images
- update image_transport
- adding image topics
- more beautifully
- add solve-triangel functions and some bug gix
- add bound chekc for grobal variables
- update image rotate
- adding color
- adding subgraph
- add fisheye to image_transport
- rename the file
- adding pointcloud
- add joint state topic graph
- add icons
- fix path to
- clearn parameters
- set debug-view nil, and added try-door-demo function
- fix variable names
- solve inverse kinematics in the new configuration for turning valve, use HKU coordinate
- add resetJointGroup to servo_on/off
- print collsition log to terminal only when the collision occured
- add publish-eus-obj function for triangle and foot-step display
- remove unused function and waist-fix
- added functions for opening door
- befrore call :old-reset-manip-pose, check
- added atlas-door.l
- fix end-coords because reset-manip-pose are changed
- fix joint state subscriber, joint staes have joint angles and names
- using raw pointcloud instead of filtered pointcloud, self_filter is not stable
- using raw pointcloud
- using old values
- fixing topic name
- using raw pointcloud
- forget to remap update??
- fixing namespace
- rotate 120 deg right hand and drill motion
- instantiate robot from
- move script/ to src/hrsys_gazebo_atlas/
- adding pcl roi stuff
- fixing pcl roi stuff
- pcl concatenater fixing topic name
- don't display info
- don't use script to update topic_buffer_server
- remove un-used diagnostics data
- adding PCL configuration for ROI
- not use robot_description_ocs
- create ATLASHrpsysConfigurator to resetJointGroup
- create resetJointGroup()
- add controller setting for using limb trajectory from lisp interface
- set default origin-key -> :rarm
- set robot_description param in atlas_send_tf_ocs
- remap tf to tf_ocf in ocs
- set atlas-torso limit 40 -> 10
- start-ik-server -> start-ik-server and loop-ik-server functions
- use default robot_description in ocs
- add torso3 inverse-kinematiacs, only use torso-y
- inital end-coords cheange to id=1
- add torso2 mode for ik-server, just move x y z yaw joints of pelvis
- add ik-stop variable for ik-controller, default value = 0
- bug fix, defautlt ned-coords, if=0
- use atlas-end-coords.l in spite of set-end-coords function
- intial commit atlas-end-coords.l, switch some lim :end-coords
- delete use_interactive_endcooreds arg in fc.launch
- comment out ik-controller
- 3d mouse joint angle -> rviz
- remap tf topic name used by ik-server
- rotate hand image to map coords
- update foot convex every time inverse-kinematics was called
- set target to correct position when frame changed
- bug fix: centroid objects geenrate twice
- recreate foot-convex may add some error of ik
- fix foot-convex when robot posture move far away from now state
- delete rviz for endcoords interactive marker
- use joint state publisher for joint interactive marker
- remove unused comment functions
- add realmodel to model function
- fix coordinate transformation, when pelvis rotation, before version wont be move
- fix target-coords of ik-server from pelvis
- add respawn for ik-server
- enable dual-arm-ik, but not good
- transformation fix in local world coordinate
- change node name of im-marker
- ik-server enable to set constrains parameter, for now, parameter will be sent with s-string
- fix some cooridnates bugs
- add method to publish joint-states
- fix interactive marker pose
- bug fix, mouse-mode check before mouse-mode update
- add real-robot objects for real angle-vector update
- skip 3d mouse, whne mouse-mode nil
- add main-loop function demo-pos-conttoller2
- update parameters
- fix bag and indent
- fix and add some variable names
- fix global variable name -> **
- add function to set marker position
- add function to get tf from map to robot
- add method to set origin
- publish arrow marker to see origin and target
- add some message for interactive marker connection
- adding pcl concatenater
- fixing params
- add interactive mareker callback
- fix some parameter like move step on dmeo-pos-controller
- add fix-limb-coords valiable for error summatino
- concatenate pointclouds
- deom-pos-controller fix, coordination fix
- add atals-eus-ik.l node
- add script to all rtm/ros programs
- update reset manip pose
- add arrow object for target-coords visualize
- large window irtviewer
- do not launch hrpsys_dashboard
- forge tto add USE_DIAGNOSTICS
- disable pose button
- mv obsolated launch files to old.launch
- add diagnostics for atlas_hrpsys
- adding new image
- adding image_transport
- add checking existing force
- update joystick device file
- to reduce sumation of error, solve inverse-kinematics for both legs after ik-service-call
- remove USE_CONTROLLER arg
- fix typo
- remove node
- update parameters
- renaming file
- removing file
- updating stuff
- remove unused functions and some bug fix about function references
- rename file
- rename fileatlas_ik.launch
- adding two launch file for narrowband
- solve inverse kinematics comunicating with ik-server
- divide tf-related launch file
- delete specific_transform_publisher in CMakeLists
- adding triangle gui
- adding triangle gui
- fix bag : send marker tf to ocs
- send marker tf to ocs
- add servo on/off scripts
- successufully call ik-server and get angle-vector, look like correct
- fix for head-less mode
- set OUTPUT to screen
- bug fix, quotanion caluculation fix
- segmentatino fault fix when non normalized quotanion detected
- fix typo and use use_cache, instaed of ~use_cache
- fix topic name - -> _
- move specific_transform_publisher and subscriber to jsk_topic_tools
- any option for inverse-kinematics can be used
- fix pelvis coords as foot coords to orgin, because fullbody ik is supported and the center of gravity is no the support plane
- add start hrpsys_atlas_dashboard
- use atlas_hrpsys.launch
- do not subscribe diagnostics/rosout, send go_actual for all mode buttons
- add rh.q to logger
- publish joint state compressed to move real robot
- publish joint state to visualize the result of ik
- initial commit atlas-ik-controller.l, for now, just the same as atlas-dual-arm-ik.l
- add filtered force sensor
- set additional gain for shoulder joints, but ik fail with strange points
- remove unused functions and comment, normal-ik -> normal-ik-with-collisoin
- publish tf from map to pelvis when using gazebo
- change for using topic_buffer
- add hrpsys_atlas_dashboard
- add parameter for using hrpsys-simulation with atlas
- add using roi image in multisense_sl
- single arm drill manipulation, base link only move z-directions
- don't use cache when using dynamic_tf_publisher
- remove inverse kinematics for coordinates settings
- add header file for specific_transform_subscriber
- atlas-dual-arm-ik depends on atlas-fullbody-ik.l
- use dyanmic tf publisher in specific_transform_subscriber
- use dynamic_tf_publisher launched in ocs
- divide low bandwidth launch file into two
- adding comment
- supporting preempt
- implementing using touch-it-control-proc
- loop -> touch-it-control, iterative method -> touch-it-control-proc
- rename touch-it-control to touch-it-control-proc
- indent
- untabify
- untabify
- untabify
- read initial force as offset in touch-it-util.l
- updating sensor frames
- fix the orientation and trnaslation of force sensor on the arms
- added atlas_touchit_server.launch
- added touch-flag and overwriting stamp of posestampedin touchit.
- improved touchit loop process
- add simple-rsd-play function, for animation, and send commnad to robot
- remove upper point cloud before dividing
- add demo-hand-climb-ladder function, climbing ladder motion with hans supports
- move some functions from touch-it-server.l to touch-it-util.l
- read env and set topic name
- disable fulutaractive markers in default
- add spline interpolation, for now, it is related to euslib/demo files
- fixed typo in touch-it-server.l
- added touch-it-controll function for using without actionlib
- added guard of recalling setup-end-coords
- changed interpolation time in atlas-impedance-calib.l
- added touch-it-util.l
- fix a lot of stuff
- good bye robot_description
- remove robot_description
- miracle static walk for climbing ladder
- added touch-it-server.l touch-it-client.l
- do not start ik server loop if do-not-start-ik-server is defined.
- add -hold option to keep window after exit
- add USE_CONTROLLER to hrpsys_atlas.launch and update Makefile.hrpsys-base to create icon
- fix to use atlas_v3 model for hrpsys(non-gazebo) simulation
- some parameter turning, especially, ladder height 30cm -> 30.5cm
- add demo function, climb ladder animation
- can solve, but with collision
- added option for joints version and endcoords version of interactive marker
- added option for interactive marker
- include ik_server and set endcoords interactive marker default false
- add some functions for static climbing
- added atlas_hrpsys_real.launch file for setting
- make image smaller and rate high.
- do not consume alot of cpu
- changed backgroud color of roseus window.
- enable to select whether make viewr or not in atlas-init-ex
- change launch file of interactive_marker
- add output_frame in divided pointcloud
- load atlas-impedance-calib.l in atlas-interface.l
- added atlas-impedance-calib.l
- add hand interactive marker
- include msg compresser in atlas_hrpsys.launch
- add msg compresser for low bandwidth
- add compresser for joint_states of multisense_sl
- put together joint states of body and hand
- added drc-valve.l
- check self collision in torso ik in the ik server.
- fixed to use foot-convex of robot posture.
- added option arguments for fullbody-ik-main
- add robot_state_publisher for compressed
- add msg of compressed joint state
- add compresser and decompresser of joint states
- added if for interactive joint marker and rviz in atlas_hrpsys.launch
- adding rviz config
- updating coloring
- add sample to visualize divided point cloud
- changed ik target coords to be far from robot in x direction because target is too near and self collision occurs.
- generate pcl caller scripts
- use fullbody-ik-with-collision instead of fullbody-ik in ik-server.
- added some arguments such as thre, rthre, collision? in ik-main
- add topic_buffer_server in atlas_pcl_divider
- add atlas-fullbody-ik.l, it is mostly copy of atls-dual-arm-ik.l, so I should edit atls-dual-arm-ik.l to generalize and use it.
- add sample program to display pointcloud
- add script to generate atlas_pcl_divider.launch
- update weight
- update to use atlas_v3
- include mjpeg_server in atlas_imagetransport
- add the comment for instruction in atlas-dual-arm-ik.l
- added atlas-valve.l
- comment out reset-pose in atlas-calibration-pose
- added init-for-drill-grasp for teleporte in drcsim
- changed interpolation time in atlas-hrpsys-test.l
- update sensor parameters
- fix triangle parameter, 30x15 cm right triangle
- update end coords offset
- adding launch file to launch ik server
- updating for catkin
- updating to take balancing into account
- update ik server
- added atlas-ladder.l and drc_ladder.l
- adding output=screen
- updating to support arm, torso and fullbody ik and joint state
- add atlas-eus-ik-sample.launch, launch atlas-eus-ik server and clinet
- add atals-eus-ik-client.l, somethings strangee
- update end coords
- use quickhull function, and remove gen-foot-convex
- add additional-wieght-list parameter to atlas-eus-ik.l
- update
- use iob.h under /lib/io
- add my-object function, display robot cog triangel convex and drill
- add gen-foot-convex methods, generate convex hull of foot, for now, this can be user for only atlas
- add use-messages and period option in imagetransport
- single arm ik version commit, when solving ik-main, set target-limb '(:rarm :rleg :lleg)
- some parameter tune
- set include_directory(hrpsys/inlcude) before /opt/ros/DISTRO, use user package before system package, fixed for hrpsys 315.0.0
- rename resized_imagetransport -> resied_image_transport, if you have problem, please svn up under jsk_visioncommon
- update endcoords
- add read_digital_output for hrpsys 315.0.0
- update end-coords
- update end-coords
- reduce crotch-r joint limit -> +-5
- model fat and collision ik-revert support
- add collision check to ik-nmain
- fix init-grasp-pose for collision avoidance
- atlas-dual-arm-ik.l with new atlas_V3.l, please remove models/atlas_v3.l && make
- add gen-yaml-rotation function, to generate models/atlas_v3.yaml, end-coords fix
- changed end-coords config in atlas.yaml and atlas_v3.yaml and remove overwriting of reset-manip-pose in atlas.l
- update atlas_octomap.launch
- add atlas_scan_to_cloud_long_range.yaml
- fix typo
- adding torso
- inital commit
- adding atlas-eus-ik
- removing gensrv
- removing srv
- add gazebo feedback and solve ik
- include atlas_joint_marker in atlas_hrpsys.launch
- bug fix: leg-coords-fix-from-real function
- add leg-coords-fix-from-real function, feed-back leg coordf from gazebvo
- reach ground and return to original pose.
- set option for atlas_web.launch and set false default.
- add triagle model, just load, and get triangle
- add demo-function for simulation play
- adding service for EusIK
- adding circle to image_view2
- adding www directory
- verbosing messages
- adding output=screen
- adding atlas_web.launch
- fix dt for atlas_v3
- reverted last commit of atlas-interface.l. set with-hand nil in (atlas-init) by default.
- demo-pose-controller max evaluation 30 -> 1000
- send angle to real robot when ri exits
- 3d mouse mode add, when you click 3dmouse buttton, 3d mouse mode will start
- adding mode line
- launch file to start atlas triangle ui
- adding atlas_web.launch, web UI
- reverted last commit of atlas_laser.launch
- added (init-for-drill) for drill task
- added
- added drc_practice_task_6_with_ground_plane.launch
- tmp commit, unstable atlas-dual-arm-controller.l
- fix topic name
- implmeneted ros connection
- adding a script to publish triangle points
- subscribe triagnlepoints
- adding triangle point
- irt movable hogehoge
- some para tune
- fullbody-ik overwrite for getting failure value
- adding another plane detector to detect wall
- change the value of filter to see the near area
- fix centroid constraints
- check if gazebo before find_package
- hrpsys_gazebo_atlas only support groovy
- do not generate model when collada_urdf_jsk_patch is not found
- add depends to collada_urdf_jsk_patch
- defualt set-user-mode nil
- do not use rosrun in catkin.xmake
- depends to collada_urdf_jsk_patch
- initial commit atlas-dual-arm-controller.l, with spacenav, solve ik
- added instruction comment for test in atlas-moveit.l
- update making robot
- adding a program to detect planes
- adding sandia_hand_teleop
- update drcsim launch
- updating max_range parameter
- adding a launch file to launch sensor stuff
- fix for source compile
- add model compile code
- add link_directories
- fix message
- set USE_VIEW as default true
- update topic name
- update topic name
- use SVN_DIR to set source directory
- catkinize hrpsys_gazebo_atlas
- changed package name atlas_utils -> drcsim_gazebo
- add dot.rosinstall
- remove hand_controller and bdi_action
- add atlas_hrpsys_drcsim.launch
- update parameter
- initial commit for describing atlas laser pipeline
- update
- update laser pipeline
- update frames
- update parameters
- minor changes in atlas-hrpsys-test
- added collision_pair config in CMakeList.txt
- add dummy pointcloud publisher and mux to select them
- added time argument to model2real-safe
- added reaching hand to the groundfuntion
- update pose
- add atlas-pose
- bug fixed, and removed line of rosbag
- add start node for laser
- change hrpsys_rate -> 333
- add intensity filter
- update filter parameter
- added record_rosbag lines to atlas_hrpsys.launch, default is off.
- added
- delete co, and input current angle, to use collisoin detector just for checking in
- return to reset-manip-pose in test-auto-balancer-balance
- check if the joint_states are published in iob.cpp
- add self filter node
- add self filter setting
- change dt to 3ms at atlas
- added atlas-hrpsys-test.l
- fix joint_trajectory_controller -> follow_joint_trajectory
- add joint group controller setting
- added (atlas-balancing-demo) in atlas-hrpsys-demo.l
- added some test functions for hrpsys test
- change interporation time 1500 -> 3000 in (model2real)
- added test functions of hrpsys
- added draw-real-robot and model2real-safe.
- update hand model
- add hrpsys_dashboard to atlas_hrpsys.launch
- add atlas_hrpsys_loopback.launch simple loopback mode for hrpsys
- update link names
- change: default launching trajectory controllers for each limb
- fix typo
- added comment line for printing publishing topic.
- change not publishing command while servo off
- set ankle kp_velocity 0 in iob; if ankle kp_velocity > 0, atlas blows.
- add code for treating servo state
- fix: update to r5733
- added write_digital_output_with_mask to iob.cpp in hrpsys_gazebo_atlas
- minor update
- add sample to atlas-moveit.l
- do not use compile message at geometry_msgs
- update simple car model
- add atlas-moveit.l
- add trajectory controller configuration
- set kp_velocity 50 in all joints except for ankle joijnts
- changed leg gain value in (my-init)
- added gains to PDgain.sav (v3 has two more fixed joints than old atlas)
- fix end-coords coordinate when generate eusmodel. fixed configuration in atlas.yaml and atlas_v3.yaml.
- added (atlas-init-ex) in atlas-util.l : the same function with (my-init)
- fixed neck joint name
- added argument error check to (atlas-set-servo-gain-by-torque-limit)
- changed load atlas model file atlas.l -> atlas_v3.l
- chnaged default ROBOT_NAME atlas -> atlas_v3
- removed uncomment unnecessary lines in iob.cpp
- edited iob.cpp for atlas_v3 : change kp_velocity 100 -> 0, fixed joint_id_real2model array, changed.
- update iob.cpp for v3
- update atlas-set-servo-gain-torque-limit for v3
- convert atlas urdf (not v3 model) in atlas_description; [[ not compatible with old drcsim ]]
- comment out some packages at groovy and latest drcsim
- yaml file for atlas_v3
- add compiling atlas_v3
- added iob function: write_command_torque and read_actual_velocity
- add atlas setting for end_effectors
- bug fix: missing link
- inital commit altals\^nlopt-ik-test.l
- added walk utility function: start and stop walking keeping autobalancer
- added function for qual door task
- bug fixed in atlas-hrpsys-demo.l
- added atlas-hrpsys-demo.l atlas-manip-obj.l
- add drc simple vehicle
- fix compiling for fuerte
- add hrpsys-ros-bridge test launch for atlas
- add atlas_hrpsys_ros_bridge and use it from atlas_hrpsys_bringup and atlas_hrpsys_simulation
- add test for atlas-hrpsys-ros-bridge-test
- rename hrpsys -> hrpsys_tools
- fixed some bugs in hrpsys_gazebo_atlas/euslisp/
- modified README
- added README for moving atlas with euslisp
- add configuration for sequencer groups and modify launch for using it
- fixed bug of hrpsys script and launch in hrpsys_gazebo_atlas
- fix package name hrpsys_gazebo -> hrpsys_gazebo_atlas
- fix package name
- fix package name
- mv hrpsys_gazebo_atlas/jenkins/ to hrpsys_gazebo_general/
- re-organize rtmros_common, add openrtm_common, rtmros_tutorials, rtmros_hironx, rtmros_gazebo, openrtm_apps, See Issue 137
- Contributors: Kei Okada, Masaki Murooka, Ryohei Ueda, Satoshi Iwaishi, Shunichi Nozawa,,, kei.okada, mmurooka,,,,
Wiki Tutorials
This package does not provide any links to tutorials in it's rosindex metadata.
You can check on the ROS Wiki Tutorials page for the package.
Package Dependencies
Deps | Name |
roseus | |
pr2eus | |
hrpsys_ros_bridge | |
atlas_msgs | |
sandia_hand_msgs | |
osrf_msgs | |
pr2_controller_manager | |
collada_urdf_jsk_patch | |
tf | |
laser_assembler | |
image_view2 | |
jsk_pcl_ros | |
jsk_footstep_msgs | |
resized_image_transport | |
hrpsys_gazebo_general | |
atlas_description | |
message_generation | |
catkin | |
message_runtime |
System Dependencies
No direct system dependencies.
Dependant Packages
No known dependants.
Launch files
- test/test-atlasmodel.launch
- test/atlas_hrpsys-ros-bridge_test.launch
- =*- mode: xml -*-
- launch/atlas_laser.launch
- FIXED_FRAME [default: /map]
- USE_ASSEMBLER_FILTER [default: true]
- launch/atlas_roi_camera.launch
- CREATE_MANAGER [default: true]
- MANAGER_NAME [default: roi_image_proc_manager]
- GAZEBO_MODE [default: false]
- DECIMATE_CAMERA [default: /multisense_sl/camera/left]
- DECIMATE_IMAGE [default: image_rect]
- DECIMATE_OUTPUT_CAMERA [default: roi_camera_output]
- launch/atlas_screenpoint.launch
- USE_STEREO [default: false]
- CAMERA [default: /multisense_sl/camera/left]
- POINTS_TOPIC [default: /laser/full_cloud2_raw]
- USE_VIEW [default: true]
- launch/atlas_hrpsys_simulation.launch
- KILL_SERVERS [default: false]
- ROBOT_NAME [default: atlas_v3]
- KILL_SERVERS [default: $(arg KILL_SERVERS)]
- launch/atlas_eus_ik_sample.launch
- launch/atlas_all_viewer.launch
- RESIZE_RATE [default: 0.1]
- SNAP_RESIZE_RATE [default: 0.25]
- COMPRESS_TYPE [default: compressed]
- launch/drc_practice_hook_atlas.launch
- gzname [default: gazebo]
- gzworld [default: drc_practice_task_1]
- extra_gazebo_args [default: -q]
- launch/atlas_low_bandwidth_fc.launch
- USE_INTERACTIVE_JOINT [default: true]
- launch/atlas_hrpsys_bringup.launch
- KILL_SERVERS [default: false]
- ROBOT_NAME [default: atlas_v3]
- SIMULATOR_NAME [default: RobotHardware0]
- CONF_FILE [default: $(find hrpsys_gazebo_atlas)/models/$(arg ROBOT_NAME).conf]
- USE_LIMB_TRAJECTORY [default: true]
- CONTROLLER_CONFIG_FILE [default: $(find hrpsys_gazebo_atlas)/config/atlas_v3_controller_config.yaml]
- hrpsys_load_path [default: $(find hrpsys_gazebo_atlas)/lib,$(find hrpsys)/lib]
- RobotHardware_conf [default: $(find hrpsys_gazebo_atlas)/models/$(arg ROBOT_NAME).RobotHardware.conf]
- launch/atlas_pcl_concatenater.launch
- launch/gazebo_atlas_door.launch
- gzname [default: gazebo]
- gzworld [default: drc_practice_task_4]
- launch/atlas_joint_state_compresser.launch
- launch/atlas_hrpsys_diagnostics.launch
- launch/atlas_sensor_tf.launch
- launch/atlas_force_sensor_ocs.launch
- launch/atlas_hrpsys_ros_bridge.launch
- USE_ROBOTHARDWARE [default: false]
- ROBOT_NAME [default: atlas]
- USE_WALKING [default: true]
- USE_DIAGNOSTICS [default: false]
- USE_COLLISIONCHECK [default: false]
- USE_SOFTERRORLIMIT [default: false]
- launch/fc_gazebo.launch
- launch/ocs.launch
- OCS_TF [default: /tf_ocs]
- launch/atlas_roi_image_view.launch
- RESIZE_RATE [default: 0.1]
- IMAGE_TYPE [default: image_rect_throttle]
- COMPRESS_TYPE [default: compressed]
- launch/atlas_imagetransport.launch
- USE_SNAPSHOT [default: true]
- USE_THROTTLE [default: true]
- USE_MJPEGSERVER [default: false]
- USE_ROTATED [default: true]
- THROTTLE_RATE [default: 1.4]
- THROTTLE_RESIZE_RATE [default: 0.1]
- THROTTLE_IMAGE_TYPE [default: image_rect]
- THROTTLE_USE_MESSAGES [default: true]
- THROTTLE_PERIOD [default: 3]
- SNAPSHOT_RESIZE_RATE [default: 0.25]
- SNAPSHOT_IMAGE_TYPE [default: image_rect]
- MJPEGSERVER_PORT [default: 8181]
- GAZEBO_MODE [default: false]
- launch/screenpoint_resize_view.launch
- CAMERA [default: /head_resized]
- IMAGE_TYPE [default: image_rect_throttle]
- RESIZE_RATE [default: 0.25]
- COMPRESS_TYPE [default: compressed]
- launch/atlas_hrpsys_loopback.launch
- USE_LIMB_TRAJECTORY [default: true]
- launch/atlas_force_sensor_fc.launch
- launch/atlas_door_motion_player.launch
- launch/atlas_pcl_roi_fc.launch
- launch/sandia_hand_controller.launch
- launch_teleop [default: true]
- launch/atlas_interactive_marker.launch
- USE_INTERACTIVE_JOINT [default: true]
- launch/atlas_pcl_detect_plane.launch
- ground_pcl_manager [default: ground_pcl_manager]
- manip_pcl_manager [default: manip_pcl_manager]
- wall_pcl_manager [default: wall_pcl_manager]
- launch/atlas_web.launch
- launch/atlas_octomap.launch
- FIXED_FRAME [default: /odom]
- TARGET_FRAME [default: /head_hokuyo_frame]
- USE_GROUND_FILTER [default: false]
- launch/atlas_low_bandwidth_ocs.launch
- OCS_TF [default: /tf_ocs]
- USE_INTERACTIVE_JOINT [default: false]
- ROBOT_DESCRIPTION_OCS [default: robot_description]
- launch/atlas_ik.launch
- launch/atlas_hrpsys.launch
- USE_LASER [default: true]
- USE_SCREENPOINT [default: false]
- USE_VIEW [default: false]
- USE_LIMB_TRAJECTORY [default: true]
- USE_IMAGE_TRANSPORT [default: false]
- USE_OCTOMAP [default: false]
- USE_WEB [default: false]
- USE_INTERACTIVE_JOINT [default: false]
- USE_LOW_BANDWIDTH [default: false]
- USE_CONTROLLER [default: true]
- USE_HAND [default: false]
- USE_BDI_ACTION [default: false]
- launch/atlas_v3_hrpsys_bringup.launch
- ROBOT_NAME [default: atlas_v3]
- CONTROLLER_CONFIG_FILE [default: $(find hrpsys_gazebo_atlas)/config/atlas_v3_controller_config.yaml]
- launch/atlas_interactive_marker_fc.launch
- USE_INTERACTIVE_JOINT [default: true]
- launch/fc.launch
- launch/atlas_joint_state_decompresser.launch
- OCS_TF [default: /tf_ocs]
- tf_frequency [default: 10.0]
- JOINT_STATE_UPDATE_RATE [default: 1.0]
- ROBOT_DESCRIPTION_OCS [default: robot_description]
- launch/footstep_planner.launch
- MAP_FILE [default: $(find hrpsys_gazebo_atlas)/maps/stepping_map.yaml]
- LAUNCH_RVIZ [default: true]
- launch/atlas_v0_hrpsys_bringup.launch
- ROBOT_NAME [default: atlas]
- CONTROLLER_CONFIG_FILE [default: $(find hrpsys_gazebo_atlas)/config/atlas_controller_config.yaml]
- launch/atlas_v3_hook_hands.launch
- gzname [default: gazebo]
- gzworld [default:]
- hand_suffix [default: ]
- extra_gazebo_args [default: -q]
- launch/atlas_interactive_marker_ocs.launch
- OCS_TF [default: /tf_ocs]
- USE_INTERACTIVE_JOINT [default: true]
- ROBOT_DESCRIPTION_OCS [default: robot_description_ocs]
- launch/atlas_touchit_server.launch
- launch/atlas_ping.launch
- launch/atlas_triangle_ui.launch
- launch/atlas_hrpsys_drcsim.launch
- USE_LASER [default: true]
- USE_HAND [default: true]
- USE_BDI_ACTION [default: true]
- USE_LIMB_TRAJECTORY [default: true]
- USE_SCREENPOINT [default: false]
- USE_VIEW [default: false]
- USE_IMAGE_TRANSPORT [default: false]
- USE_OCTOMAP [default: false]
- RECORD_ROSBAG [default: false]
- launch/atlas_send_tf_fc.launch
- launch/gazebo-map2pelvis.launch
- launch/atlas_interactive.launch
- server_name [default: fullbody_interactive]
- LAUNCH_RVIZ [default: true]
- launch/atlas_pcl_roi_ocs.launch
- launch/atlas_pcl_divider.launch
- this file was generated by
- launch/atlas_v0_hook_hands.launch
- gzname [default: gazebo]
- gzworld [default:]
- hand_suffix [default: ]
- extra_gazebo_args [default: -q]
- model_args [default: ]
- launch/atlas_touchit_server_ocs.launch
- launch/atlas_send_tf_ocs.launch
- OCS_TF [default: /tf_ocs]
- ROBOT_DESCRIPTION_OCS [default: robot_description]
No service files found
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