No version for distro humble. Known supported distros are highlighted in the buttons above.
No version for distro jazzy. Known supported distros are highlighted in the buttons above.
No version for distro rolling. Known supported distros are highlighted in the buttons above.
Package Summary
Tags | No category tags. |
Version | 1.2.17 |
License | BSD |
Build type | CATKIN |
Repository Summary
Checkout URI | |
VCS Type | git |
VCS Version | master |
Last Updated | 2025-02-21 |
Dev Status | DEVELOPED |
CI status | Continuous Integration |
Released | RELEASED |
Tags | No category tags. |
Contributing |
Help Wanted (0)
Good First Issues (0) Pull Requests to Review (0) |
Package Description
Uses opencv to find checkboards and compute their 6D poses with respect to the image. Requires the image to be calibrated.
Additional Links
- Kei Okada
- Rosen Diankov (rdiankov
No README found.
See repository README.
Changelog for package checkerboard_detector
1.2.17 (2023-11-14)
1.2.16 (2023-11-10)
- Fixed typo of Software License Agreement. and/o2r to and/or (#2727)
- use %f instead of %d (#2708)
- Contributors: Amir Tulegenov, Ravi Joshi, Iory Yanokura
1.2.15 (2020-10-10)
1.2.14 (2020-10-09)
1.2.13 (2020-10-08)
1.2.12 (2020-10-03)
1.2.11 (2020-10-01)
- Fix for noetic / 20.04
- fix for python3, use 2to3 -f print, 2to3 -f except
- support opencv4 to checkerboard_detector
- set chainer version less than 7.0.0
- relax test conditions
- fix and update readme (#2442)
- Add sample, test and doc
- Add test for objectdetection_tf_publisher
- Add sample for objectdetection_tf_publisher
- Add test for objectdetection_transform_echo
- Add sample for objectdetection_transform_echo
- Fix namespace for including from upper layer
- Publish PoseStamped in objectdetection_transform_echo
- Add sample for checkerboard_calibration
- Install sample/ and test/ to 'share' space
- Add test for checkerboard_detector
- Add sample for checkerboard_detector
- Publish debug_image even when param display == 0
- Publish debug_image as well in checkerboard_detector
- Contributors: Kei Okada, Shingo Kitagawa, Yuki Furuta, Yuto Uchimi
1.2.10 (2019-03-27)
1.2.9 (2019-02-23)
1.2.8 (2019-02-22)
1.2.7 (2019-02-14)
1.2.6 (2018-11-02)
- Fix Cmake indent (#2345)
- Fix warnings: gencpp -> generate_messsage_cpp (#2296)
- Contributors: Kentaro Wada, Yuto Uchimi
1.2.5 (2018-04-09)
1.2.4 (2018-01-12)
1.2.3 (2017-11-23)
1.2.2 (2017-07-23)
1.2.1 (2017-07-15)
1.2.0 (2017-07-15)
1.1.3 (2017-07-07)
1.1.2 (2017-06-16)
- [checkerboard_detector] update launch and document
- [checkerboard_detector] add parameters, axis_size and circle_size
- [checkerboard_detector] add queue_size and publish_queue_size
- [checkerboard_detector] fix board_type
- Generate README by script
- Contributors: Kentaro Wada, YoheiKakiuchi
1.1.1 (2017-03-04)
1.1.0 (2017-02-09)
1.0.4 (2017-02-09)
1.0.3 (2017-02-08)
1.0.2 (2017-01-12)
- warn if topic seems to be rectified (#1937)
- Contributors: Yu Ohara
1.0.1 (2016-12-13)
1.0.0 (2016-12-12)
- [checkerboard_detector] warn if error is big (#1939)
- Contributors: Yu Ohara
0.3.29 (2016-10-30)
0.3.28 (2016-10-29)
0.3.27 (2016-10-29)
0.3.26 (2016-10-27)
- [checkerboard_detector/CMakeLists.txt] add dependency to cfg for checkerboard_detector executable. (#1920)
- [checkerboard_detector] enable to select option for
cv::findChessboardCorners from dynamic reconfigure
- [checkerboard_detector] rename variable name: mutexcalib -> mutex.
- [checkerboard_detector] pass parameter from dynamic reconfigure to findChessboardCorners.
- [checkerboard_detector] add cfg file and add dependency to dynamic reconfigure.
- Contributors: Masaki Murooka
0.3.25 (2016-09-16)
0.3.24 (2016-09-15)
0.3.23 (2016-09-14)
0.3.22 (2016-09-13)
0.3.21 (2016-04-15)
0.3.20 (2016-04-14)
0.3.19 (2016-03-22)
0.3.18 (2016-03-21)
0.3.17 (2016-03-20)
0.3.16 (2016-02-11)
0.3.15 (2016-02-09)
0.3.14 (2016-02-04)
0.3.13 (2015-12-19)
0.3.12 (2015-12-19)
0.3.11 (2015-12-18)
0.3.10 (2015-12-17)
0.3.9 (2015-12-14)
- [checkerboard_detector] Rename doc soft link
- Contributors: Kentaro Wada
0.3.8 (2015-12-08)
0.3.7 (2015-11-19)
- [checkerboard_detector] Add soft link to doc
- [checkerboard_detector] Use resizable debug window
- [checkerboard_detector] Remove build_depend to dynamic_tf_publisher
- [checkerboard_detector] Add launch for murooka board and update document
- Contributors: Kentaro Wada, Ryohei Ueda
0.3.6 (2015-09-11)
0.3.5 (2015-09-09)
0.3.4 (2015-09-07)
0.3.3 (2015-09-06)
0.3.2 (2015-09-05)
0.3.1 (2015-09-04)
0.3.0 (2015-09-04)
0.2.18 (2015-09-04)
0.2.17 (2015-08-21)
0.2.16 (2015-08-19)
0.2.15 (2015-08-18)
0.2.14 (2015-08-13)
- CMakeLists.txt: depends on cv_bridge, not opencv checkerboard_detector
- src/checkerboard_calibration.cpp: use cv.hpp instead of cv.h
- Contributors: Kei Okada
0.2.13 (2015-06-11)
- [checkerboard_detector] Add message_throttle parameter
- [checkerboard_detector] Description in package.xml valid html.
- Contributors: Isaac IY Saito, Ryohei Ueda
0.2.12 (2015-05-04)
0.2.11 (2015-04-13)
0.2.10 (2015-04-09)
- [checkerboard_detector/capture.launch] remove bags in launch
- Contributors: Yu Ohara
0.2.9 (2015-03-29)
- 0.2.8
- Update Changelog
- Contributors: Ryohei Ueda
0.2.8 (2015-03-29)
0.2.7 (2015-03-26)
0.2.6 (2015-03-25)
- [checkerboard_detector] Fill D of camera parameter by zero if ~use_P is true
- Contributors: Ryohei Ueda
0.2.5 (2015-03-17)
- [checkerboard_detector] add ~use_P to use P instead of K as intrinsic parameter for illegal camera info such as multisense
- Contributors: Ryohei Ueda
0.2.4 (2015-03-08)
- Fix license: WillowGarage -> JSK Lab
- Contributors: Ryohei Ueda
0.2.3 (2015-02-02)
- Remove rosbuild files
- Contributors: Ryohei Ueda
0.2.2 (2015-01-30)
0.2.1 (2015-01-30)
0.2.0 (2015-01-29)
0.1.34 (2015-01-29)
- [jsk_perception, checkerboard_detector] Remove dependency to jsk_pcl_ros
- Contributors: Ryohei Ueda
0.1.33 (2015-01-24)
0.1.32 (2015-01-12)
- [jsk_pcl_ros, checkerboard_detector] Fix offset from checker board
- Contributors: Ryohei Ueda
0.1.31 (2015-01-08)
- [checkerboard_detector] Fix compilation warning of objectdetection_transform_echo about tf exception
- [checkerboard_detector] Force to ubscribe topic if ~display is True
- [checkerboard_detector] Add modeline for emacs to keep coding style
- something have changed in updatream (maybe cv_bridge), added image_geometry as depends
0.1.30 (2014-12-24)
0.1.29 (2014-12-24)
- Move multisense specific lines from capture.launch to capture_multisense_training_data.launch
- Added new nodelet to capture training data of stereo camera to jsk_pcl_ros and update launch files to capture training data of multisense
- Add launch file to capture training data with two-checker-boarded table
- Add launch file for capture board: publishing center of the capture board calculated from two checker board
- Hotfix for mulformed multisense camera_info. Their K and R matrix and distirtion parameter is not set
- Add script to estimate position of the camera using two checker boards
- Stabilize color inverted asymetrical circle detection 1) use cv::bitwise_not to invert color 2) use cv::CALIB_CB_CLUSTERING when detecting circlesGrid
- Use OpenCV C++ API in checkerboard_detector
- Support color inversion to distinguish white-black circle pattern and black-white circle pattern
- Support ciecle and acircle pattern
- Contributors: Ryohei Ueda
0.1.28 (2014-12-17)
0.1.27 (2014-12-09)
- forget to install
- Merge pull request #457 from YoheiKakiuchi/update_objectdetection_tf update objectdetection_tf_publisher for publishing simple tf
- update objectdetection_tf_publisher for publishing simple tf
- add / to service name
- Contributors: Yohei Kakiuchi, Kei Okada, Yuto Inagaki
0.1.26 (2014-11-23)
0.1.25 (2014-11-21)
0.1.24 (2014-11-15)
- Update depth calibration program.
- Fix checkerboard_detector to publish correct corner point
- Calibrate depth_image rather than PointCloud
- Use matplotlib animation to visualize graph in
- Publish checker board region as jsk_pcl_ros/PolygonArray
- Publish geometry_msgs/PoseStamped from checkerboard_detector
- Contributors: Ryohei Ueda
0.1.23 (2014-10-09)
0.1.22 (2014-09-24)
0.1.21 (2014-09-20)
0.1.20 (2014-09-17)
0.1.19 (2014-09-15)
0.1.18 (2014-09-13)
0.1.17 (2014-09-07)
0.1.16 (2014-09-04)
0.1.14 (2014-08-01)
0.1.13 (2014-07-29)
0.1.12 (2014-07-24)
- add two nodelets (DelayPointCloud and DepthImageError) to
jsk_pcl_ros and publish u/v coordinates of the checkerboard from
- DepthImageError is just a skelton yet.
- DelayPointCloud re-publishes pointcloud with specified delay time.
- publish u/v coordinates from checkerboard_detector.
- frame_id broadcasted from is configurable
- Contributors: Ryohei Ueda
0.1.11 (2014-07-08)
0.1.10 (2014-07-07)
0.1.9 (2014-07-01)
0.1.8 (2014-06-29)
0.1.7 (2014-05-31)
0.1.6 (2014-05-30)
0.1.5 (2014-05-29)
0.1.4 (2014-04-25)
0.1.3 (2014-04-12)
0.1.2 (2014-04-11)
0.1.1 (2014-04-10)
- install programs
- fix depend package -> rosdep name
- adding rosconsole to its dependency
- add example : update tf position everytime he receves objectdetection msg
- update tf position everytime he receves objectdetection msg
- update objectdetection_tf_publisher by using tf msg directly
- update
- add python program for translating the result of checkerboard_detector to tf
- add_dependences to posedetection_msgs_gencpp
- use USE_ROSBUILD for catkin/rosbuild environment
- use ROS_Distributions instead of ROS_DISTRO for electric
- comment out : add catkin.cmake
- add catkin.cmake
- fixed the name bug
- forget to fix checkerboard_calibration [#154]
- fix to compile with cv_bridge/cv_bridge, [#154]
- enable to set display flag for cvNamedWindow
- add checkerboard_detector_single.launch for single checkerboard detection
- change: If there is no subscriber, node stop subscribing image / camera_info topics (shutdown subscriber)
- fix deperecated message asscessor see
- use rosdep opencv2 and pkg-config, as described in the wiki
- use rosdep opencv2 and pkg-config, as described in the wiki
- add maxboard param, use when you know how many checkerboards in the environment
- add code for detecting subpix position using geometry of detected points,this code came from checkerboard_pose
- moved jsk_vision to jsk_visioncommon
- moved vision packages to jsk_vision
- moved posedetection_msgs, sift processing, and other packages to jsk_common and jsk_perception
- Contributors: nozawa, kazuto, Kei Okada, youhei, rosen, Ryohei Ueda
Wiki Tutorials
This package does not provide any links to tutorials in it's rosindex metadata.
You can check on the ROS Wiki Tutorials page for the package.
Package Dependencies
System Dependencies
No direct system dependencies.
Dependant Packages
Launch files
- sample/sample_objectdetection_tf_publisher.launch
- gui [default: true]
- sample/sample_checkerboard_detector.launch
- gui [default: true]
- PARENT_FRAME [default: /map]
- CAMERA_FRAME [default: /head_mount_kinect_rgb_optical_frame]
- TRANSFORM [default: 5.526 6.230 1.627 0.747 0.387 -0.246 -0.482]
- sample/sample_checkerboard_calibration.launch
- sample/sample_objectdetection_transform_echo.launch
- gui [default: true]
- checkerboard_detector_single.launch
- capture.launch
- CAMERA [default: /multisense/left]
- CAMERA_FRAME_ID [default: left_camera_optical_frame]
- Z_OFFSET [default: -0.155]
- checkerboard_detector.launch
- objectdetection_tf_publisher.launch
- launch/murooka_board.launch
No message files found.
No service files found
No plugins found.
Recent questions tagged checkerboard_detector at Robotics Stack Exchange
No version for distro ardent. Known supported distros are highlighted in the buttons above.
No version for distro bouncy. Known supported distros are highlighted in the buttons above.
No version for distro crystal. Known supported distros are highlighted in the buttons above.
No version for distro eloquent. Known supported distros are highlighted in the buttons above.
No version for distro dashing. Known supported distros are highlighted in the buttons above.
No version for distro galactic. Known supported distros are highlighted in the buttons above.
No version for distro foxy. Known supported distros are highlighted in the buttons above.
No version for distro iron. Known supported distros are highlighted in the buttons above.
No version for distro lunar. Known supported distros are highlighted in the buttons above.
Package Summary
Tags | No category tags. |
Version | 1.2.17 |
License | BSD |
Build type | CATKIN |
Repository Summary
Checkout URI | |
VCS Type | git |
VCS Version | master |
Last Updated | 2025-02-21 |
Dev Status | DEVELOPED |
CI status | Continuous Integration |
Released | RELEASED |
Tags | No category tags. |
Contributing |
Help Wanted (0)
Good First Issues (0) Pull Requests to Review (0) |
Package Description
Uses opencv to find checkboards and compute their 6D poses with respect to the image. Requires the image to be calibrated.
Additional Links
- Kei Okada
- Rosen Diankov (rdiankov
No README found.
See repository README.
Changelog for package checkerboard_detector
1.2.17 (2023-11-14)
1.2.16 (2023-11-10)
- Fixed typo of Software License Agreement. and/o2r to and/or (#2727)
- use %f instead of %d (#2708)
- Contributors: Amir Tulegenov, Ravi Joshi, Iory Yanokura
1.2.15 (2020-10-10)
1.2.14 (2020-10-09)
1.2.13 (2020-10-08)
1.2.12 (2020-10-03)
1.2.11 (2020-10-01)
- Fix for noetic / 20.04
- fix for python3, use 2to3 -f print, 2to3 -f except
- support opencv4 to checkerboard_detector
- set chainer version less than 7.0.0
- relax test conditions
- fix and update readme (#2442)
- Add sample, test and doc
- Add test for objectdetection_tf_publisher
- Add sample for objectdetection_tf_publisher
- Add test for objectdetection_transform_echo
- Add sample for objectdetection_transform_echo
- Fix namespace for including from upper layer
- Publish PoseStamped in objectdetection_transform_echo
- Add sample for checkerboard_calibration
- Install sample/ and test/ to 'share' space
- Add test for checkerboard_detector
- Add sample for checkerboard_detector
- Publish debug_image even when param display == 0
- Publish debug_image as well in checkerboard_detector
- Contributors: Kei Okada, Shingo Kitagawa, Yuki Furuta, Yuto Uchimi
1.2.10 (2019-03-27)
1.2.9 (2019-02-23)
1.2.8 (2019-02-22)
1.2.7 (2019-02-14)
1.2.6 (2018-11-02)
- Fix Cmake indent (#2345)
- Fix warnings: gencpp -> generate_messsage_cpp (#2296)
- Contributors: Kentaro Wada, Yuto Uchimi
1.2.5 (2018-04-09)
1.2.4 (2018-01-12)
1.2.3 (2017-11-23)
1.2.2 (2017-07-23)
1.2.1 (2017-07-15)
1.2.0 (2017-07-15)
1.1.3 (2017-07-07)
1.1.2 (2017-06-16)
- [checkerboard_detector] update launch and document
- [checkerboard_detector] add parameters, axis_size and circle_size
- [checkerboard_detector] add queue_size and publish_queue_size
- [checkerboard_detector] fix board_type
- Generate README by script
- Contributors: Kentaro Wada, YoheiKakiuchi
1.1.1 (2017-03-04)
1.1.0 (2017-02-09)
1.0.4 (2017-02-09)
1.0.3 (2017-02-08)
1.0.2 (2017-01-12)
- warn if topic seems to be rectified (#1937)
- Contributors: Yu Ohara
1.0.1 (2016-12-13)
1.0.0 (2016-12-12)
- [checkerboard_detector] warn if error is big (#1939)
- Contributors: Yu Ohara
0.3.29 (2016-10-30)
0.3.28 (2016-10-29)
0.3.27 (2016-10-29)
0.3.26 (2016-10-27)
- [checkerboard_detector/CMakeLists.txt] add dependency to cfg for checkerboard_detector executable. (#1920)
- [checkerboard_detector] enable to select option for
cv::findChessboardCorners from dynamic reconfigure
- [checkerboard_detector] rename variable name: mutexcalib -> mutex.
- [checkerboard_detector] pass parameter from dynamic reconfigure to findChessboardCorners.
- [checkerboard_detector] add cfg file and add dependency to dynamic reconfigure.
- Contributors: Masaki Murooka
0.3.25 (2016-09-16)
0.3.24 (2016-09-15)
0.3.23 (2016-09-14)
0.3.22 (2016-09-13)
0.3.21 (2016-04-15)
0.3.20 (2016-04-14)
0.3.19 (2016-03-22)
0.3.18 (2016-03-21)
0.3.17 (2016-03-20)
0.3.16 (2016-02-11)
0.3.15 (2016-02-09)
0.3.14 (2016-02-04)
0.3.13 (2015-12-19)
0.3.12 (2015-12-19)
0.3.11 (2015-12-18)
0.3.10 (2015-12-17)
0.3.9 (2015-12-14)
- [checkerboard_detector] Rename doc soft link
- Contributors: Kentaro Wada
0.3.8 (2015-12-08)
0.3.7 (2015-11-19)
- [checkerboard_detector] Add soft link to doc
- [checkerboard_detector] Use resizable debug window
- [checkerboard_detector] Remove build_depend to dynamic_tf_publisher
- [checkerboard_detector] Add launch for murooka board and update document
- Contributors: Kentaro Wada, Ryohei Ueda
0.3.6 (2015-09-11)
0.3.5 (2015-09-09)
0.3.4 (2015-09-07)
0.3.3 (2015-09-06)
0.3.2 (2015-09-05)
0.3.1 (2015-09-04)
0.3.0 (2015-09-04)
0.2.18 (2015-09-04)
0.2.17 (2015-08-21)
0.2.16 (2015-08-19)
0.2.15 (2015-08-18)
0.2.14 (2015-08-13)
- CMakeLists.txt: depends on cv_bridge, not opencv checkerboard_detector
- src/checkerboard_calibration.cpp: use cv.hpp instead of cv.h
- Contributors: Kei Okada
0.2.13 (2015-06-11)
- [checkerboard_detector] Add message_throttle parameter
- [checkerboard_detector] Description in package.xml valid html.
- Contributors: Isaac IY Saito, Ryohei Ueda
0.2.12 (2015-05-04)
0.2.11 (2015-04-13)
0.2.10 (2015-04-09)
- [checkerboard_detector/capture.launch] remove bags in launch
- Contributors: Yu Ohara
0.2.9 (2015-03-29)
- 0.2.8
- Update Changelog
- Contributors: Ryohei Ueda
0.2.8 (2015-03-29)
0.2.7 (2015-03-26)
0.2.6 (2015-03-25)
- [checkerboard_detector] Fill D of camera parameter by zero if ~use_P is true
- Contributors: Ryohei Ueda
0.2.5 (2015-03-17)
- [checkerboard_detector] add ~use_P to use P instead of K as intrinsic parameter for illegal camera info such as multisense
- Contributors: Ryohei Ueda
0.2.4 (2015-03-08)
- Fix license: WillowGarage -> JSK Lab
- Contributors: Ryohei Ueda
0.2.3 (2015-02-02)
- Remove rosbuild files
- Contributors: Ryohei Ueda
0.2.2 (2015-01-30)
0.2.1 (2015-01-30)
0.2.0 (2015-01-29)
0.1.34 (2015-01-29)
- [jsk_perception, checkerboard_detector] Remove dependency to jsk_pcl_ros
- Contributors: Ryohei Ueda
0.1.33 (2015-01-24)
0.1.32 (2015-01-12)
- [jsk_pcl_ros, checkerboard_detector] Fix offset from checker board
- Contributors: Ryohei Ueda
0.1.31 (2015-01-08)
- [checkerboard_detector] Fix compilation warning of objectdetection_transform_echo about tf exception
- [checkerboard_detector] Force to ubscribe topic if ~display is True
- [checkerboard_detector] Add modeline for emacs to keep coding style
- something have changed in updatream (maybe cv_bridge), added image_geometry as depends
0.1.30 (2014-12-24)
0.1.29 (2014-12-24)
- Move multisense specific lines from capture.launch to capture_multisense_training_data.launch
- Added new nodelet to capture training data of stereo camera to jsk_pcl_ros and update launch files to capture training data of multisense
- Add launch file to capture training data with two-checker-boarded table
- Add launch file for capture board: publishing center of the capture board calculated from two checker board
- Hotfix for mulformed multisense camera_info. Their K and R matrix and distirtion parameter is not set
- Add script to estimate position of the camera using two checker boards
- Stabilize color inverted asymetrical circle detection 1) use cv::bitwise_not to invert color 2) use cv::CALIB_CB_CLUSTERING when detecting circlesGrid
- Use OpenCV C++ API in checkerboard_detector
- Support color inversion to distinguish white-black circle pattern and black-white circle pattern
- Support ciecle and acircle pattern
- Contributors: Ryohei Ueda
0.1.28 (2014-12-17)
0.1.27 (2014-12-09)
- forget to install
- Merge pull request #457 from YoheiKakiuchi/update_objectdetection_tf update objectdetection_tf_publisher for publishing simple tf
- update objectdetection_tf_publisher for publishing simple tf
- add / to service name
- Contributors: Yohei Kakiuchi, Kei Okada, Yuto Inagaki
0.1.26 (2014-11-23)
0.1.25 (2014-11-21)
0.1.24 (2014-11-15)
- Update depth calibration program.
- Fix checkerboard_detector to publish correct corner point
- Calibrate depth_image rather than PointCloud
- Use matplotlib animation to visualize graph in
- Publish checker board region as jsk_pcl_ros/PolygonArray
- Publish geometry_msgs/PoseStamped from checkerboard_detector
- Contributors: Ryohei Ueda
0.1.23 (2014-10-09)
0.1.22 (2014-09-24)
0.1.21 (2014-09-20)
0.1.20 (2014-09-17)
0.1.19 (2014-09-15)
0.1.18 (2014-09-13)
0.1.17 (2014-09-07)
0.1.16 (2014-09-04)
0.1.14 (2014-08-01)
0.1.13 (2014-07-29)
0.1.12 (2014-07-24)
- add two nodelets (DelayPointCloud and DepthImageError) to
jsk_pcl_ros and publish u/v coordinates of the checkerboard from
- DepthImageError is just a skelton yet.
- DelayPointCloud re-publishes pointcloud with specified delay time.
- publish u/v coordinates from checkerboard_detector.
- frame_id broadcasted from is configurable
- Contributors: Ryohei Ueda
0.1.11 (2014-07-08)
0.1.10 (2014-07-07)
0.1.9 (2014-07-01)
0.1.8 (2014-06-29)
0.1.7 (2014-05-31)
0.1.6 (2014-05-30)
0.1.5 (2014-05-29)
0.1.4 (2014-04-25)
0.1.3 (2014-04-12)
0.1.2 (2014-04-11)
0.1.1 (2014-04-10)
- install programs
- fix depend package -> rosdep name
- adding rosconsole to its dependency
- add example : update tf position everytime he receves objectdetection msg
- update tf position everytime he receves objectdetection msg
- update objectdetection_tf_publisher by using tf msg directly
- update
- add python program for translating the result of checkerboard_detector to tf
- add_dependences to posedetection_msgs_gencpp
- use USE_ROSBUILD for catkin/rosbuild environment
- use ROS_Distributions instead of ROS_DISTRO for electric
- comment out : add catkin.cmake
- add catkin.cmake
- fixed the name bug
- forget to fix checkerboard_calibration [#154]
- fix to compile with cv_bridge/cv_bridge, [#154]
- enable to set display flag for cvNamedWindow
- add checkerboard_detector_single.launch for single checkerboard detection
- change: If there is no subscriber, node stop subscribing image / camera_info topics (shutdown subscriber)
- fix deperecated message asscessor see
- use rosdep opencv2 and pkg-config, as described in the wiki
- use rosdep opencv2 and pkg-config, as described in the wiki
- add maxboard param, use when you know how many checkerboards in the environment
- add code for detecting subpix position using geometry of detected points,this code came from checkerboard_pose
- moved jsk_vision to jsk_visioncommon
- moved vision packages to jsk_vision
- moved posedetection_msgs, sift processing, and other packages to jsk_common and jsk_perception
- Contributors: nozawa, kazuto, Kei Okada, youhei, rosen, Ryohei Ueda
Wiki Tutorials
This package does not provide any links to tutorials in it's rosindex metadata.
You can check on the ROS Wiki Tutorials page for the package.
Package Dependencies
System Dependencies
No direct system dependencies.
Dependant Packages
Launch files
- sample/sample_objectdetection_tf_publisher.launch
- gui [default: true]
- sample/sample_checkerboard_detector.launch
- gui [default: true]
- PARENT_FRAME [default: /map]
- CAMERA_FRAME [default: /head_mount_kinect_rgb_optical_frame]
- TRANSFORM [default: 5.526 6.230 1.627 0.747 0.387 -0.246 -0.482]
- sample/sample_checkerboard_calibration.launch
- sample/sample_objectdetection_transform_echo.launch
- gui [default: true]
- checkerboard_detector_single.launch
- capture.launch
- CAMERA [default: /multisense/left]
- CAMERA_FRAME_ID [default: left_camera_optical_frame]
- Z_OFFSET [default: -0.155]
- checkerboard_detector.launch
- objectdetection_tf_publisher.launch
- launch/murooka_board.launch
No message files found.
No service files found
No plugins found.
Recent questions tagged checkerboard_detector at Robotics Stack Exchange
Package Summary
Tags | No category tags. |
Version | 1.2.17 |
License | BSD |
Build type | CATKIN |
Repository Summary
Checkout URI | |
VCS Type | git |
VCS Version | master |
Last Updated | 2025-02-21 |
Dev Status | DEVELOPED |
CI status | Continuous Integration |
Released | RELEASED |
Tags | No category tags. |
Contributing |
Help Wanted (0)
Good First Issues (0) Pull Requests to Review (0) |
Package Description
Uses opencv to find checkboards and compute their 6D poses with respect to the image. Requires the image to be calibrated.
Additional Links
- Kei Okada
- Rosen Diankov (rdiankov
No README found.
See repository README.
Changelog for package checkerboard_detector
1.2.17 (2023-11-14)
1.2.16 (2023-11-10)
- Fixed typo of Software License Agreement. and/o2r to and/or (#2727)
- use %f instead of %d (#2708)
- Contributors: Amir Tulegenov, Ravi Joshi, Iory Yanokura
1.2.15 (2020-10-10)
1.2.14 (2020-10-09)
1.2.13 (2020-10-08)
1.2.12 (2020-10-03)
1.2.11 (2020-10-01)
- Fix for noetic / 20.04
- fix for python3, use 2to3 -f print, 2to3 -f except
- support opencv4 to checkerboard_detector
- set chainer version less than 7.0.0
- relax test conditions
- fix and update readme (#2442)
- Add sample, test and doc
- Add test for objectdetection_tf_publisher
- Add sample for objectdetection_tf_publisher
- Add test for objectdetection_transform_echo
- Add sample for objectdetection_transform_echo
- Fix namespace for including from upper layer
- Publish PoseStamped in objectdetection_transform_echo
- Add sample for checkerboard_calibration
- Install sample/ and test/ to 'share' space
- Add test for checkerboard_detector
- Add sample for checkerboard_detector
- Publish debug_image even when param display == 0
- Publish debug_image as well in checkerboard_detector
- Contributors: Kei Okada, Shingo Kitagawa, Yuki Furuta, Yuto Uchimi
1.2.10 (2019-03-27)
1.2.9 (2019-02-23)
1.2.8 (2019-02-22)
1.2.7 (2019-02-14)
1.2.6 (2018-11-02)
- Fix Cmake indent (#2345)
- Fix warnings: gencpp -> generate_messsage_cpp (#2296)
- Contributors: Kentaro Wada, Yuto Uchimi
1.2.5 (2018-04-09)
1.2.4 (2018-01-12)
1.2.3 (2017-11-23)
1.2.2 (2017-07-23)
1.2.1 (2017-07-15)
1.2.0 (2017-07-15)
1.1.3 (2017-07-07)
1.1.2 (2017-06-16)
- [checkerboard_detector] update launch and document
- [checkerboard_detector] add parameters, axis_size and circle_size
- [checkerboard_detector] add queue_size and publish_queue_size
- [checkerboard_detector] fix board_type
- Generate README by script
- Contributors: Kentaro Wada, YoheiKakiuchi
1.1.1 (2017-03-04)
1.1.0 (2017-02-09)
1.0.4 (2017-02-09)
1.0.3 (2017-02-08)
1.0.2 (2017-01-12)
- warn if topic seems to be rectified (#1937)
- Contributors: Yu Ohara
1.0.1 (2016-12-13)
1.0.0 (2016-12-12)
- [checkerboard_detector] warn if error is big (#1939)
- Contributors: Yu Ohara
0.3.29 (2016-10-30)
0.3.28 (2016-10-29)
0.3.27 (2016-10-29)
0.3.26 (2016-10-27)
- [checkerboard_detector/CMakeLists.txt] add dependency to cfg for checkerboard_detector executable. (#1920)
- [checkerboard_detector] enable to select option for
cv::findChessboardCorners from dynamic reconfigure
- [checkerboard_detector] rename variable name: mutexcalib -> mutex.
- [checkerboard_detector] pass parameter from dynamic reconfigure to findChessboardCorners.
- [checkerboard_detector] add cfg file and add dependency to dynamic reconfigure.
- Contributors: Masaki Murooka
0.3.25 (2016-09-16)
0.3.24 (2016-09-15)
0.3.23 (2016-09-14)
0.3.22 (2016-09-13)
0.3.21 (2016-04-15)
0.3.20 (2016-04-14)
0.3.19 (2016-03-22)
0.3.18 (2016-03-21)
0.3.17 (2016-03-20)
0.3.16 (2016-02-11)
0.3.15 (2016-02-09)
0.3.14 (2016-02-04)
0.3.13 (2015-12-19)
0.3.12 (2015-12-19)
0.3.11 (2015-12-18)
0.3.10 (2015-12-17)
0.3.9 (2015-12-14)
- [checkerboard_detector] Rename doc soft link
- Contributors: Kentaro Wada
0.3.8 (2015-12-08)
0.3.7 (2015-11-19)
- [checkerboard_detector] Add soft link to doc
- [checkerboard_detector] Use resizable debug window
- [checkerboard_detector] Remove build_depend to dynamic_tf_publisher
- [checkerboard_detector] Add launch for murooka board and update document
- Contributors: Kentaro Wada, Ryohei Ueda
0.3.6 (2015-09-11)
0.3.5 (2015-09-09)
0.3.4 (2015-09-07)
0.3.3 (2015-09-06)
0.3.2 (2015-09-05)
0.3.1 (2015-09-04)
0.3.0 (2015-09-04)
0.2.18 (2015-09-04)
0.2.17 (2015-08-21)
0.2.16 (2015-08-19)
0.2.15 (2015-08-18)
0.2.14 (2015-08-13)
- CMakeLists.txt: depends on cv_bridge, not opencv checkerboard_detector
- src/checkerboard_calibration.cpp: use cv.hpp instead of cv.h
- Contributors: Kei Okada
0.2.13 (2015-06-11)
- [checkerboard_detector] Add message_throttle parameter
- [checkerboard_detector] Description in package.xml valid html.
- Contributors: Isaac IY Saito, Ryohei Ueda
0.2.12 (2015-05-04)
0.2.11 (2015-04-13)
0.2.10 (2015-04-09)
- [checkerboard_detector/capture.launch] remove bags in launch
- Contributors: Yu Ohara
0.2.9 (2015-03-29)
- 0.2.8
- Update Changelog
- Contributors: Ryohei Ueda
0.2.8 (2015-03-29)
0.2.7 (2015-03-26)
0.2.6 (2015-03-25)
- [checkerboard_detector] Fill D of camera parameter by zero if ~use_P is true
- Contributors: Ryohei Ueda
0.2.5 (2015-03-17)
- [checkerboard_detector] add ~use_P to use P instead of K as intrinsic parameter for illegal camera info such as multisense
- Contributors: Ryohei Ueda
0.2.4 (2015-03-08)
- Fix license: WillowGarage -> JSK Lab
- Contributors: Ryohei Ueda
0.2.3 (2015-02-02)
- Remove rosbuild files
- Contributors: Ryohei Ueda
0.2.2 (2015-01-30)
0.2.1 (2015-01-30)
0.2.0 (2015-01-29)
0.1.34 (2015-01-29)
- [jsk_perception, checkerboard_detector] Remove dependency to jsk_pcl_ros
- Contributors: Ryohei Ueda
0.1.33 (2015-01-24)
0.1.32 (2015-01-12)
- [jsk_pcl_ros, checkerboard_detector] Fix offset from checker board
- Contributors: Ryohei Ueda
0.1.31 (2015-01-08)
- [checkerboard_detector] Fix compilation warning of objectdetection_transform_echo about tf exception
- [checkerboard_detector] Force to ubscribe topic if ~display is True
- [checkerboard_detector] Add modeline for emacs to keep coding style
- something have changed in updatream (maybe cv_bridge), added image_geometry as depends
0.1.30 (2014-12-24)
0.1.29 (2014-12-24)
- Move multisense specific lines from capture.launch to capture_multisense_training_data.launch
- Added new nodelet to capture training data of stereo camera to jsk_pcl_ros and update launch files to capture training data of multisense
- Add launch file to capture training data with two-checker-boarded table
- Add launch file for capture board: publishing center of the capture board calculated from two checker board
- Hotfix for mulformed multisense camera_info. Their K and R matrix and distirtion parameter is not set
- Add script to estimate position of the camera using two checker boards
- Stabilize color inverted asymetrical circle detection 1) use cv::bitwise_not to invert color 2) use cv::CALIB_CB_CLUSTERING when detecting circlesGrid
- Use OpenCV C++ API in checkerboard_detector
- Support color inversion to distinguish white-black circle pattern and black-white circle pattern
- Support ciecle and acircle pattern
- Contributors: Ryohei Ueda
0.1.28 (2014-12-17)
0.1.27 (2014-12-09)
- forget to install
- Merge pull request #457 from YoheiKakiuchi/update_objectdetection_tf update objectdetection_tf_publisher for publishing simple tf
- update objectdetection_tf_publisher for publishing simple tf
- add / to service name
- Contributors: Yohei Kakiuchi, Kei Okada, Yuto Inagaki
0.1.26 (2014-11-23)
0.1.25 (2014-11-21)
0.1.24 (2014-11-15)
- Update depth calibration program.
- Fix checkerboard_detector to publish correct corner point
- Calibrate depth_image rather than PointCloud
- Use matplotlib animation to visualize graph in
- Publish checker board region as jsk_pcl_ros/PolygonArray
- Publish geometry_msgs/PoseStamped from checkerboard_detector
- Contributors: Ryohei Ueda
0.1.23 (2014-10-09)
0.1.22 (2014-09-24)
0.1.21 (2014-09-20)
0.1.20 (2014-09-17)
0.1.19 (2014-09-15)
0.1.18 (2014-09-13)
0.1.17 (2014-09-07)
0.1.16 (2014-09-04)
0.1.14 (2014-08-01)
0.1.13 (2014-07-29)
0.1.12 (2014-07-24)
- add two nodelets (DelayPointCloud and DepthImageError) to
jsk_pcl_ros and publish u/v coordinates of the checkerboard from
- DepthImageError is just a skelton yet.
- DelayPointCloud re-publishes pointcloud with specified delay time.
- publish u/v coordinates from checkerboard_detector.
- frame_id broadcasted from is configurable
- Contributors: Ryohei Ueda
0.1.11 (2014-07-08)
0.1.10 (2014-07-07)
0.1.9 (2014-07-01)
0.1.8 (2014-06-29)
0.1.7 (2014-05-31)
0.1.6 (2014-05-30)
0.1.5 (2014-05-29)
0.1.4 (2014-04-25)
0.1.3 (2014-04-12)
0.1.2 (2014-04-11)
0.1.1 (2014-04-10)
- install programs
- fix depend package -> rosdep name
- adding rosconsole to its dependency
- add example : update tf position everytime he receves objectdetection msg
- update tf position everytime he receves objectdetection msg
- update objectdetection_tf_publisher by using tf msg directly
- update
- add python program for translating the result of checkerboard_detector to tf
- add_dependences to posedetection_msgs_gencpp
- use USE_ROSBUILD for catkin/rosbuild environment
- use ROS_Distributions instead of ROS_DISTRO for electric
- comment out : add catkin.cmake
- add catkin.cmake
- fixed the name bug
- forget to fix checkerboard_calibration [#154]
- fix to compile with cv_bridge/cv_bridge, [#154]
- enable to set display flag for cvNamedWindow
- add checkerboard_detector_single.launch for single checkerboard detection
- change: If there is no subscriber, node stop subscribing image / camera_info topics (shutdown subscriber)
- fix deperecated message asscessor see
- use rosdep opencv2 and pkg-config, as described in the wiki
- use rosdep opencv2 and pkg-config, as described in the wiki
- add maxboard param, use when you know how many checkerboards in the environment
- add code for detecting subpix position using geometry of detected points,this code came from checkerboard_pose
- moved jsk_vision to jsk_visioncommon
- moved vision packages to jsk_vision
- moved posedetection_msgs, sift processing, and other packages to jsk_common and jsk_perception
- Contributors: nozawa, kazuto, Kei Okada, youhei, rosen, Ryohei Ueda
Wiki Tutorials
This package does not provide any links to tutorials in it's rosindex metadata.
You can check on the ROS Wiki Tutorials page for the package.
Package Dependencies
System Dependencies
No direct system dependencies.
Dependant Packages
Launch files
- sample/sample_objectdetection_tf_publisher.launch
- gui [default: true]
- sample/sample_checkerboard_detector.launch
- gui [default: true]
- PARENT_FRAME [default: /map]
- CAMERA_FRAME [default: /head_mount_kinect_rgb_optical_frame]
- TRANSFORM [default: 5.526 6.230 1.627 0.747 0.387 -0.246 -0.482]
- sample/sample_checkerboard_calibration.launch
- sample/sample_objectdetection_transform_echo.launch
- gui [default: true]
- checkerboard_detector_single.launch
- capture.launch
- CAMERA [default: /multisense/left]
- CAMERA_FRAME_ID [default: left_camera_optical_frame]
- Z_OFFSET [default: -0.155]
- checkerboard_detector.launch
- objectdetection_tf_publisher.launch
- launch/murooka_board.launch
No message files found.
No service files found
No plugins found.
Recent questions tagged checkerboard_detector at Robotics Stack Exchange
Package Summary
Tags | No category tags. |
Version | 1.2.17 |
License | BSD |
Build type | CATKIN |
Repository Summary
Checkout URI | |
VCS Type | git |
VCS Version | master |
Last Updated | 2025-02-21 |
Dev Status | DEVELOPED |
CI status | No Continuous Integration |
Released | RELEASED |
Tags | No category tags. |
Contributing |
Help Wanted (0)
Good First Issues (0) Pull Requests to Review (0) |
Package Description
Uses opencv to find checkboards and compute their 6D poses with respect to the image. Requires the image to be calibrated.
Additional Links
- Kei Okada
- Rosen Diankov (rdiankov
No README found.
See repository README.
Changelog for package checkerboard_detector
1.2.17 (2023-11-14)
1.2.16 (2023-11-10)
- Fixed typo of Software License Agreement. and/o2r to and/or (#2727)
- use %f instead of %d (#2708)
- Contributors: Amir Tulegenov, Ravi Joshi, Iory Yanokura
1.2.15 (2020-10-10)
1.2.14 (2020-10-09)
1.2.13 (2020-10-08)
1.2.12 (2020-10-03)
1.2.11 (2020-10-01)
- Fix for noetic / 20.04
- fix for python3, use 2to3 -f print, 2to3 -f except
- support opencv4 to checkerboard_detector
- set chainer version less than 7.0.0
- relax test conditions
- fix and update readme (#2442)
- Add sample, test and doc
- Add test for objectdetection_tf_publisher
- Add sample for objectdetection_tf_publisher
- Add test for objectdetection_transform_echo
- Add sample for objectdetection_transform_echo
- Fix namespace for including from upper layer
- Publish PoseStamped in objectdetection_transform_echo
- Add sample for checkerboard_calibration
- Install sample/ and test/ to 'share' space
- Add test for checkerboard_detector
- Add sample for checkerboard_detector
- Publish debug_image even when param display == 0
- Publish debug_image as well in checkerboard_detector
- Contributors: Kei Okada, Shingo Kitagawa, Yuki Furuta, Yuto Uchimi
1.2.10 (2019-03-27)
1.2.9 (2019-02-23)
1.2.8 (2019-02-22)
1.2.7 (2019-02-14)
1.2.6 (2018-11-02)
- Fix Cmake indent (#2345)
- Fix warnings: gencpp -> generate_messsage_cpp (#2296)
- Contributors: Kentaro Wada, Yuto Uchimi
1.2.5 (2018-04-09)
1.2.4 (2018-01-12)
1.2.3 (2017-11-23)
1.2.2 (2017-07-23)
1.2.1 (2017-07-15)
1.2.0 (2017-07-15)
1.1.3 (2017-07-07)
1.1.2 (2017-06-16)
- [checkerboard_detector] update launch and document
- [checkerboard_detector] add parameters, axis_size and circle_size
- [checkerboard_detector] add queue_size and publish_queue_size
- [checkerboard_detector] fix board_type
- Generate README by script
- Contributors: Kentaro Wada, YoheiKakiuchi
1.1.1 (2017-03-04)
1.1.0 (2017-02-09)
1.0.4 (2017-02-09)
1.0.3 (2017-02-08)
1.0.2 (2017-01-12)
- warn if topic seems to be rectified (#1937)
- Contributors: Yu Ohara
1.0.1 (2016-12-13)
1.0.0 (2016-12-12)
- [checkerboard_detector] warn if error is big (#1939)
- Contributors: Yu Ohara
0.3.29 (2016-10-30)
0.3.28 (2016-10-29)
0.3.27 (2016-10-29)
0.3.26 (2016-10-27)
- [checkerboard_detector/CMakeLists.txt] add dependency to cfg for checkerboard_detector executable. (#1920)
- [checkerboard_detector] enable to select option for
cv::findChessboardCorners from dynamic reconfigure
- [checkerboard_detector] rename variable name: mutexcalib -> mutex.
- [checkerboard_detector] pass parameter from dynamic reconfigure to findChessboardCorners.
- [checkerboard_detector] add cfg file and add dependency to dynamic reconfigure.
- Contributors: Masaki Murooka
0.3.25 (2016-09-16)
0.3.24 (2016-09-15)
0.3.23 (2016-09-14)
0.3.22 (2016-09-13)
0.3.21 (2016-04-15)
0.3.20 (2016-04-14)
0.3.19 (2016-03-22)
0.3.18 (2016-03-21)
0.3.17 (2016-03-20)
0.3.16 (2016-02-11)
0.3.15 (2016-02-09)
0.3.14 (2016-02-04)
0.3.13 (2015-12-19)
0.3.12 (2015-12-19)
0.3.11 (2015-12-18)
0.3.10 (2015-12-17)
0.3.9 (2015-12-14)
- [checkerboard_detector] Rename doc soft link
- Contributors: Kentaro Wada
0.3.8 (2015-12-08)
0.3.7 (2015-11-19)
- [checkerboard_detector] Add soft link to doc
- [checkerboard_detector] Use resizable debug window
- [checkerboard_detector] Remove build_depend to dynamic_tf_publisher
- [checkerboard_detector] Add launch for murooka board and update document
- Contributors: Kentaro Wada, Ryohei Ueda
0.3.6 (2015-09-11)
0.3.5 (2015-09-09)
0.3.4 (2015-09-07)
0.3.3 (2015-09-06)
0.3.2 (2015-09-05)
0.3.1 (2015-09-04)
0.3.0 (2015-09-04)
0.2.18 (2015-09-04)
0.2.17 (2015-08-21)
0.2.16 (2015-08-19)
0.2.15 (2015-08-18)
0.2.14 (2015-08-13)
- CMakeLists.txt: depends on cv_bridge, not opencv checkerboard_detector
- src/checkerboard_calibration.cpp: use cv.hpp instead of cv.h
- Contributors: Kei Okada
0.2.13 (2015-06-11)
- [checkerboard_detector] Add message_throttle parameter
- [checkerboard_detector] Description in package.xml valid html.
- Contributors: Isaac IY Saito, Ryohei Ueda
0.2.12 (2015-05-04)
0.2.11 (2015-04-13)
0.2.10 (2015-04-09)
- [checkerboard_detector/capture.launch] remove bags in launch
- Contributors: Yu Ohara
0.2.9 (2015-03-29)
- 0.2.8
- Update Changelog
- Contributors: Ryohei Ueda
0.2.8 (2015-03-29)
0.2.7 (2015-03-26)
0.2.6 (2015-03-25)
- [checkerboard_detector] Fill D of camera parameter by zero if ~use_P is true
- Contributors: Ryohei Ueda
0.2.5 (2015-03-17)
- [checkerboard_detector] add ~use_P to use P instead of K as intrinsic parameter for illegal camera info such as multisense
- Contributors: Ryohei Ueda
0.2.4 (2015-03-08)
- Fix license: WillowGarage -> JSK Lab
- Contributors: Ryohei Ueda
0.2.3 (2015-02-02)
- Remove rosbuild files
- Contributors: Ryohei Ueda
0.2.2 (2015-01-30)
0.2.1 (2015-01-30)
0.2.0 (2015-01-29)
0.1.34 (2015-01-29)
- [jsk_perception, checkerboard_detector] Remove dependency to jsk_pcl_ros
- Contributors: Ryohei Ueda
0.1.33 (2015-01-24)
0.1.32 (2015-01-12)
- [jsk_pcl_ros, checkerboard_detector] Fix offset from checker board
- Contributors: Ryohei Ueda
0.1.31 (2015-01-08)
- [checkerboard_detector] Fix compilation warning of objectdetection_transform_echo about tf exception
- [checkerboard_detector] Force to ubscribe topic if ~display is True
- [checkerboard_detector] Add modeline for emacs to keep coding style
- something have changed in updatream (maybe cv_bridge), added image_geometry as depends
0.1.30 (2014-12-24)
0.1.29 (2014-12-24)
- Move multisense specific lines from capture.launch to capture_multisense_training_data.launch
- Added new nodelet to capture training data of stereo camera to jsk_pcl_ros and update launch files to capture training data of multisense
- Add launch file to capture training data with two-checker-boarded table
- Add launch file for capture board: publishing center of the capture board calculated from two checker board
- Hotfix for mulformed multisense camera_info. Their K and R matrix and distirtion parameter is not set
- Add script to estimate position of the camera using two checker boards
- Stabilize color inverted asymetrical circle detection 1) use cv::bitwise_not to invert color 2) use cv::CALIB_CB_CLUSTERING when detecting circlesGrid
- Use OpenCV C++ API in checkerboard_detector
- Support color inversion to distinguish white-black circle pattern and black-white circle pattern
- Support ciecle and acircle pattern
- Contributors: Ryohei Ueda
0.1.28 (2014-12-17)
0.1.27 (2014-12-09)
- forget to install
- Merge pull request #457 from YoheiKakiuchi/update_objectdetection_tf update objectdetection_tf_publisher for publishing simple tf
- update objectdetection_tf_publisher for publishing simple tf
- add / to service name
- Contributors: Yohei Kakiuchi, Kei Okada, Yuto Inagaki
0.1.26 (2014-11-23)
0.1.25 (2014-11-21)
0.1.24 (2014-11-15)
- Update depth calibration program.
- Fix checkerboard_detector to publish correct corner point
- Calibrate depth_image rather than PointCloud
- Use matplotlib animation to visualize graph in
- Publish checker board region as jsk_pcl_ros/PolygonArray
- Publish geometry_msgs/PoseStamped from checkerboard_detector
- Contributors: Ryohei Ueda
0.1.23 (2014-10-09)
0.1.22 (2014-09-24)
0.1.21 (2014-09-20)
0.1.20 (2014-09-17)
0.1.19 (2014-09-15)
0.1.18 (2014-09-13)
0.1.17 (2014-09-07)
0.1.16 (2014-09-04)
0.1.14 (2014-08-01)
0.1.13 (2014-07-29)
0.1.12 (2014-07-24)
- add two nodelets (DelayPointCloud and DepthImageError) to
jsk_pcl_ros and publish u/v coordinates of the checkerboard from
- DepthImageError is just a skelton yet.
- DelayPointCloud re-publishes pointcloud with specified delay time.
- publish u/v coordinates from checkerboard_detector.
- frame_id broadcasted from is configurable
- Contributors: Ryohei Ueda
0.1.11 (2014-07-08)
0.1.10 (2014-07-07)
0.1.9 (2014-07-01)
0.1.8 (2014-06-29)
0.1.7 (2014-05-31)
0.1.6 (2014-05-30)
0.1.5 (2014-05-29)
0.1.4 (2014-04-25)
0.1.3 (2014-04-12)
0.1.2 (2014-04-11)
0.1.1 (2014-04-10)
- install programs
- fix depend package -> rosdep name
- adding rosconsole to its dependency
- add example : update tf position everytime he receves objectdetection msg
- update tf position everytime he receves objectdetection msg
- update objectdetection_tf_publisher by using tf msg directly
- update
- add python program for translating the result of checkerboard_detector to tf
- add_dependences to posedetection_msgs_gencpp
- use USE_ROSBUILD for catkin/rosbuild environment
- use ROS_Distributions instead of ROS_DISTRO for electric
- comment out : add catkin.cmake
- add catkin.cmake
- fixed the name bug
- forget to fix checkerboard_calibration [#154]
- fix to compile with cv_bridge/cv_bridge, [#154]
- enable to set display flag for cvNamedWindow
- add checkerboard_detector_single.launch for single checkerboard detection
- change: If there is no subscriber, node stop subscribing image / camera_info topics (shutdown subscriber)
- fix deperecated message asscessor see
- use rosdep opencv2 and pkg-config, as described in the wiki
- use rosdep opencv2 and pkg-config, as described in the wiki
- add maxboard param, use when you know how many checkerboards in the environment
- add code for detecting subpix position using geometry of detected points,this code came from checkerboard_pose
- moved jsk_vision to jsk_visioncommon
- moved vision packages to jsk_vision
- moved posedetection_msgs, sift processing, and other packages to jsk_common and jsk_perception
- Contributors: nozawa, kazuto, Kei Okada, youhei, rosen, Ryohei Ueda
Wiki Tutorials
This package does not provide any links to tutorials in it's rosindex metadata.
You can check on the ROS Wiki Tutorials page for the package.
Package Dependencies
System Dependencies
No direct system dependencies.
Dependant Packages
Launch files
- sample/sample_objectdetection_tf_publisher.launch
- gui [default: true]
- sample/sample_checkerboard_detector.launch
- gui [default: true]
- PARENT_FRAME [default: /map]
- CAMERA_FRAME [default: /head_mount_kinect_rgb_optical_frame]
- TRANSFORM [default: 5.526 6.230 1.627 0.747 0.387 -0.246 -0.482]
- sample/sample_checkerboard_calibration.launch
- sample/sample_objectdetection_transform_echo.launch
- gui [default: true]
- checkerboard_detector_single.launch
- capture.launch
- CAMERA [default: /multisense/left]
- CAMERA_FRAME_ID [default: left_camera_optical_frame]
- Z_OFFSET [default: -0.155]
- checkerboard_detector.launch
- objectdetection_tf_publisher.launch
- launch/murooka_board.launch
No message files found.
No service files found
No plugins found.
Recent questions tagged checkerboard_detector at Robotics Stack Exchange
Package Summary
Tags | No category tags. |
Version | 1.2.17 |
License | BSD |
Build type | CATKIN |
Repository Summary
Checkout URI | |
VCS Type | git |
VCS Version | master |
Last Updated | 2025-02-21 |
Dev Status | DEVELOPED |
CI status | Continuous Integration |
Released | RELEASED |
Tags | No category tags. |
Contributing |
Help Wanted (0)
Good First Issues (0) Pull Requests to Review (0) |
Package Description
Uses opencv to find checkboards and compute their 6D poses with respect to the image. Requires the image to be calibrated.
Additional Links
- Kei Okada
- Rosen Diankov (rdiankov
No README found.
See repository README.
Changelog for package checkerboard_detector
1.2.17 (2023-11-14)
1.2.16 (2023-11-10)
- Fixed typo of Software License Agreement. and/o2r to and/or (#2727)
- use %f instead of %d (#2708)
- Contributors: Amir Tulegenov, Ravi Joshi, Iory Yanokura
1.2.15 (2020-10-10)
1.2.14 (2020-10-09)
1.2.13 (2020-10-08)
1.2.12 (2020-10-03)
1.2.11 (2020-10-01)
- Fix for noetic / 20.04
- fix for python3, use 2to3 -f print, 2to3 -f except
- support opencv4 to checkerboard_detector
- set chainer version less than 7.0.0
- relax test conditions
- fix and update readme (#2442)
- Add sample, test and doc
- Add test for objectdetection_tf_publisher
- Add sample for objectdetection_tf_publisher
- Add test for objectdetection_transform_echo
- Add sample for objectdetection_transform_echo
- Fix namespace for including from upper layer
- Publish PoseStamped in objectdetection_transform_echo
- Add sample for checkerboard_calibration
- Install sample/ and test/ to 'share' space
- Add test for checkerboard_detector
- Add sample for checkerboard_detector
- Publish debug_image even when param display == 0
- Publish debug_image as well in checkerboard_detector
- Contributors: Kei Okada, Shingo Kitagawa, Yuki Furuta, Yuto Uchimi
1.2.10 (2019-03-27)
1.2.9 (2019-02-23)
1.2.8 (2019-02-22)
1.2.7 (2019-02-14)
1.2.6 (2018-11-02)
- Fix Cmake indent (#2345)
- Fix warnings: gencpp -> generate_messsage_cpp (#2296)
- Contributors: Kentaro Wada, Yuto Uchimi
1.2.5 (2018-04-09)
1.2.4 (2018-01-12)
1.2.3 (2017-11-23)
1.2.2 (2017-07-23)
1.2.1 (2017-07-15)
1.2.0 (2017-07-15)
1.1.3 (2017-07-07)
1.1.2 (2017-06-16)
- [checkerboard_detector] update launch and document
- [checkerboard_detector] add parameters, axis_size and circle_size
- [checkerboard_detector] add queue_size and publish_queue_size
- [checkerboard_detector] fix board_type
- Generate README by script
- Contributors: Kentaro Wada, YoheiKakiuchi
1.1.1 (2017-03-04)
1.1.0 (2017-02-09)
1.0.4 (2017-02-09)
1.0.3 (2017-02-08)
1.0.2 (2017-01-12)
- warn if topic seems to be rectified (#1937)
- Contributors: Yu Ohara
1.0.1 (2016-12-13)
1.0.0 (2016-12-12)
- [checkerboard_detector] warn if error is big (#1939)
- Contributors: Yu Ohara
0.3.29 (2016-10-30)
0.3.28 (2016-10-29)
0.3.27 (2016-10-29)
0.3.26 (2016-10-27)
- [checkerboard_detector/CMakeLists.txt] add dependency to cfg for checkerboard_detector executable. (#1920)
- [checkerboard_detector] enable to select option for
cv::findChessboardCorners from dynamic reconfigure
- [checkerboard_detector] rename variable name: mutexcalib -> mutex.
- [checkerboard_detector] pass parameter from dynamic reconfigure to findChessboardCorners.
- [checkerboard_detector] add cfg file and add dependency to dynamic reconfigure.
- Contributors: Masaki Murooka
0.3.25 (2016-09-16)
0.3.24 (2016-09-15)
0.3.23 (2016-09-14)
0.3.22 (2016-09-13)
0.3.21 (2016-04-15)
0.3.20 (2016-04-14)
0.3.19 (2016-03-22)
0.3.18 (2016-03-21)
0.3.17 (2016-03-20)
0.3.16 (2016-02-11)
0.3.15 (2016-02-09)
0.3.14 (2016-02-04)
0.3.13 (2015-12-19)
0.3.12 (2015-12-19)
0.3.11 (2015-12-18)
0.3.10 (2015-12-17)
0.3.9 (2015-12-14)
- [checkerboard_detector] Rename doc soft link
- Contributors: Kentaro Wada
0.3.8 (2015-12-08)
0.3.7 (2015-11-19)
- [checkerboard_detector] Add soft link to doc
- [checkerboard_detector] Use resizable debug window
- [checkerboard_detector] Remove build_depend to dynamic_tf_publisher
- [checkerboard_detector] Add launch for murooka board and update document
- Contributors: Kentaro Wada, Ryohei Ueda
0.3.6 (2015-09-11)
0.3.5 (2015-09-09)
0.3.4 (2015-09-07)
0.3.3 (2015-09-06)
0.3.2 (2015-09-05)
0.3.1 (2015-09-04)
0.3.0 (2015-09-04)
0.2.18 (2015-09-04)
0.2.17 (2015-08-21)
0.2.16 (2015-08-19)
0.2.15 (2015-08-18)
0.2.14 (2015-08-13)
- CMakeLists.txt: depends on cv_bridge, not opencv checkerboard_detector
- src/checkerboard_calibration.cpp: use cv.hpp instead of cv.h
- Contributors: Kei Okada
0.2.13 (2015-06-11)
- [checkerboard_detector] Add message_throttle parameter
- [checkerboard_detector] Description in package.xml valid html.
- Contributors: Isaac IY Saito, Ryohei Ueda
0.2.12 (2015-05-04)
0.2.11 (2015-04-13)
0.2.10 (2015-04-09)
- [checkerboard_detector/capture.launch] remove bags in launch
- Contributors: Yu Ohara
0.2.9 (2015-03-29)
- 0.2.8
- Update Changelog
- Contributors: Ryohei Ueda
0.2.8 (2015-03-29)
0.2.7 (2015-03-26)
0.2.6 (2015-03-25)
- [checkerboard_detector] Fill D of camera parameter by zero if ~use_P is true
- Contributors: Ryohei Ueda
0.2.5 (2015-03-17)
- [checkerboard_detector] add ~use_P to use P instead of K as intrinsic parameter for illegal camera info such as multisense
- Contributors: Ryohei Ueda
0.2.4 (2015-03-08)
- Fix license: WillowGarage -> JSK Lab
- Contributors: Ryohei Ueda
0.2.3 (2015-02-02)
- Remove rosbuild files
- Contributors: Ryohei Ueda
0.2.2 (2015-01-30)
0.2.1 (2015-01-30)
0.2.0 (2015-01-29)
0.1.34 (2015-01-29)
- [jsk_perception, checkerboard_detector] Remove dependency to jsk_pcl_ros
- Contributors: Ryohei Ueda
0.1.33 (2015-01-24)
0.1.32 (2015-01-12)
- [jsk_pcl_ros, checkerboard_detector] Fix offset from checker board
- Contributors: Ryohei Ueda
0.1.31 (2015-01-08)
- [checkerboard_detector] Fix compilation warning of objectdetection_transform_echo about tf exception
- [checkerboard_detector] Force to ubscribe topic if ~display is True
- [checkerboard_detector] Add modeline for emacs to keep coding style
- something have changed in updatream (maybe cv_bridge), added image_geometry as depends
0.1.30 (2014-12-24)
0.1.29 (2014-12-24)
- Move multisense specific lines from capture.launch to capture_multisense_training_data.launch
- Added new nodelet to capture training data of stereo camera to jsk_pcl_ros and update launch files to capture training data of multisense
- Add launch file to capture training data with two-checker-boarded table
- Add launch file for capture board: publishing center of the capture board calculated from two checker board
- Hotfix for mulformed multisense camera_info. Their K and R matrix and distirtion parameter is not set
- Add script to estimate position of the camera using two checker boards
- Stabilize color inverted asymetrical circle detection 1) use cv::bitwise_not to invert color 2) use cv::CALIB_CB_CLUSTERING when detecting circlesGrid
- Use OpenCV C++ API in checkerboard_detector
- Support color inversion to distinguish white-black circle pattern and black-white circle pattern
- Support ciecle and acircle pattern
- Contributors: Ryohei Ueda
0.1.28 (2014-12-17)
0.1.27 (2014-12-09)
- forget to install
- Merge pull request #457 from YoheiKakiuchi/update_objectdetection_tf update objectdetection_tf_publisher for publishing simple tf
- update objectdetection_tf_publisher for publishing simple tf
- add / to service name
- Contributors: Yohei Kakiuchi, Kei Okada, Yuto Inagaki
0.1.26 (2014-11-23)
0.1.25 (2014-11-21)
0.1.24 (2014-11-15)
- Update depth calibration program.
- Fix checkerboard_detector to publish correct corner point
- Calibrate depth_image rather than PointCloud
- Use matplotlib animation to visualize graph in
- Publish checker board region as jsk_pcl_ros/PolygonArray
- Publish geometry_msgs/PoseStamped from checkerboard_detector
- Contributors: Ryohei Ueda
0.1.23 (2014-10-09)
0.1.22 (2014-09-24)
0.1.21 (2014-09-20)
0.1.20 (2014-09-17)
0.1.19 (2014-09-15)
0.1.18 (2014-09-13)
0.1.17 (2014-09-07)
0.1.16 (2014-09-04)
0.1.14 (2014-08-01)
0.1.13 (2014-07-29)
0.1.12 (2014-07-24)
- add two nodelets (DelayPointCloud and DepthImageError) to
jsk_pcl_ros and publish u/v coordinates of the checkerboard from
- DepthImageError is just a skelton yet.
- DelayPointCloud re-publishes pointcloud with specified delay time.
- publish u/v coordinates from checkerboard_detector.
- frame_id broadcasted from is configurable
- Contributors: Ryohei Ueda
0.1.11 (2014-07-08)
0.1.10 (2014-07-07)
0.1.9 (2014-07-01)
0.1.8 (2014-06-29)
0.1.7 (2014-05-31)
0.1.6 (2014-05-30)
0.1.5 (2014-05-29)
0.1.4 (2014-04-25)
0.1.3 (2014-04-12)
0.1.2 (2014-04-11)
0.1.1 (2014-04-10)
- install programs
- fix depend package -> rosdep name
- adding rosconsole to its dependency
- add example : update tf position everytime he receves objectdetection msg
- update tf position everytime he receves objectdetection msg
- update objectdetection_tf_publisher by using tf msg directly
- update
- add python program for translating the result of checkerboard_detector to tf
- add_dependences to posedetection_msgs_gencpp
- use USE_ROSBUILD for catkin/rosbuild environment
- use ROS_Distributions instead of ROS_DISTRO for electric
- comment out : add catkin.cmake
- add catkin.cmake
- fixed the name bug
- forget to fix checkerboard_calibration [#154]
- fix to compile with cv_bridge/cv_bridge, [#154]
- enable to set display flag for cvNamedWindow
- add checkerboard_detector_single.launch for single checkerboard detection
- change: If there is no subscriber, node stop subscribing image / camera_info topics (shutdown subscriber)
- fix deperecated message asscessor see
- use rosdep opencv2 and pkg-config, as described in the wiki
- use rosdep opencv2 and pkg-config, as described in the wiki
- add maxboard param, use when you know how many checkerboards in the environment
- add code for detecting subpix position using geometry of detected points,this code came from checkerboard_pose
- moved jsk_vision to jsk_visioncommon
- moved vision packages to jsk_vision
- moved posedetection_msgs, sift processing, and other packages to jsk_common and jsk_perception
- Contributors: nozawa, kazuto, Kei Okada, youhei, rosen, Ryohei Ueda
Wiki Tutorials
This package does not provide any links to tutorials in it's rosindex metadata.
You can check on the ROS Wiki Tutorials page for the package.
Package Dependencies
System Dependencies
No direct system dependencies.
Dependant Packages
Launch files
- sample/sample_objectdetection_tf_publisher.launch
- gui [default: true]
- sample/sample_checkerboard_detector.launch
- gui [default: true]
- PARENT_FRAME [default: /map]
- CAMERA_FRAME [default: /head_mount_kinect_rgb_optical_frame]
- TRANSFORM [default: 5.526 6.230 1.627 0.747 0.387 -0.246 -0.482]
- sample/sample_checkerboard_calibration.launch
- sample/sample_objectdetection_transform_echo.launch
- gui [default: true]
- checkerboard_detector_single.launch
- capture.launch
- CAMERA [default: /multisense/left]
- CAMERA_FRAME_ID [default: left_camera_optical_frame]
- Z_OFFSET [default: -0.155]
- checkerboard_detector.launch
- objectdetection_tf_publisher.launch
- launch/murooka_board.launch
No message files found.
No service files found
No plugins found.
Recent questions tagged checkerboard_detector at Robotics Stack Exchange
Package Summary
Tags | No category tags. |
Version | 1.2.17 |
License | BSD |
Build type | CATKIN |
Repository Summary
Checkout URI | |
VCS Type | git |
VCS Version | master |
Last Updated | 2025-02-21 |
Dev Status | DEVELOPED |
CI status | No Continuous Integration |
Released | RELEASED |
Tags | No category tags. |
Contributing |
Help Wanted (0)
Good First Issues (0) Pull Requests to Review (0) |
Package Description
Uses opencv to find checkboards and compute their 6D poses with respect to the image. Requires the image to be calibrated.
Additional Links
- Kei Okada
- Rosen Diankov (rdiankov
No README found.
See repository README.
Changelog for package checkerboard_detector
1.2.17 (2023-11-14)
1.2.16 (2023-11-10)
- Fixed typo of Software License Agreement. and/o2r to and/or (#2727)
- use %f instead of %d (#2708)
- Contributors: Amir Tulegenov, Ravi Joshi, Iory Yanokura
1.2.15 (2020-10-10)
1.2.14 (2020-10-09)
1.2.13 (2020-10-08)
1.2.12 (2020-10-03)
1.2.11 (2020-10-01)
- Fix for noetic / 20.04
- fix for python3, use 2to3 -f print, 2to3 -f except
- support opencv4 to checkerboard_detector
- set chainer version less than 7.0.0
- relax test conditions
- fix and update readme (#2442)
- Add sample, test and doc
- Add test for objectdetection_tf_publisher
- Add sample for objectdetection_tf_publisher
- Add test for objectdetection_transform_echo
- Add sample for objectdetection_transform_echo
- Fix namespace for including from upper layer
- Publish PoseStamped in objectdetection_transform_echo
- Add sample for checkerboard_calibration
- Install sample/ and test/ to 'share' space
- Add test for checkerboard_detector
- Add sample for checkerboard_detector
- Publish debug_image even when param display == 0
- Publish debug_image as well in checkerboard_detector
- Contributors: Kei Okada, Shingo Kitagawa, Yuki Furuta, Yuto Uchimi
1.2.10 (2019-03-27)
1.2.9 (2019-02-23)
1.2.8 (2019-02-22)
1.2.7 (2019-02-14)
1.2.6 (2018-11-02)
- Fix Cmake indent (#2345)
- Fix warnings: gencpp -> generate_messsage_cpp (#2296)
- Contributors: Kentaro Wada, Yuto Uchimi
1.2.5 (2018-04-09)
1.2.4 (2018-01-12)
1.2.3 (2017-11-23)
1.2.2 (2017-07-23)
1.2.1 (2017-07-15)
1.2.0 (2017-07-15)
1.1.3 (2017-07-07)
1.1.2 (2017-06-16)
- [checkerboard_detector] update launch and document
- [checkerboard_detector] add parameters, axis_size and circle_size
- [checkerboard_detector] add queue_size and publish_queue_size
- [checkerboard_detector] fix board_type
- Generate README by script
- Contributors: Kentaro Wada, YoheiKakiuchi
1.1.1 (2017-03-04)
1.1.0 (2017-02-09)
1.0.4 (2017-02-09)
1.0.3 (2017-02-08)
1.0.2 (2017-01-12)
- warn if topic seems to be rectified (#1937)
- Contributors: Yu Ohara
1.0.1 (2016-12-13)
1.0.0 (2016-12-12)
- [checkerboard_detector] warn if error is big (#1939)
- Contributors: Yu Ohara
0.3.29 (2016-10-30)
0.3.28 (2016-10-29)
0.3.27 (2016-10-29)
0.3.26 (2016-10-27)
- [checkerboard_detector/CMakeLists.txt] add dependency to cfg for checkerboard_detector executable. (#1920)
- [checkerboard_detector] enable to select option for
cv::findChessboardCorners from dynamic reconfigure
- [checkerboard_detector] rename variable name: mutexcalib -> mutex.
- [checkerboard_detector] pass parameter from dynamic reconfigure to findChessboardCorners.
- [checkerboard_detector] add cfg file and add dependency to dynamic reconfigure.
- Contributors: Masaki Murooka
0.3.25 (2016-09-16)
0.3.24 (2016-09-15)
0.3.23 (2016-09-14)
0.3.22 (2016-09-13)
0.3.21 (2016-04-15)
0.3.20 (2016-04-14)
0.3.19 (2016-03-22)
0.3.18 (2016-03-21)
0.3.17 (2016-03-20)
0.3.16 (2016-02-11)
0.3.15 (2016-02-09)
0.3.14 (2016-02-04)
0.3.13 (2015-12-19)
0.3.12 (2015-12-19)
0.3.11 (2015-12-18)
0.3.10 (2015-12-17)
0.3.9 (2015-12-14)
- [checkerboard_detector] Rename doc soft link
- Contributors: Kentaro Wada
0.3.8 (2015-12-08)
0.3.7 (2015-11-19)
- [checkerboard_detector] Add soft link to doc
- [checkerboard_detector] Use resizable debug window
- [checkerboard_detector] Remove build_depend to dynamic_tf_publisher
- [checkerboard_detector] Add launch for murooka board and update document
- Contributors: Kentaro Wada, Ryohei Ueda
0.3.6 (2015-09-11)
0.3.5 (2015-09-09)
0.3.4 (2015-09-07)
0.3.3 (2015-09-06)
0.3.2 (2015-09-05)
0.3.1 (2015-09-04)
0.3.0 (2015-09-04)
0.2.18 (2015-09-04)
0.2.17 (2015-08-21)
0.2.16 (2015-08-19)
0.2.15 (2015-08-18)
0.2.14 (2015-08-13)
- CMakeLists.txt: depends on cv_bridge, not opencv checkerboard_detector
- src/checkerboard_calibration.cpp: use cv.hpp instead of cv.h
- Contributors: Kei Okada
0.2.13 (2015-06-11)
- [checkerboard_detector] Add message_throttle parameter
- [checkerboard_detector] Description in package.xml valid html.
- Contributors: Isaac IY Saito, Ryohei Ueda
0.2.12 (2015-05-04)
0.2.11 (2015-04-13)
0.2.10 (2015-04-09)
- [checkerboard_detector/capture.launch] remove bags in launch
- Contributors: Yu Ohara
0.2.9 (2015-03-29)
- 0.2.8
- Update Changelog
- Contributors: Ryohei Ueda
0.2.8 (2015-03-29)
0.2.7 (2015-03-26)
0.2.6 (2015-03-25)
- [checkerboard_detector] Fill D of camera parameter by zero if ~use_P is true
- Contributors: Ryohei Ueda
0.2.5 (2015-03-17)
- [checkerboard_detector] add ~use_P to use P instead of K as intrinsic parameter for illegal camera info such as multisense
- Contributors: Ryohei Ueda
0.2.4 (2015-03-08)
- Fix license: WillowGarage -> JSK Lab
- Contributors: Ryohei Ueda
0.2.3 (2015-02-02)
- Remove rosbuild files
- Contributors: Ryohei Ueda
0.2.2 (2015-01-30)
0.2.1 (2015-01-30)
0.2.0 (2015-01-29)
0.1.34 (2015-01-29)
- [jsk_perception, checkerboard_detector] Remove dependency to jsk_pcl_ros
- Contributors: Ryohei Ueda
0.1.33 (2015-01-24)
0.1.32 (2015-01-12)
- [jsk_pcl_ros, checkerboard_detector] Fix offset from checker board
- Contributors: Ryohei Ueda
0.1.31 (2015-01-08)
- [checkerboard_detector] Fix compilation warning of objectdetection_transform_echo about tf exception
- [checkerboard_detector] Force to ubscribe topic if ~display is True
- [checkerboard_detector] Add modeline for emacs to keep coding style
- something have changed in updatream (maybe cv_bridge), added image_geometry as depends
0.1.30 (2014-12-24)
0.1.29 (2014-12-24)
- Move multisense specific lines from capture.launch to capture_multisense_training_data.launch
- Added new nodelet to capture training data of stereo camera to jsk_pcl_ros and update launch files to capture training data of multisense
- Add launch file to capture training data with two-checker-boarded table
- Add launch file for capture board: publishing center of the capture board calculated from two checker board
- Hotfix for mulformed multisense camera_info. Their K and R matrix and distirtion parameter is not set
- Add script to estimate position of the camera using two checker boards
- Stabilize color inverted asymetrical circle detection 1) use cv::bitwise_not to invert color 2) use cv::CALIB_CB_CLUSTERING when detecting circlesGrid
- Use OpenCV C++ API in checkerboard_detector
- Support color inversion to distinguish white-black circle pattern and black-white circle pattern
- Support ciecle and acircle pattern
- Contributors: Ryohei Ueda
0.1.28 (2014-12-17)
0.1.27 (2014-12-09)
- forget to install
- Merge pull request #457 from YoheiKakiuchi/update_objectdetection_tf update objectdetection_tf_publisher for publishing simple tf
- update objectdetection_tf_publisher for publishing simple tf
- add / to service name
- Contributors: Yohei Kakiuchi, Kei Okada, Yuto Inagaki
0.1.26 (2014-11-23)
0.1.25 (2014-11-21)
0.1.24 (2014-11-15)
- Update depth calibration program.
- Fix checkerboard_detector to publish correct corner point
- Calibrate depth_image rather than PointCloud
- Use matplotlib animation to visualize graph in
- Publish checker board region as jsk_pcl_ros/PolygonArray
- Publish geometry_msgs/PoseStamped from checkerboard_detector
- Contributors: Ryohei Ueda
0.1.23 (2014-10-09)
0.1.22 (2014-09-24)
0.1.21 (2014-09-20)
0.1.20 (2014-09-17)
0.1.19 (2014-09-15)
0.1.18 (2014-09-13)
0.1.17 (2014-09-07)
0.1.16 (2014-09-04)
0.1.14 (2014-08-01)
0.1.13 (2014-07-29)
0.1.12 (2014-07-24)
- add two nodelets (DelayPointCloud and DepthImageError) to
jsk_pcl_ros and publish u/v coordinates of the checkerboard from
- DepthImageError is just a skelton yet.
- DelayPointCloud re-publishes pointcloud with specified delay time.
- publish u/v coordinates from checkerboard_detector.
- frame_id broadcasted from is configurable
- Contributors: Ryohei Ueda
0.1.11 (2014-07-08)
0.1.10 (2014-07-07)
0.1.9 (2014-07-01)
0.1.8 (2014-06-29)
0.1.7 (2014-05-31)
0.1.6 (2014-05-30)
0.1.5 (2014-05-29)
0.1.4 (2014-04-25)
0.1.3 (2014-04-12)
0.1.2 (2014-04-11)
0.1.1 (2014-04-10)
- install programs
- fix depend package -> rosdep name
- adding rosconsole to its dependency
- add example : update tf position everytime he receves objectdetection msg
- update tf position everytime he receves objectdetection msg
- update objectdetection_tf_publisher by using tf msg directly
- update
- add python program for translating the result of checkerboard_detector to tf
- add_dependences to posedetection_msgs_gencpp
- use USE_ROSBUILD for catkin/rosbuild environment
- use ROS_Distributions instead of ROS_DISTRO for electric
- comment out : add catkin.cmake
- add catkin.cmake
- fixed the name bug
- forget to fix checkerboard_calibration [#154]
- fix to compile with cv_bridge/cv_bridge, [#154]
- enable to set display flag for cvNamedWindow
- add checkerboard_detector_single.launch for single checkerboard detection
- change: If there is no subscriber, node stop subscribing image / camera_info topics (shutdown subscriber)
- fix deperecated message asscessor see
- use rosdep opencv2 and pkg-config, as described in the wiki
- use rosdep opencv2 and pkg-config, as described in the wiki
- add maxboard param, use when you know how many checkerboards in the environment
- add code for detecting subpix position using geometry of detected points,this code came from checkerboard_pose
- moved jsk_vision to jsk_visioncommon
- moved vision packages to jsk_vision
- moved posedetection_msgs, sift processing, and other packages to jsk_common and jsk_perception
- Contributors: nozawa, kazuto, Kei Okada, youhei, rosen, Ryohei Ueda
Wiki Tutorials
This package does not provide any links to tutorials in it's rosindex metadata.
You can check on the ROS Wiki Tutorials page for the package.
Package Dependencies
System Dependencies
No direct system dependencies.
Dependant Packages
Launch files
- sample/sample_objectdetection_tf_publisher.launch
- gui [default: true]
- sample/sample_checkerboard_detector.launch
- gui [default: true]
- PARENT_FRAME [default: /map]
- CAMERA_FRAME [default: /head_mount_kinect_rgb_optical_frame]
- TRANSFORM [default: 5.526 6.230 1.627 0.747 0.387 -0.246 -0.482]
- sample/sample_checkerboard_calibration.launch
- sample/sample_objectdetection_transform_echo.launch
- gui [default: true]
- checkerboard_detector_single.launch
- capture.launch
- CAMERA [default: /multisense/left]
- CAMERA_FRAME_ID [default: left_camera_optical_frame]
- Z_OFFSET [default: -0.155]
- checkerboard_detector.launch
- objectdetection_tf_publisher.launch
- launch/murooka_board.launch
No message files found.
No service files found
No plugins found.