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Package Summary

Tags No category tags.
Version 1.3.3
License BSD
Build type CATKIN

Repository Summary

Checkout URI
VCS Type git
VCS Version noetic-devel
Last Updated 2024-09-09
CI status
Tags No category tags.
Contributing Help Wanted (0)
Good First Issues (0)
Pull Requests to Review (0)

Package Description

Gazebo wrapper for the Universal UR5/10 robot arms.

Additional Links


  • G.A. vd. Hoorn
  • Miguel Prada Sarasola
  • Nadia Hammoudeh Garcia


  • Alexander Bubeck
  • Shaun Edwards
  • Felix Messmer
No README found. See repository README.

Changelog for package ur_gazebo

1.3.3 (2024-04-08)

  • UR30 description and meshes (#674)
  • Contributors: Vincenzo Di Pentima

1.3.2 (2023-12-18)

  • UR20 description and meshes (#657)
  • Contributors: Rune Søe-Knudsen

1.3.1 (2022-11-11)

1.3.0 (2022-11-10)

  • Merge melodic-devel-staging #617 from ros-industrial/melodic-devel-staging
  • Merge pull request #619 from fmauch/gazebo_effort_controllers Gazebo effort controllers
  • [ur_gazebo] update effort_controllers' pid parameters
  • [ur_gazebo] Switch to effort controllers
  • [ur_gazebo] Switch common files to effort controllers
  • Add tool0_controller frame for gazebo simulation (#611) In order to make the simulation more consistent to the ur_robot_driver (and ur_modern_driver) this adds a tool0_controller frame. For the driver this corresponds to the tool transformation published by the robot controller directly. As this doesn't exist for the simulated robot, this adds the frame using an identity transform from tool0.
  • Make ur_gazebo robot name consistent with ur_description (#615)
  • Increase minimum CMake version to allow builds on Focal Fossa (Noetic) (#586)
  • Merge pull request #562 from fmauch/convenience_macros Add convenience macros for description files
  • ur_gazebo: Update path ur ur_macro.xacro This was changed in e4eb54718edc6ff414d3c046f2589b798b15f9b2
  • Merge pull request #518 from gavanderhoorn/gazebo_updates Main improvements:
    • follow ROS-I naming and package layout conventions
    • clean up xacros (naming, whitespace, etc)
    • treat (the virtual robot in) Gazebo as much as possible as just another UR variant (so we get to reuse workflow, settings and [.launch]{.title-ref} files as much as possible)
    • improve comments in [.xacro]{.title-ref} files
    • clean up "public API" of [ur_gazebo]{.title-ref} (ie: [.launch]{.title-ref} and [_macro.xacro]{.title-ref} files )
  • gazebo: values less than 0.1 for spawn_z will be problematic. So explain this in the arg's documentation.
  • gazebo: in-order is the default on Melodic. And we've broken Kinetic-compatibility quite a few commits ago.
  • gazebo: list valid values for 'transmission_hw_interface'. For some reason this was not yet documented.
  • gazebo: clarify we load a position joint trajectory controller. So include that in the name.
  • gazebo: move include to scope of ur_robot_gazebo macro. Prevent potential clashes with symbols outside of that scope.
  • gazebo: update comments in xacros.
  • gazebo: run e-Series controllers at 500 Hz. Same rate as the real controller.
  • gazebo: give e-Series variants their own controller configs.
  • gazebo: restructure bringup entry points. By lifting some of the nodes and parameters to the bringup files (from ur_common.launch.xml), they should be easier to use (and maintain). Anything specific to the use of a robot in a particular configuration (ie: a workcell or simulation) should exist at the bringup level, not in a common (ie: shared) file, as that will make it harder to change (as changes will be shared by many other setups). This restructuring makes ur_common.launch.xml redundant, so we also remove it.
  • gazebo: ur_control: allow more control over launch args. Over:
    • which world to load
    • whether to start Gazebo or not
    • from which parameter to (attempt to) load the urdf
    • what name to give to the spawned robot model (inside the simulation)
  • gazebo: rostopic is no longer used.
  • gazebo: update tests to load non-entry-point loaders.
  • gazebo: include load launch file with relative include.
  • gazebo: hide loaders as well.
  • gazebo: update paths to included launch files. Use 'dirname' substitution arg to express relative include.
  • gazebo: hide non-entry-point launch files. These launch files are not meant to be started directly, so 'hide' them roslaunch's auto-complete.
  • gazebo: there is no 'vel_based_pos_traj_controller', so remove.
  • gazebo: fix comments in bringup launch files.
  • gazebo: load URDF in bringup launch files. The main 'driver' launch file should not load the URDF, as it's not the task of the driver. This also removes one level of argument-forwarding (namely: the arguments for the xacro macro). Finally, it provides a nicer template for users to base their own launch files on, as they 'only' have to deal with these top-level bringup launch files.
  • gazebo: test variants separately and also test bringup.
  • gazebo: fix install rule.
  • gazebo: set controller pub rates to be like real hw. As we don't have separate controller config files for e-Series robots, they will still 'only' publish at 125 Hz. We might change this in the future.
  • gazebo: use new controller config files.
  • gazebo: rename controller config files. Align with names in ur_robot_driver.
  • gazebo: clarify 'world' frame utility in top-level xacro.
  • gazebo: refactor gazebo and gazebo_ros_control integration. This changes all bringup launch files in this package to be like those of a regular driver. In essence, Gazebo (and the UR(s) simulated by it) are treated as just-another-robot, with the associated launch file infrastructure. As ur_robot_driver is currently the driver most users will be exposed to and have experience with, the launch file structure of that driver has been used as a template. But instead of starting the actual ur_robot_driver node, the 'lowest' launch file (ie: 'ur_control.launch') starts Gazebo and loads and spawns the controllers. After this launch file has completed its work, users should see a ROS API (ie: topics, services and actions) similar to what they'd see when using the a real UR with ur_robot_driver. Main differences would be (at this point, this may change in the future):
    • no force-torque sensor output (ie: no 'wrench' topic)
    • no URScript topic (as the controller is not simulated by Gazebo)
    • no IO topics nor services
    • no MainBoard or similar topics
    • no Dashboard services
    • no 'tool communication' topics nor services

    - no 'tool0_controller' TF frame Parameter files used with the xacro macro for the real robot (ie: joint limits, kinematics, visual and physical parameters) can be used with the Gazebo simulation as well.

  • gazebo: cleanup ros_control config yamls. Use the same set of controllers for all robots, use the same names for controllers as used by [ur_robot_driver]{.title-ref} and include the JointStateController in the same file. NOTE: this is all position control only (and thus open-loop or 'forward command' control (using ros_control vernacular)).
  • gazebo: don't default to UR3 parameter files. Top-level xacro should not default to any robot.
  • gazebo: use 'bringup' launch file name. These files will serve the same purpose as those provided by a/the driver (but instead of a driver, they will launch Gazebo). Give them the same name to make them recognisable.
  • gazebo: introduce 'load_*.launch' helpers. These mimic the files with the same names as in ur_description, but load the Gazebo model instead of the real robot onto the parameter server.
  • gazebo: controller_utils isn't re-used anywhere else. So merge contents into 'ur_common.launch' and remove the file.
  • gazebo: nothing to calibrate. This is most likely a relic from the PR2 simulation.
  • gazebo: 2-spaces per indent level.
  • gazebo: formatting and comments of xacros.
  • gazebo: use new robot and macro name. Align with filenames and other ROS-Industrial Gazebo support packages.
  • gazebo: merge relevant content from common.gazebo.xacro into macro. Only the ros_control elements are retained. The UR doesn't have a battery, so no need to include that plugin.
  • gazebo: use new filenames.
  • gazebo: follow description xacro macro naming. Rename file to reflect name of macro or top-level entity. Include 'gazebo' reference as these files host content specific to Gazebo.
  • Merge pull request #520 from gavanderhoorn/fix_yaml_loading Load yaml files in read_model_data(..), nowhere else
  • gazebo: pass parameter filenames, not their content. Aligns with similar changes in ur_description.
  • Merge pull request #516 from gavanderhoorn/convert_limits_files Use 'ros_control style' joint limit files
  • gazebo: use new arg names for joint limits. Renamed in ur_description, so use the new names here as well and pass the right values.
  • gazebo: update joint limit filename references. They were renamed (in c0f71ebb), so use the new names.
  • Merge pull request #497 from gavanderhoorn/desc_updates Misc updates to ur_description
  • gazebo: use new xacro macro file.
  • Merge pull request #477 from fmauch/ur16e Add Ur16e support
  • Updated ur16 files for calibrated URDF
  • Preliminary model version of UR16 added This model is only correct in the kinematics structure. Meshes and dynamics parameters have to be corrected.
  • Use full kinematics parameters in description (#495) the kinematics parameters can be retrieved from a calibration mechanism to precisely represent the robot's kinematics.
  • Merge pull request #371 from ipa-led/ur_description_args Urdf with args and yaml configuration
  • change gazebo launch file and tests
    • added e-series
  • create urdf files for ur_gazebo
  • migrated all package.xml files to format=2 (#439)
  • Load the JointGroupPositionController so jog commands can be sent (#422)
    • Load the JointGroupPositionController so jog commands can be sent
    • Load new controllers for UR5/UR10, too
    • Add other controllers in launch file
    • Add JointGroupPositionController to UR e-series
  • Merge branch 'kinetic-devel' into patch-1
  • Contributors: AndyZe, Felix Exner, Felix Exner (fexner), Felix Mauch, G.A. vd. Hoorn, Lucchi, Matteo, Ludovic Delval, Nadia Hammoudeh García, Qiang Qiu, RobertWilbrandt, gavanderhoorn, kut

1.2.5 (2019-04-05)

  • Update maintainer listing: add Miguel (#410)
  • UR-E Series (#380)
  • Update maintainer and author information.
  • Add roslaunch tests (#362)
  • Using the 'doc' attribute on 'arg' elements.
  • Contributors: Dave Niewinski, gavanderhoorn, Harsh Deshpande, Nadia Hammoudeh García

1.2.1 (2018-01-06)

1.2.0 (2017-08-04)

1.1.9 (2017-01-02)

  • No changes.

1.1.8 (2016-12-30)

  • ur_gazebo: escape underscore in changelog (#279).
  • all: update maintainers.
  • Contributors: gavanderhoorn

1.1.7 (2016-12-29)

  • ur_gazebo: add controller_manager as run dependency.
  • Contributors: Hans-Joachim Krauch

1.1.6 (2016-04-01)

  • provide launch files for ur3
  • use controller_manager spawn
  • allow to start gazebo without gui
  • adjust controllers to new hardwareInterface - affects simulation only
  • Contributors: ipa-fxm

1.0.2 (2014-03-31)

1.0.1 (2014-03-31)

  • adapt launch files in order to be able to use normal/limited xacro
  • updates for latest gazebo under hydro
  • Contributors: ipa-fxm
  • Added definitions for adding tergets in install folder. Issue #10.
  • Added definitions for adding tergets in install folder. Issue #10.
  • Updated to catkin. ur_driver's files were added to nested Python directory for including in other packages.
  • removed arm_ prefix from joint names in gazebo controller config
  • Renamed packages and new groovy version
  • Added ur10 and renamed packages
  • Contributors: IPR-SR2, Kelsey, Mathias Lüdtke, ipa-nhg, robot

Wiki Tutorials

This package does not provide any links to tutorials in it's rosindex metadata. You can check on the ROS Wiki Tutorials page for the package.

Launch files

  • launch/ur5_bringup.launch
      • robot_description_file [default: $(dirname)/inc/load_ur5.launch.xml] — Launch file which populates the 'robot_description' parameter.
      • joint_limit_params [default: $(find ur_description)/config/ur5/joint_limits.yaml]
      • kinematics_params [default: $(find ur_description)/config/ur5/default_kinematics.yaml]
      • physical_params [default: $(find ur_description)/config/ur5/physical_parameters.yaml]
      • visual_params [default: $(find ur_description)/config/ur5/visual_parameters.yaml]
      • transmission_hw_interface [default: hardware_interface/EffortJointInterface] — The hardware_interface to expose for each joint in the simulated robot (one of: [hardware_interface/PositionJointInterface, hardware_interface/VelocityJointInterface, hardware_interface/EffortJointInterface])
      • controller_config_file [default: $(find ur_gazebo)/config/ur5_controllers.yaml] — Config file used for defining the ROS-Control controllers.
      • controllers [default: joint_state_controller eff_joint_traj_controller] — Controllers that are activated by default.
      • stopped_controllers [default: joint_group_eff_controller] — Controllers that are initally loaded, but not started.
      • tf_prefix [default: ] — tf_prefix used for the robot.
      • tf_pub_rate [default: 125] — Rate at which robot_state_publisher should publish transforms.
      • paused [default: false] — Starts Gazebo in paused mode
      • gui [default: true] — Starts Gazebo gui
  • launch/ur10_bringup.launch
      • robot_description_file [default: $(dirname)/inc/load_ur10.launch.xml] — Launch file which populates the 'robot_description' parameter.
      • joint_limit_params [default: $(find ur_description)/config/ur10/joint_limits.yaml]
      • kinematics_params [default: $(find ur_description)/config/ur10/default_kinematics.yaml]
      • physical_params [default: $(find ur_description)/config/ur10/physical_parameters.yaml]
      • visual_params [default: $(find ur_description)/config/ur10/visual_parameters.yaml]
      • transmission_hw_interface [default: hardware_interface/EffortJointInterface] — The hardware_interface to expose for each joint in the simulated robot (one of: [hardware_interface/PositionJointInterface, hardware_interface/VelocityJointInterface, hardware_interface/EffortJointInterface])
      • controller_config_file [default: $(find ur_gazebo)/config/ur10_controllers.yaml] — Config file used for defining the ROS-Control controllers.
      • controllers [default: joint_state_controller eff_joint_traj_controller] — Controllers that are activated by default.
      • stopped_controllers [default: joint_group_eff_controller] — Controllers that are initally loaded, but not started.
      • tf_prefix [default: ] — tf_prefix used for the robot.
      • tf_pub_rate [default: 125] — Rate at which robot_state_publisher should publish transforms.
      • paused [default: false] — Starts Gazebo in paused mode
      • gui [default: true] — Starts Gazebo gui
  • launch/ur30_bringup.launch
      • robot_description_file [default: $(dirname)/inc/load_ur30.launch.xml] — Launch file which populates the 'robot_description' parameter.
      • joint_limit_params [default: $(find ur_description)/config/ur30/joint_limits.yaml]
      • kinematics_params [default: $(find ur_description)/config/ur30/default_kinematics.yaml]
      • physical_params [default: $(find ur_description)/config/ur30/physical_parameters.yaml]
      • visual_params [default: $(find ur_description)/config/ur30/visual_parameters.yaml]
      • transmission_hw_interface [default: hardware_interface/EffortJointInterface] — The hardware_interface to expose for each joint in the simulated robot (one of: [hardware_interface/PositionJointInterface, hardware_interface/VelocityJointInterface, hardware_interface/EffortJointInterface])
      • controller_config_file [default: $(find ur_gazebo)/config/ur30_controllers.yaml] — Config file used for defining the ROS-Control controllers.
      • controllers [default: joint_state_controller eff_joint_traj_controller] — Controllers that are activated by default.
      • stopped_controllers [default: joint_group_eff_controller] — Controllers that are initally loaded, but not started.
      • tf_prefix [default: ] — tf_prefix used for the robot.
      • tf_pub_rate [default: 500] — Rate at which robot_state_publisher should publish transforms.
      • paused [default: false] — Starts Gazebo in paused mode
      • gui [default: true] — Starts Gazebo gui
  • launch/ur3e_bringup.launch
      • robot_description_file [default: $(dirname)/inc/load_ur3e.launch.xml] — Launch file which populates the 'robot_description' parameter.
      • joint_limit_params [default: $(find ur_description)/config/ur3e/joint_limits.yaml]
      • kinematics_params [default: $(find ur_description)/config/ur3e/default_kinematics.yaml]
      • physical_params [default: $(find ur_description)/config/ur3e/physical_parameters.yaml]
      • visual_params [default: $(find ur_description)/config/ur3e/visual_parameters.yaml]
      • transmission_hw_interface [default: hardware_interface/EffortJointInterface] — The hardware_interface to expose for each joint in the simulated robot (one of: [hardware_interface/PositionJointInterface, hardware_interface/VelocityJointInterface, hardware_interface/EffortJointInterface])
      • controller_config_file [default: $(find ur_gazebo)/config/ur3e_controllers.yaml] — Config file used for defining the ROS-Control controllers.
      • controllers [default: joint_state_controller eff_joint_traj_controller] — Controllers that are activated by default.
      • stopped_controllers [default: joint_group_eff_controller] — Controllers that are initally loaded, but not started.
      • tf_prefix [default: ] — tf_prefix used for the robot.
      • tf_pub_rate [default: 500] — Rate at which robot_state_publisher should publish transforms.
      • paused [default: false] — Starts Gazebo in paused mode
      • gui [default: true] — Starts Gazebo gui
  • launch/ur5e_bringup.launch
      • robot_description_file [default: $(dirname)/inc/load_ur5e.launch.xml] — Launch file which populates the 'robot_description' parameter.
      • joint_limit_params [default: $(find ur_description)/config/ur5e/joint_limits.yaml]
      • kinematics_params [default: $(find ur_description)/config/ur5e/default_kinematics.yaml]
      • physical_params [default: $(find ur_description)/config/ur5e/physical_parameters.yaml]
      • visual_params [default: $(find ur_description)/config/ur5e/visual_parameters.yaml]
      • transmission_hw_interface [default: hardware_interface/EffortJointInterface] — The hardware_interface to expose for each joint in the simulated robot (one of: [hardware_interface/PositionJointInterface, hardware_interface/VelocityJointInterface, hardware_interface/EffortJointInterface])
      • controller_config_file [default: $(find ur_gazebo)/config/ur5e_controllers.yaml] — Config file used for defining the ROS-Control controllers.
      • controllers [default: joint_state_controller eff_joint_traj_controller] — Controllers that are activated by default.
      • stopped_controllers [default: joint_group_eff_controller] — Controllers that are initally loaded, but not started.
      • tf_prefix [default: ] — tf_prefix used for the robot.
      • tf_pub_rate [default: 500] — Rate at which robot_state_publisher should publish transforms.
      • paused [default: false] — Starts Gazebo in paused mode
      • gui [default: true] — Starts Gazebo gui
  • launch/ur3_bringup.launch
      • robot_description_file [default: $(dirname)/inc/load_ur3.launch.xml] — Launch file which populates the 'robot_description' parameter.
      • joint_limit_params [default: $(find ur_description)/config/ur3/joint_limits.yaml]
      • kinematics_params [default: $(find ur_description)/config/ur3/default_kinematics.yaml]
      • physical_params [default: $(find ur_description)/config/ur3/physical_parameters.yaml]
      • visual_params [default: $(find ur_description)/config/ur3/visual_parameters.yaml]
      • transmission_hw_interface [default: hardware_interface/EffortJointInterface] — The hardware_interface to expose for each joint in the simulated robot (one of: [hardware_interface/PositionJointInterface, hardware_interface/VelocityJointInterface, hardware_interface/EffortJointInterface])
      • controller_config_file [default: $(find ur_gazebo)/config/ur3_controllers.yaml] — Config file used for defining the ROS-Control controllers.
      • controllers [default: joint_state_controller eff_joint_traj_controller] — Controllers that are activated by default.
      • stopped_controllers [default: joint_group_eff_controller] — Controllers that are initally loaded, but not started.
      • tf_prefix [default: ] — tf_prefix used for the robot.
      • tf_pub_rate [default: 125] — Rate at which robot_state_publisher should publish transforms.
      • paused [default: false] — Starts Gazebo in paused mode
      • gui [default: true] — Starts Gazebo gui
  • launch/ur10e_bringup.launch
      • robot_description_file [default: $(dirname)/inc/load_ur10e.launch.xml] — Launch file which populates the 'robot_description' parameter.
      • joint_limit_params [default: $(find ur_description)/config/ur10e/joint_limits.yaml]
      • kinematics_params [default: $(find ur_description)/config/ur10e/default_kinematics.yaml]
      • physical_params [default: $(find ur_description)/config/ur10e/physical_parameters.yaml]
      • visual_params [default: $(find ur_description)/config/ur10e/visual_parameters.yaml]
      • transmission_hw_interface [default: hardware_interface/EffortJointInterface] — The hardware_interface to expose for each joint in the simulated robot (one of: [hardware_interface/PositionJointInterface, hardware_interface/VelocityJointInterface, hardware_interface/EffortJointInterface])
      • controller_config_file [default: $(find ur_gazebo)/config/ur10e_controllers.yaml] — Config file used for defining the ROS-Control controllers.
      • controllers [default: joint_state_controller eff_joint_traj_controller] — Controllers that are activated by default.
      • stopped_controllers [default: joint_group_eff_controller] — Controllers that are initally loaded, but not started.
      • tf_prefix [default: ] — tf_prefix used for the robot.
      • tf_pub_rate [default: 500] — Rate at which robot_state_publisher should publish transforms.
      • paused [default: false] — Starts Gazebo in paused mode
      • gui [default: true] — Starts Gazebo gui
  • launch/ur16e_bringup.launch
      • robot_description_file [default: $(dirname)/inc/load_ur16e.launch.xml] — Launch file which populates the 'robot_description' parameter.
      • joint_limit_params [default: $(find ur_description)/config/ur16e/joint_limits.yaml]
      • kinematics_params [default: $(find ur_description)/config/ur16e/default_kinematics.yaml]
      • physical_params [default: $(find ur_description)/config/ur16e/physical_parameters.yaml]
      • visual_params [default: $(find ur_description)/config/ur16e/visual_parameters.yaml]
      • transmission_hw_interface [default: hardware_interface/EffortJointInterface] — The hardware_interface to expose for each joint in the simulated robot (one of: [hardware_interface/PositionJointInterface, hardware_interface/VelocityJointInterface, hardware_interface/EffortJointInterface])
      • controller_config_file [default: $(find ur_gazebo)/config/ur16e_controllers.yaml] — Config file used for defining the ROS-Control controllers.
      • controllers [default: joint_state_controller eff_joint_traj_controller] — Controllers that are activated by default.
      • stopped_controllers [default: joint_group_eff_controller] — Controllers that are initally loaded, but not started.
      • tf_prefix [default: ] — tf_prefix used for the robot.
      • tf_pub_rate [default: 500] — Rate at which robot_state_publisher should publish transforms.
      • paused [default: false] — Starts Gazebo in paused mode
      • gui [default: true] — Starts Gazebo gui
  • launch/ur20_bringup.launch
      • robot_description_file [default: $(dirname)/inc/load_ur20.launch.xml] — Launch file which populates the 'robot_description' parameter.
      • joint_limit_params [default: $(find ur_description)/config/ur20/joint_limits.yaml]
      • kinematics_params [default: $(find ur_description)/config/ur20/default_kinematics.yaml]
      • physical_params [default: $(find ur_description)/config/ur20/physical_parameters.yaml]
      • visual_params [default: $(find ur_description)/config/ur20/visual_parameters.yaml]
      • transmission_hw_interface [default: hardware_interface/EffortJointInterface] — The hardware_interface to expose for each joint in the simulated robot (one of: [hardware_interface/PositionJointInterface, hardware_interface/VelocityJointInterface, hardware_interface/EffortJointInterface])
      • controller_config_file [default: $(find ur_gazebo)/config/ur20_controllers.yaml] — Config file used for defining the ROS-Control controllers.
      • controllers [default: joint_state_controller eff_joint_traj_controller] — Controllers that are activated by default.
      • stopped_controllers [default: joint_group_eff_controller] — Controllers that are initally loaded, but not started.
      • tf_prefix [default: ] — tf_prefix used for the robot.
      • tf_pub_rate [default: 500] — Rate at which robot_state_publisher should publish transforms.
      • paused [default: false] — Starts Gazebo in paused mode
      • gui [default: true] — Starts Gazebo gui
  • launch/inc/load_ur20.launch.xml
      • joint_limit_params [default: $(find ur_description)/config/ur20/joint_limits.yaml]
      • kinematics_params [default: $(find ur_description)/config/ur20/default_kinematics.yaml]
      • physical_params [default: $(find ur_description)/config/ur20/physical_parameters.yaml]
      • visual_params [default: $(find ur_description)/config/ur20/visual_parameters.yaml]
      • transmission_hw_interface [default: hardware_interface/EffortJointInterface] — The hardware_interface to expose for each joint in the simulated robot (one of: [PositionJointInterface, VelocityJointInterface, EffortJointInterface])
      • safety_limits [default: false] — If True, enable the safety limits controller
      • safety_pos_margin [default: 0.15] — The lower/upper limits in the safety controller
      • safety_k_position [default: 20] — Used to set k position in the safety controller
  • launch/inc/load_ur30.launch.xml
      • joint_limit_params [default: $(find ur_description)/config/ur30/joint_limits.yaml]
      • kinematics_params [default: $(find ur_description)/config/ur30/default_kinematics.yaml]
      • physical_params [default: $(find ur_description)/config/ur30/physical_parameters.yaml]
      • visual_params [default: $(find ur_description)/config/ur30/visual_parameters.yaml]
      • transmission_hw_interface [default: hardware_interface/EffortJointInterface] — The hardware_interface to expose for each joint in the simulated robot (one of: [PositionJointInterface, VelocityJointInterface, EffortJointInterface])
      • safety_limits [default: false] — If True, enable the safety limits controller
      • safety_pos_margin [default: 0.15] — The lower/upper limits in the safety controller
      • safety_k_position [default: 20] — Used to set k position in the safety controller
  • launch/inc/load_ur5.launch.xml
      • joint_limit_params [default: $(find ur_description)/config/ur5/joint_limits.yaml]
      • kinematics_params [default: $(find ur_description)/config/ur5/default_kinematics.yaml]
      • physical_params [default: $(find ur_description)/config/ur5/physical_parameters.yaml]
      • visual_params [default: $(find ur_description)/config/ur5/visual_parameters.yaml]
      • transmission_hw_interface [default: hardware_interface/EffortJointInterface] — The hardware_interface to expose for each joint in the simulated robot (one of: [PositionJointInterface, VelocityJointInterface, EffortJointInterface])
      • safety_limits [default: false] — If True, enable the safety limits controller
      • safety_pos_margin [default: 0.15] — The lower/upper limits in the safety controller
      • safety_k_position [default: 20] — Used to set k position in the safety controller
  • launch/inc/load_ur10.launch.xml
      • joint_limit_params [default: $(find ur_description)/config/ur10/joint_limits.yaml]
      • kinematics_params [default: $(find ur_description)/config/ur10/default_kinematics.yaml]
      • physical_params [default: $(find ur_description)/config/ur10/physical_parameters.yaml]
      • visual_params [default: $(find ur_description)/config/ur10/visual_parameters.yaml]
      • transmission_hw_interface [default: hardware_interface/EffortJointInterface] — The hardware_interface to expose for each joint in the simulated robot (one of: [PositionJointInterface, VelocityJointInterface, EffortJointInterface])
      • safety_limits [default: false] — If True, enable the safety limits controller
      • safety_pos_margin [default: 0.15] — The lower/upper limits in the safety controller
      • safety_k_position [default: 20] — Used to set k position in the safety controller
  • launch/inc/ur_control.launch.xml
      • controller_config_file — Config file used for defining the ROS-Control controllers.
      • controllers [default: joint_state_controller eff_joint_traj_controller]
      • stopped_controllers [default: joint_group_eff_controller]
      • gazebo_model_name [default: robot] — The name to give to the model in Gazebo (after spawning it).
      • gazebo_world [default: worlds/] — The '.world' file to load in Gazebo.
      • gui [default: true] — If true, Gazebo UI is started. If false, only start Gazebo server.
      • paused [default: false] — If true, start Gazebo in paused mode. If false, start simulation as soon as Gazebo has loaded.
      • robot_description_param_name [default: robot_description] — Name of the parameter which contains the robot description (ie: URDF) which should be spawned into Gazebo.
      • spawn_z [default: 0.1] — At which height the model should be spawned. NOTE: lower values will cause the robot to collide with the ground plane.
      • start_gazebo [default: true] — If true, Gazebo will be started. If false, Gazebo will be assumed to have been started elsewhere.
      • initial_joint_positions [default: -J shoulder_pan_joint 0.0 -J shoulder_lift_joint -1.57 -J elbow_joint 0.0 -J wrist_1_joint -1.57 -J wrist_2_joint 0.0 -J wrist_3_joint 0.0] — Initial joint configuration of the robot
  • launch/inc/load_ur.launch.xml
      • robot_model — Type/series of used UR robot (ur3, ur3e, ur5, ur5e, ur10, ur10e, ur16e, ur20, ur30)
      • joint_limit_params — YAML file containing the joint limit values
      • kinematics_params — YAML file containing the robot's kinematic parameters. These will be different for each robot as they contain the robot's calibration.
      • physical_params — YAML file containing the phycical parameters of the robots
      • visual_params — YAML file containing the visual model of the robots
      • transmission_hw_interface [default: hardware_interface/EffortJointInterface] — The hardware_interface to expose for each joint in the simulated robot (one of: [PositionJointInterface, VelocityJointInterface, EffortJointInterface])
      • safety_limits [default: false] — If True, enable the safety limits controller
      • safety_pos_margin [default: 0.15] — The lower/upper limits in the safety controller
      • safety_k_position [default: 20] — Used to set k position in the safety controller
  • launch/inc/load_ur3e.launch.xml
      • joint_limit_params [default: $(find ur_description)/config/ur3e/joint_limits.yaml]
      • kinematics_params [default: $(find ur_description)/config/ur3e/default_kinematics.yaml]
      • physical_params [default: $(find ur_description)/config/ur3e/physical_parameters.yaml]
      • visual_params [default: $(find ur_description)/config/ur3e/visual_parameters.yaml]
      • transmission_hw_interface [default: hardware_interface/EffortJointInterface] — The hardware_interface to expose for each joint in the simulated robot (one of: [PositionJointInterface, VelocityJointInterface, EffortJointInterface])
      • safety_limits [default: false] — If True, enable the safety limits controller
      • safety_pos_margin [default: 0.15] — The lower/upper limits in the safety controller
      • safety_k_position [default: 20] — Used to set k position in the safety controller
  • launch/inc/load_ur5e.launch.xml
      • joint_limit_params [default: $(find ur_description)/config/ur5e/joint_limits.yaml]
      • kinematics_params [default: $(find ur_description)/config/ur5e/default_kinematics.yaml]
      • physical_params [default: $(find ur_description)/config/ur5e/physical_parameters.yaml]
      • visual_params [default: $(find ur_description)/config/ur5e/visual_parameters.yaml]
      • transmission_hw_interface [default: hardware_interface/EffortJointInterface] — The hardware_interface to expose for each joint in the simulated robot (one of: [PositionJointInterface, VelocityJointInterface, EffortJointInterface])
      • safety_limits [default: false] — If True, enable the safety limits controller
      • safety_pos_margin [default: 0.15] — The lower/upper limits in the safety controller
      • safety_k_position [default: 20] — Used to set k position in the safety controller
  • launch/inc/load_ur3.launch.xml
      • joint_limit_params [default: $(find ur_description)/config/ur3/joint_limits.yaml]
      • kinematics_params [default: $(find ur_description)/config/ur3/default_kinematics.yaml]
      • physical_params [default: $(find ur_description)/config/ur3/physical_parameters.yaml]
      • visual_params [default: $(find ur_description)/config/ur3/visual_parameters.yaml]
      • transmission_hw_interface [default: hardware_interface/EffortJointInterface] — The hardware_interface to expose for each joint in the simulated robot (one of: [PositionJointInterface, VelocityJointInterface, EffortJointInterface])
      • safety_limits [default: false] — If True, enable the safety limits controller
      • safety_pos_margin [default: 0.15] — The lower/upper limits in the safety controller
      • safety_k_position [default: 20] — Used to set k position in the safety controller
  • launch/inc/load_ur10e.launch.xml
      • joint_limit_params [default: $(find ur_description)/config/ur10e/joint_limits.yaml]
      • kinematics_params [default: $(find ur_description)/config/ur10e/default_kinematics.yaml]
      • physical_params [default: $(find ur_description)/config/ur10e/physical_parameters.yaml]
      • visual_params [default: $(find ur_description)/config/ur10e/visual_parameters.yaml]
      • transmission_hw_interface [default: hardware_interface/EffortJointInterface] — The hardware_interface to expose for each joint in the simulated robot (one of: [PositionJointInterface, VelocityJointInterface, EffortJointInterface])
      • safety_limits [default: false] — If True, enable the safety limits controller
      • safety_pos_margin [default: 0.15] — The lower/upper limits in the safety controller
      • safety_k_position [default: 20] — Used to set k position in the safety controller
  • launch/inc/load_ur16e.launch.xml
      • joint_limit_params [default: $(find ur_description)/config/ur16e/joint_limits.yaml]
      • kinematics_params [default: $(find ur_description)/config/ur16e/default_kinematics.yaml]
      • physical_params [default: $(find ur_description)/config/ur16e/physical_parameters.yaml]
      • visual_params [default: $(find ur_description)/config/ur16e/visual_parameters.yaml]
      • transmission_hw_interface [default: hardware_interface/EffortJointInterface] — The hardware_interface to expose for each joint in the simulated robot (one of: [PositionJointInterface, VelocityJointInterface, EffortJointInterface])
      • safety_limits [default: false] — If True, enable the safety limits controller
      • safety_pos_margin [default: 0.15] — The lower/upper limits in the safety controller
      • safety_k_position [default: 20] — Used to set k position in the safety controller
  • tests/roslaunch_test_ur16e.xml
  • tests/roslaunch_test_ur30.xml
  • tests/roslaunch_test_ur5e.xml
  • tests/roslaunch_test_ur20.xml
  • tests/roslaunch_test_ur3.xml
  • tests/roslaunch_test_ur3e.xml
  • tests/roslaunch_test_ur5.xml
  • tests/roslaunch_test_ur10.xml
  • tests/roslaunch_test_ur10e.xml


No message files found.


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Package Summary

Tags No category tags.
Version 1.1.11
License BSD
Build type CATKIN

Repository Summary

Checkout URI
VCS Type git
VCS Version indigo-devel
Last Updated 2018-01-06
CI status Continuous Integration
Tags No category tags.
Contributing Help Wanted (0)
Good First Issues (0)
Pull Requests to Review (0)

Package Description

Gazebo wrapper for the Universal UR5/10 robot arms.

Additional Links


  • Felix Messmer
  • G.A. vd. Hoorn


  • Alexander Bubeck
  • Shaun Edwards
  • Felix Messmer
No README found. See repository README.

Changelog for package ur_gazebo

1.1.11 (2018-01-06)

1.1.10 (2017-08-04)

1.1.9 (2017-01-02)

  • No changes.

1.1.8 (2016-12-30)

  • ur_gazebo: escape underscore in changelog (#279).
  • all: update maintainers.
  • Contributors: gavanderhoorn

1.1.7 (2016-12-29)

  • ur_gazebo: add controller_manager as run dependency.
  • Contributors: Hans-Joachim Krauch

1.1.6 (2016-04-01)

  • provide launch files for ur3
  • use controller_manager spawn
  • allow to start gazebo without gui
  • adjust controllers to new hardwareInterface - affects simulation only
  • Contributors: ipa-fxm

1.0.2 (2014-03-31)

1.0.1 (2014-03-31)

  • adapt launch files in order to be able to use normal/limited xacro
  • updates for latest gazebo under hydro
  • Contributors: ipa-fxm
  • Added definitions for adding tergets in install folder. Issue #10.
  • Added definitions for adding tergets in install folder. Issue #10.
  • Updated to catkin. ur_driver's files were added to nested Python directory for including in other packages.
  • removed arm_ prefix from joint names in gazebo controller config
  • Renamed packages and new groovy version
  • Added ur10 and renamed packages
  • Contributors: IPR-SR2, Kelsey, Mathias Lüdtke, ipa-nhg, robot

Wiki Tutorials

This package does not provide any links to tutorials in it's rosindex metadata. You can check on the ROS Wiki Tutorials page for the package.

Launch files


No message files found.


No service files found


No plugins found.

Recent questions tagged ur_gazebo at Robotics Stack Exchange

Package Summary

Tags No category tags.
Version 1.0.5
License BSD
Build type CATKIN

Repository Summary

Checkout URI
VCS Type git
VCS Version hydro-devel
Last Updated 2015-03-12
CI status Continuous Integration
Tags No category tags.
Contributing Help Wanted (0)
Good First Issues (0)
Pull Requests to Review (0)

Package Description

Gazebo wrapper for the Universal UR5/10 robot arms.

Additional Links


  • Alexander Bubeck


  • Alexander Bubeck
  • Shaun Edwards
  • Felix Messmer
No README found. See repository README.

Changelog for package ur_gazebo

1.0.2 (2014-03-31)

1.0.1 (2014-03-31)

  • adapt launch files in order to be able to use normal/limited xacro
  • updates for latest gazebo under hydro
  • Contributors: ipa-fxm
  • Added definitions for adding tergets in install folder. Issue #10.
  • Added definitions for adding tergets in install folder. Issue #10.
  • Updated to catkin. ur_driver's files were added to nested Python directory for including in other packages.
  • removed arm prefix from joint names in gazebo controller config
  • Renamed packages and new groovy version
  • Added ur10 and renamed packages
  • Contributors: IPR-SR2, Kelsey, Mathias Lüdtke, ipa-nhg, robot

Wiki Tutorials

This package does not provide any links to tutorials in it's rosindex metadata. You can check on the ROS Wiki Tutorials page for the package.

Launch files


No message files found.


No service files found


No plugins found.

Recent questions tagged ur_gazebo at Robotics Stack Exchange

Package Summary

Tags No category tags.
Version 1.2.7
License BSD
Build type CATKIN

Repository Summary

Checkout URI
VCS Type git
VCS Version kinetic-devel
Last Updated 2019-11-23
CI status Continuous Integration
Tags No category tags.
Contributing Help Wanted (0)
Good First Issues (0)
Pull Requests to Review (0)

Package Description

Gazebo wrapper for the Universal UR5/10 robot arms.

Additional Links


  • G.A. vd. Hoorn
  • Miguel Prada Sarasola
  • Nadia Hammoudeh Garcia


  • Alexander Bubeck
  • Shaun Edwards
  • Felix Messmer
No README found. See repository README.

Changelog for package ur_gazebo

1.2.7 (2019-11-23)

1.2.6 (2019-11-19)

  • Migrated all package.xml files to format=2 (#439)
  • Load the JointGroupPositionController so jog commands can be sent (#422)
  • Contributors: AndyZe, Felix Mauch, Qiang Qiu

1.2.5 (2019-04-05)

  • Update maintainer listing: add Miguel (#410)
  • UR-E Series (#380)
  • Update maintainer and author information.
  • Add roslaunch tests (#362)
  • Using the 'doc' attribute on 'arg' elements.
  • Contributors: Dave Niewinski, gavanderhoorn, Harsh Deshpande, Nadia Hammoudeh García

1.2.1 (2018-01-06)

1.2.0 (2017-08-04)

1.1.9 (2017-01-02)

  • No changes.

1.1.8 (2016-12-30)

  • ur_gazebo: escape underscore in changelog (#279).
  • all: update maintainers.
  • Contributors: gavanderhoorn

1.1.7 (2016-12-29)

  • ur_gazebo: add controller_manager as run dependency.
  • Contributors: Hans-Joachim Krauch

1.1.6 (2016-04-01)

  • provide launch files for ur3
  • use controller_manager spawn
  • allow to start gazebo without gui
  • adjust controllers to new hardwareInterface - affects simulation only
  • Contributors: ipa-fxm

1.0.2 (2014-03-31)

1.0.1 (2014-03-31)

  • adapt launch files in order to be able to use normal/limited xacro
  • updates for latest gazebo under hydro
  • Contributors: ipa-fxm
  • Added definitions for adding tergets in install folder. Issue #10.
  • Added definitions for adding tergets in install folder. Issue #10.
  • Updated to catkin. ur_driver's files were added to nested Python directory for including in other packages.
  • removed arm_ prefix from joint names in gazebo controller config
  • Renamed packages and new groovy version
  • Added ur10 and renamed packages
  • Contributors: IPR-SR2, Kelsey, Mathias Lüdtke, ipa-nhg, robot

Wiki Tutorials

This package does not provide any links to tutorials in it's rosindex metadata. You can check on the ROS Wiki Tutorials page for the package.

Launch files

  • launch/ur10.launch
      • limited [default: false] — If true, limits joint range [-PI, PI] on all joints.
      • paused [default: false] — Starts gazebo in paused mode
      • gui [default: true] — Starts gazebo gui
      • world_name [default: worlds/]
  • launch/ur10_joint_limited.launch
      • gui [default: true] — Starts gazebo gui
  • launch/controller_utils.launch
  • launch/ur5.launch
      • limited [default: false] — If true, limits joint range [-PI, PI] on all joints.
      • paused [default: false] — Starts gazebo in paused mode
      • gui [default: true] — Starts gazebo gui
      • world_name [default: worlds/]
  • launch/ur3.launch
      • limited [default: false] — If true, limits joint range [-PI, PI] on all joints.
      • paused [default: false] — Starts gazebo in paused mode
      • gui [default: true] — Starts gazebo gui
      • world_name [default: worlds/]
  • launch/ur5_joint_limited.launch
      • gui [default: true] — Starts gazebo gui
  • launch/ur3_joint_limited.launch
      • gui [default: true] — Starts gazebo gui
  • tests/roslaunch_test.xml


No message files found.


No service files found


No plugins found.

Recent questions tagged ur_gazebo at Robotics Stack Exchange

Package Summary

Tags No category tags.
Version 1.3.1
License BSD
Build type CATKIN

Repository Summary

Checkout URI
VCS Type git
VCS Version melodic-devel
Last Updated 2024-03-20
CI status
Tags No category tags.
Contributing Help Wanted (0)
Good First Issues (0)
Pull Requests to Review (0)

Package Description

Gazebo wrapper for the Universal UR5/10 robot arms.

Additional Links


  • G.A. vd. Hoorn
  • Miguel Prada Sarasola
  • Nadia Hammoudeh Garcia


  • Alexander Bubeck
  • Shaun Edwards
  • Felix Messmer
No README found. See repository README.

Changelog for package ur_gazebo

1.3.1 (2022-11-11)

1.3.0 (2022-11-10)

  • Merge melodic-devel-staging #617 from ros-industrial/melodic-devel-staging
  • Merge pull request #619 from fmauch/gazebo_effort_controllers Gazebo effort controllers
  • [ur_gazebo] update effort_controllers' pid parameters
  • [ur_gazebo] Switch to effort controllers
  • [ur_gazebo] Switch common files to effort controllers
  • Add tool0_controller frame for gazebo simulation (#611) In order to make the simulation more consistent to the ur_robot_driver (and ur_modern_driver) this adds a tool0_controller frame. For the driver this corresponds to the tool transformation published by the robot controller directly. As this doesn't exist for the simulated robot, this adds the frame using an identity transform from tool0.
  • Make ur_gazebo robot name consistent with ur_description (#615)
  • Increase minimum CMake version to allow builds on Focal Fossa (Noetic) (#586)
  • Merge pull request #562 from fmauch/convenience_macros Add convenience macros for description files
  • ur_gazebo: Update path ur ur_macro.xacro This was changed in e4eb54718edc6ff414d3c046f2589b798b15f9b2
  • Merge pull request #518 from gavanderhoorn/gazebo_updates Main improvements:
    • follow ROS-I naming and package layout conventions
    • clean up xacros (naming, whitespace, etc)
    • treat (the virtual robot in) Gazebo as much as possible as just another UR variant (so we get to reuse workflow, settings and [.launch]{.title-ref} files as much as possible)
    • improve comments in [.xacro]{.title-ref} files
    • clean up "public API" of [ur_gazebo]{.title-ref} (ie: [.launch]{.title-ref} and [_macro.xacro]{.title-ref} files )
  • gazebo: values less than 0.1 for spawn_z will be problematic. So explain this in the arg's documentation.
  • gazebo: in-order is the default on Melodic. And we've broken Kinetic-compatibility quite a few commits ago.
  • gazebo: list valid values for 'transmission_hw_interface'. For some reason this was not yet documented.
  • gazebo: clarify we load a position joint trajectory controller. So include that in the name.
  • gazebo: move include to scope of ur_robot_gazebo macro. Prevent potential clashes with symbols outside of that scope.
  • gazebo: update comments in xacros.
  • gazebo: run e-Series controllers at 500 Hz. Same rate as the real controller.
  • gazebo: give e-Series variants their own controller configs.
  • gazebo: restructure bringup entry points. By lifting some of the nodes and parameters to the bringup files (from ur_common.launch.xml), they should be easier to use (and maintain). Anything specific to the use of a robot in a particular configuration (ie: a workcell or simulation) should exist at the bringup level, not in a common (ie: shared) file, as that will make it harder to change (as changes will be shared by many other setups). This restructuring makes ur_common.launch.xml redundant, so we also remove it.
  • gazebo: ur_control: allow more control over launch args. Over:
    • which world to load
    • whether to start Gazebo or not
    • from which parameter to (attempt to) load the urdf
    • what name to give to the spawned robot model (inside the simulation)
  • gazebo: rostopic is no longer used.
  • gazebo: update tests to load non-entry-point loaders.
  • gazebo: include load launch file with relative include.
  • gazebo: hide loaders as well.
  • gazebo: update paths to included launch files. Use 'dirname' substitution arg to express relative include.
  • gazebo: hide non-entry-point launch files. These launch files are not meant to be started directly, so 'hide' them roslaunch's auto-complete.
  • gazebo: there is no 'vel_based_pos_traj_controller', so remove.
  • gazebo: fix comments in bringup launch files.
  • gazebo: load URDF in bringup launch files. The main 'driver' launch file should not load the URDF, as it's not the task of the driver. This also removes one level of argument-forwarding (namely: the arguments for the xacro macro). Finally, it provides a nicer template for users to base their own launch files on, as they 'only' have to deal with these top-level bringup launch files.
  • gazebo: test variants separately and also test bringup.
  • gazebo: fix install rule.
  • gazebo: set controller pub rates to be like real hw. As we don't have separate controller config files for e-Series robots, they will still 'only' publish at 125 Hz. We might change this in the future.
  • gazebo: use new controller config files.
  • gazebo: rename controller config files. Align with names in ur_robot_driver.
  • gazebo: clarify 'world' frame utility in top-level xacro.
  • gazebo: refactor gazebo and gazebo_ros_control integration. This changes all bringup launch files in this package to be like those of a regular driver. In essence, Gazebo (and the UR(s) simulated by it) are treated as just-another-robot, with the associated launch file infrastructure. As ur_robot_driver is currently the driver most users will be exposed to and have experience with, the launch file structure of that driver has been used as a template. But instead of starting the actual ur_robot_driver node, the 'lowest' launch file (ie: 'ur_control.launch') starts Gazebo and loads and spawns the controllers. After this launch file has completed its work, users should see a ROS API (ie: topics, services and actions) similar to what they'd see when using the a real UR with ur_robot_driver. Main differences would be (at this point, this may change in the future):
    • no force-torque sensor output (ie: no 'wrench' topic)
    • no URScript topic (as the controller is not simulated by Gazebo)
    • no IO topics nor services
    • no MainBoard or similar topics
    • no Dashboard services
    • no 'tool communication' topics nor services

    - no 'tool0_controller' TF frame Parameter files used with the xacro macro for the real robot (ie: joint limits, kinematics, visual and physical parameters) can be used with the Gazebo simulation as well.

  • gazebo: cleanup ros_control config yamls. Use the same set of controllers for all robots, use the same names for controllers as used by [ur_robot_driver]{.title-ref} and include the JointStateController in the same file. NOTE: this is all position control only (and thus open-loop or 'forward command' control (using ros_control vernacular)).
  • gazebo: don't default to UR3 parameter files. Top-level xacro should not default to any robot.
  • gazebo: use 'bringup' launch file name. These files will serve the same purpose as those provided by a/the driver (but instead of a driver, they will launch Gazebo). Give them the same name to make them recognisable.
  • gazebo: introduce 'load_*.launch' helpers. These mimic the files with the same names as in ur_description, but load the Gazebo model instead of the real robot onto the parameter server.
  • gazebo: controller_utils isn't re-used anywhere else. So merge contents into 'ur_common.launch' and remove the file.
  • gazebo: nothing to calibrate. This is most likely a relic from the PR2 simulation.
  • gazebo: 2-spaces per indent level.
  • gazebo: formatting and comments of xacros.
  • gazebo: use new robot and macro name. Align with filenames and other ROS-Industrial Gazebo support packages.
  • gazebo: merge relevant content from common.gazebo.xacro into macro. Only the ros_control elements are retained. The UR doesn't have a battery, so no need to include that plugin.
  • gazebo: use new filenames.
  • gazebo: follow description xacro macro naming. Rename file to reflect name of macro or top-level entity. Include 'gazebo' reference as these files host content specific to Gazebo.
  • Merge pull request #520 from gavanderhoorn/fix_yaml_loading Load yaml files in read_model_data(..), nowhere else
  • gazebo: pass parameter filenames, not their content. Aligns with similar changes in ur_description.
  • Merge pull request #516 from gavanderhoorn/convert_limits_files Use 'ros_control style' joint limit files
  • gazebo: use new arg names for joint limits. Renamed in ur_description, so use the new names here as well and pass the right values.
  • gazebo: update joint limit filename references. They were renamed (in c0f71ebb), so use the new names.
  • Merge pull request #497 from gavanderhoorn/desc_updates Misc updates to ur_description
  • gazebo: use new xacro macro file.
  • Merge pull request #477 from fmauch/ur16e Add Ur16e support
  • Updated ur16 files for calibrated URDF
  • Preliminary model version of UR16 added This model is only correct in the kinematics structure. Meshes and dynamics parameters have to be corrected.
  • Use full kinematics parameters in description (#495) the kinematics parameters can be retrieved from a calibration mechanism to precisely represent the robot's kinematics.
  • Merge pull request #371 from ipa-led/ur_description_args Urdf with args and yaml configuration
  • change gazebo launch file and tests
    • added e-series
  • create urdf files for ur_gazebo
  • migrated all package.xml files to format=2 (#439)
  • Load the JointGroupPositionController so jog commands can be sent (#422)
    • Load the JointGroupPositionController so jog commands can be sent
    • Load new controllers for UR5/UR10, too
    • Add other controllers in launch file
    • Add JointGroupPositionController to UR e-series
  • Merge branch 'kinetic-devel' into patch-1
  • Contributors: AndyZe, Felix Exner, Felix Exner (fexner), Felix Mauch, G.A. vd. Hoorn, Lucchi, Matteo, Ludovic Delval, Nadia Hammoudeh García, Qiang Qiu, RobertWilbrandt, gavanderhoorn, kut

1.2.5 (2019-04-05)

  • Update maintainer listing: add Miguel (#410)
  • UR-E Series (#380)
  • Update maintainer and author information.
  • Add roslaunch tests (#362)
  • Using the 'doc' attribute on 'arg' elements.
  • Contributors: Dave Niewinski, gavanderhoorn, Harsh Deshpande, Nadia Hammoudeh García

1.2.1 (2018-01-06)

1.2.0 (2017-08-04)

1.1.9 (2017-01-02)

  • No changes.

1.1.8 (2016-12-30)

  • ur_gazebo: escape underscore in changelog (#279).
  • all: update maintainers.
  • Contributors: gavanderhoorn

1.1.7 (2016-12-29)

  • ur_gazebo: add controller_manager as run dependency.
  • Contributors: Hans-Joachim Krauch

1.1.6 (2016-04-01)

  • provide launch files for ur3
  • use controller_manager spawn
  • allow to start gazebo without gui
  • adjust controllers to new hardwareInterface - affects simulation only
  • Contributors: ipa-fxm

1.0.2 (2014-03-31)

1.0.1 (2014-03-31)

  • adapt launch files in order to be able to use normal/limited xacro
  • updates for latest gazebo under hydro
  • Contributors: ipa-fxm
  • Added definitions for adding tergets in install folder. Issue #10.
  • Added definitions for adding tergets in install folder. Issue #10.
  • Updated to catkin. ur_driver's files were added to nested Python directory for including in other packages.
  • removed arm_ prefix from joint names in gazebo controller config
  • Renamed packages and new groovy version
  • Added ur10 and renamed packages
  • Contributors: IPR-SR2, Kelsey, Mathias Lüdtke, ipa-nhg, robot

Wiki Tutorials

This package does not provide any links to tutorials in it's rosindex metadata. You can check on the ROS Wiki Tutorials page for the package.

Launch files

  • launch/ur5_bringup.launch
      • robot_description_file [default: $(dirname)/inc/load_ur5.launch.xml] — Launch file which populates the 'robot_description' parameter.
      • joint_limit_params [default: $(find ur_description)/config/ur5/joint_limits.yaml]
      • kinematics_params [default: $(find ur_description)/config/ur5/default_kinematics.yaml]
      • physical_params [default: $(find ur_description)/config/ur5/physical_parameters.yaml]
      • visual_params [default: $(find ur_description)/config/ur5/visual_parameters.yaml]
      • controller_config_file [default: $(find ur_gazebo)/config/ur5_controllers.yaml] — Config file used for defining the ROS-Control controllers.
      • controllers [default: joint_state_controller eff_joint_traj_controller] — Controllers that are activated by default.
      • stopped_controllers [default: joint_group_eff_controller] — Controllers that are initally loaded, but not started.
      • tf_prefix [default: ] — tf_prefix used for the robot.
      • tf_pub_rate [default: 125] — Rate at which robot_state_publisher should publish transforms.
      • paused [default: false] — Starts Gazebo in paused mode
      • gui [default: true] — Starts Gazebo gui
  • launch/ur10_bringup.launch
      • robot_description_file [default: $(dirname)/inc/load_ur10.launch.xml] — Launch file which populates the 'robot_description' parameter.
      • joint_limit_params [default: $(find ur_description)/config/ur10/joint_limits.yaml]
      • kinematics_params [default: $(find ur_description)/config/ur10/default_kinematics.yaml]
      • physical_params [default: $(find ur_description)/config/ur10/physical_parameters.yaml]
      • visual_params [default: $(find ur_description)/config/ur10/visual_parameters.yaml]
      • controller_config_file [default: $(find ur_gazebo)/config/ur10_controllers.yaml] — Config file used for defining the ROS-Control controllers.
      • controllers [default: joint_state_controller eff_joint_traj_controller] — Controllers that are activated by default.
      • stopped_controllers [default: joint_group_eff_controller] — Controllers that are initally loaded, but not started.
      • tf_prefix [default: ] — tf_prefix used for the robot.
      • tf_pub_rate [default: 125] — Rate at which robot_state_publisher should publish transforms.
      • paused [default: false] — Starts Gazebo in paused mode
      • gui [default: true] — Starts Gazebo gui
  • launch/ur3e_bringup.launch
      • robot_description_file [default: $(dirname)/inc/load_ur3e.launch.xml] — Launch file which populates the 'robot_description' parameter.
      • joint_limit_params [default: $(find ur_description)/config/ur3e/joint_limits.yaml]
      • kinematics_params [default: $(find ur_description)/config/ur3e/default_kinematics.yaml]
      • physical_params [default: $(find ur_description)/config/ur3e/physical_parameters.yaml]
      • visual_params [default: $(find ur_description)/config/ur3e/visual_parameters.yaml]
      • controller_config_file [default: $(find ur_gazebo)/config/ur3e_controllers.yaml] — Config file used for defining the ROS-Control controllers.
      • controllers [default: joint_state_controller eff_joint_traj_controller] — Controllers that are activated by default.
      • stopped_controllers [default: joint_group_eff_controller] — Controllers that are initally loaded, but not started.
      • tf_prefix [default: ] — tf_prefix used for the robot.
      • tf_pub_rate [default: 500] — Rate at which robot_state_publisher should publish transforms.
      • paused [default: false] — Starts Gazebo in paused mode
      • gui [default: true] — Starts Gazebo gui
  • launch/ur5e_bringup.launch
      • robot_description_file [default: $(dirname)/inc/load_ur5e.launch.xml] — Launch file which populates the 'robot_description' parameter.
      • joint_limit_params [default: $(find ur_description)/config/ur5e/joint_limits.yaml]
      • kinematics_params [default: $(find ur_description)/config/ur5e/default_kinematics.yaml]
      • physical_params [default: $(find ur_description)/config/ur5e/physical_parameters.yaml]
      • visual_params [default: $(find ur_description)/config/ur5e/visual_parameters.yaml]
      • controller_config_file [default: $(find ur_gazebo)/config/ur5e_controllers.yaml] — Config file used for defining the ROS-Control controllers.
      • controllers [default: joint_state_controller eff_joint_traj_controller] — Controllers that are activated by default.
      • stopped_controllers [default: joint_group_eff_controller] — Controllers that are initally loaded, but not started.
      • tf_prefix [default: ] — tf_prefix used for the robot.
      • tf_pub_rate [default: 500] — Rate at which robot_state_publisher should publish transforms.
      • paused [default: false] — Starts Gazebo in paused mode
      • gui [default: true] — Starts Gazebo gui
  • launch/ur3_bringup.launch
      • robot_description_file [default: $(dirname)/inc/load_ur3.launch.xml] — Launch file which populates the 'robot_description' parameter.
      • joint_limit_params [default: $(find ur_description)/config/ur3/joint_limits.yaml]
      • kinematics_params [default: $(find ur_description)/config/ur3/default_kinematics.yaml]
      • physical_params [default: $(find ur_description)/config/ur3/physical_parameters.yaml]
      • visual_params [default: $(find ur_description)/config/ur3/visual_parameters.yaml]
      • controller_config_file [default: $(find ur_gazebo)/config/ur3_controllers.yaml] — Config file used for defining the ROS-Control controllers.
      • controllers [default: joint_state_controller eff_joint_traj_controller] — Controllers that are activated by default.
      • stopped_controllers [default: joint_group_eff_controller] — Controllers that are initally loaded, but not started.
      • tf_prefix [default: ] — tf_prefix used for the robot.
      • tf_pub_rate [default: 125] — Rate at which robot_state_publisher should publish transforms.
      • paused [default: false] — Starts Gazebo in paused mode
      • gui [default: true] — Starts Gazebo gui
  • launch/ur10e_bringup.launch
      • robot_description_file [default: $(dirname)/inc/load_ur10e.launch.xml] — Launch file which populates the 'robot_description' parameter.
      • joint_limit_params [default: $(find ur_description)/config/ur10e/joint_limits.yaml]
      • kinematics_params [default: $(find ur_description)/config/ur10e/default_kinematics.yaml]
      • physical_params [default: $(find ur_description)/config/ur10e/physical_parameters.yaml]
      • visual_params [default: $(find ur_description)/config/ur10e/visual_parameters.yaml]
      • controller_config_file [default: $(find ur_gazebo)/config/ur10e_controllers.yaml] — Config file used for defining the ROS-Control controllers.
      • controllers [default: joint_state_controller eff_joint_traj_controller] — Controllers that are activated by default.
      • stopped_controllers [default: joint_group_eff_controller] — Controllers that are initally loaded, but not started.
      • tf_prefix [default: ] — tf_prefix used for the robot.
      • tf_pub_rate [default: 500] — Rate at which robot_state_publisher should publish transforms.
      • paused [default: false] — Starts Gazebo in paused mode
      • gui [default: true] — Starts Gazebo gui
  • launch/ur16e_bringup.launch
      • robot_description_file [default: $(dirname)/inc/load_ur16e.launch.xml] — Launch file which populates the 'robot_description' parameter.
      • joint_limit_params [default: $(find ur_description)/config/ur16e/joint_limits.yaml]
      • kinematics_params [default: $(find ur_description)/config/ur16e/default_kinematics.yaml]
      • physical_params [default: $(find ur_description)/config/ur16e/physical_parameters.yaml]
      • visual_params [default: $(find ur_description)/config/ur16e/visual_parameters.yaml]
      • controller_config_file [default: $(find ur_gazebo)/config/ur16e_controllers.yaml] — Config file used for defining the ROS-Control controllers.
      • controllers [default: joint_state_controller eff_joint_traj_controller] — Controllers that are activated by default.
      • stopped_controllers [default: joint_group_eff_controller] — Controllers that are initally loaded, but not started.
      • tf_prefix [default: ] — tf_prefix used for the robot.
      • tf_pub_rate [default: 500] — Rate at which robot_state_publisher should publish transforms.
      • paused [default: false] — Starts Gazebo in paused mode
      • gui [default: true] — Starts Gazebo gui
  • launch/inc/load_ur5.launch.xml
      • joint_limit_params [default: $(find ur_description)/config/ur5/joint_limits.yaml]
      • kinematics_params [default: $(find ur_description)/config/ur5/default_kinematics.yaml]
      • physical_params [default: $(find ur_description)/config/ur5/physical_parameters.yaml]
      • visual_params [default: $(find ur_description)/config/ur5/visual_parameters.yaml]
      • transmission_hw_interface [default: hardware_interface/EffortJointInterface] — The hardware_interface to expose for each joint in the simulated robot (one of: [PositionJointInterface, VelocityJointInterface, EffortJointInterface])
      • safety_limits [default: false] — If True, enable the safety limits controller
      • safety_pos_margin [default: 0.15] — The lower/upper limits in the safety controller
      • safety_k_position [default: 20] — Used to set k position in the safety controller
  • launch/inc/load_ur10.launch.xml
      • joint_limit_params [default: $(find ur_description)/config/ur10/joint_limits.yaml]
      • kinematics_params [default: $(find ur_description)/config/ur10/default_kinematics.yaml]
      • physical_params [default: $(find ur_description)/config/ur10/physical_parameters.yaml]
      • visual_params [default: $(find ur_description)/config/ur10/visual_parameters.yaml]
      • transmission_hw_interface [default: hardware_interface/EffortJointInterface] — The hardware_interface to expose for each joint in the simulated robot (one of: [PositionJointInterface, VelocityJointInterface, EffortJointInterface])
      • safety_limits [default: false] — If True, enable the safety limits controller
      • safety_pos_margin [default: 0.15] — The lower/upper limits in the safety controller
      • safety_k_position [default: 20] — Used to set k position in the safety controller
  • launch/inc/ur_control.launch.xml
      • controller_config_file — Config file used for defining the ROS-Control controllers.
      • controllers [default: joint_state_controller eff_joint_traj_controller]
      • stopped_controllers [default: joint_group_eff_controller]
      • gazebo_model_name [default: robot] — The name to give to the model in Gazebo (after spawning it).
      • gazebo_world [default: worlds/] — The '.world' file to load in Gazebo.
      • gui [default: true] — If true, Gazebo UI is started. If false, only start Gazebo server.
      • paused [default: false] — If true, start Gazebo in paused mode. If false, start simulation as soon as Gazebo has loaded.
      • robot_description_param_name [default: robot_description] — Name of the parameter which contains the robot description (ie: URDF) which should be spawned into Gazebo.
      • spawn_z [default: 0.1] — At which height the model should be spawned. NOTE: lower values will cause the robot to collide with the ground plane.
      • start_gazebo [default: true] — If true, Gazebo will be started. If false, Gazebo will be assumed to have been started elsewhere.
  • launch/inc/load_ur.launch.xml
      • robot_model — Type/series of used UR robot (ur3, ur3e, ur5, ur5e, ur10, ur10e, ur16e)
      • joint_limit_params — YAML file containing the joint limit values
      • kinematics_params — YAML file containing the robot's kinematic parameters. These will be different for each robot as they contain the robot's calibration.
      • physical_params — YAML file containing the phycical parameters of the robots
      • visual_params — YAML file containing the visual model of the robots
      • transmission_hw_interface [default: hardware_interface/EffortJointInterface] — The hardware_interface to expose for each joint in the simulated robot (one of: [PositionJointInterface, VelocityJointInterface, EffortJointInterface])
      • safety_limits [default: false] — If True, enable the safety limits controller
      • safety_pos_margin [default: 0.15] — The lower/upper limits in the safety controller
      • safety_k_position [default: 20] — Used to set k position in the safety controller
  • launch/inc/load_ur3e.launch.xml
      • joint_limit_params [default: $(find ur_description)/config/ur3e/joint_limits.yaml]
      • kinematics_params [default: $(find ur_description)/config/ur3e/default_kinematics.yaml]
      • physical_params [default: $(find ur_description)/config/ur3e/physical_parameters.yaml]
      • visual_params [default: $(find ur_description)/config/ur3e/visual_parameters.yaml]
      • transmission_hw_interface [default: hardware_interface/EffortJointInterface] — The hardware_interface to expose for each joint in the simulated robot (one of: [PositionJointInterface, VelocityJointInterface, EffortJointInterface])
      • safety_limits [default: false] — If True, enable the safety limits controller
      • safety_pos_margin [default: 0.15] — The lower/upper limits in the safety controller
      • safety_k_position [default: 20] — Used to set k position in the safety controller
  • launch/inc/load_ur5e.launch.xml
      • joint_limit_params [default: $(find ur_description)/config/ur5e/joint_limits.yaml]
      • kinematics_params [default: $(find ur_description)/config/ur5e/default_kinematics.yaml]
      • physical_params [default: $(find ur_description)/config/ur5e/physical_parameters.yaml]
      • visual_params [default: $(find ur_description)/config/ur5e/visual_parameters.yaml]
      • transmission_hw_interface [default: hardware_interface/EffortJointInterface] — The hardware_interface to expose for each joint in the simulated robot (one of: [PositionJointInterface, VelocityJointInterface, EffortJointInterface])
      • safety_limits [default: false] — If True, enable the safety limits controller
      • safety_pos_margin [default: 0.15] — The lower/upper limits in the safety controller
      • safety_k_position [default: 20] — Used to set k position in the safety controller
  • launch/inc/load_ur3.launch.xml
      • joint_limit_params [default: $(find ur_description)/config/ur3/joint_limits.yaml]
      • kinematics_params [default: $(find ur_description)/config/ur3/default_kinematics.yaml]
      • physical_params [default: $(find ur_description)/config/ur3/physical_parameters.yaml]
      • visual_params [default: $(find ur_description)/config/ur3/visual_parameters.yaml]
      • transmission_hw_interface [default: hardware_interface/EffortJointInterface] — The hardware_interface to expose for each joint in the simulated robot (one of: [PositionJointInterface, VelocityJointInterface, EffortJointInterface])
      • safety_limits [default: false] — If True, enable the safety limits controller
      • safety_pos_margin [default: 0.15] — The lower/upper limits in the safety controller
      • safety_k_position [default: 20] — Used to set k position in the safety controller
  • launch/inc/load_ur10e.launch.xml
      • joint_limit_params [default: $(find ur_description)/config/ur10e/joint_limits.yaml]
      • kinematics_params [default: $(find ur_description)/config/ur10e/default_kinematics.yaml]
      • physical_params [default: $(find ur_description)/config/ur10e/physical_parameters.yaml]
      • visual_params [default: $(find ur_description)/config/ur10e/visual_parameters.yaml]
      • transmission_hw_interface [default: hardware_interface/EffortJointInterface] — The hardware_interface to expose for each joint in the simulated robot (one of: [PositionJointInterface, VelocityJointInterface, EffortJointInterface])
      • safety_limits [default: false] — If True, enable the safety limits controller
      • safety_pos_margin [default: 0.15] — The lower/upper limits in the safety controller
      • safety_k_position [default: 20] — Used to set k position in the safety controller
  • launch/inc/load_ur16e.launch.xml
      • joint_limit_params [default: $(find ur_description)/config/ur16e/joint_limits.yaml]
      • kinematics_params [default: $(find ur_description)/config/ur16e/default_kinematics.yaml]
      • physical_params [default: $(find ur_description)/config/ur16e/physical_parameters.yaml]
      • visual_params [default: $(find ur_description)/config/ur16e/visual_parameters.yaml]
      • transmission_hw_interface [default: hardware_interface/EffortJointInterface] — The hardware_interface to expose for each joint in the simulated robot (one of: [PositionJointInterface, VelocityJointInterface, EffortJointInterface])
      • safety_limits [default: false] — If True, enable the safety limits controller
      • safety_pos_margin [default: 0.15] — The lower/upper limits in the safety controller
      • safety_k_position [default: 20] — Used to set k position in the safety controller
  • tests/roslaunch_test_ur16e.xml
  • tests/roslaunch_test_ur5e.xml
  • tests/roslaunch_test_ur3.xml
  • tests/roslaunch_test_ur3e.xml
  • tests/roslaunch_test_ur5.xml
  • tests/roslaunch_test_ur10.xml
  • tests/roslaunch_test_ur10e.xml


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