No version for distro humble. Known supported distros are highlighted in the buttons above.
No version for distro jazzy. Known supported distros are highlighted in the buttons above.
No version for distro rolling. Known supported distros are highlighted in the buttons above.
No version for distro noetic. Known supported distros are highlighted in the buttons above.
No version for distro ardent. Known supported distros are highlighted in the buttons above.
No version for distro bouncy. Known supported distros are highlighted in the buttons above.
No version for distro crystal. Known supported distros are highlighted in the buttons above.
No version for distro eloquent. Known supported distros are highlighted in the buttons above.
No version for distro dashing. Known supported distros are highlighted in the buttons above.
No version for distro galactic. Known supported distros are highlighted in the buttons above.
No version for distro foxy. Known supported distros are highlighted in the buttons above.
No version for distro iron. Known supported distros are highlighted in the buttons above.
No version for distro lunar. Known supported distros are highlighted in the buttons above.
No version for distro jade. Known supported distros are highlighted in the buttons above.
Package Summary
Tags | No category tags. |
Version | 0.3.5 |
License | BSD |
Build type | CATKIN |
Repository Summary
Checkout URI | |
VCS Type | git |
VCS Version | indigo-devel |
Last Updated | 2018-02-07 |
Dev Status | MAINTAINED |
CI status | Continuous Integration |
Released | RELEASED |
Tags | No category tags. |
Contributing |
Help Wanted (0)
Good First Issues (0) Pull Requests to Review (0) |
Package Description
The motoman driver package includes nodes for interfacing with a motoman
industrial robot controllers.
Additional Links
- Jeremy Zoss (Southwest Research Institute)
- Jeremy Zoss (Southwest Research Institute)
No README found.
See repository README.
Changelog for package motoman_driver
0.3.5 (2016-07-03)
- Cleaned up issues with Changelogs
- Contributors: Shaun Edwards
0.3.4 (2016-07-03)
- driver: remove deprecated 'robot_interface.launch' file. Deprecated since at least Aug-2013 (9acb8550).
- Support for multiple motion group control
- v1.3.4 MotoROS driver If a multi-group command is being processed, but one of the groups has a full queue, it will respond with a proper ROS_RESULT_BUSY message. To keep everything in sync, none of the groups will be processed.
- v1.3.3 MotoROS driver Improved initialization speed on DX200 controllers. Updates to the Parameter Extraction library on DX200 allow faster reading from the controller at startup.
- v1.3.0 MotoROS driver - minor bug fix Fix expected byte length for multi-group messages
- v1.3.1 MotoROS driver Added assertion to verify axis-type is valid Removed commented code line
- v1.3.0 MotoROS driver Add support for linear axes (such as base track). Linear position data in Meters. Fix support for external axes on DX100. Fix error code returned for an unknown msgType. Modified the size verification on ROS_MSG_MOTO_JOINT_TRAJ_PT_FULL_EX messages. You are not required to send data for four groups if you system doesn't have that many groups.* correcting comment to match with launch files: dx100 does not use bswap, FS100 does
- Fix Issue #62: motoman_driver CMakeLists.txt missing motoman_msgs dependencies
- v1.2.5 MotoROS driver Fix disconnect logic in the State Server Fixed issue with re-connecting to the State Server after closing multiple concurrent connections.
- v1.2.4 Update multi-group message id's
- v1.2.3 Rename subdirectory for DX200 Inform-job No change actual job; just to folder structure. Corrected ROS_MSG_JOINT_FEEDBACK_EX message. This message will only be sent if the controller has more than one control-group. Single arm systems will not send this message.
- v1.2.2 Corrected the ROS_MSG_MOTO_MOTION_REPLY when replying to ROS_MSG_JOINT_TRAJ_PT_FULL_EX. A motion-reply message will be sent for each control group affected by the multi-group-motion message. The motion-reply will correctly indicate the control group index for what it represents
- v1.2.1 Primitive I/O support Added custom Motoman-specific message for reading and writing a single I/O point in the controller. Note: Write-support is limited to only certain addresses in the robot controller. See wiki for details. Fixed multiple-arm support for the DX100 controller.
- v1.2.0 Add support for multiple control groups. Support for SDA robots, or multiple individual robots and/or external axes. Add new command message for controlling up to 4 groups. Add new position-feedback message to send all group data. Add compatibility for DX200 controller. Convert MotoPlusIDE projects into Visual Studio solution. Maintained legacy compatibility for MPIDE. Improve I/O feedback signals. Allocate additional signals for future expansion. Add more cases where feedback signals are used. Improve error handling Add additional text and I/O feedback in error cases
- Contributors: Jeremy Zoss, Maarten de Vries, Sachin Chitta, Shaun Edwards, Ted Miller, Thiago de Freitas Oliveira Araujo, gavanderhoorn, thiagodefreitas
0.3.3 (2014-02-07)
- No changes
0.3.2 (2014-01-31)
- No changes
0.3.1 (2014-01-30)
- Synchronized versions for bloom release
- driver: move DEPENDS to CATKIN_DEPENDS. Fix #24.
- driver: link against catkin_LIBRARIES. Fix #23.
- driver: avoid hardcoded python path. Fix #19.
- Update
- Add proper install targets to driver pkg. This fixes #10.
- Added binaries of motoplus driver. These can be directly loaded on the controller
- Added controller specific INFORM files
- Commiting motoplus changes required to support DX100 using new incremental motion interface
- Renamed fs100 package to motoman_driver. The new package now contains drivers for all controllers. Package name reflects new naming convention
- Contributors: Shaun Edwards, Thomas Timm Andersen, gavanderhoorn
Wiki Tutorials
This package does not provide any links to tutorials in it's rosindex metadata.
You can check on the ROS Wiki Tutorials page for the package.
Package Dependencies
System Dependencies
No direct system dependencies.
Launch files
- launch/robot_multigroup_interface_streaming_yrc1000.launch
Multigroup, contoller specific version of 'robot_interface.launch'.
robot_multigroup_interface_streaming_yrc1000.launch robot_ip:=
- robot_ip
- use_bswap [default: false]
Multigroup, contoller specific version of 'robot_interface.launch'.
robot_multigroup_interface_streaming_yrc1000.launch robot_ip:=
- launch/robot_state_fs100.launch
Contoller specific version of 'robot_interface.launch'.
robot_state_fs100.launch robot_ip:=
- robot_ip
Contoller specific version of 'robot_interface.launch'.
robot_state_fs100.launch robot_ip:=
- launch/robot_multigroup_interface_streaming_fs100.launch
Multigroup, contoller specific version of 'robot_interface.launch'.
robot_multigroup_interface_streaming_fs100.launch robot_ip:=
- robot_ip
- use_bswap [default: true]
Multigroup, contoller specific version of 'robot_interface.launch'.
robot_multigroup_interface_streaming_fs100.launch robot_ip:=
- launch/robot_interface_streaming_fs100.launch
Contoller specific version of 'robot_interface.launch'.
robot_interface_streaming_fs100.launch robot_ip:=
- robot_ip
- use_bswap [default: true]
- version0 [default: true]
Contoller specific version of 'robot_interface.launch'.
robot_interface_streaming_fs100.launch robot_ip:=
- launch/robot_multigroup_interface_streaming_dx100.launch
Multigroup, contoller specific version of 'robot_interface.launch'.
robot_multigroup_interface_streaming_dx100.launch robot_ip:=
- robot_ip
- use_bswap [default: false]
Multigroup, contoller specific version of 'robot_interface.launch'.
robot_multigroup_interface_streaming_dx100.launch robot_ip:=
- launch/robot_interface_streaming_dx100.launch
Contoller specific version of 'robot_interface.launch'.
robot_interface_streaming_dx100.launch robot_ip:=
- robot_ip
- use_bswap [default: false]
- version0 [default: true]
Contoller specific version of 'robot_interface.launch'.
robot_interface_streaming_dx100.launch robot_ip:=
- launch/robot_interface_streaming_yrc1000.launch
Contoller specific version of 'robot_interface.launch'.
robot_interface_streaming_yrc1000.launch robot_ip:=
- robot_ip
- use_bswap [default: false]
- version0 [default: true]
Contoller specific version of 'robot_interface.launch'.
robot_interface_streaming_yrc1000.launch robot_ip:=
- launch/robot_state.launch
- Wrapper launch file for the Motoman specific robot_state node.
- robot_ip
- use_bswap
- launch/motion_streaming_interface.launch
- Wrapper launch file for the Fanuc specific motion streaming interface node.
- robot_ip
- use_bswap
- launch/robot_state_dx200.launch
Contoller specific version of 'robot_interface.launch'.
robot_state_dx200.launch robot_ip:=
- robot_ip
Contoller specific version of 'robot_interface.launch'.
robot_state_dx200.launch robot_ip:=
- launch/robot_state_dx100.launch
Contoller specific version of 'robot_interface.launch'.
robot_state_dx100.launch robot_ip:=
- robot_ip
Contoller specific version of 'robot_interface.launch'.
robot_state_dx100.launch robot_ip:=
- launch/robot_state_yrc1000.launch
Contoller specific version of 'robot_interface.launch'.
robot_state_yrc1000.launch robot_ip:=
- robot_ip
Contoller specific version of 'robot_interface.launch'.
robot_state_yrc1000.launch robot_ip:=
- launch/robot_interface_streaming.launch
- version0
- robot_ip
- use_bswap
- launch/robot_interface_streaming_dx200.launch
Contoller specific version of 'robot_interface.launch'.
robot_interface_streaming_dx200.launch robot_ip:=
- robot_ip
- use_bswap [default: false]
- version0 [default: true]
Contoller specific version of 'robot_interface.launch'.
robot_interface_streaming_dx200.launch robot_ip:=
- launch/robot_multigroup_interface_streaming_dx200.launch
Multigroup, contoller specific version of 'robot_interface.launch'.
robot_multigroup_interface_streaming_dx200.launch robot_ip:=
- robot_ip
- use_bswap [default: false]
Multigroup, contoller specific version of 'robot_interface.launch'.
robot_multigroup_interface_streaming_dx200.launch robot_ip:=
No message files found.
No service files found
No plugins found.
Recent questions tagged motoman_driver at Robotics Stack Exchange
![]() |
motoman_driver package from motoman repomotoman motoman_config motoman_driver motoman_mh5_support motoman_sia10d_support motoman_sia20d_moveit_config motoman_sia20d_support motoman_sia5d_support |
Package Summary
Tags | No category tags. |
Version | 0.3.3 |
License | BSD |
Build type | CATKIN |
Repository Summary
Checkout URI | |
VCS Type | git |
VCS Version | hydro |
Last Updated | 2014-02-08 |
Dev Status | MAINTAINED |
CI status | Continuous Integration |
Released | RELEASED |
Tags | No category tags. |
Contributing |
Help Wanted (0)
Good First Issues (0) Pull Requests to Review (0) |
Package Description
The motoman driver package includes nodes for interfacing with a motoman
industrial robot controllers.
Additional Links
- Jeremy Zoss (Southwest Research Institute)
- Jeremy Zoss (Southwest Research Institute)
No README found.
See repository README.
Changelog for package motoman_driver
0.3.3 (2014-02-07)
- No changes
0.3.2 (2014-01-31)
- No changes
0.3.1 (2014-01-30)
- Synchronized versions for bloom release
- driver: move DEPENDS to CATKIN_DEPENDS. Fix #24.
- driver: link against catkin_LIBRARIES. Fix #23.
- driver: avoid hardcoded python path. Fix #19.
- Update
- Add proper install targets to driver pkg. This fixes #10.
- Added binaries of motoplus driver. These can be directly loaded on the controller
- Added controller specific INFORM files
- Commiting motoplus changes required to support DX100 using new incremental motion interface
- Renamed fs100 package to motoman_driver. The new package now contains drivers for all controllers. Package name reflects new naming convention
- Contributors: Shaun Edwards, Thomas Timm Andersen, gavanderhoorn
Wiki Tutorials
This package does not provide any links to tutorials in it's rosindex metadata.
You can check on the ROS Wiki Tutorials page for the package.
Package Dependencies
Deps | Name |
std_msgs | |
roscpp | |
actionlib | |
trajectory_msgs | |
actionlib_msgs | |
control_msgs | |
sensor_msgs | |
simple_message | |
urdf | |
industrial_msgs | |
industrial_robot_client | |
industrial_utils | |
catkin |
System Dependencies
No direct system dependencies.
Dependant Packages
Launch files
- launch/robot_state_fs100.launch
Contoller specific version of 'robot_interface.launch'.
robot_state_fs100.launch robot_ip:=
- robot_ip
Contoller specific version of 'robot_interface.launch'.
robot_state_fs100.launch robot_ip:=
- launch/robot_interface_streaming_fs100.launch
Contoller specific version of 'robot_interface.launch'.
robot_interface_streaming_fs100.launch robot_ip:=
- robot_ip
- use_bswap [default: true]
Contoller specific version of 'robot_interface.launch'.
robot_interface_streaming_fs100.launch robot_ip:=
- launch/robot_interface_streaming_dx100.launch
Contoller specific version of 'robot_interface.launch'.
robot_interface_streaming_dx100.launch robot_ip:=
- robot_ip
- use_bswap [default: false]
Contoller specific version of 'robot_interface.launch'.
robot_interface_streaming_dx100.launch robot_ip:=
- launch/robot_state.launch
- Wrapper launch file for the Motoman specific robot_state node.
- robot_ip
- use_bswap
- launch/motion_streaming_interface.launch
- Wrapper launch file for the Fanuc specific motion streaming interface node.
- robot_ip
- use_bswap
- launch/robot_interface.launch
- robot_ip
- launch/robot_state_dx100.launch
Contoller specific version of 'robot_interface.launch'.
robot_state_dx100.launch robot_ip:=
- robot_ip
Contoller specific version of 'robot_interface.launch'.
robot_state_dx100.launch robot_ip:=
- launch/robot_interface_streaming.launch
- robot_ip
- use_bswap
No message files found.
No service files found
No plugins found.
Recent questions tagged motoman_driver at Robotics Stack Exchange
Package Summary
Tags | No category tags. |
Version | 0.3.5 |
License | BSD |
Build type | CATKIN |
Repository Summary
Checkout URI | |
VCS Type | git |
VCS Version | kinetic-devel |
Last Updated | 2025-03-18 |
Dev Status | MAINTAINED |
CI status | Continuous Integration |
Released | UNRELEASED |
Tags | No category tags. |
Contributing |
Help Wanted (0)
Good First Issues (0) Pull Requests to Review (0) |
Package Description
ROS-Industrial nodes for interfacing with Yaskawa Motoman robot controllers.
Additional Links
- Jeremy Zoss (Southwest Research Institute)
- Shaun Edwards
- G.A. vd. Hoorn (TU Delft Robotics Institute)
- Jeremy Zoss (Southwest Research Institute)
- Ted Miller (MotoROS) (Yaskawa Motoman)
- Eric Marcil (MotoROS) (Yaskawa Motoman)
No README found.
See repository README.
Changelog for package motoman_driver
0.3.5 (2016-07-03)
- Cleaned up issues with Changelogs
- Contributors: Shaun Edwards
0.3.4 (2016-07-03)
- driver: remove deprecated 'robot_interface.launch' file. Deprecated since at least Aug-2013 (9acb8550).
- Support for multiple motion group control
- v1.3.4 MotoROS driver If a multi-group command is being processed, but one of the groups has a full queue, it will respond with a proper ROS_RESULT_BUSY message. To keep everything in sync, none of the groups will be processed.
- v1.3.3 MotoROS driver Improved initialization speed on DX200 controllers. Updates to the Parameter Extraction library on DX200 allow faster reading from the controller at startup.
- v1.3.0 MotoROS driver - minor bug fix Fix expected byte length for multi-group messages
- v1.3.1 MotoROS driver Added assertion to verify axis-type is valid Removed commented code line
- v1.3.0 MotoROS driver Add support for linear axes (such as base track). Linear position data in Meters. Fix support for external axes on DX100. Fix error code returned for an unknown msgType. Modified the size verification on ROS_MSG_MOTO_JOINT_TRAJ_PT_FULL_EX messages. You are not required to send data for four groups if you system doesn't have that many groups.* correcting comment to match with launch files: dx100 does not use bswap, FS100 does
- Fix Issue #62: motoman_driver CMakeLists.txt missing motoman_msgs dependencies
- v1.2.5 MotoROS driver Fix disconnect logic in the State Server Fixed issue with re-connecting to the State Server after closing multiple concurrent connections.
- v1.2.4 Update multi-group message id's
- v1.2.3 Rename subdirectory for DX200 Inform-job No change actual job; just to folder structure. Corrected ROS_MSG_JOINT_FEEDBACK_EX message. This message will only be sent if the controller has more than one control-group. Single arm systems will not send this message.
- v1.2.2 Corrected the ROS_MSG_MOTO_MOTION_REPLY when replying to ROS_MSG_JOINT_TRAJ_PT_FULL_EX. A motion-reply message will be sent for each control group affected by the multi-group-motion message. The motion-reply will correctly indicate the control group index for what it represents
- v1.2.1 Primitive I/O support Added custom Motoman-specific message for reading and writing a single I/O point in the controller. Note: Write-support is limited to only certain addresses in the robot controller. See wiki for details. Fixed multiple-arm support for the DX100 controller.
- v1.2.0 Add support for multiple control groups. Support for SDA robots, or multiple individual robots and/or external axes. Add new command message for controlling up to 4 groups. Add new position-feedback message to send all group data. Add compatibility for DX200 controller. Convert MotoPlusIDE projects into Visual Studio solution. Maintained legacy compatibility for MPIDE. Improve I/O feedback signals. Allocate additional signals for future expansion. Add more cases where feedback signals are used. Improve error handling Add additional text and I/O feedback in error cases
- Contributors: Jeremy Zoss, Maarten de Vries, Sachin Chitta, Shaun Edwards, Ted Miller, Thiago de Freitas Oliveira Araujo, gavanderhoorn, thiagodefreitas
0.3.3 (2014-02-07)
- No changes
0.3.2 (2014-01-31)
- No changes
0.3.1 (2014-01-30)
- Synchronized versions for bloom release
- driver: move DEPENDS to CATKIN_DEPENDS. Fix #24.
- driver: link against catkin_LIBRARIES. Fix #23.
- driver: avoid hardcoded python path. Fix #19.
- Update
- Add proper install targets to driver pkg. This fixes #10.
- Added binaries of motoplus driver. These can be directly loaded on the controller
- Added controller specific INFORM files
- Commiting motoplus changes required to support DX100 using new incremental motion interface
- Renamed fs100 package to motoman_driver. The new package now contains drivers for all controllers. Package name reflects new naming convention
- Contributors: Shaun Edwards, Thomas Timm Andersen, gavanderhoorn
Wiki Tutorials
This package does not provide any links to tutorials in it's rosindex metadata.
You can check on the ROS Wiki Tutorials page for the package.
Package Dependencies
System Dependencies
No direct system dependencies.
Dependant Packages
Launch files
- launch/robot_multigroup_interface_streaming_yrc1000.launch
Multigroup, contoller specific version of 'robot_interface.launch'.
robot_multigroup_interface_streaming_yrc1000.launch robot_ip:=
- robot_ip — IP of controller
- use_bswap [default: false] — If true, robot driver will byte-swap all incoming and outgoing data
Multigroup, contoller specific version of 'robot_interface.launch'.
robot_multigroup_interface_streaming_yrc1000.launch robot_ip:=
- launch/robot_state_fs100.launch
Contoller specific version of 'robot_interface.launch'.
robot_state_fs100.launch robot_ip:=
- robot_ip — IP of controller
Contoller specific version of 'robot_interface.launch'.
robot_state_fs100.launch robot_ip:=
- launch/robot_multigroup_interface_streaming_fs100.launch
Multigroup, contoller specific version of 'robot_interface.launch'.
robot_multigroup_interface_streaming_fs100.launch robot_ip:=
- robot_ip — IP of controller
- use_bswap [default: true] — If true, robot driver will byte-swap all incoming and outgoing data
Multigroup, contoller specific version of 'robot_interface.launch'.
robot_multigroup_interface_streaming_fs100.launch robot_ip:=
- launch/robot_interface_streaming_fs100.launch
Contoller specific version of 'robot_interface.launch'.
robot_interface_streaming_fs100.launch robot_ip:=
- robot_ip — IP of controller
- use_bswap [default: true] — If true, robot driver will byte-swap all incoming and outgoing data
- version0 [default: true] — If true, driver assumes an older version of client without multi-group support
Contoller specific version of 'robot_interface.launch'.
robot_interface_streaming_fs100.launch robot_ip:=
- launch/robot_multigroup_interface_streaming_dx100.launch
Multigroup, contoller specific version of 'robot_interface.launch'.
robot_multigroup_interface_streaming_dx100.launch robot_ip:=
- robot_ip — IP of controller
- use_bswap [default: false] — If true, robot driver will byte-swap all incoming and outgoing data
Multigroup, contoller specific version of 'robot_interface.launch'.
robot_multigroup_interface_streaming_dx100.launch robot_ip:=
- launch/robot_interface_streaming_dx100.launch
Contoller specific version of 'robot_interface.launch'.
robot_interface_streaming_dx100.launch robot_ip:=
- robot_ip — IP of controller
- use_bswap [default: false] — If true, robot driver will byte-swap all incoming and outgoing data
- version0 [default: true] — If true, driver assumes an older version of client without multi-group support
Contoller specific version of 'robot_interface.launch'.
robot_interface_streaming_dx100.launch robot_ip:=
- launch/robot_interface_streaming_yrc1000.launch
Contoller specific version of 'robot_interface.launch'.
robot_interface_streaming_yrc1000.launch robot_ip:=
- robot_ip — IP of controller
- use_bswap [default: false] — If true, robot driver will byte-swap all incoming and outgoing data
- version0 [default: true] — If true, driver assumes an older version of client without multi-group support
Contoller specific version of 'robot_interface.launch'.
robot_interface_streaming_yrc1000.launch robot_ip:=
- launch/robot_state.launch
- Wrapper launch file for the Motoman specific robot_state node.
- robot_ip — IP of controller
- use_bswap — If true, robot driver will byte-swap all incoming and outgoing data
- launch/motion_streaming_interface.launch
- Wrapper launch file for the Fanuc specific motion streaming interface node.
- robot_ip — IP of controller
- use_bswap — If true, robot driver will byte-swap all incoming and outgoing data
- launch/io_relay.launch
- Wrapper launch file for I/O relay node.
- robot_ip — IP of controller
- tcp_port [default: 50242] — TCP port the IO server is listening on
- use_bswap — If true, robot driver will byte-swap all incoming and outgoing data
- launch/robot_state_dx200.launch
Contoller specific version of 'robot_interface.launch'.
robot_state_dx200.launch robot_ip:=
- robot_ip — IP of controller
Contoller specific version of 'robot_interface.launch'.
robot_state_dx200.launch robot_ip:=
- launch/robot_state_dx100.launch
Contoller specific version of 'robot_interface.launch'.
robot_state_dx100.launch robot_ip:=
- robot_ip — IP of controller
Contoller specific version of 'robot_interface.launch'.
robot_state_dx100.launch robot_ip:=
- launch/robot_state_yrc1000.launch
Contoller specific version of 'robot_interface.launch'.
robot_state_yrc1000.launch robot_ip:=
- robot_ip — IP of controller
Contoller specific version of 'robot_interface.launch'.
robot_state_yrc1000.launch robot_ip:=
- launch/robot_interface_streaming.launch
- version0 — If true, driver assumes an older version of client without multi-group support
- robot_ip — IP of controller
- use_bswap — If true, robot driver will byte-swap all incoming and outgoing data
- launch/robot_interface_streaming_dx200.launch
Contoller specific version of 'robot_interface.launch'.
robot_interface_streaming_dx200.launch robot_ip:=
- robot_ip — IP of controller
- use_bswap [default: false] — If true, robot driver will byte-swap all incoming and outgoing data
- version0 [default: true] — If true, driver assumes an older version of client without multi-group support
Contoller specific version of 'robot_interface.launch'.
robot_interface_streaming_dx200.launch robot_ip:=
- launch/robot_multigroup_interface_streaming_dx200.launch
Multigroup, contoller specific version of 'robot_interface.launch'.
robot_multigroup_interface_streaming_dx200.launch robot_ip:=
- robot_ip — IP of controller
- use_bswap [default: false] — If true, robot driver will byte-swap all incoming and outgoing data
Multigroup, contoller specific version of 'robot_interface.launch'.
robot_multigroup_interface_streaming_dx200.launch robot_ip:=
- tests/roslaunch_test_io_relay.xml
No message files found.
No service files found
No plugins found.
Recent questions tagged motoman_driver at Robotics Stack Exchange
No version for distro melodic. Known supported distros are highlighted in the buttons above.