object_recognition_msgs package from object_recognition_msgs repo


Package Summary

Tags No category tags.
Version 2.0.0
License BSD
Build type AMENT_CMAKE

Repository Summary

Checkout URI https://github.com/wg-perception/object_recognition_msgs.git
VCS Type git
VCS Version ros2
Last Updated 2023-10-15
CI status No Continuous Integration
Tags No category tags.
Contributing Help Wanted (0)
Good First Issues (0)
Pull Requests to Review (0)

Package Description

Object_recognition_msgs contains the ROS message and the actionlib definition used in object_recognition_core

Additional Links


  • Vincent Rabaud


  • Vincent Rabaud
No README found. No README in repository either.

Changelog for package object_recognition_msgs

2.0.0 (2020-07-23) -----------* Merge pull request #11 from PickNikRobotics/master Port to ROS2 * Suppress -Wredundant-decls warnings (#1) * fixing msg port * Update package.xml build tool & enable message generation * Update package.xml format * Update package.xml dependencies * Update CMakeLists package command * Update CMakeLists file list & interface generator command * Update CMakeLists find_package list * Default to C++ 14 & cmake C++ flags * Update CMakeLists cmake version * Specify Header origin * Contributors: Jonathan Binney, Michael Lautman, Yu, Yan, ibaiape

0.4.2 (2020-04-23)

  • Bump CMake version to avoid CMP0048
  • Contributors: Jonathan Binney, Shane Loretz

0.4.1 (2014-05-11)

  • have the package be architecture independent
  • Contributors: Vincent Rabaud

0.4.0 (2013-12-08)

  • \"0.4.0\"
  • fixes #3 by moving docs to object_recognition_ros remove docs as their built depends on ecto. Put everything in object_recognition_ros
  • let message generation handle Python
  • no need for stack.xml now that Fuerte support is dropped
  • remove redundant info in Table.msg
  • add headers to the Table messages
  • drop Fuerte support
  • change email address
  • Contributors: Vincent Rabaud

0.3.19 (2013-03-28)

  • use the mesh from shape_msgs
  • Contributors: Vincent Rabaud

0.3.18 (2013-03-12)

0.3.17 (2013-03-08)

  • rename the type to key to keep the DB paradigm
  • add dependencies
  • update the dependencies
  • get the compile to compile even without ecto
  • rename ObjectId to ObjectType
  • add basic docs
  • no need for the include folder that was only used by tabletop
  • Contributors: Vincent Rabaud

0.3.16 (2013-02-26 20:19)

  • add the std_msgs dependency
  • Contributors: Vincent Rabaud

0.3.15 (2013-02-26 11:19)

  • fix unneeded dependencies
  • Contributors: Vincent Rabaud

0.3.14 (2013-02-24)

  • have the ecto cells be generated in object_recognition_ros
  • CMake cleanups
  • Contributors: Vincent Rabaud

0.3.13 (2013-01-13)

  • use the proper catkin variable
  • Contributors: Vincent Rabaud

0.3.12 (2013-01-04)

  • remove some warnings
  • remove some compilation error
  • added an optional ROI into the object recognition action
  • add an other conversion routine
  • Contributors: Tommaso Cavallari, Vincent Rabaud

0.3.11 (2012-11-18 17:06)

  • install to the right location on Fuerte
  • Contributors: Vincent Rabaud

0.3.10 (2012-11-18 16:50)

  • try to fix the Unknown CMake command \"find_program_required\".
  • added header to RecognizedObjectArray
  • remove the copyright tag
  • Contributors: Tommaso Cavallari, Vincent Rabaud

0.3.9 (2012-11-03)

  • fix the install paths
  • Contributors: Vincent Rabaud

0.3.8 (2012-11-01)

  • fix install on Fuerte
  • find ecto so that we can check whether we are on Fuerte
  • Contributors: Vincent Rabaud

0.3.7 (2012-10-30)

  • call generate_messages before catkin_package to comply to the new API
  • Contributors: Vincent Rabaud

0.3.6 (2012-10-11)

  • fix dependencies
  • Contributors: Vincent Rabaud

0.3.5 (2012-10-10)

  • remove support for Electric which was broken anyway since we are using Shape from Fuerte and above
  • comply to the new API
  • comply to the new catkin API
  • Contributors: Vincent Rabaud

0.3.4 (2012-09-08)

  • have code work with Electric/Fuerte/Groovy
  • use the cleaner pubsub API
  • use the new ectomodule API
  • remove the Shape msg, as mentioned before, this is in common_msgs now
  • add the manifest so that we can build against it on fuerte with rosbuild
  • Merge branch \'master\' of https://github.com/wg-perception/object_recognition_msgs
  • updated shape_conversions to use the common_msgs shape message instead of the arm_navigation one
  • actually build the message
  • Forgotten shape message
  • Contributors: Jonathan Binney, Mac Mason, Vincent Rabaud

0.3.3 (2012-07-02)

  • use the mesh message from common_msgs
  • fix the new langs/langs-dev dependencies
  • copy from the current dir
  • Contributors: Vincent Rabaud

0.3.2 (2012-06-06)

  • fix bad install of the .msg
  • Contributors: Vincent Rabaud

0.3.1 (2012-06-04)

0.3.0 (2012-04-29)

  • bump the version
  • make the Shape be part of OR and not arm_navigation_msgs
  • Contributors: Vincent Rabaud

0.2.0 (2012-04-10)

  • bump version number
  • use the proper macro to create the pub/sub cells
  • add the missing array
  • add more __init__ for electric
  • make sure to use the _msgs msgs
  • more quirks
  • fix a few quirks
  • build messages for Table
  • do not depend on tabletop
  • add some python stuff
  • add the table msgs for now
  • have cells publishing/subscribing to the msgs
  • fix typos
  • Update msg/RecognizedObject.msg
  • and we do need ecto for electric ......
  • no need for action/srv on electric
  • find ecto to get find_ros_package
  • update some dependencies
  • use arm_navigation_msgs properly
  • include Jenny\'s comments
  • clearner messages and server
  • fix th bad action msg
  • clean the different messages
  • do not generate action files for electric
  • fix more electric stuff
  • fix typo
  • more fixes for electric
  • fix the bad recognition of electric
  • Contributors: Vincent Rabaud, pantofaru

0.1.0 (2012-03-17)

  • create a special package for the messages
  • Contributors: Vincent Rabaud

Wiki Tutorials

See ROS Wiki Tutorials for more details.

Source Tutorials

Not currently indexed.

Recent questions tagged object_recognition_msgs at Robotics Stack Exchange

object_recognition_msgs package from object_recognition_msgs repo


Package Summary

Tags No category tags.
Version 2.0.0
License BSD
Build type AMENT_CMAKE

Repository Summary

Checkout URI https://github.com/wg-perception/object_recognition_msgs.git
VCS Type git
VCS Version ros2
Last Updated 2023-10-15
CI status No Continuous Integration
Tags No category tags.
Contributing Help Wanted (0)
Good First Issues (0)
Pull Requests to Review (0)

Package Description

Object_recognition_msgs contains the ROS message and the actionlib definition used in object_recognition_core

Additional Links


  • Vincent Rabaud


  • Vincent Rabaud
No README found. No README in repository either.

Changelog for package object_recognition_msgs

2.0.0 (2020-07-23) -----------* Merge pull request #11 from PickNikRobotics/master Port to ROS2 * Suppress -Wredundant-decls warnings (#1) * fixing msg port * Update package.xml build tool & enable message generation * Update package.xml format * Update package.xml dependencies * Update CMakeLists package command * Update CMakeLists file list & interface generator command * Update CMakeLists find_package list * Default to C++ 14 & cmake C++ flags * Update CMakeLists cmake version * Specify Header origin * Contributors: Jonathan Binney, Michael Lautman, Yu, Yan, ibaiape

0.4.2 (2020-04-23)

  • Bump CMake version to avoid CMP0048
  • Contributors: Jonathan Binney, Shane Loretz

0.4.1 (2014-05-11)

  • have the package be architecture independent
  • Contributors: Vincent Rabaud

0.4.0 (2013-12-08)

  • \"0.4.0\"
  • fixes #3 by moving docs to object_recognition_ros remove docs as their built depends on ecto. Put everything in object_recognition_ros
  • let message generation handle Python
  • no need for stack.xml now that Fuerte support is dropped
  • remove redundant info in Table.msg
  • add headers to the Table messages
  • drop Fuerte support
  • change email address
  • Contributors: Vincent Rabaud

0.3.19 (2013-03-28)

  • use the mesh from shape_msgs
  • Contributors: Vincent Rabaud

0.3.18 (2013-03-12)

0.3.17 (2013-03-08)

  • rename the type to key to keep the DB paradigm
  • add dependencies
  • update the dependencies
  • get the compile to compile even without ecto
  • rename ObjectId to ObjectType
  • add basic docs
  • no need for the include folder that was only used by tabletop
  • Contributors: Vincent Rabaud

0.3.16 (2013-02-26 20:19)

  • add the std_msgs dependency
  • Contributors: Vincent Rabaud

0.3.15 (2013-02-26 11:19)

  • fix unneeded dependencies
  • Contributors: Vincent Rabaud

0.3.14 (2013-02-24)

  • have the ecto cells be generated in object_recognition_ros
  • CMake cleanups
  • Contributors: Vincent Rabaud

0.3.13 (2013-01-13)

  • use the proper catkin variable
  • Contributors: Vincent Rabaud

0.3.12 (2013-01-04)

  • remove some warnings
  • remove some compilation error
  • added an optional ROI into the object recognition action
  • add an other conversion routine
  • Contributors: Tommaso Cavallari, Vincent Rabaud

0.3.11 (2012-11-18 17:06)

  • install to the right location on Fuerte
  • Contributors: Vincent Rabaud

0.3.10 (2012-11-18 16:50)

  • try to fix the Unknown CMake command \"find_program_required\".
  • added header to RecognizedObjectArray
  • remove the copyright tag
  • Contributors: Tommaso Cavallari, Vincent Rabaud

0.3.9 (2012-11-03)

  • fix the install paths
  • Contributors: Vincent Rabaud

0.3.8 (2012-11-01)

  • fix install on Fuerte
  • find ecto so that we can check whether we are on Fuerte
  • Contributors: Vincent Rabaud

0.3.7 (2012-10-30)

  • call generate_messages before catkin_package to comply to the new API
  • Contributors: Vincent Rabaud

0.3.6 (2012-10-11)

  • fix dependencies
  • Contributors: Vincent Rabaud

0.3.5 (2012-10-10)

  • remove support for Electric which was broken anyway since we are using Shape from Fuerte and above
  • comply to the new API
  • comply to the new catkin API
  • Contributors: Vincent Rabaud

0.3.4 (2012-09-08)

  • have code work with Electric/Fuerte/Groovy
  • use the cleaner pubsub API
  • use the new ectomodule API
  • remove the Shape msg, as mentioned before, this is in common_msgs now
  • add the manifest so that we can build against it on fuerte with rosbuild
  • Merge branch \'master\' of https://github.com/wg-perception/object_recognition_msgs
  • updated shape_conversions to use the common_msgs shape message instead of the arm_navigation one
  • actually build the message
  • Forgotten shape message
  • Contributors: Jonathan Binney, Mac Mason, Vincent Rabaud

0.3.3 (2012-07-02)

  • use the mesh message from common_msgs
  • fix the new langs/langs-dev dependencies
  • copy from the current dir
  • Contributors: Vincent Rabaud

0.3.2 (2012-06-06)

  • fix bad install of the .msg
  • Contributors: Vincent Rabaud

0.3.1 (2012-06-04)

0.3.0 (2012-04-29)

  • bump the version
  • make the Shape be part of OR and not arm_navigation_msgs
  • Contributors: Vincent Rabaud

0.2.0 (2012-04-10)

  • bump version number
  • use the proper macro to create the pub/sub cells
  • add the missing array
  • add more __init__ for electric
  • make sure to use the _msgs msgs
  • more quirks
  • fix a few quirks
  • build messages for Table
  • do not depend on tabletop
  • add some python stuff
  • add the table msgs for now
  • have cells publishing/subscribing to the msgs
  • fix typos
  • Update msg/RecognizedObject.msg
  • and we do need ecto for electric ......
  • no need for action/srv on electric
  • find ecto to get find_ros_package
  • update some dependencies
  • use arm_navigation_msgs properly
  • include Jenny\'s comments
  • clearner messages and server
  • fix th bad action msg
  • clean the different messages
  • do not generate action files for electric
  • fix more electric stuff
  • fix typo
  • more fixes for electric
  • fix the bad recognition of electric
  • Contributors: Vincent Rabaud, pantofaru

0.1.0 (2012-03-17)

  • create a special package for the messages
  • Contributors: Vincent Rabaud

Wiki Tutorials

See ROS Wiki Tutorials for more details.

Source Tutorials

Not currently indexed.

Recent questions tagged object_recognition_msgs at Robotics Stack Exchange

object_recognition_msgs package from object_recognition_msgs repo


Package Summary

Tags No category tags.
Version 2.0.0
License BSD
Build type AMENT_CMAKE

Repository Summary

Checkout URI https://github.com/wg-perception/object_recognition_msgs.git
VCS Type git
VCS Version ros2
Last Updated 2023-10-15
CI status No Continuous Integration
Tags No category tags.
Contributing Help Wanted (0)
Good First Issues (0)
Pull Requests to Review (0)

Package Description

Object_recognition_msgs contains the ROS message and the actionlib definition used in object_recognition_core

Additional Links


  • Vincent Rabaud


  • Vincent Rabaud
No README found. No README in repository either.

Changelog for package object_recognition_msgs

2.0.0 (2020-07-23) -----------* Merge pull request #11 from PickNikRobotics/master Port to ROS2 * Suppress -Wredundant-decls warnings (#1) * fixing msg port * Update package.xml build tool & enable message generation * Update package.xml format * Update package.xml dependencies * Update CMakeLists package command * Update CMakeLists file list & interface generator command * Update CMakeLists find_package list * Default to C++ 14 & cmake C++ flags * Update CMakeLists cmake version * Specify Header origin * Contributors: Jonathan Binney, Michael Lautman, Yu, Yan, ibaiape

0.4.2 (2020-04-23)

  • Bump CMake version to avoid CMP0048
  • Contributors: Jonathan Binney, Shane Loretz

0.4.1 (2014-05-11)

  • have the package be architecture independent
  • Contributors: Vincent Rabaud

0.4.0 (2013-12-08)

  • \"0.4.0\"
  • fixes #3 by moving docs to object_recognition_ros remove docs as their built depends on ecto. Put everything in object_recognition_ros
  • let message generation handle Python
  • no need for stack.xml now that Fuerte support is dropped
  • remove redundant info in Table.msg
  • add headers to the Table messages
  • drop Fuerte support
  • change email address
  • Contributors: Vincent Rabaud

0.3.19 (2013-03-28)

  • use the mesh from shape_msgs
  • Contributors: Vincent Rabaud

0.3.18 (2013-03-12)

0.3.17 (2013-03-08)

  • rename the type to key to keep the DB paradigm
  • add dependencies
  • update the dependencies
  • get the compile to compile even without ecto
  • rename ObjectId to ObjectType
  • add basic docs
  • no need for the include folder that was only used by tabletop
  • Contributors: Vincent Rabaud

0.3.16 (2013-02-26 20:19)

  • add the std_msgs dependency
  • Contributors: Vincent Rabaud

0.3.15 (2013-02-26 11:19)

  • fix unneeded dependencies
  • Contributors: Vincent Rabaud

0.3.14 (2013-02-24)

  • have the ecto cells be generated in object_recognition_ros
  • CMake cleanups
  • Contributors: Vincent Rabaud

0.3.13 (2013-01-13)

  • use the proper catkin variable
  • Contributors: Vincent Rabaud

0.3.12 (2013-01-04)

  • remove some warnings
  • remove some compilation error
  • added an optional ROI into the object recognition action
  • add an other conversion routine
  • Contributors: Tommaso Cavallari, Vincent Rabaud

0.3.11 (2012-11-18 17:06)

  • install to the right location on Fuerte
  • Contributors: Vincent Rabaud

0.3.10 (2012-11-18 16:50)

  • try to fix the Unknown CMake command \"find_program_required\".
  • added header to RecognizedObjectArray
  • remove the copyright tag
  • Contributors: Tommaso Cavallari, Vincent Rabaud

0.3.9 (2012-11-03)

  • fix the install paths
  • Contributors: Vincent Rabaud

0.3.8 (2012-11-01)

  • fix install on Fuerte
  • find ecto so that we can check whether we are on Fuerte
  • Contributors: Vincent Rabaud

0.3.7 (2012-10-30)

  • call generate_messages before catkin_package to comply to the new API
  • Contributors: Vincent Rabaud

0.3.6 (2012-10-11)

  • fix dependencies
  • Contributors: Vincent Rabaud

0.3.5 (2012-10-10)

  • remove support for Electric which was broken anyway since we are using Shape from Fuerte and above
  • comply to the new API
  • comply to the new catkin API
  • Contributors: Vincent Rabaud

0.3.4 (2012-09-08)

  • have code work with Electric/Fuerte/Groovy
  • use the cleaner pubsub API
  • use the new ectomodule API
  • remove the Shape msg, as mentioned before, this is in common_msgs now
  • add the manifest so that we can build against it on fuerte with rosbuild
  • Merge branch \'master\' of https://github.com/wg-perception/object_recognition_msgs
  • updated shape_conversions to use the common_msgs shape message instead of the arm_navigation one
  • actually build the message
  • Forgotten shape message
  • Contributors: Jonathan Binney, Mac Mason, Vincent Rabaud

0.3.3 (2012-07-02)

  • use the mesh message from common_msgs
  • fix the new langs/langs-dev dependencies
  • copy from the current dir
  • Contributors: Vincent Rabaud

0.3.2 (2012-06-06)

  • fix bad install of the .msg
  • Contributors: Vincent Rabaud

0.3.1 (2012-06-04)

0.3.0 (2012-04-29)

  • bump the version
  • make the Shape be part of OR and not arm_navigation_msgs
  • Contributors: Vincent Rabaud

0.2.0 (2012-04-10)

  • bump version number
  • use the proper macro to create the pub/sub cells
  • add the missing array
  • add more __init__ for electric
  • make sure to use the _msgs msgs
  • more quirks
  • fix a few quirks
  • build messages for Table
  • do not depend on tabletop
  • add some python stuff
  • add the table msgs for now
  • have cells publishing/subscribing to the msgs
  • fix typos
  • Update msg/RecognizedObject.msg
  • and we do need ecto for electric ......
  • no need for action/srv on electric
  • find ecto to get find_ros_package
  • update some dependencies
  • use arm_navigation_msgs properly
  • include Jenny\'s comments
  • clearner messages and server
  • fix th bad action msg
  • clean the different messages
  • do not generate action files for electric
  • fix more electric stuff
  • fix typo
  • more fixes for electric
  • fix the bad recognition of electric
  • Contributors: Vincent Rabaud, pantofaru

0.1.0 (2012-03-17)

  • create a special package for the messages
  • Contributors: Vincent Rabaud

Wiki Tutorials

See ROS Wiki Tutorials for more details.

Source Tutorials

Not currently indexed.

Recent questions tagged object_recognition_msgs at Robotics Stack Exchange

object_recognition_msgs package from object_recognition_msgs repo


Package Summary

Tags No category tags.
Version 2.0.0
License BSD
Build type AMENT_CMAKE

Repository Summary

Checkout URI https://github.com/wg-perception/object_recognition_msgs.git
VCS Type git
VCS Version ros2
Last Updated 2023-10-15
CI status No Continuous Integration
Tags No category tags.
Contributing Help Wanted (0)
Good First Issues (0)
Pull Requests to Review (0)

Package Description

Object_recognition_msgs contains the ROS message and the actionlib definition used in object_recognition_core

Additional Links


  • Vincent Rabaud


  • Vincent Rabaud
No README found. No README in repository either.

Changelog for package object_recognition_msgs

2.0.0 (2020-07-23) -----------* Merge pull request #11 from PickNikRobotics/master Port to ROS2 * Suppress -Wredundant-decls warnings (#1) * fixing msg port * Update package.xml build tool & enable message generation * Update package.xml format * Update package.xml dependencies * Update CMakeLists package command * Update CMakeLists file list & interface generator command * Update CMakeLists find_package list * Default to C++ 14 & cmake C++ flags * Update CMakeLists cmake version * Specify Header origin * Contributors: Jonathan Binney, Michael Lautman, Yu, Yan, ibaiape

0.4.2 (2020-04-23)

  • Bump CMake version to avoid CMP0048
  • Contributors: Jonathan Binney, Shane Loretz

0.4.1 (2014-05-11)

  • have the package be architecture independent
  • Contributors: Vincent Rabaud

0.4.0 (2013-12-08)

  • \"0.4.0\"
  • fixes #3 by moving docs to object_recognition_ros remove docs as their built depends on ecto. Put everything in object_recognition_ros
  • let message generation handle Python
  • no need for stack.xml now that Fuerte support is dropped
  • remove redundant info in Table.msg
  • add headers to the Table messages
  • drop Fuerte support
  • change email address
  • Contributors: Vincent Rabaud

0.3.19 (2013-03-28)

  • use the mesh from shape_msgs
  • Contributors: Vincent Rabaud

0.3.18 (2013-03-12)

0.3.17 (2013-03-08)

  • rename the type to key to keep the DB paradigm
  • add dependencies
  • update the dependencies
  • get the compile to compile even without ecto
  • rename ObjectId to ObjectType
  • add basic docs
  • no need for the include folder that was only used by tabletop
  • Contributors: Vincent Rabaud

0.3.16 (2013-02-26 20:19)

  • add the std_msgs dependency
  • Contributors: Vincent Rabaud

0.3.15 (2013-02-26 11:19)

  • fix unneeded dependencies
  • Contributors: Vincent Rabaud

0.3.14 (2013-02-24)

  • have the ecto cells be generated in object_recognition_ros
  • CMake cleanups
  • Contributors: Vincent Rabaud

0.3.13 (2013-01-13)

  • use the proper catkin variable
  • Contributors: Vincent Rabaud

0.3.12 (2013-01-04)

  • remove some warnings
  • remove some compilation error
  • added an optional ROI into the object recognition action
  • add an other conversion routine
  • Contributors: Tommaso Cavallari, Vincent Rabaud

0.3.11 (2012-11-18 17:06)

  • install to the right location on Fuerte
  • Contributors: Vincent Rabaud

0.3.10 (2012-11-18 16:50)

  • try to fix the Unknown CMake command \"find_program_required\".
  • added header to RecognizedObjectArray
  • remove the copyright tag
  • Contributors: Tommaso Cavallari, Vincent Rabaud

0.3.9 (2012-11-03)

  • fix the install paths
  • Contributors: Vincent Rabaud

0.3.8 (2012-11-01)

  • fix install on Fuerte
  • find ecto so that we can check whether we are on Fuerte
  • Contributors: Vincent Rabaud

0.3.7 (2012-10-30)

  • call generate_messages before catkin_package to comply to the new API
  • Contributors: Vincent Rabaud

0.3.6 (2012-10-11)

  • fix dependencies
  • Contributors: Vincent Rabaud

0.3.5 (2012-10-10)

  • remove support for Electric which was broken anyway since we are using Shape from Fuerte and above
  • comply to the new API
  • comply to the new catkin API
  • Contributors: Vincent Rabaud

0.3.4 (2012-09-08)

  • have code work with Electric/Fuerte/Groovy
  • use the cleaner pubsub API
  • use the new ectomodule API
  • remove the Shape msg, as mentioned before, this is in common_msgs now
  • add the manifest so that we can build against it on fuerte with rosbuild
  • Merge branch \'master\' of https://github.com/wg-perception/object_recognition_msgs
  • updated shape_conversions to use the common_msgs shape message instead of the arm_navigation one
  • actually build the message
  • Forgotten shape message
  • Contributors: Jonathan Binney, Mac Mason, Vincent Rabaud

0.3.3 (2012-07-02)

  • use the mesh message from common_msgs
  • fix the new langs/langs-dev dependencies
  • copy from the current dir
  • Contributors: Vincent Rabaud

0.3.2 (2012-06-06)

  • fix bad install of the .msg
  • Contributors: Vincent Rabaud

0.3.1 (2012-06-04)

0.3.0 (2012-04-29)

  • bump the version
  • make the Shape be part of OR and not arm_navigation_msgs
  • Contributors: Vincent Rabaud

0.2.0 (2012-04-10)

  • bump version number
  • use the proper macro to create the pub/sub cells
  • add the missing array
  • add more __init__ for electric
  • make sure to use the _msgs msgs
  • more quirks
  • fix a few quirks
  • build messages for Table
  • do not depend on tabletop
  • add some python stuff
  • add the table msgs for now
  • have cells publishing/subscribing to the msgs
  • fix typos
  • Update msg/RecognizedObject.msg
  • and we do need ecto for electric ......
  • no need for action/srv on electric
  • find ecto to get find_ros_package
  • update some dependencies
  • use arm_navigation_msgs properly
  • include Jenny\'s comments
  • clearner messages and server
  • fix th bad action msg
  • clean the different messages
  • do not generate action files for electric
  • fix more electric stuff
  • fix typo
  • more fixes for electric
  • fix the bad recognition of electric
  • Contributors: Vincent Rabaud, pantofaru

0.1.0 (2012-03-17)

  • create a special package for the messages
  • Contributors: Vincent Rabaud

Wiki Tutorials

See ROS Wiki Tutorials for more details.

Source Tutorials

Not currently indexed.

Recent questions tagged object_recognition_msgs at Robotics Stack Exchange

object_recognition_msgs package from object_recognition_msgs repo


Package Summary

Tags No category tags.
Version 0.4.2
License BSD
Build type CATKIN

Repository Summary

Checkout URI https://github.com/wg-perception/object_recognition_msgs.git
VCS Type git
VCS Version noetic-devel
Last Updated 2020-04-23
CI status Continuous Integration
Tags No category tags.
Contributing Help Wanted (0)
Good First Issues (0)
Pull Requests to Review (0)

Package Description

Object_recognition_msgs contains the ROS message and the actionlib definition used in object_recognition_core

Additional Links


  • Vincent Rabaud


  • Vincent Rabaud
No README found. No README in repository either.

Changelog for package object_recognition_msgs

0.4.2 (2020-04-23)

  • Bump CMake version to avoid CMP0048
  • Contributors: Jonathan Binney, Shane Loretz

0.4.1 (2014-05-11)

  • have the package be architecture independent
  • Contributors: Vincent Rabaud

0.4.0 (2013-12-08)

  • \"0.4.0\"
  • fixes #3 by moving docs to object_recognition_ros remove docs as their built depends on ecto. Put everything in object_recognition_ros
  • let message generation handle Python
  • no need for stack.xml now that Fuerte support is dropped
  • remove redundant info in Table.msg
  • add headers to the Table messages
  • drop Fuerte support
  • change email address
  • Contributors: Vincent Rabaud

0.3.19 (2013-03-28)

  • use the mesh from shape_msgs
  • Contributors: Vincent Rabaud

0.3.18 (2013-03-12)

0.3.17 (2013-03-08)

  • rename the type to key to keep the DB paradigm
  • add dependencies
  • update the dependencies
  • get the compile to compile even without ecto
  • rename ObjectId to ObjectType
  • add basic docs
  • no need for the include folder that was only used by tabletop
  • Contributors: Vincent Rabaud

0.3.16 (2013-02-26 20:19)

  • add the std_msgs dependency
  • Contributors: Vincent Rabaud

0.3.15 (2013-02-26 11:19)

  • fix unneeded dependencies
  • Contributors: Vincent Rabaud

0.3.14 (2013-02-24)

  • have the ecto cells be generated in object_recognition_ros
  • CMake cleanups
  • Contributors: Vincent Rabaud

0.3.13 (2013-01-13)

  • use the proper catkin variable
  • Contributors: Vincent Rabaud

0.3.12 (2013-01-04)

  • remove some warnings
  • remove some compilation error
  • added an optional ROI into the object recognition action
  • add an other conversion routine
  • Contributors: Tommaso Cavallari, Vincent Rabaud

0.3.11 (2012-11-18 17:06)

  • install to the right location on Fuerte
  • Contributors: Vincent Rabaud

0.3.10 (2012-11-18 16:50)

  • try to fix the Unknown CMake command \"find_program_required\".
  • added header to RecognizedObjectArray
  • remove the copyright tag
  • Contributors: Tommaso Cavallari, Vincent Rabaud

0.3.9 (2012-11-03)

  • fix the install paths
  • Contributors: Vincent Rabaud

0.3.8 (2012-11-01)

  • fix install on Fuerte
  • find ecto so that we can check whether we are on Fuerte
  • Contributors: Vincent Rabaud

0.3.7 (2012-10-30)

  • call generate_messages before catkin_package to comply to the new API
  • Contributors: Vincent Rabaud

0.3.6 (2012-10-11)

  • fix dependencies
  • Contributors: Vincent Rabaud

0.3.5 (2012-10-10)

  • remove support for Electric which was broken anyway since we are using Shape from Fuerte and above
  • comply to the new API
  • comply to the new catkin API
  • Contributors: Vincent Rabaud

0.3.4 (2012-09-08)

  • have code work with Electric/Fuerte/Groovy
  • use the cleaner pubsub API
  • use the new ectomodule API
  • remove the Shape msg, as mentioned before, this is in common_msgs now
  • add the manifest so that we can build against it on fuerte with rosbuild
  • Merge branch \'master\' of https://github.com/wg-perception/object_recognition_msgs
  • updated shape_conversions to use the common_msgs shape message instead of the arm_navigation one
  • actually build the message
  • Forgotten shape message
  • Contributors: Jonathan Binney, Mac Mason, Vincent Rabaud

0.3.3 (2012-07-02)

  • use the mesh message from common_msgs
  • fix the new langs/langs-dev dependencies
  • copy from the current dir
  • Contributors: Vincent Rabaud

0.3.2 (2012-06-06)

  • fix bad install of the .msg
  • Contributors: Vincent Rabaud

0.3.1 (2012-06-04)

0.3.0 (2012-04-29)

  • bump the version
  • make the Shape be part of OR and not arm_navigation_msgs
  • Contributors: Vincent Rabaud

0.2.0 (2012-04-10)

  • bump version number
  • use the proper macro to create the pub/sub cells
  • add the missing array
  • add more __init__ for electric
  • make sure to use the _msgs msgs
  • more quirks
  • fix a few quirks
  • build messages for Table
  • do not depend on tabletop
  • add some python stuff
  • add the table msgs for now
  • have cells publishing/subscribing to the msgs
  • fix typos
  • Update msg/RecognizedObject.msg
  • and we do need ecto for electric ......
  • no need for action/srv on electric
  • find ecto to get find_ros_package
  • update some dependencies
  • use arm_navigation_msgs properly
  • include Jenny\'s comments
  • clearner messages and server
  • fix th bad action msg
  • clean the different messages
  • do not generate action files for electric
  • fix more electric stuff
  • fix typo
  • more fixes for electric
  • fix the bad recognition of electric
  • Contributors: Vincent Rabaud, pantofaru

0.1.0 (2012-03-17)

  • create a special package for the messages
  • Contributors: Vincent Rabaud

Wiki Tutorials

See ROS Wiki Tutorials for more details.

Source Tutorials

Not currently indexed.

Recent questions tagged object_recognition_msgs at Robotics Stack Exchange

No version for distro ardent. Known supported distros are highlighted in the buttons above.
No version for distro bouncy. Known supported distros are highlighted in the buttons above.
No version for distro crystal. Known supported distros are highlighted in the buttons above.
No version for distro eloquent. Known supported distros are highlighted in the buttons above.
No version for distro dashing. Known supported distros are highlighted in the buttons above.

object_recognition_msgs package from object_recognition_msgs repo


Package Summary

Tags No category tags.
Version 2.0.0
License BSD
Build type AMENT_CMAKE

Repository Summary

Checkout URI https://github.com/wg-perception/object_recognition_msgs.git
VCS Type git
VCS Version ros2
Last Updated 2023-10-15
CI status No Continuous Integration
Tags No category tags.
Contributing Help Wanted (0)
Good First Issues (0)
Pull Requests to Review (0)

Package Description

Object_recognition_msgs contains the ROS message and the actionlib definition used in object_recognition_core

Additional Links


  • Vincent Rabaud


  • Vincent Rabaud
No README found. No README in repository either.

Changelog for package object_recognition_msgs

2.0.0 (2020-07-23) -----------* Merge pull request #11 from PickNikRobotics/master Port to ROS2 * Suppress -Wredundant-decls warnings (#1) * fixing msg port * Update package.xml build tool & enable message generation * Update package.xml format * Update package.xml dependencies * Update CMakeLists package command * Update CMakeLists file list & interface generator command * Update CMakeLists find_package list * Default to C++ 14 & cmake C++ flags * Update CMakeLists cmake version * Specify Header origin * Contributors: Jonathan Binney, Michael Lautman, Yu, Yan, ibaiape

0.4.2 (2020-04-23)

  • Bump CMake version to avoid CMP0048
  • Contributors: Jonathan Binney, Shane Loretz

0.4.1 (2014-05-11)

  • have the package be architecture independent
  • Contributors: Vincent Rabaud

0.4.0 (2013-12-08)

  • \"0.4.0\"
  • fixes #3 by moving docs to object_recognition_ros remove docs as their built depends on ecto. Put everything in object_recognition_ros
  • let message generation handle Python
  • no need for stack.xml now that Fuerte support is dropped
  • remove redundant info in Table.msg
  • add headers to the Table messages
  • drop Fuerte support
  • change email address
  • Contributors: Vincent Rabaud

0.3.19 (2013-03-28)

  • use the mesh from shape_msgs
  • Contributors: Vincent Rabaud

0.3.18 (2013-03-12)

0.3.17 (2013-03-08)

  • rename the type to key to keep the DB paradigm
  • add dependencies
  • update the dependencies
  • get the compile to compile even without ecto
  • rename ObjectId to ObjectType
  • add basic docs
  • no need for the include folder that was only used by tabletop
  • Contributors: Vincent Rabaud

0.3.16 (2013-02-26 20:19)

  • add the std_msgs dependency
  • Contributors: Vincent Rabaud

0.3.15 (2013-02-26 11:19)

  • fix unneeded dependencies
  • Contributors: Vincent Rabaud

0.3.14 (2013-02-24)

  • have the ecto cells be generated in object_recognition_ros
  • CMake cleanups
  • Contributors: Vincent Rabaud

0.3.13 (2013-01-13)

  • use the proper catkin variable
  • Contributors: Vincent Rabaud

0.3.12 (2013-01-04)

  • remove some warnings
  • remove some compilation error
  • added an optional ROI into the object recognition action
  • add an other conversion routine
  • Contributors: Tommaso Cavallari, Vincent Rabaud

0.3.11 (2012-11-18 17:06)

  • install to the right location on Fuerte
  • Contributors: Vincent Rabaud

0.3.10 (2012-11-18 16:50)

  • try to fix the Unknown CMake command \"find_program_required\".
  • added header to RecognizedObjectArray
  • remove the copyright tag
  • Contributors: Tommaso Cavallari, Vincent Rabaud

0.3.9 (2012-11-03)

  • fix the install paths
  • Contributors: Vincent Rabaud

0.3.8 (2012-11-01)

  • fix install on Fuerte
  • find ecto so that we can check whether we are on Fuerte
  • Contributors: Vincent Rabaud

0.3.7 (2012-10-30)

  • call generate_messages before catkin_package to comply to the new API
  • Contributors: Vincent Rabaud

0.3.6 (2012-10-11)

  • fix dependencies
  • Contributors: Vincent Rabaud

0.3.5 (2012-10-10)

  • remove support for Electric which was broken anyway since we are using Shape from Fuerte and above
  • comply to the new API
  • comply to the new catkin API
  • Contributors: Vincent Rabaud

0.3.4 (2012-09-08)

  • have code work with Electric/Fuerte/Groovy
  • use the cleaner pubsub API
  • use the new ectomodule API
  • remove the Shape msg, as mentioned before, this is in common_msgs now
  • add the manifest so that we can build against it on fuerte with rosbuild
  • Merge branch \'master\' of https://github.com/wg-perception/object_recognition_msgs
  • updated shape_conversions to use the common_msgs shape message instead of the arm_navigation one
  • actually build the message
  • Forgotten shape message
  • Contributors: Jonathan Binney, Mac Mason, Vincent Rabaud

0.3.3 (2012-07-02)

  • use the mesh message from common_msgs
  • fix the new langs/langs-dev dependencies
  • copy from the current dir
  • Contributors: Vincent Rabaud

0.3.2 (2012-06-06)

  • fix bad install of the .msg
  • Contributors: Vincent Rabaud

0.3.1 (2012-06-04)

0.3.0 (2012-04-29)

  • bump the version
  • make the Shape be part of OR and not arm_navigation_msgs
  • Contributors: Vincent Rabaud

0.2.0 (2012-04-10)

  • bump version number
  • use the proper macro to create the pub/sub cells
  • add the missing array
  • add more __init__ for electric
  • make sure to use the _msgs msgs
  • more quirks
  • fix a few quirks
  • build messages for Table
  • do not depend on tabletop
  • add some python stuff
  • add the table msgs for now
  • have cells publishing/subscribing to the msgs
  • fix typos
  • Update msg/RecognizedObject.msg
  • and we do need ecto for electric ......
  • no need for action/srv on electric
  • find ecto to get find_ros_package
  • update some dependencies
  • use arm_navigation_msgs properly
  • include Jenny\'s comments
  • clearner messages and server
  • fix th bad action msg
  • clean the different messages
  • do not generate action files for electric
  • fix more electric stuff
  • fix typo
  • more fixes for electric
  • fix the bad recognition of electric
  • Contributors: Vincent Rabaud, pantofaru

0.1.0 (2012-03-17)

  • create a special package for the messages
  • Contributors: Vincent Rabaud

Wiki Tutorials

See ROS Wiki Tutorials for more details.

Source Tutorials

Not currently indexed.

Recent questions tagged object_recognition_msgs at Robotics Stack Exchange

object_recognition_msgs package from object_recognition_msgs repo


Package Summary

Tags No category tags.
Version 2.0.0
License BSD
Build type AMENT_CMAKE

Repository Summary

Checkout URI https://github.com/wg-perception/object_recognition_msgs.git
VCS Type git
VCS Version ros2
Last Updated 2023-10-15
CI status No Continuous Integration
Tags No category tags.
Contributing Help Wanted (0)
Good First Issues (0)
Pull Requests to Review (0)

Package Description

Object_recognition_msgs contains the ROS message and the actionlib definition used in object_recognition_core

Additional Links


  • Vincent Rabaud


  • Vincent Rabaud
No README found. No README in repository either.

Changelog for package object_recognition_msgs

2.0.0 (2020-07-23) -----------* Merge pull request #11 from PickNikRobotics/master Port to ROS2 * Suppress -Wredundant-decls warnings (#1) * fixing msg port * Update package.xml build tool & enable message generation * Update package.xml format * Update package.xml dependencies * Update CMakeLists package command * Update CMakeLists file list & interface generator command * Update CMakeLists find_package list * Default to C++ 14 & cmake C++ flags * Update CMakeLists cmake version * Specify Header origin * Contributors: Jonathan Binney, Michael Lautman, Yu, Yan, ibaiape

0.4.2 (2020-04-23)

  • Bump CMake version to avoid CMP0048
  • Contributors: Jonathan Binney, Shane Loretz

0.4.1 (2014-05-11)

  • have the package be architecture independent
  • Contributors: Vincent Rabaud

0.4.0 (2013-12-08)

  • \"0.4.0\"
  • fixes #3 by moving docs to object_recognition_ros remove docs as their built depends on ecto. Put everything in object_recognition_ros
  • let message generation handle Python
  • no need for stack.xml now that Fuerte support is dropped
  • remove redundant info in Table.msg
  • add headers to the Table messages
  • drop Fuerte support
  • change email address
  • Contributors: Vincent Rabaud

0.3.19 (2013-03-28)

  • use the mesh from shape_msgs
  • Contributors: Vincent Rabaud

0.3.18 (2013-03-12)

0.3.17 (2013-03-08)

  • rename the type to key to keep the DB paradigm
  • add dependencies
  • update the dependencies
  • get the compile to compile even without ecto
  • rename ObjectId to ObjectType
  • add basic docs
  • no need for the include folder that was only used by tabletop
  • Contributors: Vincent Rabaud

0.3.16 (2013-02-26 20:19)

  • add the std_msgs dependency
  • Contributors: Vincent Rabaud

0.3.15 (2013-02-26 11:19)

  • fix unneeded dependencies
  • Contributors: Vincent Rabaud

0.3.14 (2013-02-24)

  • have the ecto cells be generated in object_recognition_ros
  • CMake cleanups
  • Contributors: Vincent Rabaud

0.3.13 (2013-01-13)

  • use the proper catkin variable
  • Contributors: Vincent Rabaud

0.3.12 (2013-01-04)

  • remove some warnings
  • remove some compilation error
  • added an optional ROI into the object recognition action
  • add an other conversion routine
  • Contributors: Tommaso Cavallari, Vincent Rabaud

0.3.11 (2012-11-18 17:06)

  • install to the right location on Fuerte
  • Contributors: Vincent Rabaud

0.3.10 (2012-11-18 16:50)

  • try to fix the Unknown CMake command \"find_program_required\".
  • added header to RecognizedObjectArray
  • remove the copyright tag
  • Contributors: Tommaso Cavallari, Vincent Rabaud

0.3.9 (2012-11-03)

  • fix the install paths
  • Contributors: Vincent Rabaud

0.3.8 (2012-11-01)

  • fix install on Fuerte
  • find ecto so that we can check whether we are on Fuerte
  • Contributors: Vincent Rabaud

0.3.7 (2012-10-30)

  • call generate_messages before catkin_package to comply to the new API
  • Contributors: Vincent Rabaud

0.3.6 (2012-10-11)

  • fix dependencies
  • Contributors: Vincent Rabaud

0.3.5 (2012-10-10)

  • remove support for Electric which was broken anyway since we are using Shape from Fuerte and above
  • comply to the new API
  • comply to the new catkin API
  • Contributors: Vincent Rabaud

0.3.4 (2012-09-08)

  • have code work with Electric/Fuerte/Groovy
  • use the cleaner pubsub API
  • use the new ectomodule API
  • remove the Shape msg, as mentioned before, this is in common_msgs now
  • add the manifest so that we can build against it on fuerte with rosbuild
  • Merge branch \'master\' of https://github.com/wg-perception/object_recognition_msgs
  • updated shape_conversions to use the common_msgs shape message instead of the arm_navigation one
  • actually build the message
  • Forgotten shape message
  • Contributors: Jonathan Binney, Mac Mason, Vincent Rabaud

0.3.3 (2012-07-02)

  • use the mesh message from common_msgs
  • fix the new langs/langs-dev dependencies
  • copy from the current dir
  • Contributors: Vincent Rabaud

0.3.2 (2012-06-06)

  • fix bad install of the .msg
  • Contributors: Vincent Rabaud

0.3.1 (2012-06-04)

0.3.0 (2012-04-29)

  • bump the version
  • make the Shape be part of OR and not arm_navigation_msgs
  • Contributors: Vincent Rabaud

0.2.0 (2012-04-10)

  • bump version number
  • use the proper macro to create the pub/sub cells
  • add the missing array
  • add more __init__ for electric
  • make sure to use the _msgs msgs
  • more quirks
  • fix a few quirks
  • build messages for Table
  • do not depend on tabletop
  • add some python stuff
  • add the table msgs for now
  • have cells publishing/subscribing to the msgs
  • fix typos
  • Update msg/RecognizedObject.msg
  • and we do need ecto for electric ......
  • no need for action/srv on electric
  • find ecto to get find_ros_package
  • update some dependencies
  • use arm_navigation_msgs properly
  • include Jenny\'s comments
  • clearner messages and server
  • fix th bad action msg
  • clean the different messages
  • do not generate action files for electric
  • fix more electric stuff
  • fix typo
  • more fixes for electric
  • fix the bad recognition of electric
  • Contributors: Vincent Rabaud, pantofaru

0.1.0 (2012-03-17)

  • create a special package for the messages
  • Contributors: Vincent Rabaud

Wiki Tutorials

See ROS Wiki Tutorials for more details.

Source Tutorials

Not currently indexed.

Recent questions tagged object_recognition_msgs at Robotics Stack Exchange

object_recognition_msgs package from object_recognition_msgs repo


Package Summary

Tags No category tags.
Version 0.4.1
License BSD
Build type CATKIN

Repository Summary

Checkout URI https://github.com/wg-perception/object_recognition_msgs.git
VCS Type git
VCS Version master
Last Updated 2014-05-11
CI status Continuous Integration
Tags No category tags.
Contributing Help Wanted (0)
Good First Issues (0)
Pull Requests to Review (0)

Package Description

Object_recognition_msgs contains the ROS message and the actionlib definition used in object_recognition_core

Additional Links


  • Vincent Rabaud


  • Vincent Rabaud
No README found. No README in repository either.

Changelog for package object_recognition_msgs

0.4.1 (2014-05-11)

  • have the package be architecture independent
  • Contributors: Vincent Rabaud

0.4.0 (2013-12-08)

  • \"0.4.0\"
  • fixes #3 by moving docs to object_recognition_ros remove docs as their built depends on ecto. Put everything in object_recognition_ros
  • let message generation handle Python
  • no need for stack.xml now that Fuerte support is dropped
  • remove redundant info in Table.msg
  • add headers to the Table messages
  • drop Fuerte support
  • change email address
  • Contributors: Vincent Rabaud

0.3.19 (2013-03-28)

  • use the mesh from shape_msgs
  • Contributors: Vincent Rabaud

0.3.18 (2013-03-12)

0.3.17 (2013-03-08)

  • rename the type to key to keep the DB paradigm
  • add dependencies
  • update the dependencies
  • get the compile to compile even without ecto
  • rename ObjectId to ObjectType
  • add basic docs
  • no need for the include folder that was only used by tabletop
  • Contributors: Vincent Rabaud

0.3.16 (2013-02-26 20:19)

  • add the std_msgs dependency
  • Contributors: Vincent Rabaud

0.3.15 (2013-02-26 11:19)

  • fix unneeded dependencies
  • Contributors: Vincent Rabaud

0.3.14 (2013-02-24)

  • have the ecto cells be generated in object_recognition_ros
  • CMake cleanups
  • Contributors: Vincent Rabaud

0.3.13 (2013-01-13)

  • use the proper catkin variable
  • Contributors: Vincent Rabaud

0.3.12 (2013-01-04)

  • remove some warnings
  • remove some compilation error
  • added an optional ROI into the object recognition action
  • add an other conversion routine
  • Contributors: Tommaso Cavallari, Vincent Rabaud

0.3.11 (2012-11-18 17:06)

  • install to the right location on Fuerte
  • Contributors: Vincent Rabaud

0.3.10 (2012-11-18 16:50)

  • try to fix the Unknown CMake command \"find_program_required\".
  • added header to RecognizedObjectArray
  • remove the copyright tag
  • Contributors: Tommaso Cavallari, Vincent Rabaud

0.3.9 (2012-11-03)

  • fix the install paths
  • Contributors: Vincent Rabaud

0.3.8 (2012-11-01)

  • fix install on Fuerte
  • find ecto so that we can check whether we are on Fuerte
  • Contributors: Vincent Rabaud

0.3.7 (2012-10-30)

  • call generate_messages before catkin_package to comply to the new API
  • Contributors: Vincent Rabaud

0.3.6 (2012-10-11)

  • fix dependencies
  • Contributors: Vincent Rabaud

0.3.5 (2012-10-10)

  • remove support for Electric which was broken anyway since we are using Shape from Fuerte and above
  • comply to the new API
  • comply to the new catkin API
  • Contributors: Vincent Rabaud

0.3.4 (2012-09-08)

  • have code work with Electric/Fuerte/Groovy
  • use the cleaner pubsub API
  • use the new ectomodule API
  • remove the Shape msg, as mentioned before, this is in common_msgs now
  • add the manifest so that we can build against it on fuerte with rosbuild
  • Merge branch \'master\' of https://github.com/wg-perception/object_recognition_msgs
  • updated shape_conversions to use the common_msgs shape message instead of the arm_navigation one
  • actually build the message
  • Forgotten shape message
  • Contributors: Jonathan Binney, Mac Mason, Vincent Rabaud

0.3.3 (2012-07-02)

  • use the mesh message from common_msgs
  • fix the new langs/langs-dev dependencies
  • copy from the current dir
  • Contributors: Vincent Rabaud

0.3.2 (2012-06-06)

  • fix bad install of the .msg
  • Contributors: Vincent Rabaud

0.3.1 (2012-06-04)

0.3.0 (2012-04-29)

  • bump the version
  • make the Shape be part of OR and not arm_navigation_msgs
  • Contributors: Vincent Rabaud

0.2.0 (2012-04-10)

  • bump version number
  • use the proper macro to create the pub/sub cells
  • add the missing array
  • add more __init__ for electric
  • make sure to use the _msgs msgs
  • more quirks
  • fix a few quirks
  • build messages for Table
  • do not depend on tabletop
  • add some python stuff
  • add the table msgs for now
  • have cells publishing/subscribing to the msgs
  • fix typos
  • Update msg/RecognizedObject.msg
  • and we do need ecto for electric ......
  • no need for action/srv on electric
  • find ecto to get find_ros_package
  • update some dependencies
  • use arm_navigation_msgs properly
  • include Jenny\'s comments
  • clearner messages and server
  • fix th bad action msg
  • clean the different messages
  • do not generate action files for electric
  • fix more electric stuff
  • fix typo
  • more fixes for electric
  • fix the bad recognition of electric
  • Contributors: Vincent Rabaud, pantofaru

0.1.0 (2012-03-17)

  • create a special package for the messages
  • Contributors: Vincent Rabaud

Wiki Tutorials

See ROS Wiki Tutorials for more details.

Source Tutorials

Not currently indexed.

Recent questions tagged object_recognition_msgs at Robotics Stack Exchange

object_recognition_msgs package from object_recognition_msgs repo


Package Summary

Tags No category tags.
Version 0.4.1
License BSD
Build type CATKIN

Repository Summary

Checkout URI https://github.com/wg-perception/object_recognition_msgs.git
VCS Type git
VCS Version master
Last Updated 2014-05-11
CI status Continuous Integration
Tags No category tags.
Contributing Help Wanted (0)
Good First Issues (0)
Pull Requests to Review (0)

Package Description

Object_recognition_msgs contains the ROS message and the actionlib definition used in object_recognition_core

Additional Links


  • Vincent Rabaud


  • Vincent Rabaud
No README found. No README in repository either.

Changelog for package object_recognition_msgs

0.4.1 (2014-05-11)

  • have the package be architecture independent
  • Contributors: Vincent Rabaud

0.4.0 (2013-12-08)

  • \"0.4.0\"
  • fixes #3 by moving docs to object_recognition_ros remove docs as their built depends on ecto. Put everything in object_recognition_ros
  • let message generation handle Python
  • no need for stack.xml now that Fuerte support is dropped
  • remove redundant info in Table.msg
  • add headers to the Table messages
  • drop Fuerte support
  • change email address
  • Contributors: Vincent Rabaud

0.3.19 (2013-03-28)

  • use the mesh from shape_msgs
  • Contributors: Vincent Rabaud

0.3.18 (2013-03-12)

0.3.17 (2013-03-08)

  • rename the type to key to keep the DB paradigm
  • add dependencies
  • update the dependencies
  • get the compile to compile even without ecto
  • rename ObjectId to ObjectType
  • add basic docs
  • no need for the include folder that was only used by tabletop
  • Contributors: Vincent Rabaud

0.3.16 (2013-02-26 20:19)

  • add the std_msgs dependency
  • Contributors: Vincent Rabaud

0.3.15 (2013-02-26 11:19)

  • fix unneeded dependencies
  • Contributors: Vincent Rabaud

0.3.14 (2013-02-24)

  • have the ecto cells be generated in object_recognition_ros
  • CMake cleanups
  • Contributors: Vincent Rabaud

0.3.13 (2013-01-13)

  • use the proper catkin variable
  • Contributors: Vincent Rabaud

0.3.12 (2013-01-04)

  • remove some warnings
  • remove some compilation error
  • added an optional ROI into the object recognition action
  • add an other conversion routine
  • Contributors: Tommaso Cavallari, Vincent Rabaud

0.3.11 (2012-11-18 17:06)

  • install to the right location on Fuerte
  • Contributors: Vincent Rabaud

0.3.10 (2012-11-18 16:50)

  • try to fix the Unknown CMake command \"find_program_required\".
  • added header to RecognizedObjectArray
  • remove the copyright tag
  • Contributors: Tommaso Cavallari, Vincent Rabaud

0.3.9 (2012-11-03)

  • fix the install paths
  • Contributors: Vincent Rabaud

0.3.8 (2012-11-01)

  • fix install on Fuerte
  • find ecto so that we can check whether we are on Fuerte
  • Contributors: Vincent Rabaud

0.3.7 (2012-10-30)

  • call generate_messages before catkin_package to comply to the new API
  • Contributors: Vincent Rabaud

0.3.6 (2012-10-11)

  • fix dependencies
  • Contributors: Vincent Rabaud

0.3.5 (2012-10-10)

  • remove support for Electric which was broken anyway since we are using Shape from Fuerte and above
  • comply to the new API
  • comply to the new catkin API
  • Contributors: Vincent Rabaud

0.3.4 (2012-09-08)

  • have code work with Electric/Fuerte/Groovy
  • use the cleaner pubsub API
  • use the new ectomodule API
  • remove the Shape msg, as mentioned before, this is in common_msgs now
  • add the manifest so that we can build against it on fuerte with rosbuild
  • Merge branch \'master\' of https://github.com/wg-perception/object_recognition_msgs
  • updated shape_conversions to use the common_msgs shape message instead of the arm_navigation one
  • actually build the message
  • Forgotten shape message
  • Contributors: Jonathan Binney, Mac Mason, Vincent Rabaud

0.3.3 (2012-07-02)

  • use the mesh message from common_msgs
  • fix the new langs/langs-dev dependencies
  • copy from the current dir
  • Contributors: Vincent Rabaud

0.3.2 (2012-06-06)

  • fix bad install of the .msg
  • Contributors: Vincent Rabaud

0.3.1 (2012-06-04)

0.3.0 (2012-04-29)

  • bump the version
  • make the Shape be part of OR and not arm_navigation_msgs
  • Contributors: Vincent Rabaud

0.2.0 (2012-04-10)

  • bump version number
  • use the proper macro to create the pub/sub cells
  • add the missing array
  • add more __init__ for electric
  • make sure to use the _msgs msgs
  • more quirks
  • fix a few quirks
  • build messages for Table
  • do not depend on tabletop
  • add some python stuff
  • add the table msgs for now
  • have cells publishing/subscribing to the msgs
  • fix typos
  • Update msg/RecognizedObject.msg
  • and we do need ecto for electric ......
  • no need for action/srv on electric
  • find ecto to get find_ros_package
  • update some dependencies
  • use arm_navigation_msgs properly
  • include Jenny\'s comments
  • clearner messages and server
  • fix th bad action msg
  • clean the different messages
  • do not generate action files for electric
  • fix more electric stuff
  • fix typo
  • more fixes for electric
  • fix the bad recognition of electric
  • Contributors: Vincent Rabaud, pantofaru

0.1.0 (2012-03-17)

  • create a special package for the messages
  • Contributors: Vincent Rabaud

Wiki Tutorials

See ROS Wiki Tutorials for more details.

Source Tutorials

Not currently indexed.

Recent questions tagged object_recognition_msgs at Robotics Stack Exchange

object_recognition_msgs package from object_recognition_msgs repo


Package Summary

Tags No category tags.
Version 0.4.1
License BSD
Build type CATKIN

Repository Summary

Checkout URI https://github.com/wg-perception/object_recognition_msgs.git
VCS Type git
VCS Version master
Last Updated 2014-05-11
CI status Continuous Integration
Tags No category tags.
Contributing Help Wanted (0)
Good First Issues (0)
Pull Requests to Review (0)

Package Description

Object_recognition_msgs contains the ROS message and the actionlib definition used in object_recognition_core

Additional Links


  • Vincent Rabaud


  • Vincent Rabaud
No README found. No README in repository either.

Changelog for package object_recognition_msgs

0.4.1 (2014-05-11)

  • have the package be architecture independent
  • Contributors: Vincent Rabaud

0.4.0 (2013-12-08)

  • \"0.4.0\"
  • fixes #3 by moving docs to object_recognition_ros remove docs as their built depends on ecto. Put everything in object_recognition_ros
  • let message generation handle Python
  • no need for stack.xml now that Fuerte support is dropped
  • remove redundant info in Table.msg
  • add headers to the Table messages
  • drop Fuerte support
  • change email address
  • Contributors: Vincent Rabaud

0.3.19 (2013-03-28)

  • use the mesh from shape_msgs
  • Contributors: Vincent Rabaud

0.3.18 (2013-03-12)

0.3.17 (2013-03-08)

  • rename the type to key to keep the DB paradigm
  • add dependencies
  • update the dependencies
  • get the compile to compile even without ecto
  • rename ObjectId to ObjectType
  • add basic docs
  • no need for the include folder that was only used by tabletop
  • Contributors: Vincent Rabaud

0.3.16 (2013-02-26 20:19)

  • add the std_msgs dependency
  • Contributors: Vincent Rabaud

0.3.15 (2013-02-26 11:19)

  • fix unneeded dependencies
  • Contributors: Vincent Rabaud

0.3.14 (2013-02-24)

  • have the ecto cells be generated in object_recognition_ros
  • CMake cleanups
  • Contributors: Vincent Rabaud

0.3.13 (2013-01-13)

  • use the proper catkin variable
  • Contributors: Vincent Rabaud

0.3.12 (2013-01-04)

  • remove some warnings
  • remove some compilation error
  • added an optional ROI into the object recognition action
  • add an other conversion routine
  • Contributors: Tommaso Cavallari, Vincent Rabaud

0.3.11 (2012-11-18 17:06)

  • install to the right location on Fuerte
  • Contributors: Vincent Rabaud

0.3.10 (2012-11-18 16:50)

  • try to fix the Unknown CMake command \"find_program_required\".
  • added header to RecognizedObjectArray
  • remove the copyright tag
  • Contributors: Tommaso Cavallari, Vincent Rabaud

0.3.9 (2012-11-03)

  • fix the install paths
  • Contributors: Vincent Rabaud

0.3.8 (2012-11-01)

  • fix install on Fuerte
  • find ecto so that we can check whether we are on Fuerte
  • Contributors: Vincent Rabaud

0.3.7 (2012-10-30)

  • call generate_messages before catkin_package to comply to the new API
  • Contributors: Vincent Rabaud

0.3.6 (2012-10-11)

  • fix dependencies
  • Contributors: Vincent Rabaud

0.3.5 (2012-10-10)

  • remove support for Electric which was broken anyway since we are using Shape from Fuerte and above
  • comply to the new API
  • comply to the new catkin API
  • Contributors: Vincent Rabaud

0.3.4 (2012-09-08)

  • have code work with Electric/Fuerte/Groovy
  • use the cleaner pubsub API
  • use the new ectomodule API
  • remove the Shape msg, as mentioned before, this is in common_msgs now
  • add the manifest so that we can build against it on fuerte with rosbuild
  • Merge branch \'master\' of https://github.com/wg-perception/object_recognition_msgs
  • updated shape_conversions to use the common_msgs shape message instead of the arm_navigation one
  • actually build the message
  • Forgotten shape message
  • Contributors: Jonathan Binney, Mac Mason, Vincent Rabaud

0.3.3 (2012-07-02)

  • use the mesh message from common_msgs
  • fix the new langs/langs-dev dependencies
  • copy from the current dir
  • Contributors: Vincent Rabaud

0.3.2 (2012-06-06)

  • fix bad install of the .msg
  • Contributors: Vincent Rabaud

0.3.1 (2012-06-04)

0.3.0 (2012-04-29)

  • bump the version
  • make the Shape be part of OR and not arm_navigation_msgs
  • Contributors: Vincent Rabaud

0.2.0 (2012-04-10)

  • bump version number
  • use the proper macro to create the pub/sub cells
  • add the missing array
  • add more __init__ for electric
  • make sure to use the _msgs msgs
  • more quirks
  • fix a few quirks
  • build messages for Table
  • do not depend on tabletop
  • add some python stuff
  • add the table msgs for now
  • have cells publishing/subscribing to the msgs
  • fix typos
  • Update msg/RecognizedObject.msg
  • and we do need ecto for electric ......
  • no need for action/srv on electric
  • find ecto to get find_ros_package
  • update some dependencies
  • use arm_navigation_msgs properly
  • include Jenny\'s comments
  • clearner messages and server
  • fix th bad action msg
  • clean the different messages
  • do not generate action files for electric
  • fix more electric stuff
  • fix typo
  • more fixes for electric
  • fix the bad recognition of electric
  • Contributors: Vincent Rabaud, pantofaru

0.1.0 (2012-03-17)

  • create a special package for the messages
  • Contributors: Vincent Rabaud

Wiki Tutorials

See ROS Wiki Tutorials for more details.

Source Tutorials

Not currently indexed.

Recent questions tagged object_recognition_msgs at Robotics Stack Exchange

object_recognition_msgs package from object_recognition_msgs repo


Package Summary

Tags No category tags.
Version 0.4.1
License BSD
Build type CATKIN

Repository Summary

Checkout URI https://github.com/wg-perception/object_recognition_msgs.git
VCS Type git
VCS Version master
Last Updated 2014-05-11
CI status Continuous Integration
Tags No category tags.
Contributing Help Wanted (0)
Good First Issues (0)
Pull Requests to Review (0)

Package Description

Object_recognition_msgs contains the ROS message and the actionlib definition used in object_recognition_core

Additional Links


  • Vincent Rabaud


  • Vincent Rabaud
No README found. No README in repository either.

Changelog for package object_recognition_msgs

0.4.1 (2014-05-11)

  • have the package be architecture independent
  • Contributors: Vincent Rabaud

0.4.0 (2013-12-08)

  • \"0.4.0\"
  • fixes #3 by moving docs to object_recognition_ros remove docs as their built depends on ecto. Put everything in object_recognition_ros
  • let message generation handle Python
  • no need for stack.xml now that Fuerte support is dropped
  • remove redundant info in Table.msg
  • add headers to the Table messages
  • drop Fuerte support
  • change email address
  • Contributors: Vincent Rabaud

0.3.19 (2013-03-28)

  • use the mesh from shape_msgs
  • Contributors: Vincent Rabaud

0.3.18 (2013-03-12)

0.3.17 (2013-03-08)

  • rename the type to key to keep the DB paradigm
  • add dependencies
  • update the dependencies
  • get the compile to compile even without ecto
  • rename ObjectId to ObjectType
  • add basic docs
  • no need for the include folder that was only used by tabletop
  • Contributors: Vincent Rabaud

0.3.16 (2013-02-26 20:19)

  • add the std_msgs dependency
  • Contributors: Vincent Rabaud

0.3.15 (2013-02-26 11:19)

  • fix unneeded dependencies
  • Contributors: Vincent Rabaud

0.3.14 (2013-02-24)

  • have the ecto cells be generated in object_recognition_ros
  • CMake cleanups
  • Contributors: Vincent Rabaud

0.3.13 (2013-01-13)

  • use the proper catkin variable
  • Contributors: Vincent Rabaud

0.3.12 (2013-01-04)

  • remove some warnings
  • remove some compilation error
  • added an optional ROI into the object recognition action
  • add an other conversion routine
  • Contributors: Tommaso Cavallari, Vincent Rabaud

0.3.11 (2012-11-18 17:06)

  • install to the right location on Fuerte
  • Contributors: Vincent Rabaud

0.3.10 (2012-11-18 16:50)

  • try to fix the Unknown CMake command \"find_program_required\".
  • added header to RecognizedObjectArray
  • remove the copyright tag
  • Contributors: Tommaso Cavallari, Vincent Rabaud

0.3.9 (2012-11-03)

  • fix the install paths
  • Contributors: Vincent Rabaud

0.3.8 (2012-11-01)

  • fix install on Fuerte
  • find ecto so that we can check whether we are on Fuerte
  • Contributors: Vincent Rabaud

0.3.7 (2012-10-30)

  • call generate_messages before catkin_package to comply to the new API
  • Contributors: Vincent Rabaud

0.3.6 (2012-10-11)

  • fix dependencies
  • Contributors: Vincent Rabaud

0.3.5 (2012-10-10)

  • remove support for Electric which was broken anyway since we are using Shape from Fuerte and above
  • comply to the new API
  • comply to the new catkin API
  • Contributors: Vincent Rabaud

0.3.4 (2012-09-08)

  • have code work with Electric/Fuerte/Groovy
  • use the cleaner pubsub API
  • use the new ectomodule API
  • remove the Shape msg, as mentioned before, this is in common_msgs now
  • add the manifest so that we can build against it on fuerte with rosbuild
  • Merge branch \'master\' of https://github.com/wg-perception/object_recognition_msgs
  • updated shape_conversions to use the common_msgs shape message instead of the arm_navigation one
  • actually build the message
  • Forgotten shape message
  • Contributors: Jonathan Binney, Mac Mason, Vincent Rabaud

0.3.3 (2012-07-02)

  • use the mesh message from common_msgs
  • fix the new langs/langs-dev dependencies
  • copy from the current dir
  • Contributors: Vincent Rabaud

0.3.2 (2012-06-06)

  • fix bad install of the .msg
  • Contributors: Vincent Rabaud

0.3.1 (2012-06-04)

0.3.0 (2012-04-29)

  • bump the version
  • make the Shape be part of OR and not arm_navigation_msgs
  • Contributors: Vincent Rabaud

0.2.0 (2012-04-10)

  • bump version number
  • use the proper macro to create the pub/sub cells
  • add the missing array
  • add more __init__ for electric
  • make sure to use the _msgs msgs
  • more quirks
  • fix a few quirks
  • build messages for Table
  • do not depend on tabletop
  • add some python stuff
  • add the table msgs for now
  • have cells publishing/subscribing to the msgs
  • fix typos
  • Update msg/RecognizedObject.msg
  • and we do need ecto for electric ......
  • no need for action/srv on electric
  • find ecto to get find_ros_package
  • update some dependencies
  • use arm_navigation_msgs properly
  • include Jenny\'s comments
  • clearner messages and server
  • fix th bad action msg
  • clean the different messages
  • do not generate action files for electric
  • fix more electric stuff
  • fix typo
  • more fixes for electric
  • fix the bad recognition of electric
  • Contributors: Vincent Rabaud, pantofaru

0.1.0 (2012-03-17)

  • create a special package for the messages
  • Contributors: Vincent Rabaud

Wiki Tutorials

See ROS Wiki Tutorials for more details.

Source Tutorials

Not currently indexed.

Recent questions tagged object_recognition_msgs at Robotics Stack Exchange

object_recognition_msgs package from object_recognition_msgs repo


Package Summary

Tags No category tags.
Version 0.4.1
License BSD
Build type CATKIN

Repository Summary

Checkout URI https://github.com/wg-perception/object_recognition_msgs.git
VCS Type git
VCS Version master
Last Updated 2014-05-11
CI status Continuous Integration
Tags No category tags.
Contributing Help Wanted (0)
Good First Issues (0)
Pull Requests to Review (0)

Package Description

Object_recognition_msgs contains the ROS message and the actionlib definition used in object_recognition_core

Additional Links


  • Vincent Rabaud


  • Vincent Rabaud
No README found. No README in repository either.

Changelog for package object_recognition_msgs

0.4.1 (2014-05-11)

  • have the package be architecture independent
  • Contributors: Vincent Rabaud

0.4.0 (2013-12-08)

  • \"0.4.0\"
  • fixes #3 by moving docs to object_recognition_ros remove docs as their built depends on ecto. Put everything in object_recognition_ros
  • let message generation handle Python
  • no need for stack.xml now that Fuerte support is dropped
  • remove redundant info in Table.msg
  • add headers to the Table messages
  • drop Fuerte support
  • change email address
  • Contributors: Vincent Rabaud

0.3.19 (2013-03-28)

  • use the mesh from shape_msgs
  • Contributors: Vincent Rabaud

0.3.18 (2013-03-12)

0.3.17 (2013-03-08)

  • rename the type to key to keep the DB paradigm
  • add dependencies
  • update the dependencies
  • get the compile to compile even without ecto
  • rename ObjectId to ObjectType
  • add basic docs
  • no need for the include folder that was only used by tabletop
  • Contributors: Vincent Rabaud

0.3.16 (2013-02-26 20:19)

  • add the std_msgs dependency
  • Contributors: Vincent Rabaud

0.3.15 (2013-02-26 11:19)

  • fix unneeded dependencies
  • Contributors: Vincent Rabaud

0.3.14 (2013-02-24)

  • have the ecto cells be generated in object_recognition_ros
  • CMake cleanups
  • Contributors: Vincent Rabaud

0.3.13 (2013-01-13)

  • use the proper catkin variable
  • Contributors: Vincent Rabaud

0.3.12 (2013-01-04)

  • remove some warnings
  • remove some compilation error
  • added an optional ROI into the object recognition action
  • add an other conversion routine
  • Contributors: Tommaso Cavallari, Vincent Rabaud

0.3.11 (2012-11-18 17:06)

  • install to the right location on Fuerte
  • Contributors: Vincent Rabaud

0.3.10 (2012-11-18 16:50)

  • try to fix the Unknown CMake command \"find_program_required\".
  • added header to RecognizedObjectArray
  • remove the copyright tag
  • Contributors: Tommaso Cavallari, Vincent Rabaud

0.3.9 (2012-11-03)

  • fix the install paths
  • Contributors: Vincent Rabaud

0.3.8 (2012-11-01)

  • fix install on Fuerte
  • find ecto so that we can check whether we are on Fuerte
  • Contributors: Vincent Rabaud

0.3.7 (2012-10-30)

  • call generate_messages before catkin_package to comply to the new API
  • Contributors: Vincent Rabaud

0.3.6 (2012-10-11)

  • fix dependencies
  • Contributors: Vincent Rabaud

0.3.5 (2012-10-10)

  • remove support for Electric which was broken anyway since we are using Shape from Fuerte and above
  • comply to the new API
  • comply to the new catkin API
  • Contributors: Vincent Rabaud

0.3.4 (2012-09-08)

  • have code work with Electric/Fuerte/Groovy
  • use the cleaner pubsub API
  • use the new ectomodule API
  • remove the Shape msg, as mentioned before, this is in common_msgs now
  • add the manifest so that we can build against it on fuerte with rosbuild
  • Merge branch \'master\' of https://github.com/wg-perception/object_recognition_msgs
  • updated shape_conversions to use the common_msgs shape message instead of the arm_navigation one
  • actually build the message
  • Forgotten shape message
  • Contributors: Jonathan Binney, Mac Mason, Vincent Rabaud

0.3.3 (2012-07-02)

  • use the mesh message from common_msgs
  • fix the new langs/langs-dev dependencies
  • copy from the current dir
  • Contributors: Vincent Rabaud

0.3.2 (2012-06-06)

  • fix bad install of the .msg
  • Contributors: Vincent Rabaud

0.3.1 (2012-06-04)

0.3.0 (2012-04-29)

  • bump the version
  • make the Shape be part of OR and not arm_navigation_msgs
  • Contributors: Vincent Rabaud

0.2.0 (2012-04-10)

  • bump version number
  • use the proper macro to create the pub/sub cells
  • add the missing array
  • add more __init__ for electric
  • make sure to use the _msgs msgs
  • more quirks
  • fix a few quirks
  • build messages for Table
  • do not depend on tabletop
  • add some python stuff
  • add the table msgs for now
  • have cells publishing/subscribing to the msgs
  • fix typos
  • Update msg/RecognizedObject.msg
  • and we do need ecto for electric ......
  • no need for action/srv on electric
  • find ecto to get find_ros_package
  • update some dependencies
  • use arm_navigation_msgs properly
  • include Jenny\'s comments
  • clearner messages and server
  • fix th bad action msg
  • clean the different messages
  • do not generate action files for electric
  • fix more electric stuff
  • fix typo
  • more fixes for electric
  • fix the bad recognition of electric
  • Contributors: Vincent Rabaud, pantofaru

0.1.0 (2012-03-17)

  • create a special package for the messages
  • Contributors: Vincent Rabaud

Wiki Tutorials

See ROS Wiki Tutorials for more details.

Source Tutorials

Not currently indexed.

Recent questions tagged object_recognition_msgs at Robotics Stack Exchange

object_recognition_msgs package from object_recognition_msgs repo


Package Summary

Tags No category tags.
Version 0.4.1
License BSD
Build type CATKIN

Repository Summary

Checkout URI https://github.com/wg-perception/object_recognition_msgs.git
VCS Type git
VCS Version master
Last Updated 2014-05-11
CI status Continuous Integration : 0 / 0
Tags No category tags.
Contributing Help Wanted (0)
Good First Issues (0)
Pull Requests to Review (0)

Package Description

Object_recognition_msgs contains the ROS message and the actionlib definition used in object_recognition_core

Additional Links


  • Vincent Rabaud


  • Vincent Rabaud
No README found. No README in repository either.

Changelog for package object_recognition_msgs

0.4.1 (2014-05-11)

  • have the package be architecture independent
  • Contributors: Vincent Rabaud

0.4.0 (2013-12-08)

  • \"0.4.0\"
  • fixes #3 by moving docs to object_recognition_ros remove docs as their built depends on ecto. Put everything in object_recognition_ros
  • let message generation handle Python
  • no need for stack.xml now that Fuerte support is dropped
  • remove redundant info in Table.msg
  • add headers to the Table messages
  • drop Fuerte support
  • change email address
  • Contributors: Vincent Rabaud

0.3.19 (2013-03-28)

  • use the mesh from shape_msgs
  • Contributors: Vincent Rabaud

0.3.18 (2013-03-12)

0.3.17 (2013-03-08)

  • rename the type to key to keep the DB paradigm
  • add dependencies
  • update the dependencies
  • get the compile to compile even without ecto
  • rename ObjectId to ObjectType
  • add basic docs
  • no need for the include folder that was only used by tabletop
  • Contributors: Vincent Rabaud

0.3.16 (2013-02-26 20:19)

  • add the std_msgs dependency
  • Contributors: Vincent Rabaud

0.3.15 (2013-02-26 11:19)

  • fix unneeded dependencies
  • Contributors: Vincent Rabaud

0.3.14 (2013-02-24)

  • have the ecto cells be generated in object_recognition_ros
  • CMake cleanups
  • Contributors: Vincent Rabaud

0.3.13 (2013-01-13)

  • use the proper catkin variable
  • Contributors: Vincent Rabaud

0.3.12 (2013-01-04)

  • remove some warnings
  • remove some compilation error
  • added an optional ROI into the object recognition action
  • add an other conversion routine
  • Contributors: Tommaso Cavallari, Vincent Rabaud

0.3.11 (2012-11-18 17:06)

  • install to the right location on Fuerte
  • Contributors: Vincent Rabaud

0.3.10 (2012-11-18 16:50)

  • try to fix the Unknown CMake command \"find_program_required\".
  • added header to RecognizedObjectArray
  • remove the copyright tag
  • Contributors: Tommaso Cavallari, Vincent Rabaud

0.3.9 (2012-11-03)

  • fix the install paths
  • Contributors: Vincent Rabaud

0.3.8 (2012-11-01)

  • fix install on Fuerte
  • find ecto so that we can check whether we are on Fuerte
  • Contributors: Vincent Rabaud

0.3.7 (2012-10-30)

  • call generate_messages before catkin_package to comply to the new API
  • Contributors: Vincent Rabaud

0.3.6 (2012-10-11)

  • fix dependencies
  • Contributors: Vincent Rabaud

0.3.5 (2012-10-10)

  • remove support for Electric which was broken anyway since we are using Shape from Fuerte and above
  • comply to the new API
  • comply to the new catkin API
  • Contributors: Vincent Rabaud

0.3.4 (2012-09-08)

  • have code work with Electric/Fuerte/Groovy
  • use the cleaner pubsub API
  • use the new ectomodule API
  • remove the Shape msg, as mentioned before, this is in common_msgs now
  • add the manifest so that we can build against it on fuerte with rosbuild
  • Merge branch \'master\' of https://github.com/wg-perception/object_recognition_msgs
  • updated shape_conversions to use the common_msgs shape message instead of the arm_navigation one
  • actually build the message
  • Forgotten shape message
  • Contributors: Jonathan Binney, Mac Mason, Vincent Rabaud

0.3.3 (2012-07-02)

  • use the mesh message from common_msgs
  • fix the new langs/langs-dev dependencies
  • copy from the current dir
  • Contributors: Vincent Rabaud

0.3.2 (2012-06-06)

  • fix bad install of the .msg
  • Contributors: Vincent Rabaud

0.3.1 (2012-06-04)

0.3.0 (2012-04-29)

  • bump the version
  • make the Shape be part of OR and not arm_navigation_msgs
  • Contributors: Vincent Rabaud

0.2.0 (2012-04-10)

  • bump version number
  • use the proper macro to create the pub/sub cells
  • add the missing array
  • add more __init__ for electric
  • make sure to use the _msgs msgs
  • more quirks
  • fix a few quirks
  • build messages for Table
  • do not depend on tabletop
  • add some python stuff
  • add the table msgs for now
  • have cells publishing/subscribing to the msgs
  • fix typos
  • Update msg/RecognizedObject.msg
  • and we do need ecto for electric ......
  • no need for action/srv on electric
  • find ecto to get find_ros_package
  • update some dependencies
  • use arm_navigation_msgs properly
  • include Jenny\'s comments
  • clearner messages and server
  • fix th bad action msg
  • clean the different messages
  • do not generate action files for electric
  • fix more electric stuff
  • fix typo
  • more fixes for electric
  • fix the bad recognition of electric
  • Contributors: Vincent Rabaud, pantofaru

0.1.0 (2012-03-17)

  • create a special package for the messages
  • Contributors: Vincent Rabaud

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