No version for distro humble. Known supported distros are highlighted in the buttons above.
No version for distro iron. Known supported distros are highlighted in the buttons above.
No version for distro jazzy. Known supported distros are highlighted in the buttons above.
No version for distro rolling. Known supported distros are highlighted in the buttons above.
No version for distro noetic. Known supported distros are highlighted in the buttons above.
No version for distro ardent. Known supported distros are highlighted in the buttons above.
No version for distro bouncy. Known supported distros are highlighted in the buttons above.
No version for distro crystal. Known supported distros are highlighted in the buttons above.
No version for distro eloquent. Known supported distros are highlighted in the buttons above.
No version for distro dashing. Known supported distros are highlighted in the buttons above.
No version for distro galactic. Known supported distros are highlighted in the buttons above.
No version for distro foxy. Known supported distros are highlighted in the buttons above.
No version for distro lunar. Known supported distros are highlighted in the buttons above.

Package Summary

Tags No category tags.
Version 0.7.1
License BSD
Build type CATKIN

Repository Summary

Checkout URI
VCS Type git
VCS Version indigo-devel
Last Updated 2018-07-23
CI status Continuous Integration
Tags No category tags.
Contributing Help Wanted (0)
Good First Issues (0)
Pull Requests to Review (0)

Package Description

ROS driver for Parrot Bebop drone, based on Parrot’s official ARDroneSDK3

Additional Links


  • Mani Monajjemi
  • Sepehr MohaimenianPour
  • Thomas Bamford
  • Tobias Naegeli


  • Mani Monajjemi


ROS Driver for Parrot Bebop drone.


Changelog for package bebop_driver

0.7.1 (2018-05-31)

  • Fixed the bug appearing when you run the catkin build command
  • Contributors: Giuseppe Silano

0.7.0 (2017-07-29)

  • SDK 3.12.6 support (except 64bit Ubuntu Xenial, working on fix) - ROS API change: states/common/MavlinkState/MissonItemExecuted topic renamed to states/common/MavlinkState/MissionItemExecuted

  • Contributors: Thomas Bamford, Mani Monajjemi

0.6.0 (2016-11-02)

  • Use Parrot ARSDK as a thirdparty dependency - Instead of building the SDK inline, bebop_driver now utilizes the catkin version of Parrot ARSDK available at and in a binary form via the ROS buildfarm: ros-<DISTRO>-parrot-arsdk

  • Rename liblibbebop to libbebop

  • Full SDK 3.10.x support

    • ROS API change: states/ARDrone3/.. topics renamed to states/ardrone3/..

* Disabling video stabilization works with Firmware 3.9 (tested on Bebop

: 2)

  • Camera control API fix for SDK 3.10.x
  • Refactor H264 decode class to support dynamic picture size
    • Add support for determining picture size from the stream
    • Add dynamic buffer re-allocation on picture size change
  • Use av_frame_alloc() instead of the depr. avcodec_alloc_frame()
  • Fix inconsistent SDK 3.10.1 key values
  • Update autogenerated msgs/headers/docs to SDK 3.10.1
  • CMake: fix dynamic reconfigure dependency bug
  • Rename topic \'navigate_home\' to \'autoflight/navigate_home\'
  • Add autonomous flight plans
  • Contributors: Jacob Perron, Mani Monajjemi

0.5.1 (2016-05-04)

  • Add bebop_description as a build dep to bebop_driver (fixes #45)
  • Fix inline build of arsdk to use the frozen manifest (fixes #46) - Prior to this release, the build script would always compile the development branch of ARSDK. This fix ensures that instead of [default.xml]{.title-ref} manifest file - which represents the dev version of ARSDK package - [release.xml]{.title-ref} is used by [repo]{.title-ref}. This manifest file includes a certain hash for each ARSDK package that enforces a consistent build for ARSDK.

  • Contributors: Mani Monajjemi

0.5.0 (2016-04-01)

  • Based on Parrot ARSDK 3.8.3. Tested with Bebop 1.0 (2.0.57) and Bebop 2.0 (3.1.0)
  • Update to SDK 3.8.3 - SDK 3.8.3 from

    • SDK 3.8.3 git hash: 2930cc7f7a79173d51c1fc167475fa9fa6650def
  • Add support for VideoStream v2.0

  • Publish TF

  • Experimental implementation of odometery (pose, velocity)

  • Publish the GPS fix as a ROS standard message (closes #39)

    • Message type: sensor_msgs/NavSatFix
    • Topic: fix
  • Add joint state publisher for camera\'s pan/tilt

    • Add a new param to enable/disable the TF publisher for odom
    • Add a new param to set the odom frame id
  • Include bebop_description and robot_state_publisher in driver\'s launch files

  • Add proper limitations for camera\'s pan/tilt joints

  • Add explicit linkage to libav (fixes #32)

  • Fix libav API inconsistency issues #30 #35 #36

  • Improve H264 parameter update method - Implement a better way to pass SPS/PPS params to H264 decoder (SDK 3.8.x)

  • Add a new CMake option \"RUN_HARDWARE_TESTS\" to explicitly enable hardware in the loop testing (disabled by default)

  • Contributors: Mani Monajjemi, chartoin, Jake Bruce

0.4.1 (2016-02-17)

  • Add ROS API for recording on-board picture/video (closes #5)
  • Add a new ROS topic for taking on-board snapshot: [snapshot]{.title-ref}
  • Add a new ROS topic for toggling on-board video recording: [record]{.title-ref}
  • Update the docs
  • Add curl as a rosdep build dep (fixes #33)
  • Fix a bug in bebop_driver\'s nodelet destructor
  • Fix a bug in ASyncSub class
  • Contributors: Mani Monajjemi

0.4.0 (2016-01-17)

  • Update Parrot SDK to 3.7.5 (from 3.6)
    • Remove upstream XML hash from .msg files to minmize msg type changes from now on
    • New Topic and Message type for [DefaultCameraOrientation]{.title-ref}
  • Add cmd_vel timeout for safety - The driver now sends stop command if no new cmd_vel is received within a pre-defined timeout period. This timeout is set to 0.1s by default and can be changed via [cmd_vel_timeout]{.title-ref} parameter.

  • Fix right-jand rule bug of angular.z \@jacobperron (fixes #26)

  • Patch ARSDK to fix Sanselan\'s old URL - This is temporary and must be reverted when this is fixed upstream. Issue reported here: Parrot-Developers/ARSDKBuildUtils#61

  • Add bebop ip address as ROS parameter (fixes #19) - (Param name: [bebop_ip]{.title-ref}, default value:

  • Fix CameraInfo issues (closes #10)

    • Fix bugs in loading camera calibration data and update the tests
    • Add a sample calibration file for bebop camera: bebop_camera_calib.yaml

    - Load camera calibration file by default in both node/nodelet launch files

  • Remove redundant bebop.launch file (closes #11)

  • Fix coordinate system inconsistencies (fixes #13)

    • Fix cmd_vel.linear.y sign error
    • Use attitude values in tests instead of velocities
  • Contributors: Anup, Mani Monajjemi, Jacob Perron

0.3.0 (2015-09-17)

  • Renamed package to bebop_driver
  • Built against ARSDK3_version_3_6
  • bebop_autonomy is now a metapackage
    • bebop_autonomy is the ROS metapackage name
    • Rename bebop_autonomy package to bebop_driver
    • Rename bebop_autonomy_msgs to bebop_msgs
  • Contributors: Mani Monajjemi

0.2.0 (2015-09-10)

  • Finalized documentation
  • Remove bebop_autonomy\'s dependency to image_view
  • Imrovements to code autogeneration scripts.
  • CLAMP values for cmd_vels and anim_id
  • Added contents to almost all doc pages
  • Bebop In The Loop tests (first revision)
  • Fixed more style (lint) issues
  • Finalized the first revision of tests
  • Add autogenerated docs for Settings, Topics and Params
  • Contributors: Mani Monajjemi

0.1.2 (2015-09-05)

  • Move \'state\' params to their own param namespace
  • Add missing unzip dep to package.xml
  • Contributors: Mani Monajjemi

0.1.1 (2015-09-04)

  • Add support for downloading and building ARDroneSDK3 during the build process
  • Add flattrim, flip and navigatehome interfaces
  • Add forward declaration to classes where it is possible
  • Major bug fixes and improvements

    • Dynamic Reconfigure: Convert all two state int_t values to enum
    • Fix the private nodehandle bugs in State and Settings handlers

    - Fix the data flow of Settings between rosparam and dynamic reconfigure and bebop - Fix SDK enum types in C (I32 instead of U8) - Add Start/Stop streaming to Bebop interface class

  • Add bebop_nodelet launch with image_view

  • Organized DynR configs into groups

    • Moved the autogeneration report to a seperated file
    • build speed improvements
  • Dynamically reconfigurable Bebop settings

  • Add support to enable publishing of a specific State

  • Add support to propogate states from bebop to ROS

  • Auto-generated .msg and .h files based on libARCommands XML files

  • New threading model for data retreival and publishing

    • Nodelet now manages its own thread to receive frames from Bebop
    • GetFrame() function abstracts all sync to access the rgb frame
    • All subscribers send commands to the Bebop in their callbacks
  • Integreate ARSAL logs into ROS_LOG

    • Fix sync issues between frame grabber and publisher
  • Improve video decode/publish pipeline

    • Adopt frame decoding from official examples
    • Thread safe access to raw frame ptr
    • Synchronised frame decoding and publishing
  • Proof of concept ROS driver for bebop drone

  • Contributors: Mani Monajjemi

Wiki Tutorials

See ROS Wiki Tutorials for more details.

Source Tutorials

Not currently indexed.

Launch files

  • launch/bebop_node.launch
      • namespace [default: bebop]
      • ip [default:]
      • drone_type [default: bebop1]
      • config_file [default: $(find bebop_driver)/config/defaults.yaml]
      • camera_info_url [default: package://bebop_driver/data/$(arg drone_type)_camera_calib.yaml]
  • launch/bebop_nodelet.launch
      • namespace [default: bebop]
      • ip [default:]
      • drone_type [default: bebop1]
      • config_file [default: $(find bebop_driver)/config/defaults.yaml]
      • camera_info_url [default: package://bebop_driver/data/$(arg drone_type)_camera_calib.yaml]


No message files found.


No service files found


Recent questions tagged bebop_driver at Robotics Stack Exchange

Package Summary

Tags No category tags.
Version 0.7.1
License BSD
Build type CATKIN

Repository Summary

Checkout URI
VCS Type git
VCS Version indigo-devel
Last Updated 2018-07-23
CI status Continuous Integration
Tags No category tags.
Contributing Help Wanted (0)
Good First Issues (0)
Pull Requests to Review (0)

Package Description

ROS driver for Parrot Bebop drone, based on Parrot’s official ARDroneSDK3

Additional Links


  • Mani Monajjemi
  • Sepehr MohaimenianPour
  • Thomas Bamford
  • Tobias Naegeli


  • Mani Monajjemi


ROS Driver for Parrot Bebop drone.


Changelog for package bebop_driver

0.7.1 (2018-05-31)

  • Fixed the bug appearing when you run the catkin build command
  • Contributors: Giuseppe Silano

0.7.0 (2017-07-29)

  • SDK 3.12.6 support (except 64bit Ubuntu Xenial, working on fix) - ROS API change: states/common/MavlinkState/MissonItemExecuted topic renamed to states/common/MavlinkState/MissionItemExecuted

  • Contributors: Thomas Bamford, Mani Monajjemi

0.6.0 (2016-11-02)

  • Use Parrot ARSDK as a thirdparty dependency - Instead of building the SDK inline, bebop_driver now utilizes the catkin version of Parrot ARSDK available at and in a binary form via the ROS buildfarm: ros-<DISTRO>-parrot-arsdk

  • Rename liblibbebop to libbebop

  • Full SDK 3.10.x support

    • ROS API change: states/ARDrone3/.. topics renamed to states/ardrone3/..

* Disabling video stabilization works with Firmware 3.9 (tested on Bebop

: 2)

  • Camera control API fix for SDK 3.10.x
  • Refactor H264 decode class to support dynamic picture size
    • Add support for determining picture size from the stream
    • Add dynamic buffer re-allocation on picture size change
  • Use av_frame_alloc() instead of the depr. avcodec_alloc_frame()
  • Fix inconsistent SDK 3.10.1 key values
  • Update autogenerated msgs/headers/docs to SDK 3.10.1
  • CMake: fix dynamic reconfigure dependency bug
  • Rename topic \'navigate_home\' to \'autoflight/navigate_home\'
  • Add autonomous flight plans
  • Contributors: Jacob Perron, Mani Monajjemi

0.5.1 (2016-05-04)

  • Add bebop_description as a build dep to bebop_driver (fixes #45)
  • Fix inline build of arsdk to use the frozen manifest (fixes #46) - Prior to this release, the build script would always compile the development branch of ARSDK. This fix ensures that instead of [default.xml]{.title-ref} manifest file - which represents the dev version of ARSDK package - [release.xml]{.title-ref} is used by [repo]{.title-ref}. This manifest file includes a certain hash for each ARSDK package that enforces a consistent build for ARSDK.

  • Contributors: Mani Monajjemi

0.5.0 (2016-04-01)

  • Based on Parrot ARSDK 3.8.3. Tested with Bebop 1.0 (2.0.57) and Bebop 2.0 (3.1.0)
  • Update to SDK 3.8.3 - SDK 3.8.3 from

    • SDK 3.8.3 git hash: 2930cc7f7a79173d51c1fc167475fa9fa6650def
  • Add support for VideoStream v2.0

  • Publish TF

  • Experimental implementation of odometery (pose, velocity)

  • Publish the GPS fix as a ROS standard message (closes #39)

    • Message type: sensor_msgs/NavSatFix
    • Topic: fix
  • Add joint state publisher for camera\'s pan/tilt

    • Add a new param to enable/disable the TF publisher for odom
    • Add a new param to set the odom frame id
  • Include bebop_description and robot_state_publisher in driver\'s launch files

  • Add proper limitations for camera\'s pan/tilt joints

  • Add explicit linkage to libav (fixes #32)

  • Fix libav API inconsistency issues #30 #35 #36

  • Improve H264 parameter update method - Implement a better way to pass SPS/PPS params to H264 decoder (SDK 3.8.x)

  • Add a new CMake option \"RUN_HARDWARE_TESTS\" to explicitly enable hardware in the loop testing (disabled by default)

  • Contributors: Mani Monajjemi, chartoin, Jake Bruce

0.4.1 (2016-02-17)

  • Add ROS API for recording on-board picture/video (closes #5)
  • Add a new ROS topic for taking on-board snapshot: [snapshot]{.title-ref}
  • Add a new ROS topic for toggling on-board video recording: [record]{.title-ref}
  • Update the docs
  • Add curl as a rosdep build dep (fixes #33)
  • Fix a bug in bebop_driver\'s nodelet destructor
  • Fix a bug in ASyncSub class
  • Contributors: Mani Monajjemi

0.4.0 (2016-01-17)

  • Update Parrot SDK to 3.7.5 (from 3.6)
    • Remove upstream XML hash from .msg files to minmize msg type changes from now on
    • New Topic and Message type for [DefaultCameraOrientation]{.title-ref}
  • Add cmd_vel timeout for safety - The driver now sends stop command if no new cmd_vel is received within a pre-defined timeout period. This timeout is set to 0.1s by default and can be changed via [cmd_vel_timeout]{.title-ref} parameter.

  • Fix right-jand rule bug of angular.z \@jacobperron (fixes #26)

  • Patch ARSDK to fix Sanselan\'s old URL - This is temporary and must be reverted when this is fixed upstream. Issue reported here: Parrot-Developers/ARSDKBuildUtils#61

  • Add bebop ip address as ROS parameter (fixes #19) - (Param name: [bebop_ip]{.title-ref}, default value:

  • Fix CameraInfo issues (closes #10)

    • Fix bugs in loading camera calibration data and update the tests
    • Add a sample calibration file for bebop camera: bebop_camera_calib.yaml

    - Load camera calibration file by default in both node/nodelet launch files

  • Remove redundant bebop.launch file (closes #11)

  • Fix coordinate system inconsistencies (fixes #13)

    • Fix cmd_vel.linear.y sign error
    • Use attitude values in tests instead of velocities
  • Contributors: Anup, Mani Monajjemi, Jacob Perron

0.3.0 (2015-09-17)

  • Renamed package to bebop_driver
  • Built against ARSDK3_version_3_6
  • bebop_autonomy is now a metapackage
    • bebop_autonomy is the ROS metapackage name
    • Rename bebop_autonomy package to bebop_driver
    • Rename bebop_autonomy_msgs to bebop_msgs
  • Contributors: Mani Monajjemi

0.2.0 (2015-09-10)

  • Finalized documentation
  • Remove bebop_autonomy\'s dependency to image_view
  • Imrovements to code autogeneration scripts.
  • CLAMP values for cmd_vels and anim_id
  • Added contents to almost all doc pages
  • Bebop In The Loop tests (first revision)
  • Fixed more style (lint) issues
  • Finalized the first revision of tests
  • Add autogenerated docs for Settings, Topics and Params
  • Contributors: Mani Monajjemi

0.1.2 (2015-09-05)

  • Move \'state\' params to their own param namespace
  • Add missing unzip dep to package.xml
  • Contributors: Mani Monajjemi

0.1.1 (2015-09-04)

  • Add support for downloading and building ARDroneSDK3 during the build process
  • Add flattrim, flip and navigatehome interfaces
  • Add forward declaration to classes where it is possible
  • Major bug fixes and improvements

    • Dynamic Reconfigure: Convert all two state int_t values to enum
    • Fix the private nodehandle bugs in State and Settings handlers

    - Fix the data flow of Settings between rosparam and dynamic reconfigure and bebop - Fix SDK enum types in C (I32 instead of U8) - Add Start/Stop streaming to Bebop interface class

  • Add bebop_nodelet launch with image_view

  • Organized DynR configs into groups

    • Moved the autogeneration report to a seperated file
    • build speed improvements
  • Dynamically reconfigurable Bebop settings

  • Add support to enable publishing of a specific State

  • Add support to propogate states from bebop to ROS

  • Auto-generated .msg and .h files based on libARCommands XML files

  • New threading model for data retreival and publishing

    • Nodelet now manages its own thread to receive frames from Bebop
    • GetFrame() function abstracts all sync to access the rgb frame
    • All subscribers send commands to the Bebop in their callbacks
  • Integreate ARSAL logs into ROS_LOG

    • Fix sync issues between frame grabber and publisher
  • Improve video decode/publish pipeline

    • Adopt frame decoding from official examples
    • Thread safe access to raw frame ptr
    • Synchronised frame decoding and publishing
  • Proof of concept ROS driver for bebop drone

  • Contributors: Mani Monajjemi

Wiki Tutorials

See ROS Wiki Tutorials for more details.

Source Tutorials

Not currently indexed.

Launch files

  • launch/bebop_node.launch
      • namespace [default: bebop]
      • ip [default:]
      • drone_type [default: bebop1]
      • config_file [default: $(find bebop_driver)/config/defaults.yaml]
      • camera_info_url [default: package://bebop_driver/data/$(arg drone_type)_camera_calib.yaml]
  • launch/bebop_nodelet.launch
      • namespace [default: bebop]
      • ip [default:]
      • drone_type [default: bebop1]
      • config_file [default: $(find bebop_driver)/config/defaults.yaml]
      • camera_info_url [default: package://bebop_driver/data/$(arg drone_type)_camera_calib.yaml]


No message files found.


No service files found


Recent questions tagged bebop_driver at Robotics Stack Exchange

No version for distro hydro. Known supported distros are highlighted in the buttons above.

Package Summary

Tags No category tags.
Version 0.7.1
License BSD
Build type CATKIN

Repository Summary

Checkout URI
VCS Type git
VCS Version indigo-devel
Last Updated 2018-07-23
CI status Continuous Integration
Tags No category tags.
Contributing Help Wanted (0)
Good First Issues (0)
Pull Requests to Review (0)

Package Description

ROS driver for Parrot Bebop drone, based on Parrot’s official ARDroneSDK3

Additional Links


  • Mani Monajjemi
  • Sepehr MohaimenianPour
  • Thomas Bamford
  • Tobias Naegeli


  • Mani Monajjemi


ROS Driver for Parrot Bebop drone.


Changelog for package bebop_driver

0.7.1 (2018-05-31)

  • Fixed the bug appearing when you run the catkin build command
  • Contributors: Giuseppe Silano

0.7.0 (2017-07-29)

  • SDK 3.12.6 support (except 64bit Ubuntu Xenial, working on fix) - ROS API change: states/common/MavlinkState/MissonItemExecuted topic renamed to states/common/MavlinkState/MissionItemExecuted

  • Contributors: Thomas Bamford, Mani Monajjemi

0.6.0 (2016-11-02)

  • Use Parrot ARSDK as a thirdparty dependency - Instead of building the SDK inline, bebop_driver now utilizes the catkin version of Parrot ARSDK available at and in a binary form via the ROS buildfarm: ros-<DISTRO>-parrot-arsdk

  • Rename liblibbebop to libbebop

  • Full SDK 3.10.x support

    • ROS API change: states/ARDrone3/.. topics renamed to states/ardrone3/..

* Disabling video stabilization works with Firmware 3.9 (tested on Bebop

: 2)

  • Camera control API fix for SDK 3.10.x
  • Refactor H264 decode class to support dynamic picture size
    • Add support for determining picture size from the stream
    • Add dynamic buffer re-allocation on picture size change
  • Use av_frame_alloc() instead of the depr. avcodec_alloc_frame()
  • Fix inconsistent SDK 3.10.1 key values
  • Update autogenerated msgs/headers/docs to SDK 3.10.1
  • CMake: fix dynamic reconfigure dependency bug
  • Rename topic \'navigate_home\' to \'autoflight/navigate_home\'
  • Add autonomous flight plans
  • Contributors: Jacob Perron, Mani Monajjemi

0.5.1 (2016-05-04)

  • Add bebop_description as a build dep to bebop_driver (fixes #45)
  • Fix inline build of arsdk to use the frozen manifest (fixes #46) - Prior to this release, the build script would always compile the development branch of ARSDK. This fix ensures that instead of [default.xml]{.title-ref} manifest file - which represents the dev version of ARSDK package - [release.xml]{.title-ref} is used by [repo]{.title-ref}. This manifest file includes a certain hash for each ARSDK package that enforces a consistent build for ARSDK.

  • Contributors: Mani Monajjemi

0.5.0 (2016-04-01)

  • Based on Parrot ARSDK 3.8.3. Tested with Bebop 1.0 (2.0.57) and Bebop 2.0 (3.1.0)
  • Update to SDK 3.8.3 - SDK 3.8.3 from

    • SDK 3.8.3 git hash: 2930cc7f7a79173d51c1fc167475fa9fa6650def
  • Add support for VideoStream v2.0

  • Publish TF

  • Experimental implementation of odometery (pose, velocity)

  • Publish the GPS fix as a ROS standard message (closes #39)

    • Message type: sensor_msgs/NavSatFix
    • Topic: fix
  • Add joint state publisher for camera\'s pan/tilt

    • Add a new param to enable/disable the TF publisher for odom
    • Add a new param to set the odom frame id
  • Include bebop_description and robot_state_publisher in driver\'s launch files

  • Add proper limitations for camera\'s pan/tilt joints

  • Add explicit linkage to libav (fixes #32)

  • Fix libav API inconsistency issues #30 #35 #36

  • Improve H264 parameter update method - Implement a better way to pass SPS/PPS params to H264 decoder (SDK 3.8.x)

  • Add a new CMake option \"RUN_HARDWARE_TESTS\" to explicitly enable hardware in the loop testing (disabled by default)

  • Contributors: Mani Monajjemi, chartoin, Jake Bruce

0.4.1 (2016-02-17)

  • Add ROS API for recording on-board picture/video (closes #5)
  • Add a new ROS topic for taking on-board snapshot: [snapshot]{.title-ref}
  • Add a new ROS topic for toggling on-board video recording: [record]{.title-ref}
  • Update the docs
  • Add curl as a rosdep build dep (fixes #33)
  • Fix a bug in bebop_driver\'s nodelet destructor
  • Fix a bug in ASyncSub class
  • Contributors: Mani Monajjemi

0.4.0 (2016-01-17)

  • Update Parrot SDK to 3.7.5 (from 3.6)
    • Remove upstream XML hash from .msg files to minmize msg type changes from now on
    • New Topic and Message type for [DefaultCameraOrientation]{.title-ref}
  • Add cmd_vel timeout for safety - The driver now sends stop command if no new cmd_vel is received within a pre-defined timeout period. This timeout is set to 0.1s by default and can be changed via [cmd_vel_timeout]{.title-ref} parameter.

  • Fix right-jand rule bug of angular.z \@jacobperron (fixes #26)

  • Patch ARSDK to fix Sanselan\'s old URL - This is temporary and must be reverted when this is fixed upstream. Issue reported here: Parrot-Developers/ARSDKBuildUtils#61

  • Add bebop ip address as ROS parameter (fixes #19) - (Param name: [bebop_ip]{.title-ref}, default value:

  • Fix CameraInfo issues (closes #10)

    • Fix bugs in loading camera calibration data and update the tests
    • Add a sample calibration file for bebop camera: bebop_camera_calib.yaml

    - Load camera calibration file by default in both node/nodelet launch files

  • Remove redundant bebop.launch file (closes #11)

  • Fix coordinate system inconsistencies (fixes #13)

    • Fix cmd_vel.linear.y sign error
    • Use attitude values in tests instead of velocities
  • Contributors: Anup, Mani Monajjemi, Jacob Perron

0.3.0 (2015-09-17)

  • Renamed package to bebop_driver
  • Built against ARSDK3_version_3_6
  • bebop_autonomy is now a metapackage
    • bebop_autonomy is the ROS metapackage name
    • Rename bebop_autonomy package to bebop_driver
    • Rename bebop_autonomy_msgs to bebop_msgs
  • Contributors: Mani Monajjemi

0.2.0 (2015-09-10)

  • Finalized documentation
  • Remove bebop_autonomy\'s dependency to image_view
  • Imrovements to code autogeneration scripts.
  • CLAMP values for cmd_vels and anim_id
  • Added contents to almost all doc pages
  • Bebop In The Loop tests (first revision)
  • Fixed more style (lint) issues
  • Finalized the first revision of tests
  • Add autogenerated docs for Settings, Topics and Params
  • Contributors: Mani Monajjemi

0.1.2 (2015-09-05)

  • Move \'state\' params to their own param namespace
  • Add missing unzip dep to package.xml
  • Contributors: Mani Monajjemi

0.1.1 (2015-09-04)

  • Add support for downloading and building ARDroneSDK3 during the build process
  • Add flattrim, flip and navigatehome interfaces
  • Add forward declaration to classes where it is possible
  • Major bug fixes and improvements

    • Dynamic Reconfigure: Convert all two state int_t values to enum
    • Fix the private nodehandle bugs in State and Settings handlers

    - Fix the data flow of Settings between rosparam and dynamic reconfigure and bebop - Fix SDK enum types in C (I32 instead of U8) - Add Start/Stop streaming to Bebop interface class

  • Add bebop_nodelet launch with image_view

  • Organized DynR configs into groups

    • Moved the autogeneration report to a seperated file
    • build speed improvements
  • Dynamically reconfigurable Bebop settings

  • Add support to enable publishing of a specific State

  • Add support to propogate states from bebop to ROS

  • Auto-generated .msg and .h files based on libARCommands XML files

  • New threading model for data retreival and publishing

    • Nodelet now manages its own thread to receive frames from Bebop
    • GetFrame() function abstracts all sync to access the rgb frame
    • All subscribers send commands to the Bebop in their callbacks
  • Integreate ARSAL logs into ROS_LOG

    • Fix sync issues between frame grabber and publisher
  • Improve video decode/publish pipeline

    • Adopt frame decoding from official examples
    • Thread safe access to raw frame ptr
    • Synchronised frame decoding and publishing
  • Proof of concept ROS driver for bebop drone

  • Contributors: Mani Monajjemi

Wiki Tutorials

See ROS Wiki Tutorials for more details.

Source Tutorials

Not currently indexed.

Launch files

  • launch/bebop_node.launch
      • namespace [default: bebop]
      • ip [default:]
      • drone_type [default: bebop1]
      • config_file [default: $(find bebop_driver)/config/defaults.yaml]
      • camera_info_url [default: package://bebop_driver/data/$(arg drone_type)_camera_calib.yaml]
  • launch/bebop_nodelet.launch
      • namespace [default: bebop]
      • ip [default:]
      • drone_type [default: bebop1]
      • config_file [default: $(find bebop_driver)/config/defaults.yaml]
      • camera_info_url [default: package://bebop_driver/data/$(arg drone_type)_camera_calib.yaml]


No message files found.


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