![]() |
bebop_driver package from bebop_autonomy repobebop_autonomy bebop_description bebop_driver bebop_msgs bebop_tools |
Package Summary
Tags | No category tags. |
Version | 0.7.1 |
License | BSD |
Build type | CATKIN |
Repository Summary
Checkout URI | https://github.com/AutonomyLab/bebop_autonomy.git |
VCS Type | git |
VCS Version | indigo-devel |
Last Updated | 2018-07-23 |
Dev Status | DEVELOPED |
CI status | Continuous Integration |
Released | UNRELEASED |
Tags | No category tags. |
Contributing |
Help Wanted (0)
Good First Issues (0) Pull Requests to Review (0) |
Package Description
Additional Links
- Mani Monajjemi
- Sepehr MohaimenianPour
- Thomas Bamford
- Tobias Naegeli
- Mani Monajjemi
ROS Driver for Parrot Bebop drone.
Changelog for package bebop_driver
0.7.1 (2018-05-31)
- Fixed the bug appearing when you run the catkin build command
- Contributors: Giuseppe Silano
0.7.0 (2017-07-29)
SDK 3.12.6 support (except 64bit Ubuntu Xenial, working on fix) - ROS API change: states/common/MavlinkState/MissonItemExecuted topic renamed to states/common/MavlinkState/MissionItemExecuted
Contributors: Thomas Bamford, Mani Monajjemi
0.6.0 (2016-11-02)
Use Parrot ARSDK as a thirdparty dependency - Instead of building the SDK inline, bebop_driver now utilizes the catkin version of Parrot ARSDK available at https://github.com/AutonomyLab/parrot_arsdk and in a binary form via the ROS buildfarm: ros-<DISTRO>-parrot-arsdk
- Rename liblibbebop to libbebop
- Full SDK 3.10.x support
- ROS API change: states/ARDrone3/.. topics renamed to states/ardrone3/..
- * Disabling video stabilization works with Firmware 3.9 (tested on Bebop
- Camera control API fix for SDK 3.10.x
- Refactor H264 decode class to support dynamic picture size
- Add support for determining picture size from the stream
- Add dynamic buffer re-allocation on picture size change
- Use av_frame_alloc() instead of the depr. avcodec_alloc_frame()
- Fix inconsistent SDK 3.10.1 key values
- Update autogenerated msgs/headers/docs to SDK 3.10.1
- CMake: fix dynamic reconfigure dependency bug
- Rename topic 'navigate_home' to 'autoflight/navigate_home'
- Add autonomous flight plans
- Contributors: Jacob Perron, Mani Monajjemi
0.5.1 (2016-05-04)
- Add bebop_description as a build dep to bebop_driver (fixes #45)
Fix inline build of arsdk to use the frozen manifest (fixes #46) - Prior to this release, the build script would always compile the development branch of ARSDK. This fix ensures that instead of [default.xml]{.title-ref} manifest file - which represents the dev version of ARSDK package - [release.xml]{.title-ref} is used by [repo]{.title-ref}. This manifest file includes a certain hash for each ARSDK package that enforces a consistent build for ARSDK.
- Contributors: Mani Monajjemi
0.5.0 (2016-04-01)
- Based on Parrot ARSDK 3.8.3. Tested with Bebop 1.0 (2.0.57) and Bebop 2.0 (3.1.0)
- Update to SDK 3.8.3
- SDK 3.8.3 from
- SDK 3.8.3 git hash: 2930cc7f7a79173d51c1fc167475fa9fa6650def
- Add support for VideoStream v2.0
- Publish TF
- Experimental implementation of odometery (pose, velocity)
- Publish the GPS fix as a ROS standard message (closes
- Message type: sensor_msgs/NavSatFix
- Topic: fix
- Add joint state publisher for camera's pan/tilt
- Add a new param to enable/disable the TF publisher for odom
- Add a new param to set the odom frame id
- Include bebop_description and robot_state_publisher in driver's launch files
- Add proper limitations for camera's pan/tilt joints
- Add explicit linkage to libav (fixes #32)
- Fix libav API inconsistency issues #30 #35 #36
Improve H264 parameter update method - Implement a better way to pass SPS/PPS params to H264 decoder (SDK 3.8.x)
- Add a new CMake option "RUN_HARDWARE_TESTS" to explicitly enable hardware in the loop testing (disabled by default)
- Contributors: Mani Monajjemi, chartoin, Jake Bruce
0.4.1 (2016-02-17)
- Add ROS API for recording on-board picture/video (closes #5)
- Add a new ROS topic for taking on-board snapshot: [snapshot]{.title-ref}
- Add a new ROS topic for toggling on-board video recording: [record]{.title-ref}
- Update the docs
- Add curl as a rosdep build dep (fixes #33)
- Fix a bug in bebop_driver's nodelet destructor
- Fix a bug in ASyncSub class
- Contributors: Mani Monajjemi
0.4.0 (2016-01-17)
- Update Parrot SDK to 3.7.5 (from 3.6)
- Remove upstream XML hash from .msg files to minmize msg type changes from now on
- New Topic and Message type for [DefaultCameraOrientation]{.title-ref}
Add cmd_vel timeout for safety - The driver now sends stop command if no new cmd_vel is received within a pre-defined timeout period. This timeout is set to 0.1s by default and can be changed via [cmd_vel_timeout]{.title-ref} parameter.
- Fix right-jand rule bug of angular.z \@jacobperron (fixes #26)
Patch ARSDK to fix Sanselan's old URL - This is temporary and must be reverted when this is fixed upstream. Issue reported here: Parrot-Developers/ARSDKBuildUtils#61
- Add bebop ip address as ROS parameter (fixes #19) - (Param name: [bebop_ip]{.title-ref}, default value:
- Fix CameraInfo issues (closes
- Fix bugs in loading camera calibration data and update the tests
- Add a sample calibration file for bebop camera: bebop_camera_calib.yaml
- Load camera calibration file by default in both node/nodelet launch files
- Remove redundant bebop.launch file (closes #11)
- Fix coordinate system inconsistencies (fixes
- Fix cmd_vel.linear.y sign error
- Use attitude values in tests instead of velocities
- Contributors: Anup, Mani Monajjemi, Jacob Perron
0.3.0 (2015-09-17)
- Renamed package to bebop_driver
- Built against ARSDK3_version_3_6
- bebop_autonomy is now a metapackage
- bebop_autonomy is the ROS metapackage name
- Rename bebop_autonomy package to bebop_driver
- Rename bebop_autonomy_msgs to bebop_msgs
- Contributors: Mani Monajjemi
0.2.0 (2015-09-10)
- Finalized documentation
- Remove bebop_autonomy's dependency to image_view
- Imrovements to code autogeneration scripts.
- CLAMP values for cmd_vels and anim_id
- Added contents to almost all doc pages
- Bebop In The Loop tests (first revision)
- Fixed more style (lint) issues
- Finalized the first revision of tests
- Add autogenerated docs for Settings, Topics and Params
- Contributors: Mani Monajjemi
0.1.2 (2015-09-05)
- Move 'state' params to their own param namespace
- Add missing unzip dep to package.xml
- Contributors: Mani Monajjemi
0.1.1 (2015-09-04)
- Add support for downloading and building ARDroneSDK3 during the build process
- Add flattrim, flip and navigatehome interfaces
- Add forward declaration to classes where it is possible
- Major bug fixes and improvements
- Dynamic Reconfigure: Convert all two state int_t values to enum
- Fix the private nodehandle bugs in State and Settings handlers
- Fix the data flow of Settings between rosparam and dynamic reconfigure and bebop
- Fix SDK enum types in C (I32 instead of U8)
- Add Start/Stop streaming to Bebop interface class
- Add bebop_nodelet launch with image_view
- Organized DynR configs into groups
- Moved the autogeneration report to a seperated file
- build speed improvements
- Dynamically reconfigurable Bebop settings
- Add support to enable publishing of a specific State
- Add support to propogate states from bebop to ROS
- Auto-generated .msg and .h files based on libARCommands XML files
- New threading model for data retreival and publishing
- Nodelet now manages its own thread to receive frames from Bebop
- GetFrame() function abstracts all sync to access the rgb frame
- All subscribers send commands to the Bebop in their callbacks
- Integreate ARSAL logs into ROS_LOG
- Fix sync issues between frame grabber and publisher
- Improve video decode/publish pipeline
- Adopt frame decoding from official examples
- Thread safe access to raw frame ptr
- Synchronised frame decoding and publishing
- Proof of concept ROS driver for bebop drone
- Contributors: Mani Monajjemi
Wiki Tutorials
Package Dependencies
System Dependencies
Name |
pkg-config |
ffmpeg |
Dependant Packages
Name | Deps |
bebop_autonomy | |
bebop_tools |
Launch files
- launch/bebop_node.launch
- namespace [default: bebop]
- ip [default:]
- drone_type [default: bebop1]
- config_file [default: $(find bebop_driver)/config/defaults.yaml]
- camera_info_url [default: package://bebop_driver/data/$(arg drone_type)_camera_calib.yaml]
- launch/bebop_nodelet.launch
- namespace [default: bebop]
- ip [default:]
- drone_type [default: bebop1]
- config_file [default: $(find bebop_driver)/config/defaults.yaml]
- camera_info_url [default: package://bebop_driver/data/$(arg drone_type)_camera_calib.yaml]
Recent questions tagged bebop_driver at Robotics Stack Exchange
![]() |
bebop_driver package from bebop_autonomy repobebop_autonomy bebop_description bebop_driver bebop_msgs bebop_tools |
Package Summary
Tags | No category tags. |
Version | 0.7.1 |
License | BSD |
Build type | CATKIN |
Repository Summary
Checkout URI | https://github.com/AutonomyLab/bebop_autonomy.git |
VCS Type | git |
VCS Version | indigo-devel |
Last Updated | 2018-07-23 |
Dev Status | DEVELOPED |
CI status | Continuous Integration |
Released | UNRELEASED |
Tags | No category tags. |
Contributing |
Help Wanted (0)
Good First Issues (0) Pull Requests to Review (0) |
Package Description
Additional Links
- Mani Monajjemi
- Sepehr MohaimenianPour
- Thomas Bamford
- Tobias Naegeli
- Mani Monajjemi
ROS Driver for Parrot Bebop drone.
Changelog for package bebop_driver
0.7.1 (2018-05-31)
- Fixed the bug appearing when you run the catkin build command
- Contributors: Giuseppe Silano
0.7.0 (2017-07-29)
SDK 3.12.6 support (except 64bit Ubuntu Xenial, working on fix) - ROS API change: states/common/MavlinkState/MissonItemExecuted topic renamed to states/common/MavlinkState/MissionItemExecuted
Contributors: Thomas Bamford, Mani Monajjemi
0.6.0 (2016-11-02)
Use Parrot ARSDK as a thirdparty dependency - Instead of building the SDK inline, bebop_driver now utilizes the catkin version of Parrot ARSDK available at https://github.com/AutonomyLab/parrot_arsdk and in a binary form via the ROS buildfarm: ros-<DISTRO>-parrot-arsdk
- Rename liblibbebop to libbebop
- Full SDK 3.10.x support
- ROS API change: states/ARDrone3/.. topics renamed to states/ardrone3/..
- * Disabling video stabilization works with Firmware 3.9 (tested on Bebop
- Camera control API fix for SDK 3.10.x
- Refactor H264 decode class to support dynamic picture size
- Add support for determining picture size from the stream
- Add dynamic buffer re-allocation on picture size change
- Use av_frame_alloc() instead of the depr. avcodec_alloc_frame()
- Fix inconsistent SDK 3.10.1 key values
- Update autogenerated msgs/headers/docs to SDK 3.10.1
- CMake: fix dynamic reconfigure dependency bug
- Rename topic 'navigate_home' to 'autoflight/navigate_home'
- Add autonomous flight plans
- Contributors: Jacob Perron, Mani Monajjemi
0.5.1 (2016-05-04)
- Add bebop_description as a build dep to bebop_driver (fixes #45)
Fix inline build of arsdk to use the frozen manifest (fixes #46) - Prior to this release, the build script would always compile the development branch of ARSDK. This fix ensures that instead of [default.xml]{.title-ref} manifest file - which represents the dev version of ARSDK package - [release.xml]{.title-ref} is used by [repo]{.title-ref}. This manifest file includes a certain hash for each ARSDK package that enforces a consistent build for ARSDK.
- Contributors: Mani Monajjemi
0.5.0 (2016-04-01)
- Based on Parrot ARSDK 3.8.3. Tested with Bebop 1.0 (2.0.57) and Bebop 2.0 (3.1.0)
- Update to SDK 3.8.3
- SDK 3.8.3 from
- SDK 3.8.3 git hash: 2930cc7f7a79173d51c1fc167475fa9fa6650def
- Add support for VideoStream v2.0
- Publish TF
- Experimental implementation of odometery (pose, velocity)
- Publish the GPS fix as a ROS standard message (closes
- Message type: sensor_msgs/NavSatFix
- Topic: fix
- Add joint state publisher for camera's pan/tilt
- Add a new param to enable/disable the TF publisher for odom
- Add a new param to set the odom frame id
- Include bebop_description and robot_state_publisher in driver's launch files
- Add proper limitations for camera's pan/tilt joints
- Add explicit linkage to libav (fixes #32)
- Fix libav API inconsistency issues #30 #35 #36
Improve H264 parameter update method - Implement a better way to pass SPS/PPS params to H264 decoder (SDK 3.8.x)
- Add a new CMake option "RUN_HARDWARE_TESTS" to explicitly enable hardware in the loop testing (disabled by default)
- Contributors: Mani Monajjemi, chartoin, Jake Bruce
0.4.1 (2016-02-17)
- Add ROS API for recording on-board picture/video (closes #5)
- Add a new ROS topic for taking on-board snapshot: [snapshot]{.title-ref}
- Add a new ROS topic for toggling on-board video recording: [record]{.title-ref}
- Update the docs
- Add curl as a rosdep build dep (fixes #33)
- Fix a bug in bebop_driver's nodelet destructor
- Fix a bug in ASyncSub class
- Contributors: Mani Monajjemi
0.4.0 (2016-01-17)
- Update Parrot SDK to 3.7.5 (from 3.6)
- Remove upstream XML hash from .msg files to minmize msg type changes from now on
- New Topic and Message type for [DefaultCameraOrientation]{.title-ref}
Add cmd_vel timeout for safety - The driver now sends stop command if no new cmd_vel is received within a pre-defined timeout period. This timeout is set to 0.1s by default and can be changed via [cmd_vel_timeout]{.title-ref} parameter.
- Fix right-jand rule bug of angular.z \@jacobperron (fixes #26)
Patch ARSDK to fix Sanselan's old URL - This is temporary and must be reverted when this is fixed upstream. Issue reported here: Parrot-Developers/ARSDKBuildUtils#61
- Add bebop ip address as ROS parameter (fixes #19) - (Param name: [bebop_ip]{.title-ref}, default value:
- Fix CameraInfo issues (closes
- Fix bugs in loading camera calibration data and update the tests
- Add a sample calibration file for bebop camera: bebop_camera_calib.yaml
- Load camera calibration file by default in both node/nodelet launch files
- Remove redundant bebop.launch file (closes #11)
- Fix coordinate system inconsistencies (fixes
- Fix cmd_vel.linear.y sign error
- Use attitude values in tests instead of velocities
- Contributors: Anup, Mani Monajjemi, Jacob Perron
0.3.0 (2015-09-17)
- Renamed package to bebop_driver
- Built against ARSDK3_version_3_6
- bebop_autonomy is now a metapackage
- bebop_autonomy is the ROS metapackage name
- Rename bebop_autonomy package to bebop_driver
- Rename bebop_autonomy_msgs to bebop_msgs
- Contributors: Mani Monajjemi
0.2.0 (2015-09-10)
- Finalized documentation
- Remove bebop_autonomy's dependency to image_view
- Imrovements to code autogeneration scripts.
- CLAMP values for cmd_vels and anim_id
- Added contents to almost all doc pages
- Bebop In The Loop tests (first revision)
- Fixed more style (lint) issues
- Finalized the first revision of tests
- Add autogenerated docs for Settings, Topics and Params
- Contributors: Mani Monajjemi
0.1.2 (2015-09-05)
- Move 'state' params to their own param namespace
- Add missing unzip dep to package.xml
- Contributors: Mani Monajjemi
0.1.1 (2015-09-04)
- Add support for downloading and building ARDroneSDK3 during the build process
- Add flattrim, flip and navigatehome interfaces
- Add forward declaration to classes where it is possible
- Major bug fixes and improvements
- Dynamic Reconfigure: Convert all two state int_t values to enum
- Fix the private nodehandle bugs in State and Settings handlers
- Fix the data flow of Settings between rosparam and dynamic reconfigure and bebop
- Fix SDK enum types in C (I32 instead of U8)
- Add Start/Stop streaming to Bebop interface class
- Add bebop_nodelet launch with image_view
- Organized DynR configs into groups
- Moved the autogeneration report to a seperated file
- build speed improvements
- Dynamically reconfigurable Bebop settings
- Add support to enable publishing of a specific State
- Add support to propogate states from bebop to ROS
- Auto-generated .msg and .h files based on libARCommands XML files
- New threading model for data retreival and publishing
- Nodelet now manages its own thread to receive frames from Bebop
- GetFrame() function abstracts all sync to access the rgb frame
- All subscribers send commands to the Bebop in their callbacks
- Integreate ARSAL logs into ROS_LOG
- Fix sync issues between frame grabber and publisher
- Improve video decode/publish pipeline
- Adopt frame decoding from official examples
- Thread safe access to raw frame ptr
- Synchronised frame decoding and publishing
- Proof of concept ROS driver for bebop drone
- Contributors: Mani Monajjemi
Wiki Tutorials
Package Dependencies
System Dependencies
Name |
pkg-config |
ffmpeg |
Dependant Packages
Name | Deps |
bebop_autonomy | |
bebop_tools |
Launch files
- launch/bebop_node.launch
- namespace [default: bebop]
- ip [default:]
- drone_type [default: bebop1]
- config_file [default: $(find bebop_driver)/config/defaults.yaml]
- camera_info_url [default: package://bebop_driver/data/$(arg drone_type)_camera_calib.yaml]
- launch/bebop_nodelet.launch
- namespace [default: bebop]
- ip [default:]
- drone_type [default: bebop1]
- config_file [default: $(find bebop_driver)/config/defaults.yaml]
- camera_info_url [default: package://bebop_driver/data/$(arg drone_type)_camera_calib.yaml]
Recent questions tagged bebop_driver at Robotics Stack Exchange
![]() |
bebop_driver package from bebop_autonomy repobebop_autonomy bebop_description bebop_driver bebop_msgs bebop_tools |
Package Summary
Tags | No category tags. |
Version | 0.7.1 |
License | BSD |
Build type | CATKIN |
Repository Summary
Checkout URI | https://github.com/AutonomyLab/bebop_autonomy.git |
VCS Type | git |
VCS Version | indigo-devel |
Last Updated | 2018-07-23 |
Dev Status | DEVELOPED |
CI status | Continuous Integration |
Released | UNRELEASED |
Tags | No category tags. |
Contributing |
Help Wanted (0)
Good First Issues (0) Pull Requests to Review (0) |
Package Description
Additional Links
- Mani Monajjemi
- Sepehr MohaimenianPour
- Thomas Bamford
- Tobias Naegeli
- Mani Monajjemi
ROS Driver for Parrot Bebop drone.
Changelog for package bebop_driver
0.7.1 (2018-05-31)
- Fixed the bug appearing when you run the catkin build command
- Contributors: Giuseppe Silano
0.7.0 (2017-07-29)
SDK 3.12.6 support (except 64bit Ubuntu Xenial, working on fix) - ROS API change: states/common/MavlinkState/MissonItemExecuted topic renamed to states/common/MavlinkState/MissionItemExecuted
Contributors: Thomas Bamford, Mani Monajjemi
0.6.0 (2016-11-02)
Use Parrot ARSDK as a thirdparty dependency - Instead of building the SDK inline, bebop_driver now utilizes the catkin version of Parrot ARSDK available at https://github.com/AutonomyLab/parrot_arsdk and in a binary form via the ROS buildfarm: ros-<DISTRO>-parrot-arsdk
- Rename liblibbebop to libbebop
- Full SDK 3.10.x support
- ROS API change: states/ARDrone3/.. topics renamed to states/ardrone3/..
- * Disabling video stabilization works with Firmware 3.9 (tested on Bebop
- Camera control API fix for SDK 3.10.x
- Refactor H264 decode class to support dynamic picture size
- Add support for determining picture size from the stream
- Add dynamic buffer re-allocation on picture size change
- Use av_frame_alloc() instead of the depr. avcodec_alloc_frame()
- Fix inconsistent SDK 3.10.1 key values
- Update autogenerated msgs/headers/docs to SDK 3.10.1
- CMake: fix dynamic reconfigure dependency bug
- Rename topic 'navigate_home' to 'autoflight/navigate_home'
- Add autonomous flight plans
- Contributors: Jacob Perron, Mani Monajjemi
0.5.1 (2016-05-04)
- Add bebop_description as a build dep to bebop_driver (fixes #45)
Fix inline build of arsdk to use the frozen manifest (fixes #46) - Prior to this release, the build script would always compile the development branch of ARSDK. This fix ensures that instead of [default.xml]{.title-ref} manifest file - which represents the dev version of ARSDK package - [release.xml]{.title-ref} is used by [repo]{.title-ref}. This manifest file includes a certain hash for each ARSDK package that enforces a consistent build for ARSDK.
- Contributors: Mani Monajjemi
0.5.0 (2016-04-01)
- Based on Parrot ARSDK 3.8.3. Tested with Bebop 1.0 (2.0.57) and Bebop 2.0 (3.1.0)
- Update to SDK 3.8.3
- SDK 3.8.3 from
- SDK 3.8.3 git hash: 2930cc7f7a79173d51c1fc167475fa9fa6650def
- Add support for VideoStream v2.0
- Publish TF
- Experimental implementation of odometery (pose, velocity)
- Publish the GPS fix as a ROS standard message (closes
- Message type: sensor_msgs/NavSatFix
- Topic: fix
- Add joint state publisher for camera's pan/tilt
- Add a new param to enable/disable the TF publisher for odom
- Add a new param to set the odom frame id
- Include bebop_description and robot_state_publisher in driver's launch files
- Add proper limitations for camera's pan/tilt joints
- Add explicit linkage to libav (fixes #32)
- Fix libav API inconsistency issues #30 #35 #36
Improve H264 parameter update method - Implement a better way to pass SPS/PPS params to H264 decoder (SDK 3.8.x)
- Add a new CMake option "RUN_HARDWARE_TESTS" to explicitly enable hardware in the loop testing (disabled by default)
- Contributors: Mani Monajjemi, chartoin, Jake Bruce
0.4.1 (2016-02-17)
- Add ROS API for recording on-board picture/video (closes #5)
- Add a new ROS topic for taking on-board snapshot: [snapshot]{.title-ref}
- Add a new ROS topic for toggling on-board video recording: [record]{.title-ref}
- Update the docs
- Add curl as a rosdep build dep (fixes #33)
- Fix a bug in bebop_driver's nodelet destructor
- Fix a bug in ASyncSub class
- Contributors: Mani Monajjemi
0.4.0 (2016-01-17)
- Update Parrot SDK to 3.7.5 (from 3.6)
- Remove upstream XML hash from .msg files to minmize msg type changes from now on
- New Topic and Message type for [DefaultCameraOrientation]{.title-ref}
Add cmd_vel timeout for safety - The driver now sends stop command if no new cmd_vel is received within a pre-defined timeout period. This timeout is set to 0.1s by default and can be changed via [cmd_vel_timeout]{.title-ref} parameter.
- Fix right-jand rule bug of angular.z \@jacobperron (fixes #26)
Patch ARSDK to fix Sanselan's old URL - This is temporary and must be reverted when this is fixed upstream. Issue reported here: Parrot-Developers/ARSDKBuildUtils#61
- Add bebop ip address as ROS parameter (fixes #19) - (Param name: [bebop_ip]{.title-ref}, default value:
- Fix CameraInfo issues (closes
- Fix bugs in loading camera calibration data and update the tests
- Add a sample calibration file for bebop camera: bebop_camera_calib.yaml
- Load camera calibration file by default in both node/nodelet launch files
- Remove redundant bebop.launch file (closes #11)
- Fix coordinate system inconsistencies (fixes
- Fix cmd_vel.linear.y sign error
- Use attitude values in tests instead of velocities
- Contributors: Anup, Mani Monajjemi, Jacob Perron
0.3.0 (2015-09-17)
- Renamed package to bebop_driver
- Built against ARSDK3_version_3_6
- bebop_autonomy is now a metapackage
- bebop_autonomy is the ROS metapackage name
- Rename bebop_autonomy package to bebop_driver
- Rename bebop_autonomy_msgs to bebop_msgs
- Contributors: Mani Monajjemi
0.2.0 (2015-09-10)
- Finalized documentation
- Remove bebop_autonomy's dependency to image_view
- Imrovements to code autogeneration scripts.
- CLAMP values for cmd_vels and anim_id
- Added contents to almost all doc pages
- Bebop In The Loop tests (first revision)
- Fixed more style (lint) issues
- Finalized the first revision of tests
- Add autogenerated docs for Settings, Topics and Params
- Contributors: Mani Monajjemi
0.1.2 (2015-09-05)
- Move 'state' params to their own param namespace
- Add missing unzip dep to package.xml
- Contributors: Mani Monajjemi
0.1.1 (2015-09-04)
- Add support for downloading and building ARDroneSDK3 during the build process
- Add flattrim, flip and navigatehome interfaces
- Add forward declaration to classes where it is possible
- Major bug fixes and improvements
- Dynamic Reconfigure: Convert all two state int_t values to enum
- Fix the private nodehandle bugs in State and Settings handlers
- Fix the data flow of Settings between rosparam and dynamic reconfigure and bebop
- Fix SDK enum types in C (I32 instead of U8)
- Add Start/Stop streaming to Bebop interface class
- Add bebop_nodelet launch with image_view
- Organized DynR configs into groups
- Moved the autogeneration report to a seperated file
- build speed improvements
- Dynamically reconfigurable Bebop settings
- Add support to enable publishing of a specific State
- Add support to propogate states from bebop to ROS
- Auto-generated .msg and .h files based on libARCommands XML files
- New threading model for data retreival and publishing
- Nodelet now manages its own thread to receive frames from Bebop
- GetFrame() function abstracts all sync to access the rgb frame
- All subscribers send commands to the Bebop in their callbacks
- Integreate ARSAL logs into ROS_LOG
- Fix sync issues between frame grabber and publisher
- Improve video decode/publish pipeline
- Adopt frame decoding from official examples
- Thread safe access to raw frame ptr
- Synchronised frame decoding and publishing
- Proof of concept ROS driver for bebop drone
- Contributors: Mani Monajjemi
Wiki Tutorials
Package Dependencies
System Dependencies
Name |
pkg-config |
ffmpeg |
Dependant Packages
Name | Deps |
bebop_autonomy | |
bebop_tools |
Launch files
- launch/bebop_node.launch
- namespace [default: bebop]
- ip [default:]
- drone_type [default: bebop1]
- config_file [default: $(find bebop_driver)/config/defaults.yaml]
- camera_info_url [default: package://bebop_driver/data/$(arg drone_type)_camera_calib.yaml]
- launch/bebop_nodelet.launch
- namespace [default: bebop]
- ip [default:]
- drone_type [default: bebop1]
- config_file [default: $(find bebop_driver)/config/defaults.yaml]
- camera_info_url [default: package://bebop_driver/data/$(arg drone_type)_camera_calib.yaml]