Package Summary

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Version 0.0.0
License BSD
Build type CATKIN

Repository Summary

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VCS Type git
VCS Version master
Last Updated 2024-07-24
CI status Continuous Integration
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Package Description

The xarm_api package

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  • Jason Peng


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xarm_api services description


  The services of xarm_api is the interface encapsulation of C++ SDK, which may be a single interface call or multiple interface calls.   Note: The service path prefix (xarm/) used by rosservice is related to the startup parameters. The default xarm series is xarm/, and the Lite series is ufactory/. The following example uses xarm/, the actual use is modified according to the actual situation.


  • ### Init
    • ##### motion_ctrl
    • SDK API
      • motion_enable
    • rosservice
      # id: 1~7 means joint1~joint7, 8 means all joints
      # enable: 1 means enable, 0 means disable
      rosservice call /xarm/motion_ctrl ${enable} ${id}

  • ##### set_mode
    • SDK API:
      • set_mode
    • rosservice:
      # mode: 
      #   0: position mode
      #   1: servo motion mode
      #   2: joint teaching mode
      #   4: joint velocity mode
      #   5: cartesian velocity mode
      #   6: joint online trajectory planning mode
      #   7: cartesian online trajectory planning mode
      rosservice call /xarm/set_mode ${mode}

  • ##### set_state
    • SDK API:
      • set_state
    • rosservice:
      # state:
      #   0: motion state
      #   3: pause state
      #   4: stop state
      rosservice call /xarm/set_state ${state}

  • ##### clear_err
    • SDK API:
      • (if gripper added) clean_gripper_error
      • clean_error
      • clean_warn
      • motion_enable
    • rosservice:
      rosservice call /xarm/clear_err

  • ##### moveit_clear_err
    • SDK API:
      • (if gripper added) clean_gripper_error
      • clean_error
      • clean_warn
      • motion_enable
      • set_mode
      • set_state
    • rosservice:
      rosservice call /xarm/moveit_clear_err

  • ### Motion
    • ##### go_home
    • SDK API:
      • move_gohome
    • rosservice:
      # mvvelo: speed (rad/s)
      # mvacc: acceleration (rad/s^2)
      rosservice call /xarm/go_home [] ${mvvelo} ${mvacc} 0 0

  • ##### move_joint
    • SDK API:
      • set_servo_angle
    • rosservice:
      # angles: [joint1-rad, ..., joint${dof}-rad]
      # mvvelo: speed (rad/s)
      # mvacc: acceleration (rad/s^2)
      rosservice call /xarm/move_joint ${angles} ${mvvelo} ${mvacc} 0 0

  • ##### move_jointb
    • SDK API:
      • set_servo_angle
    • rosservice:
      # angles: [joint1-rad, ..., joint${dof}-rad]
      # mvvelo: speed (rad/s)
      # mvacc: acceleration (rad/s^2)
      # radius: the blending radius between 2 straight path trajectories, 0 for no blend.
      rosservice call /xarm/move_jointb ${angles} ${mvvelo} ${mvacc} 0 ${radius}

  • ##### move_line
    • SDK API:
      • set_position
    • rosservice:
      # pose: [x(mm), y(mm), z(mm), roll(rad), pitch(rad), yaw(rad)]
      # mvvelo: speed (mm/s)
      # mvacc: acceleration (mm/s^2)
      rosservice call /xarm/move_line ${pose} ${mvvelo} ${mvacc} 0 0

  • ##### move_lineb
    • SDK API:
      • set_position
    • rosservice:
      # pose: [x(mm), y(mm), z(mm), roll(rad), pitch(rad), yaw(rad)]
      # mvvelo: speed (mm/s)
      # mvacc: acceleration (mm/s^2)
      # radius: the blending radius between 2 straight path trajectories, 0 for no blend.
      rosservice call /xarm/move_lineb ${pose} ${mvvelo} ${mvacc} 0 ${radius}

  • ##### move_line_tool
    • SDK API:
      • set_tool_position
    • rosservice:
      # pose: [x(mm), y(mm), z(mm), roll(rad), pitch(rad), yaw(rad)]
      # mvvelo: speed (mm/s)
      # mvacc: acceleration (mm/s^2)
      rosservice call /xarm/move_line_tool ${pose} ${mvvelo} ${mvacc} 0 0

  • ##### move_servoj
    • SDK API:
      • set_servo_angle_j
    • rosservice:
      # angles: [joint1-rad, ..., joint${dof}-rad]
      # mvvelo: speed (rad/s)
      # mvacc: acceleration (rad/s^2)
      rosservice call /xarm/move_servoj ${angles} ${mvvelo} ${mvacc} 0 0

  • ##### move_servo_cart
    • SDK API:
      • set_servo_cartesian
    • rosservice:
      # pose: [x(mm), y(mm), z(mm), roll(rad), pitch(rad), yaw(rad)]
      # mvvelo: speed (mm/s)
      # mvacc: acceleration (mm/s^2)
      # coord: motion coordinate system indicator, base (0) or tool(1) coordinate
      rosservice call /xarm/move_servo_cart ${pose} ${mvvelo} ${mvacc} ${coord} 0

  • ##### move_line_aa
    • SDK API:
      • set_position_aa
    • rosservice:
      # pose: [x(mm), y(mm), z(mm), roll(rad), pitch(rad), yaw(rad)]
      # mvvelo: speed (mm/s)
      # mvacc: acceleration (mm/s^2)
      # coord: motion coordinate system indicator, base (0) or tool(1) coordinate
      # relative: indicator of given target is relative (1) or not (0, absolute)
      rosservice call /xarm/move_line_aa ${pose} ${mvvelo} ${mvacc} 0 ${coord} ${relative}

  • ##### move_servo_cart_aa
    • SDK API:
      • set_servo_cartesian_aa
    • rosservice:
      # pose: [x(mm), y(mm), z(mm), roll(rad), pitch(rad), yaw(rad)]
      # mvvelo: speed (mm/s)
      # mvacc: acceleration (mm/s^2)
      # coord: motion coordinate system indicator, base (0) or tool(1) coordinate
      # relative: indicator of given target is relative (1) or not (0, absolute)
      rosservice call /xarm/move_servo_cart_aa ${pose} ${mvvelo} ${mvacc} 0 ${coord} ${relative}

  • ##### velo_move_joint
    • SDK API:
      • vc_set_joint_velocity
    • rosservice:
      # velocities: [joint1-velo(rad/s), ..., joint${dof}-velo(rad/s)]
      # jnt_sync: whether all joints accelerate and decelerate synchronously, 1 for yes, 0 for no
      rosservice call /xarm/velo_move_joint ${velocities} ${jnt_sync} 0

  • ##### velo_move_line
    • SDK API:
      • vc_set_cartesian_velocity
    • rosservice:
      # velocities: [velo-x(mm/s), velo-y(mm/s), velo-z(mm/s), velo-roll(rad/s), velo-pitch(rad/s), velo-yaw(rad/s)]
      # coord: whether motion is in tool coordinate(1) or not(0)
      rosservice call /xarm/velo_move_joint ${velocities} 0 ${coord}

  • ##### velo_move_joint_timed
    • SDK API:
      • vc_set_joint_velocity
    • rosservice:
      # velocities: [joint1-velo(rad/s), ..., joint${dof}-velo(rad/s)]
      # is_sync: whether all joints accelerate and decelerate synchronously, 1 for yes, 0 for no
      # duration: the maximum duration of the speed, over this time will automatically set the speed to 0
      rosservice call /xarm/velo_move_joint_timed ${velocities} ${is_sync} 0 ${duration}

  • ##### velo_move_line_timed
    • SDK API:
      • vc_set_cartesian_velocity
    • rosservice:
      # velocities: [velo-x(mm/s), velo-y(mm/s), velo-z(mm/s), velo-roll(rad/s), velo-pitch(rad/s), velo-yaw(rad/s)]
      # is_tool_coord: whether motion is in tool coordinate(1) or not(0)
      # duration: the maximum duration of the speed, over this time will automatically set the speed to 0
      rosservice call /xarm/velo_move_line_timed ${velocities} 0 ${is_tool_coord} {duration}

  • ### Tool GPIO (ionum from 1 to 2)
    • ##### set_digital_out
    • SDK API:
      • set_tgpio_digital
    • rosservice:
      # io_num: io num, 1: DO0, 2: DO1
      # value: 0/1
      rosservice call /xarm/set_digital_out ${io_num} ${value}

  • ##### get_digital_in
    • SDK API:
      • get_tgpio_digital
    • rosservice:
      rosservice call /xarm/get_digital_in

  • ##### get_analog_in
    • SDK API:
      • get_tgpio_analog
    • rosservice:
      # io_num: io num, 1: AI0, 2: AI1
      rosservice call /xarm/get_analog_in ${io_num}

  • ### Controller GPIO (ionum from 1 to 16)
    • ##### set_controller_dout
    • SDK API:
      • set_cgpio_digital
    • rosservice:
      # io_num: io num, 1 ~ 16, (1: CO0, 9: DO0)
      # value: 0/1
      rosservice call /xarm/set_controller_dout ${io_num} ${value}

  • ##### get_controller_din
    • SDK API:
      • get_cgpio_digital
    • rosservice:
      # io_num: io num, 1 ~ 16, (1: CI0, 9: DI0)
      rosservice call /xarm/get_controller_din ${io_num}

  • ##### set_controller_aout
    • SDK API:
      • set_cgpio_analog
    • rosservice:
      # io_num: io num, 1: AO0, 2: AO1
      # value: value
      rosservice call /xarm/set_controller_aout ${io_num} ${value}

  • ##### get_controller_ain
    • SDK API:
      • get_cgpio_analog
    • rosservice:
      # io_num: io num, 1: AI0, 2: AI1
      rosservice call /xarm/get_controller_ain ${io_num}

  • ### XArm Gripper
    • ##### gripper_config
    • SDK API:
      • set_gripper_mode
      • set_gripper_enable
      • set_gripper_speed
    • rosservice:
      # velocity: pulse velocity, 1 ~ 5000
      rosservice call /xarm/gripper_config ${velocity}

  • ##### gripper_move
    • SDK API:
      • set_gripper_position
    • rosservice:
      # pos: pulse pos, -100 ~ 850
      rosservice call /xarm/gripper_move ${pos}

  • ##### gripper_state
    • SDK API:
      • get_gripper_err_code
      • get_gripper_position
    • rosservice:
      rosservice call /xarm/gripper_state 

  • ### XArm Vacuum Gripper
    • ##### vacuum_gripper_set
    • SDK API:
      • set_vacuum_gripper
    • rosservice:
      # on: 1: open, 0: close
      rosservice call /xarm/vacuum_gripper_set ${on}

  • ### Lite Gripper
    • ##### open_lite6_gripper
    • SDK API:
      • open_lite6_gripper
    • rosservice:
      rosservice call /xarm/open_lite6_gripper

  • ##### close_lite6_gripper
    • SDK API:
      • close_lite6_gripper
    • rosservice:
      rosservice call /xarm/close_lite6_gripper

  • ##### stop_lite6_gripper
    • SDK API:
      • stop_lite6_gripper
    • rosservice:
      rosservice call /xarm/stop_lite6_gripper

  • ### Force torque Sensor
    • ##### ft_sensor_enable
    • SDK API:
      • ft_sensor_enable
    • rosservice:
      # enable: 1: enable, 0: disable
      rosservice call /xarm/ft_sensor_enable ${enable}

  • ##### ft_sensor_app_set
    • SDK API:
      • ft_sensor_app_set
    • rosservice:
      # app_code
      #   0: non-force mode
      #   1: impendance control
      #   2: force control
      rosservice call /xarm/ft_sensor_app_set ${app_code}

  • ##### ft_sensor_set_zero
    • SDK API:
      • ft_sensor_set_zero
    • rosservice:
      rosservice call /xarm/ft_sensor_set_zero

  • ##### ft_sensor_cali_load
    • SDK API:
      • ft_sensor_cali_load
      • save_conf
    • rosservice:
      # data: iden load result
      # association_setting_tcp_load: association setting tcp load or not
      rosservice call /xarm/ft_sensor_cali_load ${data} ${association_setting_tcp_load}

  • ##### ft_sensor_iden_load
    • SDK API:
      • ft_sensor_iden_load
    • rosservice:
      rosservice call /xarm/ft_sensor_iden_load

  • ##### get_ft_sensor_error
    • SDK API:
      • get_ft_sensor_error
    • rosservice:
      rosservice call /xarm/get_ft_sensor_error

  • ### Tool Modbus
    • ##### config_tool_modbus
    • SDK API:
      • set_state
      • set_tgpio_modbus_baudrate
      • set_tgpio_modbus_timeout
    • rosservice:
      # baudrate: baudrate
      # timeout_ms: timeout(ms)
      rosservice call /xarm/config_tool_modbus ${baudrate} ${timeout_ms}

  • ##### set_tool_modbus
    • SDK API:
      • getset_tgpio_modbus_data
    • rosservice:
      # send_data: modbus data
      # respond_len: the length of the response modbus data
      rosservice call /xarm/getset_tgpio_modbus_data ${send_data} ${respond_len}

  • ##### get_tgpio_modbus_baudrate
    • SDK API:
      • get_tgpio_modbus_baudrate
    • rosservice:
      rosservice call /xarm/get_tgpio_modbus_baudrate

  • ##### set_tgpio_modbus_timeout
    • SDK API:
      • set_tgpio_modbus_timeout
    • rosservice:
      # timeout_ms: timeout(ms)
      # is_transparent_transmission: is transparent transmission or not
      rosservice call /xarm/set_tgpio_modbus_timeout ${timeout_ms} ${is_transparent_transmission}

  • ##### getset_tgpio_modbus_data
    • SDK API:
      • getset_tgpio_modbus_data
    • rosservice:
      # send_data: modbus data
      # respond_len: the length of the response modbus data
      # host_id: host id, 9: END RS485, 10: Controller RS485
      # is_transparent_transmission: is transparent transmission or not
      # use_503_port: whether to use port 503 for communication
      rosservice call /xarm/getset_tgpio_modbus_data ${send_data} ${respond_len} ${host_id} ${is_transparent_transmission} ${use_503_port}

  • ### Get
    • ##### get_servo_angle
    • SDK API:
      • get_servo_angle
    • rosservice:
      rosservice call /xarm/get_servo_angle

  • ##### get_position_rpy
    • SDK API:
      • get_position
    • rosservice:
      rosservice call /xarm/get_position_rpy

  • ##### get_position_axis_angle
    • SDK API:
      • get_position_aa
    • rosservice:
      rosservice call /xarm/get_position_axis_angle

  • ### Set
    • ##### set_tcp_offset
    • SDK API:
      • set_tcp_offset
      • save_conf
    • rosservice
      # x/y/z: mm
      # roll/pitch/yaw: rad
      rosservice call /xarm/set_tcp_offset ${x} ${y} ${z} ${roll} ${pitch} ${yaw}

  • ##### set_load
    • SDK API:
      • set_tcp_load
      • save_conf
    • rosservice
      # mass: kg
      # xc: x center of mass (mm)
      # yc: y center of mass (mm)
      # zc: z center of mass (mm)
      rosservice call /xarm/set_load ${mass} ${xc} ${yc} ${zc}

  • ##### set_max_acc_joint
    • SDK API:
      • set_joint_maxacc
    • rosservice
      # maxacc: joint max acc, rad/s^2, 0 ~ 20
      rosservice call /xarm/set_max_acc_joint ${maxacc}

  • ##### set_max_acc_line
    • SDK API:
      • set_tcp_maxacc
    • rosservice
      # maxacc: tcp max acc, mm/s^2, 0 ~ 50000
      rosservice call /xarm/set_max_acc_line ${maxacc}

  • ##### set_collision_rebound
    • SDK API:
      • set_collision_rebound
    • rosservice
      # on: 1: on, 0: off
      rosservice call /xarm/set_collision_rebound ${on}

  • ##### set_collision_sensitivity
    • SDK API:
      • set_collision_sensitivity
    • rosservice
      # sens: collision sensitivity, 0 ~ 5
      rosservice call /xarm/set_collision_sensitivity ${sens}

  • ##### set_teach_sensitivity
    • SDK API:
      • set_teach_sensitivity
    • rosservice
      # sens: teach sensitivity, 1 ~ 5
      rosservice call /xarm/set_teach_sensitivity ${sens}

  • ##### set_world_offset
    • SDK API:
      • set_world_offset
      • save_conf
    • rosservice
      # x/y/z: mm
      # roll/pitch/yaw: rad
      rosservice call /xarm/set_world_offset ${x} ${y} ${z} ${roll} ${pitch} ${yaw}

  • ##### set_fence_mode
    • SDK API:
      • set_fence_mode
    • rosservice
      # on: 1: on, 0: off
      rosservice call /xarm/set_fence_mode ${on}

  • ##### set_reduced_mode
    • SDK API:
      • set_reduced_mode
    • rosservice
      # on: 1: on, 0: off
      rosservice call /xarm/set_reduced_mode ${on}

  • ##### set_tcp_jerk
    • SDK API:
      • set_tcp_jerk
    • rosservice
      # jerk: tcp max acc, mm/s^3
      rosservice call /xarm/set_tcp_jerk ${jerk}

  • ##### set_joint_jerk
    • SDK API:
      • set_joint_jerk
    • rosservice
      # jerk: joint jerk, rad/s^3
      rosservice call /xarm/set_joint_jerk ${jerk}

  • ### Trajectory
    • ##### set_recording
    • SDK API:
      • start_record_trajectory or stop_record_trajectory
    • rosservice
      # on: 1: start, 0: stop
      rosservice call /xarm/set_recording ${on}

  • ##### save_traj
    • SDK API:
      • save_record_trajectory
    • rosservice
      # filename: the trajectory filename to save
      # timeout: save timeout (second)
      rosservice call /xarm/save_traj ${filename} ${timeout}

  • ##### play_traj
    • SDK API:
      • playback_trajectory
    • rosservice
      # filename: the trajectory filename to playback
      # times: repeat times
      # speed_factor: speed factor, 1/2/4
      rosservice call /xarm/play_traj ${filename} ${times} ${speed_factor}


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