No version for distro humble. Known supported distros are highlighted in the buttons above.
No version for distro iron. Known supported distros are highlighted in the buttons above.
No version for distro jazzy. Known supported distros are highlighted in the buttons above.
No version for distro rolling. Known supported distros are highlighted in the buttons above.

ypspur_ros package from ypspur_ros repo


Package Summary

Tags No category tags.
Version 0.6.0
License BSD
Build type CATKIN

Repository Summary

Checkout URI
VCS Type git
VCS Version master
Last Updated 2024-04-18
CI status
Tags No category tags.
Contributing Help Wanted (0)
Good First Issues (0)
Pull Requests to Review (0)

Package Description

ROS wrapper for the mobile robot control platform YP-Spur

Additional Links

No additional links.


  • Atsushi Watanabe


  • Atsushi Watanabe


Package summary

This package provides a ROS wrapper node for YP-Spur vehicle control backend. The wrapper node supports almost all features provided by YP-Spur including vehicle control, digital IO, A/D input, multi-DOF joint control, etc.

This package requires the latest version of YP-Spur.



Wrapper node.


sensor_msgs/JointState message to tf converter.


ypspur_ros/JointPositionControl to trajectory_msgs/JointTrajectory converter.


ypspur_ros is available under BSD license.


Changelog for package ypspur_ros

0.6.0 (2024-04-17)

  • Add option to publish digital input data separately (#128)
  • Contributors: Seiga Kiribayashi

0.5.0 (2024-04-02)

  • Add option to stop control on system time jump (#125)
  • Contributors: Atsushi Watanabe

0.4.0 (2024-03-28)

  • Add option to wait convergence of joint trajectory angle and velocity (#122)
  • Use control simulation in yp-spur instead of ypspur_ros (#120)
  • Fix code format (#121)
  • Update assets to v0.6.4 (#119)
  • Update assets to v0.6.3 (#118)
  • Contributors: Atsushi Watanabe, Kazuki Takahashi

0.3.6 (2024-01-10)

  • Avoid publishing joint messages with duplicate stamps (#115)
  • Update assets to v0.6.2 (#114)
  • Update assets to v0.6.1 (#113)
  • Update assets to v0.6.0 (#112)
  • Update assets to v0.5.2 (#111)
  • Update assets to v0.5.1 (#110)
  • Update assets to v0.5.0 (#109)
  • Update assets to v0.4.2 (#108)
  • Update assets to v0.4.1 (#107)
  • Update assets to v0.4.0 (#106)
  • Update assets to v0.3.4 (#102)
  • Update assets to v0.3.3 (#101)
  • Update assets to v0.3.2 (#100)
  • Contributors: Atsushi Watanabe, Mark Hedley Jones

0.3.5 (2021-06-16)

  • Avoid publishing duplicated odometry (#97)
  • Update assets to v0.3.1 (#96)
  • Update assets to v0.3.0 (#95)
  • Update assets to v0.2.0 (#94)
  • Migrate to tf2 (#93)
  • Update assets to v0.1.5 (#92)
  • Add LICENSE file (#91)
  • Contributors: Atsushi Watanabe, Naotaka Hatao, f-fl0

0.3.4 (2020-12-23)

0.3.3 (2020-12-23)

  • Update assets to v0.1.4 (#86)
  • Contributors: Atsushi Watanabe

0.3.2 (2020-12-23)

  • Update ypspur version (#83)
  • Update assets to v0.1.3 (#82)
  • Update assets to v0.1.2 (#81)
  • Migrate to GitHub Actions (#79)
  • Update assets to v0.0.10 (#78)
  • Update assets to v0.0.9 (#76)
  • Update CI scripts (#77)
  • Update cmake version of cmake_minimum_required() from 2.8.3 to 3.0.2 (#75)
  • Update assets to v0.0.8 (#72)
  • Add Noetic CI job and pre-release test jobs (#69)
  • Update assets to v0.0.7 (#68)
  • Update assets to v0.0.6 (#67)
  • Contributors: Atsushi Watanabe, Kazuki Takahashi, Seiga Kiribayashi

0.3.1 (2019-12-16)

  • Fix communication error handling (#64)
  • Drop support for yp-spur<1.17.0 to simplify the code (#63)
  • Add sleep to ensure publishing rosout before exit (#61)
  • Fix coding style (#62)
  • Add post-release test script (#58)
  • Disable CI build on indigo (#59)
  • Contributors: Atsushi Watanabe

0.3.0 (2019-05-09)

  • Add parameter to set expire duration of cmd_vel (#55)
  • Ignore outdated JointTrajectory command (#54)
  • Fix exception type (#52)
  • Fix subprocess handling (#48)
  • Add device error status diagnostic output (#46)
  • Fix test dependencies and update manifest (#42)
  • Contributors: Atsushi Watanabe

0.2.0 (2018-06-07)

  • Add CI build for melodic (#37)
    • Also rename ci script directory
  • Add encrypted token for image caching (#35)
  • Migrate to ROS recommended namespace model (#31)
  • Fix --enable-get-digital-io arg to ypspur-coordinator (#33)
  • Fix installation of nodes (#30)
  • Fix variable and class naming styles (#29)
  • Contributors: Atsushi Watanabe

0.1.0 (2018-04-19)

  • Update CI settings (#25)
    • Use docker hub as a cache
  • Fix build dependencies (#24)
    • Fix cmake target build deps
    • Fix package deps
  • Fix joint state timestamp coherency (#23)
    • Fix joint state timestamp coherency
    • Use system time if yp-spur didn\'t provide stamp
  • Add build test on indigo. (#20)
  • Fix coding style. (#19)
  • Fix timestamp in simulation mode. (#18)
  • Add build test. (#17)
    • Add build test.
    • Fix indent in CMakeFile.
    • Fix package deps.
  • Support running ypspur-coordinator by using PATH env. (#14)
  • Use find_package(ypspur) instead of catkin_package. (#12)
  • Use CMake version of ypspur. (#10)
    • Also, fix dummy dependency to system_lib.
  • adds README (#9)
  • publishes digital input port state (#8)
  • fixes to compile with old versions of YP-Spur which does not have joint_ang_vel command
  • adds error handling on joint trajectory control
  • joint_position_to_joint_trajectory: temporary removes time to accelerate
  • joint_position_to_joint_trajectory: skips duplicated joint command
  • joint_position_to_joint_trajectory: takes care of the current joint position
  • adds joint_position_to_joint_trajectory converter
  • fixes uncleared joint trajectory command cache
  • increases cmd_joint input buffer
  • allows divided joint trajectory command
  • adds joint trajectory control
  • fixes DIO default status parameter setting
  • supports joint effort output (#4)
    • This also fixes a bug that joint effort field was filled by velocity value on the version of YP-Spur without joint control support.
  • changes default vel/acc settings to use values defined in the parameter file
  • fixes ypspur-coordinator process monitoring
  • adds vehicle control mode interface
  • fixes digital IO control
  • adds param to set tf timestamp offset
  • adds simple simulation of robot control and joint angle control
  • adds ros::shutdown before quiting the main loop
  • fixes A/D output message type
  • joint_tf_publisher: adds node to generate tf messages from joint topic
  • adds combined joint position control input
  • adds parameters to specify A/D port name in the output message
  • adds digital I/O port output
  • changes A/D related parameter names (ad_enable0 to ad0_enable)
  • changes names of the joint control inputs according to the specified joint names
  • supports more than two joint control
  • adds retry and error handling in getID script
  • improves ypspur-coordinator availability check
  • ROS interface of the mobile robot control platform \"YP-Spur\"
  • Contributors: Atsushi Watanabe

Wiki Tutorials

See ROS Wiki Tutorials for more details.

Source Tutorials

Not currently indexed.

Launch files

No launch files found


No service files found


No plugins found.

Recent questions tagged ypspur_ros at Robotics Stack Exchange

No version for distro ardent. Known supported distros are highlighted in the buttons above.
No version for distro bouncy. Known supported distros are highlighted in the buttons above.
No version for distro crystal. Known supported distros are highlighted in the buttons above.
No version for distro eloquent. Known supported distros are highlighted in the buttons above.
No version for distro dashing. Known supported distros are highlighted in the buttons above.
No version for distro galactic. Known supported distros are highlighted in the buttons above.
No version for distro foxy. Known supported distros are highlighted in the buttons above.

ypspur_ros package from ypspur_ros repo


Package Summary

Tags No category tags.
Version 0.6.0
License BSD
Build type CATKIN

Repository Summary

Checkout URI
VCS Type git
VCS Version master
Last Updated 2024-04-18
CI status Continuous Integration
Tags No category tags.
Contributing Help Wanted (0)
Good First Issues (0)
Pull Requests to Review (0)

Package Description

ROS wrapper for the mobile robot control platform YP-Spur

Additional Links

No additional links.


  • Atsushi Watanabe


  • Atsushi Watanabe


Package summary

This package provides a ROS wrapper node for YP-Spur vehicle control backend. The wrapper node supports almost all features provided by YP-Spur including vehicle control, digital IO, A/D input, multi-DOF joint control, etc.

This package requires the latest version of YP-Spur.



Wrapper node.


sensor_msgs/JointState message to tf converter.


ypspur_ros/JointPositionControl to trajectory_msgs/JointTrajectory converter.


ypspur_ros is available under BSD license.


Changelog for package ypspur_ros

0.6.0 (2024-04-17)

  • Add option to publish digital input data separately (#128)
  • Contributors: Seiga Kiribayashi

0.5.0 (2024-04-02)

  • Add option to stop control on system time jump (#125)
  • Contributors: Atsushi Watanabe

0.4.0 (2024-03-28)

  • Add option to wait convergence of joint trajectory angle and velocity (#122)
  • Use control simulation in yp-spur instead of ypspur_ros (#120)
  • Fix code format (#121)
  • Update assets to v0.6.4 (#119)
  • Update assets to v0.6.3 (#118)
  • Contributors: Atsushi Watanabe, Kazuki Takahashi

0.3.6 (2024-01-10)

  • Avoid publishing joint messages with duplicate stamps (#115)
  • Update assets to v0.6.2 (#114)
  • Update assets to v0.6.1 (#113)
  • Update assets to v0.6.0 (#112)
  • Update assets to v0.5.2 (#111)
  • Update assets to v0.5.1 (#110)
  • Update assets to v0.5.0 (#109)
  • Update assets to v0.4.2 (#108)
  • Update assets to v0.4.1 (#107)
  • Update assets to v0.4.0 (#106)
  • Update assets to v0.3.4 (#102)
  • Update assets to v0.3.3 (#101)
  • Update assets to v0.3.2 (#100)
  • Contributors: Atsushi Watanabe, Mark Hedley Jones

0.3.5 (2021-06-16)

  • Avoid publishing duplicated odometry (#97)
  • Update assets to v0.3.1 (#96)
  • Update assets to v0.3.0 (#95)
  • Update assets to v0.2.0 (#94)
  • Migrate to tf2 (#93)
  • Update assets to v0.1.5 (#92)
  • Add LICENSE file (#91)
  • Contributors: Atsushi Watanabe, Naotaka Hatao, f-fl0

0.3.4 (2020-12-23)

0.3.3 (2020-12-23)

  • Update assets to v0.1.4 (#86)
  • Contributors: Atsushi Watanabe

0.3.2 (2020-12-23)

  • Update ypspur version (#83)
  • Update assets to v0.1.3 (#82)
  • Update assets to v0.1.2 (#81)
  • Migrate to GitHub Actions (#79)
  • Update assets to v0.0.10 (#78)
  • Update assets to v0.0.9 (#76)
  • Update CI scripts (#77)
  • Update cmake version of cmake_minimum_required() from 2.8.3 to 3.0.2 (#75)
  • Update assets to v0.0.8 (#72)
  • Add Noetic CI job and pre-release test jobs (#69)
  • Update assets to v0.0.7 (#68)
  • Update assets to v0.0.6 (#67)
  • Contributors: Atsushi Watanabe, Kazuki Takahashi, Seiga Kiribayashi

0.3.1 (2019-12-16)

  • Fix communication error handling (#64)
  • Drop support for yp-spur<1.17.0 to simplify the code (#63)
  • Add sleep to ensure publishing rosout before exit (#61)
  • Fix coding style (#62)
  • Add post-release test script (#58)
  • Disable CI build on indigo (#59)
  • Contributors: Atsushi Watanabe

0.3.0 (2019-05-09)

  • Add parameter to set expire duration of cmd_vel (#55)
  • Ignore outdated JointTrajectory command (#54)
  • Fix exception type (#52)
  • Fix subprocess handling (#48)
  • Add device error status diagnostic output (#46)
  • Fix test dependencies and update manifest (#42)
  • Contributors: Atsushi Watanabe

0.2.0 (2018-06-07)

  • Add CI build for melodic (#37)
    • Also rename ci script directory
  • Add encrypted token for image caching (#35)
  • Migrate to ROS recommended namespace model (#31)
  • Fix --enable-get-digital-io arg to ypspur-coordinator (#33)
  • Fix installation of nodes (#30)
  • Fix variable and class naming styles (#29)
  • Contributors: Atsushi Watanabe

0.1.0 (2018-04-19)

  • Update CI settings (#25)
    • Use docker hub as a cache
  • Fix build dependencies (#24)
    • Fix cmake target build deps
    • Fix package deps
  • Fix joint state timestamp coherency (#23)
    • Fix joint state timestamp coherency
    • Use system time if yp-spur didn\'t provide stamp
  • Add build test on indigo. (#20)
  • Fix coding style. (#19)
  • Fix timestamp in simulation mode. (#18)
  • Add build test. (#17)
    • Add build test.
    • Fix indent in CMakeFile.
    • Fix package deps.
  • Support running ypspur-coordinator by using PATH env. (#14)
  • Use find_package(ypspur) instead of catkin_package. (#12)
  • Use CMake version of ypspur. (#10)
    • Also, fix dummy dependency to system_lib.
  • adds README (#9)
  • publishes digital input port state (#8)
  • fixes to compile with old versions of YP-Spur which does not have joint_ang_vel command
  • adds error handling on joint trajectory control
  • joint_position_to_joint_trajectory: temporary removes time to accelerate
  • joint_position_to_joint_trajectory: skips duplicated joint command
  • joint_position_to_joint_trajectory: takes care of the current joint position
  • adds joint_position_to_joint_trajectory converter
  • fixes uncleared joint trajectory command cache
  • increases cmd_joint input buffer
  • allows divided joint trajectory command
  • adds joint trajectory control
  • fixes DIO default status parameter setting
  • supports joint effort output (#4)
    • This also fixes a bug that joint effort field was filled by velocity value on the version of YP-Spur without joint control support.
  • changes default vel/acc settings to use values defined in the parameter file
  • fixes ypspur-coordinator process monitoring
  • adds vehicle control mode interface
  • fixes digital IO control
  • adds param to set tf timestamp offset
  • adds simple simulation of robot control and joint angle control
  • adds ros::shutdown before quiting the main loop
  • fixes A/D output message type
  • joint_tf_publisher: adds node to generate tf messages from joint topic
  • adds combined joint position control input
  • adds parameters to specify A/D port name in the output message
  • adds digital I/O port output
  • changes A/D related parameter names (ad_enable0 to ad0_enable)
  • changes names of the joint control inputs according to the specified joint names
  • supports more than two joint control
  • adds retry and error handling in getID script
  • improves ypspur-coordinator availability check
  • ROS interface of the mobile robot control platform \"YP-Spur\"
  • Contributors: Atsushi Watanabe

Wiki Tutorials

See ROS Wiki Tutorials for more details.

Source Tutorials

Not currently indexed.

Launch files

No launch files found


No service files found


No plugins found.

Recent questions tagged ypspur_ros at Robotics Stack Exchange

No version for distro jade. Known supported distros are highlighted in the buttons above.

ypspur_ros package from ypspur_ros repo


Package Summary

Tags No category tags.
Version 0.6.0
License BSD
Build type CATKIN

Repository Summary

Checkout URI
VCS Type git
VCS Version master
Last Updated 2024-04-18
CI status Continuous Integration
Tags No category tags.
Contributing Help Wanted (0)
Good First Issues (0)
Pull Requests to Review (0)

Package Description

ROS wrapper for the mobile robot control platform YP-Spur

Additional Links

No additional links.


  • Atsushi Watanabe


  • Atsushi Watanabe


Package summary

This package provides a ROS wrapper node for YP-Spur vehicle control backend. The wrapper node supports almost all features provided by YP-Spur including vehicle control, digital IO, A/D input, multi-DOF joint control, etc.

This package requires the latest version of YP-Spur.



Wrapper node.


sensor_msgs/JointState message to tf converter.


ypspur_ros/JointPositionControl to trajectory_msgs/JointTrajectory converter.


ypspur_ros is available under BSD license.


Changelog for package ypspur_ros

0.6.0 (2024-04-17)

  • Add option to publish digital input data separately (#128)
  • Contributors: Seiga Kiribayashi

0.5.0 (2024-04-02)

  • Add option to stop control on system time jump (#125)
  • Contributors: Atsushi Watanabe

0.4.0 (2024-03-28)

  • Add option to wait convergence of joint trajectory angle and velocity (#122)
  • Use control simulation in yp-spur instead of ypspur_ros (#120)
  • Fix code format (#121)
  • Update assets to v0.6.4 (#119)
  • Update assets to v0.6.3 (#118)
  • Contributors: Atsushi Watanabe, Kazuki Takahashi

0.3.6 (2024-01-10)

  • Avoid publishing joint messages with duplicate stamps (#115)
  • Update assets to v0.6.2 (#114)
  • Update assets to v0.6.1 (#113)
  • Update assets to v0.6.0 (#112)
  • Update assets to v0.5.2 (#111)
  • Update assets to v0.5.1 (#110)
  • Update assets to v0.5.0 (#109)
  • Update assets to v0.4.2 (#108)
  • Update assets to v0.4.1 (#107)
  • Update assets to v0.4.0 (#106)
  • Update assets to v0.3.4 (#102)
  • Update assets to v0.3.3 (#101)
  • Update assets to v0.3.2 (#100)
  • Contributors: Atsushi Watanabe, Mark Hedley Jones

0.3.5 (2021-06-16)

  • Avoid publishing duplicated odometry (#97)
  • Update assets to v0.3.1 (#96)
  • Update assets to v0.3.0 (#95)
  • Update assets to v0.2.0 (#94)
  • Migrate to tf2 (#93)
  • Update assets to v0.1.5 (#92)
  • Add LICENSE file (#91)
  • Contributors: Atsushi Watanabe, Naotaka Hatao, f-fl0

0.3.4 (2020-12-23)

0.3.3 (2020-12-23)

  • Update assets to v0.1.4 (#86)
  • Contributors: Atsushi Watanabe

0.3.2 (2020-12-23)

  • Update ypspur version (#83)
  • Update assets to v0.1.3 (#82)
  • Update assets to v0.1.2 (#81)
  • Migrate to GitHub Actions (#79)
  • Update assets to v0.0.10 (#78)
  • Update assets to v0.0.9 (#76)
  • Update CI scripts (#77)
  • Update cmake version of cmake_minimum_required() from 2.8.3 to 3.0.2 (#75)
  • Update assets to v0.0.8 (#72)
  • Add Noetic CI job and pre-release test jobs (#69)
  • Update assets to v0.0.7 (#68)
  • Update assets to v0.0.6 (#67)
  • Contributors: Atsushi Watanabe, Kazuki Takahashi, Seiga Kiribayashi

0.3.1 (2019-12-16)

  • Fix communication error handling (#64)
  • Drop support for yp-spur<1.17.0 to simplify the code (#63)
  • Add sleep to ensure publishing rosout before exit (#61)
  • Fix coding style (#62)
  • Add post-release test script (#58)
  • Disable CI build on indigo (#59)
  • Contributors: Atsushi Watanabe

0.3.0 (2019-05-09)

  • Add parameter to set expire duration of cmd_vel (#55)
  • Ignore outdated JointTrajectory command (#54)
  • Fix exception type (#52)
  • Fix subprocess handling (#48)
  • Add device error status diagnostic output (#46)
  • Fix test dependencies and update manifest (#42)
  • Contributors: Atsushi Watanabe

0.2.0 (2018-06-07)

  • Add CI build for melodic (#37)
    • Also rename ci script directory
  • Add encrypted token for image caching (#35)
  • Migrate to ROS recommended namespace model (#31)
  • Fix --enable-get-digital-io arg to ypspur-coordinator (#33)
  • Fix installation of nodes (#30)
  • Fix variable and class naming styles (#29)
  • Contributors: Atsushi Watanabe

0.1.0 (2018-04-19)

  • Update CI settings (#25)
    • Use docker hub as a cache
  • Fix build dependencies (#24)
    • Fix cmake target build deps
    • Fix package deps
  • Fix joint state timestamp coherency (#23)
    • Fix joint state timestamp coherency
    • Use system time if yp-spur didn\'t provide stamp
  • Add build test on indigo. (#20)
  • Fix coding style. (#19)
  • Fix timestamp in simulation mode. (#18)
  • Add build test. (#17)
    • Add build test.
    • Fix indent in CMakeFile.
    • Fix package deps.
  • Support running ypspur-coordinator by using PATH env. (#14)
  • Use find_package(ypspur) instead of catkin_package. (#12)
  • Use CMake version of ypspur. (#10)
    • Also, fix dummy dependency to system_lib.
  • adds README (#9)
  • publishes digital input port state (#8)
  • fixes to compile with old versions of YP-Spur which does not have joint_ang_vel command
  • adds error handling on joint trajectory control
  • joint_position_to_joint_trajectory: temporary removes time to accelerate
  • joint_position_to_joint_trajectory: skips duplicated joint command
  • joint_position_to_joint_trajectory: takes care of the current joint position
  • adds joint_position_to_joint_trajectory converter
  • fixes uncleared joint trajectory command cache
  • increases cmd_joint input buffer
  • allows divided joint trajectory command
  • adds joint trajectory control
  • fixes DIO default status parameter setting
  • supports joint effort output (#4)
    • This also fixes a bug that joint effort field was filled by velocity value on the version of YP-Spur without joint control support.
  • changes default vel/acc settings to use values defined in the parameter file
  • fixes ypspur-coordinator process monitoring
  • adds vehicle control mode interface
  • fixes digital IO control
  • adds param to set tf timestamp offset
  • adds simple simulation of robot control and joint angle control
  • adds ros::shutdown before quiting the main loop
  • fixes A/D output message type
  • joint_tf_publisher: adds node to generate tf messages from joint topic
  • adds combined joint position control input
  • adds parameters to specify A/D port name in the output message
  • adds digital I/O port output
  • changes A/D related parameter names (ad_enable0 to ad0_enable)
  • changes names of the joint control inputs according to the specified joint names
  • supports more than two joint control
  • adds retry and error handling in getID script
  • improves ypspur-coordinator availability check
  • ROS interface of the mobile robot control platform \"YP-Spur\"
  • Contributors: Atsushi Watanabe

Wiki Tutorials

See ROS Wiki Tutorials for more details.

Source Tutorials

Not currently indexed.

Launch files

No launch files found


No service files found


No plugins found.

Recent questions tagged ypspur_ros at Robotics Stack Exchange

No version for distro hydro. Known supported distros are highlighted in the buttons above.

ypspur_ros package from ypspur_ros repo


Package Summary

Tags No category tags.
Version 0.6.0
License BSD
Build type CATKIN

Repository Summary

Checkout URI
VCS Type git
VCS Version master
Last Updated 2024-04-18
CI status Continuous Integration
Tags No category tags.
Contributing Help Wanted (0)
Good First Issues (0)
Pull Requests to Review (0)

Package Description

ROS wrapper for the mobile robot control platform YP-Spur

Additional Links

No additional links.


  • Atsushi Watanabe


  • Atsushi Watanabe


Package summary

This package provides a ROS wrapper node for YP-Spur vehicle control backend. The wrapper node supports almost all features provided by YP-Spur including vehicle control, digital IO, A/D input, multi-DOF joint control, etc.

This package requires the latest version of YP-Spur.



Wrapper node.


sensor_msgs/JointState message to tf converter.


ypspur_ros/JointPositionControl to trajectory_msgs/JointTrajectory converter.


ypspur_ros is available under BSD license.


Changelog for package ypspur_ros

0.6.0 (2024-04-17)

  • Add option to publish digital input data separately (#128)
  • Contributors: Seiga Kiribayashi

0.5.0 (2024-04-02)

  • Add option to stop control on system time jump (#125)
  • Contributors: Atsushi Watanabe

0.4.0 (2024-03-28)

  • Add option to wait convergence of joint trajectory angle and velocity (#122)
  • Use control simulation in yp-spur instead of ypspur_ros (#120)
  • Fix code format (#121)
  • Update assets to v0.6.4 (#119)
  • Update assets to v0.6.3 (#118)
  • Contributors: Atsushi Watanabe, Kazuki Takahashi

0.3.6 (2024-01-10)

  • Avoid publishing joint messages with duplicate stamps (#115)
  • Update assets to v0.6.2 (#114)
  • Update assets to v0.6.1 (#113)
  • Update assets to v0.6.0 (#112)
  • Update assets to v0.5.2 (#111)
  • Update assets to v0.5.1 (#110)
  • Update assets to v0.5.0 (#109)
  • Update assets to v0.4.2 (#108)
  • Update assets to v0.4.1 (#107)
  • Update assets to v0.4.0 (#106)
  • Update assets to v0.3.4 (#102)
  • Update assets to v0.3.3 (#101)
  • Update assets to v0.3.2 (#100)
  • Contributors: Atsushi Watanabe, Mark Hedley Jones

0.3.5 (2021-06-16)

  • Avoid publishing duplicated odometry (#97)
  • Update assets to v0.3.1 (#96)
  • Update assets to v0.3.0 (#95)
  • Update assets to v0.2.0 (#94)
  • Migrate to tf2 (#93)
  • Update assets to v0.1.5 (#92)
  • Add LICENSE file (#91)
  • Contributors: Atsushi Watanabe, Naotaka Hatao, f-fl0

0.3.4 (2020-12-23)

0.3.3 (2020-12-23)

  • Update assets to v0.1.4 (#86)
  • Contributors: Atsushi Watanabe

0.3.2 (2020-12-23)

  • Update ypspur version (#83)
  • Update assets to v0.1.3 (#82)
  • Update assets to v0.1.2 (#81)
  • Migrate to GitHub Actions (#79)
  • Update assets to v0.0.10 (#78)
  • Update assets to v0.0.9 (#76)
  • Update CI scripts (#77)
  • Update cmake version of cmake_minimum_required() from 2.8.3 to 3.0.2 (#75)
  • Update assets to v0.0.8 (#72)
  • Add Noetic CI job and pre-release test jobs (#69)
  • Update assets to v0.0.7 (#68)
  • Update assets to v0.0.6 (#67)
  • Contributors: Atsushi Watanabe, Kazuki Takahashi, Seiga Kiribayashi

0.3.1 (2019-12-16)

  • Fix communication error handling (#64)
  • Drop support for yp-spur<1.17.0 to simplify the code (#63)
  • Add sleep to ensure publishing rosout before exit (#61)
  • Fix coding style (#62)
  • Add post-release test script (#58)
  • Disable CI build on indigo (#59)
  • Contributors: Atsushi Watanabe

0.3.0 (2019-05-09)

  • Add parameter to set expire duration of cmd_vel (#55)
  • Ignore outdated JointTrajectory command (#54)
  • Fix exception type (#52)
  • Fix subprocess handling (#48)
  • Add device error status diagnostic output (#46)
  • Fix test dependencies and update manifest (#42)
  • Contributors: Atsushi Watanabe

0.2.0 (2018-06-07)

  • Add CI build for melodic (#37)
    • Also rename ci script directory
  • Add encrypted token for image caching (#35)
  • Migrate to ROS recommended namespace model (#31)
  • Fix --enable-get-digital-io arg to ypspur-coordinator (#33)
  • Fix installation of nodes (#30)
  • Fix variable and class naming styles (#29)
  • Contributors: Atsushi Watanabe

0.1.0 (2018-04-19)

  • Update CI settings (#25)
    • Use docker hub as a cache
  • Fix build dependencies (#24)
    • Fix cmake target build deps
    • Fix package deps
  • Fix joint state timestamp coherency (#23)
    • Fix joint state timestamp coherency
    • Use system time if yp-spur didn\'t provide stamp
  • Add build test on indigo. (#20)
  • Fix coding style. (#19)
  • Fix timestamp in simulation mode. (#18)
  • Add build test. (#17)
    • Add build test.
    • Fix indent in CMakeFile.
    • Fix package deps.
  • Support running ypspur-coordinator by using PATH env. (#14)
  • Use find_package(ypspur) instead of catkin_package. (#12)
  • Use CMake version of ypspur. (#10)
    • Also, fix dummy dependency to system_lib.
  • adds README (#9)
  • publishes digital input port state (#8)
  • fixes to compile with old versions of YP-Spur which does not have joint_ang_vel command
  • adds error handling on joint trajectory control
  • joint_position_to_joint_trajectory: temporary removes time to accelerate
  • joint_position_to_joint_trajectory: skips duplicated joint command
  • joint_position_to_joint_trajectory: takes care of the current joint position
  • adds joint_position_to_joint_trajectory converter
  • fixes uncleared joint trajectory command cache
  • increases cmd_joint input buffer
  • allows divided joint trajectory command
  • adds joint trajectory control
  • fixes DIO default status parameter setting
  • supports joint effort output (#4)
    • This also fixes a bug that joint effort field was filled by velocity value on the version of YP-Spur without joint control support.
  • changes default vel/acc settings to use values defined in the parameter file
  • fixes ypspur-coordinator process monitoring
  • adds vehicle control mode interface
  • fixes digital IO control
  • adds param to set tf timestamp offset
  • adds simple simulation of robot control and joint angle control
  • adds ros::shutdown before quiting the main loop
  • fixes A/D output message type
  • joint_tf_publisher: adds node to generate tf messages from joint topic
  • adds combined joint position control input
  • adds parameters to specify A/D port name in the output message
  • adds digital I/O port output
  • changes A/D related parameter names (ad_enable0 to ad0_enable)
  • changes names of the joint control inputs according to the specified joint names
  • supports more than two joint control
  • adds retry and error handling in getID script
  • improves ypspur-coordinator availability check
  • ROS interface of the mobile robot control platform \"YP-Spur\"
  • Contributors: Atsushi Watanabe

Wiki Tutorials

See ROS Wiki Tutorials for more details.

Source Tutorials

Not currently indexed.

Launch files

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Recent questions tagged ypspur_ros at Robotics Stack Exchange

ypspur_ros package from ypspur_ros repo


Package Summary

Tags No category tags.
Version 0.6.0
License BSD
Build type CATKIN

Repository Summary

Checkout URI
VCS Type git
VCS Version master
Last Updated 2024-04-18
CI status
Tags No category tags.
Contributing Help Wanted (0)
Good First Issues (0)
Pull Requests to Review (0)

Package Description

ROS wrapper for the mobile robot control platform YP-Spur

Additional Links

No additional links.


  • Atsushi Watanabe


  • Atsushi Watanabe


Package summary

This package provides a ROS wrapper node for YP-Spur vehicle control backend. The wrapper node supports almost all features provided by YP-Spur including vehicle control, digital IO, A/D input, multi-DOF joint control, etc.

This package requires the latest version of YP-Spur.



Wrapper node.


sensor_msgs/JointState message to tf converter.


ypspur_ros/JointPositionControl to trajectory_msgs/JointTrajectory converter.


ypspur_ros is available under BSD license.


Changelog for package ypspur_ros

0.6.0 (2024-04-17)

  • Add option to publish digital input data separately (#128)
  • Contributors: Seiga Kiribayashi

0.5.0 (2024-04-02)

  • Add option to stop control on system time jump (#125)
  • Contributors: Atsushi Watanabe

0.4.0 (2024-03-28)

  • Add option to wait convergence of joint trajectory angle and velocity (#122)
  • Use control simulation in yp-spur instead of ypspur_ros (#120)
  • Fix code format (#121)
  • Update assets to v0.6.4 (#119)
  • Update assets to v0.6.3 (#118)
  • Contributors: Atsushi Watanabe, Kazuki Takahashi

0.3.6 (2024-01-10)

  • Avoid publishing joint messages with duplicate stamps (#115)
  • Update assets to v0.6.2 (#114)
  • Update assets to v0.6.1 (#113)
  • Update assets to v0.6.0 (#112)
  • Update assets to v0.5.2 (#111)
  • Update assets to v0.5.1 (#110)
  • Update assets to v0.5.0 (#109)
  • Update assets to v0.4.2 (#108)
  • Update assets to v0.4.1 (#107)
  • Update assets to v0.4.0 (#106)
  • Update assets to v0.3.4 (#102)
  • Update assets to v0.3.3 (#101)
  • Update assets to v0.3.2 (#100)
  • Contributors: Atsushi Watanabe, Mark Hedley Jones

0.3.5 (2021-06-16)

  • Avoid publishing duplicated odometry (#97)
  • Update assets to v0.3.1 (#96)
  • Update assets to v0.3.0 (#95)
  • Update assets to v0.2.0 (#94)
  • Migrate to tf2 (#93)
  • Update assets to v0.1.5 (#92)
  • Add LICENSE file (#91)
  • Contributors: Atsushi Watanabe, Naotaka Hatao, f-fl0

0.3.4 (2020-12-23)

0.3.3 (2020-12-23)

  • Update assets to v0.1.4 (#86)
  • Contributors: Atsushi Watanabe

0.3.2 (2020-12-23)

  • Update ypspur version (#83)
  • Update assets to v0.1.3 (#82)
  • Update assets to v0.1.2 (#81)
  • Migrate to GitHub Actions (#79)
  • Update assets to v0.0.10 (#78)
  • Update assets to v0.0.9 (#76)
  • Update CI scripts (#77)
  • Update cmake version of cmake_minimum_required() from 2.8.3 to 3.0.2 (#75)
  • Update assets to v0.0.8 (#72)
  • Add Noetic CI job and pre-release test jobs (#69)
  • Update assets to v0.0.7 (#68)
  • Update assets to v0.0.6 (#67)
  • Contributors: Atsushi Watanabe, Kazuki Takahashi, Seiga Kiribayashi

0.3.1 (2019-12-16)

  • Fix communication error handling (#64)
  • Drop support for yp-spur<1.17.0 to simplify the code (#63)
  • Add sleep to ensure publishing rosout before exit (#61)
  • Fix coding style (#62)
  • Add post-release test script (#58)
  • Disable CI build on indigo (#59)
  • Contributors: Atsushi Watanabe

0.3.0 (2019-05-09)

  • Add parameter to set expire duration of cmd_vel (#55)
  • Ignore outdated JointTrajectory command (#54)
  • Fix exception type (#52)
  • Fix subprocess handling (#48)
  • Add device error status diagnostic output (#46)
  • Fix test dependencies and update manifest (#42)
  • Contributors: Atsushi Watanabe

0.2.0 (2018-06-07)

  • Add CI build for melodic (#37)
    • Also rename ci script directory
  • Add encrypted token for image caching (#35)
  • Migrate to ROS recommended namespace model (#31)
  • Fix --enable-get-digital-io arg to ypspur-coordinator (#33)
  • Fix installation of nodes (#30)
  • Fix variable and class naming styles (#29)
  • Contributors: Atsushi Watanabe

0.1.0 (2018-04-19)

  • Update CI settings (#25)
    • Use docker hub as a cache
  • Fix build dependencies (#24)
    • Fix cmake target build deps
    • Fix package deps
  • Fix joint state timestamp coherency (#23)
    • Fix joint state timestamp coherency
    • Use system time if yp-spur didn\'t provide stamp
  • Add build test on indigo. (#20)
  • Fix coding style. (#19)
  • Fix timestamp in simulation mode. (#18)
  • Add build test. (#17)
    • Add build test.
    • Fix indent in CMakeFile.
    • Fix package deps.
  • Support running ypspur-coordinator by using PATH env. (#14)
  • Use find_package(ypspur) instead of catkin_package. (#12)
  • Use CMake version of ypspur. (#10)
    • Also, fix dummy dependency to system_lib.
  • adds README (#9)
  • publishes digital input port state (#8)
  • fixes to compile with old versions of YP-Spur which does not have joint_ang_vel command
  • adds error handling on joint trajectory control
  • joint_position_to_joint_trajectory: temporary removes time to accelerate
  • joint_position_to_joint_trajectory: skips duplicated joint command
  • joint_position_to_joint_trajectory: takes care of the current joint position
  • adds joint_position_to_joint_trajectory converter
  • fixes uncleared joint trajectory command cache
  • increases cmd_joint input buffer
  • allows divided joint trajectory command
  • adds joint trajectory control
  • fixes DIO default status parameter setting
  • supports joint effort output (#4)
    • This also fixes a bug that joint effort field was filled by velocity value on the version of YP-Spur without joint control support.
  • changes default vel/acc settings to use values defined in the parameter file
  • fixes ypspur-coordinator process monitoring
  • adds vehicle control mode interface
  • fixes digital IO control
  • adds param to set tf timestamp offset
  • adds simple simulation of robot control and joint angle control
  • adds ros::shutdown before quiting the main loop
  • fixes A/D output message type
  • joint_tf_publisher: adds node to generate tf messages from joint topic
  • adds combined joint position control input
  • adds parameters to specify A/D port name in the output message
  • adds digital I/O port output
  • changes A/D related parameter names (ad_enable0 to ad0_enable)
  • changes names of the joint control inputs according to the specified joint names
  • supports more than two joint control
  • adds retry and error handling in getID script
  • improves ypspur-coordinator availability check
  • ROS interface of the mobile robot control platform \"YP-Spur\"
  • Contributors: Atsushi Watanabe

Wiki Tutorials

See ROS Wiki Tutorials for more details.

Source Tutorials

Not currently indexed.

Launch files

No launch files found


No service files found


No plugins found.

Recent questions tagged ypspur_ros at Robotics Stack Exchange