Package Summary

Tags No category tags.
Version 4.2.18
License Apache License 2.0
Build type AMENT_CMAKE

Repository Summary

Checkout URI
VCS Type git
VCS Version humble-devel
Last Updated 2024-07-09
CI status No Continuous Integration
Tags No category tags.
Contributing Help Wanted (0)
Good First Issues (0)
Pull Requests to Review (0)

Package Description

This package contains the description (mechanical, kinematic, visual, etc.) of the TIAGO robot. The files in this package are parsed and used by a variety of other components. Most users will not interact directly with this package.

Additional Links


  • Jordi Pages
  • Jordan Palacios
  • Noel Jimenez


No additional authors.
No README found. See repository README.

Changelog for package tiago_description

4.2.18 (2024-07-09)

  • Add warning for pal_module_cmake not found
  • Contributors: Noel Jimenez

4.2.17 (2024-07-08)

  • change module name into 10_*
  • Contributors: Aina

4.2.16 (2024-06-28)

4.2.15 (2024-06-26)

  • Merge branch \'dtk/move-robot-args\' into \'humble-devel\' Change imports for robot arguments See merge request robots/tiago_robot!297
  • Change imports for robot arguments
  • Contributors: David ter Kuile, davidterkuile

4.2.14 (2024-06-25)

  • Merge branch \'dtk/fix/base-urdf\' into \'humble-devel\' Dtk/fix/base urdf See merge request robots/tiago_robot!295
  • Move _link to top file xacro
  • Add imu gazebo plugin and imu sensor broadcaster
  • Move ros2 control gazebo
  • Update urdf base with new args
  • Contributors: David ter Kuile, davidterkuile, thomas.peyrucain

4.2.13 (2024-06-05)

  • Merge branch \'dtk/fix/description-test-base-type\' into \'humble-devel\' Add the base type to the tests See merge request robots/tiago_robot!289
  • Add the base type to the tests
  • Merge branch \'dtk/fix/is-public-sim\' into \'humble-devel\' Fix missing public sim arg See merge request robots/tiago_robot!290
  • Fix missing public sim arg
  • Merge branch \'fix/is_public_sim_argument\' into \'humble-devel\' add missing argument is_public_sim See merge request robots/tiago_robot!288
  • add missing argument is_public_sim
  • Contributors: Aina Irisarri, David ter Kuile, davidterkuile

4.2.12 (2024-05-10)

  • Merge branch \'omm/fix/desc_test_proper_arg\' into \'humble-devel\' Changed test arm argument to arm_type See merge request robots/tiago_robot!286
  • Changed test arm argument to arm_type
  • Merge branch \'omm/feat/arm_name_std\' into \'humble-devel\' Changed arm_model to arm_type in the URDF See merge request robots/tiago_robot!285
  • Changed arm_model to arm_type in the URDF
  • Contributors: davidterkuile, oscarmartinez

4.2.11 (2024-05-09)

  • Merge branch \'omm/feat/public_sim_conditions\' into \'humble-devel\' Publishing the odom tf depending on the is_public_sim parameter See merge request robots/tiago_robot!284
  • Publishing the odom tf depending on the is_public_sim parameter
  • Contributors: davidterkuile, oscarmartinez

4.2.10 (2024-05-09)

4.2.9 (2024-05-07)

  • Merge branch \'dtk/fix/robot-state-publisher\' into \'humble-devel\' Dtk/fix/robot state publisher See merge request robots/tiago_robot!281
  • Add robot state publisher dependency to tiago description
  • Contributors: davidterkuile

4.2.8 (2024-04-30)

  • Merge branch \'omm/fix/urdf_complete_std\' into \'humble-devel\' URDF std See merge request robots/tiago_robot!278
  • Suggested changed
  • Module, joy config and restored support for tiago dual
  • Gazebo config std
  • Final mods
  • Transmissions std
  • Thermal camera std
  • FT sensor std
  • ee std
  • Arm std
  • Style fix
  • ROS2 control and include std
  • Head std
  • Torso std
  • Property/arg standarization
  • High level urdf standarization
  • Suggested changes
  • Launch files moved to TIAGo family standard
  • Contributors: Oscar, davidterkuile

4.2.7 (2024-04-22)

  • Merge branch \'sgg/feat/base_type_omni_base\' into \'humble-devel\' Sgg/feat/base type omni base See merge request robots/tiago_robot!273
  • Update new robot argument method Update new robot argument Update new robot argument Remove blank lines
  • Launch joint_state_broadcaster depending on the base_type Fix syntax Remove redundant check Remove redundant check
  • Disable depency for humble
  • Add omni-directional gazebo drive
  • Parameterized wheel details based on base type
  • Add omni_base_description package
  • Add base_type parameter
  • Contributors: Sergi Garcia, davidterkuile

4.2.6 (2024-04-16)

4.2.5 (2024-04-10)

4.2.4 (2024-03-06)

  • Fix jnt_reduction_2 for wrist transmission
  • Contributors: Noel Jimenez

4.2.3 (2024-02-28)

  • Fix no-ee suffix for no-end-effector value
  • Contributors: Noel Jimenez

4.2.2 (2024-02-02)

4.2.1 (2024-01-31)

  • fix condition for end_effector suffix in the config file names
  • Contributors: Aina Irisarri

4.2.0 (2024-01-31)

  • Remove right-arm option and use tiago-arm
  • use the same functionality to create the suffix for the config files & match it with tiago_dual
  • Contributors: Aina Irisarri, Noel Jimenez

4.1.2 (2024-01-19)

4.1.1 (2024-01-19)

  • epick end effector commented
  • differentiating macros for robotiq-85 & robotiq-140
  • removing epick as posible end_effector for now
  • modifying where to find the urdfs for robotiq
  • updating the necessary dependencies for robotiq
  • adding robotiq_grippers as possibles end_effectors
  • Contributors: Aina Irisarri

4.1.0 (2024-01-18)

  • Merge branch \'ros2-tiago-dual\' into \'humble-devel\' Ros2 tiago dual See merge request robots/tiago_robot!240
  • Change test arg to tiago-arm in CMakelists
  • Rename end-effector xacro arg
  • Change arm type to tiago-arm instead of arm right
  • Add is_dual arg to arm.urdf.xacro
  • Update inertia of arm link 4 urdf
  • Contributors: David ter Kuile, davidterkuile

4.0.28 (2023-12-22)

  • renaming hey5 package and the xacro files into pal_hey5
  • Contributors: Aina Irisarri

4.0.27 (2023-12-18)

  • Use pal_urdf_utils materials and deg_to_rad
  • Contributors: Noel Jimenez

4.0.26 (2023-12-14)

4.0.25 (2023-12-12)

4.0.24 (2023-12-12)

  • Bump module names
  • Contributors: Noel Jimenez

4.0.23 (2023-12-11)

4.0.22 (2023-11-22)

  • Update cmake_minimum_required version to 3.8
  • Cleanup repository
  • Contributors: Noel Jimenez

4.0.21 (2023-11-15)

4.0.20 (2023-11-14)

  • Add website tag
  • Rename description and controller modules
  • Contributors: Noel Jimenez

4.0.19 (2023-11-13)

  • Set use_sim_time false as default
  • Contributors: Noel Jimenez

4.0.18 (2023-11-07)

  • Split bringup module
  • Contributors: Noel Jimenez

4.0.17 (2023-10-19)

4.0.16 (2023-09-18)

4.0.15 (2023-09-04)

  • Add use_sim_time argument to use it in the robot description
  • Contributors: Noel Jimenez

4.0.14 (2023-07-20)

  • Rename FT Sensor
  • Use same condition to call ft_sensor macros
  • Add controller for the FT sensor
  • Contributors: Noel Jimenez

4.0.13 (2023-07-11)

  • Remove schunk wsg option
  • Remove left arm option
  • Contributors: Noel Jimenez

4.0.12 (2023-07-05)

  • Remove pal flags dependency
  • Contributors: Noel Jimenez

4.0.11 (2023-06-28)

  • fix get_tiago_hw_suffix method to match yaml files
  • move pal-hey5 ros2_control xacro to hey5_description
  • Contributors: Noel Jimenez

4.0.10 (2023-06-14)

  • unify file generator and get_tiago_hw_suffix method
  • Contributors: Noel Jimenez

4.0.9 (2023-05-11)

  • Add effort and veloctiy command interfaces
  • Contributors: Adria Roig

4.0.8 (2023-05-11)

4.0.7 (2023-04-28)

4.0.6 (2023-04-17)

  • rename motors to actuators
  • Contributors: Noel Jimenez

4.0.5 (2023-03-06)

4.0.4 (2023-03-02)

4.0.3 (2023-02-22)

  • Merge branch \'join_transmissions\' into \'humble-devel\' Join transmissions in a single file See merge request robots/tiago_robot!187
  • join transmissions definition in a single file
  • remove unused includes and duplicated transmissions
  • Contributors: Jordan Palacios, Noel Jimenez

4.0.2 (2023-02-08)

  • Merge branch \'transmissions\' into \'humble-devel\' Set transmissions inside the ros2_control tag See merge request robots/tiago_robot!186
  • update transmissions for arm, head and torso
  • update transmission tags for ros2
  • set transmissions inside the ros2_control tag
  • Contributors: Jordan Palacios, Noel Jimenez

4.0.1 (2022-11-10)

4.0.0 (2022-11-08)

  • Merge branch \'mv_calibration_files\' into \'humble-devel\' Move tiago_description_calibration xacro files to tiago_description See merge request robots/tiago_robot!178
  • move tiago_description_calibration xacro files to tiago_description
  • Merge branch \'cleanup\' into \'humble-devel\' Cleanup package.xml files and rm duplicated launcher See merge request robots/tiago_robot!174
  • update package.xml deps
  • Merge branch \'linters\' into \'humble-devel\' linter fix See merge request robots/tiago_robot!173
  • linter fix
  • Merge branch \'refactor_hw_suffix_method\' into \'humble-devel\' refactor get_tiago_hw_suffix to avoid using launch substitutions See merge request robots/tiago_robot!171
  • refactor get_tiago_hw_suffix to avoid using launch substitutions
  • Merge branch \'adjust_friction_dumping\' into \'humble-devel\' Adjust arm friction and dumping See merge request robots/tiago_robot!170
  • adjust arm friction and dumping
  • Merge branch \'update_copyright\' into \'humble-devel\' update copyright and license See merge request robots/tiago_robot!167
  • update copyright and license
  • Merge branch \'fix_warns\' into \'humble-devel\' fix remmaping warns See merge request robots/tiago_robot!166
  • fix remmaping warns
  • Merge branch \'cleanup\' into \'humble-devel\' Cleanup See merge request robots/tiago_robot!165
  • rm ros1 launchers
  • Merge branch \'refactor_ld\' into \'humble-devel\' Refactor ld See merge request robots/tiago_robot!164
  • refactor LaunchDescription population
  • Merge branch \'update_maintainers\' into \'humble-devel\' Update maintainers See merge request robots/tiago_robot!163
  • update maintainers
  • Merge branch \'fix_tests\' into \'humble-devel\' Comment end-effectors not migrated yet for urdf tests success See merge request robots/tiago_robot!161
  • comment end-effectors not migrated yet to avoid tests errors
  • Merge branch \'robot_name\' into \'humble-devel\' Robot name See merge request robots/tiago_robot!160
  • change default robot_name value
  • Merge branch \'linters\' into \'humble-devel\' Linters See merge request robots/tiago_robot!159
  • linters
  • Merge branch \'launch_refactor\' into \'humble-devel\' launch files refactor See merge request robots/tiago_robot!158
  • update arm friction and damping
  • launch files refactor
  • Merge branch \'humble_fixes\' into \'humble-devel\' add missing materials See merge request robots/tiago_robot!157
  • add missing materials
  • Merge branch \'tiago_launcher\' into \'galactic-devel\' Tiago launcher See merge request robots/tiago_robot!150
  • add use_sim arg
  • Merge branch \'add_role_to_ros2_control\' into \'foxy-devel\' Change <type> to <plugin> and add role See merge request robots/tiago_robot!136
  • Add role param to plugin urdf
  • Merge branch \'pal-hey5-ros2\' into \'foxy-devel\' pal-hey5 launch files and config See merge request robots/tiago_robot!130
  • pal-hey5 launch files and config
  • Rename some tiago hw options, add camera_model and add tests
  • Add description
  • Add missing dependency
  • Make robot_description easy to reuse
  • Move tiago_launch_utils from pmb2_description
  • Remove rgbd_sensors from tiago, as is only for courier
  • Rename xtion camera to head_front_camera
  • Migrate camera to ROS2
  • Fixes to name and topic remaps for p3d plugin
  • Use p3d gazebo plugin instead of ros_world_odometry
  • Add IMU and FT ROS2 Control sensors
  • Add IMU gazebo plugin
  • Support for pal-gripper end effector
  • Added support for arm and ft_sensor args
  • Launch file for showing the description in rviz2
  • Formatting
  • Added wrist to arm_controller
  • Added arm_controller, no wrists
  • Added head_controller
  • All joints now form part of a single ros2_control system
  • ros2_control gazebo system for torso
  • Using gazebo_ros2_control plugin
  • Remove comments to workaround
  • First version of the
  • Migrated package.xml and CMakeLists.txt to ros2 format
  • Contributors: Jordan Palacios, Noel Jimenez, Noel Jimenez Garcia, Victor Lopez, cescfolch, victor

2.0.55 (2021-01-15)

  • Merge branch \'gravity_compensation_fix\' into \'erbium-devel\' Update arm_3_link weight for gravity compensation See merge request robots/tiago_robot!120
  • Update arm_3_link weight for gravity compensation
  • Contributors: Adria Roig, victor

2.0.54 (2020-09-08)

  • Merge branch \'no_safety_eps_head\' into \'erbium-devel\' added no safety eps to head See merge request robots/tiago_robot!119
  • fix the no_safety_epc head macro issue
  • added no safety eps to head
  • Merge branch \'new-endoscopic-dual\' of gitlab:robots/tiago_robot into new-endoscopic-dual
  • Contributors: Sai Kishor Kothakota, daniellopez, victor

2.0.53 (2020-07-30)

2.0.52 (2020-07-27)

2.0.51 (2020-07-15)

  • Merge branch \'fix-head-calibration\' into \'erbium-devel\' add eps to head_motor_2 head.urdf.xacro See merge request robots/tiago_robot!116
  • add eps to head_motor_2 head.urdf.xacro
  • Contributors: daniellopez, victor

2.0.50 (2020-07-10)

  • Merge branch \'add-no-safety-eps\' into \'erbium-devel\' Add the option of disabling arm_safety_eps via launch file See merge request robots/tiago_robot!115
  • Fix default no_safety_eps value
  • Add the option of disabling arm_safety_eps via launch file
  • Contributors: Victor Lopez, victor

2.0.49 (2020-07-01)

  • Merge branch \'add-master-calibration\' into \'erbium-devel\' Add master calibration compatibility for eye hand and extrinsic See merge request robots/tiago_robot!114
  • Proper pal_camera_calibration_extrinsics path
  • Add master calibration compatibility for eye hand and extrinsic
  • Contributors: Victor Lopez, victor

2.0.48 (2020-06-10)

  • Merge branch \'gravity-compensation\' into \'erbium-devel\' change values to have a better gravity compensation. Not optimum result for all tiagos found See merge request robots/tiago_robot!113
  • change values to have a better gravity compensation. Not optimum result for all tiagos found
  • Contributors: daniellopez, victor

2.0.47 (2020-05-15)

  • Merge branch \'wrist-2017\' into \'erbium-devel\' adjust mass of wrist-2017 See merge request robots/tiago_robot!112
  • adjust mass of wrist-2017
  • Contributors: YueErro, victor

2.0.46 (2020-05-13)

  • Merge branch \'wrist-2019\' into \'erbium-devel\' Use mass and inertia values based on the wrist type See merge request robots/tiago_robot!111
  • Use mass and inertia values based on the wrist type
  • Contributors: Sai Kishor Kothakota, victor

2.0.45 (2020-05-12)

  • Merge branch \'remove_default_parsed_package\' into \'erbium-devel\' remove default description_calibration_package argument in head See merge request robots/tiago_robot!110
  • Merge branch \'no_arm\' into \'erbium-devel\' fix wrong_wrist_model condition See merge request robots/tiago_robot!107
  • fix wrong_wrist_model condition
  • remove default description_calibration_package argument in head
  • Contributors: saikishor, victor, yueerro

2.0.44 (2020-05-12)

  • Merge branch \'description-calibration-fixes\' into \'erbium-devel\' Description calibration fixes See merge request robots/tiago_robot!109
  • parse package name instead of individual elements and load files respective to package
  • pass the camera origin as an argument to head
  • Contributors: Sai Kishor Kothakota, victor

2.0.43 (2020-05-08)

  • Fix mesh orientation
  • Merge branch \'fix-orbbec-astra\' into \'erbium-devel\' Fix frames for orbbec astra See merge request robots/tiago_robot!108
  • depth frame for orbbec is referenced on the rgb frame
  • Fix y orientation error
  • Fix frames for orbbec astra
  • Remove unused properties
  • Contributors: Victor Lopez, victor

2.0.42 (2020-05-07)

  • Use different meshes for wrist 2017
  • Contributors: Victor Lopez

2.0.41 (2020-05-07)

  • Adjust end_effector-wrist distance without FT sensor
  • Contributors: Victor Lopez

2.0.40 (2020-05-06)

  • Merge branch \'fix-tiago-wrist-offset\' into \'erbium-devel\' Change wrist tool link position with wrist 2017 See merge request robots/tiago_robot!106
  • Change wrist tool link position with wrist 2017
  • Contributors: Victor Lopez, victor

2.0.39 (2020-04-21)

  • Merge branch \'custom-ee\' into \'erbium-devel\' Allow using custom end-effector See merge request robots/tiago_robot!102
  • Add test for custom End-Effector
  • Allow using custom end-effector
  • Contributors: davidfernandez, victor

2.0.38 (2020-02-27)

2.0.37 (2020-02-14)

  • Merge branch \'wrist_model\' into \'erbium-devel\' add wrist_model arg See merge request robots/tiago_robot!101
  • add wrist_model arg
  • Contributors: Victor Lopez, YueErro

2.0.36 (2020-01-28)

2.0.35 (2019-11-06)

  • Merge branch \'arm_offset_fix\' into \'erbium-devel\' parse arm joint offsets through the macro See merge request robots/tiago_robot!98
  • parse arm joint offsets through the macro
  • Contributors: Sai Kishor Kothakota, Victor Lopez

2.0.34 (2019-10-30)

  • Merge branch \'ivo_robot\' into \'erbium-devel\' parameterize the parsed offsets w.r.t to the name See merge request robots/tiago_robot!96
  • parameterize the parsed offsets w.r.t to the name
  • Contributors: Jordan Palacios, Sai Kishor Kothakota

2.0.33 (2019-10-21)

2.0.32 (2019-10-16)

  • Merge branch \'fix-gazebo-pose-frame\' into \'erbium-devel\' fixed frame used in ground truth pose See merge request robots/tiago_robot!95
  • fixed frame used in ground truth pose
  • Contributors: Proc

Wiki Tutorials

See ROS Wiki Tutorials for more details.

Source Tutorials

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Launch files

No launch files found


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