No version for distro humble. Known supported distros are highlighted in the buttons above.
No version for distro jazzy. Known supported distros are highlighted in the buttons above.
No version for distro rolling. Known supported distros are highlighted in the buttons above.
No version for distro noetic. Known supported distros are highlighted in the buttons above.
No version for distro ardent. Known supported distros are highlighted in the buttons above.
No version for distro bouncy. Known supported distros are highlighted in the buttons above.
No version for distro crystal. Known supported distros are highlighted in the buttons above.
No version for distro eloquent. Known supported distros are highlighted in the buttons above.
No version for distro dashing. Known supported distros are highlighted in the buttons above.
No version for distro galactic. Known supported distros are highlighted in the buttons above.
No version for distro foxy. Known supported distros are highlighted in the buttons above.
No version for distro iron. Known supported distros are highlighted in the buttons above.
No version for distro lunar. Known supported distros are highlighted in the buttons above.
No version for distro jade. Known supported distros are highlighted in the buttons above.
Package Summary
Tags | No category tags. |
Version | 0.0.4 |
License | BSD |
Build type | CATKIN |
Repository Summary
Checkout URI | |
VCS Type | git |
VCS Version | 0.0.4 |
Last Updated | 2017-03-15 |
Dev Status | DEVELOPED |
CI status | No Continuous Integration |
Released | RELEASED |
Tags | No category tags. |
Contributing |
Help Wanted (0)
Good First Issues (0) Pull Requests to Review (0) |
Package Description
Additional Links
No additional links.
- Masaki Murooka
- Masaki Murooka
No README found.
See repository README.
Changelog for package drc_com_common
0.0.4 (2017-03-15)
- [drc_task_common] no-UI valve rotation and opening door
- [drc_task_common] Add /map frame_id
- remove old dynamic_reconfigure.parameter_generator, now everything runnning with catkin
- remove depends to rosbuild/mk
- Contributors: Kei Okada, Ryohei Ueda
0.0.3 (2016-02-11)
0.0.2 (2015-11-26)
- [drc_com_common] Add respawn flag to highspeed receivers
- [drc_com_common] Use silverhammer highspeed receiver with internalbuffer in order to cleanup silverhammer processes
- [drc_task_common] Omit footstep planner client in fc-executive.l
- [drc_com_common] Use jsk_robot_utils to compress/decompress joint angles
- Contributors: Ryohei Ueda
0.0.1 (2015-06-11)
- add emergency-pose button to rviz
- add line for send keypoint screen shot
- fix SIMPLE_FOOTSTEP_EXEC's number 71->72
- [drc_task_common, drc_com_common] Add simple footstep exec
- [drc_task_common, drc_com_common] Add more dynamic reconfigure parameters
- add flag for drill throw
- [drc_task_common] Add detach messages to silverhammer
- [drc_com_common, drc_task_common] Add more basic info for jaxon
- add reset_enc and finish_stair button to rviz
- [drc_com_common] Fix port to receive dynamic reconfigure
- [drc_com_common] Disable reliable highspeed way
- [drc_task_common] Update for terrain task
- add new rviz button
- [drc_task_common] Remove locomotion topics from FC2OCSLarge
- remove bags with experiment with Jaxon Red
- Merge pull request #863 from YoheiKakiuchi/fix_compress remove parameter(robot_name), robot name should be defined by environ…
- remove parameter(robot_name), robot name should be defined by environment variable
- [drc_com_common] Add FC2OCSLargeReliable
- [drc_task_common, drc_com_common] Use pesimistic mode for footstep planning
- [drc_task_common, drc_com_common] Perception and planning on ocs side about terrain task
- [drc_task_common] Remove steering_diff_angle_vector from vehicle_ui
- Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/master' into support-terrain-task-in-fc-ocs Conflicts: jsk_2015_06_hrp_drc/drc_com_common/msg/OCS2FCSmall.msg jsk_2015_06_hrp_drc/drc_task_common/launch/fc/locomotion_planner.launch
- [drc_task_common] Update for terrain task
- [drc_task_common] Call drive/operation services from vehicle_ui, not eus controller
- [drc_com_common, drc_task_common] Support footstep_planner and footstep_controller
- [drc_com_common, drc_task_common] Support projection of footprint
- [drc_com_common] Add tag for terrain task
- add button to reset force offset to rviz
- [drc_task_common] Add egress service to silverhammer
- add impedance and grasp message uint8
- [drc_task_common] Add ui elements for stair task
- [drc_task_common] Add current_steering, crank/handle_pose and predicted_path_marker to FC2OCSLarge
- [drc_task_common] Add msgs for set-real service to silverhammer
- [drc_task_common] Implement execute button, which disable joy controller and connection between vehicle-fc/ocs-executive
- [drc_com_common, drc_task_common] Add imu to basic info
- [drc_com_common] Add camera_info to large data
- [drc_task_common] Add neck_p/y_angle to silverhammer
- [drc_task_common] Change rate of executive and streamer
- add hand calib button to rviz gui
- remove stop abc/st button and start impedance soft/hard button to rviz
- [drc_task_common] Add obstcle_length to silverhammer
- [drc_task_common] Add launch-prefix and port settings for vehicle
- [drc_task_common] Integrate launch for vehicle task to main operator_station/field_computer scripts
- Add brake/neck_y/neck_p topics to silverhummer for vehicle
- [drc_task_common] Fix synchronize methods for controller in silverhummer
- [drc_com_common, drc_task_common] Support fisheye lookat
- [drc_com_common] Add topics for opration services
- [drc_task_common, drc_com_common] Cleanup launch files and support tmux-based launching
- [drc_task_common] Implement controller-mode services to vehicle silverhummer
- [drc_task_common] add button checker uis
- [drc_task_common] Add steering_diff_angle to vehicle-silverhummer
- [drc_task_common] Add neck_mode to msg
- [drc_task_common] Add topics for SetValue service
- [drc_task_common] Add req/res for new services
- restore lasvegas door
- add door-though-pose button fix trans-list of door push motion
- [drc_com_common] Add service request/response to silverhummer msgs for vehicle
- [drc_com_common] Update msgs for topics in driving-controller
- [drc_com_common, drc_task_common] Support forces and temperature in OCS side
- [drc_com_common] Compile vehicle silverhummer msgs
- [drc_com_common] Add msgs and launch for silverhummer system in vehicle task
- remove lasvegas door temporary because drc_com_common msg problem
- fix bug in adding lasvegas door
- change miss rosparam
- support reach-until-touch in teleop system
- [drc_com_common] Add roseus_remote
- [drc_com_common] Add argument to specify port for dynamic_reconfigure
- [drc_com_common] Fix IP address of server of dynamic_reconfigure tunnel
- add door name select button to optional buttons
- add button and functions to select door push/pull direction
- enable to select valve grasp mode (edge or center) from ocs ui
- Change default exposure 0.01 -> 0.1
- Change default exposure in DRCParameters
- send left/right arm information from ocs to fc and apply it to real robot motion.
- [drc_task_common, drc_com_common] add drill poses ui, change codes style a bit simpler
- Merge pull request #496 from mmurooka/modify-stand-point-manually [drc_task_common] change robot stand point manually in teleop motion
- enable to change robot stand point manually in teleop motion
- [drc_task_common] Add RobotHeadUI to specify joint angles of head
- add rqt qui button and ocs/fc functions to enable/disalbe head joint overwrite
- [drc_com_common] Add sudo prefix for reconfigure path
- Merge pull request #420 from garaemon/dynamic-reconfigure [drc_com_common, drc_task_common] Add rqt_reconfigure between ocs and fc
- [drc_com_common, drc_task_common] Add rqt_reconfigure between ocs and fc
- [drc_com_common] Set bandwidth for fast path
- [drc_task_common] Add state for driving task
- Merge pull request #400 from garaemon/not-compress-joint-angles [drc_task_common, drc_com_common] Do not compress joint angles from FC to OCS
- [drc_task_common, drc_com_common] Do not compress joint angles from FC to OCS
- [drc_task_common, drc_com_common] Use pointcloud respected from ground frame
- [drc_task_common]remove some bags
- Merge pull request #393 from garaemon/send-odom-coords [drc_task_common, drc_com_common] Relay odom frame from fc to ocs
- [drc_task_common, drc_com_common] Relay odom frame from fc to ocs
- [drc_com_common] Add laser cloud to send from FC to OCS
- cancel-motion button
- merge origin/master and modify conflict.
- change to use fc and ocs
- add enum for sending angle-vector
- [drc_task_common, drc_com_common] Support effort in basic info
- [drc_com_common] Specify bandwidth on fastpath
- [drc_com_common] Increase framerate to send image and pointcloud
- integrate drill pushing button motion to teleop system
- [drc_task_common, drc_com_common] Integrate wall detection for drill task
- [drc_task_common, drc_com_common] Add drill wall recognition
- [drc_com_common] Increase image resolution
- [drc_com_common, drc_task_common] Update minor codes to support robot_status
- [drc_com_common, drc_task_common] Change robot state type from Int32 to UInt8 and send robot_state in continuous low-speed path
- [drc_task_common, drc_com_common] Watch robot movement and publish the status by watching /fullbody_controller/joint_trajectory_action/status topic.
- Merge remote-tracking branch 'ohara_remote/add_ui_for_drill_put' into icp-param Conflicts: jsk_2015_06_hrp_drc/drc_com_common/msg/FC2OCSSmall.msg jsk_2015_06_hrp_drc/drc_task_common/euslisp/fc-executive.l jsk_2015_06_hrp_drc/drc_task_common/euslisp/ocs-executive.l
- add states for push
- add states for push
- [drc_com_common] Write port to be used for highspeed communication
- [drc_com_common] Use ip:= for server programs and do not use sudo for streamers
- [drc_com_common] Enable event driven mode for lowspeed streamers
- merge origin/master
- Merge branch 'master' of into add_drill_interface
- remove bags in programs
- [drc_task_common, drc_com_common] Use timeout to detect failure of detection based on timered-state-machine
- add exec interface(not done real robot movement)
- add_recog_drill_for_grasp
- merge origin/master
- insert recog_drill msg
- [drc_task_common, drc_com_common] Remove confirmation after recognizing point to look at
- [drc_task_common, drc_com_common] Add look-around functionality
- [drc_task_common, drc_com_common] Update ocs side to use panorama view
- [drc_com_common, drc_task_common] Add perspective for panorama view
- [drc_com_common] Send panorama image to ocs
- add hose-connect motion function and integrate that motion into teleop system.
- [drc_task_common, drc_com_common, drc_valve_task] Remove catkin.cmake
- [drc_com_common] Update dependency to depend on roseus and jsk_network_tools
- [drc_com_common] Send packages slower not to be dropped
- change packet_interval. remap multisense point cloud.
- integrate hose grasping motion to teleop system
- [drc_com_common] Add script to check process which uses port of low-speed
- [drc_task_common. drc_com_common] Use 1-1023 port for continuous communication
- [drc_task_common, drc_com_common] Send compressed joint angles always as report
- [drc_com_common, drc_task_common] Send compressed joint angles from FC to OCS always
- enable to send valve motion from ocs to fc under communication limitation
- [drc_com_common] Use tunnel in default
- [drc_com_common] Fix type
- [drc_com_common] Do not use compressed image
- [drc_com_common] Use compressed image
- [drc_com_common] Publish smaller image
- [drc_com_common] Enable broad band communication
- [drc_task_common, drc_com_common] Integrate debri detection
- [drc_task_common, drc_com_common] Door handle detection is implemented
- [drc_task_common] Integrate valve detection
- [drc_task_common, drc_com_common] Add narrowband-message-handler to handle compact message
- send go-pos command from rviz using ocs-executive.l
- [drc_task_common] Choose Location to go by image with network limitation
- [drc_com_common, drc_task_common] Add image_view2 based user interface. first step of system integration towards DRC final
- [drc_com_common, drc_task_common] Add image_view2 based user interface. first step of system integration towards DRC final
- [drc_com_common] Add special message for narrow band from FC to OCS. Now it's only contains joint angles
- [drc_com_common] Add special message for narrow band from FC to OCS. Now it's only contains joint angles
- Merge branch 'use-jsk-recognition-msgs' of into catkinize
- Merge branch 'use-jsk-recognition-msgs' of into catkinize
- add cmake_modules to package.xml
- add cmake_modules to package.xml
- fix typo in drc_com_common : rosbuid -> rosbuild
- fix typo in drc_com_common : rosbuid -> rosbuild
- [drc_com_common] Add script to stream data from FC to OCS using jsk_network_tools
- [drc_com_common] Add script to stream data from FC to OCS using jsk_network_tools
- [drc_com_common] update minimaxwell IP
- [drc_com_common] update minimaxwell IP
- [drc_com_common] Add desktop icon to launch mini maxwell for drc network environment
- [drc_com_common] Add desktop icon to launch mini maxwell for drc network environment
- add hrpys service to pass setting
- add hrpys service to pass setting
- add hrpys service to pass setting
- add hrpys service to pass setting
- fixed installation in catkin.cmake
- fixed installation in catkin.cmake
- Revert "Revert "add drc teleop demo program""
- Revert "Revert "add drc teleop demo program""
- Revert "add drc teleop demo program"
- Revert "add drc teleop demo program"
- add drc teleop demo program
- add drc teleop demo program
- Contributors: Kei Okada, Masaki Murooka, Ryohei Ueda, Shunichi Nozawa, Yohei Kakiuchi, Yu Ohara, Eisoku kuroiwa, Iori Kumagai, Iori Yanokura
Wiki Tutorials
This package does not provide any links to tutorials in it's rosindex metadata.
You can check on the ROS Wiki Tutorials page for the package.
Package Dependencies
Deps | Name |
roseus | |
message_generation | |
roslib | |
rospy | |
jsk_network_tools | |
cmake_modules | |
dynamic_reconfigure | |
roseus_remote | |
jsk_recognition_msgs | |
visualization_msgs | |
jsk_robot_utils | |
catkin | |
message_runtime |
System Dependencies
No direct system dependencies.
Dependant Packages
Name | Deps |
drc_task_common |
Launch files
- launch/operator_station_com.launch
- OCS_IP [default: localhost]
- FC_IP [default: localhost]
- OCS_TO_FC_PORT [default: 700]
- FC_TO_OCS_PORT [default: 701]
- FC_TO_OCS_BASIC_PORT [default: 702]
- EUS_OUTPUT_PORT [default: 704]
- EUS_INPUT_PORT [default: 705]
- OCS_TO_FC_VEHICLE_PORT [default: 706]
- FC_TO_OCS_VEHICLE_PORT [default: 707]
- USE_FLOAT_JOINT_ANGLES [default: true]
- launch/fc_relay.launch
- This launch file is automatically generated.
- IMAGE_TOPIC [default: /multisense/left/image_rect_color]
- PANORAMA_IMAGE_TOPIC [default: /chest_camera_remote/image_color]
- POINT_CLOUD_TOPIC [default: /stereo_preprocessing/stereo_downsampled_ground_cloud/output]
- LASER_POINT_CLOUD_TOPIC [default: /laser_preprocess/odom_cloud/output]
- launch/vehicle_operator_station_com.launch
- OCS_IP [default: localhost]
- FC_IP [default: localhost]
- OCS_TO_FC_VEHICLE_PORT [default: 1706]
- FC_TO_OCS_VEHICLE_PORT [default: 1707]
- LAUNCH_PREFIX [default: ]
- launch/mini_maxwell.launch
- IP [default:]
- launch/field_computer_com.launch
- OCS_IP [default: localhost]
- FC_IP [default: localhost]
- OCS_TO_FC_PORT [default: 700]
- FC_TO_OCS_PORT [default: 701]
- FC_TO_OCS_BASIC_PORT [default: 702]
- EUS_OUTPUT_PORT [default: 704]
- EUS_INPUT_PORT [default: 705]
- OCS_TO_FC_VEHICLE_PORT [default: 706]
- FC_TO_OCS_VEHICLE_PORT [default: 707]
- launch/ocs_relay.launch
- This launch file is automatically generated.
- launch/vehicle_field_computer_com.launch
- OCS_IP [default: localhost]
- FC_IP [default: localhost]
- OCS_TO_FC_VEHICLE_PORT [default: 1706]
- FC_TO_OCS_VEHICLE_PORT [default: 1707]
- LAUNCH_PREFIX [default: ]
No service files found
No plugins found.
Recent questions tagged drc_com_common at Robotics Stack Exchange
No version for distro hydro. Known supported distros are highlighted in the buttons above.
No version for distro kinetic. Known supported distros are highlighted in the buttons above.
No version for distro melodic. Known supported distros are highlighted in the buttons above.