Package Summary
Tags | No category tags. |
Version | 1.1.2 |
License | BSD-3-Clause |
Build type | AMENT_CMAKE |
Repository Summary
Checkout URI | https://github.com/aerostack2/aerostack2.git |
VCS Type | git |
VCS Version | main |
Last Updated | 2024-12-20 |
Dev Status | DEVELOPED |
CI status | No Continuous Integration |
Released | RELEASED |
Tags | No category tags. |
Contributing |
Help Wanted (0)
Good First Issues (0) Pull Requests to Review (0) |
Package Description
Aerostack2 is a ROS2-based framework for the development of autonomous systems for aerial robotics.
Additional Links
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No additional authors.
No README found.
See repository README.
Changelog for package aerostack2
1.1.2 (2024-08-22)
- [as2_behaviors_path_planning, as2_map_server] Remove backward_ros dependency
- Contributors: Miguel Fernandez-Cortizas, pariaspe
1.1.1 (2024-08-20)
- [as2_keyboard_teleoperation] context is modified manually from generated config file
- [as2_msgs] add sensor msgs dependency
- [as2_python_api] License fix using ament copyright
- [as2_state_estimator] Fix gtest warning: publisher already registered
- [as2_usb_camera_interface] Fix gtest warning: publisher already registered
- Contributors: Rafael Perez-Segui, pariaspe, Miguel Fernandez-Cortizas, Javilinos
1.1.0 (2024-08-08)
- [aerostack2] Update package dependencies and CI with new aerostack2 packages
- [aerostack2] many platforms extracted from main repo
- [aerostack2] Generate all aerostack2 doxygen together
- [as2_gazebo_classic] EOL - removing from aerostack2
- [as2_platform_gazebo] Use sim time true by default in gazebo platform
- [as2_platform_gazebo] Migrate to ament_lint_auto and use as2_core param utils
- [as2_platform_multirotor_simulator] Enable control using odometry as state instead of ground truth
- [as2_platform_multirotor_simulator] Update platform to use world.yaml and rename some params
- [as2_platform_multirotor_simulator] New launch utils to declare parameters from a config file, update launchers at multirotor simulation
- [as2_platform_multirotor_simulator] Add basic fly gtest mock
- [as2_platform_multirotor_simulator] Add ament_cmake_gtest to package.xml
- [as2_platform_multirotor_simulator] Add as2_multirotor_simulator package
- [as2_behavior_tree] Use ament_lint
- [as2_behavior] ament format, passing all tests
- [as2_behaviors_motion] Not overwritting behavior config file if user config file is empty
- [as2_behaviors_motion] Update to ament lint auto and use as2_core launch param utils
- [as2_behaviors_motion] Fix warning about service client access
- [as2_behaviors_path_planning] New behavior for navigation with basic a_star plugin working
- [as2_behaviors_perception] as2::sensors::Camera change to load parameters from ROS 2 parameters
- [as2_behaviors_perception] New launch utils to declare parameters from a config file
- [as2_behaviors_perception] migrate deprecated api from cv::aruco::drawAxis to cv::drawFrameAxes
- [as2_behaviors_perception] Update launchers to Flake8
- [as2_behaviors_perception] List launch arguments from parameter config file
- [as2_behaviors_platform] as2_behaviors_platform passing ament tests
- [as2_behaviors_platform] Fix warning about service client access
- [as2_cli] improvement in as2_list and as2_test
- [as2_core] Extended params utils with new capabilities
- [as2_core] Make SensorData public to access getData and getTopicName
- [as2_core] Don't call ownSendCommand until new ref arrives after control mode change
- [as2_core] AS2 Sensors Camera read encoding from ROS param
- [as2_core] as2::sensors::Camera change to load parameters from ROS 2 parameters
- [as2_core] New launch utils to declare parameters from a config file
- [as2_core] Add sync methods call in platform mocks
- [as2_core] Add mock library. Add a mock for aerial platform
- [as2_core] Refactor sensors and add gimbal sensor
- [as2_core] Add launch params utils
- [as2_core] Add GroundTruth to handler ground truth publish
- [as2_core] Change as2_aerial_platform methods visibility
- [as2_core] adding as2_core tests
- [as2_realsense_interface] Fix timestamp
- [as2_realsense_interface] Update real sense camera sensor constructor and methods
- [as2_realsense_interface] node passes ament, pep257 and flake8 tests
- [as2_usb_camera_interface] Add camera calibration file param
- [as2_usb_camera_interface] as2::sensors::Camera change to load parameters from ROS 2 parameters
- [as2_usb_camera_interface] as2 usb interface should pass ament tests format
- [as2_map_server] New map server with 2d mapping plugin
- [as2_motion_controller] update controller launcher with launch utils and particular launchers for each plugin
- [as2_motion_controller] Update launch using as2_core launch params utils
- [as2_motion_controller] Fix library exports and add simple gtest
- [as2_motion_controller_manager] Publish speed limits when bypassing and control mode is Position
- [as2_motion_controller] Use ament_lint_auto
- [as2_motion_reference_handlers] Ament common tests compliance
- [as2_msgs] New action for path planning behavior
- [as2_msgs] move interfaces from as2_utilities to as2_msgs package
- [as2_msgs] Add lint tests
- [as2_python_api] Deactivating drone interface tests
- [as2_python_api] Return bool service response when using ServiceBoolHandler (arm, offboard and manual)
- [as2_python_api] Fix using spin rate as a rate and not as an time interval
- [as2_python_api] Added class argument spin rate
- [as2_python_api] New navigate to behavior and module
- [as2_python_api] Behavior Status updated after call methods correctly
- [as2_python_api] ament lint auto compliance
- [as2_python_api] Add goal accepted/rejected return when call behavior method
- [as2_python_api] Continue using Pydantic V1
- [as2_gazebo_assets] Improve crazyflie model: controller tuned and added IMU
- [as2_gazebo_assets] Added crazyflie viz MODEL
- [as2_gazebo_assets] Updated Crazyflie Gazebo model
- [as2_gazebo_assets] Add optical frames to cameras
- [as2_gazebo_assets] Fix model templates for sensor naming
- [as2_gazebo_assets] Support yaml files for gazebo world configuration
- [as2_gazebo_assets] Fix malformed bridges
- [as2_gazebo_assets] ament lint auto compliance
- [as2_gazebo_assets] Continue using Pydantic V1
- [as2_gazebo_assets] environment variable IGN_GAZEBO_RESOURCE_PATH changed to GZ_SIM_RESOURCE_PATH
- [as2_gazebo_assets] Add actuators bridge
- [as2_gazebo_assets] Add Gazebo Harmonic launcher by env variable GZ_VERSION
- [as2_gazebo_assets] Add actuators bridge and disable velocity controller with a param
- [as2_gazebo_assets] Fix gimbal_bridge on Gazebo Harmonic
- [as2_gazebo_assets] Gz harmonic support
- [as2_gazebo_assets] Sensor model name and sensor link name were swapped in camera bridges
- [as2_state_estimator] map frame generates at the drone initial position
- [as2_state_estimator] Change gazebo tf parameter name
- [as2_state_estimator] update state estimator with new launch utils and new launchers for each plugin
- [as2_state_estimator] Code refactor, adding individually CMakeLists.txt and config for each plugin
- [as2_state_estimator] Migrate to ament lint
- [as2_state_estimator] mocap_pose plugin changed to work with mocap4ros2
- [as2_alphanumeric_viewer] Battery status problem fixed
- [as2_alphanumeric_viewer] alphanumeric viewer passing every ament test
- [as2_keyboard_teleoperation] extend default behaviors from argument
- [as2_keyboard_teleoperation] ability to load modules into interface to control behaviors
- [as2_keyboard_teleoperation] drone_frequency param added
- [as2_keyboard_teleoperation] ament lint compliance
- [as2_keyboard_teleoperation] add ros 2 parameters with config file using as2 launch utils
- [as2_keyboard_teleoperation] launcher improved to load namespace with different dividers, config file and speed behavior
- [as2_rviz_plugins] add as2_rviz_plugins package
- [as2_visualization] add as2_visualization package
- [as2_external_object_tf_tf] fix mocap source data
- [as2_external_object_to_tf] default config file within the node, added description
- [as2_external_object_to_tf] removed interface generation dependencies from external object to tf
- [as2_external_object_to_tf] as2_utilities package created, external object to tf node added to aerostack2
- [as2_geozones] Create a utilities folder, as2_geozones package added
- Contributors: pariaspe, Rafael Perez-Segui, Javilinos, Miguel Fernandez-Cortizas, keikei014, Sakura286
1.0.9 (2024-03-25)
- [as2_platform_tello] Missing params and new file name
- [as2_behaviors_motion] Relative yaw in go_to fixed when frame is other than earth
- [as2_behaviors_perception] PointGimbalBehavior to use TF
- [as2_behaviors_perception] Point Gimbal behavior
- [as2_msgs] New point gimbal action msg
- [as2_core] get quaternion stamped included in tf utils
- [as2_core] quaternion convert wrapped in try and catch
- [as2_core] Add quaternion support for TF convert method
- [as2_python_api] added try except in deserialize method
- [as2_python_api] Added feedback to rtl module
- [as2_python_api] Add init files to missing subpkgs
- [as2_python_api] New RTL module
- [as2_python_api] Point Gimbal behavior client
- [as2_python_api] Add topic namespace with argument in mission interpreter
- [as2_gazebo_assets] added local frame to simulated gimbal msg
- [as2_gazebo_assets] Partial fix on Crazyflie Model
- [as2_gazebo_assets] Point gimbal working and Gimbal Inertial links enabling to fly
- [as2_gazebo_assets] Nested sdf model for gimbal and fixed TF tree
- [as2_state_estimator] latlon2local function fails in z coordinate, added earth_to_map_height parameter
- [as2_state_estimator] raw odometry plugin should have a set gps origin
- Contributors: Javier Melero, Javilinos, pariaspe, Rafael Perez-Segui, Rafael Pérez, Miguel Fernandez-Cortizas, cvar-developers, Mickey Li
1.0.8 (2024-02-12)
- [as2_core] added pybind11 dependency
- [as2_python_api] Jenkins test fail: searching for module first at modules folder and hook as2_modules_path fix
- Contributors: pariaspe, Rafael Pérez
1.0.7 (2024-02-04)
- [as2_platform_dji_osdk] Added libusb-dev dependency
- [as2_platform_gazebo] Remove ign from name
- [as2_cli] Clean old unused files
- [as2_core] Bug fixed, getPoseStamped function differs from timeout 0 and not 0
- [as2_core] Python as2_names bindings
- [as2_core] format tests according with ament_lint_common() packages
- [as2_python_api] Moving test files to test folder
- [as2_gazebo_assets] Gimbal model added
- [as2_gazebo_assets] Cleaning remaining ign, bridges use gz instead ign
- [as2_gazebo_assets] Renamed to as2_gazebo_assets
- [as2_gazebo_classic_assets] Fix pass drone namespace to run_sitl.sh
- Contributors: Miguel Fernandez-Cortizas, Javilinos, Rafael Pérez, pariaspe, pawanw17
1.0.6 (2023-12-12)
- [as2_python_api] Specifying subdirectories in setup.py
- [as2_motion_controller] Update PID controller dependence to v1.0
- [aerostack2] Takeoff and GoTo behaviors renaming
- [as2_platform_crazyflie] Fix wrong sensor name for multiranger deck
- [as2_core] Add node options to aerial platform
- [aerostack2] Sorted and updated list of dependencies in metapackage
- [as2_behaviors] Behaviors composable nodes
- [as2_motion_controller] Refactor CMakeLists.txt for creating a dynamic lib for each plugin
- [as2_motion_controller] Add trajectory reference to actuators commands
- [as2_msgs] Geofence messages removed from as2_msgs
- [as2_gazebo_classic_assets] Load custom world in gazebo 11
- Contributors: Rafael Pérez, Miguel Fernandez-Cortizas, pariaspe, RPS98, Javilinos, adri-mp,
1.0.5 (2023-11-08)
- [as2_platform_crazyflie] Multi-ranger deck interface to laser_scan msg
- [as2_platform_dji_osdk] Add camera change source topic
- [as2_platform_dji_osdk] Fixes gps time subscription
- [as2_platform_tello] Add camera_freq param to platform config file
- [as2_platform_tello] Fixed tello camera
- [as2_core] Deal with low latency frames that are not earth
- [as2_motion_reference_handlers] Explicit namespace for motion reference handlers
- [as2_msgs] Improve MissionUpdate message
- [as2_python_api] Load modules from project path for mission interpreter
- [as2_python_api] Improve MissionUpdate message
- [as2_gazebo_classsic_assets] Add gazebo_ros_pkgs dependence
- [as2_gazebo_classsic_assets] Runs PX4 in the foreground if gzclient is disabled (HEADLESS)
- [as2_ign_gazebo_assets] Spawn objects from gz resource path
- [as2_ign_gazebo_assets] Hexrotor back to fly
- Contributors: Javilinos, pariaspe, RPS98, pawanw17, Miguel Fernandez-Cortizas, Rodrigo Da Silva
1.0.4 (2023-08-23)
1.0.3 (2023-08-22)
1.0.2 (2023-08-17)
1.0.1 (2023-04-25)
- Merge pull request #223 from aerostack2/200-unify-maintainer-in-packagexmls Maintainer unified to CVAR-UPM
- Maintainer unified to CVAR-UPM
- Contributors: Miguel Fernandez-Cortizas, pariaspe
1.0.0 (2023-03-18)
0.2.2 (2022-12-20)
0.2.1 (2022-12-19)
- Merge pull request #33 from aerostack2/behavior_tree Update behavior tree
- Update behavior tree
- Merge pull request #15 from aerostack2/pkg_dependencies Pkg dependencies
- Update pkg dependencies
- aerostack2 pkg added
- Contributors: Miguel Fernandez-Cortizas, RPS98, miferco97
0.2.0 (2022-07-22)
- basic_state_estimator first release
- usv_ignition_platform first release
- behaviour_trees first release
- basic_tf_tree_generator deprecated
- ros_ign deprecated
- [as2_msgs] GoToWaypoint action: new yaw_mode_flag to replace ignore_pose_yaw
- [as2_msgs] New msg MissionEvent
- [as2_core] Added mode2string utils
- [as2_core] Added frame utils
- [as2_core] Added launch parameters
- [as2_core] Odom refactorization
- [as2_core] New topic names
- [as2_core] Minor bug fixes
- [as2_core] Added addStaticTransform() method to as2::sensor
- [motion_reference_handlers] New postion motion handler
- [motion_reference_handlers] New hover motion handler
- [motion_reference_handlers] Multiple instances bug fixed
- [motion_reference_handlers] Added frame_id to handlers
- [motion_reference_handlers] Minor bugs fixed
- [controller_manager] New launchers with config files
- [controller_manager] Added hover support
- [controller_manager] Odom refatorization
- [controller_manager] Added bypass launch argument
- [controller_plugin_speed_controller] Robust yaw angle computation
- [controller_plugin_speed_controller] Added position control speed limit
- [controller_plugin_speed_controller] Added position control bypass limit
- [controller_plugin_speed_controller] Yaw control bug fixed
- [controller_plugin_speed_controller] Adapted to new launcher with config files
- [controller_plugin_speed_controller] Renamed to follow name convention
- [controller_plugin_speed_controller] Added hover support
- [controller_plugin_speed_controller] Added bypass to speed controller
- [controller_plugin_speed_controller] Speed limit changed to proportional limit
- [controller_plugin_speed_controller] Odom refactorization
- [trajectory_generator] Time evaluation in trajectory fixed
- [trajectory_generator] Yaw angle bug fixed
- [trajectory_generator] New launcher with config files
- [trajectory_generator] Odom refactorization
- [ignition_platform] Added dynamic multiple sensors support
- [ignition_platform] Added laser_scan sensor support
- [ignition_platform] Minor bug fixed
- [ignition_platform] New launcher with config files
- [ignition_platform] Added gps sensor
- [ignition_platform] Odom refactorization
- [ignition_platform] Added frame and TF to sensors
- [ignition_assets] Added crazyflie model (WIP)
- [ignition_assets] Added verbose mode to ign launcher
- [ignition_assets] Added hexrotor model
- [ignition_assets] Added hooks, cmake created
- [ignition_assets] New script to only drone spawning
- [ignition_assets] Added odometry plugin
- [ignition_assets] Odom, bat and comms can be selectable through jinja generator
- [ignition_assets] New semantic camera sensor
- [ignition_assets] New USV model
- [ignition_assets] new GPS sensor
- [ignition_assets] Minor fixes and improvements
- [ignition_assets] Added lidar sensor
- [python_interface] Added yaw_mode argument to follow_path
- [python_interface] Added gps go_to methods
- [python_interface] Fixed bug on python method overload
- [python_interface] Odom refactorization
- [python_interface] set_home changed into public method
- [as2_basic_behaviours] New launchers with config files
- [takeoff_behaviour] New launcher with config files
- [takeoff_behaviour] Odom refactorization
- [takeoff_plugins] Plugin renamed to follow name convention
- [takeoff_plugins] Added position takeoff plugin
- [takeoff_plugins] Added platform takeoff plugin
- [land_behaviour] Disarm after land bug fixed
- [land_behaviour] New launcher with config files
- [land_behaviour] Odom refactorization
- [land_plugins] Land goal condition imporved
- [land_plugins] Plugin renamed to follow name convention
- [land_plugins] Changed to hover when land is cancelled
- [land_plugins] Added platfotm land plugin
- [go_to_behaviour] Yaw angle computation fixed
- [go_to_behaviour] New launcher with config files
- [go_to_behaviour] Enable go_to with negative height
- [go_to_behaviour] Added launch argument for speed limit flag
- [go_to_behaviour] Odom refactorization
- [go_to_plugins] Yaw angle computation fixed
- [go_to_plugins] Added position go_to plugin
- [go_to_plugins] Fixed yaw_angle computation
- [go_to_plugins] Plugin renamed following name convention
- [go_to_plugins] Enable path facing go_to position
- [go_to_plugins] Hover after go_to
- [go_to_plugins] Added speed limit to plugins
- [follow_path_behaviour] New launcher with config files
- [follow_path_behaviour] Odom refactorization
- [follow_path_plugins] Plugins renamed following name convention
- [follow_path_plugins] Improved goal condition in traj plugin
0.1.0 (2022-05-13)
- as2_msgs first release
- as2_core first release
- basic_tf_tree_generator first release
- actuator_command_handlers first release
- motion_reference_handlers first release
- controller_manager first release
- controller_plugin_speed_controller first release
- trajectory_generator first release
- ignition_platform first release
- ignition_assets first release
- python_interface first release
- as2_basic_behaviours first release
- takeoff_behaviour first release
- takeoff_plugins first release
- land_behaviour first release
- land_plugins first release
- go_to_behaviour first release
- go_to_plugins first release
- follow_path_behaviour first release
- follow_path_plugins first release
- ros_ign first release
Wiki Tutorials
This package does not provide any links to tutorials in it's rosindex metadata.
You can check on the ROS Wiki Tutorials page for the package.
Package Dependencies
System Dependencies
No direct system dependencies.
Dependant Packages
No known dependants.
Launch files
No launch files found
No message files found.
No service files found
No plugins found.
Recent questions tagged aerostack2 at Robotics Stack Exchange
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No version for distro ardent. Known supported distros are highlighted in the buttons above.
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No version for distro dashing. Known supported distros are highlighted in the buttons above.
No version for distro galactic. Known supported distros are highlighted in the buttons above.
No version for distro foxy. Known supported distros are highlighted in the buttons above.
No version for distro iron. Known supported distros are highlighted in the buttons above.
No version for distro lunar. Known supported distros are highlighted in the buttons above.
No version for distro jade. Known supported distros are highlighted in the buttons above.
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No version for distro kinetic. Known supported distros are highlighted in the buttons above.
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