Package Summary

Tags No category tags.
Version 1.1.18
License Apache-2.0
Build type AMENT_CMAKE

Repository Summary

Checkout URI
VCS Type git
VCS Version humble
Last Updated 2025-02-06
CI status No Continuous Integration
Tags No category tags.
Contributing Help Wanted (0)
Good First Issues (0)
Pull Requests to Review (0)

Package Description

Refactored map server for ROS2 Navigation

Additional Links

No additional links.


  • Brian Wilcox


No additional authors.

Map Server

The Map Server provides maps to the rest of the Nav2 system using both topic and service interfaces. Map server will expose maps on the node bringup, but can also change maps using a load_map service during run-time, as well as save maps using a save_map server.

See its Configuration Guide Page for additional parameter descriptions.


In contrast to the ROS1 navigation map server, the nav2 map server will support a variety of map types, and thus some aspects of the original code have been refactored to support this new extensible framework.

Currently map server divides into tree parts:

  • map_server
  • map_saver
  • map_io library

map_server is responsible for loading the map from a file through command-line interface or by using service requests.

map_saver saves the map into a file. Like map_server, it has an ability to save the map from command-line or by calling a service.

map_io - is a map input-output library. The library is designed to be an object-independent in order to allow easily save/load map from external code just by calling necessary function. This library is also used by map_loader and map_saver to work. Currently it contains OccupancyGrid saving/loading functions moved from the rest part of map server code. It is designed to be replaceable for a new IO library (e.g. for library with new map encoding method or any other library supporting costmaps, multifloor maps, etc…).


Map Server

The Map Server is a composable ROS2 node. By default, there is a map_server executable that instances one of these nodes, but it is possible to compose multiple map server nodes into a single process, if desired.

The command line for the map server executable is slightly different that it was with ROS1. With ROS1, one invoked the map server and passing the map YAML filename, like this:

$ map_server map.yaml

Where the YAML file specified contained the various map metadata, such as:

image: testmap.png
resolution: 0.1
origin: [2.0, 3.0, 1.0]
negate: 0
occupied_thresh: 0.65
free_thresh: 0.196

The Nav2 software retains the map YAML file format from Nav1, but uses the ROS2 parameter mechanism to get the name of the YAML file to use. This effectively introduces a level of indirection to get the map yaml filename. For example, for a node named ‘map_server’, the parameter file would look like this:

# map_server_params.yaml
        yaml_filename: "map.yaml"

One can invoke the map service executable directly, passing the params file on the command line, like this:

$ map_server __params:=map_server_params.yaml

There is also possibility of having multiple map server nodes in a single process, where the parameters file would separate the parameters by node name, like this:

# combined_params.yaml
        yaml_filename: "some_map.yaml"

        yaml_filename: "another_map.yaml"

Then, one would invoke this process with the params file that contains the parameters for both nodes:

$ process_with_multiple_map_servers __params:=combined_params.yaml

The parameter for the initial map (yaml_filename) has to be set, but an empty string can be used if no initial map should be loaded. In this case, no map is loaded during on_configure or published during on_activate. The load_map-service should the be used to load and publish a map.

Map Saver

Like in ROS1 map_saver could be used as CLI-executable. It was renamed to map_saver_cli and could be invoked by following command:

$ ros2 run nav2_map_server map_saver_cli [arguments] [--ros-args ROS remapping args]

Currently Supported Map Types

  • Occupancy grid (nav_msgs/msg/OccupancyGrid)

MapIO library

MapIO library contains following API functions declared in map_io.hpp to work with OccupancyGrid maps:

  • loadMapYaml(): Load and parse the given YAML file
  • loadMapFromFile(): Load the image from map file and generate an OccupancyGrid
  • loadMapFromYaml(): Load the map YAML, image from map file and generate an OccupancyGrid
  • saveMapToFile(): Write OccupancyGrid map to file


As in ROS navigation, the map_server node provides a “map” service to get the map. See the nav_msgs/srv/GetMap.srv file for details.

NEW in ROS2 Eloquent, map_server also now provides a “load_map” service and map_saver - a “save_map” service. See nav2_msgs/srv/LoadMap.srv and nav2_msgs/srv/SaveMap.srv for details.

For using these services map_server/map_saver should be launched as a continuously running nav2::LifecycleNode node. In addition to the CLI, Map Saver has a functionality of server handling incoming services. To run Map Saver in a server mode nav2_map_server/launch/ launch-file could be used.

Service usage examples:

$ ros2 service call /map_server/load_map nav2_msgs/srv/LoadMap "{map_url: /ros/maps/map.yaml}"
$ ros2 service call /map_saver/save_map nav2_msgs/srv/SaveMap "{map_topic: map, map_url: my_map, image_format: pgm, map_mode: trinary, free_thresh: 0.25, occupied_thresh: 0.65}"


Wiki Tutorials

This package does not provide any links to tutorials in it's rosindex metadata. You can check on the ROS Wiki Tutorials page for the package.

Launch files

No launch files found


No message files found.


No service files found


No plugins found.

Recent questions tagged nav2_map_server at Robotics Stack Exchange

Package Summary

Tags No category tags.
Version 1.3.5
License Apache-2.0
Build type AMENT_CMAKE

Repository Summary

Checkout URI
VCS Type git
VCS Version jazzy
Last Updated 2025-02-05
CI status No Continuous Integration
Tags No category tags.
Contributing Help Wanted (0)
Good First Issues (0)
Pull Requests to Review (0)

Package Description

Refactored map server for ROS2 Navigation

Additional Links

No additional links.


  • Brian Wilcox


No additional authors.

Map Server

The Map Server provides maps to the rest of the Nav2 system using both topic and service interfaces. Map server will expose maps on the node bringup, but can also change maps using a load_map service during run-time, as well as save maps using a save_map server.

See its Configuration Guide Page for additional parameter descriptions.


In contrast to the ROS1 navigation map server, the nav2 map server will support a variety of map types, and thus some aspects of the original code have been refactored to support this new extensible framework.

Currently map server divides into tree parts:

  • map_server
  • map_saver
  • map_io library

map_server is responsible for loading the map from a file through command-line interface or by using service requests.

map_saver saves the map into a file. Like map_server, it has an ability to save the map from command-line or by calling a service.

map_io - is a map input-output library. The library is designed to be an object-independent in order to allow easily save/load map from external code just by calling necessary function. This library is also used by map_loader and map_saver to work. Currently it contains OccupancyGrid saving/loading functions moved from the rest part of map server code. It is designed to be replaceable for a new IO library (e.g. for library with new map encoding method or any other library supporting costmaps, multifloor maps, etc…).


Map Server

The Map Server is a composable ROS2 node. By default, there is a map_server executable that instances one of these nodes, but it is possible to compose multiple map server nodes into a single process, if desired.

The command line for the map server executable is slightly different that it was with ROS1. With ROS1, one invoked the map server and passing the map YAML filename, like this:

$ map_server map.yaml

Where the YAML file specified contained the various map metadata, such as:

image: testmap.png
resolution: 0.1
origin: [2.0, 3.0, 1.0]
negate: 0
occupied_thresh: 0.65
free_thresh: 0.196

The Nav2 software retains the map YAML file format from Nav1, but uses the ROS2 parameter mechanism to get the name of the YAML file to use. This effectively introduces a level of indirection to get the map yaml filename. For example, for a node named ‘map_server’, the parameter file would look like this:

# map_server_params.yaml
        yaml_filename: "map.yaml"

One can invoke the map service executable directly, passing the params file on the command line, like this:

$ map_server __params:=map_server_params.yaml

There is also possibility of having multiple map server nodes in a single process, where the parameters file would separate the parameters by node name, like this:

# combined_params.yaml
        yaml_filename: "some_map.yaml"

        yaml_filename: "another_map.yaml"

Then, one would invoke this process with the params file that contains the parameters for both nodes:

$ process_with_multiple_map_servers __params:=combined_params.yaml

The parameter for the initial map (yaml_filename) has to be set, but an empty string can be used if no initial map should be loaded. In this case, no map is loaded during on_configure or published during on_activate. The load_map-service should the be used to load and publish a map.

Map Saver

Like in ROS1 map_saver could be used as CLI-executable. It was renamed to map_saver_cli and could be invoked by following command:

$ ros2 run nav2_map_server map_saver_cli [arguments] [--ros-args ROS remapping args]

Currently Supported Map Types

  • Occupancy grid (nav_msgs/msg/OccupancyGrid)

MapIO library

MapIO library contains following API functions declared in map_io.hpp to work with OccupancyGrid maps:

  • loadMapYaml(): Load and parse the given YAML file
  • loadMapFromFile(): Load the image from map file and generate an OccupancyGrid
  • loadMapFromYaml(): Load the map YAML, image from map file and generate an OccupancyGrid
  • saveMapToFile(): Write OccupancyGrid map to file


As in ROS navigation, the map_server node provides a “map” service to get the map. See the nav_msgs/srv/GetMap.srv file for details.

NEW in ROS2 Eloquent, map_server also now provides a “load_map” service and map_saver - a “save_map” service. See nav2_msgs/srv/LoadMap.srv and nav2_msgs/srv/SaveMap.srv for details.

For using these services map_server/map_saver should be launched as a continuously running nav2::LifecycleNode node. In addition to the CLI, Map Saver has a functionality of server handling incoming services. To run Map Saver in a server mode nav2_map_server/launch/ launch-file could be used.

Service usage examples:

$ ros2 service call /map_server/load_map nav2_msgs/srv/LoadMap "{map_url: /ros/maps/map.yaml}"
$ ros2 service call /map_saver/save_map nav2_msgs/srv/SaveMap "{map_topic: map, map_url: my_map, image_format: pgm, map_mode: trinary, free_thresh: 0.25, occupied_thresh: 0.65}"


Wiki Tutorials

This package does not provide any links to tutorials in it's rosindex metadata. You can check on the ROS Wiki Tutorials page for the package.

Launch files

No launch files found


No message files found.


No service files found


No plugins found.

Recent questions tagged nav2_map_server at Robotics Stack Exchange

Package Summary

Tags No category tags.
Version 0.1.7
License Apache License 2.0
Build type AMENT_CMAKE

Repository Summary

Checkout URI
VCS Type git
VCS Version crystal-devel
Last Updated 2019-03-13
CI status No Continuous Integration
Tags No category tags.
Contributing Help Wanted (0)
Good First Issues (0)
Pull Requests to Review (0)

Package Description

Refactored map server for ROS2 Navigation

Additional Links

No additional links.


  • Brian Wilcox


No additional authors.

Map Server

The Map Server provides maps to the rest of the Navigation2 system using both topic and service interfaces.

Changes from ROS1 Navigation Map Server

While the nav2 map server provides the same general function as the nav1 map server, the new code has some changes to accomodate ROS2 as well as some architectural improvements.


In contrast to the ROS1 navigation map server, the nav2 map server will support a variety of map types, and thus some aspects of the original code have been refactored to support this new extensible framework. In particular, there is now a MapLoader abstract base class and type-specific map loaders which derive from this class. There is currently one such derived class, the OccGridLoader, which converts an input image to an OccupancyGrid and makes this available via topic and service interfaces. The MapServer class is a ROS2 node that uses the appropriate loader, based on an input parameter.

Command-line arguments, ROS2 Node Parameters, and YAML files

The Map Server is a composable ROS2 node. By default, there is a map_server executable that instances one of these nodes, but it is possible to compose multiple map server nodes into a single process, if desired.

The command line for the map server executable is slightly different that it was with ROS1. With ROS1, one invoked the map server and passing the map YAML filename, like this:

$ map_server map.yaml

Where the YAML file specified contained the various map metadata, such as:

image: testmap.png
resolution: 0.1
origin: [2.0, 3.0, 1.0]
negate: 0
occupied_thresh: 0.65
free_thresh: 0.196

The Navigation2 software retains the map YAML file format from Nav1, but uses the ROS2 parameter mechanism to get the name of the YAML file to use. This effectively introduces a level of indirection to get the map yaml filename. For example, for a node named ‘map_server’, the parameter file would look like this:

# map_server_params.yaml
        yaml_filename: "map.yaml"

One can invoke the map service executable directly, passing the params file on the command line, like this:

$ map_server __params:=map_server_params.yaml

There is also possibility of having multiple map server nodes in a single process, where the parameters file would separate the parameters by node name, like this:

# combined_params.yaml
        yaml_filename: "some_map.yaml"

        yaml_filename: "another_map.yaml"

Then, one would invoke this process with the params file that contains the parameters for both nodes:

$ process_with_multiple_map_servers __params:=combined_params.yaml

Currently Supported Map Types

  • Occupancy grid (nav_msgs/msg/OccupancyGrid), via the OccGridLoader

Future Plans

  • Allow for dynamic configuration of conversion parameters
  • Support additional map types, e.g. GridMap (
  • Port and refactor Map Saver (

Wiki Tutorials

This package does not provide any links to tutorials in it's rosindex metadata. You can check on the ROS Wiki Tutorials page for the package.

Launch files

No launch files found


No message files found.


No service files found


No plugins found.

Recent questions tagged nav2_map_server at Robotics Stack Exchange

Package Summary

Tags No category tags.
Version 0.3.5
License Apache-2.0
Build type AMENT_CMAKE

Repository Summary

Checkout URI
VCS Type git
VCS Version eloquent-devel
Last Updated 2021-01-04
CI status No Continuous Integration
Tags No category tags.
Contributing Help Wanted (0)
Good First Issues (0)
Pull Requests to Review (0)

Package Description

Refactored map server for ROS2 Navigation

Additional Links

No additional links.


  • Brian Wilcox


No additional authors.

Map Server

The Map Server provides maps to the rest of the Navigation2 system using both topic and service interfaces.

Changes from ROS1 Navigation Map Server

While the nav2 map server provides the same general function as the nav1 map server, the new code has some changes to accomodate ROS2 as well as some architectural improvements.

In addition, there is now a new “load_map” service which can be used to dynamically load a map.


In contrast to the ROS1 navigation map server, the nav2 map server will support a variety of map types, and thus some aspects of the original code have been refactored to support this new extensible framework. In particular, there is now a MapLoader abstract base class and type-specific map loaders which derive from this class. There is currently one such derived class, the OccGridLoader, which converts an input image to an OccupancyGrid and makes this available via topic and service interfaces. The MapServer class is a ROS2 node that uses the appropriate loader, based on an input parameter.

Command-line arguments, ROS2 Node Parameters, and YAML files

The Map Server is a composable ROS2 node. By default, there is a map_server executable that instances one of these nodes, but it is possible to compose multiple map server nodes into a single process, if desired.

The command line for the map server executable is slightly different that it was with ROS1. With ROS1, one invoked the map server and passing the map YAML filename, like this:

$ map_server map.yaml

Where the YAML file specified contained the various map metadata, such as:

image: testmap.png
resolution: 0.1
origin: [2.0, 3.0, 1.0]
negate: 0
occupied_thresh: 0.65
free_thresh: 0.196

The Navigation2 software retains the map YAML file format from Nav1, but uses the ROS2 parameter mechanism to get the name of the YAML file to use. This effectively introduces a level of indirection to get the map yaml filename. For example, for a node named ‘map_server’, the parameter file would look like this:

# map_server_params.yaml
        yaml_filename: "map.yaml"

One can invoke the map service executable directly, passing the params file on the command line, like this:

$ map_server __params:=map_server_params.yaml

There is also possibility of having multiple map server nodes in a single process, where the parameters file would separate the parameters by node name, like this:

# combined_params.yaml
        yaml_filename: "some_map.yaml"

        yaml_filename: "another_map.yaml"

Then, one would invoke this process with the params file that contains the parameters for both nodes:

$ process_with_multiple_map_servers __params:=combined_params.yaml

Currently Supported Map Types

  • Occupancy grid (nav_msgs/msg/OccupancyGrid), via the OccGridLoader


As in ROS navigation, the map_server node provides a “map” service to get the map. See the nav_msgs/srv/GetMap.srv file for details.

NEW in ROS2 Eloquent, map_server also now provides a “load_map” service. See nav2_msgs/srv/LoadMap.srv for details.


$ ros2 service call /load_map nav2_msgs/srv/LoadMap "{type: 0, map_id: /ros/maps/map.yaml}


Wiki Tutorials

This package does not provide any links to tutorials in it's rosindex metadata. You can check on the ROS Wiki Tutorials page for the package.

Launch files

No launch files found


No message files found.


No service files found


No plugins found.

Recent questions tagged nav2_map_server at Robotics Stack Exchange

Package Summary

Tags No category tags.
Version 0.2.6
License Apache-2.0
Build type AMENT_CMAKE

Repository Summary

Checkout URI
VCS Type git
VCS Version dashing-devel
Last Updated 2020-12-28
CI status No Continuous Integration
Tags No category tags.
Contributing Help Wanted (0)
Good First Issues (0)
Pull Requests to Review (0)

Package Description

Refactored map server for ROS2 Navigation

Additional Links

No additional links.


  • Brian Wilcox


No additional authors.

Map Server

The Map Server provides maps to the rest of the Navigation2 system using both topic and service interfaces.

Changes from ROS1 Navigation Map Server

While the nav2 map server provides the same general function as the nav1 map server, the new code has some changes to accomodate ROS2 as well as some architectural improvements.


In contrast to the ROS1 navigation map server, the nav2 map server will support a variety of map types, and thus some aspects of the original code have been refactored to support this new extensible framework. In particular, there is now a MapLoader abstract base class and type-specific map loaders which derive from this class. There is currently one such derived class, the OccGridLoader, which converts an input image to an OccupancyGrid and makes this available via topic and service interfaces. The MapServer class is a ROS2 node that uses the appropriate loader, based on an input parameter.

Command-line arguments, ROS2 Node Parameters, and YAML files

The Map Server is a composable ROS2 node. By default, there is a map_server executable that instances one of these nodes, but it is possible to compose multiple map server nodes into a single process, if desired.

The command line for the map server executable is slightly different that it was with ROS1. With ROS1, one invoked the map server and passing the map YAML filename, like this:

$ map_server map.yaml

Where the YAML file specified contained the various map metadata, such as:

image: testmap.png
resolution: 0.1
origin: [2.0, 3.0, 1.0]
negate: 0
occupied_thresh: 0.65
free_thresh: 0.196

The Navigation2 software retains the map YAML file format from Nav1, but uses the ROS2 parameter mechanism to get the name of the YAML file to use. This effectively introduces a level of indirection to get the map yaml filename. For example, for a node named ‘map_server’, the parameter file would look like this:

# map_server_params.yaml
        yaml_filename: "map.yaml"

One can invoke the map service executable directly, passing the params file on the command line, like this:

$ map_server __params:=map_server_params.yaml

There is also possibility of having multiple map server nodes in a single process, where the parameters file would separate the parameters by node name, like this:

# combined_params.yaml
        yaml_filename: "some_map.yaml"

        yaml_filename: "another_map.yaml"

Then, one would invoke this process with the params file that contains the parameters for both nodes:

$ process_with_multiple_map_servers __params:=combined_params.yaml

Currently Supported Map Types

  • Occupancy grid (nav_msgs/msg/OccupancyGrid), via the OccGridLoader

Future Plans

  • Allow for dynamic configuration of conversion parameters
  • Support additional map types, e.g. GridMap (
  • Port and refactor Map Saver (

Wiki Tutorials

This package does not provide any links to tutorials in it's rosindex metadata. You can check on the ROS Wiki Tutorials page for the package.

Launch files

No launch files found


No message files found.


No service files found


No plugins found.

Recent questions tagged nav2_map_server at Robotics Stack Exchange

Package Summary

Tags No category tags.
Version 1.0.12
License Apache-2.0
Build type AMENT_CMAKE

Repository Summary

Checkout URI
VCS Type git
VCS Version galactic
Last Updated 2022-09-15
CI status No Continuous Integration
Tags No category tags.
Contributing Help Wanted (0)
Good First Issues (0)
Pull Requests to Review (0)

Package Description

Refactored map server for ROS2 Navigation

Additional Links

No additional links.


  • Brian Wilcox


No additional authors.

Map Server

The Map Server provides maps to the rest of the Nav2 system using both topic and service interfaces.

Changes from ROS1 Navigation Map Server

While the nav2 map server provides the same general function as the nav1 map server, the new code has some changes to accomodate ROS2 as well as some architectural improvements.

In addition, there is now two new “load_map” and “save_map” services which can be used to dynamically load and save a map.


In contrast to the ROS1 navigation map server, the nav2 map server will support a variety of map types, and thus some aspects of the original code have been refactored to support this new extensible framework.

Currently map server divides into tree parts:

  • map_server
  • map_saver
  • map_io library

map_server is responsible for loading the map from a file through command-line interface or by using serice requests.

map_saver saves the map into a file. Like map_server, it has an ability to save the map from command-line or by calling a service.

map_io - is a map input-output library. The library is designed to be an object-independent in order to allow easily save/load map from external code just by calling necessary function. This library is also used by map_loader and map_saver to work. Currently it contains OccupancyGrid saving/loading functions moved from the rest part of map server code. It is designed to be replaceble for a new IO library (e.g. for library with new map encoding method or any other library supporting costmaps, multifloor maps, etc…).


Map Server

The Map Server is a composable ROS2 node. By default, there is a map_server executable that instances one of these nodes, but it is possible to compose multiple map server nodes into a single process, if desired.

The command line for the map server executable is slightly different that it was with ROS1. With ROS1, one invoked the map server and passing the map YAML filename, like this:

$ map_server map.yaml

Where the YAML file specified contained the various map metadata, such as:

image: testmap.png
resolution: 0.1
origin: [2.0, 3.0, 1.0]
negate: 0
occupied_thresh: 0.65
free_thresh: 0.196

The Nav2 software retains the map YAML file format from Nav1, but uses the ROS2 parameter mechanism to get the name of the YAML file to use. This effectively introduces a level of indirection to get the map yaml filename. For example, for a node named ‘map_server’, the parameter file would look like this:

# map_server_params.yaml
        yaml_filename: "map.yaml"

One can invoke the map service executable directly, passing the params file on the command line, like this:

$ map_server __params:=map_server_params.yaml

There is also possibility of having multiple map server nodes in a single process, where the parameters file would separate the parameters by node name, like this:

# combined_params.yaml
        yaml_filename: "some_map.yaml"

        yaml_filename: "another_map.yaml"

Then, one would invoke this process with the params file that contains the parameters for both nodes:

$ process_with_multiple_map_servers __params:=combined_params.yaml

Map Saver

Like in ROS1 map_saver could be used as CLI-executable. It was renamed to map_saver_cli and could be invoked by following command:

$ ros2 run nav2_map_server map_saver_cli [arguments] [--ros-args ROS remapping args]

Currently Supported Map Types

  • Occupancy grid (nav_msgs/msg/OccupancyGrid)

MapIO library

MapIO library contains following API functions declared in map_io.hpp to work with OccupancyGrid maps:

  • loadMapYaml(): Load and parse the given YAML file
  • loadMapFromFile(): Load the image from map file and generate an OccupancyGrid
  • loadMapFromYaml(): Load the map YAML, image from map file and generate an OccupancyGrid
  • saveMapToFile(): Write OccupancyGrid map to file


As in ROS navigation, the map_server node provides a “map” service to get the map. See the nav_msgs/srv/GetMap.srv file for details.

NEW in ROS2 Eloquent, map_server also now provides a “load_map” service and map_saver - a “save_map” service. See nav2_msgs/srv/LoadMap.srv and nav2_msgs/srv/SaveMap.srv for details.

For using these services map_server/map_saver should be launched as a continuously running nav2::LifecycleNode node. In addition to the CLI, Map Saver has a functionality of server handling incoming services. To run Map Saver in a server mode nav2_map_server/launch/ launch-file could be used.

Service usage examples:

$ ros2 service call /map_server/load_map nav2_msgs/srv/LoadMap "{map_url: /ros/maps/map.yaml}"
$ ros2 service call /map_saver/save_map nav2_msgs/srv/SaveMap "{map_topic: map, map_url: my_map, image_format: pgm, map_mode: trinary, free_thresh: 0.25, occupied_thresh: 0.65}"


Wiki Tutorials

This package does not provide any links to tutorials in it's rosindex metadata. You can check on the ROS Wiki Tutorials page for the package.

Launch files

No launch files found


No message files found.


No service files found


No plugins found.

Recent questions tagged nav2_map_server at Robotics Stack Exchange

Package Summary

Tags No category tags.
Version 0.4.7
License Apache-2.0
Build type AMENT_CMAKE

Repository Summary

Checkout URI
VCS Type git
VCS Version foxy-devel
Last Updated 2022-08-31
CI status No Continuous Integration
Tags No category tags.
Contributing Help Wanted (0)
Good First Issues (0)
Pull Requests to Review (0)

Package Description

Refactored map server for ROS2 Navigation

Additional Links

No additional links.


  • Brian Wilcox


No additional authors.

Map Server

The Map Server provides maps to the rest of the Navigation2 system using both topic and service interfaces.

Changes from ROS1 Navigation Map Server

While the nav2 map server provides the same general function as the nav1 map server, the new code has some changes to accomodate ROS2 as well as some architectural improvements.

In addition, there is now two new “load_map” and “save_map” services which can be used to dynamically load and save a map.


In contrast to the ROS1 navigation map server, the nav2 map server will support a variety of map types, and thus some aspects of the original code have been refactored to support this new extensible framework.

Currently map server divides into tree parts:

  • map_server
  • map_saver
  • map_io library

map_server is responsible for loading the map from a file through command-line interface or by using serice requests.

map_saver saves the map into a file. Like map_server, it has an ability to save the map from command-line or by calling a service.

map_io - is a map input-output library. The library is designed to be an object-independent in order to allow easily save/load map from external code just by calling necessary function. This library is also used by map_loader and map_saver to work. Currently it contains OccupancyGrid saving/loading functions moved from the rest part of map server code. It is designed to be replaceble for a new IO library (e.g. for library with new map encoding method or any other library supporting costmaps, multifloor maps, etc…).


Map Server

The Map Server is a composable ROS2 node. By default, there is a map_server executable that instances one of these nodes, but it is possible to compose multiple map server nodes into a single process, if desired.

The command line for the map server executable is slightly different that it was with ROS1. With ROS1, one invoked the map server and passing the map YAML filename, like this:

$ map_server map.yaml

Where the YAML file specified contained the various map metadata, such as:

image: testmap.png
resolution: 0.1
origin: [2.0, 3.0, 1.0]
negate: 0
occupied_thresh: 0.65
free_thresh: 0.196

The Navigation2 software retains the map YAML file format from Nav1, but uses the ROS2 parameter mechanism to get the name of the YAML file to use. This effectively introduces a level of indirection to get the map yaml filename. For example, for a node named ‘map_server’, the parameter file would look like this:

# map_server_params.yaml
        yaml_filename: "map.yaml"

One can invoke the map service executable directly, passing the params file on the command line, like this:

$ map_server __params:=map_server_params.yaml

There is also possibility of having multiple map server nodes in a single process, where the parameters file would separate the parameters by node name, like this:

# combined_params.yaml
        yaml_filename: "some_map.yaml"

        yaml_filename: "another_map.yaml"

Then, one would invoke this process with the params file that contains the parameters for both nodes:

$ process_with_multiple_map_servers __params:=combined_params.yaml

Map Saver

Like in ROS1 map_saver could be used as CLI-executable. It was renamed to map_saver_cli and could be invoked by following command:

$ ros2 run nav2_map_server map_saver_cli [arguments] [--ros-args ROS remapping args]

Currently Supported Map Types

  • Occupancy grid (nav_msgs/msg/OccupancyGrid)

MapIO library

MapIO library contains following API functions declared in map_io.hpp to work with OccupancyGrid maps:

  • loadMapYaml(): Load and parse the given YAML file
  • loadMapFromFile(): Load the image from map file and generate an OccupancyGrid
  • loadMapFromYaml(): Load the map YAML, image from map file and generate an OccupancyGrid
  • saveMapToFile(): Write OccupancyGrid map to file


As in ROS navigation, the map_server node provides a “map” service to get the map. See the nav_msgs/srv/GetMap.srv file for details.

NEW in ROS2 Eloquent, map_server also now provides a “load_map” service and map_saver - a “save_map” service. See nav2_msgs/srv/LoadMap.srv and nav2_msgs/srv/SaveMap.srv for details.

For using these services map_server/map_saver should be launched as a continuously running nav2::LifecycleNode node. In addition to the CLI, Map Saver has a functionality of server handling incoming services. To run Map Saver in a server mode nav2_map_server/launch/ launch-file could be used.

Service usage examples:

$ ros2 service call /map_server/load_map nav2_msgs/srv/LoadMap "{map_url: /ros/maps/map.yaml}"
$ ros2 service call /map_saver/save_map nav2_msgs/srv/SaveMap "{map_topic: map, map_url: my_map, image_format: pgm, map_mode: trinary, free_thresh: 0.25, occupied_thresh: 0.65}"


Wiki Tutorials

This package does not provide any links to tutorials in it's rosindex metadata. You can check on the ROS Wiki Tutorials page for the package.

Launch files

No launch files found


No message files found.


No service files found


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Recent questions tagged nav2_map_server at Robotics Stack Exchange

Package Summary

Tags No category tags.
Version 1.2.10
License Apache-2.0
Build type AMENT_CMAKE

Repository Summary

Checkout URI
VCS Type git
VCS Version iron
Last Updated 2024-10-02
CI status No Continuous Integration
Tags No category tags.
Contributing Help Wanted (0)
Good First Issues (0)
Pull Requests to Review (0)

Package Description

Refactored map server for ROS2 Navigation

Additional Links

No additional links.


  • Brian Wilcox


No additional authors.

Map Server

The Map Server provides maps to the rest of the Nav2 system using both topic and service interfaces. Map server will expose maps on the node bringup, but can also change maps using a load_map service during run-time, as well as save maps using a save_map server.

See its Configuration Guide Page for additional parameter descriptions.


In contrast to the ROS1 navigation map server, the nav2 map server will support a variety of map types, and thus some aspects of the original code have been refactored to support this new extensible framework.

Currently map server divides into tree parts:

  • map_server
  • map_saver
  • map_io library

map_server is responsible for loading the map from a file through command-line interface or by using service requests.

map_saver saves the map into a file. Like map_server, it has an ability to save the map from command-line or by calling a service.

map_io - is a map input-output library. The library is designed to be an object-independent in order to allow easily save/load map from external code just by calling necessary function. This library is also used by map_loader and map_saver to work. Currently it contains OccupancyGrid saving/loading functions moved from the rest part of map server code. It is designed to be replaceable for a new IO library (e.g. for library with new map encoding method or any other library supporting costmaps, multifloor maps, etc…).


Map Server

The Map Server is a composable ROS2 node. By default, there is a map_server executable that instances one of these nodes, but it is possible to compose multiple map server nodes into a single process, if desired.

The command line for the map server executable is slightly different that it was with ROS1. With ROS1, one invoked the map server and passing the map YAML filename, like this:

$ map_server map.yaml

Where the YAML file specified contained the various map metadata, such as:

image: testmap.png
resolution: 0.1
origin: [2.0, 3.0, 1.0]
negate: 0
occupied_thresh: 0.65
free_thresh: 0.196

The Nav2 software retains the map YAML file format from Nav1, but uses the ROS2 parameter mechanism to get the name of the YAML file to use. This effectively introduces a level of indirection to get the map yaml filename. For example, for a node named ‘map_server’, the parameter file would look like this:

# map_server_params.yaml
        yaml_filename: "map.yaml"

One can invoke the map service executable directly, passing the params file on the command line, like this:

$ map_server __params:=map_server_params.yaml

There is also possibility of having multiple map server nodes in a single process, where the parameters file would separate the parameters by node name, like this:

# combined_params.yaml
        yaml_filename: "some_map.yaml"

        yaml_filename: "another_map.yaml"

Then, one would invoke this process with the params file that contains the parameters for both nodes:

$ process_with_multiple_map_servers __params:=combined_params.yaml

The parameter for the initial map (yaml_filename) has to be set, but an empty string can be used if no initial map should be loaded. In this case, no map is loaded during on_configure or published during on_activate. The load_map-service should the be used to load and publish a map.

Map Saver

Like in ROS1 map_saver could be used as CLI-executable. It was renamed to map_saver_cli and could be invoked by following command:

$ ros2 run nav2_map_server map_saver_cli [arguments] [--ros-args ROS remapping args]

Currently Supported Map Types

  • Occupancy grid (nav_msgs/msg/OccupancyGrid)

MapIO library

MapIO library contains following API functions declared in map_io.hpp to work with OccupancyGrid maps:

  • loadMapYaml(): Load and parse the given YAML file
  • loadMapFromFile(): Load the image from map file and generate an OccupancyGrid
  • loadMapFromYaml(): Load the map YAML, image from map file and generate an OccupancyGrid
  • saveMapToFile(): Write OccupancyGrid map to file


As in ROS navigation, the map_server node provides a “map” service to get the map. See the nav_msgs/srv/GetMap.srv file for details.

NEW in ROS2 Eloquent, map_server also now provides a “load_map” service and map_saver - a “save_map” service. See nav2_msgs/srv/LoadMap.srv and nav2_msgs/srv/SaveMap.srv for details.

For using these services map_server/map_saver should be launched as a continuously running nav2::LifecycleNode node. In addition to the CLI, Map Saver has a functionality of server handling incoming services. To run Map Saver in a server mode nav2_map_server/launch/ launch-file could be used.

Service usage examples:

$ ros2 service call /map_server/load_map nav2_msgs/srv/LoadMap "{map_url: /ros/maps/map.yaml}"
$ ros2 service call /map_saver/save_map nav2_msgs/srv/SaveMap "{map_topic: map, map_url: my_map, image_format: pgm, map_mode: trinary, free_thresh: 0.25, occupied_thresh: 0.65}"


Wiki Tutorials

This package does not provide any links to tutorials in it's rosindex metadata. You can check on the ROS Wiki Tutorials page for the package.

Launch files

No launch files found


No message files found.


No service files found


No plugins found.

Recent questions tagged nav2_map_server at Robotics Stack Exchange