Package Summary

Tags No category tags.
Version 1.0.6
License Apache License 2.0
Build type AMENT_CMAKE

Repository Summary

Checkout URI
VCS Type git
VCS Version humble
Last Updated 2024-05-17
CI status No Continuous Integration
Tags No category tags.
Contributing Help Wanted (0)
Good First Issues (0)
Pull Requests to Review (0)

Package Description

A package providing cmake functions for running launch tests from the build.

Additional Links

No additional links.


  • Aditya Pande
  • Michel Hidalgo


  • Pete Baughman
  • William Woodall
No README found. No README in repository either.

Changelog for package launch_testing_ament_cmake

1.0.6 (2024-05-17)

1.0.5 (2024-02-16)

1.0.4 (2023-01-10)

1.0.3 (2022-10-18)

1.0.2 (2022-05-10)

1.0.1 (2022-04-13)

1.0.0 (2022-04-12)

0.23.1 (2022-04-08)

0.23.0 (2022-03-30)

0.22.0 (2022-03-28)

0.21.1 (2022-03-01)

  • [launch_testing_ament_cmake] Add test label (#584)
  • Contributors: Keisuke Shima

0.21.0 (2022-01-14)

0.20.0 (2021-11-29)

  • Update maintainers to Aditya Pande and Michel Hidalgo (#559)
  • Updated maintainers (#555)
  • Contributors: Aditya Pande, Audrow Nash

0.19.0 (2021-07-15)

0.18.0 (2021-06-18)

0.17.0 (2021-04-06)

0.16.0 (2021-03-19)

0.15.0 (2021-01-25)

0.14.0 (2020-12-08)

0.13.0 (2020-11-04)

  • Update package maintainers (#465)
  • Add bsd license to launch due to files from roslaunch (#456)
  • Contributors: Michel Hidalgo, William Woodall

0.12.0 (2020-08-18)

0.11.1 (2020-08-14)

  • Use launch_test CMake target as output file basename (#448)
  • Contributors: Michel Hidalgo

0.11.0 (2020-08-04)

  • Find Python debug interpreter on Windows (#437)
  • Contributors: Dirk Thomas

0.10.2 (2020-05-26)

0.10.1 (2020-05-08)

0.10.0 (2020-04-24)

0.9.5 (2019-11-13)

0.9.4 (2019-11-08)

0.9.3 (2019-10-23)

0.9.2 (2019-10-23)

  • Use ament_cmake_copyright (#349)
  • Contributors: Dan Rose

0.9.1 (2019-09-25)

0.9.0 (2019-09-18)

  • Update launch_testing example name in launch_testing_ament_cmake (#320)
  • Contributors: Michel Hidalgo

0.8.3 (2019-05-29)

0.8.2 (2019-05-20)

  • Revert \"Include cmake extras for testing (#245)\"
  • Include cmake extras for testing (#245)
  • [add_launch_test] Correct default python executable for windows debug (#239)
  • Convert retreived path to CMake path for use. (#244)
  • Move CMake path conversion to add_launch_test function.
  • Enable reuse of launch testing functionality (#236)
  • Contributors: Jacob Perron, Michel Hidalgo, Steven! Ragnar

Wiki Tutorials

See ROS Wiki Tutorials for more details.

Source Tutorials

Not currently indexed.

Package Dependencies

System Dependencies

No direct system dependencies.

Dependant Packages

Name Repo Deps
diagnostic_aggregator github-ros-diagnostics
diagnostic_common_diagnostics github-ros-diagnostics
gazebo_ros github-ros-simulation-gazebo_ros_pkgs
test_tf2 github-ros2-geometry2
human_description github-ros4hri-human_description
stereo_image_proc github-ros-perception-image_pipeline
swri_transform_util github-swri-robotics-marti_common
moveit_core github-ros-planning-moveit2
moveit_ros_planning github-ros-planning-moveit2
novatel_oem7_driver github-novatel-novatel_oem7_driver
robot_localization github-cra-ros-pkg-robot_localization
robot_state_publisher github-ros-robot_state_publisher
rosbridge_server github-RobotWebTools-rosbridge_suite
teleop_twist_joy github-ros2-teleop_twist_joy
twist_mux github-ros-teleop-twist_mux
ur_robot_driver github-UniversalRobots-Universal_Robots_ROS2_Driver
warehouse_ros_mongo github-ros-planning-warehouse_ros_mongo
pmb2_description github-pal-robotics-pmb2_robot
composition github-ros2-demos
demo_nodes_cpp github-ros2-demos
demo_nodes_cpp_native github-ros2-demos
image_tools github-ros2-demos
intra_process_demo github-ros2-demos
logging_demo github-ros2-demos
pendulum_control github-ros2-demos
kobuki_velocity_smoother github-kobuki-base-kobuki_velocity_smoother
nav2_util github-ros-planning-navigation2
rcl github-ros2-rcl
rcutils github-ros2-rcutils
ros1_bridge github-ros2-ros1_bridge
joint_limits github-ros-controls-ros2_control
joint_limits_interface github-ros-controls-ros2_control
ros_testing github-ros2-ros_testing
sick_safetyscanners2 github-SICKAG-sick_safetyscanners2
system_modes github-micro-ROS-system_modes
test_launch_system_modes github-micro-ROS-system_modes
test_cli_remapping github-ros2-system_tests
test_communication github-ros2-system_tests
test_rclcpp github-ros2-system_tests
test_security github-ros2-system_tests
ros_core github-ros2-variants
webots_ros2_tests github-cyberbotics-webots_ros2
domain_bridge github-ros2-domain_bridge
ros2launch_security_examples github-osrf-ros2launch_security
ur_description github-UniversalRobots-Universal_Robots_ROS2_Description
boeing_gazebo_model_attachment_plugin github-Boeing-gazebo_model_attachment_plugin
boeing_gazebo_model_attachment_plugin_msgs github-Boeing-gazebo_model_attachment_plugin
gazebo_set_joint_positions_plugin github-Boeing-gazebo_set_joint_positions_plugin
ros_gz_bridge github-gazebosim-ros_gz
test_ros_gz_bridge github-gazebosim-ros_gz
sick_safevisionary_tests github-SICKAG-sick_safevisionary_ros2
gazebo_planar_move_plugin github-Boeing-gazebo_planar_move_plugin
kuka_iiqka_eac_driver github-kroshu-kuka_drivers
kuka_kss_rsi_driver github-kroshu-kuka_drivers
kuka_sunrise_fri_driver github-kroshu-kuka_drivers
kuka_agilus_support github-kroshu-kuka_robot_descriptions
kuka_cybertech_support github-kroshu-kuka_robot_descriptions
kuka_fortec_support github-kroshu-kuka_robot_descriptions
kuka_iontec_support github-kroshu-kuka_robot_descriptions
kuka_lbr_iisy_support github-kroshu-kuka_robot_descriptions
kuka_lbr_iiwa_support github-kroshu-kuka_robot_descriptions
kuka_quantec_support github-kroshu-kuka_robot_descriptions
omni_base_description github-pal-robotics-omni_base_robot
play_motion2 github-pal-robotics-play_motion2
stcamera_components github-ose-support-ros-stcamera_ros2
stcamera_grabber github-ose-support-ros-stcamera_ros2
stcamera_launch github-ose-support-ros-stcamera_ros2
tiago_description github-pal-robotics-tiago_robot
tiago_gazebo github-pal-robotics-tiago_simulation

Launch files

No launch files found


No message files found.


No service files found


No plugins found.

Recent questions tagged launch_testing_ament_cmake at Robotics Stack Exchange

Package Summary

Tags No category tags.
Version 2.0.4
License Apache License 2.0
Build type AMENT_CMAKE

Repository Summary

Checkout URI
VCS Type git
VCS Version iron
Last Updated 2024-06-24
CI status No Continuous Integration
Tags No category tags.
Contributing Help Wanted (0)
Good First Issues (0)
Pull Requests to Review (0)

Package Description

A package providing cmake functions for running launch tests from the build.

Additional Links

No additional links.


  • Aditya Pande
  • Brandon Ong
  • William Woodall


  • Michel Hidalgo
  • Pete Baughman
  • William Woodall
No README found. No README in repository either.

Changelog for package launch_testing_ament_cmake

2.0.4 (2024-06-24)

2.0.3 (2024-04-19)

2.0.2 (2023-07-14)

2.0.1 (2023-04-12)

2.0.0 (2023-04-11)

1.4.1 (2023-02-24)

1.4.0 (2023-02-14)

  • [rolling] Update maintainers - 2022-11-07 (#671)
  • Contributors: Audrow Nash

1.3.0 (2022-11-02)

1.2.0 (2022-09-13)

1.1.0 (2022-04-29)

1.0.1 (2022-04-13)

1.0.0 (2022-04-12)

0.23.1 (2022-04-08)

0.23.0 (2022-03-30)

0.22.0 (2022-03-28)

0.21.1 (2022-03-01)

  • [launch_testing_ament_cmake] Add test label (#584)
  • Contributors: Keisuke Shima

0.21.0 (2022-01-14)

0.20.0 (2021-11-29)

  • Update maintainers to Aditya Pande and Michel Hidalgo (#559)
  • Updated maintainers (#555)
  • Contributors: Aditya Pande, Audrow Nash

0.19.0 (2021-07-15)

0.18.0 (2021-06-18)

0.17.0 (2021-04-06)

0.16.0 (2021-03-19)

0.15.0 (2021-01-25)

0.14.0 (2020-12-08)

0.13.0 (2020-11-04)

  • Update package maintainers (#465)
  • Add bsd license to launch due to files from roslaunch (#456)
  • Contributors: Michel Hidalgo, William Woodall

0.12.0 (2020-08-18)

0.11.1 (2020-08-14)

  • Use launch_test CMake target as output file basename (#448)
  • Contributors: Michel Hidalgo

0.11.0 (2020-08-04)

  • Find Python debug interpreter on Windows (#437)
  • Contributors: Dirk Thomas

0.10.2 (2020-05-26)

0.10.1 (2020-05-08)

0.10.0 (2020-04-24)

0.9.5 (2019-11-13)

0.9.4 (2019-11-08)

0.9.3 (2019-10-23)

0.9.2 (2019-10-23)

  • Use ament_cmake_copyright (#349)
  • Contributors: Dan Rose

0.9.1 (2019-09-25)

0.9.0 (2019-09-18)

  • Update launch_testing example name in launch_testing_ament_cmake (#320)
  • Contributors: Michel Hidalgo

0.8.3 (2019-05-29)

0.8.2 (2019-05-20)

  • Revert \"Include cmake extras for testing (#245)\"
  • Include cmake extras for testing (#245)
  • [add_launch_test] Correct default python executable for windows debug (#239)
  • Convert retreived path to CMake path for use. (#244)
  • Move CMake path conversion to add_launch_test function.
  • Enable reuse of launch testing functionality (#236)
  • Contributors: Jacob Perron, Michel Hidalgo, Steven! Ragnar

Wiki Tutorials

See ROS Wiki Tutorials for more details.

Source Tutorials

Not currently indexed.

Package Dependencies

System Dependencies

No direct system dependencies.

Dependant Packages

Name Repo Deps
diagnostic_aggregator github-ros-diagnostics
diagnostic_common_diagnostics github-ros-diagnostics
gazebo_ros github-ros-simulation-gazebo_ros_pkgs
test_tf2 github-ros2-geometry2
stereo_image_proc github-ros-perception-image_pipeline
swri_transform_util github-swri-robotics-marti_common
moveit_core github-ros-planning-moveit2
moveit_ros_planning github-ros-planning-moveit2
robot_localization github-cra-ros-pkg-robot_localization
robot_state_publisher github-ros-robot_state_publisher
rosbridge_server github-RobotWebTools-rosbridge_suite
teleop_twist_joy github-ros2-teleop_twist_joy
twist_mux github-ros-teleop-twist_mux
ur_robot_driver github-UniversalRobots-Universal_Robots_ROS2_Driver
warehouse_ros_mongo github-ros-planning-warehouse_ros_mongo
composition github-ros2-demos
demo_nodes_cpp github-ros2-demos
demo_nodes_cpp_native github-ros2-demos
image_tools github-ros2-demos
intra_process_demo github-ros2-demos
logging_demo github-ros2-demos
pendulum_control github-ros2-demos
kobuki_velocity_smoother github-kobuki-base-kobuki_velocity_smoother
nav2_util github-ros-planning-navigation2
rcl github-ros2-rcl
rcutils github-ros2-rcutils
ros1_bridge github-ros2-ros1_bridge
joint_limits github-ros-controls-ros2_control
joint_limits_interface github-ros-controls-ros2_control
ros_testing github-ros2-ros_testing
sick_safetyscanners2 github-SICKAG-sick_safetyscanners2
system_modes github-micro-ROS-system_modes
test_launch_system_modes github-micro-ROS-system_modes
test_cli_remapping github-ros2-system_tests
test_communication github-ros2-system_tests
test_rclcpp github-ros2-system_tests
test_security github-ros2-system_tests
ros_core github-ros2-variants
webots_ros2_tests github-cyberbotics-webots_ros2
domain_bridge github-ros2-domain_bridge
ros2launch_security_examples github-osrf-ros2launch_security
ur_description github-UniversalRobots-Universal_Robots_ROS2_Description
gz_ros2_control_tests github-ros-controls-gz_ros2_control
ros_gz_bridge github-gazebosim-ros_gz
test_ros_gz_bridge github-gazebosim-ros_gz
sick_safevisionary_tests github-SICKAG-sick_safevisionary_ros2

Launch files

No launch files found


No message files found.


No service files found


No plugins found.

Recent questions tagged launch_testing_ament_cmake at Robotics Stack Exchange

Package Summary

Tags No category tags.
Version 3.4.2
License Apache License 2.0
Build type AMENT_CMAKE

Repository Summary

Checkout URI
VCS Type git
VCS Version jazzy
Last Updated 2024-04-16
CI status No Continuous Integration
Tags No category tags.
Contributing Help Wanted (0)
Good First Issues (0)
Pull Requests to Review (0)

Package Description

A package providing cmake functions for running launch tests from the build.

Additional Links

No additional links.


  • Aditya Pande
  • Brandon Ong
  • William Woodall


  • Michel Hidalgo
  • Pete Baughman
  • William Woodall
No README found. No README in repository either.

Changelog for package launch_testing_ament_cmake

3.4.2 (2024-04-16)

3.4.1 (2024-03-28)

3.4.0 (2024-02-07)

3.3.0 (2024-01-24)

3.2.1 (2023-12-26)

3.2.0 (2023-10-04)

3.1.0 (2023-09-08)

3.0.1 (2023-09-07)

3.0.0 (2023-08-21)

2.2.1 (2023-07-11)

2.2.0 (2023-06-07)

2.1.0 (2023-04-27)

2.0.1 (2023-04-12)

2.0.0 (2023-04-11)

1.4.1 (2023-02-24)

1.4.0 (2023-02-14)

  • [rolling] Update maintainers - 2022-11-07 (#671)
  • Contributors: Audrow Nash

1.3.0 (2022-11-02)

1.2.0 (2022-09-13)

1.1.0 (2022-04-29)

1.0.1 (2022-04-13)

1.0.0 (2022-04-12)

0.23.1 (2022-04-08)

0.23.0 (2022-03-30)

0.22.0 (2022-03-28)

0.21.1 (2022-03-01)

  • [launch_testing_ament_cmake] Add test label (#584)
  • Contributors: Keisuke Shima

0.21.0 (2022-01-14)

0.20.0 (2021-11-29)

  • Update maintainers to Aditya Pande and Michel Hidalgo (#559)
  • Updated maintainers (#555)
  • Contributors: Aditya Pande, Audrow Nash

0.19.0 (2021-07-15)

0.18.0 (2021-06-18)

0.17.0 (2021-04-06)

0.16.0 (2021-03-19)

0.15.0 (2021-01-25)

0.14.0 (2020-12-08)

0.13.0 (2020-11-04)

  • Update package maintainers (#465)
  • Add bsd license to launch due to files from roslaunch (#456)
  • Contributors: Michel Hidalgo, William Woodall

0.12.0 (2020-08-18)

0.11.1 (2020-08-14)

  • Use launch_test CMake target as output file basename (#448)
  • Contributors: Michel Hidalgo

0.11.0 (2020-08-04)

  • Find Python debug interpreter on Windows (#437)
  • Contributors: Dirk Thomas

0.10.2 (2020-05-26)

0.10.1 (2020-05-08)

0.10.0 (2020-04-24)

0.9.5 (2019-11-13)

0.9.4 (2019-11-08)

0.9.3 (2019-10-23)

0.9.2 (2019-10-23)

  • Use ament_cmake_copyright (#349)
  • Contributors: Dan Rose

0.9.1 (2019-09-25)

0.9.0 (2019-09-18)

  • Update launch_testing example name in launch_testing_ament_cmake (#320)
  • Contributors: Michel Hidalgo

0.8.3 (2019-05-29)

0.8.2 (2019-05-20)

  • Revert \"Include cmake extras for testing (#245)\"
  • Include cmake extras for testing (#245)
  • [add_launch_test] Correct default python executable for windows debug (#239)
  • Convert retreived path to CMake path for use. (#244)
  • Move CMake path conversion to add_launch_test function.
  • Enable reuse of launch testing functionality (#236)
  • Contributors: Jacob Perron, Michel Hidalgo, Steven! Ragnar

Wiki Tutorials

See ROS Wiki Tutorials for more details.

Source Tutorials

Not currently indexed.

Package Dependencies

System Dependencies

No direct system dependencies.

Dependant Packages

Name Repo Deps
diagnostic_aggregator github-ros-diagnostics
diagnostic_common_diagnostics github-ros-diagnostics
gazebo_ros github-ros-simulation-gazebo_ros_pkgs
test_tf2 github-ros2-geometry2
stereo_image_proc github-ros-perception-image_pipeline
swri_transform_util github-swri-robotics-marti_common
moveit_core github-ros-planning-moveit2
moveit_ros_planning github-ros-planning-moveit2
robot_localization github-cra-ros-pkg-robot_localization
robot_state_publisher github-ros-robot_state_publisher
rosbridge_server github-RobotWebTools-rosbridge_suite
teleop_twist_joy github-ros2-teleop_twist_joy
twist_mux github-ros-teleop-twist_mux
ur_robot_driver github-UniversalRobots-Universal_Robots_ROS2_Driver
composition github-ros2-demos
demo_nodes_cpp github-ros2-demos
demo_nodes_cpp_native github-ros2-demos
image_tools github-ros2-demos
intra_process_demo github-ros2-demos
logging_demo github-ros2-demos
pendulum_control github-ros2-demos
kobuki_velocity_smoother github-kobuki-base-kobuki_velocity_smoother
rcl github-ros2-rcl
rcutils github-ros2-rcutils
ros1_bridge github-ros2-ros1_bridge
joint_limits github-ros-controls-ros2_control
ros_testing github-ros2-ros_testing
system_modes github-micro-ROS-system_modes
test_launch_system_modes github-micro-ROS-system_modes
test_cli_remapping github-ros2-system_tests
test_communication github-ros2-system_tests
test_rclcpp github-ros2-system_tests
test_security github-ros2-system_tests
ros_core github-ros2-variants
webots_ros2_tests github-cyberbotics-webots_ros2
domain_bridge github-ros2-domain_bridge
ros2launch_security_examples github-osrf-ros2launch_security
ur_description github-UniversalRobots-Universal_Robots_ROS2_Description
gz_ros2_control_tests github-ros-controls-gz_ros2_control
ros_gz_bridge github-gazebosim-ros_gz
test_ros_gz_bridge github-gazebosim-ros_gz
sick_safevisionary_tests github-SICKAG-sick_safevisionary_ros2
network_bridge github-brow1633-network_bridge

Launch files

No launch files found


No message files found.


No service files found


No plugins found.

Recent questions tagged launch_testing_ament_cmake at Robotics Stack Exchange

Package Summary

Tags No category tags.
Version 3.6.0
License Apache License 2.0
Build type AMENT_CMAKE

Repository Summary

Checkout URI
VCS Type git
VCS Version rolling
Last Updated 2024-07-09
CI status No Continuous Integration
Tags No category tags.
Contributing Help Wanted (0)
Good First Issues (0)
Pull Requests to Review (0)

Package Description

A package providing cmake functions for running launch tests from the build.

Additional Links

No additional links.


  • Aditya Pande
  • Brandon Ong
  • William Woodall


  • Michel Hidalgo
  • Pete Baughman
  • William Woodall
No README found. No README in repository either.

Changelog for package launch_testing_ament_cmake

3.6.0 (2024-06-25)

  • Don\'t write Python bytecode when invoking launch tests (#785)
  • Contributors: Scott K Logan

3.5.1 (2024-06-17)

3.5.0 (2024-04-26)

3.4.2 (2024-04-16)

3.4.1 (2024-03-28)

3.4.0 (2024-02-07)

3.3.0 (2024-01-24)

3.2.1 (2023-12-26)

3.2.0 (2023-10-04)

3.1.0 (2023-09-08)

3.0.1 (2023-09-07)

3.0.0 (2023-08-21)

2.2.1 (2023-07-11)

2.2.0 (2023-06-07)

2.1.0 (2023-04-27)

2.0.1 (2023-04-12)

2.0.0 (2023-04-11)

1.4.1 (2023-02-24)

1.4.0 (2023-02-14)

  • [rolling] Update maintainers - 2022-11-07 (#671)
  • Contributors: Audrow Nash

1.3.0 (2022-11-02)

1.2.0 (2022-09-13)

1.1.0 (2022-04-29)

1.0.1 (2022-04-13)

1.0.0 (2022-04-12)

0.23.1 (2022-04-08)

0.23.0 (2022-03-30)

0.22.0 (2022-03-28)

0.21.1 (2022-03-01)

  • [launch_testing_ament_cmake] Add test label (#584)
  • Contributors: Keisuke Shima

0.21.0 (2022-01-14)

0.20.0 (2021-11-29)

  • Update maintainers to Aditya Pande and Michel Hidalgo (#559)
  • Updated maintainers (#555)
  • Contributors: Aditya Pande, Audrow Nash

0.19.0 (2021-07-15)

0.18.0 (2021-06-18)

0.17.0 (2021-04-06)

0.16.0 (2021-03-19)

0.15.0 (2021-01-25)

0.14.0 (2020-12-08)

0.13.0 (2020-11-04)

  • Update package maintainers (#465)
  • Add bsd license to launch due to files from roslaunch (#456)
  • Contributors: Michel Hidalgo, William Woodall

0.12.0 (2020-08-18)

0.11.1 (2020-08-14)

  • Use launch_test CMake target as output file basename (#448)
  • Contributors: Michel Hidalgo

0.11.0 (2020-08-04)

  • Find Python debug interpreter on Windows (#437)
  • Contributors: Dirk Thomas

0.10.2 (2020-05-26)

0.10.1 (2020-05-08)

0.10.0 (2020-04-24)

0.9.5 (2019-11-13)

0.9.4 (2019-11-08)

0.9.3 (2019-10-23)

0.9.2 (2019-10-23)

  • Use ament_cmake_copyright (#349)
  • Contributors: Dan Rose

0.9.1 (2019-09-25)

0.9.0 (2019-09-18)

  • Update launch_testing example name in launch_testing_ament_cmake (#320)
  • Contributors: Michel Hidalgo

0.8.3 (2019-05-29)

0.8.2 (2019-05-20)

  • Revert \"Include cmake extras for testing (#245)\"
  • Include cmake extras for testing (#245)
  • [add_launch_test] Correct default python executable for windows debug (#239)
  • Convert retreived path to CMake path for use. (#244)
  • Move CMake path conversion to add_launch_test function.
  • Enable reuse of launch testing functionality (#236)
  • Contributors: Jacob Perron, Michel Hidalgo, Steven! Ragnar

Wiki Tutorials

See ROS Wiki Tutorials for more details.

Source Tutorials

Not currently indexed.

Package Dependencies

System Dependencies

No direct system dependencies.

Dependant Packages

Name Repo Deps
diagnostic_aggregator github-ros-diagnostics
diagnostic_common_diagnostics github-ros-diagnostics
test_tf2 github-ros2-geometry2
stereo_image_proc github-ros-perception-image_pipeline
swri_transform_util github-swri-robotics-marti_common
moveit_core github-ros-planning-moveit2
moveit_ros_planning github-ros-planning-moveit2
robot_localization github-cra-ros-pkg-robot_localization
robot_state_publisher github-ros-robot_state_publisher
rosbridge_server github-RobotWebTools-rosbridge_suite
teleop_twist_joy github-ros2-teleop_twist_joy
twist_mux github-ros-teleop-twist_mux
ur_robot_driver github-UniversalRobots-Universal_Robots_ROS2_Driver
composition github-ros2-demos
demo_nodes_cpp github-ros2-demos
demo_nodes_cpp_native github-ros2-demos
image_tools github-ros2-demos
intra_process_demo github-ros2-demos
logging_demo github-ros2-demos
pendulum_control github-ros2-demos
kobuki_velocity_smoother github-kobuki-base-kobuki_velocity_smoother
rcl github-ros2-rcl
rcutils github-ros2-rcutils
ros1_bridge github-ros2-ros1_bridge
joint_limits github-ros-controls-ros2_control
ros_testing github-ros2-ros_testing
system_modes github-micro-ROS-system_modes
test_launch_system_modes github-micro-ROS-system_modes
test_cli_remapping github-ros2-system_tests
test_communication github-ros2-system_tests
test_rclcpp github-ros2-system_tests
test_security github-ros2-system_tests
ros_core github-ros2-variants
webots_ros2_tests github-cyberbotics-webots_ros2
domain_bridge github-ros2-domain_bridge
ros2launch_security_examples github-osrf-ros2launch_security
ur_description github-UniversalRobots-Universal_Robots_ROS2_Description
gz_ros2_control_tests github-ros-controls-gz_ros2_control
ros_gz_bridge github-gazebosim-ros_gz
test_ros_gz_bridge github-gazebosim-ros_gz
sick_safevisionary_tests github-SICKAG-sick_safevisionary_ros2

Launch files

No launch files found


No message files found.


No service files found


No plugins found.

Recent questions tagged launch_testing_ament_cmake at Robotics Stack Exchange

Package Summary

Tags No category tags.
Version 0.9.7
License Apache License 2.0
Build type AMENT_CMAKE

Repository Summary

Checkout URI
VCS Type git
VCS Version eloquent
Last Updated 2020-12-04
CI status No Continuous Integration
Tags No category tags.
Contributing Help Wanted (0)
Good First Issues (0)
Pull Requests to Review (0)

Package Description

A package providing cmake functions for running launch tests from the build.

Additional Links

No additional links.


  • Pete Baughman


No additional authors.
No README found. No README in repository either.

Changelog for package launch_testing_ament_cmake

0.9.7 (2020-12-04)

0.9.6 (2020-01-21)

0.9.5 (2019-11-13)

0.9.4 (2019-11-08)

0.9.3 (2019-10-23)

0.9.2 (2019-10-23)

  • Use ament_cmake_copyright (#349)
  • Contributors: Dan Rose

0.9.1 (2019-09-25)

0.9.0 (2019-09-18)

  • Update launch_testing example name in launch_testing_ament_cmake (#320)
  • Contributors: Michel Hidalgo

0.8.3 (2019-05-29)

0.8.2 (2019-05-20)

  • Revert \"Include cmake extras for testing (#245)\"
  • Include cmake extras for testing (#245)
  • [add_launch_test] Correct default python executable for windows debug (#239)
  • Convert retreived path to CMake path for use. (#244)
  • Move CMake path conversion to add_launch_test function.
  • Enable reuse of launch testing functionality (#236)
  • Contributors: Jacob Perron, Michel Hidalgo, Steven! Ragnar

Wiki Tutorials

See ROS Wiki Tutorials for more details.

Source Tutorials

Not currently indexed.

Launch files

No launch files found


No message files found.


No service files found


No plugins found.

Recent questions tagged launch_testing_ament_cmake at Robotics Stack Exchange

Package Summary

Tags No category tags.
Version 0.8.7
License Apache License 2.0
Build type AMENT_CMAKE

Repository Summary

Checkout URI
VCS Type git
VCS Version dashing
Last Updated 2020-03-25
CI status No Continuous Integration
Tags No category tags.
Contributing Help Wanted (0)
Good First Issues (0)
Pull Requests to Review (0)

Package Description

A package providing cmake functions for running launch tests from the build.

Additional Links

No additional links.


  • Pete Baughman


No additional authors.
No README found. No README in repository either.

Changelog for package launch_testing_ament_cmake

0.8.7 (2019-10-11)

0.8.6 (2019-09-06)

0.8.5 (2019-08-22)

0.8.4 (2019-06-12)

0.8.3 (2019-05-29)

0.8.2 (2019-05-20)

  • Revert \"Include cmake extras for testing (#245)\"
  • Include cmake extras for testing (#245)
  • [add_launch_test] Correct default python executable for windows debug (#239)
  • Convert retreived path to CMake path for use. (#244)
  • Move CMake path conversion to add_launch_test function.
  • Enable reuse of launch testing functionality (#236)
  • Contributors: Jacob Perron, Michel Hidalgo, Steven! Ragnar

Wiki Tutorials

See ROS Wiki Tutorials for more details.

Source Tutorials

Not currently indexed.

Launch files

No launch files found


No message files found.


No service files found


No plugins found.

Recent questions tagged launch_testing_ament_cmake at Robotics Stack Exchange

Package Summary

Tags No category tags.
Version 0.17.2
License Apache License 2.0
Build type AMENT_CMAKE

Repository Summary

Checkout URI
VCS Type git
VCS Version galactic
Last Updated 2022-12-02
CI status No Continuous Integration
Tags No category tags.
Contributing Help Wanted (0)
Good First Issues (0)
Pull Requests to Review (0)

Package Description

A package providing cmake functions for running launch tests from the build.

Additional Links

No additional links.


  • William Woodall
  • Michel Hidalgo


  • Pete Baughman
No README found. No README in repository either.

Changelog for package launch_testing_ament_cmake

0.17.2 (2022-12-02)

0.17.1 (2022-04-28)

0.17.0 (2021-04-06)

0.16.0 (2021-03-19)

0.15.0 (2021-01-25)

0.14.0 (2020-12-08)

0.13.0 (2020-11-04)

  • Update package maintainers (#465)
  • Add bsd license to launch due to files from roslaunch (#456)
  • Contributors: Michel Hidalgo, William Woodall

0.12.0 (2020-08-18)

0.11.1 (2020-08-14)

  • Use launch_test CMake target as output file basename (#448)
  • Contributors: Michel Hidalgo

0.11.0 (2020-08-04)

  • Find Python debug interpreter on Windows (#437)
  • Contributors: Dirk Thomas

0.10.2 (2020-05-26)

0.10.1 (2020-05-08)

0.10.0 (2020-04-24)

0.9.5 (2019-11-13)

0.9.4 (2019-11-08)

0.9.3 (2019-10-23)

0.9.2 (2019-10-23)

  • Use ament_cmake_copyright (#349)
  • Contributors: Dan Rose

0.9.1 (2019-09-25)

0.9.0 (2019-09-18)

  • Update launch_testing example name in launch_testing_ament_cmake (#320)
  • Contributors: Michel Hidalgo

0.8.3 (2019-05-29)

0.8.2 (2019-05-20)

  • Revert \"Include cmake extras for testing (#245)\"
  • Include cmake extras for testing (#245)
  • [add_launch_test] Correct default python executable for windows debug (#239)
  • Convert retreived path to CMake path for use. (#244)
  • Move CMake path conversion to add_launch_test function.
  • Enable reuse of launch testing functionality (#236)
  • Contributors: Jacob Perron, Michel Hidalgo, Steven! Ragnar

Wiki Tutorials

See ROS Wiki Tutorials for more details.

Source Tutorials

Not currently indexed.

Package Dependencies

System Dependencies

No direct system dependencies.

Dependant Packages

Name Repo Deps
diagnostic_aggregator github-ros-diagnostics
gazebo_ros github-ros-simulation-gazebo_ros_pkgs
test_tf2 github-ros2-geometry2
stereo_image_proc github-ros-perception-image_pipeline
moveit_core github-ros-planning-moveit2
moveit_ros_planning github-ros-planning-moveit2
robot_localization github-cra-ros-pkg-robot_localization
robot_state_publisher github-ros-robot_state_publisher
rosbridge_server github-RobotWebTools-rosbridge_suite
teleop_twist_joy github-ros2-teleop_twist_joy
twist_mux github-ros-teleop-twist_mux
ur_robot_driver github-UniversalRobots-Universal_Robots_ROS2_Driver
warehouse_ros_mongo github-ros-planning-warehouse_ros_mongo
composition github-ros2-demos
demo_nodes_cpp github-ros2-demos
demo_nodes_cpp_native github-ros2-demos
image_tools github-ros2-demos
intra_process_demo github-ros2-demos
logging_demo github-ros2-demos
pendulum_control github-ros2-demos
kobuki_velocity_smoother github-kobuki-base-kobuki_velocity_smoother
nav2_util github-ros-planning-navigation2
rcl github-ros2-rcl
rcutils github-ros2-rcutils
ros1_bridge github-ros2-ros1_bridge
joint_limits_interface github-ros-controls-ros2_control
ros_ign_bridge github-ignitionrobotics-ros_ign
ros_testing github-ros2-ros_testing
sick_safetyscanners2 github-SICKAG-sick_safetyscanners2
system_modes github-micro-ROS-system_modes
test_launch_system_modes github-micro-ROS-system_modes
test_cli_remapping github-ros2-system_tests
test_communication github-ros2-system_tests
test_rclcpp github-ros2-system_tests
test_security github-ros2-system_tests
ros_core github-ros2-variants
webots_ros2_tests github-cyberbotics-webots_ros2
domain_bridge github-ros2-domain_bridge
ros2launch_security_examples github-osrf-ros2launch_security
ur_description github-UniversalRobots-Universal_Robots_ROS2_Description

Launch files

No launch files found


No message files found.


No service files found


No plugins found.

Recent questions tagged launch_testing_ament_cmake at Robotics Stack Exchange

Package Summary

Tags No category tags.
Version 0.10.10
License Apache License 2.0
Build type AMENT_CMAKE

Repository Summary

Checkout URI
VCS Type git
VCS Version foxy
Last Updated 2022-10-12
CI status No Continuous Integration
Tags No category tags.
Contributing Help Wanted (0)
Good First Issues (0)
Pull Requests to Review (0)

Package Description

A package providing cmake functions for running launch tests from the build.

Additional Links

No additional links.


  • Pete Baughman


No additional authors.
No README found. No README in repository either.

Changelog for package launch_testing_ament_cmake

0.10.10 (2022-10-12)

0.10.9 (2022-09-12)

0.10.8 (2022-01-12)

0.10.7 (2021-11-12)

0.10.6 (2021-08-31)

0.10.5 (2021-04-14)

0.10.4 (2020-12-08)

0.10.3 (2020-08-27)

0.10.2 (2020-05-26)

0.10.1 (2020-05-08)

0.10.0 (2020-04-24)

0.9.5 (2019-11-13)

0.9.4 (2019-11-08)

0.9.3 (2019-10-23)

0.9.2 (2019-10-23)

  • Use ament_cmake_copyright (#349)
  • Contributors: Dan Rose

0.9.1 (2019-09-25)

0.9.0 (2019-09-18)

  • Update launch_testing example name in launch_testing_ament_cmake (#320)
  • Contributors: Michel Hidalgo

0.8.3 (2019-05-29)

0.8.2 (2019-05-20)

  • Revert \"Include cmake extras for testing (#245)\"
  • Include cmake extras for testing (#245)
  • [add_launch_test] Correct default python executable for windows debug (#239)
  • Convert retreived path to CMake path for use. (#244)
  • Move CMake path conversion to add_launch_test function.
  • Enable reuse of launch testing functionality (#236)
  • Contributors: Jacob Perron, Michel Hidalgo, Steven! Ragnar

Wiki Tutorials

See ROS Wiki Tutorials for more details.

Source Tutorials

Not currently indexed.

Package Dependencies

System Dependencies

No direct system dependencies.

Dependant Packages

Name Repo Deps
diagnostic_aggregator github-ros-diagnostics
diagnostic_common_diagnostics github-ros-diagnostics
gazebo_ros github-ros-simulation-gazebo_ros_pkgs
test_tf2 github-ros2-geometry2
stereo_image_proc github-ros-perception-image_pipeline
swri_transform_util github-swri-robotics-marti_common
moveit_core github-ros-planning-moveit2
moveit_ros_planning github-ros-planning-moveit2
novatel_oem7_driver github-novatel-novatel_oem7_driver
robot_localization github-cra-ros-pkg-robot_localization
robot_state_publisher github-ros-robot_state_publisher
rosbridge_server github-RobotWebTools-rosbridge_suite
teleop_twist_joy github-ros2-teleop_twist_joy
twist_mux github-ros-teleop-twist_mux
ur_robot_driver github-UniversalRobots-Universal_Robots_ROS2_Driver
warehouse_ros_mongo github-ros-planning-warehouse_ros_mongo
pmb2_description github-pal-robotics-pmb2_robot
composition github-ros2-demos
demo_nodes_cpp github-ros2-demos
demo_nodes_cpp_native github-ros2-demos
image_tools github-ros2-demos
intra_process_demo github-ros2-demos
logging_demo github-ros2-demos
pendulum_control github-ros2-demos
kobuki_velocity_smoother github-kobuki-base-kobuki_velocity_smoother
nav2_util github-ros-planning-navigation2
rcl github-ros2-rcl
rcutils github-ros2-rcutils
ros1_bridge github-ros2-ros1_bridge
joint_limits_interface github-ros-controls-ros2_control
ros_ign_bridge github-ignitionrobotics-ros_ign
ros_testing github-ros2-ros_testing
sick_safetyscanners2 github-SICKAG-sick_safetyscanners2
system_modes github-micro-ROS-system_modes
test_launch_system_modes github-micro-ROS-system_modes
test_cli_remapping github-ros2-system_tests
test_communication github-ros2-system_tests
test_rclcpp github-ros2-system_tests
test_security github-ros2-system_tests
ros_core github-ros2-variants
webots_ros2_tests github-cyberbotics-webots_ros2

Launch files

No launch files found


No message files found.


No service files found


No plugins found.

Recent questions tagged launch_testing_ament_cmake at Robotics Stack Exchange