etsi_its_messages repository

Repository Summary

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VCS Type git
VCS Version main
Last Updated 2024-10-16
CI status No Continuous Integration
Tags No category tags.
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Pull Requests to Review (0)



ROS / ROS 2 Support for ETSI ITS Messages for V2X Communication

The etsi_its_messages package stack allows to use standardized ETSI ITS messages for V2X communication in ROS / ROS 2 systems. Apart from the definition of ROS message equivalents to the ETSI ITS standards, this package stack also includes a conversion node for serializing the messages to and from a UDP payload, as well as RViz plugins for visualization (ROS 2 only).

All message definitions and conversion functions are automatically generated based on the ASN.1 definitions of the standardized ETSI ITS messages.

This repository is open-sourced and maintained by the Institute for Automotive Engineering (ika) at RWTH Aachen University.
V2X Communication is one of many research topics within our Vehicle Intelligence & Automated Driving domain.
If you would like to learn more about how we can support your advanced driver assistance and automated driving efforts, feel free to reach out to us!



The core concept of the etsi_its_messages is to automatically generate the ROS support code based on the ASN.1 definitions of the standardized ETSI ITS messages (CodeGen). The ROS support then allows ROS applications to not only natively use corresponding ETSI ITS message types, but to also exchange encoded ETSI ITS message payloads with the world outside of ROS (Runtime).

A given ASN.1 definition is used to generate corresponding C-structures, ROS message definitions, as well as conversion functions between those two formats (see Code Generation).

During runtime, the etsi_its_conversion ROS node converts incoming UDP payloads into corresponding ROS messages and vice versa (see Conversion Node). The ROS equivalents of the ETSI ITS messages can be used in any downstream ROS applications or visualized using the provided RViz plugins.

Supported ETSI ITS Messages

Status Acronym Name EN Specification TS Specification  
:white_check_mark: CAM Cooperative Awareness Message EN 302 637-2 V1.4.1 (ASN.1) TS 103 900 V2.1.1 (ASN.1)  
:white_check_mark: DENM Decentralized Environmental Notification Message EN 302 637-3 V1.3.1 (ASN.1) -  
:white_check_mark: CPM Collective Perception Message - TS 103 324 V2.1.1 (ASN.1)  
:white_check_mark: VAM VRU Awareness Message - TS 103 300-3 V2.2.1 (ASN.1)  
:soon: MAPEM Map Extended Message - - -
:soon: SPATEM Signal Phase and Timing Extended Message - - -

[!NOTE] Message types that are standardized as European Norms (EN) are available as, e.g., etsi_its_cam_msgs. New message types or revisions of existing message types that are only specified in Technical Specifications (TS) are available as, e.g., etsi_its_cpm_ts_msgs.


├── etsi_its_coding
│   ├── etsi_its_coding         # metapackage including all coding packages
│   ├── etsi_its_cam_coding
│   ├── etsi_its_cam_ts_coding
│   ├── etsi_its_cpm_ts_coding
│   ├── etsi_its_denm_coding
│   └── etsi_its_vam_ts_coding
├── etsi_its_conversion
│   ├── etsi_its_conversion     # conversion node depending on all conversion packages
│   ├── etsi_its_cam_conversion
│   ├── etsi_its_cam_ts_conversion
│   ├── etsi_its_cpm_ts_conversion
│   ├── etsi_its_denm_conversion
│   ├── etsi_its_primitives_conversion
│   └── etsi_its_vam_ts_conversion
├── etsi_its_messages           # metapackage including all others
├── etsi_its_msgs
│   ├── etsi_its_msgs           # metapackage including all msg packages
│   ├── etsi_its_cam_msgs
│   ├── etsi_its_cam_ts_msgs
│   ├── etsi_its_cpm_ts_msgs
│   ├── etsi_its_denm_msgs
│   └── etsi_its_vam_ts_msgs
├── etsi_its_msgs_utils
└── etsi_its_rviz_plugins


All etsi_its_messages packages are released as official ROS / ROS 2 packages and can easily be installed via a package manager.

sudo apt update
sudo apt install ros-$ROS_DISTRO-etsi-its-messages
# or single packages, e.g.
sudo apt install ros-$ROS_DISTRO-etsi-its-cam-msgs

If you would like to install etsi_its_messages from source, simply clone this repository into your ROS workspace. All dependencies that are listed in the packages’ package.xml can be installed using rosdep.

# etsi_its_messages$
rosdep install -r --ignore-src --from-paths .

# ROS 2
# workspace$
colcon build --packages-up-to etsi_its_messages --cmake-args -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release

# workspace$
catkin build -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release etsi_its_messages


The etsi_its_messages package stack is also available as a Docker image, containerized through docker-ros. Note that launching these containers starts the etsi_its_conversion node by default.

# ROS 2
docker run --rm

docker run --rm

Conversion Node

The etsi_its_conversion package provides a C++ ROS nodelet or ROS 2 component node for converting etsi_its_msgs ROS messages to and from UPER-encoded udp_msgs/msg/UdpPacket payloads. This way, ETSI ITS messages cannot only be used within the ROS ecosystem, but may also be received from or sent to outside applications.

The package depends on one dedicated package for each ETSI ITS message type, e.g., etsi_its_cam_conversion. These packages hold header-only libraries with recursive conversion functions for each nested message type.


The conversion node bridges all ETSI ITS message types at the same time in both directions.

# ROS 2
ros2 launch etsi_its_conversion
# or
ros2 run etsi_its_conversion etsi_its_conversion_node --ros-args -p etsi_types:=[cam,cpm_ts,denm] -p has_btp_destination_port:=true -p btp_destination_port_offset:=8 -p etsi_message_payload_offset:=78

roslaunch etsi_its_conversion converter.ros1.launch
# or
rosrun nodelet nodelet standalone etsi_its_conversion/Converter _etsi_types:=[cam,cpm_ts,denm] _has_btp_destination_port:=true _btp_destination_port_offset:=8 _etsi_message_payload_offset:=78

Subscribed Topics

Topic Type Description
~/udp/in udp_msgs/msg/UdpPacket UDP payload for conversion to ROS
~/cam/in etsi_its_cam_msgs/msg/CAM CAM for conversion to UDP
~/cam_ts/in etsi_its_cam_ts_msgs/msg/CAM CAM (TS) for conversion to UDP
~/cpm_ts/in etsi_its_cpm_ts_msgs/msg/CollectivePerceptionMessage CPM for conversion to UDP
~/denm/in etsi_its_denm_msgs/msg/DENM DENM for conversion to UDP
~/vam_ts/in etsi_its_vam_ts_msgs/msg/VAM VAM (TS) for conversion to UDP

Published Topics

Topic Type Description
~/udp/out udp_msgs/msg/UdpPacket UDP payload converted from ROS message
~/cam/out etsi_its_cam_msgs/msg/CAM CAM converted from UDP payload
~/cam_ts/out etsi_its_cam_ts_msgs/msg/CAM CAM (TS) converted from UDP payload
~/cpm_ts/out etsi_its_cpm_ts_msgs/msg/CollectivePerceptionMessage CPM converted from UDP payload
~/denm/out etsi_its_denm_msgs/msg/DENM DENM converted from UDP payload
~/vam_ts/out etsi_its_vam_ts_msgs/msg/VAM VAM (TS) converted from UDP payload


Parameter Type Description Options
has_btp_destination_port bool whether incoming/outgoing UDP messages include a 2-byte BTP destination port  
btp_destination_port_offset int number of bytes before an optional 2-byte BTP destination port, see has_btp_destination_port (always 0 in outgoing UDP payload)  
etsi_message_payload_offset int number of bytes before actual ETSI message payload (always 0 or 4 (if has_btp_destination_port) in outgoing UDP payload)  
ros2udp_etsi_types string[] list of ETSI types to convert from etsi_its_msgs to udp_msgs (defaults to all norms and specifications of all possible ETSI types) cam, cam_ts, cpm_ts, denm, vam_ts
udp2ros_etsi_types string[] list of ETSI types to convert from udp_msgs to etsi_its_msgs (defaults only to the norm or specification of all possible ETSI types) cam, cam_ts, cpm_ts, denm, vam_ts
subscriber_queue_size int queue size for incoming ROS messages  
publisher_queue_size int queue size for outgoing ROS messages  
check_constraints_before_encoding bool whether an asn constraint check should be performed before encoding using asn1c’s asn_check_constraints function (setting to true could lead to segmentation faults because of infinite recursion; known asn1c issue)  

Access Functions

The etsi_its_msgs_utils package contains header-only libraries providing helpful access functions for modifying the deeply nested ROS messages equivalents of the ETSI ITS messages. All access functions are documented here.

#include <etsi_its_cam_msgs/msg/cam.hpp>
#include <etsi_its_msgs_utils/cam_access.hpp> // access functions

// ...

double speed;
etsi_its_cam_msgs::msg::CAM cam;
etsi_its_cam_msgs::access::setSpeed(cam, 10.0);
// instead of = 10.0;

// ...

Code Generation

[!NOTE] This section is only relevant if you would like to (re-)run the code generation for ROS support based on ASN.1 definitions. If you only wish to use the supported message types in ROS, see Installation and Conversion Node.

A given ASN.1 definition is used to generate corresponding C-structures, ROS message definitions, as well as conversion functions between those two formats. The raw ASN.1 definitions of the supported message types are included as Git submodules in the asn1/raw subdirectory. Make sure to clone recursively or initialize the submodules after cloning (git submodule update --init --recursive). Note that some of these definitions need to be patched before code generation by running ./asn1/patches/

If you would like to re-run the generation of supported message types, we recommend to use the VS Code debugging configurations pre-configured in .vscode/launch.json. All script calls defined there can obviously also run outside of VS Code. Note that Python and Docker are required for code generation.

If you would like to run the generation for new message types or message type versions, call the scripts defined in .vscode/launch.json on your custom ASN.1 definitions.

V2AIX Dataset / Citation

The etsi_its_messages package stack was created and used in order to record the V2AIX Dataset. Please consider citing our paper if you are also using the package stack in your own research.

V2AIX: A Multi-Modal Real-World Dataset of ETSI ITS V2X Messages in Public Road Traffic
(arXiv, ResearchGate)

Guido Küppers, Jean-Pierre Busch and Lennart Reiher, Lutz Eckstein
Institute for Automotive Engineering (ika), RWTH Aachen University

Abstract – Connectivity is a main driver for the ongoing megatrend of automated mobility: future Cooperative Intelligent Transport Systems (C-ITS) will connect road vehicles, traffic signals, roadside infrastructure, and even vulnerable road users, sharing data and compute for safer, more efficient, and more comfortable mobility. In terms of communication technology for realizing such vehicle-to-everything (V2X) communication, the WLAN-based peer-to-peer approach (IEEE 802.11p, ITS-G5 in Europe) competes with C-V2X based on cellular technologies (4G and beyond). Irrespective of the underlying communication standard, common message interfaces are crucial for a common understanding between vehicles, especially from different manufacturers. Targeting this issue, the European Telecommunications Standards Institute (ETSI) has been standardizing V2X message formats such as the Cooperative Awareness Message (CAM). In this work, we present V2AIX, a multi-modal real-world dataset of ETSI ITS messages gathered in public road traffic, the first of its kind. Collected in measurement drives and with stationary infrastructure, we have recorded more than 285 000 V2X messages from more than 2380 vehicles and roadside units in public road traffic. Alongside a first analysis of the dataset, we present a way of integrating ETSI ITS V2X messages into the Robot Operating System (ROS). This enables researchers to not only thoroughly analyze real-world V2X data, but to also study and implement standardized V2X messages in ROS-based automated driving applications. The full dataset is publicly available for non-commercial use at


This work is accomplished within the projects AIthena, 6GEM and AUTOtech.agil. We acknowledge the financial support for the projects by

  • the European Union’s Horizon Europe Research and Innovation Programme :eu: under Grant Agreement No 101076754 for AIthena,
  • and the Federal Ministry of Education and Research of Germany (BMBF) :de: for 6GEM (FKZ 16KISK036K) and AUTOtech.agil (FKZ 01IS22088A).


This repository is not endorsed by or otherwise affiliated with ETSI.

This repository uses the following software. For full license details, please refer to the specific license files of the respective software.

    BSD 2-Clause License
    Copyright (c) 2003-2017  Lev Walkin <> and contributors.
    All rights reserved.
    MIT License
    Copyright (c) 2017-2019 Erik Moqvist
    BSD 3-Clause License
    Copyright (c) ETSI
    MIT License
    Copyright (c) 2008-2023, Charles Karney
    MIT License
    Copyright (c) 2016 Erin Power
    BSD 3-Clause License
    All rights reserved.
    Apache 2.0 License
    All rights reserved.


No found.

Repository Summary

Checkout URI
VCS Type git
VCS Version main
Last Updated 2024-10-16
CI status No Continuous Integration
Tags No category tags.
Contributing Help Wanted (0)
Good First Issues (0)
Pull Requests to Review (0)



ROS / ROS 2 Support for ETSI ITS Messages for V2X Communication

The etsi_its_messages package stack allows to use standardized ETSI ITS messages for V2X communication in ROS / ROS 2 systems. Apart from the definition of ROS message equivalents to the ETSI ITS standards, this package stack also includes a conversion node for serializing the messages to and from a UDP payload, as well as RViz plugins for visualization (ROS 2 only).

All message definitions and conversion functions are automatically generated based on the ASN.1 definitions of the standardized ETSI ITS messages.

This repository is open-sourced and maintained by the Institute for Automotive Engineering (ika) at RWTH Aachen University.
V2X Communication is one of many research topics within our Vehicle Intelligence & Automated Driving domain.
If you would like to learn more about how we can support your advanced driver assistance and automated driving efforts, feel free to reach out to us!



The core concept of the etsi_its_messages is to automatically generate the ROS support code based on the ASN.1 definitions of the standardized ETSI ITS messages (CodeGen). The ROS support then allows ROS applications to not only natively use corresponding ETSI ITS message types, but to also exchange encoded ETSI ITS message payloads with the world outside of ROS (Runtime).

A given ASN.1 definition is used to generate corresponding C-structures, ROS message definitions, as well as conversion functions between those two formats (see Code Generation).

During runtime, the etsi_its_conversion ROS node converts incoming UDP payloads into corresponding ROS messages and vice versa (see Conversion Node). The ROS equivalents of the ETSI ITS messages can be used in any downstream ROS applications or visualized using the provided RViz plugins.

Supported ETSI ITS Messages

Status Acronym Name EN Specification TS Specification  
:white_check_mark: CAM Cooperative Awareness Message EN 302 637-2 V1.4.1 (ASN.1) TS 103 900 V2.1.1 (ASN.1)  
:white_check_mark: DENM Decentralized Environmental Notification Message EN 302 637-3 V1.3.1 (ASN.1) -  
:white_check_mark: CPM Collective Perception Message - TS 103 324 V2.1.1 (ASN.1)  
:white_check_mark: VAM VRU Awareness Message - TS 103 300-3 V2.2.1 (ASN.1)  
:soon: MAPEM Map Extended Message - - -
:soon: SPATEM Signal Phase and Timing Extended Message - - -

[!NOTE] Message types that are standardized as European Norms (EN) are available as, e.g., etsi_its_cam_msgs. New message types or revisions of existing message types that are only specified in Technical Specifications (TS) are available as, e.g., etsi_its_cpm_ts_msgs.


├── etsi_its_coding
│   ├── etsi_its_coding         # metapackage including all coding packages
│   ├── etsi_its_cam_coding
│   ├── etsi_its_cam_ts_coding
│   ├── etsi_its_cpm_ts_coding
│   ├── etsi_its_denm_coding
│   └── etsi_its_vam_ts_coding
├── etsi_its_conversion
│   ├── etsi_its_conversion     # conversion node depending on all conversion packages
│   ├── etsi_its_cam_conversion
│   ├── etsi_its_cam_ts_conversion
│   ├── etsi_its_cpm_ts_conversion
│   ├── etsi_its_denm_conversion
│   ├── etsi_its_primitives_conversion
│   └── etsi_its_vam_ts_conversion
├── etsi_its_messages           # metapackage including all others
├── etsi_its_msgs
│   ├── etsi_its_msgs           # metapackage including all msg packages
│   ├── etsi_its_cam_msgs
│   ├── etsi_its_cam_ts_msgs
│   ├── etsi_its_cpm_ts_msgs
│   ├── etsi_its_denm_msgs
│   └── etsi_its_vam_ts_msgs
├── etsi_its_msgs_utils
└── etsi_its_rviz_plugins


All etsi_its_messages packages are released as official ROS / ROS 2 packages and can easily be installed via a package manager.

sudo apt update
sudo apt install ros-$ROS_DISTRO-etsi-its-messages
# or single packages, e.g.
sudo apt install ros-$ROS_DISTRO-etsi-its-cam-msgs

If you would like to install etsi_its_messages from source, simply clone this repository into your ROS workspace. All dependencies that are listed in the packages’ package.xml can be installed using rosdep.

# etsi_its_messages$
rosdep install -r --ignore-src --from-paths .

# ROS 2
# workspace$
colcon build --packages-up-to etsi_its_messages --cmake-args -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release

# workspace$
catkin build -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release etsi_its_messages


The etsi_its_messages package stack is also available as a Docker image, containerized through docker-ros. Note that launching these containers starts the etsi_its_conversion node by default.

# ROS 2
docker run --rm

docker run --rm

Conversion Node

The etsi_its_conversion package provides a C++ ROS nodelet or ROS 2 component node for converting etsi_its_msgs ROS messages to and from UPER-encoded udp_msgs/msg/UdpPacket payloads. This way, ETSI ITS messages cannot only be used within the ROS ecosystem, but may also be received from or sent to outside applications.

The package depends on one dedicated package for each ETSI ITS message type, e.g., etsi_its_cam_conversion. These packages hold header-only libraries with recursive conversion functions for each nested message type.


The conversion node bridges all ETSI ITS message types at the same time in both directions.

# ROS 2
ros2 launch etsi_its_conversion
# or
ros2 run etsi_its_conversion etsi_its_conversion_node --ros-args -p etsi_types:=[cam,cpm_ts,denm] -p has_btp_destination_port:=true -p btp_destination_port_offset:=8 -p etsi_message_payload_offset:=78

roslaunch etsi_its_conversion converter.ros1.launch
# or
rosrun nodelet nodelet standalone etsi_its_conversion/Converter _etsi_types:=[cam,cpm_ts,denm] _has_btp_destination_port:=true _btp_destination_port_offset:=8 _etsi_message_payload_offset:=78

Subscribed Topics

Topic Type Description
~/udp/in udp_msgs/msg/UdpPacket UDP payload for conversion to ROS
~/cam/in etsi_its_cam_msgs/msg/CAM CAM for conversion to UDP
~/cam_ts/in etsi_its_cam_ts_msgs/msg/CAM CAM (TS) for conversion to UDP
~/cpm_ts/in etsi_its_cpm_ts_msgs/msg/CollectivePerceptionMessage CPM for conversion to UDP
~/denm/in etsi_its_denm_msgs/msg/DENM DENM for conversion to UDP
~/vam_ts/in etsi_its_vam_ts_msgs/msg/VAM VAM (TS) for conversion to UDP

Published Topics

Topic Type Description
~/udp/out udp_msgs/msg/UdpPacket UDP payload converted from ROS message
~/cam/out etsi_its_cam_msgs/msg/CAM CAM converted from UDP payload
~/cam_ts/out etsi_its_cam_ts_msgs/msg/CAM CAM (TS) converted from UDP payload
~/cpm_ts/out etsi_its_cpm_ts_msgs/msg/CollectivePerceptionMessage CPM converted from UDP payload
~/denm/out etsi_its_denm_msgs/msg/DENM DENM converted from UDP payload
~/vam_ts/out etsi_its_vam_ts_msgs/msg/VAM VAM (TS) converted from UDP payload


Parameter Type Description Options
has_btp_destination_port bool whether incoming/outgoing UDP messages include a 2-byte BTP destination port  
btp_destination_port_offset int number of bytes before an optional 2-byte BTP destination port, see has_btp_destination_port (always 0 in outgoing UDP payload)  
etsi_message_payload_offset int number of bytes before actual ETSI message payload (always 0 or 4 (if has_btp_destination_port) in outgoing UDP payload)  
ros2udp_etsi_types string[] list of ETSI types to convert from etsi_its_msgs to udp_msgs (defaults to all norms and specifications of all possible ETSI types) cam, cam_ts, cpm_ts, denm, vam_ts
udp2ros_etsi_types string[] list of ETSI types to convert from udp_msgs to etsi_its_msgs (defaults only to the norm or specification of all possible ETSI types) cam, cam_ts, cpm_ts, denm, vam_ts
subscriber_queue_size int queue size for incoming ROS messages  
publisher_queue_size int queue size for outgoing ROS messages  
check_constraints_before_encoding bool whether an asn constraint check should be performed before encoding using asn1c’s asn_check_constraints function (setting to true could lead to segmentation faults because of infinite recursion; known asn1c issue)  

Access Functions

The etsi_its_msgs_utils package contains header-only libraries providing helpful access functions for modifying the deeply nested ROS messages equivalents of the ETSI ITS messages. All access functions are documented here.

#include <etsi_its_cam_msgs/msg/cam.hpp>
#include <etsi_its_msgs_utils/cam_access.hpp> // access functions

// ...

double speed;
etsi_its_cam_msgs::msg::CAM cam;
etsi_its_cam_msgs::access::setSpeed(cam, 10.0);
// instead of = 10.0;

// ...

Code Generation

[!NOTE] This section is only relevant if you would like to (re-)run the code generation for ROS support based on ASN.1 definitions. If you only wish to use the supported message types in ROS, see Installation and Conversion Node.

A given ASN.1 definition is used to generate corresponding C-structures, ROS message definitions, as well as conversion functions between those two formats. The raw ASN.1 definitions of the supported message types are included as Git submodules in the asn1/raw subdirectory. Make sure to clone recursively or initialize the submodules after cloning (git submodule update --init --recursive). Note that some of these definitions need to be patched before code generation by running ./asn1/patches/

If you would like to re-run the generation of supported message types, we recommend to use the VS Code debugging configurations pre-configured in .vscode/launch.json. All script calls defined there can obviously also run outside of VS Code. Note that Python and Docker are required for code generation.

If you would like to run the generation for new message types or message type versions, call the scripts defined in .vscode/launch.json on your custom ASN.1 definitions.

V2AIX Dataset / Citation

The etsi_its_messages package stack was created and used in order to record the V2AIX Dataset. Please consider citing our paper if you are also using the package stack in your own research.

V2AIX: A Multi-Modal Real-World Dataset of ETSI ITS V2X Messages in Public Road Traffic
(arXiv, ResearchGate)

Guido Küppers, Jean-Pierre Busch and Lennart Reiher, Lutz Eckstein
Institute for Automotive Engineering (ika), RWTH Aachen University

Abstract – Connectivity is a main driver for the ongoing megatrend of automated mobility: future Cooperative Intelligent Transport Systems (C-ITS) will connect road vehicles, traffic signals, roadside infrastructure, and even vulnerable road users, sharing data and compute for safer, more efficient, and more comfortable mobility. In terms of communication technology for realizing such vehicle-to-everything (V2X) communication, the WLAN-based peer-to-peer approach (IEEE 802.11p, ITS-G5 in Europe) competes with C-V2X based on cellular technologies (4G and beyond). Irrespective of the underlying communication standard, common message interfaces are crucial for a common understanding between vehicles, especially from different manufacturers. Targeting this issue, the European Telecommunications Standards Institute (ETSI) has been standardizing V2X message formats such as the Cooperative Awareness Message (CAM). In this work, we present V2AIX, a multi-modal real-world dataset of ETSI ITS messages gathered in public road traffic, the first of its kind. Collected in measurement drives and with stationary infrastructure, we have recorded more than 285 000 V2X messages from more than 2380 vehicles and roadside units in public road traffic. Alongside a first analysis of the dataset, we present a way of integrating ETSI ITS V2X messages into the Robot Operating System (ROS). This enables researchers to not only thoroughly analyze real-world V2X data, but to also study and implement standardized V2X messages in ROS-based automated driving applications. The full dataset is publicly available for non-commercial use at


This work is accomplished within the projects AIthena, 6GEM and AUTOtech.agil. We acknowledge the financial support for the projects by

  • the European Union’s Horizon Europe Research and Innovation Programme :eu: under Grant Agreement No 101076754 for AIthena,
  • and the Federal Ministry of Education and Research of Germany (BMBF) :de: for 6GEM (FKZ 16KISK036K) and AUTOtech.agil (FKZ 01IS22088A).


This repository is not endorsed by or otherwise affiliated with ETSI.

This repository uses the following software. For full license details, please refer to the specific license files of the respective software.

    BSD 2-Clause License
    Copyright (c) 2003-2017  Lev Walkin <> and contributors.
    All rights reserved.
    MIT License
    Copyright (c) 2017-2019 Erik Moqvist
    BSD 3-Clause License
    Copyright (c) ETSI
    MIT License
    Copyright (c) 2008-2023, Charles Karney
    MIT License
    Copyright (c) 2016 Erin Power
    BSD 3-Clause License
    All rights reserved.
    Apache 2.0 License
    All rights reserved.


No found.

Repository Summary

Checkout URI
VCS Type git
VCS Version main
Last Updated 2024-10-16
CI status No Continuous Integration
Tags No category tags.
Contributing Help Wanted (0)
Good First Issues (0)
Pull Requests to Review (0)



ROS / ROS 2 Support for ETSI ITS Messages for V2X Communication

The etsi_its_messages package stack allows to use standardized ETSI ITS messages for V2X communication in ROS / ROS 2 systems. Apart from the definition of ROS message equivalents to the ETSI ITS standards, this package stack also includes a conversion node for serializing the messages to and from a UDP payload, as well as RViz plugins for visualization (ROS 2 only).

All message definitions and conversion functions are automatically generated based on the ASN.1 definitions of the standardized ETSI ITS messages.

This repository is open-sourced and maintained by the Institute for Automotive Engineering (ika) at RWTH Aachen University.
V2X Communication is one of many research topics within our Vehicle Intelligence & Automated Driving domain.
If you would like to learn more about how we can support your advanced driver assistance and automated driving efforts, feel free to reach out to us!



The core concept of the etsi_its_messages is to automatically generate the ROS support code based on the ASN.1 definitions of the standardized ETSI ITS messages (CodeGen). The ROS support then allows ROS applications to not only natively use corresponding ETSI ITS message types, but to also exchange encoded ETSI ITS message payloads with the world outside of ROS (Runtime).

A given ASN.1 definition is used to generate corresponding C-structures, ROS message definitions, as well as conversion functions between those two formats (see Code Generation).

During runtime, the etsi_its_conversion ROS node converts incoming UDP payloads into corresponding ROS messages and vice versa (see Conversion Node). The ROS equivalents of the ETSI ITS messages can be used in any downstream ROS applications or visualized using the provided RViz plugins.

Supported ETSI ITS Messages

Status Acronym Name EN Specification TS Specification  
:white_check_mark: CAM Cooperative Awareness Message EN 302 637-2 V1.4.1 (ASN.1) TS 103 900 V2.1.1 (ASN.1)  
:white_check_mark: DENM Decentralized Environmental Notification Message EN 302 637-3 V1.3.1 (ASN.1) -  
:white_check_mark: CPM Collective Perception Message - TS 103 324 V2.1.1 (ASN.1)  
:white_check_mark: VAM VRU Awareness Message - TS 103 300-3 V2.2.1 (ASN.1)  
:soon: MAPEM Map Extended Message - - -
:soon: SPATEM Signal Phase and Timing Extended Message - - -

[!NOTE] Message types that are standardized as European Norms (EN) are available as, e.g., etsi_its_cam_msgs. New message types or revisions of existing message types that are only specified in Technical Specifications (TS) are available as, e.g., etsi_its_cpm_ts_msgs.


├── etsi_its_coding
│   ├── etsi_its_coding         # metapackage including all coding packages
│   ├── etsi_its_cam_coding
│   ├── etsi_its_cam_ts_coding
│   ├── etsi_its_cpm_ts_coding
│   ├── etsi_its_denm_coding
│   └── etsi_its_vam_ts_coding
├── etsi_its_conversion
│   ├── etsi_its_conversion     # conversion node depending on all conversion packages
│   ├── etsi_its_cam_conversion
│   ├── etsi_its_cam_ts_conversion
│   ├── etsi_its_cpm_ts_conversion
│   ├── etsi_its_denm_conversion
│   ├── etsi_its_primitives_conversion
│   └── etsi_its_vam_ts_conversion
├── etsi_its_messages           # metapackage including all others
├── etsi_its_msgs
│   ├── etsi_its_msgs           # metapackage including all msg packages
│   ├── etsi_its_cam_msgs
│   ├── etsi_its_cam_ts_msgs
│   ├── etsi_its_cpm_ts_msgs
│   ├── etsi_its_denm_msgs
│   └── etsi_its_vam_ts_msgs
├── etsi_its_msgs_utils
└── etsi_its_rviz_plugins


All etsi_its_messages packages are released as official ROS / ROS 2 packages and can easily be installed via a package manager.

sudo apt update
sudo apt install ros-$ROS_DISTRO-etsi-its-messages
# or single packages, e.g.
sudo apt install ros-$ROS_DISTRO-etsi-its-cam-msgs

If you would like to install etsi_its_messages from source, simply clone this repository into your ROS workspace. All dependencies that are listed in the packages’ package.xml can be installed using rosdep.

# etsi_its_messages$
rosdep install -r --ignore-src --from-paths .

# ROS 2
# workspace$
colcon build --packages-up-to etsi_its_messages --cmake-args -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release

# workspace$
catkin build -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release etsi_its_messages


The etsi_its_messages package stack is also available as a Docker image, containerized through docker-ros. Note that launching these containers starts the etsi_its_conversion node by default.

# ROS 2
docker run --rm

docker run --rm

Conversion Node

The etsi_its_conversion package provides a C++ ROS nodelet or ROS 2 component node for converting etsi_its_msgs ROS messages to and from UPER-encoded udp_msgs/msg/UdpPacket payloads. This way, ETSI ITS messages cannot only be used within the ROS ecosystem, but may also be received from or sent to outside applications.

The package depends on one dedicated package for each ETSI ITS message type, e.g., etsi_its_cam_conversion. These packages hold header-only libraries with recursive conversion functions for each nested message type.


The conversion node bridges all ETSI ITS message types at the same time in both directions.

# ROS 2
ros2 launch etsi_its_conversion
# or
ros2 run etsi_its_conversion etsi_its_conversion_node --ros-args -p etsi_types:=[cam,cpm_ts,denm] -p has_btp_destination_port:=true -p btp_destination_port_offset:=8 -p etsi_message_payload_offset:=78

roslaunch etsi_its_conversion converter.ros1.launch
# or
rosrun nodelet nodelet standalone etsi_its_conversion/Converter _etsi_types:=[cam,cpm_ts,denm] _has_btp_destination_port:=true _btp_destination_port_offset:=8 _etsi_message_payload_offset:=78

Subscribed Topics

Topic Type Description
~/udp/in udp_msgs/msg/UdpPacket UDP payload for conversion to ROS
~/cam/in etsi_its_cam_msgs/msg/CAM CAM for conversion to UDP
~/cam_ts/in etsi_its_cam_ts_msgs/msg/CAM CAM (TS) for conversion to UDP
~/cpm_ts/in etsi_its_cpm_ts_msgs/msg/CollectivePerceptionMessage CPM for conversion to UDP
~/denm/in etsi_its_denm_msgs/msg/DENM DENM for conversion to UDP
~/vam_ts/in etsi_its_vam_ts_msgs/msg/VAM VAM (TS) for conversion to UDP

Published Topics

Topic Type Description
~/udp/out udp_msgs/msg/UdpPacket UDP payload converted from ROS message
~/cam/out etsi_its_cam_msgs/msg/CAM CAM converted from UDP payload
~/cam_ts/out etsi_its_cam_ts_msgs/msg/CAM CAM (TS) converted from UDP payload
~/cpm_ts/out etsi_its_cpm_ts_msgs/msg/CollectivePerceptionMessage CPM converted from UDP payload
~/denm/out etsi_its_denm_msgs/msg/DENM DENM converted from UDP payload
~/vam_ts/out etsi_its_vam_ts_msgs/msg/VAM VAM (TS) converted from UDP payload


Parameter Type Description Options
has_btp_destination_port bool whether incoming/outgoing UDP messages include a 2-byte BTP destination port  
btp_destination_port_offset int number of bytes before an optional 2-byte BTP destination port, see has_btp_destination_port (always 0 in outgoing UDP payload)  
etsi_message_payload_offset int number of bytes before actual ETSI message payload (always 0 or 4 (if has_btp_destination_port) in outgoing UDP payload)  
ros2udp_etsi_types string[] list of ETSI types to convert from etsi_its_msgs to udp_msgs (defaults to all norms and specifications of all possible ETSI types) cam, cam_ts, cpm_ts, denm, vam_ts
udp2ros_etsi_types string[] list of ETSI types to convert from udp_msgs to etsi_its_msgs (defaults only to the norm or specification of all possible ETSI types) cam, cam_ts, cpm_ts, denm, vam_ts
subscriber_queue_size int queue size for incoming ROS messages  
publisher_queue_size int queue size for outgoing ROS messages  
check_constraints_before_encoding bool whether an asn constraint check should be performed before encoding using asn1c’s asn_check_constraints function (setting to true could lead to segmentation faults because of infinite recursion; known asn1c issue)  

Access Functions

The etsi_its_msgs_utils package contains header-only libraries providing helpful access functions for modifying the deeply nested ROS messages equivalents of the ETSI ITS messages. All access functions are documented here.

#include <etsi_its_cam_msgs/msg/cam.hpp>
#include <etsi_its_msgs_utils/cam_access.hpp> // access functions

// ...

double speed;
etsi_its_cam_msgs::msg::CAM cam;
etsi_its_cam_msgs::access::setSpeed(cam, 10.0);
// instead of = 10.0;

// ...

Code Generation

[!NOTE] This section is only relevant if you would like to (re-)run the code generation for ROS support based on ASN.1 definitions. If you only wish to use the supported message types in ROS, see Installation and Conversion Node.

A given ASN.1 definition is used to generate corresponding C-structures, ROS message definitions, as well as conversion functions between those two formats. The raw ASN.1 definitions of the supported message types are included as Git submodules in the asn1/raw subdirectory. Make sure to clone recursively or initialize the submodules after cloning (git submodule update --init --recursive). Note that some of these definitions need to be patched before code generation by running ./asn1/patches/

If you would like to re-run the generation of supported message types, we recommend to use the VS Code debugging configurations pre-configured in .vscode/launch.json. All script calls defined there can obviously also run outside of VS Code. Note that Python and Docker are required for code generation.

If you would like to run the generation for new message types or message type versions, call the scripts defined in .vscode/launch.json on your custom ASN.1 definitions.

V2AIX Dataset / Citation

The etsi_its_messages package stack was created and used in order to record the V2AIX Dataset. Please consider citing our paper if you are also using the package stack in your own research.

V2AIX: A Multi-Modal Real-World Dataset of ETSI ITS V2X Messages in Public Road Traffic
(arXiv, ResearchGate)

Guido Küppers, Jean-Pierre Busch and Lennart Reiher, Lutz Eckstein
Institute for Automotive Engineering (ika), RWTH Aachen University

Abstract – Connectivity is a main driver for the ongoing megatrend of automated mobility: future Cooperative Intelligent Transport Systems (C-ITS) will connect road vehicles, traffic signals, roadside infrastructure, and even vulnerable road users, sharing data and compute for safer, more efficient, and more comfortable mobility. In terms of communication technology for realizing such vehicle-to-everything (V2X) communication, the WLAN-based peer-to-peer approach (IEEE 802.11p, ITS-G5 in Europe) competes with C-V2X based on cellular technologies (4G and beyond). Irrespective of the underlying communication standard, common message interfaces are crucial for a common understanding between vehicles, especially from different manufacturers. Targeting this issue, the European Telecommunications Standards Institute (ETSI) has been standardizing V2X message formats such as the Cooperative Awareness Message (CAM). In this work, we present V2AIX, a multi-modal real-world dataset of ETSI ITS messages gathered in public road traffic, the first of its kind. Collected in measurement drives and with stationary infrastructure, we have recorded more than 285 000 V2X messages from more than 2380 vehicles and roadside units in public road traffic. Alongside a first analysis of the dataset, we present a way of integrating ETSI ITS V2X messages into the Robot Operating System (ROS). This enables researchers to not only thoroughly analyze real-world V2X data, but to also study and implement standardized V2X messages in ROS-based automated driving applications. The full dataset is publicly available for non-commercial use at


This work is accomplished within the projects AIthena, 6GEM and AUTOtech.agil. We acknowledge the financial support for the projects by

  • the European Union’s Horizon Europe Research and Innovation Programme :eu: under Grant Agreement No 101076754 for AIthena,
  • and the Federal Ministry of Education and Research of Germany (BMBF) :de: for 6GEM (FKZ 16KISK036K) and AUTOtech.agil (FKZ 01IS22088A).


This repository is not endorsed by or otherwise affiliated with ETSI.

This repository uses the following software. For full license details, please refer to the specific license files of the respective software.

    BSD 2-Clause License
    Copyright (c) 2003-2017  Lev Walkin <> and contributors.
    All rights reserved.
    MIT License
    Copyright (c) 2017-2019 Erik Moqvist
    BSD 3-Clause License
    Copyright (c) ETSI
    MIT License
    Copyright (c) 2008-2023, Charles Karney
    MIT License
    Copyright (c) 2016 Erin Power
    BSD 3-Clause License
    All rights reserved.
    Apache 2.0 License
    All rights reserved.


No found.

Repository Summary

Checkout URI
VCS Type git
VCS Version main
Last Updated 2024-10-16
CI status No Continuous Integration
Tags No category tags.
Contributing Help Wanted (0)
Good First Issues (0)
Pull Requests to Review (0)



ROS / ROS 2 Support for ETSI ITS Messages for V2X Communication

The etsi_its_messages package stack allows to use standardized ETSI ITS messages for V2X communication in ROS / ROS 2 systems. Apart from the definition of ROS message equivalents to the ETSI ITS standards, this package stack also includes a conversion node for serializing the messages to and from a UDP payload, as well as RViz plugins for visualization (ROS 2 only).

All message definitions and conversion functions are automatically generated based on the ASN.1 definitions of the standardized ETSI ITS messages.

This repository is open-sourced and maintained by the Institute for Automotive Engineering (ika) at RWTH Aachen University.
V2X Communication is one of many research topics within our Vehicle Intelligence & Automated Driving domain.
If you would like to learn more about how we can support your advanced driver assistance and automated driving efforts, feel free to reach out to us!



The core concept of the etsi_its_messages is to automatically generate the ROS support code based on the ASN.1 definitions of the standardized ETSI ITS messages (CodeGen). The ROS support then allows ROS applications to not only natively use corresponding ETSI ITS message types, but to also exchange encoded ETSI ITS message payloads with the world outside of ROS (Runtime).

A given ASN.1 definition is used to generate corresponding C-structures, ROS message definitions, as well as conversion functions between those two formats (see Code Generation).

During runtime, the etsi_its_conversion ROS node converts incoming UDP payloads into corresponding ROS messages and vice versa (see Conversion Node). The ROS equivalents of the ETSI ITS messages can be used in any downstream ROS applications or visualized using the provided RViz plugins.

Supported ETSI ITS Messages

Status Acronym Name EN Specification TS Specification  
:white_check_mark: CAM Cooperative Awareness Message EN 302 637-2 V1.4.1 (ASN.1) TS 103 900 V2.1.1 (ASN.1)  
:white_check_mark: DENM Decentralized Environmental Notification Message EN 302 637-3 V1.3.1 (ASN.1) -  
:white_check_mark: CPM Collective Perception Message - TS 103 324 V2.1.1 (ASN.1)  
:white_check_mark: VAM VRU Awareness Message - TS 103 300-3 V2.2.1 (ASN.1)  
:soon: MAPEM Map Extended Message - - -
:soon: SPATEM Signal Phase and Timing Extended Message - - -

[!NOTE] Message types that are standardized as European Norms (EN) are available as, e.g., etsi_its_cam_msgs. New message types or revisions of existing message types that are only specified in Technical Specifications (TS) are available as, e.g., etsi_its_cpm_ts_msgs.


├── etsi_its_coding
│   ├── etsi_its_coding         # metapackage including all coding packages
│   ├── etsi_its_cam_coding
│   ├── etsi_its_cam_ts_coding
│   ├── etsi_its_cpm_ts_coding
│   ├── etsi_its_denm_coding
│   └── etsi_its_vam_ts_coding
├── etsi_its_conversion
│   ├── etsi_its_conversion     # conversion node depending on all conversion packages
│   ├── etsi_its_cam_conversion
│   ├── etsi_its_cam_ts_conversion
│   ├── etsi_its_cpm_ts_conversion
│   ├── etsi_its_denm_conversion
│   ├── etsi_its_primitives_conversion
│   └── etsi_its_vam_ts_conversion
├── etsi_its_messages           # metapackage including all others
├── etsi_its_msgs
│   ├── etsi_its_msgs           # metapackage including all msg packages
│   ├── etsi_its_cam_msgs
│   ├── etsi_its_cam_ts_msgs
│   ├── etsi_its_cpm_ts_msgs
│   ├── etsi_its_denm_msgs
│   └── etsi_its_vam_ts_msgs
├── etsi_its_msgs_utils
└── etsi_its_rviz_plugins


All etsi_its_messages packages are released as official ROS / ROS 2 packages and can easily be installed via a package manager.

sudo apt update
sudo apt install ros-$ROS_DISTRO-etsi-its-messages
# or single packages, e.g.
sudo apt install ros-$ROS_DISTRO-etsi-its-cam-msgs

If you would like to install etsi_its_messages from source, simply clone this repository into your ROS workspace. All dependencies that are listed in the packages’ package.xml can be installed using rosdep.

# etsi_its_messages$
rosdep install -r --ignore-src --from-paths .

# ROS 2
# workspace$
colcon build --packages-up-to etsi_its_messages --cmake-args -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release

# workspace$
catkin build -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release etsi_its_messages


The etsi_its_messages package stack is also available as a Docker image, containerized through docker-ros. Note that launching these containers starts the etsi_its_conversion node by default.

# ROS 2
docker run --rm

docker run --rm

Conversion Node

The etsi_its_conversion package provides a C++ ROS nodelet or ROS 2 component node for converting etsi_its_msgs ROS messages to and from UPER-encoded udp_msgs/msg/UdpPacket payloads. This way, ETSI ITS messages cannot only be used within the ROS ecosystem, but may also be received from or sent to outside applications.

The package depends on one dedicated package for each ETSI ITS message type, e.g., etsi_its_cam_conversion. These packages hold header-only libraries with recursive conversion functions for each nested message type.


The conversion node bridges all ETSI ITS message types at the same time in both directions.

# ROS 2
ros2 launch etsi_its_conversion
# or
ros2 run etsi_its_conversion etsi_its_conversion_node --ros-args -p etsi_types:=[cam,cpm_ts,denm] -p has_btp_destination_port:=true -p btp_destination_port_offset:=8 -p etsi_message_payload_offset:=78

roslaunch etsi_its_conversion converter.ros1.launch
# or
rosrun nodelet nodelet standalone etsi_its_conversion/Converter _etsi_types:=[cam,cpm_ts,denm] _has_btp_destination_port:=true _btp_destination_port_offset:=8 _etsi_message_payload_offset:=78

Subscribed Topics

Topic Type Description
~/udp/in udp_msgs/msg/UdpPacket UDP payload for conversion to ROS
~/cam/in etsi_its_cam_msgs/msg/CAM CAM for conversion to UDP
~/cam_ts/in etsi_its_cam_ts_msgs/msg/CAM CAM (TS) for conversion to UDP
~/cpm_ts/in etsi_its_cpm_ts_msgs/msg/CollectivePerceptionMessage CPM for conversion to UDP
~/denm/in etsi_its_denm_msgs/msg/DENM DENM for conversion to UDP
~/vam_ts/in etsi_its_vam_ts_msgs/msg/VAM VAM (TS) for conversion to UDP

Published Topics

Topic Type Description
~/udp/out udp_msgs/msg/UdpPacket UDP payload converted from ROS message
~/cam/out etsi_its_cam_msgs/msg/CAM CAM converted from UDP payload
~/cam_ts/out etsi_its_cam_ts_msgs/msg/CAM CAM (TS) converted from UDP payload
~/cpm_ts/out etsi_its_cpm_ts_msgs/msg/CollectivePerceptionMessage CPM converted from UDP payload
~/denm/out etsi_its_denm_msgs/msg/DENM DENM converted from UDP payload
~/vam_ts/out etsi_its_vam_ts_msgs/msg/VAM VAM (TS) converted from UDP payload


Parameter Type Description Options
has_btp_destination_port bool whether incoming/outgoing UDP messages include a 2-byte BTP destination port  
btp_destination_port_offset int number of bytes before an optional 2-byte BTP destination port, see has_btp_destination_port (always 0 in outgoing UDP payload)  
etsi_message_payload_offset int number of bytes before actual ETSI message payload (always 0 or 4 (if has_btp_destination_port) in outgoing UDP payload)  
ros2udp_etsi_types string[] list of ETSI types to convert from etsi_its_msgs to udp_msgs (defaults to all norms and specifications of all possible ETSI types) cam, cam_ts, cpm_ts, denm, vam_ts
udp2ros_etsi_types string[] list of ETSI types to convert from udp_msgs to etsi_its_msgs (defaults only to the norm or specification of all possible ETSI types) cam, cam_ts, cpm_ts, denm, vam_ts
subscriber_queue_size int queue size for incoming ROS messages  
publisher_queue_size int queue size for outgoing ROS messages  
check_constraints_before_encoding bool whether an asn constraint check should be performed before encoding using asn1c’s asn_check_constraints function (setting to true could lead to segmentation faults because of infinite recursion; known asn1c issue)  

Access Functions

The etsi_its_msgs_utils package contains header-only libraries providing helpful access functions for modifying the deeply nested ROS messages equivalents of the ETSI ITS messages. All access functions are documented here.

#include <etsi_its_cam_msgs/msg/cam.hpp>
#include <etsi_its_msgs_utils/cam_access.hpp> // access functions

// ...

double speed;
etsi_its_cam_msgs::msg::CAM cam;
etsi_its_cam_msgs::access::setSpeed(cam, 10.0);
// instead of = 10.0;

// ...

Code Generation

[!NOTE] This section is only relevant if you would like to (re-)run the code generation for ROS support based on ASN.1 definitions. If you only wish to use the supported message types in ROS, see Installation and Conversion Node.

A given ASN.1 definition is used to generate corresponding C-structures, ROS message definitions, as well as conversion functions between those two formats. The raw ASN.1 definitions of the supported message types are included as Git submodules in the asn1/raw subdirectory. Make sure to clone recursively or initialize the submodules after cloning (git submodule update --init --recursive). Note that some of these definitions need to be patched before code generation by running ./asn1/patches/

If you would like to re-run the generation of supported message types, we recommend to use the VS Code debugging configurations pre-configured in .vscode/launch.json. All script calls defined there can obviously also run outside of VS Code. Note that Python and Docker are required for code generation.

If you would like to run the generation for new message types or message type versions, call the scripts defined in .vscode/launch.json on your custom ASN.1 definitions.

V2AIX Dataset / Citation

The etsi_its_messages package stack was created and used in order to record the V2AIX Dataset. Please consider citing our paper if you are also using the package stack in your own research.

V2AIX: A Multi-Modal Real-World Dataset of ETSI ITS V2X Messages in Public Road Traffic
(arXiv, ResearchGate)

Guido Küppers, Jean-Pierre Busch and Lennart Reiher, Lutz Eckstein
Institute for Automotive Engineering (ika), RWTH Aachen University

Abstract – Connectivity is a main driver for the ongoing megatrend of automated mobility: future Cooperative Intelligent Transport Systems (C-ITS) will connect road vehicles, traffic signals, roadside infrastructure, and even vulnerable road users, sharing data and compute for safer, more efficient, and more comfortable mobility. In terms of communication technology for realizing such vehicle-to-everything (V2X) communication, the WLAN-based peer-to-peer approach (IEEE 802.11p, ITS-G5 in Europe) competes with C-V2X based on cellular technologies (4G and beyond). Irrespective of the underlying communication standard, common message interfaces are crucial for a common understanding between vehicles, especially from different manufacturers. Targeting this issue, the European Telecommunications Standards Institute (ETSI) has been standardizing V2X message formats such as the Cooperative Awareness Message (CAM). In this work, we present V2AIX, a multi-modal real-world dataset of ETSI ITS messages gathered in public road traffic, the first of its kind. Collected in measurement drives and with stationary infrastructure, we have recorded more than 285 000 V2X messages from more than 2380 vehicles and roadside units in public road traffic. Alongside a first analysis of the dataset, we present a way of integrating ETSI ITS V2X messages into the Robot Operating System (ROS). This enables researchers to not only thoroughly analyze real-world V2X data, but to also study and implement standardized V2X messages in ROS-based automated driving applications. The full dataset is publicly available for non-commercial use at


This work is accomplished within the projects AIthena, 6GEM and AUTOtech.agil. We acknowledge the financial support for the projects by

  • the European Union’s Horizon Europe Research and Innovation Programme :eu: under Grant Agreement No 101076754 for AIthena,
  • and the Federal Ministry of Education and Research of Germany (BMBF) :de: for 6GEM (FKZ 16KISK036K) and AUTOtech.agil (FKZ 01IS22088A).


This repository is not endorsed by or otherwise affiliated with ETSI.

This repository uses the following software. For full license details, please refer to the specific license files of the respective software.

    BSD 2-Clause License
    Copyright (c) 2003-2017  Lev Walkin <> and contributors.
    All rights reserved.
    MIT License
    Copyright (c) 2017-2019 Erik Moqvist
    BSD 3-Clause License
    Copyright (c) ETSI
    MIT License
    Copyright (c) 2008-2023, Charles Karney
    MIT License
    Copyright (c) 2016 Erin Power
    BSD 3-Clause License
    All rights reserved.
    Apache 2.0 License
    All rights reserved.


No found.