Package Summary

Tags No category tags.
Version 0.1.20
License BSD
Build type CATKIN

Repository Summary

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VCS Type git
VCS Version master
Last Updated 2024-10-12
CI status
Tags No category tags.
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Package Description

A template for ROS packages.

Additional Links

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  • Qiayuan Liao


  • Qiayuan Liao

Changelog for package rm_referee

0.1.20 (2023-06-20)

  • Merge pull request #170 from chenhuiYu00/dev/power_management Add other unpack code for power management
  • Update power management unpack code.
  • Merge pull request #169 from chenhuiYu00/dev/update_chassis_topic Update chassis topic.
  • Update chassis topic.
  • Merge pull request #168 from chenhuiYu00/dev/update_power_management Update PowerManagement protocol v1.2
  • Update PowerManagement protocol v1.2
  • Merge pull request #167 from chenhuiYu00/dev/radar_interactive Add radar interactive
  • Merge pull request #166 from chenhuiYu00/dev/sentry_map Add sentry map
  • Add radar interactive.
  • Merge branch 'master' into dev/sentry_map # Conflicts: # rm_referee/src/referee_base.cpp
  • Merge branch 'master' into dev/sentry_map # Conflicts: # rm_referee/include/rm_referee/referee_base.h # rm_referee/src/referee_base.cpp
  • Fixed cycle number.
  • Merge pull request #165 from rm-controls/revert-164-Add_engineerui Revert "Merge the engineer's ui into master"
  • Revert "Merge the engineer's ui into master"
  • Merge pull request #164 from ljq-lv/Add_engineerui Merge the engineer's ui into master
  • Merge branch 'master' into Add_engineerui
  • Merge pull request #163 from 1moule/pitch_ui Add pitch angle ui for hero
  • Merge the engineer's ui into master
  • Merge branch 'master' into pitch_ui
  • Merge branch 'master' into pitch_ui # Conflicts: # rm_referee/include/rm_referee/referee_base.h # rm_referee/include/rm_referee/ui/time_change_ui.h # rm_referee/src/referee_base.cpp # rm_referee/src/ui/time_change_ui.cpp
  • Add pitch angle ui.
  • Merge pull request #158 from chenhuiYu00/dev/power_management Update new power management
  • Merge branch 'master' into windwill_auto_fire
  • Change ros info during unpack.
  • Merge pull request #157 from chenhuiYu00/dev/balance_cmd_send Add balance command sender and balance pitch ui
  • Add capacity mode check mode function.
  • Add map sentry interactive data send.
  • Merge branch 'dev/balance_cmd_send' into dev/power_management # Conflicts: # rm_referee/src/referee_base.cpp
  • Parameterize add ui and send ui config.
  • Reduce add ui frequency.
  • Update NORMAL delay.
  • Fixed foolish delay bug.
  • Merge branch 'dev/power_management' into dev/balance_cmd_send_power_management # Conflicts: # rm_common/include/rm_common/decision/command_sender.h
  • Merge remote-tracking branch 'chenhuiYu/dev/power_management' into dev/power_management
  • Update super capacitor use strategy
  • Allow chassis ui update during add ui.
  • Reduce update ui frequency.
  • Merge branch 'master' into dev/balance_cmd_send
  • Update balance pitch ui for new ui logic.
  • Merge pull request #156 from chenhuiYu00/ui_refact Fixed bug in graph queue update
  • Merge branch 'master' into dev/balance_cmd_send # Conflicts: # rm_referee/src/referee_base.cpp # rm_referee/src/ui/time_change_ui.cpp
  • Merge pull request #145 from chenhuiYu00/ui_refact Refact ui send logic and add rotation,target state ui
  • Merge branch 'dev/ui_refact' into dev/power_management
  • Fixed queue bug.
  • Delete unused function.
  • Merge branch 'dev/ui_refact' into dev/power_management # Conflicts: # rm_referee/include/rm_referee/ui/time_change_ui.h # rm_referee/src/ui/time_change_ui.cpp
  • Add exit BURST delay.
  • Fixed unpack bug.
  • Delete old capacity protocol publisher and related code.
  • Fixed ui send bug.
  • Merge branch 'master' into dev/power_management
  • Rename TriggerScalerTriggerChangeUi.
  • Merge branch 'master' into dev/ui_refact
  • Add power management sample and state data publish.
  • Update power management protocol ver1.1
  • Fixed getRobotInfo();
  • Merge branch 'master' into suggest_fire
  • Merge branch 'master' into dev/balance_cmd_send
  • Merge branch 'rm-controls:master' into master
  • Merge pull request #150 from 1moule/buff_ui Update big buff and small buff ui.
  • Update big buff and small buff ui.
  • Add graph queue.
  • Fixed unpack problem in capacity serial .
  • Merge branch 'dev/ui_refact' into dev/balance_cmd_send
  • Add debug info.
  • Update power management protocol.
  • Fixed merge problem.
  • Merge branch 'master' into dev/ui_refact # Conflicts: # rm_referee/include/rm_referee/common/protocol.h # rm_referee/src/ui/graph.cpp
  • Add balance pitch ui.
  • Merge pull request #146 from ye-luo-xi-tui/master 0.1.19
  • Merge branch 'dev/ui_refact' into dev/balance_cmd_send # Conflicts: # rm_referee/include/rm_referee/referee_base.h # rm_referee/include/rm_referee/ui/time_change_ui.h # rm_referee/include/rm_referee/ui/ui_base.h # rm_referee/src/referee_base.cpp # rm_referee/src/ui/ui_base.cpp
  • Change ui circle add.
  • Add target scale trigger change ui.
  • Add rotation time change ui.
  • Fixed bugs in referee refactoring.
  • Refactoring referee.
  • Merge pull request #144 from ye-luo-xi-tui/master Fix problem generate by merge conflict
  • Add balance pitch ui.
  • Merge branch 'master' into dev/balance_cmd_send
  • Merge branch 'master' into suggest_fire
  • Merge branch 'rm-controls:master' into master
  • Merge branch 'rm-controls:master' into master
  • Merge branch 'master' into suggest_fire
  • Merge pull request #1 from rm-controls/master 1
  • Contributors: 1moule, BruceLannn, ljq-lv, ye-luo-xi-tui, yuchen, 王湘鈜

0.1.19 (2023-05-03)

  • Fix problem generate by merge conflict.
  • Merge pull request #143 from rm-controls/new_protocol Merge branch 'new protocol' into 'master'
  • Merge branch 'master' into new_protocol
  • Merge branch 'rm-controls:master' into master
  • Merge pull request #141 from Aung-xiao/master Publish hp msgs in game_robot_state topic
  • Merge pull request #138 from chenhuiYu00/fix_ui_param Fixed the issue that referee must set ui param.
  • add hp msgs
  • Fixed ui param get.
  • Merge pull request #134 from NaHCO3bc/new_protocol Modify the publisher name.
  • Modify the publisher name.
  • Merge pull request #131 from NaHCO3bc/new_protocol Add a publisher to send target position from serial.
  • Merge branch 'master' into one_click_turn_cmd_sender
  • Add a publisher to send target position from serial.
  • Merge pull request #130 from chenhuiYu00/dev/serial_update Update server protocl
  • Update code style in protocol struct.
  • Merge pull request #125 from chenhuiYu00/dev/circle_add Add circle in ui add.
  • Update serial protocol.
  • Merge pull request #114 from 1moule/switch_camera_command_sender Add ui for switching cameras
  • Modify the logic of getting the camera name parameter.
  • Merge branch 'master' into switch_camera_command_sender
  • Update official serial protocol.
  • Delete unused value.
  • Merge branch 'master' into dev/circle_add
  • Raise add frequence.
  • Merge pull request #123 from ljq-lv/modify Modified the msg of engineer to 'EngineerUi'
  • Merge branch 'master' into dev/circle_add
  • Use timer in ui add.
  • Merge branch 'master' into multi_dof_controller # Conflicts: # rm_common/include/rm_common/decision/command_sender.h # rm_msgs/CMakeLists.txt
  • Merge pull request #124 from chenhuiYu00/delete_armor Delete armor flash ui.
  • Delete armor flash ui.
  • Add circle in ui add.
  • Merge branch 'master' into one_click_turn_cmd_sender
  • Modify the logic of getting the camera name from the configuration file.
  • Modified the msg of engineer to 'EngineerUi'
  • Merge branch 'master' into switch_camera_command_sender # Conflicts: # rm_referee/include/rm_referee/ui/trigger_change_ui.h # rm_referee/src/ui/trigger_change_ui.cpp
  • Merge pull request #120 from ye-luo-xi-tui/master 0.1.18
  • Modified to get the camera name from the configuration file.
  • Calling display function in updateCameraName function and modefy function parameters of setColor function.
  • Modefy ui name and add updateConfig function.
  • Add ui for switch camera and modefy command sender.
  • Contributors: 1moule, Aung-xiao, LSY, NaHCO3bc, ljq-lv, ye-luo-xi-tui, yezi, yuchen

0.1.18 (2023-03-25)

  • Merge pull request #113 from chenhuiYu00/dev/polygon_ui Add polygon UI.
  • Merge pull request #109 from ljq-lv/Delete Delete the chassis mode "GYRO"
  • Merge pull request #116 from ye-luo-xi-tui/master Display shooter block state
  • Delete ShootCmd subscriber.
  • Display shooter block state.
  • Delete test polygon ui.
  • Merge branch 'master' into dev/polygon_ui
  • Delete the chassis mode "GYRO"
  • Merge branch 'master' into gazebo_imu_reserve
  • Merge pull request #106 from YoujianWu/work Delete dependence roslint.
  • Run pre-commit.
  • Delete dependence roslint.
  • Test GroupUi in real robot.
  • Rebase FixedUi.
  • Add GroupUiBase class and Polygon ui.
  • Merge branch 'master' into acceleration # Conflicts: # rm_common/include/rm_common/decision/command_sender.h
  • Merge pull request #104 from ye-luo-xi-tui/master 0.1.17
  • Contributors: Kook, ljq-lv, ye-luo-xi-tui, yezi, yuchen

0.1.17 (2023-02-21)

  • Merge pull request #100 from ljq-lv/modified_msgs_name Modified msgs name
  • Modified the function and topic name
  • Modified the function and topic name
  • Modified the msg "EngineerCmd" name
  • Merge pull request #88 from sloretz/sloretz_remove_invalid_char Remove 0x01 char from changelog
  • Merge pull request #86 from chenhuiYu00/dev/lane_line_ui Add lane line ui.
  • Add reference_joint param.
  • Remove 0x01 char from changelog
  • Add pitch index.
  • Update Ui.
  • Optimize LaneLine ui.
  • Merge branch 'rm-controls:master' into master
  • Add LaneLine ui.
  • Merge pull request #84 from ye-luo-xi-tui/master 0.1.16
  • Merge branch 'rm-controls:master' into master
  • Merge branch 'rm-controls:master' into master
  • Contributors: Shane Loretz, ljq-lv, ye-luo-xi-tui, yuchen, 吕骏骐

0.1.16 (2022-11-24)

  • Merge pull request #80 from ljq-lv/new_ui_test Improve the Ui to reduce data transport
  • Modified the braces of rm_common
  • Modified the braces of rm_common
  • Fixed the error of wrong named
  • Fixed the error of wrong named
  • Modified the name of time stamp
  • Delete the director of "referee" in CMakeLists.txt
  • Improve the struct of directory
  • Divide ui.cpp into different type cpp
  • Add the empty function to updateManualCmdData()
  • Move updateManualCmdData into parent class
  • Delete the usleep()
  • Add the rpc_value of fixed
  • Delete unnecessary function run()
  • Modified the param's name and combined the if
  • Modified the named of time
  • Add destructor function
  • Modified the logic to get param
  • Modified the named of time stamp
  • Improve the way to get param
  • Delete unnecessary init and NodeHandle
  • Move the class's init from cpp to h
  • Move referee_ui_'s init into rm_referee::Referee
  • Delete the parent Delete the part of update
  • Delete the part of Referee.msg
  • Run pre-commit
  • Merge branch 'master' into new_ui_test
  • Merge pull request #78 from chenhuiYu00/dev/command_sender Check the modification of command sender.
  • Add namespace "referee" before topic's name
  • Fixed code style
  • Add "referee_" before topic's name
  • Fixed the spelling error
  • Fixed the spelling error
  • Fixed the cover state's bug
  • Test the basic ui function successful
  • Locate the bug of capacity class
  • Locate the bug of chassis class
  • Add the chassis class
  • Fix the logic of CheckUiAdd()
  • Delete chassis class to test bug
  • Modified the struct of ui
  • Modified the struct of ui
  • Test the init of referee_base
  • Add test code
  • Delete referee msg and update command sender.
  • test
  • Move the robot_id and robot_color from "Base" to the class "DataTranslation"
  • Add the class "DataTranslation" to deal with serial_
  • Merge pull request #76 from chenhuiYu00/accleration_Initial_value Add accleration initial value.
  • Merge branch 'rm-controls:master' into master
  • Code format.
  • Merge pull request #70 from chenhuiYu00/rm_referee_pr Complete the referee part of manual separation.
  • Remove referee config.
  • Move files.
  • Type conversion.
  • Add RobotID enum.
  • Delete /common/data.h, Update power_limit and heat_limit.
  • Update date acquisition in command_sender.
  • Naming conventions.
  • Move referee part from rm_common to rm_referee and modify ui sending logic.
  • Add referee is_online msg.
  • Adjust referee data sending way and adapt current ui.
  • Add referee msg.
  • Merge and fixed conflict.
  • Write radar interactive.
  • Add radar part.
  • Fixed bug.
  • Add gimablchassis ui.
  • Ui work success,ore ui is in test.
  • Try reuse power limit state.
  • Change Variable name,color problem in powerlimitstate.
  • Fixed some problems,not ready.
  • Update config,referee only send ui once.
  • Add ore remain,dart remain ui.
  • Fixed topic naming, add time stamp in referee msgs.
  • Merge date.
  • Fixed for test manual,Immature work.
  • Merge branch 'rm_referee1' into referee1
  • Merge date.
  • Ljq update,fixed for test manual,Immature work.
  • Add PowerHearData.msg and GameRObotHp.msg
  • Delete unnecessary calibraiton.h
  • Add
  • Update the add operation of ui
  • Add referee package
  • Contributors: Chenhui, QiayuanLiao, ljq-lv, ye-luo-xi-tui, yuchen, 吕骏骐

Wiki Tutorials

This package does not provide any links to tutorials in it's rosindex metadata. You can check on the ROS Wiki Tutorials page for the package.

Package Dependencies

System Dependencies

No direct system dependencies.

Dependant Packages

No known dependants.

Launch files

  • launch/load.launch
      • robot_type [default: $(env ROBOT_TYPE)] — Robot type [standard, hero, engineer]


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