Package Summary

Tags No category tags.
Version 0.3.15
License BSD
Build type CATKIN

Repository Summary

Checkout URI
VCS Type git
VCS Version master
Last Updated 2023-06-22
CI status Continuous Integration
Tags No category tags.
Contributing Help Wanted (0)
Good First Issues (0)
Pull Requests to Review (0)

Package Description


Additional Links


  • YoheiKakiuchi


  • YoheiKakiuchi


This package contains euslisp interface file for using moveit

Setting Up

Check if pr2 robot with moveit is already running, if not, run gazebo and moveit by

$ roslaunch pr2eus_moveit test-pr2eus-moveit.test  gui:=true

Run roseus, load required packages and setup robot-interface with moveit feature enabled.

(load "package://pr2eus/pr2-interface.l")
(load "package://pr2eus_moveit/euslisp/pr2eus-moveit.l")
(send *ri* :set-moveit-environment (instance pr2-moveit-environment :init))

Send collision-free angle-vector

To send collision-free angle-vector, run following command instead of normal :angle-vector

(send *ri* :angle-vector-motion-plan (send *pr2* :reset-pose) :move-arm :rarm :use-torso t)

Plan motions and execute

If you want to specify target enc-coords instead of angle-vector, use following command

(send *ri* :move-end-coords-plan (make-coords :pos #f(700 0 750)) :move-arm :larm :use-torso t)

Use MoveIt IK service

If you want to use IK service provided by MoveIt, try

(setq av (send *ri* :collision-aware-ik (make-coords :pos #f(700 0 850)) :move-arm :rarm :use-torso nil))
(send *pr2* :angle-vector av)


Changelog for package pr2eus_moveit

0.3.15 (2023-04-17)

  • Loosen test condition for test-collision-object-publisher (#484)
  • integrate all .github/workflows/*.yml to config.yml, fix permission issue (#479)
  • test check apply_planning_scene before creating collision-object-publisher/ci without MoveIt (#469)
  • check apply_planning_scene before creating collision-object-publisher/ci (#446)
  • add test code for #461 (#468)
  • [pr2eus_moveit] Add timeout arg for computing IK and increase timeout for test (#438)
  • Check current collision when trajectory could not be generated (#448)
  • [pr2eus_moveit] evaluate all bodies only when it has bodies (#442)
  • [pr2eus_moveit] Add test for collision-object-publisher (#431)
  • [pr2eus_moveit] fix collision-object-sample.l and :add-object in collision-object-publisher.l (#423)
  • [pr2eus_moveit] add method to delete collision objects by id (#421)
  • [pr2eus_moveit] fix cylinder collision object msg (#419)
  • enable to test navigation in gazebo for pr2-ri-test (#420)
  • [pr2eus_moveit] Add docstring to :angle-vector-motion-plan (#392)
  • need to check both pr2_gazebo and pr2_moveit_config (#393)
  • Contributors: Kei Okada, Koki Shinjo, Naoto Tsukamoto, Naoya Yamaguchi, Shingo Kitagawa, Shumpei Wakabayashi, Shun Hasegawa, Yuto Uchimi

0.3.14 (2019-02-11)

  • fix typo and add pr2-init in pr2eus-moveit.l for PR2 + moveit (#382 )
    • add moveit pr2-init in pr2eus-moveit.l redefine original pr2-init -> pr2-init-org
    • fix parenthesis close in pr2eus-moveit.l
  • Fix velocity time scaling (#377 )
    • Fix scaling of multi dof joint trajectory
    • scale accelerations in :trajectory-filter
    • fix velocity time scaling
    • Add test for time scaling of vel and acc in :trajectory-filter
  • Fix :angle-vector-make-trajectory to ignore start-offset-time (#365 )
    • Remove first point of new traj if it overlaps with existing traj. Without this fix, traj points having the same time_from_start appear. This may harm joint trajectory action server.
    • Use exact time_from_start to pass test
    • Fix :angle-vector-make-trajectory to ignore start-offset-time
    • Reduce start-offset-time to speed up tests
    • Use init-pose instead of reset-manip-pose to speed up test-angle-vector-sequence-motion-plan
    • Loosen time limit of new test
    • Add test for start-offset-time with avs
  • Fix time_from_start in motion-planned angle-vector-sequence (#363 )
    • Update robot in ri in 1st loop
    • Set time_from_start correctly in :angle-vector-make-trajectory Previously, traj points for second av started from zero time_from_start
    • Add equal to sort in test to avoid error
    • Add test for concatenation in :angle-vector-make-trajectory
  • Fix :trajectory-filter to ignore start-offset-time (#361 )
    • Remove start-offset-time from passing args
    • Fix :trajectory-filter to ignore start-offset-time
    • Add test for start-offset-time
  • pr2eus_moveit: support motion with mobile base (#357 )
  • run everything within jenkins (#340)
    • explictly set DISPLAY="" for roseus test
    • re-define :joint-angle to avoid print violate max/min-angle that exceeds 4M log limit
    • test-pr2eus-moveit.l: not sure why, but sometimes utf-8 code is displayed and brakes catkin build
    • set time-limit for pr2-ri-test to 600
    • .travis.yml: run everything within travis
    • install pr2-arm-kinematics for indigo
  • Use service call for collision-object-publisher (#324)
    • operate attached_collision_object by service call
    • refactor codes in collision-object-publisher
  • Contributors: Affonso Guilherme, Kei Okada, Shingo Kitagawa, Shun Hasegawa, Yuki Furuta

0.3.13 (2017-07-14)

  • [pr2eus_moveit] add 0.5 seconds sleep after collision object pub (#315)
    • add comment why we need unix:sleep
    • add 0.5 seconds sleep after collision object pub
  • add test for (#312 )
    • test/test-pr2eus-moveit.l, add test-moveit-fastest-trajectory, ensure that :angle-vector-motion-plan will not send faster motion then moveit planned motion
    • display both scaled trajectory time and actual time_to_start time
    • robot-moveit.l : set default start-offset-time to 0, not to skip :trajectory-filter
    • robot-moveit.l, fix debug info (/ total-time 1000) -> (/ total-time 1000.0)
  • Revert #310 "[pr2eus_moveit] fix typo in total-time condition" (#314 )
  • Contributors: Kei Okada, Shingo Kitagawa

0.3.12 (2017-07-11)

  • robot-interface.l: send angle-vector only once, some controller-table had multiple definition for one method, we ignore them (#308)
    • test/test-pr2eus-moveit.test only runs on indigo
    • fix when two controller has same action instance
    • add dummy controller for #308
    • send angle-vector only once, some controller-table had multiple definition for one method, we ignore them
  • [pr2eus_moveit] fix bug in angle-vector-motion-plan (#309)
    • fix bug in angle-vector-motion-plan error occur when (length controller-actions) != (length (send self ctype)) this case happens when you init robot-interface with :default-controller, but send av with :rarm-controller.
  • [pr2eus_moveit] fix typo in total-time condition (#310)
  • [pr2eus_moveit] fix typo in robot-moveit.l (#306 )
    • [(:angle-vector-motion-plan] controller-type -> ctype
  • Contributors: Kei Okada, Shingo Kitagawa

0.3.11 (2017-06-25)

  • pr2eus_moveit/euslisp/robot-moveit.l: support tm :fast in :angle-vector-motion-plan (#297 )
    • add :scale for :fast in :angle-vector-motion-plan
    • add trajectory_constraints commentout trajectory_constraints is not used in motion planning. see
    • add max_velocity/acceleration_scaling_factor
    • support tm :fast in :angle-vector-motion-plan
  • pr2eus_moveit/euslisp/robot-moveit.l: add angle-vector-sequence-motion-plan test (#293 )
    • set longer time-limit for moveit test
  • pass ctype in angle-vector-motion-plan (#292 )
  • advertise CollisionObject with latch=t (#290 )
  • Contributors: Kei Okada, Shingo Kitagawa

0.3.10 (2017-03-02)

0.3.9 (2017-02-22)

  • Support Kinetic (#284 )
    • pr2_controllers_msgs is not released on J/K
  • [pr2eus_moveit/collision-object-publisher.l] fix bug in :wipe-all (#283 )
    • separate wipe-all and fix bug
    • set new hash-table in :clear-all
  • [pr2eus_moveit/robot-moveit.l] support angle-vector-sequence with MoveIt! (#282 )
    • support angle-vector-sequence for motion plan
    • remove trajectory-constraints for motion plan
  • Contributors: Kei Okada, Shingo Kitagawa

0.3.8 (2017-02-07)

  • robot-moveit.l
    • enable set default planner in moveit-env initialization (#280 )
    • [pr2eus_moveit] pass start-offset-time as starttime to :send-trajectory (#276)
    • pass start-offset-time to :send-trajectory
    • angle-vector-motion-plan return angle-vector (#268)
    • angle-vector-motion-plan accepts angle-vector seq modify :angle-vector-motion-plan to accept angle-vector-sequence set (butlast avs) as TrajectoryConstraints (#259)
    • add :ctype args in angle-vector-motion-plan to set controller-type for :angle-vector-motion-plan(#261)
    • total-time is msec ,and orig-total-time is sec, :total-time in :trajectory-fiter is msec (#257) FIx bugs in #252
  • collision-object-publisher.l
    • [pr2eus_moveit/collision-object-publisher] support body class object (#269)
    • fix bug in collision-object-publisher :wipe-all (#267)
    • remove unused key in collision-object-publisher (#266)
  • Contributors: Naoya Yamaguchi, Kei Okada, Shingo Kitagawa

0.3.7 (2016-11-08)

  • :trajectory-filter add clear-velocities
  • Contributors: Kei Okada

0.3.6 (2016-11-02)

  • Update on robot-modeit.l ( #252 )
    • :angle-vector-motion send trajectory for joints not incldued in move-arm
    • :trajectory-filter scale based on original time sequences
    • add feature to filter trajectory using total-time
    • robot-moveit.l (:trajectory-filter) add start-offset-time
    • more message on ros-info
    • cleanup :angle-vector-motion-plan function using orig-total-time variable
  • Contributors: Kei Okada

0.3.5 (2016-09-16)

0.3.4 (2016-06-22)

0.3.3 (2016-05-28)

  • CMakeLists.txt : forget to install euslisp directory ( #230 )
  • Contributors: Kei Okada

0.3.2 (2016-05-26)

0.3.1 (2016-05-22)

0.3.0 (2016-03-20)

0.2.1 (2016-03-04)

0.2.0 (2015-11-03)

0.1.11 (2015-06-11)

0.1.10 (2015-04-03 18:49)

0.1.9 (2015-04-03 16:52)

0.1.8 (2015-02-25)

  • [pr2eus_moveit] package.xml fix version number
  • [pr2eus_moveit] Catkinize pr2eus_moveit
  • Contributors: Kei Okada, aginika

0.1.7 (2015-02-10)

  • fix typo
  • add code for using action-server instead of service
  • add check-state-validity service and fix minor bug
  • fix bug in collision-object-publisher.l
  • change moveit groupname
  • add code for using arms
  • added eus2scene.l
  • add publish-eusscene-marker.l
  • add publish-eusscene.l
  • Contributors: YoheiKakiuchi, mmurooka, tarukosu

0.1.6 (2014-05-11)

0.1.5 (2014-05-03)

0.1.4 (2014-05-02 22:28)

0.1.3 (2014-05-02 18:04)

0.1.2 (2014-05-01 22:43)

0.1.1 (2014-05-01 02:14)

  • add pr2-tabletop-demo, picking object up on table useing moveit
  • comment out debug message
  • update pr2eus_moveit for using constraints
  • Merge pull request #9 from YoheiKakiuchi/add_use_directly_joint_trajectory use joint trajectory mode for moveit
  • add clear-world-scene method to pr2eus-moveit
  • use joint trajectory mode for moveit
  • fix typo :frame_id -> :frame-id
  • enable to set object-id with keyword
  • update publish-eusobject.l
  • add publish-eusobject.l for publishing eus model to moveit environment
  • change loading order for pr2eus-moveit
  • fix minor bug
  • add pr2-moveit.l
  • fix typo
  • add publish-collision-object
  • add make-virtual-joint-constraints
  • add :motion-plan-raw method for testing planning
  • delete method for attached-object
  • add :add-attached-object to collision-object-publisher
  • add :query-planner-interface to pr2eus-moveit
  • update
  • add keyword for adding constraints to motion-plan
  • add making constraints functions
  • update pr2eus-moveit.l
  • add method for robot-interface on pr2eus-moveit
  • update pr2eus-moveit
  • update pr2eus_moveit tutorials
  • add :sync-robot-model method to pr2eus-moveit
  • move collision-object-sample.l to tutorials
  • add tutorials to pr2eus_moveit
  • add :execute-trajectory method to pr2eus-moveit
  • update sample for pr2eus_moveit
  • add updating faces coords
  • add collision-object-sample
  • add :relative-pose keyword to collision-object-publisher.l
  • fix typo and minor bug
  • implement :motion-plan method to pr2eus-moveit.l
  • fix typo
  • add using torso configuration to pr2eus-moveit.l
  • rename pr2eus_moveit.l -> pr2eus-moveit.l
  • implement :get-ik-for-pose to moveit-environment
  • rename scene-topic -> scene-service
  • add pr2eus_moveit.l for using moveit from roseus interface
  • add package dependancy to pr2eus_moveit
  • move :get-planning-scene method to get-planning-scene function
  • add pr2eus_moveit for using moveit components from roseus
  • Contributors: Yohei Kakiuchi, YoheiKakiuchi, youhei

Wiki Tutorials

This package does not provide any links to tutorials in it's rosindex metadata. You can check on the ROS Wiki Tutorials page for the package.

Dependant Packages

No known dependants.

Launch files

No launch files found


No message files found.


No service files found


No plugins found.

Recent questions tagged pr2eus_moveit at Robotics Stack Exchange

Package Summary

Tags No category tags.
Version 0.3.15
License BSD
Build type CATKIN

Repository Summary

Checkout URI
VCS Type git
VCS Version master
Last Updated 2023-06-22
CI status Continuous Integration
Tags No category tags.
Contributing Help Wanted (0)
Good First Issues (0)
Pull Requests to Review (0)

Package Description


Additional Links


  • YoheiKakiuchi


  • YoheiKakiuchi


This package contains euslisp interface file for using moveit

Setting Up

Check if pr2 robot with moveit is already running, if not, run gazebo and moveit by

$ roslaunch pr2eus_moveit test-pr2eus-moveit.test  gui:=true

Run roseus, load required packages and setup robot-interface with moveit feature enabled.

(load "package://pr2eus/pr2-interface.l")
(load "package://pr2eus_moveit/euslisp/pr2eus-moveit.l")
(send *ri* :set-moveit-environment (instance pr2-moveit-environment :init))

Send collision-free angle-vector

To send collision-free angle-vector, run following command instead of normal :angle-vector

(send *ri* :angle-vector-motion-plan (send *pr2* :reset-pose) :move-arm :rarm :use-torso t)

Plan motions and execute

If you want to specify target enc-coords instead of angle-vector, use following command

(send *ri* :move-end-coords-plan (make-coords :pos #f(700 0 750)) :move-arm :larm :use-torso t)

Use MoveIt IK service

If you want to use IK service provided by MoveIt, try

(setq av (send *ri* :collision-aware-ik (make-coords :pos #f(700 0 850)) :move-arm :rarm :use-torso nil))
(send *pr2* :angle-vector av)


Changelog for package pr2eus_moveit

0.3.15 (2023-04-17)

  • Loosen test condition for test-collision-object-publisher (#484)
  • integrate all .github/workflows/*.yml to config.yml, fix permission issue (#479)
  • test check apply_planning_scene before creating collision-object-publisher/ci without MoveIt (#469)
  • check apply_planning_scene before creating collision-object-publisher/ci (#446)
  • add test code for #461 (#468)
  • [pr2eus_moveit] Add timeout arg for computing IK and increase timeout for test (#438)
  • Check current collision when trajectory could not be generated (#448)
  • [pr2eus_moveit] evaluate all bodies only when it has bodies (#442)
  • [pr2eus_moveit] Add test for collision-object-publisher (#431)
  • [pr2eus_moveit] fix collision-object-sample.l and :add-object in collision-object-publisher.l (#423)
  • [pr2eus_moveit] add method to delete collision objects by id (#421)
  • [pr2eus_moveit] fix cylinder collision object msg (#419)
  • enable to test navigation in gazebo for pr2-ri-test (#420)
  • [pr2eus_moveit] Add docstring to :angle-vector-motion-plan (#392)
  • need to check both pr2_gazebo and pr2_moveit_config (#393)
  • Contributors: Kei Okada, Koki Shinjo, Naoto Tsukamoto, Naoya Yamaguchi, Shingo Kitagawa, Shumpei Wakabayashi, Shun Hasegawa, Yuto Uchimi

0.3.14 (2019-02-11)

  • fix typo and add pr2-init in pr2eus-moveit.l for PR2 + moveit (#382 )
    • add moveit pr2-init in pr2eus-moveit.l redefine original pr2-init -> pr2-init-org
    • fix parenthesis close in pr2eus-moveit.l
  • Fix velocity time scaling (#377 )
    • Fix scaling of multi dof joint trajectory
    • scale accelerations in :trajectory-filter
    • fix velocity time scaling
    • Add test for time scaling of vel and acc in :trajectory-filter
  • Fix :angle-vector-make-trajectory to ignore start-offset-time (#365 )
    • Remove first point of new traj if it overlaps with existing traj. Without this fix, traj points having the same time_from_start appear. This may harm joint trajectory action server.
    • Use exact time_from_start to pass test
    • Fix :angle-vector-make-trajectory to ignore start-offset-time
    • Reduce start-offset-time to speed up tests
    • Use init-pose instead of reset-manip-pose to speed up test-angle-vector-sequence-motion-plan
    • Loosen time limit of new test
    • Add test for start-offset-time with avs
  • Fix time_from_start in motion-planned angle-vector-sequence (#363 )
    • Update robot in ri in 1st loop
    • Set time_from_start correctly in :angle-vector-make-trajectory Previously, traj points for second av started from zero time_from_start
    • Add equal to sort in test to avoid error
    • Add test for concatenation in :angle-vector-make-trajectory
  • Fix :trajectory-filter to ignore start-offset-time (#361 )
    • Remove start-offset-time from passing args
    • Fix :trajectory-filter to ignore start-offset-time
    • Add test for start-offset-time
  • pr2eus_moveit: support motion with mobile base (#357 )
  • run everything within jenkins (#340)
    • explictly set DISPLAY="" for roseus test
    • re-define :joint-angle to avoid print violate max/min-angle that exceeds 4M log limit
    • test-pr2eus-moveit.l: not sure why, but sometimes utf-8 code is displayed and brakes catkin build
    • set time-limit for pr2-ri-test to 600
    • .travis.yml: run everything within travis
    • install pr2-arm-kinematics for indigo
  • Use service call for collision-object-publisher (#324)
    • operate attached_collision_object by service call
    • refactor codes in collision-object-publisher
  • Contributors: Affonso Guilherme, Kei Okada, Shingo Kitagawa, Shun Hasegawa, Yuki Furuta

0.3.13 (2017-07-14)

  • [pr2eus_moveit] add 0.5 seconds sleep after collision object pub (#315)
    • add comment why we need unix:sleep
    • add 0.5 seconds sleep after collision object pub
  • add test for (#312 )
    • test/test-pr2eus-moveit.l, add test-moveit-fastest-trajectory, ensure that :angle-vector-motion-plan will not send faster motion then moveit planned motion
    • display both scaled trajectory time and actual time_to_start time
    • robot-moveit.l : set default start-offset-time to 0, not to skip :trajectory-filter
    • robot-moveit.l, fix debug info (/ total-time 1000) -> (/ total-time 1000.0)
  • Revert #310 "[pr2eus_moveit] fix typo in total-time condition" (#314 )
  • Contributors: Kei Okada, Shingo Kitagawa

0.3.12 (2017-07-11)

  • robot-interface.l: send angle-vector only once, some controller-table had multiple definition for one method, we ignore them (#308)
    • test/test-pr2eus-moveit.test only runs on indigo
    • fix when two controller has same action instance
    • add dummy controller for #308
    • send angle-vector only once, some controller-table had multiple definition for one method, we ignore them
  • [pr2eus_moveit] fix bug in angle-vector-motion-plan (#309)
    • fix bug in angle-vector-motion-plan error occur when (length controller-actions) != (length (send self ctype)) this case happens when you init robot-interface with :default-controller, but send av with :rarm-controller.
  • [pr2eus_moveit] fix typo in total-time condition (#310)
  • [pr2eus_moveit] fix typo in robot-moveit.l (#306 )
    • [(:angle-vector-motion-plan] controller-type -> ctype
  • Contributors: Kei Okada, Shingo Kitagawa

0.3.11 (2017-06-25)

  • pr2eus_moveit/euslisp/robot-moveit.l: support tm :fast in :angle-vector-motion-plan (#297 )
    • add :scale for :fast in :angle-vector-motion-plan
    • add trajectory_constraints commentout trajectory_constraints is not used in motion planning. see
    • add max_velocity/acceleration_scaling_factor
    • support tm :fast in :angle-vector-motion-plan
  • pr2eus_moveit/euslisp/robot-moveit.l: add angle-vector-sequence-motion-plan test (#293 )
    • set longer time-limit for moveit test
  • pass ctype in angle-vector-motion-plan (#292 )
  • advertise CollisionObject with latch=t (#290 )
  • Contributors: Kei Okada, Shingo Kitagawa

0.3.10 (2017-03-02)

0.3.9 (2017-02-22)

  • Support Kinetic (#284 )
    • pr2_controllers_msgs is not released on J/K
  • [pr2eus_moveit/collision-object-publisher.l] fix bug in :wipe-all (#283 )
    • separate wipe-all and fix bug
    • set new hash-table in :clear-all
  • [pr2eus_moveit/robot-moveit.l] support angle-vector-sequence with MoveIt! (#282 )
    • support angle-vector-sequence for motion plan
    • remove trajectory-constraints for motion plan
  • Contributors: Kei Okada, Shingo Kitagawa

0.3.8 (2017-02-07)

  • robot-moveit.l
    • enable set default planner in moveit-env initialization (#280 )
    • [pr2eus_moveit] pass start-offset-time as starttime to :send-trajectory (#276)
    • pass start-offset-time to :send-trajectory
    • angle-vector-motion-plan return angle-vector (#268)
    • angle-vector-motion-plan accepts angle-vector seq modify :angle-vector-motion-plan to accept angle-vector-sequence set (butlast avs) as TrajectoryConstraints (#259)
    • add :ctype args in angle-vector-motion-plan to set controller-type for :angle-vector-motion-plan(#261)
    • total-time is msec ,and orig-total-time is sec, :total-time in :trajectory-fiter is msec (#257) FIx bugs in #252
  • collision-object-publisher.l
    • [pr2eus_moveit/collision-object-publisher] support body class object (#269)
    • fix bug in collision-object-publisher :wipe-all (#267)
    • remove unused key in collision-object-publisher (#266)
  • Contributors: Naoya Yamaguchi, Kei Okada, Shingo Kitagawa

0.3.7 (2016-11-08)

  • :trajectory-filter add clear-velocities
  • Contributors: Kei Okada

0.3.6 (2016-11-02)

  • Update on robot-modeit.l ( #252 )
    • :angle-vector-motion send trajectory for joints not incldued in move-arm
    • :trajectory-filter scale based on original time sequences
    • add feature to filter trajectory using total-time
    • robot-moveit.l (:trajectory-filter) add start-offset-time
    • more message on ros-info
    • cleanup :angle-vector-motion-plan function using orig-total-time variable
  • Contributors: Kei Okada

0.3.5 (2016-09-16)

0.3.4 (2016-06-22)

0.3.3 (2016-05-28)

  • CMakeLists.txt : forget to install euslisp directory ( #230 )
  • Contributors: Kei Okada

0.3.2 (2016-05-26)

0.3.1 (2016-05-22)

0.3.0 (2016-03-20)

0.2.1 (2016-03-04)

0.2.0 (2015-11-03)

0.1.11 (2015-06-11)

0.1.10 (2015-04-03 18:49)

0.1.9 (2015-04-03 16:52)

0.1.8 (2015-02-25)

  • [pr2eus_moveit] package.xml fix version number
  • [pr2eus_moveit] Catkinize pr2eus_moveit
  • Contributors: Kei Okada, aginika

0.1.7 (2015-02-10)

  • fix typo
  • add code for using action-server instead of service
  • add check-state-validity service and fix minor bug
  • fix bug in collision-object-publisher.l
  • change moveit groupname
  • add code for using arms
  • added eus2scene.l
  • add publish-eusscene-marker.l
  • add publish-eusscene.l
  • Contributors: YoheiKakiuchi, mmurooka, tarukosu

0.1.6 (2014-05-11)

0.1.5 (2014-05-03)

0.1.4 (2014-05-02 22:28)

0.1.3 (2014-05-02 18:04)

0.1.2 (2014-05-01 22:43)

0.1.1 (2014-05-01 02:14)

  • add pr2-tabletop-demo, picking object up on table useing moveit
  • comment out debug message
  • update pr2eus_moveit for using constraints
  • Merge pull request #9 from YoheiKakiuchi/add_use_directly_joint_trajectory use joint trajectory mode for moveit
  • add clear-world-scene method to pr2eus-moveit
  • use joint trajectory mode for moveit
  • fix typo :frame_id -> :frame-id
  • enable to set object-id with keyword
  • update publish-eusobject.l
  • add publish-eusobject.l for publishing eus model to moveit environment
  • change loading order for pr2eus-moveit
  • fix minor bug
  • add pr2-moveit.l
  • fix typo
  • add publish-collision-object
  • add make-virtual-joint-constraints
  • add :motion-plan-raw method for testing planning
  • delete method for attached-object
  • add :add-attached-object to collision-object-publisher
  • add :query-planner-interface to pr2eus-moveit
  • update
  • add keyword for adding constraints to motion-plan
  • add making constraints functions
  • update pr2eus-moveit.l
  • add method for robot-interface on pr2eus-moveit
  • update pr2eus-moveit
  • update pr2eus_moveit tutorials
  • add :sync-robot-model method to pr2eus-moveit
  • move collision-object-sample.l to tutorials
  • add tutorials to pr2eus_moveit
  • add :execute-trajectory method to pr2eus-moveit
  • update sample for pr2eus_moveit
  • add updating faces coords
  • add collision-object-sample
  • add :relative-pose keyword to collision-object-publisher.l
  • fix typo and minor bug
  • implement :motion-plan method to pr2eus-moveit.l
  • fix typo
  • add using torso configuration to pr2eus-moveit.l
  • rename pr2eus_moveit.l -> pr2eus-moveit.l
  • implement :get-ik-for-pose to moveit-environment
  • rename scene-topic -> scene-service
  • add pr2eus_moveit.l for using moveit from roseus interface
  • add package dependancy to pr2eus_moveit
  • move :get-planning-scene method to get-planning-scene function
  • add pr2eus_moveit for using moveit components from roseus
  • Contributors: Yohei Kakiuchi, YoheiKakiuchi, youhei

Wiki Tutorials

This package does not provide any links to tutorials in it's rosindex metadata. You can check on the ROS Wiki Tutorials page for the package.

Launch files

No launch files found


No message files found.


No service files found


No plugins found.

Recent questions tagged pr2eus_moveit at Robotics Stack Exchange

Package Summary

Tags No category tags.
Version 0.3.15
License BSD
Build type CATKIN

Repository Summary

Checkout URI
VCS Type git
VCS Version master
Last Updated 2023-06-22
CI status Continuous Integration
Tags No category tags.
Contributing Help Wanted (0)
Good First Issues (0)
Pull Requests to Review (0)

Package Description


Additional Links


  • YoheiKakiuchi


  • YoheiKakiuchi


This package contains euslisp interface file for using moveit

Setting Up

Check if pr2 robot with moveit is already running, if not, run gazebo and moveit by

$ roslaunch pr2eus_moveit test-pr2eus-moveit.test  gui:=true

Run roseus, load required packages and setup robot-interface with moveit feature enabled.

(load "package://pr2eus/pr2-interface.l")
(load "package://pr2eus_moveit/euslisp/pr2eus-moveit.l")
(send *ri* :set-moveit-environment (instance pr2-moveit-environment :init))

Send collision-free angle-vector

To send collision-free angle-vector, run following command instead of normal :angle-vector

(send *ri* :angle-vector-motion-plan (send *pr2* :reset-pose) :move-arm :rarm :use-torso t)

Plan motions and execute

If you want to specify target enc-coords instead of angle-vector, use following command

(send *ri* :move-end-coords-plan (make-coords :pos #f(700 0 750)) :move-arm :larm :use-torso t)

Use MoveIt IK service

If you want to use IK service provided by MoveIt, try

(setq av (send *ri* :collision-aware-ik (make-coords :pos #f(700 0 850)) :move-arm :rarm :use-torso nil))
(send *pr2* :angle-vector av)


Changelog for package pr2eus_moveit

0.3.15 (2023-04-17)

  • Loosen test condition for test-collision-object-publisher (#484)
  • integrate all .github/workflows/*.yml to config.yml, fix permission issue (#479)
  • test check apply_planning_scene before creating collision-object-publisher/ci without MoveIt (#469)
  • check apply_planning_scene before creating collision-object-publisher/ci (#446)
  • add test code for #461 (#468)
  • [pr2eus_moveit] Add timeout arg for computing IK and increase timeout for test (#438)
  • Check current collision when trajectory could not be generated (#448)
  • [pr2eus_moveit] evaluate all bodies only when it has bodies (#442)
  • [pr2eus_moveit] Add test for collision-object-publisher (#431)
  • [pr2eus_moveit] fix collision-object-sample.l and :add-object in collision-object-publisher.l (#423)
  • [pr2eus_moveit] add method to delete collision objects by id (#421)
  • [pr2eus_moveit] fix cylinder collision object msg (#419)
  • enable to test navigation in gazebo for pr2-ri-test (#420)
  • [pr2eus_moveit] Add docstring to :angle-vector-motion-plan (#392)
  • need to check both pr2_gazebo and pr2_moveit_config (#393)
  • Contributors: Kei Okada, Koki Shinjo, Naoto Tsukamoto, Naoya Yamaguchi, Shingo Kitagawa, Shumpei Wakabayashi, Shun Hasegawa, Yuto Uchimi

0.3.14 (2019-02-11)

  • fix typo and add pr2-init in pr2eus-moveit.l for PR2 + moveit (#382 )
    • add moveit pr2-init in pr2eus-moveit.l redefine original pr2-init -> pr2-init-org
    • fix parenthesis close in pr2eus-moveit.l
  • Fix velocity time scaling (#377 )
    • Fix scaling of multi dof joint trajectory
    • scale accelerations in :trajectory-filter
    • fix velocity time scaling
    • Add test for time scaling of vel and acc in :trajectory-filter
  • Fix :angle-vector-make-trajectory to ignore start-offset-time (#365 )
    • Remove first point of new traj if it overlaps with existing traj. Without this fix, traj points having the same time_from_start appear. This may harm joint trajectory action server.
    • Use exact time_from_start to pass test
    • Fix :angle-vector-make-trajectory to ignore start-offset-time
    • Reduce start-offset-time to speed up tests
    • Use init-pose instead of reset-manip-pose to speed up test-angle-vector-sequence-motion-plan
    • Loosen time limit of new test
    • Add test for start-offset-time with avs
  • Fix time_from_start in motion-planned angle-vector-sequence (#363 )
    • Update robot in ri in 1st loop
    • Set time_from_start correctly in :angle-vector-make-trajectory Previously, traj points for second av started from zero time_from_start
    • Add equal to sort in test to avoid error
    • Add test for concatenation in :angle-vector-make-trajectory
  • Fix :trajectory-filter to ignore start-offset-time (#361 )
    • Remove start-offset-time from passing args
    • Fix :trajectory-filter to ignore start-offset-time
    • Add test for start-offset-time
  • pr2eus_moveit: support motion with mobile base (#357 )
  • run everything within jenkins (#340)
    • explictly set DISPLAY="" for roseus test
    • re-define :joint-angle to avoid print violate max/min-angle that exceeds 4M log limit
    • test-pr2eus-moveit.l: not sure why, but sometimes utf-8 code is displayed and brakes catkin build
    • set time-limit for pr2-ri-test to 600
    • .travis.yml: run everything within travis
    • install pr2-arm-kinematics for indigo
  • Use service call for collision-object-publisher (#324)
    • operate attached_collision_object by service call
    • refactor codes in collision-object-publisher
  • Contributors: Affonso Guilherme, Kei Okada, Shingo Kitagawa, Shun Hasegawa, Yuki Furuta

0.3.13 (2017-07-14)

  • [pr2eus_moveit] add 0.5 seconds sleep after collision object pub (#315)
    • add comment why we need unix:sleep
    • add 0.5 seconds sleep after collision object pub
  • add test for (#312 )
    • test/test-pr2eus-moveit.l, add test-moveit-fastest-trajectory, ensure that :angle-vector-motion-plan will not send faster motion then moveit planned motion
    • display both scaled trajectory time and actual time_to_start time
    • robot-moveit.l : set default start-offset-time to 0, not to skip :trajectory-filter
    • robot-moveit.l, fix debug info (/ total-time 1000) -> (/ total-time 1000.0)
  • Revert #310 "[pr2eus_moveit] fix typo in total-time condition" (#314 )
  • Contributors: Kei Okada, Shingo Kitagawa

0.3.12 (2017-07-11)

  • robot-interface.l: send angle-vector only once, some controller-table had multiple definition for one method, we ignore them (#308)
    • test/test-pr2eus-moveit.test only runs on indigo
    • fix when two controller has same action instance
    • add dummy controller for #308
    • send angle-vector only once, some controller-table had multiple definition for one method, we ignore them
  • [pr2eus_moveit] fix bug in angle-vector-motion-plan (#309)
    • fix bug in angle-vector-motion-plan error occur when (length controller-actions) != (length (send self ctype)) this case happens when you init robot-interface with :default-controller, but send av with :rarm-controller.
  • [pr2eus_moveit] fix typo in total-time condition (#310)
  • [pr2eus_moveit] fix typo in robot-moveit.l (#306 )
    • [(:angle-vector-motion-plan] controller-type -> ctype
  • Contributors: Kei Okada, Shingo Kitagawa

0.3.11 (2017-06-25)

  • pr2eus_moveit/euslisp/robot-moveit.l: support tm :fast in :angle-vector-motion-plan (#297 )
    • add :scale for :fast in :angle-vector-motion-plan
    • add trajectory_constraints commentout trajectory_constraints is not used in motion planning. see
    • add max_velocity/acceleration_scaling_factor
    • support tm :fast in :angle-vector-motion-plan
  • pr2eus_moveit/euslisp/robot-moveit.l: add angle-vector-sequence-motion-plan test (#293 )
    • set longer time-limit for moveit test
  • pass ctype in angle-vector-motion-plan (#292 )
  • advertise CollisionObject with latch=t (#290 )
  • Contributors: Kei Okada, Shingo Kitagawa

0.3.10 (2017-03-02)

0.3.9 (2017-02-22)

  • Support Kinetic (#284 )
    • pr2_controllers_msgs is not released on J/K
  • [pr2eus_moveit/collision-object-publisher.l] fix bug in :wipe-all (#283 )
    • separate wipe-all and fix bug
    • set new hash-table in :clear-all
  • [pr2eus_moveit/robot-moveit.l] support angle-vector-sequence with MoveIt! (#282 )
    • support angle-vector-sequence for motion plan
    • remove trajectory-constraints for motion plan
  • Contributors: Kei Okada, Shingo Kitagawa

0.3.8 (2017-02-07)

  • robot-moveit.l
    • enable set default planner in moveit-env initialization (#280 )
    • [pr2eus_moveit] pass start-offset-time as starttime to :send-trajectory (#276)
    • pass start-offset-time to :send-trajectory
    • angle-vector-motion-plan return angle-vector (#268)
    • angle-vector-motion-plan accepts angle-vector seq modify :angle-vector-motion-plan to accept angle-vector-sequence set (butlast avs) as TrajectoryConstraints (#259)
    • add :ctype args in angle-vector-motion-plan to set controller-type for :angle-vector-motion-plan(#261)
    • total-time is msec ,and orig-total-time is sec, :total-time in :trajectory-fiter is msec (#257) FIx bugs in #252
  • collision-object-publisher.l
    • [pr2eus_moveit/collision-object-publisher] support body class object (#269)
    • fix bug in collision-object-publisher :wipe-all (#267)
    • remove unused key in collision-object-publisher (#266)
  • Contributors: Naoya Yamaguchi, Kei Okada, Shingo Kitagawa

0.3.7 (2016-11-08)

  • :trajectory-filter add clear-velocities
  • Contributors: Kei Okada

0.3.6 (2016-11-02)

  • Update on robot-modeit.l ( #252 )
    • :angle-vector-motion send trajectory for joints not incldued in move-arm
    • :trajectory-filter scale based on original time sequences
    • add feature to filter trajectory using total-time
    • robot-moveit.l (:trajectory-filter) add start-offset-time
    • more message on ros-info
    • cleanup :angle-vector-motion-plan function using orig-total-time variable
  • Contributors: Kei Okada

0.3.5 (2016-09-16)

0.3.4 (2016-06-22)

0.3.3 (2016-05-28)

  • CMakeLists.txt : forget to install euslisp directory ( #230 )
  • Contributors: Kei Okada

0.3.2 (2016-05-26)

0.3.1 (2016-05-22)

0.3.0 (2016-03-20)

0.2.1 (2016-03-04)

0.2.0 (2015-11-03)

0.1.11 (2015-06-11)

0.1.10 (2015-04-03 18:49)

0.1.9 (2015-04-03 16:52)

0.1.8 (2015-02-25)

  • [pr2eus_moveit] package.xml fix version number
  • [pr2eus_moveit] Catkinize pr2eus_moveit
  • Contributors: Kei Okada, aginika

0.1.7 (2015-02-10)

  • fix typo
  • add code for using action-server instead of service
  • add check-state-validity service and fix minor bug
  • fix bug in collision-object-publisher.l
  • change moveit groupname
  • add code for using arms
  • added eus2scene.l
  • add publish-eusscene-marker.l
  • add publish-eusscene.l
  • Contributors: YoheiKakiuchi, mmurooka, tarukosu

0.1.6 (2014-05-11)

0.1.5 (2014-05-03)

0.1.4 (2014-05-02 22:28)

0.1.3 (2014-05-02 18:04)

0.1.2 (2014-05-01 22:43)

0.1.1 (2014-05-01 02:14)

  • add pr2-tabletop-demo, picking object up on table useing moveit
  • comment out debug message
  • update pr2eus_moveit for using constraints
  • Merge pull request #9 from YoheiKakiuchi/add_use_directly_joint_trajectory use joint trajectory mode for moveit
  • add clear-world-scene method to pr2eus-moveit
  • use joint trajectory mode for moveit
  • fix typo :frame_id -> :frame-id
  • enable to set object-id with keyword
  • update publish-eusobject.l
  • add publish-eusobject.l for publishing eus model to moveit environment
  • change loading order for pr2eus-moveit
  • fix minor bug
  • add pr2-moveit.l
  • fix typo
  • add publish-collision-object
  • add make-virtual-joint-constraints
  • add :motion-plan-raw method for testing planning
  • delete method for attached-object
  • add :add-attached-object to collision-object-publisher
  • add :query-planner-interface to pr2eus-moveit
  • update
  • add keyword for adding constraints to motion-plan
  • add making constraints functions
  • update pr2eus-moveit.l
  • add method for robot-interface on pr2eus-moveit
  • update pr2eus-moveit
  • update pr2eus_moveit tutorials
  • add :sync-robot-model method to pr2eus-moveit
  • move collision-object-sample.l to tutorials
  • add tutorials to pr2eus_moveit
  • add :execute-trajectory method to pr2eus-moveit
  • update sample for pr2eus_moveit
  • add updating faces coords
  • add collision-object-sample
  • add :relative-pose keyword to collision-object-publisher.l
  • fix typo and minor bug
  • implement :motion-plan method to pr2eus-moveit.l
  • fix typo
  • add using torso configuration to pr2eus-moveit.l
  • rename pr2eus_moveit.l -> pr2eus-moveit.l
  • implement :get-ik-for-pose to moveit-environment
  • rename scene-topic -> scene-service
  • add pr2eus_moveit.l for using moveit from roseus interface
  • add package dependancy to pr2eus_moveit
  • move :get-planning-scene method to get-planning-scene function
  • add pr2eus_moveit for using moveit components from roseus
  • Contributors: Yohei Kakiuchi, YoheiKakiuchi, youhei

Wiki Tutorials

This package does not provide any links to tutorials in it's rosindex metadata. You can check on the ROS Wiki Tutorials page for the package.

Launch files

No launch files found


No message files found.


No service files found


No plugins found.

Recent questions tagged pr2eus_moveit at Robotics Stack Exchange

Package Summary

Tags No category tags.
Version 0.3.15
License BSD
Build type CATKIN

Repository Summary

Checkout URI
VCS Type git
VCS Version master
Last Updated 2023-06-22
CI status No Continuous Integration
Tags No category tags.
Contributing Help Wanted (0)
Good First Issues (0)
Pull Requests to Review (0)

Package Description


Additional Links


  • YoheiKakiuchi


  • YoheiKakiuchi


This package contains euslisp interface file for using moveit

Setting Up

Check if pr2 robot with moveit is already running, if not, run gazebo and moveit by

$ roslaunch pr2eus_moveit test-pr2eus-moveit.test  gui:=true

Run roseus, load required packages and setup robot-interface with moveit feature enabled.

(load "package://pr2eus/pr2-interface.l")
(load "package://pr2eus_moveit/euslisp/pr2eus-moveit.l")
(send *ri* :set-moveit-environment (instance pr2-moveit-environment :init))

Send collision-free angle-vector

To send collision-free angle-vector, run following command instead of normal :angle-vector

(send *ri* :angle-vector-motion-plan (send *pr2* :reset-pose) :move-arm :rarm :use-torso t)

Plan motions and execute

If you want to specify target enc-coords instead of angle-vector, use following command

(send *ri* :move-end-coords-plan (make-coords :pos #f(700 0 750)) :move-arm :larm :use-torso t)

Use MoveIt IK service

If you want to use IK service provided by MoveIt, try

(setq av (send *ri* :collision-aware-ik (make-coords :pos #f(700 0 850)) :move-arm :rarm :use-torso nil))
(send *pr2* :angle-vector av)


Changelog for package pr2eus_moveit

0.3.15 (2023-04-17)

  • Loosen test condition for test-collision-object-publisher (#484)
  • integrate all .github/workflows/*.yml to config.yml, fix permission issue (#479)
  • test check apply_planning_scene before creating collision-object-publisher/ci without MoveIt (#469)
  • check apply_planning_scene before creating collision-object-publisher/ci (#446)
  • add test code for #461 (#468)
  • [pr2eus_moveit] Add timeout arg for computing IK and increase timeout for test (#438)
  • Check current collision when trajectory could not be generated (#448)
  • [pr2eus_moveit] evaluate all bodies only when it has bodies (#442)
  • [pr2eus_moveit] Add test for collision-object-publisher (#431)
  • [pr2eus_moveit] fix collision-object-sample.l and :add-object in collision-object-publisher.l (#423)
  • [pr2eus_moveit] add method to delete collision objects by id (#421)
  • [pr2eus_moveit] fix cylinder collision object msg (#419)
  • enable to test navigation in gazebo for pr2-ri-test (#420)
  • [pr2eus_moveit] Add docstring to :angle-vector-motion-plan (#392)
  • need to check both pr2_gazebo and pr2_moveit_config (#393)
  • Contributors: Kei Okada, Koki Shinjo, Naoto Tsukamoto, Naoya Yamaguchi, Shingo Kitagawa, Shumpei Wakabayashi, Shun Hasegawa, Yuto Uchimi

0.3.14 (2019-02-11)

  • fix typo and add pr2-init in pr2eus-moveit.l for PR2 + moveit (#382 )
    • add moveit pr2-init in pr2eus-moveit.l redefine original pr2-init -> pr2-init-org
    • fix parenthesis close in pr2eus-moveit.l
  • Fix velocity time scaling (#377 )
    • Fix scaling of multi dof joint trajectory
    • scale accelerations in :trajectory-filter
    • fix velocity time scaling
    • Add test for time scaling of vel and acc in :trajectory-filter
  • Fix :angle-vector-make-trajectory to ignore start-offset-time (#365 )
    • Remove first point of new traj if it overlaps with existing traj. Without this fix, traj points having the same time_from_start appear. This may harm joint trajectory action server.
    • Use exact time_from_start to pass test
    • Fix :angle-vector-make-trajectory to ignore start-offset-time
    • Reduce start-offset-time to speed up tests
    • Use init-pose instead of reset-manip-pose to speed up test-angle-vector-sequence-motion-plan
    • Loosen time limit of new test
    • Add test for start-offset-time with avs
  • Fix time_from_start in motion-planned angle-vector-sequence (#363 )
    • Update robot in ri in 1st loop
    • Set time_from_start correctly in :angle-vector-make-trajectory Previously, traj points for second av started from zero time_from_start
    • Add equal to sort in test to avoid error
    • Add test for concatenation in :angle-vector-make-trajectory
  • Fix :trajectory-filter to ignore start-offset-time (#361 )
    • Remove start-offset-time from passing args
    • Fix :trajectory-filter to ignore start-offset-time
    • Add test for start-offset-time
  • pr2eus_moveit: support motion with mobile base (#357 )
  • run everything within jenkins (#340)
    • explictly set DISPLAY="" for roseus test
    • re-define :joint-angle to avoid print violate max/min-angle that exceeds 4M log limit
    • test-pr2eus-moveit.l: not sure why, but sometimes utf-8 code is displayed and brakes catkin build
    • set time-limit for pr2-ri-test to 600
    • .travis.yml: run everything within travis
    • install pr2-arm-kinematics for indigo
  • Use service call for collision-object-publisher (#324)
    • operate attached_collision_object by service call
    • refactor codes in collision-object-publisher
  • Contributors: Affonso Guilherme, Kei Okada, Shingo Kitagawa, Shun Hasegawa, Yuki Furuta

0.3.13 (2017-07-14)

  • [pr2eus_moveit] add 0.5 seconds sleep after collision object pub (#315)
    • add comment why we need unix:sleep
    • add 0.5 seconds sleep after collision object pub
  • add test for (#312 )
    • test/test-pr2eus-moveit.l, add test-moveit-fastest-trajectory, ensure that :angle-vector-motion-plan will not send faster motion then moveit planned motion
    • display both scaled trajectory time and actual time_to_start time
    • robot-moveit.l : set default start-offset-time to 0, not to skip :trajectory-filter
    • robot-moveit.l, fix debug info (/ total-time 1000) -> (/ total-time 1000.0)
  • Revert #310 "[pr2eus_moveit] fix typo in total-time condition" (#314 )
  • Contributors: Kei Okada, Shingo Kitagawa

0.3.12 (2017-07-11)

  • robot-interface.l: send angle-vector only once, some controller-table had multiple definition for one method, we ignore them (#308)
    • test/test-pr2eus-moveit.test only runs on indigo
    • fix when two controller has same action instance
    • add dummy controller for #308
    • send angle-vector only once, some controller-table had multiple definition for one method, we ignore them
  • [pr2eus_moveit] fix bug in angle-vector-motion-plan (#309)
    • fix bug in angle-vector-motion-plan error occur when (length controller-actions) != (length (send self ctype)) this case happens when you init robot-interface with :default-controller, but send av with :rarm-controller.
  • [pr2eus_moveit] fix typo in total-time condition (#310)
  • [pr2eus_moveit] fix typo in robot-moveit.l (#306 )
    • [(:angle-vector-motion-plan] controller-type -> ctype
  • Contributors: Kei Okada, Shingo Kitagawa

0.3.11 (2017-06-25)

  • pr2eus_moveit/euslisp/robot-moveit.l: support tm :fast in :angle-vector-motion-plan (#297 )
    • add :scale for :fast in :angle-vector-motion-plan
    • add trajectory_constraints commentout trajectory_constraints is not used in motion planning. see
    • add max_velocity/acceleration_scaling_factor
    • support tm :fast in :angle-vector-motion-plan
  • pr2eus_moveit/euslisp/robot-moveit.l: add angle-vector-sequence-motion-plan test (#293 )
    • set longer time-limit for moveit test
  • pass ctype in angle-vector-motion-plan (#292 )
  • advertise CollisionObject with latch=t (#290 )
  • Contributors: Kei Okada, Shingo Kitagawa

0.3.10 (2017-03-02)

0.3.9 (2017-02-22)

  • Support Kinetic (#284 )
    • pr2_controllers_msgs is not released on J/K
  • [pr2eus_moveit/collision-object-publisher.l] fix bug in :wipe-all (#283 )
    • separate wipe-all and fix bug
    • set new hash-table in :clear-all
  • [pr2eus_moveit/robot-moveit.l] support angle-vector-sequence with MoveIt! (#282 )
    • support angle-vector-sequence for motion plan
    • remove trajectory-constraints for motion plan
  • Contributors: Kei Okada, Shingo Kitagawa

0.3.8 (2017-02-07)

  • robot-moveit.l
    • enable set default planner in moveit-env initialization (#280 )
    • [pr2eus_moveit] pass start-offset-time as starttime to :send-trajectory (#276)
    • pass start-offset-time to :send-trajectory
    • angle-vector-motion-plan return angle-vector (#268)
    • angle-vector-motion-plan accepts angle-vector seq modify :angle-vector-motion-plan to accept angle-vector-sequence set (butlast avs) as TrajectoryConstraints (#259)
    • add :ctype args in angle-vector-motion-plan to set controller-type for :angle-vector-motion-plan(#261)
    • total-time is msec ,and orig-total-time is sec, :total-time in :trajectory-fiter is msec (#257) FIx bugs in #252
  • collision-object-publisher.l
    • [pr2eus_moveit/collision-object-publisher] support body class object (#269)
    • fix bug in collision-object-publisher :wipe-all (#267)
    • remove unused key in collision-object-publisher (#266)
  • Contributors: Naoya Yamaguchi, Kei Okada, Shingo Kitagawa

0.3.7 (2016-11-08)

  • :trajectory-filter add clear-velocities
  • Contributors: Kei Okada

0.3.6 (2016-11-02)

  • Update on robot-modeit.l ( #252 )
    • :angle-vector-motion send trajectory for joints not incldued in move-arm
    • :trajectory-filter scale based on original time sequences
    • add feature to filter trajectory using total-time
    • robot-moveit.l (:trajectory-filter) add start-offset-time
    • more message on ros-info
    • cleanup :angle-vector-motion-plan function using orig-total-time variable
  • Contributors: Kei Okada

0.3.5 (2016-09-16)

0.3.4 (2016-06-22)

0.3.3 (2016-05-28)

  • CMakeLists.txt : forget to install euslisp directory ( #230 )
  • Contributors: Kei Okada

0.3.2 (2016-05-26)

0.3.1 (2016-05-22)

0.3.0 (2016-03-20)

0.2.1 (2016-03-04)

0.2.0 (2015-11-03)

0.1.11 (2015-06-11)

0.1.10 (2015-04-03 18:49)

0.1.9 (2015-04-03 16:52)

0.1.8 (2015-02-25)

  • [pr2eus_moveit] package.xml fix version number
  • [pr2eus_moveit] Catkinize pr2eus_moveit
  • Contributors: Kei Okada, aginika

0.1.7 (2015-02-10)

  • fix typo
  • add code for using action-server instead of service
  • add check-state-validity service and fix minor bug
  • fix bug in collision-object-publisher.l
  • change moveit groupname
  • add code for using arms
  • added eus2scene.l
  • add publish-eusscene-marker.l
  • add publish-eusscene.l
  • Contributors: YoheiKakiuchi, mmurooka, tarukosu

0.1.6 (2014-05-11)

0.1.5 (2014-05-03)

0.1.4 (2014-05-02 22:28)

0.1.3 (2014-05-02 18:04)

0.1.2 (2014-05-01 22:43)

0.1.1 (2014-05-01 02:14)

  • add pr2-tabletop-demo, picking object up on table useing moveit
  • comment out debug message
  • update pr2eus_moveit for using constraints
  • Merge pull request #9 from YoheiKakiuchi/add_use_directly_joint_trajectory use joint trajectory mode for moveit
  • add clear-world-scene method to pr2eus-moveit
  • use joint trajectory mode for moveit
  • fix typo :frame_id -> :frame-id
  • enable to set object-id with keyword
  • update publish-eusobject.l
  • add publish-eusobject.l for publishing eus model to moveit environment
  • change loading order for pr2eus-moveit
  • fix minor bug
  • add pr2-moveit.l
  • fix typo
  • add publish-collision-object
  • add make-virtual-joint-constraints
  • add :motion-plan-raw method for testing planning
  • delete method for attached-object
  • add :add-attached-object to collision-object-publisher
  • add :query-planner-interface to pr2eus-moveit
  • update
  • add keyword for adding constraints to motion-plan
  • add making constraints functions
  • update pr2eus-moveit.l
  • add method for robot-interface on pr2eus-moveit
  • update pr2eus-moveit
  • update pr2eus_moveit tutorials
  • add :sync-robot-model method to pr2eus-moveit
  • move collision-object-sample.l to tutorials
  • add tutorials to pr2eus_moveit
  • add :execute-trajectory method to pr2eus-moveit
  • update sample for pr2eus_moveit
  • add updating faces coords
  • add collision-object-sample
  • add :relative-pose keyword to collision-object-publisher.l
  • fix typo and minor bug
  • implement :motion-plan method to pr2eus-moveit.l
  • fix typo
  • add using torso configuration to pr2eus-moveit.l
  • rename pr2eus_moveit.l -> pr2eus-moveit.l
  • implement :get-ik-for-pose to moveit-environment
  • rename scene-topic -> scene-service
  • add pr2eus_moveit.l for using moveit from roseus interface
  • add package dependancy to pr2eus_moveit
  • move :get-planning-scene method to get-planning-scene function
  • add pr2eus_moveit for using moveit components from roseus
  • Contributors: Yohei Kakiuchi, YoheiKakiuchi, youhei

Wiki Tutorials

This package does not provide any links to tutorials in it's rosindex metadata. You can check on the ROS Wiki Tutorials page for the package.

Launch files

No launch files found


No message files found.


No service files found


No plugins found.

Recent questions tagged pr2eus_moveit at Robotics Stack Exchange

Package Summary

Tags No category tags.
Version 0.3.15
License BSD
Build type CATKIN

Repository Summary

Checkout URI
VCS Type git
VCS Version master
Last Updated 2023-06-22
CI status No Continuous Integration
Tags No category tags.
Contributing Help Wanted (0)
Good First Issues (0)
Pull Requests to Review (0)

Package Description


Additional Links


  • YoheiKakiuchi


  • YoheiKakiuchi


This package contains euslisp interface file for using moveit

Setting Up

Check if pr2 robot with moveit is already running, if not, run gazebo and moveit by

$ roslaunch pr2eus_moveit test-pr2eus-moveit.test  gui:=true

Run roseus, load required packages and setup robot-interface with moveit feature enabled.

(load "package://pr2eus/pr2-interface.l")
(load "package://pr2eus_moveit/euslisp/pr2eus-moveit.l")
(send *ri* :set-moveit-environment (instance pr2-moveit-environment :init))

Send collision-free angle-vector

To send collision-free angle-vector, run following command instead of normal :angle-vector

(send *ri* :angle-vector-motion-plan (send *pr2* :reset-pose) :move-arm :rarm :use-torso t)

Plan motions and execute

If you want to specify target enc-coords instead of angle-vector, use following command

(send *ri* :move-end-coords-plan (make-coords :pos #f(700 0 750)) :move-arm :larm :use-torso t)

Use MoveIt IK service

If you want to use IK service provided by MoveIt, try

(setq av (send *ri* :collision-aware-ik (make-coords :pos #f(700 0 850)) :move-arm :rarm :use-torso nil))
(send *pr2* :angle-vector av)


Changelog for package pr2eus_moveit

0.3.15 (2023-04-17)

  • Loosen test condition for test-collision-object-publisher (#484)
  • integrate all .github/workflows/*.yml to config.yml, fix permission issue (#479)
  • test check apply_planning_scene before creating collision-object-publisher/ci without MoveIt (#469)
  • check apply_planning_scene before creating collision-object-publisher/ci (#446)
  • add test code for #461 (#468)
  • [pr2eus_moveit] Add timeout arg for computing IK and increase timeout for test (#438)
  • Check current collision when trajectory could not be generated (#448)
  • [pr2eus_moveit] evaluate all bodies only when it has bodies (#442)
  • [pr2eus_moveit] Add test for collision-object-publisher (#431)
  • [pr2eus_moveit] fix collision-object-sample.l and :add-object in collision-object-publisher.l (#423)
  • [pr2eus_moveit] add method to delete collision objects by id (#421)
  • [pr2eus_moveit] fix cylinder collision object msg (#419)
  • enable to test navigation in gazebo for pr2-ri-test (#420)
  • [pr2eus_moveit] Add docstring to :angle-vector-motion-plan (#392)
  • need to check both pr2_gazebo and pr2_moveit_config (#393)
  • Contributors: Kei Okada, Koki Shinjo, Naoto Tsukamoto, Naoya Yamaguchi, Shingo Kitagawa, Shumpei Wakabayashi, Shun Hasegawa, Yuto Uchimi

0.3.14 (2019-02-11)

  • fix typo and add pr2-init in pr2eus-moveit.l for PR2 + moveit (#382 )
    • add moveit pr2-init in pr2eus-moveit.l redefine original pr2-init -> pr2-init-org
    • fix parenthesis close in pr2eus-moveit.l
  • Fix velocity time scaling (#377 )
    • Fix scaling of multi dof joint trajectory
    • scale accelerations in :trajectory-filter
    • fix velocity time scaling
    • Add test for time scaling of vel and acc in :trajectory-filter
  • Fix :angle-vector-make-trajectory to ignore start-offset-time (#365 )
    • Remove first point of new traj if it overlaps with existing traj. Without this fix, traj points having the same time_from_start appear. This may harm joint trajectory action server.
    • Use exact time_from_start to pass test
    • Fix :angle-vector-make-trajectory to ignore start-offset-time
    • Reduce start-offset-time to speed up tests
    • Use init-pose instead of reset-manip-pose to speed up test-angle-vector-sequence-motion-plan
    • Loosen time limit of new test
    • Add test for start-offset-time with avs
  • Fix time_from_start in motion-planned angle-vector-sequence (#363 )
    • Update robot in ri in 1st loop
    • Set time_from_start correctly in :angle-vector-make-trajectory Previously, traj points for second av started from zero time_from_start
    • Add equal to sort in test to avoid error
    • Add test for concatenation in :angle-vector-make-trajectory
  • Fix :trajectory-filter to ignore start-offset-time (#361 )
    • Remove start-offset-time from passing args
    • Fix :trajectory-filter to ignore start-offset-time
    • Add test for start-offset-time
  • pr2eus_moveit: support motion with mobile base (#357 )
  • run everything within jenkins (#340)
    • explictly set DISPLAY="" for roseus test
    • re-define :joint-angle to avoid print violate max/min-angle that exceeds 4M log limit
    • test-pr2eus-moveit.l: not sure why, but sometimes utf-8 code is displayed and brakes catkin build
    • set time-limit for pr2-ri-test to 600
    • .travis.yml: run everything within travis
    • install pr2-arm-kinematics for indigo
  • Use service call for collision-object-publisher (#324)
    • operate attached_collision_object by service call
    • refactor codes in collision-object-publisher
  • Contributors: Affonso Guilherme, Kei Okada, Shingo Kitagawa, Shun Hasegawa, Yuki Furuta

0.3.13 (2017-07-14)

  • [pr2eus_moveit] add 0.5 seconds sleep after collision object pub (#315)
    • add comment why we need unix:sleep
    • add 0.5 seconds sleep after collision object pub
  • add test for (#312 )
    • test/test-pr2eus-moveit.l, add test-moveit-fastest-trajectory, ensure that :angle-vector-motion-plan will not send faster motion then moveit planned motion
    • display both scaled trajectory time and actual time_to_start time
    • robot-moveit.l : set default start-offset-time to 0, not to skip :trajectory-filter
    • robot-moveit.l, fix debug info (/ total-time 1000) -> (/ total-time 1000.0)
  • Revert #310 "[pr2eus_moveit] fix typo in total-time condition" (#314 )
  • Contributors: Kei Okada, Shingo Kitagawa

0.3.12 (2017-07-11)

  • robot-interface.l: send angle-vector only once, some controller-table had multiple definition for one method, we ignore them (#308)
    • test/test-pr2eus-moveit.test only runs on indigo
    • fix when two controller has same action instance
    • add dummy controller for #308
    • send angle-vector only once, some controller-table had multiple definition for one method, we ignore them
  • [pr2eus_moveit] fix bug in angle-vector-motion-plan (#309)
    • fix bug in angle-vector-motion-plan error occur when (length controller-actions) != (length (send self ctype)) this case happens when you init robot-interface with :default-controller, but send av with :rarm-controller.
  • [pr2eus_moveit] fix typo in total-time condition (#310)
  • [pr2eus_moveit] fix typo in robot-moveit.l (#306 )
    • [(:angle-vector-motion-plan] controller-type -> ctype
  • Contributors: Kei Okada, Shingo Kitagawa

0.3.11 (2017-06-25)

  • pr2eus_moveit/euslisp/robot-moveit.l: support tm :fast in :angle-vector-motion-plan (#297 )
    • add :scale for :fast in :angle-vector-motion-plan
    • add trajectory_constraints commentout trajectory_constraints is not used in motion planning. see
    • add max_velocity/acceleration_scaling_factor
    • support tm :fast in :angle-vector-motion-plan
  • pr2eus_moveit/euslisp/robot-moveit.l: add angle-vector-sequence-motion-plan test (#293 )
    • set longer time-limit for moveit test
  • pass ctype in angle-vector-motion-plan (#292 )
  • advertise CollisionObject with latch=t (#290 )
  • Contributors: Kei Okada, Shingo Kitagawa

0.3.10 (2017-03-02)

0.3.9 (2017-02-22)

  • Support Kinetic (#284 )
    • pr2_controllers_msgs is not released on J/K
  • [pr2eus_moveit/collision-object-publisher.l] fix bug in :wipe-all (#283 )
    • separate wipe-all and fix bug
    • set new hash-table in :clear-all
  • [pr2eus_moveit/robot-moveit.l] support angle-vector-sequence with MoveIt! (#282 )
    • support angle-vector-sequence for motion plan
    • remove trajectory-constraints for motion plan
  • Contributors: Kei Okada, Shingo Kitagawa

0.3.8 (2017-02-07)

  • robot-moveit.l
    • enable set default planner in moveit-env initialization (#280 )
    • [pr2eus_moveit] pass start-offset-time as starttime to :send-trajectory (#276)
    • pass start-offset-time to :send-trajectory
    • angle-vector-motion-plan return angle-vector (#268)
    • angle-vector-motion-plan accepts angle-vector seq modify :angle-vector-motion-plan to accept angle-vector-sequence set (butlast avs) as TrajectoryConstraints (#259)
    • add :ctype args in angle-vector-motion-plan to set controller-type for :angle-vector-motion-plan(#261)
    • total-time is msec ,and orig-total-time is sec, :total-time in :trajectory-fiter is msec (#257) FIx bugs in #252
  • collision-object-publisher.l
    • [pr2eus_moveit/collision-object-publisher] support body class object (#269)
    • fix bug in collision-object-publisher :wipe-all (#267)
    • remove unused key in collision-object-publisher (#266)
  • Contributors: Naoya Yamaguchi, Kei Okada, Shingo Kitagawa

0.3.7 (2016-11-08)

  • :trajectory-filter add clear-velocities
  • Contributors: Kei Okada

0.3.6 (2016-11-02)

  • Update on robot-modeit.l ( #252 )
    • :angle-vector-motion send trajectory for joints not incldued in move-arm
    • :trajectory-filter scale based on original time sequences
    • add feature to filter trajectory using total-time
    • robot-moveit.l (:trajectory-filter) add start-offset-time
    • more message on ros-info
    • cleanup :angle-vector-motion-plan function using orig-total-time variable
  • Contributors: Kei Okada

0.3.5 (2016-09-16)

0.3.4 (2016-06-22)

0.3.3 (2016-05-28)

  • CMakeLists.txt : forget to install euslisp directory ( #230 )
  • Contributors: Kei Okada

0.3.2 (2016-05-26)

0.3.1 (2016-05-22)

0.3.0 (2016-03-20)

0.2.1 (2016-03-04)

0.2.0 (2015-11-03)

0.1.11 (2015-06-11)

0.1.10 (2015-04-03 18:49)

0.1.9 (2015-04-03 16:52)

0.1.8 (2015-02-25)

  • [pr2eus_moveit] package.xml fix version number
  • [pr2eus_moveit] Catkinize pr2eus_moveit
  • Contributors: Kei Okada, aginika

0.1.7 (2015-02-10)

  • fix typo
  • add code for using action-server instead of service
  • add check-state-validity service and fix minor bug
  • fix bug in collision-object-publisher.l
  • change moveit groupname
  • add code for using arms
  • added eus2scene.l
  • add publish-eusscene-marker.l
  • add publish-eusscene.l
  • Contributors: YoheiKakiuchi, mmurooka, tarukosu

0.1.6 (2014-05-11)

0.1.5 (2014-05-03)

0.1.4 (2014-05-02 22:28)

0.1.3 (2014-05-02 18:04)

0.1.2 (2014-05-01 22:43)

0.1.1 (2014-05-01 02:14)

  • add pr2-tabletop-demo, picking object up on table useing moveit
  • comment out debug message
  • update pr2eus_moveit for using constraints
  • Merge pull request #9 from YoheiKakiuchi/add_use_directly_joint_trajectory use joint trajectory mode for moveit
  • add clear-world-scene method to pr2eus-moveit
  • use joint trajectory mode for moveit
  • fix typo :frame_id -> :frame-id
  • enable to set object-id with keyword
  • update publish-eusobject.l
  • add publish-eusobject.l for publishing eus model to moveit environment
  • change loading order for pr2eus-moveit
  • fix minor bug
  • add pr2-moveit.l
  • fix typo
  • add publish-collision-object
  • add make-virtual-joint-constraints
  • add :motion-plan-raw method for testing planning
  • delete method for attached-object
  • add :add-attached-object to collision-object-publisher
  • add :query-planner-interface to pr2eus-moveit
  • update
  • add keyword for adding constraints to motion-plan
  • add making constraints functions
  • update pr2eus-moveit.l
  • add method for robot-interface on pr2eus-moveit
  • update pr2eus-moveit
  • update pr2eus_moveit tutorials
  • add :sync-robot-model method to pr2eus-moveit
  • move collision-object-sample.l to tutorials
  • add tutorials to pr2eus_moveit
  • add :execute-trajectory method to pr2eus-moveit
  • update sample for pr2eus_moveit
  • add updating faces coords
  • add collision-object-sample
  • add :relative-pose keyword to collision-object-publisher.l
  • fix typo and minor bug
  • implement :motion-plan method to pr2eus-moveit.l
  • fix typo
  • add using torso configuration to pr2eus-moveit.l
  • rename pr2eus_moveit.l -> pr2eus-moveit.l
  • implement :get-ik-for-pose to moveit-environment
  • rename scene-topic -> scene-service
  • add pr2eus_moveit.l for using moveit from roseus interface
  • add package dependancy to pr2eus_moveit
  • move :get-planning-scene method to get-planning-scene function
  • add pr2eus_moveit for using moveit components from roseus
  • Contributors: Yohei Kakiuchi, YoheiKakiuchi, youhei

Wiki Tutorials

This package does not provide any links to tutorials in it's rosindex metadata. You can check on the ROS Wiki Tutorials page for the package.

Dependant Packages

No known dependants.

Launch files

No launch files found


No message files found.


No service files found


No plugins found.

Recent questions tagged pr2eus_moveit at Robotics Stack Exchange

Package Summary

Tags No category tags.
Version 0.3.15
License BSD
Build type CATKIN

Repository Summary

Checkout URI
VCS Type git
VCS Version master
Last Updated 2023-06-22
CI status Continuous Integration
Tags No category tags.
Contributing Help Wanted (0)
Good First Issues (0)
Pull Requests to Review (0)

Package Description


Additional Links


  • YoheiKakiuchi


  • YoheiKakiuchi


This package contains euslisp interface file for using moveit

Setting Up

Check if pr2 robot with moveit is already running, if not, run gazebo and moveit by

$ roslaunch pr2eus_moveit test-pr2eus-moveit.test  gui:=true

Run roseus, load required packages and setup robot-interface with moveit feature enabled.

(load "package://pr2eus/pr2-interface.l")
(load "package://pr2eus_moveit/euslisp/pr2eus-moveit.l")
(send *ri* :set-moveit-environment (instance pr2-moveit-environment :init))

Send collision-free angle-vector

To send collision-free angle-vector, run following command instead of normal :angle-vector

(send *ri* :angle-vector-motion-plan (send *pr2* :reset-pose) :move-arm :rarm :use-torso t)

Plan motions and execute

If you want to specify target enc-coords instead of angle-vector, use following command

(send *ri* :move-end-coords-plan (make-coords :pos #f(700 0 750)) :move-arm :larm :use-torso t)

Use MoveIt IK service

If you want to use IK service provided by MoveIt, try

(setq av (send *ri* :collision-aware-ik (make-coords :pos #f(700 0 850)) :move-arm :rarm :use-torso nil))
(send *pr2* :angle-vector av)


Changelog for package pr2eus_moveit

0.3.15 (2023-04-17)

  • Loosen test condition for test-collision-object-publisher (#484)
  • integrate all .github/workflows/*.yml to config.yml, fix permission issue (#479)
  • test check apply_planning_scene before creating collision-object-publisher/ci without MoveIt (#469)
  • check apply_planning_scene before creating collision-object-publisher/ci (#446)
  • add test code for #461 (#468)
  • [pr2eus_moveit] Add timeout arg for computing IK and increase timeout for test (#438)
  • Check current collision when trajectory could not be generated (#448)
  • [pr2eus_moveit] evaluate all bodies only when it has bodies (#442)
  • [pr2eus_moveit] Add test for collision-object-publisher (#431)
  • [pr2eus_moveit] fix collision-object-sample.l and :add-object in collision-object-publisher.l (#423)
  • [pr2eus_moveit] add method to delete collision objects by id (#421)
  • [pr2eus_moveit] fix cylinder collision object msg (#419)
  • enable to test navigation in gazebo for pr2-ri-test (#420)
  • [pr2eus_moveit] Add docstring to :angle-vector-motion-plan (#392)
  • need to check both pr2_gazebo and pr2_moveit_config (#393)
  • Contributors: Kei Okada, Koki Shinjo, Naoto Tsukamoto, Naoya Yamaguchi, Shingo Kitagawa, Shumpei Wakabayashi, Shun Hasegawa, Yuto Uchimi

0.3.14 (2019-02-11)

  • fix typo and add pr2-init in pr2eus-moveit.l for PR2 + moveit (#382 )
    • add moveit pr2-init in pr2eus-moveit.l redefine original pr2-init -> pr2-init-org
    • fix parenthesis close in pr2eus-moveit.l
  • Fix velocity time scaling (#377 )
    • Fix scaling of multi dof joint trajectory
    • scale accelerations in :trajectory-filter
    • fix velocity time scaling
    • Add test for time scaling of vel and acc in :trajectory-filter
  • Fix :angle-vector-make-trajectory to ignore start-offset-time (#365 )
    • Remove first point of new traj if it overlaps with existing traj. Without this fix, traj points having the same time_from_start appear. This may harm joint trajectory action server.
    • Use exact time_from_start to pass test
    • Fix :angle-vector-make-trajectory to ignore start-offset-time
    • Reduce start-offset-time to speed up tests
    • Use init-pose instead of reset-manip-pose to speed up test-angle-vector-sequence-motion-plan
    • Loosen time limit of new test
    • Add test for start-offset-time with avs
  • Fix time_from_start in motion-planned angle-vector-sequence (#363 )
    • Update robot in ri in 1st loop
    • Set time_from_start correctly in :angle-vector-make-trajectory Previously, traj points for second av started from zero time_from_start
    • Add equal to sort in test to avoid error
    • Add test for concatenation in :angle-vector-make-trajectory
  • Fix :trajectory-filter to ignore start-offset-time (#361 )
    • Remove start-offset-time from passing args
    • Fix :trajectory-filter to ignore start-offset-time
    • Add test for start-offset-time
  • pr2eus_moveit: support motion with mobile base (#357 )
  • run everything within jenkins (#340)
    • explictly set DISPLAY="" for roseus test
    • re-define :joint-angle to avoid print violate max/min-angle that exceeds 4M log limit
    • test-pr2eus-moveit.l: not sure why, but sometimes utf-8 code is displayed and brakes catkin build
    • set time-limit for pr2-ri-test to 600
    • .travis.yml: run everything within travis
    • install pr2-arm-kinematics for indigo
  • Use service call for collision-object-publisher (#324)
    • operate attached_collision_object by service call
    • refactor codes in collision-object-publisher
  • Contributors: Affonso Guilherme, Kei Okada, Shingo Kitagawa, Shun Hasegawa, Yuki Furuta

0.3.13 (2017-07-14)

  • [pr2eus_moveit] add 0.5 seconds sleep after collision object pub (#315)
    • add comment why we need unix:sleep
    • add 0.5 seconds sleep after collision object pub
  • add test for (#312 )
    • test/test-pr2eus-moveit.l, add test-moveit-fastest-trajectory, ensure that :angle-vector-motion-plan will not send faster motion then moveit planned motion
    • display both scaled trajectory time and actual time_to_start time
    • robot-moveit.l : set default start-offset-time to 0, not to skip :trajectory-filter
    • robot-moveit.l, fix debug info (/ total-time 1000) -> (/ total-time 1000.0)
  • Revert #310 "[pr2eus_moveit] fix typo in total-time condition" (#314 )
  • Contributors: Kei Okada, Shingo Kitagawa

0.3.12 (2017-07-11)

  • robot-interface.l: send angle-vector only once, some controller-table had multiple definition for one method, we ignore them (#308)
    • test/test-pr2eus-moveit.test only runs on indigo
    • fix when two controller has same action instance
    • add dummy controller for #308
    • send angle-vector only once, some controller-table had multiple definition for one method, we ignore them
  • [pr2eus_moveit] fix bug in angle-vector-motion-plan (#309)
    • fix bug in angle-vector-motion-plan error occur when (length controller-actions) != (length (send self ctype)) this case happens when you init robot-interface with :default-controller, but send av with :rarm-controller.
  • [pr2eus_moveit] fix typo in total-time condition (#310)
  • [pr2eus_moveit] fix typo in robot-moveit.l (#306 )
    • [(:angle-vector-motion-plan] controller-type -> ctype
  • Contributors: Kei Okada, Shingo Kitagawa

0.3.11 (2017-06-25)

  • pr2eus_moveit/euslisp/robot-moveit.l: support tm :fast in :angle-vector-motion-plan (#297 )
    • add :scale for :fast in :angle-vector-motion-plan
    • add trajectory_constraints commentout trajectory_constraints is not used in motion planning. see
    • add max_velocity/acceleration_scaling_factor
    • support tm :fast in :angle-vector-motion-plan
  • pr2eus_moveit/euslisp/robot-moveit.l: add angle-vector-sequence-motion-plan test (#293 )
    • set longer time-limit for moveit test
  • pass ctype in angle-vector-motion-plan (#292 )
  • advertise CollisionObject with latch=t (#290 )
  • Contributors: Kei Okada, Shingo Kitagawa

0.3.10 (2017-03-02)

0.3.9 (2017-02-22)

  • Support Kinetic (#284 )
    • pr2_controllers_msgs is not released on J/K
  • [pr2eus_moveit/collision-object-publisher.l] fix bug in :wipe-all (#283 )
    • separate wipe-all and fix bug
    • set new hash-table in :clear-all
  • [pr2eus_moveit/robot-moveit.l] support angle-vector-sequence with MoveIt! (#282 )
    • support angle-vector-sequence for motion plan
    • remove trajectory-constraints for motion plan
  • Contributors: Kei Okada, Shingo Kitagawa

0.3.8 (2017-02-07)

  • robot-moveit.l
    • enable set default planner in moveit-env initialization (#280 )
    • [pr2eus_moveit] pass start-offset-time as starttime to :send-trajectory (#276)
    • pass start-offset-time to :send-trajectory
    • angle-vector-motion-plan return angle-vector (#268)
    • angle-vector-motion-plan accepts angle-vector seq modify :angle-vector-motion-plan to accept angle-vector-sequence set (butlast avs) as TrajectoryConstraints (#259)
    • add :ctype args in angle-vector-motion-plan to set controller-type for :angle-vector-motion-plan(#261)
    • total-time is msec ,and orig-total-time is sec, :total-time in :trajectory-fiter is msec (#257) FIx bugs in #252
  • collision-object-publisher.l
    • [pr2eus_moveit/collision-object-publisher] support body class object (#269)
    • fix bug in collision-object-publisher :wipe-all (#267)
    • remove unused key in collision-object-publisher (#266)
  • Contributors: Naoya Yamaguchi, Kei Okada, Shingo Kitagawa

0.3.7 (2016-11-08)

  • :trajectory-filter add clear-velocities
  • Contributors: Kei Okada

0.3.6 (2016-11-02)

  • Update on robot-modeit.l ( #252 )
    • :angle-vector-motion send trajectory for joints not incldued in move-arm
    • :trajectory-filter scale based on original time sequences
    • add feature to filter trajectory using total-time
    • robot-moveit.l (:trajectory-filter) add start-offset-time
    • more message on ros-info
    • cleanup :angle-vector-motion-plan function using orig-total-time variable
  • Contributors: Kei Okada

0.3.5 (2016-09-16)

0.3.4 (2016-06-22)

0.3.3 (2016-05-28)

  • CMakeLists.txt : forget to install euslisp directory ( #230 )
  • Contributors: Kei Okada

0.3.2 (2016-05-26)

0.3.1 (2016-05-22)

0.3.0 (2016-03-20)

0.2.1 (2016-03-04)

0.2.0 (2015-11-03)

0.1.11 (2015-06-11)

0.1.10 (2015-04-03 18:49)

0.1.9 (2015-04-03 16:52)

0.1.8 (2015-02-25)

  • [pr2eus_moveit] package.xml fix version number
  • [pr2eus_moveit] Catkinize pr2eus_moveit
  • Contributors: Kei Okada, aginika

0.1.7 (2015-02-10)

  • fix typo
  • add code for using action-server instead of service
  • add check-state-validity service and fix minor bug
  • fix bug in collision-object-publisher.l
  • change moveit groupname
  • add code for using arms
  • added eus2scene.l
  • add publish-eusscene-marker.l
  • add publish-eusscene.l
  • Contributors: YoheiKakiuchi, mmurooka, tarukosu

0.1.6 (2014-05-11)

0.1.5 (2014-05-03)

0.1.4 (2014-05-02 22:28)

0.1.3 (2014-05-02 18:04)

0.1.2 (2014-05-01 22:43)

0.1.1 (2014-05-01 02:14)

  • add pr2-tabletop-demo, picking object up on table useing moveit
  • comment out debug message
  • update pr2eus_moveit for using constraints
  • Merge pull request #9 from YoheiKakiuchi/add_use_directly_joint_trajectory use joint trajectory mode for moveit
  • add clear-world-scene method to pr2eus-moveit
  • use joint trajectory mode for moveit
  • fix typo :frame_id -> :frame-id
  • enable to set object-id with keyword
  • update publish-eusobject.l
  • add publish-eusobject.l for publishing eus model to moveit environment
  • change loading order for pr2eus-moveit
  • fix minor bug
  • add pr2-moveit.l
  • fix typo
  • add publish-collision-object
  • add make-virtual-joint-constraints
  • add :motion-plan-raw method for testing planning
  • delete method for attached-object
  • add :add-attached-object to collision-object-publisher
  • add :query-planner-interface to pr2eus-moveit
  • update
  • add keyword for adding constraints to motion-plan
  • add making constraints functions
  • update pr2eus-moveit.l
  • add method for robot-interface on pr2eus-moveit
  • update pr2eus-moveit
  • update pr2eus_moveit tutorials
  • add :sync-robot-model method to pr2eus-moveit
  • move collision-object-sample.l to tutorials
  • add tutorials to pr2eus_moveit
  • add :execute-trajectory method to pr2eus-moveit
  • update sample for pr2eus_moveit
  • add updating faces coords
  • add collision-object-sample
  • add :relative-pose keyword to collision-object-publisher.l
  • fix typo and minor bug
  • implement :motion-plan method to pr2eus-moveit.l
  • fix typo
  • add using torso configuration to pr2eus-moveit.l
  • rename pr2eus_moveit.l -> pr2eus-moveit.l
  • implement :get-ik-for-pose to moveit-environment
  • rename scene-topic -> scene-service
  • add pr2eus_moveit.l for using moveit from roseus interface
  • add package dependancy to pr2eus_moveit
  • move :get-planning-scene method to get-planning-scene function
  • add pr2eus_moveit for using moveit components from roseus
  • Contributors: Yohei Kakiuchi, YoheiKakiuchi, youhei

Wiki Tutorials

This package does not provide any links to tutorials in it's rosindex metadata. You can check on the ROS Wiki Tutorials page for the package.

Dependant Packages

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