No version for distro humble. Known supported distros are highlighted in the buttons above.
No version for distro jazzy. Known supported distros are highlighted in the buttons above.
No version for distro rolling. Known supported distros are highlighted in the buttons above.
No version for distro noetic. Known supported distros are highlighted in the buttons above.
No version for distro ardent. Known supported distros are highlighted in the buttons above.
No version for distro bouncy. Known supported distros are highlighted in the buttons above.
No version for distro crystal. Known supported distros are highlighted in the buttons above.
No version for distro eloquent. Known supported distros are highlighted in the buttons above.
No version for distro dashing. Known supported distros are highlighted in the buttons above.
No version for distro galactic. Known supported distros are highlighted in the buttons above.
No version for distro foxy. Known supported distros are highlighted in the buttons above.
No version for distro iron. Known supported distros are highlighted in the buttons above.
No version for distro lunar. Known supported distros are highlighted in the buttons above.
No version for distro jade. Known supported distros are highlighted in the buttons above.
![]() |
oculusprime package from oculusprime repooculusprime |
Package Summary
Tags | No category tags. |
Version | 0.1.3 |
License | BSD |
Build type | CATKIN |
Repository Summary
Checkout URI | |
VCS Type | git |
VCS Version | master |
Last Updated | 2021-03-09 |
Dev Status | DEVELOPED |
CI status | Continuous Integration |
Released | RELEASED |
Tags | No category tags. |
Contributing |
Help Wanted (0)
Good First Issues (0) Pull Requests to Review (0) |
Package Description
Oculus Prime ROS Interface
Additional Links
- Xaxxon Technologies
- Colin Adamson
ROS repository for Xaxxon’s Oculus Prime SLAM Navigator Mobile Robot
Product web site:
ROS portal:
Linux XUbuntu 14.04/16.04 x64, Python, Java 8, ROS-Indigo/Jade/Kinetic
Changelog for package oculusprime
0.1.2 (2017-06-06)
- add empty param folder
- package.xml updated
- Contributors: xaxxontech
0.1.1 (2017-06-01)
- readme modified
- floorplane_scan_enable mapping launch param change bugfix
- default astra horiz offset -1 deg
- horiz_angle_offset launch param setup (incomplete)
- recovery tweak
- remote_nav recovery modification
- follower parameter tweak, descriptions
- depth cam use_device_time default to false
- adapted turtlebot blob follower
- cmd_vel_listener reverse arcmove enabled
- cmd_vel_listener reverse arcmove enabled
- odom_test rviz profile really added this time
- odom_test rviz profile
- cmd_vel_listener node added
- cmd_vel_listener node added
- arcmove tweaks, false transient obstacle move fix
- arcmove tweaks, false transient obstacle move fix
- oculusprimesocket module reconnect fix
- oculusprimesocket module reconnect fix
- orbbec testing
- comment cleanup
- fix check for state rosarcmove
- transient obstacle pause time increase
- using distance to goal
- turn arcmove on/off with state rosarcmove true/false
- stop cancels recovery routine
- more arcmove, follow localpath AND global path
- Merge branch 'master' into devel
- arcmove tweaks
- arcmove testing
- add blank maps, oculusprimesocket module updates
- oculusprime module add reconnect
- oclusprimesocket module check for lost connection
- increase sleep on goal abort, change node name
- recovery rotation delay
- map node update
- move pwm set to java
- state name change to navsystemstatus
- node announce to java server
- drop first global path
- no rotate on initialposition if docked
- add global_planner_params.yaml
- forked depthimage_to_laserscan floor plane objects
- param tweaks
- multiple waypoint setting
- force remote map zoom on update during mapping
- odometry, gmapping improvements
- globalpath follow
- add laserscan data to remote map
- web remote nav global path added, critical odom bugfix
- web remote navigation beginnings
- write openni data to ram drive
- manifest: correct pkg names in run_depends Separator is an underscore, not a hyphen.
- updated readme
- updated runtime dependencies, readme, comments
- python module docs
- readme modify
- make_map.launch edited online with Bitbucket
- make_map.launch edited online with Bitbucket
- edited online with Bitbucket
- edited online with Bitbucket
- edited online with Bitbucket
- edited online with Bitbucket
- cleanup, make_map.launch streamlined
- no telnet login reuired
- increase sim_time to increase overall speed
- added lag subtract more accurate odom
- added after-goal-rotate delay, tested OK
- added delay after initial turn
- was using wrong plan, switch to /move_base/DWAPlannerROS/global_plan
- dwa global path initial turn, better
- dwa turn towards global path
- dwa best yet
- dwa working almost
- dwa base controller testing
- modified for indigo
- hydro working ok, pre indigo dev
- odom-map tf goal pose working ok
- odom-map tf goal pose, issues
- goal pose monitoring works as ong as odo solid, need odom-map-tf monitoring instead
- slower turning, still working ok
- added goal status monitoring
- added goal pose for final orientation, sort of working OK
- trying new base controller that follows local path
- testing recording of cmd_vel, derive vector
- added move buffer to base controller, doesn't work well
- initial import
- Contributors: G.A. vd. Hoorn, colin, skyzorg, xaxxon
Wiki Tutorials
This package does not provide any links to tutorials in it's rosindex metadata.
You can check on the ROS Wiki Tutorials page for the package.
Package Dependencies
System Dependencies
No direct system dependencies.
Dependant Packages
No known dependants.
Launch files
- launch/webrtc.launch
- audiodevice [default: ]
- videowidth [default: ]
- videoheight [default: ]
- videobitrate [default: ]
- peerid [default: ]
- webrtcserver [default: ]
- turnserverlogin [default: ]
- turnserverport [default: ]
- launch/openni2_320.launch
- launch/amcl.launch
- use_map_topic [default: false]
- scan_topic [default: scan]
- launch/move_base_dwa.launch
- launch/globalpath_follow_lidar.launch
- map [default: map.yaml]
- launch/openni2.launch
- Entry point for using OpenNI2 devices
- camera [default: camera]
- tf_prefix [default: ]
- rgb_frame_id [default: $(arg tf_prefix)/$(arg camera)_rgb_optical_frame]
- depth_frame_id [default: $(arg tf_prefix)/$(arg camera)_depth_optical_frame]
- device_id [default: #1]
- rgb_camera_info_url [default: ]
- depth_camera_info_url [default: ]
- depth_registration [default: false]
- color_depth_synchronization [default: false]
- auto_exposure [default: true]
- auto_white_balance [default: true]
- rgb [default: rgb]
- ir [default: ir]
- depth [default: depth]
- load_driver [default: true]
- publish_tf [default: true]
- rgb_processing [default: true]
- debayer_processing [default: false]
- ir_processing [default: false]
- depth_processing [default: true]
- depth_registered_processing [default: true]
- disparity_processing [default: false]
- disparity_registered_processing [default: false]
- hw_registered_processing [default: true]
- sw_registered_processing [default: false]
- hw_registered_processing [default: false]
- sw_registered_processing [default: true]
- respawn [default: false]
- num_worker_threads [default: 4]
- debug [default: false]
- launch/follower.launch
- camera [default: camera]
- publish_tf [default: false]
- skipframes [default: 5]
- depth_registration [default: false]
- use_device_time [default: false]
- launch/remote_nav.launch
- launch/make_map.launch
- launch/move_base.launch
- launch/camera.launch
- device [default: /dev/video0]
- width [default: 640]
- height [default: 480]
- fps [default: 15]
- launch/astra.launch
- Entry point for using OpenNI2 devices
- camera [default: camera]
- rgb_frame_id [default: $(arg camera)_rgb_optical_frame]
- depth_frame_id [default: $(arg camera)_depth_optical_frame]
- device_id [default: #1]
- bootorder [default: 0]
- devnums [default: 1]
- rgb_camera_info_url [default: ]
- depth_camera_info_url [default: ]
- depth_registration [default: false]
- color_depth_synchronization [default: false]
- auto_exposure [default: true]
- auto_white_balance [default: true]
- rgb [default: rgb]
- ir [default: ir]
- depth [default: depth]
- load_driver [default: true]
- publish_tf [default: true]
- rgb_processing [default: false]
- debayer_processing [default: false]
- ir_processing [default: false]
- depth_processing [default: true]
- depth_registered_processing [default: true]
- disparity_processing [default: false]
- disparity_registered_processing [default: false]
- hw_registered_processing [default: true]
- sw_registered_processing [default: false]
- hw_registered_processing [default: false]
- sw_registered_processing [default: true]
- respawn [default: false]
- num_worker_threads [default: 4]
- debug [default: false]
- launch/gmapping.launch
- scan_topic [default: scan]
- launch/dwa_nav.launch
- map [default: map.yaml]
- launch/fake_laser.launch
- camera [default: camera]
- publish_tf [default: false]
- skipframes [default: 0]
- depth_registration [default: false]
- use_device_time [default: false]
- scan_topic [default: scan]
- floorplane_scan_enable [default: false]
- horiz_angle_offset [default: -0.031416]
- launch/globalpath_follow.launch
- map [default: map.yaml]
- launch/make_map_lidar.launch
- launch/depthcam_to_java.launch
- launch/remote_nav_lidar.launch
No message files found.
No service files found
Recent questions tagged oculusprime at Robotics Stack Exchange
No version for distro hydro. Known supported distros are highlighted in the buttons above.
![]() |
oculusprime package from oculusprime repooculusprime |
Package Summary
Tags | No category tags. |
Version | 0.1.3 |
License | BSD |
Build type | CATKIN |
Repository Summary
Checkout URI | |
VCS Type | git |
VCS Version | master |
Last Updated | 2021-03-09 |
Dev Status | DEVELOPED |
CI status | Continuous Integration |
Released | RELEASED |
Tags | No category tags. |
Contributing |
Help Wanted (0)
Good First Issues (0) Pull Requests to Review (0) |
Package Description
Oculus Prime ROS Interface
Additional Links
- Xaxxon Technologies
- Colin Adamson
ROS repository for Xaxxon’s Oculus Prime SLAM Navigator Mobile Robot
Product web site:
ROS portal:
Linux XUbuntu 14.04/16.04 x64, Python, Java 8, ROS-Indigo/Jade/Kinetic
Changelog for package oculusprime
0.1.2 (2017-06-06)
- add empty param folder
- package.xml updated
- Contributors: xaxxontech
0.1.1 (2017-06-01)
- readme modified
- floorplane_scan_enable mapping launch param change bugfix
- default astra horiz offset -1 deg
- horiz_angle_offset launch param setup (incomplete)
- recovery tweak
- remote_nav recovery modification
- follower parameter tweak, descriptions
- depth cam use_device_time default to false
- adapted turtlebot blob follower
- cmd_vel_listener reverse arcmove enabled
- cmd_vel_listener reverse arcmove enabled
- odom_test rviz profile really added this time
- odom_test rviz profile
- cmd_vel_listener node added
- cmd_vel_listener node added
- arcmove tweaks, false transient obstacle move fix
- arcmove tweaks, false transient obstacle move fix
- oculusprimesocket module reconnect fix
- oculusprimesocket module reconnect fix
- orbbec testing
- comment cleanup
- fix check for state rosarcmove
- transient obstacle pause time increase
- using distance to goal
- turn arcmove on/off with state rosarcmove true/false
- stop cancels recovery routine
- more arcmove, follow localpath AND global path
- Merge branch 'master' into devel
- arcmove tweaks
- arcmove testing
- add blank maps, oculusprimesocket module updates
- oculusprime module add reconnect
- oclusprimesocket module check for lost connection
- increase sleep on goal abort, change node name
- recovery rotation delay
- map node update
- move pwm set to java
- state name change to navsystemstatus
- node announce to java server
- drop first global path
- no rotate on initialposition if docked
- add global_planner_params.yaml
- forked depthimage_to_laserscan floor plane objects
- param tweaks
- multiple waypoint setting
- force remote map zoom on update during mapping
- odometry, gmapping improvements
- globalpath follow
- add laserscan data to remote map
- web remote nav global path added, critical odom bugfix
- web remote navigation beginnings
- write openni data to ram drive
- manifest: correct pkg names in run_depends Separator is an underscore, not a hyphen.
- updated readme
- updated runtime dependencies, readme, comments
- python module docs
- readme modify
- make_map.launch edited online with Bitbucket
- make_map.launch edited online with Bitbucket
- edited online with Bitbucket
- edited online with Bitbucket
- edited online with Bitbucket
- edited online with Bitbucket
- cleanup, make_map.launch streamlined
- no telnet login reuired
- increase sim_time to increase overall speed
- added lag subtract more accurate odom
- added after-goal-rotate delay, tested OK
- added delay after initial turn
- was using wrong plan, switch to /move_base/DWAPlannerROS/global_plan
- dwa global path initial turn, better
- dwa turn towards global path
- dwa best yet
- dwa working almost
- dwa base controller testing
- modified for indigo
- hydro working ok, pre indigo dev
- odom-map tf goal pose working ok
- odom-map tf goal pose, issues
- goal pose monitoring works as ong as odo solid, need odom-map-tf monitoring instead
- slower turning, still working ok
- added goal status monitoring
- added goal pose for final orientation, sort of working OK
- trying new base controller that follows local path
- testing recording of cmd_vel, derive vector
- added move buffer to base controller, doesn't work well
- initial import
- Contributors: G.A. vd. Hoorn, colin, skyzorg, xaxxon
Wiki Tutorials
This package does not provide any links to tutorials in it's rosindex metadata.
You can check on the ROS Wiki Tutorials page for the package.
Package Dependencies
System Dependencies
No direct system dependencies.
Dependant Packages
No known dependants.
Launch files
- launch/webrtc.launch
- audiodevice [default: ]
- videowidth [default: ]
- videoheight [default: ]
- videobitrate [default: ]
- peerid [default: ]
- webrtcserver [default: ]
- turnserverlogin [default: ]
- turnserverport [default: ]
- launch/openni2_320.launch
- launch/amcl.launch
- use_map_topic [default: false]
- scan_topic [default: scan]
- launch/move_base_dwa.launch
- launch/globalpath_follow_lidar.launch
- map [default: map.yaml]
- launch/openni2.launch
- Entry point for using OpenNI2 devices
- camera [default: camera]
- tf_prefix [default: ]
- rgb_frame_id [default: $(arg tf_prefix)/$(arg camera)_rgb_optical_frame]
- depth_frame_id [default: $(arg tf_prefix)/$(arg camera)_depth_optical_frame]
- device_id [default: #1]
- rgb_camera_info_url [default: ]
- depth_camera_info_url [default: ]
- depth_registration [default: false]
- color_depth_synchronization [default: false]
- auto_exposure [default: true]
- auto_white_balance [default: true]
- rgb [default: rgb]
- ir [default: ir]
- depth [default: depth]
- load_driver [default: true]
- publish_tf [default: true]
- rgb_processing [default: true]
- debayer_processing [default: false]
- ir_processing [default: false]
- depth_processing [default: true]
- depth_registered_processing [default: true]
- disparity_processing [default: false]
- disparity_registered_processing [default: false]
- hw_registered_processing [default: true]
- sw_registered_processing [default: false]
- hw_registered_processing [default: false]
- sw_registered_processing [default: true]
- respawn [default: false]
- num_worker_threads [default: 4]
- debug [default: false]
- launch/follower.launch
- camera [default: camera]
- publish_tf [default: false]
- skipframes [default: 5]
- depth_registration [default: false]
- use_device_time [default: false]
- launch/remote_nav.launch
- launch/make_map.launch
- launch/move_base.launch
- launch/camera.launch
- device [default: /dev/video0]
- width [default: 640]
- height [default: 480]
- fps [default: 15]
- launch/astra.launch
- Entry point for using OpenNI2 devices
- camera [default: camera]
- rgb_frame_id [default: $(arg camera)_rgb_optical_frame]
- depth_frame_id [default: $(arg camera)_depth_optical_frame]
- device_id [default: #1]
- bootorder [default: 0]
- devnums [default: 1]
- rgb_camera_info_url [default: ]
- depth_camera_info_url [default: ]
- depth_registration [default: false]
- color_depth_synchronization [default: false]
- auto_exposure [default: true]
- auto_white_balance [default: true]
- rgb [default: rgb]
- ir [default: ir]
- depth [default: depth]
- load_driver [default: true]
- publish_tf [default: true]
- rgb_processing [default: false]
- debayer_processing [default: false]
- ir_processing [default: false]
- depth_processing [default: true]
- depth_registered_processing [default: true]
- disparity_processing [default: false]
- disparity_registered_processing [default: false]
- hw_registered_processing [default: true]
- sw_registered_processing [default: false]
- hw_registered_processing [default: false]
- sw_registered_processing [default: true]
- respawn [default: false]
- num_worker_threads [default: 4]
- debug [default: false]
- launch/gmapping.launch
- scan_topic [default: scan]
- launch/dwa_nav.launch
- map [default: map.yaml]
- launch/fake_laser.launch
- camera [default: camera]
- publish_tf [default: false]
- skipframes [default: 0]
- depth_registration [default: false]
- use_device_time [default: false]
- scan_topic [default: scan]
- floorplane_scan_enable [default: false]
- horiz_angle_offset [default: -0.031416]
- launch/globalpath_follow.launch
- map [default: map.yaml]
- launch/make_map_lidar.launch
- launch/depthcam_to_java.launch
- launch/remote_nav_lidar.launch
No message files found.
No service files found
Recent questions tagged oculusprime at Robotics Stack Exchange
No version for distro melodic. Known supported distros are highlighted in the buttons above.