Package Summary

Tags No category tags.
Version 0.12.0
License BSD
Build type CATKIN

Repository Summary

Checkout URI
VCS Type git
VCS Version noetic-devel
Last Updated 2022-09-23
CI status
Tags No category tags.
Contributing Help Wanted (0)
Good First Issues (0)
Pull Requests to Review (0)

Package Description

ROS node to build a 3D map of fiducials and estimate robot pose from fiducial transforms

Additional Links

No additional links.


  • Jim Vaughan
  • Rohan Agrawal


  • Jim Vaughan


This node performs 3D Simultaneous Localization and Mapping (SLAM) from the fiducial transforms. For the mapping part, pairs of transforms are combined to determine the position of fiducials based on existing observations. For the localization part, fiducial transforms are combined with fiducial poses to estimate the camera pose (and hence the robot pose).

Documentation is on the ROS wiki.


Changelog for package fiducial_slam

0.12.0 (2021-07-30)

  • Merge pull request #259 from ivan140/feature/pose_publish_rate Added pose_publish_rate which controls the rate of /fiducial_pose
  • added feature pose_publish_rate which controls the rate of topic /fiducial_pose
  • Merge pull request #258 from UbiquityRobotics/opencv-deprecated-constant Replace deprecated OpenCV constant in fiducial_slam test
  • Replace deprecated OpenCV constant in fiducial_slam test
  • Merge pull request #244 from agutenkunst/fix/remove_unused_subs I think this is sensible to merge, since it does not affect the workings of the package and it removes some confusion, so merging
  • Remove non-functional doPoseEstimation from fiducial_slam
  • Remove unused subscriber
  • Merge pull request #221 from UbiquityRobotics/bugfix-#220 Allow covariance to be overridden by launch file
  • Allow covariance to be overriden by launch file Uses YAML interpretation for the parameter so that it becomes an array instead of a string. Fix a comparison issue in the code to make the override actually warn on 0 values.
  • Return early from auto init when no fiducials
  • Merge pull request #214 from UbiquityRobotics/publish_fids Moved fiducial tf publishing to aruco_detect node
  • Moved fiducial tf publishing to aruco_detect node
  • Address #204 (#205)
  • Revert "Address #204" This reverts commit ba13b567ca71a33202547dd6df03d61b94a90d45.
  • Address #204
  • Use FrameId in rviz markers (#195)
    • FrameId used in the rviz markers
    • FrameId used in rviz markers
  • Removed multi-fiducial code (#184)
  • Add service call to add a fiducial to the map (#176)
    • Add service call to add a fiducial to the map
    • Abort auto-init when add fiducial service is called.
  • Merge pull request #175 from UbiquityRobotics/fix-#173 Cleanup for fiducial_slam
  • add and run clang-format
  • Get rid of observation.positon, it was only being used in 1 place
  • Links to other fiducials uses set instead map<int,int> We only care if the element exists or not, so a set is a clearer data structure to use.
  • Unused sum_in_qudrature removed, holdover from Alexy stuff
  • Use clearer ranged for where possible Ranged for provides an easier way to interate over every element in a containter. NOTE: This commit changes what I consider to be buggy behavior in the autoInit and findClosestObs code, which was not properly iterating over every elemnent, using obs[0] every time.
  • Remove using namespace declarations These are generally considered dangerous, due to the potential for namespace collisions and unclarity when using types.
  • Contributors: Alexander Gutenkunst, David Alejo Teissière, Ivan Shalnov, Janez Cimerman, Jim Vaughan, Rohan Agrawal

0.11.0 (2019-05-09)

  • Compatibilty with Melodic, remove opencv3 dependancy opencv3 is no longer a package in melodic, so we use cv_bridge to get the correct opencv transitively
  • New fusion with planar-based error estimation
    • Estimate variance of fiducial obsevations based on how well they place the robot on the floor upright
    • use Kalman + David method of fusing estimates
    • split out Transform with Variance, do some cleanup
    • Simple unit tests for core fusion code
    • remove hokey outlier rejection
  • Add support for overriding covariance diagonal
  • Add fiducial transform array stamp (#156)
  • Add publish_tf rosparam functionality and updated launch file accordingly (#154)
    • Added publish_tf rosparam to disable publishing pose tf
    • Change default publish_tf to True and fix 'if' formatting
  • Contributors: Jack Kilian, Jim Vaughan, Rohan Agrawal

0.10.0 (2018-10-13)

  • use sum in quadrature by default
  • Disable multifiducial estimate by default
  • Added a tool for fitting a plane
  • Add map_read_only param, publish camera_pose
  • Contributors: Jim Vaughan, Rohan Agrawal

0.9.0 (2018-09-12)

  • Merge pull request #112 from UbiquityRobotics/davecrawley-patch-1 Added in a systematic error parameter
  • fix missed rename alexy to sum in quadrature
  • Suggested changes
  • Updating the launch file to match the changes to map.cpp
  • Added in a systematic error parameter Added in a systematic error parameter. This parameter is intended to take in to account systematic (non-random) errors in the measurement of fiducial position. Non-random errors can be very pernicious, and can generate highly unexpected and difficult to resolve issues. For example if all the fiducials are slightly the wrong size this will not show up as a random variance. Similar systematic errors include, camera mis-calibration, sampling defects, digitization errors, lens flaring and so forth. Measurement accuracy in-homogeneity can also be considered a systematic error and this will also help with that issue although it probably should be treated explicitly rather than through this "hack". Ultimately the correct approach is to rigorously compute all these systematic errors and add them in to the model - we are simply saying that we think the systematic errors are less than the specified value.
  • Contributors: David Crawley, Rohan Agrawal

0.8.4 (2018-08-26)

  • Don't publish pose if camera position is not known
  • Update
  • Contributors: Jim Vaughan, Rohan Agrawal

0.8.3 (2018-02-26)

  • Keep publishing map -> odom tf even if not fiducials are visible (#103)
  • Contributors: Jim Vaughan

0.8.2 (2018-02-14)

  • Add service call to clear the map
  • Contributors: Jim Vaughan

0.8.1 (2018-01-21)

Fixed fiducial_pose topic's frame_id from camera to map.

  • Contributors: Rohan Agrawal, nav-go

0.8.0 (2018-01-14)

0.7.5 (2017-12-06)

0.7.4 (2017-11-09)

  • Fix typos
  • Log full 6DOF pose for ALL and MUL
  • Pass previous rvec and tvec to solvePnP()
  • Added (multi) pose estimation to fiducial_slam (disabled by default)
  • Contributors: Jim Vaughan

0.7.3 (2017-07-16)

  • Install launch files and fiducials.rviz
  • add test of auto init
  • Print out 6DOF camera pose
  • Fix multiplication order bug in autoInit()
  • Renamed some variables to be more clear
  • Add publish_6dof_pose param to disable squashing of estimated robot pose
  • Contributors: Jim Vaughan

0.7.2 (2017-05-24)

  • Using std::isnan() to stop Debian Jessie build errors
  • Contributors: Jim Vaughan

0.7.1 (2017-05-22)

0.7.0 (2017-05-21)

  • Fix dependencies
  • Make sure that the variance sent to rviz doesn't truncate to 0
  • Rewrite the code in C++, kill the python
  • Fiducial transforms are always camera->fiducial
  • Moved all service and message definitions to fiducial_msgs
  • Contributors: Jim Vaughan, Rohan Agrawal

0.6.1 (2017-02-06)

0.6.0 (2017-02-04)

  • Split Python into separate files
  • Ddded median filter option
  • Better exception/handling
  • Contributors: Jim Vaughan, Rohan Agrawal

0.5.1 (2016-12-28)

  • Map pub srv (#36)
    • Added publishing of map (#28) and reset service call (#35)
    • Updated documentation
  • Contributors: Jim Vaughan

Wiki Tutorials

This package does not provide any links to tutorials in it's rosindex metadata. You can check on the ROS Wiki Tutorials page for the package.

Launch files

  • launch/fiducial_rviz.launch
  • launch/fiducial_slam.launch
    • Run the fiducial_slam node
      • camera [default: /camera]
      • map_frame [default: map]
      • odom_frame [default: odom]
      • base_frame [default: base_link]
      • publish_tf [default: true]
      • tf_publish_interval [default: 0.2]
      • future_date_transforms [default: 0.0]
      • publish_6dof_pose [default: false]
      • pose_publish_rate [default: 20]
      • systematic_error [default: 0.01]
      • covariance_diagonal [default: ]
  • test/create_map_aruco.xml
    • Verify that a map is constructed when a set of fiducual transforms is sent to fiducial_slam when an initial fiducial is specified
  • test/init_map_aruco.xml
    • Verify that a map is created when a set of fiducual transforms is sent to fiducial_slam and no initial map is specified


No message files found.


No plugins found.

Recent questions tagged fiducial_slam at Robotics Stack Exchange

Package Summary

Tags No category tags.
Version 0.0.2
License TODO
Build type CATKIN

Repository Summary

Checkout URI
VCS Type git
VCS Version indigo-devel
Last Updated 2016-11-23
CI status Continuous Integration
Tags No category tags.
Contributing Help Wanted (0)
Good First Issues (0)
Pull Requests to Review (0)

Package Description

Hercules sensor fusion exploration

Additional Links

No additional links.


  • Jim Vaughan
  • Rohan Agrawal


  • Jim Vaughan
No README found. See repository README.

Wiki Tutorials

This package does not provide any links to tutorials in it's rosindex metadata. You can check on the ROS Wiki Tutorials page for the package.

Package Dependencies

Deps Name

System Dependencies

No direct system dependencies.

Dependant Packages

Name Deps

Launch files


No message files found.


No service files found


No plugins found.

Recent questions tagged fiducial_slam at Robotics Stack Exchange

Package Summary

Tags No category tags.
Version 0.11.0
License BSD
Build type CATKIN

Repository Summary

Checkout URI
VCS Type git
VCS Version kinetic-devel
Last Updated 2021-07-19
CI status Continuous Integration
Tags No category tags.
Contributing Help Wanted (0)
Good First Issues (0)
Pull Requests to Review (0)

Package Description

ROS node to build a 3D map of fiducials and estimate robot pose from fiducial transforms

Additional Links

No additional links.


  • Jim Vaughan
  • Rohan Agrawal


  • Jim Vaughan


This node performs 3D Simultaneous Localization and Mapping (SLAM) from the fiducial transforms. For the mapping part, pairs of transforms are combined to determine the position of fiducials based on existing observations. For the localization part, fiducial transforms are combined with fiducial poses to estimate the camera pose (and hence the robot pose).

Documentation is on the ROS wiki.


Changelog for package fiducial_slam

0.11.0 (2019-05-09)

  • Compatibilty with Melodic, remove opencv3 dependancy opencv3 is no longer a package in melodic, so we use cv_bridge to get the correct opencv transitively
  • New fusion with planar-based error estimation
    • Estimate variance of fiducial obsevations based on how well they place the robot on the floor upright
    • use Kalman + David method of fusing estimates
    • split out Transform with Variance, do some cleanup
    • Simple unit tests for core fusion code
    • remove hokey outlier rejection
  • Add support for overriding covariance diagonal
  • Add fiducial transform array stamp (#156)
  • Add publish_tf rosparam functionality and updated launch file accordingly (#154)
    • Added publish_tf rosparam to disable publishing pose tf
    • Change default publish_tf to True and fix 'if' formatting
  • Contributors: Jack Kilian, Jim Vaughan, Rohan Agrawal

0.10.0 (2018-10-13)

  • use sum in quadrature by default
  • Disable multifiducial estimate by default
  • Added a tool for fitting a plane
  • Add map_read_only param, publish camera_pose
  • Contributors: Jim Vaughan, Rohan Agrawal

0.9.0 (2018-09-12)

  • Merge pull request #112 from UbiquityRobotics/davecrawley-patch-1 Added in a systematic error parameter
  • fix missed rename alexy to sum in quadrature
  • Suggested changes
  • Updating the launch file to match the changes to map.cpp
  • Added in a systematic error parameter Added in a systematic error parameter. This parameter is intended to take in to account systematic (non-random) errors in the measurement of fiducial position. Non-random errors can be very pernicious, and can generate highly unexpected and difficult to resolve issues. For example if all the fiducials are slightly the wrong size this will not show up as a random variance. Similar systematic errors include, camera mis-calibration, sampling defects, digitization errors, lens flaring and so forth. Measurement accuracy in-homogeneity can also be considered a systematic error and this will also help with that issue although it probably should be treated explicitly rather than through this "hack". Ultimately the correct approach is to rigorously compute all these systematic errors and add them in to the model - we are simply saying that we think the systematic errors are less than the specified value.
  • Contributors: David Crawley, Rohan Agrawal

0.8.4 (2018-08-26)

  • Don't publish pose if camera position is not known
  • Update
  • Contributors: Jim Vaughan, Rohan Agrawal

0.8.3 (2018-02-26)

  • Keep publishing map -> odom tf even if not fiducials are visible (#103)
  • Contributors: Jim Vaughan

0.8.2 (2018-02-14)

  • Add service call to clear the map
  • Contributors: Jim Vaughan

0.8.1 (2018-01-21)

Fixed fiducial_pose topic's frame_id from camera to map.

  • Contributors: Rohan Agrawal, nav-go

0.8.0 (2018-01-14)

0.7.5 (2017-12-06)

0.7.4 (2017-11-09)

  • Fix typos
  • Log full 6DOF pose for ALL and MUL
  • Pass previous rvec and tvec to solvePnP()
  • Added (multi) pose estimation to fiducial_slam (disabled by default)
  • Contributors: Jim Vaughan

0.7.3 (2017-07-16)

  • Install launch files and fiducials.rviz
  • add test of auto init
  • Print out 6DOF camera pose
  • Fix multiplication order bug in autoInit()
  • Renamed some variables to be more clear
  • Add publish_6dof_pose param to disable squashing of estimated robot pose
  • Contributors: Jim Vaughan

0.7.2 (2017-05-24)

  • Using std::isnan() to stop Debian Jessie build errors
  • Contributors: Jim Vaughan

0.7.1 (2017-05-22)

0.7.0 (2017-05-21)

  • Fix dependencies
  • Make sure that the variance sent to rviz doesn't truncate to 0
  • Rewrite the code in C++, kill the python
  • Fiducial transforms are always camera->fiducial
  • Moved all service and message definitions to fiducial_msgs
  • Contributors: Jim Vaughan, Rohan Agrawal

0.6.1 (2017-02-06)

0.6.0 (2017-02-04)

  • Split Python into separate files
  • Ddded median filter option
  • Better exception/handling
  • Contributors: Jim Vaughan, Rohan Agrawal

0.5.1 (2016-12-28)

  • Map pub srv (#36)
    • Added publishing of map (#28) and reset service call (#35)
    • Updated documentation
  • Contributors: Jim Vaughan

Wiki Tutorials

This package does not provide any links to tutorials in it's rosindex metadata. You can check on the ROS Wiki Tutorials page for the package.

Launch files

  • launch/fiducial_rviz.launch
  • launch/fiducial_slam.launch
    • Run the fiducial_slam node
      • camera [default: /camera]
      • map_frame [default: map]
      • odom_frame [default: odom]
      • base_frame [default: base_link]
      • publish_tf [default: true]
      • tf_publish_interval [default: 0.2]
      • future_date_transforms [default: 0.0]
      • publish_6dof_pose [default: false]
      • systematic_error [default: 0.01]
      • covariance_diagonal [default: ]
  • test/create_map_aruco.xml
    • Verify that a map is constructed when a set of fiducual transforms is sent to fiducial_slam when an initial fiducial is specified
  • test/init_map_aruco.xml
    • Verify that a map is created when a set of fiducual transforms is sent to fiducial_slam and no initial map is specified


No message files found.


No plugins found.

Recent questions tagged fiducial_slam at Robotics Stack Exchange

Package Summary

Tags No category tags.
Version 0.11.0
License BSD
Build type CATKIN

Repository Summary

Checkout URI
VCS Type git
VCS Version kinetic-devel
Last Updated 2021-07-19
CI status
Tags No category tags.
Contributing Help Wanted (0)
Good First Issues (0)
Pull Requests to Review (0)

Package Description

ROS node to build a 3D map of fiducials and estimate robot pose from fiducial transforms

Additional Links

No additional links.


  • Jim Vaughan
  • Rohan Agrawal


  • Jim Vaughan


This node performs 3D Simultaneous Localization and Mapping (SLAM) from the fiducial transforms. For the mapping part, pairs of transforms are combined to determine the position of fiducials based on existing observations. For the localization part, fiducial transforms are combined with fiducial poses to estimate the camera pose (and hence the robot pose).

Documentation is on the ROS wiki.


Changelog for package fiducial_slam

0.11.0 (2019-05-09)

  • Compatibilty with Melodic, remove opencv3 dependancy opencv3 is no longer a package in melodic, so we use cv_bridge to get the correct opencv transitively
  • New fusion with planar-based error estimation
    • Estimate variance of fiducial obsevations based on how well they place the robot on the floor upright
    • use Kalman + David method of fusing estimates
    • split out Transform with Variance, do some cleanup
    • Simple unit tests for core fusion code
    • remove hokey outlier rejection
  • Add support for overriding covariance diagonal
  • Add fiducial transform array stamp (#156)
  • Add publish_tf rosparam functionality and updated launch file accordingly (#154)
    • Added publish_tf rosparam to disable publishing pose tf
    • Change default publish_tf to True and fix 'if' formatting
  • Contributors: Jack Kilian, Jim Vaughan, Rohan Agrawal

0.10.0 (2018-10-13)

  • use sum in quadrature by default
  • Disable multifiducial estimate by default
  • Added a tool for fitting a plane
  • Add map_read_only param, publish camera_pose
  • Contributors: Jim Vaughan, Rohan Agrawal

0.9.0 (2018-09-12)

  • Merge pull request #112 from UbiquityRobotics/davecrawley-patch-1 Added in a systematic error parameter
  • fix missed rename alexy to sum in quadrature
  • Suggested changes
  • Updating the launch file to match the changes to map.cpp
  • Added in a systematic error parameter Added in a systematic error parameter. This parameter is intended to take in to account systematic (non-random) errors in the measurement of fiducial position. Non-random errors can be very pernicious, and can generate highly unexpected and difficult to resolve issues. For example if all the fiducials are slightly the wrong size this will not show up as a random variance. Similar systematic errors include, camera mis-calibration, sampling defects, digitization errors, lens flaring and so forth. Measurement accuracy in-homogeneity can also be considered a systematic error and this will also help with that issue although it probably should be treated explicitly rather than through this "hack". Ultimately the correct approach is to rigorously compute all these systematic errors and add them in to the model - we are simply saying that we think the systematic errors are less than the specified value.
  • Contributors: David Crawley, Rohan Agrawal

0.8.4 (2018-08-26)

  • Don't publish pose if camera position is not known
  • Update
  • Contributors: Jim Vaughan, Rohan Agrawal

0.8.3 (2018-02-26)

  • Keep publishing map -> odom tf even if not fiducials are visible (#103)
  • Contributors: Jim Vaughan

0.8.2 (2018-02-14)

  • Add service call to clear the map
  • Contributors: Jim Vaughan

0.8.1 (2018-01-21)

Fixed fiducial_pose topic's frame_id from camera to map.

  • Contributors: Rohan Agrawal, nav-go

0.8.0 (2018-01-14)

0.7.5 (2017-12-06)

0.7.4 (2017-11-09)

  • Fix typos
  • Log full 6DOF pose for ALL and MUL
  • Pass previous rvec and tvec to solvePnP()
  • Added (multi) pose estimation to fiducial_slam (disabled by default)
  • Contributors: Jim Vaughan

0.7.3 (2017-07-16)

  • Install launch files and fiducials.rviz
  • add test of auto init
  • Print out 6DOF camera pose
  • Fix multiplication order bug in autoInit()
  • Renamed some variables to be more clear
  • Add publish_6dof_pose param to disable squashing of estimated robot pose
  • Contributors: Jim Vaughan

0.7.2 (2017-05-24)

  • Using std::isnan() to stop Debian Jessie build errors
  • Contributors: Jim Vaughan

0.7.1 (2017-05-22)

0.7.0 (2017-05-21)

  • Fix dependencies
  • Make sure that the variance sent to rviz doesn't truncate to 0
  • Rewrite the code in C++, kill the python
  • Fiducial transforms are always camera->fiducial
  • Moved all service and message definitions to fiducial_msgs
  • Contributors: Jim Vaughan, Rohan Agrawal

0.6.1 (2017-02-06)

0.6.0 (2017-02-04)

  • Split Python into separate files
  • Ddded median filter option
  • Better exception/handling
  • Contributors: Jim Vaughan, Rohan Agrawal

0.5.1 (2016-12-28)

  • Map pub srv (#36)
    • Added publishing of map (#28) and reset service call (#35)
    • Updated documentation
  • Contributors: Jim Vaughan

Wiki Tutorials

This package does not provide any links to tutorials in it's rosindex metadata. You can check on the ROS Wiki Tutorials page for the package.

Launch files

  • launch/fiducial_rviz.launch
  • launch/fiducial_slam.launch
    • Run the fiducial_slam node
      • camera [default: /camera]
      • map_frame [default: map]
      • odom_frame [default: odom]
      • base_frame [default: base_link]
      • publish_tf [default: true]
      • tf_publish_interval [default: 0.2]
      • future_date_transforms [default: 0.0]
      • publish_6dof_pose [default: false]
      • systematic_error [default: 0.01]
      • covariance_diagonal [default: ]
  • test/create_map_aruco.xml
    • Verify that a map is constructed when a set of fiducual transforms is sent to fiducial_slam when an initial fiducial is specified
  • test/init_map_aruco.xml
    • Verify that a map is created when a set of fiducual transforms is sent to fiducial_slam and no initial map is specified


No message files found.


No plugins found.

Recent questions tagged fiducial_slam at Robotics Stack Exchange