Package Summary

Tags No category tags.
Version 2.0.2
License Apache License 2.0
Build type CATKIN

Repository Summary

Checkout URI
VCS Type git
VCS Version main
Last Updated 2024-10-16
CI status No Continuous Integration
Tags No category tags.
Contributing Help Wanted (0)
Good First Issues (0)
Pull Requests to Review (0)

Package Description

Example launch files for Beluga AMCL.

Additional Links

No additional links.


  • Gerardo Puga
  • Ivan Paunovic
  • Nahuel Espinosa


No additional authors.

Beluga Example

This package contains example launch files that demonstrate the use of Beluga-based nodes (e.g. Beluga AMCL) with external ROS bags or simulation software.


The following examples are easier to run in Beluga development containers.

  1. Run an example application using a ROS bag.

    For ROS 2 distributions, run:

    cd /ws
    source install/setup.bash
    ros2 launch beluga_example perfect_odometry.launch.xml
For ROS 1 distributions, run:
    cd /ws
    source devel*/setup.bash
    roslaunch beluga_example perfect_odometry.launch
  1. Run an example application using a simulation and teleop controls.

    For ROS 2 distributions, in two separate terminals run:

    cd /ws
    source install/setup.bash
    ros2 launch beluga_example simulation.launch.xml
    ros2 run teleop_twist_keyboard teleop_twist_keyboard
For ROS 1 distributions, in two separate terminals run:
    cd /ws
    source devel*/setup.bash
    roslaunch beluga_example simulation.launch
    rosrun teleop_twist_keyboard teleop_twist_keyboard
Note that this example uses [Flatland]( for simulation.
A Flatland source installation is provisioned in development containers.
You will have to provision one yourself to run this elsewhere.
  1. Launch a localization node manually.

    For ROS 2 distributions, run:

   ros2 launch beluga_example use_composition:=True localization_params_file:=<PARAMS_PATH> localization_map:=<MAP_YAML_PATH>

For ROS 1 distributions, run:

   roslaunch beluga_example localization.launch localization_params_file:=<PARAMS_PATH> localization_map:=<MAP_YAML_PATH>

The localization_params_file argument can be ommited if the default AMCL parameters are compatible with the robot.

  1. Use RViz to visualize the localization output.

    For ROS 2 distributions, run:

   rviz2 -d $(ros2 pkg prefix --share beluga_example)/rviz/amcl.ros2.rviz

For ROS 1 distributions, run:

   rviz -d $(rospack find beluga_example)/rviz/amcl.ros.rviz

Quality of Service

In ROS 2, when subscribing to the output topics from localization, we recommend the following QoS settings:

Topic Depth History Reliability Durability
map 5 Keep last Reliable Transient local
particle_cloud 5 Keep last Best effort Volatile
pose 5 Keep last Reliable Volatile

Changelog for package beluga_example

2.0.2 (2024-06-18)

  • Change NDT sensor model default params (#397)
  • Contributors: Ramiro Serra

2.0.1 (2024-05-24)

2.0.0 (2024-05-21)

  • Add ROS 2 Jazzy to CI/CD and dev workflows (#378)
  • Use [geometry_msgs::msg::PoseArray]{.title-ref} instead of [nav2_msgs::msg::ParticleCloud]{.title-ref} (#372)
  • Remap [/turtlebot/scan]{.title-ref} to [/scan]{.title-ref} for Flatland (#373)
  • Update more ROS version detection logic (#367)
  • Add example for NDT sensor model in beluga_example (#360)
  • Isolate Flatland dependency (#361)
  • Unify Beluga documentation (#346)
  • Make particle cloud message weights represent pdf (#260)
  • Add updated performance report (#255)
  • Fix [perfect_odometry]{.title-ref} rosbag (#238)
  • Add cmake-format to pre-commit hooks (#243)
  • Reduce simulated odometry noise (#241)
  • Rename motion models in Beluga AMCL for ROS 1 (#242)
  • Add ROS Noetic support to [beluga_example]{.title-ref} (#223)
  • Refactor launch files (#211)
  • Add new report after recent performance updates (#208)
  • Fix small issues with plotter and update MessageFilter tolerance before generating new report
  • Improve documentation and guidelines (#186)
  • Initialize particle filter with last known estimate (#185)
  • Update license year to 2023 (#175)
  • Add beam sensor model (#160)
  • Remove Git LFS from the repository (#162)
  • Performance comparison with nav2_amcl (#142)
  • Select mixin components at runtime (#126)
  • Add top level-readme (#125)
  • Update list of maintainers (#130)
  • Add script to run benchmarks (#117)
  • Add flake8 and pep257 to pre-commit hooks (#115)
  • Broadcast map-to-odom transform (#81)
  • Set initial pose from params (#105)
  • More configurable launch files (#103)
  • Make execution policy configurable (#100)
  • Add profiling instructions (#96)
  • Add max_beams parameter to [beluga_amcl]{.title-ref} (#84)
  • Refactor laser_callback method (#89)
  • Add launch params to select localization node (#83)
  • Fix node clean up (#69)
  • Extract common nodes from example launch files (#71)
  • Add launch example with ROS bag (#65)
  • Export AMCL as a loadable component (#63)
  • Add reinitialize method to the particle filter (#51)
  • Add initial pose subscriber (#45)
  • Add lint step to CI (#37)
  • Integrate differential drive motion model (#33)
  • Fix robot geometry and reduce laser rate (#31)
  • Add pose estimation publisher (#30)
  • Implement likelihood estimation for particles (#25)
  • Add likelihood field pre-computation (#24)
  • Add flatland simulation (#23)
  • Add [beluga_amcl]{.title-ref} package and example launch file (#21)
  • Contributors: Gerardo Puga, Ivan Santiago Paunovic, Michel Hidalgo, Nahuel Espinosa, Olmer Garcia-Bedoya, Ramiro Serra

Wiki Tutorials

This package does not provide any links to tutorials in it's rosindex metadata. You can check on the ROS Wiki Tutorials page for the package.

Launch files

  • launch/simulation.launch
      • localization_package [default: beluga_amcl] — Package that provides the localization node to launch.
      • localization_node [default: amcl_node] — Localization node to launch.
      • localization_plugin [default: beluga_amcl/AmclNodelet] — Localization nodelet plugin to use if nodelets are enabled.
      • localization_prefix [default: ] — Set of commands/arguments to precede the node command (e.g. 'timem --').
      • use_nodelets [default: false] — Map YAML file to be used by the localization node.
  • launch/utils/rosbag.launch
      • start_paused [default: false] — Start the rosbag player in a paused state.
      • playback_rate [default: 3.0] — Rate used to playback the bag.
      • rosbag_path [default: $(find beluga_example)/bags/perfect_odometry.bag] — Path of the rosbag to playback.
      • record_bag [default: false] — Whether to record a bagfile or not.
      • topics_to_record [default: /tf /amcl_pose /pose /odometry/ground_truth] — Topics to record in a new bagfile.
      • bagfile_output [default: ] — Destination bagfile to create, defaults to timestamped folder
  • launch/utils/flatland.launch
  • launch/utils/localization.launch
      • localization_package [default: beluga_amcl] — Package that provides the localization node to launch.
      • localization_node [default: amcl_node] — Localization node to launch.
      • localization_plugin [default: beluga_amcl/AmclNodelet] — Localization nodelet plugin to use if nodelets are enabled.
      • localization_prefix [default: ] — Set of commands/arguments to precede the node command (e.g. 'timem --').
      • localization_params_file [default: $(find beluga_example)/params/default.ros.yaml] — Parameters file to be used to run the localization node.
      • localization_map [default: $(find beluga_example)/maps/turtlebot3_world.yaml] — Map YAML file to be used by the localization node.
      • use_nodelets [default: false] — Map YAML file to be used by the localization node.
  • launch/utils/rviz.launch
      • display_config [default: $(find beluga_example)/rviz/rviz.rviz] — A display config file (.rviz) to load.
  • launch/perfect_odometry.launch
      • localization_package [default: beluga_amcl] — Package that provides the localization node to launch.
      • localization_node [default: amcl_node] — Localization node to launch.
      • localization_plugin [default: beluga_amcl/AmclNodelet] — Localization nodelet plugin to use if nodelets are enabled.
      • localization_prefix [default: ] — Set of commands/arguments to precede the node command (e.g. 'timem --').
      • use_nodelets [default: false] — Map YAML file to be used by the localization node.
  • launch/ndt_simulation.launch.xml
      • localization_params_file [default: $(find-pkg-share beluga_example)/params/default_ndt.ros2.yaml]
  • launch/ndt_replay_3d.launch.xml
      • localization_params_file [default: $(find-pkg-share beluga_example)/params/default_ndt_3d.ros2.yaml]
      • localization_ndt_map
      • bag_path
  • launch/perfect_odometry.launch.xml
      • localization_params_file [default: $(find-pkg-share beluga_example)/params/default.ros2.yaml]
  • launch/simulation.launch.xml


No message files found.


No service files found


No plugins found.

Recent questions tagged beluga_example at Robotics Stack Exchange

Package Summary

Tags No category tags.
Version 2.0.2
License Apache License 2.0
Build type CATKIN

Repository Summary

Checkout URI
VCS Type git
VCS Version main
Last Updated 2024-10-16
CI status No Continuous Integration
Tags No category tags.
Contributing Help Wanted (0)
Good First Issues (0)
Pull Requests to Review (0)

Package Description

Example launch files for Beluga AMCL.

Additional Links

No additional links.


  • Gerardo Puga
  • Ivan Paunovic
  • Nahuel Espinosa


No additional authors.

Beluga Example

This package contains example launch files that demonstrate the use of Beluga-based nodes (e.g. Beluga AMCL) with external ROS bags or simulation software.


The following examples are easier to run in Beluga development containers.

  1. Run an example application using a ROS bag.

    For ROS 2 distributions, run:

    cd /ws
    source install/setup.bash
    ros2 launch beluga_example perfect_odometry.launch.xml
For ROS 1 distributions, run:
    cd /ws
    source devel*/setup.bash
    roslaunch beluga_example perfect_odometry.launch
  1. Run an example application using a simulation and teleop controls.

    For ROS 2 distributions, in two separate terminals run:

    cd /ws
    source install/setup.bash
    ros2 launch beluga_example simulation.launch.xml
    ros2 run teleop_twist_keyboard teleop_twist_keyboard
For ROS 1 distributions, in two separate terminals run:
    cd /ws
    source devel*/setup.bash
    roslaunch beluga_example simulation.launch
    rosrun teleop_twist_keyboard teleop_twist_keyboard
Note that this example uses [Flatland]( for simulation.
A Flatland source installation is provisioned in development containers.
You will have to provision one yourself to run this elsewhere.
  1. Launch a localization node manually.

    For ROS 2 distributions, run:

   ros2 launch beluga_example use_composition:=True localization_params_file:=<PARAMS_PATH> localization_map:=<MAP_YAML_PATH>

For ROS 1 distributions, run:

   roslaunch beluga_example localization.launch localization_params_file:=<PARAMS_PATH> localization_map:=<MAP_YAML_PATH>

The localization_params_file argument can be ommited if the default AMCL parameters are compatible with the robot.

  1. Use RViz to visualize the localization output.

    For ROS 2 distributions, run:

   rviz2 -d $(ros2 pkg prefix --share beluga_example)/rviz/amcl.ros2.rviz

For ROS 1 distributions, run:

   rviz -d $(rospack find beluga_example)/rviz/amcl.ros.rviz

Quality of Service

In ROS 2, when subscribing to the output topics from localization, we recommend the following QoS settings:

Topic Depth History Reliability Durability
map 5 Keep last Reliable Transient local
particle_cloud 5 Keep last Best effort Volatile
pose 5 Keep last Reliable Volatile

Changelog for package beluga_example

2.0.2 (2024-06-18)

  • Change NDT sensor model default params (#397)
  • Contributors: Ramiro Serra

2.0.1 (2024-05-24)

2.0.0 (2024-05-21)

  • Add ROS 2 Jazzy to CI/CD and dev workflows (#378)
  • Use [geometry_msgs::msg::PoseArray]{.title-ref} instead of [nav2_msgs::msg::ParticleCloud]{.title-ref} (#372)
  • Remap [/turtlebot/scan]{.title-ref} to [/scan]{.title-ref} for Flatland (#373)
  • Update more ROS version detection logic (#367)
  • Add example for NDT sensor model in beluga_example (#360)
  • Isolate Flatland dependency (#361)
  • Unify Beluga documentation (#346)
  • Make particle cloud message weights represent pdf (#260)
  • Add updated performance report (#255)
  • Fix [perfect_odometry]{.title-ref} rosbag (#238)
  • Add cmake-format to pre-commit hooks (#243)
  • Reduce simulated odometry noise (#241)
  • Rename motion models in Beluga AMCL for ROS 1 (#242)
  • Add ROS Noetic support to [beluga_example]{.title-ref} (#223)
  • Refactor launch files (#211)
  • Add new report after recent performance updates (#208)
  • Fix small issues with plotter and update MessageFilter tolerance before generating new report
  • Improve documentation and guidelines (#186)
  • Initialize particle filter with last known estimate (#185)
  • Update license year to 2023 (#175)
  • Add beam sensor model (#160)
  • Remove Git LFS from the repository (#162)
  • Performance comparison with nav2_amcl (#142)
  • Select mixin components at runtime (#126)
  • Add top level-readme (#125)
  • Update list of maintainers (#130)
  • Add script to run benchmarks (#117)
  • Add flake8 and pep257 to pre-commit hooks (#115)
  • Broadcast map-to-odom transform (#81)
  • Set initial pose from params (#105)
  • More configurable launch files (#103)
  • Make execution policy configurable (#100)
  • Add profiling instructions (#96)
  • Add max_beams parameter to [beluga_amcl]{.title-ref} (#84)
  • Refactor laser_callback method (#89)
  • Add launch params to select localization node (#83)
  • Fix node clean up (#69)
  • Extract common nodes from example launch files (#71)
  • Add launch example with ROS bag (#65)
  • Export AMCL as a loadable component (#63)
  • Add reinitialize method to the particle filter (#51)
  • Add initial pose subscriber (#45)
  • Add lint step to CI (#37)
  • Integrate differential drive motion model (#33)
  • Fix robot geometry and reduce laser rate (#31)
  • Add pose estimation publisher (#30)
  • Implement likelihood estimation for particles (#25)
  • Add likelihood field pre-computation (#24)
  • Add flatland simulation (#23)
  • Add [beluga_amcl]{.title-ref} package and example launch file (#21)
  • Contributors: Gerardo Puga, Ivan Santiago Paunovic, Michel Hidalgo, Nahuel Espinosa, Olmer Garcia-Bedoya, Ramiro Serra

Wiki Tutorials

This package does not provide any links to tutorials in it's rosindex metadata. You can check on the ROS Wiki Tutorials page for the package.

Launch files

  • launch/simulation.launch
      • localization_package [default: beluga_amcl] — Package that provides the localization node to launch.
      • localization_node [default: amcl_node] — Localization node to launch.
      • localization_plugin [default: beluga_amcl/AmclNodelet] — Localization nodelet plugin to use if nodelets are enabled.
      • localization_prefix [default: ] — Set of commands/arguments to precede the node command (e.g. 'timem --').
      • use_nodelets [default: false] — Map YAML file to be used by the localization node.
  • launch/utils/rosbag.launch
      • start_paused [default: false] — Start the rosbag player in a paused state.
      • playback_rate [default: 3.0] — Rate used to playback the bag.
      • rosbag_path [default: $(find beluga_example)/bags/perfect_odometry.bag] — Path of the rosbag to playback.
      • record_bag [default: false] — Whether to record a bagfile or not.
      • topics_to_record [default: /tf /amcl_pose /pose /odometry/ground_truth] — Topics to record in a new bagfile.
      • bagfile_output [default: ] — Destination bagfile to create, defaults to timestamped folder
  • launch/utils/flatland.launch
  • launch/utils/localization.launch
      • localization_package [default: beluga_amcl] — Package that provides the localization node to launch.
      • localization_node [default: amcl_node] — Localization node to launch.
      • localization_plugin [default: beluga_amcl/AmclNodelet] — Localization nodelet plugin to use if nodelets are enabled.
      • localization_prefix [default: ] — Set of commands/arguments to precede the node command (e.g. 'timem --').
      • localization_params_file [default: $(find beluga_example)/params/default.ros.yaml] — Parameters file to be used to run the localization node.
      • localization_map [default: $(find beluga_example)/maps/turtlebot3_world.yaml] — Map YAML file to be used by the localization node.
      • use_nodelets [default: false] — Map YAML file to be used by the localization node.
  • launch/utils/rviz.launch
      • display_config [default: $(find beluga_example)/rviz/rviz.rviz] — A display config file (.rviz) to load.
  • launch/perfect_odometry.launch
      • localization_package [default: beluga_amcl] — Package that provides the localization node to launch.
      • localization_node [default: amcl_node] — Localization node to launch.
      • localization_plugin [default: beluga_amcl/AmclNodelet] — Localization nodelet plugin to use if nodelets are enabled.
      • localization_prefix [default: ] — Set of commands/arguments to precede the node command (e.g. 'timem --').
      • use_nodelets [default: false] — Map YAML file to be used by the localization node.
  • launch/ndt_simulation.launch.xml
      • localization_params_file [default: $(find-pkg-share beluga_example)/params/default_ndt.ros2.yaml]
  • launch/ndt_replay_3d.launch.xml
      • localization_params_file [default: $(find-pkg-share beluga_example)/params/default_ndt_3d.ros2.yaml]
      • localization_ndt_map
      • bag_path
  • launch/perfect_odometry.launch.xml
      • localization_params_file [default: $(find-pkg-share beluga_example)/params/default.ros2.yaml]
  • launch/simulation.launch.xml


No message files found.


No service files found


No plugins found.

Recent questions tagged beluga_example at Robotics Stack Exchange

Package Summary

Tags No category tags.
Version 2.0.2
License Apache License 2.0
Build type CATKIN

Repository Summary

Checkout URI
VCS Type git
VCS Version main
Last Updated 2024-10-16
CI status No Continuous Integration
Tags No category tags.
Contributing Help Wanted (0)
Good First Issues (0)
Pull Requests to Review (0)

Package Description

Example launch files for Beluga AMCL.

Additional Links

No additional links.


  • Gerardo Puga
  • Ivan Paunovic
  • Nahuel Espinosa


No additional authors.

Beluga Example

This package contains example launch files that demonstrate the use of Beluga-based nodes (e.g. Beluga AMCL) with external ROS bags or simulation software.


The following examples are easier to run in Beluga development containers.

  1. Run an example application using a ROS bag.

    For ROS 2 distributions, run:

    cd /ws
    source install/setup.bash
    ros2 launch beluga_example perfect_odometry.launch.xml
For ROS 1 distributions, run:
    cd /ws
    source devel*/setup.bash
    roslaunch beluga_example perfect_odometry.launch
  1. Run an example application using a simulation and teleop controls.

    For ROS 2 distributions, in two separate terminals run:

    cd /ws
    source install/setup.bash
    ros2 launch beluga_example simulation.launch.xml
    ros2 run teleop_twist_keyboard teleop_twist_keyboard
For ROS 1 distributions, in two separate terminals run:
    cd /ws
    source devel*/setup.bash
    roslaunch beluga_example simulation.launch
    rosrun teleop_twist_keyboard teleop_twist_keyboard
Note that this example uses [Flatland]( for simulation.
A Flatland source installation is provisioned in development containers.
You will have to provision one yourself to run this elsewhere.
  1. Launch a localization node manually.

    For ROS 2 distributions, run:

   ros2 launch beluga_example use_composition:=True localization_params_file:=<PARAMS_PATH> localization_map:=<MAP_YAML_PATH>

For ROS 1 distributions, run:

   roslaunch beluga_example localization.launch localization_params_file:=<PARAMS_PATH> localization_map:=<MAP_YAML_PATH>

The localization_params_file argument can be ommited if the default AMCL parameters are compatible with the robot.

  1. Use RViz to visualize the localization output.

    For ROS 2 distributions, run:

   rviz2 -d $(ros2 pkg prefix --share beluga_example)/rviz/amcl.ros2.rviz

For ROS 1 distributions, run:

   rviz -d $(rospack find beluga_example)/rviz/amcl.ros.rviz

Quality of Service

In ROS 2, when subscribing to the output topics from localization, we recommend the following QoS settings:

Topic Depth History Reliability Durability
map 5 Keep last Reliable Transient local
particle_cloud 5 Keep last Best effort Volatile
pose 5 Keep last Reliable Volatile

Changelog for package beluga_example

2.0.2 (2024-06-18)

  • Change NDT sensor model default params (#397)
  • Contributors: Ramiro Serra

2.0.1 (2024-05-24)

2.0.0 (2024-05-21)

  • Add ROS 2 Jazzy to CI/CD and dev workflows (#378)
  • Use [geometry_msgs::msg::PoseArray]{.title-ref} instead of [nav2_msgs::msg::ParticleCloud]{.title-ref} (#372)
  • Remap [/turtlebot/scan]{.title-ref} to [/scan]{.title-ref} for Flatland (#373)
  • Update more ROS version detection logic (#367)
  • Add example for NDT sensor model in beluga_example (#360)
  • Isolate Flatland dependency (#361)
  • Unify Beluga documentation (#346)
  • Make particle cloud message weights represent pdf (#260)
  • Add updated performance report (#255)
  • Fix [perfect_odometry]{.title-ref} rosbag (#238)
  • Add cmake-format to pre-commit hooks (#243)
  • Reduce simulated odometry noise (#241)
  • Rename motion models in Beluga AMCL for ROS 1 (#242)
  • Add ROS Noetic support to [beluga_example]{.title-ref} (#223)
  • Refactor launch files (#211)
  • Add new report after recent performance updates (#208)
  • Fix small issues with plotter and update MessageFilter tolerance before generating new report
  • Improve documentation and guidelines (#186)
  • Initialize particle filter with last known estimate (#185)
  • Update license year to 2023 (#175)
  • Add beam sensor model (#160)
  • Remove Git LFS from the repository (#162)
  • Performance comparison with nav2_amcl (#142)
  • Select mixin components at runtime (#126)
  • Add top level-readme (#125)
  • Update list of maintainers (#130)
  • Add script to run benchmarks (#117)
  • Add flake8 and pep257 to pre-commit hooks (#115)
  • Broadcast map-to-odom transform (#81)
  • Set initial pose from params (#105)
  • More configurable launch files (#103)
  • Make execution policy configurable (#100)
  • Add profiling instructions (#96)
  • Add max_beams parameter to [beluga_amcl]{.title-ref} (#84)
  • Refactor laser_callback method (#89)
  • Add launch params to select localization node (#83)
  • Fix node clean up (#69)
  • Extract common nodes from example launch files (#71)
  • Add launch example with ROS bag (#65)
  • Export AMCL as a loadable component (#63)
  • Add reinitialize method to the particle filter (#51)
  • Add initial pose subscriber (#45)
  • Add lint step to CI (#37)
  • Integrate differential drive motion model (#33)
  • Fix robot geometry and reduce laser rate (#31)
  • Add pose estimation publisher (#30)
  • Implement likelihood estimation for particles (#25)
  • Add likelihood field pre-computation (#24)
  • Add flatland simulation (#23)
  • Add [beluga_amcl]{.title-ref} package and example launch file (#21)
  • Contributors: Gerardo Puga, Ivan Santiago Paunovic, Michel Hidalgo, Nahuel Espinosa, Olmer Garcia-Bedoya, Ramiro Serra

Wiki Tutorials

This package does not provide any links to tutorials in it's rosindex metadata. You can check on the ROS Wiki Tutorials page for the package.

Launch files

  • launch/simulation.launch
      • localization_package [default: beluga_amcl] — Package that provides the localization node to launch.
      • localization_node [default: amcl_node] — Localization node to launch.
      • localization_plugin [default: beluga_amcl/AmclNodelet] — Localization nodelet plugin to use if nodelets are enabled.
      • localization_prefix [default: ] — Set of commands/arguments to precede the node command (e.g. 'timem --').
      • use_nodelets [default: false] — Map YAML file to be used by the localization node.
  • launch/utils/rosbag.launch
      • start_paused [default: false] — Start the rosbag player in a paused state.
      • playback_rate [default: 3.0] — Rate used to playback the bag.
      • rosbag_path [default: $(find beluga_example)/bags/perfect_odometry.bag] — Path of the rosbag to playback.
      • record_bag [default: false] — Whether to record a bagfile or not.
      • topics_to_record [default: /tf /amcl_pose /pose /odometry/ground_truth] — Topics to record in a new bagfile.
      • bagfile_output [default: ] — Destination bagfile to create, defaults to timestamped folder
  • launch/utils/flatland.launch
  • launch/utils/localization.launch
      • localization_package [default: beluga_amcl] — Package that provides the localization node to launch.
      • localization_node [default: amcl_node] — Localization node to launch.
      • localization_plugin [default: beluga_amcl/AmclNodelet] — Localization nodelet plugin to use if nodelets are enabled.
      • localization_prefix [default: ] — Set of commands/arguments to precede the node command (e.g. 'timem --').
      • localization_params_file [default: $(find beluga_example)/params/default.ros.yaml] — Parameters file to be used to run the localization node.
      • localization_map [default: $(find beluga_example)/maps/turtlebot3_world.yaml] — Map YAML file to be used by the localization node.
      • use_nodelets [default: false] — Map YAML file to be used by the localization node.
  • launch/utils/rviz.launch
      • display_config [default: $(find beluga_example)/rviz/rviz.rviz] — A display config file (.rviz) to load.
  • launch/perfect_odometry.launch
      • localization_package [default: beluga_amcl] — Package that provides the localization node to launch.
      • localization_node [default: amcl_node] — Localization node to launch.
      • localization_plugin [default: beluga_amcl/AmclNodelet] — Localization nodelet plugin to use if nodelets are enabled.
      • localization_prefix [default: ] — Set of commands/arguments to precede the node command (e.g. 'timem --').
      • use_nodelets [default: false] — Map YAML file to be used by the localization node.
  • launch/ndt_simulation.launch.xml
      • localization_params_file [default: $(find-pkg-share beluga_example)/params/default_ndt.ros2.yaml]
  • launch/ndt_replay_3d.launch.xml
      • localization_params_file [default: $(find-pkg-share beluga_example)/params/default_ndt_3d.ros2.yaml]
      • localization_ndt_map
      • bag_path
  • launch/perfect_odometry.launch.xml
      • localization_params_file [default: $(find-pkg-share beluga_example)/params/default.ros2.yaml]
  • launch/simulation.launch.xml


No message files found.


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Package Summary

Tags No category tags.
Version 2.0.2
License Apache License 2.0
Build type CATKIN

Repository Summary

Checkout URI
VCS Type git
VCS Version main
Last Updated 2024-10-16
CI status Continuous Integration
Tags No category tags.
Contributing Help Wanted (0)
Good First Issues (0)
Pull Requests to Review (0)

Package Description

Example launch files for Beluga AMCL.

Additional Links

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  • Gerardo Puga
  • Ivan Paunovic
  • Nahuel Espinosa


No additional authors.

Beluga Example

This package contains example launch files that demonstrate the use of Beluga-based nodes (e.g. Beluga AMCL) with external ROS bags or simulation software.


The following examples are easier to run in Beluga development containers.

  1. Run an example application using a ROS bag.

    For ROS 2 distributions, run:

    cd /ws
    source install/setup.bash
    ros2 launch beluga_example perfect_odometry.launch.xml
For ROS 1 distributions, run:
    cd /ws
    source devel*/setup.bash
    roslaunch beluga_example perfect_odometry.launch
  1. Run an example application using a simulation and teleop controls.

    For ROS 2 distributions, in two separate terminals run:

    cd /ws
    source install/setup.bash
    ros2 launch beluga_example simulation.launch.xml
    ros2 run teleop_twist_keyboard teleop_twist_keyboard
For ROS 1 distributions, in two separate terminals run:
    cd /ws
    source devel*/setup.bash
    roslaunch beluga_example simulation.launch
    rosrun teleop_twist_keyboard teleop_twist_keyboard
Note that this example uses [Flatland]( for simulation.
A Flatland source installation is provisioned in development containers.
You will have to provision one yourself to run this elsewhere.
  1. Launch a localization node manually.

    For ROS 2 distributions, run:

   ros2 launch beluga_example use_composition:=True localization_params_file:=<PARAMS_PATH> localization_map:=<MAP_YAML_PATH>

For ROS 1 distributions, run:

   roslaunch beluga_example localization.launch localization_params_file:=<PARAMS_PATH> localization_map:=<MAP_YAML_PATH>

The localization_params_file argument can be ommited if the default AMCL parameters are compatible with the robot.

  1. Use RViz to visualize the localization output.

    For ROS 2 distributions, run:

   rviz2 -d $(ros2 pkg prefix --share beluga_example)/rviz/amcl.ros2.rviz

For ROS 1 distributions, run:

   rviz -d $(rospack find beluga_example)/rviz/amcl.ros.rviz

Quality of Service

In ROS 2, when subscribing to the output topics from localization, we recommend the following QoS settings:

Topic Depth History Reliability Durability
map 5 Keep last Reliable Transient local
particle_cloud 5 Keep last Best effort Volatile
pose 5 Keep last Reliable Volatile

Changelog for package beluga_example

2.0.2 (2024-06-18)

  • Change NDT sensor model default params (#397)
  • Contributors: Ramiro Serra

2.0.1 (2024-05-24)

2.0.0 (2024-05-21)

  • Add ROS 2 Jazzy to CI/CD and dev workflows (#378)
  • Use [geometry_msgs::msg::PoseArray]{.title-ref} instead of [nav2_msgs::msg::ParticleCloud]{.title-ref} (#372)
  • Remap [/turtlebot/scan]{.title-ref} to [/scan]{.title-ref} for Flatland (#373)
  • Update more ROS version detection logic (#367)
  • Add example for NDT sensor model in beluga_example (#360)
  • Isolate Flatland dependency (#361)
  • Unify Beluga documentation (#346)
  • Make particle cloud message weights represent pdf (#260)
  • Add updated performance report (#255)
  • Fix [perfect_odometry]{.title-ref} rosbag (#238)
  • Add cmake-format to pre-commit hooks (#243)
  • Reduce simulated odometry noise (#241)
  • Rename motion models in Beluga AMCL for ROS 1 (#242)
  • Add ROS Noetic support to [beluga_example]{.title-ref} (#223)
  • Refactor launch files (#211)
  • Add new report after recent performance updates (#208)
  • Fix small issues with plotter and update MessageFilter tolerance before generating new report
  • Improve documentation and guidelines (#186)
  • Initialize particle filter with last known estimate (#185)
  • Update license year to 2023 (#175)
  • Add beam sensor model (#160)
  • Remove Git LFS from the repository (#162)
  • Performance comparison with nav2_amcl (#142)
  • Select mixin components at runtime (#126)
  • Add top level-readme (#125)
  • Update list of maintainers (#130)
  • Add script to run benchmarks (#117)
  • Add flake8 and pep257 to pre-commit hooks (#115)
  • Broadcast map-to-odom transform (#81)
  • Set initial pose from params (#105)
  • More configurable launch files (#103)
  • Make execution policy configurable (#100)
  • Add profiling instructions (#96)
  • Add max_beams parameter to [beluga_amcl]{.title-ref} (#84)
  • Refactor laser_callback method (#89)
  • Add launch params to select localization node (#83)
  • Fix node clean up (#69)
  • Extract common nodes from example launch files (#71)
  • Add launch example with ROS bag (#65)
  • Export AMCL as a loadable component (#63)
  • Add reinitialize method to the particle filter (#51)
  • Add initial pose subscriber (#45)
  • Add lint step to CI (#37)
  • Integrate differential drive motion model (#33)
  • Fix robot geometry and reduce laser rate (#31)
  • Add pose estimation publisher (#30)
  • Implement likelihood estimation for particles (#25)
  • Add likelihood field pre-computation (#24)
  • Add flatland simulation (#23)
  • Add [beluga_amcl]{.title-ref} package and example launch file (#21)
  • Contributors: Gerardo Puga, Ivan Santiago Paunovic, Michel Hidalgo, Nahuel Espinosa, Olmer Garcia-Bedoya, Ramiro Serra

Wiki Tutorials

This package does not provide any links to tutorials in it's rosindex metadata. You can check on the ROS Wiki Tutorials page for the package.

Launch files

  • launch/simulation.launch
      • localization_package [default: beluga_amcl] — Package that provides the localization node to launch.
      • localization_node [default: amcl_node] — Localization node to launch.
      • localization_plugin [default: beluga_amcl/AmclNodelet] — Localization nodelet plugin to use if nodelets are enabled.
      • localization_prefix [default: ] — Set of commands/arguments to precede the node command (e.g. 'timem --').
      • use_nodelets [default: false] — Map YAML file to be used by the localization node.
  • launch/utils/rosbag.launch
      • start_paused [default: false] — Start the rosbag player in a paused state.
      • playback_rate [default: 3.0] — Rate used to playback the bag.
      • rosbag_path [default: $(find beluga_example)/bags/perfect_odometry.bag] — Path of the rosbag to playback.
      • record_bag [default: false] — Whether to record a bagfile or not.
      • topics_to_record [default: /tf /amcl_pose /pose /odometry/ground_truth] — Topics to record in a new bagfile.
      • bagfile_output [default: ] — Destination bagfile to create, defaults to timestamped folder
  • launch/utils/flatland.launch
  • launch/utils/localization.launch
      • localization_package [default: beluga_amcl] — Package that provides the localization node to launch.
      • localization_node [default: amcl_node] — Localization node to launch.
      • localization_plugin [default: beluga_amcl/AmclNodelet] — Localization nodelet plugin to use if nodelets are enabled.
      • localization_prefix [default: ] — Set of commands/arguments to precede the node command (e.g. 'timem --').
      • localization_params_file [default: $(find beluga_example)/params/default.ros.yaml] — Parameters file to be used to run the localization node.
      • localization_map [default: $(find beluga_example)/maps/turtlebot3_world.yaml] — Map YAML file to be used by the localization node.
      • use_nodelets [default: false] — Map YAML file to be used by the localization node.
  • launch/utils/rviz.launch
      • display_config [default: $(find beluga_example)/rviz/rviz.rviz] — A display config file (.rviz) to load.
  • launch/perfect_odometry.launch
      • localization_package [default: beluga_amcl] — Package that provides the localization node to launch.
      • localization_node [default: amcl_node] — Localization node to launch.
      • localization_plugin [default: beluga_amcl/AmclNodelet] — Localization nodelet plugin to use if nodelets are enabled.
      • localization_prefix [default: ] — Set of commands/arguments to precede the node command (e.g. 'timem --').
      • use_nodelets [default: false] — Map YAML file to be used by the localization node.
  • launch/ndt_simulation.launch.xml
      • localization_params_file [default: $(find-pkg-share beluga_example)/params/default_ndt.ros2.yaml]
  • launch/ndt_replay_3d.launch.xml
      • localization_params_file [default: $(find-pkg-share beluga_example)/params/default_ndt_3d.ros2.yaml]
      • localization_ndt_map
      • bag_path
  • launch/perfect_odometry.launch.xml
      • localization_params_file [default: $(find-pkg-share beluga_example)/params/default.ros2.yaml]
  • launch/simulation.launch.xml


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Recent questions tagged beluga_example at Robotics Stack Exchange

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