Package Summary
Tags | No category tags. |
Version | 2.0.1 |
License | BSD 3-Clause |
Build type | AMENT_CMAKE |
Repository Summary
Checkout URI | |
VCS Type | git |
VCS Version | humble |
Last Updated | 2024-07-15 |
Dev Status | MAINTAINED |
CI status | No Continuous Integration |
Released | RELEASED |
Tags | No category tags. |
Contributing |
Help Wanted (0)
Good First Issues (0) Pull Requests to Review (0) |
Package Description
Additional Links
adi_tmcl (previously tmcl_ros2) is the official ROS2 Driver for ADI Trinamic Motor Controllers (TMC) that uses Trinamic Motion Control Language (TMCL) protocol.
- Supported TMC boards: TMCM-1636, TMCM-1617, TMCM-2611, TMCM-1241, TMCM-1260, TMCM-6214
- Supported communication interface and interface driver: CAN (SocketCAN)
- Supported ROS2 and OS distro: Humble (Ubuntu 22.04)
- Supported platform: Intel x86 64-bit (amd64)
- Supported setup: Single/Multiple TMC in Single/Multiple CAN channel (namespace-managed)
:memo: Note: Although officially supported TMC boards are only the abovementioned, all market-ready TMCs with YAMLs in this repository are also expected to work and can be tried and tested by the users. Contact the Developers for any issues encountered.
For the tested TMCM-1636 setup, the following are used: - 1 x TMCM-1636 - 1 x QBL4208-61-04-013 BLDC motor - 1 x External 24V power supply - 1 x CAN USB Cable (w/SocketCAN support) - with 120 ohm termination resistors
Also the following: - PWR/GND from board to external 24V power supply - 5-pin Motor connector (Hall) (see Note below) - 5-pin Motor connector (Encoder) (see Note below) - 40 pin Molex connectors
:memo: Note: Check Section 4 of QBL4208-x-1k Datasheet for motor wiring references.
The image below shows the connection diagram of the setup (with labels):
The image below shows the actual setup used (for reference):
Software Architecture
Software Dependencies
Assumptions before building this package: * Installed ROS2 Humble. If not, follow these steps. * Setup workspace (with workspace folder named as "ros2_ws"). If not, follow these steps.
In the website: 1. Make sure that the branch dropdown is set to "humble". 2. Click the "Clone" or "Code" button, then copy the SSH or HTTPS link (eg, "*.git").
In a terminal, do the following:
$ cd ~/ros2_ws/src
$ git clone <copied SSH o HTTPS link here> adi_tmcl #clones repo to "adi_tmcl" directory name
########## [TERMINAL 1] ##########
# Do proper exports first:
## $ source /opt/ros/<ROS2 Version>/setup.bash
$ source /opt/ros/humble/setup.bash
# Resolve any dependencies
$ cd ~/ros2_ws
$ rosdep install -i --from-path src --rosdistro humble -y
# Build
$ colcon build
## To clean first before building, you may run the following instead:
## $ colcon build --cmake-clean-first
:memo: Note: It is recommended that 1 terminal is dedicated to building the package/workspace to avoid complex issues as mentioned in ROS2 Source the overlay
Pre-Launch (One-time per setup)
If it's the first time to use the set of motors for the TMC that you are using, it is required to calibrate and tune the PID settings of the motors first.
Do the calibrations/tuning by downloading and using TMCL-IDE.
BLDC Motors
Calibrate the motors
For a run-through/tutorial of how the calibration is done in the TMCL-IDE via its Wizard Pool
feature, check this link.
Tune the PI settings of the motors
For a run-through/tutorial of how the PI tuning is done in the TMCL-IDE via its PI Tuning
feature, check this link.
:memo: Note: For all the calibration and tuning done, store all the parameters set from TMCL_IDE on the board's EEPROM. Do this by doing any of the following: - Clicking the "Store Parameter" under Settings of each axis - Using STAP (Store Axis Parameters) command from Direct Mode - Creating and uploading a TMCL Program, and enabling the "auto start mode" under SGP (Set Global Parameter) command from Direct Mode - - :memo: Note: Some boards don't have "auto start mode", so in such a case, use the other options to store the parameters.
Stepper Motors
Calibrate the motors
For a run-through/tutorial of how the calibration is done in the TMCL-IDE via its Wizard Pool
feature, check this link.
For more information about Trinamic features on stepper motors, visit this link.
:memo: Note: For all the calibration and tuning done, store all the parameters set from TMCL_IDE on the board's EEPROM. Do this by: - Creating and uploading a TMCL Program, and enabling the "auto start mode" under SGP (Set Global Parameter) command from Direct Mode
Pre-Launch (One-time)
Initialize CAN
:memo: Note: This script automatically brings-up CAN upon boot. Do this step only once.
To proceed, first make the script executable (do this only once as this change persists even after power-off):
$ cd ~/ros2_ws/src/adi_tmcl/scripts # or ~/ros2_ws/src/<repo directory>/scripts
$ chmod +x
Execute the script:
# To know more about the usage
$ sudo ./ -h
# Usage
$ sudo ./ -i <communication interface name> -b <bitrate>
# Example: can0 as communication interface name and 1000KBPS bitrate
$ sudo ./ -i can0 -b 1000000
Where: - CAN communication interface name is the interface used between the PC and the TMC (accepted values: can0 - can255) - bitrate is the rate of communication interface (accepted values: 20000, 50000, 100000, 125000, 250000, 500000, 1000000)
:memo: Note: The above mentioned accepted values are a range, though the user still needs to check the actual TMC's datasheet on the applicable range. Additionally, the bitrate set here must be the same bitrate set into the the TMC as the Global Parameter "CAN bit rate".
De-initialize CAN
:memo: Note: This script disables the automatic bring-up of CAN upon boot.
To proceed, first make the script executable (do this only once as this change persists even after power-off):
$ $ cd ~/ros2_ws/src/adi_tmcl/scripts # or ~/ros2_ws/src/<repo directory>/scripts
$ chmod +x
Execute the script:
# To know more about the usage
$ sudo ./ -h
# Usage
$ sudo ./ -i <communication interface name>
# Example: can0 as communication interface name
$ sudo ./ -i can0
Where: - communication interface is the interface used between the PC and the TMC (accepted values: can0 - can255)
########## [TERMINAL 2] ##########
# Do proper exports first:
$ cd ~/ros2_ws
$ source install/setup.bash
# Launch
$ ros2 launch adi_tmcl
# Launch with DEBUG logs
$ ros2 launch adi_tmcl log_level:=DEBUG
:memo: Note: This should be a different terminal from the one you used when building to avoid complex issues as mentioned in ROS2 Source the overlay
:memo: Note: For those with
in the topic names, these are ideally the motor number. For example, if there are 2 motors used, there should be two published topics for tmc_info, specifically /tmc_info_0 for motor 0 and then /tmc_info_1 for motor 1.
Published topics
These are the default topic names, topic names can be modified as a ROS parameter.
/tmc_info_<motor_num> (adi_tmcl/msg/TmcInfo)
- Data containing:
- (1) board voltage (V)
- (2) statusflag value (only for boards with StatusFlags AP, else, value is set to 0)
- (3) statusflag notifications (only for boards with StatusFlags AP and StatusFlags Register names). In the case of Stepper motor(s), this publishes driver error flags and extended error flags values. Else, value is set to " ")
- (4) motor number
- (5) velocity (if Parameter wheel_diameter is set to 0, the unit for published velocity is rpm, else m/s)
- (6) position (degree angle)
- (7) torque (mA)
- Data containing:
Subscribed topics
/cmd_vel_<motor_num> (geometry_msgs/msg/Twist)
- Velocity command (rpm or m/s)
/cmd_abspos_<motor_num> (std_msgs/msg/Int32)
- Absolute position command (degree angle)
/cmd_relpos_<motor_num> (std_msgs/msg/Int32)
- Relative position command (degree angle)
/cmd_trq_<motor_num> (std_msgs/msg/Int32)
- Torque command (mA)
Advertised services
/tmcl_custom_cmd (adi_tmcl/srv/TmcCustomCmd)
- Executes a custom SAP, GAP, SGP and GGP commands
- The output contains raw data (velocity = rpm, position = units) from the board. Do not expect same unit from the publisher.
/tmcl_gap_all (adi_tmcl/srv/TmcGapAll)
- Get all Axis Parameter values
/tmcl_ggp_all (adi_tmcl/srv/TmcGgpAll)
- Get all Global Parameter values
:memo: Notes: - If any of these parameters are not set/declared, default values will be used. - To know more details about each parameter, you can execute
$ ros2 param describe <node> <parameter>
Communication Interface Parameters
comm_interface (int, default: 0)
- Interface used between the PC and the TMC (where 0 = CAN)
comm_interface_name (string, default: can0)
- Name of the interface or device as detected by the PC
comm_tx_id (int, default: 1)
- ID for board TX
comm_rx_id (int, default: 2)
- ID for board RX
TMC ROS Node Parameters
comm_timeout_ms (int, default: 10)
- Indicates how long should the node will wait for the rx data
comm_exec_cmd_retries (int, default: 1)
- Indicates how many the node will retry sending data before shutting down if no data received
adhoc_mode (bool, default: false)
- This mode expects that the used module is not known. The velocity, position and torque relies on the additional_ratio_* values.
en_motors[] (int array, default: [0])
- Enables/disables active motors or axes. If disabled, settings for those motors will be ignored or not set.
auto_start_additional_delay (int, default: 0)
- Added delay in seconds if auto start mode is enabled. Use this if your TMCL program needs to start running after over 2 seconds.
Motor Configuration Settings
:memo: Notes: - The following parameters can be provided for each motor, otherwise default will be used. - Resulting parameter will be prefixed by
en_pub_tmc_info (bool, default: true)
- Enables/disables publishing of TMC information
pub_rate_tmc_info (int, default: 10)
- Publish rate (hertz) of TMC information
pub_actual_vel (bool, default: false)
- Enable/Disable actual velocity that the user can optionally publish every publish rate as long as en_pub_tmc_info is true
pub_actual_trq (bool, default: false)
- Enable/Disable actual torque that the user can optionally publish every publish rate as long as en_pub_tmc_info is true
pub_actual_pos (bool, default: false)
- Enable/Disable actual position that the user can optionally publish every publish rate as long as en_pub_tmc_info is true
tmc_info_topic (string, default: /tmc_info_
) - tmc_info topics that will contain chosen TMC info that will be published
tmc_cmd_vel_topic (string, default: /cmd_vel_
) - Twist topics that will be the source of target velocity to be set on the TMC
tmc_cmd_abspos_topic (string, default: /cmd_abspos_
) - Int32 topics that will be the source of target position to be set on the TMC
tmc_cmd_relpos_topic (string, default: /cmd_relpos_
) - Int32 topics that will be the source of target position to be set on the TMC
tmc_cmd_trq_topic (string, default: /cmd_trq_
) - Int32 topics that will be the source of target torque to be set on the TMC
wheel_diameter (double, default: 0.0)
- Wheel diameter that is attached on the motor shaft directly. This is to convert linear values to rpm
- If wheel diameter is 0.0, cmd_vel is equal to rpm
additional_ratio_vel (double, default: 1.0)
- Additional Ratio for velocity for general purposes (adhoc mode, added pulley or gear trains). Default value 1.0 means disabled
additional_ratio_pos (double, default: 1.0)
- Additional Ratio for position for general purposes (adhoc mode, added pulley or gear trains). Default value 1.0 means disabled
additional_ratio_trq (double, default: 1.0)
- Additional Ratio for torque for general purposes (adhoc mode). Default value 1.0 means disabled
Quick Tests
Test Velocity Mode
To do a quick test of Velocity Mode, there is a fake velocity script that the user can run. Idea is, this script will send Velocity commands (as a ROS topic), then the first motor should be expected to: 1. Increase velocity every 3secs, clockwise (in m/s: 3, 6, 9) 2. Stop for 5secs 3. Increase velocity every 3secs, counter-clockwise (in m/s: -3, -6, -9) 4. Stop for 5secs
To proceed with the test, execute these following commands on three (3) different terminals (in sequence):
:memo: Note: Assuming that the package was built in Terminal 1 and Initialize CAN is already done on Terminal 1.
Terminal 2 | Terminal 3 | Terminal 4 |
$ cd ~/ros2_ws/ |
$ cd ~/ros2_ws/ |
$ cd ~/ros2_ws/src/adi_tmcl/scripts |
Monitor the velocity of the first motor (watch out for velocity value at Terminal 3).
:memo: Notes: - Terminals 3 and 4 are best viewed side-by-side. - You may Ctrl-C the command in Terminal 2 and 3 once you're done. - The command in Terminal 4 auto-stops by itself.
Test Position Mode
To do a quick test of Position Mode, there is a fake position script that the user can run. Idea is, this script will send Position commands (as a ROS topic), then the first motor should be expected to: 1. Rotate 360 degrees (clockwise) every 5 secs, 3 times 2. Stop for 5secs 3. Rotate 360 degrees (counter-clockwise) every 5 secs, 3 times 4. Stop for 5secs
To proceed with the test, execute these following commands on three (3) different terminals (in sequence):
:memo: Note: Assuming that the package was built in Terminal 1 and Initialize CAN is already done on Terminal 1.
Terminal 2 | Terminal 3 | Terminal 4 |
$ cd ~/ros2_ws/ |
$ cd ~/ros2_ws/ |
$ cd ~/ros2_ws/src/adi_tmcl/scripts |
Monitor the position of the first motor (watch out for position value at Terminal 3).
:memo: Notes: - Terminals 3 and 4 are best viewed side-by-side. - You may Ctrl-C the command in Terminal 2 and 3 once you're done. - The command in Terminal 4 auto-stops by itself.
Test Torque Mode
To do a quick test of Torque Mode, there is a fake torque script that the user can run. Idea is, this script will send Torque commands (as a ROS topic), then the first motor should be expected to: 1. Rotate for 5 secs, with torque = 300 2. Stop for 5secs 3. Rotate for 5 secs again, with torque = 300
To proceed with the test, execute these following commands on three (3) different terminals (in sequence):
:memo: Note: Assuming that the package was built in Terminal 1 and Initialize CAN is already done on Terminal 1.
Terminal 2 | Terminal 3 | Terminal 4 |
$ cd ~/ros2_ws/ |
$ cd ~/ros2_ws/ |
$ cd ~/ros2_ws/src/adi_tmcl/scripts |
Monitor the torque of the first motor (watch out for torque value at Terminal 3).
:memo: Notes: - Terminals 3 and 4 are best viewed side-by-side. - You may Ctrl-C the command in Terminal 1 and 2 once you're done. - The command in Terminal 4 auto-stops by itself.
- No support for interfaces other than CAN yet.
Please contact the Maintainers
if you want to use this ROS Driver on Trinamic Motor Controllers without YAML files in this repository.
Any other inquiries and support are also welcome.
Changelog for package tmcl_ros2
2.0.1 (2024-07-15)
- Added support for TMCM-2611 Added support for TMCM-2611 Co-Authored-By: Christian Joseph Acar <> Co-Authored-By: Jamila Macagba <>
- Update Update with mention of adi_tmcl and tmcl_ros2 Co-Authored-By: Jamila Macagba <>
- Contributors: mmaralit-adi
2.0.0 (2023-11-21)
- Updated package name and TF values
- Updated to:
- Change package name from \"tmcl_ros2\" to \"adi_tmcl\" in preparation for ROS release
- Change TF values (default)
- Contributors: mmaralit-adi, jmacagba
1.0.2 (2023-10-27)
- Update LICENSE file
- Contributors: Jamila Macagba
1.0.1 (2023-10-10)
- Removed obsolete modules and updated references in README
- Updated to:
- Remove obsolete modules
- Update pages in
- Update CMakeLists.txt to make sure other drivers that has same names as socket_can_wrapper will not cause conflicts
- Contributors: mmaralit-adi, jmacagba
1.0.0 (2023-09-27)
- Adding v1.0.0 of tmcl_ros2, ROS2, Humble
- Contains official ROS2 Driver for Trinamic Motor Controllers (TMC) that uses Trinamic Motion Control Language (TMCL) protocol
- Supported TMC boards: TMCM-1636, TMCM-1617, TMCM-1241, TMCM-1260, TMCM-6214
- Supported communication interface and interface driver: CAN (SocketCAN)
- Supported ROS and OS distro: Humble (Ubuntu 22.04)
- Supported platform: Intel x86 64-bit (amd64)
- Contributors: mmaralit-adi, jmacagba
Wiki Tutorials
Package Dependencies
Deps | Name | |
1 | rclcpp | |
2 | std_msgs | |
3 | std_srvs | |
2 | geometry_msgs | |
1 | ament_cmake | |
2 | rosidl_default_generators | |
2 | ros2launch | |
2 | rosidl_default_runtime | |
1 | ament_lint_auto | |
1 | ament_lint_common |
System Dependencies
Dependant Packages
Launch files
Recent questions tagged adi_tmcl at Robotics Stack Exchange
Package Summary
Tags | No category tags. |
Version | 4.0.1 |
License | MIT |
Build type | CATKIN |
Repository Summary
Checkout URI | |
VCS Type | git |
VCS Version | noetic |
Last Updated | 2024-07-14 |
Dev Status | MAINTAINED |
CI status | Continuous Integration : 0 / 0 |
Released | RELEASED |
Tags | No category tags. |
Contributing |
Help Wanted (0)
Good First Issues (0) Pull Requests to Review (0) |
Package Description
Additional Links
adi_tmcl (previously tmcl_ros) is the official ROS Driver for ADI Trinamic Motor Controllers (TMC) that uses Trinamic Motion Control Language (TMCL) protocol.
- Supported TMC boards: TMCM-1636, TMCM-1617, TMCM-2611, TMCM-1241, TMCM-1260, TMCM-6214
- Supported communication interface and interface driver: CAN (SocketCAN)
- Supported ROS and OS distro: Noetic (Ubuntu 20.04)
- Supported platform: Intel x86 64-bit (amd64)
- Supported setup: Single/Multiple TMC in Single/Multiple CAN channel (namespace-managed)
:memo: Note: Although officially supported TMC boards are only the abovementioned, all market-ready TMCs with YAMLs in this repository are also expected to work and can be tried and tested by the users. Contact the Developers for any issues encountered.
For the tested TMCM-1636 setup, the following are used: - 1 x TMCM-1636 - 1 x QBL4208-61-04-013 BLDC motor - 1 x External 24V power supply - 1 x CAN USB Cable (w/SocketCAN support) - with 120 ohm termination resistors
Also the following: - PWR/GND from board to external 24V power supply - 5-pin Motor connector (Hall) (see Note below) - 5-pin Motor connector (Encoder) (see Note below) - 40 pin Molex connectors
:memo: Note: Check Section 4 of QBL4208-x-1k Datasheet for motor wiring references.
The image below shows the connection diagram of the setup (with labels):
The image below shows the actual setup used (for reference):
Software Architecture
Software Dependencies
Assumptions before building this package: * Installed ROS Noetic. If not, follow these steps. * Setup catkin workspace (with workspace folder named as "catkin_ws"). If not, follow these steps.
In the website: 1. Make sure that the branch dropdown is set to "noetic". 2. Click the "Clone" or "Code" button, then copy the SSH or HTTPS link (eg, "*.git").
In a terminal, do the following:
$ cd ~/catkin_ws/src
# Clone to directory "adi_tmcl" which is the package name
$ git clone <copied SSH o HTTPS link here> adi_tmcl
Do proper exports first:
$ source /opt/ros/<ROS version>/setup.bash
Where: - "ROS version" is the user's actual ROS version
$ cd ~/catkin_ws/
$ catkin_make clean
$ catkin_make
$ source devel/setup.bash
Pre-Launch (One-time per setup)
If it's the first time to use the set of motors for the TMC that you are using, it is required to calibrate and tune the PID settings of the motors first.
Do the calibrations/tuning by downloading and using TMCL-IDE.
BLDC Motors
Calibrate the motors
For a run-through/tutorial of how the calibration is done in the TMCL-IDE via its Wizard Pool
feature, check this link.
Tune the PI settings of the motors
For a run-through/tutorial of how the PI tuning is done in the TMCL-IDE via its PI Tuning
feature, check this link.
:memo: Note: For all the calibration and tuning done, store all the parameters set from TMCL_IDE on the board's EEPROM. Do this by doing any of the following: - Clicking the "Store Parameter" under Settings of each axis - Using STAP (Store Axis Parameters) command from Direct Mode - Creating and uploading a TMCL Program, and enabling the "auto start mode" under SGP (Set Global Parameter) command from Direct Mode - - :memo: Note: Some boards don't have "auto start mode", so in such a case, use the other options to store the parameters.
Stepper Motors
Calibrate the motors
For a run-through/tutorial of how the calibration is done in the TMCL-IDE via its Wizard Pool
feature, check this link.
For more information about Trinamic features on stepper motors, visit this link.
:memo: Note: For all the calibration and tuning done, store all the parameters set from TMCL_IDE on the board's EEPROM. Do this by: - Creating and uploading a TMCL Program, and enabling the "auto start mode" under SGP (Set Global Parameter) command from Direct Mode
Pre-Launch (One-time)
Initialize CAN
:memo: Note: This script automatically brings-up CAN upon boot. Do this step only once.
To proceed, first make the script executable (do this only once as this change persists even after power-off):
$ cd ~/catkin_ws/src/adi_tmcl/scripts # or $ cd ~/catkin_ws/src/<repo directory>/scripts
$ chmod +x
Execute the script:
$ sudo ./ <communication interface> <bitrate>
Where: - communication interface is the interface used between the PC and the TMC (accepted values: 0 -255) - bitrate is the rate of communication interface (accepted values: 20000, 50000, 100000, 125000, 250000, 500000, 1000000)
:memo: Note: The above mentioned accepted values are a range, though the user still needs to check the actual TMC's datasheet on the applicable range. Additionally, the bitrate set here must be the same bitrate set into the the TMC as the Global Parameter "CAN bit rate".
For example, to initialize CAN with can0 as communication interface and 1000KBPS bitrate:
$ sudo ./ 0 1000000
De-initialize CAN
:memo: Note: This script disables the automatic bring-up of CAN upon boot.
To proceed, first make the script executable (do this only once as this change persists even after power-off):
$ cd ~/catkin_ws/src/adi_tmcl/scripts # or $ cd ~/catkin_ws/src/<repo directory>/scripts
$ chmod +x
Execute the script:
$ sudo ./ <communication interface>
Where: - communication interface is the interface used between the PC and the TMC (accepted values: 0 -255)
For example, to de-initialize CAN with can0 as communication interface:
$ sudo ./ 0
$ roslaunch adi_tmcl tmcm_1636.launch
:memo: Note: For those with
in the topic names, these are ideally the motor number. For example, if there are 2 motors used, there should be two published topics for tmc_info, specifically /tmc_info_0 for motor 0 and then /tmc_info_1 for motor 1.
Published topics
These are the default topic names, topic names can be modified as a ROS parameter.
- Data containing:
- (1) board voltage (V)
- (2) statusflag value (only for boards with StatusFlags AP, else, value is set to 0)
- (3) statusflag notifications (only for boards with StatusFlags AP and StatusFlags Register names). In the case of Stepper motor(s), this publishes driver error flags and extended error flags values. Else, value is set to " ")
- (4) motor number
- (5) velocity (if Parameter wheel_diameter is set to 0, the unit for published velocity is rpm, else m/s)
- (6) position (degree angle)
- (7) torque (mA)
- Data containing:
Subscriber topics
- Velocity command (rpm or m/s)
- Absolute position command (degree angle)
- Relative position command (degree angle)
- Torque command (mA)
Advertised services
/tmcl_custom_cmd (/tmcl_custom_cmd)
- Executes a custom SAP, GAP, SGP and GGP commands
- The output contains raw data (velocity = rpm, position = units) from the board. Do not expect same unit from the publisher.
/tmcl_gap_all (/tmcl_gap_all)
- Get all Axis Parameter values
/tmcl_ggp_all (/tmcl_ggp_all)
- Get all Global Parameter values
:memo: Notes: - If any of these parameters are not set/declared, default values will be used. - ROS parameters can only cover
rosparam get
.rosparam set
is prohibited, even when the user runrosparam set
, only the parameter from server will change but not in the node itself
Communication Interface Parameters
comm_interface (int, default: 0)
- Interface used between the PC and the TMC (where 0 = CAN)
comm_interface_name (string, default: can0)
- Name of the interface or device as detected by the PC
comm_tx_id (int, default: 1)
- ID for board TX
comm_rx_id (int, default: 2)
- ID for board RX
TMC ROS Node Parameters
comm_timeout_ms (int, default: 100)
- Indicates how long should the node will wait for the rx data
comm_exec_cmd_retries (int, default: 1)
- Indicates how many the node will retry sending data before shutting down if no data received
adhoc_mode (bool, default: false)
- This mode expects that the used module is not known. The velocity, position and torque relies on the additional_ratio_* values.
en_motors (int, default: 0)
- Enables/disables active motors or axes. If disabled, settings for those motors will be ignored or not set.
pub_rate_tmc_info (int, default: 10)
- Publish rate (hertz) of TMC information
auto_start_additional_delay (int, default: 0)
- Added delay if auto start mode is enabled. Use this if your TMCL program needs to start running after over 2 seconds.
Motor Configuration Settings
en_pub_tmc_info (bool, default: false)
- Enables/disables publishing of TMC information
pub_actual_vel (bool, default: false)
- Enable/Disable actual velocity that the user can optionally publish every publish rate as long as en_pub_tmc_info is true
pub_actual_trq (bool, default: false)
- Enable/Disable actual torque that the user can optionally publish every publish rate as long as en_pub_tmc_info is true
pub_actual_pos (bool, default: false)
- Enable/Disable actual position that the user can optionally publish every publish rate as long as en_pub_tmc_info is true
tmc_info_topic (string, default: /tmc_info_)
- tmc_info topics that will contain chosen TMC info that will be published
tmc_cmd_vel_topic (string, default: /cmd_vel_)
- Twist topics that will be the source of target velocity to be set on the TMC
tmc_cmd_abspos_topic (string, default: /cmd_abspos_)
- Int32 topics that will be the source of target position to be set on the TMC
tmc_cmd_relpos_topic (string, default: /cmd_relpos_)
- Int32 topics that will be the source of target position to be set on the TMC
tmc_cmd_trq_topic (string, default: /cmd_trq_)
- Int32 topics that will be the source of target torque to be set on the TMC
wheel_diameter (int, default: 0)
- Wheel diameter that is attached on the motor shaft directly. This is to convert linear values to rpm
- If wheel diameter is 0, cmd_vel is equal to rpm
additional_ratio_vel (int, default: 1)
- Additional Ratio for velocity for general purposes (adhoc mode, added pulley or gear trains). Default value 1 means disabled
additional_ratio_pos (int, default: 1)
- Additional Ratio for position for general purposes (adhoc mode, added pulley or gear trains). Default value 1 means disabled
additional_ratio_trq (int, default: 1)
- Additional Ratio for torque for general purposes (adhoc mode). Default value 1 means disabled
Quick Tests
Test Velocity Mode
To do a quick test of Velocity Mode, there is a fake velocity script that the user can run. Idea is, this script will send Velocity commands (as a ROS topic), then the first motor should be expected to: 1. Increase velocity every 3secs, clockwise (in m/s: 3, 6, 9) 2. Stop for 5secs 3. Increase velocity every 3secs, counter-clockwise (in m/s: -3, -6, -9) 4. Stop for 5secs
To proceed with the test, execute these following commands on three (3) different terminals (in sequence):
:memo: Note: Assuming that Initialize CAN is already done on Terminal 1.
Terminal 1 | Terminal 2 | Terminal 3 |
$ cd ~/catkin_ws/ |
$ cd ~/catkin_ws/ |
$ cd ~/catkin_ws/src/adi_tmcl/scripts |
Monitor the velocity of the first motor (watch out for velocity value at Terminal 2).
:memo: Notes: - Terminals 2 and 3 are best viewed side-by-side. - You may Ctrl-C the command in Terminal 2 once you're done. - The command in Terminal 3 auto-stops by itself.
Test Position Mode
To do a quick test of Position Mode, there is a fake position script that the user can run. Idea is, this script will send Position commands (as a ROS topic), then the first motor should be expected to: 1. Rotate 360 degrees (clockwise) every 5 secs, 3 times 2. Stop for 5secs 3. Rotate 360 degrees (counter-clockwise) every 5 secs, 3 times 4. Stop for 5secs
To proceed with the test, execute these following commands on three (3) different terminals (in sequence):
:memo: Note: Assuming that Initialize CAN is already done on Terminal 1.
Terminal 1 | Terminal 2 | Terminal 3 |
$ cd ~/catkin_ws/ |
$ cd ~/catkin_ws/ |
$ cd ~/catkin_ws/src/adi_tmcl/scripts |
Monitor the position of the first motor (watch out for position value at Terminal 2).
:memo: Notes: - Terminals 2 and 3 are best viewed side-by-side. - You may Ctrl-C the command in Terminal 2 once you're done. - The command in Terminal 3 auto-stops by itself.
Test Torque Mode
To do a quick test of Torque Mode, there is a fake torque script that the user can run. Idea is, this script will send Torque commands (as a ROS topic), then the first motor should be expected to: 1. Rotate for 5 secs, with torque = 300 2. Stop for 5secs 3. Rotate for 5 secs again, with torque = 300
To proceed with the test, execute these following commands on three (3) different terminals (in sequence):
:memo: Note: Assuming that Initialize CAN is already done on Terminal 1.
Terminal 1 | Terminal 2 | Terminal 3 |
$ cd ~/catkin_ws/ |
$ cd ~/catkin_ws/ |
$ cd ~/catkin_ws/src/adi_tmcl/scripts |
Monitor the torque of the first motor (watch out for torque value at Terminal 2).
:memo: Notes: - Terminals 2 and 3 are best viewed side-by-side. - You may Ctrl-C the command in Terminal 2 once you're done. - The command in Terminal 3 auto-stops by itself.
- No support for interfaces other than CAN yet.
Please contact the Maintainers
if you want to use this ROS Driver on Trinamic Motor Controllers without YAML files in this repository.
Any other inquiries and support are also welcome.
Changelog for package tmcl_ros
4.0.1 (2024-07-15)
- Merge branch \'noetic\' of into noetic
- Added support for TMCM-2611 Co-Authored-By: Christian Joseph Acar <> Co-Authored-By: Jamila Macagba <>
- Contributors: mmaralit-adi
4.0.0 (2023-12-13)
- Updated to mention both tmcl_ros (previous package name) and adi_tmcl
- Updated package name and transforms
- Updated package name in compliance to official ROS release, and updated transforms for multi-axes TMCs
- Contributors: mmaralit-adi, jmacagba
3.0.2 (2023-10-06)
- Removed obsolete modules and updated references in README
- Updated to:
- Remove obsolete modules
- Update pages in
- Update CMakeLists.txt to make sure other drivers that has same names as socket_can_wrapper will not cause conflicts; and also add install support
- Contributors: mmaralit-adi, jmacagba
v3.0.1-noetic (2023-09-26)
- Remove obsolete modules, update copyrights\' years, update
package.xml version and cleanup CMakeLists.txt
- Remove obsolete modules
- Update copyrights\' years
- Update package.xml version
- Clean-up comments in CMakeLists.txt
- Contributors: CAcarADI, mmaralit-adi
v3.0.0-noetic (2023-09-18)
- Adaptations on ROS coding standard and synchronization with upcoming
ROS2 Driver version of this
- Adaptations on ROS coding standards
- Synchronization of handling between this ROS1 Driver and the up-for-release ROS2 Driver version
- Added handling for SIGTERM and SIGKILL
- Removed support for TMC variants that are either obsolete, no CAN support, or no Motor Drive
- Contributors: CAcarADI, mmaralit-adi
v2.0.0-noetic (2023-07-26)
- Added config files for other BLDC and Stepper type motors Added config files for various BLDC and Stepper type motors, added support for stepper type motors, and also added support for multiple TMC connections
- Contributors: CAcarADI, mmaralit-adi
v1.0.2-noetic (2023-05-11)
- Adjustments for position scaler and status, and added script to get
all axis parameter values Updated for the following features:
- Added Position Scaler consideration in position calculation (higher prio than encoder steps)
- Added Status information in published /tmc_info
- Changed default /tmc_info publish rate to 10Hz (previously 1Hz)
- Added to query YAML\'s axis parameters\' values
- Made TMCM-1636 FollowEepromConfig as False and then used calibrated values in YAML
- Updated Maintainer email
- Added TMCM-1636 actual setup image (for reference).
- Contributors: CAcarADI, mmaralit-adi
v1.0.1-noetic (2023-02-10)
- Added support for TMCM-1617
- Contributors: CAcarADI
v1.0.0-noetic (2023-02-10)
- Adding v1.0.0 of tmcl_ros, ROS1, Noetic
- Contains official ROS Driver for Trinamic Motor Controllers (TMC) that uses Trinamic Motion Control Language (TMCL) protocol
- Supported TMC boards: TMCM-1636
- Supported communication interface and interface driver: CAN (SocketCAN)
- Supported ROS and OS distro: Noetic (Ubuntu 20.04)
- Supported platform: Intel x86 64-bit (amd64)
- Contributors: CAcarADI, mmaralit-adi
Wiki Tutorials
Package Dependencies
Deps | Name | |
1 | roscpp | |
2 | geometry_msgs | |
1 | message_generation | |
1 | catkin | |
1 | message_runtime | |
2 | std_msgs |
System Dependencies
Dependant Packages
Launch files
- launch/tmcm_1637.launch
- Copyright (c) 2023 Analog Devices, Inc. All Rights Reserved. This software is proprietary to Analog Devices, Inc. and its licensors.
- ns_prefix [default: tmcm1]
- tmcl_base_name [default: tmcm1637]
- period [default: 100]
- launch/tmcm_1278.launch
- Copyright (c) 2023 Analog Devices, Inc. All Rights Reserved. This software is proprietary to Analog Devices, Inc. and its licensors.
- ns_prefix [default: tmcm1]
- tmcl_base_name [default: tmcm1278]
- period [default: 100]
- launch/tmcm_1378.launch
- Copyright (c) 2023 Analog Devices, Inc. All Rights Reserved. This software is proprietary to Analog Devices, Inc. and its licensors.
- ns_prefix [default: tmcm1]
- tmcl_base_name [default: tmcm1378]
- period [default: 100]
- launch/tmcm_1617.launch
- Copyright (c) 2022-2023 Analog Devices, Inc. All Rights Reserved. This software is proprietary to Analog Devices, Inc. and its licensors.
- ns_prefix [default: tmcm1]
- tmcl_base_name [default: tmcm1617]
- period [default: 100]
- launch/tmcm_6110.launch
- Copyright (c) 2023 Analog Devices, Inc. All Rights Reserved. This software is proprietary to Analog Devices, Inc. and its licensors.
- ns_prefix [default: tmcm1]
- tmcl_base_name [default: tmcm6110]
- period [default: 100]
- launch/tmcm_1636.launch
- Copyright (c) 2022-2023 Analog Devices, Inc. All Rights Reserved. This software is proprietary to Analog Devices, Inc. and its licensors.
- ns_prefix [default: tmcm1]
- tmcl_base_name [default: tmcm1636]
- period [default: 100]
- launch/tmcm_1276.launch
- Copyright (c) 2023 Analog Devices, Inc. All Rights Reserved. This software is proprietary to Analog Devices, Inc. and its licensors.
- ns_prefix [default: tmcm1]
- tmcl_base_name [default: tmcm1276]
- period [default: 100]
- launch/tmcm_1180.launch
- Copyright (c) 2023 Analog Devices, Inc. All Rights Reserved. This software is proprietary to Analog Devices, Inc. and its licensors.
- ns_prefix [default: tmcm1]
- tmcl_base_name [default: tmcm1180]
- period [default: 100]
- launch/tmcm_1240.launch
- Copyright (c) 2023 Analog Devices, Inc. All Rights Reserved. This software is proprietary to Analog Devices, Inc. and its licensors.
- ns_prefix [default: tmcm1]
- tmcl_base_name [default: tmcm1240]
- period [default: 100]
- launch/tmcm_1230.launch
- Copyright (c) 2023 Analog Devices, Inc. All Rights Reserved. This software is proprietary to Analog Devices, Inc. and its licensors.
- ns_prefix [default: tmcm1]
- tmcl_base_name [default: tmcm1230]
- period [default: 100]
- launch/tmcm_1260.launch
- Copyright (c) 2022-2023 Analog Devices, Inc. All Rights Reserved. This software is proprietary to Analog Devices, Inc. and its licensors.
- ns_prefix [default: tmcm1]
- tmcl_base_name [default: tmcm1260]
- period [default: 100]
- launch/tmcm_351.launch
- Copyright (c) 2023 Analog Devices, Inc. All Rights Reserved. This software is proprietary to Analog Devices, Inc. and its licensors.
- ns_prefix [default: tmcm1]
- tmcl_base_name [default: tmcm351]
- period [default: 100]
- launch/tmcm_2611.launch
- Copyright (c) 2022-2023 Analog Devices, Inc. All Rights Reserved. This software is proprietary to Analog Devices, Inc. and its licensors.
- ns_prefix [default: tmcm1]
- tmcl_base_name [default: tmcm2611]
- period [default: 100]
- launch/tmcm_6212.launch
- Copyright (c) 2023 Analog Devices, Inc. All Rights Reserved. This software is proprietary to Analog Devices, Inc. and its licensors.
- ns_prefix [default: tmcm1]
- tmcl_base_name [default: tmcm6212]
- period [default: 100]
- launch/tmcm_343.launch
- Copyright (c) 2023 Analog Devices, Inc. All Rights Reserved. This software is proprietary to Analog Devices, Inc. and its licensors.
- ns_prefix [default: tmcm1]
- tmcl_base_name [default: tmcm343]
- period [default: 100]
- launch/tmcm_1231.launch
- Copyright (c) 2023 Analog Devices, Inc. All Rights Reserved. This software is proprietary to Analog Devices, Inc. and its licensors.
- ns_prefix [default: tmcm1]
- tmcl_base_name [default: tmcm1231]
- period [default: 100]
- launch/tmcm_1241.launch
- Copyright (c) 2023 Analog Devices, Inc. All Rights Reserved. This software is proprietary to Analog Devices, Inc. and its licensors.
- ns_prefix [default: tmcm1]
- tmcl_base_name [default: tmcm1241]
- period [default: 100]
- launch/tmcm_3212.launch
- Copyright (c) 2023 Analog Devices, Inc. All Rights Reserved. This software is proprietary to Analog Devices, Inc. and its licensors.
- ns_prefix [default: tmcm1]
- tmcl_base_name [default: tmcm3212]
- period [default: 100]
- launch/tmcm_1270.launch
- Copyright (c) 2023 Analog Devices, Inc. All Rights Reserved. This software is proprietary to Analog Devices, Inc. and its licensors.
- ns_prefix [default: tmcm1]
- tmcl_base_name [default: tmcm1270]
- period [default: 100]
- launch/tmcm_6214.launch
- Copyright (c) 2023 Analog Devices, Inc. All Rights Reserved. This software is proprietary to Analog Devices, Inc. and its licensors.
- ns_prefix [default: tmcm1]
- tmcl_base_name [default: tmcm6214]
- period [default: 100]
- launch/tmcm_3351.launch
- Copyright (c) 2023 Analog Devices, Inc. All Rights Reserved. This software is proprietary to Analog Devices, Inc. and its licensors.
- ns_prefix [default: tmcm1]
- tmcl_base_name [default: tmcm3351]
- period [default: 100]
- launch/tmcm_0930.launch
- Copyright (c) 2023 Analog Devices, Inc. All Rights Reserved. This software is proprietary to Analog Devices, Inc. and its licensors.
- ns_prefix [default: tmcm1]
- tmcl_base_name [default: tmcm0930]
- period [default: 100]
- launch/tmcm_3110.launch
- Copyright (c) 2023 Analog Devices, Inc. All Rights Reserved. This software is proprietary to Analog Devices, Inc. and its licensors.
- ns_prefix [default: tmcm1]
- tmcl_base_name [default: tmcm3110]
- period [default: 100]
- launch/tmcm_1670.launch
- Copyright (c) 2023 Analog Devices, Inc. All Rights Reserved. This software is proprietary to Analog Devices, Inc. and its licensors.
- ns_prefix [default: tmcm1]
- tmcl_base_name [default: tmcm1670]
- period [default: 100]
- launch/tmcm_1311.launch
- Copyright (c) 2023 Analog Devices, Inc. All Rights Reserved. This software is proprietary to Analog Devices, Inc. and its licensors.
- ns_prefix [default: tmcm1]
- tmcl_base_name [default: tmcm1311]
- period [default: 100]
- launch/tmcm_1633.launch
- Copyright (c) 2023 Analog Devices, Inc. All Rights Reserved. This software is proprietary to Analog Devices, Inc. and its licensors.
- ns_prefix [default: tmcm1]
- tmcl_base_name [default: tmcm1633]
- period [default: 100]
- launch/tmcm_1160.launch
- Copyright (c) 2023 Analog Devices, Inc. All Rights Reserved. This software is proprietary to Analog Devices, Inc. and its licensors.
- ns_prefix [default: tmcm1]
- tmcl_base_name [default: tmcm1160]
- period [default: 100]
- launch/tmcm_3230.launch
- Copyright (c) 2023 Analog Devices, Inc. All Rights Reserved. This software is proprietary to Analog Devices, Inc. and its licensors.
- ns_prefix [default: tmcm1]
- tmcl_base_name [default: tmcm3230]
- period [default: 100]
- launch/tmcm_1638.launch
- Copyright (c) 2023 Analog Devices, Inc. All Rights Reserved. This software is proprietary to Analog Devices, Inc. and its licensors.
- ns_prefix [default: tmcm1]
- tmcl_base_name [default: tmcm1638]
- period [default: 100]
- launch/tmcm_1140.launch
- Copyright (c) 2023 Analog Devices, Inc. All Rights Reserved. This software is proprietary to Analog Devices, Inc. and its licensors.
- ns_prefix [default: tmcm1]
- tmcl_base_name [default: tmcm1140]
- period [default: 100]