tiago_moveit_config package from tiago_moveit_config repo


Package Summary

Tags No category tags.
Version 3.0.17
License Apache License 2.0
Build type AMENT_CMAKE

Repository Summary

Checkout URI https://github.com/pal-robotics/tiago_moveit_config.git
VCS Type git
VCS Version humble-devel
Last Updated 2024-07-09
CI status No Continuous Integration
Tags No category tags.
Contributing Help Wanted (0)
Good First Issues (0)
Pull Requests to Review (0)

Package Description

An automatically generated package with all the configuration and launch files for using the tiago with the MoveIt Motion Planning Framework

Additional Links


  • TIAGo PAL support team
  • Jordan Palacios
  • Noel Jimenez


  • MoveIt Setup Assistant

TIAGo MoveIt! Config

This package contains the MoveIt! config files for all possible TIAGo configurations (end effectors, force torque sensors..).

To make maintenance easier, there are templates of the files that differ between configurations. To understand how this template works please read https://github.com/pal-robotics/tiago_robot/ readme.

Running the setup assistant

If you need to modify the setup assistant, you'll need to:

  1. Provide arguments to the xacro file to get the variant of TIAGo that you need. For MoveIt! the parameters may need to modify are arm, end_effector and ft_sensor.
  2. Create (or softlnk) a SRDF file at config/tiago.srdf if you want to load existing moveit configuration. The SRDF files used are in config/srdf, and only changes in that directory will not reflect on the robot.

Make sure that after running to reflect the changes in the auto generated files.


Changelog for package tiago_moveit_config

3.0.17 (2024-07-09)

  • Add warning for pal_module_cmake not found
  • Contributors: Noel Jimenez

3.0.16 (2024-06-26)

  • Merge branch \'dtk/move-robot-args\' into \'humble-devel\' Change import for launch args See merge request robots/tiago_moveit_config!84
  • Change import for launch args
  • Contributors: David ter Kuile, davidterkuile

3.0.15 (2024-06-10)

  • Merge branch \'feat/motions\' into \'humble-devel\' add custom file for posible costumers See merge request robots/tiago_moveit_config!83
  • new disable collision for robotiq
  • add disable collision
  • add custom file for posible costumers
  • Contributors: Aina, davidterkuile

3.0.14 (2024-05-13)

  • Merge branch \'omm/feat/imarkers\' into \'humble-devel\' Restored proper rviz launch file with interactive markers See merge request robots/tiago_moveit_config!82
  • Restored proper rviz launch file with interactive markers
  • Contributors: davidterkuile, oscarmartinez

3.0.13 (2024-05-09)

  • Merge branch \'feat/auto-generated_srdf_files\' into \'humble-devel\' auto generated srdf files See merge request robots/tiago_moveit_config!81
  • include files
  • create srdf on the go
  • migrate update.sh
  • restructure srdf files
  • add disable collision files & end_effectors files
  • Merge branch \'omm/fix/launch_standarization\' into \'humble-devel\' Launch files moved to TIAGo family standard See merge request robots/tiago_moveit_config!79
  • Removing deprecated fake controllers
  • Launch files moved to TIAGo family standard
  • Merge branch \'dtk/fix/missing-dependency\' into \'humble-devel\' Fix missing dependency See merge request robots/tiago_moveit_config!78
  • Add missing moveit-ros-perception dependency
  • Contributors: Aina Irisarri, David ter Kuile, Noel Jimenez, Oscar, davidterkuile

3.0.12 (2024-03-06)

  • Enable log colors for move_group and rviz nodes
  • Revert \"Install the moveit setup assistant to avoid some warnings\" This reverts commit 7d51b736a0d22bd12bad43f9322f1a52c4532d46.
  • Contributors: Noel Jimenez

3.0.11 (2024-03-04)

  • Install the moveit setup assistant to avoid some warnings
  • Contributors: Noel Jimenez

3.0.10 (2024-02-29)

  • Read robot_description from the topic
  • Contributors: Noel Jimenez

3.0.9 (2024-01-31)

  • delete arm controllers when no-arm
  • change config files name when no end_effector & adding robotiq config files
  • Contributors: Aina Irisarri

3.0.8 (2024-01-12)

  • Publish robot_description_semantic
  • Contributors: Noel Jimenez

3.0.7 (2023-12-18)

  • Add if statement for moveit sensor manager
  • Newline at the end of the file
  • Add moveit sensor params
  • Contributors: David ter Kuile, Noel Jimenez

3.0.6 (2023-11-14)

  • Update website
  • Contributors: Noel Jimenez

3.0.5 (2023-11-13)

  • Remove use_sim_time from module
  • Set use_sim_time false as default
  • Contributors: Noel Jimenez

3.0.4 (2023-11-07)

  • Specify arguments for move_group module
  • Contributors: Noel Jimenez

3.0.3 (2023-09-21)

  • Merge branch \'add_modules\' into \'humble-devel\' Adding move_group module See merge request robots/tiago_moveit_config!61
  • Adding move_group module
  • Merge branch \'remove_pal_flags_dependency\' into \'humble-devel\' Remove pal flags dependency See merge request robots/tiago_moveit_config!60
  • Remove pal flags dependency
  • Contributors: Jordan Palacios, Noel Jimenez

3.0.2 (2023-06-14)

  • config files regeneration
  • update get_tiago_hw_suffix method usage
  • Contributors: Noel Jimenez

3.0.1 (2023-02-08)

  • Merge branch \'fix_move_group\' into \'humble-devel\' Add missing pilz_cartesian_limits for moveit config See merge request robots/tiago_moveit_config!50
  • add missing pilz_cartesian_limits for moveit config
  • Contributors: Jordan Palacios, Noel Jimenez

3.0.0 (2022-11-29)

  • Merge pull request #11 from AndyZe/andyz/cm_update [Humble] Update the ControllerManger name
  • Update in the .em file as well
  • Update the Controller Manager name
  • Merge branch \'add_missing_dependencies\' into \'humble-devel\' Add missing dependencies See merge request robots/tiago_moveit_config!46
  • add missing dependencies
  • Merge branch \'update_rviz_cfg\' into \'humble-devel\' Update rviz config See merge request robots/tiago_moveit_config!45
  • update rviz cfg
  • Merge branch \'cleanup\' into \'humble-devel\' update pkg deps See merge request robots/tiago_moveit_config!44
  • update pkg deps
  • Merge branch \'linters\' into \'humble-devel\' Linters See merge request robots/tiago_moveit_config!43
  • linters
  • copyright
  • add linters
  • Merge branch \'update_launchers\' into \'humble-devel\' Update moveit launchers refactor See merge request robots/tiago_moveit_config!42
  • update config and use MoveItConfigsBuilder for launchers
  • regenerate controller yaml files
  • rm name to avoid duplicated node
  • update moveit launchers refactor
  • Merge branch \'refactor_ld\' into \'humble-devel\' Refactor LaunchDescription population See merge request robots/tiago_moveit_config!41
  • refactor LaunchDescription population
  • Merge branch \'license\' into \'humble-devel\' Add Apache License See merge request robots/tiago_moveit_config!40
  • add LICENSE
  • Merge branch \'cleanup\' into \'humble-devel\' Cleanup See merge request robots/tiago_moveit_config!39
  • rm ros1 launchers
  • Merge branch \'update_maintainers\' into \'humble-devel\' update maintainers See merge request robots/tiago_moveit_config!38
  • update maintainers
  • Merge branch \'separate_rviz_and_move_group\' into \'foxy-devel\' Separate rviz from move group launcher See merge request robots/tiago_moveit_config!33
  • separate rviz from move_group launcher
  • Update rviz config
  • Add camera_model to description generator
  • Style and cleanup
  • Use rviz in this repo
  • Update move_group for all tiago configurations
  • Fix controllers and srdf generation
  • Regenerate srdf and controllers for ROS2
  • Initial hard coded ROS2 version
  • Contributors: AndyZe, Jordan Palacios, Noel Jimenez, Noel Jimenez Garcia, Sai Kishor Kothakota, Victor Lopez

1.1.1 (2021-05-06)

1.1.0 (2021-05-06)

  • Merge branch \'robotiq_gripper\' into \'erbium-devel\' Robotiq gripper See merge request robots/tiago_moveit_config!22
  • update the SRDF with the missing FT links
  • Update the SRDF configuration
  • update the robotiq end effector naming
  • initial commit of robotiq 85 and 140 moveit config of TIAGo
  • Add README and update setup assistant xacro file name
  • Contributors: Sai Kishor Kothakota, Victor Lopez, saikishor

1.0.6 (2020-10-01)

  • Merge branch \'hey5_marker\' into \'erbium-devel\' Hey5 marker See merge request robots/tiago_moveit_config!21
  • Hey5 marker
  • Contributors: Adria Roig, victor

1.0.5 (2020-06-09)

  • Add arm_5 wrist ignore collisions
  • Contributors: Victor Lopez

1.0.4 (2020-04-21)

  • Merge branch \'custom-ee\' into \'erbium-devel\' Allow using custom end-effector See merge request robots/tiago_moveit_config!19
  • Allow using custom end-effector
  • Contributors: davidfernandez, victor

1.0.3 (2020-02-06)

  • Merge branch \'move_group_capability\' into \'erbium-devel\' send capabilities through args See merge request robots/tiago_moveit_config!18
  • send capabilities through args
  • Contributors: Victor Lopez, YueErro

1.0.2 (2019-08-22)

  • Add missing multi argument
  • Decrease segment size for validation
  • Contributors: Victor Lopez

1.0.1 (2018-12-19)

  • Merge branch \'specifics-refactor\' into \'erbium-devel\' Added autogenerated srdf See merge request robots/tiago_moveit_config!16
  • Restore old camera parameter
  • Refactor controllers files
  • Refactor joint limits and srdf
  • Added autogenerated srdf
  • Contributors: Victor Lopez

1.0.0 (2018-12-19)

0.0.22 (2018-07-30)

  • Merge branch \'fix-simulation-warnings\' into \'cobalt-devel\' fix deprecated namespace See merge request robots/tiago_moveit_config!15
  • fix deprecated namespace
  • fix demo mode by adding missing argument You hacked multi-robot support into a generated moveit configuration but didn\'t test \"roslaunch tiago_moveit_config demo.launch\". I agree that gazebo support is better than the demo mode, but it can be very useful to test MoveIt-based code without controlling.
  • Contributors: Jordi Pages, Victor Lopez, v4hn

0.0.21 (2018-03-28)

  • Merge branch \'disable-sonar-collision\' into \'cobalt-devel\' Disable sonar collision with base_link See merge request robots/tiago_moveit_config!14
  • Disable sonar collision with base_link
  • Contributors: Victor Lopez, davidfernandez

0.0.20 (2018-03-26)

  • Merge branch \'recover-chessboard-tiago\' into \'cobalt-devel\' Disable collision between arm 7 and chessboard See merge request robots/tiago_moveit_config!13
  • Disable collision between arm 7 and chessboard
  • Contributors: Jordi Pages, Victor Lopez

0.0.19 (2018-01-24)

  • add config files for schunk and some renamings
  • Contributors: Jordi Pages

0.0.18 (2017-11-03)

  • Change the topic and the max_range for the octomap parameters
  • Contributors: AleDF, Jordi Pages

0.0.17 (2017-05-16)

  • Merge branch \'octomap_track_ik\' into \'cobalt-devel\' merge_problems_with david See merge request !11
  • merge_problems_with david
  • Merge branch \'iron-configuration\' into \'cobalt-devel\' Add configuration for Tiago Iron See merge request !10
  • Merge branch \'octomap_track_ik\' into \'cobalt-devel\' octomap & track ik solver for MoveIt! See merge request !9
  • Add configuration for Tiago Iron
  • octomap & track ik solver for MoveIt!
  • Contributors: AleDF, Jordi Pages, davidfernandez

0.0.16 (2016-10-21)

  • fix maintainer
  • add argument for steel and titanium versions
  • add missing xml formatting
  • add specific controllers for steel and titanium
  • disable collision arm_5_link-gripper_link
  • disable collision arm_6_link-wrist_ft_link
  • add missing joints
  • use soft links for steel and titanium srdf files
  • disable collisions arm_5_link-gripper_link
  • Contributors: Jordi Pages

0.0.15 (2016-07-08)

  • Merge branch \'add-titanium-collisions-with-ft\' into \'cobalt-devel\' add missing potential collisions with ft sensor frames See merge request !5
  • add collisions with ft sensor
  • Merge branch \'tiago_configs\' into \'cobalt-devel\' Added the 4 possible configurations of tiago_moveit_config See merge request !4
  • Added the 4 possible configurations of tiago_moveit_config
  • Contributors: Jordi Pages, Sam Pfeiffer, Victor Lopez

0.0.14 (2016-06-13)

  • Added necessary dependence to run moveit with a simulated or real robot
  • Add disable collisions for force torque sensor
  • Contributors: Sam Pfeiffer

0.0.13 (2016-06-01)

  • Added controllers for hand and gripper
  • Contributors: Sam Pfeiffer

0.0.12 (2016-04-04)

  • Increase max speed of torso
  • Contributors: Sam Pfeiffer

0.0.11 (2016-04-04)

  • Missing hand_palm_link in collision disables
  • Contributors: Sam Pfeiffer

0.0.10 (2016-04-04)

  • Add disables in between hand finger links Without this, the robot will refuse to plan with closed hand
  • Contributors: Sam Pfeiffer

0.0.9 (2016-03-31)

  • Add disable collisions Using the generator. From: 1300 / 2145 pairs disabled in tiago_titanium (845 enabled) To: 2268 / 3096 pairs disabled in tiago_titanium (828 enabled)
  • Add disable collisions Generated using https://gist.github.com/awesomebytes/18fe75b808c4c644bd3d a script that runs the urdf tree for adjacent links and checks for links without collision mesh to also disable the collision computation between them. From: (Generating matrix with max sampling density) 329 / 465 pairs disabled in tiago_steel (136 enabled) To: 754 / 873 pairs disabled in tiago_steel (119 enabled)
  • Contributors: Sam Pfeiffer

0.0.8 (2016-03-18)

  • Added impossible collision disabling between torso_fixed_column_link and arm_2_link
  • Contributors: Sam Pfeiffer

0.0.7 (2016-03-18)

  • Passing change to titanium too about torso_fixed_column_link collision with arm1 disabling
  • Added another currently happening collision exception between torso_fixed_column_link and arm_1_link
  • Contributors: Sam Pfeiffer

0.0.6 (2016-03-18)

  • Add hand passive joints as passive
  • added clear octomap and removed exceptions on collisions of arm wit hhead
  • Contributors: Sam Pfeiffer

0.0.5 (2016-03-10)

  • Refs #11489. Discard collisions between torsolinks
  • Fix collisions with column
  • Remove elements of prototype mobilebase
  • Disable collision hand safety box <-> wrist mesh
  • Add arm group + disable more internal hand collisions
  • Contributors: Bence Magyar, jordi.pages@pal-robotics.com

0.0.4 (2015-05-20)

  • Add hand_safety_box to the game!
  • Disable more collisions between hand links
  • Contributors: Bence Magyar

0.0.3 (2015-04-14)

  • Fix gripper parts
  • Add torso controller
  • Separate configuration files for titanium and steel, launch files parametrized
  • Contributors: Bence Magyar

0.0.2 (2015-01-20)

  • Remove tiago_description dependency
  • Contributors: Bence Magyar

0.0.1 (2015-01-20)

  • Added configuration with arm controllers
  • Initial version of tiago_moveit_config (no hand)
  • Contributors: Sammy Pfeiffer

Wiki Tutorials

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