Package Summary

Tags No category tags.
Version 2.0.12
License BSD
Build type CATKIN

Repository Summary

Checkout URI
VCS Type git
VCS Version kinetic
Last Updated 2018-05-27
CI status Continuous Integration
Tags No category tags.
Contributing Help Wanted (0)
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Package Description

The roch_rapps package for set of 'app manager' apps definition

Additional Links


  • Chen


  • Chen

roch_rapps Of Roch Stack Package

Table of Contents


Before starting run roch_rapps. There have some problems should be resolved, due to new packages of robotics-in-concert have not release with almost version in 0.10.0, so we should install these by ourselves.


Under these stacks packages we need, and corresponding version:

Stacks & Packages Version Document
capabilities 0.2.0 & above wiki github
rocon_rapps 0.1.0 & above wiki github
concert_scheduling 0.7.0 & above wiki github
concert_services 0.1.12 & above wiki github
concert_software_farm 0.0.3 & above wiki github
rocon_app_platform 0.10.0 & above wiki github
rocon_concert 0.9.0 & above wiki github
rocon_msgs 0.10.0 & above wiki github
rocon_multimaster 0.7.10 & above wiki github
rocon_qt_gui 0.9.0 & above wiki github
rocon_qt_library 0.9.0 & above wiki github
rocon_tools 0.6.0 & above wiki github
rqt_capabilities 0.1.2 & above wiki github
std_capabilities 0.0.0 github
world_canvas_server 0.1.0 wiki github
world_canvas_libs 0.1.0 github
world_canvas_msgs 0.1.0 wiki github

Add some packages we can using

````` for installing following command:

$ sudo apt-get install ros-indigo-world-canvas-server ros-indigo-world-canvas-client-cpp
ros-indigo-world-canvas-client-examples ros-indigo-world-canvas-client-py ros-indigo-world-canvas-utils
ros-indigo-world-canvas-msgs ros-indigo-std-capabilities ros-indigo-rqt-capabilities
ros-indigo-concert-software-farm ros-indigo-capabilities ros-indigo-concert-services

### Installation

Under these stacks packages we need to install by ourselves:

Stacks & Packages | version |
------------------- | ------------------- |
[rocon_app_platform]( | 0.10.0 & above |
[rocon_concert]( | 0.10.0 & above |
[rocon_msgs]( | 0.10.0 & above |
[rocon_qt_gui]( | 0.9.0 & above |
[rocon_qt_library]( | 0.9.0 & above |
[rocon_tools]( | 0.6.0 & above |

Download these packages into your workspace:

$ cd /src $ git clone $ git clone $ git clone $ git clone $ git clone $ git clone

After download these packages, build your 

$ cd $ #checkout all required depends installation $ rosdep install --from-paths src --ignore-src --rosdistro indigo -y $ catkin_make

For now you can run 
``` for using rapps of roch.

### Usage
There is an example for how to use roch_rapps, for now roch_rapps package is differebt old rocon package, due use new package, so you can use following command for checking.

 * `` (#For first ternimal)`` Bringup your Roch
```  roslaunch roch_bringup concert_minimal.launch 
  • (#For sencond ternimal) Bringup rqt_remocon


Changelog for package roch_rapps

2.0.12 (2017-09-18)

2.0.11 (2017-03-23)

1.0.11 (2017-03-23)

  • Update
  • Modified some launch files.

1.0.10 (2017-02-17)

  • Create.
  • Constructer: Carl

Wiki Tutorials

This package does not provide any links to tutorials in it's rosindex metadata. You can check on the ROS Wiki Tutorials page for the package.

Launch files

  • rapps/waypoint_nav/waypoint_nav.launch
    • Waypoint Navigation
      • application_namespace
      • simulation [default: false]
      • 3d_sensor [default: $(env ROCH_3D_SENSOR)]
      • 2d_laser [default: $(env ROCH_LASER)]
      • 2d_laser_enabled [default: $(env ROCH_LASER_ENABLE)]
      • 3d_sensor_enabled [default: $(env ROCH_3D_SENSOR_ENABLE)]
      • 3d_sensor_nav_enabled [default: $(env ROCH_3D_SENSOR_NAV_ENABLE)]
      • global_frame [default: map]
      • base_frame [default: base_footprint]
      • odom_frame [default: odom]
      • location_list_topic [default: waypoints]
      • navigator_action [default: navigator]
      • map_topic [default: map]
  • rapps/follower/follower.launch
    • Launchers for roch follower.
      • simulation [default: $(env ROCH_SIMULATION)]
      • emulation [default: false]
  • rapps/map_manager/map_manager.launch
    • Launchers for map manager on Roch.
      • debug [default: false]
  • rapps/2dlaser/2dlaser.launch
    • Launchers for 2d laser on Roch
  • rapps/video_teleop/video_teleop.launch
    • Launchers for Roch
      • 3d_sensor [default: $(env ROCH_3D_SENSOR)]
      • 2d_laser [default: $(env ROCH_LASER)]
      • 2d_laser_enabled [default: $(env ROCH_LASER_ENABLE)]
      • 3d_sensor_enabled [default: $(env ROCH_3D_SENSOR_ENABLE)]
      • 3d_sensor_nav_enabled [default: $(env ROCH_3D_SENSOR_NAV_ENABLE)]
      • simulation [default: $(env ROCH_SIMULATION)]
      • emulation [default: true]
      • application_namespace [default: ]
  • rapps/3dsensor/3dsensor.launch
    • Launchers for 3d camera on Roch
  • rapps/ps3_teleop/ps3_teleop.launch
    • Launchers for control Roch using ps3.
  • rapps/map_nav/map_nav.launch
    • Right now, the android app is hard coded to look for /cmd_vel as the input topic.
      • cmd_vel_topic [default: /teleop/cmd_vel]
      • compressed_image_topic [default: /teleop/compressed_image]
      • 3d_sensor [default: $(env ROCH_3D_SENSOR)]
      • 2d_laser [default: $(env ROCH_LASER)]
      • 2d_laser_enabled [default: $(env ROCH_LASER_ENABLE)]
      • 3d_sensor_enabled [default: $(env ROCH_3D_SENSOR_ENABLE)]
      • 3d_sensor_nav_enabled [default: $(env ROCH_3D_SENSOR_NAV_ENABLE)]
      • map_file [default: $(env ROCH_MAP_FILE)]
      • debug [default: false]
  • rapps/keyboard_teleop/keyboard_teleop.launch
    • Launchers for control Roch using keyboard.
  • rapps/xbox360_teleop/xbox360_teleop.launch
    • Launchers for Control Roch Using Xbox360
  • rapps/make_a_map/make_a_map.launch
    • Right now, the android app is hard coded to look for /cmd_vel as the input topic.
      • 3d_sensor [default: $(env ROCH_3D_SENSOR)]
      • 2d_laser [default: $(env ROCH_LASER)]
      • 2d_laser_enabled [default: $(env ROCH_LASER_ENABLE)]
      • 3d_sensor_enabled [default: $(env ROCH_3D_SENSOR_ENABLE)]
      • 3d_sensor_nav_enabled [default: $(env ROCH_3D_SENSOR_NAV_ENABLE)]
      • simulation [default: $(env ROCH_SIMULATION)]
      • emulation [default: false]
      • scan_topic [default: /make_a_map/scan]
      • cmd_vel_topic [default: /teleop/cmd_vel]
      • compressed_image_topic [default: /teleop/compressed_image]
      • debug [default: false]
      • application_namespace [default: ]


No message files found.


No service files found


No plugins found.

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