rail_ceiling package from rail_ceiling repo


Package Summary

Tags No category tags.
Version 0.0.4
License BSD
Build type CATKIN

Repository Summary

Checkout URI https://github.com/GT-RAIL/rail_ceiling.git
VCS Type git
VCS Version develop
Last Updated 2016-03-04
CI status Continuous Integration
Tags No category tags.
Contributing Help Wanted (0)
Good First Issues (0)
Pull Requests to Review (0)

Package Description

Overhead Camera System for Tracking AR Tags

Additional Links


  • David Kent


  • Russell Toris
  • David Kent

rail_ceiling Build Status

Overhead Camera System for Tracking AR Tags

For full documentation, see the ROS wiki.


rail_ceiling includes pre-compiled URDF files. To properly contribute, do the following if you modify the calibration file:

  • cd /path/to/rail_ceiling
  • rosrun xacro xacro urdf/ceiling.urdf.xacro > urdf/ceiling.urdf


rail_ceiling is released with a BSD license. For full terms and conditions, see the LICENSE file.


See the AUTHORS file for a full list of contributors.


Changelog for package rail_ceiling

0.0.4 (2014-12-18)

  • adds missing dep
  • Merge branch 'develop' of github.com:WPI-RAIL/rail_ceiling into develop
  • Updated launch for calibration from carl
  • Update .travis.yml
  • Update .travis.yml
  • Contributors: David Kent, Russell Toris

0.0.3 (2014-12-04)

  • old YAML syntax fix 2
  • syntax fix for old YAML versions
  • Merge branch 'develop' of github.com:WPI-RAIL/rail_ceiling into develop
  • Added support for previous YAML versions, removed unused bundles
  • Update .travis.yml
  • Merge branch 'develop' of github.com:WPI-RAIL/rail_ceiling into develop
  • corrected the ratio for the slerp averaging; it was originally backwards
  • Contributors: David Kent, Russell Toris

0.0.2 (2014-12-02)

  • Linear interpolation-based method to average quaternions for camera calibration samples
  • topic name update
  • removed some debugging statements
  • CMakeLists install
  • Furniture position adjustment
  • Organization/Documentation
  • Initial positions of furniture can be included in the markers.yaml file, which can be optionally read in when launching the furniture_tracker node
  • Added missing dependency
  • Documentation and cleanup
  • New implementation of furniture tracking for both localization and path planning
  • Merge branch 'develop' of https://github.com/WPI-RAIL/rail_ceiling into develop
  • Started implementing new furniture tracker with YAML config files
  • Update .travis.yml
  • Contributors: David Kent, Russell Toris

0.0.1 (2014-08-27)

  • ceiling launch file added
  • calibration launch file created
  • travis fix
  • launch files added for URDF
  • URDF files added
  • calibration file now written as a URDF
  • rviz config added
  • travis fix
  • calibration of camera 2
  • fix for travis build
  • calibration node now calculates offsets
  • started calibration node
  • markers added
  • added camera calibration files
  • cameras now set exposure via usb_cam
  • camera launch files created
  • Merge pull request #4 from Spkordell/develop Added ability to transmit map on service call
  • Fixed merge conflicts
  • Cleaning
  • When loading a map from a file, will publish metadata after loading
  • Removed legs from tables
  • Added ability to transmit map on service call
  • Added rviz configuration
  • Can directly load static map rather than reading it from a topic.
  • Added option to stop publishing maps while driving
  • Fixed transforms
  • Added more cameras to launch
  • Fixed transform from map to ceiling
  • cleanup
  • Fixed includes to use new ar_track_alvar_msgs package
  • Merge pull request #1 from Spkordell/develop Created Rail Ceiling Package
  • Camera transform adjustements
  • Added bundle for black table
  • Fixed camera frames.
  • Update camera transforms
  • Added support for unfilled polygons
  • Merge branch 'develop' of https://github.com/Spkordell/rail_ceiling into develop
  • Localization map will not be published if the robot is navigating
  • robot ar tracker fixes
  • Bundle adjustements
  • Cleaning
  • Added xml option to specify whether or not a particular obstacle should be kept on the map when occluded.
  • Behavior change. When an object is completely occluded, it's last known location will continue to appear on the map.
  • Tagged vertical surfaces
  • Merge branch 'develop' of https://github.com/Spkordell/rail_ceiling into develop
  • Cleaner startup
  • Added launch file for ar_tracking from robot
  • Added attribute for copying footprints from existing layers to reduce xml bundle complexity
  • Bundle fixes
  • bundle fixes
  • Moved transform exception try-catch
  • Optimizations
  • Created urdf for environment
  • refactoring
  • Fixed memory leak
  • Cleanind and doxygen
  • Doxygen
  • Transforming marker poses to odometry frame for rolling maps
  • Added null checks
  • Cleaning
  • Cleaning
  • When multiple cameras see the same marker, now selecting the marker which is closest to the camera.
  • Adding markers from multiple cameras to the list of markers
  • Can subscribe to multiple ar_marker topics
  • ar_track_alvar does not publish transforms to markers in their own namespaces, so switching to using pose data for multicamera support
  • Different map types can be published at different rates
  • Parameterization
  • Merge branch 'dev-layer' of https://github.com/Spkordell/rail_ceiling into dev-layer
  • Parameterized map_topic
  • Rolling map is published with respect to odometry frame
  • Parameter for costmap differentiation
  • Added support for rolling maps
  • Cleaning
  • Brought bundles up to spec
  • Footprints can consist of multiple polygons
  • static map data added to localization layers
  • Multiple footprint layers work
  • Publishing a map for each layer
  • Publishing a map for each layer
  • Parsing bundle layers
  • Renamed launch files
  • Added bundles
  • Fixed issue with obstacle overlap.
  • Cleaning
  • Cleaning
  • Accounting for additional marker yaw
  • Optimizations
  • Cleaning
  • Alignment improvements.
  • Change bounding box dimensions
  • Change bounding box dimensions
  • Can rotate about noncenter point
  • Can rotate about noncenter point
  • Added obstacle to map
  • Merging new and old methodologies
  • Fixing alignment issues
  • matrix correctly sizes to fit polygon
  • Conversion of polygonal footprints to occupancy grid
  • Began parsing arbitrary bundle footprint polygons
  • chair
  • Added chair bundle
  • Allignment improvements
  • Fixed loop rate interfering with marker id.
  • Fixed overwriting problem
  • Output map now updates at a specified rate
  • Fix for costmap dimensions
  • Costmap layer plugin subscribes to marker_map
  • Layer plugin test
  • Layer plugin test
  • Cleaning
  • Accounting for marker size
  • Commenting
  • Added comments.
  • Added multiple bundle file support
  • Moved bundle class to seperate source file
  • Markers to map node using information from bundle xml files to define obstacle dimensions
  • Beginning to parse bundle xml
  • Cleaning and commenting.
  • Published map now matches the parameters of the static map
  • Cleaning
  • Work on rotation
  • Work on rotation
  • Work on rotation
  • Work on rotation
  • Work on rotation
  • Work on rotation
  • Work on rotation.
  • Items are sized properly.
  • Began adding items to map
  • Added .gitignore
  • Began making node to publish map from ar markers.
  • Fixed table bundle measurements
  • Addded bundle launch file.
  • Added launch file for launching webcam and ar_track_alvar
  • Added markers
  • Created rail_ceiling package.
  • initial commit
  • Contributors: David Kent, Russell Toris, Steven Kordell, dekent, spkordell

Wiki Tutorials

This package does not provide any links to tutorials in it's rosindex metadata. You can check on the ROS Wiki Tutorials page for the package.

Launch files

  • launch/calibration_ar_trackers.launch
    • Author: Russell Toris, Worcester Polytechnic Institute Version: August 21, 2014
      • marker_size [default: 10.0]
      • max_new_marker_error [default: 0.08]
      • max_track_error [default: 0.2]
      • node_name_prefix [default: ceiling_cam_tracker_]
      • cam_image_topic_prefix [default: /ceiling_cam_]
      • image_topic [default: /image_raw]
      • cam_info_topic_prefix [default: $(arg cam_image_topic_prefix)]
      • info_topic [default: /camera_info]
      • output_frame_prefix [default: $(arg cam_image_topic_prefix)]
  • launch/ar_trackers.launch
    • Author: Russell Toris, Worcester Polytechnic Institute Version: August 21, 2014
      • marker_size [default: 8.0]
      • bundle_files [default: $(find rail_ceiling)/bundles/coffee_table.xml]
      • max_new_marker_error [default: 0.08]
      • max_track_error [default: 0.2]
      • node_name_prefix [default: ceiling_cam_tracker_]
      • cam_image_topic_prefix [default: /ceiling_cam_]
      • image_topic [default: /image_raw]
      • cam_info_topic_prefix [default: $(arg cam_image_topic_prefix)]
      • info_topic [default: /camera_info]
      • output_frame_prefix [default: $(arg cam_image_topic_prefix)]
  • launch/cameras.launch
    • Author: Russell Toris, Worcester Polytechnic Institute Version: August 21, 2014
      • node_name_prefix [default: ceiling_cam_]
      • video_device_prefix [default: /dev/video]
      • image_width [default: 1920]
      • image_height [default: 1080]
      • pixel_format [default: mjpeg]
      • io_method [default: mmap]
      • camera_info_url_prefix [default: file://$(find rail_ceiling)/config/camera_info/ceiling_cam_]
      • camera_frame_id_prefix [default: $(arg node_name_prefix)]
      • camera_name_prefix [default: $(arg camera_frame_id_prefix)]
      • autofocus [default: false]
      • focus [default: 34]
      • autoexposure [default: false]
      • exposure [default: 113]
      • brightness [default: 100]
      • contrast [default: 32]
      • saturation [default: 62]
      • sharpness [default: 150]
      • auto_white_balance [default: false]
      • white_balance [default: 3500]
  • launch/camera_monitor.launch
    • Author: Russell Toris, Worcester Polytechnic Institute Version: August 21, 2014
      • node_name_prefix [default: ceiling_cam_viwer_]
      • topic_prefix [default: /ceiling_cam_]
      • image_topic [default: /image_raw]
  • launch/view_calibration.launch
  • launch/ceiling_description.launch
    • Author: Russell Toris, Worcester Polytechnic Institute Version: August 25, 2014
  • launch/ceiling.launch
    • Author: Russell Toris, Worcester Polytechnic Institute Version: August 22, 2014
      • num_cameras [default: 5]
      • num_samples [default: 25]
      • fixed_frame [default: map]
      • camera_frame_id_prefix [default: ceiling_cam_]
      • camera_node_name_prefix [default: ceiling_cam_]
      • video_device_prefix [default: /dev/video]
      • image_width [default: 1920]
      • image_height [default: 1080]
      • pixel_format [default: yuyv]
      • io_method [default: mmap]
      • camera_info_url_prefix [default: file://$(find rail_ceiling)/config/camera_info/ceiling_cam_]
      • camera_name_prefix [default: $(arg camera_frame_id_prefix)]
      • framerate [default: 5]
      • autofocus [default: true]
      • autoexposure [default: false]
      • exposure [default: 75]
      • marker_size [default: 10.0]
      • bundle_files [default: $(find rail_ceiling)/bundles/kitchen_chair.xml $(find rail_ceiling)/bundles/kitchen_chair.xml]
      • max_new_marker_error [default: 0.08]
      • max_track_error [default: 0.2]
      • ar_node_name_prefix [default: ceiling_cam_tracker_]
      • cam_image_topic_prefix [default: /$(arg camera_name_prefix)]
      • image_topic [default: /image_raw]
      • cam_info_topic_prefix [default: $(arg cam_image_topic_prefix)]
      • info_topic [default: /camera_info]
      • output_frame_prefix [default: $(arg cam_image_topic_prefix)]
  • launch/calibration_from_carl.launch
    • Author: David Kent, Worcester Polytechnic Institute Version: December 11, 2014
  • launch/calibration.launch
    • Author: Russell Toris, Worcester Polytechnic Institute Version: August 22, 2014
      • num_cameras [default: 5]
      • num_samples [default: 25]
      • fixed_frame [default: map]
      • camera_frame_id_prefix [default: ceiling_cam_]
      • camera_node_name_prefix [default: ceiling_cam_]
      • video_device_prefix [default: /dev/video]
      • image_width [default: 1920]
      • image_height [default: 1080]
      • pixel_format [default: yuyv]
      • io_method [default: mmap]
      • camera_info_url_prefix [default: file://$(find rail_ceiling)/config/camera_info/ceiling_cam_]
      • camera_name_prefix [default: $(arg camera_frame_id_prefix)]
      • autofocus [default: true]
      • autoexposure [default: false]
      • exposure [default: 75]
      • marker_size [default: 10.0]
      • max_new_marker_error [default: 0.08]
      • max_track_error [default: 0.2]
      • ar_node_name_prefix [default: ceiling_cam_tracker_]
      • cam_image_topic_prefix [default: /$(arg camera_name_prefix)]
      • image_topic [default: /image_raw]
      • cam_info_topic_prefix [default: $(arg cam_image_topic_prefix)]
      • info_topic [default: /camera_info]
      • output_frame_prefix [default: $(arg cam_image_topic_prefix)]
      • ceiling_cam_0_pos_x [default: 3.57]
      • ceiling_cam_0_pos_y [default: 1.15]
      • ceiling_cam_0_pos_z [default: 0.0]
      • ceiling_cam_0_rot_x [default: 0.0]
      • ceiling_cam_0_rot_y [default: 0.0]
      • ceiling_cam_0_rot_z [default: 0.0]
      • ceiling_cam_0_rot_w [default: 1.0]
      • ceiling_cam_1_pos_x [default: 3.35]
      • ceiling_cam_1_pos_y [default: 2.62]
      • ceiling_cam_1_pos_z [default: 0.0]
      • ceiling_cam_1_rot_x [default: 0.0]
      • ceiling_cam_1_rot_y [default: 0.0]
      • ceiling_cam_1_rot_z [default: 0.0]
      • ceiling_cam_1_rot_w [default: 1.0]
      • ceiling_cam_2_pos_x [default: 4.45]
      • ceiling_cam_2_pos_y [default: 3.36]
      • ceiling_cam_2_pos_z [default: 0.0]
      • ceiling_cam_2_rot_x [default: 0.0]
      • ceiling_cam_2_rot_y [default: 0.0]
      • ceiling_cam_2_rot_z [default: 0.0]
      • ceiling_cam_2_rot_w [default: 1.0]
      • ceiling_cam_3_pos_x [default: 3.38]
      • ceiling_cam_3_pos_y [default: 3.8]
      • ceiling_cam_3_pos_z [default: 0.0]
      • ceiling_cam_3_rot_x [default: 0.0]
      • ceiling_cam_3_rot_y [default: 0.0]
      • ceiling_cam_3_rot_z [default: 0.0]
      • ceiling_cam_3_rot_w [default: 1.0]
      • ceiling_cam_4_pos_x [default: 3.97]
      • ceiling_cam_4_pos_y [default: 5.52]
      • ceiling_cam_4_pos_z [default: 0.0]
      • ceiling_cam_4_rot_x [default: 0.0]
      • ceiling_cam_4_rot_y [default: 0.0]
      • ceiling_cam_4_rot_z [default: 0.0]
      • ceiling_cam_4_rot_w [default: 1.0]
  • launch/view_ceiling.launch
  • launch/furniture_tracker.launch
    • Author: David Kent, Worcester Polytechnic Institute Version: November 12, 2014


No plugins found.

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rail_ceiling package from rail_ceiling repo


Package Summary

Tags No category tags.
Version 0.0.4
License BSD
Build type CATKIN

Repository Summary

Checkout URI https://github.com/GT-RAIL/rail_ceiling.git
VCS Type git
VCS Version develop
Last Updated 2016-03-04
CI status Continuous Integration
Tags No category tags.
Contributing Help Wanted (0)
Good First Issues (0)
Pull Requests to Review (0)

Package Description

Overhead Camera System for Tracking AR Tags

Additional Links


  • David Kent


  • Russell Toris
  • David Kent

rail_ceiling Build Status

Overhead Camera System for Tracking AR Tags

For full documentation, see the ROS wiki.


rail_ceiling includes pre-compiled URDF files. To properly contribute, do the following if you modify the calibration file:

  • cd /path/to/rail_ceiling
  • rosrun xacro xacro urdf/ceiling.urdf.xacro > urdf/ceiling.urdf


rail_ceiling is released with a BSD license. For full terms and conditions, see the LICENSE file.


See the AUTHORS file for a full list of contributors.


Changelog for package rail_ceiling

0.0.4 (2014-12-18)

  • adds missing dep
  • Merge branch 'develop' of github.com:WPI-RAIL/rail_ceiling into develop
  • Updated launch for calibration from carl
  • Update .travis.yml
  • Update .travis.yml
  • Contributors: David Kent, Russell Toris

0.0.3 (2014-12-04)

  • old YAML syntax fix 2
  • syntax fix for old YAML versions
  • Merge branch 'develop' of github.com:WPI-RAIL/rail_ceiling into develop
  • Added support for previous YAML versions, removed unused bundles
  • Update .travis.yml
  • Merge branch 'develop' of github.com:WPI-RAIL/rail_ceiling into develop
  • corrected the ratio for the slerp averaging; it was originally backwards
  • Contributors: David Kent, Russell Toris

0.0.2 (2014-12-02)

  • Linear interpolation-based method to average quaternions for camera calibration samples
  • topic name update
  • removed some debugging statements
  • CMakeLists install
  • Furniture position adjustment
  • Organization/Documentation
  • Initial positions of furniture can be included in the markers.yaml file, which can be optionally read in when launching the furniture_tracker node
  • Added missing dependency
  • Documentation and cleanup
  • New implementation of furniture tracking for both localization and path planning
  • Merge branch 'develop' of https://github.com/WPI-RAIL/rail_ceiling into develop
  • Started implementing new furniture tracker with YAML config files
  • Update .travis.yml
  • Contributors: David Kent, Russell Toris

0.0.1 (2014-08-27)

  • ceiling launch file added
  • calibration launch file created
  • travis fix
  • launch files added for URDF
  • URDF files added
  • calibration file now written as a URDF
  • rviz config added
  • travis fix
  • calibration of camera 2
  • fix for travis build
  • calibration node now calculates offsets
  • started calibration node
  • markers added
  • added camera calibration files
  • cameras now set exposure via usb_cam
  • camera launch files created
  • Merge pull request #4 from Spkordell/develop Added ability to transmit map on service call
  • Fixed merge conflicts
  • Cleaning
  • When loading a map from a file, will publish metadata after loading
  • Removed legs from tables
  • Added ability to transmit map on service call
  • Added rviz configuration
  • Can directly load static map rather than reading it from a topic.
  • Added option to stop publishing maps while driving
  • Fixed transforms
  • Added more cameras to launch
  • Fixed transform from map to ceiling
  • cleanup
  • Fixed includes to use new ar_track_alvar_msgs package
  • Merge pull request #1 from Spkordell/develop Created Rail Ceiling Package
  • Camera transform adjustements
  • Added bundle for black table
  • Fixed camera frames.
  • Update camera transforms
  • Added support for unfilled polygons
  • Merge branch 'develop' of https://github.com/Spkordell/rail_ceiling into develop
  • Localization map will not be published if the robot is navigating
  • robot ar tracker fixes
  • Bundle adjustements
  • Cleaning
  • Added xml option to specify whether or not a particular obstacle should be kept on the map when occluded.
  • Behavior change. When an object is completely occluded, it's last known location will continue to appear on the map.
  • Tagged vertical surfaces
  • Merge branch 'develop' of https://github.com/Spkordell/rail_ceiling into develop
  • Cleaner startup
  • Added launch file for ar_tracking from robot
  • Added attribute for copying footprints from existing layers to reduce xml bundle complexity
  • Bundle fixes
  • bundle fixes
  • Moved transform exception try-catch
  • Optimizations
  • Created urdf for environment
  • refactoring
  • Fixed memory leak
  • Cleanind and doxygen
  • Doxygen
  • Transforming marker poses to odometry frame for rolling maps
  • Added null checks
  • Cleaning
  • Cleaning
  • When multiple cameras see the same marker, now selecting the marker which is closest to the camera.
  • Adding markers from multiple cameras to the list of markers
  • Can subscribe to multiple ar_marker topics
  • ar_track_alvar does not publish transforms to markers in their own namespaces, so switching to using pose data for multicamera support
  • Different map types can be published at different rates
  • Parameterization
  • Merge branch 'dev-layer' of https://github.com/Spkordell/rail_ceiling into dev-layer
  • Parameterized map_topic
  • Rolling map is published with respect to odometry frame
  • Parameter for costmap differentiation
  • Added support for rolling maps
  • Cleaning
  • Brought bundles up to spec
  • Footprints can consist of multiple polygons
  • static map data added to localization layers
  • Multiple footprint layers work
  • Publishing a map for each layer
  • Publishing a map for each layer
  • Parsing bundle layers
  • Renamed launch files
  • Added bundles
  • Fixed issue with obstacle overlap.
  • Cleaning
  • Cleaning
  • Accounting for additional marker yaw
  • Optimizations
  • Cleaning
  • Alignment improvements.
  • Change bounding box dimensions
  • Change bounding box dimensions
  • Can rotate about noncenter point
  • Can rotate about noncenter point
  • Added obstacle to map
  • Merging new and old methodologies
  • Fixing alignment issues
  • matrix correctly sizes to fit polygon
  • Conversion of polygonal footprints to occupancy grid
  • Began parsing arbitrary bundle footprint polygons
  • chair
  • Added chair bundle
  • Allignment improvements
  • Fixed loop rate interfering with marker id.
  • Fixed overwriting problem
  • Output map now updates at a specified rate
  • Fix for costmap dimensions
  • Costmap layer plugin subscribes to marker_map
  • Layer plugin test
  • Layer plugin test
  • Cleaning
  • Accounting for marker size
  • Commenting
  • Added comments.
  • Added multiple bundle file support
  • Moved bundle class to seperate source file
  • Markers to map node using information from bundle xml files to define obstacle dimensions
  • Beginning to parse bundle xml
  • Cleaning and commenting.
  • Published map now matches the parameters of the static map
  • Cleaning
  • Work on rotation
  • Work on rotation
  • Work on rotation
  • Work on rotation
  • Work on rotation
  • Work on rotation
  • Work on rotation.
  • Items are sized properly.
  • Began adding items to map
  • Added .gitignore
  • Began making node to publish map from ar markers.
  • Fixed table bundle measurements
  • Addded bundle launch file.
  • Added launch file for launching webcam and ar_track_alvar
  • Added markers
  • Created rail_ceiling package.
  • initial commit
  • Contributors: David Kent, Russell Toris, Steven Kordell, dekent, spkordell

Wiki Tutorials

This package does not provide any links to tutorials in it's rosindex metadata. You can check on the ROS Wiki Tutorials page for the package.

Launch files

  • launch/calibration_ar_trackers.launch
    • Author: Russell Toris, Worcester Polytechnic Institute Version: August 21, 2014
      • marker_size [default: 10.0]
      • max_new_marker_error [default: 0.08]
      • max_track_error [default: 0.2]
      • node_name_prefix [default: ceiling_cam_tracker_]
      • cam_image_topic_prefix [default: /ceiling_cam_]
      • image_topic [default: /image_raw]
      • cam_info_topic_prefix [default: $(arg cam_image_topic_prefix)]
      • info_topic [default: /camera_info]
      • output_frame_prefix [default: $(arg cam_image_topic_prefix)]
  • launch/ar_trackers.launch
    • Author: Russell Toris, Worcester Polytechnic Institute Version: August 21, 2014
      • marker_size [default: 8.0]
      • bundle_files [default: $(find rail_ceiling)/bundles/coffee_table.xml]
      • max_new_marker_error [default: 0.08]
      • max_track_error [default: 0.2]
      • node_name_prefix [default: ceiling_cam_tracker_]
      • cam_image_topic_prefix [default: /ceiling_cam_]
      • image_topic [default: /image_raw]
      • cam_info_topic_prefix [default: $(arg cam_image_topic_prefix)]
      • info_topic [default: /camera_info]
      • output_frame_prefix [default: $(arg cam_image_topic_prefix)]
  • launch/cameras.launch
    • Author: Russell Toris, Worcester Polytechnic Institute Version: August 21, 2014
      • node_name_prefix [default: ceiling_cam_]
      • video_device_prefix [default: /dev/video]
      • image_width [default: 1920]
      • image_height [default: 1080]
      • pixel_format [default: mjpeg]
      • io_method [default: mmap]
      • camera_info_url_prefix [default: file://$(find rail_ceiling)/config/camera_info/ceiling_cam_]
      • camera_frame_id_prefix [default: $(arg node_name_prefix)]
      • camera_name_prefix [default: $(arg camera_frame_id_prefix)]
      • autofocus [default: false]
      • focus [default: 34]
      • autoexposure [default: false]
      • exposure [default: 113]
      • brightness [default: 100]
      • contrast [default: 32]
      • saturation [default: 62]
      • sharpness [default: 150]
      • auto_white_balance [default: false]
      • white_balance [default: 3500]
  • launch/camera_monitor.launch
    • Author: Russell Toris, Worcester Polytechnic Institute Version: August 21, 2014
      • node_name_prefix [default: ceiling_cam_viwer_]
      • topic_prefix [default: /ceiling_cam_]
      • image_topic [default: /image_raw]
  • launch/view_calibration.launch
  • launch/ceiling_description.launch
    • Author: Russell Toris, Worcester Polytechnic Institute Version: August 25, 2014
  • launch/ceiling.launch
    • Author: Russell Toris, Worcester Polytechnic Institute Version: August 22, 2014
      • num_cameras [default: 5]
      • num_samples [default: 25]
      • fixed_frame [default: map]
      • camera_frame_id_prefix [default: ceiling_cam_]
      • camera_node_name_prefix [default: ceiling_cam_]
      • video_device_prefix [default: /dev/video]
      • image_width [default: 1920]
      • image_height [default: 1080]
      • pixel_format [default: yuyv]
      • io_method [default: mmap]
      • camera_info_url_prefix [default: file://$(find rail_ceiling)/config/camera_info/ceiling_cam_]
      • camera_name_prefix [default: $(arg camera_frame_id_prefix)]
      • framerate [default: 5]
      • autofocus [default: true]
      • autoexposure [default: false]
      • exposure [default: 75]
      • marker_size [default: 10.0]
      • bundle_files [default: $(find rail_ceiling)/bundles/kitchen_chair.xml $(find rail_ceiling)/bundles/kitchen_chair.xml]
      • max_new_marker_error [default: 0.08]
      • max_track_error [default: 0.2]
      • ar_node_name_prefix [default: ceiling_cam_tracker_]
      • cam_image_topic_prefix [default: /$(arg camera_name_prefix)]
      • image_topic [default: /image_raw]
      • cam_info_topic_prefix [default: $(arg cam_image_topic_prefix)]
      • info_topic [default: /camera_info]
      • output_frame_prefix [default: $(arg cam_image_topic_prefix)]
  • launch/calibration_from_carl.launch
    • Author: David Kent, Worcester Polytechnic Institute Version: December 11, 2014
  • launch/calibration.launch
    • Author: Russell Toris, Worcester Polytechnic Institute Version: August 22, 2014
      • num_cameras [default: 5]
      • num_samples [default: 25]
      • fixed_frame [default: map]
      • camera_frame_id_prefix [default: ceiling_cam_]
      • camera_node_name_prefix [default: ceiling_cam_]
      • video_device_prefix [default: /dev/video]
      • image_width [default: 1920]
      • image_height [default: 1080]
      • pixel_format [default: yuyv]
      • io_method [default: mmap]
      • camera_info_url_prefix [default: file://$(find rail_ceiling)/config/camera_info/ceiling_cam_]
      • camera_name_prefix [default: $(arg camera_frame_id_prefix)]
      • autofocus [default: true]
      • autoexposure [default: false]
      • exposure [default: 75]
      • marker_size [default: 10.0]
      • max_new_marker_error [default: 0.08]
      • max_track_error [default: 0.2]
      • ar_node_name_prefix [default: ceiling_cam_tracker_]
      • cam_image_topic_prefix [default: /$(arg camera_name_prefix)]
      • image_topic [default: /image_raw]
      • cam_info_topic_prefix [default: $(arg cam_image_topic_prefix)]
      • info_topic [default: /camera_info]
      • output_frame_prefix [default: $(arg cam_image_topic_prefix)]
      • ceiling_cam_0_pos_x [default: 3.57]
      • ceiling_cam_0_pos_y [default: 1.15]
      • ceiling_cam_0_pos_z [default: 0.0]
      • ceiling_cam_0_rot_x [default: 0.0]
      • ceiling_cam_0_rot_y [default: 0.0]
      • ceiling_cam_0_rot_z [default: 0.0]
      • ceiling_cam_0_rot_w [default: 1.0]
      • ceiling_cam_1_pos_x [default: 3.35]
      • ceiling_cam_1_pos_y [default: 2.62]
      • ceiling_cam_1_pos_z [default: 0.0]
      • ceiling_cam_1_rot_x [default: 0.0]
      • ceiling_cam_1_rot_y [default: 0.0]
      • ceiling_cam_1_rot_z [default: 0.0]
      • ceiling_cam_1_rot_w [default: 1.0]
      • ceiling_cam_2_pos_x [default: 4.45]
      • ceiling_cam_2_pos_y [default: 3.36]
      • ceiling_cam_2_pos_z [default: 0.0]
      • ceiling_cam_2_rot_x [default: 0.0]
      • ceiling_cam_2_rot_y [default: 0.0]
      • ceiling_cam_2_rot_z [default: 0.0]
      • ceiling_cam_2_rot_w [default: 1.0]
      • ceiling_cam_3_pos_x [default: 3.38]
      • ceiling_cam_3_pos_y [default: 3.8]
      • ceiling_cam_3_pos_z [default: 0.0]
      • ceiling_cam_3_rot_x [default: 0.0]
      • ceiling_cam_3_rot_y [default: 0.0]
      • ceiling_cam_3_rot_z [default: 0.0]
      • ceiling_cam_3_rot_w [default: 1.0]
      • ceiling_cam_4_pos_x [default: 3.97]
      • ceiling_cam_4_pos_y [default: 5.52]
      • ceiling_cam_4_pos_z [default: 0.0]
      • ceiling_cam_4_rot_x [default: 0.0]
      • ceiling_cam_4_rot_y [default: 0.0]
      • ceiling_cam_4_rot_z [default: 0.0]
      • ceiling_cam_4_rot_w [default: 1.0]
  • launch/view_ceiling.launch
  • launch/furniture_tracker.launch
    • Author: David Kent, Worcester Polytechnic Institute Version: November 12, 2014


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