![]() |
octomap_pa package from octomap_pa repooctomap_pa octomap_pa_matlab octomap_pa_msgs |
Package Summary
Tags | No category tags. |
Version | 1.3.3 |
License | BSD |
Build type | CATKIN |
Repository Summary
Checkout URI | https://github.com/TUC-ProAut/ros_octomap.git |
VCS Type | git |
VCS Version | master |
Last Updated | 2021-06-08 |
Dev Status | MAINTAINED |
CI status | Continuous Integration |
Released | UNRELEASED |
Tags | No category tags. |
Contributing |
Help Wanted (0)
Good First Issues (0) Pull Requests to Review (0) |
Package Description
Additional Links
- Peter Weissig
ProAut OctoMap
This package was designed to automatically remove outdated voxels from the original octomap.
We described our motivation and concept on our octomap-website - here you will also find two supportive videos. For further explanations, you may want to have a look at this workshop abstract.
Our implementation of decay:
rosrun octomap_pa octree_stamped_pa_node
roslaunch octomap_pa octomap_stamped_pa.launch
The native implementation of decay by the original octomap package:
rosrun octomap_pa octree_stamped_native_node
roslaunch octomap_pa octomap_stamped_native.launch
Simple node without decay:
rosrun octomap_pa octree_pa_node
roslaunch octomap_pa octomap_pa.launch
Input and Output Topics
Topic Name | Type | Description |
”~/in_cloud” | sensor_msgs/PointCloud2 | Input as new pointcloud type. |
”~/in_cloud_old” | sensor_msgs/PointCloud | Input as old pointloud type. Will be converted to new pointcloud type. |
”~/in_laser” | sensor_msgs/LaserScan | Input as single laser scan. Will be converted to new pointcloud type by package “laser_geometry”. |
”~/out_octomap” | octomap_msgs/Octomap | Output of binary octomap - voxels are either free or occupied (smaller in size). |
”~/out_octomap_full” | octomap_msgs/Octomap | Output of octomap (full size). |
”~/out_cloud_free” | sensor_msgs/PointCloud2 | Output of all free voxels as pointcloud. |
”~/out_cloud_occupied” | sensor_msgs/PointCloud2 | Output of all occupied voxels as pointcloud. |
All topics can be remapped using parameters (see below).
Service Name | Type | Description |
”~/clear” | std_srvs/Empty | Deletes internal octomap. |
”~/reset” | octomap_pa_msgs/Reset | Changes the resolution and the frame after clearing the internal octomap. |
”~/getsize” | octomap_pa_msgs/GetSize | Returning number of nodes, total size in bytes and number of inserted measurments. |
”~/save” | octomap_pa_msgs/FileName | Storing the current octomap as file - timestamps are not saved. |
”~/load” | octomap_pa_msgs/FileName | Loading a octomap from file - timestamps are ignored. |
degrading of voxels
Parameter Name | Type | Description —————————–|———————-|————————————- “~/degrading_time” | double | Duration how long the outdated nodes will be kept. “~/auto_degrading” | bool | Turns on automatic degrading. “~/auto_degrading_intervall” | double | Intervall for automatic degrading.
pointcloud insertion
Parameter Name | Type | Description —————————–|———————-|————————————- “~/map_prob_hit” | double | Probability that a positive measurement relates to a occupied voxel. “~/map_prob_miss” | double | Probability that a negative measurement relates to a occupied voxel. “~/pcd_voxel_active” | bool | Use voxel-filter for pointcloud insertion. “~/pcd_voxel_explicit” | bool | Use pcl-filter instead of octomap-filter. “~/pcd_voxel_explicit_relative_resolution” | double | Relative resolution of pcl-filter.
octomap in general
Parameter Name | Type | Description —————————–|———————-|————————————- “~/output_frame” | string | Coordinate system for insertion and output. “~/map_resolution” | double | Side length of one voxel (in meters). “~/map_prob_threshold” | double | Threshold for binary evaluation of single voxels. “~/map_clamp_min” | double | Lower clamping value of occupancy probability. “~/map_clamp_max” | double | Upper clamping value of occupancy probability.
topics and services
Parameter Name | Type | Description —————————–|———————-|————————————- “~/topic_in_cloud” | string | Name of input topic for new pointclouds. “~/topic_in_cloud_old” | string | Name of input topic for old pointclouds. “~/topic_in_laser” | string | Name of input topic for laser scans. “~/topic_out_octomap” | string | Name of output topic for binary octomap. “~/topic_out_octomap_full” | string | Name of output topic for full octomap. “~/topic_out_cload_free” | string | Name of output topic for free voxels. “~/topic_out_cloud_occupied” | string | Name of output topic for occupied voxels.
See also this config file. It contains all parameters and their default value.
Source code at github
Related packages
ROS packages
ros-kinetic-octomap-pa (eol)
ros-melodic-octomap-pa (upcoming)
ros-melodic-octomap-pa-msgs (upcoming)
ros-melodic-octomap-pa-matlab (upcoming)
ros-noetic-octomap-pa (upcoming)
ros-noetic-octomap-pa-msgs (upcoming)
ros-noetic-octomap-pa-matlab (upcoming)
ROS Build-Status and Documentation
ROS-Distribution | Build-Status | Documentation |
Indigo | EOL April 2019 | docs.ros.org/indigo |
Jade | EOL May 2017 | docs.ros.org/jade |
Kinetic | EOL April 2021 | docs.ros.org/kinetic |
Lunar | EOL May 2019 | docs.ros.org/lunar |
Melodic | docs.ros.org/melodic | |
Noetic | docs.ros.org/noetic |
Changelog for package octomap_pa
- bugfixed missing instantiation of service callback
- minor updates to readme
- simplified all three nodes by using new wrapper class
- added generic wrapper class for ProAut nodes
- added package for messages (octomap_pa_msgs)
- prepared repository to be splitted in several packages
- Contributors: Peter Weissig
1.3.3 (2018-03-01)
- Increased package version to avoid error on ros build farm different branches need different release version 1.3.3 for master (== kinetic and lunar) 1.2.3 for indigo
- Contributors: Peter Weissig
1.2.2 (2018-02-25)
- add missing dependency on messages from this package
- Contributors: Mikael Arguedas
1.2.0 (2018-02-17)
- Initial ROS-Package
- Contributors: Peter Weissig
Wiki Tutorials
Package Dependencies
Deps | Name |
message_generation | |
message_runtime | |
catkin | |
parameter_pa | |
octomap_pa_msgs | |
roscpp | |
std_msgs | |
sensor_msgs | |
std_srvs | |
tf | |
laser_geometry | |
pcl_ros | |
pcl_conversions | |
octomap_ros | |
octomap_msgs |
System Dependencies
Dependant Packages
Name | Deps |
nearfield_map |
Launch files
Recent questions tagged octomap_pa at Robotics Stack Exchange
![]() |
octomap_pa package from octomap_pa repooctomap_pa octomap_pa_matlab octomap_pa_msgs |
Package Summary
Tags | No category tags. |
Version | 1.3.3 |
License | BSD |
Build type | CATKIN |
Repository Summary
Checkout URI | https://github.com/TUC-ProAut/ros_octomap.git |
VCS Type | git |
VCS Version | master |
Last Updated | 2021-06-08 |
Dev Status | MAINTAINED |
CI status | Continuous Integration |
Released | RELEASED |
Tags | No category tags. |
Contributing |
Help Wanted (0)
Good First Issues (0) Pull Requests to Review (0) |
Package Description
Additional Links
- Peter Weissig
ProAut OctoMap
This package was designed to automatically remove outdated voxels from the original octomap.
We described our motivation and concept on our octomap-website - here you will also find two supportive videos. For further explanations, you may want to have a look at this workshop abstract.
Our implementation of decay:
rosrun octomap_pa octree_stamped_pa_node
roslaunch octomap_pa octomap_stamped_pa.launch
The native implementation of decay by the original octomap package:
rosrun octomap_pa octree_stamped_native_node
roslaunch octomap_pa octomap_stamped_native.launch
Simple node without decay:
rosrun octomap_pa octree_pa_node
roslaunch octomap_pa octomap_pa.launch
Input and Output Topics
Topic Name | Type | Description |
”~/in_cloud” | sensor_msgs/PointCloud2 | Input as new pointcloud type. |
”~/in_cloud_old” | sensor_msgs/PointCloud | Input as old pointloud type. Will be converted to new pointcloud type. |
”~/in_laser” | sensor_msgs/LaserScan | Input as single laser scan. Will be converted to new pointcloud type by package “laser_geometry”. |
”~/out_octomap” | octomap_msgs/Octomap | Output of binary octomap - voxels are either free or occupied (smaller in size). |
”~/out_octomap_full” | octomap_msgs/Octomap | Output of octomap (full size). |
”~/out_cloud_free” | sensor_msgs/PointCloud2 | Output of all free voxels as pointcloud. |
”~/out_cloud_occupied” | sensor_msgs/PointCloud2 | Output of all occupied voxels as pointcloud. |
All topics can be remapped using parameters (see below).
Service Name | Type | Description |
”~/clear” | std_srvs/Empty | Deletes internal octomap. |
”~/reset” | octomap_pa_msgs/Reset | Changes the resolution and the frame after clearing the internal octomap. |
”~/getsize” | octomap_pa_msgs/GetSize | Returning number of nodes, total size in bytes and number of inserted measurments. |
”~/save” | octomap_pa_msgs/FileName | Storing the current octomap as file - timestamps are not saved. |
”~/load” | octomap_pa_msgs/FileName | Loading a octomap from file - timestamps are ignored. |
degrading of voxels
Parameter Name | Type | Description —————————–|———————-|————————————- “~/degrading_time” | double | Duration how long the outdated nodes will be kept. “~/auto_degrading” | bool | Turns on automatic degrading. “~/auto_degrading_intervall” | double | Intervall for automatic degrading.
pointcloud insertion
Parameter Name | Type | Description —————————–|———————-|————————————- “~/map_prob_hit” | double | Probability that a positive measurement relates to a occupied voxel. “~/map_prob_miss” | double | Probability that a negative measurement relates to a occupied voxel. “~/pcd_voxel_active” | bool | Use voxel-filter for pointcloud insertion. “~/pcd_voxel_explicit” | bool | Use pcl-filter instead of octomap-filter. “~/pcd_voxel_explicit_relative_resolution” | double | Relative resolution of pcl-filter.
octomap in general
Parameter Name | Type | Description —————————–|———————-|————————————- “~/output_frame” | string | Coordinate system for insertion and output. “~/map_resolution” | double | Side length of one voxel (in meters). “~/map_prob_threshold” | double | Threshold for binary evaluation of single voxels. “~/map_clamp_min” | double | Lower clamping value of occupancy probability. “~/map_clamp_max” | double | Upper clamping value of occupancy probability.
topics and services
Parameter Name | Type | Description —————————–|———————-|————————————- “~/topic_in_cloud” | string | Name of input topic for new pointclouds. “~/topic_in_cloud_old” | string | Name of input topic for old pointclouds. “~/topic_in_laser” | string | Name of input topic for laser scans. “~/topic_out_octomap” | string | Name of output topic for binary octomap. “~/topic_out_octomap_full” | string | Name of output topic for full octomap. “~/topic_out_cload_free” | string | Name of output topic for free voxels. “~/topic_out_cloud_occupied” | string | Name of output topic for occupied voxels.
See also this config file. It contains all parameters and their default value.
Source code at github
Related packages
ROS packages
ros-kinetic-octomap-pa (eol)
ros-melodic-octomap-pa (upcoming)
ros-melodic-octomap-pa-msgs (upcoming)
ros-melodic-octomap-pa-matlab (upcoming)
ros-noetic-octomap-pa (upcoming)
ros-noetic-octomap-pa-msgs (upcoming)
ros-noetic-octomap-pa-matlab (upcoming)
ROS Build-Status and Documentation
ROS-Distribution | Build-Status | Documentation |
Indigo | EOL April 2019 | docs.ros.org/indigo |
Jade | EOL May 2017 | docs.ros.org/jade |
Kinetic | EOL April 2021 | docs.ros.org/kinetic |
Lunar | EOL May 2019 | docs.ros.org/lunar |
Melodic | docs.ros.org/melodic | |
Noetic | docs.ros.org/noetic |
Changelog for package octomap_pa
- bugfixed missing instantiation of service callback
- minor updates to readme
- simplified all three nodes by using new wrapper class
- added generic wrapper class for ProAut nodes
- added package for messages (octomap_pa_msgs)
- prepared repository to be splitted in several packages
- Contributors: Peter Weissig
1.3.3 (2018-03-01)
- Increased package version to avoid error on ros build farm different branches need different release version 1.3.3 for master (== kinetic and lunar) 1.2.3 for indigo
- Contributors: Peter Weissig
1.2.2 (2018-02-25)
- add missing dependency on messages from this package
- Contributors: Mikael Arguedas
1.2.0 (2018-02-17)
- Initial ROS-Package
- Contributors: Peter Weissig
Wiki Tutorials
Package Dependencies
Deps | Name |
message_generation | |
message_runtime | |
catkin | |
parameter_pa | |
octomap_pa_msgs | |
roscpp | |
std_msgs | |
sensor_msgs | |
std_srvs | |
tf | |
laser_geometry | |
pcl_ros | |
pcl_conversions | |
octomap_ros | |
octomap_msgs |
System Dependencies
Dependant Packages
Launch files
Recent questions tagged octomap_pa at Robotics Stack Exchange
![]() |
octomap_pa package from octomap_pa repooctomap_pa |
Package Summary
Tags | No category tags. |
Version | 1.2.3 |
License | BSD |
Build type | CATKIN |
Repository Summary
Checkout URI | https://github.com/TUC-ProAut/ros_octomap.git |
VCS Type | git |
VCS Version | indigo |
Last Updated | 2018-03-01 |
Dev Status | MAINTAINED |
CI status | Continuous Integration |
Released | RELEASED |
Tags | No category tags. |
Contributing |
Help Wanted (0)
Good First Issues (0) Pull Requests to Review (0) |
Package Description
Additional Links
- Peter Weissig
ProAut OctoMap
This package was designed to automatically remove outdated voxels from the octomap.
We described our motivation and concept on our octomap-website - here you will also find two supportive videos. For further explanations, you may want to have a look at this workshop abstract.
Our implementation of decay:
rosrun octomap_pa octree_stamped_pa_node
roslaunch octomap_pa octomap_stamped_pa.launch
The native implementation of decay by the original octomap package:
rosrun octomap_pa octree_stamped_native_node
roslaunch octomap_pa octomap_stamped_native.launch
Simple node without decay:
rosrun octomap_pa octree_pa_node
roslaunch octomap_pa octomap_pa.launch
Input and Output Topics:
Topic Name | Type | Description |
”~/in_cloud” | sensor_msgs/PointCloud2 | Input as new pointcloud type. |
”~/in_cloud_old” | sensor_msgs/PointCloud | Input as old pointloud type. Will be converted to new pointcloud type. |
”~/in_laser” | sensor_msgs/LaserScan | Input as single laser scan. Will be converted to new pointcloud type by package “laser_geometry”. |
”~/out_octomap” | octomap_msgs/Octomap | Output of binary octomap - voxels are either free or occupied (smaller in size). |
”~/out_octomap_full” | octomap_msgs/Octomap | Output of octomap (full size). |
”~/out_cloud_free” | sensor_msgs/PointCloud2 | Output of all free voxels as pointcloud. |
”~/out_cloud_occupied” | sensor_msgs/PointCloud2 | Output of all occupied voxels as pointcloud. |
All topics can be remapped using parameters (see below).
Service Name | Type | Description |
”~/clear” | std_srvs/Empty | Deletes internal octomap. |
”~/getsize” | octomap_pa/OctomapPaGetSize | Returning number of nodes, total size in bytes and number of inserted measurments. |
”~/save” | octomap_pa/OctomapPaFileName | Storing the current octomap as file - timestamps are not saved. |
”~/load” | octomap_pa/OctomapPaFileName | Loading a octomap from file - timestamps are ignored. |
degrading of voxels
Parameter Name | Type | Description —————————–|———————-|————————————- “~/degrading_time” | double | Duration how long the outdated nodes will be kept. “~/auto_degrading” | bool | Turns on automatic degrading. “~/auto_degrading_intervall” | double | Intervall for automatic degrading.
pointcloud insertion
Parameter Name | Type | Description —————————–|———————-|————————————- “~/map_prob_hit” | double | Probability that a positive measurement relates to a occupied voxel. “~/map_prob_miss” | double | Probability that a negative measurement relates to a occupied voxel. “~/pcd_voxel_active” | bool | Use voxel-filter for pointcloud insertion. “~/pcd_voxel_explicit” | bool | Use pcl-filter instead of octomap-filter. “~/pcd_voxel_explicit_relative_resolution” | double | Relative resolution of pcl-filter.
octomap in general
Parameter Name | Type | Description —————————–|———————-|————————————- “~/output_frame” | string | Coordinate system for insertion and output. “~/map_resolution” | double | Side length of one voxel (in meters). “~/map_prob_threshold” | double | Threshold for binary evaluation of single voxels. “~/map_clamp_min” | double | Lower clamping value of occupancy probability. “~/map_clamp_max” | double | Upper clamping value of occupancy probability.
topics and services
Parameter Name | Type | Description —————————–|———————-|————————————- “~/topic_in_cloud” | string | Name of input topic for new pointclouds. “~/topic_in_cloud_old” | string | Name of input topic for old pointclouds. “~/topic_in_laser” | string | Name of input topic for laser scans. “~/topic_out_octomap” | string | Name of output topic for binary octomap. “~/topic_out_octomap_full” | string | Name of output topic for full octomap. “~/topic_out_cload_free” | string | Name of output topic for free voxels. “~/topic_out_cloud_occupied” | string | Name of output topic for occupied voxels.
See also this config file. It contains all parameters and their default value.
Source code at github:
Related packages:
ROS packages:
ros-kinetic-octomap-pa packages for indigo and lunar will be soon available
ROS Build-Status and Documentation
ROS-Distribution | Build-Status | Documentation |
Indigo | docs.ros.org | |
Jade | EOL May 2017 | - |
Kinetic | docs.ros.org | |
Lunar | docs.ros.org |
Changelog for package octomap_pa
1.2.3 (2018-03-01)
- Increased package version to avoid error on ros build farm different branches need different release version 1.3.3 for master (== kinetic and lunar) 1.2.3 for indigo
- Contributors: Peter Weissig
1.2.2 (2018-02-25)
- add missing dependency on messages from this package
- Contributors: Mikael Arguedas
1.2.0 (2018-02-17)
- Initial ROS-Package
- Contributors: Peter Weissig
Wiki Tutorials
Package Dependencies
Deps | Name |
message_generation | |
message_runtime | |
catkin | |
parameter_pa | |
roscpp | |
std_msgs | |
sensor_msgs | |
geometry_msgs | |
nav_msgs | |
std_srvs | |
tf | |
laser_geometry | |
pcl_ros | |
pcl_conversions | |
octomap_ros | |
octomap_msgs |
System Dependencies
Dependant Packages
Launch files
Recent questions tagged octomap_pa at Robotics Stack Exchange
![]() |
octomap_pa package from octomap_pa repooctomap_pa octomap_pa_matlab octomap_pa_msgs |
Package Summary
Tags | No category tags. |
Version | 1.3.3 |
License | BSD |
Build type | CATKIN |
Repository Summary
Checkout URI | https://github.com/TUC-ProAut/ros_octomap.git |
VCS Type | git |
VCS Version | master |
Last Updated | 2021-06-08 |
Dev Status | MAINTAINED |
CI status | Continuous Integration |
Released | RELEASED |
Tags | No category tags. |
Contributing |
Help Wanted (0)
Good First Issues (0) Pull Requests to Review (0) |
Package Description
Additional Links
- Peter Weissig
ProAut OctoMap
This package was designed to automatically remove outdated voxels from the original octomap.
We described our motivation and concept on our octomap-website - here you will also find two supportive videos. For further explanations, you may want to have a look at this workshop abstract.
Our implementation of decay:
rosrun octomap_pa octree_stamped_pa_node
roslaunch octomap_pa octomap_stamped_pa.launch
The native implementation of decay by the original octomap package:
rosrun octomap_pa octree_stamped_native_node
roslaunch octomap_pa octomap_stamped_native.launch
Simple node without decay:
rosrun octomap_pa octree_pa_node
roslaunch octomap_pa octomap_pa.launch
Input and Output Topics
Topic Name | Type | Description |
”~/in_cloud” | sensor_msgs/PointCloud2 | Input as new pointcloud type. |
”~/in_cloud_old” | sensor_msgs/PointCloud | Input as old pointloud type. Will be converted to new pointcloud type. |
”~/in_laser” | sensor_msgs/LaserScan | Input as single laser scan. Will be converted to new pointcloud type by package “laser_geometry”. |
”~/out_octomap” | octomap_msgs/Octomap | Output of binary octomap - voxels are either free or occupied (smaller in size). |
”~/out_octomap_full” | octomap_msgs/Octomap | Output of octomap (full size). |
”~/out_cloud_free” | sensor_msgs/PointCloud2 | Output of all free voxels as pointcloud. |
”~/out_cloud_occupied” | sensor_msgs/PointCloud2 | Output of all occupied voxels as pointcloud. |
All topics can be remapped using parameters (see below).
Service Name | Type | Description |
”~/clear” | std_srvs/Empty | Deletes internal octomap. |
”~/reset” | octomap_pa_msgs/Reset | Changes the resolution and the frame after clearing the internal octomap. |
”~/getsize” | octomap_pa_msgs/GetSize | Returning number of nodes, total size in bytes and number of inserted measurments. |
”~/save” | octomap_pa_msgs/FileName | Storing the current octomap as file - timestamps are not saved. |
”~/load” | octomap_pa_msgs/FileName | Loading a octomap from file - timestamps are ignored. |
degrading of voxels
Parameter Name | Type | Description —————————–|———————-|————————————- “~/degrading_time” | double | Duration how long the outdated nodes will be kept. “~/auto_degrading” | bool | Turns on automatic degrading. “~/auto_degrading_intervall” | double | Intervall for automatic degrading.
pointcloud insertion
Parameter Name | Type | Description —————————–|———————-|————————————- “~/map_prob_hit” | double | Probability that a positive measurement relates to a occupied voxel. “~/map_prob_miss” | double | Probability that a negative measurement relates to a occupied voxel. “~/pcd_voxel_active” | bool | Use voxel-filter for pointcloud insertion. “~/pcd_voxel_explicit” | bool | Use pcl-filter instead of octomap-filter. “~/pcd_voxel_explicit_relative_resolution” | double | Relative resolution of pcl-filter.
octomap in general
Parameter Name | Type | Description —————————–|———————-|————————————- “~/output_frame” | string | Coordinate system for insertion and output. “~/map_resolution” | double | Side length of one voxel (in meters). “~/map_prob_threshold” | double | Threshold for binary evaluation of single voxels. “~/map_clamp_min” | double | Lower clamping value of occupancy probability. “~/map_clamp_max” | double | Upper clamping value of occupancy probability.
topics and services
Parameter Name | Type | Description —————————–|———————-|————————————- “~/topic_in_cloud” | string | Name of input topic for new pointclouds. “~/topic_in_cloud_old” | string | Name of input topic for old pointclouds. “~/topic_in_laser” | string | Name of input topic for laser scans. “~/topic_out_octomap” | string | Name of output topic for binary octomap. “~/topic_out_octomap_full” | string | Name of output topic for full octomap. “~/topic_out_cload_free” | string | Name of output topic for free voxels. “~/topic_out_cloud_occupied” | string | Name of output topic for occupied voxels.
See also this config file. It contains all parameters and their default value.
Source code at github
Related packages
ROS packages
ros-kinetic-octomap-pa (eol)
ros-melodic-octomap-pa (upcoming)
ros-melodic-octomap-pa-msgs (upcoming)
ros-melodic-octomap-pa-matlab (upcoming)
ros-noetic-octomap-pa (upcoming)
ros-noetic-octomap-pa-msgs (upcoming)
ros-noetic-octomap-pa-matlab (upcoming)
ROS Build-Status and Documentation
ROS-Distribution | Build-Status | Documentation |
Indigo | EOL April 2019 | docs.ros.org/indigo |
Jade | EOL May 2017 | docs.ros.org/jade |
Kinetic | EOL April 2021 | docs.ros.org/kinetic |
Lunar | EOL May 2019 | docs.ros.org/lunar |
Melodic | docs.ros.org/melodic | |
Noetic | docs.ros.org/noetic |
Changelog for package octomap_pa
- bugfixed missing instantiation of service callback
- minor updates to readme
- simplified all three nodes by using new wrapper class
- added generic wrapper class for ProAut nodes
- added package for messages (octomap_pa_msgs)
- prepared repository to be splitted in several packages
- Contributors: Peter Weissig
1.3.3 (2018-03-01)
- Increased package version to avoid error on ros build farm different branches need different release version 1.3.3 for master (== kinetic and lunar) 1.2.3 for indigo
- Contributors: Peter Weissig
1.2.2 (2018-02-25)
- add missing dependency on messages from this package
- Contributors: Mikael Arguedas
1.2.0 (2018-02-17)
- Initial ROS-Package
- Contributors: Peter Weissig
Wiki Tutorials
Package Dependencies
Deps | Name |
message_generation | |
message_runtime | |
catkin | |
parameter_pa | |
octomap_pa_msgs | |
roscpp | |
std_msgs | |
sensor_msgs | |
std_srvs | |
tf | |
laser_geometry | |
pcl_ros | |
pcl_conversions | |
octomap_ros | |
octomap_msgs |
System Dependencies
Dependant Packages
Name | Deps |
nearfield_map |
Launch files
Recent questions tagged octomap_pa at Robotics Stack Exchange
![]() |
octomap_pa package from octomap_pa repooctomap_pa octomap_pa_matlab octomap_pa_msgs |
Package Summary
Tags | No category tags. |
Version | 1.3.3 |
License | BSD |
Build type | CATKIN |
Repository Summary
Checkout URI | https://github.com/TUC-ProAut/ros_octomap.git |
VCS Type | git |
VCS Version | master |
Last Updated | 2021-06-08 |
Dev Status | MAINTAINED |
CI status | Continuous Integration |
Released | UNRELEASED |
Tags | No category tags. |
Contributing |
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Package Description
Additional Links
- Peter Weissig
ProAut OctoMap
This package was designed to automatically remove outdated voxels from the original octomap.
We described our motivation and concept on our octomap-website - here you will also find two supportive videos. For further explanations, you may want to have a look at this workshop abstract.
Our implementation of decay:
rosrun octomap_pa octree_stamped_pa_node
roslaunch octomap_pa octomap_stamped_pa.launch
The native implementation of decay by the original octomap package:
rosrun octomap_pa octree_stamped_native_node
roslaunch octomap_pa octomap_stamped_native.launch
Simple node without decay:
rosrun octomap_pa octree_pa_node
roslaunch octomap_pa octomap_pa.launch
Input and Output Topics
Topic Name | Type | Description |
”~/in_cloud” | sensor_msgs/PointCloud2 | Input as new pointcloud type. |
”~/in_cloud_old” | sensor_msgs/PointCloud | Input as old pointloud type. Will be converted to new pointcloud type. |
”~/in_laser” | sensor_msgs/LaserScan | Input as single laser scan. Will be converted to new pointcloud type by package “laser_geometry”. |
”~/out_octomap” | octomap_msgs/Octomap | Output of binary octomap - voxels are either free or occupied (smaller in size). |
”~/out_octomap_full” | octomap_msgs/Octomap | Output of octomap (full size). |
”~/out_cloud_free” | sensor_msgs/PointCloud2 | Output of all free voxels as pointcloud. |
”~/out_cloud_occupied” | sensor_msgs/PointCloud2 | Output of all occupied voxels as pointcloud. |
All topics can be remapped using parameters (see below).
Service Name | Type | Description |
”~/clear” | std_srvs/Empty | Deletes internal octomap. |
”~/reset” | octomap_pa_msgs/Reset | Changes the resolution and the frame after clearing the internal octomap. |
”~/getsize” | octomap_pa_msgs/GetSize | Returning number of nodes, total size in bytes and number of inserted measurments. |
”~/save” | octomap_pa_msgs/FileName | Storing the current octomap as file - timestamps are not saved. |
”~/load” | octomap_pa_msgs/FileName | Loading a octomap from file - timestamps are ignored. |
degrading of voxels
Parameter Name | Type | Description —————————–|———————-|————————————- “~/degrading_time” | double | Duration how long the outdated nodes will be kept. “~/auto_degrading” | bool | Turns on automatic degrading. “~/auto_degrading_intervall” | double | Intervall for automatic degrading.
pointcloud insertion
Parameter Name | Type | Description —————————–|———————-|————————————- “~/map_prob_hit” | double | Probability that a positive measurement relates to a occupied voxel. “~/map_prob_miss” | double | Probability that a negative measurement relates to a occupied voxel. “~/pcd_voxel_active” | bool | Use voxel-filter for pointcloud insertion. “~/pcd_voxel_explicit” | bool | Use pcl-filter instead of octomap-filter. “~/pcd_voxel_explicit_relative_resolution” | double | Relative resolution of pcl-filter.
octomap in general
Parameter Name | Type | Description —————————–|———————-|————————————- “~/output_frame” | string | Coordinate system for insertion and output. “~/map_resolution” | double | Side length of one voxel (in meters). “~/map_prob_threshold” | double | Threshold for binary evaluation of single voxels. “~/map_clamp_min” | double | Lower clamping value of occupancy probability. “~/map_clamp_max” | double | Upper clamping value of occupancy probability.
topics and services
Parameter Name | Type | Description —————————–|———————-|————————————- “~/topic_in_cloud” | string | Name of input topic for new pointclouds. “~/topic_in_cloud_old” | string | Name of input topic for old pointclouds. “~/topic_in_laser” | string | Name of input topic for laser scans. “~/topic_out_octomap” | string | Name of output topic for binary octomap. “~/topic_out_octomap_full” | string | Name of output topic for full octomap. “~/topic_out_cload_free” | string | Name of output topic for free voxels. “~/topic_out_cloud_occupied” | string | Name of output topic for occupied voxels.
See also this config file. It contains all parameters and their default value.
Source code at github
Related packages
ROS packages
ros-kinetic-octomap-pa (eol)
ros-melodic-octomap-pa (upcoming)
ros-melodic-octomap-pa-msgs (upcoming)
ros-melodic-octomap-pa-matlab (upcoming)
ros-noetic-octomap-pa (upcoming)
ros-noetic-octomap-pa-msgs (upcoming)
ros-noetic-octomap-pa-matlab (upcoming)
ROS Build-Status and Documentation
ROS-Distribution | Build-Status | Documentation |
Indigo | EOL April 2019 | docs.ros.org/indigo |
Jade | EOL May 2017 | docs.ros.org/jade |
Kinetic | EOL April 2021 | docs.ros.org/kinetic |
Lunar | EOL May 2019 | docs.ros.org/lunar |
Melodic | docs.ros.org/melodic | |
Noetic | docs.ros.org/noetic |
Changelog for package octomap_pa
- bugfixed missing instantiation of service callback
- minor updates to readme
- simplified all three nodes by using new wrapper class
- added generic wrapper class for ProAut nodes
- added package for messages (octomap_pa_msgs)
- prepared repository to be splitted in several packages
- Contributors: Peter Weissig
1.3.3 (2018-03-01)
- Increased package version to avoid error on ros build farm different branches need different release version 1.3.3 for master (== kinetic and lunar) 1.2.3 for indigo
- Contributors: Peter Weissig
1.2.2 (2018-02-25)
- add missing dependency on messages from this package
- Contributors: Mikael Arguedas
1.2.0 (2018-02-17)
- Initial ROS-Package
- Contributors: Peter Weissig
Wiki Tutorials
Package Dependencies
Deps | Name |
message_generation | |
message_runtime | |
catkin | |
parameter_pa | |
octomap_pa_msgs | |
roscpp | |
std_msgs | |
sensor_msgs | |
std_srvs | |
tf | |
laser_geometry | |
pcl_ros | |
pcl_conversions | |
octomap_ros | |
octomap_msgs |
System Dependencies
Dependant Packages
Name | Deps |
nearfield_map |