![]() |
moveit_simple_grasps package from moveit_simple_grasps repomoveit_simple_grasps |
Package Summary
Tags | No category tags. |
Version | 1.3.1 |
License | BSD |
Build type | CATKIN |
Repository Summary
Checkout URI | https://github.com/davetcoleman/moveit_simple_grasps.git |
VCS Type | git |
VCS Version | indigo-devel |
Last Updated | 2016-10-31 |
Dev Status | END-OF-LIFE |
CI status | Continuous Integration |
Released | RELEASED |
Tags | No category tags. |
Contributing |
Help Wanted (0)
Good First Issues (0) Pull Requests to Review (0) |
Package Description
Additional Links
- Dave Coleman
- Dave Coleman
Sorry, too many things to maintain. I’ll still merge PRs and am happy to share maintainership of this package with someone interested.
MoveIt! Simple Grasps
A basic grasp generator for simple objects such as blocks or cylinders for use with the MoveIt! pick and place pipeline. Does not consider friction cones or other dynamics.
Its current implementation simple takes as input a pose vector (postition and orientation) and generates a large number of potential grasp approaches and directions. Also includes a grasp filter for removing kinematically infeasible grasps via threaded IK solvers.
This package includes:
- Simple pose-based grasp generator for a block
- Separate grasp generators for custom objects such as rectanguar or cylindrical objects
- Grasp filter
- Test code and visualizations
Developed by Dave Coleman at the Correll Robotics Lab, University of Colorado Boulder with outside contributors.
Video Demo
A simple demo with Baxter:
Build Status
Ubuntu Debian
sudo apt-get install ros-hydro-moveit-simple-grasps
sudo apt-get install ros-indigo-moveit-simple-grasps
Install From Source
Clone this repository into a catkin workspace, then use the rosdep install tool to automatically download its dependencies. Depending on your current version of ROS, use:
rosdep install --from-paths src --ignore-src --rosdistro hydro
rosdep install --from-paths src --ignore-src --rosdistro indigo
Robot-Agnostic Configuration
You will first need a configuration file that described your robot’s end effector geometry. Currently an example format can be seen in this repository at config/baxter_grasp_data.yaml. See the comments within that file for explanations.
To load that file at launch, you copy the example in the file launch/grasp_test.launch where you should see the line <rosparam command="load" file="$(find moveit_simple_grasps)/config/baxter_grasp_data.yaml"/>
Code Usage
Note: You might find the moveit_blocks.h example, discussed at the bottom of this page, most helpful.
We will discuss how to use the generation, filtering, and visualization components.
Within your robot’s ROS package, add this package to your package.xml, CMakeLists.txt. Then in whatever C++ file add this to your includes:
// Grasp generation and visualization
#include <moveit_simple_grasps/simple_grasps.h>
#include <moveit_simple_grasps/grasp_data.h>
#include <moveit_visual_tools/moveit_visual_tools.h>
Add to your class’s member variables the following:
// Grasp generator
moveit_simple_grasps::SimpleGraspsPtr simple_grasps_;
// class for publishing stuff to rviz
moveit_visual_tools::MoveItVisualToolsPtr visual_tools_;
// robot-specific data for generating grasps
moveit_simple_grasps::GraspData grasp_data_;
In your class’ constructor initialize the visualization tools;
// Load the Robot Viz Tools for publishing to Rviz
visual_tools_.reset(new moveit_visual_tools::MoveItVisualTools("base_link"));
Change the first parameter of visual tools to the name of your robot’s base link. For more information on that package, see moveit_visual_tools.
Then load your robot’s custom .yaml grasp data file:
// Load grasp data specific to our robot
ros::NodeHandle nh("~");
if (!grasp_data_.loadRobotGraspData(nh, "left_hand"))
Where “left_hand” is the name of one your SRDF-defined MoveIt! end effectors from the Setup Assistant. This data is loaded from a file that you must load to the parameter server within a roslaunch file, as desribed above.
Now load grasp generator:
// Load grasp generator
simple_grasps_.reset( new moveit_simple_grasps::SimpleGrasps(visual_tools_) );
To generate grasps, you first need the pose of the object you want to grasp, such as a block. Here’s an example pose:
geometry_msgs::Pose object_pose;
object_pose.position.x = 0.4;
object_pose.position.y = -0.2;
object_pose.position.z = 0.0;
// Orientation
double angle = M_PI / 1.5;
Eigen::Quaterniond quat(Eigen::AngleAxis<double>(double(angle), Eigen::Vector3d::UnitZ()));
object_pose.orientation.x = quat.x();
object_pose.orientation.y = quat.y();
object_pose.orientation.z = quat.z();
object_pose.orientation.w = quat.w();
If you want to visualize this object pose as a block:
visual_tools_->publishBlock(object_pose, rviz_visual_tools::BLUE, 0.04);
Now generate the grasps:
std::vector<moveit_msgs::Grasp> possible_grasps;
simple_grasps_->generateBlockGrasps( object_pose, grasp_data_, possible_grasps);
To visualize:
visual_tools_->publishAnimatedGrasps(possible_grasps, grasp_data_.ee_parent_link_);
Grasp Filter Usage
This component creates several threads and tests a large number of potential grasps for kinematic feasibility.
To filter grasps after generating them:
// Filter the grasp for only the ones that are reachable
bool filter_pregrasps = true;
std::vector<trajectory_msgs::JointTrajectoryPoint> ik_solutions; // save each grasps ik solution for visualization
grasp_filter_->filterGrasps(possible_grasps, ik_solutions, filter_pregrasps, grasp_data_.ee_parent_link_, planning_group_name_);
To view the filtered grasps along with the planning group pose:
visual_tools_->publishIKSolutions(ik_solutions, planning_group_name_, 0.25);
There is more that is undocumented but I’m tired of writing this.
Tested Robots
Example Code
A new (still in development) example tool is moveit_blocks.h
located in the include
folder. It gives you a complete pick and place pipeline using this package and MoveIt, and all you need is the appropriate config file and launch file. An example launch file can be found here.
There are currently example implementations:
There are two tests scripts in this package. To view the tests, first start Rviz with:
roslaunch moveit_simple_grasps grasp_test_rviz.launch
To test just grasp generation for randomly placed blocks:
roslaunch moveit_simple_grasps grasp_test.launch
To also test the IK grasp filtering:
roslaunch moveit_simple_grasps grasp_filter_test.launch
Features we’d like to see added to this project:
- Ability to reason about any shape, not just centroid of a bounding box
- Input arbitrary meshes
- Auto create a bounding box around that mesh
- Better reasoning about support surfaces (table)
- Integrate collision checking to verify feasibility of grasp
- Support non-parallel gripper end effectors
- Make grasp quality metric better informed
- Make this project easier to setup for new robots
- Integrate into Setup Assistant GUI
- Improve simple pick and place pipline header file
- Dave Coleman, CU Boulder @davetcoleman
- Bence Magyar, PAL Robotics @bmagyar
Changelog for package moveit_simple_grasps
1.3.1 (2015-12-07)
- catkin lint cleanup
- Contributors: Dave Coleman
1.3.0 (2015-12-05)
- Z Axis implemented
- Fixed API changes in moveit_visual_tools
- Adding grasp configurations for Romeo, Nao and Pepper
- Update README.md
- Fix install space
- New setRobotStatePreGrasp(), setRobotStateGrasp(), and setRobotState() functions for opening and closing EE
- Fixed test launch
- Added new test functions
- Contributors: Dave Coleman, nlyubova, rheidrich
1.2.1 (2014-10-27)
- Refactored for new moveit_visual_tools API
- Fixed package.xml
- Updated README
- Contributors: Dave Coleman
1.2.0 (2014-09-19)
1.1.0 (2014-07-31)
- Fixed grasp pose rotation
- Created new verbose constructor flag to enable easy debugging
- Allow a grasp pose to be rotated along z axis
- Created new pick place pipeline template
- Moved ClamArm config to this repo
- Updated package description
- Updated README
- Contributors: Dave Coleman
1.0.1 (2014-05-30)
- Moved base link out of individual end effector configurations
- Fixed tests for new gripper config format
- Fix for strict cppcheck and g++ warnings/errors
- Remove self assignment
- fix functions with no return statement and other cppcheck errors fix
- Compatibility changes for ROS Indigo (Eigen find pkg)
- Restored the lost grasp data for REEM
- Renamed grasp data config file for REEM and updated launch file accordingly.
- Fix lost contents of file and add left hand.
- Enabled dual arm grasping, filtering
- Fixes for more strict moveit_visual_tools data access
- Deprecated function, made robot grasp config files have more than 1 end effector
- Fixed posture bug and renamed local vars to not have _ postfix
- Added ability to filter pre-grasps as well
- Removed this-> because does not follow MoveIt style guidelines
- Made tests left/right invariant
- Refactored RobotGraspData and loader function
- Renamed RobotGraspData to GraspData
- Made graspDataLoader into a function the GraspData class.
- Move grasp data struct to separate file
- Fixed filter test
- Created left hand config for baxter
- Improved tests
- Changed deprecated function name
- Add options to grasp generation action goal.
- Yaml conversion
- Improved error handling of loading from yaml, removed unnecessary data
- Fixes for new grasp data loader
- Fixes per catkin_lintg
- Convert baxter_data.h to baxter_gripper.yaml
- Add launch script for grasp generator server + testing node
- Replace reem_data.h with reem_hand.yaml
- Add grasp_data_loader to be used by server.
- Changed way visualizations are made
- Moved the visualize grasp functionality to moveit_visual_tools. Deprecated generateAllGrasps
- Fixed grasp filter bug of pose in wrong frame of reference
- Trying to visualize arm reaches
- Fixed grasp filter
- Added new hand_roll feature
- Changed name of moveit_simple_grasps
- Renamed files and classes to not have the word MoveIt
- Added picture
- Added ability to do full grasp rotation, finer grained access, documentation
- Fix travis
- Changed name of moveit_visual_tools
- Initial commit
- Contributors: Bence Magyar, Dave Coleman, Jordi Pages
Wiki Tutorials
Package Dependencies
System Dependencies
Dependant Packages
Name | Deps |
romeo_moveit_actions |
Launch files
- launch/grasp_generator_server.launch
- robot [default: reem]
- launch/grasp_test_rviz.launch
- debug [default: false]
- launch/grasp_filter_test.launch
- debug [default: false]
- verbose [default: false]
- arm [default: right]
- launch/grasp_test.launch
- debug [default: false]
- verbose [default: false]
- arm [default: right]
Recent questions tagged moveit_simple_grasps at Robotics Stack Exchange
![]() |
moveit_simple_grasps package from moveit_simple_grasps repomoveit_simple_grasps |
Package Summary
Tags | No category tags. |
Version | 1.1.0 |
License | BSD |
Build type | CATKIN |
Repository Summary
Checkout URI | https://github.com/davetcoleman/moveit_simple_grasps.git |
VCS Type | git |
VCS Version | hydro-devel |
Last Updated | 2015-07-09 |
Dev Status | END-OF-LIFE |
CI status | Continuous Integration |
Released | RELEASED |
Tags | No category tags. |
Contributing |
Help Wanted (0)
Good First Issues (0) Pull Requests to Review (0) |
Package Description
Additional Links
- Dave Coleman
- Dave Coleman
MoveIt! Simple Grasps
A basic grasp generator for simple objects such as blocks or cylinders for use with the MoveIt! pick and place pipeline. Does not consider friction cones or other dynamics.
Its current implementation simple takes as input a pose vector (postition and orientation) and generates a large number of potential grasp approaches and directions. Also includes a grasp filter for removing kinematically infeasible grasps via threaded IK solvers.
This package includes:
- Simple pose-based grasp generator for a block
- Separate grasp generators for custom objects such as rectanguar or cylindrical objects
- Grasp filter
- Test code and visualizations
Developed by Dave Coleman at the Correll Robotics Lab, University of Colorado Boulder with outside contributors.
Video Demo
A simple demo with Baxter:
Build Status
Ubuntu Debian
sudo apt-get install ros-hydro-moveit-simple-grasps
sudo apt-get install ros-indigo-moveit-simple-grasps
Install From Source
Clone this repository into a catkin workspace, then use the rosdep install tool to automatically download its dependencies. Depending on your current version of ROS, use:
rosdep install --from-paths src --ignore-src --rosdistro hydro
rosdep install --from-paths src --ignore-src --rosdistro indigo
Robot-Agnostic Configuration
You will first need a configuration file that described your robot’s end effector geometry. Currently an example format can be seen in this repository at config/baxter_grasp_data.yaml. See the comments within that file for explanations.
To load that file at launch, you copy the example in the file launch/grasp_test.launch where you should see the line <rosparam command="load" file="$(find moveit_simple_grasps)/config/baxter_grasp_data.yaml"/>
Code Usage
Note: You might find the moveit_blocks.h example, discussed at the bottom of this page, most helpful.
We will discuss how to use the generation, filtering, and visualization components.
Within your robot’s ROS package, add this package to your package.xml, CMakeLists.txt. Then in whatever C++ file add this to your includes:
// Grasp generation and visualization
#include <moveit_simple_grasps/simple_grasps.h>
#include <moveit_simple_grasps/grasp_data.h>
#include <moveit_visual_tools/visual_tools.h>
Add to your class’s member variables the following:
// Grasp generator
moveit_simple_grasps::SimpleGraspsPtr simple_grasps_;
// class for publishing stuff to rviz
moveit_visual_tools::VisualToolsPtr visual_tools_;
// robot-specific data for generating grasps
moveit_simple_grasps::GraspData grasp_data_;
In your class’ constructor initialize the visualization tools;
// Load the Robot Viz Tools for publishing to Rviz
visual_tools_.reset(new moveit_visual_tools::VisualTools("base_link"));
Change the first parameter of visual tools to the name of your robot’s base link. For more information on that package, see moveit_visual_tools.
Then load your robot’s custom .yaml grasp data file:
// Load grasp data specific to our robot
ros::NodeHandle nh("~");
if (!grasp_data_.loadRobotGraspData(nh, "left_hand"))
Where “left_hand” is the name of one your SRDF-defined MoveIt! end effectors from the Setup Assistant. This data is loaded from a file that you must load to the parameter server within a roslaunch file, as desribed above.
Now load grasp generator:
// Load grasp generator
simple_grasps_.reset( new moveit_simple_grasps::SimpleGrasps(visual_tools_) );
To generate grasps, you first need the pose of the object you want to grasp, such as a block. Here’s an example pose:
geometry_msgs::Pose object_pose;
object_pose.position.x = 0.4;
object_pose.position.y = -0.2;
object_pose.position.z = 0.0;
// Orientation
double angle = M_PI / 1.5;
Eigen::Quaterniond quat(Eigen::AngleAxis<double>(double(angle), Eigen::Vector3d::UnitZ()));
object_pose.orientation.x = quat.x();
object_pose.orientation.y = quat.y();
object_pose.orientation.z = quat.z();
object_pose.orientation.w = quat.w();
If you want to visualize this object pose as a block:
visual_tools_->publishBlock(object_pose, moveit_visual_tools::BLUE, 0.04);
Now generate the grasps:
std::vector<moveit_msgs::Grasp> possible_grasps;
simple_grasps_->generateBlockGrasps( object_pose, grasp_data_, possible_grasps);
To visualize:
visual_tools_->publishAnimatedGrasps(possible_grasps, grasp_data_.ee_parent_link_);
Grasp Filter Usage
This component creates several threads and tests a large number of potential grasps for kinematic feasibility.
To filter grasps after generating them:
// Filter the grasp for only the ones that are reachable
bool filter_pregrasps = true;
std::vector<trajectory_msgs::JointTrajectoryPoint> ik_solutions; // save each grasps ik solution for visualization
grasp_filter_->filterGrasps(possible_grasps, ik_solutions, filter_pregrasps, grasp_data_.ee_parent_link_, planning_group_name_);
To view the filtered grasps along with the planning group pose:
visual_tools_->publishIKSolutions(ik_solutions, planning_group_name_, 0.25);
There is more that is undocumented but I’m tired of writing this.
Tested Robots
Example Code
A new (still in development) example tool is moveit_blocks.h
located in the include
folder. It gives you a complete pick and place pipeline using this package and MoveIt, and all you need is the appropriate config file and launch file. An example launch file can be found here.
There are currently example implementations:
There are two tests scripts in this package. To view the tests, first start Rviz with:
roslaunch moveit_simple_grasps grasp_test_rviz.launch
To test just grasp generation for randomly placed blocks:
roslaunch moveit_simple_grasps grasp_test.launch
To also test the IK grasp filtering:
roslaunch moveit_simple_grasps grasp_filter_test.launch
- Dave Coleman, CU Boulder @davetcoleman
- Bence Magyar, PAL Robotics @bmagyar
Changelog for package moveit_simple_grasps
1.1.0 (2014-07-31)
- Fixed grasp pose rotation
- Created new verbose constructor flag to enable easy debugging
- Allow a grasp pose to be rotated along z axis
- Created new pick place pipeline template
- Moved ClamArm config to this repo
- Updated package description
- Updated README
- Contributors: Dave Coleman
1.0.1 (2014-05-30)
- Moved base link out of individual end effector configurations
- Fixed tests for new gripper config format
- Fix for strict cppcheck and g++ warnings/errors
- Remove self assignment
- fix functions with no return statement and other cppcheck errors fix
- Compatibility changes for ROS Indigo (Eigen find pkg)
- Restored the lost grasp data for REEM
- Renamed grasp data config file for REEM and updated launch file accordingly.
- Fix lost contents of file and add left hand.
- Enabled dual arm grasping, filtering
- Fixes for more strict moveit_visual_tools data access
- Deprecated function, made robot grasp config files have more than 1 end effector
- Fixed posture bug and renamed local vars to not have _ postfix
- Added ability to filter pre-grasps as well
- Removed this-> because does not follow MoveIt style guidelines
- Made tests left/right invariant
- Refactored RobotGraspData and loader function
- Renamed RobotGraspData to GraspData
- Made graspDataLoader into a function the GraspData class.
- Move grasp data struct to separate file
- Fixed filter test
- Created left hand config for baxter
- Improved tests
- Changed deprecated function name
- Add options to grasp generation action goal.
- Yaml conversion
- Improved error handling of loading from yaml, removed unnecessary data
- Fixes for new grasp data loader
- Fixes per catkin_lintg
- Convert baxter_data.h to baxter_gripper.yaml
- Add launch script for grasp generator server + testing node
- Replace reem_data.h with reem_hand.yaml
- Add grasp_data_loader to be used by server.
- Changed way visualizations are made
- Moved the visualize grasp functionality to moveit_visual_tools. Deprecated generateAllGrasps
- Fixed grasp filter bug of pose in wrong frame of reference
- Trying to visualize arm reaches
- Fixed grasp filter
- Added new hand_roll feature
- Changed name of moveit_simple_grasps
- Renamed files and classes to not have the word MoveIt
- Added picture
- Added ability to do full grasp rotation, finer grained access, documentation
- Fix travis
- Changed name of moveit_visual_tools
- Initial commit
- Contributors: Bence Magyar, Dave Coleman, Jordi Pages
Wiki Tutorials
Package Dependencies
System Dependencies
Dependant Packages
Name | Deps |
rosjava_messages |
Launch files
- launch/grasp_generator_server.launch
- robot [default: reem]
- group [default: right_arm]
- end_effector [default: right]
- launch/grasp_test_rviz.launch
- debug [default: false]
- launch/grasp_filter_test.launch
- debug [default: false]
- verbose [default: false]
- arm [default: right]
- launch/grasp_test.launch
- debug [default: false]
- verbose [default: false]
- arm [default: right]