Package Summary

Tags No category tags.
Version 1.22.1
License Apache-2.0
Build type AMENT_CMAKE

Repository Summary

Checkout URI
VCS Type git
VCS Version rolling
Last Updated 2022-11-28
CI status No Continuous Integration
Tags No category tags.
Contributing Help Wanted (0)
Good First Issues (0)
Pull Requests to Review (0)

Package Description

The sm_multi_ur5_sim package

Additional Links

No additional links.


  • SMACC2 is cool


No additional authors.

Build Instructions

First, source your chosen ros2 distro.

source /opt/ros/rolling/setup.bash

source /opt/ros/galactic/setup.bash

Before you build, make sure you’ve installed all the dependencies…

rosdep install --ignore-src --from-paths src -y -r

Then build with colcon build…

colcon build

Operating Instructions

After you build, remember to source the proper install folder…

source ~/<ros2_ws>/install/setup.bash

And then run the launch file…

ros2 launch sm_multi_ur5_sim sm_multi_ur5_sim.launch

Viewer Instructions

If you have the SMACC2 Runtime Analyzer installed then type…

ros2 run smacc2_rta smacc2_rta

If you don’t have the SMACC2 Runtime Analyzer click here


Changelog for package sm_multi_ur5_sim

1.22.1 (2022-11-09)

  • pre-release
  • Contributors: pabloinigoblasco
  • improvements in navigation client behaviors and husky barrel demo (#311)
    • improvements in navigation client behaviors and husky barrel demo
    • many improvements in action client and cb sequence for hysky barrel search
    • more and better navigation behaviors on husky barrel search demo
    • functionality improvements in navigation and improvements of warehouse 3, format
    • functionality improvements in navigation and improvements of warehouse 3 and husky
    • format
  • Feature/multi ur5 sim (#290)
    • Remove galactic builds from master and kepp only rolling. Remove submodules and use .repos file
    • updated mentions of SMACC/ROS to SMACC2/ROS2
    • some progress on navigation rolling
    • renamed folders, deleted, edited
    • added smacc2_performance_tools
    • performance tests improvements
    • more on performance and other issues
    • sm_respira_1 format cleanup
    • sm_respira_1 format cleanup pre-commit
    • sm_respira_test_2
    • sm_respira_test_2
    • more changes on performance tests
    • Do not execute clang-format on smacc2_sm_reference_library package.
    • sm_reference_library reformatting
    • Correct trailing spaces.
    • sm_atomic_24hr
    • sm_atomic_performance_trace_1
    • Update smacc2_rta command across readmes
    • Clean up of sm_atomic_24hr
    • more sm_atomic_24hr cleanup
    • Optimized deps in move_base_z_planners_common.
    • Renaming of event generator library
    • minor formatting
    • Add galactic CI setup and rename rolling files. (#58)
    • Fix source CI and correct README overview. (#62)
    • Update c_cpp_properties.json

    * changed launch command to ros2 launch sm_respira_1 sm_respira_1.launch (#69) also noticed a note I had made while producing these that was not removed * update doxygen links (#70) Co-authored-by: Ubuntu 20-04-02-amd64 <<>> * More Readme Updates (#72) Co-authored-by: Ubuntu 20-04-02-amd64 <<>> * More Readme (#74) Co-authored-by: Ubuntu 20-04-02-amd64 <<>>

    • created new sm from sm_respira_1 (#76)
    • Feature/core and navigation fixes (#78)
    • base for the sm_aws_aarehouse navigation
    • progressing in aws navigation
    • minor
    • several core improvements during navigation testing
    • formatting improvements
    • progress in aws navigation demo
    • format improvements
    • Feature/aws demo progress (#80)
    • base for the sm_aws_aarehouse navigation
    • progressing in aws navigation
    • minor
    • several core improvements during navigation testing
    • formatting improvements
    • progress in aws navigation demo
    • format improvements
    • format improvements
    • more on navigation
    • sm_advanced_recovery_1 reworked (#83)
    • sm_advanced_recovery_1 reworked
    • fix pre-commit

    * Trying to fix Pre-Commit Co-authored-by: Ubuntu 20-04-02-amd64 <<>> * more sm_advanced_recovery_1 (#84) Co-authored-by: Ubuntu 20-04-02-amd64 <<>> * More sm_advanced_recovery_1 work (#85) Co-authored-by: Ubuntu 20-04-02-amd64 <<>> * sm_advanced_recovery_1 round 4 (#86) Co-authored-by: Ubuntu 20-04-02-amd64 <<>>

    • Brettpac branch (#87)
    • sm_atomic_performance_test_a_2

    * sm_atomic_performance_test_a_1 Co-authored-by: Ubuntu 20-04-02-amd64 <<>> * sm_atomic_performance_test_c_1 (#88) Co-authored-by: Ubuntu 20-04-02-amd64 <<>> * modifying sm_atomic_performance_test_a_2 (#89) Co-authored-by: Ubuntu 20-04-02-amd64 <<>>

    • sm_multi_stage_1 (#90)
    • sm_multi_stage_1

    * fixing precommit Co-authored-by: Ubuntu 20-04-02-amd64 <<>> * more sm_multi_stage_1 (#91) Co-authored-by: Ubuntu 20-04-02-amd64 <<>> * Update updated launch command

    • Wait topic message client behavior (#81)
    • base for the sm_aws_aarehouse navigation
    • progressing in aws navigation
    • minor
    • several core improvements during navigation testing
    • formatting improvements
    • progress in aws navigation demo
    • format improvements
    • format improvements
    • more on navigation
    • new feature, cb_wait_topic_message: asynchronous client behavior that waits a topic message and optionally checks its contents to success
    • formatting

    * attempting precommit fixes Co-authored-by: Ubuntu 20-04-02-amd64 <<>> Co-authored-by: Denis Štogl <<>>

    • Feature/wait nav2 nodes client behavior (#82)
    • base for the sm_aws_aarehouse navigation
    • progressing in aws navigation
    • minor
    • several core improvements during navigation testing
    • formatting improvements
    • progress in aws navigation demo
    • format improvements
    • format improvements
    • more on navigation
    • new feature, cb_wait_topic_message: asynchronous client behavior that waits a topic message and optionally checks its contents to success
    • formatting
    • adding new client behavior add for nav2, wait nav2 nodes subscribing to the /bond topic and waiting they are alive. you optionally can select the nodes to wait

    * Correct all linters and formaters. Co-authored-by: Denis Štogl <<>> Co-authored-by: Denis Štogl <<>>

    • Feature/aws demo progress (#92)
    • base for the sm_aws_aarehouse navigation
    • progressing in aws navigation
    • minor
    • several core improvements during navigation testing
    • formatting improvements
    • progress in aws navigation demo
    • format improvements
    • format improvements
    • more on navigation
    • new feature, cb_wait_topic_message: asynchronous client behavior that waits a topic message and optionally checks its contents to success
    • formatting
    • adding new client behavior add for nav2, wait nav2 nodes subscribing to the /bond topic and waiting they are alive. you optionally can select the nodes to wait
    • progress in aws navigation demo
    • minor format
    • Feature/sm dance bot fixes (#93)
    • base for the sm_aws_aarehouse navigation
    • progressing in aws navigation
    • minor
    • several core improvements during navigation testing
    • formatting improvements
    • progress in aws navigation demo
    • format improvements
    • format improvements
    • more on navigation
    • new feature, cb_wait_topic_message: asynchronous client behavior that waits a topic message and optionally checks its contents to success
    • formatting
    • adding new client behavior add for nav2, wait nav2 nodes subscribing to the /bond topic and waiting they are alive. you optionally can select the nodes to wait
    • progress in aws navigation demo
    • minor format
    • navigation parameters fixes on sm_dance_bot
    • minor format
    • Feature/sm aws warehouse (#94)
    • base for the sm_aws_aarehouse navigation
    • progressing in aws navigation
    • minor
    • several core improvements during navigation testing
    • formatting improvements
    • progress in aws navigation demo
    • format improvements
    • format improvements
    • more on navigation
    • new feature, cb_wait_topic_message: asynchronous client behavior that waits a topic message and optionally checks its contents to success
    • formatting
    • adding new client behavior add for nav2, wait nav2 nodes subscribing to the /bond topic and waiting they are alive. you optionally can select the nodes to wait
    • progress in aws navigation demo
    • minor format
    • merge and progress
    • fix format
    • Feature/sm dance bot fixes (#95)
    • base for the sm_aws_aarehouse navigation
    • progressing in aws navigation
    • minor
    • several core improvements during navigation testing
    • formatting improvements
    • progress in aws navigation demo
    • format improvements
    • format improvements
    • more on navigation
    • new feature, cb_wait_topic_message: asynchronous client behavior that waits a topic message and optionally checks its contents to success
    • formatting
    • adding new client behavior add for nav2, wait nav2 nodes subscribing to the /bond topic and waiting they are alive. you optionally can select the nodes to wait
    • progress in aws navigation demo
    • minor format
    • navigation parameters fixes on sm_dance_bot
    • minor format
    • minor
    • minor format
    • Remove some compile warnings. (#96)
    • Feature/cb pause slam (#98)
    • base for the sm_aws_aarehouse navigation
    • progressing in aws navigation
    • minor
    • several core improvements during navigation testing
    • formatting improvements
    • progress in aws navigation demo
    • format improvements
    • format improvements
    • more on navigation
    • new feature, cb_wait_topic_message: asynchronous client behavior that waits a topic message and optionally checks its contents to success
    • formatting
    • adding new client behavior add for nav2, wait nav2 nodes subscribing to the /bond topic and waiting they are alive. you optionally can select the nodes to wait
    • progress in aws navigation demo
    • minor format
    • navigation parameters fixes on sm_dance_bot
    • minor format
    • minor
    • formatting
    • cb pause slam client behavior
    • sm_dance_bot_lite (#99)
    • sm_dance_bot_lite
    • precommit

    * Updates yaml Co-authored-by: Ubuntu 20-04-02-amd64 <<>>

    • Rename doxygen deployment workflow (#100)
    • minor hotfix
    • sm_dance_bot visualizing turtlebot3 (#101)
    • Feature/dance bot launch gz lidar choice (#102)
    • sm_dance_bot visualizing turtlebot3
    • cleaning and lidar show/hide option
    • cleaning files and making formatting work
    • more fixes
    • Feature/sm dance bot lite gazebo fixes (#104)
    • sm_dance_bot visualizing turtlebot3
    • cleaning and lidar show/hide option
    • cleaning files and making formatting work
    • more fixes
    • gazebo fixes, to show the robot and the lidar
    • format fixes

    * sm_multi_stage_1 doubling (#103) Co-authored-by: Ubuntu 20-04-02-amd64 <<>>

    • Feature/sm dance bot strikes back gazebo fixes (#105)
    • sm_dance_bot visualizing turtlebot3
    • cleaning and lidar show/hide option
    • cleaning files and making formatting work
    • more fixes
    • gazebo fixes, to show the robot and the lidar
    • format fixes
    • gazebo fixes for sm_dance_bot_strikes_back

    * precommit cleanup run (#106) Co-authored-by: Ubuntu 20-04-02-amd64 <<>>

    • aws demo (#108)
    • aws demo
    • format

    * got sm_multi_stage_1 working (barely) (#109) Co-authored-by: Ubuntu 20-04-02-amd64 <<>>

    • Brettpac branch (#110)
    • got sm_multi_stage_1 working (barely)
    • gaining traction sm_multi_stage_1
    • more
    • don't remember
    • making progress
    • More
    • keep hammering
    • two stages
    • 3 part

    * 4th stage Co-authored-by: Ubuntu 20-04-02-amd64 <<>>

    • Brettpac branch (#111)
    • got sm_multi_stage_1 working (barely)
    • gaining traction sm_multi_stage_1
    • more
    • don't remember
    • making progress
    • More
    • keep hammering
    • two stages
    • 3 part
    • 4th stage

    * 5th stage Co-authored-by: Ubuntu 20-04-02-amd64 <<>> * a3 (#113) Co-authored-by: Ubuntu 20-04-02-amd64 <<>>

    • Remove neo_simulation2 package. (#112)
    • Remove neo_simulation2 package.
    • Correct formatting.
    • Enable source build on PR for testing.
    • Adjust build packages of source CI

    * more sm_multi_stage_1 (#114) Co-authored-by: Ubuntu 20-04-02-amd64 <<>> * mm (#115) Co-authored-by: Ubuntu 20-04-02-amd64 <<>>

    • diverse improvements navigation and performance (#116)
    • diverse improvements navigation and performance

    * minor Co-authored-by: pabloinigoblasco <<>>

    • Feature/diverse improvemets navigation performance (#117)
    • diverse improvements navigation and performance
    • minor
    • additional linting and formatting
    • Remove merge markers from a python file. (#119)
    • Feature/slam toggle and smacc deep history (#122)
    • progress in navigation, slam toggle client behaviors and slam_toolbox components. Also smacc2::deep_history syntax
    • going forward in testing sm_dance_bot introducing slam pausing/resuming funcionality
    • feature/more_sm_dance_bot_fixes
    • minor format

    * minor (#124) Co-authored-by: Ubuntu 20-04-02-amd64 <<>>

    • more changes in sm_dance_bot (#125)
    • Move method after the method it calls. Otherwise recursion could happen. (#126)
    • Feature/dance bot s pattern (#128)
    • more changes in sm_dance_bot
    • polishing sm_dance_bot and s-pattern

    * noticed typo Finnaly > Finally

    • Feature/dance bot s pattern (#129)
    • more changes in sm_dance_bot
    • polishing sm_dance_bot and s-pattern
    • more refinement in sm_dance_bot
    • First working version of sm template and template generator. (#127)

    * minor tweaks (#130) Co-authored-by: Ubuntu 20-04-02-amd64 <<>>

    • Feature/sm dance bot refine (#131)
    • more changes in sm_dance_bot
    • minor
    • Feature/sm dance bot refine 2 (#132)
    • more changes in sm_dance_bot
    • minor
    • build fix
    • waypoints navigator bug (#133)
    • minor tuning to mitigate overshot issue cases
    • progress in the sm_dance_bot tests (#135)
    • some more progress on markers cleanup
    • minor format issues (#134)

    * sm_dance_bot_lite (#136) Co-authored-by: Ubuntu 20-04-02-amd64 <<>>

    • Resolve compile wanings (#137)
    • Add SM core test (#138)
    • minor navigation improvements (#141)
    • using local action msgs (#139)
    • using local action msgs
    • removing sm_dance_bot_msgs
    • pending references
    • Feature/nav2z renaming (#144)
    • using local action msgs
    • removing sm_dance_bot_msgs
    • pending references
    • navigation 2 stack renaming
    • formatting
    • added SVGs to READMEs of atomic, dance_bot, and others (#140)
    • added remaining SVGs to READMEs (#145)
    • added remaining SVGs to READMEs
    • precommit cleanup
    • Update package list. (#142)
    • removing parameters smacc (#147)
    • removing parameters smacc
    • workflows update
    • workflow

    * Noticed launch command was incorrect in fixed launch command for sm_dance_bot_strikes_back and removed some comments I had made in the past.

    • Fix CI: format fix python version (#148)
    • Add SM Atomic SM generator. (#143)
    • Remove node creation and create only a logger. (#149)
    • Rolling Docker environment to be executed from any environment (#154)

    * Feature/sm dance bot strikes back refactoring (#152) Co-authored-by: DecDury <<>> Co-authored-by: Denis Štogl <<>>

    • slight waypoint 4 and iterations changes so robot can complete course (#155)
    • Feature/migration moveit client (#151)
    • initial migration to smacc2
    • fixing some errors introduced on formatting
    • missing dependency
    • fixing some more linting warnings
    • minor
    • removing test from main moveit cmake
    • test ur5
    • progressing in the moveit migration testing
    • updating format
    • adding .reps dependencies and also fixing some build errors
    • repos dependency
    • adding dependency to ur5 client
    • docker refactoring
    • minor
    • progress on move_it PR
    • minor dockerfile test workaround
    • improving dockerfile for building local tests
    • minor
    • fixing compiling issues
    • update readme (#164)
    • update readme
    • more readme updates

    * more Co-authored-by: Ubuntu 20-04-02-amd64 <<>>

    • initial state machine transition timestamp (#165)
    • moved reference library SMs to smacc2_performance_tools (#166)
    • moved reference library SMs to smacc2_performance_tools
    • pre-commit cleanup
    • Add QOS durability to SmaccPublisherClient (#163)
    • feat: add qos durability to SmaccPublisherClient
    • fix: add a missing colon
    • refactor: remove line
    • feat: add reliability qos config
    • Feature/testing moveit behaviors (#167)
    • more testing on moveit
    • progress on moveit
    • more testing on moveit behaviors
    • minor configuration
    • fixing pipeline error
    • fixing broken master build

    * sm_pubsub_1 (#169) Co-authored-by: Ubuntu 20-04-02-amd64 <<>>

    • sm_pubsub_1 part 2 (#170)
    • sm_pubsub_1 part 2

    * sm_pubsub_1 part 2 Co-authored-by: Ubuntu 20-04-02-amd64 <<>> * sm_advanced_recovery_1 renaming (#171) Co-authored-by: Ubuntu 20-04-02-amd64 <<>>

    • sm_multi_stage_1 reworking (#172)
    • multistage modes
    • sm_multi_stage sequences
    • sm_multi_state_1 steps
    • sm_multi_stage_1 sequence d
    • sm_multi_stage_1 c sequence
    • mode_5_sequence_b
    • mode_4_sequence_b
    • sm_multi_stage_1 most
    • finishing touches 1

    * readme Co-authored-by: Ubuntu 20-04-02-amd64 <<>>

    • Feature/aws navigation sm dance bot (#174)
    • repo dependency
    • husky launch file in sm_dance_bot
    • Add dependencies for husky simulation.
    • Fix formatting.
    • Update dependencies for husky in rolling and galactic.
    • minor
    • progress on aws navigation and some other refactorings on navigation clients and behaviors
    • more on aws demo
    • fixing broken build

    * minor Co-authored-by: Denis Štogl <<>> Co-authored-by: Denis Štogl <<>>

    • minor changes (#175)
    • warehouse2 (#177)

    * Waypoint Inputs (#178) Co-authored-by: Ubuntu 20-04-02-amd64 <<>>

    • wharehouse2 progress (#179)
    • format (#180)

    * sm_dance_bot_warehouse_3 (#181) Co-authored-by: Ubuntu 20-04-02-amd64 <<>>

    • Feature/sm warehouse 2 13 dec 2 (#182)
    • format
    • more changes and headless
    • merge
    • headless and other fixes
    • default values
    • Brettpac branch (#184)
    • sm_dance_bot_warehouse_3
    • Redoing sm_dance_bot_warehouse_3 waypoints

    * More Waypoints Co-authored-by: Ubuntu 20-04-02-amd64 <<>>

    • SrConditional fixes and formatting (#168)
    • fix: some formatting and templating on SrConditional
    • fix: move trigger logic into headers
    • fix: lint
    • Feature/wharehouse2 dec 14 (#185)
    • warehouse2
    • minor
    • Feature/sm warehouse 2 13 dec 2 (#186)
    • format
    • more changes and headless
    • merge
    • headless and other fixes
    • default values
    • minor

    * finetuning waypoints (#187) Co-authored-by: Ubuntu 20-04-02-amd64 <<>>

    • Feature/cb pure spinning (#188)
    • format
    • more changes and headless
    • merge
    • headless and other fixes
    • default values
    • minor
    • Feature/cb pure spinning (#189)
    • format
    • more changes and headless
    • merge
    • headless and other fixes
    • default values
    • minor
    • pure spinning behavior missing files
    • minor changes (#190)
    • Feature/planner changes 16 12 (#191)
    • minor changes
    • more fixes
    • minor
    • minor
    • Feature/replanning 16 dec (#193)
    • minor changes
    • replanning for all our examples
    • several fixes (#194)
    • minor changes (#195)
    • Feature/undo motion 20 12 (#196)
    • minor changes
    • replanning for all our examples
    • improving undo motion navigation warehouse2
    • minor
    • tuning warehouse3 (#197)
    • Feature/undo motion 20 12 (#198)
    • minor changes
    • replanning for all our examples
    • improving undo motion navigation warehouse2
    • minor
    • undo tuning and errors
    • format
    • Feature/sync 21 12 (#199)
    • minor changes
    • replanning for all our examples
    • format issues
    • Feature/warehouse2 22 12 (#200)
    • minor changes
    • replanning for all our examples
    • format issues
    • finishing warehouse2
    • Feature/warehouse2 23 12 (#201)
    • minor changes
    • replanning for all our examples
    • tuning and fixes (#202)
    • Feature/minor tune (#203)
    • tuning and fixes
    • minor tune
    • fixing warehouse 3 problems, and other core improvements (#204)
    • fixing warehouse 3 problems, and other core improvements to remove dead lock, also making continuous integration green
    • weird moveit not downloaded repo
    • added missing file from warehouse2 (#205)
    • Update cb_navigate_global_position.hpp
    • Merging code from backport foxy and updates about autoware (#208)
    • minor changes
    • replanning for all our examples
    • backport to foxy
    • minor format
    • minor linking errors foxy
    • Foxy backport (#206)
    • minor formatting fixes
    • Fix trailing spaces.
    • Correct codespell.
    • Correct python linters warnings.
    • Add galactic CI build because Navigation2 is broken in rolling.
    • Add partial changes for ament_cpplint.
    • Add tf2_ros as dependency to find include.
    • Disable ament_cpplint.
    • Disable some packages and update workflows.
    • Bump ccache version.
    • Ignore further packages
    • Satisfy ament_lint_cmake
    • Add missing licences.
    • Disable cpplint and cppcheck linters.
    • Correct formatters.
    • branching example
    • Disable disabled packages
    • Update ci-build-source.yml
    • Change extension
    • Change extension of imports.
    • Enable cppcheck
    • Correct formatting of python file.

    * Included necessary package and edited Threesome launch Changed... ros2 launch sm_three_some sm_three_some to ros2 launch sm_three_some sm_three_some.launch Added: First ensure you have the necessary package installed. ` sudo apt-get install ros-rolling-ros2trace[ Then run this command. * Rename header files and correct format. * Add workflow for checking doc build. * Update doxygen-check-build.yml * Create doxygen-deploy.yml * Use manual deployment for now. * Create workflow for testing prerelease builds * Use docs/ as source folder for documentation * Use docs/ as output directory. * Rename to smacc2 and smacc2_msgs * Correct GitHub branch reference. * Update name of package and package.xml to pass liter. * Execute on master update * Reset all versions to 0.0.0 * Ignore all packages except smacc2 and smacc2_msgs * Update changelogs * 0.1.0 * Revert "Ignore all packages except smacc2 and smacc2_msgs" This reverts commit f603166a4b3ccdfe96c64d9f9fb9d8b49fbf0e61. * Update description table. * Update table * Copy initial docs * Dockerfile w/ ROS distro as argument use this command "sudo docker build --build-arg ROS2_DISTRO=(desiredRosTag) (directoryHoldingDockerfile)/" * Opened new folder for additional tracing contents * Delete tracing directory * Moved to tracing directory * added Installs necessary packages and configures tracing group. * Removed manual installation of ros-rolling-ros2trace This is now automated in location of sh file assumed if user follows under "Getting started" * Created alternative ManualTracing * added new sm markdowns * added a dockerfile for Rolling and Galactic * Update smacc2_ci/docker/ros_rollingAndGalactic_ubuntu_20.04/ Co-authored-by: Denis Štogl <destogl\> * Update tracing/ Co-authored-by: Denis Štogl <destogl\> * changed wording "smacc application" to "SMACC2 library" Co-authored-by: Denis Štogl <destogl\> * Update smacc_sm_reference_library/sm_atomic/ edit from html to markdown syntax Co-authored-by: Denis Štogl <destogl\> * reactivating smacc2 nav clients for rolling via submodules * renamed tracing events after * bug in smacc2 component * reverted markdowns to html * added README tutorial for Dockerfile * additional cleanup * cleanup * cleanup * edited to reflect new tracing event names * Enable build of missing rolling repositories. * Enable Navigation2 for semi-binary build. * Remove galactic builds from master and kepp only rolling. Remove submodules and use .repos file * updated mentions of SMACC/ROS to SMACC2/ROS2 * some progress on navigation rolling * renamed folders, deleted, edited * added smacc2_performance_tools * performance tests improvements * more on performance and other issues * sm_respira_1 format cleanup * sm_respira_1 format cleanup pre-commit * sm_respira_test_2 * sm_respira_test_2 * more changes on performance tests * Do not execute clang-format on smacc2_sm_reference_library package. * sm_reference_library reformatting * Correct trailing spaces. * sm_atomic_24hr * sm_atomic_performance_trace_1 * Update smacc2_rta command across readmes * Clean up of sm_atomic_24hr * more sm_atomic_24hr cleanup * Optimized deps in move_base_z_planners_common. * Renaming of event generator library * minor formatting * Add galactic CI setup and rename rolling files. (#58) * Fix source CI and correct README overview. (#62) * Update c_cpp_properties.json * changed launch command to ros2 launch sm_respira_1 sm_respira_1.launch (#69) also noticed a note I had made while producing these that was not removed * update doxygen links (#70) Co-authored-by: Ubuntu 20-04-02-amd64 <brett\> * More Readme Updates (#72) Co-authored-by: Ubuntu 20-04-02-amd64 <brett\> * More Readme (#74) Co-authored-by: Ubuntu 20-04-02-amd64 <brett\> * created new sm from sm_respira_1 (#76) * Feature/core and navigation fixes (#78) * base for the sm_aws_aarehouse navigation * progressing in aws navigation * minor * several core improvements during navigation testing * formatting improvements * progress in aws navigation demo * format improvements * Feature/aws demo progress (#80) * base for the sm_aws_aarehouse navigation * progressing in aws navigation * minor * several core improvements during navigation testing * formatting improvements * progress in aws navigation demo * format improvements * format improvements * more on navigation * sm_advanced_recovery_1 reworked (#83) * sm_advanced_recovery_1 reworked * fix pre-commit * Trying to fix Pre-Commit Co-authored-by: Ubuntu 20-04-02-amd64 <brett\> * more sm_advanced_recovery_1 (#84) Co-authored-by: Ubuntu 20-04-02-amd64 <brett\> * More sm_advanced_recovery_1 work (#85) Co-authored-by: Ubuntu 20-04-02-amd64 <brett\> * sm_advanced_recovery_1 round 4 (#86) Co-authored-by: Ubuntu 20-04-02-amd64 <brett\> * Brettpac branch (#87) * sm_atomic_performance_test_a_2 * sm_atomic_performance_test_a_1 Co-authored-by: Ubuntu 20-04-02-amd64 <brett\> * sm_atomic_performance_test_c_1 (#88) Co-authored-by: Ubuntu 20-04-02-amd64 <brett\> * modifying sm_atomic_performance_test_a_2 (#89) Co-authored-by: Ubuntu 20-04-02-amd64 <brett\> * sm_multi_stage_1 (#90) * sm_multi_stage_1 * fixing precommit Co-authored-by: Ubuntu 20-04-02-amd64 <brett\> * more sm_multi_stage_1 (#91) Co-authored-by: Ubuntu 20-04-02-amd64 <brett\> * Update updated launch command * Wait topic message client behavior (#81) * base for the sm_aws_aarehouse navigation * progressing in aws navigation * minor * several core improvements during navigation testing * formatting improvements * progress in aws navigation demo * format improvements * format improvements * more on navigation * new feature, cb_wait_topic_message: asynchronous client behavior that waits a topic message and optionally checks its contents to success * formatting * attempting precommit fixes Co-authored-by: Ubuntu 20-04-02-amd64 <brett\> Co-authored-by: Denis Štogl <destogl\> * Feature/wait nav2 nodes client behavior (#82) * base for the sm_aws_aarehouse navigation * progressing in aws navigation * minor * several core improvements during navigation testing * formatting improvements * progress in aws navigation demo * format improvements * format improvements * more on navigation * new feature, cb_wait_topic_message: asynchronous client behavior that waits a topic message and optionally checks its contents to success * formatting * adding new client behavior add for nav2, wait nav2 nodes subscribing to the /bond topic and waiting they are alive. you optionally can select the nodes to wait * Correct all linters and formaters. Co-authored-by: Denis Štogl <denis\> Co-authored-by: Denis Štogl <destogl\> * Feature/aws demo progress (#92) * base for the sm_aws_aarehouse navigation * progressing in aws navigation * minor * several core improvements during navigation testing * formatting improvements * progress in aws navigation demo * format improvements * format improvements * more on navigation * new feature, cb_wait_topic_message: asynchronous client behavior that waits a topic message and optionally checks its contents to success * formatting * adding new client behavior add for nav2, wait nav2 nodes subscribing to the /bond topic and waiting they are alive. you optionally can select the nodes to wait * progress in aws navigation demo * minor format * Feature/sm dance bot fixes (#93) * base for the sm_aws_aarehouse navigation * progressing in aws navigation * minor * several core improvements during navigation testing * formatting improvements * progress in aws navigation demo * format improvements * format improvements * more on navigation * new feature, cb_wait_topic_message: asynchronous client behavior that waits a topic message and optionally checks its contents to success * formatting * adding new client behavior add for nav2, wait nav2 nodes subscribing to the /bond topic and waiting they are alive. you optionally can select the nodes to wait * progress in aws navigation demo * minor format * navigation parameters fixes on sm_dance_bot * minor format * Feature/sm aws warehouse (#94) * base for the sm_aws_aarehouse navigation * progressing in aws navigation * minor * several core improvements during navigation testing * formatting improvements * progress in aws navigation demo * format improvements * format improvements * more on navigation * new feature, cb_wait_topic_message: asynchronous client behavior that waits a topic message and optionally checks its contents to success * formatting * adding new client behavior add for nav2, wait nav2 nodes subscribing to the /bond topic and waiting they are alive. you optionally can select the nodes to wait * progress in aws navigation demo * minor format * merge and progress * fix format * Feature/sm dance bot fixes (#95) * base for the sm_aws_aarehouse navigation * progressing in aws navigation * minor * several core improvements during navigation testing * formatting improvements * progress in aws navigation demo * format improvements * format improvements * more on navigation * new feature, cb_wait_topic_message: asynchronous client behavior that waits a topic message and optionally checks its contents to success * formatting * adding new client behavior add for nav2, wait nav2 nodes subscribing to the /bond topic and waiting they are alive. you optionally can select the nodes to wait * progress in aws navigation demo * minor format * navigation parameters fixes on sm_dance_bot * minor format * minor * minor format * Remove some compile warnings. (#96) * Feature/cb pause slam (#98) * base for the sm_aws_aarehouse navigation * progressing in aws navigation * minor * several core improvements during navigation testing * formatting improvements * progress in aws navigation demo * format improvements * format improvements * more on navigation * new feature, cb_wait_topic_message: asynchronous client behavior that waits a topic message and optionally checks its contents to success * formatting * adding new client behavior add for nav2, wait nav2 nodes subscribing to the /bond topic and waiting they are alive. you optionally can select the nodes to wait * progress in aws navigation demo * minor format * navigation parameters fixes on sm_dance_bot * minor format * minor * formatting * cb pause slam client behavior * sm_dance_bot_lite (#99) * sm_dance_bot_lite * precommit * Updates yaml Co-authored-by: Ubuntu 20-04-02-amd64 <brett\> * Rename doxygen deployment workflow (#100) * minor hotfix * sm_dance_bot visualizing turtlebot3 (#101) * Feature/dance bot launch gz lidar choice (#102) * sm_dance_bot visualizing turtlebot3 * cleaning and lidar show/hide option * cleaning files and making formatting work * more fixes * Feature/sm dance bot lite gazebo fixes (#104) * sm_dance_bot visualizing turtlebot3 * cleaning and lidar show/hide option * cleaning files and making formatting work * more fixes * gazebo fixes, to show the robot and the lidar * format fixes * sm_multi_stage_1 doubling (#103) Co-authored-by: Ubuntu 20-04-02-amd64 <brett\> * Feature/sm dance bot strikes back gazebo fixes (#105) * sm_dance_bot visualizing turtlebot3 * cleaning and lidar show/hide option * cleaning files and making formatting work * more fixes * gazebo fixes, to show the robot and the lidar * format fixes * gazebo fixes for sm_dance_bot_strikes_back * precommit cleanup run (#106) Co-authored-by: Ubuntu 20-04-02-amd64 <brett\> * aws demo (#108) * aws demo * format * got sm_multi_stage_1 working (barely) (#109) Co-authored-by: Ubuntu 20-04-02-amd64 <brett\> * Brettpac branch (#110) * got sm_multi_stage_1 working (barely) * gaining traction sm_multi_stage_1 * more * don't remember * making progress * More * keep hammering * two stages * 3 part * 4th stage Co-authored-by: Ubuntu 20-04-02-amd64 <brett\> * Brettpac branch (#111) * got sm_multi_stage_1 working (barely) * gaining traction sm_multi_stage_1 * more * don't remember * making progress * More * keep hammering * two stages * 3 part * 4th stage * 5th stage Co-authored-by: Ubuntu 20-04-02-amd64 <brett\> * a3 (#113) Co-authored-by: Ubuntu 20-04-02-amd64 <brett\> * Remove neo_simulation2 package. (#112) * Remove neo_simulation2 package. * Correct formatting. * Enable source build on PR for testing. * Adjust build packages of source CI * more sm_multi_stage_1 (#114) Co-authored-by: Ubuntu 20-04-02-amd64 <brett\> * mm (#115) Co-authored-by: Ubuntu 20-04-02-amd64 <brett\> * diverse improvements navigation and performance (#116) * diverse improvements navigation and performance * minor Co-authored-by: pabloinigoblasco <pablo\> * Feature/diverse improvemets navigation performance (#117) * diverse improvements navigation and performance * minor * additional linting and formatting * Remove merge markers from a python file. (#119) * Feature/slam toggle and smacc deep history (#122) * progress in navigation, slam toggle client behaviors and slam_toolbox components. Also smacc2::deep_history syntax * going forward in testing sm_dance_bot introducing slam pausing/resuming funcionality * feature/more_sm_dance_bot_fixes * minor format * minor (#124) Co-authored-by: Ubuntu 20-04-02-amd64 <brett\> * more changes in sm_dance_bot (#125) * Move method after the method it calls. Otherwise recursion could happen. (#126) * Feature/dance bot s pattern (#128) * more changes in sm_dance_bot * polishing sm_dance_bot and s-pattern * noticed typo Finnaly > Finally * Feature/dance bot s pattern (#129) * more changes in sm_dance_bot * polishing sm_dance_bot and s-pattern * more refinement in sm_dance_bot * First working version of sm template and template generator. (#127) * minor tweaks (#130) Co-authored-by: Ubuntu 20-04-02-amd64 <brett\> * Feature/sm dance bot refine (#131) * more changes in sm_dance_bot * minor * Feature/sm dance bot refine 2 (#132) * more changes in sm_dance_bot * minor * build fix * waypoints navigator bug (#133) * minor tuning to mitigate overshot issue cases * progress in the sm_dance_bot tests (#135) * some more progress on markers cleanup * minor format issues (#134) * sm_dance_bot_lite (#136) Co-authored-by: Ubuntu 20-04-02-amd64 <brett\> * Resolve compile wanings (#137) * Add SM core test (#138) * minor navigation improvements (#141) * using local action msgs (#139) * using local action msgs * removing sm_dance_bot_msgs * pending references * Feature/nav2z renaming (#144) * using local action msgs * removing sm_dance_bot_msgs * pending references * navigation 2 stack renaming * formatting * added SVGs to READMEs of atomic, dance_bot, and others (#140) * added remaining SVGs to READMEs (#145) * added remaining SVGs to READMEs * precommit cleanup * Update package list. (#142) * removing parameters smacc (#147) * removing parameters smacc * workflows update * workflow * Noticed launch command was incorrect in fixed launch command for sm_dance_bot_strikes_back and removed some comments I had made in the past. * Fix CI: format fix python version (#148) * Add SM Atomic SM generator. (#143) * Remove node creation and create only a logger. (#149) * Rolling Docker environment to be executed from any environment (#154) * Feature/sm dance bot strikes back refactoring (#152) Co-authored-by: DecDury <declandury\> Co-authored-by: Denis Štogl <destogl\> * slight waypoint 4 and iterations changes so robot can complete course (#155) * Feature/migration moveit client (#151) * initial migration to smacc2 * fixing some errors introduced on formatting * missing dependency * fixing some more linting warnings * minor * removing test from main moveit cmake * test ur5 * progressing in the moveit migration testing * updating format * adding .reps dependencies and also fixing some build errors * repos dependency * adding dependency to ur5 client * docker refactoring * minor * progress on move_it PR * minor dockerfile test workaround * improving dockerfile for building local tests * minor * fixing compiling issues * update readme (#164) * update readme * more readme updates * more Co-authored-by: Ubuntu 20-04-02-amd64 <brett\> * initial state machine transition timestamp (#165) * moved reference library SMs to smacc2_performance_tools (#166) * moved reference library SMs to smacc2_performance_tools * pre-commit cleanup * Add QOS durability to SmaccPublisherClient (#163) * feat: add qos durability to SmaccPublisherClient * fix: add a missing colon * refactor: remove line * feat: add reliability qos config * Feature/testing moveit behaviors (#167) * more testing on moveit * progress on moveit * more testing on moveit behaviors * minor configuration * fixing pipeline error * fixing broken master build * sm_pubsub_1 (#169) Co-authored-by: Ubuntu 20-04-02-amd64 <brett\> * sm_pubsub_1 part 2 (#170) * sm_pubsub_1 part 2 * sm_pubsub_1 part 2 Co-authored-by: Ubuntu 20-04-02-amd64 <brett\> * sm_advanced_recovery_1 renaming (#171) Co-authored-by: Ubuntu 20-04-02-amd64 <brett\> * sm_multi_stage_1 reworking (#172) * multistage modes * sm_multi_stage sequences * sm_multi_state_1 steps * sm_multi_stage_1 sequence d * sm_multi_stage_1 c sequence * mode_5_sequence_b * mode_4_sequence_b * sm_multi_stage_1 most * finishing touches 1 * readme Co-authored-by: Ubuntu 20-04-02-amd64 <brett\> * Feature/aws navigation sm dance bot (#174) * repo dependency * husky launch file in sm_dance_bot * Add dependencies for husky simulation. * Fix formatting. * Update dependencies for husky in rolling and galactic. * minor * progress on aws navigation and some other refactorings on navigation clients and behaviors * more on aws demo * fixing broken build * minor Co-authored-by: Denis Štogl <denis\> Co-authored-by: Denis Štogl <destogl\> * minor changes (#175) * warehouse2 (#177) * Waypoint Inputs (#178) Co-authored-by: Ubuntu 20-04-02-amd64 <brett\> * wharehouse2 progress (#179) * format (#180) * sm_dance_bot_warehouse_3 (#181) Co-authored-by: Ubuntu 20-04-02-amd64 <brett\> * Feature/sm warehouse 2 13 dec 2 (#182) * format * more changes and headless * merge * headless and other fixes * default values * Brettpac branch (#184) * sm_dance_bot_warehouse_3 * Redoing sm_dance_bot_warehouse_3 waypoints * More Waypoints Co-authored-by: Ubuntu 20-04-02-amd64 <brett\> * SrConditional fixes and formatting (#168) * fix: some formatting and templating on SrConditional * fix: move trigger logic into headers * fix: lint * Feature/wharehouse2 dec 14 (#185) * warehouse2 * minor * Feature/sm warehouse 2 13 dec 2 (#186) * format * more changes and headless * merge * headless and other fixes * default values * minor * finetuning waypoints (#187) Co-authored-by: Ubuntu 20-04-02-amd64 <brett\> * Feature/cb pure spinning (#188) * format * more changes and headless * merge * headless and other fixes * default values * minor * Feature/cb pure spinning (#189) * format * more changes and headless * merge * headless and other fixes * default values * minor * pure spinning behavior missing files * minor changes (#190) * Feature/planner changes 16 12 (#191) * minor changes * more fixes * minor * minor * Feature/replanning 16 dec (#193) * minor changes * replanning for all our examples * several fixes (#194) * minor changes (#195) * Feature/undo motion 20 12 (#196) * minor changes * replanning for all our examples * improving undo motion navigation warehouse2 * minor * tuning warehouse3 (#197) * Feature/undo motion 20 12 (#198) * minor changes * replanning for all our examples * improving undo motion navigation warehouse2 * minor * undo tuning and errors * format * Feature/sync 21 12 (#199) * minor changes * replanning for all our examples * format issues * Feature/warehouse2 22 12 (#200) * minor changes * replanning for all our examples * format issues * finishing warehouse2 * Feature/warehouse2 23 12 (#201) * minor changes * replanning for all our examples * tuning and fixes (#202) * Feature/minor tune (#203) * tuning and fixes * minor tune * fixing warehouse 3 problems, and other core improvements (#204) * fixing warehouse 3 problems, and other core improvements to remove dead lock, also making continuous integration green * weird moveit not downloaded repo * added missing file from warehouse2 (#205) * backport to foxy * minor format * minor linking errors foxy Co-authored-by: Denis Štogl <denis\> Co-authored-by: Denis Štogl <destogl\> Co-authored-by: Declan Dury <44791484+DecDury\> Co-authored-by: DecDury <declandury\> Co-authored-by: reelrbtx <brett2\> Co-authored-by: brettpac <brett\> Co-authored-by: David Revay <MrBlenny\> * missing * missing sm * updating subscriber publisher components * progress in autowarrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrre machine * refining cp subscriber cp publisher * improvements in smacc core adding more components mostly developed for autoware demo * autoware demo * missing * foxy ci * fix * minor broken build Co-authored-by: Denis Štogl <denis\> Co-authored-by: Denis Štogl <destogl\> Co-authored-by: Declan Dury <44791484+DecDury\> Co-authored-by: DecDury <declandury\> Co-authored-by: reelrbtx <brett2\> Co-authored-by: brettpac <brett\> Co-authored-by: David Revay <MrBlenny\> Co-authored-by: pabloinigoblasco <pabloinigoblasco\> * Add mergify rules file. * Try fixing CI for rolling. (#209) Merging to get backport working. * Remove example things from Foxy CI setup. (#214) * Add Autoware Auto Msgs into not-released dependencies. (#220) * Fix rolling builds (#222) * do not merge yet - Feature/odom tracker improvements and retry motion (#223) * odom tracker improvements * adding forward behavior retry funcionality * removing warnings (#213) * minor changes * replanning for all our examples * backport to foxy * minor format * minor linking errors foxy * Foxy backport (#206) * minor formatting fixes * Fix trailing spaces. * Correct codespell. * Correct python linters warnings. * Add galactic CI build because Navigation2 is broken in rolling. * Add partial changes for ament_cpplint. * Add tf2_ros as dependency to find include. * Disable ament_cpplint. * Disable some packages and update workflows. * Bump ccache version. * Ignore further packages * Satisfy ament_lint_cmake * Add missing licences. * Disable cpplint and cppcheck linters. * Correct formatters. * branching example * Disable disabled packages * Update ci-build-source.yml * Change extension * Change extension of imports. * Enable cppcheck * Correct formatting of python file. * Included necessary package and edited Threesome launch Changed... ros2 launch sm_three_some sm_three_some to ros2 launch sm_three_some sm_three_some.launch Added: First ensure you have the necessary package installed. ]{.title-ref}sudo apt-get install ros-rolling-ros2trace[ Then run this command. * Rename header files and correct format. * Add workflow for checking doc build. * Update doxygen-check-build.yml * Create doxygen-deploy.yml * Use manual deployment for now. * Create workflow for testing prerelease builds * Use docs/ as source folder for documentation * Use docs/ as output directory. * Rename to smacc2 and smacc2_msgs * Correct GitHub branch reference. * Update name of package and package.xml to pass liter. * Execute on master update * Reset all versions to 0.0.0 * Ignore all packages except smacc2 and smacc2_msgs * Update changelogs * 0.1.0 * Revert "Ignore all packages except smacc2 and smacc2_msgs" This reverts commit f603166a4b3ccdfe96c64d9f9fb9d8b49fbf0e61. * Update description table. * Update table * Copy initial docs * Dockerfile w/ ROS distro as argument use this command "sudo docker build --build-arg ROS2_DISTRO=(desiredRosTag) (directoryHoldingDockerfile)/" * Opened new folder for additional tracing contents * Delete tracing directory * Moved to tracing directory * added Installs necessary packages and configures tracing group. * Removed manual installation of ros-rolling-ros2trace This is now automated in location of sh file assumed if user follows under "Getting started" * Created alternative ManualTracing * added new sm markdowns * added a dockerfile for Rolling and Galactic * Update smacc2_ci/docker/ros_rollingAndGalactic_ubuntu_20.04/ Co-authored-by: Denis Štogl <destogl\> * Update tracing/ Co-authored-by: Denis Štogl <destogl\> * changed wording "smacc application" to "SMACC2 library" Co-authored-by: Denis Štogl <destogl\> * Update smacc_sm_reference_library/sm_atomic/ edit from html to markdown syntax Co-authored-by: Denis Štogl <destogl\> * reactivating smacc2 nav clients for rolling via submodules * renamed tracing events after * bug in smacc2 component * reverted markdowns to html * added README tutorial for Dockerfile * additional cleanup * cleanup * cleanup * edited to reflect new tracing event names * Enable build of missing rolling repositories. * Enable Navigation2 for semi-binary build. * Remove galactic builds from master and kepp only rolling. Remove submodules and use .repos file * updated mentions of SMACC/ROS to SMACC2/ROS2 * some progress on navigation rolling * renamed folders, deleted, edited * added smacc2_performance_tools * performance tests improvements * more on performance and other issues * sm_respira_1 format cleanup * sm_respira_1 format cleanup pre-commit * sm_respira_test_2 * sm_respira_test_2 * more changes on performance tests * Do not execute clang-format on smacc2_sm_reference_library package. * sm_reference_library reformatting * Correct trailing spaces. * sm_atomic_24hr * sm_atomic_performance_trace_1 * Update smacc2_rta command across readmes * Clean up of sm_atomic_24hr * more sm_atomic_24hr cleanup * Optimized deps in move_base_z_planners_common. * Renaming of event generator library * minor formatting * Add galactic CI setup and rename rolling files. (#58) * Fix source CI and correct README overview. (#62) * Update c_cpp_properties.json * changed launch command to ros2 launch sm_respira_1 sm_respira_1.launch (#69) also noticed a note I had made while producing these that was not removed * update doxygen links (#70) Co-authored-by: Ubuntu 20-04-02-amd64 <brett\> * More Readme Updates (#72) Co-authored-by: Ubuntu 20-04-02-amd64 <brett\> * More Readme (#74) Co-authored-by: Ubuntu 20-04-02-amd64 <brett\> * created new sm from sm_respira_1 (#76) * Feature/core and navigation fixes (#78) * base for the sm_aws_aarehouse navigation * progressing in aws navigation * minor * several core improvements during navigation testing * formatting improvements * progress in aws navigation demo * format improvements * Feature/aws demo progress (#80) * base for the sm_aws_aarehouse navigation * progressing in aws navigation * minor * several core improvements during navigation testing * formatting improvements * progress in aws navigation demo * format improvements * format improvements * more on navigation * sm_advanced_recovery_1 reworked (#83) * sm_advanced_recovery_1 reworked * fix pre-commit * Trying to fix Pre-Commit Co-authored-by: Ubuntu 20-04-02-amd64 <brett\> * more sm_advanced_recovery_1 (#84) Co-authored-by: Ubuntu 20-04-02-amd64 <brett\> * More sm_advanced_recovery_1 work (#85) Co-authored-by: Ubuntu 20-04-02-amd64 <brett\> * sm_advanced_recovery_1 round 4 (#86) Co-authored-by: Ubuntu 20-04-02-amd64 <brett\> * Brettpac branch (#87) * sm_atomic_performance_test_a_2 * sm_atomic_performance_test_a_1 Co-authored-by: Ubuntu 20-04-02-amd64 <brett\> * sm_atomic_performance_test_c_1 (#88) Co-authored-by: Ubuntu 20-04-02-amd64 <brett\> * modifying sm_atomic_performance_test_a_2 (#89) Co-authored-by: Ubuntu 20-04-02-amd64 <brett\> * sm_multi_stage_1 (#90) * sm_multi_stage_1 * fixing precommit Co-authored-by: Ubuntu 20-04-02-amd64 <brett\> * more sm_multi_stage_1 (#91) Co-authored-by: Ubuntu 20-04-02-amd64 <brett\> * Update updated launch command * Wait topic message client behavior (#81) * base for the sm_aws_aarehouse navigation * progressing in aws navigation * minor * several core improvements during navigation testing * formatting improvements * progress in aws navigation demo * format improvements * format improvements * more on navigation * new feature, cb_wait_topic_message: asynchronous client behavior that waits a topic message and optionally checks its contents to success * formatting * attempting precommit fixes Co-authored-by: Ubuntu 20-04-02-amd64 <brett\> Co-authored-by: Denis Štogl <destogl\> * Feature/wait nav2 nodes client behavior (#82) * base for the sm_aws_aarehouse navigation * progressing in aws navigation * minor * several core improvements during navigation testing * formatting improvements * progress in aws navigation demo * format improvements * format improvements * more on navigation * new feature, cb_wait_topic_message: asynchronous client behavior that waits a topic message and optionally checks its contents to success * formatting * adding new client behavior add for nav2, wait nav2 nodes subscribing to the /bond topic and waiting they are alive. you optionally can select the nodes to wait * Correct all linters and formaters. Co-authored-by: Denis Štogl <denis\> Co-authored-by: Denis Štogl <destogl\> * Feature/aws demo progress (#92) * base for the sm_aws_aarehouse navigation * progressing in aws navigation * minor * several core improvements during navigation testing * formatting improvements * progress in aws navigation demo * format improvements * format improvements * more on navigation * new feature, cb_wait_topic_message: asynchronous client behavior that waits a topic message and optionally checks its contents to success * formatting * adding new client behavior add for nav2, wait nav2 nodes subscribing to the /bond topic and waiting they are alive. you optionally can select the nodes to wait * progress in aws navigation demo * minor format * Feature/sm dance bot fixes (#93) * base for the sm_aws_aarehouse navigation * progressing in aws navigation * minor * several core improvements during navigation testing * formatting improvements * progress in aws navigation demo * format improvements * format improvements * more on navigation * new feature, cb_wait_topic_message: asynchronous client behavior that waits a topic message and optionally checks its contents to success * formatting * adding new client behavior add for nav2, wait nav2 nodes subscribing to the /bond topic and waiting they are alive. you optionally can select the nodes to wait * progress in aws navigation demo * minor format * navigation parameters fixes on sm_dance_bot * minor format * Feature/sm aws warehouse (#94) * base for the sm_aws_aarehouse navigation * progressing in aws navigation * minor * several core improvements during navigation testing * formatting improvements * progress in aws navigation demo * format improvements * format improvements * more on navigation * new feature, cb_wait_topic_message: asynchronous client behavior that waits a topic message and optionally checks its contents to success * formatting * adding new client behavior add for nav2, wait nav2 nodes subscribing to the /bond topic and waiting they are alive. you optionally can select the nodes to wait * progress in aws navigation demo * minor format * merge and progress * fix format * Feature/sm dance bot fixes (#95) * base for the sm_aws_aarehouse navigation * progressing in aws navigation * minor * several core improvements during navigation testing * formatting improvements * progress in aws navigation demo * format improvements * format improvements * more on navigation * new feature, cb_wait_topic_message: asynchronous client behavior that waits a topic message and optionally checks its contents to success * formatting * adding new client behavior add for nav2, wait nav2 nodes subscribing to the /bond topic and waiting they are alive. you optionally can select the nodes to wait * progress in aws navigation demo * minor format * navigation parameters fixes on sm_dance_bot * minor format * minor * minor format * Remove some compile warnings. (#96) * Feature/cb pause slam (#98) * base for the sm_aws_aarehouse navigation * progressing in aws navigation * minor * several core improvements during navigation testing * formatting improvements * progress in aws navigation demo * format improvements * format improvements * more on navigation * new feature, cb_wait_topic_message: asynchronous client behavior that waits a topic message and optionally checks its contents to success * formatting * adding new client behavior add for nav2, wait nav2 nodes subscribing to the /bond topic and waiting they are alive. you optionally can select the nodes to wait * progress in aws navigation demo * minor format * navigation parameters fixes on sm_dance_bot * minor format * minor * formatting * cb pause slam client behavior * sm_dance_bot_lite (#99) * sm_dance_bot_lite * precommit * Updates yaml Co-authored-by: Ubuntu 20-04-02-amd64 <brett\> * Rename doxygen deployment workflow (#100) * minor hotfix * sm_dance_bot visualizing turtlebot3 (#101) * Feature/dance bot launch gz lidar choice (#102) * sm_dance_bot visualizing turtlebot3 * cleaning and lidar show/hide option * cleaning files and making formatting work * more fixes * Feature/sm dance bot lite gazebo fixes (#104) * sm_dance_bot visualizing turtlebot3 * cleaning and lidar show/hide option * cleaning files and making formatting work * more fixes * gazebo fixes, to show the robot and the lidar * format fixes * sm_multi_stage_1 doubling (#103) Co-authored-by: Ubuntu 20-04-02-amd64 <brett\> * Feature/sm dance bot strikes back gazebo fixes (#105) * sm_dance_bot visualizing turtlebot3 * cleaning and lidar show/hide option * cleaning files and making formatting work * more fixes * gazebo fixes, to show the robot and the lidar * format fixes * gazebo fixes for sm_dance_bot_strikes_back * precommit cleanup run (#106) Co-authored-by: Ubuntu 20-04-02-amd64 <brett\> * aws demo (#108) * aws demo * format * got sm_multi_stage_1 working (barely) (#109) Co-authored-by: Ubuntu 20-04-02-amd64 <brett\> * Brettpac branch (#110) * got sm_multi_stage_1 working (barely) * gaining traction sm_multi_stage_1 * more * don't remember * making progress * More * keep hammering * two stages * 3 part * 4th stage Co-authored-by: Ubuntu 20-04-02-amd64 <brett\> * Brettpac branch (#111) * got sm_multi_stage_1 working (barely) * gaining traction sm_multi_stage_1 * more * don't remember * making progress * More * keep hammering * two stages * 3 part * 4th stage * 5th stage Co-authored-by: Ubuntu 20-04-02-amd64 <brett\> * a3 (#113) Co-authored-by: Ubuntu 20-04-02-amd64 <brett\> * Remove neo_simulation2 package. (#112) * Remove neo_simulation2 package. * Correct formatting. * Enable source build on PR for testing. * Adjust build packages of source CI * more sm_multi_stage_1 (#114) Co-authored-by: Ubuntu 20-04-02-amd64 <brett\> * mm (#115) Co-authored-by: Ubuntu 20-04-02-amd64 <brett\> * diverse improvements navigation and performance (#116) * diverse improvements navigation and performance * minor Co-authored-by: pabloinigoblasco <pablo\> * Feature/diverse improvemets navigation performance (#117) * diverse improvements navigation and performance * minor * additional linting and formatting * Remove merge markers from a python file. (#119) * Feature/slam toggle and smacc deep history (#122) * progress in navigation, slam toggle client behaviors and slam_toolbox components. Also smacc2::deep_history syntax * going forward in testing sm_dance_bot introducing slam pausing/resuming funcionality * feature/more_sm_dance_bot_fixes * minor format * minor (#124) Co-authored-by: Ubuntu 20-04-02-amd64 <brett\> * more changes in sm_dance_bot (#125) * Move method after the method it calls. Otherwise recursion could happen. (#126) * Feature/dance bot s pattern (#128) * more changes in sm_dance_bot * polishing sm_dance_bot and s-pattern * noticed typo Finnaly > Finally * Feature/dance bot s pattern (#129) * more changes in sm_dance_bot * polishing sm_dance_bot and s-pattern * more refinement in sm_dance_bot * First working version of sm template and template generator. (#127) * minor tweaks (#130) Co-authored-by: Ubuntu 20-04-02-amd64 <brett\> * Feature/sm dance bot refine (#131) * more changes in sm_dance_bot * minor * Feature/sm dance bot refine 2 (#132) * more changes in sm_dance_bot * minor * build fix * waypoints navigator bug (#133) * minor tuning to mitigate overshot issue cases * progress in the sm_dance_bot tests (#135) * some more progress on markers cleanup * minor format issues (#134) * sm_dance_bot_lite (#136) Co-authored-by: Ubuntu 20-04-02-amd64 <brett\> * Resolve compile wanings (#137) * Add SM core test (#138) * minor navigation improvements (#141) * using local action msgs (#139) * using local action msgs * removing sm_dance_bot_msgs * pending references * Feature/nav2z renaming (#144) * using local action msgs * removing sm_dance_bot_msgs * pending references * navigation 2 stack renaming * formatting * added SVGs to READMEs of atomic, dance_bot, and others (#140) * added remaining SVGs to READMEs (#145) * added remaining SVGs to READMEs * precommit cleanup * Update package list. (#142) * removing parameters smacc (#147) * removing parameters smacc * workflows update * workflow * Noticed launch command was incorrect in fixed launch command for sm_dance_bot_strikes_back and removed some comments I had made in the past. * Fix CI: format fix python version (#148) * Add SM Atomic SM generator. (#143) * Remove node creation and create only a logger. (#149) * Rolling Docker environment to be executed from any environment (#154) * Feature/sm dance bot strikes back refactoring (#152) Co-authored-by: DecDury <declandury\> Co-authored-by: Denis Štogl <destogl\> * slight waypoint 4 and iterations changes so robot can complete course (#155) * Feature/migration moveit client (#151) * initial migration to smacc2 * fixing some errors introduced on formatting * missing dependency * fixing some more linting warnings * minor * removing test from main moveit cmake * test ur5 * progressing in the moveit migration testing * updating format * adding .reps dependencies and also fixing some build errors * repos dependency * adding dependency to ur5 client * docker refactoring * minor * progress on move_it PR * minor dockerfile test workaround * improving dockerfile for building local tests * minor * fixing compiling issues * update readme (#164) * update readme * more readme updates * more Co-authored-by: Ubuntu 20-04-02-amd64 <brett\> * initial state machine transition timestamp (#165) * moved reference library SMs to smacc2_performance_tools (#166) * moved reference library SMs to smacc2_performance_tools * pre-commit cleanup * Add QOS durability to SmaccPublisherClient (#163) * feat: add qos durability to SmaccPublisherClient * fix: add a missing colon * refactor: remove line * feat: add reliability qos config * Feature/testing moveit behaviors (#167) * more testing on moveit * progress on moveit * more testing on moveit behaviors * minor configuration * fixing pipeline error * fixing broken master build * sm_pubsub_1 (#169) Co-authored-by: Ubuntu 20-04-02-amd64 <brett\> * sm_pubsub_1 part 2 (#170) * sm_pubsub_1 part 2 * sm_pubsub_1 part 2 Co-authored-by: Ubuntu 20-04-02-amd64 <brett\> * sm_advanced_recovery_1 renaming (#171) Co-authored-by: Ubuntu 20-04-02-amd64 <brett\> * sm_multi_stage_1 reworking (#172) * multistage modes * sm_multi_stage sequences * sm_multi_state_1 steps * sm_multi_stage_1 sequence d * sm_multi_stage_1 c sequence * mode_5_sequence_b * mode_4_sequence_b * sm_multi_stage_1 most * finishing touches 1 * readme Co-authored-by: Ubuntu 20-04-02-amd64 <brett\> * Feature/aws navigation sm dance bot (#174) * repo dependency * husky launch file in sm_dance_bot * Add dependencies for husky simulation. * Fix formatting. * Update dependencies for husky in rolling and galactic. * minor * progress on aws navigation and some other refactorings on navigation clients and behaviors * more on aws demo * fixing broken build * minor Co-authored-by: Denis Štogl <denis\> Co-authored-by: Denis Štogl <destogl\> * minor changes (#175) * warehouse2 (#177) * Waypoint Inputs (#178) Co-authored-by: Ubuntu 20-04-02-amd64 <brett\> * wharehouse2 progress (#179) * format (#180) * sm_dance_bot_warehouse_3 (#181) Co-authored-by: Ubuntu 20-04-02-amd64 <brett\> * Feature/sm warehouse 2 13 dec 2 (#182) * format * more changes and headless * merge * headless and other fixes * default values * Brettpac branch (#184) * sm_dance_bot_warehouse_3 * Redoing sm_dance_bot_warehouse_3 waypoints * More Waypoints Co-authored-by: Ubuntu 20-04-02-amd64 <brett\> * SrConditional fixes and formatting (#168) * fix: some formatting and templating on SrConditional * fix: move trigger logic into headers * fix: lint * Feature/wharehouse2 dec 14 (#185) * warehouse2 * minor * Feature/sm warehouse 2 13 dec 2 (#186) * format * more changes and headless * merge * headless and other fixes * default values * minor * finetuning waypoints (#187) Co-authored-by: Ubuntu 20-04-02-amd64 <brett\> * Feature/cb pure spinning (#188) * format * more changes and headless * merge * headless and other fixes * default values * minor * Feature/cb pure spinning (#189) * format * more changes and headless * merge * headless and other fixes * default values * minor * pure spinning behavior missing files * minor changes (#190) * Feature/planner changes 16 12 (#191) * minor changes * more fixes * minor * minor * Feature/replanning 16 dec (#193) * minor changes * replanning for all our examples * several fixes (#194) * minor changes (#195) * Feature/undo motion 20 12 (#196) * minor changes * replanning for all our examples * improving undo motion navigation warehouse2 * minor * tuning warehouse3 (#197) * Feature/undo motion 20 12 (#198) * minor changes * replanning for all our examples * improving undo motion navigation warehouse2 * minor * undo tuning and errors * format * Feature/sync 21 12 (#199) * minor changes * replanning for all our examples * format issues * Feature/warehouse2 22 12 (#200) * minor changes * replanning for all our examples * format issues * finishing warehouse2 * Feature/warehouse2 23 12 (#201) * minor changes * replanning for all our examples * tuning and fixes (#202) * Feature/minor tune (#203) * tuning and fixes * minor tune * fixing warehouse 3 problems, and other core improvements (#204) * fixing warehouse 3 problems, and other core improvements to remove dead lock, also making continuous integration green * weird moveit not downloaded repo * added missing file from warehouse2 (#205) * backport to foxy * minor format * minor linking errors foxy Co-authored-by: Denis Štogl <denis\> Co-authored-by: Denis Štogl <destogl\> Co-authored-by: Declan Dury <44791484+DecDury\> Co-authored-by: DecDury <declandury\> Co-authored-by: reelrbtx <brett2\> Co-authored-by: brettpac <brett\> Co-authored-by: David Revay <MrBlenny\> * missing * missing sm * updating subscriber publisher components * progress in autowarrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrre machine * refining cp subscriber cp publisher * improvements in smacc core adding more components mostly developed for autoware demo * autoware demo * missing * foxy ci * fix * minor broken build * some reordering fixes * minor * docker files for different revisions, warnings removval and more testing on navigation * fixing docker for foxy and galactic Co-authored-by: Denis Štogl <denis\> Co-authored-by: Denis Štogl <destogl\> Co-authored-by: Declan Dury <44791484+DecDury\> Co-authored-by: DecDury <declandury\> Co-authored-by: reelrbtx <brett2\> Co-authored-by: brettpac <brett\> Co-authored-by: David Revay <MrBlenny\> Co-authored-by: pabloinigoblasco <pabloinigoblasco\> * dockerfiles (#225) * Fix code generators (#221) * Fix other build issues. * Update SM template and make example code clearly visible. * Remove use of node in the sm performance template. * Updated templated to use Blackboard storage. * Update template to resolve the global data correctly. * Update sm_name.hpp Co-authored-by: Pablo Iñigo Blasco <pablo\> * Feature/retry behavior warehouse 1 (#226) * minor changes * replanning for all our examples * backport to foxy * minor format * minor linking errors foxy * Foxy backport (#206) * minor formatting fixes * Fix trailing spaces. * Correct codespell. * Correct python linters warnings. * Add galactic CI build because Navigation2 is broken in rolling. * Add partial changes for ament_cpplint. * Add tf2_ros as dependency to find include. * Disable ament_cpplint. * Disable some packages and update workflows. * Bump ccache version. * Ignore further packages * Satisfy ament_lint_cmake * Add missing licences. * Disable cpplint and cppcheck linters. * Correct formatters. * branching example * Disable disabled packages * Update ci-build-source.yml * Change extension * Change extension of imports. * Enable cppcheck * Correct formatting of python file. * Included necessary package and edited Threesome launch Changed... ros2 launch sm_three_some sm_three_some to ros2 launch sm_three_some sm_three_some.launch Added: First ensure you have the necessary package installed. ]{.title-ref}sudo apt-get install ros-rolling-ros2trace[ Then run this command. * Rename header files and correct format. * Add workflow for checking doc build. * Update doxygen-check-build.yml * Create doxygen-deploy.yml * Use manual deployment for now. * Create workflow for testing prerelease builds * Use docs/ as source folder for documentation * Use docs/ as output directory. * Rename to smacc2 and smacc2_msgs * Correct GitHub branch reference. * Update name of package and package.xml to pass liter. * Execute on master update * Reset all versions to 0.0.0 * Ignore all packages except smacc2 and smacc2_msgs * Update changelogs * 0.1.0 * Revert "Ignore all packages except smacc2 and smacc2_msgs" This reverts commit f603166a4b3ccdfe96c64d9f9fb9d8b49fbf0e61. * Update description table. * Update table * Copy initial docs * Dockerfile w/ ROS distro as argument use this command "sudo docker build --build-arg ROS2_DISTRO=(desiredRosTag) (directoryHoldingDockerfile)/" * Opened new folder for additional tracing contents * Delete tracing directory * Moved to tracing directory * added Installs necessary packages and configures tracing group. * Removed manual installation of ros-rolling-ros2trace This is now automated in location of sh file assumed if user follows under "Getting started" * Created alternative ManualTracing * added new sm markdowns * added a dockerfile for Rolling and Galactic * Update smacc2_ci/docker/ros_rollingAndGalactic_ubuntu_20.04/ Co-authored-by: Denis Štogl <destogl\> * Update tracing/ Co-authored-by: Denis Štogl <destogl\> * changed wording "smacc application" to "SMACC2 library" Co-authored-by: Denis Štogl <destogl\> * Update smacc_sm_reference_library/sm_atomic/ edit from html to markdown syntax Co-authored-by: Denis Štogl <destogl\> * reactivating smacc2 nav clients for rolling via submodules * renamed tracing events after * bug in smacc2 component * reverted markdowns to html * added README tutorial for Dockerfile * additional cleanup * cleanup * cleanup * edited to reflect new tracing event names * Enable build of missing rolling repositories. * Enable Navigation2 for semi-binary build. * Remove galactic builds from master and kepp only rolling. Remove submodules and use .repos file * updated mentions of SMACC/ROS to SMACC2/ROS2 * some progress on navigation rolling * renamed folders, deleted, edited * added smacc2_performance_tools * performance tests improvements * more on performance and other issues * sm_respira_1 format cleanup * sm_respira_1 format cleanup pre-commit * sm_respira_test_2 * sm_respira_test_2 * more changes on performance tests * Do not execute clang-format on smacc2_sm_reference_library package. * sm_reference_library reformatting * Correct trailing spaces. * sm_atomic_24hr * sm_atomic_performance_trace_1 * Update smacc2_rta command across readmes * Clean up of sm_atomic_24hr * more sm_atomic_24hr cleanup * Optimized deps in move_base_z_planners_common. * Renaming of event generator library * minor formatting * Add galactic CI setup and rename rolling files. (#58) * Fix source CI and correct README overview. (#62) * Update c_cpp_properties.json * changed launch command to ros2 launch sm_respira_1 sm_respira_1.launch (#69) also noticed a note I had made while producing these that was not removed * update doxygen links (#70) Co-authored-by: Ubuntu 20-04-02-amd64 <brett\> * More Readme Updates (#72) Co-authored-by: Ubuntu 20-04-02-amd64 <brett\> * More Readme (#74) Co-authored-by: Ubuntu 20-04-02-amd64 <brett\> * created new sm from sm_respira_1 (#76) * Feature/core and navigation fixes (#78) * base for the sm_aws_aarehouse navigation * progressing in aws navigation * minor * several core improvements during navigation testing * formatting improvements * progress in aws navigation demo * format improvements * Feature/aws demo progress (#80) * base for the sm_aws_aarehouse navigation * progressing in aws navigation * minor * several core improvements during navigation testing * formatting improvements * progress in aws navigation demo * format improvements * format improvements * more on navigation * sm_advanced_recovery_1 reworked (#83) * sm_advanced_recovery_1 reworked * fix pre-commit * Trying to fix Pre-Commit Co-authored-by: Ubuntu 20-04-02-amd64 <brett\> * more sm_advanced_recovery_1 (#84) Co-authored-by: Ubuntu 20-04-02-amd64 <brett\> * More sm_advanced_recovery_1 work (#85) Co-authored-by: Ubuntu 20-04-02-amd64 <brett\> * sm_advanced_recovery_1 round 4 (#86) Co-authored-by: Ubuntu 20-04-02-amd64 <brett\> * Brettpac branch (#87) * sm_atomic_performance_test_a_2 * sm_atomic_performance_test_a_1 Co-authored-by: Ubuntu 20-04-02-amd64 <brett\> * sm_atomic_performance_test_c_1 (#88) Co-authored-by: Ubuntu 20-04-02-amd64 <brett\> * modifying sm_atomic_performance_test_a_2 (#89) Co-authored-by: Ubuntu 20-04-02-amd64 <brett\> * sm_multi_stage_1 (#90) * sm_multi_stage_1 * fixing precommit Co-authored-by: Ubuntu 20-04-02-amd64 <brett\> * more sm_multi_stage_1 (#91) Co-authored-by: Ubuntu 20-04-02-amd64 <brett\> * Update updated launch command * Wait topic message client behavior (#81) * base for the sm_aws_aarehouse navigation * progressing in aws navigation * minor * several core improvements during navigation testing * formatting improvements * progress in aws navigation demo * format improvements * format improvements * more on navigation * new feature, cb_wait_topic_message: asynchronous client behavior that waits a topic message and optionally checks its contents to success * formatting * attempting precommit fixes Co-authored-by: Ubuntu 20-04-02-amd64 <brett\> Co-authored-by: Denis Štogl <destogl\> * Feature/wait nav2 nodes client behavior (#82) * base for the sm_aws_aarehouse navigation * progressing in aws navigation * minor * several core improvements during navigation testing * formatting improvements * progress in aws navigation demo * format improvements * format improvements * more on navigation * new feature, cb_wait_topic_message: asynchronous client behavior that waits a topic message and optionally checks its contents to success * formatting * adding new client behavior add for nav2, wait nav2 nodes subscribing to the /bond topic and waiting they are alive. you optionally can select the nodes to wait * Correct all linters and formaters. Co-authored-by: Denis Štogl <denis\> Co-authored-by: Denis Štogl <destogl\> * Feature/aws demo progress (#92) * base for the sm_aws_aarehouse navigation * progressing in aws navigation * minor * several core improvements during navigation testing * formatting improvements * progress in aws navigation demo * format improvements * format improvements * more on navigation * new feature, cb_wait_topic_message: asynchronous client behavior that waits a topic message and optionally checks its contents to success * formatting * adding new client behavior add for nav2, wait nav2 nodes subscribing to the /bond topic and waiting they are alive. you optionally can select the nodes to wait * progress in aws navigation demo * minor format * Feature/sm dance bot fixes (#93) * base for the sm_aws_aarehouse navigation * progressing in aws navigation * minor * several core improvements during navigation testing * formatting improvements * progress in aws navigation demo * format improvements * format improvements * more on navigation * new feature, cb_wait_topic_message: asynchronous client behavior that waits a topic message and optionally checks its contents to success * formatting * adding new client behavior add for nav2, wait nav2 nodes subscribing to the /bond topic and waiting they are alive. you optionally can select the nodes to wait * progress in aws navigation demo * minor format * navigation parameters fixes on sm_dance_bot * minor format * Feature/sm aws warehouse (#94) * base for the sm_aws_aarehouse navigation * progressing in aws navigation * minor * several core improvements during navigation testing * formatting improvements * progress in aws navigation demo * format improvements * format improvements * more on navigation * new feature, cb_wait_topic_message: asynchronous client behavior that waits a topic message and optionally checks its contents to success * formatting * adding new client behavior add for nav2, wait nav2 nodes subscribing to the /bond topic and waiting they are alive. you optionally can select the nodes to wait * progress in aws navigation demo * minor format * merge and progress * fix format * Feature/sm dance bot fixes (#95) * base for the sm_aws_aarehouse navigation * progressing in aws navigation * minor * several core improvements during navigation testing * formatting improvements * progress in aws navigation demo * format improvements * format improvements * more on navigation * new feature, cb_wait_topic_message: asynchronous client behavior that waits a topic message and optionally checks its contents to success * formatting * adding new client behavior add for nav2, wait nav2 nodes subscribing to the /bond topic and waiting they are alive. you optionally can select the nodes to wait * progress in aws navigation demo * minor format * navigation parameters fixes on sm_dance_bot * minor format * minor * minor format * Remove some compile warnings. (#96) * Feature/cb pause slam (#98) * base for the sm_aws_aarehouse navigation * progressing in aws navigation * minor * several core improvements during navigation testing * formatting improvements * progress in aws navigation demo * format improvements * format improvements * more on navigation * new feature, cb_wait_topic_message: asynchronous client behavior that waits a topic message and optionally checks its contents to success * formatting * adding new client behavior add for nav2, wait nav2 nodes subscribing to the /bond topic and waiting they are alive. you optionally can select the nodes to wait * progress in aws navigation demo * minor format * navigation parameters fixes on sm_dance_bot * minor format * minor * formatting * cb pause slam client behavior * sm_dance_bot_lite (#99) * sm_dance_bot_lite * precommit * Updates yaml Co-authored-by: Ubuntu 20-04-02-amd64 <brett\> * Rename doxygen deployment workflow (#100) * minor hotfix * sm_dance_bot visualizing turtlebot3 (#101) * Feature/dance bot launch gz lidar choice (#102) * sm_dance_bot visualizing turtlebot3 * cleaning and lidar show/hide option * cleaning files and making formatting work * more fixes * Feature/sm dance bot lite gazebo fixes (#104) * sm_dance_bot visualizing turtlebot3 * cleaning and lidar show/hide option * cleaning files and making formatting work * more fixes * gazebo fixes, to show the robot and the lidar * format fixes * sm_multi_stage_1 doubling (#103) Co-authored-by: Ubuntu 20-04-02-amd64 <brett\> * Feature/sm dance bot strikes back gazebo fixes (#105) * sm_dance_bot visualizing turtlebot3 * cleaning and lidar show/hide option * cleaning files and making formatting work * more fixes * gazebo fixes, to show the robot and the lidar * format fixes * gazebo fixes for sm_dance_bot_strikes_back * precommit cleanup run (#106) Co-authored-by: Ubuntu 20-04-02-amd64 <brett\> * aws demo (#108) * aws demo * format * got sm_multi_stage_1 working (barely) (#109) Co-authored-by: Ubuntu 20-04-02-amd64 <brett\> * Brettpac branch (#110) * got sm_multi_stage_1 working (barely) * gaining traction sm_multi_stage_1 * more * don't remember * making progress * More * keep hammering * two stages * 3 part * 4th stage Co-authored-by: Ubuntu 20-04-02-amd64 <brett\> * Brettpac branch (#111) * got sm_multi_stage_1 working (barely) * gaining traction sm_multi_stage_1 * more * don't remember * making progress * More * keep hammering * two stages * 3 part * 4th stage * 5th stage Co-authored-by: Ubuntu 20-04-02-amd64 <brett\> * a3 (#113) Co-authored-by: Ubuntu 20-04-02-amd64 <brett\> * Remove neo_simulation2 package. (#112) * Remove neo_simulation2 package. * Correct formatting. * Enable source build on PR for testing. * Adjust build packages of source CI * more sm_multi_stage_1 (#114) Co-authored-by: Ubuntu 20-04-02-amd64 <brett\> * mm (#115) Co-authored-by: Ubuntu 20-04-02-amd64 <brett\> * diverse improvements navigation and performance (#116) * diverse improvements navigation and performance * minor Co-authored-by: pabloinigoblasco <pablo\> * Feature/diverse improvemets navigation performance (#117) * diverse improvements navigation and performance * minor * additional linting and formatting * Remove merge markers from a python file. (#119) * Feature/slam toggle and smacc deep history (#122) * progress in navigation, slam toggle client behaviors and slam_toolbox components. Also smacc2::deep_history syntax * going forward in testing sm_dance_bot introducing slam pausing/resuming funcionality * feature/more_sm_dance_bot_fixes * minor format * minor (#124) Co-authored-by: Ubuntu 20-04-02-amd64 <brett\> * more changes in sm_dance_bot (#125) * Move method after the method it calls. Otherwise recursion could happen. (#126) * Feature/dance bot s pattern (#128) * more changes in sm_dance_bot * polishing sm_dance_bot and s-pattern * noticed typo Finnaly > Finally * Feature/dance bot s pattern (#129) * more changes in sm_dance_bot * polishing sm_dance_bot and s-pattern * more refinement in sm_dance_bot * First working version of sm template and template generator. (#127) * minor tweaks (#130) Co-authored-by: Ubuntu 20-04-02-amd64 <brett\> * Feature/sm dance bot refine (#131) * more changes in sm_dance_bot * minor * Feature/sm dance bot refine 2 (#132) * more changes in sm_dance_bot * minor * build fix * waypoints navigator bug (#133) * minor tuning to mitigate overshot issue cases * progress in the sm_dance_bot tests (#135) * some more progress on markers cleanup * minor format issues (#134) * sm_dance_bot_lite (#136) Co-authored-by: Ubuntu 20-04-02-amd64 <brett\> * Resolve compile wanings (#137) * Add SM core test (#138) * minor navigation improvements (#141) * using local action msgs (#139) * using local action msgs * removing sm_dance_bot_msgs * pending references * Feature/nav2z renaming (#144) * using local action msgs * removing sm_dance_bot_msgs * pending references * navigation 2 stack renaming * formatting * added SVGs to READMEs of atomic, dance_bot, and others (#140) * added remaining SVGs to READMEs (#145) * added remaining SVGs to READMEs * precommit cleanup * Update package list. (#142) * removing parameters smacc (#147) * removing parameters smacc * workflows update * workflow * Noticed launch command was incorrect in fixed launch command for sm_dance_bot_strikes_back and removed some comments I had made in the past. * Fix CI: format fix python version (#148) * Add SM Atomic SM generator. (#143) * Remove node creation and create only a logger. (#149) * Rolling Docker environment to be executed from any environment (#154) * Feature/sm dance bot strikes back refactoring (#152) Co-authored-by: DecDury <declandury\> Co-authored-by: Denis Štogl <destogl\> * slight waypoint 4 and iterations changes so robot can complete course (#155) * Feature/migration moveit client (#151) * initial migration to smacc2 * fixing some errors introduced on formatting * missing dependency * fixing some more linting warnings * minor * removing test from main moveit cmake * test ur5 * progressing in the moveit migration testing * updating format * adding .reps dependencies and also fixing some build errors * repos dependency * adding dependency to ur5 client * docker refactoring * minor * progress on move_it PR * minor dockerfile test workaround * improving dockerfile for building local tests * minor * fixing compiling issues * update readme (#164) * update readme * more readme updates * more Co-authored-by: Ubuntu 20-04-02-amd64 <brett\> * initial state machine transition timestamp (#165) * moved reference library SMs to smacc2_performance_tools (#166) * moved reference library SMs to smacc2_performance_tools * pre-commit cleanup * Add QOS durability to SmaccPublisherClient (#163) * feat: add qos durability to SmaccPublisherClient * fix: add a missing colon * refactor: remove line * feat: add reliability qos config * Feature/testing moveit behaviors (#167) * more testing on moveit * progress on moveit * more testing on moveit behaviors * minor configuration * fixing pipeline error * fixing broken master build * sm_pubsub_1 (#169) Co-authored-by: Ubuntu 20-04-02-amd64 <brett\> * sm_pubsub_1 part 2 (#170) * sm_pubsub_1 part 2 * sm_pubsub_1 part 2 Co-authored-by: Ubuntu 20-04-02-amd64 <brett\> * sm_advanced_recovery_1 renaming (#171) Co-authored-by: Ubuntu 20-04-02-amd64 <brett\> * sm_multi_stage_1 reworking (#172) * multistage modes * sm_multi_stage sequences * sm_multi_state_1 steps * sm_multi_stage_1 sequence d * sm_multi_stage_1 c sequence * mode_5_sequence_b * mode_4_sequence_b * sm_multi_stage_1 most * finishing touches 1 * readme Co-authored-by: Ubuntu 20-04-02-amd64 <brett\> * Feature/aws navigation sm dance bot (#174) * repo dependency * husky launch file in sm_dance_bot * Add dependencies for husky simulation. * Fix formatting. * Update dependencies for husky in rolling and galactic. * minor * progress on aws navigation and some other refactorings on navigation clients and behaviors * more on aws demo * fixing broken build * minor Co-authored-by: Denis Štogl <denis\> Co-authored-by: Denis Štogl <destogl\> * minor changes (#175) * warehouse2 (#177) * Waypoint Inputs (#178) Co-authored-by: Ubuntu 20-04-02-amd64 <brett\> * wharehouse2 progress (#179) * format (#180) * sm_dance_bot_warehouse_3 (#181) Co-authored-by: Ubuntu 20-04-02-amd64 <brett\> * Feature/sm warehouse 2 13 dec 2 (#182) * format * more changes and headless * merge * headless and other fixes * default values * Brettpac branch (#184) * sm_dance_bot_warehouse_3 * Redoing sm_dance_bot_warehouse_3 waypoints * More Waypoints Co-authored-by: Ubuntu 20-04-02-amd64 <brett\> * SrConditional fixes and formatting (#168) * fix: some formatting and templating on SrConditional * fix: move trigger logic into headers * fix: lint * Feature/wharehouse2 dec 14 (#185) * warehouse2 * minor * Feature/sm warehouse 2 13 dec 2 (#186) * format * more changes and headless * merge * headless and other fixes * default values * minor * finetuning waypoints (#187) Co-authored-by: Ubuntu 20-04-02-amd64 <brett\> * Feature/cb pure spinning (#188) * format * more changes and headless * merge * headless and other fixes * default values * minor * Feature/cb pure spinning (#189) * format * more changes and headless * merge * headless and other fixes * default values * minor * pure spinning behavior missing files * minor changes (#190) * Feature/planner changes 16 12 (#191) * minor changes * more fixes * minor * minor * Feature/replanning 16 dec (#193) * minor changes * replanning for all our examples * several fixes (#194) * minor changes (#195) * Feature/undo motion 20 12 (#196) * minor changes * replanning for all our examples * improving undo motion navigation warehouse2 * minor * tuning warehouse3 (#197) * Feature/undo motion 20 12 (#198) * minor changes * replanning for all our examples * improving undo motion navigation warehouse2 * minor * undo tuning and errors * format * Feature/sync 21 12 (#199) * minor changes * replanning for all our examples * format issues * Feature/warehouse2 22 12 (#200) * minor changes * replanning for all our examples * format issues * finishing warehouse2 * Feature/warehouse2 23 12 (#201) * minor changes * replanning for all our examples * tuning and fixes (#202) * Feature/minor tune (#203) * tuning and fixes * minor tune * fixing warehouse 3 problems, and other core improvements (#204) * fixing warehouse 3 problems, and other core improvements to remove dead lock, also making continuous integration green * weird moveit not downloaded repo * added missing file from warehouse2 (#205) * backport to foxy * minor format * minor linking errors foxy Co-authored-by: Denis Štogl <denis\> Co-authored-by: Denis Štogl <destogl\> Co-authored-by: Declan Dury <44791484+DecDury\> Co-authored-by: DecDury <declandury\> Co-authored-by: reelrbtx <brett2\> Co-authored-by: brettpac <brett\> Co-authored-by: David Revay <MrBlenny\> * missing * missing sm * updating subscriber publisher components * progress in autowarrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrre machine * refining cp subscriber cp publisher * improvements in smacc core adding more components mostly developed for autoware demo * autoware demo * missing * foxy ci * fix * minor broken build * some reordering fixes * minor * docker files for different revisions, warnings removval and more testing on navigation * fixing docker for foxy and galactic * Update file for fake hardware simulation and add file for gazebo simulation. * docker build files for all versions * retry behavior warehouse 1 * missing file * minor format fix * other minor changes Co-authored-by: Denis Štogl <denis\> Co-authored-by: Denis Štogl <destogl\> Co-authored-by: Declan Dury <44791484+DecDury\> Co-authored-by: DecDury <declandury\> Co-authored-by: reelrbtx <brett2\> Co-authored-by: brettpac <brett\> Co-authored-by: David Revay <MrBlenny\> Co-authored-by: pabloinigoblasco <pabloinigoblasco\> * fix broken source build (#227) * Only rolling version should be pre-released on on master. (#230) * Correct Focal-Rolling builds by fixing the version of rosdep yaml (#234) * Update file for fake hardware simulation and add file for gazebo simulation. (#224) * Update file for fake hardware simulation and add file for gazebo simulation. * Add ignition file and update repos files. * Feature/improvements warehouse3 (#228) * minor changes * replanning for all our examples * backport to foxy * minor format * minor linking errors foxy * Foxy backport (#206) * minor formatting fixes * Fix trailing spaces. * Correct codespell. * Correct python linters warnings. * Add galactic CI build because Navigation2 is broken in rolling. * Add partial changes for ament_cpplint. * Add tf2_ros as dependency to find include. * Disable ament_cpplint. * Disable some packages and update workflows. * Bump ccache version. * Ignore further packages * Satisfy ament_lint_cmake * Add missing licences. * Disable cpplint and cppcheck linters. * Correct formatters. * branching example * Disable disabled packages * Update ci-build-source.yml * Change extension * Change extension of imports. * Enable cppcheck * Correct formatting of python file. * Included necessary package and edited Threesome launch Changed... ros2 launch sm_three_some sm_three_some to ros2 launch sm_three_some sm_three_some.launch Added: First ensure you have the necessary package installed. ]{.title-ref}sudo apt-get install ros-rolling-ros2trace[ Then run this command. * Rename header files and correct format. * Add workflow for checking doc build. * Update doxygen-check-build.yml * Create doxygen-deploy.yml * Use manual deployment for now. * Create workflow for testing prerelease builds * Use docs/ as source folder for documentation * Use docs/ as output directory. * Rename to smacc2 and smacc2_msgs * Correct GitHub branch reference. * Update name of package and package.xml to pass liter. * Execute on master update * Reset all versions to 0.0.0 * Ignore all packages except smacc2 and smacc2_msgs * Update changelogs * 0.1.0 * Revert "Ignore all packages except smacc2 and smacc2_msgs" This reverts commit f603166a4b3ccdfe96c64d9f9fb9d8b49fbf0e61. * Update description table. * Update table * Copy initial docs * Dockerfile w/ ROS distro as argument use this command "sudo docker build --build-arg ROS2_DISTRO=(desiredRosTag) (directoryHoldingDockerfile)/" * Opened new folder for additional tracing contents * Delete tracing directory * Moved to tracing directory * added Installs necessary packages and configures tracing group. * Removed manual installation of ros-rolling-ros2trace This is now automated in location of sh file assumed if user follows under "Getting started" * Created alternative ManualTracing * added new sm markdowns * added a dockerfile for Rolling and Galactic * Update smacc2_ci/docker/ros_rollingAndGalactic_ubuntu_20.04/ Co-authored-by: Denis Štogl <destogl\> * Update tracing/ Co-authored-by: Denis Štogl <destogl\> * changed wording "smacc application" to "SMACC2 library" Co-authored-by: Denis Štogl <destogl\> * Update smacc_sm_reference_library/sm_atomic/ edit from html to markdown syntax Co-authored-by: Denis Štogl <destogl\> * reactivating smacc2 nav clients for rolling via submodules * renamed tracing events after * bug in smacc2 component * reverted markdowns to html * added README tutorial for Dockerfile * additional cleanup * cleanup * cleanup * edited to reflect new tracing event names * Enable build of missing rolling repositories. * Enable Navigation2 for semi-binary build. * Remove galactic builds from master and kepp only rolling. Remove submodules and use .repos file * updated mentions of SMACC/ROS to SMACC2/ROS2 * some progress on navigation rolling * renamed folders, deleted, edited * added smacc2_performance_tools * performance tests improvements * more on performance and other issues * sm_respira_1 format cleanup * sm_respira_1 format cleanup pre-commit * sm_respira_test_2 * sm_respira_test_2 * more changes on performance tests * Do not execute clang-format on smacc2_sm_reference_library package. * sm_reference_library reformatting * Correct trailing spaces. * sm_atomic_24hr * sm_atomic_performance_trace_1 * Update smacc2_rta command across readmes * Clean up of sm_atomic_24hr * more sm_atomic_24hr cleanup * Optimized deps in move_base_z_planners_common. * Renaming of event generator library * minor formatting * Add galactic CI setup and rename rolling files. (#58) * Fix source CI and correct README overview. (#62) * Update c_cpp_properties.json * changed launch command to ros2 launch sm_respira_1 sm_respira_1.launch (#69) also noticed a note I had made while producing these that was not removed * update doxygen links (#70) Co-authored-by: Ubuntu 20-04-02-amd64 <brett\> * More Readme Updates (#72) Co-authored-by: Ubuntu 20-04-02-amd64 <brett\> * More Readme (#74) Co-authored-by: Ubuntu 20-04-02-amd64 <brett\> * created new sm from sm_respira_1 (#76) * Feature/core and navigation fixes (#78) * base for the sm_aws_aarehouse navigation * progressing in aws navigation * minor * several core improvements during navigation testing * formatting improvements * progress in aws navigation demo * format improvements * Feature/aws demo progress (#80) * base for the sm_aws_aarehouse navigation * progressing in aws navigation * minor * several core improvements during navigation testing * formatting improvements * progress in aws navigation demo * format improvements * format improvements * more on navigation * sm_advanced_recovery_1 reworked (#83) * sm_advanced_recovery_1 reworked * fix pre-commit * Trying to fix Pre-Commit Co-authored-by: Ubuntu 20-04-02-amd64 <brett\> * more sm_advanced_recovery_1 (#84) Co-authored-by: Ubuntu 20-04-02-amd64 <brett\> * More sm_advanced_recovery_1 work (#85) Co-authored-by: Ubuntu 20-04-02-amd64 <brett\> * sm_advanced_recovery_1 round 4 (#86) Co-authored-by: Ubuntu 20-04-02-amd64 <brett\> * Brettpac branch (#87) * sm_atomic_performance_test_a_2 * sm_atomic_performance_test_a_1 Co-authored-by: Ubuntu 20-04-02-amd64 <brett\> * sm_atomic_performance_test_c_1 (#88) Co-authored-by: Ubuntu 20-04-02-amd64 <brett\> * modifying sm_atomic_performance_test_a_2 (#89) Co-authored-by: Ubuntu 20-04-02-amd64 <brett\> * sm_multi_stage_1 (#90) * sm_multi_stage_1 * fixing precommit Co-authored-by: Ubuntu 20-04-02-amd64 <brett\> * more sm_multi_stage_1 (#91) Co-authored-by: Ubuntu 20-04-02-amd64 <brett\> * Update updated launch command * Wait topic message client behavior (#81) * base for the sm_aws_aarehouse navigation * progressing in aws navigation * minor * several core improvements during navigation testing * formatting improvements * progress in aws navigation demo * format improvements * format improvements * more on navigation * new feature, cb_wait_topic_message: asynchronous client behavior that waits a topic message and optionally checks its contents to success * formatting * attempting precommit fixes Co-authored-by: Ubuntu 20-04-02-amd64 <brett\> Co-authored-by: Denis Štogl <destogl\> * Feature/wait nav2 nodes client behavior (#82) * base for the sm_aws_aarehouse navigation * progressing in aws navigation * minor * several core improvements during navigation testing * formatting improvements * progress in aws navigation demo * format improvements * format improvements * more on navigation * new feature, cb_wait_topic_message: asynchronous client behavior that waits a topic message and optionally checks its contents to success * formatting * adding new client behavior add for nav2, wait nav2 nodes subscribing to the /bond topic and waiting they are alive. you optionally can select the nodes to wait * Correct all linters and formaters. Co-authored-by: Denis Štogl <denis\> Co-authored-by: Denis Štogl <destogl\> * Feature/aws demo progress (#92) * base for the sm_aws_aarehouse navigation * progressing in aws navigation * minor * several core improvements during navigation testing * formatting improvements * progress in aws navigation demo * format improvements * format improvements * more on navigation * new feature, cb_wait_topic_message: asynchronous client behavior that waits a topic message and optionally checks its contents to success * formatting * adding new client behavior add for nav2, wait nav2 nodes subscribing to the /bond topic and waiting they are alive. you optionally can select the nodes to wait * progress in aws navigation demo * minor format * Feature/sm dance bot fixes (#93) * base for the sm_aws_aarehouse navigation * progressing in aws navigation * minor * several core improvements during navigation testing * formatting improvements * progress in aws navigation demo * format improvements * format improvements * more on navigation * new feature, cb_wait_topic_message: asynchronous client behavior that waits a topic message and optionally checks its contents to success * formatting * adding new client behavior add for nav2, wait nav2 nodes subscribing to the /bond topic and waiting they are alive. you optionally can select the nodes to wait * progress in aws navigation demo * minor format * navigation parameters fixes on sm_dance_bot * minor format * Feature/sm aws warehouse (#94) * base for the sm_aws_aarehouse navigation * progressing in aws navigation * minor * several core improvements during navigation testing * formatting improvements * progress in aws navigation demo * format improvements * format improvements * more on navigation * new feature, cb_wait_topic_message: asynchronous client behavior that waits a topic message and optionally checks its contents to success * formatting * adding new client behavior add for nav2, wait nav2 nodes subscribing to the /bond topic and waiting they are alive. you optionally can select the nodes to wait * progress in aws navigation demo * minor format * merge and progress * fix format * Feature/sm dance bot fixes (#95) * base for the sm_aws_aarehouse navigation * progressing in aws navigation * minor * several core improvements during navigation testing * formatting improvements * progress in aws navigation demo * format improvements * format improvements * more on navigation * new feature, cb_wait_topic_message: asynchronous client behavior that waits a topic message and optionally checks its contents to success * formatting * adding new client behavior add for nav2, wait nav2 nodes subscribing to the /bond topic and waiting they are alive. you optionally can select the nodes to wait * progress in aws navigation demo * minor format * navigation parameters fixes on sm_dance_bot * minor format * minor * minor format * Remove some compile warnings. (#96) * Feature/cb pause slam (#98) * base for the sm_aws_aarehouse navigation * progressing in aws navigation * minor * several core improvements during navigation testing * formatting improvements * progress in aws navigation demo * format improvements * format improvements * more on navigation * new feature, cb_wait_topic_message: asynchronous client behavior that waits a topic message and optionally checks its contents to success * formatting * adding new client behavior add for nav2, wait nav2 nodes subscribing to the /bond topic and waiting they are alive. you optionally can select the nodes to wait * progress in aws navigation demo * minor format * navigation parameters fixes on sm_dance_bot * minor format * minor * formatting * cb pause slam client behavior * sm_dance_bot_lite (#99) * sm_dance_bot_lite * precommit * Updates yaml Co-authored-by: Ubuntu 20-04-02-amd64 <brett\> * Rename doxygen deployment workflow (#100) * minor hotfix * sm_dance_bot visualizing turtlebot3 (#101) * Feature/dance bot launch gz lidar choice (#102) * sm_dance_bot visualizing turtlebot3 * cleaning and lidar show/hide option * cleaning files and making formatting work * more fixes * Feature/sm dance bot lite gazebo fixes (#104) * sm_dance_bot visualizing turtlebot3 * cleaning and lidar show/hide option * cleaning files and making formatting work * more fixes * gazebo fixes, to show the robot and the lidar * format fixes * sm_multi_stage_1 doubling (#103) Co-authored-by: Ubuntu 20-04-02-amd64 <brett\> * Feature/sm dance bot strikes back gazebo fixes (#105) * sm_dance_bot visualizing turtlebot3 * cleaning and lidar show/hide option * cleaning files and making formatting work * more fixes * gazebo fixes, to show the robot and the lidar * format fixes * gazebo fixes for sm_dance_bot_strikes_back * precommit cleanup run (#106) Co-authored-by: Ubuntu 20-04-02-amd64 <brett\> * aws demo (#108) * aws demo * format * got sm_multi_stage_1 working (barely) (#109) Co-authored-by: Ubuntu 20-04-02-amd64 <brett\> * Brettpac branch (#110) * got sm_multi_stage_1 working (barely) * gaining traction sm_multi_stage_1 * more * don't remember * making progress * More * keep hammering * two stages * 3 part * 4th stage Co-authored-by: Ubuntu 20-04-02-amd64 <brett\> * Brettpac branch (#111) * got sm_multi_stage_1 working (barely) * gaining traction sm_multi_stage_1 * more * don't remember * making progress * More * keep hammering * two stages * 3 part * 4th stage * 5th stage Co-authored-by: Ubuntu 20-04-02-amd64 <brett\> * a3 (#113) Co-authored-by: Ubuntu 20-04-02-amd64 <brett\> * Remove neo_simulation2 package. (#112) * Remove neo_simulation2 package. * Correct formatting. * Enable source build on PR for testing. * Adjust build packages of source CI * more sm_multi_stage_1 (#114) Co-authored-by: Ubuntu 20-04-02-amd64 <brett\> * mm (#115) Co-authored-by: Ubuntu 20-04-02-amd64 <brett\> * diverse improvements navigation and performance (#116) * diverse improvements navigation and performance * minor Co-authored-by: pabloinigoblasco <pablo\> * Feature/diverse improvemets navigation performance (#117) * diverse improvements navigation and performance * minor * additional linting and formatting * Remove merge markers from a python file. (#119) * Feature/slam toggle and smacc deep history (#122) * progress in navigation, slam toggle client behaviors and slam_toolbox components. Also smacc2::deep_history syntax * going forward in testing sm_dance_bot introducing slam pausing/resuming funcionality * feature/more_sm_dance_bot_fixes * minor format * minor (#124) Co-authored-by: Ubuntu 20-04-02-amd64 <brett\> * more changes in sm_dance_bot (#125) * Move method after the method it calls. Otherwise recursion could happen. (#126) * Feature/dance bot s pattern (#128) * more changes in sm_dance_bot * polishing sm_dance_bot and s-pattern * noticed typo Finnaly > Finally * Feature/dance bot s pattern (#129) * more changes in sm_dance_bot * polishing sm_dance_bot and s-pattern * more refinement in sm_dance_bot * First working version of sm template and template generator. (#127) * minor tweaks (#130) Co-authored-by: Ubuntu 20-04-02-amd64 <brett\> * Feature/sm dance bot refine (#131) * more changes in sm_dance_bot * minor * Feature/sm dance bot refine 2 (#132) * more changes in sm_dance_bot * minor * build fix * waypoints navigator bug (#133) * minor tuning to mitigate overshot issue cases * progress in the sm_dance_bot tests (#135) * some more progress on markers cleanup * minor format issues (#134) * sm_dance_bot_lite (#136) Co-authored-by: Ubuntu 20-04-02-amd64 <brett\> * Resolve compile wanings (#137) * Add SM core test (#138) * minor navigation improvements (#141) * using local action msgs (#139) * using local action msgs * removing sm_dance_bot_msgs * pending references * Feature/nav2z renaming (#144) * using local action msgs * removing sm_dance_bot_msgs * pending references * navigation 2 stack renaming * formatting * added SVGs to READMEs of atomic, dance_bot, and others (#140) * added remaining SVGs to READMEs (#145) * added remaining SVGs to READMEs * precommit cleanup * Update package list. (#142) * removing parameters smacc (#147) * removing parameters smacc * workflows update * workflow * Noticed launch command was incorrect in fixed launch command for sm_dance_bot_strikes_back and removed some comments I had made in the past. * Fix CI: format fix python version (#148) * Add SM Atomic SM generator. (#143) * Remove node creation and create only a logger. (#149) * Rolling Docker environment to be executed from any environment (#154) * Feature/sm dance bot strikes back refactoring (#152) Co-authored-by: DecDury <declandury\> Co-authored-by: Denis Štogl <destogl\> * slight waypoint 4 and iterations changes so robot can complete course (#155) * Feature/migration moveit client (#151) * initial migration to smacc2 * fixing some errors introduced on formatting * missing dependency * fixing some more linting warnings * minor * removing test from main moveit cmake * test ur5 * progressing in the moveit migration testing * updating format * adding .reps dependencies and also fixing some build errors * repos dependency * adding dependency to ur5 client * docker refactoring * minor * progress on move_it PR * minor dockerfile test workaround * improving dockerfile for building local tests * minor * fixing compiling issues * update readme (#164) * update readme * more readme updates * more Co-authored-by: Ubuntu 20-04-02-amd64 <brett\> * initial state machine transition timestamp (#165) * moved reference library SMs to smacc2_performance_tools (#166) * moved reference library SMs to smacc2_performance_tools * pre-commit cleanup * Add QOS durability to SmaccPublisherClient (#163) * feat: add qos durability to SmaccPublisherClient * fix: add a missing colon * refactor: remove line * feat: add reliability qos config * Feature/testing moveit behaviors (#167) * more testing on moveit * progress on moveit * more testing on moveit behaviors * minor configuration * fixing pipeline error * fixing broken master build * sm_pubsub_1 (#169) Co-authored-by: Ubuntu 20-04-02-amd64 <brett\> * sm_pubsub_1 part 2 (#170) * sm_pubsub_1 part 2 * sm_pubsub_1 part 2 Co-authored-by: Ubuntu 20-04-02-amd64 <brett\> * sm_advanced_recovery_1 renaming (#171) Co-authored-by: Ubuntu 20-04-02-amd64 <brett\> * sm_multi_stage_1 reworking (#172) * multistage modes * sm_multi_stage sequences * sm_multi_state_1 steps * sm_multi_stage_1 sequence d * sm_multi_stage_1 c sequence * mode_5_sequence_b * mode_4_sequence_b * sm_multi_stage_1 most * finishing touches 1 * readme Co-authored-by: Ubuntu 20-04-02-amd64 <brett\> * Feature/aws navigation sm dance bot (#174) * repo dependency * husky launch file in sm_dance_bot * Add dependencies for husky simulation. * Fix formatting. * Update dependencies for husky in rolling and galactic. * minor * progress on aws navigation and some other refactorings on navigation clients and behaviors * more on aws demo * fixing broken build * minor Co-authored-by: Denis Štogl <denis\> Co-authored-by: Denis Štogl <destogl\> * minor changes (#175) * warehouse2 (#177) * Waypoint Inputs (#178) Co-authored-by: Ubuntu 20-04-02-amd64 <brett\> * wharehouse2 progress (#179) * format (#180) * sm_dance_bot_warehouse_3 (#181) Co-authored-by: Ubuntu 20-04-02-amd64 <brett\> * Feature/sm warehouse 2 13 dec 2 (#182) * format * more changes and headless * merge * headless and other fixes * default values * Brettpac branch (#184) * sm_dance_bot_warehouse_3 * Redoing sm_dance_bot_warehouse_3 waypoints * More Waypoints Co-authored-by: Ubuntu 20-04-02-amd64 <brett\> * SrConditional fixes and formatting (#168) * fix: some formatting and templating on SrConditional * fix: move trigger logic into headers * fix: lint * Feature/wharehouse2 dec 14 (#185) * warehouse2 * minor * Feature/sm warehouse 2 13 dec 2 (#186) * format * more changes and headless * merge * headless and other fixes * default values * minor * finetuning waypoints (#187) Co-authored-by: Ubuntu 20-04-02-amd64 <brett\> * Feature/cb pure spinning (#188) * format * more changes and headless * merge * headless and other fixes * default values * minor * Feature/cb pure spinning (#189) * format * more changes and headless * merge * headless and other fixes * default values * minor * pure spinning behavior missing files * minor changes (#190) * Feature/planner changes 16 12 (#191) * minor changes * more fixes * minor * minor * Feature/replanning 16 dec (#193) * minor changes * replanning for all our examples * several fixes (#194) * minor changes (#195) * Feature/undo motion 20 12 (#196) * minor changes * replanning for all our examples * improving undo motion navigation warehouse2 * minor * tuning warehouse3 (#197) * Feature/undo motion 20 12 (#198) * minor changes * replanning for all our examples * improving undo motion navigation warehouse2 * minor * undo tuning and errors * format * Feature/sync 21 12 (#199) * minor changes * replanning for all our examples * format issues * Feature/warehouse2 22 12 (#200) * minor changes * replanning for all our examples * format issues * finishing warehouse2 * Feature/warehouse2 23 12 (#201) * minor changes * replanning for all our examples * tuning and fixes (#202) * Feature/minor tune (#203) * tuning and fixes * minor tune * fixing warehouse 3 problems, and other core improvements (#204) * fixing warehouse 3 problems, and other core improvements to remove dead lock, also making continuous integration green * weird moveit not downloaded repo * added missing file from warehouse2 (#205) * backport to foxy * minor format * minor linking errors foxy Co-authored-by: Denis Štogl <denis\> Co-authored-by: Denis Štogl <destogl\> Co-authored-by: Declan Dury <44791484+DecDury\> Co-authored-by: DecDury <declandury\> Co-authored-by: reelrbtx <brett2\> Co-authored-by: brettpac <brett\> Co-authored-by: David Revay <MrBlenny\> * missing * missing sm * updating subscriber publisher components * progress in autowarrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrre machine * refining cp subscriber cp publisher * improvements in smacc core adding more components mostly developed for autoware demo * autoware demo * missing * foxy ci * fix * minor broken build * some reordering fixes * minor * docker files for different revisions, warnings removval and more testing on navigation * fixing docker for foxy and galactic * docker build files for all versions * barrel demo * barrel search build fix and warehouse3 * fixing startup problems in warehouse 3 * fixing format and minor * minor * progress in barrel husky * minor * barrel demo * progress * fixing broken build Co-authored-by: Denis Štogl <denis\> Co-authored-by: Denis Štogl <destogl\> Co-authored-by: Declan Dury <44791484+DecDury\> Co-authored-by: DecDury <declandury\> Co-authored-by: reelrbtx <brett2\> Co-authored-by: brettpac <brett\> Co-authored-by: David Revay <MrBlenny\> Co-authored-by: pabloinigoblasco <pabloinigoblasco\> * Feature/barrel - do not merge yet (#233) * minor changes * replanning for all our examples * backport to foxy * minor format * minor linking errors foxy * Foxy backport (#206) * minor formatting fixes * Fix trailing spaces. * Correct codespell. * Correct python linters warnings. * Add galactic CI build because Navigation2 is broken in rolling. * Add partial changes for ament_cpplint. * Add tf2_ros as dependency to find include. * Disable ament_cpplint. * Disable some packages and update workflows. * Bump ccache version. * Ignore further packages * Satisfy ament_lint_cmake * Add missing licences. * Disable cpplint and cppcheck linters. * Correct formatters. * branching example * Disable disabled packages * Update ci-build-source.yml * Change extension * Change extension of imports. * Enable cppcheck * Correct formatting of python file. * Included necessary package and edited Threesome launch Changed... ros2 launch sm_three_some sm_three_some to ros2 launch sm_three_some sm_three_some.launch Added: First ensure you have the necessary package installed. ]{.title-ref}sudo apt-get install ros-rolling-ros2trace[ Then run this command. * Rename header files and correct format. * Add workflow for checking doc build. * Update doxygen-check-build.yml * Create doxygen-deploy.yml * Use manual deployment for now. * Create workflow for testing prerelease builds * Use docs/ as source folder for documentation * Use docs/ as output directory. * Rename to smacc2 and smacc2_msgs * Correct GitHub branch reference. * Update name of package and package.xml to pass liter. * Execute on master update * Reset all versions to 0.0.0 * Ignore all packages except smacc2 and smacc2_msgs * Update changelogs * 0.1.0 * Revert "Ignore all packages except smacc2 and smacc2_msgs" This reverts commit f603166a4b3ccdfe96c64d9f9fb9d8b49fbf0e61. * Update description table. * Update table * Copy initial docs * Dockerfile w/ ROS distro as argument use this command "sudo docker build --build-arg ROS2_DISTRO=(desiredRosTag) (directoryHoldingDockerfile)/" * Opened new folder for additional tracing contents * Delete tracing directory * Moved to tracing directory * added Installs necessary packages and configures tracing group. * Removed manual installation of ros-rolling-ros2trace This is now automated in location of sh file assumed if user follows under "Getting started" * Created alternative ManualTracing * added new sm markdowns * added a dockerfile for Rolling and Galactic * Update smacc2_ci/docker/ros_rollingAndGalactic_ubuntu_20.04/ Co-authored-by: Denis Štogl <destogl\> * Update tracing/ Co-authored-by: Denis Štogl <destogl\> * changed wording "smacc application" to "SMACC2 library" Co-authored-by: Denis Štogl <destogl\> * Update smacc_sm_reference_library/sm_atomic/ edit from html to markdown syntax Co-authored-by: Denis Štogl <destogl\> * reactivating smacc2 nav clients for rolling via submodules * renamed tracing events after * bug in smacc2 component * reverted markdowns to html * added README tutorial for Dockerfile * additional cleanup * cleanup * cleanup * edited to reflect new tracing event names * Enable build of missing rolling repositories. * Enable Navigation2 for semi-binary build. * Remove galactic builds from master and kepp only rolling. Remove submodules and use .repos file * updated mentions of SMACC/ROS to SMACC2/ROS2 * some progress on navigation rolling * renamed folders, deleted, edited * added smacc2_performance_tools * performance tests improvements * more on performance and other issues * sm_respira_1 format cleanup * sm_respira_1 format cleanup pre-commit * sm_respira_test_2 * sm_respira_test_2 * more changes on performance tests * Do not execute clang-format on smacc2_sm_reference_library package. * sm_reference_library reformatting * Correct trailing spaces. * sm_atomic_24hr * sm_atomic_performance_trace_1 * Update smacc2_rta command across readmes * Clean up of sm_atomic_24hr * more sm_atomic_24hr cleanup * Optimized deps in move_base_z_planners_common. * Renaming of event generator library * minor formatting * Add galactic CI setup and rename rolling files. (#58) * Fix source CI and correct README overview. (#62) * Update c_cpp_properties.json * changed launch command to ros2 launch sm_respira_1 sm_respira_1.launch (#69) also noticed a note I had made while producing these that was not removed * update doxygen links (#70) Co-authored-by: Ubuntu 20-04-02-amd64 <brett\> * More Readme Updates (#72) Co-authored-by: Ubuntu 20-04-02-amd64 <brett\> * More Readme (#74) Co-authored-by: Ubuntu 20-04-02-amd64 <brett\> * created new sm from sm_respira_1 (#76) * Feature/core and navigation fixes (#78) * base for the sm_aws_aarehouse navigation * progressing in aws navigation * minor * several core improvements during navigation testing * formatting improvements * progress in aws navigation demo * format improvements * Feature/aws demo progress (#80) * base for the sm_aws_aarehouse navigation * progressing in aws navigation * minor * several core improvements during navigation testing * formatting improvements * progress in aws navigation demo * format improvements * format improvements * more on navigation * sm_advanced_recovery_1 reworked (#83) * sm_advanced_recovery_1 reworked * fix pre-commit * Trying to fix Pre-Commit Co-authored-by: Ubuntu 20-04-02-amd64 <brett\> * more sm_advanced_recovery_1 (#84) Co-authored-by: Ubuntu 20-04-02-amd64 <brett\> * More sm_advanced_recovery_1 work (#85) Co-authored-by: Ubuntu 20-04-02-amd64 <brett\> * sm_advanced_recovery_1 round 4 (#86) Co-authored-by: Ubuntu 20-04-02-amd64 <brett\> * Brettpac branch (#87) * sm_atomic_performance_test_a_2 * sm_atomic_performance_test_a_1 Co-authored-by: Ubuntu 20-04-02-amd64 <brett\> * sm_atomic_performance_test_c_1 (#88) Co-authored-by: Ubuntu 20-04-02-amd64 <brett\> * modifying sm_atomic_performance_test_a_2 (#89) Co-authored-by: Ubuntu 20-04-02-amd64 <brett\> * sm_multi_stage_1 (#90) * sm_multi_stage_1 * fixing precommit Co-authored-by: Ubuntu 20-04-02-amd64 <brett\> * more sm_multi_stage_1 (#91) Co-authored-by: Ubuntu 20-04-02-amd64 <brett\> * Update updated launch command * Wait topic message client behavior (#81) * base for the sm_aws_aarehouse navigation * progressing in aws navigation * minor * several core improvements during navigation testing * formatting improvements * progress in aws navigation demo * format improvements * format improvements * more on navigation * new feature, cb_wait_topic_message: asynchronous client behavior that waits a topic message and optionally checks its contents to success * formatting * attempting precommit fixes Co-authored-by: Ubuntu 20-04-02-amd64 <brett\> Co-authored-by: Denis Štogl <destogl\> * Feature/wait nav2 nodes client behavior (#82) * base for the sm_aws_aarehouse navigation * progressing in aws navigation * minor * several core improvements during navigation testing * formatting improvements * progress in aws navigation demo * format improvements * format improvements * more on navigation * new feature, cb_wait_topic_message: asynchronous client behavior that waits a topic message and optionally checks its contents to success * formatting * adding new client behavior add for nav2, wait nav2 nodes subscribing to the /bond topic and waiting they are alive. you optionally can select the nodes to wait * Correct all linters and formaters. Co-authored-by: Denis Štogl <denis\> Co-authored-by: Denis Štogl <destogl\> * Feature/aws demo progress (#92) * base for the sm_aws_aarehouse navigation * progressing in aws navigation * minor * several core improvements during navigation testing * formatting improvements * progress in aws navigation demo * format improvements * format improvements * more on navigation * new feature, cb_wait_topic_message: asynchronous client behavior that waits a topic message and optionally checks its contents to success * formatting * adding new client behavior add for nav2, wait nav2 nodes subscribing to the /bond topic and waiting they are alive. you optionally can select the nodes to wait * progress in aws navigation demo * minor format * Feature/sm dance bot fixes (#93) * base for the sm_aws_aarehouse navigation * progressing in aws navigation * minor * several core improvements during navigation testing * formatting improvements * progress in aws navigation demo * format improvements * format improvements * more on navigation * new feature, cb_wait_topic_message: asynchronous client behavior that waits a topic message and optionally checks its contents to success * formatting * adding new client behavior add for nav2, wait nav2 nodes subscribing to the /bond topic and waiting they are alive. you optionally can select the nodes to wait * progress in aws navigation demo * minor format * navigation parameters fixes on sm_dance_bot * minor format * Feature/sm aws warehouse (#94) * base for the sm_aws_aarehouse navigation * progressing in aws navigation * minor * several core improvements during navigation testing * formatting improvements * progress in aws navigation demo * format improvements * format improvements * more on navigation * new feature, cb_wait_topic_message: asynchronous client behavior that waits a topic message and optionally checks its contents to success * formatting * adding new client behavior add for nav2, wait nav2 nodes subscribing to the /bond topic and waiting they are alive. you optionally can select the nodes to wait * progress in aws navigation demo * minor format * merge and progress * fix format * Feature/sm dance bot fixes (#95) * base for the sm_aws_aarehouse navigation * progressing in aws navigation * minor * several core improvements during navigation testing * formatting improvements * progress in aws navigation demo * format improvements * format improvements * more on navigation * new feature, cb_wait_topic_message: asynchronous client behavior that waits a topic message and optionally checks its contents to success * formatting * adding new client behavior add for nav2, wait nav2 nodes subscribing to the /bond topic and waiting they are alive. you optionally can select the nodes to wait * progress in aws navigation demo * minor format * navigation parameters fixes on sm_dance_bot * minor format * minor * minor format * Remove some compile warnings. (#96) * Feature/cb pause slam (#98) * base for the sm_aws_aarehouse navigation * progressing in aws navigation * minor * several core improvements during navigation testing * formatting improvements * progress in aws navigation demo * format improvements * format improvements * more on navigation * new feature, cb_wait_topic_message: asynchronous client behavior that waits a topic message and optionally checks its contents to success * formatting * adding new client behavior add for nav2, wait nav2 nodes subscribing to the /bond topic and waiting they are alive. you optionally can select the nodes to wait * progress in aws navigation demo * minor format * navigation parameters fixes on sm_dance_bot * minor format * minor * formatting * cb pause slam client behavior * sm_dance_bot_lite (#99) * sm_dance_bot_lite * precommit * Updates yaml Co-authored-by: Ubuntu 20-04-02-amd64 <brett\> * Rename doxygen deployment workflow (#100) * minor hotfix * sm_dance_bot visualizing turtlebot3 (#101) * Feature/dance bot launch gz lidar choice (#102) * sm_dance_bot visualizing turtlebot3 * cleaning and lidar show/hide option * cleaning files and making formatting work * more fixes * Feature/sm dance bot lite gazebo fixes (#104) * sm_dance_bot visualizing turtlebot3 * cleaning and lidar show/hide option * cleaning files and making formatting work * more fixes * gazebo fixes, to show the robot and the lidar * format fixes * sm_multi_stage_1 doubling (#103) Co-authored-by: Ubuntu 20-04-02-amd64 <brett\> * Feature/sm dance bot strikes back gazebo fixes (#105) * sm_dance_bot visualizing turtlebot3 * cleaning and lidar show/hide option * cleaning files and making formatting work * more fixes * gazebo fixes, to show the robot and the lidar * format fixes * gazebo fixes for sm_dance_bot_strikes_back * precommit cleanup run (#106) Co-authored-by: Ubuntu 20-04-02-amd64 <brett\> * aws demo (#108) * aws demo * format * got sm_multi_stage_1 working (barely) (#109) Co-authored-by: Ubuntu 20-04-02-amd64 <brett\> * Brettpac branch (#110) * got sm_multi_stage_1 working (barely) * gaining traction sm_multi_stage_1 * more * don't remember * making progress * More * keep hammering * two stages * 3 part * 4th stage Co-authored-by: Ubuntu 20-04-02-amd64 <brett\> * Brettpac branch (#111) * got sm_multi_stage_1 working (barely) * gaining traction sm_multi_stage_1 * more * don't remember * making progress * More * keep hammering * two stages * 3 part * 4th stage * 5th stage Co-authored-by: Ubuntu 20-04-02-amd64 <brett\> * a3 (#113) Co-authored-by: Ubuntu 20-04-02-amd64 <brett\> * Remove neo_simulation2 package. (#112) * Remove neo_simulation2 package. * Correct formatting. * Enable source build on PR for testing. * Adjust build packages of source CI * more sm_multi_stage_1 (#114) Co-authored-by: Ubuntu 20-04-02-amd64 <brett\> * mm (#115) Co-authored-by: Ubuntu 20-04-02-amd64 <brett\> * diverse improvements navigation and performance (#116) * diverse improvements navigation and performance * minor Co-authored-by: pabloinigoblasco <pablo\> * Feature/diverse improvemets navigation performance (#117) * diverse improvements navigation and performance * minor * additional linting and formatting * Remove merge markers from a python file. (#119) * Feature/slam toggle and smacc deep history (#122) * progress in navigation, slam toggle client behaviors and slam_toolbox components. Also smacc2::deep_history syntax * going forward in testing sm_dance_bot introducing slam pausing/resuming funcionality * feature/more_sm_dance_bot_fixes * minor format * minor (#124) Co-authored-by: Ubuntu 20-04-02-amd64 <brett\> * more changes in sm_dance_bot (#125) * Move method after the method it calls. Otherwise recursion could happen. (#126) * Feature/dance bot s pattern (#128) * more changes in sm_dance_bot * polishing sm_dance_bot and s-pattern * noticed typo Finnaly > Finally * Feature/dance bot s pattern (#129) * more changes in sm_dance_bot * polishing sm_dance_bot and s-pattern * more refinement in sm_dance_bot * First working version of sm template and template generator. (#127) * minor tweaks (#130) Co-authored-by: Ubuntu 20-04-02-amd64 <brett\> * Feature/sm dance bot refine (#131) * more changes in sm_dance_bot * minor * Feature/sm dance bot refine 2 (#132) * more changes in sm_dance_bot * minor * build fix * waypoints navigator bug (#133) * minor tuning to mitigate overshot issue cases * progress in the sm_dance_bot tests (#135) * some more progress on markers cleanup * minor format issues (#134) * sm_dance_bot_lite (#136) Co-authored-by: Ubuntu 20-04-02-amd64 <brett\> * Resolve compile wanings (#137) * Add SM core test (#138) * minor navigation improvements (#141) * using local action msgs (#139) * using local action msgs * removing sm_dance_bot_msgs * pending references * Feature/nav2z renaming (#144) * using local action msgs * removing sm_dance_bot_msgs * pending references * navigation 2 stack renaming * formatting * added SVGs to READMEs of atomic, dance_bot, and others (#140) * added remaining SVGs to READMEs (#145) * added remaining SVGs to READMEs * precommit cleanup * Update package list. (#142) * removing parameters smacc (#147) * removing parameters smacc * workflows update * workflow * Noticed launch command was incorrect in fixed launch command for sm_dance_bot_strikes_back and removed some comments I had made in the past. * Fix CI: format fix python version (#148) * Add SM Atomic SM generator. (#143) * Remove node creation and create only a logger. (#149) * Rolling Docker environment to be executed from any environment (#154) * Feature/sm dance bot strikes back refactoring (#152) Co-authored-by: DecDury <declandury\> Co-authored-by: Denis Štogl <destogl\> * slight waypoint 4 and iterations changes so robot can complete course (#155) * Feature/migration moveit client (#151) * initial migration to smacc2 * fixing some errors introduced on formatting * missing dependency * fixing some more linting warnings * minor * removing test from main moveit cmake * test ur5 * progressing in the moveit migration testing * updating format * adding .reps dependencies and also fixing some build errors * repos dependency * adding dependency to ur5 client * docker refactoring * minor * progress on move_it PR * minor dockerfile test workaround * improving dockerfile for building local tests * minor * fixing compiling issues * update readme (#164) * update readme * more readme updates * more Co-authored-by: Ubuntu 20-04-02-amd64 <brett\> * initial state machine transition timestamp (#165) * moved reference library SMs to smacc2_performance_tools (#166) * moved reference library SMs to smacc2_performance_tools * pre-commit cleanup * Add QOS durability to SmaccPublisherClient (#163) * feat: add qos durability to SmaccPublisherClient * fix: add a missing colon * refactor: remove line * feat: add reliability qos config * Feature/testing moveit behaviors (#167) * more testing on moveit * progress on moveit * more testing on moveit behaviors * minor configuration * fixing pipeline error * fixing broken master build * sm_pubsub_1 (#169) Co-authored-by: Ubuntu 20-04-02-amd64 <brett\> * sm_pubsub_1 part 2 (#170) * sm_pubsub_1 part 2 * sm_pubsub_1 part 2 Co-authored-by: Ubuntu 20-04-02-amd64 <brett\> * sm_advanced_recovery_1 renaming (#171) Co-authored-by: Ubuntu 20-04-02-amd64 <brett\> * sm_multi_stage_1 reworking (#172) * multistage modes * sm_multi_stage sequences * sm_multi_state_1 steps * sm_multi_stage_1 sequence d * sm_multi_stage_1 c sequence * mode_5_sequence_b * mode_4_sequence_b * sm_multi_stage_1 most * finishing touches 1 * readme Co-authored-by: Ubuntu 20-04-02-amd64 <brett\> * Feature/aws navigation sm dance bot (#174) * repo dependency * husky launch file in sm_dance_bot * Add dependencies for husky simulation. * Fix formatting. * Update dependencies for husky in rolling and galactic. * minor * progress on aws navigation and some other refactorings on navigation clients and behaviors * more on aws demo * fixing broken build * minor Co-authored-by: Denis Štogl <denis\> Co-authored-by: Denis Štogl <destogl\> * minor changes (#175) * warehouse2 (#177) * Waypoint Inputs (#178) Co-authored-by: Ubuntu 20-04-02-amd64 <brett\> * wharehouse2 progress (#179) * format (#180) * sm_dance_bot_warehouse_3 (#181) Co-authored-by: Ubuntu 20-04-02-amd64 <brett\> * Feature/sm warehouse 2 13 dec 2 (#182) * format * more changes and headless * merge * headless and other fixes * default values * Brettpac branch (#184) * sm_dance_bot_warehouse_3 * Redoing sm_dance_bot_warehouse_3 waypoints * More Waypoints Co-authored-by: Ubuntu 20-04-02-amd64 <brett\> * SrConditional fixes and formatting (#168) * fix: some formatting and templating on SrConditional * fix: move trigger logic into headers * fix: lint * Feature/wharehouse2 dec 14 (#185) * warehouse2 * minor * Feature/sm warehouse 2 13 dec 2 (#186) * format * more changes and headless * merge * headless and other fixes * default values * minor * finetuning waypoints (#187) Co-authored-by: Ubuntu 20-04-02-amd64 <brett\> * Feature/cb pure spinning (#188) * format * more changes and headless * merge * headless and other fixes * default values * minor * Feature/cb pure spinning (#189) * format * more changes and headless * merge * headless and other fixes * default values * minor * pure spinning behavior missing files * minor changes (#190) * Feature/planner changes 16 12 (#191) * minor changes * more fixes * minor * minor * Feature/replanning 16 dec (#193) * minor changes * replanning for all our examples * several fixes (#194) * minor changes (#195) * Feature/undo motion 20 12 (#196) * minor changes * replanning for all our examples * improving undo motion navigation warehouse2 * minor * tuning warehouse3 (#197) * Feature/undo motion 20 12 (#198) * minor changes * replanning for all our examples * improving undo motion navigation warehouse2 * minor * undo tuning and errors * format * Feature/sync 21 12 (#199) * minor changes * replanning for all our examples * format issues * Feature/warehouse2 22 12 (#200) * minor changes * replanning for all our examples * format issues * finishing warehouse2 * Feature/warehouse2 23 12 (#201) * minor changes * replanning for all our examples * tuning and fixes (#202) * Feature/minor tune (#203) * tuning and fixes * minor tune * fixing warehouse 3 problems, and other core improvements (#204) * fixing warehouse 3 problems, and other core improvements to remove dead lock, also making continuous integration green * weird moveit not downloaded repo * added missing file from warehouse2 (#205) * backport to foxy * minor format * minor linking errors foxy Co-authored-by: Denis Štogl <denis\> Co-authored-by: Denis Štogl <destogl\> Co-authored-by: Declan Dury <44791484+DecDury\> Co-authored-by: DecDury <declandury\> Co-authored-by: reelrbtx <brett2\> Co-authored-by: brettpac <brett\> Co-authored-by: David Revay <MrBlenny\> * missing * missing sm * updating subscriber publisher components * progress in autowarrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrre machine * refining cp subscriber cp publisher * improvements in smacc core adding more components mostly developed for autoware demo * autoware demo * missing * foxy ci * fix * minor broken build * some reordering fixes * minor * docker files for different revisions, warnings removval and more testing on navigation * fixing docker for foxy and galactic * docker build files for all versions * barrel demo * barrel search build fix and warehouse3 * fixing startup problems in warehouse 3 * fixing format and minor * minor * progress in barrel husky * minor * barrel demo * minor * barrel search updates * making models local * red picuup * multiple controllable leds plugin * progress in husky demo * progressing in husky demo * improving navigation behaviors * more merge Co-authored-by: Denis Štogl <denis\> Co-authored-by: Denis Štogl <destogl\> Co-authored-by: Declan Dury <44791484+DecDury\> Co-authored-by: DecDury <declandury\> Co-authored-by: reelrbtx <brett2\> Co-authored-by: brettpac <brett\> Co-authored-by: David Revay <MrBlenny\> Co-authored-by: pabloinigoblasco <pabloinigoblasco\> * Feature/docker improvements march 2022 (#235) * minor changes * replanning for all our examples * backport to foxy * minor format * minor linking errors foxy * Foxy backport (#206) * minor formatting fixes * Fix trailing spaces. * Correct codespell. * Correct python linters warnings. * Add galactic CI build because Navigation2 is broken in rolling. * Add partial changes for ament_cpplint. * Add tf2_ros as dependency to find include. * Disable ament_cpplint. * Disable some packages and update workflows. * Bump ccache version. * Ignore further packages * Satisfy ament_lint_cmake * Add missing licences. * Disable cpplint and cppcheck linters. * Correct formatters. * branching example * Disable disabled packages * Update ci-build-source.yml * Change extension * Change extension of imports. * Enable cppcheck * Correct formatting of python file. * Included necessary package and edited Threesome launch Changed... ros2 launch sm_three_some sm_three_some to ros2 launch sm_three_some sm_three_some.launch Added: First ensure you have the necessary package installed. ]{.title-ref}sudo apt-get install ros-rolling-ros2trace` Then run this command.

    • Rename header files and correct format.
    • Add workflow for checking doc build.
    • Update doxygen-check-build.yml
    • Create doxygen-deploy.yml
    • Use manual deployment for now.
    • Create workflow for testing prerelease builds
    • Use docs/ as source folder for documentation
    • Use docs/ as output directory.
    • Rename to smacc2 and smacc2_msgs
    • Correct GitHub branch reference.
    • Update name of package and package.xml to pass liter.
    • Execute on master update
    • Reset all versions to 0.0.0
    • Ignore all packages except smacc2 and smacc2_msgs
    • Update changelogs
    • 0.1.0

    * Revert "Ignore all packages except smacc2 and smacc2_msgs" This reverts commit f603166a4b3ccdfe96c64d9f9fb9d8b49fbf0e61.

    • Update description table.
    • Update table
    • Copy initial docs

    * Dockerfile w/ ROS distro as argument use this command "sudo docker build --build-arg ROS2_DISTRO=(desiredRosTag) (directoryHoldingDockerfile)/"

    • Opened new folder for additional tracing contents
    • Delete tracing directory
    • Moved to tracing directory

    * added Installs necessary packages and configures tracing group. * Removed manual installation of ros-rolling-ros2trace This is now automated in location of sh file assumed if user follows under "Getting started"

    • Created alternative ManualTracing
    • added new sm markdowns
    • added a dockerfile for Rolling and Galactic

    * Update smacc2_ci/docker/ros_rollingAndGalactic_ubuntu_20.04/ Co-authored-by: Denis Štogl <<>> * Update tracing/ Co-authored-by: Denis Štogl <<>> * changed wording "smacc application" to "SMACC2 library" Co-authored-by: Denis Štogl <<>> * Update smacc_sm_reference_library/sm_atomic/ edit from html to markdown syntax Co-authored-by: Denis Štogl <<>>

    • reactivating smacc2 nav clients for rolling via submodules
    • renamed tracing events after
    • bug in smacc2 component
    • reverted markdowns to html
    • added README tutorial for Dockerfile
    • additional cleanup
    • cleanup
    • cleanup
    • edited to reflect new tracing event names
    • Enable build of missing rolling repositories.
    • Enable Navigation2 for semi-binary build.
    • Remove galactic builds from master and kepp only rolling. Remove submodules and use .repos file
    • updated mentions of SMACC/ROS to SMACC2/ROS2
    • some progress on navigation rolling
    • renamed folders, deleted, edited
    • added smacc2_performance_tools
    • performance tests improvements
    • more on performance and other issues
    • sm_respira_1 format cleanup
    • sm_respira_1 format cleanup pre-commit
    • sm_respira_test_2
    • sm_respira_test_2
    • more changes on performance tests
    • Do not execute clang-format on smacc2_sm_reference_library package.
    • sm_reference_library reformatting
    • Correct trailing spaces.
    • sm_atomic_24hr
    • sm_atomic_performance_trace_1
    • Update smacc2_rta command across readmes
    • Clean up of sm_atomic_24hr
    • more sm_atomic_24hr cleanup
    • Optimized deps in move_base_z_planners_common.
    • Renaming of event generator library
    • minor formatting
    • Add galactic CI setup and rename rolling files. (#58)
    • Fix source CI and correct README overview. (#62)
    • Update c_cpp_properties.json

    * changed launch command to ros2 launch sm_respira_1 sm_respira_1.launch (#69) also noticed a note I had made while producing these that was not removed * update doxygen links (#70) Co-authored-by: Ubuntu 20-04-02-amd64 <<>> * More Readme Updates (#72) Co-authored-by: Ubuntu 20-04-02-amd64 <<>> * More Readme (#74) Co-authored-by: Ubuntu 20-04-02-amd64 <<>>

    • created new sm from sm_respira_1 (#76)
    • Feature/core and navigation fixes (#78)
    • base for the sm_aws_aarehouse navigation
    • progressing in aws navigation
    • minor
    • several core improvements during navigation testing
    • formatting improvements
    • progress in aws navigation demo
    • format improvements
    • Feature/aws demo progress (#80)
    • base for the sm_aws_aarehouse navigation
    • progressing in aws navigation
    • minor
    • several core improvements during navigation testing
    • formatting improvements
    • progress in aws navigation demo
    • format improvements
    • format improvements
    • more on navigation
    • sm_advanced_recovery_1 reworked (#83)
    • sm_advanced_recovery_1 reworked
    • fix pre-commit

    * Trying to fix Pre-Commit Co-authored-by: Ubuntu 20-04-02-amd64 <<>> * more sm_advanced_recovery_1 (#84) Co-authored-by: Ubuntu 20-04-02-amd64 <<>> * More sm_advanced_recovery_1 work (#85) Co-authored-by: Ubuntu 20-04-02-amd64 <<>> * sm_advanced_recovery_1 round 4 (#86) Co-authored-by: Ubuntu 20-04-02-amd64 <<>>

    • Brettpac branch (#87)
    • sm_atomic_performance_test_a_2

    * sm_atomic_performance_test_a_1 Co-authored-by: Ubuntu 20-04-02-amd64 <<>> * sm_atomic_performance_test_c_1 (#88) Co-authored-by: Ubuntu 20-04-02-amd64 <<>> * modifying sm_atomic_performance_test_a_2 (#89) Co-authored-by: Ubuntu 20-04-02-amd64 <<>>

    • sm_multi_stage_1 (#90)
    • sm_multi_stage_1

    * fixing precommit Co-authored-by: Ubuntu 20-04-02-amd64 <<>> * more sm_multi_stage_1 (#91) Co-authored-by: Ubuntu 20-04-02-amd64 <<>> * Update updated launch command

    • Wait topic message client behavior (#81)
    • base for the sm_aws_aarehouse navigation
    • progressing in aws navigation
    • minor
    • several core improvements during navigation testing
    • formatting improvements
    • progress in aws navigation demo
    • format improvements
    • format improvements
    • more on navigation
    • new feature, cb_wait_topic_message: asynchronous client behavior that waits a topic message and optionally checks its contents to success
    • formatting

    * attempting precommit fixes Co-authored-by: Ubuntu 20-04-02-amd64 <<>> Co-authored-by: Denis Štogl <<>>

    • Feature/wait nav2 nodes client behavior (#82)
    • base for the sm_aws_aarehouse navigation
    • progressing in aws navigation
    • minor
    • several core improvements during navigation testing
    • formatting improvements
    • progress in aws navigation demo
    • format improvements
    • format improvements
    • more on navigation
    • new feature, cb_wait_topic_message: asynchronous client behavior that waits a topic message and optionally checks its contents to success
    • formatting
    • adding new client behavior add for nav2, wait nav2 nodes subscribing to the /bond topic and waiting they are alive. you optionally can select the nodes to wait

    * Correct all linters and formaters. Co-authored-by: Denis Štogl <<>> Co-authored-by: Denis Štogl <<>>

    • Feature/aws demo progress (#92)
    • base for the sm_aws_aarehouse navigation
    • progressing in aws navigation
    • minor
    • several core improvements during navigation testing
    • formatting improvements
    • progress in aws navigation demo
    • format improvements
    • format improvements
    • more on navigation
    • new feature, cb_wait_topic_message: asynchronous client behavior that waits a topic message and optionally checks its contents to success
    • formatting
    • adding new client behavior add for nav2, wait nav2 nodes subscribing to the /bond topic and waiting they are alive. you optionally can select the nodes to wait
    • progress in aws navigation demo
    • minor format
    • Feature/sm dance bot fixes (#93)
    • base for the sm_aws_aarehouse navigation
    • progressing in aws navigation
    • minor
    • several core improvements during navigation testing
    • formatting improvements
    • progress in aws navigation demo
    • format improvements
    • format improvements
    • more on navigation
    • new feature, cb_wait_topic_message: asynchronous client behavior that waits a topic message and optionally checks its contents to success
    • formatting
    • adding new client behavior add for nav2, wait nav2 nodes subscribing to the /bond topic and waiting they are alive. you optionally can select the nodes to wait
    • progress in aws navigation demo
    • minor format
    • navigation parameters fixes on sm_dance_bot
    • minor format
    • Feature/sm aws warehouse (#94)
    • base for the sm_aws_aarehouse navigation
    • progressing in aws navigation
    • minor
    • several core improvements during navigation testing
    • formatting improvements
    • progress in aws navigation demo
    • format improvements
    • format improvements
    • more on navigation
    • new feature, cb_wait_topic_message: asynchronous client behavior that waits a topic message and optionally checks its contents to success
    • formatting
    • adding new client behavior add for nav2, wait nav2 nodes subscribing to the /bond topic and waiting they are alive. you optionally can select the nodes to wait
    • progress in aws navigation demo
    • minor format
    • merge and progress
    • fix format
    • Feature/sm dance bot fixes (#95)
    • base for the sm_aws_aarehouse navigation
    • progressing in aws navigation
    • minor
    • several core improvements during navigation testing
    • formatting improvements
    • progress in aws navigation demo
    • format improvements
    • format improvements
    • more on navigation
    • new feature, cb_wait_topic_message: asynchronous client behavior that waits a topic message and optionally checks its contents to success
    • formatting
    • adding new client behavior add for nav2, wait nav2 nodes subscribing to the /bond topic and waiting they are alive. you optionally can select the nodes to wait
    • progress in aws navigation demo
    • minor format
    • navigation parameters fixes on sm_dance_bot
    • minor format
    • minor
    • minor format
    • Remove some compile warnings. (#96)
    • Feature/cb pause slam (#98)
    • base for the sm_aws_aarehouse navigation
    • progressing in aws navigation
    • minor
    • several core improvements during navigation testing
    • formatting improvements
    • progress in aws navigation demo
    • format improvements
    • format improvements
    • more on navigation
    • new feature, cb_wait_topic_message: asynchronous client behavior that waits a topic message and optionally checks its contents to success
    • formatting
    • adding new client behavior add for nav2, wait nav2 nodes subscribing to the /bond topic and waiting they are alive. you optionally can select the nodes to wait
    • progress in aws navigation demo
    • minor format
    • navigation parameters fixes on sm_dance_bot
    • minor format
    • minor
    • formatting
    • cb pause slam client behavior
    • sm_dance_bot_lite (#99)
    • sm_dance_bot_lite
    • precommit

    * Updates yaml Co-authored-by: Ubuntu 20-04-02-amd64 <<>>

    • Rename doxygen deployment workflow (#100)
    • minor hotfix
    • sm_dance_bot visualizing turtlebot3 (#101)
    • Feature/dance bot launch gz lidar choice (#102)
    • sm_dance_bot visualizing turtlebot3
    • cleaning and lidar show/hide option
    • cleaning files and making formatting work
    • more fixes
    • Feature/sm dance bot lite gazebo fixes (#104)
    • sm_dance_bot visualizing turtlebot3
    • cleaning and lidar show/hide option
    • cleaning files and making formatting work
    • more fixes
    • gazebo fixes, to show the robot and the lidar
    • format fixes

    * sm_multi_stage_1 doubling (#103) Co-authored-by: Ubuntu 20-04-02-amd64 <<>>

    • Feature/sm dance bot strikes back gazebo fixes (#105)
    • sm_dance_bot visualizing turtlebot3
    • cleaning and lidar show/hide option
    • cleaning files and making formatting work
    • more fixes
    • gazebo fixes, to show the robot and the lidar
    • format fixes
    • gazebo fixes for sm_dance_bot_strikes_back

    * precommit cleanup run (#106) Co-authored-by: Ubuntu 20-04-02-amd64 <<>>

    • aws demo (#108)
    • aws demo
    • format

    * got sm_multi_stage_1 working (barely) (#109) Co-authored-by: Ubuntu 20-04-02-amd64 <<>>

    • Brettpac branch (#110)
    • got sm_multi_stage_1 working (barely)
    • gaining traction sm_multi_stage_1
    • more
    • don't remember
    • making progress
    • More
    • keep hammering
    • two stages
    • 3 part

    * 4th stage Co-authored-by: Ubuntu 20-04-02-amd64 <<>>

    • Brettpac branch (#111)
    • got sm_multi_stage_1 working (barely)
    • gaining traction sm_multi_stage_1
    • more
    • don't remember
    • making progress
    • More
    • keep hammering
    • two stages
    • 3 part
    • 4th stage

    * 5th stage Co-authored-by: Ubuntu 20-04-02-amd64 <<>> * a3 (#113) Co-authored-by: Ubuntu 20-04-02-amd64 <<>>

    • Remove neo_simulation2 package. (#112)
    • Remove neo_simulation2 package.
    • Correct formatting.
    • Enable source build on PR for testing.
    • Adjust build packages of source CI

    * more sm_multi_stage_1 (#114) Co-authored-by: Ubuntu 20-04-02-amd64 <<>> * mm (#115) Co-authored-by: Ubuntu 20-04-02-amd64 <<>>

    • diverse improvements navigation and performance (#116)
    • diverse improvements navigation and performance

    * minor Co-authored-by: pabloinigoblasco <<>>

    • Feature/diverse improvemets navigation performance (#117)
    • diverse improvements navigation and performance
    • minor
    • additional linting and formatting
    • Remove merge markers from a python file. (#119)
    • Feature/slam toggle and smacc deep history (#122)
    • progress in navigation, slam toggle client behaviors and slam_toolbox components. Also smacc2::deep_history syntax
    • going forward in testing sm_dance_bot introducing slam pausing/resuming funcionality
    • feature/more_sm_dance_bot_fixes
    • minor format

    * minor (#124) Co-authored-by: Ubuntu 20-04-02-amd64 <<>>

    • more changes in sm_dance_bot (#125)
    • Move method after the method it calls. Otherwise recursion could happen. (#126)
    • Feature/dance bot s pattern (#128)
    • more changes in sm_dance_bot
    • polishing sm_dance_bot and s-pattern

    * noticed typo Finnaly > Finally

    • Feature/dance bot s pattern (#129)
    • more changes in sm_dance_bot
    • polishing sm_dance_bot and s-pattern
    • more refinement in sm_dance_bot
    • First working version of sm template and template generator. (#127)

    * minor tweaks (#130) Co-authored-by: Ubuntu 20-04-02-amd64 <<>>

    • Feature/sm dance bot refine (#131)
    • more changes in sm_dance_bot
    • minor
    • Feature/sm dance bot refine 2 (#132)
    • more changes in sm_dance_bot
    • minor
    • build fix
    • waypoints navigator bug (#133)
    • minor tuning to mitigate overshot issue cases
    • progress in the sm_dance_bot tests (#135)
    • some more progress on markers cleanup
    • minor format issues (#134)

    * sm_dance_bot_lite (#136) Co-authored-by: Ubuntu 20-04-02-amd64 <<>>

    • Resolve compile wanings (#137)
    • Add SM core test (#138)
    • minor navigation improvements (#141)
    • using local action msgs (#139)
    • using local action msgs
    • removing sm_dance_bot_msgs
    • pending references
    • Feature/nav2z renaming (#144)
    • using local action msgs
    • removing sm_dance_bot_msgs
    • pending references
    • navigation 2 stack renaming
    • formatting
    • added SVGs to READMEs of atomic, dance_bot, and others (#140)
    • added remaining SVGs to READMEs (#145)
    • added remaining SVGs to READMEs
    • precommit cleanup
    • Update package list. (#142)
    • removing parameters smacc (#147)
    • removing parameters smacc
    • workflows update
    • workflow

    * Noticed launch command was incorrect in fixed launch command for sm_dance_bot_strikes_back and removed some comments I had made in the past.

    • Fix CI: format fix python version (#148)
    • Add SM Atomic SM generator. (#143)
    • Remove node creation and create only a logger. (#149)
    • Rolling Docker environment to be executed from any environment (#154)

    * Feature/sm dance bot strikes back refactoring (#152) Co-authored-by: DecDury <<>> Co-authored-by: Denis Štogl <<>>

    • slight waypoint 4 and iterations changes so robot can complete course (#155)
    • Feature/migration moveit client (#151)
    • initial migration to smacc2
    • fixing some errors introduced on formatting
    • missing dependency
    • fixing some more linting warnings
    • minor
    • removing test from main moveit cmake
    • test ur5
    • progressing in the moveit migration testing
    • updating format
    • adding .reps dependencies and also fixing some build errors
    • repos dependency
    • adding dependency to ur5 client
    • docker refactoring
    • minor
    • progress on move_it PR
    • minor dockerfile test workaround
    • improving dockerfile for building local tests
    • minor
    • fixing compiling issues
    • update readme (#164)
    • update readme
    • more readme updates

    * more Co-authored-by: Ubuntu 20-04-02-amd64 <<>>

    • initial state machine transition timestamp (#165)
    • moved reference library SMs to smacc2_performance_tools (#166)
    • moved reference library SMs to smacc2_performance_tools
    • pre-commit cleanup
    • Add QOS durability to SmaccPublisherClient (#163)
    • feat: add qos durability to SmaccPublisherClient
    • fix: add a missing colon
    • refactor: remove line
    • feat: add reliability qos config
    • Feature/testing moveit behaviors (#167)
    • more testing on moveit
    • progress on moveit
    • more testing on moveit behaviors
    • minor configuration
    • fixing pipeline error
    • fixing broken master build

    * sm_pubsub_1 (#169) Co-authored-by: Ubuntu 20-04-02-amd64 <<>>

    • sm_pubsub_1 part 2 (#170)
    • sm_pubsub_1 part 2

    * sm_pubsub_1 part 2 Co-authored-by: Ubuntu 20-04-02-amd64 <<>> * sm_advanced_recovery_1 renaming (#171) Co-authored-by: Ubuntu 20-04-02-amd64 <<>>

    • sm_multi_stage_1 reworking (#172)
    • multistage modes
    • sm_multi_stage sequences
    • sm_multi_state_1 steps
    • sm_multi_stage_1 sequence d
    • sm_multi_stage_1 c sequence
    • mode_5_sequence_b
    • mode_4_sequence_b
    • sm_multi_stage_1 most
    • finishing touches 1

    * readme Co-authored-by: Ubuntu 20-04-02-amd64 <<>>

    • Feature/aws navigation sm dance bot (#174)
    • repo dependency
    • husky launch file in sm_dance_bot
    • Add dependencies for husky simulation.
    • Fix formatting.
    • Update dependencies for husky in rolling and galactic.
    • minor
    • progress on aws navigation and some other refactorings on navigation clients and behaviors
    • more on aws demo
    • fixing broken build

    * minor Co-authored-by: Denis Štogl <<>> Co-authored-by: Denis Štogl <<>>

    • minor changes (#175)
    • warehouse2 (#177)

    * Waypoint Inputs (#178) Co-authored-by: Ubuntu 20-04-02-amd64 <<>>

    • wharehouse2 progress (#179)
    • format (#180)

    * sm_dance_bot_warehouse_3 (#181) Co-authored-by: Ubuntu 20-04-02-amd64 <<>>

    • Feature/sm warehouse 2 13 dec 2 (#182)
    • format
    • more changes and headless
    • merge
    • headless and other fixes
    • default values
    • Brettpac branch (#184)
    • sm_dance_bot_warehouse_3
    • Redoing sm_dance_bot_warehouse_3 waypoints

    * More Waypoints Co-authored-by: Ubuntu 20-04-02-amd64 <<>>

    • SrConditional fixes and formatting (#168)
    • fix: some formatting and templating on SrConditional
    • fix: move trigger logic into headers
    • fix: lint
    • Feature/wharehouse2 dec 14 (#185)
    • warehouse2
    • minor
    • Feature/sm warehouse 2 13 dec 2 (#186)
    • format
    • more changes and headless
    • merge
    • headless and other fixes
    • default values
    • minor

    * finetuning waypoints (#187) Co-authored-by: Ubuntu 20-04-02-amd64 <<>>

    • Feature/cb pure spinning (#188)
    • format
    • more changes and headless
    • merge
    • headless and other fixes
    • default values
    • minor
    • Feature/cb pure spinning (#189)
    • format
    • more changes and headless
    • merge
    • headless and other fixes
    • default values
    • minor
    • pure spinning behavior missing files
    • minor changes (#190)
    • Feature/planner changes 16 12 (#191)
    • minor changes
    • more fixes
    • minor
    • minor
    • Feature/replanning 16 dec (#193)
    • minor changes
    • replanning for all our examples
    • several fixes (#194)
    • minor changes (#195)
    • Feature/undo motion 20 12 (#196)
    • minor changes
    • replanning for all our examples
    • improving undo motion navigation warehouse2
    • minor
    • tuning warehouse3 (#197)
    • Feature/undo motion 20 12 (#198)
    • minor changes
    • replanning for all our examples
    • improving undo motion navigation warehouse2
    • minor
    • undo tuning and errors
    • format
    • Feature/sync 21 12 (#199)
    • minor changes
    • replanning for all our examples
    • format issues
    • Feature/warehouse2 22 12 (#200)
    • minor changes
    • replanning for all our examples
    • format issues
    • finishing warehouse2
    • Feature/warehouse2 23 12 (#201)
    • minor changes
    • replanning for all our examples
    • tuning and fixes (#202)
    • Feature/minor tune (#203)
    • tuning and fixes
    • minor tune
    • fixing warehouse 3 problems, and other core improvements (#204)
    • fixing warehouse 3 problems, and other core improvements to remove dead lock, also making continuous integration green
    • weird moveit not downloaded repo
    • added missing file from warehouse2 (#205)
    • backport to foxy
    • minor format

    * minor linking errors foxy Co-authored-by: Denis Štogl <<>> Co-authored-by: Denis Štogl <<>> Co-authored-by: Declan Dury <<>> Co-authored-by: DecDury <<>> Co-authored-by: reelrbtx <<>> Co-authored-by: brettpac <<>> Co-authored-by: David Revay <<>>

    • missing
    • missing sm
    • updating subscriber publisher components
    • progress in autowarrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrre machine
    • refining cp subscriber cp publisher
    • improvements in smacc core adding more components mostly developed for autoware demo
    • autoware demo
    • missing
    • foxy ci
    • fix
    • minor broken build
    • some reordering fixes
    • minor
    • docker files for different revisions, warnings removval and more testing on navigation
    • fixing docker for foxy and galactic
    • docker build files for all versions
    • barrel demo
    • barrel search build fix and warehouse3
    • fixing startup problems in warehouse 3
    • fixing format and minor
    • minor
    • progress in barrel husky
    • minor
    • barrel demo
    • minor
    • barrel search updates
    • making models local
    • red picuup
    • multiple controllable leds plugin
    • progress in husky demo
    • progressing in husky demo
    • improving navigation behaviors
    • more merge

    * docker improvements Co-authored-by: Denis Štogl <<>> Co-authored-by: Denis Štogl <<>> Co-authored-by: Declan Dury <<>> Co-authored-by: DecDury <<>> Co-authored-by: reelrbtx <<>> Co-authored-by: brettpac <<>> Co-authored-by: David Revay <<>> Co-authored-by: pabloinigoblasco <<>>

    • Use correct upstream .repos files for source builds (#243)
    • Correct mergify branch names (#246)

    * Correct name of source-build job and bump version of action (#242) (#247) Co-authored-by: Denis Štogl <<>> Co-authored-by: Pablo Iñigo Blasco <<>>

    • Update galactic source build job name (#250)

    * Galactic source build: update .repos file, bump action version and use correct version of upstream packages (backport #241) (#248) Co-authored-by: Denis Štogl <<>>

    • fixing rolling build (#239)
    • fixing rolling build
    • trying to fix dependencies
    • missing repo
    • fixing to focal by the moment
    • more fixing rolling build
    • minor
    • cache matrix rolling and source build package
    • minor
    • minor
    • missing repo
    • missing deps
    • fixing building issue
    • typo
    • fixing broken build
    • build fix
    • restoring workflow files (#252)
    • restoring files (#253)
    • Fix checkout branches for scheduled builds (#254)
    • correct checkout branch on scheduled build
    • Update foxy-source-build.yml
    • Feature/fixing husky build rolling (#257)
    • restoring files
    • making husky project build on rolling
    • Feature/fixing husky build rolling (#258)
    • restoring files
    • making husky project build on rolling
    • husky progress
    • Update (#262)
    • Feature/fixing ur demos (#261)
    • restoring files
    • fixes
    • Feature/fixing type string walker (#263)
    • restoring files
    • fixing type string walker threesome demo
    • Update (#266)
    • Update (#267)
    • Update (#268)
    • Significant update in Getting Started Instructions (#269)
    • Significant update in Getting Started Instructions

    * Remove trailing spaces. Co-authored-by: Denis Štogl <<>>

    • fixing ur demo (#273)
    • fix: initialise conditionFlag as false (#274)
    • multi-ur_sim
    • format and other changes
    • progress on the multi arm moveit
    • format issues
    • more fixes
    • more on multi-ur
    • minor
    • more progress
    • minor
    • testing ur5 2
    • progressing, two arms with roscontrol and moveit
    • fix: initialise conditionFlag as false (#274)

    * precommit fix (#280) I merge this in red for focal-rolling because it was already broken anyway and it is only a minor update of the precommit

    • urdf for ur to support namespaces
    • Ignore packages which should not be released.
    • Added changelogs.
    • 0.4.0

    * Revert "Ignore packages which should not be released." This reverts commit ee2cc86db3c0a24f9eb0a9e33217de3f7a691a1c.

    • Fix urls to (#284)
    • Fix foxy source build config to use repos file from foxy branch. (#285)
    • minor
    • removing other distribution files
    • more formatting fix
    • ros2 control gazebo repo dependency
    • minor
    • missing deps
    • FakeSystem is working.
    • minor
    • updating repos references
    • more progress
    • more progress on fake controllers
    • format minor
    • repos update
    • merging back galactic

    * Squashed commit of the following: commit b35cf1815ff9bc3cb193a45d5e99573332f3950c Author: brettpac <<>> Date: Thu May 19 00:05:46 2022 -0700 Update (#307) commit 3f19584680e1da2950327233e63a8054fcd09b5f Author: Denis Štogl <<>> Date: Wed May 18 23:57:44 2022 +0200 Update CI setup (#305) commit 809bbd5a46d712c0e30c064b2d24e9328ef94fd7 Author: Denis Štogl <<>> Date: Mon May 16 15:08:36 2022 +0200 Fixing CI because of ros2_control API changes. (#301) * Squashed commit of the following: commit 22035021a896e24d67cdf0e8eebd80f3e0d02dea Author: Pablo Iñigo Blasco <<>> Date: Fri May 27 00:23:25 2022 +0200 Feature/testing smacc rta inter context routes (#306)

    • Update galactic-binary-build.yml
    • Update glactic-semi-binary-build.yml
    • Delete glactic-semi-binary-build.yml
    • removing nav repos
    • testing is failing
    • sm_atomic_hierarchy
    • merge galactic

    * Squashed commit of the following: commit 6f8d60df16f024c52b93af3be2a3075ed2caffc3 Author: Pablo Iñigo Blasco <<>> Date: Fri May 27 00:09:15 2022 +0200 Packml example (#300)

    • initial commit of packml
    • progressing substate for start and execute
    • completing state
    • finishing state machine
    • minor
    • fixing break in packml
    • merging galactic
    • minor

    * Squashed commit of the following: commit d874d1882d3e779a6ccbc0a78bc752fd78d00367 Author: Pablo Iñigo Blasco <<>> Date: Thu May 26 23:36:56 2022 +0200 husky_improvements (#299)

    • husky_improvements
    • different planners profiles for navigation
    • getting changes from galactic
    • planner switcher
    • using galactic branch files
    • fixing breaking changes
    • minor fix
    • removing nav from source files

    * merge commit b35cf1815ff9bc3cb193a45d5e99573332f3950c Author: brettpac <<>> Date: Thu May 19 00:05:46 2022 -0700 Update (#307) commit 3f19584680e1da2950327233e63a8054fcd09b5f Author: Denis Štogl <<>> Date: Wed May 18 23:57:44 2022 +0200 Update CI setup (#305) commit 809bbd5a46d712c0e30c064b2d24e9328ef94fd7 Author: Denis Štogl <<>> Date: Mon May 16 15:08:36 2022 +0200 Fixing CI because of ros2_control API changes. (#301) Co-authored-by: Denis Štogl <<>> commit 6f8d60df16f024c52b93af3be2a3075ed2caffc3 Author: Pablo Iñigo Blasco <<>> Date: Fri May 27 00:09:15 2022 +0200 Packml example (#300)

    • initial commit of packml
    • progressing substate for start and execute
    • completing state
    • finishing state machine
    • minor
    • fixing break in packml
    • merging galactic
    • minor

    * Squashed commit of the following: commit d874d1882d3e779a6ccbc0a78bc752fd78d00367 Author: Pablo Iñigo Blasco <<>> Date: Thu May 26 23:36:56 2022 +0200 husky_improvements (#299)

    • husky_improvements
    • different planners profiles for navigation
    • getting changes from galactic
    • planner switcher
    • using galactic branch files
    • fixing breaking changes
    • minor fix
    • removing nav from source files

    * merge commit b35cf1815ff9bc3cb193a45d5e99573332f3950c Author: brettpac <<>> Date: Thu May 19 00:05:46 2022 -0700 Update (#307) commit 3f19584680e1da2950327233e63a8054fcd09b5f Author: Denis Štogl <<>> Date: Wed May 18 23:57:44 2022 +0200 Update CI setup (#305) commit 809bbd5a46d712c0e30c064b2d24e9328ef94fd7 Author: Denis Štogl <<>> Date: Mon May 16 15:08:36 2022 +0200 Fixing CI because of ros2_control API changes. (#301) commit d874d1882d3e779a6ccbc0a78bc752fd78d00367 Author: Pablo Iñigo Blasco <<>> Date: Thu May 26 23:36:56 2022 +0200 husky_improvements (#299)

    • husky_improvements
    • different planners profiles for navigation
    • getting changes from galactic
    • planner switcher
    • using galactic branch files
    • fixing breaking changes
    • minor fix
    • removing nav from source files

    * merge commit b35cf1815ff9bc3cb193a45d5e99573332f3950c Author: brettpac <<>> Date: Thu May 19 00:05:46 2022 -0700 Update (#307) commit 3f19584680e1da2950327233e63a8054fcd09b5f Author: Denis Štogl <<>> Date: Wed May 18 23:57:44 2022 +0200 Update CI setup (#305) commit 809bbd5a46d712c0e30c064b2d24e9328ef94fd7 Author: Denis Štogl <<>> Date: Mon May 16 15:08:36 2022 +0200 Fixing CI because of ros2_control API changes. (#301) Co-authored-by: DecDury <<>> Co-authored-by: reelrbtx <<>> Co-authored-by: Denis Štogl <<>> Co-authored-by: Denis Štogl <<>> Co-authored-by: brettpac <<>> Co-authored-by: Declan Dury <<>> Co-authored-by: David Revay <<>> Co-authored-by: pabloinigoblasco <<>> Co-authored-by: mergify[bot] <37929162+mergify[bot]\> Co-authored-by: brettpac <<>>

  • Contributors: Pablo Iñigo Blasco

0.3.0 (2022-04-04)

0.0.0 (2022-11-09)

  • improvements in navigation client behaviors and husky barrel demo (#311)
    • improvements in navigation client behaviors and husky barrel demo
    • many improvements in action client and cb sequence for hysky barrel search
    • more and better navigation behaviors on husky barrel search demo
    • functionality improvements in navigation and improvements of warehouse 3, format
    • functionality improvements in navigation and improvements of warehouse 3 and husky
    • format
  • Feature/multi ur5 sim (#290)
    • Remove galactic builds from master and kepp only rolling. Remove submodules and use .repos file
    • updated mentions of SMACC/ROS to SMACC2/ROS2
    • some progress on navigation rolling
    • renamed folders, deleted, edited
    • added smacc2_performance_tools
    • performance tests improvements
    • more on performance and other issues
    • sm_respira_1 format cleanup
    • sm_respira_1 format cleanup pre-commit
    • sm_respira_test_2
    • sm_respira_test_2
    • more changes on performance tests
    • Do not execute clang-format on smacc2_sm_reference_library package.
    • sm_reference_library reformatting
    • Correct trailing spaces.
    • sm_atomic_24hr
    • sm_atomic_performance_trace_1
    • Update smacc2_rta command across readmes
    • Clean up of sm_atomic_24hr
    • more sm_atomic_24hr cleanup
    • Optimized deps in move_base_z_planners_common.
    • Renaming of event generator library
    • minor formatting
    • Add galactic CI setup and rename rolling files. (#58)
    • Fix source CI and correct README overview. (#62)
    • Update c_cpp_properties.json

    * changed launch command to ros2 launch sm_respira_1 sm_respira_1.launch (#69) also noticed a note I had made while producing these that was not removed * update doxygen links (#70) Co-authored-by: Ubuntu 20-04-02-amd64 <<>> * More Readme Updates (#72) Co-authored-by: Ubuntu 20-04-02-amd64 <<>> * More Readme (#74) Co-authored-by: Ubuntu 20-04-02-amd64 <<>>

    • created new sm from sm_respira_1 (#76)
    • Feature/core and navigation fixes (#78)
    • base for the sm_aws_aarehouse navigation
    • progressing in aws navigation
    • minor
    • several core improvements during navigation testing
    • formatting improvements
    • progress in aws navigation demo
    • format improvements
    • Feature/aws demo progress (#80)
    • base for the sm_aws_aarehouse navigation
    • progressing in aws navigation
    • minor
    • several core improvements during navigation testing
    • formatting improvements
    • progress in aws navigation demo
    • format improvements
    • format improvements
    • more on navigation
    • sm_advanced_recovery_1 reworked (#83)
    • sm_advanced_recovery_1 reworked
    • fix pre-commit

    * Trying to fix Pre-Commit Co-authored-by: Ubuntu 20-04-02-amd64 <<>> * more sm_advanced_recovery_1 (#84) Co-authored-by: Ubuntu 20-04-02-amd64 <<>> * More sm_advanced_recovery_1 work (#85) Co-authored-by: Ubuntu 20-04-02-amd64 <<>> * sm_advanced_recovery_1 round 4 (#86) Co-authored-by: Ubuntu 20-04-02-amd64 <<>>

    • Brettpac branch (#87)
    • sm_atomic_performance_test_a_2

    * sm_atomic_performance_test_a_1 Co-authored-by: Ubuntu 20-04-02-amd64 <<>> * sm_atomic_performance_test_c_1 (#88) Co-authored-by: Ubuntu 20-04-02-amd64 <<>> * modifying sm_atomic_performance_test_a_2 (#89) Co-authored-by: Ubuntu 20-04-02-amd64 <<>>

    • sm_multi_stage_1 (#90)
    • sm_multi_stage_1

    * fixing precommit Co-authored-by: Ubuntu 20-04-02-amd64 <<>> * more sm_multi_stage_1 (#91) Co-authored-by: Ubuntu 20-04-02-amd64 <<>> * Update updated launch command

    • Wait topic message client behavior (#81)
    • base for the sm_aws_aarehouse navigation
    • progressing in aws navigation
    • minor
    • several core improvements during navigation testing
    • formatting improvements
    • progress in aws navigation demo
    • format improvements
    • format improvements
    • more on navigation
    • new feature, cb_wait_topic_message: asynchronous client behavior that waits a topic message and optionally checks its contents to success
    • formatting

    * attempting precommit fixes Co-authored-by: Ubuntu 20-04-02-amd64 <<>> Co-authored-by: Denis Štogl <<>>

    • Feature/wait nav2 nodes client behavior (#82)
    • base for the sm_aws_aarehouse navigation
    • progressing in aws navigation
    • minor
    • several core improvements during navigation testing
    • formatting improvements
    • progress in aws navigation demo
    • format improvements
    • format improvements
    • more on navigation
    • new feature, cb_wait_topic_message: asynchronous client behavior that waits a topic message and optionally checks its contents to success
    • formatting
    • adding new client behavior add for nav2, wait nav2 nodes subscribing to the /bond topic and waiting they are alive. you optionally can select the nodes to wait

    * Correct all linters and formaters. Co-authored-by: Denis Štogl <<>> Co-authored-by: Denis Štogl <<>>

    • Feature/aws demo progress (#92)
    • base for the sm_aws_aarehouse navigation
    • progressing in aws navigation
    • minor
    • several core improvements during navigation testing
    • formatting improvements
    • progress in aws navigation demo
    • format improvements
    • format improvements
    • more on navigation
    • new feature, cb_wait_topic_message: asynchronous client behavior that waits a topic message and optionally checks its contents to success
    • formatting
    • adding new client behavior add for nav2, wait nav2 nodes subscribing to the /bond topic and waiting they are alive. you optionally can select the nodes to wait
    • progress in aws navigation demo
    • minor format
    • Feature/sm dance bot fixes (#93)
    • base for the sm_aws_aarehouse navigation
    • progressing in aws navigation
    • minor
    • several core improvements during navigation testing
    • formatting improvements
    • progress in aws navigation demo
    • format improvements
    • format improvements
    • more on navigation
    • new feature, cb_wait_topic_message: asynchronous client behavior that waits a topic message and optionally checks its contents to success
    • formatting
    • adding new client behavior add for nav2, wait nav2 nodes subscribing to the /bond topic and waiting they are alive. you optionally can select the nodes to wait
    • progress in aws navigation demo
    • minor format
    • navigation parameters fixes on sm_dance_bot
    • minor format
    • Feature/sm aws warehouse (#94)
    • base for the sm_aws_aarehouse navigation
    • progressing in aws navigation
    • minor
    • several core improvements during navigation testing
    • formatting improvements
    • progress in aws navigation demo
    • format improvements
    • format improvements
    • more on navigation
    • new feature, cb_wait_topic_message: asynchronous client behavior that waits a topic message and optionally checks its contents to success
    • formatting
    • adding new client behavior add for nav2, wait nav2 nodes subscribing to the /bond topic and waiting they are alive. you optionally can select the nodes to wait
    • progress in aws navigation demo
    • minor format
    • merge and progress
    • fix format
    • Feature/sm dance bot fixes (#95)
    • base for the sm_aws_aarehouse navigation
    • progressing in aws navigation
    • minor
    • several core improvements during navigation testing
    • formatting improvements
    • progress in aws navigation demo
    • format improvements
    • format improvements
    • more on navigation
    • new feature, cb_wait_topic_message: asynchronous client behavior that waits a topic message and optionally checks its contents to success
    • formatting
    • adding new client behavior add for nav2, wait nav2 nodes subscribing to the /bond topic and waiting they are alive. you optionally can select the nodes to wait
    • progress in aws navigation demo
    • minor format
    • navigation parameters fixes on sm_dance_bot
    • minor format
    • minor
    • minor format
    • Remove some compile warnings. (#96)
    • Feature/cb pause slam (#98)
    • base for the sm_aws_aarehouse navigation
    • progressing in aws navigation
    • minor
    • several core improvements during navigation testing
    • formatting improvements
    • progress in aws navigation demo
    • format improvements
    • format improvements
    • more on navigation
    • new feature, cb_wait_topic_message: asynchronous client behavior that waits a topic message and optionally checks its contents to success
    • formatting
    • adding new client behavior add for nav2, wait nav2 nodes subscribing to the /bond topic and waiting they are alive. you optionally can select the nodes to wait
    • progress in aws navigation demo
    • minor format
    • navigation parameters fixes on sm_dance_bot
    • minor format
    • minor
    • formatting
    • cb pause slam client behavior
    • sm_dance_bot_lite (#99)
    • sm_dance_bot_lite
    • precommit

    * Updates yaml Co-authored-by: Ubuntu 20-04-02-amd64 <<>>

    • Rename doxygen deployment workflow (#100)
    • minor hotfix
    • sm_dance_bot visualizing turtlebot3 (#101)
    • Feature/dance bot launch gz lidar choice (#102)
    • sm_dance_bot visualizing turtlebot3
    • cleaning and lidar show/hide option
    • cleaning files and making formatting work
    • more fixes
    • Feature/sm dance bot lite gazebo fixes (#104)
    • sm_dance_bot visualizing turtlebot3
    • cleaning and lidar show/hide option
    • cleaning files and making formatting work
    • more fixes
    • gazebo fixes, to show the robot and the lidar
    • format fixes

    * sm_multi_stage_1 doubling (#103) Co-authored-by: Ubuntu 20-04-02-amd64 <<>>

    • Feature/sm dance bot strikes back gazebo fixes (#105)
    • sm_dance_bot visualizing turtlebot3
    • cleaning and lidar show/hide option
    • cleaning files and making formatting work
    • more fixes
    • gazebo fixes, to show the robot and the lidar
    • format fixes
    • gazebo fixes for sm_dance_bot_strikes_back

    * precommit cleanup run (#106) Co-authored-by: Ubuntu 20-04-02-amd64 <<>>

    • aws demo (#108)
    • aws demo
    • format

    * got sm_multi_stage_1 working (barely) (#109) Co-authored-by: Ubuntu 20-04-02-amd64 <<>>

    • Brettpac branch (#110)
    • got sm_multi_stage_1 working (barely)
    • gaining traction sm_multi_stage_1
    • more
    • don't remember
    • making progress
    • More
    • keep hammering
    • two stages
    • 3 part

    * 4th stage Co-authored-by: Ubuntu 20-04-02-amd64 <<>>

    • Brettpac branch (#111)
    • got sm_multi_stage_1 working (barely)
    • gaining traction sm_multi_stage_1
    • more
    • don't remember
    • making progress
    • More
    • keep hammering
    • two stages
    • 3 part
    • 4th stage

    * 5th stage Co-authored-by: Ubuntu 20-04-02-amd64 <<>> * a3 (#113) Co-authored-by: Ubuntu 20-04-02-amd64 <<>>

    • Remove neo_simulation2 package. (#112)
    • Remove neo_simulation2 package.
    • Correct formatting.
    • Enable source build on PR for testing.
    • Adjust build packages of source CI

    * more sm_multi_stage_1 (#114) Co-authored-by: Ubuntu 20-04-02-amd64 <<>> * mm (#115) Co-authored-by: Ubuntu 20-04-02-amd64 <<>>

    • diverse improvements navigation and performance (#116)
    • diverse improvements navigation and performance

    * minor Co-authored-by: pabloinigoblasco <<>>

    • Feature/diverse improvemets navigation performance (#117)
    • diverse improvements navigation and performance
    • minor
    • additional linting and formatting
    • Remove merge markers from a python file. (#119)
    • Feature/slam toggle and smacc deep history (#122)
    • progress in navigation, slam toggle client behaviors and slam_toolbox components. Also smacc2::deep_history syntax
    • going forward in testing sm_dance_bot introducing slam pausing/resuming funcionality
    • feature/more_sm_dance_bot_fixes
    • minor format

    * minor (#124) Co-authored-by: Ubuntu 20-04-02-amd64 <<>>

    • more changes in sm_dance_bot (#125)
    • Move method after the method it calls. Otherwise recursion could happen. (#126)
    • Feature/dance bot s pattern (#128)
    • more changes in sm_dance_bot
    • polishing sm_dance_bot and s-pattern

    * noticed typo Finnaly > Finally

    • Feature/dance bot s pattern (#129)
    • more changes in sm_dance_bot
    • polishing sm_dance_bot and s-pattern
    • more refinement in sm_dance_bot
    • First working version of sm template and template generator. (#127)

    * minor tweaks (#130) Co-authored-by: Ubuntu 20-04-02-amd64 <<>>

    • Feature/sm dance bot refine (#131)
    • more changes in sm_dance_bot
    • minor
    • Feature/sm dance bot refine 2 (#132)
    • more changes in sm_dance_bot
    • minor
    • build fix
    • waypoints navigator bug (#133)
    • minor tuning to mitigate overshot issue cases
    • progress in the sm_dance_bot tests (#135)
    • some more progress on markers cleanup
    • minor format issues (#134)

    * sm_dance_bot_lite (#136) Co-authored-by: Ubuntu 20-04-02-amd64 <<>>

    • Resolve compile wanings (#137)
    • Add SM core test (#138)
    • minor navigation improvements (#141)
    • using local action msgs (#139)
    • using local action msgs
    • removing sm_dance_bot_msgs
    • pending references
    • Feature/nav2z renaming (#144)
    • using local action msgs
    • removing sm_dance_bot_msgs
    • pending references
    • navigation 2 stack renaming
    • formatting
    • added SVGs to READMEs of atomic, dance_bot, and others (#140)
    • added remaining SVGs to READMEs (#145)
    • added remaining SVGs to READMEs
    • precommit cleanup
    • Update package list. (#142)
    • removing parameters smacc (#147)
    • removing parameters smacc
    • workflows update
    • workflow

    * Noticed launch command was incorrect in fixed launch command for sm_dance_bot_strikes_back and removed some comments I had made in the past.

    • Fix CI: format fix python version (#148)
    • Add SM Atomic SM generator. (#143)
    • Remove node creation and create only a logger. (#149)
    • Rolling Docker environment to be executed from any environment (#154)

    * Feature/sm dance bot strikes back refactoring (#152) Co-authored-by: DecDury <<>> Co-authored-by: Denis Štogl <<>>

    • slight waypoint 4 and iterations changes so robot can complete course (#155)
    • Feature/migration moveit client (#151)
    • initial migration to smacc2
    • fixing some errors introduced on formatting
    • missing dependency
    • fixing some more linting warnings
    • minor
    • removing test from main moveit cmake
    • test ur5
    • progressing in the moveit migration testing
    • updating format
    • adding .reps dependencies and also fixing some build errors
    • repos dependency
    • adding dependency to ur5 client
    • docker refactoring
    • minor
    • progress on move_it PR
    • minor dockerfile test workaround
    • improving dockerfile for building local tests
    • minor
    • fixing compiling issues
    • update readme (#164)
    • update readme
    • more readme updates

    * more Co-authored-by: Ubuntu 20-04-02-amd64 <<>>

    • initial state machine transition timestamp (#165)
    • moved reference library SMs to smacc2_performance_tools (#166)
    • moved reference library SMs to smacc2_performance_tools
    • pre-commit cleanup
    • Add QOS durability to SmaccPublisherClient (#163)
    • feat: add qos durability to SmaccPublisherClient
    • fix: add a missing colon
    • refactor: remove line
    • feat: add reliability qos config
    • Feature/testing moveit behaviors (#167)
    • more testing on moveit
    • progress on moveit
    • more testing on moveit behaviors
    • minor configuration
    • fixing pipeline error
    • fixing broken master build

    * sm_pubsub_1 (#169) Co-authored-by: Ubuntu 20-04-02-amd64 <<>>

    • sm_pubsub_1 part 2 (#170)
    • sm_pubsub_1 part 2

    * sm_pubsub_1 part 2 Co-authored-by: Ubuntu 20-04-02-amd64 <<>> * sm_advanced_recovery_1 renaming (#171) Co-authored-by: Ubuntu 20-04-02-amd64 <<>>

    • sm_multi_stage_1 reworking (#172)
    • multistage modes
    • sm_multi_stage sequences
    • sm_multi_state_1 steps
    • sm_multi_stage_1 sequence d
    • sm_multi_stage_1 c sequence
    • mode_5_sequence_b
    • mode_4_sequence_b
    • sm_multi_stage_1 most
    • finishing touches 1

    * readme Co-authored-by: Ubuntu 20-04-02-amd64 <<>>

    • Feature/aws navigation sm dance bot (#174)
    • repo dependency
    • husky launch file in sm_dance_bot
    • Add dependencies for husky simulation.
    • Fix formatting.
    • Update dependencies for husky in rolling and galactic.
    • minor
    • progress on aws navigation and some other refactorings on navigation clients and behaviors
    • more on aws demo
    • fixing broken build

    * minor Co-authored-by: Denis Štogl <<>> Co-authored-by: Denis Štogl <<>>

    • minor changes (#175)
    • warehouse2 (#177)

    * Waypoint Inputs (#178) Co-authored-by: Ubuntu 20-04-02-amd64 <<>>

    • wharehouse2 progress (#179)
    • format (#180)

    * sm_dance_bot_warehouse_3 (#181) Co-authored-by: Ubuntu 20-04-02-amd64 <<>>

    • Feature/sm warehouse 2 13 dec 2 (#182)
    • format
    • more changes and headless
    • merge
    • headless and other fixes
    • default values
    • Brettpac branch (#184)
    • sm_dance_bot_warehouse_3
    • Redoing sm_dance_bot_warehouse_3 waypoints

    * More Waypoints Co-authored-by: Ubuntu 20-04-02-amd64 <<>>

    • SrConditional fixes and formatting (#168)
    • fix: some formatting and templating on SrConditional
    • fix: move trigger logic into headers
    • fix: lint
    • Feature/wharehouse2 dec 14 (#185)
    • warehouse2
    • minor
    • Feature/sm warehouse 2 13 dec 2 (#186)
    • format
    • more changes and headless
    • merge
    • headless and other fixes
    • default values
    • minor

    * finetuning waypoints (#187) Co-authored-by: Ubuntu 20-04-02-amd64 <<>>

    • Feature/cb pure spinning (#188)
    • format
    • more changes and headless
    • merge
    • headless and other fixes
    • default values
    • minor
    • Feature/cb pure spinning (#189)
    • format
    • more changes and headless
    • merge
    • headless and other fixes
    • default values
    • minor
    • pure spinning behavior missing files
    • minor changes (#190)
    • Feature/planner changes 16 12 (#191)
    • minor changes
    • more fixes
    • minor
    • minor
    • Feature/replanning 16 dec (#193)
    • minor changes
    • replanning for all our examples
    • several fixes (#194)
    • minor changes (#195)
    • Feature/undo motion 20 12 (#196)
    • minor changes
    • replanning for all our examples
    • improving undo motion navigation warehouse2
    • minor
    • tuning warehouse3 (#197)
    • Feature/undo motion 20 12 (#198)
    • minor changes
    • replanning for all our examples
    • improving undo motion navigation warehouse2
    • minor
    • undo tuning and errors
    • format
    • Feature/sync 21 12 (#199)
    • minor changes
    • replanning for all our examples
    • format issues
    • Feature/warehouse2 22 12 (#200)
    • minor changes
    • replanning for all our examples
    • format issues
    • finishing warehouse2
    • Feature/warehouse2 23 12 (#201)
    • minor changes
    • replanning for all our examples
    • tuning and fixes (#202)
    • Feature/minor tune (#203)
    • tuning and fixes
    • minor tune
    • fixing warehouse 3 problems, and other core improvements (#204)
    • fixing warehouse 3 problems, and other core improvements to remove dead lock, also making continuous integration green
    • weird moveit not downloaded repo
    • added missing file from warehouse2 (#205)
    • Update cb_navigate_global_position.hpp
    • Merging code from backport foxy and updates about autoware (#208)
    • minor changes
    • replanning for all our examples
    • backport to foxy
    • minor format
    • minor linking errors foxy
    • Foxy backport (#206)
    • minor formatting fixes
    • Fix trailing spaces.
    • Correct codespell.
    • Correct python linters warnings.
    • Add galactic CI build because Navigation2 is broken in rolling.
    • Add partial changes for ament_cpplint.
    • Add tf2_ros as dependency to find include.
    • Disable ament_cpplint.
    • Disable some packages and update workflows.
    • Bump ccache version.
    • Ignore further packages
    • Satisfy ament_lint_cmake
    • Add missing licences.
    • Disable cpplint and cppcheck linters.
    • Correct formatters.
    • branching example
    • Disable disabled packages
    • Update ci-build-source.yml
    • Change extension
    • Change extension of imports.
    • Enable cppcheck
    • Correct formatting of python file.

    * Included necessary package and edited Threesome launch Changed... ros2 launch sm_three_some sm_three_some to ros2 launch sm_three_some sm_three_some.launch Added: First ensure you have the necessary package installed. ` sudo apt-get install ros-rolling-ros2trace[ Then run this command. * Rename header files and correct format. * Add workflow for checking doc build. * Update doxygen-check-build.yml * Create doxygen-deploy.yml * Use manual deployment for now. * Create workflow for testing prerelease builds * Use docs/ as source folder for documentation * Use docs/ as output directory. * Rename to smacc2 and smacc2_msgs * Correct GitHub branch reference. * Update name of package and package.xml to pass liter. * Execute on master update * Reset all versions to 0.0.0 * Ignore all packages except smacc2 and smacc2_msgs * Update changelogs * 0.1.0 * Revert "Ignore all packages except smacc2 and smacc2_msgs" This reverts commit f603166a4b3ccdfe96c64d9f9fb9d8b49fbf0e61. * Update description table. * Update table * Copy initial docs * Dockerfile w/ ROS distro as argument use this command "sudo docker build --build-arg ROS2_DISTRO=(desiredRosTag) (directoryHoldingDockerfile)/" * Opened new folder for additional tracing contents * Delete tracing directory * Moved to tracing directory * added Installs necessary packages and configures tracing group. * Removed manual installation of ros-rolling-ros2trace This is now automated in location of sh file assumed if user follows under "Getting started" * Created alternative ManualTracing * added new sm markdowns * added a dockerfile for Rolling and Galactic * Update smacc2_ci/docker/ros_rollingAndGalactic_ubuntu_20.04/ Co-authored-by: Denis Štogl <destogl\> * Update tracing/ Co-authored-by: Denis Štogl <destogl\> * changed wording "smacc application" to "SMACC2 library" Co-authored-by: Denis Štogl <destogl\> * Update smacc_sm_reference_library/sm_atomic/ edit from html to markdown syntax Co-authored-by: Denis Štogl <destogl\> * reactivating smacc2 nav clients for rolling via submodules * renamed tracing events after * bug in smacc2 component * reverted markdowns to html * added README tutorial for Dockerfile * additional cleanup * cleanup * cleanup * edited to reflect new tracing event names * Enable build of missing rolling repositories. * Enable Navigation2 for semi-binary build. * Remove galactic builds from master and kepp only rolling. Remove submodules and use .repos file * updated mentions of SMACC/ROS to SMACC2/ROS2 * some progress on navigation rolling * renamed folders, deleted, edited * added smacc2_performance_tools * performance tests improvements * more on performance and other issues * sm_respira_1 format cleanup * sm_respira_1 format cleanup pre-commit * sm_respira_test_2 * sm_respira_test_2 * more changes on performance tests * Do not execute clang-format on smacc2_sm_reference_library package. * sm_reference_library reformatting * Correct trailing spaces. * sm_atomic_24hr * sm_atomic_performance_trace_1 * Update smacc2_rta command across readmes * Clean up of sm_atomic_24hr * more sm_atomic_24hr cleanup * Optimized deps in move_base_z_planners_common. * Renaming of event generator library * minor formatting * Add galactic CI setup and rename rolling files. (#58) * Fix source CI and correct README overview. (#62) * Update c_cpp_properties.json * changed launch command to ros2 launch sm_respira_1 sm_respira_1.launch (#69) also noticed a note I had made while producing these that was not removed * update doxygen links (#70) Co-authored-by: Ubuntu 20-04-02-amd64 <brett\> * More Readme Updates (#72) Co-authored-by: Ubuntu 20-04-02-amd64 <brett\> * More Readme (#74) Co-authored-by: Ubuntu 20-04-02-amd64 <brett\> * created new sm from sm_respira_1 (#76) * Feature/core and navigation fixes (#78) * base for the sm_aws_aarehouse navigation * progressing in aws navigation * minor * several core improvements during navigation testing * formatting improvements * progress in aws navigation demo * format improvements * Feature/aws demo progress (#80) * base for the sm_aws_aarehouse navigation * progressing in aws navigation * minor * several core improvements during navigation testing * formatting improvements * progress in aws navigation demo * format improvements * format improvements * more on navigation * sm_advanced_recovery_1 reworked (#83) * sm_advanced_recovery_1 reworked * fix pre-commit * Trying to fix Pre-Commit Co-authored-by: Ubuntu 20-04-02-amd64 <brett\> * more sm_advanced_recovery_1 (#84) Co-authored-by: Ubuntu 20-04-02-amd64 <brett\> * More sm_advanced_recovery_1 work (#85) Co-authored-by: Ubuntu 20-04-02-amd64 <brett\> * sm_advanced_recovery_1 round 4 (#86) Co-authored-by: Ubuntu 20-04-02-amd64 <brett\> * Brettpac branch (#87) * sm_atomic_performance_test_a_2 * sm_atomic_performance_test_a_1 Co-authored-by: Ubuntu 20-04-02-amd64 <brett\> * sm_atomic_performance_test_c_1 (#88) Co-authored-by: Ubuntu 20-04-02-amd64 <brett\> * modifying sm_atomic_performance_test_a_2 (#89) Co-authored-by: Ubuntu 20-04-02-amd64 <brett\> * sm_multi_stage_1 (#90) * sm_multi_stage_1 * fixing precommit Co-authored-by: Ubuntu 20-04-02-amd64 <brett\> * more sm_multi_stage_1 (#91) Co-authored-by: Ubuntu 20-04-02-amd64 <brett\> * Update updated launch command * Wait topic message client behavior (#81) * base for the sm_aws_aarehouse navigation * progressing in aws navigation * minor * several core improvements during navigation testing * formatting improvements * progress in aws navigation demo * format improvements * format improvements * more on navigation * new feature, cb_wait_topic_message: asynchronous client behavior that waits a topic message and optionally checks its contents to success * formatting * attempting precommit fixes Co-authored-by: Ubuntu 20-04-02-amd64 <brett\> Co-authored-by: Denis Štogl <destogl\> * Feature/wait nav2 nodes client behavior (#82) * base for the sm_aws_aarehouse navigation * progressing in aws navigation * minor * several core improvements during navigation testing * formatting improvements * progress in aws navigation demo * format improvements * format improvements * more on navigation * new feature, cb_wait_topic_message: asynchronous client behavior that waits a topic message and optionally checks its contents to success * formatting * adding new client behavior add for nav2, wait nav2 nodes subscribing to the /bond topic and waiting they are alive. you optionally can select the nodes to wait * Correct all linters and formaters. Co-authored-by: Denis Štogl <denis\> Co-authored-by: Denis Štogl <destogl\> * Feature/aws demo progress (#92) * base for the sm_aws_aarehouse navigation * progressing in aws navigation * minor * several core improvements during navigation testing * formatting improvements * progress in aws navigation demo * format improvements * format improvements * more on navigation * new feature, cb_wait_topic_message: asynchronous client behavior that waits a topic message and optionally checks its contents to success * formatting * adding new client behavior add for nav2, wait nav2 nodes subscribing to the /bond topic and waiting they are alive. you optionally can select the nodes to wait * progress in aws navigation demo * minor format * Feature/sm dance bot fixes (#93) * base for the sm_aws_aarehouse navigation * progressing in aws navigation * minor * several core improvements during navigation testing * formatting improvements * progress in aws navigation demo * format improvements * format improvements * more on navigation * new feature, cb_wait_topic_message: asynchronous client behavior that waits a topic message and optionally checks its contents to success * formatting * adding new client behavior add for nav2, wait nav2 nodes subscribing to the /bond topic and waiting they are alive. you optionally can select the nodes to wait * progress in aws navigation demo * minor format * navigation parameters fixes on sm_dance_bot * minor format * Feature/sm aws warehouse (#94) * base for the sm_aws_aarehouse navigation * progressing in aws navigation * minor * several core improvements during navigation testing * formatting improvements * progress in aws navigation demo * format improvements * format improvements * more on navigation * new feature, cb_wait_topic_message: asynchronous client behavior that waits a topic message and optionally checks its contents to success * formatting * adding new client behavior add for nav2, wait nav2 nodes subscribing to the /bond topic and waiting they are alive. you optionally can select the nodes to wait * progress in aws navigation demo * minor format * merge and progress * fix format * Feature/sm dance bot fixes (#95) * base for the sm_aws_aarehouse navigation * progressing in aws navigation * minor * several core improvements during navigation testing * formatting improvements * progress in aws navigation demo * format improvements * format improvements * more on navigation * new feature, cb_wait_topic_message: asynchronous client behavior that waits a topic message and optionally checks its contents to success * formatting * adding new client behavior add for nav2, wait nav2 nodes subscribing to the /bond topic and waiting they are alive. you optionally can select the nodes to wait * progress in aws navigation demo * minor format * navigation parameters fixes on sm_dance_bot * minor format * minor * minor format * Remove some compile warnings. (#96) * Feature/cb pause slam (#98) * base for the sm_aws_aarehouse navigation * progressing in aws navigation * minor * several core improvements during navigation testing * formatting improvements * progress in aws navigation demo * format improvements * format improvements * more on navigation * new feature, cb_wait_topic_message: asynchronous client behavior that waits a topic message and optionally checks its contents to success * formatting * adding new client behavior add for nav2, wait nav2 nodes subscribing to the /bond topic and waiting they are alive. you optionally can select the nodes to wait * progress in aws navigation demo * minor format * navigation parameters fixes on sm_dance_bot * minor format * minor * formatting * cb pause slam client behavior * sm_dance_bot_lite (#99) * sm_dance_bot_lite * precommit * Updates yaml Co-authored-by: Ubuntu 20-04-02-amd64 <brett\> * Rename doxygen deployment workflow (#100) * minor hotfix * sm_dance_bot visualizing turtlebot3 (#101) * Feature/dance bot launch gz lidar choice (#102) * sm_dance_bot visualizing turtlebot3 * cleaning and lidar show/hide option * cleaning files and making formatting work * more fixes * Feature/sm dance bot lite gazebo fixes (#104) * sm_dance_bot visualizing turtlebot3 * cleaning and lidar show/hide option * cleaning files and making formatting work * more fixes * gazebo fixes, to show the robot and the lidar * format fixes * sm_multi_stage_1 doubling (#103) Co-authored-by: Ubuntu 20-04-02-amd64 <brett\> * Feature/sm dance bot strikes back gazebo fixes (#105) * sm_dance_bot visualizing turtlebot3 * cleaning and lidar show/hide option * cleaning files and making formatting work * more fixes * gazebo fixes, to show the robot and the lidar * format fixes * gazebo fixes for sm_dance_bot_strikes_back * precommit cleanup run (#106) Co-authored-by: Ubuntu 20-04-02-amd64 <brett\> * aws demo (#108) * aws demo * format * got sm_multi_stage_1 working (barely) (#109) Co-authored-by: Ubuntu 20-04-02-amd64 <brett\> * Brettpac branch (#110) * got sm_multi_stage_1 working (barely) * gaining traction sm_multi_stage_1 * more * don't remember * making progress * More * keep hammering * two stages * 3 part * 4th stage Co-authored-by: Ubuntu 20-04-02-amd64 <brett\> * Brettpac branch (#111) * got sm_multi_stage_1 working (barely) * gaining traction sm_multi_stage_1 * more * don't remember * making progress * More * keep hammering * two stages * 3 part * 4th stage * 5th stage Co-authored-by: Ubuntu 20-04-02-amd64 <brett\> * a3 (#113) Co-authored-by: Ubuntu 20-04-02-amd64 <brett\> * Remove neo_simulation2 package. (#112) * Remove neo_simulation2 package. * Correct formatting. * Enable source build on PR for testing. * Adjust build packages of source CI * more sm_multi_stage_1 (#114) Co-authored-by: Ubuntu 20-04-02-amd64 <brett\> * mm (#115) Co-authored-by: Ubuntu 20-04-02-amd64 <brett\> * diverse improvements navigation and performance (#116) * diverse improvements navigation and performance * minor Co-authored-by: pabloinigoblasco <pablo\> * Feature/diverse improvemets navigation performance (#117) * diverse improvements navigation and performance * minor * additional linting and formatting * Remove merge markers from a python file. (#119) * Feature/slam toggle and smacc deep history (#122) * progress in navigation, slam toggle client behaviors and slam_toolbox components. Also smacc2::deep_history syntax * going forward in testing sm_dance_bot introducing slam pausing/resuming funcionality * feature/more_sm_dance_bot_fixes * minor format * minor (#124) Co-authored-by: Ubuntu 20-04-02-amd64 <brett\> * more changes in sm_dance_bot (#125) * Move method after the method it calls. Otherwise recursion could happen. (#126) * Feature/dance bot s pattern (#128) * more changes in sm_dance_bot * polishing sm_dance_bot and s-pattern * noticed typo Finnaly > Finally * Feature/dance bot s pattern (#129) * more changes in sm_dance_bot * polishing sm_dance_bot and s-pattern * more refinement in sm_dance_bot * First working version of sm template and template generator. (#127) * minor tweaks (#130) Co-authored-by: Ubuntu 20-04-02-amd64 <brett\> * Feature/sm dance bot refine (#131) * more changes in sm_dance_bot * minor * Feature/sm dance bot refine 2 (#132) * more changes in sm_dance_bot * minor * build fix * waypoints navigator bug (#133) * minor tuning to mitigate overshot issue cases * progress in the sm_dance_bot tests (#135) * some more progress on markers cleanup * minor format issues (#134) * sm_dance_bot_lite (#136) Co-authored-by: Ubuntu 20-04-02-amd64 <brett\> * Resolve compile wanings (#137) * Add SM core test (#138) * minor navigation improvements (#141) * using local action msgs (#139) * using local action msgs * removing sm_dance_bot_msgs * pending references * Feature/nav2z renaming (#144) * using local action msgs * removing sm_dance_bot_msgs * pending references * navigation 2 stack renaming * formatting * added SVGs to READMEs of atomic, dance_bot, and others (#140) * added remaining SVGs to READMEs (#145) * added remaining SVGs to READMEs * precommit cleanup * Update package list. (#142) * removing parameters smacc (#147) * removing parameters smacc * workflows update * workflow * Noticed launch command was incorrect in fixed launch command for sm_dance_bot_strikes_back and removed some comments I had made in the past. * Fix CI: format fix python version (#148) * Add SM Atomic SM generator. (#143) * Remove node creation and create only a logger. (#149) * Rolling Docker environment to be executed from any environment (#154) * Feature/sm dance bot strikes back refactoring (#152) Co-authored-by: DecDury <declandury\> Co-authored-by: Denis Štogl <destogl\> * slight waypoint 4 and iterations changes so robot can complete course (#155) * Feature/migration moveit client (#151) * initial migration to smacc2 * fixing some errors introduced on formatting * missing dependency * fixing some more linting warnings * minor * removing test from main moveit cmake * test ur5 * progressing in the moveit migration testing * updating format * adding .reps dependencies and also fixing some build errors * repos dependency * adding dependency to ur5 client * docker refactoring * minor * progress on move_it PR * minor dockerfile test workaround * improving dockerfile for building local tests * minor * fixing compiling issues * update readme (#164) * update readme * more readme updates * more Co-authored-by: Ubuntu 20-04-02-amd64 <brett\> * initial state machine transition timestamp (#165) * moved reference library SMs to smacc2_performance_tools (#166) * moved reference library SMs to smacc2_performance_tools * pre-commit cleanup * Add QOS durability to SmaccPublisherClient (#163) * feat: add qos durability to SmaccPublisherClient * fix: add a missing colon * refactor: remove line * feat: add reliability qos config * Feature/testing moveit behaviors (#167) * more testing on moveit * progress on moveit * more testing on moveit behaviors * minor configuration * fixing pipeline error * fixing broken master build * sm_pubsub_1 (#169) Co-authored-by: Ubuntu 20-04-02-amd64 <brett\> * sm_pubsub_1 part 2 (#170) * sm_pubsub_1 part 2 * sm_pubsub_1 part 2 Co-authored-by: Ubuntu 20-04-02-amd64 <brett\> * sm_advanced_recovery_1 renaming (#171) Co-authored-by: Ubuntu 20-04-02-amd64 <brett\> * sm_multi_stage_1 reworking (#172) * multistage modes * sm_multi_stage sequences * sm_multi_state_1 steps * sm_multi_stage_1 sequence d * sm_multi_stage_1 c sequence * mode_5_sequence_b * mode_4_sequence_b * sm_multi_stage_1 most * finishing touches 1 * readme Co-authored-by: Ubuntu 20-04-02-amd64 <brett\> * Feature/aws navigation sm dance bot (#174) * repo dependency * husky launch file in sm_dance_bot * Add dependencies for husky simulation. * Fix formatting. * Update dependencies for husky in rolling and galactic. * minor * progress on aws navigation and some other refactorings on navigation clients and behaviors * more on aws demo * fixing broken build * minor Co-authored-by: Denis Štogl <denis\> Co-authored-by: Denis Štogl <destogl\> * minor changes (#175) * warehouse2 (#177) * Waypoint Inputs (#178) Co-authored-by: Ubuntu 20-04-02-amd64 <brett\> * wharehouse2 progress (#179) * format (#180) * sm_dance_bot_warehouse_3 (#181) Co-authored-by: Ubuntu 20-04-02-amd64 <brett\> * Feature/sm warehouse 2 13 dec 2 (#182) * format * more changes and headless * merge * headless and other fixes * default values * Brettpac branch (#184) * sm_dance_bot_warehouse_3 * Redoing sm_dance_bot_warehouse_3 waypoints * More Waypoints Co-authored-by: Ubuntu 20-04-02-amd64 <brett\> * SrConditional fixes and formatting (#168) * fix: some formatting and templating on SrConditional * fix: move trigger logic into headers * fix: lint * Feature/wharehouse2 dec 14 (#185) * warehouse2 * minor * Feature/sm warehouse 2 13 dec 2 (#186) * format * more changes and headless * merge * headless and other fixes * default values * minor * finetuning waypoints (#187) Co-authored-by: Ubuntu 20-04-02-amd64 <brett\> * Feature/cb pure spinning (#188) * format * more changes and headless * merge * headless and other fixes * default values * minor * Feature/cb pure spinning (#189) * format * more changes and headless * merge * headless and other fixes * default values * minor * pure spinning behavior missing files * minor changes (#190) * Feature/planner changes 16 12 (#191) * minor changes * more fixes * minor * minor * Feature/replanning 16 dec (#193) * minor changes * replanning for all our examples * several fixes (#194) * minor changes (#195) * Feature/undo motion 20 12 (#196) * minor changes * replanning for all our examples * improving undo motion navigation warehouse2 * minor * tuning warehouse3 (#197) * Feature/undo motion 20 12 (#198) * minor changes * replanning for all our examples * improving undo motion navigation warehouse2 * minor * undo tuning and errors * format * Feature/sync 21 12 (#199) * minor changes * replanning for all our examples * format issues * Feature/warehouse2 22 12 (#200) * minor changes * replanning for all our examples * format issues * finishing warehouse2 * Feature/warehouse2 23 12 (#201) * minor changes * replanning for all our examples * tuning and fixes (#202) * Feature/minor tune (#203) * tuning and fixes * minor tune * fixing warehouse 3 problems, and other core improvements (#204) * fixing warehouse 3 problems, and other core improvements to remove dead lock, also making continuous integration green * weird moveit not downloaded repo * added missing file from warehouse2 (#205) * backport to foxy * minor format * minor linking errors foxy Co-authored-by: Denis Štogl <denis\> Co-authored-by: Denis Štogl <destogl\> Co-authored-by: Declan Dury <44791484+DecDury\> Co-authored-by: DecDury <declandury\> Co-authored-by: reelrbtx <brett2\> Co-authored-by: brettpac <brett\> Co-authored-by: David Revay <MrBlenny\> * missing * missing sm * updating subscriber publisher components * progress in autowarrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrre machine * refining cp subscriber cp publisher * improvements in smacc core adding more components mostly developed for autoware demo * autoware demo * missing * foxy ci * fix * minor broken build Co-authored-by: Denis Štogl <denis\> Co-authored-by: Denis Štogl <destogl\> Co-authored-by: Declan Dury <44791484+DecDury\> Co-authored-by: DecDury <declandury\> Co-authored-by: reelrbtx <brett2\> Co-authored-by: brettpac <brett\> Co-authored-by: David Revay <MrBlenny\> Co-authored-by: pabloinigoblasco <pabloinigoblasco\> * Add mergify rules file. * Try fixing CI for rolling. (#209) Merging to get backport working. * Remove example things from Foxy CI setup. (#214) * Add Autoware Auto Msgs into not-released dependencies. (#220) * Fix rolling builds (#222) * do not merge yet - Feature/odom tracker improvements and retry motion (#223) * odom tracker improvements * adding forward behavior retry funcionality * removing warnings (#213) * minor changes * replanning for all our examples * backport to foxy * minor format * minor linking errors foxy * Foxy backport (#206) * minor formatting fixes * Fix trailing spaces. * Correct codespell. * Correct python linters warnings. * Add galactic CI build because Navigation2 is broken in rolling. * Add partial changes for ament_cpplint. * Add tf2_ros as dependency to find include. * Disable ament_cpplint. * Disable some packages and update workflows. * Bump ccache version. * Ignore further packages * Satisfy ament_lint_cmake * Add missing licences. * Disable cpplint and cppcheck linters. * Correct formatters. * branching example * Disable disabled packages * Update ci-build-source.yml * Change extension * Change extension of imports. * Enable cppcheck * Correct formatting of python file. * Included necessary package and edited Threesome launch Changed... ros2 launch sm_three_some sm_three_some to ros2 launch sm_three_some sm_three_some.launch Added: First ensure you have the necessary package installed. ]{.title-ref}sudo apt-get install ros-rolling-ros2trace[ Then run this command. * Rename header files and correct format. * Add workflow for checking doc build. * Update doxygen-check-build.yml * Create doxygen-deploy.yml * Use manual deployment for now. * Create workflow for testing prerelease builds * Use docs/ as source folder for documentation * Use docs/ as output directory. * Rename to smacc2 and smacc2_msgs * Correct GitHub branch reference. * Update name of package and package.xml to pass liter. * Execute on master update * Reset all versions to 0.0.0 * Ignore all packages except smacc2 and smacc2_msgs * Update changelogs * 0.1.0 * Revert "Ignore all packages except smacc2 and smacc2_msgs" This reverts commit f603166a4b3ccdfe96c64d9f9fb9d8b49fbf0e61. * Update description table. * Update table * Copy initial docs * Dockerfile w/ ROS distro as argument use this command "sudo docker build --build-arg ROS2_DISTRO=(desiredRosTag) (directoryHoldingDockerfile)/" * Opened new folder for additional tracing contents * Delete tracing directory * Moved to tracing directory * added Installs necessary packages and configures tracing group. * Removed manual installation of ros-rolling-ros2trace This is now automated in location of sh file assumed if user follows under "Getting started" * Created alternative ManualTracing * added new sm markdowns * added a dockerfile for Rolling and Galactic * Update smacc2_ci/docker/ros_rollingAndGalactic_ubuntu_20.04/ Co-authored-by: Denis Štogl <destogl\> * Update tracing/ Co-authored-by: Denis Štogl <destogl\> * changed wording "smacc application" to "SMACC2 library" Co-authored-by: Denis Štogl <destogl\> * Update smacc_sm_reference_library/sm_atomic/ edit from html to markdown syntax Co-authored-by: Denis Štogl <destogl\> * reactivating smacc2 nav clients for rolling via submodules * renamed tracing events after * bug in smacc2 component * reverted markdowns to html * added README tutorial for Dockerfile * additional cleanup * cleanup * cleanup * edited to reflect new tracing event names * Enable build of missing rolling repositories. * Enable Navigation2 for semi-binary build. * Remove galactic builds from master and kepp only rolling. Remove submodules and use .repos file * updated mentions of SMACC/ROS to SMACC2/ROS2 * some progress on navigation rolling * renamed folders, deleted, edited * added smacc2_performance_tools * performance tests improvements * more on performance and other issues * sm_respira_1 format cleanup * sm_respira_1 format cleanup pre-commit * sm_respira_test_2 * sm_respira_test_2 * more changes on performance tests * Do not execute clang-format on smacc2_sm_reference_library package. * sm_reference_library reformatting * Correct trailing spaces. * sm_atomic_24hr * sm_atomic_performance_trace_1 * Update smacc2_rta command across readmes * Clean up of sm_atomic_24hr * more sm_atomic_24hr cleanup * Optimized deps in move_base_z_planners_common. * Renaming of event generator library * minor formatting * Add galactic CI setup and rename rolling files. (#58) * Fix source CI and correct README overview. (#62) * Update c_cpp_properties.json * changed launch command to ros2 launch sm_respira_1 sm_respira_1.launch (#69) also noticed a note I had made while producing these that was not removed * update doxygen links (#70) Co-authored-by: Ubuntu 20-04-02-amd64 <brett\> * More Readme Updates (#72) Co-authored-by: Ubuntu 20-04-02-amd64 <brett\> * More Readme (#74) Co-authored-by: Ubuntu 20-04-02-amd64 <brett\> * created new sm from sm_respira_1 (#76) * Feature/core and navigation fixes (#78) * base for the sm_aws_aarehouse navigation * progressing in aws navigation * minor * several core improvements during navigation testing * formatting improvements * progress in aws navigation demo * format improvements * Feature/aws demo progress (#80) * base for the sm_aws_aarehouse navigation * progressing in aws navigation * minor * several core improvements during navigation testing * formatting improvements * progress in aws navigation demo * format improvements * format improvements * more on navigation * sm_advanced_recovery_1 reworked (#83) * sm_advanced_recovery_1 reworked * fix pre-commit * Trying to fix Pre-Commit Co-authored-by: Ubuntu 20-04-02-amd64 <brett\> * more sm_advanced_recovery_1 (#84) Co-authored-by: Ubuntu 20-04-02-amd64 <brett\> * More sm_advanced_recovery_1 work (#85) Co-authored-by: Ubuntu 20-04-02-amd64 <brett\> * sm_advanced_recovery_1 round 4 (#86) Co-authored-by: Ubuntu 20-04-02-amd64 <brett\> * Brettpac branch (#87) * sm_atomic_performance_test_a_2 * sm_atomic_performance_test_a_1 Co-authored-by: Ubuntu 20-04-02-amd64 <brett\> * sm_atomic_performance_test_c_1 (#88) Co-authored-by: Ubuntu 20-04-02-amd64 <brett\> * modifying sm_atomic_performance_test_a_2 (#89) Co-authored-by: Ubuntu 20-04-02-amd64 <brett\> * sm_multi_stage_1 (#90) * sm_multi_stage_1 * fixing precommit Co-authored-by: Ubuntu 20-04-02-amd64 <brett\> * more sm_multi_stage_1 (#91) Co-authored-by: Ubuntu 20-04-02-amd64 <brett\> * Update updated launch command * Wait topic message client behavior (#81) * base for the sm_aws_aarehouse navigation * progressing in aws navigation * minor * several core improvements during navigation testing * formatting improvements * progress in aws navigation demo * format improvements * format improvements * more on navigation * new feature, cb_wait_topic_message: asynchronous client behavior that waits a topic message and optionally checks its contents to success * formatting * attempting precommit fixes Co-authored-by: Ubuntu 20-04-02-amd64 <brett\> Co-authored-by: Denis Štogl <destogl\> * Feature/wait nav2 nodes client behavior (#82) * base for the sm_aws_aarehouse navigation * progressing in aws navigation * minor * several core improvements during navigation testing * formatting improvements * progress in aws navigation demo * format improvements * format improvements * more on navigation * new feature, cb_wait_topic_message: asynchronous client behavior that waits a topic message and optionally checks its contents to success * formatting * adding new client behavior add for nav2, wait nav2 nodes subscribing to the /bond topic and waiting they are alive. you optionally can select the nodes to wait * Correct all linters and formaters. Co-authored-by: Denis Štogl <denis\> Co-authored-by: Denis Štogl <destogl\> * Feature/aws demo progress (#92) * base for the sm_aws_aarehouse navigation * progressing in aws navigation * minor * several core improvements during navigation testing * formatting improvements * progress in aws navigation demo * format improvements * format improvements * more on navigation * new feature, cb_wait_topic_message: asynchronous client behavior that waits a topic message and optionally checks its contents to success * formatting * adding new client behavior add for nav2, wait nav2 nodes subscribing to the /bond topic and waiting they are alive. you optionally can select the nodes to wait * progress in aws navigation demo * minor format * Feature/sm dance bot fixes (#93) * base for the sm_aws_aarehouse navigation * progressing in aws navigation * minor * several core improvements during navigation testing * formatting improvements * progress in aws navigation demo * format improvements * format improvements * more on navigation * new feature, cb_wait_topic_message: asynchronous client behavior that waits a topic message and optionally checks its contents to success * formatting * adding new client behavior add for nav2, wait nav2 nodes subscribing to the /bond topic and waiting they are alive. you optionally can select the nodes to wait * progress in aws navigation demo * minor format * navigation parameters fixes on sm_dance_bot * minor format * Feature/sm aws warehouse (#94) * base for the sm_aws_aarehouse navigation * progressing in aws navigation * minor * several core improvements during navigation testing * formatting improvements * progress in aws navigation demo * format improvements * format improvements * more on navigation * new feature, cb_wait_topic_message: asynchronous client behavior that waits a topic message and optionally checks its contents to success * formatting * adding new client behavior add for nav2, wait nav2 nodes subscribing to the /bond topic and waiting they are alive. you optionally can select the nodes to wait * progress in aws navigation demo * minor format * merge and progress * fix format * Feature/sm dance bot fixes (#95) * base for the sm_aws_aarehouse navigation * progressing in aws navigation * minor * several core improvements during navigation testing * formatting improvements * progress in aws navigation demo * format improvements * format improvements * more on navigation * new feature, cb_wait_topic_message: asynchronous client behavior that waits a topic message and optionally checks its contents to success * formatting * adding new client behavior add for nav2, wait nav2 nodes subscribing to the /bond topic and waiting they are alive. you optionally can select the nodes to wait * progress in aws navigation demo * minor format * navigation parameters fixes on sm_dance_bot * minor format * minor * minor format * Remove some compile warnings. (#96) * Feature/cb pause slam (#98) * base for the sm_aws_aarehouse navigation * progressing in aws navigation * minor * several core improvements during navigation testing * formatting improvements * progress in aws navigation demo * format improvements * format improvements * more on navigation * new feature, cb_wait_topic_message: asynchronous client behavior that waits a topic message and optionally checks its contents to success * formatting * adding new client behavior add for nav2, wait nav2 nodes subscribing to the /bond topic and waiting they are alive. you optionally can select the nodes to wait * progress in aws navigation demo * minor format * navigation parameters fixes on sm_dance_bot * minor format * minor * formatting * cb pause slam client behavior * sm_dance_bot_lite (#99) * sm_dance_bot_lite * precommit * Updates yaml Co-authored-by: Ubuntu 20-04-02-amd64 <brett\> * Rename doxygen deployment workflow (#100) * minor hotfix * sm_dance_bot visualizing turtlebot3 (#101) * Feature/dance bot launch gz lidar choice (#102) * sm_dance_bot visualizing turtlebot3 * cleaning and lidar show/hide option * cleaning files and making formatting work * more fixes * Feature/sm dance bot lite gazebo fixes (#104) * sm_dance_bot visualizing turtlebot3 * cleaning and lidar show/hide option * cleaning files and making formatting work * more fixes * gazebo fixes, to show the robot and the lidar * format fixes * sm_multi_stage_1 doubling (#103) Co-authored-by: Ubuntu 20-04-02-amd64 <brett\> * Feature/sm dance bot strikes back gazebo fixes (#105) * sm_dance_bot visualizing turtlebot3 * cleaning and lidar show/hide option * cleaning files and making formatting work * more fixes * gazebo fixes, to show the robot and the lidar * format fixes * gazebo fixes for sm_dance_bot_strikes_back * precommit cleanup run (#106) Co-authored-by: Ubuntu 20-04-02-amd64 <brett\> * aws demo (#108) * aws demo * format * got sm_multi_stage_1 working (barely) (#109) Co-authored-by: Ubuntu 20-04-02-amd64 <brett\> * Brettpac branch (#110) * got sm_multi_stage_1 working (barely) * gaining traction sm_multi_stage_1 * more * don't remember * making progress * More * keep hammering * two stages * 3 part * 4th stage Co-authored-by: Ubuntu 20-04-02-amd64 <brett\> * Brettpac branch (#111) * got sm_multi_stage_1 working (barely) * gaining traction sm_multi_stage_1 * more * don't remember * making progress * More * keep hammering * two stages * 3 part * 4th stage * 5th stage Co-authored-by: Ubuntu 20-04-02-amd64 <brett\> * a3 (#113) Co-authored-by: Ubuntu 20-04-02-amd64 <brett\> * Remove neo_simulation2 package. (#112) * Remove neo_simulation2 package. * Correct formatting. * Enable source build on PR for testing. * Adjust build packages of source CI * more sm_multi_stage_1 (#114) Co-authored-by: Ubuntu 20-04-02-amd64 <brett\> * mm (#115) Co-authored-by: Ubuntu 20-04-02-amd64 <brett\> * diverse improvements navigation and performance (#116) * diverse improvements navigation and performance * minor Co-authored-by: pabloinigoblasco <pablo\> * Feature/diverse improvemets navigation performance (#117) * diverse improvements navigation and performance * minor * additional linting and formatting * Remove merge markers from a python file. (#119) * Feature/slam toggle and smacc deep history (#122) * progress in navigation, slam toggle client behaviors and slam_toolbox components. Also smacc2::deep_history syntax * going forward in testing sm_dance_bot introducing slam pausing/resuming funcionality * feature/more_sm_dance_bot_fixes * minor format * minor (#124) Co-authored-by: Ubuntu 20-04-02-amd64 <brett\> * more changes in sm_dance_bot (#125) * Move method after the method it calls. Otherwise recursion could happen. (#126) * Feature/dance bot s pattern (#128) * more changes in sm_dance_bot * polishing sm_dance_bot and s-pattern * noticed typo Finnaly > Finally * Feature/dance bot s pattern (#129) * more changes in sm_dance_bot * polishing sm_dance_bot and s-pattern * more refinement in sm_dance_bot * First working version of sm template and template generator. (#127) * minor tweaks (#130) Co-authored-by: Ubuntu 20-04-02-amd64 <brett\> * Feature/sm dance bot refine (#131) * more changes in sm_dance_bot * minor * Feature/sm dance bot refine 2 (#132) * more changes in sm_dance_bot * minor * build fix * waypoints navigator bug (#133) * minor tuning to mitigate overshot issue cases * progress in the sm_dance_bot tests (#135) * some more progress on markers cleanup * minor format issues (#134) * sm_dance_bot_lite (#136) Co-authored-by: Ubuntu 20-04-02-amd64 <brett\> * Resolve compile wanings (#137) * Add SM core test (#138) * minor navigation improvements (#141) * using local action msgs (#139) * using local action msgs * removing sm_dance_bot_msgs * pending references * Feature/nav2z renaming (#144) * using local action msgs * removing sm_dance_bot_msgs * pending references * navigation 2 stack renaming * formatting * added SVGs to READMEs of atomic, dance_bot, and others (#140) * added remaining SVGs to READMEs (#145) * added remaining SVGs to READMEs * precommit cleanup * Update package list. (#142) * removing parameters smacc (#147) * removing parameters smacc * workflows update * workflow * Noticed launch command was incorrect in fixed launch command for sm_dance_bot_strikes_back and removed some comments I had made in the past. * Fix CI: format fix python version (#148) * Add SM Atomic SM generator. (#143) * Remove node creation and create only a logger. (#149) * Rolling Docker environment to be executed from any environment (#154) * Feature/sm dance bot strikes back refactoring (#152) Co-authored-by: DecDury <declandury\> Co-authored-by: Denis Štogl <destogl\> * slight waypoint 4 and iterations changes so robot can complete course (#155) * Feature/migration moveit client (#151) * initial migration to smacc2 * fixing some errors introduced on formatting * missing dependency * fixing some more linting warnings * minor * removing test from main moveit cmake * test ur5 * progressing in the moveit migration testing * updating format * adding .reps dependencies and also fixing some build errors * repos dependency * adding dependency to ur5 client * docker refactoring * minor * progress on move_it PR * minor dockerfile test workaround * improving dockerfile for building local tests * minor * fixing compiling issues * update readme (#164) * update readme * more readme updates * more Co-authored-by: Ubuntu 20-04-02-amd64 <brett\> * initial state machine transition timestamp (#165) * moved reference library SMs to smacc2_performance_tools (#166) * moved reference library SMs to smacc2_performance_tools * pre-commit cleanup * Add QOS durability to SmaccPublisherClient (#163) * feat: add qos durability to SmaccPublisherClient * fix: add a missing colon * refactor: remove line * feat: add reliability qos config * Feature/testing moveit behaviors (#167) * more testing on moveit * progress on moveit * more testing on moveit behaviors * minor configuration * fixing pipeline error * fixing broken master build * sm_pubsub_1 (#169) Co-authored-by: Ubuntu 20-04-02-amd64 <brett\> * sm_pubsub_1 part 2 (#170) * sm_pubsub_1 part 2 * sm_pubsub_1 part 2 Co-authored-by: Ubuntu 20-04-02-amd64 <brett\> * sm_advanced_recovery_1 renaming (#171) Co-authored-by: Ubuntu 20-04-02-amd64 <brett\> * sm_multi_stage_1 reworking (#172) * multistage modes * sm_multi_stage sequences * sm_multi_state_1 steps * sm_multi_stage_1 sequence d * sm_multi_stage_1 c sequence * mode_5_sequence_b * mode_4_sequence_b * sm_multi_stage_1 most * finishing touches 1 * readme Co-authored-by: Ubuntu 20-04-02-amd64 <brett\> * Feature/aws navigation sm dance bot (#174) * repo dependency * husky launch file in sm_dance_bot * Add dependencies for husky simulation. * Fix formatting. * Update dependencies for husky in rolling and galactic. * minor * progress on aws navigation and some other refactorings on navigation clients and behaviors * more on aws demo * fixing broken build * minor Co-authored-by: Denis Štogl <denis\> Co-authored-by: Denis Štogl <destogl\> * minor changes (#175) * warehouse2 (#177) * Waypoint Inputs (#178) Co-authored-by: Ubuntu 20-04-02-amd64 <brett\> * wharehouse2 progress (#179) * format (#180) * sm_dance_bot_warehouse_3 (#181) Co-authored-by: Ubuntu 20-04-02-amd64 <brett\> * Feature/sm warehouse 2 13 dec 2 (#182) * format * more changes and headless * merge * headless and other fixes * default values * Brettpac branch (#184) * sm_dance_bot_warehouse_3 * Redoing sm_dance_bot_warehouse_3 waypoints * More Waypoints Co-authored-by: Ubuntu 20-04-02-amd64 <brett\> * SrConditional fixes and formatting (#168) * fix: some formatting and templating on SrConditional * fix: move trigger logic into headers * fix: lint * Feature/wharehouse2 dec 14 (#185) * warehouse2 * minor * Feature/sm warehouse 2 13 dec 2 (#186) * format * more changes and headless * merge * headless and other fixes * default values * minor * finetuning waypoints (#187) Co-authored-by: Ubuntu 20-04-02-amd64 <brett\> * Feature/cb pure spinning (#188) * format * more changes and headless * merge * headless and other fixes * default values * minor * Feature/cb pure spinning (#189) * format * more changes and headless * merge * headless and other fixes * default values * minor * pure spinning behavior missing files * minor changes (#190) * Feature/planner changes 16 12 (#191) * minor changes * more fixes * minor * minor * Feature/replanning 16 dec (#193) * minor changes * replanning for all our examples * several fixes (#194) * minor changes (#195) * Feature/undo motion 20 12 (#196) * minor changes * replanning for all our examples * improving undo motion navigation warehouse2 * minor * tuning warehouse3 (#197) * Feature/undo motion 20 12 (#198) * minor changes * replanning for all our examples * improving undo motion navigation warehouse2 * minor * undo tuning and errors * format * Feature/sync 21 12 (#199) * minor changes * replanning for all our examples * format issues * Feature/warehouse2 22 12 (#200) * minor changes * replanning for all our examples * format issues * finishing warehouse2 * Feature/warehouse2 23 12 (#201) * minor changes * replanning for all our examples * tuning and fixes (#202) * Feature/minor tune (#203) * tuning and fixes * minor tune * fixing warehouse 3 problems, and other core improvements (#204) * fixing warehouse 3 problems, and other core improvements to remove dead lock, also making continuous integration green * weird moveit not downloaded repo * added missing file from warehouse2 (#205) * backport to foxy * minor format * minor linking errors foxy Co-authored-by: Denis Štogl <denis\> Co-authored-by: Denis Štogl <destogl\> Co-authored-by: Declan Dury <44791484+DecDury\> Co-authored-by: DecDury <declandury\> Co-authored-by: reelrbtx <brett2\> Co-authored-by: brettpac <brett\> Co-authored-by: David Revay <MrBlenny\> * missing * missing sm * updating subscriber publisher components * progress in autowarrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrre machine * refining cp subscriber cp publisher * improvements in smacc core adding more components mostly developed for autoware demo * autoware demo * missing * foxy ci * fix * minor broken build * some reordering fixes * minor * docker files for different revisions, warnings removval and more testing on navigation * fixing docker for foxy and galactic Co-authored-by: Denis Štogl <denis\> Co-authored-by: Denis Štogl <destogl\> Co-authored-by: Declan Dury <44791484+DecDury\> Co-authored-by: DecDury <declandury\> Co-authored-by: reelrbtx <brett2\> Co-authored-by: brettpac <brett\> Co-authored-by: David Revay <MrBlenny\> Co-authored-by: pabloinigoblasco <pabloinigoblasco\> * dockerfiles (#225) * Fix code generators (#221) * Fix other build issues. * Update SM template and make example code clearly visible. * Remove use of node in the sm performance template. * Updated templated to use Blackboard storage. * Update template to resolve the global data correctly. * Update sm_name.hpp Co-authored-by: Pablo Iñigo Blasco <pablo\> * Feature/retry behavior warehouse 1 (#226) * minor changes * replanning for all our examples * backport to foxy * minor format * minor linking errors foxy * Foxy backport (#206) * minor formatting fixes * Fix trailing spaces. * Correct codespell. * Correct python linters warnings. * Add galactic CI build because Navigation2 is broken in rolling. * Add partial changes for ament_cpplint. * Add tf2_ros as dependency to find include. * Disable ament_cpplint. * Disable some packages and update workflows. * Bump ccache version. * Ignore further packages * Satisfy ament_lint_cmake * Add missing licences. * Disable cpplint and cppcheck linters. * Correct formatters. * branching example * Disable disabled packages * Update ci-build-source.yml * Change extension * Change extension of imports. * Enable cppcheck * Correct formatting of python file. * Included necessary package and edited Threesome launch Changed... ros2 launch sm_three_some sm_three_some to ros2 launch sm_three_some sm_three_some.launch Added: First ensure you have the necessary package installed. ]{.title-ref}sudo apt-get install ros-rolling-ros2trace[ Then run this command. * Rename header files and correct format. * Add workflow for checking doc build. * Update doxygen-check-build.yml * Create doxygen-deploy.yml * Use manual deployment for now. * Create workflow for testing prerelease builds * Use docs/ as source folder for documentation * Use docs/ as output directory. * Rename to smacc2 and smacc2_msgs * Correct GitHub branch reference. * Update name of package and package.xml to pass liter. * Execute on master update * Reset all versions to 0.0.0 * Ignore all packages except smacc2 and smacc2_msgs * Update changelogs * 0.1.0 * Revert "Ignore all packages except smacc2 and smacc2_msgs" This reverts commit f603166a4b3ccdfe96c64d9f9fb9d8b49fbf0e61. * Update description table. * Update table * Copy initial docs * Dockerfile w/ ROS distro as argument use this command "sudo docker build --build-arg ROS2_DISTRO=(desiredRosTag) (directoryHoldingDockerfile)/" * Opened new folder for additional tracing contents * Delete tracing directory * Moved to tracing directory * added Installs necessary packages and configures tracing group. * Removed manual installation of ros-rolling-ros2trace This is now automated in location of sh file assumed if user follows under "Getting started" * Created alternative ManualTracing * added new sm markdowns * added a dockerfile for Rolling and Galactic * Update smacc2_ci/docker/ros_rollingAndGalactic_ubuntu_20.04/ Co-authored-by: Denis Štogl <destogl\> * Update tracing/ Co-authored-by: Denis Štogl <destogl\> * changed wording "smacc application" to "SMACC2 library" Co-authored-by: Denis Štogl <destogl\> * Update smacc_sm_reference_library/sm_atomic/ edit from html to markdown syntax Co-authored-by: Denis Štogl <destogl\> * reactivating smacc2 nav clients for rolling via submodules * renamed tracing events after * bug in smacc2 component * reverted markdowns to html * added README tutorial for Dockerfile * additional cleanup * cleanup * cleanup * edited to reflect new tracing event names * Enable build of missing rolling repositories. * Enable Navigation2 for semi-binary build. * Remove galactic builds from master and kepp only rolling. Remove submodules and use .repos file * updated mentions of SMACC/ROS to SMACC2/ROS2 * some progress on navigation rolling * renamed folders, deleted, edited * added smacc2_performance_tools * performance tests improvements * more on performance and other issues * sm_respira_1 format cleanup * sm_respira_1 format cleanup pre-commit * sm_respira_test_2 * sm_respira_test_2 * more changes on performance tests * Do not execute clang-format on smacc2_sm_reference_library package. * sm_reference_library reformatting * Correct trailing spaces. * sm_atomic_24hr * sm_atomic_performance_trace_1 * Update smacc2_rta command across readmes * Clean up of sm_atomic_24hr * more sm_atomic_24hr cleanup * Optimized deps in move_base_z_planners_common. * Renaming of event generator library * minor formatting * Add galactic CI setup and rename rolling files. (#58) * Fix source CI and correct README overview. (#62) * Update c_cpp_properties.json * changed launch command to ros2 launch sm_respira_1 sm_respira_1.launch (#69) also noticed a note I had made while producing these that was not removed * update doxygen links (#70) Co-authored-by: Ubuntu 20-04-02-amd64 <brett\> * More Readme Updates (#72) Co-authored-by: Ubuntu 20-04-02-amd64 <brett\> * More Readme (#74) Co-authored-by: Ubuntu 20-04-02-amd64 <brett\> * created new sm from sm_respira_1 (#76) * Feature/core and navigation fixes (#78) * base for the sm_aws_aarehouse navigation * progressing in aws navigation * minor * several core improvements during navigation testing * formatting improvements * progress in aws navigation demo * format improvements * Feature/aws demo progress (#80) * base for the sm_aws_aarehouse navigation * progressing in aws navigation * minor * several core improvements during navigation testing * formatting improvements * progress in aws navigation demo * format improvements * format improvements * more on navigation * sm_advanced_recovery_1 reworked (#83) * sm_advanced_recovery_1 reworked * fix pre-commit * Trying to fix Pre-Commit Co-authored-by: Ubuntu 20-04-02-amd64 <brett\> * more sm_advanced_recovery_1 (#84) Co-authored-by: Ubuntu 20-04-02-amd64 <brett\> * More sm_advanced_recovery_1 work (#85) Co-authored-by: Ubuntu 20-04-02-amd64 <brett\> * sm_advanced_recovery_1 round 4 (#86) Co-authored-by: Ubuntu 20-04-02-amd64 <brett\> * Brettpac branch (#87) * sm_atomic_performance_test_a_2 * sm_atomic_performance_test_a_1 Co-authored-by: Ubuntu 20-04-02-amd64 <brett\> * sm_atomic_performance_test_c_1 (#88) Co-authored-by: Ubuntu 20-04-02-amd64 <brett\> * modifying sm_atomic_performance_test_a_2 (#89) Co-authored-by: Ubuntu 20-04-02-amd64 <brett\> * sm_multi_stage_1 (#90) * sm_multi_stage_1 * fixing precommit Co-authored-by: Ubuntu 20-04-02-amd64 <brett\> * more sm_multi_stage_1 (#91) Co-authored-by: Ubuntu 20-04-02-amd64 <brett\> * Update updated launch command * Wait topic message client behavior (#81) * base for the sm_aws_aarehouse navigation * progressing in aws navigation * minor * several core improvements during navigation testing * formatting improvements * progress in aws navigation demo * format improvements * format improvements * more on navigation * new feature, cb_wait_topic_message: asynchronous client behavior that waits a topic message and optionally checks its contents to success * formatting * attempting precommit fixes Co-authored-by: Ubuntu 20-04-02-amd64 <brett\> Co-authored-by: Denis Štogl <destogl\> * Feature/wait nav2 nodes client behavior (#82) * base for the sm_aws_aarehouse navigation * progressing in aws navigation * minor * several core improvements during navigation testing * formatting improvements * progress in aws navigation demo * format improvements * format improvements * more on navigation * new feature, cb_wait_topic_message: asynchronous client behavior that waits a topic message and optionally checks its contents to success * formatting * adding new client behavior add for nav2, wait nav2 nodes subscribing to the /bond topic and waiting they are alive. you optionally can select the nodes to wait * Correct all linters and formaters. Co-authored-by: Denis Štogl <denis\> Co-authored-by: Denis Štogl <destogl\> * Feature/aws demo progress (#92) * base for the sm_aws_aarehouse navigation * progressing in aws navigation * minor * several core improvements during navigation testing * formatting improvements * progress in aws navigation demo * format improvements * format improvements * more on navigation * new feature, cb_wait_topic_message: asynchronous client behavior that waits a topic message and optionally checks its contents to success * formatting * adding new client behavior add for nav2, wait nav2 nodes subscribing to the /bond topic and waiting they are alive. you optionally can select the nodes to wait * progress in aws navigation demo * minor format * Feature/sm dance bot fixes (#93) * base for the sm_aws_aarehouse navigation * progressing in aws navigation * minor * several core improvements during navigation testing * formatting improvements * progress in aws navigation demo * format improvements * format improvements * more on navigation * new feature, cb_wait_topic_message: asynchronous client behavior that waits a topic message and optionally checks its contents to success * formatting * adding new client behavior add for nav2, wait nav2 nodes subscribing to the /bond topic and waiting they are alive. you optionally can select the nodes to wait * progress in aws navigation demo * minor format * navigation parameters fixes on sm_dance_bot * minor format * Feature/sm aws warehouse (#94) * base for the sm_aws_aarehouse navigation * progressing in aws navigation * minor * several core improvements during navigation testing * formatting improvements * progress in aws navigation demo * format improvements * format improvements * more on navigation * new feature, cb_wait_topic_message: asynchronous client behavior that waits a topic message and optionally checks its contents to success * formatting * adding new client behavior add for nav2, wait nav2 nodes subscribing to the /bond topic and waiting they are alive. you optionally can select the nodes to wait * progress in aws navigation demo * minor format * merge and progress * fix format * Feature/sm dance bot fixes (#95) * base for the sm_aws_aarehouse navigation * progressing in aws navigation * minor * several core improvements during navigation testing * formatting improvements * progress in aws navigation demo * format improvements * format improvements * more on navigation * new feature, cb_wait_topic_message: asynchronous client behavior that waits a topic message and optionally checks its contents to success * formatting * adding new client behavior add for nav2, wait nav2 nodes subscribing to the /bond topic and waiting they are alive. you optionally can select the nodes to wait * progress in aws navigation demo * minor format * navigation parameters fixes on sm_dance_bot * minor format * minor * minor format * Remove some compile warnings. (#96) * Feature/cb pause slam (#98) * base for the sm_aws_aarehouse navigation * progressing in aws navigation * minor * several core improvements during navigation testing * formatting improvements * progress in aws navigation demo * format improvements * format improvements * more on navigation * new feature, cb_wait_topic_message: asynchronous client behavior that waits a topic message and optionally checks its contents to success * formatting * adding new client behavior add for nav2, wait nav2 nodes subscribing to the /bond topic and waiting they are alive. you optionally can select the nodes to wait * progress in aws navigation demo * minor format * navigation parameters fixes on sm_dance_bot * minor format * minor * formatting * cb pause slam client behavior * sm_dance_bot_lite (#99) * sm_dance_bot_lite * precommit * Updates yaml Co-authored-by: Ubuntu 20-04-02-amd64 <brett\> * Rename doxygen deployment workflow (#100) * minor hotfix * sm_dance_bot visualizing turtlebot3 (#101) * Feature/dance bot launch gz lidar choice (#102) * sm_dance_bot visualizing turtlebot3 * cleaning and lidar show/hide option * cleaning files and making formatting work * more fixes * Feature/sm dance bot lite gazebo fixes (#104) * sm_dance_bot visualizing turtlebot3 * cleaning and lidar show/hide option * cleaning files and making formatting work * more fixes * gazebo fixes, to show the robot and the lidar * format fixes * sm_multi_stage_1 doubling (#103) Co-authored-by: Ubuntu 20-04-02-amd64 <brett\> * Feature/sm dance bot strikes back gazebo fixes (#105) * sm_dance_bot visualizing turtlebot3 * cleaning and lidar show/hide option * cleaning files and making formatting work * more fixes * gazebo fixes, to show the robot and the lidar * format fixes * gazebo fixes for sm_dance_bot_strikes_back * precommit cleanup run (#106) Co-authored-by: Ubuntu 20-04-02-amd64 <brett\> * aws demo (#108) * aws demo * format * got sm_multi_stage_1 working (barely) (#109) Co-authored-by: Ubuntu 20-04-02-amd64 <brett\> * Brettpac branch (#110) * got sm_multi_stage_1 working (barely) * gaining traction sm_multi_stage_1 * more * don't remember * making progress * More * keep hammering * two stages * 3 part * 4th stage Co-authored-by: Ubuntu 20-04-02-amd64 <brett\> * Brettpac branch (#111) * got sm_multi_stage_1 working (barely) * gaining traction sm_multi_stage_1 * more * don't remember * making progress * More * keep hammering * two stages * 3 part * 4th stage * 5th stage Co-authored-by: Ubuntu 20-04-02-amd64 <brett\> * a3 (#113) Co-authored-by: Ubuntu 20-04-02-amd64 <brett\> * Remove neo_simulation2 package. (#112) * Remove neo_simulation2 package. * Correct formatting. * Enable source build on PR for testing. * Adjust build packages of source CI * more sm_multi_stage_1 (#114) Co-authored-by: Ubuntu 20-04-02-amd64 <brett\> * mm (#115) Co-authored-by: Ubuntu 20-04-02-amd64 <brett\> * diverse improvements navigation and performance (#116) * diverse improvements navigation and performance * minor Co-authored-by: pabloinigoblasco <pablo\> * Feature/diverse improvemets navigation performance (#117) * diverse improvements navigation and performance * minor * additional linting and formatting * Remove merge markers from a python file. (#119) * Feature/slam toggle and smacc deep history (#122) * progress in navigation, slam toggle client behaviors and slam_toolbox components. Also smacc2::deep_history syntax * going forward in testing sm_dance_bot introducing slam pausing/resuming funcionality * feature/more_sm_dance_bot_fixes * minor format * minor (#124) Co-authored-by: Ubuntu 20-04-02-amd64 <brett\> * more changes in sm_dance_bot (#125) * Move method after the method it calls. Otherwise recursion could happen. (#126) * Feature/dance bot s pattern (#128) * more changes in sm_dance_bot * polishing sm_dance_bot and s-pattern * noticed typo Finnaly > Finally * Feature/dance bot s pattern (#129) * more changes in sm_dance_bot * polishing sm_dance_bot and s-pattern * more refinement in sm_dance_bot * First working version of sm template and template generator. (#127) * minor tweaks (#130) Co-authored-by: Ubuntu 20-04-02-amd64 <brett\> * Feature/sm dance bot refine (#131) * more changes in sm_dance_bot * minor * Feature/sm dance bot refine 2 (#132) * more changes in sm_dance_bot * minor * build fix * waypoints navigator bug (#133) * minor tuning to mitigate overshot issue cases * progress in the sm_dance_bot tests (#135) * some more progress on markers cleanup * minor format issues (#134) * sm_dance_bot_lite (#136) Co-authored-by: Ubuntu 20-04-02-amd64 <brett\> * Resolve compile wanings (#137) * Add SM core test (#138) * minor navigation improvements (#141) * using local action msgs (#139) * using local action msgs * removing sm_dance_bot_msgs * pending references * Feature/nav2z renaming (#144) * using local action msgs * removing sm_dance_bot_msgs * pending references * navigation 2 stack renaming * formatting * added SVGs to READMEs of atomic, dance_bot, and others (#140) * added remaining SVGs to READMEs (#145) * added remaining SVGs to READMEs * precommit cleanup * Update package list. (#142) * removing parameters smacc (#147) * removing parameters smacc * workflows update * workflow * Noticed launch command was incorrect in fixed launch command for sm_dance_bot_strikes_back and removed some comments I had made in the past. * Fix CI: format fix python version (#148) * Add SM Atomic SM generator. (#143) * Remove node creation and create only a logger. (#149) * Rolling Docker environment to be executed from any environment (#154) * Feature/sm dance bot strikes back refactoring (#152) Co-authored-by: DecDury <declandury\> Co-authored-by: Denis Štogl <destogl\> * slight waypoint 4 and iterations changes so robot can complete course (#155) * Feature/migration moveit client (#151) * initial migration to smacc2 * fixing some errors introduced on formatting * missing dependency * fixing some more linting warnings * minor * removing test from main moveit cmake * test ur5 * progressing in the moveit migration testing * updating format * adding .reps dependencies and also fixing some build errors * repos dependency * adding dependency to ur5 client * docker refactoring * minor * progress on move_it PR * minor dockerfile test workaround * improving dockerfile for building local tests * minor * fixing compiling issues * update readme (#164) * update readme * more readme updates * more Co-authored-by: Ubuntu 20-04-02-amd64 <brett\> * initial state machine transition timestamp (#165) * moved reference library SMs to smacc2_performance_tools (#166) * moved reference library SMs to smacc2_performance_tools * pre-commit cleanup * Add QOS durability to SmaccPublisherClient (#163) * feat: add qos durability to SmaccPublisherClient * fix: add a missing colon * refactor: remove line * feat: add reliability qos config * Feature/testing moveit behaviors (#167) * more testing on moveit * progress on moveit * more testing on moveit behaviors * minor configuration * fixing pipeline error * fixing broken master build * sm_pubsub_1 (#169) Co-authored-by: Ubuntu 20-04-02-amd64 <brett\> * sm_pubsub_1 part 2 (#170) * sm_pubsub_1 part 2 * sm_pubsub_1 part 2 Co-authored-by: Ubuntu 20-04-02-amd64 <brett\> * sm_advanced_recovery_1 renaming (#171) Co-authored-by: Ubuntu 20-04-02-amd64 <brett\> * sm_multi_stage_1 reworking (#172) * multistage modes * sm_multi_stage sequences * sm_multi_state_1 steps * sm_multi_stage_1 sequence d * sm_multi_stage_1 c sequence * mode_5_sequence_b * mode_4_sequence_b * sm_multi_stage_1 most * finishing touches 1 * readme Co-authored-by: Ubuntu 20-04-02-amd64 <brett\> * Feature/aws navigation sm dance bot (#174) * repo dependency * husky launch file in sm_dance_bot * Add dependencies for husky simulation. * Fix formatting. * Update dependencies for husky in rolling and galactic. * minor * progress on aws navigation and some other refactorings on navigation clients and behaviors * more on aws demo * fixing broken build * minor Co-authored-by: Denis Štogl <denis\> Co-authored-by: Denis Štogl <destogl\> * minor changes (#175) * warehouse2 (#177) * Waypoint Inputs (#178) Co-authored-by: Ubuntu 20-04-02-amd64 <brett\> * wharehouse2 progress (#179) * format (#180) * sm_dance_bot_warehouse_3 (#181) Co-authored-by: Ubuntu 20-04-02-amd64 <brett\> * Feature/sm warehouse 2 13 dec 2 (#182) * format * more changes and headless * merge * headless and other fixes * default values * Brettpac branch (#184) * sm_dance_bot_warehouse_3 * Redoing sm_dance_bot_warehouse_3 waypoints * More Waypoints Co-authored-by: Ubuntu 20-04-02-amd64 <brett\> * SrConditional fixes and formatting (#168) * fix: some formatting and templating on SrConditional * fix: move trigger logic into headers * fix: lint * Feature/wharehouse2 dec 14 (#185) * warehouse2 * minor * Feature/sm warehouse 2 13 dec 2 (#186) * format * more changes and headless * merge * headless and other fixes * default values * minor * finetuning waypoints (#187) Co-authored-by: Ubuntu 20-04-02-amd64 <brett\> * Feature/cb pure spinning (#188) * format * more changes and headless * merge * headless and other fixes * default values * minor * Feature/cb pure spinning (#189) * format * more changes and headless * merge * headless and other fixes * default values * minor * pure spinning behavior missing files * minor changes (#190) * Feature/planner changes 16 12 (#191) * minor changes * more fixes * minor * minor * Feature/replanning 16 dec (#193) * minor changes * replanning for all our examples * several fixes (#194) * minor changes (#195) * Feature/undo motion 20 12 (#196) * minor changes * replanning for all our examples * improving undo motion navigation warehouse2 * minor * tuning warehouse3 (#197) * Feature/undo motion 20 12 (#198) * minor changes * replanning for all our examples * improving undo motion navigation warehouse2 * minor * undo tuning and errors * format * Feature/sync 21 12 (#199) * minor changes * replanning for all our examples * format issues * Feature/warehouse2 22 12 (#200) * minor changes * replanning for all our examples * format issues * finishing warehouse2 * Feature/warehouse2 23 12 (#201) * minor changes * replanning for all our examples * tuning and fixes (#202) * Feature/minor tune (#203) * tuning and fixes * minor tune * fixing warehouse 3 problems, and other core improvements (#204) * fixing warehouse 3 problems, and other core improvements to remove dead lock, also making continuous integration green * weird moveit not downloaded repo * added missing file from warehouse2 (#205) * backport to foxy * minor format * minor linking errors foxy Co-authored-by: Denis Štogl <denis\> Co-authored-by: Denis Štogl <destogl\> Co-authored-by: Declan Dury <44791484+DecDury\> Co-authored-by: DecDury <declandury\> Co-authored-by: reelrbtx <brett2\> Co-authored-by: brettpac <brett\> Co-authored-by: David Revay <MrBlenny\> * missing * missing sm * updating subscriber publisher components * progress in autowarrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrre machine * refining cp subscriber cp publisher * improvements in smacc core adding more components mostly developed for autoware demo * autoware demo * missing * foxy ci * fix * minor broken build * some reordering fixes * minor * docker files for different revisions, warnings removval and more testing on navigation * fixing docker for foxy and galactic * Update file for fake hardware simulation and add file for gazebo simulation. * docker build files for all versions * retry behavior warehouse 1 * missing file * minor format fix * other minor changes Co-authored-by: Denis Štogl <denis\> Co-authored-by: Denis Štogl <destogl\> Co-authored-by: Declan Dury <44791484+DecDury\> Co-authored-by: DecDury <declandury\> Co-authored-by: reelrbtx <brett2\> Co-authored-by: brettpac <brett\> Co-authored-by: David Revay <MrBlenny\> Co-authored-by: pabloinigoblasco <pabloinigoblasco\> * fix broken source build (#227) * Only rolling version should be pre-released on on master. (#230) * Correct Focal-Rolling builds by fixing the version of rosdep yaml (#234) * Update file for fake hardware simulation and add file for gazebo simulation. (#224) * Update file for fake hardware simulation and add file for gazebo simulation. * Add ignition file and update repos files. * Feature/improvements warehouse3 (#228) * minor changes * replanning for all our examples * backport to foxy * minor format * minor linking errors foxy * Foxy backport (#206) * minor formatting fixes * Fix trailing spaces. * Correct codespell. * Correct python linters warnings. * Add galactic CI build because Navigation2 is broken in rolling. * Add partial changes for ament_cpplint. * Add tf2_ros as dependency to find include. * Disable ament_cpplint. * Disable some packages and update workflows. * Bump ccache version. * Ignore further packages * Satisfy ament_lint_cmake * Add missing licences. * Disable cpplint and cppcheck linters. * Correct formatters. * branching example * Disable disabled packages * Update ci-build-source.yml * Change extension * Change extension of imports. * Enable cppcheck * Correct formatting of python file. * Included necessary package and edited Threesome launch Changed... ros2 launch sm_three_some sm_three_some to ros2 launch sm_three_some sm_three_some.launch Added: First ensure you have the necessary package installed. ]{.title-ref}sudo apt-get install ros-rolling-ros2trace[ Then run this command. * Rename header files and correct format. * Add workflow for checking doc build. * Update doxygen-check-build.yml * Create doxygen-deploy.yml * Use manual deployment for now. * Create workflow for testing prerelease builds * Use docs/ as source folder for documentation * Use docs/ as output directory. * Rename to smacc2 and smacc2_msgs * Correct GitHub branch reference. * Update name of package and package.xml to pass liter. * Execute on master update * Reset all versions to 0.0.0 * Ignore all packages except smacc2 and smacc2_msgs * Update changelogs * 0.1.0 * Revert "Ignore all packages except smacc2 and smacc2_msgs" This reverts commit f603166a4b3ccdfe96c64d9f9fb9d8b49fbf0e61. * Update description table. * Update table * Copy initial docs * Dockerfile w/ ROS distro as argument use this command "sudo docker build --build-arg ROS2_DISTRO=(desiredRosTag) (directoryHoldingDockerfile)/" * Opened new folder for additional tracing contents * Delete tracing directory * Moved to tracing directory * added Installs necessary packages and configures tracing group. * Removed manual installation of ros-rolling-ros2trace This is now automated in location of sh file assumed if user follows under "Getting started" * Created alternative ManualTracing * added new sm markdowns * added a dockerfile for Rolling and Galactic * Update smacc2_ci/docker/ros_rollingAndGalactic_ubuntu_20.04/ Co-authored-by: Denis Štogl <destogl\> * Update tracing/ Co-authored-by: Denis Štogl <destogl\> * changed wording "smacc application" to "SMACC2 library" Co-authored-by: Denis Štogl <destogl\> * Update smacc_sm_reference_library/sm_atomic/ edit from html to markdown syntax Co-authored-by: Denis Štogl <destogl\> * reactivating smacc2 nav clients for rolling via submodules * renamed tracing events after * bug in smacc2 component * reverted markdowns to html * added README tutorial for Dockerfile * additional cleanup * cleanup * cleanup * edited to reflect new tracing event names * Enable build of missing rolling repositories. * Enable Navigation2 for semi-binary build. * Remove galactic builds from master and kepp only rolling. Remove submodules and use .repos file * updated mentions of SMACC/ROS to SMACC2/ROS2 * some progress on navigation rolling * renamed folders, deleted, edited * added smacc2_performance_tools * performance tests improvements * more on performance and other issues * sm_respira_1 format cleanup * sm_respira_1 format cleanup pre-commit * sm_respira_test_2 * sm_respira_test_2 * more changes on performance tests * Do not execute clang-format on smacc2_sm_reference_library package. * sm_reference_library reformatting * Correct trailing spaces. * sm_atomic_24hr * sm_atomic_performance_trace_1 * Update smacc2_rta command across readmes * Clean up of sm_atomic_24hr * more sm_atomic_24hr cleanup * Optimized deps in move_base_z_planners_common. * Renaming of event generator library * minor formatting * Add galactic CI setup and rename rolling files. (#58) * Fix source CI and correct README overview. (#62) * Update c_cpp_properties.json * changed launch command to ros2 launch sm_respira_1 sm_respira_1.launch (#69) also noticed a note I had made while producing these that was not removed * update doxygen links (#70) Co-authored-by: Ubuntu 20-04-02-amd64 <brett\> * More Readme Updates (#72) Co-authored-by: Ubuntu 20-04-02-amd64 <brett\> * More Readme (#74) Co-authored-by: Ubuntu 20-04-02-amd64 <brett\> * created new sm from sm_respira_1 (#76) * Feature/core and navigation fixes (#78) * base for the sm_aws_aarehouse navigation * progressing in aws navigation * minor * several core improvements during navigation testing * formatting improvements * progress in aws navigation demo * format improvements * Feature/aws demo progress (#80) * base for the sm_aws_aarehouse navigation * progressing in aws navigation * minor * several core improvements during navigation testing * formatting improvements * progress in aws navigation demo * format improvements * format improvements * more on navigation * sm_advanced_recovery_1 reworked (#83) * sm_advanced_recovery_1 reworked * fix pre-commit * Trying to fix Pre-Commit Co-authored-by: Ubuntu 20-04-02-amd64 <brett\> * more sm_advanced_recovery_1 (#84) Co-authored-by: Ubuntu 20-04-02-amd64 <brett\> * More sm_advanced_recovery_1 work (#85) Co-authored-by: Ubuntu 20-04-02-amd64 <brett\> * sm_advanced_recovery_1 round 4 (#86) Co-authored-by: Ubuntu 20-04-02-amd64 <brett\> * Brettpac branch (#87) * sm_atomic_performance_test_a_2 * sm_atomic_performance_test_a_1 Co-authored-by: Ubuntu 20-04-02-amd64 <brett\> * sm_atomic_performance_test_c_1 (#88) Co-authored-by: Ubuntu 20-04-02-amd64 <brett\> * modifying sm_atomic_performance_test_a_2 (#89) Co-authored-by: Ubuntu 20-04-02-amd64 <brett\> * sm_multi_stage_1 (#90) * sm_multi_stage_1 * fixing precommit Co-authored-by: Ubuntu 20-04-02-amd64 <brett\> * more sm_multi_stage_1 (#91) Co-authored-by: Ubuntu 20-04-02-amd64 <brett\> * Update updated launch command * Wait topic message client behavior (#81) * base for the sm_aws_aarehouse navigation * progressing in aws navigation * minor * several core improvements during navigation testing * formatting improvements * progress in aws navigation demo * format improvements * format improvements * more on navigation * new feature, cb_wait_topic_message: asynchronous client behavior that waits a topic message and optionally checks its contents to success * formatting * attempting precommit fixes Co-authored-by: Ubuntu 20-04-02-amd64 <brett\> Co-authored-by: Denis Štogl <destogl\> * Feature/wait nav2 nodes client behavior (#82) * base for the sm_aws_aarehouse navigation * progressing in aws navigation * minor * several core improvements during navigation testing * formatting improvements * progress in aws navigation demo * format improvements * format improvements * more on navigation * new feature, cb_wait_topic_message: asynchronous client behavior that waits a topic message and optionally checks its contents to success * formatting * adding new client behavior add for nav2, wait nav2 nodes subscribing to the /bond topic and waiting they are alive. you optionally can select the nodes to wait * Correct all linters and formaters. Co-authored-by: Denis Štogl <denis\> Co-authored-by: Denis Štogl <destogl\> * Feature/aws demo progress (#92) * base for the sm_aws_aarehouse navigation * progressing in aws navigation * minor * several core improvements during navigation testing * formatting improvements * progress in aws navigation demo * format improvements * format improvements * more on navigation * new feature, cb_wait_topic_message: asynchronous client behavior that waits a topic message and optionally checks its contents to success * formatting * adding new client behavior add for nav2, wait nav2 nodes subscribing to the /bond topic and waiting they are alive. you optionally can select the nodes to wait * progress in aws navigation demo * minor format * Feature/sm dance bot fixes (#93) * base for the sm_aws_aarehouse navigation * progressing in aws navigation * minor * several core improvements during navigation testing * formatting improvements * progress in aws navigation demo * format improvements * format improvements * more on navigation * new feature, cb_wait_topic_message: asynchronous client behavior that waits a topic message and optionally checks its contents to success * formatting * adding new client behavior add for nav2, wait nav2 nodes subscribing to the /bond topic and waiting they are alive. you optionally can select the nodes to wait * progress in aws navigation demo * minor format * navigation parameters fixes on sm_dance_bot * minor format * Feature/sm aws warehouse (#94) * base for the sm_aws_aarehouse navigation * progressing in aws navigation * minor * several core improvements during navigation testing * formatting improvements * progress in aws navigation demo * format improvements * format improvements * more on navigation * new feature, cb_wait_topic_message: asynchronous client behavior that waits a topic message and optionally checks its contents to success * formatting * adding new client behavior add for nav2, wait nav2 nodes subscribing to the /bond topic and waiting they are alive. you optionally can select the nodes to wait * progress in aws navigation demo * minor format * merge and progress * fix format * Feature/sm dance bot fixes (#95) * base for the sm_aws_aarehouse navigation * progressing in aws navigation * minor * several core improvements during navigation testing * formatting improvements * progress in aws navigation demo * format improvements * format improvements * more on navigation * new feature, cb_wait_topic_message: asynchronous client behavior that waits a topic message and optionally checks its contents to success * formatting * adding new client behavior add for nav2, wait nav2 nodes subscribing to the /bond topic and waiting they are alive. you optionally can select the nodes to wait * progress in aws navigation demo * minor format * navigation parameters fixes on sm_dance_bot * minor format * minor * minor format * Remove some compile warnings. (#96) * Feature/cb pause slam (#98) * base for the sm_aws_aarehouse navigation * progressing in aws navigation * minor * several core improvements during navigation testing * formatting improvements * progress in aws navigation demo * format improvements * format improvements * more on navigation * new feature, cb_wait_topic_message: asynchronous client behavior that waits a topic message and optionally checks its contents to success * formatting * adding new client behavior add for nav2, wait nav2 nodes subscribing to the /bond topic and waiting they are alive. you optionally can select the nodes to wait * progress in aws navigation demo * minor format * navigation parameters fixes on sm_dance_bot * minor format * minor * formatting * cb pause slam client behavior * sm_dance_bot_lite (#99) * sm_dance_bot_lite * precommit * Updates yaml Co-authored-by: Ubuntu 20-04-02-amd64 <brett\> * Rename doxygen deployment workflow (#100) * minor hotfix * sm_dance_bot visualizing turtlebot3 (#101) * Feature/dance bot launch gz lidar choice (#102) * sm_dance_bot visualizing turtlebot3 * cleaning and lidar show/hide option * cleaning files and making formatting work * more fixes * Feature/sm dance bot lite gazebo fixes (#104) * sm_dance_bot visualizing turtlebot3 * cleaning and lidar show/hide option * cleaning files and making formatting work * more fixes * gazebo fixes, to show the robot and the lidar * format fixes * sm_multi_stage_1 doubling (#103) Co-authored-by: Ubuntu 20-04-02-amd64 <brett\> * Feature/sm dance bot strikes back gazebo fixes (#105) * sm_dance_bot visualizing turtlebot3 * cleaning and lidar show/hide option * cleaning files and making formatting work * more fixes * gazebo fixes, to show the robot and the lidar * format fixes * gazebo fixes for sm_dance_bot_strikes_back * precommit cleanup run (#106) Co-authored-by: Ubuntu 20-04-02-amd64 <brett\> * aws demo (#108) * aws demo * format * got sm_multi_stage_1 working (barely) (#109) Co-authored-by: Ubuntu 20-04-02-amd64 <brett\> * Brettpac branch (#110) * got sm_multi_stage_1 working (barely) * gaining traction sm_multi_stage_1 * more * don't remember * making progress * More * keep hammering * two stages * 3 part * 4th stage Co-authored-by: Ubuntu 20-04-02-amd64 <brett\> * Brettpac branch (#111) * got sm_multi_stage_1 working (barely) * gaining traction sm_multi_stage_1 * more * don't remember * making progress * More * keep hammering * two stages * 3 part * 4th stage * 5th stage Co-authored-by: Ubuntu 20-04-02-amd64 <brett\> * a3 (#113) Co-authored-by: Ubuntu 20-04-02-amd64 <brett\> * Remove neo_simulation2 package. (#112) * Remove neo_simulation2 package. * Correct formatting. * Enable source build on PR for testing. * Adjust build packages of source CI * more sm_multi_stage_1 (#114) Co-authored-by: Ubuntu 20-04-02-amd64 <brett\> * mm (#115) Co-authored-by: Ubuntu 20-04-02-amd64 <brett\> * diverse improvements navigation and performance (#116) * diverse improvements navigation and performance * minor Co-authored-by: pabloinigoblasco <pablo\> * Feature/diverse improvemets navigation performance (#117) * diverse improvements navigation and performance * minor * additional linting and formatting * Remove merge markers from a python file. (#119) * Feature/slam toggle and smacc deep history (#122) * progress in navigation, slam toggle client behaviors and slam_toolbox components. Also smacc2::deep_history syntax * going forward in testing sm_dance_bot introducing slam pausing/resuming funcionality * feature/more_sm_dance_bot_fixes * minor format * minor (#124) Co-authored-by: Ubuntu 20-04-02-amd64 <brett\> * more changes in sm_dance_bot (#125) * Move method after the method it calls. Otherwise recursion could happen. (#126) * Feature/dance bot s pattern (#128) * more changes in sm_dance_bot * polishing sm_dance_bot and s-pattern * noticed typo Finnaly > Finally * Feature/dance bot s pattern (#129) * more changes in sm_dance_bot * polishing sm_dance_bot and s-pattern * more refinement in sm_dance_bot * First working version of sm template and template generator. (#127) * minor tweaks (#130) Co-authored-by: Ubuntu 20-04-02-amd64 <brett\> * Feature/sm dance bot refine (#131) * more changes in sm_dance_bot * minor * Feature/sm dance bot refine 2 (#132) * more changes in sm_dance_bot * minor * build fix * waypoints navigator bug (#133) * minor tuning to mitigate overshot issue cases * progress in the sm_dance_bot tests (#135) * some more progress on markers cleanup * minor format issues (#134) * sm_dance_bot_lite (#136) Co-authored-by: Ubuntu 20-04-02-amd64 <brett\> * Resolve compile wanings (#137) * Add SM core test (#138) * minor navigation improvements (#141) * using local action msgs (#139) * using local action msgs * removing sm_dance_bot_msgs * pending references * Feature/nav2z renaming (#144) * using local action msgs * removing sm_dance_bot_msgs * pending references * navigation 2 stack renaming * formatting * added SVGs to READMEs of atomic, dance_bot, and others (#140) * added remaining SVGs to READMEs (#145) * added remaining SVGs to READMEs * precommit cleanup * Update package list. (#142) * removing parameters smacc (#147) * removing parameters smacc * workflows update * workflow * Noticed launch command was incorrect in fixed launch command for sm_dance_bot_strikes_back and removed some comments I had made in the past. * Fix CI: format fix python version (#148) * Add SM Atomic SM generator. (#143) * Remove node creation and create only a logger. (#149) * Rolling Docker environment to be executed from any environment (#154) * Feature/sm dance bot strikes back refactoring (#152) Co-authored-by: DecDury <declandury\> Co-authored-by: Denis Štogl <destogl\> * slight waypoint 4 and iterations changes so robot can complete course (#155) * Feature/migration moveit client (#151) * initial migration to smacc2 * fixing some errors introduced on formatting * missing dependency * fixing some more linting warnings * minor * removing test from main moveit cmake * test ur5 * progressing in the moveit migration testing * updating format * adding .reps dependencies and also fixing some build errors * repos dependency * adding dependency to ur5 client * docker refactoring * minor * progress on move_it PR * minor dockerfile test workaround * improving dockerfile for building local tests * minor * fixing compiling issues * update readme (#164) * update readme * more readme updates * more Co-authored-by: Ubuntu 20-04-02-amd64 <brett\> * initial state machine transition timestamp (#165) * moved reference library SMs to smacc2_performance_tools (#166) * moved reference library SMs to smacc2_performance_tools * pre-commit cleanup * Add QOS durability to SmaccPublisherClient (#163) * feat: add qos durability to SmaccPublisherClient * fix: add a missing colon * refactor: remove line * feat: add reliability qos config * Feature/testing moveit behaviors (#167) * more testing on moveit * progress on moveit * more testing on moveit behaviors * minor configuration * fixing pipeline error * fixing broken master build * sm_pubsub_1 (#169) Co-authored-by: Ubuntu 20-04-02-amd64 <brett\> * sm_pubsub_1 part 2 (#170) * sm_pubsub_1 part 2 * sm_pubsub_1 part 2 Co-authored-by: Ubuntu 20-04-02-amd64 <brett\> * sm_advanced_recovery_1 renaming (#171) Co-authored-by: Ubuntu 20-04-02-amd64 <brett\> * sm_multi_stage_1 reworking (#172) * multistage modes * sm_multi_stage sequences * sm_multi_state_1 steps * sm_multi_stage_1 sequence d * sm_multi_stage_1 c sequence * mode_5_sequence_b * mode_4_sequence_b * sm_multi_stage_1 most * finishing touches 1 * readme Co-authored-by: Ubuntu 20-04-02-amd64 <brett\> * Feature/aws navigation sm dance bot (#174) * repo dependency * husky launch file in sm_dance_bot * Add dependencies for husky simulation. * Fix formatting. * Update dependencies for husky in rolling and galactic. * minor * progress on aws navigation and some other refactorings on navigation clients and behaviors * more on aws demo * fixing broken build * minor Co-authored-by: Denis Štogl <denis\> Co-authored-by: Denis Štogl <destogl\> * minor changes (#175) * warehouse2 (#177) * Waypoint Inputs (#178) Co-authored-by: Ubuntu 20-04-02-amd64 <brett\> * wharehouse2 progress (#179) * format (#180) * sm_dance_bot_warehouse_3 (#181) Co-authored-by: Ubuntu 20-04-02-amd64 <brett\> * Feature/sm warehouse 2 13 dec 2 (#182) * format * more changes and headless * merge * headless and other fixes * default values * Brettpac branch (#184) * sm_dance_bot_warehouse_3 * Redoing sm_dance_bot_warehouse_3 waypoints * More Waypoints Co-authored-by: Ubuntu 20-04-02-amd64 <brett\> * SrConditional fixes and formatting (#168) * fix: some formatting and templating on SrConditional * fix: move trigger logic into headers * fix: lint * Feature/wharehouse2 dec 14 (#185) * warehouse2 * minor * Feature/sm warehouse 2 13 dec 2 (#186) * format * more changes and headless * merge * headless and other fixes * default values * minor * finetuning waypoints (#187) Co-authored-by: Ubuntu 20-04-02-amd64 <brett\> * Feature/cb pure spinning (#188) * format * more changes and headless * merge * headless and other fixes * default values * minor * Feature/cb pure spinning (#189) * format * more changes and headless * merge * headless and other fixes * default values * minor * pure spinning behavior missing files * minor changes (#190) * Feature/planner changes 16 12 (#191) * minor changes * more fixes * minor * minor * Feature/replanning 16 dec (#193) * minor changes * replanning for all our examples * several fixes (#194) * minor changes (#195) * Feature/undo motion 20 12 (#196) * minor changes * replanning for all our examples * improving undo motion navigation warehouse2 * minor * tuning warehouse3 (#197) * Feature/undo motion 20 12 (#198) * minor changes * replanning for all our examples * improving undo motion navigation warehouse2 * minor * undo tuning and errors * format * Feature/sync 21 12 (#199) * minor changes * replanning for all our examples * format issues * Feature/warehouse2 22 12 (#200) * minor changes * replanning for all our examples * format issues * finishing warehouse2 * Feature/warehouse2 23 12 (#201) * minor changes * replanning for all our examples * tuning and fixes (#202) * Feature/minor tune (#203) * tuning and fixes * minor tune * fixing warehouse 3 problems, and other core improvements (#204) * fixing warehouse 3 problems, and other core improvements to remove dead lock, also making continuous integration green * weird moveit not downloaded repo * added missing file from warehouse2 (#205) * backport to foxy * minor format * minor linking errors foxy Co-authored-by: Denis Štogl <denis\> Co-authored-by: Denis Štogl <destogl\> Co-authored-by: Declan Dury <44791484+DecDury\> Co-authored-by: DecDury <declandury\> Co-authored-by: reelrbtx <brett2\> Co-authored-by: brettpac <brett\> Co-authored-by: David Revay <MrBlenny\> * missing * missing sm * updating subscriber publisher components * progress in autowarrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrre machine * refining cp subscriber cp publisher * improvements in smacc core adding more components mostly developed for autoware demo * autoware demo * missing * foxy ci * fix * minor broken build * some reordering fixes * minor * docker files for different revisions, warnings removval and more testing on navigation * fixing docker for foxy and galactic * docker build files for all versions * barrel demo * barrel search build fix and warehouse3 * fixing startup problems in warehouse 3 * fixing format and minor * minor * progress in barrel husky * minor * barrel demo * progress * fixing broken build Co-authored-by: Denis Štogl <denis\> Co-authored-by: Denis Štogl <destogl\> Co-authored-by: Declan Dury <44791484+DecDury\> Co-authored-by: DecDury <declandury\> Co-authored-by: reelrbtx <brett2\> Co-authored-by: brettpac <brett\> Co-authored-by: David Revay <MrBlenny\> Co-authored-by: pabloinigoblasco <pabloinigoblasco\> * Feature/barrel - do not merge yet (#233) * minor changes * replanning for all our examples * backport to foxy * minor format * minor linking errors foxy * Foxy backport (#206) * minor formatting fixes * Fix trailing spaces. * Correct codespell. * Correct python linters warnings. * Add galactic CI build because Navigation2 is broken in rolling. * Add partial changes for ament_cpplint. * Add tf2_ros as dependency to find include. * Disable ament_cpplint. * Disable some packages and update workflows. * Bump ccache version. * Ignore further packages * Satisfy ament_lint_cmake * Add missing licences. * Disable cpplint and cppcheck linters. * Correct formatters. * branching example * Disable disabled packages * Update ci-build-source.yml * Change extension * Change extension of imports. * Enable cppcheck * Correct formatting of python file. * Included necessary package and edited Threesome launch Changed... ros2 launch sm_three_some sm_three_some to ros2 launch sm_three_some sm_three_some.launch Added: First ensure you have the necessary package installed. ]{.title-ref}sudo apt-get install ros-rolling-ros2trace[ Then run this command. * Rename header files and correct format. * Add workflow for checking doc build. * Update doxygen-check-build.yml * Create doxygen-deploy.yml * Use manual deployment for now. * Create workflow for testing prerelease builds * Use docs/ as source folder for documentation * Use docs/ as output directory. * Rename to smacc2 and smacc2_msgs * Correct GitHub branch reference. * Update name of package and package.xml to pass liter. * Execute on master update * Reset all versions to 0.0.0 * Ignore all packages except smacc2 and smacc2_msgs * Update changelogs * 0.1.0 * Revert "Ignore all packages except smacc2 and smacc2_msgs" This reverts commit f603166a4b3ccdfe96c64d9f9fb9d8b49fbf0e61. * Update description table. * Update table * Copy initial docs * Dockerfile w/ ROS distro as argument use this command "sudo docker build --build-arg ROS2_DISTRO=(desiredRosTag) (directoryHoldingDockerfile)/" * Opened new folder for additional tracing contents * Delete tracing directory * Moved to tracing directory * added Installs necessary packages and configures tracing group. * Removed manual installation of ros-rolling-ros2trace This is now automated in location of sh file assumed if user follows under "Getting started" * Created alternative ManualTracing * added new sm markdowns * added a dockerfile for Rolling and Galactic * Update smacc2_ci/docker/ros_rollingAndGalactic_ubuntu_20.04/ Co-authored-by: Denis Štogl <destogl\> * Update tracing/ Co-authored-by: Denis Štogl <destogl\> * changed wording "smacc application" to "SMACC2 library" Co-authored-by: Denis Štogl <destogl\> * Update smacc_sm_reference_library/sm_atomic/ edit from html to markdown syntax Co-authored-by: Denis Štogl <destogl\> * reactivating smacc2 nav clients for rolling via submodules * renamed tracing events after * bug in smacc2 component * reverted markdowns to html * added README tutorial for Dockerfile * additional cleanup * cleanup * cleanup * edited to reflect new tracing event names * Enable build of missing rolling repositories. * Enable Navigation2 for semi-binary build. * Remove galactic builds from master and kepp only rolling. Remove submodules and use .repos file * updated mentions of SMACC/ROS to SMACC2/ROS2 * some progress on navigation rolling * renamed folders, deleted, edited * added smacc2_performance_tools * performance tests improvements * more on performance and other issues * sm_respira_1 format cleanup * sm_respira_1 format cleanup pre-commit * sm_respira_test_2 * sm_respira_test_2 * more changes on performance tests * Do not execute clang-format on smacc2_sm_reference_library package. * sm_reference_library reformatting * Correct trailing spaces. * sm_atomic_24hr * sm_atomic_performance_trace_1 * Update smacc2_rta command across readmes * Clean up of sm_atomic_24hr * more sm_atomic_24hr cleanup * Optimized deps in move_base_z_planners_common. * Renaming of event generator library * minor formatting * Add galactic CI setup and rename rolling files. (#58) * Fix source CI and correct README overview. (#62) * Update c_cpp_properties.json * changed launch command to ros2 launch sm_respira_1 sm_respira_1.launch (#69) also noticed a note I had made while producing these that was not removed * update doxygen links (#70) Co-authored-by: Ubuntu 20-04-02-amd64 <brett\> * More Readme Updates (#72) Co-authored-by: Ubuntu 20-04-02-amd64 <brett\> * More Readme (#74) Co-authored-by: Ubuntu 20-04-02-amd64 <brett\> * created new sm from sm_respira_1 (#76) * Feature/core and navigation fixes (#78) * base for the sm_aws_aarehouse navigation * progressing in aws navigation * minor * several core improvements during navigation testing * formatting improvements * progress in aws navigation demo * format improvements * Feature/aws demo progress (#80) * base for the sm_aws_aarehouse navigation * progressing in aws navigation * minor * several core improvements during navigation testing * formatting improvements * progress in aws navigation demo * format improvements * format improvements * more on navigation * sm_advanced_recovery_1 reworked (#83) * sm_advanced_recovery_1 reworked * fix pre-commit * Trying to fix Pre-Commit Co-authored-by: Ubuntu 20-04-02-amd64 <brett\> * more sm_advanced_recovery_1 (#84) Co-authored-by: Ubuntu 20-04-02-amd64 <brett\> * More sm_advanced_recovery_1 work (#85) Co-authored-by: Ubuntu 20-04-02-amd64 <brett\> * sm_advanced_recovery_1 round 4 (#86) Co-authored-by: Ubuntu 20-04-02-amd64 <brett\> * Brettpac branch (#87) * sm_atomic_performance_test_a_2 * sm_atomic_performance_test_a_1 Co-authored-by: Ubuntu 20-04-02-amd64 <brett\> * sm_atomic_performance_test_c_1 (#88) Co-authored-by: Ubuntu 20-04-02-amd64 <brett\> * modifying sm_atomic_performance_test_a_2 (#89) Co-authored-by: Ubuntu 20-04-02-amd64 <brett\> * sm_multi_stage_1 (#90) * sm_multi_stage_1 * fixing precommit Co-authored-by: Ubuntu 20-04-02-amd64 <brett\> * more sm_multi_stage_1 (#91) Co-authored-by: Ubuntu 20-04-02-amd64 <brett\> * Update updated launch command * Wait topic message client behavior (#81) * base for the sm_aws_aarehouse navigation * progressing in aws navigation * minor * several core improvements during navigation testing * formatting improvements * progress in aws navigation demo * format improvements * format improvements * more on navigation * new feature, cb_wait_topic_message: asynchronous client behavior that waits a topic message and optionally checks its contents to success * formatting * attempting precommit fixes Co-authored-by: Ubuntu 20-04-02-amd64 <brett\> Co-authored-by: Denis Štogl <destogl\> * Feature/wait nav2 nodes client behavior (#82) * base for the sm_aws_aarehouse navigation * progressing in aws navigation * minor * several core improvements during navigation testing * formatting improvements * progress in aws navigation demo * format improvements * format improvements * more on navigation * new feature, cb_wait_topic_message: asynchronous client behavior that waits a topic message and optionally checks its contents to success * formatting * adding new client behavior add for nav2, wait nav2 nodes subscribing to the /bond topic and waiting they are alive. you optionally can select the nodes to wait * Correct all linters and formaters. Co-authored-by: Denis Štogl <denis\> Co-authored-by: Denis Štogl <destogl\> * Feature/aws demo progress (#92) * base for the sm_aws_aarehouse navigation * progressing in aws navigation * minor * several core improvements during navigation testing * formatting improvements * progress in aws navigation demo * format improvements * format improvements * more on navigation * new feature, cb_wait_topic_message: asynchronous client behavior that waits a topic message and optionally checks its contents to success * formatting * adding new client behavior add for nav2, wait nav2 nodes subscribing to the /bond topic and waiting they are alive. you optionally can select the nodes to wait * progress in aws navigation demo * minor format * Feature/sm dance bot fixes (#93) * base for the sm_aws_aarehouse navigation * progressing in aws navigation * minor * several core improvements during navigation testing * formatting improvements * progress in aws navigation demo * format improvements * format improvements * more on navigation * new feature, cb_wait_topic_message: asynchronous client behavior that waits a topic message and optionally checks its contents to success * formatting * adding new client behavior add for nav2, wait nav2 nodes subscribing to the /bond topic and waiting they are alive. you optionally can select the nodes to wait * progress in aws navigation demo * minor format * navigation parameters fixes on sm_dance_bot * minor format * Feature/sm aws warehouse (#94) * base for the sm_aws_aarehouse navigation * progressing in aws navigation * minor * several core improvements during navigation testing * formatting improvements * progress in aws navigation demo * format improvements * format improvements * more on navigation * new feature, cb_wait_topic_message: asynchronous client behavior that waits a topic message and optionally checks its contents to success * formatting * adding new client behavior add for nav2, wait nav2 nodes subscribing to the /bond topic and waiting they are alive. you optionally can select the nodes to wait * progress in aws navigation demo * minor format * merge and progress * fix format * Feature/sm dance bot fixes (#95) * base for the sm_aws_aarehouse navigation * progressing in aws navigation * minor * several core improvements during navigation testing * formatting improvements * progress in aws navigation demo * format improvements * format improvements * more on navigation * new feature, cb_wait_topic_message: asynchronous client behavior that waits a topic message and optionally checks its contents to success * formatting * adding new client behavior add for nav2, wait nav2 nodes subscribing to the /bond topic and waiting they are alive. you optionally can select the nodes to wait * progress in aws navigation demo * minor format * navigation parameters fixes on sm_dance_bot * minor format * minor * minor format * Remove some compile warnings. (#96) * Feature/cb pause slam (#98) * base for the sm_aws_aarehouse navigation * progressing in aws navigation * minor * several core improvements during navigation testing * formatting improvements * progress in aws navigation demo * format improvements * format improvements * more on navigation * new feature, cb_wait_topic_message: asynchronous client behavior that waits a topic message and optionally checks its contents to success * formatting * adding new client behavior add for nav2, wait nav2 nodes subscribing to the /bond topic and waiting they are alive. you optionally can select the nodes to wait * progress in aws navigation demo * minor format * navigation parameters fixes on sm_dance_bot * minor format * minor * formatting * cb pause slam client behavior * sm_dance_bot_lite (#99) * sm_dance_bot_lite * precommit * Updates yaml Co-authored-by: Ubuntu 20-04-02-amd64 <brett\> * Rename doxygen deployment workflow (#100) * minor hotfix * sm_dance_bot visualizing turtlebot3 (#101) * Feature/dance bot launch gz lidar choice (#102) * sm_dance_bot visualizing turtlebot3 * cleaning and lidar show/hide option * cleaning files and making formatting work * more fixes * Feature/sm dance bot lite gazebo fixes (#104) * sm_dance_bot visualizing turtlebot3 * cleaning and lidar show/hide option * cleaning files and making formatting work * more fixes * gazebo fixes, to show the robot and the lidar * format fixes * sm_multi_stage_1 doubling (#103) Co-authored-by: Ubuntu 20-04-02-amd64 <brett\> * Feature/sm dance bot strikes back gazebo fixes (#105) * sm_dance_bot visualizing turtlebot3 * cleaning and lidar show/hide option * cleaning files and making formatting work * more fixes * gazebo fixes, to show the robot and the lidar * format fixes * gazebo fixes for sm_dance_bot_strikes_back * precommit cleanup run (#106) Co-authored-by: Ubuntu 20-04-02-amd64 <brett\> * aws demo (#108) * aws demo * format * got sm_multi_stage_1 working (barely) (#109) Co-authored-by: Ubuntu 20-04-02-amd64 <brett\> * Brettpac branch (#110) * got sm_multi_stage_1 working (barely) * gaining traction sm_multi_stage_1 * more * don't remember * making progress * More * keep hammering * two stages * 3 part * 4th stage Co-authored-by: Ubuntu 20-04-02-amd64 <brett\> * Brettpac branch (#111) * got sm_multi_stage_1 working (barely) * gaining traction sm_multi_stage_1 * more * don't remember * making progress * More * keep hammering * two stages * 3 part * 4th stage * 5th stage Co-authored-by: Ubuntu 20-04-02-amd64 <brett\> * a3 (#113) Co-authored-by: Ubuntu 20-04-02-amd64 <brett\> * Remove neo_simulation2 package. (#112) * Remove neo_simulation2 package. * Correct formatting. * Enable source build on PR for testing. * Adjust build packages of source CI * more sm_multi_stage_1 (#114) Co-authored-by: Ubuntu 20-04-02-amd64 <brett\> * mm (#115) Co-authored-by: Ubuntu 20-04-02-amd64 <brett\> * diverse improvements navigation and performance (#116) * diverse improvements navigation and performance * minor Co-authored-by: pabloinigoblasco <pablo\> * Feature/diverse improvemets navigation performance (#117) * diverse improvements navigation and performance * minor * additional linting and formatting * Remove merge markers from a python file. (#119) * Feature/slam toggle and smacc deep history (#122) * progress in navigation, slam toggle client behaviors and slam_toolbox components. Also smacc2::deep_history syntax * going forward in testing sm_dance_bot introducing slam pausing/resuming funcionality * feature/more_sm_dance_bot_fixes * minor format * minor (#124) Co-authored-by: Ubuntu 20-04-02-amd64 <brett\> * more changes in sm_dance_bot (#125) * Move method after the method it calls. Otherwise recursion could happen. (#126) * Feature/dance bot s pattern (#128) * more changes in sm_dance_bot * polishing sm_dance_bot and s-pattern * noticed typo Finnaly > Finally * Feature/dance bot s pattern (#129) * more changes in sm_dance_bot * polishing sm_dance_bot and s-pattern * more refinement in sm_dance_bot * First working version of sm template and template generator. (#127) * minor tweaks (#130) Co-authored-by: Ubuntu 20-04-02-amd64 <brett\> * Feature/sm dance bot refine (#131) * more changes in sm_dance_bot * minor * Feature/sm dance bot refine 2 (#132) * more changes in sm_dance_bot * minor * build fix * waypoints navigator bug (#133) * minor tuning to mitigate overshot issue cases * progress in the sm_dance_bot tests (#135) * some more progress on markers cleanup * minor format issues (#134) * sm_dance_bot_lite (#136) Co-authored-by: Ubuntu 20-04-02-amd64 <brett\> * Resolve compile wanings (#137) * Add SM core test (#138) * minor navigation improvements (#141) * using local action msgs (#139) * using local action msgs * removing sm_dance_bot_msgs * pending references * Feature/nav2z renaming (#144) * using local action msgs * removing sm_dance_bot_msgs * pending references * navigation 2 stack renaming * formatting * added SVGs to READMEs of atomic, dance_bot, and others (#140) * added remaining SVGs to READMEs (#145) * added remaining SVGs to READMEs * precommit cleanup * Update package list. (#142) * removing parameters smacc (#147) * removing parameters smacc * workflows update * workflow * Noticed launch command was incorrect in fixed launch command for sm_dance_bot_strikes_back and removed some comments I had made in the past. * Fix CI: format fix python version (#148) * Add SM Atomic SM generator. (#143) * Remove node creation and create only a logger. (#149) * Rolling Docker environment to be executed from any environment (#154) * Feature/sm dance bot strikes back refactoring (#152) Co-authored-by: DecDury <declandury\> Co-authored-by: Denis Štogl <destogl\> * slight waypoint 4 and iterations changes so robot can complete course (#155) * Feature/migration moveit client (#151) * initial migration to smacc2 * fixing some errors introduced on formatting * missing dependency * fixing some more linting warnings * minor * removing test from main moveit cmake * test ur5 * progressing in the moveit migration testing * updating format * adding .reps dependencies and also fixing some build errors * repos dependency * adding dependency to ur5 client * docker refactoring * minor * progress on move_it PR * minor dockerfile test workaround * improving dockerfile for building local tests * minor * fixing compiling issues * update readme (#164) * update readme * more readme updates * more Co-authored-by: Ubuntu 20-04-02-amd64 <brett\> * initial state machine transition timestamp (#165) * moved reference library SMs to smacc2_performance_tools (#166) * moved reference library SMs to smacc2_performance_tools * pre-commit cleanup * Add QOS durability to SmaccPublisherClient (#163) * feat: add qos durability to SmaccPublisherClient * fix: add a missing colon * refactor: remove line * feat: add reliability qos config * Feature/testing moveit behaviors (#167) * more testing on moveit * progress on moveit * more testing on moveit behaviors * minor configuration * fixing pipeline error * fixing broken master build * sm_pubsub_1 (#169) Co-authored-by: Ubuntu 20-04-02-amd64 <brett\> * sm_pubsub_1 part 2 (#170) * sm_pubsub_1 part 2 * sm_pubsub_1 part 2 Co-authored-by: Ubuntu 20-04-02-amd64 <brett\> * sm_advanced_recovery_1 renaming (#171) Co-authored-by: Ubuntu 20-04-02-amd64 <brett\> * sm_multi_stage_1 reworking (#172) * multistage modes * sm_multi_stage sequences * sm_multi_state_1 steps * sm_multi_stage_1 sequence d * sm_multi_stage_1 c sequence * mode_5_sequence_b * mode_4_sequence_b * sm_multi_stage_1 most * finishing touches 1 * readme Co-authored-by: Ubuntu 20-04-02-amd64 <brett\> * Feature/aws navigation sm dance bot (#174) * repo dependency * husky launch file in sm_dance_bot * Add dependencies for husky simulation. * Fix formatting. * Update dependencies for husky in rolling and galactic. * minor * progress on aws navigation and some other refactorings on navigation clients and behaviors * more on aws demo * fixing broken build * minor Co-authored-by: Denis Štogl <denis\> Co-authored-by: Denis Štogl <destogl\> * minor changes (#175) * warehouse2 (#177) * Waypoint Inputs (#178) Co-authored-by: Ubuntu 20-04-02-amd64 <brett\> * wharehouse2 progress (#179) * format (#180) * sm_dance_bot_warehouse_3 (#181) Co-authored-by: Ubuntu 20-04-02-amd64 <brett\> * Feature/sm warehouse 2 13 dec 2 (#182) * format * more changes and headless * merge * headless and other fixes * default values * Brettpac branch (#184) * sm_dance_bot_warehouse_3 * Redoing sm_dance_bot_warehouse_3 waypoints * More Waypoints Co-authored-by: Ubuntu 20-04-02-amd64 <brett\> * SrConditional fixes and formatting (#168) * fix: some formatting and templating on SrConditional * fix: move trigger logic into headers * fix: lint * Feature/wharehouse2 dec 14 (#185) * warehouse2 * minor * Feature/sm warehouse 2 13 dec 2 (#186) * format * more changes and headless * merge * headless and other fixes * default values * minor * finetuning waypoints (#187) Co-authored-by: Ubuntu 20-04-02-amd64 <brett\> * Feature/cb pure spinning (#188) * format * more changes and headless * merge * headless and other fixes * default values * minor * Feature/cb pure spinning (#189) * format * more changes and headless * merge * headless and other fixes * default values * minor * pure spinning behavior missing files * minor changes (#190) * Feature/planner changes 16 12 (#191) * minor changes * more fixes * minor * minor * Feature/replanning 16 dec (#193) * minor changes * replanning for all our examples * several fixes (#194) * minor changes (#195) * Feature/undo motion 20 12 (#196) * minor changes * replanning for all our examples * improving undo motion navigation warehouse2 * minor * tuning warehouse3 (#197) * Feature/undo motion 20 12 (#198) * minor changes * replanning for all our examples * improving undo motion navigation warehouse2 * minor * undo tuning and errors * format * Feature/sync 21 12 (#199) * minor changes * replanning for all our examples * format issues * Feature/warehouse2 22 12 (#200) * minor changes * replanning for all our examples * format issues * finishing warehouse2 * Feature/warehouse2 23 12 (#201) * minor changes * replanning for all our examples * tuning and fixes (#202) * Feature/minor tune (#203) * tuning and fixes * minor tune * fixing warehouse 3 problems, and other core improvements (#204) * fixing warehouse 3 problems, and other core improvements to remove dead lock, also making continuous integration green * weird moveit not downloaded repo * added missing file from warehouse2 (#205) * backport to foxy * minor format * minor linking errors foxy Co-authored-by: Denis Štogl <denis\> Co-authored-by: Denis Štogl <destogl\> Co-authored-by: Declan Dury <44791484+DecDury\> Co-authored-by: DecDury <declandury\> Co-authored-by: reelrbtx <brett2\> Co-authored-by: brettpac <brett\> Co-authored-by: David Revay <MrBlenny\> * missing * missing sm * updating subscriber publisher components * progress in autowarrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrre machine * refining cp subscriber cp publisher * improvements in smacc core adding more components mostly developed for autoware demo * autoware demo * missing * foxy ci * fix * minor broken build * some reordering fixes * minor * docker files for different revisions, warnings removval and more testing on navigation * fixing docker for foxy and galactic * docker build files for all versions * barrel demo * barrel search build fix and warehouse3 * fixing startup problems in warehouse 3 * fixing format and minor * minor * progress in barrel husky * minor * barrel demo * minor * barrel search updates * making models local * red picuup * multiple controllable leds plugin * progress in husky demo * progressing in husky demo * improving navigation behaviors * more merge Co-authored-by: Denis Štogl <denis\> Co-authored-by: Denis Štogl <destogl\> Co-authored-by: Declan Dury <44791484+DecDury\> Co-authored-by: DecDury <declandury\> Co-authored-by: reelrbtx <brett2\> Co-authored-by: brettpac <brett\> Co-authored-by: David Revay <MrBlenny\> Co-authored-by: pabloinigoblasco <pabloinigoblasco\> * Feature/docker improvements march 2022 (#235) * minor changes * replanning for all our examples * backport to foxy * minor format * minor linking errors foxy * Foxy backport (#206) * minor formatting fixes * Fix trailing spaces. * Correct codespell. * Correct python linters warnings. * Add galactic CI build because Navigation2 is broken in rolling. * Add partial changes for ament_cpplint. * Add tf2_ros as dependency to find include. * Disable ament_cpplint. * Disable some packages and update workflows. * Bump ccache version. * Ignore further packages * Satisfy ament_lint_cmake * Add missing licences. * Disable cpplint and cppcheck linters. * Correct formatters. * branching example * Disable disabled packages * Update ci-build-source.yml * Change extension * Change extension of imports. * Enable cppcheck * Correct formatting of python file. * Included necessary package and edited Threesome launch Changed... ros2 launch sm_three_some sm_three_some to ros2 launch sm_three_some sm_three_some.launch Added: First ensure you have the necessary package installed. ]{.title-ref}sudo apt-get install ros-rolling-ros2trace` Then run this command.

    • Rename header files and correct format.
    • Add workflow for checking doc build.
    • Update doxygen-check-build.yml
    • Create doxygen-deploy.yml
    • Use manual deployment for now.
    • Create workflow for testing prerelease builds
    • Use docs/ as source folder for documentation
    • Use docs/ as output directory.
    • Rename to smacc2 and smacc2_msgs
    • Correct GitHub branch reference.
    • Update name of package and package.xml to pass liter.
    • Execute on master update
    • Reset all versions to 0.0.0
    • Ignore all packages except smacc2 and smacc2_msgs
    • Update changelogs
    • 0.1.0

    * Revert "Ignore all packages except smacc2 and smacc2_msgs" This reverts commit f603166a4b3ccdfe96c64d9f9fb9d8b49fbf0e61.

    • Update description table.
    • Update table
    • Copy initial docs

    * Dockerfile w/ ROS distro as argument use this command "sudo docker build --build-arg ROS2_DISTRO=(desiredRosTag) (directoryHoldingDockerfile)/"

    • Opened new folder for additional tracing contents
    • Delete tracing directory
    • Moved to tracing directory

    * added Installs necessary packages and configures tracing group. * Removed manual installation of ros-rolling-ros2trace This is now automated in location of sh file assumed if user follows under "Getting started"

    • Created alternative ManualTracing
    • added new sm markdowns
    • added a dockerfile for Rolling and Galactic

    * Update smacc2_ci/docker/ros_rollingAndGalactic_ubuntu_20.04/ Co-authored-by: Denis Štogl <<>> * Update tracing/ Co-authored-by: Denis Štogl <<>> * changed wording "smacc application" to "SMACC2 library" Co-authored-by: Denis Štogl <<>> * Update smacc_sm_reference_library/sm_atomic/ edit from html to markdown syntax Co-authored-by: Denis Štogl <<>>

    • reactivating smacc2 nav clients for rolling via submodules
    • renamed tracing events after
    • bug in smacc2 component
    • reverted markdowns to html
    • added README tutorial for Dockerfile
    • additional cleanup
    • cleanup
    • cleanup
    • edited to reflect new tracing event names
    • Enable build of missing rolling repositories.
    • Enable Navigation2 for semi-binary build.
    • Remove galactic builds from master and kepp only rolling. Remove submodules and use .repos file
    • updated mentions of SMACC/ROS to SMACC2/ROS2
    • some progress on navigation rolling
    • renamed folders, deleted, edited
    • added smacc2_performance_tools
    • performance tests improvements
    • more on performance and other issues
    • sm_respira_1 format cleanup
    • sm_respira_1 format cleanup pre-commit
    • sm_respira_test_2
    • sm_respira_test_2
    • more changes on performance tests
    • Do not execute clang-format on smacc2_sm_reference_library package.
    • sm_reference_library reformatting
    • Correct trailing spaces.
    • sm_atomic_24hr
    • sm_atomic_performance_trace_1
    • Update smacc2_rta command across readmes
    • Clean up of sm_atomic_24hr
    • more sm_atomic_24hr cleanup
    • Optimized deps in move_base_z_planners_common.
    • Renaming of event generator library
    • minor formatting
    • Add galactic CI setup and rename rolling files. (#58)
    • Fix source CI and correct README overview. (#62)
    • Update c_cpp_properties.json

    * changed launch command to ros2 launch sm_respira_1 sm_respira_1.launch (#69) also noticed a note I had made while producing these that was not removed * update doxygen links (#70) Co-authored-by: Ubuntu 20-04-02-amd64 <<>> * More Readme Updates (#72) Co-authored-by: Ubuntu 20-04-02-amd64 <<>> * More Readme (#74) Co-authored-by: Ubuntu 20-04-02-amd64 <<>>

    • created new sm from sm_respira_1 (#76)
    • Feature/core and navigation fixes (#78)
    • base for the sm_aws_aarehouse navigation
    • progressing in aws navigation
    • minor
    • several core improvements during navigation testing
    • formatting improvements
    • progress in aws navigation demo
    • format improvements
    • Feature/aws demo progress (#80)
    • base for the sm_aws_aarehouse navigation
    • progressing in aws navigation
    • minor
    • several core improvements during navigation testing
    • formatting improvements
    • progress in aws navigation demo
    • format improvements
    • format improvements
    • more on navigation
    • sm_advanced_recovery_1 reworked (#83)
    • sm_advanced_recovery_1 reworked
    • fix pre-commit

    * Trying to fix Pre-Commit Co-authored-by: Ubuntu 20-04-02-amd64 <<>> * more sm_advanced_recovery_1 (#84) Co-authored-by: Ubuntu 20-04-02-amd64 <<>> * More sm_advanced_recovery_1 work (#85) Co-authored-by: Ubuntu 20-04-02-amd64 <<>> * sm_advanced_recovery_1 round 4 (#86) Co-authored-by: Ubuntu 20-04-02-amd64 <<>>

    • Brettpac branch (#87)
    • sm_atomic_performance_test_a_2

    * sm_atomic_performance_test_a_1 Co-authored-by: Ubuntu 20-04-02-amd64 <<>> * sm_atomic_performance_test_c_1 (#88) Co-authored-by: Ubuntu 20-04-02-amd64 <<>> * modifying sm_atomic_performance_test_a_2 (#89) Co-authored-by: Ubuntu 20-04-02-amd64 <<>>

    • sm_multi_stage_1 (#90)
    • sm_multi_stage_1

    * fixing precommit Co-authored-by: Ubuntu 20-04-02-amd64 <<>> * more sm_multi_stage_1 (#91) Co-authored-by: Ubuntu 20-04-02-amd64 <<>> * Update updated launch command

    • Wait topic message client behavior (#81)
    • base for the sm_aws_aarehouse navigation
    • progressing in aws navigation
    • minor
    • several core improvements during navigation testing
    • formatting improvements
    • progress in aws navigation demo
    • format improvements
    • format improvements
    • more on navigation
    • new feature, cb_wait_topic_message: asynchronous client behavior that waits a topic message and optionally checks its contents to success
    • formatting

    * attempting precommit fixes Co-authored-by: Ubuntu 20-04-02-amd64 <<>> Co-authored-by: Denis Štogl <<>>

    • Feature/wait nav2 nodes client behavior (#82)
    • base for the sm_aws_aarehouse navigation
    • progressing in aws navigation
    • minor
    • several core improvements during navigation testing
    • formatting improvements
    • progress in aws navigation demo
    • format improvements
    • format improvements
    • more on navigation
    • new feature, cb_wait_topic_message: asynchronous client behavior that waits a topic message and optionally checks its contents to success
    • formatting
    • adding new client behavior add for nav2, wait nav2 nodes subscribing to the /bond topic and waiting they are alive. you optionally can select the nodes to wait

    * Correct all linters and formaters. Co-authored-by: Denis Štogl <<>> Co-authored-by: Denis Štogl <<>>

    • Feature/aws demo progress (#92)
    • base for the sm_aws_aarehouse navigation
    • progressing in aws navigation
    • minor
    • several core improvements during navigation testing
    • formatting improvements
    • progress in aws navigation demo
    • format improvements
    • format improvements
    • more on navigation
    • new feature, cb_wait_topic_message: asynchronous client behavior that waits a topic message and optionally checks its contents to success
    • formatting
    • adding new client behavior add for nav2, wait nav2 nodes subscribing to the /bond topic and waiting they are alive. you optionally can select the nodes to wait
    • progress in aws navigation demo
    • minor format
    • Feature/sm dance bot fixes (#93)
    • base for the sm_aws_aarehouse navigation
    • progressing in aws navigation
    • minor
    • several core improvements during navigation testing
    • formatting improvements
    • progress in aws navigation demo
    • format improvements
    • format improvements
    • more on navigation
    • new feature, cb_wait_topic_message: asynchronous client behavior that waits a topic message and optionally checks its contents to success
    • formatting
    • adding new client behavior add for nav2, wait nav2 nodes subscribing to the /bond topic and waiting they are alive. you optionally can select the nodes to wait
    • progress in aws navigation demo
    • minor format
    • navigation parameters fixes on sm_dance_bot
    • minor format
    • Feature/sm aws warehouse (#94)
    • base for the sm_aws_aarehouse navigation
    • progressing in aws navigation
    • minor
    • several core improvements during navigation testing
    • formatting improvements
    • progress in aws navigation demo
    • format improvements
    • format improvements
    • more on navigation
    • new feature, cb_wait_topic_message: asynchronous client behavior that waits a topic message and optionally checks its contents to success
    • formatting
    • adding new client behavior add for nav2, wait nav2 nodes subscribing to the /bond topic and waiting they are alive. you optionally can select the nodes to wait
    • progress in aws navigation demo
    • minor format
    • merge and progress
    • fix format
    • Feature/sm dance bot fixes (#95)
    • base for the sm_aws_aarehouse navigation
    • progressing in aws navigation
    • minor
    • several core improvements during navigation testing
    • formatting improvements
    • progress in aws navigation demo
    • format improvements
    • format improvements
    • more on navigation
    • new feature, cb_wait_topic_message: asynchronous client behavior that waits a topic message and optionally checks its contents to success
    • formatting
    • adding new client behavior add for nav2, wait nav2 nodes subscribing to the /bond topic and waiting they are alive. you optionally can select the nodes to wait
    • progress in aws navigation demo
    • minor format
    • navigation parameters fixes on sm_dance_bot
    • minor format
    • minor
    • minor format
    • Remove some compile warnings. (#96)
    • Feature/cb pause slam (#98)
    • base for the sm_aws_aarehouse navigation
    • progressing in aws navigation
    • minor
    • several core improvements during navigation testing
    • formatting improvements
    • progress in aws navigation demo
    • format improvements
    • format improvements
    • more on navigation
    • new feature, cb_wait_topic_message: asynchronous client behavior that waits a topic message and optionally checks its contents to success
    • formatting
    • adding new client behavior add for nav2, wait nav2 nodes subscribing to the /bond topic and waiting they are alive. you optionally can select the nodes to wait
    • progress in aws navigation demo
    • minor format
    • navigation parameters fixes on sm_dance_bot
    • minor format
    • minor
    • formatting
    • cb pause slam client behavior
    • sm_dance_bot_lite (#99)
    • sm_dance_bot_lite
    • precommit

    * Updates yaml Co-authored-by: Ubuntu 20-04-02-amd64 <<>>

    • Rename doxygen deployment workflow (#100)
    • minor hotfix
    • sm_dance_bot visualizing turtlebot3 (#101)
    • Feature/dance bot launch gz lidar choice (#102)
    • sm_dance_bot visualizing turtlebot3
    • cleaning and lidar show/hide option
    • cleaning files and making formatting work
    • more fixes
    • Feature/sm dance bot lite gazebo fixes (#104)
    • sm_dance_bot visualizing turtlebot3
    • cleaning and lidar show/hide option
    • cleaning files and making formatting work
    • more fixes
    • gazebo fixes, to show the robot and the lidar
    • format fixes

    * sm_multi_stage_1 doubling (#103) Co-authored-by: Ubuntu 20-04-02-amd64 <<>>

    • Feature/sm dance bot strikes back gazebo fixes (#105)
    • sm_dance_bot visualizing turtlebot3
    • cleaning and lidar show/hide option
    • cleaning files and making formatting work
    • more fixes
    • gazebo fixes, to show the robot and the lidar
    • format fixes
    • gazebo fixes for sm_dance_bot_strikes_back

    * precommit cleanup run (#106) Co-authored-by: Ubuntu 20-04-02-amd64 <<>>

    • aws demo (#108)
    • aws demo
    • format

    * got sm_multi_stage_1 working (barely) (#109) Co-authored-by: Ubuntu 20-04-02-amd64 <<>>

    • Brettpac branch (#110)
    • got sm_multi_stage_1 working (barely)
    • gaining traction sm_multi_stage_1
    • more
    • don't remember
    • making progress
    • More
    • keep hammering
    • two stages
    • 3 part

    * 4th stage Co-authored-by: Ubuntu 20-04-02-amd64 <<>>

    • Brettpac branch (#111)
    • got sm_multi_stage_1 working (barely)
    • gaining traction sm_multi_stage_1
    • more
    • don't remember
    • making progress
    • More
    • keep hammering
    • two stages
    • 3 part
    • 4th stage

    * 5th stage Co-authored-by: Ubuntu 20-04-02-amd64 <<>> * a3 (#113) Co-authored-by: Ubuntu 20-04-02-amd64 <<>>

    • Remove neo_simulation2 package. (#112)
    • Remove neo_simulation2 package.
    • Correct formatting.
    • Enable source build on PR for testing.
    • Adjust build packages of source CI

    * more sm_multi_stage_1 (#114) Co-authored-by: Ubuntu 20-04-02-amd64 <<>> * mm (#115) Co-authored-by: Ubuntu 20-04-02-amd64 <<>>

    • diverse improvements navigation and performance (#116)
    • diverse improvements navigation and performance

    * minor Co-authored-by: pabloinigoblasco <<>>

    • Feature/diverse improvemets navigation performance (#117)
    • diverse improvements navigation and performance
    • minor
    • additional linting and formatting
    • Remove merge markers from a python file. (#119)
    • Feature/slam toggle and smacc deep history (#122)
    • progress in navigation, slam toggle client behaviors and slam_toolbox components. Also smacc2::deep_history syntax
    • going forward in testing sm_dance_bot introducing slam pausing/resuming funcionality
    • feature/more_sm_dance_bot_fixes
    • minor format

    * minor (#124) Co-authored-by: Ubuntu 20-04-02-amd64 <<>>

    • more changes in sm_dance_bot (#125)
    • Move method after the method it calls. Otherwise recursion could happen. (#126)
    • Feature/dance bot s pattern (#128)
    • more changes in sm_dance_bot
    • polishing sm_dance_bot and s-pattern

    * noticed typo Finnaly > Finally

    • Feature/dance bot s pattern (#129)
    • more changes in sm_dance_bot
    • polishing sm_dance_bot and s-pattern
    • more refinement in sm_dance_bot
    • First working version of sm template and template generator. (#127)

    * minor tweaks (#130) Co-authored-by: Ubuntu 20-04-02-amd64 <<>>

    • Feature/sm dance bot refine (#131)
    • more changes in sm_dance_bot
    • minor
    • Feature/sm dance bot refine 2 (#132)
    • more changes in sm_dance_bot
    • minor
    • build fix
    • waypoints navigator bug (#133)
    • minor tuning to mitigate overshot issue cases
    • progress in the sm_dance_bot tests (#135)
    • some more progress on markers cleanup
    • minor format issues (#134)

    * sm_dance_bot_lite (#136) Co-authored-by: Ubuntu 20-04-02-amd64 <<>>

    • Resolve compile wanings (#137)
    • Add SM core test (#138)
    • minor navigation improvements (#141)
    • using local action msgs (#139)
    • using local action msgs
    • removing sm_dance_bot_msgs
    • pending references
    • Feature/nav2z renaming (#144)
    • using local action msgs
    • removing sm_dance_bot_msgs
    • pending references
    • navigation 2 stack renaming
    • formatting
    • added SVGs to READMEs of atomic, dance_bot, and others (#140)
    • added remaining SVGs to READMEs (#145)
    • added remaining SVGs to READMEs
    • precommit cleanup
    • Update package list. (#142)
    • removing parameters smacc (#147)
    • removing parameters smacc
    • workflows update
    • workflow

    * Noticed launch command was incorrect in fixed launch command for sm_dance_bot_strikes_back and removed some comments I had made in the past.

    • Fix CI: format fix python version (#148)
    • Add SM Atomic SM generator. (#143)
    • Remove node creation and create only a logger. (#149)
    • Rolling Docker environment to be executed from any environment (#154)

    * Feature/sm dance bot strikes back refactoring (#152) Co-authored-by: DecDury <<>> Co-authored-by: Denis Štogl <<>>

    • slight waypoint 4 and iterations changes so robot can complete course (#155)
    • Feature/migration moveit client (#151)
    • initial migration to smacc2
    • fixing some errors introduced on formatting
    • missing dependency
    • fixing some more linting warnings
    • minor
    • removing test from main moveit cmake
    • test ur5
    • progressing in the moveit migration testing
    • updating format
    • adding .reps dependencies and also fixing some build errors
    • repos dependency
    • adding dependency to ur5 client
    • docker refactoring
    • minor
    • progress on move_it PR
    • minor dockerfile test workaround
    • improving dockerfile for building local tests
    • minor
    • fixing compiling issues
    • update readme (#164)
    • update readme
    • more readme updates

    * more Co-authored-by: Ubuntu 20-04-02-amd64 <<>>

    • initial state machine transition timestamp (#165)
    • moved reference library SMs to smacc2_performance_tools (#166)
    • moved reference library SMs to smacc2_performance_tools
    • pre-commit cleanup
    • Add QOS durability to SmaccPublisherClient (#163)
    • feat: add qos durability to SmaccPublisherClient
    • fix: add a missing colon
    • refactor: remove line
    • feat: add reliability qos config
    • Feature/testing moveit behaviors (#167)
    • more testing on moveit
    • progress on moveit
    • more testing on moveit behaviors
    • minor configuration
    • fixing pipeline error
    • fixing broken master build

    * sm_pubsub_1 (#169) Co-authored-by: Ubuntu 20-04-02-amd64 <<>>

    • sm_pubsub_1 part 2 (#170)
    • sm_pubsub_1 part 2

    * sm_pubsub_1 part 2 Co-authored-by: Ubuntu 20-04-02-amd64 <<>> * sm_advanced_recovery_1 renaming (#171) Co-authored-by: Ubuntu 20-04-02-amd64 <<>>

    • sm_multi_stage_1 reworking (#172)
    • multistage modes
    • sm_multi_stage sequences
    • sm_multi_state_1 steps
    • sm_multi_stage_1 sequence d
    • sm_multi_stage_1 c sequence
    • mode_5_sequence_b
    • mode_4_sequence_b
    • sm_multi_stage_1 most
    • finishing touches 1

    * readme Co-authored-by: Ubuntu 20-04-02-amd64 <<>>

    • Feature/aws navigation sm dance bot (#174)
    • repo dependency
    • husky launch file in sm_dance_bot
    • Add dependencies for husky simulation.
    • Fix formatting.
    • Update dependencies for husky in rolling and galactic.
    • minor
    • progress on aws navigation and some other refactorings on navigation clients and behaviors
    • more on aws demo
    • fixing broken build

    * minor Co-authored-by: Denis Štogl <<>> Co-authored-by: Denis Štogl <<>>

    • minor changes (#175)
    • warehouse2 (#177)

    * Waypoint Inputs (#178) Co-authored-by: Ubuntu 20-04-02-amd64 <<>>

    • wharehouse2 progress (#179)
    • format (#180)

    * sm_dance_bot_warehouse_3 (#181) Co-authored-by: Ubuntu 20-04-02-amd64 <<>>

    • Feature/sm warehouse 2 13 dec 2 (#182)
    • format
    • more changes and headless
    • merge
    • headless and other fixes
    • default values
    • Brettpac branch (#184)
    • sm_dance_bot_warehouse_3
    • Redoing sm_dance_bot_warehouse_3 waypoints

    * More Waypoints Co-authored-by: Ubuntu 20-04-02-amd64 <<>>

    • SrConditional fixes and formatting (#168)
    • fix: some formatting and templating on SrConditional
    • fix: move trigger logic into headers
    • fix: lint
    • Feature/wharehouse2 dec 14 (#185)
    • warehouse2
    • minor
    • Feature/sm warehouse 2 13 dec 2 (#186)
    • format
    • more changes and headless
    • merge
    • headless and other fixes
    • default values
    • minor

    * finetuning waypoints (#187) Co-authored-by: Ubuntu 20-04-02-amd64 <<>>

    • Feature/cb pure spinning (#188)
    • format
    • more changes and headless
    • merge
    • headless and other fixes
    • default values
    • minor
    • Feature/cb pure spinning (#189)
    • format
    • more changes and headless
    • merge
    • headless and other fixes
    • default values
    • minor
    • pure spinning behavior missing files
    • minor changes (#190)
    • Feature/planner changes 16 12 (#191)
    • minor changes
    • more fixes
    • minor
    • minor
    • Feature/replanning 16 dec (#193)
    • minor changes
    • replanning for all our examples
    • several fixes (#194)
    • minor changes (#195)
    • Feature/undo motion 20 12 (#196)
    • minor changes
    • replanning for all our examples
    • improving undo motion navigation warehouse2
    • minor
    • tuning warehouse3 (#197)
    • Feature/undo motion 20 12 (#198)
    • minor changes
    • replanning for all our examples
    • improving undo motion navigation warehouse2
    • minor
    • undo tuning and errors
    • format
    • Feature/sync 21 12 (#199)
    • minor changes
    • replanning for all our examples
    • format issues
    • Feature/warehouse2 22 12 (#200)
    • minor changes
    • replanning for all our examples
    • format issues
    • finishing warehouse2
    • Feature/warehouse2 23 12 (#201)
    • minor changes
    • replanning for all our examples
    • tuning and fixes (#202)
    • Feature/minor tune (#203)
    • tuning and fixes
    • minor tune
    • fixing warehouse 3 problems, and other core improvements (#204)
    • fixing warehouse 3 problems, and other core improvements to remove dead lock, also making continuous integration green
    • weird moveit not downloaded repo
    • added missing file from warehouse2 (#205)
    • backport to foxy
    • minor format

    * minor linking errors foxy Co-authored-by: Denis Štogl <<>> Co-authored-by: Denis Štogl <<>> Co-authored-by: Declan Dury <<>> Co-authored-by: DecDury <<>> Co-authored-by: reelrbtx <<>> Co-authored-by: brettpac <<>> Co-authored-by: David Revay <<>>

    • missing
    • missing sm
    • updating subscriber publisher components
    • progress in autowarrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrre machine
    • refining cp subscriber cp publisher
    • improvements in smacc core adding more components mostly developed for autoware demo
    • autoware demo
    • missing
    • foxy ci
    • fix
    • minor broken build
    • some reordering fixes
    • minor
    • docker files for different revisions, warnings removval and more testing on navigation
    • fixing docker for foxy and galactic
    • docker build files for all versions
    • barrel demo
    • barrel search build fix and warehouse3
    • fixing startup problems in warehouse 3
    • fixing format and minor
    • minor
    • progress in barrel husky
    • minor
    • barrel demo
    • minor
    • barrel search updates
    • making models local
    • red picuup
    • multiple controllable leds plugin
    • progress in husky demo
    • progressing in husky demo
    • improving navigation behaviors
    • more merge

    * docker improvements Co-authored-by: Denis Štogl <<>> Co-authored-by: Denis Štogl <<>> Co-authored-by: Declan Dury <<>> Co-authored-by: DecDury <<>> Co-authored-by: reelrbtx <<>> Co-authored-by: brettpac <<>> Co-authored-by: David Revay <<>> Co-authored-by: pabloinigoblasco <<>>

    • Use correct upstream .repos files for source builds (#243)
    • Correct mergify branch names (#246)

    * Correct name of source-build job and bump version of action (#242) (#247) Co-authored-by: Denis Štogl <<>> Co-authored-by: Pablo Iñigo Blasco <<>>

    • Update galactic source build job name (#250)

    * Galactic source build: update .repos file, bump action version and use correct version of upstream packages (backport #241) (#248) Co-authored-by: Denis Štogl <<>>

    • fixing rolling build (#239)
    • fixing rolling build
    • trying to fix dependencies
    • missing repo
    • fixing to focal by the moment
    • more fixing rolling build
    • minor
    • cache matrix rolling and source build package
    • minor
    • minor
    • missing repo
    • missing deps
    • fixing building issue
    • typo
    • fixing broken build
    • build fix
    • restoring workflow files (#252)
    • restoring files (#253)
    • Fix checkout branches for scheduled builds (#254)
    • correct checkout branch on scheduled build
    • Update foxy-source-build.yml
    • Feature/fixing husky build rolling (#257)
    • restoring files
    • making husky project build on rolling
    • Feature/fixing husky build rolling (#258)
    • restoring files
    • making husky project build on rolling
    • husky progress
    • Update (#262)
    • Feature/fixing ur demos (#261)
    • restoring files
    • fixes
    • Feature/fixing type string walker (#263)
    • restoring files
    • fixing type string walker threesome demo
    • Update (#266)
    • Update (#267)
    • Update (#268)
    • Significant update in Getting Started Instructions (#269)
    • Significant update in Getting Started Instructions

    * Remove trailing spaces. Co-authored-by: Denis Štogl <<>>

    • fixing ur demo (#273)
    • fix: initialise conditionFlag as false (#274)
    • multi-ur_sim
    • format and other changes
    • progress on the multi arm moveit
    • format issues
    • more fixes
    • more on multi-ur
    • minor
    • more progress
    • minor
    • testing ur5 2
    • progressing, two arms with roscontrol and moveit
    • fix: initialise conditionFlag as false (#274)

    * precommit fix (#280) I merge this in red for focal-rolling because it was already broken anyway and it is only a minor update of the precommit

    • urdf for ur to support namespaces
    • Ignore packages which should not be released.
    • Added changelogs.
    • 0.4.0

    * Revert "Ignore packages which should not be released." This reverts commit ee2cc86db3c0a24f9eb0a9e33217de3f7a691a1c.

    • Fix urls to (#284)
    • Fix foxy source build config to use repos file from foxy branch. (#285)
    • minor
    • removing other distribution files
    • more formatting fix
    • ros2 control gazebo repo dependency
    • minor
    • missing deps
    • FakeSystem is working.
    • minor
    • updating repos references
    • more progress
    • more progress on fake controllers
    • format minor
    • repos update
    • merging back galactic

    * Squashed commit of the following: commit b35cf1815ff9bc3cb193a45d5e99573332f3950c Author: brettpac <<>> Date: Thu May 19 00:05:46 2022 -0700 Update (#307) commit 3f19584680e1da2950327233e63a8054fcd09b5f Author: Denis Štogl <<>> Date: Wed May 18 23:57:44 2022 +0200 Update CI setup (#305) commit 809bbd5a46d712c0e30c064b2d24e9328ef94fd7 Author: Denis Štogl <<>> Date: Mon May 16 15:08:36 2022 +0200 Fixing CI because of ros2_control API changes. (#301) * Squashed commit of the following: commit 22035021a896e24d67cdf0e8eebd80f3e0d02dea Author: Pablo Iñigo Blasco <<>> Date: Fri May 27 00:23:25 2022 +0200 Feature/testing smacc rta inter context routes (#306)

    • Update galactic-binary-build.yml
    • Update glactic-semi-binary-build.yml
    • Delete glactic-semi-binary-build.yml
    • removing nav repos
    • testing is failing
    • sm_atomic_hierarchy
    • merge galactic

    * Squashed commit of the following: commit 6f8d60df16f024c52b93af3be2a3075ed2caffc3 Author: Pablo Iñigo Blasco <<>> Date: Fri May 27 00:09:15 2022 +0200 Packml example (#300)

    • initial commit of packml
    • progressing substate for start and execute
    • completing state
    • finishing state machine
    • minor
    • fixing break in packml
    • merging galactic
    • minor

    * Squashed commit of the following: commit d874d1882d3e779a6ccbc0a78bc752fd78d00367 Author: Pablo Iñigo Blasco <<>> Date: Thu May 26 23:36:56 2022 +0200 husky_improvements (#299)

    • husky_improvements
    • different planners profiles for navigation
    • getting changes from galactic
    • planner switcher
    • using galactic branch files
    • fixing breaking changes
    • minor fix
    • removing nav from source files

    * merge commit b35cf1815ff9bc3cb193a45d5e99573332f3950c Author: brettpac <<>> Date: Thu May 19 00:05:46 2022 -0700 Update (#307) commit 3f19584680e1da2950327233e63a8054fcd09b5f Author: Denis Štogl <<>> Date: Wed May 18 23:57:44 2022 +0200 Update CI setup (#305) commit 809bbd5a46d712c0e30c064b2d24e9328ef94fd7 Author: Denis Štogl <<>> Date: Mon May 16 15:08:36 2022 +0200 Fixing CI because of ros2_control API changes. (#301) Co-authored-by: Denis Štogl <<>> commit 6f8d60df16f024c52b93af3be2a3075ed2caffc3 Author: Pablo Iñigo Blasco <<>> Date: Fri May 27 00:09:15 2022 +0200 Packml example (#300)

    • initial commit of packml
    • progressing substate for start and execute
    • completing state
    • finishing state machine
    • minor
    • fixing break in packml
    • merging galactic
    • minor

    * Squashed commit of the following: commit d874d1882d3e779a6ccbc0a78bc752fd78d00367 Author: Pablo Iñigo Blasco <<>> Date: Thu May 26 23:36:56 2022 +0200 husky_improvements (#299)

    • husky_improvements
    • different planners profiles for navigation
    • getting changes from galactic
    • planner switcher
    • using galactic branch files
    • fixing breaking changes
    • minor fix
    • removing nav from source files

    * merge commit b35cf1815ff9bc3cb193a45d5e99573332f3950c Author: brettpac <<>> Date: Thu May 19 00:05:46 2022 -0700 Update (#307) commit 3f19584680e1da2950327233e63a8054fcd09b5f Author: Denis Štogl <<>> Date: Wed May 18 23:57:44 2022 +0200 Update CI setup (#305) commit 809bbd5a46d712c0e30c064b2d24e9328ef94fd7 Author: Denis Štogl <<>> Date: Mon May 16 15:08:36 2022 +0200 Fixing CI because of ros2_control API changes. (#301) commit d874d1882d3e779a6ccbc0a78bc752fd78d00367 Author: Pablo Iñigo Blasco <<>> Date: Thu May 26 23:36:56 2022 +0200 husky_improvements (#299)

    • husky_improvements
    • different planners profiles for navigation
    • getting changes from galactic
    • planner switcher
    • using galactic branch files
    • fixing breaking changes
    • minor fix
    • removing nav from source files

    * merge commit b35cf1815ff9bc3cb193a45d5e99573332f3950c Author: brettpac <<>> Date: Thu May 19 00:05:46 2022 -0700 Update (#307) commit 3f19584680e1da2950327233e63a8054fcd09b5f Author: Denis Štogl <<>> Date: Wed May 18 23:57:44 2022 +0200 Update CI setup (#305) commit 809bbd5a46d712c0e30c064b2d24e9328ef94fd7 Author: Denis Štogl <<>> Date: Mon May 16 15:08:36 2022 +0200 Fixing CI because of ros2_control API changes. (#301) Co-authored-by: DecDury <<>> Co-authored-by: reelrbtx <<>> Co-authored-by: Denis Štogl <<>> Co-authored-by: Denis Štogl <<>> Co-authored-by: brettpac <<>> Co-authored-by: Declan Dury <<>> Co-authored-by: David Revay <<>> Co-authored-by: pabloinigoblasco <<>> Co-authored-by: mergify[bot] <37929162+mergify[bot]\> Co-authored-by: brettpac <<>>

  • Contributors: Pablo Iñigo Blasco

Wiki Tutorials

This package does not provide any links to tutorials in it's rosindex metadata. You can check on the ROS Wiki Tutorials page for the package.

Dependant Packages

No known dependants.

Launch files

No launch files found


No message files found.


No service files found


No plugins found.

Recent questions tagged sm_multi_ur5_sim at Robotics Stack Exchange

Package Summary

Tags No category tags.
Version 1.22.1
License Apache-2.0
Build type AMENT_CMAKE

Repository Summary

Checkout URI
VCS Type git
VCS Version rolling
Last Updated 2022-11-28
CI status No Continuous Integration
Tags No category tags.
Contributing Help Wanted (0)
Good First Issues (0)
Pull Requests to Review (0)

Package Description

The sm_multi_ur5_sim package

Additional Links

No additional links.


  • SMACC2 is cool


No additional authors.

Build Instructions

First, source your chosen ros2 distro.

source /opt/ros/rolling/setup.bash

source /opt/ros/galactic/setup.bash

Before you build, make sure you’ve installed all the dependencies…

rosdep install --ignore-src --from-paths src -y -r

Then build with colcon build…

colcon build

Operating Instructions

After you build, remember to source the proper install folder…

source ~/<ros2_ws>/install/setup.bash

And then run the launch file…

ros2 launch sm_multi_ur5_sim sm_multi_ur5_sim.launch

Viewer Instructions

If you have the SMACC2 Runtime Analyzer installed then type…

ros2 run smacc2_rta smacc2_rta

If you don’t have the SMACC2 Runtime Analyzer click here


Changelog for package sm_multi_ur5_sim

1.22.1 (2022-11-09)

  • pre-release
  • Contributors: pabloinigoblasco
  • improvements in navigation client behaviors and husky barrel demo (#311)
    • improvements in navigation client behaviors and husky barrel demo
    • many improvements in action client and cb sequence for hysky barrel search
    • more and better navigation behaviors on husky barrel search demo
    • functionality improvements in navigation and improvements of warehouse 3, format
    • functionality improvements in navigation and improvements of warehouse 3 and husky
    • format
  • Feature/multi ur5 sim (#290)
    • Remove galactic builds from master and kepp only rolling. Remove submodules and use .repos file
    • updated mentions of SMACC/ROS to SMACC2/ROS2
    • some progress on navigation rolling
    • renamed folders, deleted, edited
    • added smacc2_performance_tools
    • performance tests improvements
    • more on performance and other issues
    • sm_respira_1 format cleanup
    • sm_respira_1 format cleanup pre-commit
    • sm_respira_test_2
    • sm_respira_test_2
    • more changes on performance tests
    • Do not execute clang-format on smacc2_sm_reference_library package.
    • sm_reference_library reformatting
    • Correct trailing spaces.
    • sm_atomic_24hr
    • sm_atomic_performance_trace_1
    • Update smacc2_rta command across readmes
    • Clean up of sm_atomic_24hr
    • more sm_atomic_24hr cleanup
    • Optimized deps in move_base_z_planners_common.
    • Renaming of event generator library
    • minor formatting
    • Add galactic CI setup and rename rolling files. (#58)
    • Fix source CI and correct README overview. (#62)
    • Update c_cpp_properties.json

    * changed launch command to ros2 launch sm_respira_1 sm_respira_1.launch (#69) also noticed a note I had made while producing these that was not removed * update doxygen links (#70) Co-authored-by: Ubuntu 20-04-02-amd64 <<>> * More Readme Updates (#72) Co-authored-by: Ubuntu 20-04-02-amd64 <<>> * More Readme (#74) Co-authored-by: Ubuntu 20-04-02-amd64 <<>>

    • created new sm from sm_respira_1 (#76)
    • Feature/core and navigation fixes (#78)
    • base for the sm_aws_aarehouse navigation
    • progressing in aws navigation
    • minor
    • several core improvements during navigation testing
    • formatting improvements
    • progress in aws navigation demo
    • format improvements
    • Feature/aws demo progress (#80)
    • base for the sm_aws_aarehouse navigation
    • progressing in aws navigation
    • minor
    • several core improvements during navigation testing
    • formatting improvements
    • progress in aws navigation demo
    • format improvements
    • format improvements
    • more on navigation
    • sm_advanced_recovery_1 reworked (#83)
    • sm_advanced_recovery_1 reworked
    • fix pre-commit

    * Trying to fix Pre-Commit Co-authored-by: Ubuntu 20-04-02-amd64 <<>> * more sm_advanced_recovery_1 (#84) Co-authored-by: Ubuntu 20-04-02-amd64 <<>> * More sm_advanced_recovery_1 work (#85) Co-authored-by: Ubuntu 20-04-02-amd64 <<>> * sm_advanced_recovery_1 round 4 (#86) Co-authored-by: Ubuntu 20-04-02-amd64 <<>>

    • Brettpac branch (#87)
    • sm_atomic_performance_test_a_2

    * sm_atomic_performance_test_a_1 Co-authored-by: Ubuntu 20-04-02-amd64 <<>> * sm_atomic_performance_test_c_1 (#88) Co-authored-by: Ubuntu 20-04-02-amd64 <<>> * modifying sm_atomic_performance_test_a_2 (#89) Co-authored-by: Ubuntu 20-04-02-amd64 <<>>

    • sm_multi_stage_1 (#90)
    • sm_multi_stage_1

    * fixing precommit Co-authored-by: Ubuntu 20-04-02-amd64 <<>> * more sm_multi_stage_1 (#91) Co-authored-by: Ubuntu 20-04-02-amd64 <<>> * Update updated launch command

    • Wait topic message client behavior (#81)
    • base for the sm_aws_aarehouse navigation
    • progressing in aws navigation
    • minor
    • several core improvements during navigation testing
    • formatting improvements
    • progress in aws navigation demo
    • format improvements
    • format improvements
    • more on navigation
    • new feature, cb_wait_topic_message: asynchronous client behavior that waits a topic message and optionally checks its contents to success
    • formatting

    * attempting precommit fixes Co-authored-by: Ubuntu 20-04-02-amd64 <<>> Co-authored-by: Denis Štogl <<>>

    • Feature/wait nav2 nodes client behavior (#82)
    • base for the sm_aws_aarehouse navigation
    • progressing in aws navigation
    • minor
    • several core improvements during navigation testing
    • formatting improvements
    • progress in aws navigation demo
    • format improvements
    • format improvements
    • more on navigation
    • new feature, cb_wait_topic_message: asynchronous client behavior that waits a topic message and optionally checks its contents to success
    • formatting
    • adding new client behavior add for nav2, wait nav2 nodes subscribing to the /bond topic and waiting they are alive. you optionally can select the nodes to wait

    * Correct all linters and formaters. Co-authored-by: Denis Štogl <<>> Co-authored-by: Denis Štogl <<>>

    • Feature/aws demo progress (#92)
    • base for the sm_aws_aarehouse navigation
    • progressing in aws navigation
    • minor
    • several core improvements during navigation testing
    • formatting improvements
    • progress in aws navigation demo
    • format improvements
    • format improvements
    • more on navigation
    • new feature, cb_wait_topic_message: asynchronous client behavior that waits a topic message and optionally checks its contents to success
    • formatting
    • adding new client behavior add for nav2, wait nav2 nodes subscribing to the /bond topic and waiting they are alive. you optionally can select the nodes to wait
    • progress in aws navigation demo
    • minor format
    • Feature/sm dance bot fixes (#93)
    • base for the sm_aws_aarehouse navigation
    • progressing in aws navigation
    • minor
    • several core improvements during navigation testing
    • formatting improvements
    • progress in aws navigation demo
    • format improvements
    • format improvements
    • more on navigation
    • new feature, cb_wait_topic_message: asynchronous client behavior that waits a topic message and optionally checks its contents to success
    • formatting
    • adding new client behavior add for nav2, wait nav2 nodes subscribing to the /bond topic and waiting they are alive. you optionally can select the nodes to wait
    • progress in aws navigation demo
    • minor format
    • navigation parameters fixes on sm_dance_bot
    • minor format
    • Feature/sm aws warehouse (#94)
    • base for the sm_aws_aarehouse navigation
    • progressing in aws navigation
    • minor
    • several core improvements during navigation testing
    • formatting improvements
    • progress in aws navigation demo
    • format improvements
    • format improvements
    • more on navigation
    • new feature, cb_wait_topic_message: asynchronous client behavior that waits a topic message and optionally checks its contents to success
    • formatting
    • adding new client behavior add for nav2, wait nav2 nodes subscribing to the /bond topic and waiting they are alive. you optionally can select the nodes to wait
    • progress in aws navigation demo
    • minor format
    • merge and progress
    • fix format
    • Feature/sm dance bot fixes (#95)
    • base for the sm_aws_aarehouse navigation
    • progressing in aws navigation
    • minor
    • several core improvements during navigation testing
    • formatting improvements
    • progress in aws navigation demo
    • format improvements
    • format improvements
    • more on navigation
    • new feature, cb_wait_topic_message: asynchronous client behavior that waits a topic message and optionally checks its contents to success
    • formatting
    • adding new client behavior add for nav2, wait nav2 nodes subscribing to the /bond topic and waiting they are alive. you optionally can select the nodes to wait
    • progress in aws navigation demo
    • minor format
    • navigation parameters fixes on sm_dance_bot
    • minor format
    • minor
    • minor format
    • Remove some compile warnings. (#96)
    • Feature/cb pause slam (#98)
    • base for the sm_aws_aarehouse navigation
    • progressing in aws navigation
    • minor
    • several core improvements during navigation testing
    • formatting improvements
    • progress in aws navigation demo
    • format improvements
    • format improvements
    • more on navigation
    • new feature, cb_wait_topic_message: asynchronous client behavior that waits a topic message and optionally checks its contents to success
    • formatting
    • adding new client behavior add for nav2, wait nav2 nodes subscribing to the /bond topic and waiting they are alive. you optionally can select the nodes to wait
    • progress in aws navigation demo
    • minor format
    • navigation parameters fixes on sm_dance_bot
    • minor format
    • minor
    • formatting
    • cb pause slam client behavior
    • sm_dance_bot_lite (#99)
    • sm_dance_bot_lite
    • precommit

    * Updates yaml Co-authored-by: Ubuntu 20-04-02-amd64 <<>>

    • Rename doxygen deployment workflow (#100)
    • minor hotfix
    • sm_dance_bot visualizing turtlebot3 (#101)
    • Feature/dance bot launch gz lidar choice (#102)
    • sm_dance_bot visualizing turtlebot3
    • cleaning and lidar show/hide option
    • cleaning files and making formatting work
    • more fixes
    • Feature/sm dance bot lite gazebo fixes (#104)
    • sm_dance_bot visualizing turtlebot3
    • cleaning and lidar show/hide option
    • cleaning files and making formatting work
    • more fixes
    • gazebo fixes, to show the robot and the lidar
    • format fixes

    * sm_multi_stage_1 doubling (#103) Co-authored-by: Ubuntu 20-04-02-amd64 <<>>

    • Feature/sm dance bot strikes back gazebo fixes (#105)
    • sm_dance_bot visualizing turtlebot3
    • cleaning and lidar show/hide option
    • cleaning files and making formatting work
    • more fixes
    • gazebo fixes, to show the robot and the lidar
    • format fixes
    • gazebo fixes for sm_dance_bot_strikes_back

    * precommit cleanup run (#106) Co-authored-by: Ubuntu 20-04-02-amd64 <<>>

    • aws demo (#108)
    • aws demo
    • format

    * got sm_multi_stage_1 working (barely) (#109) Co-authored-by: Ubuntu 20-04-02-amd64 <<>>

    • Brettpac branch (#110)
    • got sm_multi_stage_1 working (barely)
    • gaining traction sm_multi_stage_1
    • more
    • don't remember
    • making progress
    • More
    • keep hammering
    • two stages
    • 3 part

    * 4th stage Co-authored-by: Ubuntu 20-04-02-amd64 <<>>

    • Brettpac branch (#111)
    • got sm_multi_stage_1 working (barely)
    • gaining traction sm_multi_stage_1
    • more
    • don't remember
    • making progress
    • More
    • keep hammering
    • two stages
    • 3 part
    • 4th stage

    * 5th stage Co-authored-by: Ubuntu 20-04-02-amd64 <<>> * a3 (#113) Co-authored-by: Ubuntu 20-04-02-amd64 <<>>

    • Remove neo_simulation2 package. (#112)
    • Remove neo_simulation2 package.
    • Correct formatting.
    • Enable source build on PR for testing.
    • Adjust build packages of source CI

    * more sm_multi_stage_1 (#114) Co-authored-by: Ubuntu 20-04-02-amd64 <<>> * mm (#115) Co-authored-by: Ubuntu 20-04-02-amd64 <<>>

    • diverse improvements navigation and performance (#116)
    • diverse improvements navigation and performance

    * minor Co-authored-by: pabloinigoblasco <<>>

    • Feature/diverse improvemets navigation performance (#117)
    • diverse improvements navigation and performance
    • minor
    • additional linting and formatting
    • Remove merge markers from a python file. (#119)
    • Feature/slam toggle and smacc deep history (#122)
    • progress in navigation, slam toggle client behaviors and slam_toolbox components. Also smacc2::deep_history syntax
    • going forward in testing sm_dance_bot introducing slam pausing/resuming funcionality
    • feature/more_sm_dance_bot_fixes
    • minor format

    * minor (#124) Co-authored-by: Ubuntu 20-04-02-amd64 <<>>

    • more changes in sm_dance_bot (#125)
    • Move method after the method it calls. Otherwise recursion could happen. (#126)
    • Feature/dance bot s pattern (#128)
    • more changes in sm_dance_bot
    • polishing sm_dance_bot and s-pattern

    * noticed typo Finnaly > Finally

    • Feature/dance bot s pattern (#129)
    • more changes in sm_dance_bot
    • polishing sm_dance_bot and s-pattern
    • more refinement in sm_dance_bot
    • First working version of sm template and template generator. (#127)

    * minor tweaks (#130) Co-authored-by: Ubuntu 20-04-02-amd64 <<>>

    • Feature/sm dance bot refine (#131)
    • more changes in sm_dance_bot
    • minor
    • Feature/sm dance bot refine 2 (#132)
    • more changes in sm_dance_bot
    • minor
    • build fix
    • waypoints navigator bug (#133)
    • minor tuning to mitigate overshot issue cases
    • progress in the sm_dance_bot tests (#135)
    • some more progress on markers cleanup
    • minor format issues (#134)

    * sm_dance_bot_lite (#136) Co-authored-by: Ubuntu 20-04-02-amd64 <<>>

    • Resolve compile wanings (#137)
    • Add SM core test (#138)
    • minor navigation improvements (#141)
    • using local action msgs (#139)
    • using local action msgs
    • removing sm_dance_bot_msgs
    • pending references
    • Feature/nav2z renaming (#144)
    • using local action msgs
    • removing sm_dance_bot_msgs
    • pending references
    • navigation 2 stack renaming
    • formatting
    • added SVGs to READMEs of atomic, dance_bot, and others (#140)
    • added remaining SVGs to READMEs (#145)
    • added remaining SVGs to READMEs
    • precommit cleanup
    • Update package list. (#142)
    • removing parameters smacc (#147)
    • removing parameters smacc
    • workflows update
    • workflow

    * Noticed launch command was incorrect in fixed launch command for sm_dance_bot_strikes_back and removed some comments I had made in the past.

    • Fix CI: format fix python version (#148)
    • Add SM Atomic SM generator. (#143)
    • Remove node creation and create only a logger. (#149)
    • Rolling Docker environment to be executed from any environment (#154)

    * Feature/sm dance bot strikes back refactoring (#152) Co-authored-by: DecDury <<>> Co-authored-by: Denis Štogl <<>>

    • slight waypoint 4 and iterations changes so robot can complete course (#155)
    • Feature/migration moveit client (#151)
    • initial migration to smacc2
    • fixing some errors introduced on formatting
    • missing dependency
    • fixing some more linting warnings
    • minor
    • removing test from main moveit cmake
    • test ur5
    • progressing in the moveit migration testing
    • updating format
    • adding .reps dependencies and also fixing some build errors
    • repos dependency
    • adding dependency to ur5 client
    • docker refactoring
    • minor
    • progress on move_it PR
    • minor dockerfile test workaround
    • improving dockerfile for building local tests
    • minor
    • fixing compiling issues
    • update readme (#164)
    • update readme
    • more readme updates

    * more Co-authored-by: Ubuntu 20-04-02-amd64 <<>>

    • initial state machine transition timestamp (#165)
    • moved reference library SMs to smacc2_performance_tools (#166)
    • moved reference library SMs to smacc2_performance_tools
    • pre-commit cleanup
    • Add QOS durability to SmaccPublisherClient (#163)
    • feat: add qos durability to SmaccPublisherClient
    • fix: add a missing colon
    • refactor: remove line
    • feat: add reliability qos config
    • Feature/testing moveit behaviors (#167)
    • more testing on moveit
    • progress on moveit
    • more testing on moveit behaviors
    • minor configuration
    • fixing pipeline error
    • fixing broken master build

    * sm_pubsub_1 (#169) Co-authored-by: Ubuntu 20-04-02-amd64 <<>>

    • sm_pubsub_1 part 2 (#170)
    • sm_pubsub_1 part 2

    * sm_pubsub_1 part 2 Co-authored-by: Ubuntu 20-04-02-amd64 <<>> * sm_advanced_recovery_1 renaming (#171) Co-authored-by: Ubuntu 20-04-02-amd64 <<>>

    • sm_multi_stage_1 reworking (#172)
    • multistage modes
    • sm_multi_stage sequences
    • sm_multi_state_1 steps
    • sm_multi_stage_1 sequence d
    • sm_multi_stage_1 c sequence
    • mode_5_sequence_b
    • mode_4_sequence_b
    • sm_multi_stage_1 most
    • finishing touches 1

    * readme Co-authored-by: Ubuntu 20-04-02-amd64 <<>>

    • Feature/aws navigation sm dance bot (#174)
    • repo dependency
    • husky launch file in sm_dance_bot
    • Add dependencies for husky simulation.
    • Fix formatting.
    • Update dependencies for husky in rolling and galactic.
    • minor
    • progress on aws navigation and some other refactorings on navigation clients and behaviors
    • more on aws demo
    • fixing broken build

    * minor Co-authored-by: Denis Štogl <<>> Co-authored-by: Denis Štogl <<>>

    • minor changes (#175)
    • warehouse2 (#177)

    * Waypoint Inputs (#178) Co-authored-by: Ubuntu 20-04-02-amd64 <<>>

    • wharehouse2 progress (#179)
    • format (#180)

    * sm_dance_bot_warehouse_3 (#181) Co-authored-by: Ubuntu 20-04-02-amd64 <<>>

    • Feature/sm warehouse 2 13 dec 2 (#182)
    • format
    • more changes and headless
    • merge
    • headless and other fixes
    • default values
    • Brettpac branch (#184)
    • sm_dance_bot_warehouse_3
    • Redoing sm_dance_bot_warehouse_3 waypoints

    * More Waypoints Co-authored-by: Ubuntu 20-04-02-amd64 <<>>

    • SrConditional fixes and formatting (#168)
    • fix: some formatting and templating on SrConditional
    • fix: move trigger logic into headers
    • fix: lint
    • Feature/wharehouse2 dec 14 (#185)
    • warehouse2
    • minor
    • Feature/sm warehouse 2 13 dec 2 (#186)
    • format
    • more changes and headless
    • merge
    • headless and other fixes
    • default values
    • minor

    * finetuning waypoints (#187) Co-authored-by: Ubuntu 20-04-02-amd64 <<>>

    • Feature/cb pure spinning (#188)
    • format
    • more changes and headless
    • merge
    • headless and other fixes
    • default values
    • minor
    • Feature/cb pure spinning (#189)
    • format
    • more changes and headless
    • merge
    • headless and other fixes
    • default values
    • minor
    • pure spinning behavior missing files
    • minor changes (#190)
    • Feature/planner changes 16 12 (#191)
    • minor changes
    • more fixes
    • minor
    • minor
    • Feature/replanning 16 dec (#193)
    • minor changes
    • replanning for all our examples
    • several fixes (#194)
    • minor changes (#195)
    • Feature/undo motion 20 12 (#196)
    • minor changes
    • replanning for all our examples
    • improving undo motion navigation warehouse2
    • minor
    • tuning warehouse3 (#197)
    • Feature/undo motion 20 12 (#198)
    • minor changes
    • replanning for all our examples
    • improving undo motion navigation warehouse2
    • minor
    • undo tuning and errors
    • format
    • Feature/sync 21 12 (#199)
    • minor changes
    • replanning for all our examples
    • format issues
    • Feature/warehouse2 22 12 (#200)
    • minor changes
    • replanning for all our examples
    • format issues
    • finishing warehouse2
    • Feature/warehouse2 23 12 (#201)
    • minor changes
    • replanning for all our examples
    • tuning and fixes (#202)
    • Feature/minor tune (#203)
    • tuning and fixes
    • minor tune
    • fixing warehouse 3 problems, and other core improvements (#204)
    • fixing warehouse 3 problems, and other core improvements to remove dead lock, also making continuous integration green
    • weird moveit not downloaded repo
    • added missing file from warehouse2 (#205)
    • Update cb_navigate_global_position.hpp
    • Merging code from backport foxy and updates about autoware (#208)
    • minor changes
    • replanning for all our examples
    • backport to foxy
    • minor format
    • minor linking errors foxy
    • Foxy backport (#206)
    • minor formatting fixes
    • Fix trailing spaces.
    • Correct codespell.
    • Correct python linters warnings.
    • Add galactic CI build because Navigation2 is broken in rolling.
    • Add partial changes for ament_cpplint.
    • Add tf2_ros as dependency to find include.
    • Disable ament_cpplint.
    • Disable some packages and update workflows.
    • Bump ccache version.
    • Ignore further packages
    • Satisfy ament_lint_cmake
    • Add missing licences.
    • Disable cpplint and cppcheck linters.
    • Correct formatters.
    • branching example
    • Disable disabled packages
    • Update ci-build-source.yml
    • Change extension
    • Change extension of imports.
    • Enable cppcheck
    • Correct formatting of python file.

    * Included necessary package and edited Threesome launch Changed... ros2 launch sm_three_some sm_three_some to ros2 launch sm_three_some sm_three_some.launch Added: First ensure you have the necessary package installed. ` sudo apt-get install ros-rolling-ros2trace[ Then run this command. * Rename header files and correct format. * Add workflow for checking doc build. * Update doxygen-check-build.yml * Create doxygen-deploy.yml * Use manual deployment for now. * Create workflow for testing prerelease builds * Use docs/ as source folder for documentation * Use docs/ as output directory. * Rename to smacc2 and smacc2_msgs * Correct GitHub branch reference. * Update name of package and package.xml to pass liter. * Execute on master update * Reset all versions to 0.0.0 * Ignore all packages except smacc2 and smacc2_msgs * Update changelogs * 0.1.0 * Revert "Ignore all packages except smacc2 and smacc2_msgs" This reverts commit f603166a4b3ccdfe96c64d9f9fb9d8b49fbf0e61. * Update description table. * Update table * Copy initial docs * Dockerfile w/ ROS distro as argument use this command "sudo docker build --build-arg ROS2_DISTRO=(desiredRosTag) (directoryHoldingDockerfile)/" * Opened new folder for additional tracing contents * Delete tracing directory * Moved to tracing directory * added Installs necessary packages and configures tracing group. * Removed manual installation of ros-rolling-ros2trace This is now automated in location of sh file assumed if user follows under "Getting started" * Created alternative ManualTracing * added new sm markdowns * added a dockerfile for Rolling and Galactic * Update smacc2_ci/docker/ros_rollingAndGalactic_ubuntu_20.04/ Co-authored-by: Denis Štogl <destogl\> * Update tracing/ Co-authored-by: Denis Štogl <destogl\> * changed wording "smacc application" to "SMACC2 library" Co-authored-by: Denis Štogl <destogl\> * Update smacc_sm_reference_library/sm_atomic/ edit from html to markdown syntax Co-authored-by: Denis Štogl <destogl\> * reactivating smacc2 nav clients for rolling via submodules * renamed tracing events after * bug in smacc2 component * reverted markdowns to html * added README tutorial for Dockerfile * additional cleanup * cleanup * cleanup * edited to reflect new tracing event names * Enable build of missing rolling repositories. * Enable Navigation2 for semi-binary build. * Remove galactic builds from master and kepp only rolling. Remove submodules and use .repos file * updated mentions of SMACC/ROS to SMACC2/ROS2 * some progress on navigation rolling * renamed folders, deleted, edited * added smacc2_performance_tools * performance tests improvements * more on performance and other issues * sm_respira_1 format cleanup * sm_respira_1 format cleanup pre-commit * sm_respira_test_2 * sm_respira_test_2 * more changes on performance tests * Do not execute clang-format on smacc2_sm_reference_library package. * sm_reference_library reformatting * Correct trailing spaces. * sm_atomic_24hr * sm_atomic_performance_trace_1 * Update smacc2_rta command across readmes * Clean up of sm_atomic_24hr * more sm_atomic_24hr cleanup * Optimized deps in move_base_z_planners_common. * Renaming of event generator library * minor formatting * Add galactic CI setup and rename rolling files. (#58) * Fix source CI and correct README overview. (#62) * Update c_cpp_properties.json * changed launch command to ros2 launch sm_respira_1 sm_respira_1.launch (#69) also noticed a note I had made while producing these that was not removed * update doxygen links (#70) Co-authored-by: Ubuntu 20-04-02-amd64 <brett\> * More Readme Updates (#72) Co-authored-by: Ubuntu 20-04-02-amd64 <brett\> * More Readme (#74) Co-authored-by: Ubuntu 20-04-02-amd64 <brett\> * created new sm from sm_respira_1 (#76) * Feature/core and navigation fixes (#78) * base for the sm_aws_aarehouse navigation * progressing in aws navigation * minor * several core improvements during navigation testing * formatting improvements * progress in aws navigation demo * format improvements * Feature/aws demo progress (#80) * base for the sm_aws_aarehouse navigation * progressing in aws navigation * minor * several core improvements during navigation testing * formatting improvements * progress in aws navigation demo * format improvements * format improvements * more on navigation * sm_advanced_recovery_1 reworked (#83) * sm_advanced_recovery_1 reworked * fix pre-commit * Trying to fix Pre-Commit Co-authored-by: Ubuntu 20-04-02-amd64 <brett\> * more sm_advanced_recovery_1 (#84) Co-authored-by: Ubuntu 20-04-02-amd64 <brett\> * More sm_advanced_recovery_1 work (#85) Co-authored-by: Ubuntu 20-04-02-amd64 <brett\> * sm_advanced_recovery_1 round 4 (#86) Co-authored-by: Ubuntu 20-04-02-amd64 <brett\> * Brettpac branch (#87) * sm_atomic_performance_test_a_2 * sm_atomic_performance_test_a_1 Co-authored-by: Ubuntu 20-04-02-amd64 <brett\> * sm_atomic_performance_test_c_1 (#88) Co-authored-by: Ubuntu 20-04-02-amd64 <brett\> * modifying sm_atomic_performance_test_a_2 (#89) Co-authored-by: Ubuntu 20-04-02-amd64 <brett\> * sm_multi_stage_1 (#90) * sm_multi_stage_1 * fixing precommit Co-authored-by: Ubuntu 20-04-02-amd64 <brett\> * more sm_multi_stage_1 (#91) Co-authored-by: Ubuntu 20-04-02-amd64 <brett\> * Update updated launch command * Wait topic message client behavior (#81) * base for the sm_aws_aarehouse navigation * progressing in aws navigation * minor * several core improvements during navigation testing * formatting improvements * progress in aws navigation demo * format improvements * format improvements * more on navigation * new feature, cb_wait_topic_message: asynchronous client behavior that waits a topic message and optionally checks its contents to success * formatting * attempting precommit fixes Co-authored-by: Ubuntu 20-04-02-amd64 <brett\> Co-authored-by: Denis Štogl <destogl\> * Feature/wait nav2 nodes client behavior (#82) * base for the sm_aws_aarehouse navigation * progressing in aws navigation * minor * several core improvements during navigation testing * formatting improvements * progress in aws navigation demo * format improvements * format improvements * more on navigation * new feature, cb_wait_topic_message: asynchronous client behavior that waits a topic message and optionally checks its contents to success * formatting * adding new client behavior add for nav2, wait nav2 nodes subscribing to the /bond topic and waiting they are alive. you optionally can select the nodes to wait * Correct all linters and formaters. Co-authored-by: Denis Štogl <denis\> Co-authored-by: Denis Štogl <destogl\> * Feature/aws demo progress (#92) * base for the sm_aws_aarehouse navigation * progressing in aws navigation * minor * several core improvements during navigation testing * formatting improvements * progress in aws navigation demo * format improvements * format improvements * more on navigation * new feature, cb_wait_topic_message: asynchronous client behavior that waits a topic message and optionally checks its contents to success * formatting * adding new client behavior add for nav2, wait nav2 nodes subscribing to the /bond topic and waiting they are alive. you optionally can select the nodes to wait * progress in aws navigation demo * minor format * Feature/sm dance bot fixes (#93) * base for the sm_aws_aarehouse navigation * progressing in aws navigation * minor * several core improvements during navigation testing * formatting improvements * progress in aws navigation demo * format improvements * format improvements * more on navigation * new feature, cb_wait_topic_message: asynchronous client behavior that waits a topic message and optionally checks its contents to success * formatting * adding new client behavior add for nav2, wait nav2 nodes subscribing to the /bond topic and waiting they are alive. you optionally can select the nodes to wait * progress in aws navigation demo * minor format * navigation parameters fixes on sm_dance_bot * minor format * Feature/sm aws warehouse (#94) * base for the sm_aws_aarehouse navigation * progressing in aws navigation * minor * several core improvements during navigation testing * formatting improvements * progress in aws navigation demo * format improvements * format improvements * more on navigation * new feature, cb_wait_topic_message: asynchronous client behavior that waits a topic message and optionally checks its contents to success * formatting * adding new client behavior add for nav2, wait nav2 nodes subscribing to the /bond topic and waiting they are alive. you optionally can select the nodes to wait * progress in aws navigation demo * minor format * merge and progress * fix format * Feature/sm dance bot fixes (#95) * base for the sm_aws_aarehouse navigation * progressing in aws navigation * minor * several core improvements during navigation testing * formatting improvements * progress in aws navigation demo * format improvements * format improvements * more on navigation * new feature, cb_wait_topic_message: asynchronous client behavior that waits a topic message and optionally checks its contents to success * formatting * adding new client behavior add for nav2, wait nav2 nodes subscribing to the /bond topic and waiting they are alive. you optionally can select the nodes to wait * progress in aws navigation demo * minor format * navigation parameters fixes on sm_dance_bot * minor format * minor * minor format * Remove some compile warnings. (#96) * Feature/cb pause slam (#98) * base for the sm_aws_aarehouse navigation * progressing in aws navigation * minor * several core improvements during navigation testing * formatting improvements * progress in aws navigation demo * format improvements * format improvements * more on navigation * new feature, cb_wait_topic_message: asynchronous client behavior that waits a topic message and optionally checks its contents to success * formatting * adding new client behavior add for nav2, wait nav2 nodes subscribing to the /bond topic and waiting they are alive. you optionally can select the nodes to wait * progress in aws navigation demo * minor format * navigation parameters fixes on sm_dance_bot * minor format * minor * formatting * cb pause slam client behavior * sm_dance_bot_lite (#99) * sm_dance_bot_lite * precommit * Updates yaml Co-authored-by: Ubuntu 20-04-02-amd64 <brett\> * Rename doxygen deployment workflow (#100) * minor hotfix * sm_dance_bot visualizing turtlebot3 (#101) * Feature/dance bot launch gz lidar choice (#102) * sm_dance_bot visualizing turtlebot3 * cleaning and lidar show/hide option * cleaning files and making formatting work * more fixes * Feature/sm dance bot lite gazebo fixes (#104) * sm_dance_bot visualizing turtlebot3 * cleaning and lidar show/hide option * cleaning files and making formatting work * more fixes * gazebo fixes, to show the robot and the lidar * format fixes * sm_multi_stage_1 doubling (#103) Co-authored-by: Ubuntu 20-04-02-amd64 <brett\> * Feature/sm dance bot strikes back gazebo fixes (#105) * sm_dance_bot visualizing turtlebot3 * cleaning and lidar show/hide option * cleaning files and making formatting work * more fixes * gazebo fixes, to show the robot and the lidar * format fixes * gazebo fixes for sm_dance_bot_strikes_back * precommit cleanup run (#106) Co-authored-by: Ubuntu 20-04-02-amd64 <brett\> * aws demo (#108) * aws demo * format * got sm_multi_stage_1 working (barely) (#109) Co-authored-by: Ubuntu 20-04-02-amd64 <brett\> * Brettpac branch (#110) * got sm_multi_stage_1 working (barely) * gaining traction sm_multi_stage_1 * more * don't remember * making progress * More * keep hammering * two stages * 3 part * 4th stage Co-authored-by: Ubuntu 20-04-02-amd64 <brett\> * Brettpac branch (#111) * got sm_multi_stage_1 working (barely) * gaining traction sm_multi_stage_1 * more * don't remember * making progress * More * keep hammering * two stages * 3 part * 4th stage * 5th stage Co-authored-by: Ubuntu 20-04-02-amd64 <brett\> * a3 (#113) Co-authored-by: Ubuntu 20-04-02-amd64 <brett\> * Remove neo_simulation2 package. (#112) * Remove neo_simulation2 package. * Correct formatting. * Enable source build on PR for testing. * Adjust build packages of source CI * more sm_multi_stage_1 (#114) Co-authored-by: Ubuntu 20-04-02-amd64 <brett\> * mm (#115) Co-authored-by: Ubuntu 20-04-02-amd64 <brett\> * diverse improvements navigation and performance (#116) * diverse improvements navigation and performance * minor Co-authored-by: pabloinigoblasco <pablo\> * Feature/diverse improvemets navigation performance (#117) * diverse improvements navigation and performance * minor * additional linting and formatting * Remove merge markers from a python file. (#119) * Feature/slam toggle and smacc deep history (#122) * progress in navigation, slam toggle client behaviors and slam_toolbox components. Also smacc2::deep_history syntax * going forward in testing sm_dance_bot introducing slam pausing/resuming funcionality * feature/more_sm_dance_bot_fixes * minor format * minor (#124) Co-authored-by: Ubuntu 20-04-02-amd64 <brett\> * more changes in sm_dance_bot (#125) * Move method after the method it calls. Otherwise recursion could happen. (#126) * Feature/dance bot s pattern (#128) * more changes in sm_dance_bot * polishing sm_dance_bot and s-pattern * noticed typo Finnaly > Finally * Feature/dance bot s pattern (#129) * more changes in sm_dance_bot * polishing sm_dance_bot and s-pattern * more refinement in sm_dance_bot * First working version of sm template and template generator. (#127) * minor tweaks (#130) Co-authored-by: Ubuntu 20-04-02-amd64 <brett\> * Feature/sm dance bot refine (#131) * more changes in sm_dance_bot * minor * Feature/sm dance bot refine 2 (#132) * more changes in sm_dance_bot * minor * build fix * waypoints navigator bug (#133) * minor tuning to mitigate overshot issue cases * progress in the sm_dance_bot tests (#135) * some more progress on markers cleanup * minor format issues (#134) * sm_dance_bot_lite (#136) Co-authored-by: Ubuntu 20-04-02-amd64 <brett\> * Resolve compile wanings (#137) * Add SM core test (#138) * minor navigation improvements (#141) * using local action msgs (#139) * using local action msgs * removing sm_dance_bot_msgs * pending references * Feature/nav2z renaming (#144) * using local action msgs * removing sm_dance_bot_msgs * pending references * navigation 2 stack renaming * formatting * added SVGs to READMEs of atomic, dance_bot, and others (#140) * added remaining SVGs to READMEs (#145) * added remaining SVGs to READMEs * precommit cleanup * Update package list. (#142) * removing parameters smacc (#147) * removing parameters smacc * workflows update * workflow * Noticed launch command was incorrect in fixed launch command for sm_dance_bot_strikes_back and removed some comments I had made in the past. * Fix CI: format fix python version (#148) * Add SM Atomic SM generator. (#143) * Remove node creation and create only a logger. (#149) * Rolling Docker environment to be executed from any environment (#154) * Feature/sm dance bot strikes back refactoring (#152) Co-authored-by: DecDury <declandury\> Co-authored-by: Denis Štogl <destogl\> * slight waypoint 4 and iterations changes so robot can complete course (#155) * Feature/migration moveit client (#151) * initial migration to smacc2 * fixing some errors introduced on formatting * missing dependency * fixing some more linting warnings * minor * removing test from main moveit cmake * test ur5 * progressing in the moveit migration testing * updating format * adding .reps dependencies and also fixing some build errors * repos dependency * adding dependency to ur5 client * docker refactoring * minor * progress on move_it PR * minor dockerfile test workaround * improving dockerfile for building local tests * minor * fixing compiling issues * update readme (#164) * update readme * more readme updates * more Co-authored-by: Ubuntu 20-04-02-amd64 <brett\> * initial state machine transition timestamp (#165) * moved reference library SMs to smacc2_performance_tools (#166) * moved reference library SMs to smacc2_performance_tools * pre-commit cleanup * Add QOS durability to SmaccPublisherClient (#163) * feat: add qos durability to SmaccPublisherClient * fix: add a missing colon * refactor: remove line * feat: add reliability qos config * Feature/testing moveit behaviors (#167) * more testing on moveit * progress on moveit * more testing on moveit behaviors * minor configuration * fixing pipeline error * fixing broken master build * sm_pubsub_1 (#169) Co-authored-by: Ubuntu 20-04-02-amd64 <brett\> * sm_pubsub_1 part 2 (#170) * sm_pubsub_1 part 2 * sm_pubsub_1 part 2 Co-authored-by: Ubuntu 20-04-02-amd64 <brett\> * sm_advanced_recovery_1 renaming (#171) Co-authored-by: Ubuntu 20-04-02-amd64 <brett\> * sm_multi_stage_1 reworking (#172) * multistage modes * sm_multi_stage sequences * sm_multi_state_1 steps * sm_multi_stage_1 sequence d * sm_multi_stage_1 c sequence * mode_5_sequence_b * mode_4_sequence_b * sm_multi_stage_1 most * finishing touches 1 * readme Co-authored-by: Ubuntu 20-04-02-amd64 <brett\> * Feature/aws navigation sm dance bot (#174) * repo dependency * husky launch file in sm_dance_bot * Add dependencies for husky simulation. * Fix formatting. * Update dependencies for husky in rolling and galactic. * minor * progress on aws navigation and some other refactorings on navigation clients and behaviors * more on aws demo * fixing broken build * minor Co-authored-by: Denis Štogl <denis\> Co-authored-by: Denis Štogl <destogl\> * minor changes (#175) * warehouse2 (#177) * Waypoint Inputs (#178) Co-authored-by: Ubuntu 20-04-02-amd64 <brett\> * wharehouse2 progress (#179) * format (#180) * sm_dance_bot_warehouse_3 (#181) Co-authored-by: Ubuntu 20-04-02-amd64 <brett\> * Feature/sm warehouse 2 13 dec 2 (#182) * format * more changes and headless * merge * headless and other fixes * default values * Brettpac branch (#184) * sm_dance_bot_warehouse_3 * Redoing sm_dance_bot_warehouse_3 waypoints * More Waypoints Co-authored-by: Ubuntu 20-04-02-amd64 <brett\> * SrConditional fixes and formatting (#168) * fix: some formatting and templating on SrConditional * fix: move trigger logic into headers * fix: lint * Feature/wharehouse2 dec 14 (#185) * warehouse2 * minor * Feature/sm warehouse 2 13 dec 2 (#186) * format * more changes and headless * merge * headless and other fixes * default values * minor * finetuning waypoints (#187) Co-authored-by: Ubuntu 20-04-02-amd64 <brett\> * Feature/cb pure spinning (#188) * format * more changes and headless * merge * headless and other fixes * default values * minor * Feature/cb pure spinning (#189) * format * more changes and headless * merge * headless and other fixes * default values * minor * pure spinning behavior missing files * minor changes (#190) * Feature/planner changes 16 12 (#191) * minor changes * more fixes * minor * minor * Feature/replanning 16 dec (#193) * minor changes * replanning for all our examples * several fixes (#194) * minor changes (#195) * Feature/undo motion 20 12 (#196) * minor changes * replanning for all our examples * improving undo motion navigation warehouse2 * minor * tuning warehouse3 (#197) * Feature/undo motion 20 12 (#198) * minor changes * replanning for all our examples * improving undo motion navigation warehouse2 * minor * undo tuning and errors * format * Feature/sync 21 12 (#199) * minor changes * replanning for all our examples * format issues * Feature/warehouse2 22 12 (#200) * minor changes * replanning for all our examples * format issues * finishing warehouse2 * Feature/warehouse2 23 12 (#201) * minor changes * replanning for all our examples * tuning and fixes (#202) * Feature/minor tune (#203) * tuning and fixes * minor tune * fixing warehouse 3 problems, and other core improvements (#204) * fixing warehouse 3 problems, and other core improvements to remove dead lock, also making continuous integration green * weird moveit not downloaded repo * added missing file from warehouse2 (#205) * backport to foxy * minor format * minor linking errors foxy Co-authored-by: Denis Štogl <denis\> Co-authored-by: Denis Štogl <destogl\> Co-authored-by: Declan Dury <44791484+DecDury\> Co-authored-by: DecDury <declandury\> Co-authored-by: reelrbtx <brett2\> Co-authored-by: brettpac <brett\> Co-authored-by: David Revay <MrBlenny\> * missing * missing sm * updating subscriber publisher components * progress in autowarrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrre machine * refining cp subscriber cp publisher * improvements in smacc core adding more components mostly developed for autoware demo * autoware demo * missing * foxy ci * fix * minor broken build Co-authored-by: Denis Štogl <denis\> Co-authored-by: Denis Štogl <destogl\> Co-authored-by: Declan Dury <44791484+DecDury\> Co-authored-by: DecDury <declandury\> Co-authored-by: reelrbtx <brett2\> Co-authored-by: brettpac <brett\> Co-authored-by: David Revay <MrBlenny\> Co-authored-by: pabloinigoblasco <pabloinigoblasco\> * Add mergify rules file. * Try fixing CI for rolling. (#209) Merging to get backport working. * Remove example things from Foxy CI setup. (#214) * Add Autoware Auto Msgs into not-released dependencies. (#220) * Fix rolling builds (#222) * do not merge yet - Feature/odom tracker improvements and retry motion (#223) * odom tracker improvements * adding forward behavior retry funcionality * removing warnings (#213) * minor changes * replanning for all our examples * backport to foxy * minor format * minor linking errors foxy * Foxy backport (#206) * minor formatting fixes * Fix trailing spaces. * Correct codespell. * Correct python linters warnings. * Add galactic CI build because Navigation2 is broken in rolling. * Add partial changes for ament_cpplint. * Add tf2_ros as dependency to find include. * Disable ament_cpplint. * Disable some packages and update workflows. * Bump ccache version. * Ignore further packages * Satisfy ament_lint_cmake * Add missing licences. * Disable cpplint and cppcheck linters. * Correct formatters. * branching example * Disable disabled packages * Update ci-build-source.yml * Change extension * Change extension of imports. * Enable cppcheck * Correct formatting of python file. * Included necessary package and edited Threesome launch Changed... ros2 launch sm_three_some sm_three_some to ros2 launch sm_three_some sm_three_some.launch Added: First ensure you have the necessary package installed. ]{.title-ref}sudo apt-get install ros-rolling-ros2trace[ Then run this command. * Rename header files and correct format. * Add workflow for checking doc build. * Update doxygen-check-build.yml * Create doxygen-deploy.yml * Use manual deployment for now. * Create workflow for testing prerelease builds * Use docs/ as source folder for documentation * Use docs/ as output directory. * Rename to smacc2 and smacc2_msgs * Correct GitHub branch reference. * Update name of package and package.xml to pass liter. * Execute on master update * Reset all versions to 0.0.0 * Ignore all packages except smacc2 and smacc2_msgs * Update changelogs * 0.1.0 * Revert "Ignore all packages except smacc2 and smacc2_msgs" This reverts commit f603166a4b3ccdfe96c64d9f9fb9d8b49fbf0e61. * Update description table. * Update table * Copy initial docs * Dockerfile w/ ROS distro as argument use this command "sudo docker build --build-arg ROS2_DISTRO=(desiredRosTag) (directoryHoldingDockerfile)/" * Opened new folder for additional tracing contents * Delete tracing directory * Moved to tracing directory * added Installs necessary packages and configures tracing group. * Removed manual installation of ros-rolling-ros2trace This is now automated in location of sh file assumed if user follows under "Getting started" * Created alternative ManualTracing * added new sm markdowns * added a dockerfile for Rolling and Galactic * Update smacc2_ci/docker/ros_rollingAndGalactic_ubuntu_20.04/ Co-authored-by: Denis Štogl <destogl\> * Update tracing/ Co-authored-by: Denis Štogl <destogl\> * changed wording "smacc application" to "SMACC2 library" Co-authored-by: Denis Štogl <destogl\> * Update smacc_sm_reference_library/sm_atomic/ edit from html to markdown syntax Co-authored-by: Denis Štogl <destogl\> * reactivating smacc2 nav clients for rolling via submodules * renamed tracing events after * bug in smacc2 component * reverted markdowns to html * added README tutorial for Dockerfile * additional cleanup * cleanup * cleanup * edited to reflect new tracing event names * Enable build of missing rolling repositories. * Enable Navigation2 for semi-binary build. * Remove galactic builds from master and kepp only rolling. Remove submodules and use .repos file * updated mentions of SMACC/ROS to SMACC2/ROS2 * some progress on navigation rolling * renamed folders, deleted, edited * added smacc2_performance_tools * performance tests improvements * more on performance and other issues * sm_respira_1 format cleanup * sm_respira_1 format cleanup pre-commit * sm_respira_test_2 * sm_respira_test_2 * more changes on performance tests * Do not execute clang-format on smacc2_sm_reference_library package. * sm_reference_library reformatting * Correct trailing spaces. * sm_atomic_24hr * sm_atomic_performance_trace_1 * Update smacc2_rta command across readmes * Clean up of sm_atomic_24hr * more sm_atomic_24hr cleanup * Optimized deps in move_base_z_planners_common. * Renaming of event generator library * minor formatting * Add galactic CI setup and rename rolling files. (#58) * Fix source CI and correct README overview. (#62) * Update c_cpp_properties.json * changed launch command to ros2 launch sm_respira_1 sm_respira_1.launch (#69) also noticed a note I had made while producing these that was not removed * update doxygen links (#70) Co-authored-by: Ubuntu 20-04-02-amd64 <brett\> * More Readme Updates (#72) Co-authored-by: Ubuntu 20-04-02-amd64 <brett\> * More Readme (#74) Co-authored-by: Ubuntu 20-04-02-amd64 <brett\> * created new sm from sm_respira_1 (#76) * Feature/core and navigation fixes (#78) * base for the sm_aws_aarehouse navigation * progressing in aws navigation * minor * several core improvements during navigation testing * formatting improvements * progress in aws navigation demo * format improvements * Feature/aws demo progress (#80) * base for the sm_aws_aarehouse navigation * progressing in aws navigation * minor * several core improvements during navigation testing * formatting improvements * progress in aws navigation demo * format improvements * format improvements * more on navigation * sm_advanced_recovery_1 reworked (#83) * sm_advanced_recovery_1 reworked * fix pre-commit * Trying to fix Pre-Commit Co-authored-by: Ubuntu 20-04-02-amd64 <brett\> * more sm_advanced_recovery_1 (#84) Co-authored-by: Ubuntu 20-04-02-amd64 <brett\> * More sm_advanced_recovery_1 work (#85) Co-authored-by: Ubuntu 20-04-02-amd64 <brett\> * sm_advanced_recovery_1 round 4 (#86) Co-authored-by: Ubuntu 20-04-02-amd64 <brett\> * Brettpac branch (#87) * sm_atomic_performance_test_a_2 * sm_atomic_performance_test_a_1 Co-authored-by: Ubuntu 20-04-02-amd64 <brett\> * sm_atomic_performance_test_c_1 (#88) Co-authored-by: Ubuntu 20-04-02-amd64 <brett\> * modifying sm_atomic_performance_test_a_2 (#89) Co-authored-by: Ubuntu 20-04-02-amd64 <brett\> * sm_multi_stage_1 (#90) * sm_multi_stage_1 * fixing precommit Co-authored-by: Ubuntu 20-04-02-amd64 <brett\> * more sm_multi_stage_1 (#91) Co-authored-by: Ubuntu 20-04-02-amd64 <brett\> * Update updated launch command * Wait topic message client behavior (#81) * base for the sm_aws_aarehouse navigation * progressing in aws navigation * minor * several core improvements during navigation testing * formatting improvements * progress in aws navigation demo * format improvements * format improvements * more on navigation * new feature, cb_wait_topic_message: asynchronous client behavior that waits a topic message and optionally checks its contents to success * formatting * attempting precommit fixes Co-authored-by: Ubuntu 20-04-02-amd64 <brett\> Co-authored-by: Denis Štogl <destogl\> * Feature/wait nav2 nodes client behavior (#82) * base for the sm_aws_aarehouse navigation * progressing in aws navigation * minor * several core improvements during navigation testing * formatting improvements * progress in aws navigation demo * format improvements * format improvements * more on navigation * new feature, cb_wait_topic_message: asynchronous client behavior that waits a topic message and optionally checks its contents to success * formatting * adding new client behavior add for nav2, wait nav2 nodes subscribing to the /bond topic and waiting they are alive. you optionally can select the nodes to wait * Correct all linters and formaters. Co-authored-by: Denis Štogl <denis\> Co-authored-by: Denis Štogl <destogl\> * Feature/aws demo progress (#92) * base for the sm_aws_aarehouse navigation * progressing in aws navigation * minor * several core improvements during navigation testing * formatting improvements * progress in aws navigation demo * format improvements * format improvements * more on navigation * new feature, cb_wait_topic_message: asynchronous client behavior that waits a topic message and optionally checks its contents to success * formatting * adding new client behavior add for nav2, wait nav2 nodes subscribing to the /bond topic and waiting they are alive. you optionally can select the nodes to wait * progress in aws navigation demo * minor format * Feature/sm dance bot fixes (#93) * base for the sm_aws_aarehouse navigation * progressing in aws navigation * minor * several core improvements during navigation testing * formatting improvements * progress in aws navigation demo * format improvements * format improvements * more on navigation * new feature, cb_wait_topic_message: asynchronous client behavior that waits a topic message and optionally checks its contents to success * formatting * adding new client behavior add for nav2, wait nav2 nodes subscribing to the /bond topic and waiting they are alive. you optionally can select the nodes to wait * progress in aws navigation demo * minor format * navigation parameters fixes on sm_dance_bot * minor format * Feature/sm aws warehouse (#94) * base for the sm_aws_aarehouse navigation * progressing in aws navigation * minor * several core improvements during navigation testing * formatting improvements * progress in aws navigation demo * format improvements * format improvements * more on navigation * new feature, cb_wait_topic_message: asynchronous client behavior that waits a topic message and optionally checks its contents to success * formatting * adding new client behavior add for nav2, wait nav2 nodes subscribing to the /bond topic and waiting they are alive. you optionally can select the nodes to wait * progress in aws navigation demo * minor format * merge and progress * fix format * Feature/sm dance bot fixes (#95) * base for the sm_aws_aarehouse navigation * progressing in aws navigation * minor * several core improvements during navigation testing * formatting improvements * progress in aws navigation demo * format improvements * format improvements * more on navigation * new feature, cb_wait_topic_message: asynchronous client behavior that waits a topic message and optionally checks its contents to success * formatting * adding new client behavior add for nav2, wait nav2 nodes subscribing to the /bond topic and waiting they are alive. you optionally can select the nodes to wait * progress in aws navigation demo * minor format * navigation parameters fixes on sm_dance_bot * minor format * minor * minor format * Remove some compile warnings. (#96) * Feature/cb pause slam (#98) * base for the sm_aws_aarehouse navigation * progressing in aws navigation * minor * several core improvements during navigation testing * formatting improvements * progress in aws navigation demo * format improvements * format improvements * more on navigation * new feature, cb_wait_topic_message: asynchronous client behavior that waits a topic message and optionally checks its contents to success * formatting * adding new client behavior add for nav2, wait nav2 nodes subscribing to the /bond topic and waiting they are alive. you optionally can select the nodes to wait * progress in aws navigation demo * minor format * navigation parameters fixes on sm_dance_bot * minor format * minor * formatting * cb pause slam client behavior * sm_dance_bot_lite (#99) * sm_dance_bot_lite * precommit * Updates yaml Co-authored-by: Ubuntu 20-04-02-amd64 <brett\> * Rename doxygen deployment workflow (#100) * minor hotfix * sm_dance_bot visualizing turtlebot3 (#101) * Feature/dance bot launch gz lidar choice (#102) * sm_dance_bot visualizing turtlebot3 * cleaning and lidar show/hide option * cleaning files and making formatting work * more fixes * Feature/sm dance bot lite gazebo fixes (#104) * sm_dance_bot visualizing turtlebot3 * cleaning and lidar show/hide option * cleaning files and making formatting work * more fixes * gazebo fixes, to show the robot and the lidar * format fixes * sm_multi_stage_1 doubling (#103) Co-authored-by: Ubuntu 20-04-02-amd64 <brett\> * Feature/sm dance bot strikes back gazebo fixes (#105) * sm_dance_bot visualizing turtlebot3 * cleaning and lidar show/hide option * cleaning files and making formatting work * more fixes * gazebo fixes, to show the robot and the lidar * format fixes * gazebo fixes for sm_dance_bot_strikes_back * precommit cleanup run (#106) Co-authored-by: Ubuntu 20-04-02-amd64 <brett\> * aws demo (#108) * aws demo * format * got sm_multi_stage_1 working (barely) (#109) Co-authored-by: Ubuntu 20-04-02-amd64 <brett\> * Brettpac branch (#110) * got sm_multi_stage_1 working (barely) * gaining traction sm_multi_stage_1 * more * don't remember * making progress * More * keep hammering * two stages * 3 part * 4th stage Co-authored-by: Ubuntu 20-04-02-amd64 <brett\> * Brettpac branch (#111) * got sm_multi_stage_1 working (barely) * gaining traction sm_multi_stage_1 * more * don't remember * making progress * More * keep hammering * two stages * 3 part * 4th stage * 5th stage Co-authored-by: Ubuntu 20-04-02-amd64 <brett\> * a3 (#113) Co-authored-by: Ubuntu 20-04-02-amd64 <brett\> * Remove neo_simulation2 package. (#112) * Remove neo_simulation2 package. * Correct formatting. * Enable source build on PR for testing. * Adjust build packages of source CI * more sm_multi_stage_1 (#114) Co-authored-by: Ubuntu 20-04-02-amd64 <brett\> * mm (#115) Co-authored-by: Ubuntu 20-04-02-amd64 <brett\> * diverse improvements navigation and performance (#116) * diverse improvements navigation and performance * minor Co-authored-by: pabloinigoblasco <pablo\> * Feature/diverse improvemets navigation performance (#117) * diverse improvements navigation and performance * minor * additional linting and formatting * Remove merge markers from a python file. (#119) * Feature/slam toggle and smacc deep history (#122) * progress in navigation, slam toggle client behaviors and slam_toolbox components. Also smacc2::deep_history syntax * going forward in testing sm_dance_bot introducing slam pausing/resuming funcionality * feature/more_sm_dance_bot_fixes * minor format * minor (#124) Co-authored-by: Ubuntu 20-04-02-amd64 <brett\> * more changes in sm_dance_bot (#125) * Move method after the method it calls. Otherwise recursion could happen. (#126) * Feature/dance bot s pattern (#128) * more changes in sm_dance_bot * polishing sm_dance_bot and s-pattern * noticed typo Finnaly > Finally * Feature/dance bot s pattern (#129) * more changes in sm_dance_bot * polishing sm_dance_bot and s-pattern * more refinement in sm_dance_bot * First working version of sm template and template generator. (#127) * minor tweaks (#130) Co-authored-by: Ubuntu 20-04-02-amd64 <brett\> * Feature/sm dance bot refine (#131) * more changes in sm_dance_bot * minor * Feature/sm dance bot refine 2 (#132) * more changes in sm_dance_bot * minor * build fix * waypoints navigator bug (#133) * minor tuning to mitigate overshot issue cases * progress in the sm_dance_bot tests (#135) * some more progress on markers cleanup * minor format issues (#134) * sm_dance_bot_lite (#136) Co-authored-by: Ubuntu 20-04-02-amd64 <brett\> * Resolve compile wanings (#137) * Add SM core test (#138) * minor navigation improvements (#141) * using local action msgs (#139) * using local action msgs * removing sm_dance_bot_msgs * pending references * Feature/nav2z renaming (#144) * using local action msgs * removing sm_dance_bot_msgs * pending references * navigation 2 stack renaming * formatting * added SVGs to READMEs of atomic, dance_bot, and others (#140) * added remaining SVGs to READMEs (#145) * added remaining SVGs to READMEs * precommit cleanup * Update package list. (#142) * removing parameters smacc (#147) * removing parameters smacc * workflows update * workflow * Noticed launch command was incorrect in fixed launch command for sm_dance_bot_strikes_back and removed some comments I had made in the past. * Fix CI: format fix python version (#148) * Add SM Atomic SM generator. (#143) * Remove node creation and create only a logger. (#149) * Rolling Docker environment to be executed from any environment (#154) * Feature/sm dance bot strikes back refactoring (#152) Co-authored-by: DecDury <declandury\> Co-authored-by: Denis Štogl <destogl\> * slight waypoint 4 and iterations changes so robot can complete course (#155) * Feature/migration moveit client (#151) * initial migration to smacc2 * fixing some errors introduced on formatting * missing dependency * fixing some more linting warnings * minor * removing test from main moveit cmake * test ur5 * progressing in the moveit migration testing * updating format * adding .reps dependencies and also fixing some build errors * repos dependency * adding dependency to ur5 client * docker refactoring * minor * progress on move_it PR * minor dockerfile test workaround * improving dockerfile for building local tests * minor * fixing compiling issues * update readme (#164) * update readme * more readme updates * more Co-authored-by: Ubuntu 20-04-02-amd64 <brett\> * initial state machine transition timestamp (#165) * moved reference library SMs to smacc2_performance_tools (#166) * moved reference library SMs to smacc2_performance_tools * pre-commit cleanup * Add QOS durability to SmaccPublisherClient (#163) * feat: add qos durability to SmaccPublisherClient * fix: add a missing colon * refactor: remove line * feat: add reliability qos config * Feature/testing moveit behaviors (#167) * more testing on moveit * progress on moveit * more testing on moveit behaviors * minor configuration * fixing pipeline error * fixing broken master build * sm_pubsub_1 (#169) Co-authored-by: Ubuntu 20-04-02-amd64 <brett\> * sm_pubsub_1 part 2 (#170) * sm_pubsub_1 part 2 * sm_pubsub_1 part 2 Co-authored-by: Ubuntu 20-04-02-amd64 <brett\> * sm_advanced_recovery_1 renaming (#171) Co-authored-by: Ubuntu 20-04-02-amd64 <brett\> * sm_multi_stage_1 reworking (#172) * multistage modes * sm_multi_stage sequences * sm_multi_state_1 steps * sm_multi_stage_1 sequence d * sm_multi_stage_1 c sequence * mode_5_sequence_b * mode_4_sequence_b * sm_multi_stage_1 most * finishing touches 1 * readme Co-authored-by: Ubuntu 20-04-02-amd64 <brett\> * Feature/aws navigation sm dance bot (#174) * repo dependency * husky launch file in sm_dance_bot * Add dependencies for husky simulation. * Fix formatting. * Update dependencies for husky in rolling and galactic. * minor * progress on aws navigation and some other refactorings on navigation clients and behaviors * more on aws demo * fixing broken build * minor Co-authored-by: Denis Štogl <denis\> Co-authored-by: Denis Štogl <destogl\> * minor changes (#175) * warehouse2 (#177) * Waypoint Inputs (#178) Co-authored-by: Ubuntu 20-04-02-amd64 <brett\> * wharehouse2 progress (#179) * format (#180) * sm_dance_bot_warehouse_3 (#181) Co-authored-by: Ubuntu 20-04-02-amd64 <brett\> * Feature/sm warehouse 2 13 dec 2 (#182) * format * more changes and headless * merge * headless and other fixes * default values * Brettpac branch (#184) * sm_dance_bot_warehouse_3 * Redoing sm_dance_bot_warehouse_3 waypoints * More Waypoints Co-authored-by: Ubuntu 20-04-02-amd64 <brett\> * SrConditional fixes and formatting (#168) * fix: some formatting and templating on SrConditional * fix: move trigger logic into headers * fix: lint * Feature/wharehouse2 dec 14 (#185) * warehouse2 * minor * Feature/sm warehouse 2 13 dec 2 (#186) * format * more changes and headless * merge * headless and other fixes * default values * minor * finetuning waypoints (#187) Co-authored-by: Ubuntu 20-04-02-amd64 <brett\> * Feature/cb pure spinning (#188) * format * more changes and headless * merge * headless and other fixes * default values * minor * Feature/cb pure spinning (#189) * format * more changes and headless * merge * headless and other fixes * default values * minor * pure spinning behavior missing files * minor changes (#190) * Feature/planner changes 16 12 (#191) * minor changes * more fixes * minor * minor * Feature/replanning 16 dec (#193) * minor changes * replanning for all our examples * several fixes (#194) * minor changes (#195) * Feature/undo motion 20 12 (#196) * minor changes * replanning for all our examples * improving undo motion navigation warehouse2 * minor * tuning warehouse3 (#197) * Feature/undo motion 20 12 (#198) * minor changes * replanning for all our examples * improving undo motion navigation warehouse2 * minor * undo tuning and errors * format * Feature/sync 21 12 (#199) * minor changes * replanning for all our examples * format issues * Feature/warehouse2 22 12 (#200) * minor changes * replanning for all our examples * format issues * finishing warehouse2 * Feature/warehouse2 23 12 (#201) * minor changes * replanning for all our examples * tuning and fixes (#202) * Feature/minor tune (#203) * tuning and fixes * minor tune * fixing warehouse 3 problems, and other core improvements (#204) * fixing warehouse 3 problems, and other core improvements to remove dead lock, also making continuous integration green * weird moveit not downloaded repo * added missing file from warehouse2 (#205) * backport to foxy * minor format * minor linking errors foxy Co-authored-by: Denis Štogl <denis\> Co-authored-by: Denis Štogl <destogl\> Co-authored-by: Declan Dury <44791484+DecDury\> Co-authored-by: DecDury <declandury\> Co-authored-by: reelrbtx <brett2\> Co-authored-by: brettpac <brett\> Co-authored-by: David Revay <MrBlenny\> * missing * missing sm * updating subscriber publisher components * progress in autowarrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrre machine * refining cp subscriber cp publisher * improvements in smacc core adding more components mostly developed for autoware demo * autoware demo * missing * foxy ci * fix * minor broken build * some reordering fixes * minor * docker files for different revisions, warnings removval and more testing on navigation * fixing docker for foxy and galactic Co-authored-by: Denis Štogl <denis\> Co-authored-by: Denis Štogl <destogl\> Co-authored-by: Declan Dury <44791484+DecDury\> Co-authored-by: DecDury <declandury\> Co-authored-by: reelrbtx <brett2\> Co-authored-by: brettpac <brett\> Co-authored-by: David Revay <MrBlenny\> Co-authored-by: pabloinigoblasco <pabloinigoblasco\> * dockerfiles (#225) * Fix code generators (#221) * Fix other build issues. * Update SM template and make example code clearly visible. * Remove use of node in the sm performance template. * Updated templated to use Blackboard storage. * Update template to resolve the global data correctly. * Update sm_name.hpp Co-authored-by: Pablo Iñigo Blasco <pablo\> * Feature/retry behavior warehouse 1 (#226) * minor changes * replanning for all our examples * backport to foxy * minor format * minor linking errors foxy * Foxy backport (#206) * minor formatting fixes * Fix trailing spaces. * Correct codespell. * Correct python linters warnings. * Add galactic CI build because Navigation2 is broken in rolling. * Add partial changes for ament_cpplint. * Add tf2_ros as dependency to find include. * Disable ament_cpplint. * Disable some packages and update workflows. * Bump ccache version. * Ignore further packages * Satisfy ament_lint_cmake * Add missing licences. * Disable cpplint and cppcheck linters. * Correct formatters. * branching example * Disable disabled packages * Update ci-build-source.yml * Change extension * Change extension of imports. * Enable cppcheck * Correct formatting of python file. * Included necessary package and edited Threesome launch Changed... ros2 launch sm_three_some sm_three_some to ros2 launch sm_three_some sm_three_some.launch Added: First ensure you have the necessary package installed. ]{.title-ref}sudo apt-get install ros-rolling-ros2trace[ Then run this command. * Rename header files and correct format. * Add workflow for checking doc build. * Update doxygen-check-build.yml * Create doxygen-deploy.yml * Use manual deployment for now. * Create workflow for testing prerelease builds * Use docs/ as source folder for documentation * Use docs/ as output directory. * Rename to smacc2 and smacc2_msgs * Correct GitHub branch reference. * Update name of package and package.xml to pass liter. * Execute on master update * Reset all versions to 0.0.0 * Ignore all packages except smacc2 and smacc2_msgs * Update changelogs * 0.1.0 * Revert "Ignore all packages except smacc2 and smacc2_msgs" This reverts commit f603166a4b3ccdfe96c64d9f9fb9d8b49fbf0e61. * Update description table. * Update table * Copy initial docs * Dockerfile w/ ROS distro as argument use this command "sudo docker build --build-arg ROS2_DISTRO=(desiredRosTag) (directoryHoldingDockerfile)/" * Opened new folder for additional tracing contents * Delete tracing directory * Moved to tracing directory * added Installs necessary packages and configures tracing group. * Removed manual installation of ros-rolling-ros2trace This is now automated in location of sh file assumed if user follows under "Getting started" * Created alternative ManualTracing * added new sm markdowns * added a dockerfile for Rolling and Galactic * Update smacc2_ci/docker/ros_rollingAndGalactic_ubuntu_20.04/ Co-authored-by: Denis Štogl <destogl\> * Update tracing/ Co-authored-by: Denis Štogl <destogl\> * changed wording "smacc application" to "SMACC2 library" Co-authored-by: Denis Štogl <destogl\> * Update smacc_sm_reference_library/sm_atomic/ edit from html to markdown syntax Co-authored-by: Denis Štogl <destogl\> * reactivating smacc2 nav clients for rolling via submodules * renamed tracing events after * bug in smacc2 component * reverted markdowns to html * added README tutorial for Dockerfile * additional cleanup * cleanup * cleanup * edited to reflect new tracing event names * Enable build of missing rolling repositories. * Enable Navigation2 for semi-binary build. * Remove galactic builds from master and kepp only rolling. Remove submodules and use .repos file * updated mentions of SMACC/ROS to SMACC2/ROS2 * some progress on navigation rolling * renamed folders, deleted, edited * added smacc2_performance_tools * performance tests improvements * more on performance and other issues * sm_respira_1 format cleanup * sm_respira_1 format cleanup pre-commit * sm_respira_test_2 * sm_respira_test_2 * more changes on performance tests * Do not execute clang-format on smacc2_sm_reference_library package. * sm_reference_library reformatting * Correct trailing spaces. * sm_atomic_24hr * sm_atomic_performance_trace_1 * Update smacc2_rta command across readmes * Clean up of sm_atomic_24hr * more sm_atomic_24hr cleanup * Optimized deps in move_base_z_planners_common. * Renaming of event generator library * minor formatting * Add galactic CI setup and rename rolling files. (#58) * Fix source CI and correct README overview. (#62) * Update c_cpp_properties.json * changed launch command to ros2 launch sm_respira_1 sm_respira_1.launch (#69) also noticed a note I had made while producing these that was not removed * update doxygen links (#70) Co-authored-by: Ubuntu 20-04-02-amd64 <brett\> * More Readme Updates (#72) Co-authored-by: Ubuntu 20-04-02-amd64 <brett\> * More Readme (#74) Co-authored-by: Ubuntu 20-04-02-amd64 <brett\> * created new sm from sm_respira_1 (#76) * Feature/core and navigation fixes (#78) * base for the sm_aws_aarehouse navigation * progressing in aws navigation * minor * several core improvements during navigation testing * formatting improvements * progress in aws navigation demo * format improvements * Feature/aws demo progress (#80) * base for the sm_aws_aarehouse navigation * progressing in aws navigation * minor * several core improvements during navigation testing * formatting improvements * progress in aws navigation demo * format improvements * format improvements * more on navigation * sm_advanced_recovery_1 reworked (#83) * sm_advanced_recovery_1 reworked * fix pre-commit * Trying to fix Pre-Commit Co-authored-by: Ubuntu 20-04-02-amd64 <brett\> * more sm_advanced_recovery_1 (#84) Co-authored-by: Ubuntu 20-04-02-amd64 <brett\> * More sm_advanced_recovery_1 work (#85) Co-authored-by: Ubuntu 20-04-02-amd64 <brett\> * sm_advanced_recovery_1 round 4 (#86) Co-authored-by: Ubuntu 20-04-02-amd64 <brett\> * Brettpac branch (#87) * sm_atomic_performance_test_a_2 * sm_atomic_performance_test_a_1 Co-authored-by: Ubuntu 20-04-02-amd64 <brett\> * sm_atomic_performance_test_c_1 (#88) Co-authored-by: Ubuntu 20-04-02-amd64 <brett\> * modifying sm_atomic_performance_test_a_2 (#89) Co-authored-by: Ubuntu 20-04-02-amd64 <brett\> * sm_multi_stage_1 (#90) * sm_multi_stage_1 * fixing precommit Co-authored-by: Ubuntu 20-04-02-amd64 <brett\> * more sm_multi_stage_1 (#91) Co-authored-by: Ubuntu 20-04-02-amd64 <brett\> * Update updated launch command * Wait topic message client behavior (#81) * base for the sm_aws_aarehouse navigation * progressing in aws navigation * minor * several core improvements during navigation testing * formatting improvements * progress in aws navigation demo * format improvements * format improvements * more on navigation * new feature, cb_wait_topic_message: asynchronous client behavior that waits a topic message and optionally checks its contents to success * formatting * attempting precommit fixes Co-authored-by: Ubuntu 20-04-02-amd64 <brett\> Co-authored-by: Denis Štogl <destogl\> * Feature/wait nav2 nodes client behavior (#82) * base for the sm_aws_aarehouse navigation * progressing in aws navigation * minor * several core improvements during navigation testing * formatting improvements * progress in aws navigation demo * format improvements * format improvements * more on navigation * new feature, cb_wait_topic_message: asynchronous client behavior that waits a topic message and optionally checks its contents to success * formatting * adding new client behavior add for nav2, wait nav2 nodes subscribing to the /bond topic and waiting they are alive. you optionally can select the nodes to wait * Correct all linters and formaters. Co-authored-by: Denis Štogl <denis\> Co-authored-by: Denis Štogl <destogl\> * Feature/aws demo progress (#92) * base for the sm_aws_aarehouse navigation * progressing in aws navigation * minor * several core improvements during navigation testing * formatting improvements * progress in aws navigation demo * format improvements * format improvements * more on navigation * new feature, cb_wait_topic_message: asynchronous client behavior that waits a topic message and optionally checks its contents to success * formatting * adding new client behavior add for nav2, wait nav2 nodes subscribing to the /bond topic and waiting they are alive. you optionally can select the nodes to wait * progress in aws navigation demo * minor format * Feature/sm dance bot fixes (#93) * base for the sm_aws_aarehouse navigation * progressing in aws navigation * minor * several core improvements during navigation testing * formatting improvements * progress in aws navigation demo * format improvements * format improvements * more on navigation * new feature, cb_wait_topic_message: asynchronous client behavior that waits a topic message and optionally checks its contents to success * formatting * adding new client behavior add for nav2, wait nav2 nodes subscribing to the /bond topic and waiting they are alive. you optionally can select the nodes to wait * progress in aws navigation demo * minor format * navigation parameters fixes on sm_dance_bot * minor format * Feature/sm aws warehouse (#94) * base for the sm_aws_aarehouse navigation * progressing in aws navigation * minor * several core improvements during navigation testing * formatting improvements * progress in aws navigation demo * format improvements * format improvements * more on navigation * new feature, cb_wait_topic_message: asynchronous client behavior that waits a topic message and optionally checks its contents to success * formatting * adding new client behavior add for nav2, wait nav2 nodes subscribing to the /bond topic and waiting they are alive. you optionally can select the nodes to wait * progress in aws navigation demo * minor format * merge and progress * fix format * Feature/sm dance bot fixes (#95) * base for the sm_aws_aarehouse navigation * progressing in aws navigation * minor * several core improvements during navigation testing * formatting improvements * progress in aws navigation demo * format improvements * format improvements * more on navigation * new feature, cb_wait_topic_message: asynchronous client behavior that waits a topic message and optionally checks its contents to success * formatting * adding new client behavior add for nav2, wait nav2 nodes subscribing to the /bond topic and waiting they are alive. you optionally can select the nodes to wait * progress in aws navigation demo * minor format * navigation parameters fixes on sm_dance_bot * minor format * minor * minor format * Remove some compile warnings. (#96) * Feature/cb pause slam (#98) * base for the sm_aws_aarehouse navigation * progressing in aws navigation * minor * several core improvements during navigation testing * formatting improvements * progress in aws navigation demo * format improvements * format improvements * more on navigation * new feature, cb_wait_topic_message: asynchronous client behavior that waits a topic message and optionally checks its contents to success * formatting * adding new client behavior add for nav2, wait nav2 nodes subscribing to the /bond topic and waiting they are alive. you optionally can select the nodes to wait * progress in aws navigation demo * minor format * navigation parameters fixes on sm_dance_bot * minor format * minor * formatting * cb pause slam client behavior * sm_dance_bot_lite (#99) * sm_dance_bot_lite * precommit * Updates yaml Co-authored-by: Ubuntu 20-04-02-amd64 <brett\> * Rename doxygen deployment workflow (#100) * minor hotfix * sm_dance_bot visualizing turtlebot3 (#101) * Feature/dance bot launch gz lidar choice (#102) * sm_dance_bot visualizing turtlebot3 * cleaning and lidar show/hide option * cleaning files and making formatting work * more fixes * Feature/sm dance bot lite gazebo fixes (#104) * sm_dance_bot visualizing turtlebot3 * cleaning and lidar show/hide option * cleaning files and making formatting work * more fixes * gazebo fixes, to show the robot and the lidar * format fixes * sm_multi_stage_1 doubling (#103) Co-authored-by: Ubuntu 20-04-02-amd64 <brett\> * Feature/sm dance bot strikes back gazebo fixes (#105) * sm_dance_bot visualizing turtlebot3 * cleaning and lidar show/hide option * cleaning files and making formatting work * more fixes * gazebo fixes, to show the robot and the lidar * format fixes * gazebo fixes for sm_dance_bot_strikes_back * precommit cleanup run (#106) Co-authored-by: Ubuntu 20-04-02-amd64 <brett\> * aws demo (#108) * aws demo * format * got sm_multi_stage_1 working (barely) (#109) Co-authored-by: Ubuntu 20-04-02-amd64 <brett\> * Brettpac branch (#110) * got sm_multi_stage_1 working (barely) * gaining traction sm_multi_stage_1 * more * don't remember * making progress * More * keep hammering * two stages * 3 part * 4th stage Co-authored-by: Ubuntu 20-04-02-amd64 <brett\> * Brettpac branch (#111) * got sm_multi_stage_1 working (barely) * gaining traction sm_multi_stage_1 * more * don't remember * making progress * More * keep hammering * two stages * 3 part * 4th stage * 5th stage Co-authored-by: Ubuntu 20-04-02-amd64 <brett\> * a3 (#113) Co-authored-by: Ubuntu 20-04-02-amd64 <brett\> * Remove neo_simulation2 package. (#112) * Remove neo_simulation2 package. * Correct formatting. * Enable source build on PR for testing. * Adjust build packages of source CI * more sm_multi_stage_1 (#114) Co-authored-by: Ubuntu 20-04-02-amd64 <brett\> * mm (#115) Co-authored-by: Ubuntu 20-04-02-amd64 <brett\> * diverse improvements navigation and performance (#116) * diverse improvements navigation and performance * minor Co-authored-by: pabloinigoblasco <pablo\> * Feature/diverse improvemets navigation performance (#117) * diverse improvements navigation and performance * minor * additional linting and formatting * Remove merge markers from a python file. (#119) * Feature/slam toggle and smacc deep history (#122) * progress in navigation, slam toggle client behaviors and slam_toolbox components. Also smacc2::deep_history syntax * going forward in testing sm_dance_bot introducing slam pausing/resuming funcionality * feature/more_sm_dance_bot_fixes * minor format * minor (#124) Co-authored-by: Ubuntu 20-04-02-amd64 <brett\> * more changes in sm_dance_bot (#125) * Move method after the method it calls. Otherwise recursion could happen. (#126) * Feature/dance bot s pattern (#128) * more changes in sm_dance_bot * polishing sm_dance_bot and s-pattern * noticed typo Finnaly > Finally * Feature/dance bot s pattern (#129) * more changes in sm_dance_bot * polishing sm_dance_bot and s-pattern * more refinement in sm_dance_bot * First working version of sm template and template generator. (#127) * minor tweaks (#130) Co-authored-by: Ubuntu 20-04-02-amd64 <brett\> * Feature/sm dance bot refine (#131) * more changes in sm_dance_bot * minor * Feature/sm dance bot refine 2 (#132) * more changes in sm_dance_bot * minor * build fix * waypoints navigator bug (#133) * minor tuning to mitigate overshot issue cases * progress in the sm_dance_bot tests (#135) * some more progress on markers cleanup * minor format issues (#134) * sm_dance_bot_lite (#136) Co-authored-by: Ubuntu 20-04-02-amd64 <brett\> * Resolve compile wanings (#137) * Add SM core test (#138) * minor navigation improvements (#141) * using local action msgs (#139) * using local action msgs * removing sm_dance_bot_msgs * pending references * Feature/nav2z renaming (#144) * using local action msgs * removing sm_dance_bot_msgs * pending references * navigation 2 stack renaming * formatting * added SVGs to READMEs of atomic, dance_bot, and others (#140) * added remaining SVGs to READMEs (#145) * added remaining SVGs to READMEs * precommit cleanup * Update package list. (#142) * removing parameters smacc (#147) * removing parameters smacc * workflows update * workflow * Noticed launch command was incorrect in fixed launch command for sm_dance_bot_strikes_back and removed some comments I had made in the past. * Fix CI: format fix python version (#148) * Add SM Atomic SM generator. (#143) * Remove node creation and create only a logger. (#149) * Rolling Docker environment to be executed from any environment (#154) * Feature/sm dance bot strikes back refactoring (#152) Co-authored-by: DecDury <declandury\> Co-authored-by: Denis Štogl <destogl\> * slight waypoint 4 and iterations changes so robot can complete course (#155) * Feature/migration moveit client (#151) * initial migration to smacc2 * fixing some errors introduced on formatting * missing dependency * fixing some more linting warnings * minor * removing test from main moveit cmake * test ur5 * progressing in the moveit migration testing * updating format * adding .reps dependencies and also fixing some build errors * repos dependency * adding dependency to ur5 client * docker refactoring * minor * progress on move_it PR * minor dockerfile test workaround * improving dockerfile for building local tests * minor * fixing compiling issues * update readme (#164) * update readme * more readme updates * more Co-authored-by: Ubuntu 20-04-02-amd64 <brett\> * initial state machine transition timestamp (#165) * moved reference library SMs to smacc2_performance_tools (#166) * moved reference library SMs to smacc2_performance_tools * pre-commit cleanup * Add QOS durability to SmaccPublisherClient (#163) * feat: add qos durability to SmaccPublisherClient * fix: add a missing colon * refactor: remove line * feat: add reliability qos config * Feature/testing moveit behaviors (#167) * more testing on moveit * progress on moveit * more testing on moveit behaviors * minor configuration * fixing pipeline error * fixing broken master build * sm_pubsub_1 (#169) Co-authored-by: Ubuntu 20-04-02-amd64 <brett\> * sm_pubsub_1 part 2 (#170) * sm_pubsub_1 part 2 * sm_pubsub_1 part 2 Co-authored-by: Ubuntu 20-04-02-amd64 <brett\> * sm_advanced_recovery_1 renaming (#171) Co-authored-by: Ubuntu 20-04-02-amd64 <brett\> * sm_multi_stage_1 reworking (#172) * multistage modes * sm_multi_stage sequences * sm_multi_state_1 steps * sm_multi_stage_1 sequence d * sm_multi_stage_1 c sequence * mode_5_sequence_b * mode_4_sequence_b * sm_multi_stage_1 most * finishing touches 1 * readme Co-authored-by: Ubuntu 20-04-02-amd64 <brett\> * Feature/aws navigation sm dance bot (#174) * repo dependency * husky launch file in sm_dance_bot * Add dependencies for husky simulation. * Fix formatting. * Update dependencies for husky in rolling and galactic. * minor * progress on aws navigation and some other refactorings on navigation clients and behaviors * more on aws demo * fixing broken build * minor Co-authored-by: Denis Štogl <denis\> Co-authored-by: Denis Štogl <destogl\> * minor changes (#175) * warehouse2 (#177) * Waypoint Inputs (#178) Co-authored-by: Ubuntu 20-04-02-amd64 <brett\> * wharehouse2 progress (#179) * format (#180) * sm_dance_bot_warehouse_3 (#181) Co-authored-by: Ubuntu 20-04-02-amd64 <brett\> * Feature/sm warehouse 2 13 dec 2 (#182) * format * more changes and headless * merge * headless and other fixes * default values * Brettpac branch (#184) * sm_dance_bot_warehouse_3 * Redoing sm_dance_bot_warehouse_3 waypoints * More Waypoints Co-authored-by: Ubuntu 20-04-02-amd64 <brett\> * SrConditional fixes and formatting (#168) * fix: some formatting and templating on SrConditional * fix: move trigger logic into headers * fix: lint * Feature/wharehouse2 dec 14 (#185) * warehouse2 * minor * Feature/sm warehouse 2 13 dec 2 (#186) * format * more changes and headless * merge * headless and other fixes * default values * minor * finetuning waypoints (#187) Co-authored-by: Ubuntu 20-04-02-amd64 <brett\> * Feature/cb pure spinning (#188) * format * more changes and headless * merge * headless and other fixes * default values * minor * Feature/cb pure spinning (#189) * format * more changes and headless * merge * headless and other fixes * default values * minor * pure spinning behavior missing files * minor changes (#190) * Feature/planner changes 16 12 (#191) * minor changes * more fixes * minor * minor * Feature/replanning 16 dec (#193) * minor changes * replanning for all our examples * several fixes (#194) * minor changes (#195) * Feature/undo motion 20 12 (#196) * minor changes * replanning for all our examples * improving undo motion navigation warehouse2 * minor * tuning warehouse3 (#197) * Feature/undo motion 20 12 (#198) * minor changes * replanning for all our examples * improving undo motion navigation warehouse2 * minor * undo tuning and errors * format * Feature/sync 21 12 (#199) * minor changes * replanning for all our examples * format issues * Feature/warehouse2 22 12 (#200) * minor changes * replanning for all our examples * format issues * finishing warehouse2 * Feature/warehouse2 23 12 (#201) * minor changes * replanning for all our examples * tuning and fixes (#202) * Feature/minor tune (#203) * tuning and fixes * minor tune * fixing warehouse 3 problems, and other core improvements (#204) * fixing warehouse 3 problems, and other core improvements to remove dead lock, also making continuous integration green * weird moveit not downloaded repo * added missing file from warehouse2 (#205) * backport to foxy * minor format * minor linking errors foxy Co-authored-by: Denis Štogl <denis\> Co-authored-by: Denis Štogl <destogl\> Co-authored-by: Declan Dury <44791484+DecDury\> Co-authored-by: DecDury <declandury\> Co-authored-by: reelrbtx <brett2\> Co-authored-by: brettpac <brett\> Co-authored-by: David Revay <MrBlenny\> * missing * missing sm * updating subscriber publisher components * progress in autowarrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrre machine * refining cp subscriber cp publisher * improvements in smacc core adding more components mostly developed for autoware demo * autoware demo * missing * foxy ci * fix * minor broken build * some reordering fixes * minor * docker files for different revisions, warnings removval and more testing on navigation * fixing docker for foxy and galactic * Update file for fake hardware simulation and add file for gazebo simulation. * docker build files for all versions * retry behavior warehouse 1 * missing file * minor format fix * other minor changes Co-authored-by: Denis Štogl <denis\> Co-authored-by: Denis Štogl <destogl\> Co-authored-by: Declan Dury <44791484+DecDury\> Co-authored-by: DecDury <declandury\> Co-authored-by: reelrbtx <brett2\> Co-authored-by: brettpac <brett\> Co-authored-by: David Revay <MrBlenny\> Co-authored-by: pabloinigoblasco <pabloinigoblasco\> * fix broken source build (#227) * Only rolling version should be pre-released on on master. (#230) * Correct Focal-Rolling builds by fixing the version of rosdep yaml (#234) * Update file for fake hardware simulation and add file for gazebo simulation. (#224) * Update file for fake hardware simulation and add file for gazebo simulation. * Add ignition file and update repos files. * Feature/improvements warehouse3 (#228) * minor changes * replanning for all our examples * backport to foxy * minor format * minor linking errors foxy * Foxy backport (#206) * minor formatting fixes * Fix trailing spaces. * Correct codespell. * Correct python linters warnings. * Add galactic CI build because Navigation2 is broken in rolling. * Add partial changes for ament_cpplint. * Add tf2_ros as dependency to find include. * Disable ament_cpplint. * Disable some packages and update workflows. * Bump ccache version. * Ignore further packages * Satisfy ament_lint_cmake * Add missing licences. * Disable cpplint and cppcheck linters. * Correct formatters. * branching example * Disable disabled packages * Update ci-build-source.yml * Change extension * Change extension of imports. * Enable cppcheck * Correct formatting of python file. * Included necessary package and edited Threesome launch Changed... ros2 launch sm_three_some sm_three_some to ros2 launch sm_three_some sm_three_some.launch Added: First ensure you have the necessary package installed. ]{.title-ref}sudo apt-get install ros-rolling-ros2trace[ Then run this command. * Rename header files and correct format. * Add workflow for checking doc build. * Update doxygen-check-build.yml * Create doxygen-deploy.yml * Use manual deployment for now. * Create workflow for testing prerelease builds * Use docs/ as source folder for documentation * Use docs/ as output directory. * Rename to smacc2 and smacc2_msgs * Correct GitHub branch reference. * Update name of package and package.xml to pass liter. * Execute on master update * Reset all versions to 0.0.0 * Ignore all packages except smacc2 and smacc2_msgs * Update changelogs * 0.1.0 * Revert "Ignore all packages except smacc2 and smacc2_msgs" This reverts commit f603166a4b3ccdfe96c64d9f9fb9d8b49fbf0e61. * Update description table. * Update table * Copy initial docs * Dockerfile w/ ROS distro as argument use this command "sudo docker build --build-arg ROS2_DISTRO=(desiredRosTag) (directoryHoldingDockerfile)/" * Opened new folder for additional tracing contents * Delete tracing directory * Moved to tracing directory * added Installs necessary packages and configures tracing group. * Removed manual installation of ros-rolling-ros2trace This is now automated in location of sh file assumed if user follows under "Getting started" * Created alternative ManualTracing * added new sm markdowns * added a dockerfile for Rolling and Galactic * Update smacc2_ci/docker/ros_rollingAndGalactic_ubuntu_20.04/ Co-authored-by: Denis Štogl <destogl\> * Update tracing/ Co-authored-by: Denis Štogl <destogl\> * changed wording "smacc application" to "SMACC2 library" Co-authored-by: Denis Štogl <destogl\> * Update smacc_sm_reference_library/sm_atomic/ edit from html to markdown syntax Co-authored-by: Denis Štogl <destogl\> * reactivating smacc2 nav clients for rolling via submodules * renamed tracing events after * bug in smacc2 component * reverted markdowns to html * added README tutorial for Dockerfile * additional cleanup * cleanup * cleanup * edited to reflect new tracing event names * Enable build of missing rolling repositories. * Enable Navigation2 for semi-binary build. * Remove galactic builds from master and kepp only rolling. Remove submodules and use .repos file * updated mentions of SMACC/ROS to SMACC2/ROS2 * some progress on navigation rolling * renamed folders, deleted, edited * added smacc2_performance_tools * performance tests improvements * more on performance and other issues * sm_respira_1 format cleanup * sm_respira_1 format cleanup pre-commit * sm_respira_test_2 * sm_respira_test_2 * more changes on performance tests * Do not execute clang-format on smacc2_sm_reference_library package. * sm_reference_library reformatting * Correct trailing spaces. * sm_atomic_24hr * sm_atomic_performance_trace_1 * Update smacc2_rta command across readmes * Clean up of sm_atomic_24hr * more sm_atomic_24hr cleanup * Optimized deps in move_base_z_planners_common. * Renaming of event generator library * minor formatting * Add galactic CI setup and rename rolling files. (#58) * Fix source CI and correct README overview. (#62) * Update c_cpp_properties.json * changed launch command to ros2 launch sm_respira_1 sm_respira_1.launch (#69) also noticed a note I had made while producing these that was not removed * update doxygen links (#70) Co-authored-by: Ubuntu 20-04-02-amd64 <brett\> * More Readme Updates (#72) Co-authored-by: Ubuntu 20-04-02-amd64 <brett\> * More Readme (#74) Co-authored-by: Ubuntu 20-04-02-amd64 <brett\> * created new sm from sm_respira_1 (#76) * Feature/core and navigation fixes (#78) * base for the sm_aws_aarehouse navigation * progressing in aws navigation * minor * several core improvements during navigation testing * formatting improvements * progress in aws navigation demo * format improvements * Feature/aws demo progress (#80) * base for the sm_aws_aarehouse navigation * progressing in aws navigation * minor * several core improvements during navigation testing * formatting improvements * progress in aws navigation demo * format improvements * format improvements * more on navigation * sm_advanced_recovery_1 reworked (#83) * sm_advanced_recovery_1 reworked * fix pre-commit * Trying to fix Pre-Commit Co-authored-by: Ubuntu 20-04-02-amd64 <brett\> * more sm_advanced_recovery_1 (#84) Co-authored-by: Ubuntu 20-04-02-amd64 <brett\> * More sm_advanced_recovery_1 work (#85) Co-authored-by: Ubuntu 20-04-02-amd64 <brett\> * sm_advanced_recovery_1 round 4 (#86) Co-authored-by: Ubuntu 20-04-02-amd64 <brett\> * Brettpac branch (#87) * sm_atomic_performance_test_a_2 * sm_atomic_performance_test_a_1 Co-authored-by: Ubuntu 20-04-02-amd64 <brett\> * sm_atomic_performance_test_c_1 (#88) Co-authored-by: Ubuntu 20-04-02-amd64 <brett\> * modifying sm_atomic_performance_test_a_2 (#89) Co-authored-by: Ubuntu 20-04-02-amd64 <brett\> * sm_multi_stage_1 (#90) * sm_multi_stage_1 * fixing precommit Co-authored-by: Ubuntu 20-04-02-amd64 <brett\> * more sm_multi_stage_1 (#91) Co-authored-by: Ubuntu 20-04-02-amd64 <brett\> * Update updated launch command * Wait topic message client behavior (#81) * base for the sm_aws_aarehouse navigation * progressing in aws navigation * minor * several core improvements during navigation testing * formatting improvements * progress in aws navigation demo * format improvements * format improvements * more on navigation * new feature, cb_wait_topic_message: asynchronous client behavior that waits a topic message and optionally checks its contents to success * formatting * attempting precommit fixes Co-authored-by: Ubuntu 20-04-02-amd64 <brett\> Co-authored-by: Denis Štogl <destogl\> * Feature/wait nav2 nodes client behavior (#82) * base for the sm_aws_aarehouse navigation * progressing in aws navigation * minor * several core improvements during navigation testing * formatting improvements * progress in aws navigation demo * format improvements * format improvements * more on navigation * new feature, cb_wait_topic_message: asynchronous client behavior that waits a topic message and optionally checks its contents to success * formatting * adding new client behavior add for nav2, wait nav2 nodes subscribing to the /bond topic and waiting they are alive. you optionally can select the nodes to wait * Correct all linters and formaters. Co-authored-by: Denis Štogl <denis\> Co-authored-by: Denis Štogl <destogl\> * Feature/aws demo progress (#92) * base for the sm_aws_aarehouse navigation * progressing in aws navigation * minor * several core improvements during navigation testing * formatting improvements * progress in aws navigation demo * format improvements * format improvements * more on navigation * new feature, cb_wait_topic_message: asynchronous client behavior that waits a topic message and optionally checks its contents to success * formatting * adding new client behavior add for nav2, wait nav2 nodes subscribing to the /bond topic and waiting they are alive. you optionally can select the nodes to wait * progress in aws navigation demo * minor format * Feature/sm dance bot fixes (#93) * base for the sm_aws_aarehouse navigation * progressing in aws navigation * minor * several core improvements during navigation testing * formatting improvements * progress in aws navigation demo * format improvements * format improvements * more on navigation * new feature, cb_wait_topic_message: asynchronous client behavior that waits a topic message and optionally checks its contents to success * formatting * adding new client behavior add for nav2, wait nav2 nodes subscribing to the /bond topic and waiting they are alive. you optionally can select the nodes to wait * progress in aws navigation demo * minor format * navigation parameters fixes on sm_dance_bot * minor format * Feature/sm aws warehouse (#94) * base for the sm_aws_aarehouse navigation * progressing in aws navigation * minor * several core improvements during navigation testing * formatting improvements * progress in aws navigation demo * format improvements * format improvements * more on navigation * new feature, cb_wait_topic_message: asynchronous client behavior that waits a topic message and optionally checks its contents to success * formatting * adding new client behavior add for nav2, wait nav2 nodes subscribing to the /bond topic and waiting they are alive. you optionally can select the nodes to wait * progress in aws navigation demo * minor format * merge and progress * fix format * Feature/sm dance bot fixes (#95) * base for the sm_aws_aarehouse navigation * progressing in aws navigation * minor * several core improvements during navigation testing * formatting improvements * progress in aws navigation demo * format improvements * format improvements * more on navigation * new feature, cb_wait_topic_message: asynchronous client behavior that waits a topic message and optionally checks its contents to success * formatting * adding new client behavior add for nav2, wait nav2 nodes subscribing to the /bond topic and waiting they are alive. you optionally can select the nodes to wait * progress in aws navigation demo * minor format * navigation parameters fixes on sm_dance_bot * minor format * minor * minor format * Remove some compile warnings. (#96) * Feature/cb pause slam (#98) * base for the sm_aws_aarehouse navigation * progressing in aws navigation * minor * several core improvements during navigation testing * formatting improvements * progress in aws navigation demo * format improvements * format improvements * more on navigation * new feature, cb_wait_topic_message: asynchronous client behavior that waits a topic message and optionally checks its contents to success * formatting * adding new client behavior add for nav2, wait nav2 nodes subscribing to the /bond topic and waiting they are alive. you optionally can select the nodes to wait * progress in aws navigation demo * minor format * navigation parameters fixes on sm_dance_bot * minor format * minor * formatting * cb pause slam client behavior * sm_dance_bot_lite (#99) * sm_dance_bot_lite * precommit * Updates yaml Co-authored-by: Ubuntu 20-04-02-amd64 <brett\> * Rename doxygen deployment workflow (#100) * minor hotfix * sm_dance_bot visualizing turtlebot3 (#101) * Feature/dance bot launch gz lidar choice (#102) * sm_dance_bot visualizing turtlebot3 * cleaning and lidar show/hide option * cleaning files and making formatting work * more fixes * Feature/sm dance bot lite gazebo fixes (#104) * sm_dance_bot visualizing turtlebot3 * cleaning and lidar show/hide option * cleaning files and making formatting work * more fixes * gazebo fixes, to show the robot and the lidar * format fixes * sm_multi_stage_1 doubling (#103) Co-authored-by: Ubuntu 20-04-02-amd64 <brett\> * Feature/sm dance bot strikes back gazebo fixes (#105) * sm_dance_bot visualizing turtlebot3 * cleaning and lidar show/hide option * cleaning files and making formatting work * more fixes * gazebo fixes, to show the robot and the lidar * format fixes * gazebo fixes for sm_dance_bot_strikes_back * precommit cleanup run (#106) Co-authored-by: Ubuntu 20-04-02-amd64 <brett\> * aws demo (#108) * aws demo * format * got sm_multi_stage_1 working (barely) (#109) Co-authored-by: Ubuntu 20-04-02-amd64 <brett\> * Brettpac branch (#110) * got sm_multi_stage_1 working (barely) * gaining traction sm_multi_stage_1 * more * don't remember * making progress * More * keep hammering * two stages * 3 part * 4th stage Co-authored-by: Ubuntu 20-04-02-amd64 <brett\> * Brettpac branch (#111) * got sm_multi_stage_1 working (barely) * gaining traction sm_multi_stage_1 * more * don't remember * making progress * More * keep hammering * two stages * 3 part * 4th stage * 5th stage Co-authored-by: Ubuntu 20-04-02-amd64 <brett\> * a3 (#113) Co-authored-by: Ubuntu 20-04-02-amd64 <brett\> * Remove neo_simulation2 package. (#112) * Remove neo_simulation2 package. * Correct formatting. * Enable source build on PR for testing. * Adjust build packages of source CI * more sm_multi_stage_1 (#114) Co-authored-by: Ubuntu 20-04-02-amd64 <brett\> * mm (#115) Co-authored-by: Ubuntu 20-04-02-amd64 <brett\> * diverse improvements navigation and performance (#116) * diverse improvements navigation and performance * minor Co-authored-by: pabloinigoblasco <pablo\> * Feature/diverse improvemets navigation performance (#117) * diverse improvements navigation and performance * minor * additional linting and formatting * Remove merge markers from a python file. (#119) * Feature/slam toggle and smacc deep history (#122) * progress in navigation, slam toggle client behaviors and slam_toolbox components. Also smacc2::deep_history syntax * going forward in testing sm_dance_bot introducing slam pausing/resuming funcionality * feature/more_sm_dance_bot_fixes * minor format * minor (#124) Co-authored-by: Ubuntu 20-04-02-amd64 <brett\> * more changes in sm_dance_bot (#125) * Move method after the method it calls. Otherwise recursion could happen. (#126) * Feature/dance bot s pattern (#128) * more changes in sm_dance_bot * polishing sm_dance_bot and s-pattern * noticed typo Finnaly > Finally * Feature/dance bot s pattern (#129) * more changes in sm_dance_bot * polishing sm_dance_bot and s-pattern * more refinement in sm_dance_bot * First working version of sm template and template generator. (#127) * minor tweaks (#130) Co-authored-by: Ubuntu 20-04-02-amd64 <brett\> * Feature/sm dance bot refine (#131) * more changes in sm_dance_bot * minor * Feature/sm dance bot refine 2 (#132) * more changes in sm_dance_bot * minor * build fix * waypoints navigator bug (#133) * minor tuning to mitigate overshot issue cases * progress in the sm_dance_bot tests (#135) * some more progress on markers cleanup * minor format issues (#134) * sm_dance_bot_lite (#136) Co-authored-by: Ubuntu 20-04-02-amd64 <brett\> * Resolve compile wanings (#137) * Add SM core test (#138) * minor navigation improvements (#141) * using local action msgs (#139) * using local action msgs * removing sm_dance_bot_msgs * pending references * Feature/nav2z renaming (#144) * using local action msgs * removing sm_dance_bot_msgs * pending references * navigation 2 stack renaming * formatting * added SVGs to READMEs of atomic, dance_bot, and others (#140) * added remaining SVGs to READMEs (#145) * added remaining SVGs to READMEs * precommit cleanup * Update package list. (#142) * removing parameters smacc (#147) * removing parameters smacc * workflows update * workflow * Noticed launch command was incorrect in fixed launch command for sm_dance_bot_strikes_back and removed some comments I had made in the past. * Fix CI: format fix python version (#148) * Add SM Atomic SM generator. (#143) * Remove node creation and create only a logger. (#149) * Rolling Docker environment to be executed from any environment (#154) * Feature/sm dance bot strikes back refactoring (#152) Co-authored-by: DecDury <declandury\> Co-authored-by: Denis Štogl <destogl\> * slight waypoint 4 and iterations changes so robot can complete course (#155) * Feature/migration moveit client (#151) * initial migration to smacc2 * fixing some errors introduced on formatting * missing dependency * fixing some more linting warnings * minor * removing test from main moveit cmake * test ur5 * progressing in the moveit migration testing * updating format * adding .reps dependencies and also fixing some build errors * repos dependency * adding dependency to ur5 client * docker refactoring * minor * progress on move_it PR * minor dockerfile test workaround * improving dockerfile for building local tests * minor * fixing compiling issues * update readme (#164) * update readme * more readme updates * more Co-authored-by: Ubuntu 20-04-02-amd64 <brett\> * initial state machine transition timestamp (#165) * moved reference library SMs to smacc2_performance_tools (#166) * moved reference library SMs to smacc2_performance_tools * pre-commit cleanup * Add QOS durability to SmaccPublisherClient (#163) * feat: add qos durability to SmaccPublisherClient * fix: add a missing colon * refactor: remove line * feat: add reliability qos config * Feature/testing moveit behaviors (#167) * more testing on moveit * progress on moveit * more testing on moveit behaviors * minor configuration * fixing pipeline error * fixing broken master build * sm_pubsub_1 (#169) Co-authored-by: Ubuntu 20-04-02-amd64 <brett\> * sm_pubsub_1 part 2 (#170) * sm_pubsub_1 part 2 * sm_pubsub_1 part 2 Co-authored-by: Ubuntu 20-04-02-amd64 <brett\> * sm_advanced_recovery_1 renaming (#171) Co-authored-by: Ubuntu 20-04-02-amd64 <brett\> * sm_multi_stage_1 reworking (#172) * multistage modes * sm_multi_stage sequences * sm_multi_state_1 steps * sm_multi_stage_1 sequence d * sm_multi_stage_1 c sequence * mode_5_sequence_b * mode_4_sequence_b * sm_multi_stage_1 most * finishing touches 1 * readme Co-authored-by: Ubuntu 20-04-02-amd64 <brett\> * Feature/aws navigation sm dance bot (#174) * repo dependency * husky launch file in sm_dance_bot * Add dependencies for husky simulation. * Fix formatting. * Update dependencies for husky in rolling and galactic. * minor * progress on aws navigation and some other refactorings on navigation clients and behaviors * more on aws demo * fixing broken build * minor Co-authored-by: Denis Štogl <denis\> Co-authored-by: Denis Štogl <destogl\> * minor changes (#175) * warehouse2 (#177) * Waypoint Inputs (#178) Co-authored-by: Ubuntu 20-04-02-amd64 <brett\> * wharehouse2 progress (#179) * format (#180) * sm_dance_bot_warehouse_3 (#181) Co-authored-by: Ubuntu 20-04-02-amd64 <brett\> * Feature/sm warehouse 2 13 dec 2 (#182) * format * more changes and headless * merge * headless and other fixes * default values * Brettpac branch (#184) * sm_dance_bot_warehouse_3 * Redoing sm_dance_bot_warehouse_3 waypoints * More Waypoints Co-authored-by: Ubuntu 20-04-02-amd64 <brett\> * SrConditional fixes and formatting (#168) * fix: some formatting and templating on SrConditional * fix: move trigger logic into headers * fix: lint * Feature/wharehouse2 dec 14 (#185) * warehouse2 * minor * Feature/sm warehouse 2 13 dec 2 (#186) * format * more changes and headless * merge * headless and other fixes * default values * minor * finetuning waypoints (#187) Co-authored-by: Ubuntu 20-04-02-amd64 <brett\> * Feature/cb pure spinning (#188) * format * more changes and headless * merge * headless and other fixes * default values * minor * Feature/cb pure spinning (#189) * format * more changes and headless * merge * headless and other fixes * default values * minor * pure spinning behavior missing files * minor changes (#190) * Feature/planner changes 16 12 (#191) * minor changes * more fixes * minor * minor * Feature/replanning 16 dec (#193) * minor changes * replanning for all our examples * several fixes (#194) * minor changes (#195) * Feature/undo motion 20 12 (#196) * minor changes * replanning for all our examples * improving undo motion navigation warehouse2 * minor * tuning warehouse3 (#197) * Feature/undo motion 20 12 (#198) * minor changes * replanning for all our examples * improving undo motion navigation warehouse2 * minor * undo tuning and errors * format * Feature/sync 21 12 (#199) * minor changes * replanning for all our examples * format issues * Feature/warehouse2 22 12 (#200) * minor changes * replanning for all our examples * format issues * finishing warehouse2 * Feature/warehouse2 23 12 (#201) * minor changes * replanning for all our examples * tuning and fixes (#202) * Feature/minor tune (#203) * tuning and fixes * minor tune * fixing warehouse 3 problems, and other core improvements (#204) * fixing warehouse 3 problems, and other core improvements to remove dead lock, also making continuous integration green * weird moveit not downloaded repo * added missing file from warehouse2 (#205) * backport to foxy * minor format * minor linking errors foxy Co-authored-by: Denis Štogl <denis\> Co-authored-by: Denis Štogl <destogl\> Co-authored-by: Declan Dury <44791484+DecDury\> Co-authored-by: DecDury <declandury\> Co-authored-by: reelrbtx <brett2\> Co-authored-by: brettpac <brett\> Co-authored-by: David Revay <MrBlenny\> * missing * missing sm * updating subscriber publisher components * progress in autowarrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrre machine * refining cp subscriber cp publisher * improvements in smacc core adding more components mostly developed for autoware demo * autoware demo * missing * foxy ci * fix * minor broken build * some reordering fixes * minor * docker files for different revisions, warnings removval and more testing on navigation * fixing docker for foxy and galactic * docker build files for all versions * barrel demo * barrel search build fix and warehouse3 * fixing startup problems in warehouse 3 * fixing format and minor * minor * progress in barrel husky * minor * barrel demo * progress * fixing broken build Co-authored-by: Denis Štogl <denis\> Co-authored-by: Denis Štogl <destogl\> Co-authored-by: Declan Dury <44791484+DecDury\> Co-authored-by: DecDury <declandury\> Co-authored-by: reelrbtx <brett2\> Co-authored-by: brettpac <brett\> Co-authored-by: David Revay <MrBlenny\> Co-authored-by: pabloinigoblasco <pabloinigoblasco\> * Feature/barrel - do not merge yet (#233) * minor changes * replanning for all our examples * backport to foxy * minor format * minor linking errors foxy * Foxy backport (#206) * minor formatting fixes * Fix trailing spaces. * Correct codespell. * Correct python linters warnings. * Add galactic CI build because Navigation2 is broken in rolling. * Add partial changes for ament_cpplint. * Add tf2_ros as dependency to find include. * Disable ament_cpplint. * Disable some packages and update workflows. * Bump ccache version. * Ignore further packages * Satisfy ament_lint_cmake * Add missing licences. * Disable cpplint and cppcheck linters. * Correct formatters. * branching example * Disable disabled packages * Update ci-build-source.yml * Change extension * Change extension of imports. * Enable cppcheck * Correct formatting of python file. * Included necessary package and edited Threesome launch Changed... ros2 launch sm_three_some sm_three_some to ros2 launch sm_three_some sm_three_some.launch Added: First ensure you have the necessary package installed. ]{.title-ref}sudo apt-get install ros-rolling-ros2trace[ Then run this command. * Rename header files and correct format. * Add workflow for checking doc build. * Update doxygen-check-build.yml * Create doxygen-deploy.yml * Use manual deployment for now. * Create workflow for testing prerelease builds * Use docs/ as source folder for documentation * Use docs/ as output directory. * Rename to smacc2 and smacc2_msgs * Correct GitHub branch reference. * Update name of package and package.xml to pass liter. * Execute on master update * Reset all versions to 0.0.0 * Ignore all packages except smacc2 and smacc2_msgs * Update changelogs * 0.1.0 * Revert "Ignore all packages except smacc2 and smacc2_msgs" This reverts commit f603166a4b3ccdfe96c64d9f9fb9d8b49fbf0e61. * Update description table. * Update table * Copy initial docs * Dockerfile w/ ROS distro as argument use this command "sudo docker build --build-arg ROS2_DISTRO=(desiredRosTag) (directoryHoldingDockerfile)/" * Opened new folder for additional tracing contents * Delete tracing directory * Moved to tracing directory * added Installs necessary packages and configures tracing group. * Removed manual installation of ros-rolling-ros2trace This is now automated in location of sh file assumed if user follows under "Getting started" * Created alternative ManualTracing * added new sm markdowns * added a dockerfile for Rolling and Galactic * Update smacc2_ci/docker/ros_rollingAndGalactic_ubuntu_20.04/ Co-authored-by: Denis Štogl <destogl\> * Update tracing/ Co-authored-by: Denis Štogl <destogl\> * changed wording "smacc application" to "SMACC2 library" Co-authored-by: Denis Štogl <destogl\> * Update smacc_sm_reference_library/sm_atomic/ edit from html to markdown syntax Co-authored-by: Denis Štogl <destogl\> * reactivating smacc2 nav clients for rolling via submodules * renamed tracing events after * bug in smacc2 component * reverted markdowns to html * added README tutorial for Dockerfile * additional cleanup * cleanup * cleanup * edited to reflect new tracing event names * Enable build of missing rolling repositories. * Enable Navigation2 for semi-binary build. * Remove galactic builds from master and kepp only rolling. Remove submodules and use .repos file * updated mentions of SMACC/ROS to SMACC2/ROS2 * some progress on navigation rolling * renamed folders, deleted, edited * added smacc2_performance_tools * performance tests improvements * more on performance and other issues * sm_respira_1 format cleanup * sm_respira_1 format cleanup pre-commit * sm_respira_test_2 * sm_respira_test_2 * more changes on performance tests * Do not execute clang-format on smacc2_sm_reference_library package. * sm_reference_library reformatting * Correct trailing spaces. * sm_atomic_24hr * sm_atomic_performance_trace_1 * Update smacc2_rta command across readmes * Clean up of sm_atomic_24hr * more sm_atomic_24hr cleanup * Optimized deps in move_base_z_planners_common. * Renaming of event generator library * minor formatting * Add galactic CI setup and rename rolling files. (#58) * Fix source CI and correct README overview. (#62) * Update c_cpp_properties.json * changed launch command to ros2 launch sm_respira_1 sm_respira_1.launch (#69) also noticed a note I had made while producing these that was not removed * update doxygen links (#70) Co-authored-by: Ubuntu 20-04-02-amd64 <brett\> * More Readme Updates (#72) Co-authored-by: Ubuntu 20-04-02-amd64 <brett\> * More Readme (#74) Co-authored-by: Ubuntu 20-04-02-amd64 <brett\> * created new sm from sm_respira_1 (#76) * Feature/core and navigation fixes (#78) * base for the sm_aws_aarehouse navigation * progressing in aws navigation * minor * several core improvements during navigation testing * formatting improvements * progress in aws navigation demo * format improvements * Feature/aws demo progress (#80) * base for the sm_aws_aarehouse navigation * progressing in aws navigation * minor * several core improvements during navigation testing * formatting improvements * progress in aws navigation demo * format improvements * format improvements * more on navigation * sm_advanced_recovery_1 reworked (#83) * sm_advanced_recovery_1 reworked * fix pre-commit * Trying to fix Pre-Commit Co-authored-by: Ubuntu 20-04-02-amd64 <brett\> * more sm_advanced_recovery_1 (#84) Co-authored-by: Ubuntu 20-04-02-amd64 <brett\> * More sm_advanced_recovery_1 work (#85) Co-authored-by: Ubuntu 20-04-02-amd64 <brett\> * sm_advanced_recovery_1 round 4 (#86) Co-authored-by: Ubuntu 20-04-02-amd64 <brett\> * Brettpac branch (#87) * sm_atomic_performance_test_a_2 * sm_atomic_performance_test_a_1 Co-authored-by: Ubuntu 20-04-02-amd64 <brett\> * sm_atomic_performance_test_c_1 (#88) Co-authored-by: Ubuntu 20-04-02-amd64 <brett\> * modifying sm_atomic_performance_test_a_2 (#89) Co-authored-by: Ubuntu 20-04-02-amd64 <brett\> * sm_multi_stage_1 (#90) * sm_multi_stage_1 * fixing precommit Co-authored-by: Ubuntu 20-04-02-amd64 <brett\> * more sm_multi_stage_1 (#91) Co-authored-by: Ubuntu 20-04-02-amd64 <brett\> * Update updated launch command * Wait topic message client behavior (#81) * base for the sm_aws_aarehouse navigation * progressing in aws navigation * minor * several core improvements during navigation testing * formatting improvements * progress in aws navigation demo * format improvements * format improvements * more on navigation * new feature, cb_wait_topic_message: asynchronous client behavior that waits a topic message and optionally checks its contents to success * formatting * attempting precommit fixes Co-authored-by: Ubuntu 20-04-02-amd64 <brett\> Co-authored-by: Denis Štogl <destogl\> * Feature/wait nav2 nodes client behavior (#82) * base for the sm_aws_aarehouse navigation * progressing in aws navigation * minor * several core improvements during navigation testing * formatting improvements * progress in aws navigation demo * format improvements * format improvements * more on navigation * new feature, cb_wait_topic_message: asynchronous client behavior that waits a topic message and optionally checks its contents to success * formatting * adding new client behavior add for nav2, wait nav2 nodes subscribing to the /bond topic and waiting they are alive. you optionally can select the nodes to wait * Correct all linters and formaters. Co-authored-by: Denis Štogl <denis\> Co-authored-by: Denis Štogl <destogl\> * Feature/aws demo progress (#92) * base for the sm_aws_aarehouse navigation * progressing in aws navigation * minor * several core improvements during navigation testing * formatting improvements * progress in aws navigation demo * format improvements * format improvements * more on navigation * new feature, cb_wait_topic_message: asynchronous client behavior that waits a topic message and optionally checks its contents to success * formatting * adding new client behavior add for nav2, wait nav2 nodes subscribing to the /bond topic and waiting they are alive. you optionally can select the nodes to wait * progress in aws navigation demo * minor format * Feature/sm dance bot fixes (#93) * base for the sm_aws_aarehouse navigation * progressing in aws navigation * minor * several core improvements during navigation testing * formatting improvements * progress in aws navigation demo * format improvements * format improvements * more on navigation * new feature, cb_wait_topic_message: asynchronous client behavior that waits a topic message and optionally checks its contents to success * formatting * adding new client behavior add for nav2, wait nav2 nodes subscribing to the /bond topic and waiting they are alive. you optionally can select the nodes to wait * progress in aws navigation demo * minor format * navigation parameters fixes on sm_dance_bot * minor format * Feature/sm aws warehouse (#94) * base for the sm_aws_aarehouse navigation * progressing in aws navigation * minor * several core improvements during navigation testing * formatting improvements * progress in aws navigation demo * format improvements * format improvements * more on navigation * new feature, cb_wait_topic_message: asynchronous client behavior that waits a topic message and optionally checks its contents to success * formatting * adding new client behavior add for nav2, wait nav2 nodes subscribing to the /bond topic and waiting they are alive. you optionally can select the nodes to wait * progress in aws navigation demo * minor format * merge and progress * fix format * Feature/sm dance bot fixes (#95) * base for the sm_aws_aarehouse navigation * progressing in aws navigation * minor * several core improvements during navigation testing * formatting improvements * progress in aws navigation demo * format improvements * format improvements * more on navigation * new feature, cb_wait_topic_message: asynchronous client behavior that waits a topic message and optionally checks its contents to success * formatting * adding new client behavior add for nav2, wait nav2 nodes subscribing to the /bond topic and waiting they are alive. you optionally can select the nodes to wait * progress in aws navigation demo * minor format * navigation parameters fixes on sm_dance_bot * minor format * minor * minor format * Remove some compile warnings. (#96) * Feature/cb pause slam (#98) * base for the sm_aws_aarehouse navigation * progressing in aws navigation * minor * several core improvements during navigation testing * formatting improvements * progress in aws navigation demo * format improvements * format improvements * more on navigation * new feature, cb_wait_topic_message: asynchronous client behavior that waits a topic message and optionally checks its contents to success * formatting * adding new client behavior add for nav2, wait nav2 nodes subscribing to the /bond topic and waiting they are alive. you optionally can select the nodes to wait * progress in aws navigation demo * minor format * navigation parameters fixes on sm_dance_bot * minor format * minor * formatting * cb pause slam client behavior * sm_dance_bot_lite (#99) * sm_dance_bot_lite * precommit * Updates yaml Co-authored-by: Ubuntu 20-04-02-amd64 <brett\> * Rename doxygen deployment workflow (#100) * minor hotfix * sm_dance_bot visualizing turtlebot3 (#101) * Feature/dance bot launch gz lidar choice (#102) * sm_dance_bot visualizing turtlebot3 * cleaning and lidar show/hide option * cleaning files and making formatting work * more fixes * Feature/sm dance bot lite gazebo fixes (#104) * sm_dance_bot visualizing turtlebot3 * cleaning and lidar show/hide option * cleaning files and making formatting work * more fixes * gazebo fixes, to show the robot and the lidar * format fixes * sm_multi_stage_1 doubling (#103) Co-authored-by: Ubuntu 20-04-02-amd64 <brett\> * Feature/sm dance bot strikes back gazebo fixes (#105) * sm_dance_bot visualizing turtlebot3 * cleaning and lidar show/hide option * cleaning files and making formatting work * more fixes * gazebo fixes, to show the robot and the lidar * format fixes * gazebo fixes for sm_dance_bot_strikes_back * precommit cleanup run (#106) Co-authored-by: Ubuntu 20-04-02-amd64 <brett\> * aws demo (#108) * aws demo * format * got sm_multi_stage_1 working (barely) (#109) Co-authored-by: Ubuntu 20-04-02-amd64 <brett\> * Brettpac branch (#110) * got sm_multi_stage_1 working (barely) * gaining traction sm_multi_stage_1 * more * don't remember * making progress * More * keep hammering * two stages * 3 part * 4th stage Co-authored-by: Ubuntu 20-04-02-amd64 <brett\> * Brettpac branch (#111) * got sm_multi_stage_1 working (barely) * gaining traction sm_multi_stage_1 * more * don't remember * making progress * More * keep hammering * two stages * 3 part * 4th stage * 5th stage Co-authored-by: Ubuntu 20-04-02-amd64 <brett\> * a3 (#113) Co-authored-by: Ubuntu 20-04-02-amd64 <brett\> * Remove neo_simulation2 package. (#112) * Remove neo_simulation2 package. * Correct formatting. * Enable source build on PR for testing. * Adjust build packages of source CI * more sm_multi_stage_1 (#114) Co-authored-by: Ubuntu 20-04-02-amd64 <brett\> * mm (#115) Co-authored-by: Ubuntu 20-04-02-amd64 <brett\> * diverse improvements navigation and performance (#116) * diverse improvements navigation and performance * minor Co-authored-by: pabloinigoblasco <pablo\> * Feature/diverse improvemets navigation performance (#117) * diverse improvements navigation and performance * minor * additional linting and formatting * Remove merge markers from a python file. (#119) * Feature/slam toggle and smacc deep history (#122) * progress in navigation, slam toggle client behaviors and slam_toolbox components. Also smacc2::deep_history syntax * going forward in testing sm_dance_bot introducing slam pausing/resuming funcionality * feature/more_sm_dance_bot_fixes * minor format * minor (#124) Co-authored-by: Ubuntu 20-04-02-amd64 <brett\> * more changes in sm_dance_bot (#125) * Move method after the method it calls. Otherwise recursion could happen. (#126) * Feature/dance bot s pattern (#128) * more changes in sm_dance_bot * polishing sm_dance_bot and s-pattern * noticed typo Finnaly > Finally * Feature/dance bot s pattern (#129) * more changes in sm_dance_bot * polishing sm_dance_bot and s-pattern * more refinement in sm_dance_bot * First working version of sm template and template generator. (#127) * minor tweaks (#130) Co-authored-by: Ubuntu 20-04-02-amd64 <brett\> * Feature/sm dance bot refine (#131) * more changes in sm_dance_bot * minor * Feature/sm dance bot refine 2 (#132) * more changes in sm_dance_bot * minor * build fix * waypoints navigator bug (#133) * minor tuning to mitigate overshot issue cases * progress in the sm_dance_bot tests (#135) * some more progress on markers cleanup * minor format issues (#134) * sm_dance_bot_lite (#136) Co-authored-by: Ubuntu 20-04-02-amd64 <brett\> * Resolve compile wanings (#137) * Add SM core test (#138) * minor navigation improvements (#141) * using local action msgs (#139) * using local action msgs * removing sm_dance_bot_msgs * pending references * Feature/nav2z renaming (#144) * using local action msgs * removing sm_dance_bot_msgs * pending references * navigation 2 stack renaming * formatting * added SVGs to READMEs of atomic, dance_bot, and others (#140) * added remaining SVGs to READMEs (#145) * added remaining SVGs to READMEs * precommit cleanup * Update package list. (#142) * removing parameters smacc (#147) * removing parameters smacc * workflows update * workflow * Noticed launch command was incorrect in fixed launch command for sm_dance_bot_strikes_back and removed some comments I had made in the past. * Fix CI: format fix python version (#148) * Add SM Atomic SM generator. (#143) * Remove node creation and create only a logger. (#149) * Rolling Docker environment to be executed from any environment (#154) * Feature/sm dance bot strikes back refactoring (#152) Co-authored-by: DecDury <declandury\> Co-authored-by: Denis Štogl <destogl\> * slight waypoint 4 and iterations changes so robot can complete course (#155) * Feature/migration moveit client (#151) * initial migration to smacc2 * fixing some errors introduced on formatting * missing dependency * fixing some more linting warnings * minor * removing test from main moveit cmake * test ur5 * progressing in the moveit migration testing * updating format * adding .reps dependencies and also fixing some build errors * repos dependency * adding dependency to ur5 client * docker refactoring * minor * progress on move_it PR * minor dockerfile test workaround * improving dockerfile for building local tests * minor * fixing compiling issues * update readme (#164) * update readme * more readme updates * more Co-authored-by: Ubuntu 20-04-02-amd64 <brett\> * initial state machine transition timestamp (#165) * moved reference library SMs to smacc2_performance_tools (#166) * moved reference library SMs to smacc2_performance_tools * pre-commit cleanup * Add QOS durability to SmaccPublisherClient (#163) * feat: add qos durability to SmaccPublisherClient * fix: add a missing colon * refactor: remove line * feat: add reliability qos config * Feature/testing moveit behaviors (#167) * more testing on moveit * progress on moveit * more testing on moveit behaviors * minor configuration * fixing pipeline error * fixing broken master build * sm_pubsub_1 (#169) Co-authored-by: Ubuntu 20-04-02-amd64 <brett\> * sm_pubsub_1 part 2 (#170) * sm_pubsub_1 part 2 * sm_pubsub_1 part 2 Co-authored-by: Ubuntu 20-04-02-amd64 <brett\> * sm_advanced_recovery_1 renaming (#171) Co-authored-by: Ubuntu 20-04-02-amd64 <brett\> * sm_multi_stage_1 reworking (#172) * multistage modes * sm_multi_stage sequences * sm_multi_state_1 steps * sm_multi_stage_1 sequence d * sm_multi_stage_1 c sequence * mode_5_sequence_b * mode_4_sequence_b * sm_multi_stage_1 most * finishing touches 1 * readme Co-authored-by: Ubuntu 20-04-02-amd64 <brett\> * Feature/aws navigation sm dance bot (#174) * repo dependency * husky launch file in sm_dance_bot * Add dependencies for husky simulation. * Fix formatting. * Update dependencies for husky in rolling and galactic. * minor * progress on aws navigation and some other refactorings on navigation clients and behaviors * more on aws demo * fixing broken build * minor Co-authored-by: Denis Štogl <denis\> Co-authored-by: Denis Štogl <destogl\> * minor changes (#175) * warehouse2 (#177) * Waypoint Inputs (#178) Co-authored-by: Ubuntu 20-04-02-amd64 <brett\> * wharehouse2 progress (#179) * format (#180) * sm_dance_bot_warehouse_3 (#181) Co-authored-by: Ubuntu 20-04-02-amd64 <brett\> * Feature/sm warehouse 2 13 dec 2 (#182) * format * more changes and headless * merge * headless and other fixes * default values * Brettpac branch (#184) * sm_dance_bot_warehouse_3 * Redoing sm_dance_bot_warehouse_3 waypoints * More Waypoints Co-authored-by: Ubuntu 20-04-02-amd64 <brett\> * SrConditional fixes and formatting (#168) * fix: some formatting and templating on SrConditional * fix: move trigger logic into headers * fix: lint * Feature/wharehouse2 dec 14 (#185) * warehouse2 * minor * Feature/sm warehouse 2 13 dec 2 (#186) * format * more changes and headless * merge * headless and other fixes * default values * minor * finetuning waypoints (#187) Co-authored-by: Ubuntu 20-04-02-amd64 <brett\> * Feature/cb pure spinning (#188) * format * more changes and headless * merge * headless and other fixes * default values * minor * Feature/cb pure spinning (#189) * format * more changes and headless * merge * headless and other fixes * default values * minor * pure spinning behavior missing files * minor changes (#190) * Feature/planner changes 16 12 (#191) * minor changes * more fixes * minor * minor * Feature/replanning 16 dec (#193) * minor changes * replanning for all our examples * several fixes (#194) * minor changes (#195) * Feature/undo motion 20 12 (#196) * minor changes * replanning for all our examples * improving undo motion navigation warehouse2 * minor * tuning warehouse3 (#197) * Feature/undo motion 20 12 (#198) * minor changes * replanning for all our examples * improving undo motion navigation warehouse2 * minor * undo tuning and errors * format * Feature/sync 21 12 (#199) * minor changes * replanning for all our examples * format issues * Feature/warehouse2 22 12 (#200) * minor changes * replanning for all our examples * format issues * finishing warehouse2 * Feature/warehouse2 23 12 (#201) * minor changes * replanning for all our examples * tuning and fixes (#202) * Feature/minor tune (#203) * tuning and fixes * minor tune * fixing warehouse 3 problems, and other core improvements (#204) * fixing warehouse 3 problems, and other core improvements to remove dead lock, also making continuous integration green * weird moveit not downloaded repo * added missing file from warehouse2 (#205) * backport to foxy * minor format * minor linking errors foxy Co-authored-by: Denis Štogl <denis\> Co-authored-by: Denis Štogl <destogl\> Co-authored-by: Declan Dury <44791484+DecDury\> Co-authored-by: DecDury <declandury\> Co-authored-by: reelrbtx <brett2\> Co-authored-by: brettpac <brett\> Co-authored-by: David Revay <MrBlenny\> * missing * missing sm * updating subscriber publisher components * progress in autowarrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrre machine * refining cp subscriber cp publisher * improvements in smacc core adding more components mostly developed for autoware demo * autoware demo * missing * foxy ci * fix * minor broken build * some reordering fixes * minor * docker files for different revisions, warnings removval and more testing on navigation * fixing docker for foxy and galactic * docker build files for all versions * barrel demo * barrel search build fix and warehouse3 * fixing startup problems in warehouse 3 * fixing format and minor * minor * progress in barrel husky * minor * barrel demo * minor * barrel search updates * making models local * red picuup * multiple controllable leds plugin * progress in husky demo * progressing in husky demo * improving navigation behaviors * more merge Co-authored-by: Denis Štogl <denis\> Co-authored-by: Denis Štogl <destogl\> Co-authored-by: Declan Dury <44791484+DecDury\> Co-authored-by: DecDury <declandury\> Co-authored-by: reelrbtx <brett2\> Co-authored-by: brettpac <brett\> Co-authored-by: David Revay <MrBlenny\> Co-authored-by: pabloinigoblasco <pabloinigoblasco\> * Feature/docker improvements march 2022 (#235) * minor changes * replanning for all our examples * backport to foxy * minor format * minor linking errors foxy * Foxy backport (#206) * minor formatting fixes * Fix trailing spaces. * Correct codespell. * Correct python linters warnings. * Add galactic CI build because Navigation2 is broken in rolling. * Add partial changes for ament_cpplint. * Add tf2_ros as dependency to find include. * Disable ament_cpplint. * Disable some packages and update workflows. * Bump ccache version. * Ignore further packages * Satisfy ament_lint_cmake * Add missing licences. * Disable cpplint and cppcheck linters. * Correct formatters. * branching example * Disable disabled packages * Update ci-build-source.yml * Change extension * Change extension of imports. * Enable cppcheck * Correct formatting of python file. * Included necessary package and edited Threesome launch Changed... ros2 launch sm_three_some sm_three_some to ros2 launch sm_three_some sm_three_some.launch Added: First ensure you have the necessary package installed. ]{.title-ref}sudo apt-get install ros-rolling-ros2trace` Then run this command.

    • Rename header files and correct format.
    • Add workflow for checking doc build.
    • Update doxygen-check-build.yml
    • Create doxygen-deploy.yml
    • Use manual deployment for now.
    • Create workflow for testing prerelease builds
    • Use docs/ as source folder for documentation
    • Use docs/ as output directory.
    • Rename to smacc2 and smacc2_msgs
    • Correct GitHub branch reference.
    • Update name of package and package.xml to pass liter.
    • Execute on master update
    • Reset all versions to 0.0.0
    • Ignore all packages except smacc2 and smacc2_msgs
    • Update changelogs
    • 0.1.0

    * Revert "Ignore all packages except smacc2 and smacc2_msgs" This reverts commit f603166a4b3ccdfe96c64d9f9fb9d8b49fbf0e61.

    • Update description table.
    • Update table
    • Copy initial docs

    * Dockerfile w/ ROS distro as argument use this command "sudo docker build --build-arg ROS2_DISTRO=(desiredRosTag) (directoryHoldingDockerfile)/"

    • Opened new folder for additional tracing contents
    • Delete tracing directory
    • Moved to tracing directory

    * added Installs necessary packages and configures tracing group. * Removed manual installation of ros-rolling-ros2trace This is now automated in location of sh file assumed if user follows under "Getting started"

    • Created alternative ManualTracing
    • added new sm markdowns
    • added a dockerfile for Rolling and Galactic

    * Update smacc2_ci/docker/ros_rollingAndGalactic_ubuntu_20.04/ Co-authored-by: Denis Štogl <<>> * Update tracing/ Co-authored-by: Denis Štogl <<>> * changed wording "smacc application" to "SMACC2 library" Co-authored-by: Denis Štogl <<>> * Update smacc_sm_reference_library/sm_atomic/ edit from html to markdown syntax Co-authored-by: Denis Štogl <<>>

    • reactivating smacc2 nav clients for rolling via submodules
    • renamed tracing events after
    • bug in smacc2 component
    • reverted markdowns to html
    • added README tutorial for Dockerfile
    • additional cleanup
    • cleanup
    • cleanup
    • edited to reflect new tracing event names
    • Enable build of missing rolling repositories.
    • Enable Navigation2 for semi-binary build.
    • Remove galactic builds from master and kepp only rolling. Remove submodules and use .repos file
    • updated mentions of SMACC/ROS to SMACC2/ROS2
    • some progress on navigation rolling
    • renamed folders, deleted, edited
    • added smacc2_performance_tools
    • performance tests improvements
    • more on performance and other issues
    • sm_respira_1 format cleanup
    • sm_respira_1 format cleanup pre-commit
    • sm_respira_test_2
    • sm_respira_test_2
    • more changes on performance tests
    • Do not execute clang-format on smacc2_sm_reference_library package.
    • sm_reference_library reformatting
    • Correct trailing spaces.
    • sm_atomic_24hr
    • sm_atomic_performance_trace_1
    • Update smacc2_rta command across readmes
    • Clean up of sm_atomic_24hr
    • more sm_atomic_24hr cleanup
    • Optimized deps in move_base_z_planners_common.
    • Renaming of event generator library
    • minor formatting
    • Add galactic CI setup and rename rolling files. (#58)
    • Fix source CI and correct README overview. (#62)
    • Update c_cpp_properties.json

    * changed launch command to ros2 launch sm_respira_1 sm_respira_1.launch (#69) also noticed a note I had made while producing these that was not removed * update doxygen links (#70) Co-authored-by: Ubuntu 20-04-02-amd64 <<>> * More Readme Updates (#72) Co-authored-by: Ubuntu 20-04-02-amd64 <<>> * More Readme (#74) Co-authored-by: Ubuntu 20-04-02-amd64 <<>>

    • created new sm from sm_respira_1 (#76)
    • Feature/core and navigation fixes (#78)
    • base for the sm_aws_aarehouse navigation
    • progressing in aws navigation
    • minor
    • several core improvements during navigation testing
    • formatting improvements
    • progress in aws navigation demo
    • format improvements
    • Feature/aws demo progress (#80)
    • base for the sm_aws_aarehouse navigation
    • progressing in aws navigation
    • minor
    • several core improvements during navigation testing
    • formatting improvements
    • progress in aws navigation demo
    • format improvements
    • format improvements
    • more on navigation
    • sm_advanced_recovery_1 reworked (#83)
    • sm_advanced_recovery_1 reworked
    • fix pre-commit

    * Trying to fix Pre-Commit Co-authored-by: Ubuntu 20-04-02-amd64 <<>> * more sm_advanced_recovery_1 (#84) Co-authored-by: Ubuntu 20-04-02-amd64 <<>> * More sm_advanced_recovery_1 work (#85) Co-authored-by: Ubuntu 20-04-02-amd64 <<>> * sm_advanced_recovery_1 round 4 (#86) Co-authored-by: Ubuntu 20-04-02-amd64 <<>>

    • Brettpac branch (#87)
    • sm_atomic_performance_test_a_2

    * sm_atomic_performance_test_a_1 Co-authored-by: Ubuntu 20-04-02-amd64 <<>> * sm_atomic_performance_test_c_1 (#88) Co-authored-by: Ubuntu 20-04-02-amd64 <<>> * modifying sm_atomic_performance_test_a_2 (#89) Co-authored-by: Ubuntu 20-04-02-amd64 <<>>

    • sm_multi_stage_1 (#90)
    • sm_multi_stage_1

    * fixing precommit Co-authored-by: Ubuntu 20-04-02-amd64 <<>> * more sm_multi_stage_1 (#91) Co-authored-by: Ubuntu 20-04-02-amd64 <<>> * Update updated launch command

    • Wait topic message client behavior (#81)
    • base for the sm_aws_aarehouse navigation
    • progressing in aws navigation
    • minor
    • several core improvements during navigation testing
    • formatting improvements
    • progress in aws navigation demo
    • format improvements
    • format improvements
    • more on navigation
    • new feature, cb_wait_topic_message: asynchronous client behavior that waits a topic message and optionally checks its contents to success
    • formatting

    * attempting precommit fixes Co-authored-by: Ubuntu 20-04-02-amd64 <<>> Co-authored-by: Denis Štogl <<>>

    • Feature/wait nav2 nodes client behavior (#82)
    • base for the sm_aws_aarehouse navigation
    • progressing in aws navigation
    • minor
    • several core improvements during navigation testing
    • formatting improvements
    • progress in aws navigation demo
    • format improvements
    • format improvements
    • more on navigation
    • new feature, cb_wait_topic_message: asynchronous client behavior that waits a topic message and optionally checks its contents to success
    • formatting
    • adding new client behavior add for nav2, wait nav2 nodes subscribing to the /bond topic and waiting they are alive. you optionally can select the nodes to wait

    * Correct all linters and formaters. Co-authored-by: Denis Štogl <<>> Co-authored-by: Denis Štogl <<>>

    • Feature/aws demo progress (#92)
    • base for the sm_aws_aarehouse navigation
    • progressing in aws navigation
    • minor
    • several core improvements during navigation testing
    • formatting improvements
    • progress in aws navigation demo
    • format improvements
    • format improvements
    • more on navigation
    • new feature, cb_wait_topic_message: asynchronous client behavior that waits a topic message and optionally checks its contents to success
    • formatting
    • adding new client behavior add for nav2, wait nav2 nodes subscribing to the /bond topic and waiting they are alive. you optionally can select the nodes to wait
    • progress in aws navigation demo
    • minor format
    • Feature/sm dance bot fixes (#93)
    • base for the sm_aws_aarehouse navigation
    • progressing in aws navigation
    • minor
    • several core improvements during navigation testing
    • formatting improvements
    • progress in aws navigation demo
    • format improvements
    • format improvements
    • more on navigation
    • new feature, cb_wait_topic_message: asynchronous client behavior that waits a topic message and optionally checks its contents to success
    • formatting
    • adding new client behavior add for nav2, wait nav2 nodes subscribing to the /bond topic and waiting they are alive. you optionally can select the nodes to wait
    • progress in aws navigation demo
    • minor format
    • navigation parameters fixes on sm_dance_bot
    • minor format
    • Feature/sm aws warehouse (#94)
    • base for the sm_aws_aarehouse navigation
    • progressing in aws navigation
    • minor
    • several core improvements during navigation testing
    • formatting improvements
    • progress in aws navigation demo
    • format improvements
    • format improvements
    • more on navigation
    • new feature, cb_wait_topic_message: asynchronous client behavior that waits a topic message and optionally checks its contents to success
    • formatting
    • adding new client behavior add for nav2, wait nav2 nodes subscribing to the /bond topic and waiting they are alive. you optionally can select the nodes to wait
    • progress in aws navigation demo
    • minor format
    • merge and progress
    • fix format
    • Feature/sm dance bot fixes (#95)
    • base for the sm_aws_aarehouse navigation
    • progressing in aws navigation
    • minor
    • several core improvements during navigation testing
    • formatting improvements
    • progress in aws navigation demo
    • format improvements
    • format improvements
    • more on navigation
    • new feature, cb_wait_topic_message: asynchronous client behavior that waits a topic message and optionally checks its contents to success
    • formatting
    • adding new client behavior add for nav2, wait nav2 nodes subscribing to the /bond topic and waiting they are alive. you optionally can select the nodes to wait
    • progress in aws navigation demo
    • minor format
    • navigation parameters fixes on sm_dance_bot
    • minor format
    • minor
    • minor format
    • Remove some compile warnings. (#96)
    • Feature/cb pause slam (#98)
    • base for the sm_aws_aarehouse navigation
    • progressing in aws navigation
    • minor
    • several core improvements during navigation testing
    • formatting improvements
    • progress in aws navigation demo
    • format improvements
    • format improvements
    • more on navigation
    • new feature, cb_wait_topic_message: asynchronous client behavior that waits a topic message and optionally checks its contents to success
    • formatting
    • adding new client behavior add for nav2, wait nav2 nodes subscribing to the /bond topic and waiting they are alive. you optionally can select the nodes to wait
    • progress in aws navigation demo
    • minor format
    • navigation parameters fixes on sm_dance_bot
    • minor format
    • minor
    • formatting
    • cb pause slam client behavior
    • sm_dance_bot_lite (#99)
    • sm_dance_bot_lite
    • precommit

    * Updates yaml Co-authored-by: Ubuntu 20-04-02-amd64 <<>>

    • Rename doxygen deployment workflow (#100)
    • minor hotfix
    • sm_dance_bot visualizing turtlebot3 (#101)
    • Feature/dance bot launch gz lidar choice (#102)
    • sm_dance_bot visualizing turtlebot3
    • cleaning and lidar show/hide option
    • cleaning files and making formatting work
    • more fixes
    • Feature/sm dance bot lite gazebo fixes (#104)
    • sm_dance_bot visualizing turtlebot3
    • cleaning and lidar show/hide option
    • cleaning files and making formatting work
    • more fixes
    • gazebo fixes, to show the robot and the lidar
    • format fixes

    * sm_multi_stage_1 doubling (#103) Co-authored-by: Ubuntu 20-04-02-amd64 <<>>

    • Feature/sm dance bot strikes back gazebo fixes (#105)
    • sm_dance_bot visualizing turtlebot3
    • cleaning and lidar show/hide option
    • cleaning files and making formatting work
    • more fixes
    • gazebo fixes, to show the robot and the lidar
    • format fixes
    • gazebo fixes for sm_dance_bot_strikes_back

    * precommit cleanup run (#106) Co-authored-by: Ubuntu 20-04-02-amd64 <<>>

    • aws demo (#108)
    • aws demo
    • format

    * got sm_multi_stage_1 working (barely) (#109) Co-authored-by: Ubuntu 20-04-02-amd64 <<>>

    • Brettpac branch (#110)
    • got sm_multi_stage_1 working (barely)
    • gaining traction sm_multi_stage_1
    • more
    • don't remember
    • making progress
    • More
    • keep hammering
    • two stages
    • 3 part

    * 4th stage Co-authored-by: Ubuntu 20-04-02-amd64 <<>>

    • Brettpac branch (#111)
    • got sm_multi_stage_1 working (barely)
    • gaining traction sm_multi_stage_1
    • more
    • don't remember
    • making progress
    • More
    • keep hammering
    • two stages
    • 3 part
    • 4th stage

    * 5th stage Co-authored-by: Ubuntu 20-04-02-amd64 <<>> * a3 (#113) Co-authored-by: Ubuntu 20-04-02-amd64 <<>>

    • Remove neo_simulation2 package. (#112)
    • Remove neo_simulation2 package.
    • Correct formatting.
    • Enable source build on PR for testing.
    • Adjust build packages of source CI

    * more sm_multi_stage_1 (#114) Co-authored-by: Ubuntu 20-04-02-amd64 <<>> * mm (#115) Co-authored-by: Ubuntu 20-04-02-amd64 <<>>

    • diverse improvements navigation and performance (#116)
    • diverse improvements navigation and performance

    * minor Co-authored-by: pabloinigoblasco <<>>

    • Feature/diverse improvemets navigation performance (#117)
    • diverse improvements navigation and performance
    • minor
    • additional linting and formatting
    • Remove merge markers from a python file. (#119)
    • Feature/slam toggle and smacc deep history (#122)
    • progress in navigation, slam toggle client behaviors and slam_toolbox components. Also smacc2::deep_history syntax
    • going forward in testing sm_dance_bot introducing slam pausing/resuming funcionality
    • feature/more_sm_dance_bot_fixes
    • minor format

    * minor (#124) Co-authored-by: Ubuntu 20-04-02-amd64 <<>>

    • more changes in sm_dance_bot (#125)
    • Move method after the method it calls. Otherwise recursion could happen. (#126)
    • Feature/dance bot s pattern (#128)
    • more changes in sm_dance_bot
    • polishing sm_dance_bot and s-pattern

    * noticed typo Finnaly > Finally

    • Feature/dance bot s pattern (#129)
    • more changes in sm_dance_bot
    • polishing sm_dance_bot and s-pattern
    • more refinement in sm_dance_bot
    • First working version of sm template and template generator. (#127)

    * minor tweaks (#130) Co-authored-by: Ubuntu 20-04-02-amd64 <<>>

    • Feature/sm dance bot refine (#131)
    • more changes in sm_dance_bot
    • minor
    • Feature/sm dance bot refine 2 (#132)
    • more changes in sm_dance_bot
    • minor
    • build fix
    • waypoints navigator bug (#133)
    • minor tuning to mitigate overshot issue cases
    • progress in the sm_dance_bot tests (#135)
    • some more progress on markers cleanup
    • minor format issues (#134)

    * sm_dance_bot_lite (#136) Co-authored-by: Ubuntu 20-04-02-amd64 <<>>

    • Resolve compile wanings (#137)
    • Add SM core test (#138)
    • minor navigation improvements (#141)
    • using local action msgs (#139)
    • using local action msgs
    • removing sm_dance_bot_msgs
    • pending references
    • Feature/nav2z renaming (#144)
    • using local action msgs
    • removing sm_dance_bot_msgs
    • pending references
    • navigation 2 stack renaming
    • formatting
    • added SVGs to READMEs of atomic, dance_bot, and others (#140)
    • added remaining SVGs to READMEs (#145)
    • added remaining SVGs to READMEs
    • precommit cleanup
    • Update package list. (#142)
    • removing parameters smacc (#147)
    • removing parameters smacc
    • workflows update
    • workflow

    * Noticed launch command was incorrect in fixed launch command for sm_dance_bot_strikes_back and removed some comments I had made in the past.

    • Fix CI: format fix python version (#148)
    • Add SM Atomic SM generator. (#143)
    • Remove node creation and create only a logger. (#149)
    • Rolling Docker environment to be executed from any environment (#154)

    * Feature/sm dance bot strikes back refactoring (#152) Co-authored-by: DecDury <<>> Co-authored-by: Denis Štogl <<>>

    • slight waypoint 4 and iterations changes so robot can complete course (#155)
    • Feature/migration moveit client (#151)
    • initial migration to smacc2
    • fixing some errors introduced on formatting
    • missing dependency
    • fixing some more linting warnings
    • minor
    • removing test from main moveit cmake
    • test ur5
    • progressing in the moveit migration testing
    • updating format
    • adding .reps dependencies and also fixing some build errors
    • repos dependency
    • adding dependency to ur5 client
    • docker refactoring
    • minor
    • progress on move_it PR
    • minor dockerfile test workaround
    • improving dockerfile for building local tests
    • minor
    • fixing compiling issues
    • update readme (#164)
    • update readme
    • more readme updates

    * more Co-authored-by: Ubuntu 20-04-02-amd64 <<>>

    • initial state machine transition timestamp (#165)
    • moved reference library SMs to smacc2_performance_tools (#166)
    • moved reference library SMs to smacc2_performance_tools
    • pre-commit cleanup
    • Add QOS durability to SmaccPublisherClient (#163)
    • feat: add qos durability to SmaccPublisherClient
    • fix: add a missing colon
    • refactor: remove line
    • feat: add reliability qos config
    • Feature/testing moveit behaviors (#167)
    • more testing on moveit
    • progress on moveit
    • more testing on moveit behaviors
    • minor configuration
    • fixing pipeline error
    • fixing broken master build

    * sm_pubsub_1 (#169) Co-authored-by: Ubuntu 20-04-02-amd64 <<>>

    • sm_pubsub_1 part 2 (#170)
    • sm_pubsub_1 part 2

    * sm_pubsub_1 part 2 Co-authored-by: Ubuntu 20-04-02-amd64 <<>> * sm_advanced_recovery_1 renaming (#171) Co-authored-by: Ubuntu 20-04-02-amd64 <<>>

    • sm_multi_stage_1 reworking (#172)
    • multistage modes
    • sm_multi_stage sequences
    • sm_multi_state_1 steps
    • sm_multi_stage_1 sequence d
    • sm_multi_stage_1 c sequence
    • mode_5_sequence_b
    • mode_4_sequence_b
    • sm_multi_stage_1 most
    • finishing touches 1

    * readme Co-authored-by: Ubuntu 20-04-02-amd64 <<>>

    • Feature/aws navigation sm dance bot (#174)
    • repo dependency
    • husky launch file in sm_dance_bot
    • Add dependencies for husky simulation.
    • Fix formatting.
    • Update dependencies for husky in rolling and galactic.
    • minor
    • progress on aws navigation and some other refactorings on navigation clients and behaviors
    • more on aws demo
    • fixing broken build

    * minor Co-authored-by: Denis Štogl <<>> Co-authored-by: Denis Štogl <<>>

    • minor changes (#175)
    • warehouse2 (#177)

    * Waypoint Inputs (#178) Co-authored-by: Ubuntu 20-04-02-amd64 <<>>

    • wharehouse2 progress (#179)
    • format (#180)

    * sm_dance_bot_warehouse_3 (#181) Co-authored-by: Ubuntu 20-04-02-amd64 <<>>

    • Feature/sm warehouse 2 13 dec 2 (#182)
    • format
    • more changes and headless
    • merge
    • headless and other fixes
    • default values
    • Brettpac branch (#184)
    • sm_dance_bot_warehouse_3
    • Redoing sm_dance_bot_warehouse_3 waypoints

    * More Waypoints Co-authored-by: Ubuntu 20-04-02-amd64 <<>>

    • SrConditional fixes and formatting (#168)
    • fix: some formatting and templating on SrConditional
    • fix: move trigger logic into headers
    • fix: lint
    • Feature/wharehouse2 dec 14 (#185)
    • warehouse2
    • minor
    • Feature/sm warehouse 2 13 dec 2 (#186)
    • format
    • more changes and headless
    • merge
    • headless and other fixes
    • default values
    • minor

    * finetuning waypoints (#187) Co-authored-by: Ubuntu 20-04-02-amd64 <<>>

    • Feature/cb pure spinning (#188)
    • format
    • more changes and headless
    • merge
    • headless and other fixes
    • default values
    • minor
    • Feature/cb pure spinning (#189)
    • format
    • more changes and headless
    • merge
    • headless and other fixes
    • default values
    • minor
    • pure spinning behavior missing files
    • minor changes (#190)
    • Feature/planner changes 16 12 (#191)
    • minor changes
    • more fixes
    • minor
    • minor
    • Feature/replanning 16 dec (#193)
    • minor changes
    • replanning for all our examples
    • several fixes (#194)
    • minor changes (#195)
    • Feature/undo motion 20 12 (#196)
    • minor changes
    • replanning for all our examples
    • improving undo motion navigation warehouse2
    • minor
    • tuning warehouse3 (#197)
    • Feature/undo motion 20 12 (#198)
    • minor changes
    • replanning for all our examples
    • improving undo motion navigation warehouse2
    • minor
    • undo tuning and errors
    • format
    • Feature/sync 21 12 (#199)
    • minor changes
    • replanning for all our examples
    • format issues
    • Feature/warehouse2 22 12 (#200)
    • minor changes
    • replanning for all our examples
    • format issues
    • finishing warehouse2
    • Feature/warehouse2 23 12 (#201)
    • minor changes
    • replanning for all our examples
    • tuning and fixes (#202)
    • Feature/minor tune (#203)
    • tuning and fixes
    • minor tune
    • fixing warehouse 3 problems, and other core improvements (#204)
    • fixing warehouse 3 problems, and other core improvements to remove dead lock, also making continuous integration green
    • weird moveit not downloaded repo
    • added missing file from warehouse2 (#205)
    • backport to foxy
    • minor format

    * minor linking errors foxy Co-authored-by: Denis Štogl <<>> Co-authored-by: Denis Štogl <<>> Co-authored-by: Declan Dury <<>> Co-authored-by: DecDury <<>> Co-authored-by: reelrbtx <<>> Co-authored-by: brettpac <<>> Co-authored-by: David Revay <<>>

    • missing
    • missing sm
    • updating subscriber publisher components
    • progress in autowarrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrre machine
    • refining cp subscriber cp publisher
    • improvements in smacc core adding more components mostly developed for autoware demo
    • autoware demo
    • missing
    • foxy ci
    • fix
    • minor broken build
    • some reordering fixes
    • minor
    • docker files for different revisions, warnings removval and more testing on navigation
    • fixing docker for foxy and galactic
    • docker build files for all versions
    • barrel demo
    • barrel search build fix and warehouse3
    • fixing startup problems in warehouse 3
    • fixing format and minor
    • minor
    • progress in barrel husky
    • minor
    • barrel demo
    • minor
    • barrel search updates
    • making models local
    • red picuup
    • multiple controllable leds plugin
    • progress in husky demo
    • progressing in husky demo
    • improving navigation behaviors
    • more merge

    * docker improvements Co-authored-by: Denis Štogl <<>> Co-authored-by: Denis Štogl <<>> Co-authored-by: Declan Dury <<>> Co-authored-by: DecDury <<>> Co-authored-by: reelrbtx <<>> Co-authored-by: brettpac <<>> Co-authored-by: David Revay <<>> Co-authored-by: pabloinigoblasco <<>>

    • Use correct upstream .repos files for source builds (#243)
    • Correct mergify branch names (#246)

    * Correct name of source-build job and bump version of action (#242) (#247) Co-authored-by: Denis Štogl <<>> Co-authored-by: Pablo Iñigo Blasco <<>>

    • Update galactic source build job name (#250)

    * Galactic source build: update .repos file, bump action version and use correct version of upstream packages (backport #241) (#248) Co-authored-by: Denis Štogl <<>>

    • fixing rolling build (#239)
    • fixing rolling build
    • trying to fix dependencies
    • missing repo
    • fixing to focal by the moment
    • more fixing rolling build
    • minor
    • cache matrix rolling and source build package
    • minor
    • minor
    • missing repo
    • missing deps
    • fixing building issue
    • typo
    • fixing broken build
    • build fix
    • restoring workflow files (#252)
    • restoring files (#253)
    • Fix checkout branches for scheduled builds (#254)
    • correct checkout branch on scheduled build
    • Update foxy-source-build.yml
    • Feature/fixing husky build rolling (#257)
    • restoring files
    • making husky project build on rolling
    • Feature/fixing husky build rolling (#258)
    • restoring files
    • making husky project build on rolling
    • husky progress
    • Update (#262)
    • Feature/fixing ur demos (#261)
    • restoring files
    • fixes
    • Feature/fixing type string walker (#263)
    • restoring files
    • fixing type string walker threesome demo
    • Update (#266)
    • Update (#267)
    • Update (#268)
    • Significant update in Getting Started Instructions (#269)
    • Significant update in Getting Started Instructions

    * Remove trailing spaces. Co-authored-by: Denis Štogl <<>>

    • fixing ur demo (#273)
    • fix: initialise conditionFlag as false (#274)
    • multi-ur_sim
    • format and other changes
    • progress on the multi arm moveit
    • format issues
    • more fixes
    • more on multi-ur
    • minor
    • more progress
    • minor
    • testing ur5 2
    • progressing, two arms with roscontrol and moveit
    • fix: initialise conditionFlag as false (#274)

    * precommit fix (#280) I merge this in red for focal-rolling because it was already broken anyway and it is only a minor update of the precommit

    • urdf for ur to support namespaces
    • Ignore packages which should not be released.
    • Added changelogs.
    • 0.4.0

    * Revert "Ignore packages which should not be released." This reverts commit ee2cc86db3c0a24f9eb0a9e33217de3f7a691a1c.

    • Fix urls to (#284)
    • Fix foxy source build config to use repos file from foxy branch. (#285)
    • minor
    • removing other distribution files
    • more formatting fix
    • ros2 control gazebo repo dependency
    • minor
    • missing deps
    • FakeSystem is working.
    • minor
    • updating repos references
    • more progress
    • more progress on fake controllers
    • format minor
    • repos update
    • merging back galactic

    * Squashed commit of the following: commit b35cf1815ff9bc3cb193a45d5e99573332f3950c Author: brettpac <<>> Date: Thu May 19 00:05:46 2022 -0700 Update (#307) commit 3f19584680e1da2950327233e63a8054fcd09b5f Author: Denis Štogl <<>> Date: Wed May 18 23:57:44 2022 +0200 Update CI setup (#305) commit 809bbd5a46d712c0e30c064b2d24e9328ef94fd7 Author: Denis Štogl <<>> Date: Mon May 16 15:08:36 2022 +0200 Fixing CI because of ros2_control API changes. (#301) * Squashed commit of the following: commit 22035021a896e24d67cdf0e8eebd80f3e0d02dea Author: Pablo Iñigo Blasco <<>> Date: Fri May 27 00:23:25 2022 +0200 Feature/testing smacc rta inter context routes (#306)

    • Update galactic-binary-build.yml
    • Update glactic-semi-binary-build.yml
    • Delete glactic-semi-binary-build.yml
    • removing nav repos
    • testing is failing
    • sm_atomic_hierarchy
    • merge galactic

    * Squashed commit of the following: commit 6f8d60df16f024c52b93af3be2a3075ed2caffc3 Author: Pablo Iñigo Blasco <<>> Date: Fri May 27 00:09:15 2022 +0200 Packml example (#300)

    • initial commit of packml
    • progressing substate for start and execute
    • completing state
    • finishing state machine
    • minor
    • fixing break in packml
    • merging galactic
    • minor

    * Squashed commit of the following: commit d874d1882d3e779a6ccbc0a78bc752fd78d00367 Author: Pablo Iñigo Blasco <<>> Date: Thu May 26 23:36:56 2022 +0200 husky_improvements (#299)

    • husky_improvements
    • different planners profiles for navigation
    • getting changes from galactic
    • planner switcher
    • using galactic branch files
    • fixing breaking changes
    • minor fix
    • removing nav from source files

    * merge commit b35cf1815ff9bc3cb193a45d5e99573332f3950c Author: brettpac <<>> Date: Thu May 19 00:05:46 2022 -0700 Update (#307) commit 3f19584680e1da2950327233e63a8054fcd09b5f Author: Denis Štogl <<>> Date: Wed May 18 23:57:44 2022 +0200 Update CI setup (#305) commit 809bbd5a46d712c0e30c064b2d24e9328ef94fd7 Author: Denis Štogl <<>> Date: Mon May 16 15:08:36 2022 +0200 Fixing CI because of ros2_control API changes. (#301) Co-authored-by: Denis Štogl <<>> commit 6f8d60df16f024c52b93af3be2a3075ed2caffc3 Author: Pablo Iñigo Blasco <<>> Date: Fri May 27 00:09:15 2022 +0200 Packml example (#300)

    • initial commit of packml
    • progressing substate for start and execute
    • completing state
    • finishing state machine
    • minor
    • fixing break in packml
    • merging galactic
    • minor

    * Squashed commit of the following: commit d874d1882d3e779a6ccbc0a78bc752fd78d00367 Author: Pablo Iñigo Blasco <<>> Date: Thu May 26 23:36:56 2022 +0200 husky_improvements (#299)

    • husky_improvements
    • different planners profiles for navigation
    • getting changes from galactic
    • planner switcher
    • using galactic branch files
    • fixing breaking changes
    • minor fix
    • removing nav from source files

    * merge commit b35cf1815ff9bc3cb193a45d5e99573332f3950c Author: brettpac <<>> Date: Thu May 19 00:05:46 2022 -0700 Update (#307) commit 3f19584680e1da2950327233e63a8054fcd09b5f Author: Denis Štogl <<>> Date: Wed May 18 23:57:44 2022 +0200 Update CI setup (#305) commit 809bbd5a46d712c0e30c064b2d24e9328ef94fd7 Author: Denis Štogl <<>> Date: Mon May 16 15:08:36 2022 +0200 Fixing CI because of ros2_control API changes. (#301) commit d874d1882d3e779a6ccbc0a78bc752fd78d00367 Author: Pablo Iñigo Blasco <<>> Date: Thu May 26 23:36:56 2022 +0200 husky_improvements (#299)

    • husky_improvements
    • different planners profiles for navigation
    • getting changes from galactic
    • planner switcher
    • using galactic branch files
    • fixing breaking changes
    • minor fix
    • removing nav from source files

    * merge commit b35cf1815ff9bc3cb193a45d5e99573332f3950c Author: brettpac <<>> Date: Thu May 19 00:05:46 2022 -0700 Update (#307) commit 3f19584680e1da2950327233e63a8054fcd09b5f Author: Denis Štogl <<>> Date: Wed May 18 23:57:44 2022 +0200 Update CI setup (#305) commit 809bbd5a46d712c0e30c064b2d24e9328ef94fd7 Author: Denis Štogl <<>> Date: Mon May 16 15:08:36 2022 +0200 Fixing CI because of ros2_control API changes. (#301) Co-authored-by: DecDury <<>> Co-authored-by: reelrbtx <<>> Co-authored-by: Denis Štogl <<>> Co-authored-by: Denis Štogl <<>> Co-authored-by: brettpac <<>> Co-authored-by: Declan Dury <<>> Co-authored-by: David Revay <<>> Co-authored-by: pabloinigoblasco <<>> Co-authored-by: mergify[bot] <37929162+mergify[bot]\> Co-authored-by: brettpac <<>>

  • Contributors: Pablo Iñigo Blasco

0.3.0 (2022-04-04)

0.0.0 (2022-11-09)

  • improvements in navigation client behaviors and husky barrel demo (#311)
    • improvements in navigation client behaviors and husky barrel demo
    • many improvements in action client and cb sequence for hysky barrel search
    • more and better navigation behaviors on husky barrel search demo
    • functionality improvements in navigation and improvements of warehouse 3, format
    • functionality improvements in navigation and improvements of warehouse 3 and husky
    • format
  • Feature/multi ur5 sim (#290)
    • Remove galactic builds from master and kepp only rolling. Remove submodules and use .repos file
    • updated mentions of SMACC/ROS to SMACC2/ROS2
    • some progress on navigation rolling
    • renamed folders, deleted, edited
    • added smacc2_performance_tools
    • performance tests improvements
    • more on performance and other issues
    • sm_respira_1 format cleanup
    • sm_respira_1 format cleanup pre-commit
    • sm_respira_test_2
    • sm_respira_test_2
    • more changes on performance tests
    • Do not execute clang-format on smacc2_sm_reference_library package.
    • sm_reference_library reformatting
    • Correct trailing spaces.
    • sm_atomic_24hr
    • sm_atomic_performance_trace_1
    • Update smacc2_rta command across readmes
    • Clean up of sm_atomic_24hr
    • more sm_atomic_24hr cleanup
    • Optimized deps in move_base_z_planners_common.
    • Renaming of event generator library
    • minor formatting
    • Add galactic CI setup and rename rolling files. (#58)
    • Fix source CI and correct README overview. (#62)
    • Update c_cpp_properties.json

    * changed launch command to ros2 launch sm_respira_1 sm_respira_1.launch (#69) also noticed a note I had made while producing these that was not removed * update doxygen links (#70) Co-authored-by: Ubuntu 20-04-02-amd64 <<>> * More Readme Updates (#72) Co-authored-by: Ubuntu 20-04-02-amd64 <<>> * More Readme (#74) Co-authored-by: Ubuntu 20-04-02-amd64 <<>>

    • created new sm from sm_respira_1 (#76)
    • Feature/core and navigation fixes (#78)
    • base for the sm_aws_aarehouse navigation
    • progressing in aws navigation
    • minor
    • several core improvements during navigation testing
    • formatting improvements
    • progress in aws navigation demo
    • format improvements
    • Feature/aws demo progress (#80)
    • base for the sm_aws_aarehouse navigation
    • progressing in aws navigation
    • minor
    • several core improvements during navigation testing
    • formatting improvements
    • progress in aws navigation demo
    • format improvements
    • format improvements
    • more on navigation
    • sm_advanced_recovery_1 reworked (#83)
    • sm_advanced_recovery_1 reworked
    • fix pre-commit

    * Trying to fix Pre-Commit Co-authored-by: Ubuntu 20-04-02-amd64 <<>> * more sm_advanced_recovery_1 (#84) Co-authored-by: Ubuntu 20-04-02-amd64 <<>> * More sm_advanced_recovery_1 work (#85) Co-authored-by: Ubuntu 20-04-02-amd64 <<>> * sm_advanced_recovery_1 round 4 (#86) Co-authored-by: Ubuntu 20-04-02-amd64 <<>>

    • Brettpac branch (#87)
    • sm_atomic_performance_test_a_2

    * sm_atomic_performance_test_a_1 Co-authored-by: Ubuntu 20-04-02-amd64 <<>> * sm_atomic_performance_test_c_1 (#88) Co-authored-by: Ubuntu 20-04-02-amd64 <<>> * modifying sm_atomic_performance_test_a_2 (#89) Co-authored-by: Ubuntu 20-04-02-amd64 <<>>

    • sm_multi_stage_1 (#90)
    • sm_multi_stage_1

    * fixing precommit Co-authored-by: Ubuntu 20-04-02-amd64 <<>> * more sm_multi_stage_1 (#91) Co-authored-by: Ubuntu 20-04-02-amd64 <<>> * Update updated launch command

    • Wait topic message client behavior (#81)
    • base for the sm_aws_aarehouse navigation
    • progressing in aws navigation
    • minor
    • several core improvements during navigation testing
    • formatting improvements
    • progress in aws navigation demo
    • format improvements
    • format improvements
    • more on navigation
    • new feature, cb_wait_topic_message: asynchronous client behavior that waits a topic message and optionally checks its contents to success
    • formatting

    * attempting precommit fixes Co-authored-by: Ubuntu 20-04-02-amd64 <<>> Co-authored-by: Denis Štogl <<>>

    • Feature/wait nav2 nodes client behavior (#82)
    • base for the sm_aws_aarehouse navigation
    • progressing in aws navigation
    • minor
    • several core improvements during navigation testing
    • formatting improvements
    • progress in aws navigation demo
    • format improvements
    • format improvements
    • more on navigation
    • new feature, cb_wait_topic_message: asynchronous client behavior that waits a topic message and optionally checks its contents to success
    • formatting
    • adding new client behavior add for nav2, wait nav2 nodes subscribing to the /bond topic and waiting they are alive. you optionally can select the nodes to wait

    * Correct all linters and formaters. Co-authored-by: Denis Štogl <<>> Co-authored-by: Denis Štogl <<>>

    • Feature/aws demo progress (#92)
    • base for the sm_aws_aarehouse navigation
    • progressing in aws navigation
    • minor
    • several core improvements during navigation testing
    • formatting improvements
    • progress in aws navigation demo
    • format improvements
    • format improvements
    • more on navigation
    • new feature, cb_wait_topic_message: asynchronous client behavior that waits a topic message and optionally checks its contents to success
    • formatting
    • adding new client behavior add for nav2, wait nav2 nodes subscribing to the /bond topic and waiting they are alive. you optionally can select the nodes to wait
    • progress in aws navigation demo
    • minor format
    • Feature/sm dance bot fixes (#93)
    • base for the sm_aws_aarehouse navigation
    • progressing in aws navigation
    • minor
    • several core improvements during navigation testing
    • formatting improvements
    • progress in aws navigation demo
    • format improvements
    • format improvements
    • more on navigation
    • new feature, cb_wait_topic_message: asynchronous client behavior that waits a topic message and optionally checks its contents to success
    • formatting
    • adding new client behavior add for nav2, wait nav2 nodes subscribing to the /bond topic and waiting they are alive. you optionally can select the nodes to wait
    • progress in aws navigation demo
    • minor format
    • navigation parameters fixes on sm_dance_bot
    • minor format
    • Feature/sm aws warehouse (#94)
    • base for the sm_aws_aarehouse navigation
    • progressing in aws navigation
    • minor
    • several core improvements during navigation testing
    • formatting improvements
    • progress in aws navigation demo
    • format improvements
    • format improvements
    • more on navigation
    • new feature, cb_wait_topic_message: asynchronous client behavior that waits a topic message and optionally checks its contents to success
    • formatting
    • adding new client behavior add for nav2, wait nav2 nodes subscribing to the /bond topic and waiting they are alive. you optionally can select the nodes to wait
    • progress in aws navigation demo
    • minor format
    • merge and progress
    • fix format
    • Feature/sm dance bot fixes (#95)
    • base for the sm_aws_aarehouse navigation
    • progressing in aws navigation
    • minor
    • several core improvements during navigation testing
    • formatting improvements
    • progress in aws navigation demo
    • format improvements
    • format improvements
    • more on navigation
    • new feature, cb_wait_topic_message: asynchronous client behavior that waits a topic message and optionally checks its contents to success
    • formatting
    • adding new client behavior add for nav2, wait nav2 nodes subscribing to the /bond topic and waiting they are alive. you optionally can select the nodes to wait
    • progress in aws navigation demo
    • minor format
    • navigation parameters fixes on sm_dance_bot
    • minor format
    • minor
    • minor format
    • Remove some compile warnings. (#96)
    • Feature/cb pause slam (#98)
    • base for the sm_aws_aarehouse navigation
    • progressing in aws navigation
    • minor
    • several core improvements during navigation testing
    • formatting improvements
    • progress in aws navigation demo
    • format improvements
    • format improvements
    • more on navigation
    • new feature, cb_wait_topic_message: asynchronous client behavior that waits a topic message and optionally checks its contents to success
    • formatting
    • adding new client behavior add for nav2, wait nav2 nodes subscribing to the /bond topic and waiting they are alive. you optionally can select the nodes to wait
    • progress in aws navigation demo
    • minor format
    • navigation parameters fixes on sm_dance_bot
    • minor format
    • minor
    • formatting
    • cb pause slam client behavior
    • sm_dance_bot_lite (#99)
    • sm_dance_bot_lite
    • precommit

    * Updates yaml Co-authored-by: Ubuntu 20-04-02-amd64 <<>>

    • Rename doxygen deployment workflow (#100)
    • minor hotfix
    • sm_dance_bot visualizing turtlebot3 (#101)
    • Feature/dance bot launch gz lidar choice (#102)
    • sm_dance_bot visualizing turtlebot3
    • cleaning and lidar show/hide option
    • cleaning files and making formatting work
    • more fixes
    • Feature/sm dance bot lite gazebo fixes (#104)
    • sm_dance_bot visualizing turtlebot3
    • cleaning and lidar show/hide option
    • cleaning files and making formatting work
    • more fixes
    • gazebo fixes, to show the robot and the lidar
    • format fixes

    * sm_multi_stage_1 doubling (#103) Co-authored-by: Ubuntu 20-04-02-amd64 <<>>

    • Feature/sm dance bot strikes back gazebo fixes (#105)
    • sm_dance_bot visualizing turtlebot3
    • cleaning and lidar show/hide option
    • cleaning files and making formatting work
    • more fixes
    • gazebo fixes, to show the robot and the lidar
    • format fixes
    • gazebo fixes for sm_dance_bot_strikes_back

    * precommit cleanup run (#106) Co-authored-by: Ubuntu 20-04-02-amd64 <<>>

    • aws demo (#108)
    • aws demo
    • format

    * got sm_multi_stage_1 working (barely) (#109) Co-authored-by: Ubuntu 20-04-02-amd64 <<>>

    • Brettpac branch (#110)
    • got sm_multi_stage_1 working (barely)
    • gaining traction sm_multi_stage_1
    • more
    • don't remember
    • making progress
    • More
    • keep hammering
    • two stages
    • 3 part

    * 4th stage Co-authored-by: Ubuntu 20-04-02-amd64 <<>>

    • Brettpac branch (#111)
    • got sm_multi_stage_1 working (barely)
    • gaining traction sm_multi_stage_1
    • more
    • don't remember
    • making progress
    • More
    • keep hammering
    • two stages
    • 3 part
    • 4th stage

    * 5th stage Co-authored-by: Ubuntu 20-04-02-amd64 <<>> * a3 (#113) Co-authored-by: Ubuntu 20-04-02-amd64 <<>>

    • Remove neo_simulation2 package. (#112)
    • Remove neo_simulation2 package.
    • Correct formatting.
    • Enable source build on PR for testing.
    • Adjust build packages of source CI

    * more sm_multi_stage_1 (#114) Co-authored-by: Ubuntu 20-04-02-amd64 <<>> * mm (#115) Co-authored-by: Ubuntu 20-04-02-amd64 <<>>

    • diverse improvements navigation and performance (#116)
    • diverse improvements navigation and performance

    * minor Co-authored-by: pabloinigoblasco <<>>

    • Feature/diverse improvemets navigation performance (#117)
    • diverse improvements navigation and performance
    • minor
    • additional linting and formatting
    • Remove merge markers from a python file. (#119)
    • Feature/slam toggle and smacc deep history (#122)
    • progress in navigation, slam toggle client behaviors and slam_toolbox components. Also smacc2::deep_history syntax
    • going forward in testing sm_dance_bot introducing slam pausing/resuming funcionality
    • feature/more_sm_dance_bot_fixes
    • minor format

    * minor (#124) Co-authored-by: Ubuntu 20-04-02-amd64 <<>>

    • more changes in sm_dance_bot (#125)
    • Move method after the method it calls. Otherwise recursion could happen. (#126)
    • Feature/dance bot s pattern (#128)
    • more changes in sm_dance_bot
    • polishing sm_dance_bot and s-pattern

    * noticed typo Finnaly > Finally

    • Feature/dance bot s pattern (#129)
    • more changes in sm_dance_bot
    • polishing sm_dance_bot and s-pattern
    • more refinement in sm_dance_bot
    • First working version of sm template and template generator. (#127)

    * minor tweaks (#130) Co-authored-by: Ubuntu 20-04-02-amd64 <<>>

    • Feature/sm dance bot refine (#131)
    • more changes in sm_dance_bot
    • minor
    • Feature/sm dance bot refine 2 (#132)
    • more changes in sm_dance_bot
    • minor
    • build fix
    • waypoints navigator bug (#133)
    • minor tuning to mitigate overshot issue cases
    • progress in the sm_dance_bot tests (#135)
    • some more progress on markers cleanup
    • minor format issues (#134)

    * sm_dance_bot_lite (#136) Co-authored-by: Ubuntu 20-04-02-amd64 <<>>

    • Resolve compile wanings (#137)
    • Add SM core test (#138)
    • minor navigation improvements (#141)
    • using local action msgs (#139)
    • using local action msgs
    • removing sm_dance_bot_msgs
    • pending references
    • Feature/nav2z renaming (#144)
    • using local action msgs
    • removing sm_dance_bot_msgs
    • pending references
    • navigation 2 stack renaming
    • formatting
    • added SVGs to READMEs of atomic, dance_bot, and others (#140)
    • added remaining SVGs to READMEs (#145)
    • added remaining SVGs to READMEs
    • precommit cleanup
    • Update package list. (#142)
    • removing parameters smacc (#147)
    • removing parameters smacc
    • workflows update
    • workflow

    * Noticed launch command was incorrect in fixed launch command for sm_dance_bot_strikes_back and removed some comments I had made in the past.

    • Fix CI: format fix python version (#148)
    • Add SM Atomic SM generator. (#143)
    • Remove node creation and create only a logger. (#149)
    • Rolling Docker environment to be executed from any environment (#154)

    * Feature/sm dance bot strikes back refactoring (#152) Co-authored-by: DecDury <<>> Co-authored-by: Denis Štogl <<>>

    • slight waypoint 4 and iterations changes so robot can complete course (#155)
    • Feature/migration moveit client (#151)
    • initial migration to smacc2
    • fixing some errors introduced on formatting
    • missing dependency
    • fixing some more linting warnings
    • minor
    • removing test from main moveit cmake
    • test ur5
    • progressing in the moveit migration testing
    • updating format
    • adding .reps dependencies and also fixing some build errors
    • repos dependency
    • adding dependency to ur5 client
    • docker refactoring
    • minor
    • progress on move_it PR
    • minor dockerfile test workaround
    • improving dockerfile for building local tests
    • minor
    • fixing compiling issues
    • update readme (#164)
    • update readme
    • more readme updates

    * more Co-authored-by: Ubuntu 20-04-02-amd64 <<>>

    • initial state machine transition timestamp (#165)
    • moved reference library SMs to smacc2_performance_tools (#166)
    • moved reference library SMs to smacc2_performance_tools
    • pre-commit cleanup
    • Add QOS durability to SmaccPublisherClient (#163)
    • feat: add qos durability to SmaccPublisherClient
    • fix: add a missing colon
    • refactor: remove line
    • feat: add reliability qos config
    • Feature/testing moveit behaviors (#167)
    • more testing on moveit
    • progress on moveit
    • more testing on moveit behaviors
    • minor configuration
    • fixing pipeline error
    • fixing broken master build

    * sm_pubsub_1 (#169) Co-authored-by: Ubuntu 20-04-02-amd64 <<>>

    • sm_pubsub_1 part 2 (#170)
    • sm_pubsub_1 part 2

    * sm_pubsub_1 part 2 Co-authored-by: Ubuntu 20-04-02-amd64 <<>> * sm_advanced_recovery_1 renaming (#171) Co-authored-by: Ubuntu 20-04-02-amd64 <<>>

    • sm_multi_stage_1 reworking (#172)
    • multistage modes
    • sm_multi_stage sequences
    • sm_multi_state_1 steps
    • sm_multi_stage_1 sequence d
    • sm_multi_stage_1 c sequence
    • mode_5_sequence_b
    • mode_4_sequence_b
    • sm_multi_stage_1 most
    • finishing touches 1

    * readme Co-authored-by: Ubuntu 20-04-02-amd64 <<>>

    • Feature/aws navigation sm dance bot (#174)
    • repo dependency
    • husky launch file in sm_dance_bot
    • Add dependencies for husky simulation.
    • Fix formatting.
    • Update dependencies for husky in rolling and galactic.
    • minor
    • progress on aws navigation and some other refactorings on navigation clients and behaviors
    • more on aws demo
    • fixing broken build

    * minor Co-authored-by: Denis Štogl <<>> Co-authored-by: Denis Štogl <<>>

    • minor changes (#175)
    • warehouse2 (#177)

    * Waypoint Inputs (#178) Co-authored-by: Ubuntu 20-04-02-amd64 <<>>

    • wharehouse2 progress (#179)
    • format (#180)

    * sm_dance_bot_warehouse_3 (#181) Co-authored-by: Ubuntu 20-04-02-amd64 <<>>

    • Feature/sm warehouse 2 13 dec 2 (#182)
    • format
    • more changes and headless
    • merge
    • headless and other fixes
    • default values
    • Brettpac branch (#184)
    • sm_dance_bot_warehouse_3
    • Redoing sm_dance_bot_warehouse_3 waypoints

    * More Waypoints Co-authored-by: Ubuntu 20-04-02-amd64 <<>>

    • SrConditional fixes and formatting (#168)
    • fix: some formatting and templating on SrConditional
    • fix: move trigger logic into headers
    • fix: lint
    • Feature/wharehouse2 dec 14 (#185)
    • warehouse2
    • minor
    • Feature/sm warehouse 2 13 dec 2 (#186)
    • format
    • more changes and headless
    • merge
    • headless and other fixes
    • default values
    • minor

    * finetuning waypoints (#187) Co-authored-by: Ubuntu 20-04-02-amd64 <<>>

    • Feature/cb pure spinning (#188)
    • format
    • more changes and headless
    • merge
    • headless and other fixes
    • default values
    • minor
    • Feature/cb pure spinning (#189)
    • format
    • more changes and headless
    • merge
    • headless and other fixes
    • default values
    • minor
    • pure spinning behavior missing files
    • minor changes (#190)
    • Feature/planner changes 16 12 (#191)
    • minor changes
    • more fixes
    • minor
    • minor
    • Feature/replanning 16 dec (#193)
    • minor changes
    • replanning for all our examples
    • several fixes (#194)
    • minor changes (#195)
    • Feature/undo motion 20 12 (#196)
    • minor changes
    • replanning for all our examples
    • improving undo motion navigation warehouse2
    • minor
    • tuning warehouse3 (#197)
    • Feature/undo motion 20 12 (#198)
    • minor changes
    • replanning for all our examples
    • improving undo motion navigation warehouse2
    • minor
    • undo tuning and errors
    • format
    • Feature/sync 21 12 (#199)
    • minor changes
    • replanning for all our examples
    • format issues
    • Feature/warehouse2 22 12 (#200)
    • minor changes
    • replanning for all our examples
    • format issues
    • finishing warehouse2
    • Feature/warehouse2 23 12 (#201)
    • minor changes
    • replanning for all our examples
    • tuning and fixes (#202)
    • Feature/minor tune (#203)
    • tuning and fixes
    • minor tune
    • fixing warehouse 3 problems, and other core improvements (#204)
    • fixing warehouse 3 problems, and other core improvements to remove dead lock, also making continuous integration green
    • weird moveit not downloaded repo
    • added missing file from warehouse2 (#205)
    • Update cb_navigate_global_position.hpp
    • Merging code from backport foxy and updates about autoware (#208)
    • minor changes
    • replanning for all our examples
    • backport to foxy
    • minor format
    • minor linking errors foxy
    • Foxy backport (#206)
    • minor formatting fixes
    • Fix trailing spaces.
    • Correct codespell.
    • Correct python linters warnings.
    • Add galactic CI build because Navigation2 is broken in rolling.
    • Add partial changes for ament_cpplint.
    • Add tf2_ros as dependency to find include.
    • Disable ament_cpplint.
    • Disable some packages and update workflows.
    • Bump ccache version.
    • Ignore further packages
    • Satisfy ament_lint_cmake
    • Add missing licences.
    • Disable cpplint and cppcheck linters.
    • Correct formatters.
    • branching example
    • Disable disabled packages
    • Update ci-build-source.yml
    • Change extension
    • Change extension of imports.
    • Enable cppcheck
    • Correct formatting of python file.

    * Included necessary package and edited Threesome launch Changed... ros2 launch sm_three_some sm_three_some to ros2 launch sm_three_some sm_three_some.launch Added: First ensure you have the necessary package installed. ` sudo apt-get install ros-rolling-ros2trace[ Then run this command. * Rename header files and correct format. * Add workflow for checking doc build. * Update doxygen-check-build.yml * Create doxygen-deploy.yml * Use manual deployment for now. * Create workflow for testing prerelease builds * Use docs/ as source folder for documentation * Use docs/ as output directory. * Rename to smacc2 and smacc2_msgs * Correct GitHub branch reference. * Update name of package and package.xml to pass liter. * Execute on master update * Reset all versions to 0.0.0 * Ignore all packages except smacc2 and smacc2_msgs * Update changelogs * 0.1.0 * Revert "Ignore all packages except smacc2 and smacc2_msgs" This reverts commit f603166a4b3ccdfe96c64d9f9fb9d8b49fbf0e61. * Update description table. * Update table * Copy initial docs * Dockerfile w/ ROS distro as argument use this command "sudo docker build --build-arg ROS2_DISTRO=(desiredRosTag) (directoryHoldingDockerfile)/" * Opened new folder for additional tracing contents * Delete tracing directory * Moved to tracing directory * added Installs necessary packages and configures tracing group. * Removed manual installation of ros-rolling-ros2trace This is now automated in location of sh file assumed if user follows under "Getting started" * Created alternative ManualTracing * added new sm markdowns * added a dockerfile for Rolling and Galactic * Update smacc2_ci/docker/ros_rollingAndGalactic_ubuntu_20.04/ Co-authored-by: Denis Štogl <destogl\> * Update tracing/ Co-authored-by: Denis Štogl <destogl\> * changed wording "smacc application" to "SMACC2 library" Co-authored-by: Denis Štogl <destogl\> * Update smacc_sm_reference_library/sm_atomic/ edit from html to markdown syntax Co-authored-by: Denis Štogl <destogl\> * reactivating smacc2 nav clients for rolling via submodules * renamed tracing events after * bug in smacc2 component * reverted markdowns to html * added README tutorial for Dockerfile * additional cleanup * cleanup * cleanup * edited to reflect new tracing event names * Enable build of missing rolling repositories. * Enable Navigation2 for semi-binary build. * Remove galactic builds from master and kepp only rolling. Remove submodules and use .repos file * updated mentions of SMACC/ROS to SMACC2/ROS2 * some progress on navigation rolling * renamed folders, deleted, edited * added smacc2_performance_tools * performance tests improvements * more on performance and other issues * sm_respira_1 format cleanup * sm_respira_1 format cleanup pre-commit * sm_respira_test_2 * sm_respira_test_2 * more changes on performance tests * Do not execute clang-format on smacc2_sm_reference_library package. * sm_reference_library reformatting * Correct trailing spaces. * sm_atomic_24hr * sm_atomic_performance_trace_1 * Update smacc2_rta command across readmes * Clean up of sm_atomic_24hr * more sm_atomic_24hr cleanup * Optimized deps in move_base_z_planners_common. * Renaming of event generator library * minor formatting * Add galactic CI setup and rename rolling files. (#58) * Fix source CI and correct README overview. (#62) * Update c_cpp_properties.json * changed launch command to ros2 launch sm_respira_1 sm_respira_1.launch (#69) also noticed a note I had made while producing these that was not removed * update doxygen links (#70) Co-authored-by: Ubuntu 20-04-02-amd64 <brett\> * More Readme Updates (#72) Co-authored-by: Ubuntu 20-04-02-amd64 <brett\> * More Readme (#74) Co-authored-by: Ubuntu 20-04-02-amd64 <brett\> * created new sm from sm_respira_1 (#76) * Feature/core and navigation fixes (#78) * base for the sm_aws_aarehouse navigation * progressing in aws navigation * minor * several core improvements during navigation testing * formatting improvements * progress in aws navigation demo * format improvements * Feature/aws demo progress (#80) * base for the sm_aws_aarehouse navigation * progressing in aws navigation * minor * several core improvements during navigation testing * formatting improvements * progress in aws navigation demo * format improvements * format improvements * more on navigation * sm_advanced_recovery_1 reworked (#83) * sm_advanced_recovery_1 reworked * fix pre-commit * Trying to fix Pre-Commit Co-authored-by: Ubuntu 20-04-02-amd64 <brett\> * more sm_advanced_recovery_1 (#84) Co-authored-by: Ubuntu 20-04-02-amd64 <brett\> * More sm_advanced_recovery_1 work (#85) Co-authored-by: Ubuntu 20-04-02-amd64 <brett\> * sm_advanced_recovery_1 round 4 (#86) Co-authored-by: Ubuntu 20-04-02-amd64 <brett\> * Brettpac branch (#87) * sm_atomic_performance_test_a_2 * sm_atomic_performance_test_a_1 Co-authored-by: Ubuntu 20-04-02-amd64 <brett\> * sm_atomic_performance_test_c_1 (#88) Co-authored-by: Ubuntu 20-04-02-amd64 <brett\> * modifying sm_atomic_performance_test_a_2 (#89) Co-authored-by: Ubuntu 20-04-02-amd64 <brett\> * sm_multi_stage_1 (#90) * sm_multi_stage_1 * fixing precommit Co-authored-by: Ubuntu 20-04-02-amd64 <brett\> * more sm_multi_stage_1 (#91) Co-authored-by: Ubuntu 20-04-02-amd64 <brett\> * Update updated launch command * Wait topic message client behavior (#81) * base for the sm_aws_aarehouse navigation * progressing in aws navigation * minor * several core improvements during navigation testing * formatting improvements * progress in aws navigation demo * format improvements * format improvements * more on navigation * new feature, cb_wait_topic_message: asynchronous client behavior that waits a topic message and optionally checks its contents to success * formatting * attempting precommit fixes Co-authored-by: Ubuntu 20-04-02-amd64 <brett\> Co-authored-by: Denis Štogl <destogl\> * Feature/wait nav2 nodes client behavior (#82) * base for the sm_aws_aarehouse navigation * progressing in aws navigation * minor * several core improvements during navigation testing * formatting improvements * progress in aws navigation demo * format improvements * format improvements * more on navigation * new feature, cb_wait_topic_message: asynchronous client behavior that waits a topic message and optionally checks its contents to success * formatting * adding new client behavior add for nav2, wait nav2 nodes subscribing to the /bond topic and waiting they are alive. you optionally can select the nodes to wait * Correct all linters and formaters. Co-authored-by: Denis Štogl <denis\> Co-authored-by: Denis Štogl <destogl\> * Feature/aws demo progress (#92) * base for the sm_aws_aarehouse navigation * progressing in aws navigation * minor * several core improvements during navigation testing * formatting improvements * progress in aws navigation demo * format improvements * format improvements * more on navigation * new feature, cb_wait_topic_message: asynchronous client behavior that waits a topic message and optionally checks its contents to success * formatting * adding new client behavior add for nav2, wait nav2 nodes subscribing to the /bond topic and waiting they are alive. you optionally can select the nodes to wait * progress in aws navigation demo * minor format * Feature/sm dance bot fixes (#93) * base for the sm_aws_aarehouse navigation * progressing in aws navigation * minor * several core improvements during navigation testing * formatting improvements * progress in aws navigation demo * format improvements * format improvements * more on navigation * new feature, cb_wait_topic_message: asynchronous client behavior that waits a topic message and optionally checks its contents to success * formatting * adding new client behavior add for nav2, wait nav2 nodes subscribing to the /bond topic and waiting they are alive. you optionally can select the nodes to wait * progress in aws navigation demo * minor format * navigation parameters fixes on sm_dance_bot * minor format * Feature/sm aws warehouse (#94) * base for the sm_aws_aarehouse navigation * progressing in aws navigation * minor * several core improvements during navigation testing * formatting improvements * progress in aws navigation demo * format improvements * format improvements * more on navigation * new feature, cb_wait_topic_message: asynchronous client behavior that waits a topic message and optionally checks its contents to success * formatting * adding new client behavior add for nav2, wait nav2 nodes subscribing to the /bond topic and waiting they are alive. you optionally can select the nodes to wait * progress in aws navigation demo * minor format * merge and progress * fix format * Feature/sm dance bot fixes (#95) * base for the sm_aws_aarehouse navigation * progressing in aws navigation * minor * several core improvements during navigation testing * formatting improvements * progress in aws navigation demo * format improvements * format improvements * more on navigation * new feature, cb_wait_topic_message: asynchronous client behavior that waits a topic message and optionally checks its contents to success * formatting * adding new client behavior add for nav2, wait nav2 nodes subscribing to the /bond topic and waiting they are alive. you optionally can select the nodes to wait * progress in aws navigation demo * minor format * navigation parameters fixes on sm_dance_bot * minor format * minor * minor format * Remove some compile warnings. (#96) * Feature/cb pause slam (#98) * base for the sm_aws_aarehouse navigation * progressing in aws navigation * minor * several core improvements during navigation testing * formatting improvements * progress in aws navigation demo * format improvements * format improvements * more on navigation * new feature, cb_wait_topic_message: asynchronous client behavior that waits a topic message and optionally checks its contents to success * formatting * adding new client behavior add for nav2, wait nav2 nodes subscribing to the /bond topic and waiting they are alive. you optionally can select the nodes to wait * progress in aws navigation demo * minor format * navigation parameters fixes on sm_dance_bot * minor format * minor * formatting * cb pause slam client behavior * sm_dance_bot_lite (#99) * sm_dance_bot_lite * precommit * Updates yaml Co-authored-by: Ubuntu 20-04-02-amd64 <brett\> * Rename doxygen deployment workflow (#100) * minor hotfix * sm_dance_bot visualizing turtlebot3 (#101) * Feature/dance bot launch gz lidar choice (#102) * sm_dance_bot visualizing turtlebot3 * cleaning and lidar show/hide option * cleaning files and making formatting work * more fixes * Feature/sm dance bot lite gazebo fixes (#104) * sm_dance_bot visualizing turtlebot3 * cleaning and lidar show/hide option * cleaning files and making formatting work * more fixes * gazebo fixes, to show the robot and the lidar * format fixes * sm_multi_stage_1 doubling (#103) Co-authored-by: Ubuntu 20-04-02-amd64 <brett\> * Feature/sm dance bot strikes back gazebo fixes (#105) * sm_dance_bot visualizing turtlebot3 * cleaning and lidar show/hide option * cleaning files and making formatting work * more fixes * gazebo fixes, to show the robot and the lidar * format fixes * gazebo fixes for sm_dance_bot_strikes_back * precommit cleanup run (#106) Co-authored-by: Ubuntu 20-04-02-amd64 <brett\> * aws demo (#108) * aws demo * format * got sm_multi_stage_1 working (barely) (#109) Co-authored-by: Ubuntu 20-04-02-amd64 <brett\> * Brettpac branch (#110) * got sm_multi_stage_1 working (barely) * gaining traction sm_multi_stage_1 * more * don't remember * making progress * More * keep hammering * two stages * 3 part * 4th stage Co-authored-by: Ubuntu 20-04-02-amd64 <brett\> * Brettpac branch (#111) * got sm_multi_stage_1 working (barely) * gaining traction sm_multi_stage_1 * more * don't remember * making progress * More * keep hammering * two stages * 3 part * 4th stage * 5th stage Co-authored-by: Ubuntu 20-04-02-amd64 <brett\> * a3 (#113) Co-authored-by: Ubuntu 20-04-02-amd64 <brett\> * Remove neo_simulation2 package. (#112) * Remove neo_simulation2 package. * Correct formatting. * Enable source build on PR for testing. * Adjust build packages of source CI * more sm_multi_stage_1 (#114) Co-authored-by: Ubuntu 20-04-02-amd64 <brett\> * mm (#115) Co-authored-by: Ubuntu 20-04-02-amd64 <brett\> * diverse improvements navigation and performance (#116) * diverse improvements navigation and performance * minor Co-authored-by: pabloinigoblasco <pablo\> * Feature/diverse improvemets navigation performance (#117) * diverse improvements navigation and performance * minor * additional linting and formatting * Remove merge markers from a python file. (#119) * Feature/slam toggle and smacc deep history (#122) * progress in navigation, slam toggle client behaviors and slam_toolbox components. Also smacc2::deep_history syntax * going forward in testing sm_dance_bot introducing slam pausing/resuming funcionality * feature/more_sm_dance_bot_fixes * minor format * minor (#124) Co-authored-by: Ubuntu 20-04-02-amd64 <brett\> * more changes in sm_dance_bot (#125) * Move method after the method it calls. Otherwise recursion could happen. (#126) * Feature/dance bot s pattern (#128) * more changes in sm_dance_bot * polishing sm_dance_bot and s-pattern * noticed typo Finnaly > Finally * Feature/dance bot s pattern (#129) * more changes in sm_dance_bot * polishing sm_dance_bot and s-pattern * more refinement in sm_dance_bot * First working version of sm template and template generator. (#127) * minor tweaks (#130) Co-authored-by: Ubuntu 20-04-02-amd64 <brett\> * Feature/sm dance bot refine (#131) * more changes in sm_dance_bot * minor * Feature/sm dance bot refine 2 (#132) * more changes in sm_dance_bot * minor * build fix * waypoints navigator bug (#133) * minor tuning to mitigate overshot issue cases * progress in the sm_dance_bot tests (#135) * some more progress on markers cleanup * minor format issues (#134) * sm_dance_bot_lite (#136) Co-authored-by: Ubuntu 20-04-02-amd64 <brett\> * Resolve compile wanings (#137) * Add SM core test (#138) * minor navigation improvements (#141) * using local action msgs (#139) * using local action msgs * removing sm_dance_bot_msgs * pending references * Feature/nav2z renaming (#144) * using local action msgs * removing sm_dance_bot_msgs * pending references * navigation 2 stack renaming * formatting * added SVGs to READMEs of atomic, dance_bot, and others (#140) * added remaining SVGs to READMEs (#145) * added remaining SVGs to READMEs * precommit cleanup * Update package list. (#142) * removing parameters smacc (#147) * removing parameters smacc * workflows update * workflow * Noticed launch command was incorrect in fixed launch command for sm_dance_bot_strikes_back and removed some comments I had made in the past. * Fix CI: format fix python version (#148) * Add SM Atomic SM generator. (#143) * Remove node creation and create only a logger. (#149) * Rolling Docker environment to be executed from any environment (#154) * Feature/sm dance bot strikes back refactoring (#152) Co-authored-by: DecDury <declandury\> Co-authored-by: Denis Štogl <destogl\> * slight waypoint 4 and iterations changes so robot can complete course (#155) * Feature/migration moveit client (#151) * initial migration to smacc2 * fixing some errors introduced on formatting * missing dependency * fixing some more linting warnings * minor * removing test from main moveit cmake * test ur5 * progressing in the moveit migration testing * updating format * adding .reps dependencies and also fixing some build errors * repos dependency * adding dependency to ur5 client * docker refactoring * minor * progress on move_it PR * minor dockerfile test workaround * improving dockerfile for building local tests * minor * fixing compiling issues * update readme (#164) * update readme * more readme updates * more Co-authored-by: Ubuntu 20-04-02-amd64 <brett\> * initial state machine transition timestamp (#165) * moved reference library SMs to smacc2_performance_tools (#166) * moved reference library SMs to smacc2_performance_tools * pre-commit cleanup * Add QOS durability to SmaccPublisherClient (#163) * feat: add qos durability to SmaccPublisherClient * fix: add a missing colon * refactor: remove line * feat: add reliability qos config * Feature/testing moveit behaviors (#167) * more testing on moveit * progress on moveit * more testing on moveit behaviors * minor configuration * fixing pipeline error * fixing broken master build * sm_pubsub_1 (#169) Co-authored-by: Ubuntu 20-04-02-amd64 <brett\> * sm_pubsub_1 part 2 (#170) * sm_pubsub_1 part 2 * sm_pubsub_1 part 2 Co-authored-by: Ubuntu 20-04-02-amd64 <brett\> * sm_advanced_recovery_1 renaming (#171) Co-authored-by: Ubuntu 20-04-02-amd64 <brett\> * sm_multi_stage_1 reworking (#172) * multistage modes * sm_multi_stage sequences * sm_multi_state_1 steps * sm_multi_stage_1 sequence d * sm_multi_stage_1 c sequence * mode_5_sequence_b * mode_4_sequence_b * sm_multi_stage_1 most * finishing touches 1 * readme Co-authored-by: Ubuntu 20-04-02-amd64 <brett\> * Feature/aws navigation sm dance bot (#174) * repo dependency * husky launch file in sm_dance_bot * Add dependencies for husky simulation. * Fix formatting. * Update dependencies for husky in rolling and galactic. * minor * progress on aws navigation and some other refactorings on navigation clients and behaviors * more on aws demo * fixing broken build * minor Co-authored-by: Denis Štogl <denis\> Co-authored-by: Denis Štogl <destogl\> * minor changes (#175) * warehouse2 (#177) * Waypoint Inputs (#178) Co-authored-by: Ubuntu 20-04-02-amd64 <brett\> * wharehouse2 progress (#179) * format (#180) * sm_dance_bot_warehouse_3 (#181) Co-authored-by: Ubuntu 20-04-02-amd64 <brett\> * Feature/sm warehouse 2 13 dec 2 (#182) * format * more changes and headless * merge * headless and other fixes * default values * Brettpac branch (#184) * sm_dance_bot_warehouse_3 * Redoing sm_dance_bot_warehouse_3 waypoints * More Waypoints Co-authored-by: Ubuntu 20-04-02-amd64 <brett\> * SrConditional fixes and formatting (#168) * fix: some formatting and templating on SrConditional * fix: move trigger logic into headers * fix: lint * Feature/wharehouse2 dec 14 (#185) * warehouse2 * minor * Feature/sm warehouse 2 13 dec 2 (#186) * format * more changes and headless * merge * headless and other fixes * default values * minor * finetuning waypoints (#187) Co-authored-by: Ubuntu 20-04-02-amd64 <brett\> * Feature/cb pure spinning (#188) * format * more changes and headless * merge * headless and other fixes * default values * minor * Feature/cb pure spinning (#189) * format * more changes and headless * merge * headless and other fixes * default values * minor * pure spinning behavior missing files * minor changes (#190) * Feature/planner changes 16 12 (#191) * minor changes * more fixes * minor * minor * Feature/replanning 16 dec (#193) * minor changes * replanning for all our examples * several fixes (#194) * minor changes (#195) * Feature/undo motion 20 12 (#196) * minor changes * replanning for all our examples * improving undo motion navigation warehouse2 * minor * tuning warehouse3 (#197) * Feature/undo motion 20 12 (#198) * minor changes * replanning for all our examples * improving undo motion navigation warehouse2 * minor * undo tuning and errors * format * Feature/sync 21 12 (#199) * minor changes * replanning for all our examples * format issues * Feature/warehouse2 22 12 (#200) * minor changes * replanning for all our examples * format issues * finishing warehouse2 * Feature/warehouse2 23 12 (#201) * minor changes * replanning for all our examples * tuning and fixes (#202) * Feature/minor tune (#203) * tuning and fixes * minor tune * fixing warehouse 3 problems, and other core improvements (#204) * fixing warehouse 3 problems, and other core improvements to remove dead lock, also making continuous integration green * weird moveit not downloaded repo * added missing file from warehouse2 (#205) * backport to foxy * minor format * minor linking errors foxy Co-authored-by: Denis Štogl <denis\> Co-authored-by: Denis Štogl <destogl\> Co-authored-by: Declan Dury <44791484+DecDury\> Co-authored-by: DecDury <declandury\> Co-authored-by: reelrbtx <brett2\> Co-authored-by: brettpac <brett\> Co-authored-by: David Revay <MrBlenny\> * missing * missing sm * updating subscriber publisher components * progress in autowarrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrre machine * refining cp subscriber cp publisher * improvements in smacc core adding more components mostly developed for autoware demo * autoware demo * missing * foxy ci * fix * minor broken build Co-authored-by: Denis Štogl <denis\> Co-authored-by: Denis Štogl <destogl\> Co-authored-by: Declan Dury <44791484+DecDury\> Co-authored-by: DecDury <declandury\> Co-authored-by: reelrbtx <brett2\> Co-authored-by: brettpac <brett\> Co-authored-by: David Revay <MrBlenny\> Co-authored-by: pabloinigoblasco <pabloinigoblasco\> * Add mergify rules file. * Try fixing CI for rolling. (#209) Merging to get backport working. * Remove example things from Foxy CI setup. (#214) * Add Autoware Auto Msgs into not-released dependencies. (#220) * Fix rolling builds (#222) * do not merge yet - Feature/odom tracker improvements and retry motion (#223) * odom tracker improvements * adding forward behavior retry funcionality * removing warnings (#213) * minor changes * replanning for all our examples * backport to foxy * minor format * minor linking errors foxy * Foxy backport (#206) * minor formatting fixes * Fix trailing spaces. * Correct codespell. * Correct python linters warnings. * Add galactic CI build because Navigation2 is broken in rolling. * Add partial changes for ament_cpplint. * Add tf2_ros as dependency to find include. * Disable ament_cpplint. * Disable some packages and update workflows. * Bump ccache version. * Ignore further packages * Satisfy ament_lint_cmake * Add missing licences. * Disable cpplint and cppcheck linters. * Correct formatters. * branching example * Disable disabled packages * Update ci-build-source.yml * Change extension * Change extension of imports. * Enable cppcheck * Correct formatting of python file. * Included necessary package and edited Threesome launch Changed... ros2 launch sm_three_some sm_three_some to ros2 launch sm_three_some sm_three_some.launch Added: First ensure you have the necessary package installed. ]{.title-ref}sudo apt-get install ros-rolling-ros2trace[ Then run this command. * Rename header files and correct format. * Add workflow for checking doc build. * Update doxygen-check-build.yml * Create doxygen-deploy.yml * Use manual deployment for now. * Create workflow for testing prerelease builds * Use docs/ as source folder for documentation * Use docs/ as output directory. * Rename to smacc2 and smacc2_msgs * Correct GitHub branch reference. * Update name of package and package.xml to pass liter. * Execute on master update * Reset all versions to 0.0.0 * Ignore all packages except smacc2 and smacc2_msgs * Update changelogs * 0.1.0 * Revert "Ignore all packages except smacc2 and smacc2_msgs" This reverts commit f603166a4b3ccdfe96c64d9f9fb9d8b49fbf0e61. * Update description table. * Update table * Copy initial docs * Dockerfile w/ ROS distro as argument use this command "sudo docker build --build-arg ROS2_DISTRO=(desiredRosTag) (directoryHoldingDockerfile)/" * Opened new folder for additional tracing contents * Delete tracing directory * Moved to tracing directory * added Installs necessary packages and configures tracing group. * Removed manual installation of ros-rolling-ros2trace This is now automated in location of sh file assumed if user follows under "Getting started" * Created alternative ManualTracing * added new sm markdowns * added a dockerfile for Rolling and Galactic * Update smacc2_ci/docker/ros_rollingAndGalactic_ubuntu_20.04/ Co-authored-by: Denis Štogl <destogl\> * Update tracing/ Co-authored-by: Denis Štogl <destogl\> * changed wording "smacc application" to "SMACC2 library" Co-authored-by: Denis Štogl <destogl\> * Update smacc_sm_reference_library/sm_atomic/ edit from html to markdown syntax Co-authored-by: Denis Štogl <destogl\> * reactivating smacc2 nav clients for rolling via submodules * renamed tracing events after * bug in smacc2 component * reverted markdowns to html * added README tutorial for Dockerfile * additional cleanup * cleanup * cleanup * edited to reflect new tracing event names * Enable build of missing rolling repositories. * Enable Navigation2 for semi-binary build. * Remove galactic builds from master and kepp only rolling. Remove submodules and use .repos file * updated mentions of SMACC/ROS to SMACC2/ROS2 * some progress on navigation rolling * renamed folders, deleted, edited * added smacc2_performance_tools * performance tests improvements * more on performance and other issues * sm_respira_1 format cleanup * sm_respira_1 format cleanup pre-commit * sm_respira_test_2 * sm_respira_test_2 * more changes on performance tests * Do not execute clang-format on smacc2_sm_reference_library package. * sm_reference_library reformatting * Correct trailing spaces. * sm_atomic_24hr * sm_atomic_performance_trace_1 * Update smacc2_rta command across readmes * Clean up of sm_atomic_24hr * more sm_atomic_24hr cleanup * Optimized deps in move_base_z_planners_common. * Renaming of event generator library * minor formatting * Add galactic CI setup and rename rolling files. (#58) * Fix source CI and correct README overview. (#62) * Update c_cpp_properties.json * changed launch command to ros2 launch sm_respira_1 sm_respira_1.launch (#69) also noticed a note I had made while producing these that was not removed * update doxygen links (#70) Co-authored-by: Ubuntu 20-04-02-amd64 <brett\> * More Readme Updates (#72) Co-authored-by: Ubuntu 20-04-02-amd64 <brett\> * More Readme (#74) Co-authored-by: Ubuntu 20-04-02-amd64 <brett\> * created new sm from sm_respira_1 (#76) * Feature/core and navigation fixes (#78) * base for the sm_aws_aarehouse navigation * progressing in aws navigation * minor * several core improvements during navigation testing * formatting improvements * progress in aws navigation demo * format improvements * Feature/aws demo progress (#80) * base for the sm_aws_aarehouse navigation * progressing in aws navigation * minor * several core improvements during navigation testing * formatting improvements * progress in aws navigation demo * format improvements * format improvements * more on navigation * sm_advanced_recovery_1 reworked (#83) * sm_advanced_recovery_1 reworked * fix pre-commit * Trying to fix Pre-Commit Co-authored-by: Ubuntu 20-04-02-amd64 <brett\> * more sm_advanced_recovery_1 (#84) Co-authored-by: Ubuntu 20-04-02-amd64 <brett\> * More sm_advanced_recovery_1 work (#85) Co-authored-by: Ubuntu 20-04-02-amd64 <brett\> * sm_advanced_recovery_1 round 4 (#86) Co-authored-by: Ubuntu 20-04-02-amd64 <brett\> * Brettpac branch (#87) * sm_atomic_performance_test_a_2 * sm_atomic_performance_test_a_1 Co-authored-by: Ubuntu 20-04-02-amd64 <brett\> * sm_atomic_performance_test_c_1 (#88) Co-authored-by: Ubuntu 20-04-02-amd64 <brett\> * modifying sm_atomic_performance_test_a_2 (#89) Co-authored-by: Ubuntu 20-04-02-amd64 <brett\> * sm_multi_stage_1 (#90) * sm_multi_stage_1 * fixing precommit Co-authored-by: Ubuntu 20-04-02-amd64 <brett\> * more sm_multi_stage_1 (#91) Co-authored-by: Ubuntu 20-04-02-amd64 <brett\> * Update updated launch command * Wait topic message client behavior (#81) * base for the sm_aws_aarehouse navigation * progressing in aws navigation * minor * several core improvements during navigation testing * formatting improvements * progress in aws navigation demo * format improvements * format improvements * more on navigation * new feature, cb_wait_topic_message: asynchronous client behavior that waits a topic message and optionally checks its contents to success * formatting * attempting precommit fixes Co-authored-by: Ubuntu 20-04-02-amd64 <brett\> Co-authored-by: Denis Štogl <destogl\> * Feature/wait nav2 nodes client behavior (#82) * base for the sm_aws_aarehouse navigation * progressing in aws navigation * minor * several core improvements during navigation testing * formatting improvements * progress in aws navigation demo * format improvements * format improvements * more on navigation * new feature, cb_wait_topic_message: asynchronous client behavior that waits a topic message and optionally checks its contents to success * formatting * adding new client behavior add for nav2, wait nav2 nodes subscribing to the /bond topic and waiting they are alive. you optionally can select the nodes to wait * Correct all linters and formaters. Co-authored-by: Denis Štogl <denis\> Co-authored-by: Denis Štogl <destogl\> * Feature/aws demo progress (#92) * base for the sm_aws_aarehouse navigation * progressing in aws navigation * minor * several core improvements during navigation testing * formatting improvements * progress in aws navigation demo * format improvements * format improvements * more on navigation * new feature, cb_wait_topic_message: asynchronous client behavior that waits a topic message and optionally checks its contents to success * formatting * adding new client behavior add for nav2, wait nav2 nodes subscribing to the /bond topic and waiting they are alive. you optionally can select the nodes to wait * progress in aws navigation demo * minor format * Feature/sm dance bot fixes (#93) * base for the sm_aws_aarehouse navigation * progressing in aws navigation * minor * several core improvements during navigation testing * formatting improvements * progress in aws navigation demo * format improvements * format improvements * more on navigation * new feature, cb_wait_topic_message: asynchronous client behavior that waits a topic message and optionally checks its contents to success * formatting * adding new client behavior add for nav2, wait nav2 nodes subscribing to the /bond topic and waiting they are alive. you optionally can select the nodes to wait * progress in aws navigation demo * minor format * navigation parameters fixes on sm_dance_bot * minor format * Feature/sm aws warehouse (#94) * base for the sm_aws_aarehouse navigation * progressing in aws navigation * minor * several core improvements during navigation testing * formatting improvements * progress in aws navigation demo * format improvements * format improvements * more on navigation * new feature, cb_wait_topic_message: asynchronous client behavior that waits a topic message and optionally checks its contents to success * formatting * adding new client behavior add for nav2, wait nav2 nodes subscribing to the /bond topic and waiting they are alive. you optionally can select the nodes to wait * progress in aws navigation demo * minor format * merge and progress * fix format * Feature/sm dance bot fixes (#95) * base for the sm_aws_aarehouse navigation * progressing in aws navigation * minor * several core improvements during navigation testing * formatting improvements * progress in aws navigation demo * format improvements * format improvements * more on navigation * new feature, cb_wait_topic_message: asynchronous client behavior that waits a topic message and optionally checks its contents to success * formatting * adding new client behavior add for nav2, wait nav2 nodes subscribing to the /bond topic and waiting they are alive. you optionally can select the nodes to wait * progress in aws navigation demo * minor format * navigation parameters fixes on sm_dance_bot * minor format * minor * minor format * Remove some compile warnings. (#96) * Feature/cb pause slam (#98) * base for the sm_aws_aarehouse navigation * progressing in aws navigation * minor * several core improvements during navigation testing * formatting improvements * progress in aws navigation demo * format improvements * format improvements * more on navigation * new feature, cb_wait_topic_message: asynchronous client behavior that waits a topic message and optionally checks its contents to success * formatting * adding new client behavior add for nav2, wait nav2 nodes subscribing to the /bond topic and waiting they are alive. you optionally can select the nodes to wait * progress in aws navigation demo * minor format * navigation parameters fixes on sm_dance_bot * minor format * minor * formatting * cb pause slam client behavior * sm_dance_bot_lite (#99) * sm_dance_bot_lite * precommit * Updates yaml Co-authored-by: Ubuntu 20-04-02-amd64 <brett\> * Rename doxygen deployment workflow (#100) * minor hotfix * sm_dance_bot visualizing turtlebot3 (#101) * Feature/dance bot launch gz lidar choice (#102) * sm_dance_bot visualizing turtlebot3 * cleaning and lidar show/hide option * cleaning files and making formatting work * more fixes * Feature/sm dance bot lite gazebo fixes (#104) * sm_dance_bot visualizing turtlebot3 * cleaning and lidar show/hide option * cleaning files and making formatting work * more fixes * gazebo fixes, to show the robot and the lidar * format fixes * sm_multi_stage_1 doubling (#103) Co-authored-by: Ubuntu 20-04-02-amd64 <brett\> * Feature/sm dance bot strikes back gazebo fixes (#105) * sm_dance_bot visualizing turtlebot3 * cleaning and lidar show/hide option * cleaning files and making formatting work * more fixes * gazebo fixes, to show the robot and the lidar * format fixes * gazebo fixes for sm_dance_bot_strikes_back * precommit cleanup run (#106) Co-authored-by: Ubuntu 20-04-02-amd64 <brett\> * aws demo (#108) * aws demo * format * got sm_multi_stage_1 working (barely) (#109) Co-authored-by: Ubuntu 20-04-02-amd64 <brett\> * Brettpac branch (#110) * got sm_multi_stage_1 working (barely) * gaining traction sm_multi_stage_1 * more * don't remember * making progress * More * keep hammering * two stages * 3 part * 4th stage Co-authored-by: Ubuntu 20-04-02-amd64 <brett\> * Brettpac branch (#111) * got sm_multi_stage_1 working (barely) * gaining traction sm_multi_stage_1 * more * don't remember * making progress * More * keep hammering * two stages * 3 part * 4th stage * 5th stage Co-authored-by: Ubuntu 20-04-02-amd64 <brett\> * a3 (#113) Co-authored-by: Ubuntu 20-04-02-amd64 <brett\> * Remove neo_simulation2 package. (#112) * Remove neo_simulation2 package. * Correct formatting. * Enable source build on PR for testing. * Adjust build packages of source CI * more sm_multi_stage_1 (#114) Co-authored-by: Ubuntu 20-04-02-amd64 <brett\> * mm (#115) Co-authored-by: Ubuntu 20-04-02-amd64 <brett\> * diverse improvements navigation and performance (#116) * diverse improvements navigation and performance * minor Co-authored-by: pabloinigoblasco <pablo\> * Feature/diverse improvemets navigation performance (#117) * diverse improvements navigation and performance * minor * additional linting and formatting * Remove merge markers from a python file. (#119) * Feature/slam toggle and smacc deep history (#122) * progress in navigation, slam toggle client behaviors and slam_toolbox components. Also smacc2::deep_history syntax * going forward in testing sm_dance_bot introducing slam pausing/resuming funcionality * feature/more_sm_dance_bot_fixes * minor format * minor (#124) Co-authored-by: Ubuntu 20-04-02-amd64 <brett\> * more changes in sm_dance_bot (#125) * Move method after the method it calls. Otherwise recursion could happen. (#126) * Feature/dance bot s pattern (#128) * more changes in sm_dance_bot * polishing sm_dance_bot and s-pattern * noticed typo Finnaly > Finally * Feature/dance bot s pattern (#129) * more changes in sm_dance_bot * polishing sm_dance_bot and s-pattern * more refinement in sm_dance_bot * First working version of sm template and template generator. (#127) * minor tweaks (#130) Co-authored-by: Ubuntu 20-04-02-amd64 <brett\> * Feature/sm dance bot refine (#131) * more changes in sm_dance_bot * minor * Feature/sm dance bot refine 2 (#132) * more changes in sm_dance_bot * minor * build fix * waypoints navigator bug (#133) * minor tuning to mitigate overshot issue cases * progress in the sm_dance_bot tests (#135) * some more progress on markers cleanup * minor format issues (#134) * sm_dance_bot_lite (#136) Co-authored-by: Ubuntu 20-04-02-amd64 <brett\> * Resolve compile wanings (#137) * Add SM core test (#138) * minor navigation improvements (#141) * using local action msgs (#139) * using local action msgs * removing sm_dance_bot_msgs * pending references * Feature/nav2z renaming (#144) * using local action msgs * removing sm_dance_bot_msgs * pending references * navigation 2 stack renaming * formatting * added SVGs to READMEs of atomic, dance_bot, and others (#140) * added remaining SVGs to READMEs (#145) * added remaining SVGs to READMEs * precommit cleanup * Update package list. (#142) * removing parameters smacc (#147) * removing parameters smacc * workflows update * workflow * Noticed launch command was incorrect in fixed launch command for sm_dance_bot_strikes_back and removed some comments I had made in the past. * Fix CI: format fix python version (#148) * Add SM Atomic SM generator. (#143) * Remove node creation and create only a logger. (#149) * Rolling Docker environment to be executed from any environment (#154) * Feature/sm dance bot strikes back refactoring (#152) Co-authored-by: DecDury <declandury\> Co-authored-by: Denis Štogl <destogl\> * slight waypoint 4 and iterations changes so robot can complete course (#155) * Feature/migration moveit client (#151) * initial migration to smacc2 * fixing some errors introduced on formatting * missing dependency * fixing some more linting warnings * minor * removing test from main moveit cmake * test ur5 * progressing in the moveit migration testing * updating format * adding .reps dependencies and also fixing some build errors * repos dependency * adding dependency to ur5 client * docker refactoring * minor * progress on move_it PR * minor dockerfile test workaround * improving dockerfile for building local tests * minor * fixing compiling issues * update readme (#164) * update readme * more readme updates * more Co-authored-by: Ubuntu 20-04-02-amd64 <brett\> * initial state machine transition timestamp (#165) * moved reference library SMs to smacc2_performance_tools (#166) * moved reference library SMs to smacc2_performance_tools * pre-commit cleanup * Add QOS durability to SmaccPublisherClient (#163) * feat: add qos durability to SmaccPublisherClient * fix: add a missing colon * refactor: remove line * feat: add reliability qos config * Feature/testing moveit behaviors (#167) * more testing on moveit * progress on moveit * more testing on moveit behaviors * minor configuration * fixing pipeline error * fixing broken master build * sm_pubsub_1 (#169) Co-authored-by: Ubuntu 20-04-02-amd64 <brett\> * sm_pubsub_1 part 2 (#170) * sm_pubsub_1 part 2 * sm_pubsub_1 part 2 Co-authored-by: Ubuntu 20-04-02-amd64 <brett\> * sm_advanced_recovery_1 renaming (#171) Co-authored-by: Ubuntu 20-04-02-amd64 <brett\> * sm_multi_stage_1 reworking (#172) * multistage modes * sm_multi_stage sequences * sm_multi_state_1 steps * sm_multi_stage_1 sequence d * sm_multi_stage_1 c sequence * mode_5_sequence_b * mode_4_sequence_b * sm_multi_stage_1 most * finishing touches 1 * readme Co-authored-by: Ubuntu 20-04-02-amd64 <brett\> * Feature/aws navigation sm dance bot (#174) * repo dependency * husky launch file in sm_dance_bot * Add dependencies for husky simulation. * Fix formatting. * Update dependencies for husky in rolling and galactic. * minor * progress on aws navigation and some other refactorings on navigation clients and behaviors * more on aws demo * fixing broken build * minor Co-authored-by: Denis Štogl <denis\> Co-authored-by: Denis Štogl <destogl\> * minor changes (#175) * warehouse2 (#177) * Waypoint Inputs (#178) Co-authored-by: Ubuntu 20-04-02-amd64 <brett\> * wharehouse2 progress (#179) * format (#180) * sm_dance_bot_warehouse_3 (#181) Co-authored-by: Ubuntu 20-04-02-amd64 <brett\> * Feature/sm warehouse 2 13 dec 2 (#182) * format * more changes and headless * merge * headless and other fixes * default values * Brettpac branch (#184) * sm_dance_bot_warehouse_3 * Redoing sm_dance_bot_warehouse_3 waypoints * More Waypoints Co-authored-by: Ubuntu 20-04-02-amd64 <brett\> * SrConditional fixes and formatting (#168) * fix: some formatting and templating on SrConditional * fix: move trigger logic into headers * fix: lint * Feature/wharehouse2 dec 14 (#185) * warehouse2 * minor * Feature/sm warehouse 2 13 dec 2 (#186) * format * more changes and headless * merge * headless and other fixes * default values * minor * finetuning waypoints (#187) Co-authored-by: Ubuntu 20-04-02-amd64 <brett\> * Feature/cb pure spinning (#188) * format * more changes and headless * merge * headless and other fixes * default values * minor * Feature/cb pure spinning (#189) * format * more changes and headless * merge * headless and other fixes * default values * minor * pure spinning behavior missing files * minor changes (#190) * Feature/planner changes 16 12 (#191) * minor changes * more fixes * minor * minor * Feature/replanning 16 dec (#193) * minor changes * replanning for all our examples * several fixes (#194) * minor changes (#195) * Feature/undo motion 20 12 (#196) * minor changes * replanning for all our examples * improving undo motion navigation warehouse2 * minor * tuning warehouse3 (#197) * Feature/undo motion 20 12 (#198) * minor changes * replanning for all our examples * improving undo motion navigation warehouse2 * minor * undo tuning and errors * format * Feature/sync 21 12 (#199) * minor changes * replanning for all our examples * format issues * Feature/warehouse2 22 12 (#200) * minor changes * replanning for all our examples * format issues * finishing warehouse2 * Feature/warehouse2 23 12 (#201) * minor changes * replanning for all our examples * tuning and fixes (#202) * Feature/minor tune (#203) * tuning and fixes * minor tune * fixing warehouse 3 problems, and other core improvements (#204) * fixing warehouse 3 problems, and other core improvements to remove dead lock, also making continuous integration green * weird moveit not downloaded repo * added missing file from warehouse2 (#205) * backport to foxy * minor format * minor linking errors foxy Co-authored-by: Denis Štogl <denis\> Co-authored-by: Denis Štogl <destogl\> Co-authored-by: Declan Dury <44791484+DecDury\> Co-authored-by: DecDury <declandury\> Co-authored-by: reelrbtx <brett2\> Co-authored-by: brettpac <brett\> Co-authored-by: David Revay <MrBlenny\> * missing * missing sm * updating subscriber publisher components * progress in autowarrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrre machine * refining cp subscriber cp publisher * improvements in smacc core adding more components mostly developed for autoware demo * autoware demo * missing * foxy ci * fix * minor broken build * some reordering fixes * minor * docker files for different revisions, warnings removval and more testing on navigation * fixing docker for foxy and galactic Co-authored-by: Denis Štogl <denis\> Co-authored-by: Denis Štogl <destogl\> Co-authored-by: Declan Dury <44791484+DecDury\> Co-authored-by: DecDury <declandury\> Co-authored-by: reelrbtx <brett2\> Co-authored-by: brettpac <brett\> Co-authored-by: David Revay <MrBlenny\> Co-authored-by: pabloinigoblasco <pabloinigoblasco\> * dockerfiles (#225) * Fix code generators (#221) * Fix other build issues. * Update SM template and make example code clearly visible. * Remove use of node in the sm performance template. * Updated templated to use Blackboard storage. * Update template to resolve the global data correctly. * Update sm_name.hpp Co-authored-by: Pablo Iñigo Blasco <pablo\> * Feature/retry behavior warehouse 1 (#226) * minor changes * replanning for all our examples * backport to foxy * minor format * minor linking errors foxy * Foxy backport (#206) * minor formatting fixes * Fix trailing spaces. * Correct codespell. * Correct python linters warnings. * Add galactic CI build because Navigation2 is broken in rolling. * Add partial changes for ament_cpplint. * Add tf2_ros as dependency to find include. * Disable ament_cpplint. * Disable some packages and update workflows. * Bump ccache version. * Ignore further packages * Satisfy ament_lint_cmake * Add missing licences. * Disable cpplint and cppcheck linters. * Correct formatters. * branching example * Disable disabled packages * Update ci-build-source.yml * Change extension * Change extension of imports. * Enable cppcheck * Correct formatting of python file. * Included necessary package and edited Threesome launch Changed... ros2 launch sm_three_some sm_three_some to ros2 launch sm_three_some sm_three_some.launch Added: First ensure you have the necessary package installed. ]{.title-ref}sudo apt-get install ros-rolling-ros2trace[ Then run this command. * Rename header files and correct format. * Add workflow for checking doc build. * Update doxygen-check-build.yml * Create doxygen-deploy.yml * Use manual deployment for now. * Create workflow for testing prerelease builds * Use docs/ as source folder for documentation * Use docs/ as output directory. * Rename to smacc2 and smacc2_msgs * Correct GitHub branch reference. * Update name of package and package.xml to pass liter. * Execute on master update * Reset all versions to 0.0.0 * Ignore all packages except smacc2 and smacc2_msgs * Update changelogs * 0.1.0 * Revert "Ignore all packages except smacc2 and smacc2_msgs" This reverts commit f603166a4b3ccdfe96c64d9f9fb9d8b49fbf0e61. * Update description table. * Update table * Copy initial docs * Dockerfile w/ ROS distro as argument use this command "sudo docker build --build-arg ROS2_DISTRO=(desiredRosTag) (directoryHoldingDockerfile)/" * Opened new folder for additional tracing contents * Delete tracing directory * Moved to tracing directory * added Installs necessary packages and configures tracing group. * Removed manual installation of ros-rolling-ros2trace This is now automated in location of sh file assumed if user follows under "Getting started" * Created alternative ManualTracing * added new sm markdowns * added a dockerfile for Rolling and Galactic * Update smacc2_ci/docker/ros_rollingAndGalactic_ubuntu_20.04/ Co-authored-by: Denis Štogl <destogl\> * Update tracing/ Co-authored-by: Denis Štogl <destogl\> * changed wording "smacc application" to "SMACC2 library" Co-authored-by: Denis Štogl <destogl\> * Update smacc_sm_reference_library/sm_atomic/ edit from html to markdown syntax Co-authored-by: Denis Štogl <destogl\> * reactivating smacc2 nav clients for rolling via submodules * renamed tracing events after * bug in smacc2 component * reverted markdowns to html * added README tutorial for Dockerfile * additional cleanup * cleanup * cleanup * edited to reflect new tracing event names * Enable build of missing rolling repositories. * Enable Navigation2 for semi-binary build. * Remove galactic builds from master and kepp only rolling. Remove submodules and use .repos file * updated mentions of SMACC/ROS to SMACC2/ROS2 * some progress on navigation rolling * renamed folders, deleted, edited * added smacc2_performance_tools * performance tests improvements * more on performance and other issues * sm_respira_1 format cleanup * sm_respira_1 format cleanup pre-commit * sm_respira_test_2 * sm_respira_test_2 * more changes on performance tests * Do not execute clang-format on smacc2_sm_reference_library package. * sm_reference_library reformatting * Correct trailing spaces. * sm_atomic_24hr * sm_atomic_performance_trace_1 * Update smacc2_rta command across readmes * Clean up of sm_atomic_24hr * more sm_atomic_24hr cleanup * Optimized deps in move_base_z_planners_common. * Renaming of event generator library * minor formatting * Add galactic CI setup and rename rolling files. (#58) * Fix source CI and correct README overview. (#62) * Update c_cpp_properties.json * changed launch command to ros2 launch sm_respira_1 sm_respira_1.launch (#69) also noticed a note I had made while producing these that was not removed * update doxygen links (#70) Co-authored-by: Ubuntu 20-04-02-amd64 <brett\> * More Readme Updates (#72) Co-authored-by: Ubuntu 20-04-02-amd64 <brett\> * More Readme (#74) Co-authored-by: Ubuntu 20-04-02-amd64 <brett\> * created new sm from sm_respira_1 (#76) * Feature/core and navigation fixes (#78) * base for the sm_aws_aarehouse navigation * progressing in aws navigation * minor * several core improvements during navigation testing * formatting improvements * progress in aws navigation demo * format improvements * Feature/aws demo progress (#80) * base for the sm_aws_aarehouse navigation * progressing in aws navigation * minor * several core improvements during navigation testing * formatting improvements * progress in aws navigation demo * format improvements * format improvements * more on navigation * sm_advanced_recovery_1 reworked (#83) * sm_advanced_recovery_1 reworked * fix pre-commit * Trying to fix Pre-Commit Co-authored-by: Ubuntu 20-04-02-amd64 <brett\> * more sm_advanced_recovery_1 (#84) Co-authored-by: Ubuntu 20-04-02-amd64 <brett\> * More sm_advanced_recovery_1 work (#85) Co-authored-by: Ubuntu 20-04-02-amd64 <brett\> * sm_advanced_recovery_1 round 4 (#86) Co-authored-by: Ubuntu 20-04-02-amd64 <brett\> * Brettpac branch (#87) * sm_atomic_performance_test_a_2 * sm_atomic_performance_test_a_1 Co-authored-by: Ubuntu 20-04-02-amd64 <brett\> * sm_atomic_performance_test_c_1 (#88) Co-authored-by: Ubuntu 20-04-02-amd64 <brett\> * modifying sm_atomic_performance_test_a_2 (#89) Co-authored-by: Ubuntu 20-04-02-amd64 <brett\> * sm_multi_stage_1 (#90) * sm_multi_stage_1 * fixing precommit Co-authored-by: Ubuntu 20-04-02-amd64 <brett\> * more sm_multi_stage_1 (#91) Co-authored-by: Ubuntu 20-04-02-amd64 <brett\> * Update updated launch command * Wait topic message client behavior (#81) * base for the sm_aws_aarehouse navigation * progressing in aws navigation * minor * several core improvements during navigation testing * formatting improvements * progress in aws navigation demo * format improvements * format improvements * more on navigation * new feature, cb_wait_topic_message: asynchronous client behavior that waits a topic message and optionally checks its contents to success * formatting * attempting precommit fixes Co-authored-by: Ubuntu 20-04-02-amd64 <brett\> Co-authored-by: Denis Štogl <destogl\> * Feature/wait nav2 nodes client behavior (#82) * base for the sm_aws_aarehouse navigation * progressing in aws navigation * minor * several core improvements during navigation testing * formatting improvements * progress in aws navigation demo * format improvements * format improvements * more on navigation * new feature, cb_wait_topic_message: asynchronous client behavior that waits a topic message and optionally checks its contents to success * formatting * adding new client behavior add for nav2, wait nav2 nodes subscribing to the /bond topic and waiting they are alive. you optionally can select the nodes to wait * Correct all linters and formaters. Co-authored-by: Denis Štogl <denis\> Co-authored-by: Denis Štogl <destogl\> * Feature/aws demo progress (#92) * base for the sm_aws_aarehouse navigation * progressing in aws navigation * minor * several core improvements during navigation testing * formatting improvements * progress in aws navigation demo * format improvements * format improvements * more on navigation * new feature, cb_wait_topic_message: asynchronous client behavior that waits a topic message and optionally checks its contents to success * formatting * adding new client behavior add for nav2, wait nav2 nodes subscribing to the /bond topic and waiting they are alive. you optionally can select the nodes to wait * progress in aws navigation demo * minor format * Feature/sm dance bot fixes (#93) * base for the sm_aws_aarehouse navigation * progressing in aws navigation * minor * several core improvements during navigation testing * formatting improvements * progress in aws navigation demo * format improvements * format improvements * more on navigation * new feature, cb_wait_topic_message: asynchronous client behavior that waits a topic message and optionally checks its contents to success * formatting * adding new client behavior add for nav2, wait nav2 nodes subscribing to the /bond topic and waiting they are alive. you optionally can select the nodes to wait * progress in aws navigation demo * minor format * navigation parameters fixes on sm_dance_bot * minor format * Feature/sm aws warehouse (#94) * base for the sm_aws_aarehouse navigation * progressing in aws navigation * minor * several core improvements during navigation testing * formatting improvements * progress in aws navigation demo * format improvements * format improvements * more on navigation * new feature, cb_wait_topic_message: asynchronous client behavior that waits a topic message and optionally checks its contents to success * formatting * adding new client behavior add for nav2, wait nav2 nodes subscribing to the /bond topic and waiting they are alive. you optionally can select the nodes to wait * progress in aws navigation demo * minor format * merge and progress * fix format * Feature/sm dance bot fixes (#95) * base for the sm_aws_aarehouse navigation * progressing in aws navigation * minor * several core improvements during navigation testing * formatting improvements * progress in aws navigation demo * format improvements * format improvements * more on navigation * new feature, cb_wait_topic_message: asynchronous client behavior that waits a topic message and optionally checks its contents to success * formatting * adding new client behavior add for nav2, wait nav2 nodes subscribing to the /bond topic and waiting they are alive. you optionally can select the nodes to wait * progress in aws navigation demo * minor format * navigation parameters fixes on sm_dance_bot * minor format * minor * minor format * Remove some compile warnings. (#96) * Feature/cb pause slam (#98) * base for the sm_aws_aarehouse navigation * progressing in aws navigation * minor * several core improvements during navigation testing * formatting improvements * progress in aws navigation demo * format improvements * format improvements * more on navigation * new feature, cb_wait_topic_message: asynchronous client behavior that waits a topic message and optionally checks its contents to success * formatting * adding new client behavior add for nav2, wait nav2 nodes subscribing to the /bond topic and waiting they are alive. you optionally can select the nodes to wait * progress in aws navigation demo * minor format * navigation parameters fixes on sm_dance_bot * minor format * minor * formatting * cb pause slam client behavior * sm_dance_bot_lite (#99) * sm_dance_bot_lite * precommit * Updates yaml Co-authored-by: Ubuntu 20-04-02-amd64 <brett\> * Rename doxygen deployment workflow (#100) * minor hotfix * sm_dance_bot visualizing turtlebot3 (#101) * Feature/dance bot launch gz lidar choice (#102) * sm_dance_bot visualizing turtlebot3 * cleaning and lidar show/hide option * cleaning files and making formatting work * more fixes * Feature/sm dance bot lite gazebo fixes (#104) * sm_dance_bot visualizing turtlebot3 * cleaning and lidar show/hide option * cleaning files and making formatting work * more fixes * gazebo fixes, to show the robot and the lidar * format fixes * sm_multi_stage_1 doubling (#103) Co-authored-by: Ubuntu 20-04-02-amd64 <brett\> * Feature/sm dance bot strikes back gazebo fixes (#105) * sm_dance_bot visualizing turtlebot3 * cleaning and lidar show/hide option * cleaning files and making formatting work * more fixes * gazebo fixes, to show the robot and the lidar * format fixes * gazebo fixes for sm_dance_bot_strikes_back * precommit cleanup run (#106) Co-authored-by: Ubuntu 20-04-02-amd64 <brett\> * aws demo (#108) * aws demo * format * got sm_multi_stage_1 working (barely) (#109) Co-authored-by: Ubuntu 20-04-02-amd64 <brett\> * Brettpac branch (#110) * got sm_multi_stage_1 working (barely) * gaining traction sm_multi_stage_1 * more * don't remember * making progress * More * keep hammering * two stages * 3 part * 4th stage Co-authored-by: Ubuntu 20-04-02-amd64 <brett\> * Brettpac branch (#111) * got sm_multi_stage_1 working (barely) * gaining traction sm_multi_stage_1 * more * don't remember * making progress * More * keep hammering * two stages * 3 part * 4th stage * 5th stage Co-authored-by: Ubuntu 20-04-02-amd64 <brett\> * a3 (#113) Co-authored-by: Ubuntu 20-04-02-amd64 <brett\> * Remove neo_simulation2 package. (#112) * Remove neo_simulation2 package. * Correct formatting. * Enable source build on PR for testing. * Adjust build packages of source CI * more sm_multi_stage_1 (#114) Co-authored-by: Ubuntu 20-04-02-amd64 <brett\> * mm (#115) Co-authored-by: Ubuntu 20-04-02-amd64 <brett\> * diverse improvements navigation and performance (#116) * diverse improvements navigation and performance * minor Co-authored-by: pabloinigoblasco <pablo\> * Feature/diverse improvemets navigation performance (#117) * diverse improvements navigation and performance * minor * additional linting and formatting * Remove merge markers from a python file. (#119) * Feature/slam toggle and smacc deep history (#122) * progress in navigation, slam toggle client behaviors and slam_toolbox components. Also smacc2::deep_history syntax * going forward in testing sm_dance_bot introducing slam pausing/resuming funcionality * feature/more_sm_dance_bot_fixes * minor format * minor (#124) Co-authored-by: Ubuntu 20-04-02-amd64 <brett\> * more changes in sm_dance_bot (#125) * Move method after the method it calls. Otherwise recursion could happen. (#126) * Feature/dance bot s pattern (#128) * more changes in sm_dance_bot * polishing sm_dance_bot and s-pattern * noticed typo Finnaly > Finally * Feature/dance bot s pattern (#129) * more changes in sm_dance_bot * polishing sm_dance_bot and s-pattern * more refinement in sm_dance_bot * First working version of sm template and template generator. (#127) * minor tweaks (#130) Co-authored-by: Ubuntu 20-04-02-amd64 <brett\> * Feature/sm dance bot refine (#131) * more changes in sm_dance_bot * minor * Feature/sm dance bot refine 2 (#132) * more changes in sm_dance_bot * minor * build fix * waypoints navigator bug (#133) * minor tuning to mitigate overshot issue cases * progress in the sm_dance_bot tests (#135) * some more progress on markers cleanup * minor format issues (#134) * sm_dance_bot_lite (#136) Co-authored-by: Ubuntu 20-04-02-amd64 <brett\> * Resolve compile wanings (#137) * Add SM core test (#138) * minor navigation improvements (#141) * using local action msgs (#139) * using local action msgs * removing sm_dance_bot_msgs * pending references * Feature/nav2z renaming (#144) * using local action msgs * removing sm_dance_bot_msgs * pending references * navigation 2 stack renaming * formatting * added SVGs to READMEs of atomic, dance_bot, and others (#140) * added remaining SVGs to READMEs (#145) * added remaining SVGs to READMEs * precommit cleanup * Update package list. (#142) * removing parameters smacc (#147) * removing parameters smacc * workflows update * workflow * Noticed launch command was incorrect in fixed launch command for sm_dance_bot_strikes_back and removed some comments I had made in the past. * Fix CI: format fix python version (#148) * Add SM Atomic SM generator. (#143) * Remove node creation and create only a logger. (#149) * Rolling Docker environment to be executed from any environment (#154) * Feature/sm dance bot strikes back refactoring (#152) Co-authored-by: DecDury <declandury\> Co-authored-by: Denis Štogl <destogl\> * slight waypoint 4 and iterations changes so robot can complete course (#155) * Feature/migration moveit client (#151) * initial migration to smacc2 * fixing some errors introduced on formatting * missing dependency * fixing some more linting warnings * minor * removing test from main moveit cmake * test ur5 * progressing in the moveit migration testing * updating format * adding .reps dependencies and also fixing some build errors * repos dependency * adding dependency to ur5 client * docker refactoring * minor * progress on move_it PR * minor dockerfile test workaround * improving dockerfile for building local tests * minor * fixing compiling issues * update readme (#164) * update readme * more readme updates * more Co-authored-by: Ubuntu 20-04-02-amd64 <brett\> * initial state machine transition timestamp (#165) * moved reference library SMs to smacc2_performance_tools (#166) * moved reference library SMs to smacc2_performance_tools * pre-commit cleanup * Add QOS durability to SmaccPublisherClient (#163) * feat: add qos durability to SmaccPublisherClient * fix: add a missing colon * refactor: remove line * feat: add reliability qos config * Feature/testing moveit behaviors (#167) * more testing on moveit * progress on moveit * more testing on moveit behaviors * minor configuration * fixing pipeline error * fixing broken master build * sm_pubsub_1 (#169) Co-authored-by: Ubuntu 20-04-02-amd64 <brett\> * sm_pubsub_1 part 2 (#170) * sm_pubsub_1 part 2 * sm_pubsub_1 part 2 Co-authored-by: Ubuntu 20-04-02-amd64 <brett\> * sm_advanced_recovery_1 renaming (#171) Co-authored-by: Ubuntu 20-04-02-amd64 <brett\> * sm_multi_stage_1 reworking (#172) * multistage modes * sm_multi_stage sequences * sm_multi_state_1 steps * sm_multi_stage_1 sequence d * sm_multi_stage_1 c sequence * mode_5_sequence_b * mode_4_sequence_b * sm_multi_stage_1 most * finishing touches 1 * readme Co-authored-by: Ubuntu 20-04-02-amd64 <brett\> * Feature/aws navigation sm dance bot (#174) * repo dependency * husky launch file in sm_dance_bot * Add dependencies for husky simulation. * Fix formatting. * Update dependencies for husky in rolling and galactic. * minor * progress on aws navigation and some other refactorings on navigation clients and behaviors * more on aws demo * fixing broken build * minor Co-authored-by: Denis Štogl <denis\> Co-authored-by: Denis Štogl <destogl\> * minor changes (#175) * warehouse2 (#177) * Waypoint Inputs (#178) Co-authored-by: Ubuntu 20-04-02-amd64 <brett\> * wharehouse2 progress (#179) * format (#180) * sm_dance_bot_warehouse_3 (#181) Co-authored-by: Ubuntu 20-04-02-amd64 <brett\> * Feature/sm warehouse 2 13 dec 2 (#182) * format * more changes and headless * merge * headless and other fixes * default values * Brettpac branch (#184) * sm_dance_bot_warehouse_3 * Redoing sm_dance_bot_warehouse_3 waypoints * More Waypoints Co-authored-by: Ubuntu 20-04-02-amd64 <brett\> * SrConditional fixes and formatting (#168) * fix: some formatting and templating on SrConditional * fix: move trigger logic into headers * fix: lint * Feature/wharehouse2 dec 14 (#185) * warehouse2 * minor * Feature/sm warehouse 2 13 dec 2 (#186) * format * more changes and headless * merge * headless and other fixes * default values * minor * finetuning waypoints (#187) Co-authored-by: Ubuntu 20-04-02-amd64 <brett\> * Feature/cb pure spinning (#188) * format * more changes and headless * merge * headless and other fixes * default values * minor * Feature/cb pure spinning (#189) * format * more changes and headless * merge * headless and other fixes * default values * minor * pure spinning behavior missing files * minor changes (#190) * Feature/planner changes 16 12 (#191) * minor changes * more fixes * minor * minor * Feature/replanning 16 dec (#193) * minor changes * replanning for all our examples * several fixes (#194) * minor changes (#195) * Feature/undo motion 20 12 (#196) * minor changes * replanning for all our examples * improving undo motion navigation warehouse2 * minor * tuning warehouse3 (#197) * Feature/undo motion 20 12 (#198) * minor changes * replanning for all our examples * improving undo motion navigation warehouse2 * minor * undo tuning and errors * format * Feature/sync 21 12 (#199) * minor changes * replanning for all our examples * format issues * Feature/warehouse2 22 12 (#200) * minor changes * replanning for all our examples * format issues * finishing warehouse2 * Feature/warehouse2 23 12 (#201) * minor changes * replanning for all our examples * tuning and fixes (#202) * Feature/minor tune (#203) * tuning and fixes * minor tune * fixing warehouse 3 problems, and other core improvements (#204) * fixing warehouse 3 problems, and other core improvements to remove dead lock, also making continuous integration green * weird moveit not downloaded repo * added missing file from warehouse2 (#205) * backport to foxy * minor format * minor linking errors foxy Co-authored-by: Denis Štogl <denis\> Co-authored-by: Denis Štogl <destogl\> Co-authored-by: Declan Dury <44791484+DecDury\> Co-authored-by: DecDury <declandury\> Co-authored-by: reelrbtx <brett2\> Co-authored-by: brettpac <brett\> Co-authored-by: David Revay <MrBlenny\> * missing * missing sm * updating subscriber publisher components * progress in autowarrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrre machine * refining cp subscriber cp publisher * improvements in smacc core adding more components mostly developed for autoware demo * autoware demo * missing * foxy ci * fix * minor broken build * some reordering fixes * minor * docker files for different revisions, warnings removval and more testing on navigation * fixing docker for foxy and galactic * Update file for fake hardware simulation and add file for gazebo simulation. * docker build files for all versions * retry behavior warehouse 1 * missing file * minor format fix * other minor changes Co-authored-by: Denis Štogl <denis\> Co-authored-by: Denis Štogl <destogl\> Co-authored-by: Declan Dury <44791484+DecDury\> Co-authored-by: DecDury <declandury\> Co-authored-by: reelrbtx <brett2\> Co-authored-by: brettpac <brett\> Co-authored-by: David Revay <MrBlenny\> Co-authored-by: pabloinigoblasco <pabloinigoblasco\> * fix broken source build (#227) * Only rolling version should be pre-released on on master. (#230) * Correct Focal-Rolling builds by fixing the version of rosdep yaml (#234) * Update file for fake hardware simulation and add file for gazebo simulation. (#224) * Update file for fake hardware simulation and add file for gazebo simulation. * Add ignition file and update repos files. * Feature/improvements warehouse3 (#228) * minor changes * replanning for all our examples * backport to foxy * minor format * minor linking errors foxy * Foxy backport (#206) * minor formatting fixes * Fix trailing spaces. * Correct codespell. * Correct python linters warnings. * Add galactic CI build because Navigation2 is broken in rolling. * Add partial changes for ament_cpplint. * Add tf2_ros as dependency to find include. * Disable ament_cpplint. * Disable some packages and update workflows. * Bump ccache version. * Ignore further packages * Satisfy ament_lint_cmake * Add missing licences. * Disable cpplint and cppcheck linters. * Correct formatters. * branching example * Disable disabled packages * Update ci-build-source.yml * Change extension * Change extension of imports. * Enable cppcheck * Correct formatting of python file. * Included necessary package and edited Threesome launch Changed... ros2 launch sm_three_some sm_three_some to ros2 launch sm_three_some sm_three_some.launch Added: First ensure you have the necessary package installed. ]{.title-ref}sudo apt-get install ros-rolling-ros2trace[ Then run this command. * Rename header files and correct format. * Add workflow for checking doc build. * Update doxygen-check-build.yml * Create doxygen-deploy.yml * Use manual deployment for now. * Create workflow for testing prerelease builds * Use docs/ as source folder for documentation * Use docs/ as output directory. * Rename to smacc2 and smacc2_msgs * Correct GitHub branch reference. * Update name of package and package.xml to pass liter. * Execute on master update * Reset all versions to 0.0.0 * Ignore all packages except smacc2 and smacc2_msgs * Update changelogs * 0.1.0 * Revert "Ignore all packages except smacc2 and smacc2_msgs" This reverts commit f603166a4b3ccdfe96c64d9f9fb9d8b49fbf0e61. * Update description table. * Update table * Copy initial docs * Dockerfile w/ ROS distro as argument use this command "sudo docker build --build-arg ROS2_DISTRO=(desiredRosTag) (directoryHoldingDockerfile)/" * Opened new folder for additional tracing contents * Delete tracing directory * Moved to tracing directory * added Installs necessary packages and configures tracing group. * Removed manual installation of ros-rolling-ros2trace This is now automated in location of sh file assumed if user follows under "Getting started" * Created alternative ManualTracing * added new sm markdowns * added a dockerfile for Rolling and Galactic * Update smacc2_ci/docker/ros_rollingAndGalactic_ubuntu_20.04/ Co-authored-by: Denis Štogl <destogl\> * Update tracing/ Co-authored-by: Denis Štogl <destogl\> * changed wording "smacc application" to "SMACC2 library" Co-authored-by: Denis Štogl <destogl\> * Update smacc_sm_reference_library/sm_atomic/ edit from html to markdown syntax Co-authored-by: Denis Štogl <destogl\> * reactivating smacc2 nav clients for rolling via submodules * renamed tracing events after * bug in smacc2 component * reverted markdowns to html * added README tutorial for Dockerfile * additional cleanup * cleanup * cleanup * edited to reflect new tracing event names * Enable build of missing rolling repositories. * Enable Navigation2 for semi-binary build. * Remove galactic builds from master and kepp only rolling. Remove submodules and use .repos file * updated mentions of SMACC/ROS to SMACC2/ROS2 * some progress on navigation rolling * renamed folders, deleted, edited * added smacc2_performance_tools * performance tests improvements * more on performance and other issues * sm_respira_1 format cleanup * sm_respira_1 format cleanup pre-commit * sm_respira_test_2 * sm_respira_test_2 * more changes on performance tests * Do not execute clang-format on smacc2_sm_reference_library package. * sm_reference_library reformatting * Correct trailing spaces. * sm_atomic_24hr * sm_atomic_performance_trace_1 * Update smacc2_rta command across readmes * Clean up of sm_atomic_24hr * more sm_atomic_24hr cleanup * Optimized deps in move_base_z_planners_common. * Renaming of event generator library * minor formatting * Add galactic CI setup and rename rolling files. (#58) * Fix source CI and correct README overview. (#62) * Update c_cpp_properties.json * changed launch command to ros2 launch sm_respira_1 sm_respira_1.launch (#69) also noticed a note I had made while producing these that was not removed * update doxygen links (#70) Co-authored-by: Ubuntu 20-04-02-amd64 <brett\> * More Readme Updates (#72) Co-authored-by: Ubuntu 20-04-02-amd64 <brett\> * More Readme (#74) Co-authored-by: Ubuntu 20-04-02-amd64 <brett\> * created new sm from sm_respira_1 (#76) * Feature/core and navigation fixes (#78) * base for the sm_aws_aarehouse navigation * progressing in aws navigation * minor * several core improvements during navigation testing * formatting improvements * progress in aws navigation demo * format improvements * Feature/aws demo progress (#80) * base for the sm_aws_aarehouse navigation * progressing in aws navigation * minor * several core improvements during navigation testing * formatting improvements * progress in aws navigation demo * format improvements * format improvements * more on navigation * sm_advanced_recovery_1 reworked (#83) * sm_advanced_recovery_1 reworked * fix pre-commit * Trying to fix Pre-Commit Co-authored-by: Ubuntu 20-04-02-amd64 <brett\> * more sm_advanced_recovery_1 (#84) Co-authored-by: Ubuntu 20-04-02-amd64 <brett\> * More sm_advanced_recovery_1 work (#85) Co-authored-by: Ubuntu 20-04-02-amd64 <brett\> * sm_advanced_recovery_1 round 4 (#86) Co-authored-by: Ubuntu 20-04-02-amd64 <brett\> * Brettpac branch (#87) * sm_atomic_performance_test_a_2 * sm_atomic_performance_test_a_1 Co-authored-by: Ubuntu 20-04-02-amd64 <brett\> * sm_atomic_performance_test_c_1 (#88) Co-authored-by: Ubuntu 20-04-02-amd64 <brett\> * modifying sm_atomic_performance_test_a_2 (#89) Co-authored-by: Ubuntu 20-04-02-amd64 <brett\> * sm_multi_stage_1 (#90) * sm_multi_stage_1 * fixing precommit Co-authored-by: Ubuntu 20-04-02-amd64 <brett\> * more sm_multi_stage_1 (#91) Co-authored-by: Ubuntu 20-04-02-amd64 <brett\> * Update updated launch command * Wait topic message client behavior (#81) * base for the sm_aws_aarehouse navigation * progressing in aws navigation * minor * several core improvements during navigation testing * formatting improvements * progress in aws navigation demo * format improvements * format improvements * more on navigation * new feature, cb_wait_topic_message: asynchronous client behavior that waits a topic message and optionally checks its contents to success * formatting * attempting precommit fixes Co-authored-by: Ubuntu 20-04-02-amd64 <brett\> Co-authored-by: Denis Štogl <destogl\> * Feature/wait nav2 nodes client behavior (#82) * base for the sm_aws_aarehouse navigation * progressing in aws navigation * minor * several core improvements during navigation testing * formatting improvements * progress in aws navigation demo * format improvements * format improvements * more on navigation * new feature, cb_wait_topic_message: asynchronous client behavior that waits a topic message and optionally checks its contents to success * formatting * adding new client behavior add for nav2, wait nav2 nodes subscribing to the /bond topic and waiting they are alive. you optionally can select the nodes to wait * Correct all linters and formaters. Co-authored-by: Denis Štogl <denis\> Co-authored-by: Denis Štogl <destogl\> * Feature/aws demo progress (#92) * base for the sm_aws_aarehouse navigation * progressing in aws navigation * minor * several core improvements during navigation testing * formatting improvements * progress in aws navigation demo * format improvements * format improvements * more on navigation * new feature, cb_wait_topic_message: asynchronous client behavior that waits a topic message and optionally checks its contents to success * formatting * adding new client behavior add for nav2, wait nav2 nodes subscribing to the /bond topic and waiting they are alive. you optionally can select the nodes to wait * progress in aws navigation demo * minor format * Feature/sm dance bot fixes (#93) * base for the sm_aws_aarehouse navigation * progressing in aws navigation * minor * several core improvements during navigation testing * formatting improvements * progress in aws navigation demo * format improvements * format improvements * more on navigation * new feature, cb_wait_topic_message: asynchronous client behavior that waits a topic message and optionally checks its contents to success * formatting * adding new client behavior add for nav2, wait nav2 nodes subscribing to the /bond topic and waiting they are alive. you optionally can select the nodes to wait * progress in aws navigation demo * minor format * navigation parameters fixes on sm_dance_bot * minor format * Feature/sm aws warehouse (#94) * base for the sm_aws_aarehouse navigation * progressing in aws navigation * minor * several core improvements during navigation testing * formatting improvements * progress in aws navigation demo * format improvements * format improvements * more on navigation * new feature, cb_wait_topic_message: asynchronous client behavior that waits a topic message and optionally checks its contents to success * formatting * adding new client behavior add for nav2, wait nav2 nodes subscribing to the /bond topic and waiting they are alive. you optionally can select the nodes to wait * progress in aws navigation demo * minor format * merge and progress * fix format * Feature/sm dance bot fixes (#95) * base for the sm_aws_aarehouse navigation * progressing in aws navigation * minor * several core improvements during navigation testing * formatting improvements * progress in aws navigation demo * format improvements * format improvements * more on navigation * new feature, cb_wait_topic_message: asynchronous client behavior that waits a topic message and optionally checks its contents to success * formatting * adding new client behavior add for nav2, wait nav2 nodes subscribing to the /bond topic and waiting they are alive. you optionally can select the nodes to wait * progress in aws navigation demo * minor format * navigation parameters fixes on sm_dance_bot * minor format * minor * minor format * Remove some compile warnings. (#96) * Feature/cb pause slam (#98) * base for the sm_aws_aarehouse navigation * progressing in aws navigation * minor * several core improvements during navigation testing * formatting improvements * progress in aws navigation demo * format improvements * format improvements * more on navigation * new feature, cb_wait_topic_message: asynchronous client behavior that waits a topic message and optionally checks its contents to success * formatting * adding new client behavior add for nav2, wait nav2 nodes subscribing to the /bond topic and waiting they are alive. you optionally can select the nodes to wait * progress in aws navigation demo * minor format * navigation parameters fixes on sm_dance_bot * minor format * minor * formatting * cb pause slam client behavior * sm_dance_bot_lite (#99) * sm_dance_bot_lite * precommit * Updates yaml Co-authored-by: Ubuntu 20-04-02-amd64 <brett\> * Rename doxygen deployment workflow (#100) * minor hotfix * sm_dance_bot visualizing turtlebot3 (#101) * Feature/dance bot launch gz lidar choice (#102) * sm_dance_bot visualizing turtlebot3 * cleaning and lidar show/hide option * cleaning files and making formatting work * more fixes * Feature/sm dance bot lite gazebo fixes (#104) * sm_dance_bot visualizing turtlebot3 * cleaning and lidar show/hide option * cleaning files and making formatting work * more fixes * gazebo fixes, to show the robot and the lidar * format fixes * sm_multi_stage_1 doubling (#103) Co-authored-by: Ubuntu 20-04-02-amd64 <brett\> * Feature/sm dance bot strikes back gazebo fixes (#105) * sm_dance_bot visualizing turtlebot3 * cleaning and lidar show/hide option * cleaning files and making formatting work * more fixes * gazebo fixes, to show the robot and the lidar * format fixes * gazebo fixes for sm_dance_bot_strikes_back * precommit cleanup run (#106) Co-authored-by: Ubuntu 20-04-02-amd64 <brett\> * aws demo (#108) * aws demo * format * got sm_multi_stage_1 working (barely) (#109) Co-authored-by: Ubuntu 20-04-02-amd64 <brett\> * Brettpac branch (#110) * got sm_multi_stage_1 working (barely) * gaining traction sm_multi_stage_1 * more * don't remember * making progress * More * keep hammering * two stages * 3 part * 4th stage Co-authored-by: Ubuntu 20-04-02-amd64 <brett\> * Brettpac branch (#111) * got sm_multi_stage_1 working (barely) * gaining traction sm_multi_stage_1 * more * don't remember * making progress * More * keep hammering * two stages * 3 part * 4th stage * 5th stage Co-authored-by: Ubuntu 20-04-02-amd64 <brett\> * a3 (#113) Co-authored-by: Ubuntu 20-04-02-amd64 <brett\> * Remove neo_simulation2 package. (#112) * Remove neo_simulation2 package. * Correct formatting. * Enable source build on PR for testing. * Adjust build packages of source CI * more sm_multi_stage_1 (#114) Co-authored-by: Ubuntu 20-04-02-amd64 <brett\> * mm (#115) Co-authored-by: Ubuntu 20-04-02-amd64 <brett\> * diverse improvements navigation and performance (#116) * diverse improvements navigation and performance * minor Co-authored-by: pabloinigoblasco <pablo\> * Feature/diverse improvemets navigation performance (#117) * diverse improvements navigation and performance * minor * additional linting and formatting * Remove merge markers from a python file. (#119) * Feature/slam toggle and smacc deep history (#122) * progress in navigation, slam toggle client behaviors and slam_toolbox components. Also smacc2::deep_history syntax * going forward in testing sm_dance_bot introducing slam pausing/resuming funcionality * feature/more_sm_dance_bot_fixes * minor format * minor (#124) Co-authored-by: Ubuntu 20-04-02-amd64 <brett\> * more changes in sm_dance_bot (#125) * Move method after the method it calls. Otherwise recursion could happen. (#126) * Feature/dance bot s pattern (#128) * more changes in sm_dance_bot * polishing sm_dance_bot and s-pattern * noticed typo Finnaly > Finally * Feature/dance bot s pattern (#129) * more changes in sm_dance_bot * polishing sm_dance_bot and s-pattern * more refinement in sm_dance_bot * First working version of sm template and template generator. (#127) * minor tweaks (#130) Co-authored-by: Ubuntu 20-04-02-amd64 <brett\> * Feature/sm dance bot refine (#131) * more changes in sm_dance_bot * minor * Feature/sm dance bot refine 2 (#132) * more changes in sm_dance_bot * minor * build fix * waypoints navigator bug (#133) * minor tuning to mitigate overshot issue cases * progress in the sm_dance_bot tests (#135) * some more progress on markers cleanup * minor format issues (#134) * sm_dance_bot_lite (#136) Co-authored-by: Ubuntu 20-04-02-amd64 <brett\> * Resolve compile wanings (#137) * Add SM core test (#138) * minor navigation improvements (#141) * using local action msgs (#139) * using local action msgs * removing sm_dance_bot_msgs * pending references * Feature/nav2z renaming (#144) * using local action msgs * removing sm_dance_bot_msgs * pending references * navigation 2 stack renaming * formatting * added SVGs to READMEs of atomic, dance_bot, and others (#140) * added remaining SVGs to READMEs (#145) * added remaining SVGs to READMEs * precommit cleanup * Update package list. (#142) * removing parameters smacc (#147) * removing parameters smacc * workflows update * workflow * Noticed launch command was incorrect in fixed launch command for sm_dance_bot_strikes_back and removed some comments I had made in the past. * Fix CI: format fix python version (#148) * Add SM Atomic SM generator. (#143) * Remove node creation and create only a logger. (#149) * Rolling Docker environment to be executed from any environment (#154) * Feature/sm dance bot strikes back refactoring (#152) Co-authored-by: DecDury <declandury\> Co-authored-by: Denis Štogl <destogl\> * slight waypoint 4 and iterations changes so robot can complete course (#155) * Feature/migration moveit client (#151) * initial migration to smacc2 * fixing some errors introduced on formatting * missing dependency * fixing some more linting warnings * minor * removing test from main moveit cmake * test ur5 * progressing in the moveit migration testing * updating format * adding .reps dependencies and also fixing some build errors * repos dependency * adding dependency to ur5 client * docker refactoring * minor * progress on move_it PR * minor dockerfile test workaround * improving dockerfile for building local tests * minor * fixing compiling issues * update readme (#164) * update readme * more readme updates * more Co-authored-by: Ubuntu 20-04-02-amd64 <brett\> * initial state machine transition timestamp (#165) * moved reference library SMs to smacc2_performance_tools (#166) * moved reference library SMs to smacc2_performance_tools * pre-commit cleanup * Add QOS durability to SmaccPublisherClient (#163) * feat: add qos durability to SmaccPublisherClient * fix: add a missing colon * refactor: remove line * feat: add reliability qos config * Feature/testing moveit behaviors (#167) * more testing on moveit * progress on moveit * more testing on moveit behaviors * minor configuration * fixing pipeline error * fixing broken master build * sm_pubsub_1 (#169) Co-authored-by: Ubuntu 20-04-02-amd64 <brett\> * sm_pubsub_1 part 2 (#170) * sm_pubsub_1 part 2 * sm_pubsub_1 part 2 Co-authored-by: Ubuntu 20-04-02-amd64 <brett\> * sm_advanced_recovery_1 renaming (#171) Co-authored-by: Ubuntu 20-04-02-amd64 <brett\> * sm_multi_stage_1 reworking (#172) * multistage modes * sm_multi_stage sequences * sm_multi_state_1 steps * sm_multi_stage_1 sequence d * sm_multi_stage_1 c sequence * mode_5_sequence_b * mode_4_sequence_b * sm_multi_stage_1 most * finishing touches 1 * readme Co-authored-by: Ubuntu 20-04-02-amd64 <brett\> * Feature/aws navigation sm dance bot (#174) * repo dependency * husky launch file in sm_dance_bot * Add dependencies for husky simulation. * Fix formatting. * Update dependencies for husky in rolling and galactic. * minor * progress on aws navigation and some other refactorings on navigation clients and behaviors * more on aws demo * fixing broken build * minor Co-authored-by: Denis Štogl <denis\> Co-authored-by: Denis Štogl <destogl\> * minor changes (#175) * warehouse2 (#177) * Waypoint Inputs (#178) Co-authored-by: Ubuntu 20-04-02-amd64 <brett\> * wharehouse2 progress (#179) * format (#180) * sm_dance_bot_warehouse_3 (#181) Co-authored-by: Ubuntu 20-04-02-amd64 <brett\> * Feature/sm warehouse 2 13 dec 2 (#182) * format * more changes and headless * merge * headless and other fixes * default values * Brettpac branch (#184) * sm_dance_bot_warehouse_3 * Redoing sm_dance_bot_warehouse_3 waypoints * More Waypoints Co-authored-by: Ubuntu 20-04-02-amd64 <brett\> * SrConditional fixes and formatting (#168) * fix: some formatting and templating on SrConditional * fix: move trigger logic into headers * fix: lint * Feature/wharehouse2 dec 14 (#185) * warehouse2 * minor * Feature/sm warehouse 2 13 dec 2 (#186) * format * more changes and headless * merge * headless and other fixes * default values * minor * finetuning waypoints (#187) Co-authored-by: Ubuntu 20-04-02-amd64 <brett\> * Feature/cb pure spinning (#188) * format * more changes and headless * merge * headless and other fixes * default values * minor * Feature/cb pure spinning (#189) * format * more changes and headless * merge * headless and other fixes * default values * minor * pure spinning behavior missing files * minor changes (#190) * Feature/planner changes 16 12 (#191) * minor changes * more fixes * minor * minor * Feature/replanning 16 dec (#193) * minor changes * replanning for all our examples * several fixes (#194) * minor changes (#195) * Feature/undo motion 20 12 (#196) * minor changes * replanning for all our examples * improving undo motion navigation warehouse2 * minor * tuning warehouse3 (#197) * Feature/undo motion 20 12 (#198) * minor changes * replanning for all our examples * improving undo motion navigation warehouse2 * minor * undo tuning and errors * format * Feature/sync 21 12 (#199) * minor changes * replanning for all our examples * format issues * Feature/warehouse2 22 12 (#200) * minor changes * replanning for all our examples * format issues * finishing warehouse2 * Feature/warehouse2 23 12 (#201) * minor changes * replanning for all our examples * tuning and fixes (#202) * Feature/minor tune (#203) * tuning and fixes * minor tune * fixing warehouse 3 problems, and other core improvements (#204) * fixing warehouse 3 problems, and other core improvements to remove dead lock, also making continuous integration green * weird moveit not downloaded repo * added missing file from warehouse2 (#205) * backport to foxy * minor format * minor linking errors foxy Co-authored-by: Denis Štogl <denis\> Co-authored-by: Denis Štogl <destogl\> Co-authored-by: Declan Dury <44791484+DecDury\> Co-authored-by: DecDury <declandury\> Co-authored-by: reelrbtx <brett2\> Co-authored-by: brettpac <brett\> Co-authored-by: David Revay <MrBlenny\> * missing * missing sm * updating subscriber publisher components * progress in autowarrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrre machine * refining cp subscriber cp publisher * improvements in smacc core adding more components mostly developed for autoware demo * autoware demo * missing * foxy ci * fix * minor broken build * some reordering fixes * minor * docker files for different revisions, warnings removval and more testing on navigation * fixing docker for foxy and galactic * docker build files for all versions * barrel demo * barrel search build fix and warehouse3 * fixing startup problems in warehouse 3 * fixing format and minor * minor * progress in barrel husky * minor * barrel demo * progress * fixing broken build Co-authored-by: Denis Štogl <denis\> Co-authored-by: Denis Štogl <destogl\> Co-authored-by: Declan Dury <44791484+DecDury\> Co-authored-by: DecDury <declandury\> Co-authored-by: reelrbtx <brett2\> Co-authored-by: brettpac <brett\> Co-authored-by: David Revay <MrBlenny\> Co-authored-by: pabloinigoblasco <pabloinigoblasco\> * Feature/barrel - do not merge yet (#233) * minor changes * replanning for all our examples * backport to foxy * minor format * minor linking errors foxy * Foxy backport (#206) * minor formatting fixes * Fix trailing spaces. * Correct codespell. * Correct python linters warnings. * Add galactic CI build because Navigation2 is broken in rolling. * Add partial changes for ament_cpplint. * Add tf2_ros as dependency to find include. * Disable ament_cpplint. * Disable some packages and update workflows. * Bump ccache version. * Ignore further packages * Satisfy ament_lint_cmake * Add missing licences. * Disable cpplint and cppcheck linters. * Correct formatters. * branching example * Disable disabled packages * Update ci-build-source.yml * Change extension * Change extension of imports. * Enable cppcheck * Correct formatting of python file. * Included necessary package and edited Threesome launch Changed... ros2 launch sm_three_some sm_three_some to ros2 launch sm_three_some sm_three_some.launch Added: First ensure you have the necessary package installed. ]{.title-ref}sudo apt-get install ros-rolling-ros2trace[ Then run this command. * Rename header files and correct format. * Add workflow for checking doc build. * Update doxygen-check-build.yml * Create doxygen-deploy.yml * Use manual deployment for now. * Create workflow for testing prerelease builds * Use docs/ as source folder for documentation * Use docs/ as output directory. * Rename to smacc2 and smacc2_msgs * Correct GitHub branch reference. * Update name of package and package.xml to pass liter. * Execute on master update * Reset all versions to 0.0.0 * Ignore all packages except smacc2 and smacc2_msgs * Update changelogs * 0.1.0 * Revert "Ignore all packages except smacc2 and smacc2_msgs" This reverts commit f603166a4b3ccdfe96c64d9f9fb9d8b49fbf0e61. * Update description table. * Update table * Copy initial docs * Dockerfile w/ ROS distro as argument use this command "sudo docker build --build-arg ROS2_DISTRO=(desiredRosTag) (directoryHoldingDockerfile)/" * Opened new folder for additional tracing contents * Delete tracing directory * Moved to tracing directory * added Installs necessary packages and configures tracing group. * Removed manual installation of ros-rolling-ros2trace This is now automated in location of sh file assumed if user follows under "Getting started" * Created alternative ManualTracing * added new sm markdowns * added a dockerfile for Rolling and Galactic * Update smacc2_ci/docker/ros_rollingAndGalactic_ubuntu_20.04/ Co-authored-by: Denis Štogl <destogl\> * Update tracing/ Co-authored-by: Denis Štogl <destogl\> * changed wording "smacc application" to "SMACC2 library" Co-authored-by: Denis Štogl <destogl\> * Update smacc_sm_reference_library/sm_atomic/ edit from html to markdown syntax Co-authored-by: Denis Štogl <destogl\> * reactivating smacc2 nav clients for rolling via submodules * renamed tracing events after * bug in smacc2 component * reverted markdowns to html * added README tutorial for Dockerfile * additional cleanup * cleanup * cleanup * edited to reflect new tracing event names * Enable build of missing rolling repositories. * Enable Navigation2 for semi-binary build. * Remove galactic builds from master and kepp only rolling. Remove submodules and use .repos file * updated mentions of SMACC/ROS to SMACC2/ROS2 * some progress on navigation rolling * renamed folders, deleted, edited * added smacc2_performance_tools * performance tests improvements * more on performance and other issues * sm_respira_1 format cleanup * sm_respira_1 format cleanup pre-commit * sm_respira_test_2 * sm_respira_test_2 * more changes on performance tests * Do not execute clang-format on smacc2_sm_reference_library package. * sm_reference_library reformatting * Correct trailing spaces. * sm_atomic_24hr * sm_atomic_performance_trace_1 * Update smacc2_rta command across readmes * Clean up of sm_atomic_24hr * more sm_atomic_24hr cleanup * Optimized deps in move_base_z_planners_common. * Renaming of event generator library * minor formatting * Add galactic CI setup and rename rolling files. (#58) * Fix source CI and correct README overview. (#62) * Update c_cpp_properties.json * changed launch command to ros2 launch sm_respira_1 sm_respira_1.launch (#69) also noticed a note I had made while producing these that was not removed * update doxygen links (#70) Co-authored-by: Ubuntu 20-04-02-amd64 <brett\> * More Readme Updates (#72) Co-authored-by: Ubuntu 20-04-02-amd64 <brett\> * More Readme (#74) Co-authored-by: Ubuntu 20-04-02-amd64 <brett\> * created new sm from sm_respira_1 (#76) * Feature/core and navigation fixes (#78) * base for the sm_aws_aarehouse navigation * progressing in aws navigation * minor * several core improvements during navigation testing * formatting improvements * progress in aws navigation demo * format improvements * Feature/aws demo progress (#80) * base for the sm_aws_aarehouse navigation * progressing in aws navigation * minor * several core improvements during navigation testing * formatting improvements * progress in aws navigation demo * format improvements * format improvements * more on navigation * sm_advanced_recovery_1 reworked (#83) * sm_advanced_recovery_1 reworked * fix pre-commit * Trying to fix Pre-Commit Co-authored-by: Ubuntu 20-04-02-amd64 <brett\> * more sm_advanced_recovery_1 (#84) Co-authored-by: Ubuntu 20-04-02-amd64 <brett\> * More sm_advanced_recovery_1 work (#85) Co-authored-by: Ubuntu 20-04-02-amd64 <brett\> * sm_advanced_recovery_1 round 4 (#86) Co-authored-by: Ubuntu 20-04-02-amd64 <brett\> * Brettpac branch (#87) * sm_atomic_performance_test_a_2 * sm_atomic_performance_test_a_1 Co-authored-by: Ubuntu 20-04-02-amd64 <brett\> * sm_atomic_performance_test_c_1 (#88) Co-authored-by: Ubuntu 20-04-02-amd64 <brett\> * modifying sm_atomic_performance_test_a_2 (#89) Co-authored-by: Ubuntu 20-04-02-amd64 <brett\> * sm_multi_stage_1 (#90) * sm_multi_stage_1 * fixing precommit Co-authored-by: Ubuntu 20-04-02-amd64 <brett\> * more sm_multi_stage_1 (#91) Co-authored-by: Ubuntu 20-04-02-amd64 <brett\> * Update updated launch command * Wait topic message client behavior (#81) * base for the sm_aws_aarehouse navigation * progressing in aws navigation * minor * several core improvements during navigation testing * formatting improvements * progress in aws navigation demo * format improvements * format improvements * more on navigation * new feature, cb_wait_topic_message: asynchronous client behavior that waits a topic message and optionally checks its contents to success * formatting * attempting precommit fixes Co-authored-by: Ubuntu 20-04-02-amd64 <brett\> Co-authored-by: Denis Štogl <destogl\> * Feature/wait nav2 nodes client behavior (#82) * base for the sm_aws_aarehouse navigation * progressing in aws navigation * minor * several core improvements during navigation testing * formatting improvements * progress in aws navigation demo * format improvements * format improvements * more on navigation * new feature, cb_wait_topic_message: asynchronous client behavior that waits a topic message and optionally checks its contents to success * formatting * adding new client behavior add for nav2, wait nav2 nodes subscribing to the /bond topic and waiting they are alive. you optionally can select the nodes to wait * Correct all linters and formaters. Co-authored-by: Denis Štogl <denis\> Co-authored-by: Denis Štogl <destogl\> * Feature/aws demo progress (#92) * base for the sm_aws_aarehouse navigation * progressing in aws navigation * minor * several core improvements during navigation testing * formatting improvements * progress in aws navigation demo * format improvements * format improvements * more on navigation * new feature, cb_wait_topic_message: asynchronous client behavior that waits a topic message and optionally checks its contents to success * formatting * adding new client behavior add for nav2, wait nav2 nodes subscribing to the /bond topic and waiting they are alive. you optionally can select the nodes to wait * progress in aws navigation demo * minor format * Feature/sm dance bot fixes (#93) * base for the sm_aws_aarehouse navigation * progressing in aws navigation * minor * several core improvements during navigation testing * formatting improvements * progress in aws navigation demo * format improvements * format improvements * more on navigation * new feature, cb_wait_topic_message: asynchronous client behavior that waits a topic message and optionally checks its contents to success * formatting * adding new client behavior add for nav2, wait nav2 nodes subscribing to the /bond topic and waiting they are alive. you optionally can select the nodes to wait * progress in aws navigation demo * minor format * navigation parameters fixes on sm_dance_bot * minor format * Feature/sm aws warehouse (#94) * base for the sm_aws_aarehouse navigation * progressing in aws navigation * minor * several core improvements during navigation testing * formatting improvements * progress in aws navigation demo * format improvements * format improvements * more on navigation * new feature, cb_wait_topic_message: asynchronous client behavior that waits a topic message and optionally checks its contents to success * formatting * adding new client behavior add for nav2, wait nav2 nodes subscribing to the /bond topic and waiting they are alive. you optionally can select the nodes to wait * progress in aws navigation demo * minor format * merge and progress * fix format * Feature/sm dance bot fixes (#95) * base for the sm_aws_aarehouse navigation * progressing in aws navigation * minor * several core improvements during navigation testing * formatting improvements * progress in aws navigation demo * format improvements * format improvements * more on navigation * new feature, cb_wait_topic_message: asynchronous client behavior that waits a topic message and optionally checks its contents to success * formatting * adding new client behavior add for nav2, wait nav2 nodes subscribing to the /bond topic and waiting they are alive. you optionally can select the nodes to wait * progress in aws navigation demo * minor format * navigation parameters fixes on sm_dance_bot * minor format * minor * minor format * Remove some compile warnings. (#96) * Feature/cb pause slam (#98) * base for the sm_aws_aarehouse navigation * progressing in aws navigation * minor * several core improvements during navigation testing * formatting improvements * progress in aws navigation demo * format improvements * format improvements * more on navigation * new feature, cb_wait_topic_message: asynchronous client behavior that waits a topic message and optionally checks its contents to success * formatting * adding new client behavior add for nav2, wait nav2 nodes subscribing to the /bond topic and waiting they are alive. you optionally can select the nodes to wait * progress in aws navigation demo * minor format * navigation parameters fixes on sm_dance_bot * minor format * minor * formatting * cb pause slam client behavior * sm_dance_bot_lite (#99) * sm_dance_bot_lite * precommit * Updates yaml Co-authored-by: Ubuntu 20-04-02-amd64 <brett\> * Rename doxygen deployment workflow (#100) * minor hotfix * sm_dance_bot visualizing turtlebot3 (#101) * Feature/dance bot launch gz lidar choice (#102) * sm_dance_bot visualizing turtlebot3 * cleaning and lidar show/hide option * cleaning files and making formatting work * more fixes * Feature/sm dance bot lite gazebo fixes (#104) * sm_dance_bot visualizing turtlebot3 * cleaning and lidar show/hide option * cleaning files and making formatting work * more fixes * gazebo fixes, to show the robot and the lidar * format fixes * sm_multi_stage_1 doubling (#103) Co-authored-by: Ubuntu 20-04-02-amd64 <brett\> * Feature/sm dance bot strikes back gazebo fixes (#105) * sm_dance_bot visualizing turtlebot3 * cleaning and lidar show/hide option * cleaning files and making formatting work * more fixes * gazebo fixes, to show the robot and the lidar * format fixes * gazebo fixes for sm_dance_bot_strikes_back * precommit cleanup run (#106) Co-authored-by: Ubuntu 20-04-02-amd64 <brett\> * aws demo (#108) * aws demo * format * got sm_multi_stage_1 working (barely) (#109) Co-authored-by: Ubuntu 20-04-02-amd64 <brett\> * Brettpac branch (#110) * got sm_multi_stage_1 working (barely) * gaining traction sm_multi_stage_1 * more * don't remember * making progress * More * keep hammering * two stages * 3 part * 4th stage Co-authored-by: Ubuntu 20-04-02-amd64 <brett\> * Brettpac branch (#111) * got sm_multi_stage_1 working (barely) * gaining traction sm_multi_stage_1 * more * don't remember * making progress * More * keep hammering * two stages * 3 part * 4th stage * 5th stage Co-authored-by: Ubuntu 20-04-02-amd64 <brett\> * a3 (#113) Co-authored-by: Ubuntu 20-04-02-amd64 <brett\> * Remove neo_simulation2 package. (#112) * Remove neo_simulation2 package. * Correct formatting. * Enable source build on PR for testing. * Adjust build packages of source CI * more sm_multi_stage_1 (#114) Co-authored-by: Ubuntu 20-04-02-amd64 <brett\> * mm (#115) Co-authored-by: Ubuntu 20-04-02-amd64 <brett\> * diverse improvements navigation and performance (#116) * diverse improvements navigation and performance * minor Co-authored-by: pabloinigoblasco <pablo\> * Feature/diverse improvemets navigation performance (#117) * diverse improvements navigation and performance * minor * additional linting and formatting * Remove merge markers from a python file. (#119) * Feature/slam toggle and smacc deep history (#122) * progress in navigation, slam toggle client behaviors and slam_toolbox components. Also smacc2::deep_history syntax * going forward in testing sm_dance_bot introducing slam pausing/resuming funcionality * feature/more_sm_dance_bot_fixes * minor format * minor (#124) Co-authored-by: Ubuntu 20-04-02-amd64 <brett\> * more changes in sm_dance_bot (#125) * Move method after the method it calls. Otherwise recursion could happen. (#126) * Feature/dance bot s pattern (#128) * more changes in sm_dance_bot * polishing sm_dance_bot and s-pattern * noticed typo Finnaly > Finally * Feature/dance bot s pattern (#129) * more changes in sm_dance_bot * polishing sm_dance_bot and s-pattern * more refinement in sm_dance_bot * First working version of sm template and template generator. (#127) * minor tweaks (#130) Co-authored-by: Ubuntu 20-04-02-amd64 <brett\> * Feature/sm dance bot refine (#131) * more changes in sm_dance_bot * minor * Feature/sm dance bot refine 2 (#132) * more changes in sm_dance_bot * minor * build fix * waypoints navigator bug (#133) * minor tuning to mitigate overshot issue cases * progress in the sm_dance_bot tests (#135) * some more progress on markers cleanup * minor format issues (#134) * sm_dance_bot_lite (#136) Co-authored-by: Ubuntu 20-04-02-amd64 <brett\> * Resolve compile wanings (#137) * Add SM core test (#138) * minor navigation improvements (#141) * using local action msgs (#139) * using local action msgs * removing sm_dance_bot_msgs * pending references * Feature/nav2z renaming (#144) * using local action msgs * removing sm_dance_bot_msgs * pending references * navigation 2 stack renaming * formatting * added SVGs to READMEs of atomic, dance_bot, and others (#140) * added remaining SVGs to READMEs (#145) * added remaining SVGs to READMEs * precommit cleanup * Update package list. (#142) * removing parameters smacc (#147) * removing parameters smacc * workflows update * workflow * Noticed launch command was incorrect in fixed launch command for sm_dance_bot_strikes_back and removed some comments I had made in the past. * Fix CI: format fix python version (#148) * Add SM Atomic SM generator. (#143) * Remove node creation and create only a logger. (#149) * Rolling Docker environment to be executed from any environment (#154) * Feature/sm dance bot strikes back refactoring (#152) Co-authored-by: DecDury <declandury\> Co-authored-by: Denis Štogl <destogl\> * slight waypoint 4 and iterations changes so robot can complete course (#155) * Feature/migration moveit client (#151) * initial migration to smacc2 * fixing some errors introduced on formatting * missing dependency * fixing some more linting warnings * minor * removing test from main moveit cmake * test ur5 * progressing in the moveit migration testing * updating format * adding .reps dependencies and also fixing some build errors * repos dependency * adding dependency to ur5 client * docker refactoring * minor * progress on move_it PR * minor dockerfile test workaround * improving dockerfile for building local tests * minor * fixing compiling issues * update readme (#164) * update readme * more readme updates * more Co-authored-by: Ubuntu 20-04-02-amd64 <brett\> * initial state machine transition timestamp (#165) * moved reference library SMs to smacc2_performance_tools (#166) * moved reference library SMs to smacc2_performance_tools * pre-commit cleanup * Add QOS durability to SmaccPublisherClient (#163) * feat: add qos durability to SmaccPublisherClient * fix: add a missing colon * refactor: remove line * feat: add reliability qos config * Feature/testing moveit behaviors (#167) * more testing on moveit * progress on moveit * more testing on moveit behaviors * minor configuration * fixing pipeline error * fixing broken master build * sm_pubsub_1 (#169) Co-authored-by: Ubuntu 20-04-02-amd64 <brett\> * sm_pubsub_1 part 2 (#170) * sm_pubsub_1 part 2 * sm_pubsub_1 part 2 Co-authored-by: Ubuntu 20-04-02-amd64 <brett\> * sm_advanced_recovery_1 renaming (#171) Co-authored-by: Ubuntu 20-04-02-amd64 <brett\> * sm_multi_stage_1 reworking (#172) * multistage modes * sm_multi_stage sequences * sm_multi_state_1 steps * sm_multi_stage_1 sequence d * sm_multi_stage_1 c sequence * mode_5_sequence_b * mode_4_sequence_b * sm_multi_stage_1 most * finishing touches 1 * readme Co-authored-by: Ubuntu 20-04-02-amd64 <brett\> * Feature/aws navigation sm dance bot (#174) * repo dependency * husky launch file in sm_dance_bot * Add dependencies for husky simulation. * Fix formatting. * Update dependencies for husky in rolling and galactic. * minor * progress on aws navigation and some other refactorings on navigation clients and behaviors * more on aws demo * fixing broken build * minor Co-authored-by: Denis Štogl <denis\> Co-authored-by: Denis Štogl <destogl\> * minor changes (#175) * warehouse2 (#177) * Waypoint Inputs (#178) Co-authored-by: Ubuntu 20-04-02-amd64 <brett\> * wharehouse2 progress (#179) * format (#180) * sm_dance_bot_warehouse_3 (#181) Co-authored-by: Ubuntu 20-04-02-amd64 <brett\> * Feature/sm warehouse 2 13 dec 2 (#182) * format * more changes and headless * merge * headless and other fixes * default values * Brettpac branch (#184) * sm_dance_bot_warehouse_3 * Redoing sm_dance_bot_warehouse_3 waypoints * More Waypoints Co-authored-by: Ubuntu 20-04-02-amd64 <brett\> * SrConditional fixes and formatting (#168) * fix: some formatting and templating on SrConditional * fix: move trigger logic into headers * fix: lint * Feature/wharehouse2 dec 14 (#185) * warehouse2 * minor * Feature/sm warehouse 2 13 dec 2 (#186) * format * more changes and headless * merge * headless and other fixes * default values * minor * finetuning waypoints (#187) Co-authored-by: Ubuntu 20-04-02-amd64 <brett\> * Feature/cb pure spinning (#188) * format * more changes and headless * merge * headless and other fixes * default values * minor * Feature/cb pure spinning (#189) * format * more changes and headless * merge * headless and other fixes * default values * minor * pure spinning behavior missing files * minor changes (#190) * Feature/planner changes 16 12 (#191) * minor changes * more fixes * minor * minor * Feature/replanning 16 dec (#193) * minor changes * replanning for all our examples * several fixes (#194) * minor changes (#195) * Feature/undo motion 20 12 (#196) * minor changes * replanning for all our examples * improving undo motion navigation warehouse2 * minor * tuning warehouse3 (#197) * Feature/undo motion 20 12 (#198) * minor changes * replanning for all our examples * improving undo motion navigation warehouse2 * minor * undo tuning and errors * format * Feature/sync 21 12 (#199) * minor changes * replanning for all our examples * format issues * Feature/warehouse2 22 12 (#200) * minor changes * replanning for all our examples * format issues * finishing warehouse2 * Feature/warehouse2 23 12 (#201) * minor changes * replanning for all our examples * tuning and fixes (#202) * Feature/minor tune (#203) * tuning and fixes * minor tune * fixing warehouse 3 problems, and other core improvements (#204) * fixing warehouse 3 problems, and other core improvements to remove dead lock, also making continuous integration green * weird moveit not downloaded repo * added missing file from warehouse2 (#205) * backport to foxy * minor format * minor linking errors foxy Co-authored-by: Denis Štogl <denis\> Co-authored-by: Denis Štogl <destogl\> Co-authored-by: Declan Dury <44791484+DecDury\> Co-authored-by: DecDury <declandury\> Co-authored-by: reelrbtx <brett2\> Co-authored-by: brettpac <brett\> Co-authored-by: David Revay <MrBlenny\> * missing * missing sm * updating subscriber publisher components * progress in autowarrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrre machine * refining cp subscriber cp publisher * improvements in smacc core adding more components mostly developed for autoware demo * autoware demo * missing * foxy ci * fix * minor broken build * some reordering fixes * minor * docker files for different revisions, warnings removval and more testing on navigation * fixing docker for foxy and galactic * docker build files for all versions * barrel demo * barrel search build fix and warehouse3 * fixing startup problems in warehouse 3 * fixing format and minor * minor * progress in barrel husky * minor * barrel demo * minor * barrel search updates * making models local * red picuup * multiple controllable leds plugin * progress in husky demo * progressing in husky demo * improving navigation behaviors * more merge Co-authored-by: Denis Štogl <denis\> Co-authored-by: Denis Štogl <destogl\> Co-authored-by: Declan Dury <44791484+DecDury\> Co-authored-by: DecDury <declandury\> Co-authored-by: reelrbtx <brett2\> Co-authored-by: brettpac <brett\> Co-authored-by: David Revay <MrBlenny\> Co-authored-by: pabloinigoblasco <pabloinigoblasco\> * Feature/docker improvements march 2022 (#235) * minor changes * replanning for all our examples * backport to foxy * minor format * minor linking errors foxy * Foxy backport (#206) * minor formatting fixes * Fix trailing spaces. * Correct codespell. * Correct python linters warnings. * Add galactic CI build because Navigation2 is broken in rolling. * Add partial changes for ament_cpplint. * Add tf2_ros as dependency to find include. * Disable ament_cpplint. * Disable some packages and update workflows. * Bump ccache version. * Ignore further packages * Satisfy ament_lint_cmake * Add missing licences. * Disable cpplint and cppcheck linters. * Correct formatters. * branching example * Disable disabled packages * Update ci-build-source.yml * Change extension * Change extension of imports. * Enable cppcheck * Correct formatting of python file. * Included necessary package and edited Threesome launch Changed... ros2 launch sm_three_some sm_three_some to ros2 launch sm_three_some sm_three_some.launch Added: First ensure you have the necessary package installed. ]{.title-ref}sudo apt-get install ros-rolling-ros2trace` Then run this command.

    • Rename header files and correct format.
    • Add workflow for checking doc build.
    • Update doxygen-check-build.yml
    • Create doxygen-deploy.yml
    • Use manual deployment for now.
    • Create workflow for testing prerelease builds
    • Use docs/ as source folder for documentation
    • Use docs/ as output directory.
    • Rename to smacc2 and smacc2_msgs
    • Correct GitHub branch reference.
    • Update name of package and package.xml to pass liter.
    • Execute on master update
    • Reset all versions to 0.0.0
    • Ignore all packages except smacc2 and smacc2_msgs
    • Update changelogs
    • 0.1.0

    * Revert "Ignore all packages except smacc2 and smacc2_msgs" This reverts commit f603166a4b3ccdfe96c64d9f9fb9d8b49fbf0e61.

    • Update description table.
    • Update table
    • Copy initial docs

    * Dockerfile w/ ROS distro as argument use this command "sudo docker build --build-arg ROS2_DISTRO=(desiredRosTag) (directoryHoldingDockerfile)/"

    • Opened new folder for additional tracing contents
    • Delete tracing directory
    • Moved to tracing directory

    * added Installs necessary packages and configures tracing group. * Removed manual installation of ros-rolling-ros2trace This is now automated in location of sh file assumed if user follows under "Getting started"

    • Created alternative ManualTracing
    • added new sm markdowns
    • added a dockerfile for Rolling and Galactic

    * Update smacc2_ci/docker/ros_rollingAndGalactic_ubuntu_20.04/ Co-authored-by: Denis Štogl <<>> * Update tracing/ Co-authored-by: Denis Štogl <<>> * changed wording "smacc application" to "SMACC2 library" Co-authored-by: Denis Štogl <<>> * Update smacc_sm_reference_library/sm_atomic/ edit from html to markdown syntax Co-authored-by: Denis Štogl <<>>

    • reactivating smacc2 nav clients for rolling via submodules
    • renamed tracing events after
    • bug in smacc2 component
    • reverted markdowns to html
    • added README tutorial for Dockerfile
    • additional cleanup
    • cleanup
    • cleanup
    • edited to reflect new tracing event names
    • Enable build of missing rolling repositories.
    • Enable Navigation2 for semi-binary build.
    • Remove galactic builds from master and kepp only rolling. Remove submodules and use .repos file
    • updated mentions of SMACC/ROS to SMACC2/ROS2
    • some progress on navigation rolling
    • renamed folders, deleted, edited
    • added smacc2_performance_tools
    • performance tests improvements
    • more on performance and other issues
    • sm_respira_1 format cleanup
    • sm_respira_1 format cleanup pre-commit
    • sm_respira_test_2
    • sm_respira_test_2
    • more changes on performance tests
    • Do not execute clang-format on smacc2_sm_reference_library package.
    • sm_reference_library reformatting
    • Correct trailing spaces.
    • sm_atomic_24hr
    • sm_atomic_performance_trace_1
    • Update smacc2_rta command across readmes
    • Clean up of sm_atomic_24hr
    • more sm_atomic_24hr cleanup
    • Optimized deps in move_base_z_planners_common.
    • Renaming of event generator library
    • minor formatting
    • Add galactic CI setup and rename rolling files. (#58)
    • Fix source CI and correct README overview. (#62)
    • Update c_cpp_properties.json

    * changed launch command to ros2 launch sm_respira_1 sm_respira_1.launch (#69) also noticed a note I had made while producing these that was not removed * update doxygen links (#70) Co-authored-by: Ubuntu 20-04-02-amd64 <<>> * More Readme Updates (#72) Co-authored-by: Ubuntu 20-04-02-amd64 <<>> * More Readme (#74) Co-authored-by: Ubuntu 20-04-02-amd64 <<>>

    • created new sm from sm_respira_1 (#76)
    • Feature/core and navigation fixes (#78)
    • base for the sm_aws_aarehouse navigation
    • progressing in aws navigation
    • minor
    • several core improvements during navigation testing
    • formatting improvements
    • progress in aws navigation demo
    • format improvements
    • Feature/aws demo progress (#80)
    • base for the sm_aws_aarehouse navigation
    • progressing in aws navigation
    • minor
    • several core improvements during navigation testing
    • formatting improvements
    • progress in aws navigation demo
    • format improvements
    • format improvements
    • more on navigation
    • sm_advanced_recovery_1 reworked (#83)
    • sm_advanced_recovery_1 reworked
    • fix pre-commit

    * Trying to fix Pre-Commit Co-authored-by: Ubuntu 20-04-02-amd64 <<>> * more sm_advanced_recovery_1 (#84) Co-authored-by: Ubuntu 20-04-02-amd64 <<>> * More sm_advanced_recovery_1 work (#85) Co-authored-by: Ubuntu 20-04-02-amd64 <<>> * sm_advanced_recovery_1 round 4 (#86) Co-authored-by: Ubuntu 20-04-02-amd64 <<>>

    • Brettpac branch (#87)
    • sm_atomic_performance_test_a_2

    * sm_atomic_performance_test_a_1 Co-authored-by: Ubuntu 20-04-02-amd64 <<>> * sm_atomic_performance_test_c_1 (#88) Co-authored-by: Ubuntu 20-04-02-amd64 <<>> * modifying sm_atomic_performance_test_a_2 (#89) Co-authored-by: Ubuntu 20-04-02-amd64 <<>>

    • sm_multi_stage_1 (#90)
    • sm_multi_stage_1

    * fixing precommit Co-authored-by: Ubuntu 20-04-02-amd64 <<>> * more sm_multi_stage_1 (#91) Co-authored-by: Ubuntu 20-04-02-amd64 <<>> * Update updated launch command

    • Wait topic message client behavior (#81)
    • base for the sm_aws_aarehouse navigation
    • progressing in aws navigation
    • minor
    • several core improvements during navigation testing
    • formatting improvements
    • progress in aws navigation demo
    • format improvements
    • format improvements
    • more on navigation
    • new feature, cb_wait_topic_message: asynchronous client behavior that waits a topic message and optionally checks its contents to success
    • formatting

    * attempting precommit fixes Co-authored-by: Ubuntu 20-04-02-amd64 <<>> Co-authored-by: Denis Štogl <<>>

    • Feature/wait nav2 nodes client behavior (#82)
    • base for the sm_aws_aarehouse navigation
    • progressing in aws navigation
    • minor
    • several core improvements during navigation testing
    • formatting improvements
    • progress in aws navigation demo
    • format improvements
    • format improvements
    • more on navigation
    • new feature, cb_wait_topic_message: asynchronous client behavior that waits a topic message and optionally checks its contents to success
    • formatting
    • adding new client behavior add for nav2, wait nav2 nodes subscribing to the /bond topic and waiting they are alive. you optionally can select the nodes to wait

    * Correct all linters and formaters. Co-authored-by: Denis Štogl <<>> Co-authored-by: Denis Štogl <<>>

    • Feature/aws demo progress (#92)
    • base for the sm_aws_aarehouse navigation
    • progressing in aws navigation
    • minor
    • several core improvements during navigation testing
    • formatting improvements
    • progress in aws navigation demo
    • format improvements
    • format improvements
    • more on navigation
    • new feature, cb_wait_topic_message: asynchronous client behavior that waits a topic message and optionally checks its contents to success
    • formatting
    • adding new client behavior add for nav2, wait nav2 nodes subscribing to the /bond topic and waiting they are alive. you optionally can select the nodes to wait
    • progress in aws navigation demo
    • minor format
    • Feature/sm dance bot fixes (#93)
    • base for the sm_aws_aarehouse navigation
    • progressing in aws navigation
    • minor
    • several core improvements during navigation testing
    • formatting improvements
    • progress in aws navigation demo
    • format improvements
    • format improvements
    • more on navigation
    • new feature, cb_wait_topic_message: asynchronous client behavior that waits a topic message and optionally checks its contents to success
    • formatting
    • adding new client behavior add for nav2, wait nav2 nodes subscribing to the /bond topic and waiting they are alive. you optionally can select the nodes to wait
    • progress in aws navigation demo
    • minor format
    • navigation parameters fixes on sm_dance_bot
    • minor format
    • Feature/sm aws warehouse (#94)
    • base for the sm_aws_aarehouse navigation
    • progressing in aws navigation
    • minor
    • several core improvements during navigation testing
    • formatting improvements
    • progress in aws navigation demo
    • format improvements
    • format improvements
    • more on navigation
    • new feature, cb_wait_topic_message: asynchronous client behavior that waits a topic message and optionally checks its contents to success
    • formatting
    • adding new client behavior add for nav2, wait nav2 nodes subscribing to the /bond topic and waiting they are alive. you optionally can select the nodes to wait
    • progress in aws navigation demo
    • minor format
    • merge and progress
    • fix format
    • Feature/sm dance bot fixes (#95)
    • base for the sm_aws_aarehouse navigation
    • progressing in aws navigation
    • minor
    • several core improvements during navigation testing
    • formatting improvements
    • progress in aws navigation demo
    • format improvements
    • format improvements
    • more on navigation
    • new feature, cb_wait_topic_message: asynchronous client behavior that waits a topic message and optionally checks its contents to success
    • formatting
    • adding new client behavior add for nav2, wait nav2 nodes subscribing to the /bond topic and waiting they are alive. you optionally can select the nodes to wait
    • progress in aws navigation demo
    • minor format
    • navigation parameters fixes on sm_dance_bot
    • minor format
    • minor
    • minor format
    • Remove some compile warnings. (#96)
    • Feature/cb pause slam (#98)
    • base for the sm_aws_aarehouse navigation
    • progressing in aws navigation
    • minor
    • several core improvements during navigation testing
    • formatting improvements
    • progress in aws navigation demo
    • format improvements
    • format improvements
    • more on navigation
    • new feature, cb_wait_topic_message: asynchronous client behavior that waits a topic message and optionally checks its contents to success
    • formatting
    • adding new client behavior add for nav2, wait nav2 nodes subscribing to the /bond topic and waiting they are alive. you optionally can select the nodes to wait
    • progress in aws navigation demo
    • minor format
    • navigation parameters fixes on sm_dance_bot
    • minor format
    • minor
    • formatting
    • cb pause slam client behavior
    • sm_dance_bot_lite (#99)
    • sm_dance_bot_lite
    • precommit

    * Updates yaml Co-authored-by: Ubuntu 20-04-02-amd64 <<>>

    • Rename doxygen deployment workflow (#100)
    • minor hotfix
    • sm_dance_bot visualizing turtlebot3 (#101)
    • Feature/dance bot launch gz lidar choice (#102)
    • sm_dance_bot visualizing turtlebot3
    • cleaning and lidar show/hide option
    • cleaning files and making formatting work
    • more fixes
    • Feature/sm dance bot lite gazebo fixes (#104)
    • sm_dance_bot visualizing turtlebot3
    • cleaning and lidar show/hide option
    • cleaning files and making formatting work
    • more fixes
    • gazebo fixes, to show the robot and the lidar
    • format fixes

    * sm_multi_stage_1 doubling (#103) Co-authored-by: Ubuntu 20-04-02-amd64 <<>>

    • Feature/sm dance bot strikes back gazebo fixes (#105)
    • sm_dance_bot visualizing turtlebot3
    • cleaning and lidar show/hide option
    • cleaning files and making formatting work
    • more fixes
    • gazebo fixes, to show the robot and the lidar
    • format fixes
    • gazebo fixes for sm_dance_bot_strikes_back

    * precommit cleanup run (#106) Co-authored-by: Ubuntu 20-04-02-amd64 <<>>

    • aws demo (#108)
    • aws demo
    • format

    * got sm_multi_stage_1 working (barely) (#109) Co-authored-by: Ubuntu 20-04-02-amd64 <<>>

    • Brettpac branch (#110)
    • got sm_multi_stage_1 working (barely)
    • gaining traction sm_multi_stage_1
    • more
    • don't remember
    • making progress
    • More
    • keep hammering
    • two stages
    • 3 part

    * 4th stage Co-authored-by: Ubuntu 20-04-02-amd64 <<>>

    • Brettpac branch (#111)
    • got sm_multi_stage_1 working (barely)
    • gaining traction sm_multi_stage_1
    • more
    • don't remember
    • making progress
    • More
    • keep hammering
    • two stages
    • 3 part
    • 4th stage

    * 5th stage Co-authored-by: Ubuntu 20-04-02-amd64 <<>> * a3 (#113) Co-authored-by: Ubuntu 20-04-02-amd64 <<>>

    • Remove neo_simulation2 package. (#112)
    • Remove neo_simulation2 package.
    • Correct formatting.
    • Enable source build on PR for testing.
    • Adjust build packages of source CI

    * more sm_multi_stage_1 (#114) Co-authored-by: Ubuntu 20-04-02-amd64 <<>> * mm (#115) Co-authored-by: Ubuntu 20-04-02-amd64 <<>>

    • diverse improvements navigation and performance (#116)
    • diverse improvements navigation and performance

    * minor Co-authored-by: pabloinigoblasco <<>>

    • Feature/diverse improvemets navigation performance (#117)
    • diverse improvements navigation and performance
    • minor
    • additional linting and formatting
    • Remove merge markers from a python file. (#119)
    • Feature/slam toggle and smacc deep history (#122)
    • progress in navigation, slam toggle client behaviors and slam_toolbox components. Also smacc2::deep_history syntax
    • going forward in testing sm_dance_bot introducing slam pausing/resuming funcionality
    • feature/more_sm_dance_bot_fixes
    • minor format

    * minor (#124) Co-authored-by: Ubuntu 20-04-02-amd64 <<>>

    • more changes in sm_dance_bot (#125)
    • Move method after the method it calls. Otherwise recursion could happen. (#126)
    • Feature/dance bot s pattern (#128)
    • more changes in sm_dance_bot
    • polishing sm_dance_bot and s-pattern

    * noticed typo Finnaly > Finally

    • Feature/dance bot s pattern (#129)
    • more changes in sm_dance_bot
    • polishing sm_dance_bot and s-pattern
    • more refinement in sm_dance_bot
    • First working version of sm template and template generator. (#127)

    * minor tweaks (#130) Co-authored-by: Ubuntu 20-04-02-amd64 <<>>

    • Feature/sm dance bot refine (#131)
    • more changes in sm_dance_bot
    • minor
    • Feature/sm dance bot refine 2 (#132)
    • more changes in sm_dance_bot
    • minor
    • build fix
    • waypoints navigator bug (#133)
    • minor tuning to mitigate overshot issue cases
    • progress in the sm_dance_bot tests (#135)
    • some more progress on markers cleanup
    • minor format issues (#134)

    * sm_dance_bot_lite (#136) Co-authored-by: Ubuntu 20-04-02-amd64 <<>>

    • Resolve compile wanings (#137)
    • Add SM core test (#138)
    • minor navigation improvements (#141)
    • using local action msgs (#139)
    • using local action msgs
    • removing sm_dance_bot_msgs
    • pending references
    • Feature/nav2z renaming (#144)
    • using local action msgs
    • removing sm_dance_bot_msgs
    • pending references
    • navigation 2 stack renaming
    • formatting
    • added SVGs to READMEs of atomic, dance_bot, and others (#140)
    • added remaining SVGs to READMEs (#145)
    • added remaining SVGs to READMEs
    • precommit cleanup
    • Update package list. (#142)
    • removing parameters smacc (#147)
    • removing parameters smacc
    • workflows update
    • workflow

    * Noticed launch command was incorrect in fixed launch command for sm_dance_bot_strikes_back and removed some comments I had made in the past.

    • Fix CI: format fix python version (#148)
    • Add SM Atomic SM generator. (#143)
    • Remove node creation and create only a logger. (#149)
    • Rolling Docker environment to be executed from any environment (#154)

    * Feature/sm dance bot strikes back refactoring (#152) Co-authored-by: DecDury <<>> Co-authored-by: Denis Štogl <<>>

    • slight waypoint 4 and iterations changes so robot can complete course (#155)
    • Feature/migration moveit client (#151)
    • initial migration to smacc2
    • fixing some errors introduced on formatting
    • missing dependency
    • fixing some more linting warnings
    • minor
    • removing test from main moveit cmake
    • test ur5
    • progressing in the moveit migration testing
    • updating format
    • adding .reps dependencies and also fixing some build errors
    • repos dependency
    • adding dependency to ur5 client
    • docker refactoring
    • minor
    • progress on move_it PR
    • minor dockerfile test workaround
    • improving dockerfile for building local tests
    • minor
    • fixing compiling issues
    • update readme (#164)
    • update readme
    • more readme updates

    * more Co-authored-by: Ubuntu 20-04-02-amd64 <<>>

    • initial state machine transition timestamp (#165)
    • moved reference library SMs to smacc2_performance_tools (#166)
    • moved reference library SMs to smacc2_performance_tools
    • pre-commit cleanup
    • Add QOS durability to SmaccPublisherClient (#163)
    • feat: add qos durability to SmaccPublisherClient
    • fix: add a missing colon
    • refactor: remove line
    • feat: add reliability qos config
    • Feature/testing moveit behaviors (#167)
    • more testing on moveit
    • progress on moveit
    • more testing on moveit behaviors
    • minor configuration
    • fixing pipeline error
    • fixing broken master build

    * sm_pubsub_1 (#169) Co-authored-by: Ubuntu 20-04-02-amd64 <<>>

    • sm_pubsub_1 part 2 (#170)
    • sm_pubsub_1 part 2

    * sm_pubsub_1 part 2 Co-authored-by: Ubuntu 20-04-02-amd64 <<>> * sm_advanced_recovery_1 renaming (#171) Co-authored-by: Ubuntu 20-04-02-amd64 <<>>

    • sm_multi_stage_1 reworking (#172)
    • multistage modes
    • sm_multi_stage sequences
    • sm_multi_state_1 steps
    • sm_multi_stage_1 sequence d
    • sm_multi_stage_1 c sequence
    • mode_5_sequence_b
    • mode_4_sequence_b
    • sm_multi_stage_1 most
    • finishing touches 1

    * readme Co-authored-by: Ubuntu 20-04-02-amd64 <<>>

    • Feature/aws navigation sm dance bot (#174)
    • repo dependency
    • husky launch file in sm_dance_bot
    • Add dependencies for husky simulation.
    • Fix formatting.
    • Update dependencies for husky in rolling and galactic.
    • minor
    • progress on aws navigation and some other refactorings on navigation clients and behaviors
    • more on aws demo
    • fixing broken build

    * minor Co-authored-by: Denis Štogl <<>> Co-authored-by: Denis Štogl <<>>

    • minor changes (#175)
    • warehouse2 (#177)

    * Waypoint Inputs (#178) Co-authored-by: Ubuntu 20-04-02-amd64 <<>>

    • wharehouse2 progress (#179)
    • format (#180)

    * sm_dance_bot_warehouse_3 (#181) Co-authored-by: Ubuntu 20-04-02-amd64 <<>>

    • Feature/sm warehouse 2 13 dec 2 (#182)
    • format
    • more changes and headless
    • merge
    • headless and other fixes
    • default values
    • Brettpac branch (#184)
    • sm_dance_bot_warehouse_3
    • Redoing sm_dance_bot_warehouse_3 waypoints

    * More Waypoints Co-authored-by: Ubuntu 20-04-02-amd64 <<>>

    • SrConditional fixes and formatting (#168)
    • fix: some formatting and templating on SrConditional
    • fix: move trigger logic into headers
    • fix: lint
    • Feature/wharehouse2 dec 14 (#185)
    • warehouse2
    • minor
    • Feature/sm warehouse 2 13 dec 2 (#186)
    • format
    • more changes and headless
    • merge
    • headless and other fixes
    • default values
    • minor

    * finetuning waypoints (#187) Co-authored-by: Ubuntu 20-04-02-amd64 <<>>

    • Feature/cb pure spinning (#188)
    • format
    • more changes and headless
    • merge
    • headless and other fixes
    • default values
    • minor
    • Feature/cb pure spinning (#189)
    • format
    • more changes and headless
    • merge
    • headless and other fixes
    • default values
    • minor
    • pure spinning behavior missing files
    • minor changes (#190)
    • Feature/planner changes 16 12 (#191)
    • minor changes
    • more fixes
    • minor
    • minor
    • Feature/replanning 16 dec (#193)
    • minor changes
    • replanning for all our examples
    • several fixes (#194)
    • minor changes (#195)
    • Feature/undo motion 20 12 (#196)
    • minor changes
    • replanning for all our examples
    • improving undo motion navigation warehouse2
    • minor
    • tuning warehouse3 (#197)
    • Feature/undo motion 20 12 (#198)
    • minor changes
    • replanning for all our examples
    • improving undo motion navigation warehouse2
    • minor
    • undo tuning and errors
    • format
    • Feature/sync 21 12 (#199)
    • minor changes
    • replanning for all our examples
    • format issues
    • Feature/warehouse2 22 12 (#200)
    • minor changes
    • replanning for all our examples
    • format issues
    • finishing warehouse2
    • Feature/warehouse2 23 12 (#201)
    • minor changes
    • replanning for all our examples
    • tuning and fixes (#202)
    • Feature/minor tune (#203)
    • tuning and fixes
    • minor tune
    • fixing warehouse 3 problems, and other core improvements (#204)
    • fixing warehouse 3 problems, and other core improvements to remove dead lock, also making continuous integration green
    • weird moveit not downloaded repo
    • added missing file from warehouse2 (#205)
    • backport to foxy
    • minor format

    * minor linking errors foxy Co-authored-by: Denis Štogl <<>> Co-authored-by: Denis Štogl <<>> Co-authored-by: Declan Dury <<>> Co-authored-by: DecDury <<>> Co-authored-by: reelrbtx <<>> Co-authored-by: brettpac <<>> Co-authored-by: David Revay <<>>

    • missing
    • missing sm
    • updating subscriber publisher components
    • progress in autowarrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrre machine
    • refining cp subscriber cp publisher
    • improvements in smacc core adding more components mostly developed for autoware demo
    • autoware demo
    • missing
    • foxy ci
    • fix
    • minor broken build
    • some reordering fixes
    • minor
    • docker files for different revisions, warnings removval and more testing on navigation
    • fixing docker for foxy and galactic
    • docker build files for all versions
    • barrel demo
    • barrel search build fix and warehouse3
    • fixing startup problems in warehouse 3
    • fixing format and minor
    • minor
    • progress in barrel husky
    • minor
    • barrel demo
    • minor
    • barrel search updates
    • making models local
    • red picuup
    • multiple controllable leds plugin
    • progress in husky demo
    • progressing in husky demo
    • improving navigation behaviors
    • more merge

    * docker improvements Co-authored-by: Denis Štogl <<>> Co-authored-by: Denis Štogl <<>> Co-authored-by: Declan Dury <<>> Co-authored-by: DecDury <<>> Co-authored-by: reelrbtx <<>> Co-authored-by: brettpac <<>> Co-authored-by: David Revay <<>> Co-authored-by: pabloinigoblasco <<>>

    • Use correct upstream .repos files for source builds (#243)
    • Correct mergify branch names (#246)

    * Correct name of source-build job and bump version of action (#242) (#247) Co-authored-by: Denis Štogl <<>> Co-authored-by: Pablo Iñigo Blasco <<>>

    • Update galactic source build job name (#250)

    * Galactic source build: update .repos file, bump action version and use correct version of upstream packages (backport #241) (#248) Co-authored-by: Denis Štogl <<>>

    • fixing rolling build (#239)
    • fixing rolling build
    • trying to fix dependencies
    • missing repo
    • fixing to focal by the moment
    • more fixing rolling build
    • minor
    • cache matrix rolling and source build package
    • minor
    • minor
    • missing repo
    • missing deps
    • fixing building issue
    • typo
    • fixing broken build
    • build fix
    • restoring workflow files (#252)
    • restoring files (#253)
    • Fix checkout branches for scheduled builds (#254)
    • correct checkout branch on scheduled build
    • Update foxy-source-build.yml
    • Feature/fixing husky build rolling (#257)
    • restoring files
    • making husky project build on rolling
    • Feature/fixing husky build rolling (#258)
    • restoring files
    • making husky project build on rolling
    • husky progress
    • Update (#262)
    • Feature/fixing ur demos (#261)
    • restoring files
    • fixes
    • Feature/fixing type string walker (#263)
    • restoring files
    • fixing type string walker threesome demo
    • Update (#266)
    • Update (#267)
    • Update (#268)
    • Significant update in Getting Started Instructions (#269)
    • Significant update in Getting Started Instructions

    * Remove trailing spaces. Co-authored-by: Denis Štogl <<>>

    • fixing ur demo (#273)
    • fix: initialise conditionFlag as false (#274)
    • multi-ur_sim
    • format and other changes
    • progress on the multi arm moveit
    • format issues
    • more fixes
    • more on multi-ur
    • minor
    • more progress
    • minor
    • testing ur5 2
    • progressing, two arms with roscontrol and moveit
    • fix: initialise conditionFlag as false (#274)

    * precommit fix (#280) I merge this in red for focal-rolling because it was already broken anyway and it is only a minor update of the precommit

    • urdf for ur to support namespaces
    • Ignore packages which should not be released.
    • Added changelogs.
    • 0.4.0

    * Revert "Ignore packages which should not be released." This reverts commit ee2cc86db3c0a24f9eb0a9e33217de3f7a691a1c.

    • Fix urls to (#284)
    • Fix foxy source build config to use repos file from foxy branch. (#285)
    • minor
    • removing other distribution files
    • more formatting fix
    • ros2 control gazebo repo dependency
    • minor
    • missing deps
    • FakeSystem is working.
    • minor
    • updating repos references
    • more progress
    • more progress on fake controllers
    • format minor
    • repos update
    • merging back galactic

    * Squashed commit of the following: commit b35cf1815ff9bc3cb193a45d5e99573332f3950c Author: brettpac <<>> Date: Thu May 19 00:05:46 2022 -0700 Update (#307) commit 3f19584680e1da2950327233e63a8054fcd09b5f Author: Denis Štogl <<>> Date: Wed May 18 23:57:44 2022 +0200 Update CI setup (#305) commit 809bbd5a46d712c0e30c064b2d24e9328ef94fd7 Author: Denis Štogl <<>> Date: Mon May 16 15:08:36 2022 +0200 Fixing CI because of ros2_control API changes. (#301) * Squashed commit of the following: commit 22035021a896e24d67cdf0e8eebd80f3e0d02dea Author: Pablo Iñigo Blasco <<>> Date: Fri May 27 00:23:25 2022 +0200 Feature/testing smacc rta inter context routes (#306)

    • Update galactic-binary-build.yml
    • Update glactic-semi-binary-build.yml
    • Delete glactic-semi-binary-build.yml
    • removing nav repos
    • testing is failing
    • sm_atomic_hierarchy
    • merge galactic

    * Squashed commit of the following: commit 6f8d60df16f024c52b93af3be2a3075ed2caffc3 Author: Pablo Iñigo Blasco <<>> Date: Fri May 27 00:09:15 2022 +0200 Packml example (#300)

    • initial commit of packml
    • progressing substate for start and execute
    • completing state
    • finishing state machine
    • minor
    • fixing break in packml
    • merging galactic
    • minor

    * Squashed commit of the following: commit d874d1882d3e779a6ccbc0a78bc752fd78d00367 Author: Pablo Iñigo Blasco <<>> Date: Thu May 26 23:36:56 2022 +0200 husky_improvements (#299)

    • husky_improvements
    • different planners profiles for navigation
    • getting changes from galactic
    • planner switcher
    • using galactic branch files
    • fixing breaking changes
    • minor fix
    • removing nav from source files

    * merge commit b35cf1815ff9bc3cb193a45d5e99573332f3950c Author: brettpac <<>> Date: Thu May 19 00:05:46 2022 -0700 Update (#307) commit 3f19584680e1da2950327233e63a8054fcd09b5f Author: Denis Štogl <<>> Date: Wed May 18 23:57:44 2022 +0200 Update CI setup (#305) commit 809bbd5a46d712c0e30c064b2d24e9328ef94fd7 Author: Denis Štogl <<>> Date: Mon May 16 15:08:36 2022 +0200 Fixing CI because of ros2_control API changes. (#301) Co-authored-by: Denis Štogl <<>> commit 6f8d60df16f024c52b93af3be2a3075ed2caffc3 Author: Pablo Iñigo Blasco <<>> Date: Fri May 27 00:09:15 2022 +0200 Packml example (#300)

    • initial commit of packml
    • progressing substate for start and execute
    • completing state
    • finishing state machine
    • minor
    • fixing break in packml
    • merging galactic
    • minor

    * Squashed commit of the following: commit d874d1882d3e779a6ccbc0a78bc752fd78d00367 Author: Pablo Iñigo Blasco <<>> Date: Thu May 26 23:36:56 2022 +0200 husky_improvements (#299)

    • husky_improvements
    • different planners profiles for navigation
    • getting changes from galactic
    • planner switcher
    • using galactic branch files
    • fixing breaking changes
    • minor fix
    • removing nav from source files

    * merge commit b35cf1815ff9bc3cb193a45d5e99573332f3950c Author: brettpac <<>> Date: Thu May 19 00:05:46 2022 -0700 Update (#307) commit 3f19584680e1da2950327233e63a8054fcd09b5f Author: Denis Štogl <<>> Date: Wed May 18 23:57:44 2022 +0200 Update CI setup (#305) commit 809bbd5a46d712c0e30c064b2d24e9328ef94fd7 Author: Denis Štogl <<>> Date: Mon May 16 15:08:36 2022 +0200 Fixing CI because of ros2_control API changes. (#301) commit d874d1882d3e779a6ccbc0a78bc752fd78d00367 Author: Pablo Iñigo Blasco <<>> Date: Thu May 26 23:36:56 2022 +0200 husky_improvements (#299)

    • husky_improvements
    • different planners profiles for navigation
    • getting changes from galactic
    • planner switcher
    • using galactic branch files
    • fixing breaking changes
    • minor fix
    • removing nav from source files

    * merge commit b35cf1815ff9bc3cb193a45d5e99573332f3950c Author: brettpac <<>> Date: Thu May 19 00:05:46 2022 -0700 Update (#307) commit 3f19584680e1da2950327233e63a8054fcd09b5f Author: Denis Štogl <<>> Date: Wed May 18 23:57:44 2022 +0200 Update CI setup (#305) commit 809bbd5a46d712c0e30c064b2d24e9328ef94fd7 Author: Denis Štogl <<>> Date: Mon May 16 15:08:36 2022 +0200 Fixing CI because of ros2_control API changes. (#301) Co-authored-by: DecDury <<>> Co-authored-by: reelrbtx <<>> Co-authored-by: Denis Štogl <<>> Co-authored-by: Denis Štogl <<>> Co-authored-by: brettpac <<>> Co-authored-by: Declan Dury <<>> Co-authored-by: David Revay <<>> Co-authored-by: pabloinigoblasco <<>> Co-authored-by: mergify[bot] <37929162+mergify[bot]\> Co-authored-by: brettpac <<>>

  • Contributors: Pablo Iñigo Blasco

Wiki Tutorials

This package does not provide any links to tutorials in it's rosindex metadata. You can check on the ROS Wiki Tutorials page for the package.

Dependant Packages

No known dependants.

Launch files

No launch files found


No message files found.


No service files found


No plugins found.

Recent questions tagged sm_multi_ur5_sim at Robotics Stack Exchange

Package Summary

Tags No category tags.
Version 1.22.1
License Apache-2.0
Build type AMENT_CMAKE

Repository Summary

Checkout URI
VCS Type git
VCS Version rolling
Last Updated 2022-11-28
CI status No Continuous Integration
Tags No category tags.
Contributing Help Wanted (0)
Good First Issues (0)
Pull Requests to Review (0)

Package Description

The sm_multi_ur5_sim package

Additional Links

No additional links.


  • SMACC2 is cool


No additional authors.

Build Instructions

First, source your chosen ros2 distro.

source /opt/ros/rolling/setup.bash

source /opt/ros/galactic/setup.bash

Before you build, make sure you’ve installed all the dependencies…

rosdep install --ignore-src --from-paths src -y -r

Then build with colcon build…

colcon build

Operating Instructions

After you build, remember to source the proper install folder…

source ~/<ros2_ws>/install/setup.bash

And then run the launch file…

ros2 launch sm_multi_ur5_sim sm_multi_ur5_sim.launch

Viewer Instructions

If you have the SMACC2 Runtime Analyzer installed then type…

ros2 run smacc2_rta smacc2_rta

If you don’t have the SMACC2 Runtime Analyzer click here


Changelog for package sm_multi_ur5_sim

1.22.1 (2022-11-09)

  • pre-release
  • Contributors: pabloinigoblasco
  • improvements in navigation client behaviors and husky barrel demo (#311)
    • improvements in navigation client behaviors and husky barrel demo
    • many improvements in action client and cb sequence for hysky barrel search
    • more and better navigation behaviors on husky barrel search demo
    • functionality improvements in navigation and improvements of warehouse 3, format
    • functionality improvements in navigation and improvements of warehouse 3 and husky
    • format
  • Feature/multi ur5 sim (#290)
    • Remove galactic builds from master and kepp only rolling. Remove submodules and use .repos file
    • updated mentions of SMACC/ROS to SMACC2/ROS2
    • some progress on navigation rolling
    • renamed folders, deleted, edited
    • added smacc2_performance_tools
    • performance tests improvements
    • more on performance and other issues
    • sm_respira_1 format cleanup
    • sm_respira_1 format cleanup pre-commit
    • sm_respira_test_2
    • sm_respira_test_2
    • more changes on performance tests
    • Do not execute clang-format on smacc2_sm_reference_library package.
    • sm_reference_library reformatting
    • Correct trailing spaces.
    • sm_atomic_24hr
    • sm_atomic_performance_trace_1
    • Update smacc2_rta command across readmes
    • Clean up of sm_atomic_24hr
    • more sm_atomic_24hr cleanup
    • Optimized deps in move_base_z_planners_common.
    • Renaming of event generator library
    • minor formatting
    • Add galactic CI setup and rename rolling files. (#58)
    • Fix source CI and correct README overview. (#62)
    • Update c_cpp_properties.json

    * changed launch command to ros2 launch sm_respira_1 sm_respira_1.launch (#69) also noticed a note I had made while producing these that was not removed * update doxygen links (#70) Co-authored-by: Ubuntu 20-04-02-amd64 <<>> * More Readme Updates (#72) Co-authored-by: Ubuntu 20-04-02-amd64 <<>> * More Readme (#74) Co-authored-by: Ubuntu 20-04-02-amd64 <<>>

    • created new sm from sm_respira_1 (#76)
    • Feature/core and navigation fixes (#78)
    • base for the sm_aws_aarehouse navigation
    • progressing in aws navigation
    • minor
    • several core improvements during navigation testing
    • formatting improvements
    • progress in aws navigation demo
    • format improvements
    • Feature/aws demo progress (#80)
    • base for the sm_aws_aarehouse navigation
    • progressing in aws navigation
    • minor
    • several core improvements during navigation testing
    • formatting improvements
    • progress in aws navigation demo
    • format improvements
    • format improvements
    • more on navigation
    • sm_advanced_recovery_1 reworked (#83)
    • sm_advanced_recovery_1 reworked
    • fix pre-commit

    * Trying to fix Pre-Commit Co-authored-by: Ubuntu 20-04-02-amd64 <<>> * more sm_advanced_recovery_1 (#84) Co-authored-by: Ubuntu 20-04-02-amd64 <<>> * More sm_advanced_recovery_1 work (#85) Co-authored-by: Ubuntu 20-04-02-amd64 <<>> * sm_advanced_recovery_1 round 4 (#86) Co-authored-by: Ubuntu 20-04-02-amd64 <<>>

    • Brettpac branch (#87)
    • sm_atomic_performance_test_a_2

    * sm_atomic_performance_test_a_1 Co-authored-by: Ubuntu 20-04-02-amd64 <<>> * sm_atomic_performance_test_c_1 (#88) Co-authored-by: Ubuntu 20-04-02-amd64 <<>> * modifying sm_atomic_performance_test_a_2 (#89) Co-authored-by: Ubuntu 20-04-02-amd64 <<>>

    • sm_multi_stage_1 (#90)
    • sm_multi_stage_1

    * fixing precommit Co-authored-by: Ubuntu 20-04-02-amd64 <<>> * more sm_multi_stage_1 (#91) Co-authored-by: Ubuntu 20-04-02-amd64 <<>> * Update updated launch command

    • Wait topic message client behavior (#81)
    • base for the sm_aws_aarehouse navigation
    • progressing in aws navigation
    • minor
    • several core improvements during navigation testing
    • formatting improvements
    • progress in aws navigation demo
    • format improvements
    • format improvements
    • more on navigation
    • new feature, cb_wait_topic_message: asynchronous client behavior that waits a topic message and optionally checks its contents to success
    • formatting

    * attempting precommit fixes Co-authored-by: Ubuntu 20-04-02-amd64 <<>> Co-authored-by: Denis Štogl <<>>

    • Feature/wait nav2 nodes client behavior (#82)
    • base for the sm_aws_aarehouse navigation
    • progressing in aws navigation
    • minor
    • several core improvements during navigation testing
    • formatting improvements
    • progress in aws navigation demo
    • format improvements
    • format improvements
    • more on navigation
    • new feature, cb_wait_topic_message: asynchronous client behavior that waits a topic message and optionally checks its contents to success
    • formatting
    • adding new client behavior add for nav2, wait nav2 nodes subscribing to the /bond topic and waiting they are alive. you optionally can select the nodes to wait

    * Correct all linters and formaters. Co-authored-by: Denis Štogl <<>> Co-authored-by: Denis Štogl <<>>

    • Feature/aws demo progress (#92)
    • base for the sm_aws_aarehouse navigation
    • progressing in aws navigation
    • minor
    • several core improvements during navigation testing
    • formatting improvements
    • progress in aws navigation demo
    • format improvements
    • format improvements
    • more on navigation
    • new feature, cb_wait_topic_message: asynchronous client behavior that waits a topic message and optionally checks its contents to success
    • formatting
    • adding new client behavior add for nav2, wait nav2 nodes subscribing to the /bond topic and waiting they are alive. you optionally can select the nodes to wait
    • progress in aws navigation demo
    • minor format
    • Feature/sm dance bot fixes (#93)
    • base for the sm_aws_aarehouse navigation
    • progressing in aws navigation
    • minor
    • several core improvements during navigation testing
    • formatting improvements
    • progress in aws navigation demo
    • format improvements
    • format improvements
    • more on navigation
    • new feature, cb_wait_topic_message: asynchronous client behavior that waits a topic message and optionally checks its contents to success
    • formatting
    • adding new client behavior add for nav2, wait nav2 nodes subscribing to the /bond topic and waiting they are alive. you optionally can select the nodes to wait
    • progress in aws navigation demo
    • minor format
    • navigation parameters fixes on sm_dance_bot
    • minor format
    • Feature/sm aws warehouse (#94)
    • base for the sm_aws_aarehouse navigation
    • progressing in aws navigation
    • minor
    • several core improvements during navigation testing
    • formatting improvements
    • progress in aws navigation demo
    • format improvements
    • format improvements
    • more on navigation
    • new feature, cb_wait_topic_message: asynchronous client behavior that waits a topic message and optionally checks its contents to success
    • formatting
    • adding new client behavior add for nav2, wait nav2 nodes subscribing to the /bond topic and waiting they are alive. you optionally can select the nodes to wait
    • progress in aws navigation demo
    • minor format
    • merge and progress
    • fix format
    • Feature/sm dance bot fixes (#95)
    • base for the sm_aws_aarehouse navigation
    • progressing in aws navigation
    • minor
    • several core improvements during navigation testing
    • formatting improvements
    • progress in aws navigation demo
    • format improvements
    • format improvements
    • more on navigation
    • new feature, cb_wait_topic_message: asynchronous client behavior that waits a topic message and optionally checks its contents to success
    • formatting
    • adding new client behavior add for nav2, wait nav2 nodes subscribing to the /bond topic and waiting they are alive. you optionally can select the nodes to wait
    • progress in aws navigation demo
    • minor format
    • navigation parameters fixes on sm_dance_bot
    • minor format
    • minor
    • minor format
    • Remove some compile warnings. (#96)
    • Feature/cb pause slam (#98)
    • base for the sm_aws_aarehouse navigation
    • progressing in aws navigation
    • minor
    • several core improvements during navigation testing
    • formatting improvements
    • progress in aws navigation demo
    • format improvements
    • format improvements
    • more on navigation
    • new feature, cb_wait_topic_message: asynchronous client behavior that waits a topic message and optionally checks its contents to success
    • formatting
    • adding new client behavior add for nav2, wait nav2 nodes subscribing to the /bond topic and waiting they are alive. you optionally can select the nodes to wait
    • progress in aws navigation demo
    • minor format
    • navigation parameters fixes on sm_dance_bot
    • minor format
    • minor
    • formatting
    • cb pause slam client behavior
    • sm_dance_bot_lite (#99)
    • sm_dance_bot_lite
    • precommit

    * Updates yaml Co-authored-by: Ubuntu 20-04-02-amd64 <<>>

    • Rename doxygen deployment workflow (#100)
    • minor hotfix
    • sm_dance_bot visualizing turtlebot3 (#101)
    • Feature/dance bot launch gz lidar choice (#102)
    • sm_dance_bot visualizing turtlebot3
    • cleaning and lidar show/hide option
    • cleaning files and making formatting work
    • more fixes
    • Feature/sm dance bot lite gazebo fixes (#104)
    • sm_dance_bot visualizing turtlebot3
    • cleaning and lidar show/hide option
    • cleaning files and making formatting work
    • more fixes
    • gazebo fixes, to show the robot and the lidar
    • format fixes

    * sm_multi_stage_1 doubling (#103) Co-authored-by: Ubuntu 20-04-02-amd64 <<>>

    • Feature/sm dance bot strikes back gazebo fixes (#105)
    • sm_dance_bot visualizing turtlebot3
    • cleaning and lidar show/hide option
    • cleaning files and making formatting work
    • more fixes
    • gazebo fixes, to show the robot and the lidar
    • format fixes
    • gazebo fixes for sm_dance_bot_strikes_back

    * precommit cleanup run (#106) Co-authored-by: Ubuntu 20-04-02-amd64 <<>>

    • aws demo (#108)
    • aws demo
    • format

    * got sm_multi_stage_1 working (barely) (#109) Co-authored-by: Ubuntu 20-04-02-amd64 <<>>

    • Brettpac branch (#110)
    • got sm_multi_stage_1 working (barely)
    • gaining traction sm_multi_stage_1
    • more
    • don't remember
    • making progress
    • More
    • keep hammering
    • two stages
    • 3 part

    * 4th stage Co-authored-by: Ubuntu 20-04-02-amd64 <<>>

    • Brettpac branch (#111)
    • got sm_multi_stage_1 working (barely)
    • gaining traction sm_multi_stage_1
    • more
    • don't remember
    • making progress
    • More
    • keep hammering
    • two stages
    • 3 part
    • 4th stage

    * 5th stage Co-authored-by: Ubuntu 20-04-02-amd64 <<>> * a3 (#113) Co-authored-by: Ubuntu 20-04-02-amd64 <<>>

    • Remove neo_simulation2 package. (#112)
    • Remove neo_simulation2 package.
    • Correct formatting.
    • Enable source build on PR for testing.
    • Adjust build packages of source CI

    * more sm_multi_stage_1 (#114) Co-authored-by: Ubuntu 20-04-02-amd64 <<>> * mm (#115) Co-authored-by: Ubuntu 20-04-02-amd64 <<>>

    • diverse improvements navigation and performance (#116)
    • diverse improvements navigation and performance

    * minor Co-authored-by: pabloinigoblasco <<>>

    • Feature/diverse improvemets navigation performance (#117)
    • diverse improvements navigation and performance
    • minor
    • additional linting and formatting
    • Remove merge markers from a python file. (#119)
    • Feature/slam toggle and smacc deep history (#122)
    • progress in navigation, slam toggle client behaviors and slam_toolbox components. Also smacc2::deep_history syntax
    • going forward in testing sm_dance_bot introducing slam pausing/resuming funcionality
    • feature/more_sm_dance_bot_fixes
    • minor format

    * minor (#124) Co-authored-by: Ubuntu 20-04-02-amd64 <<>>

    • more changes in sm_dance_bot (#125)
    • Move method after the method it calls. Otherwise recursion could happen. (#126)
    • Feature/dance bot s pattern (#128)
    • more changes in sm_dance_bot
    • polishing sm_dance_bot and s-pattern

    * noticed typo Finnaly > Finally

    • Feature/dance bot s pattern (#129)
    • more changes in sm_dance_bot
    • polishing sm_dance_bot and s-pattern
    • more refinement in sm_dance_bot
    • First working version of sm template and template generator. (#127)

    * minor tweaks (#130) Co-authored-by: Ubuntu 20-04-02-amd64 <<>>

    • Feature/sm dance bot refine (#131)
    • more changes in sm_dance_bot
    • minor
    • Feature/sm dance bot refine 2 (#132)
    • more changes in sm_dance_bot
    • minor
    • build fix
    • waypoints navigator bug (#133)
    • minor tuning to mitigate overshot issue cases
    • progress in the sm_dance_bot tests (#135)
    • some more progress on markers cleanup
    • minor format issues (#134)

    * sm_dance_bot_lite (#136) Co-authored-by: Ubuntu 20-04-02-amd64 <<>>

    • Resolve compile wanings (#137)
    • Add SM core test (#138)
    • minor navigation improvements (#141)
    • using local action msgs (#139)
    • using local action msgs
    • removing sm_dance_bot_msgs
    • pending references
    • Feature/nav2z renaming (#144)
    • using local action msgs
    • removing sm_dance_bot_msgs
    • pending references
    • navigation 2 stack renaming
    • formatting
    • added SVGs to READMEs of atomic, dance_bot, and others (#140)
    • added remaining SVGs to READMEs (#145)
    • added remaining SVGs to READMEs
    • precommit cleanup
    • Update package list. (#142)
    • removing parameters smacc (#147)
    • removing parameters smacc
    • workflows update
    • workflow

    * Noticed launch command was incorrect in fixed launch command for sm_dance_bot_strikes_back and removed some comments I had made in the past.

    • Fix CI: format fix python version (#148)
    • Add SM Atomic SM generator. (#143)
    • Remove node creation and create only a logger. (#149)
    • Rolling Docker environment to be executed from any environment (#154)

    * Feature/sm dance bot strikes back refactoring (#152) Co-authored-by: DecDury <<>> Co-authored-by: Denis Štogl <<>>

    • slight waypoint 4 and iterations changes so robot can complete course (#155)
    • Feature/migration moveit client (#151)
    • initial migration to smacc2
    • fixing some errors introduced on formatting
    • missing dependency
    • fixing some more linting warnings
    • minor
    • removing test from main moveit cmake
    • test ur5
    • progressing in the moveit migration testing
    • updating format
    • adding .reps dependencies and also fixing some build errors
    • repos dependency
    • adding dependency to ur5 client
    • docker refactoring
    • minor
    • progress on move_it PR
    • minor dockerfile test workaround
    • improving dockerfile for building local tests
    • minor
    • fixing compiling issues
    • update readme (#164)
    • update readme
    • more readme updates

    * more Co-authored-by: Ubuntu 20-04-02-amd64 <<>>

    • initial state machine transition timestamp (#165)
    • moved reference library SMs to smacc2_performance_tools (#166)
    • moved reference library SMs to smacc2_performance_tools
    • pre-commit cleanup
    • Add QOS durability to SmaccPublisherClient (#163)
    • feat: add qos durability to SmaccPublisherClient
    • fix: add a missing colon
    • refactor: remove line
    • feat: add reliability qos config
    • Feature/testing moveit behaviors (#167)
    • more testing on moveit
    • progress on moveit
    • more testing on moveit behaviors
    • minor configuration
    • fixing pipeline error
    • fixing broken master build

    * sm_pubsub_1 (#169) Co-authored-by: Ubuntu 20-04-02-amd64 <<>>

    • sm_pubsub_1 part 2 (#170)
    • sm_pubsub_1 part 2

    * sm_pubsub_1 part 2 Co-authored-by: Ubuntu 20-04-02-amd64 <<>> * sm_advanced_recovery_1 renaming (#171) Co-authored-by: Ubuntu 20-04-02-amd64 <<>>

    • sm_multi_stage_1 reworking (#172)
    • multistage modes
    • sm_multi_stage sequences
    • sm_multi_state_1 steps
    • sm_multi_stage_1 sequence d
    • sm_multi_stage_1 c sequence
    • mode_5_sequence_b
    • mode_4_sequence_b
    • sm_multi_stage_1 most
    • finishing touches 1

    * readme Co-authored-by: Ubuntu 20-04-02-amd64 <<>>

    • Feature/aws navigation sm dance bot (#174)
    • repo dependency
    • husky launch file in sm_dance_bot
    • Add dependencies for husky simulation.
    • Fix formatting.
    • Update dependencies for husky in rolling and galactic.
    • minor
    • progress on aws navigation and some other refactorings on navigation clients and behaviors
    • more on aws demo
    • fixing broken build

    * minor Co-authored-by: Denis Štogl <<>> Co-authored-by: Denis Štogl <<>>

    • minor changes (#175)
    • warehouse2 (#177)

    * Waypoint Inputs (#178) Co-authored-by: Ubuntu 20-04-02-amd64 <<>>

    • wharehouse2 progress (#179)
    • format (#180)

    * sm_dance_bot_warehouse_3 (#181) Co-authored-by: Ubuntu 20-04-02-amd64 <<>>

    • Feature/sm warehouse 2 13 dec 2 (#182)
    • format
    • more changes and headless
    • merge
    • headless and other fixes
    • default values
    • Brettpac branch (#184)
    • sm_dance_bot_warehouse_3
    • Redoing sm_dance_bot_warehouse_3 waypoints

    * More Waypoints Co-authored-by: Ubuntu 20-04-02-amd64 <<>>

    • SrConditional fixes and formatting (#168)
    • fix: some formatting and templating on SrConditional
    • fix: move trigger logic into headers
    • fix: lint
    • Feature/wharehouse2 dec 14 (#185)
    • warehouse2
    • minor
    • Feature/sm warehouse 2 13 dec 2 (#186)
    • format
    • more changes and headless
    • merge
    • headless and other fixes
    • default values
    • minor

    * finetuning waypoints (#187) Co-authored-by: Ubuntu 20-04-02-amd64 <<>>

    • Feature/cb pure spinning (#188)
    • format
    • more changes and headless
    • merge
    • headless and other fixes
    • default values
    • minor
    • Feature/cb pure spinning (#189)
    • format
    • more changes and headless
    • merge
    • headless and other fixes
    • default values
    • minor
    • pure spinning behavior missing files
    • minor changes (#190)
    • Feature/planner changes 16 12 (#191)
    • minor changes
    • more fixes
    • minor
    • minor
    • Feature/replanning 16 dec (#193)
    • minor changes
    • replanning for all our examples
    • several fixes (#194)
    • minor changes (#195)
    • Feature/undo motion 20 12 (#196)
    • minor changes
    • replanning for all our examples
    • improving undo motion navigation warehouse2
    • minor
    • tuning warehouse3 (#197)
    • Feature/undo motion 20 12 (#198)
    • minor changes
    • replanning for all our examples
    • improving undo motion navigation warehouse2
    • minor
    • undo tuning and errors
    • format
    • Feature/sync 21 12 (#199)
    • minor changes
    • replanning for all our examples
    • format issues
    • Feature/warehouse2 22 12 (#200)
    • minor changes
    • replanning for all our examples
    • format issues
    • finishing warehouse2
    • Feature/warehouse2 23 12 (#201)
    • minor changes
    • replanning for all our examples
    • tuning and fixes (#202)
    • Feature/minor tune (#203)
    • tuning and fixes
    • minor tune
    • fixing warehouse 3 problems, and other core improvements (#204)
    • fixing warehouse 3 problems, and other core improvements to remove dead lock, also making continuous integration green
    • weird moveit not downloaded repo
    • added missing file from warehouse2 (#205)
    • Update cb_navigate_global_position.hpp
    • Merging code from backport foxy and updates about autoware (#208)
    • minor changes
    • replanning for all our examples
    • backport to foxy
    • minor format
    • minor linking errors foxy
    • Foxy backport (#206)
    • minor formatting fixes
    • Fix trailing spaces.
    • Correct codespell.
    • Correct python linters warnings.
    • Add galactic CI build because Navigation2 is broken in rolling.
    • Add partial changes for ament_cpplint.
    • Add tf2_ros as dependency to find include.
    • Disable ament_cpplint.
    • Disable some packages and update workflows.
    • Bump ccache version.
    • Ignore further packages
    • Satisfy ament_lint_cmake
    • Add missing licences.
    • Disable cpplint and cppcheck linters.
    • Correct formatters.
    • branching example
    • Disable disabled packages
    • Update ci-build-source.yml
    • Change extension
    • Change extension of imports.
    • Enable cppcheck
    • Correct formatting of python file.

    * Included necessary package and edited Threesome launch Changed... ros2 launch sm_three_some sm_three_some to ros2 launch sm_three_some sm_three_some.launch Added: First ensure you have the necessary package installed. ` sudo apt-get install ros-rolling-ros2trace[ Then run this command. * Rename header files and correct format. * Add workflow for checking doc build. * Update doxygen-check-build.yml * Create doxygen-deploy.yml * Use manual deployment for now. * Create workflow for testing prerelease builds * Use docs/ as source folder for documentation * Use docs/ as output directory. * Rename to smacc2 and smacc2_msgs * Correct GitHub branch reference. * Update name of package and package.xml to pass liter. * Execute on master update * Reset all versions to 0.0.0 * Ignore all packages except smacc2 and smacc2_msgs * Update changelogs * 0.1.0 * Revert "Ignore all packages except smacc2 and smacc2_msgs" This reverts commit f603166a4b3ccdfe96c64d9f9fb9d8b49fbf0e61. * Update description table. * Update table * Copy initial docs * Dockerfile w/ ROS distro as argument use this command "sudo docker build --build-arg ROS2_DISTRO=(desiredRosTag) (directoryHoldingDockerfile)/" * Opened new folder for additional tracing contents * Delete tracing directory * Moved to tracing directory * added Installs necessary packages and configures tracing group. * Removed manual installation of ros-rolling-ros2trace This is now automated in location of sh file assumed if user follows under "Getting started" * Created alternative ManualTracing * added new sm markdowns * added a dockerfile for Rolling and Galactic * Update smacc2_ci/docker/ros_rollingAndGalactic_ubuntu_20.04/ Co-authored-by: Denis Štogl <destogl\> * Update tracing/ Co-authored-by: Denis Štogl <destogl\> * changed wording "smacc application" to "SMACC2 library" Co-authored-by: Denis Štogl <destogl\> * Update smacc_sm_reference_library/sm_atomic/ edit from html to markdown syntax Co-authored-by: Denis Štogl <destogl\> * reactivating smacc2 nav clients for rolling via submodules * renamed tracing events after * bug in smacc2 component * reverted markdowns to html * added README tutorial for Dockerfile * additional cleanup * cleanup * cleanup * edited to reflect new tracing event names * Enable build of missing rolling repositories. * Enable Navigation2 for semi-binary build. * Remove galactic builds from master and kepp only rolling. Remove submodules and use .repos file * updated mentions of SMACC/ROS to SMACC2/ROS2 * some progress on navigation rolling * renamed folders, deleted, edited * added smacc2_performance_tools * performance tests improvements * more on performance and other issues * sm_respira_1 format cleanup * sm_respira_1 format cleanup pre-commit * sm_respira_test_2 * sm_respira_test_2 * more changes on performance tests * Do not execute clang-format on smacc2_sm_reference_library package. * sm_reference_library reformatting * Correct trailing spaces. * sm_atomic_24hr * sm_atomic_performance_trace_1 * Update smacc2_rta command across readmes * Clean up of sm_atomic_24hr * more sm_atomic_24hr cleanup * Optimized deps in move_base_z_planners_common. * Renaming of event generator library * minor formatting * Add galactic CI setup and rename rolling files. (#58) * Fix source CI and correct README overview. (#62) * Update c_cpp_properties.json * changed launch command to ros2 launch sm_respira_1 sm_respira_1.launch (#69) also noticed a note I had made while producing these that was not removed * update doxygen links (#70) Co-authored-by: Ubuntu 20-04-02-amd64 <brett\> * More Readme Updates (#72) Co-authored-by: Ubuntu 20-04-02-amd64 <brett\> * More Readme (#74) Co-authored-by: Ubuntu 20-04-02-amd64 <brett\> * created new sm from sm_respira_1 (#76) * Feature/core and navigation fixes (#78) * base for the sm_aws_aarehouse navigation * progressing in aws navigation * minor * several core improvements during navigation testing * formatting improvements * progress in aws navigation demo * format improvements * Feature/aws demo progress (#80) * base for the sm_aws_aarehouse navigation * progressing in aws navigation * minor * several core improvements during navigation testing * formatting improvements * progress in aws navigation demo * format improvements * format improvements * more on navigation * sm_advanced_recovery_1 reworked (#83) * sm_advanced_recovery_1 reworked * fix pre-commit * Trying to fix Pre-Commit Co-authored-by: Ubuntu 20-04-02-amd64 <brett\> * more sm_advanced_recovery_1 (#84) Co-authored-by: Ubuntu 20-04-02-amd64 <brett\> * More sm_advanced_recovery_1 work (#85) Co-authored-by: Ubuntu 20-04-02-amd64 <brett\> * sm_advanced_recovery_1 round 4 (#86) Co-authored-by: Ubuntu 20-04-02-amd64 <brett\> * Brettpac branch (#87) * sm_atomic_performance_test_a_2 * sm_atomic_performance_test_a_1 Co-authored-by: Ubuntu 20-04-02-amd64 <brett\> * sm_atomic_performance_test_c_1 (#88) Co-authored-by: Ubuntu 20-04-02-amd64 <brett\> * modifying sm_atomic_performance_test_a_2 (#89) Co-authored-by: Ubuntu 20-04-02-amd64 <brett\> * sm_multi_stage_1 (#90) * sm_multi_stage_1 * fixing precommit Co-authored-by: Ubuntu 20-04-02-amd64 <brett\> * more sm_multi_stage_1 (#91) Co-authored-by: Ubuntu 20-04-02-amd64 <brett\> * Update updated launch command * Wait topic message client behavior (#81) * base for the sm_aws_aarehouse navigation * progressing in aws navigation * minor * several core improvements during navigation testing * formatting improvements * progress in aws navigation demo * format improvements * format improvements * more on navigation * new feature, cb_wait_topic_message: asynchronous client behavior that waits a topic message and optionally checks its contents to success * formatting * attempting precommit fixes Co-authored-by: Ubuntu 20-04-02-amd64 <brett\> Co-authored-by: Denis Štogl <destogl\> * Feature/wait nav2 nodes client behavior (#82) * base for the sm_aws_aarehouse navigation * progressing in aws navigation * minor * several core improvements during navigation testing * formatting improvements * progress in aws navigation demo * format improvements * format improvements * more on navigation * new feature, cb_wait_topic_message: asynchronous client behavior that waits a topic message and optionally checks its contents to success * formatting * adding new client behavior add for nav2, wait nav2 nodes subscribing to the /bond topic and waiting they are alive. you optionally can select the nodes to wait * Correct all linters and formaters. Co-authored-by: Denis Štogl <denis\> Co-authored-by: Denis Štogl <destogl\> * Feature/aws demo progress (#92) * base for the sm_aws_aarehouse navigation * progressing in aws navigation * minor * several core improvements during navigation testing * formatting improvements * progress in aws navigation demo * format improvements * format improvements * more on navigation * new feature, cb_wait_topic_message: asynchronous client behavior that waits a topic message and optionally checks its contents to success * formatting * adding new client behavior add for nav2, wait nav2 nodes subscribing to the /bond topic and waiting they are alive. you optionally can select the nodes to wait * progress in aws navigation demo * minor format * Feature/sm dance bot fixes (#93) * base for the sm_aws_aarehouse navigation * progressing in aws navigation * minor * several core improvements during navigation testing * formatting improvements * progress in aws navigation demo * format improvements * format improvements * more on navigation * new feature, cb_wait_topic_message: asynchronous client behavior that waits a topic message and optionally checks its contents to success * formatting * adding new client behavior add for nav2, wait nav2 nodes subscribing to the /bond topic and waiting they are alive. you optionally can select the nodes to wait * progress in aws navigation demo * minor format * navigation parameters fixes on sm_dance_bot * minor format * Feature/sm aws warehouse (#94) * base for the sm_aws_aarehouse navigation * progressing in aws navigation * minor * several core improvements during navigation testing * formatting improvements * progress in aws navigation demo * format improvements * format improvements * more on navigation * new feature, cb_wait_topic_message: asynchronous client behavior that waits a topic message and optionally checks its contents to success * formatting * adding new client behavior add for nav2, wait nav2 nodes subscribing to the /bond topic and waiting they are alive. you optionally can select the nodes to wait * progress in aws navigation demo * minor format * merge and progress * fix format * Feature/sm dance bot fixes (#95) * base for the sm_aws_aarehouse navigation * progressing in aws navigation * minor * several core improvements during navigation testing * formatting improvements * progress in aws navigation demo * format improvements * format improvements * more on navigation * new feature, cb_wait_topic_message: asynchronous client behavior that waits a topic message and optionally checks its contents to success * formatting * adding new client behavior add for nav2, wait nav2 nodes subscribing to the /bond topic and waiting they are alive. you optionally can select the nodes to wait * progress in aws navigation demo * minor format * navigation parameters fixes on sm_dance_bot * minor format * minor * minor format * Remove some compile warnings. (#96) * Feature/cb pause slam (#98) * base for the sm_aws_aarehouse navigation * progressing in aws navigation * minor * several core improvements during navigation testing * formatting improvements * progress in aws navigation demo * format improvements * format improvements * more on navigation * new feature, cb_wait_topic_message: asynchronous client behavior that waits a topic message and optionally checks its contents to success * formatting * adding new client behavior add for nav2, wait nav2 nodes subscribing to the /bond topic and waiting they are alive. you optionally can select the nodes to wait * progress in aws navigation demo * minor format * navigation parameters fixes on sm_dance_bot * minor format * minor * formatting * cb pause slam client behavior * sm_dance_bot_lite (#99) * sm_dance_bot_lite * precommit * Updates yaml Co-authored-by: Ubuntu 20-04-02-amd64 <brett\> * Rename doxygen deployment workflow (#100) * minor hotfix * sm_dance_bot visualizing turtlebot3 (#101) * Feature/dance bot launch gz lidar choice (#102) * sm_dance_bot visualizing turtlebot3 * cleaning and lidar show/hide option * cleaning files and making formatting work * more fixes * Feature/sm dance bot lite gazebo fixes (#104) * sm_dance_bot visualizing turtlebot3 * cleaning and lidar show/hide option * cleaning files and making formatting work * more fixes * gazebo fixes, to show the robot and the lidar * format fixes * sm_multi_stage_1 doubling (#103) Co-authored-by: Ubuntu 20-04-02-amd64 <brett\> * Feature/sm dance bot strikes back gazebo fixes (#105) * sm_dance_bot visualizing turtlebot3 * cleaning and lidar show/hide option * cleaning files and making formatting work * more fixes * gazebo fixes, to show the robot and the lidar * format fixes * gazebo fixes for sm_dance_bot_strikes_back * precommit cleanup run (#106) Co-authored-by: Ubuntu 20-04-02-amd64 <brett\> * aws demo (#108) * aws demo * format * got sm_multi_stage_1 working (barely) (#109) Co-authored-by: Ubuntu 20-04-02-amd64 <brett\> * Brettpac branch (#110) * got sm_multi_stage_1 working (barely) * gaining traction sm_multi_stage_1 * more * don't remember * making progress * More * keep hammering * two stages * 3 part * 4th stage Co-authored-by: Ubuntu 20-04-02-amd64 <brett\> * Brettpac branch (#111) * got sm_multi_stage_1 working (barely) * gaining traction sm_multi_stage_1 * more * don't remember * making progress * More * keep hammering * two stages * 3 part * 4th stage * 5th stage Co-authored-by: Ubuntu 20-04-02-amd64 <brett\> * a3 (#113) Co-authored-by: Ubuntu 20-04-02-amd64 <brett\> * Remove neo_simulation2 package. (#112) * Remove neo_simulation2 package. * Correct formatting. * Enable source build on PR for testing. * Adjust build packages of source CI * more sm_multi_stage_1 (#114) Co-authored-by: Ubuntu 20-04-02-amd64 <brett\> * mm (#115) Co-authored-by: Ubuntu 20-04-02-amd64 <brett\> * diverse improvements navigation and performance (#116) * diverse improvements navigation and performance * minor Co-authored-by: pabloinigoblasco <pablo\> * Feature/diverse improvemets navigation performance (#117) * diverse improvements navigation and performance * minor * additional linting and formatting * Remove merge markers from a python file. (#119) * Feature/slam toggle and smacc deep history (#122) * progress in navigation, slam toggle client behaviors and slam_toolbox components. Also smacc2::deep_history syntax * going forward in testing sm_dance_bot introducing slam pausing/resuming funcionality * feature/more_sm_dance_bot_fixes * minor format * minor (#124) Co-authored-by: Ubuntu 20-04-02-amd64 <brett\> * more changes in sm_dance_bot (#125) * Move method after the method it calls. Otherwise recursion could happen. (#126) * Feature/dance bot s pattern (#128) * more changes in sm_dance_bot * polishing sm_dance_bot and s-pattern * noticed typo Finnaly > Finally * Feature/dance bot s pattern (#129) * more changes in sm_dance_bot * polishing sm_dance_bot and s-pattern * more refinement in sm_dance_bot * First working version of sm template and template generator. (#127) * minor tweaks (#130) Co-authored-by: Ubuntu 20-04-02-amd64 <brett\> * Feature/sm dance bot refine (#131) * more changes in sm_dance_bot * minor * Feature/sm dance bot refine 2 (#132) * more changes in sm_dance_bot * minor * build fix * waypoints navigator bug (#133) * minor tuning to mitigate overshot issue cases * progress in the sm_dance_bot tests (#135) * some more progress on markers cleanup * minor format issues (#134) * sm_dance_bot_lite (#136) Co-authored-by: Ubuntu 20-04-02-amd64 <brett\> * Resolve compile wanings (#137) * Add SM core test (#138) * minor navigation improvements (#141) * using local action msgs (#139) * using local action msgs * removing sm_dance_bot_msgs * pending references * Feature/nav2z renaming (#144) * using local action msgs * removing sm_dance_bot_msgs * pending references * navigation 2 stack renaming * formatting * added SVGs to READMEs of atomic, dance_bot, and others (#140) * added remaining SVGs to READMEs (#145) * added remaining SVGs to READMEs * precommit cleanup * Update package list. (#142) * removing parameters smacc (#147) * removing parameters smacc * workflows update * workflow * Noticed launch command was incorrect in fixed launch command for sm_dance_bot_strikes_back and removed some comments I had made in the past. * Fix CI: format fix python version (#148) * Add SM Atomic SM generator. (#143) * Remove node creation and create only a logger. (#149) * Rolling Docker environment to be executed from any environment (#154) * Feature/sm dance bot strikes back refactoring (#152) Co-authored-by: DecDury <declandury\> Co-authored-by: Denis Štogl <destogl\> * slight waypoint 4 and iterations changes so robot can complete course (#155) * Feature/migration moveit client (#151) * initial migration to smacc2 * fixing some errors introduced on formatting * missing dependency * fixing some more linting warnings * minor * removing test from main moveit cmake * test ur5 * progressing in the moveit migration testing * updating format * adding .reps dependencies and also fixing some build errors * repos dependency * adding dependency to ur5 client * docker refactoring * minor * progress on move_it PR * minor dockerfile test workaround * improving dockerfile for building local tests * minor * fixing compiling issues * update readme (#164) * update readme * more readme updates * more Co-authored-by: Ubuntu 20-04-02-amd64 <brett\> * initial state machine transition timestamp (#165) * moved reference library SMs to smacc2_performance_tools (#166) * moved reference library SMs to smacc2_performance_tools * pre-commit cleanup * Add QOS durability to SmaccPublisherClient (#163) * feat: add qos durability to SmaccPublisherClient * fix: add a missing colon * refactor: remove line * feat: add reliability qos config * Feature/testing moveit behaviors (#167) * more testing on moveit * progress on moveit * more testing on moveit behaviors * minor configuration * fixing pipeline error * fixing broken master build * sm_pubsub_1 (#169) Co-authored-by: Ubuntu 20-04-02-amd64 <brett\> * sm_pubsub_1 part 2 (#170) * sm_pubsub_1 part 2 * sm_pubsub_1 part 2 Co-authored-by: Ubuntu 20-04-02-amd64 <brett\> * sm_advanced_recovery_1 renaming (#171) Co-authored-by: Ubuntu 20-04-02-amd64 <brett\> * sm_multi_stage_1 reworking (#172) * multistage modes * sm_multi_stage sequences * sm_multi_state_1 steps * sm_multi_stage_1 sequence d * sm_multi_stage_1 c sequence * mode_5_sequence_b * mode_4_sequence_b * sm_multi_stage_1 most * finishing touches 1 * readme Co-authored-by: Ubuntu 20-04-02-amd64 <brett\> * Feature/aws navigation sm dance bot (#174) * repo dependency * husky launch file in sm_dance_bot * Add dependencies for husky simulation. * Fix formatting. * Update dependencies for husky in rolling and galactic. * minor * progress on aws navigation and some other refactorings on navigation clients and behaviors * more on aws demo * fixing broken build * minor Co-authored-by: Denis Štogl <denis\> Co-authored-by: Denis Štogl <destogl\> * minor changes (#175) * warehouse2 (#177) * Waypoint Inputs (#178) Co-authored-by: Ubuntu 20-04-02-amd64 <brett\> * wharehouse2 progress (#179) * format (#180) * sm_dance_bot_warehouse_3 (#181) Co-authored-by: Ubuntu 20-04-02-amd64 <brett\> * Feature/sm warehouse 2 13 dec 2 (#182) * format * more changes and headless * merge * headless and other fixes * default values * Brettpac branch (#184) * sm_dance_bot_warehouse_3 * Redoing sm_dance_bot_warehouse_3 waypoints * More Waypoints Co-authored-by: Ubuntu 20-04-02-amd64 <brett\> * SrConditional fixes and formatting (#168) * fix: some formatting and templating on SrConditional * fix: move trigger logic into headers * fix: lint * Feature/wharehouse2 dec 14 (#185) * warehouse2 * minor * Feature/sm warehouse 2 13 dec 2 (#186) * format * more changes and headless * merge * headless and other fixes * default values * minor * finetuning waypoints (#187) Co-authored-by: Ubuntu 20-04-02-amd64 <brett\> * Feature/cb pure spinning (#188) * format * more changes and headless * merge * headless and other fixes * default values * minor * Feature/cb pure spinning (#189) * format * more changes and headless * merge * headless and other fixes * default values * minor * pure spinning behavior missing files * minor changes (#190) * Feature/planner changes 16 12 (#191) * minor changes * more fixes * minor * minor * Feature/replanning 16 dec (#193) * minor changes * replanning for all our examples * several fixes (#194) * minor changes (#195) * Feature/undo motion 20 12 (#196) * minor changes * replanning for all our examples * improving undo motion navigation warehouse2 * minor * tuning warehouse3 (#197) * Feature/undo motion 20 12 (#198) * minor changes * replanning for all our examples * improving undo motion navigation warehouse2 * minor * undo tuning and errors * format * Feature/sync 21 12 (#199) * minor changes * replanning for all our examples * format issues * Feature/warehouse2 22 12 (#200) * minor changes * replanning for all our examples * format issues * finishing warehouse2 * Feature/warehouse2 23 12 (#201) * minor changes * replanning for all our examples * tuning and fixes (#202) * Feature/minor tune (#203) * tuning and fixes * minor tune * fixing warehouse 3 problems, and other core improvements (#204) * fixing warehouse 3 problems, and other core improvements to remove dead lock, also making continuous integration green * weird moveit not downloaded repo * added missing file from warehouse2 (#205) * backport to foxy * minor format * minor linking errors foxy Co-authored-by: Denis Štogl <denis\> Co-authored-by: Denis Štogl <destogl\> Co-authored-by: Declan Dury <44791484+DecDury\> Co-authored-by: DecDury <declandury\> Co-authored-by: reelrbtx <brett2\> Co-authored-by: brettpac <brett\> Co-authored-by: David Revay <MrBlenny\> * missing * missing sm * updating subscriber publisher components * progress in autowarrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrre machine * refining cp subscriber cp publisher * improvements in smacc core adding more components mostly developed for autoware demo * autoware demo * missing * foxy ci * fix * minor broken build Co-authored-by: Denis Štogl <denis\> Co-authored-by: Denis Štogl <destogl\> Co-authored-by: Declan Dury <44791484+DecDury\> Co-authored-by: DecDury <declandury\> Co-authored-by: reelrbtx <brett2\> Co-authored-by: brettpac <brett\> Co-authored-by: David Revay <MrBlenny\> Co-authored-by: pabloinigoblasco <pabloinigoblasco\> * Add mergify rules file. * Try fixing CI for rolling. (#209) Merging to get backport working. * Remove example things from Foxy CI setup. (#214) * Add Autoware Auto Msgs into not-released dependencies. (#220) * Fix rolling builds (#222) * do not merge yet - Feature/odom tracker improvements and retry motion (#223) * odom tracker improvements * adding forward behavior retry funcionality * removing warnings (#213) * minor changes * replanning for all our examples * backport to foxy * minor format * minor linking errors foxy * Foxy backport (#206) * minor formatting fixes * Fix trailing spaces. * Correct codespell. * Correct python linters warnings. * Add galactic CI build because Navigation2 is broken in rolling. * Add partial changes for ament_cpplint. * Add tf2_ros as dependency to find include. * Disable ament_cpplint. * Disable some packages and update workflows. * Bump ccache version. * Ignore further packages * Satisfy ament_lint_cmake * Add missing licences. * Disable cpplint and cppcheck linters. * Correct formatters. * branching example * Disable disabled packages * Update ci-build-source.yml * Change extension * Change extension of imports. * Enable cppcheck * Correct formatting of python file. * Included necessary package and edited Threesome launch Changed... ros2 launch sm_three_some sm_three_some to ros2 launch sm_three_some sm_three_some.launch Added: First ensure you have the necessary package installed. ]{.title-ref}sudo apt-get install ros-rolling-ros2trace[ Then run this command. * Rename header files and correct format. * Add workflow for checking doc build. * Update doxygen-check-build.yml * Create doxygen-deploy.yml * Use manual deployment for now. * Create workflow for testing prerelease builds * Use docs/ as source folder for documentation * Use docs/ as output directory. * Rename to smacc2 and smacc2_msgs * Correct GitHub branch reference. * Update name of package and package.xml to pass liter. * Execute on master update * Reset all versions to 0.0.0 * Ignore all packages except smacc2 and smacc2_msgs * Update changelogs * 0.1.0 * Revert "Ignore all packages except smacc2 and smacc2_msgs" This reverts commit f603166a4b3ccdfe96c64d9f9fb9d8b49fbf0e61. * Update description table. * Update table * Copy initial docs * Dockerfile w/ ROS distro as argument use this command "sudo docker build --build-arg ROS2_DISTRO=(desiredRosTag) (directoryHoldingDockerfile)/" * Opened new folder for additional tracing contents * Delete tracing directory * Moved to tracing directory * added Installs necessary packages and configures tracing group. * Removed manual installation of ros-rolling-ros2trace This is now automated in location of sh file assumed if user follows under "Getting started" * Created alternative ManualTracing * added new sm markdowns * added a dockerfile for Rolling and Galactic * Update smacc2_ci/docker/ros_rollingAndGalactic_ubuntu_20.04/ Co-authored-by: Denis Štogl <destogl\> * Update tracing/ Co-authored-by: Denis Štogl <destogl\> * changed wording "smacc application" to "SMACC2 library" Co-authored-by: Denis Štogl <destogl\> * Update smacc_sm_reference_library/sm_atomic/ edit from html to markdown syntax Co-authored-by: Denis Štogl <destogl\> * reactivating smacc2 nav clients for rolling via submodules * renamed tracing events after * bug in smacc2 component * reverted markdowns to html * added README tutorial for Dockerfile * additional cleanup * cleanup * cleanup * edited to reflect new tracing event names * Enable build of missing rolling repositories. * Enable Navigation2 for semi-binary build. * Remove galactic builds from master and kepp only rolling. Remove submodules and use .repos file * updated mentions of SMACC/ROS to SMACC2/ROS2 * some progress on navigation rolling * renamed folders, deleted, edited * added smacc2_performance_tools * performance tests improvements * more on performance and other issues * sm_respira_1 format cleanup * sm_respira_1 format cleanup pre-commit * sm_respira_test_2 * sm_respira_test_2 * more changes on performance tests * Do not execute clang-format on smacc2_sm_reference_library package. * sm_reference_library reformatting * Correct trailing spaces. * sm_atomic_24hr * sm_atomic_performance_trace_1 * Update smacc2_rta command across readmes * Clean up of sm_atomic_24hr * more sm_atomic_24hr cleanup * Optimized deps in move_base_z_planners_common. * Renaming of event generator library * minor formatting * Add galactic CI setup and rename rolling files. (#58) * Fix source CI and correct README overview. (#62) * Update c_cpp_properties.json * changed launch command to ros2 launch sm_respira_1 sm_respira_1.launch (#69) also noticed a note I had made while producing these that was not removed * update doxygen links (#70) Co-authored-by: Ubuntu 20-04-02-amd64 <brett\> * More Readme Updates (#72) Co-authored-by: Ubuntu 20-04-02-amd64 <brett\> * More Readme (#74) Co-authored-by: Ubuntu 20-04-02-amd64 <brett\> * created new sm from sm_respira_1 (#76) * Feature/core and navigation fixes (#78) * base for the sm_aws_aarehouse navigation * progressing in aws navigation * minor * several core improvements during navigation testing * formatting improvements * progress in aws navigation demo * format improvements * Feature/aws demo progress (#80) * base for the sm_aws_aarehouse navigation * progressing in aws navigation * minor * several core improvements during navigation testing * formatting improvements * progress in aws navigation demo * format improvements * format improvements * more on navigation * sm_advanced_recovery_1 reworked (#83) * sm_advanced_recovery_1 reworked * fix pre-commit * Trying to fix Pre-Commit Co-authored-by: Ubuntu 20-04-02-amd64 <brett\> * more sm_advanced_recovery_1 (#84) Co-authored-by: Ubuntu 20-04-02-amd64 <brett\> * More sm_advanced_recovery_1 work (#85) Co-authored-by: Ubuntu 20-04-02-amd64 <brett\> * sm_advanced_recovery_1 round 4 (#86) Co-authored-by: Ubuntu 20-04-02-amd64 <brett\> * Brettpac branch (#87) * sm_atomic_performance_test_a_2 * sm_atomic_performance_test_a_1 Co-authored-by: Ubuntu 20-04-02-amd64 <brett\> * sm_atomic_performance_test_c_1 (#88) Co-authored-by: Ubuntu 20-04-02-amd64 <brett\> * modifying sm_atomic_performance_test_a_2 (#89) Co-authored-by: Ubuntu 20-04-02-amd64 <brett\> * sm_multi_stage_1 (#90) * sm_multi_stage_1 * fixing precommit Co-authored-by: Ubuntu 20-04-02-amd64 <brett\> * more sm_multi_stage_1 (#91) Co-authored-by: Ubuntu 20-04-02-amd64 <brett\> * Update updated launch command * Wait topic message client behavior (#81) * base for the sm_aws_aarehouse navigation * progressing in aws navigation * minor * several core improvements during navigation testing * formatting improvements * progress in aws navigation demo * format improvements * format improvements * more on navigation * new feature, cb_wait_topic_message: asynchronous client behavior that waits a topic message and optionally checks its contents to success * formatting * attempting precommit fixes Co-authored-by: Ubuntu 20-04-02-amd64 <brett\> Co-authored-by: Denis Štogl <destogl\> * Feature/wait nav2 nodes client behavior (#82) * base for the sm_aws_aarehouse navigation * progressing in aws navigation * minor * several core improvements during navigation testing * formatting improvements * progress in aws navigation demo * format improvements * format improvements * more on navigation * new feature, cb_wait_topic_message: asynchronous client behavior that waits a topic message and optionally checks its contents to success * formatting * adding new client behavior add for nav2, wait nav2 nodes subscribing to the /bond topic and waiting they are alive. you optionally can select the nodes to wait * Correct all linters and formaters. Co-authored-by: Denis Štogl <denis\> Co-authored-by: Denis Štogl <destogl\> * Feature/aws demo progress (#92) * base for the sm_aws_aarehouse navigation * progressing in aws navigation * minor * several core improvements during navigation testing * formatting improvements * progress in aws navigation demo * format improvements * format improvements * more on navigation * new feature, cb_wait_topic_message: asynchronous client behavior that waits a topic message and optionally checks its contents to success * formatting * adding new client behavior add for nav2, wait nav2 nodes subscribing to the /bond topic and waiting they are alive. you optionally can select the nodes to wait * progress in aws navigation demo * minor format * Feature/sm dance bot fixes (#93) * base for the sm_aws_aarehouse navigation * progressing in aws navigation * minor * several core improvements during navigation testing * formatting improvements * progress in aws navigation demo * format improvements * format improvements * more on navigation * new feature, cb_wait_topic_message: asynchronous client behavior that waits a topic message and optionally checks its contents to success * formatting * adding new client behavior add for nav2, wait nav2 nodes subscribing to the /bond topic and waiting they are alive. you optionally can select the nodes to wait * progress in aws navigation demo * minor format * navigation parameters fixes on sm_dance_bot * minor format * Feature/sm aws warehouse (#94) * base for the sm_aws_aarehouse navigation * progressing in aws navigation * minor * several core improvements during navigation testing * formatting improvements * progress in aws navigation demo * format improvements * format improvements * more on navigation * new feature, cb_wait_topic_message: asynchronous client behavior that waits a topic message and optionally checks its contents to success * formatting * adding new client behavior add for nav2, wait nav2 nodes subscribing to the /bond topic and waiting they are alive. you optionally can select the nodes to wait * progress in aws navigation demo * minor format * merge and progress * fix format * Feature/sm dance bot fixes (#95) * base for the sm_aws_aarehouse navigation * progressing in aws navigation * minor * several core improvements during navigation testing * formatting improvements * progress in aws navigation demo * format improvements * format improvements * more on navigation * new feature, cb_wait_topic_message: asynchronous client behavior that waits a topic message and optionally checks its contents to success * formatting * adding new client behavior add for nav2, wait nav2 nodes subscribing to the /bond topic and waiting they are alive. you optionally can select the nodes to wait * progress in aws navigation demo * minor format * navigation parameters fixes on sm_dance_bot * minor format * minor * minor format * Remove some compile warnings. (#96) * Feature/cb pause slam (#98) * base for the sm_aws_aarehouse navigation * progressing in aws navigation * minor * several core improvements during navigation testing * formatting improvements * progress in aws navigation demo * format improvements * format improvements * more on navigation * new feature, cb_wait_topic_message: asynchronous client behavior that waits a topic message and optionally checks its contents to success * formatting * adding new client behavior add for nav2, wait nav2 nodes subscribing to the /bond topic and waiting they are alive. you optionally can select the nodes to wait * progress in aws navigation demo * minor format * navigation parameters fixes on sm_dance_bot * minor format * minor * formatting * cb pause slam client behavior * sm_dance_bot_lite (#99) * sm_dance_bot_lite * precommit * Updates yaml Co-authored-by: Ubuntu 20-04-02-amd64 <brett\> * Rename doxygen deployment workflow (#100) * minor hotfix * sm_dance_bot visualizing turtlebot3 (#101) * Feature/dance bot launch gz lidar choice (#102) * sm_dance_bot visualizing turtlebot3 * cleaning and lidar show/hide option * cleaning files and making formatting work * more fixes * Feature/sm dance bot lite gazebo fixes (#104) * sm_dance_bot visualizing turtlebot3 * cleaning and lidar show/hide option * cleaning files and making formatting work * more fixes * gazebo fixes, to show the robot and the lidar * format fixes * sm_multi_stage_1 doubling (#103) Co-authored-by: Ubuntu 20-04-02-amd64 <brett\> * Feature/sm dance bot strikes back gazebo fixes (#105) * sm_dance_bot visualizing turtlebot3 * cleaning and lidar show/hide option * cleaning files and making formatting work * more fixes * gazebo fixes, to show the robot and the lidar * format fixes * gazebo fixes for sm_dance_bot_strikes_back * precommit cleanup run (#106) Co-authored-by: Ubuntu 20-04-02-amd64 <brett\> * aws demo (#108) * aws demo * format * got sm_multi_stage_1 working (barely) (#109) Co-authored-by: Ubuntu 20-04-02-amd64 <brett\> * Brettpac branch (#110) * got sm_multi_stage_1 working (barely) * gaining traction sm_multi_stage_1 * more * don't remember * making progress * More * keep hammering * two stages * 3 part * 4th stage Co-authored-by: Ubuntu 20-04-02-amd64 <brett\> * Brettpac branch (#111) * got sm_multi_stage_1 working (barely) * gaining traction sm_multi_stage_1 * more * don't remember * making progress * More * keep hammering * two stages * 3 part * 4th stage * 5th stage Co-authored-by: Ubuntu 20-04-02-amd64 <brett\> * a3 (#113) Co-authored-by: Ubuntu 20-04-02-amd64 <brett\> * Remove neo_simulation2 package. (#112) * Remove neo_simulation2 package. * Correct formatting. * Enable source build on PR for testing. * Adjust build packages of source CI * more sm_multi_stage_1 (#114) Co-authored-by: Ubuntu 20-04-02-amd64 <brett\> * mm (#115) Co-authored-by: Ubuntu 20-04-02-amd64 <brett\> * diverse improvements navigation and performance (#116) * diverse improvements navigation and performance * minor Co-authored-by: pabloinigoblasco <pablo\> * Feature/diverse improvemets navigation performance (#117) * diverse improvements navigation and performance * minor * additional linting and formatting * Remove merge markers from a python file. (#119) * Feature/slam toggle and smacc deep history (#122) * progress in navigation, slam toggle client behaviors and slam_toolbox components. Also smacc2::deep_history syntax * going forward in testing sm_dance_bot introducing slam pausing/resuming funcionality * feature/more_sm_dance_bot_fixes * minor format * minor (#124) Co-authored-by: Ubuntu 20-04-02-amd64 <brett\> * more changes in sm_dance_bot (#125) * Move method after the method it calls. Otherwise recursion could happen. (#126) * Feature/dance bot s pattern (#128) * more changes in sm_dance_bot * polishing sm_dance_bot and s-pattern * noticed typo Finnaly > Finally * Feature/dance bot s pattern (#129) * more changes in sm_dance_bot * polishing sm_dance_bot and s-pattern * more refinement in sm_dance_bot * First working version of sm template and template generator. (#127) * minor tweaks (#130) Co-authored-by: Ubuntu 20-04-02-amd64 <brett\> * Feature/sm dance bot refine (#131) * more changes in sm_dance_bot * minor * Feature/sm dance bot refine 2 (#132) * more changes in sm_dance_bot * minor * build fix * waypoints navigator bug (#133) * minor tuning to mitigate overshot issue cases * progress in the sm_dance_bot tests (#135) * some more progress on markers cleanup * minor format issues (#134) * sm_dance_bot_lite (#136) Co-authored-by: Ubuntu 20-04-02-amd64 <brett\> * Resolve compile wanings (#137) * Add SM core test (#138) * minor navigation improvements (#141) * using local action msgs (#139) * using local action msgs * removing sm_dance_bot_msgs * pending references * Feature/nav2z renaming (#144) * using local action msgs * removing sm_dance_bot_msgs * pending references * navigation 2 stack renaming * formatting * added SVGs to READMEs of atomic, dance_bot, and others (#140) * added remaining SVGs to READMEs (#145) * added remaining SVGs to READMEs * precommit cleanup * Update package list. (#142) * removing parameters smacc (#147) * removing parameters smacc * workflows update * workflow * Noticed launch command was incorrect in fixed launch command for sm_dance_bot_strikes_back and removed some comments I had made in the past. * Fix CI: format fix python version (#148) * Add SM Atomic SM generator. (#143) * Remove node creation and create only a logger. (#149) * Rolling Docker environment to be executed from any environment (#154) * Feature/sm dance bot strikes back refactoring (#152) Co-authored-by: DecDury <declandury\> Co-authored-by: Denis Štogl <destogl\> * slight waypoint 4 and iterations changes so robot can complete course (#155) * Feature/migration moveit client (#151) * initial migration to smacc2 * fixing some errors introduced on formatting * missing dependency * fixing some more linting warnings * minor * removing test from main moveit cmake * test ur5 * progressing in the moveit migration testing * updating format * adding .reps dependencies and also fixing some build errors * repos dependency * adding dependency to ur5 client * docker refactoring * minor * progress on move_it PR * minor dockerfile test workaround * improving dockerfile for building local tests * minor * fixing compiling issues * update readme (#164) * update readme * more readme updates * more Co-authored-by: Ubuntu 20-04-02-amd64 <brett\> * initial state machine transition timestamp (#165) * moved reference library SMs to smacc2_performance_tools (#166) * moved reference library SMs to smacc2_performance_tools * pre-commit cleanup * Add QOS durability to SmaccPublisherClient (#163) * feat: add qos durability to SmaccPublisherClient * fix: add a missing colon * refactor: remove line * feat: add reliability qos config * Feature/testing moveit behaviors (#167) * more testing on moveit * progress on moveit * more testing on moveit behaviors * minor configuration * fixing pipeline error * fixing broken master build * sm_pubsub_1 (#169) Co-authored-by: Ubuntu 20-04-02-amd64 <brett\> * sm_pubsub_1 part 2 (#170) * sm_pubsub_1 part 2 * sm_pubsub_1 part 2 Co-authored-by: Ubuntu 20-04-02-amd64 <brett\> * sm_advanced_recovery_1 renaming (#171) Co-authored-by: Ubuntu 20-04-02-amd64 <brett\> * sm_multi_stage_1 reworking (#172) * multistage modes * sm_multi_stage sequences * sm_multi_state_1 steps * sm_multi_stage_1 sequence d * sm_multi_stage_1 c sequence * mode_5_sequence_b * mode_4_sequence_b * sm_multi_stage_1 most * finishing touches 1 * readme Co-authored-by: Ubuntu 20-04-02-amd64 <brett\> * Feature/aws navigation sm dance bot (#174) * repo dependency * husky launch file in sm_dance_bot * Add dependencies for husky simulation. * Fix formatting. * Update dependencies for husky in rolling and galactic. * minor * progress on aws navigation and some other refactorings on navigation clients and behaviors * more on aws demo * fixing broken build * minor Co-authored-by: Denis Štogl <denis\> Co-authored-by: Denis Štogl <destogl\> * minor changes (#175) * warehouse2 (#177) * Waypoint Inputs (#178) Co-authored-by: Ubuntu 20-04-02-amd64 <brett\> * wharehouse2 progress (#179) * format (#180) * sm_dance_bot_warehouse_3 (#181) Co-authored-by: Ubuntu 20-04-02-amd64 <brett\> * Feature/sm warehouse 2 13 dec 2 (#182) * format * more changes and headless * merge * headless and other fixes * default values * Brettpac branch (#184) * sm_dance_bot_warehouse_3 * Redoing sm_dance_bot_warehouse_3 waypoints * More Waypoints Co-authored-by: Ubuntu 20-04-02-amd64 <brett\> * SrConditional fixes and formatting (#168) * fix: some formatting and templating on SrConditional * fix: move trigger logic into headers * fix: lint * Feature/wharehouse2 dec 14 (#185) * warehouse2 * minor * Feature/sm warehouse 2 13 dec 2 (#186) * format * more changes and headless * merge * headless and other fixes * default values * minor * finetuning waypoints (#187) Co-authored-by: Ubuntu 20-04-02-amd64 <brett\> * Feature/cb pure spinning (#188) * format * more changes and headless * merge * headless and other fixes * default values * minor * Feature/cb pure spinning (#189) * format * more changes and headless * merge * headless and other fixes * default values * minor * pure spinning behavior missing files * minor changes (#190) * Feature/planner changes 16 12 (#191) * minor changes * more fixes * minor * minor * Feature/replanning 16 dec (#193) * minor changes * replanning for all our examples * several fixes (#194) * minor changes (#195) * Feature/undo motion 20 12 (#196) * minor changes * replanning for all our examples * improving undo motion navigation warehouse2 * minor * tuning warehouse3 (#197) * Feature/undo motion 20 12 (#198) * minor changes * replanning for all our examples * improving undo motion navigation warehouse2 * minor * undo tuning and errors * format * Feature/sync 21 12 (#199) * minor changes * replanning for all our examples * format issues * Feature/warehouse2 22 12 (#200) * minor changes * replanning for all our examples * format issues * finishing warehouse2 * Feature/warehouse2 23 12 (#201) * minor changes * replanning for all our examples * tuning and fixes (#202) * Feature/minor tune (#203) * tuning and fixes * minor tune * fixing warehouse 3 problems, and other core improvements (#204) * fixing warehouse 3 problems, and other core improvements to remove dead lock, also making continuous integration green * weird moveit not downloaded repo * added missing file from warehouse2 (#205) * backport to foxy * minor format * minor linking errors foxy Co-authored-by: Denis Štogl <denis\> Co-authored-by: Denis Štogl <destogl\> Co-authored-by: Declan Dury <44791484+DecDury\> Co-authored-by: DecDury <declandury\> Co-authored-by: reelrbtx <brett2\> Co-authored-by: brettpac <brett\> Co-authored-by: David Revay <MrBlenny\> * missing * missing sm * updating subscriber publisher components * progress in autowarrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrre machine * refining cp subscriber cp publisher * improvements in smacc core adding more components mostly developed for autoware demo * autoware demo * missing * foxy ci * fix * minor broken build * some reordering fixes * minor * docker files for different revisions, warnings removval and more testing on navigation * fixing docker for foxy and galactic Co-authored-by: Denis Štogl <denis\> Co-authored-by: Denis Štogl <destogl\> Co-authored-by: Declan Dury <44791484+DecDury\> Co-authored-by: DecDury <declandury\> Co-authored-by: reelrbtx <brett2\> Co-authored-by: brettpac <brett\> Co-authored-by: David Revay <MrBlenny\> Co-authored-by: pabloinigoblasco <pabloinigoblasco\> * dockerfiles (#225) * Fix code generators (#221) * Fix other build issues. * Update SM template and make example code clearly visible. * Remove use of node in the sm performance template. * Updated templated to use Blackboard storage. * Update template to resolve the global data correctly. * Update sm_name.hpp Co-authored-by: Pablo Iñigo Blasco <pablo\> * Feature/retry behavior warehouse 1 (#226) * minor changes * replanning for all our examples * backport to foxy * minor format * minor linking errors foxy * Foxy backport (#206) * minor formatting fixes * Fix trailing spaces. * Correct codespell. * Correct python linters warnings. * Add galactic CI build because Navigation2 is broken in rolling. * Add partial changes for ament_cpplint. * Add tf2_ros as dependency to find include. * Disable ament_cpplint. * Disable some packages and update workflows. * Bump ccache version. * Ignore further packages * Satisfy ament_lint_cmake * Add missing licences. * Disable cpplint and cppcheck linters. * Correct formatters. * branching example * Disable disabled packages * Update ci-build-source.yml * Change extension * Change extension of imports. * Enable cppcheck * Correct formatting of python file. * Included necessary package and edited Threesome launch Changed... ros2 launch sm_three_some sm_three_some to ros2 launch sm_three_some sm_three_some.launch Added: First ensure you have the necessary package installed. ]{.title-ref}sudo apt-get install ros-rolling-ros2trace[ Then run this command. * Rename header files and correct format. * Add workflow for checking doc build. * Update doxygen-check-build.yml * Create doxygen-deploy.yml * Use manual deployment for now. * Create workflow for testing prerelease builds * Use docs/ as source folder for documentation * Use docs/ as output directory. * Rename to smacc2 and smacc2_msgs * Correct GitHub branch reference. * Update name of package and package.xml to pass liter. * Execute on master update * Reset all versions to 0.0.0 * Ignore all packages except smacc2 and smacc2_msgs * Update changelogs * 0.1.0 * Revert "Ignore all packages except smacc2 and smacc2_msgs" This reverts commit f603166a4b3ccdfe96c64d9f9fb9d8b49fbf0e61. * Update description table. * Update table * Copy initial docs * Dockerfile w/ ROS distro as argument use this command "sudo docker build --build-arg ROS2_DISTRO=(desiredRosTag) (directoryHoldingDockerfile)/" * Opened new folder for additional tracing contents * Delete tracing directory * Moved to tracing directory * added Installs necessary packages and configures tracing group. * Removed manual installation of ros-rolling-ros2trace This is now automated in location of sh file assumed if user follows under "Getting started" * Created alternative ManualTracing * added new sm markdowns * added a dockerfile for Rolling and Galactic * Update smacc2_ci/docker/ros_rollingAndGalactic_ubuntu_20.04/ Co-authored-by: Denis Štogl <destogl\> * Update tracing/ Co-authored-by: Denis Štogl <destogl\> * changed wording "smacc application" to "SMACC2 library" Co-authored-by: Denis Štogl <destogl\> * Update smacc_sm_reference_library/sm_atomic/ edit from html to markdown syntax Co-authored-by: Denis Štogl <destogl\> * reactivating smacc2 nav clients for rolling via submodules * renamed tracing events after * bug in smacc2 component * reverted markdowns to html * added README tutorial for Dockerfile * additional cleanup * cleanup * cleanup * edited to reflect new tracing event names * Enable build of missing rolling repositories. * Enable Navigation2 for semi-binary build. * Remove galactic builds from master and kepp only rolling. Remove submodules and use .repos file * updated mentions of SMACC/ROS to SMACC2/ROS2 * some progress on navigation rolling * renamed folders, deleted, edited * added smacc2_performance_tools * performance tests improvements * more on performance and other issues * sm_respira_1 format cleanup * sm_respira_1 format cleanup pre-commit * sm_respira_test_2 * sm_respira_test_2 * more changes on performance tests * Do not execute clang-format on smacc2_sm_reference_library package. * sm_reference_library reformatting * Correct trailing spaces. * sm_atomic_24hr * sm_atomic_performance_trace_1 * Update smacc2_rta command across readmes * Clean up of sm_atomic_24hr * more sm_atomic_24hr cleanup * Optimized deps in move_base_z_planners_common. * Renaming of event generator library * minor formatting * Add galactic CI setup and rename rolling files. (#58) * Fix source CI and correct README overview. (#62) * Update c_cpp_properties.json * changed launch command to ros2 launch sm_respira_1 sm_respira_1.launch (#69) also noticed a note I had made while producing these that was not removed * update doxygen links (#70) Co-authored-by: Ubuntu 20-04-02-amd64 <brett\> * More Readme Updates (#72) Co-authored-by: Ubuntu 20-04-02-amd64 <brett\> * More Readme (#74) Co-authored-by: Ubuntu 20-04-02-amd64 <brett\> * created new sm from sm_respira_1 (#76) * Feature/core and navigation fixes (#78) * base for the sm_aws_aarehouse navigation * progressing in aws navigation * minor * several core improvements during navigation testing * formatting improvements * progress in aws navigation demo * format improvements * Feature/aws demo progress (#80) * base for the sm_aws_aarehouse navigation * progressing in aws navigation * minor * several core improvements during navigation testing * formatting improvements * progress in aws navigation demo * format improvements * format improvements * more on navigation * sm_advanced_recovery_1 reworked (#83) * sm_advanced_recovery_1 reworked * fix pre-commit * Trying to fix Pre-Commit Co-authored-by: Ubuntu 20-04-02-amd64 <brett\> * more sm_advanced_recovery_1 (#84) Co-authored-by: Ubuntu 20-04-02-amd64 <brett\> * More sm_advanced_recovery_1 work (#85) Co-authored-by: Ubuntu 20-04-02-amd64 <brett\> * sm_advanced_recovery_1 round 4 (#86) Co-authored-by: Ubuntu 20-04-02-amd64 <brett\> * Brettpac branch (#87) * sm_atomic_performance_test_a_2 * sm_atomic_performance_test_a_1 Co-authored-by: Ubuntu 20-04-02-amd64 <brett\> * sm_atomic_performance_test_c_1 (#88) Co-authored-by: Ubuntu 20-04-02-amd64 <brett\> * modifying sm_atomic_performance_test_a_2 (#89) Co-authored-by: Ubuntu 20-04-02-amd64 <brett\> * sm_multi_stage_1 (#90) * sm_multi_stage_1 * fixing precommit Co-authored-by: Ubuntu 20-04-02-amd64 <brett\> * more sm_multi_stage_1 (#91) Co-authored-by: Ubuntu 20-04-02-amd64 <brett\> * Update updated launch command * Wait topic message client behavior (#81) * base for the sm_aws_aarehouse navigation * progressing in aws navigation * minor * several core improvements during navigation testing * formatting improvements * progress in aws navigation demo * format improvements * format improvements * more on navigation * new feature, cb_wait_topic_message: asynchronous client behavior that waits a topic message and optionally checks its contents to success * formatting * attempting precommit fixes Co-authored-by: Ubuntu 20-04-02-amd64 <brett\> Co-authored-by: Denis Štogl <destogl\> * Feature/wait nav2 nodes client behavior (#82) * base for the sm_aws_aarehouse navigation * progressing in aws navigation * minor * several core improvements during navigation testing * formatting improvements * progress in aws navigation demo * format improvements * format improvements * more on navigation * new feature, cb_wait_topic_message: asynchronous client behavior that waits a topic message and optionally checks its contents to success * formatting * adding new client behavior add for nav2, wait nav2 nodes subscribing to the /bond topic and waiting they are alive. you optionally can select the nodes to wait * Correct all linters and formaters. Co-authored-by: Denis Štogl <denis\> Co-authored-by: Denis Štogl <destogl\> * Feature/aws demo progress (#92) * base for the sm_aws_aarehouse navigation * progressing in aws navigation * minor * several core improvements during navigation testing * formatting improvements * progress in aws navigation demo * format improvements * format improvements * more on navigation * new feature, cb_wait_topic_message: asynchronous client behavior that waits a topic message and optionally checks its contents to success * formatting * adding new client behavior add for nav2, wait nav2 nodes subscribing to the /bond topic and waiting they are alive. you optionally can select the nodes to wait * progress in aws navigation demo * minor format * Feature/sm dance bot fixes (#93) * base for the sm_aws_aarehouse navigation * progressing in aws navigation * minor * several core improvements during navigation testing * formatting improvements * progress in aws navigation demo * format improvements * format improvements * more on navigation * new feature, cb_wait_topic_message: asynchronous client behavior that waits a topic message and optionally checks its contents to success * formatting * adding new client behavior add for nav2, wait nav2 nodes subscribing to the /bond topic and waiting they are alive. you optionally can select the nodes to wait * progress in aws navigation demo * minor format * navigation parameters fixes on sm_dance_bot * minor format * Feature/sm aws warehouse (#94) * base for the sm_aws_aarehouse navigation * progressing in aws navigation * minor * several core improvements during navigation testing * formatting improvements * progress in aws navigation demo * format improvements * format improvements * more on navigation * new feature, cb_wait_topic_message: asynchronous client behavior that waits a topic message and optionally checks its contents to success * formatting * adding new client behavior add for nav2, wait nav2 nodes subscribing to the /bond topic and waiting they are alive. you optionally can select the nodes to wait * progress in aws navigation demo * minor format * merge and progress * fix format * Feature/sm dance bot fixes (#95) * base for the sm_aws_aarehouse navigation * progressing in aws navigation * minor * several core improvements during navigation testing * formatting improvements * progress in aws navigation demo * format improvements * format improvements * more on navigation * new feature, cb_wait_topic_message: asynchronous client behavior that waits a topic message and optionally checks its contents to success * formatting * adding new client behavior add for nav2, wait nav2 nodes subscribing to the /bond topic and waiting they are alive. you optionally can select the nodes to wait * progress in aws navigation demo * minor format * navigation parameters fixes on sm_dance_bot * minor format * minor * minor format * Remove some compile warnings. (#96) * Feature/cb pause slam (#98) * base for the sm_aws_aarehouse navigation * progressing in aws navigation * minor * several core improvements during navigation testing * formatting improvements * progress in aws navigation demo * format improvements * format improvements * more on navigation * new feature, cb_wait_topic_message: asynchronous client behavior that waits a topic message and optionally checks its contents to success * formatting * adding new client behavior add for nav2, wait nav2 nodes subscribing to the /bond topic and waiting they are alive. you optionally can select the nodes to wait * progress in aws navigation demo * minor format * navigation parameters fixes on sm_dance_bot * minor format * minor * formatting * cb pause slam client behavior * sm_dance_bot_lite (#99) * sm_dance_bot_lite * precommit * Updates yaml Co-authored-by: Ubuntu 20-04-02-amd64 <brett\> * Rename doxygen deployment workflow (#100) * minor hotfix * sm_dance_bot visualizing turtlebot3 (#101) * Feature/dance bot launch gz lidar choice (#102) * sm_dance_bot visualizing turtlebot3 * cleaning and lidar show/hide option * cleaning files and making formatting work * more fixes * Feature/sm dance bot lite gazebo fixes (#104) * sm_dance_bot visualizing turtlebot3 * cleaning and lidar show/hide option * cleaning files and making formatting work * more fixes * gazebo fixes, to show the robot and the lidar * format fixes * sm_multi_stage_1 doubling (#103) Co-authored-by: Ubuntu 20-04-02-amd64 <brett\> * Feature/sm dance bot strikes back gazebo fixes (#105) * sm_dance_bot visualizing turtlebot3 * cleaning and lidar show/hide option * cleaning files and making formatting work * more fixes * gazebo fixes, to show the robot and the lidar * format fixes * gazebo fixes for sm_dance_bot_strikes_back * precommit cleanup run (#106) Co-authored-by: Ubuntu 20-04-02-amd64 <brett\> * aws demo (#108) * aws demo * format * got sm_multi_stage_1 working (barely) (#109) Co-authored-by: Ubuntu 20-04-02-amd64 <brett\> * Brettpac branch (#110) * got sm_multi_stage_1 working (barely) * gaining traction sm_multi_stage_1 * more * don't remember * making progress * More * keep hammering * two stages * 3 part * 4th stage Co-authored-by: Ubuntu 20-04-02-amd64 <brett\> * Brettpac branch (#111) * got sm_multi_stage_1 working (barely) * gaining traction sm_multi_stage_1 * more * don't remember * making progress * More * keep hammering * two stages * 3 part * 4th stage * 5th stage Co-authored-by: Ubuntu 20-04-02-amd64 <brett\> * a3 (#113) Co-authored-by: Ubuntu 20-04-02-amd64 <brett\> * Remove neo_simulation2 package. (#112) * Remove neo_simulation2 package. * Correct formatting. * Enable source build on PR for testing. * Adjust build packages of source CI * more sm_multi_stage_1 (#114) Co-authored-by: Ubuntu 20-04-02-amd64 <brett\> * mm (#115) Co-authored-by: Ubuntu 20-04-02-amd64 <brett\> * diverse improvements navigation and performance (#116) * diverse improvements navigation and performance * minor Co-authored-by: pabloinigoblasco <pablo\> * Feature/diverse improvemets navigation performance (#117) * diverse improvements navigation and performance * minor * additional linting and formatting * Remove merge markers from a python file. (#119) * Feature/slam toggle and smacc deep history (#122) * progress in navigation, slam toggle client behaviors and slam_toolbox components. Also smacc2::deep_history syntax * going forward in testing sm_dance_bot introducing slam pausing/resuming funcionality * feature/more_sm_dance_bot_fixes * minor format * minor (#124) Co-authored-by: Ubuntu 20-04-02-amd64 <brett\> * more changes in sm_dance_bot (#125) * Move method after the method it calls. Otherwise recursion could happen. (#126) * Feature/dance bot s pattern (#128) * more changes in sm_dance_bot * polishing sm_dance_bot and s-pattern * noticed typo Finnaly > Finally * Feature/dance bot s pattern (#129) * more changes in sm_dance_bot * polishing sm_dance_bot and s-pattern * more refinement in sm_dance_bot * First working version of sm template and template generator. (#127) * minor tweaks (#130) Co-authored-by: Ubuntu 20-04-02-amd64 <brett\> * Feature/sm dance bot refine (#131) * more changes in sm_dance_bot * minor * Feature/sm dance bot refine 2 (#132) * more changes in sm_dance_bot * minor * build fix * waypoints navigator bug (#133) * minor tuning to mitigate overshot issue cases * progress in the sm_dance_bot tests (#135) * some more progress on markers cleanup * minor format issues (#134) * sm_dance_bot_lite (#136) Co-authored-by: Ubuntu 20-04-02-amd64 <brett\> * Resolve compile wanings (#137) * Add SM core test (#138) * minor navigation improvements (#141) * using local action msgs (#139) * using local action msgs * removing sm_dance_bot_msgs * pending references * Feature/nav2z renaming (#144) * using local action msgs * removing sm_dance_bot_msgs * pending references * navigation 2 stack renaming * formatting * added SVGs to READMEs of atomic, dance_bot, and others (#140) * added remaining SVGs to READMEs (#145) * added remaining SVGs to READMEs * precommit cleanup * Update package list. (#142) * removing parameters smacc (#147) * removing parameters smacc * workflows update * workflow * Noticed launch command was incorrect in fixed launch command for sm_dance_bot_strikes_back and removed some comments I had made in the past. * Fix CI: format fix python version (#148) * Add SM Atomic SM generator. (#143) * Remove node creation and create only a logger. (#149) * Rolling Docker environment to be executed from any environment (#154) * Feature/sm dance bot strikes back refactoring (#152) Co-authored-by: DecDury <declandury\> Co-authored-by: Denis Štogl <destogl\> * slight waypoint 4 and iterations changes so robot can complete course (#155) * Feature/migration moveit client (#151) * initial migration to smacc2 * fixing some errors introduced on formatting * missing dependency * fixing some more linting warnings * minor * removing test from main moveit cmake * test ur5 * progressing in the moveit migration testing * updating format * adding .reps dependencies and also fixing some build errors * repos dependency * adding dependency to ur5 client * docker refactoring * minor * progress on move_it PR * minor dockerfile test workaround * improving dockerfile for building local tests * minor * fixing compiling issues * update readme (#164) * update readme * more readme updates * more Co-authored-by: Ubuntu 20-04-02-amd64 <brett\> * initial state machine transition timestamp (#165) * moved reference library SMs to smacc2_performance_tools (#166) * moved reference library SMs to smacc2_performance_tools * pre-commit cleanup * Add QOS durability to SmaccPublisherClient (#163) * feat: add qos durability to SmaccPublisherClient * fix: add a missing colon * refactor: remove line * feat: add reliability qos config * Feature/testing moveit behaviors (#167) * more testing on moveit * progress on moveit * more testing on moveit behaviors * minor configuration * fixing pipeline error * fixing broken master build * sm_pubsub_1 (#169) Co-authored-by: Ubuntu 20-04-02-amd64 <brett\> * sm_pubsub_1 part 2 (#170) * sm_pubsub_1 part 2 * sm_pubsub_1 part 2 Co-authored-by: Ubuntu 20-04-02-amd64 <brett\> * sm_advanced_recovery_1 renaming (#171) Co-authored-by: Ubuntu 20-04-02-amd64 <brett\> * sm_multi_stage_1 reworking (#172) * multistage modes * sm_multi_stage sequences * sm_multi_state_1 steps * sm_multi_stage_1 sequence d * sm_multi_stage_1 c sequence * mode_5_sequence_b * mode_4_sequence_b * sm_multi_stage_1 most * finishing touches 1 * readme Co-authored-by: Ubuntu 20-04-02-amd64 <brett\> * Feature/aws navigation sm dance bot (#174) * repo dependency * husky launch file in sm_dance_bot * Add dependencies for husky simulation. * Fix formatting. * Update dependencies for husky in rolling and galactic. * minor * progress on aws navigation and some other refactorings on navigation clients and behaviors * more on aws demo * fixing broken build * minor Co-authored-by: Denis Štogl <denis\> Co-authored-by: Denis Štogl <destogl\> * minor changes (#175) * warehouse2 (#177) * Waypoint Inputs (#178) Co-authored-by: Ubuntu 20-04-02-amd64 <brett\> * wharehouse2 progress (#179) * format (#180) * sm_dance_bot_warehouse_3 (#181) Co-authored-by: Ubuntu 20-04-02-amd64 <brett\> * Feature/sm warehouse 2 13 dec 2 (#182) * format * more changes and headless * merge * headless and other fixes * default values * Brettpac branch (#184) * sm_dance_bot_warehouse_3 * Redoing sm_dance_bot_warehouse_3 waypoints * More Waypoints Co-authored-by: Ubuntu 20-04-02-amd64 <brett\> * SrConditional fixes and formatting (#168) * fix: some formatting and templating on SrConditional * fix: move trigger logic into headers * fix: lint * Feature/wharehouse2 dec 14 (#185) * warehouse2 * minor * Feature/sm warehouse 2 13 dec 2 (#186) * format * more changes and headless * merge * headless and other fixes * default values * minor * finetuning waypoints (#187) Co-authored-by: Ubuntu 20-04-02-amd64 <brett\> * Feature/cb pure spinning (#188) * format * more changes and headless * merge * headless and other fixes * default values * minor * Feature/cb pure spinning (#189) * format * more changes and headless * merge * headless and other fixes * default values * minor * pure spinning behavior missing files * minor changes (#190) * Feature/planner changes 16 12 (#191) * minor changes * more fixes * minor * minor * Feature/replanning 16 dec (#193) * minor changes * replanning for all our examples * several fixes (#194) * minor changes (#195) * Feature/undo motion 20 12 (#196) * minor changes * replanning for all our examples * improving undo motion navigation warehouse2 * minor * tuning warehouse3 (#197) * Feature/undo motion 20 12 (#198) * minor changes * replanning for all our examples * improving undo motion navigation warehouse2 * minor * undo tuning and errors * format * Feature/sync 21 12 (#199) * minor changes * replanning for all our examples * format issues * Feature/warehouse2 22 12 (#200) * minor changes * replanning for all our examples * format issues * finishing warehouse2 * Feature/warehouse2 23 12 (#201) * minor changes * replanning for all our examples * tuning and fixes (#202) * Feature/minor tune (#203) * tuning and fixes * minor tune * fixing warehouse 3 problems, and other core improvements (#204) * fixing warehouse 3 problems, and other core improvements to remove dead lock, also making continuous integration green * weird moveit not downloaded repo * added missing file from warehouse2 (#205) * backport to foxy * minor format * minor linking errors foxy Co-authored-by: Denis Štogl <denis\> Co-authored-by: Denis Štogl <destogl\> Co-authored-by: Declan Dury <44791484+DecDury\> Co-authored-by: DecDury <declandury\> Co-authored-by: reelrbtx <brett2\> Co-authored-by: brettpac <brett\> Co-authored-by: David Revay <MrBlenny\> * missing * missing sm * updating subscriber publisher components * progress in autowarrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrre machine * refining cp subscriber cp publisher * improvements in smacc core adding more components mostly developed for autoware demo * autoware demo * missing * foxy ci * fix * minor broken build * some reordering fixes * minor * docker files for different revisions, warnings removval and more testing on navigation * fixing docker for foxy and galactic * Update file for fake hardware simulation and add file for gazebo simulation. * docker build files for all versions * retry behavior warehouse 1 * missing file * minor format fix * other minor changes Co-authored-by: Denis Štogl <denis\> Co-authored-by: Denis Štogl <destogl\> Co-authored-by: Declan Dury <44791484+DecDury\> Co-authored-by: DecDury <declandury\> Co-authored-by: reelrbtx <brett2\> Co-authored-by: brettpac <brett\> Co-authored-by: David Revay <MrBlenny\> Co-authored-by: pabloinigoblasco <pabloinigoblasco\> * fix broken source build (#227) * Only rolling version should be pre-released on on master. (#230) * Correct Focal-Rolling builds by fixing the version of rosdep yaml (#234) * Update file for fake hardware simulation and add file for gazebo simulation. (#224) * Update file for fake hardware simulation and add file for gazebo simulation. * Add ignition file and update repos files. * Feature/improvements warehouse3 (#228) * minor changes * replanning for all our examples * backport to foxy * minor format * minor linking errors foxy * Foxy backport (#206) * minor formatting fixes * Fix trailing spaces. * Correct codespell. * Correct python linters warnings. * Add galactic CI build because Navigation2 is broken in rolling. * Add partial changes for ament_cpplint. * Add tf2_ros as dependency to find include. * Disable ament_cpplint. * Disable some packages and update workflows. * Bump ccache version. * Ignore further packages * Satisfy ament_lint_cmake * Add missing licences. * Disable cpplint and cppcheck linters. * Correct formatters. * branching example * Disable disabled packages * Update ci-build-source.yml * Change extension * Change extension of imports. * Enable cppcheck * Correct formatting of python file. * Included necessary package and edited Threesome launch Changed... ros2 launch sm_three_some sm_three_some to ros2 launch sm_three_some sm_three_some.launch Added: First ensure you have the necessary package installed. ]{.title-ref}sudo apt-get install ros-rolling-ros2trace[ Then run this command. * Rename header files and correct format. * Add workflow for checking doc build. * Update doxygen-check-build.yml * Create doxygen-deploy.yml * Use manual deployment for now. * Create workflow for testing prerelease builds * Use docs/ as source folder for documentation * Use docs/ as output directory. * Rename to smacc2 and smacc2_msgs * Correct GitHub branch reference. * Update name of package and package.xml to pass liter. * Execute on master update * Reset all versions to 0.0.0 * Ignore all packages except smacc2 and smacc2_msgs * Update changelogs * 0.1.0 * Revert "Ignore all packages except smacc2 and smacc2_msgs" This reverts commit f603166a4b3ccdfe96c64d9f9fb9d8b49fbf0e61. * Update description table. * Update table * Copy initial docs * Dockerfile w/ ROS distro as argument use this command "sudo docker build --build-arg ROS2_DISTRO=(desiredRosTag) (directoryHoldingDockerfile)/" * Opened new folder for additional tracing contents * Delete tracing directory * Moved to tracing directory * added Installs necessary packages and configures tracing group. * Removed manual installation of ros-rolling-ros2trace This is now automated in location of sh file assumed if user follows under "Getting started" * Created alternative ManualTracing * added new sm markdowns * added a dockerfile for Rolling and Galactic * Update smacc2_ci/docker/ros_rollingAndGalactic_ubuntu_20.04/ Co-authored-by: Denis Štogl <destogl\> * Update tracing/ Co-authored-by: Denis Štogl <destogl\> * changed wording "smacc application" to "SMACC2 library" Co-authored-by: Denis Štogl <destogl\> * Update smacc_sm_reference_library/sm_atomic/ edit from html to markdown syntax Co-authored-by: Denis Štogl <destogl\> * reactivating smacc2 nav clients for rolling via submodules * renamed tracing events after * bug in smacc2 component * reverted markdowns to html * added README tutorial for Dockerfile * additional cleanup * cleanup * cleanup * edited to reflect new tracing event names * Enable build of missing rolling repositories. * Enable Navigation2 for semi-binary build. * Remove galactic builds from master and kepp only rolling. Remove submodules and use .repos file * updated mentions of SMACC/ROS to SMACC2/ROS2 * some progress on navigation rolling * renamed folders, deleted, edited * added smacc2_performance_tools * performance tests improvements * more on performance and other issues * sm_respira_1 format cleanup * sm_respira_1 format cleanup pre-commit * sm_respira_test_2 * sm_respira_test_2 * more changes on performance tests * Do not execute clang-format on smacc2_sm_reference_library package. * sm_reference_library reformatting * Correct trailing spaces. * sm_atomic_24hr * sm_atomic_performance_trace_1 * Update smacc2_rta command across readmes * Clean up of sm_atomic_24hr * more sm_atomic_24hr cleanup * Optimized deps in move_base_z_planners_common. * Renaming of event generator library * minor formatting * Add galactic CI setup and rename rolling files. (#58) * Fix source CI and correct README overview. (#62) * Update c_cpp_properties.json * changed launch command to ros2 launch sm_respira_1 sm_respira_1.launch (#69) also noticed a note I had made while producing these that was not removed * update doxygen links (#70) Co-authored-by: Ubuntu 20-04-02-amd64 <brett\> * More Readme Updates (#72) Co-authored-by: Ubuntu 20-04-02-amd64 <brett\> * More Readme (#74) Co-authored-by: Ubuntu 20-04-02-amd64 <brett\> * created new sm from sm_respira_1 (#76) * Feature/core and navigation fixes (#78) * base for the sm_aws_aarehouse navigation * progressing in aws navigation * minor * several core improvements during navigation testing * formatting improvements * progress in aws navigation demo * format improvements * Feature/aws demo progress (#80) * base for the sm_aws_aarehouse navigation * progressing in aws navigation * minor * several core improvements during navigation testing * formatting improvements * progress in aws navigation demo * format improvements * format improvements * more on navigation * sm_advanced_recovery_1 reworked (#83) * sm_advanced_recovery_1 reworked * fix pre-commit * Trying to fix Pre-Commit Co-authored-by: Ubuntu 20-04-02-amd64 <brett\> * more sm_advanced_recovery_1 (#84) Co-authored-by: Ubuntu 20-04-02-amd64 <brett\> * More sm_advanced_recovery_1 work (#85) Co-authored-by: Ubuntu 20-04-02-amd64 <brett\> * sm_advanced_recovery_1 round 4 (#86) Co-authored-by: Ubuntu 20-04-02-amd64 <brett\> * Brettpac branch (#87) * sm_atomic_performance_test_a_2 * sm_atomic_performance_test_a_1 Co-authored-by: Ubuntu 20-04-02-amd64 <brett\> * sm_atomic_performance_test_c_1 (#88) Co-authored-by: Ubuntu 20-04-02-amd64 <brett\> * modifying sm_atomic_performance_test_a_2 (#89) Co-authored-by: Ubuntu 20-04-02-amd64 <brett\> * sm_multi_stage_1 (#90) * sm_multi_stage_1 * fixing precommit Co-authored-by: Ubuntu 20-04-02-amd64 <brett\> * more sm_multi_stage_1 (#91) Co-authored-by: Ubuntu 20-04-02-amd64 <brett\> * Update updated launch command * Wait topic message client behavior (#81) * base for the sm_aws_aarehouse navigation * progressing in aws navigation * minor * several core improvements during navigation testing * formatting improvements * progress in aws navigation demo * format improvements * format improvements * more on navigation * new feature, cb_wait_topic_message: asynchronous client behavior that waits a topic message and optionally checks its contents to success * formatting * attempting precommit fixes Co-authored-by: Ubuntu 20-04-02-amd64 <brett\> Co-authored-by: Denis Štogl <destogl\> * Feature/wait nav2 nodes client behavior (#82) * base for the sm_aws_aarehouse navigation * progressing in aws navigation * minor * several core improvements during navigation testing * formatting improvements * progress in aws navigation demo * format improvements * format improvements * more on navigation * new feature, cb_wait_topic_message: asynchronous client behavior that waits a topic message and optionally checks its contents to success * formatting * adding new client behavior add for nav2, wait nav2 nodes subscribing to the /bond topic and waiting they are alive. you optionally can select the nodes to wait * Correct all linters and formaters. Co-authored-by: Denis Štogl <denis\> Co-authored-by: Denis Štogl <destogl\> * Feature/aws demo progress (#92) * base for the sm_aws_aarehouse navigation * progressing in aws navigation * minor * several core improvements during navigation testing * formatting improvements * progress in aws navigation demo * format improvements * format improvements * more on navigation * new feature, cb_wait_topic_message: asynchronous client behavior that waits a topic message and optionally checks its contents to success * formatting * adding new client behavior add for nav2, wait nav2 nodes subscribing to the /bond topic and waiting they are alive. you optionally can select the nodes to wait * progress in aws navigation demo * minor format * Feature/sm dance bot fixes (#93) * base for the sm_aws_aarehouse navigation * progressing in aws navigation * minor * several core improvements during navigation testing * formatting improvements * progress in aws navigation demo * format improvements * format improvements * more on navigation * new feature, cb_wait_topic_message: asynchronous client behavior that waits a topic message and optionally checks its contents to success * formatting * adding new client behavior add for nav2, wait nav2 nodes subscribing to the /bond topic and waiting they are alive. you optionally can select the nodes to wait * progress in aws navigation demo * minor format * navigation parameters fixes on sm_dance_bot * minor format * Feature/sm aws warehouse (#94) * base for the sm_aws_aarehouse navigation * progressing in aws navigation * minor * several core improvements during navigation testing * formatting improvements * progress in aws navigation demo * format improvements * format improvements * more on navigation * new feature, cb_wait_topic_message: asynchronous client behavior that waits a topic message and optionally checks its contents to success * formatting * adding new client behavior add for nav2, wait nav2 nodes subscribing to the /bond topic and waiting they are alive. you optionally can select the nodes to wait * progress in aws navigation demo * minor format * merge and progress * fix format * Feature/sm dance bot fixes (#95) * base for the sm_aws_aarehouse navigation * progressing in aws navigation * minor * several core improvements during navigation testing * formatting improvements * progress in aws navigation demo * format improvements * format improvements * more on navigation * new feature, cb_wait_topic_message: asynchronous client behavior that waits a topic message and optionally checks its contents to success * formatting * adding new client behavior add for nav2, wait nav2 nodes subscribing to the /bond topic and waiting they are alive. you optionally can select the nodes to wait * progress in aws navigation demo * minor format * navigation parameters fixes on sm_dance_bot * minor format * minor * minor format * Remove some compile warnings. (#96) * Feature/cb pause slam (#98) * base for the sm_aws_aarehouse navigation * progressing in aws navigation * minor * several core improvements during navigation testing * formatting improvements * progress in aws navigation demo * format improvements * format improvements * more on navigation * new feature, cb_wait_topic_message: asynchronous client behavior that waits a topic message and optionally checks its contents to success * formatting * adding new client behavior add for nav2, wait nav2 nodes subscribing to the /bond topic and waiting they are alive. you optionally can select the nodes to wait * progress in aws navigation demo * minor format * navigation parameters fixes on sm_dance_bot * minor format * minor * formatting * cb pause slam client behavior * sm_dance_bot_lite (#99) * sm_dance_bot_lite * precommit * Updates yaml Co-authored-by: Ubuntu 20-04-02-amd64 <brett\> * Rename doxygen deployment workflow (#100) * minor hotfix * sm_dance_bot visualizing turtlebot3 (#101) * Feature/dance bot launch gz lidar choice (#102) * sm_dance_bot visualizing turtlebot3 * cleaning and lidar show/hide option * cleaning files and making formatting work * more fixes * Feature/sm dance bot lite gazebo fixes (#104) * sm_dance_bot visualizing turtlebot3 * cleaning and lidar show/hide option * cleaning files and making formatting work * more fixes * gazebo fixes, to show the robot and the lidar * format fixes * sm_multi_stage_1 doubling (#103) Co-authored-by: Ubuntu 20-04-02-amd64 <brett\> * Feature/sm dance bot strikes back gazebo fixes (#105) * sm_dance_bot visualizing turtlebot3 * cleaning and lidar show/hide option * cleaning files and making formatting work * more fixes * gazebo fixes, to show the robot and the lidar * format fixes * gazebo fixes for sm_dance_bot_strikes_back * precommit cleanup run (#106) Co-authored-by: Ubuntu 20-04-02-amd64 <brett\> * aws demo (#108) * aws demo * format * got sm_multi_stage_1 working (barely) (#109) Co-authored-by: Ubuntu 20-04-02-amd64 <brett\> * Brettpac branch (#110) * got sm_multi_stage_1 working (barely) * gaining traction sm_multi_stage_1 * more * don't remember * making progress * More * keep hammering * two stages * 3 part * 4th stage Co-authored-by: Ubuntu 20-04-02-amd64 <brett\> * Brettpac branch (#111) * got sm_multi_stage_1 working (barely) * gaining traction sm_multi_stage_1 * more * don't remember * making progress * More * keep hammering * two stages * 3 part * 4th stage * 5th stage Co-authored-by: Ubuntu 20-04-02-amd64 <brett\> * a3 (#113) Co-authored-by: Ubuntu 20-04-02-amd64 <brett\> * Remove neo_simulation2 package. (#112) * Remove neo_simulation2 package. * Correct formatting. * Enable source build on PR for testing. * Adjust build packages of source CI * more sm_multi_stage_1 (#114) Co-authored-by: Ubuntu 20-04-02-amd64 <brett\> * mm (#115) Co-authored-by: Ubuntu 20-04-02-amd64 <brett\> * diverse improvements navigation and performance (#116) * diverse improvements navigation and performance * minor Co-authored-by: pabloinigoblasco <pablo\> * Feature/diverse improvemets navigation performance (#117) * diverse improvements navigation and performance * minor * additional linting and formatting * Remove merge markers from a python file. (#119) * Feature/slam toggle and smacc deep history (#122) * progress in navigation, slam toggle client behaviors and slam_toolbox components. Also smacc2::deep_history syntax * going forward in testing sm_dance_bot introducing slam pausing/resuming funcionality * feature/more_sm_dance_bot_fixes * minor format * minor (#124) Co-authored-by: Ubuntu 20-04-02-amd64 <brett\> * more changes in sm_dance_bot (#125) * Move method after the method it calls. Otherwise recursion could happen. (#126) * Feature/dance bot s pattern (#128) * more changes in sm_dance_bot * polishing sm_dance_bot and s-pattern * noticed typo Finnaly > Finally * Feature/dance bot s pattern (#129) * more changes in sm_dance_bot * polishing sm_dance_bot and s-pattern * more refinement in sm_dance_bot * First working version of sm template and template generator. (#127) * minor tweaks (#130) Co-authored-by: Ubuntu 20-04-02-amd64 <brett\> * Feature/sm dance bot refine (#131) * more changes in sm_dance_bot * minor * Feature/sm dance bot refine 2 (#132) * more changes in sm_dance_bot * minor * build fix * waypoints navigator bug (#133) * minor tuning to mitigate overshot issue cases * progress in the sm_dance_bot tests (#135) * some more progress on markers cleanup * minor format issues (#134) * sm_dance_bot_lite (#136) Co-authored-by: Ubuntu 20-04-02-amd64 <brett\> * Resolve compile wanings (#137) * Add SM core test (#138) * minor navigation improvements (#141) * using local action msgs (#139) * using local action msgs * removing sm_dance_bot_msgs * pending references * Feature/nav2z renaming (#144) * using local action msgs * removing sm_dance_bot_msgs * pending references * navigation 2 stack renaming * formatting * added SVGs to READMEs of atomic, dance_bot, and others (#140) * added remaining SVGs to READMEs (#145) * added remaining SVGs to READMEs * precommit cleanup * Update package list. (#142) * removing parameters smacc (#147) * removing parameters smacc * workflows update * workflow * Noticed launch command was incorrect in fixed launch command for sm_dance_bot_strikes_back and removed some comments I had made in the past. * Fix CI: format fix python version (#148) * Add SM Atomic SM generator. (#143) * Remove node creation and create only a logger. (#149) * Rolling Docker environment to be executed from any environment (#154) * Feature/sm dance bot strikes back refactoring (#152) Co-authored-by: DecDury <declandury\> Co-authored-by: Denis Štogl <destogl\> * slight waypoint 4 and iterations changes so robot can complete course (#155) * Feature/migration moveit client (#151) * initial migration to smacc2 * fixing some errors introduced on formatting * missing dependency * fixing some more linting warnings * minor * removing test from main moveit cmake * test ur5 * progressing in the moveit migration testing * updating format * adding .reps dependencies and also fixing some build errors * repos dependency * adding dependency to ur5 client * docker refactoring * minor * progress on move_it PR * minor dockerfile test workaround * improving dockerfile for building local tests * minor * fixing compiling issues * update readme (#164) * update readme * more readme updates * more Co-authored-by: Ubuntu 20-04-02-amd64 <brett\> * initial state machine transition timestamp (#165) * moved reference library SMs to smacc2_performance_tools (#166) * moved reference library SMs to smacc2_performance_tools * pre-commit cleanup * Add QOS durability to SmaccPublisherClient (#163) * feat: add qos durability to SmaccPublisherClient * fix: add a missing colon * refactor: remove line * feat: add reliability qos config * Feature/testing moveit behaviors (#167) * more testing on moveit * progress on moveit * more testing on moveit behaviors * minor configuration * fixing pipeline error * fixing broken master build * sm_pubsub_1 (#169) Co-authored-by: Ubuntu 20-04-02-amd64 <brett\> * sm_pubsub_1 part 2 (#170) * sm_pubsub_1 part 2 * sm_pubsub_1 part 2 Co-authored-by: Ubuntu 20-04-02-amd64 <brett\> * sm_advanced_recovery_1 renaming (#171) Co-authored-by: Ubuntu 20-04-02-amd64 <brett\> * sm_multi_stage_1 reworking (#172) * multistage modes * sm_multi_stage sequences * sm_multi_state_1 steps * sm_multi_stage_1 sequence d * sm_multi_stage_1 c sequence * mode_5_sequence_b * mode_4_sequence_b * sm_multi_stage_1 most * finishing touches 1 * readme Co-authored-by: Ubuntu 20-04-02-amd64 <brett\> * Feature/aws navigation sm dance bot (#174) * repo dependency * husky launch file in sm_dance_bot * Add dependencies for husky simulation. * Fix formatting. * Update dependencies for husky in rolling and galactic. * minor * progress on aws navigation and some other refactorings on navigation clients and behaviors * more on aws demo * fixing broken build * minor Co-authored-by: Denis Štogl <denis\> Co-authored-by: Denis Štogl <destogl\> * minor changes (#175) * warehouse2 (#177) * Waypoint Inputs (#178) Co-authored-by: Ubuntu 20-04-02-amd64 <brett\> * wharehouse2 progress (#179) * format (#180) * sm_dance_bot_warehouse_3 (#181) Co-authored-by: Ubuntu 20-04-02-amd64 <brett\> * Feature/sm warehouse 2 13 dec 2 (#182) * format * more changes and headless * merge * headless and other fixes * default values * Brettpac branch (#184) * sm_dance_bot_warehouse_3 * Redoing sm_dance_bot_warehouse_3 waypoints * More Waypoints Co-authored-by: Ubuntu 20-04-02-amd64 <brett\> * SrConditional fixes and formatting (#168) * fix: some formatting and templating on SrConditional * fix: move trigger logic into headers * fix: lint * Feature/wharehouse2 dec 14 (#185) * warehouse2 * minor * Feature/sm warehouse 2 13 dec 2 (#186) * format * more changes and headless * merge * headless and other fixes * default values * minor * finetuning waypoints (#187) Co-authored-by: Ubuntu 20-04-02-amd64 <brett\> * Feature/cb pure spinning (#188) * format * more changes and headless * merge * headless and other fixes * default values * minor * Feature/cb pure spinning (#189) * format * more changes and headless * merge * headless and other fixes * default values * minor * pure spinning behavior missing files * minor changes (#190) * Feature/planner changes 16 12 (#191) * minor changes * more fixes * minor * minor * Feature/replanning 16 dec (#193) * minor changes * replanning for all our examples * several fixes (#194) * minor changes (#195) * Feature/undo motion 20 12 (#196) * minor changes * replanning for all our examples * improving undo motion navigation warehouse2 * minor * tuning warehouse3 (#197) * Feature/undo motion 20 12 (#198) * minor changes * replanning for all our examples * improving undo motion navigation warehouse2 * minor * undo tuning and errors * format * Feature/sync 21 12 (#199) * minor changes * replanning for all our examples * format issues * Feature/warehouse2 22 12 (#200) * minor changes * replanning for all our examples * format issues * finishing warehouse2 * Feature/warehouse2 23 12 (#201) * minor changes * replanning for all our examples * tuning and fixes (#202) * Feature/minor tune (#203) * tuning and fixes * minor tune * fixing warehouse 3 problems, and other core improvements (#204) * fixing warehouse 3 problems, and other core improvements to remove dead lock, also making continuous integration green * weird moveit not downloaded repo * added missing file from warehouse2 (#205) * backport to foxy * minor format * minor linking errors foxy Co-authored-by: Denis Štogl <denis\> Co-authored-by: Denis Štogl <destogl\> Co-authored-by: Declan Dury <44791484+DecDury\> Co-authored-by: DecDury <declandury\> Co-authored-by: reelrbtx <brett2\> Co-authored-by: brettpac <brett\> Co-authored-by: David Revay <MrBlenny\> * missing * missing sm * updating subscriber publisher components * progress in autowarrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrre machine * refining cp subscriber cp publisher * improvements in smacc core adding more components mostly developed for autoware demo * autoware demo * missing * foxy ci * fix * minor broken build * some reordering fixes * minor * docker files for different revisions, warnings removval and more testing on navigation * fixing docker for foxy and galactic * docker build files for all versions * barrel demo * barrel search build fix and warehouse3 * fixing startup problems in warehouse 3 * fixing format and minor * minor * progress in barrel husky * minor * barrel demo * progress * fixing broken build Co-authored-by: Denis Štogl <denis\> Co-authored-by: Denis Štogl <destogl\> Co-authored-by: Declan Dury <44791484+DecDury\> Co-authored-by: DecDury <declandury\> Co-authored-by: reelrbtx <brett2\> Co-authored-by: brettpac <brett\> Co-authored-by: David Revay <MrBlenny\> Co-authored-by: pabloinigoblasco <pabloinigoblasco\> * Feature/barrel - do not merge yet (#233) * minor changes * replanning for all our examples * backport to foxy * minor format * minor linking errors foxy * Foxy backport (#206) * minor formatting fixes * Fix trailing spaces. * Correct codespell. * Correct python linters warnings. * Add galactic CI build because Navigation2 is broken in rolling. * Add partial changes for ament_cpplint. * Add tf2_ros as dependency to find include. * Disable ament_cpplint. * Disable some packages and update workflows. * Bump ccache version. * Ignore further packages * Satisfy ament_lint_cmake * Add missing licences. * Disable cpplint and cppcheck linters. * Correct formatters. * branching example * Disable disabled packages * Update ci-build-source.yml * Change extension * Change extension of imports. * Enable cppcheck * Correct formatting of python file. * Included necessary package and edited Threesome launch Changed... ros2 launch sm_three_some sm_three_some to ros2 launch sm_three_some sm_three_some.launch Added: First ensure you have the necessary package installed. ]{.title-ref}sudo apt-get install ros-rolling-ros2trace[ Then run this command. * Rename header files and correct format. * Add workflow for checking doc build. * Update doxygen-check-build.yml * Create doxygen-deploy.yml * Use manual deployment for now. * Create workflow for testing prerelease builds * Use docs/ as source folder for documentation * Use docs/ as output directory. * Rename to smacc2 and smacc2_msgs * Correct GitHub branch reference. * Update name of package and package.xml to pass liter. * Execute on master update * Reset all versions to 0.0.0 * Ignore all packages except smacc2 and smacc2_msgs * Update changelogs * 0.1.0 * Revert "Ignore all packages except smacc2 and smacc2_msgs" This reverts commit f603166a4b3ccdfe96c64d9f9fb9d8b49fbf0e61. * Update description table. * Update table * Copy initial docs * Dockerfile w/ ROS distro as argument use this command "sudo docker build --build-arg ROS2_DISTRO=(desiredRosTag) (directoryHoldingDockerfile)/" * Opened new folder for additional tracing contents * Delete tracing directory * Moved to tracing directory * added Installs necessary packages and configures tracing group. * Removed manual installation of ros-rolling-ros2trace This is now automated in location of sh file assumed if user follows under "Getting started" * Created alternative ManualTracing * added new sm markdowns * added a dockerfile for Rolling and Galactic * Update smacc2_ci/docker/ros_rollingAndGalactic_ubuntu_20.04/ Co-authored-by: Denis Štogl <destogl\> * Update tracing/ Co-authored-by: Denis Štogl <destogl\> * changed wording "smacc application" to "SMACC2 library" Co-authored-by: Denis Štogl <destogl\> * Update smacc_sm_reference_library/sm_atomic/ edit from html to markdown syntax Co-authored-by: Denis Štogl <destogl\> * reactivating smacc2 nav clients for rolling via submodules * renamed tracing events after * bug in smacc2 component * reverted markdowns to html * added README tutorial for Dockerfile * additional cleanup * cleanup * cleanup * edited to reflect new tracing event names * Enable build of missing rolling repositories. * Enable Navigation2 for semi-binary build. * Remove galactic builds from master and kepp only rolling. Remove submodules and use .repos file * updated mentions of SMACC/ROS to SMACC2/ROS2 * some progress on navigation rolling * renamed folders, deleted, edited * added smacc2_performance_tools * performance tests improvements * more on performance and other issues * sm_respira_1 format cleanup * sm_respira_1 format cleanup pre-commit * sm_respira_test_2 * sm_respira_test_2 * more changes on performance tests * Do not execute clang-format on smacc2_sm_reference_library package. * sm_reference_library reformatting * Correct trailing spaces. * sm_atomic_24hr * sm_atomic_performance_trace_1 * Update smacc2_rta command across readmes * Clean up of sm_atomic_24hr * more sm_atomic_24hr cleanup * Optimized deps in move_base_z_planners_common. * Renaming of event generator library * minor formatting * Add galactic CI setup and rename rolling files. (#58) * Fix source CI and correct README overview. (#62) * Update c_cpp_properties.json * changed launch command to ros2 launch sm_respira_1 sm_respira_1.launch (#69) also noticed a note I had made while producing these that was not removed * update doxygen links (#70) Co-authored-by: Ubuntu 20-04-02-amd64 <brett\> * More Readme Updates (#72) Co-authored-by: Ubuntu 20-04-02-amd64 <brett\> * More Readme (#74) Co-authored-by: Ubuntu 20-04-02-amd64 <brett\> * created new sm from sm_respira_1 (#76) * Feature/core and navigation fixes (#78) * base for the sm_aws_aarehouse navigation * progressing in aws navigation * minor * several core improvements during navigation testing * formatting improvements * progress in aws navigation demo * format improvements * Feature/aws demo progress (#80) * base for the sm_aws_aarehouse navigation * progressing in aws navigation * minor * several core improvements during navigation testing * formatting improvements * progress in aws navigation demo * format improvements * format improvements * more on navigation * sm_advanced_recovery_1 reworked (#83) * sm_advanced_recovery_1 reworked * fix pre-commit * Trying to fix Pre-Commit Co-authored-by: Ubuntu 20-04-02-amd64 <brett\> * more sm_advanced_recovery_1 (#84) Co-authored-by: Ubuntu 20-04-02-amd64 <brett\> * More sm_advanced_recovery_1 work (#85) Co-authored-by: Ubuntu 20-04-02-amd64 <brett\> * sm_advanced_recovery_1 round 4 (#86) Co-authored-by: Ubuntu 20-04-02-amd64 <brett\> * Brettpac branch (#87) * sm_atomic_performance_test_a_2 * sm_atomic_performance_test_a_1 Co-authored-by: Ubuntu 20-04-02-amd64 <brett\> * sm_atomic_performance_test_c_1 (#88) Co-authored-by: Ubuntu 20-04-02-amd64 <brett\> * modifying sm_atomic_performance_test_a_2 (#89) Co-authored-by: Ubuntu 20-04-02-amd64 <brett\> * sm_multi_stage_1 (#90) * sm_multi_stage_1 * fixing precommit Co-authored-by: Ubuntu 20-04-02-amd64 <brett\> * more sm_multi_stage_1 (#91) Co-authored-by: Ubuntu 20-04-02-amd64 <brett\> * Update updated launch command * Wait topic message client behavior (#81) * base for the sm_aws_aarehouse navigation * progressing in aws navigation * minor * several core improvements during navigation testing * formatting improvements * progress in aws navigation demo * format improvements * format improvements * more on navigation * new feature, cb_wait_topic_message: asynchronous client behavior that waits a topic message and optionally checks its contents to success * formatting * attempting precommit fixes Co-authored-by: Ubuntu 20-04-02-amd64 <brett\> Co-authored-by: Denis Štogl <destogl\> * Feature/wait nav2 nodes client behavior (#82) * base for the sm_aws_aarehouse navigation * progressing in aws navigation * minor * several core improvements during navigation testing * formatting improvements * progress in aws navigation demo * format improvements * format improvements * more on navigation * new feature, cb_wait_topic_message: asynchronous client behavior that waits a topic message and optionally checks its contents to success * formatting * adding new client behavior add for nav2, wait nav2 nodes subscribing to the /bond topic and waiting they are alive. you optionally can select the nodes to wait * Correct all linters and formaters. Co-authored-by: Denis Štogl <denis\> Co-authored-by: Denis Štogl <destogl\> * Feature/aws demo progress (#92) * base for the sm_aws_aarehouse navigation * progressing in aws navigation * minor * several core improvements during navigation testing * formatting improvements * progress in aws navigation demo * format improvements * format improvements * more on navigation * new feature, cb_wait_topic_message: asynchronous client behavior that waits a topic message and optionally checks its contents to success * formatting * adding new client behavior add for nav2, wait nav2 nodes subscribing to the /bond topic and waiting they are alive. you optionally can select the nodes to wait * progress in aws navigation demo * minor format * Feature/sm dance bot fixes (#93) * base for the sm_aws_aarehouse navigation * progressing in aws navigation * minor * several core improvements during navigation testing * formatting improvements * progress in aws navigation demo * format improvements * format improvements * more on navigation * new feature, cb_wait_topic_message: asynchronous client behavior that waits a topic message and optionally checks its contents to success * formatting * adding new client behavior add for nav2, wait nav2 nodes subscribing to the /bond topic and waiting they are alive. you optionally can select the nodes to wait * progress in aws navigation demo * minor format * navigation parameters fixes on sm_dance_bot * minor format * Feature/sm aws warehouse (#94) * base for the sm_aws_aarehouse navigation * progressing in aws navigation * minor * several core improvements during navigation testing * formatting improvements * progress in aws navigation demo * format improvements * format improvements * more on navigation * new feature, cb_wait_topic_message: asynchronous client behavior that waits a topic message and optionally checks its contents to success * formatting * adding new client behavior add for nav2, wait nav2 nodes subscribing to the /bond topic and waiting they are alive. you optionally can select the nodes to wait * progress in aws navigation demo * minor format * merge and progress * fix format * Feature/sm dance bot fixes (#95) * base for the sm_aws_aarehouse navigation * progressing in aws navigation * minor * several core improvements during navigation testing * formatting improvements * progress in aws navigation demo * format improvements * format improvements * more on navigation * new feature, cb_wait_topic_message: asynchronous client behavior that waits a topic message and optionally checks its contents to success * formatting * adding new client behavior add for nav2, wait nav2 nodes subscribing to the /bond topic and waiting they are alive. you optionally can select the nodes to wait * progress in aws navigation demo * minor format * navigation parameters fixes on sm_dance_bot * minor format * minor * minor format * Remove some compile warnings. (#96) * Feature/cb pause slam (#98) * base for the sm_aws_aarehouse navigation * progressing in aws navigation * minor * several core improvements during navigation testing * formatting improvements * progress in aws navigation demo * format improvements * format improvements * more on navigation * new feature, cb_wait_topic_message: asynchronous client behavior that waits a topic message and optionally checks its contents to success * formatting * adding new client behavior add for nav2, wait nav2 nodes subscribing to the /bond topic and waiting they are alive. you optionally can select the nodes to wait * progress in aws navigation demo * minor format * navigation parameters fixes on sm_dance_bot * minor format * minor * formatting * cb pause slam client behavior * sm_dance_bot_lite (#99) * sm_dance_bot_lite * precommit * Updates yaml Co-authored-by: Ubuntu 20-04-02-amd64 <brett\> * Rename doxygen deployment workflow (#100) * minor hotfix * sm_dance_bot visualizing turtlebot3 (#101) * Feature/dance bot launch gz lidar choice (#102) * sm_dance_bot visualizing turtlebot3 * cleaning and lidar show/hide option * cleaning files and making formatting work * more fixes * Feature/sm dance bot lite gazebo fixes (#104) * sm_dance_bot visualizing turtlebot3 * cleaning and lidar show/hide option * cleaning files and making formatting work * more fixes * gazebo fixes, to show the robot and the lidar * format fixes * sm_multi_stage_1 doubling (#103) Co-authored-by: Ubuntu 20-04-02-amd64 <brett\> * Feature/sm dance bot strikes back gazebo fixes (#105) * sm_dance_bot visualizing turtlebot3 * cleaning and lidar show/hide option * cleaning files and making formatting work * more fixes * gazebo fixes, to show the robot and the lidar * format fixes * gazebo fixes for sm_dance_bot_strikes_back * precommit cleanup run (#106) Co-authored-by: Ubuntu 20-04-02-amd64 <brett\> * aws demo (#108) * aws demo * format * got sm_multi_stage_1 working (barely) (#109) Co-authored-by: Ubuntu 20-04-02-amd64 <brett\> * Brettpac branch (#110) * got sm_multi_stage_1 working (barely) * gaining traction sm_multi_stage_1 * more * don't remember * making progress * More * keep hammering * two stages * 3 part * 4th stage Co-authored-by: Ubuntu 20-04-02-amd64 <brett\> * Brettpac branch (#111) * got sm_multi_stage_1 working (barely) * gaining traction sm_multi_stage_1 * more * don't remember * making progress * More * keep hammering * two stages * 3 part * 4th stage * 5th stage Co-authored-by: Ubuntu 20-04-02-amd64 <brett\> * a3 (#113) Co-authored-by: Ubuntu 20-04-02-amd64 <brett\> * Remove neo_simulation2 package. (#112) * Remove neo_simulation2 package. * Correct formatting. * Enable source build on PR for testing. * Adjust build packages of source CI * more sm_multi_stage_1 (#114) Co-authored-by: Ubuntu 20-04-02-amd64 <brett\> * mm (#115) Co-authored-by: Ubuntu 20-04-02-amd64 <brett\> * diverse improvements navigation and performance (#116) * diverse improvements navigation and performance * minor Co-authored-by: pabloinigoblasco <pablo\> * Feature/diverse improvemets navigation performance (#117) * diverse improvements navigation and performance * minor * additional linting and formatting * Remove merge markers from a python file. (#119) * Feature/slam toggle and smacc deep history (#122) * progress in navigation, slam toggle client behaviors and slam_toolbox components. Also smacc2::deep_history syntax * going forward in testing sm_dance_bot introducing slam pausing/resuming funcionality * feature/more_sm_dance_bot_fixes * minor format * minor (#124) Co-authored-by: Ubuntu 20-04-02-amd64 <brett\> * more changes in sm_dance_bot (#125) * Move method after the method it calls. Otherwise recursion could happen. (#126) * Feature/dance bot s pattern (#128) * more changes in sm_dance_bot * polishing sm_dance_bot and s-pattern * noticed typo Finnaly > Finally * Feature/dance bot s pattern (#129) * more changes in sm_dance_bot * polishing sm_dance_bot and s-pattern * more refinement in sm_dance_bot * First working version of sm template and template generator. (#127) * minor tweaks (#130) Co-authored-by: Ubuntu 20-04-02-amd64 <brett\> * Feature/sm dance bot refine (#131) * more changes in sm_dance_bot * minor * Feature/sm dance bot refine 2 (#132) * more changes in sm_dance_bot * minor * build fix * waypoints navigator bug (#133) * minor tuning to mitigate overshot issue cases * progress in the sm_dance_bot tests (#135) * some more progress on markers cleanup * minor format issues (#134) * sm_dance_bot_lite (#136) Co-authored-by: Ubuntu 20-04-02-amd64 <brett\> * Resolve compile wanings (#137) * Add SM core test (#138) * minor navigation improvements (#141) * using local action msgs (#139) * using local action msgs * removing sm_dance_bot_msgs * pending references * Feature/nav2z renaming (#144) * using local action msgs * removing sm_dance_bot_msgs * pending references * navigation 2 stack renaming * formatting * added SVGs to READMEs of atomic, dance_bot, and others (#140) * added remaining SVGs to READMEs (#145) * added remaining SVGs to READMEs * precommit cleanup * Update package list. (#142) * removing parameters smacc (#147) * removing parameters smacc * workflows update * workflow * Noticed launch command was incorrect in fixed launch command for sm_dance_bot_strikes_back and removed some comments I had made in the past. * Fix CI: format fix python version (#148) * Add SM Atomic SM generator. (#143) * Remove node creation and create only a logger. (#149) * Rolling Docker environment to be executed from any environment (#154) * Feature/sm dance bot strikes back refactoring (#152) Co-authored-by: DecDury <declandury\> Co-authored-by: Denis Štogl <destogl\> * slight waypoint 4 and iterations changes so robot can complete course (#155) * Feature/migration moveit client (#151) * initial migration to smacc2 * fixing some errors introduced on formatting * missing dependency * fixing some more linting warnings * minor * removing test from main moveit cmake * test ur5 * progressing in the moveit migration testing * updating format * adding .reps dependencies and also fixing some build errors * repos dependency * adding dependency to ur5 client * docker refactoring * minor * progress on move_it PR * minor dockerfile test workaround * improving dockerfile for building local tests * minor * fixing compiling issues * update readme (#164) * update readme * more readme updates * more Co-authored-by: Ubuntu 20-04-02-amd64 <brett\> * initial state machine transition timestamp (#165) * moved reference library SMs to smacc2_performance_tools (#166) * moved reference library SMs to smacc2_performance_tools * pre-commit cleanup * Add QOS durability to SmaccPublisherClient (#163) * feat: add qos durability to SmaccPublisherClient * fix: add a missing colon * refactor: remove line * feat: add reliability qos config * Feature/testing moveit behaviors (#167) * more testing on moveit * progress on moveit * more testing on moveit behaviors * minor configuration * fixing pipeline error * fixing broken master build * sm_pubsub_1 (#169) Co-authored-by: Ubuntu 20-04-02-amd64 <brett\> * sm_pubsub_1 part 2 (#170) * sm_pubsub_1 part 2 * sm_pubsub_1 part 2 Co-authored-by: Ubuntu 20-04-02-amd64 <brett\> * sm_advanced_recovery_1 renaming (#171) Co-authored-by: Ubuntu 20-04-02-amd64 <brett\> * sm_multi_stage_1 reworking (#172) * multistage modes * sm_multi_stage sequences * sm_multi_state_1 steps * sm_multi_stage_1 sequence d * sm_multi_stage_1 c sequence * mode_5_sequence_b * mode_4_sequence_b * sm_multi_stage_1 most * finishing touches 1 * readme Co-authored-by: Ubuntu 20-04-02-amd64 <brett\> * Feature/aws navigation sm dance bot (#174) * repo dependency * husky launch file in sm_dance_bot * Add dependencies for husky simulation. * Fix formatting. * Update dependencies for husky in rolling and galactic. * minor * progress on aws navigation and some other refactorings on navigation clients and behaviors * more on aws demo * fixing broken build * minor Co-authored-by: Denis Štogl <denis\> Co-authored-by: Denis Štogl <destogl\> * minor changes (#175) * warehouse2 (#177) * Waypoint Inputs (#178) Co-authored-by: Ubuntu 20-04-02-amd64 <brett\> * wharehouse2 progress (#179) * format (#180) * sm_dance_bot_warehouse_3 (#181) Co-authored-by: Ubuntu 20-04-02-amd64 <brett\> * Feature/sm warehouse 2 13 dec 2 (#182) * format * more changes and headless * merge * headless and other fixes * default values * Brettpac branch (#184) * sm_dance_bot_warehouse_3 * Redoing sm_dance_bot_warehouse_3 waypoints * More Waypoints Co-authored-by: Ubuntu 20-04-02-amd64 <brett\> * SrConditional fixes and formatting (#168) * fix: some formatting and templating on SrConditional * fix: move trigger logic into headers * fix: lint * Feature/wharehouse2 dec 14 (#185) * warehouse2 * minor * Feature/sm warehouse 2 13 dec 2 (#186) * format * more changes and headless * merge * headless and other fixes * default values * minor * finetuning waypoints (#187) Co-authored-by: Ubuntu 20-04-02-amd64 <brett\> * Feature/cb pure spinning (#188) * format * more changes and headless * merge * headless and other fixes * default values * minor * Feature/cb pure spinning (#189) * format * more changes and headless * merge * headless and other fixes * default values * minor * pure spinning behavior missing files * minor changes (#190) * Feature/planner changes 16 12 (#191) * minor changes * more fixes * minor * minor * Feature/replanning 16 dec (#193) * minor changes * replanning for all our examples * several fixes (#194) * minor changes (#195) * Feature/undo motion 20 12 (#196) * minor changes * replanning for all our examples * improving undo motion navigation warehouse2 * minor * tuning warehouse3 (#197) * Feature/undo motion 20 12 (#198) * minor changes * replanning for all our examples * improving undo motion navigation warehouse2 * minor * undo tuning and errors * format * Feature/sync 21 12 (#199) * minor changes * replanning for all our examples * format issues * Feature/warehouse2 22 12 (#200) * minor changes * replanning for all our examples * format issues * finishing warehouse2 * Feature/warehouse2 23 12 (#201) * minor changes * replanning for all our examples * tuning and fixes (#202) * Feature/minor tune (#203) * tuning and fixes * minor tune * fixing warehouse 3 problems, and other core improvements (#204) * fixing warehouse 3 problems, and other core improvements to remove dead lock, also making continuous integration green * weird moveit not downloaded repo * added missing file from warehouse2 (#205) * backport to foxy * minor format * minor linking errors foxy Co-authored-by: Denis Štogl <denis\> Co-authored-by: Denis Štogl <destogl\> Co-authored-by: Declan Dury <44791484+DecDury\> Co-authored-by: DecDury <declandury\> Co-authored-by: reelrbtx <brett2\> Co-authored-by: brettpac <brett\> Co-authored-by: David Revay <MrBlenny\> * missing * missing sm * updating subscriber publisher components * progress in autowarrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrre machine * refining cp subscriber cp publisher * improvements in smacc core adding more components mostly developed for autoware demo * autoware demo * missing * foxy ci * fix * minor broken build * some reordering fixes * minor * docker files for different revisions, warnings removval and more testing on navigation * fixing docker for foxy and galactic * docker build files for all versions * barrel demo * barrel search build fix and warehouse3 * fixing startup problems in warehouse 3 * fixing format and minor * minor * progress in barrel husky * minor * barrel demo * minor * barrel search updates * making models local * red picuup * multiple controllable leds plugin * progress in husky demo * progressing in husky demo * improving navigation behaviors * more merge Co-authored-by: Denis Štogl <denis\> Co-authored-by: Denis Štogl <destogl\> Co-authored-by: Declan Dury <44791484+DecDury\> Co-authored-by: DecDury <declandury\> Co-authored-by: reelrbtx <brett2\> Co-authored-by: brettpac <brett\> Co-authored-by: David Revay <MrBlenny\> Co-authored-by: pabloinigoblasco <pabloinigoblasco\> * Feature/docker improvements march 2022 (#235) * minor changes * replanning for all our examples * backport to foxy * minor format * minor linking errors foxy * Foxy backport (#206) * minor formatting fixes * Fix trailing spaces. * Correct codespell. * Correct python linters warnings. * Add galactic CI build because Navigation2 is broken in rolling. * Add partial changes for ament_cpplint. * Add tf2_ros as dependency to find include. * Disable ament_cpplint. * Disable some packages and update workflows. * Bump ccache version. * Ignore further packages * Satisfy ament_lint_cmake * Add missing licences. * Disable cpplint and cppcheck linters. * Correct formatters. * branching example * Disable disabled packages * Update ci-build-source.yml * Change extension * Change extension of imports. * Enable cppcheck * Correct formatting of python file. * Included necessary package and edited Threesome launch Changed... ros2 launch sm_three_some sm_three_some to ros2 launch sm_three_some sm_three_some.launch Added: First ensure you have the necessary package installed. ]{.title-ref}sudo apt-get install ros-rolling-ros2trace` Then run this command.

    • Rename header files and correct format.
    • Add workflow for checking doc build.
    • Update doxygen-check-build.yml
    • Create doxygen-deploy.yml
    • Use manual deployment for now.
    • Create workflow for testing prerelease builds
    • Use docs/ as source folder for documentation
    • Use docs/ as output directory.
    • Rename to smacc2 and smacc2_msgs
    • Correct GitHub branch reference.
    • Update name of package and package.xml to pass liter.
    • Execute on master update
    • Reset all versions to 0.0.0
    • Ignore all packages except smacc2 and smacc2_msgs
    • Update changelogs
    • 0.1.0

    * Revert "Ignore all packages except smacc2 and smacc2_msgs" This reverts commit f603166a4b3ccdfe96c64d9f9fb9d8b49fbf0e61.

    • Update description table.
    • Update table
    • Copy initial docs

    * Dockerfile w/ ROS distro as argument use this command "sudo docker build --build-arg ROS2_DISTRO=(desiredRosTag) (directoryHoldingDockerfile)/"

    • Opened new folder for additional tracing contents
    • Delete tracing directory
    • Moved to tracing directory

    * added Installs necessary packages and configures tracing group. * Removed manual installation of ros-rolling-ros2trace This is now automated in location of sh file assumed if user follows under "Getting started"

    • Created alternative ManualTracing
    • added new sm markdowns
    • added a dockerfile for Rolling and Galactic

    * Update smacc2_ci/docker/ros_rollingAndGalactic_ubuntu_20.04/ Co-authored-by: Denis Štogl <<>> * Update tracing/ Co-authored-by: Denis Štogl <<>> * changed wording "smacc application" to "SMACC2 library" Co-authored-by: Denis Štogl <<>> * Update smacc_sm_reference_library/sm_atomic/ edit from html to markdown syntax Co-authored-by: Denis Štogl <<>>

    • reactivating smacc2 nav clients for rolling via submodules
    • renamed tracing events after
    • bug in smacc2 component
    • reverted markdowns to html
    • added README tutorial for Dockerfile
    • additional cleanup
    • cleanup
    • cleanup
    • edited to reflect new tracing event names
    • Enable build of missing rolling repositories.
    • Enable Navigation2 for semi-binary build.
    • Remove galactic builds from master and kepp only rolling. Remove submodules and use .repos file
    • updated mentions of SMACC/ROS to SMACC2/ROS2
    • some progress on navigation rolling
    • renamed folders, deleted, edited
    • added smacc2_performance_tools
    • performance tests improvements
    • more on performance and other issues
    • sm_respira_1 format cleanup
    • sm_respira_1 format cleanup pre-commit
    • sm_respira_test_2
    • sm_respira_test_2
    • more changes on performance tests
    • Do not execute clang-format on smacc2_sm_reference_library package.
    • sm_reference_library reformatting
    • Correct trailing spaces.
    • sm_atomic_24hr
    • sm_atomic_performance_trace_1
    • Update smacc2_rta command across readmes
    • Clean up of sm_atomic_24hr
    • more sm_atomic_24hr cleanup
    • Optimized deps in move_base_z_planners_common.
    • Renaming of event generator library
    • minor formatting
    • Add galactic CI setup and rename rolling files. (#58)
    • Fix source CI and correct README overview. (#62)
    • Update c_cpp_properties.json

    * changed launch command to ros2 launch sm_respira_1 sm_respira_1.launch (#69) also noticed a note I had made while producing these that was not removed * update doxygen links (#70) Co-authored-by: Ubuntu 20-04-02-amd64 <<>> * More Readme Updates (#72) Co-authored-by: Ubuntu 20-04-02-amd64 <<>> * More Readme (#74) Co-authored-by: Ubuntu 20-04-02-amd64 <<>>

    • created new sm from sm_respira_1 (#76)
    • Feature/core and navigation fixes (#78)
    • base for the sm_aws_aarehouse navigation
    • progressing in aws navigation
    • minor
    • several core improvements during navigation testing
    • formatting improvements
    • progress in aws navigation demo
    • format improvements
    • Feature/aws demo progress (#80)
    • base for the sm_aws_aarehouse navigation
    • progressing in aws navigation
    • minor
    • several core improvements during navigation testing
    • formatting improvements
    • progress in aws navigation demo
    • format improvements
    • format improvements
    • more on navigation
    • sm_advanced_recovery_1 reworked (#83)
    • sm_advanced_recovery_1 reworked
    • fix pre-commit

    * Trying to fix Pre-Commit Co-authored-by: Ubuntu 20-04-02-amd64 <<>> * more sm_advanced_recovery_1 (#84) Co-authored-by: Ubuntu 20-04-02-amd64 <<>> * More sm_advanced_recovery_1 work (#85) Co-authored-by: Ubuntu 20-04-02-amd64 <<>> * sm_advanced_recovery_1 round 4 (#86) Co-authored-by: Ubuntu 20-04-02-amd64 <<>>

    • Brettpac branch (#87)
    • sm_atomic_performance_test_a_2

    * sm_atomic_performance_test_a_1 Co-authored-by: Ubuntu 20-04-02-amd64 <<>> * sm_atomic_performance_test_c_1 (#88) Co-authored-by: Ubuntu 20-04-02-amd64 <<>> * modifying sm_atomic_performance_test_a_2 (#89) Co-authored-by: Ubuntu 20-04-02-amd64 <<>>

    • sm_multi_stage_1 (#90)
    • sm_multi_stage_1

    * fixing precommit Co-authored-by: Ubuntu 20-04-02-amd64 <<>> * more sm_multi_stage_1 (#91) Co-authored-by: Ubuntu 20-04-02-amd64 <<>> * Update updated launch command

    • Wait topic message client behavior (#81)
    • base for the sm_aws_aarehouse navigation
    • progressing in aws navigation
    • minor
    • several core improvements during navigation testing
    • formatting improvements
    • progress in aws navigation demo
    • format improvements
    • format improvements
    • more on navigation
    • new feature, cb_wait_topic_message: asynchronous client behavior that waits a topic message and optionally checks its contents to success
    • formatting

    * attempting precommit fixes Co-authored-by: Ubuntu 20-04-02-amd64 <<>> Co-authored-by: Denis Štogl <<>>

    • Feature/wait nav2 nodes client behavior (#82)
    • base for the sm_aws_aarehouse navigation
    • progressing in aws navigation
    • minor
    • several core improvements during navigation testing
    • formatting improvements
    • progress in aws navigation demo
    • format improvements
    • format improvements
    • more on navigation
    • new feature, cb_wait_topic_message: asynchronous client behavior that waits a topic message and optionally checks its contents to success
    • formatting
    • adding new client behavior add for nav2, wait nav2 nodes subscribing to the /bond topic and waiting they are alive. you optionally can select the nodes to wait

    * Correct all linters and formaters. Co-authored-by: Denis Štogl <<>> Co-authored-by: Denis Štogl <<>>

    • Feature/aws demo progress (#92)
    • base for the sm_aws_aarehouse navigation
    • progressing in aws navigation
    • minor
    • several core improvements during navigation testing
    • formatting improvements
    • progress in aws navigation demo
    • format improvements
    • format improvements
    • more on navigation
    • new feature, cb_wait_topic_message: asynchronous client behavior that waits a topic message and optionally checks its contents to success
    • formatting
    • adding new client behavior add for nav2, wait nav2 nodes subscribing to the /bond topic and waiting they are alive. you optionally can select the nodes to wait
    • progress in aws navigation demo
    • minor format
    • Feature/sm dance bot fixes (#93)
    • base for the sm_aws_aarehouse navigation
    • progressing in aws navigation
    • minor
    • several core improvements during navigation testing
    • formatting improvements
    • progress in aws navigation demo
    • format improvements
    • format improvements
    • more on navigation
    • new feature, cb_wait_topic_message: asynchronous client behavior that waits a topic message and optionally checks its contents to success
    • formatting
    • adding new client behavior add for nav2, wait nav2 nodes subscribing to the /bond topic and waiting they are alive. you optionally can select the nodes to wait
    • progress in aws navigation demo
    • minor format
    • navigation parameters fixes on sm_dance_bot
    • minor format
    • Feature/sm aws warehouse (#94)
    • base for the sm_aws_aarehouse navigation
    • progressing in aws navigation
    • minor
    • several core improvements during navigation testing
    • formatting improvements
    • progress in aws navigation demo
    • format improvements
    • format improvements
    • more on navigation
    • new feature, cb_wait_topic_message: asynchronous client behavior that waits a topic message and optionally checks its contents to success
    • formatting
    • adding new client behavior add for nav2, wait nav2 nodes subscribing to the /bond topic and waiting they are alive. you optionally can select the nodes to wait
    • progress in aws navigation demo
    • minor format
    • merge and progress
    • fix format
    • Feature/sm dance bot fixes (#95)
    • base for the sm_aws_aarehouse navigation
    • progressing in aws navigation
    • minor
    • several core improvements during navigation testing
    • formatting improvements
    • progress in aws navigation demo
    • format improvements
    • format improvements
    • more on navigation
    • new feature, cb_wait_topic_message: asynchronous client behavior that waits a topic message and optionally checks its contents to success
    • formatting
    • adding new client behavior add for nav2, wait nav2 nodes subscribing to the /bond topic and waiting they are alive. you optionally can select the nodes to wait
    • progress in aws navigation demo
    • minor format
    • navigation parameters fixes on sm_dance_bot
    • minor format
    • minor
    • minor format
    • Remove some compile warnings. (#96)
    • Feature/cb pause slam (#98)
    • base for the sm_aws_aarehouse navigation
    • progressing in aws navigation
    • minor
    • several core improvements during navigation testing
    • formatting improvements
    • progress in aws navigation demo
    • format improvements
    • format improvements
    • more on navigation
    • new feature, cb_wait_topic_message: asynchronous client behavior that waits a topic message and optionally checks its contents to success
    • formatting
    • adding new client behavior add for nav2, wait nav2 nodes subscribing to the /bond topic and waiting they are alive. you optionally can select the nodes to wait
    • progress in aws navigation demo
    • minor format
    • navigation parameters fixes on sm_dance_bot
    • minor format
    • minor
    • formatting
    • cb pause slam client behavior
    • sm_dance_bot_lite (#99)
    • sm_dance_bot_lite
    • precommit

    * Updates yaml Co-authored-by: Ubuntu 20-04-02-amd64 <<>>

    • Rename doxygen deployment workflow (#100)
    • minor hotfix
    • sm_dance_bot visualizing turtlebot3 (#101)
    • Feature/dance bot launch gz lidar choice (#102)
    • sm_dance_bot visualizing turtlebot3
    • cleaning and lidar show/hide option
    • cleaning files and making formatting work
    • more fixes
    • Feature/sm dance bot lite gazebo fixes (#104)
    • sm_dance_bot visualizing turtlebot3
    • cleaning and lidar show/hide option
    • cleaning files and making formatting work
    • more fixes
    • gazebo fixes, to show the robot and the lidar
    • format fixes

    * sm_multi_stage_1 doubling (#103) Co-authored-by: Ubuntu 20-04-02-amd64 <<>>

    • Feature/sm dance bot strikes back gazebo fixes (#105)
    • sm_dance_bot visualizing turtlebot3
    • cleaning and lidar show/hide option
    • cleaning files and making formatting work
    • more fixes
    • gazebo fixes, to show the robot and the lidar
    • format fixes
    • gazebo fixes for sm_dance_bot_strikes_back

    * precommit cleanup run (#106) Co-authored-by: Ubuntu 20-04-02-amd64 <<>>

    • aws demo (#108)
    • aws demo
    • format

    * got sm_multi_stage_1 working (barely) (#109) Co-authored-by: Ubuntu 20-04-02-amd64 <<>>

    • Brettpac branch (#110)
    • got sm_multi_stage_1 working (barely)
    • gaining traction sm_multi_stage_1
    • more
    • don't remember
    • making progress
    • More
    • keep hammering
    • two stages
    • 3 part

    * 4th stage Co-authored-by: Ubuntu 20-04-02-amd64 <<>>

    • Brettpac branch (#111)
    • got sm_multi_stage_1 working (barely)
    • gaining traction sm_multi_stage_1
    • more
    • don't remember
    • making progress
    • More
    • keep hammering
    • two stages
    • 3 part
    • 4th stage

    * 5th stage Co-authored-by: Ubuntu 20-04-02-amd64 <<>> * a3 (#113) Co-authored-by: Ubuntu 20-04-02-amd64 <<>>

    • Remove neo_simulation2 package. (#112)
    • Remove neo_simulation2 package.
    • Correct formatting.
    • Enable source build on PR for testing.
    • Adjust build packages of source CI

    * more sm_multi_stage_1 (#114) Co-authored-by: Ubuntu 20-04-02-amd64 <<>> * mm (#115) Co-authored-by: Ubuntu 20-04-02-amd64 <<>>

    • diverse improvements navigation and performance (#116)
    • diverse improvements navigation and performance

    * minor Co-authored-by: pabloinigoblasco <<>>

    • Feature/diverse improvemets navigation performance (#117)
    • diverse improvements navigation and performance
    • minor
    • additional linting and formatting
    • Remove merge markers from a python file. (#119)
    • Feature/slam toggle and smacc deep history (#122)
    • progress in navigation, slam toggle client behaviors and slam_toolbox components. Also smacc2::deep_history syntax
    • going forward in testing sm_dance_bot introducing slam pausing/resuming funcionality
    • feature/more_sm_dance_bot_fixes
    • minor format

    * minor (#124) Co-authored-by: Ubuntu 20-04-02-amd64 <<>>

    • more changes in sm_dance_bot (#125)
    • Move method after the method it calls. Otherwise recursion could happen. (#126)
    • Feature/dance bot s pattern (#128)
    • more changes in sm_dance_bot
    • polishing sm_dance_bot and s-pattern

    * noticed typo Finnaly > Finally

    • Feature/dance bot s pattern (#129)
    • more changes in sm_dance_bot
    • polishing sm_dance_bot and s-pattern
    • more refinement in sm_dance_bot
    • First working version of sm template and template generator. (#127)

    * minor tweaks (#130) Co-authored-by: Ubuntu 20-04-02-amd64 <<>>

    • Feature/sm dance bot refine (#131)
    • more changes in sm_dance_bot
    • minor
    • Feature/sm dance bot refine 2 (#132)
    • more changes in sm_dance_bot
    • minor
    • build fix
    • waypoints navigator bug (#133)
    • minor tuning to mitigate overshot issue cases
    • progress in the sm_dance_bot tests (#135)
    • some more progress on markers cleanup
    • minor format issues (#134)

    * sm_dance_bot_lite (#136) Co-authored-by: Ubuntu 20-04-02-amd64 <<>>

    • Resolve compile wanings (#137)
    • Add SM core test (#138)
    • minor navigation improvements (#141)
    • using local action msgs (#139)
    • using local action msgs
    • removing sm_dance_bot_msgs
    • pending references
    • Feature/nav2z renaming (#144)
    • using local action msgs
    • removing sm_dance_bot_msgs
    • pending references
    • navigation 2 stack renaming
    • formatting
    • added SVGs to READMEs of atomic, dance_bot, and others (#140)
    • added remaining SVGs to READMEs (#145)
    • added remaining SVGs to READMEs
    • precommit cleanup
    • Update package list. (#142)
    • removing parameters smacc (#147)
    • removing parameters smacc
    • workflows update
    • workflow

    * Noticed launch command was incorrect in fixed launch command for sm_dance_bot_strikes_back and removed some comments I had made in the past.

    • Fix CI: format fix python version (#148)
    • Add SM Atomic SM generator. (#143)
    • Remove node creation and create only a logger. (#149)
    • Rolling Docker environment to be executed from any environment (#154)

    * Feature/sm dance bot strikes back refactoring (#152) Co-authored-by: DecDury <<>> Co-authored-by: Denis Štogl <<>>

    • slight waypoint 4 and iterations changes so robot can complete course (#155)
    • Feature/migration moveit client (#151)
    • initial migration to smacc2
    • fixing some errors introduced on formatting
    • missing dependency
    • fixing some more linting warnings
    • minor
    • removing test from main moveit cmake
    • test ur5
    • progressing in the moveit migration testing
    • updating format
    • adding .reps dependencies and also fixing some build errors
    • repos dependency
    • adding dependency to ur5 client
    • docker refactoring
    • minor
    • progress on move_it PR
    • minor dockerfile test workaround
    • improving dockerfile for building local tests
    • minor
    • fixing compiling issues
    • update readme (#164)
    • update readme
    • more readme updates

    * more Co-authored-by: Ubuntu 20-04-02-amd64 <<>>

    • initial state machine transition timestamp (#165)
    • moved reference library SMs to smacc2_performance_tools (#166)
    • moved reference library SMs to smacc2_performance_tools
    • pre-commit cleanup
    • Add QOS durability to SmaccPublisherClient (#163)
    • feat: add qos durability to SmaccPublisherClient
    • fix: add a missing colon
    • refactor: remove line
    • feat: add reliability qos config
    • Feature/testing moveit behaviors (#167)
    • more testing on moveit
    • progress on moveit
    • more testing on moveit behaviors
    • minor configuration
    • fixing pipeline error
    • fixing broken master build

    * sm_pubsub_1 (#169) Co-authored-by: Ubuntu 20-04-02-amd64 <<>>

    • sm_pubsub_1 part 2 (#170)
    • sm_pubsub_1 part 2

    * sm_pubsub_1 part 2 Co-authored-by: Ubuntu 20-04-02-amd64 <<>> * sm_advanced_recovery_1 renaming (#171) Co-authored-by: Ubuntu 20-04-02-amd64 <<>>

    • sm_multi_stage_1 reworking (#172)
    • multistage modes
    • sm_multi_stage sequences
    • sm_multi_state_1 steps
    • sm_multi_stage_1 sequence d
    • sm_multi_stage_1 c sequence
    • mode_5_sequence_b
    • mode_4_sequence_b
    • sm_multi_stage_1 most
    • finishing touches 1

    * readme Co-authored-by: Ubuntu 20-04-02-amd64 <<>>

    • Feature/aws navigation sm dance bot (#174)
    • repo dependency
    • husky launch file in sm_dance_bot
    • Add dependencies for husky simulation.
    • Fix formatting.
    • Update dependencies for husky in rolling and galactic.
    • minor
    • progress on aws navigation and some other refactorings on navigation clients and behaviors
    • more on aws demo
    • fixing broken build

    * minor Co-authored-by: Denis Štogl <<>> Co-authored-by: Denis Štogl <<>>

    • minor changes (#175)
    • warehouse2 (#177)

    * Waypoint Inputs (#178) Co-authored-by: Ubuntu 20-04-02-amd64 <<>>

    • wharehouse2 progress (#179)
    • format (#180)

    * sm_dance_bot_warehouse_3 (#181) Co-authored-by: Ubuntu 20-04-02-amd64 <<>>

    • Feature/sm warehouse 2 13 dec 2 (#182)
    • format
    • more changes and headless
    • merge
    • headless and other fixes
    • default values
    • Brettpac branch (#184)
    • sm_dance_bot_warehouse_3
    • Redoing sm_dance_bot_warehouse_3 waypoints

    * More Waypoints Co-authored-by: Ubuntu 20-04-02-amd64 <<>>

    • SrConditional fixes and formatting (#168)
    • fix: some formatting and templating on SrConditional
    • fix: move trigger logic into headers
    • fix: lint
    • Feature/wharehouse2 dec 14 (#185)
    • warehouse2
    • minor
    • Feature/sm warehouse 2 13 dec 2 (#186)
    • format
    • more changes and headless
    • merge
    • headless and other fixes
    • default values
    • minor

    * finetuning waypoints (#187) Co-authored-by: Ubuntu 20-04-02-amd64 <<>>

    • Feature/cb pure spinning (#188)
    • format
    • more changes and headless
    • merge
    • headless and other fixes
    • default values
    • minor
    • Feature/cb pure spinning (#189)
    • format
    • more changes and headless
    • merge
    • headless and other fixes
    • default values
    • minor
    • pure spinning behavior missing files
    • minor changes (#190)
    • Feature/planner changes 16 12 (#191)
    • minor changes
    • more fixes
    • minor
    • minor
    • Feature/replanning 16 dec (#193)
    • minor changes
    • replanning for all our examples
    • several fixes (#194)
    • minor changes (#195)
    • Feature/undo motion 20 12 (#196)
    • minor changes
    • replanning for all our examples
    • improving undo motion navigation warehouse2
    • minor
    • tuning warehouse3 (#197)
    • Feature/undo motion 20 12 (#198)
    • minor changes
    • replanning for all our examples
    • improving undo motion navigation warehouse2
    • minor
    • undo tuning and errors
    • format
    • Feature/sync 21 12 (#199)
    • minor changes
    • replanning for all our examples
    • format issues
    • Feature/warehouse2 22 12 (#200)
    • minor changes
    • replanning for all our examples
    • format issues
    • finishing warehouse2
    • Feature/warehouse2 23 12 (#201)
    • minor changes
    • replanning for all our examples
    • tuning and fixes (#202)
    • Feature/minor tune (#203)
    • tuning and fixes
    • minor tune
    • fixing warehouse 3 problems, and other core improvements (#204)
    • fixing warehouse 3 problems, and other core improvements to remove dead lock, also making continuous integration green
    • weird moveit not downloaded repo
    • added missing file from warehouse2 (#205)
    • backport to foxy
    • minor format

    * minor linking errors foxy Co-authored-by: Denis Štogl <<>> Co-authored-by: Denis Štogl <<>> Co-authored-by: Declan Dury <<>> Co-authored-by: DecDury <<>> Co-authored-by: reelrbtx <<>> Co-authored-by: brettpac <<>> Co-authored-by: David Revay <<>>

    • missing
    • missing sm
    • updating subscriber publisher components
    • progress in autowarrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrre machine
    • refining cp subscriber cp publisher
    • improvements in smacc core adding more components mostly developed for autoware demo
    • autoware demo
    • missing
    • foxy ci
    • fix
    • minor broken build
    • some reordering fixes
    • minor
    • docker files for different revisions, warnings removval and more testing on navigation
    • fixing docker for foxy and galactic
    • docker build files for all versions
    • barrel demo
    • barrel search build fix and warehouse3
    • fixing startup problems in warehouse 3
    • fixing format and minor
    • minor
    • progress in barrel husky
    • minor
    • barrel demo
    • minor
    • barrel search updates
    • making models local
    • red picuup
    • multiple controllable leds plugin
    • progress in husky demo
    • progressing in husky demo
    • improving navigation behaviors
    • more merge

    * docker improvements Co-authored-by: Denis Štogl <<>> Co-authored-by: Denis Štogl <<>> Co-authored-by: Declan Dury <<>> Co-authored-by: DecDury <<>> Co-authored-by: reelrbtx <<>> Co-authored-by: brettpac <<>> Co-authored-by: David Revay <<>> Co-authored-by: pabloinigoblasco <<>>

    • Use correct upstream .repos files for source builds (#243)
    • Correct mergify branch names (#246)

    * Correct name of source-build job and bump version of action (#242) (#247) Co-authored-by: Denis Štogl <<>> Co-authored-by: Pablo Iñigo Blasco <<>>

    • Update galactic source build job name (#250)

    * Galactic source build: update .repos file, bump action version and use correct version of upstream packages (backport #241) (#248) Co-authored-by: Denis Štogl <<>>

    • fixing rolling build (#239)
    • fixing rolling build
    • trying to fix dependencies
    • missing repo
    • fixing to focal by the moment
    • more fixing rolling build
    • minor
    • cache matrix rolling and source build package
    • minor
    • minor
    • missing repo
    • missing deps
    • fixing building issue
    • typo
    • fixing broken build
    • build fix
    • restoring workflow files (#252)
    • restoring files (#253)
    • Fix checkout branches for scheduled builds (#254)
    • correct checkout branch on scheduled build
    • Update foxy-source-build.yml
    • Feature/fixing husky build rolling (#257)
    • restoring files
    • making husky project build on rolling
    • Feature/fixing husky build rolling (#258)
    • restoring files
    • making husky project build on rolling
    • husky progress
    • Update (#262)
    • Feature/fixing ur demos (#261)
    • restoring files
    • fixes
    • Feature/fixing type string walker (#263)
    • restoring files
    • fixing type string walker threesome demo
    • Update (#266)
    • Update (#267)
    • Update (#268)
    • Significant update in Getting Started Instructions (#269)
    • Significant update in Getting Started Instructions

    * Remove trailing spaces. Co-authored-by: Denis Štogl <<>>

    • fixing ur demo (#273)
    • fix: initialise conditionFlag as false (#274)
    • multi-ur_sim
    • format and other changes
    • progress on the multi arm moveit
    • format issues
    • more fixes
    • more on multi-ur
    • minor
    • more progress
    • minor
    • testing ur5 2
    • progressing, two arms with roscontrol and moveit
    • fix: initialise conditionFlag as false (#274)

    * precommit fix (#280) I merge this in red for focal-rolling because it was already broken anyway and it is only a minor update of the precommit

    • urdf for ur to support namespaces
    • Ignore packages which should not be released.
    • Added changelogs.
    • 0.4.0

    * Revert "Ignore packages which should not be released." This reverts commit ee2cc86db3c0a24f9eb0a9e33217de3f7a691a1c.

    • Fix urls to (#284)
    • Fix foxy source build config to use repos file from foxy branch. (#285)
    • minor
    • removing other distribution files
    • more formatting fix
    • ros2 control gazebo repo dependency
    • minor
    • missing deps
    • FakeSystem is working.
    • minor
    • updating repos references
    • more progress
    • more progress on fake controllers
    • format minor
    • repos update
    • merging back galactic

    * Squashed commit of the following: commit b35cf1815ff9bc3cb193a45d5e99573332f3950c Author: brettpac <<>> Date: Thu May 19 00:05:46 2022 -0700 Update (#307) commit 3f19584680e1da2950327233e63a8054fcd09b5f Author: Denis Štogl <<>> Date: Wed May 18 23:57:44 2022 +0200 Update CI setup (#305) commit 809bbd5a46d712c0e30c064b2d24e9328ef94fd7 Author: Denis Štogl <<>> Date: Mon May 16 15:08:36 2022 +0200 Fixing CI because of ros2_control API changes. (#301) * Squashed commit of the following: commit 22035021a896e24d67cdf0e8eebd80f3e0d02dea Author: Pablo Iñigo Blasco <<>> Date: Fri May 27 00:23:25 2022 +0200 Feature/testing smacc rta inter context routes (#306)

    • Update galactic-binary-build.yml
    • Update glactic-semi-binary-build.yml
    • Delete glactic-semi-binary-build.yml
    • removing nav repos
    • testing is failing
    • sm_atomic_hierarchy
    • merge galactic

    * Squashed commit of the following: commit 6f8d60df16f024c52b93af3be2a3075ed2caffc3 Author: Pablo Iñigo Blasco <<>> Date: Fri May 27 00:09:15 2022 +0200 Packml example (#300)

    • initial commit of packml
    • progressing substate for start and execute
    • completing state
    • finishing state machine
    • minor
    • fixing break in packml
    • merging galactic
    • minor

    * Squashed commit of the following: commit d874d1882d3e779a6ccbc0a78bc752fd78d00367 Author: Pablo Iñigo Blasco <<>> Date: Thu May 26 23:36:56 2022 +0200 husky_improvements (#299)

    • husky_improvements
    • different planners profiles for navigation
    • getting changes from galactic
    • planner switcher
    • using galactic branch files
    • fixing breaking changes
    • minor fix
    • removing nav from source files

    * merge commit b35cf1815ff9bc3cb193a45d5e99573332f3950c Author: brettpac <<>> Date: Thu May 19 00:05:46 2022 -0700 Update (#307) commit 3f19584680e1da2950327233e63a8054fcd09b5f Author: Denis Štogl <<>> Date: Wed May 18 23:57:44 2022 +0200 Update CI setup (#305) commit 809bbd5a46d712c0e30c064b2d24e9328ef94fd7 Author: Denis Štogl <<>> Date: Mon May 16 15:08:36 2022 +0200 Fixing CI because of ros2_control API changes. (#301) Co-authored-by: Denis Štogl <<>> commit 6f8d60df16f024c52b93af3be2a3075ed2caffc3 Author: Pablo Iñigo Blasco <<>> Date: Fri May 27 00:09:15 2022 +0200 Packml example (#300)

    • initial commit of packml
    • progressing substate for start and execute
    • completing state
    • finishing state machine
    • minor
    • fixing break in packml
    • merging galactic
    • minor

    * Squashed commit of the following: commit d874d1882d3e779a6ccbc0a78bc752fd78d00367 Author: Pablo Iñigo Blasco <<>> Date: Thu May 26 23:36:56 2022 +0200 husky_improvements (#299)

    • husky_improvements
    • different planners profiles for navigation
    • getting changes from galactic
    • planner switcher
    • using galactic branch files
    • fixing breaking changes
    • minor fix
    • removing nav from source files

    * merge commit b35cf1815ff9bc3cb193a45d5e99573332f3950c Author: brettpac <<>> Date: Thu May 19 00:05:46 2022 -0700 Update (#307) commit 3f19584680e1da2950327233e63a8054fcd09b5f Author: Denis Štogl <<>> Date: Wed May 18 23:57:44 2022 +0200 Update CI setup (#305) commit 809bbd5a46d712c0e30c064b2d24e9328ef94fd7 Author: Denis Štogl <<>> Date: Mon May 16 15:08:36 2022 +0200 Fixing CI because of ros2_control API changes. (#301) commit d874d1882d3e779a6ccbc0a78bc752fd78d00367 Author: Pablo Iñigo Blasco <<>> Date: Thu May 26 23:36:56 2022 +0200 husky_improvements (#299)

    • husky_improvements
    • different planners profiles for navigation
    • getting changes from galactic
    • planner switcher
    • using galactic branch files
    • fixing breaking changes
    • minor fix
    • removing nav from source files

    * merge commit b35cf1815ff9bc3cb193a45d5e99573332f3950c Author: brettpac <<>> Date: Thu May 19 00:05:46 2022 -0700 Update (#307) commit 3f19584680e1da2950327233e63a8054fcd09b5f Author: Denis Štogl <<>> Date: Wed May 18 23:57:44 2022 +0200 Update CI setup (#305) commit 809bbd5a46d712c0e30c064b2d24e9328ef94fd7 Author: Denis Štogl <<>> Date: Mon May 16 15:08:36 2022 +0200 Fixing CI because of ros2_control API changes. (#301) Co-authored-by: DecDury <<>> Co-authored-by: reelrbtx <<>> Co-authored-by: Denis Štogl <<>> Co-authored-by: Denis Štogl <<>> Co-authored-by: brettpac <<>> Co-authored-by: Declan Dury <<>> Co-authored-by: David Revay <<>> Co-authored-by: pabloinigoblasco <<>> Co-authored-by: mergify[bot] <37929162+mergify[bot]\> Co-authored-by: brettpac <<>>

  • Contributors: Pablo Iñigo Blasco

0.3.0 (2022-04-04)

0.0.0 (2022-11-09)

  • improvements in navigation client behaviors and husky barrel demo (#311)
    • improvements in navigation client behaviors and husky barrel demo
    • many improvements in action client and cb sequence for hysky barrel search
    • more and better navigation behaviors on husky barrel search demo
    • functionality improvements in navigation and improvements of warehouse 3, format
    • functionality improvements in navigation and improvements of warehouse 3 and husky
    • format
  • Feature/multi ur5 sim (#290)
    • Remove galactic builds from master and kepp only rolling. Remove submodules and use .repos file
    • updated mentions of SMACC/ROS to SMACC2/ROS2
    • some progress on navigation rolling
    • renamed folders, deleted, edited
    • added smacc2_performance_tools
    • performance tests improvements
    • more on performance and other issues
    • sm_respira_1 format cleanup
    • sm_respira_1 format cleanup pre-commit
    • sm_respira_test_2
    • sm_respira_test_2
    • more changes on performance tests
    • Do not execute clang-format on smacc2_sm_reference_library package.
    • sm_reference_library reformatting
    • Correct trailing spaces.
    • sm_atomic_24hr
    • sm_atomic_performance_trace_1
    • Update smacc2_rta command across readmes
    • Clean up of sm_atomic_24hr
    • more sm_atomic_24hr cleanup
    • Optimized deps in move_base_z_planners_common.
    • Renaming of event generator library
    • minor formatting
    • Add galactic CI setup and rename rolling files. (#58)
    • Fix source CI and correct README overview. (#62)
    • Update c_cpp_properties.json

    * changed launch command to ros2 launch sm_respira_1 sm_respira_1.launch (#69) also noticed a note I had made while producing these that was not removed * update doxygen links (#70) Co-authored-by: Ubuntu 20-04-02-amd64 <<>> * More Readme Updates (#72) Co-authored-by: Ubuntu 20-04-02-amd64 <<>> * More Readme (#74) Co-authored-by: Ubuntu 20-04-02-amd64 <<>>

    • created new sm from sm_respira_1 (#76)
    • Feature/core and navigation fixes (#78)
    • base for the sm_aws_aarehouse navigation
    • progressing in aws navigation
    • minor
    • several core improvements during navigation testing
    • formatting improvements
    • progress in aws navigation demo
    • format improvements
    • Feature/aws demo progress (#80)
    • base for the sm_aws_aarehouse navigation
    • progressing in aws navigation
    • minor
    • several core improvements during navigation testing
    • formatting improvements
    • progress in aws navigation demo
    • format improvements
    • format improvements
    • more on navigation
    • sm_advanced_recovery_1 reworked (#83)
    • sm_advanced_recovery_1 reworked
    • fix pre-commit

    * Trying to fix Pre-Commit Co-authored-by: Ubuntu 20-04-02-amd64 <<>> * more sm_advanced_recovery_1 (#84) Co-authored-by: Ubuntu 20-04-02-amd64 <<>> * More sm_advanced_recovery_1 work (#85) Co-authored-by: Ubuntu 20-04-02-amd64 <<>> * sm_advanced_recovery_1 round 4 (#86) Co-authored-by: Ubuntu 20-04-02-amd64 <<>>

    • Brettpac branch (#87)
    • sm_atomic_performance_test_a_2

    * sm_atomic_performance_test_a_1 Co-authored-by: Ubuntu 20-04-02-amd64 <<>> * sm_atomic_performance_test_c_1 (#88) Co-authored-by: Ubuntu 20-04-02-amd64 <<>> * modifying sm_atomic_performance_test_a_2 (#89) Co-authored-by: Ubuntu 20-04-02-amd64 <<>>

    • sm_multi_stage_1 (#90)
    • sm_multi_stage_1

    * fixing precommit Co-authored-by: Ubuntu 20-04-02-amd64 <<>> * more sm_multi_stage_1 (#91) Co-authored-by: Ubuntu 20-04-02-amd64 <<>> * Update updated launch command

    • Wait topic message client behavior (#81)
    • base for the sm_aws_aarehouse navigation
    • progressing in aws navigation
    • minor
    • several core improvements during navigation testing
    • formatting improvements
    • progress in aws navigation demo
    • format improvements
    • format improvements
    • more on navigation
    • new feature, cb_wait_topic_message: asynchronous client behavior that waits a topic message and optionally checks its contents to success
    • formatting

    * attempting precommit fixes Co-authored-by: Ubuntu 20-04-02-amd64 <<>> Co-authored-by: Denis Štogl <<>>

    • Feature/wait nav2 nodes client behavior (#82)
    • base for the sm_aws_aarehouse navigation
    • progressing in aws navigation
    • minor
    • several core improvements during navigation testing
    • formatting improvements
    • progress in aws navigation demo
    • format improvements
    • format improvements
    • more on navigation
    • new feature, cb_wait_topic_message: asynchronous client behavior that waits a topic message and optionally checks its contents to success
    • formatting
    • adding new client behavior add for nav2, wait nav2 nodes subscribing to the /bond topic and waiting they are alive. you optionally can select the nodes to wait

    * Correct all linters and formaters. Co-authored-by: Denis Štogl <<>> Co-authored-by: Denis Štogl <<>>

    • Feature/aws demo progress (#92)
    • base for the sm_aws_aarehouse navigation
    • progressing in aws navigation
    • minor
    • several core improvements during navigation testing
    • formatting improvements
    • progress in aws navigation demo
    • format improvements
    • format improvements
    • more on navigation
    • new feature, cb_wait_topic_message: asynchronous client behavior that waits a topic message and optionally checks its contents to success
    • formatting
    • adding new client behavior add for nav2, wait nav2 nodes subscribing to the /bond topic and waiting they are alive. you optionally can select the nodes to wait
    • progress in aws navigation demo
    • minor format
    • Feature/sm dance bot fixes (#93)
    • base for the sm_aws_aarehouse navigation
    • progressing in aws navigation
    • minor
    • several core improvements during navigation testing
    • formatting improvements
    • progress in aws navigation demo
    • format improvements
    • format improvements
    • more on navigation
    • new feature, cb_wait_topic_message: asynchronous client behavior that waits a topic message and optionally checks its contents to success
    • formatting
    • adding new client behavior add for nav2, wait nav2 nodes subscribing to the /bond topic and waiting they are alive. you optionally can select the nodes to wait
    • progress in aws navigation demo
    • minor format
    • navigation parameters fixes on sm_dance_bot
    • minor format
    • Feature/sm aws warehouse (#94)
    • base for the sm_aws_aarehouse navigation
    • progressing in aws navigation
    • minor
    • several core improvements during navigation testing
    • formatting improvements
    • progress in aws navigation demo
    • format improvements
    • format improvements
    • more on navigation
    • new feature, cb_wait_topic_message: asynchronous client behavior that waits a topic message and optionally checks its contents to success
    • formatting
    • adding new client behavior add for nav2, wait nav2 nodes subscribing to the /bond topic and waiting they are alive. you optionally can select the nodes to wait
    • progress in aws navigation demo
    • minor format
    • merge and progress
    • fix format
    • Feature/sm dance bot fixes (#95)
    • base for the sm_aws_aarehouse navigation
    • progressing in aws navigation
    • minor
    • several core improvements during navigation testing
    • formatting improvements
    • progress in aws navigation demo
    • format improvements
    • format improvements
    • more on navigation
    • new feature, cb_wait_topic_message: asynchronous client behavior that waits a topic message and optionally checks its contents to success
    • formatting
    • adding new client behavior add for nav2, wait nav2 nodes subscribing to the /bond topic and waiting they are alive. you optionally can select the nodes to wait
    • progress in aws navigation demo
    • minor format
    • navigation parameters fixes on sm_dance_bot
    • minor format
    • minor
    • minor format
    • Remove some compile warnings. (#96)
    • Feature/cb pause slam (#98)
    • base for the sm_aws_aarehouse navigation
    • progressing in aws navigation
    • minor
    • several core improvements during navigation testing
    • formatting improvements
    • progress in aws navigation demo
    • format improvements
    • format improvements
    • more on navigation
    • new feature, cb_wait_topic_message: asynchronous client behavior that waits a topic message and optionally checks its contents to success
    • formatting
    • adding new client behavior add for nav2, wait nav2 nodes subscribing to the /bond topic and waiting they are alive. you optionally can select the nodes to wait
    • progress in aws navigation demo
    • minor format
    • navigation parameters fixes on sm_dance_bot
    • minor format
    • minor
    • formatting
    • cb pause slam client behavior
    • sm_dance_bot_lite (#99)
    • sm_dance_bot_lite
    • precommit

    * Updates yaml Co-authored-by: Ubuntu 20-04-02-amd64 <<>>

    • Rename doxygen deployment workflow (#100)
    • minor hotfix
    • sm_dance_bot visualizing turtlebot3 (#101)
    • Feature/dance bot launch gz lidar choice (#102)
    • sm_dance_bot visualizing turtlebot3
    • cleaning and lidar show/hide option
    • cleaning files and making formatting work
    • more fixes
    • Feature/sm dance bot lite gazebo fixes (#104)
    • sm_dance_bot visualizing turtlebot3
    • cleaning and lidar show/hide option
    • cleaning files and making formatting work
    • more fixes
    • gazebo fixes, to show the robot and the lidar
    • format fixes

    * sm_multi_stage_1 doubling (#103) Co-authored-by: Ubuntu 20-04-02-amd64 <<>>

    • Feature/sm dance bot strikes back gazebo fixes (#105)
    • sm_dance_bot visualizing turtlebot3
    • cleaning and lidar show/hide option
    • cleaning files and making formatting work
    • more fixes
    • gazebo fixes, to show the robot and the lidar
    • format fixes
    • gazebo fixes for sm_dance_bot_strikes_back

    * precommit cleanup run (#106) Co-authored-by: Ubuntu 20-04-02-amd64 <<>>

    • aws demo (#108)
    • aws demo
    • format

    * got sm_multi_stage_1 working (barely) (#109) Co-authored-by: Ubuntu 20-04-02-amd64 <<>>

    • Brettpac branch (#110)
    • got sm_multi_stage_1 working (barely)
    • gaining traction sm_multi_stage_1
    • more
    • don't remember
    • making progress
    • More
    • keep hammering
    • two stages
    • 3 part

    * 4th stage Co-authored-by: Ubuntu 20-04-02-amd64 <<>>

    • Brettpac branch (#111)
    • got sm_multi_stage_1 working (barely)
    • gaining traction sm_multi_stage_1
    • more
    • don't remember
    • making progress
    • More
    • keep hammering
    • two stages
    • 3 part
    • 4th stage

    * 5th stage Co-authored-by: Ubuntu 20-04-02-amd64 <<>> * a3 (#113) Co-authored-by: Ubuntu 20-04-02-amd64 <<>>

    • Remove neo_simulation2 package. (#112)
    • Remove neo_simulation2 package.
    • Correct formatting.
    • Enable source build on PR for testing.
    • Adjust build packages of source CI

    * more sm_multi_stage_1 (#114) Co-authored-by: Ubuntu 20-04-02-amd64 <<>> * mm (#115) Co-authored-by: Ubuntu 20-04-02-amd64 <<>>

    • diverse improvements navigation and performance (#116)
    • diverse improvements navigation and performance

    * minor Co-authored-by: pabloinigoblasco <<>>

    • Feature/diverse improvemets navigation performance (#117)
    • diverse improvements navigation and performance
    • minor
    • additional linting and formatting
    • Remove merge markers from a python file. (#119)
    • Feature/slam toggle and smacc deep history (#122)
    • progress in navigation, slam toggle client behaviors and slam_toolbox components. Also smacc2::deep_history syntax
    • going forward in testing sm_dance_bot introducing slam pausing/resuming funcionality
    • feature/more_sm_dance_bot_fixes
    • minor format

    * minor (#124) Co-authored-by: Ubuntu 20-04-02-amd64 <<>>

    • more changes in sm_dance_bot (#125)
    • Move method after the method it calls. Otherwise recursion could happen. (#126)
    • Feature/dance bot s pattern (#128)
    • more changes in sm_dance_bot
    • polishing sm_dance_bot and s-pattern

    * noticed typo Finnaly > Finally

    • Feature/dance bot s pattern (#129)
    • more changes in sm_dance_bot
    • polishing sm_dance_bot and s-pattern
    • more refinement in sm_dance_bot
    • First working version of sm template and template generator. (#127)

    * minor tweaks (#130) Co-authored-by: Ubuntu 20-04-02-amd64 <<b