Package Summary

Tags No category tags.
Version 0.1.20
License BSD
Build type CATKIN

Repository Summary

Checkout URI
VCS Type git
VCS Version master
Last Updated 2024-07-19
CI status
Tags No category tags.
Contributing Help Wanted (0)
Good First Issues (0)
Pull Requests to Review (0)

Package Description

A template for ROS packages.

Additional Links

No additional links.


  • Qiayuan Liao


  • Qiayuan Liao

Package Name


This is a template: replace, remove, and add where required. Describe here what this package does and what it's meant for in a few sentences.

Keywords: example, package, template

Or, add some keywords to the Bitbucket or GitHub repository.


The source code is released under a BSD 3-Clause license.

Author: Péter Fankhauser
Affiliation: ANYbotics
Maintainer: Péter Fankhauser,

The PACKAGE NAME package has been tested under ROS Indigo, Melodic and Noetic on respectively Ubuntu 14.04, 18.04 and 20.04. This is research code, expect that it changes often and any fitness for a particular purpose is disclaimed.

Build Status

Example image


Installation from Packages

To install all packages from the this repository as Debian packages use

sudo apt-get install ros-noetic-...

Or better, use rosdep:

sudo rosdep install --from-paths src

Building from Source


sudo rosdep install --from-paths src


To build from source, clone the latest version from this repository into your catkin workspace and compile the package using

cd catkin_workspace/src
git clone
cd ../
rosdep install --from-paths . --ignore-src

Unit Tests

Run the unit tests with

catkin_make run_tests_ros_package_template

Static code analysis

Run the static code analysis with

catkin_make roslint_ros_package_template


Describe the quickest way to run this software, for example:

Run the main node with

roslaunch ros_package_template ros_package_template.launch

Config files

Config file folder/set 1

  • config_file_1.yaml Shortly explain the content of this config file

Config file folder/set 2

  • ...

Launch files

  • launch_file_1.launch: shortly explain what is launched (e.g standard simulation, simulation with gdb,...)

Argument set 1

- **`argument_1`** Short description (e.g. as commented in launch file). Default: `default_value`.

Argument set 2

- **`...`**
  • ...



Reads temperature measurements and computed the average.

Subscribed Topics

  • /temperature ([sensor_msgs/Temperature])

The temperature measurements from which the average is computed.

Published Topics



  • get_average ([std_srvs/Trigger])

Returns information about the current average. For example, you can trigger the computation from the console with

rosservice call /ros_package_template/get_average


  • subscriber_topic (string, default: "/temperature")

The name of the input topic.

  • cache_size (int, default: 200, min: 0, max: 1000)

The size of the cache.

Bugs & Feature Requests

Please report bugs and request features using the Issue Tracker .


Changelog for package rm_gazebo

0.1.20 (2023-06-20)

  • Merge branch \'master\' into suggest_fire
  • Merge branch \'rm-controls:master\' into master
  • Merge branch \'dev/ui_refact\' into dev/balance_cmd_send
  • Merge branch \'master\' into dev/ui_refact # Conflicts: # rm_referee/include/rm_referee/common/protocol.h # rm_referee/src/ui/graph.cpp
  • Merge pull request #146 from ye-luo-xi-tui/master 0.1.19
  • Merge branch \'rm-controls:master\' into master
  • Merge pull request #1 from rm-controls/master 1
  • Contributors: 1moule, ye-luo-xi-tui, yuchen,

Wiki Tutorials

See ROS Wiki Tutorials for more details.

Source Tutorials

Not currently indexed.

Dependant Packages

No known dependants.

Launch files

  • launch/empty_world.launch
      • robot_type [default: $(env ROBOT_TYPE)] — Robot type [standard, auto, hero, engineer,sentry,rmua]
      • load_chassis [default: true]
      • load_gimbal [default: true]
      • load_shooter [default: true]
      • load_arm [default: true]
      • paused [default: false]
      • roller_type [default: simple] — simple or realistic
  • launch/small_resource.launch
      • robot_type [default: $(env ROBOT_TYPE)] — Robot type [standard, auto, hero, engineer]
      • x_pos [default: 0.0]
      • y_pos [default: 0.0]
      • z_pos [default: 0.0]
      • load_chassis [default: true]
      • load_gimbal [default: true]
      • load_shooter [default: true]
      • load_arm [default: true]
      • paused [default: false]
  • launch/exchange_station.launch
      • robot_type [default: $(env ROBOT_TYPE)] — Robot type [standard, auto, hero, engineer]
      • x_pos [default: 0.0]
      • y_pos [default: 0.0]
      • z_pos [default: 0.0]
      • load_chassis [default: true]
      • load_gimbal [default: true]
      • load_shooter [default: true]
      • load_arm [default: true]
      • paused [default: false]
  • launch/warthog_race_world.launch
      • robot_type [default: $(env ROBOT_TYPE)] — Robot type [standard, auto, hero, engineer]
      • x_pos [default: 0.0]
      • y_pos [default: 0.0]
      • z_pos [default: 0.0]
      • load_chassis [default: true]
      • load_gimbal [default: true]
      • load_shooter [default: true]
      • load_arm [default: true]
      • paused [default: false]
  • launch/big_resource.launch
      • robot_type [default: $(env ROBOT_TYPE)] — Robot type [standard, auto, hero, engineer,sentry]
      • load_chassis [default: true]
      • load_gimbal [default: false]
      • load_shooter [default: false]
      • load_arm [default: true]
      • paused [default: false]
      • roller_type [default: simple] — simple or realistic
  • launch/rmuc.launch
      • robot_type [default: $(env ROBOT_TYPE)] — Robot type [standard, auto, hero, engineer]
      • x_pos [default: 0.0]
      • y_pos [default: 0.0]
      • z_pos [default: 0.0]
      • load_chassis [default: true]
      • load_gimbal [default: true]
      • load_shooter [default: true]
      • load_arm [default: true]
      • paused [default: false]
  • launch/stone.launch
      • robot_type [default: $(env ROBOT_TYPE)] — Robot type [standard, auto, hero, engineer]
      • x_pos [default: 0.0]
      • y_pos [default: 0.0]
      • z_pos [default: 0.0]
      • load_chassis [default: true]
      • load_gimbal [default: true]
      • load_shooter [default: true]
      • load_arm [default: true]
      • paused [default: false]
  • launch/sentry_world.launch
      • robot_type [default: $(env ROBOT_TYPE)] — Robot type [standard, auto, hero, engineer]
      • x_pos [default: 0.0]
      • y_pos [default: -0.06]
      • z_pos [default: 0.06]
      • load_chassis [default: true]
      • load_gimbal [default: true]
      • load_shooter [default: true]
      • load_arm [default: true]
      • paused [default: false]


No message files found.


No service files found

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