Package Summary

Tags No category tags.
Version 2.0.19
License Apache License 2.0
Build type AMENT_CMAKE

Repository Summary

Checkout URI
VCS Type git
VCS Version humble-devel
Last Updated 2024-07-09
CI status No Continuous Integration
Tags No category tags.
Contributing Help Wanted (0)
Good First Issues (0)
Pull Requests to Review (0)

Package Description

The omni_base_bringup package

Additional Links

No additional links.


  • Yue Erro


  • Yue Erro
  • Andrea Capodacqua
No README found. No README in repository either.

Changelog for package omni_base_bringup

2.0.19 (2024-07-09)

  • Add warning for pal_module_cmake not found
  • Contributors: Noel Jimenez

2.0.18 (2024-07-01)

2.0.17 (2024-06-28)

  • Merge branch \'dtk/add-on-module\' into \'humble-devel\' Change rgbd sensors to add-on-module See merge request robots/omni_base_robot!35
  • Change rgbd sensors to add-on-module
  • Contributors: David ter Kuile, davidterkuile

2.0.16 (2024-06-26)

  • Merge branch \'dtk/move-robot-args\' into \'humble-devel\' Dtk/move robot args See merge request robots/omni_base_robot!34
  • Change import for launch args
  • Contributors: David ter Kuile, davidterkuile

2.0.15 (2024-06-25)

  • Merge branch \'tpe/upate_std_and_launch_arg\' into \'humble-devel\' Standardize urdf + update lauch args See merge request robots/omni_base_robot!32
  • Update linters
  • Update arg name
  • Add public sim
  • Restructure luanch files omni_base_bringup
  • Update to joy_linux node
  • Contributors: David ter Kuile, davidterkuile

2.0.14 (2024-06-13)

2.0.13 (2024-06-03)

2.0.12 (2024-06-03)

2.0.11 (2024-05-21)

2.0.10 (2024-04-18)

2.0.9 (2024-04-11)

2.0.8 (2024-04-10)

  • Merge branch \'feat/enable-dlo-sim\' into \'humble-devel\' enable odom_tf gazebo only in public sim and laser noise fix See merge request robots/omni_base_robot!20
  • enable odom_tf gazebo only in public sim and laser noise fix
  • Contributors: andreacapodacqua

2.0.7 (2024-04-10)

2.0.6 (2024-03-14)

2.0.5 (2024-03-06)

2.0.4 (2024-02-26)

2.0.3 (2024-02-02)

  • Merge branch \'feat/register-components\' into \'humble-devel\' removing need for remapping cmd_vel topic See merge request robots/omni_base_robot!16
  • removing need for remapping cmd_vel topic
  • Contributors: antoniobrandi

2.0.2 (2023-12-15)

  • Merge branch \'fix/joystick-ros2\' into \'humble-devel\' added y-axis movement joystick See merge request robots/omni_base_robot!15
  • added y-axis movement joystick
  • Contributors: andreacapodacqua

2.0.1 (2023-12-11)

  • Merge branch \'fix/modules-ros2\' into \'humble-devel\' fix modules See merge request robots/omni_base_robot!14
  • fix cmakelists
  • fix modules
  • Contributors: Noel Jimenez, andreacapodacqua

2.0.0 (2023-11-22)

  • Merge branch \'feat/module\' into \'humble-devel\' Feat/module See merge request robots/omni_base_robot!13
  • fix deps
  • fix dep
  • split bringup module
  • removed 2dnav dep
  • update copyright
  • omni_base ROS 2
  • ROS 2 omni base robot
  • add emergency brake priority
  • disable controller and add TODO
  • enable control(er) and 2dnav
  • fix: Load gazebo_controller_manager_cfg.yaml and launch only omnibase stuff that is ready
  • omnibase bringup to ROS 2:
    • yaml
  • omnibase bringup to colcon
  • Contributors: YueErro, andreacapodacqua

0.0.10 (2022-12-27)

  • Merge branch \'fix/update-robot-state-publisher\' into \'ferrum-devel\' fix robot_state_publisher type See merge request robots/omni_base_robot!7
  • fix robot_state_publisher type
  • Contributors: josegarcia

0.0.9 (2022-10-24)

0.0.8 (2022-08-16)

0.0.7 (2022-08-10)

0.0.6 (2022-06-17)

0.0.5 (2021-11-24)

0.0.4 (2021-11-04)

0.0.3 (2021-10-05)

  • fixed iso error while calling launch files for bringup
  • Contributors: antoniobrandi

0.0.2 (2021-09-30)

0.0.1 (2021-09-30)

  • preparing release changed version
  • preparing release
  • on of the urdf and completed controller configuration
  • Contributors: antoniobrandi

Wiki Tutorials

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Source Tutorials

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Launch files

No launch files found


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