No version for distro humble. Known supported distros are highlighted in the buttons above.
No version for distro iron. Known supported distros are highlighted in the buttons above.
No version for distro jazzy. Known supported distros are highlighted in the buttons above.
No version for distro rolling. Known supported distros are highlighted in the buttons above.

ess_imu_driver package from ess_imu_driver repo


Package Summary

Tags No category tags.
Version 2.0.1
License BSD-3
Build type CATKIN

Repository Summary

Checkout URI
VCS Type git
VCS Version noetic
Last Updated 2024-10-02
CI status Continuous Integration : 0 / 0
Tags No category tags.
Contributing Help Wanted (0)
Good First Issues (0)
Pull Requests to Review (0)

Package Description

ROS package for Epson IMU based on C++ wrapper of Linux C driver

Additional Links


  • Raymond Chow


No additional authors.

README for Epson IMU Driver for ROS1 Node

What is this repository for?

  • This code is a ROS1 package for demonstrating a ROS node that configures and publishes IMU messages from a supported Epson IMU.
  • This code provides software communication between Epson IMU and ROS using the either the UART or SPI interface.
  • For the UART connection, this code uses the standard Unix Terminal I/O library (termios) for communicating either direct or by USB-serial converter such as FTDI USB-UART bridge ICs.
  • For the SPI connection, this code uses the Unofficial wiringPi library for accessing GPIO and SPI functions on the Raspberry Pi platform running Ubuntu Linux distro.
  • This ROS1 node demonstration software is a ROS C++ wrapper around the Linux C driver software:
    • src/epson_imu_uart_ros_node.cpp is for the UART interface
    • src/epson_imu_spi_ros_node.cpp is for the SPI interface
  • The other source files in src/ are based on the Linux C driver originally released and can be found here: Linux C driver and logger example for EPSON IMU
  • Information about ROS, and tutorials can be found:

What kind of hardware or software will I likely need?

  • Epson IMU Epson IMU models
    • At the time software release:
      • G320PDG0, G320PDGN, G354PDH0, G364PDCA, G364PDC0
      • G365PDC1, G365PDF1, G370PDF1, G370PDS0
      • G330PDG0, G366PDG0, G370PDG0, G370PDT0
      • G570PR20
  • ROS Noetic (via download)
  • This software was developed and tested on the following:
  ROS1:        Noetic
  Description: Ubuntu 20.04 LTS
  Hardware Platform: Core i7 PC, Raspberry Pi 3B+, RaspberryPi 4

For the UART Interface:

  • Epson USB evaluation board or equivalent FTDI USB-Serial interface connecting the Epson IMU to ROS host (tty/serial) See M-G32EV041
  • Alternatively, a direct connection from the Epson IMU to the ROS platform supporting a 3.3V CMOS compatible UART interface See M-G32EV031.

For the SPI Interface:

  • NOTE: This software is intended for an embedded Linux host system with 3.3V I/O compatible SPI interface (SCLK, MISO, MOSI) and 3 GPIOs (CS#, RST#, DRDY).
  • For Raspberry Pi, if not enabled already the SPI interface can be enabled using raspi-config or equivalent.
  • This code uses a separate GPIO to manually control CS# chipselect instead of the chipselect assigned to by the RapsberryPi SPI interface.
    • The chipselect assigned by the HW SPI interface should also work, but has not been thoroughly tested.
  • Epson Breakout evaluation board or some equivalent is required to connect to the 3.3V CMOS compatible pins of the ROS host (SPI & GPIOs) See M-G32EV031

How do I use the driver?

  • This code assumes that the user is familiar with building ROS packages using the catkin_make build process.

  • This README is NOT detailed step by step instructions on how to build and install ROS software.

  • Please refer to the website for more detailed instructions on the ROS package build process.

  • NOTE: At a bare minimum, the user must re-build the package with catkin_make after modifying the CMakeLists.txt to configure any of the following:

    • serial interface type, INTERFACE= (UART or SPI)
    • host platform type, PLATFORM= (RPI or NONE=PC)
  • Changes to IMU settings should be made by editing the .launch files located in the launch/ folder instead of modifying the src/ source files

How do I use the driver if usleep() is not supported for time delays?

  • NOTE: In the hcl_linux.c or hcl_rpi.c, there are seDelayMS() and seDelayMicroSecs() wrapper functions for time delays in millisecond and microseconds, respectively.
  • On embedded Linux platforms, the user may need to modify and redirect to platform specific delay routines if usleep() is not supported.
  • For example on RaspberryPi, the time delay functions for millisecond and microseconds are redirected to WiringPi library delay() and delayMicroseconds(), respectively.
  • If a hardware delay is not available from a library, then a software delay loop is possible but not preferred.

How do I use the driver with GPIOs to control IMU RESET#, DRDY, EXT pins?

  • When connecting the IMU using the UART interface, the use of GPIO pins for connecting to the IMU RESET# or DRDY is optional, but can be useful on an embedded Linux platforms (such as RapsberryPi).
  • When connecting the IMU using the SPI interface, the use of GPIO pins for connecting to the IMU DRDY is mandatory (RESET# is recommended, EXT is optional).
  • When using the time_correction function for accurate time stamping with an external 3.3V GNSS 1PPS signal, the IMU EXT pin must be connected to the 1PPS.
  • The user can choose to control the IMU CS# pin directly with a designated host GPIO output or connect to the designated chipselect of the SPI interface (i.e. SPI_CE0 pin on the RapsberryPi)
  • Where possible, connecting the RESET# and forcing a Hardware Reset during every IMU initialization is recommended for better robustness.
  • This code is structured to simplify editing to redirect GPIO control to low-level hardware library GPIO function calls.
  • There are no standard methods to implement GPIO connections on embedded Linux platform, but the following source files typically need changing:

  • Typically, an external library needs to be invoked to initialize & enable GPIO HW functions on the user’s embedded platform.

  • This typically requires the following changes to hcl_linux.c (Refer to hcl_rpi.c as a template):

    • add #include to external library near the top of hcl_linux.c
    • add the initialization call to the HW library inside the seInit() function in hcl_linux.c

For example on a Raspberry Pi, the following changes can be made to hcl_linux.c:


  #include <stdint.h>
  #include <stdio.h>
  #include <wiringPi.h>  // <== Added external library

  int seInit(void)
    // Initialize wiringPi libraries                                                   // <== Added
    printf("\r\nInitializing libraries...");                                           // <== Added
    if(wiringPiSetupGpio() != 0) {                                                     // <== Added external library initialization
      printf("\r\nError: could not initialize wiringPI libraries. Exiting...\r\n");    // <== Added
      return NG;                                                                       // <== Added
    }                                                                                  // <== Added

    return OK;


  • Typically, the GPIO pins need to be assigned according to embedded HW platform-specific pin numbering and requires changes to hcl_gpio.h.

NOTE: When using the SPI interface, if direct CS# control is not by GPIO, then connect IMU CS# pin to the RPI SPI0_CE0 (P1_24).

For example on a Raspberry Pi, the changes to hcl_gpio.h assume the following pin mapping:

Epson IMU                   Raspberry Pi
EPSON_RESET                 RPI_GPIO_P1_15 (GPIO22) Output
EPSON_DRDY                  RPI_GPIO_P1_18 (GPIO24) Input


// Prototypes for generic GPIO functions
int gpioInit(void);
int gpioRelease(void);

void gpioSet(uint8_t pin);
void gpioClr(uint8_t pin);
uint8_t gpioGetPinLevel(uint8_t pin);

#define RPI_GPIO_P1_15              22                    // <== Added
#define RPI_GPIO_P1_18              24                    // <== Added

#define EPSON_RESET                 RPI_GPIO_P1_15        // <== Added
#define EPSON_DRDY                  RPI_GPIO_P1_18        // <== Added

  • The external HW library will typically have GPIO pin control functions such as set_output(), set_input(), set(), reset(), read_pin_level(), etc…

  • The user should redirect the function calls in hcl_gpio.c for gpioInit(), gpioRelease(), gpioSet(), gpioClr(), gpioGetPinLevel() to such equivalent external HW library pin control functions.

  • For example on a Raspberry Pi, the following are changes to hcl_gpio.c which can be used as a template:

#include "hcl.h"
#include "hcl_gpio.h"
#include <wiringPi.h>                         // <== Added external library


int gpioInit(void)
	pinMode(EPSON_RESET, OUTPUT);               // <== Added external call RESET Output Pin
	pinMode(EPSON_DRDY, INPUT);                 // <== Added external call DRDY Input Pin
	pullUpDnControl(EPSON_DRDY, PUD_OFF) ;      // <== Added external call Disable any internal pullup or pulldown resistance

	return OK;


int gpioRelease(void)
	return OK;


void gpioSet(uint8_t pin)
	digitalWrite(pin, HIGH);                    // <== Added external call set pin HIGH


void gpioClr(uint8_t pin)
	digitalWrite(pin, LOW);                     // <== Added external call set pin LOW


uint8_t gpioGetPinLevel(uint8_t pin)
	return (digitalRead(pin));                  // <== Added external call to return pin state of input pin


How do I build, install, run this package?

The Epson IMU ROS driver is designed for building with the standard ROS catkin build environment. Refer to the ROS1 Tutorials for more info: ROS1 Tutorial

For more information on ROS & catkin setup refer to: Installing and Configuring ROS Environment.

  1. Place this package (including folders) into a new folder within your catkin workspace src/ folder. For example, we recommend using the folder name ess_imu_driver

  1. Modify the CMakeLists.txt to select the serial interface type INTERFACE= and platform type PLATFORM= that matches your ROS system and connection to the Epson IMU. Refer to the comments in the CMakeLists.txt for additional info. NOTE: You MUST re-build using catkin_make after any changes in the CMakeLists.txt.

  2. From the catkin workspace folder run catkin_make to build all ROS packages located in the <catkin_workspace>/src/ folder.

    NOTE: Re-run catkin_make to rebuild the software after making any changes to any of the .c or .cpp or .h source files.

NOTE: It is recommended to change IMU settings by editing the parameters in the .launch launch file, instead of modifying the .c, .cpp, .h source files directly.


  1. Reload the current ROS environment variables that may have changed after the catkin_make build process by entering the following from the \<catkin_workspace>:
source ./devel/setup.bash

  1. Modify the .launch file in the launch/ folder to set your desired IMU configure parameter options at runtime:
Launch Parameter Comment
serial_port NOTE: Only applicable when using UART interface to specify the port name, otherwise ignored ie. “/dev/ttyUSB0” or “/dev/ttyXXX”
frame_id specifies the value in the IMU message frame_id field
ext_sel specifies the function of the GPIO2 pin (GPIO2, External Trigger, External Counter Reset). NOTE: Must be set to External Counter Reset when time_correction is enabled.
ext_pol specifies the polarity of the GPIO2 pin when ext_sel is External Trigger or External Counter Reset NOTE: Only applicable to G320/G354/G364/V340 otherwise ignored.
dout_rate specifies the IMU output data rate
filter_sel specifies the IMU filter setting
flag_out specifies to enable or disable ND_FLAG status in IMU output data (not used by ROS)
temp_out specifies to enable or disable TempC sensor in IMU output data (must be enabled)
gyro_out specifies to enable or disable Gyro sensor in IMU output data (must be enabled)
accel_out specifies to enable or disable Accl sensor in IMU output data (must be enabled)
qtn_out specifies to enable or disable Quaternion in IMU output data (only for models that support quaternion output, otherwise ignored)
count_out specifies to enable or disable counter in IMU output data (must be enabled when time_correction is enabled)
checksum_out specifies to enable or disable checksum in IMU output data (not used by ROS, but checksum errors are detected when enabled)
atti_profile specifies the attitude motion profile (only for models that support quaternion output, otherwise ignored)
time_correction enables time correction function using External Counter Reset function & external 1PPS connected to IMU GPIO2/EXT pin. NOTE: Must set count_out=1 & ext_sel=1

NOTE: The ROS launch file passes IMU configuration settings to the IMU at runtime. Therefore, rebuilding with catkin_make is not required.

  1. Start the Epson IMU ROS driver use the appropriate .launch file located in launch/. All parameters are described in the in-line comments of the .launch file.

For example, to launch the ROS node:

<catkin_workspace>/roslaunch ess_imu_driver normal.launch

Launch File Description
normal.launch Publishes to imu/data for IMU models that support gyro, accel, and quaternion (orientation) or imu/data_raw for IMU models that do not support quaternion (orientation)
raw.launch Publishes to imu/data_raw and does not enable or update quaternion (orientation)
tc.launch Same as normal.launch except time correction function is enabled (GNSS 1PPS signal must be connected to IMU EXT pin)

Example console output of catkin_make build

user@user:~/catkin_ws$ catkin_make
Base path: /home/user/catkin_ws
Source space: /home/user/catkin_ws/src
Build space: /home/user/catkin_ws/build
Devel space: /home/user/catkin_ws/devel
Install space: /home/user/catkin_ws/install
#### Running command: "make cmake_check_build_system" in "/home/user/catkin_ws/build"
-- Using CATKIN_DEVEL_PREFIX: /home/user/catkin_ws/devel
-- Using CMAKE_PREFIX_PATH: /home/user/catkin_ws/devel;/opt/ros/noetic
-- This workspace overlays: /home/user/catkin_ws/devel;/opt/ros/noetic
-- Found PythonInterp: /bin/python3 (found suitable version "3.8.10", minimum required is "3")
-- Using PYTHON_EXECUTABLE: /bin/python3
-- Using Debian Python package layout
-- Using empy: /usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/
-- Call enable_testing()
-- Using CATKIN_TEST_RESULTS_DIR: /home/user/catkin_ws/build/test_results
-- Forcing gtest/gmock from source, though one was otherwise available.
-- Found gtest sources under '/usr/src/googletest': gtests will be built
-- Found gmock sources under '/usr/src/googletest': gmock will be built
-- Found PythonInterp: /bin/python3 (found version "3.8.10")
-- Using Python nosetests: /bin/nosetests3
-- catkin 0.8.10
-- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
-- ~~  traversing 1 packages in topological order:
-- ~~  - ess_imu_driver
-- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
-- +++ processing catkin package: 'ess_imu_driver'
-- ==> add_subdirectory(ess_imu_driver)
-- Using these message generators: gencpp;geneus;genlisp;gennodejs;genpy
-- Building for IMU Model:
---- Building for platform: NONE
---- Building for interface: UART
-- Configuring done
-- Generating done
-- Build files have been written to: /home/user/catkin_ws/build
#### Running command: "make -j4 -l4" in "/home/user/catkin_ws/build"
Scanning dependencies of target ess_imu_driver_lib
[ 50%] Building C object ess_imu_driver/CMakeFiles/ess_imu_driver_lib.dir/src/hcl_uart.c.o
[ 50%] Building C object ess_imu_driver/CMakeFiles/ess_imu_driver_lib.dir/src/sensor_epsonCommon.c.o
[ 50%] Building C object ess_imu_driver/CMakeFiles/ess_imu_driver_lib.dir/src/hcl_linux.c.o
[ 50%] Building C object ess_imu_driver/CMakeFiles/ess_imu_driver_lib.dir/src/hcl_gpio.c.o
[ 62%] Building C object ess_imu_driver/CMakeFiles/ess_imu_driver_lib.dir/src/sensor_epsonUart.c.o
[ 75%] Linking C shared library /home/user/catkin_ws/devel/lib/
[ 75%] Built target ess_imu_driver_lib
Scanning dependencies of target ess_imu_driver_node
[ 87%] Building CXX object ess_imu_driver/CMakeFiles/ess_imu_driver_node.dir/src/epson_imu_uart_ros_node.cpp.o
[100%] Linking CXX executable /home/user/catkin_ws/devel/lib/ess_imu_driver/ess_imu_driver_node
[100%] Built target ess_imu_driver_node

Example console output of launching ROS node

user@user:~/catkin_ws$ roslaunch ess_imu_driver normal.launch
... logging to /home/user/.ros/log/ffc82936-505a-11ef-8a91-919aef8bfaba/roslaunch-user-2855826.log
Checking log directory for disk usage. This may take a while.
Press Ctrl-C to interrupt
Done checking log file disk usage. Usage is <1GB.

started roslaunch server http://user:46575/


 * /ess_imu_driver_node/accel_out: 1
 * /ess_imu_driver_node/atti_profile: 0
 * /ess_imu_driver_node/checksum_out: 1
 * /ess_imu_driver_node/count_out: 1
 * /ess_imu_driver_node/dout_rate: 9
 * /ess_imu_driver_node/ext_pol: 0
 * /ess_imu_driver_node/ext_sel: 1
 * /ess_imu_driver_node/filter_sel: 9
 * /ess_imu_driver_node/flag_out: 1
 * /ess_imu_driver_node/frame_id: imu_link
 * /ess_imu_driver_node/gyro_out: 1
 * /ess_imu_driver_node/qtn_out: 1
 * /ess_imu_driver_node/serial_port: /dev/ttyUSB0
 * /ess_imu_driver_node/temp_out: 1
 * /ess_imu_driver_node/time_correction: 0
 * /rosdistro: noetic
 * /rosversion: 1.16.0

    ess_imu_driver_node (ess_imu_driver/ess_imu_driver_node)

auto-starting new master
process[master]: started with pid [2856243]

setting /run_id to 4a2eb51a-505d-11ef-8a91-919aef8bfaba
process[rosout-1]: started with pid [2856253]
started core service [/rosout]
process[ess_imu_driver_node-2]: started with pid [2856260]
[ INFO] [1722554708.456803065]: Initializing HCL layer...
[ INFO] [1722554708.457636356]: Initializing GPIO interface...
[ INFO] [1722554708.457663540]: Initializing UART interface...
Attempting to open port.../dev/ttyUSB0...done.
[ INFO] [1722554708.772857535]: Checking sensor NOT_READY status...
[ INFO] [1722554709.004028937]: Detecting sensor model...

Reading device model and serial number...
SERIAL ID:      W0000010...done.
[ INFO] [1722554709.131947637]: Initializing Sensor...
[ INFO] [1722554709.151342038]: Epson IMU initialized.

...Sensor start.

What does this ROS IMU Node publish as messages?

The Epson IMU ROS node will publish messages as convention per REP 145.

  • For IMU models that do not support quaternion output, the normal.launch file will remap IMU messages to /imu/data_raw and only update the fields for angular_velocity (gyro), and linear_acceleration (accel).
  • For IMU models that supports and enables quaternion, the normal.launch file will remap IMU messages to /imu/data and update angular_velocity (gyro), linear_acceleration (accel), and orientation field using the internal extended Kalman Filter.
  • Temperature sensor data from the IMU will publish on topic /epson_imu/tempc

ROS Topic Message /imu/data

  seq: 34983
    secs: 1601590579
    nsecs: 771273325
  frame_id: "imu_link"
  x: 2.4786295434e+33
  y: 1.1713334935e+38
  z: 1.17130631507e+38
  w: 1.17130956026e+38
orientation_covariance: [-1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0]
  x: 0.00435450254008
  y: 0.000734272529371
  z: -9.40820464166e-05
angular_velocity_covariance: [0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0]
  x: -0.730921983719
  y: -1.54766368866
  z: 9.72711181641
linear_acceleration_covariance: [0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0]

ROS Topic Message /imu/data_raw

  seq: 10608
    secs: 1601575987
    nsecs: 673387357
  frame_id: "imu_link"
  x: -0.0801454782486
  y: 0.0367396138608
  z: 0.00587898213416
  w: 0.996088504791
orientation_covariance: [-1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0]
  x: -0.00118702522013
  y: 0.000320095219649
  z: -0.00014466587163
angular_velocity_covariance: [0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0]
  x: -0.727666378021
  y: -1.5646469593
  z: 9.69056034088
linear_acceleration_covariance: [0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0]

Why am I seeing inaccurate ROS timestamps, high latencies, or slower than expected IMU data rates?

ROS timestamps

  • By default, the ROS node publishes using the ROS/Unix current timestamp at the time of processing.
  • Latencies from system overhead, system loading, and buffering will cause timestamp inaccuracies between the sensor data and this ROS/Unix timestamp.
  • To improve timestamp accuracy, the user should consider using the time correction function with a GNSS receiver with 1PPS output to increase clock accuracy on the ROS host system:
    • Consider setting up chrony and gpsd with the GNSS receiver’s 1PPS signal connected to constrain the host system clock drift
    • Consider connecting the GNSS receiver’s 1PPS signal to the Epson IMU GPIO2/EXT with time_correction enabled in the .py launch file to improve time-stamp accuracy of the IMU sensor messages

When using USB-UART bridges

  • If your connection between the Epson IMU UART interface and the Linux host is by FTDI ICs, the latency_timer setting in the FTDI driver may be large i.e. typically 16 (msec).
  • This may affect the UART latency and maximum IMU data rates on your host system.
  • There are 3 methods listed below to reduce the impact of this latency.

Modifying latency_timer by udev mechanism

  • udev is a device manager for Linux that can dynamically create and remove devices in userspace and run commands when new devices appear or other events
  • Create a udev rule to automatically set the latency_timer to 1 when an FTDI USB-UART device is plugged in to a USB port.
  • For example, the following text file named 99-ftdi_sio.rules can be put in the /etc/udev/rules.d directory

NOTE: This requires root (sudo) access to create or copy file in /etc/udev/rules.d NOTE: This is the recommended method because it is automatic when device is plugged in, but it affects ALL FTDI USB-UART devices on the system

SUBSYSTEM=="usb-serial", DRIVER=="ftdi_sio", ATTR{latency_timer}="1"

Modifying latency_timer by sysfs mechanism

  • The example below reads the latency_timer setting for /dev/ttyUSB0 which returns 16msec.
  • Then, it sets the latency_timer to 1msec, and confirms it by read back.

NOTE: This may require root (sudo su) access on your system to execute.

cat /sys/bus/usb-serial/devices/ttyUSB0/latency_timer
echo 1 > /sys/bus/usb-serial/devices/ttyUSB0/latency_timer
cat /sys/bus/usb-serial/devices/ttyUSB0/latency_timer

Modifying low_latency flag using setserial utility

  • The example below sets the low_latency flag for /dev/ttyUSB0.
  • This will have the same effect as setting the latency_timer to 1msec.
  • This can be confirmed by running the setserial command again.
user@user:~$ setserial /dev/ttyUSB0
/dev/ttyUSB0, UART: unknown, Port: 0x0000, IRQ: 0

user@user:~$ setserial /dev/ttyUSB0 low_latency

user@user:~$ setserial /dev/ttyUSB0
/dev/ttyUSB0, UART: unknown, Port: 0x0000, IRQ: 0, Flags: low_latency

When using the SPI interface

  • latency issues with SPI interface will largely depend on your host system’s processing load and capabilities.
  • If your ROS platform is running too many ROS node packages or too slow, it may not react fast enough to detect the rising edge of the IMU DRDY signal and process the IMU sampling data.
  • Try modifying the dout_rate and filter_sel setting in the .launch file to the slowest setting that can meet your system requirements.
  • Try monitoring the DRDY signal on the IMU with a oscilloscope to verify the stability of the IMU DRDY signal and seeing that it matches the expected dout_rate frequency.
  • Try to set the SPI clock rate to maximum of 1MHz (1000000) in the _node.cpp for the spiInit() function call:

  ROS_INFO("Initializing SPI interface...");
  // The max SPI clock rate is 1MHz for current model Epson IMUs
  if (!spiInit(SPI_MODE3, 1000000)) {
    ROS_ERROR("Error: could not initialize SPI interface. Exiting...");
    return false;


Package Contents

The Epson IMU ROS1 driver-related sub-folders & root files are:

   launch/        <== various example launch files
   src/           <== source code for ROS node C++ wrapper, IMU Linux C driver, and additional specifically for building and using the IMU Linux C driver as stand-alone (without ROS support)
   CMakeLists.txt <== cmake build script used by catkin_make
   LICENSE.txt    <== description of the applicable licenses
   package.xml    <== catkin package description      <== general README



Changelog for package ess_imu_driver

2.0.1 (2024-10-02)

  • updated launch files, add new .h files for uart & spi
  • port changes from imu_linux_example (auto-detect/initialize IMU model)

1.0.1 (2023-11-30)

  • version bump from bloom, no code change

1.0.0 (2023-11-29)

  • support UART or SPI in same package
  • add publisher for temperature sensor data

Wiki Tutorials

This package does not provide any links to tutorials in it's rosindex metadata. You can check on the ROS Wiki Tutorials page for the package.

Package Dependencies

System Dependencies

No direct system dependencies.

Dependant Packages

No known dependants.


No message files found.


No service files found


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