Package Summary

Tags No category tags.
Version 0.7.11
License Apache 2.0
Build type CATKIN

Repository Summary

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VCS Type git
VCS Version kinetic_dev
Last Updated 2024-04-30
CI status Continuous Integration : 0 / 0
Tags No category tags.
Contributing Help Wanted (0)
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Package Description

This package contains the description (mechanical, kinematic, visual, etc.) of the Care-O-bot robot. The files in this package are parsed and used by a variety of other components. Most users will not interact directly with this package.

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  • Felix Messmer


  • Nadia Hammoudeh Garcia
  • Florian Weisshardt
  • Felix Messmer
No README found. See repository README.

Changelog for package cob_description

0.7.11 (2024-04-30)

0.7.10 (2024-02-20)

0.7.9 (2023-11-06)

0.7.8 (2022-07-29)

0.7.7 (2021-12-23)

  • Merge pull request #295 from ipa-fog/fix/kinect_frame_id adjusted frames of kinect topics to tf-tree
  • adjusted frames of kinect topics to tf-tree
  • Merge pull request #294 from fmessmer/unique_control_plugin guarantee unique plugin name for hwi_switch_gazebo_ros_control
  • add plugins for mimic joints
  • guarantee unique plugin name for hwi_switch_gazebo_ros_control
  • Contributors: Felix Messmer, fmessmer, fog

0.7.6 (2021-08-02)

0.7.5 (2021-07-01)

0.7.4 (2020-11-20)

0.7.3 (2020-09-26)

  • Merge pull request #288 from fmessmer/test_noetic test noetic
  • Bump CMake version to avoid CMP0048 warning
  • Merge pull request #287 from fmessmer/fix/include_common_xacro add missing common xacro includes
  • more missing common.xacro for intertial macros
  • missing common.xacro for default intertia
  • Merge pull request #279 from fmessmer/fix_xacro_test [travis] xacro test
  • add ROS_DISTRO condition for --inorder
  • Merge pull request #284 from fmessmer/left_right_heads support various available head variants
  • correct property values for head_cad version
  • prepare structure
  • use property_blocks for joint origins
  • Contributors: Felix Messmer, fmessmer, ipa-mjp

0.7.2 (2020-03-18)

  • Merge pull request #282 from fmessmer/torso_no_body allow torso without full body
  • allow torso without full body
  • Merge pull request #278 from LoyVanBeek/feature/python3_compatibility [ci_updates] pylint + Python3 compatibility
  • python3 compatibility via 2to3
  • Merge pull request #281 from ipa-jba/feature/raw-mini Feature/raw mini
  • nitpick
  • add rplidar for gazebo
  • Added files for raw-mini
  • Merge pull request #277 from fmessmer/ci_updates [travis] ci updates
  • catkin_lint fixes
  • Contributors: Felix Messmer, Jannik Abbenseth, Loy van Beek, flg-vs, fmessmer

0.7.1 (2019-11-07)

  • Merge pull request #274 from LoyVanBeek/feature/usb-cam-model Put in true dimensions of usb-camera according to datasheet
  • Put in true dimensions of usb-camera according to datasheet
  • Merge pull request #272 from fmessmer/copy_pg70_description copy schunk_pg70
  • fix simulated camera_info topic name of d435
  • fake inertia for pg70
  • copy schunk_pg70
  • Contributors: Felix Messmer, Florian Weisshardt, Loy van Beek, fmessmer

0.7.0 (2019-08-06)

  • Merge pull request #271 from benmaidel/feature/melodify [Melodic]
  • fix default value
  • more hardware_interface prefixing
  • fixed xacro:if condition for melodic
  • added hardware_interface prefix for transmission (melodic's cob_gazebo_ros_control plugin expects it)
  • Contributors: Benjamin Maidel, Felix Messmer, fmessmer

0.6.12 (2019-05-20)

  • Merge pull request #269 from fmessmer/fixed_link_helper_macro add helper macro for fixed links
  • add helper macro for fixed links
  • Contributors: Felix Messmer, fmessmer

0.6.11 (2019-04-05)

  • Merge pull request #266 from fmessmer/steer_joint_max_vel reduce steer joint max vel
  • reduce steer joint max vel
  • Contributors: Felix Messmer, fmessmer

0.6.10 (2019-03-14)

  • Merge pull request #258 from fmessmer/tricycle_backwards allow drive backwards with tricycle
  • allow drive backwards with tricycle
  • Merge pull request #257 from fmessmer/introduce_pivot_link add base_pivot_link for tricycle mode
  • proper tf hierarchy for base_pivot_link
  • add base_pivot_link for tricycle mode
  • Contributors: Felix Messmer, fmessmer

0.6.9 (2018-07-21)

  • update maintainer
  • Merge pull request #254 from fmessmer/add_realsense_d435 add urdf for realsense_d435
  • add urdf for realsense_d435
  • Merge pull request #253 from fmessmer/fix_fisheye properly simulate fisheye camera
  • properly simulate fisheye camera
  • Merge pull request #245 from floweisshardt/rotate_base_link rotate base link
  • add base_charger_link
  • cleanup and rename links
  • Merge pull request #252 from ipa-bnm/fix/wheel_radius fixed wheel radius
  • fixed wheel radius
  • Merge pull request #249 from ipa-fxm/position_interface_base_rotation_joints add PositionJointInterface for fdm rotation joints
  • add PositionJointInterface for fdm rotation joints
  • added parameter for drive direction
  • rotate base link (close to working), docking missing
  • Contributors: Benjamin Maidel, Felix Messmer, cob4-13, eva-bonn, fmessmer, ipa-bnm, ipa-fxm

0.6.8 (2018-01-07)

  • Merge pull request #246 from ipa320/indigo_release_candidate Indigo release candidate
  • Merge pull request #244 from ipa-fxm/fix_depth_registered adjust topic to real hardware
  • adjust topic to real hardware
  • Merge pull request #243 from ipa-fxm/fix/test_urdf_travis fix test_urdf for travis
  • fix test_urdf for travis
  • Merge pull request #240 from mgruhler/fix/test_urdf cob_common: fix
  • cob_common: fix
    • fix check of return value from subprocess call
    • use 'rosrun xacro xacro' instead of 'rospack find xacro'/xacro as this does not work in kinetic anymore
    • clearer error output
  • Merge pull request #237 from ipa-fxm/fix/s300-max-range sick_s300: adjust range_max
  • sick_s300: adjust range_max
  • Merge pull request #235 from ipa-fxm/cob4_tricycle cob4 tricycle
  • allow tricycle_mode
  • Merge pull request #236 from ipa-fxm/remove_use_old_joint_name remove obsolete argument use_old_joint_names
  • remove obsolete argument use_old_joint_names
  • Merge pull request #233 from ipa-fxm/fix_asus_coord_frames fix camera coord frames for all cameras for hw and sim
  • adjust sick_3dcs according to hardware driver specs
  • tweak inertia
  • Update usb_cam.gazebo.xacro
  • fix frames of sick_3dcs
  • fix frames of usb_cam
  • fix image color format
  • fix coordinate frames for asus camera
  • Merge pull request #230 from ipa-fxm/update_maintainer update maintainer
  • add missing include
  • update maintainer
  • Merge pull request #224 from ipa-fxm/APACHE_license use license apache 2.0
  • Merge pull request #227 from ipa-fxm/copy_cob4_arm copy cob4_arm description
  • copy cob4_arm description
  • Merge pull request #226 from ipa-fxm/zr300_unique_macro_names unique macro name for zr300
  • unique macro name for zr300
  • Merge pull request #225 from ipa-fmw/feature/zr300 add zr300 cameras
  • add zr300 urdfs
  • use license apache 2.0
  • Contributors: Benjamin Maidel, Felix Messmer, Florian Weisshardt, Matthias Gruhler, Richard Bormann, ipa-fmw, ipa-fxm, ipa-uhr-mk

0.6.7 (2017-07-17)

  • use asus xtion default values
  • usb_cam default values
  • use realsense default values
  • separate laser scanner from base
  • remove static tf frames
  • raise effort limit. fixes
  • change back mean value of noise (caused troubles for close by obstacles)
  • set proper velocity limits for cob4 drive_wheel
  • adjusted laserscan-sensors in simulation
  • proper conditions
  • move gazebo_ros_control plugin
  • use xacro --inorder
  • fix collision mesh for cob4 torso
  • remove obsolete components due to unsupported robots
  • Merge pull request #200 from ipa-fxm/latest_xacro_syntax use latest xacro syntax
  • allow static sensorring
  • fix syntax error
  • use latest xacro syntax
  • manually fix changelog
  • unify torso xacros, use default transmission macro
  • move sensors from torso xacro to robot xacro
  • remove unused torso_3dof
  • use default transmission macro
  • unify sensorring xacros
  • move sensors from sensorring xacro to robot xacro
  • remove unused sensorring_3dcs
  • unify head xacros
  • introduce default transmission
  • move sensors from head xacro to robot xacro
  • removed softkinetic description
  • updated resolution for usb camera
  • updated resolution for usb camera
  • renamed xacro and files(head_cam -> usb_cam)
  • check camera resolution
  • added head_cam frame to urdf
  • Contributors: Felix Messmer, Florian Weisshardt, Mathias Lüdtke, fmw-hb, ipa-fxm, ipa-nhg

0.6.6 (2016-10-10)

  • review velocity axis limit
  • new torso and sensorring configurations
  • the realsense publishes already the frames, it is a bug
  • added realsense torso description
  • realsense camera description
  • adapt head urdf to hardware kinematics
  • check head urdf model
  • Update softkinetic.urdf.xacro
  • updated softkinetic urdf
  • add geometry macros with meshes
  • Contributors: Nadia Hammoudeh García, fmw-hb, ipa-cob4-2, ipa-cob4-5, ipa-fxm, ipa-fxm-cm, ipa-nhg

0.6.5 (2016-04-01)

  • fix cob3_tray_3dof meshes
  • harmonize simulated cam3d topic namespaces
  • restructure simulated lasers and laser topic names
  • remove obsolete sensors
  • Missed $ key
  • added asus sensorring description
  • Updated topic name
  • added sick sensorring description
  • fix joint origins for torsos
  • Merge branch 'indigo_dev' into fix_torso_urdf
  • fix torso joint orientation in urdf
  • Contributors: Nadia Hammoudeh García, ipa-fxm, ipa-nhg

0.6.4 (2015-08-29)

  • remove obsolete autogenerated mainpage.dox files
  • add explicit exec_depend to xacro
  • fix catkin_minimum_required version
  • remove trailing whitespaces
  • migrate to package format 2
  • sort dependencies
  • critically review dependencies
  • Contributors: ipa-fxm

0.6.3 (2015-06-17)

  • missing dependency for urdf checks
  • remove unsupported calibration_rising
  • separate xacro macro for drive_wheel module used in all bases + significant simplification
  • use extended collision model for torso
  • add grasp link to sdhx and fix finger orientation
  • fix type error
  • renamed 'dof' urdfs
  • add temporary fix urdf argument for cob4_base joint_names
  • recalculated head joint positions
  • collada meshes for cob4_gripper
  • add new parameter with default value
  • allow cob3 components to be used with PositionJointInterface
  • renamed joints
  • Corrects the suffixes for the basis
  • redefined meshes origin
  • addapted urdf to the real gripper positions
  • proper meshes for cob4_gripper
  • Limits now come from the yaml files
  • correct collision checking for cob4 components
  • Openni needs that topic and link name are the same
  • missed joint
  • Contributors: Florian Weisshardt, ipa-cob3-9, ipa-cob4-2, ipa-cob4-6, ipa-fxm, ipa-nhg, thiagodefreitas

0.6.2 (2014-12-15)

  • fix syntax
  • added velocity and position controllers
  • more output for urdf test
  • static versions for torso and head
  • set limit for sensorring
  • prepare cob4 component descriptions for new structure
  • new reduced stl collision meshes
  • use VelocityJointInterface hardware interfaces for simulation of all bases
  • Contributors: Florian Weisshardt, ipa-cob4-2, ipa-fmw, ipa-fxm, ipa-nhg

0.6.1 (2014-09-24)

  • fix mesh due to assimp error
  • fix bumper plugins
  • fixed center of gravity and inertia formulas
  • Contributors: ipa-fxm, ipa-fxm-fm

0.6.0 (2014-09-16)

  • new sick_s300 collision model
  • gazebo needs a new link for the topic, if we use the origin of the scanner (the center), the topic detects only the collision model
  • Deleting s300 stl mesh because the dae file is used
  • make lookat arbitrarily fast
  • use VelocityJointInterface for cob4_torso
  • new collision mesh
  • merge with 320
  • make lookat arbitrarily fast
  • use VelocityJointInterface for cob4_torso
  • Contributors: Florian Weisshardt, ipa-fxm, ipa-nhg

0.5.5 (2014-08-27)

0.5.4 (2014-08-25)

  • update changelog
  • consistency changes due to latest gazebo tag format
  • unify materials
  • consitency changes due to new transmission format
  • unify materials
  • include gazebo_ros dependendy to export materials
  • merge with hydro_dev
  • cleanup dependencies
  • new collision mesh
  • beautify indentation + cleaning up
  • beautify indentation
  • merge with hydro_dev
  • for cob3 the topic name should be /cam3d..
  • adapt to latest changes in official ros-industrial repo
  • Coloured mesh files
  • use base mesh with less vertices for collision checking
  • use correct mesh for collision geometry
  • re-export meshes from meshlab to fix assimp error message
  • better approximation of inertias for some more cob4 components
  • fixed center of masses
  • use default damping
  • correct inertias for cob4 torso
  • enable gravity
  • rotate scanner
  • temporary commit for torso inertias
  • merged with ipa320/hydro_dev
  • removed bumpers and changed transmission config to new syntax
  • update gazebo tags for sensor plugins
  • no inertia in base_footprint
  • deleted unnecessary head versions
  • update gazebo tags for sensor plugins
  • wrong topic names
  • un-hardcodize ur-macro
  • beautify mesh files
  • Merge pull request #95 from ipa320/hydro_release_candidate bring back changes from Hydro release candidate
  • New head_center_link
  • New maintainer
  • update cob4_base stl file
  • remove material physic properties of wheels to use default, fixes #90
  • deleted offset
  • Merge error
  • merge
  • New stl files for cob4
  • fix xacro:include tag
  • New center joint on torso
  • New center joint on torso
  • fix softkinetic settings
  • fix urdf test
  • merge cob4
  • Contributors: Alexander Bubeck, Felix Messmer, Florian Weisshardt, Nadia Hammoudeh García, fmw, ipa-cob3-8, ipa-cob4-1, ipa-fxm, ipa-fxm-fm, ipa-nhg

0.5.3 (2014-03-31)

  • reminder comment ;-)
  • ee_link is now back in ur_description
  • Contributors: ipa-fxm

0.5.2 (2014-03-20)

  • merged with ipa320
  • removed Media folder
  • merge with groovy_dev
  • fix kinect topics for simulation
  • fixes while testing in simulation
  • update xacro file format
  • merge with groovy_dev
  • new structure
  • fixed some includes and property definitions
  • some missed changes
  • merge with groovy_dev_cob4
  • fixed gazebo_plugins
  • added arm_ee_link
  • fixed path to file
  • fixed path to file
  • renamed tray 3DOF
  • Tested on simulation
  • cob_description structuration
  • cleanup
  • update cob4 description
  • renamed files
  • New struture for cob repositories
  • tested on robot
  • cob4 integration
  • cob4 integration
  • bring groovy updates to hydro
  • Adapt tray position
  • Fixed tray powerball
  • Adjust limits for tray and torso
  • modify axis on mesh model
  • some helper makros for default inertia
  • optimize effort and joint limits + use visual mesh as collision for upper neck to give arem some more space
  • visual and collision geometry of cameras are now not colliding with head_cover anymore
  • update transmission for all components
  • remove obsolete files
  • use default settings
  • update xmlns + beautifying
  • fix xacro include tag deprecation
  • Merge pull request #7 from ipa-fxm/groovy_dev bring groovy updates to hydro
  • remove obsolete experimental files
  • make lookat work with raw
  • ur_connector meshes are now assimp conform
  • fixed torso joint limits
  • adjust limits for ur_connector
  • latest changes in lookat component
  • simplified lookat component
  • new urdf description for lookat
  • fixing simulation for hydro. Still wip
  • unified torso frames
  • unified head frames
  • Revert "depth joint for kinect implemented" This reverts commit f3449462cd05a5efc8f47252e28366d6a495acb2.
  • offset back in lbr.urdf.xacro else wrong calibration
  • fixed typo
  • Removed safety controller urdf/ur_connector/ur_connector.urdf.xacro
  • Renamed ur_connector
  • New model descriptions for cob3-7
  • offset for lbr set to 0
  • Solved xacro Warning in hydro.
  • Fixed type error
  • changes for hydro gazebo, still not fully working
  • depth joint for kinect implemented
  • new component base_placement for whole body moveit group
  • added fixed links for calibration
  • new urdf description for lookat
  • Contributors: Alexander Bubeck, Denis Štogl, Jannik, Jannik Abbenseth, abubeck, ipa-cob3-5, ipa-cob3-7, ipa-fmw, ipa-fxm, ipa-nhg

0.5.1 (2013-08-16 01:14:35 -0700)

0.5.0 (2013-08-16 01:14:35 -0700)

  • added installer stuff
  • fixed bug after merging
  • merged with upstream changes
  • removed generation of mesh files
  • changed target name to be specific
  • Merge pull request #41 from ipa-fxm/mesh_gen_fix remove mesh file generation from description packages - they are not nee...
  • cleanup deps
  • cleanup deps
  • name failed test files for urdf check
  • adapt urdf_check for groovy
  • fix kinect FoV
  • set update rate to 20hz again
  • Catkin for cob_common
  • remove mesh file generation from description packages - they are not needed any longer
  • fix meshes and transformation for tray_powerball
  • changed field of view of RGB image to be more realistic (from 57 to 62)
  • moved all hardcoded offsets to calibration_data
  • merge
  • added colored collada model for sick s300 scanner
  • use collision mesh again
  • clean up gazebo files
  • major adaptions in gazebo.urdf.xacros according to new gazebo format for sensors - simulated sensor data still not fully correct
  • major adaptions in gazebo.urdf.xacros according to new gazebo format for sensors
  • major adaptions in gazebo.urdf.xacros according to new gazebo format for controllers
  • Merge pull request #34 from ipa-fmw/master extend urdf test
  • extended urdf test
  • added ur10 in raw3-1 description
  • Redefined collisions in urdf files
  • Groovy migration
  • Merge branch 'master' of
  • adjust color settings
  • rename topic from scan_top to scan_top_raw
  • merge
  • Deleted texture colors
  • Renamed colors
  • adjusted params for prosilica
  • Merge pull request #23 from ipa-goa/master changed far clip to 100
  • changed far clip to 100
  • extended head cover and upper neck meshes
  • increased torso_v0 limits for the initialization of cob3-1
  • fix colors and powerball tray
  • Renamed the colors
  • Redefined Care-O-bot colors for Gazebo and Rviz
  • Orange color for LBR
  • Defined new colors
  • Updated phiget sensors position
  • Updated joints axis
  • Removed stlb as collision mesh files, fuerte does not support this format
  • Minor changes in tray_powerball description
  • Description for tray_powerball
  • Fuerte migration cob_descriptionurdf/base/base.gazebo.xacro
  • removed unused reference position for lbr
  • final raw-model V2
  • update urdf
  • Revert "replaced solid with robot in stl" This reverts commit 5a415bb7dc12831d2ed8932aa46b8cdcb044d300.
  • fixed stl
  • use stl
  • replaced solid with robot in stl
  • undo previous changes in cob_description/urdf/base/base.gazebo.xacro
  • add simulated phidgets sensors to tray
  • changed stl files not using solid
  • Update desire_description
  • fix naming for both kinect plugins
  • fixed field of view for kinect
  • Merge pull request #12 from abubeck/master fuerte support, compatible with electric
  • Merge
  • Merge branch 'master' of
  • Merge branch 'electric' of into release_electric
  • changed kinect configuration for fuerte, changed stlb links to stl
  • increased upper joint limit and velocity for head_v1
  • fixed cam3d topic for head_v1
  • finished raw3-1 model --- V1
  • limit torso pan and tilt joints
  • moved sick_s300 stl to cob_description
  • added stl for laser scanner
  • substitute 1.57 3.14 6.28 through M_PI
  • additional links on tray
  • read correct torso stl
  • urdf structure change: tray can be calibrated now
  • using calibration for laser scanners
  • renamed icob to raw and merged and cleaned up lots of things
  • Deleted old files and copies
  • fix icob urdf
  • torso urdf change: made torso middle link longer (as in cad)
  • cameras have zero pos/rot offsets in head_v3
  • calibrate cam3d to head axis instead of left camera
  • setup cob3-4
  • don't include urdf files from ros directory
  • python urdf test
  • merge with ipa320
  • added minimum range for kinect
    • add dep
  • Merge branch 'master' of into review-ipa-fmw
  • fix collision problem with floor: lift collision base_footprint
  • fix names in base urdf
  • renamed components
  • renamed folders
  • moved out of ros dir
  • moved out of ros dir
  • removed schunk components
  • removed calibration for now missing calibration link
  • fixed bug with xyz values
  • removed calib_joint
  • merged with goa
  • revert urdf changes because of arm planning collisions
  • new calibration for cob3-3 and cob3-4
  • temporary fix for urdf collision model
  • add configs for cob3-4
  • beautify sdh transmissions
  • adjust cob3-3 torso calibration
  • using now kinect plugin from pr2_gazebo
  • fixed origin offset
  • Merge branch 'master' of into review-goa-wt
  • urdf and default configs for cob3-bosch
  • added rgb description for kinect
  • added sdh_tip link
  • new torso calibration
  • merge
  • Updated calibration for Kinect sensor
  • merge
  • added comment
  • bumpers measure in the coordinate system of the fingers
  • Kinect rgb configuration
  • Merge branch 'master' of
  • neck calib
  • added helper coordinate system for calibration, added calibration values
  • Merge branch 'master' of
  • new calibration offset for tray
  • Updated camera calibration for cob3-3
  • commit from icob
  • added urdf for standard schunk lwa3
  • merge
  • fix head_v3 simulation error
  • modifications for fetch and carry
  • Merge branch 'master' of into review-rmb
  • update cob3-3
  • Merge branch 'master' of into review-fmw
  • fix head orientation for cob3-3
  • fix head orientation for cob3-3
  • merge
  • Merge branch 'master' of into review-fmw
  • fix cob3-3 tf
  • calibration for cob3-1
  • new arm configurations for faster table manipulation
  • head urdf for cob3-1
  • changes from b-it-bots
  • calib test
  • calib test
  • Merge branch 'master' of
  • corrected calib values
  • added calib values for cam to neck
  • merge
  • Left tp right camera change in urdf
  • cob_head_axis set
  • corrected the swissranger topics to the unified naming scheme
  • cleanup cob3-2 description
  • calibration for cob3-3 tray
  • fix urdf of cob3-3
  • merge
  • left camea is now reference camera
  • merge
  • merge
  • update for cob3-3
  • Merge branch 'master' of
  • alltest launch file
  • torso_v1 added
  • update torso for cob3-3
  • mimic joint for sdh
  • update head description with general tof
  • small modification for dashboard
  • Fix CRLF
  • kinect sensor added
  • kinect sensor added
  • fix names for multiple tof sensors
  • changes in tof.gazebo.xacro
  • inserted new urdf files for cob3-3, need to be adapted
  • merge
  • changed base configuration for cob3-2
  • fixed voxelization + now including sdh
  • new files for prmce voxelization
  • urdf model for voxelization
  • merge with ipa320
  • update cob3-2 arm
  • changed the platform urdf to version 1
  • arm planning
  • beautifying
  • single arm and arm with sdh simulation running
  • modifications sensor fusion
  • Merge branch 'master' of into review-jsf
  • adjust camrea simulation parameters to real cameras
  • renamed cameraone to prosilica
  • fixed camera topics for simulation
  • reduced mass for simulation
  • tuned gazebo controller
  • fix safety controller in lbr
  • simulation working again after merging
  • use stlb files in collision now
  • generate stlb files
  • included calls to base_v1, but still base_v0 is active
  • fixed laser sensor names, version number and visual model
  • modified base_collision_model
  • Merge branch 'review-320'
  • removed falling calibration
  • Merge branch 'review-brudder'
  • Merge branch 'master' of into review-brudder
  • fixed error in lbr
  • Merge branch 'review-brudder'
  • Merge branch 'review-320'
  • Merge branch 'master' of into review-320
  • added correct calibration
  • Merge branch 'master' of into review-goa
  • modified base collision model for 2dnav_ipa
  • new stl models for collision added and implemented
  • update configurations and added grassp link to sdh
  • Merge branch 'master' of into review-320
  • corrected axes and wheel hubs
  • desire robot added
  • restructure urdf files and launch files for simulation
  • changed urdf files for single components
  • changed launch file structure for bringup
  • added safety_controller for pr2_kinematics
  • simple base collision model
  • added swissranger in simulation
  • corrected calibration
  • cleanup in simulation and common
  • added hand-eye-calibration values
  • Merge branch 'master' of
  • added camera calibration
  • Head axis working, tested on cob3-1 but adapted parameters (-files) should work on both robots
  • added sick scanner to urdf
  • added real scan values to simulation, added scan filters to simulation
  • changed mesh files for new transformations
  • added hokuyo support to nav
  • Merge branch 'review-320'
  • added calibration for right camera
  • HeadAxis working
  • new torso tranfsormation
  • update joint limits for lbr
  • cob_base
  • moved ekf domo publisher to nav; update positions for new urdf trafos; moved controller_manager to cob_controller_configuration_gazebo
  • fix for global frame names
  • lbr working on cob
  • cob_head_axis working
  • inserted cob base mesh file
  • first version of cob_base urdf
  • new trnasformation for base lbr
  • new arm transformation for lbr, set_operation_mode with service interface
  • tactile sensors in simulation
  • cleanup in urdfs
  • beautify torso urdf
  • changed dimensions of cameras
  • preparation for blocklaser
  • simulated cameras working
  • head axis working in simulation
  • removed executable status from files
  • preparations for cameras and tof in simulation
  • grasp script optimisations
  • update urdf to be compatible with ctrutle, add 64bit support for libntcan
  • changed transmission and filters to namespaces
  • update documentation
  • optimized controllers for simulation
  • changed angle offset after calibration
  • fixed bug with fixed joint
  • fixed bug with fixed joint
  • changed transformation based on box-style-calibration
  • modified urdf and adapted xaml files
  • improved simulation for schunk arm and cleanup in 2dnav package
  • altered sdh mounting for changed lbr naming
  • fixed problem with lbr urdf files occuring on cob3-lbr robot
  • update on robot
  • grasp from cooler scenarion running
  • update for cob3-2
  • update script server yaml and lbr urdf description
  • dual arm cob3 simulation and modified controllers for schunk simulation
  • extended calibration files for camera calibration
  • Merge branch 'master' of
  • dual arm setup
  • modified camera coordinate systems
  • added virtual camera support
  • updated lbr description, is now correct
  • improvements of lbr simulation
  • added lbr to simulation
  • lbr meshes and simulation
  • renamed laser topics
  • modified urdf to work with hokuyo simulation
  • modified urdf and changes to sdh driver
  • changed from cob3-1 to cob3-sim
  • small fixes for simulation
  • updated simulation files
  • clean up in cob_common stack
  • added upload file for cob3-1
  • changes on powercube chain to accept direct command without actionlib
  • missing files for simulation
  • new files for navigation, e.g. maps and launch files
  • merge
  • arm is now on foot block
  • arm is now on foot block
  • extended limits of joint 1
  • rotated arm meshes and tray mesh
  • calibration file for sim
  • urdf file for cob3-sim
  • missing upload file
  • new simulation interfaces
  • small fix
  • separate urdf files for arm and sdh
  • separate urdf files for arm and sdh
  • missing stl files
  • upload files for simulation
  • merge
  • merge
  • big changes to simulation structure
  • changed stl files
  • modified knoeppkes
  • new stl file for tray
  • adaptions to urdf for tray
  • new stl file for tray
  • changed origin of head_cover
  • new launch file for cob3-sim
  • added sdh controller file
  • Merge branch 'fmw-hj'
  • modified urdf to have less shaking
  • renamed cob launch file
  • modified urdf
  • inserted new stl files
  • new stl file for head cover
  • new stl files for torso
  • added sdh urdf files
  • included calibration files
  • modified manifests for documentation
  • mesh files for lwa
  • included arm
  • stl files for base
  • missing SR400 files
  • missing camera files
  • new files for cob_description
  • merge
  • new urdf desciption
  • modifications for cob3-2
  • new urdf structure for platform and torso
  • Contributors: Alexander Bubeck, COB3-Manipulation, Florian Weißhardt, Georg Arbeiter, Lucian Cucu, Mathias Lüdtke, Richard Bormann, Sven Schneider, abubeck, b-it-bots-secure, brudder, cob, cob3-1-pc1, cpc-pk, fmw-jk, ipa, ipa-bnm, ipa-fmw, ipa-fmw-sh, ipa-fxm, ipa-goa, ipa-goa-wt, ipa-jsf, ipa-mig, ipa-nhg, ipa-rmb, ipa-taj, ipa-taj-dm, ipa-uhr, ipa-uhr-fm, mxcreator, nhg-ipa, robot, root

Wiki Tutorials

This package does not provide any links to tutorials in it's rosindex metadata. You can check on the ROS Wiki Tutorials page for the package.

Package Dependencies

System Dependencies

No direct system dependencies.

Launch files

No launch files found


No message files found.


No service files found


No plugins found.

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