volta_simulation package from volta_simulation repo


Package Summary

Tags No category tags.
Version 1.0.1
License BSD
Build type CATKIN

Repository Summary

Checkout URI https://github.com/botsync/volta_simulation.git
VCS Type git
VCS Version kinetic-devel
Last Updated 2021-03-22
CI status Continuous Integration
Tags No category tags.
Contributing Help Wanted (0)
Good First Issues (0)
Pull Requests to Review (0)

Package Description

The volta_simulation package

Additional Links

No additional links.


  • Nikhil Venkatesh
  • Toship


  • Nikhil Venkatesh
  • Mahendra L Seervi


ROS packages used to run the Volta in simulation

  • volta_simulation - Gazebo simulation world file.

Steps to Launch Volta:

1. Launching a Gazebo Simulation environment

  • Before launching the simulation, setup the model path by running the following:
$ echo "export GAZEBO_MODEL_PATH=~/volta_ws/src/:$GAZEBO_MODEL_PATH">>~/.bashrc

  • To bring up our default gazebo world, launch the gazebo node by running:
$ roslaunch volta_simulation gazebo.launch indoor:=true

  • Once the gazebo simulation environment is launched, run the following to spawn the Volta robot:
$ roslaunch volta_simulation simulation.launch indoor:=true

  • For visualization, launch rviz by running:
 $ rosrun rviz rviz

The configuration file, volta.rviz which is located under volta_description->rviz_params, can be opened in the rviz tool to load the volta configured rviz environment

  • In order to start the teleoperation node using keyboard, run the following: :
 $ roslaunch volta_teleoperator teleoperator.launch keyboard:=true 

  • To launch the joystick node, set the keyboard argument to False (Default case:= false) or run the following:
 $ roslaunch volta_teleoperator teleoperator.launch  

2. Mapping an environment with Volta

  • Once the gazebo world is launched and the Volta robot is spawned into the simulation environment, the mapping node can be launched by running:
$ roslaunch volta_navigation navigation.launch gmapping:=true  

  • This will launch the gmapping node. On a separate terminal, launch the rviz visualization tool by running:
$ rosrun rviz rviz  

You can then open the volta configured rviz environment by opening the volta rviz config file, located under volta_navigation->rviz_config->navigation.rviz, from the rviz tool

  • In order to control the robot, launch the teleoperation node by running:
$ roslaunch volta_teleoperator teleoperator.launch keyboard:=true 

  • Once the mapping of the entire environment is completed, the map can be saved by running:
$ roslaunch map_server map_saver –f <filename>

3. Navigation with Volta

  • Once the gazebo world is launched and the Volta robot is spawned into the simulation environment, the navigaation node can be launched by running:
$ roslaunch volta_navigation navigation.launch 

  • This will launch the navigation node. On a separate terminal, launch the rviz visualization tool by running:
$ rosrun rviz rviz  

You can then open the volta configured rviz environment by opening the volta rviz config file, located under volta_navigation->rviz_config->navigation.rviz, from the rviz tool

Use the 2D Nav Goal tool in the top toolbar to select a navigation goal in the visualizer. Ensure that the nav goal is given in a mapped section of the map


Changelog for package volta_simulation

1.0.1 (2021-03-22)

  • Fixed versions
  • Added gazebo models and updated launch files.
  • Kinetic devel r2 update to Kinetic (#3)
    • Merged volta_development.
    • Changed maintainer name.
  • Contributors: Toship

1.0.0 (2020-11-19)

  • First Release

Wiki Tutorials

This package does not provide any links to tutorials in it's rosindex metadata. You can check on the ROS Wiki Tutorials page for the package.

Dependant Packages

No known dependants.

Launch files

  • launch/gazebo.launch
      • indoor [default: true]
      • indoor_dynamic [default: false]
      • office [default: false]
      • office_full [default: false]
      • world [default: $(find volta_simulation)/worlds/$(arg world_choice).world]
  • launch/simulation.launch
      • indoor [default: false]
      • initX [default: -7]
      • initY [default: -3]
      • initYaw [default: 1.5708]
      • indoor_dynamic [default: false]
      • initX [default: -7]
      • initY [default: -3]
      • initYaw [default: 1.5708]
      • office [default: false]
      • office_full [default: true]
      • model [default: $(find volta_description)/urdf/volta.xacro]


No message files found.


No service files found


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Recent questions tagged volta_simulation at Robotics Stack Exchange

volta_simulation package from volta_simulation repo


Package Summary

Tags No category tags.
Version 1.1.1
License BSD
Build type CATKIN

Repository Summary

Checkout URI https://github.com/botsync/volta_simulation.git
VCS Type git
VCS Version melodic-devel
Last Updated 2021-04-21
CI status Continuous Integration
Tags No category tags.
Contributing Help Wanted (0)
Good First Issues (0)
Pull Requests to Review (0)

Package Description

The volta_simulation package

Additional Links

No additional links.


  • Nikhil Venkatesh
  • Toship


  • Nikhil Venkatesh
  • Mahendra L Seervi


ROS packages used to run the Volta in simulation

  • volta_simulation - Gazebo simulation world file.

Steps to Launch Volta:

1. Launching a Gazebo Simulation environment

  • To bring up a gazebo world, launch the gazebo node by running:
$ roslaunch volta_simulation gazebo.launch 

  • Once the gazebo simulation environment is launched, run the following to spawn the Volta robot:
$ roslaunch volta_simulation simulation.launch 

  • For visualization, launch rviz by running:
 $ rosrun rviz rviz

The configuration file, volta.rviz which is located under volta_description->rviz_params, can be opened in the rviz tool to load the volta configured rviz environment

  • In order to start the teleoperation node using keyboard, run the following: :
 $ roslaunch volta_teleoperator volta_teleoperator.launch keyboard:=true 

  • To launch the joystick node, set the keyboard argument to False (Default case:= false) or run the following:
 $ roslaunch volta_teleoperator volta_teleoperator.launch  

2. Mapping an environment with Volta

  • Once the gazebo world is launched and the Volta robot is spawned into the simulation environment, the mapping node can be launched by running:
$ roslaunch volta_navigation navigation.launch gmapping:=true  

  • This will launch the gmapping node. On a separate terminal, launch the rviz visualization tool by running:
$ rosrun rviz rviz  

You can then open the volta configured rviz environment by opening the volta rviz config file, located under volta_navigation->rviz_config->navigation.rviz, from the rviz tool

  • In order to control the robot, launch the teleoperation node by running:
$ roslaunch volta_teleoperator teleoperator.launch keyboard:=true 

  • Once the mapping of the entire environment is completed, the map can be saved by running:
$ roslaunch map_server map_saver –f <filename>

3. Navigation with Volta

  • Once the gazebo world is launched and the Volta robot is spawned into the simulation environment, the navigaation node can be launched by running:
$ roslaunch volta_navigation navigation.launch 

  • This will launch the navigation node. On a separate terminal, launch the rviz visualization tool by running:
$ rosrun rviz rviz  

You can then open the volta configured rviz environment by opening the volta rviz config file, located under volta_navigation->rviz_config->navigation.rviz, from the rviz tool

Use the 2D Nav Goal tool in the top toolbar to select a navigation goal in the visualizer. Ensure that the nav goal is given in a mapped section of the map


Changelog for package volta_simulation

1.1.1 (2021-03-22)

  • Added gazebo models and updated launch files.
  • Kinetic devel r2 update to melodic (#4)
    • Updated Version, license
    • Merged volta_development.

    * Changed maintainer name. Co-authored-by: Mahendra-botsync <<mahendra.l@botsync.co>> Co-authored-by: nikhil-botsync <<64353067+nikhil-botsync@users.noreply.github.com>>

  • Contributors: Toship

1.1.0 (2020-11-19)

  • First Release

Wiki Tutorials

This package does not provide any links to tutorials in it's rosindex metadata. You can check on the ROS Wiki Tutorials page for the package.

Dependant Packages

No known dependants.

Launch files

  • launch/gazebo.launch
      • indoor [default: false]
      • indoor_dynamic [default: false]
      • office [default: false]
      • office_full [default: true]
      • world [default: $(find volta_simulation)/worlds/$(arg world_choice).world]
  • launch/simulation.launch
      • indoor [default: false]
      • initX [default: -7]
      • initY [default: -3]
      • initYaw [default: 1.5708]
      • indoor_dynamic [default: false]
      • initX [default: -7]
      • initY [default: -3]
      • initYaw [default: 1.5708]
      • office [default: false]
      • office_full [default: true]
      • model [default: $(find volta_description)/urdf/volta.xacro]


No message files found.


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Recent questions tagged volta_simulation at Robotics Stack Exchange