Package Summary

Tags No category tags.
Version 1.7.5
License BSD
Build type CATKIN

Repository Summary

Checkout URI
VCS Type git
VCS Version master
Last Updated 2023-01-30
CI status Continuous Integration
Tags No category tags.
Contributing Help Wanted (0)
Good First Issues (0)
Pull Requests to Review (0)

Package Description

roseus_smach * Euslisp state machine class. it will be moved. * Message publisher for visualizing current state by smach_viewer. * Simple pickle dump script for debugging state machine. * Execute state machine as a action server.

Additional Links


  • Kei Okada


  • Manabu Saito


This package includes euslisp implementation of state machine and smach.


  • roseus
  • smach
  • smach_viewer
    • Optional for visualization.
    • You have to install this package manually:
      sudo apt install ros-$ROS_DISTRO-smach-viewer


Sample codes are available on sample directory.

  • rosrun roseus_smach state-machine-ros-sample.l
    • simple state machine
  rosrun smach_viewer
  rosrun roseus_smach state-machine-ros-sample.l
  • nested state machine
  rosrun smach_viewer
  rosrun roseus_smach state-machine-ros-sample.l
  • state machine with userdata
  rosrun smach_viewer
  rosrun roseus_smach state-machine-ros-sample.l
  • sample/parallel-state-machine-sample.l

    • state machine with parallel action execution
  rosrun smach_viewer
  rosrun roseus_smach parallel-state-machine-sample.l

Writing Simple Smach(state-machine)

Example codes are here.

#!/usr/bin/env roseus
(load "package://roseus_smach/src/state-machine.l")

(setq count 0)
(defun func-foo (userdata-alist)
  (format t "Execute state FOO~%")
  (cond ((< count 3) (incf count) :outcome1)
	(t :outcome2)))
(defun func-bar (userdata-alist)
  (format t "Execute state BAR~%")

(defun smach-simple ()
  (let ((sm (instance state-machine :init)))
    (send sm :add-node (instance state :init :FOO 'func-foo))
    (send sm :add-node (instance state :init :BAR 'func-bar))
    ;; goal-states are generated in this method
    (send sm :goal-state (list :outcome4 :outcome5))

    ;; select a node as start-node
    (send sm :start-state :FOO)
    ;; from and to nodes are selected by name or symbol
    (send sm :add-transition :FOO :BAR :outcome1)
    (send sm :add-transition :FOO :outcome4 :outcome2)
    (send sm :add-transition :BAR :FOO :outcome2)
    sm ))

(send (smach-simple) :execute nil)

The Code Explained

(load "package://roseus_smach/src/state-machine.l")

This line imports state-machine class, state class, and transition class.

(defun func-foo (userdata-alist)
  (format t "Execute state FOO~%")
  (cond ((< count 3) (incf count) :outcome1)
	(t :outcome2)))
(defun func-bar (userdata-alist)
  (format t "Execute state BAR~%")

These lines define some functions that will be hooked to state. Note that the functions are called with one argument, an alist of the declared user-data arguments, and that their return value is equal to the transition (or the action) of the state.

(sm (instance state-machine :init))

This line creates the state-machine instance and binds it to sm.

(send sm :add-node (instance state :init :FOO 'func-foo))

This line creates a new state and add the node to the state machine. When you create new state instance, you can name the state and hook the state to a function. Any lisp object can be used for state names. In this case, a new state has name :FOO and hooked with func-foo.

(send sm :goal-state (list :outcome4 :outcome5))
(send sm :start-state :FOO)

These lines define goal state(s) and start state(s) to the state machine. You can create multiple start states as a list of state, also you can define multiple goal state. Goal state(s) do nothing and returns its name. Note that a state machine is also a state. So the goal state can be considered as the outcome of the state machine.

(send sm :add-transition :FOO :BAR :outcome1)

This line defines transition. The arguments of :add-transition method is TO, FROM, OUTCOME. So this line means that “adding transition from FOO to BAR, when FOO node returns outcome1”.

(send (smach-simple) :execute nil)

This line sets up and execute the state machine. In order to view and check the progress with smach_viewer, use the function exec-state-machine instead.

Writing Nested Smach

Example codes are here. You can also add child state-machine as a node to state-machine.

#!/usr/bin/env roseus
(load "package://roseus_smach/src/state-machine.l")
(defun smach-nested ()
  (let ((sm-top (instance state-machine :init))
        (sm-sub (instance state-machine :init)))
    ;; state instance can include other state-machine like function
    (send sm-top :add-node (instance state :init "SUB" sm-sub))
    (send sm-top :add-node (instance state :init "BAS" 'func-bas))
    (send sm-top :goal-state :outcome5)
    (send sm-top :start-state "BAS")
    (send sm-top :add-transition "BAS" "SUB" :outcome3)
    (send sm-top :add-transition "SUB" :outcome5 :outcome4)
    ;; node instance can be args of :add-node, :start-state, :add-transition
    (let ((foo-node (instance state :init "FOO" 'func-foo))
          (bar-node (instance state :init "BAR" 'func-bar)))
      (send sm-sub :add-node foo-node)
      (send sm-sub :add-node bar-node)
      (send sm-sub :goal-state :outcome4)
      (send sm-sub :start-state foo-node)
      (send sm-sub :add-transition foo-node bar-node :outcome1)
      (send sm-sub :add-transition foo-node :outcome4 :outcome2)
      (send sm-sub :add-transition bar-node foo-node :outcome2))

    sm-top ))

(send (smach-nested) :execute nil)

The Code Explained

#!/usr/bin/env roseus
(load "package://roseus_smach/src/state-machine.l")

Same as in the previous example, this line imports state-machine class, state class, and transition class.

  (let ((sm-top (instance state-machine :init))
        (sm-sub (instance state-machine :init)))

This line creates two of state-machine instance. The sm-sub is a state machine but also acting like a state (or a node) in sm-top. This is easy to understand if you think that a state machine as a function: when the state machine is called, or executed, state machine does some processing and eventually returns the goal state as its return value just like a function.

    (send sm-top :add-node (instance state :init "SUB" sm-sub))

The sm-sub instance is hooked as a node in sm-top with name of "SUB" in this line. This line also indicates that you can add a state machine as a state just like a function.

    (send sm-top :add-node (instance state :init "BAS" 'func-bas))
    (send sm-top :goal-state :outcome5)
    (send sm-top :start-state "BAS")
    (send sm-top :add-transition "BAS" "SUB" :outcome3)

These lines define another node, goal-state, start-state, and transition in the sm-top.

    (send sm-top :add-transition "SUB" :outcome5 :outcome4)

Remember that the goal state(s) of state-machine does nothing and returns its name. So the outcome (or the return value) of the sm-sub is its name of goal state(s). If you look further, the goal state of sm-sub is :outcome4, so the return value of sm-sub is :outcome4. Therefore this line adds transition of from "SUB" to :outcome5 when "SUB" node returns :outcome4.

  (let ((foo-node (instance state :init "FOO" 'func-foo))
        (bar-node (instance state :init "BAR" 'func-bar)))
      (send sm-sub :add-node foo-node)
      (send sm-sub :add-node bar-node)
      (send sm-sub :goal-state :outcome4)
      (send sm-sub :start-state foo-node)
      (send sm-sub :add-transition foo-node bar-node :outcome1)
      (send sm-sub :add-transition foo-node :outcome4 :outcome2)
      (send sm-sub :add-transition bar-node foo-node :outcome2))

These lines define the behavior of sm-sub in detail just like the previous simple state machine example. Note that (send sm-sub :goal-state :outcome4) not only defines the goal state, but also defines the return value of its state machine.

(send (smach-nested) :execute nil)

Finally, the sm-top is executed here.

Writing Simple Smach with (make-state-machine)

make-state-machine function provides easy-way to define simple state machine. It requires graph-list, func-map, initial-state, goal-states as arguments.

For example, simple state machine can be written as

(defun smach-simple2 ()
  (let (sm)
    (setq sm
           ;; define graph,  list of (<from-node> <transition> <to-node>)
           ;; if <transition> is ->, it corresponds when node returns t and !-> for nil.
           '((:foo :outcome2 :outcome4)
             (:foo :outcome1 :bar)
             (:bar :outcome2 :foo))
           ;; define function map
           '((:foo 'func-foo)  ;; foo returns :outcome1 3 times and then returns :outcome2
             (:bar 'func-bar)) ;; bar always returns :outcome2
           ;; initial state
           ;; goal state

This example have two node :foo and :bar and :outcome4 as terminate node. Each node corresponds to 'func-foo and 'func-bar functions. The function 'func-foo returns :outcome1 3 times and then returns :outcome2. The function 'func-bar always returns :outcome2.

(:foo :outcome2 :outcome4) means when :foo returns :outcome2, it transit to :outcome4. (:foo :outcome1 :bar) means when :foo returns :outcome1, it transit to :bar. (:bar :outcome2 :foo) means when :bar returns :outcome2, it transit to :foo.

To simplify the state machine definition, we recommend users to use t/nil for return value of each node, so that users is able to use (:foo -> :outcome4) for graph definition.

(defun smach-simple3 ()
  (let (sm)
    (setq sm
           '((:foo -> :outcome4)
             (:foo !-> :bar)
             (:bar -> :foo))
           '((:foo '(lambda (&rest args) (cond ((< count 3) (incf count) nil) (t t))))  ;; foo returns nil 3 times and then returns t
             (:bar '(lambda (&rest args) t)))                                           ;; bar always returns t

Both example can be tested with

$ roscd roseus_smach/sample
$ roseus state-machine-ros-sample.l "(progn (setq count 0)(exec-state-machine (smach-simple2)))"
$ roseus state-machine-ros-sample.l "(progn (setq count 0)(exec-state-machine (smach-simple3)))"

and you can check the state machine behavior with ` rosrun smach_viewer`

Writing Nested Smach with (make-state-machine)

You can also write nested state machine with make-state-machie function.

you can add sub state-machine to function maps, as you already added node to them.

(defun smach-simple-nested ()
  (let (sm-top sm-sub)
    (setq sm-sub
           '((:foo :outcome2 :outcome4) ;; transitions
             (:foo :outcome1 :bar)
             (:bar :outcome2 :foo))
           '((:foo 'func-foo) ;; function maps
             (:bar 'func-bar))
           '(:foo)      ;; initial
           '(:outcome4) ;; goal
    (setq sm-top
           '((:bas :outcome3 :sub) ;; transitions
             (:sub :outcome4 :outcome5))
           `((:bas 'func-bas)  ;; functon maps
             (:sub ,sm-sub))   ;; set "nestaed state machine"
           '(:bas)      ;; initial
           '(:outcome5) ;; goal

From roseus >= 1.7.4, you may write

           '((:bas 'func-bas)  ;; functon maps
             (:sub sm-sub))   ;; set "nestaed state machine"

but as for now, please be very careful when you add sub machine. you need to use `(backquote) and , (comma).

This example can be tested with

$ roscd roseus_smach/sample
$ roseus state-machine-ros-sample.l "(progn (setq count 0)(exec-state-machine (smach-simple-nested)))"


Changelog for package roseus_smach

1.7.5 (2021-12-13)

  • [roseus_smach] add :append-goal-state (#696)
  • add nested example with make-state-machine function (#661)

    • add readme on smach-simple-nested

    * use defmacro instead of defun for make-simple-state without this, we need to write ` (setq sm-top (make-state-machine '((:bas :outcome3 :sub) ;; transitions (:sub :outcome4 :outcome5)) `((:bas 'func-bas) ;; functon maps (:sub ,sm-sub)) ;; set "nestaed state machine" '(:bas) ;; initial '(:outcome5) ;; goal ))[ to avoid ]{.title-ref}/opt/ros/melodic/share/euslisp/jskeus/eus/Linux64/bin/irteusgl unittest-error: unbound variable sm-sub in (eval (get-alist node func-map)), exitting...[ errors, this change enable us to write intuitive way ]{.title-ref}'((:bas 'func-bas) ;; functon maps (:sub sm-sub)) ;; set "nestaed state machine"[ you can test this behavior with ]{.title-ref}(defmacro test (l) `(dolist (e ,l) (print e) (print (eval (cadr e))))) (defmacro test (l) (dolist (e l) (print e) (print (eval (cadr e))))) (let (a) (setq a 10) (test '((:foo 1) (:bar a))))`

  • [roseus_smach] make roseus_smach execution faster (#684)
    • sleep 0.5 s for publisher
    • use ros::sleep for smach execution
  • [roseus_smach] add more ros-info in convert-smach (#683)
  • [roseus_smach] fix typo in state-machine-utils.l (#693)
  • [roseus_smach] add :start-state and :goal-state in convert-smach (#682)
  • [roseus_smach] add groupname in state-machine-inspector (#691)
    • use send sm :spin-once in state-machine-utils.l
    • add groupname and spin-once with groupname
  • Updates to README sample code and explanations (#659)
    • extend test time limit to 120 sec for test-samples.l
    • add example/test for smach-simple with make-state-machine function
    • write more info similar to rospy implementation
    • add more info(URL/python code) on sample
    • fix typo of nestate state machine example path
    • add make-sample-parallel-state-machine tests
    • add more test, check :active-tates, duration time
  • [roseus_smach] use roseus for parallel-state-machine-sample (#651)
  • [roseus_smach] add smach_viewer installation to README (#641)
  • [roseus_smach] add code explanation of simple-state-machine in (#627)
  • Contributors: Guilherme Affonso, Kei Okada, Naoki Hiraoka, Naoya Yamaguchi, Shingo Kitagawa, Yoichiro Kawamura

1.7.4 (2019-02-04)

1.7.3 (2019-02-01)

  • check why test-smach-action-client-state failing on installed test (#570 )
  • fix make-state-machine docstring (#589 )
  • re-enable test-smach-action-client-state, which is removed in
  • Add issue link in make-state-machine docstring (#595 )
  • roseus_smach: change the order of callee args for userdata in pddl2smach (#587)
  • roseus_smach: pass userdata values unless :arg-keys is set (#586)
    • roseus_smach: fix error on exec state machine without ri
  • Contributors: Guilherme Affonso, Yuki Furuta, Shingo Kitagawa

1.7.2 (2018-11-10)

1.7.1 (2018-07-22)

  • add melodic test (#567)
    • split test_samples.test into test_samples_action_client_state.test, since it is always failling on only installed test, not sure why...
    • roseus_smach/test/test_samples.test: extend time-limit to 300

    * add retry for testtest_roseus_smach_samples the test failing is this related to memory leak? ` mstart testing [test-smach-sample-userdata] mfoo-count is not set. Setting 0 start testing [test-smach-action-client-state] m;p=pointer?(0x6690338) ;; Segmentation Fault. terminate called after throwing an instance of 'boost::exception_detail::clone_impl<boost::exception_detail::error_info_injector<boost::lock_error> >' what(): boost: mutex lock failed in pthread_mutex_lock: Invalid argument [Testcase: testtest_roseus_smach_samples] ... FAILURE! FAILURE: test [test_roseus_smach_samples] did not generate test results File \"/usr/lib/python2.7/unittest/\", line 329, in run testMethod() File \"/opt/ros/kinetic/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/rostest/\", line 164, in fn self.assert\_(os.path.isfile(test_file), \"test [%s] did not generate test results\"%test_name) File \"/usr/lib/python2.7/unittest/\", line 422, in assertTrue raise self.failureException(msg)`

  • Contributors: Kei Okada

1.7.0 (2018-07-11)

  • Bugfixes and test codes for roseus_smach (#566)
    • roseus_smach: add log messages on state transition
    • roseus_smach: fix: pass :cancel state to action-client-state
    • roseus_smach: fix test
    • roseus_smach: add test code for smach-actionlib
      • Fix: indentations
      • Fix: [bug] userdata is not kept if not given as arguments
      • Add: Test code for action-client-state class
      • Add: action-client-state sets action result/feedback to userdata for key :result/:feedback
  • [roseus_smach] func: make-state-machine accepts various edges (#548)
    • correct doc of :add-transition :add-transition do not accept list as exec-result
    • update make-state-machine docstring
    • set testfunc for transition in make-state-machine
    • func: make-state-machine accepts various edges
  • [roseus_smach] pass userdata keys to state-machine in execution (#549)
    • add exec-state-machine test
    • pass userdata keys to state-machine in execution
  • Contributors: Shingo Kitagawa, Yuki Furuta

1.6.3 (2017-09-08)

1.6.2 (2017-06-21)

  • replace ros-info by ros-debug in state-machine.l (#523)
  • add root-name key in exec-state-machine (#523)
    • use exex-state-machine in sample program exec-smach-with-spin is deprecated.
    • add exec-state-machine with :root-name key test
    • add root-name key in exec-state-machine
  • Contributors: Shingo Kitagawa

1.6.1 (2017-03-15)

  • Merge smach exec (#507)
    • [roseus_smach] rename smach-exec-with-spin -> exec-state-machine
    • [roseus_smach/src/pddl2smach.l] use function namespace to call
  • Contributors: Yuki Furuta

1.6.0 (2016-10-02)

  • [roseus/src/state-machine-utils.l] add document string for exec-smach-with-spin
  • [roseus_smach/src/state-machine-utils.l] support y-or-n-p when iterate mode
  • Contributors: Yuki Furuta

1.5.3 (2016-05-28)

1.5.2 (2016-05-28)

  • [roseus_smach/src/state-machine-utils.l] fix: return after goal reached on exec-smach-with-spin #460
  • Remove no need euslisp from build_depend and find_package #456
  • Contributors: Kentaro Wada, Yuki Furuta

1.5.1 (2016-04-22)

  • [roseus_smach/] update to use github official image link
  • Contributors: Furushchev

1.5.0 (2016-03-20)

  • {roseus_smach, roseus_mongo}/ fix section/subsection
  • [roseus_smach/src/state-machine-utils.l] fix: smach connection from/to nil state
  • Contributors: Kei Okada, Yuki Furuta

1.4.1 (2015-11-25)

  • [roseus_smach/src/state-machine.l] another impl for #383
  • Contributors: Yuki Furuta

1.4.0 (2015-11-03)

  • [roseus_smach] warning message for :goal-state
  • [roseus_smach] add failure nodes addition feature for state-machine generation utils
  • [roseus_smach/sample/parallel-state-machine-sample.l] fix:
  • [roseus_smach] fix test launch file extension .launch -> .test; test only required
  • Contributors: Kamada Hitoshi, Yuki Furuta

1.3.9 (2015-09-14)

1.3.8 (2015-09-12)

1.3.7 (2015-08-18)

  • [] describe how to run smach viewer
  • [sample/state-machine-ros-sample.l, sample/state-machine-sample.l] add shbang
  • [roseus_smach/CMakeLists.txt] disable test/test_parallel_state_machine_sample.launch for now
  • [package.xml] add actionlib_tutorials depends to roseus_smach
  • Contributors: Kei Okada

1.3.6 (2015-06-11)

1.3.5 (2015-05-15)

1.3.4 (2015-05-03)

  • [roseus_smach] add test for parallel state machine
  • [roseus_smach] add parallel state machine sample test to CMakeLists
  • [roseus_smach] add sample test to CMakeLists
  • [roseus_smach] split sample test in order to inspect failure detail
  • [roseus_smach] change order of roseus in find_package
  • [roseus_smach] move smach-exec function from sample to utils
  • [roseus_smach] fix wrong file/module name
  • [roseus_smach] miscellaneous fixes
  • [roseus_smach] add test launch
  • [roseus_smach] add feature async join
  • [roseus_smach] fix transition fail when parallel state
  • [roseus_smach] add async join state to state-machine
  • [roseus_smach] fix tmp -> next
  • [roseus_smach] modify state-machine :execute-impl
  • Contributors: Yuki Furuta, Kamada Hitoshi

1.3.3 (2015-04-29)

1.3.2 (2015-04-28)

1.3.1 (2015-04-26)

  • [roseus_smach/src/state-machine-actionlib.l] support spin action client group, see #274
  • [roseus_smach/src/state-machine-utils.l] modify make-state-machine
  • [roseus_smach/src/state-machine-utils.l] add iterative execute state machine util
  • Contributors: Yuki Furuta, Hitoshi Kamada, Kei Okada

1.3.0 (2015-04-24)

  • [roseus_smach] add docstring for 'make-state-machine' function; add key option to custom exec-result to transit states
  • [roseus_smach] fix sample parallel task transition; fix typo
  • [roseus_smach] fix typo; change image link
  • [roseus_smach] Create add sample image
  • [roseus_smach] add syntax suggar of creating state machine with parallel execution, and its sample code
  • [roseus_smach] add feature: parallel executive state machine, and its visualization stuff
  • [roseus_smach] use soft tab
  • Contributors: Yuki Furuta

1.2.6 (2015-02-21)

1.2.5 (2015-02-13)

1.2.4 (2015-02-12)

1.2.3 (2015-02-02)

1.2.2 (2015-01-27)

1.2.1 (2015-01-27)

1.2.0 (2015-01-26)

1.1.33 (2015-01-26)

1.1.32 (2015-01-26)

1.1.31 (2015-01-23)

  • remove old manifest.xml, fully catkinize
  • Contributors: Kei Okada

1.1.30 (2015-01-14)

1.1.29 (2014-12-27)

1.1.28 (2014-12-26)

1.1.27 (2014-12-20)

  • remove cmake file for rosbuild
  • not use executive_smach as deps directly; remove manifest.xml

1.1.26 (2014-11-10)

1.1.25 (2014-10-10)

1.1.23 (2014-09-24)

1.1.22 (2014-09-04)

1.1.21 (2014-06-30)

1.1.20 (2014-06-29)

1.1.19 (2014-06-11)

1.1.18 (2014-05-16)

1.1.17 (2014-05-11)

1.1.16 (2014-05-11)

1.1.15 (2014-05-10)

1.1.14 (2014-05-09)

1.1.13 (2014-05-06)

1.1.12 (2014-05-06)

1.1.11 (2014-05-04)

  • catkinize roseus_smach
  • Contributors: Kei Okada

1.1.10 (2014-05-03 10:35)

1.1.9 (2014-05-03 09:30)

1.1.8 (2014-05-02)

1.1.7 (2014-04-28 14:29)

1.1.6 (2014-04-28 03:12)

1.1.5 (2014-04-27)

1.1.4 (2014-04-25)

1.1.3 (2014-04-14)

1.1.2 (2014-04-07 23:17)

1.1.1 (2014-04-07 09:02)

1.1.0 (2014-04-07 00:52)

1.0.4 (2014-03-31)

1.0.3 (2014-03-30)

1.0.2 (2014-03-28)

1.0.1 (2014-03-27)

  • roseus_smach: disable packages for groovy
  • publish-all-status to state-machine-inspector
  • use-sub-machine to pddl2smach.l
  • modify :reset-state for setting typical state
  • add keywords to pddl-graph-to-smach
  • add smach utility functions
  • fix default option
  • add utility methods to state-machine-inspector
  • add keyword for using userdata in pddl2smach
  • add keyword for changing return value
  • add :readable keyword for pddl2smach
  • fix for working sample
  • remove load command for irtgraph.l
  • update internal data structure for new graph.l
  • publish smach structure once, and latch it
  • add test for roseus_smach samples, fixed the initial state setter method
  • update roseus_smach for set initial state callback
  • add actionlib_tutorials for sample scripts
  • changed to use unreviewed version of irtgraph.l
  • fix smach_structure publish properly timing, add user input action to task_compiler
  • remove old method in roseus_smach
  • move convert script from pddl to smach
  • chenge test function to compare execution results
  • commit for current scripts for demonstration
  • use package:// for loading graph.l
  • change test function for transition, eq -> equal
  • set initial-state = send :start-state
  • add initial-state-cb to roseus_smach
  • add message name to constant in msg definition
  • add ** to msg constant type
  • add function to create state-instance which execute action-client
  • commit current source tree
  • add code for smach_viewer
  • change name smach_roseus -> roseus_smach
  • Contributors: Kei Okada, youhei, Manabu Saito, Xiangyu Chen

Wiki Tutorials

This package does not provide any links to tutorials in it's rosindex metadata. You can check on the ROS Wiki Tutorials page for the package.

Launch files


No message files found.


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Package Summary

Tags No category tags.
Version 1.7.5
License BSD
Build type CATKIN

Repository Summary

Checkout URI
VCS Type git
VCS Version master
Last Updated 2023-01-30
CI status Continuous Integration
Tags No category tags.
Contributing Help Wanted (0)
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Pull Requests to Review (0)

Package Description

roseus_smach * Euslisp state machine class. it will be moved. * Message publisher for visualizing current state by smach_viewer. * Simple pickle dump script for debugging state machine. * Execute state machine as a action server.

Additional Links


  • Kei Okada


  • Manabu Saito


This package includes euslisp implementation of state machine and smach.


  • roseus
  • smach
  • smach_viewer
    • Optional for visualization.
    • You have to install this package manually:
      sudo apt install ros-$ROS_DISTRO-smach-viewer


Sample codes are available on sample directory.

  • rosrun roseus_smach state-machine-ros-sample.l
    • simple state machine
  rosrun smach_viewer
  rosrun roseus_smach state-machine-ros-sample.l
  • nested state machine
  rosrun smach_viewer
  rosrun roseus_smach state-machine-ros-sample.l
  • state machine with userdata
  rosrun smach_viewer
  rosrun roseus_smach state-machine-ros-sample.l
  • sample/parallel-state-machine-sample.l

    • state machine with parallel action execution
  rosrun smach_viewer
  rosrun roseus_smach parallel-state-machine-sample.l

Writing Simple Smach(state-machine)

Example codes are here.

#!/usr/bin/env roseus
(load "package://roseus_smach/src/state-machine.l")

(setq count 0)
(defun func-foo (userdata-alist)
  (format t "Execute state FOO~%")
  (cond ((< count 3) (incf count) :outcome1)
	(t :outcome2)))
(defun func-bar (userdata-alist)
  (format t "Execute state BAR~%")

(defun smach-simple ()
  (let ((sm (instance state-machine :init)))
    (send sm :add-node (instance state :init :FOO 'func-foo))
    (send sm :add-node (instance state :init :BAR 'func-bar))
    ;; goal-states are generated in this method
    (send sm :goal-state (list :outcome4 :outcome5))

    ;; select a node as start-node
    (send sm :start-state :FOO)
    ;; from and to nodes are selected by name or symbol
    (send sm :add-transition :FOO :BAR :outcome1)
    (send sm :add-transition :FOO :outcome4 :outcome2)
    (send sm :add-transition :BAR :FOO :outcome2)
    sm ))

(send (smach-simple) :execute nil)

The Code Explained

(load "package://roseus_smach/src/state-machine.l")

This line imports state-machine class, state class, and transition class.

(defun func-foo (userdata-alist)
  (format t "Execute state FOO~%")
  (cond ((< count 3) (incf count) :outcome1)
	(t :outcome2)))
(defun func-bar (userdata-alist)
  (format t "Execute state BAR~%")

These lines define some functions that will be hooked to state. Note that the functions are called with one argument, an alist of the declared user-data arguments, and that their return value is equal to the transition (or the action) of the state.

(sm (instance state-machine :init))

This line creates the state-machine instance and binds it to sm.

(send sm :add-node (instance state :init :FOO 'func-foo))

This line creates a new state and add the node to the state machine. When you create new state instance, you can name the state and hook the state to a function. Any lisp object can be used for state names. In this case, a new state has name :FOO and hooked with func-foo.

(send sm :goal-state (list :outcome4 :outcome5))
(send sm :start-state :FOO)

These lines define goal state(s) and start state(s) to the state machine. You can create multiple start states as a list of state, also you can define multiple goal state. Goal state(s) do nothing and returns its name. Note that a state machine is also a state. So the goal state can be considered as the outcome of the state machine.

(send sm :add-transition :FOO :BAR :outcome1)

This line defines transition. The arguments of :add-transition method is TO, FROM, OUTCOME. So this line means that “adding transition from FOO to BAR, when FOO node returns outcome1”.

(send (smach-simple) :execute nil)

This line sets up and execute the state machine. In order to view and check the progress with smach_viewer, use the function exec-state-machine instead.

Writing Nested Smach

Example codes are here. You can also add child state-machine as a node to state-machine.

#!/usr/bin/env roseus
(load "package://roseus_smach/src/state-machine.l")
(defun smach-nested ()
  (let ((sm-top (instance state-machine :init))
        (sm-sub (instance state-machine :init)))
    ;; state instance can include other state-machine like function
    (send sm-top :add-node (instance state :init "SUB" sm-sub))
    (send sm-top :add-node (instance state :init "BAS" 'func-bas))
    (send sm-top :goal-state :outcome5)
    (send sm-top :start-state "BAS")
    (send sm-top :add-transition "BAS" "SUB" :outcome3)
    (send sm-top :add-transition "SUB" :outcome5 :outcome4)
    ;; node instance can be args of :add-node, :start-state, :add-transition
    (let ((foo-node (instance state :init "FOO" 'func-foo))
          (bar-node (instance state :init "BAR" 'func-bar)))
      (send sm-sub :add-node foo-node)
      (send sm-sub :add-node bar-node)
      (send sm-sub :goal-state :outcome4)
      (send sm-sub :start-state foo-node)
      (send sm-sub :add-transition foo-node bar-node :outcome1)
      (send sm-sub :add-transition foo-node :outcome4 :outcome2)
      (send sm-sub :add-transition bar-node foo-node :outcome2))

    sm-top ))

(send (smach-nested) :execute nil)

The Code Explained

#!/usr/bin/env roseus
(load "package://roseus_smach/src/state-machine.l")

Same as in the previous example, this line imports state-machine class, state class, and transition class.

  (let ((sm-top (instance state-machine :init))
        (sm-sub (instance state-machine :init)))

This line creates two of state-machine instance. The sm-sub is a state machine but also acting like a state (or a node) in sm-top. This is easy to understand if you think that a state machine as a function: when the state machine is called, or executed, state machine does some processing and eventually returns the goal state as its return value just like a function.

    (send sm-top :add-node (instance state :init "SUB" sm-sub))

The sm-sub instance is hooked as a node in sm-top with name of "SUB" in this line. This line also indicates that you can add a state machine as a state just like a function.

    (send sm-top :add-node (instance state :init "BAS" 'func-bas))
    (send sm-top :goal-state :outcome5)
    (send sm-top :start-state "BAS")
    (send sm-top :add-transition "BAS" "SUB" :outcome3)

These lines define another node, goal-state, start-state, and transition in the sm-top.

    (send sm-top :add-transition "SUB" :outcome5 :outcome4)

Remember that the goal state(s) of state-machine does nothing and returns its name. So the outcome (or the return value) of the sm-sub is its name of goal state(s). If you look further, the goal state of sm-sub is :outcome4, so the return value of sm-sub is :outcome4. Therefore this line adds transition of from "SUB" to :outcome5 when "SUB" node returns :outcome4.

  (let ((foo-node (instance state :init "FOO" 'func-foo))
        (bar-node (instance state :init "BAR" 'func-bar)))
      (send sm-sub :add-node foo-node)
      (send sm-sub :add-node bar-node)
      (send sm-sub :goal-state :outcome4)
      (send sm-sub :start-state foo-node)
      (send sm-sub :add-transition foo-node bar-node :outcome1)
      (send sm-sub :add-transition foo-node :outcome4 :outcome2)
      (send sm-sub :add-transition bar-node foo-node :outcome2))

These lines define the behavior of sm-sub in detail just like the previous simple state machine example. Note that (send sm-sub :goal-state :outcome4) not only defines the goal state, but also defines the return value of its state machine.

(send (smach-nested) :execute nil)

Finally, the sm-top is executed here.

Writing Simple Smach with (make-state-machine)

make-state-machine function provides easy-way to define simple state machine. It requires graph-list, func-map, initial-state, goal-states as arguments.

For example, simple state machine can be written as

(defun smach-simple2 ()
  (let (sm)
    (setq sm
           ;; define graph,  list of (<from-node> <transition> <to-node>)
           ;; if <transition> is ->, it corresponds when node returns t and !-> for nil.
           '((:foo :outcome2 :outcome4)
             (:foo :outcome1 :bar)
             (:bar :outcome2 :foo))
           ;; define function map
           '((:foo 'func-foo)  ;; foo returns :outcome1 3 times and then returns :outcome2
             (:bar 'func-bar)) ;; bar always returns :outcome2
           ;; initial state
           ;; goal state

This example have two node :foo and :bar and :outcome4 as terminate node. Each node corresponds to 'func-foo and 'func-bar functions. The function 'func-foo returns :outcome1 3 times and then returns :outcome2. The function 'func-bar always returns :outcome2.

(:foo :outcome2 :outcome4) means when :foo returns :outcome2, it transit to :outcome4. (:foo :outcome1 :bar) means when :foo returns :outcome1, it transit to :bar. (:bar :outcome2 :foo) means when :bar returns :outcome2, it transit to :foo.

To simplify the state machine definition, we recommend users to use t/nil for return value of each node, so that users is able to use (:foo -> :outcome4) for graph definition.

(defun smach-simple3 ()
  (let (sm)
    (setq sm
           '((:foo -> :outcome4)
             (:foo !-> :bar)
             (:bar -> :foo))
           '((:foo '(lambda (&rest args) (cond ((< count 3) (incf count) nil) (t t))))  ;; foo returns nil 3 times and then returns t
             (:bar '(lambda (&rest args) t)))                                           ;; bar always returns t

Both example can be tested with

$ roscd roseus_smach/sample
$ roseus state-machine-ros-sample.l "(progn (setq count 0)(exec-state-machine (smach-simple2)))"
$ roseus state-machine-ros-sample.l "(progn (setq count 0)(exec-state-machine (smach-simple3)))"

and you can check the state machine behavior with ` rosrun smach_viewer`

Writing Nested Smach with (make-state-machine)

You can also write nested state machine with make-state-machie function.

you can add sub state-machine to function maps, as you already added node to them.

(defun smach-simple-nested ()
  (let (sm-top sm-sub)
    (setq sm-sub
           '((:foo :outcome2 :outcome4) ;; transitions
             (:foo :outcome1 :bar)
             (:bar :outcome2 :foo))
           '((:foo 'func-foo) ;; function maps
             (:bar 'func-bar))
           '(:foo)      ;; initial
           '(:outcome4) ;; goal
    (setq sm-top
           '((:bas :outcome3 :sub) ;; transitions
             (:sub :outcome4 :outcome5))
           `((:bas 'func-bas)  ;; functon maps
             (:sub ,sm-sub))   ;; set "nestaed state machine"
           '(:bas)      ;; initial
           '(:outcome5) ;; goal

From roseus >= 1.7.4, you may write

           '((:bas 'func-bas)  ;; functon maps
             (:sub sm-sub))   ;; set "nestaed state machine"

but as for now, please be very careful when you add sub machine. you need to use `(backquote) and , (comma).

This example can be tested with

$ roscd roseus_smach/sample
$ roseus state-machine-ros-sample.l "(progn (setq count 0)(exec-state-machine (smach-simple-nested)))"


Changelog for package roseus_smach

1.7.5 (2021-12-13)

  • [roseus_smach] add :append-goal-state (#696)
  • add nested example with make-state-machine function (#661)

    • add readme on smach-simple-nested

    * use defmacro instead of defun for make-simple-state without this, we need to write ` (setq sm-top (make-state-machine '((:bas :outcome3 :sub) ;; transitions (:sub :outcome4 :outcome5)) `((:bas 'func-bas) ;; functon maps (:sub ,sm-sub)) ;; set "nestaed state machine" '(:bas) ;; initial '(:outcome5) ;; goal ))[ to avoid ]{.title-ref}/opt/ros/melodic/share/euslisp/jskeus/eus/Linux64/bin/irteusgl unittest-error: unbound variable sm-sub in (eval (get-alist node func-map)), exitting...[ errors, this change enable us to write intuitive way ]{.title-ref}'((:bas 'func-bas) ;; functon maps (:sub sm-sub)) ;; set "nestaed state machine"[ you can test this behavior with ]{.title-ref}(defmacro test (l) `(dolist (e ,l) (print e) (print (eval (cadr e))))) (defmacro test (l) (dolist (e l) (print e) (print (eval (cadr e))))) (let (a) (setq a 10) (test '((:foo 1) (:bar a))))`

  • [roseus_smach] make roseus_smach execution faster (#684)
    • sleep 0.5 s for publisher
    • use ros::sleep for smach execution
  • [roseus_smach] add more ros-info in convert-smach (#683)
  • [roseus_smach] fix typo in state-machine-utils.l (#693)
  • [roseus_smach] add :start-state and :goal-state in convert-smach (#682)
  • [roseus_smach] add groupname in state-machine-inspector (#691)
    • use send sm :spin-once in state-machine-utils.l
    • add groupname and spin-once with groupname
  • Updates to README sample code and explanations (#659)
    • extend test time limit to 120 sec for test-samples.l
    • add example/test for smach-simple with make-state-machine function
    • write more info similar to rospy implementation
    • add more info(URL/python code) on sample
    • fix typo of nestate state machine example path
    • add make-sample-parallel-state-machine tests
    • add more test, check :active-tates, duration time
  • [roseus_smach] use roseus for parallel-state-machine-sample (#651)
  • [roseus_smach] add smach_viewer installation to README (#641)
  • [roseus_smach] add code explanation of simple-state-machine in (#627)
  • Contributors: Guilherme Affonso, Kei Okada, Naoki Hiraoka, Naoya Yamaguchi, Shingo Kitagawa, Yoichiro Kawamura

1.7.4 (2019-02-04)

1.7.3 (2019-02-01)

  • check why test-smach-action-client-state failing on installed test (#570 )
  • fix make-state-machine docstring (#589 )
  • re-enable test-smach-action-client-state, which is removed in
  • Add issue link in make-state-machine docstring (#595 )
  • roseus_smach: change the order of callee args for userdata in pddl2smach (#587)
  • roseus_smach: pass userdata values unless :arg-keys is set (#586)
    • roseus_smach: fix error on exec state machine without ri
  • Contributors: Guilherme Affonso, Yuki Furuta, Shingo Kitagawa

1.7.2 (2018-11-10)

1.7.1 (2018-07-22)

  • add melodic test (#567)
    • split test_samples.test into test_samples_action_client_state.test, since it is always failling on only installed test, not sure why...
    • roseus_smach/test/test_samples.test: extend time-limit to 300

    * add retry for testtest_roseus_smach_samples the test failing is this related to memory leak? ` mstart testing [test-smach-sample-userdata] mfoo-count is not set. Setting 0 start testing [test-smach-action-client-state] m;p=pointer?(0x6690338) ;; Segmentation Fault. terminate called after throwing an instance of 'boost::exception_detail::clone_impl<boost::exception_detail::error_info_injector<boost::lock_error> >' what(): boost: mutex lock failed in pthread_mutex_lock: Invalid argument [Testcase: testtest_roseus_smach_samples] ... FAILURE! FAILURE: test [test_roseus_smach_samples] did not generate test results File \"/usr/lib/python2.7/unittest/\", line 329, in run testMethod() File \"/opt/ros/kinetic/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/rostest/\", line 164, in fn self.assert\_(os.path.isfile(test_file), \"test [%s] did not generate test results\"%test_name) File \"/usr/lib/python2.7/unittest/\", line 422, in assertTrue raise self.failureException(msg)`

  • Contributors: Kei Okada

1.7.0 (2018-07-11)

  • Bugfixes and test codes for roseus_smach (#566)
    • roseus_smach: add log messages on state transition
    • roseus_smach: fix: pass :cancel state to action-client-state
    • roseus_smach: fix test
    • roseus_smach: add test code for smach-actionlib
      • Fix: indentations
      • Fix: [bug] userdata is not kept if not given as arguments
      • Add: Test code for action-client-state class
      • Add: action-client-state sets action result/feedback to userdata for key :result/:feedback
  • [roseus_smach] func: make-state-machine accepts various edges (#548)
    • correct doc of :add-transition :add-transition do not accept list as exec-result
    • update make-state-machine docstring
    • set testfunc for transition in make-state-machine
    • func: make-state-machine accepts various edges
  • [roseus_smach] pass userdata keys to state-machine in execution (#549)
    • add exec-state-machine test
    • pass userdata keys to state-machine in execution
  • Contributors: Shingo Kitagawa, Yuki Furuta

1.6.3 (2017-09-08)

1.6.2 (2017-06-21)

  • replace ros-info by ros-debug in state-machine.l (#523)
  • add root-name key in exec-state-machine (#523)
    • use exex-state-machine in sample program exec-smach-with-spin is deprecated.
    • add exec-state-machine with :root-name key test
    • add root-name key in exec-state-machine
  • Contributors: Shingo Kitagawa

1.6.1 (2017-03-15)

  • Merge smach exec (#507)
    • [roseus_smach] rename smach-exec-with-spin -> exec-state-machine
    • [roseus_smach/src/pddl2smach.l] use function namespace to call
  • Contributors: Yuki Furuta

1.6.0 (2016-10-02)

  • [roseus/src/state-machine-utils.l] add document string for exec-smach-with-spin
  • [roseus_smach/src/state-machine-utils.l] support y-or-n-p when iterate mode
  • Contributors: Yuki Furuta

1.5.3 (2016-05-28)

1.5.2 (2016-05-28)

  • [roseus_smach/src/state-machine-utils.l] fix: return after goal reached on exec-smach-with-spin #460
  • Remove no need euslisp from build_depend and find_package #456
  • Contributors: Kentaro Wada, Yuki Furuta

1.5.1 (2016-04-22)

  • [roseus_smach/] update to use github official image link
  • Contributors: Furushchev

1.5.0 (2016-03-20)

  • {roseus_smach, roseus_mongo}/ fix section/subsection
  • [roseus_smach/src/state-machine-utils.l] fix: smach connection from/to nil state
  • Contributors: Kei Okada, Yuki Furuta

1.4.1 (2015-11-25)

  • [roseus_smach/src/state-machine.l] another impl for #383
  • Contributors: Yuki Furuta

1.4.0 (2015-11-03)

  • [roseus_smach] warning message for :goal-state
  • [roseus_smach] add failure nodes addition feature for state-machine generation utils
  • [roseus_smach/sample/parallel-state-machine-sample.l] fix:
  • [roseus_smach] fix test launch file extension .launch -> .test; test only required
  • Contributors: Kamada Hitoshi, Yuki Furuta

1.3.9 (2015-09-14)

1.3.8 (2015-09-12)

1.3.7 (2015-08-18)

  • [] describe how to run smach viewer
  • [sample/state-machine-ros-sample.l, sample/state-machine-sample.l] add shbang
  • [roseus_smach/CMakeLists.txt] disable test/test_parallel_state_machine_sample.launch for now
  • [package.xml] add actionlib_tutorials depends to roseus_smach
  • Contributors: Kei Okada

1.3.6 (2015-06-11)

1.3.5 (2015-05-15)

1.3.4 (2015-05-03)

  • [roseus_smach] add test for parallel state machine
  • [roseus_smach] add parallel state machine sample test to CMakeLists
  • [roseus_smach] add sample test to CMakeLists
  • [roseus_smach] split sample test in order to inspect failure detail
  • [roseus_smach] change order of roseus in find_package
  • [roseus_smach] move smach-exec function from sample to utils
  • [roseus_smach] fix wrong file/module name
  • [roseus_smach] miscellaneous fixes
  • [roseus_smach] add test launch
  • [roseus_smach] add feature async join
  • [roseus_smach] fix transition fail when parallel state
  • [roseus_smach] add async join state to state-machine
  • [roseus_smach] fix tmp -> next
  • [roseus_smach] modify state-machine :execute-impl
  • Contributors: Yuki Furuta, Kamada Hitoshi

1.3.3 (2015-04-29)

1.3.2 (2015-04-28)

1.3.1 (2015-04-26)

  • [roseus_smach/src/state-machine-actionlib.l] support spin action client group, see #274
  • [roseus_smach/src/state-machine-utils.l] modify make-state-machine
  • [roseus_smach/src/state-machine-utils.l] add iterative execute state machine util
  • Contributors: Yuki Furuta, Hitoshi Kamada, Kei Okada

1.3.0 (2015-04-24)

  • [roseus_smach] add docstring for 'make-state-machine' function; add key option to custom exec-result to transit states
  • [roseus_smach] fix sample parallel task transition; fix typo
  • [roseus_smach] fix typo; change image link
  • [roseus_smach] Create add sample image
  • [roseus_smach] add syntax suggar of creating state machine with parallel execution, and its sample code
  • [roseus_smach] add feature: parallel executive state machine, and its visualization stuff
  • [roseus_smach] use soft tab
  • Contributors: Yuki Furuta

1.2.6 (2015-02-21)

1.2.5 (2015-02-13)

1.2.4 (2015-02-12)

1.2.3 (2015-02-02)

1.2.2 (2015-01-27)

1.2.1 (2015-01-27)

1.2.0 (2015-01-26)

1.1.33 (2015-01-26)

1.1.32 (2015-01-26)

1.1.31 (2015-01-23)

  • remove old manifest.xml, fully catkinize
  • Contributors: Kei Okada

1.1.30 (2015-01-14)

1.1.29 (2014-12-27)

1.1.28 (2014-12-26)

1.1.27 (2014-12-20)

  • remove cmake file for rosbuild
  • not use executive_smach as deps directly; remove manifest.xml

1.1.26 (2014-11-10)

1.1.25 (2014-10-10)

1.1.23 (2014-09-24)

1.1.22 (2014-09-04)

1.1.21 (2014-06-30)

1.1.20 (2014-06-29)

1.1.19 (2014-06-11)

1.1.18 (2014-05-16)

1.1.17 (2014-05-11)

1.1.16 (2014-05-11)

1.1.15 (2014-05-10)

1.1.14 (2014-05-09)

1.1.13 (2014-05-06)

1.1.12 (2014-05-06)

1.1.11 (2014-05-04)

  • catkinize roseus_smach
  • Contributors: Kei Okada

1.1.10 (2014-05-03 10:35)

1.1.9 (2014-05-03 09:30)

1.1.8 (2014-05-02)

1.1.7 (2014-04-28 14:29)

1.1.6 (2014-04-28 03:12)

1.1.5 (2014-04-27)

1.1.4 (2014-04-25)

1.1.3 (2014-04-14)

1.1.2 (2014-04-07 23:17)

1.1.1 (2014-04-07 09:02)

1.1.0 (2014-04-07 00:52)

1.0.4 (2014-03-31)

1.0.3 (2014-03-30)

1.0.2 (2014-03-28)

1.0.1 (2014-03-27)

  • roseus_smach: disable packages for groovy
  • publish-all-status to state-machine-inspector
  • use-sub-machine to pddl2smach.l
  • modify :reset-state for setting typical state
  • add keywords to pddl-graph-to-smach
  • add smach utility functions
  • fix default option
  • add utility methods to state-machine-inspector
  • add keyword for using userdata in pddl2smach
  • add keyword for changing return value
  • add :readable keyword for pddl2smach
  • fix for working sample
  • remove load command for irtgraph.l
  • update internal data structure for new graph.l
  • publish smach structure once, and latch it
  • add test for roseus_smach samples, fixed the initial state setter method
  • update roseus_smach for set initial state callback
  • add actionlib_tutorials for sample scripts
  • changed to use unreviewed version of irtgraph.l
  • fix smach_structure publish properly timing, add user input action to task_compiler
  • remove old method in roseus_smach
  • move convert script from pddl to smach
  • chenge test function to compare execution results
  • commit for current scripts for demonstration
  • use package:// for loading graph.l
  • change test function for transition, eq -> equal
  • set initial-state = send :start-state
  • add initial-state-cb to roseus_smach
  • add message name to constant in msg definition
  • add ** to msg constant type
  • add function to create state-instance which execute action-client
  • commit current source tree
  • add code for smach_viewer
  • change name smach_roseus -> roseus_smach
  • Contributors: Kei Okada, youhei, Manabu Saito, Xiangyu Chen

Wiki Tutorials

This package does not provide any links to tutorials in it's rosindex metadata. You can check on the ROS Wiki Tutorials page for the package.

Dependant Packages

No known dependants.

Launch files


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Package Summary

Tags No category tags.
Version 1.7.5
License BSD
Build type CATKIN

Repository Summary

Checkout URI
VCS Type git
VCS Version master
Last Updated 2023-01-30
CI status Continuous Integration
Tags No category tags.
Contributing Help Wanted (0)
Good First Issues (0)
Pull Requests to Review (0)

Package Description

roseus_smach * Euslisp state machine class. it will be moved. * Message publisher for visualizing current state by smach_viewer. * Simple pickle dump script for debugging state machine. * Execute state machine as a action server.

Additional Links


  • Kei Okada


  • Manabu Saito


This package includes euslisp implementation of state machine and smach.


  • roseus
  • smach
  • smach_viewer
    • Optional for visualization.
    • You have to install this package manually:
      sudo apt install ros-$ROS_DISTRO-smach-viewer


Sample codes are available on sample directory.

  • rosrun roseus_smach state-machine-ros-sample.l
    • simple state machine
  rosrun smach_viewer
  rosrun roseus_smach state-machine-ros-sample.l
  • nested state machine
  rosrun smach_viewer
  rosrun roseus_smach state-machine-ros-sample.l
  • state machine with userdata
  rosrun smach_viewer
  rosrun roseus_smach state-machine-ros-sample.l
  • sample/parallel-state-machine-sample.l

    • state machine with parallel action execution
  rosrun smach_viewer
  rosrun roseus_smach parallel-state-machine-sample.l

Writing Simple Smach(state-machine)

Example codes are here.

#!/usr/bin/env roseus
(load "package://roseus_smach/src/state-machine.l")

(setq count 0)
(defun func-foo (userdata-alist)
  (format t "Execute state FOO~%")
  (cond ((< count 3) (incf count) :outcome1)
	(t :outcome2)))
(defun func-bar (userdata-alist)
  (format t "Execute state BAR~%")

(defun smach-simple ()
  (let ((sm (instance state-machine :init)))
    (send sm :add-node (instance state :init :FOO 'func-foo))
    (send sm :add-node (instance state :init :BAR 'func-bar))
    ;; goal-states are generated in this method
    (send sm :goal-state (list :outcome4 :outcome5))

    ;; select a node as start-node
    (send sm :start-state :FOO)
    ;; from and to nodes are selected by name or symbol
    (send sm :add-transition :FOO :BAR :outcome1)
    (send sm :add-transition :FOO :outcome4 :outcome2)
    (send sm :add-transition :BAR :FOO :outcome2)
    sm ))

(send (smach-simple) :execute nil)

The Code Explained

(load "package://roseus_smach/src/state-machine.l")

This line imports state-machine class, state class, and transition class.

(defun func-foo (userdata-alist)
  (format t "Execute state FOO~%")
  (cond ((< count 3) (incf count) :outcome1)
	(t :outcome2)))
(defun func-bar (userdata-alist)
  (format t "Execute state BAR~%")

These lines define some functions that will be hooked to state. Note that the functions are called with one argument, an alist of the declared user-data arguments, and that their return value is equal to the transition (or the action) of the state.

(sm (instance state-machine :init))

This line creates the state-machine instance and binds it to sm.

(send sm :add-node (instance state :init :FOO 'func-foo))

This line creates a new state and add the node to the state machine. When you create new state instance, you can name the state and hook the state to a function. Any lisp object can be used for state names. In this case, a new state has name :FOO and hooked with func-foo.

(send sm :goal-state (list :outcome4 :outcome5))
(send sm :start-state :FOO)

These lines define goal state(s) and start state(s) to the state machine. You can create multiple start states as a list of state, also you can define multiple goal state. Goal state(s) do nothing and returns its name. Note that a state machine is also a state. So the goal state can be considered as the outcome of the state machine.

(send sm :add-transition :FOO :BAR :outcome1)

This line defines transition. The arguments of :add-transition method is TO, FROM, OUTCOME. So this line means that “adding transition from FOO to BAR, when FOO node returns outcome1”.

(send (smach-simple) :execute nil)

This line sets up and execute the state machine. In order to view and check the progress with smach_viewer, use the function exec-state-machine instead.

Writing Nested Smach

Example codes are here. You can also add child state-machine as a node to state-machine.

#!/usr/bin/env roseus
(load "package://roseus_smach/src/state-machine.l")
(defun smach-nested ()
  (let ((sm-top (instance state-machine :init))
        (sm-sub (instance state-machine :init)))
    ;; state instance can include other state-machine like function
    (send sm-top :add-node (instance state :init "SUB" sm-sub))
    (send sm-top :add-node (instance state :init "BAS" 'func-bas))
    (send sm-top :goal-state :outcome5)
    (send sm-top :start-state "BAS")
    (send sm-top :add-transition "BAS" "SUB" :outcome3)
    (send sm-top :add-transition "SUB" :outcome5 :outcome4)
    ;; node instance can be args of :add-node, :start-state, :add-transition
    (let ((foo-node (instance state :init "FOO" 'func-foo))
          (bar-node (instance state :init "BAR" 'func-bar)))
      (send sm-sub :add-node foo-node)
      (send sm-sub :add-node bar-node)
      (send sm-sub :goal-state :outcome4)
      (send sm-sub :start-state foo-node)
      (send sm-sub :add-transition foo-node bar-node :outcome1)
      (send sm-sub :add-transition foo-node :outcome4 :outcome2)
      (send sm-sub :add-transition bar-node foo-node :outcome2))

    sm-top ))

(send (smach-nested) :execute nil)

The Code Explained

#!/usr/bin/env roseus
(load "package://roseus_smach/src/state-machine.l")

Same as in the previous example, this line imports state-machine class, state class, and transition class.

  (let ((sm-top (instance state-machine :init))
        (sm-sub (instance state-machine :init)))

This line creates two of state-machine instance. The sm-sub is a state machine but also acting like a state (or a node) in sm-top. This is easy to understand if you think that a state machine as a function: when the state machine is called, or executed, state machine does some processing and eventually returns the goal state as its return value just like a function.

    (send sm-top :add-node (instance state :init "SUB" sm-sub))

The sm-sub instance is hooked as a node in sm-top with name of "SUB" in this line. This line also indicates that you can add a state machine as a state just like a function.

    (send sm-top :add-node (instance state :init "BAS" 'func-bas))
    (send sm-top :goal-state :outcome5)
    (send sm-top :start-state "BAS")
    (send sm-top :add-transition "BAS" "SUB" :outcome3)

These lines define another node, goal-state, start-state, and transition in the sm-top.

    (send sm-top :add-transition "SUB" :outcome5 :outcome4)

Remember that the goal state(s) of state-machine does nothing and returns its name. So the outcome (or the return value) of the sm-sub is its name of goal state(s). If you look further, the goal state of sm-sub is :outcome4, so the return value of sm-sub is :outcome4. Therefore this line adds transition of from "SUB" to :outcome5 when "SUB" node returns :outcome4.

  (let ((foo-node (instance state :init "FOO" 'func-foo))
        (bar-node (instance state :init "BAR" 'func-bar)))
      (send sm-sub :add-node foo-node)
      (send sm-sub :add-node bar-node)
      (send sm-sub :goal-state :outcome4)
      (send sm-sub :start-state foo-node)
      (send sm-sub :add-transition foo-node bar-node :outcome1)
      (send sm-sub :add-transition foo-node :outcome4 :outcome2)
      (send sm-sub :add-transition bar-node foo-node :outcome2))

These lines define the behavior of sm-sub in detail just like the previous simple state machine example. Note that (send sm-sub :goal-state :outcome4) not only defines the goal state, but also defines the return value of its state machine.

(send (smach-nested) :execute nil)

Finally, the sm-top is executed here.

Writing Simple Smach with (make-state-machine)

make-state-machine function provides easy-way to define simple state machine. It requires graph-list, func-map, initial-state, goal-states as arguments.

For example, simple state machine can be written as

(defun smach-simple2 ()
  (let (sm)
    (setq sm
           ;; define graph,  list of (<from-node> <transition> <to-node>)
           ;; if <transition> is ->, it corresponds when node returns t and !-> for nil.
           '((:foo :outcome2 :outcome4)
             (:foo :outcome1 :bar)
             (:bar :outcome2 :foo))
           ;; define function map
           '((:foo 'func-foo)  ;; foo returns :outcome1 3 times and then returns :outcome2
             (:bar 'func-bar)) ;; bar always returns :outcome2
           ;; initial state
           ;; goal state

This example have two node :foo and :bar and :outcome4 as terminate node. Each node corresponds to 'func-foo and 'func-bar functions. The function 'func-foo returns :outcome1 3 times and then returns :outcome2. The function 'func-bar always returns :outcome2.

(:foo :outcome2 :outcome4) means when :foo returns :outcome2, it transit to :outcome4. (:foo :outcome1 :bar) means when :foo returns :outcome1, it transit to :bar. (:bar :outcome2 :foo) means when :bar returns :outcome2, it transit to :foo.

To simplify the state machine definition, we recommend users to use t/nil for return value of each node, so that users is able to use (:foo -> :outcome4) for graph definition.

(defun smach-simple3 ()
  (let (sm)
    (setq sm
           '((:foo -> :outcome4)
             (:foo !-> :bar)
             (:bar -> :foo))
           '((:foo '(lambda (&rest args) (cond ((< count 3) (incf count) nil) (t t))))  ;; foo returns nil 3 times and then returns t
             (:bar '(lambda (&rest args) t)))                                           ;; bar always returns t

Both example can be tested with

$ roscd roseus_smach/sample
$ roseus state-machine-ros-sample.l "(progn (setq count 0)(exec-state-machine (smach-simple2)))"
$ roseus state-machine-ros-sample.l "(progn (setq count 0)(exec-state-machine (smach-simple3)))"

and you can check the state machine behavior with ` rosrun smach_viewer`

Writing Nested Smach with (make-state-machine)

You can also write nested state machine with make-state-machie function.

you can add sub state-machine to function maps, as you already added node to them.

(defun smach-simple-nested ()
  (let (sm-top sm-sub)
    (setq sm-sub
           '((:foo :outcome2 :outcome4) ;; transitions
             (:foo :outcome1 :bar)
             (:bar :outcome2 :foo))
           '((:foo 'func-foo) ;; function maps
             (:bar 'func-bar))
           '(:foo)      ;; initial
           '(:outcome4) ;; goal
    (setq sm-top
           '((:bas :outcome3 :sub) ;; transitions
             (:sub :outcome4 :outcome5))
           `((:bas 'func-bas)  ;; functon maps
             (:sub ,sm-sub))   ;; set "nestaed state machine"
           '(:bas)      ;; initial
           '(:outcome5) ;; goal

From roseus >= 1.7.4, you may write

           '((:bas 'func-bas)  ;; functon maps
             (:sub sm-sub))   ;; set "nestaed state machine"

but as for now, please be very careful when you add sub machine. you need to use `(backquote) and , (comma).

This example can be tested with

$ roscd roseus_smach/sample
$ roseus state-machine-ros-sample.l "(progn (setq count 0)(exec-state-machine (smach-simple-nested)))"


Changelog for package roseus_smach

1.7.5 (2021-12-13)

  • [roseus_smach] add :append-goal-state (#696)
  • add nested example with make-state-machine function (#661)

    • add readme on smach-simple-nested

    * use defmacro instead of defun for make-simple-state without this, we need to write ` (setq sm-top (make-state-machine '((:bas :outcome3 :sub) ;; transitions (:sub :outcome4 :outcome5)) `((:bas 'func-bas) ;; functon maps (:sub ,sm-sub)) ;; set "nestaed state machine" '(:bas) ;; initial '(:outcome5) ;; goal ))[ to avoid ]{.title-ref}/opt/ros/melodic/share/euslisp/jskeus/eus/Linux64/bin/irteusgl unittest-error: unbound variable sm-sub in (eval (get-alist node func-map)), exitting...[ errors, this change enable us to write intuitive way ]{.title-ref}'((:bas 'func-bas) ;; functon maps (:sub sm-sub)) ;; set "nestaed state machine"[ you can test this behavior with ]{.title-ref}(defmacro test (l) `(dolist (e ,l) (print e) (print (eval (cadr e))))) (defmacro test (l) (dolist (e l) (print e) (print (eval (cadr e))))) (let (a) (setq a 10) (test '((:foo 1) (:bar a))))`

  • [roseus_smach] make roseus_smach execution faster (#684)
    • sleep 0.5 s for publisher
    • use ros::sleep for smach execution
  • [roseus_smach] add more ros-info in convert-smach (#683)
  • [roseus_smach] fix typo in state-machine-utils.l (#693)
  • [roseus_smach] add :start-state and :goal-state in convert-smach (#682)
  • [roseus_smach] add groupname in state-machine-inspector (#691)
    • use send sm :spin-once in state-machine-utils.l
    • add groupname and spin-once with groupname
  • Updates to README sample code and explanations (#659)
    • extend test time limit to 120 sec for test-samples.l
    • add example/test for smach-simple with make-state-machine function
    • write more info similar to rospy implementation
    • add more info(URL/python code) on sample
    • fix typo of nestate state machine example path
    • add make-sample-parallel-state-machine tests
    • add more test, check :active-tates, duration time
  • [roseus_smach] use roseus for parallel-state-machine-sample (#651)
  • [roseus_smach] add smach_viewer installation to README (#641)
  • [roseus_smach] add code explanation of simple-state-machine in (#627)
  • Contributors: Guilherme Affonso, Kei Okada, Naoki Hiraoka, Naoya Yamaguchi, Shingo Kitagawa, Yoichiro Kawamura

1.7.4 (2019-02-04)

1.7.3 (2019-02-01)

  • check why test-smach-action-client-state failing on installed test (#570 )
  • fix make-state-machine docstring (#589 )
  • re-enable test-smach-action-client-state, which is removed in
  • Add issue link in make-state-machine docstring (#595 )
  • roseus_smach: change the order of callee args for userdata in pddl2smach (#587)
  • roseus_smach: pass userdata values unless :arg-keys is set (#586)
    • roseus_smach: fix error on exec state machine without ri
  • Contributors: Guilherme Affonso, Yuki Furuta, Shingo Kitagawa

1.7.2 (2018-11-10)

1.7.1 (2018-07-22)

  • add melodic test (#567)
    • split test_samples.test into test_samples_action_client_state.test, since it is always failling on only installed test, not sure why...
    • roseus_smach/test/test_samples.test: extend time-limit to 300

    * add retry for testtest_roseus_smach_samples the test failing is this related to memory leak? ` mstart testing [test-smach-sample-userdata] mfoo-count is not set. Setting 0 start testing [test-smach-action-client-state] m;p=pointer?(0x6690338) ;; Segmentation Fault. terminate called after throwing an instance of 'boost::exception_detail::clone_impl<boost::exception_detail::error_info_injector<boost::lock_error> >' what(): boost: mutex lock failed in pthread_mutex_lock: Invalid argument [Testcase: testtest_roseus_smach_samples] ... FAILURE! FAILURE: test [test_roseus_smach_samples] did not generate test results File \"/usr/lib/python2.7/unittest/\", line 329, in run testMethod() File \"/opt/ros/kinetic/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/rostest/\", line 164, in fn self.assert\_(os.path.isfile(test_file), \"test [%s] did not generate test results\"%test_name) File \"/usr/lib/python2.7/unittest/\", line 422, in assertTrue raise self.failureException(msg)`

  • Contributors: Kei Okada

1.7.0 (2018-07-11)

  • Bugfixes and test codes for roseus_smach (#566)
    • roseus_smach: add log messages on state transition
    • roseus_smach: fix: pass :cancel state to action-client-state
    • roseus_smach: fix test
    • roseus_smach: add test code for smach-actionlib
      • Fix: indentations
      • Fix: [bug] userdata is not kept if not given as arguments
      • Add: Test code for action-client-state class
      • Add: action-client-state sets action result/feedback to userdata for key :result/:feedback
  • [roseus_smach] func: make-state-machine accepts various edges (#548)
    • correct doc of :add-transition :add-transition do not accept list as exec-result
    • update make-state-machine docstring
    • set testfunc for transition in make-state-machine
    • func: make-state-machine accepts various edges
  • [roseus_smach] pass userdata keys to state-machine in execution (#549)
    • add exec-state-machine test
    • pass userdata keys to state-machine in execution
  • Contributors: Shingo Kitagawa, Yuki Furuta

1.6.3 (2017-09-08)

1.6.2 (2017-06-21)

  • replace ros-info by ros-debug in state-machine.l (#523)
  • add root-name key in exec-state-machine (#523)
    • use exex-state-machine in sample program exec-smach-with-spin is deprecated.
    • add exec-state-machine with :root-name key test
    • add root-name key in exec-state-machine
  • Contributors: Shingo Kitagawa

1.6.1 (2017-03-15)

  • Merge smach exec (#507)
    • [roseus_smach] rename smach-exec-with-spin -> exec-state-machine
    • [roseus_smach/src/pddl2smach.l] use function namespace to call
  • Contributors: Yuki Furuta

1.6.0 (2016-10-02)

  • [roseus/src/state-machine-utils.l] add document string for exec-smach-with-spin
  • [roseus_smach/src/state-machine-utils.l] support y-or-n-p when iterate mode
  • Contributors: Yuki Furuta

1.5.3 (2016-05-28)

1.5.2 (2016-05-28)

  • [roseus_smach/src/state-machine-utils.l] fix: return after goal reached on exec-smach-with-spin #460
  • Remove no need euslisp from build_depend and find_package #456
  • Contributors: Kentaro Wada, Yuki Furuta

1.5.1 (2016-04-22)

  • [roseus_smach/] update to use github official image link
  • Contributors: Furushchev

1.5.0 (2016-03-20)

  • {roseus_smach, roseus_mongo}/ fix section/subsection
  • [roseus_smach/src/state-machine-utils.l] fix: smach connection from/to nil state
  • Contributors: Kei Okada, Yuki Furuta

1.4.1 (2015-11-25)

  • [roseus_smach/src/state-machine.l] another impl for #383
  • Contributors: Yuki Furuta

1.4.0 (2015-11-03)

  • [roseus_smach] warning message for :goal-state
  • [roseus_smach] add failure nodes addition feature for state-machine generation utils
  • [roseus_smach/sample/parallel-state-machine-sample.l] fix:
  • [roseus_smach] fix test launch file extension .launch -> .test; test only required
  • Contributors: Kamada Hitoshi, Yuki Furuta

1.3.9 (2015-09-14)

1.3.8 (2015-09-12)

1.3.7 (2015-08-18)

  • [] describe how to run smach viewer
  • [sample/state-machine-ros-sample.l, sample/state-machine-sample.l] add shbang
  • [roseus_smach/CMakeLists.txt] disable test/test_parallel_state_machine_sample.launch for now
  • [package.xml] add actionlib_tutorials depends to roseus_smach
  • Contributors: Kei Okada

1.3.6 (2015-06-11)

1.3.5 (2015-05-15)

1.3.4 (2015-05-03)

  • [roseus_smach] add test for parallel state machine
  • [roseus_smach] add parallel state machine sample test to CMakeLists
  • [roseus_smach] add sample test to CMakeLists
  • [roseus_smach] split sample test in order to inspect failure detail
  • [roseus_smach] change order of roseus in find_package
  • [roseus_smach] move smach-exec function from sample to utils
  • [roseus_smach] fix wrong file/module name
  • [roseus_smach] miscellaneous fixes
  • [roseus_smach] add test launch
  • [roseus_smach] add feature async join
  • [roseus_smach] fix transition fail when parallel state
  • [roseus_smach] add async join state to state-machine
  • [roseus_smach] fix tmp -> next
  • [roseus_smach] modify state-machine :execute-impl
  • Contributors: Yuki Furuta, Kamada Hitoshi

1.3.3 (2015-04-29)

1.3.2 (2015-04-28)

1.3.1 (2015-04-26)

  • [roseus_smach/src/state-machine-actionlib.l] support spin action client group, see #274
  • [roseus_smach/src/state-machine-utils.l] modify make-state-machine
  • [roseus_smach/src/state-machine-utils.l] add iterative execute state machine util
  • Contributors: Yuki Furuta, Hitoshi Kamada, Kei Okada

1.3.0 (2015-04-24)

  • [roseus_smach] add docstring for 'make-state-machine' function; add key option to custom exec-result to transit states
  • [roseus_smach] fix sample parallel task transition; fix typo
  • [roseus_smach] fix typo; change image link
  • [roseus_smach] Create add sample image
  • [roseus_smach] add syntax suggar of creating state machine with parallel execution, and its sample code
  • [roseus_smach] add feature: parallel executive state machine, and its visualization stuff
  • [roseus_smach] use soft tab
  • Contributors: Yuki Furuta

1.2.6 (2015-02-21)

1.2.5 (2015-02-13)

1.2.4 (2015-02-12)

1.2.3 (2015-02-02)

1.2.2 (2015-01-27)

1.2.1 (2015-01-27)

1.2.0 (2015-01-26)

1.1.33 (2015-01-26)

1.1.32 (2015-01-26)

1.1.31 (2015-01-23)

  • remove old manifest.xml, fully catkinize
  • Contributors: Kei Okada

1.1.30 (2015-01-14)

1.1.29 (2014-12-27)

1.1.28 (2014-12-26)

1.1.27 (2014-12-20)

  • remove cmake file for rosbuild
  • not use executive_smach as deps directly; remove manifest.xml

1.1.26 (2014-11-10)

1.1.25 (2014-10-10)

1.1.23 (2014-09-24)

1.1.22 (2014-09-04)

1.1.21 (2014-06-30)

1.1.20 (2014-06-29)

1.1.19 (2014-06-11)

1.1.18 (2014-05-16)

1.1.17 (2014-05-11)

1.1.16 (2014-05-11)

1.1.15 (2014-05-10)

1.1.14 (2014-05-09)

1.1.13 (2014-05-06)

1.1.12 (2014-05-06)

1.1.11 (2014-05-04)

  • catkinize roseus_smach
  • Contributors: Kei Okada

1.1.10 (2014-05-03 10:35)

1.1.9 (2014-05-03 09:30)

1.1.8 (2014-05-02)

1.1.7 (2014-04-28 14:29)

1.1.6 (2014-04-28 03:12)

1.1.5 (2014-04-27)

1.1.4 (2014-04-25)

1.1.3 (2014-04-14)

1.1.2 (2014-04-07 23:17)

1.1.1 (2014-04-07 09:02)

1.1.0 (2014-04-07 00:52)

1.0.4 (2014-03-31)

1.0.3 (2014-03-30)

1.0.2 (2014-03-28)

1.0.1 (2014-03-27)

  • roseus_smach: disable packages for groovy
  • publish-all-status to state-machine-inspector
  • use-sub-machine to pddl2smach.l
  • modify :reset-state for setting typical state
  • add keywords to pddl-graph-to-smach
  • add smach utility functions
  • fix default option
  • add utility methods to state-machine-inspector
  • add keyword for using userdata in pddl2smach
  • add keyword for changing return value
  • add :readable keyword for pddl2smach
  • fix for working sample
  • remove load command for irtgraph.l
  • update internal data structure for new graph.l
  • publish smach structure once, and latch it
  • add test for roseus_smach samples, fixed the initial state setter method
  • update roseus_smach for set initial state callback
  • add actionlib_tutorials for sample scripts
  • changed to use unreviewed version of irtgraph.l
  • fix smach_structure publish properly timing, add user input action to task_compiler
  • remove old method in roseus_smach
  • move convert script from pddl to smach
  • chenge test function to compare execution results
  • commit for current scripts for demonstration
  • use package:// for loading graph.l
  • change test function for transition, eq -> equal
  • set initial-state = send :start-state
  • add initial-state-cb to roseus_smach
  • add message name to constant in msg definition
  • add ** to msg constant type
  • add function to create state-instance which execute action-client
  • commit current source tree
  • add code for smach_viewer
  • change name smach_roseus -> roseus_smach
  • Contributors: Kei Okada, youhei, Manabu Saito, Xiangyu Chen

Wiki Tutorials

This package does not provide any links to tutorials in it's rosindex metadata. You can check on the ROS Wiki Tutorials page for the package.

Launch files


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Package Summary

Tags No category tags.
Version 1.7.5
License BSD
Build type CATKIN

Repository Summary

Checkout URI
VCS Type git
VCS Version master
Last Updated 2023-01-30
CI status Continuous Integration
Tags No category tags.
Contributing Help Wanted (0)
Good First Issues (0)
Pull Requests to Review (0)

Package Description

roseus_smach * Euslisp state machine class. it will be moved. * Message publisher for visualizing current state by smach_viewer. * Simple pickle dump script for debugging state machine. * Execute state machine as a action server.

Additional Links


  • Kei Okada


  • Manabu Saito


This package includes euslisp implementation of state machine and smach.


  • roseus
  • smach
  • smach_viewer
    • Optional for visualization.
    • You have to install this package manually:
      sudo apt install ros-$ROS_DISTRO-smach-viewer


Sample codes are available on sample directory.

  • rosrun roseus_smach state-machine-ros-sample.l
    • simple state machine
  rosrun smach_viewer
  rosrun roseus_smach state-machine-ros-sample.l
  • nested state machine
  rosrun smach_viewer
  rosrun roseus_smach state-machine-ros-sample.l
  • state machine with userdata
  rosrun smach_viewer
  rosrun roseus_smach state-machine-ros-sample.l
  • sample/parallel-state-machine-sample.l

    • state machine with parallel action execution
  rosrun smach_viewer
  rosrun roseus_smach parallel-state-machine-sample.l

Writing Simple Smach(state-machine)

Example codes are here.

#!/usr/bin/env roseus
(load "package://roseus_smach/src/state-machine.l")

(setq count 0)
(defun func-foo (userdata-alist)
  (format t "Execute state FOO~%")
  (cond ((< count 3) (incf count) :outcome1)
	(t :outcome2)))
(defun func-bar (userdata-alist)
  (format t "Execute state BAR~%")

(defun smach-simple ()
  (let ((sm (instance state-machine :init)))
    (send sm :add-node (instance state :init :FOO 'func-foo))
    (send sm :add-node (instance state :init :BAR 'func-bar))
    ;; goal-states are generated in this method
    (send sm :goal-state (list :outcome4 :outcome5))

    ;; select a node as start-node
    (send sm :start-state :FOO)
    ;; from and to nodes are selected by name or symbol
    (send sm :add-transition :FOO :BAR :outcome1)
    (send sm :add-transition :FOO :outcome4 :outcome2)
    (send sm :add-transition :BAR :FOO :outcome2)
    sm ))

(send (smach-simple) :execute nil)

The Code Explained

(load "package://roseus_smach/src/state-machine.l")

This line imports state-machine class, state class, and transition class.

(defun func-foo (userdata-alist)
  (format t "Execute state FOO~%")
  (cond ((< count 3) (incf count) :outcome1)
	(t :outcome2)))
(defun func-bar (userdata-alist)
  (format t "Execute state BAR~%")

These lines define some functions that will be hooked to state. Note that the functions are called with one argument, an alist of the declared user-data arguments, and that their return value is equal to the transition (or the action) of the state.

(sm (instance state-machine :init))

This line creates the state-machine instance and binds it to sm.

(send sm :add-node (instance state :init :FOO 'func-foo))

This line creates a new state and add the node to the state machine. When you create new state instance, you can name the state and hook the state to a function. Any lisp object can be used for state names. In this case, a new state has name :FOO and hooked with func-foo.

(send sm :goal-state (list :outcome4 :outcome5))
(send sm :start-state :FOO)

These lines define goal state(s) and start state(s) to the state machine. You can create multiple start states as a list of state, also you can define multiple goal state. Goal state(s) do nothing and returns its name. Note that a state machine is also a state. So the goal state can be considered as the outcome of the state machine.

(send sm :add-transition :FOO :BAR :outcome1)

This line defines transition. The arguments of :add-transition method is TO, FROM, OUTCOME. So this line means that “adding transition from FOO to BAR, when FOO node returns outcome1”.

(send (smach-simple) :execute nil)

This line sets up and execute the state machine. In order to view and check the progress with smach_viewer, use the function exec-state-machine instead.

Writing Nested Smach

Example codes are here. You can also add child state-machine as a node to state-machine.

#!/usr/bin/env roseus
(load "package://roseus_smach/src/state-machine.l")
(defun smach-nested ()
  (let ((sm-top (instance state-machine :init))
        (sm-sub (instance state-machine :init)))
    ;; state instance can include other state-machine like function
    (send sm-top :add-node (instance state :init "SUB" sm-sub))
    (send sm-top :add-node (instance state :init "BAS" 'func-bas))
    (send sm-top :goal-state :outcome5)
    (send sm-top :start-state "BAS")
    (send sm-top :add-transition "BAS" "SUB" :outcome3)
    (send sm-top :add-transition "SUB" :outcome5 :outcome4)
    ;; node instance can be args of :add-node, :start-state, :add-transition
    (let ((foo-node (instance state :init "FOO" 'func-foo))
          (bar-node (instance state :init "BAR" 'func-bar)))
      (send sm-sub :add-node foo-node)
      (send sm-sub :add-node bar-node)
      (send sm-sub :goal-state :outcome4)
      (send sm-sub :start-state foo-node)
      (send sm-sub :add-transition foo-node bar-node :outcome1)
      (send sm-sub :add-transition foo-node :outcome4 :outcome2)
      (send sm-sub :add-transition bar-node foo-node :outcome2))

    sm-top ))

(send (smach-nested) :execute nil)

The Code Explained

#!/usr/bin/env roseus
(load "package://roseus_smach/src/state-machine.l")

Same as in the previous example, this line imports state-machine class, state class, and transition class.

  (let ((sm-top (instance state-machine :init))
        (sm-sub (instance state-machine :init)))

This line creates two of state-machine instance. The sm-sub is a state machine but also acting like a state (or a node) in sm-top. This is easy to understand if you think that a state machine as a function: when the state machine is called, or executed, state machine does some processing and eventually returns the goal state as its return value just like a function.

    (send sm-top :add-node (instance state :init "SUB" sm-sub))

The sm-sub instance is hooked as a node in sm-top with name of "SUB" in this line. This line also indicates that you can add a state machine as a state just like a function.

    (send sm-top :add-node (instance state :init "BAS" 'func-bas))
    (send sm-top :goal-state :outcome5)
    (send sm-top :start-state "BAS")
    (send sm-top :add-transition "BAS" "SUB" :outcome3)

These lines define another node, goal-state, start-state, and transition in the sm-top.

    (send sm-top :add-transition "SUB" :outcome5 :outcome4)

Remember that the goal state(s) of state-machine does nothing and returns its name. So the outcome (or the return value) of the sm-sub is its name of goal state(s). If you look further, the goal state of sm-sub is :outcome4, so the return value of sm-sub is :outcome4. Therefore this line adds transition of from "SUB" to :outcome5 when "SUB" node returns :outcome4.

  (let ((foo-node (instance state :init "FOO" 'func-foo))
        (bar-node (instance state :init "BAR" 'func-bar)))
      (send sm-sub :add-node foo-node)
      (send sm-sub :add-node bar-node)
      (send sm-sub :goal-state :outcome4)
      (send sm-sub :start-state foo-node)
      (send sm-sub :add-transition foo-node bar-node :outcome1)
      (send sm-sub :add-transition foo-node :outcome4 :outcome2)
      (send sm-sub :add-transition bar-node foo-node :outcome2))

These lines define the behavior of sm-sub in detail just like the previous simple state machine example. Note that (send sm-sub :goal-state :outcome4) not only defines the goal state, but also defines the return value of its state machine.

(send (smach-nested) :execute nil)

Finally, the sm-top is executed here.

Writing Simple Smach with (make-state-machine)

make-state-machine function provides easy-way to define simple state machine. It requires graph-list, func-map, initial-state, goal-states as arguments.

For example, simple state machine can be written as

(defun smach-simple2 ()
  (let (sm)
    (setq sm
           ;; define graph,  list of (<from-node> <transition> <to-node>)
           ;; if <transition> is ->, it corresponds when node returns t and !-> for nil.
           '((:foo :outcome2 :outcome4)
             (:foo :outcome1 :bar)
             (:bar :outcome2 :foo))
           ;; define function map
           '((:foo 'func-foo)  ;; foo returns :outcome1 3 times and then returns :outcome2
             (:bar 'func-bar)) ;; bar always returns :outcome2
           ;; initial state
           ;; goal state

This example have two node :foo and :bar and :outcome4 as terminate node. Each node corresponds to 'func-foo and 'func-bar functions. The function 'func-foo returns :outcome1 3 times and then returns :outcome2. The function 'func-bar always returns :outcome2.

(:foo :outcome2 :outcome4) means when :foo returns :outcome2, it transit to :outcome4. (:foo :outcome1 :bar) means when :foo returns :outcome1, it transit to :bar. (:bar :outcome2 :foo) means when :bar returns :outcome2, it transit to :foo.

To simplify the state machine definition, we recommend users to use t/nil for return value of each node, so that users is able to use (:foo -> :outcome4) for graph definition.

(defun smach-simple3 ()
  (let (sm)
    (setq sm
           '((:foo -> :outcome4)
             (:foo !-> :bar)
             (:bar -> :foo))
           '((:foo '(lambda (&rest args) (cond ((< count 3) (incf count) nil) (t t))))  ;; foo returns nil 3 times and then returns t
             (:bar '(lambda (&rest args) t)))                                           ;; bar always returns t

Both example can be tested with

$ roscd roseus_smach/sample
$ roseus state-machine-ros-sample.l "(progn (setq count 0)(exec-state-machine (smach-simple2)))"
$ roseus state-machine-ros-sample.l "(progn (setq count 0)(exec-state-machine (smach-simple3)))"

and you can check the state machine behavior with ` rosrun smach_viewer`

Writing Nested Smach with (make-state-machine)

You can also write nested state machine with make-state-machie function.

you can add sub state-machine to function maps, as you already added node to them.

(defun smach-simple-nested ()
  (let (sm-top sm-sub)
    (setq sm-sub
           '((:foo :outcome2 :outcome4) ;; transitions
             (:foo :outcome1 :bar)
             (:bar :outcome2 :foo))
           '((:foo 'func-foo) ;; function maps
             (:bar 'func-bar))
           '(:foo)      ;; initial
           '(:outcome4) ;; goal
    (setq sm-top
           '((:bas :outcome3 :sub) ;; transitions
             (:sub :outcome4 :outcome5))
           `((:bas 'func-bas)  ;; functon maps
             (:sub ,sm-sub))   ;; set "nestaed state machine"
           '(:bas)      ;; initial
           '(:outcome5) ;; goal

From roseus >= 1.7.4, you may write

           '((:bas 'func-bas)  ;; functon maps
             (:sub sm-sub))   ;; set "nestaed state machine"

but as for now, please be very careful when you add sub machine. you need to use `(backquote) and , (comma).

This example can be tested with

$ roscd roseus_smach/sample
$ roseus state-machine-ros-sample.l "(progn (setq count 0)(exec-state-machine (smach-simple-nested)))"


Changelog for package roseus_smach

1.7.5 (2021-12-13)

  • [roseus_smach] add :append-goal-state (#696)
  • add nested example with make-state-machine function (#661)

    • add readme on smach-simple-nested

    * use defmacro instead of defun for make-simple-state without this, we need to write ` (setq sm-top (make-state-machine '((:bas :outcome3 :sub) ;; transitions (:sub :outcome4 :outcome5)) `((:bas 'func-bas) ;; functon maps (:sub ,sm-sub)) ;; set "nestaed state machine" '(:bas) ;; initial '(:outcome5) ;; goal ))[ to avoid ]{.title-ref}/opt/ros/melodic/share/euslisp/jskeus/eus/Linux64/bin/irteusgl unittest-error: unbound variable sm-sub in (eval (get-alist node func-map)), exitting...[ errors, this change enable us to write intuitive way ]{.title-ref}'((:bas 'func-bas) ;; functon maps (:sub sm-sub)) ;; set "nestaed state machine"[ you can test this behavior with ]{.title-ref}(defmacro test (l) `(dolist (e ,l) (print e) (print (eval (cadr e))))) (defmacro test (l) (dolist (e l) (print e) (print (eval (cadr e))))) (let (a) (setq a 10) (test '((:foo 1) (:bar a))))`

  • [roseus_smach] make roseus_smach execution faster (#684)
    • sleep 0.5 s for publisher
    • use ros::sleep for smach execution
  • [roseus_smach] add more ros-info in convert-smach (#683)
  • [roseus_smach] fix typo in state-machine-utils.l (#693)
  • [roseus_smach] add :start-state and :goal-state in convert-smach (#682)
  • [roseus_smach] add groupname in state-machine-inspector (#691)
    • use send sm :spin-once in state-machine-utils.l
    • add groupname and spin-once with groupname
  • Updates to README sample code and explanations (#659)
    • extend test time limit to 120 sec for test-samples.l
    • add example/test for smach-simple with make-state-machine function
    • write more info similar to rospy implementation
    • add more info(URL/python code) on sample
    • fix typo of nestate state machine example path
    • add make-sample-parallel-state-machine tests
    • add more test, check :active-tates, duration time
  • [roseus_smach] use roseus for parallel-state-machine-sample (#651)
  • [roseus_smach] add smach_viewer installation to README (#641)
  • [roseus_smach] add code explanation of simple-state-machine in (#627)
  • Contributors: Guilherme Affonso, Kei Okada, Naoki Hiraoka, Naoya Yamaguchi, Shingo Kitagawa, Yoichiro Kawamura

1.7.4 (2019-02-04)

1.7.3 (2019-02-01)

  • check why test-smach-action-client-state failing on installed test (#570 )
  • fix make-state-machine docstring (#589 )
  • re-enable test-smach-action-client-state, which is removed in
  • Add issue link in make-state-machine docstring (#595 )
  • roseus_smach: change the order of callee args for userdata in pddl2smach (#587)
  • roseus_smach: pass userdata values unless :arg-keys is set (#586)
    • roseus_smach: fix error on exec state machine without ri
  • Contributors: Guilherme Affonso, Yuki Furuta, Shingo Kitagawa

1.7.2 (2018-11-10)

1.7.1 (2018-07-22)

  • add melodic test (#567)
    • split test_samples.test into test_samples_action_client_state.test, since it is always failling on only installed test, not sure why...
    • roseus_smach/test/test_samples.test: extend time-limit to 300

    * add retry for testtest_roseus_smach_samples the test failing is this related to memory leak? ` mstart testing [test-smach-sample-userdata] mfoo-count is not set. Setting 0 start testing [test-smach-action-client-state] m;p=pointer?(0x6690338) ;; Segmentation Fault. terminate called after throwing an instance of 'boost::exception_detail::clone_impl<boost::exception_detail::error_info_injector<boost::lock_error> >' what(): boost: mutex lock failed in pthread_mutex_lock: Invalid argument [Testcase: testtest_roseus_smach_samples] ... FAILURE! FAILURE: test [test_roseus_smach_samples] did not generate test results File \"/usr/lib/python2.7/unittest/\", line 329, in run testMethod() File \"/opt/ros/kinetic/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/rostest/\", line 164, in fn self.assert\_(os.path.isfile(test_file), \"test [%s] did not generate test results\"%test_name) File \"/usr/lib/python2.7/unittest/\", line 422, in assertTrue raise self.failureException(msg)`

  • Contributors: Kei Okada

1.7.0 (2018-07-11)

  • Bugfixes and test codes for roseus_smach (#566)
    • roseus_smach: add log messages on state transition
    • roseus_smach: fix: pass :cancel state to action-client-state
    • roseus_smach: fix test
    • roseus_smach: add test code for smach-actionlib
      • Fix: indentations
      • Fix: [bug] userdata is not kept if not given as arguments
      • Add: Test code for action-client-state class
      • Add: action-client-state sets action result/feedback to userdata for key :result/:feedback
  • [roseus_smach] func: make-state-machine accepts various edges (#548)
    • correct doc of :add-transition :add-transition do not accept list as exec-result
    • update make-state-machine docstring
    • set testfunc for transition in make-state-machine
    • func: make-state-machine accepts various edges
  • [roseus_smach] pass userdata keys to state-machine in execution (#549)
    • add exec-state-machine test
    • pass userdata keys to state-machine in execution
  • Contributors: Shingo Kitagawa, Yuki Furuta

1.6.3 (2017-09-08)

1.6.2 (2017-06-21)

  • replace ros-info by ros-debug in state-machine.l (#523)
  • add root-name key in exec-state-machine (#523)
    • use exex-state-machine in sample program exec-smach-with-spin is deprecated.
    • add exec-state-machine with :root-name key test
    • add root-name key in exec-state-machine
  • Contributors: Shingo Kitagawa

1.6.1 (2017-03-15)

  • Merge smach exec (#507)
    • [roseus_smach] rename smach-exec-with-spin -> exec-state-machine
    • [roseus_smach/src/pddl2smach.l] use function namespace to call
  • Contributors: Yuki Furuta

1.6.0 (2016-10-02)

  • [roseus/src/state-machine-utils.l] add document string for exec-smach-with-spin
  • [roseus_smach/src/state-machine-utils.l] support y-or-n-p when iterate mode
  • Contributors: Yuki Furuta

1.5.3 (2016-05-28)

1.5.2 (2016-05-28)

  • [roseus_smach/src/state-machine-utils.l] fix: return after goal reached on exec-smach-with-spin #460
  • Remove no need euslisp from build_depend and find_package #456
  • Contributors: Kentaro Wada, Yuki Furuta

1.5.1 (2016-04-22)

  • [roseus_smach/] update to use github official image link
  • Contributors: Furushchev

1.5.0 (2016-03-20)

  • {roseus_smach, roseus_mongo}/ fix section/subsection
  • [roseus_smach/src/state-machine-utils.l] fix: smach connection from/to nil state
  • Contributors: Kei Okada, Yuki Furuta

1.4.1 (2015-11-25)

  • [roseus_smach/src/state-machine.l] another impl for #383
  • Contributors: Yuki Furuta

1.4.0 (2015-11-03)

  • [roseus_smach] warning message for :goal-state
  • [roseus_smach] add failure nodes addition feature for state-machine generation utils
  • [roseus_smach/sample/parallel-state-machine-sample.l] fix:
  • [roseus_smach] fix test launch file extension .launch -> .test; test only required
  • Contributors: Kamada Hitoshi, Yuki Furuta

1.3.9 (2015-09-14)

1.3.8 (2015-09-12)

1.3.7 (2015-08-18)

  • [] describe how to run smach viewer
  • [sample/state-machine-ros-sample.l, sample/state-machine-sample.l] add shbang
  • [roseus_smach/CMakeLists.txt] disable test/test_parallel_state_machine_sample.launch for now
  • [package.xml] add actionlib_tutorials depends to roseus_smach
  • Contributors: Kei Okada

1.3.6 (2015-06-11)

1.3.5 (2015-05-15)

1.3.4 (2015-05-03)

  • [roseus_smach] add test for parallel state machine
  • [roseus_smach] add parallel state machine sample test to CMakeLists
  • [roseus_smach] add sample test to CMakeLists
  • [roseus_smach] split sample test in order to inspect failure detail
  • [roseus_smach] change order of roseus in find_package
  • [roseus_smach] move smach-exec function from sample to utils
  • [roseus_smach] fix wrong file/module name
  • [roseus_smach] miscellaneous fixes
  • [roseus_smach] add test launch
  • [roseus_smach] add feature async join
  • [roseus_smach] fix transition fail when parallel state
  • [roseus_smach] add async join state to state-machine
  • [roseus_smach] fix tmp -> next
  • [roseus_smach] modify state-machine :execute-impl
  • Contributors: Yuki Furuta, Kamada Hitoshi

1.3.3 (2015-04-29)

1.3.2 (2015-04-28)

1.3.1 (2015-04-26)

  • [roseus_smach/src/state-machine-actionlib.l] support spin action client group, see #274
  • [roseus_smach/src/state-machine-utils.l] modify make-state-machine
  • [roseus_smach/src/state-machine-utils.l] add iterative execute state machine util
  • Contributors: Yuki Furuta, Hitoshi Kamada, Kei Okada

1.3.0 (2015-04-24)

  • [roseus_smach] add docstring for 'make-state-machine' function; add key option to custom exec-result to transit states
  • [roseus_smach] fix sample parallel task transition; fix typo
  • [roseus_smach] fix typo; change image link
  • [roseus_smach] Create add sample image
  • [roseus_smach] add syntax suggar of creating state machine with parallel execution, and its sample code
  • [roseus_smach] add feature: parallel executive state machine, and its visualization stuff
  • [roseus_smach] use soft tab
  • Contributors: Yuki Furuta

1.2.6 (2015-02-21)

1.2.5 (2015-02-13)

1.2.4 (2015-02-12)

1.2.3 (2015-02-02)

1.2.2 (2015-01-27)

1.2.1 (2015-01-27)

1.2.0 (2015-01-26)

1.1.33 (2015-01-26)

1.1.32 (2015-01-26)

1.1.31 (2015-01-23)

  • remove old manifest.xml, fully catkinize
  • Contributors: Kei Okada

1.1.30 (2015-01-14)

1.1.29 (2014-12-27)

1.1.28 (2014-12-26)

1.1.27 (2014-12-20)

  • remove cmake file for rosbuild
  • not use executive_smach as deps directly; remove manifest.xml

1.1.26 (2014-11-10)

1.1.25 (2014-10-10)

1.1.23 (2014-09-24)

1.1.22 (2014-09-04)

1.1.21 (2014-06-30)

1.1.20 (2014-06-29)

1.1.19 (2014-06-11)

1.1.18 (2014-05-16)

1.1.17 (2014-05-11)

1.1.16 (2014-05-11)

1.1.15 (2014-05-10)

1.1.14 (2014-05-09)

1.1.13 (2014-05-06)

1.1.12 (2014-05-06)

1.1.11 (2014-05-04)

  • catkinize roseus_smach
  • Contributors: Kei Okada

1.1.10 (2014-05-03 10:35)

1.1.9 (2014-05-03 09:30)

1.1.8 (2014-05-02)

1.1.7 (2014-04-28 14:29)

1.1.6 (2014-04-28 03:12)

1.1.5 (2014-04-27)

1.1.4 (2014-04-25)

1.1.3 (2014-04-14)

1.1.2 (2014-04-07 23:17)

1.1.1 (2014-04-07 09:02)

1.1.0 (2014-04-07 00:52)

1.0.4 (2014-03-31)

1.0.3 (2014-03-30)

1.0.2 (2014-03-28)

1.0.1 (2014-03-27)

  • roseus_smach: disable packages for groovy
  • publish-all-status to state-machine-inspector
  • use-sub-machine to pddl2smach.l
  • modify :reset-state for setting typical state
  • add keywords to pddl-graph-to-smach
  • add smach utility functions
  • fix default option
  • add utility methods to state-machine-inspector
  • add keyword for using userdata in pddl2smach
  • add keyword for changing return value
  • add :readable keyword for pddl2smach
  • fix for working sample
  • remove load command for irtgraph.l
  • update internal data structure for new graph.l
  • publish smach structure once, and latch it
  • add test for roseus_smach samples, fixed the initial state setter method
  • update roseus_smach for set initial state callback
  • add actionlib_tutorials for sample scripts
  • changed to use unreviewed version of irtgraph.l
  • fix smach_structure publish properly timing, add user input action to task_compiler
  • remove old method in roseus_smach
  • move convert script from pddl to smach
  • chenge test function to compare execution results
  • commit for current scripts for demonstration
  • use package:// for loading graph.l
  • change test function for transition, eq -> equal
  • set initial-state = send :start-state
  • add initial-state-cb to roseus_smach
  • add message name to constant in msg definition
  • add ** to msg constant type
  • add function to create state-instance which execute action-client
  • commit current source tree
  • add code for smach_viewer
  • change name smach_roseus -> roseus_smach
  • Contributors: Kei Okada, youhei, Manabu Saito, Xiangyu Chen

Wiki Tutorials

This package does not provide any links to tutorials in it's rosindex metadata. You can check on the ROS Wiki Tutorials page for the package.

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Package Summary

Tags No category tags.
Version 1.7.5
License BSD
Build type CATKIN

Repository Summary

Checkout URI
VCS Type git
VCS Version master
Last Updated 2023-01-30
CI status No Continuous Integration
Tags No category tags.
Contributing Help Wanted (0)
Good First Issues (0)
Pull Requests to Review (0)

Package Description

roseus_smach * Euslisp state machine class. it will be moved. * Message publisher for visualizing current state by smach_viewer. * Simple pickle dump script for debugging state machine. * Execute state machine as a action server.

Additional Links


  • Kei Okada


  • Manabu Saito


This package includes euslisp implementation of state machine and smach.


  • roseus
  • smach
  • smach_viewer
    • Optional for visualization.
    • You have to install this package manually:
      sudo apt install ros-$ROS_DISTRO-smach-viewer


Sample codes are available on sample directory.

  • rosrun roseus_smach state-machine-ros-sample.l
    • simple state machine
  rosrun smach_viewer
  rosrun roseus_smach state-machine-ros-sample.l
  • nested state machine
  rosrun smach_viewer
  rosrun roseus_smach state-machine-ros-sample.l
  • state machine with userdata
  rosrun smach_viewer
  rosrun roseus_smach state-machine-ros-sample.l
  • sample/parallel-state-machine-sample.l

    • state machine with parallel action execution
  rosrun smach_viewer
  rosrun roseus_smach parallel-state-machine-sample.l

Writing Simple Smach(state-machine)

Example codes are here.

#!/usr/bin/env roseus
(load "package://roseus_smach/src/state-machine.l")

(setq count 0)
(defun func-foo (userdata-alist)
  (format t "Execute state FOO~%")
  (cond ((< count 3) (incf count) :outcome1)
	(t :outcome2)))
(defun func-bar (userdata-alist)
  (format t "Execute state BAR~%")

(defun smach-simple ()
  (let ((sm (instance state-machine :init)))
    (send sm :add-node (instance state :init :FOO 'func-foo))
    (send sm :add-node (instance state :init :BAR 'func-bar))
    ;; goal-states are generated in this method
    (send sm :goal-state (list :outcome4 :outcome5))

    ;; select a node as start-node
    (send sm :start-state :FOO)
    ;; from and to nodes are selected by name or symbol
    (send sm :add-transition :FOO :BAR :outcome1)
    (send sm :add-transition :FOO :outcome4 :outcome2)
    (send sm :add-transition :BAR :FOO :outcome2)
    sm ))

(send (smach-simple) :execute nil)

The Code Explained

(load "package://roseus_smach/src/state-machine.l")

This line imports state-machine class, state class, and transition class.

(defun func-foo (userdata-alist)
  (format t "Execute state FOO~%")
  (cond ((< count 3) (incf count) :outcome1)
	(t :outcome2)))
(defun func-bar (userdata-alist)
  (format t "Execute state BAR~%")

These lines define some functions that will be hooked to state. Note that the functions are called with one argument, an alist of the declared user-data arguments, and that their return value is equal to the transition (or the action) of the state.

(sm (instance state-machine :init))

This line creates the state-machine instance and binds it to sm.

(send sm :add-node (instance state :init :FOO 'func-foo))

This line creates a new state and add the node to the state machine. When you create new state instance, you can name the state and hook the state to a function. Any lisp object can be used for state names. In this case, a new state has name :FOO and hooked with func-foo.

(send sm :goal-state (list :outcome4 :outcome5))
(send sm :start-state :FOO)

These lines define goal state(s) and start state(s) to the state machine. You can create multiple start states as a list of state, also you can define multiple goal state. Goal state(s) do nothing and returns its name. Note that a state machine is also a state. So the goal state can be considered as the outcome of the state machine.

(send sm :add-transition :FOO :BAR :outcome1)

This line defines transition. The arguments of :add-transition method is TO, FROM, OUTCOME. So this line means that “adding transition from FOO to BAR, when FOO node returns outcome1”.

(send (smach-simple) :execute nil)

This line sets up and execute the state machine. In order to view and check the progress with smach_viewer, use the function exec-state-machine instead.

Writing Nested Smach

Example codes are here. You can also add child state-machine as a node to state-machine.

#!/usr/bin/env roseus
(load "package://roseus_smach/src/state-machine.l")
(defun smach-nested ()
  (let ((sm-top (instance state-machine :init))
        (sm-sub (instance state-machine :init)))
    ;; state instance can include other state-machine like function
    (send sm-top :add-node (instance state :init "SUB" sm-sub))
    (send sm-top :add-node (instance state :init "BAS" 'func-bas))
    (send sm-top :goal-state :outcome5)
    (send sm-top :start-state "BAS")
    (send sm-top :add-transition "BAS" "SUB" :outcome3)
    (send sm-top :add-transition "SUB" :outcome5 :outcome4)
    ;; node instance can be args of :add-node, :start-state, :add-transition
    (let ((foo-node (instance state :init "FOO" 'func-foo))
          (bar-node (instance state :init "BAR" 'func-bar)))
      (send sm-sub :add-node foo-node)
      (send sm-sub :add-node bar-node)
      (send sm-sub :goal-state :outcome4)
      (send sm-sub :start-state foo-node)
      (send sm-sub :add-transition foo-node bar-node :outcome1)
      (send sm-sub :add-transition foo-node :outcome4 :outcome2)
      (send sm-sub :add-transition bar-node foo-node :outcome2))

    sm-top ))

(send (smach-nested) :execute nil)

The Code Explained

#!/usr/bin/env roseus
(load "package://roseus_smach/src/state-machine.l")

Same as in the previous example, this line imports state-machine class, state class, and transition class.

  (let ((sm-top (instance state-machine :init))
        (sm-sub (instance state-machine :init)))

This line creates two of state-machine instance. The sm-sub is a state machine but also acting like a state (or a node) in sm-top. This is easy to understand if you think that a state machine as a function: when the state machine is called, or executed, state machine does some processing and eventually returns the goal state as its return value just like a function.

    (send sm-top :add-node (instance state :init "SUB" sm-sub))

The sm-sub instance is hooked as a node in sm-top with name of "SUB" in this line. This line also indicates that you can add a state machine as a state just like a function.

    (send sm-top :add-node (instance state :init "BAS" 'func-bas))
    (send sm-top :goal-state :outcome5)
    (send sm-top :start-state "BAS")
    (send sm-top :add-transition "BAS" "SUB" :outcome3)

These lines define another node, goal-state, start-state, and transition in the sm-top.

    (send sm-top :add-transition "SUB" :outcome5 :outcome4)

Remember that the goal state(s) of state-machine does nothing and returns its name. So the outcome (or the return value) of the sm-sub is its name of goal state(s). If you look further, the goal state of sm-sub is :outcome4, so the return value of sm-sub is :outcome4. Therefore this line adds transition of from "SUB" to :outcome5 when "SUB" node returns :outcome4.

  (let ((foo-node (instance state :init "FOO" 'func-foo))
        (bar-node (instance state :init "BAR" 'func-bar)))
      (send sm-sub :add-node foo-node)
      (send sm-sub :add-node bar-node)
      (send sm-sub :goal-state :outcome4)
      (send sm-sub :start-state foo-node)
      (send sm-sub :add-transition foo-node bar-node :outcome1)
      (send sm-sub :add-transition foo-node :outcome4 :outcome2)
      (send sm-sub :add-transition bar-node foo-node :outcome2))

These lines define the behavior of sm-sub in detail just like the previous simple state machine example. Note that (send sm-sub :goal-state :outcome4) not only defines the goal state, but also defines the return value of its state machine.

(send (smach-nested) :execute nil)

Finally, the sm-top is executed here.

Writing Simple Smach with (make-state-machine)

make-state-machine function provides easy-way to define simple state machine. It requires graph-list, func-map, initial-state, goal-states as arguments.

For example, simple state machine can be written as

(defun smach-simple2 ()
  (let (sm)
    (setq sm
           ;; define graph,  list of (<from-node> <transition> <to-node>)
           ;; if <transition> is ->, it corresponds when node returns t and !-> for nil.
           '((:foo :outcome2 :outcome4)
             (:foo :outcome1 :bar)
             (:bar :outcome2 :foo))
           ;; define function map
           '((:foo 'func-foo)  ;; foo returns :outcome1 3 times and then returns :outcome2
             (:bar 'func-bar)) ;; bar always returns :outcome2
           ;; initial state
           ;; goal state

This example have two node :foo and :bar and :outcome4 as terminate node. Each node corresponds to 'func-foo and 'func-bar functions. The function 'func-foo returns :outcome1 3 times and then returns :outcome2. The function 'func-bar always returns :outcome2.

(:foo :outcome2 :outcome4) means when :foo returns :outcome2, it transit to :outcome4. (:foo :outcome1 :bar) means when :foo returns :outcome1, it transit to :bar. (:bar :outcome2 :foo) means when :bar returns :outcome2, it transit to :foo.

To simplify the state machine definition, we recommend users to use t/nil for return value of each node, so that users is able to use (:foo -> :outcome4) for graph definition.

(defun smach-simple3 ()
  (let (sm)
    (setq sm
           '((:foo -> :outcome4)
             (:foo !-> :bar)
             (:bar -> :foo))
           '((:foo '(lambda (&rest args) (cond ((< count 3) (incf count) nil) (t t))))  ;; foo returns nil 3 times and then returns t
             (:bar '(lambda (&rest args) t)))                                           ;; bar always returns t

Both example can be tested with

$ roscd roseus_smach/sample
$ roseus state-machine-ros-sample.l "(progn (setq count 0)(exec-state-machine (smach-simple2)))"
$ roseus state-machine-ros-sample.l "(progn (setq count 0)(exec-state-machine (smach-simple3)))"

and you can check the state machine behavior with ` rosrun smach_viewer`

Writing Nested Smach with (make-state-machine)

You can also write nested state machine with make-state-machie function.

you can add sub state-machine to function maps, as you already added node to them.

(defun smach-simple-nested ()
  (let (sm-top sm-sub)
    (setq sm-sub
           '((:foo :outcome2 :outcome4) ;; transitions
             (:foo :outcome1 :bar)
             (:bar :outcome2 :foo))
           '((:foo 'func-foo) ;; function maps
             (:bar 'func-bar))
           '(:foo)      ;; initial
           '(:outcome4) ;; goal
    (setq sm-top
           '((:bas :outcome3 :sub) ;; transitions
             (:sub :outcome4 :outcome5))
           `((:bas 'func-bas)  ;; functon maps
             (:sub ,sm-sub))   ;; set "nestaed state machine"
           '(:bas)      ;; initial
           '(:outcome5) ;; goal

From roseus >= 1.7.4, you may write

           '((:bas 'func-bas)  ;; functon maps
             (:sub sm-sub))   ;; set "nestaed state machine"

but as for now, please be very careful when you add sub machine. you need to use `(backquote) and , (comma).

This example can be tested with

$ roscd roseus_smach/sample
$ roseus state-machine-ros-sample.l "(progn (setq count 0)(exec-state-machine (smach-simple-nested)))"


Changelog for package roseus_smach

1.7.5 (2021-12-13)

  • [roseus_smach] add :append-goal-state (#696)
  • add nested example with make-state-machine function (#661)

    • add readme on smach-simple-nested

    * use defmacro instead of defun for make-simple-state without this, we need to write ` (setq sm-top (make-state-machine '((:bas :outcome3 :sub) ;; transitions (:sub :outcome4 :outcome5)) `((:bas 'func-bas) ;; functon maps (:sub ,sm-sub)) ;; set "nestaed state machine" '(:bas) ;; initial '(:outcome5) ;; goal ))[ to avoid ]{.title-ref}/opt/ros/melodic/share/euslisp/jskeus/eus/Linux64/bin/irteusgl unittest-error: unbound variable sm-sub in (eval (get-alist node func-map)), exitting...[ errors, this change enable us to write intuitive way ]{.title-ref}'((:bas 'func-bas) ;; functon maps (:sub sm-sub)) ;; set "nestaed state machine"[ you can test this behavior with ]{.title-ref}(defmacro test (l) `(dolist (e ,l) (print e) (print (eval (cadr e))))) (defmacro test (l) (dolist (e l) (print e) (print (eval (cadr e))))) (let (a) (setq a 10) (test '((:foo 1) (:bar a))))`

  • [roseus_smach] make roseus_smach execution faster (#684)
    • sleep 0.5 s for publisher
    • use ros::sleep for smach execution
  • [roseus_smach] add more ros-info in convert-smach (#683)
  • [roseus_smach] fix typo in state-machine-utils.l (#693)
  • [roseus_smach] add :start-state and :goal-state in convert-smach (#682)
  • [roseus_smach] add groupname in state-machine-inspector (#691)
    • use send sm :spin-once in state-machine-utils.l
    • add groupname and spin-once with groupname
  • Updates to README sample code and explanations (#659)
    • extend test time limit to 120 sec for test-samples.l
    • add example/test for smach-simple with make-state-machine function
    • write more info similar to rospy implementation
    • add more info(URL/python code) on sample
    • fix typo of nestate state machine example path
    • add make-sample-parallel-state-machine tests
    • add more test, check :active-tates, duration time
  • [roseus_smach] use roseus for parallel-state-machine-sample (#651)
  • [roseus_smach] add smach_viewer installation to README (#641)
  • [roseus_smach] add code explanation of simple-state-machine in (#627)
  • Contributors: Guilherme Affonso, Kei Okada, Naoki Hiraoka, Naoya Yamaguchi, Shingo Kitagawa, Yoichiro Kawamura

1.7.4 (2019-02-04)

1.7.3 (2019-02-01)

  • check why test-smach-action-client-state failing on installed test (#570 )
  • fix make-state-machine docstring (#589 )
  • re-enable test-smach-action-client-state, which is removed in
  • Add issue link in make-state-machine docstring (#595 )
  • roseus_smach: change the order of callee args for userdata in pddl2smach (#587)
  • roseus_smach: pass userdata values unless :arg-keys is set (#586)
    • roseus_smach: fix error on exec state machine without ri
  • Contributors: Guilherme Affonso, Yuki Furuta, Shingo Kitagawa

1.7.2 (2018-11-10)

1.7.1 (2018-07-22)

  • add melodic test (#567)
    • split test_samples.test into test_samples_action_client_state.test, since it is always failling on only installed test, not sure why...
    • roseus_smach/test/test_samples.test: extend time-limit to 300

    * add retry for testtest_roseus_smach_samples the test failing is this related to memory leak? ` mstart testing [test-smach-sample-userdata] mfoo-count is not set. Setting 0 start testing [test-smach-action-client-state] m;p=pointer?(0x6690338) ;; Segmentation Fault. terminate called after throwing an instance of 'boost::exception_detail::clone_impl<boost::exception_detail::error_info_injector<boost::lock_error> >' what(): boost: mutex lock failed in pthread_mutex_lock: Invalid argument [Testcase: testtest_roseus_smach_samples] ... FAILURE! FAILURE: test [test_roseus_smach_samples] did not generate test results File \"/usr/lib/python2.7/unittest/\", line 329, in run testMethod() File \"/opt/ros/kinetic/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/rostest/\", line 164, in fn self.assert\_(os.path.isfile(test_file), \"test [%s] did not generate test results\"%test_name) File \"/usr/lib/python2.7/unittest/\", line 422, in assertTrue raise self.failureException(msg)`

  • Contributors: Kei Okada

1.7.0 (2018-07-11)

  • Bugfixes and test codes for roseus_smach (#566)
    • roseus_smach: add log messages on state transition
    • roseus_smach: fix: pass :cancel state to action-client-state
    • roseus_smach: fix test
    • roseus_smach: add test code for smach-actionlib
      • Fix: indentations
      • Fix: [bug] userdata is not kept if not given as arguments
      • Add: Test code for action-client-state class
      • Add: action-client-state sets action result/feedback to userdata for key :result/:feedback
  • [roseus_smach] func: make-state-machine accepts various edges (#548)
    • correct doc of :add-transition :add-transition do not accept list as exec-result
    • update make-state-machine docstring
    • set testfunc for transition in make-state-machine
    • func: make-state-machine accepts various edges
  • [roseus_smach] pass userdata keys to state-machine in execution (#549)
    • add exec-state-machine test
    • pass userdata keys to state-machine in execution
  • Contributors: Shingo Kitagawa, Yuki Furuta

1.6.3 (2017-09-08)

1.6.2 (2017-06-21)

  • replace ros-info by ros-debug in state-machine.l (#523)
  • add root-name key in exec-state-machine (#523)
    • use exex-state-machine in sample program exec-smach-with-spin is deprecated.
    • add exec-state-machine with :root-name key test
    • add root-name key in exec-state-machine
  • Contributors: Shingo Kitagawa

1.6.1 (2017-03-15)

  • Merge smach exec (#507)
    • [roseus_smach] rename smach-exec-with-spin -> exec-state-machine
    • [roseus_smach/src/pddl2smach.l] use function namespace to call
  • Contributors: Yuki Furuta

1.6.0 (2016-10-02)

  • [roseus/src/state-machine-utils.l] add document string for exec-smach-with-spin
  • [roseus_smach/src/state-machine-utils.l] support y-or-n-p when iterate mode
  • Contributors: Yuki Furuta

1.5.3 (2016-05-28)

1.5.2 (2016-05-28)

  • [roseus_smach/src/state-machine-utils.l] fix: return after goal reached on exec-smach-with-spin #460
  • Remove no need euslisp from build_depend and find_package #456
  • Contributors: Kentaro Wada, Yuki Furuta

1.5.1 (2016-04-22)

  • [roseus_smach/] update to use github official image link
  • Contributors: Furushchev

1.5.0 (2016-03-20)

  • {roseus_smach, roseus_mongo}/ fix section/subsection
  • [roseus_smach/src/state-machine-utils.l] fix: smach connection from/to nil state
  • Contributors: Kei Okada, Yuki Furuta

1.4.1 (2015-11-25)

  • [roseus_smach/src/state-machine.l] another impl for #383
  • Contributors: Yuki Furuta

1.4.0 (2015-11-03)

  • [roseus_smach] warning message for :goal-state
  • [roseus_smach] add failure nodes addition feature for state-machine generation utils
  • [roseus_smach/sample/parallel-state-machine-sample.l] fix:
  • [roseus_smach] fix test launch file extension .launch -> .test; test only required
  • Contributors: Kamada Hitoshi, Yuki Furuta

1.3.9 (2015-09-14)

1.3.8 (2015-09-12)

1.3.7 (2015-08-18)

  • [] describe how to run smach viewer
  • [sample/state-machine-ros-sample.l, sample/state-machine-sample.l] add shbang
  • [roseus_smach/CMakeLists.txt] disable test/test_parallel_state_machine_sample.launch for now
  • [package.xml] add actionlib_tutorials depends to roseus_smach
  • Contributors: Kei Okada

1.3.6 (2015-06-11)

1.3.5 (2015-05-15)

1.3.4 (2015-05-03)

  • [roseus_smach] add test for parallel state machine
  • [roseus_smach] add parallel state machine sample test to CMakeLists
  • [roseus_smach] add sample test to CMakeLists
  • [roseus_smach] split sample test in order to inspect failure detail
  • [roseus_smach] change order of roseus in find_package
  • [roseus_smach] move smach-exec function from sample to utils
  • [roseus_smach] fix wrong file/module name
  • [roseus_smach] miscellaneous fixes
  • [roseus_smach] add test launch
  • [roseus_smach] add feature async join
  • [roseus_smach] fix transition fail when parallel state
  • [roseus_smach] add async join state to state-machine
  • [roseus_smach] fix tmp -> next
  • [roseus_smach] modify state-machine :execute-impl
  • Contributors: Yuki Furuta, Kamada Hitoshi

1.3.3 (2015-04-29)

1.3.2 (2015-04-28)

1.3.1 (2015-04-26)

  • [roseus_smach/src/state-machine-actionlib.l] support spin action client group, see #274
  • [roseus_smach/src/state-machine-utils.l] modify make-state-machine
  • [roseus_smach/src/state-machine-utils.l] add iterative execute state machine util
  • Contributors: Yuki Furuta, Hitoshi Kamada, Kei Okada

1.3.0 (2015-04-24)

  • [roseus_smach] add docstring for 'make-state-machine' function; add key option to custom exec-result to transit states
  • [roseus_smach] fix sample parallel task transition; fix typo
  • [roseus_smach] fix typo; change image link
  • [roseus_smach] Create add sample image
  • [roseus_smach] add syntax suggar of creating state machine with parallel execution, and its sample code
  • [roseus_smach] add feature: parallel executive state machine, and its visualization stuff
  • [roseus_smach] use soft tab
  • Contributors: Yuki Furuta

1.2.6 (2015-02-21)

1.2.5 (2015-02-13)

1.2.4 (2015-02-12)

1.2.3 (2015-02-02)

1.2.2 (2015-01-27)

1.2.1 (2015-01-27)

1.2.0 (2015-01-26)

1.1.33 (2015-01-26)

1.1.32 (2015-01-26)

1.1.31 (2015-01-23)

  • remove old manifest.xml, fully catkinize
  • Contributors: Kei Okada

1.1.30 (2015-01-14)

1.1.29 (2014-12-27)

1.1.28 (2014-12-26)

1.1.27 (2014-12-20)

  • remove cmake file for rosbuild
  • not use executive_smach as deps directly; remove manifest.xml

1.1.26 (2014-11-10)

1.1.25 (2014-10-10)

1.1.23 (2014-09-24)

1.1.22 (2014-09-04)

1.1.21 (2014-06-30)

1.1.20 (2014-06-29)

1.1.19 (2014-06-11)

1.1.18 (2014-05-16)

1.1.17 (2014-05-11)

1.1.16 (2014-05-11)

1.1.15 (2014-05-10)

1.1.14 (2014-05-09)

1.1.13 (2014-05-06)

1.1.12 (2014-05-06)

1.1.11 (2014-05-04)

  • catkinize roseus_smach
  • Contributors: Kei Okada

1.1.10 (2014-05-03 10:35)

1.1.9 (2014-05-03 09:30)

1.1.8 (2014-05-02)

1.1.7 (2014-04-28 14:29)

1.1.6 (2014-04-28 03:12)

1.1.5 (2014-04-27)

1.1.4 (2014-04-25)

1.1.3 (2014-04-14)

1.1.2 (2014-04-07 23:17)

1.1.1 (2014-04-07 09:02)

1.1.0 (2014-04-07 00:52)

1.0.4 (2014-03-31)

1.0.3 (2014-03-30)

1.0.2 (2014-03-28)

1.0.1 (2014-03-27)

  • roseus_smach: disable packages for groovy
  • publish-all-status to state-machine-inspector
  • use-sub-machine to pddl2smach.l
  • modify :reset-state for setting typical state
  • add keywords to pddl-graph-to-smach
  • add smach utility functions
  • fix default option
  • add utility methods to state-machine-inspector
  • add keyword for using userdata in pddl2smach
  • add keyword for changing return value
  • add :readable keyword for pddl2smach
  • fix for working sample
  • remove load command for irtgraph.l
  • update internal data structure for new graph.l
  • publish smach structure once, and latch it
  • add test for roseus_smach samples, fixed the initial state setter method
  • update roseus_smach for set initial state callback
  • add actionlib_tutorials for sample scripts
  • changed to use unreviewed version of irtgraph.l
  • fix smach_structure publish properly timing, add user input action to task_compiler
  • remove old method in roseus_smach
  • move convert script from pddl to smach
  • chenge test function to compare execution results
  • commit for current scripts for demonstration
  • use package:// for loading graph.l
  • change test function for transition, eq -> equal
  • set initial-state = send :start-state
  • add initial-state-cb to roseus_smach
  • add message name to constant in msg definition
  • add ** to msg constant type
  • add function to create state-instance which execute action-client
  • commit current source tree
  • add code for smach_viewer
  • change name smach_roseus -> roseus_smach
  • Contributors: Kei Okada, youhei, Manabu Saito, Xiangyu Chen

Wiki Tutorials

This package does not provide any links to tutorials in it's rosindex metadata. You can check on the ROS Wiki Tutorials page for the package.

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No message files found.


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Package Summary

Tags No category tags.
Version 1.7.5
License BSD
Build type CATKIN

Repository Summary

Checkout URI
VCS Type git
VCS Version master
Last Updated 2023-01-30
CI status Continuous Integration
Tags No category tags.
Contributing Help Wanted (0)
Good First Issues (0)
Pull Requests to Review (0)

Package Description

roseus_smach * Euslisp state machine class. it will be moved. * Message publisher for visualizing current state by smach_viewer. * Simple pickle dump script for debugging state machine. * Execute state machine as a action server.

Additional Links


  • Kei Okada


  • Manabu Saito


This package includes euslisp implementation of state machine and smach.


  • roseus
  • smach
  • smach_viewer
    • Optional for visualization.
    • You have to install this package manually:
      sudo apt install ros-$ROS_DISTRO-smach-viewer


Sample codes are available on sample directory.

  • rosrun roseus_smach state-machine-ros-sample.l
    • simple state machine
  rosrun smach_viewer
  rosrun roseus_smach state-machine-ros-sample.l
  • nested state machine
  rosrun smach_viewer
  rosrun roseus_smach state-machine-ros-sample.l
  • state machine with userdata
  rosrun smach_viewer
  rosrun roseus_smach state-machine-ros-sample.l
  • sample/parallel-state-machine-sample.l

    • state machine with parallel action execution
  rosrun smach_viewer
  rosrun roseus_smach parallel-state-machine-sample.l

Writing Simple Smach(state-machine)

Example codes are here.

#!/usr/bin/env roseus
(load "package://roseus_smach/src/state-machine.l")

(setq count 0)
(defun func-foo (userdata-alist)
  (format t "Execute state FOO~%")
  (cond ((< count 3) (incf count) :outcome1)
	(t :outcome2)))
(defun func-bar (userdata-alist)
  (format t "Execute state BAR~%")

(defun smach-simple ()
  (let ((sm (instance state-machine :init)))
    (send sm :add-node (instance state :init :FOO 'func-foo))
    (send sm :add-node (instance state :init :BAR 'func-bar))
    ;; goal-states are generated in this method
    (send sm :goal-state (list :outcome4 :outcome5))

    ;; select a node as start-node
    (send sm :start-state :FOO)
    ;; from and to nodes are selected by name or symbol
    (send sm :add-transition :FOO :BAR :outcome1)
    (send sm :add-transition :FOO :outcome4 :outcome2)
    (send sm :add-transition :BAR :FOO :outcome2)
    sm ))

(send (smach-simple) :execute nil)

The Code Explained

(load "package://roseus_smach/src/state-machine.l")

This line imports state-machine class, state class, and transition class.

(defun func-foo (userdata-alist)
  (format t "Execute state FOO~%")
  (cond ((< count 3) (incf count) :outcome1)
	(t :outcome2)))
(defun func-bar (userdata-alist)
  (format t "Execute state BAR~%")

These lines define some functions that will be hooked to state. Note that the functions are called with one argument, an alist of the declared user-data arguments, and that their return value is equal to the transition (or the action) of the state.

(sm (instance state-machine :init))

This line creates the state-machine instance and binds it to sm.

(send sm :add-node (instance state :init :FOO 'func-foo))

This line creates a new state and add the node to the state machine. When you create new state instance, you can name the state and hook the state to a function. Any lisp object can be used for state names. In this case, a new state has name :FOO and hooked with func-foo.

(send sm :goal-state (list :outcome4 :outcome5))
(send sm :start-state :FOO)

These lines define goal state(s) and start state(s) to the state machine. You can create multiple start states as a list of state, also you can define multiple goal state. Goal state(s) do nothing and returns its name. Note that a state machine is also a state. So the goal state can be considered as the outcome of the state machine.

(send sm :add-transition :FOO :BAR :outcome1)

This line defines transition. The arguments of :add-transition method is TO, FROM, OUTCOME. So this line means that “adding transition from FOO to BAR, when FOO node returns outcome1”.

(send (smach-simple) :execute nil)

This line sets up and execute the state machine. In order to view and check the progress with smach_viewer, use the function exec-state-machine instead.

Writing Nested Smach

Example codes are here. You can also add child state-machine as a node to state-machine.

#!/usr/bin/env roseus
(load "package://roseus_smach/src/state-machine.l")
(defun smach-nested ()
  (let ((sm-top (instance state-machine :init))
        (sm-sub (instance state-machine :init)))
    ;; state instance can include other state-machine like function
    (send sm-top :add-node (instance state :init "SUB" sm-sub))
    (send sm-top :add-node (instance state :init "BAS" 'func-bas))
    (send sm-top :goal-state :outcome5)
    (send sm-top :start-state "BAS")
    (send sm-top :add-transition "BAS" "SUB" :outcome3)
    (send sm-top :add-transition "SUB" :outcome5 :outcome4)
    ;; node instance can be args of :add-node, :start-state, :add-transition
    (let ((foo-node (instance state :init "FOO" 'func-foo))
          (bar-node (instance state :init "BAR" 'func-bar)))
      (send sm-sub :add-node foo-node)
      (send sm-sub :add-node bar-node)
      (send sm-sub :goal-state :outcome4)
      (send sm-sub :start-state foo-node)
      (send sm-sub :add-transition foo-node bar-node :outcome1)
      (send sm-sub :add-transition foo-node :outcome4 :outcome2)
      (send sm-sub :add-transition bar-node foo-node :outcome2))

    sm-top ))

(send (smach-nested) :execute nil)

The Code Explained

#!/usr/bin/env roseus
(load "package://roseus_smach/src/state-machine.l")

Same as in the previous example, this line imports state-machine class, state class, and transition class.

  (let ((sm-top (instance state-machine :init))
        (sm-sub (instance state-machine :init)))

This line creates two of state-machine instance. The sm-sub is a state machine but also acting like a state (or a node) in sm-top. This is easy to understand if you think that a state machine as a function: when the state machine is called, or executed, state machine does some processing and eventually returns the goal state as its return value just like a function.

    (send sm-top :add-node (instance state :init "SUB" sm-sub))

The sm-sub instance is hooked as a node in sm-top with name of "SUB" in this line. This line also indicates that you can add a state machine as a state just like a function.

    (send sm-top :add-node (instance state :init "BAS" 'func-bas))
    (send sm-top :goal-state :outcome5)
    (send sm-top :start-state "BAS")
    (send sm-top :add-transition "BAS" "SUB" :outcome3)

These lines define another node, goal-state, start-state, and transition in the sm-top.

    (send sm-top :add-transition "SUB" :outcome5 :outcome4)

Remember that the goal state(s) of state-machine does nothing and returns its name. So the outcome (or the return value) of the sm-sub is its name of goal state(s). If you look further, the goal state of sm-sub is :outcome4, so the return value of sm-sub is :outcome4. Therefore this line adds transition of from "SUB" to :outcome5 when "SUB" node returns :outcome4.

  (let ((foo-node (instance state :init "FOO" 'func-foo))
        (bar-node (instance state :init "BAR" 'func-bar)))
      (send sm-sub :add-node foo-node)
      (send sm-sub :add-node bar-node)
      (send sm-sub :goal-state :outcome4)
      (send sm-sub :start-state foo-node)
      (send sm-sub :add-transition foo-node bar-node :outcome1)
      (send sm-sub :add-transition foo-node :outcome4 :outcome2)
      (send sm-sub :add-transition bar-node foo-node :outcome2))

These lines define the behavior of sm-sub in detail just like the previous simple state machine example. Note that (send sm-sub :goal-state :outcome4) not only defines the goal state, but also defines the return value of its state machine.

(send (smach-nested) :execute nil)

Finally, the sm-top is executed here.

Writing Simple Smach with (make-state-machine)

make-state-machine function provides easy-way to define simple state machine. It requires graph-list, func-map, initial-state, goal-states as arguments.

For example, simple state machine can be written as

(defun smach-simple2 ()
  (let (sm)
    (setq sm
           ;; define graph,  list of (<from-node> <transition> <to-node>)
           ;; if <transition> is ->, it corresponds when node returns t and !-> for nil.
           '((:foo :outcome2 :outcome4)
             (:foo :outcome1 :bar)
             (:bar :outcome2 :foo))
           ;; define function map
           '((:foo 'func-foo)  ;; foo returns :outcome1 3 times and then returns :outcome2
             (:bar 'func-bar)) ;; bar always returns :outcome2
           ;; initial state
           ;; goal state

This example have two node :foo and :bar and :outcome4 as terminate node. Each node corresponds to 'func-foo and 'func-bar functions. The function 'func-foo returns :outcome1 3 times and then returns :outcome2. The function 'func-bar always returns :outcome2.

(:foo :outcome2 :outcome4) means when :foo returns :outcome2, it transit to :outcome4. (:foo :outcome1 :bar) means when :foo returns :outcome1, it transit to :bar. (:bar :outcome2 :foo) means when :bar returns :outcome2, it transit to :foo.

To simplify the state machine definition, we recommend users to use t/nil for return value of each node, so that users is able to use (:foo -> :outcome4) for graph definition.

(defun smach-simple3 ()
  (let (sm)
    (setq sm
           '((:foo -> :outcome4)
             (:foo !-> :bar)
             (:bar -> :foo))
           '((:foo '(lambda (&rest args) (cond ((< count 3) (incf count) nil) (t t))))  ;; foo returns nil 3 times and then returns t
             (:bar '(lambda (&rest args) t)))                                           ;; bar always returns t

Both example can be tested with

$ roscd roseus_smach/sample
$ roseus state-machine-ros-sample.l "(progn (setq count 0)(exec-state-machine (smach-simple2)))"
$ roseus state-machine-ros-sample.l "(progn (setq count 0)(exec-state-machine (smach-simple3)))"

and you can check the state machine behavior with ` rosrun smach_viewer`

Writing Nested Smach with (make-state-machine)

You can also write nested state machine with make-state-machie function.

you can add sub state-machine to function maps, as you already added node to them.

(defun smach-simple-nested ()
  (let (sm-top sm-sub)
    (setq sm-sub
           '((:foo :outcome2 :outcome4) ;; transitions
             (:foo :outcome1 :bar)
             (:bar :outcome2 :foo))
           '((:foo 'func-foo) ;; function maps
             (:bar 'func-bar))
           '(:foo)      ;; initial
           '(:outcome4) ;; goal
    (setq sm-top
           '((:bas :outcome3 :sub) ;; transitions
             (:sub :outcome4 :outcome5))
           `((:bas 'func-bas)  ;; functon maps
             (:sub ,sm-sub))   ;; set "nestaed state machine"
           '(:bas)      ;; initial
           '(:outcome5) ;; goal

From roseus >= 1.7.4, you may write

           '((:bas 'func-bas)  ;; functon maps
             (:sub sm-sub))   ;; set "nestaed state machine"

but as for now, please be very careful when you add sub machine. you need to use `(backquote) and , (comma).

This example can be tested with

$ roscd roseus_smach/sample
$ roseus state-machine-ros-sample.l "(progn (setq count 0)(exec-state-machine (smach-simple-nested)))"


Changelog for package roseus_smach

1.7.5 (2021-12-13)

  • [roseus_smach] add :append-goal-state (#696)
  • add nested example with make-state-machine function (#661)

    • add readme on smach-simple-nested

    * use defmacro instead of defun for make-simple-state without this, we need to write ` (setq sm-top (make-state-machine '((:bas :outcome3 :sub) ;; transitions (:sub :outcome4 :outcome5)) `((:bas 'func-bas) ;; functon maps (:sub ,sm-sub)) ;; set "nestaed state machine" '(:bas) ;; initial '(:outcome5) ;; goal ))[ to avoid ]{.title-ref}/opt/ros/melodic/share/euslisp/jskeus/eus/Linux64/bin/irteusgl unittest-error: unbound variable sm-sub in (eval (get-alist node func-map)), exitting...[ errors, this change enable us to write intuitive way ]{.title-ref}'((:bas 'func-bas) ;; functon maps (:sub sm-sub)) ;; set "nestaed state machine"[ you can test this behavior with ]{.title-ref}(defmacro test (l) `(dolist (e ,l) (print e) (print (eval (cadr e))))) (defmacro test (l) (dolist (e l) (print e) (print (eval (cadr e))))) (let (a) (setq a 10) (test '((:foo 1) (:bar a))))`

  • [roseus_smach] make roseus_smach execution faster (#684)
    • sleep 0.5 s for publisher
    • use ros::sleep for smach execution
  • [roseus_smach] add more ros-info in convert-smach (#683)
  • [roseus_smach] fix typo in state-machine-utils.l (#693)
  • [roseus_smach] add :start-state and :goal-state in convert-smach (#682)
  • [roseus_smach] add groupname in state-machine-inspector (#691)
    • use send sm :spin-once in state-machine-utils.l
    • add groupname and spin-once with groupname
  • Updates to README sample code and explanations (#659)
    • extend test time limit to 120 sec for test-samples.l
    • add example/test for smach-simple with make-state-machine function
    • write more info similar to rospy implementation
    • add more info(URL/python code) on sample
    • fix typo of nestate state machine example path
    • add make-sample-parallel-state-machine tests
    • add more test, check :active-tates, duration time
  • [roseus_smach] use roseus for parallel-state-machine-sample (#651)
  • [roseus_smach] add smach_viewer installation to README (#641)
  • [roseus_smach] add code explanation of simple-state-machine in (#627)
  • Contributors: Guilherme Affonso, Kei Okada, Naoki Hiraoka, Naoya Yamaguchi, Shingo Kitagawa, Yoichiro Kawamura

1.7.4 (2019-02-04)

1.7.3 (2019-02-01)

  • check why test-smach-action-client-state failing on installed test (#570 )
  • fix make-state-machine docstring (#589 )
  • re-enable test-smach-action-client-state, which is removed in
  • Add issue link in make-state-machine docstring (#595 )
  • roseus_smach: change the order of callee args for userdata in pddl2smach (#587)
  • roseus_smach: pass userdata values unless :arg-keys is set (#586)
    • roseus_smach: fix error on exec state machine without ri
  • Contributors: Guilherme Affonso, Yuki Furuta, Shingo Kitagawa

1.7.2 (2018-11-10)

1.7.1 (2018-07-22)

  • add melodic test (#567)
    • split test_samples.test into test_samples_action_client_state.test, since it is always failling on only installed test, not sure why...
    • roseus_smach/test/test_samples.test: extend time-limit to 300

    * add retry for testtest_roseus_smach_samples the test failing is this related to memory leak? ` mstart testing [test-smach-sample-userdata] mfoo-count is not set. Setting 0 start testing [test-smach-action-client-state] m;p=pointer?(0x6690338) ;; Segmentation Fault. terminate called after throwing an instance of 'boost::exception_detail::clone_impl<boost::exception_detail::error_info_injector<boost::lock_error> >' what(): boost: mutex lock failed in pthread_mutex_lock: Invalid argument [Testcase: testtest_roseus_smach_samples] ... FAILURE! FAILURE: test [test_roseus_smach_samples] did not generate test results File \"/usr/lib/python2.7/unittest/\", line 329, in run testMethod() File \"/opt/ros/kinetic/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/rostest/\", line 164, in fn self.assert\_(os.path.isfile(test_file), \"test [%s] did not generate test results\"%test_name) File \"/usr/lib/python2.7/unittest/\", line 422, in assertTrue raise self.failureException(msg)`

  • Contributors: Kei Okada

1.7.0 (2018-07-11)

  • Bugfixes and test codes for roseus_smach (#566)
    • roseus_smach: add log messages on state transition
    • roseus_smach: fix: pass :cancel state to action-client-state
    • roseus_smach: fix test
    • roseus_smach: add test code for smach-actionlib
      • Fix: indentations
      • Fix: [bug] userdata is not kept if not given as arguments
      • Add: Test code for action-client-state class
      • Add: action-client-state sets action result/feedback to userdata for key :result/:feedback
  • [roseus_smach] func: make-state-machine accepts various edges (#548)
    • correct doc of :add-transition :add-transition do not accept list as exec-result
    • update make-state-machine docstring
    • set testfunc for transition in make-state-machine
    • func: make-state-machine accepts various edges
  • [roseus_smach] pass userdata keys to state-machine in execution (#549)
    • add exec-state-machine test
    • pass userdata keys to state-machine in execution
  • Contributors: Shingo Kitagawa, Yuki Furuta

1.6.3 (2017-09-08)

1.6.2 (2017-06-21)

  • replace ros-info by ros-debug in state-machine.l (#523)
  • add root-name key in exec-state-machine (#523)
    • use exex-state-machine in sample program exec-smach-with-spin is deprecated.
    • add exec-state-machine with :root-name key test
    • add root-name key in exec-state-machine
  • Contributors: Shingo Kitagawa

1.6.1 (2017-03-15)

  • Merge smach exec (#507)
    • [roseus_smach] rename smach-exec-with-spin -> exec-state-machine
    • [roseus_smach/src/pddl2smach.l] use function namespace to call
  • Contributors: Yuki Furuta

1.6.0 (2016-10-02)

  • [roseus/src/state-machine-utils.l] add document string for exec-smach-with-spin
  • [roseus_smach/src/state-machine-utils.l] support y-or-n-p when iterate mode
  • Contributors: Yuki Furuta

1.5.3 (2016-05-28)

1.5.2 (2016-05-28)

  • [roseus_smach/src/state-machine-utils.l] fix: return after goal reached on exec-smach-with-spin #460
  • Remove no need euslisp from build_depend and find_package #456
  • Contributors: Kentaro Wada, Yuki Furuta

1.5.1 (2016-04-22)

  • [roseus_smach/] update to use github official image link
  • Contributors: Furushchev

1.5.0 (2016-03-20)

  • {roseus_smach, roseus_mongo}/ fix section/subsection
  • [roseus_smach/src/state-machine-utils.l] fix: smach connection from/to nil state
  • Contributors: Kei Okada, Yuki Furuta

1.4.1 (2015-11-25)

  • [roseus_smach/src/state-machine.l] another impl for #383
  • Contributors: Yuki Furuta

1.4.0 (2015-11-03)

  • [roseus_smach] warning message for :goal-state
  • [roseus_smach] add failure nodes addition feature for state-machine generation utils
  • [roseus_smach/sample/parallel-state-machine-sample.l] fix:
  • [roseus_smach] fix test launch file extension .launch -> .test; test only required
  • Contributors: Kamada Hitoshi, Yuki Furuta

1.3.9 (2015-09-14)

1.3.8 (2015-09-12)

1.3.7 (2015-08-18)

  • [] describe how to run smach viewer
  • [sample/state-machine-ros-sample.l, sample/state-machine-sample.l] add shbang
  • [roseus_smach/CMakeLists.txt] disable test/test_parallel_state_machine_sample.launch for now
  • [package.xml] add actionlib_tutorials depends to roseus_smach
  • Contributors: Kei Okada

1.3.6 (2015-06-11)

1.3.5 (2015-05-15)

1.3.4 (2015-05-03)

  • [roseus_smach] add test for parallel state machine
  • [roseus_smach] add parallel state machine sample test to CMakeLists
  • [roseus_smach] add sample test to CMakeLists
  • [roseus_smach] split sample test in order to inspect failure detail
  • [roseus_smach] change order of roseus in find_package
  • [roseus_smach] move smach-exec function from sample to utils
  • [roseus_smach] fix wrong file/module name
  • [roseus_smach] miscellaneous fixes
  • [roseus_smach] add test launch
  • [roseus_smach] add feature async join
  • [roseus_smach] fix transition fail when parallel state
  • [roseus_smach] add async join state to state-machine
  • [roseus_smach] fix tmp -> next
  • [roseus_smach] modify state-machine :execute-impl
  • Contributors: Yuki Furuta, Kamada Hitoshi

1.3.3 (2015-04-29)

1.3.2 (2015-04-28)

1.3.1 (2015-04-26)

  • [roseus_smach/src/state-machine-actionlib.l] support spin action client group, see #274
  • [roseus_smach/src/state-machine-utils.l] modify make-state-machine
  • [roseus_smach/src/state-machine-utils.l] add iterative execute state machine util
  • Contributors: Yuki Furuta, Hitoshi Kamada, Kei Okada

1.3.0 (2015-04-24)

  • [roseus_smach] add docstring for 'make-state-machine' function; add key option to custom exec-result to transit states
  • [roseus_smach] fix sample parallel task transition; fix typo
  • [roseus_smach] fix typo; change image link
  • [roseus_smach] Create add sample image
  • [roseus_smach] add syntax suggar of creating state machine with parallel execution, and its sample code
  • [roseus_smach] add feature: parallel executive state machine, and its visualization stuff
  • [roseus_smach] use soft tab
  • Contributors: Yuki Furuta

1.2.6 (2015-02-21)

1.2.5 (2015-02-13)

1.2.4 (2015-02-12)

1.2.3 (2015-02-02)

1.2.2 (2015-01-27)

1.2.1 (2015-01-27)

1.2.0 (2015-01-26)

1.1.33 (2015-01-26)

1.1.32 (2015-01-26)

1.1.31 (2015-01-23)

  • remove old manifest.xml, fully catkinize
  • Contributors: Kei Okada

1.1.30 (2015-01-14)

1.1.29 (2014-12-27)

1.1.28 (2014-12-26)

1.1.27 (2014-12-20)

  • remove cmake file for rosbuild
  • not use executive_smach as deps directly; remove manifest.xml

1.1.26 (2014-11-10)

1.1.25 (2014-10-10)

1.1.23 (2014-09-24)

1.1.22 (2014-09-04)

1.1.21 (2014-06-30)

1.1.20 (2014-06-29)

1.1.19 (2014-06-11)

1.1.18 (2014-05-16)

1.1.17 (2014-05-11)

1.1.16 (2014-05-11)

1.1.15 (2014-05-10)

1.1.14 (2014-05-09)

1.1.13 (2014-05-06)

1.1.12 (2014-05-06)

1.1.11 (2014-05-04)

  • catkinize roseus_smach
  • Contributors: Kei Okada

1.1.10 (2014-05-03 10:35)

1.1.9 (2014-05-03 09:30)

1.1.8 (2014-05-02)

1.1.7 (2014-04-28 14:29)

1.1.6 (2014-04-28 03:12)

1.1.5 (2014-04-27)

1.1.4 (2014-04-25)

1.1.3 (2014-04-14)

1.1.2 (2014-04-07 23:17)

1.1.1 (2014-04-07 09:02)

1.1.0 (2014-04-07 00:52)

1.0.4 (2014-03-31)

1.0.3 (2014-03-30)

1.0.2 (2014-03-28)

1.0.1 (2014-03-27)

  • roseus_smach: disable packages for groovy
  • publish-all-status to state-machine-inspector
  • use-sub-machine to pddl2smach.l
  • modify :reset-state for setting typical state
  • add keywords to pddl-graph-to-smach
  • add smach utility functions
  • fix default option
  • add utility methods to state-machine-inspector
  • add keyword for using userdata in pddl2smach
  • add keyword for changing return value
  • add :readable keyword for pddl2smach
  • fix for working sample
  • remove load command for irtgraph.l
  • update internal data structure for new graph.l
  • publish smach structure once, and latch it
  • add test for roseus_smach samples, fixed the initial state setter method
  • update roseus_smach for set initial state callback
  • add actionlib_tutorials for sample scripts
  • changed to use unreviewed version of irtgraph.l
  • fix smach_structure publish properly timing, add user input action to task_compiler
  • remove old method in roseus_smach
  • move convert script from pddl to smach
  • chenge test function to compare execution results
  • commit for current scripts for demonstration
  • use package:// for loading graph.l
  • change test function for transition, eq -> equal
  • set initial-state = send :start-state
  • add initial-state-cb to roseus_smach
  • add message name to constant in msg definition
  • add ** to msg constant type
  • add function to create state-instance which execute action-client
  • commit current source tree
  • add code for smach_viewer
  • change name smach_roseus -> roseus_smach
  • Contributors: Kei Okada, youhei, Manabu Saito, Xiangyu Chen

Wiki Tutorials

This package does not provide any links to tutorials in it's rosindex metadata. You can check on the ROS Wiki Tutorials page for the package.

Launch files


No message files found.


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Recent questions tagged roseus_smach at Robotics Stack Exchange

Package Summary

Tags No category tags.
Version 1.7.5
License BSD
Build type CATKIN

Repository Summary

Checkout URI
VCS Type git
VCS Version master
Last Updated 2023-01-30
CI status
Tags No category tags.
Contributing Help Wanted (0)
Good First Issues (0)
Pull Requests to Review (0)

Package Description

roseus_smach * Euslisp state machine class. it will be moved. * Message publisher for visualizing current state by smach_viewer. * Simple pickle dump script for debugging state machine. * Execute state machine as a action server.

Additional Links


  • Kei Okada


  • Manabu Saito


This package includes euslisp implementation of state machine and smach.


  • roseus
  • smach
  • smach_viewer
    • Optional for visualization.
    • You have to install this package manually:
      sudo apt install ros-$ROS_DISTRO-smach-viewer


Sample codes are available on sample directory.

  • rosrun roseus_smach state-machine-ros-sample.l
    • simple state machine
  rosrun smach_viewer
  rosrun roseus_smach state-machine-ros-sample.l
  • nested state machine
  rosrun smach_viewer
  rosrun roseus_smach state-machine-ros-sample.l
  • state machine with userdata
  rosrun smach_viewer
  rosrun roseus_smach state-machine-ros-sample.l
  • sample/parallel-state-machine-sample.l

    • state machine with parallel action execution
  rosrun smach_viewer
  rosrun roseus_smach parallel-state-machine-sample.l

Writing Simple Smach(state-machine)

Example codes are here.

#!/usr/bin/env roseus
(load "package://roseus_smach/src/state-machine.l")

(setq count 0)
(defun func-foo (userdata-alist)
  (format t "Execute state FOO~%")
  (cond ((< count 3) (incf count) :outcome1)
	(t :outcome2)))
(defun func-bar (userdata-alist)
  (format t "Execute state BAR~%")

(defun smach-simple ()
  (let ((sm (instance state-machine :init)))
    (send sm :add-node (instance state :init :FOO 'func-foo))
    (send sm :add-node (instance state :init :BAR 'func-bar))
    ;; goal-states are generated in this method
    (send sm :goal-state (list :outcome4 :outcome5))

    ;; select a node as start-node
    (send sm :start-state :FOO)
    ;; from and to nodes are selected by name or symbol
    (send sm :add-transition :FOO :BAR :outcome1)
    (send sm :add-transition :FOO :outcome4 :outcome2)
    (send sm :add-transition :BAR :FOO :outcome2)
    sm ))

(send (smach-simple) :execute nil)

The Code Explained

(load "package://roseus_smach/src/state-machine.l")

This line imports state-machine class, state class, and transition class.

(defun func-foo (userdata-alist)
  (format t "Execute state FOO~%")
  (cond ((< count 3) (incf count) :outcome1)
	(t :outcome2)))
(defun func-bar (userdata-alist)
  (format t "Execute state BAR~%")

These lines define some functions that will be hooked to state. Note that the functions are called with one argument, an alist of the declared user-data arguments, and that their return value is equal to the transition (or the action) of the state.

(sm (instance state-machine :init))

This line creates the state-machine instance and binds it to sm.

(send sm :add-node (instance state :init :FOO 'func-foo))

This line creates a new state and add the node to the state machine. When you create new state instance, you can name the state and hook the state to a function. Any lisp object can be used for state names. In this case, a new state has name :FOO and hooked with func-foo.

(send sm :goal-state (list :outcome4 :outcome5))
(send sm :start-state :FOO)

These lines define goal state(s) and start state(s) to the state machine. You can create multiple start states as a list of state, also you can define multiple goal state. Goal state(s) do nothing and returns its name. Note that a state machine is also a state. So the goal state can be considered as the outcome of the state machine.

(send sm :add-transition :FOO :BAR :outcome1)

This line defines transition. The arguments of :add-transition method is TO, FROM, OUTCOME. So this line means that “adding transition from FOO to BAR, when FOO node returns outcome1”.

(send (smach-simple) :execute nil)

This line sets up and execute the state machine. In order to view and check the progress with smach_viewer, use the function exec-state-machine instead.

Writing Nested Smach

Example codes are here. You can also add child state-machine as a node to state-machine.

#!/usr/bin/env roseus
(load "package://roseus_smach/src/state-machine.l")
(defun smach-nested ()
  (let ((sm-top (instance state-machine :init))
        (sm-sub (instance state-machine :init)))
    ;; state instance can include other state-machine like function
    (send sm-top :add-node (instance state :init "SUB" sm-sub))
    (send sm-top :add-node (instance state :init "BAS" 'func-bas))
    (send sm-top :goal-state :outcome5)
    (send sm-top :start-state "BAS")
    (send sm-top :add-transition "BAS" "SUB" :outcome3)
    (send sm-top :add-transition "SUB" :outcome5 :outcome4)
    ;; node instance can be args of :add-node, :start-state, :add-transition
    (let ((foo-node (instance state :init "FOO" 'func-foo))
          (bar-node (instance state :init "BAR" 'func-bar)))
      (send sm-sub :add-node foo-node)
      (send sm-sub :add-node bar-node)
      (send sm-sub :goal-state :outcome4)
      (send sm-sub :start-state foo-node)
      (send sm-sub :add-transition foo-node bar-node :outcome1)
      (send sm-sub :add-transition foo-node :outcome4 :outcome2)
      (send sm-sub :add-transition bar-node foo-node :outcome2))

    sm-top ))

(send (smach-nested) :execute nil)

The Code Explained

#!/usr/bin/env roseus
(load "package://roseus_smach/src/state-machine.l")

Same as in the previous example, this line imports state-machine class, state class, and transition class.

  (let ((sm-top (instance state-machine :init))
        (sm-sub (instance state-machine :init)))

This line creates two of state-machine instance. The sm-sub is a state machine but also acting like a state (or a node) in sm-top. This is easy to understand if you think that a state machine as a function: when the state machine is called, or executed, state machine does some processing and eventually returns the goal state as its return value just like a function.

    (send sm-top :add-node (instance state :init "SUB" sm-sub))

The sm-sub instance is hooked as a node in sm-top with name of "SUB" in this line. This line also indicates that you can add a state machine as a state just like a function.

    (send sm-top :add-node (instance state :init "BAS" 'func-bas))
    (send sm-top :goal-state :outcome5)
    (send sm-top :start-state "BAS")
    (send sm-top :add-transition "BAS" "SUB" :outcome3)

These lines define another node, goal-state, start-state, and transition in the sm-top.

    (send sm-top :add-transition "SUB" :outcome5 :outcome4)

Remember that the goal state(s) of state-machine does nothing and returns its name. So the outcome (or the return value) of the sm-sub is its name of goal state(s). If you look further, the goal state of sm-sub is :outcome4, so the return value of sm-sub is :outcome4. Therefore this line adds transition of from "SUB" to :outcome5 when "SUB" node returns :outcome4.

  (let ((foo-node (instance state :init "FOO" 'func-foo))
        (bar-node (instance state :init "BAR" 'func-bar)))
      (send sm-sub :add-node foo-node)
      (send sm-sub :add-node bar-node)
      (send sm-sub :goal-state :outcome4)
      (send sm-sub :start-state foo-node)
      (send sm-sub :add-transition foo-node bar-node :outcome1)
      (send sm-sub :add-transition foo-node :outcome4 :outcome2)
      (send sm-sub :add-transition bar-node foo-node :outcome2))

These lines define the behavior of sm-sub in detail just like the previous simple state machine example. Note that (send sm-sub :goal-state :outcome4) not only defines the goal state, but also defines the return value of its state machine.

(send (smach-nested) :execute nil)

Finally, the sm-top is executed here.

Writing Simple Smach with (make-state-machine)

make-state-machine function provides easy-way to define simple state machine. It requires graph-list, func-map, initial-state, goal-states as arguments.

For example, simple state machine can be written as

(defun smach-simple2 ()
  (let (sm)
    (setq sm
           ;; define graph,  list of (<from-node> <transition> <to-node>)
           ;; if <transition> is ->, it corresponds when node returns t and !-> for nil.
           '((:foo :outcome2 :outcome4)
             (:foo :outcome1 :bar)
             (:bar :outcome2 :foo))
           ;; define function map
           '((:foo 'func-foo)  ;; foo returns :outcome1 3 times and then returns :outcome2
             (:bar 'func-bar)) ;; bar always returns :outcome2
           ;; initial state
           ;; goal state

This example have two node :foo and :bar and :outcome4 as terminate node. Each node corresponds to 'func-foo and 'func-bar functions. The function 'func-foo returns :outcome1 3 times and then returns :outcome2. The function 'func-bar always returns :outcome2.

(:foo :outcome2 :outcome4) means when :foo returns :outcome2, it transit to :outcome4. (:foo :outcome1 :bar) means when :foo returns :outcome1, it transit to :bar. (:bar :outcome2 :foo) means when :bar returns :outcome2, it transit to :foo.

To simplify the state machine definition, we recommend users to use t/nil for return value of each node, so that users is able to use (:foo -> :outcome4) for graph definition.

(defun smach-simple3 ()
  (let (sm)
    (setq sm
           '((:foo -> :outcome4)
             (:foo !-> :bar)
             (:bar -> :foo))
           '((:foo '(lambda (&rest args) (cond ((< count 3) (incf count) nil) (t t))))  ;; foo returns nil 3 times and then returns t
             (:bar '(lambda (&rest args) t)))                                           ;; bar always returns t

Both example can be tested with

$ roscd roseus_smach/sample
$ roseus state-machine-ros-sample.l "(progn (setq count 0)(exec-state-machine (smach-simple2)))"
$ roseus state-machine-ros-sample.l "(progn (setq count 0)(exec-state-machine (smach-simple3)))"

and you can check the state machine behavior with ` rosrun smach_viewer`

Writing Nested Smach with (make-state-machine)

You can also write nested state machine with make-state-machie function.

you can add sub state-machine to function maps, as you already added node to them.

(defun smach-simple-nested ()
  (let (sm-top sm-sub)
    (setq sm-sub
           '((:foo :outcome2 :outcome4) ;; transitions
             (:foo :outcome1 :bar)
             (:bar :outcome2 :foo))
           '((:foo 'func-foo) ;; function maps
             (:bar 'func-bar))
           '(:foo)      ;; initial
           '(:outcome4) ;; goal
    (setq sm-top
           '((:bas :outcome3 :sub) ;; transitions
             (:sub :outcome4 :outcome5))
           `((:bas 'func-bas)  ;; functon maps
             (:sub ,sm-sub))   ;; set "nestaed state machine"
           '(:bas)      ;; initial
           '(:outcome5) ;; goal

From roseus >= 1.7.4, you may write

           '((:bas 'func-bas)  ;; functon maps
             (:sub sm-sub))   ;; set "nestaed state machine"

but as for now, please be very careful when you add sub machine. you need to use `(backquote) and , (comma).

This example can be tested with

$ roscd roseus_smach/sample
$ roseus state-machine-ros-sample.l "(progn (setq count 0)(exec-state-machine (smach-simple-nested)))"


Changelog for package roseus_smach

1.7.5 (2021-12-13)

  • [roseus_smach] add :append-goal-state (#696)
  • add nested example with make-state-machine function (#661)

    • add readme on smach-simple-nested

    * use defmacro instead of defun for make-simple-state without this, we need to write ` (setq sm-top (make-state-machine '((:bas :outcome3 :sub) ;; transitions (:sub :outcome4 :outcome5)) `((:bas 'func-bas) ;; functon maps (:sub ,sm-sub)) ;; set "nestaed state machine" '(:bas) ;; initial '(:outcome5) ;; goal ))[ to avoid ]{.title-ref}/opt/ros/melodic/share/euslisp/jskeus/eus/Linux64/bin/irteusgl unittest-error: unbound variable sm-sub in (eval (get-alist node func-map)), exitting...[ errors, this change enable us to write intuitive way ]{.title-ref}'((:bas 'func-bas) ;; functon maps (:sub sm-sub)) ;; set "nestaed state machine"[ you can test this behavior with ]{.title-ref}(defmacro test (l) `(dolist (e ,l) (print e) (print (eval (cadr e))))) (defmacro test (l) (dolist (e l) (print e) (print (eval (cadr e))))) (let (a) (setq a 10) (test '((:foo 1) (:bar a))))`

  • [roseus_smach] make roseus_smach execution faster (#684)
    • sleep 0.5 s for publisher
    • use ros::sleep for smach execution
  • [roseus_smach] add more ros-info in convert-smach (#683)
  • [roseus_smach] fix typo in state-machine-utils.l (#693)
  • [roseus_smach] add :start-state and :goal-state in convert-smach (#682)
  • [roseus_smach] add groupname in state-machine-inspector (#691)
    • use send sm :spin-once in state-machine-utils.l
    • add groupname and spin-once with groupname
  • Updates to README sample code and explanations (#659)
    • extend test time limit to 120 sec for test-samples.l
    • add example/test for smach-simple with make-state-machine function
    • write more info similar to rospy implementation
    • add more info(URL/python code) on sample
    • fix typo of nestate state machine example path
    • add make-sample-parallel-state-machine tests
    • add more test, check :active-tates, duration time
  • [roseus_smach] use roseus for parallel-state-machine-sample (#651)
  • [roseus_smach] add smach_viewer installation to README (#641)
  • [roseus_smach] add code explanation of simple-state-machine in (#627)
  • Contributors: Guilherme Affonso, Kei Okada, Naoki Hiraoka, Naoya Yamaguchi, Shingo Kitagawa, Yoichiro Kawamura

1.7.4 (2019-02-04)

1.7.3 (2019-02-01)

  • check why test-smach-action-client-state failing on installed test (#570 )
  • fix make-state-machine docstring (#589 )
  • re-enable test-smach-action-client-state, which is removed in
  • Add issue link in make-state-machine docstring (#595 )
  • roseus_smach: change the order of callee args for userdata in pddl2smach (#587)
  • roseus_smach: pass userdata values unless :arg-keys is set (#586)
    • roseus_smach: fix error on exec state machine without ri
  • Contributors: Guilherme Affonso, Yuki Furuta, Shingo Kitagawa

1.7.2 (2018-11-10)

1.7.1 (2018-07-22)

  • add melodic test (#567)
    • split test_samples.test into test_samples_action_client_state.test, since it is always failling on only installed test, not sure why...
    • roseus_smach/test/test_samples.test: extend time-limit to 300

    * add retry for testtest_roseus_smach_samples the test failing is this related to memory leak? ` mstart testing [test-smach-sample-userdata] mfoo-count is not set. Setting 0 start testing [test-smach-action-client-state] m;p=pointer?(0x6690338) ;; Segmentation Fault. terminate called after throwing an instance of 'boost::exception_detail::clone_impl<boost::exception_detail::error_info_injector<boost::lock_error> >' what(): boost: mutex lock failed in pthread_mutex_lock: Invalid argument [Testcase: testtest_roseus_smach_samples] ... FAILURE! FAILURE: test [test_roseus_smach_samples] did not generate test results File \"/usr/lib/python2.7/unittest/\", line 329, in run testMethod() File \"/opt/ros/kinetic/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/rostest/\", line 164, in fn self.assert\_(os.path.isfile(test_file), \"test [%s] did not generate test results\"%test_name) File \"/usr/lib/python2.7/unittest/\", line 422, in assertTrue raise self.failureException(msg)`

  • Contributors: Kei Okada

1.7.0 (2018-07-11)

  • Bugfixes and test codes for roseus_smach (#566)
    • roseus_smach: add log messages on state transition
    • roseus_smach: fix: pass :cancel state to action-client-state
    • roseus_smach: fix test
    • roseus_smach: add test code for smach-actionlib
      • Fix: indentations
      • Fix: [bug] userdata is not kept if not given as arguments
      • Add: Test code for action-client-state class
      • Add: action-client-state sets action result/feedback to userdata for key :result/:feedback
  • [roseus_smach] func: make-state-machine accepts various edges (#548)
    • correct doc of :add-transition :add-transition do not accept list as exec-result
    • update make-state-machine docstring
    • set testfunc for transition in make-state-machine
    • func: make-state-machine accepts various edges
  • [roseus_smach] pass userdata keys to state-machine in execution (#549)
    • add exec-state-machine test
    • pass userdata keys to state-machine in execution
  • Contributors: Shingo Kitagawa, Yuki Furuta

1.6.3 (2017-09-08)

1.6.2 (2017-06-21)

  • replace ros-info by ros-debug in state-machine.l (#523)
  • add root-name key in exec-state-machine (#523)
    • use exex-state-machine in sample program exec-smach-with-spin is deprecated.
    • add exec-state-machine with :root-name key test
    • add root-name key in exec-state-machine
  • Contributors: Shingo Kitagawa

1.6.1 (2017-03-15)

  • Merge smach exec (#507)
    • [roseus_smach] rename smach-exec-with-spin -> exec-state-machine
    • [roseus_smach/src/pddl2smach.l] use function namespace to call
  • Contributors: Yuki Furuta

1.6.0 (2016-10-02)

  • [roseus/src/state-machine-utils.l] add document string for exec-smach-with-spin
  • [roseus_smach/src/state-machine-utils.l] support y-or-n-p when iterate mode
  • Contributors: Yuki Furuta

1.5.3 (2016-05-28)

1.5.2 (2016-05-28)

  • [roseus_smach/src/state-machine-utils.l] fix: return after goal reached on exec-smach-with-spin #460
  • Remove no need euslisp from build_depend and find_package #456
  • Contributors: Kentaro Wada, Yuki Furuta

1.5.1 (2016-04-22)

  • [roseus_smach/] update to use github official image link
  • Contributors: Furushchev

1.5.0 (2016-03-20)

  • {roseus_smach, roseus_mongo}/ fix section/subsection
  • [roseus_smach/src/state-machine-utils.l] fix: smach connection from/to nil state
  • Contributors: Kei Okada, Yuki Furuta

1.4.1 (2015-11-25)

  • [roseus_smach/src/state-machine.l] another impl for #383
  • Contributors: Yuki Furuta

1.4.0 (2015-11-03)

  • [roseus_smach] warning message for :goal-state
  • [roseus_smach] add failure nodes addition feature for state-machine generation utils
  • [roseus_smach/sample/parallel-state-machine-sample.l] fix:
  • [roseus_smach] fix test launch file extension .launch -> .test; test only required
  • Contributors: Kamada Hitoshi, Yuki Furuta

1.3.9 (2015-09-14)

1.3.8 (2015-09-12)

1.3.7 (2015-08-18)

  • [] describe how to run smach viewer
  • [sample/state-machine-ros-sample.l, sample/state-machine-sample.l] add shbang
  • [roseus_smach/CMakeLists.txt] disable test/test_parallel_state_machine_sample.launch for now
  • [package.xml] add actionlib_tutorials depends to roseus_smach
  • Contributors: Kei Okada

1.3.6 (2015-06-11)

1.3.5 (2015-05-15)

1.3.4 (2015-05-03)

  • [roseus_smach] add test for parallel state machine
  • [roseus_smach] add parallel state machine sample test to CMakeLists
  • [roseus_smach] add sample test to CMakeLists
  • [roseus_smach] split sample test in order to inspect failure detail
  • [roseus_smach] change order of roseus in find_package
  • [roseus_smach] move smach-exec function from sample to utils
  • [roseus_smach] fix wrong file/module name
  • [roseus_smach] miscellaneous fixes
  • [roseus_smach] add test launch
  • [roseus_smach] add feature async join
  • [roseus_smach] fix transition fail when parallel state
  • [roseus_smach] add async join state to state-machine
  • [roseus_smach] fix tmp -> next
  • [roseus_smach] modify state-machine :execute-impl
  • Contributors: Yuki Furuta, Kamada Hitoshi

1.3.3 (2015-04-29)

1.3.2 (2015-04-28)

1.3.1 (2015-04-26)

  • [roseus_smach/src/state-machine-actionlib.l] support spin action client group, see #274
  • [roseus_smach/src/state-machine-utils.l] modify make-state-machine
  • [roseus_smach/src/state-machine-utils.l] add iterative execute state machine util
  • Contributors: Yuki Furuta, Hitoshi Kamada, Kei Okada

1.3.0 (2015-04-24)

  • [roseus_smach] add docstring for 'make-state-machine' function; add key option to custom exec-result to transit states
  • [roseus_smach] fix sample parallel task transition; fix typo
  • [roseus_smach] fix typo; change image link
  • [roseus_smach] Create add sample image
  • [roseus_smach] add syntax suggar of creating state machine with parallel execution, and its sample code
  • [roseus_smach] add feature: parallel executive state machine, and its visualization stuff
  • [roseus_smach] use soft tab
  • Contributors: Yuki Furuta

1.2.6 (2015-02-21)

1.2.5 (2015-02-13)

1.2.4 (2015-02-12)

1.2.3 (2015-02-02)

1.2.2 (2015-01-27)

1.2.1 (2015-01-27)

1.2.0 (2015-01-26)

1.1.33 (2015-01-26)

1.1.32 (2015-01-26)

1.1.31 (2015-01-23)

  • remove old manifest.xml, fully catkinize
  • Contributors: Kei Okada

1.1.30 (2015-01-14)

1.1.29 (2014-12-27)

1.1.28 (2014-12-26)

1.1.27 (2014-12-20)

  • remove cmake file for rosbuild
  • not use executive_smach as deps directly; remove manifest.xml

1.1.26 (2014-11-10)

1.1.25 (2014-10-10)

1.1.23 (2014-09-24)

1.1.22 (2014-09-04)

1.1.21 (2014-06-30)

1.1.20 (2014-06-29)

1.1.19 (2014-06-11)

1.1.18 (2014-05-16)

1.1.17 (2014-05-11)

1.1.16 (2014-05-11)

1.1.15 (2014-05-10)

1.1.14 (2014-05-09)

1.1.13 (2014-05-06)

1.1.12 (2014-05-06)

1.1.11 (2014-05-04)

  • catkinize roseus_smach
  • Contributors: Kei Okada

1.1.10 (2014-05-03 10:35)

1.1.9 (2014-05-03 09:30)

1.1.8 (2014-05-02)

1.1.7 (2014-04-28 14:29)

1.1.6 (2014-04-28 03:12)

1.1.5 (2014-04-27)

1.1.4 (2014-04-25)

1.1.3 (2014-04-14)

1.1.2 (2014-04-07 23:17)

1.1.1 (2014-04-07 09:02)

1.1.0 (2014-04-07 00:52)

1.0.4 (2014-03-31)

1.0.3 (2014-03-30)

1.0.2 (2014-03-28)

1.0.1 (2014-03-27)

  • roseus_smach: disable packages for groovy
  • publish-all-status to state-machine-inspector
  • use-sub-machine to pddl2smach.l
  • modify :reset-state for setting typical state
  • add keywords to pddl-graph-to-smach
  • add smach utility functions
  • fix default option
  • add utility methods to state-machine-inspector
  • add keyword for using userdata in pddl2smach
  • add keyword for changing return value
  • add :readable keyword for pddl2smach
  • fix for working sample
  • remove load command for irtgraph.l
  • update internal data structure for new graph.l
  • publish smach structure once, and latch it
  • add test for roseus_smach samples, fixed the initial state setter method
  • update roseus_smach for set initial state callback
  • add actionlib_tutorials for sample scripts
  • changed to use unreviewed version of irtgraph.l
  • fix smach_structure publish properly timing, add user input action to task_compiler
  • remove old method in roseus_smach
  • move convert script from pddl to smach
  • chenge test function to compare execution results
  • commit for current scripts for demonstration
  • use package:// for loading graph.l
  • change test function for transition, eq -> equal
  • set initial-state = send :start-state
  • add initial-state-cb to roseus_smach
  • add message name to constant in msg definition
  • add ** to msg constant type
  • add function to create state-instance which execute action-client
  • commit current source tree
  • add code for smach_viewer
  • change name smach_roseus -> roseus_smach
  • Contributors: Kei Okada, youhei, Manabu Saito, Xiangyu Chen

Wiki Tutorials

This package does not provide any links to tutorials in it's rosindex metadata. You can check on the ROS Wiki Tutorials page for the package.

Launch files


No message files found.


No service files found


No plugins found.

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