No version for distro humble. Known supported distros are highlighted in the buttons above.
No version for distro iron. Known supported distros are highlighted in the buttons above.
No version for distro jazzy. Known supported distros are highlighted in the buttons above.
No version for distro rolling. Known supported distros are highlighted in the buttons above.

parameter_pa package from parameter_pa repo


Package Summary

Tags No category tags.
Version 1.2.3
License BSD
Build type CATKIN

Repository Summary

Checkout URI
VCS Type git
VCS Version master
Last Updated 2021-06-08
CI status Continuous Integration
Tags No category tags.
Contributing Help Wanted (0)
Good First Issues (0)
Pull Requests to Review (0)

Package Description

ProAut parameter package

Additional Links

No additional links.


  • Peter Weissig


No additional authors.

ProAut Parameter


This is a simple helper-package for loading variables from the parameter server.

The main idea is to simplify the handling of parameters, which can be set to default values. The load() function will print if a parameter is loaded from the server or if its default value is used. In each case, the final value is printed, too.


rosrun parameter_pa parameter_pa_node
roslaunch parameter_pa parameter_pa.launch


Service Name Type Description
"~/substitutePath" parameter_pa/ParameterPaString Replaces each "$(find xyz)" with the corresponding path - this is similar to calling loadPath().
"~/substituteRessource" parameter_pa/ParameterPaString Resolves ressource name - this is similar to calling loadTopic().


The main load() function can handle bool, int, double and string - all as single values and as vectors. Also matrices of double (float) can be loaded.

Additionaly, there are two more dedicated load functions: loadPath() and loadTopic(). Both are basically loading a simple string from the parameter server as descript above. Furthermore the strings are specificly manipulated:


Every "$(find xyz)" will be replaced with the path of package xyz.


Names are resolved with additional operators.

For these examples assume that ROS_NAMESPACE is set to "/name/space" and that the nodes' name is "parameter_pa_node"

Regular ressource names

in_string out_string comment
ressource ressource relative name
ressource/ ressource/ relative name ending with slash
ns/ressource ns/ressource relative name with namespace
ns/ressource/ ns/ressource/ relative name with namespace ending with slash
/ressource /ressource absolute name
/ressource/ /ressource/ absolute name ending with slash
/ns/ressource /ns/ressource absolute name with namespace
/ns/ressource/ /ns/ressource/ absolute name with namespace ending with slash

Private ressource names

in_string out_string comment
~ /name/space/parameter_pa_node private namespace
~/ /name/space/parameter_pa_node/ private namespace ending with slash
~/ressource /name/space/parameter_pa_node/ressource private namespace with relative name
~/ns/ressource/ /name/space/parameter_pa_node/ns/ressource/ private namespace with relative name and relative namespace ending in slash
/abc/~/xyz Error no private namespace within absolute name allowed

Locale ressource names

in_string out_string comment
. /name/space local namespace
./ /name/space/ local namespace ending with slash
./ressource/ /name/space/ressource/ local namespace with relative name ending in slash
./ns/ressource /name/space/ns/ressource local namespace with relative name and relative namespace
/abc/./xyz /abc/xyz local namespace within absolute name

Previous ressource names

in_string out_string comment
.. /name previous namespace
../ /name/ previous namespace ending with slash
../ressource/ /name/ressource/ previous namespace with relative name ending in slash
../ns/ressource /name/ns/ressource previous namespace with relative name and relative namespace
/abc/def/../xyz /abc/xyz previous namespace within absolute name

Removal of double slashes

in_string out_string comment
ressource// ressource/ relative name ending with slash
//ns/ressource /ns/ressource absolute name with namespace

More examples

in_string out_string
~/abc/.//def/../ns//ressource/ /name/space/parameter_pa_node/abc/ns/ressource/
ns//.././..//ressource /name/space/ressource
../../../../../../ressource/ /ressource/

Example Usage

A typical output looks like this:

[ INFO] [1499357951.543886548]: load parameter ~/tf_lookup_time (0.1)
[ INFO] [1499357951.544331412]: parameter ~/buffer_pointcloud not set (defaults to false)
[ INFO] [1499357951.544867951]: load parameter ~/debugging (true)

Here is the related source code, which is taken from pcdfilter_pa:

cParameterPaRos paramloader;

// ...
paramloader.load("~/tf_lookup_time"   , filters_.tf_lookup_time_     );
paramloader.load("~/buffer_pointcloud", rosparams_.buffer_pointcloud_);
paramloader.load("~/debugging"        , rosparams_.debugging_        );

Source code at github

ROS packages


ros-melodic-parameter-pa (upcoming)

ros-noetic-parameter-pa (upcoming)

ROS Build-Status and Documentation

ROS-Distribution Build-Status Documentation
Indigo EOL April 2019
Jade EOL May 2017
Kinetic EOL April 2021
Lunar EOL May 2019
Melodic Build Status
Noetic Build Status

Changelog for package parameter_pa

1.2.3 (2021-06-08)

  • bumped cmake Version to 3.0.2 to avoid CMP0048
  • Contributors: Peter Weissig

1.2.2 (2021-06-08)

  • updated documentation
    • updated
    • added rosdoc.yaml
    • removed doxygen.h
  • updated year of copyright
  • updated gitignore-file
  • updated files to new repository (only changed documentation and license) moved from to
  • Contributors: Peter Weissig

1.2.1 (2017-12-14)

  • bugfixed loadTopic (loaded topic was not resolved)
  • bugfixed documentation (some typos)
  • Contributors: Peter Weissig

1.2.0 (2017-12-11)

  • removed unnecessary headers
  • bugfixed include of xmlrpcpp (before kinetic those files were not related to a package)
  • update bugfixed formatting (missing blanc line before table)
  • added new features (\"./\" and \"../\" within ressource names) added visual studio code config files (for ros kinetic) updated documentation
  • Contributors: Peter Weissig

1.1.0 (2017-08-01)

  • moved header from include/ to include/\${project_name} also fixed related paths
  • Contributors: Peter Weissig

1.0.2 (2017-07-31)

  • updated year within license
  • updated version number
  • added install target to CMakeLists.txt
  • Contributors: Peter Weissig


  • updated package.xml to format version 2
  • updated doxygen.h and
  • updated CMakeLists.txt and package.xml added Eigen3
  • updated git policies
  • Initial commit
  • Contributors: Peter Weissig

Wiki Tutorials

See ROS Wiki Tutorials for more details.

Source Tutorials

Not currently indexed.


No message files found.


No plugins found.

Recent questions tagged parameter_pa at Robotics Stack Exchange

No version for distro ardent. Known supported distros are highlighted in the buttons above.
No version for distro bouncy. Known supported distros are highlighted in the buttons above.
No version for distro crystal. Known supported distros are highlighted in the buttons above.
No version for distro eloquent. Known supported distros are highlighted in the buttons above.
No version for distro dashing. Known supported distros are highlighted in the buttons above.
No version for distro galactic. Known supported distros are highlighted in the buttons above.
No version for distro foxy. Known supported distros are highlighted in the buttons above.

parameter_pa package from parameter_pa repo


Package Summary

Tags No category tags.
Version 1.2.3
License BSD
Build type CATKIN

Repository Summary

Checkout URI
VCS Type git
VCS Version master
Last Updated 2021-06-08
CI status Continuous Integration
Tags No category tags.
Contributing Help Wanted (0)
Good First Issues (0)
Pull Requests to Review (0)

Package Description

ProAut parameter package

Additional Links

No additional links.


  • Peter Weissig


No additional authors.

ProAut Parameter


This is a simple helper-package for loading variables from the parameter server.

The main idea is to simplify the handling of parameters, which can be set to default values. The load() function will print if a parameter is loaded from the server or if its default value is used. In each case, the final value is printed, too.


rosrun parameter_pa parameter_pa_node
roslaunch parameter_pa parameter_pa.launch


Service Name Type Description
"~/substitutePath" parameter_pa/ParameterPaString Replaces each "$(find xyz)" with the corresponding path - this is similar to calling loadPath().
"~/substituteRessource" parameter_pa/ParameterPaString Resolves ressource name - this is similar to calling loadTopic().


The main load() function can handle bool, int, double and string - all as single values and as vectors. Also matrices of double (float) can be loaded.

Additionaly, there are two more dedicated load functions: loadPath() and loadTopic(). Both are basically loading a simple string from the parameter server as descript above. Furthermore the strings are specificly manipulated:


Every "$(find xyz)" will be replaced with the path of package xyz.


Names are resolved with additional operators.

For these examples assume that ROS_NAMESPACE is set to "/name/space" and that the nodes' name is "parameter_pa_node"

Regular ressource names

in_string out_string comment
ressource ressource relative name
ressource/ ressource/ relative name ending with slash
ns/ressource ns/ressource relative name with namespace
ns/ressource/ ns/ressource/ relative name with namespace ending with slash
/ressource /ressource absolute name
/ressource/ /ressource/ absolute name ending with slash
/ns/ressource /ns/ressource absolute name with namespace
/ns/ressource/ /ns/ressource/ absolute name with namespace ending with slash

Private ressource names

in_string out_string comment
~ /name/space/parameter_pa_node private namespace
~/ /name/space/parameter_pa_node/ private namespace ending with slash
~/ressource /name/space/parameter_pa_node/ressource private namespace with relative name
~/ns/ressource/ /name/space/parameter_pa_node/ns/ressource/ private namespace with relative name and relative namespace ending in slash
/abc/~/xyz Error no private namespace within absolute name allowed

Locale ressource names

in_string out_string comment
. /name/space local namespace
./ /name/space/ local namespace ending with slash
./ressource/ /name/space/ressource/ local namespace with relative name ending in slash
./ns/ressource /name/space/ns/ressource local namespace with relative name and relative namespace
/abc/./xyz /abc/xyz local namespace within absolute name

Previous ressource names

in_string out_string comment
.. /name previous namespace
../ /name/ previous namespace ending with slash
../ressource/ /name/ressource/ previous namespace with relative name ending in slash
../ns/ressource /name/ns/ressource previous namespace with relative name and relative namespace
/abc/def/../xyz /abc/xyz previous namespace within absolute name

Removal of double slashes

in_string out_string comment
ressource// ressource/ relative name ending with slash
//ns/ressource /ns/ressource absolute name with namespace

More examples

in_string out_string
~/abc/.//def/../ns//ressource/ /name/space/parameter_pa_node/abc/ns/ressource/
ns//.././..//ressource /name/space/ressource
../../../../../../ressource/ /ressource/

Example Usage

A typical output looks like this:

[ INFO] [1499357951.543886548]: load parameter ~/tf_lookup_time (0.1)
[ INFO] [1499357951.544331412]: parameter ~/buffer_pointcloud not set (defaults to false)
[ INFO] [1499357951.544867951]: load parameter ~/debugging (true)

Here is the related source code, which is taken from pcdfilter_pa:

cParameterPaRos paramloader;

// ...
paramloader.load("~/tf_lookup_time"   , filters_.tf_lookup_time_     );
paramloader.load("~/buffer_pointcloud", rosparams_.buffer_pointcloud_);
paramloader.load("~/debugging"        , rosparams_.debugging_        );

Source code at github

ROS packages


ros-melodic-parameter-pa (upcoming)

ros-noetic-parameter-pa (upcoming)

ROS Build-Status and Documentation

ROS-Distribution Build-Status Documentation
Indigo EOL April 2019
Jade EOL May 2017
Kinetic EOL April 2021
Lunar EOL May 2019
Melodic Build Status
Noetic Build Status

Changelog for package parameter_pa

1.2.3 (2021-06-08)

  • bumped cmake Version to 3.0.2 to avoid CMP0048
  • Contributors: Peter Weissig

1.2.2 (2021-06-08)

  • updated documentation
    • updated
    • added rosdoc.yaml
    • removed doxygen.h
  • updated year of copyright
  • updated gitignore-file
  • updated files to new repository (only changed documentation and license) moved from to
  • Contributors: Peter Weissig

1.2.1 (2017-12-14)

  • bugfixed loadTopic (loaded topic was not resolved)
  • bugfixed documentation (some typos)
  • Contributors: Peter Weissig

1.2.0 (2017-12-11)

  • removed unnecessary headers
  • bugfixed include of xmlrpcpp (before kinetic those files were not related to a package)
  • update bugfixed formatting (missing blanc line before table)
  • added new features (\"./\" and \"../\" within ressource names) added visual studio code config files (for ros kinetic) updated documentation
  • Contributors: Peter Weissig

1.1.0 (2017-08-01)

  • moved header from include/ to include/\${project_name} also fixed related paths
  • Contributors: Peter Weissig

1.0.2 (2017-07-31)

  • updated year within license
  • updated version number
  • added install target to CMakeLists.txt
  • Contributors: Peter Weissig


  • updated package.xml to format version 2
  • updated doxygen.h and
  • updated CMakeLists.txt and package.xml added Eigen3
  • updated git policies
  • Initial commit
  • Contributors: Peter Weissig

Wiki Tutorials

See ROS Wiki Tutorials for more details.

Source Tutorials

Not currently indexed.


No message files found.


No plugins found.

Recent questions tagged parameter_pa at Robotics Stack Exchange

parameter_pa package from parameter_pa repo


Package Summary

Tags No category tags.
Version 1.2.3
License BSD
Build type CATKIN

Repository Summary

Checkout URI
VCS Type git
VCS Version master
Last Updated 2021-06-08
CI status Continuous Integration
Tags No category tags.
Contributing Help Wanted (0)
Good First Issues (0)
Pull Requests to Review (0)

Package Description

ProAut parameter package

Additional Links

No additional links.


  • Peter Weissig


No additional authors.

ProAut Parameter


This is a simple helper-package for loading variables from the parameter server.

The main idea is to simplify the handling of parameters, which can be set to default values. The load() function will print if a parameter is loaded from the server or if its default value is used. In each case, the final value is printed, too.


rosrun parameter_pa parameter_pa_node
roslaunch parameter_pa parameter_pa.launch


Service Name Type Description
"~/substitutePath" parameter_pa/ParameterPaString Replaces each "$(find xyz)" with the corresponding path - this is similar to calling loadPath().
"~/substituteRessource" parameter_pa/ParameterPaString Resolves ressource name - this is similar to calling loadTopic().


The main load() function can handle bool, int, double and string - all as single values and as vectors. Also matrices of double (float) can be loaded.

Additionaly, there are two more dedicated load functions: loadPath() and loadTopic(). Both are basically loading a simple string from the parameter server as descript above. Furthermore the strings are specificly manipulated:


Every "$(find xyz)" will be replaced with the path of package xyz.


Names are resolved with additional operators.

For these examples assume that ROS_NAMESPACE is set to "/name/space" and that the nodes' name is "parameter_pa_node"

Regular ressource names

in_string out_string comment
ressource ressource relative name
ressource/ ressource/ relative name ending with slash
ns/ressource ns/ressource relative name with namespace
ns/ressource/ ns/ressource/ relative name with namespace ending with slash
/ressource /ressource absolute name
/ressource/ /ressource/ absolute name ending with slash
/ns/ressource /ns/ressource absolute name with namespace
/ns/ressource/ /ns/ressource/ absolute name with namespace ending with slash

Private ressource names

in_string out_string comment
~ /name/space/parameter_pa_node private namespace
~/ /name/space/parameter_pa_node/ private namespace ending with slash
~/ressource /name/space/parameter_pa_node/ressource private namespace with relative name
~/ns/ressource/ /name/space/parameter_pa_node/ns/ressource/ private namespace with relative name and relative namespace ending in slash
/abc/~/xyz Error no private namespace within absolute name allowed

Locale ressource names

in_string out_string comment
. /name/space local namespace
./ /name/space/ local namespace ending with slash
./ressource/ /name/space/ressource/ local namespace with relative name ending in slash
./ns/ressource /name/space/ns/ressource local namespace with relative name and relative namespace
/abc/./xyz /abc/xyz local namespace within absolute name

Previous ressource names

in_string out_string comment
.. /name previous namespace
../ /name/ previous namespace ending with slash
../ressource/ /name/ressource/ previous namespace with relative name ending in slash
../ns/ressource /name/ns/ressource previous namespace with relative name and relative namespace
/abc/def/../xyz /abc/xyz previous namespace within absolute name

Removal of double slashes

in_string out_string comment
ressource// ressource/ relative name ending with slash
//ns/ressource /ns/ressource absolute name with namespace

More examples

in_string out_string
~/abc/.//def/../ns//ressource/ /name/space/parameter_pa_node/abc/ns/ressource/
ns//.././..//ressource /name/space/ressource
../../../../../../ressource/ /ressource/

Example Usage

A typical output looks like this:

[ INFO] [1499357951.543886548]: load parameter ~/tf_lookup_time (0.1)
[ INFO] [1499357951.544331412]: parameter ~/buffer_pointcloud not set (defaults to false)
[ INFO] [1499357951.544867951]: load parameter ~/debugging (true)

Here is the related source code, which is taken from pcdfilter_pa:

cParameterPaRos paramloader;

// ...
paramloader.load("~/tf_lookup_time"   , filters_.tf_lookup_time_     );
paramloader.load("~/buffer_pointcloud", rosparams_.buffer_pointcloud_);
paramloader.load("~/debugging"        , rosparams_.debugging_        );

Source code at github

ROS packages


ros-melodic-parameter-pa (upcoming)

ros-noetic-parameter-pa (upcoming)

ROS Build-Status and Documentation

ROS-Distribution Build-Status Documentation
Indigo EOL April 2019
Jade EOL May 2017
Kinetic EOL April 2021
Lunar EOL May 2019
Melodic Build Status
Noetic Build Status

Changelog for package parameter_pa

1.2.3 (2021-06-08)

  • bumped cmake Version to 3.0.2 to avoid CMP0048
  • Contributors: Peter Weissig

1.2.2 (2021-06-08)

  • updated documentation
    • updated
    • added rosdoc.yaml
    • removed doxygen.h
  • updated year of copyright
  • updated gitignore-file
  • updated files to new repository (only changed documentation and license) moved from to
  • Contributors: Peter Weissig

1.2.1 (2017-12-14)

  • bugfixed loadTopic (loaded topic was not resolved)
  • bugfixed documentation (some typos)
  • Contributors: Peter Weissig

1.2.0 (2017-12-11)

  • removed unnecessary headers
  • bugfixed include of xmlrpcpp (before kinetic those files were not related to a package)
  • update bugfixed formatting (missing blanc line before table)
  • added new features (\"./\" and \"../\" within ressource names) added visual studio code config files (for ros kinetic) updated documentation
  • Contributors: Peter Weissig

1.1.0 (2017-08-01)

  • moved header from include/ to include/\${project_name} also fixed related paths
  • Contributors: Peter Weissig

1.0.2 (2017-07-31)

  • updated year within license
  • updated version number
  • added install target to CMakeLists.txt
  • Contributors: Peter Weissig


  • updated package.xml to format version 2
  • updated doxygen.h and
  • updated CMakeLists.txt and package.xml added Eigen3
  • updated git policies
  • Initial commit
  • Contributors: Peter Weissig

Wiki Tutorials

See ROS Wiki Tutorials for more details.

Source Tutorials

Not currently indexed.


No message files found.


No plugins found.

Recent questions tagged parameter_pa at Robotics Stack Exchange

parameter_pa package from parameter_pa repo


Package Summary

Tags No category tags.
Version 1.2.3
License BSD
Build type CATKIN

Repository Summary

Checkout URI
VCS Type git
VCS Version master
Last Updated 2021-06-08
CI status Continuous Integration
Tags No category tags.
Contributing Help Wanted (0)
Good First Issues (0)
Pull Requests to Review (0)

Package Description

ProAut parameter package

Additional Links

No additional links.


  • Peter Weissig


No additional authors.

ProAut Parameter


This is a simple helper-package for loading variables from the parameter server.

The main idea is to simplify the handling of parameters, which can be set to default values. The load() function will print if a parameter is loaded from the server or if its default value is used. In each case, the final value is printed, too.


rosrun parameter_pa parameter_pa_node
roslaunch parameter_pa parameter_pa.launch


Service Name Type Description
"~/substitutePath" parameter_pa/ParameterPaString Replaces each "$(find xyz)" with the corresponding path - this is similar to calling loadPath().
"~/substituteRessource" parameter_pa/ParameterPaString Resolves ressource name - this is similar to calling loadTopic().


The main load() function can handle bool, int, double and string - all as single values and as vectors. Also matrices of double (float) can be loaded.

Additionaly, there are two more dedicated load functions: loadPath() and loadTopic(). Both are basically loading a simple string from the parameter server as descript above. Furthermore the strings are specificly manipulated:


Every "$(find xyz)" will be replaced with the path of package xyz.


Names are resolved with additional operators.

For these examples assume that ROS_NAMESPACE is set to "/name/space" and that the nodes' name is "parameter_pa_node"

Regular ressource names

in_string out_string comment
ressource ressource relative name
ressource/ ressource/ relative name ending with slash
ns/ressource ns/ressource relative name with namespace
ns/ressource/ ns/ressource/ relative name with namespace ending with slash
/ressource /ressource absolute name
/ressource/ /ressource/ absolute name ending with slash
/ns/ressource /ns/ressource absolute name with namespace
/ns/ressource/ /ns/ressource/ absolute name with namespace ending with slash

Private ressource names

in_string out_string comment
~ /name/space/parameter_pa_node private namespace
~/ /name/space/parameter_pa_node/ private namespace ending with slash
~/ressource /name/space/parameter_pa_node/ressource private namespace with relative name
~/ns/ressource/ /name/space/parameter_pa_node/ns/ressource/ private namespace with relative name and relative namespace ending in slash
/abc/~/xyz Error no private namespace within absolute name allowed

Locale ressource names

in_string out_string comment
. /name/space local namespace
./ /name/space/ local namespace ending with slash
./ressource/ /name/space/ressource/ local namespace with relative name ending in slash
./ns/ressource /name/space/ns/ressource local namespace with relative name and relative namespace
/abc/./xyz /abc/xyz local namespace within absolute name

Previous ressource names

in_string out_string comment
.. /name previous namespace
../ /name/ previous namespace ending with slash
../ressource/ /name/ressource/ previous namespace with relative name ending in slash
../ns/ressource /name/ns/ressource previous namespace with relative name and relative namespace
/abc/def/../xyz /abc/xyz previous namespace within absolute name

Removal of double slashes

in_string out_string comment
ressource// ressource/ relative name ending with slash
//ns/ressource /ns/ressource absolute name with namespace

More examples

in_string out_string
~/abc/.//def/../ns//ressource/ /name/space/parameter_pa_node/abc/ns/ressource/
ns//.././..//ressource /name/space/ressource
../../../../../../ressource/ /ressource/

Example Usage

A typical output looks like this:

[ INFO] [1499357951.543886548]: load parameter ~/tf_lookup_time (0.1)
[ INFO] [1499357951.544331412]: parameter ~/buffer_pointcloud not set (defaults to false)
[ INFO] [1499357951.544867951]: load parameter ~/debugging (true)

Here is the related source code, which is taken from pcdfilter_pa:

cParameterPaRos paramloader;

// ...
paramloader.load("~/tf_lookup_time"   , filters_.tf_lookup_time_     );
paramloader.load("~/buffer_pointcloud", rosparams_.buffer_pointcloud_);
paramloader.load("~/debugging"        , rosparams_.debugging_        );

Source code at github

ROS packages


ros-melodic-parameter-pa (upcoming)

ros-noetic-parameter-pa (upcoming)

ROS Build-Status and Documentation

ROS-Distribution Build-Status Documentation
Indigo EOL April 2019
Jade EOL May 2017
Kinetic EOL April 2021
Lunar EOL May 2019
Melodic Build Status
Noetic Build Status

Changelog for package parameter_pa

1.2.3 (2021-06-08)

  • bumped cmake Version to 3.0.2 to avoid CMP0048
  • Contributors: Peter Weissig

1.2.2 (2021-06-08)

  • updated documentation
    • updated
    • added rosdoc.yaml
    • removed doxygen.h
  • updated year of copyright
  • updated gitignore-file
  • updated files to new repository (only changed documentation and license) moved from to
  • Contributors: Peter Weissig

1.2.1 (2017-12-14)

  • bugfixed loadTopic (loaded topic was not resolved)
  • bugfixed documentation (some typos)
  • Contributors: Peter Weissig

1.2.0 (2017-12-11)

  • removed unnecessary headers
  • bugfixed include of xmlrpcpp (before kinetic those files were not related to a package)
  • update bugfixed formatting (missing blanc line before table)
  • added new features (\"./\" and \"../\" within ressource names) added visual studio code config files (for ros kinetic) updated documentation
  • Contributors: Peter Weissig

1.1.0 (2017-08-01)

  • moved header from include/ to include/\${project_name} also fixed related paths
  • Contributors: Peter Weissig

1.0.2 (2017-07-31)

  • updated year within license
  • updated version number
  • added install target to CMakeLists.txt
  • Contributors: Peter Weissig


  • updated package.xml to format version 2
  • updated doxygen.h and
  • updated CMakeLists.txt and package.xml added Eigen3
  • updated git policies
  • Initial commit
  • Contributors: Peter Weissig

Wiki Tutorials

See ROS Wiki Tutorials for more details.

Source Tutorials

Not currently indexed.


No message files found.


No plugins found.

Recent questions tagged parameter_pa at Robotics Stack Exchange

No version for distro hydro. Known supported distros are highlighted in the buttons above.

parameter_pa package from parameter_pa repo


Package Summary

Tags No category tags.
Version 1.2.3
License BSD
Build type CATKIN

Repository Summary

Checkout URI
VCS Type git
VCS Version master
Last Updated 2021-06-08
CI status Continuous Integration
Tags No category tags.
Contributing Help Wanted (0)
Good First Issues (0)
Pull Requests to Review (0)

Package Description

ProAut parameter package

Additional Links

No additional links.


  • Peter Weissig


No additional authors.

ProAut Parameter


This is a simple helper-package for loading variables from the parameter server.

The main idea is to simplify the handling of parameters, which can be set to default values. The load() function will print if a parameter is loaded from the server or if its default value is used. In each case, the final value is printed, too.


rosrun parameter_pa parameter_pa_node
roslaunch parameter_pa parameter_pa.launch


Service Name Type Description
"~/substitutePath" parameter_pa/ParameterPaString Replaces each "$(find xyz)" with the corresponding path - this is similar to calling loadPath().
"~/substituteRessource" parameter_pa/ParameterPaString Resolves ressource name - this is similar to calling loadTopic().


The main load() function can handle bool, int, double and string - all as single values and as vectors. Also matrices of double (float) can be loaded.

Additionaly, there are two more dedicated load functions: loadPath() and loadTopic(). Both are basically loading a simple string from the parameter server as descript above. Furthermore the strings are specificly manipulated:


Every "$(find xyz)" will be replaced with the path of package xyz.


Names are resolved with additional operators.

For these examples assume that ROS_NAMESPACE is set to "/name/space" and that the nodes' name is "parameter_pa_node"

Regular ressource names

in_string out_string comment
ressource ressource relative name
ressource/ ressource/ relative name ending with slash
ns/ressource ns/ressource relative name with namespace
ns/ressource/ ns/ressource/ relative name with namespace ending with slash
/ressource /ressource absolute name
/ressource/ /ressource/ absolute name ending with slash
/ns/ressource /ns/ressource absolute name with namespace
/ns/ressource/ /ns/ressource/ absolute name with namespace ending with slash

Private ressource names

in_string out_string comment
~ /name/space/parameter_pa_node private namespace
~/ /name/space/parameter_pa_node/ private namespace ending with slash
~/ressource /name/space/parameter_pa_node/ressource private namespace with relative name
~/ns/ressource/ /name/space/parameter_pa_node/ns/ressource/ private namespace with relative name and relative namespace ending in slash
/abc/~/xyz Error no private namespace within absolute name allowed

Locale ressource names

in_string out_string comment
. /name/space local namespace
./ /name/space/ local namespace ending with slash
./ressource/ /name/space/ressource/ local namespace with relative name ending in slash
./ns/ressource /name/space/ns/ressource local namespace with relative name and relative namespace
/abc/./xyz /abc/xyz local namespace within absolute name

Previous ressource names

in_string out_string comment
.. /name previous namespace
../ /name/ previous namespace ending with slash
../ressource/ /name/ressource/ previous namespace with relative name ending in slash
../ns/ressource /name/ns/ressource previous namespace with relative name and relative namespace
/abc/def/../xyz /abc/xyz previous namespace within absolute name

Removal of double slashes

in_string out_string comment
ressource// ressource/ relative name ending with slash
//ns/ressource /ns/ressource absolute name with namespace

More examples

in_string out_string
~/abc/.//def/../ns//ressource/ /name/space/parameter_pa_node/abc/ns/ressource/
ns//.././..//ressource /name/space/ressource
../../../../../../ressource/ /ressource/

Example Usage

A typical output looks like this:

[ INFO] [1499357951.543886548]: load parameter ~/tf_lookup_time (0.1)
[ INFO] [1499357951.544331412]: parameter ~/buffer_pointcloud not set (defaults to false)
[ INFO] [1499357951.544867951]: load parameter ~/debugging (true)

Here is the related source code, which is taken from pcdfilter_pa:

cParameterPaRos paramloader;

// ...
paramloader.load("~/tf_lookup_time"   , filters_.tf_lookup_time_     );
paramloader.load("~/buffer_pointcloud", rosparams_.buffer_pointcloud_);
paramloader.load("~/debugging"        , rosparams_.debugging_        );

Source code at github

ROS packages


ros-melodic-parameter-pa (upcoming)

ros-noetic-parameter-pa (upcoming)

ROS Build-Status and Documentation

ROS-Distribution Build-Status Documentation
Indigo EOL April 2019
Jade EOL May 2017
Kinetic EOL April 2021
Lunar EOL May 2019
Melodic Build Status
Noetic Build Status

Changelog for package parameter_pa

1.2.3 (2021-06-08)

  • bumped cmake Version to 3.0.2 to avoid CMP0048
  • Contributors: Peter Weissig

1.2.2 (2021-06-08)

  • updated documentation
    • updated
    • added rosdoc.yaml
    • removed doxygen.h
  • updated year of copyright
  • updated gitignore-file
  • updated files to new repository (only changed documentation and license) moved from to
  • Contributors: Peter Weissig

1.2.1 (2017-12-14)

  • bugfixed loadTopic (loaded topic was not resolved)
  • bugfixed documentation (some typos)
  • Contributors: Peter Weissig

1.2.0 (2017-12-11)

  • removed unnecessary headers
  • bugfixed include of xmlrpcpp (before kinetic those files were not related to a package)
  • update bugfixed formatting (missing blanc line before table)
  • added new features (\"./\" and \"../\" within ressource names) added visual studio code config files (for ros kinetic) updated documentation
  • Contributors: Peter Weissig

1.1.0 (2017-08-01)

  • moved header from include/ to include/\${project_name} also fixed related paths
  • Contributors: Peter Weissig

1.0.2 (2017-07-31)

  • updated year within license
  • updated version number
  • added install target to CMakeLists.txt
  • Contributors: Peter Weissig


  • updated package.xml to format version 2
  • updated doxygen.h and
  • updated CMakeLists.txt and package.xml added Eigen3
  • updated git policies
  • Initial commit
  • Contributors: Peter Weissig

Wiki Tutorials

See ROS Wiki Tutorials for more details.

Source Tutorials

Not currently indexed.


No message files found.


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Recent questions tagged parameter_pa at Robotics Stack Exchange

parameter_pa package from parameter_pa repo


Package Summary

Tags No category tags.
Version 1.2.3
License BSD
Build type CATKIN

Repository Summary

Checkout URI
VCS Type git
VCS Version master
Last Updated 2021-06-08
CI status Continuous Integration : 0 / 0
Tags No category tags.
Contributing Help Wanted (0)
Good First Issues (0)
Pull Requests to Review (0)

Package Description

ProAut parameter package

Additional Links

No additional links.


  • Peter Weissig


No additional authors.

ProAut Parameter


This is a simple helper-package for loading variables from the parameter server.

The main idea is to simplify the handling of parameters, which can be set to default values. The load() function will print if a parameter is loaded from the server or if its default value is used. In each case, the final value is printed, too.


rosrun parameter_pa parameter_pa_node
roslaunch parameter_pa parameter_pa.launch


Service Name Type Description
"~/substitutePath" parameter_pa/ParameterPaString Replaces each "$(find xyz)" with the corresponding path - this is similar to calling loadPath().
"~/substituteRessource" parameter_pa/ParameterPaString Resolves ressource name - this is similar to calling loadTopic().


The main load() function can handle bool, int, double and string - all as single values and as vectors. Also matrices of double (float) can be loaded.

Additionaly, there are two more dedicated load functions: loadPath() and loadTopic(). Both are basically loading a simple string from the parameter server as descript above. Furthermore the strings are specificly manipulated:


Every "$(find xyz)" will be replaced with the path of package xyz.


Names are resolved with additional operators.

For these examples assume that ROS_NAMESPACE is set to "/name/space" and that the nodes' name is "parameter_pa_node"

Regular ressource names

in_string out_string comment
ressource ressource relative name
ressource/ ressource/ relative name ending with slash
ns/ressource ns/ressource relative name with namespace
ns/ressource/ ns/ressource/ relative name with namespace ending with slash
/ressource /ressource absolute name
/ressource/ /ressource/ absolute name ending with slash
/ns/ressource /ns/ressource absolute name with namespace
/ns/ressource/ /ns/ressource/ absolute name with namespace ending with slash

Private ressource names

in_string out_string comment
~ /name/space/parameter_pa_node private namespace
~/ /name/space/parameter_pa_node/ private namespace ending with slash
~/ressource /name/space/parameter_pa_node/ressource private namespace with relative name
~/ns/ressource/ /name/space/parameter_pa_node/ns/ressource/ private namespace with relative name and relative namespace ending in slash
/abc/~/xyz Error no private namespace within absolute name allowed

Locale ressource names

in_string out_string comment
. /name/space local namespace
./ /name/space/ local namespace ending with slash
./ressource/ /name/space/ressource/ local namespace with relative name ending in slash
./ns/ressource /name/space/ns/ressource local namespace with relative name and relative namespace
/abc/./xyz /abc/xyz local namespace within absolute name

Previous ressource names

in_string out_string comment
.. /name previous namespace
../ /name/ previous namespace ending with slash
../ressource/ /name/ressource/ previous namespace with relative name ending in slash
../ns/ressource /name/ns/ressource previous namespace with relative name and relative namespace
/abc/def/../xyz /abc/xyz previous namespace within absolute name

Removal of double slashes

in_string out_string comment
ressource// ressource/ relative name ending with slash
//ns/ressource /ns/ressource absolute name with namespace

More examples

in_string out_string
~/abc/.//def/../ns//ressource/ /name/space/parameter_pa_node/abc/ns/ressource/
ns//.././..//ressource /name/space/ressource
../../../../../../ressource/ /ressource/

Example Usage

A typical output looks like this:

[ INFO] [1499357951.543886548]: load parameter ~/tf_lookup_time (0.1)
[ INFO] [1499357951.544331412]: parameter ~/buffer_pointcloud not set (defaults to false)
[ INFO] [1499357951.544867951]: load parameter ~/debugging (true)

Here is the related source code, which is taken from pcdfilter_pa:

cParameterPaRos paramloader;

// ...
paramloader.load("~/tf_lookup_time"   , filters_.tf_lookup_time_     );
paramloader.load("~/buffer_pointcloud", rosparams_.buffer_pointcloud_);
paramloader.load("~/debugging"        , rosparams_.debugging_        );

Source code at github

ROS packages


ros-melodic-parameter-pa (upcoming)

ros-noetic-parameter-pa (upcoming)

ROS Build-Status and Documentation

ROS-Distribution Build-Status Documentation
Indigo EOL April 2019
Jade EOL May 2017
Kinetic EOL April 2021
Lunar EOL May 2019
Melodic Build Status
Noetic Build Status

Changelog for package parameter_pa

1.2.3 (2021-06-08)

  • bumped cmake Version to 3.0.2 to avoid CMP0048
  • Contributors: Peter Weissig

1.2.2 (2021-06-08)

  • updated documentation
    • updated
    • added rosdoc.yaml
    • removed doxygen.h
  • updated year of copyright
  • updated gitignore-file
  • updated files to new repository (only changed documentation and license) moved from to
  • Contributors: Peter Weissig

1.2.1 (2017-12-14)

  • bugfixed loadTopic (loaded topic was not resolved)
  • bugfixed documentation (some typos)
  • Contributors: Peter Weissig

1.2.0 (2017-12-11)

  • removed unnecessary headers
  • bugfixed include of xmlrpcpp (before kinetic those files were not related to a package)
  • update bugfixed formatting (missing blanc line before table)
  • added new features (\"./\" and \"../\" within ressource names) added visual studio code config files (for ros kinetic) updated documentation
  • Contributors: Peter Weissig

1.1.0 (2017-08-01)

  • moved header from include/ to include/\${project_name} also fixed related paths
  • Contributors: Peter Weissig

1.0.2 (2017-07-31)

  • updated year within license
  • updated version number
  • added install target to CMakeLists.txt
  • Contributors: Peter Weissig


  • updated package.xml to format version 2
  • updated doxygen.h and
  • updated CMakeLists.txt and package.xml added Eigen3
  • updated git policies
  • Initial commit
  • Contributors: Peter Weissig

Wiki Tutorials

See ROS Wiki Tutorials for more details.

Source Tutorials

Not currently indexed.


No message files found.


No plugins found.

Recent questions tagged parameter_pa at Robotics Stack Exchange