Package Summary

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Version 0.7.0
License Apache-2.0
Build type AMENT_CMAKE

Repository Summary

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VCS Type git
VCS Version humble-devel
Last Updated 2025-02-04
CI status No Continuous Integration
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Package Description

The off_highway_general_purpose_radar package

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  • Robin Petereit


  • Robin Petereit


The off_highway_general_purpose_radar package provides a receiver node to receive and decode CAN frames of the Bosch General Purpose Radar Off-Highway (GPR) into ROS messages - it implements an off_highway_can::Receiver.

Further information on the Bosch General Purpose Radar Off-Highway (GPR), it’s inputs, outputs and how they can be interpreted can be found in the corresponding Technical Customer Documentation (TCD) of the sensor system.

Supported devices

Device name Part Number Description Supported by subpackage Quality declaration
General Purpose Radar Off-Highway (GPR) - F037.000.100 (series)
- F037.B00.255-11 (sample)
- Radar sensor with up to 48 target reflections
- Target output on automotive CAN is supported
off_highway_general_purpose_radar 3

Further information: Radar systems for off-highway applications




The radar receiver decodes CAN frames into a target list, manages the current list and publishes it cyclically.

All received messages are checked for their cyclic redundancy check (CRC), rolling message counter and age (message not older than parameter allowed_age). If any of these checks do not succeed the received message is not further processed and skipped.

The relevant radar CAN frame IDs to process are specified by the target_base_id and info_id parameters. They should correspond to the first target frame ID and the info frame ID of the radar CAN node and need to be adapted for the specific bus setup. If multiple radar sensors need to be decoded on the same bus just launch multiple receiver nodes with individual *_id parameters.

The target list is published as a list of radar targets or as a point cloud and contains up to 48 targets (sensor limit). Only valid targets in the list are published (measured flag set).

If the receiver node does not receive anything within a configured period (parameter timeout), it will publish a diagnostic error on /diagnostics. Also, the sensor information CAN frame gets published and is checked for the diagnostic status of the radar. On error, the node will publish a diagnostic error on /diagnostics.

Subscribed Topics

Published Topics

  • targets (off_highway_general_purpose_radar_msgs/Targets)
    • Update Rate: configurable with publish_frequency
    • Contains current target list of radar as custom message containing the same information as each target’s CAN frame. Mapping to the respective CAN frame is done via the id field.
  • targets_pcl (sensor_msgs/PointCloud2)
    • Update Rate: configurable with publish_frequency
    • Contains current target list of radar as point cloud.
  • info (off_highway_radar_msgs/Information)
    • Update Rate: On each sensor information CAN frame
    • Contains current sensor information message containing the same information as the respective CAN frame.
  • /diagnostics (diagnostic_msgs/DiagnosticArray)
    • Update Rate: On each sensor information CAN frame or if receiver timed out periodically with timeout period
    • Diagnostic status contains statuses from the latest received sensor information and timeout status.


See receiver_params.yaml.

Launch files

  • receiver_launch: Starts the receiver with the given parameters.
    • Arguments:
      • params: Path to ROS YAML parameter file to load for receiver. If not provided, default parameters from this package are loaded.

Changelog for package off_highway_general_purpose_radar

0.7.0 (2024-12-04)

  • Register GPR component
  • Contributors: Robin Petereit

0.6.3 (2024-07-09)

  • Add missing dependency on PCL headers (#9) When I try to build this package on jazzy with rosdep, the PCL headers are missing. This package uses [find_package(PCL)]{.title-ref} and includes it in the headers. Therefore I think it would be best to add it to the [build_depend]{.title-ref} and [build_export_depend]{.title-ref} tags of the [package.xml]{.title-ref} files. In the buildfarm this is technically not needed because the PCL headers are a [build_export_depend]{.title-ref} of [pcl_conversions]{.title-ref}, but rosdep ignores this dependency so it misses the PCL headers.
  • Contributors: Ramon Wijnands

0.6.2 (2024-06-13)

0.6.1 (2024-06-04)

0.6.0 (2024-05-14)

  • Convert general purpose radar from node to component
  • Add launch argument for parameters and unify launch file names
  • Contributors: Robin Petereit

0.5.1 (2024-03-27)

Wiki Tutorials

This package does not provide any links to tutorials in it's rosindex metadata. You can check on the ROS Wiki Tutorials page for the package.

Launch files

No launch files found


No message files found.


No service files found


No plugins found.

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