Package Summary
Tags | No category tags. |
Version | 315.2.7 |
License | EPL |
Build type | CATKIN |
Repository Summary
Checkout URI | |
VCS Type | git |
VCS Version | master |
Last Updated | 2016-04-14 |
Dev Status | DEVELOPED |
CI status | Continuous Integration |
Released | RELEASED |
Tags | No category tags. |
Contributing |
Help Wanted (0)
Good First Issues (0) Pull Requests to Review (0) |
Package Description
Additional Links
- Kei Okada
- Isaac Isao Saito
- Fumio Kanehiro
======================================================================================================================== !! WARNING !! ======================================================================================================================== This repository is deprecated!! Please see hrpsys-base!!
An OpenRTM-aist-based robot controller. This package is the most tailored for humanoid (dual-arm and/or biped) robots for historical reason.
.. contents::
Test Status
For developers
How to release new version
As a 3rd party package to ROS we need some extra chores to release. Discussed here. NOTE for 2 different repositories are involved:
- Send a pull request to fkanehiro/hrpsys-base to update a tag in CMakeLists.txt. Example. This way community will decide if we’re ready for the next release.
- Update start-jsk/hrpsys/Makefile.hrpsys-base BEFORE the subsequent steps (otherwise the automation script below won’t produce a valid result). Example2.
- Update start-jsk/hrpsys/CHANGELOG.rst by the following steps.
3-1. Use this script [generate_changelog_upstream_] to copy commit messages from upstream fkanehiro/hrpsys-base
. A file should be created under /tmp
3-2. Summarize commit messages into user-meaningful content (discussion).
3-3. To include updates in ROS repository (start-jsk/hrpsys), add change logs into the one created in 3-2 by following.
3-3-1. Generate changelog by a command from `catkin`:
$ roscd hrpsys
$ catkin_generate_changelog
3-3-2. Open a generated/updated `CHANGELOG.rst` file. Then manually merge with the artifact from 3-1.
- After here follow the normal release manner: Send pull requests for the change above (step 2 and 3). Update tags and
by usingcatkin_prepare_release
Notice that we’re sending pull requests to two different repositories; one is the source upstream repository that isn’t ROS-dependent, another repository is used to release a DEB using ROS infrastructure.
.. _generate_changelog_upstream:
Generate changelog from the upstream
consists of resources from two repositories as noted in package.xml. Particularly we need to generate changelog from the upstream repository, which is not covered by a convenient tool in ROS called catkin_generate_changelog
(that only takes care of the catkin packages, like start-jsk/hrpsys
(where you are now)). For that purpose our custom script helps you. To use it:
- Clone this repository into your catkin workspace if you haven’t done so:
$ cd %CATKIN_WORKSPACE% && cd src
$ git clone
- Run
$ catkin_make (this takes minutes depending on your machine power and internet connection)
$ source devel/setup.bash
- Run the command
$ rosrun hrpsys
Documentation of RTCs and examples
Changelog for package hrpsys
315.2.7 (2014-10-15)
- New feature
- (AutoBalancer, ImpedanceController) : Enable onDeactivated function for ImpedanceController and AutoBalancer
- Added getControllerParams method and modified type of Param (struct -> class)
- Added type check before use conf params
- Fixation
- fix for old pcl
- Improvement
- (ImpedanceController, AutoBalancer, Stabilizer) : Move to idling mode if stop() and start() are called. This is discussed in
- print exception when plugin is not found
- add document to change timestep
- (AutoBalancer) : Add time stamp to abc walking data ports and initialize contactStates
- (GaitGenerator, Ratsmatrix) : Remove unused print functions and update print functions to use Eigen IOFormat
- (AutoBalancer, ImpedanceController, RemoveForceSensorLinkOffset, Stabilizer) : Update unstable RTCs documentation
- (hrpsys_config, DataLogger) : Enable to log contactStates as TimedBooleanSeq
- set compile flag -ffloat-store to 32bit system add message for setting collision_loop
- removes input dataport "sensorPose" and uses pose in RangeData
- Connect q and qRef to ThermoEstimator to estimate joint torque from error
- modify OpenHRP-3.1 path due to ROS-fhs layout, see #128
- Contributors: Kei Okada, Shunichi Nozawa, Isaac Saito
315.2.6 (2014-09-30)
- New Feature
- Adds PointCloudLogViewer, encords the number of points in point cloud. compiles PointCloudLogViewer only with PCL >= 1.7.
- (Stabilizer) : Add leg inside margin to IDL
- (KalmanFilter) : Add KalmanFilterParam as struct
- Better error handling
- Fix
- fixes linker error on 12.04amd
- Partially reverted to handle Python version < 2.6
- hrpsys_config
- Add DataLogger logging for servoState port.
- Add playPattern* methods.
- (, SequencePlayer, StateHolder) : Add optional data for seq in
- Add and connect logger ports for offset force moment and ref force moment
- I/F improvement
- Added old style parameter functions to TwoDofController for Stabilizer
- Modified controller arguments from double valiables to struct parameter.
- Document update
- Apply doxygen style, somehow needs exclamation mark (
- Doc improved for many components: AverageFilter, ExtractCameraImage, SequencePlayer, HGcontroller, CaptureController, VideoCapture, PCDLoader, SORFilter, RangeNoiseMixer, CaptureController, JpegEncoder, RGB2Gray, PlaneRemover, AverageFilter. AutoBalancer, Stabilizer, KalmanFilter, RemoveForceSensorLinkOffset, ImpedanceController
- Contributors: Kei Okada, Shunichi Nozawa, Isaac IY Saito
315.2.5 (2014-09-02)
- Stabilizer:
- Use force difference control
- Add data port for Stabilizer root pos and rot debugging
- (Stabilizer, Add debug port for Stabilizer compensation
- Add both foot contact checker and update force z control
- AutoBalancer:
- Add data port for swing and support period remain times and connect it between abc and st
- Fix end effector name, e.g., :rarm => rarm. This change is based on JointGroup name discussed in
- KalmanFilter:
- Inhibit debug print in KalmanFilter.h
- Add DEBUG to control printing of KalmanFilter
- KF -> EKF and RPY -> Quaternion
- sample6dofrobot*:
- Add wrapper for sample6dofrobot examples added in
- Add set ref force and moment example for impedance controller
- (terrain-walk) : Add wrapper of example in hrpsys-base
- (test/ catch exit with exception(SystemExit)
- (readme) Clarify tasks in generating and merging changelog.
- (create_changelog) : Fix bug of hydro Changelog.rst path reported in
- travis:
- add graphbiz to install
- add automatic push to gh-pages
- Enable to use RMFO on robots without imu. Connect RPY port only if it exists.
- move api doc for some methods from downstream.
- enable to set reference frame in get{Reference,Current}{Pose,Position,Rotation,RPY}, see #297
- use CPython as default python and add
- adds a new component, AverageFilter
- Contributors: Kei Okada, Shunichi Nozawa, Isaac IY Saito, Yutaka Kondo
315.2.4 (2014-08-10)
- AutoBalancer:
- Add data port for acceleration reference which can be used in KalmanFilter.cpp
- Use function and variable names. Use TargetParameter and CurrentParmeter
- Remove duplicate codes for transition_smooth_gain
- Remove unused codes and use is_legged_robot flag
- Connect accRef from abc instead of seq. Note that connection from seq at previous r
- Use contactStates in Stabilizer to specify single support ph
- Add out data ports for Stabilizer debug
- (KalmanFilter.cpp) : Use accRef compensation
- (PDcontroller,...) : Add PD controller and examples
- samplerobot:
- Add print message and comments to samples, remove direct writing of getRTCList, and
- Use .in file to specify openhrp3 directory for sample1.wrl model
- Add conf_file setting to samplerobot.launch by copying hrpsys_tools/hrpsys/hrpsys.launch setting
- Add impedancecontroller example
- Stabilizer:
- Fix transition between MODE_AIR, MODE_IDLE, and MODE_ST. Set MODE_AIR if startStabilizer
- Fix USE_IMU_STATEFEEDBACK to USE_EEFM_STABILIZER for switching stabilizer algorithm and f
- Add LPF for ground contact checking
- Fix transition between st ON mode and st OFF mode
- Rotate robot around COG in rpy control
- Support rotational walking by fixing ref force and ref moment coordinates
- Update calculation of actual and reference values for Stabilizer
- Check legged robot or not
- Add getActualParameters and update to use it
- Update member variables (rename and remove)
- Fix idl to specify zmp delay time constant and auxiliary zmp inp
- (Sample6dofRobot) : Add sample6dofrobot VRML which has 3 slide joints and 3 rotate joints. Add example f
- rtc/DataLogger/DataLogger.cpp rtc/DataLogger/DataLogger.h: remove needless variable tm from member metho
- (catkin.cmake, CMakeLists, samples/samplerobot*) : Move samplerobot examples to hrpsys-base
- Contributors: Shunichi Nozawa, Kunio Kojima, Isaac IY Saito
315.2.3 (2014-07-28)
- Adjusted to OpenRTM 1.1.1
- use OCTOMAP_LIBRARY_DIRS instead of OCTOMAP_DIR, Fix #258
- Use boost library for copysign because copysign in cmath only can be used in C++11 later
- samplerobot:
- Add example for impedancecontroller rtc.
- Add examples for samplerobot by copying from start-jsk/hrpsys/samples discussed in
- Add setFootSteps examples.
- Add samples for DataLogger and Stabilizer.
- Add example for impedancecontroller rtc
- (JointPathEx.*, AutoBalancer, Stabilizer, ImpedanceController) : Remove solveLimbIK and use calcInverseKinematics2Loop
- (, AutoBalancer.cpp) Fix overwriting of target foot coords, add example to check non-default stride stopping, and check RECTANGLE swing orbit
- JointPathEx.*:
- Move nullspace codes to reduce difference between calcInverseKinematics2Loop and solveLimbIK.
- Remove unnecessary transition_count and resetting of nullspace vector.
- Move nullspace codes to reduce difference between calcInverseKinematics2Loop and solveLimbIK.
- Add readDigitalOutput.
- Add connection for st qCurrent.
- Add comment upon setTargetPose IK failure.
- Add logger connection for walking RTCs.
- Use Group to find eef name. PEP8 improvement.
- Stabilizer.*:
- Add new stabilizer control law (currently not enabled).
- Use :end_effector instead of link origin in IK and fix mode transition.
- Add getParameter function for stabilizer parameter
- Add script for changelog from subdirectory information (discussed in jsk-ros-pkg/jsk_roseus#134)
- GaitGenerator.*:
- Fix bug of swing foot calculation and add reset orbit
- Support rectangle foot swing orbit
- (AutoBalancerService.idl, AutoBalancer., GaitGenerator., testGaitGenerator) : Enable to configure swing orbit type
- (TorqueController) Added TwoDofControllerDynamicsModel option to initialize process. Use dynamic model based on equation of motion.
- Fixed default tauMax from model. climit -> climit*gearRatio*torqueConst
- Modified m_loop type int -> long long
- Contributors: Kei Okada, Shunichi Nozawa
315.2.2 (2014-06-17)
- (catkin.cmake) add code to check if hrpsys is installed correctly
- manifest.xml/package.xml: depends on cv_bridge instad of opencv (
- add patch to use opencv2.pc for last resort
- (catkin.cmake) install src directory for custom iob
- fix for hrp4c.launch
- update to hrpsys version 315.2.2
- (catkin.cmake) install src directory for custom iob, see for discussion
- ( set rw permissions to all users for hrp4c model
- (catkin.cmkae) use sed to fis install dir
- sample/ : add sample code for RMFO rtc
- (catkin.cmake) add disable ssl
- update in fkanehiro/hrpsys-base repository
- 74d07f9 (lib/util/CMakeLists.txt) forget to install Hrpsys.h (24c6139826)
- 0303d15 (rtc/PlaneRemover) adds a configuration variable pointNumThd to specify the minimum number of points to define a plane#226 from orikuma/refactoring-thermo-limiter
- f34f28b (python/ adds return value of setConfiguration() and setProperty()
- 85afa1c (rtc/ThermoLimiter) Removed TwoDofController, which is not used in ThermoLimiter now
- 63f3ae7 (python/ add getRTCList for unstable RTCs
- 9eb3a12 (rtc/SORFilter) fixes typos(again)
- 233a31a (rtc/PlaneRemover) adds a new component, PlaneRemover
- 26f2f09 (rtc/SORFilter) fixes typos
- c5a8ee5 (rtc/TorqueFilter) Modified debug message position for tf params
- 9c13ee2 (rtc/TorqueFilter) Added timestamp to tf.rtc:tauOut and modified method to deal with input error3e Modified and supressed error messages for TorqueFilter
- de0b63e (rtc/TorqueFilter) Modified and supressed error messages for TorqueFilter
- 6ebcb7b (rtc/TorqueController) Supress error message by debugLevel and output qRefIn to qRefOut when torque controller does not work due to some fault of input.
- d3a7750 (rtc/PCDLoader) removes backup files
- eafe5f5 (rtc/PCDLoader) adds a new component, PCDLoader
- Contributors: Kei Okada, Shunichi Nozawa
315.2.1 (2014-05-12)
- Merge pull request #83 from k-okada/add_git add build_depend to git
- Contributors: Kei Okada
315.2.0 (2014-05-11)
- update in fkanehiro/hrpsys-base repository
- 53de9aa ( fix getRTCList only for stable RTC
- 69b153e (KalmanFilter, Stabilizer) adds options to disable building KalmanFilter and Stabilizer
- 1c6a1dd ( add DataLogger clear in setupLogger to start log data with same starting time
- ad5401f ( use % operator instead of format ;; format cannot be used in python < 2.6
- 7eec546 (KalmanFilter) avoid devision by zero
- d6db569 (CMakeLists.txt) add Boost patch (remove -mt suffix)
- 5dc9883 (ImpedanceController) add time stamp to output port, which are copied from m_q input time stamp
- 917c8f1 (AutoBalancer) add time stamp to output ports, which are copied from m_q input time stamp
- 9f09a3e (AutoBalancer) add baseTform to output transformation of base link
- eaf85c2 (VideoCapture) enters ERROR state when a video devices doesn't exist
- 8034945 (VideoCapture) opens video devices at onActivate()
- b3e253b (SORFilter) adds a new component, SORFilter(PCL is required)
- ec32ed0 (VideoCapture) enables to specify camera device ids by using a configuration variable, devIds
- d651827 (AutoBalancer) fix first foot steps ;; this update is discussed in
- e889719 (RemoveForceSensorLinkOffset) remove unused files commited at previous commit
- 430aa95 rename rtc ;; AbsoluteForceSensor -> RemoveForceSensorLinkOffset
- 72fff04 (AutoBalancerService.idl, AutoBalancer) update start and stop function for AutoBalancer mode ;; use string sequence instead of deprecated type's sequence ;; rename function
- 811c573 (AutoBalancerService.idl) update comments for AutoBalancer idl
- fb155c6 (, SequencePlayer) adds an input data port, zmpRefInit to SequencePlayer(by notheworld)
- 47677b7 (util/PortHandler.cpp) updates an error message
- 9417846 (315.1.10:sample/HRP4C/ fix use [__main__]{.title-ref} to call demo() and it also call initCORBA, see Issue 195
- d30a9f6 (315.1.10:sample/PA10/ log is already started in activateComps()
- d09f1b9 ( print error message when roonc is not defined in findRTCmanager and findObject, it also set hostname from set.gethostname if not defined in findRTCmanager(), see Issue #173
- d196165 (315.1.10:sample/PA10/ use [__main__]{.title-ref} to call demo() and it also call initCORBA, see Issue 195
- ed59880 (AutoBalancer) set current footstep pos and rot even if not ABC mode
- 6b84d09 (Range2PointCloud) supports unsymmetric scan angles
- 12ff024 (lib/util/PortHandler.cpp) sets RangerConfig
- 25df3dd (python/ executes waitInputMenuMain() in a thread
- 76f5762 ( fixes a typo
- c0d8a92 ( adds the second argument to load()
- d7b2646 (ImageData2CameraImage) initialize error_code
- b54cb47 (RangeDataViewer) adds a new component, RangeDataViewer
- 1e6360e (315.1.10:ProjectGenerator) do not pass non-openrtm arg to Manager::init(), see Issue #193
- de4b353 (415.1.10:ProjectGenerator) clean up debug message see Issue #193
- 03ec80d (lib/util/VectorConvert.h) adds operator>> for hrp::dvector and hrp::Vector3
- 77af006 (SequencePlayer/interpolator.cpp) enable user to change DEFAULT_AVG_VEL, see Issue 189 (interpolators[WRENCHES])
- 1859064 (SequencePlayerService.idl) add setWrenches, interpolate wrench in seq, see Issue 153
- 848bbfc ( add function documents, many thanks to isaac
- e203012 ( add to call setSelfGroups in init()
- 73f80e2 ( move common code for real robots, see issue
- 2182a35 (TorqueController) show error message every 100 loops
- 90a8bfc ( do not raise error when component is not found in findComp
- 9fd098e ( add findComps, see
- ccf60e3 ( fix wrong commit on r976/Issue #179
- bd4e92f (CMakeLists.txt) add more message when library is not found
- f966a06 (CMakeLists.txt) add message when library is not found
- 3feb6b3 (SequencePlayer) adds a misc. change
- 5741b9f (SequencePlayer) revert rpy loading according to discussion in ;; load RPY from .hip file and load pos and RPY from .waist file
- 0a1ee15 (CaptureController) add a new component CaptureController
- 67b6b7d ( add idldir to
- 24bd8fa (FindOpenHRP.cmake) use OPENHRP_IDL_DIR for openhrp3 idl file location
- 87e91e5 ( support setTargetPose(self, gname, pos, rpy, tm, frame_name=None), fixed Issue 184
- 2936ce6 (ImpedanceController) more user friendly error message
- a386425 ( fixes a problem in readDataPort() and adds an option, disconnect to writeDataPort
- 576a969 ( More human friendly error message upon connection error, see Issue 183
- 6539ee3 (Range2PointCloud) supports multiple lines
- a585b54 (VideoCapture) fixes a bug in oneshot mode
- 9d6517f ( add more user friendly error message
- a66c478 (CMakeLists.txt, rtc) set tag version to compoent profile version, see Issue 181
- 1a284f7 (Range2PointCloud) adds a port for sensor pose input
- 08a2dc1 (lib/util/PortHandler.cpp) sets angularRes in RangeData
- bff42b8 (ExtractCameraImage) add a new component, ExtractCameraImage
- 26dc4e4 (ImageData2CameraImage) add a component ImageData2TimedcameraImage
- f1f90d8 (sample/ installs
- d5c79c2 (VideoCapture) fixes a problem in oneshot mode
- 1446d24 ( fix confusing variable names pos->angles, see Issue 179
- d6c56f8 (sample/ a sample script to use vision related RTCs
- 099bd22 (JpegDecoder) supports grayscale images
- d5e5096 (Img.idl) adds new image formats
- 520a3d4 (VideoCapture) added a service port for CameraCaptureService to VideoCapture component
- 2219c36 (ResizeImage) add a component ResizeImage(not tested yet)
- 58fe438 (RGB2Gray) added a component RGB2Gray
- 556d65c (JpegEncoder) added a component JpegEncoder
- c39d7a3 (VideoCapture) changes data type of outport depending on the number of cameras
- 7f9d2f5 (CameraImageViewer) corrects description
- update to hrpsys version 315.2.0, remove patches
- use according to discussion ;; support latest autoablancer idl
- import imp package and roslib
- pass EXTRA RTC setting by string
- fix Makefile.hrpsys-base, git checkout $(GIT_REVISION) after git reset --hard
- use for creating RTCs, connecting of ports, and activation
- (package.xml) Add version semantics clarification.
- use
- remove installed file if openhrp3_FOUND is not found Add auto balancer samples
- add sample code for auto balancer
- add AutoBalancer parameter to
- add conf setting for StateHolder and AutoBalancer
- Merge pull request
#63 from
k-okada/315_1_10 update to 315.1.10
- ProjectGenerator : clean up debug message (
- : call initCORBA() in [__main__]{.title-ref},log is already started in activateComps() so comment out setupLogger() (
- : add debug messages if function called without initCORBA ()
- qhull.patch only requres for arch package
- samples/{pa10,hrp4c,samplerobot}.launch: add sample programs
- add test code to check if file exists, add more test on setJointAngle
- move to 315.1.10
- Update
- ( add more debug message when test failed
- fix typo
- add rosbash : temporarily until openrtm_aist_core provides rosbash
- `test-*.py`: use imp.find_module to check if we need to use roslib.load_manifest()
- ( add more debug message when test failed
- add start omniNames for test code
- add Isaac to maintainer
- add python-tk to run_depend
- (CMakeLists.txt) fix conf file path for deb/rosbuild environment
- fix rosbuild compile option for working both deb/source
- add PKG_CONFIG_PATH for rosbuild environment
- (.travis.yml) add rosbuild/deb test
- Contributors: Isaac IY Saito, Kei Okada, Ryohei Ueda, Shunichi Nozawa
315.1.9 (2014-03-15)
- "315.1.9"
- prepare for release 315.1.9
- Merge pull request
#53 from
- add test codes
- merge #39
- fix PKG_CONFIG_PATH before rostest
- use load_manifest for rosbuild
- use load_manifest for rosbuild
- set PKG_CONFIG_PATH before rosmake test to find openhrp3.1.pc and hrpsys-base.pc
- use := instead of ?= because ?= does not work if PKG_CONFIG_PATH exists and openrtm.pc or openhrp3.pc are not included in PKG_CONFIG_PATH ;; I does not work groovy+rosbuild environment
- add test codes
- add rosbuild/roslang to depend
- rename manifest.xml for rosdep, see
- add retry for test, see for the problem
- add groovy/catkin/deb
- fix openhrp3 path for deb environment
- (manifeset.xml) add restest to rosdep
- check rosdep until it succeeded
- fix print LastTest.log
- Add python patch for Arch
- Add Boost patch (remove -mt suffix).
- Fix qhull paths.
- (manifeset.xml) add restest to rosdep
- check rosdep until it succeeded
- check rosbuild/catkin deb/source with travis
- clean up test code for hrpsys (use findComps(), add DataLogger, test, cleanup test name)
- start using 315.1.9, do not release until 315.1.9 is finally fixed
- added -l option as well as -j
- compile hrpsys in parallel, but it's up to 12 parallel jobs
- ( wait (at most 10sec) if findComp found target component, check if RobotHardware is active, see Issue #191
- ( add max_timeout_count to findComps, if findComp could not find RTC (for 10 seconds), successor RTC only check for 1 time
- Contributors: Benjamin Chrétien, Kei Okada, Ryohei Ueda, Shunichi Nozawa
315.1.8 (2014-03-06)
- Do not pollute src directory,
- Utilize .travis.yml
- Initial commit of CHANGELOG.rst
- Contributors: Kei Okada, Atsushi Tsuda, Isaac Isao Saito, chen.jsk, Ryohei Ueda, Iori Kumagai, Manabu Saito, Takuya Nakaoka, Shunichi Nozawa, Yohei Kakiuchi
Wiki Tutorials
Dependant Packages
Name | Deps |
hrpsys_ros_bridge | |
hrpsys_tools |
Launch files
- samples/pa10.launch
- corbaport [default: 15005]
- GUI [default: true]
- samples/samplerobot.launch
- corbaport [default: 15005]
- GUI [default: true]
- CONTROLLER_PERIOD [default: 500]
- CONF_FILE [default: $(find hrpsys)/share/hrpsys/samples/SampleRobot/SampleRobot.$(arg CONTROLLER_PERIOD).conf]
- TORQUE_CONTROL [default: false]
- PROJECT_FILE [default: $(find hrpsys)/share/hrpsys/samples/SampleRobot/SampleRobot.$(arg CONTROLLER_PERIOD).xml]
- PROJECT_FILE [default: $(find hrpsys)/share/hrpsys/samples/SampleRobot/SampleRobot.$(arg CONTROLLER_PERIOD).torque.xml]
- JOINT_CONTROLLER [default: HGcontroller]
- JOINT_CONTROLLER [default: PDcontroller]
- samples/hrp4c.launch
- corbaport [default: 15005]
- GUI [default: true]
- samples/sample6dofrobot.launch
- corbaport [default: 15005]
- GUI [default: true]
- CONF_FILE [default: $(find hrpsys)/share/hrpsys/samples/Sample6dofRobot/Sample6dofRobot.conf]
- PROJECT_FILE [default: $(find hrpsys)/share/hrpsys/samples/Sample6dofRobot/Sample6dofRobot.xml]